Congestion Management

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Congestion Management Region

Table 1: Available

transfer capability in August 2009, by region (MW)

Importing Time period TTC Reliability Scheduling LTOA ATC for

Acquiring strategic importance in power market operations region (from-to) (hours) margin limit* STOA
Western region (WR) Import capability 00-18

Satyajit Ganguly, Head, Operations, PXIL 22-24 1,500 500 1,000 432 568
ER 18-24 1,500 500 1,000 370 630

n a competitive power market, the the total transfer capability (TTC) after time period of auctions and firmness of NR 00-24 1,200 200 1,000 55 945
system is said to be congested when discounting the reliability margins. The capacity rights. This separates energy SR 00-24 1,000 250 750 0 750
the volume of transactions exceeds ATC is used as a limit for scheduling flow from transmission capacity. Export capability 00-18
the transfer capability of the transmis- long-term as well as short-term transac- 22-24
sion corridor. This implies that conges- tions, with the former having priority Explicit auctions require a separate
ER 18-22 1,000 200 800 0 800
tion impedes consumers from buying over the latter. The ATC for all regions in transaction for trading electricity, and
NR 00-24 1,500 200 1,300 0 1,300
power from the cheapest source. India in August 2009 is listed in Table 1. the services of a power exchange are
SR 00-24 1,000 200 800 0 800
Congestion management deals with thus not required for obtaining trans-
conceptualisation, design and imple- Reliability margins in the form of trans- mission capacity. Southern region (SR) Import capability ER 00-24 3,360 50 3,310 1,779 1,531
mentation of schemes to relieve trans- mission reliability margin (TRM) and WR 00-24 1,000 100 900 0 800
mission congestion. capacity benefit margin (CBM) can be Implicit auction: Bids from market par- Limited to WR ATC
used by all transmission users for a vari- ticipants are collected from various bid Export capability 00-17 2,900 1,300 1,600 188 414
Transfer capability ety of potential system conditions. zones (a bid zone is an electrically con- ER 27-24 Limited to ER ATC
Transfer capability is the maximum abil- tiguous area where congestion is possible 17-23 2,900 1,300 1,600 188 314
ity of interconnected electric systems to Congestion management within the zone only) so that the market WR 00-24 1,000 100 100 750
transfer power from the source to the The primary objective of congestion operator (power exchanges in India) can Eastern region (ER) Export capability 00-24 2,800 300 2,500 1,226 1,274
destination. It is directional and related management is to solve congestion prob- aggregate the supply and demand curves
00-24 1,700 500 1,200 411 789
to generation, demand and network lems in an economically efficient man- for each bid zone.
NR 23-24
topology. The capability is limited by the ner, both in the short and long run. There
WR 17-23 1,700 500 1,200 382 818
physical and electrical characteristics of are two congestion management meth- In the first iteration, the supply and
the electrical system including any one ods: preventive management, which is demand bids across all zones are aggre- SR 00-24 1,695 50 1,645 87 1,558

or more of the following: used before the day of operation; and gated to determine an unconstrained NER 00-24 500 100 400 107/113 293/287
• Thermal limit curative management, which is used in market clearing price (UMCP). In the Import capability NR 00-24 400 100 300 0 300
• Voltage limit real time. Explicit auction, implicit next iteration, the demand and supply WR 00-24 500 100 400 0 400
• Stability limit. auction and counter trades are methods volumes in each bidding zone are aggre- SR 00-24 750/650 50 700/600 186 514/414
for preventive management, whereas gated, with the difference between them NER 00-24 300 100 200 0 200
The thermal limit indicates the maximum redispatching is a form of curative con- representing the amount of uncon- Northern region (NR) Simultaneous import Simultaneous 00-24 3,750 500 3,250 1,126 2,124
electrical current that a transmission line gestion management. strained flow from/to that zone. capability import by NR
can conduct before sustaining perma-
Import from ER 00-24 2,800 300 2,500 1,126 1,374
nent damage due to overheating. This Preventive congestion management If this flow exceeds the transfer capabili-
Import from WR 00-24 1,500 200 1,300 0 1,300
limit cannot be breached at any time. The Explicit auction: Under explicit auctions, ty across the zones there is congestion,
Exporting Time period TTC Limiting conditions
voltage limit refers to the maximum the transmission system operator of the following which the market spitting
power that can be transferred without system in which congestion exists sells algorithm is initiated. region (from-to) (hours)

