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777 "267-7 - == High tech drawn from tradition VOEST-ALPINE MINING Alpine Miner AM 85-P OPERATIONAL REPORT PoTASAS DEL LLOBREGAT Ca VOEST-ALPINE BERGTECHNIK SInDUCOR, S. A. Alpine Miner AM 85-P in potash production 1. JOB SITE Potasas del Llotregal, S.A. is an underground Potash Mine located approximately 60 km northwest of Barcelona. The bedding of the Potash deposit extends over an area of approximately 120 km, Geologically this area compri- ses a synclinal structure limi- ted north and south by two fault zones. The thickness of the whole deposit varies between 400m and 300m and the deposit ies at a depth of approxi mately 250 m, below sea level. The commercial- ly in‘eresting part of the deposit consists of two seams of syivinite The thickness of seam ,B" is between 0.8 m- 1 mwith a sylvinite (K20) content of a proximately 34 9, Seam ,A" is between 2.5 m- 7 m thick with a sylvinite content of ap- proximately 21 %. Above seam .B*is camalite Located between th seams is interburden which has a thickness between 2.m = 3.5 m and does not contain minerals viable for mining The thick-ness of the inter- burden (.sal entredos*) varies with the thickness of the se- am A". The task of the AM 85-P was, to selectively mine seam ,A" and ,." with the highest potash content, and avoid contamination of ‘he sylvinite with the interbur- den, The unconfined compressive strength of the material ran- ged between 22 and 33 MPa. the Young's Module varies between 830 and 1060 MPa The underground transpart of the machine was easily ma- aged through the shaft Sallent with a diameter of only 4.50 m. 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AM 85-P The ALPINE MINER i AM 85-P was developed from was gained in the South Afr: I tely 85 tonnes and a total | performance cutter head is to cut harder intrusions I The partie etig pic ith seg ctr Boon Desist seavotons snyeuted pel owing See is ep Sth ses stad patra he arog Sremaafl overt ere van of te een tle The machine rae elo procs, eter nthe rar itz moma ou portinonotocope wine 22h res arora em thous modu ‘he morte hye Caupmot onealt etupmet ved the anor Atesctare designed as ine as el ope inetuning apes, iy thea econo ord robe ld 3, TRIAL OPERATION ‘The performance trial was carried out during the period of 17.10.1994 until 17.01.1995. The aim of the trial was to prove maximum, machine availabilty, efficien- cy and extraordinary pertor- mance of the AM 85-P in or- der to convince the client of the benefits for changing their current machines. ‘The existing machines are VOEST-ALPINE AM 100 type, which have performed very successfully over the last fifteen years. In order to prove the extra- ordinary performance and the newly developed machine and features of the AM 85-P, the targeted production rate was set at 50,000 month, From day one, the machine has fulfilled the high expecta- tions. After the leaming peri- 0d of the local operators this machine has exceeded the ‘world record for potash cut- ling with roadheaders. Over the past two months the average culling rate was above $80 tonnes per cutting hour. The average daily production was 2377 tonnes on a three shift operation. The 50,000 month targot was easily achieved. ‘The mechanical availability of the machine exceeded the target, averaging 95 %, ‘The pick usage was 1 pick/400 tonnes of potash produced, 4, RESULTS AND PERFORMANCES This performance trial was a very impressive demonstra- tion of the AM 85-P capabilities and advantages. ‘Aworld wide potash cutting record of 59,356 tonnes in 21 days in a 3 shift operation, during the month Novem- ber was achieved, performance witch went far beyond the targeted 50,000 t/month. ° The average cutting rate during the first three months, was well over 50,000 tonnes per month, The entire trial was a perfect example that, with the right equipment, enthusiasm and people management, itis by all means possible to achieve and even exceed the high expectations of the customer. The AM 85-P with an availability of 95 % is to be const dered a reliable piece of production equipment offering the user a number of added benefits i latest strate-of-the-art cutter head technology extraordinary performance (highest performance during the trial was over 3800 tonnes/day) B extremely high machine availability @ low running costs B constant innovative activities to improve the whole system ‘Amain prerequisite to achieve the described high perfor- ‘mance was the outstanding cooperation between the mine and the personnel of VAB, The exceptional number of features as well as the excel: lent performance of the AM 85-P has rewarded VOEST- ALPINE BERGTECHNIK with an order for an additional seven (7) machines fram the same customer. Technical data AM 85-P* VOEST-ALPINE BERGTECHNIK VOEST- ALPINE BERGTECHNIK Ges mH, P.O. Box 2 8740 Zehweg/Austia Tol: (08877) 24 551 Telex: 3 7557 vabta Telefax: (08577) 24.5 51-800 Machine weight (approx) 85 tons Length 14050 mm Width over crawlers. 