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Quarter 3 - LESSON 3A Student’s name: ..............................................Class: 6C ............

I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. pleasure B. heat C. meet D. feet
2. A. boat B. broad C. coast D. alone
II. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
1. A. refund B. return C. design D. manage
2. A. customer B. assistant C. business D. specialist
3. A. interview B. photograph C. company D. millionaire

I. Fill in the gaps with a lot of, much or many.
1. There are………a lot of… birds in the sky!
2. I haven’t got…………………………….homework today.
3. John hasn’t got …………………… CDs.
4. There aren’t …………………… cars in the street.
5. There is …………………… sugar in the bowl.
6. Are there …………………… apples on the tree?
7. Jane has got …………………… money in her purse.
8. Is there …………………… bread in the cupboard?
9. Are there …………………… children in the park?
10. We are early. We have …………………… time.

II. Read the conversation between Ann and her mom. Then fill in the gaps with much, many, a lot
of, how much or how many.
Ann: I'm going to the corner shop, Mum. Do you need anything?
Mum: Yes, I do. I need (1)………a lot of……… tomatoes to make some sauce for the pasta.
Ann: (2) ………………………… tomatoes exactly?
Mum: I think 2 kilos IS enough. I need some cheese, as well.
Ann: Of course! (3) …………………………do you want?
Mum: I don’t want (4) …………………… . Maybe half a kilo. Also, there isn’t (5) …………………milk
Get another litre, please.
Ann: OK! What about bread?
Mum: We have (6) ………………………… bread left. We don’t need any more.
Ann: Can I get some chocolate for myself?
Mum: Yes, you can but not (7) …………………………
Ann: Is two bars OK?
Mum: That's fine but don’t eat all of it at once.
Ann. OK, Mum.

III. Fill in the gaps with some or any.

1. A: Have you got ……any……. Harry Potter books?

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 1
B: Well, I’ve got …………….….. of them.
A: Really? Can I borrow them?
2. A: We haven’t got ………………………… sugar.
B: I can get ………………………… from the supermarket.
3. A: Are there ………………………… vegetables in the fridge?
B: Yes, there are but we need to buy ………………………… fruit.
A: Don’t worry. I can get ………………………… later today.

IV. Fill in the gaps with something (x2), anything, somewhere, nowhere or someone.
1. A: Let’s get …….something…… to eat. – B: Good idea!
2. A: Where do you want to go on holiday? - B: I want to go to ……………………… warm and
3. A: What’s that noise? – B: I don’t hear …………………… .
4. A: That man over there looks like …………………… I know. – B: Are you sure?
5. A: Let’s go shopping! – B: Oh, I can’t right now because I’m doing …………………… else.
6. A: This café is so crowded. – B: I know. There’s …………………… to sit.

V. Underline the correct item.

Hi Caroline,

How are you? I am emailing you about our shopping plans for today. The fridge is almost empty, so
we need to buy (1) much / a lot of things for the party. We need (2) lots of / much bottles of cola and
(3) much / some bottles of lemonade. We also have to get (4) no I a lot of pizzas and (5) some /
much burgers. We haven't got 6 some / any bread, so can you get (7) much / some on your way
home? I want to make sandwiches but there is (8) any / no cheese, so we have to buy (9) some /
many. We also need (10) lots of / any plastic plates and cups because we haven't got (11) any / no.
Oh! I almost forgot. We need to buy (12) any / some decorations.

Email me when you can.


VI. Decide if each sentence is correct. If it is not, correct the mistake. If there are no mistakes, put
a tick (/).
1. How much people was there? …………………many………………..……
2. I've got some news for you. ………………..….……...…………..……
3. We've had a good weather recently. ………………………………………………
4. Would you like a cheese with your pasta? ………………………………………………
5. There are two fish in the tank. ………………………………………………
6. He lost two tooth in the accident. ………………………………………………
7. Let me give you an advice. ………………………………………………
8. How many homeworks have you got? ………………………………………………
9. Do you want some paper? ………………………………………………

