What Is Sin of Arccos (X) : Horizontal Cylinder Tank

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Horizontal Cylinder Tank

Total volume of a cylinder shaped
tank is the area, A, of the circular end
times the length, l. A = πr  where r is
the radius which is equal to 1/2 the
diameter or d/2. Therefore: V(tank)
= πr l

Calculate the filled volume of a

horizontal cylinder tank by first finding
the area, A, of a circular segment and
multiplying it by the length, l.

Area of the circular segment, the grey shaded area, is

A = (1/2)r (θ - sinθ)
where θ = 2*arccos(m/r)
and θ is in radians. 
Therefore, V(segment) = (1/2)r (θ - sinθ)l. If the fill height f is
less than 1/2 of d then we use the segment created from the filled height and 
V(fill) = V(segment). 

However, if the fill height f is greater than 1/2 of d then we use the segment that is
created by the empty portion of the tank and subtract it from the total volume to get
the filled volume; V(fill) = V(tank) - V(segment).

What is sin of arccos(x)

Sine of arccosine of x.
The sine of arccosine of x is equal to the square root of (1-x2):

x has values from -1 to 1:


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