2800 mm Wiath of loading apron 5510 mm Height of machine (without canopy) 2365 mm Height of machine (with canopy) 3960. mm Ground pressure ‘approx. 19 Nicm? Cutting profile 37.5 nm Max. cutting height 5000 mm “Max. cutting width ‘2000 mm_ Undercut 300 mm Installed electric motor capacity (total) 474 kW Cuter motor 270 KW “Hydraulic power-pack motor 132 kW Chain conveyor motor hydraulic “Loading motors 2x36 kW Crawler motors hydraulic Operational voltage and frequency Speeds Tramming speed Chain conveyor speed max. 2.0 misec __ Cutting speed 42 misec * At rghs for techies! modicalion are reserved Bees ee fe ee Alpine Tunnel Miner ATM 105 A masterpiece in power and sturdiness ATM 105 and sturdiness The ALPINE TUNNEL MINER ATM 105 isa heavy duty road header and considers due to its conceplional design particularly foday’s requirements for tunnel excavation even in very hard rock conditions. The modllus-method of design of the ATM 105 permits tela Lively simple and time-saving assembling and disassembling | ‘whieh in tar is of advan | expecially incase of short The possibility of reduction of cettng speed minimizes the pick consumption and enable economical operation in hard and abrasive strata For particularly critica Togical conditions the standard citer boom can be exchanged gaint a telescopic boom which allows cutting ofa Face with minimized curvature An adtitiona advantage ofthis isthe sareful treatment ofthe floor: well as reduced vibration fof the machine Propo tional-loxlsensing hydraulic reduces the volume of hhyeraulc uid needed inthe hyalraalic system of the machine ‘Main eatures and advantages Rugged and highly reliable perience of overall ne 2000 ALPINE MINER's sole specially designed to cope with hard rock formations by possibility of temporary ‘operation with reduced cutting speed in rock formations exceeding an tues. of 100 MPa (normally and auto macy switeh-over) resulting in highly reduced pick consumption telescopic cutter boom to sump into the face without Dperating of crawlers (up to 700 mim sumping depth) A masterpiece in power low center of gravity resulting in excellent stability ~ heavy-duty cutter gear o ‘our own design to with: stand high shock-loads 1 Feasability to eut an almost even face - improved stability Equipped with ransverse type cuterheid, design based ‘on latest results of VAB’s rock cutting test plant Most update proportional load sensing hydraulic highly reduced volume of hcl fui in the citcuits 1M Field tial under rock cond tons up 19 200 MPa wes ATM 105 has been Tully operated underground in sandstone up to 190 MPa High share of highly reliable -steel components forthe most stressed components eg, ture, cuterboom, socket) Hydrati Toad ally extendable able (.5 - 6:4 m) Careful selection of appro: priate high-quality stel for the individual components based on VA's know-how as anatase pace ATM 105 in operation Project and performance data Project Excavation of an inclined zignag amp with 14 % incination Purpose of project: belt conveyor ramp For coal haulage Job ste: Carbosuleis Mine, Sardegna Company’ TORNO SpA, Italy Scope of Projet 3 partial ramps with 2 caverns Jength of total ramp: 3250 m cross section of ramp: 43 m2 cross section of cavern: 230 m2 length of eavern: appr. 40 m ‘Total volume of excavation: approx. 158,000 bunk m3 Operational Date: Observation Peri: May 1990 - January 1992 Length of Excavation: 2,100 m Volume of excavation: approx, 100,000 bank m3 Average cutting performance: 89 bank m3{eutting hour Mat. cutting performance: 137 bank m3/eutting hour Pick consumption 10.0062 -0.1 pesbank m3 Rock conditions ‘Trachyte (unaxial compressive strength 50 120 MPa) Tull (ues. 3-6MPa) Siltstone, Sandstone and Con _lomerate (ues. 20 -60 MPa) ‘Type of suppor: ste arches, wire mesh, shoterete 1 All sential parts newly designed to fit nto the con- cept of an extremly sturdy and powerful machine - but always incorporating the vast ‘existing experience Surnmarizing these adv tages, the ATM 105 repre: sents a roadheader, providing ~ outstanding reliability = utmost availability ~ comparabely low level of running cos high performance and Longivadinet section versatility © Siri eres ose ‘even with oek conditions considerabely beyond ‘expected values ‘Weight of basic machine approx. 