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QUARTER 3 - LESSON 6A Student’s name: ................................................ Class: 6C........

I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. scene B. science C. scuba D. scent
2. A. uniform B. university C. unique D. unable
II. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
1. A. afford B. compare C. decide D. borrow
2. A. belonging B. quality C. personal D. terrible
3. A. condition B. advertise C. continue D. decision

I. Complete the conversation. Use I’ll or I won’t and the verbs in the box.
get leave not eat not get not have talk wait

Jason: Hi, Sam. Are you ready for a break?

Sam: Yes. (1) ……………………………………………………. my books here.
Jason: Do you want a sandwich?
Sam: Um ... no. (2) ………………………………………………. anything now, thanks.
Jason: Do you want to talk to Jessica?
Sam: No, it's OK. (3) …………………………………………………. to her later. (4)
…………………………………………………. a long break - just ten minutes. My exam's tomorrow.
Jason: Yes, mine is, too. Do you want to get the seven o'clock bus tomorrow?
Sam: Um ... no, (5) ………………………………………………. that one. (6) …………………
…………………………………………. the next one.
Jason: Fine. Wait a minute. I need to get my bottle of water.
Sam: OK. (7) ……………………………………………………………. for you here.
Jason: OK. See you in a minute.

II. Complete the sentences with I’ll + a suitable verb.

1. I'm too tired to walk home. I think … I’ll take … a taxi.
2. ‘It's cold in this room.'
‘Is it? ……………………………………. on the heating then.'
3. 'Bye! Have a nice holiday!'
‘Thanks. ………………………………………. you a postcard.’
4. ‘Shall I do the washing-up?'
‘No, it’s all right. ……………………………………. it later.'
5. ‘I don't know how to shut down this computer.'
‘OK, ………………………………………………. you.'
6. ‘Would you like tea or coffee?'
‘ ………………………………………………. coffee, please.' here.'
7. ‘Are you coming with us?' ‘No, I think …………………………………………. here.’
8. Thanks for lending me the money. ……………………………….……. it back as soon as possible.
9. A: I know you're busy, but can you finish this report this afternoon?
B: Well, …………………………………………………………., but I can't promise.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 1
III. Write questions using “do you think … will…” + the following verbs.
be back cost end get married happen like rain

1. I've bought this picture for Karen. ………………Do you think she’ll like it…………………………..?
2. The weather doesn't look very good. …………..………………………………………………...…….?
3. The meeting is still going on. When……….. …………………………………………………..………?
4. My car needs to be repaired. How much ………………………………………………………………?
5. Sally and David are in love. ….………………………………………………………………………….?
6. ‘I’m going out now.’ ‘OK. What time …………………………………………………………………….?
7. The future situation is uncertain. What ……………………………………………………..………….?

IV. Ask questions using the prompts, as in the example.

1. The garden is very untidy. (I / cut / the grass) ……………………Shall I cut the grass…….……?
2. It's a lovely evening. (we / go for / a walk) ………………………………………………………?
3. I need a hot drink. (I / make / some tea) ………………………………………………………?
4. It’s very quiet in here. (I / turn on / the radio) ………………………………………………………?
5. The Smiths are back. (we / visit / them) ………………………………………………………?
6. I've cut my finger. (I / get / a plaster) ………………………………………………………?

V. Replace the words in italics with Will you, Shall I or Shall we, as in the example.
1. Why don't we spend our holidays in Spain this summer?
............Shall we spend our holidays in Spain this summer………………………?
2. Do you want me to go to the supermarket for you?
3. Can you pick up the children from school for me, please?
4. Why don't we listen to that new CD?
5. Do you want me to book the tickets for you?
6. Can you take my jacket to the dry-cleaner’s for me, please?

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 2
I. Match the pictures with the words in the box.
equipment experiment gadgets hardware laboratory laptop screen software

………………………… ………………………… ………………………… …………………………

………………………… ………………………… ………………………… …………………………

II. Complete the sentences with six of the words below.

Text keyboard mouse Internet screen laptop calculator software

1. You type information into a computer using the ...........................

2. Special ........................... is available to help you design a website.
3. You use a ........................... to move around a computer screen.
4. A ........................... can be useful if you want to work while you are travelling.
5. You use a ........................... to solve maths problems.
6. You can see the work you are doing by looking at the computer ........................... .

III. Match the sentence beginnings 1-7 with the ending a-g.
1. Thomas Edison invented ………… a. bacteria were born from dirt.
2. The British chemist Sir Humphry Davy ………… c. Darwin's theory of evolution.
discovered d. the chemical elements
3. In the 20th century evidence from genetics ………… magnesium and sodium.
confirmed e. the light bulb and the
4. Louis Pasteur rejected the idea that ………… phonograph.
5. Jane Goodall worked in Africa and studied ………… f. the link between smoking and
6. American doctors Ernst Wynder and Evarts ………… cancer.
Graham were the first to investigate g. the social life of chimpanzees.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 3
IV. Choose the correct verb for each sentence.
1. When you finish talking to someone on the phone you hang up / turn up.
2. If you want to take something off your computer, you enter / delete it.
3. First you pick up your phone, then you connect / dial the number.
4. To open something on your computer, you usually enter / click on it.
5. If you can’t connect / dial to the Internet, phone your Internet provider.
6. You need to click / enter your credit details before you can buy the product.

Read the article about a science competition and then answer the questions.
The Young Scientist Award

Are you good at science? Are you planning to study science at university? If the answer is ‘yes’ to both
these questions, then one day you may want to enter a science competition and win a lot of money.

There are a number of different competitions you can enter. The Young Scientist Award is one of these.
This competition takes place every year in Washington in the United States. People from all around the
world can take part, but they must be students studying science.

To enter the competition, you can write about any scientific topic. Last year, entrants had to write at
least three thousand words. This year they've made it harder. You must write between four and five
thousand words. The best and most interesting entry will win! There are a number of prizes which
include day- courses at some of the top universities around the world. The two top prizes are $2,000
and $5,000.

Last year's top winner was Rosa Alvares. Rosa is from Brazil, but is in her first year at Leeds University
in England. At eighteen years old, she's the youngest person ever to win the top prize. The second top
prize winner was another young woman: Lian Wang from China. At the time Lian was finishing her
course at university. She now works as a scientist in the US. Both winners wrote about climate change.

1. Who can take part in the competition?

A any science student B any American student C any young person
2. If you want to take part you must write no more than…
A 3,000 words. B 4,000 words. C 5,000 words.
3. Which of these is NOT a prize?
A money B courses C holidays
4. What is true about Rosa?
A She's won a prize before. B She’s studying in London. C She's left university.
5. What is true about Lian?
A She's given up science. B She’s got a job. C She's studying in the US.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 4

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