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Manfred Schwab


Encyclopedia of
Fourth Edition
Encyclopedia of Cancer
Manfred Schwab

Encyclopedia of Cancer
Fourth Edition

With 1230 Figures and 260 Tables

Manfred Schwab
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Tumorgenetik, Heidelberg, Germany

ISBN 978-3-662-46874-6 ISBN 978-3-662-46875-3 (eBook)

ISBN 978-3-662-47424-2 (print and electronic bundle)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-46875-3
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017933328

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001, 2008, 2011, 2017

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Preface to the Fourth Edition

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Encyclopedia of Cancer. The third edition
had appeared in 2011, and the tremendous response by the scientific commu-
nity has encouraged us to prepare a subsequent edition that is now available.
The past 5 years have seen an enormous progress in cancer research, with
particular emphasis on the bench-to-bed paradigm and the application of
personalized cancer medicine.
For this new edition, the multidisciplinary approach bridging basic science
and clinical application was further developed. Numerous new entries by
authorities from the international scientific community were added to meet
the substantial progress in molecular cancer etiology, diagnostics, and therapy.
Entries from the third edition were updated, and new entries were added
addressing central areas of basic and clinical cancer research, such as person-
alized cancer medicine, immunotherapy, pediatric and adult oncology, and
The Encyclopedia of Cancer, fourth edition, will be available both in print
and online version. The online version is designed as an interactive and
dynamic database where authors at any time will be able to modify and update
presentations in order to keep the content up to date. Additionally, new entries
can be entered at any time, and contributors are encouraged to suggest new
topics that they feel are insufficiently covered.
The technical preparation of the Encyclopedia of Cancer would not have
been possible without the competent and dedicated input by Daniela Graf and
Melanie Thanner. Their excellent and pleasant cooperation is highly appreci-
ated. Thanks also to the publisher who has taken every effort to develop this
prestigious Encyclopedia of Cancer into a useful instrument from which both
basic scientists and clinicians may benefit.

Heidelberg, March 1, 2016

Manfred Schwab

Preface to the Third Edition

Recent developments in the rapidly developing field of cancer research are

seeing a dynamic progress in basic and clinical cancer science, with transla-
tional research increasingly becoming a new paradigm. In particular, the
identification of a large number of prognostic and predictive clinically vali-
dated biomarkers now allows exciting and promising new approaches in both
personalized cancer medicine and targeted therapies to be pursued.
The third edition of the Encyclopedia of Cancer is now available 10 years
after the first edition had come out in 2001. Numerous new entries addressing
topics of basic cancer research have been added. As a major new feature, up-
to-date and authoritative essays present a comprehensive picture of topics
ranging from pathology, to clinical oncology and targeted therapies for per-
sonalized cancer medicine for major cancers types, such as breast cancer,
colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, renal cancer, lung cancer,
and hematological malignancies, leukemias, and lymphomas. This informa-
tion source should be of great value to both the clinical and basic science
The Encyclopedia of Cancer, Third Edition, is available both in print and
online versions. Contributors to the Encyclopedia of Cancer are encouraged to
keep their presentations up-to-date by online editing. Clinical and basic scien-
tists are encouraged to suggest new essays to the editor-in-chief.
The technical preparation of the Encyclopedia of Cancer would not have
been possible without the competent input of Jutta Jaeger-Hamers, Melanie
Thanner, and Saskia Ellis; their excellent and pleasant cooperation is highly

Heidelberg, Germany
Manfred Schwab

Preface to the Second Edition

Given the overwhelming success of the first edition of the Cancer Encyclope-
dia, which appeared in 2001, and the amazing development in the different
fields of cancer research, it has been decided to publish a second fully revised
and expanded edition, following the principal concept of the first edition that
has proven so successful.
Recent developments are seeing a dynamic merging of basic and clinical
science, with translational research increasingly becoming a new paradigm in
cancer research. The merging of different basic and clinical science disciplines
toward the common goal of fighting against cancer has long ago called for the
establishment of a comprehensive reference source both as a tool to close the
language gap between clinical and basic science investigators and as a plat-
form of information for advanced students and informed laymen alike. It is
intended to be a resource for all interested in information beyond their own
specific expertise.
While the first edition had featured contributions from approximately 300
scientists/clinicians in one volume, the second edition includes more than
1,000 contributors in four volumes with an A–Z format of more than 7,000
entries. It provides definitions of common acronyms and short definitions of
both related terms and processes in the form of keyword entries. A major
information source are detailed essays that provide comprehensive informa-
tion on syndromes, genes and molecules, and processes and methods. Each
essay is well structured, with extensive cross-referencing between entries.
Essays represent original contributions by the corresponding authors, all
distinguished scientists in their own field, editorial input has been carefully
restricted to formal aspects.
A panel of field editors, each an eminent international expert for the
corresponding field, has served to ensure the presentation of timely and
authoritative Encyclopedia entries. These new traits are likely to meet the
expectance that a wide community has toward a cancer reference work.
An important element in the preparation of the Encyclopedia has been the
competent support by the Springer crew, Dr. Michaela Bilic, Saskia Ellis, and
lately, Jana Simniok. I am extremely grateful for their excellent and pleasant

x Preface to the Second Edition

The Cancer Encyclopedia, Second Edition, will be available both in print

and online versions. Clinicians, research scientists, and advanced students will
find this an amazing resource and a highly informative reference for cancer.

Heidelberg, Germany
Manfred Schwab
Preface to the First Edition

Cancer, although a dreadful disease, is at the same time a fascinating biological

phenotype. Around 1980, cancer was first attributed to malfunctioning genes
and, subsequently, cancer research has become a major area of scientific
research supporting the foundations of modern biology to a great extent. To
unravel the human genome sequence was one of those extraordinary tasks,
which has largely been fueled by cancer research, and many of the fascinating
insights into the genetic circuits that regulate developmental processes have
also emerged from research on cancer.
Diverse biological disciplines such as cytogenetics, virology, cell biology,
classical and molecular genetics, epidemiology, biochemistry, together with
the clinical sciences, have closed ranks in their search of how cancer develops
and to find remedies to stop the abnormal growth that is characteristic of
cancerous cells. In the attempt to establish how, why, and when cancer occurs,
a plethora of genetic pathways and regulatory circuits have been discovered
that are necessary to maintain general cellular functions such as proliferation,
differentiation, and migration. Alterations of this fine-tuned network of cas-
cades and interactions, due to endogenous failure or to exogenous challenges
by environmental factors, may disable any member of such regulatory path-
ways. This could, for example, induce the death of the affected cell, may mark
it for cancerous development or may immediately provide it with a growth
advantage within a particular tissue.
Recent developments have seen the merger of basic and clinical science. Of
the former, particularly genetics has provided instrumental and analytical tools
with which to assess the role of environmental factors in cancer, to refine and
enable diagnosis prior to the development of symptoms, and to evaluate the
prognosis of patients. Hopefully, even better strategies for causal therapy will
become available in the future. Merging the basic and clinical science disci-
plines toward the common goal of fighting cancer calls for a comprehensive
reference source to serve both as a tool to close the language gap between
clinical and basic science investigators and as an information platform for the
student and the informed layperson alike. Obviously this was an extremely
ambitious goal, and the immense progress in the field cannot always be
portrayed in line with the latest developments. The aim of the Encyclopedia
is to provide the reader with an entrance point to a particular topic. It should be
of value to both basic and clinical scientists working in the field of cancer
research. Additionally, both students and lecturers in the life sciences should

xii Preface to the First Edition

benefit highly from this database. I therefore hope that this Encyclopedia will
become an essential complement to existing science resources.
The attempts to identify the mechanisms underlying cancer development
and progression have produced a wealth of facts, and no single individual is
capable of addressing the immense breadth of the field with undisputed
authority. Hence, the “Encyclopedic Reference of Cancer” is the work of
many authors, all of whom are experts in their fields and reputable members
of the international scientific community. Each author contributed a large
number of keyword definitions and in-depth essays and in so doing it was
possible to cover the broad field of cancer-related topics within a single
publication. Obviously this approach entails a form of presentation, in which
the author has the freedom to set priorities and to promote an individual point
of view. This is most obvious when it comes to nomenclature, particularly that
of genes and proteins. Although the editorial intention was to apply the
nomenclature of the Human Genome Organisation (HUGO), the more vigor-
ous execution of this attempt has been left to future endeavors.
In the early phase of planning the Encyclopedia, exploratory contacts to
potential authors produced an overwhelmingly positive response. The subse-
quent contact with almost 300 contributory authors was a marvelous experi-
ence, and I am extremely grateful for their excellent and constructive
cooperation. An important element in the preparation of the Encyclopedia
has been the competent secretarial assistance of Hiltrud Wilbertz of the
Springer-Verlag and of Ingrid Cederlund and Cornelia Kirchner of the
DKFZ. With great attention to detail they helped to keep track of the technical
aspects in the preparation of the manuscript. It was a pleasure to work with the
Springer crew, including Dr. Rolf Lange as the Editorial Director (Medicine)
and Dr. Thomas Mager, Senior Editor for Encyclopedias and Dictionaries. In
particular I wish to thank Dr. Walter Reuss, who untiringly has mastered all
aspects and problems associated with the management of the numerous man-
uscripts that were received from authors of the international scientific com-
munity. It has been satisfying and at times comforting to see how he made
illustration files come alive. Thanks also to Dr. Claudia Lange who, being
herself a knowledgeable cell biologist, has worked as the scientific editor. Her
commitment and interest have substantially improved this Encyclopedia. As a
final word, I would like to stress that although substantial efforts have been
made to compose factually correct and well-understandable presentations,
there may be places where a definition is incomplete or a phrase in an essay
is flawed. All contributors to this Encyclopedia will be extremely happy to
receive possible corrections, or revisions, in order for them to be included in
any future editions of the “Encyclopedic Reference of Cancer.”

Heidelberg, Germany
Manfred Schwab

Manfred Schwab, Dr. rer. nat.

University-Professor of Genetics
Neuroblastoma Genomics B087
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)


Apart from few editorial input, the respective authors are responsible for the
content of their own texts.

Vesa Aaltonen Department of Ophthalmology, University of Turku, Turku,

Trond Aasen Department of Pathology, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital,
Barcelona, Spain
Cory Abate-Shen Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbia
University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Phillip H. Abbosh Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Indi-
ana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Kotb Abdelmohsen RNA Regulation Section, National Institute on Aging,
National Institutes of Health, Biomedical Research Center, Baltimore, MD,
Fritz Aberger Department of Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg,
Salzburg, Austria
Hinrich Abken Tumor Genetics, Clinic I Internal Medicine, University
Hospital Cologne, and Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne, University
of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Amal M. Abu-Ghosh Department of Oncology and Pediatrics, Lombardi
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC,
Rosita Accardi Infections and Cancer Biology Group, International Agency
for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France
Filippo Acconcia Molecular and Cellular Oncology, The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Christina L. Addison Cancer Therapeutics Program, Ottawa Hospital
Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Vaqar M. Adhami School of Medicine and Public Health, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA
Farrukh Afaq Department of Dermatology, University of Alabama at Bir-
mingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
Chapla Agarwal SOP-Administration, University of Colorado Denver –
Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA
xvi Contributors

Garima Agarwal College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University, Colum-

bus, OH, USA
Rajesh Agarwal Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Skaggs School of
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Colorado, Aurora, CO,
Patrizia Agostinis Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Cell Death
Research and Therapy Lab, KU Leuven Campus Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium
Terje C. Ahlquist Roche Norway, Oslo, Norway
Kazi Mokim Ahmed Department of Radiation Oncology, Houston Method-
ist Research Institute, Houston, TX, USA
Khalil Ahmed Minneapolis VA Health Care System and University of Min-
nesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Shahid Ahmed Department of Oncology, University of Saskatchewan, Sas-
katoon, SK, Canada
Joohong Ahnn Department of Life Science, Hanyang University, Seoul,
South Korea
Cem Akin University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Gada Al-Ani Department of Cancer Biology, University of Kansas Cancer
Center, The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
Ami Albihn Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC),
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Adriana Albini IRCCS Multimedica, Milano, Italy
Jérôme Alexandre Faculté de Médecine Paris – Descartes, UPRES 18-33,
Groupe Hospitalier Cochin – Saint Vincent de Paul, Paris, France
Amal Yahya Alhefdhi Department of Surgery – MBC 40, King Faisal
Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Shadan Ali Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI,
Malcolm R. Alison Centre for Diabetes and Metabolic Medicine, Queen
Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Institute of Cell
and Molecular Science, London, UK
Catherine Alix-Panabieres University Medical Center, Lapeyronie Hospi-
tal, Montpellier, France
Alison L. Allan Cancer Research Laboratories, London Regional Cancer
Program and Departments of Oncology and Anatomy and Cell Biology,
Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario,
London, ON, Canada
Contributors xvii

Paola Allavena Department of Immunology, Fondazione Humanitas per la

Ricerca, Rozzano, Milan, Italy

Damian A. Almiron Departments of Pediatrics and of Genetics, Norris

Cotton Cancer Center, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover,

Angel Alonso Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany

Gianfranco Alpini Departments of Medicine and Medical Physiology, Texas

A&M Health Science Center, College of Medicine, Central Texas Veterans
Health Care System, Baylor Scott & White Health, Temple, TX, USA

Marie-Clotilde Alves-Guerra Molecular and Cellular Oncogenesis Pro-

gram, The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Pierre Åman LLCR, Department of Pathology, Institute of Biomedicine,

Sahlgrenska Academy, Goteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden

Kurosh Ameri Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Transla-

tional Cardiac Stem Cell Program, Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regener-
ation Medicine and Stem Cell Research, Cardiovascular Research Institute,
University of California San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, CA, USA

Mounira Amor-Guéret Institut Curie – UMR 3348 CNRS, Orsay Cedex,


Grace Amponsah Department of Pathology, Comprehensive Cancer Centre,

The Ohio State Medical Centre, Columbus, OH, USA

John W. Anderson Dream Master Laboratory, Chandler, AZ, USA

Kenneth C. Anderson Department of Medical Oncology, Jerome Lipper

Multiple Myeloma Center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA

Nicolas André Centre for Research in Oncobiology and Oncopharmacology,

INSERM U911, Marseille, France
Metronomics Global Health Initiative, Marseille, France
Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, La Timone Children’s
Hospital, Marseille, France

Peter Angel Division of Signal Transduction and Growth Control, Deutsches

Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany

Andrea Anichini Department of Experimental Oncology, Fondazione

IRCCS Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Milan, Italy

Talha Anwar Medical Scientist Training Program and Department of Pathol-

ogy, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Peter D. Aplan Genetics Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National

Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
xviii Contributors

Natalia Aptsiauri UGC Laboratorio Clínico Hospital Universitario Virgen

de las Nieves Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain
Rami I. Aqeilan He Lautenberg Center for General and Tumor Immunology,
Department of Immunology and Cancer Research-Institute for Medical
Research Israel-Canada, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jeru-
salem, Israel
Tsutomu Araki Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nippon Medical
School, Kawasaki and Tokyo, Japan
Sanchia Aranda School of Nursing, The University of Melbourne, Carlton,
VIC, Australia
Diego Arango CIBBIM - Nanomedicina Oncologia Molecular, Vall
d’Hebron Hospital Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain
David J. Araten NYU School of Medicine, Laura and Isaac Perlmutter
Cancer Center and the New York VA Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Laura Arbona Department of Biology, University of the Balearic Islands,
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Valentina Arcangeli Department of Oncology, Instituto Scientifico
Romagnolo per lo s, Infermi Hospital, Rimini, Italy
Gemma Armengol Faculty Biosciences, U. Biological Anthropology,
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Elias S. J. Arnér Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics,
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Marie Arsenian-Henriksson Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell
Biology (MTC), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Stefano Aterini Department of Experimental Pathology and Oncology, Uni-
versity of Firenze, Florence, Italy
Scott Auerbach Biomolecular Screening, National Toxicology Program,
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Research Tri-
angle Park, NC, USA
Katarzyna Augoff Department of Gastrointestinal and General Surgery,
Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland
Marc Aumercier CNRS, INRA, UMR 8576-UGSF-Unité de Glycobiologie
Structurale et Fonctionnelle, Université de Lille, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Riccardo Autorino Clinica Urologica, Seconda Università degli Studi,
Naples, Italy
Matias A. Avila Division of Hepatology, CIMA, University of Navarra,
Pamplona, Spain
Hava Karsenty Avraham Division of Experimental Medicine, Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Institutes of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
Contributors xix

Shalom Avraham Division of Experimental Medicine, Beth Israel Deacon-

ess Medical Center, Harvard Institutes of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
Sanjay Awasthi United States Longview Cancer Center, Longview, TX, USA
Yogesh C. Awasthi City of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA
Debasis Bagchi Department of Pharmacy Sciences, Creighton University
Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA
Xue-Tao Bai State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics, Shanghai Institute
of Hematology, Rui-Jin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of
Medicine, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
Michael J. Baine Department of Radiation Oncology, Fred and Pamela
Buffett Cancer Center, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE,
Jürgen Bajorath Department of Life Science Informatics, B-IT, University
of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Stuart G. Baker Biometry Research Group, National Cancer Institute,
Bethesda, MD, USA
Elizabeth K. Balcer-Kubiczek Department of Radiation Oncology, Marlene
and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center, University of Maryland School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Enke Baldini Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Rome
“Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Graham S. Baldwin Department of Surgery, Austin Health, The University
of Melbourne, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia
Sherri Bale GeneDx, Rockville, MD, USA
Laurent Balenci INSERM Unité Mixte 873, Grenoble, France
Sushanta K. Banerjee Cancer Research Unit, Research Division, VA Med-
ical Center, Kansas City, MO, USA
Michal Baniyash The Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Cancer
Research, Israel-Canada Medical, Research Institute Faculty of Medicine,
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Shyam S. Bansal Division of Cardiovascular Disease, University of Ala-
bama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
Nektarios Barabutis Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics, Old
Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA
Aditya Bardia Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center and Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Rafijul Bari Departments of Medicine and Molecular Sciences, Vascular
Biology Center, Cancer Institute, University of Tennessee Health Science
Center, Memphis, TN, USA
xx Contributors

Nicola L. P. Barnes Department of Academic Surgery, South Manchester

University Hospital, Manchester, UK
Robert Barouki Inserm UMR-S 1124, Université Paris Descartes, Paris,
Juan Miguel Barros-Dios Department of Preventive Medicine and Public
Health, School of Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago
de Compostela, Spain
Harry Bartelink Department of Radiotherapy, The Netherlands Cancer
Institute–Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Stefan Barth Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine and
Department of Integrative Biomedical Sciences, University of Cape Town,
Cape Town, South Africa
Helmut Bartsch Division of Toxicology and Cancer Risk Factors, German
Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
Thomas Barz Max-Panck-Institut für Psychiatrie, Munich, Germany
Holger Bastians Abt. Molekulare Onkologie, Universitätsmedizin
Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
Anna Batistatou Ioannina University Medical School, Ioannina, Greece
Surinder K. Batra Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied
Diseases and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University
of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA
Frederic Batteux Faculté de Médecine Paris – Descartes, UPRES 18-33,
Groupe Hospitalier Cochin – Saint Vincent de Paul, Paris, France
Jacques Baudier INSERM Unité Mixte 873, Grenoble, France
Paul Bauer Pfizer Research Technology Center, Cambridge, MA, USA
Tobias Bäuerle Institute of Radiology, University Medical Center Erlangen,
Erlangen, Germany
Asne R. Bauskin Department of Medicine, Centre for Immunology, St.
Vincent’s Hospital, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Boon-Huat Bay Department of Anatomy, National University of Singapore,
Singapore, Singapore
Jean-Claude Béani Clinique Universitaire de Dermato-Vénéréologie,
Photobiologie et Allergologie, Pôle Pluridisciplinaire de Médecine, CHU de
Grenoble, Grenoble, France
Nicole Beauchemin Goodman Cancer Research Centre, McGill University,
Montreal, QC, Canada
John F. Bechberger Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences, The
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Contributors xxi

Gerhild Becker Department of Palliative Care, University Hospital Freiburg,

Freiburg, Germany
Katrin Anne Becker Department of Molecular Biology, University of Duis-
burg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Marie E. Beckner Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh School
of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Roberto Bei Department of Clinical Sciences and Translational
Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome,
Claus Belka Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Tübingen,
Tübingen, Germany
Anita C. Bellail Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Henry
Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, USA
Larissa Belov School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences, University of
Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
P. Annécie Benatrehina College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, USA
Maurizio Bendandi Department of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine,
Ross University, Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica
Yaacov Ben-David Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Sunnybrook
Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada
Martin Benesch Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Depart-
ment of Pediatrics and Adolescence Medicine, Medical University of Graz,
Graz, Austria
Suzanne M. Benjes Cancer Genetics Research, University of Otago, Christ-
church, New Zealand
Carmen Berasain Division of Hepatology, CIMA, University of Navarra,
Pamplona, Spain
Alan Berezov Department of Pathology, Laboratory Medicine and
Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Rob J. W. Berg University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The
Corinna Bergelt Institute of Medical Psychology, University Medical Center
Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Rene Bernards The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The
Zwi Berneman Vaccine and Infections Disease Institute (VAXINFECTIO)
Laboratory of Experimental Hematology, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Sciences, University of Antwerp, Edegem, Belgium
xxii Contributors

Jérôme Bertherat Endocrinology, Metabolism and Cancer Department,

INSERM U567, Institut Cochin, Paris, France
Saverio Bettuzzi Department of Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Transla-
tional Research, University of Parma, Parma, Italy
Arun Bhardwaj Department of Oncologic Sciences, Mitchell Cancer Insti-
tute, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, USA
Kumar M. R. Bhat Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College,
Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India
Malaya Bhattacharya-Chatterjee University of Cincinnati and The Barrett
Cancer Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Caterina Bianco Division of Extramural Activities, National Institutes of
Health, Rockville, MD, USA
Tina Bianco-Miotto Robinson Research Institute and School of Agriculture,
Food and Wine, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia
Jean-Michel Bidart Department of Clinical Biology, Institut Gustave-
Roussy, Villejuif, France
Jaclyn A. Biegel Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Margherita Bignami Istituto Superiore di Sanita’, Rome, Italy
Irene V. Bijnsdorp Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Med-
ical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Chen Bing Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease, University of Liverpool,
Liverpool, UK
Angelique Blanckenberg Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science,
Stellenbosch University, Matieland, South Africa
Giovanni Blandino Translational Oncogenomic Laboratory, Regina Elena
Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy
David E. Blask Laboratory of Chrono-Neuroendocrine Oncology, Depart-
ment of Structural and Cellular Biology, Tulane University School of Medi-
cine, New Orleans, LA, USA
Jonathan Blay Department of Pharmacology, Dalhousie University, Halifax,
NS, Canada
Peter Blume-Jensen Xtuit Pharmaceuticals, Boston, MA, USA
Sarah Bocchini Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Rome
“Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Ann M. Bode The Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota, Austin, MN,
Paolo Boffetta Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA
Contributors xxiii

Stefan K. Bohlander Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, The Univer-

sity of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Valentina Bollati EPIGET - Epidemiology, Epigenetics and Toxicology

Lab - Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University of
Milan, Milan, Italy

Subbarao Bondada Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molec-

ular Genetics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA

Maria Grazia Borrello Department of Experimental Oncology and Molec-

ular Medicine, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, Italy

Giuseppe Borzacchiello Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal

Productions, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy

Valerie Bosch Forschungsschwerpunkt Infektion und Krebs, F020, German

Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

Chris Boshoff Cancer Research Campaign Viral Oncology Group, Wolfson

Institute for Biomedical Research, University College London, London, UK

Irina Bosman Institute of Pharmacy, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Galina I. Botchkina Department of Pathology, Stony Brook University,

Stony Brook, NY, USA
Institute of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery, Stony Brook University,
Stony Brook, NY, USA

Franck Bourdeaut Département de pédiatrie, INSERM 830, Biologie et

génétique des tumeurs, Institut Curie, Paris, France

Jean-Pierre Bourquin Pediatric Oncology, University Children’s Hospital

Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Hassan Bousbaa Instituto Investigação Formação Avançada Ciências

Tecnologias Saúde, CESPU – Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politecnico e
Universitario, Gandra PRD, Portugal

Norman Boyd Campbell Family Institute for Breast Cancer Research,

Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada

Sven Brandau Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Duisburg-

Essen, Essen, Germany

Burkhard H. Brandt Institute of Clinical Chemistry, University Medical

Centre Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany

Hiltrud Brauch Breast Cancer Susceptibility and Pharmacogenomics,

Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch-Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, University
of Tübingen, Stuttgart, Germany

Massimo Breccia Department of Cellular Biotechnologies and Hematology,

Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
xxiv Contributors

Samuel N. Breit Cytokine Biology and Inflammation Research Program,

St Vincent’s Centre for Applied Medical Research (AMR), St Vincent’s
Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Edwin Bremer Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Section
Medical Biology, Laboratory for Tumor Immunology, University Medical
Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Catherine Brenner INSERM UMR-S 769, Labex LERMIT, Châtenay-
Malabry, University of Paris Sud, Paris, France
David J. Brenner Department of Radiation Oncology, Columbia University,
New York, NY, USA
Amanda E. Brinker Department of Cancer Biology, University of Kansas
Cancer Center, The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS,
Nikko Brix Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology, LMU Munich,
Munich, Germany
Katja Brocke-Heidrich Praxis für Naturheilkunde und ganzheitliche
Therapie, Leipzig, Germany
Angela Brodie University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Jonathan Brody Department of Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Phil-
adelphia, PA, USA
Christopher L. Brooks Institute for Cancer Genetics, and Department of
Pathology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New
York, NY, USA
Mai N. Brooks Surgical Oncology, School of Medicine, University of Cal-
ifornia, Los Angeles, CA, USA
David A. Brown St. Vincent’s Centre for Applied Medical Research, St
Vincent’s Hospital, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Karen Brown Department of Cancer Studies, University of Leicester,
Leicester, UK
Kevin Brown University of Florida, College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL,
Tilman Brummer Institut für Molekulare Medizin und Zellforschung,
Zentrum für Biochemie und Molekulare Zellforschung (ZBMZ), Albert-
Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Antonio Brunetti Department of Health Sciences, University of Catanzaro
“Magna Græcia”, Catanzaro, Italy
Andreas K. Buck Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Contributors xxv

Laszlo Buday Department of Medical Chemistry, Semmelweis University

Medical School, Budapest, Hungary
Marie Annick Buendia Hopital Paul Brousse, Inserm U785, Centre
Hépatobiliaire, Villejuif, France
Ralf Buettner City of Hope National Medical Center and Beckman Research
Institute, Duarte, CA, USA
Nigel J. Bundred Department of Academic Surgery, South Manchester
University Hospital, Manchester, UK
Alexander Bürkle Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Kon-
stanz, Germany
Barbara Burwinkel Division Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer, Univer-
sity of Heidelberg, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Heidelberg,
Xavier Busquets Department of Biology, University of the Balearic Islands,
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Jagdish Butany Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University Health
Network/Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Neville J. Butcher School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Queens-
land, St Lucia, QLD, Australia
Timon P. H. Buys Department of Cancer Genetics and Developmental Biol-
ogy, British Columbia Cancer Research Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Miguel A. Cabrita Cancer Therapeutics Program, Ottawa Hospital Research
Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Jean Cadet Département de Médecine Nucléaire et Radiobiologie, Faculté
de Médecine et des Sciences de la Santé, Université de Sherbrooke, Sher-
brooke, QC, Canada
Yi Cai Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX,
Yiqiang Cai Section of Nephrology, Yale University School of Medicine,
New Haven, CT, USA
Bruno Calabretta Kimmel Cancer Institute, Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Daniele Calistri Molecular Laboratory, Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo
Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (I.R.S.T.), Meldola, Italy
Javier Camacho Department of Pharmacology, Centro de Investigación y de
Estudios Avanzados del I.P.N., Mexico City, D.F., Mexico
William G. Cance Departments of Surgical Oncology, Roswell Park Cancer
Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA
xxvi Contributors

Amparo Cano Departamento de Bioquímica, Facultad de Medicina, UAM,

Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas “Alberto Sols” CSIC-UAM IdiPAZ,
Madrid, Spain
Anthony J. Capobianco Molecular and Cellular Oncogenesis Program, The
Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Emilia Caputo Institute of Genetics and Biophysics – ABT, Napoli, Italy
Salvatore J. Caradonna Department of Molecular Biology, Rowan Univer-
sity School of Osteopathic Medicine, Stratford, NJ, USA
Michele Carbone University of Hawaii Cancer Center, Honolulu, HI, USA
Vinicio Carloni University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Neil O. Carragher Drug Discovery Group, Edinburgh Cancer Research
Centre, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Michela Casanova Pediatric Oncology Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto
Nazionale Tumori, Milano, Italy
Wolfgang H. Caselmann Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I, Rheinische
Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, Germany
Giuliana Cassinelli Molecular Pharmacology Unit, Department of Experi-
mental Oncology and Molecular Medicine, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto
Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, Italy
Webster K. Cavenee Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, UCSD, La Jolla,
Esteban Celis Georgia Cancer Center, Augusta University, Augusta, GA,
Chiswili Chabu Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University School
of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Wook-Jin Chae Department of Immunobiology, Yale University School of
Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Ho Man Chan Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Davidson
Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
Shing Leng Chan Cancer Science Institute of Singapore, National Univer-
sity of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Dawn S. Chandler Department of Pediatrics, Columbus Children’s Research
Institute, Center for Childhood Cancer, The Ohio State University School of
Medicine, Columbus, OH, USA
Guru Chandramouly Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Med-
ical School, Boston, MA, USA
Mau-Sun Chang Institute of Biochemical Sciences, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan
Contributors xxvii

Mei-Chi Chang Biomedical Science Team, Chang Gung Institute of Tech-

nology, Taoyuan, Taiwan

Lung-Ji Chang Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Col-

lege of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

Jane C. J. Chao School of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical

University, Taipei, Taiwan

Christine Chaponnier Department of Pathology and Immunology, Univer-

sity of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Konstantinos Charalabopoulos Ioannina University Medical School, Ioan-

nina, Greece

Malay Chatterjee Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur

University, Calcutta, West Bengal, India

Sunil K. Chatterjee University of Cincinnati and The Barrett Cancer Center,

Cincinnati, OH, USA

Gautam Chaudhuri Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology

and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, David Geffen School of
Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA

M. Asif Chaudry University Department of Surgery, Royal Free and Uni-

versity College London Medical School, London, UK

Dharminder Chauhan Department of Medical Oncology, The Jerome

Lipper Multiple Myeloma Center, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Jeremy P. Cheadle Institute of Medical Genetics, Cardiff University, Heath

Park, Cardiff, UK

Ai-Ping Chen Department of Gynecology, Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao

University, Qingdao, China

Chienling Chen Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Col-

lege of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

Herbert Chen Department of Surgery, University of Alabama - Birmingham

(UAB) School of Medicine, UAB Hospital and Health System, University of
Alabama Comprehensive Cancer Center, Birmingham, AL, UK

Jie Chen Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, The University of

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Sai-Juan Chen State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics, Shanghai Insti-

tute of Hematology, Rui-Jin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School
of Medicine, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China

Taosheng Chen Chemical Biology and Therapeutics, St. Jude Children’s

Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA
xxviii Contributors

Wenxing Chen Department of Clinical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy,

Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China
Yingchi Chen Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, College
of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Zhu Chen State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics, Shanghai Institute of
Hematology, Rui-Jin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of
Medicine, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
George Z. Cheng Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Jin Q. Cheng Molecular Oncology Program and Research Institute, H. Lee
Moffitt Cancer Center, University of South Florida College of Medicine,
Tampa, FL, USA
Liang Cheng Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Indiana
University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Chun Hei Antonio Cheung Department of Pharmacology and Institute of
Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung Univer-
sity, Tainan, Taiwan, Republic of China
Ya-Hui Chi Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research,
National Health Research Institutes, Zhunan, Taiwan
Martyn A. Chidgey School of Cancer Sciences, University of Birmingham,
Birmingham, UK
Sudhakar Chintharlapalli Department of Veterinary Physiology and Phar-
macology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
Alexandre Chlenski Department of Pediatrics, Section of Hematology/
Oncology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Daniel C. Cho Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA
William Chi-Shing Cho Department of Clinical Oncology, Queen Elizabeth
Hospital, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Michael Chopp Neurology Research, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit,
Pei-Lun Chou Division of Allergy-Immunology-Rheumatology, Depart-
ment of Internal Medicine, Lin Shin Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Claus Christensen Department of Cancer Genetics, Danish Cancer Society,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Rikke Christensen Clinical Genetics, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus,
Gerhard Christofori Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel,
Basel, Switzerland
Richard I. Christopherson School of Life and Environmental Sciences,
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Contributors xxix

Fong-Fong Chu Department of Cancer Biology, Beckman Research Institute

of City of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA
Wen-Ming Chu Cancer Biology Program, University of Hawaii Cancer
Center, Honolulu, HI, USA
Bong-Hyun Chung BioNanotechnology Research Center, Korea Research
Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Yuseong, Daejeon, Republic of
Fung-Lung Chung Department of Oncology, Lombardi Comprehensive
Cancer Center, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC,
Jacky K. H. Chung Department of Medical Genetics and Microbiology,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Sue Clark Imperial College London, London, UK
Pier Paolo Claudio The University of Mississippi, Medical Center Cancer
Institute, Jackson, MS, USA
Elizabeth B. Claus Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale
University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Pascal Clayette SPI-BIO, Service de Neurovirologie, CEA, CRSSA, EPHE,
Fontenay aux Roses Cedex, France
Dahn L. Clemens Research Service, Veterans Administration Medical Cen-
ter, Omaha, NE, USA
Steven C. Clifford Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle Uni-
versity, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Kevin A. Cockell Nutrition Research Division, Health Canada, Ottawa, ON,
Susan L. Cohn Department of Pediatrics, Section of Hematology/Oncology,
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Graham A. Colditz Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA
Paola Collini Anatomic Pathology Department, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto
Nazionale Tumori, Milano, Italy
Andrew R. Collins Department of Nutrition, University of Oslo, Oslo,
Nicoletta Colombo Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milan, Italy
Joan W. Conaway Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas, MO,
Ronald C. Conaway Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas, MO,

Bong-Hyun Chung: deceased.

xxx Contributors

Lellys Mariella Contreras Department of Cancer Biology, University of

Kansas Cancer Center, The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas
City, KS, USA
Amanda E. Conway Molecular Cancer Biology, Duke University Medical
Center, Durham, NC, USA
Nathalie Cools Vaccine and Infections Disease Institute (VAXINFECTIO)
Laboratory of Experimental Hematology, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Sciences, University of Antwerp, Edegem, Belgium
Helen C. Cooney UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science,
UCD Conway Institute, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Scott Coonrod Baker Institute for Animal Health, Department of Biomedical
Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
Kumarasen Cooper Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Perelman School
of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Laurence J. N. Cooper Division of Pediatrics, Department of Immunology,
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Michael K. Cooper Department of Neurology, Vanderbilt Medical Center,
Nashville, TN, USA
Peter J. Coopman IRCM, INSERM U1194, Montpellier Cancer Research
Institute, Montpellier, France
Lanfranco Corazzi Department of Experimental Medicine, University of
Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Maria Paola Costi Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of
Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
Richard J. Cote Department of Pathology, Miller School of Medicine, Uni-
versity of Miami, Miami, FL, USA
Massimo Cristofanilli Division of Hematology and Oncology, Robert H
Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chicago, IL, USA
Marcus V. Cronauer Department of Urology, University Hospital Schles-
wig-Holstein – Campus Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany
Sidney Croul Department of Pathology, UHN, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Ronald G. Crystal Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Weill
Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USA
Bruce D. Cuevas Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, IL, USA
Jiuwei Cui Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China
Edna Cukierman Basic Science/Tumor Cell Biology, Fox Chase Cancer
Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Contributors xxxi

Zoran Culig Department of Urology, Innsbruck Medical University, Inns-

bruck, Austria
David Cunningham Department of Medicine, The Royal Marsden NHS
Foundation Trust, London, UK
David T. Curiel Division of Cancer Biology, Washington University, St.
Louis, MO, USA
Franck Cuttitta NCI Angiogenesis Core Facility, National Cancer Institute,
National Institutes of Health, Advanced Technology Center, Gaithersburg,
Andrea Cziffer-Paul Department of Pathology, The Mount Sinai School of
Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Massimino D’Armiento Department of Experimental Medicine, University
of Rome “Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Yun Dai Department of Gastroenterology, Peking University First Hospital,
Beijing, China
Yataro Daigo Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo,
Lokesh Dalasanur Nagaprashantha City of Hope National Medical Center,
Duarte, CA, USA
Ashraf Dallol Centre of Innovation in Personalised Medicine, King
Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tamas Dalmay School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia,
Norwich, UK
Ivan Damjanov Department of Pathology, University of Kansas School of
Medicine, Kansas City, KS, USA
Vincent Dammai Dammai-Morgan Scientific Consultants LLC, Mount
Pleasant, SC, USA
Chendil Damodaran University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA
Janet E. Dancey Canadian Cancer Trials Group, Queen’s University, Kings-
ton, ON, Canada
Nadia Dandachi Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Oncology,
Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria
Chi V. Dang Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Johns Hop-
kins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Alla Danilkovitch-Miagkova National Cancer Institute-FCRDC, Frederick,
Kakoli Das Cancer and Stem Cell Biology Program, Duke-NUS Graduate
Medical School, Singapore, Singapore
xxxii Contributors

Kaustubh Datta Department of Urology Research, Department of Biochem-

istry and Molecular Biology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester,

Pran K. Datta Departments of Surgery and Cancer Biology, Vanderbilt-

Ingram Cancer Center, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville,
Department of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birming-
ham, AL, USA

Leonor David IPATIMUP (Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunol-

ogy of the University of Porto) and Medical Faculty of the University of Porto,
Porto, Portugal

David Mark Davies Department of Oncology, South West Wales Cancer

Centre, Swansea, UK

Juhayna Kassem Davis Carolinas HealthCare System, Charlotte, NC, USA

Alexey Davydov Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Shaheenah Dawood Department of Medical Oncology, Dubai Hospital,

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Robert Day Department of Surgery/Division of Urology, Institut de

Pharmacologie, Faculté de Médecine et des sciences de la santé, Université
de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada

Terry Day Head and Neck Tumor Program, Hollings Cancer Center, Medical
University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA

Suzane Ramos da Silva Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immu-

nology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, CA, USA

Enrique de Alava Institute of Biomedicine of Sevilla (IBiS), Virgen del

Rocio University Hospital /CSIC/University de Sevilla, Seville, Spain

Diederik de Bruijn Department of Human Genetics, Radboud University

Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Floris Aart de Jong Amgen BV, Breda, The Netherlands

Vincenzo de Laurenzi Department of Experimental Medicine and Biochem-

ical Sciences, University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Ben O. de Lumen Department of Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology,

University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA

Elvira de Mejia Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Univer-

sity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA

Ana Ramirez de Molina Nutritional Genomics and Cancer Unit, IMDEA

Food Institute, Madrid, Spain
Contributors xxxiii

Christiane de Wolf-Peeters Department of Pathology, University Hospitals

of K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Jochen Decker Hematology Oncology Medical School Clinic III, University
of Mainz, Mainz, Germany
P. Markus Deckert Zentrum für Innere Medizin II – Abteilung für
Onkologie und Palliativmedizin, Klinikum Brandenburg, Brandenburg an
der Havel, Germany
Francesca Degrassi Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology IBMN c/o
“Sapienza” University, Italian National Research Council CNR, Rome, Italy
Amir R. Dehdashti Division of Neurosurgery, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Maryse Delehedde R&D Lunginnov, Campus de l’Institut Pasteur de Lille,
Lille, France
Olivier Dellis Signalisation Calcique et Interactions Cellulaires dans le Foie,
INSERM UMR-S 1174, Université Paris-Sud 11, Orsay, France
Renée M. Demarest Molecular and Cellular Oncogenesis Program, The
Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Berna Demircan University of Florida, College of Medicine, Gainesville,
Miriam Deniz Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of
Ulm, Ulm, Germany
Samuel Denmeade The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD, USA
David A. Denning Department of Surgery, Marshall University, Huntington,
Sylviane Dennler Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Leiden University
Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Channing J. Der University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill,
Barbara Deschler Comprehensive Cancer Center Mainfranken, Clinical
Trials Office, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Chantal Desdouets Institut Cochin, Université Paris Descartes, CNRS,
Paris, France
Peter Devilee Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
The Netherlands
Mark W. Dewhirst Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke University,
Durham, NC, USA
Girish Dhall Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department of Pediatrics,
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the Keck School of Medicine, University
of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
xxxiv Contributors

Danny N. Dhanasekaran Stephenson Cancer Center, University of Okla-

homa Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Pier Paolo Di Fiore IFOM, the FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology,
Milan, Italy
Giuseppe Di Lorenzo Cattedra di Oncologia Medica, Dipartimento di
Endocrinologia e Oncologia molecolare e clinica, Università degli Studi
“Federico II”, Naples, Italy
Dario Di Luca Department of Medical Sciences, University of Ferrara,
Ferrara, Italy
Marc Diederich College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul,
South Korea
Joseph DiFranza Department of Family Medicine and Community Health,
University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA, USA
Martin Digweed Institute of Medical and Human Genetics, Charité –
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Peter ten Dijke Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Leiden University
Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Gerard Dijkstra University Medical Center Groningen, University of Gro-
ningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Nathalie Dijsselbloem Lab of Eukaryotic Gene Expression, LEGEST-Uni-
versity Gent, Ghent, Belgium
Helen Dimaras The Hospital for Sick Children, Department of Ophthalmol-
ogy and Vision Science, The University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Jian Ding State Key Laboratory of Drug Research, Shanghai Institute of
Materia Medica, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Acad-
emy of Sciences, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
Zhaoxia Ding Department of Gynecology, Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao
University, Qingdao, China
Jürgen Dittmer Klinik für Gynäkologie, Universität Halle-Wittenberg,
Halle (Saale), Germany
Henrik J. Ditzel Department of Cancer and Inflammation Reserch, Institute
fo Molecular Medicine, University of Southern Denmark, Odense C, Denmark
Dan Dixon Cancer Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas
City, KS, USA
Cholpon S. Djuzenova Klinik für Strahlentherapie der Universität
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Christian Doehn Urologikum Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany
Contributors xxxv

Yasufumi Doi Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Graduate

School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Milos Dokmanovic Division of Monoclonal Antibodies, Office of Biotech-
nology Products, Office of Pharmaceutical Science, Center for Drug Evalua-
tion and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, MD, USA
Qihan Dong The University of Western Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Department of Endocrinology, Central Clinical School, Royal Prince Alfred
Hospital, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Zigang Dong The Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota, Austin, MN, USA
Ben Doron Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR, USA
Qing Ping Dou The Prevention Program, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer
Institute and Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Wayne State
University, Detroit, MI, USA
Thierry Douki Laboratoire “Lésions des Acides Nucléiques”, Institute
Nanosciences et Cryogénie, Grenoble, France
Harry A. Drabkin Division of Hematology-Oncology, Medical University
of South Carolina and the Hollings Cancer Center, Charleston, SC, USA
Tommaso A. Dragani Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan,
Kenneth Drake Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of
Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA
Martin Dreyling Department of Internal Medicine III, University of Munich,
Großhadern, Munich, Germany
Nathalie Druesne-Pecollo UMR U1153 INSERM, U1125 INRA, CNAM,
Université Paris 13, Centre de Recherche Epidémiologie et Statistique
Sorbonne Paris Cité, Bobigny, France
Brian J. Druker Oregon Health and Science University Cancer Institute,
Portland, OR, USA
Denis Drygin Pimera, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA
Raymond N. DuBois ASU Biodesign Institute, Tempe, AZ, USA
Dan G. Duda Steele Laboratories for Tumor Biology, Department of Radi-
ation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, USA
Jaquelin P. Dudley Department of Molecular Biosciences and Institute for
Cellular and Molecular Biology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin,
Roy J. Duhé Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of
Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, USA
xxxvi Contributors

Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Mississippi Medical Center,

Jackson, MS, USA
Ignacio Duran Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, Robert
and Maggie Bras and Family New Drug Development Program, Princess
Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
Stephen T. Durant R&D, Oncology, Innovative Medicines, AstraZeneca,
Little Chesterford, UK
Meenakshi Dwivedi Department of Life Science, Hanyang University,
Seoul, South Korea
Madalene A. Earp Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic
College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA
Behfar Ehdaie Department of Surgery, Urology Service, Memorial Sloan-
Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
Justis P. Ehlers Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
Gerhard Eisenbrand Department of Chemistry, Division of Food Chemistry
and Toxicology, University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Mohamad Elbaz Department of Pathology, Comprehensive Cancer Centre,
The Ohio State Medical Centre, Columbus, OH, USA
Patricia V. Elizalde Laboratory of Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogene-
sis, Institute of Biology and Experimental Medicine (IBYME), CONICET,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Bassel El-Rayes Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Emory
University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA
Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA
Mitsuru Emi Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nippon Medical
School, Kawasaki and Tokyo, Japan
Steffen Emmert Clinic for Dermatology and Venereology, University Med-
ical Center Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Caroline End Division of Molecular Genome Analysis, DKFZ, Heidelberg,
Daniela Endt Department of Human Genetics, Biozentrum University of
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Rainer Engers Institute of Pathology, University Hospital Düsseldorf,
Düsseldorf, Germany
Marica Eoli Unit of Clinical Neuro-Oncology, Istituto Neurologico Besta,
Milan, Italy
Anat Erdreich-Epstein Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department of
Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the Keck School of Medicine,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Contributors xxxvii

Süleyman Ergün Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie, Julius-

Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany

Pablo V. Escribá Department of Biology, University of the Balearic Islands,

Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Nuria Están-Capell Service of Clinical Analysis, Dr. Peset University Hos-

pital, Valencia, Spain

Konstantinos Evangelou Molecular Carcinogenesis Group, Laboratory of

Histology-Embryology, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian Univer-
sity of Athens, Athens, Greece

Mark F. Evans Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Univer-

sity of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA

B. Mark Evers Department of Surgery, The University of Texas Medical

Branch, Galveston, TX, USA

Vera Evtimov Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Jörg Fahrer Department of Toxicology, University Medical Center Mainz,

Mainz, Germany

Cristina Maria Failla Experimental Immunology Laboratory, IDI-IRCCS,

Rome, Italy

Marco Falasca Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Biomedical Sciences,

Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia

Fang Fan Department of Pathology, University of Kansas School of Medi-

cine, Kansas City, KS, USA

Saijun Fan Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA

Bingliang Fang Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, The

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Jinxu Fang Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,

Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, CA, USA

Lei Fang Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes

of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

Valeria R. Fantin Merck Research Laboratories, Boston, MA, USA

Z. Shadi Farhangrazi Biotrends International, Denver, CO, USA

Omid C. Farokhzad Laboratory of Nanomedicine and Biomaterials, Depart-

ment of Anesthesiology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

William L. Farrar National Cancer Institute – Frederick, Frederick, MD,

xxxviii Contributors

Alessandro Fatatis Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, Drexel

University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Andrew P. Feinberg Department of Medicine and Center for Epigenetics,
Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Mark A. Feitelson Department of Biology, Temple University, Philadelphia,
Francesco Feo Department of Biomedical Sciences, Division of Experimen-
tal Pathology and Oncology, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy
Félix Fernández Madrid Department of Internal Medicine, Division of
Rheumatology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Paula Fernández-García Department of Biology, University of the Balearic
Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Marie Fernet INSERM U612, Institut Curie-Recherche, Orsay, France
Audrey Ferrand INSERM U.858, Institut de Médecine Moléculaire de
Rangueil, IFR150, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Andrea Ferrari Pediatric Oncology Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto
Nazionale Tumori, Milano, Italy
Stefania Ferrari Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of
Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
Robert A. Figlin Division of Hematology Oncology, Samuel Oschin Com-
prehensive Cancer Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA,
Lorena L. Figueiredo-Pontes Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, University
of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Cristina Fillat Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer
(IDIBAPS) and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades
Raras (CIBERER), Barcelona, Spain
Daniel Finley Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Gaetano Finocchiaro Unit of Experimental Neuro-Oncology, Istituto
Nazionale Neurologico Besta, Milan, Italy
Paul B. Fisher Departments of Urology, Pathology and Neurosurgery,
Columbia University Medical Center, College of Physicians and Surgeons,
New York, NY, USA
James Flanagan Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology,
Imperial College London, London, UK
Michael Fleischhacker Universitätsklinikum Halle (Saale), Klinik für
Innere Medizin I, Schwerpunkt Pneumologie, Halle (Saale), Germany
Contributors xxxix

Eliezer Flescher Department of Human Microbiology, Sackler Faculty of

Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Jonathan A. Fletcher Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA
Barbara D. Florentine Department of Pathology, Henry Mayo Newhall
Memorial Hospital, Valencia, CA, USA
CA and Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, CA, USA
Tamara Floyd Cancer Vaccine Section, National Cancer Institute, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Riccardo Fodde Department of Pathology, Josephine Nefkens Institute,
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Judah Folkman Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Hamidreza Fonouni Department of General, Visceral and Transplantation
Surgery, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Kenneth A. Foon The Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Alessandra Forni Department of Occupational and Environmental Health
“Clinica del Lavoro L. Devoto”, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
David A. Foster Department of Biological Sciences, Hunter College of the
City University of New York, New York, NY, USA
Paul Foster Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine, Imperial
College Faculty of Medicine, St. Mary’s Hospital, London, UK
Paul Fréneaux Département de Pathologie, Institut Curie, Paris, France
Rodrigo Franco Redox Biology Center, School of Veterinary Medicine and
Biomedical Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA
David A. Frank Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, USA
Stuart J. Frank Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism,
Department of Medicine, UAB, Endocrinology Section, Birmingham VAMC
Medical Service, Birmingham VA Medical Center, University of Alabama,
Birmingham, AL, USA
Stanley R. Frankel Merck Research Laboratories, Boston, MA, USA
Michael J. Franklin Division of Hematology, Oncology and Transplanta-
tion, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Aleksandra Franovic Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Fac-
ulty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Ralph S. Freedman UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
xl Contributors

Michael R. Freeman Urological Diseases Research Center, Children’s Hos-

pital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Emil Frei Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA
Jean-Noël Freund INSERM U1113 and Fédération de Médecine
Translationnelle de Strasbourg (FMTS), Université de Strasbourg, Faculté de
Médecine, Strasbourg, France
Errol C. Friedberg University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dal-
las, TX, USA
Steven M. Frisch Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center and Department of
Biochemistry, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA
Andrew M. Fry University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Mark Frydenberg Department of Surgery, Monash University, Melbourne,
VIC, Australia
Hendrik Fuchs Institute for Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry
and Pathobiochemistry, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin,
Atsuko Fujihara Department of Urology, Kyoto Prefectural University of
Medicine, Kyoto, Japan
Hirota Fujiki Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Med-
icine, Saga University, Saga, Japan
Jiro Fujimoto Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gifu University
School of Medicine, Gifu City, Japan
Jun Fujita Department of Clinical Molecular Biology, Graduate School of
Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Hiroshi Fukamachi Department of Molecular Oncology, Graduate School
of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
(TMDU), Tokyo, Japan
Kenji Fukasawa Molecular Oncology Program, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Cen-
ter and Research Institute, Tampa, FL, USA
Tomoya Fukui Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kitasato University
School of Medicine, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
Simone Fulda Institute for Experimental Cancer Research in Pediatrics,
Goethe-University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
Claudia Fumarola Department of Experimental Medicine, Unit of Experi-
mental Oncology, University of Parma, Parma, Italy
Kyle Furge Van Andel Research Institute, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Contributors xli

Mutsuo Furihata Department of Pathology, Kochi Medical School, Kochi,

Rhoikos Furtwängler Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes, Klinik für
Pädiatrische Onkologie und Hämatologie, Homburg/Saar, Germany
Bernard W. Futscher Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ari-
zona Cancer Center and College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona, Tucson,
Ulrich Göbel Clinic of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology,
Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
Tobias Görge Department of Dermatology, University of Münster, Münster,
Ursula Günthert Institute of Pathology, University Hospital, Basel,
Shirish Gadgeel Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University,
Detroit, MI, USA
Jochen Gaedche Department of General, Visceral and Pediatric Surgery,
University Medical Center, Göttingen, Germany
Federico Gago Departamento de Ciencias Biomédicas, Facultad de
Medicina, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
William M. Gallagher UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Sci-
ence, UCD Conway Institute, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Bernard Gallez Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, Université Catholique de
Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
Brenda L. Gallie The Hospital for Sick Children, Department of Ophthal-
mology and Vision Science, The University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Antoine Galmiche EA4666, Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV),
Amiens, France
Service de Biochimie, Centre de Biologie Humaine (CBH), University Hos-
pital of Amiens (CHU Sud), Amiens, France
Ramesh K. Ganju Department of Pathology, Comprehensive Cancer Centre,
The Ohio State Medical Centre, Columbus, OH, USA
Ping Gao Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Dolores C. García-Olmo Unidad de Investigación, Complejo Hospitalario
Universitario de Albacete, Albacete, Spain
Roy Garcia City of Hope National Medical Center and Beckman Research
Institute, Duarte, CA, USA
xlii Contributors

Robert A. Gardiner School of Medicine, University of Queensland, Bris-

bane, QLD, Australia
Centre for Clinical Research, University of Queensland, Herston, QLD,
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Edith Cowan University Western Australia, Joondalup, WA, Australia
Lawrence B. Gardner The NYU Cancer Institute, New York University
School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Patricio Gariglio Genetic and Molecular Biology, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mex-
ico City, México
Cathie Garnis MIT Center for Cancer Research, Cambridge, MA, USA
Andrei L. Gartel Department of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, IL, USA
Ronald B. Gartenhaus The University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart
Greenebaum Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD, USA
Thomas A. Gasiewicz University of Rochester Medical Center, Rocheser,
Patrizia Gasparini Tumor Genomic Unit, Department of Experimental
Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, Italy
Zoran Gatalica Department of Pathology, Creighton University School of
Medicine, Omaha, NE, USA
Grégory Gatouillat Laboratory of Biochemistry, IFR53, Faculty of Phar-
macy, Reims, France
Adi F. Gazdar Hamon Center for Therapeutic Oncology Research and
Departments of Pathology, Internal Medicine and Pharmacology, University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Christian Geisler Department of Hematology, The Finsen Centre,
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
Klaramari Gellci Department of Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State Uni-
versity, Detroit, MI, USA
Eleni A. Georgakopoulou Department of Histology and Embryology, Fac-
ulty of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens,
Spyros D. Georgatos Department of Basic Sciences, The University of
Crete, School of Medicine, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Julia M. George Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
Kimberly S. George Parsons Department of Chemistry, Marietta College,
Marietta, OH, USA
Contributors xliii

Armin Gerger Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Oncology,

Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria
Ulrich Germing Klinik für Hämatologie, Onkologie und Klinische
Immunologie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany
Jeffrey E. Gershenwald Department of Surgical Oncology, The University
of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Andreas J. Gescher Department of Cancer Studies, Cancer Biomarkers and
Prevention Group, University of Leicester, Leicester, Leicester, UK
Christian Gespach Laboratory of Molecular and Clinical Oncology of Solid
tumors, Faculté de Médecine, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, Paris,
INSERM U. 673, Paris, France
B. Michael Ghadimi Department of General, Visceral and Pediatric Surgery,
University Medical Center, Göttingen, Germany
Michelle Ghert Department of Surgery, Hamilton Health Sciences,
Juravinski Cancer Centre, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Riccardo Ghidoni Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, San
Paolo Medical School, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Saurabh Ghosh Roy Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Uni-
versity of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA
Ronald A. Ghossein Department of Pathology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
Lorenzo Gianni Department of Oncology, Instituto Scientifico Romagnolo
per lo s, Infermi Hospital, Rimini, Italy
Michael K. Gibson Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
Michael Z. Gilcrease Department of Pathology, Breast Section, MD Ander-
son Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
M. Boyd Gillespie Head and Neck Tumor Program, Hollings Cancer Center,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA
François Noël Gilly Department of Digestive Oncologic Surgery, Hospices
Civils de Lyon–Université Lyon 1, Lyon, France
Thomas Gilmore Biology Department, Boston University, Boston, MA,
Oliver Gimm Department of Surgery, University Hospital, Linköping,
Alessio Giubellino Laboratory of Pathology, Center for Cancer Research,
National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA
Morten F. Gjerstorff Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital,
Odense C, Denmark
xliv Contributors

Shannon S. Glaser Department of Internal Medicine, Texas A&M Health

Science Center, Central Texas Veterans Health Care System, Temple, TX,
Hansruedi Glatt Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Berlin,
Olivier Glehen Department of Digestive Oncologic Surgery, Hospices Civils
de Lyon–Université Lyon 1, Lyon, France
Aleksandra Glogowska Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science,
College of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Thomas W. Glover Department of Human Genetics, University of Michi-
gan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
John C. Goddard Jacksonville Hearing and Balance Institute, Jacksonville,
Andrew K. Godwin The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City,
Elspeth Gold Department of Anatomy, Otago School of Medical Sciences,
Dunedin, New Zealand
Gary S. Goldberg Molecular Biology, University of Medicine and Dentistry
of New Jersey, Stratford, NJ, USA
Itzhak D. Goldberg Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Albert Einstein
College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA
Susanne M. Gollin Department of Human Genetics, University of Pittsburgh
Graduate School of Public Health and the University of Pittsburgh Cancer
Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Roy M. Golsteyn Department of Biological Sciences, University of Leth-
bridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Rohini Gomathinayagam Stephenson Cancer Center, University of Okla-
homa Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Ellen L. Goode Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic
College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA
Gregory J. Gores Miles and Shirley Fiterman Center for Digestive Diseases,
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic College of Med-
icine, Rochester, MN, USA
Vassilis Gorgoulis Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of
Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Noriko Gotoh Division of Cancer Cell Biology, Cancer Research Institute,
Kanazawa University, Kanazawa city, Ishikawa, Japan
Lynn F. Gottfried LeClairRyan, Rochester, NY, USA
Contributors xlv

Stéphanie Gout Le Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-Université

Laval: axe Oncologie, Le Centre de recherche sur le cancer de l’Université
Laval, Québec, QC, Canada
Ammi Grahn Department of Clinical Chemistry and Transfusion Medicin,
Institute of Biomedicine, Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University,
Göteborg, Sweden
Galit Granot Felsenstein Medical Research Center, Beilinson Hospital,
Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Petah Tikva, Israel
Denis M. Grant Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Heidi J. Gray Gynecologic Oncology, University of Washington, Seattle,
Peter Greaves Department of Cancer Studies, University of Leicester,
Leicester, UK
John A. Green Department of Cancer Medicine, University of Liverpool,
Liverpool, UK
Mark I. Greene Department of Pathology, Laboratory Medicine and
Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Michael Greene Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
Arjan W. Griffioen Angiogenesis Laboratory, Department of Pathology,
Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Dirk Grimm BIOQUANT, Cluster of Excellence Cell Networks, University
of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Matthew J. Grimshaw Breast Cancer Biology Group, King’s College Lon-
don School of Medicine, Guy’s Hospital, London, UK
Stephen R. Grobmyer Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncol-
ogy, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Bernd Grosche Department of Radiation Protection and Health, Bundesamt
für Strahlenschutz (Federal Office for Radiation Protection),
Oberschleissheim, Germany
Isabelle Gross INSERM U1113, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg,
Michael Grusch Institute of Cancer Research, Department of Medicine I,
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Wei Gu Institute for Cancer Genetics, and Department of Pathology, College
of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Francisca Guardiola-Serrano University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de
Mallorca, Spain
xlvi Contributors

Juliana Guarize Department of Thoracic Surgery, European Institute of

Oncology, Milan, Italy
Valentina Guarneri Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Division of Medical
Oncology 2, Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology, Univer-
sity of Padova, Padova, Italy
Tiziana Guarnieri Department of Biology, Geology and Environmental
Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Liliana Guedez Immunopathology Section, National Eye Institute,
Bethesda, MD, USA
Frederick Peter Guengerich Department of Biochemistry and Center in
Molecular Toxicology, Biochemistry and Center in Molecular Toxicology,
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA
Abhijit Guha Division of Neurosurgery, University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada
Katherine A. Guindon Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology,
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
Erich Gulbins Department of Molecular Biology, University of Duisburg-
Essen, Essen, Germany
Charles A. Gullo Microbiology NUS (Research), Duke/NUS GMS, Singa-
pore, Singapore
Aparna Gupta Life Science Research Associate, Department of Gastroen-
terology and Hepatology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford,
Sonal Gupta Department of Pathology, The Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer
Research Center, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Murali Gururajan Department of Hematology and Oncology, Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Bristol-Myers Squibb & Co, Princeton, NJ, USA
James F. Gusella Center for Human Genetic Research, Massachusetts Gen-
eral Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Graeme R. Guy Signal Transduction Laboratory, Institute of Molecular and
Cell Biology, Singapore, Singapore
Manuel Guzmán Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I,
School of Biology, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
Geum-Youn Gwak Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center,
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South
Contributors xlvii

Guy Haegeman Lab of Eukaryotic Gene Expression, LEGEST-University

Gent, Ghent, Belgium
Stephan A. Hahn University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Jörg Haier Comprehensive Cancer Center Münster, University Hospital
Münster, Münster, Germany
Numsen Hail Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of
Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO, USA
Pierre Hainaut International Prevention Research Institute, Lyon, France
Brett M. Hall Department of Pediatrics, Columbus Children’s Research
Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
Janet Hall Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon (CRCL), UMR
Inserm 1052 - CNRS 5286, Lyon, France
Joyce L. Hamlin Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics,
University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Rasha S. Hamouda GeneDx, Rockville, MD, USA
Kelsey R. Hampton Department of Cancer Biology, Kansas University
Cancer Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
Lina Han Department of Leukemia, Section of Molecular Hematology and
Therapy, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX,
Ross Hannan Department of Cancer Biology and Therapeutics, John Curtin
School of Medical Research, ANU College of Medicine, Biology and the
Environment, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Chunhai Hao Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Henry
Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, USA
J. William Harbour Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami,
Miami, FL, USA
Mark Harland Section of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Cancer Research
UK Clinical Centre, Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, St. James’s
University Hospital, Leeds, UK
Adrian L. Harris Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, John Rad-
cliffe Hospital, University of Oxford, Cancer Research UK, Headington,
Oxford, UK
Randall E. Harris Director Center of Molecular Epidemiology, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH, USA
Marion Hartley Ruesch Center for the Cure of Gastrointestinal Cancers,
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University, Washing-
ton, DC, USA
xlviii Contributors

Uzma Hasan CIRI, Oncoviruses and Innate Immunity, INSERM U1111,

Ecole Normale Supérieure, Université de Lyon, CNRS-UMR5308, Hospices
Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France
Mia Hashibe University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Masaharu Hata Division of Radiation Oncology, Department of Oncology,
Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama,
Kanagawa, Japan
Yosef S. Haviv Division of Nephrology, Hadassah-Hebrew University Med-
ical Center, Department of Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel
John D. Hayes Medical Research Institute, Jacqui Wood Cancer Centre,
University of Dundee, Dundee, UK
Nicole M. Haynes Cancer Therapeutics Program, Trescowthick Laborato-
ries, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Hong He Department of Surgery, Austin Health, The University of Mel-
bourne, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia
Lili He Molecular Oncology Program and Research Institute, H. Lee Moffitt
Cancer Center, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, FL,
Li-Zhen He Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Weill Cornell Grad-
uate School of Medical Sciences, New York, NY, USA
Ruth He Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University,
Washington, DC, USA
Yu-Ying He Medicine/Dermatology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL,
Stephen S. Hecht The Cancer Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Ingrid A. Hedenfalk Department of Oncology, Clinical Sciences, Lund
University, Lund, Sweden
Petra Heffeter Department of Medicine I, Institute of Cancer Research,
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Ahmed E. Hegab Department of Geriatric and Respiratory Medicine,
Tohoku University Hospital, Sendai, Japan
Axel Heidenreich Division of Oncological Urology, Department of Urology,
University of Köln, Köln, Germany
Olaf Heidenreich Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle Uni-
versity, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Werner Held Ludwig Center for Cancer Research, Department of Oncology,
University of Lausanne, Epalinges, Switzerland
Contributors xlix

Carl-Henrik Heldin Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Uppsala Univer-

sity, Uppsala, Sweden
Wijnand Helfrich Groningen University Institute for Drug Exploration
(GUIDE), University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Pathology
and Laboratory Medicine, Section Medical Biology, Laboratory for Tumor
Immunology, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The
Debby Hellebrekers Department of Pathology, GROW-School for Oncol-
ogy and Developmental Biology, Maastricht University Hospital, Maastricht,
The Netherlands
Ingegerd Hellstrom Department of Pathology, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, USA
Karl Erik Hellstrom Department of Pathology, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, USA
Paul W. S. Heng Department of Pharmacy, National University of Singa-
pore, Singapore, Singapore
Kai-Oliver Henrich DKFZ, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg,
Rui Henrique Department of Pathology, Portuguese Oncology Institute-
Porto, Porto, Portugal
Ellen C. Henry University of Rochester Medical Center, Rocheser, NY, USA
Elizabeth P. Henske Center for LAM Research and Clinical Care, Brigham
and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Donald E. Henson Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences,
Bethesda, MD, USA
Serge Hercberg UMR U1153 INSERM, U1125 INRA, CNAM, Université
Paris 13, Centre de Recherche Epidémiologie et Statistique Sorbonne Paris
Cité, Bobigny, France
Meenhard Herlyn The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Heike M. Hermanns Med. Klinik II, Hepatologie, Universitätsklinikum
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Blanca Hernandez-Ledesma Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la
Alimentación (CIAL, CSIC-UAM, CEI UAM+CSIC), Madrid, Spain
Wolfgang Herr Universitätsklinikum Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
Erika Herrero Garcia Department of Pharmacology, University of Illinois
College of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Helen E. Heslop Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, Baylor College of
Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital, and The Methodist Hospital, Houston,
l Contributors

Jochen Hess Division of Signal Transduction and Growth Control,

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany
Dominique Heymann Physiopathologie de la Résorption Osseuse et
Thérapie des Tumeurs Osseuses Primitives, University of Nantes, Nantes,
Martha Hickey Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The University of Melbourne,
Parkville, VIC, Australia
James Hicks Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New
York, USA
Kevin O. Hicks Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre, The University
of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Colin K. Hill Department of Radiation Oncology, Keck School of Medicine,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Shawn Hingtgen Division of Molecular Pharmaceutics, UNC Eshelman
School of Pharmacy, Biomedical Research Imaging Center, University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Isabelle Hinkel INSERM U1113, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg,
Boaz Hirshberg Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases, Pfizer Inc, Groton,
Ari Hirvonen Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland
Ricardo Hitt Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa, Madrid, Spain
Eiso Hiyama Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development,
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Hiroshima University Hospital, Hiroshima
University, Hiroshima, Japan
Falk Hlubek Department of Pathology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of
Munich, Munich, Germany
Steven N. Hochwald Departments of Surgical Oncology, Roswell Park Can-
cer Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA
Mir Alireza Hoda Division of Thoracic Surgery, Medical University of
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Michael Hodsdon Department of Laboratory Medicine, Yale University
School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Kasper Hoebe Division of Immunobiology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Markus Hoffmann Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde, Kopf- und
Halschirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, Kiel,
Contributors li

Michèle J. Hoffmann Department of Urology, Heinrich Heine University,

Düsseldorf, Germany
Lorne J. Hofseth Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences,
South Carolina College of Pharmacy, University of South Carolina, Columbia,
Susanne Holck Department of Pathology, Copenhagen University Hospital,
Hvidovre, Denmark
Stefan Holdenrieder Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharma-
cology, Universitatsklinikum Bonn, Bonn, Germany
James F. Holland Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Sinai, New York, NY, USA
Petra Den Hollander Department of Translational Molecular Pathology, The
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Caroline L. Holloway BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver Island Centre, Victoria,
BC, Canada
Arne Holmgren Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics,
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Astrid Holzinger Tumor Genetics, Clinic I Internal Medicine, University
Hospital Cologne, and Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne, University of
Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Jun Hyuk Hong Division of Urologic Oncology, The Cancer Institute of NJ,
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Adília Hormigo Department of Neurology, Medicine (Division Hematology
Oncology) and Neurosurgery, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and
The Tisch Cancer Institute, New York, NY, USA
Joshua Hornig Head and Neck Tumor Program, Hollings Cancer Center,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA
Michael R. Horsman Department of Experimental Clinical Oncology, Aar-
hus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Andrea Kristina Horst Inst. Experimental Immunology and Hepatology,
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
David W. Hoskin Departments of Pathology, and Microbiology and Immu-
nology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Andreas F. Hottinger Departments of Clinical Neuroscience and Oncology,
CHUV, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, VD, Switzerland
Peter J. Houghton Greehey Children’s Cancer Research Institute, UT Health
Science Center, San Antonio, TX, USA
Anthony Howell CRUK Department of Medical Oncology, University of
Manchester, Christie Hospital NHS Trust, Manchester, UK
lii Contributors

Lynne M. Howells Department of Cancer Studies, University of Leicester,

Leicester, UK
Chia-Chien Hsieh Department of Human Development and Family Studies
(Nutritional Science and Education), National Taiwan Normal University,
Taipei, Taiwan
Shie-Liang Hsieh Department of Microbiology and Immunology, National
Yang-Ming University, Immunology Research Center, Taipei Veterans Gen-
eral Hospital; Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Wei Hu Departments of Gynecologic Oncology and Reproductive Medicine,
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Cheng-Long Huang Department of Second Surgery, Kagawa University,
Kagawa, Japan
Gonghua Huang Department of Immunology, St. Jude Children’s Research
Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA
Shile Huang Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Feist-
Weiller Cancer Center, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center,
Shreveport, LA, USA
Kay Huebner Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology and Medical
Genetics, Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus,
Pere Huguet Department of Pathology, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital,
Barcelona, Spain
Maureen B. Huhmann Department of Nutrition Sciences, School of Health
Related Professions, Rutgers The State University, Newark, NJ, USA
Wen-Chun Hung National Institute of Cancer Research, National Health
Research Institutes, Tainan Taiwan, Republic of China
Tony Hunter Salk Institute, Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory, La
Jolla, CA, USA
Teh-Ia Huo Institute of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, National Yang-
Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
Jacques Huot Le Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-Université Laval:
axe Oncologie, Le Centre de recherche sur le cancer de l’Université Laval,
Québec, QC, Canada
Karen L. Huyck Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
Boston, MA, USA
Sam T. Hwang Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Brandy D. Hyndman Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine,
Queen’s University Cancer Research Institute, Queen’s University, Kingston,
ON, Canada
Contributors liii

Maitane Ibarguren Department of Biology, University of the Balearic

Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Takafumi Ichida Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology,
Juntendo University School of Medicine, Shizuoka Hospital, Shizuoka, Japan
Yoshito Ihara Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Wakayama
Medical University, Wakayama, Japan
Hitoshi Ikeda Department of Pediatric Surgery, Dokkyo Medical University
Koshigaya Hospital, Koshigaya, Saitama, Japan
Landon Inge Norton Thoracic Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical
Center, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Kazuhiko Ino Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nagoya Univer-
sity Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan
Juan Iovanna INSERM, Stress Cellulaire, Parc Scientifique et
Technologique de Luminy, Marseille Cedex, France
Irmgard Irminger-Finger Molecular Gynecology and Obstetrics Labora-
tory, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Geneva University Hospitals,
Geneva, Switzerland
Meredith S. Irwin Cell Biology Program and Division of Hematology-
Oncology Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
Toshihisa Ishikawa Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Pharmaco-
genomics, NGO Personalized Medicine and Healthcare, Yokohama, Japan
Toshiyuki Ishiwata Department of Integrated Diagnostic Pathology, Gradu-
ate School of Medicine, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan
Mark A. Israel Departments of Pediatrics and of Genetics, Norris Cotton
Cancer Center, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, USA
Antoine Italiano Early Phase Trials and Sarcoma Units, Institut Bergonie,
Bordeaux, France
Norimasa Ito Departments of Surgery and Bioengineering, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Michael Ittmann Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, TX, USA
Richard Ivell School of Biosciences and School of Veterinary Medicine and
Science, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Antoni Ivorra Department of Information and Communication Technolo-
gies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain
Nobutaka Iwakuma Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
liv Contributors

Shai Izraeli Pediatric Hemato-Oncology, Sheba Medical Center and Tel Aviv
University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Paola Izzo Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnology,
School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II, Naples,
Mark Jackman Wellcome/CRC Institute, Cambridge, UK
Alan Jackson Centre for Imaging Sciences, University of Manchester, Man-
chester, UK
Deborah Jackson-Bernitsas Department of Systems Biology, The Univer-
sity of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Stephan C. Jahn Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics and the UF
and Shands Cancer Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
David Jamieson School of Clinical and Laboratory Sciences, Newcastle
University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Siegfried Janz Department of Pathology, Carver College of Medicine, Uni-
versity of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA
Daniel G. Jay Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
Gordon C. Jayson Cancer Research UK Department of Medical Oncology,
Christie Hospital, Manchester, UK
Kuan-Teh Jeang National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, NIH,
Bethesda, MD, USA
Diane F. Jelinek Department of Immunology, Mayo Clinic, College of
Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA
Jiiang-Huei Jeng Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of
Dentistry, National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan Univer-
sity Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan
Elwood V. Jensen National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Erika Jensen-Jarolim Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research,
Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
The Interuniversity Messerli Research Institute, University of Veterinary
Medicine Vienna, Medical University Vienna and University Vienna, Vienna,
Carmen Jeronimo Research Center, Portuguese Oncology Institute-Porto,
Porto, Portugal
Lin Ji Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, The University
of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Shuai Jiang Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
Contributors lv

Yufei Jiang Cancer Vaccine Section, National Cancer Institute, National

Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Charlotte Jin Departments of Clinical Genetics, University Hospital, Lund,
Chengcheng Jin The David H. Koch Institute of Integrative Cancer
Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
Andrew K. Joe Department of Medicine, Herbert Irving Comprehensive
Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
Manfred Johannsen Facharztpraxis Urologie Johannsen and Laux, Berlin,
Kaarthik John Division of Microbiology, Tulane University, Covington,
Alan L. Johnson Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA
Sara M. Johnson Department of Surgery, The University of Texas Medical
Branch, Galveston, TX, USA
Won-A Joo The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA, USA
V. Craig Jordan Breast Medical Oncology, MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX, USA
Serene Josiah Cambridge, MA, USA
Richard Jove Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute of Florida, Port Saint
Lucie, FL, USA
Jaroslaw Jozwiak Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical Uni-
versity of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Jesper Jurlander Department of Hematology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen,
Donat Kögel Experimental Neurosurgery, Center for Neurology and Neuro-
surgery, Goethe-University Hospital, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Ralf Küppers Institute of Cell Biology (Cancer Research), University of
Duisburg-Essen, Medical School, Essen, Germany
Chaim Kahana Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel
Bernd Kaina Department of Toxicology, University Medical Center Mainz,
Mainz, Germany
Kiran Kakarala Departments of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery,
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
Tadao Kakizoe National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan
Ganna V. Kalayda Institute of Pharmacy, University of Bonn, Bonn,
lvi Contributors

Tuula Kallunki Unit of Cell Death and Metabolism, Danish Cancer Society
Research Center, Copenhagen, Denmark

Takehiko Kamijo Research Institute for Clinical Oncology, Saitama Cancer

Center, Ina, Saitama, Japan

Yasufumi Kaneda Department of Gene Therapy Science, Graduate School

of Medicine, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan

Kazuhiro Kaneko Department of Gastroenterology, Endoscopy Division,

National Cancer Center Hospital East, Chiba, Japan

Inkyung Kang Department of Surgery, University of California, San

Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA

Jayakanth Kankanala Center for Drug Design, Academic Health Center,

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Yung-Hsi Kao Department of Life Sciences, College of Science, National

Central University, Jhongli City, Taiwan

David E. Kaplan Division of Gastroenterology, University of Pennsylvania,

Philadelphia, PA, USA

Niki Karachaliou Instituto Oncológico Dr. Rosell, Quiron-Dexeus Univer-

sity Hospital, Barcelona, Spain

Sophia N. Karagiannis St. John’s Institute of Dermatology, Division of

Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine,
King’s College London, London, UK
NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals, Guy’s
Hospital, King’s College London, London, UK

Michalis V. Karamouzis Department of Biological Chemistry, Medical

School, University of Athens, Goudi, Athens, Greece

Adam R. Karpf Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Roswell

Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA

Nilesh D. Kashikar Departments of Surgery and Cancer Biology, Vanderbilt-

Ingram Cancer Center, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville,

Matilda Katan CRC Centre for Cell and Molecular Biology, Institute of
Cancer Research, London, UK

William K. Kaufmann Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Manjinder Kaur Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Phar-

macy, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO, USA

Sukhwinder Kaur Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,

University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA
Contributors lvii

Ingo Kausch Department of Urology, Ammerlandklinik Westerstede,

Westerstede, Germany
Koji Kawakami Department of Pharmacoepidemiology, Graduate School of
Medicine and Public Health, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Frederic J. Kaye National Cancer Institute, NIH and National Naval Med-
ical Center, Bethesda, MD, USA
Stanley B. Kaye Drug Development Unit, Institute of Cancer Research, The
Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, UK
Evan T. Keller Departments of Urology and Pathology, University of Mich-
igan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Daniel Keppler Department of Biological Science, College of Pharmacy,
Touro University-CA, Vallyo, CA, USA
Santhosh Kesari Department of Translational Neuro-Oncology and
Neurotherapeutics, John Wayne Cancer Institute, Providence St. John’s Health
Center, Santa Monica, CA, USA
Jorma Keski-Oja Departments of Pathology and of Virology, Haartman
Institute, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Khandan Keyomarsi Department of Experimental Radiation Oncology, Unit
1052, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Abdul Arif Khan Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, King
Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Shahanavaj Khan Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy,
King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Chand Khanna Comparative Oncology Program, Center for Cancer
Research, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA
Samir N. Khleif GRU Cancer Center, Augusta, GA, USA
Roya Khosravi-Far Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA
Tobias Kiesslich Department of Internal Medicine I, Paracelsus Medical
University, Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Paracelsus Medical
University, Salzburg, Austria
Fumitaka Kikkawa Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nagoya
University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan
Nerbil Kilic Kantonspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Isaac Yi Kim Division of Urologic Oncology, The Cancer Institute of NJ,
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Jung-whan Kim Department of Biological Sciences, The University of
Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, USA
lviii Contributors

Miran Kim Division of Gastroenterology, Liver Research Center, Rhode

Island Hospital and Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University,
Providence, RI, USA

Moonil Kim BioNanotechnology Research Center, Korea Research Institute

of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Yuseong, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Seong Jin Kim Laboratory of Cell Regulation and Carcinogenesis, National

Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA

Su Young Kim Pediatric Oncology Branch, Center for Cancer Research,

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

Adi Kimchi Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Sci-

ence, Rehovot, Israel

A. Douglas Kinghorn College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University,

Columbus, OH, USA

David Kirn Jennerex Biotherapeutics Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA

Youlia M. Kirova Department of Radiation Oncology, Institut Curie, Paris,


Shinichi Kitada Burnham Institute for Medical Research, La Jolla, CA, USA

Karel Kithier Department of Pathology, Wayne State University School of

Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA

Chikako Kiyohara Department of Preventive Medicine, Graduate School of

Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

Celina G. Kleer Department of Pathology and Comprehensive Cancer Cen-

ter, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

George Klein Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institute,

Stockholm, Sweden

Michael J. Klein Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Hos-

pital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, USA

Elena Klenova Department of Biological Sciences, University of Essex,

Colchester, Essex, UK

Thomas Klonisch Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science, Col-

lege of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, Win-
nipeg, MB, Canada

Elizabeth Knobler Department of Dermatology, Columbia College of Phy-

sicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, USA

Robert Knobler Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna,

Vienna, Austria

Beatrice Knudsen Cedars-Sinai, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Contributors lix

Stefan Kochanek Division of Gene Therapy, University of Ulm, Ulm,

Manish Kohli Medical Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Katri Koli Translational Cancer Biology Program, University of Helsinki,
Helsinki, Finland
Christian Kollmannsberger Division of Medical Oncology, British Colum-
bia Cancer Agency, Vancouver Cancer Centre, University of British Colum-
bia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Yutaka Kondo Department of Epigenomics, Nagoya City University Grad-
uate School of Medical Sciences, Nagoya, Japan
Lin Kong Department of Radiation Oncology, Fudan Universtiy Shanghai
Cancer Center, Shanghai, China
Marina Konopleva Department of Leukemia and Department of Stem Cell
Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, The University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Roland E. Kontermann Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology, Univer-
sity of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Janko Kos Faculty to Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana,
Marta Kostrouchova Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology, 1st Fac-
ulty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Athanassios Kotsinas Molecular Carcinogenesis Group, Laboratory of His-
tology-Embryology, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of
Athens, Athens, Greece
Evangelia A. Koutsogiannouli Department of Urology, Heinrich Heine
University, Düsseldorf, Germany
Heinrich Kovar Children’s Cancer Research Institute, Vienna, Austria
Craig Kovitz Department of Medical Oncology, University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Christian Kowol Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria
Barnett S. Kramer Office of Disease Prevention, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Oliver H. Krämer Department of Toxicology, University Medical Center
Mainz, Mainz, Germany
Barbara Krammer Department of Molecular Biology, University of Salz-
burg, Salzburg, Austria
Henk J. van Kranen National Institute of Public Health and Environment,
Bilthoven, The Netherlands
lx Contributors

Robert Kratzke Division of Hematology, Oncology and Transplantation,

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Thomas Krausz Department of Pathology, University of Chicago, Chicago,
Jürgen Krauter Medizinische Klinik III – Hämatologie und Onkologie,
Klinikum Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
Bernhard Kremens Department of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and
Respiratory Medicine, University Hospitals of Essen, Essen, Germany
Betsy T. Kren Minneapolis VA Health Care System and University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Yasusei Kudo Department of Oral Molecular Pathology, Institute of Biomed-
ical Sciences, Tokushima University Graduate School, Tokushima, Japan
Deepak Kumar Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences,
University of the District of Columbia, Washington, DC, USA
Parvesh Kumar Department of Radiation Oncology, Keck School of Med-
icine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Rakesh Kumar Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine,
George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
Hiroki Kuniyasu Department of Molecular Pathology, Nara Medical Uni-
versity School of Medicine, Kashihara, Nara, Japan
Siavash K. Kurdistani Department of Biological Chemistry, David Geffen
School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Elena Kurenova Departments of Surgical Oncology, Roswell Park Cancer
Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA
Keisuke Kurose Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nippon Med-
ical School, Kawasaki and Tokyo, Japan
Peter Kurre Department of Pediatrics, Oregon Health and Science Univer-
sity, Portland, OR, USA
Robert M. Kypta Cell Biology and Stem Cells Unit, CIC bioGUNE, Derio,
Imperial College London, London, UK
Juan Carlos Lacal Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas, CSIC, Madrid,
James C. Lacefield Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering
and Medical Biophysics, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada
Stephan Ladisch Center for Cancer and Immunology Research, Children’s
Research Institute, Children’s National Medical Center and The George Wash-
ington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, USA
Contributors lxi

Hermann Lage Institute of Pathology, Charité Campus Mitte, Berlin,

Charles P. K. Lai Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences, The
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Henry Lai Departments of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle,
Dale W. Laird Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of
Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada
Hilaire C. Lam Center for LAM Research and Clinical Care, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Janice B. B. Lam Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, The Univer-
sity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Wan L. Lam Department of Cancer Genetics and Developmental Biology,
British Columbia Cancer Research Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hui Y. Lan The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Joseph R. Landolph, Jr. Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immu-
nology, and Department of Pathology; Laboratory of Chemical Carcinogene-
sis and Molecular Oncology, USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Keck School of Medicine; Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Phar-
maceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Health Sciences Campus, Univer-
sity of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Ari L. Landon The University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart
Greenebaum Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD, USA
Robert Langer Department of Chemical Engineering and Center for Cancer
Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
Sigrid A. Langhans Nemours Center for Childhood Cancer Research,
Alfred I duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE, USA
Cinzia Lanzi Molecular Pharmacology Unit, Department of Experimental
Oncology and Molecular Medicine, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei
Tumori, Milan, Italy
Rosamaria Lappano Department of Pharmacy and Health and Nutritional
Sciences, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
Paola Larghi Department of Immunology, Fondazione Humanitas per la
Ricerca, Rozzano, Milan, Italy
James M. Larner Department of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology,
University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Göran Larson Department of Clinical Chemistry and Transfusion Medicin,
Institute of Biomedicine, Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University,
Göteborg, Sweden
lxii Contributors

Lars-Inge Larsson Department of Pathology, Copenhagen University Hos-

pital, Hvidovre, Denmark
Susanna C. Larsson Division of Nutritional Epidemiology, Institute of
Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Philippe Lassalle INSERM U774, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France
Antony M. Latham Endothelial Cell Biology Unit, Leeds Institute of Genet-
ics Health and Therapeutics (LIGHT), University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Farida Latif Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences, University of Bir-
mingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK
Paule Latino-Martel UMR U1153 INSERM, U1125 INRA, CNAM,
Université Paris 13, Centre de Recherche Epidémiologie et Statistique
Sorbonne Paris Cité, Bobigny, France
Kirsten Lauber Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology, LMU
Munich, Munich, Germany
Béatrice Lauby-Secretan Section of the IARC Monographs, IARC/WHO,
Lyon, France
Virpi Launonen Department of Medical Genetics, Biomedicum Helsinki,
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Martin F. Lavin University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research at
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, The University of Queensland, Bris-
bane, QLD, Australia
Brian Law Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics and the UF and
Shands Cancer Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Gwendal Lazennec INSERM, Montpellier, France
Pedro A. Lazo CSIC-Universidad de Salamanca, Instituto de Biología
Molecular y Celular del Cáncer, Salamanca, Spain
Gail S. Lebovic Director of Women’s Services, The Cooper Clinic, Dallas,
David P. LeBrun Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine,
Queen’s University Cancer Research Institute, Queen’s University, Kingston,
ON, Canada
Protein Function Discovery Group, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON,
Division of Cancer Biology and Genetics, Cancer Research Institute, Queen’s
University, Kingston, ON, USA
Sean Bong Lee Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Tulane
University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA, USA
Seong-Ho Lee Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of
Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
Contributors lxiii

Stephen Lee Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of

Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
William P. J. Leenders Department of Pathology, Radboud University Med-
ical Center Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Andreas Leibbrandt Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian
Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Manuel C. Lemos CICS-UBI, Health Sciences Research Centre, University
of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal
Eric Lentsch Head and Neck Tumor Program, Hollings Cancer Center,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA
Derek LeRoith Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Bone Diseases,
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Yun-Chung Leung Lo Ka Chung Centre for Natural Anti-cancer Drug
Development and Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Francis Lévi Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry,
Jay A. Levy University of California, School of Medicine, San Francisco,
Benyi Li Department of Urology, The University of Kansas Medical Center,
Kansas City, KS, USA
Guideng Li Institute for Immunology, School of Medicine, University of
California, Irvine, CA, USA
Kaiyi Li Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX,
Yan Li Department of Immunology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
Daiqing Liao Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, UF Health Cancer
Center, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, USA
Yung-Feng Liao Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia
Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Emmanuelle Liaudet-Coopman IRCM, INSERM, UMI, CRLC Val
d’Aurelle, Montpellier, France
Rossella Libè Endocrinology, Metabolism and Cancer Department,
INSERM U567, Institut Cochin, Paris, France
Danielle Liddle Gray Institute for Radiation Oncology and Biology, Depart-
ment of Oncology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Jane Liesveld James P. Wilmot Cancer Center, University of Rochester,
Rochester, NY, USA
lxiv Contributors

Stephanie Lim Medical Oncology, Ingham Research Institute, Liverpool,

NSW, Australia
Ke Lin Department of Haematology, Royal Liverpool University Hospital,
Liverpool, UK
Sheng-Cai Lin Department of Biomedical Sciences, School of Life Sciences,
Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
Shiaw-Yih Lin Department of Systems Biology, The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Wan-Wan Lin Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, National
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Yong Lin Molecular Biology and Lung Cancer Program, Lovelace Respira-
tory Research Institute, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Janet C. Lindsey Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle Uni-
versity, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Christopher A. Lipinski Melior Discovery, Waterford, CT, USA
Joseph Lipsick Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Fei-Fei Liu Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Department of Radiation Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON,
Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
Tao Liu Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Wen Liu Division of Life Science, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Xiangguo Liu School of Life Science, Shandong University, Jinan, Shan-
dong, China
Yiyan Liu Department of Radiology, New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Hui-Wen Lo Department of Cancer Biology, Wake Forest University School
of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Ting Ling Lo Signal Transduction Laboratory, Institute of Molecular and
Cell Biology, Singapore, Singapore
Victor Lobanenkov Section of Molecular Pathology, Laboratory of Immu-
nopathology, NIAID, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Contributors lxv

