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Sse y 4 2 ‘muscular / masa’ muskulamy SEIS Batce overt: we Pac Wiex tay Poe beach hit xe w poder wh Sey / ot clo middle-aged Grek 4 ple raven hin boda postr oll fat cary oh) he $e fae bey ‘ow / tee! tin: Br te ial he Rela Faken isos beard foe) bode Bestia frees sa les moustache fms 'x\/ wasy finger /n92/ plee ural pale /oet)blady vole esr round jst) aahy forehead / oes ashe Dearie hale /heo/ wlony pram ies ‘wrinkle nko zmarszsta hea hea ows Weosy nee jm: 0. bald boi) thy eg ea) nogs blond/air/dark/red/grey /bonea! ps ips war da ted/rey Blondfiasne/cerme! mouth imac usta rude/siwe ‘eck foe sya carly kl eacone ‘ose /race/ os lone/short/medium length >) shoulder / sta) ramig ro lg) gi thon / skin (shy sora retin ago toe (tau) pale nosi sil Fai) eareages tongue iv ile ‘tooth/teth fu 8/60) zab/oeby aU ables (one aes ee fos wie date/place of bith / ples av ost data/miesce urogrena savored 611) rozwiedsiony amity name / rl nem nazwisko festrame / tne mg malffemale joie pl meskes) marta tatus / acters! stan ‘oywiny smartied mri) tonaty/tameina nationality rola narodeundé ceupatin / nj! aout Dereon ta oro dose) dane sobawe sou sal plaé single /sngoV stanu wolngo furmame /'sncm’ nacwise pony al port ei Racy Shaved fo egolone Ine makeup Jay) mats {alton fe) tate ‘pene / 3: hredka do oss Npstick po eink Piercing / pean’ plereing holayk on Til ts cong Sees mre neon Score Fate Somat eo nora moony ‘Sora oy cose eny middle name Frcs ex drug me ico is any wdon/wdower weo/wovce/ ——seaty sea ecthioy ‘nso tere fa oy a teem eae cons wreu9ou tout fo sae ress ey shiek ooo / 9 sn) atakcy creom/ proton” eather) jacket ed) dskany handsome /henss/ prysony prety / prt tany ‘arth kreana) Ugly i) breva Pat ean) pov pre nso) attractive /3 rele) atrakeyiny Ames (92 dsomae! pita Taincoat /rerkoot/ pase praecwdestcowy rae nes oe Or (cotton) shirt at) ex hoseuls Srednege wos beware popu gael shorts /ts/ kre spodenki tall 21 wok igh ati Buvowa cite Socks ok Skarpetk fat st) ery suit Jun! eariur sli sin! soupy sweater /suct) sweter thin in) ey shit er) boerlen wellbult/ vet) dobre sbudowany te /t/ krawat thes (tats) raisopy top joy blak, kes wacksult exis) des ‘wousers/ ave) specie underwear faves) Delonas impolite/rue / mp2 sin ‘sleupremy niegraecary intligent fi eioasont intlizenty lary Fe ley pole fost uprainy Dractcal lial ratty ‘aie ot chy temantie eh) romantyeany ‘enstve / sonst) wat Shy i) wiemiy ttublern fond vperhy tidy (15) schlvdry| (ena e (esprwiestivy (unfienay /) icns (seay (woh a (every boxer shorts bess fs) Bokseri rights /atre! ksaua nena sweatshirt suet blura Bury Boots ous) but sok) high Rees no hil) Buty na vwysokim obcase| sandals /sendol/sandaly shoes jus) buy (ike trainers /renaz/ obuwre sportowe fist vst) Undtnany rystyeanie brave for) odwatny slippers sips kale Booannt calm far spokainy ‘ua fog soroa Contident konadant/ pewry sebie bel yoo pasek ‘generous /ésenarsx)serodry ‘ap Pcp czapka asses / 02) okulary soves jg reawicek hat ht/czapka,peluse Jewellery cx, bauters ting on persconek (woolen) sar oi) sn (welniany| zak umbrella vel parasol Cijpatient/en pet (eerliny modest / moat stromny sociable / sobs towarast talkative /2katw/ rozmowny bored /usf anny ey Ja plaka ‘depressed pest) praygngbony sappoimed / dss pitas) roxcarowsny cexated i sata) podekscytowany frightened /razna/ prestaszony lonely 7 son samatny nervous /1nsves/adenerwowany pleased / pi) zadowolony relaed [zis odpretony Sad fed smutay smile /smail usmiecha ie sured fs ana! airy tied aid! amgcony {uapey Jel rn Irebsacagsiy wore (about sth) /wisis bot ‘er aanlpolejony (aye) bracelet vet) heaneretts earrings fan) bole rneckiace felis) naszyink (Cag vara ‘button j’bnin/ gui Docket /'pokat/Kiesen sleeve /siv/ rekaw 2p Fl amek bskanicany Desemie checked et! whratg Aowery / fava Karey plain per glad Spot / seta w kropk Stnped /sreot w pak! czasownint fe) pasewa oxmiarem) ‘amused js njuadroebawiony (djs sas set dressed /et den! ved sg ——_(clalimulany Nook good) 1A yf mygiqdat ——eibrtnsed fm rasy (dobre) ‘awstydeony wear fee cethausted a ta/ yezerpany stressed ses aestesowany Dela (Mair Tatar being pleated san eshte ‘match rt pasowae (ceo) MET dressup assth resp 38 sansa/ rebiatsamene eowith th /os0 wd simBiy/ resnccae weer ieee eee at a Tactoal cond Sic escarole epee Sek oy a rat aon tpodatah acl pnb bey ambitious (es) amity boring ten! uc ever lev) bytry (dishonest /) ons