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4.- Put the words in the correct place.

(Pon las palabras en orden)

1. she / Is / to / come / tomorrow / ? / going

2. going / to / They / fly / aren’t / this afternoon
3. you / What / eat / to / going / tonight / are / ?
4. on Saturday / My parents / going / Paris / to / are / travel / to
5. is / My sister / the / to / to / go / going / cinema

5.- Write sentences. (Escribe oraciones con la información dada usando

BE GOING TO. Si pone NOT la oración debe ser negativa; si pone ?
debe ser interrogativa)
1. I / have some pizza
2. They / not / read that book
3. He / ? / come tonight
4. You / ? / write the letter
5. Your friends / not / play
6. Susan / go to the cinema

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