Holger N. Lode Klinik und Poliklinik für Kinder und Jugendmedizin,

Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany
Lawrence A. Loeb University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Robert Loewe Department of Dermatology, Division of General Dermatol-
ogy, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Steffen Loft Department of Environmental Health, University of Copenha-
gen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dietmar Lohmann Institut für Humangenetik, Universitätsklinikum Essen,
Essen, Germany
Matthias Löhr Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technol-
ogy (CLINTEC), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Vinata B. Lokeshwar Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Medical College of Georgia; Augusta University, Augusta, GA, USA
Alexandre Loktionov DiagNodus Ltd, Babraham Research Campus, Cam-
bridge, UK
Elias Lolis Department of Laboratory Medicine, Yale University School of
Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Pier-Luigi Lollini Laboratory of Immunology and Biology of Metastasis,
Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine, University
of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Weiwen Long Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Wright
State University, Dayton, OH, USA
David J. López University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Miguel Lopez-Lazaro Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Seville, Seville, Spain
Ana Lopez-Martin Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa, Madrid, Spain
Charles L. Loprinzi Department of Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,
Jochen Lorch Dana Farlur Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA
Edith M. Lord Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of
Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY, USA
Reuben Lotan Department of Thoracic Head and Neck Medical Oncology,
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Ragnhild A. Lothe Department of Cancer Prevention, Rikshospitalet-
Radiumhospitalet Medical Centre, Oslo, Norway
Michael T. Lotze Department of Surgery and Department of Immunology,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
lxvi Contributors

Christophe Louandre EA4666, Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV),

Amiens, France
Service de Biochimie, Centre de Biologie Humaine (CBH), University Hos-
pital of Amiens (CHU Sud), Amiens, France
Chrystal U. Louis Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, Baylor College of
Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital, and The Methodist Hospital, Houston,
Dmitri Loukinov Section of Molecular Pathology, Laboratory of Immuno-
pathology, NIAID, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
David B. Lovejoy Department of Pathology, University of Sydney, Sydney,
NSW, Australia
José Lozano Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Univer-
sity of Málaga, Málaga, Spain
Guanning N. Lu Departments of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery,
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
Jiade J. Lu Department of Radiation Oncology, Fudan Universtiy Shanghai
Cancer Center, Shanghai, China
Jing Lu Departments of Molecular and Cellular Oncology, The University of
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Tzong-Shi Lu Division of Experimental Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center, Harvard Institutes of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
Yuanan Lu Department of Public Health Science, University of Hawaii,
Honolulu, HI, USA
Irina A. Lubensky National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Treatment
and Diagnosis, National Institutes of Health, Rockville, MD, USA
Jared M. Lucas Divisions of Human Biology, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA
Andreas Luch German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Berlin,
Maria Li Lung Department of Clinical Oncology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of
Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Jian-Hua Luo Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, Pitts-
burgh, PA, USA
Gary H. Lyman Public Health Sciences and Clinical Research Divisions,
Hutchinson Institute for Cancer Outcomes Research, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA
Henry Lynch Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health,
Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA
Contributors lxvii

Elsebeth Lynge Institute of Public Health, University of Copenhagen,

Copenhagen, Denmark
Scott K. Lyons Molecular Imaging Group, CRUK Cambridge Research
Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre, Cambridge, UK
Wenjian Ma National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS),
Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
Michael MacManus Department of Radiation Oncology, Peter MacCallum
Cancer Centre, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Britta Mädge DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany
Claudie Madoulet Laboratory of Biochemistry, IFR53, Faculty of Phar-
macy, Reims, France
Rolando F. Del Maestro Montreal, QC, Canada
Marcello Maggiolini Department of Pharmacy and Health and Nutritional
Sciences, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
Brinda Mahadevan Abbott Nutrition, Regulatory Affairs, Abbott Laborato-
ries, Columbus, OH, USA
Joseph F. Maher Cancer Institute, University of Mississippi Medical Center,
Jackson, MS, USA
Csaba Mahotka Institute of Pathology, Heinrich Heine Universität,
Düsseldorf, Germany
Sourindra N. Maiti Division of Pediatrics, Department of Immunology, MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Isabella W. Y. Mak Department of Surgery, Hamilton Health Sciences,
Juravinski Cancer Centre, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
N. K. Mak Department of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon
Tong, Hong Kong, China
Jennifer Makalowski Tumor Genetics, Clinic I Internal Medicine, Univer-
sity Hospital Cologne, and Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne, Univer-
sity of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Cédric Malicet INSERM, Stress Cellulaire, Parc Scientifique et
Technologique de Luminy, Marseille Cedex, France
Alessandra Mancino Department of Immunology, Fondazione Humanitas
per la Ricerca, Rozzano, Milan, Italy
Evelyne Manet CIRI-International Center for Infectiology Research,
INSERM U1111, Université Lyon 1, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France
Sridhar Mani Department of Medicine, Oncology and Molecular Genetics,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
lxviii Contributors

Marcel Mannens Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam,

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Alberto Mantovani Department of Immunology, Fondazione Humanitas per
la Ricerca, Rozzano, Milan, Italy
Ashley A. Manzoor Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke University,
Durham, NC, USA
Selwyn Mapolie Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science, Stellen-
bosch University, Matieland, South Africa
Lucia Marcocci Department of Biochemical Sciences “A. Rossi Fanelli”,
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Maurie Markman Department of Medical Oncology, Eastern Regional
Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Dieter Marmé Tumor Biology Center, Institute of Molecular Oncology,
Freiburg, Germany
Marie-Claire Maroun Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Rheu-
matology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Deborah J. Marsh Kolling Institute of Medical Research and Royal North
Shore Hospital, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
John L. Marshall Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown
University, Washington, DC, USA
Angela Märten National Centre for Tumour Diseases; Department of Sur-
gery, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Francis L. Martin Centre for Biophotonics, Lancaster University, Lancaster,
Lancashire, UK
Olga A. Martin Division of Radiation Oncology and Cancer Imaging,
Molecular Radiation Biology Laboratory, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
The Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, The University of Mel-
bourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Victor D. Martinez British Columbia Cancer Research Centre, Vancouver,
BC, Canada
Gaetano Marverti Department of Biomedical Sciences, Metabolic and Neu-
ral Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
Edmund Maser Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology for Natural Sci-
entists, University Medical School, Kiel, Germany
Thomas E. Massey Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences,
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
Noriyuki Masuda Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kitasato University
School of Medicine, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
Contributors lxix

Atsuko Masumi Department of Safety Research on Blood and Biological

Products, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan
Yasunobu Matsuda Department of Medical Technology, Niigata University
Graduate of Health Sciences, Niigata, Japan
Sachiko Matsuhashi Department of Internal Medicine, Saga Medical
School, Saga University, Saga, Japan
Takaya Matsuzuka Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Kansas State
University, Manhattan, KS, USA
Malgorzata Matusiewicz Department of Medical Biochemistry, Wroclaw
Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland
Warren L. May Department of Health Administration, School of Health
Related Professions, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS,
Arnulf Mayer Department of Radiooncology and Radiotherapy, University
Medical Center Mainz, Mainz, Germany
Matthew A. McBrian Department of Biological Chemistry, David Geffen
School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Joseph H. McCarty MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Molliane Mcgahren-Murray Department of Systems Biology, Unit 1058,
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Katherine A. McGlynn Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics,
National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
W. Glenn McGregor University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA
Iain H. McKillop Department of General Surgery, Carolinas Medical Center,
Charlotte, NC, USA
Margaret McLaughlin-Drubin Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston,
Roger E. McLendon Department of Pathology, Duke University Medical
Center, Durham, NC, USA
Donald C. McMillan University Department of Surgery, Royal Infirmary,
Glasgow, UK
David W. Meek Division of Cancer Research, Jacqui Wood Cancer Centre/
CRC, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK
Annette Meeson Institute of Genetic Medicine and North East Stem Cell
Institute, Newcastle University, International Centre for Life, Newcastle upon
Tyne, UK
Kamiya Mehla The Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied
Diseases, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA
lxx Contributors

Arianeb Mehrabi Department of General, Visceral and Transplantation Sur-

gery, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Mohammad Mehrmohammadi Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Anil Mehta Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Dundee,
Dundee, UK
Kapil Mehta The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Hous-
ton, TX, USA
Rekha Mehta Regulatory Toxicology Research Division, Bureau of Chem-
ical Safety, Food Directorate, HPFB, Health Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Yaron Meirow The Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Cancer
Research, Israel-Canada Medical, Research Institute Faculty of Medicine,
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Bar-Eli Menashe Department of Cancer Biology, The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Wenbo Meng Special Minimally Invasive Surgery, Hepatopancreatobiliary
Surgery Institute of Gansu Province, Clinical Medical College Cancer Center,
First Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu,
Deepak Menon Department of Biological Sciences, Hunter College of the
City University of New York, New York, NY, USA
Heather Mernitz Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Karl-Heinz Merz Department of Chemistry, Division of Food Chemistry
and Toxicology, University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Enrique Mesri Viral Oncology Program, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer
Center and Development Center for AIDS Research, Department of Microbi-
ology and Immunology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine,
Miami, FL, USA
Roman Mezencev Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biology,
Atlanta, GA, USA
Jun Mi Department of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, University of
Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Dennis F. Michiel Biopharmaceutical Development Program, Leidos Bio-
medical Research, Inc., Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research,
Frederick, MD, USA
Josef Michl Departments of Pathology, Molecular and Cell Biology, State
University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Stephan Mielke Abteilung Hämatologie und Onkologie, Medizinische
Klinik und Poliklinik II, Zentrum Innere Medizin (ZIM), Universitätsklinikum
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Contributors lxxi

Oleg Militsakh Head and Neck Surgery, Nebraska Medical Center, Nebraska
Methodist Hospital, Omaha, NE, USA

Mark Steven Miller Department of Cancer Biology, Comprehensive Cancer

Center, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA

Takeo Minaguchi Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of

Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan

Nagahiro Minato Department of Immunology and Cell Biology, Graduate

School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Rodney F. Minchin School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Queens-

land, St Lucia, QLD, Australia

Lucas Minig Gynecologic Department, Valencian Institute of Oncology

(IVO), Valencia, Spain

John D. Minna Hamon Center for Therapeutic Oncology Research and

Departments of Pathology, Internal Medicine and Pharmacology, University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA

Claudia Mitchell Institut Cochin, Université Paris Descartes, CNRS, Paris,


Kazuo Miyashita Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Department of Bioresources

Chemistry, Hokkaido University, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan

Eiji Miyoshi Department of Molecular Biochemistry and Clinical Investiga-

tion, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Japan

Jun Miyoshi Department of Molecular Biology, Osaka Medical Center for

Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases, Osaka, Japan

Toshihiko Mizuta Department of Internal Medicine, Imari Arita Kyoritsu

Hospital, Saga, Japan

Omeed Moaven Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital,

Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

K. Thomas Moesta Klinik für Chirurgie und Chirurgische Onkologie,

Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Seyed Moein Moghimi Nanomedicine Research Group, Centre for Pharma-

ceutical Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology, Faculty of Health and Medical
Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Sunish Mohanan Baker Institute for Animal Health, Department of Biomed-

ical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,

Sonia Mohinta Department of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell

Biology, Southern Illinois University, School of Medicine, Springfield, IL,
lxxii Contributors

Jan Mollenhauer Molecular Oncology Group, University of Southern Den-

mark, Odense, Denmark

Michael B. Møller Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital,

Odense, Denmark

Bruno Mondovì Department of Biochemical Sciences “A. Rossi Fanelli”,

Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Alessandra Montecucco Istituto di Genetica Molecolare CNR, Pavia, Italy

Ruggero Montesano International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon,


Wolter J. Mooi Department of Pathology, VU Medical Center, Amsterdam,

The Netherlands

Amy C. Moore Georgia Cancer Coalition, Atlanta, GA, USA

Malcolm A. S. Moore Department of Cell Biology, Memorial-

SloanKettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA

Cesar A. Moran Department of Pathology, MD Anderson Cancer Center,

Houston, TX, USA

Jan S. Moreb Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology,

College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA

Sergio Moreno Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer, CSIC/

Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain

Fabiola Moretti Institute of Cell Biology and Neurobiology, National Coun-

cil Research of Italy, Rome, Italy

Eiichiro Mori Department of Radiation Oncology, School of Medicine, Nara

Medical University, Kashihara, Nara, Japan

Akira Morimoto Department of Pediatrics, Kyoto Prefectural University of

Medicine, Kyoto, Japan

Pat J. Morin Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Immunology, National

Institute on Aging, Baltimore, MD, USA
Department of Pathology, Oncology and Gynecology and Obstetrics, Johns
Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, USA
American Association for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Christine M. Morris Cancer Genetics Research, University of Otago,

Christchurch, New Zealand

Cynthia C. Morton Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hos-

pital, Boston, MA, USA

Gabriela Möslein Helios Klinik, Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie,

Bochum, Germany
Contributors lxxiii

Justin L. Mott Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Univer-

sity of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA

Spyro Mousses Cancer Genetics Branch, National Human Genome Research

Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA

Pavlos Msaouel Jacobi Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,

Bronx, NY, USA

Sebastian Mueller Centre of Alcohol Research (CAR), University of Hei-

delberg, Heidelberg, Germany

Susette C. Mueller Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown

University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA

Subhajit Mukherjee Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY,


Hans K. Müller-Hermelink Institute of Pathology, University of Würzburg,

Würzburg, Germany

Gabriele Multhoff Klinikum rechts der Isar, Department Radiation Oncol-

ogy, TU München and CCG – “Innate Immunity in Tumor Biology”, Helm-
holtz Zentrum München, Munich, Germany

Julia Münzker Division of Endocrinology and Diabetology, Department of

Internal Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria

Ramachandran Murali Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cedars-Sinai

Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Kenji Muro Department of Neurological Surgery, Robert H. Lurie Compre-

hensive Cancer Center, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medi-
cine, Chicago, IL, USA

Mandi Murph Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences,

Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Cancer Scholar, University of Georgia
and College of Pharmacy, Athens, GA, USA

Edward L. Murphy University of California, School of Medicine, San

Francisco, CA, USA

Paul G. Murray CRUK Institute for Cancer Studies, Molecular Pharmacol-

ogy, Medical School, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

Ruth J. Muschel Radiation Oncology and Biology, University of Oxford,

Oxford, UK

Markus Müschen Leukemia and Lymphoma Program, Norris Comprehen-

sive Cancer Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Antonio Musio Institute for Genetic and Biomedical Research, National

Research Council, Pisa, Italy
Istituto Toscano Tumori, Firenze, Italy
lxxiv Contributors

Akira Naganuma Laboratory of Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology,

Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai,
Shigekazu Nagata Osaka University Medical School, Osaka, Japan
Christina M. Nagle Cancer and Population Studies, Queensland Institute of
Medical Research, Royal Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Rita Nahta Department of Pharmacology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA,
Akira Nakagawara Saga Medical Center KOSEIKAN, Tosu, Japan
Tetsuya Nakatsura Division of Cancer Immunotherapy, Explonatory Oncol-
ogy Research and Clinical Trial Center, National Cancer Center, Kashiwa City,
Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Hariktishna Nakshatri IU Simon Cancer Center, Indiana University School
of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Patrizia Nanni Laboratory of Immunology and Biology of Metastasis,
Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine, University
of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Zvi Naor Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The George
S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Mohd W. Nasser Department of Pathology, Comprehensive Cancer Centre,
The Ohio State Medical Centre, Columbus, OH, USA
Christian C. Naus Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences, The
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Tim S. Nawrot Division of Lung Toxicology, Department of Occupational
and Environmental Medicine (T.S.N.) and the Studies Coordinating Centre
(J.A.S.), Division of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Rehabilitation, Depart-
ment of Cardiovascular Diseases, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
David F. Nellis Biopharmaceutical Development Program, SAIC-Frederick,
Inc., National Cancer Institute-Frederick, Frederick, MD, USA
Kenneth P. Nephew School of Medicine, Indiana University, Bloomington,
David M. Neskey Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Sur-
gery, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA
Klaus W. Neuhaus School of Dental Medicine, Department of Preventive,
Restorative and Pediatric Dentistry, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Kornelia Neveling Department of Human Genetics, Radboud University
Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Brad Neville Head and Neck Tumor Program, Hollings Cancer Center,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA
Contributors lxxv

Calvin S. H. Ng Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Chinese University of

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Irene O. L. Ng Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, China
Duc Nguyen Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University School of
Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Carole Nicco Faculté de Médecine Paris – Descartes, UPRES 18-33, Groupe
Hospitalier Cochin – Saint Vincent de Paul, Paris, France
Santo V. Nicosia H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, USA
Anne T. Nies Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch-Institut für Klinische
Pharmakologie, Stuttgart, Germany
M. Angela Nieto Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante CSIC-UMH, Sant
Joan d’Alacant, Spain
Omgo E. Nieweg Melanoma Institute Australia, North Sydney, NSW,
Jonas Nilsson Department of Clinical Chemistry and Transfusion Medicin,
Institute of Biomedicine, Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University,
Göteborg, Sweden
Ewa Ninio INSERM UMRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris, Paris,
Douglas Noonan University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
Larry Norton Breast Cancer Medicine Service, Department of Medicine,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
Francisco J. Novo Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, University of
Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
Ruslan Novosiadly Department of Cancer Immunobiology, Eli Lilly and
Company, New York, NY, USA
Noa Noy Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Lerner Research
Institute, Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
Hala H. Nsouli Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, The George
Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services, Wash-
ington, DC, USA
Lauren M. Nunez Department of Biological Science, College of Pharmacy,
Touro University-CA, Vallyo, CA, USA
John P. O’Bryan Department of Pharmacology, University of Illinois Col-
lege of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA
lxxvi Contributors

James P. B. O’Connor Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Manches-

ter, Manchester, UK
Sarah T. O’Dwyer Colorectal and Peritoneal Oncology Centre, The Christie
NHS Foundation Trust, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
John O’Leary Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology/Histopathology,
Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Dublin, Ireland
Ruth M. O’Rega Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, GA,
Sharon O’Toole Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology/Histopathol-
ogy, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Dublin,
André Oberthür Department of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, Chil-
dren’s Hospital, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Takahiro Ochiya Division of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, National
Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Stefan Offermanns Department of Pharmacology, Max-Planck-Institute for
Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim, Germany
Anat Ohali Cancer Vaccine Section, National Cancer Institute, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Takeo Ohnishi Department of Radiation Oncology, School of Medicine,
Nara Medical University, Kashihara, Nara, Japan
Hitoshi Ohno Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto
University, Kyoto, Japan
Kevin R. Oldenburg MatriCal, Inc., Spokane, WA, USA
Magali Olivier Group of Molecular Mechanisms and Biomarkers, Interna-
tional Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization, Lyon,
Egbert Oosterwijk Laboratory of Experimental Urology, University Medi-
cal Centre Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Gertraud Orend Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, Institute
of Biochemistry and Genetics, Center for Biomedicine, DKBW, University of
Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Makoto Osanai Department of Pathology, Kochi University School of Med-
icine, Kochi, Japan
Eduardo Osinaga Departamento de Inmunobiología, Facultad de Medicina,
Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
German Ott Department of Clinical Pathology, Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus,
Stuttgart, Germany
Contributors lxxvii

Christian Ottensmeier CRC Wessex Oncology Unit, Southampton General

Hospital and Tenovous Laboratory, Southampton University Hospital Trust,
Southampton, UK

Sai-Hong Ignatius Ou Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Univer-

sity of California, Irvine, CA, USA

Iwata Ozaki Health Administration Center, Saga Medical School, Saga

University, Saga, Japan

Shuji Ozaki Department of Hematology, Tokushima Prefectural Central

Hospital, Tokushima, Japan

Mónica Pérez-Ríos Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health,

School of Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de
Compostela, Spain

Helen Pace Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology and Medical

Genetics, Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus,

Simon Pacey Cancer Research UK Center for Cancer Therapeutics, The

Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, UK

Mabel Padilla Molecular Biology and Lung Cancer Program, Lovelace

Respiratory Research Institute, Albuquerque, NM, USA

Sumanta Kumar Pal Department of Medical Oncology and Experimental

Therapeutics, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, Duarte, CA, USA

Viswanathan Palanisamy Department of Oral Health Sciences, Medical

University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA

Pier Paolo Pandolfi Division of Genetics, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical

Center, Boston, MA, USA

Klaus Pantel Universitäts-Krankenhaus Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

Melissa C. Paoloni National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer Research,

Comparative Oncology Program, Bethesda, MD, USA

Evangelia Papadimitriou Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology, Depart-

ment of Pharmacy, School of Health Sciences, University of Patras, Patras,

Philippe Paparel Department of Urology, Lyon Sud University Hospital,

Pierre Benite, France

Athanasios G. Papavassiliou Department of Biological Chemistry, Medical

School, University of Athens, Goudi, Athens, Greece

Sabitha Papineni Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology,

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
lxxviii Contributors

Benoit Paquette Department of Nuclear Medicine and Radiobiology, Fac-

ulty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,
QC, Canada
Ben Ho Park The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
Geoff J. M. Parker Centre for Imaging Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, UK
Sarah J. Parsons University of Virginia, Charlotteville, VA, USA
Eddy Pasquier Centre for Research in Oncobiology and Oncophar-
macology, INSERM U911, Marseille, France
Metronomics Global Health Initiative, Marseille, France
Children’s Cancer Institute, Randwick, NSW, Australia
Oneel Patel Department of Surgery, Austin Health, The University of Mel-
bourne, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia
Rusha Patel Otolaryngology, Medical University of South Carolina,
Charleston, SC, USA
Shyam Patel Standford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Patrizia Paterlini-Bréchot Faculté de Médecine Necker Enfants Malades,
INSERM Unit 1151, Team 13, Paris, France
Yvonne Paterson Department of Microbiology, Perelman School of Medi-
cine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Konan Peck Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica Taipei, Tai-
wan, Republic of China
Florence Pedeutour Laboratory of Solid Tumors Genetics, Faculty of Med-
icine, Nice University Hospital, Nice, France
Dan Peer Laboratory of Precision NanoMedicine, Department of Cell
Research and Immunology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel
Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Iby and Aladar
Fleischman Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
Tobias Peikert Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Depart-
ment of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN,
Miguel A. Peinado Institute of Predictive and Personalized Medicine of
Cancer (IMPPC), Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
Angel Pellicer Department of Pathology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Contributors lxxix

Juha Peltonen Department of Anatomy, Institute of Biomedicine, University

of Turku, Turku, Finland
Sirkku Peltonen Department of Dermatology, University of Turku, Turku,
Josef M. Penninger Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian
Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Richard T. Penson Division of Hematology Oncology, Massachusetts Gen-
eral Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Maikel P. Peppelenbosch Erasmus Medical Center, University Medical
Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Carlos Perez-Stable Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center
Research Service, Bruce W. Carter Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Miami,
Francisco G. Pernas National Institute on Deafness and Other Communica-
tion, Disorders and National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
Silverio Perrotta Department of Pediatrics, Second University of Naples,
Naples, Italy
Godefridus J. Peters Department of Medical Oncology, VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Marleen M. R. Petit Department of Human Genetics, University of Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium
Peter Petzelbauer Department of Dermatology, Division of General Derma-
tology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Claudia Pföhler Department of Dermatology, Saarland University Medical
School, Homburg/Saar, Germany
Michael Pfreundschuh Klinik für Innere Medizin I, Universität des
Saarlandes, Homburg, Germany
Philip A. Philip Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University, Detroit,
Marco A. Pierotti Molecular Genetics of Cancer, Fondazione Istituto FIRC
di Oncologia Molecolare, Milan, Italy
Paola Pietrangeli Department of Biochemical Sciences “A. Rossi Fanelli”,
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Torsten Pietsch Institut für Neuropathologie, Kinderchirurgie, Universi-
tätskliniken Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Sreeraj G. Pillai Department of Surgery, Washington University School of
Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA
Lorenzo Pinna Department of Biological Chemistry, University of Padua,
Padua, Italy
lxxx Contributors

Michael Pishvaian Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown

University, Washington, DC, USA
Ellen S. Pizer Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, National Insti-
tute on Aging, NIH, Baltimore, MD, USA
Kristjan Plaetzer Laboratory of Photodynamic Inactivation of Microorgan-
isms, Division of Physics and Biophysics, University of Salzburg, Salzburg,
Christoph Plass German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg,
Jeffrey L. Platt Departments of Microbiology and Immunology and Depart-
ment of Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Mark R. Player Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Develop-
ment, Spring House, PA, USA
Isabelle Plo INSERM, U1170, Hématopoièse et cellules souches, Gustave
Roussy–PR1, Villejuif, France
Stephen R. Plymate Department of Medicine, Division of Gerontology and
Geriatric Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Klaus Podar Medical Oncology, National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT),
University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Beatriz G. T. Pogo Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at
Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA
Jeffrey W. Pollard MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, Queen’s Medical
Research Institute, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology, Albert Einstein Col-
lege of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Simona Polo University of Milan, Medical School, Milan, Italy
Satyanarayana R. Pondugula Department of Anatomy, Physiology, and
Pharmacology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
Auburn University Research Initiative in Cancer, Auburn University, Auburn,
Sreenivasan Ponnambalam Endothelial Cell Biology Unit, School of
Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Mirco Ponzoni Experimental Therapies Unit, Laboratory of Oncology,
Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genoa, Italy
Beatrice L. Pool-Zobel Nutritional Toxicology, Friedrich-Schiller-Univer-
sity of Jena, Jena, Germany
Annemarie Poustka Division of Molecular Genome Analysis, DKFZ, Hei-
delberg, Germany
Contributors lxxxi

Marissa V. Powers Cancer Research UK Cancer Therapeutics Unit, The

Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, London, UK
Garth Powis NCI-Designated Cancer Center, Sanford Burnham Prebys
Medical Discovery Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
Graziella Pratesi Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan,
George C. Prendergast Department of Pathology, Anatomy and Cell Biol-
ogy, Jefferson Medical School, Lankenau Institute for Medical Research,
Wynnewood, PA, USA
Victor G. Prieto Department of Pathology, The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Sharon Prince Department of Human Biology, Health Science Faculty,
Division of Cell Biology, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa
Kevin M. Prise Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology, Queen’s
University Belfast, Belfast, UK
Kathy Pritchard-Jones Institute of Cancer Research/Royal Marsden Hospi-
tal, Sutton, Surrey, UK
Tassula Proikas-Cezanne Autophagy Laboratory, Department of Molecular
Biology, Interfaculty Institute for Cell Biology, Faculty of Science, Eberhard
Karls University Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Ching-Hon Pui St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA
Karen Pulford Nuffield Division of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Univer-
sity of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK
Teresa Gómez Del Pulgar Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas, CSIC,
Madrid, Spain
Vinee Purohit The Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Dis-
eases, and Department of Pathology and Microbiology, University of
Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA
Keith R. Pye Cell ProTx, Aberdeen, UK
Chao-Nan Qian Department of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Sun Yat-sen
University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China
Jiahua Qian Qiagen, Frederick, MD, USA
Liang Qiao Storr Liver Centre, Westmead Millennium Institute for Medical
Research, The University of Sydney at Westmead Hospital, Westmead, NSW,
Hartmut M. Rabes Institute of Pathology, University of Munich, Munich,
Bar-Shavit Rachel Department of Oncology, Hadassah-University Hospital,
Jerusalem, Israel
lxxxii Contributors

Ronny Racine Department of Urology, University of Miami – Miller School

of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
Dirk Rades Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Schles-
wig-Holstein, Campus Luebeck, Germany
Jerald P. Radich Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA
Norman S. Radin Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI, USA
Fulvio Della Ragione Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Second
University of Naples, Naples, Italy
Ryan L. Ragland Department of Human Genetics, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Gilbert J. Rahme Departments of Pediatrics and of Genetics, Norris Cotton
Cancer Center, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, USA
Nino Rainusso Department of Pediatrics, Section of Hematology-Oncology,
Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Cen-
ters, Houston, TX, USA
Ayyappan K. Rajasekaran Nemours Center for Childhood Cancer
Research, Alfred I duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE, USA
Jayadev Raju Regulatory Toxicology Research Division, Bureau of Chem-
ical Safety, Food Directorate, HPFB, Health Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Sundaram Ramakrishnan Department of Pharmacology, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Kota V. Ramana Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Uni-
versity of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA
Pranela Rameshwar Medicine-Hematology/Oncology, Rutgers, New Jer-
sey Medical School, Newark, NJ, USA
Santiago Ramón y Cajal Department of Pathology, Vall d’Hebron Univer-
sity Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
Giorgia Randi Department of Epidemiology, Institute for Farmacological
Research Mario Negri, Milan, Italy
Ramachandran Rashmi Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington
University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA
Mariusz Z. Ratajczak Stem Cell Institute at James Graham Brown Cancer
Center, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA
Anke Rattenholl Applied Biotechnology Division, Department of Engineer-
ing and Mathematics, University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Bielefeld,
Contributors lxxxiii

Cocav A. Rauwerdink Lahey Center for Hematology/Oncology at Parkland

Medical Center, Salem, NH, USA
Alberto Ravaioli Department of Oncology, Instituto Scientifico Romagnolo
per lo s, Infermi Hospital, Rimini, Italy
Mira R. Ray The Prostate Centre at Vancouver General Hospital, University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Roger Reddel Children’s Medical Research Institute, The University of
Sydney, Westmead, NSW, Australia
May J. Reed Department of Medicine, Division of Gerontology and Geriat-
ric Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Eduardo M. Rego Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São
Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Reuven Reich Institute for Drug Research, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of
Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Jean-Marie Reimund Université de Strasbourg, Faculté de Médecine,
INSERM U1113 and Fédération de Médecine Translationnelle de Strasbourg
(FMTS), and, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Hôpital de Hautepierre,
Service d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie et d’Assistance Nutritive, Strasbourg,
Celso A. Reis Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology, University
of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Ling Ren Pediatric Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, Center for
Cancer Research, Bethesda, MD, USA
Andrew G. Renehan Colorectal and Peritoneal Oncology Centre, The Chris-
tie NHS Foundation Trust, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Marcus Renner Division of Molecular Genome Analysis, DKFZ, Heidel-
berg, Germany
Paul S. Rennie The Prostate Centre at Vancouver General Hospital, Univer-
sity of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Domenico Ribatti Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Neurosciences
and Sensory Organs, University of Bari Medical School, Bari, Italy
Raul C. Ribeiro Department of Oncology, St. Jude Children’s Research
Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA
Des R. Richardson Department of Pathology, University of Sydney, Sydney,
NSW, Australia
Victoria M. Richon Merck Research Laboratories, Boston, MA, USA
Justin L. Ricker Merck Research Laboratories, Boston, MA, USA
Thomas Ried Genetics Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Can-
cer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
lxxxiv Contributors

Jörg Ringel Department of Medicine A, University of Greifswald,

Greifswald, Germany
Carrie Rinker-Schaffer Department of Surgery, Section of Urology, The
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Francisco Rivero Centre for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research, The
Hull York Medical School, University of Hull, Hull, UK
Tadeusz Robak Department of Hematology, Medical University of Lodz,
Lodz, Poland
Rita Roberti Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Perugia,
Perugia, Italy
Fredika M. Robertson The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, TX, USA
Angelo Rodrigues Department of Pathology, Portuguese Oncology Institute-
Porto, Porto, Portugal
Delvys Rodriguez-Abreu Hospital Universitario Insular, Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria, Spain
Jose Luis Rodríguez-Fernández Departamento de Microbiología Molecu-
lar y Biología de las Infecciones, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas,
Madrid, Spain
Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA,
Florian Roka Department of Surgical Oncology, The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Cleofé Romagosa Department of Pathology, Vall d’Hebron University Hos-
pital, Barcelona, Spain
Ze’ev Ronai Signal Transduction Program, Burnham Institute for Medical
Research, La Jolla, CA, USA
Luca Roncucci Department of Diagnostic and Clinical Medicine, and Public
Health, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
Igor B. Roninson Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences,
South Carolina College of Pharmacy, Columbia, SC, USA
Jatin Roper Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA
Rafael Rosell Instituto Oncológico Dr. Rosell, Quiron-Dexeus University
Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
Pangaea Biotech, Barcelona, Spain
Cancer Biology and Precision Medicine Program, Catalan Institute of Oncol-
ogy, Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain
Molecular Oncology Research (MORe) Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
Contributors lxxxv

Eliot M. Rosen Department of Oncology, Georgetown University School of

Medicine, Washington, DC, USA
Department of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Georgetown
University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, USA
Department of Radiation Medicine, Georgetown University School of Medi-
cine, Washington, DC, USA

Carol L. Rosenberg Boston Medical Center and Boston University School

of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA

Steven A. Rosenzweig Department of Cell and Molecular Pharmacology and

Experimental Therapeutics, Medical University of South Carolina, Charles-
ton, SC, USA

Angelo Rosolen Department of Pediatrics, Hemato-oncology Unit, Univer-

sity of Padua, Padova, Italy

Jeffrey S. Ross Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA

Theodora S. Ross Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas,

Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA

Catalina A. Rosselló University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca,


Anita De Rossi Viral Oncology Unit and AIDS Reference Center, Section of
Oncology and Immunology, Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroen-
terology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy

Alberto Ruano-Ravina Department of Preventive Medicine and Public

Health, School of Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago
de Compostela, Spain

Tami Rubinek Tel Aviv Medical Center and Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,

Luca Rubino Department of Oncology, Humanitas Research Hospital,

Humanitas Cancer Center, Rozzano, Milan, Italy

Marco Ruggiero Dream Master Laboratory, Chandler, AZ, USA

Francisco Ruiz-Cabello Osuna UGC Laboratorio Clínico Hospital

Universitario Virgen de las Nieves Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de
Granada, Granada, Spain

María Victoria Ruiz-Pérez Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell

Biology (MTC), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Zoran Rumboldt Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Med-

ical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA

Erkki Ruoslahti Cancer Research Center, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical

Discovery Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
lxxxvi Contributors

Center for Nanomedicine and Department of Molecular Cellular and Devel-

opmental Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara,

Dario Rusciano Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel, Switzerland

Giandomenico Russo Istituto Dermopatico dell’Immacolata, Istituto di

Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Roma, Italy

Irma H. Russo Breast Cancer Research Laboratory, Fox Chase Cancer

Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Jose Russo Breast Cancer Research Laboratory, Fox Chase Cancer Center,
Philadelphia, PA, USA

James T. Rutka The Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumour Research
Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children, The University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada

James Ryan Head and Neck Tumor Program, Hollings Cancer Center, Med-
ical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA

Venkata S. Sabbisetti Renal Division, Department of Medicine, Brigham

and Women’s Hospital, The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Cen-
ter, Boston, MA, USA

Anne Thoustrup Saber National Institute of Occupational Health, Copen-

hagen, Denmark

Gauri Sabnis University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD,


Mohamad Seyed Sadr Montreal, QC, Canada

Guillermo T. Sáez Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology-INCLIVA, University of Valencia,
Valencia, Spain
Service of Clinical Analysis, Dr. Peset University Hospital, Valencia, Spain

Stephen Safe Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology,

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

Xavier Sagaert Department of Pathology, University Hospitals of K.U.

Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Asim Saha University of Cincinnati and The Barrett Cancer Center, Cincin-
nati, OH, USA

Emine Sahin Institute for Physiology, Center for Physiology and Pharma-
cology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Kunal Saigal National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication,

Disorders and National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
Contributors lxxxvii

Toshiyuki Sakai Department of Molecular-Targeting Cancer Prevention,

Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medi-
cine, Kyoto, Japan
Bodour Salhia Cancer and Cell Biology Division, The Translational Geno-
mics Research Institute, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Helmut Rainer Salih Department of Internal Medicine II, University Hos-
pital of Tübingen, Eberhard-Karls-University, Tübingen, Germany
Beth A. Salmon Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Howard W. Salmon Department of Radiation Oncology, North Florida
Radiation Oncology, Gainesville, FL, USA
Raed Samar Cancer Vaccine Section, National Cancer Institute, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Julian R. Sampson Institute of Medical Genetics, Cardiff University, Heath
Park, Cardiff, UK
Nianli Sang Department of Biology, Drexel University College of Arts and
Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Manoranjan Santra Neurology Research, Henry Ford Health System,
Detroit, MI, USA
Ehsan Sarafraz-Yazdi Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Department of
OB/GYN, State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, New
York, NY, USA
Frank Saran Department of Radiotherapy and Paediatric Oncology, Royal
Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton, Surrey, UK
Devanand Sarkar Department of Human and Molecular Genetics, Virginia
Commonwealth University, VCU Medical Center, School of Medicine, Rich-
mond, VA, USA
Fazlul H. Sarkar Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University,
Detroit, MI, USA
Debashis Sarker Cancer Research UK Center for Cancer Therapeutics, The
Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, UK
Ken Sasaki Department of Cancer Biology, University of Kansas Cancer
Center, The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
Hiroyuki Sasaki Division of Epigenomics and Development, Medical Insti-
tute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Tomikazu Sasaki Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle,
A. Kate Sasser Department of Pediatrics, Columbus Children’s Research
Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
lxxxviii Contributors

Aaron R. Sasson Department of Surgery, University of Nebraska Medical

Center, Omaha, NE, USA
Robert L. Satcher Orthopaedic Oncology, University of Texas MD Ander-
son Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Leonard A. Sauer Bassett Research Institute, Cooperstown, NY, USA
Christobel Saunders School of Surgery and Pathology, QEII Medical Cen-
tre, University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia
Constance L. L. Saw Department of Pharmaceutics, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Piscataway,
Anurag Saxena Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Royal
University Hospital, Saskatoon Health Region/University of Saskatchewan,
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Reinhold Schäfer Comprehensive Cancer Center, Charité Universi-
tätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Amanda Schalk University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Manfred Schartl Physiologische Chemie I, Biozentrum, Universität
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Huub Schellekens Department of Innovation Studies, Department of Phar-
maceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, TD Utrecht, The Netherlands
Detlev Schindler Department of Human Genetics, Biozentrum University of
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Peter M. Schlag Comprehensive Cancer Center, Charité Campus Mitte,
Berlin, Germany
Peter Schlosshauer Department of Pathology, The Mount Sinai School of
Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Martin Schlumberger Department of Nuclear Medicine and Endocrine
Oncology, Referral Center for Refractory Thyroid Tumors, Institut National
du Cancer, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
Peter Schmezer Division Epigenomics and Cancer Risk Factors, German
Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
Annette Schmitt-Graeff Department of Pathology, University hospital Frei-
burg, Freiburg, Germany
Marc Schmitz Institut für Immunologie, Technische Universität Dresden,
Dresden, Germany
Dominik T. Schneider Clinic of Pediatrics, Klinikum Dortmund, Dortmund,
Katrina J. Schneider Research Service, Veterans Administration Medical
Center, Omaha, NE, USA
Contributors lxxxix

Stefan W. Schneider Hauttumorzentrum Mannheim (HTZM), Universi-

tätsmedizn Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
Maria Schnelzer Department of Radiation Protection and Health,
Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (Federal Office for Radiation Protection),
Oberschleissheim, Germany
Nathalie Scholler Center for Cancer, SRI Biosciences, Menlo Park, CA,
Axel H. Schönthal University of Southern California, Keck School of Med-
icine, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Bart H. W. Schreuder Department of Orthopaedics, Radboud University
Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Morgan S. Schrock Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology and
Medical Genetics, Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Columbus, OH, USA
Laura W. Schrum Department of Biology, The University of North Carolina
at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA
Wolfgang A. Schulz Department of Urology, Heinrich Heine University,
Düsseldorf, Germany
Manfred Schwab German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg,
Markus Schwaiger Department of Nuclear Medicine, Technical University
of Munich, Munich, Germany
Edward L. Schwartz Department of Medicine (Oncology), Albert Einstein
College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA
Julie K. Schwarz Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington Univer-
sity School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA
Rony Seger Department of Biological Regulation, The Weizmann Institute
of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Gail M. Seigel Center for Hearing and Deafness, University at Buffalo,
Buffalo, NY, USA
Hiroyuki Seimiya Division of Molecular Biotherapy, Cancer Chemotherapy
Center, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Paule Seite UMR CNRS 6187 Pôle Biologie Santé, University of Poitiers,
Poitiers cedex, France
Helmut K. Seitz Centre of Alcohol Research (CAR), University of Heidel-
berg, Heidelberg, Germany
Department of Medicine, Salem Medical Center, Heidelberg, Germany
Periasamy Selvaraj Department of Pathology, Emory University School of
Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA
xc Contributors

Wolfhard Semmler Department of Medical Physics in Radiology, German

Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
Subrata Sen Department of Molecular Pathology (Unit 951), The University
of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Suvajit Sen Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jonsson Comprehen-
sive Cancer Center, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of Califor-
nia at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Vitalyi Senyuk Department of Medicine (M/C 737), College of Medicine
Research Building, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Nedime Serakinci Medical Genetics, Near East University, Nicosia, North-
ern Cyprus
Christine Sers Institute of Pathology, University Medicine Charité, Berlin,
Marta Sesé Department of Pathology, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital,
Barcelona, Spain
Vijayasaradhi Setaluri Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College,
Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India
John F. Seymour Haematology Department, Peter MacCallum Cancer
Centre, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia
University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia
Girish V. Shah Department of Pharmacology, University of Louisiana
College of Pharmacy, Monroe, LA, USA
Rabia K. Shahid Department of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan,
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Sharmila Shankar Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
Anand Sharma Head and Neck Tumor Program, Hollings Cancer Center,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA
Narinder Kumar Sharma Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and
Therapeutics, and Medicine, The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kan-
sas City, KS, USA
Jerry W. Shay University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,
Shijie Sheng Department of Pathology and Oncology, Wayne State Univer-
sity School of Medicine, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI, USA
James L. Sherley Asymmetrex, LLC, Boston, MA, USA
Donna Shewach Department of Pharmacology, University of Michigan
Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Contributors xci

Ie-Ming Shih Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University School of

Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Kentaro Shikata Department of Environmental Medicine, Graduate School
of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Yosef Shiloh Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
Hyunsuk Shim Department of Hematology/Oncology, Winship Cancer
Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA
Yutaka Shimada Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine,
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Masahito Shimojo School of Medicine, Osaka Medical College, Takatsuki,
Osaka, Japan
Yong-Beom Shin BioNanotechnology Research Center, Korea Research
Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Yuseong, Daejeon, Republic of
Toshi Shioda Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Cancer Research,
Charlestown, MA, USA
Janet Shipley The Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, UK
Girja S. Shukla Department of Surgery, Vermont Comprehensive Cancer
Center, College of Medicine, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA
Arthur Shulkes Department of Surgery, Austin Health, The University of
Melbourne, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia
Antonio Sica Department of Immunology, Fondazione Humanitas per la
Ricerca, Rozzano, Milan, Italy
Gene P. Siegal Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at Birming-
ham, Birmingham, AL, USA
Dietmar W. Siemann Department of Radiation Oncology, University of
Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Christine L. E. Siezen National Institute of Public Health and Environment,
Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Alexandra Silveira Ocular Molecular Genetics Institute, Harvard Medical
School, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA, USA
Martin J. Simard Le Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-Université
Laval: axe Oncologie, Le Centre de recherche sur le cancer de l’Université
Laval, Québec, QC, Canada
Diane M. Simeone Department of Physiology, University of Michigan Med-
ical Center, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Hans-Uwe Simon Department of Pharmacology, University of Bern, Bern,
xcii Contributors

Bryan Simoneau Le Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-Université

Laval: axe Oncologie, Le Centre de recherche sur le cancer de l’Université
Laval, Québec, QC, Canada
Ajay Singh Department of Oncologic Sciences, Mitchell Cancer Institute,
University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, USA
Amrik J. Singh Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA
Harprit Singh De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
Kamaleshwar Singh The Institute of Environmental and Human Health
(TIEHH), Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA
Narendra P. Singh Departments of Bioengineering, University of Washing-
ton, Seattle, WA, USA
Pankaj K. Singh The Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied
Diseases, and Department of Pathology and Microbiology, and Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Department of Genetic Cell Biol-
ogy and Anatomy, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA
Shalini Singh Department of Surgery, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON,
Shree Ram Singh Basic Research Laboratory, National Cancer Institute at
Frederick, Frederick, MD, USA
Vineeta Singh School of Surgery and Pathology, QEII Medical Centre, Sir
Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands, WA, Australia
Lillian L. Siu Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, Robert and
Maggie Bras and Family New Drug Development Program, Princess Margaret
Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
Anita Sjölander Cell and Experimental Pathology, Department of Labora-
tory Medicine, Lund University, Malmö University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden
Judith Skoner Head and Neck Tumor Program, Hollings Cancer Center,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA
Keith Skubitz Division of Hematology, Oncology and Transplantation, Uni-
versity of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Christopher Slape Genetics Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National
Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Keiran S. M. Smalley The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Lubomir B. Smilenov Department of Radiation Oncology, Columbia Uni-
versity, New York, NY, USA
Bruce F. Smith Scott-Ritchey Research Center, College of Veterinary Med-
icine, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
Contributors xciii

Russell Spencer Smith Department of Pharmacology, University of Illinois

College of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Josef Smolle Department of Dermatology, Medical University Graz, Graz,
Jimmy B. Y. So Department of Surgery, National University of Singapore,
National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore
Robert W. Sobol University of South Alabama Mitchell Cancer Institute,
Mobile, AL, USA
Alexander S. Sobolev Department of Molecular Genetics of Intracellular
Transport, Institute of Gene Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
Eric Solary Inserm Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR) 1009, Institut Gustave
Roussy, University Paris-Sud 11, Villejuif, France
Graziella Solinas Department of Immunology, Fondazione Humanitas per la
Ricerca, Rozzano, Milan, Italy
Toshiya Soma Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto
University, Kyoto, Japan
Guru Sonpavde Texas Oncology and Veterans Affairs Medical Center and
the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
Anil K. Sood Departments of Gynecologic Oncology and Reproductive
Medicine and Cancer Biology and The Center for RNA Interference and
Non-Coding RNAs, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX, USA
Henrik Toft Sørensen Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus Uni-
versity Hospital, Aarhus C, Denmark
Pavel Soucek Toxicogenomics Unit, Center for Toxicology and Health
Safety, National Institute of Public Health, Prague, Czech Republic
Lorenzo Spaggiari University of Milan School of Medicine, Milan, Italy
Ulrich Specks Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Depart-
ment of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN,
David W. Speicher The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Valerie Speirs Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Leeds,
Leeds, UK
Dietmar Spengler Max-Panck-Institut für Psychiatrie, Munich, Germany
Phillippe E. Spiess Department of Genitourinary Oncology, Moffitt Cancer
Center, Tampa, FL, USA
Melanie Spotheim-Maurizot Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire, CNRS,
Orleans, France
xciv Contributors

Cynthia C. Sprenger Department of Medicine, Division of Gerontology and

Geriatric Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Lakshmaiah Sreerama Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,

St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, USA
Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

Rakesh Srivastava Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The

University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA

Satish K. Srivastava Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,

University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA

M. Sharon Stack Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL,


Jan A. Staessen Division of Lung Toxicology, Department of Occupational

and Environmental Medicine (T.S.N.) and the Studies Coordinating Centre
(J.A.S.), Division of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Rehabilitation, Depart-
ment of Cardiovascular Diseases, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Eric Stanbridge Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Uni-

versity of California, Irvine, CA, USA

Barry Staymates Department of Pathology, Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial

Hospital, Valencia, CA, USA

Stacey Stein Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, UMDMJ –

Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, NJ, USA

Martin Steinhoff UCD Charles Institute of Dermatology, University College

Dublin, Belfield, Ireland
Department of Dermatology School of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Uni-
versity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Alexander Steinle Institute for Molecular Medicine, Centre for Molecular

Medicine, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Carsten Stephan Department of Urology, Charité, Universitätsmedizin,

Campus Charité Mitte, Berlin, Germany

Peter L. Stern Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, University of

Manchester, Manchester, UK

William G. Stetler-Stevenson Extracellular Matrix Pathology Section, Cell

and Cancer Biology Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA

Richard G. Stevens University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington,


Freda Stevenson CRC Wessex Oncology Unit, Southampton General Hos-

pital and Tenovous Laboratory, Southampton University Hospital Trust,
Southampton, UK
Contributors xcv

William P. Steward Department of Cancer Studies, University of Leicester,

Leicester, UK
Constantine A. Stratakis Program on Developmental Endocrinology of
Genetics, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
Alex Y. Strongin Burnham Institute for Medical Research, La Jolla, CA,
Deepa S. Subramaniam Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC,
Garnet Suck Health Sciences Authority, Centre for Transfusion Medicine,
Singapore, Singapore
Paul H. Sugarbaker Washington Cancer Institute, Washington Hospital
Center, Washington, DC, USA
Baocun Sun Department of Pathology, Tianjin Cancer Hospital and Tianjin
Cancer Institute, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China
Duxin Sun Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Shi-Yong Sun School of Medicine and Winship Cancer Institute, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA, USA
Zhifu Sun Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic College of
Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA
Saul Suster Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Mil-
waukee, WI, USA
Russell Szmulewitz The University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Thomas Tüting Laboratory for Experimental Dermatology, Department of
Dermatology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Dirk Taeger Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine of the
German Social Accident Insurance (IPA), Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum,
Masatoshi Tagawa Division of Pathology and Cell Therapy, Chiba Cancer
Center Research Institute, Chiba, Japan
Stanley Tahara Keck School of Medicine, Department of Molecular Micro-
biology and Immunology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
Yoshikazu Takada UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA, USA
Akihisa Takahashi Heavy Ion Medical Center, Gunma University,
Maebashi, Gunma, Japan
Tsutomu Takahashi Department of Environmental Health, School of Phar-
macy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Tokyo, Japan
xcvi Contributors

Yoshimi Takai Faculty of Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of

Medicine, Suita, Japan
Tamotsu Takeuchi Department of Pathology, Kochi Medical School, Kochi,
Constantine S. Tam Haematology Department, Peter MacCallum Cancer
Centre, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia
University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia
Luca Tamagnone Department of Oncology, University of Turin, Candiolo,
Candiolo Cancer Center-IRCCS, University of Turin, Candiolo, Italy
Harald Tammen PXBioVisioN GmbH, Hannover, Germany
Masaaki Tamura Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Kansas State
University, Manhattan, KS, USA
David S. P. Tan Department of Medical Oncology, National University
Cancer Institute, Singapore (NCIS), National University Hospital, and Cancer
Science Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Takuji Tanaka Department of Oncologic Pathology, Kanazawa Medical
University, Kanazawa, Japan
Dean G. Tang Department of Carcinogenesis, Science Park-Research Divi-
sion, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Smithville, TX,
Ya-Chu Tang Department of Life Sciences, College of Science, National
Central University, Jhongli City, Taiwan
Nizar M. Tannir Department of Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Univer-
sity of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Weikang Tao Department of Cancer Research, Merck Research Laborato-
ries, West Point, PA, USA
Chi Tarn Department of Medical Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Clive R. Taylor Department of Pathology, University of Southern California
Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Jennifer Taylor Committee on Cancer Biology, The University of Chicago,
Chicago, IL, USA
Andrew R. Tee Institute of Medical Genetics, Cardiff University, Heath
Park, Cardiff, UK
Ayalew Tefferi Division of Hematology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine,
Rochester, MN, USA
Bin T. Teh Cancer and Stem Cell Biology (CSCB), Duke-NUS, Graduate
Medical School, Singapore, Singapore
Contributors xcvii

Marie-Hélène Teiten Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire du

Cancer (LBMCC), Hôpital Kirchberg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Joseph R. Testa Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA

John Thacker Medical Research Council, Radiation and Genome Stability

Unit, Harwell, Oxfordshire, UK

Rajesh V. Thakker Academic Endocrine Unit, Radcliffe Department of

Medicine, Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
(OCDEM), Churchill Hospital, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Nicholas B. La Thangue Department of Oncology, University of Oxford,

Oxford, UK

Dan Theodorescu Department of Surgery, Urology, School of Medicine,

University of Colorado Cancer Center, Aurora, CO, USA

Panayiotis A. Theodoropoulos Department of Basic Sciences, The Univer-

sity of Crete, School of Medicine, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Frank Thévenod Private Universität Witten/Herdecke gGmbH, Witten,


Karl-Heinz Thierauch Berlin, Germany

Megan N. Thobe University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati,


Natalie Thomas Clinical Network Services Pty Ltd, St Albans, UK

Peter Thomas Departments of Surgery and Biomedical Sciences, Creighton

University, Omaha, NE, USA

Sufi M. Thomas Departments of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery,

University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
Cancer Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas
City, KS, USA

Sven Thoms University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

Magnus Thörn Department of Surgery (MT), Karolinska Institutet, Stock-

holm, Sweden

Anna Tiefenthaller Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology, LMU

Munich, Munich, Germany

Derya Tilki Martini-Klinik, Prostatakrebszentrum, Universitätsklinikum

Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

Donald J. Tindall Department of Urology Research, Department of Bio-

chemistry and Molecular Biology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Roch-
ester, MN, USA
xcviii Contributors

Umberto Tirelli Department of Medical Oncology, National Cancer Insti-

tute, Aviano, PN, Italy
Martin Tobi Section of Gastroenterology, Detroit VAMC, Detroit, MI, USA
Philip J. Tofilon Radiation Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute,
Bethesda, MD, USA
Masakazu Toi Department of Surgery (Breast Surgery), Graduate School of
Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Amanda Ewart Toland Division of Human Cancer Genetics, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH, USA
Massimo Tommasino Infections and Cancer Biology Group, International
Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France
Antonio Toninello Department of Biological Chemistry, University of
Padua, Padua, Italy
Jeffrey A. Toretsky Department of Oncology and Pediatrics, Lombardi
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC,
Jorge R. Toro National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Manuel Torres University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Tibor Tot Department of Pathology and Clinical Cytology, Central Hospital
Falun, Uppsala University, Falun, Sweden
Mathilde Touvier UMR U1153 INSERM, U1125 INRA, CNAM, Université
Paris 13, Centre de Recherche Epidémiologie et Statistique Sorbonne Paris
Cité, Bobigny, France
Philip C. Trackman Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Boston
University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
Tiffany A. Traina Breast Cancer Medicine Service, Department of Medi-
cine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
Luba Trakhtenbrot Molecular Cytogenetics Laboratory, Institute of Hema-
tology, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel
Janeen H. Trembley Minneapolis VA Health Care System and University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Pierre-Luc Tremblay Le Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-
Université Laval: axe Oncologie, Le Centre de recherche sur le cancer de
l’Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada
Matthew Trendowski Department of Biology, Syracuse University, Syra-
cuse, NY, USA
Edward L. Trimble Department of Health and Human Services, National
Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Contributors xcix

Jörg Trojan Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt, Medizinische Klinik 1, Frank-

furt am Main, Germany

Alisha M. Truman Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA

Gregory J. Tsay Department of Medicine, Institute of Immunology, Chung

Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan

Apostolia-Maria Tsimberidou Department of Investigational Cancer Ther-

apeutics, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Kunihiro Tsuchida Division for Therapies Against Intractable Diseases,

Institute for Comprehensive Medical Science (ICMS), Fujita Health Univer-
sity, Toyoake, Japan

Nobuo Tsuchida Department of Molecular Cellular Oncology and Microbi-

ology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Florin Tuluc Department of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine, Uni-

versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Mehmet Kemal Tur Institute of Pathology, University Hospital, Justus-

Liebig-University Giessen, Giessen, Germany

Greg Turenchalkb 454 Life Sciences, Branford, CT, USA

Andrew S. Turnell Cancer Research UK Institute for Cancer Studies, The

Medical School, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK

Jeffrey Turner Prostate Oncology Specialists, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Michelle C. Turner McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assess-

ment, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
ISGlobal, Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL),
Barcelona, Spain
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain
CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Madrid, Spain

Guri Tzivion Cancer Institute, Department of Biochemistry, University of

Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, USA

Salvatore Ulisse Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Rome

“Sapienza”, Rome, Italy

Nick Underhill-Day School of Biosciences, Swift Ecology Ltd, Warwick-

shire, UK

Rosemarie A. Ungarelli Boston Medical Center and Boston University

School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA

Gretchen M. Unger GeneSegues Inc., Chaska, MN, USA

c Contributors

Motoko Unoki Division of Epigenomics and Development, Medical Insti-

tute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Markus Vähä-Koskela Molecular Cancer Biology Research Program,
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Antti Vaheri Medicum, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Hel-
sinki, Finland
Kedar S. Vaidya Global Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Abbott
Laboratories, North Chicago, IL, USA
Ilan Vaknin The Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Cancer Research,
Israel-Canada Medical, Research Institute Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew
University, Jerusalem, Israel
Anne M. VanBuskirk Takeda Oncology, Cambridge, MA, USA
Wim Vanden Berghe Epigenetic Signaling Lab PPES, Department Biomed-
ical Sciences, University Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Marry M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric
Oncology/Hematology, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Michael W. Van Dyke Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, USA
Casper H. J. van Eijck Department of Surgery, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
Manon van Engeland Department of Pathology, GROW-School for Oncol-
ogy and Developmental Biology, Maastricht University Hospital, Maastricht,
The Netherlands
Wilhelmin M. U. van Grevenstein Department of Surgery, Erasmus MC,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Ad Geurts van Kessel Department of Human Genetics, Radboud University
Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Ron H. N. van Schaik Department of Clinical Chemistry, Erasmus Univer-
sity Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Viggo Van Tendeloo Vaccine and Infections Disease Institute
(VAXINFECTIO) Laboratory of Experimental Hematology, Faculty of Med-
icine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, Edegem, Belgium
Alex van Vliet Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Cell Death
Research and Therapy Lab, KU Leuven Campus Gasthuisberg, Leuven,
Carter Van Waes National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication,
Disorders and National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
Sakari Vanharanta Department of Medical Genetics, Biomedicum Hel-
sinki, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Contributors ci

Roberta Vanni Department of Biomedical Science and Technology, Univer-

sity of Cagliari, Monserrato (CA), Italy
Judith A. Varner Moores UCSD Cancer Center, University of California
San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
Aikaterini T. Vasilaki University Department of Surgery, Royal Infirmary,
Glasgow, UK
Peter Vaupel Department of Radiooncology and Radiotherapy, University
Medical Center Mainz, Mainz, Germany
Guillermo Velasco Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I,
School of Biology, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
Marcel Verheij Department of Radiotherapy, The Netherlands Cancer Insti-
tute–Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Mukesh Verma Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences,
National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Rock-
ville, MD, USA
Rakesh Verma Prescient Healthcare Group, London, UK
Srdan Verstovsek Leukemia Department, University of Texas MD Ander-
son Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
René P. H. Veth Department of Orthopaedics, Radboud University Medical
Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
G. J. Villares Department of Cancer Biology, The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Akila N. Viswanathan Brigham and Women’s/Dana-Farber Cancer Center,
Boston, MA, USA
Kris Vleminckx Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology and Center
for Medical Genetics, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Israel Vlodavsky Anatomy and Cell Biology, Technion Israel Institute of
Technology, Cancer and Vascular Biology Research Center, Haifa, Israel
Martina Vockerodt Department of Pediatrics I, Children’s Hospital, Georg-
August University of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany
Charles L. Vogel Sylvester Cancer Center, School of Medicine, University
of Miami, Plantation, FL, USA
Tilman Vogel Department of Surgery, Krankenhaus Maria Hilf,
Mönchengladbach, Germany
Ulla Vogel National Institute of Occupational Health, Copenhagen, Denmark
Daniel D. von Hoff Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, AZ, USA
Silvia von Mensdorff-Pouilly Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum (VUmc), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
cii Contributors

Ingo Kausch von Schmeling Klinik für Urologie und Kinderurologie,

Ammerland Klinik GmbH, Westerstede, Germany
Dietrich von Schweinitz Klinikum der Universität München, Kinderchir-
urgische Klinik im Dr. von Haunerschen Kinderspital, München, Germany
Alireza Vosough Department of Radiotherapy, Royal Marsden Hospital
NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton, Surrey, UK
George F. Vande Woude Van Andel Research Institute, Grand Rapids, MI,
Tom Waddell GI/Lymphoma Research Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sur-
rey, UK
Christoph Wagener University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Ham-
burg, Germany
Sabine Wagner Department of Pediatrics, Klinik St. Hedwig, Krankenhaus
der Barmherzigen Brüder, Regensburg, Germany
Kristin A. Waite Genomic Medicine Institute, Lerner Research Institute, and
Taussing Cancer Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA
Toshifumi Wakai Division of Digestive and General Surgery, Niigata Uni-
versity Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata, Japan
Heather M. Wallace University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
Håkan Wallin National Institute of Occupational Health, Copenhagen,
Susan E. Waltz Cancer and Cell Biology, University of Cincinnati College of
Medicine, Cincinnati Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Cincinnati, OH,
Jack R. Wands Division of Gastroenterology, Liver Research Center, Rhode
Island Hospital and Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University,
Providence, RI, USA
Bo Wang The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
Gang Wang Feil Brain and Mind Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medicine,
Cornell University, New York, NY, USA
Helen Y. Wang Center for Inflammation and Epigenetics, Houston Method-
ist Research Institute, Houston, TX, USA
Hwa-Chain Robert Wang Molecular Oncology, Department of Biomedical
and Diagnostic Sciences, The University of Tennessee, College of Veterinary
Medicine, Knoxville, TN, USA
Jianghua Wang Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, TX, USA
Mingjun Wang Center for Inflammation and Epigenetics, Houston Method-
ist Research Institute, Houston, TX, USA
Contributors ciii

Rong-Fu Wang Center for Inflammation and Epigenetics, Houston Method-

ist Research Institute, Houston, TX, USA
Xianghong Wang Department of Anatomy, The University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, China
Xiang-Dong Wang Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on
Aging at Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA
Yu Wang Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, The University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Zhu A. Wang Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia Univer-
sity Medical Center, Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, New York,
Patrick Warnat Department of Theoretical Bioinformatics, German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
Kounosuke Watabe Department of Medical Microbiology, Immunology
and Cell Biology, Southern Illinois University, School of Medicine, Spring-
field, IL, USA
School of Medicine, Department of Cancer Biology, Wake Forest University,
Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Dawn Waterhouse Experimental Therapeutics, BC Cancer Agency, Vancou-
ver, BC, Canada
Catherine Waters The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Colum-
bus, OH, USA
Valerie M. Weaver Department of Surgery, University of California, San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
Lau Weber Department of Urology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore,
Daniel S. Wechsler Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Duke University Med-
ical Center, Durham, NC, USA
Scott A. Weed Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Mary Babb
Randolph Cancer Center, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA
Oliver Weigert Department of Internal Medicine III, University of Munich,
Großhadern, Munich, Germany
Eugene D. Weinberg Biology and Medical Sciences, Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN, USA
I. Bernard Weinstein Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Ellen Weisberg Department of Medical Oncology, Dana Farber Cancer
Institute, Boston, MA, USA
Lawrence M. Weiss Division of Pathology, City of Hope National Medical
Center, Duarte, CA, USA
civ Contributors

Danny R. Welch Department of Cancer Biology, University of Kansas Cancer

Center, The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
Thilo Welsch Department of Visceral, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, TU
Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Sarah J. Welsh Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Tania M. Welzel Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt, Medizinische Klinik 1,
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tamra E. Werbowetski-Ogilvie Regenerative Medicine Program, Bio-
chemistry and Medical Genetics and Physiology and Pathophysiology, Col-
lege of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Frank Westermann DKFZ, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg,
Linda C. Whelan UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science,
UCD Conway Institute, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Bruce A. White Department of Cell Biology, UConn School of Medicine,
UConn Health, Farmington, CT, USA
Robert P. Whitehead Nevada Cancer Institute, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Theresa L. Whiteside University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and Univer-
sity of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Christophe Wiart University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Andreas Wicki Department of Medical Oncology, University Hospital,
Basel, Switzerland
Carol Wicking Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of
Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia
Lisa Wiesmüller Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of
Ulm, Ulm, Germany
Edwin van Wijngaarden Department of Public Health Sciences, University
of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY, USA
Kandace Williams Department of Biochemistry and Cancer Biology, Health
Science Campus, UT College of Medicine, Toledo, OH, USA
Elizabeth D. Williams Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre –
Queensland (APCRC-Q), Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Translational Research Institute, Institute of Health and Biomedical Innova-
tion, Faculty of Health, School of Biomedical Sciences, Queensland Univer-
sity of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Elizabeth M. Wilson Department of Pediatrics and Biochemistry and Bio-
physics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Contributors cv

George Wilson Storr Liver Centre, Westmead Millennium Institute for Med-
ical Research, The University of Sydney at Westmead Hospital, Westmead,
NSW, Australia
Ola Winqvist Department of Medicine (OW), Karolinska Institutet, Stock-
holm, Sweden
Jordan Winter Department of Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Phila-
delphia, PA, USA
John Pierce Wise Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University
of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA
Christian Wittekind Department für Diagnostik, Institut für Pathologie,
Universitätsklinikum Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Isaac P. Witz Department of Cell Research and Immunology, Tel Aviv
University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Ido Wolf Division of Oncology, The Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel
Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
The Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Roland C. Wolf Biomedical Research Centre, University of Dundee, Dun-
dee, UK
Alice Wong University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Chun-Ming Wong Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, China
Yung H. Wong Division of Life Science, Biotechnology Research Institute,
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Dori C. Woods Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
Paul Workman Cancer Research UK Center for Cancer Therapeutics, The
Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, UK
Maria J. Worsham Department of Otolaryngology, Henry Ford Health
System, Detroit, USA
Thomas Worzfeld Institute of Pharmacology, University of Marburg, Mar-
burg, Germany
Department of Pharmacology, Max-Planck-Institute for Heart and Lung
Research, Bad Nauheim, Germany
Jie Wu Department of Molecular Oncology, SRB-3, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer
Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL, USA
Mei-Yi Wu Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, The
George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
Ray-Chang Wu Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, The
George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
cvi Contributors

Shiyong Wu Edison Biotechnology Institute and Department of Chemistry

and Biochemistry, Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA

Wen Jin Wu Division of Monoclonal Antibodies, Office of Biotechnology

Products, Office of Pharmaceutical Science, Center for Drug Evaluation and
Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, MD, USA

Xiaosheng Wu Department of Immunology, Mayo Clinic, College of Med-

icine, Rochester, MN, USA

Xifeng Wu Department of Epidemiology, The University of Texas MD

Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Yi-Long Wu Guangdong Lung Cancer Institute, Guangdong General Hos-

pital and Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, China

Christopher Xiao Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery,

Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA

Guang-Hui Xiao Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Huajiang Xiong Department of Zoophysiology, Zoological Institute, Chris-

tian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany

Jianming Xu Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College

of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA

Tian Xu Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University School of Med-

icine, New Haven, CT, USA

Zhengping Xu Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China

Jing Xue Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA

Judy W. P. Yam Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong,

Hong Kong, China

Sho-ichi Yamagishi Department of Pathophysiology and Therapeutics of

Diabetic Vascular Complications, Kurume University School of Medicine,
Kurume, Japan

Michiko Yamamoto Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kitasato Univer-

sity School of Medicine, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan

Wei Yan Department of Cancer Biology, Beckman Research Institute of City

of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA

Haining Yang University of Hawaii Cancer Center, Honolulu, HI, USA

Hong Yang Cancer Vaccine Section, National Cancer Institute, National

Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

Jia-Lin Yang Adult Cancer Program, Lowy Cancer Research Centre, Prince
of Wales Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South
Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Contributors cvii

Ping Yang Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic College of

Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA
Rongxi Yang Molecular Epidemiology Unit, German Cancer Research Cen-
ter, Heidelberg, Germany
Libo Yao Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Fourth
Military Medical University, Xi’an, Shananxi, China
Masakazu Yashiro Department of Surgical Oncology, Osaka City Univer-
sity Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan
Nelson Yee Penn State Hershey Cancer Institute, Hershey, PA, USA
Yerem Yeghiazarians Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology,
Translational Cardiac Stem Cell Program, Eli and Edythe Broad Center of
Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research, Cardiovascular Research
Institute, University of California San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco,
W. Andrew Yeudall Department of Oral Biology, College of Dental Medi-
cine, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA, USA
Maksym V. Yezhelyev Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University, Atlanta,
Ömer H. Yilmaz The David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer
Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
Açelya Yilmazer Aktuna Biomedical Engineering Department, Engineering
Faculty, Ankara University, Golbasi, Ankara, Turkey
Anthony P. C. Yim Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Chinese University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
John H. Yim Department of Surgery, City of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA
Chengqian Yin Department of Biology, Drexel University College of Arts
and Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Helen L. Yin Department of Physiology, University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Min-Jean Yin Oncology Research, Pfizer Worldwide R&D, San Diego, CA,
Xiao-Ming Yin Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Indiana
University, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Zhimin Yin College of Life Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing,
People’s Republic of China
George Wai-Cheong Yip Department of Anatomy, National University of
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Kenneth W. Yip Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Net-
work, Toronto, ON, Canada
cviii Contributors

Harry H. Yoon Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer, Rochester, MN, USA

Jung-Hwan Yoon Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National Univer-
sity College of Medicine, Chongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kazuhiro Yoshida Department of Surgical Oncology, Gifu University
School of Medicine, Gifu, Japan
Tatsushi Yoshida Department of Molecular-Targeting Cancer Prevention,
Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medi-
cine, Kyoto, Japan
Kouichi Yoshimasu Department of Hygiene, School of Medicine, Waka-
yama Medical University, Wakayama, Japan
Anas Younes Lymphoma Service, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
Graeme P. Young Flinders Cancer Control Alliance, Flinders University,
Adelaide, SA, Australia
Ken H. Young Department of Hematopathology, The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Dihua Yu Departments of Molecular and Cellular Oncology, The University
of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Jian Yu Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute,
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Yan Ping Yu Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Yu Yu Department of Pathology, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW,
Xiao Yuan Research and Development Center, Wuhan Botanical Garden,
Chinese Academy of Science, Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China
Anthony Po-Wing Yuen Division of Otorhinolaryngology, Department of
Surgery, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR, China
Zhong Yun Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Yale School of Medicine,
New Haven, CT, USA
Stefan K. Zöllner Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Uni-
versity Childrens Hospital Münster, Münster, Germany
Leo R. Zacharski VA Hospital, White River Junction, VT, USA
Gerard P. Zambetti Department of Biochemistry, Dana-Farber Cancer Insti-
tute, Boston, MA, USA
Behrouz Zand UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Laura P. Zanello Department of Biochemistry, University of California-
Riverside, Riverside, CA, USA
Contributors cix

Uwe Zangemeister-Wittke Department of Pharmacology, University of

Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Andrew C. W. Zannettino Myeloma Research Laboratory, School of Med-
icine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA,
Kamran Zargar-Shoshtari Department of Urology, Moffitt Cancer Center
and Research Institute, Tampa, FL, USA
Laura Zavala-Flores Redox Biology Center, School of Veterinary Medicine
and Biomedical Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA
Berton Zbar Laboratory of Immunobiology, NIH – Frederick, Frederick,
Herbert J. Zeh III UPMC/University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health
Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Jason A. Zell Cancer Prevention Program, Division of Hematology/Oncol-
ogy and Epidemiology, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, Chao
Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of California, Irvine, CA,
Danfang Zhang Department of Pathology, Tianjin Cancer Hospital and
Tianjin Cancer Institute, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China
Fengrui Zhang Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Hao Zhang The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
Hong Zhang Biogen Idec, San Diego, CA, USA
Hui Zhang Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of
Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Jinping Zhang Departments of Pathology and Immunology, Center for Cell
and Gene Therapy, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
Ji-Hu Zhang Lead Discovery Center, Novartis Institute for Biomedical
Research, Cambridge, MA, USA
Lin Zhang Biogen Idec, San Diego, CA, USA
Lin Zhang Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology, University
of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Ruiwen Zhang University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL,
Shiwu Zhang Department of Pathology, Tianjin Cancer Hospital and Tianjin
Cancer Institute, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China
Yong Zhang Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
cx Contributors

Xin A. Zhang Departments of Medicine and Molecular Sciences, Vascular

Biology Center, Cancer Institute, University of Tennessee Health Science
Center, Memphis, TN, USA
Xuefeng Zhang Duke Pathology, Duke University School of Medicine,
Durham, NC, USA
Yu-Wen Zhang Department of Oncology, Georgetown University Medical
Center, Washington, DC, USA
Yuesheng Zhang Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA
Liang Zhong Le Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-Université Laval:
axe Oncologie, Le Centre de recherche sur le cancer de l’Université Laval,
Québec, QC, Canada
Guang-Biao Zhou State Key Laboratory of Membrane Biology, Institute of
Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Jerry Zhou School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences, University of
Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Zeng B. Zhu Departments of Medicine, Pathology, Surgery, Obstetrics and
Gynecology and the Gene Therapy Center, Division of Human Gene Therapy,
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
M. Zigler Department of Cancer Biology, The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Margot Zoeller DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany
Massimo Zollo Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnol-
ogy, University Federico II of Naples, Naples, Italy
Roberto T. Zori University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Enrique Zudaire NCI Angiogenesis Core Facility, National Cancer Institute,
National Institutes of Health, Advanced Technology Center, Gaithersburg,
Carsten Zwick Klinik für Innere Medizin I, Universität des Saarlandes,
Homburg, Germany

284461-73-0 conserved in evolution, is distributed intracellu-

larly in many cells and also extracellularly on
▶ Sorafenib vascular cells, shares an epitope with motility-
related proteins (alpha-actinin and a fast twitch
skeletal muscle protein), and contains potential
heparin binding and thrombin cleavage sites.
Antibody and antisense studies have indicated
compartment (intracellular or extracellular) spe-
▶ Temozolomide
cific roles for AAMP in angiogenesis, cell-cell
and cell-matrix interactions, and cell migration.
The cDNA derived from mRNA encoding AAMP
was originally cloned from a human melanoma
A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease cell library (A2058) in a search for migration-
related proteins. AAMP has been found in the
▶ ADAM Molecules cytoplasm of many nucleated cells, in an extracel-
lular mesh-like network on monolayers of endo-
thelial and vascular-associated smooth muscle
cells, and on the apical membranes of endometrial
AAMP glandular cells. AAMP expression when normal-
ized for tissue source has shown the highest levels
Marie E. Beckner
of distribution in the esophagus (7.17% of tissue
Department of Pathology, University of
clones) (http://smd.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/source/
Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA,
sourceImage?File = Hs.83347). Local homolo-
gies discovered initially to human immunodefi-
ciency viral proteins led to identification of two
Definition immunoglobulin-like domains in AAMP. In addi-
tion to melanoma, expression of AAMP has been
Angio-associated migratory cell protein; gene observed in a variety of malignant cells, including
maps to chromosome 2q35. AAMP has been poorly differentiated colon adenocarcinoma
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017
M. Schwab (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cancer,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-46875-3

within lymphatics, gastric adenocarcinoma, protein (23 kDa), as demonstrated with anti-
Jurkat lymphoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumors RRLRRMESESES (anti-P189) and related
with mutated c-kit, breast cancer cell lines and antipeptide antibodies. The ESESES epitope is
ductal adenocarcinoma in situ with necrosis, and linear in AAMP but is discontinuous or confor-
brain tumor cells. mational (formed by secondary structure) in
Co-culture of astrocytes with endothelial cells alpha-actinin. The fast twitch skeletal muscle
(without physical contact) led to increased amounts fiber protein with immunoreactivity for anti-
of extracellular AAMP associated with the endo- P189 was found in the periodic bands (Z discs).
thelial cells. Stimulation of T lymphocytes and An alternatively spliced, slightly longer form
monocytes by a phorbol ester led to greatly of AAMP (452 aa) includes coding sequence
increased AAMP expression, 1.6 kb message, and upstream from MESESES. The immediate
52 kDa protein. Hypoxia increased expression of upstream sequence, RRLRR, potentially functions
the AAMP gene in a breast carcinoma cell line. as a heparin binding site. In addition to an alterna-
AAMP has demonstrated compartment-specific tive initiating methionine, the upstream human
effects on endothelial cell migration. Affinity- coding sequence differs by only two of 17 codons
purified antibodies, which interacted with the when compared to an even longer form of AAMP
extracellular form of AAMP on nonpermeabilized in rat. The coding sequence of AAMP in rat
endothelial cells, inhibited cell migration and endo- includes the sequence GRFRRMESESES that cor-
thelial tube formation. However, antisense oligo- responds to RRLRRMESESES in the alternative
nucleotides, which decreased total AAMP form of human AAMP. In peptide studies, the
expression, paradoxically increased cell migration, bipolar RRLRRMESESES sequence was strongly
presumably via loss of intracellular AAMP. self-aggregating, sensitive to thrombin digestion,
The structure of AAMP was initially character- and displayed binding to heparin and cells as either
ized as having two immunoglobulin-like domains an immobilized, single peptide or as an aggregated
and six WD repeats. Now eight WD repeats have peptide, without affecting cell viability or adhesion
been identified in AAMP, UniProt KB/Swiss-Prot to collagen. Peptide sequencing verified the pres-
Q13685. AAMP has been conserved in evolution. ence of RLRR in recombinant AAMP translated in
Comparisons of reference sequences for human Escherichia coli following thrombin digestion that
AAMP (433 aa) with related forms in mouse cleaved the first R. Although anti-P189
(434 aa), rat (471 aa), chicken (419 aa), frog (RRLRRMESESES) did not demonstrate reactiv-
(438 aa), and zebrafish (408 aa) have shown 99.5, ity with the RRLRR epitope in tissue that displayed
98.9, 86.7, 76.5, and 69.0% identity, respectively reactivity with ESESES, the lack of reactivity for
(UniGene, NCBI, NIH). An acid box (short con- RRLRR could have been due to interference by
tiguous run of glutamic or aspartic acid residues) strongly adherent glycosaminoglycans.
has been identified in the amino terminal regions of Thus initial studies of AAMP’s distribution
several AAMP homologs. They are comprised of and structure are supportive of a role for this
seven glutamic acids in human, eight glutamic protein in cell migration and angiogenesis.
acids in mouse and rat, and six aspartic acid resi-
dues in the zebrafish forms of AAMP.
AAMP contains a strongly immunoreactive References
ESESES epitope at its amino terminal end that
Adeyinka A, Emberley E, Niu Y et al (2002) Analysis of
has been used to generate an antipeptide antibody. gene expression in ductal carcinoma in situ of the
Under normal reducing conditions, the epitope is breast. Clin Cancer Res 8:3788–3795
immunoreactive for AAMP only in lysates of Allander SV, Nupponen NN, Ringner M et al (2001) Gas-
human brain and activated T lymphocytes. trointestinal stromal tumors with KIT mutations exhibit
a remarkably homogeneous gene expression profile.
AAMP (52 kDa) shares this epitope with Cancer Res 61:8624–8628
nonskeletal alpha-actinin (100 kDa) and an Beckner ME, Krutzsch HC, Stracke ML et al (1995) Iden-
unidentified fast twitch skeletal muscle fiber tification of a new immunoglobulin superfamily protein

expressed in blood vessels with a heparin-binding con- of Parvoviridae. Thus far, 11 serotypes of adeno-
sensus sequence. Cancer Res 55:2140–2149 associated viruses (AAV-1 to AAV-11) have been
Beckner ME, Krutzsch HC, Klipstein S et al (1996)
AAMP, a newly identified protein, shares a common cloned from humans and primates, and multiple A
epitope with alpha-actinin and a fast skeletal muscle further isolates were identified in various other
fiber protein. Exp Cell Res 225:306–314 species, including birds, bovines, mice, rats, and
Beckner ME, Jagannathan S, Peterson VA (2002) Extracel- goats. According to current knowledge, none of
lular angio-associated migratory cell protein plays a
positive role in angiogenesis and is regulated by astro- these naturally occurring viruses are pathogenic in
cytes in coculture. Microvasc Res 63:259–269 humans. AAV type 2 (AAV-2) has been studied
for over 40 years and is the best characterized
See Also AAV isolate, hence its frequent referral as the
(2012) Alpha-Actinin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of AAV prototype. All AAV serotypes are currently
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 143. being developed and evaluated as gene transfer
(2012) Amino Terminal End. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- vectors for the human ▶ gene therapy of various
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, inherited or acquired diseases, including different
p 156. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_224 types of cancer.
(2012) Domain. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1150.
(2012) Epitope. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- Characteristics
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1297.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1966 As typical members of the Parvovirus family,
(2012) Glycosaminoglycans. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, AAV are characterized by nonenveloped, icosahe-
p 1570. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2453 dral capsids of about 18–24 nm in diameter. These
(2012) Phorbol Ester. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of capsids carry linear single-stranded DNA
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2865. genomes of ~4.6–4.8 kb. The genomes of all
(2012) Secondary Structure. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- known AAV serotypes have been cloned and
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, sequenced. With the exception of AAV-4 and -5,
p 3348. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5205 which are distinct (>30%) from the other sero-
(2012) WD Repeats. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of types at both the nucleotide and amino acid level,
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3945.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6233 all human and primate AAV genomes are related
and highly homologous (>80%). Accordingly,
their genomic structure and organization are also
AAPC very similar.

