Mixed Reception - Final Case Report - Mandia

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Mixed Reception - Final Case Report

Report prepared by: Alfredo S. Mandia III            Class/Period Time: General Biology

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[Part 1 - Evidence]

1. An unknown substance was present in Nelson's blood. What is this substance and
how did it get into his blood?

The substance that was found in Nelson's blood was an anti-

venom that had a comparable composition than that of Nelson's
allergy drug.

2. What is the molar mass (molecular weight) of the allergy drug?  

167.16 g/mol.

3. What is the molar mass (molecular weight) of the anti-venom?  

598.66 g/mol.

4. The molar mass (molecular weight) of the unknown substance in Nelson's blood is
765.82. What is this substance?

The substance that had the molar mass of 765.82, according to

all the evidence gathered is the Spider Anti-Venom or Anti-toxin.

5. The coroner's report indicates that Nelson died from an allergic reaction, yet he was
taking a drug for this. Can you explain why he would still die from peanuts?

The reaction of another substance otherwise known as the anti-

toxin from the spider and the allergen has reacted causing fatal
anaphylaxis which lead to Nelson's death.

6. Did Nelson take his medication that day? Was the correct concentration of
medication present in his blood?

Yes because the prescription bottle was seen, which is

considered evidence and this was what was written, "Allegren 30
mg, taken by Nelson to suppress allergic reacting to a protein
found in peanuts." which puts to show that it was enough to
counter the allergic reaction for that time being.
7. You found an abstract on Sam's desk. Is this evidence relevant to your solution? Why
or why not?

Yes it was really relevant for it was a file/document that

presented a substance known as the Compound C and/or the
Anti-toxin and has laid out how it works when used.

8. There were pills found in Joanna's office. Is this evidence relevant to your solution?
Why or why not?

The evidence was relevant to the solution for the pills were
similar as the one taken by Nelson, it had similarities with it.

9. Are Joanna's emails important evidence in support of your solution?

The information found in the email did not give out any use for it
wasn't related and had not provided function for the

10. Was any of the food or drink left at the crime-scene important evidence for your
case? Why or why not?

Yes, the peanut related consumable at the crime-scene proved

to be of use as an evidence for it was linked with the other

[Part 2 - Conclusions]

1. Who did it?

According to the gathered data from the simulation, it was Sam

Mellon who did it.

2. Why did they do it?

Sam Mellon has committed it due to him being envious of Nelson

for receiving all the credit.

3. How did they do it?

They did it because Sam Mellon knew the effects of both the
anti-toxin and the peanut allergy pills or medication.

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