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Nama-nama penulis
Nova Maryanti, dan Dina Apriana

Metode yang digunakan

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research). Adapun pendekatan dalam penelitian
ini yaitu peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif.

Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh (kesimpulan)

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang didapat peneliti tentang kompetensi siswa yang bisa relevansi
dengan tuntutan dunia industri terutama di era industri 4.0 adalah SMK yang kurikulumnya
berbasis industry atau link and match dengan dunia industri. Tuntutan revolusi industri 4.0 secara
tidak langsung memacu SMK Negeri 2 Muara Enim untuk memenuhi Standar Nasional

Judul Artikel



Nama Jurnal, volume dan nomor, tahun

7th Research/Expert Conference with International Participations

”QUALITY 2011“, Neum, B&H, June 01 – 04, 2011

Nama-nama penulis
Nadežda Čuboňová and Ján Kardoš

Metode yang digunakan

In the field of machining the current trend is wide deployment of CNC machines incorporated

into the construction - technological chain (CAD-CAM-CNC) so that their potential to best

use. For the actual production and its productivity have a direct effect mainly, properties of

CAD / CAM system used for programming of CNC machine, own production at CNC

machine, which should be in terms of time as efficient as possible, but not least qualified

technologists, programmers and CNC machine operators. The multimedia systems have
becoming very significant elements of education process. The

target of their utilisation is not only to teach to work with computer (current customer

activities) but especially to offer quantity of the different type of information. The multimedia
systems with graphics and sound outputs become more users friendly to the customer. They

are simplifying solving problems. The advantages of multimedia have been already evaluated

in the mechanical engineering area too. The tasks of education with multimedia support are

solving at the DAPS some years. Several multimedia programs for the education support were

created in frame of researcher activities. The main areas of their utilization and application are


• CNC machines and their programming, and utilization of modern CAD/CAM systems,

• programming and application of industrial robots and manipulators,

• process plan creation for cutting technologies as well as for creation and formulation of

methodical proceeding at the activities in product preparation stage from this area.

Next the attention will be address to the first mentioned area. Created multimedia programs

are at the DAPS currently used as a support at teaching of courses: Programming of

production machines and robots, Automation of technological production I, II,.

Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh (kesimpulan)

Presented programs was created at the DAPS and are based on the requirements of teaching,

respectively practice. Creating, utilization and presentation of this support programs are the

main goals of the project KEGA – „E-learning and implementation of advanced information

technology in teaching of programming CNC Manufacturing Technology“. Solved problem

supports too a partial solution of EU Operational Programme – Education: “A Flexible and

Attractive Study on University of Žilina for Both Employment Market and Knowledge Society

Requirements”; Code ITMS 26110230005. Real integration of electronic materials into

individual units by focusing respectively curriculum subjects and their use in the complex

process of teaching is different. Some of the programs and electronic materials are already

applied in teaching, the inclusion of certain materials into teaching, however, still requires an

additional modification to the current conditions. This process also requires constant

updating. Mentioned educational support programs as new and unconventional tools in

teaching methods with their illustration and a certain degree of interactivity enables students

to understand better explained technical problems, and therefore better prepared students for

the practical implementation of knowledge acquired. Students receive very positive

presentation of such programs and are appropriate for them recovery lessons. These programs

bring to students and teachers, effective support in education of object from area of NC

machine programming, relative time-saving of education process – wider area for the students

practical tasks solving, improving of educational process and individual education aids at
theothers university workplaces in Slovak and Czech Republic.


Judul Artikel

Nama Jurnal, volume dan nomor, tahun

International Conference on E-Portfolio Process in Vocational Education- EPVET 2007

Nama-nama penulis

Mehmet Şahin*1, Nikolaos Bilalis2, Süleyman Yaldız1, Aristomenis Antoniadis3, Faruk Ünsaçar1,

Emmanuel Maravelakis3

Metode yang digunakan

Development of the Virtual Training Centre,

Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh (kesimpulan)