▶ APC Gene in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis AAV Genome Structure

As an example, the organization of the 4,681
nucleotide AAV-2 prototype genome is described
(Fig. 1). The AAV-2 genome consists of two large
open reading frames (orf), one at the left end
encoding the nonstructural proteins (replication,
Dirk Grimm
rep orf), and one at the right end encoding the
BIOQUANT, Cluster of Excellence Cell
structural proteins (capsid, cap orf). In addition, a
Networks, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg,
single intron sequence is found in the center of the
genome, where the rep and cap orfs overlap. The
AAV-2 rep gene encodes four closely related pro-
Definition teins (Rep proteins) with partially shared amino
acid sequences. On the basis of their molecular
Adeno-associated viruses (AAV) are small weights, these proteins were designated Rep78,
DNA-containing viruses that belong to the family Rep68, Rep52, and Rep40. Unspliced and spliced


p5 p19 p40


AAV, Fig. 1 Structure of the AAV-2 genome. The 4,681 the three promoters (p5, p19, p40) and the polyA signal,
nucleotide single-stranded genome is depicted as a solid which is used for polyadenylation of all AAV-2 transcripts.
line; by convention, AAV genomes are drawn in 30 –50 Further depicted at the ends of the genome are the palin-
orientation. Shown are the locations of the rep and cap dromic inverted terminal repeat (ITR) sequences in their
orfs and the single intron (caret), as well as the position of hairpin configuration

transcripts originating from a promoter located at including herpes simplex virus, vaccinia virus,
map unit 5 (p5) are translated into the two large and cytomegalovirus.
Rep proteins, Rep78 and Rep68. Rep52 and In the case of adenovirus, one of the major
Rep40 are expressed from similarly spliced helper functions is to stimulate AAV gene expres-
mRNAs that initiate from a second promoter, sion, by trans-activating the AAV-2 promoters.
p19. The third AAV-2 promoter, p40, controls Additional help for the AAV life cycle is mediated
transcription of the cap gene. Translation of dif- at the posttranscriptional level, where adenoviral
ferentially spliced cap mRNAs results in expres- proteins and RNAs help to facilitate the cytoplas-
sion of the three proteins that form the AAV-2 mic transport of AAV-2 mRNAs. Concurrently,
capsid: VP1, VP2, and VP3 (in a 1:1:10 ratio). adenoviral functions help to stabilize replicated
The two viral genes are flanked by short (AAV-2: AAV-2 genomic DNA later in the AAV infection.
145 nucleotides) inverted terminal repeats (ITR), Notably, once expressed in the infected cell,
palindromic sequences, that are able to fold AAV-2 Rep proteins subsequently further regulate
into T-shaped stem loop structures. The ITRs and coordinate gene expression from the AAV
are necessary and sufficient for replication promoters. They also play important roles for
and encapsidation of the viral genome during AAV DNA replication, as well as for packaging
a productive infection of cells. Moreover, of viral genomes into empty new capsids
they are important for integration and rescue of (assembled from AAV-2 VP proteins). To mediate
the AAV DNA into, or from, the genome of these diverse functions, Rep proteins bind to the
latently infected cells, respectively. Thereby, the AAV-2 ITRs and to sequences located in the
ITRs serve as minimal cis-acting sequences dur- AAV-2 promoters. They also interact with various
ing the two different AAV life cycles (see also cellular proteins, e.g., the TATA-box binding pro-
below). tein (TBP), as well as with each other and the
AAV-2 VP proteins. The final step in a productive
AAV Life Cycles AAV-2 infection is the helpervirus-mediated lysis
AAV serotypes belong to the Parvovirus genus of the infected cell. This results in cell death and
Dependovirus, indicative of their dependence on release of both new AAV-2 and helpervirus
an unrelated helpervirus to undergo a productive particles.
infection of cells. In fact, AAV genomes can only In contrast to this productive (or lytic) phase,
express their genes, replicate, and become AAV-2 can establish latency in the absence of any
encapsidated if the cell is simultaneously helpervirus. Rather than replicating, the AAV-2
coinfected by one of these helperviruses. The DNA then integrates into the target cell genome,
typical helpervirus for AAV-2 is human ▶ adeno- where it stably persists as a so-called provirus.
virus type 2 or 5, but many other human viruses Important to point out, wildtype AAV-2 integra-
can also provide full or partial helper functions, tion is not random, as is the case for retroviruses

(▶ Retroviral Insertional Mutagenesis) and other phenotype. Examples are an increased ability to
integrating viruses. Instead, it is targeted to a respond to stress factors, or a perturbation of the
specific region on the long arm of human chromo- cell cycle, resulting in retarded cell growth. Most A
some 19 (19q13.3-ter). The large Rep proteins probably, these various effects are mediated by the
(albeit only weakly expressed in the absence of a large AAV-2 Rep proteins, even at the low expres-
helpervirus) mediate this site-specific integration sion levels typical for the latent stage.
through binding to the AAV-2 ITRs, as well as to
homologous sequences (AAVS1) located in chro- Is There a Natural Connection Between AAV
mosome 19. However, if a latently AAV-infected Infection and Cancer?
cell is later superinfected with a helpervirus, One frequently reported observation is that
AAV-2 gene expression is induced and the AAV-2-infected cells exhibit an increased resis-
AAV-2 genome is rescued from its integrated tance to ▶ oncogene- or tumorvirus-induced
state. From this point on, a typical productive transformation. It is moreover known that
AAV-2 infection will occur. Thus, the helpervirus AAV-2 infection can inhibit the proliferation of
can act as an efficient switch between the two cultured cells derived from human cancers, e.g.,
different phases that characterize the AAV-2 life melanomas. Cumulatively, these data strongly
cycle, lytic and latent. suggest that wildtype AAV-2 is not only non-
pathogenic, but in fact has oncosuppressive prop-
Clinical Relevance erties. Moreover, certain human cancer cell lines
In theory, due to its inherent antitumor properties become more sensitive to gamma irradiation
(see below), wildtype AAV-2 (and probably other (▶ Ionizing Radiation Therapy) and chemothera-
serotypes alike) could be used as a therapeutic peutic drugs (▶ Chemotherapy) upon experimen-
agent for the treatment of human cancers. How- tal infection with wildtype AAV-2, as compared to
ever, more widely studied and applied are recom- noninfected controls. From a clinical point of
binant vectors derived from wildtype AAVs. view, these findings are of particular interest,
Typically, these vectors are generated by since a major limitation of cancer chemotherapies
replacing the two viral genes (rep and cap) with is increasing resistance of transformed cells
a foreign gene expression cassette, encoding towards the drugs used. The observations of
RNAs or proteins that mediate an antitumor effect AAV-2-mediated cell sensitization therefore sug-
(if used for cancer therapy). The general clinical gest that wildtype AAV might help to improve
relevance of wildtype and recombinant AAVs is cancer chemotherapy, when applied in combina-
briefly discussed below; for more depth, the tion with conventional drugs.
reader is referred to excellent reviews on the use
of AAV for the treatment of human disease (see What Are Recombinant AAV Vectors?
“References” below). Recombinant AAV (rAAV) vectors are deriva-
tives of wildtype AAV which lack the rep and
Are Wildtype AAVs Pathogenic in Humans? cap genes, and instead carry a foreign gene
According to the bulk data available, wildtype expression cassette inserted between the two
AAV serotypes are believed to be nonpathogenic viral ITRs. By definition, AAV vectors are thus
in humans. In fact, despite estimates that up to “gutless” or “gutted” (i.e., devoid of any viral
80% of adults are seropositive for AAV-2, no genes). The generation of rAAV vectors is techni-
human disease has ever been causally linked to cally feasible and simple, due to the wide avail-
infection with the wildtype virus. This is even ability of molecular clones of the various wildtype
more remarkable considering that AAV-2 can viruses. These clones are easily modified using
infect a large variety of cells from diverse organs standard molecular laboratory techniques. Partic-
and tissues. Yet, although without gross patholog- ularly beneficial is that wildtype and recombinant
ical consequences for the cell, a latent AAV-2 AAV are very small as compared to all other
infection can induce subtle changes in the cell viruses developed as vectors, which aids in their

experimental manipulation. Except for the target organs, including liver, muscle, lung, eye,
replacement of the wildtype genes with a recom- and brain. Last but not least, AAV vectors also
binant DNA, AAV vectors are identical in struc- differ from all other viral vectors by their capabil-
ture and organization to wildtype viruses and thus ity to mediate persistent and long-term gene
also function alike. In fact, AAV vectors will expression, both in actively dividing and in qui-
infect the target cell via the same molecular and escent (i.e., nondividing) cells, and most impor-
cellular pathways as the wildtype virus. Ulti- tantly, without integrating into the host
mately, this will lead to expression of the chromosome. Instead, the vector forms stable but
encapsidated recombinant gene in the cell and extra-chromosomal DNA molecules, which are
thus to the intended therapeutic effect. As gene not capable of perturbing chromosome structures
transfer vehicles, AAV vectors hold enormous and thus do not pose a mutational risk. This is
promise for therapeutic intervention for a multi- clinically most pertinent, as many gene therapy
tude of human acquired or innate genetic diseases, applications will require stable gene expression,
including cancer. ideally for the life-span of the patient. The only
other viral vectors able to mediate long-term gene
Is AAV Unique as a Human Gene Therapy expression (and in nondividing cells) are derived
Vector? from retroviruses or lentiviruses (HIV). However,
AAV vectors possess a multitude of advantages these vectors are associated with drastically
over all other virus-derived gene transfer vectors higher concerns about biosafety, due to the inher-
currently in (pre-)clinical development. One ent pathogenic nature of the parental wildtype
asset already mentioned is the lack of pathogenic- virus as well as due to their propensity for inte-
ity of the wildtype virus, which is in stark contrast, gration into the human genome. The latter can
e.g., to adenovirus, another commonly used virus readily result in insertional mutagenesis,
for gene therapy. Consequently, the production i.e., activation of endogenous oncogenes, or vice
and handling of AAV vectors requires the lowest versa, inactivation of ▶ tumor suppressor genes.
biosafety levels (S1, i.e., causing minimal risks In both cases, the result is malignant transforma-
for humans and the environment). The safety of tion of the infected cell. This potentially serious
AAV vectors is further increased by their “gutted” adverse event from the use of retroviral vectors
nature, precluding the expression of viral gene has indeed been observed in a clinical study,
products which could cause cellular immune where multiple children developed leukemias,
responses in the treated patient (a frequent adverse and some even died. Likewise, adenoviral vectors
reaction to adenoviral vectors). A third unique and the associated immune response have been
asset, and a further difference to other viral vec- blamed for the death of a patient in an early gene
tors, is the availability of a wide spectrum of therapy trial in 1999. In striking contrast, thus far,
human, mammalian, and nonmammalian natural none of the over 30 clinical trials using AAV
serotypes. These isolates typically differ in their vectors has yielded any evidence for a tumori-
tropism, i.e., the range of cells and tissues they can genic or lethal potential of this particular vector
infect. Fortunately, it is technically very simple to system.
generate recombinant AAV vectors which carry
the same expression cassette, but differ in the viral What Are Advances in AAV Vector
capsid. This process is called “pseudotyping” and Technology?
allows for the targeted delivery of a given recom- In the early years, AAV vectors have been criti-
binant DNA to virtually any desired cell or tissue, cized for their small size (preventing packaging
provided it can be infected by a known wildtype and therapeutic transfer of recombinant DNA
AAV (or a mutant thereof, see below). A plethora >5 kb in length), their relatively slow transduc-
of reports have already demonstrated the power of tion kinetics (resulting from the single-stranded
this approach, to use AAV vectors for therapeutic DNA genome and its need for conversion into a
and specific gene transfer to all clinically relevant transcriptionally active DNA duplex), and their

restricted cell and tissue tropism (based on the vectors, but it has also alleviated concerns over
sole availability of the AAV-2 capsid in the early the prevalence of neutralizing antibodies against
phase of AAV vector development). Nonetheless, the AAV-2 prototype in the human population. In A
even with those presumed limitations, AAV-2 fact, a wealth of studies have shown that AAV
vectors have been tested successfully in various vectors derived from non-type-2 serotypes are
large animal models and in human patients, functional in many tissues that are refractory to
addressing diverse diseases such as cystic fibrosis AAV-2 infection, and most importantly, transduc-
or hemophilia B. Most importantly, all three initial tion readily occurred in the (experimentally
limitations of the AAV vector system have now induced) presence of anti-AAV-2 antibodies,
been overcome, leading to the rapid expansion of mimicking the situation in most humans. More-
AAV-based human gene therapy, especially for over, very recent work demonstrated the feasibil-
cancer treatment. First of all, the issue of limited ity to create synthetic AAV capsids which are
packaging capacity has been solved with the cre- further unique from the AAV-2 prototype, as
ation of “split” AAV vectors which exploit the well as from any of the naturally occurring iso-
virus’ natural propensity for concatamerization. lates. Multiple strategies are currently being pur-
In an infected cell, rAAV genomes frequently sued, including the random mutagenesis of the
recombine with each other, resulting in large AAV(2) cap gene, the insertion of peptide
“head-to-tail” concatamers (i.e., multiple copies pools into exposed regions of the AAV-2 capsid
of an rAAV genome in the same orientation). This (hoping the peptides will mediate re-targeting to
can be exploited experimentally by splitting a unknown cellular receptors), or the creation of
large recombinant DNA (e.g., a gene and its pro- libraries of “shuffled” viruses, in which capsid
moter) into two halves, each of which is then genes from several parental viruses are mixed
delivered by a separate rAAV vector. This strategy and recombined. Most importantly, all of these
effectively doubles the packaging limit of AAV new approaches and designs remain fully compat-
vectors to up to 10 kb, which is sufficient even for ible with already established AAV vector technol-
large DNAs such as the factor VIII gene ogy, allowing for their rapid and straight-forward
(encoding a blood clotting factor missing or defect preclinical evaluation. In fact, current AAV vector
in hemophilia A patients). Secondly, the inher- production methodologies are highly advanced
ently slow transduction kinetics of AAV have and permit the generation of high titer stocks
been overcome with the development of self- (>1  1014 recombinant particles per batch) in a
complementary or double-stranded vectors. In very short amount of time (~10 days) (Fig. 2). As
these, two copies of a foreign gene expression a result, AAV vectors have entered clinical evalu-
cassette are cloned and packaged in an inverted ation and are currently being studied in about
format, only separated by a minimal version of an 30 ongoing trials in human patients.
AAV ITR. In the transduced cell, these two
inverted copies then rapidly anneal with each What Are Clinically Relevant rAAV
other without the need for conversion into a Applications in Cancer Treatment?
duplex AAV DNA molecule. This results in an The sum of assets described above – safety, ver-
extremely rapid onset as well as maximum effi- satility, efficacy, and specificity – makes AAV an
cacy of gene expression, both far superior to what ideal vector for multiple and diverse therapeutic
is obtained with conventional single-stranded applications in humans. With particular respect to
AAV vectors, or most other viral vector systems. cancer, the use of AAV vectors is still in its
Thirdly, the limited host range of AAV-2 was infancy, but increasing preclinical data suggest
readily overcome with the engineering of the that this vector system holds enormous potential
over 100 alternative naturally occurring AAV also for this specific application. Thus far, the
serotypes as vectors. This approach has not only approaches can be divided into strategies that
substantially broadened the range of cells and either target the tumor cell directly or that modify
tissues that can now be infected with AAV host mechanisms. In more detail, AAV vectors

Time required vectors and thus be used to effectively and specif-

(days) ically suppress, for instance, expression of cellular
Seeding of cells
or virally encoded oncogenes. RNAi will likely
become a valuable and crucial aspect of
AAV-based cancer therapy in the near future and
Co-transfection of cells
with 2 plasmids: will complement or perhaps even replace many of
the currently existing strategies.
Foreign gene rep cap Ad The efficacy of ▶ angiogenesis inhibitors to
undermine tumor neovascularization and to
2 Inclubation of cells
block cancer progression as well as formation of
metastases (▶ metastasis) has been established in
many animal models. However, this cancer ther-
Harvesting of rAAV
(freeze-thaw cycles)
apy requires that the inhibitors are chronically
administered as recombinant proteins, which is
usually associated with severe problems. There-
Purification of rAAV
1−2 (density gradient centrifugation, fore, AAV vectors with their unique ability to
affinity chromatography) mediate sustained gene expression should prove
particularly useful for this type of tumor therapy.
1−3 Quantification of rAAV Especially promising will be the future combina-
(various methods) tion with synthetic AAV capsids that have been
AAV, Fig. 2 Streamlined protocol for rAAV production.
evolved to target the vasculature. Thus far, mostly
Cultured cells are transfected with two plasmids: the vector AAV-2-based vectors have been used to deliver
plasmid containing the foreign gene to be packaged into the and express various anti-angiogenesis factors in
viral particles, flanked by the AAV-2 ITRs, and the helper small animals, typically mice. A first important
plasmid carrying the AAV-2 rep and cap genes to supply
the Rep and VP proteins, respectively. In addition, the
example is angiostatin, which has been expressed
helper contains all adenoviral (Ad) genes which encode from AAV-2 in multiple mouse models of human
proteins with supportive function for AAV vector produc- cancers, including gliomas (Glioblastoma
tion, but it does not yield adenovirus after transfection. Multiforme) and liver cancers (▶ Hepatocellular
Helpervirus infection is thus superfluous, and the resulting
AAV-2 vectors are free of contaminating adenovirus. Fol-
Carcinoma Molecular Biology). In all reported
lowing a 2-day incubation of the transfected cells, the cases, this led to suppression of in vivo tumor
rAAV particles are harvested, purified, and quantified. growth and to substantial improvements in
Note that there are numerous modifications to this basic tumor-free survival rates. Similarly impressive
protocol, e.g., in the number of plasmids (1–3, depending
on the arrangement of AAV and adenoviral sequences)
are results with the related anti-angiogenic peptide
▶ endostatin, whose expression from AAV-2 vec-
tors inhibited the establishment or growth of var-
have been employed in the following major cate- ious human cancers in mice, including liver,
gories: Anti-angiogenesis, ▶ immunotherapy, ovarian (▶ Ovarian Cancer), pancreatic, and colo-
tumor suppressors, suicide gene therapy, drug rectal (Colon Cancer) tumors. Even better results
resistance, repair strategies, and, last but not have been obtained with the co-expression of both
least, purging of tumor cells. For many of those angiostatin and endostatin from a single or from
categories, a currently emerging therapeutic two separate AAV vectors, exemplifying the
modality which is also still in its infancy is RNA potential for synergistic effects from combinato-
interference or RNAi (▶ RNA interference). This rial AAV therapies. Other examples for anti-
term describes the natural phenomenon of gene angiogenic AAV therapies already evaluated
silencing mediated by short double-stranded include the expression of a truncated form of the
RNAs. The latter can be expressed from AAV ▶ vascular endothelial growth factor receptor

(renal tumors), or of tissue inhibitors of ▶ matrix CD8+ T-cells. Together, these findings suggest
metalloproteases. that AAV can be used to trigger strong antitumor
CTL responses, and that AAV-based immunother- A
Immunotherapy apy has substantial clinical potential for cancer
Failure of the immune system to recognize cancer treatment.
antigens can substantially contribute to tumor
manifestation and progression. Although tumors Tumor Suppressors
can illicit strong immune responses in the early Highly attractive targets for AAV-mediated cancer
stages, this effect is frequently lost in later phases, therapy are oncogenes and tumor suppressor
eventually allowing for aggressive and metastatic genes, respectively, whose expression is fre-
tumor growth. Gene transfer protocols involving quently dysregulated in malignant human cancers.
AAV (or other viral) vectors have thus been devel- An important example for a tumor suppressor
oped which aim to potentiate the patient’s involved in cellular checkpoint control is p53
antitumor responses, by either targeting the (p53 Protein, Biological and Clinical Aspects),
tumor cells directly or by transducing host- which normally prevents passage of cells with
derived immune effector cells. Examples for DNA damage through the cell cycle. Conse-
already reported tumor cell-directed therapies quently, expression of p53 from AAV
include AAV-mediated delivery of interferon vectors was consistently found to block the
genes to ex vivo cultured cancer cells or via growth of cancer cells in vitro and in vivo and to
intra-tumoral injection (gliomas). Likewise, mediate apoptosis and cytotoxicity. Similar
AAV-2 has been used to express tumor necro- results were obtained after expression of the frag-
sis factor-related ▶ apoptosis-inducing ligand ile histidine triad tumor suppressor (FHIT), which
(TRAIL) in colorectal, lung, and liver tumor delayed the growth of human pancreatic tumor
models, resulting in significantly inhibited tumor xenografts and extended long-term animal sur-
growth and, in some cases, even in regression. vival. In a third example, delivery of the gene
Targeting cells of the host immune system, on encoding the monocyte chemoattractant protein
the other hand, is a promising alternative approach MCP-1 from AAV vectors suppressed expression
and could eventually be developed into a vacci- of the HPV E6 and E7 proteins in cervical cancer
nation therapy. Already, AAV-2 vectors have been cell lines as well as in tumors derived from these
used to deliver dominant tumor epitopes to cells.
antigen-presenting cells, such as CD40 ligand
which was expressed in B-cells from ▶ chronic Suicide Gene Therapy
lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients, leading to This approach is based on the idea to bioactivate a
specific proliferation of ▶ HLA Class I-matched pro-drug within tumor cells to a toxic species,
allogeneic T-cells. Another potential vaccine triggered by the tumor-directed delivery of the
could be AAV vectors expressing a HPV16 E7 activating enzyme from AAV vectors. The best
CTL (cytotoxic T cell) epitope/heat shock fusion studied example for this category is the Herpes
protein, based on reports that infected mice simplex virus-encoded enzyme thymidine kinase
became immunized against E7-expressing tumor (tk) in combination with gancyclovir. This system
cells. Last but not least, encouraging studies have has already been used successfully from AAV
identified ▶ dendritic cells (DC), the most potent vectors to inhibit tumor growth in a variety of
antigen-presenting cells, as an attractive target for human xenograft models, including liver cancer,
AAV-based cancer immunotherapies. For gliomas, and oral squamous carcinomas. Notably,
instance, DCs transduced with AAV vectors the specificity of this approach can be enhanced
encoding HPV16 E6 or E7 genes caused a stark by the use of tissue- and/or tumor-specific pro-
CTL response against cervical cancer cell lines, moters, such as those only active in liver or mel-
while in another study, DCs transduced with anoma cells. Moreover, the overall efficacy of the
CD80-expressing AAVs induced high levels of AAV/tk vectors was shown to increase following
10 AAV

treatment of transduced cells with irradiation or after ▶ myeloablative megatherapy and graft
topoisomerase inhibitors, both known to enhance transplantation. There is evidence that following
AAV infection (in addition to their direct effects infection of such contaminated grafts with recom-
on cells). binant AAV-2, the contaminating tumor cells are
preferentially infected, while the hematopoietic
Drug Resistance progenitors are spared. Indeed, infection of sar-
Development of multiple drug resistance (MDR) coma cells with AAV/tk vectors (see above)
is a major issue with cancer chemotherapies and extended the survival of transplanted mice (over
is often associated with over-expression of the nontreated controls), while the same vector was
▶ P-glycoprotein (an ATPase that pumps chemo- unable to transduce and kill human peripheral
therapeutic drugs out of the cancer cell). One blood progenitors. However, it remains to be
reported, highly effective approach to reverse the proven that this strategy can indeed be applied to
MDR phenotype is to use double-stranded AAV selectively purge tumor cells from autologous
vectors to express anti-P-glycoprotein short hair- transplants.
pin RNAs (effectors of RNAi). In human ▶ breast
cancer and oral cancer cells, this led to a substan- RNAi
tial sensitization to chemotherapy, suggesting a RNA-mediated silencing of gene expression
high potential to overcome the MDR obstacle (RNAi) will clearly become a major part of
with this approach. Another application is antitumor therapies in the future, as proof-of-
expression of the MDR1 gene from AAV vectors concept for the efficacy of this approach is already
in hematopoietic progenitors. This should overwhelming. In combination with AAV, there
confer myeloprotection in patients undergoing have only been a few reports thus far, but this field
high-dose chemotherapy for advanced tumors will certainly expand. One described application
and thus prevent myelosuppressive effects is to use AAV vectors to deliver short hairpin
(▶ Myelosuppression) from the chemotherapeutic RNAs against the hec1 gene, which is highly
regimen, such as infection or hemorrhaging. expressed in mitotic cells where it represents a
However, this strategy has not been fully explored vital component of the kinetochore outer plate.
in animal models yet. Transduction of glioma cells with anti-hec1
AAV vectors resulted in selective cell death,
Repair Strategies while mitotically inactive control cells were unaf-
▶ Telomerase (the enzyme maintaining and stabi- fected. Likewise, infected xenografts showed
lizing the integrity of telomeres, i.e., chromosome lower densities and were highly fibrotic as a result
ends) is an example for a therapeutically relevant of AAV treatment. It can generally be predicted
target for repair strategies. Its activity is often that virtually any over-expressed gene that con-
elevated in tumor cells, and it was shown that tributes to transformation can be an AAV/RNAi
delivery of telomerase antisense molecules [Anti- target, including virally encoded (see above, e.g.,
sense DNA Therapy] via AAV vectors (in this HPV E6/7) or cellular oncogenes.
particular case hybrids with adenoviral vectors)
can reduce tumor cell proliferation as well as Future Applications
induce apoptosis. With the current state-of-the-art technology, the
AAV vector system is already one of the most
Purging of Tumor Cells from Autologous powerful and promising toolkits for development
Transplants as antitumor bioreagents. In the future, the versa-
Autologous grafts (▶ Graft Acceptance and tility of this system will further increase with the
Rejection), e.g., peripheral blood progenitor discovery and creation of new natural or synthetic
cells, are used for treatment of many solid capsids, respectively. Likewise, the field will ben-
human cancers. However, they can be contami- efit from the engineering of novel tumor- and
nated with tumor cells that give rise to relapse tissue-specific gene expression cassettes, and
AAV 11

from the design of safer and more effective ther- References

apeutic sequences, e.g., for the induction of anti-
cancer RNAi. A very important approach will be Grimm D (2002) Production methods for gene transfer
vectors based on adeno-associated virus serotypes. A
to merge the different strategies into combinato-
Methods 28:146–157
rial therapies, e.g., by mixing immunotherapies Grimm D, Kay MA (2004) From virus evolution to vector
with RNAi vectors or suicide gene expression revolution: use of naturally occurring serotypes of
with repair approaches. Examples for such adeno-associated virus (AAV) as novel vectors for
human gene therapy. Curr Gene Ther 3:281–304
multimodality cancer therapies with AAV vectors
Grimm D, Pandey K, Kay MA (2005) Adeno-associated
have already been reported, and their numbers virus vectors for short hairpin RNA expression.
will increase in the future. Last but not least, it Methods Enzymol 392:381–405
will also be crucial to combine AAV (or other Li C, Bowles DE, van Dyke T et al (2005) Adeno-
associated virus vectors: potential applications for can-
viral) vectors with further anticancer effectors,
cer gene therapy. Cancer Gene Ther 12:913–925
such as new classes of compounds including Warrington KH, Herzog RW (2006) Treatment of human
proteasome (Proteasomal Inhibitors) and histone disease by adeno-associated viral gene transfer. Hum
deacetylase inhibitors. Genet 119:571–603

See Also
(2012) Concatamerization. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
Cross-References dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
965. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1296
▶ Adenovirus (2012) FHIT. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd
edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1394. doi:10.1007/
▶ Angiogenesis 978-3-642-16483-5_2168
▶ Apoptosis (2012) Gene Expression Cassette. In: Schwab M (ed)
▶ Breast Cancer Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
▶ Chemotherapy delberg, p 1522. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2366
(2012) Hematopoietic Progenitors. In: Schwab M (ed)
▶ Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
▶ Colorectal Cancer delberg, p 1645. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2618
▶ Dendritic Cells (2012) Interferon. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Endostatin Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1888.
▶ Fragile Histidine Triad (2012) Kinetochore Outer Plate. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
▶ Gene Therapy clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
▶ Graft Acceptance and Rejection berg, p 1944. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3225
▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma Molecular Biology (2012) Neovascularization. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
▶ HLA Class I 2474. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4016
▶ Immunotherapy (2012) Open Reading Frame. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
▶ Ionizing Radiation Therapy pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
▶ Matrix Metalloproteinases 2642. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4241
(2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
▶ Metastasis 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2747.
▶ Myeloablative Megatherapy doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331
▶ Myelosuppression (2012) Parvovirus. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Oncogene Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2791.
▶ Ovarian Cancer (2012) Phenotype. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ P-Glycoprotein Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2856.
▶ Retroviral Insertional Mutagenesis doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4514
▶ Telomerase (2012) Promoter. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3004.
▶ TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4768
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes (2012) Receptor for TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing
▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Ligand. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
12 Ab (Latin: Away) -Scopus (Greek: Target) Effects

3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3198. of transmembrane proteins that use ATP-derived
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4981 energy to transport various substances over cell
(2012) Recombinant. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3205. membranes. Primary-active transporters, driven
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4991 by energy released from ATP by inherent ATPase
(2012) Seropositive. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of activity, that export substrates from the cell
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3389. against a chemical gradient. Based on the arrange-
(2012) Serotypes. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of ment of the nucleotide-binding domain and the
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3389. topology of its transmembrane domains, human
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5263 ABC transporters are classified into seven distinct
(2012) TBP. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, families (ABC-A to ABC-G), including ABCB1
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3620.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5694 (P-glycoprotein), ABCC1 (MRP1), ABCC2
(2012) Tropism. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- (cMOAT, MRP2), ABCC4 (MRP4), and
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3785. ABCG2 (ABCP, MXR, BCRP). Structural char-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5990 acteristics based on their Walker motif
(2012) Vector. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3906. (ATP-binding domain) and their nucleotide-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6173 binding folds across the membrane are responsi-
(2012) Xenograft. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of ble for their classification into this superfamily.
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3967. Their localization pattern over the body suggests
that they have an important role in the prevention
of absorption as well as the excretion of poten-
tially toxic metabolites and xenobiotics, both
on a systemic and a cellular level. ABC drug
Ab (Latin: Away) -Scopus (Greek: transporters (may) show substrate overlap. Exam-
Target) Effects ples of mammalian ABC transporters include
▶ P-glycoprotein, MRP (▶ multidrug resistance
▶ Abscopal Effects
protein), ▶ cystic fibrosis transmembrane conduc-
tance regulator (CFTR), and transporter associ-
ated with antigen processing (TAP).
ABC (ATP-Binding Cassette)
▶ ABC Drug-Transporters
▶ Cystic Fibrosis
▶ Fluoxetine
▶ Glutathione Conjugate Transporter RLIP76
ABC Drug-Transporters ▶ Irinotecan
▶ Major Vault Protein
Synonyms ▶ Pharmacogenomics in Multidrug Resistance
▶ P-Glycoprotein
ABC (ATP-binding cassette) superfamily; ABC
transporter See Also

(2012) Multidrug resistance. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-

Definition pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
p 2393. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3887
(2012) Walker A Motif. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
The adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-binding cas- of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3941.
sette (ABC) transporters form the largest family doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6228
ABCC Transporters 13

hydrolysis, and SURs which act as

ABC Transporter ATP-dependent potassium channel regulators.
All ABCC proteins share structural features in A
▶ ABC Drug-Transporters their nucleotide binding domains (NBDs) that
distinguish them from other ABC proteins.
CFTR 7 and MRPs 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10 (ABCC4,
5, 11, 12, and 13) have a typical ABC
ABCC Transporters transporter structure with two polytropic mem-
brane spanning domains (MSD1 and 2)
Rodrigo Franco and Laura Zavala-Flores containing six transmembrane a-helices and two
Redox Biology Center, School of Veterinary nucleotide binding domains (NBD1 and 2). SURs
Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of and MRPs 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 (ABCC1, 2, 3, 6,
Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA and 10) have an additional N-terminal MSD0
domain (Fig. 1). MSD1 and MSD2 domains form
the translocation pathway by which substrates
Synonyms cross the plasma membrane. In humans, ABCC13
gene is incapable of encoding a functional trans-
ATP-binding-cassette transporters sub-family C; porter. A single polypeptide can encode all four of
MRP; Multidrug resistance-associated proteins these domains (NH2-MSD-NBD-MSD-NBD-
COOH) or functional transporters may be formed
of homo- or heterodimer of polypeptides, each
Definition contributing an MSD and an NBD. The NBDs
contain Walker A and B motifs essential for ATP
The ATP-binding cassette transporters from the binding and hydrolysis and a “C” signature motif
sub-family C (encoded by ABCC genes) are that has the core sequence LSGGQ. Only MSD0 of
plasma membrane ATP-dependent efflux trans- SUR1 has been shown to have clear functional role
porters with broad substrate specificity for endog- by its interaction between Kir6.2 potassium chan-
enous and xenobiotic anionic substances. nels (Chen and Tiwari 2011; Deeley et al. 2006).

Multidrug Resistance-Associated Proteins

Characteristics (MRPs)
MRP members are ATP-dependent efflux pumps
Members and Functional Properties with broad substrate specificity for the transport of
The human ABCC subfamily of transporters con- endogenous and xenobiotic anionic substances.
tains 13 members from the ATP binding cassette MRP proteins mediate the efflux of conjugates,
(ABC) superfamily with sizes from 1,325 to 1,545 often generated in phase II reactions of drug
amino acids. The ABCC subfamily includes the metabolism in the pathway of detoxification of
cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regu- many xenobiotics and some endogenous metabo-
lator (CFTR, ABCC7), two sulfonylurea recep- lites (Gillet and Gottesman 2010; Keppler 2011).
tors SUR1 (ABCC8) and SUR2A/B (ABCC9), MRP1 (ABCC1) – The MRP1 is present in
and nine MRPs. ABCC proteins are energy- many human cell types and tissues such as lung,
dependent transporters, except for CFTR which testis, kidney, skeletal, blood–tissue barriers, and
acts as channel gated by ATP binding and cardiac muscles, placenta, and macrophages,
while normal human hepatocytes lack detectable
amounts of MRP1. It localizes predominantly in
The entry “ABCC Transporters” appears under the copy-
the plasma membrane and selectively to the
right Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (outside the USA)
both in the print and the online version of this basolateral component in polarized cells. MRP1
Encyclopedia. is a high-affinity transporter for many
14 ABCC Transporters

ABCC Transporters, Fig. 1 Domain organization of multidrug-resistance proteins

ABCC Transporters,
Fig. 2 MRPs in
chemotherapy, redox
homeostasis, and cell death

amphipathic organic anions including conjugates regulator of MRP1 transport. Four distinct mecha-
with glutathione (leukotriene C4 or LTC4) sulfate nisms have been proposed for the efflux of organic
and/or glucuronate. MRP1 is found highly anions in a GSH-dependent manner (Fig. 2).
expressed in leukemias, esophageal carcinomas, (a) Chemotherapeutic agents such as
and non–small cell lung cancer, which seems to etoposide and Vinca alkaloids (vincristine) appears
correlate with clinical outcome. In tumor cells, to be co-transported with GSH. (b) MRP1 has also
MRP1 confers resistance to a wide variety of been shown to mediate transport of etoposide and
toxic agents such as doxorubicin, MTX, daunoru- doxorubicin GSH-conjugates generated by the
bicin, vincristine, etoposide, and tyrosine kinase action of glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs).
inhibitors. Glutathione (GSH) is an important (c) Transport of the conjugates
ABCC Transporters 15

4-(methylnitrosoamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol- amphipathic anions including glucuronate conju-

O-glucuronide and estrone sulfate and probably gates. MRP3 is overexpressed in human hepatocel-
etoposide-glucuronide is enhanced by GSH, but lular carcinoma, primary ovarian cancer, and adult A
GSH is not transported by MRP1. Interestingly, acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells, and it is also
although the biological activity of GSH is attrib- predicted to be a prognostic factor in acute lympho-
uted to the reducing capacity of the cysteine sulf- blastic and myeloid leukemia. MRP3 transports
hydryl moiety, efflux transport by MRP1 can be etoposide, teniposide, and MTX. Interestingly,
stimulated in nonreducing GSH analogs (S-methyl knock-out animal studies have demonstrated that
GSH) and ophthalmic acid. (d) MRP1 has low Mrp2 and Mrp3 provide compensatory efflux path-
affinity for GSH. However, the presence of xeno- ways for etoposide glucuronide.
biotics such as verapamil and dietary flavonoids MRP4/MOATB (ABCC4) – Except for prostate,
such as apigenin stimulate GSH transport without MRP4 is present at low levels in normal tissues,
being transported themselves. (e) On the other and can be localized in both basolateral and apical
hand oxidized glutathione (GSSG) is a physiolog- membranes in polarized cells. MRP4 mediates the
ical substrate for MRP1 with relatively high affinity transport of endogenous metabolites including
compared to GSH, suggesting a protective role of nucleoside and nucleotide analogs such as cyclic
MRP1 against oxidative stress by preventing the adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and guanosine
accumulation of GSSG. monophosphate (cGMP), which are involved in
MRP2/CMOAT (ABCC2) – MRP2 is found in signaling transduction. Although the affinity of
distinct tissues including liver, kidney, small MRP4 for cAMP and cGMP is low, it is proposed
intestine, colon, gallbladder, placenta, and lung. that MRP4 might be involved in regulating local
It is consistently found in apical membranes and microdomain levels of these signaling molecules.
its traffic requires the presence of the MSD0 Eicosanoids such as prostaglandin E1 and E2 are
domain. MRP2 contains a PDZ-domain located also substrates of MRP4. MRP4 also transports
at its COOH terminus which suggests an interac- GSH, sulfated bile acids, GSH-conjugated leuko-
tion with scaffolding proteins that could target triene B4 (LTB4), and LTC4. MRP4 has been impli-
MRP2 to the F-actin cytoskeleton, but conflicting cated in the high proliferative growth of prostate
results have been described about this. The sub- tumors and neuroblastoma, and also confers resis-
strate specificities of MRP2 and MRP1 are simi- tance to anticancer agents including thiopurine
lar. MRP2 transports LTC4 and mediates analogs, MTX, and topotecan.
low-affinity transport of GSH and also of GSS- MRP5/MOATC (ABCC5) – MRP5 is highly
G. MRP2 is found expressed in lung, gastric, expressed in skeletal muscle and cardiac and car-
renal, and colorectal tumor cell lines and in cells diovascular myocytes. MRP5 is also found on the
from patients with acute myelogenous leukemia. apical side of brain capillary endothelial cells and
MRP2 is also expressed in kidney, colon, breast, is also present in astrocytes and pyramidal neu-
lung, and ovary tumors. MRP2 transports a vari- rons. In polarized epithelial cells, MRP5 is located
ety of anticancer drugs, including MTX, cisplatin, to the basolateral membrane. MRP5 is also
irinotecan, paclitaxel, and vincristine, and involved in the extrusion of cGMP and cAMP.
increased MRP2 levels are associated with resis- It acts as a high-affinity transporter for cGMP
tance to cisplatin and doxorubicin. and a low-affinity transporter of cAMP. MRP5
MRP3/CMOAT2 (ABCC3) – MRP3 is expressed mediates the efflux of other organic anion mole-
in the adrenal gland, kidney, small intestine, colon, cules such as S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl) glutathione
pancreas, gut, gall bladder, and placenta. MRP3 is and GSH. Elevated levels of MRP5 are found
also found at the basolateral membranes of polar- in lung, colon, pancreatic, and breast cancer
ized cells such as hepatocytes and cholangiocytes. samples. Interestingly, exposure to cisplatin
MRP3-mediated transport does not require GSH and doxorubicin increases MRP5 levels in
and has a reduced capacity to transport GSH and non–small cell lung cancer cells. MRP5 confers
GSH conjugates. It transports a variety of resistance to cisplatin, purine analogs (such as
16 ABCC Transporters

6-mercaptopurine and 6-thioguanine), pyrimidine Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance

analogues such as (gemcitabine, cytosine arabino- Regulator (CFTR, ABCC7)
side, and 5-fluorouracil), doxorubicin, and MTX, CFTR(ABCC7) belongs to the same family as
but not to vincristine. MRPs. However, despite the structural similarity
MRP6/MOATE (ABCC6) – MRP6 is expressed with MRPs, CFTR is a chloride-channel. Genetic
in the liver and kidney, and at low levels in most variations in the CFTR gene have been associated
other tissues. Relatively high levels of MRP have with increased risk of lung cancer. Because ion
been found in skin keratinocytes, intestinal channels are reported to regulate growth and
mucosa, tracheal, bronchial and corneal epithe- proliferation of cancer cells, it is hypothesized
lium, as well as endothelial and smooth muscle that impaired CFTR might regulate the survival/
cells of the cardiovascular system. MRP6 mediates proliferative and/or cell death pathways of
the transport of GSH-conjugated organic anions cancer cells, but no experimental evidence
including LTC4-GSH and S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl) exists supporting this idea. GFTR has also been
glutathione conjugates, but not glucuronated sub- proposed to mediate GSH efflux but its role
strates or cyclic nucleotides. MRP6 confers resis- in cancer progression has not been studied
tance to etoposide, teniposide, doxorubicin, (Li et al. 2010).
daunorubicin, actinomycin D, and cisplatin.
MRP7 (ABCC10) – MRP7 mRNA is highly Sulfonylurea Receptors SUR1 (ABCC8) and
expressed in the colon, skin, and testes. MRP7 SUR2A/B (ABCC9)
mediates the transport of glucuronate conjugates ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels are con-
such as estradiol glucuronide and to a lesser extent stituted by the association of four pore-forming
GSH conjugates such as LTC4. MRP7 mediates Kir6.x subunits (Kir6.1 and Kir6.2) and four reg-
resistance to docetaxel, paclitaxel, vincristine, and ulatory SUR subunits (SUR1, SUR2A, and
vinblastine in vitro, to nucleoside-based agents SUR2B), which are present in excitable cells,
such as cytosine arabinoside and gemcitabine, where they couple membrane electrical
and to the microtubule-stabilizing agent properties to intracellular metabolism. SUR pro-
epothilone B. Significant levels of MRP7 expres- teins are the site of action of numerous drugs that
sion have been detected in non–small cell lung either close (blockers including sulfonylureas like
cancer cells after exposure to paclitaxel or glibenclamide) or open the Kir6.x potassium pore.
vinorelbine. SURs’ only known function is that of a channel
MRP8 (ABCC11) – Conflicting reports exist regulator although they present strong sequence
regarding whether the expression of MRP8 is homologies with other ABC transporters.
widespread or limited, being highest in the liver, Glibenclamide has been reported to exert
brain, placenta, breasts, and testes. MRP8 trans- antitumor activity in human gastric cancer cells
ports a wide range of compounds, including by inducing oxidative stress and programmed cell
cGMP and cAMP, lipophilic anions including death (Qian et al. 2008).
glutathione conjugates such as LTC4 and
S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl) glutathione, estradiol glucu- Glutathione Transport, Redox Signaling, and
ronide, sulfate conjugates such as dehydroepian- Apoptosis
drosterone 3-sulfate and estrone sulfate, Regulation of GSH/GSH-conjugate transport is of
glucuronidated steroids, and folic acid. Signifi- great relevance for both the carcinogenic process
cant levels of MRP8 have been reported in breast and antitumorigenic therapies. When antineoplas-
cancer samples. MRP8 confers resistance to anti- tic or chemotherapeutic drugs enter cancer cells,
metabolites including such as 9-(2-phosphonyl- they are conjugated to glutathione and are
methoxyethyl) adenine, MTX, cytosine excreted through GSH-pumps of the MRP family
arabinoside, and 5-fluorouracil. MRP8 is also sig- of transporters (Fig. 2). Increased expression of
nificantly associated with low prognosis in acute g-glutamylcysteine ligase that mediates de novo
myeloid leukemia patients. GSH synthesis is found in cancer cells. Thus,
ABC-Transporters 17

depletion of intracellular GSH can be used to

impair multidrug resistance of transformed cells. ABC-Transporters
In addition, GSH homeostasis is an important A
regulator of apoptosis or programmed cell death. Hermann Lage
GSH depletion is a hallmark of the progression Institute of Pathology, Charité Campus Mitte,
of cell death and GSH efflux contributes not Berlin, Germany
only to GSH depletion but also to oxidative
stress, redox signaling, and the activation of
cell death pathways (apoptosis). However, the Synonyms
molecular identity of the GSH-transporters
involved in GSH depletion during apoptosis is ATP-binding cassette-transporters; Multidrug
unclear. As mentioned before, GSH is a poor resistance transporters; Traffic ATPases
substrate for MRPs, while GSSG is more effi-
ciently transported by these transporters.
Conflicting results exist regarding the role of Definition
MRP1 in GSH efflux during apoptosis. However,
stimulation of MRP1-mediated GSH efflux sensi- ABC (ATP-binding cassette)-transporters are
tizes transformed cells to apoptotic cell death membrane-embedded proteins with a characteris-
induced by both extrinsic (death receptor- tic ABC domain that utilize the energy from ATP
mediated) and intrinsic (mitochondria-mediated) hydrolysis for the transport of their substrates
pathways and also overcomes the effect of anti- across a cellular membrane.
apoptotic oncogenes such as Bcl-2 (Franco and
Cidlowski 2009).

The superfamily of ABC-transporters comprises

References one of the most abundant protein families in
nature. These transporters are believed to date
Chen ZS, Tiwari AK (2011) Multidrug resistance proteins back in evolutionary time more than 3 billion
(MRPs/ABCCs) in cancer chemotherapy and genetic
diseases. FEBS J 278(18):3226–3245
years and are distributed in all three kingdoms of
Deeley RG, Westlake C, Cole SP (2006) Transmembrane living organisms, archaea, eubacteria, and
transport of endo- and xenobiotics by mammalian eukaryotes. Archaea are a unique group of micro-
ATP-binding cassette multidrug resistance proteins. organisms classified as bacteria
Physiol Rev 86(3):849–899
Franco R, Cidlowski JA (2009) Apoptosis and glutathione:
(Archaeobacteria) but genetically and metaboli-
beyond an antioxidant. Cell Death Differ cally different from all other known bacteria.
16(10):1303–1314 They appear to be living fossils, the survivors of
Gillet JP, Gottesman MM (2010) Mechanisms of multidrug an ancient group of organisms that bridged the gap
resistance in cancer. Methods Mol Biol 596:47–76
Keppler D (2011) Multidrug resistance proteins (MRPs,
in evolution between bacteria and the eukaryotes.
ABCCs): importance for pathophysiology and drug ABC-transporters have to be distinguished
therapy. Handb Exp Pharmacol 201:299–323 from ABC-proteins. Both types of proteins are
Li Y, Sun Z, Wu Y, Babovic-Vuksanovic D, Li Y, Cun- defined by the presence of a highly conserved
ningham JM, Pankratz VS, Yang P (2010) Cystic fibro-
sis transmembrane conductance regulator gene
~215 amino acids consensus sequence designated
mutation and lung cancer risk. Lung Cancer as ABC domain or nucleotide-binding domain
70(1):14–21 (NBD). The domain contains two short peptide
Qian X, Li J, Ding J, Wang Z, Duan L, Hu G (2008) motifs, a glycine-rich Walker A and a hydropho-
Glibenclamide exerts an antitumor activity through
reactive oxygen species-c-jun NH2-terminal kinase
bic Walker B motif, both involved in ATP binding
pathway in human gastric cancer cell line MGC-803. and commonly present in all nucleotide-binding
Biochem Pharmacol 76(12):1705–1715 proteins. A third consensus sequence is named
18 ABC-Transporters










ABC-Transporters, Fig. 1 Schematic representation of probably dimerize to form a biological active

the predicted domain arrangement of (a) half-size trans- ABC-transporter. These three ABC-transporters are the
porters having only one TMD fused to one NBD most important drug extrusion pumps in multidrug-
(TMD-NBD), e.g., ABCG2 (BCRP); and (b, c) full-size resistant cancers. TMD transmembrane domain consisting
transporters (TMD-NBD)2, whereby (b) shows the of six a-helices, NBT nucleotide-binding domain. It should
predicted structure of ABCB1 (MDR1), and (c) the struc- be noted that the orientation of ABCG2 is reverse to that of
ture of ABCC1 (MRP1) containing an additional TMD ABCB1 and ABCC1
(TMD0) of unknown function. Half-size transporters

ABC signature and is unique in ABC domains. multiprotein complexes by more than one poly-
ABC-containing proteins couple the phosphate peptide chain. In prokaryota, ABC transport sys-
bond energy of ATP hydrolysis to many cellular tems are often half-size transporters having
processes and are not necessarily restricted to only one TMD fused to one NBD (TMD-NBD).
transport functions. However, the proper meaning Half-size transporters probably dimerize to form a
of the term ABC-transporter is satisfied when the full-size transporter (TMD-NBD)2 to mediate
ABC-protein is in addition associated with a mainly the influx of essential compounds such
hydrophobic, integral transmembrane domain as sugars, vitamins, and metal ions into the cell.
(TMD) forming a translocation path. TMDs are Eukaryotic ABC-transporters commonly
usually composed of at least six transmembrane function as exporters mediating the efflux of
(TM) a-helices. They are believed to determine compounds from the cytosol to the extracellular
the specificity for the substrate molecules space or to the inside of intracellular membrane-
transported by the ABC-transporter. The minimal bound compartments, i.e., endoplasmic
structural requirement for a biological active reticulum, mitochondria, peroxisomes, or vacu-
ABC-transporter seems to be two TMDs and oles. The range of physiologically transported
two NBDs (TMD-NBD)2 (Fig. 1). In full-size compounds includes lipids and sterols, ions,
transporters, this structural arrangement may be diverse small molecules, oligopeptides, and
formed by a single polypeptide chain and in polypeptides.
ABC-Transporters 19

ABC-Transporters, Table 1 Family of human ABC-transporters

HUGO- Size
Subfamily nomenclature Common names Location (AA) Function
ABCA ABCA1 ABC1 9q31.1 2,261 Cholesterol-, PS transport
ABCA2 ABC2 9q34 2,436
ABCA3 ABC3, ABCC 16p13.3 1,704 Surfactant production
ABCA4 ABCR 1p22.1- 2,273 N-retinylidene-PE transport
ABCA5 17q24.3 1,642
ABCA6 17q24.3 1,617
ABCA7 ABCX 19p13.3 2,146
ABCA8 17q24 1,581
ABCA9 17q24.2 1,624
ABCA10 17q24 1,543
ABCA12 2q34 2,595
ABCA13 7p12.3 5,058
ABCB ABCB1 MDR1, PGY1 7q21.1 1,280 MDR
ABCB2 TAP1 6p21.3 808 Peptide transport
ABCB3 TAP2 6p21.3 653 Peptide transport
ABCB4 MDR3, PGY3 7q21.1 1,279 PC transport
ABCB5 7p15.3
ABCB6 MTABC3 2q36 842 Iron transport
ABCB7 ABC7 Xq12-q13 752 Iron-, Sulfur- cluster transport
ABCB8 MABC1 7q36 718
ABCB9 TABL 12q24 723/766
ABCB10 MTABC2 1q42 738
ABCB11 BSEP, SPGP 2q24 1,321 Bile salt transporter
ABCC ABCC1 MRP1, MRP 16p13.1 1,531 MDR, organic anion
ABCC2 MRP2, cMOAT 10q24 1,545 MDR, organic anion
ABCC3 MRP3 17q22 1,527 Organic anion transporter
ABCC4 MRP4 13q32 1,325 Organic anion transporter
ABCC5 MRP5 3q27 1,437 Organic anion transporter
ABCC6 MRP6 16p13.1 1,503
ABCC7 CFTR 7q31.2 1,480 Chloride transport
ABCC8 SUR1 11p15.1 1,581 Regulation
ABCC9 SUR2 12p12.1 1,549 Regulation
ABCC10 MRP7 6p21.1 1,464
ABCC11 MRP8 16q12.1 1,382
ABCC12 MRP9 16q12.1 1,359
ABCD ABCD1 ALD, ALDP Xq28 745 FA-, FA AcylCoA transport
ABCD2 ALDL1, ALDR 12q11-q12 740 FA-, FA AcylCoA transport
ABCD3 PXMP1, PMP70 1p22-p21 659 FA-, FA AcylCoA transport
ABCD4 PXMP1L, P70R 14q24.3 606 FA-, FA AcylCoA transport
ABCF ABCF1 ABC50 6p21.33 807
ABCF2 7q36 623
ABCF3 3q27.1 709
20 ABC-Transporters

ABC-Transporters, Table 1 (continued)

HUGO- Size
Subfamily nomenclature Common names Location (AA) Function
ABCG ABCG1 ABC8, White 21q22.3 638 Cholesterol transport
ABCG2 BCRP, MXR 4q22 655 MDR
ABCG4 White2 11q23.3 627
ABCG5 White3 2p21 651 Sterol transport
AA amino acids, FA fatty acids, MDR multidrug resistance, PC phosphatidylcholine, PE phosphatidylethanolamine,
PS phosphatidylserine

Human ABC-Transporters ABC-Transporters and Multidrug Resistance

In humans, 48 ABC-transporters distributed to of Cancer
seven subfamilies have been identified (Table 1). MDR is defined as the simultaneous resistance of
Although the number of human ABC-transporters a tumor against a variety of antineoplastic agents
is much smaller than found in bacteria, many of with different chemical structure and mode of
them are of clinical significance. Currently, action. Thus, MDR is a major obstacle in clinical
18 human genes encoding ABC-transporters management of cancer by ▶ chemotherapy.
have been associated with genetic diseases. Even Although various mechanisms have been identi-
though the majority of the members of the human fied to mediate a multidrug-resistant phenotype to
ABC-transporter family are active transporters, malignant diseases, the enhanced drug extrusion
there are some exceptions in which the energy of activity of the ABC-transporter ABCB1 or
ATP hydrolysis is utilized to control alternative ▶ P-glycoprotein (MDR1; PGY1) was the first
biological processes. Thus, ABCC7 (CFTR), well mechanism that was demonstrated to be the rea-
known as mutated in patients suffering on ▶ cys- son for MDR. The substrates of ABCB1 include
tic fibrosis, appears as a chloride ion channel; first and foremost natural product-derived anti-
ABCC8 (SUR1) and ABCC9 (SUR2) are both cancer drugs, such as ▶ Anthracyclines,
regulatory subunits of the regulatory sulfonylurea epipodophyllotoxins, taxans, and vinca alkaloids,
receptor (SUR). Other members of the but not clinically important drugs like platinum-
ABC-transporter family couple ATP binding and containing compounds or antimetabolites.
hydrolysis to the control of translation or ▶ DNA Besides ABCB1, in particular, ABCC1 (MRP1)
repair. Although the active transporters have ded- and ABCG2 (BCRP) were found to be associated
icated functions involving the transport of specific with a multidrug-resistant phenotype, but also
substrates, the complex physiological network of alternative ABC-transporters can pump drugs
ABC-transporters may also have an important from the inside to the outside of a cancer cell,
role in host ▶ detoxification and protection e.g., ABCC2 (MRP2) is a platinum drug trans-
against ▶ xenobiotics. This general function is porter. ABCB1, ABCC1, and ABCG2 have par-
revealed by their tissue distribution. tial overlapping but not identical substrates.
ABC-transporters are highly expressed in impor-
tant pharmacological barriers, such as the epithe- ABC-Transporters as Anticancer Drug Targets
lium that contributes to the blood–brain barrier Following the identification of ABCB1 as a piv-
(BBB), the brush border membrane of intestinal otal MDR-mediating factor, tremendous efforts
cells, the biliary canalicular membrane of hepato- were undertaken to identify ABCB1-interacting
cytes, or the lumenal membrane in proximal agents that inhibit its pump activity and, there-
tubules of the kidney. Anyway, this xenobiotics with, reverse the MDR phenotype. Such drugs
pump function is the basis for the pivotal role of are commonly designated as chemosensitizers or
ABC-transporters in multidrug resistance (MDR) MDR modulators. Although many compounds,
of cancer. e.g., verapamil and cyclosporin derivatives, were
Abscopal Effect 21

identified as ABCB1 inhibitors or inhibitors of

alternative MDR-mediating ABC-transporters, Abraxas
so far all of them failed in clinical trials. A

BRCA1-A complex subunit Abraxas. Component

of the BRCA1-A complex, a complex that specif-
ically recognizes “Lys-63”-linked ubiquitinated
▶ Anthracyclines
(see “▶ Ubiquitination”) histones H2A and
▶ Chemotherapy
gamma-H2AX at ▶ DNA damage sites, leading
▶ Cystic Fibrosis
to target the BRCA1-▶ BARD1 heterodimer to
▶ Detoxification
sites of DNA damage at double-strand breaks
▶ P-Glycoprotein
(DSBs). The BRCA1-A complex also possesses
▶ Repair of DNA
deubiquitinase activity that specifically removes
▶ Xenobiotics
“Lys-63”-linked ubiquitin on histones H2A and
H2AX. In the BRCA1-A complex, it acts as a
References central scaffold protein that assembles the various
components of the BRCA1-A complex and medi-
Gottesman MM, Fojo T, Bates SE (2002) Multidrug resis- ates the recruitment of BRCA1. Abraxas and
tance in cancer: role of ATP-dependent transporters.
Nat Rev Cancer 2:48–58
RAP80 form a BRCA1 protein complex required
Higgins CF (1993) ABC transporters: from microorgan- for the DNA damage response.
isms to man. Annu Rev Cell Biol 8:7–113
Holland IB, Cole SPC, Kuchler K, Higgins CF (eds) Cross-References
(2003) ABC proteins from bacteria to man. Academic
Press, an Imprint of Elsevier Science, London/San Diego
Lage H (2003) ABC-transporters: implications on drug ▶ BARD1
resistance from microorganisms to human cancers. Int ▶ DNA Damage
J Antimicrob Agents 22:188–199 ▶ Ubiquitination

See Also
(2012) Antimetabolite. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of See Also
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 216.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_326 (2012) BRCA1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
(2012) Ciclosporin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 481. doi:
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 857. 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6868
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1167 (2012) Double Strand Break. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
(2012) DNA Repair. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1156.
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1141. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1718
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1687 (2012) GammaH2AX. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
(2012) Epipodophyllotoxins. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1494.
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2576
1291. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1953 (2012) Histones. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
(2012) Multidrug Resistance. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1706. doi:
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2762
2393. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3887 (2012) RAP80. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
(2012) Taxane. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3173.
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3614. doi: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6873
(2012) Verapamil. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3906.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6179
(2012) Vinca Alkaloids. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
Abscopal Effect
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3908.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6187 ▶ Bystander Effect
22 Abscopal Effects

of debate. Nowadays it is generally accepted that at

Abscopal Effects least in vitro and in immunocompetent tumor
mouse models, an active immune system can mon-
Gabriele Multhoff itor, edit, and destroy malignantly transformed cells.
Klinikum rechts der Isar, Department Radiation After irradiation of a primary tumor in a mouse
Oncology, TU München and CCG – “Innate tumor, responses can be seen at distant lesions
Immunity in Tumor Biology”, Helmholtz outside of the radiation field. It is also known
Zentrum München, Munich, Germany that irradiation can induce non-immunogenic
(▶ apoptosis) and immunogenic cell death of
tumor cells such as necrosis (▶ Tumor Necrosis
Factor), necroptosis, and mitotic catastrophe
which in turn causes an increased presentation of
ab (Latin: away) -scopus (Greek: target) effects;
ER-derived molecules (i.e., calreticulin), heat
Away from the target effects; Distant bystander
shock protein 70 (Hsp70), classical (classes
effects; Non-targeted effects; Out-of-field effect;
I and II) and nonclassical (MICA/B, H60) MHC
Tumor rejection of non-irradiated tumor areas
molecules, retinoic acid early antigen 1 (RAE-1),
UL16-binding protein1-3 (ULBP1-3) molecules,
Definition and death receptors (i.e., CD95) on the cell surface
of tumor cells and the release of pro-inflammatory
Abscopal effects describe nontargeted, radiother- cytokines/chemokines, danger-associated molec-
apy (RT)-induced tumor regression in lesions or ular patterns (DAMPs) such as adenosine
tumor or metastatic regions distant from the tri-phosphate (ATP), high-mobility group box
irradiated site. protein 1 (HMGB1), phosphatidylserine (PS),
and heat shock proteins (HSPs) with different
molecular weights ranging from approximately
Characteristics 20–90 kDa which act as immune adjuvants to
stimulate the adaptive and innate immune system.
More than 50% of patients with solid tumors are Abscopal effects often display nonlinear dose
treated with radiotherapy either alone or in com- relationships (Rödel et al. 2013) and are rarely
bination with chemotherapy. Apart from direct seen in the clinical situation apart from few cases
cytotoxic effects of radiation therapy which are of highly immunogenic tumor entities such as
predominantly caused by the deposition of low melanomas (Postow et al. 2012). Therefore, a
and high LET (▶ Radiosensitization) energy to combination of radiotherapy with active and pas-
the nucleus and DNA (▶ DNA Damage; ▶ DNA sive immunotherapies, such as cytokine therapies,
Damage Response; ▶ DNA Damage-Induced vaccines, T-cell modulation, and co-stimulation
Apoptosis; ▶ Repair of DNA), non-(DNA)- using immune checkpoint (cytotoxic
targeting radiation effects that result in tumor T-lymphocyte antigen-4, CTLA-4; programmed
regression in lesions distant from the irradiated death-1, PD-1; PD-1 ligand, PD-L1; LAG-3) and
tumor have been described. These so-called T-cell checkpoint (CD137, CD134, GITR, CD27,
abscopal effects, firstly described by Mole in CD40) inhibitors, antibody- or cell-based (T; NK;
1953 (Whole body irradiation; radiobiology or dendritic cells, DCs; ▶ tumor-associated macro-
medicine? Br J Radiol 26, 234–41. Doi:10.1259/ phages, TAMs) therapies, toll-like receptor
0007-1285-26-305-234), are most likely mediated 9 (TLR-9) activation, chimeric antigen receptor
by an activation of the immune system (Demaria (CAR; www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/01/
et al. 2004). For the last 20 years, the role of the 150114140039.htm), T/NK cell therapies, and
immune system to fight solid tumors was a matter inhibition of immunosuppressive but tumorigenic
Abscopal Effects 23

metabolites, has the potential to improve clinical

outcome (Tang et al. 2015; Vatner et al. 2014).
Another approach to improve abscopal effects A
of irradiation is the modulation of the tumor
microenvironment. Regulatory T cells (Tregs),
▶ tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs),
myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), high
concentrations of anti-inflammatory cytokines,
and metabolites such as immunosuppressive
adenosine inhibit antitumor immune responses
Effect by blocking the cytolytic function of NK and
Local Tumor CD8+ T cells and increase tumor cell survival,
progression, and angiogenesis. These tumor-
promoting parameters could be antagonized by
changing the radiation dose, fractionation, site of
irradiation, and timing or by combined radiation
with chemotherapeutic regimens.
Furthermore, the definition of the appropriate
clinical endpoint of abscopal effects should also
be considered with care. It appears that the Wolchok
immune-related response criteria (2009) are supe-
rior in defining antitumor immune responses com-
pared to the classical RECIST response criteria.

Abscopal effects describe nontargeted, radiotherapy
(RT)-induced tumor regression in lesions or tumor
areas locally distant from the irradiated i.e. tumor
Abscopal Effects, Fig. 1 Schematic representation of site (Fig. 1). Abscopal effects are best understood in
nontargeted effects in a tumor mouse model. ▶ Bystander mouse models and are very rarely seen in clinical
Effect. Effect on nonirradiated tumor regions in close practice. In order to augment RT-induced abscopal
proximity to irradiated tumor or tumor micromilieu effects, a combination of RT with modern active
which can induce genomic instability in later cell genera-
tions. Abscopal Effect. Immunological effects (see below) and/or passive immunotherapeutic approaches
on nonirradiated tumor lesions locally distant from irradi- appears to be a promising strategy to treat immuno-
ated tumor. Immunological Effects. Secretion of genic tumors such as malignant melanoma, renal
pro-inflammatory responses (i.e., IL1b, TNFa, IL15, cell carcinomas (RCCs), and ▶ non-small cell lung
M-CSF), Activation of tumor suppressor proteins (i.e.,
ATM, CHK1), Activation of transcription factor p53, cancer (NSCLC). Presently more than 50 clinical
Expression of classical and nonclassical MHC molecules, trials are ongoing that combine RT and immuno-
Expression of tumor-associated antigens (CEA, CpG, La), therapy in the treatment of solid tumors.
Expression of death receptors (CD95, FAS, La
autoantigen), Expression of adhesion molecules on
tumor endothelial cells to recruit effector cells (Selectin,
ICAM1, VCAM1), Inhibition of the migratory capacity Cross-References
of regulatory T cells (Tregs), Expression of ligands
for activatory NK receptors (MICA/B, ULBPs, HMBG1, ▶ Apoptosis
Hsp70), Release of danger-associated molecular
patterns (DAMPS) and chemokines (CXCL16) to attract ▶ Bystander Effect
T cells ▶ DNA Damage

▶ DNA Damage Response the treatment of patients with Hodgkin

▶ DNA Damage-Induced Apoptosis lymphoma.
▶ Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
▶ Radiosensitization
▶ Repair of DNA Characteristics
▶ Tumor Necrosis Factor
▶ Tumor-Associated Macrophages ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and
dacarbazine) is the most widely used regimen for
the treatment of early and advanced stage Hodg-
kin lymphoma (HL). Treatment of patients with
Demaria S, Ng B, Devitt ML, Babb JS, Kawashima N, early stage classical HL evolved over the last three
Liebes L et al (2004) Ionizing radiation inhibition of decades. Radiation therapy alone as the single
distant untreated tumors (abscopal effect) is immune treatment modality is no longer practiced. Today,
mediated. Radiat Oncol Biol 58:862–870. doi:10.1016/ the most widely used approach is combined
Postow MA, Callahan MK, Barker CA, Yamada Y, Yuan J, modality therapy (chemotherapy plus involved
Kitano S, Mu Z, Raslan T, Adamow M, Ritter E, field radiation therapy). In general, two (for favor-
Sedrak C, Jungbluth AA, Chua R, Yang AS, Roman able early stage) to four (for unfavorable early
RA, Rosner S, Benson B, Allison JP, Lesokhin AM, stage) cycles of ABVD plus 20 to 30 Gy of
Gnjatic S, Wolchok JD (2012) Immunologic correlates
of the abscopal effect in a patient with melanoma. N Engl involved field radiation therapy is the most widely
J Med 366:925–931. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1112824 used standard of care approach. Using this
Rödel F, Frey B, Multhoff G, Gaipl US (2013) Contribution approach, more than 90% of the patients are
of the immune system to bystander and non-targeted expected to be cured of their disease. Functional
effects of ionizing radiation. Cancer Lett. doi:10.1016/
j.canlet.2013.09.015 imaging is used to guide therapy aiming at elim-
Tang C, Wang X, Soh H, Cortez MA, Krishnan S, inating the need for radiation therapy. Patients
Massarelli E et al (2015) Combining radiation and with bulky stage II disease (especially with
immunotherapy: a new systematic therapy for solid bulky mediastinal mass) or stage II with
tumors. Cancer Immunol Res 2:831–837
Vatner RE, Cooper BT, Vanpouille-Box C, Demaria S, B-symptoms are usually treated similar to those
Formenti SC (2014) Combinations of immunotherapy with advanced stage HL with six to eight cycles of
and radiation in cancer therapy. Front Oncol 4:325. ABVD followed by involved field radiation ther-
doi:10.3389/fonc2014.00325 apy to the bulky area.
Wolchok JD, Hoos A, O’Day S, Weber JS, Hamid O,
Lebbe C et al (2009) Guidelines for the evaluation of Use of chemotherapy alone has been proposed
immune therapy activity in solid tumors: immune- for a selected group of patients with early stage
related response criteria. Clin Cancer Res classical HL. The rationale for this approach is to
15:7412–7420. doi:10.1158/1078-432.CCR-09-1624 reduce radiation-induced morbidity and mortality,
including second malignancies and cardiac com-
plications. While this approach is appealing, it
ABVD will need to be further examined after prolonged
follow-up. For now, it seems appropriate to treat
Anas Younes young female patients with nonbulky early stage
Lymphoma Service, Department of Medicine, classical HL (especially those with mediastinal or
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, axillary adenopathy) with chemotherapy alone to
New York, NY, USA reduce the risk for breast cancer. The risks and
benefits of combined modality versus chemother-
apy alone should be discussed with patients before
Definition making a final treatment recommendation. Based
on several randomized studies comparing ABVD
Doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and with other multidrug regimens, ABVD became
dacarbazine combination chemotherapy used for the most widely used combination regimen for
Acetylsalicylic Acid 25

the treatment of patients with advanced Diehl V, Thomas RK, Re D (2004) Part II: Hodgkin’s
HL. Chemotherapy alone (six to eight cycles) is lymphoma – diagnosis and treatment. Lancet Oncol
usually considered sufficient for treating patients Meyer RM, Gospodarowicz MK, Connors JM et al (2005) A
with advanced stage classical HL. However, Randomized comparison of ABVD chemotherapy with
involved field radiation therapy is frequently a strategy that includes radiation therapy in patients
added at the end of chemotherapy to areas of with limited-stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma: National
Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group and
bulky disease. This combined modality approach the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. J Clin Oncol
has been compared with chemotherapy (MOPP/ 23:4634–4642
ABV) alone in a randomized trial in patients with Straus DJ, Portlock CS, Qin J et al (2004) Results of a
advanced stage classical HL, and showed no sur- prospective randomized clinical trial of doxorubicin,
bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (ABVD)
vival advantage, especially in those who achieved followed by radiation therapy (RT) versus ABVD
complete remission after the completion of alone for stages I, II, and IIIA nonbulky Hodgkin
chemotherapy. disease. Blood 104:3483–3489
Newer treatment programs such as Stanford
V and BEACOPP have shown successful results
but remain less widely used compared with
ABVD. Although BEACOPP has been shown to
be superior to ABVD-like regimens in large-scale AC1L50CF
randomized trials, efficacy as Stanford V has sim-
ilar ABVD has not yet been established. Because ▶ Sorafenib
ABVD may cure only 50–65% of patients with
poor risk advanced stage HL, more intensive pro-
grams such as BEACOPP may add benefit,
despite the increased toxicity. Patients with good
risk features have a high cure rate with ABVD, so ACDC
the use of more intensive and more toxic regimens
in this patient population should be used with ▶ Adiponectin
caution and preferably within a clinical trial. In
fact, a published randomized study demonstrated
that early intensification with autologous stem cell
transplantation after four cycles of ABVD-like
chemotherapy did not improve the outcome in 2-Acetoxybenzenecarboxylic Acid
patients with advanced stage HL compared with
conventional chemotherapy, perhaps because ▶ Aspirin
many patients did not have poor risk features as
identified by the international prognostic score
for HL.

2-Acetoxybenzoic Acid
References ▶ Aspirin
Bonadonna G, Bonfante V, Viviani S et al (2004) ABVD
plus subtotal nodal versus involved-field radiotherapy
in early-stage Hodgkin’s disease: long-term results.
J Clin Oncol 22:2835–2841
Canellos GP (1996) Is ABVD the standard regimen for Acetylsalicylic Acid
Hodgkin’s disease based on randomized CALGB com-
parison of MOPP, ABVD and MOPP alternating with
ABVD? Leukemia 10(Suppl 2):s68 ▶ Aspirin
26 Achneiform Rash

Achneiform Rash Activated Natural Killer Cells

Definition Norimasa Ito1, Herbert J. Zeh III2 and

Michael T. Lotze3
Is a pustular rash with usual distribution over the Departments of Surgery and Bioengineering,
face, scalp, and upper trunk. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
UPMC/University of Pittsburgh Schools of the
Health Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Department of Surgery and Department of
Cross-References Immunology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
▶ Erlotinib


K cells; K lymphocyte; Killer cells; LAK;

Acral Metastasis Large granular lymphocyte; Lymphokine acti-
vated killer
▶ Bone Metastasis


White blood cells that kill tumor and virus-

ACRP30 infected cells as part of the body’s immune system
(Unified Medical Language System). A type of
▶ Adiponectin white blood cell that contains granules with
enzymes that can kill tumor cells or microbial
cells (National Cancer Institute). A circulating
cellular biosensor, regulating immunity through
release of cytokines, maturation of dendritic
Actinic Keratosis cells, and recognition and lysis of stressed cells,
allowing sampling of cellular contents for deliv-
Definition ery to phagocytic cells (our definition).

Scaly, erythematous patches found on the skin in

sun-exposed areas. Radiation induced keratosis Characteristics
(hornification) of the skin. It represents a precan-
cerous lesion also known as solar keratosis or Biology of NK Cells
senile keratosis. May undergo malignant progres- ▶ Natural killer cells comprise 10–15% of circu-
sion to form squamous cell carcinoma. lating lymphocytes in normal adults and are also
found in peripheral tissues, including the liver,
peritoneal cavity, lymph nodes, and placenta.
NK cells were first reported by Wunderlich,
Cross-References Herberman, and Sendo and others in the
early 1970s. They were first discovered on
▶ Photodynamic Therapy the basis of their nonspecific killer activity,
▶ Squamous Cell Carcinoma disturbing attempts to generate tumor-specific,
Activated Natural Killer Cells 27

MHC-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). NK cells have some suppressive roles against
NK cell belongs to the innate immune system, cancer. NK cells have inhibitory receptors. They
bridging ▶ adaptive immunity in concert with become tolerant to tumor cells when inhibitory A
▶ dendritic cells. NK cells play a major role in receptors are stimulated with their ligands (Fig. 1).
the host defense against tumors and infected cells.
NK cells mediate cytolysis of cultured tumor Markers of NK Cells
cells, and when lymphokine activated (LAK NK cells express CD16 (FcgRIII), CD56, CD57,
activity) against freshly acquired tumor cells. CD94, or CD158a. They do not express T cell
“Natural killer” suggests the initial notion that receptor (TCR) or the pan T cell marker CD3 or
they do not require activation in order to kill target surface immunoglobulins (Ig) B cell receptor
cells. NK cells are large granular lymphocytes (CD20). NK cells recognize specific polysaccha-
(LGLs). The targets of NK cells are stressed ride on target cells with NK receptor (CD161;
cells expressing either “nonself” or “the self that NKR-P1) and expression of MHC class
changed in quality,” prompting their recognition. I molecules.
NK cells, when activated, can recognize cells
which fail to express cognate self MHC molecules NK Cell Receptors
and simultaneously express (stress-induced) There are two main types of receptors for MHC
ligands recognized by activating NK receptors. class I on NK cells including the KIR (killer cell
These ligands include MICA/MICB ULPBs, immunoglobulin-like receptors, one of the immu-
PVR, and Nectin-2 in humans or Rae-1 in mice. noglobulin superfamily) and NKG2 receptor
NK cytolytic activity is almost nonexistent at (CD94, type C lectin family). In both, there are
birth, increases until 15 years of age, and then activating and suppressing forms that accelerate
gradually reduces through old age. Natural killer or suppress NK activity. Two explanations for NK
cells (NK cells) lack the ability to destroy tumor cell self-tolerance have been proposed: first, NK
cells at the time of birth, acquiring cytolytic cells from MHC-class-I-deficient hosts have a
capacity following recognition. Given their lower activation potential, owing to decreased
ready acquisition from the peripheral blood, mul- activating-receptor expression and/or function;
tiple studies have evaluated their activity in vari- or second, NK cells are kept self-tolerant by inter-
ous clinical studies; for example, chronic mental actions between non-MHC-dependent
stress, fatigue, and physical exertion suppress NK receptor–ligand pairs CD94:NKG2, a C-type lec-
activity. Reduced NK activity may be related to tin family receptor, is conserved in both rodents
increasing cancer risk. Patients deficient in NK and primates and identifies nonclassical (also
cells prove to be highly susceptible to early phases nonpolymorphic) MHC I molecules including
of herpes virus infection. Many studies indicate HLA E. Though indirect, this is a means to survey
that NK activity is reduced in patients with the levels of classical (polymorphic) HLA mole-
advanced cancer. Tumor infiltrating NK cells of cules. Expression of HLA E at the cell surface is
pediatric cancer are significantly less in number dependent upon the presence of classical MHC
than that observed in adult cancers, prompting the class I leader peptides. Ly49 is a relatively
notion that this creates a major nosologic differ- ancient, C-type lectin family receptor. Humans
ence of adult and pediatric neoplasms. have only one pseudogenic Ly49, the receptor
for classical MHC I molecules. KIRs belong to a
Role of NK Cells in Human Cancer multigene family of evolved Ig-like extracellular
NK cells induce tumor cell death when NK cells domain receptors. They are present in nonrodent
recognize tumor cells with NK cell activating primates and are the primary receptors for both
receptors. NK cells produce many cytokines classical MHC I (HLA A, HLA B, HLA C) and
including IFNs and TNF-a and suppress prolifer- nonclassical HLA G in primates. KIRs are specific
ation of tumor and cells and drive type 1 immunity. for certain HLA subtypes. ILT or LIR (leucocyte
NK cells help dendritic cells to mature into DC1. inhibitory receptors) are discovered members of
28 Activated Natural Killer Cells

Th Attack
Antigen processing and
presentation Tumor Viral infected
Attack cell



Antigen release

IFN-Y I. Apoptosis
IFN-Y Allo
iDC → DC1 TNF-α
TNF-a II. Autophagy
Stimulation FAS-L
III. Necrosis
MHC class I


Inflammation Activation Inhibitory Tolerance

Activated Natural Killer Cells, Fig. 1 Role of NK cells autoimmune diabetes. When lysing cells, normal cells
in tumor immunity. NK cells play multiple roles in tumor capable of undergoing apoptotic or autophagic00128
immunity. They recognize stressed cells or those failing to death, Types I and II death, do so. Many virally infected
express cognate Class I major histocompatibility mole- or transformed cells fail to undergo such death because of
cules, both lysing targets and serving as a source of cyto- block of these pathways, and when lysed, undergo necrotic
kines important in initiation and perpetuation of the cell death causing DC maturation and promoting recruit-
inflammatory response is carried out by them. They serve ment of additional inflammatory cells. In the absence of
as helper cells, promoting immune interaction with both viral or bacterial pathogen signals, such chronic necrotic
T and dendritic cells, critically being required for initiation cell death is associated with inhibition of immune effectors
of the TH1 response. Their absence may also be important and promotion of a wound repair phenotype with angio-
in limiting autoimmunity as revealed by their critical genesis and stromagenesis, characteristic of many tumors
absence in the NOD mouse strain, susceptible to

the Ig receptor family. ▶ Carcinoembryonic anti- NK Cell and Cytokines

gen related cell adhesion molecule 1 NK cells are capable of producing many cytokines
(▶ CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule) is an inhibi- including IFN-g (Interferon-fg), IFN-a, IFN-b,
tory receptor and its ligands are CEACAM1 itself and TNF-a. They suppress proliferation of tumor
and CEACAM5, known as CEA. Sialic acid bind- and virally infected cells and regulate immune
ing immunoglobulin-like lectins (SIGLECs) have responses. IFN-g (Interferon-fg) increases NK
a V-set immunoglobulin domain, which binds activity as a positive feedback mechanism. NK
sialic acid, and varying numbers of C2-set immu- cytolytic activity is increased by IFN-a, IFN-b,
noglobulin domains. IRp60, KLRG1, and LAIR1 and IFN-g (Interferon-fg) (produced by T and
are other inhibitory receptors discovered NK cells); IL-2(produced by T cells); and IL-10,
(Table 1). IL-12, and IL-15 (produced by B cell, monocyte/
Activated Natural Killer Cells 29

Activated Natural Killer Cells, Table 1 Inhibitory and Granzyme induce apoptosis to the target cells
activating NK cell receptors and their ligands activating utilizing various intracellular pathways. NK cells
NK cell receptors
also induce ▶ apoptosis to target cells by A
Receptors Ligands expressing apoptosis-inducing molecules such as
2B4 CD48 FAS ligands or TRAIL on the cell surface. The
NKp44 Influenza/unknown distinction between apoptosis and ▶ necrosis is
important in cancer immunology – necrotic cells
NKp46 Influenza/unknown
release danger/damage associated molecular pat-
CD16 IgG
tern molecules (DAMPs) such as high-mobility
group box 1 (HMGB1) protein, whereas apoptosis
DNAM CD112/CD155
leads to retention of HMGB1 within the cells or
Inhibitory NK cell receptors apoptotic nuclei.
ILT2 MHC01094-A, B, G
KIR3DL2 MHC01094-A NK Cells and Cancer Immunotherapy
KIR3DL1 MHC01094-B Their rapid cytolytic action and broad target range
KIR2DL4 MHC01094-A, B, G suggest that NK cells may be promising candi-
KIR2DL1,2,3 MHC01094-C dates for cancer cell therapy. The clinical applica-
CD94 MHC01094-C tion of ex vivo manipulated cells, including NK
CEACAM102441 CEACAM102441, CEACAM5 cells, is referred to as ▶ adoptive immunotherapy
IRp60 Unknown (AIT). The first clinical AIT trial exploited autolo-
KLRG1 Unknown gous ex vivo expanded and interleukin 2 (IL-2)
LAIR1 Unknown stimulated lymphokine activated killer (LAK).
SIGLEC7 Sialic acid Although this approach produced nearly 15–20%
SIGLEC9 Sialic acid partial and complete responses in initial trials, sub-
sequent studies showed that a similar antitumor
effect could be achieved with administration of
macrophage, or dendritic cells). NK cytolytic high dose IL-2 alone. Purification and enrichment
activity is inhibited by IL-4 (▶ Interleukin-4). of NK cells on a clinical scale may improve thera-
IL-15 induces NK cell proliferation. IL-12 peutic outcomes. Alternatively, stimulation of
induces IFN-g (Interferon-fg) production by NK LAK cells with IL-15 or IL-21 instead of IL-2
cells. IFN-a, IFN-b, IFN-g (Interferon-fg), and might increase efficacy.
TNF-a produced by NK cells activate mono- Myeloid ▶ dendritic cells (mDCs) support the
cytes/macrophages, vascular endothelial cells, tumoricidal activity of NK cells, while cytokine-
neutrophils, and induce a local inflammation preactivated NK cells activate DCs and induce
response. their maturation and cytokine production.
NK–DC interactions promote the subsequent
Cytotoxicity of NK Cells Against Tumor or induction of tumor-specific responses of CD4+
Infected Cells and CD8+ T cells, allowing NK cells to act as
NK cells release perforin from intracellular gran- nominal “helper” cells in the development of the
ules when they bind to target cells, along with desirable type-1 responses to cancer. NK–DC
granules containing serine proteases known as interaction provides a strong rationale for the
granzymes. Perforin attaches to the membrane combined use of NK cells and DCs in the immu-
inducing an autophagic (▶ Autophagy) repair notherapy of patients with cancer. Clinical trials
process, inducing uptake of vesicles containing that are being implemented at present should
granzymes and associated molecules that can tar- allow evaluation of the immunological and clini-
get cells for lysis, with perforin allowing escape cal efficacy of combined NK–DC therapy of mel-
through pore formation once intracellular. anoma and other cancers.
30 Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase

Cross-References respectively, leading to a highly diversified anti-

body affinity repertoire and alternative use of dif-
▶ Natural Killer Cell Activation ferent constant regions of Ig. Patients with
defective AID due to germline mutations develop
type 2 hyper-IgM syndrome (HIGM2), a type of
immunodeficiency resulting in high levels of
Arnon TI, Markel G, Mandelboim O (2006) Tumor and serum IgM and lack of other post-switch Ig
viral recognition by natural killer cells receptors. Semin isotypes. Given its potent mutation-inducing
Cancer Biol 16:348–358 property, deregulated expression of AID in the
DeMarco RA, Fink MP, Lotze MT (2005) Monocytes pro- wrong place or at the wrong time is often associ-
mote natural killer cell interferon gamma production in
response to the endogenous danger signal HMGB1. ated with various cancers.
Mol Immunol 42(4):433–444
Ito N, Demarco RA, Mailliard RB et al (2007) Cytolytic
cells induce HMGB1 release from melanoma cell lines. Characteristics
J Leukoc Biol 81(1):75–83
Lotze MT, Line BR, Mathisen DJ et al (1980) The in vivo
distribution of autologous human and murine lymphoid Identification of AID
cells grown in T cell growth factor (TCGF): implica- There are almost an infinite number of antigens
tions for the adoptive immunotherapy of tumors. that exist in our environmental surroundings, and
J Immunol 125(4):1487–1493
Moretta A, Bottino C, Vitale M et al (1996) Receptors for our immune systems could theoretically produce a
HLA-class I-molecules in human natural killer cells. specific antibody to each one of these antigens if
Annu Rev Immunol 14:619–648 appropriately stimulated. In the early years, it was
far beyond comprehension how this vast antibody
diversity could possibly be generated from the
very limited genomic resources that we now
Activation-Induced Cytidine know consists of only about 30,000 protein-
Deaminase coding genes in humans. In the premolecular
genetic era, without any experimental proof
Xiaosheng Wu and Diane F. Jelinek there had been many theories proposed, including
Department of Immunology, Mayo Clinic, the prophetic “somatic randomization” theory put
College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA forward by Nobel laureate Frank Burnet in 1957
(Ganesh and Neuberger 2011). Burnet’s proposal
was eventually proven in part by the work of
Synonyms Susumu Tonegawa, another Nobel laureate, dem-
onstrating that much of the diversity resulted from
AICDA; AID; ARP2; CDA2 random rearrangement of Ig heavy chain variable
(V), diversity (D), and joining (J) genes and Ig
light chain VJ genes during B cell development in
Definition the bone marrow. Although imprecise V(D)J join-
ing is an additional source of Ig diversity, it was
Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) soon realized that V(D)J recombination only gen-
(EC is a 198-amino acid polypeptide erates a very limited antibody repertoire, with
enzyme that is primarily expressed in germinal these antibodies typically possessing low antigen
center (GC) B cells of the secondary lymphoid binding affinity. These observations suggested
organs. Its physiological function is to introduce that an additional fine-turning somatic diversifica-
point mutations into the variable and switch tion mechanism accounted for the generation of
regions of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes during the better antigen fitting antibodies. This mechanism,
processes of somatic hypermutation (SHM) and now known as SHM, gained solid footing after
class switch recombination (CSR) in GC B cells, protein sequencing of monoclonal light chains
Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase 31

present in multiple myeloma patients and DNA Given its hyper mutagenic activity, it is con-
sequencing of Ig genes. Both sequencing strate- ceivable that deregulated AID expression and/or
gies revealed missense mutations in the variable specificity would have detrimental consequences. A
region of Ig. The precise mechanism underlying Strict AID expression in GC B cells is regulated
these mutations, however, remained mysterious transcriptionally by the concerted action of vari-
until the discovery of the mutation introducing ous transcriptional activators and repressors. It
enzyme, AID. In 1999, Honjo’s group identified has also been shown that the function of AID is
AID from a mouse lymphoma cell line CH12F3 also regulated by posttranslational modifications.
through subtractive hybridization (Muramatsu In addition to AID expression, downstream DNA
et al. 1999) and demonstrated that AID is required repair systems play an indispensible role in min-
for both SHM and CSR. imizing the adverse effects of AID. Seminal work
by Schatz’s group showed that up to 25% of genes
AID Deamination Mechanism in our genome are subjected to AID-mediated
When it was first cloned, AID was thought to be an mutagenesis when the MMR gene MSH2 is
RNA deaminase based on the similarity of its absent (Liu et al. 2008). This work was later
domain structure with a previously known RNA complemented by the discovery of the somatic
deaminase, APOBEC-1. After a flurry of work hyperrepair (SHR) process, which results in the
focused on how this enzyme works, it quickly elevated expression of select DNA repair genes to
became clear that AID actually is a DNA cytidine counterbalance the adverse potential off-target
deaminase. AID deaminates deoxycytidine (dC) in effects of AID expression (Wu et al. 2010).
DNA to generate deoxyuracil (dU), which is then Despite these safeguarding mechanisms, more
further processed by one of several mechanisms. than 75% of all hematological malignancies orig-
First, without any DNA repair, dU can be directly inate from mature B lineage cells that have gone
copied as deoxythymidines (dT) during DNA rep- through AID-mediated GC reactions suggesting
lication leading to a transition mutation of C:G to that having a history of AID expression poses a
T:A. Secondly, dU can also be excised by the base greater risk of developing cancer. Therefore,
excision repair (BER) component uracil DNA mechanisms limiting AID’s mutagenic activity to
glycosylase resulting in abasic sites, which can Ig variable region genes and expression to GC
then be replicated by error-prone translesion DNA B cells would be advantageous.
polymerases. Through this repair mechanism,
transversion mutations are added to dU sites. Fur- AID Targeting
thermore, abasic sites can also be excised by How exactly AID targets V and switch (S) regions
another downstream BER repair component AP of Ig genes remains a contentious issue. Extensive
endonuclease, leading to single stranded DNA studies have revealed that AID deaminates dC on
breaks (SSBs) or double stranded DNA breaks single stranded DNA by recognizing the hotspot
(DSBs) if two abasic sites are in close proximity WRCY (where W = C or T, R = A or G, and
on opposite strands. Finally, AID mediated U:G Y = T or C) or RGYW (in reverse complimentary
mismatch is also a perfect substrate for the DNA configuration) motifs. Either Crick or Watson
mismatch repair (MMR) system. Together with strands can be targeted as long as they are in
error-prone DNA polymerases used during DNA single-stranded conformation. Furthermore,
resynthesis, MMR can introduce even more muta- active transcription of the target gene is required
tions in the neighborhood of dU sites, including for AID to function, and AID preferentially tar-
mutations on A:T sites which are not direct targets gets the unprotected nontranscribing strand since
of AID (Stavnezer 2011). It is not known how these the transcribing strand is occupied by the compli-
different repair pathways are coordinately utilized, mentary RNA product forming an R-loop. How-
and if any of these pathways are used preferentially ever, these DNA cis-acting features remain
in SHM versus CSR. However, AID-mediated insufficient in ensuring AID targeting specificity
DSBs are required for CSR. since they are not unique to Ig genes. Therefore,
32 Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase

the specificity seems to be largely determined by identification of somatic mutations in various

AID binding proteins in trans. There have been proto-oncogenes including PIM1, MYC, RhoH/
several reports showing that AID could bind to TTF, and PAX5 at the WRCY hotspots in these
many intracellular proteins; yet, none of those malignancies, further signifies the direct involve-
proteins could serve as bona fide bridging factors ment of AID.
between AID and Ig sequences. However, a study
using the chicken DT40 cell line provided some Non-B Cell Lineage Malignancies
tantalizing results showing that the RNA splicing It is conceivable that AID, a GC-B cell specific
factor, SRSF1, might be the missing link. Finally, gene, is involved in various B lineage malignancies.
AID targeting specificity is possibly determined AID expression is also associated with other non-B
by downstream DNA repair systems since muta- lineage cancers. The best-exemplified study is on
tions became widespread when the MMR gene the Helicobacter pylori infection-induced gastric
MSH2 is absent as previously mentioned. cancer. Here, infection of mice with “cag” pathoge-
nicity island (cagPAI)-positive H. pylori, a gastric
AID Expression in Cancer cancer–causing strain of bacterial, induces aberrant
Given its potent mutagenic property, it is conceiv- expression of AID in gastric epithelial cells. The
able that deregulated AID expression may be expression of AID is induced by the activation of
associated with cancer development and/or pro- NFkB pathway, which leads to acquisition of
gression. The first proof that AID expression may somatic mutations in the tumor suppressor gene,
increase the risk of cancer came from a study p53, thereby predisposing those cells to develop
using an AID transgenic mouse model. In those cancer. Similarly, aberrant AID expression has also
mice, the expression of a ubiquitous promoter- been detected in other cancers including hepatitis
driven AID transgene alone was sufficient to virus infection-induced hepatoma, colitis-associated
drive the development of thymic lymphoma, colorectal cancer, bile duct inflammation-associated
B cell lymphoma, and various others tumors of cholangiocarcinoma, bile acid reflux-related Barrett
nonlymphoid origin. Subsequently, it was found oesophageal adenocarcinoma, as well as some
that constitutive AID expression is associated breast and prostate cancer cell lines.
with various human cancers.
AID Is Required for Recurrent Chromosomal
B Cell Lineage Malignancies Translocations
Under physiological conditions, AID is only tran- Chromosomal translocations are a hallmark fea-
siently expressed in GC B cells while pre- and ture of many cancers, and recurrent translocations
post-GC B lineage cells are free of AID expres- are found in about 40% of all human tumors by
sion. However, constitutive AID expression is creating new tumor-promoting proteins or by
often readily detectable at various levels in many disrupting tumor suppressing systems. For exam-
B cell malignancies, including follicular lym- ple, the t(9;22)(q34;q11) translocation, also
phoma, Burkitt lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, known as the Philadelphia chromosome, is
mantle cell lymphoma, mucosa-associated lym- observed in 90% of patients with chronic myelog-
phoid tissue lymphoma, mediastinal B cell lym- enous leukemia (CML), and this leads to a novel
phoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), BCR-ABL gene fusion that is capable of inducing
hairy cell leukemia, and multiple myeloma. It oncogenic transformation in vitro. Reciprocal
seems that the variable AID levels in CLL sam- translocations between IgH and a number of dif-
ples were mainly attributed to the size of the ferent oncogenes including c-myc, bcl-2, bcl-6,
AID-expressing cell pool rather than the level of and FGFR are characteristic of the human B cell
AID in the entire cancer cell population. To add malignancies Burkitt lymphoma, follicular lym-
more complexity, it is known that AID is differ- phoma, diffuse large cell lymphoma, and multiple
entially spliced into different functional variants myeloma, respectively. Systemic studies have
in some of those disease subsets. The shown that the vast majority of these
Active Specific Immunization 33

translocations, if not all, require the direct func- for effectively maintaining a low methylation
tion of AID for the generation of chromosomal status in mouse primordial germ cells at embry-
translocation intermediates, i.e., DNA double onic day 13.5. This observation suggests A
strand breaks (DSB). that AID-mediated erasion of DNA global meth-
ylation may be important in maintaining
AID Expression Associated with Cancer transgenerational epigenetic inheritance, as well
Progression and Poor Prognosis as in epigenetic reprogramming. Given many can-
The ongoing AID expression in cancer cells may cer cells possess stem cell-like properties, altered
not necessarily suggest its direct involvement in epigenetics, and aberrant expression of AID, it
initial cancer development. However, it may play remains to be seen if AID plays any role in chang-
an important role in future disease events such as ing the epigenetic landscape in cancers in addition
cancer progression, therapy effectiveness, and can- to its role in altering genomic stability.
cer prognosis. AID positivity has been shown to be
associated with the prognosis of CLL and increased References
risk of transformation of indolent lymphomas. The
transition from the chronic phase of CML to Ganesh K, Neuberger MS (2011) The relationship between
hypothesis and experiment in unveiling the mecha-
B lymphoid blast crisis is often accompanied by
nisms of antibody gene diversification. FASEB
the expression of AID, which renders the disease J 25(4):1123–1132
resistant to otherwise effective BCR-ABL inhibitor Liu M, Duke JL, Richter DJ et al (2008) Two levels of
imatinib therapy. One of the possible drug resis- protection for the B cell genome during somatic
hypermutation. Nature 451:841–845
tance mechanisms is the acquisition of new muta-
Muramatsu M, Sankaranand VS, Anant S et al (1999) Spe-
tions in the kinase domain of BCR-ABL where cific expression of activation-induced cytidine deami-
imatinib binds. Therefore, it is possible that AID nase (AID), a novel member of the RNA-editing
could constitute a new cancer therapy target. deaminase family in germinal center B cells. J Biol
Chem 274:18470–18476
Stavnezer J (2011) Complex regulation and function of
AID as a DNA Demethylase activation-induced cytidine deaminase. Trends
DNA cytosine methylation in the sequence con- Immunol 32:194–201
text of CpG is a key epigenetic mark in verte- Wu X, Tschumper RC, Gutierrez A Jr et al (2010) Selective
induction of DNA repair pathways in human B cells
brates. It is critically important in various cell
activated by CD4+ T cells. PLoS One 5(12):e15549
functions including cell differentiation, cell pro-
gramming, parental imprinting, retroelement sup-
pression, etc. DNA methylation is mediated by the
Active Cell Death
DNA methyltransferases DNMT1, DNMT3A,
and DNMT3B. However, it was not known how
▶ Apoptosis
the 5-methyl group is removed. AID contributes
to DNA demethylation in some cells during early
development. Specifically, AID initiates demeth-
ylation through a DNA damage-coupled DNA Active Specific Immunization
repair process very similar to that in SHM. First,
AID deaminates 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) to Synonyms
yield thymidine (T) which is then removed by
the T:G mismatch DNA glycosylases TDG and ASI
MBD4. The resulting abasic site is then replaced
with unmethylated deoxycytosine by the BER
system. The net change is the removal of the Definition
methyl group from the cytosine residue while the
primary DNA sequence is faithfully preserved. Refers to various strategies to induce an effective
A report also showed that AID is also required cellular immune response against tumor cells.
34 Activin

βA βA Activin A
▶ Colorectal Cancer Vaccine Therapy
βB βB Activin B
See Also

(2012) Immune Response. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- βC βC Activin C

dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 1815. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2977.

