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Quarter 3 - LESSON 5A Student’s name: ..............................................Class: 6C ............

I. Listen to Duncan talking to Sarah about a II. Listen to the information about the club
family trip to the zoo. Which animal does for teenagers and complete each question.
each person like best? Write a letter (A-H)
next to each person.

I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. heat B. great C. beat D. street
2. A. how B. town C. power D. slow
II. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
1. A. butcher B. chemist C. website D. decide
2. A. furniture B. greengrocer C. newsagent D. potato
3. A. fishmonger B. stationer C. exactly D. customer

I. Fill in the gaps with much, many or a lot of and one of the words from the list.
shops friends giraffes money snow time suitcases rice

1. This sweater doesn't cost ...much money…

2. Maria is very popular. She has ……………………..
3. Do you spend …………………….. studying for exams.
4. How …………………….. are there in the zoo?
5. I haven’t got …………………….. with me.
6. There isn’t …………………….. in the cupboard.
7. This shopping centre is very big. There are ……………………..
8. There is …………………….. outside. Let’s build a snowman.

II. Fill In the gaps with some, any, no, somebody, something, somewhere, anybody, anything or
1. I’m thirsty. Can I have ….some… water, please?

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27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 1
2. …………………. is calling your name. Is it your brother?
3. Thank you very much. I don’t need …………………. else.
4. It’s raining hard. There aren’t …………………. people in the streets.
5. …………………. knows the answer to this question. It’s very difficult.
6. Would you like …………………. milk with your tea?
7. I can’t find my glasses, but I know they’re…………………. in this room.
8. Have you got …………………. French dictionaries?
9. There is …………………. water in my glass. It’s empty.
10. I want to tell you …………………. but please don’t tell …………………. .

III. Fill in each or every.

1. ……………………. of the students has three books.
2. There is a bus ………………….. 2 hours.
3. There are four worksheets - please take one of ………………….
4. We enjoyed ……………………. minute of our holidays.
5. ……………………. student has written an e-mail.
6. These lemons cost 25 cent ……………………. .
7. They ……………………. have their own e-mail address.
8. We lost $20 ……………………. .
9. ……………………. answer is worth 2 points.
10. They're open ……………………. day except Sunday.

IV. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases in the box. There may be more than one answer.
most lots lot of few some some many many all
The cost of smoking

Everybody knows smoking is bad for your health. There are health warnings on packets of cigarettes
in (1) …most…. countries in the world. However, if you don’t smoke it can also save you
(2)……………….. of money. It’s difficult to calculate what the costs really are because (3)
……………………… smokers admit how much they smoke, but we can guess.

There are (4) …………………… people who smoke two packets of cigarettes a day. Not (5)
…………………… packets of cigarettes cost less than €2.50, so the cost of smoking two packets a day
for one year is at least €1,825. Then the health costs of smoking are €660 for each smoker. Now we
have a total of €2,485 per smoker.

Smoking also costs employers a (6) ………………………. money. According to (7) ………………..
estimates, an employee who smokes costs a company an extra €1,000 a year. Apart from smokers
taking more sick leave, (8) ………………………… the walls and furniture in the office are affected by
tobacco smoke and need to be cleaned. If we add €1,000 to the previous total we reach the figure of
€3,485 a year, or €290 a month. If the smoker continues smoking for fifty years, the final total would
be €174,250, the price of a medium-sized flat in (9) …………………… European cities!

I. Write one word in each gap.

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27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 2
He’s taking it ………………… She’s ……………………… up He’s trying to ……………... up

They’re ……………………….. He’s She’s paying him

them away ……………………….it up …………………………..

II. Complete using by, for or in. You have to use some words more than once
1. It can be very worrying when you’re ………………………………………. a lot of debt.
2. Can I pay for this ………………………………………... cheque?
3. Did you see that the house next door is ………………………………………... sale?
4. They took ten per cent off because I paid ………………………………………... cash.
5. We need to find an office ………………………………………... rent in the centre of town.
6. I got quite a lot of money for the car because it was …………………………... such good condition.

III. One of the words in each sentence is in the wrong form. Write the correct word.
1. The serve in this place is absolutely terrible and I want to see the ……………………………
2. Could you help me make a decide? I don’t know which phone to get. ……………………………
3. Even very good quality clothes are quite afford in this shop. ……………………………
4. Companies should always tell the true in advertisements. ……………………………
5. Credit cards are really use, but you have to be careful with them. ……………………………
6. I read a compare of all the supermarkets and Safeshop was the most ……………………………
7. My grandma had no idea that her old vase was so value. ……………………………
8. Pete never shops at Mayfield's because he says it’s too expense. ……………………………
9. Before you borrow from the bank, you have to make a judge about ……………………………
whether you can pay it back or not.
10. Is the bill right? Could you just check your add, please? ……………………………

Read an article about a woman who lives without money, then do the tasks below.
My life without money
Heidemarie Schwermer, a 63-year-old German woman, has lived without money for the last ten years,
and has written a book about her experiences called My life without money.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 3
At the age of 54 Heidemarie gave up her job as a psychotherapist, gave away all her money and her
flat and threw away her credit cards. Today, apart from a few clothes (three sweaters, two skirts, two
pairs of shoes, and a coat) and a few personal belongings, she doesn't own anything.

It all began as a one-year experiment. In her home city of Dortmund, she set up a 'swapping circle'
where people swap services without using money, for example, a haircut for a mathematics class. To
prove that this could work she decided to give up using money for a year. But when the year ended,
she continued and has not used money since then.

At first she house-sat for friends who were on holiday. She stayed in their house in return for watering
the plants and looking after their animals. At the moment she is staying in a student residence where
she can sleep, have a shower, or use a computer in return for cooking for the young people who live
there. She also 'works' as a psychotherapist. 'Before I treated very wealthy people but now I help
anyone who turns up. Sometimes they give me something in return, but not always.'

Heidemarie says, 'I can live thanks to my contacts. A lot of people who know me understand what I’m
doing and want to help me. When I need a bus ticket for example, or a new tube of toothpaste, I think,
"Who can I ask? What can I give them in return?" If I want to go to the cinema, I might offer to look
after somebody's children for the afternoon.

It is one of the mistakes of our society that most people do something they don't like just to earn money
and spend it on things they don’t need. Many people judge you according to how much you earn. In
my opinion, all jobs are equally important. You may not earn a lot of money but you may be worth a lot
as a person. That's my message.’

So what did she do with all the money she earned from the sales of My life without money!

'I gave it all away...'

a. Match the highlighted phrasal verbs with their definitions. Write the verbs in the infinitive.

1. …………throw away……… put into the rubbish bin

2. ……………………………… stop (doing something)
3. ……………………………… arrive, appear
4. ……………………………… give something to somebody without wanting anything in return
5. ……………………………… start a new company or organization
6. ……………………………… be responsible for somebody or something

b. Read the article and answer the questions.

1. What was Heidemarie s job? She was…...………………………………………..

2. What possessions does she have now? A few…..……………………………………………..
3. How did the experiment start? She..…..……………………………………………..
4. Where is she staying? She…....……………………………………………..
5. Does she still get paid? ………..………………………………….…………..
6. What is she trying to show with her experiment? All jobs…..………………………….……….
7. What did she do with the money she earned from her book? She…………………………….…….

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27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 4

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