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In the Move phase roll on the chart below. If Priority is drawn roll on the second chart too.

Models enter from random board edge. Most models in 6" of centre wins. Game ends from turn 10 on 1 or 2.
1 2 3 4 5 6

Orc Captain with shield 2 Giant Spiders

4 Warg Riders with shields or
1 3 Uruk-hai Warriors, shields 2 Mordor Orcs with shield Black Numenorian Marshall with throwing weapons. 3 Moria Goblins with shield Wild Warg Chieftain
9 Wildmen of Dunland 2 Mordor Orcs with spears armoured hose and lance 2 Moria Goblins with spears
6 Orc Trackers
1 Modor Orc THW 2 Moria Goblins with bows

1 Mahud Raider, war spear

Ringwraith on horse. 1 Half Troll 3 Uruk-hai Souts Easterling Dragon Knight on 2 Mirkwood Spiders
2 3 Uruk-hai Scouts with shields 3 Half Trolls
1 Might, 7 Will, 1 Fate 2 Mahud Warriors, shield armoured horse 4 Fell Wargs
2 Mahud Warriors, blowpipe 3 Uruk-hai Scouts with bows

5 Moria Goblins with shields 2 Dead Marsh Spectres

3 Hasharin 5 Moria Goblins with spears 6 Black Guard of Barad-dur 4 Warg Riders with shields or Cave Troll with hammer
5 Moria Goblins with bows throwing spears 10 Goblin Town Warriors

3 Corsairs of Umbar, shield

1 Khandish Chariot Castellan of Dol Guldur
Ogre 3 Corsairs of Umbar, spear 4 Harad Raiders, wawr spears
4 2 Gundabad Warriors, shileds 1 Khandish Horseman 2 Corsiars of Umbar, bows 2 Gundabad Warriors, shields 2 Harad Raiders, bows 5 Gundabad Berserkers
4 Khand Warriors 2 Gundabad Warriors, spears
1 Corsairs Arbalester

2 Abrakhan Guard 2 Uruk-hai Berserkers 4 Orc Warriors, shields

9 Mornanon Orcs with shield or Narzug 2 Watchers of Kharna 2 Uruk-hai Warriors, shields 4 Orc Warriors, spears
5 Dweller in the Dark
spear 3 Hunter Orcs, bows 4 Harad Warriors, spears 1 Uruk-hai Warrior, pike 2 Orc Warriors, thw
2 Harad Warriors, bows 1 Uruk-hai Warrior, crossbow 2 Orc Warriors, bows

6 Choose from above Choose from above Choose from above Choose from above Choose from above Choose from above

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Priority 5 Priority 6

Shelob Fimbul the Hunter on fell warg Amdur on armoured horse

1 Great Beast of Gorgoth Watcher in the Water Sauron the Necromancer
3 Mordor Orcs, shields 5 Hunter Orcs on fell wargs 3 Kataphracts, shields

Lurtz Gorbag, shield Buhrdur Mumakil with 7 Wounds

2 Mordor Troll Chieftain Bolg
2 Uruk-hai Scouts, shields Shagrat, heavy armour, shield Shade 2 Harad with bows in Howdah

Witch-King of Angmar with Crown Gundabad Troll

Suladan the Serpent Lord with Mahur Saruman on horse
3 armoured horse Vrashku of Murgul and flail. 3 Gundabad Warriors, shileds Grima Wormtongue Balrog with 6 Wounds
3 Might, 17 Will, 3 Fate 3 Gundabad Warriors, spears

The Dark Lord Sauron without The
4 Mordor Troll The Golden King of Harad Gundabad Troll The Goblin King Grishnakh, shield One Ring and with only 1 Will point
2 Orc Warriors, shields 12 Goblin Town Goblins 5 Uruk Scouts, shields
7 Mordor Orcs, shields