βA βB Activin AB

α βA Inhibin A
Elspeth Gold
Department of Anatomy, Otago School of
Medical Sciences, Dunedin, New Zealand
α βB Inhibin B

Synonyms Activin, Fig. 1 Activin/inhibin homodimers and

Activin A; Activin B; Activin C; Activin E; EDF;
Erythroid differentiation factor; INHBA; INHBB; (=bAbB), and activin AC (=bAbC, Fig. 1). Two of
INHBC; INHBE; Inhibin-b chain these subunits (bC and bE) were discovered only
in the last decade and we know little about them,
mainly because the activin-bC and bE knock-out
Definition mice were normal. However, overexpression of
activin-bC leads in mice to male infertility, liver,
Dimeric protein complex that enhances biosyn- and prostate disease, while overexpression of
thesis of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and activin-bE leads to abnormalities in the pancreas.
secretion from the pituitary.
Signaling Cascade
Activin exerts it actions by binding to one of two
Characteristics Type II receptors (ActRIIA/ActRIIB), which in
turn recruit and phosphorylate ALK-4, a Type I
Activins are members of the TGF-b superfamily activin receptor. ALK4 activates intracellular sig-
of proteins, and in addition to stimulating FSH naling molecules called Smads (Smad-2 or Smad-
release from the pituitary they are involved in 3). Activated Smad-2/3 complexes with Smad-4
regulation of a diverse range of physiological and moves to the nucleus leading to activation or
processes including embryonic development, repression of target genes (Fig. 2).
reproduction, and fertility, and are implicated in
the development and progression of cancers, espe- Functions
cially of the testis, ovary, and adrenal gland. Activin A has been most extensively investigated
There are five known b-subunits (designated due to the existence of recombinant protein and
bA through bE) that can form homodimers or specific assays. Activin A is a potent growth and
heterodimers, for example activin A (= bAbA), differentiation factor, is secreted in an active form,
activin B (=bBbB), activin C (=bCbC), activin AB and can elicit overt biological action at low (pg/ml)
Activin 35

Activin, Fig. 2 The activin

signaling cascade βA βA

ActRI Smad2/3


Smad4 P

Activin responsive gene transcription

concentrations – therefore its synthesis and activity The Role of Activin A in Cancer Development
must be tightly regulated. Follistatin binding or and Progression
inhibin-a subunit heterodimerization are the two Like other TGF-b super-family members, the role
most well characterized activin A antagonists. of activin A in cancer biology is complex and
involves aspects of tumor suppression as well as
Activin Antagonists tumor promotion. The ability of activin A to
Follistatin binds activin ligands with high affinity to inhibit proliferation is central to the tumor-
form biologically inactive complexes. There are two suppressive mechanism. However, as tumors
follistatin isoforms which block the activity of activin evolve, they often become refractory to the
A by different mechanisms. One form binds to the growth inhibitory effects of activin A and many
cell surface and is considered to be a local regulator overexpress activin A, which in turn has a marked
which diverts activin A to a pathway for degradation. impact on the biology of the tumor cells them-
The other form is present in the blood where it binds selves and creates a tumor micro-environment that
to and inactivates circulating activin A. is conducive to tumor growth and metastasis. For
The activin-bA and bB subunits can example, increased production of activin A by
heterodimerize with the inhibin-a subunit to tumor cells that are no longer growth inhibited
form inhibin A (a-bA) or inhibin B (a-bB) by activin A may lead to increased angiogenesis,
(Fig. 1). Inhibins oppose the actions of activins, decreased immune surveillance, or an increase in
particularly in the reproductive axis where they epithelial to mesenchymal transition of tumor
inhibit, while activin stimulates FSH release from cells. Collectively, these effects favor increased
the pituitary, inhibins also oppose the local actions tumor growth and metastasis in the later stages
of activins in the testis and ovary. of cancer progression.
36 Activin A

Perturbations in activin expression and/or the Gold E, Risbridger G (2011) Activins and activin antago-
activin signaling cascade have been implicated in nists in the prostate and prostate cancer. Mol Cell
Endocrinol. doi:10.1016/j.mce.2011.07.005
cancer development and progression in many Harrison CA, Gray PC, Vale WW, Robertson DM
organ systems: examples are liver, pancreas, pros- (2005) Antagonists of activin signaling: mechanisms
tate, ovary, testis, breast, and adrenal. Increased and potential biological applications. Trends
activin expression has also been implicated in Endocrinol Metab 16:73–78
Risbridger GP, Schmitt JF, Robertson DR (2001) Activins
cancer-associated weight loss (cachexia) and and inhibins in endocrine and other tumours. Endocr
metastasis to bone. Rev 22:836–858
The overt effects of elevated activin A expres- Robertson DM, Burger HG, Fuller PJ (2004) Inhibin/
sion is evident in the inhibin knock-out mouse. This activin and ovarian cancer. Endocr Relat Cancer
mouse model develops cancer of the testis and Stenvers KL, Findlay JK (2010) Inhibins: from reproduc-
ovary and, when the testis/ovary are removed, adre- tive hormones to tumor suppressors. Trends Endocrinol
nal tumors. Tumor formation is evident at 4 weeks Metab 21:174–180
of age in males and 6 weeks in females and leads to
elevated activin A. Increased activin A level causes
cell death in the liver and stomach, which leads to
severe weight loss (cachexia) from 6 to 7 weeks and
death by 12 weeks in males and 17 weeks in Activin A
females. The severe wasting syndrome is delayed
in gonadectomized inhibin knock-out mice due to ▶ Activin
removal of the gonadal source of activin A; but the
castrate mice go on to develop adrenal tumors with
the onset of the same lethal wasting syndrome.
Overexpression of follistatin, being an activin bind-
ing protein, was predicted to block the overt effects Activin B
of elevated activin A in the inhibin knock-out mice.
The inhibin knock-out follistatin overexpression ▶ Activin
mouse confirmed this concept. With these mice
showing no evidence of weight loss thus surviving
significantly longer than the inhibin knock-outs.
While tests and ovarian tumors were still evident
in the double cross mice, tumor development was Activin C
▶ Activin
Activin A normally maintains tissue homeostasis,
yet numerous studies demonstrate aberrant
expression of activin is associated with cancer
development and progression. Understanding Activin E
how cancer cells escape the growth inhibitory
effects of activin A is likely to reveal new thera- ▶ Activin
peutic avenues for the treatment of cancer.


Chen YG, Lui HM, Lin SL, Lee JM, Ying SY (2002) Reg-
Activin Receptor Type 2
ulation of cell proliferation, apoptosis, and carcinogen-
esis by activin. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 227:75–87 ▶ Activin Receptors
Activin Receptors 37

There are two types of activin receptors desig-

Activin Receptor Type 1 nated as type I and type II. Activins first bind
type II receptors, whereupon type I receptors are A
▶ Activin Receptors recruited into the complex, which leads to the
phosphorylation of intracellular signaling media-
tors called Smads. In a wider sense, however, the
term activin receptor-like kinase (ALK) is also
Activin Receptor-Like Kinase used for the structurally related type I receptors
that transmit signals from other cytokines of the
▶ Activin Receptors transforming growth factor beta (TGFb) family
including TGFb itself, bone morphogenetic pro-
teins (BMP), myostatin, growth and differentia-
tion factors (GDF), and Müllerian inhibitory
Activin Receptors substance (MIS). Confusingly, the abbreviation
ALK is also used for ▶ anaplastic lymphoma
Michael Grusch1 and Mir Alireza Hoda2 kinase – a structurally unrelated receptor tyrosine
Institute of Cancer Research, Department of kinase. Table 1 provides an overview of the dif-
Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna, ferent type I and type II receptors for the TGFb
Vienna, Austria family and some of their ligands.
Division of Thoracic Surgery, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Synonyms Structure and Signaling

All activin receptors consist of an extracellular
Activin receptor type 1; Activin receptor type 2; domain involved in ligand binding, a single-pass
Activin receptor-like kinase; ActRI; ActRII; transmembrane domain and an intracellular part
ACVR1; ACVR2; ALK harbouring a serine threonine kinase domain. Two
type I and two type II receptors have been shown
to transmit signals from activins. Activins first
Definition bind the type II receptors and subsequently recruit
the type I receptors ALK4 or ALK7 into the
Activin receptors are transmembrane serine thre- complex. Activin A uses primarily ALK4,
onine kinases that bind ▶ activins and subse- whereas activns B and AB prefer ALK7. The
quently trigger an intracellular signaling cascade. constitutively active type II receptors activate the

Activin Receptors, Table 1 Type I and type II activin/TGFb family receptor combinations used by selected TGFb
family cytokines
ACVR2 BMPs BMPs Activin A BMPs Activin B
ActRII Myostatin Nodal
ACVR2B BMP9 BMPs BMPs Activin A BMPs Activin B
ActRIIB BMP10 Myostatin Nodal
38 Activin Receptors

various lineages. In the adult organism, activin/

activin receptor signals are involved in reproduc-
tive biology, wound healing, ▶ inflammation, and
tissue homeostasis.

Activin Receptors in Cancer

Biological consequences of activin receptor activa-
tion are complex and to a large degree cell- and
context-dependent. Therefore, deregulated expres-
sion and activation of activin receptors can have
both oncogenic and ▶ tumor suppressive effects.
Mutations in activin receptors have been found
in several malignancies including microsatellite
instable prostate, pancreatic, and colorectal can-
cer. These mutations lead to receptor inactivation
often caused by truncation of the protein. This
indicates a tumor suppressing function of activin
receptors in malignancies of these organs.
Activin Receptors, Fig. 1 Graphic representation of
activin receptors and activin receptor-associated Smad Since activin receptor signals also contribute to
signaling protumorigenic activities like enhanced cell pro-
liferation in some tissue types and enhanced cell
migration and fibrotic tissue remodeling, blocking
type I receptors via phosphorylation in the antibodies, ligand traps (soluble extracellular
juxtamembrane GS (glycine-serine-rich) domain. receptor domains), or kinase inhibitors targeting
Formation of active heterotetrameric receptor activin receptors have also been suggested for
complexes further recruits R-Smad (receptor- therapeutic application in cancer. Moreover, the
activated Smad) proteins, which are phosphory- inhibition of activin receptors could be beneficial
lated by the type I receptors. Genuine activin against cancer cachexia, because both activin and
receptors as well as TGFb receptors use myostatin contribute to this condition. The ALK1/
R-Smads 2 and 3, whereas BMPs and GDFs use BMP9 axis plays an important role in angiogene-
R-Smads 1, 5, and 8. Activated R-Smads complex sis and inhibitors specifically targeting ALK1
with the common mediator Smad4 and the whole activation are consequently being developed as
complex subsequently translocates into the potential antiangiogenic therapies.
nucleus to regulate gene expression in coopera-
tion with numerous transcriptional coactivators Conclusion
and corepressors (Fig. 1). Activin receptors and activin receptor-like kinases
A number of extracellular proteins like Cripto/ transmit signals of the TGFb family that can have
TDGF1 (teratoma derived growth factor 1) and oncogenic as well as tumor suppressive effects.
intracellular proteins like ARIPS (activin Inactivating mutations are found in some malig-
receptor-interacting protein) interact with activin nancies, but for some aspects of tumor therapy
receptors and modulate their signaling capacity. also inhibition of activin receptor function could
prove beneficial.
Function and Expression
Activin receptors are expressed on most human
cell types and their signals are of fundamental References
importance for embryonic development. Activin
receptor-mediated signals are required for the dif- Cunha SI, Pietras K (2011) ALK1 as an emerging target for
ferentiation of ▶ embryonic stem cells into antiangiogenic therapy of cancer. Blood 117:6999–7006
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 39

Hinck AP (2012) Structural studies of the TGF-betas and Definition

their receptors – insights into evolution of the TGF-beta
superfamily. FEBS Lett 586:1860–1870
Jung B, Doctolero RT, Tajima A, Nguyen AK, Keku T, Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a malig- A
Sandler RS, Carethers JM (2004) Loss of activin recep- nant disease that arises from several cooperative
tor type 2 protein expression in microsatellite unstable genetic mutations in a single B- or T-lymphoid
colon cancers. Gastroenterology 126:654–659 progenitor, leading to altered blast cell prolifera-
Tsuchida K, Nakatani M, Uezumi A, Murakami T, Cui
X (2008) Signal transduction pathway through activin tion, survival, and maturation and eventually to
receptors as a therapeutic target of musculoskeletal the lethal accumulation of leukemic cells.
diseases and cancer. Endocr J 55:11–21 Although cases can be subclassified further
according to the multiple stages of T- or B-cell
maturation, these distinctions are not therapeuti-
cally useful.

▶ Steroid Receptor Coactivators
ALL accounts for about 12% of all childhood and
adult leukemias diagnosed in developed countries
and for 60% of those diagnosed in persons youn-
ger than 20 years. It is the most common cancer in
ActRI children (25% of all cases) and has a peak inci-
dence in patients between the ages of 2 and
▶ Activin Receptors 5 years, with a second, smaller peak in the elderly.
The factors predisposing children and adults to
ALL remain largely unknown. Children with cer-
tain constitutional genetic abnormalities (e.g., tri-
ActRII somy 21) are at increased risk of developing ALL
and inherited mutations in TP53, PAX5 and ETV6
▶ Activin Receptors have also been described in familial (as well as
sporadic) ALL. However, disease susceptibility
for most patients is mainly influenced by common
genetic variants (with eight risk loci discovered
Acute Granulocytic Leukemia thus far) identified by genome-wide association
studies (GWAS). A study identified germline
▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia mutations in 4.4% of children and adolescents
with ALL, a finding which not only improves
our understanding of leukemogenesis but also
has major implications in direct patient care and
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia genetic counseling of patients and families. Ioniz-
ing radiation and mutagenic chemicals have been
Ching-Hon Pui implicated in some cases of ALL, but their con-
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, tributions appear negligible.
TN, USA ALL is essentially a disease of acquired genetic
abnormalities which can be found in leukemic
cells in all cases of ALL, including chromosomal
Synonyms translocations, DNA copy number gains or losses,
and epigenetic changes. On average, each case has
ALL 10–20 nonsilent coding mutations. Chromosomal
40 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

translocations often activate transcription factor • Fever

genes, which in many cases control cell differen- • Fatigue and lethargy
tiation, are developmentally regulated, and fre- • Dyspnea, angina, and dizziness (older patients
quently encode proteins at the tops of critical mainly)
transcriptional cascades. These “master” onco- • Limp, bone pain, or refusal to walk (young
genic transcription factors, which can exert either children)
positive or negative control over downstream • Pallor and bleeding in the skin or mouth cavity
responder genes, are aberrantly expressed in leu- • Enlarged liver, spleen, and lymph nodes (more
kemic cells as a single gene product or as a unique pronounced in children)
fusion protein combining elements from two dif- • Anemia, low neutrophil count, and low platelet
ferent transcription factors. Activating mutations count
of NOTCH1, a gene encoding a transmembrane • Metabolic abnormalities (e.g., high serum uric
receptor that regulates normal T-cell develop- acid and phosphorus levels)
ment, and mutations of PAX5, a gene essential
for B-lineage commitment and maintenance, have The diagnosis of ALL is based on a morpho-
been identified to be the most frequent coopera- logic examination of bone marrow cells (Figs. 1,
tive mutations in T-cell and B-cell ALL, respec- 2, and 3) and immunophenotype of cells from the
tively. Genome-wide studies including second- same sample. Karyotyping, fluorescence in situ
generation sequencing (exome, transcriptome, hybridization (FISH), and molecular genetic anal-
and whole-genome sequencing) have resulted in ysis by RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase-
the revision of genetic classification of ALL by polymerase chain reaction) are now routinely
identifying new subtypes, defined the constella- performed by many centers to identify subtypes
tions of structural genetic alterations and sequenc- of ALL with prognostic and therapeutic signifi-
ing mutations that characterize each subtype, and cance, for example:
identified genetic targets for therapy.
Although most leukemias begin in the bone • BCR-ABL1 fusion gene due to the t(9;22), or
marrow and spread to other parts of the body, Philadelphia chromosome – 25% of adult cases
some may arise in an extramedullary site, such and 3–4% of childhood cases (improved out-
as the thymus or intestine, and subsequently come with tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment)
invade the bone marrow. The presenting features • ETV6-RUNX1 (also known as TEL-AML1)
of ALL generally reflect the degree of bone mar- fusion gene due to a cryptic t(12;21) – 22%
row failure and the extent of extramedullary of childhood cases (favorable prognosis)
spread. Common signs and symptoms are:

Acute Lymphoblastic
Leukemia, Fig. 1 Small
regular blasts with scanty
cytoplasm, homogeneous
nuclear chromatin, and
inconspicuous nucleoli
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 41

Acute Lymphoblastic
Leukemia, Fig. 2 Mature
B-cell ALL blasts
characterized by intensely A
basophilic cytoplasm,
regular cellular features,
prominent nucleoli, and
cytoplasmic vacuolation

Acute Lymphoblastic
Fig. 3 Admixture of large
blasts with moderate
amounts of cytoplasm and
smaller blasts. Such cases
may be mistaken for acute
myeloid leukemia,
emphasizing the importance
of immunophenotyping and
genotyping to corroborate
the differential diagnosis

• Hyperdiploidy (more than 50 chromosomes minimal residual during remission induction and
per cell) – 25% of childhood cases (favorable consolidation therapy is the most important prog-
prognosis) nostic indicator because it accounts for the collec-
• Hypodiploidy (fewer than 45 chromosomes tive effect of leukemic cell genetics, micro-
per cell) – 2% of childhood cases and 2% of environment, host factors, and chemotherapy
adult cases (unfavorable prognosis) potency.
Multidrug remission induction regimens
Contemporary risk-directed treatment can cure almost always include a glucocorticoid (predni-
up to 90% of children and up to 50% of adults sone, prednisolone, or dexamethasone), vincris-
with ALL. Cases are generally classified as stan- tine, and at least a third agent (L-asparaginase or
dard or high risk in adults and as low, standard, anthracycline), administered for 4–6 weeks. Some
and high risk in children. Factors used to deter- treatments rely on additional agents to increase
mine the relapse hazard include the presenting the level of cell kill, thereby reducing the likeli-
leukocyte count, age at diagnosis, gender, hood of the development of drug resistance and
immunophenotype, karyotype, molecular genetic subsequent relapse. However, several studies sug-
abnormalities, initial response to therapy, and the gest that intensive remission induction therapy
amount of “minimal residual leukemia” upon may not be necessary for low or standard-risk
achieving a complete remission. The level of patients, provided that they receive postinduction
42 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

intensification therapy. Remission induction rates treatment modality in up to 10% of patients who
now range from 98% to 99% in children and from are at very high risk of relapse in the central
80% to 95% in adults. Complete clinical remis- nervous system.
sion is traditionally defined as restoration of nor- For selected high-risk cases, such as patients
mal blood cell formation with a blast cell fraction who require extended therapy to attain initial
of less than 5% by light microscopic examination complete remission or those with high level or
of the bone marrow. With this definition, some persistence of minimal residual disease after
patients in complete remission may harbor as remission induction, hematopoietic stem cell
many as 1  1010 leukemic cells in their body. transplantation is currently the treatment of
With sensitive and specific methods developed to choice. In light of the development of new thera-
measure minimal residual disease, it is now rec- peutics, the indications for transplantation should
ognized that most patients actually have less than be continuously evaluated. For example, therapy
0.01% of residual leukemia after 4–6 weeks of with ABL1 ▶ tyrosine kinase inhibitors
remission induction therapy, and they have excel- (▶ imatinib mesylate, dasatinib, ▶ nilotinib or
lent treatment outcome. By contrast, patients with ponatinib) has improved the duration of remission
1% or more leukemic cells after remission induc- of patients with Philadelphia chromosome-
tion treatment have a poor prognosis and may be positive ALL, and those with Philadelphia
candidates for hematopoietic stem cell transplan- chromosome-like ALL and “ABL-class” kinase
tation. To improve treatment outcome, most pro- alterations, and reduced the need of transplanta-
tocols specify an intensification (or consolidation) tion for a substantial proportion of these patients.
phase in which several effective antileukemic The development of chimeric antigen receptor-
drugs are administered in high doses soon after modified autologous or allogeneic T cells prom-
the patients attain a complete remission. ises to provide a new treatment option. Finally, the
Reinduction treatment, essentially a repetition of optimal clinical management of patients with
the initial induction therapy administered during ALL requires careful attention to methods for
the first few months of remission, has become an the prevention or treatment of metabolic and
integral component of successful ALL treatment infectious complications, which may otherwise
protocol. be fatal.
Regardless of the intensity of induction, con-
solidation, or reinduction therapy, all children
require 2–2½ years of continuation treatment,
usually methotrexate and mercaptopurine, with Cross-References
pulses of vincristine and dexamethasone for
low-risk cases, and multiagent intensive chemo- ▶ Imatinib
therapy for standard- and high-risk cases. The ▶ Nilotinib
need for continuation therapy in adults is less ▶ Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
clear, although in most cases it is discontinued
after 2–2½ years of complete remission. The cen- References
tral nervous system can be a sanctuary site for
leukemic cells, requiring intensive, intrathecally Pui C-H, Campana D, Pei D et al (2009) Treating child-
administered chemotherapy that begins early dur- hood acute lymphoblastic leukemia without cranial
irradiation. N Engl J Med 360:2730–27412
ing the remission induction phase, extending Pui C-H, Pei D, Coustan-Smith E et al (2015a) Clinical
through the consolidation phase and into the con- utility of sequential minimal residual disease measure-
tinuation phase. Once considered standard treat- ments in the context of risk-directed therapy in child-
ment, prophylactic cranial irradiation can be hood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: a prospective
study. Lancet Oncol 16:465–474
safely omitted in contemporary protocols featur- Pui C-H, Yang JJ, Hunger SP et al (2015b) Childhood
ing effective systemic and intrathecal chemother- acute lymphoblastic leukemia: progress through col-
apy. However, some protocols still use this laboration. J Clin Oncol 33:2938–2948
Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia 43

Roberts KG, Mullighan CG (2015) Genomics in acute lead to a novel clinically meaningful classification
lymphoblastic leukaemia: insights and treatment impli- of the disease.
cations. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 12:344–357
Zhang J, Walsh MF, Wu G et al (2015) Germline mutations A
in predisposition genes in pediatric cancer. N Engl
J Med 373:2336–2346 Characteristics

See Also Epidemiology

(2012) Dasatinib. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of AMKL is diagnosed in 7–10% of infants and
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1060.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1518 children with AML without Down syndrome
(2012) Extramedullary. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia (DS). In most pediatric cases the disease occurs
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1366. de novo and subgroups can be identified based on
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2074 cytogenetic features or biological features as
(2012) Karyotype. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1941. described later. In contrast, AMKL is rare in
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3200 adults, occurring in 1–2% of all AML cases and
(2012) Remission. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of is frequently associated with antecedent hemato-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3225. logical disorder such as myelodysplastic
(2012) Sanctuary site. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of syndrome.
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3334. Children with DS have a markedly increased
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5154 risk to developing AMKL and represent up to
10% of children with AML. A large proportion
of children with DS (estimated 10%) are born with
a unique transient form of AMKL, often called
transient myeloproliferative disorder (TMD) or
Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM). This
congenital leukemia resolves spontaneously in
Jean-Pierre Bourquin1 and Shai Izraeli2 most of the patients. Up to 20% of those patients
Pediatric Oncology, University Children’s will relapse with a full blown AMKL by the age of
Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland 4 years. Thus the leukemia of DS represents a
Pediatric Hemato-Oncology, Sheba Medical unique clinical entity of multistep leukemogenesis
Center and Tel Aviv University, Ramat Gan, Israel (Fig. 1).

Clinical and pathologic features

Synonyms Typical features at diagnosis include hepato-
splenomegaly, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and
Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia M7; Acute myelofibrosis. The fibrosis is probably caused by
myeloid leukemia; DS-ML; Myeloid leukemia soluble factors (such as TGF-b) secreted from the
of Down syndrome; Subtype AML-M7 malignant megakaryoblasts. Infants with DS may
exhibit marked liver failure that sometimes may
be life threatening. The liver failure is secondary
Definition to liver fibrosis caused by the infiltration of leu-
kemic cells.
Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) is ▶ Flow cytometry is the preferred method for
defined as a malignant clonal proliferation of immunophenotypic characterization of AMKL,
immature hematopoietic cells of the megakaryo- although in some cases the diagnosis can only be
cytic lineage. AMKL is a subtype of acute mye- made from bone marrow or liver biopsies due to
loid leukemia (AML). The biologic features of extensive myelofibrosis. Typically, the leukemic
AMKL are heterogeneous, and the ongoing char- blasts express at least one megakaryoblastic anti-
acterization of the disease pathogenesis is likely to gen [CD41(GPIIb)/CD42b(GPIbalpha) or CD61].
44 Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia

GATA1 mut
3rd hit AMKL

1st hit



– 9 months birth 3 years

Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia, Fig. 1 Multistep to cure. However in about 20% of the patients, additional
evolution of AMKL in Down syndrome. Mutation in postnatal acquired mutations in residual cells from the
GATA1 is acquired during fetal liver hematopoiesis in resolved TMD results in the development of full blown
cells carrying a germline trisomy 21 and results in congen- acute megakaryocytic leukemia (AMKL) during early
ital clonal megakaryoblastic proliferation (TMD). In childhood
almost all patients TMD resolves spontaneously leading

Coexpression of the T-lineage marker CD7 is immature fetal megakaryoblasts. The mutations
frequently observed, suggesting pathogenic occur during fetal liver hematopoiesis. The initia-
mechanism that could lead to aberrant regulation tion of the leukemia during fetal liver hematopoi-
of lymphoid genes. Expression of erythroid esis explains the frequent liver dysfunction
markers (e.g., glycophorin A) and of CD36 observed in DS newborns with TMD. Strikingly,
(thrombospondine receptor) characterize the GATA1 is located on chromosome X and is
AMKL of DS. Because AMKL blasts may display mutated only in AMKL with trisomy 21. The
low expression levels of the pan-hematopoietic precise mechanism by which trisomy 21 promotes
CD45 antigen, the distinction from metastatic the survival of cells with acquired mutation in
solid tumors may be challenging. GATA1 is presently unknown. One hypothesis
suggests that genes on chromosome 21 code pro-
Cytogenetic and Biological Features teins enhance fetal megakaryopoiesis. This devel-
Increasing evidence suggest that distinct subtypes opmental pressure of megakaryopoiesis coupled
of AMKL can be identified based on genetic and with differentiation arresting mutation in GATA1
molecular characteristics. Recurrent cytogenetic causes clonal accumulation of megakaryoblasts
abnormalities are specifically associated with diagnosed at birth as TMD. GATA1 mutation is
AMKL and at least in part convey a prognostic necessary and probably sufficient for the develop-
significance. ment TMD, but additional mutations are required
The megakaryoblastic disorders associated for the occurrence of full blown AMKL in DS
with DS (both AMKL and TMD) are character- patients. Why TMD spontaneously resolves and
ized by the presence of an acquired mutation in which mutations cause further evolution to
the transcription factor GATA1. The mutations AMKL is largely unknown.
occur in exon 2 or in the beginning of exon There are several biological subgroups among
3 and uniformly result in the production of a patients with AMKL that do not have DS. The
short GATA1 protein (GATA1s) that lacks the most frequent recurrent chromosomal aberration
amino-terminal of the full length GATA1. detected in non-DS AMKL is the translocation
GATA1 is a major regulator of normal t(1;22), which typically occurs in infants and
megakaryopoiesis. GATA1s blocks terminal dif- very young children that present with hepatosple-
ferentiation and enhances proliferation of nomegaly and pronounced myelofibrosis. This
Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia 45

translocation fuses RBM15/OTT1, an RNA determine if this information could be used as

export factor to MKL1/MAL1, a cofactor of the prognostic marker to guide selection of treatment
transcription factor SRF (serum response factor). intensity. A
Less commonly, fusion translocations between
the MLL gene and different partners, often Prognosis and Treatment
AF10, have been reported in AMKL. Interestingly, Treatment results from several international study
a second translocation involving AF10, the trans- groups, including the European AML-BFM study
location t(10;11) which results in the fusion of group and UK-MRC cooperative groups, and the
CALM (clathrin-assembly protein-like lymphoid north american SJCRH and CCG cooperative
myeloid) with AF10, was reported in several groups show a marked difference in treatment
cases. This translocation was also identified in outcome between DS and non-DS AMK-
other AML subtypes and in cases of T-cell L. Reduction of treatment intensity for patients
ALL. In a mouse model, infection of bone marrow with DS resulted in a marked decrease in treat-
cells with a retroviral vector to express CALM- ment related mortality and an excellent treatment
AF10 results in a transplantable AML, demon- outcome (91% event-free survival at 5 years in the
strating that this fusion gene represents a funda- AML-BFM 98 study), strongly suggesting a dis-
mental leukemogenic event. tinct leukemia biology between DS and non-DS
By gene expression profiling, at least two AMKL patients. AMKL blasts from patients with
distinct classes of non-DS AMKL could be dis- DS are extremely sensitive to the chemotherapy
criminated based on their molecular phenotype. drug cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C), probably due
Approximately one third of the cases display an to a decrease in its cellular degradation caused by
erythroid expression pattern coupled with expres- an enzyme regulated by GATA1.
sion of CD36 and higher expression levels of the The results for patients with AMKL excluding
transcription factor GATA1 in absence of detect- patients with DS are still poor, despite intensifica-
able mutations. Interestingly, this gene expression tion of AML treatment regimens. The 5-year
signature is reminiscent to the increased expres- event-free survival (EFS) reported for the treat-
sion of erythroid markers detected in AMKL from ment regimen correspond to results obtained for
DS patients, which are characterized by increased other AML subtypes, with EFS of 42% reported
expression levels of mutated GATA1s. The sec- for the AML-BFM93/98 trials and of 47%
ond subtype of non-DS AMKL samples include reported by the UK-MRC 10 and 12 clinical trials.
all cases with recurrent translocation t(1;22). Further research is necessary to identify new treat-
Interestingly, samples that share similar expres- ment modalities and biomarkers to guide treat-
sion profiles with the samples positive for the ment intensification, including the indication for
translocation t(1;22) are characterized by bone marrow transplantation for patients at
increased expression levels of another SRF cofac- highest risk of relapse. Data in mouse models
tor, HOP, suggesting that similar regulatory path- suggest that targeted therapy with antibodies
ways may be involved. This second class is directed against the surface marker CD44 may
associated with higher levels of expression of the be a future therapeutic.
surface antigen ▶ CD44, which was associated
with worse outcome in other type of malignancies
and coexpressed on the leukemia initiating cells
from patients with AML. It is currently not possi- References
ble to determine if the distinction of these two
classes by expression profiling has a prognostic Bourquin JP, Subramanian A, Langebrake C et al (2006)
significance due to the small numbers of patients Identification of distinct molecular phenotypes in acute
megakaryoblastic leukemia by gene expression profil-
that were treated on different therapeutic proto-
ing. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103:3339–3344
cols. A prospective study using selected genes Ge Y, Stout ML, Tatman DA et al (2005) GATA1, cytidine
from the AMKL signature will be required to deaminase, and the high cure rate of Down syndrome
46 Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia M7

children with acute megakaryocytic leukemia. J Natl myeloid line of cellular development. It is defined
Cancer Inst 97:226–231 by the malignant transformation of a bone marrow-
Izraeli S (2006) Down’s syndrome as a model of a
pre-leukemic condition. Haematologica 91:1448–1452 derived, self-renewing stem cell or progenitor which
Oki Y, Kantarjian HM, Zhou X et al (2006) Adult acute demonstrates a decreased rate of self-destruction
megakaryocytic leukemia: an analysis of 37 patients and aberrant differentiation. Uncontrolled growth
treated at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Blood of such cells, named blasts, is the result of clonal
Reinhardt D, Diekamp S, Langebrake C et al (2005) Acute proliferation. Blasts accumulate in the bone marrow
megakaryoblastic leukemia in children and adoles- and other organs. As a result, mature cells of hema-
cents, excluding Down’s syndrome: improved outcome topoiesis are suppressed. For the leukemia to be
with intensified induction treatment. Leukemia called acute, the bone marrow must include greater
than 20% leukemic blasts.

Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia
M7 Classification
The first comprehensive morphologic-
▶ Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia
histochemical classification system for AML was
developed by the French-American-British (FAB)
Cooperative Group. This classification system cat-
egorizes AML into eight major subtypes (M0 to
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia M7) based on morphology and immunohistochem-
ical detection of lineage markers. This classifica-
▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia
tion of AML was revised under the auspices of
the World Health Organization (WHO) (see
List 1). In 2008 the World Health Organization
(WHO), in collaboration with the European Asso-
Acute Myeloid Leukemia ciation for Haematopathology and the Society for
Hematopathology, published a revised and updated
Barbara Deschler edition of the WHO Classification of Tumors of the
Comprehensive Cancer Center Mainfranken, Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. The 4th
Clinical Trials Office, University of Würzburg, edition of the WHO classification incorporates
Würzburg, Germany new information that has emerged from scientific
and clinical studies in the interval since the publi-
cation of the 3rd edition in 2001, and includes new
Synonyms criteria for the recognition of some previously
described neoplasms as well as clarification and
Acute granulocytic leukemia; Acute myelogenous refinement of the defining criteria for others. It
leukemia; Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia; also adds entities-some defined principally by
ANLL genetic features-that have been characterized.

Definition List 1
Acute myeloid leukemia with recurrent genetic
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is part of a group
AML with t(8;21)(q22;q22); RUNX1-RUNX1T1
of hematological malignancies (▶ Hematological AML with inv(16)(p13.1q22) or t(16;16)(p13.1;q22);
Malignancies, Leukemias and Lymphomas) in the CBFB-MYH11
bone marrow involving cells committed to the (continued)
Acute Myeloid Leukemia 47

List 1 abnormalities t(15;17), t(8;21), inv(16) or t(16;16) and

some cases of erythroleukemia
APL with t(15;17)(q22;q12); PML-RARAa a
Other recurring translocations involving RARA should be
AML with t(9;11)(p22;q23); MLLT3-MLLb reported accordingly: e.g., AML with t(11;17)(q23;q12)/ A
AML with t(6;9)(p23;q34); DEK-NUP214 ZBTB16-RARA; AML with t(11;17)(q13;q12); NUMA1-
AML with inv(3)(q21q26.2) or t(3;3)(q21;q26.2); RARA; AML with t(5;17)(q35;q12); NPM1-RARA; or
RPN1-EVI1 AML with STAT5B-RARA (the latter having a normal
AML (megakaryoblastic) with t(1;22)(p13;q13); chromosome 17 on conventional cytogenetic analysis)
RBM15-MKL1 Other translocations involving MLL should be reported
accordingly: e.g., AML with t(6;11)(q27;q23); MLLT4-
Provisional entity: AML with mutated NPM1
MLL; AML with t(11;19)(q23;p13.3); MLL-MLLT1; AML
Provisional entity: AML with mutated CEBPA with t(11;19)(q23;p13.1); MLL-ELL; AML with t(10;11)
Acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia-related (p12;q23); MLLT10-MLL
changesc c
> 20% blood or marrow blasts AND any of the following:
Therapy-related myeloid neoplasmsd previous history of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), or
Acute myeloid leukemia, not otherwise specified myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS/
(NOS) MPN); myelodysplasia-related cytogenetic abnormality
Acute myeloid leukemia with minimal differentiation (see below); multilineage dysplasia; AND absence of
both prior cytotoxic therapy for unrelated disease and
Acute myeloid leukemia without maturation
aforementioned recurring genetic abnormalities; cytoge-
Acute myeloid leukemia with maturation netic abnormalities sufficient to diagnose AML with
Acute myelomonocytic leukemia myelodysplasia-related changes are: complex karyotype
Acute monoblastic/monocytic leukemia (defined as 3 or more chromosomal abnormalities) unbal-
Acute erythroid leukemia anced changes: 7 or del(7q); 5 or del(5q); i(17q) or t
(17p); 13 or del(13q); del(11q); del(12p) or t(12p); del
Pure erythroid leukemia
(9q); idic(X)(q13); balanced changes: t(11;16)(q23;p13.3);
Erythroleukemia, erythroid/myeloid t(3;21)(q26.2;q22.1); t(1;3)(p36.3;q21.1); t(2;11)(p21;
Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia q23); t(5;12)(q33;p12); t(5;7)(q33;q11.2); t(5;17)(q33;
Acute basophilic leukemia p13); t(5;10)(q33;q21); t(3;5)(q25;q34)
Acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis (syn.: acute Cytotoxic agents implicated in therapy-related hemato-
myelofibrosis; acute myelosclerosis) logic neoplasms: alkylating agents; ionizing radiation ther-
Myeloid sarcoma (syn.: extramedullary myeloid apy; topoisomerase II inhibitors; others
tumor; granulocytic sarcoma; chloroma) BCR-ABL1 positive leukemia may present as mixed phe-
notype acute leukemia, but should be treated as BCR-
Myeloid proliferations related to Down syndrome ABL1 positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Transient abnormal myelopoiesis (syn.: transient
myeloproliferative disorder)
Myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm
Acute leukemias of ambiguous lineage
Acute undifferentiated leukemia
AML is infrequent but highly malignant, respon-
Mixed phenotype acute leukemia with t(9;22)(q34; sible for a large number of cancer-related deaths.
q11.2); BCR-ABL1e AML accounts for approximately 25% of all leu-
Mixed phenotype acute leukemia with t(v;11q23); kemias in adults in industrialized countries and,
MLL rearranged thus, is the most frequent form of leukemia.
Mixed phenotype acute leukemia, B/myeloid, NOS Worldwide, the incidence of AML is highest in
Mixed phenotype acute leukemia, T/myeloid, NOS the USA, Australia, and Western Europe.
Provisional entity: Natural killer (NK) cell According to the SEER database (http://seer.
lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma
cancer.gov) the age-adjusted incidence rate of
Adopted from Arber DA, Vardiman JW, Brunning RD,
et al. Acute myeloid leukaemia with recurrent genetic
AML in the USA in the years 1975–2012 has
abnormalities. In: WHO Classification of Tumours of been relatively stable at approximately 3.4-4 per
Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. Fourth Edition. 100,000 persons (=2.5 per 100,000 when
Edited by Swerdlow, S.H., Campo E., Harris N.L., Jaffe age-adjusted to the world standard population).
E.S., Pileri S.A., Stein H., Thiele J., Vardiman J.W (edi-
tors). Geneva, Switzerland. WHO PRESS 2008. For a
The American Cancer Society estimates that
diagnosis of AML, a marrow blast count of 20% is 11,930 individuals will be diagnosed with AML
required, except for AML with the recurrent genetic in 2006 in the USA. Patients that are newly
48 Acute Myeloid Leukemia


Incidence rate per

100,000 persons
4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 5+
to to 8
0 5 0 to 5 to 0 to 5 to 0 to 5 to 0 to 5 to 0 to 5 to 0 to 5 to 0 to 5 to 0 to
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8
Age group

Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Fig. 1 Age-specific incidence of AML (USA: 2000–2003) (Source: SEER)

diagnosed with AML have a median age of Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Table 1 Risk factors
65 years. From 2000 to 2003, the US incidence Genetic disorders Down syndrome
rate in people under the age of 65 was only 1.8 per Klinefelter syndrome
100,000, while the incidence rate in people Patau syndrome
aged 65 or over was 17 per 100,000 (Fig. 1). Ataxia telangiectasia
AML is thus primarily a disease of later Shwachman syndrome
adulthood with an age-dependent mortality of Kostman syndrome
2.7 to nearly 18 per 100,000. The incidence of Neurofibromatosis
AML varies to a small degree depending on gen- Fanconi anemia
der and race. AML in adults is slightly Li–Fraumeni syndrome
Physical and Benzene
more prevalent in males in most countries. In the
chemical exposure Drugs as pipobroman
USA in 2000, AML was more common in Whites
with 3.8 per 100,000 than in Blacks (3.2 per
Cigarette smoking
Embalming fluids
Etiology Radiation Exposure Nontherapeutic/therapeutic
The development of AML has been associated radiation
with several risk factors summarized in Table 1. Chemotherapy Alkylating agents
Generally, only a small number of observed topoisomerase II inhibitors
cases can be traced back to known risk factors. Anthracyclines
These include age, antecedent hematological dis- Taxanes
ease, genetic disorders as well as exposures to
radiation, chemical or other hazardous substances
(e.g., benzene), and previous chemotherapy (e.g.,
treatment with ▶ alkylating agents). Leukemo- Signs and Symptoms of AML
genesis, like ▶ carcinogenesis, is a multistep pro- AML can cause different uncharacteristic signs
cess that requires the susceptibility of a and symptoms such as weight loss, unusual
hematopoietic progenitor cell to inductive agents fatigue, and fever. Many patients feel a loss of
at multiple stages. The different subtypes of AML well-being. Most symptoms can be traced back
may have distinct causal mechanisms, suggesting to bone marrow insufficiency: anemia, immuno-
a functional link between a particular molecular deficiency caused by neutropenia, and thrombo-
abnormality or mutation and the causal agent. cytopenia. Diagnostic procedures and types of
Most cases of AML arise without objectifiable specimen necessary to reach the diagnosis of
leukemogenic exposure. AML are the following:
Acute Myeloid Leukemia 49

AML that is characterized by deletions of the

long arms or monosomies of chromosomes 5 or
7; by translocations or inversions of chromosome A
3, t(6;9), t(9;22); or by abnormalities of chromo-
some 11q23 have particularly poor prognoses.
Further adverse prognostic factors include cen-
tral nervous system involvement with leukemia,
elevated white blood cell count (>100,000/mm3),
treatment-induced AML, and a history of
MDS. Leukemias in which cells express the pro-
genitor cell antigen CD34 and/or the
Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Fig. 2 Myeloid blasts in P-glycoprotein (MDR1 gene product) have an
peripheral blood detected by light microscopy inferior outcome. Due to a higher relapse rate,
patients with AML associated with an internal
• Blood cell counts and microscopic blood cell tandem duplication of the FLT3 gene (FLT3/ITD
examination (Fig. 2) mutation) have a poorer outcome.
• Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy Beyond these disease-specific factors, patient-
• Routine microscopic exam of bone marrow specific parameters like comorbidities and frailty
• Flow cytometry have a strong impact on the course of the disease
• Immunocytochemistry and treatment tolerability, as reflected by the
• Cytogenetics age-dependent surge in mortality. Comorbidity
• Molecular genetic studies describes any distinct additional clinical entity
that has existed or may occur during the clinical
The peripheral blood count may reveal a course of a patient with a primary (index) disease.
decreased white blood cell count (leukopenia) as There is currently no consensus on how to quan-
well as leukocytosis (increased white blood cell tify comorbidities, but several scales and indices
count). Leukemia cells do not protect against are available.
infection and may cause congestion of blood ves-
sels (leukostasis). Thrombocytopenia, a decrease Therapy
of platelets, can lead to excessive bruising, pete- Therapeutic approaches can be differentiated as
chiae, and bleeding. When leukemia cells spread curative (aimed at long-term cure) or palliative
outside the bone marrow, it is called (principally aimed at achieving best quality of
extramedullary manifestation. Small pigmented life) (▶ palliative therapy).
spots that look like common rashes may indicate Curative intensive ▶ chemotherapy treatment
skin involvement. A tumor-like collection of for AML is considered the standard procedure,
AML cells is called chloroma or granulocytic usually divided in two phases, induction and con-
sarcoma. AML sometimes causes enlargement of solidation (post-remission) therapy. It is tradition-
the liver and spleen. ally based on two substances, cytarabine (cytosine
arabinoside) and anthracycline. The objective of a
Prognostic Factors curative treatment approach is to rapidly eliminate
AML is a curable disease; the chance of cure for a the cancer cells with induction chemotherapy,
specific patient depends on a number of prognos- called remission. Complete remission occurs in
tic factors. Some of the strongest prognostic infor- 60–80% of patients. More than 15% of adults
mation can be obtained by cytogenetic analysis. with AML (about 25% of those who attain com-
Normal cytogenetics indicates average-risk plete remission) can be expected to survive 3 or
AML. Cytogenetic abnormalities that suggest a more years and may be cured. Remission rates in
good prognosis include translocations t(8;21) adult AML are inversely related to age, with an
and t(15;17), as well as inv(16). Patients with expected remission rate of >65% for those
50 Acute Myeloid Leukemia

younger than 60 years. Duration of remission may ▶ Nucleoporin

be shorter in older patients. Increased morbidity ▶ Palliative Therapy
and mortality during induction appear to be ▶ Supportive Care
directly related to age. This is associated with
several factors including the ability to tolerate
intensive treatment approaches. Without treat-
ment, the average life expectancy is about Brunning RD, Matutes E, Harris NL et al (2001) Acute
3 months. Complications during treatment include myeloid leukaemia: introduction. In: Jaffe ES, Harris
relapse of the disease, severe infections, or life- NL, Stein H (eds) Pathology and genetics of tumours of
threatening bleeding. During this time, supportive haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues, vol 3, World
Health Organization Classification of Tumours. IARC
care consists of patient isolation to prevent infec- Press, Lyon, pp 77–80
tion, antibiotics to treat infections, and transfusion Deschler B, de Witte T, Mertelsmann R et al (2006) Treat-
of blood products. After remission is achieved, ment decision-making for older patients with high-risk
further treatment is known as consolidation and myelodysplastic syndrome or acute myeloid leukemia:
problems and approaches. Haematologica
is necessary in order to achieve a permanent cure. 91(11):1513–1522
Consolidation may consist of either further che- Döhner H, Estey E, Amadori S, et al (2010) Diagnosis
motherapy or a bone marrow, or stem cell trans- and Management of acute myeloid leukemia in
plantation. The aforementioned treatments are adults: Report from an International Expert Panel, on
Behalf of the European LeukemiaNet. Blood
appropriate for all subtypes of AML except for 115:453–74.
one type of AML known as ▶ acute Grimwade D, Walker H, Harrison G et al (2001) The
promyelocytic leukemia (APL). predictive value of hierarchical cytogenetic classifica-
Newer treatments, especially for those patients tion in older adults with acute myeloid leukemia
(AML): analysis of 1065 patients entered into the
not tolerating intensive chemotherapy, include United Kingdom Medical Research Council AML11
monoclonal antibodies, demethylating agents, trial. Blood 98(5):1312–1320
and experimental drugs given in clinical trials. Parkin DM, Whelan SL, Ferlay J et al (eds) (1997) Cancer
Thus, while the diagnosis of AML in itself does incidence in five continents, vol 7. IARC Scientific
Publications, Lyon
not represent a therapeutic mandate for intensive Ries LAG, Harkins D, Krapcho M et al (eds) (2006) SEER
chemotherapy in all cases, the latter is the only cancer statistics review, 1975–2003. National Cancer
curative approach to treatment. Decisions whether Institute, Bethesda
to treat patients with intensive chemotherapy, new
agents, or solely best ▶ supportive care should be See Also
based on a sum of patient factors (including age, (2012) Clonal Proliferation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
previous history of MDS, comorbidity, frailty, and pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 884. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1220
patients’ preferences), in addition to the blast (2012) Comorbidity. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
count and the above-described prognostic factors. Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 960.
Careful consideration of these factors is especially doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1280
relevant in older, multimorbid patients with AML. (2012) Cytogenetic Analysis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 1050. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1468
(2012) Differentiation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cross-References Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1113.
(2012) Hematopoiesis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1644.
▶ Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2616
▶ Alkylating Agents (2012) Myeloid. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
▶ Carcinogenesis cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2436.
▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and (2012) Petechiae. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Lymphomas Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2829.
▶ Myelodysplastic Syndromes doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4481
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia 51

(NPM), nuclear mitotic apparatus (NuMA), and

Acute Myeloid Leukemia 1 signal transducer and activator of transcription
5B (STAT5b). This leads to the generation of A
▶ Runx1 fusion genes encoding distinct fusion proteins.
The sensitivity of APL to the differentiating action
of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) is differentially
mediated by the various fusion proteins (see
Acute Nonlymphocytic Leukemia Molecular Characterization).

▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia


Clinical and Laboratorial Presentation

Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia The symptoms of APL are similar to those of other
subtypes of AML such as weight loss, fatigue,
Li-Zhen He1, Lorena L. Figueiredo-Pontes2, weakness, pallor, fever, and bleeding. These
Eduardo M. Rego2 and Pier Paolo Pandolfi3 symptoms manifest acutely and are accompanied
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Weill by petechiae, bruising, oral bleeding, or epistaxis
Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences, as well as symptoms and signs related to specific
New York, NY, USA bacterial infections. Patients with APL are partic-
Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, University of ularly susceptible to disseminated intravascular
São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil coagulation (DIC) and extensive bleeding is com-
Division of Genetics, Beth Israel Deaconess mon at onset. The most common sites of clinically
Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA overt extramedullary leukemic infiltration include
superficial lymphonodes, liver, and spleen. The
leukocyte counts are usually lower than those
Definition observed in other AML subtypes and the differ-
ential counts reveal a variable percentage of blasts
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is a distinct in the majority of patients. In most cases, anemia
subtype of ▶ acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and thrombocytopenia are present at diagnosis.
characterized by the expansion of leukemic cells Abnormal promyelocytes constitute more than
blocked at the promyelocytic stage of 20% of marrow-nucleated cells or more than
myelopoiesis. According to the French–Ameri- 20% of leukocytes in peripheral blood. Leukemic
can–British (FAB) classification of acute leuke- blasts are morphologically characterized by the
mia, APL corresponds to the M3 and M3-variant presence of distinctive, large cytoplasmic gran-
subtypes, and according to World Health Organi- ules, frequent multiple Auer rods, and a folded
zation classification (2001) it corresponds to the nucleus. The hypogranular variant (M3-variant) is
subtype: AML associated with translocations characterized by the expansion of blasts
involving chromosomes 15 and 17 [t(15;17)] and containing large number of small granules that
variants. APL accounts for 5–10% of adult AML may be difficult to distinguish by light microscopy
patients in Caucasian populations and for 20–30% and may be wrongly classified as monoblasts.
among patients with Latino ancestry. Invariably, However, both in the classical and variant M3
APL leukemic cells harbor ▶ chromosomal trans- subtypes the cells are strongly positive for
locations involving the retinoic acid receptor a myeloperoxidase staining. A more rare
(RARa) gene on chromosome 17 (Table 1), which hyperbasophilic variant has been described.
may be fused to one of five possible partner genes: The diagnosis is usually suspected upon the
promyelocytic leukemia (PML), promyelocytic morphological examination of bone marrow and
leukemia zinc finger (PLZF), nucleophosmin peripheral blood smears. The immunophenotypic
52 Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia

Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia, Table 1 Molecular genetics of acute promyelocytic leukemia

Translocation Fusion proteins Response to RA
t(15;17) PML–RARa RARa–PML Good
t(11;17) PLZF–RARa RARa–PLZF Poor
t(5;17) NPM–RARa RARa–NPM Good
t(11;17) NuMA–RARa RARa–NuMA? Good
t(17;17) STAT5b–RARa RARa–STAT5b? Poor?

profile suggestive of APL is composed by heter- NPM gene, to the NuMA gene, or to the STAT 5B
ogenous intensity of expression of the CD13 sur- gene located on chromosomes 11, 5, 11, or
face marker associated with a homogenous 17, respectively. The various translocations result
expression of CD33; HLA-DR is negative in the in the generation of X–RARa and RARa–X fusion
majority of cases, and the expression of CD15 and genes and the coexpression of their chimeric prod-
CD34 is mutually exclusive and usually dim. The ucts in the leukemic blasts. The characterization
genetic confirmation of gene rearrangements of the genetic events of APL, and the availability
involving the RARa locus is mandatory and can of techniques such as FISH and RT-PCR, render it
be done by classical cytogenetics, FISH, or possible to confirm the diagnosis at the molecular
RT-PCR. The pattern of immunofluorescence level and to monitor minimal residual disease.
staining using an anti-PML antibody is also useful RARa is a member of the superfamily of
for a rapid diagnosis of APL. In APL cells, a nuclear receptors, which acts as a retinoic acid
nuclear microspeckled pattern is observed in con- (RA)-dependent transcriptional activator in its
trast to other subtypes of AML in which larger and heterodimeric form with retinoid-X-receptors
less numerous dots (nuclear bodies) are evident. (RXR). In the absence of RA, RAR/RXR
DIC occurs in 75% of M3 patients accompa- heterodimers can repress transcription through
nied by secondary fibrinolysis. The cause of histone deacetylation by recruiting nuclear recep-
coagulopathy is complex, resulting from a com- tor corepressors (SMRT), Sin3A, or Sin3B, which
bination of tissue factors and cancer procoagulant- in turn, form complexes with histone deacetylases
induced activation of the coagulation, exagger- (HDAC) resulting in nucleosome assembly and
ated fibrinolysis due predominantly to enhanced transcription repression. PML–RARa represses
expression of annexin II on APL blasts and blast transcription not only through HDAC but also
cell production of cytokines. Laboratory evidence via interactions with DNA methyltransferases
of DIC (prolonged prothrombine time and partial (DNMTs) leading to hypermethylation at target
thromboplastin time, decreased fibrinogen, and promoters. The epigenetic changes induced by
increased fibrin degradation products) should be PML–RARa are stable and maintained through-
examined in all APL patients. out cell divisions. ATRA causes the disassociation
of the corepressor complex and the recruitment of
Molecular Characterization transcriptional coactivators to the RAR/RXR
APL has been well characterized at the molecular complex. This is thought to result in terminal
level and has become one of the most compelling differentiation and growth arrest of various types
examples of aberrant transcriptional regulation in of cells, including normal myeloid hematopoietic
cancer pathogenesis. Due to reciprocal transloca- cells. The X–RARa fusion proteins function as
tions, the RARa gene on chromosome 17 is fused aberrant transcriptional repressors, at least in part,
to one of five distinct partner genes (for brevity, through their ability to form repressive complexes
hereafter referred as X genes; Table 1). In the vast with corepressors such as NCoR and HDACs.
majority of cases, RARa fuses to the PML gene PLZF–RARa can also form, via its PLZF moiety,
(originally named myl) on chromosome 15. In a corepressor complexes that are less sensitive to
few cases, RARa fuses to the PLZF gene, to the RA than the PML–RARa corepressor complexes,
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia 53

thus justifying the poorer response to TM contributed to the understanding of the impor-
RA-treatment observed in these patients (see tant role of the reciprocal RARa–X fusion pro-
also Therapeutics). The X–RARa oncoproteins teins. RARa–PML and RARa–PLZF TM do not A
retain most of the functional domains of their develop overt leukemia. However, the
parental proteins and can heterodimerize with coexpression of RARa–PML with PML–RARa
X proteins, thus potentially acting as double- increases the penetrance and the onset of leukemia
dominant-negative oncogenic products on both development in double mutants. Strikingly, in the
X and RAR/RXR regulated pathways. PLZF–RARa TM model, the coexpression of
It has been demonstrated that APL blasts RARa–PLZF with PLZF–RARa metamorphoses
present a marked defect in TGF-b signaling the “CML-like” leukemia in PLZF–RARa TM to
including Smad2/3 phosphorylation and nuclear leukemia with classical APL features. In addition,
translocation, which is similar to that in PML null RARa–PLZF renders the leukemic blasts even
primary cells. Remarkably, RA-treatment, which more unresponsive to the differentiating activity
induces PML–RARa degradation, resensitizes the of RA. At the transcriptional level, RARa–PLZF
cells to TGF-b. It is plausible that PML–RARa acts as an aberrant transcription factor that
may inhibit TGF-b signaling through direct inhi- can interfere with the repressive ability of
bition of the interaction between Smad3 and the PLZF. Therefore, RARa–X and X–RARa fusion
cytoplasmic form of PML (cPML). products act in combination to dictate the distinc-
tive phenotypic characteristics of each APL
Modeling APL in Mice subtype disease. Modeling of APL in the mouse
The transgenic approach in mice has been used is thus allowing a better comprehension of the
successfully in modeling APL and in generating molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogen-
faithful mouse models harboring various APL esis of APL as well as the development of novel
fusion genes. In vivo, transgenic mice therapeutic strategies.
(TM) harboring X–RARa oncoproteins develop
leukemia after a long latency suggesting that the Therapeutics
fusion proteins are necessary but not sufficient to The exquisite sensitivity of APL blasts to the
cause full-blown APL. In the PML–RARa TM differentiating action of RA makes APL a para-
model, mice develop a form of leukemia that digm for therapeutic approaches utilizing differ-
closely resembles human APL, presenting blasts entiating agents. This therapeutic approach
with promyelocytic features that are sensitive to conceptually differs from the treatments involving
the differentiating action of RA. A similar pheno- drug and/or irradiation therapies because instead
type was observed in NuMA–RARa TM, in of eradicating the neoplastic cells by killing them,
which leukemia was also preceded by a period it reprograms these cells to differentiate normally.
of latency but displayed a higher penetrance. On The utilization of ATRA in APL patient manage-
the contrary, the leukemia developed by the ment has reduced early death from DIC-related
PLZF–RARa TM lacked the distinctive differen- complications and dramatically improved the
tiation block at the promyelocytic stage, morpho- prognosis. However, treatment with ATRA alone
logically resembling more a chronic myeloid in APL patients induces disease remission
leukemia (CML) type of disease, while transiently and relapse is inevitable if remission
NPM–RARa TM developed myelomonocytic is not consolidated with chemotherapy. Most
leukemia. This analysis demonstrated that the contemporary therapy protocols incorporate an
X–RARa fusion protein plays a critical role in anthracycline (e.g., dauno or idarubicin) with
determining leukemic phenotype as well. More- ATRA during induction, followed by consolida-
over, it is the X moiety of the X–RARa product to tion therapy with ATRA, anthracyclines, and
determine sensitivity to ATRA, since leukemia in cytarabine, followed by maintenance therapy.
PML–RARa, but not in the PLZF–RARa TM, is Leukocyte and platelet counts at diagnosis are
responsive to ATRA treatment. Modeling APL in frequently used as risk factors for relapse: patients
54 Acute-Phase Response Factor

presenting with more than 10,000 leukocytes/ml References

have high risk in contrast with those with less
than 10,000/ml and platelet counts higher than Lin H-K, Bergmann S, Pandolfi PP (2005) Deregulated
TGF-b signaling in leukemogenesis. Oncogene
40,000/ml. In the majority of cases, relapse is
accompanied by RA resistance. Unlike t(15;17)/ Rego EM, Pandolfi PP (2002) Reciprocal products of chro-
PML–RARa APL, t(11;17)/PLZF–RARa leuke- mosomal translocations in human cancer pathogenesis:
mias show a distinctly worse prognosis with poor key players or innocent bystanders? Trends Mol Med
response to chemotherapy and little or no
Rego EM, Ruggero D, Tribioli C et al (2006) Leukemia
response to treatment with RA, thus defining a with distinct phenotypes in transgenic mice expressing
new APL syndrome. PML/RAR alpha, PLZF/RAR alpha or NPM/RAR
Up to 50% of patients treated with ATRA alone alpha. Oncogene 25(13):1974–1979
Sanz M (2006) Treatment of acute promyelocytic leuke-
develop an “ATRA syndrome” characterized by a
mia. Hematol/Am Soc Hematol Educ Program
rapid rise in circulating polymorphonuclear 147–155
leucocytes and associated with weight Scaglioni PP, Pandolfi PP (2007) The theory of acute
gain, fever, occasional renal failure, and cardio- promyelocytic leukemia revisited. Curr Top Microbiol
Immunol 313:85–100
pulmonary failure, which may be life threatening
in some patients. The combination of ATRA
and chemotherapy in the induction and consolida-
tion treatment phases has been proven to be
an effective strategy to prevent “ATRA syn-
Acute-Phase Response Factor
drome” and achieve long-term disease-free
survival. ▶ STAT3
Arsenic trioxide (As2O3), a chemical used in
Chinese medicine, is also extremely effective in
the treatment of APL. About 90% of APL patients
treated with As2O3 alone achieve complete remis-
sion, especially in relapsed patients who are resis-
tant to RA and/or conventional chemotherapy. RA ▶ Activin Receptors
triggers blast differentiation while As2O3 induces
both apoptosis and partial differentiation of the
leukemic blasts. Utilizing PML–RARa and
PLZF–RARa transgenic mouse models of APL,
it has been demonstrated that the association of
RA and As2O3 is effective in the former but not in ▶ Activin Receptors
the latter.
Considering the importance of HDAC-
mediated transcriptional repression in APL path-
ogenesis, the utilization of histone deacetylase
inhibitors (HDACIs) such as suberanilohy-
droxamic acid (SAHA) or sodium phenylbutyrate ▶ LPA
(SPB) in combination with RA may represent a
promising experimental therapeutic approach.
Preclinical studies in transgenic mouse models
of APL suggest that in fact HDACIs work as 2-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate
growth inhibitors and inducers of apoptosis and
that these effects are potentiated by RA. ▶ LPA
ADAM Molecules 55

identified in a variety of species. A large propor-

ADAbp tion (13 ADAMs) is exclusively expressed in the
male reproductive system, and only a minority A
▶ CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and can be found throughout all tissues.


ADA-CP ADAM molecules, with their unique potential to

combine ▶ adhesion, proteolysis, and signaling,
▶ CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and are involved in a variety of cellular functions.
Spread Some have been shown to play an important role
in diverse biological processes such as fertiliza-
tion, myogenesis, cell signaling, inflammatory
response, and cell–cell/cell–matrix interactions.
ADAM Molecules However, the respective key function has
remained elusive for most ADAMs.
Jörg Ringel1 and Matthias Löhr2 Dysregulation of ADAM molecules has been
Department of Medicine A, University of shown in various diseases. However, there is a
Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany growing amount of reports about the role of
Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and ADAM molecules in malignant tumors.
Technology (CLINTEC), Karolinska Institutet,
Stockholm, Sweden Metalloprotease Function
To regulate biological activity, in normal as well
as in malignant cells, a wide variety of proteins are
Synonyms synthesized as inactive precursors that are subse-
quently converted to their mature active forms by
A disintegrin and metalloprotease; Disintegrin ADAM molecules.
metalloproteases; Metalloprotease disintegrin A well-studied member of the ADAM mole-
cysteine rich; MDC cules is ADAM17/TACE, which was originally
described as being responsible for the proteolytic
cleavage of the soluble form of TNF-a. Subse-
Definition quent studies have shown that ADAM17/TACE is
also involved in the shedding of other biologically
A disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM) mol- active proteins, including growth factors (erbB4/
ecules share a common domain structure: a HER-4 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-a),
propeptide (prodomain), a metalloproteinase surface molecules (L-selectin), and interleukin
domain, a disintegrin domain, a cysteine-rich (IL) receptors (IL-R, IL-1R type II, and IL-6R;
region, an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like Fig. 2).
domain, a transmembrane region, and a TACE cleavage functions in the activation of
cytoplasmatic domain (Fig. 1). Several ADAMs EGF receptor (EGFR) and EGFR signaling sys-
exist in both membrane-bound and secreted tems, which regulate the proliferation and motility
isoforms; the functional significance of this, in of ▶ squamous cell carcinoma cells in vitro.
most cases, is still unclear. A subset of the pres- The key role of the EGFR/EGFR ligand system
ently known ADAM molecules shows catalytic for cancer development is well known. In
activity. To date, at least 40 ADAMs have been this context, the transactivation of EGFR via
56 ADAM Molecules

Prodomaine Cysteine-rich Cytoplasmatic

Metalloprotease EGF-like

Disintegrin Transmembrane

ADAM Molecules, Fig. 1 Domain structure of ADAMs. rich region, an EGF-like domain, a transmembrane
The ADAMs consist of a propeptide domain, a domain, and a cytoplasmatic domain
metalloprotease domain, a disintegrin domain, a cysteine-

ADAM Molecules, Shedding/activation function

Fig. 2 Schematic
overview about the IL-15Rα
published functions and EGF receptor ligand IL-1RII
interactions of ADAM17/ HB-EGF, TGFα L-selectin, MUC1,
TACE erbB4/HER4 GPIb α Adhesion
TNFα; p55, p75 TNF-R α5β1 integrin


Cell-cycle accociated molecules Signaling function

MAD2 (mitotic arrest deficient 2) SH3-binding domain
EGFR transactivation

ADAM17/TACE is of special interest. ADAMs Silencing of ADAM17 in human renal carci-

such as ADAM9 and ADAM17/TACE regulate noma cell lines corrects critical features associated
G protein-coupled receptor-induced cell prolifer- with cancer cells, including growth autonomy,
ation and survival. tumor inflammation, and tissue invasion. In addi-
Aberrant expression of a proteolytic active tion, these cells fail to form in vivo tumors in the
ADAM17/TACE has been reported in pancreas absence of ADAM17. It has also been shown that
▶ cancer cells. The increasing prevalence of ADAM17/TACE is overexpressed in mammary
ADAM17/TACE expression with higher pancre- cancer and other cancer types (Table 1).
atic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) grade as pre- ADAM12, which is upregulated, for example,
cursor lesions underlines the role of this molecule in breast and gastric cancer (Table 1), is expressed
in ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma develop- in two splice forms, the transmembrane
ment. Gene silencing experiments showed a crit- ADAM12-L and the soluble ADAM12-S. In a
ical role of ADAM17/TACE in the invasion mouse breast cancer model, ADAM12 decreased
process of pancreatic cancer cells. The aberrant tumor cell apoptosis and increased stromal cell
expression of proteolytically active ADAM17/ apoptosis. The shedding of heparin-binding EGF
TACE may result in an uncontrolled turnover of by ADAM12 was shown to promote human glio-
activated target molecules, such as TNF-a, blastoma. In addition, in liver cancers, ADAM12
TGF-a, and MUC1 (mucius). and ADAM9 expressions are associated with
ADAM Molecules 57

ADAM Molecules, Table 1 Overview about the aberrant reported: a large number of ADAMs (1, 2, 3, 9,
expression of ADAM molecules in different human cancer 12, and 15) with a9b1, ADAM9 with a6b1 and
types as published
avb5, and ADAM28 with a4b1. Considering A
ADAM the published data on the interaction of
molecule Human cancer type
ADAM17/TACE with the a5b1 integrin in HeLa
ADAM2 Renal
cells, it is also conceivable that ADAM17/TACE
ADAM8 Brain, prostate, lung adenocarcinoma
may influence the migration and invasion in other
ADAM9 Prostate, colon, pancreas, liver, gastric,
non-small cell lung cancer, renal cancer types.
ADAM10 Breast, colon, prostate, We are beginning to gather insights into
pheochromocytoma, neuroblastoma ADAM–integrin and ADAM–▶ extracellular
ADAM11 Glioma, breast matrix (ECM) interactions. The interplay with
ADAM12 Breast, gastric, glioblastoma, liver, integrins and ECM compounds might promote
aggressive fibromatosis, giant cell tumor ADAM function in malignant cells. Thus, cell
of the bone, brain
binding to ADAM12 via beta3 integrin results in
ADAM15 Prostate, breast, lung, ovarian, gastric,
brain, bladder the formation of focal adhesions. Furthermore, it
ADAM17/ Pancreas, renal, breast, colon, liver, was shown that the cysteine-rich domain of
TACE brain, squamous cell carcinoma cells ADAM12 supports tumor cell adhesion through
ADAM19 Brain syndecan.
ADAM21 ADAM21-like (ADAM21-L) T-cell ADAM23 with its inactive metalloprotease
domain is exclusively involved in cell adhesion.
ADAM22 Brain
It was demonstrated that the interaction between
ADAM23 Brain, gastric, breast (pancreas)
the disintegrin loop of ADAM23 and the avb3
ADAM28 Non-small cell lung carcinoma
integrin promotes the adhesion of ▶ neuroblas-
ADAM29 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
toma and ▶ astrocytoma cells. In contrast to the
described overexpression or de novo expression
in various cancer types, downregulation of
tumor aggressiveness and progression. ADAM9 ADAMs might also promote cancer development.
is also described to shed heparin-binding Thus, ADAM23 gene silencing in breast cancer
EGF. Overexpression of cytoplasmatic ADAM9 by promoter hypermethylation may result in
in pancreatic cancer is associated with poor dif- abnormal cell–cell interactions favoring cell
ferentiation and shortened survival. migration.
It is of particular interest for cancer develop-
ment that ADAM molecules reported to shed cell- Signaling Function
associated adhesion molecules such as L-selectin, Beside the involvement of ADAM molecules in
MUC1, and glycoprotein (Gb) 1ba. the EGFR transactivation, only few data about the
In general, the metalloprotease protease func- signaling function of ADAM molecules are
tion might be involved in various processes of known. It is intriguing that interactions between
cancer cells and be relevant to promote cell migra- integrins and/or ECM- and ADAM-binding
tion and invasion. domains may induce outside–in signaling.
ADAM inside–out signaling pathways might reg-
Adhesion Function ulate shedding and/or adhesion function of the
ADAM molecules are potential ligands for molecules. However, many ADAM cytoplasmatic
integrins due to the presence of binding sites domains contain binding motives for the Src
within the disintegrin domain. Only one ADAM homology region 3 (SH3 domain) of various intra-
(ADAM15) contains the RGD integrin-binding cellular proteins. Tyrosine residues could be sub-
motif, and it can therefore interact not only with strates for tyrosine kinases or could act as ligands
the avb3 integrin but also with the avb5. Addi- for phosphotyrosine-binding domains, when
tional ADAM–integrin interactions have been phosphorylated. A number of binding partners
58 ADAM17

have been identified for the cytoplasmatic increases the malignant potential in human pancreatic
domains of various ADAM molecules. Interaction ductal adenocarcinoma. Cancer Res 66(18):9045–9053
Seals DF, Courtneidge SA (2003) The ADAMs family of
of the cytoplasmatic domain of ADAM9 and metalloproteases: multidomain proteins with multiple
ADAM15 with endophilin and SH3PX1 is functions. Genes Dev 17:7–30
reported. ADAM12 and ADAM15 are associated
with ▶ Src protein–tyrosine kinases. However,
the shedding of the L1 adhesion molecules in
breast cancer cells might involve a Scr
protein–tyrosine kinase. Furthermore, mitotic
arrest-deficient-2 (MAD2) was found as binding
partner of ADAM17/TACE and ADAM15; Aleksandra Franovic and Stephen Lee
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine,
MAD2b is linked to ADAM9. To date, the phys-
iological role of these interactions as well as the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa,
implication in malignancies is speculative. Ottawa, ON, Canada

Other Functions
Within the ADAM molecules, ADAM11 might Synonyms
play a special role in malignancies. ADAM11
represents a candidate tumor suppressor gene for CD156b antigen; TACE; Tumor necrosis factor-
human breast cancer. This is based on its location alpha converting enzyme
within a minimal region of chromosome 17q21
previously defined by tumor deletion mapping.
Taken together, there are rapidly increasing Definition
data supporting a critical implication of ADAM
molecules in malignancies. But there are still ADAM17 is a zinc-dependent metalloprotease
more questions than answers on the function of belonging to the ADAM (A disintegrin
ADAMs in human cancer and cancer and metalloproteinase) family of type I
development. transmembrane proteins. ADAM17 is involved
in the ectodomain shedding of a wide variety of
membrane-bound ligands and cytokines that are
Cross-References implicated in diverse biological processes includ-
ing growth and ▶ inflammation.
▶ Extracellular Matrix Remodeling

Gschwind A, Hart S, Fischer OM et al (2004) TACE
cleavage of proamphiregulin regulates GPCR-induced
The 50 kb ADAM17 gene, which is located at
proliferation and motility of cancer cells. EMBO chromosome 2p25, consists of 19 exons, and
J 22:2411–2421 encodes an 824 amino acid protein. ADAM17 is
Iba K, Albrechtsen R, Gilpin BJ et al (1999) Cysteine-rich synthesized as an inactive precursor protein
domain of human ADAM 12 (meltrin alpha) supports
tumor cell adhesion. Am J Pathol 54:1489–1501 consisting of five domains: the pro-,
Karan D, Lin FC, Bryan M et al (2003) Expression of metalloprotease, cysteine-rich, transmembrane,
ADAMs (a disintegrin and metalloproteases) and TIMP- and cytoplasmic domains. Prior to ADAM17 mat-
3 (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3) in human pros- uration, a conserved cysteine residue within the
tatic adenocarcinomas. Int J Oncol 23:1365–1371
Ringel J, Jesnowski R, Moniaux N et al (2006) Aberrant pro-domain interacts with the active site zinc atom
expression of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase maintaining the enzyme biologically inert. The
17/tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme active site of the metalloprotease domain contains
ADAM17 59

a histidine consensus sequence (HExxHxxGxxH) it appears that the membrane-bound ADAM17

that coordinates zinc atoms and water required for population is exclusively in the processed form.
the enzymatic processing of ADAM17 substrates. This surface pool of ADAM17 is relatively stable A
Removal of the pro-domain occurs through a with a half-life of ~8 h.
▶ furin cleavage site (RVKR), by an unidentified The mechanism by which ADAM17 function
furin or proprotein convertase, enabling the active is regulated is not entirely clear; however, two
site zinc to interact with the required histidine methods by which the protease can be activated
residues and to generate the active protease. have been described. The first method involves
While the structural and functional aspects of the activation of ADAM17 by growth factors,
the pro- and metalloprotease domains have been such as the ▶ fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and
studied extensively and are well defined, the pre- the ▶ platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF).
cise functions of the remaining ADAM17 ADAM17-mediated ligand shedding can also be
domains are still somewhat obscure. The induced by non-physiological stimuli such as
cysteine-rich domain consists of two subdomains: phorbol esters (phorbol myristate acetate). Treat-
the disintegrin and EGF-like domains. A role in ment of cells with phorbol esters, such as PMA,
cellular ▶ adhesion has been proposed for the results in increased ligand shedding without
disintegrin domain. In support of this hypothesis, affecting the quantity or localization of endoge-
ADAM17 has been shown to interact with at least nous ADAM17 in the cell. There is conflicting
one integrin (a5b1) and modulate cell migration evidence with respect to the mechanism by which
as a result of this interaction. It has also been this stimulation occurs. One study demonstrated
demonstrated that the cysteine-rich domain is that PMA exerts its effects by activating the extra-
indispensable for the ectodomain shedding of cellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling
select ADAM17 substrates and, thus, might func- pathway, which results in the phosphorylation of
tion in substrate recognition through the recruit- ADAM17 at Thr735 in its cytoplasmic tail, while
ment of accessory proteins or direct contact with another group showed that the cytoplasmic tail of
the substrates themselves. The transmembrane ADAM17 is not required for PMA-induced ligand
domain tethers mature ADAM17 in the cell mem- shedding. Although there is no evidence that
brane where it exerts most of its physiological phorbol esters regulate ADAM17 activity
functions. Finally, the cytoplasmic domain com- in vivo, the ERK signaling pathway has also
prises several Src homology 2 (SH2) and 3 (SH3) been implicated in growth factor stimulated
domain binding sites as well as phosphorylation ADAM17 activation. For this reason, the ERK
sites, and is likely involved in regulatory signal signaling pathway will likely be the focus of
transduction pathways. future studies aimed at delineating the mecha-
nisms involved in the positive regulation of
Expression and Regulation ADAM17 activity.
ADAM17 mRNA is ubiquitously expressed in In addition to stimulating ADAM17-mediated
most adult tissues, albeit at lower levels than ligand cleavage, the treatment of cells with PMA
those observed in fetal tissues at various stages also triggers the establishment of a negative feed-
of development. The ADAM17 zymogen is syn- back mechanism. Following an increase in
thesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and ADAM17 activity and ligand shedding, the pro-
is processed in the late Golgi compartment to tease itself is internalized and degraded in
produce the mature protease lacking the inhibitory response to prolonged treatment with PMA. This
pro-domain. This maturation step seems to entail a negative regulatory mechanism is probably in
constitutive process as the majority of cellular place to prevent over-stimulation of ligand-
ADAM17 exists in its mature form. The greater activated signaling pathways. In attempt to iden-
part of ADAM17 protein is localized in the tify potential regulators of ADAM17 activity, two
perinuclear area while the remaining fraction ADAM17 binding partners were uncovered by at
resides at the cell surface, as expected. Notably, least two-hybrid screens: synapse associated
60 ADAM17

protein 97 (SAP97) and protein tyrosine phospha- These substrates include the TNF receptors
tase PTPH1. Overexpression of either molecule (TNF-RI and TNF-RII), the chemokine
results in decreased ligand shedding implicating fractalkine, and the leukocyte adhesion molecule
them in the negative regulation of ADAM17 L-selectin to name a few. While many ADAM17
activity. Whether either of these two proteins reg- substrates have been identified to date, there is no
ulates ADAM17 activity in vivo remains to be obvious sequence or structural homology between
seen. The only known endogenous inhibitor of their cleavage sites. How ADAM17 achieves sub-
ADAM17 is the tissue metalloprotease inhibitor, strate specificity is a key question that remains to
TIMP3. The mechanism by which TIMP3 expres- be answered. Nonetheless, it is evident that
sion results in reduced ADAM17 activity is ADAM17 substrates play an important role in a
unknown. broad range of fundamental cellular processes.