A new and common curriculum in CNC training in participating institutions will be developed.
In addition, a new training method, which is virtually served on the web and interactive
simulation software, a user manual for both trainers and trainees will be the other products.
Target groups will be trainers, trainees, technicians, apprentices and all enthusiasts about CNC.
The final and potential users of the project’s results will be the training organisations, the SMEs
dealing with metal products by CNC usage, and the universities, colleges, vocational schools,
training centres.
The results of the project will be used initially at the CNC training centres of the partners. This
will also enable target groups, target sectors and potential users to be aware of the results. This
valorisation is expected to be realised through the organisations for which they are members.
In the short term, trainers will have a tested common curriculum and training aid for immediate
use; trainees and apprentices will have an easy access to a virtual training centre; technicians will
be able to update their knowledge and find a source for immediate solutions to the problems
faced in their workplace; CNC enthusiasts will have a new material served on internet to satisfy
their curiosity.
As target sectors, educational institutions for CNC will have a common curriculum, training aid
and partnership; the manufacturers utilising CNC will have a training centre virtually created for
recruiting their programmers and operators.
As potential users, the training organisations, the SMEs, and the universities, colleges, vocational
schools, training centres will have an opportunity to modify their way of CNC training.
Vocational training systems and practices will be modified and updated according to proposed
In the long term, trainers will broaden their training ability by means of communication over
virtual training centre; trainees and apprentices will have better employment opportunities in
their countries and especially in other partnering countries; technicians will be a subject to life
long learning and e-learning as a member of modern society; CNC enthusiasts will be more
creative by contributing their creative feedbacks. Thus, the VTC for CNC will serve to LLP, too.
The final results of the project will be used at the first stage at the CNC training centres of the
partners. The simulations, practical exercises making it possible to apply what is learnt, and the
final product will be tested in short training courses. The feedbacks of the implementation at
these centres will be recorded and the training participants will evaluate the curriculum; this will
be undoubtedly one of the strengths and recommendations on both form and content, which will
be incorporated into the final version. Evaluation will cover content (topics, language used,
modules), methods (progress, different levels of difficulty, and range of resources, situations and
practical cases) and technology (ease of installation, interactive nature and use without a tutor).
Testing of the resource in self-instruction, workplace and training centre situations will be
important. The experiences and knowledge gained during the process of this project can be used
in developing and improving other training programmes in particular in the area of new
information technology applications in related sectors.

Judul Artikel
Industry 4.0 and digitalization call for vocational skills, applied industrial engineering, and less
for pure academics

Nama Jurnal, volume dan nomor, tahun

Presented at the 5th World Conference on Production and Operations Management P&OM,
September 6-10th , 2016, Havana International Conference Center, Havana, Cuba.

Nama-nama penulis
Erik Skov Madsen, Arne Bilberg, David Grube Hansen.

Metode yang digunakan

This study uses a case study method (Eisenhardt, 1989) and an action research approach
(Coughlan & Coghlan, 2008) by involving researchers in two cases. First, a literature study was
made. The literature study included a survey of the current academic literature and a number of
reports from companies and organizations where their focus was on how vocational and
academic education prepares employees to handle manufacturing technology challenges from the
fourth industrial revolution. Some of the literature was in German or originated in Germany
because this country is where the main discussion of the fourth industrial revolution is taking
The empirical base of the study involves two cases in organizations in Denmark, China, and
Germany. Case A presents a study of a Chinese production plant with up to 800 employees
where production facilities were at a generally low level of automation for manufacturing and
assembling an industrial product. Throughout a longitudinal study exceeding five years, more
than 400 employees were laid off due to the company’s outsourcing process where only
assembly was kept in-house. Production in Case A could be characterised as mass production;
workers performed repetitive tasks on production lines in cycle times of down to 10 seconds.
Case A’s production company had earlier taken place in Germany where the rate of automation
of manufacturing equipment was relatively high. However, because of marked changes and
because of expected cost savings, the plant was relocated to China. During this relocation, a de-
automation process was made from implementing new local Chinese manufacturing equipment
focused on manpower and less on automation. The Chinese company utilized a typical division
of labour where managers and engineers, through a Scientific Management approach (Taylor,
1911), planned all work for unskilled workers on the production lines through the introduction of
LEAN to eliminate waste. The authors will use the term Leanminus for this approach because it
did not involve blue collar workers. Maintenance of the manufacturing equipment in Case A was
carried out from a central maintenance department where almost all those employed had a BA
degree with an engineering background but lacked vocational skills in maintenance and engineer
Case B is a Danish company manufacturing an industrial product, with both semi-skilled
operators and a mixture of skilled people (former car mechanics, electricians, or bakers). Daily
maintenance and changeovers were handled by the operators themselves. However, in the cases
of more complex maintenance or breakdowns, skilled mechanics, production technicians, and
engineers were involved. The company had been working with LEAN and LEAN automation
(Kolberg & Zühlke, 2015) to involve operators in planning and operations. Employees had also
participated in the design and development of the hybrid LEAN production U cells concept
based on Chaku Chaku principles (Bilberg, 2005), in which the manufacturing process operator
transports an item from one work station to the next, operates, and sets up each machine from the
beginning to the end of the production. The order management system was reengineered in such
a way that the user interface to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system could be
completed by operators themselves on the shop floor through pull information systems; thus,
they make their own decisions of how to plan and to execute the production. In Case B,
scheduling was therefore performed by the team in the cell. The communication infrastructure
built into the revised ERP system was considered an operation management concept in a LEAN
hybrid context where ICT was collaborating with humans. The development of this LEAN
hybrid called for heavy involvement of all employees; the authors in this paper define it as
Leanplus. Thus, in Case B a number of complex decisions about production planning and control
were made by the operators within the production unit with support from the ICT/ERP systems
but without involvement from management.

Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh (kesimpulan)

Based on a literature study and on two case studies, this paper concludes that more vocational
skills and education will be needed to handle the more complex manufacturing facilities of the
future’s Industry 4.0.
The world seems to lack focus on vocational skills and vocational education. Scientific
Management (Taylor, 1911) and concepts from the second industrial revolution including LEAN
and LEANminus concepts still seem to be dominant within 9
manufacturing. However, the more complex technology of the future, to be seen in the fourth
industrial revolution, will call for even greater vocational skills and education; it will put
pressure on universities to supplement education of pure academics. In this paper we have used
the term LEANplus to denote the environment where employees collaborate in complex
manufacturing environments. Profound technological knowledge and skills will be required as
well as successful competencies in collaboration.
As a UK study stated, apprenticeship and higher vocational education can be a choice between “a
race to the bottom in skills and wages or a race for the top in the demanding 21st century
economy” (Burnett & Thrift, 2014). The future will call for more studies of how universities and
academics should focus more on practical, real world, concrete understanding and solutions to be
able to add knowledge of operations and maintenance of advanced, flexible, and complex
manufacturing systems within the fourth industrial revolution – Industry 4.0.

Judul Artikel
Design Principles for Industrie 4.0 Scenarios

Nama Jurnal, volume dan nomor, tahun

2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Nama-nama penulis
Mario Hermann, Tobias Pentek, Boris Otto.

Metode yang digunakan

The research aimed at identifying central aspects of Industrie 4.0 and deriving design principles,
which are accepted by both researchers and practitioners. The overall research design consisted
of four steps: first, the identification of relevant literature, second, a quantitative text analysis,
third, a qualitative literature review, and, fourth, a nominal group workshop. As the number of
publications on Industrie 4.0 has increased significantly [3], the automated approach of a
quantitative text analysis was applied to extract key words and phrases from a larger amount of
documents [23] [24]. However, an automated content analysis does not fully substitute reading
the analyzed documents [23]. Consequently, the authors combined the quantitative text analysis
with a qualitative approach [25] to benefit from the more inductive and exploratory character of
qualitative research methods as well [26].
Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh (kesimpulan)

The paper contributes to the ongoing discussion centering around Industrie 4.0 within both the
scientific and the practitioners’ community. By providing design principles of Industrie 4.0, the
paper creates a common understanding of the term, which is needed for a reasonable scientific
discussion on the topic. Furthermore, these principles support academics in identifying,
describing, and selecting Industrie 4.0 scenarios in the context of further investigations. The
paper’s practical contributions are twofold: First, the design principles help to clarify the basic
understanding of the term “Industrie 4.0” among practitioners. Second, these principles in
combination with the case study help to identify potential use cases and offer guidance during
implementation. Limitations of the paper result from its scope and research method. As the focus
is on German and English publications only, relevant contributions in other languages might be
left unnoticed. Researchers and practitioners are welcome to further test the accuracy and
usefulness of the design principles. Since “Industrie 4.0 is a phenomenon that will come
inevitably, whether we want it or not” [1], both academics and practitioners are invited to further
enhance the paper’s contribution in order to make the idea of Industrie 4.0 an integral part of
future manufacturing and production processes.