MordorTroll with drum

Uruk-hai Demolition Team Ringwraith on fellbeast. 3 Ringwraiths on horses. Mordor Orc with banner
5 1 Uruk-hai Berserker Bill the Troll Azog with heavy armour
2 Might, 10 Will, 2 Fate 1 Might, 8 Will, 0 Fate. 6 Moranon Orcs, one equip
2 Uruk-hai Warriors
8 Mordor Orcs, one equip
Smaug for five turns.
Troll Brute Mahud King, shield Gothmog with warg and shield May enter the battlefield
6 Khandish King on chariot 2 Half Trolls Gulavhar
1 Gundabad Warrior, shield Gothmog's Enforcer anywhere on the board but may
6 Mahud Warriors, shields not charge on first turn.
In the Move phase roll on the chart below. If Priority is drawn roll on the second chart too. Models enter from random board edge. Most models in 6" of centre wins. Game ends from turn 10 on 1 or 2.
1 2 3 4 5 6

Damrod 3 Riders of Rohan

1 Gamling 4 Gondor Rangers Arathorn 2 Riders of Rohan with throwing Haldir, elven bow 4 Knights of Dol Amroth, armoured
2 Royal Guard horse & lance
2 Gondor Rangers, spears spears

Farmer Maggot 2 Vault Warden Teams Beregond 1 Mirkwood Ranger

2 4 Hobbit Militia 7 Fountain Court, shields 3 Citedel Guard 7 High Elves, elven bows 4 Mirkwood Elves, shields
4 Dwarf Warriors, shields
3 Hobbit Archers 2 Citedel Guard, long bows 4 Mirkwood Elves, glaives

4 Lake-town Guard, 2 spears

Captain of Minias Tirith, shield 1 Lake-town Guard, bows
3 Dori, Champion of Erebor Theoden on horse 3 Rangers of the North 7 Khazad Guard
3 Minias Tirith, shields 6 Lake-town Militia, 3 spears
2 Lake-town Militia, bows

3 Numenor Warriors, shields Grimbold 2 Iron Hills Goat Riders 4 Knights of Dol Amroth
Dwarf King with two-handed Eowyn, armour, shield
4 weapon 3 Numenor, spear & shield 2 Rohan Warriors, throwing speras 2 Iron Hills, spears 2 Clansmen of Lamedon 4 Rohan Warriors, shields
2 Numenor Warriors, bows & shields 1 Iron Hills, crossbow 2 Axemen of Lassarnach

1 Rivendell Knight, shield

3 Warriors of the Dead, shield 5 Minas Tirith; shield 2 High Elves, spear & shield Paladin Took
5 5 Hobbit Shirrifs Forlong the Fat 7 Grimhammers
2 Warriors of the Dead, spear 4 Minas Tirith; spear, shield 2 High Elves
5 Hobbit Archers
1 High Elf, elven bow

6 Choose from above Choose from above Choose from above Choose from above Choose from above Choose from above

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Priority 5 Priority 6

Boromir of Gondor, shield Bifur Faramir, bow Gil-Galad Gwaihir

1 Merry Bofur Durin Madril
3 High Elves, spear and shield 1 Great Eagle
Pippin Bombur 4 Rangers of Gondor

Ori, Champion of Erebor

Prince Imrahil on armoured horse
2 Thorin, King Under the Mountain Galadriel, Lady of Light Elendil Nori, Champion of Erebor King Aragorn on armoured horse
with lance
Dori, Champion of Erebor

Thranduril on elk with heavy

1 Ent Treebeard
3 Eomer, horse, shield 1 Wood Elf, elven bow Aragorn, armour & bow Gandalf the Grey, horse 1 Wood Elf, elven bow armour and two swords
Tauriel, elven bow

King of the Dead

4 1 Great Eagle Thror Glorfindel Dwalin, Champion of Erebor Legolas, armour 3 Riders of the Dead
1 Wood Elf, elven bow 1 Grimhammer 2 Wood Elves Balin, Champion of Erebor Giimli 3 Warriors of the Dead, shields
2 Warriors of the Dead, spears

Fili Denethor
Kili Bard Knight of the White Tower Elladan & Elrohir with heavy
5 5 Rivendell Knights; shields 4 Lake-town Militia with spear, Elrond, heavy armour armour on horses
2 Dwarf Rangers, thw Cirion
shield or bow Arwen, Asfaloth
2 Dwarf Rangers, throwing 6 Minas Tirith, shields
Girion, great bow
Oin 3 Dale Warriors, shields
6 Isildur without the Ring Dain Ironfoot, war boar Beorn Gandalf the White on Shadowfax
Gloin 4 Dale Warriors, spear & shield
3 Dale Warriors, Esgaroth bow

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