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Case Study # 1

Name: Modality/Section:

Learning Competency:
• Explain how heat from inside the Earth (geothermal) and from flowing water
(hydroelectric) is tapped as a source of energy for human use. S11ES-Ie-11
• Identify the various water resources on Earth. S11ES-If-g-15

Directions: You and one of your classmates are tasked with a very heavy but very fulfilling
assignment. Your group is assigned with the development of a plan with regards to how your
community/province can conserve and protect its resources for future generations especially in
energy and water resources. You may conduct research on how your community/province can
and will ensure energy self-sufficiency while safeguarding the environment for future generations.
You may express your answer with pictures/drawings (with proper labels), text, or a combination
of both on the back of this paper or on a separate sheet (attach this incase).

Grading Rubrics:

Case Study no. 1

Facilitated at home by:

Name and Signature of Parent/Guardian

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