reaching critical voltage in any mode. The the interconnection capacity to the high- Simultaneous export Simultaneous 00-24 1,500 Voltage constraints in NR system, overloading of
stability limit indicates the maximum est bidder. Design variations are possible Market splitting involves separation of capability (1,500 MW) export by NR 400 kV Agra-Gwalior and 220 kV Morak-Badod links
power that can be transferred without with regard to the bidding mechanism, the congested zone from the rest of the
TTC: Total transfer capability; LTOA: Long-term open access; STOA: Short-term open access; NER: North-eastern region; * LTOA+STOA=TTC-reliability margin
loss of stability. The limiting condition on system. The price within the congested
a transmission corridor could shift zone is adjusted to drive the demand-
between the three limits as the network supply gap to a level to match the trans- received from the participants. If the decreases generation or withdraws load gate the supply and demand curves for
operating conditions change over time. fer capability. This method is currently transmission flows are not possible, the shedding in the surplus zone, to ensure each zone. In the initial iteration, the
used by the power exchanges in India. system operator trades power against that the actual flow is lower than the supply and demand across all zones is
Available transfer capability the flow to ensure feasible dispatch. transfer capability. aggregated to calculate the UMCP. The
Available transfer capability (ATC) is a Counter trading: Under this method, the algorithm calculates the cleared uncon-
measure of the transfer capability vacant system operator initially undertakes a Curative congestion management Current scenario strained schedules for all market partici-
on a physical transmission corridor for merit order unconstrained dispatch. Redispatching: In redispatching, the sys- Bids from market participants are cur- pants based on the UMCP. Thereafter,
commercial activity over and above the Counter trading takes place at the least tem operator increases the generation or rently referred to the various bid zones, both the exchanges submit the uncon-
committed contracts. It is derived from cost on the basis of bids and offers cuts load in the congested zone, and so that the power exchanges can aggre- strained solution to the National Load

56 POWER LINE ● October 2009 POWER LINE ● October 2009 57


Despatch Centre (NLDC). The NLDC

notifies the maximum trading capacity
across all bid areas on a 24-hour basis
pro rata between the exchanges. This
trading capacity is limited to the ATC
discounted by the sum of the approved
long-term open access (LTOA) and
short-term open access (STOA).

In the next iteration, the supply-demand

balance within each zone is aggregated,
with the zonal imbalance representing
the amount of transmission from/to that
zone. If this calculated transmission
amount exceeds the permitted transmis-
sion capacity, there is transmission con-
gestion and the market splitting algo-
rithm is initiated.

The price for a surplus area will be less

than the UMCP, whereas the price for a tion management had to be done determined by the intersection of the
deficit area will be more than the UMCP. through market splitting almost on a demand and supply curves, based on the
This leads to a surplus fund, known as daily basis. aggregate demand and supply bids sub-
the congestion revenue fund, equal to mitted by the respective entities.
the product of the area price difference Problems in congestion management
and used capacity. through market splitting The current power market suffers from
In an unconstrained market, even in the low liquidity, with sometimes just one
There was congestion almost every day event of a buyer bidding at a very high buyer or seller being present in a bid
between the northern grid and the rest price (substantially higher than the area. In such a case, if one or a few
of India between April and September other bids), the buyer may get cleared at price-insensitive and desperate buyers
2009. Congestion was also observed an MCP much below his outlying high are present in a congested region, a
between the southern grid and the bid due to the presence of other buyers large chunk of power (more than the
north-east-west grid in December 2008 with lower bids in the unified national transfer capability) would flow from the
and January 2009. As a result, conges- control area. This is because the MCP is uncongested area to the congested area
through the unconstrained solution,
resulting in market splitting.

