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Name: _________________________________________ Section: __________________________________


Other contractions from the poem

“Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes:
 it’s had tacks on it - it has
 It’s kinder hard - it is
 I’se - I am or I shall
 ‘cause - because
 climbin’ - climbing
 landin’s - landings
 reachin’ – reaching
 turnin’ - turning
 goin’ - going
 ain’t - am not, is not, are not, has not, have not

Name : ____________________________________ Section : ___________________ SCORE: _________
Antonyms refer to words, which have opposite meanings
Activity 1 : Circle the antonym of the word in the first column.
1. peaceful - tranquil quarrelsome calm

2. cautious - careful safe careless

3. active - static alive powerful
4. scanty - enough superb slender
5. rehearsed - memorized spontaneous exercise
6. glorify - extol dishonor dignify
7. ancient - primitive modern old
8. authority - expert proficient learner
9. contaminated - genuine pollute pure
10. extinct - obsolete gone existing
Activity 2 : The sentences below are not true. Correct each by writing in the box the antonym of the word
in parentheses.
D 1. The earthquake (built) many houses and crops
B 2. (Bottle-feed) babies are healthier than those who depend on infant
S 3. Studies have shown that smoking can (prolong) one’s life.
M 4. The Maranao is a (majority) group.
O 5. An optimist is a (narrow-minded) person.
A 6. You have to (detach) the doctor’s certificate from your letter of excuse.
T 7. Some (permanent) housing facilities were built for the flood victims.
S 8. The price of a precious stone is determined by its (dullness).
I 9. Helium is used to (deflate) balloons.
E 10. (Ignorance) can move a nation forward.
Activity 3: Circle the antonym of the first word in each group.
1. control - release contain hide
2. fertile - healthy barren rich
3. precise - inaccurate concise exact
4. voluntary - unnecessary compulsory heartily
5. essential - necessary basic dispensable
6. economize - waste materialize sacrifice
7. clarify - explain question confuse
8. minute - swollen finely enormous
9. grieve - celebrate mourn reject
10. infinite - informative endless measurable
Activity 4: Write an antonym for the underlined word. The number of broken lines and the initial letters are
your clues.
1. Powdered milk should be stirred slowly to dissolve well. v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y (10)
2. As vigilant citizens, we should not allow competent i_________t
government officials to stay in their posts. (11)
3. The diplomatic relations between the two countries will stop in the next decade. c _ _ _ _ _ _ e
4. The steward ordered the passengers to loosen their belts. t _ _ _ _ _ n (7)
5. This opal is superior to the other gems we have seen. i _ _ _ _ _ _ r (8)

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