Judul Artikel
Development of an Interactive e-Learning System to Improve Manufacturing
Technology Education

Nama Jurnal, volume dan nomor, tahun

Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies

Nama-nama penulis
Min Jou, Han-Wei Zhang and Chia-Wan Lin

Metode yang digunakan

Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh (kesimpulan)

The developed Web-based machining education system is able to carry out part of the practice
through the virtual laboratory. This will advance teaching speed and the quality of practical
training in the machining shop. The developed Web-based learning system improves the safety
and efficiency of hands-on machining practice. Students can learn basic machining and
experience machining technology through the virtual laboratory before any real practice.

The developed Web-based learning system allows students to learn and practice the machining
techniques repeatedly, and much easier than with conventional teaching ways.

Judul Artikel



Nama Jurnal, volume dan nomor, tahun

Prosiding Seminar Nasional “Meneguhkan Peran Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada

Masyarakat dalam Memuliakan Martabat Manusia”

Nama-nama penulis
Bambang Setiyo Hari Purwoko

Metode yang digunakan

Research and Development

Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh (kesimpulan)

1. Produk hasil rekayasa yang dirancang sebagai media pembelajaran pemrograman NC

memiliki sistem mekanik dengan ketelitian gerak cukup baik, mampu memberi respon

dalam bentuk gerak sesuai masukan yang diberikan. Produk dapat

mendemonstrasikan fungsi operasional suatu mesin bubut CNC, baik fungsi manual

dapat melaksanakan fungsi sebagai tombol penggerak pahat secara manual dengan

baik. Menggerakkan pahat dilakukan dengan menekan tombol-tombol yang

bersangkutan. Apabila fungsi CNC diaktifkan, tombol-tombol pada papan ketik

(keypad) dapat melaksanakan fungsi sebagai tombol penulisan program NC dengan

baik. Fungsi CNC dapat melakukan fungsi ekskusi program NC dengan baik. Proses

ekskusi pembacaan program terutama dalam hal fungsi pembubutan dengan gerak

lurus dan interpolasi (G01), pembubutan dengan gerak interpolasi radius (G02/G03),

dan fungsi pembubutan dengan gerakan siklus (G84). Fungsi gerakan pahat tersebut

dilakukan tanpa maupun dengan beban pembubutan, dengan penyimpangan 0,10mm

untuk gerak sepanjang 12mm. Hasil pengujian ini menunjukkan bahwa Prototype CNC

Turning mampu menjadi substitusi mesin CNC meskipun belum mencakup semua

fungsi mesin.

2. Produk Prototype CNC Turning hasil rekayasa layak menjadi substitusi (menggantikan

fungsi) mesin bubut CNC sebagai alat/media/sumber pembelajaran pemrograman NC,

terutama alat untuk menyimulasikan dan mendemonstrasikan fungsi bekerjanya mesin

bubut CNC seperti;

a) proses penulisan dan perbaikan program NC (program editing) pada mesin,

b) proses ekskusi (running) program NC dalam bentuk grafik lintasan pahat,
c) proses dan teknik penempatan pahat pada posisi awal jalan (setting tool), dan
d) proses ekskusi jalannya pembacaan program NC dalam bentuk proses
pembubutan benda kerja. Beberapa hal memang masih harus ditingkatkan,
terutama dari segi respon gerak. Respon gerak terkait dengan kelonggaran antar-
komponen penggerak yang masih perlu untuk dilakukan perubahan rancangan,
penyetelan dan perakitan kembali komponen.


