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Describe the dependent variables you are using in terms of their means, standard deviations, and
sample distribution for the two categories of your independent variable.

2. Boxplot each dependent variable by category of independent variable.

3. Perform a statistical test of your hypothesis using the t-test. Do a t-test by using
Analyze>Compare Means>Independent samples t-test.

4. Discuss the results. By discuss the results, I mean to tell me what you found out in a manner
similar to reporting results in a journal article. For example, don't tell me what the null
hypothesis is, just tell me what you were testing. Refer to parts of your printouts as Tables and
Figures and label them, by hand if you like. So, you would say: "As you can see from Table 1,
males are more are likely to spend time on the Internet compared to females (t-test = 2.4, p <

Find a data set to analyze. You will be reporting on your progress analyzing this data during the
semester and writing a final paper using this data set. The Boston College library has data set
information in their library menu under "Databases". Another sources of data set is the Inter-
University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan.
We already have many of their data sets here, but you might want to look at their datasets for
ideas. There is also a General Social Survey that is given to a nationwide sample of individuals
every two years. See the "Databases" section of the syllabus for more ideas.

The dataset that you pick should be a rich source of data. The dataset does not have to be focused
on organizations, but it should have a variety of variables to look at with many different types of
data. Ordinal and interval levels of data are important so that you will be able to do multiple

For this first assignment I want you to describe the data. Please present a brief (no more than 5
minute) presentation to the class discussing the data set. There is no written assignment to hand

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