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Albao, Shaun Patrick P.

BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003

Activity 1: Crossword Puzzle
Albao, Shaun Patrick P. BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003

Activity 2: What is History? HIS or HER STORY: WHAT IS YOUR STORY

Albao, Shaun Patrick P. BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003
Albao, Shaun Patrick P. BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003

Activity 3: Fact or Fake?

Who made the Facebook post?

The post was created by “LABAN PINAS”, classified by its admin as a personal blog and
education page with a username of “eugenebesas” which can be found in its web address.

How was it made?

The post contained many grammatical and spelling errors. The ideas presented were not
logically arranged and it contained lots of arguments that were not backed up with evidence.

Why was it made?

It was posted by “LABAN PINAS” to explain that Marcos was already rich even before his
presidency and it was also to show that Marcos’ ill-gotten wealth was a lie.

When was it made?

By looking at the edit history of the post, it was first posted on February 27, 2020 at 12:32
AM, and its edited version was posted on May 24, 2020 in which the time was not specified.

What is it missing?
The post was created without incorporating additional sources like previous articles, books,
studies, or journals to serve as evidence in his post to support his claims.

Where do I go from here?

On the review section of its official Facebook page, I did not recommend the page to other
people because it lack verification and documentation to support its assertion.
Albao, Shaun Patrick P. BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003

Activity 4: EvaluaThing!

What sort of source is this?

It is a Japanese leaflet which is a written source.
When was this source created?
There was no specific date. It is believed to be created during the Japanese occupation in the
Who created it?
There was no specific author. It is believed to be created by the Japanese psychological
operations (PSYOP).
Is it primary or secondary?
It is a primary source.
Why do you think this source was made?
This source was made to make Filipinos rally behind the Japanese empire in a new all-Asian
empire in the Pacific.
Who do you think the source was made for? (i.e. Who is the intended audience?)
This leaflet was made for the Filipino people.
What can we learn from the source? What does it tell us about World War 2 in the
The idea that we can learn from the source was that the Japanese were asking for loyalty and
support from the Filipino people. During the Second World War, the Japanese were using
propaganda information in antagonizing the American Forces to gain the Filipinos’ trust.
Is the source biased? If so, how?
Yes, it is biased because the Japanese did not admit anything positive about the Americans’
occupation here in the Philippines.
How reliable do you think the source is? Why? (Consider the information you have
written above, when making your decision).
The source is still reliable even though there is no date and author specified because by
criticizing externally, the paper and the ink appear to be old and it contains some grammatical
errors which corresponds to the fact that the Japanese were bad at English. In addition,
despite that there is bias in the content, the context and the purpose of its creation coincided
with the events which took place during that period.
Albao, Shaun Patrick P. BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003

What sort of source is this?

It is a Japanese leaflet which is a written source.
When was this source created?
There was no specific date. It is believed to be created during the Japanese occupation in the
Who created it?
There was no specific author. It is believed to be created by the Japanese psychological
operations (PSYOP).
Is it primary or secondary?
It is a primary source.
Why do you think this source was made?
This leaflet was made by the Japanese to promise Filipinos their independence through
joining and campaigning on their side.
Who do you think the source was made for? (i.e. Who is the intended audience?)
This leaflet was made for the Filipino people.
What can we learn from the source? What does it tell us about World War 2 in the
The idea that we can learn from the source is that the hidden purpose was for “Japanese
independence” and it came with many strings attached (puppetry). During the Second World
War, the Japanese were using propaganda information about “complete independence” for
them to conquer and fool the Filipino people.
Is the source biased? If so, how?
Yes, it is biased because the ideas are not corresponding with each other. In particular, the
leaflet is falsely representing the idea of “complete independence” for the Filipino people
through a text saying, “Listen to Japan”.
How reliable do you think the source is? Why? (Consider the information you have
written above, when making your decision).
The source is still reliable even though there is no date and author specified because by
criticizing externally, the paper and the ink appear to be old. In addition, despite that there is
bias in the content, the context and the purpose of its creation coincided with the events
which took place during that period.
Albao, Shaun Patrick P. BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003

“I have just arrived from Baguio the summer capital of

the Philippines where I was when the war between the
United States and Japan was declared. I have covered
the country by automobile and I am happy to report that
everywhere the people are loyal to America and deter-
mined to stand by her in testimony of their gratitude to
you, to the Government of the United States and to the
American people and because of their devotion to the
cause of Democracy and freedom. I am proud therefore
that the reiterated assurance I have given to. you to the
effect that you can count upon us was no empty word.”

What sort of source is this?