Judul Artikel



Nama Jurnal, volume dan nomor, tahun


Nama-nama penulis

Metode yang digunakan

design and development research

Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh (kesimpulan)

Berdasarkan deskripsi data, dan analisis data yang dijabarkan pada Bab IV, maka dikemukakan

1. Modul pembelajaran teknik pemesinan CNC memiliki karakteristik: dapat digunakan

sebagai bahan ajar mandiri maupun kelompok, terdiri dari 5 materi yang diurutkan sesuai
dengan pengoperasian mesin CNC, pada setiap materi diakhiri dengan soal latihan dan
tugas sesuai dengan tujuan masing-masing materi.

2. Sarana pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran CNC di

laboratorium teknik pemesinan CNC adalah sarana utama 1 buah mesin CNC, dan 10
buah komputer yang berisi perangkat simulator lunak mesin CNC. Sebagai pendukung
pembelajaran di laboratorium dilengkapi dengan buku referensi, buku manual mesin, job
sheet, dan media pembelajaran berupa arsip video visualisasi materi modul pembelajaran.

3. Instrumen evaluasi yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran pemesinan CNC adalah berupa
soal latihan dan tugas tertulis dan praktik yang disatukan dengan modul pembelajaran,
sesuai dengan tujuan tiap materi pada modul yang dipelajari.

4. Modul dan pembelajaran yang dikembangkan fisibel dari segi waktu dan sarana, bisa
diterapkan di SMK subyek coba dengan dalam waktu 10 kali pertemuan, dengan satu kali
pertemuan 4 jam pelajaran.
5. Modul dan pembelajaran hasil pengembangan efektif dalam membentuk kompetensi
siswa sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi. Tiga buah standar
kompetensi serta KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) bisa dicapai oleh siswa setelah
menerapkan modul dan pembelajaran hasil pengembangan.

Judul Artikel


Nama Jurnal, volume dan nomor, tahun

International Journal of Management Technology Vol.4, No 2, pp. 1-12, October 2017

Nama-nama penulis
Huynh Van Thai and M. A Le Thi Kim Anh
Metode yang digunakan

Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh (kesimpulan)

The study results showed that there were 150 managers of higher education organizations in
Vietnam who interviewed and answered about 13 questions but 146 managers processed, lack
of 4 samples. Data collected from March 2016 to March 2017 for higher education
organization in Vietnam. The paper had been analyzed KMO test, Cronbach's Alpha and the
result of KMO analysis which used for multiple regression analysis. Managers’ responses
measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale (Conventions: 1:
Completely disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Normal; 4: Agree; 5: completely agree). Hard copy and
online questionnaire distributed among 1.000 managers of higher education organizations in
Vietnam. In addition, the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) results showed that there were
three factors, which included of factors following human resource quality (X1), macro
environment change (X2), technology capabilities (X3) that affecting the higher education
organizations’ operation in Vietnam with significance level 5 percent. The researcher had
policies continued to improve the effectiveness of the higher education organizations’
operation in Vietnam following. The 4.0 Industrial Revolution is a combination of the
achievements of the previous three industrial revolutions in the digital world. People can easily
get information and learn the way they want. This revolution will change the workforce in the


Judul Artikel
Nama Jurnal, volume dan nomor, tahun
E-Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Volume 2, Nomor 3, Tahun 2014 182
Nama-nama penulis
Imron Arbani
Metode yang digunakan

Research and Development (R&D).

Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh (kesimpulan)

1. Modul CNC TU 3A layak digunakan untuk media pembelajaran dengan rata-rata penilaian
kelayakan oleh ahli materi, ahli media, guru dan siswa berturut-turut adalah 4,00; 4,24; 4,05
dan 4,03.
2. Penggunaan modul berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan nilai gain
sebesar 0,50 yang masuk dalam kategori peningkatan “Sedang”.

(Hermann, Pentek, & Otto, 2016; Jou, Zhang, & Lin, 2005; Kisworo, 2007; Madsen, Bilberg, &
Hansen, 2016; Nasional, Setiyo, & Purwoko, n.d.; Programmning, 2011; Şahin et al., 2007;
Seminar, Pendidikan, Pascasarjana, & Pgri, 2019; Van Thai & Le Thi Kim Anh, 2017; Xi, n.d.)

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