100 1 Dimensions Tova bei Taam Total eng 16.500 mm 3,050 mm 44500 mm : 7 70mm Ground clearance 250 mm Installed motor capacity 1000 VS0 or 60 He Toul a DiRW Citing mover (woueeooIt) 30k Hydraulic drive motor (watercooted) - 7OKW Motors fr lading device — — aw @® Chain conveyor motor SSA Speeds Traveling peed 33am Conveying speed 0.76/10 mis Ching speed (tandand vesony 3.08 mise. cutng Prone Max. culing high 7 Max. cling with 9.000 mm Max. undereut appro 470 VOEST-aL Ive senerecanc "UMOCK VOESTALPIE a Curpcsoic Geant 0, Box 2, 48740 Zales “el #499577-7850 axe 043-9977-758800 High tech drawn from tradition OL VOEST-ALPIN Alpine Tunnel Miner ATM 105-S Based on the results of an EU Special features: funded project to increase the capability of cutting harder rock af Well proven performance and with roadheaders VOEST ALPINE reliability Beratechnik has developed a . ‘conomie operation also in machine able to cut hard format formations where roadheacders ions with a reasonable reach suit ccould not be usec! up to now able for large tunnel profiles Rugged and robust desig To comply with the special built from modular components, demands of tunneling the machine best suitable for construction is equipped with crawlers driven sites bya diesel engine, which gives Ensy handling due to remote max, traming speed of 20 m/min. control Acabie reel for appr. 100m cable ml Simple to operate and to serves for the needed flexibility in maintain changing the location, Wt igh performance diese Rock strength up t 180 MPacan engine for fast place ch be eu wih relatively low piek Without cable hand consumption due to slow speed m Versatility with regard to sting profile size and shay Very high cutting performance in ‘medium bard material gives an economic operation of the machine, VOEST-ALPINE BERGTECHNIK Technical data ATM 105 S* Machine w - sopr0s. 107 40 engi : iin 13020~ mm Height of machine rn 960 With of msshine 308m 330 Thm © ing speed — Max. cutting height mm a ie width ma = Cutis height rr VOEST-ALPINE Operational voltage and frequency v BERGTECHNIK S0or60 Hz VOEST-ALPINE — ergtactnk Ges = Rigs tor tetineal medication ae reserved PO. Box? ‘8740 Zeon Austin “ol 243 3977 7550" High tech aus Tradition VOEST-ALPINE Bergtechnil Alpine Miner AM 105 er ALPINE MINER AM 105 - cine im Design sowie einen 300 KW e eile Sehineidantieb fr Norial- und naschine der 100-Tonnenklasse - het Langsamnschneidbetricb mittels Querkopr Schl sien Bin I Robustes Sehneidarmteleskop 20 Einbringon der vollen. Sehnee eines Schaltgetiebes anstelle bisher k seine weltweit en etiehe. Schneidtechnolosi in hit sitzen nachgewiesen. Durch Nutz tung ia allen Betriebsstellungen, rer Moore kan Einbruch aus dem Stand und neidantriebs -Moglichiket des Schne‘dens. einer ich bei Schneidgeschwvindig Ablicher polamssehaliba die vole elektrische Sel aden Onsbrust. or L.3 mis an die Orishrust BE Mininverung der Hyraulikvertos zebracht werden, Dadrch ist det slutch Proportional-Losd-Sensing ‘AM 108 eine universelleinserzhare Teil: Hyelaulik, schnittmasehine mit einem exweier 1 Stubminimierung und Werk Anwendungsbereich fir den mechani= uhlung dureh Hoehdruck Schnee sehen Vorb in harem wel abrasiv spurbeddsung. Gestein, HE Modulbau anit habe Vorteite des AM 105, die andere Teil- Servicefreundlichkeit dutch einfache schnittmaschinen nicht bieten Kénnen: und rasche Montage sowie W Teilschnittmaschine, ausgelegt fir Demoniage Wirlsebaftliches Sehneiden fester A Groe Pulette an Zusuizeinrichtungen es TANIROCK VOEST-ALPINE BERGTECHNIK Gesteinsschichten im Bercich ber mache die Ma 100 MPa durch maxima Technische Daten AM 105* Gevwieh ; ca, 05-1 Gesamings er i, 12100 mi Maschinenhthe. Seem in, 2300_mm Maschinenbreite =o 320m Ladeisehbeiteydulsch vestlan 550-640. m Badenpresuie 16 Ne Ins. Leitugen esa) Tis kw Sehrimmotor - 300 kW @ Forderermotor 1x36 kW Laden 2x6 kW Hydlianebsmoioe 70 kW Raupenantrieb hydrautisch - Fnderergescvindighsi O8 mk Fangeschindghet 0-35 min Max. Schriimprofil (Teleskop ausgefahren) S04 me Max, Scrimndtie 5900" mm Max, Sciainbreite 303m - ‘Unterschnitt _ ae 500mm Soheeypoieteskopeingtaren a5 m8 = Max, Schinkohe 5340" mm ‘Max. Schriimbreite 8100 mm Unset 200_ mn Before Seigungen und Getlle (ax) a —— VoEST Lome ohne Abspeanung — vo TAMROCKNOESTALEINE Seige Serko 2083 Pek 2.840 Zales Wahlveise Unschaltang mit S 137 e@ See Spemng 7 Too * Technische Andrangan vetbehaton Alpine Westfalia Boomtype Roadheader WAV 178/300 Ca TAMUIROCKX VOEST-ALPINE BERGTECHNIK cman WAV 178/300 - the powerful, heavy-duty machine romances ‘The WAV 178/300. road: header is a versatile ma- chine for economic produc- tion mining as well as for safe and fast driving of tun: nels and ceves under- ground, From a fixed position, the machine can cut a cross section of up to 72 m2, The AW boomiype header is equip- ped with a cutting head pro- vided with round shank bits. The articulated boom can be sumped foward, lifted, lowered or moved in the horizontal plane for cutting the desired profile from one position. It is also capable of cutting the tunnel crown in advance and of undercut- ting the floor level The machine can mine se- lectively and can cut any shape of tunnel which in- cludes drivage work with subsequent excavation of a centre rock pillar left, if tun- nel conditions warrant tem- porary support at the face. Water sprays for the cutting head effectively cool the picks, reduce wear and bind respirable dust. The rate of production de- pends on the type of materi al to be cut. The WAV 178/300 is suitable for cutting minerals and rock of a uniaxial compressive strength of up to 100 MPa in a continuous operation. There is a large reserve of power installed in the rug- ged cutting boom gearbox to deal with unforeseen tasks when hard rock condi- tions are encountered ‘The electromechanical cut- ter motor is. water-cooled. The cooling system has its own waterair cooling cir- cuit. In addition to providing cooling of the cutter motor, the air-cooled water also permits the hydraulic fluid to be cooled The cut material is received by the loading apron and di- rected by a pendulum-type loading arm to flank chain conveyors running down the right side and left side of the machine. ‘These conveyors are of rug- ‘ged construction and require hardly any maintenance. The open conveyor design facilitates transport of lump material and delivery onto any subsequent conveying system, i.e. onto_lorties, dump trucks, etc. The dis- charge height can be ad- justed to suit requirements, ‘The loading capacity of the machine is 250 m3/h. The loading system provides a bunkering facility when transport Is interrupted, 9. during transport vehicle turnrounds, so that cutting operations can continue. The crawler tracks have hy: draulic single drives, auto- matic holding brakes and hydraulically operated brake valves. The machine will operate efficiently on gradients of 22 gon. Hydraulically operated sta: bilizers relieve the crawler tracks so that anchoring of the machine during cutting operations is not necessary. For tramming, the loading apron can be adjusted in height by means of the front stabilizers. Control stand and opera: tor’s seat are so located that the operator has an ex- cellent view of the face. The machine can be equipped with remote control by cable (r radio in addition to or in- stead of the stand- ard servo control. Hydraulic fluid supply for all drives is by a compact power pack comprising axial piston pumps which can be vari- ed individually Technical Data of the WAV 178/300-H* Weight of machine 92 Machine Dimensions Length 14,600 mm Width over crawlers (width of track shoes 700 mm) 3,840 mm. Width of loading apron 4,200 mm Height 4,000 mm Ground clearance 300. mm Ground pressure 20 Niom? Cross Section of Excavation 72 m2 Max. cutting height 7,700 mm Max. cutting width 8,860 mm Max. undercut 4,100 mm Motor Ratings and Speeds Installed motor ratings (1000 V / 50 Hz) Total installed motor power 442 KW Cutter motor 300 kW Hydraulic power pack motor 90 kW Conveyor motor 2x22 kW Speeds Cutting speed at cutting head 3.5 misec Tramming speed, hydr. drive 6.6 mimin Chain conveyor speed 0.53 misec Track pulling force 660 kN 210 bar Operating pressure, hydraulic system. * Aight tor wernt mositaton wo resowed Alpine Westfalia Boomtype Roadheader WAV 300/400 oR, S. A. The heavy-duty machine for greater efficiency The WAV 300/400 boomtype of two