The MCP after market splitting for the

congested region will be very close to
the bid price due to the lack of bidding
entities. As a result, a buyer is more like-
ly to pay closer to his bid value (which
has been as high as Rs 18 per unit,
depending upon the need for guaran-
teed supply) in the congested area. This
explains the prevalence of high prices in
the northern region in May and
September 2009.

The other impact of congestion is reduc-

tion in trade volumes on exchanges as
the market clearing volume (MCV) after
congestion comes down sharply from
the unconstrained market clearing vol-
ume (UMCV). Fig. 1 shows the effect of

58 POWER LINE ● October 2009


pricing mechanism should have a com-

ponent based on network congestion
which specifically signals the need for
capacity expansion.

Buyers and sellers usually blame power

exchanges for higher prices being
charged and lower prices being paid.
Some sellers have even gone to the
extent of asking Power Exchange India
Limited to refund the difference in
amount. As the power exchanges have
been operating for only about one year,
such resentment on the part of the mar-
ket players may hamper the develop-
ment of the exchanges.

Congestion management needs to be

undertaken in a manner suitable to the
uniqueness of the Indian market. The
congestion on MCV for both the ity augmentation. Moreover, unlike the deficit region should be treated as a radi-
exchanges in August 2009. Market split- Nordpool market where the market al load to the surplus region, with the
ting also leads to a higher price in the splitting mechanisms were developed, interconnector capacity maintained at
congested area, as was seen in the north- the power exchanges in India do not the level of the ATC. This would lead to a
ern region in August 2009. Figs 2 and 3 have control over all the interregional UMCP for the entire national market
illustrate the effect of congestion on interconnectors. Also, unlike Nordpool, with no difference in prices. Naturally,
MCP for both the exchanges. where congestion is not a very frequent there would not be any congestion fund.
occurrence, there is almost constant All the players in the market, irrespective
In addition, the current method of con- congestion in the Indian power market. of geographical location, would pay the
gestion management through market This is leading to a perception that same price for buying or selling power.
splitting results in discontent amongst power exchanges result in high prices,
both buyers and sellers. Buyers in con- whereas the fact is that the high price Conclusion
gested areas resent the high prices being includes the implicit cost of the trans- The National Electricity Policy, 2005
charged, whereas the sellers in surplus mission corridor. envisions 85 per cent of power from new
areas resent the low prices being paid. capacities to be contracted through
The buyers and sellers are also unhappy According to para 5.3.2 of the National long-term contracts, with the remaining
as the cleared volume after congestion is Electricity Policy, 2005, “Network 15 per cent available for the power mar-
much lower than the unconstrained vol- expansion should be planned and ket. Much more merchant capacity is
ume, which upsets the load generation implemented keeping in view the antic- expected to be available in three to four
balance and disturbs the scheduled ipated transmission needs that would years. Power exchanges are also expect-
load-shedding plans. be incident on the system in the open ed to increase their liquidity in a couple
access regime. Prior agreement with the of years, which will be used extensively
Congestion revenue beneficiaries would not be a precondi- for the short-term balancing needs.
In more matured markets, congestion tion for network expansion. The
revenue generated on an exchange is CTU/STU should undertake network Due to the above reasons, the flow quan-
utilised by the system operator for aug- expansion after identifying the require- tity and direction would be very difficult
menting capacity on transmission lines ments in consultation with the stake- to forecast and could result in addition-
which are subject to frequent conges- holders and taking up the execution al transmission congestion across all
tion. In India, however, such a system after due regulatory approvals.” possible flow gates. Congestion will
would pose unique problems as the therefore be an integral part of the
power exchanges currently account for It is thus evident that the congestion Indian power grid. As a result, conges-
only about 0.5 per cent of all power fund was never meant to be used for tion management will become very
market transactions. Therefore, it would relieving congestion. Ideally, invest- important for ensuring safe and secure
be difficult for the fledgling market to ments should be guided by the need to grid operations, and acquire tactical
bear the burden of transmission capac- relieve congestion, and the transmission importance in market operation. „

60 POWER LINE ● October 2009

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