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 2
I. Circle the correct word.
‘Getting to the Top’ business seminar
So, you’ve seen (1) an advertisement / a bargain for someone to work in business? But do you really
know what you're doing? Do you know how to keep the (2) customers / debts happy? Can you make
a (3) cost / profit again and again? At ‘Getting to the Top Business Education’ we'll help you to help
yourself. Why don’t you attend our specialist business seminar and ... learn how to make a (4)
catalogue / fortune in business! Our course leader, Richard Sugar, says, 'Being big in business (5)
exports / requires a certain way of thinking. You need to know what your customers will (6) afford /
demand and then find a way to (7) owe / supply them with it at the right price.’ Come and join our
seminar and we’ll... 'get you to the top'!

II. Read the text below and for 1-10 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Although Internet shopping (1) ……………………….more and more popular, you can't beat the real
thing. People love meeting their friends, going to shops, (2) …………………… clothes and looking for
(3) …………………… . There are all kinds of different places to go shopping, but (4) ……………………
people like to go to shopping centres where everything is in one place. The first shopping centre (5)
…………………… in the US in 1922 and then, in the 1980s, giant megamalls appeared. The West
Edmonton Mall in Canada had more than 800 shops, a hotel, (6) …………………… amusement park,
a miniature-golf course, a zoo and a 134-metre- long lake. Today, the Golden Resources Shopping
Mall in Beijing is the largest shopping centre in (7) …………………… world. It (8) ……………………
around 1,000 shops, hundreds of restaurants, children's playgrounds and a skating rink, and it (9)
…………………… at least two days to explore.
So (10) …………………… can you buy there? The answer is ‘almost anything'!

1. A to become B is becoming C becomes D become

2. A getting up B taking off C wearing out D trying on
3. A bargains B receipts C costs D credits
4. A much B lot C plenty D many
5. A was opening B opened C had opened D has opened
6. A an Ba C several D little
7. A a B any C the D some
8. A is having B has C has had D have
9. A makes B does C has D takes
10. A how B where C what D when

Read the text and do the tasks below.

Union Square

Union Square is an important shopping area. Every major department store is nearby, and the square is
also a centre for exclusive and high quality fashions, with names like Dior, Armani, Marc Jacobs, and Yves
Saint Laurent all having boutiques in the area. If you like crowds, then Saturday afternoon would be the
perfect time to visit If you prefer to have the shops to yourself, then go when most of San Francisco is

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 3
working. Weekday mornings are always quiet. Most stores are open until 8.00 p.m., and some even later.
Here are some of our favourites.

BORDERS: Four floors of books, videos, DVDs, CDs, and more. There is a café on the second floor
serving coffees and pastries, and a seating area overlooks Union Square. Special events, like author
readings, are held on the third floor.
400 Post St, (415) 399-1633.

VIRGIN MEGASTORE: This huge three-storey music store offers one of the largest selections of CDs in
San Francisco. Virgin also sells music books and videos and hosts the occasional artist album signing.
The third floor café is popular.
2 Stockton St, (415) 397-4525.

BANANA REPUBLIC: You can find the latest fashions at prices that aren't cheap but won't break the
bank. There are casual clothes that are still suitable for the office, like cashmere or lambswool sweaters.
Accessories include hats, jackets, leather belts, and shoes.
256 Grant Ave., (415) 788-3087.

CAMPER: This Spanish- based company presents comfortable shoes in playful shapes and colours. The
store itself is a 'work in progress', where customers can write or draw on the walls.
39 Grant Ave. (415) 296-1005.

a. Match the words in bold words to their meanings

1. most recent ……………lastest……………….
2. small, expensive clothes shops …………………………………….
3. has a view over …………………………………….
4. won’t be very expensive …………………………………….
5. lots of people …………………………………….
6. very big …………………………………….

b. Where could you ...?

1. buy a guide to the city ……………Borders.……….…….
2. listen to a writer reading their new book …………………………………….
3. buy a new shirt …………………………………….
4. meet a music star …………………………………….
5. buy a new pair of boots …………………………………….
6. get a view over Union Square …………………………………….

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 4

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