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Lesson–III: Auto Electrical Session-14: Working, Safety Components, Faults &



1. For starting the engine 24V/180Ah is required, two batteries of 12V/180Ah/25 plates are
connected in series. Self starter type B55-24/SL5-24 of 6 BHP is provided to crank the

2. After performing daily maintenance of engine battery main key(a1) should be ON.

3. Engine can be started from both the cabins, starter switch are provided in both cabins
working(rear) cabin and front cabin but ignition key(5b9) is provided only in the working
cabin only, which should be ON.

4. Bypass switches no. 5b 58 or 11 b 22 has to be pressed while starting the engine .Before
pulling starter switch(5b8) for cranking bypass switch should be pressed to switch on
shutdown coil(1s6) for fuel supply. By pass switches No. 5b 58 or 11 b 22 has to be pressed
till the lub. oil pressure builds up to 1.5 Kg/cm2 & above after that it can be released. If
lub.oil pressure falls below this level engine will stop because electrical supply of shutdown
coil stops.

5. 7 nos. engine stopping switches are provided scattered all over the machine which cut off
power supply to relay 13d1 by operating relay 5u5(d). Relay 13d1 controls the power
supply of shut down coil 1s6, so shutdown coil stops the fuel supply of engine to stop its.

6. Two nos. alternators are provided with the engine each of 28V/ 55 Amp. These are used to
supply 28V DC to the indication & lighting system and charging of batteries.Safety items of
 Against low lube oil (pressure switch is provided which shuts down engine when lub
oil pressure is<1.5 bar)

 Against high temperature(A temperature switch is provided which shuts down engine
when engine temp is>95 degree centigrade)


S.n Fault Probable Causes Remedial Actions

1. Engine does 1. Batteries 1. Check batteries : Terminals should be tight
not start and clean , Voltage& gravity . Over-
aged batteries should be replaced.
2.Selfstarter 2.Check connections and solenoid.
3. Emergency stop 3.All emergency stop switch should be in
switch is pressed. release position.
4.Shutdown coil 4. Check the electrical supply at coil if it is
mechanism stuck ok, then lubricate the piston of shut down
coil mechanism with lub oil and operate it
manually. If still not working, then coil
may be defective. Replace it with new
5. Misconnection of 5. Check starting switch and if any
starting switch. misconnection is noticed, rectify it.
2. Engine stops 1. Shut down circuit . 1 Check shutdown
fails. coil,relay13d1`fuse,emergency stopper
switch lub oil pressure switch,
temperature switch replace if found

1.ZF gear is engaged. 1.Disengage ZF gear.

2.Main working switch 2.Make it OFF.
is ON.
3.Failure of relay 5u5(A). 3.Check & replace it.
4.Starter switch 5b8 gone 4.Check & replace it.
3. Engine does defective
not crank 5.Ignition switch 5b9 5.Check & replace it.
gone defective.
6.Main key(a1) gone 6.Check & replace it.
7.Batteries disconnected 7.Check battery connections.
from circuit.

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