Biological Function Clinical Relevance

ADAM17 was initially identified as the secretase Due to its involvement in TNFa processing,
responsible for the cleavage of tumor necrosis ADAM17 is considered to be a central mediator
factor-alpha (TNFa), a pro-inflammatory cyto- in human inflammatory diseases such as rheuma-
kine. The generation of transgenic mice toid arthritis. Direct inhibition of TNFa or
expressing ADAM17 lacking the zinc-binding ADAM17 in arthritis-affected cartilage has been
sequence in its metalloprotease domain shown to reduce inflammation. For these reasons
(ADAM17DZn/DZn) allowed for the identification ADAM17-based therapies, such as zinc-chelating
of a multitude of additional ADAM17 substrates. sulfonamide hydroxamates, are in use for the
The vast majority of the ADAM17DZn/DZn mice treatment of such diseases.
die at birth as a result of severe deficiencies in In addition to its role in inflammatory diseases,
skin, muscle, lung, and neuronal system develop- ADAM17 is becoming increasingly implicated in
ment that cannot be entirely attributed to loss of the development and progression of cancer as a
TNFa shedding. This indicates the existence of result of its role in the processing of EGFR
other biologically relevant ADAM17 substrates. ligands. The upregulation of EGFR expression
Interestingly, the few animals that do survive dis- and signaling is a common feature in human can-
play a phenotype that is comparable to that of cer. Unfortunately, EGFR inhibitors have ren-
transforming growth factor alpha (TGFa) or dered disappointing results in ▶ clinical trials
▶ epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and there is an apparent resistance of several can-
knockout mice. This includes the failure of eyelids cer cell lines to these agents. Importantly,
to fuse as well as defects in skin and hair follicle ADAM17 is also overexpressed in several neo-
development. Upon further investigation it was plastic tissues including breast carcinomas, colon
confirmed that TGFa, an EGFR ligand, is in fact carcinomas, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas,
an ADAM17 substrate. Moreover, ADAM17 and ovarian carcinomas. There is also a positive
appears to be the major convertase of several correlation between ADAM17 expression and the
EGFR ligands which are involved in a variety of aggressiveness of the malignancy. Thus
cellular processes including cellular proliferation, ADAM17 is most highly expressed in advanced
survival, migration, and differentiation. The bulk tumors, suggesting that ADAM17 and its sub-
of ADAM17 substrates, including the EGFR strates play a role in tumor progression.
ligands, are involved in cell development and In accordance with these observations, there is
differentiation. Other examples include the neuro- a growing amount of evidence supporting the use
genic signaling molecule Notch, the neurotrophin of anti-ADAM17 drugs in the treatment of cancer.
receptor TrkA, and the EGFR-family receptor Several studies have shown that inhibition of
HER4. The remaining substrates can be classified ADAM17 activity using a variety of approaches
as those involved in cellular immunity and regu- is sufficient to inhibit EGFR ligand release and to
lation of immunogenic responses, like TNFa. prevent the proliferation, migration, and survival
ADAM17 61

of squamous cell, kidney cancer, ▶ bladder can- ▶ Breast Cancer

cer, and ▶ breast cancer cell lines in vitro. It was ▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
demonstrated that ▶ siRNA-mediated silencing of ▶ Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinases 1 and 2 A
ADAM17 inhibits the release of soluble TGFa in ▶ Fibroblast Growth Factors
highly malignant renal carcinoma cells, thereby ▶ Furin
abolishing their ability to form tumors in nude ▶ Inflammation
mice. This was the first in vivo evidence that ▶ Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
ADAM17-mediated ligand cleavage is a pivotal ▶ Renal Cancer Clinical Oncology
step in the establishment of the TGFa/EGFR auto- ▶ Renal Cancer Genetic Syndromes
crine (▶ autocrine signaling) growth stimulatory ▶ SH2/SH3 Domains
loop and thus in tumorigenesis. Another study ▶ SiRNA
revealed that targeting ADAM17, using a small ▶ Transforming Growth Factor-Beta
molecule inhibitor, prevents heregulin cleavage
and hence HER3 activation in non–small cell
lung cancer cells. Not only did this inhibition
abolish tumor growth in vivo but it also enhanced Blobel CP (2005) ADAMS: key components in EGFR
the sensitivity of the cancer cells to gefitinib, an signalling and development. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol
anti-EGFR based therapy. This result suggests 6:32–43
that the concomitant inhibition of ADAM17 and Franovic A, Robert I, Smith K et al (2006) Multiple
acquired renal carcinoma tumor capabilities abolished
EGFR should improve patient responsiveness to upon silencing of ADAM17. Cancer Res
such agents and increase survival. Thus targeting 66:8083–8090
ADAM17 is a promising new alternative to tradi- Lee DC, Sunnarborg SW, Hinkle CL et al (2003) TACE/
tional EGFR-based therapies in the treatment of ADAM17 processing of EGFR ligands indicates a role
as a physiological convertase. Ann N Y Acad Sci
human cancer. 995:22–38
Seals DF, Courtneidge SA (2003) The ADAMs family of
Summary metalloproteases: multidomain proteins with multiple
ADAM17 was originally characterized for its role functions. Genes Dev 17:7–30
Zhou BS, Peyton M, He B et al (2006) Targeting ADAM-
in TNFa processing and the regulation of inflam- mediated ligand cleavage to inhibit HER3 and EGFR
matory responses. It has since been demonstrated pathways in non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Cell
that ADAM17 is also a physiological convertase 10:39–50
of a wide variety of signaling molecules impli-
cated in the development and progression of can-
cer. The importance of ADAM17 in these See Also
(2012) EGFR In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
oncogenic pathways is highlighted by the finding 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1211.
that silencing of ADAM17 is sufficient to abolish doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1828
tumor formation in vivo. These results validate (2012) ERK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
ADAM17 as a rational therapeutic target and 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 1307–1308.
endorse the use of ADAM17 inhibitors in the (2012) Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase. In: Schwab
treatment of human cancer. M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer
Berlin Heidelberg, p 1365. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
(2012) HER3. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1680.
Cross-References doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2678
(2012) Heregulin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ ADAM Molecules Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1684.
▶ Adhesion (2012) Integrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
▶ Autocrine Signaling cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1884.
▶ Bladder Cancer doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3084
62 Adaptive Immunity

(2012) Metalloproteases. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia a process called antigen presentation. Antigen
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2259. specificity allows for the generation of responses
(2012) Notch Signaling. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia that are tailored to cancer cells, and the ability to
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2559. mount these tailored responses is maintained in the
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4131 body by “memory cells.” Cells of the adaptive
(2012) Phorbol 12-Myristate 13-Acetate. In: Schwab M immune system are B and T lymphocytes. Adap-
(ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, p 2865. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- tive humoral responses are mediated by tumor-
5_4523 specific antibodies.
(2012) PMA. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 2930–2931.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4641 Cross-References
(2012) Renal Cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 3225–
3226. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6575 ▶ DNA Vaccination
(2012) Small-Molecule Inhibitors. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- ▶ Immunoediting
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ▶ Immunoprevention
p 3455. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5375
▶ Inflammation

Adaptive Immunity
Adaptor Proteins
Alessio Giubellino
Adaptive immune responses occur when the host Laboratory of Pathology, Center for Cancer
comes into contact with immunogenic molecules Research, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda,
or organisms. These stimulate the expansion of the MD, USA
antigen-specific lymphocytes, antibody-secreting
B cells and T cells of the cytotoxic and helper
phenotypes, which recognize cells expressing for-
eign antigens. B cells and T cells are the effector Definition
cells of the adaptive immune response. They bear
antigen-specific receptors of great diversity that are Adaptor proteins are cell signaling molecules
generated by random rearrangement of gene seg- linking intracellular proteins, including cell sur-
ments and other mechanisms. This results in a vast face receptors to cytosolic effectors.
array of antigen-specific receptors clonally distrib-
uted on T and B cells, which clonally expand on
contact with antigen. As the immunogen is cleared, Characteristics
these clonal populations shrink but leave behind
long-lived populations of memory cells that are In their pure form, adaptor proteins are devoid of
easily recalled on subsequent exposure to the any intrinsic enzymatic activity and serve as intra-
same immunogen. Unlike the innate immune cellular platforms for the amplification and coor-
response, adaptive responses are not immediate, dinated assembly of multimeric protein
requiring 3–5 days for clonal expansion and differ- complexes.
entiation of effector lymphocytes. The adaptive Adaptor proteins provide a diverse array of
immune system allows for a strong immune functions, including:
response as well as immunological memory,
where a tumor antigen is “remembered.” The adap-
The entry “Adaptor Proteins” appears under the copyright
tive immune response is antigen-specific and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (outside the USA) both
requires the recognition of tumor antigens during in the print and the online version of this Encyclopedia.
Adducts to DNA 63

1. Co-localize signaling proteins in a specific area Pawson T, Nash P (2003) Assembly of cell regulatory
of the cell systems through protein interaction domains. Science
300(5618):445–452, Review PubMed PMID:12702867
2. Bring together enzymes and substrates to facil- Scott JD, Pawson T (2009) Cell signaling in space and time: A
itate specific reactions where proteins come together and when they’re apart.
3. Coordinate diverse signals in a timely fashion Science 326(5957):1220–1224, Review PubMed PMID:
19965465; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3041271
A common feature of adaptor proteins is the
organization in modular structures; a limited num-
ber of highly evolutionary conserved protein Adducts to DNA
sequences (“domains” or “modules”) are com-
bined to produce a diverse array of protein struc- Helmut Bartsch
tures with specific cellular functions and diverse Division of Toxicology and Cancer Risk Factors,
connecting capabilities. German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ),
In an oversimplified model, upon stimulation Heidelberg, Germany
by extracellular ligands (e.g., growth factors), cell
surface receptors become activated. The activa-
tion is responsible for the transient posttransla-
tional modification (e.g., phosphorylation) of
DNA-bound carcinogens
specific residues inside a defined amino acid
sequence domain, which is recognized as specific
docking sites by intracellular adaptor proteins act- Definition
ing as signaling transducers.
The presence of such modular sequence was DNA adducts reflect the amount of a ▶ xenobiotic
originally characterized through structural analy- that covalently reacts with nucleic acid bases at the
sis of the protein kinase Src, which uncovered the target site (biologically effective dose) or in surrogate
presence, besides the catalytic domain (named tissues. DNA adducts are mechanistically more rele-
SH1 domain), of other sequences with peculiar vant to ▶ carcinogenesis than the internal dose of a
and distinct structures; those sequences were carcinogen, since they take into account
named consecutively Src-homology 2 (SH2) and interindividual differences in metabolism and of
Src-homology 3 (SH3) domains because of the DNA repair capacity (Fig. 1). Several hundred
proximity to the catalytic domain. DNA adducts, many with miscoding properties, are
Computational analysis has allowed the iden- known to be produced by some 20 classes of carcin-
tification of similar domains in other proteins. In ogens and through endogenous oxidative processes.
addition, several other protein binding modules DNA adducts are used in human ▶ biomonitoring as
were discovered, each recognizing specific bind- dosimeters of early biological effects and predictors
ing motifs on partner proteins. of cancer risk. These ▶ biomarkers also provide tools
An up-to-date list and description of known mod- for studying disease pathogenesis, etiology, and for
ular domains, building blocks for adaptor proteins, verifying preventive measures in human cancer.
can be found at the lab website of Dr. Tony Pawson
(http://pawsonlab.mshri.on.ca/) who has pioneered
the discovery and study of such modules. Characteristics

Rationale for Using DNA Adducts

as Biomarkers for Exposure and Adverse
References Effects
Pawson T (2007) Dynamic control of signaling by modular
Evidence for the biological significance of DNA
adaptor proteins. Curr Opin Cell Biol 19(2):112–116, adducts in carcinogenesis is supported by the
Review PubMed PMID: 17317137 following:
64 Adducts to DNA

Biologically Early Atered

Ambient Internal Clinical
effective biological structure
exposure dose disease
dose effect function

DNA disruption of signaling
Genotoxic Metabolism adducts cell proliferation Cancer Metastasis
exposure changed DNA methylation patterns


Adducts to DNA, Fig. 1 Paradigm for the multistage processes, such as chronic oxidative stress. Over the past
process of ▶ carcinogenesis with DNA adducts as initiat- 40 years, emphasis has been placed on the development of
ing lesions. They are used mostly as biomarkers for the accurate and sensitive methods for the detection and quan-
biologically effective dose both of exogenous carcinogens titation of DNA adducts
and of DNA-reactive agents produced by endogenous

• Over 80% of identified or suspected human kinetic parameters are taken into account. These
carcinogens react often after metabolic activa- include the steady state adduct concentration; the
tion with nucleic acids and proteins to form amount of the miscoding adduct compared to
macromolecular adducts others of lesser biological relevance; the adduct
• Carcinogen-DNA adducts represent the initiat- half-life after carcinogen exposure has stopped;
ing events leading to mutations in ▶ oncogenes and the organ, cell, and gene selectivity of the
and ▶ tumor suppressor genes and to adduct (Fig. 2).
▶ carcinogenesis
• The carcinogenic potency of a large number of Advantages and Disadvantages of DNA
carcinogens is proportional to the extent they Adducts Compared to Other Biomarkers
bind to rodent liver DNA For human biomonitoring, both DNA and protein
• Humans with inherited or acquired defects in adducts can be used for exposure assessment as
▶ DNA repair have an elevated risk of devel- long as the response in target organs versus sur-
oping cancer rogate tissue is shown to be proportional. The
latter has to be determined individually for each
Biological effect markers are defined as indi- carcinogen. The advantage of certain protein
cators of irreversible genetic damage that result adduct measurements is that they often reflect
from genotoxic interactions at the target site. As cumulative past exposure (of several months),
DNA adducts do not often cause completely irre- while the majority of DNA adducts is rapidly
versible lesions, because the DNA undergoes repaired or lost after exposure has ceased. How-
repair (which may not be complete), they are not ever, a small portion of DNA adducts either with
in the strict sense biological effect markers. How- slow repair and/or subpopulations of nondividing
ever, as carcinogen dosage is linked to cancer cells can survive for several months or even years.
outcome, and permanent mutations can be caused Since somatic genetic or cytogenetic effect
by DNA adducts, they are associated with cancer markers are neither chemical- nor exposure-
risk. This has been shown for many carcinogens specific, only macromolecular adducts allow
and their DNA adducts, when critical toxico- identification of the structure and thus the
Adducts to DNA 65

Increasing proximity to critical lesions


Target Non-target White blood cells,

DNA sequence
cell(s) tissue urine
Cancer relevant Target Exfoliated cells,
gene(s) organ alveolar macrophages


DNA adducts

Exposure to exogenous and endogenous chemicals

Adducts to DNA, Fig. 2 Measurement of carcinogen- with the proximity of measurements to critical lesions.
DNA adducts in target tissue and cells or in surrogates. The Accordingly, from right to left, the specificity of this bio-
predictive value of DNA adducts for disease risk increases marker increases for predicting disease outcome

determination of the genotoxic exposure sources. causes hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
Also, cytogenetic markers are more easily (HNPCC).
affected by lifestyle and environmental compo- Genetic defects in these DNA repair functions
nents (confounders) that often act as uncontrolled or inhibition of repair proteins may have dramatic
or uncontrollable variables in biomonitoring and consequences when DNA adducts, DNA mis-
molecular epidemiology studies. In addition, at matches, and DNA loops are not repaired prior
equal levels of carcinogen exposure, DNA adduct to cell replication and when damaged cells are not
levels are a measure for the host’s capability of eliminated by apoptosis. Thus, characterization of
carcinogen metabolism and adduct repair and can germ-line and somatic mutations in DNA-repair
be used to determine the overall effect of genetic genes can identify high-risk subjects who espe-
polymorphisms on DNA damage and cancer sus- cially in the case of biallelic mutations suffer from
ceptibility by a given carcinogen. functional defects of proteins that repair DNA
adducts leading to genetic instability and cancer.
Cellular Defense: Repair of DNA Adducts
DNA repair (▶ repair of DNA) systems such Adduct Measurements in Disease
as base and ▶ nucleotide excision repair, Epidemiology
O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase, and Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in cancer
▶ mismatch repair operate in human cells to epidemiology assess the relationship between car-
remove adducted and oxidatively damaged DNA cinogen exposures and biomarker (adduct) levels.
bases. Deficiency in nucleotide excision repair Adduct measurement exposed in humans allow
genes cause ▶ xeroderma pigmentosum the detection, quantification, and structural eluci-
(XP) and a high-rate occurrence of skin cancers, dation of specific DNA damage. Findings from
as well as a high susceptibility to UV light and such studies include the detection of background
▶ polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-induced car- exposures manifested in “unexposed” populations
cinogenesis. A defective mismatch repair system and a significant interindividual variation in
66 Adducts to DNA

adduct levels in persons with comparable expo- amount of adducts in bulk genomic DNA.
sure. The latter is in part due to genetic variation in However, new methods are capable of pinpointing
carcinogen metabolism and DNA-repair pro- adduct profiles in critical target genes (Fig. 2).
cesses. Positive correlations between the extent Because of the multistage and complex nature of
of occupational and environmental exposures, human carcinogenesis, carcinogen-DNA adducts
adduct levels, and adverse effects, e.g., mutations per se cannot precisely and quantitatively predict
in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes have an individual’s cancer risk. At present, risk esti-
been observed. For example, large-scale studies mation is limited to a group level.
on geographical variations of ▶ hepatocellular
carcinoma and exposure to ▶ aflatoxins have Background DNA Adduct Levels: Sources,
used aflatoxin-bound albumin adducts, urinary Variations, and Cancer Risk Prediction
aflatoxin B1-N7-guanine adducts, and mutational The major analytical challenge has been to detect
hotspots in the ▶ TP53 gene as biomarkers. They levels of DNA adducts at a concentration of 0.1–1
revealed more than an additive interaction adducts per 108 unmodified DNA bases using
between the hepatocarcinogen and hepatitis only low microgram amounts of DNA, and with
B virus infection. high specificity and accuracy. Several methods are
▶ Case–control studies in disease epidemiol- available, including 32P-postlabeling assays often
ogy allow the evaluation of the role of biomarkers in combination with immunopurification and liq-
as cancer risk factors and the exploration of under- uid chromatography coupled to electrospray
lying mechanisms, but such studies cannot estab- ionization-mass spectrometry. By using
lish causality between biomarker response and ultrasensitive detection methods, background
cancer causation. This is especially the case DNA adduct levels have been found in organs of
when the latency period (between exposure and unexposed humans and untreated animals. These
cancer) is long. Here, adduct measurements are of are due to physiological lipid peroxidation (LPO)
greater relevance for cancer risk estimation when processes, whereby end products, such as
exposure has been continuous. An optimal study 4-hydroxynonenal and malondialdehyde when
design that can establish causality is a nested formed in excess in the body, can react with
case–control study that uses questionnaire data DNA to yield background levels of a variety of
and biological sample collection prior to disease exocyclic DNA adducts. These types of adducts
manifestation. Once diagnosis of cancer has been generally increase with age but are significantly
made, cases are matched to appropriate controls increased in human subjects affected by cancer
and their stored samples analyzed. The predictive risk factors that induce chronic oxidative stress.
value in terms of specificity and sensitivity of a These include chronic inflammatory processes
DNA adduct biomarker in biological samples can and infections, nutritional imbalances, and metal
thus be determined. storage disorders. In addition, oxidized DNA
bases and LPO-derived DNA adducts occur
Association of DNA Adducts with Cancer Risk more frequently in cells with impaired antioxidant
Not all types of DNA adducts are associated with defense. Exogenous carcinogens can also induce
the same cancer risk. Using alkylating agents, oxidative stress causing agent-specific DNA
aflatoxins, and aromatic amines (that induced adducts and secondary oxidative DNA base dam-
50% tumor incidence) DNA adduct levels were age. The biological relevance of both oxidative
compared in animal experiments. A 40- to and LPO-derived DNA damage is supported by
100-fold difference in the ability of DNA adducts the fact that these adducts are miscoding lesions
to induce the same tumor incidence in target tis- which are recognized by specific DNA-repair
sues was detected. Thus, it is difficult to predict enzymes. There is a growing evidence that both
the tumor induction potential of unknown DNA types of DNA lesions, either derived from exoge-
adducts. In the past, assays for DNA adduct deter- nous and endogenous agents, play a role in the
mination provided mostly information on the total initiation and progression of the multistage
Adducts to DNA 67

carcinogenesis process, as well as other chronic carcinogenesis) can reduce (i) the enormous
degenerative diseases. Current research addresses uncertainties currently associated with high-
some open questions: to-low dose and species-to-species extrapola- A
tion and (ii) yield information on
• What is the significance of endogenously interindividual risk assessment procedures.
formed DNA adducts in human cancer, partic- • The role of specific carcinogen exposures may
ularly associated with chronic inflammatory be retrospectively implicated in cancer etiol-
conditions and also in relation to spontaneous ogy by analyzing decades after the period of
tumors? exposure, mutational fingerprints in tumors
• Has the proportion of cancers that result from that arise from exogenous and endogenous
environmental agents been overestimated agents after their reaction with DNA. Specific
compared to those arising from endogenous mutational signatures, detected in the tumor
DNA damaging processes? suppressor gene TP53, were associated with
• Can one protect humans against endogenously distinct past carcinogen exposures (e.g.,
derived DNA damage and prevent chronic tobacco smoke, aflatoxin B1, vinyl chloride,
degenerative diseases by administration of che- and UV light) or inflammatory disease state
mopreventive (antioxidative) agents, using DNA (such as chronic inflammatory bowel
adduct measurements to verify their efficacy? diseases).
• Will LPO-derived DNA adducts serve as poten- • Adducts and derived mutations should allow to
tial prognostic markers for assessing progression study pathogenesis and preventive approaches
of chronic inflammatory cancer-prone diseases? of chronic degenerative diseases other than
cancer (e.g., atherosclerosis, Alzheimer
Contributions of DNA Adduct Measurements disease).
to Disease Etiology and Pathogenesis
New insights are gained since

• Adduct analysis permits identification of hith- Cross-References

erto unknown exogenous and endogenous
DNA-reactive agents and of carcinogenic com- ▶ Biomarkers in Detection of Cancer Risk
ponents in complex exposures, thus increasing Factors and in Chemoprevention
the power to establish causal relationships in ▶ Case Control Association Study
molecular epidemiology. ▶ Clinical Cancer Biomarkers
• Highly exposed individuals can be more read- ▶ Hepatitis B Virus
ily identified, and exposure to carcinogenic ▶ Mismatch Repair in Genetic Instability
risk factors can be minimized or even avoided. ▶ Repair of DNA
• Subgroups in the population (so called ▶ Surrogate Endpoint
pharmacogenetic variants) that are, due to genetic
polymorphism of xenobiotic-metabolizing and References
DNA-repair enzymes, more susceptible to car-
cinogens are identifiable by a combination of Bartsch H, Nair J (2006) Chronic inflammation and oxida-
genotyping and DNA adduct measurements. tive stress in the genesis and perpetuation of cancer:
role of lipid peroxidation. DNA Damage Repair
• Repeated applications of dosimetry methods for Langenbecks Arch Surg 391:499–510
macromolecular adducts can evaluate the effec- Gupta RC, Lutz WK (eds) (1999) Background DNA dam-
tiveness of primary and secondary interventions, age. Mutat Res 424:1–288
either by reduction of carcinogen exposure or Singh R, Farmer PB (2006) Liquid chromatography-
electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry: the future
through (chemo-)preventive strategies. of DNA adduct detection. Carcinogenesis 27:178–196
• Incorporation of DNA adduct measurements Toniolo P, Boffetta P, Shuker DEG et al (eds) (1997) Appli-
(and of other critical endpoints involved in cation of biomarkers in cancer epidemiology,
68 Adenine Nucleoside

vol 142, IARC scientific publications. IARC, Lyon, years, first as a noncancerous polyp (adenoma)
pp 143–158 and later as cancer. By the age of 50, one in four
Vineis P, Perera F (2000) DNA adducts as markers of
exposure to carcinogenesis and risk of cancer. Int people has polyps.
J Cancer 88:325–328


Adenine Nucleoside ▶ Adenoma

▶ Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms
▶ Adenosine and Tumor Microenvironment ▶ Bile Duct Neoplasms
▶ Colorectal Cancer
▶ Colorectal Cancer Premalignant Lesions
▶ Lung Cancer

See Also
▶ Adenosine and Tumor Microenvironment
(2012) Polyp. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2955.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6524


A form of carcinoma that originates in glandular
tissue. To be classified as adenocarcinoma, the Definition
cells do not necessarily need to be part of a
gland, as long as they have secretory properties. Is a benign tumor that develops from epithelial
This form of carcinoma can occur in some higher cells. Adenoma in the colon is often referred to as
mammals, including humans. The term adenocar- adenomatous polyp. Although adenomas are not
cinoma is derived from “adeno” meaning cancerous, they have the potential to become
“pertaining to a gland” and “carcinoma” which so. Colon cancer usually develops from adenoma-
describes a cancer that has developed in the epi- tous polyps. Adenomas that turn into cancer are
thelial cells, i.e., cells that line the walls of various referred to as adenocarcinoma.
organs. This type accounts for about 40% of
▶ lung cancer. It is usually found in the outer
part of the lung. The cancer cells are arranged in
the gland-like structure. Morphologically, adeno-
carcinomas are classified according to the growth
▶ Colorectal Cancer Premalignant Lesions
pattern (e.g., papillary, tubular, alveolar) or
according to the secreting product (e.g., mucin-
ous, serous). Virtually all adenocarcinomas See Also
develop from ▶ adenoma. In general, the bigger
the adenoma, the more likely it is to become (2012) Benign Tumor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
malignant. For example, in ▶ colorectal cancer, a Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 381.
polyp larger than 2 cm has a 30–50% chance of (2012) Polyp. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
being cancerous. By the time colorectal cancer is 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2955.
diagnosed, it has often been growing for several doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6524.
Adenosine and Tumor Microenvironment 69

Adenosine is a small molecule that is released into A
▶ Colorectal Cancer Premalignant Lesions the tissue at high concentrations in response to a
deficiency of oxygen, which occurs characteristi-
cally in solid tumors. Adenosine has multiple
Adenomatous Polyposis Coli effects within the tumor, including controlling
cancer cell growth, locally inhibiting the immune
▶ APC Gene in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis system, and increasing blood vessel formation.

Adenomatous Polyps Characteristics

▶ Colorectal Cancer Chemoprevention Adenosine (adenine-9-b-D-ribofuranoside, Fig. 1)

▶ Colorectal Cancer Premalignant Lesions is a small organic molecule that plays an impor-
tant part in general cellular biochemistry. Chemi-
cally, it is a purine nucleoside. Adenosine is
Adenomucinosis abundant within all cells, predominantly in the
form of adenine nucleotides (AMP, ADP, and
▶ Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms ATP) which participate widely in cellular energy
metabolism and act as precursor molecules in
many processes. However, adenosine itself can
Adenopathy exist in a free form both inside and outside of
cells, and extracellular adenosine is responsible
Definition for the regulation of many processes throughout
the body.
An enlargement or increase in size of glandular Adenosine becomes particularly important
organs or tissues usually resulting from disease when tissues become deprived of oxygen (a state
processes. known as ▶ hypoxia). This can happen in certain
pathological situations, including cancer. It may
occur suddenly when blood flow is interrupted, as
Adenosine it takes place in a stroke within the brain or during
a heart attack. In solid tumors, however, hypoxia
▶ Adenosine and Tumor Microenvironment is a chronic condition because the blood vessels
that the cancer forms to nourish itself are not well
made and are unable to supply the tissue with
Adenosine and Tumor sufficient oxygen and other nutrients. For cells to
Microenvironment be well oxygenated, they need to be within a
distance of about 150 150 mm mu;m of a properly
Jonathan Blay functioning blood vessel. Tumor vessels are typ-
Department of Pharmacology, Dalhousie ically far apart, are irregular in both size and
University, Halifax, NS, Canada orientation, and can be so poorly regulated that
the blood flow may periodically change direction.
Cancer cells respond to these harsher conditions
Synonyms by changing their metabolism.
In hypoxic cancer tissues, the balance of
Adenine nucleoside; Adenine-9-b-D-ribofuranos energy metabolism in the cells becomes altered.
ide; Adenosine; Purine nucleoside Specific changes in the biochemical pathways of
70 Adenosine and Tumor Microenvironment

hypoxic cells dramatically change the fate of and adjacent to the exterior of the cell membrane
adenosine. Free adenosine is normally formed by a series of proteins including CD39 and CD73,
principally from adenine nucleotides by the the latter of which also has 50 -nucleotidase activ-
enzyme 50 -nucleotidase inside the cell (some tis- ity (Fig. 2). In hypoxia, the 50 -nucleotidase path-
sues have another pathway that also contributes) ways that lead to adenosine production from
adenine nucleotides are activated, while the aden-
osine kinase enzyme which serves to convert
NH2 adenosine to AMP is inhibited. These and other
N changes rapidly increase the concentrations of
Adenine adenosine within and outside the cell. Since aden-
N osine can pass freely into and out of the cell
through various nucleoside transporters in the
outer membrane, any excess adenosine in the
H H Ribose cytoplasm escapes from the cell and further accu-
mulates in the extracellular space. These sources
of adenosine contribute to very high extracellular
adenosine concentrations in hypoxic tissues.
Adenosine and Tumor Microenvironment,
Fig. 1 The chemical structure of adenosine. Adenosine In the tumor tissue, the average concentration
is composed of a purine base (adenine) linked through a of adenosine in the extracellular space is approx-
glycosidic bond to a sugar (ribose). Successive phosphate imately 10 mM. Such high concentrations can be
groups may be added at the position indicated by the arrow
found in small tumor nodules of about 2–3 mm in
to give AMP (adenosine monophosphate), ADP
(adenosine diphosphate), and ATP (adenosine diameter, so are likely to be present in the extra-
triphosphate) cellular fluid of early cancers even before the



5’-NT Inosine
AMP Adenosine
IMP Inosine


Uric acid Inside Outside

Adenosine and Tumor Microenvironment, produced from ATP that is present in the extracellular
Fig. 2 Adenosine production in and around the tumor fluid, by the sequential enzyme activities of CD39 and
cell. Adenosine is produced in the cell principally from CD73. The major factor restraining the levels of adenosine
AMP through the action of 50 -nucleotidase (50 -NT). This that can be reached is the activity of the enzyme adenosine
pathway is more active under hypoxic conditions, such as deaminase (ADA), which breaks adenosine down to ino-
that exist in solid tumors. Hypoxia also inhibits adenylate sine. This is present both within the cell and as an enzyme
kinase (AK), which catalyzes the reverse reaction to con- outside of the cell (ecto-enzyme) that is held in place by an
vert adenosine to AMP. Outside the cell, adenosine is anchoring protein, CD26
Adenosine and Tumor Microenvironment 71

angiogenic switch. Furthermore, because the level Adenosine and Tumor Microenvironment,
of hypoxia varies through the tumor depending Table 1 The different types of cellular receptors for
upon the proximity of blood capillaries, local A
levels can be much higher. Finally, adenosine Major
Affinity Ga Signaling
concentrations are highly regulated by ecto- Receptor for protein pathways used
enzymes such as adenosine deaminase (ADA) at subtype adenosine (s) by receptor
the cell surface (Fig. 2) so that the ultimate effects A1 High Gi/o Adenylyl cyclase
of adenosine depend heavily on events at the cell (# cAMP)
surface. Phospholipase C
In normal tissues, where the concentrations of K+ channels
adenosine are low (in the nanomolar range), the A2A High Gs Adenylyl cyclase
(" cAMP)
principle pathway through which adenosine is
Phospholipase C
metabolized involves phosphorylation to AMP
A2B Low Gs, Gq/11 Adenylyl cyclase
by adenosine kinase. At higher adenosine (" cAMP)
concentrations, as are present inside a tumor, the Phospholipase C
major route through which disposal of adenosine Phospholipase
occurs is by deamination to inosine through A2
ADA. ADA is found both within the cell and in PI3K
the external milieu. The ADA that is present in the A3 Low Gi/o, Gq/ Adenylyl cyclase
(# cAMP)
extracellular fluid does not remain free but is 11
Phospholipase C
largely captured by a 110-kDa binding
KATP channels
protein present at the surface of many cells, par-
ticularly those of epithelial origin. This
ADA-binding protein (ADAbp) is found embed-
ded as a dimer in the outer membrane of many Although adenosine is a common molecule
cancer cells, where it functions to hold AD- and has a relatively simple structure, it is able to
A. There is also evidence that some ADA can regulate cellular behavior by interacting with spe-
bind directly to adenosine ▶ receptors of A1 and cific receptors. The different types of adenosine
A2B subtypes. ADA held in this way is then able receptors are outlined in Table 1. There are four
to modify adenosine concentrations immediately known types, all of which are G-protein-coupled
next to the cell surface (where the adenosine receptors with seven transmembrane segments in
receptors are located). their structure, embedded in the outer membranes
One factor that complicates our understanding of responsive cells. Adenosine receptors may be
of how adenosine levels may be regulated within found on any of the cell types within a tumor
the cancer tissue is the fact that adenosine has the including the cancer cells, supporting stromal
capacity to regulate its own levels. This interest- cells, endothelial cells within blood vessels, or
ing complication arises because ADAbp (also inflammatory cells that are infiltrating the tumor.
known as CD26 or DPPIV) can be downregulated All four of the adenosine receptor subtypes have
at the cell surface by adenosine. That reduces the been shown to exist on cancer cells; indeed, it is
capacity of the cell to bind ADA at the cell surface possible for a single cancer cell population to
and therefore the local rate of degradation of express all four forms of the receptor. However,
adenosine. This will extend the half-life of aden- adenosine receptor subtypes A3 and A2B are the
osine and increase the persistence of its action. As most commonly observed in cancers. The adeno-
a result, in the high-concentration environment of sine concentrations that exist in tumors are suffi-
a tumor, adenosine has the capacity to suppress its cient to activate all four of the adenosine receptor
own breakdown and enhance its actions still fur- subtypes.
ther (See also ▶ CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progres- There are four different types of adenosine recep-
sion and Spread). tor in Table 1, which differ in their affinity for
72 Adenosine and Tumor Microenvironment

Adenosine and Tumor

Fig. 3 The multiple
potential actions of Decreased function of
adenosine within a tumor. cell adhesion molecules
This diagram summarizes
the different ways in which Inhibition of immune Enhanced growth
adenosine might act to response against of cancer cells
facilitate the survival and tumor cells
expansion of a malignant Adenosine
tumor. This figure is drawn Interactions with
based upon studies on Stimulation of nucleoside
individual tumor cell angiogenesis transporters
populations and other
studies in vivo in which Increased cellular
these responses have been migration (chemotaxis)

adenosine and the signaling pathways to which they In addition to effects on cancer cell growth and
are linked through G proteins. All of the receptor survival, adenosine acts on isolated cancer cell
subtypes are able to act on adenylyl cyclase but may populations to increase cell motility, adhesion to
either increase or decrease the production of cAMP the extracellular matrix, the expression of cell
as shown. The receptors can also be coupled to attachment proteins, and receptors for molecules
phospholipase C (leading to calcium release and that can direct cell movement. The patchiness of
activation of protein kinase C), to phospholipase hypoxia within the tumor tissue leads to local areas
A2 (causing generation of arachidonic acid and sub- of high adenosine concentrations that would be
sequent production of eicosanoid lipid mediators), capable of influencing tumor cell behavior
and to phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K, leading directionally in this way. While not yet proven, it
to increased activity of the phospholipase is possible that within the context of the tumor
D pathway) or in certain cell types can cause the itself, adenosine may have an influence on the
activation of potassium (K) channels. distribution of cells within the tumor and perhaps
The interaction of adenosine with its receptors their dissemination at the later stage of metastasis.
on the different cell types in a tumor leads to a Adenosine receptors are also found on endo-
myriad of different cellular responses. Although it thelial cells, which are the flattened cells that line
is at times difficult to extrapolate from the exper- blood vessels and which are the major cellular
imental approach to the disease itself, these are component of the newly formed vasculature that
such as to generally favor the expansion and is formed to supply the expanding cell population
spread of the cancer (Fig. 3). There is evidence with nutrients. Adenosine is able to promote
that synthetic agents which target individual endothelial cell division and motility and has
receptor subtypes may have different actions to been shown to enhance the formation of blood
adenosine, sometimes not clearly directed through vessels (▶ angiogenesis) in experimental animal
the adenosine receptor. When adenosine itself is models. Adenosine may therefore have an ancil-
studied at concentrations that are known to be lary role alongside other angiogenic factors such
present within the tumor extracellular fluid, it is as VEGF in regulating the formation of the tumor
typically shown to increase the growth of cancer microvascular network.
cells. At very high concentrations of adenosine, Probably the greatest potential role for adeno-
cells may be triggered to undergo ▶ apoptosis, sine in the context of cancer, however, is as a local
although some tumor cells are resistant to this immunosuppressant within the tumor. It has long
action of adenosine. been known that the local tissue environment in
Adenovirus 73

cancer is capable of suppressing the immune nourish the tumor, or relieving the immunosup-
response and that this is one of the factors that pression that is due to adenosine. The challenge
limits the capacity of our immune system to elim- here lies in the fact that this is a primitive regula- A
inate the cancer. Experimental studies have shown tory network in evolutionary terms, and adenosine
that a significant proportion of the immunosup- has a role in the regulation of most organ systems
pressive activity is mediated by soluble factors in the mammal. Adenosine receptors of the four
that it increases in proportion to tissue bulk, and subtypes are found on cells throughout the body.
it is seen to decline substantially when the cancer Drugs that would block adenosine’s action at its
tissue is removed from the animal or patient and receptors (antagonists) or mimic its actions at a
dissociated into isolated cells. Adenosine is one of certain receptor subtype (selective agonists) run
the possible factors responsible for this phenom- the risk of interfering with normal processes such
enon of “metabolic suppression” of the antitumor as the control of blood flow or the transmission of
immune response. The capacity for adenosine to nerve signals. Nevertheless, there is hope that
act as an immunosuppressant is dramatically illus- careful targeting of certain receptors (particularly
trated by a rare but well-known genetic disease the A3 subtype) in cancer may prove to be a useful
involving a lack of ADA. In this disorder, levels of intervention.
adenosine within lymphoid tissues rise and
(through a combination of events involving both
toxic metabolites and adenosine acting through its
receptors) cause a severe immunodeficiency (well Adenovirus
known because of the need to protect afflicted
children from infection in “biobubble” tents). Stefan Kochanek
Adenosine is capable of interfering with the Division of Gene Therapy, University of Ulm,
immune response at different levels and by acting Ulm, Germany
on different cell types. It works through cell sur-
face adenosine receptors (principally A2A and A3
subtypes) to suppress various functions of Definition
T lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, poly-
morphonuclear granulocytes, and phagocytic Adenoviruses were originally isolated as etiologic
cells such as tissue macrophages that play a key agents for upper respiratory infections. Their
role in recognizing the targets for immunological name is derived from the initial observation that
attack. In the case of T lymphocytes and NK cells, primary cell explants from human adenoids were
whose infiltration and activity is of key impor- found to degenerate secondary to the infection by
tance to the fate of the tumor and prognosis of an, at the time, unknown virus. According to the
the patient, adenosine suppresses successive current official taxonomy, there are four adenovi-
stages in the evolution and function of the cells. rus genera (Mastadenovirus, Atadenovirus,
It inhibits the proliferation of the cells, the expres- Aviadenovirus, and Siadenovirus), indicating
sion of key molecules on the cell surface that are that adenovirus is widely distributed in verte-
needed to allow full activation, the extent of inter- brates. More than 50 human serotypes have been
action with the cancer cell, the release of toxic identified. The individual serotypes are distin-
molecules involved in cell killing, and the overall guished by different parameters such as immuno-
capacity for killing of the cellular targets. logical properties, tumorigenicity, and DNA
Given the extensive effects of adenosine on sequence. Some serotypes may cause more seri-
nearly all of the cell types present in tumors, it ous infectious diseases such as epidemic kerato-
would be appealing to attempt to use drugs that conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, or hemorrhagic
interfere with adenosine pathways as a way of cystitis. The adenoviral particle is composed of
interfering with the growth of the cancer cells, an outer icosahedral protein capsid with an inner
blocking the formation of new blood vessels to linear double-stranded DNA genome of
74 Adenovirus

approximately 36 kilobases (kb) in size. There are in the interaction of neighboring cells. The ade-
11 structural proteins, seven to form the capsid, noviral particle is internalized by receptor-
among them hexon, penton base, and fiber being mediated endocytosis into clathrin-coated pits
the major constituents of the adenoviral capsid, requiring a secondary interaction of the penton
and four that are packaged in the core. Internali- base with an av-integrin. Following endocytosis
zation of the viral particle during infection the viral particle is sequentially disassembled,
requires the interaction of the fiber and the penton initially losing the fiber proteins, later most of
base with surface proteins (receptors) of the cell. the other viral structural proteins. Finally, the
Several virally encoded proteins are associated viral DNA is released as a DNA–protein complex
with the viral DNA. through nuclear pores into the nucleus of the host
Adenovirus is being used as a gene carrier for cell. Shortly thereafter, transcriptional activation
▶ gene therapy. Most adenoviral vectors (see of the early genes E1A and E1B initiates a com-
below) are derived from the serotypes 2 and plex transcriptional program designed to first rep-
5 (Ad2, Ad5) which are frequent causes for mild licate the viral DNA and later to generate new
colds. During childhood most individuals will infectious viral particles (Fig. 1). The activation
become immunized against different adenoviral of early and late transcription units follows a
serotypes by natural infection. Ad2 and Ad5 are relatively well-understood transcriptional pattern.
not oncogenic in humans Adenoviruses have a The gene products of the E1A and E1B genes are
good safety record based on vaccination studies involved in the activation of both viral and cellular
that have been performed in military recruits two genes. Under certain conditions, in particular if
to three decades ago. As detailed below, during infection of a cell does not result in a productive
natural infection of permissive cells, the adenovi- but rather abortive infection (abortive infection,
ral DNA is transcribed, replicated, and packaged the infectious cycle is blocked at an early stage
into capsids within the nuclei of infected cells. following infection of the host cell) together with
Similar to other DNA viruses, two main phases the rare event of integration of the viral DNA into
can be distinguished during infection: the chromosome, cellular transformation may be a
consequence. The E2A and E2B gene products
are involved in the replication of the viral genome
• An early phase that is characterized by the
and include the viral DNA polymerase (Ad-Pol),
expression of the early virus genes E1, E2,
the terminal protein (TP), and the DNA-binding
E3, and E4
protein (DBP). The E3 and E4 gene products have
• A late phase after onset of viral replication in
diverse functions leading to transcriptional activa-
which the viral structural proteins are produced
tion of other promoters, preferential export of
viral RNAs out of the nucleus of infected cells,
Characteristics and suppression of host defenses. With the begin-
ning of replication of the viral genome approxi-
Infection and Viral Transcription mately 6 h after infection, late-phase transcription
A productive infectious cycle takes approximately units are activated. Most of the late-phase proteins
2–3 days, and under optimal conditions more than are capsid proteins or proteins that are involved in
50,000 particles are produced in every infected the organization and packaging of the viral
cell. In the case of most human adenoviral sero- genome inside the viral capsid. The most active
types, the infection begins with the attachment of promoter at this stage is the major late promoter
the virus particle to the cell surface via interaction (MLP) that directs the transcription of a large
of the tip of the capsid fiber protein with the primary RNA transcript that covers more than
membrane protein CAR (coxsackie–adenovirus two thirds of the viral genome. From this tran-
receptor). As it is apparent from the name, CAR script five families (L1–L5) of structural proteins
is also used by some coxsackie viruses as receptor are generated by differential splicing and
for entry. Naturally, CAR plays an important role polyadenylation. During the course of an
Adenovirus 75

10 000 20 000 30 000

E1 AE1 B
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5

Ad5 genome

E2 B E2 A E4

Ad-pol,TP DBP

Therapeutic gene
E1-deleted vector
(first-generation vector)

Therapeutic gene
E1 + E4/E2-deleted vector
(Second-generation vector)

Therapeutic gene
High-capacity vector
(‘gutless’ vector)
Non-coding stuffer DNA Non-coding stuffer DNA

Adenovirus, Fig. 1 Organization of the adenovirus generated by alternative splicing and differential
genome and the different adenoviral vector types polyadenylation (for clarity not all adenoviral genes and
employed for gene transfer. Promoters are indicated by gene products are indicated). First-generation adenoviral
arrowheads and transcribed genes by arrows. The genes vectors are characterized by deletion of the E1 genes and
that are transcribed early during infection are the E1A, second-generation adenoviral vectors by the additional
E1B, E2, E3, and E4 genes. The main gene products, deletion of the E2 and/or E4 genes. High-capacity adeno-
generated late during infection, are transcribed from the viral vectors have most of the viral genome removed and
major late promoter (MLP), which directs a very long RNA retain only the noncoding viral ends. In high-capacity
message (MLTU, major late transcription unit). Different adenoviral vectors, stuffer DNA is included in the vector
RNA species (L1–L5) that code for structural proteins are genome for stability reasons

infection, the metabolism of infected cells is hamsters was the first direct demonstration of a
redirected to support a predominant production human virus causing malignant cellular transfor-
and assembly of viral proteins. mation. This observation greatly stimulated the
interest in using viruses as experimental systems
Adenoviral Functions and Oncogenesis in the study of the pathogenesis of cancer. While
Adenoviruses have played important roles as there is no epidemiological evidence for an
experimental tools in the discoveries of several involvement of adenoviruses in the pathogenesis
fundamental principles in molecular biology, of human cancers, several serotypes have been
including RNA splicing and oncogenic transfor- shown to cause tumors in rodents. Some sero-
mation of cells. In fact, the 1993 Nobel Prize for types, such as Ad12 or Ad18, are highly onco-
Physiology or Medicine was awarded to genic in animals; others, for example, Ad4 or
Dr. Phillip Allen Sharp and Dr. Richard John Ad5, have a low oncogenic potential. Based on
Roberts for the discovery of RNA splicing and several complementing observations, cellular
was based on their work with adenovirus RNA transformation is mediated by the viral E1A and
transcription. The induction of malignant tumors E1B genes: In most virus-transformed cells, the
by injection of adenovirus type 12 in newborn viral E1 genes are consistently found integrated
76 Adenovirus

into the cellular genome where they are expressed. antiviral immune responses are frequently
Transfection of cells with the E1A and E1B genes observed resulting in the clearance of trans-
is necessary and sufficient for cell transformation, duced cells. Consequently, gene expression is
and viruses with mutations in the E1 genes are only transient. Contributing factors for short-
defective for transformation. Several RNAs are term gene expression include immune
transcribed from the E1A genes, the main species responses directed to the transgenic proteins
in Ad5 being the 12S and the 13S RNAs coding expressed from the vector, if the organism is
for E1A proteins of 243 and 289 amino acids. To a not tolerant to that protein.
large extent, the E1A proteins exert their • The upper DNA packaging limit for adenovi-
transforming activity by interaction with cellular ruses is about 38 kb. Because most viral genes
proteins that are involved in cell cycle regulation are retained on the vector, only about 7–8 kb of
such as the tumor suppressor pRB. While E1A nonviral DNA can be incorporated into
alone is capable of immortalizing cells, coopera- such vectors. However, in many conditions
tion with E1B functions is required to achieve a the therapeutic cDNAs are either large,
full transformation phenotype. Two main proteins additional elements have to be included to
are produced from the E1B gene by alternative achieve regulated gene expression, or multiple
splicing: the 21 kD E1B protein that has been genes need to be expressed to obtain a thera-
shown to inhibit apoptosis and the 55 kD E1B peutic effect. Thus, it is clear that the size
protein that interacts with the tumor suppressor constraints in first-generation adenoviral vec-
protein p53. The expression of additional viral tors may be a limiting factor for many potential
functions may contribute to E1-mediated tumori- applications. In order to further decrease
genesis. For example, a 19 kD protein expressed expression of late viral proteins, adenoviral
from the E3 region can decrease MHC class vectors with inactivation of the E2 and/or E4
I levels in transformed cells, and certain functions functions in addition to the deletion of the
expressed from the E4 region can cooperate with E1 region have been generated. These vectors
the transforming activity of the E1B 55 kD are produced in cell lines that complement
protein. both E1 and E2 and/or E4 functions. Currently
it is controversial whether these second-
Gene Therapy: First- and Second-Generation generation adenoviral vectors have any signif-
Adenoviral Vectors icant advantages over first-generation vectors
First-generation adenoviral vectors do not repli- and lead to a longer duration of gene
cate in human cells under normal conditions expression.
because the E1A and E1B genes are deleted
from the vector genome (Fig. 1). These vectors “Gutless” Adenoviral Vectors
are produced in complementing cell lines that In an attempt to address several of the problems
express the E1A and E1B genes. First-generation observed with first-generation adenoviral vectors,
vectors have been used for gene transfer in cul- a novel adenoviral vector has been developed that
tured cells, animals, and even clinical trials in will be useful for the functional analysis of genes
humans to express a large number of genes in in vivo and clinical studies. This vector has been
different cell types and tissues. So far the results variably called the “high-capacity (HC),” “gut-
of experiments performed in animals and clinical less,” “gutted,” or “helper-dependent (HD)” ade-
studies in humans have been relatively disap- noviral vector. Because all viral genes are deleted
pointing. Several significant disadvantages of from this vector, the capacity for the uptake of
first-generation adenoviral vectors have been foreign DNA is more than 30 kb. The current
acknowledged: production system involves the use of an adeno-
viral helper virus and takes advantage of the
• Because first-generation vectors still contain a Cre–loxP recombination system. In this produc-
nearly complete set of viral genes, toxicity and tion scheme, a first-generation adenoviral vector

carries two loxP recognition sequences that flank In addition, replication-competent adenoviral
the adenoviral packaging signal. The vector is vectors are being developed, in which expression
produced in E1-complementing cells that express of essential viral genes, in particular of E1A, is A
the Cre-recombinase of bacteriophage P1. After under control of a tumor-specific promoter. These
infection of these cells by both the helper virus vectors have been named CRADs (conditionally
and vector, the packaging signal of the helper replicating adenoviruses).
virus is excised. Therefore, the vector and only
little helper virus are packaged. From several
Adenoviral Vectors for Genetic Vaccination
in vivo experiments performed in different animal
One of the most promising applications of adeno-
species, it is apparent that these new vectors have
viral vectors is in the area of genetic vaccination.
clear advantages compared to earlier versions of
For many common diseases including AIDS or
adenoviral vectors and are considerably improved
malaria, there are currently no vaccines available.
in safety and expression profiles. Their increased
Since adenoviral vectors have been found to
capacity for foreign DNA allows gene transfer of
induce strong cellular and humoral (antibody)
several expression cassettes, large promoters, and
immune responses against expressed genes,
some genes in their natural genomic context, a
many preclinical studies have been performed
significant advantage over first- and second-
with the aim of vaccine development. In these
generation adenoviral vectors.
studies adenoviral vectors have been found to
belong to the strongest inducers of antigen-
Replication-Competent Adenoviral Vectors
specific immune responses against different anti-
for Cancer Gene Therapy
gens. Therefore, clinical studies have been initi-
While the abovementioned adenoviral vectors
ated, in which adenoviral vectors, either alone or
have been widely used in preclinical and, with
in combination with proteins or other vectors, are
the exception of “gutless” adenoviral vectors,
evaluated for their potential as a vaccine against
also in clinical studies to express a wide variety
different infectious diseases.
of transgenes including cytokines, p53, and thy-
midine kinase (TK), it would be desirable to
achieve gene transfer into all or most neoplastic
cells within a tumor. This is clearly not possible
with current vector technology. A new concept
has been proposed that is based on the use of an Berk AJ (2007) Adenoviridae: the viruses and their repli-
adenovirus that is both replication competent and cation. In: Fields BN, Knipe DM, Howley PM (eds)
tumor restricted in its growth. This virus is based Fields virology, 3rd edn. Lippincott-Raven, Philadel-
phia/New York, pp 2355–2394
on an Ad5 mutant virus that has an inactivating
Doerfler W, Böhm P (eds) (1995) The molecular repertoire
deletion within the E1B gene and does not express of adenoviruses. Current topics in microbiology and
the E1B 55 kD protein. Initially, it was thought immunology, 199/I–III. Springer, Berlin
that replication of the virus was dependent on the Imperiale MJ, Kochanek S (2004) Adenovirus vectors:
biology, design, and production. Curr Top Microbiol
p53 status of the host cell and that the virus was
Imunol 273:335–357
able to grow only in cells deficient for function Wold WSM, Horwitz MS (2007) Adenoviruses. In: Fields
p53 expression. However, results indicate that virology, 5th edn. Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia/New
the growth of this virus is independent of the York, pp 2395–2436
p53 status cells and may depend on other cell
cycle-related factors. Although clinical studies
so far have not been or only partially been
successful, such a virus has been approved in
2005 in China for cancer therapy and is currently ADEPT
used in combination with chemotherapy and/or
radiotherapy. ▶ Antibody-Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy
78 ADF

cytoskeleton, and they also serve as sites of

ADF cell–cell communication. Adherens junctions are
abundant in many tissues that are subjected to
▶ Thioredoxin System mechanical stress. In epithelial cells, adherens
junctions coalesce into the mature zonula
adherens. In cooperation with the zonula
occludens (tight junctions), the zonula adherens
Adherens Junctions defines apical–basal polarity by physically sepa-
rating the membrane into apical and basolateral
Jun Miyoshi1 and Yoshimi Takai2 membrane domains. In addition, adherens junc-
Department of Molecular Biology, Osaka tions mediate nuclear ▶ signal transduction
Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular induced by cell contact. For example, molecules
Diseases, Osaka, Japan clustered at adherens junctions could mediate
Faculty of Medicine, Osaka University Graduate contact-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation
School of Medicine, Suita, Japan and movement: the arrest of the cell cycle in G1
phase that occurs when cell density increases to
confluence in culture. Thus, the coupling of cell
Synonyms contact and signaling at adherens junctions
reflects structural and functional regulations
Intermediate junction; Zonula adherens involved in establishing multicellular organisms.
Cadherins and nectins are two major ▶ cell
adhesion molecules in the extracellular space.
Definition Cadherins are a superfamily composed of classi-
cal cadherins, which are the main components of
Adherens junctions are specialized cell–cell adherens junctions, and nonclassical cadherins,
attachments composed of transmembrane proteins which include desmosomal cadherins and
and cytoplasmic proteins that anchor to the actin protocadherins. The classical cadherins share a
cytoskeleton (Fig. 1). Anchoring proteins are motif of five cadherin repeats in the extracellular
clustered with several actin-binding proteins in domain, and they are divided into several sub-
the cytoplasm adjacent to the junctional mem- types including epithelial (E) cadherin, placental
branes. Adherens junctions form punctate or (P) cadherin, neural (N) cadherin, and vascular
streak-like attachments in nonepithelial tissues, endothelial (VE) cadherin. On the other hand,
whereas they encircle the apical portion of adja- nectins are immunoglobulin-like adhesion mole-
cent epithelial cells below ▶ tight junctions. cules composed of four members.
Adherens junctions have prototypic roles in stabi- Adherens junctions facilitate cell–cell adhe-
lizing the epithelium, establishing apical–basal sion through homophilic binding between
polarity of epithelial cells, and facilitating cadherin molecules, as well as homophilic and
cell–cell communication that regulates cell prolif- heterophilic bindings between nectin molecules
eration and movement. Since most human cancers on adjacent cells. It remains controversial whether
are of epithelial origin, disruption of adherens or not the extracellular domain of E-cadherin first
junctions is one of the hallmarks of cancer cells binds to form cis-dimers on the surface of the
exhibiting malignant transformation. same cells, and then promotes cell-cell contacts
by forming trans-dimers in a Ca2+-dependent
manner. On the other hand, each member of
Characteristics nectins forms cis-dimers, and then promotes
homophilic or heterophilic trans-dimer formation
Adherens junctions are sites of mechanical attach- in a Ca2+-independent manner. Heterophilic
ment regulated by dynamic changes in the actin trans-interactions have been detected between
Adherens Junctions 79

Adherens Junctions, Apical surface

Fig. 1 Epithelial cells
joined by the apical
adhesion complex. A
Adherens junctions are
located below tight
junctions near the apical JAM ZO

Tight junction
end of the lateral cell
interface in epithelial cells. Claudin ZO F-Actin
Nectin and E-cadherin-
based cell adhesions are ZO
connected via several
cytoplasmic proteins into
belts of actin filaments that
underlie adherens junctions.
Nectins are localized to Nectin
adherens junctions via Afadin Rap1
afadin, and they are Afadin Afadin
associated with integrin Afadin F-Actin
avb3 in the extracellular FAK
space. Afadin binds to the IQGAP1
Integrin ανβ3 Src
Adherens junction

tail of nectin cis-dimers as Cdc42

well as F-actin directly,
interacting with Rap1. Rac
b-catenin binds to the tail of
p120 ctn
Vinculin VASP
E-cadherin cis-dimers
directly, and then a-catenin α-Catenin α-Actinin
p120 ctn

binds to b-catenin. The α-Catenin β-Catenin
Arp2 Arp3
catenins can mediate
β-Catenin β-Catenin
interactions to F-actin Formin1
p120 ctn

through binding to several β-Catenin α-Catenin

p120 ctn

actin-binding proteins such α-Catenin

Src Rac
as ZO proteins, afadin,
vinculin, a-actinin, VASP,
formin-1, and Arp2/3
complex. c-Src, Rac,
Cdc42, and FAK play roles
in regulating dynamic
changes of the actin
cytoskelton, facilitated by Basal interface
E-cadherin and nectin
Extracellular matrix

nectin-2 and nectin-3, between nectin-1 and The intracellular domain of cadherins is asso-
nectin-3, and between nectin-1 and nectin-4. ciated with a cytoplasmic complex consisting of
Importantly, heterophilic trans-dimers form stron- a-catenin and b-catenin, and forms structural
ger cell–cell attachment than homophilic links to the actin cytoskeleton. a-catenin does
trans-dimers, which actually determines the type not act as a stable link to filamentous actin
of cell–cell adhesion. Namely, cadherins exclu- (F-actin) but possibly acts as a molecular switch
sively promote adhesion between homotypic that regulates actin dynamics at adherens junc-
cells, whereas nectins have a dual role in promot- tions. The catenins could also mediate interactions
ing adhesion between homotypic cells and with F-actin via binding to proteins such as ZO
between heterotypic cells. Heterophilic engage- protein-1, afadin, vinculin, and a-actinin. The
ment of nectins may thus play key roles in cell intracellular domain of nectins directly binds to
recognition and sorting in vivo. afadin that links nectins to the actin cytoskeleton.
80 Adherens Junctions

Localization of nectins to adherens junctions cooperative roles in the formation of adherens

depends on the presence of afadin. Thus, the junctions and tight junctions although the mecha-
catenins and afadin cooperatively contribute to nism is largely unknown. Thus, E-cadherin and
form adherens junctions that are strong yet easily nectin trans-interactions induce elaborate interac-
remodeled. tions between peripheral proteins to establish
Nectin-based cell–cell adhesions establish mature adherens junctions.
adherens junctions, both independently and b-catenin is able to translocate to the nucleus,
cooperating with cadherin-based cell–cell adhe- where it binds to lymphoid enhancer factor–T-cell
sions. In Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) factor (LEF/TCF) that regulates gene transcrip-
cells in culture, nectins first form cell–cell adhe- tion. b-catenin is involved in several signaling
sion and then recruit cadherins to the nectin-based pathways including the wingless-type mammary
cell–cell adhesion sites to establish adherens junc- virus integration-site family (Wnt) signaling path-
tions. Nectins further promote formation of tight way. When Wnt proteins bind their receptors, they
junctions in MDCK cells by recruiting JAM inactivate the serine/threonine kinase GSK3b that
(junctional adhesion molecule)-A, claudin-1, and phosphorylates b-catenin and targets it for
occludin. On the other hand, nectins and integrin destruction in the proteosome. Mutations involv-
avb3 are physically associated through their ing the serine/threonine residues of b-catenin that
extracellular domains to cooperatively regulate are phosphorylated by GSK3b can stabilize the
cell movement, proliferation, adhesion, and polar- b-catenin protein or increase its nuclear localiza-
ization. Thus, nectins play roles in establishing tion. Furthermore, tyrosine phosphorylation of
apical junctional complex, as well as in commu- b-catenin also disrupts the association between
nication between cell–cell and cell–matrix E-cadherin and b-catenin, allowing b-catenin to
junctions. transduce signals to the nucleus.
Trans-interacting E-cadherin induces activa- Necl-5, a member of nectin-like cell adhesion
tion of Rac small ▶ G-protein, which stabilizes molecules (Necls), originally identified as a polio-
nontrans-interacting E-cadherin on the cell sur- virus receptor, could mediate growth arrest that
face by inhibiting endocytosis through the reorga- has been known as contact inhibition of cell pro-
nization of the actin cytoskeleton. p120 catenin liferation and movement. Necl-5 is overexpressed
(p120ctn) also plays a role for inhibiting endocy- in human colon carcinoma, as well as in NIH3T3
tosis of E-cadherin. In contrast, E-cadherin cells transformed by ▶ RAS activation. Necl-5
undergoes endocytosis when adherens junctions colocalizes with integrin avb3 and growth factor
are disrupted by the action of an extracellular receptors at leading edges of migrating cells and
signal, such as hepatocyte growth factor/▶ scatter regulates growth factor induced cell migration.
factor. Activated c-Src enhances endocytosis of When Necl-5 interacts in trans with nectin-3 at
E-cadherin by inducing the tyrosine phosphoryla- cell–cell contacts in NIH3T3 cells, Necl-5
tion and ubiquitylation of the E-cadherin com- undergoes downregulation from the cell surface,
plex. On the other hand, trans-interaction of resulting in reduction of cell proliferation and
nectins activates Cdc42 and Rac, which promotes movement. Thus, nectins and Necls have roles in
the formation of adherens junctions mediated by mechanical cell–cell adhesion as well as cell–cell
the IQGAP1-dependent actin cytoskeleton. In communication.
addition, afadin and activated Rap1 complex
interacts with p120ctn to strengthen the binding Implications in Cancer
between p120ctn and E-cadherin. Furthermore, the Adherens junctions control epithelial cell polarity
cell polarity proteins Par-3, Par-6, and aPKC that while other adhesion apparatus tends to inhibit
form a ternary complex could be implicated in the cell migration, which is crucial for the differenti-
assembly of adherens junctions. They regulate the ation and morphogenesis of many tissues. Loss of
association of afadin with nectins in MDCK cells. adherens junctions, as well as aberrant signaling
These cell polarity proteins and afadin could play involving the Wnt pathway, could contribute to
Adherens Junctions 81

p120 ctn
E-Cadherin Wnt
β-Catenin F-Actin
p120 ctn

β-Catenin β-Catenin Degradation

p120 ctn Rho

Stress fibers TCF β-Catenin

Rac Cdc42

Lamellipodia Filopodia

Adherens Junctions, Fig. 2 Signaling induced by loss the E-cadherin and catenin complex accumulated in the
of E-cadherin. Disruption of adherens junctions is caused cytoplasm. Part of b-catenin translocates to the nucleus and
by mutation or transcriptional repression of E-cadherin and binds to TCF to activate transcription of key genes required
growth-factor signaling. Dissociation of homophilic bind- for survival of detached cells, while the other part of
ing of E-cadherin promotes the endocytosis of E-cadherin b-catenin is modified by phosphorylation and
and the disassembly of the catenins. p120ctn further pro- ubiquitination, leading to proteosome degradation. The
motes cell motility by activating Rac and Cdc42 to form Wnt pathway promotes b-catenin signaling by repressing
lamellipodia and filopodia, and inhibits Rho activity that the phosphorylation of b-catenin mediated by GSK-3b
leads to stress-fiber formation. b-Catenin dissociated from

carcinogenesis and ▶ metastasis by causing cell by repressor proteins or by methylation of the

depolarization, loss of contact-dependent inhibi- promoter region of the E-cadherin gene. The
tion of proliferation, and increased ▶ motility and genetic defects of E-cadherin have been found in
invasiveness (Fig. 2). Cancer cells that show human lobular breast carcinomas and scirrhous-
migratory properties undergo ▶ epithelial to mes- type gastric cancers, both of which have highly
enchymal transition (EMT), with the induction of metastatic potentials. Mutations of b-catenin also
transcriptional repressor proteins, such as ▶ snail promote migration and ▶ invasion of cancer cells
transcriptional factor, slug, and twist, that by the loss of interaction of adherens junctions
downregulate E-cadherin gene expression. EMT with the actin cytoskelton.
is a basic mechanism that mediates disruption of Distributions of E-cadherin and b-catenin tend
epithelial polarity and disintegration of cancer cell to change depending on sites of tumor
nests. remodeling. In epithelial structures in the centre
Reduced E-cadherin levels in cancer cells are of cancer, E-cadherin and b-catenin are mostly
accomplished by genetic events such as somatic present in adherens junctions. However, solitary
mutation and reduced gene expression mediated cells at the invasive front of cancer plates shows
82 Adhesion

no signal for E-cadherin but often produce signals ▶ Snail Transcription Factors
for nuclear b-catenin. Thus, decreased E-cadherin ▶ Tight Junction
expression promotes the release of solitary cancer
cells at the invasive front and increases the sur-
vival of cancer cells by stimulating b-catenin References
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may prevent cancer-cell invasiveness. Therapeu- of intercellular adhesion and actin dynamics. Nat Rev
tic targets might be molecules involved in path- Mol Cell Biol 5:614–625
ways affecting the adhesive properties of Takai Y, Nakanishi H (2003) Nectin and afadin: novel
organizers of intercellular junctions. J Cell Sci
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kinases, tyrosine phosphatases such as invasion and metastasis. Curr Opin Cell Biol
PTP-LAR, Rho, Rac, and Rap small G-proteins, 5:806–811
Thiery JP, Sleeman JP (2006) Complex networks orches-
transcriptional repressor proteins, and ▶ merlin
trate epithelial-mesenchymal transitions. Nat Rev Mol
and the ▶ ERM proteins. For example, c-Src reg- Cell Biol 7:131–142
ulates both disruption of adherens junctions and
focal-adhesion turnover that are required for can- See Also
cer cell motility. Twist is highly expressed in (2012) Rap1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
human cancers with reduced E-cadherin mRNA 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3168.
expression levels. In contrast, podoplanin pro-
(2012) Wnt. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
motes cancer cell invasion in the absence of 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3953.
EMT, suggesting cancer cells can also migrate as doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6255
a mass, not necessarily as a single cell. Restoring (2012) ZO-1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3977.
E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion could be
means of preventing EMT in cancer and metasta-
sis although EMT is not essentially required for
cancer-cell invasion.


Cross-References Dario Rusciano

Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel, Switzerland
▶ Cell Adhesion Molecules
▶ E-Cadherin
▶ Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition Definition
▶ ERM Proteins
▶ Gastric Cancer Cell adhesion is a dynamic process that results
▶ G Proteins from specific interactions between cell surface
▶ Invasion molecules and their appropriate ligands. Adhesion
▶ IQGAP1 Protein can be found between adjacent cells (cell-cell
▶ Merlin adhesion) as well as between cells and the extra-
▶ Metastasis cellular matrix (ECM) (cell-matrix adhesion).
▶ Motility Besides keeping a multicellular organism
▶ RAS Activation together, cell adhesion is also a source of specific
▶ Scatter Factor signals to adherent cells; their phenotype can thus
▶ Signal Transduction be regulated by their adhesive interactions. In fact,
Adhesion 83

Adhesion, Fig. 1 Cell adhesion in normal (a, b) and often present with a completely disorganized actin cyto-
cancer (c, d) cells. Normal mesenchymal cells show regu- skeleton (c) and few focal contacts (d). Vinculin is typi-
lar actin stress fibers (a, stained with phalloidin) and focal cally arranged in patches at the periphery of the cell (d)
contacts (b, stained with anti-vinculin antibodies). In con- (Confocal micrograph courtesy of Dr. Jörg Hagmann, FMI,
trast, cancer cells (a highly motile melanoma cell is shown) Basel)

most of the cell adhesion receptors were found to • Integrins represent a family of cell surface gly-
be involved in ▶ signal transduction. By coproteins that depend on divalent cations and
interacting with growth factor receptors they are are important in cell-ECM and cell-cell adhe-
able to modulate their signaling efficiency. There- sion. The noncovalent association of an alpha
fore, gene expression, cytoskeletal dynamics, and and a beta subunit results in heterodimers that
growth regulation all depend, at least partially, on span the plasma membrane, enabling contacts
cell adhesive interactions (Fig. 1). with elements of the ▶ Cytoskeleton and signal
transducing intermediates.
• The immunoglobulin superfamily of adhesion
Characteristics receptors is mainly involved in cell-cell adhe-
sion. Named after a 90–100 amino acid domain
Cell Adhesion Receptors that is also present in Ig molecules, these kind
Cell adhesion molecules were grouped into dis- of receptors can be expressed either as plasma
tinct classes according to structural and/or func- membrane-spanning molecules. However,
tional homologies. The following receptors have some of them are alternatively spliced and are
been directly implicated in the malignant pheno- anchored to the cell membrane by covalent
type of tumor cells. linkage to phosphatidylinositol.
84 Adhesion

Adhesion, Table 1 Adhesion receptors important for the signal transducing ability of
Type of cadherins.
Family Main members adhesion • ▶ Connexins are gap junction-forming pro-
Integrins Characterized by the Cell-ECM teins that oligomerize into specialized
different a- and cell-cell intercellular channels, connecting apposing
plasma membranes. They allow the exchange
superfamily N-CAM, CD2 (LFA2), cell-cell of low molecular weight metabolites such as
LFA3, CD4, CD8, second messengers that are important in signal
MHC (class I and II) transduction (Table 1).
Cadherins E, P, L Cell-cell
Adhesion and Cancer
Selectins E, P, N Cell-cell
The selective adhesion of one cell to another or to
Connexins 26 (tumor suppressor) Cell-cell the surrounding ECM is of paramount importance
32 (liver) 43 (glial (gap during embryonic development as well as for the
cells) junctions) maintenance of normal adult tissue structure and
Cell surface Syndecan, glypican Cell-ECM function. Severe perturbations of these interac-
proteoglycans cell-cell
tions can be, at the same time, cause and conse-
CD44 CD44s, CD44v Cell-ECM
quence of malignant transformation and also play
a fundamental role during malignant progression
and metastatic dissemination (Fig. 1).
• Selectins represent a class of structurally
related monomeric cell surface glycoproteins • Adhesion to the ECM through integrin recep-
that bind specific carbohydrate ligands via their tors is important for anchorage dependent cell
lectin-like domains. Since the ligands are growth and cell survival. Normal cells that are
expressed in a specific way by vascular endo- detached from the ECM are locked in the G1
thelial cells, selectins are important in lympho- phase of the cell cycle (by loss of activity of the
cyte trafficking and homing of malignant cyclinE/cdk2 complex) and undergo apoptosis
tumor cells. (anoikis). Transformed cells, in which integrin
• Cell surface proteoglycans consist of signaling is altered, acquire the ability to grow
glycosaminoglycans (GAG) attached to core in suspension and do not succumb to anoikis.
proteins through an O-glycosidic linkage. • Adhesion to neighboring cells, mediated by
They can mediate cell-cell and cell-ECM cell-cell adhesion molecules (e.g., N-CAM
adhesion. and C-CAM) and by gap-junctions, inhibits
• ▶ CD44 comprises a large family of proteins growth of normal cells (what is commonly
generated from one gene by alternative splic- known as “contact growth inhibition”). Loss
ing. Variants of CD44 (CD44v) differ from the of these contacts due to the disrupted function
standard form (CD44s) by their implementa- of the relative adhesion molecules may result
tion of ten variant exons in various combina- in uncontrolled proliferation.
tions. Some variants have been causally related • The differentiated state of mature cells (their
to the metastatic spread of some tumor cells. “identity”) is also maintained through specific
Among the ligands for CD44 are hyaluronic adhesion to the ECM and adjacent cells: a loss
acid (HA), fibronectin and collagen, and chon- of identity is thus a likely consequence if spe-
droitin sulfate-modified proteins. cific contacts are lost, finally resulting in the
• Cadherins are surface glycoproteins involved ambiguous phenotype of many tumor cells
in cell-cell interactions. They are involved in (Fig. 2).
the formation of adherens-type functions
between cells. Through their cytoplasmic Certain genes that code for cell adhesion mol-
tail they interact with catenins, which are ecules may therefore be considered as ▶ tumor
Adhesion 85

Loss of growth control,

resistance to anoikis,
motility, invasion
Apoptosis Cancer

Growth inhibition, survival
ECM survival E CM E CM
polarization, differentiation

Adhesion, Fig. 2 Cell adhesion and maintenance of a differentiation. Extensive intercellular contacts among
normal differentiated phenotype: Detachment of a normal cells adhered onto the ECM lead to contact-mediated
cell from the extracellular matrix (ECM) would normally growth inhibition. Tumor cells do not undergo apoptosis
lead to apoptosis. Normal cells that keep contact with the when detached from the ECM and may grow, migrate, and
ECM are protected from apoptosis and may migrate and invade into the matrix, to enter the circulation and give rise
grow. Normal cells tend to be organized as sheets onto the to distant metastases
ECM, which contributes to their polarization and

suppressor genes or even ▶ metastasis suppressor contribute to the release of such mutant cells from
genes since their loss or a functional mutation can the primary tumor mass. Indeed, it was found that
strongly contribute to the acquisition of the malig- tumor cells separate more easily from solid tumors
nant phenotype. than normal cells from corresponding tissues.

Adhesion in Metastasis • Cadherin expression has been shown to influ-

Adhesive interactions play a very critical role in ence intercellular cohesion in direct correlation
the process of metastatic tumor dissemination, with invasive behavior. An increased cadherin
and the abnormal adhesiveness that is generally expression in tumor lines generally causes a
displayed by tumor cells appears to contribute to tighter association of tumor cells. In vitro
their metastatic behavior. Both positive and nega- experiments have shown that cells which do
tive regulation of cell adhesion are required in the not express cadherins or in which cadherins
metastatic process, since metastatic cells must are functionally inhibited are more invasive
break away from the primary tumor, travel in the than cells with normal cadherin activity. In
circulation where they can interact with blood cases where E-cadherin was involved,
cells and then adhere to cellular and extracellular re-introduction of a wild type copy of the
matrix elements at specific secondary sites. gene could revert the invasive phenotype. The
loss of cadherin activity, however, is not suffi-
Adhesion Within The Tumor Mass cient to make cells invasive. ▶ Invasion also
The majority of normal adult cells are restricted by requires other cellular activities, such as
compartment boundaries that are usually con- ▶ motility and protease production. In vivo,
served during the early stages of development of tumors expressing low levels of cadherins
a tumor. Therefore, the detachment of malignant tend to be less differentiated and to exhibit
cells from the primary tumor is an essential step higher invasive potential, although they are
for the initiation of the metastatic cascade. During not necessarily more metastatic. In human can-
tumor progression, changes on the cell surface cer, a reduction in cadherin activity correlates
that lead to a weakening of the cellular constraints with the infiltrative ability of tumor cells, a
86 Adhesion

correlation that in many tumors is also retained cells. In this regard, it has been suggested that
in distant metastasis. site specificity of cancer metastasis might be, at
• A different type of cellular constraint is pro- least partially, a consequence of the formation
vided by gap junction communication. Gap of “multicellular metastatic units” (MSU)
junctions play an essential role in the integrated consisting of tumor cells, platelets, and
regulation of growth, differentiation, and func- leukocytes. A subset of leukocytes within
tion of tissues and organs. The disruption of the “MSU” would be responsible for site-
gap junction communication can cause irre- specific endothelium recognition, adhesion,
versible damage to the integrity of the tissue and stable attachment, thus serving as “carrier
and finally contribute to tumor promotion and cells” targeting the metastatic “spheroids” to
malignant progression by favoring local cell specific sites of secondary tumor foci
isolation. There is experimental evidence that formation.
a loss of intercellular junction communication • Several lines of evidence have provided strong
affects the metastatic potential of cell lines. support for the concept that tumor cell-platelet
Normal cells use gap junctions to control the interaction significantly contributes to hema-
growth of tumor cells. Once gap junctional togenous metastasis. Two categories of mole-
communication is lost, the signaling mecha- cules can trigger tumor cell induced platelet
nism responsible for the exertion of such aggregation (TCIPA) and activation: soluble
growth control is also lost. Both quantitative mediators and adhesion molecules. The latter
and qualitative changes in gap junction protein are likely to be responsible for the initial con-
(connexins) expression were found to be asso- tact between tumor cells and platelet cells, and
ciated with tumor progression during multi- might later stabilize the interaction. P-selectin
stage skin carcinogenesis in the mouse model and aIIbb3 integrin on the platelet surface may
system as well as with tumorigenesis in a rat bind Lex carbohydrate determinants and fibrin
bladder tumor cell line. on the surface of tumor cells, thus triggering
platelet activation. Sialylation appears to be a
Malignant Tumor Cells in the Blood Stream: general requirement for TCIPA, and sialogly-
Adhesion to Blood Cells and Platelets coconjugates present on both tumor cells and
Blood-borne tumor cells undergo various platelets have been involved in tumor cell-
homotypic and heterotypic interactions, the effect platelet interactions. Mechanistically, platelets
of which will also influence their metastatic may contribute to metastasis by stabilizing
behavior. Some of these interactions may be det- tumor cell arrest in the vasculature, shielding
rimental to circulating tumor cells such as tumor tumor cells from physical damage, providing
cell recognition by natural killer (NK) cells, or by additional adhesion mechanisms to endothelial
tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL). Others may cells and subendothelial matrix, and serving as
provide, to a certain extent, a protective effect a potential source of growth factors. If tumor
and/or contribute to metastatic spreading, such cell interaction with host platelets occurs while
as interactions with platelets or, in certain cases, tumor cells are circulating, an organ-specific
with leucocytes. colonization ability of blood-borne tumor cells
may be influenced. In fact, the resulting embo-
• De novo expression of the cell adhesion mole- lus will be more easily arrested in the vascula-
cule ICAM-1 by melanomas might lead to ture of the first organ downstream from the
heterotypic adhesion between melanoma cells primary tumor site. If this organ represents a
and leukocytes bearing the relative receptor favorable milieu for tumor growth, then inter-
(LFA-1). Such interaction might thus action with platelets will enhance tumor metas-
enhance tumor cell adhesion to migratory and tasis at that site; if this is not the case, it may
invasive leukocytes, thereby contributing to prevent tumor cells from reaching their pre-
further dissemination of malignant tumor ferred organ and thus cause a reduction of the
Adhesion 87

metastatic potential. It seems, however, that in • Biochemical heterogeneity of EC is related to

most cases platelets are involved only after both the heterogeneous microenvironment
tumor cells have arrested, and platelet activa- within tissues and the size of the vessel. Het- A
tion may then stabilize the initial tumor cell erogeneity is seen in the differential expression
arrest in the microvasculature. of plasma membrane glycoproteins, cytoskel-
etal proteins, and surface receptors in micro-
Adhesion in the Target Organ vascular endothelium of different organs. Such
Circulating tumor cells, either as single cells or heterogeneity of endothelium underscores the
most likely as homotypic and/or heterotypic importance of using organ-specific capillary
aggregates that have escaped killing by the host endothelium in studying the role of organ-
immune system and lysis by mechanical shear specific tumor cell adhesion in metastasis.
forces associated with passage in the blood • The specificity of the adhesive interactions that
stream, need now to arrest in the microvasculature depends on the heterogeneity of microvascular
and extravasate into the organ parenchyma. In EC and tumor cells may favor, in a selective
fact, the survival time of tumor cells entering the way, the initial adhesive events in preferred
circulation is very short, usually less than 60 min. metastatic sites. As a consequence it may also
Therefore those cells that can rapidly arrest and facilitate metastatic dissemination to those
are able to get out the blood stream might have a organs, in a way that is similar to extravasation
selective advantage in giving rise to metastatic of lymphocytes from high endothelial venules
colonies. of lymphoid tissues. In fact, lymphocyte “hom-
Specific adhesion in the target organ has been ing” represents the paradigm for organ-specific
proposed as a critical determinant of organ spe- cell adhesion, and it has been shown to follow
cific metastasis, and experimental data indicates specific interactions between surface “hom-
that malignant tumor cells preferentially adhere to ing” receptors on lymphocytes with vascular
organ-specific adhesion molecules. Tumor cells, “addressins” expressed on the high endothelial
for instance, adhered more efficiently to venule surface. In a similar way, tumor cells
disaggregated cells or to histologic sections pre- express various combinations of cell surface
pared from their preferred site of metastasis than molecules that may serve as ligands for EC
from other organs. These type of assays, however, surface receptors, which are typically induced
do not accurately mimic the physiological situa- upon stimulation by mediators of inflamma-
tion in vivo, where the first contact of circulating tion. A local inflammatory response might
tumor cells happens with the luminal surface of thus facilitate circulating tumor cells adhesion
the vascular endothelium, and, after endothelial and arrest. The relevance of this type of inter-
retraction, with the subendothelial basement action in directing tumor metastasis has been
membrane. The basement membrane (BM) is a demonstrated in vivo using strains of trans-
thin mat of extracellular matrix that separates epi- genic mice that constitutively express cell sur-
thelial sheets and many types of cells, such as face E-selectin either in all tissues or in the
muscle cells and fat cells, from connective tissue. liver alone. Metastatic tumor cells that do not
The characteristic components of BMs are lami- express the ligand colonized mostly the lung.
nin, collagen type IV, and heparan sulfate However, following the induction of ligand
proteoglycan. expression, tumor cell colonization was
redirected to the liver with tremendous
Adhesion to Endothelial Cells (EC) efficiency.
The arrest of tumor cells in the capillary bed
of secondary organs and their subsequent Adhesion to Extracellular Matrix Components
extravasation occur through interactions with Mammalian organisms are composed by a series
the local microvascular endothelium and the of tissue compartments separated from one
subendothelial matrix. another by two types of extracellular matrix
88 Adhesion

(ECM): basement membranes and interstitial matrix, could be the major determinant of
stroma. ECM consists of three general classes of directed motility.
macromolecules, including collagens, proteogly- • Finally, it has to be considered that some ECM
cans, and noncollagenous glycoproteins (such as components may actually impede cell adhesion
fibronectin, laminin, entactin, and tenascin among and thus might influence directional tumor cell
others), which are expressed in a tissue-specific motility by promoting the localized detach-
fashion. ment of the trailing edge of migrating cells.
Malignant cells arrested in the microcirculation ECM-associated chondroitin sulfate proteo-
sometimes do not migrate further into the organ glycans, such as decorin, or the glycoprotein
parenchyma but grow locally in an expansive tenascin have been suggested to modulate
fashion until they rupture the vessel wall. In tumor cell adhesion and motility in this way.
most cases, however, the contact between tumor
cells and the endothelium results in EC retraction Adhesion and Drug Resistance
with exposure of the underlying basement mem- The malignant phenotype of tumor cells depends,
brane, followed by invasion of tumor cells in the at least partially, on the weakening of cell-matrix
tissue. and cell-cell interactions that occurs during tumor
The presence of specific adhesion receptors on progression. However, late stage tumors maintain
the membrane of metastatic cells, and the peculiar some level of intercellular adhesion, or even tend
composition of the extracellular matrix at a given to reactivate certain adhesion mechanisms, indi-
site, will influence tumor cell retention, motility cating that modulation of cell adhesion is a
and invasion, and growth at target organs. dynamic process. Given the beneficial effect of
cell adhesion on apoptosis resistance, an increased
• Electron microscopy observation on the forma- level of adhesion may facilitate survival of tumor
tion of pulmonary metastasis has shown that emboli, and there is evidence that it can help
tumor cells often adhere to regions of exposed tumor cells to evade the cytotoxic effects of anti-
basal lamina. The exposed subendothelial cancer therapy.
matrix is usually a better adhesive substrate
for tumor cells than the endothelial cell surface.
• In order to move through the ECM, tumor
cells must make firm contacts with matrix
molecules, be able to break these adhesive
▶ CD44
contacts as they move on and respond to
▶ Connexins
chemotactic molecules that direct their
▶ Cytoskeleton
movement. Interactions with the ECM may
▶ Invasion
fulfill all these scopes, through the signaling
▶ Metastasis Suppressor Gene
effect of several cytokines (growth factors,
▶ Motility
motility factors, enzymes, and enzyme
▶ Signal Transduction
inhibitors) that are stored bound to ECM mol-
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes
ecules, and released upon interaction with
tumor cells. Moreover, ECM macromolecules
themselves may also function as motility
attractants, and have been shown to stimulate
both chemotaxis and haptotaxis. Haptotactic Boudreau N, Bissell MJ (1998) Extracellular matrix
migration over insoluble matrix components signaling: integration of form and function in
may occur predominantly during the initial normal and malignant cells. Curr Opin Cell Biol
stages of metastatic invasion, while at later
Hedrick L, Cho KR, Vogelstein B (1993) Cell adhesion
stages partially degraded matrix proteins, molecules as tumor suppressors. Trends Cell Biol
derived from proteolytic processing of the 3:36–39
Adiponectin 89

Ruohslahti E, Öbrink B (1996) Common principles in cell

adhesion. Exp Cell Res 227:1–11 ADI
Rusciano D, Welch DR, Burger MM (2000) Cancer metas-
tasis: experimental approaches. In: Laboratory Tech- A
niques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, ▶ Arginine-Depleting Enzyme Arginine
vol 29. Elsevier Science B.V, Amsterdam Deiminase
Yamasaki H, Omori Y, Zaidan-Dagli ML et al (1999)
Genetic and epigenetic changes of intercellular com-
munication genes during multistage carcinogenesis.
Cancer Detect Prev 23:273–279
Adipocyte C1q and Collagen Domain
See Also Containing
(2012) Basement membrane. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, ▶ Adiponectin
p 349. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_537
(2012) Cadherins. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 581–
582. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_770
(2012) Chemotaxis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Adipocyte Complement-Related
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 793.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1081 Protein of 30 kDa
(2012) Extracellular matrix. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, ▶ Adiponectin
p 1362. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2067
(2012) Glycoprotein. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1570.
(2012) Glycosaminoglycans. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- Adipocytic Tumors
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
p 1570. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2453
(2012) Haptotaxis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of ▶ Adipose Tumors
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1631.
(2012) Heparan sulfate. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1647.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2637 Adiponectin
(2012) Lectin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1999. Jie Chen, Janice B. B. Lam and Yu Wang
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3303 Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy,
(2012) Proteoglycans. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3100. The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
(2012) Selectins. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3355. Synonyms
(2012) Sialoglycoconjugates. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, ACDC; ACRP30; Adipocyte C1q and collagen
p 3402. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5292 domain containing; Adipocyte complement-
(2012) Tumor progression. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- related protein of 30 kDa; AdipoQ; Adipose
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
p 3800. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6046 most abundant gene transcript 1; aPM1; GBP28;
Gelatin-binding protein 28

Adhesion Molecules
Adiponectin is a major adipokine secreted exclu-
▶ Cell Adhesion Molecules sively from adipocytes. This adipokine possesses
90 Adiponectin




Signal Hyper- Collagenous Globular
Sequence variable Domain Domain

Trimer Hexamer
Monomer HMW

Adiponectin, Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the pri- Several lysine residues located within the collagenous
mary structure (a) and the oligomeric complexes of domain are hydroxylated and glycosylated. (b)
adiponectin (b). Adiponectin contains a NH2-terminal sig- Adiponectin exists as three oligomeric species, including
nal sequence peptide and a hypervariable region, followed the trimer (LMW), hexamer (MMW), and HMW. Disulfide
by a conserved collagenous domain and a COOH-terminal bond formation and glycosylation are involved in its olig-
globular domain. A cysteine residue within the hypervari- omeric formation. GG, glucosyla(1–2)galactosyl group; S
able region is involved in the disulfide bond formation. −S, disulfide bonds

insulin-sensitizing, antidiabetic, antiangiogenic, adiponectin complex is a trimer or low molecular

antiatherogenic, antiinflammatory and anti- weight (LMW) oligomer, which is formed via
tumorigenic properties. hydrophobic interactions within its globular
domain. Two trimers self-associate to form a
disulfide-linked hexamer or middle molecular
Characteristics weight (MMW) oligomer, which further assem-
bles into a bouquet-like high molecular weight
Adiponectin was originally identified as an (HMW) multimeric complex that consists of
adipose-specific gene dysregulated in ▶ obesity. 12–18 monomers (Fig. 1b). Posttranslational
Human adiponectin gene is located on chromo- modifications, including disulfide bond formation
some 3q27 and encodes a 244 amino acids poly- at a conserved cysteine residue and glycosylations
peptide comprising of an NH2-terminal secretory occurred on several hydroxylated lysine residues
signal sequence, followed by a hypervariable within the collagenous domain, are involved in
region, a collagenous domain, and a COOH-ter- the assembly and stabilization of the oligomeric
minal globular domain (Fig. 1a). Circulating con- structures. Different oligomeric complexes of
centrations of adiponectin range from 3 to 30 mg/ adiponectin activate distinct signaling pathways
ml and account for about 0.05% of total human and possess different biological functions.
blood proteins. Despite the fact that it is produced Two putative adiponectin receptors, termed
in adipose tissue, serum concentrations of AdipoR1 and AdipoR2, have been identified.
adiponectin are paradoxically reduced in obese AdipoR1 is highly expressed in skeletal muscle
individuals and obesity-related pathological whereas AdipoR2 is most abundantly expressed
conditions. in liver. Both receptors are integral membrane
Endogenous adiponectin is predominantly pre- proteins containing seven transmembrane span-
sent as several characteristic oligomeric com- ning domains. AdipoR1/R2 may mediate the
plexes. The basic building block of the effect of adiponectin on activation of
Adiponectin 91

Fig. 2 Adiponectin acts as
a negative regulator in the
tumor-stromal A

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a fuel- non-cancer (stromal) cells in the tumor microen-
sensing enzyme that plays a central regulatory vironment, including adipocytes. Experimental
role in cellular energy metabolism. T-cadherin, evidence suggest that adiponectin acts as a major
which is highly expressed in endothelium and stromal factor to suppress carcinogenesis via the
smooth muscle, has been identified as an regulation of energy metabolism, cell growth and
adiponectin coreceptor with preference for survival, as well as angiogenesis in the tumor
hexameric and HMW adiponectin multimers. microenvironment (Fig. 2). For example,
Both adiponectin analogues and adiponectin adiponectin inhibits tumor neovascularization,
receptor agonists represent the potential therapeu- through suppression of endothelial cell prolifera-
tic targets for obesity-linked diseases. tion, migration, and tubular formation.

