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These instruments developed by regards theory that Pedagogical

competences is the ability and will to regularly apply the attitude, the

knowledge, and the skills that promote the learning of the teacher’s

students in the best way. Ryegård (2010:30), stated that pedagogical

competences represent “the ability and will regularly apply to the attitude, the

knowledge, and the skills that promote the learning of the teacher’s students in the

best way”. According to current approaches, it can be concluded that pedagogical

competence divide into three component:

a. Attitudinal competence (values)

Having an attitude is important thing that should have by the teacher.

Attitudinal competence means that the teacher having fundamental

pedagogical in teaching performance as well as the role of responsibilities

of their students what it help show to promote student learning best. As


1. Guide the students activities during the teaching process

2. Create fun classroom

3. Delivering the lesson

4. Organize the goal of the lesson every single meeting

b. Cognitive competence (knowledge and understanding)

As a basis for pedagogical competence the teacher needs knowledge

within the four areas. Those are:

1. Mastering specific subject regarding the subject matter content

2. knowledge to choose the appropriate lesson as well as teaching


3. Organize the sequences of the course.

4. Monitoring how the student learn.

c. Behavioral competence (ability and strategies)

Applying knowledge in the areas means that demonstrating different types

of ability.

1. the ability to plan and organize the activity

2. the ability to structure and present various types of material subject


3. the ability to adapt teaching using technology or other interactional

Nama sekolah
Nama guru
Mata pelajaran

No Administrasi Guru Tidak Ada Ada

3 Daftar Nilai
4 Silabus

Indicator Aspek SB B C K SK
Pembukaan 1. Greetings

2. Presented overview of lesson

3. Presented material at an appropriate

level for students.
5. Provided related today’s lesson to
previous/future lessons

1. Presented material appropriate to the

Inti purpose of the course
2. Explained the lesson points with clarity
3. Used good examples to clarify points.

4. Used instructional tool or technology in

6. Actively encouraged student questions.

8. Asked questions to monitor student

10. Demonstrates respect for diversity and
requires similar respect in classroom
1. Do assessment to monitor students
Penutup achievement
2. Kemampuan Guru memberikan
motivasi kepada siswa
3. Kemampuan Guru melakukan evaluasi
dan refleksi terhadap kegiatan siswa
selama pembelajaran
4. Kemampuan guru dalam
menyimpulkan terkait dengan materi
yang sudah dipelajari
5. Kemampuan Guru memberikan tugas
pengayaan tindak lanjut (pr)
6. Closing



Validasi instrument penelitian


1. Judul penelitian:
a. Analysis of Pedagogical competence of English
teacher in Primary school in Bandar Lampung

2. Focus penelitian
 How is pedagogical competence of ET in Primary school in
Bandar Lampung?

3. Theory:

Accordingly, Indonesian government policy and regulation defined

teachers’ pedagogical competence as the understanding of basic

education, students, curriculum development, lesson plans,

dialogical teaching and learning process, learning evaluation, and

student’s potential developments.

According Mulyasa (2007) that, pedagogical competence is

the ability to manage the learning of learners includes an

understanding of learners, instructional design and

implementation, evaluation of learning outcomes, and the

development of learners to actualize their potential. Thus,

from the clarification above it can conclude that Pedagogical

competence is a specific competency, which accomplishes

teachers’ competence regarding to their ability to recognize

the characteristics of students in various aspects including;

1. Mastering the theory of learning

2. how they are understanding the students

3. Developing curriculum and syllabus

4. designing the learning process (run classes)

5. Evaluate the result of teaching process

6. Developing students’ potential.

N Category Sub Number of item

o category
1 Mastering Expert to the 1. I understand well

the subject field the materials that

knowledge (Foreign will teach

language 2. I integrate various

learning) skill in teaching

English in Primary


3. I invite the students

to replicate what

already said

4. I answer the

student’s questions

with simple and

easy way to

understand the


`2 Understandi Able to 1. I always used

ng the knowing the English when

students character of talking with the

the students, students in

able to primary school

understandin 2. I mix English-

g the Indonesian when

intelligence talking with the

development students in

of the primary school

students, 3. I used mother

able to the tongue when I

physical give hard

mental of instruction to the

students. students

4. I listened

carefully to



5. I followed the

development of

students world in

ordering easier


material to

students in
primary school

6. I like to interact

with students.

7. I Responded

appropriately to


3 Developing Able to 1. I create lesson

the determine plan before

curriculum the lesson teaching in the

based on the classroom

curriculum 2. I Presented

and material at an

appropriate appropriate level

level for for students

young 3. I want to create

learners. one methodology

4. I looking for the

additional materials

by my self
5. I provided lesson

plan before


6. I give the task of

teaching English in

primary school

appropriate to

syllabus that

already set

4 Designing Able to

the learning design the 1. I use hand books

process materials to teaching

creatively, English in

able in using primary school

technology 2. I find a method to

as a tool in teach the

learning students in

process, able primary school

to choose 3.
the 4. I use

strategies instructional tool

method are to teach the

appropriate student

for young 5. I use video in

learners, teaching process

able to 6. I use some game

manage the to teaching

classroom English in

and able to primary school

manage the

time of

lesson plan.
5 Organize Able to give

the a test and do 1. Saya

evaluation evaluation of mengevalusai

the result hasil

during pembelajaran

learning siswa

process 2. Saya
regularly. memberikan


terhadap siswa

ketrika diberikan


3. Saya merefleksi

diri sendiri ketika



(I have enough

ability in English

and must be

continued to

grow )

