Fccbulletin 020611

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february 6, Laity Sunday (office@fccminneapolis.

org) ,
2011 Welcome to our annual Laity on the phone to the church
Sunday worship service. This office (612-870-1868), or in
yearly observance reminds us person at church on the 6th.
Give Online! Please make your reserva-
the “priesthood of all believ-
ers” who follow Jesus. Today, tions by the close of business
Did you know that you can give your offering the Young Adults of First on February 7.
online? First Christian has setup an account at Christian will address their
GiveMN.org which offers online services for visions for First Christian dur-
thousands of nonprofits in Minnesota. Simply go
to our website at www.fccminneapolis.org and
ing a panel discussion. February 5 Courier
The latest issue of the Courier
look for the green donation button on the right
side of the page. From there, you can make a
Souper Bowl Newsletter is now available in

the bulletin
Also today, FCC children and the lounge.
one time donation, or you can set it up to make
youth will be out with pots
automatic donations weekly or monthly.
looking for money. Super
Bowl Sunday is also Souper Scratching the Surface
Questions? Please contact Associate Minister
Bowl Sunday, where kids Minneapolis Community and
Dennis Sanders at associatepas-
around the country raise Technical College , Down-
money to fight hunger. Our town Congregations to End
kids will be raising money to Homelessness and Commu-
support Groveland Foodshelf. nity Emergency Service are
Please be generous when sponsoring a traveling a photo
they come around with their exhibit, “Scratching the Sur-
bright, happy faces! face: A Glimpse into Poverty
and Homelessness.”
Anniversary Dinner
Be sure to make your reserva- Through intimate images
tion for the annual Anniver- taken at shelters and organi-

Weekly Announcements from First

sary potluck diner and pro- zations that work to end

Christian Church Minneapolis

gram on Feb. 13. The theme homelessness around the
for this year’s program, “This Twin Cities, members of the
Ministry Team Telephone: 612.870.1868
is Our Hope,” will focus on the project hope to dispel some of
All Members of the Congregation Prayer Phone: 612.870.0984
mission and ministry taking the myths about what it looks
Robert Brite, Interim Minister www.fccminneapolis.org
place at First Christian pres- like to be homeless. Faculty
Dennis Sanders, Associate Minister of E-Mail: fcc-mpls@qwest.net
ently and look to our future as and students in the Photogra-
Diversity and Mission Fax: 612.870.1860
a congregation. Worship on phy and Digital Imaging de-
Chris Wogaman, Office Manager
this Sunday will be held in partment at MCTC contributed
James Baumgartner, Interim Director
Fellowship Hall at 10:30. Side images to this exhibit.
of Music Faith. Fellowship. Future. dishes and desserts are wel-
Bryon Wilson, Interim Organist comed as potluck contribu- First Christian will host this
Rick Bowman, Building Manager tions to the dinner; meat, photo exhibit beginning Janu-
Deb Murphy, Director of Spiritual Forma- starch, rolls and beverages ary 30 until February 13. We
tion & Community Ministry are provided. You can reply hope you will stop by, look at
Serena Carlson, Nursery Attendant your reservations by e-mail the photos and come away
Martha Harris, Courier Editor

the bulletin / february 6, 2011 4 the bulletin / february 6, 2011 1

understanding more about the nature of homelessness in Minnesota and how to Community Events
best solve it. Please invite your friends.
The Wounds of War: The Church Downtown Church Choral Festival
as a Healing Community for Veter- Sunday, February 27, 2PM
Elders “Huddle”
ans and Their Families
The Elders of First Christian will meet briefly after worship on February 20. Westminster Presbyterian Church,
Saturday, February 26, 2011, 8:30 1200 Marquette Ave, downtown
Mission Sunday a.m. – noon Minneapolis
On February 20 we will have our monthly Mission Sunday offering. The offering
for February 2011 will go to Week of Compassion, the Disaster and relief agency Westminster Presbyterian Church, This year’s event, “Honoring the Sa-
of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). For over 65 years, Disciples in cred: A Festival of American Music”
1200 Marquette Ave, downtown
North American have shared their resources to help to those suffering in our na- features choirs from Hennepin
tion and around the world. Church, Central Lutheran, Basilica of
How can our church communities be St. Mary, Plymouth Congregational,
Offering envelopes will be available and you place your donation of the offering
welcoming and healing spaces for re- St. Mark’s Episcopal, St. Olaf Catho-
plate or give to one of our FCC youth with their signature coffee cans after wor-
ship. Remember, we do accept loose change in those coffee cans, so please turning veterans? The workshop is lic, and Westminster. Each choir will
give and bring some joy through sharing! open to clergy and lay persons and will present individual anthems and then
offer resources for understanding, lis- join forces (over 400 voices) to
tening, and making referrals. The work- perform the music of Aaron Copland,
shop will emphasize the unique role of Horatio Parker, William Billings,
Podcasts from First the church as a healing community. Stephen Paulus, Randall Thompson
Missed a Sunday? Want to know a little about First Christian? First Christian will
now make Sunday sermons available at our website for you to listen to. We hope and Ysaye M. Barnwell (a new com-
The workshop will feature two excep- mission). Congregational singing will
this will be a way for people who aren't able to attend a Sunday or those who tionally well-qualified speakers. The
want to know what goes on in that building in South Minneapolis to find out. Sim- be part of this event as well.
Reverend Vaughn Jefferson is a re-
ply go to www.fccminneapolis.org/podcasts to find a sermon to listen to. cently retired Air Force chaplain and a Want to Get Involved in the
psychologist with a special interest in Life of First?
Meetings and Events this Week the needs of veterans. He will speak
 The Carter Circle Meets at the Morgans on February 7 at 7PM. on the issues faced by returning veter-
ans and their families. Amy Blumen- Please feel free to contact the follow-
 The regularly scheduled Property Committee meeting on February 8 shine is a social worker, a diaconal min- ing persons:
has been CANCELLED. ister for the ELCA, and a co-author
 Finance Committee meets Wednesday, February 9 at 5:30PM. The of Welcome Them Home: Help Them Bob Brite, Transitional Pastor
Wednesday Night Bible Study the same evening at 6PM. Handbell Heal. She will speak on the unique role pastor@fccminneapolis.org
Choir Meets that evening at 6:30pm in Hearthstone and the Choir the church can play in healing.
Dennis Sanders, Associate Pastor
meets at 7:45 in the Choir Room.
Please register by February 20 by e- associatepastor@fccminneapolis.org
 Handcrafters meets at 9AM , Thursday, February 10. mail, disabilityconcerns@ptcaweb.org
 The Men’s Group meets Saturday, February 12 at 9AM. There will be $10 donation suggested Deb Murphy, Director of Spiritual For-
at the door. mation


the bulletin / february 6, 2011 2 the bulletin / february 6, 2011 3

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