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Task 2

Erick Riaño Hoyos

English III
Group number: 195
Tutor: Osvaldo Vides
64 Apple House 16 Bella Vista.
Valledupar - Colombia, 30 September 2020.

China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.

Subject:The earth needs your help.

Kind regards China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.

The main reason for this letter is to express my current disagreement

and the increasing pollution that the planet is receiving, as a result of its
economic operation within the industry.

Throughout the time the planet earth is undergoing great and negative
changes in the environment that are systematically affecting our planet,
in which we are even affected all; We have been able to contemplate
how living beings, such as animals, have been suffering the effects of
climate change, which is one of the negative results caused as a result
of pollution. The problem has worsened more and more and it is well
known that the world needs a break, today it is the wild animals who
are paying the price of our ignorance but in the future, we will be the
ones who will suffer each of our mistakes, therefore It is of the utmost
and priority importance not to contribute to the pollution of our planet.

In conclusion, we want in a respectful and supportive way to have a

decrease in pollution to our planet, which can help and contribute to its
recovery, otherwise we will be forced to take legal action.

Yours sincerely,

Erick Riaño Hoyos

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