parts, each provided sign. Hydraulic fluid supply Toadheader is a powerful, with a loading arm to collect for all drives is by two crawler-mounted selective the debris and push it onto compact power packs, cutting machine with 300 or the centrally mounted con 400 kW power at the trans- veyor. As an alternative, the The electrical equipment can | verse cutting head. loading apron can also be be supplied of the flameproof | equipped with loading disks, type in compliance with the It is particulary suitable for if desired. relevant specifications and | driving roadways, galleries regulations in force. and tunnels as well as for The central conveyor is | mining minerals and rock of equipped with a single chain The cutting head is equipped high compressive strengths. and flights. It conveys the de- with an interlocking device to bris through a wide throat in Stabilizer legs relieve the the centre of the machine. | crawlers during the cutting | operation. Sumping in the In the event of a blockage the throat can be increased in height by moving the super- structure of the machine. ‘The water-cooled cutter mo- tor has a rating of 300 kW at 1,500 rpm. The spur gearbox installed is also water cooled and designed to permit the prevent an unintentional start use of a 400 KW cutter motor, of the head and with an au- if required dible alarm system. The control stand with control The cutting area is illuminat- desk and the necessary op-ed by two halogen lights lo- erating and monitoring instru. cated in the front area of he ments is mounted centrally machine. on the machine to allow an excellent view of the face To illuminate the discharge from the operator's seat. end, a halogen light is fitted in the rear area of the The operator's seat and the machine. devices arranged around the seat are of ergonomic de- face is achieved by hydraul- cally advancing the boom while the machine rests on the stabilizers and not, as usual with other types, by using the crawlers. This method facilitates sump: ing into harder rock forma- tions and increases pick lite. Material loading is carried out by a loading apron consisting Special Features of the WAV 300/400 WM Transverse or inline cut- ting head, as desired. High power of 300 kW or 400 KW for the transverse cutting head. Robust spur gearbox, integrated in the i boom and designed for a tong life under the most arduous conditions. 1§ Fan-shaped and sword- shaped high-pressure water spraying system or pick face flushing system» ml with sectorial control of water to the cutting picks for dust suppression. Turret and boom advance of 600 mm by means of a sledge to facilitate sump- ing into the face from one position while the . machine rests on hydraulic stabilizers. Additional Equipment: 1. Machine cover with dust removal 2. Cooling system for high ambient temperatures 3, Fan equipment Absence of vibrations du- ring cutting operation to prevent damage to the crawler tracks and the floor. Increased stabilly as ma- chine is supported by hy- draulic stabilizers. Stabilizing effect on the boom, even at full load, to minimize dynamic st and so increase pick lfe. Effective support of the boom by long lifting jacks fitted immediately behind the cutting head. Individually defined depths of cut for hard rock mining Interrelated action of the transverse cutting head and the advance move- ‘ment to prevent the saw- tooth profile. Alternative loading units: loading arms or loading disks. Large-sized clearance of 520 x 730 mm beneath the turret. In the event of a blockage the throat can be cleaned by moving the machine top part in the longitudinal direction. Optimum height of 2.0 m for a machine of that per- formance class I ducts 4, Roof bolting dil 5. Rubber belt conveyor 6. Arch setting device 7. Working platform on the cutting boom Technical Data of the WAV 300/400* NG Weight of machine 1001 Machine Dimensions Length 19,250 mm | Width over crawlers (width of track shoes 800 mm) 3,630 mm | Width of loading apron 4,000 - 6,200 mm | Height 2,020 mm Ground clearance 300 mm Ground pressure 18 Nicm2 Cross Section of Excavation 44 m2 | Max. cutting height 5520 mm gy | Max. culting width 8,500 mm | Max. undercut 320 mm | ‘Advance of cutting boom 00 mm | Power Ratings and Speeds a. Installed motor ratings (1000 V / 50 Hz) AAT AME Total installed motor power 482 (582) kW Pneenens Cutter motor 300 (400) KW

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