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HW2 ex A page 16

1. Time it takes to move data in and out of memory.

2. Cache memory.
3. One of this, it is cache controller`s.
4. Write-back cache.
5. Write their contents back to main memory before using the space to cache new
6. When data in the cache is changed.
7. Algorithm.
Ex B page 17
Table A

Ex 2
A -true;
B –false;
The processor need not go through the more laborious process of reading data from
the main memory.
C – false;
A write-back cache speeds up the write process the write process.
D –true;
E –true;
F –false;
Most cache controllers move a “line” of data rather than just a single item each time
they need to transfer data between main memory and the cache.
G –true;

Ex (bonus)
1. of stealing by;
2. keeping;
3. gave;
4. do/have/do;
5. taken;
6. strong;
7. had a discussion of;
8. made by Joe up;
9. on about;
10. created;
11. had;
12. definitely;

Get around- Обойти
Circuits- Схемы
Cache coherency- Согласованность кэша
Ensuring- Обеспечение
Vice versa- Наоборот
Obvious- Очевидный
Entries- Записи
Sequentially- Последовательно
Jump about- Прыгать
Request- Запрос
Adjacent information- Смежная информация

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