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Prestressed Concrete Structures Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof.

Devdas Menon

3.5 Analysis of Members under Flexure (Part IV)

This section covers the following topics.
• Analysis of a Flanged Section

3.5.1 Analysis of a Flanged Section

A beam can have flanges for flexural efficiency. There can be several types of flanged
1) A precast or cast-in-place flanged section, with flanges either at top or bottom or
at both top and bottom.
2) A composite flanged section is made of precast web and cast-in-place slab.
The following figures show different types of flanged sections.

T-section Double T-section

Single box section Double box section

L-section Inverted T-section I-girder

Figure 3-5.1 Examples of precast flanged sections

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon


Box section Composite beam-slab T-section

Figure 3-5.2 Examples of composite flanged sections

The analysis of a flanged section for ultimate strength is different from a rectangular
section when the flange is in compression. If the depth of the neutral axis from the edge
under compression is greater than the depth of the flange, then the section is treated as
a flanged section. In the following figure, the first strain profile shows that the depth of
the neutral axis (xu) is greater than the depth of the flange (Df). The section is treated
as a flanged section.

The second strain profile shows that xu is less than Df. In this situation, the section can
be treated as a rectangular section.

Df xu

Cross-section Strain profile Strain profile
(xu > Df) (xu < Df)
Figure 3-5.3 Two possibilities of strain profile in a flanged section

The effective width or breadth of the flange (bf) is determined from the span of the beam,
breadth of the web (bw) and depth of the flange (Df) as per Clause 23.1.2, IS:456 - 2000.

Analysis of a Flanged Section

The following sketch shows the beam cross-section, strain profile, stress diagram and
force couples at the ultimate state. The following conditions are considered.
1) xu > Df : This requires an analysis for a flanged section.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

2) Df ≤ (3/7) xu: This ensures that the compressive stress is constant at 0.447fck
along the depth of the flange.

bf 0.0035 0.447fck 0.5Df

Df 0.42xu Cuf
xu Cuw +
Tuw Tuf
bw εpu
Cross-section Strain Stress Force
Figure 3-5.4 Sketches for analysis of a flanged section

The variables in the above figure are explained.

bf = breadth of the flange
bw = breadth of the web
Df = depth of the flange
d = depth of the centroid of prestressing steel (CGS)
Ap = area of the prestressing steel
∆εp = strain difference in the prestressing steel when strain in concrete is zero
xu = depth of the neutral axis at ultimate
εpu = strain in prestressing steel at the level of CGS at ultimate
fpu = stress in prestressing steel at ultimate

The strain difference (∆εp) is further explained in Section 3.4, Analysis of Member under
Flexure (Part III).

In the sketch, the tensile force is decomposed into two components. The first
component (Tuw) balances the compressive force carried by the web, including the
portion of the flange above web (Cuw). Thus Tuw= Cuw. The second component (Tuf)
balances the compressive force carried by the outstanding portion of the flange (Cuf).
Thus Tuf = Cuf.

The stress block in concrete is derived from the constitutive relationship for concrete.
The relationship is explained in Section 1.6, Concrete (Part II). The compressive force
in concrete can be calculated by integrating the stress block along the depth. The

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

stress in the tendon is calculated from the constitutive relationship for prestressing steel.
The relationship is explained in Section 1.7, Prestressing Steel.

The expressions of the forces are as follows.

Cuw = 0.36fck xu bw (3-5.1)
Cuf = 0.447fck (bf - bw )Df (3-5.2)
Tuw = Apw fpu (3-5.3)
Tuf = Apf fpu (3-5.4)

The strengths of the materials are denoted by the following symbols.

Apf = part of Ap that balances compression in the outstanding flanges
Apw = part of Ap that balances compression in the web
fck = characteristic compressive strength of concrete
fpk = characteristic tensile strength of prestressing steel
Based on the principles of mechanics (as explained under the Analysis of a Rectangular
Section in Section 3.4, Analysis of Member Under Flexure (Part III)), the following
equations are derived.

1) Equations of equilibrium
The first equation states that the resultant axial force is zero. This means that the
compression and the tension in the force couple balance each other.

∑F = 0
⇒Tu = Cu
⇒ Tuw +Tuf = Cuw + Cuf
⇒ ( Apw + Apf ) fpu = 0.36 fck xu bw + 0.447 fck ( bf - bw ) Df (3-5.5)

The second equation relates the ultimate moment capacity (MuR) with the internal
couple in the force diagram.

MuR = Tuw ( d - 0.42 xu ) +Tuf ( d - 0.5Df )

= Apw fpu ( d - 0.42 xu ) + Apf fpu ( d - 0.5Df ) (3-5.6)

From Tuf = Cuf and Eqns. (3-5.2) and (3-5.4), Apf is given as follows. The calculation of
Apw from Ap and Apf is also shown.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

0.447fck ( bf - bw ) Df (3-5.7)
Apf =
Apw = Ap - Apf (3-5.8)

2) Equation of compatibility
The depth of the neutral axis is related to the depth of CGS by the similarity of the
triangles in the strain diagram.

xu 0.0035 (3-5.9)
d 0.0035 + εpu - ∆εp

3) Constitutive relationships
a) Concrete
The constitutive relationship for concrete is considered in the expressions of Cuw and
Cuf. This is based on the area under the design stress-strain curve for concrete under

b) Prestressing steel
fpu = F ( ε pu ) (3-5.10)
The function F(εpu) represents the design stress-strain curve for the type of prestressing
steel used.