ieucaciy {estoy f(s) 30 (realy erat edn) sneepery funny i) zabawry hhantworting / ot win praconity Fall haps pomacry stn toad sin) ure eos tsb good/bad mood jot simbodl na gud bd mal wprawiae hogs w dobry/ay rast sense of humour /sensav hum! poceuce humoru WP Wo erent sigan cin pcsmenc adler Cae Na A aay aa aD az POne tat erate nace SLOWNICTWO © Podpis ponumerowane cxqéc ciate, Plarwene tery otter ccaty pos. £ : at eeVausunn DANE OSOBOWE. © woisz swoje dane do formularza. Personal Data Form First name: Surname: Date of birth: Nattonaitty: Sex: Marital status: Occupation’ © wparach zadajcie sobie pytania o dane 2formularza. What oi 0 ZEWNETRZNY. © spojrz na ilustracje. Wybierz stowa, ktore poprawnie uzupetniaja opis. Fred is a(n) ‘elderly / young man. He's *tall /short and 3fat / well-built. He's got a ‘pale / dark face and freckles / beard. His hair is “blond / red, ’short/long and curly / straight. © wybiers ¢ banku stow wyrazy, ktdre opisuja. pozostate osoby. W parach opiszcie po iednei osobie, wykorzystujac tekst z éwiczenia 4 jako wa6r. an elderly woman. She's @ Podkreél w banku stéw wyrazy, ktére opisuja tw6j wyslad. Wykorzystujac je, zmien tekst z éwiczenia 4 tak, by opisywat cieble. W parach przeczytajcle swaje opicy Onm DYKTANDO Postuchaj nagrania i uzupetnij tekst. When I came into the café I saw a man and two 1 The man was tall and” Hie hed @ Brack The younger woman was of medium + She had long, blond hair and an > fave. She was wearing @ blue” | don’t remember much about the older woman. Her clothes weren't very®___, but she was wearing a lot of°___. Fremember her very large ‘She was very: | thought she looked SLOWNICTWO oma Postuchaj trzech opis6w oséb i dopasuj je do rysunkéw. Ktéra ilustracja nie zostala opisana? Qo Postuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz. Dopasuj stowa z ramki do ilustracji w éwiczeniu 8, Opisz, jak jest ubrana osoba, ktéra nie byta opisana wrnagraniv, belt” tracksuit blouse cap raincoat shirt shorts skirt tights bouts top trainers earrings hat tie striped socks suit bracelet T-shirt © Znajaé w banku stow nazwy wszystkich ubrart i dodatkéw, jakie masz dzié na sobie. @ * Potacz pary zdan, by utworzye spojne wypowiedzi 1 This sweatshirt doesn’t fit 2 No, don't want spotted boxer shorts. 3. Doyou really want to wear 2 striped tie with a checked shirt? 4 like comfortable, loose pyiamas. ‘A | only like plain underwear, B It’s too large and the sleeves are too long, © They won't match. D_ These are too tight Sy See iped spotted lowery checked iia slowa opisujace wzory na tkaninach sq preymiotaikami, wigc stawiamy je pried opisywanym rzeczownikier ‘trined cocks ~ skarpety w paski a spotted dress ~ sukienka w kropki GENE pe © Wybierz wtasciwy przyimek. Last year | dressed up /down as a goblin for the school party. Von’ take away / off vour coat: it’s very cold here. My little brother has learned to put on / up his shoes. ike this dress, but | must try t out / om before | buy I. This scarf doesn’t go with /for your coat. It’s the wrong colour. ween» © vzupetnij zdania preymiotnikami z ramki ‘friendly quiet fair clever lazy impolite 1 Peggy's really I think che’ the mast intelligent person | know. 2. like Mrs Fitzwilliam because she’s isn’t nicer to some students than to others. 3 Danny's such & person. He’s always ready to be helpful. 4 Teachers often say I'm brother, who is hard-working. 5 Jack can be quite He sometimes says really rude things to peuple. 6 Carol'sso___. She speaks very little. Perhaps she's shy. STMT @ vupetnij wypowiedzi stowami z ramki. She , not like my older worried dey surprised d bored frightened excited 1 Wewereso_ todo there 2 [saw a man trying to get into our house. | was terribly 3 It’s midnight and Mike hasn't come home yet. Mum’s terribly about him. | was really Tthought my life made no sense. Imagine, we met our neighbours on the beach in Australial We were really 6 I'mso about the trip! couldn't sleep last night. There was nothing interesting os FT Be © + wybiors stows, ktdre poprawnie zupelniaig pytania. Nastepnie zadajcie sobie pytania w parach. 1 What sort of things are you afraid at / of /on? 2 What sort of things put you in /on /to a bad mood? 3 Are your samatimes angry on /to/ with your friends? Why? 4 Are you fond about / of / to animals? Which ones? 5 Doyou think it is important to have a feeling / sense / sensation of humour? Why? / Why not?

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