Adiponectin and Carcinogenesis Prostate Cancer

In humans, adiponectin deficiency is closely asso- Obesity is associated with prostate cancer pro-
ciated with increased cancer risks. Numerous clin- gression, increased tumor aggressiveness, and
ical studies have confirmed an inverse association poor prognosis. Low levels of adiponectin are an
between the blood concentrations of adiponectin independent risk factor for prostate cancer and
and the risks of obesity-related cancers, including associated with the histologic grade and stage of
▶ lung, ▶ prostate, ▶ breast, ▶ endometrial, the disease. Genetic variations of adiponectin
▶ gastric, liver and ▶ colorectal cancers. In addi- affect its circulating levels, the tumor grade, clin-
tion to cancer cells, there are multiple types of ical stage and aggressiveness in prostate cancer
92 Adiponectin

patients. Higher adiponectin concentrations pre- MCF7 breast cancer cells. It also inhibits insulin-
dispose men to a lower risk of developing and and growth factors-stimulated cell growth in
dying from prostate cancer. Thus, adiponectin another ER-positive T47D human breast cancer
represents a molecular link countering the adverse cells. Furthermore, adiponectin replenishment
effects of obesity on prostate cancer, particularly therapy suppresses mammary tumorigenesis of
in earlier stages of the disease. Adiponectin, in MDA-MB-231 cells in nude mice.
particular the HMW form, has been shown to
inhibit leptin- and/or ▶ insulin-like growth fac- Endometrial Cancer
tor-1 (IGF-1)-stimulated DU145 androgen inde- Adiponectin is decreased in obesity, insulin resis-
pendent prostate cancer cell growth and tance, type 2 diabetes, and polycystic ovary syn-
dihydrotestosterone-stimulated growth of drome, all of which are well-established risk
androgen-dependent LNCaP-FGC cells at factors for endometrial cancer. A number of
subphysiological concentrations. It suppresses case-control studies and meta-analyses have dem-
oxidative stress in human prostate cancer cell onstrated an inverse correlation between plasma
lines. In addition, adiponectin enhances the inhib- levels of adiponectin and the risk of endometrial
itory effects of the cytotoxic chemotherapy agent, cancer, independent of other obesity-related
doxorubicin, on prostate cancer cell growth. risk factors. Moreover, genetic polymorphisms
These data suggest that adiponectin plays an in the adiponectin gene are associated with endo-
important role in the pathogenesis of prostate can- metrial cancer risk. In addition, the oligomeric
cer, and may be used as a drug target for thera- status of and the ratio of leptin (another hormone
peutic interventions. secreted by adipose tissue and elevated in obese
individuals) to adiponectin show predictive
Breast Cancer values for endometrial cancer. Treatment with
Excess adiposity over the pre- and postmeno- adiponectin reduces the viability of endometrial
pausal years is an independent risk factor for the stromal cells, and inhibits leptin-induced prolifer-
development of breast cancer, and is associated ation and invasion of several types of endometrial
with late-stage disease and poor prognosis. Clin- cancer cells. Further studies are needed to inves-
ical studies have shown that low plasma tigate whether adiponectin deficiency plays a
adiponectin levels are significantly associated causative role in the pathogenesis of endometrial
with an increased risk for breast cancer in both cancer.
pre- and postmenopausal women, particularly in a
low estrogen environment. Moreover, tumors Lung Cancer
from women with low plasma adiponectin levels Adiponectin levels are significantly lower in lung
are more likely to show a biologically aggressive cancer patients with advanced disease in compar-
phenotype. Higher serum adiponectin levels, ison with those with limited disease. Increased
especially the HMW form, are associated with a circulating adiponectin levels are associated with
decreased breast cancer risk. The association is reduced risk for lung cancer. However, serum
more pronounced in oestrogen- and progesterone- adiponectin levels at diagnosis are not predictive
negative cases. Genetic polymorphisms of for survival and progression of the disease. The
adiponectin gene are significantly associated expression of AdipoR1/R2 is increased in tumor
with breast cancer. In line with these clinical find- tissues of both non-small (NSCLC) and small cell
ings, experimental evidence supports the role of (SCLC) lung cancer. The genetic variations in the
adiponectin as an inhibitory factor for breast can- adiponectin gene are associated with increased
cer development. Adiponectin at physiological susceptibility of NSCLC. A direct effect of
concentrations suppresses the proliferation and adiponectin on the proliferation and inflammation
induces ▶ apoptosis in the ▶ estrogen receptor status of lung epithelial A549 cells supports a
(ER)-negative human breast carcinoma functional role of adiponectin in lung cancer
MDA-MB-231 cells and the ER-positive human development.
Adiponectin 93

Kidney Cancer Esophageal Cancer

The link between obesity and renal cell carcinoma The incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma
(RCC) is well-established. Lower plasma (EAC) has increased by approximately 600% in A
adiponectin levels are associated with larger the past 40 years. Obesity is an independent risk
tumor size and metastasis of RCC. In patients factor for the development of EAC, independent
with end-stage renal disease, low adiponectin of gastro-esophageal reflux. Decreased
levels are an independent predictor of developing adiponectin levels contribute to the influence of
malignancy. Adiponectin treatment inhibits the obesity on EAC. Leptin and adiponectin exert
invasive and migratory capacities of RCC cells. mutually antagonistic actions on cells of Barrett
Reducing the expression of AdipoR1 increases esophagus, which appear to influence the progres-
the growth, dissemination and angiogenesis of sion of malignant behaviour.
RCC. Thus, the deficiency of adiponectin repre-
sents a link between obesity and RCC. Gastric and Colorectal Cancer
Lower plasma levels of adiponectin have been
Pancreatic Cancer observed in patients with gastric cancer, espe-
Genetic variants of adiponectin gene show signif- cially in those with upper gastric cancer. The
icant associations with pancreatic cancer. negative correlation is more significant in
Prediagnostic plasma levels of adiponectin are undifferentiated forms than in differentiated
inversely associated with risk of pancreatic can- forms of gastric cancers. Plasma adiponectin
cer, independent of other markers of obesity. In levels tend to decrease as the tumor size, depth
patients with pancreatic cancer, low adiponectin of invasion, and tumor stage increases. These data
levels are associated with the development of raise the possibility that adiponectin might play a
pancreatic cancer. Treatment with adiponectin potential role in the progression of gastric cancer,
inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis of especially in the upper stomach.
pancreatic cancer cells. However, a number of Obesity is implicated in the pathogenesis of
case-control studies suggest that adiponectin colorectal cancer. Negative, positive or null asso-
levels are significantly higher in patients with ciations between adiponectin and the risk of
pancreatic cancer. Moreover, the tumor tissues of developing colorectal cancer have been reported,
pancreatic cancer patients show positive or strong although polymorphisms of adiponectin gene are
expression of AdipoR1/R2. associated with colorectal pathogenesis. Experi-
mental studies suggest that adiponectin elicits
Liver Cancer growth-promoting and proinflammatory actions
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third lead- in HT-29 colonic epithelial cancer cells, but pre-
ing cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Obesity vents interleukin 1b-regulated malignant potential
and related metabolic abnormalities increase the in colon cancer cell lines. Adiponectin reduces
risk of HCC. However, serum levels of chronic inflammation-induced colon cancer at
adiponectin in HCC patients are significantly early stage of carcinogenesis. However, increased
higher than those in healthy controls and associ- adiponectin levels do not confer protection
ated with worsened overall survival, due to a against the development of colon tumors.
reduced excretion of this adipokine via the biliary
route. Different roles of adiponectin in virus- Leukemia and Myeloma
induced and metabolic-related liver diseases Adiponectin secretion by bone marrow adipo-
have been proposed, although the underlying cytes represent a promising drug target in
mechanism remains unknown. Experimental haematological malignancies. Adiponectin is
studies indicate that lack of adiponectin enhances decreased in bone marrow from patients with leu-
hepatic tumor formation, and treatment with kemia at diagnosis. In serum, decreased levels of
adiponectin induces apoptosis and leptin-stimu- adiponectin are associated with acute myeloblas-
lated proliferation of HCC cells. tic leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic
94 Adiponectin

Fig. 3 Molecular
signalling pathways
involved in adiponectin-
mediated antitumorigenic

leukemia (ALL). However, it is worthy to note heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (HB-
that adiponectin concentrations can be modulated EGF), and prevents these growth factors from
by various inflammatory cytokines and interferon activating their respective receptors to promote
therapy in these conditions. Whether low tumor development (Fig. 3). Several key signal-
adiponectin level is a causal factor of leukemia, ling cascades mediate the suppressive effects of
or a secondary response to ▶ inflammation, needs adiponectin on the survival and growth of various
to be further clarified. cancer cells.
Adiponectin levels are also reported to be
inversely associated with ▶ chronic lymphocytic AMPK
leukemia and myeloproliferative diseases. Obe- AMPK stimulates fatty acid oxidation and glu-
sity and lower serum adiponectin levels increase cose uptake, inhibits cholesterol and triglyceride
the risk of developing multiple myeloma. synthesis, and modulates cell growth and death.
Adiponectin inhibits cell proliferation and induces The phosphorylation-dependent activation of
apoptosis in myelomonocytic cell lines. Thus, AMPK mediates the insulin-sensitizing effects of
adiponectin deficiency may play an important adiponectin in liver and muscle. It is also involved
role in obesity-related myelomagenesis. in the regulatory activities of adiponectin on endo-
thelial cell functions and cardiac remodeling.
Mechanisms The upstream kinase LKB1 that activates AMPK
In addition to the direct inhibitory effects on can- is a tumor suppressor. AMPK activation inhibits
cer cell growth, invasion and migration, as an ▶ mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and
insulin-sensitizing hormone, adiponectin elicits its downstream effector kinases. Through inacti-
antitumorigenic activities indirectly by alleviating vation of mTOR, AMPK negatively regulates
hyperglycemia and insulin resistance, the two protein and de novo fatty acid synthesis, two
established risk factors for many obesity-related essential elements for rapid cancer cell growth.
cancers. Furthermore, adiponectin possesses anti- In addition, AMPK controls phosphorylation and
inflammatory functions by inhibiting the produc- activation of the P53 tumor suppressor and
tion or actions of a number of inflammatory fac- expression of the cell cycle inhibitor ▶ p21. Phos-
tors involved in promoting tumorigenesis. phorylation of AMPK further activates protein
Moreover, adiponectin acts as a decoy for a num- phosphatase 2A, which can negatively regulate
ber of proangiogenic growth factors, including Akt in response to adiponectin stimulation.
basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), platelet- These molecular events might represent the poten-
derived growth factor BB (PDGF-BB), and tial mechanisms through which adiponectin
Adiponectin 95

regulate carcinogenesis. Indeed, it has been malignant transformation and cancer progression.
reported that adiponectin at subphysiological con- It has been reported that adiponectin stimulates
centrations induces AMPK phosphorylation and the phosphorylation of JNK in prostate cancer A
reduces the cell growth in human breast, colon, DU145, PC-3, and LNCaP-FGC cells, as well as
liver, endometrial and prostate cancer cells. in hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells. On the
other hand, adiponectin inhibits constitutive acti-
Glycogen Synthase Kinase (GSK) 3b/b-Catenin vation of STAT3 in DU145 and HepG2 cells,
Signaling Pathway suggesting that activation of JNK and inhibition
Hyperactivation of the canonical Wnt/b-Catenin of STAT3 may contribute to the suppressive effect
pathway is one of the most frequent signal abnor- of adiponectin on carcinogenesis. Adiponectin
malities in many types of cancers. The central inhibits leptin-induced oncogenic signalling in
event in this pathway is the stabilization and oesophageal cancer cells by activation of PTP1B.
nuclear translocation of b-catenin, where it binds Adiponectin also increases suppressor of cytokine
to the transcription factor TCF/LEF and conse- signaling (SOCS3). In addition, the inactivation of
quently activates a cluster of genes that ultimately p42/p44 MAP kinase has been implicated in the
establish the oncogenic phenotype. b-Catenin is antiproliferative effects of adiponectin in human
phosphorylated by GSK3b and then modified by beast carcinoma MCF-7 and T47D cells. In pros-
polyubiquitination for ▶ proteasome-mediated tate cancer cells, NF-kB signalling pathway
degradation. In MDA-MB-231 cells, prolonged is involved in adiponectin-mediated integrin up-
treatment with adiponectin markedly reduces regulation and cellular migration.
serum-induced phosphorylation of GSK3b,
decreases intracellular accumulation and nuclear Adiponectin-based Therapeutics
translocation of b-catenin, and suppresses Adiponectin and its analogues represent a novel
▶ Cyclin D expression. Tumor cells derived class of anticancer agents for the treatment of
from an adiponectin-deficient stromal micro- obesity-related malignant tumors. The peptide
environment exhibit a hyperactivated phosphati- ADP-355 (H-DAsn-Ile-Pro-Nva-Leu-Tyr-DSer-
dylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/b-catenin Phe-Ala-DSer-NH2) mimics the actions of
signaling, which at least partly attributed to the adiponectin to dose-dependently inhibit cancer
decreased phosphatase and tensin homolog cell proliferation and suppress breast cancer xeno-
(PTEN) activities. Adiponectin promotes the graft growth. A small molecular compound,
thioredoxin/thioredoxin reductase balance, AdipoRon, binds with high affinity to AdipoR1/R2
disruption of which in the tumor microenviron- and elicits protective effects on obesity-induced
ment causes PTEN inactivation. In addition, metabolic dysfunctions. However, considering
adiponectin enhances the expressions of Wnt the increased or ubiquitous expression of
inhibitory factor-1 (WIF1), a Wnt antagonist fre- AdipoR1/R2 in tumor tissues, the application of
quently silenced in human breast tumors. These AdipoRon in cancer treatment needs to be scruti-
information suggest that the cross-talk between nized. Other agents that increase the endogenous
adiponectin and the Wnt signaling pathway rep- adiponectin levels include PPARg ligands, anti-
resents a key mechanism underlying the develop- diabetic drug methormin and apolipoprotein AI
ment of obesity-related cancers. mimetic peptide L-4 F. Further studies are
warranted to investigate their potential applica-
Other Pathways tions in obesity-related cancers.
Both c-Jun N-terminal kinase (▶ JNK) and signal
transducer and activator of transcription 3
(STAT3) are important regulators of cell prolifer- Cross-References
ation, apoptosis, and differentiation in various
physiological and pathophysiological conditions. ▶ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Constitutive activation of STAT3 is crucial in ▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia
96 AdipoQ

▶ Angiogenesis Wang Y, Lam KS, Yau MH, Xu A (2008) Post-translational

▶ Apoptosis modifications of adiponectin: mechanisms and func-
tional implications. Biochem J. 409:623–633
▶ Breast Cancer
▶ Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
▶ Cyclin D See Also
▶ Endometrial Cancer (2012) Adipokine. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 67.
▶ Estrogen Receptor
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_102
▶ Gastric Cancer (2012) AMPK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Inflammation 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 160. doi:
▶ Insulin-Like Growth Factors 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_244
(2012) Colorectal cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
▶ JNK Subfamily
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 916.
▶ Lung Cancer doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1265
▶ Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (2012) Hyperglycemia. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
▶ Obesity and Cancer Risk of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1781.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2907
▶ p21
(2012) Insulin resistance. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
▶ Prostate Cancer Clinical Oncology of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1877.
▶ Proteasome doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3078
(2012) Jun N-terminal kinase. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1929. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-
(2012) Leptin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2001. doi:
Holland WL and Scherer PE (2013) Ronning after the 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6734
adiponectin receptors. Science 342:1460–1461 (2012) Liver cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Li H, Stampfer MJ, Mucci L, Rifai N, Qiu W, Kurth T, Ma J cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2063.
(2010) A 25-year prospective study of plasma doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3393
adiponectin and leptin concentrations and prostate can- (2012) MTOR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
cer risk and survival. Clin Chem 56:34–43 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2384. doi:
Macis D, Guerrieri-Gonzaga A, Gandini S (2014) Circu- 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3867
lating adiponectin and breast cancer risk: a systematic (2012) Obesity. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
review and meta-analysis. Int J Epidemiol 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2595. doi:
43:1226–1236 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4185
Ntikoudi E, Kiagia M, Boura P, Syrigos KN (2014) Hor- (2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
mones of adipose tissue and their biologic role in lung 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2747. doi:
cancer. Cancer Treat Rev 40:22–30 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331
Otvos L Jr, Haspinger E, La Russa F, et al. (2011) Design (2012) Polyubiquitination. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
and development of a peptide-based adiponectin recep- dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/
tor agonist for cancer treatment. BMC Biotechnol Heidelberg, p 2957. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
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Peterson SJ, Drummond G, Kim DH, Li M, Kruger AL, (2012) Tumor suppressor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
Ikehara S, Abraham NG (2008) L-4F treatment reduces dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
adiposity, increases adiponectin levels, and improves p 3803. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6056
insulin sensitivity in obese mice. J Lipid Res (2012) Wnt/beta-catenin pathway. In: Schwab M (ed)
49:1658–1659 Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Saxena NK, Fu PP, Nagalingam A, Wang J, Handy J, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3957. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-
Cohen C, Tighiouart M, Sharma D, Anania FA (2010) 16483-5_6256
Adiponectin modulates c-jun N-terminal kinase
and mammalian target of rapamycin and inhibits
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Wang Y, Lam JB, Lam KS et al. (2006) Adiponectin
modulates the glycogen synthase kinase-3β/β-catenin
signaling pathway and attenuates mammary tumori-
genesis of MDA-MB-231 cells in nude mice. Cancer
Res 66:11462–11470 ▶ Adiponectin
Adipose Tumors 97

well-differentiated liposarcoma/dedifferentiated
Adipose Most Abundant Gene liposarcoma, ▶ myxoid/round cell liposarcoma,
Transcript 1 and pleomorphic liposarcoma. Except for the A
ordinary superficial lipomas, differential diagno-
▶ Adiponectin sis between benign and malignant AT and
between AT and other kinds of tumors is
sometimes difficult. Studies based on tumor kar-
yotypes have identified chromosomal abnormali-
Adipose Tissue-Specific Secretory ties specific to benign and malignant AT and
Factor (ADSF) advances in molecular cytogenetics improved
AT diagnosis. It is now possible to directly
▶ Resistin detect the genic rearrangements resulting from
chromosomal alterations on interphase nuclei
such as those in formalin-fixed and paraffin-
embedded tumor tissue sections using fluores-
Adipose Tumors cence in situ hybridization (FISH) (▶ interphase
cytogenetics) or polymerase chain reaction
Florence Pedeutour1 and Antoine Italiano2 (PCR).
Laboratory of Solid Tumors Genetics, Faculty of
Medicine, Nice University Hospital, Nice, France
Early Phase Trials and Sarcoma Units, Institut Characteristics
Bergonie, Bordeaux, France
Benign Adipose Tumors
The most common benign AT is the so-called
Synonyms superficial conventional lipomas. The other types
of benign AT are rare and may be the cause of
Adipocytic tumors; Lipomas; Lipomatous diagnostic difficulties because of their clinical or
tumors; Liposarcomas histological resemblance to malignant soft tissue
tumors. In most cases benign AT do not require
any treatment. Surgical removal may be necessary
Definition in case of functional or cosmetic impairment.
Conventional lipomas are the most common
Adipose tumors (AT) are mesenchymal neo- soft-tissue neoplasm in adults. They occur mainly
plasms that form the largest group of human in the fifth to seventh decades of life and are
tumors. They include benign tumors, such as the generally located superficially in subcutaneous
very common lipomas, as well as rare malignant fat. They can also be situated deeply in muscles
tumors with various degrees of clinical aggres- or on the surface of bones or rarely in visceral and
siveness. Histologically, AT consist of adipocytic other organ sites. Lipomas usually present as a
cells showing different levels of differentiation, small (<5 cm), well-circumscribed painless mass
from mature adipocytes in benign lipomas up to under the skin of the neck, shoulders, back, arms,
undifferentiated lipoblastic cells in high-grade or thighs. However, almost all subcutaneous ana-
liposarcomas. The 2002 World Health tomical locations have been reported. Occasion-
Organization classification distinguishes seven ally, lipomas can be painful if they grow large or
entities of benign AT: lipoma, lipoblastoma/ press nearby nerves. Microscopically they are
lipoblastomatosis, angiolipoma, myolipoma of composed of mature adipocytes, which are usu-
soft tissue, chondroid lipoma, spindle cell/pleo- ally indistinguishable from those observed in nor-
morphic lipoma, and hibernoma. Malignant AT, mal adipose tissue. Cytogenetic studies have
also called liposarcomas, include three types: shown that lipomas are characterized by clonal
98 Adipose Tumors

a b c

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 X Y 19 20 21 22 X Y 19 20 21 22 X Y


Adipose Tumors, Fig. 1 Representative RHG-banded (b) Supernumerary ring chromosome. (c) Balanced trans-
karyotypes from a case of lipoma (a), a case of well- location t(12;16). The arrows indicate the abnormal
differentiated liposarcoma (b) and a case of myxoid chromosomes
liposarcoma (c). (a) Balanced translocation t(3;12).

chromosomal aberrations in approximately 13q22, and 8q anomalies. However, a variety of

two thirds of the cases. A majority of these aber- other chromosomal aberrations – most often sim-
rations involve the 12q13–15 region. Such ple structural rearrangements – can be observed in
rearrangements are often balanced ▶ chromo- conventional lipomas. Spindle cell or pleomor-
some translocations or inversions that frequently phic lipomas are usually seen in the subcutaneous
result in fusion of the HMGA2 gene (12q15), with tissue of the neck and upper trunk of middle-aged
a variety of partners. The most frequent aberration men. They are composed of varying amounts of
is the translocation t(3;12)(q28;q15) that fuses fat cells and bland CD34+ spindle cells present
HMGA2 to LPP (3q28) (Fig. 1a). In lipomas, the within a background of wiry collagen and myxoid
HMGA2 breakpoints are preferentially clustered ground substance. Only a few cases have been
in the large third intron of the gene. Extragenic investigated cytogenetically. The main character-
breakpoints located 50 or 30 to HMGA2 also have istic features are complete or partial losses of
been described. Of note, HMGA2 is rearranged chromosomes 16 and 13. When located in an
not only in lipomas but also in several benign anatomical site other than the neck and shoulders,
mesenchymal tissue tumors such as uterine spindle cell lipomas may be difficult to
leiomyomas, pulmonary chondroid hamartomas, diagnose. Chondroid lipomas have a significant
and chondromas. It has been proposed that the female predilection. Histologically, they consist
truncation of HMGA2 might be the critical step of mature fat cells, with myxoid, chondroid, and
in tumorigenicity by inducing derepression of the hyalinized areas. Cells contain vacuoles resem-
gene. The importance of the role of HMGA2 in bling lipoblasts or chondroblasts and stain posi-
adipose proliferation has been shown in studies of tively for S100 protein. The differential diagnosis
Hmga2-null and heterozygous mice. These mice includes myxoid liposarcomas (see below) or
are resistant to diet-induced or genetic obesity extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcomas, and
because of the retarded proliferative capacity of distinguishing these can be sometimes difficult.
preadipocytes. Moreover, several transgenic Only four cases of chondroid lipoma have been
mouse models have demonstrated that the investigated cytogenetically and all showed
misexpression of HMGA2 is sufficient to induce translocation t(11;16)(q13;p13). ▶ Anoxia and
benign mesenchymal tumors such as lipomas. ▶ cancer are subcutaneous lesions most com-
Among conventional lipomas without involve- monly affecting male in the late teens or early
ment of chromosome 12, the most frequent twenties. The most frequent sites of involvement
rearrangements are translocations involving are the forearm, the trunk, and the upper arm.
6p21–23 in the region of HMGA1 (6p21), loss of Multiple lesions are seen in the majority of
13q material with breakpoints in 13q12–14 and/or cases. The familial prevalence is estimated at
Adipose Tumors 99

5%. Angiolipomas consist of mature adipocytes represents the mainstay of treatment for patients
and small capillaries often containing fibrin with metastatic disease and can be useful in some
thrombi. The pathogenesis of such lesions is cases of localized tumors. Well-differentiated A
unknown and no specific cytogenetic aberration liposarcomas (WDLPS) are the most common
has been reported to date. High-content screens type of liposarcomas. They are defined as tumors
consist of brown fat and usually occur in young of intermediate malignancy given their high rate
adults. The thigh is the most common location. of local recurrence and low rate of metastatic
Hibernomas are cytogenetically characterized by evolution. WDLPS occur almost exclusively in
deletions of the long arm of chromosome 11. adults with a peak in the early seventh decade.
Lipoblastomas are made up of embryonal white They are frequently located in the deep soft tissues
fat and occur in the first 3 years of life more of the limbs, most often the thigh, or the
frequently in males. However lipoblastomas may retroperitoneum. WDLPS usually consist of
occasionally affect older patients. Lipoblastomas mature fat with a variable number of spindled
most commonly manifest as asymptomatic, cells with large hyperchromatic and pleomorphic
circumscribed masses in the superficial or subcu- nuclei and monovacuolated or multivacuolated
taneous soft tissue of the extremities although less lipoblasts (immature fat cell). Histologically,
frequent locations including the mediastinum, WDLPS may be confused with lipomas, espe-
retroperitoneum, trunk, neck, and various organs cially when lipomas are deep seated or infiltrating
have been reported. In contrast, the diffuse type the muscle or show secondary changes in the form
(diffuse lipoblastomatosis) tends to infiltrate not of fibrosis or liponecrosis (Fig. 1b). WDLPS may
only into the subcutis but also into the underlying also be hard to distinguish from spindle cell/pleo-
muscle. These lesions are composed of an admix- morphic lipomas. Dedifferentiated liposarcomas
ture of lipoblasts and mature adipocytes, orga- (DDLPS) are biphasic neoplasms occurring in
nized into lobules separated by fibrous septa. the same age group as WDLPS, with one compo-
The stroma is myxoid with a plexiform capillary nent being a WDLPS and the other a
network. Therefore, confusion with myxoid non-lipogenic sarcoma of variable histological
liposarcoma (see below) may occur. Cytogenetic grade. Dedifferentiation can be observed in pri-
investigations have shown that lipoblastomas are mary or recurrent lesions. Distant metastases are
characterized by rearrangements of chromosome observed in 20% of cases of DDLPS, worsening
bands 8q11–13, with breakage of the PLAG1 the prognosis in comparison to WDLPS. In case
gene. Myolipomas of soft tissue are extremely of heterologous differentiation, DDLPS are likely
rare benign lipomatous lesions occurring most to be confused with a wide range of spindle cell or
often in adult females. These lesions are fre- pleomorphic undifferentiated tumors including
quently located deeply in the abdominal cavity, fibrosarcomas, malignant peripheral nerve sheath
retroperitoneum, and inguinal areas. Histologic tumors (MPNST), leiomyosarcomas, rhabdomyo-
analyses demonstrate a variable admixture of the sarcomas, chondrosarcomas, and osteosarcomas.
smooth muscle and mature adipose tissue. WDLPS and DDLPS share similar cytogenetic
features: they are both characterized by the pres-
Malignant Adipose Tumors ence of supernumerary ring or giant marker
Liposarcomas are the most common type of soft- chromosomes (Fig. 1b). These supernumerary
tissue sarcoma. They usually present as painless chromosomes contain amplified sequences from
mass, the size of which can be larger than 20 cm. the 12q13–15 chromosomal region, including the
Once the diagnosis is suspected by clinical MDM2 and CDK4 genes. The detection of MDM2
examination and imaging, complete staging and and CDK4 overexpression or ▶ amplification
treatment performed by an experienced multidis- using methods such as immunohistochemistry
ciplinary team are required. Treatment usually (IHC), real-time PCR, or FISH is now recognized
involves a combination of surgery with preopera- to be reliable and useful for identifying WDLPS
tive or postoperative radiotherapy. Chemotherapy and DDLPS among benign or malignant tumors.
100 Adipose Tumors

The comparative genomic hybridization analyses for only 5–15% of all liposarcomas. PL are char-
on DNA microarrays (▶ array CGH) have been acterized by a relatively high malignant potential
very useful in demonstrating that a subset of with metastases present in 30% of cases. PL affect
tumors with 12q amplification that were formerly adults older than 50 years of age with no gender
classified as malignant fibrous histiocytoma predilection and are most frequently located on
(MFH) were indeed DDLPS with an exclusive or the lower extremities. They are composed of a
highly prominent dedifferentiated component. variable number of pleomorphic lipoblasts in a
Another characteristic feature of WDLPS/ background of a high-grade pleomorphic sar-
DDLPS supernumerary chromosomes containing coma. The karyotype of PL is usually complex,
12q amplification is their absence of alpha- showing multiple numerical and structural chro-
satellite centromeric sequences. Alpha-satellite mosomal alterations. No specific molecular
negative chromosomes are generally acentric and anomaly has been identified so far.
unstable and are eliminated with successive mito-
ses. In contrast, WDLPS supernumerary chromo-
somes are stable and contain a functional
centromere called a “neocentromere.” WDLPS Cross-References
are the only example of a tumor type in which
the formation of a neocentromere is a recurrent ▶ Amplification
and consistent pathognomonic feature. Myxoid ▶ Anoxia
liposarcomas and round cell liposarcomas ▶ Array CGH
(MRLPS) are the second most frequent subtype ▶ Fusion Genes
of liposarcomas. Histologically, MRLPS are com- ▶ Interphase Cytogenetics
posed of uniform non-lipogenic mesenchymal ▶ Myxoid Liposarcoma
cells with variable numbers of small signet-ring ▶ Serum Biomarkers
lipoblasts in a prominent myxoid stroma with a
characteristic arborizing capillary network. These
lesions occur in adults most frequently in the
fourth to fifth decades of life, and are preferen- Fletcher C, Unni K, Mertens F (eds) (2002) World Health
tially located in the deep soft tissues of the extrem- Organization classification of tumours pathology and
ities, such as the medial thigh and popliteal genetics of tumours of soft tissue and bone. IARC
regions. The prognosis is highly related to the Press, Lyon
Sandberg AA (2004a) Updates on the cytogenetics and
proportion of round cells. Metastases occur in molecular genetics of bone and soft tissue tumors:
25% of patients with a round cell component of liposarcoma. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 155:1–24
less than 5% and 55% of patients with a round cell Sandberg AA (2004b) Updates on the cytogenetics and
molecular genetics of bone and soft tissue tumors:
component of more than 25%. Cytogenetically,
lipoma. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 150:93–115
MRLPS are characterized by a specific t(12;16)
(q13;p11) translocation which fuses exons 5, 7, or
See Also
8 of FUS with exon 2 of DDIT3 (Fig. 1c). A (2012) Chromosome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
t(12;22)(q13;q12) translocation which fuses Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 848.
exon 7 or exon 10 of EWS with exon 2 of doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1145
DDIT3 is present in about 5% of the cases (see (2012) Dedifferentiation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1072.
▶ fusion genes). Of note, nine molecular variants doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1547
of the DDIT3-FUS fusion transcript have been (2012) High Content Screen. In: Schwab M (ed)
described, with no demonstrable prognostic Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
effect. MRLPS show significantly higher delberg, p 1694. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
response rate to chemotherapy compared to other (2012) Lipoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
liposarcomas. Point mutations (PL) are the least cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2056.
common subtypes of liposarcomas, accounting doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3379
Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy 101

(2012) Neocentromere. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia Breast Cancer

of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2473. Surgery generally remains the first step for
(2012) Point Mutation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of treating early-stage breast cancer with the goal to A
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2934. remove any visible tumor. Radiotherapy is often
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4653 offered to patients after surgery, particularly when
conservative surgery has been performed, to
reduce the risk of local recurrence. However,
more than half the women with operable disease
who receive only surgery, with or without
Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy radiotherapy, eventually will die from metastatic
disease. This indicates that ▶ micrometastasis
Lorenzo Gianni, Alberto Ravaioli and Valentina may be present at the time of initial clinical
Arcangeli presentation. ▶ Adjuvant therapy is intended to
Department of Oncology, Instituto Scientifico eliminate potential breast cancer cells lingering
Romagnolo per lo s, Infermi Hospital, Rimini, in the body: it is an “insurance policy” that
Italy may be used even if there is no direct proof
that cancer has spread. Together with mammog-
raphy screening, adjuvant chemoendocrine
Synonyms therapy contributed to the reduction of breast
cancer mortality, which has been registered in
Adjuvant chemohormonal therapy; Adjuvant the past decade in western countries. Adjuvant
cytotoxic therapy; Adjuvant hormonal therapy; systemic therapies for breast cancer currently
Postsurgical systemic therapy include endocrine therapy, chemotherapy, new
targeted therapy such as trastuzumab
(▶ Herceptin), which may be differently com-
Definition bined on the basis of the characteristics of the
patients and of the tumor.
Adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy is a combina-
tion of ▶ chemotherapy and hormonal treatments Adjuvant Hormone Therapy
that may be administered to patients after surgery Breast cancer is generally considered as an endo-
for a nonmetastatic tumor with the goal of crine responsive disease. However, sensitivity to
decreasing the risk of cancer recurrence. hormonal therapy may be quite variable among
breast cancer patients. Currently endocrine
responsiveness is tested evaluating the presence
Characteristics of ▶ estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone
receptors (PR) with immunohistochemistry on
Adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy is potentially breast tumor sections. Approximately 70% of
useful for tumors which are responsive to both breast cancers at diagnosis are ER and/or PR
cytotoxic chemotherapy and hormonal interven- positive, with increasing ER positivity according
tions. The growth of these types of tumors is to age. Diseases with strong ER and PR expres-
boosted by hormones and usually it may be lim- sion may be considered as endocrine responsive,
ited not only by blocking these hormones but also while hormonal treatment will not be useful in
by chemotherapy. Adjuvant chemoendocrine tumors with no detectable ER and PR. Endocrine
therapy is a standard treatment for early breast responsiveness may be uncertain for tumors with
cancer, while it is experimental in prostate cancer, intermediate or low hormone receptor expression,
and it is not generally an option in other tumors lack of PR irrespective of ER expression, HER-2/
with possible endocrine responsiveness such as neu overexpression, and high number of axillary
endometrial cancer or ovarian cancer. metastatic lymph nodes.
102 Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy

Hormonal (antiestrogen) therapies either combination with ovarian ablation, are experi-
reduce the amount of oestrogen (▶ Estradiol) in mental in premenopausal patients.
the body or block estrogen’s effects. Different AIs cause fewer hot flashes, less vaginal dis-
hormonal therapies are currently available and charge, less vaginal bleeding, less endometrial
are usually given by pill or, less commonly, by cancer, and venous thromboembolism than
injection: Tamoxifen and other selective estrogen tamoxifen; however, they may cause joint and
receptor modulators, ▶ fulvestrant and the aroma- muscle pain, osteoporosis, and an increased risk
tase inhibitors (anastrozole, letrozole, and of bone fracture.
exemestane). Besides ovarian function suppres- Ovarian Function Suppression. It is the oldest
sion may be used for premenopausal patients. treatment for breast cancer, known from 1889,
Tamoxifen. Tamoxifen has been the mainstay useful only for premenopausal women. In the
of hormonal therapy in both early and advanced past years, it could be induced with surgical
breast cancer patients for approximately three oophorectomy or radiotherapy. Surgical oopho-
decades. After binding to the estrogen receptor, rectomy causes an immediate and permanent
it competitively blocks estrogens from binding to drop in ovarian estrogens production; radiation
tumor cells. induced ovarian ablation may be incomplete or
Clinical studies and metaanalyses have shown delayed in some women, and biochemical verifi-
that tamoxifen is effective in all patients with the cation of ovarian function cessation may be advis-
expression of hormone receptors, independently able. Injections of luteinizing hormone-releasing
by age or menopausal status and chemotherapy hormone (LH-RH) agonists are an effective ther-
use. Five years of tamoxifen lead to a proportional apeutic alternative with the advantage of revers-
reduction of the annual recurrence rate of about ibility of induced menopause. Chemotherapy may
40% and of the breast cancer mortality of 31%. also induce temporary or definitive menopause
Furthermore, local recurrence is decreased and the and this side effect could explain in part the ben-
risk of contralateral breast cancer is reduced by eficial activity of chemotherapy in women with
40–50%. Five years of tamoxifen are more effec- endocrine responsive disease. Age and type of
tive than 2 years, while there is no evidence that chemotherapy may influence the likelihood of
longer duration would improve results. chemotherapy induced menopause.
The side effects of tamoxifen include a small In patients with endocrine responsive tumors,
increased risk of uterine cancer, an increased risk ovarian function suppression may be as effective
of blood clots, hot flashes, loss of libido, vaginal as CMF combination chemotherapy; combined
dryness, vaginal discharge or bleeding, and rarely hormone therapy with ovarian ablation and
ocular alterations. tamoxifen may be superior to CMF in the same
Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs). In contrast with subset of patients.
tamoxifen, they act by inhibiting oestrogen syn- Symptoms of menopausal estrogen depriva-
thesis and are effective only in postmenopausal tions are the most common side effects of ovarian
women. function suppression.
Clinical studies in early breast cancer have
shown that AIs are more effective than tamoxifen Adjuvant Chemotherapy
and improve relapse-free survival when started Chemotherapy is the use of cytotoxic drugs to kill
upfront or after 2–3 years of treatment with cancer cells. Chemotherapy may be given orally
tamoxifen rather than continuing tamoxifen. In (by mouth) or intravenously (injected into a vein)
addition, when used as extended therapy after and is usually given in cycles in an outpatient
5 years of tamoxifen, AIs reduce the risk of recur- setting.
rence and improve the survival in patients with The results of different randomized clinical
positive axillary lymph nodes. AIs could be more trials and metaanalyses have shown that combi-
effective in PR negative tumors and with HER-2/ nation adjuvant chemotherapy is more effective
neu overexpression or ▶ amplification. AIs, in than single agent chemotherapy. Chemotherapy
Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy 103

including anthracyclines is more effective than different adjuvant therapy. Endocrine responsive-
others such as CMF. Moreover, adding taxanes ness (see above) is the first target to be determined
(Paclitaxel or docetaxel) to ▶ adriamycin or other because it suggests if disease is likely to respond A
anthracyclines or the use of dose-dense chemo- to hormone therapy. However, accumulating
therapy may improve results. Efficacy of adjuvant evidence seems to indicate that adjuvant chemo-
chemotherapy is greater in younger than older therapy, in general, and chemotherapy including
women, but this observation needs to be anthracyclines and/or taxol and docetaxel
interpreted on the basis of hormone receptor status could be more effective in patients with
of disease. endocrine unresponsive disease or HER-2/neu
Adjuvant chemotherapy should start within overexpression or amplification; on the contrary,
12 weeks from surgery; however, different subsets the benefit of chemotherapy seems smaller in
of patients, such as young women with negative patients with strong ER and PR expression.
hormone receptors could benefit from starting Finally, overexpression or amplification of
chemotherapy earlier. HER-2/neu defines a subset of breast cancer
Side effects of adjuvant chemotherapy can patients who strongly benefit from immunother-
include fatigue, nausea and vomiting, lowered apy with the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab.
white blood cell count and a corresponding The evaluation of gene-profile expression of
increased risk of infection, mouth sores, hair tumors could help improve risk prediction and
loss, and premature menopause. Most of these treatment outcomes, but its successful implemen-
side effects go away once treatment is stopped tation in clinical practice will depend on the inte-
and are not long term. However, long-term effects gration with existing clinicopathologic markers
may occur including heart damage, nerve damage, and validation on large clinical trials. These eval-
or secondary cancers. uations will guide the doctors to choose whether
adjuvant treatment is needed and whether it
Planning the Adjuvant Treatment: Adjuvant should include only hormone therapy (and what
Chemoendocrine Therapy kind of hormone therapy), only chemotherapy, or
If both adjuvant hormone therapy and chemother- their combination. Hormone therapy should be
apy are active for early breast cancer and have offered to all patients with endocrine responsive
different toxicity profiles, it would seem reason- disease for whom adjuvant treatment is indicated.
able to combine them in all patients to improve For decades, chemotherapy was considered the
results. However, the problem is more complex adjuvant treatment of choice for premenopausal
than what it seems. Doctors should take into patient, regardless of hormone receptor status.
account many factors in order to tailor the therapy However, metaanalyses showed that, in receptor
for each patient. Patient’s age and general health, positive women younger than 50 years, the use of
menopausal status, risk of breast cancer recur- tamoxifen reduces the risk of recurrence and death
rence, likelihood of tumor response to different regardless of the use of chemotherapy. In the same
therapies, and patient’s preference are all impor- subset of patients, ovarian ablation with or with-
tant items. The main risk factors for the develop- out tamoxifen provides results similar to CMF and
ment of metastatic disease after surgery are the represents an alternative to chemotherapy when
involvement of axillary lymph nodes, a poor his- the risk of recurrence is low or medium. Women
tological grade, large tumor size, histological evi- with higher recurrence risk or uncertain endocrine
dence of lymphovascular invasion, and age. In responsiveness should receive a combination of
addition, tumor proliferation rate, the absence of endocrine therapy and chemotherapy. For patients
oestrogen and progesterone receptor, and HER-2/ younger than 35 years with endocrine responsive
neu overexpression or amplification also carries disease receiving chemotherapy, additional endo-
an adverse prognosis. The next important step for crine therapies should be considered.
better choice of adjuvant therapy should be the In postmenopausal patients with clear endo-
evaluation of responsiveness of tumors to crine responsiveness, adjuvant chemotherapy
104 Adjuvant Chemohormonal Therapy

probably adds little benefit to adjuvant hormone Treatment choices for early prostate cancer are
therapy. Endocrine treatment should include an based on clinical and histopathologic factors: clin-
AI, either upfront or sequentially after tamoxifen. ical stage, tumor grade, and level of PSA. For
The concurrent use of AIs and tamoxifen is not patients undergoing radical surgery, if the resec-
useful and should be avoided. Two or three years tion margins are positive or if there is seminal
of tamoxifen followed by 3 or 2 years of an AI, vesicle or capsular invasion, adjuvant strategy
5 years of an AI upfront, or 5 years of tamoxifen options are radiotherapy or close surveillance
followed by an AI are all possible options. until a detectable PSA develops. Adjuvant hor-
According to St. Gallen Consensus, chemother- monal treatment is not the standard at this time.
apy should be added in patient with high- Some trials have explored if hormonal therapy
intermediate risk of recurrence, particularly after primary treatments (surgery or radiotherapy)
when endocrine responsiveness is uncertain. We is useful, but results are inconclusive and it seems
have only limited information from clinical stud- that only patients with positive lymph nodes could
ies about adjuvant treatment for older women. have some benefit from these drugs. There are
Data from one study suggest that older patients more randomized trials (and one metaanalysis)
with receptor positive disease benefit even from a comparing radiotherapy alone versus radiother-
short tamoxifen therapy (1 year); in patients with apy and hormonal treatment (LH-RH analogs or
endocrine unresponsive tumors clinical decision orchiectomy): the survival seems to be better
about offering them chemotherapy should adding prolonged hormonal therapy to radiother-
strongly consider biological age and concurrent apy. Adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy is not
diseases; enrollment in clinical trials, if available, standard in prostate cancer and is under evaluation
should be encouraged. Finally, when both tamox- in randomized clinical trials.
ifen and chemotherapy are to be used, current
evidence suggests a sequential treatment: it is
preferable to give chemotherapy first and to start References
tamoxifen after chemotherapy completion. Indeed
concurrent tamoxifen seems to decrease effective- Castiglione-Gertsch M, O’Neill A, Price KN et al (2003)
International Breast Cancer Study Group adjuvant che-
ness of chemotherapy and to increase the risk of
motherapy followed by goserelin versus either modal-
thrombotic events. At present time it is not known ity alone for premenopausal lymph node-negative
if this modality should be extended to other hor- breast cancer: a randomized trial. J Natl Cancer Inst
monal treatments such as ovarian ablation and 95(24):1833–1846
Early Breast Cancer Trialist’ Collaborative Group
aromatase inhibitors.
(EBCTCG) (2005) Effects of chemotherapy and hor-
monal therapy for early breast cancer on recurrence and
Prostate Cancer 15-year survival: an overview of the randomised trials.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Lancet 365:1687–1717
Goldhirsh A, Wood WC, Gelber RD et al (2007) Progress
European and American men. The growth of pros-
and promise: highlight of International expert consen-
tate cancer cells in most cases is due to androgens sus on the primary therapy of early breast cancer. Ann
and these types of tumors may respond to hor- Oncol 18(7):1133–1144
monal therapy. The aim of hormonal therapy in Stearns V, Davidson NE (2004) Adjuvant chemotherapy
and chemoendocrine therapy. In: Harris JR, Lippman
prostate cancer is to lower androgen levels or to
ME, Morrow M, Osborne CK (eds) Disease of the
prevent their action on prostate cancer cells. Hor- breast, 3rd edn. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Phila-
mone interventions for prostate cancer include delphia, pp 893–919
orchiectomy, LH-RH analogs, and antiandrogens
and are currently used in advanced prostate can-
cer. Eventually metastatic prostate cancer
develops endocrine refractoriness. Taxotere has Adjuvant Chemohormonal Therapy
been approved for hormone refractory metastatic
prostate cancer. ▶ Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy
Adjuvant Therapy 105

specific and targeted drug treatments become

Adjuvant Cytotoxic Therapy available, specialists in biologic and ▶ immuno-
therapy approaches will need to join the A
▶ Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy multidisciplinary team.
Cancer treatment for many tumor types
involves some combination of surgery, cytotoxic
chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. In some
hormonally sensitive tumor types such as breast
Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy
cancer and ▶ prostate cancer, hormonal manipu-
lations may also be utilized. At present “adjuvant”
▶ Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy
therapies usually imply systemic therapies such as
chemotherapy or ▶ hormonal therapy, with sur-
gery and/or radiation therapy as the primary treat-
ments. It is possible that as systemic therapies
Adjuvant Therapy become more effective they may be the primary
treatments, with surgery and radiation therapy
Charles L. Vogel then being used as “adjuvants.”
Sylvester Cancer Center, School of Medicine, It has been well established in animal tumor
University of Miami, Plantation, FL, USA systems that forms of chemotherapy unable to
cure established metastatic cancer could lead to a
cure in animals initially rendered disease free by
Definition surgery. These seminal studies have been trans-
lated into the clinical setting. The concept of adju-
Adjuvant therapy is an auxiliary therapy (e.g., vant therapy is based on the premise that even
ovarian ablation) administered concomitant with relatively early cancers may have already dissem-
another therapy (e.g., surgery or radiation) in the inated to distant sites by the time of diagnosis.
treatment of primary ▶ breast cancer. With current diagnostic technologies, it is seldom
possible to detect systemic metastasis that are less
than 1 cm in size. Since this would contain
Characteristics approximately one billion tumor cells, it is likely
that many tumors may have already disseminated
As defined in Webster’s Deluxe Unabridged Dic- microscopically via the bloodstream leaving
tionary adjuvant is: tumor foci of millions of tumor cells undetectable
by current diagnostic imaging techniques. This
• “An assistant” premise underlies current theories attempting to
• “In medicine, a substance added to a drug to explain why only 70% of women with early stage
aid in the operation of the principal ingredient” breast cancer (tumors between 1 and 2 cm with
(e.g., Freund adjuvant in immunotherapeutic negative axillary lymph nodes) are cured by stan-
research) dard surgical techniques. Much research is being
done in an effort to identify those 30% of women
In clinical cancer research and treatment, any destined to relapse and ultimately die of metastatic
therapy that in some way helps another modality breast cancer, so that aggressive chemotherapeu-
is considered an “adjuvant.” Most of the time tic “adjuvant” therapies can be directed toward
cancer therapy is a multidisciplinary endeavor that high risk subset, and thus sparing the cured
involving specialists from many treatment 70% the toxic side effects of chemotherapy. Var-
modalities. These specialists include (but are ious attempts at prognostication including (but not
not limited to) medical oncologists, surgical limited to) the analysis of bone marrow cells for
oncologists, and radiation oncologists. As more micrometastasis using immunocytochemistry or
106 ADMET Screen

polymerase chain reaction technologies still See Also

require validation in large-scale clinical trials.
As examples, reasonably well-accepted adju- (2012) Cytotoxic Chemotherapy. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
vant therapies include: the use of chemotherapy,
Heidelberg, p 1058. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
hormonal therapy or both after primary surgery  5_1499
radiation therapy for stages I and II breast cancer; (2012) Leukemia. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
radiation therapy to the breast for women under- Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2005.
going lumpectomy instead of mastectomy for
(2012) Radiation Therapy. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
early stage breast cancer; chemotherapy for pri- dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
mary colon cancer that has spread to regional p 3144. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4907
lymph nodes; and radiation therapy after surgery
for women with locally advanced ▶ cervical can-
cers. In some cancers, such as small cell ▶ lung
cancer, chemotherapy is generally considered to ADMET Screen
be the primary form of therapy thus making sur-
gery and/or radiation therapy, when used, the Christopher A. Lipinski
“adjuvants.” Similarly in certain forms of leuke- Melior Discovery, Waterford, CT, USA
mia where chemotherapy is considered the stan-
dard form of treatment, the use of whole brain
radiation to prevent central nervous system Definition
relapse has been used as another example of
“adjuvant” therapy. An ADMET screen is the application of a group of
In summary, as of the year 2000 the term adju- experimental assays to measure characteristics of
vant therapy in clinical cancer therapy is usually a drug candidate in order to predict the absorption,
applied to the use of systemic cytotoxic chemo- distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity
therapy and/or hormonal therapy (for hormonally properties of that drug.
sensitive tumors). However, in reality the term
adjuvant can be applied to any treatment modality
applied (generally with curative intent) after what- Characteristics
ever initial treatment modality is considered to be
the standard primary therapeutic intervention. ADMET is an abbreviation for absorption, distri-
bution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity. The
term ADMET is often loosely used to denote
those properties required for an orally active
Cross-References drug that are apart from the inherent biological
activity of the drug. In a stricter sense, the term
▶ Cervical Cancers ADMET denotes the properties denoted by the
▶ Colorectal Cancer abbreviation that are the focus of specialized
▶ Herceptin knowledge in the fields of medicinal chemistry,
▶ Hormonal Therapy drug metabolism, pharmaceutical sciences, and
▶ Immunotherapy toxicology. The five properties in ADMET can
▶ Induction Chemotherapy be determined experimentally and to some degree
▶ Lung Cancer computationally. As of 2007, all these properties
▶ Menopausal Symptoms After Breast Cancer can to variable degree be experimentally mea-
Therapy sured in manual or automated, medium to high
▶ Mucoepidermoid Cancer capacity experimental assays (screens). The term
▶ Prostate Cancer “ADMET screen” often refers to a group of
▶ Taxotere screens that measure these properties. The term
ADMET Screen 107

“screen” is quite appropriate because these part of the GI tract joining the stomach to the first
ADMET assays are often used in a screening section of the small intestine. With few excep-
sense to remove chemical compounds with severe tions, absorption is finished by the time the drug A
ADMET flaws that will never become real orally passes into the large intestine. A generalization
active drugs. Compounds are screened to remove says that to be absorbed a drug must be soluble
flawed compounds just like a metal screen (sieve) (dissolved) in the contents of the GI tract. Near
might be used to remove sand or gravel from a neutral water at about pH 6.5 is a very simple
water supply. mimic of the GI tract contents at the point in the
Drugs (medicines) are chemicals. They duodenum where absorption starts. In actuality,
broadly consist of two types. There are those the real duodenal tract contents are more compli-
drugs that are of small size, i.e., low molecular cated than water and contain biological deter-
weight (MWT). Typically these are below 500 Da gents, i.e., bile acids that help dissolve lipophilic
(Daltons) (atomic mass units). Currently the aver- (literally fat loving -greasy) drugs. Because of this
age MWT of an FDA approved drug is 347. About complexity a small number of lipophilic drugs are
90% of these low MWT drugs are orally active, in reality more soluble and better absorbed than
i.e., are given to the patient by mouth and would be suggested by their solubility in aqueous
swallowed. The term ADMET overwhelmingly medium. Nevertheless, drug solubility in water is
refers to these compounds. Another type of drug an excellent predictor for drug absorption. Within
consists of biologicals. Biologicals are large drug limits better aqueous solubility correlates with
compounds, e.g., vaccines, antibodies, proteins. better absorption. Measuring drug aqueous solu-
These are not given by mouth. The properties of bility in water buffered at pH 6.5 or 7 is univer-
these latter compounds are so different from those sally used to assess the likelihood of absorption
of the small orally active compounds that there is and highly efficient automated equipment to make
little or no overlap in the ADMET properties and this measurement is readily available. Problems of
screens for the two groups. Broadly, the properties a chemical (potential drug) having low water sol-
of biologicals tend to be very specific to the indi- ubility are today the single most important early
vidual compound and broadly useful ADMET discovery problem in the discovery and develop-
screens for biologicals mostly do not exist. ment of low MWT orally active drugs. Across the
What is required for a useful small MWT orally board about 30–40% of chemicals in a drug dis-
active drug? Broadly, two types of effects are covery program might be expected to have an
required. The chemical (drug) must have the aqueous solubility problem.
desired biological effect and the chemical must The vast majority of orally active drugs must
possess a variety of other properties (the ADMET move from being dissolved in the aqueous content
properties) that are known by historical experi- of the GI tract and must move across the GI tissue
ence to be required for an orally active drug. wall and then dissolve into the blood on the other
There is a misconception prevalent in academia side of the GI tract to get to their eventual site of
that a medicine requires only the desired biologi- action. The process of passing across the GI wall
cal effect plus an avoidance of toxicity. This is is termed “intestinal permeability.” Simplifying
completely wrong. In developing small orally greatly, the GI wall can be considered as a greasy
active drugs, solving the ADMET problems is barrier. Think of a porous material soaked with
frequently more difficult than obtaining the fat. Chemicals that are very water loving
desired biological activity. (hydrophilic) dissolve easily in water but do not
Intestinal absorption is the entry of the drug dissolve easily in fat. A specific example would be
from the contents of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract sucrose (table sugar). So to be absorbed a chem-
into the tissue lining the GI tract. Little or no ical must have an appropriate balance between
absorption occurs in the stomach. Generally being water soluble (hydrophilic) and fat soluble
absorption starts as soon as soluble drug passes (lipophilic). If the chemical is too hydrophilic, it
out of the stomach into the duodenum which is the will dissolve easily in the GI contents and in blood
108 ADMET Screen

but will not cross the GI wall (often called the GI reverse pumped out direction termed basolateral
barrier). If the chemical is too lipophilic, it could to apical (abbreviated B to A). A to B rate divided
cross the GI barrier easily but because of poor by B to A rate gives a measure of the probability
solubility in the GI contents the amount that that the pump will hinder passage of chemical
crosses into the blood is very low. Highly efficient across the GI wall. Ratios of A to B divided by
automated experimental equipment exists and is B-A are termed efflux ratios. A value greater than
widely used to identify compounds likely to have 1 suggests the beginning of a problem. Ratios
difficulty crossing the GI barrier. A very widely greater than 10 suggest further studies to see
used assay is termed PAMPA (Parallel Artificial how much of a problem actually exists in a
Membrane Permeability Assay). In PAMPA, a whole animal experiment. High efflux rates can
measurement is made of the speed with which a lead to poor absorption and dose nonlinearity, i.e.,
chemical crosses a porous material like fritted as the chemical dose increases the amount of drug
glass or plastic soaked with a fat. Across the in blood initially low suddenly jumps as the
board about 10% of chemicals in a drug discovery capacity of the efflux pump is exceeded. This is
program might be expected to have a permeability a highly undesirable effect if it occurs in the clin-
problem. ical dose range.
When a chemical is absorbed it moves along a Some chemicals enter into the GI wall but are
concentration gradient from high concentration in chemically destroyed either at the inner GI tract
the GI tract to low in the blood. The GI barrier surface or within the GI wall. The most common
contains biological pumps that may literally pump problem is chemical oxidation of the drug by an
the chemical out of the GI wall back into the GI iron-containing enzyme called in humans cyto-
tract. The best studied of these pumps in humans chrome P450 CYP-P450 3A4. This enzyme
is called p-glycoprotein (PGP) and is the same occurs both in the GI wall and especially in the
biological pump that makes cancer cells resistant liver. About 60% of drugs might to a variable
to chronic chemotherapy. If this pumping occurs extent be subject to this process. Accordingly,
to a significant extent, absorption is hindered. To measuring this oxidation is important both to
measure this process requires an assay mimicking detect compounds that are rapidly oxidized and
the live cells of the GI wall. A very common assay to minimize potential interactions with the many
is done by using Caco-2 cells, an immortalized other drugs that are oxidized by this same enzyme.
cell line originally derived from a human colon Assays for so called drug-drug interactions are
cancer. Cells can be grown in vitro in such a way very common in ADMET assays. High capacity
as to mimic the gastrointestinal tract wall, they are assays are commonplace to detect interactions
used in cell culture models to measure drug intes- with CYP-P450 3A4 as well as four other impor-
tinal permeability. The assay involves growing tant CYP’s such as CYP P-450 2D6 (important in
cells originally obtained from a human colonic metabolism of CNS drugs), CYP P-450 2C9, CYP
cancer cell line on a porous plate. The cells form P-450 2C19, and CYP P-450 2A1.
a continuous sheet on the porous plate substrate. Distribution is the term describing how a
The upper surface resembles the inner (GI tract chemical distributes among various compart-
exposed) surface of the GI wall. This is termed the ments in the body. Fifteen years ago it was thought
apical surface. The surface growing on the porous that distribution was governed by a chemical’s
substrate is termed the basolateral surface. It is physicochemical properties, e.g., size, polarity,
possible to measure the speed of the chemical lipophilicity, acidity, or basicity. We now believe
crossing the live cell sheet which gives a rough that most or all distribution processes are
measure of how fast the chemical will cross the GI governed by biological transporters which move
wall. It is possible also to measure the rate of a chemical from one place in the body to another
chemical crossing the cell layer from either direc- and that physicochemical properties are simply a
tion; the normal absorption direction termed api- crude surrogate measure for whether a chemical
cal to basolateral (abbreviated A to B) and the interacts with a particular transporter. There are
ADMET Screen 109

myriads of transporters in the body many/maybe contains something to attach the polar piece or it
most of which are incompletely or entirely can occur after the starting chemical is changed by
uncharacterized. As a result, distribution is the a CYP oxidation. A soluble liver fraction termed A
property in the ADMET suite that is currently S-9 is used in an incubation to measure this
most poorly understood and for which assays are process.
poorest. In general, with few exceptions, it is not About 5% of drugs are not metabolized. Ulti-
possible to predict a priori the tissue distribution mately this can be advantageous clinically but in
or localization of a new chemical. the drug discovery process it is currently a disad-
Metabolism is the term that describes the bio- vantage since learning how long a chemical sur-
logical caused change in a compounds chemical vives unchanged in an animal requires animal
structure that occurs to a chemical when it gets testing and animal in vivo testing is always more
into the body. The general pattern is that chemistry difficult than testing in a test tube (also termed
occurs to make a chemical more polar and more in vitro meaning literally in glass).
hydrophilic and more water soluble so that it can Metabolism is sometimes termed detoxifica-
be more easily excreted by the body through the tion, however this is really a misnomer. It is true
kidneys or the liver. Across the board, about 80% that metabolism can reduce or abolish biological
of drugs undergo oxidative metabolism. Fre- activity (including toxicity) in a starting chemical
quently this consists of replacing a carbon hydro- but it can just as well lead to an equally active
gen bond in the chemical by a carbon oxygen (or even more active) biologically active com-
bond or the breaking of a carbon nitrogen bond pound. The biological activity can be the desired
(N-dealkylation). The family of CYP’s are the effect or something unwanted (toxicity). It is pos-
most common cause of this chemistry, although sible to start with a biologically inactive com-
there are a handful or more of other less common pound and have it biologically converted to a
enzymes that do similar transformations. Assays biologically active compound. Such a compound
for these types of oxidations are a part of every is called a prodrug. This process is surprisingly
ADMET assay suite. Compounds can be incu- common amounting to about 25% of older drugs.
bated with components of a liver which contains Today this happens much less often because
many CYP’s. Artificially formed cell structures metabolism is scientifically much better under-
called microsomes can be formed from chopped stood than even a decade ago and because a
up liver and these microsomes can be simplisti- directly biological active drug is generally consid-
cally thought of as miniature livers. A chemical/ ered advantageous over a chemical that requires
drug is warmed up with the microsomes and mea- metabolism for biological activity.
surements are made to see if the structure of the Excretion is the process by which a chemical is
starting chemical changes. Very often the results removed from the body. Overwhelmingly this is
are reported in terms of half life, i.e., does the by excretion through the kidney into the urine
chemical stay unchanged for less than or more (renal excretion) or by excretion by the liver by
than a certain length of time under some standard way of the gall bladder emptying into the intestine
set of assay conditions. The interaction of a chem- and ultimately into the feces (hepatic excretion).
ical with CYP’s can also be measured by incubat- There has been great progress in understanding
ing the chemical with cells containing a single both modes of excretion and assays exist for some
CYP enzyme. of the major biological transporters that are impor-
Metabolism for about 15% of drugs occurs by a tant in both processes. The nonexpert reader will
process termed “phase II metabolism.” A very have difficulty understanding the science because
polar small biologically occurring molecule like the terminology (transporter nomenclature) used
a special type of acid containing sugar group, e.g., to describe the various transporters is frankly a
glucuronic acid or a sulfate group is chemically mess and is changing currently and the same
attached to the starting chemical. This process can transporter may be described in the literature by
occur directly on the starting chemical if it multiple names and some of the names themselves
110 ADMET Screen

unfortunately can be misleading. Very minor suspect chemical features and no mutagenicity
methods of excretion exist such as excretion can be explained as being irrelevant to human
through the lung and sweat. A rough rule of risk. For example, long-term tissue irritation or
thumb is that MWT governs whether a compound stimulation of a growth factor or formation of a
or more often its metabolite or conjugate is metabolite in rodents but not in man or damage to
excreted through the kidney or liver. A MWT a cell type not found in man can cause tumors in
less than 300 suggests excretion through the kid- rodents but these causes are likely irrelevant to
ney is more likely. As MWT increases above human risk.
400 excretion through the liver becomes more Liver toxicity is extremely common in drug
likely. Many drugs show excretion through both discovery hence a whole variety of assays for
liver and kidney. This profile is considered an liver damage are commonly used. The goal in
advantage because damaged excretion through general is to improve the prediction of liver dam-
either kidney or liver is common in sick people. age at an earlier time point in the discovery pro-
Toxicity is a term denoting unwanted biologi- cess with less use of resources and with smaller
cal activity. Currently, the target and thus the amounts of compound.
desired mechanism of action (on target activity) Attrition (loss) of compounds in the entire drug
is known for over 95% of newer drugs. Knowing discovery and development process is well under-
the target mechanism is extremely useful when stood in the pharmaceutical industry. Generaliz-
something untoward (toxicity) happens during ing across all types of therapeutic areas: about one
preclinical studies (before clinical studies start) in four projects succeeds from first inspiration to
or during clinical studies (while the compound is choice of a compound to enter the clinic
studied in humans). Very commonly the toxicity is (pre-clinical phase); about in 10–12 projects suc-
off target, i.e., not related to the desired biological ceeds in the clinical (human testing phase). This
activity. This is a good finding because it means gives an overall success rate of 1 in 40 or 48.
that changing to a different chemical structure but Genomically derived projects have particularly
with the same desired mechanism will solve the poor success rates of 1 in 50 or 100. Cancer and
toxicity problem. CNS are the two therapeutic areas with poorer
Based on history, about 50% of drugs will clinical success rates of about 1 in 20.
cause tumors in one or more tissues in male or In the current era, there are three major causes
female rats in lifetime carcinogenicity studies. of roughly similar importance in clinical attrition.
These studies may or may not be relevant to These are (i) toxicity; (ii) lack of efficacy; and (iii)
cancer risk in human patients. A major relevant commercial reasons. These three factors are inter-
factor is whether the drug is inherently mutagenic related and it is very common for there to be
(causing DNA chromosomal damage). It is very multiple causes of failure. For example, Pfizer
common to exclude chemicals from drug devel- the largest pharmaceutical company worldwide
opment if they contain any chemistry pieces identified three causes of failure in that organiza-
(moieties) previously associated with mutagenic tions attrition analysis of many hundreds of failed
activity and to rigorously test for in-vitro muta- clinical candidates over a time period of more than
genic activity. Mutagenic assays like the many a decade. In this authors opinion toxicity is the
versions of the Ames assay are used. most complex attrition cause and therefore the
A compound is incubated with genetically crip- most resistant to a fix. We can expect toxicity to
pled but still viable bacteria designed to be very persist as a major attrition cause for multiple
sensitive to chromosomal damage. The dose used decades into the future.
is one that is not toxic to normal bacteria. ADMET assays have been summarized so far
A positive finding of mutagenicity is killing of from an experimental perspective. However, if
crippled bacteria at doses where normal bacteria one tests enough compounds it is, in theory, pos-
are unaffected. In general it is common that tumor sible to develop a computer program to predict an
findings in a compound clean with respect to no assay outcome based just on the structure of the
Adoptive Immunotherapy 111

compound. Computational prediction of ADMET

is an extremely active area of research and many Adoptive Cellular Transfer
computational prediction programs of variable A
quality already exist. For example, the Lipinski ▶ Adoptive Immunotherapy
“rule of five” is a very widely used algorithm
(with 2,000 literature citations to date) that is
used to predict the likelihood of poor oral
absorption. The rule states that poor oral absorp- Adoptive Immunotherapy
tion is more likely if: the MWT is over 500; the
lipophilicity as measured by logP is over 5; Chrystal U. Louis and Helen E. Heslop
there are more than five hydrogen bond Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, Baylor College
donors and there are more than ten hydrogen of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital, and The
bond acceptors. There are actually only four Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX, USA
rules. The five in the name comes from the num-
ber 5 appearing in the parameter cutoff values.
The reader is referred to the many review articles Synonyms
on rules and filters and computational prediction
of ADMET. Adoptive cellular transfer; Cellular
Common sense is needed with regard to pre- immunotherapy
dictions. There is a natural importance order in
drug discovery and development. Most important
is the clinical information. This trumps all. Next in Keywords
importance is high quality experimental informa-
tion. Prediction has its best value and impact when Immunotherapy; CIK; TIL; ATC;
neither clinical nor experimental information is Lymphodepletion; CAR

References Adoptive immunotherapy involves the passive
transfer of cellular products designed to augment
Di L, Kerns EH (2005) Application of pharmaceutical
profiling assays for optimization of drug-like proper- immunity against cancer or infections. To date,
ties. Curr Opin Drug Discov Devel 8(4):495–504 clinical trials have evaluated the efficacy of dif-
Lipinski CA (2005) Filtering in drug discovery. In: Annual ferent cell populations including, but not limited
reports in computational chemistry, vol 1. Elsevier,
to, unmanipulated leukocyte infusions from bone
Amsterdam, pp 155–168
Lipinski CA, Lombardo F, Dominy BW et al (1997) Exper- marrow donors, cytokine-induced T cells,
imental and computational approaches to estimate solu- lymphokine-activated killer cells, tumor-
bility and permeability in drug discovery and infiltrating lymphocytes, NK cells, and antigen-
development settings. Adv Drug Deliv Rev 23:3–25
specific T cells.
Waterbeemd H (2003) Physico-chemical approaches to
drug absorption. Methods Princ Med Chem 18(Drug

Unmanipulated T Cells
Adoptive immunotherapy with unmanipulated
Adopted Orphan Nuclear Receptors donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) has effectively
treated patients with relapsed or residual disease
▶ Orphan Nuclear Receptors after hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT).
112 Adoptive Immunotherapy

DLI provides the host immune system an addi- mononuclear cells stimulated with anti-CD3, inter-
tional graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect and has feron-g, and interleukin-2 (IL-2). CIK cells derived
been most successful in patients with chronic from peripheral blood cells have induced either
myeloid leukemia who relapse post transplant partial responses or stable disease in patients with
(70–80% cytogenetic remission rate) or with lymphoma after autologous HSCT and signifi-
▶ Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproli- cantly improved progression-free and overall sur-
ferative disease (EBV-LPD) (up to 90%). Moder- vival when used after chemotherapy in the
ate success has been seen when DLI was used adjuvant setting for patients with colorectal carci-
after relapse in other malignancies such as noma (▶ Colorectal Cancer). In a multicenter, ran-
▶ acute myeloid leukemia (15–40%), low-grade domized, open label phase 3 study in 230 patients
lymphomas (~60%), and metastatic ▶ multiple with stage I/II ▶ hepatocellular carcinoma, adju-
myeloma (40–60%). However, less than 5% of vant immunotherapy with activated CIK cells
patients with relapsed ▶ acute lymphoblastic leu- (generated from peripheral blood mononuclear
kemia (ALL) respond to DLI alone. While the cells stimulated with IL-2 and anti-CD3) was asso-
etiology is unclear, this could be due to lack of ciated with a statistically significant improvement
antigenic expression, downregulation of T cell in median time to progression.
recognition molecules, and/or overall tumor bur-
den at the time of treatment. Lymphokine-Activated Killer Cells
Although treatment with DLI has led to remis- Lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells were
sion in patients with disease after HSCT, one of the first adoptive immunotherapy
unmanipulated cells also contain alloreactive approaches used to treat patients with advanced-
T cells and can induce graft-versus-host disease stage malignancies. These cells were generated by
(GVHD). The incidence of GVHD ranges from culturing peripheral blood mononuclear cells
55% to 90% and is associated with a 20% (PBMCs) with IL-2. Although encouraging clini-
treatment-related mortality rate. Different cal results have been reported in the adjuvant
methods to maintain the graft-versus-tumor setting for patients with glioblastoma, LAK cells
(GVT) effect while decreasing the incidence of provided no additional clinical benefit compared
GVHD have been investigated. One strategy is to to administration of IL-2 alone in patients with
transduce donor T cells with a “suicide gene” such renal cell carcinoma or ▶ melanoma.
as either herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine
kinase that can be activated by ganciclovir if Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes
GVHD develops or inducible caspase 9 that can Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) are cells
be activated by the dimerizer AP1903. An addi- harvested from tumor sites and expanded ex vivo
tional method to spare the GVT effect involves with IL-2. As the cells are being expanded,
selectively depleting alloreactive cells in the T cell increased tumor specificity has been achieved by
product prior to adoptive transfer. pulsing the cells with tumor-specific peptides or
exposing the lymphocytes to a retrovirus encoding
NK Cells a tumor-specific T cell receptor (TCR). Although a
▶ Natural killer (NK) cells are effectors from the major limitation is that patients must have
innate immune system, which also mediate preexisting lymphocytes that can both respond to
antiviral and antitumor immunity. Studies have tumor and be expanded ex vivo, a review by
shown that haploidentical NK cells infused after Rosenberg and Restifo noted an overall response
lymphodepleting chemotherapy can have rate of 38–56% in the seven published reports of
antitumor effects. TIL administration to patients with melanoma.

Cytokine-Induced Killer Cells Antigen-Specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes

Cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells have been gen- Ex vivo generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes
erated from both peripheral blood and cord blood (CTL) provide another avenue for increasing the
Adoptive Immunotherapy 113

antitumor or antiviral specificity of adoptively overlapping peptide libraries, now provide rapid
transferred cells. Two major prerequisites for gen- access to cellular products that are associated with
erating antigen-specific CTL are the identification a >90% long-term virological and clinical A
of appropriate viral or tumor target antigens and response when treating viral infections.
the availability of suitable antigen-presenting
cells (APC). Once identified, CTL lines can be Enhancing the Function of Adoptively
generated by coculturing T cells with APC that Transferred Cells
express the target antigen. These lines are then
expanded by restimulation with the antigen of Lymphodepletion
choice and the addition of cytokines such as To increase treatment efficacy of adoptively trans-
IL-2, IL-4, and/or IL-7. ferred cells, investigators are lymphodepleting
Initial studies with antigen-specific CTL were patients prior to adoptive cell transfer or genetic
undertaken in patients diagnosed with viral infec- modifying cells to enhance effector function.
tions after HSCT. In phase I studies, the prophy- Lymphodepletion, removal of the host’s lympho-
lactic use of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific cytes, prior to adoptive transfer should allow the
CTL after HCST decreased the percentage of infused cells to expand using the body’s own
CMV reactivation in a small cohort of patients. homeostatic cytokines like IL-7 and IL-15. The
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-specific CTL were suc- most common regimens for lymphodepletion uti-
cessfully used not only for the prophylactic treat- lize cyclophosphamide and fludarabine prior to
ment of EBV-LPD but also for the treatment of adoptive cellular transfer; however, groups have
patients with EBV-LPD after HSCT and solid used a variety of options including monoclonal
organ transplant. Furthermore, EBV-CTL have antibodies targeting CD45, single agent chemo-
been used with moderate success to treat patients therapy, or chemotherapy and total body irritation.
with type II latency EBV-associated malignancies Published reports have shown improved out-
like Hodgkin lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lym- comes in patients, especially in metastatic mela-
phoma, and ▶ nasopharyngeal carcinoma. noma, where lymphodepletion was used prior to
Patients with HIV have also been treated with T cell infusion.
CTL therapy. Autologous gag-specific CTL were
reported to accumulate in lymph nodes and tran- TCR and Chimeric Antigen Receptors
siently reduce the levels of circulating infected Additionally, infused T or NK cells may be genet-
CD4+ T cells. In another study, autologous CD4 ically modified with artificial receptors targeting
T cells were modified with a conditionally repli- tumor antigens or with molecules that may confer
cating HIV-1-derived lentiviral vector expressing resistance to tumor evasion strategies. In addition
an antisense gene targeting the HIV envelope. Of to TCRs, effector lymphocytes can be genetically
the five patients on this study, one had a sustained modified to express chimeric antigen receptors
decrease in viral load and four had stable to (CARs). CARs can combine the specificity and
increasing CD4 counts. Leen and colleagues antitumor effects of monoclonal antibodies with
have developed an approach where multivirus- the direct cytotoxicity and long-term persistence
specific CTL can be generated ex vivo and pro- of T cells. The most successful use of CAR T cell
vide protective immunity against ▶ adenovirus, (▶ Chimeric Antigen Receptor on T Cells) ther-
CMV, EBV, BK virus, and ▶ human herpesvirus apy has targeted the CD-19 antigen for the treat-
6 in recipients. ment of CD-19 positive leukemia and lymphoma
These strategies have historically been limited and GD-2 for the treatment of neuroblastoma.
by the time required for CTL generation using Investigators are now focusing on increasing the
current good manufacturing processing tech- activity of the infused CAR T cells, improving
niques. However, new selection techniques, such antitumor targeting, and reducing sensitivity of
as our development of multivirus-specific T cells the modified cells to the inhibitory microenviron-
made by direct stimulation of PBMCs with ment of the tumor. Further, as the affinity of CARs
114 Adoptive T-Cell Transfer

and/or TCRs increases with genetic modification, Papadopoulou A, Gerdemann U, Katari UL et al (2014)
the likelihood of on- and off-target toxicity sec- Activity of broad-spectrum T cells as treatment for
AdV, EBV, CMV, BKV, and HHV6 infections after
ondary to low-level antigenic expression on nor- HSCT. Sci Transl Med 6(242):242ra83
mal tissues increases. Thus, further evaluation of Rosenberg SA, Restifo NP (2015) Adoptive cell transfer as
antigenic expression on tumor cells and normal personalized immunotherapy for human cancer. Sci-
tissues and improved methods of preclinical tox- ence 348(6230):62–68
Zhang J, Zhu L, Zhang Q et al (2014) Effects of cytokine-
icity assessments are critically important. induced killer cell treatment in colorectal cancer
patients: a retrospective study. Biomed Pharmacother

See Also
(2012) Cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
▶ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia berg, p 1058. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1501
(2012) Glioblastoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Adenovirus
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1554.
▶ Chimeric Antigen Receptor on T Cells doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2421
▶ Colorectal Cancer (2012) Lymphoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Epstein-Barr Virus cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2124.
▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma
(2012) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In: Schwab M -
▶ Hodgkin Disease (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber-
▶ Hodgkin Lymphoma, Clinical Oncology lin/Heidelberg, p 2537. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
▶ Human Herpesvirus 6 5_4110
(2012) Renal-Cell carcinoma. In: Schwab M -
▶ Multiple Myeloma
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber-
▶ Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma lin/Heidelberg, p 3252. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
▶ Natural Killer Cell Activation 5_5023


Bollard CM, Rooney CM, Heslop HE (2012) T-cell ther- Adoptive T-Cell Transfer
apy in the treatment of post-transplant lymphoproli-
ferative disease. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 9(9):510–519
Brentjens RJ, Davila ML, Riviere I et al (2013) CD19- Mingjun Wang
targeted T Cells rapidly induce molecular remissions in Center for Inflammation and Epigenetics,
adults with chemotherapy-refractory acute lympho- Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston,
blastic leukemia. Sci Transl Med 5(177):177ra38
Dillman RO, Duma CM, Ellis RA et al (2009) Intralesional
lymphokine-activated killer cells as adjuvant therapy
for primary glioblastoma. J Immunother
32(9):914–919 Synonyms
Grupp SA, Kalos M, Barrett D et al (2013) Chimeric
antigen receptor-modified T cells for acute lymphoid
leukemia. N Engl J Med 368(16):1509–1518 Infusion of T cells; Transfer of T cells; Transfu-
Heczey A, Louis CU (2013) Advances in chimeric antigen sion of T cells
receptor immunotherapy for neuroblastoma. Discov
Med 16(90):287–294
Lee JH, Lee JH, Lim YS et al (2015) Adjuvant immuno-
therapy with autologous cytokine-induced killer cells Definition
for hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastroenterology
148(7):1383–1391 Adoptive T-cell transfer is an approach to treat
Levine BL, Humeau LM, Boyer J et al (2006) Gene trans-
various types of diseases, particularly malignant
fer in humans using a conditionally replicating
lentiviral vector. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA tumors by intravenous injection of autologous
103(46):17372–17377 T cells modified with or without a gene encoding
Adoptive T-Cell Transfer 115

a specific antigen receptor. T cells are usually T cells (TILs), cancer antigen-induced T cells,
isolated from the tumor tissues or peripheral T cell receptor (TCR)-transduced T cells, and chi-
blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of cancer meric antigen receptor (CAR)-transduced T cells A
patients, stimulated with tumor antigens or mod- (Yee 2014; Ruella and Kalos 2014; Hinrichs and
ified with a gene encoding a specific antigen Rosenberg 2014; Cheadle et al. 2014; Restifo
receptor, then expanded in vitro to a large quantity et al. 2012).
before infusion back into the patient for treatment.
TILs are isolated from the tumor tissues of cancer
Characteristics patients, expanded in vitro using a high concen-
tration of interleukin (IL)-2, and then infused back
Adoptive T-cell transfer is an approach of cancer into the patient. TIL-based adoptive T cell transfer
immunotherapy, which has emerged as a novel for treatment of cancer patients was pioneered by
and promising approach for treatment of cancer Dr. Rosenberg at NIH in 1988 and was first dem-
patients with advanced or refractory diseases, onstrated in melanoma with a low objective
since traditional cancer treatments, including sur- response at that time. Current objective response
gery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, have rate of 49–72% can be achieved when
demonstrated very limited efficacy for patients lymphodepleting preparative regimen is
with late-stage diseases. In addition, compared to performed prior to TIL infusion. Despite the clin-
considerable side effects caused by traditional ical benefits of TIL-based therapy, there are limi-
therapies, adoptive T-cell transfer-based immuno- tations to its successful implementation:
therapy holds several key advantages: (1) high (1) TIL-based immunotherapy is an individual-
specificity, (2) little or no side effects, although ized treatment that requires surgical removal of
adverse effects may occur in adoptive cell transfer tumor tissues and a highly skilled medical staff to
using genetically modified T cells, and (3) good isolate and cultivate TILs; (2) TIL-based immu-
safety profile. To date, adoptive T-cell transfer notherapy is currently only effective against mel-
among various types of cancer immunotherapy anoma even though TILs can be also isolated from
has been demonstrated to be the most effective other solid tumors including colorectal cancer,
immunotherapy method for cancer treatment and breast cancer, lung cancer, and ovarian cancer.
has achieved very promising results in cancer Nevertheless, successful TIL-based immunother-
clinical trials, thus leading to its being named as apy has promoted the rapid development of adop-
the Science “Breakthrough of the Year” in 2013. tive T-cell transfer using antigen-induced T cells
Importantly, a number of pharmaceutical indus- and genetically modified T cells for treatment of
tries are starting to invest heavily to rapidly facil- other types of cancer.
itate the development of such an adoptive T-cell
transfer-based approach to treat various types of Cancer Antigen-Induced T Cells
cancer. Cancer antigen-specific T cells are present in
T cells used for adoptive T-cell transfer are PBMCs of cancer patients and can be cultured or
usually isolated from the tumor tissues or periph- enriched from PBMCs or TILs following in vitro
eral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of cancer stimulation using autologous antigen-presenting
patients, stimulated with tumor antigens or mod- cell pulsed with peptides derived from cancer
ified with a gene encoding a specific antigen antigens. Cancer antigen-induced T cells targeting
receptor in vitro, and then expanded to a large MART1/MelanA, gp100 and NY-ESO-1 have
quantity before infusion back into the patient for been used for adoptive T-cell transfer to treat
treatment. Adoptive T-cell transfer, which has metastatic melanoma with little or no side effects.
demonstrated dramatic potency in cancer treat- Adoptive T-cell transfer using cancer antigen-
ment and has shown encouraging therapeutic induced T cells has several advantages: (1) easy
effects in clinical trials, includes tumor infiltrating to collect PBMCs from patients for preparation of
116 Adoptive T-Cell Transfer

cancer-reactive T cells by in vitro cancer antigen SAEs due to cross-activity or “on-target/off-

stimulation; (2) a number of cancer antigens and tumor” effects.
their derived HLA-restricted epitopes (www.
cancerimmunity.org/peptide) are available to CAR-Transduced T Cells
facilitate the development of antigen-specific The concept of CAR was firstly introduced in
T cells; and (3) peptides are synthesized cheaply 1989. The CAR structure is composed of an extra-
and can be easily and safely delivered to any cellular single-chain variable fragment (scFv) of
medical center for stimulation of cancer-reactive an antibody, a transmembrane domain, and intra-
cells. With identification of more and more cancer cellular signaling domains derived from mole-
antigens, it will be favorable to use such antigens cules involved in T cell signaling. When T cells
to generate cancer antigen-induced specific T cells are transduced with a lentiviral or retrovial vector
in vitro for the treatment of various types of encoding a CAR targeting a surface antigen, the
cancer. ectodomain scFv of CAR can specifically recog-
nize and bind to the surface antigen expressed on
Antigen-Specific TCR-Transduced T Cells cancer cells and deliver activating signals to
T cells genetically engineered with antigen- T cells through CD3x, which in turn trigger
specific TCRs in vitro can specifically recognize T cell effector functions to eliminate the cancer
and kill cancer cells. TCR-transduced T cells cells. CAR-transduced T cell therapy can target a
targeting several tumor antigens including variety of cell surface molecules including pro-
MART1, CEA, gp100, NY-ESO-1, and teins with varying glycosylation and nonprotein
MAGEA3 have been tested in clinical trials. structures such as gangliosides and carbohydrate
Although, the results based on adoptive T-cell antigens; in addition, CAR-transduced T cell
transfer using TCR-transduced T cells in clinical function is unaffected by tumor escape mecha-
trials have shown great promise in treating various nisms related to HLA downregulation and altered
types of cancers including metastatic melanoma, processing.
metastatic colorectal cancer, metastatic synovial CAR is generally classified into three genera-
cell sarcoma, and epithelial malignancies, severe tions according to the number of signaling
adverse events (SAEs) due to cross-reactivity with domains including CD28, 4-BB, OX-40, etc. First-
cancer antigens expressed at low levels in vital generation CAR-transduced T cells targeting neu-
organs have become a barrier to wide application roblastoma, lymphoma, renal cancer, and ovarian
of TCR-transduced T cells in clinical trials. To cancer have achieved only limited clinical activity
date, NY-ESO-1 has been only shown as one of due to the lack of T cell expansion and long-term
ideal tumor targets for TCR-transduced T cells, persistence in vivo. Currently, most clinical trials
since NY-ESO-1 is expressed in various types of are using second-generation CAR-transduced
cancer cells, but not in normal somatic tissues or T cells; adoptive T-cell transfer with second-
cells except normal testes, ovary, and placenta. generation GD2-specific CAR-transduced T cells
Thus, theoretically TCR-transduced T cells has showed clinical benefits that are associated
targeting NY-ESO-1 will only eradicate or attack with the long-term low-level presence of
cancer cells, but not normal cells. Therefore, auto- CAR-expressing T cells. However, the most
immune toxicities in this setting will not occur. promising results from CAR-transduced T cell
Indeed, TCR–transduced T cells targeting therapy have been with CD19-based targeting of
NY-ESO-1 have achieved objective tumor B cell malignancies. It has been shown that T cells
responses in patients with metastatic synovial transduced with second generation anti-CD19
cell sarcoma and melanoma without the induction CARs containing either CD28 or 4-1BB
of autoimmune toxicities. In the future, it is of costimulatory endodomain are effective to treat
great importance to identify ideal cancer antigen advanced or refractory lymphoma, chronic lym-
targets with tumor-restricted expression (e.g., phocytic leukemia, and acute lymphocytic leuke-
NY-ESO-1) to minimize the risk of developing mia. The complete remission rate is now about
Adrenocortical Cancer 117

60–90% after infusion of CAR-transduced T cells ▶ Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

targeting CD19 into patients with refractory or ▶ Immunotherapy
recurrent acute lymphocytic leukemia. Although ▶ NY-ESO-1 A
CAR-transduced T cells targeting CD19 have
achieved encouraging results, this treatment can
also cause side effects. B cell aplasia due to infu-
sion of anti-CD19 CAR-transduced T cells is an Cheadle EJ, Gornall H, Baldan V, Hanson V, Hawkins RE,
expected “on-target/off-tumor” effect, which may Gilham DE (2014) CAR T cells: driving the road from
be treated by injection of immunoglobulins. The the laboratory to the clinic. Immunol Rev 257(1):91–106
other associated toxicity is described as a cytokine Hinrichs CS, Rosenberg SA (2014) Exploiting the curative
potential of adoptive T-cell therapy for cancer.
release syndrome including high-grade fevers, Immunol Rev 257(1):56–71
hypotension, hypoxia as well as neurologic dis- Restifo NP, Dudley ME, Rosenberg SA (2012) Adoptive
turbances, which may need supportive treatment. immunotherapy for cancer: harnessing the T cell
Despite the great success to date with anti- response. Nat Rev Immunol 12(4):269–281
Ruella M, Kalos M (2014) Adoptive immunotherapy for
CD19 CAR-transduced T cells in the treatment cancer. Immunol Rev 257(1):14–38
of patients with B cell malignancies, clinical trials Yee C (2014) The use of endogenous T cells for adoptive
targeting solid cancers have achieved limited effi- transfer. Immunol Rev 257(1):250–263
cacy and observed “on-target, off-tumor
responses” with serious consequences. The failure
of CAR-transduced T cells to treat solid cancers Adrenocortical Cancer
may be due to several reasons including lack of
ideal cancer antigens, short-term persistence of Rossella Libè and Jérôme Bertherat
CAR-transduced T cells, and inefficient traffick- Endocrinology, Metabolism and Cancer
ing of sufficient numbers of CAR-transduced Department, INSERM U567, Institut Cochin,
T cells to tumor sites. Furthermore, an immuno- Paris, France
suppressive tumor environment also inhibits the
functions of CAR-transduced T cells at tumor
sites. Strategies to overcome these barriers should Synonyms
be taken into consideration to construct
CAR-transduced T cells capable of treating solid Carcinoma of the adrenal cortex; Malignant adre-
cancers as well as hematopoietic malignancies in nocortical tumor
future clinical trials.

Conclusions Definition
Adoptive T-cell transfer-based immunotherapy
has achieved encouraging results in clinical trials. Adrenocortical cancer (ACC) is a malignant
Future research is required to develop safe and tumor from the adrenal cortex. It is a rare tumor
efficient adoptive T-cell transfer-based immuno- with a poor prognosis. The consequences of ACC
therapies with broad efficacy against various are due to tumor growth and metastasis and also
types of cancer. due to steroid oversecretion.

Cross-References Characteristics

▶ Autoimmunity and Cancer Epidemiology of Adrenocortical Cancer

▶ B-cell Tumors ACC is a rare disease with an estimated incidence
▶ Cancer between 1 and 2 per million and per year in adults
▶ Chimeric Antigen Receptor on T Cells in North America and Europe.
118 Adrenocortical Cancer

Pathophysiology of Adrenocortical Cancer variety of cancers. Adrenocortical tumors have

Analysis of the pattern of X-chromosome inactiva- been observed in some case reports of patients
tion in heterozygous female tissue has shown that with familial APC. Furthermore, familial APC
ACC consists of monoclonal populations of cells. patients, with germline mutations of the APC
A large number of molecular techniques, such as gene that lead to an activation of the Wnt signaling
comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and pathway, may develop ACTs. The Wnt signaling
microsatellite analysis, have identified alterations pathway is normally activated during embryonic
affecting various chromosomes and loci in AC- development. b-Catenin is a key component of this
C. Most of the changes observed concern losses on signaling pathway. Interestingly, gene profiling
chromosomes 2, 11q and 17p, and gains on chromo- studies in various types of adrenocortical tumors
somes 4 and 5. Studies using microsatellite markers have shown the frequent activation of Wnt signal-
have demonstrated a high percentage of loss of het- ing target genes. In both benign and malignant
erozygosity (LOH) or allelic imbalance at 11q13 ACT, b-catenin accumulation can be observed.
(90%), 17p13 (85%), and 2p16 (92%) in ACC. These alterations seem very frequent in ACC, con-
sistent with an abnormal activation of the Wnt
IGF-II (Insulin-Like Growth Factor II) signaling pathway. This is explained in a subset
The insulin-like growth factors system is involved in of adrenocortical tumors by somatic mutations of
the development of the adrenal cortex and its role the b-catenin gene altering the Glycogen synthase
has been largely documented in adrenocortical kinase 3-b (GSK3-b) phosphorylation site.
tumors. The IGF-II gene located at 11p15 encodes
an important fetal growth factor, is maternally TP53
imprinted, and is therefore expressed only from the The tumor suppressor gene TP53 is located at
paternal allele. Genetic or epigenetic changes in the 17p13 and involved in the control of cell prolifer-
imprinted 11p15 region, resulting in increases in ation. Germline mutations in TP53 are identified in
IGF-II expression, and mutations of the p57kip2 70% of families with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
gene have been implicated in Beckwith-Wiedemann (LFS). This syndrome displays dominant inheri-
syndrome. This overgrowth disorder is character- tance and confers susceptibility to breast carci-
ized by macrosomia, macroglossia, organomegaly noma, soft tissue sarcoma, brain tumors,
and developmental abnormalities (in particular osteosarcoma, leukemia, and ACC. Germline
abdominal wall defects with exomphalos), embryo- mutations in TP53 have been observed in
nal tumors – such as Wilms’ tumor – and ACC, 50–80% of children with apparently sporadic
neuroblastoma, and hepatoblastoma. ACC in North America and Europe. The incidence
Many studies have demonstrated that IGF-II is of pediatric ACC is about ten times higher in
strongly overexpressed in malignant adrenocortical Southern Brazil than in the rest of the world, and
tumors, with such overexpression observed in a specific germline mutation has been identified in
~90% of ACC. Transcriptome analysis of adreno- exon 10 of the TP53 gene (R337H) in almost all
cortical tumors has demonstrated that IGF-II is the cases. In sporadic ACC in adults, somatic muta-
gene most overexpressed in ACC by comparison tions of TP53 are found in only 25–35% of cases.
with benign adrenocortical adenomas or normal LOH at 17p13 has been consistently demonstrated
adrenal glands. The mechanisms underlying IGF- in ACC but not in adrenocortical adenomas. LOH
II overexpression are paternal isodisomy (loss of at 17p13 was reported to occur in 85% of ACC.
the maternal allele and duplication of the paternal
allele) or, less frequently, loss of imprinting. Diagnosis and Treatment of Adrenocortical
b-Catenin Activation in Adrenocortical Cancer
Genetic alterations of the Wnt signaling pathway Clinical and Hormonal Investigations
were initially identified in familial adenomatous Symptoms leading to the diagnosis of ACC can be
polyposis coli (APC) and have been extended to a due to hormone hypersecretion and/or tumor mass
Adrenocortical Cancer 119

and metastasis. The majority of ACC are usually molecular markers of malignancy. IGF-II
secreting tumors when careful hormonal investi- overexpression and allelic losses at 17p13 have
gations are performed. By contrast with benign been suggested as useful markers. Immunohisto- A
adrenocortical tumors (that usually secrete a sin- chemistry of Cyclin E or Ki-67 that are higher in
gle class of steroid), ACC can secrete various malignant adrenocortical tumors has also been
types of steroids (glucocorticoids, androgens, suggested in the literature as potential useful tools.
and mineralocorticoids). Cosecretion of andro-
gens and cortisol is the most frequent and highly Prognosis of Adrenocortical Cancer
suggestive of a malignant adrenocortical tumor. The overall prognosis of ACC is poor with a
Cortisol oversecretion (classified as “ACTH- 5-year survival rate below 35% in most series.
independent Cushing’s syndrome” in case of Among the various clinical parameters that have
ACC) can induce centripetal obesity, protein been shown to impact on ACC prognosis, tumor
wasting with skin thinning and striae, muscle staging has been demonstrated as one of the most
atrophy (myopathy), diabetes, hypertension, psy- important. The MacFarlane staging is the most
chiatric disturbances, gonadal dysfunction, and commonly used and relies on surgical finding
osteoporosis. and extension work-up. Four different stages are
differentiated with this score. Stage 1 and 2 tumors
Imaging of Adrenocortical Cancer are localized to the adrenal cortex and present a
Imaging is an essential diagnostic step for ACC. It maximum diameter below or above 5 cm, respec-
is important for both, not only for the diagnosis of tively. Locally invasive tumors or tumors with
malignancy of an adrenal mass but also for the regional lymph node metastases are classified as
extension work-up. Adrenal computed tomogra- Stage 3, whereas Stage 4 consists of tumors invad-
phy scan (CT-scan) is a very informative imaging ing adjacent organs or presenting with distant
procedure for adrenocortical tumors. In ACC, it metastases. The prognosis of Stage 1 and 2 tumors
shows a unilateral mass, which is most often large is better than that of Stage 3 or 4 tumors. A better
(above 5–6 cm, typically 10 cm and above), survival is usually reported in younger patients.
lowering the kidney. MRI can also be used in Some pathological features as a high mitotic rate
the diagnosis of liver nodules and venous inva- or atypical mitotic figures have been shown to be
sions. Studies have demonstrated that ACCs associated with a poor prognosis.
almost invariably have a high uptake of In the future, it is expected that molecular tools
18-fluorodesoxyglucose ((18)-FDG). Thus (18)- will help a better prediction of the prognosis of
FDG PET scan appears to distinguish between ACC. Gene profiling approach can already differ-
benign and malignant adrenal tumors. This sim- entiate malignant from benign tumors.
ple, nontraumatic imaging procedure also partici-
pates in the extension work-up. Treatment of Adrenocortical Cancer
Surgery of the adrenal tumor is the major treat-
Pathology and Molecular Analysis ment of Stage 1 to 3 ACC. It can also be discussed
As often with endocrine tumors, the diagnosis of in Stage 4 patients. Only complete tumor removal
malignancy of adrenocortical lesions is not can lead to long-term remission. Radiofrequency
always easy for the pathologist. Combinations of thermal ablation of liver and lung metastasis
various histological parameters allowing the cal- below 4–5 cm of maximal diameter can be an
culation of a “score” for a given tumor have been alternative to surgical removal. Chemoembo-
developed. The most widely used is the Weiss lization has also been used for liver metastasis.
score made of nine different items. It is assumed Surgery of bone metastasis can be indicated to
that a score above three is most likely associated reduce fracture risk, or, in case of spinal localiza-
with a malignant tumor. Since the Weiss score has tion, neurological symptoms. Radiation therapy is
limitations and is dependent on the experience of usually considered as not very effective to control
the pathologist, there is an effort to develop tumor growth. However, it has been suggested
120 Adrenomedullin

that tumor bed radiation therapy could help pre-

vent local recurrence after surgical removal. Adrenomedullin
When complete tumor removal is not possible,
or in case of recurrence, medical treatment with o, Enrique Zudaire and Franck Cuttitta
p’-DDD (ortho, para’, dichloro-, diphenyl-, NCI Angiogenesis Core Facility, National Cancer
dichloroethane, or Mitotane) is recommended. It Institute, National Institutes of Health, Advanced
has both an anticortisolic action and a cytotoxic Technology Center, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
effect on the adrenocortical cells. Objective tumor
regression could be observed in 25–35% of the
patients. A mitotane blood level of at least 14 mg/l Definition
seems to improve the tumor response rate. How-
ever, the side effects of mitotane (mainly digestive Adrenomedullin (AM) is a member of the ▶ cal-
and neurologics) often limit the ability to reach citonin superfamily of peptides. It is produced in
this suggested optimal level. Since o,p’-DDD can virtually every organ by many different cell types,
induce adrenal insufficiency, substitutive gluco- and it is secreted into the plasma where it occurs at
corticoid, and mineralocorticoid therapy should picomolar concentrations. Over the past several
be associated. Several cytotoxic chemotherapy years, AM has increasingly received the attention
regimens have been used in ACC. They are usu- of the scientific community by virtue of its impli-
ally considered in patients with tumor progression cation in many normal and disease states.
under mitotane therapy reaching the plasma blood
level of 14 mg/l or presenting severe side effects
limiting its use. Various drugs have been used and Characteristics
the experience is still limited. It is currently
accepted that the combined treatment with Adrenomedullin is a small peptide (52 amino
cisplatine, etoposide, doxorubicin (EDP regimen) acids) first isolated from a pheochromocytoma in
associated with o,p’-DDD, and streptozotocin 1993. It was initially described as a hypotensive
also given with o,p’-DDD are the better regimens. peptide although after more than a decade of
However, there is obviously an important need for research and about 2,000 articles published, AM
prospective controlled studies and for new thera- is now recognized as a pluripotent peptide hor-
pies in patients with advanced ACC. mone implicated in many normal and pathological
processes ranging from vascular tone and diabetes
to ▶ angiogenesis and embryogenesis/
References ▶ carcinogenesis.

