Quarter 3 - Lesson 5A Homework A. Grammar I. Choose The Correct Words To Complete The Sentences

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Quarter 3 – LESSON 5A Student’s name: .......................................... Class: 6C ...........

I. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. 'I like fruit. I eat a lot of / much apples and bananas and grapes.'
2. 'I don't eat much I many fast food because it's unhealthy.'
3. 'I have a little I a few biscuits every day, but I don't eat much I many chocolate.’
4. 'I don’t eat much I many hamburgers because I don’t like them very much.'
5. 'I drink many I a lot of water but I don't have much I many fizzy drinks.'
6. 'I usually have a little I a few milk or yoghurt on my cereal for breakfast.'

II. Complete the dialogues. Use the present perfect or past simple.
1. A ………..Have you ever bought…………. (you I ever / buy) any clothes on the internet?
B Yes. I ….have… .
A What …..did you buy….. (you / buy)?
B I ……bought…. (buy) a dress for a wedding, but it didn’t fit!
2. A ………………………………… (you / ever / sell) anything on eBay?
B Yes, I …………………………
A What ………………………… (you I sell)?
B Some CDs. I ………………………… (not want) them any more.
3. A ……………………………..… (you / ever I wear) any expensive jewellery?
B No. I ………………………… .
4. A …………………….……… (you / ever I lose) your wallet?
B Yes, I ………………………… . I ………………………… (leave) it in a trolley at the
5. A …………………………………… (you / ever / have) an argument with a shop assistant?
B Yes, I ………………………… . I ………………………… (not have) the receipt, so I
………………………… (not can) change some boots.

Listen to Chris asking for information at a pet shop. Complete questions 1-5.

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