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Registration number:

Assignment: 4

Class: BBA-6

Course: Operations Management

Submission on: April 29, 2020

Submit to: Dr. Muhammad Shafiq

There are two narrations in the book. One is Ella, a house wife living in 21 st century. She works
for a literary company and was assigned to read a book called “Sweet Blasphemy”.

The second narration is the book that Ella is reading. Sweet Blasphemy is about Shams Tabriz, a
dervish who lived his entire life search for Allah SWT. He travelled across the world and gain
knowledge and wisdom like no other. He is looking for a student that can absorb that knowledge
that he is carrying in himself. Rumi on the other hand is looking for a mentor. When they both
met they realized they were looking for each other all along. This is probably what inspired the
famous quote of Rumi:

“what you seek is seeking you”~Rumi

Rumi in the friendship of Shams Tabriz changes in ways no one could have thought of. As it is
one of the rule of love that love will change you and you must be willing to change. Shams
Tabriz lived all his life in finding the people in need and helping them. However the blunt ways
of Shams Tabriz are not tolerated by the elites of society well and everyone starts to hate Shams
Tabriz, Rumi and his family. Neither Shams Tabriz nor Rumi anymore cared much about
people’s opinion. Rumi was so in love with Shams he would do anything he was told without
caring about the consequences. This was the reason a man who was once critical about his
respect in the society and his reputation, was know eager to lose everything for the sake of

The first narration is weak part of the book but the second is just brilliant. It’s so captivating that
once someone starts reading there is no going back. Then there is the different perspective from
which the story is narrated; Shams, Rumi, beggar, prostitute and Rumi’s family. This gives the
reader that overall picture of what each character is thinking. The Shams forty rules are by
themselves very influential. One of the rule of love was that for love to enter the heart the fear
must depart. This is what happen to rumi that he becomes so loving. Rumi was asked to fetch
wine for the pub. Shams told him to stay there and interact with people before getting the wine
and walking home. No matter how difficult that was for a well know religious scholar to act on it
rumi went for it without even giving it second thought. He never drank the wine it was a test of
his devotion. He succeeded and now the fear of the society vanished from his heart and he
become a true lover.
The love in this story is for the creator Allah S.W.T; however the prerequisite to finding the true
affection of Allah S.W.T is to serve the people. Both Shams and Rumi were now living to help
others around them. Mualana Rumi who wouldn’t have ever thought about meeting some
prostitute in his life but now such women was seeking shelter in his very house.

While reading the book I fell in love with it and as Shams says in the book that loving you
change you it did change me. I feel more determined than ever before to find the true love for my
creator. The least to say is that this book is a self help book. It’s so much more than that. The
book promotes a simple message that fill your heart with love and stop the hate from the inside.

When Shams vanished, it broke maulana Rumi. He was depressed and lost. But one only finds a
way when he is lost. Losing the love of his life made him a poet that we know today. This is
probably the reason he said these historic words:

“You have to keep breaking you heart until it


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