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As we know COVID 19 is a pandemic that is now a scourge for the whole world.

Countries that have fought this virus fight this virus in various ways they can. All elements of the
state are responsible for saving one another, not only medical personnel who are at the forefront
in providing assistance. According to (Emanuel et al., 2020) there is six recommendations of fair
allocation of scare medical resources due to the spread of COVID 19.
In my opinion, the recommendations on the second point (Treating people equally) and
the fourth point (Giving priority to the worst off) are 2 recommendations that can be the current
solution. Given the spread of the virus that has increasingly in Indonesia. This 2 recommendation
is to give equal treatment to each individual. For now, medical personnel and people who have
high-risk jobs exposed to Covid-19 must prioritize their safety and work safety. The priorities of
these workers cannot be intervened by someone who has political power or someone who has
wealth who is able to pay whatever the nominal money raised. In addition, the impact if we do
not prioritize the work safety of medical personnel, we will lack medical personnel to help
positive patients with Covid-19 or patients with other diseases. And if we lack medical staff it
can make things worse, because we could lose more lives due to insufficient medical personnel.
In addition, we also have to make and follow the rules made to minimize the spread of this virus.
The priority scale for the handling of Covid-19 patients must be clear and fair to all levels of
society. In addition, the government also applies a number of rules that must be implemented in
each region to help with countermeasures. Apart from these two points of recommendation, the
most important thing is that we as individuals must be able to protect ourselves from being
exposed to this virus.

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