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ECG Circuit

by JessicaB328

An ECG is a test that measures the electrical activity the power outlet in the wall. The low pass filter
of the heart by recording the heart's rhythm and ensures that high frequency noise is removed from
activity. It works by taking and reading signals from the circuit for better signal detection.
the heart using leads that are attached to an
electrocardiograph machine. This Instructable will Before starting this Instructable, it would be helpful to
show you how to build a circuit that records, filters, familiarize yourself with the uA741 General Purpose
and displays the bioelectric signal of the heart. This is Operational Amplifier. The different pins in the op-
not a medical device. This is for educational purposes amp have different purposes and the circuit will not
only using simulated signals. If using this circuit for work if they are connected incorrectly. Connecting the
real ECG measurements, please ensure the circuit pins to the breadboard incorrectly is also an easy way
and the circuit-to-instrument connections are utilizing to fry the op-amp and make it non-functional. The link
proper isolation techniques. below contains the schematic used for the op-amps in
this instructable.
This circuit contains three different stages wired
together in series with a LabView program. The
resistors in the instrumentation amplifier were Image Source:
calculated with a gain of 975 to ensure that the small
signals from the heart can still be picked up the mb/1.jpg
circuit. The notch filter takes out the 60 Hz noise from

ECG Circuit: Page 1

Step 1: Collect Materials

Materials needed for all 3 stages of filter:

Function generator
Power supply (+15V, -15V)
Solderless breadboard
Various banana cables and alligator clips
ECG Electrode Stickers
Various jumper wires

Instrumentation amplifier:

3 Op-amps (uA741)
1k x3
12 k x 2
39 k x 2

Notch Filter:

1 Op-amp (uA741)
1.6 k x 2
417 k

100 nF x 2
200 nF

Low Pass Filter:

1 Op-Amp (uA741)
23.8 k
43 k

22 nF
47 nF

ECG Circuit: Page 2

Step 2: Build Instrumentation Amplifier

Biological signals often only output voltages between After your circuit is built, test to make sure that it is
0.2 and 2 mV [2]. These voltages are too small to be working correctly by measuring the voltage at Vout
analyzed on the oscilloscope so we needed to build (shown as node 2 in the image above). We used the
an amplifier. function generator to send a sine wave with an input
amplitude voltage of 20 mV to our instrumentation

amplifier. Anything too far above this will not give you k range.
the results you are looking for because the op amps
were only getting a certain amount of power of -15 [2]“High Performance Electrocardiogram (ECG)
and +15 V. Compare the output of the function Signal Conditioning | Education | Analog Devices.”
generator to the output of your instrumentation [Online]. Available:
amplifier and look for a gain of close to 1000 V.
(Vout/Vin should be very close to 1000). library/articles/high-perf-electrocardiogram-signal-
conditioning.html. [Accessed: 10-Dec-2017].]
Tip for troubleshooting: Make sure all resistors are in

Step 3: Build Notch Filter

Our notch filter was designed to filter out a frequency signal at 60 Hz! Test frequencies around 60 Hz as
at 60 Hz. We want to filter out the 60 Hz from our well to make sure that no other frequencies are being
signal because that is the frequency of the alternating filtered out accidentally.
current found in electrical outlets.
Tip for troubleshooting: If you can’t get exactly -20dB
When testing the notch filter, measure the peak-to- at 60 Hz, pick one resistor and change it slightly until
peak ratio between the input and output graphs. At 60 you get the desired results. We had to play around
Hz, there should be a ratio of -20 dB or better. This is with the value of R2 until we got the results we
because at -20 dB, the output voltage is essentially wanted.
0V, meaning that you successfully filtered out the

ECG Circuit: Page 3

Step 4: Build Low Pass Filter

Our low pass filter was designed with a cutoff frequency is within a few Hz of 150 Hz your circuit
frequency of 150 Hz. We chose this cutoff because should still work. Our cutoff ended up being 153 Hz.
the widest diagnostic range for an ECG is 0.05 Hz - The range for biological signals will fluctuate a little in
150 Hz, assuming a motionless and low noise the body so as long as you are not off more than a
environment [3]. The low pass filter is able to get rid few Hz, your circuit should still work.
of high frequency noise coming from muscles or other
parts of the body[4]. [3] “ECG Filters | MEDTEQ.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed:
In order to test this circuit to ensure that it is working 10-Dec-2017].
correctly, measure Vout (shown as node 1 in the
circuit diagram). At 150 Hz, the amplitude of the [4] K. L. Venkatachalam, J. E. Herbrandson, and S. J.
output signal should be 0.7 times the amplitude of the Asirvatham, “Signals and Signal Processing for the
input signal. We used an input signal of 1V in order to Electrophysiologist: Part I: Electrogram Acquisition,”
be able to easy see that our output should be 0.7 at Circ. Arrhythmia Electrophysiol., vol. 4, no. 6, pp.
150 Hz. 965–973, Dec. 2011.

Tips for troubleshooting: as long as your cutoff

ECG Circuit: Page 4

Step 5: Create LabView Program

[5] “BME 305 Design Lab Project “ (Fall 2017).

This labview block diagram is designed to analyze the signal going through the program, detect ECG peaks,
collect the time difference between the peaks, and mathematically calculate the BPM. It also outputs a graph of
the ECG waveform.

Step 6: Connect All Three Stages

Connect all three circuits in series by connecting the are all connected to the same ground terminal.
output of the instrumentation amplifier to the input of
the notch filter and the output of the notch filter to the In the instrumentation amplifier, the second op-amp
input of the low pass filter. Connect the output of the needs to be ungrounded so that two electrode leads
low pass filter to the DAQ assistant and connect the that are connected to the test subject can each
DAQ assistant to the computer. When wiring the connect to a different op amp in the first stage of that
circuits together, make sure that the power strips for filter.
each breadboard are connected and the ground strips

Step 7: Get Signals From a Human Test Subject

One electrode sticker should be placed on each wrist, and one should be placed on the ankle for ground. Use
alligator clips to connect the two wrist electrodes to the inputs of the instrumentation amplifier and the ankle to
ground. When ready, click “run” on the LabView program and see your heart rate and ECG on the screen!

ECG Circuit: Page 5

ECG Circuit: Page 6

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