The known variables in an analysis are: bf, bw, Df, d, Ap, ∆εp, fck and fpk.
The unknown quantities are: Apf, Apw, MuR, xu, εpu and fpu.

The objective of the analysis is to find out MuR , the ultimate moment capacity. The
simultaneous equations 3-5.1 to 3-5.10 can be solved iteratively.

The steps of the strain compatibility method are as follows.

1) Assume xu = Df.
2) The calculations are similar to a rectangular section, with b = bf.
3) If Tu > Cu, increase xu. Treat the section as a flanged section.
4) Calculate εpu from Eqn. (3-5.9).
5) Calculate fpu from Eqn. (3-5.10).
6) Calculate Apf and Apw from Eqn. (3-5.7) and Eqn. (3-5.8), respectively.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

7) Calculate Cuw, Cuf, Tuw and Tuf from Eqns. (3-5.1) to (3-5.4). If Eqn. (3-5.5)
(Tu = Cu) is not satisfied, iterate with a new value of xu, till convergence.
8) Calculate MuR from Eqn. (3-5.6).

The capacity MuR can be compared with the demand under ultimate loads.
In the strain compatibility method, the difficult step is to calculate xu and fpu. Similar to
the rectangular section, an approximate analysis can be done based on Table 11 and
Table 12, Appendix B, IS:1343-1980. The tables are reproduced in Table 3-4.1 and
Table 3-4.2, respectively, in Section 3.4, Analysis of Member under Flexure (Part III).

The values of xu and fpu are available in terms of a reinforcement index ωpw.
A f (3-5.11)
ωpw = pw pk
bw dfck

Note that the index is calculated based on Apw instead of Ap. The calculation of Apw is
from Eqn. (3-5.8). But Apf depends on fpu, which is unknown. Hence, an iterative
procedure is required.

The steps are as follows.

1) Assume fpu = 0.87fpk.
2) Calculate Apf and Apw from Eqn. (3-5.7) and Eqn. (3-5.8), respectively.
3) Calculate ωpw.
4) Calculate fpu from Table 11 or Table 12.
Compare the calculated value of fpu with the assumed value. Repeat steps 1 to 4 till
5) Calculate MuR.

If Df > (3/7) xu, the flange depth is larger than the depth of constant compressive stress.
An equivalent depth of the flange is defined as follows.
yf = 0.15xu + 0.65Df (3-5.12)

The equivalent depth yf is substituted for Df in the expression of MuR.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

Example 3-5.1

A bonded post-tensioned concrete beam has a flanged cross-section as shown.

It is prestressed with tendons of area 1750 mm2 and effective prestress of 1100
N/mm2. The tensile strength of the tendon is 1860 N/mm2. The grade of concrete
is M60.

Estimate the ultimate flexural strength of the member by the approximate method
of IS:1343 - 1980.




175 115
Values are in mm.

Cross-section at mid-span


Effective depth d = 900 – 115

= 785 mm
Assume xu = Df = 175 mm. Treat as a rectangular section, with b = bf = 460 mm.

Reinforcement index

AP fPk
ωP =
1750 ×1860
460× 785 × 60
= 0.15

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

Tu = Apfpu
= 1750 × 1618
= 2831.5 kN

Cu = 0.36fckxubf
= 0.36 × 60 × 175 × 460
= 1738.8 kN

Tu > Cu. Hence xu > Df

⇒ Treat as a flanged section

Assume fpu = 0.87fpk

= 1618 N/mm2

Calculate Apf and Apw

0.447fck (bf - bw )Df
Apf =
0.447× 60 ×(460 -140)×175
= 934 mm

Apw = 1750 - 934

= 816 mm2

Reinforcement index
Apw fpk
ωpw =
bw dfck
140× 785× 60
= 0.23
From Table 11,
= 0.92
fpu = 0.92×0.87 ×1860
= 1489 N/mm2

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

2nd iteration
fpu = 1489 N/mm2

Calculate Apf and Apw

0.447 × 60 ×(460 - 140)×175
Apf =
= 1015 mm

Apw = 1750 -1015

= 735 mm2

Reinforcement index
735 ×1860
ωpw =
140× 785 × 60
= 0.21

From Table 11,

= 0.94
fpu = 0.94 × 0.87 ×1860
= 1521N/mm2

3rd iteration
fpu = 1521N/mm2

Calculate Apf and Apw

0.447 × 60 ×(460 - 140)×175
Apf =
= 994 mm

Apw = 1750 - 994

= 756 mm2

Reinforcement index
756 ×1860
ωpw =
140× 785 × 60
= 0.21

The value of wpw is same as after 2nd iteration. Hence, the values of fpu, Apf and Apw
have converged.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Prestressed Concrete Structures Dr. Amlan K Sengupta and Prof. Devdas Menon

Ultimate flexural strength

MuR = Tuw ( d - 0.42 xu ) + Tuf ( d - 0.5Df )

Tuw (d - 0.42 xu ) = Apw fpu (d - 0.42 xu )

= 756×1521×(785 - 0.42×337)
= 739.9 kNm

Tuf (d - 0.5Df ) = Apf fpu (d - 0.5Df )

= 994×1521×(785 - 0.5×175)
= 1054.5 kNm

The ultimate flexural strength is given as follows.

MuR = 1054.5 + 739.9

= 1794.4 kNm

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

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