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Accountability contract.

This document will serve as a stick behind the door to hold myself accountable for reaching my goals
in November and give clarity on my intention behind the goals.

Looking back at October 2020

October has been an amazing month and start to Q4. The end of the year couldn’t have started any
better. I’m happy with my trading and that doesn’t mean that everything went perfect. It gave me a
lot of clarity on what the areas are that need to be fixed and I love ironing out the kinks in my trading
routine. I took away some amazing lessons from Market Wizards and wrote a small synopsis on that
which I will be sending out on Slack soon.

Main theme in October is going to be: The Future

The main theme in October is going to be about the future. Within the accountability group that I’m
in we have done an homework assignment about the next 10 years. We went into as much detail on
where we wanted to be globally in the future. I think its also necessary to be very specific with your
goals and your aspiration so that you can exactly pinpoint what direction you need to head into. That
means that this month I will focus on my Long term finance and focus on writing out a plan for the

What do I want to achieve?

1. Finish reading Money Master the game
2. Finish analysing data
3. Finish the future authoring program
4. 50 backtested trades

How am I going to achieve that?

Finish reading Money Master the game.
I am already 100 pages in the book. The book is about 630 pages long so that means that over a span
of 30 days I have to read 530 pages. That is the equivalent of 17 pages a day. If I read 20 pages a day
that means that I will be done in 26 days. I think that is an awesome and challenging endear for me
personally. By reading this book and learning the lessons from Tony Robbins and many people he
interviews I would like to have a grasp of how to think about money management on the longer

Finish analysing data and do 50 backtested trades.

I’m still currently in the analysing part of my previous 100 backtested trades of data. I figured that I
would rather do it the right way and preserve the quality of my analysing processes instead of
increasing the quantity of how much I analyse and therefore loss the quality of my analysis. 50
backtested trades is the sweet spot for me personally it gives me a nice number of data to analyse
and take away tweaks from. I will start backtesting again on the 10th, that means by then I want to
have all my analysing done. I will finish with the 50 backtested trades on the 29th of November.

Accountability Contract
Finish the future authoring program.
And finally I want to finish the future authoring program of Jordan Peterson. In this program I will
write out how I want my future look like and what I want to be doing so I have a goal to aim at. I
already have all of this in my mind, but I think it’s a good thing to have this on paper as well. By doing
things in addition to the lessons from Money Master the game I think I can have a good grasp of how
I want to be personally, and also financially and business wise.

By the end of November I demand the following of myself:

• Read Money Master the Game.

• Finished analysing my data.
• Have 50 backtested trades.
• Written out a plan for the future.

In return I will give myself:

• A nice (at home) dinner with some mates

• A Tomatin 18 years bottle of Whisky

Mark Bos
1st of November 2020 _________________________________

Accountability Contract

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