Allolio B, Hahner S, Weismann D et al (2004) Manage- Adrenomedullin: Peptide and Gene Structure
ment of adrenocortical carcinoma. Clin Endocrinol Adrenomedullin is generated as part of a larger
(Oxf) 60(3):273–287 precursor molecule named preproadrenomedullin
Bertherat J, Groussin L, Bertagna X (2006) Mechanisms of
disease: adrenocortical tumors – molecular advances (preproAM) (Fig. 1). PreproAM is 185-amino-
and clinical perspectives. Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol acid long and contains an N-terminal 21-amino-
Metab 2(11):632–641 acid signal peptide which is cleaved during the
Giordano TJ, Thomas DG, Kuick R et al (2003) Distinct transport of the molecule across the cell mem-
transcriptional profiles of adrenocortical tumors uncov-
ered by DNA microarray analysis. Am J Pathol brane to produce the 164-amino-acid prohormone
162(2):521–531 proAM. Further processing of proAM by
Libe R, Bertherat J (2005) Molecular genetics of adreno- endopetidases generates four peptides termed
cortical tumours, from familial to sporadic diseases. proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide
Eur J Endocrinol 153(4):477–487
Sidhu S, Sywak M, Robinson B et al (2004) Adrenocortical (PAMP), mid-regional proadrenomedullin
cancer: recent clinical and molecular advances. Curr (proAM 45–92), adrenomedullin (AM), and
Opin Oncol 16(1):13–18 adrenotensin (proAM 153–185). From these,
Adrenomedullin 121

Adrenomedullin, Ex 1 Ex 2 Ex 3 Ex 4
Fig. 1 Genomic 5’ 3’
organization of the
AM gene A
Form A

Form B


Gly Gly
? Proteins present ?
in plasma

Signal peptide Adrenotensin HRE

PAMP Adrenome dullin Amide group

PAMP, proAM 45–92, and AM are present in The shortest mRNA form includes exons 1–4 and
plasma, and PAMP, AM, and adrenotensin are therefore codes for a complete preprohormone
biologically active peptides. Both PAMP and which results in stoichiometric amounts of
AM peptides are produced as glycine (Gly)- the four peptides referred above. The longest
extended inactive peptides which coexist in transcript incorporates the third intron that
plasma with the active form generated upon enzy- contains an early termination codon, resulting
matic amidation. AM shares homology with sev- in a truncated preprohormone which only
eral vasoactive peptide members of the calcitonin expresses PAMP.
superfamily including calcitonin, calcitonin gene- AM is an ancient gene that, based on our cur-
related peptide (CGRP), amylin, and intermedin. rent knowledge, first appeared in the starfish with
Members of this family share the presence of an a potential dual function of neurotransmission and
intramolecular disulfide bond which generates a host defense. It shows a remarkable degree of
six-member ring structure and an amidated conservation in genomic organization and peptide
carboxy-terminal, both of which are required for structure from fish to humans which supports its
biological activity. critical role in species survival.
In humans, the single locus of the
adrenomedullin gene is located in the short arm Signal Transduction
of chromosome 11. The complete gene (2,319 bp) As most soluble peptides, AM transduces its sig-
contains four exons and three introns which are nal upon interaction with a receptor located in the
alternatively spliced during the transcription pro- cellular surface. The discovery of the AM receptor
cess to generate two different transcripts (Fig. 1). in 1998 represented a novel paradigm in the field
122 Adrenomedullin

of G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling. from an adrenal gland tumor. A wealth of subse-
A functional receptor for AM requires physical quent studies have found that AM and its receptor
interaction in the cellular membrane of the seven- are overexpressed in many human cancers and
transmembrane domain calcitonin receptor-like tumor cell lines establishing an autocrine loop
receptor (CRLR) and either the receptor-activity- mechanism that tumor cells exploit to maintain
modifying protein (RAMP)2 or RAMP3. CRLR an autonomous proliferative state. AM is inti-
has two alternative pharmacological profiles that mately intertwined at several levels in the
are conferred by association to the accessory pro- multistep process of tumor development. At the
teins RAMP1 (producing the CGRP receptor) and initial stage of tumor growth, rapid accumulation
RAMP2/RAMP3 (producing the AM receptor). of malignant cells results in the establishment of
Therefore, the expression pattern of functional an avascular nutrient-depleted hypoxic environ-
AM receptors is determined by the presence of ment. Low oxygen tension within and surround-
these two components. In healthy individuals, ing the tumor body triggers a number of survival
RAMP2/RAMP3 is equally expressed among mechanisms which allow neoplastic cells to over-
most tissues, excluding the lung, female reproduc- come this inhospitable microenvironment. Many
tive system, and adipocytes which show higher of these encompass the upregulation of AM’s
levels of expression. CRLR expression, although expression. In fact one, if not the most important,
lower, parallels that of RAMP2 which suggests that driving force for AM upregulation in tumor cells
the majority of CRLR signaling units in the body is hypoxia. Cellular responses to hypoxia are
are complexed with RAMP2 to produce mediated through a well-known hypoxia induc-
adrenomedullin receptors. Modest but robust ible factor (HIF)-dependent mechanism. HIF is a
changes in the expression of the complex CRLR- heterodimeric transcription factor which is stabi-
RAMP2 have been reported in certain physiologi- lized under hypoxic conditions and binds to spe-
cal and disease states such as pregnancy, sepsis, cific DNA sequences denoted as hypoxia
and ▶ cancer. The same physiological conditions response elements (HRE) which are present in
are related to high levels of AM expression. Other the promoter regulatory region of the AM gene
stimuli which result in coordinated regulation of (Fig. 1). Hypoxia also upregulates the expression
AM, CRLR, and RAMP2 include hypoxia, endo- of the AM receptor gene in many tumor types
crine hormones, and inflammatory cytokines. hence establishing a rational explanation behind
Upon binding to its receptor, AM induces the aforementioned autocrine growth mechanism
cAMP elevation through an adenylyl cyclase- underlying carcinogenesis (Fig. 2).
PKA-mediated pathway. While multiple reports As tumor-derived AM is released into the
including the seminal paper by Kitamura have microenvironment, it establishes a peptide gradi-
consistently demonstrated cAMP-mediated ent which ultimately disseminates to reach a
effects of AM, other more scarce ones have teeming collection of cell types known to be able
shown cAMP-independent actions such as vaso- to respond to this peptide and to be involved in
dilation via elevation of Ca2+ and K+-ATP and further development of the tumor, including the
activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. cancer cell itself. AM not only stimulates tumor
AM also activates Akt, mitogen-activated protein cell proliferation via its mitogenic activity but also
kinase, and focal adhesion kinase in endothelial by involving an antiapoptotic state.
cells which mediate its angiogenic potential. Although the advantageous effects of AM for
the tumor cell are apparent, its actions are not
AM Serves as a Common Language Between restricted to this compartment within the tumor.
the Different Cellular Components On the contrary, AM acts as an integrative mole-
of the Tumor Microenvironment cule allowing the crosstalk between all different
Many disease states have been reported to modu- compartments within the tumor microenvironment.
late the expression of AM including cancer. As we As an example, AM is a migratory factor for dif-
mentioned before, AM was originally isolated ferent inflammatory cells, including ▶ mast cells.
Adrenomedullin 123

O2 gradient


ECM degradation migration

growth Neovasculature

AM gradient

Adrenomedullin, Fig. 2 Model of the AM/tumor cell/ MC). As MCs migrate up the peptide gradient, higher AM
inflammatory cells’ relationship in human carcinogenesis. concentrations are reached stimulating MC-derived angio-
The microenvironment around the tumor is hypoxic and genic factor (AM, VEGF, bFGF, MCP-1) expression and
stimulates expression of AM by the tumor cells. Tumor- ultimately release at the tumor site. AM mediates a para-
derived AM is released into the microenvironment setting crine tumor survival effect (direct mitogen, angiogenic
up a concentration gradient of peptide that contributes to factor, and anti-apoptosis) and functions as a paracrine
angiogenesis and attracts distal MCs to infiltrate the tumor recruitment factor drawing additional MCs to the area,
site. Neovasculature makes possible tumor metastasis, and thus perpetuating the inflammatory process and enhancing
it is used as a point of entrance for inflammatory cells (i.e., tumor promotion

Mast cells migrate toward the tumor mass follow- angiogenesis. Tumor-induced angiogenesis is a
ing the preestablished tumor-derived AM gradient. pathological condition that results in ectopic
Hence, as mast cells approach the tumor, they are neovascularization. Of most therapeutic interest
exposed to increasingly higher concentrations of is the finding that AM is an essential factor that
AM. Only when certain concentration of AM is regulates normal and pathological vasculariza-
reached in the proximity of the tumor, mast cells tion. AM was first described as a potent hypoten-
degranulate liberating to their immediate milieu sive peptide although its connection to the normal
numerous inflammatory factors (including AM) and pathological biology of the vascular system is
which not only enhance the tumor progression much deeper than initially thought. AM is an
but also perpetuate the inflammatory process. AM essential factor for the normal development of
is also implicated as a potential immune system vasculature as revealed in mice lacking the AM
suppressor, inhibiting macrophage function and gene which is embryonically lethal due to abnor-
acting as a negative regulator of the complement mal vascularization. AM also induces pathologi-
cascade, protective properties which help cancer cal neovascularization via CRLR-RAMP2 present
cells circumvent immune surveillance. in the endothelial cells. Angiogenesis is a
One of the most significant features distinctive multistep process which commences with the
of hypoxic tumors is their ability to induce growth of endothelial cells which is enhanced by
124 Adriamycin

tumor-derived AM. AM also prevents hypoxia- Kitamura K, Kangawa K, Kawamoto M et al (1993)

triggered apoptosis in endothelial cells enhancing Adrenomedullin: a novel hypotensive peptide isolated
from human pheochromocytoma. Biochem Biophys
the neovascularization process. Additionally, AM Res Commun 192:553–560
participates in the remodeling of the extracellular Zudaire E, Martinez A, Cuttitta F (2003) Adrenomedullin
matrix and tridimensional rearrangement of endo- and cancer. Regul Pept 112:175–183
thelial cells in the tissue which results in the
establishment of the new intratumoral vasculature
by stimulating migration and tube formation of
endothelial cells. AM increases the permeability Adriamycin
of the endothelial cells in the newly established
vasculature which supplies the tumor with the Tsutomu Takahashi1 and Akira Naganuma2
necessary nutrients for expansion; additionally it Department of Environmental Health, School of
creates an access route for inflammatory cells Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and
which are attracted to the tumor site and migrate Life Sciences, Tokyo, Japan
in following gradients of chemoattractant and Laboratory of Molecular and Biochemical
migratory factors produced by the tumor, such as Toxicology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical
AM. The same route can simultaneously be uti- Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
lized by tumor cells as the entrance point to the
vascular system facilitating the metastasis pro-
cess. The invasive capability of tumor cells is Synonyms
thus enhanced by AM.
14-Hydroxydaunorubicin; Doxorubicin
Conclusions gleaned from the studies carried over
the past 14 years portrait AM as a molecular Definition
connector with competence to entangle and
allow communication between the different cellu- Adriamycin is an antineoplastic ▶ anthracycline
lar components of the tumor machinery which antibiotic isolated from cultures of Streptomyces
conspire under the tumor cell direction to promote peucetius var. caesius. It is widely used in the
cancer. It is not only the direct effect that AM has treatment of various different types of cancers.
on tumor cells but also its ability to interact with Proposed mechanisms for its antitumor activity
all these cellular elements which makes this pep- include intercalation into DNA, inhibition of
tide an attractive therapeutic target for cancer. The ▶ topoisomerase II, and promotion of free-radical
collective research effort is shifting from trying to formation. However, the clinical utility of this
discern whether AM is a causative agent of cancer drug is seriously limited by the development of
to better understanding its central role as a multi- cardiomyopathy and ▶ myelosuppression.
faceted exchange currency among the multiple
cellular players involved in tumor development.
Strategies utilizing blocking agents aimed at dis- Characteristics
ruption of this loop might be proven successful to
impede tumor growth. Chemical Properties
Adriamycin is an orange-red compound, soluble
in water and aqueous alcohols, moderately solu-
References ble in anhydrous methanol, and insoluble in non-
polar organic solvents. It consists of an aglycone
Cuttitta F, Portal-Nuñez S, Falco C et al (2006)
Adrenomedullin: an esoteric juggernaut of human can-
(adriamycinone), a tetracyclic ring with adjacent
cers. In: Kastin AJ (ed) Handbook of biologically quinone–hydroquinone groups in rings C-B,
active peptides. Elsevier coupled with an amino sugar (daunosamine). It
Adriamycin 125

Fig. 1 Structures of
adriamycin and its
analogues A

is generated by C-14 hydroxylation of its imme- dacarbazine) for non-Hodgkin disease, CHOP
diate precursor, daunorubicin (see Fig. 1). (cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, vincristine,
Semisystematic derivatives of adriamycin include prednisone) for ▶ Hodgkin disease, and MVAC
epirubicin, an axial-to-equatorial epimer of the (methotrexate, vinblastine, adriamycin, cisplatin)
hydroxyl group at C-40 in daunosamine; for urothelial carcinoma.
pirarubicin, 40 -O-tetrahydropyranyl-adriamycin;
etc. Pharmacokinetics
Adriamycin is rapidly cleared from the plasma,
Clinical Aspects quickly taken up, and only slowly eliminated
from organs such as the spleen, lungs, kidneys,
Therapeutic Applications liver, and heart. It does not cross the blood–brain
Adriamycin has a broad antitumor spectrum. It is barrier. Adriamycin is converted to an active
used to treat hematopoietic malignancies such as metabolite, adriamycinol, through a two-electron
leukemias, lymphomas (non-Hodgkin disease, reduction of the side chain C-13 carbonyl moiety
▶ Hodgkin disease) and ▶ multiple myeloma, by NADPH-dependent cytoplasmic aldo/keto
and different solid tumors (breast, thyroid, gastric, reductase or carbonyl reductase. It is converted to
ovarian, bronchogenic, head and neck, prostate, inactive metabolites in the liver and other tissues
cervical, pancreatic, uterine, and hepatic carcino- and predominantly excreted in the bile.
mas, as well as transitional cell bladder carcino-
mas, ▶ Wilms’ tumor, ▶ neuroblastoma, and soft Clinical Toxicities
tissue and bone sarcomas). Adriamycin is applied The usual toxic side effects of adriamycin, includ-
as a component of combination chemotherapy, ing stomatitis, nausea, vomiting, alopecia, gastro-
rather than a monotherapy. Adriamycin-based intestinal disturbance, and dermatological
combination chemotherapy regimens include manifestations, are generally reversible. The
ABVD (adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, dose-limiting side effects of the anthracyclines
126 Adriamycin

including adriamycin are myelosuppression and toxicity through decreased exposure of these
cardiotoxicity. Myelosuppression with leukopenia, tissues to the drug while effectively delivering
neutropenia, and occasionally thrombocytopenia is it to the tumor. Polyethylene glycol-coated
dose related and potentially life-threatening. (pegylated) liposomal adriamycin (Doxil (USA),
Cardiotoxicity is characteristic of the Caelyx (UK)) is currently used for treating AIDS-
anthracycline antibiotics, of which adriamycin related ▶ Kaposi sarcoma, refractory ovarian can-
is the most toxic. Adriamycin-induced cer, and some other solid tumors. In order to
cardiotoxicity can be acute, chronic, or delayed. improve therapeutic efficacy and decrease side
The acute effect is not dose related and is charac- effects by promoting drug accumulation inside
terized by sinus arrhythmias and/or abnormal tumors, the water-soluble N-(2-hydroxypropyl)
electrocardiographic (ECG) changes (nonspecific methacrylamide (HPMA) copolymer, magnetic
ST-T wave change, prolongation of QT interval). targeted carriers, and immunoliposome conjugates
Acute toxicity of this type is transient and rarely a with the specificity of whole monoclonal anti-
serious problem. Chronic cardiotoxicity is a much bodies (e.g., antibodies against CD19 or MUC1)
more serious problem, being related to cumulative or FAB’ fragments have been developed as carriers
dose. It is irreversible and leads to dilative cardio- of adriamycin.
myopathy and congestive heart failure (CHF), In further efforts to decrease the risk of devel-
usually unresponsive to cardiotonic steroids oping cardiotoxicity, several derivatives of
(digitalis) and b-blockers. The risk of developing adriamycin or daunorubicin, such as epirubicin,
CHF increases markedly at total cumulative doses pirarubicin, idarubicin, and aclarubicin, have been
in excess of 500 mg/m2. Moreover, the effects of developed. Although these agents may be less
this chronic cardiotoxicity may manifest precipi- cardiotoxic than adriamycin itself, they do have
tously without antecedent ECG changes. The risk a decreased antitumor activity.
of life-threatening cardiac dysfunction can be
decreased by regular monitoring of Pharmacological Mechanisms
endomyocardial (EM) biopsy histopathological
changes and left ventricular ejection fraction Mechanisms of Action
(LVEF) as measured by the multigated radionu- Several mechanisms appear to contribute to the
clide angiography (MUGA) method and/or echo- cytotoxic effects of adriamycin, including inhibi-
cardiography (ECHO). Finally, adriamycin can tion of DNA replication and repair; inhibition of
also cause delayed cardiotoxicity, possibly, RNA and protein synthesis via intercalation of the
related to the dose. This occurs after an asymp- aglycone portion of the molecule between adja-
tomatic interval, mostly in people who were cent DNA base pairs, especially G–C base pairs;
treated as children. promotion of the cleavage of DNA by formation
Several approaches have been proposed to of adriamycin–topoisomerase II-DNA ternary
overcome adriamycin cardiotoxicity and that of complexes; inhibition of topoisomerase I; and
the anthracycline antibiotics generally. Adminis- direct binding to the cell membrane. Formation
tration by slow continuous intravenous infusion of free radicals is another major mechanism of
(over 48–96 h) rather than the standard bolus cytotoxicity. One-electron reduction of the qui-
injection decreases the likelihood of chronic none moiety in the C ring of adriamycin by
cardiotoxicity. Dexrazoxane (ICRF-187), an iron some flavin-containing enzymes (mitochondrial
chelator that prevents the formation of complexes NADH dehydrogenase, microsomal NADPH-
between adriamycin and iron and subsequent pro- cytochrome P450 reductase, and xanthine oxi-
duction of ▶ reactive oxygen species (ROS), is dase) generates adriamycin–semiquinone radi-
sometimes used as a cardioprotectant. However, cals. These rapidly react with oxygen to form
it may decrease antitumor activity. Liposomal superoxide anions, which then generate hydrogen
encapsulation is designed to increase safety and peroxide and hydroxyl radicals in the presence of
efficacy by decreasing cardiac and gastrointestinal redox-active metals such as iron (III) and copper
Adriamycin 127

(II). The final result is DNA damage and lipid detailed mechanisms remain unknown. Further-
peroxidation. The semiquinone radical can be more, a relationship between adriamycin resis-
transformed into an aglycone C7-centered radical tance and qualitative and quantitative changes in A
that also mediates cellular damage by DNA alkyl- the expression of topoisomerase II, a major target
ation and lipid peroxidation. Adriamycin can bind for adriamycin, has been reported.
to metal ions such as iron, copper, and manganese,
by forming adriamycin–metal complexes, which Mechanisms for Development of Cardiotoxicity
may lead to generation of ROS and damage to cell The molecular mechanisms leading to
membranes. adriamycin-induced cardiotoxicity may include
lipid peroxidation by generation of ROS; abnor-
Mechanisms of Resistance malities in intracellular calcium homeostasis
Development of resistance to the drug is a major through inhibition of sarcomeric reticulum Ca2+-
obstacle in chemotherapy with adriamycin. Drug ATPase (SERCA2), Na+-K+-ATPase, and Na+-
efflux pumps are important for defending cells Ca2+ exchanger of sarcolemma; inhibition of
against anticancer drugs. The acquisition of mitochondrial creatine kinase; and interaction
adriamycin resistance involves promotion of with cardiolipin, which is a phospholipid of the
excretion of the drug by overexpressing inner mitochondrial membrane in the heart.
the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters Adriamycin also promotes apoptosis by activation
▶ P-glycoprotein (P-gp)/ABCB1, multidrug of p38 mitogen-activated kinases (MAPK) in car-
resistance-associated proteins (MRPs)/ABCC diac muscle cells. Moreover, adriamycin
(MRP1, MRP2, MRP6, etc.), and breast cancer downregulates the expression of genes for
resistance protein (BCRP)/ABCG2. P-gp trans- sarcomeric proteins (such as a-actin, myosin,
ports hydrophobic compounds including troponin I, and myofibrillar creatine kinase) and
adriamycin, while MRP1 and BCRP can extrude for proteins involved in calcium homeostasis in
predominantly these glutathione conjugates. In the sarcomeric reticulum, such as SERCA2, car-
addition, RalA-binding protein 1 (RALBP1)/ diac muscle ryanodine receptor (RYR2),
Ral-interacting protein of 76 kDa (RLIP76) is a calsequestrin, and phospholamban, by suppres-
nonclassical ABC transporter involved in drug sion of transcription factors (e.g., MEF2C,
excretion. RALBP1 catalyzes ATP-dependent HAND2, and GATA4) and/or activation of a the
efflux of xenobiotics including adriamycin as transcriptional repressor Egr-1.
well as its glutathione conjugates. In fact, the Adriamycinol (doxorubicinol), a secondary
level of expression of these efflux pumps corre- alcohol metabolite, may also be involved in
lates with the clinical efficacy of adriamycin. the development of adriamycin-induced
▶ Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are a family cardiotoxicity, via enhancing the inhibitory effects
of enzymes involved in the cellular detoxification of SERCA2, Na+-K+-ATPase, and Na+-Ca2+
of xenotoxins. Adriamycin and its metabolites exchanger of sarcolemma. Adriamycinol also
(adriamycinol) are conjugated with glutathione inhibits the iron-regulatory protein/iron-
by GSTs and transported by MRPs, BCRP, responsive element (IRP/IRE) system, which
etc. Increased expression of GSTs, especially plays a crucial role in iron homeostasis, and may
GSTp, also confers adriamycin resistance by pro- lead to cardiotoxicity.
moting detoxification.
Lung resistance protein (LRP), the 110 kDa
major vault protein (MVP), is a main component
of vaults, which are multisubunit structures that References
may be involved in nucleocytoplasmic transport,
Awasthi S, Sharma R, Singhal SS et al (2002)
and is involved in resistance to anticancer drugs
RLIP76, a novel transporter catalyzing ATP-dependent
including adriamycin. LRP may affect the intra- efflux of xenobiotics. Drug Metab Dispos 30:
cellular distribution of adriamycin, but the 1300–1310
128 ADT

Hortobagyi GN (1997) Anthracyclines in the treatment of and/or regenerate the cells of damaged tissues.
cancer. An overview. Drugs 54(Suppl 4):1–7 Stem cells may remain quiescent for long periods
Minotti G, Menna P, Salvatorelli E et al (2004)
Anthracyclines: molecular advances and pharmaco- of time until they are activated by a need for more
logic developments in antitumor activity and cells. Adult stem cells were first described in
cardiotoxicity. Pharmacol Rev 56:185–229 organs and tissues characterized by high cell turn-
Nielsen D, Maare C, Skovsgaard T (1996) Cellular resis- over, such as blood, gut, testis, and skin, but have
tance to anthracyclines. Gen Pharmacol 27:251–255
Poizat C, Sartorelli V, Chung G et al (2000) Proteasome- to date also been isolated from many other organs
mediated degradation of the coactivator p300 impairs and tissues including brain, bone marrow, liver,
cardiac transcription. Mol Cell Biol 20:8643–8654 heart, lung, retina, ovarian epithelium, teeth,
mammary cells, and skeletal muscle.
Adult stem cells mainly possess two key prop-
erties: (1) self-renewal, which is the ability to
ADT allow the cells to go through many cell divisions
while remaining in an undifferentiated state, and
▶ Androgen Ablation Therapy (2) multipotency or multidifferentiative potential,
which is the ability to generate progeny of several
distinct cell types of the tissue or organ such as
glial cells, neurons, etc.
Adult Stem Cells Stem cells differ from somatic cells with their
different potentials and their proliferation ability.
Rikke Christensen1 and Nedime Serakinci2 There are three kinds of stem cells – embryonic,
Clinical Genetics, Aarhus University Hospital, germinal, and adult stem cells – that are classified
Aarhus, Denmark according to their developmental potential rang-
Medical Genetics, Near East University, Nicosia, ing from totipotency to unipotency. The fertilized
Northern Cyprus oocyte and the blastomere up to the eight-cell
stage are considered as totipotent (totipotent
stem cells) as they can differentiate to generate a
Synonyms complete organism. ▶ Embryonic stem cells, the
cells derived from the inner cell mass of the blas-
Postnatal stem cells; Somatic stem cells; Tissue tocyst, are pluripotent (pluripotent stem cells) and
stem cells have the ability to differentiate into cells and
tissues from all three germ layers: the endoderm,
the ectoderm, and the mesoderm. Germinal stem
Definition cells are also pluripotent and are derived from
so-called primordial germ cells and give rise to
An undifferentiated cell found in a differentiated the gametes (sperm and eggs) in adults. In con-
tissue that can renew itself and (with certain lim- trast, adult stem cells are generally believed to be
itations) differentiate to yield all the specialized multipotent (multipotent stem cells) or unipotent
cell types of the tissue from which it originated. (unipotent stem cells) which means that they can
only give rise to progeny restricted to the tissue of
origin. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), bulge
Characteristics stem cells in the hair follicle, and mesenchymal
stem cells (MSC) are examples of multipotent
Adult stem cells are defined as undifferentiated stem cells, which can differentiate into multiple
tissue-specific stem cells with extensive self- cell types of a single tissue, whereas epidermal
renewal capacity, which can proliferate to gener- stem cells, myosatellite cells of muscle, and endo-
ate mature cells of the tissue of origin. The pri- thelial progenitor cells are examples of unipotent
mary roles of adult stem cells are to maintain stem cells, which only give rise to one mature cell
Adult Stem Cells 129

type. Some studies have shown that many adult signals, enhancing of antiproliferative signals, or
tissues may contain cells with pluripotent capacity induction of differentiation from the stem cell
capable of generating differentiated cells from an niche may be used to target the cancer stem A
unrelated tissue. This process is termed ▶ stem cells. It has furthermore been suggested that
cell plasticity. targeting the stem cell niche may prevent cancer
In most tissues/organs, renewal is compen- metastasis. Some cancers metastasize to sites that
sated by tissue-specific stem cells. The stem cells cannot be explained by circulation distribution,
normally divide very rarely, but stimuli caused by lymphatic drainage, or anatomic proximity.
damaged or injured tissue or a need to generate These sites may, however, provide favorable
progeny to maintain the tissue can induce prolif- niches that support the survival of the cancer
eration and produce daughter cells that can differ- stem cells.
entiate into the specific cell lineages of the Much effort is put into the identification of
respective tissue type. Stem cell division typically stem cell markers to be able to isolate the stem
leads to the formation of committed progenitor cells of interest. Isolation of stem cells makes it
cells with more limited self-renewal capacity as, possible to enhance the knowledge of stem cell
e.g., transit amplifying cells in the epidermis or identity and to use them therapeutically.
lymphoid or myeloid progenitors in the bone mar-
row. Tissue progenitor or transit amplifying cells Adult Stem Cell Differentiation
provide an expanded population of a proliferating As it has been mentioned above and shown by
tissue that differentiate into more mature and many scientists, adult stem cells occur in many
determined cells that eventually no longer prolif- different tissues, and they normally differentiate
erate and die. To maintain the balance in the adult to give rise to mature cell types that show charac-
tissues/organs, the number of progenitor/stem teristic morphology and specialized structures as
cells that proliferates must be equal to the number well as functions of a particular tissue. Several
of cells that determinedly differentiates and dies. researchers have reported that, in addition to
If the number of proliferating cells is higher than their normal differentiation pathway, certain
the number of cells that maturates and dies, it will adult stem cell types can transdifferentiate into
give the primary feature of a cancer. Studies have other cell types than the “predicted lineage” cell
shown that many of the pathways that regulate types (e.g., blood-forming cells that differentiate
normal stem cell proliferation are dysregulated into cardiac muscle cells, etc.). Although transdif-
and cause neoplastic proliferation in cancer cells. ferentiation have been shown in some vertebrate
Therefore, cancer may be considered a disease of species, it is still under debate within the stem
dysregulated cellular self-renewal capacity. cells scientific community if this is actually occur-
Adult stem cells reside in a special microenvi- ring in humans.
ronment termed the stem cell niche. Stem cell In addition to transdifferentiation experiments,
niches are composed of a group of cells that pro- researchers have shown that certain types of adult
vide a physical anchorage site and extrinsic fac- cells can be “reprogrammed” into other cell types
tors that control stem cell proliferation and in vivo. This approach offers a way to reprogram
differentiation and enable them to maintain tissue available cells into other cell types that have been
homeostasis. Deregulation of the niche signals has lost or damaged due to disease. Furthermore, it is
been proposed to lead to cancer. A decrease in now possible to reprogram adult somatic cells to
proliferation-inhibiting signals, or an increase in become like embryonic stem cells (induced plu-
proliferation-promoting signals, may lead to ripotent stem cells, iPSCs) through the introduc-
excessive stem cell production and thereby devel- tion of embryonic genes. Adult stem cells or adult
opment of cancer stem cells (see later). Investiga- cells can be reprogrammed or induced to pluripo-
tion of the interaction between stem cells and their tent stem cells (iPSCs) by the introduction of four
niche may reveal possible targets for cancer treat- transcription factors known as the Yamanaka fac-
ments. For example, the blocking of proliferation tors (Oct4, Sox2, cMyc, and Klf4). Thus, a source
130 Adult Stem Cells

of cells can be generated that are specific to the transplantation), frozen down, and then
donor, thereby increasing the chance of compati- transplanted after the patient has received high
bility if such cells were to be used for tissue doses of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or
regeneration. However, like embryonic stem both. The transplanted healthy stem cells replace
cells, determination of the methods by which the stem cells destroyed by high-dose cancer treat-
iPSCs can be completely and reproducibly com- ment and allow the bone marrow to produce
mitted to appropriate cell lineages is still under healthy cells.
investigation. An alternative approach for therapeutic use of
stem cells is to use them as cellular vehicles. It has
Therapeutic Potential been demonstrated that genetically modified
Stem cells in general, due to their high prolifera- MSCs can be used to target delivery of anticancer
tive capacity and long-term survival in compari- agents and ▶ suicide gene therapy vectors to
son to somatic cells, make them very ideal tumor cells. Upon administration, MSCs can tar-
candidates to use for regenerative medicine and get microscopic tumors, proliferate and differen-
cell replacement therapy. Lately, there has been an tiate, and contribute to the formation of a network
increasing interest in the potential use of adult of cells surrounding the tumor (tumor stroma).
stem cells in cell replacement strategies and in MSCs genetically modified to express interferon
tissue engineering, including gene therapy. This beta has, for example, been shown to inhibit the
current interest rose due to the discovery of adult growth of tumor cells by local production of inter-
stem cells with pluripotential capacity and/or feron beta. MSCs are not the only stem cells that
transdifferentiating (transdifferentiation) ability, have been used as shuttle vectors for delivery of
which means that cells from one tissue can differ- gene therapies into growing tumors. It has also
entiate into mature and functional cells of another been demonstrated that neural stem and progeni-
tissue. There are reports that HSCs under certain tor cells migrate selectively to tumor loci in vivo
conditions can evolve into cells of neural lineage, in mice. These studies clearly suggest that a stem
liver, muscle, skin, and endothelium; skeletal cell-directed prodrug therapy approach may have
muscle stem cells can evolve into blood cells great use for eradicating tumors as well as to treat
and neural cells; and hair follicle stem cells can the residual cancer cells remaining after therapy.
evolve into neural lineage cells. Other adult stem Genetic manipulation of adult stem cells may
cells that can be induced to a different cell type also be used to increase the functionality and
include MSCs, cardiac muscle stem cells, neural proliferative capacity of these cells. HSCs are
stem cells, and testis-derived stem cells. These one of the most promising candidates for correc-
cells have the advantage that they can be used as tion of single gene disorders as e.g., ▶ cystic
autologous transplants and have been proposed as fibrosis and hemoglobinopathies, due to their
an attractive alternative to ▶ embryonic stem cells capability of targeting solid organs and high suc-
in genetic therapy. cess rate in their isolation by using a combination
Adult stem cell transplantation has been used of surface markers. Infants with forms of severe
in several years for the treatment of ▶ hematolog- combined immunodeficiency syndrome have suc-
ical malignancies and lymphomas. The main pur- cessfully been treated with genetically engineered
pose of stem cell transplantation in cancer bone marrow stem cells. The stem cells were
treatment is to make it possible for patients to harvested from the patients, a functional gene
receive very high doses of chemotherapy and/or inserted, and the genetically modified cells
radiation. High-dose chemotherapy and radiation reintroduced to the same patient. To increase the
can severely damage or destroy the bone marrow success of chemotherapeutic treatment, drug-
while killing cancer cells. Before treatment, bone resistant HSCs have been produced by introduc-
marrow or peripheral blood stem cells are tion of the multidrug resistance gene with the aim
harvested from the patient itself (for autologous of limiting the myelosuppressive effects of stan-
transplantation) or from a donor (for allogen dard chemotherapeutic agents on the stem cells.
Adult Stem Cells 131

However, even though adult stem cells have mutations and perhaps epigenetic changes
shown to carry great potential to function as ther- (epigenetics) that cause neoplastic development.
apeutic agents for targeting human diseases such In addition, it has been shown that adult stem cells A
as cancer, degenerative, and chronic diseases, can be targets for neoplastic transformation by
they do have some restrictions such as having introducing the telomerase gene into a purified
limited self-renewal capacity. This limitation can stem cell. The transduced cell line showed char-
be overcome by the introduction of immortalizing acteristic alterations of neoplastic development
genes that increases the cells proliferative capac- such as contact inhibition, anchorage indepen-
ity. ▶ Telomerase has been, in this connection, dence, and in vivo tumor formation in immuno-
highlighted among the numerous genes that are compromised mice. All these findings give a very
capable of immortalizing stem or progenitor cells. large support to the existence of cancer stem cells,
However, suggested oncogenic potential of and the strong links between normal adult stem
immortalized cells releases caution that before cells and cancer stem cells suggest that stem cells
the therapeutic use of stem cells in the clinic, a are targets for neoplastic transformation. Cancer
thorough screen for transformation phenotype is stem cells may also be derived from differentiated
required. cells. Loss of the ▶ tumor suppressor genes
p16Ink4 and p19Arf combined with constitutive
Cancer Stem Cells activation of the EGF receptor (EGFR) caused
The theory that cancer stem cells (▶ cancer stem- loss of differentiation in mature brain astrocytes,
like cells and ▶ stem-like cancer cells) are and the cells regained stem cell properties.
involved in many types of cancer has gained pop- The identification of cancer stem cells strongly
ularity. There are many similarities between adult suggests that these cells are the key targets for
stem cells and cancer stem cells. Both have the future therapeutic development as they fuel the
ability to self-renew and differentiate into more replicative capacity of the cancer. Therefore, as
mature diversified cells. Cancer stem cells and much as understanding the nature of a cancer cell,
normal stem cells share many cell surface markers it is very crucial to understand the neoplastic
and utilize many of the same signal transduction potential of the stem cells. Analysis of the differ-
pathways. ences between adult stem cells and cancer stem
Cancer stem cells have been identified in most cells is very important to be able to specifically
types of hematopoietic malignancies, including target the cancer stem cells while sparing the
acute myeloid leukemia, chronic myeloid leuke- normal stem cell population. Several studies indi-
mia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and multiple cate that some stem cell markers are expressed
myeloma. Cancer stem cells have also been iso- differently in normal and cancer stem cells and
lated from solid tumors such as breast, lung, and these may be potential targets in the development
brain tumors. The cancer stem cells only represent of future cancer treatments.
approximately 1% of the tumor, making them
difficult to detect and study. Studies have shown
that cancer stem cells may cause tumors when Cross-References
transplanted into a secondary host indicating that
the cancer stem cells can initiate and repopulate a ▶ Cystic Fibrosis
tumor. A study of human leukemia shows that the ▶ Embryonic Stem Cells
normal hematopoietic stem cell and the neoplastic ▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
clone share common molecular mechanisms ▶ Epigenetic
governing proliferation which is supportive of ▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and
the normal hematopoietic stem cell being a target Lymphomas
for transformation. Due to stem cells are able to ▶ Side Population Cells
divide over the lifespan of the individual, they ▶ Stem Cell Plasticity
seem to allow accumulation of a number of ▶ Stem-like Cancer Cells
132 Adult T-Cell Leukemia

▶ Suicide Gene Therapy Heidelberg, p 2296. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-

▶ Telomerase 5_3720
(2012) MSC. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Tissue Stem Cells 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2383.
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3859
(2012) Multidrug resistance. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
References delberg, p 2393. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
Krampera M, Cosmi L, Angeli R et al (2006) Role for (2012) Multipotent stem cells. In: Schwab M (ed)
interferon-gamma in the immunomodulatory activity Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. delberg, p 2404. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
Stem Cells 24:386–398 5_3903
Lotem J, Sachs L (2006) Epigenetics and the plasticity of (2012) Pluripotent stem cells. In: Schwab M (ed)
differentiation in normal and cancer stem cells. Onco- Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
gene 25:7663–7672 delberg, p 2930. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
Pan CX, Zhu W, Cheng L (2006) Implications of cancer 5_4639
stem cells in the treatment of cancer. Future Oncol (2012) Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease. In:
2:723–731 Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn.
Pessina A, Gribaldo L (2006) The key role of adult stem Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3395. doi:10.1007/978-
cells: therapeutic perspectives. Curr Med Res Opin 3-642-16483-5_5270
22:2287–2300 (2012) Somatic Cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Reya T, Morrison SJ, Clarke MF et al (2001) Stem cells, cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3466.
cancer, and cancer stem cells. Nature 414:105–111 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5408
Serakinci N, Christensen R, Fahrioglu U et al (2011) (2012) Totipotent Stem Cells. In: Schwab M (ed)
Mesenchymal stem cells as therapeutic delivery vehi- Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
cles targeting tumor stroma. Cancer Biother Radio- delberg, p 3730. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
pharm 26:767–73 5_5866
Takahashi K, Yamanaka S (2006) Induction of pluripotent (2012) Transdifferentiation. In: Schwab M (ed)
stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
cultures by defined factors. Cell 126:663–676 delberg, p 3753. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
Tuan RS, Boland G, Tuli R (2003) Adult mesenchymal 5_5909
stem cells and cell-based tissue engineering. Arthritis (2012) Unipotent Stem Cells. In: Schwab M (ed)
Res Ther 5:32–45 Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
Wyse RD, Dunbar GL, Rossignol J (2014) Use of geneti- delberg, p 3846. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
cally modified mesenchymal stem cells to treat neuro- 5_6109
degenerative diseases. Int J Mol Sci 15: 1719–1745

See Also
(2012) EGFR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1211.
Adult T-Cell Leukemia
(2012) Germinal stem cells. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- Synonyms
delberg, p 1541. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
(2012) Hemoglobinopathy. In: Schwab M
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber-
lin/Heidelberg, p 1647. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
5_2633 Definition
(2012) HSC. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1740.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2830 A leukemia of mature T lymphocytes (T cells)
(2012) Immortalized cells. In: Schwab M (ed) developing in adults, resulting from infection
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- with the ▶ human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV)
delberg, p 1812. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
and characterized by circulating malignant
(2012) Microenvironment. In: Schwab M (ed) T lymphocytes, skin lesions, lymphadenopathy
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/ (enlarged lymph nodes), hepatosplenomegaly
Aflatoxins 133

(enlarged liver and spleen), hypercalcemia (high

blood calcium), lytic (“punched out”) bone Aflatoxins
lesions, and a tendency to infection. There are A
four categories of ATL, based on the aggressive- Thomas E. Massey1 and Katherine A. Guindon2
ness of the disease – smoldering, chronic, lym- 1
Department of Biomedical and Molecular
phoma, and acute. Sciences, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology,
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada

▶ Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Definition

Mycotoxins are contaminants of a number of agri-

See Also
cultural products, including peanuts, corn, and
(2012) T cell. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, other grains in warm and moist conditions.
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3599. Human exposure to aflatoxins is primarily
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5645 through ingestion and results in acute hepatic
necrosis, marked bile duct hyperplasia, acute
loss of appetite, wing weakness, and lethargy.

Adult T-Cell Leukemia-Derived Characteristics

In the early 1960s, an outbreak of hepatotoxic
▶ Thioredoxin System disease in turkeys, which became known as turkey
“X” disease, gained the attention of many inves-
tigators worldwide. This condition was character-
ized by acute hepatic necrosis, marked bile duct
hyperplasia, acute loss of appetite, wing weak-
Adult Type ness, and lethargy. It was deduced that the condi-
tion was caused by consumption of peanut
▶ Ovarian Tumors During Childhood and meal contaminated with a mycotoxin, which is a
Adolescence toxin of fungal origin. The culprit fungi in turkey
“X” disease turned out to be strains of Aspergillus
flavus, A. parasiticus, and A. nomius, and thus
the term aflatoxins was coined for the toxic
metabolites. More specifically, A. flavus and
Aerobic Glycolysis A. parasiticus can produce aflatoxins B1, B2, G1,
G2, and M1. These mycotoxins can contaminate a
▶ Warburg Effect number of agricultural products, including pea-
nuts, corn, and other grains in warm and moist
conditions. Human exposure to aflatoxins is pri-
marily through ingestion. In addition to outbreaks
of liver failure and gastrointestinal bleeding in
Afinitor (marketed by NOVARTIS) Southeast Asia and Africa having been attributed
to aflatoxins, liver cancer incidence was observed
▶ Everolimus to be elevated in regions with high endemic
134 Aflatoxins


Aflatoxin M1
Aflatoxin P–
Aflatoxin B1
Aflatoxin B23 Aflatoxicol Q1

O O DNA adducts
Aflatoxin B1-8, 9-endo -epoxide Aflatoxin B1-8, 9-exo -epoxide

Protein adducts O
Aflatoxin B1-8, 9-dihydrodiol O OCH3

Aflatoxin B1-GSH conjugate

Aflatoxins, Fig. 1 Biotransformation of AFB1

aflatoxin concentrations. The two major risk fac- from contaminated grain dusts, has been linked to
tors for human ▶ hepatocellular carcinoma, the respiratory cancers (▶ lung cancer). Due to a sig-
fifth most common cancer worldwide, are hepati- nificant proportion of ingested mycotoxin being
tis B infection and ingestion of aflatoxins. Afla- excreted via the urine, the renal nephron is
toxin B1 (AFB1), the most prevalent and exposed to AFB1 and its metabolites. AFB1
carcinogenic of the aflatoxins, is classified as a accordingly alters kidney function and is a
group 1 carcinogen (carcinogenic to humans) by known renal carcinogen.
the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Although the majority of AFB1 research has Biotransformation
focused on its hepatic effects, AFB1 also targets AFB1 is defined as a procarcinogen, as its
other organs, including the lung and the kidney. In bioactivation is required for carcinogenicity
the lung, exposure to inhaled AFB1, particularly (Fig. 1). The initial metabolism of AFB1 involves
Aflatoxins 135

four types of reactions: O-dealkylation, hydroxyl- AFQ1, AFP1, and AFB2a are not highly mutagenic
ation, epoxidation, and ketoreduction. The and therefore are considered to be detoxification
enzymes responsible for the metabolism include products. They can form glucuronide or sulfate A
members of the ▶ cytochrome P450 family conjugates, which are excreted. AFM1, a metabo-
(CYPs), prostaglandin H synthase (PHS), lite of AFB1 identified in milk and urine, is less
lipoxygenase (LOX), and a cytosolic NADPH- biologically active than AFB1, but regardless is a
dependent reductase. In experimental animals, potent carcinogen. The AFM1-epoxide can also
CYPs involved in AFB1 bioactivation include bind to DNA, forming AFM1-N7-guanine.
members of 1A, 2B, 2C, and 3A subfamilies. In
humans, there are multiple p450 isozymes impli- Carcinogenesis
cated, including CYP1A2, CYP2A3, CYP2B7, AFB1 is considered to be a complete carcinogen,
CYP3A3, and CYP3A4. CYP3A4 is thought to possessing activity as both an initiator and a pro-
play a predominant role in the metabolism of moter. Initiation occurs by ▶ DNA damage, as
AFB1 in human liver; although CYP1A2 has the well as cytotoxicity, which stimulates cell divi-
highest affinity for AFB1 at low concentrations, it sion, thus promoting tumor formation. There are
is expressed at much lower levels than CYP3A4. many characteristics of AFB1 that makes it a
PHS and LOX are involved in ▶ xenobiotic useful tool for investigating ▶ chemical carcino-
bioactivation by catalyzing the oxidation of genesis. First, the metabolites of AFB1 have been
arachidonic acid to produce lipid peroxyl radi- extensively investigated and their toxicity eluci-
cals, which are known epoxidizing agents. dated. Second, the toxicity of AFB1 is determined
Cooxidation by PHS and LOX may be a signifi- by a balance between bioactivation and detoxifi-
cant mechanism of AFB1 bioactivation in extra- cation of the AFB1-8,9-epoxide. Third, there exist
hepatic tissues such as the lung, which has high multiple mechanisms of bioactivation that can be
PHS and LOX expression, but overall P450 activ- compared in terms of carcinogenic metabolites
ity is lower than that in the adult liver. produced. Fourth, not only does the susceptibility
Regardless of the enzyme catalyzing the reac- of a species/tissue relate to DNA repair capabili-
tion, epoxidation of AFB1 results in formation of ties (▶ Repair of DNA), but AFB1 itself has
AFB1-8,9-epoxide, which can exist in both endo effects on DNA repair activity. Fifth, the specific
and exo conformations. The exo-epoxide is the AFB1-DNA adduct formed can be used to predict
isomer implicated in the alkylation of DNA, the mutagenic responses. Finally, the parent com-
with its reactivity being at least 1,000-fold greater pound and several metabolites fluoresce, facilitat-
than that of the endo-epoxide. Hydroxylated ing detection.
metabolites of AFB1 include AFM1, AFQ1, The exo-epoxide of AFB1 can alkylate proteins
AFP1, and AFB2a. The formation of aflatoxicol and nucleic acids, with the second guanine from
from AFB1 is reversible, and therefore aflatoxicol the 50 end in guanine di- and trinucleotide
is considered to be a “reservoir” for AFB1 rather sequences in DNA being the favored target. The
than a bioactivation or ▶ detoxification product. major adduct formed by the exo-epoxide is
The two pathways for AFB1-epoxide detoxifi- 8,9-dihydro-8-(N7-guanyl)-9-hydroxy AFB1,
cation are glutathione conjugation and epoxide also known as AFB1-N7-Gua (Fig. 2). AFB1-N7-
hydrolysis, with glutathione conjugation being Gua can undergo three reactions: release of AFB1-
quantitatively the most important (Fig. 1). Gluta- 8,9-dihydrodiol restoring guanine; depurination
thione conjugation is catalyzed by ▶ glutathione resulting in an apurinic site in DNA; and base-
S-transferases (GSTs), which can be highly catalyzed hydrolysis to form the AFB1-
polymorphic. Human GSTM1-1 (hGSTM1-1), formamidopyrimidine adduct (AFB1-FAPY).
which is absent in ~50% of individuals, has the AFB1-FAPY, representing a significant proportion
highest activity toward AFB1 exo-epoxide, but the of AFB1 adducts in vivo, exists in equilibrium
importance of this polymorphism in AFB1 carci- between two rotameric forms, designated AFB1-
nogenicity has not yet been clearly established. FAPY major and AFB1-FAPY minor. The
136 Aflatoxins

Aflatoxins, Fig. 2 AFB1-

exo-8,9-epoxide and DNA

structure of AFB1-FAPY has not been completely have been implicated in AFB1-induced human
defined, although the proposed structure is liver tumorigenesis. AFB1 produces mutations at
presented in Fig. 2. It has also been shown that the third base of codon 249 in p53, causing a
metabolism of AFB1 can lead to formation of G!T transversion and an amino acid substitution
8-hydroxy-20 -deoxyguanosine in rat, duck, and (arginine to serine), and thus a structural alteration
woodchuck liver and in mouse lung. G to of this tumor suppressor protein. This may result
T transversion, the most frequently observed in deregulation of the cell cycle and thus loss of
mutation induced by AFB1, results from DNA tumor suppression by p53. The KRAS proto-
alkylation and subsequent AFB1-N7-Gua forma- ▶ oncogene, important in ▶ signal transduction,
tion and possibly by the ▶ oxidative DNA dam- is often implicated in human and mouse lung
age as well. A proportion of mutations in DNA tumors. AFB1-induced point mutations at specific
formed by AFB1 occurs at the base 50 to the “hot spots” (e.g., codons 12 and 13) of the KRAS
modified guanine, or even further away, due to gene, which cause activation of the protein, occur
helical distortion resulting from the AFB1 adduct. in AFB1-induced mouse lung tumorigenesis and
P53, a ▶ tumor suppressor gene considered the rat hepatocarcinogenesis.
“guardian of the genome,” has controls on cell
cycle, DNA repair, and ▶ apoptosis. P53 is the Repair
most frequently targeted gene in human carcino- In mammals, ▶ nucleotide excision repair (NER)
genesis, with a mutation frequency of 50% in is important for protection against AFB1-induced
most major cancers. In geographical regions carcinogenesis. NER is a DNA repair process that
with a high dietary exposure to AFB1, such as deals with a wide array of DNA helix-distorting
China and sub-Saharan Africa, mutations in p53 lesions that affect normal base pairing, thus
Aflibercept 137

altering transcription and replication. In E. coli, References

NER is responsible for the repair of both AFB1-
N7-Gua and AFB1-FAPY. In yeast, NER is also Bedard LL, Massey TE (2006) Aflatoxin B-induced DNA
damage and its repair. Cancer Lett 241(2):174–183
the main repair pathway, although ▶ homologous
Eaton DL, Groopman JD (eds) (1994) The toxicology of
recombination is also involved in the repair of aflatoxins: human health, veterinary, and agricultural
AFB1-induced damage. In mammals, NER is significance. Academic Press, San Diego, pp 3–148
important in protection against AFB1-induced Massey TE, Stewart RK, Daniels JM et al (1995) Biochem-
ical and molecular aspects of mammalian susceptibility
carcinogenesis. NER is the main repair mecha-
to aflatoxin B carcinogenicity. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med
nism for the AFB1-N7-Gua adduct. AFB1-FAPY 208(3):213–227
is repaired less efficiently by mammalian NER Massey TE, Smith GBJ, Tam AS (2000) Mechanisms of
than is AFB1-N7-Gua, an effect that is attributed aflatoxin B lung tumorigenesis. Exp Lung Res
to AFB1-FAPY being less distortive of DNA
Wogan GN (1973) Aflatoxin carcinogenesis. Meth Cancer
architecture. Apurinic sites generated by AFB1- Res 7:309–344
DNA adduct formation are repaired by base exci-
sion repair (BER), although insertion of an incor-
rect base is a frequent occurrence.

Species/Tissue Susceptibility Aflibercept

Susceptibility to the toxic and carcinogenic effects
of AFB1 varies between species, as well as Synonyms
between different tissue types. In humans, the
liver is the main target for this toxin. In rat, VEGF trap
duck, and trout, administration of AFB1 results
in hepatocarcinogenesis, whereas this is not the
case in the mouse, monkey, hamster, and mouse. Definition
The reason for this has been attributed to differ-
ences in AFB1 biotransformation and DNA repair. Is an ▶ antiangiogenesis agent developed by
For example, the mouse is susceptible to pulmo- Regeneron and the Sanofi-Aventis Group; is a
nary carcinogenesis by AFB1, regardless of the fusion protein specifically designed to bind as a
route of administration, but does not develop soluble decoy receptor all forms of ▶ Vascular
hepatocarcinogenesis. The mouse liver expresses Endothelial Growth Factor-A (VEGF-A).
an alpha-class GST with high specific activity VEGF-A is required for the growth of new blood
toward the exo-epoxide and higher NER activity vessels that are needed for tumors to grow and is a
as compared to the rat liver. On the other hand, potent regulator of vascular permeability and
mouse lung has lower DNA repair activity than leakage. Disruption of the binding of VEGFs to
does the liver. AFB1 is able to alter NER activity their cell receptors may result in the inhibition of
(by inhibition or elevation) in different animal tumor ▶ angiogenesis, ▶ metastasis, and ulti-
species and organs, which may contribute to dif- mately lead to tumor regression. In addition,
ferential susceptibility to the mycotoxin’s Aflibercept binds ▶ Placenta Growth Factor
carcinogenicity. (PLGF), which has also been implicated in
tumor angiogenesis. Breast Cancer Targeted

▶ Arachidonic Acid Pathway
▶ DNA Oxidation Damage ▶ Angiogenesis
▶ Homologous Recombination Repair ▶ Antiangiogenesis
138 AFP

▶ Metastasis Characteristics
▶ Placenta Growth Factor
▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Aggressive fibromatosis (AF) (▶ Supportive care)
is a soft tissue tumor, which arises principally
from the connective tissue of muscle and the over-
lying fascia (aponeurosis). The previously most
AFP used synonym is ▶ desmoid tumor. The histolog-
ical pattern is characterized by elongated
▶ Alpha-Fetoprotein fibroblast-like cells. Although AF is a nonmetas-
▶ Alpha-Fetoprotein Diagnostics tasizing tumor with benign histological features, it
has a significant potential for local invasiveness
(▶ Invasion) and recurrence. The overall inci-
dence of AF in children is 2–4 new diagnoses
Aggressive Fibromatosis per 1 million a year. Childhood AF has an age
distribution peak at approximately 8 years (range
▶ Aggressive Fibromatosis in Children 0–19 years) with a slight male predominance.
▶ Desmoid Tumor
Clinical Presentation
The typical clinical presentation of AF is a pain-
less, slowly growing, deep-seated mass. Predilec-
tion sites are shoulder, chest wall and back, thigh,
Aggressive Fibromatosis in Children and head/neck. Children with AF of head/neck
have shown to be younger at diagnosis than chil-
Marry M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink dren with AF at other sites. From 1986 until 2004,
Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric Oncology/ ten pediatric AF case series reported a total of
Hematology, Utrecht, The Netherlands 206 patients. In 64 of the reviewed patients, site
of involvement and age at diagnosis were speci-
fied. The children with AF of head/neck had a
Synonyms median age of 3.6 years at diagnosis (range
0.2–9.9 years), whereas the children with AF of
Aggressive fibromatosis; Desmoid tumor trunk/limb had a median age of 7.8 years (range
0.0–15.7 years) (p < 0.01). This difference in age
distribution may be influenced by referral and
Definition selection bias; however, it may reflect the site
distribution in different age groups in children
Aggressive fibromatosis (AF) is a rare soft tissue with AF.
tumor and rare in childhood with high potential
for local invasiveness and recurrence. Primary Diagnostic Approach
surgery with negative margins is the most success- The diagnosis of AF is based on histology. It
ful primary treatment modality for children with arises principally from the connective tissue of
AF. Positive resection margins after surgery indi- muscle and the overlying fascia (aponeurosis).
cate a high risk for relapse. Multicenter prospec- The fibromatosis lesion is characteristically
tive (randomized) trials are necessary to clarify poorly circumscribed and infiltrates the surround-
the role of and best strategy for treatment in pedi- ing tissue, which is usually striated musculature.
atric AF after incomplete surgery. For this pur- The proliferation consists of elongated fibroblast-
pose, ▶ chemotherapy or alternatively like cells of uniform appearance surrounded by
radiotherapy can be considered, each with its and separated from one another by abundant col-
own potential side effects in consequence. lagen, with little or no cell-to-cell contact. The
Aggressive Fibromatosis in Children 139

cells lack hyperchromasia or atypia and the genetically nor clinically distinct from FAP. In
mitotic rate is variable. Using immunohistochem- contrast, in a review of all reported pediatric AF
istry, the spindle muscle cells stain strongly with studies no patient with a history of familial AF or A
vimentin, whereas smooth muscle actin (SMA) FAP, and only two patients with Gardner syn-
and muscle-specific actin stain variable. Rare drome was seen. This illustrates that routine
cases also stain with desmin and S-100. karyotyping has a relatively limited value, and
the significance of the APC and b-catenin genes
Pathogenesis in the pathogenesis of childhood AF and their
The pathogenesis of AF is suggested to be multi- value for differentiating fibroblastic tumors has
factorial, i.e., genetic predisposition, endocrine not yet been established. In adults, a correlation
factors, and trauma seem to play an important between tumor growth rate and the level of endog-
role. Local physical trauma before developing enous estrogen was suggested in female patients,
AF was reported in 20% of 108 reported pediatric because of high amounts of estrogen receptors
AF patients from three studies. Apparent chromo- (ER) in their tumor tissue. These are important
some aberrations and nonrandom X-chromosome findings as the presence of antiestrogen binding
inactivation in adult and pediatric AF suggests a sites (AEBS) distinct from ER are suggested to
true neoplastic character (chromosome transloca- play a role in treatment with antiestrogens in adult
tions). This is supported by a report of eight pedi- AF02254. So far, in two studies, only four chil-
atric AF cases in one study, of which five (63%) dren with AF were tested and did not express ER,
had an abnormal karyotype (two at initial diagno- indicating that the role of expression of ER and
sis and three at relapse) with trisomy 8 (n = 4) AEBS in pathogenesis of childhood AF may be
and trisomy 20 (n = 1) being the only recurrent limited.
features (Chromosome Translocations). Sporadic
cases of adult AF contain a somatic mutation in Treatment
either the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene As these tumors at presentation clinically mimic
(21%), identified on chromosome 5q22 and asso- other more malignant soft tissue tumors like
ciated with familial adenomatous polyposis ▶ rhabdomyosarcoma, non-ossyfying ▶ Ewing
(FAP), or b-catenin gene and protein expression sarcoma sooner or later pediatric AF patients
(52%) (▶ APC Gene in Familial Adenomatous come to the attention of a pediatric oncologist.
Polyposis; ▶ APC/b-Catenin Pathway). However, as the tumor is heterogeneous with
A high prevalence of ▶ desmoid tumor has regard to site and extension, treatment strategy in
been reported in 126/880 (14.3%) of adult FAP each individual patient is ideally determined by a
patients with proven APC gene mutation. Insulin- multidisciplinary team which consists of pediatric
like growth factor binding protein 6 (IGFBP-6) oncologists, surgeons, and radiotherapists,
appears directly downregulated by the b-catenin/ supported by the diagnostic expertise of pediatric
TCF complex in adult AF and implies a role for radiologists and pathologists. Aggressive
the IGF axis in the proliferation of AF. In addition, fibromatosis still lacks general recommendations
a high prevalence of AF (38%) was reported for for its clinical management. Although spontane-
patients with Gardner syndrome, a rare hereditary ous regression has been observed in sporadic
disorder that is characterized by the presence of cases, surgery is generally the primary treatment
multiple polyps in the colon. Patients may also modality in adults and children with AF, unless
develop bone and soft tissue tumors. The coexis- there is a risk of significant mutilation and/or
tence of familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) functional impairment. Seven of ten pediatric AF
with the specific extraintestinal manifestations studies report treatment of the primary tumor, and
epidermoid cyst, osteoma, and ▶ desmoid tumor. all generally treated their patients (n = 168) with
Advances in the understanding of the genetics of initial surgery. The other three series report treat-
FAP and careful analysis of the phenotype have ment of recurrent tumor, two of them initially
shown that Gardner syndrome is neither treated their patients (n = 15) with chemotherapy
140 Aggressive Fibromatosis in Children

(vinblastine (VBL) and methotrexate (MTX)), 11 of 13 (85%) children with relapse after irradi-
whereas in the third study (n = 4) radiotherapy ation, including 6 of 8 who had a dose of 50 Gy.
01859 was administered. Relapse rate in the The role of radiotherapy in childhood AF as adju-
reviewed children with primary AF was approxi- vant treatment in case of SP is not yet established
mately 50%. Most relapses (89%) have been and needs further prospective randomized studies
observed within 3 years, and nearly all (97%) by which will not only evaluate response and sur-
6 years, although relapse after 10 years has vival but also late sequelae.
been reported. All relapses are local or regional The use of chemotherapeutic and other sys-
with a pattern consistent with infiltrative temic agents might be a reasonable alternative to
growth. Three deaths are reported, caused by avoid radiotherapy in the growing child. How-
invasive tumor destruction of vital organs ever, also chemotherapy carries the risk for poten-
(▶ Progression), all three located in the head/ tially adverse side effects, like second
neck region. malignancies, fertility problems, and
In 85 pediatric patients in whom primary sur- cardiotoxicity. A review concerning mainly adult
gery was performed, information on resection AF reported a median overall response rate of
margins and relapse was available. Remarkably, 50% (range 17–100%) with combination chemo-
only 16% of the patients with free microscopically therapy (doxorubicin, actinomycin-D, methotrex-
margins after surgery relapsed, versus 67% of ate (MTX), and vinca alkaloids), in 16 single-arm
patients with positive margins (p < 0.01). In studies. Reviewing all pediatric AF cases treated
case of positive resection margins, 74% of with chemotherapy in total, 27 out of 187 pediatric
patients without additional therapy relapsed, ver- patients were treated with chemotherapy only at
sus 40% of patients who received adjuvant treat- initial diagnosis (n = 10) or at relapse (n = 17).
ment (p = 0.064). Adjuvant treatment consisted A combination of VBL and MTX was the most
of chemotherapy (n = 8) or radiotherapy (n = 2) common reported regimen. Response on chemo-
(▶ Adjuvant therapy). Although this is a retro- therapy only was complete remission (CR) in
spective analysis, which implies disadvantages 26%, partial remission (PR) in 18%, whereas sta-
like selection biases, the high risk for relapse in ble disease (SD) was found in 30%, progressive
case of positive resection margins may indicate disease (PD) in 11%, and response was not
that the role of adjuvant treatment in patients with reported in 15% of the reviewed cases. Overall
positive margins needs further exploration. In relapse rate (RR) after treatment with chemother-
adults, the standard approach for patients with apy only was 26%.
microscopically positive margins after surgery is Comparing the relapse rate (respectively 74%
adjuvant radiotherapy resulting in a high local versus 50%) of 46 pediatric patients with positive
control rate of approximately 80%, which is margins after primary surgery may suggest an
therefore considered to be beneficial regardless advantage in outcome of adjuvant treatment with
of surgical margins. In pediatric patients, chemotherapy (n = 8), as compared with patients
the high doses of radiotherapy (55–60 Gy) neces- who did not receive adjuvant treatment (n = 38),
sary for tumor control in AF harbors a large however, numbers of cases are small and derived
risk for growth problems and development from different series. This illustrates that the role
of secondary malignancies (▶ Radiation Sensi- of chemotherapy in childhood AF is not yet
tivity; ▶ Radiation-Induced Sarcomas after established and should be further explored. Cur-
Radiotherapy). rently, a collaborative study of MTX/VBL che-
One pediatric AF study reported 11 children motherapy for children with AF is initiated. Based
with partially excised or recurrent lesions who on the reported experiences, the response of pedi-
received radiotherapy and who had at least 3- atric AF to chemotherapy has shown to be slow
year follow-up. Four (36%) children relapsed, and it has been suggested that treatment should be
including two of five who had a dose of 50 Gy. continued for prolonged periods from 12 to
In contrast, another pediatric AF study reported 18 months. The chronic and prolonged course
Aggrus 141

that many of these children with AF endure as a ▶ Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

result of these slow-growing lesions suggests that ▶ Progression
the use of (combinations of) noncytotoxic drugs, ▶ Radiation-Induced Sarcomas After Radiotherapy A
like antiestrogens, ▶ nonsteroidal anti- ▶ Radiation Sensitivity
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), imatinib ▶ Retinoic Acid
mesylate, interferon-alpha (IFN-a), and ▶ Rhabdomyosarcoma
▶ retinoic acid for part of their treatment might ▶ Supportive Care
be reasonable treatment options to explore.
Side Effects in Survivors
So far, information on toxicity of treatment is Buitendijk S, van de Ven CP, Dumans TG et al (2005)
available from five pediatric AF case series Pediatric aggressive fibromatosis, a retrospective anal-
(n = 128) with a median follow-up time of ysis of 13 cases and a review of the literature. Cancer
4 years (range 0–25 years). Two studies reported 104:1090–1099
Skapek SX, Hawk BJ, Hoffer FA et al (1998) Combination
a limited range of motion of the primary area as chemotherapy using vinblastine and methotrexate for
the most frequent late complication (42%). the treatment of progressive desmoid tumor in children.
Severe short-term toxicity of treatment was J Clin Oncol 16:3021–3027
reported in three patients, two died of Spiegel DA, Dormans JP, Meyer JS et al (1999) Aggressive
fibromatosis from infancy to adolescence. J Pediatr
cardiotoxicity after treatment with doxorubicin Orthop 19:776–784
and one died of severe radiation induced dermati-
tis with chronic ulcers. During this short median
follow-up, one secondary malignancy was See Also
reported; a papillary carcinoma of the thyroid (2012) Chromosome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
gland, which developed 11 years after cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 848.
radiotherapy. (2012) Familial adenomatous polyposis. In: Schwab M
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber-
Conclusion lin/Heidelberg, p 1373. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
Primary surgery with negative margins is the 5_2106
(2012) Negative resection margins. In: Schwab M (ed)
treatment of choice for children with AF. In case Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
of unresectable tumors, the use of chemotherapy delberg, p 2469. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
and/or noncytotoxic drugs in children with AF 5_4000
could be a reasonable alternative. Positive mar- (2012) Osteoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2663.
gins after surgery indicate a high risk for relapse. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4282
Multicenter prospective (randomized) trials are (2012) Radiotherapy. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
necessary to clarify the role of and best strategy cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3158.
for adjuvant treatment in pediatric patients with doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4926
(2012) Recurrence. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
aggressive fibromatosis. cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3208.
(2012) Surgery. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
Cross-References cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3574.

▶ Adjuvant Therapy
▶ APC Gene in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
▶ APC/b-Catenin Pathway
▶ Chemotherapy
▶ Chromosomal Translocations Aggrus
▶ Desmoid Tumor
▶ Invasion ▶ Podoplanin
142 Aging

propensity for recombination events, such as

Aging chromosomal translocations, that may induce
oncogenesis. The mitochondrial theory makes a
Cynthia C. Sprenger, Stephen R. Plymate and connection between age-related accumulation of
May J. Reed mutations in mitochondrial DNA and impaired
Department of Medicine, Division of ATP production and thus reduced tissue
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, University bioenergenesis. Finally, the altered proteins and
of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA waste accumulation theory argues that accumula-
tion of damaged proteins, due to either a decline in
the function of chaperone proteins or
Definition proteosomes, leads to cellular damage, which
then contributes to a range of age-related disor-
Aging is defined at many levels, from the mitotic ders. There is increasing consensus that all of
age of cells to the organismal-wide aging of tis- these mechanisms interact to play a role in aging.
sues and organs. The appearance of cancer is only
one clinical manifestation of the aging process. Epithelial Cancers
Age-associated epithelial cancers, such as The body defends itself against epithelial cancers
▶ breast cancer, colon cancer, and ▶ prostate can- by halting replication of damaged cells either
cer, however, contribute significantly to the mor- through ▶ apoptosis, in which the cell dies, or
bidity and mortality of the elderly and are the by senescence, in which the cell replicatively
second leading cause of death. arrests but remains metabolically active. Both of
these mechanisms are important in preventing the
formation of epithelial tumors in the young. As
Characteristics one ages, the number of senescent cells increases.
The accrual of these senescent cells may alter the
Aging microenvironment of the tissue such that cells
During an organism’s life span almost every harboring preneoplastic damage are permitted to
aspect of its phenotype will undergo modification. proliferate and eventually undergo transforma-
The complexity of aging has led to a plethora of tion. Senescent cells may contribute to this milieu,
ideas about the specific molecular and cellular in part, by secreting paracrine factors that com-
causes and how these alterations lead to promise tissue structure and function. Conse-
age-associated diseases, such as epithelial can- quently, senescence inhibits cancer formation
cers. Underlying all of these theories is the early on, but with time the buildup of senescent
assumption that aging occurs from the bottom- cells alters the microenvironment to one that pro-
up, beginning with damage to DNA and proteins motes the growth of epithelial cancers.
and ending with organismal frailty, disability, and
disease. There is a vast amount of evidence to Cellular Senescence
support the following aging theories: somatic Most studies on senescence and cancer focus on
mutation, telomere loss, mitochondrial damage, the role played by senescent fibroblasts in the
and altered proteins and waste accumulation. transformation of epithelial cells. Fibroblasts can
Somatic mutation theory suggests that undergo senescence as a result of various pro-
age-related accumulation of ▶ DNA damage cesses including: replicative exhaustion
demonstrates a decline in DNA repair mecha- (telomere shortening), ▶ oxidative stress, DNA
nisms, while the telomere loss theory argues that damage, ▶ epigenetic changes to chromatin orga-
telomere shortening confers a finite life span to nization, or activation of ▶ oncogenes, such as
many human somatic tissues. Shortening of telo- ▶ RAS, all of which appear to signal primarily
meres leads not only to a loss of chromosome through p53-dependent pathways, although some
replicative ability but also to an increased oncogenes trigger senescence via p16. Once a cell
Aging 143

has entered senescence, its transcriptome is suppressor, keeping damaged cells in check.
altered such that genes associated with wound A microenvironment that provides the correct
healing (e.g., inflammatory cytokines, epithelial cues can revert cells containing preneoplastic as A
growth factors, and ▶ matrix metalloproteinases well as oncogenic mutations back to a normal
(MMPs)) are activated. The alteration in gene phenotype. But tissue architecture is not static: it
expression affects not only the senescent fibro- is continually undergoing alterations due to the
blast itself but the cells surrounding it as well. processes of living. The traditional focus in cancer
Senescent fibroblasts that were cocultured with has been on interactions between cells and various
breast or prostate epithelial cells increased the growth factors. However, there is increasing inter-
proliferation and tumorigenicity of those epithe- est in other components of the extracellular space
lial cells, both in vitro and in vivo. as well as in the bidirectional cross talk between
Epithelial cells can also undergo senescence the ECM and cells. The ECM interacts with cells
due to oxidative stress, DNA damage, epigenetic via cognate receptors on the cell membrane,
changes, or activation of oncogenes. The path- including integrins and syndecans. These recep-
ways that trigger epithelial senescence include tors are connected to the cytoskelton of the cell,
both p53- and p16/pRb-dependent as well as inde- which is connected to the nuclear matrix and
pendent pathways. While the specific genes trig- chromatin. Thus signals travel back and forth
gered by senescence can vary between the two cell between the ECM and the cell that regulate gene
types, the pattern of activation is similar: expression and, in turn, protein expression, which
senescent-associated genes exhibit chromosomal then alters the makeup of the microenvironment.
clustering. Genes upregulated in senescent fibro- This bidirectional interaction between ECM and
blasts include various cell cycle proteins, interleu- cells is termed dynamic reciprocity.
kins, growth factors, integrins, MMPs, and The appearance of cancer cells disrupts the
caspases. Those upregulated in senescent epithe- microenvironment and thereby destroys tissue
lial cells include various cell cycle proteins, epi- architecture. Moreover, many oncogenic epithe-
thelial growth factors, transcription factors, lial cells overexpress matrix metalloproteinases.
integrins, laminins, ▶ fibronectin, MMPs, and These enzymes degrade various proteins in the
▶ tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases basement membrane, including collagens and
(TIMPs). It is important to note that not all of laminins. The subsequent disruption of the ECM
these genes were upregulated in all samples or allows the transformed epithelial cells to migrate
studies, only that these genes have been men- into the stroma and form tumors. In breast and
tioned in various studies on senescence. In addi- prostate carcinomas, the microenvironment con-
tion, it remains to be seen which genes trigger sists of transformed epithelial cells, reactive
senescence and which are activated during stroma, recruited blood vessels, and infiltrating
senescence. immune cells such as macrophages, lymphocytes,
and leukocytes. Numerous studies also demon-
Alterations in the Microenvironment strate that components of the ECM, such as colla-
Tissue architecture is important for maintaining gen and laminin, are modified by and contribute to
proper cellular function and thus serves as a pro- further tumor growth. Alterations in ECM protein
tective mechanism against diseases, including are mirrored by changes in cell membrane recep-
cancer. Accordingly, a defining characteristic of tors, such as integrins and growth factor receptors.
epithelial cancers is loss of tissue architecture. The
microenvironment, which includes the extracellu- Tumor Progression in Aging
lar matrix (ECM) (collagens, laminins, nidogens, Whereas aging confers the greatest risk of devel-
proteoglycans) and soluble factors that are oping cancer (as discussed above), it is widely
released by the cells or transmitted by other accepted that most histologically similar epithelial
organs (hormones, cytokines, growth factors, tumors behave less aggressively in the aged. This
enzymes), can serve as a powerful tumor longstanding impression arose from clinical
144 Aging

studies in humans and was further supported by ▶ DNA Damage

animal models, in which young and aged mice ▶ E-Cadherin
received identical inocula of tumor cells and ▶ Epigenetic
were subsequently monitored for tumor growth ▶ Fibronectin
and aggressiveness. Proposed mechanisms have ▶ Matrix Metalloproteinases
focused on age-related deficits in immune- ▶ Oncogene
mediated responses that directly and indirectly ▶ Oxidative Stress
promote tumor growth (such as a lack of inflam- ▶ Prostate Cancer
matory cells and their associated cytokines) and ▶ RAS Genes
decreased ▶ angiogenesis. It has been argued that ▶ Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases
the less permissive milieu of tissues is an adaptive
response to the greater risk of cancer conferred by
senescence and environmentally induced changes
in the epithelial and stromal cells. Balducci L, Ershler WB (2005) Cancer and ageing: a nexus
at several levels. Nat Rev Cancer 5:655–662
Implications for Treatment Campisi J (2005) Senescent cells, tumor suppression, and
A major difficulty with assessment of treatment organismal aging: good citizens, bad neighbors. Cell
options in the elderly is that many solid tumor Kirkwood TB (2005) Understanding the odd science of
treatment protocols have not been tested and opti- aging. Cell 120:437–447
mized for the elderly. Many ▶ clinical trial phase- Nelson CM, Bissell MJ (2006) Of extracellular matrix,
II and -III treatment protocols stop recruitment at scaffolds, and signaling: tissue architecture regulates
development, homeostasis, and cancer. Annu Rev
75 years of age. This is a problem since bone Cell Dev Biol 22:287–309
marrow recovery may be compromised by age Zhang H, Pan K-H, Cohen SN (2003) Senescence-specific
and drug dosages may need to be modified due gene expression fingerprints reveal cell-type-dependent
to age-related changes in drug metabolism and physical clustering of up-regulated chromosomal loci.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100:3251–3256
clearance. Additionally, standard therapies used
for younger individuals may be inappropriate
and further contribute to morbidity of the elderly, See Also
especially for some cancers, such as prostate, (2012) Epithelial Growth Factors. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
which may have a natural history that extends delberg, p 1292. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
beyond the patient’s expected life span. Finally, 5_1960
it is important to understand the cell biology of (2012) Extracellular Matrix. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
senescence since many chemotherapeutic agents pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
1362. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2067
function by halting cell replication through induc- (2012) Growth Factor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
tion of a senescent phenotype. The ability to Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 1607–
induce cell senescence in a cancer cell should 1608. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2520
create a new class of therapeutic agents for cancer (2012) Growth Factor Receptors. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
treatment in the elderly. berg, p 1608. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2521
(2012) Inflammatory Cytokines. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
Cross-References berg, p 1858. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3047
(2012) Integrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1884.
▶ Aging-Associated Inflammation doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3084
▶ Angiogenesis (2012) Laminin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
▶ Apoptosis cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 1971–
1972. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3268
▶ Breast Cancer (2012) Microenvironment. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
▶ Clinical Trial dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
▶ Colorectal Cancer p 2296. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3720
Aging-Associated Inflammation 145

(2012) P53 In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd ultimately culminating in death with the passage
edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2747. doi:10.1007/ of time.
(2012) PRb In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, Inflammation: Inflammation is fundamentally A
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2967. a protective response occurring in the
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4708 vascularized connective tissue to any insult the
(2012) Reactive Stroma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia ultimate goal of which is to eliminate the organ-
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3193.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4968 ism which was the cause of cell injury (such as
(2012) Senescence. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of microbes, toxins) and the consequences of such
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3370. injury (such as necrotic cells and tissues).
(2012) Somatic Cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3466.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5408 Characteristics
(2012) Somatic Tissue. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3467. A unified theory has been sought to explain how
the single physiological process of aging may lead
to diverse pathological events culminating in
diverse aging-associated pathological conditions
in different organs, such as Alzheimer’s,
Aging-Associated Gene 4 Protein Parkinson’s, and other neurodegenerative disor-
(AAG4) ders, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, macu-
lar degeneration, etc., The free radical theory of
▶ Clusterin aging, as proposed by Harman, is the most plau-
sible and currently acceptable mechanism to
explain the aging process. The central premise of
this theory proposes that aging and its related
Aging-Associated Inflammation disease processes are the net result of free
radical-induced damage and the inability to coun-
Devanand Sarkar1 and Paul B. Fisher2 terbalance these harmful effects by antioxidative
Department of Human and Molecular Genetics, defenses. The generation of reactive oxygen and
Virginia Commonwealth University, VCU nitrogen species (ROS and RNS) activates redox
Medical Center, School of Medicine, Richmond, sensitive transcription factors leading to the gen-
VA, USA eration of proinflammatory molecules and a state
Departments of Urology, Pathology and of chronic inflammation. On the other hand,
Neurosurgery, Columbia University Medical chronic inflammation itself results in the genera-
Center, College of Physicians and Surgeons, tion of ROS and RNS thus activating a feedback
New York, NY, USA loop that amplifies the process of damage and
deterioration. This oxidative stress and the subse-
quent chronic inflammation have been implicated
Synonyms as a mitigating factor for almost all of aging-
associated maladies.
Senescence-associated chronic inflammation The hallmarks of chronic inflammation, infil-
tration of macrophages, and circulating levels of
proinflammatory chemical mediators are
Definition observed in aging-associated diseases. Activated
macrophages (microglia) are observed in the
Aging: Aging encompasses a set of inter- senile plaques and surrounding tissue in the
connected processes that contributes to decline brain of patients with Alzheimer disease versus
in performance, productivity, and health similar regions in control brains. Activated
146 Aging-Associated Inflammation

microglia are also detected in affected regions in However, the increase in circulating inflammatory
Parkinson’s disease and Amyotropic Lateral Scle- parameters is far from levels seen during acute
rosis (ALS). Similarly, many activated macro- inflammation indicating that aging is associated
phages are found in arterial plaques of with a chronic low-grade inflammatory activity. In
atherosclerosis and in infarcted heart tissue even a large study of 1,727 elderly Americans aged
years after an acute event. The presence of these 70 years or older, age was associated with
activated macrophages/microglia may on one increased circulating plasma levels of IL-6.
hand be beneficial, and on the other hand be Polymorphisms in the promoter and
harmful. While the activated macrophages release untranslated regions that favor increased expres-
toxic materials injurious to viable host tissues, sion of proinflammatory genes, such as IL-1b,
they also have phagocytic potential and an ability have been observed in patients with AD and
to destroy invading pathogens. In a state of per- PD. Inheritance of the polymorphic allele of apo-
sistent inflammation, the injurious events over- lipoprotein E4 (apoE4) in combination with the
whelm the protective balance leading to chronic high-risk allele of TNF-a significantly increases
degeneration. the risk of AD. Similarly, simultaneous inheri-
ROS and RNS generated from the activated tance of high-risk alleles for IL-1aa889 and
macrophages induce oxidative stress and free IL-1b+3953 significantly increases the odds ratio
radical-induced injuries are evident in AD cortex, for developing AD.
PD substantia nigra, and ALS spinal cord in The association between increased plasma
the form of modification of proteins by glycation, levels of TNF-a and atherosclerosis was demon-
the existence of low molecular weight strated in 130 humans aged 81 years. The individ-
compounds that have been oxidized and nitrated uals with high TNF-a concentrations showed a
(such as 4-hydroxynonenal, malondialdehyde, significant clinical diagnosis of atherosclerosis.
3-nitrotyrosine, 3-nitro-4-hydroxyphenylacetic Multiple studies have established an association
acid, 5-nitrotocopherol, and 8-hydroxy-deoxy- between elevated levels of IL-6 and diseases of
guanosin), and peroxidation of lipids. old age. IL-6 induces the production of C-reactive
Additional evidence is the presence of the protein (CRP), an important risk factor for myo-
chemical mediators of inflammation in aging- cardial infarction. High concentrations of CRP
associated diseases. The tangles and plaques of predict the risk of future cardiovascular disease
AD contain activated complement fragments C4d in apparently healthy men. IL-8 plays a crucial
and C3d. The membrane attack complex (MAC) role in initiating atherosclerosis by recruiting
derived from the activation of the complement monocytes/macrophages to the vessel wall,
cascade is evident in dystrophic neuritis in AD which promotes atherosclerotic lesions and
brain and in substantia nigra in PD indicating plaque vulnerability. Type 2 diabetes, atheroscle-
autolytic attack. The mRNAs for complement rosis, and cardiovascular diseases have common
proteins are sharply upregulated in affected antecedents. High plasma TNF-a concentrations
regions of AD and PD brains and also in infarcted were shown to predict insulin insensitivity with
heart tissue. advancing age in 70 healthy humans with a large
Cytokines play important roles as pro- age range. Elevated levels of IL-6 and CRP
inflammatory mediators and studies have predicted the development of type 2 diabetes in
documented increased blood level of healthy women. In another study, elevated serum
proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, IL-6 levels predicted future disability in older
TNF-a, and IL-8 in aged individuals as compared adults especially by inducing muscle atrophy.
to young individuals. Plasma levels of TNF-a IL-6 and CRP also play a pathogenic role in
were positively correlated with IL-6 and acute several diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis,
phase proteins such as C-reactive proteins (CRP) and congestive heart failure all of which have
in 126 centenarians, indicating an interrelated increasing incidence with age. Moreover,
activation of the entire inflammatory cascade. increased serum levels of IL-6 and IL-8 have
Aging-Associated Inflammation 147

Oxidative stress hPNPase old-35
Fig. 1 Schematic
representation A
flowchart showing the NF-κB activation Senescence
proposed involvement
of hPNPase old-35 in
senescence associated
degenerative diseases. Pro-inflammatory molecules degenerative diseases
See text for details

Chronic inflammation

been detected in patients with chronic obstructive sporadic AD superior temporal lobe neocortex.
pulmonary diseases and chemokines such as IL-8 An increase in constitutive NF-kB DNA binding
and RANTES play important roles in the patho- in older animals over young animals has been
genesis of these diseases. Various inflammatory demonstrated in multiple studies. A gradual rise
mediators, such as IL-1, TNF-a, IL-6, IL-8, in ROS was evident in kidneys from Fischer rats
RANTES, and MMP-3 are responsible for from 6 to 24 months of age, and this increase
chronic inflammatory rheumatoid diseases, such correlated with an age-dependent augmentation
as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis both of in binding of NF-kB and elevated expression of
which occur during aging. cyclogenase-2 (COX-2), an NF-kB-responsive
In vitro studies and experiments in animals enzyme involved in proinflammatory prostanoid
also establish an intricate relationship between synthesis. Vascular smooth muscle cells from
aging and inflammation. Gene expression analy- 18-month old rats showed considerably higher
sis by microarray in human hepatic stellate cells NF-kB DNA binding than that from new-born
confirms that replicative senescence in these cells rats, which correlated with increased expression
is associated with a pronounced inflammatory of inducible nitric oxide synthase and intracellular
phenotype characterized by upregulation of adhesion molecule-1, two proinflammatory mole-
proinflammatory cytokines, including IL-6 and cules, in old smooth muscle cells upon inflamma-
IL-8. An aging-induced proinflammatory shift in tory stimulation. A similar age-dependent
cytokine expression profile has been observed in elevation in NF-kB DNA binding has been
rat coronary arteries. reported in mouse and rat liver and heart, and in
How does the proinflammatory shift occur dur- rat brain indicating a potential involvement of
ing aging? A prominent mechanism by which NF-kB in regulating aging-associated chronic
ROS modulates diverse intracellular molecular inflammation.
processes is by regulating the activity of transcrip- The molecular events leading to the generation
tion factors, most notably nuclear factor (NF)-kB. of ROS and the development of chronic inflam-
By turning on proinflammatory mediators such as mation during aging are still not deciphered.
TNF-a, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IFN-g, iNOS, ICAM-1, Studies show that human polynucleotide phos-
VCAM-1, COX-2, and acute phase proteins, phorylase (hPNPase old-35) might be the key ele-
NF-kB functions as a central transcription factor ment linking aging with the inflammatory
for the development of chronic inflammatory process. hPNPase old-35 is a 30 –50 exoribonuclease
diseases. involved in mRNA degradation (Fig. 1). Its
Unfortunately very few studies were carried expression is induced during senescence and
out in aging humans to establish a clear correla- ectopic overexpression of hPNPase old-35 induces
tion between NF-kB activation and chronic a senescent phenotype in normal and cancer cells.
inflammation. Strong NF-kB DNA binding and Overexpression of hPNPase old-35 generates ROS
COX-2 transcription was detected in aging and in with resultant increase in NF-kB DNA binding
148 Agnogenic Myeloid Metaplasia

and increased production of proinflammatory

cytokines such as IL-6, IL-8, RANTES, and AICDA
MMP-3. These effects might be inhibited by an
antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC). ▶ Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase

Bruunsgaard H, Pedersen M, Pedersen BK (2001) Aging
and proinflammatory cytokines. Curr Opin Hematol
▶ Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase
McGeer PL, McGeer EG (2004) Inflammation and the
degenerative diseases of aging. Ann NY Acad Sci
Sarkar D, Fisher PB (2006) Molecular mechanisms of
aging-associated inflammation. Cancer Lett 236:13–23
Sarkar D, Lebedeva IV, Emdad L et al (2004) Human
polynucleotide phosphorylase (hPNPase): a potential ▶ Temozolomide
link between aging and inflammation. Cancer Res

AIDS-Associated Cancers
Agnogenic Myeloid Metaplasia
▶ AIDS-Associated Malignancies
▶ Primary Myelofibrosis

AIDS-Associated Malignancies
Enrique Mesri
▶ Neutropenia Viral Oncology Program, Sylvester
Comprehensive Cancer Center and Development
Center for AIDS Research, Department of
Microbiology and Immunology, University of
AHNP Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL,
▶ Anti-Her2/Neu Peptide Mimetic


AHR AIDS-associated cancers; AIDS-related cancers;

HIV/AIDS-associated cancers; HIV-associated
▶ Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor cancers; HIV-associated malignancies; HIV-
related cancers

AIB1 Definition

▶ Amplified in Breast Cancer 1 Cancers that are increased in individuals infected

