What Would You Do With Million Dollars

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What Would You Do With A Million Dollars?

During the break, the teachers of ESCAG were all sat in the teachers' room talking about life.
Suddenly, the Economy teacher, Celene, asked:

-What would you do if you had a million dollar?

All the teachers who were there smiled and reasoned about the question but no one wanted to be
the first to talk about this millionaire plan. The youngest one in the room, teacher Vánia, said:

- - If I had a million dollar, I would buy a beautiful house and a brand new BMW.

Teacher Gilberto: But why a BMW?

Teacher Vánia: I would buy a BMW because it is my dream car and it is also one of the most
famous cars in the world. What about you, Gilberto?

Teacher Gilberto: It is a very difficult question, but if I had a million dollar, I would create a big
company to produce and export Grogu.

Teacher Vánia: Very nice, my friend! You would be a great business man.
After teacher Vánia and Gilberto, other teachers decided to answer the question.

Teacher Elvis: Well, if I had a million dollar, I would buy a house very close to the beach, in
Tarrafal. I would also buy 3 different cars, a hotel in Sal Island to spend my vacations and I would
live like a king forever.

Teacher Milton: Good choice. Sal Island is a good place to rest and to spend vacation.
However, if I had a million dollar, I would leave this job and travel all around the world. I am tired
of this life of teacher.

Teacher Adérito: I would do the same, Milton. I would buy a plane and start to know all the
places I have dreamed to. I would start by Santorini, then Cappadocia, Dubai and so on…

Teacher Gilberto: Hmmm. Please, don’t leave your job guys. You are only thinking about
spending money without investing in anything. If you keep thinking like that, you will get broken
very fast and you will not even have your job to help you.

Teacher Milton: A friend of mine used to say that having something and lost is better than not
having at all. I agree with him.

Teacher Adérito: Sure bro! I would simply live my life like if it was endless.

Teacher Carina: All of you guys are just thinking about good life. None of you thought about
helping other people. If I had this amount of money, I would spend half of it helping poor people to
solve their problems. I would also build a charity center to help orphans and homeless children.

Teacher Edmilsom: Good idea, indeed! Teacher Carina touched a very sensitive point. I would
go on the same line. I would invest my dollars in education by building an English Language
school, to give other people opportunity to learn English and know the world through it.
Teacher Elvis: I got you colleagues, but in this case we all think about ourselves first.

Teacher Edmilsom: Of course! In my case for example, I would buy a clothing store just to be
always in fashion.

Teacher Celene: You are all thinking about money but it is just a dream. Let's go back to our
reality because it is time to go to the classroom.

All the teachers laughed but what teacher Celene said was true. The break had finished and a
million dollar was just an unreal situation.

CARLOS VIEIRA, in Short Stories

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