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Structured/Independent Work System

A structured workspace is a special place in your home where your child will have
limited distractions. The purpose of a structured workspace is to promote independence,
organization skills, and the concepts of working in an ordered manner. Your child will
know how much work to do, will know where to put materials when they are finished,
and will know what they will earn for completing their work.

Your child will work in a standardized way…left to right and top to bottom. Your child
will begin by choosing a reward from their choice board and placing it on their schedule.
Then, they will start with the top drawer, Reading, by taking out the materials,
completing the activities, and putting them in the “finished” bin on the right. Once the 3
file folders/tasks are completed and checked by an adult and/or sibling, your child can
earn their reward choice.

If your child earned:

 An immediate tangible (ex. food, candy, sticker), then your child can move to
drawer 2, (Math).
 A break (ex. iPod, playing with toys), they get a 15 minute break, then your child
can move to drawer 3, (Life Skills)

Suggestions for setting up a structured work space at home:

 Find a space with limited distractions that will only be used for “work”
 Designate a work time (same time each day)

Sample Schedule
11:00 - 12:00 Independent Work Stations (Reading, Math, Life Skills)
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch and Recess
1:00 - 2:10 Zoom with Mrs. Dolce

 Place finished activities back in each drawer

 Use black bin for your child to place finished work
 Let your child choose what he/she is working for and let them know “First, work
then, reward.”

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