It is a telegram which is a written source.
When was this source created?
It was created last December 9, 1941.
Who created it?
It was created by Manuel L. Quezon.
Is it primary or secondary?
It is a primary source.
Why do you think this source was made?
This telegram was made by Manuel L. Quezon to represent the Philippines’ support to the
Government of USA and the American people.
Who do you think the source was made for? (i.e. Who is the intended audience?)
This telegram was made for Franklin D. Roosevelt.
What can we learn from the source? What does it tell us about World War 2 in the
The idea that we can learn from the source is that Manuel L. Quezon was affirming the
country’s adherence to give confidence to the American government and its people. During
the Second World War, Quezon wanted to establish a proposal for immediate independence
and neutralization of the Philippines from the Japanese Forces.
Is the source biased? If so, how?
Yes, it is biased because it is generalizing all Filipinos despite that there are some who are in
favor of the Japanese. Also, a person cannot simply cover the whole Philippine archipelago
by using an automobile alone for a short period of time.
How reliable do you think the source is? Why? (Consider the information you have
written above, when making your decision).
The source is very reliable since there is a complete information of the date and author. In
addition, despite of the presence of its bias, the context and the purpose of its creation
coincided with the events which took place during that period. Maybe those phrases were
used as hyperboles for the purpose of emphasis.
Albao, Shaun Patrick P. BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003

Your renewed assurances of the devotion and loyalty of

the Philippine people to the United States and to de-
mocracy are particularly appreciated in this grave hour.
The hearts of all Americans are deeply touched by the
fortitude and gallantry being shown by your people in
this present ordeal. We are at one with you in our faith
in the ultimate triumph of our common ideals.

What sort of source is this?

It is a telegram which is a written source.
When was this source created?
It was created last December 11, 1941.
Who created it?
It was created by Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Is it primary or secondary?
It is a primary source.
Why do you think this source was made?
This telegram was made by Franklin D. Roosevelt to represent the appreciation of the United
States of America of the support coming from the Filipino people.
Who do you think the source was made for? (i.e. Who is the intended audience?)
The telegram was made for Manuel L. Quezon.
What can we learn from the source? What does it tell us about World War 2 in the
The idea that we can learn from the source is that Franklin D. Roosevelt believed in the
adherence of the Philippines to America. During the Second World War, Roosevelt accepted
the offer of alliance with the Philippines in order to eliminate the Japanese Imperial Forces.
Is the source biased? If so, how?
The source is not biased.
How reliable do you think the source is? Why? (Consider the information you have
written above, when making your decision).
The source is very reliable since there is complete information of the date and author. In
addition, the context and purpose of its creation coincided with the events which took place
during that period.
Albao, Shaun Patrick P. BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003

What sort of source is this?

It is a poster which is a written source.
When was this source created?
There was no specific date. It is believed to be created during the Japanese occupation in the
Who created it?
There was no specific author. It is believed to be created by the U.S. Army.
Is it primary or secondary?
It is a primary source.
Why do you think this source was made?
This poster was made by the U.S. Army to be aimed at the average war prisoner encouraging
him or her to avenge Japanese atrocities by working as hard and as long as possible.
Who do you think the source was made for? (i.e. Who is the intended audience?)
It was made for the Filipino and American war workers.
What can we learn from the source? What does it tell us about World War 2 in the
The idea that we can learn from the source is that it was illustrating the Bataan Death March
where it was characterized by severe physical abuse and wanton killings. During the Second
World War,
Is the source biased? If so, how?
The source is not biased.
How reliable do you think the source is? Why? (Consider the information you have
written above, when making your decision).
The source is still reliable even though there is no date and author specified because by
criticizing externally, the paper and the ink appear to look old. In addition, the context and the
purpose of its creation coincided with the events which took place during that period.
Albao, Shaun Patrick P. BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003


The data she presented from the

Department of Health (DOH) is
based on primary sources because
this agency handles the data
regarding the coronavirus cases
here in the Philippines. The rest of
her comments are based on
secondary sources since they
seem more opinionated and biased
rather than data based.
Albao, Shaun Patrick P. BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003

The responses he presented are

based on secondary sources since
some of the details presented were
opinionated and biased rather than
data based.
Albao, Shaun Patrick P. BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003

The response she presented were

based on primary sources since
the claims used were referring to a
news media in which they directly
quoted the people who had first-
hand accounts about the topic.
Albao, Shaun Patrick P. BSChE – 2A GEN ED 003

The response she presented were

based on both primary and
secondary sources since some
articles shown in the news websites
were using direct quotations, while
others were interpreting and
synthesizing first-hand testimonies
or direct evidence.

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