Dialogue Journal #3 Sarin Sulahian Freshman Seminar Section M Our Environment

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Dialogue Journal #3

Sarin Sulahian
Freshman Seminar Section M
Our Environment

Nowadays everybody is concerned with environmental problems and nature pollution. We hear a lot about

environmental crisis and global warming. Yet, we still move in the way of industrialization and consumer-oriented


Nature has given us everything for living. We use its resources to satisfy our needs and requirements. But not taking

care of it has led to environmental imbalance. We have to to think of substantial living. The time has come that we

should think of nature conservation and healthy environment. Over the last century people polluted nature with

overall waste. It has caused contamination of water, soil and air. Factories and increased number of cars on the

highway are the main emitters of greenhouse gases. So, it is important to become environmentally friendly and run

eco-friendly businesses.

Nature and environment need our protection. We made a lot of mistakes and it is time to correct them until it’s too

late. We do not realize the damages they do to nature and continue polluting the air we breathe, the water we drink

and the soil we plant vegetables in. So what to do to take into account the importance of our nature? There’s an old

saying, “when you want to change the world you have to start with yourself”. It is true. Everybody can make a

difference. There are a lot of cases when people gathered together and went on strike for companies that were

involved in environmental scandals. With today’s technology people can communicate faster and share news quicker.

In my general education course, (Intro to Political Science) we played a game about starting a social movement and

what it takes to make it successful and mobilize citizens to take part in it. My team chose this exact topic and we

discussed how we can be more eco-friendly.

Firstly comes industrial pollution. People have to decrease carbon dioxide emission. Secondly, household waste must

be lessened and recycled. We can use biodegradable packaging instead of plastic, or at least be informed about other

resources we can use. Thirdly, we can use less chemicals. We must be less car and fuel dependent, we can walk more

or ride a bicycle. It is better for our health, too! We must also care for wildlife and endangered animals.
This advice I hope will help protect nature and environment. Eco-friendly behavior will substantially improve natural

environment around you and the Earth in the whole. The future is ours to make. You should not miss a chance to

make a difference. Begin with yourself and help to save the world.

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