4. I Always

evaluate the goal

of the course
6 Developing Able to

the students develop, 1. I looking for

potential guidance, English

and directing competition for

students’ the students

potential 2. saya

whether it is menyampaikan

in academic materi dengan

(subject melibatkan siswa

competition) bermain peran

or non- 3. saya

academic memberikan lagu

potential bahasa inggris

(extracurricul untuk siswa

ar, hob bies hafalkan

and interest) 4. I give additional

task after

teaching learning


No Category
1 Strongly agree

2 Agree

4 Disagree

5 Strongly disagree

Questioneare sheet

N Statement S A D S
o A A D
1 I understand well the materials that
will teach
2 I integrate all skills in teaching English
in Primary school
3 I invite the students to repeat what
already said

4 I answer the student’s questions with

simple and easy way to understand
the answer.
5 I always used full English when talking
with the students in primary school
6 I mix English-Indonesian when talking
with the students in primary school
7 I used mother tongue when I give hard
instruction to the students
8 I tried give the materials based on the
students character
9 I followed the development of students
world in ordering easier appropriate
material to students in primary school
10 I like to interact with students so they
will feel comfortable to me
11 I create lesson plan before teaching in
the classroom
12 I like getting critics and suggestion in my
teaching process at primary school
13 I want to create one methodology that
will make students in primary school
easier to understanding the material
14 I looking for the additional materials by
my self
15 I create lesson plan by imitating from
friends or other sources
16 I give the task of teaching English in
primary school appropriate to curriculum
that already set
17 I use hand books to teaching English
in primary school
18 I use some method to teach the
students in primary school
19 I use many ways to teach the students
to grasp and motivate the their
20 Using props when teaching in the

21 I use video to teaching English in

primary school
22 I use some game to teaching English
in primary school
23 I evaluate student learning outcomes
24 I assess the students when they are
working an assignment
25 I reflect myself after conduct teaching
learning process
26 I have enough ability in English and
must be continued to grow
27 I looking for English competition for
the students

28 I deliver the material by involving

students playing roles
29 I give English songs for students
30 I give additional task after teaching
learning process
Blue print of Interview

These instruments developed by regards theory that Pedagogical competences

is the ability and will to regularly apply the attitude, the knowledge, and the

skills that promote the learning of the teacher’s students in the best way.

Ryegård (2010:30), stated that pedagogical competences represent “the ability and

will regularly apply to the attitude, the knowledge, and the skills that promote the

learning of the teacher’s students in the best way”. According to current approaches,

it can be concluded that pedagogical competence divide into three component:

d. Attitudinal competence (values)

Having an attitude is important thing that should have by the teacher.

Attitudinal competence means that the teacher having fundamental

pedagogical in teaching performance as well as the role of responsibilities of

their students what it help show to promote student learning best. As follows:

5. Guide the students activities during the teaching process

6. Create fun classroom

7. Delivering the lesson

8. Organize the goal of the lesson every single meeting

e. Cognitive competence (knowledge and understanding)

As a basis for pedagogical competence the teacher needs knowledge within

the four areas. Those are:

5. Mastering specific subject regarding the subject matter content

6. knowledge to choose the appropriate lesson as well as teaching methods

7. Organize the sequences of the course.

8. Monitoring how the student learn.

f. Behavioral competence (ability and strategies)

Applying knowledge in the areas means that demonstrating different types of


4. the ability to plan and organize the activity

5. the ability to structure and present various types of material subject content

6. The ability to adapt teaching using technology or other interactional tools.

a. COGNITIVE COMPONENT (knowledge and


1. Apakah bapak/ibu selalu mempersiapkan RPP sebelum

2. Bagaimana bapak/ibu mengembangkan materi
pembelajaran dikelas?
3. Bagaimana ibu menyusun materi pembelajaran yang akan
digunakan dalam pembelajaran di kelas?
4. Apakah yang bapak/ibu lakukan ketika ada siswa yang
tidak tertib di kelas saat pembelajaran?

 BEHAVIOURAL COMPENENT (ability and strategies)

5. Bagaimana cara bapak/ibu membuat pembelajaran agar
siswa active mengikuti pembelajaran?
6. Bagaimana usaha bapak/ibu untuk membuat kelas tetap
kondusif saat kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung?
7. Apakah bapak/ibu selalu menggunakan alat peraga dalam
8. Apa sajakah sumber pembelajaran yang bapak/ibu
gunakan dalam mengajar?


9. Apakah bapak/ibu memberikan pujian kepada siswa ketika

siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan kuis?
10. Apakah bapak/ibu memberikan reward kepada siswa
ketika siswa dapat menyelesaikan tuas yang diberikan?
11. Apakah menggunakan bahasa inggris secara
keseluruhan dan memahami kebutuhan siswa sangat
penting dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran? (cognitive)
12. Apakah creative learning (menggunakan media/alat
peraga) sangat diperlukan dalam pembelajaran?
13. Apakah selalu memberikan motivasi kepada siswa
ketika pembelajaran berlangsung penting dalam proses
pembelajaran? (attitudinal)



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