▶ Steroid Receptor Coactivators with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The
AIDS-Associated Malignancies 149

AIDS-Associated Malignancies, Table 1 Relative risk, from Boshoff and Weiss (2002), Grulich et al. (2007),
HIV/AIDS, and viral association for human cancers. Rel- Casper (2011), Mesri et al. (2010))
ative risk is compared to normal population (Data adapted
Relative risk Relative risk AIDS Viral % infection viral agent in
Cancer type HIV/AIDS transplant defining agent HIV/AIDS
Kaposi sarcoma >3000 200 Yes KSHV 100
Non-Hodgkin 75 8 Yes EBV 60
Hodgkin 10 4 No EBV 100
Cervical cancer 5 2 Yes HPV >50
Anal cancer 30 5 No HPV >50
Hepatocellular 5 2 No HBVHCV >50
Lung 3 2 No – –
Breast 1 1 No – –

most common are ▶ Kaposi sarcoma and a subset Casper 2011). AIDS-associated malignancies are
of ▶ B-cell lymphomas (non-Hodgkin lympho- nowadays classified as:
mas). Other AIDS-associated malignancies are
Hodgkin disease and cancers of the cervix, anus, • AIDS-defining cancers: These are ▶ Kaposi
lung, and the gastrointestinal tract. sarcoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and inva-
sive cervical cancers (Boshoff and Weiss 2002;
Grulich et al. 2007; Casper 2011; Cavallin
Characteristics et al. 2014) (Table 1). They are mostly caused
by the human oncogenic viruses (▶ virology)
At the beginning of the HIV epidemic, the occur- ▶ Epstein Barr virus (EBV), Kaposi sarcoma
rence of certain cancers was considered as a mile- herpesvirus (KSHV), and human papilloma-
stone marking the transition to acquired virus (HPV) (Boshoff and Weiss 2002; Grulich
immunosuppression syndrome (AIDS) in HIV et al. 2007; Casper 2011; Cesarman and Mesri
infected individuals (Boshoff and Weiss 2002; 1999; Mesri et al. 2010). These oncogenic
Grulich et al. 2007). Those were ▶ Kaposi sar- viruses can cause cancer in HIV/AIDS because
coma (KS, AIDS-KS), non-Hodgkin lymphomas immunosuppression creates a more permissive
(NHL, AIDS-NHL), and invasive cervical host for viral infection, allowing these viruses
cancers (Boshoff and Weiss 2002; Grulich to express viral oncogenes that promote cell
et al. 2007; Cavallin et al. 2014). The incidence survival and cell proliferation (Boshoff and
of HIV-associated cancers have been greatly Weiss 2002; Cesarman and Mesri 1999;
reduced in the developed world upon the advent Mesri et al. 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014). The
of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) genetic programs that include viral oncogenes
to effectively control HIV infection (Boshoff and tend to be more immunogenic and therefore are
Weiss 2002; Grulich et al. 2007; Casper 2011; not allowed in immunocompetent hosts
Mesri et al. 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014). However, (Boshoff and Weiss 2002; Cesarman and
AIDS-associated malignancies (AAMs) continue Mesri 1999; Mesri et al. 2010; Cavallin et al.
to be a major clinical complication of HIV infec- 2014).
tion and a major threat in developing countries, • Non-AIDS-defining cancers: HIV-infected
where the AIDS epidemic has not been totally patients are at increased risk of certain
controlled and access to HAART and cancer ther- other cancers such as ▶ Hodgkin disease,
apies is more restricted (Grulich et al. 2007; anal and rectal carcinomas, ▶ hepatocellular
150 AIDS-Associated Malignancies

carcinomas, head and neck cancers, and ▶ lung upon antiretroviral treatment could result in
cancer (Boshoff and Weiss 2002; Grulich regaining immunity with antitumor consequences
et al. 2007; Casper 2011). Some of these are (Boshoff and Weiss 2002; Grulich et al. 2007;
caused by cancer-causing viruses, such as Casper 2011; Mesri et al. 2010; Cavallin et al.
Hodgkin disease (EBV), anal/rectal cancers 2014). Clinical findings consistent with these pos-
(HPV), head and neck cancers (HPV), and sibilities have been observed for AIDS-KS and
liver cancers (hepatocellular carcinoma) AIDS-NHL: The incidence of these AAMs have
caused by the hepatitis viruses B and C decreased since HAART implementation; more-
(Boshoff and Weiss 2002; Grulich et al. 2007; over, both cancers tend to respond favorably to
Casper 2011) (Table 1). reconstitution of immunity as a consequence of
HAART, strongly supporting the idea that they are
AIDS-associated malignancies such as KS and a consequence of HIV induced immunosuppres-
NHL tend to respond favorably to HAART treat- sion (Grulich et al. 2007; Casper 2011; Mesri et al.
ment, while others like cervical cancers do not 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014).
show significant improvements (Boshoff and
Weiss 2002; Grulich et al. 2007; Casper 2011; The Human Oncogenic Viruses EBV and KSHV
Mesri et al. 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014). AAMs and HIV/AIDS
are generally treated with a combination of anti- Depending on ethnicity, geographic area, and
HIV approaches with systemic ▶ chemotherapy other factors, KSHV and EBV viruses could
or targeted therapies currently available for have a very high prevalence in the population
non-AIDS-associated cancers. In the last years, from 10% (average for KSHV) to almost 90%
rationally designed therapies including (average EBV) (Boshoff and Weiss 2002;
approaches targeting oncoviruses and the mecha- Cesarman and Mesri 1999; Mesri et al. 2010;
nisms of viral oncogenesis have been clinically 2014; Cavallin et al. 2014). Fortunately, in immu-
tested and are being increasingly implemented. nocompetent hosts, infection with these onco-
genic viruses is rarely sufficient to cause cancer,
HIV Infection and AIDS Increase the Risk for with most of the cancers arising after long periods
Certain Cancers of incubation and in very low percentages of the
The immune system plays a major role in tumor population (Cesarman and Mesri 1999; Mesri
immunosurveillance (see ▶ immunoediting) as et al. 2010). This also suggests that factors other
well as in the control of oncogenic viruses such than the oncogenic viruses are necessary for full
as EBV and KSHV. Consequently, immunosup- cellular transformation (Mesri et al. 2014). The
pression and immune deregulation linked to incidence of AAMs caused by these viruses
HIV-induced CD4+ T cell depletion, as well as changes dramatically upon HIV/AIDS. The inci-
immune activation caused by HIV/AIDS, deter- dence of KS is thousands higher in HIV/AIDS
mine a tumor-prone status in the affected host than in the general population while the incidence
(Mesri et al. 2014). This specially applies to can- of AIDS lymphomas is 70-fold higher (Casper
cers caused by viruses and cancers affecting cells 2011; Cavallin et al. 2014). This indicates that in
of the immune system such as KS and NHL. the context of HIV/AIDS these oncogenic viruses
Interestingly, many of the cancers that are are formidable pathogens. Currently, HIV-related
increased in HIV/AIDS are the same cancers and immune-related mechanisms seek to explain
for which there is an increased risk for the higher incidence of these cancers in
immunosuppressed patients such as those receiv- HIV/AIDS.
ing organ transplants (Grulich et al. 2007; Casper HIV related: This is the immune activation
2011) (Table 1). This is a very important fact since syndrome that leads to changes in cytokine
it implies that preventing HIV to evolve to AIDS profiles and the presence of HIV accessory pro-
could help prevent the development of AAMs, teins such as Tat that were shown to favor KS
while immune-reconstitution in AIDS patients development through KSHV-related and direct
AIDS-Associated Malignancies 151

Fig. 1 EBV and KSHV
genetic expression A
programs. EBV lymphomas
display three latency
programs: I, II, and III. KS
tumors display latent and
lytic cells. The most
oncogenic of these
programs tend to be the
immunogenic. Therefore
these programs tend to be
allowed only in
and AIDS

angiogenic mechanisms (Boshoff and Weiss for KS development (see below) (Mesri et al.
2002; Mesri et al. 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014). 2010). The more oncogenic these patterns of
Immunosuppression/AIDS-related mecha- expression are, the more immunogenic
nisms: The decrease in CD4+ T-helper cells (Cesarman and Mesri 1999; Mesri et al. 2010,
leads to lack of both direct and CD8+ mediated 2014) (Fig. 1). So in the presence of an immuno-
control of KSHV and/or EBV infected cells competent host they tend to be controlled by the
(Boshoff and Weiss 2002; Cesarman and Mesri immune system, and therefore the less immuno-
1999; Mesri et al. 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014). genic forms which are also the less oncogenic
Depending on the stage in the viral life cycle, forms are allowed (Fig. 1). In the absence of
KSHV could be lytic or latent. During latency, immune control both of these viruses would be
the virus tends to be much less immunogenic by able to replicate and express their full oncogenic
expressing a restricted number of genes necessary repertoire that include genes able to induce cell
for latent virus maintenance (Cesarman and Mesri proliferation and pro-survival signaling cascades
1999; Mesri et al. 2010, 2014; Cavallin et al. (see below) (Cesarman and Mesri 1999; Mesri
2014). In the lytic cycle, the virus expresses the et al. 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014). This will pro-
full viral program necessary for replication and gressively lead to cell transformation.
assembly of infectious virus with cell lysis. In the
case of EBV, this oncogenic virus could exist in Kaposi Sarcoma Herpesvirus and Oncogenesis
three stages of latency displaying increasing num- of AIDS-KS
ber of viral genes expressed and thus oncogenicity Kaposi sarcoma is an AIDS-defining AIDS-
(Cesarman and Mesri 1999; Mesri et al. 2014) associated cancer (Boshoff and Weiss 2002;
(Fig. 1). KSHV could exist either in a latent Grulich et al. 2007; Casper 2011; Mesri et al.
form and a lytic form with increased ▶ angiogen- 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014). It is characterized by
esis (see below) and oncogenicity (Mesri et al. the proliferation of spindle-like cells of vascular
2010; Cavallin et al. 2014; Mesri et al. 2014) and lymphatic endothelial origin, intense forma-
(Fig. 1), both of them simultaneously necessary tion of new blood microvessels (see
152 AIDS-Associated Malignancies

KS as well as HIV negative that can affect men,

women, and even children (Boshoff and Weiss
2002; Grulich et al. 2007; Mesri et al. 2010;
Cavallin et al. 2014). Finally, the epidemic clinical
form was for the first time observed in 1981 as a
clustered epidemic among sexually related homo-
sexuals. This observation was, together with the
occurrence of lung infections with Pneumocystis
carinii, the first clinical manifestations of the
upcoming HIV/AIDS epidemic. The increased
incidence of AIDS-KS in homosexuals
vs. women or i.v. drug patients led in 1990 to the
AIDS-Associated Malignancies, Fig. 2 Histological formulation by V. Beral et al. of an infectious
section of an AIDS-KS biopsy stained with hematoxylin
hypothesis that proposed the existence of a second
and eosin. Note the abundant spindle-like cell proliferation
and the blood vessels containing erythrocytes (reddish infectious sexually transmitted causative agent
small cells), which can also be found extravasated within (Boshoff and Weiss 2002; Mesri et al. 2010;
the tumor Cavallin et al. 2014). This led in 1994 to a discov-
ery by the Y. Chang and P. Moore lab, that
employing genetic techniques identified in
▶ angiogenesis) with erythrocyte extravasation, AIDS-KS lesions the sequences of a herpesvirus
that in the skin tend to give the characteristic with homology to gamma oncogenic g2-
purple appearance of the lesions, and cellular herpesviruses (Boshoff and Weiss 2002; Mesri
inflammatory infiltration (Boshoff and Weiss et al. 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014). These sequences
2002; Mesri et al. 2010) (Fig. 2). The evolution were identified as belonging to a new oncogenic
of the lesion involves a progression through a herpesvirus: The human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8)
patch, plaque, and “node” stages, or all these or Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) (Boshoff
forms could co-exist in the same patient (Mesri and Weiss 2002; Mesri et al. 2010, 2014). It was
et al. 2010). The two main clinical presentations rapidly established that KSHV fulfilled all Koch-
of AIDS-KS are currently classified as per ACTG like postulates to be considered as the KS etio-
recommendations (Mesri et al. 2010). T0 – a logic agent (Boshoff and Weiss 2002; Mesri et al.
localized (Cavallin et al. 2014), more indolent 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014). It was consistently
disease that tends to respond to initiation of found in all KS lesions, its infection preceded
HAART or localized therapies IFN etc. T1 – a and correlated with KS, and its genome and fur-
disseminated, advanced disease, generally with ther investigations revealed the presence of a for-
visceral involvement, that could not respond to midable oncogenic armamentarium that includes
HAART and it should be treated with systemic viral oncogenes with potential to cause cancer and
chemotherapy. KS was first described in the late to induce an ▶ angiogenesis (Boshoff and Weiss
1800s in Vienna by Dr. Moritz Kaposi as a rare, 2002; Mesri et al. 2010, 2014; Cavallin et al.
indolent, type of cancer affecting elder Ashkenazi 2014).
Jews (Boshoff and Weiss 2002; Mesri et al. 2010).
This clinical form is known nowadays as classic • Inhibition of tumor suppressor and other cell
KS. It affects mostly old patients of Mediterra- cycle inhibitors: Tumor suppressors p53 and
nean or Jewish origin. KS was later described as a Rb working in conjunction with the cell cycle
transplant-associated cancer. Another form inhibitors ▶ p21 and ▶ p27 act as a natural
described prior to the HIV epidemic was the barrier to cell proliferation and transformation.
endemic form found in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is Among the latent KSHV genes, a gene called
in this area where KS continues to be a major LANA was shown to be able to inactivate both
health problem, with occurrence of both AIDS- p53 and Rb, while the virally encoded D-type
AIDS-Associated Malignancies 153

▶ cyclin (v-cyclin) can constitutively counter latently infected cells and induce angiogenesis
act both ▶ p21 and ▶ p27 activities. (Mesri et al. 2010, 2014; Cavallin et al. 2014).
• Inhibition of ▶ apoptosis: Another barrier that Thus KS requires the presence of both latently A
a cell should surpass to become transformed infected cells, making up the most of the tumor
are several mechanisms that compromise cell and lytic cells “fueling” tumor proliferation and
survival by induction of programmed cell angiogenesis (Mesri et al. 2010, 2014; Cavallin
death or ▶ apoptosis. KSHV encodes for a et al. 2014). A similar case for a paracrine tumor
gene termed vFLIP that can constitutively acti- induced by a virus is Hodgkin lymphoma (see
vate NFkB, which is a very well known sig- below), in which a few transformed cells are
naling mechanism that lead to inhibition of thought to drive the lymphoid cell proliferation
▶ apoptosis and collaborate in cell and tumor formation. These two models serve
transformation. well to explain why there is more KS in immuno-
• Angiogenic and inflammatory genes: The most suppression and HIV/AIDS. It has been shown
singular characteristic of the AIDS-KS lesion that inflammatory cytokines found in AIDS and
is the proliferation of new blood microvessels the HIV Tat proteins are able to induce lytic
or ▶ angiogenesis (Fig. 2). KSHV carries reactivation of KSHV leading to expression
genes such as vGPCR and K1 that can activate of lytic oncogenes (Mesri et al. 2010, 2014;
in the host cell the secretion of growth factors Cavallin et al. 2014). Cells lytically infected
that promote blood microvessel growth such, with KSHV are necessary for KS tumor formation
the so-called angiogenic growth factors, such but are immunogenic, and thus they would be
as ▶ vascular endothelial growth factor eliminated in an immunocompetent host (Fig. 1).
(VEGF) and the cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6). Clinical findings consistent with the necessity
In addition, KSHV encodes a viral IL-6 of lytically infected cells for AIDS-KS tumor
and other viral angiogenic ▶ chemokines formation and its immune control are the response
(vMIP-I/III). All these viral genes were of AIDS-KS to immune reconstitution upon
shown to be able to induce the KS angiogenic HAART treatment and the fact that some antiviral
phenotype in experimental cell systems and in drugs targeting KSHV replication were able to
laboratory animals. ameliorate AIDS-KS (Boshoff and Weiss 2002;
Grulich et al. 2007; Mesri et al. 2010, 2014;
KSHV Oncogenesis and Immunosuppression Cavallin et al. 2014).
The presence of this formidable oncogenic arma-
mentarium appears inconsistent with the fact that AIDS-Associated Lymphomas
KSHV is potently oncogenic only in the Lymphomas are the second most important of the
HIV/AIDS, in the immunosuppression/ transplant AAMs, with AIDS-NHL being considered an
setting and in certain endemic areas (Boshoff and AIDS defining cancer in HIV infected individuals.
Weiss 2002; Mesri et al. 2010, 2014; Cavallin Most AIDS lymphomas are of B-cell origin and
et al. 2014). A paradox pertaining KSHV onco- generally have an aggressive clinical presentation
genesis resides in the fact that KSHV latent with poor prognosis (Boshoff and Weiss 2002;
infection – the most prevalent in the AIDS-KS Grulich et al. 2007; Cesarman and Mesri 1999).
lesions – is not totally transforming. On the other They are a consequence of immunosuppression
hand, lytic infection, expressing the majority of and immune deregulation/immune activation
KSHV angiogenic ▶ oncogenes, should lead to caused by HIV/AIDS leading to tumor-prone sta-
cell lysis and thus it cannot theoretically be tus for cancers affecting cells of the immune sys-
transforming. Current theories seeking to under- tem. These cancers tend to be caused, as a
stand this paradox are based on the occurrence of significant number of AIDS lymphomas are, by
a minor percentage of lytically infected cells that the oncogenic viruses EBV and KSHV, which are
secrete cytokines and angiogenesis growth both B-lymphotropic viruses (Boshoff and Weiss
factors that help to induce proliferation of 2002; Grulich et al. 2007; Cesarman and Mesri
154 AIDS-Associated Malignancies

1999; Mesri et al. 2014). The most common of gene EBNA1 (Cesarman and Mesri 1999;
lymphomas associated with AIDS are Mesri et al. 2014). Although this viral gene
non-Hodgkin lymphomas, this includes ▶ Burkitt has shown its ability to cause cancer in cell
lymphoma (BL) and ▶ diffuse large B cell lym- and animal models, it has very low levels of
phoma (DLBCL), primary CNS lymphomas oncogenicity and thus it requires another major
(PCNSL), ▶ Hodgkin disease (HD), multicentric transformation event. In the case of BL, this
Castlemans disease (MCD), and primary effusion event is an aberrant chromosomal translocation
lymphoma (PEL) (Boshoff and Weiss 2002; that places c-myc under the control of the
Grulich et al. 2007; Cesarman and Mesri 1999). immunoglobulin regulating machinery, thus
Most of these AIDS lymphomas are causally causing the over expression of this oncogenic
related to EBV and or KSHV. Sixty percent of transcription factor (Cesarman and Mesri
NHL, 30% of BL, 100% of PCNSL, and 100% 1999; Mesri et al. 2014).
of HD are infected with EBV. All PEL are infected • Hodgkin disease (latency II transformation):
with KSHV and more than a half of them with HD is associated with AIDS and it is 100%
EBV (Boshoff and Weiss 2002; Grulich infected with EBV (Grulich et al. 2007; Casper
et al. 2007; Casper 2011; Cesarman and 2011; Cesarman and Mesri 1999; Mesri et al.
Mesri 1999) (See Table 1). 2014). HD is a peculiar type of cancer. The
Immunosuppression and immunederegulation tumor is composed of a few transformed
were associated to nonviral as a well as to viral EBV-infected cells that are called Reed-
NHLs prior to the HIV/AIDS epidemic Sternberg cells that drive the proliferation of
(Cesarman and Mesri 1999). EBV was first iso- untransformed lymphocytes forming the bulk
lated from a case of endemic Burkitt lymphoma. of the tumor. In this case, EBV infection dis-
BL was characteristically associated with malaria- plays what is denominated a latency II pattern
endemic areas. In this case, latent infection with (Cesarman and Mesri 1999; Mesri et al. 2014).
EBV (Latency I, Fig. 1), in the context of malaria- This pattern includes the expression of two
related chronic B-cell stimulation, increases the powerful EBV oncogenes: LMP-1 and
chance of aberrant chromosomal translocation LMP-2A. These EBV oncogenes cause B-cell
that activates c-myc expression (Cesarman and proliferation by triggering survival and prolif-
Mesri 1999; Mesri et al. 2014). In the case of eration cascades mimicking two physiological
transplant associated immunosuppression, EBV B-cell signals, the CD40 receptor, and the IgG
causes posttransplant lymphoproliferative disor- receptor, and leading to activation of important
der (PTLD), a progressively malignant prolifera- survival and proliferation cascades such as
tion of B-cells driven by highly oncogenic and NFkB, MAPK, and AKT (Cesarman and
immunogenic latency III pattern of EBV gene Mesri 1999; Mesri et al. 2014).
expression that, only in the context of immuno- • Other AIDS-NHL, DBCBL, and PCNSL
suppression, can progress to a full malignancy (latency III transformation): Most of these
(Cesarman and Mesri 1999; Mesri et al. 2014) tumors are infected with EBV. In the case of
(Fig. 1). Similar scenarios of immune deregula- AIDS-NHL, particularly of large B-cells, the
tion and viral induced proliferation in the context EBV displays the highly oncogenic and highly
of immunosuppression explain the occurrence of immunogenic latency III pattern (Boshoff and
EBV and/or KSHV induced lymphomas in the Weiss 2002; Cesarman and Mesri 1999; Mesri
context of AIDS. et al. 2014). In it EBV displays nine oncogenic
genes including EBNA 1–6, LMP-1, LMP-2A,
• Burkitt lymphoma (latency I transformation): and LMP-2B. This is the most oncogenic but
This B-cell lymphoma appears infected with also the most immunogenic pattern, and thus it
EBV in 30% of the cells of HIV associated is characteristic of HIV/AIDS immunosup-
BL. In this case, EBV expresses only the pression as well as organ transplants. It also
AIDS-Associated Malignancies 155

occurs in immune privileged sites such as the Treatments for AIDS-Associated Kaposi
CNS, with PCNSL being 100% infected with Sarcoma
EBV (Grulich et al. 2007; Casper 2011; Reversal of immunosuppression with immune A
Cesarman and Mesri 1999; Mesri et al. 2014). reconstitution with HAART has been associated
• KSHV-associated AIDS lymphomas: with the regression of KS lesions and the inci-
Multicentric Castlemans disease and primary dence of KS has decreased over sixfold with the
effusion lymphomas. Two AIDS-associated advent of widespread use of HAART in
lymphomas are caused by KSHV infection HIV-infected individuals (Grulich et al. 2007;
of B-cells in their later stages of differentia- Casper 2011; Mesri et al. 2010; Cavallin et al.
tion toward becoming plasma cells (Boshoff 2014). However, the number of KS cases is still
and Weiss 2002; Cesarman and Mesri 1999; rising in sub-Saharan Africa, where the HIV epi-
Mesri et al. 2014). MCD is a polyclonal demic is still not controlled (Grulich et al. 2007;
malignancy driven by infection of plasma- Casper 2011). In the vast majority of the cases,
like cells localized to the lymph nodes, AIDS-KS patients respond very favorably to ini-
while PEL is a clonal lymphoma character- tiation of HAART (Boshoff and Weiss 2002;
ized by its effusion, liquid phenotype Grulich et al. 2007; Casper 2011; Mesri et al.
(Cesarman and Mesri 1999). Although they 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014). Moreover, certain
could also be co-infected with EBV, KSHV is HAART regimes, in particular those containing
considered the main transforming virus for protease inhibitors, have been shown to poten-
these lymphomas. The majority of lymphoma tially display both preventive and therapeutic
cells are infected with KSHV in its latent activity to AIDS-KS (Mesri et al. 2010; Cavallin
stage. All latent KSHV genes, LANA, et al. 2014). For disseminated KS and HAART
v-cyclin, and vFLIP (see above) have poten- resistant KS, chemotherapy is indicated and three
tial to drive cell proliferation and survival. In FDA-approved agents (pegylated liposomal
particular the gene vFLIP has been shown to doxorubicin, liposomal daunorubicin, and
be key in promoting PEL transformation by paciltaxel) are available (Boshoff and Weiss
activating the important survival cell- 2002; Grulich et al. 2007; Mesri et al. 2010;
signaling cascade NFkB (Cesarman and Cavallin et al. 2014). Despite the effectiveness
Mesri 1999; Mesri et al. 2014). of the available treatments, KS is not totally elim-
inated for at least half of these advanced patients
Current Therapies and Clinical Challenges (Grulich et al. 2007; Mesri et al. 2010; Cavallin
Clinical treatments for AAMs generally involve et al. 2014). Advances in the understanding of the
an anti-HIV treatment, which is generally a pathogenesis, and in particular of the mechanism
HAART regime, with a treatment specific for the of viral oncogenesis of KS, have uncovered
type of cancer. As AAMs pose specific clinical potential targets for KS therapies. Among the
problems derived of the HIV/AIDS in combina- most promising approaches are those geared to
tion with generally aggressive cancer presenta- intervene the powerful viral and host mechanism
tions, this continues to be a major area of clinical that mediate the angiogenic response in KS
testing and experimentation. In the USA, multi- (Mesri et al. 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014). The
center cooperative groups carry most of the clin- small molecule inhibitors of the PDGF and
ical research in these areas. They are the AIDS VEGF ▶ receptor tyrosine kinases ▶ Imatinib
Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) and the AIDS and Sunitinib have been and are being tested as
Malignancies Consortium (AMC). In the last KS therapies for their combined antitumor and
years rationally designed approaches, including anti-angiogenic activities. Another promising
therapies targeting oncoviruses and their mecha- antitumor target in KS is the PI3K/AKT/mTOR
nisms of viral oncogenesis, have been clinically signaling pathway. This is a pathway triggered by
tested and are being increasingly implemented. KSHVoncogenes such as K1 and the vGPCR that
156 AIDS-Associated Malignancies

lead to secretion of VEGF and other growth fac- agent able to inhibit the virus and/or potentiate
tors and ▶ cytokines that in turn act on inducing killing of the lytically infected cells. Several com-
neighbor cell proliferation by activating receptors binations have been or are being tested such as
that also lead to activation of PI3K/AKT/mTOR AZT/aIFN, butyrate/ganciclovir, and
(Mesri et al. 2010; Cavallin et al. 2014). Inhibition AZT/ganciclovir.
of the mTOR pathway by ▶ Rapamycin was
shown to be highly effective in transplant KS Conclusion
and therefore Rapamycin and other similar new In spite of the sharp decrease in the incidence for
generation drugs are being actively tested in the main AAMs upon introduction of antiretrovi-
AIDS-KS. ral therapies, AAMs continue to be a major com-
plication for HIV infection and to be a major
Treatments for AIDS Lymphomas health problem for developing countries, particu-
AIDS lymphomas have been shown to ameliorate larly Sub-Saharan Africa, where the AIDS epi-
with HAART therapy, but this treatment has demic is not completely controlled and access to
always to be provided in addition to HIV and cancer diagnosis and therapies are more
antilymphoma therapy (Grulich et al. 2007). restricted. In the last years, rationally designed
Importantly, the use of HAART has increased therapies, with many based on mechanisms of
the survival for patients with AIDS-related lym- viral oncogenesis, are being clinically tested
phoma to a level comparable to the outcome in the showing prowess for the treatment of these dis-
general population. Moreover, the use of HAART eases both in resource-rich and resource-limited
has also allowed the use of similar chemotherapy settings.
regimes for AIDS-related lymphomas than in
non-HIV patients. Among the ▶ chemotherapy
regimes that are used are the cyclophosphamide-
doxorubicin-vincristine-prednisone combination Cross-References
(CHOP), the methotrexate-bleomycin-
doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide, vincristine- ▶ Epstein-Barr Virus
dexamethasone (m-BACOD), and infusional ▶ Kaposi Sarcoma
cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and etoposide.
Many times these cytotoxic regimes could affect
the bone marrow blood and immune system- References
repopulating cells. Therefore they should be
administered with growth factors that compensate Boshoff C, Weiss R (2002) AIDS-related malignancies.
Nat Rev Cancer 2:373–382. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
these effects with very aggressive regimes even gov/pubmed/12044013
needing bone marrow transplant. Since many Casper C (2011) The increasing burden of HIV-associated
B-cell lymphomas express the CD20 surface malignancies in resource-limited regions. Annu Rev
marker, the use of an anti-CD20 monoclonal anti- Med 62:157–170. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
body Rituximab (Mabthera) have been also Cavallin LE, Goldschmidt-Clermont P, Mesri EA (2014)
implemented. Among potential mechanisms of Molecular and cellular mechanisms of KSHVoncogen-
viral oncogenesis that can be intervened, the sur- esis of Kaposi&rsquo;s sarcoma associated with HIV/
vival pathway NFkB and its viral activators con- AIDS. PLoS Pathog. 10:e1004154. http://www.ncbi.
tinue to concentrate most of the interest Cesarman E, Mesri EA (1999) Virus-associated lympho-
(Cesarman and Mesri 1999). An emerging con- mas. Curr Opin Oncol 11:322–332. http://www.ncbi.
cept that seeks to target lymphomas that are nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10505767
latently infected with EBV and KSHV is the Grulich AE, van Leeuwen MT, Falster MO, Vajdic CM
(2007) Incidence of cancers in people with HIV/AIDS
so-called induction therapy, which combines an compared with immunosuppressed transplant recipi-
agent able to induce lytic replication of the virus ents: a meta-analysis. Lancet 370:59–67. http://www.
(EBV and/or KSHV), with an antiviral or another ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17617273
Akt Signal Transduction Pathway 157

Mesri EA, Cesarman E, Boshoff C (2010) Kaposi sarcoma

and its associated herpesvirus. Nat Rev Cancer AIM1
10:707–719. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/
20865011 A
Mesri EA, Feitelson MA, Munger K (2014) Human viral ▶ Aurora Kinases
oncogenesis: a cancer hallmarks analysis. Cell Host
Microbe 15:266-82. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/


▶ Aurora Kinases
AIDS-Related Cancers

▶ AIDS-Associated Malignancies
Akt Signal Transduction Pathway

George Z. Cheng1, Santo V. Nicosia2 and

Jin Q. Cheng3
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
AIE2 2
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, USA
Molecular Oncology Program and Research
▶ Aurora Kinases
Institute, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center,
University of South Florida College of Medicine,
Tampa, FL, USA

AIF-Mediated Cell Death

▶ Caspase-Independent Apoptosis
Akt, also called protein kinase B, represents a
serine/threonine protein kinase subfamily. Three
members of this family have been cloned to date,
namely, AKT1/PKBa, AKT2/PKBb, and AKT3/
AIK PKBg. The overall homology between these three
isoforms is >85% at amino acid level.
▶ Aurora Kinases


AKT1, AKT2, and AKT3 share a very similar

AIK2 structure, which contains an N-terminal
pleckstrin-homology (PH) domain, a central
▶ Aurora Kinases kinase domain, and a serine/threonine-rich
C-terminal region (Fig. 1). The PH domain and
C-terminal region between these three isoforms
are more diverse (homology 73–84% at amino
acid level) as compared to the kinase domain
AIK3 (90–95%), suggesting that PH and C-terminal
regions may represent functional difference
▶ Aurora Kinases between AKT1, AKT2, and AKT3. All three
158 Akt Signal Transduction Pathway

Akt Signal Transduction Pathway, Fig. 1 Akt signal- In addition, IKBKE functions as Akt kinase by direct
ing. Activation of Akt involves recruitment of the Akt to phosphorylation of Thr308 and Ser473. Upon its release
the cell membrane by means of PH domain binding to from the membrane, Akt would become available to phos-
product of PI 3-kinase, PI(3,4,5)P3, promoting a confor- phorylate a number of molecules to induce cell growth,
mational change in Akt which results in phosphorylation of survival, and angiogenesis (KD kinase domain, RD regu-
Thr308 and Ser473 by PDK1 and mTORC2, respectively. latory domain)

members of Akt localize to the cytoplasm; how- molecules occurs in up to 50% of all human
ever, they could translocate to the nucleus upon tumors, and thus Akt is a critical target for anti-
activation. In addition, they are located on differ- cancer drug discovery.
ent human chromosomes (AKT1 on 14q32, Increasing evidence suggests that AKT mem-
AKT2 on 19q13.1-13.2, and AKT3 on 1q44). bers have different cellular functions. Of note,
knockout of individual AKT member resulted in
Akt in Human Malignancy and Different distinct phenotypes. AKT1-deficient mice
Functions of Akt Family Members exhibited a uniform reduction in organ size,
Although AKT1, AKT2, and AKT3 display high while AKT2-null mice develop typical type II
sequence homology, there are clear differences diabetes, and AKT3-deficient mice displayed a
between these three members in terms of biolog- selective impairment of brain development.
ical and physiological function: (1) AKT1 expres- Moreover, although AKT1- and AKT3-deficient
sion is relatively uniform in various normal brains are reduced in size to comparable degree,
organs whereas high levels of AKT2 and AKT3 the absence of AKT1 reduces neuronal cell num-
mRNA are detected in skeletal muscle, heart, pla- ber, whereas the lack of AKT3 results in smaller
centa, and brain; and (2) overexpression of wild- and fewer cells. In tumor biology and invasion
type AKT2, but not AKT1 and AKT3, transforms process, overexpression of only AKT2, not AKT1
NIH 3 T3 cells. Amplification of the AKT2 has or AKT3, recapitulated the invasive effects of
been observed in 15% of human ovarian carcino- PI3K in breast cancer cells. Additionally, only
mas and 20% of human pancreatic cancers. Infre- the expression of dominant negative AKT2, not
quent mutations of the Akt have been also its counterparts, inhibited invasion induced by
detected in human cancer. However, activation either activation of PI3K or overexpression of
of Akt kinase due to alterations of its upstream Her2/Neu. These observations suggest that
Akt Signal Transduction Pathway 159

AKT1 and AKT3 may be acting more in a cellular including TSC2, XIAP, Bad, FOXO, IKKa, ASK,
growth and survival role, while AKT2 may be EZH2, etc. The vast majority of Akt substrates
more involved in regulating cellular metabolism, contain Akt phosphorylation consensus sequence A
mobility, invasion, and metastasis. RXRXXS/T (R is arginine; S/T is serine/threo-
nine, Fig. 1).
Signal Transduction
Akt is activated by a variety of stimuli, including Akt Pathway as a Target for Cancer
growth factors, protein phosphatase inhibitors, Intervention
and cellular stress in a PI3-kinase dependent man- Since Akt functions as a cardinal nodal point for
ner. Activation of Akt depends on the integrity of transducing extracellular (growth factor and insu-
the pleckstrin-homology (PH) domain, which lin) and intracellular (receptor tyrosine kinases,
mediates its membrane translocation, and on the Ras, and Src) oncogenic signals, it presents an
phosphorylation of Thr308 and Ser473. Phosphoi- exciting new target for molecular therapeutics.
nositides, PtdIns-3,4-P2 and PtdIns-3,4,5-P3, pro- Lipid-based inhibitors of Akt were the first to be
duced by PI3K bind directly to the PH domain of developed, including perifosine, PX-316, and
Akt, driving a conformational change in the mol- phosphatidylinositol ether lipid analogues, which
ecule, which enables the activation loop of Akt to were designed to interact with the PH domain of
be phosphorylated by PDK1 at Thr308. Full acti- Akt. In addition, several Akt antagonists have
vation of AKT1 is also associated with phosphor- been identified using high-throughput screening
ylation of Ser473 within a C-terminal hydrophobic of chemical libraries and rational design. These
motif characteristic of kinases in the AGC kinase inhibitors include Akt/PKB signaling inhibitor-2
family. Although the role of PDK1 in Thr308 (API-2), 9-methoxy-2-methylellipticinium ace-
phosphorylation is well established, the mecha- tate, indazole-pyridine A-443654, and isoform-
nism of Ser473 phosphorylation is controversial specific canthine alkaloid analogues. Following
(Fig. 1). A number of candidate enzymes respon- its identification in a screen of the NCI diversity
sible for this modification have been put forward, set, API-2 was shown to inhibit Akt kinase activ-
including the rictor-mTOR (mTORC2) complex, ity and stimulate apoptosis of xenografts of
ILK, and DNA-dependent kinase. The activity of human cancer cells exhibiting high Akt activity.
Akt is negatively regulated by tumor suppressor API-2 is a tricyclic nucleoside that previously
PTEN, which is frequently mutated in human showed antitumor activity in phase I and phase
malignancy. PTEN encodes a dual-specificity II trials conducted, but multiple toxicities, includ-
protein and lipid phosphatase that reduces intra- ing hepatotoxicity, hyperglycemia, thrombocyto-
cellular levels of PtdIns-3,4,5-P3 by converting penia, and hypertriglyceridemia, precluded
them to PtdIns-4,5-P2, thereby inhibiting the further development. The identification of Akt
PI3K/Akt pathway. Studies have shown that inhibition as a mechanism underlying API-2
IKBKE directly phosphorylates Thr308 and activity has provided new interest in studying
Ser473 to activate Akt in a PI3K/PTEN/mTORC2 this drug and raises the possibility that lower
independent manner. Sirt1 and TRAF6 also trig- doses may inhibit Akt and induce tumor cell apo-
ger Akt activation by deacetylation of Akt and ptosis without the previously associated side
PDK1 and induction of K63 ubiquitination of effects.
Akt, respectively. In addition, PHLPP phospha-
tase dephosphorylates the Ser473 leading to inac-
tivation of Akt. Akt phosphorylates and/or
interacts with a number of molecules to exert its Cross-References
normal cellular functions, which include roles in
cell proliferation, survival, angiogenesis, and dif- ▶ Angiogenesis
ferentiation. A couple dozen of molecules have ▶ Mammalian Target of Rapamycin
been identified to be downstream targets of Akt, ▶ PI3K Signaling
160 Alcohol Consumption

References ethanol-containing beverages as a cancer causing

agent. The experts reviewed all epidemiological
Bellacosa A et al (1991) A retroviral oncogene, akt, and experimental studies covering this topic and
encoding a serine-threonine kinase containing an
came finally to the following conclusion:
SH2-like region. Science 254:274–277
Brognard J et al (2007) PHLPP and a second isoform, “Regular alcohol consumption is associated
PHLPP2, differentially attenuate the amplitude of Akt with an increased risk for cancer of the oral cavity,
signaling by regulating distinct Akt isoforms. Mol Cell pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, breast and
colorectum. There is substantial mechanistic evi-
Cheng JQ et al (1992) AKT2, a putative oncogene encoding
a member of a novel subfamily of serine-threonine dence in humans deficient in aldehyde dehydro-
protein kinases, is amplified in human ovarian carcino- genase that acetaldehyde derived from the
mas. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 89:9267–9271 metabolism of ethanol contributes to causing
Cheng JQ et al (2005) The Akt/PKB pathway: molecular target
maligant esophageal tumors.
for cancer drug discovery. Oncogene 245:7482–7492
Dummler B et al (2006) Life with a single isoform of Akt: The studies demonstrate that ethanol and not
mice lacking Akt2 and Akt3 are viable but display the type of alcoholic beverage is responsible for
impaired glucose homeostasis and growth deficiencies. the tumor risk.”
Mol Cell Biol 26:8042–8051
Guo JP et al (2011) IKBKE activates Akt independent of
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/PDK1/mTORC2 and PH Epidemiology
domain to sustain transformation. J Biol Chem
286:37389–37398 Cancer of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract
A large number of prospective and case-control
studies have shown that the risk for upper
aerodigestive tract (UADT) cancer is significantly
Alcohol Consumption dose-dependent, increased two- to threefold at a
daily consumption of 50 g of ethanol or more.
Helmut K. Seitz1,2 and Sebastian Mueller1 Smoking has an additionally synergistic effect.
Centre of Alcohol Research (CAR), University A carefully performed French study showed an
of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany 18-fold increased risk for esophageal cancer when
Department of Medicine, Salem Medical Center, 80 g of ethanol were consumed daily. Twenty
Heidelberg, Germany cigarettes per day increased cancer risk by a
factor of 5. However, drinking and smoking
were associated with 44-fold increased cancer
Definition risk. Other factors which increase the alcohol-
mediated cancer risk are oral bacterial
Alcohol is a widely used stimulant, toxin and overgrowth (poor oral hygiene and dental status)
nutrient, depending on doses and drinking pattern. as well as gastroesophageal reflux disease
Its chronic abuse damages almost all cells in the (GERD).
human body and results in organ injury, including
the development of certain cancers. Hepatocellular Cancer (HCC)
HCC develops in 1–2% per year of patients with
alcoholic liver cirrhosis of the liver every year.
Characteristics Cirrhosis is a consequence of chronic liver
disease characterized by the replacement of liver
Alcohol is responsible for 390,000 cancer cases parenchyma by fibrotic tissue and regenerative
worldwide, representing 3.6% of all cancers nodules, leading to progressive loss of liver func-
(5.2% in men and 1.7% in women). In February tion. Cirrhosis is most commonly caused by
2007, the International Agency for Research on excessive consumption of alcohol and viral infec-
Cancer (IARC) invited 26 scientists from 15 coun- tions but has many other possible causes. Cirrho-
tries to evaluate the evidence for ethanol and sis has a high mortality due to various
Alcohol Consumption 161

complications. The risk for HCC is between 4.4- Mechanisms of Alcohol-Mediated

and 7.3-fold at an alcohol dose of 80 g/day. Carcinogenesis
HCC in a non-cirrhotic liver is extremely rare. A
Chronic alcohol consumption also increases Acetaldehyde
HCC risk in patients with other liver diseases Acetaldehyde is the first metabolite of ethanol
such as chronic hepatitis B and C, hereditary oxidation. Acetaldehyde binds to proteins and
hemochromatosis, and non-alcoholic fatty DNA; it has been found to be mutagenic and
liver disease (NAFLD). Patients with chronic carcinogenic in animal experiments. The most
hepatitis C have a threefold increased risk when convincing evidence for the role of acetaldehyde
they consume 80 g of ethanol or more as com- as cancer causing agent comes from genetic link-
pared to ▶ hepatitis C alone. In hepatitis age studies in populations who accumulate acet-
B patients, ethanol in doses of 40 g or more aldehyde following alcohol consumption. Fifty
shortens the development of a HCC by approxi- percent of Japanese have a mutation of the
mately 10 years. acetaldehydehydrogenase (ALDH)2 gene which
codes for an ALDH enzyme with low activity.
Breast Cancer When these individuals drink alcohol, acetalde-
A clear cut dose-dependent association between hyde accumulates in the blood, and they develop a
alcohol intake and breast cancer has been reported flush syndrome with tachycardia, nausea, and
in more than 100 publications. The risk starts at a vomiting. In addition, acetaldehyde also accumu-
dose of 18 g of alcohol per day. According to a lates in the saliva, rinses the mucosa of the upper
meta-analysis of 38 studies, one, two, or three aerodigestive tract, and may enter the mucosal
drinks increase breast cancer risk by 10, 20, and cells, resulting in DNA adduct formation. Ten
40%. Every additional 10 g of alcohol increase percent of the Japanese population, who have
breast cancer risk by 7%. At 50 g of alcohol daily, zero ALDH activity, are incapable of consuming
cancer risk is enhanced by 50%. In the United alcohol, even in small doses. Despite the unpleas-
States, it has been calculated that 4% of all ant side effects of flushing, however, heterozy-
newly diagnosed breast cancer cases are due to gotes of the ALDH2 2/1, 40% of the Japanese
alcohol, resulting in a total of approximately population with low ALDH activity, may con-
8,000 cases per year. sume alcohol. These individuals have a significant
increased cancer risk for upper aerodigestive tract
Colorectal Cancer cancer, in particular esophageal cancer and for
More than 50 prospective- and case-control stud- colorectal cancer. This gene mutation does not
ies found a positive association between colorec- exist in Caucasians. However, Caucasians have a
tal cancer and alcohol consumption. According to gene polymorphism for the ADH1B and ADH1C
pooled data from eight cohort studies and data gene. While the ADH1B*2 allele encodes for an
from a meta-analysis, a 1.4-fold increased cancer ADH enzyme with a 40-fold increased acetalde-
risk was found in patients with an alcohol intake hyde production as compared to the ADH1B*1
of more than 50 g as compared to non-drinkers. allele, the ADH1C*1 allele encodes for an
Excessive alcohol consumption also favors high enzyme with a 2.5-fold increased ADH activity
risk polyp or colorectal cancer occurrence among as compared to the ADH1C*2 allele. Thus, heavy
patients with adenomas. Five out of six studies drinkers who are homozygous for the ADH1C*1
also showed an increased risk for colorectal allele not only have an increased concentration of
polyps following chronic alcohol consumption acetaldehyde in their saliva, but also seem to have
as compared to abstinence. Epidemiologic studies an increased risk for upper aerodigestive tract
also underline the importance of the lack of die- cancer.
tary factors such as methionine and folate which Considerable amounts of acetaldehyde can
modulate the ethanol-associated colorectal also be produced from ethanol by microorganisms
cancer risk. in the oral cavity and in the colon. Therefore, poor
162 Alcohol Consumption

oral hygiene leading to bacterial overgrowth is a concomitant administration of ß-carotin for the
risk factor in the alcoholic for cancer of the oral prevention of bronchial cancer and the use of
cavity. alcohol in a dose of more than 12 g/day increases,
instead of decreasing, the risk of bronchial carci-
Oxidative Stress nomas in smokers.
▶ Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated
during the oxidation of ethanol via ▶ cytochrome Specific Mechanisms (Cirrhosis, Gastroesophageal
P-450 2E1 and during intramitochondrial Reflux Disease, Estrogens)
reoxidation of NADH generated by ethanol oxi- In the liver, cirrhosis caused by chronic ethanol
dation through alcoholdehydrogenase. This is consumption is a prerequisite for the development
especially relevant in the liver. ROS cause lipid for a HCC due to mechanisms not clearly under-
peroxidation and lipid peroxidation products such stood, but predominantly due to chronic inflam-
as 4-hydroxynonenal can bind to DNA, forming mation with inflammation-driven oxidative stress
exocyclic DNA-etheno adducts with mutagenic and proliferative changes during the development
and carcinogenic properties. of cirrhosis. HCC in a non-cirrhotic alcoholic liver
Under normal conditions ROS are neutralized is extremely rare.
by the antioxidative defense system, which, how- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is an
ever, is severely altered by chronic ethanol additional factor, which favors carcinogenesis in
consumption. the esophagus due to acid-mediated chronic
inflammation of the esophageal mucosa. GERD
Altered Methyl Transfer is favored by alcohol, since alcohol decreases the
Chronic ethanol consumption results in a signifi- tonus of the lower esophageal sphincter which
cant reduction of S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe), facilitates GERD.
the active methyl donor. This is due to multiple Increased estrogens levels due to alcohol con-
effects of ethanol and acetaldehyde on enzymatic sumption, even in small quantities, is most likely
reactions leading to the generation of SAMe, an important pathophysiologic factor to explain
including folate deficiency. The lack of SAMe the increased risk of breast cancer in regular
results in a reduction of all methylation processes. drinkers. The mechanism by which alcohol
With respect to ▶ carcinogenesis, the most impor- increases estradiol levels is not known.
tant methylation process is the methylation of
cytosine bases within the DNA. This DNA Cross-References
hypomethylation results in a diminished silencing
of oncogenes and therefore favors carcinogenesis. ▶ Carcinogenesis
▶ Cytochrome P450
Reduced Retinoic Acid ▶ Hepatitis C Virus
Chronic ethanol consumption results in a decrease ▶ Reactive Oxygen Species
of retinol and ▶ retinoic acid (RA) in the liver, ▶ Retinoic Acid
associated with an activation of the AP-1 gene
resulting in an increased expression of c-jun and
c-fos and finally hepatocellular hyperproliferation References
associated with increased cancer risk. The
Baan R, Straif K, Grosse Y et al (2007) WHO International
decrease of RA is predominantly due to the Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph Working
ethanol-mediated induction of CYP2E1, since Group. Carcinogenicity of alcoholic beverages. Lancet
CYP2E1 is also responsible for the metabolism Oncol 8:292–293
of RA and retinol. An enhanced metabolism of Bofetta P, Hashibe M (2006) Alcohol and cancer. Lancet
Oncol 7:149–156
RA and retinol induced by CYP2E1 results in the Seitz HK, Stickel F (2007) Molecular mechanisms in alco-
generation of metabolites with apoptotic proper- hol mediated carcinogenesis. Nat Rev Cancer
ties. In this context, it is important to note that the 7:599–612
Alcoholic Beverages Cancer Epidemiology 163

Vasiliou V, Zakhari S, Seitz HK, Hoek JB (eds) (2015) Other alcoholic beverage types are specific to
Biological basis of alcohol – induced cancer in certain geographic regions or countries such as
advances in experimental medicine and biology 815,
Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht rice wine in East Asia or arrack in India. In some A
London cultures, alcoholic beverages are also made
Zakhari S, Vasiliou V, Gua QM (eds) (2011) Alcohol and locally or in the home.
cancer, Springer New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg,

See Also
(2012) Acetaldehyde. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 16. A causal link has been established between alco-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_22 hol drinking and cancers of the oral cavity, phar-
(2012) Acetaldehydehydrogenase. In: Schwab M (ed) ynx, esophagus, liver, and breast. For other
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 16. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- cancers, a causal association is suspected. The
16483-5_23 importance of alcohol as a human carcinogen is
(2012) Alcohol dehydrogenase. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- often underestimated. There is increasing evi-
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, dence of an important role of genetic susceptibil-
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 120. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
16483-5_6732 ity to alcohol-related cancer, and knowledge on
(2012) Alcohol-mediated cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- possible mechanisms of the carcinogenic action of
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, alcohol has evolved.
p 126. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_170 The major nonneoplastic diseases caused by
(2012) Chronic liver disease. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p alcohol drinking are alcoholic polyneuropathy,
849. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1152 alcoholic cardiomyopathy, alcoholic gastritis,
(2012) Cirrhosis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of depression and other mental disorders, hyperten-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 869. sion, hemorrhagic stroke, liver cirrhosis and fibro-
(2012) Colorectal cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia sis, as well as acute and chronic pancreatitis. In
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 916. addition, alcohol drinking is a major cause of
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1265 several types of injuries, and alcohol consumption
(2012) Estrogens. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of during pregnancy is associated with various
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1333.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2019 adverse effects including fetal alcohol syndrome,
(2012) Gastroesophageal reflux disease. In: Schwab M (ed) spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, prematu-
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- rity, and intrauterine growth retardation. On the
delberg, p 1511. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2334 other hand, there is strong evidence that moderate
consumption of alcohol reduces the risk of ische-
mic heart disease, ischemic stroke, and
Alcoholic Beverages Cancer
Epidemiology Epidemiology of Alcohol-Related Cancer
A causal relationship between elevated alcohol
Paolo Boffetta1 and Mia Hashibe2 drinking and oral squamous cell carcinoma and
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New that of pharynx, larynx, and esophagus have been
York, NY, USA demonstrated. In epidemiological studies of this
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA group of tumors, an effect of heavy alcohol intake
and a linear relationship with both duration and
amount of drinking have been consistently shown.
Definition A synergism between alcohol drinking and
tobacco smoking has been demonstrated and has
Alcoholic beverages are drinking beverages that become since a paradigm of interaction of two
contain ethanol such as wine, beer, or hard liquors. environmental factors in human carcinogenesis.
164 Alcoholic Beverages Cancer Epidemiology

Studies on the association of alcohol drinking folate metabolism. There may be a synergistic
and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus have not interaction between alcohol consumption and
been consistent. Some studies reported risk esti- low folate intake, or alcohol may be acting
mates for adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and through folate metabolism to increase colorectal
gastric cardia together on the order of 1.5- to 4- cancer risk. Since risk estimates reported suggest
fold increases in risk. Many of the studies that a moderate association between alcohol drinking
have reported risk estimates for adenocarcinoma and the risk of colorectal cancer, residual
of the esophagus have tended to be small, while confounding by such dietary factors or other
the larger studies have reported no association strong risk factors for colorectal cancer is of con-
with ever alcohol consumption and no indication cern. However, it is doubtful that residual
of dose–response relations. confounding is entirely responsible for the
Heavy alcohol intake increases the risk of observed increases in colorectal cancer risk due
▶ hepatocellular carcinoma. Dose–response rela- to alcohol consumption. Though the effects may
tions between the amount of alcohol consumed be moderate, there does appear to be a causal
and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma have relationship between alcohol consumption and
been demonstrated. The most likely mechanism colorectal cancer risk.
of alcohol-related liver carcinogenicity is through There is no consistent evidence that alcohol
the development of liver cirrhosis, although alter- drinking influences the risk of cancers of the
native mechanisms such as alteration in the stomach, pancreas, lung, endometrium, bladder,
hepatic metabolism of carcinogens may also play or prostate. In the case of ovarian and kidney
a role. Alcoholic liver cirrhosis is probably the cancers, the evidence from epidemiological
most important risk factor for hepatocellular car- studies is of a possible protective effect, but fur-
cinoma in populations with low prevalence of ther investigation is necessary to clarify the rela-
HBV and HCV infection, such as North America tionships. The risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
and northern Europe. Synergistic interactions on was reported to be reduced among alcohol
the risk of liver cancer are also thought to occur drinkers: this effect, if real, might differ by lym-
between tobacco and alcohol and between phoma type, which may explain the inconsis-
HBV/HCV and alcohol (hepatitis virus-associated tencies in results of earlier studies of alcohol and
hepatocellular carcinoma). lymphoma.
The association between alcohol consumption
and the risk of breast cancer has been reported Mechanisms of Alcohol Carcinogenicity
fairly consistently in numerous studies, though The mechanisms by which alcoholic beverages
the risk is thought to be moderate. The association exert their carcinogenic effect are not fully under-
is observed among both premenopausal and post- stood, and, as in the case of other multisite carcin-
menopausal women, though it is unclear whether ogen, they are likely to differ by target organ.
the period of life in which drinking occurs mod- Table 1 lists the main mechanistic hypotheses,
ifies the carcinogenic effect of alcohol. Although together with a subjective assessment of the
the magnitude of the excess risk of breast cancer strength of the available supporting evidence.
due to alcohol drinking is not very large, the high The table is restricted to mechanisms known or
incidence of this cancer results in a large number suspected to operate in cancers with an
of cases. established association with alcohol drinking.
Several studies have provided evidence, Ethanol in its pure form does not act as a
although not fully consistent, of an association carcinogen in experimental models, and one
between elevated intake of alcohol and increased explanation is that alcoholic beverages act as a
risk of colorectal adenoma and adenocarcinoma. solvent for penetration of carcinogens through the
Dietary factors such as low folate intake are mucosa of upper aerodigestive organs. Although
thought to increase the risk of colorectal cancer this mechanism would explain the synergistic
by two- to fivefold, and alcohol adversely affects effect of tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking,
Alcoholic Beverages Cancer Epidemiology 165

Alcoholic Beverages Cancer Epidemiology, modulating alcohol-related cancer risk further

Table 1 Possible mechanisms of carcinogenicity of alco- supports the hypothesis of a mechanistic role of
holic beverages
acetaldehyde. A
Mechanism Potential target organs Production of ▶ reactive oxygen species and
Strong evidencea nitrogen species is an additional possible mecha-
DNA damage by Head and neck, nism of alcohol-related carcinogenesis. ▶ Oxida-
acetaldehyde esophagus, liver
tive stress leads to ▶ lipid peroxidation, whose
Increased estrogen level Breast
Moderate evidencea
products are reactive electrophilic compounds
Solvent for other carcinogens Head and neck, reacting with DNA to form exocyclic DNA
esophagus adducts and reactive aldehydes. This mechanism
Production of reactive Liver, others? can be particularly relevant to liver carcinogenesis
oxygen and nitrogen species and might explain the synergistic effect of alcohol
Alteration of folate Colon and rectum, and viral infection. In the liver, oxidative stress is
metabolism breast, others?
induced by alcohol via induction of CYP2E1,
Weak evidencea
stimulation of parenchymal cells in response to
DNA damage by ethanol Head and neck,
esophagus, liver cytokines, and activation of Kupffer cells.
Nutritional deficiencies (e.g., Head and neck, others? Heavy alcohol intake may lead to nutritional
vitamin A) deficiencies by reducing the intake of foods rich in
Reduced immune Liver, others? micronutrients, by impairing intestinal absorption,
surveillance and by altering metabolic pathways. The most rele-
Carcinogenicity of Head and neck, vant effect appears to be on folate metabolism,
constituents other than esophagus, liver,
ethanol others?
resulting in alteration in DNA ▶ methylation and,
a hence, control of genes potentially involved in car-
Subjective assessment of strength of supportive evidence
cinogenesis. Intake, absorption, and metabolism of
vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 may also be affected by
it would not account for the increased risk alcohol intake, resulting in further alterations of
observed among never smokers. DNA methylation pathways. Vitamin A deficiency
The primary metabolite of ethanol, acetalde- has also been proposed as alcohol-mediated carci-
hyde, is a plausible candidate for the carcinogenic nogenic mechanism. Alcoholics have a lower level
effect of alcoholic beverages although direct evi- of serum vitamin A and b-carotene, and vitamin
dence linking acetaldehyde as a cause of cancer in A metabolism is altered by chronic alcohol intake.
humans is lacking. Acetaldehyde forms ▶ adducts Alcohol drinking can reduce immune surveil-
to DNA in human cells in vitro, as well as in rats lance, thus favoring cancer development as well
chronically exposed to ethanol. In experimental as metastatic potential. This hypothesis is
models, acetaldehyde inhalation has been shown supported by experimental data showing reduced
to cause tumors of the respiratory tract, particu- resistance to metastasis of alcohol-exposed mice.
larly adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carci- Components of alcoholic beverages other than
nomas of the nasal mucosa in rats and laryngeal ethanol, including impurities and contaminants,
carcinomas in hamsters. It also damages hepato- have been proposed to increase risk of cancer
cytes, leading to increased proliferation. Autoan- among drinkers. ▶ Polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
tibodies against acetaldehyde-modified proteins bons have been found in dark hard liquors, and
have been detected in blood and bone marrow of N-nitrosamines have been detected in beers, but,
alcohol abusers. Overall, studies strongly suggest in general, information on composition of alco-
that DNA damage occurs in humans following holic beverages, and in particular hard liquors, is
heavy alcohol consumption, and acetaldehyde limited. If components in alcoholic beverages
can be responsible for it. The increasing evidence represented an important factor contributing to
of a role of polymorphism in enzymes implicated carcinogenicity, one would predict a role of type
in the oxidation of ethanol and acetaldehyde in of beverage in determining the risk.
166 Alcoholic Pancreatitis

These mechanisms are mainly relevant to the References

head and neck, liver, and colorectal carcinogenesis;
in the case of breast cancer, the main hypothesis to Boffetta P, Hashibe M (2006) Alcohol and cancer. Lancet
Oncol 7:149–156
explain alcohol carcinogenicity is increased estro-
Boyle P, Autier P, Bartelink H et al (2003) European code
gen level. The evidence is strongest for postmeno- against cancer and scientific justification: third version.
pausal women using ▶ hormone replacement Ann Oncol 14:973–1005
therapy, but the available data suggest an effect International Agency for Research on Cancer (1988) Alco-
hol drinking. IARC monographs on the evaluation of
also in other groups of women. Additional possible
carcinogenic risks to humans, vol 44. IARC, Lyon
mechanisms include increased susceptibility to Thakker KD (1998) An overview of health risks and ben-
endogenous and exogenous carcinogens and efits of alcohol consumption. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 22:
greater invasiveness potential. An effect mediated S285–S298
by folate metabolism, mentioned above for colo-
rectal cancer, would be also relevant to breast
Alcoholic Pancreatitis
Alcohol drinking is one of the most important known Dahn L. Clemens and Katrina J. Schneider
causes of human cancer, second only to tobacco Research Service, Veterans Administration
smoking, chronic infections, and possibly over- Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA
weight/obesity (obesity and cancer risk). With the
exception of ▶ aflatoxin, for no single dietary factor,
there is such a strong and consistent evidence of Definition
carcinogenicity. In the case of breast and colorectal
cancer, two major human neoplasms, a causal asso- Pancreatitis associated with alcohol abuse.
ciation with alcohol drinking has been established,
and the public health implications of these associa-
tions have not been not fully elucidated. In many Characteristics
countries, people of lower socioeconomic status or
education consume more alcohol, which contributes The pancreas is a dual-function abdominal organ
to social inequalities in cancer burden. that produces both proteins that aid digestion
Given the linear dose–response relationship (digestive enzymes) and hormones responsible
between intake of alcohol drinking and the risk for the regulation of sugar in the blood. These
of cancer, control of heavy drinking remains the two functions are carried out by distinct
main target for cancer control. For example, the populations of cells. Pancreatic digestive enzymes
European Code Against Cancer recommends are produced by cells known as acinar cells.
keeping daily consumption within two drinks Approximately 90% of the pancreas is made up
(about 20–30 g alcohol) for men and one drink of these cells, which comprise what is known as
for women. Total avoidance of alcohol, although the exocrine pancreas. Dispersed throughout the
optimal for cancer control, cannot be exocrine pancreas are distinct “islands” of special-
recommended from a broader public health per- ized cells known as the islets of Langerhans. The
spective, in particular in countries with high inci- islets of Langerhans are clusters of cells that pro-
dence of cardiovascular diseases. duce and secrete insulin and other hormones
involved in regulating the levels of sugar in the
blood. The islets of Langerhans comprise what is
known as the endocrine pancreas.
Cross-References Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the
exocrine pancreas that is initiated by the prema-
▶ Estrogenic Hormones ture activation and intracellular release of the
Alcoholic Pancreatitis 167

digestive enzymes produced in acinar cells. The The most common factor associated with
release of these enzymes causes destruction of chronic pancreatitis is alcohol abuse, which is
acinar cells and a robust inflammatory response. associated with approximately 70% of reported A
Pancreatitis can be caused by a variety of factors. cases. Chronic pancreatitis is thought to develop
One of the most common factors associated with after years of pancreatic ▶ inflammation. The tis-
pancreatitis is alcohol abuse. Pancreatitis associ- sue damage associated with chronic pancreatitis is
ated with alcohol abuse is known as alcoholic thought to start prior to the onset of clinical symp-
pancreatitis. Alcoholic pancreatitis has been rec- toms. Because of this, the diagnosis of chronic
ognized for well over 100 years, yet it remains one pancreatitis is normally made after the pancreas
of the least understood alcohol-associated dis- is severely damaged and the disease is well
eases. Pancreatitis in general, and alcoholic pan- established.
creatitis specifically, has historically been
classified as either acute (of short duration) or Symptoms
chronic (persisting for a long time or constantly The most common symptom associated with
recurring). chronic pancreatitis is severe abdominal pain.
This pain is normally recurrent, much like the
Incidence pain associated with acute pancreatitis, although
In the western world, the annual incidence of in some cases the pain is constant and more
acute pancreatitis ranges from 5 to 35 per prolonged. Initially, the pain can normally be
100,000 people. It appears that the incidence of treated with pain medication, but most patients
acute pancreatitis is on the rise. It is thought that with severe chronic pancreatitis eventually
this increase is the result of increased ▶ alcohol require surgery for pain relief. Many times this
consumption combined with more sensitive, pain is associated with food intake. To avoid this
sophisticated diagnostic capabilities. In the pain, some patients do not eat properly. This can
United States alone, acute pancreatitis accounts lead to weight loss and malnutrition. To compli-
for over 220,000 hospital admissions yearly. cate matters, one of the major consequences of
Acute pancreatitis can be a very painful and chronic pancreatitis is impairment of the produc-
potentially fatal condition. The majority of epi- tion of the digestive enzymes produced by the
sodes of acute pancreatitis are mild, self-limiting, exocrine pancreas. This can lead to maldigestion
and normally subside within 3–5 days. Unfortu- and malabsorption of fats. Fat malabsorption
nately, a minority of cases of acute pancreatitis results in the excretion of excessive fats in the
(up to 20%) result in severe clinical disease. These feces (steatorrhea) and deficiencies in fat-soluble
severe episodes are associated with considerable vitamins, namely vitamin A, vitamin D,
mortality. In developing countries, chronic alco- vitamin E, and vitamin K. Microscopically,
hol abuse is the second most common factor asso- chronic pancreatitis is characterized by changes
ciated with acute pancreatitis, accounting for in the normal architecture of the pancreas. These
approximately one third of reported cases. changes include fibrotic scarring, blockage of the
It is generally thought that acute pancreatitis pancreatic ducts, atrophy and loss of acinar cells,
can progress to chronic pancreatitis. It is unknown as well as infiltration of inflammatory cells. Endo-
whether the pancreas completely heals after the crine insufficiency may develop in the later stages
initial attack of acute pancreatitis, or what circum- of the disease resulting in diabetes. These changes
stances lead to the progression of the disease from are generally considered to be irreversible. There-
acute to chronic. Although it is not clear what fore, the prognosis for improvement from chronic
factors are involved in the progression of acute pancreatitis is not good.
pancreatitis to chronic pancreatitis, the progres-
sion of acute pancreatitis to chronic pancreatitis is Treatment
associated with the frequency and severity of Treatment for chronic pancreatitis is dependent on
acute episodes. the specific symptoms experienced by the patient.
168 Alcoholic Pancreatitis

In general, providing pancreatic enzymes, limit- that these changes interact with, or amplify the
ing fats in the diet, and abstinence from alcohol actions of, factors that normally would not cause
consumption is recommended. Additionally, tissue damage and that these interactions result in
stents may be inserted to bypass the blocked tissue injury. Like the liver, the pancreas possesses
ducts and, as mentioned above, surgery for pain the ability to metabolize alcohol. Because of this, it
relief may also be required. Chronic pancreatitis is has been suggested that alcohol metabolism also
itself a serious condition. Furthermore, if one suf- sensitizes the pancreas to damage from factors that
fers from chronic pancreatitis the risk of develop- normally would not cause clinical pancreatitis.
ing pancreatic cancer increases 20-fold Alcohol can be metabolized by pathways that
compounding the seriousness of this disease. require oxygen (oxidative) or by pathways that
do not require oxygen (nonoxidative). Two pro-
Etiology teins, alcohol dehydrogenase and ▶ cytochrome
Alcohol abuse is the major factor associated with P450 2E1, primarily carry out the oxidative metab-
the development of chronic pancreatitis, accounting olism of ethanol. Metabolism of ethanol by either
for approximately 70% of reported cases. The of these proteins results in the production of the
mechanism(s) by which alcohol abuse induces alco- intermediate acetaldehyde and the production of
holic pancreatitis is not well understood. It has been ▶ reactive oxygen species. Both acetaldehyde and
estimated that, on average, consumption of 80 g of reactive oxygen species can bind to and alter DNA
ethanol a day (approximately 10–11 drinks or bot- and proteins, and in this manner cause damage to
tles of beers) for a period of 6–12 years is required to cells. Although the pancreas expresses both alco-
cause clinically overt alcoholic pancreatitis. hol dehydrogenase and cytochrome P450 2E1,
Although the risk of developing pancreatitis these proteins are not expressed at high levels.
increases with both increased consumption and Because of this, the capacity for oxidative metab-
prolonged duration of alcohol abuse, only about olism of ethanol by the pancreas is significantly
5% of alcoholics develop clinically detectable alco- less than that of the liver. Nonoxidative metabo-
holic pancreatitis. The fact that relatively few alco- lism of ethanol is carried out by a number of
hol abusers develop alcoholic pancreatitis indicates enzymes, the most important being the fatty acid
that alcohol alone is not sufficient to cause alcoholic ethyl ester synthases. Metabolism of ethanol by
pancreatitis; thus, other factors are required. these enzymes results in the formation of com-
Although it is evident that alcohol abuse can pounds known as fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs).
play an important role in the development of Although the capacity for oxidative metabolism of
pancreatitis, it does not appear that alcohol abuse alcohol in the pancreas is much lower than in the
alone can cause pancreatitis nor is it responsible liver, the capacity for nonoxidative metabolism of
for the development of this disease. Rather, it alcohol in the pancreas is much higher because the
appears that ethanol alters the normal physiologic pancreas possesses high fatty acid ester synthetic
responses of pancreatic cells to injury, and envi- activity. Because the oxidative metabolism of eth-
ronmental factors are required to actually develop anol in the pancreas is relatively low, the contribu-
alcoholic pancreatitis. A number of factors, tion of the nonoxidative metabolism of ethanol,
including cigarette smoking, high lipid diet, and the production of FAEEs, may be more impor-
genetics, and infections, have been suggested as tant in the pancreas than in the liver. In animal
possible cofactors for alcoholic pancreatitis. models of alcoholic pancreatitis, FAEEs have
How alcohol abuse sensitizes the pancreas to been shown to activate trypsin, one of the key
environmental factors is not known. It has been digestive enzymes in the pancreas. FAEEs also
proposed that alcohol abuse is not sufficient to cause alterations in acinar cells and have been
cause alcoholic liver disease, but that the break- shown to increase the activity of proteins that are
down or metabolism of alcohol sensitizes or pre- involved in the activation of the inflammatory
disposes the liver to damage. The metabolism of response in the pancreas. Additionally, it has also
alcohol causes many changes in cells. It is thought been shown that FAEEs can inhibit the breakdown
Aldehyde Dehydrogenases 169

of proteins that are involved in fibrotic scarring of pancreatic acinar cells. It is thought that these det-
the pancreas. Therefore, the production of FAEEs rimental effects may not be sufficient to themselves
may have a role in initiating tissue damage, the cause pancreatitis, but they predispose the pancreas A
inflammatory response, and the fibrotic scarring to more severe injury from factors that may not
characteristic of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis. normally cause clinical pancreatitis. Because of the
Even though the oxidative metabolism of alco- lack of knowledge of the specific mechanisms by
hol may not be as prominent as the nonoxidative which alcohol abuse predisposes the pancreas to
pathway in the pancreas that does not mean that disease, the only current preventive measure is
the oxidative metabolism of ethanol has no role in abstinence.
the alcohol-mediated sensitization of the pan-
creas. Acetaldehyde, a reactive byproduct of the Cross-References
oxidative metabolism of ethanol, has been shown
to cause some detrimental effects in the pancreas. ▶ Alcoholic Beverages Cancer Epidemiology
Much like FAEEs, acetaldehyde treatment of pan- ▶ Inflammation
creatic acinar cells has been shown to be involved ▶ Inflammatory Response and Immunity
in the regulation of proteins that initiate the ▶ Pancreatitis
inflammatory response. Treatment of these cells
with antioxidants, compounds that neutralize
reactive oxygen species, inhibits the activation
of some of these proteins. Thus, reactive oxygen
species also have a role in the activation of these
Aldehyde Dehydrogenases
proteins. Additionally, acetaldehyde has been
Jan S. Moreb
shown to be capable of activating proteins that
Department of Medicine, Division of
are involved in the replication of pancreatic stel-
Hematology/Oncology, College of Medicine,
late cells. Pancreatic stellate cells are the cells in
University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
the pancreas that synthesize the vast majority of
the fibrotic proteins. Taken together, these results
indicate that the production of acetaldehyde and Synonyms
reactive oxygen species may have a role in the
inflammation and fibrosis associated with chronic ALDH
alcoholic pancreatitis.
In summary, alcoholic pancreatitis is an inflamma- A group of NAD(P)+-dependent enzymes that
tory disease of the exocrine pancreas that can result catalyze the oxidation of aldehydes to their
in severe morbidity or mortality. Alcoholic pancre- corresponding acids. Nineteen forms exist in
atitis can manifest either as acute pancreatitis or humans and they are present in all tissues. Alde-
chronic pancreatitis. Although it does not appear hydes are abundant in nature and can be generated
that alcohol abuse is sufficient to cause pancreatitis, during normal metabolism or from metabolism of
there is a very close association between alcohol exogenous drugs and environmental substrates.
abuse and pancreatitis. Alcohol abuse is the most Several of these enzymes are important in detox-
common factor associated with chronic pancreati- ification of anticancer drugs.
tis, and the second most common factor associated
with acute pancreatitis. It is not known how alcohol
abuse predisposes the pancreas to disease but, like Chracteristics
the liver, the pancreas is able to metabolize ethanol.
Many of the byproducts of ethanol metabolism Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) isoenzymes
have been shown to have detrimental effects on are found in all cell types and play an essential
170 Aldehyde Dehydrogenases

role in the removal of toxic aldehydes as well as With the introduction and marketing of the
the production of active molecules. Aldehydes are Aldefluor assay (StemCell Technologies, Inc.), it
abundant in nature and come from normal endog- has become more feasible to study the signifi-
enous metabolism or from ingested materials or cance of ALDH expression in multiple cell types.
environmental sources. Examples include the
removal of aldehydes produced from alcohol ALDH Activity as a Marker for Stem Cells
ingestion and toxic aldehdyes from smoke. The hypothesis of stem cell plasticity which
Some ALDH isoenzymes are involved in the syn- means that somatic stem cells can regenerate and
thesis of retinoic acid (from Vitamin A) and repair different types of tissues, and that cancer
purines as well as the metabolism of corticoste- behaves like an organ with its own sustaining
roids and catecholamines, which are amines cancer stem cells (CSC), has intensified the search
derived from the amino acid tyrosine – examples for a more practical way of defining stem cell.
include epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine Stemness markers or genes are badly sought
(noradrenaline), and dopamine – that act as ▶ hor- after. ALDH has been known to be highly
mones or neurotransmitters. Updates on all expressed in hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) for
ALDH genes can be found in www.aldh.org years. The use of ALDH activity as the basis of
hosted by Dr Vasilis Vasiliou’s laboratory (Black flow cytometry-based method to sort hematopoi-
and Vasiliou 2009). etic progenitors has opened the way to study high
ALDH activity as a marker for stem cells in dif-
Nomenclature System ferent tissues. This method has allowed the isola-
The ALDH isoenzymes superfamily is divided tion of viable progenitors that can now be studied
into multiple separate families and given names for their functional characteristics in vitro and
according to system approved by the Ninth Inter- in vivo.
national Workshops on Enzymology and Molec- Several publications have shown the existence
ular Biology of Carbonyl Metabolism in 1998. of ALDH positive cells in several cancers includ-
The root symbol ALDH is followed by a number ing multiple myeloma, leukemia, head and neck,
for the family, then letter to designate the subfam- lung, pancreas, colon, liver, breast, cervix, ova-
ily, then another number following the letter to ries, bladder, and prostate, which possess some
denote the individual gene within the subfamily. stem cell characteristics and ability to initiate
Genes within the subfamily should exhibit >60% tumors in immunodeficient mice.
amino acid identity. For example, ALDH1 family
has 3 subfamilies ALDH1A, ALDH1B, and ALDH in Retinoic Acid Synthesis
ALDH1L, and each may contain few related ▶ Retinoic acid (RA) is a small rapidly diffusing
genes such as ALDH1A1, ALDH1A2 and molecule that is essential for growth and develop-
ALDH1A3. ment of the embryo. It is produced by two-step
process that involves the oxidation of retinols
ALDH Activity and Other Assays such as vitamin A into retinaldehyde and then to
Different assays for the measurement of ALDH retinoic acid by the ALDH1 family members. RA
isozymes have been available including Western is involved in gene regulation and cell differenti-
blot analysis, RT-PCR, spectrophotometric assay ation. Retinoic acids such as all-trans retinoic acid
for enzyme activity, and immunohistochemistry. (ATRA) are used as differentiation agents in stem
ALDH activity measurement is one of the main cell research and as differentiating therapy for
methods to detect the presence of ALDH isoen- ▶ acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).
zymes and has become one of the identifying Studies in the mouse revealed that the enzyme
markers of stem cells, both normal and malignant retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (Raldh1) has sim-
(Moreb 2008). A relatively new flow cytometry- ilar tissue specificity and developmental control as
based method, aldefluor staining, has the advan- the human ALDH1. Studies by Elizondo
tage of measuring ALDH activity in viable cells. et al. demonstrated that mouse Raldh1
Aldehyde Dehydrogenases 171

transcription is under the regulation of a negative ALDH and Drug Metabolism

feedback mechanism (Elizondo et al. 2009). As The oxazaphosphorines, ▶ alkylating agents, are a
RA levels increase, a cascade of signalling events group of frequently used anticancer drugs that include A
results in inhibiting the transactivation of Raldh1 cyclophosphamide (CP) and ifosphamide (IFO);
and decrease in RA synthesis. It has been shown however resistance to these drugs can be an obstacle
previously that by administering ATRA, as well as to achieving cancer control. These drugs were
9-cis and 13-cis RA, ALDH1A1 and ALDH3A1 designed to be activated by oxidase enzymes in the
in human lung cancer cells are downregulated, liver. The main active metabolites include
thereby decreasing the proliferation rate and via- 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide and aldophosphamide,
bility of cells in vitro, as well as increasing the both can be inactivated by ALDH isoenzymes thus
sensitivity of various lung cancer cell lines to leading to drug resistance. The main effect of CP is
chemotherapy, mainly cyclophosphamide deriva- due to its metabolite phosphoramide mustard. This
tives that are usually inactivated by these enzymes metabolite is only formed in cells that have low levels
(Moreb et al. 2005). of ALDH. Stem cells and different types of cancers
ALDH8A1, a cytosolic enzyme (~53.4 kDa that express high levels of ALDH activity show
subunits), is currently considered to be a resistance to oxazaphosphorines. ALDH1A1 and/or
retinaldehyde dehydrogenase (Raldh 4) that oxi- ALDH3A1 are thought to be the main contributors to
dizes retinaldehyde to retinoic acid. such resistance. Overexpression of ALDH1A1 and
ALDH3A1 in hematopoietic progenitors, leukemic
Alcohol Metabolism cells, and other cancer cells results in resistance to 4-
Most of the consumed alcohol is metabolized in hydroperoxycyclophosphamide (4-HC), an active
the liver. The first step is converting the alcohol derivative of CP. On the other hand, the
into acetaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase downregulation of either one of these isoenzymes
(ADH) and other liver P450 enzymes. The acetal- by RNA antisense, ATRA, or ▶ siRNA results in
dehyde is then removed by ALDH isoenzymes increased sensitivity of lung cancer cell lines to 4-HC.
including ALDH1A1 and ALDH2. ALDH3A1 overexpression has been associ-
ALDH1A1 has been implicated in several ated with resistance to other chemotherapeutic
alcohol-related phenotypes including alcoholism, drugs such as ▶ mitomycin C and ▶ etoposide
alcohol-induced flushing, and alcohol sensitivity. through ALDH3A1 mediated protection against
Acetaldehyde formed during ethanol metabolism oxidative damage.
is efficiently metabolized by ALDH1A1 to ALDH2 has been identified as a major enzyme
nontoxic metabolites. Due to the role of responsible for the bioactivation of nitroglycerin,
ALDH1A1 in acetaldehyde metabolism, used to treat angina and heart failure (Chen and
ALDH1A1 inhibition by the antialcoholic medi- Stamler 2006).
cation, disulfiram (>90%) or low ALDH1A1
activity due to polymorphisms contribute to alco- ALDH Related Diseases
hol sensitivity and alcohol-induced flushing. Many disparate aldehydes are ubiquitous in nature
ALDH2 has a broad expression pattern and is and are toxic at low levels because of their chem-
most notably involved in the second step of etha- ical reactivity. Thus levels of metabolic-
nol metabolism, the oxidation of acetaldehyde. intermediate aldehydes must be carefully regu-
A large portion of individuals of Far East Asian lated which explains the existence of several dis-
descent (~40%) have a functional polymorphism tinct ALDH families in most studied organisms
in the gene encoding ALDH2 (ALDH2*2) lead- with wide constitutive tissue distribution. Indeed,
ing to a partially inactive form of the enzyme. This many allelic variants within the ALDH gene fam-
results in acetaldehyde accumulation and an ily have been identified, resulting in
alcohol-induced flushing reaction, as well as an pharmacogenetic heterogeneity between individ-
increased level of response to alcohol and lower uals which, in most cases, results in distinct phe-
rates of alcoholism in this population. notypes (Moreb 2008) including intolerance to
172 ALDH

alcohol and increased risk of ethanol-induced can- Chen Z, Stamler JS (2006) Bioactivation of nitroglycerin
cers (ALDH2 and ALDH1A1), Sjogren-Larsson by the mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase. Trends
Cardiovasc Med 16:259–265
Syndrome (ALDH3A2), type II hyperprolinemia Elizondo G, Medina-Diaz IM, Cruz R, Gonzalez FJ, Vega
(ALDH4A1), succinic semialdehyde dehydroge- L (2009) Retinoic acid modulates retinaldehyde dehy-
nase deficiency with 4-hydroxybutyric aciduria, drogenase 1 gene expression through the induction of
mental retardation and seizures (ALDH5A1), GADD153-C/EBPbeta interaction. Biochem
Pharmacol 77:248–257
developmental delay (ALDH6A1), hyper- Moreb JS (2008) Aldehyde dehydrogenase as a marker for
ammonemia (ALDH18A1), pyridoxine- stem cells. Curr Stem Cell Res Ther 3:237–246
dependent epilepsy (ALDH7A1), and late onset Moreb JS, Gabr A, Vartikar GR, Gowda S, Zucali JR,
of Alzheimer disease (ALDH2). Changes in Mohuczy D (2005) Retinoic acid down-regulates alde-
hyde dehydrogenase and increases cytotoxicity of 4-
ALDH activity have also been observed during hydroperoxycyclophosphamide and acetaldehyde.
experimental liver and urinary bladder carcino- J Pharmacol Exp Ther 312:339–345
genesis and in a number of human tumors. Fur-
thermore, knockouts of ALDH1A2 and See Also
ALDH1A3, catalyze the irreversible oxidation of (2012) Immunodeficient NUDE MICE. In: Schwab M (ed)
retinal to retinoic acid, in mouse are embryonic Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
delberg, p 1816. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
lethal and newborn lethal, respectively. 5_2986
ALDH1A1 and ALDH3A1 null mice develop (2012) Neurotransmitters. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
cataracts. ALDH5A1 knockout mice die at age dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
of 3–4 weeks due to tonic-clonic seizures and 2505. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4049
Johnson BA (2015) Disulfiram. In: Stolerman IP, Price LH
suffer from a variety of biochemical abnormali- (ed) Encyclopedia of psychopharmacology. Springer,
ties. ALDH2 knockout mice are more sensitive to Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 531–534. doi: 10.1007/978-3-
acetaldehyde and have increased formation of 642-36172-2_172
DNA adducts. ALDH dysfunction could also be http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/hyperprolinemia
acquired and caused by substrate inhibition, drugs epilepsy
and environmental substances, as well as meta- http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/sjogren-larsson-
bolic and oxidative stress. syndrome

▶ Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
▶ Alkylating Agents
▶ Aldehyde Dehydrogenases
▶ Antisense DNA Therapy
▶ Detoxification
▶ Etoposide
▶ Hepatic Ethanol Metabolism
Aldo-Keto Reductases
▶ Hormones
▶ Mitomycin C
▶ Reductases
▶ Retinoic Acid

References ALK
Black W, Vasiliou V (2009) The aldehyde dehydrogenase
gene superfamily resource center. Hum Genomics ▶ Activin Receptors
4:136–142 ▶ ALK Protein
ALK Protein 173

receptor subfamily include: insulin growth-1

ALK Protein receptor (IGF-1R), TRK neurotrophin receptors,
MET, and cFOS. ALK is a highly conserved A
Karen Pulford single-chain transmembrane protein of 1,620
Nuffield Division of Clinical Laboratory aminoacids in the human (Fig. 1), 1,621
Sciences, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe aminoacids in the mouse and 1,701 aminoacids
Hospital, Oxford, UK in Drosophila. The ALK protein was given the
designation of CD246 at the VIIth Leucocyte
Typing Workshop. Full details on ALK can
Synonyms be obtained from the following websites:
ALK; Anaplastic lymphoma kinase; CD246; Ki-1 db=gene&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&lis
t_uids=238 and at http://biogps.org/#goto=
Definition Initial studies described the presence of ALK
mRNA in human fetal liver, brain, testis, placenta,
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) is a ▶ recep- and the enteric innervation. Subsequent studies
tor tyrosine kinase with an essential role in early also identified Alk mRNA in the central and
neural and muscle development. ALK phosphor- peripheral nervous system, as well as in testis,
ylates intracellular molecules for the transduction ovary, and midgut of fetal rats and mice while
of signals from the exterior of the cell to the DAlk was detected in the brain, ventral nerve,
nucleus. Aberrant expression of full-length ALK and gut musculature of Drosophila during embry-
receptor protein has been reported in ▶ neuroblas- onic development. ALK homologues have also
toma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and glioblastoma been identified in a range of other organisms
while the presence of ALK fusion proteins in e.g., chicken and C. elegans. The expression of
▶ anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) has both Alk mRNA and Alk protein decreased rap-
resulted in the identification of the tumor entity idly in rodent neonates while ALK protein was
ALK-positive ALCL. ALK fusion proteins have detected in only rare scattered cells in the brain in
also been reported in ALK-positive diffuse large humans. Both of these findings are suggestive of a
B-cell lymphoma DLBCL, a subset of non–small role for ALK in early neural development. The
cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC) and a variety of use of DAlk mutants also provided evidence for
other tumors. ALK is a rare example of a receptor its role in the development of the ventral meso-
tyrosine kinase that is expressed in both hemato- derm in Drosophila.
poietic and nonhematopoietic tumors. The ligand(s) for full-length ALK are, at pre-
sent, still unknown. Possible candidates include a
neurotrophic factor and the two heparin-binding
Characteristics growth factors pleiotrophin and midkine. There is
also evidence of ALK activation via a ligand
The anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene independent pathway. In vivo experiments using
(HUGO approved name anaplastic lymphoma flies expressing loss-of-function mutant DAlk
kinase (Ki-1)) was originally identified on chro- genes have identified Jelly belly protein (Jeb) as
mosome 2 at position p23 in the t(2;5)(p23;q35) a ligand for DAlk in Drosophila. The expression
translocation associated with anaplastic large cell of both Jeb and dAlk proteins were essential for
lymphoma. The ALK protein product is a activation of the RB protein pathway in visceral
200 kDa ▶ Receptor tyrosine kinase protein and gut muscle development. In common with other
a member of the ▶ insulin receptor superfamily receptor tyrosine kinases, binding of ligand to the
bearing significant homology to leucocyte tyro- extracellular receptor of ALK results in dimeriza-
sine kinase (LTK). Other members of the insulin tion of the ALK proteins permitting the
174 ALK Protein

Extracellular domain Cytoplasmic region

1 1620

Tyrosine kinase domain

1058 PI3-K SHC PLC-γ

IRS-1 CD30

Signal sequence Glycine rich region

Putative PTN binding sites Transmembrane domain

LDL-A domain Phosphorylation sites

MAM domain Breakpoint of ALK

protein for production
of ALK fusion proteins

ALK Protein, Fig. 1 Diagram of the human full-length intracellular interacting proteins are indicated. The arrow
ALK and ALK fusion proteins. The extracellular region at aminoacid 1,058 indicates the site of cleavage of the
contains 16 N-glycosylation sites. The presence of these ALK protein occurring as a result of the t(2;5)(p23q35)
increases the size of ALK from a predicted 170 kDa up to translocation
200 kDa. Recognition sites of some of the major

subsequent autophosphorylation and creation of signaling pathways. There is, however, evidence
binding sites on the intracellular regions of ALK that point mutations and amplification of ALK is a
protein for downstream signaling molecules. major cause of neuroblastoma.
Interactions between full-length ALK and mem-
bers of the MAP-kinase pathway, IRS-1, and ALK Fusion Proteins
c-Cbl have been identified in the differentiation In vivo and in vitro studies in both hematological
of neurites. Other proteins involved in ALK sig- and solid tumors have led to the conclusion that
naling pathways are discussed below with refer- ALK fusion proteins play a primary role in tumor
ence to the ALK fusion proteins. development. Indeed the aberrant expression of
ALK fusion proteins is a marker of malignancy.
ALK Protein and Cancer
ALK is a receptor tyrosine kinase that has been Structure Translocations affecting the ALK gene
implicated in the development of both result in the production and expression of chimeric
nonhematopoietic as well as hematopoietic ALK fusion proteins. The most common transloca-
tumors. tion is the t(2;5)(p23;q35), involving the ALK gene
at 2p23 and the nucleophosmin (NPM) gene at
Full-Length ALK 5q35, resulting in the expression of the
The expression of full-length ALK protein has NPM-ALK fusion protein. At least 16 other variant
been reported in a number of mesenchymal ALK fusion proteins have been identified and the
tumors such as malignant peripheral nerve sheath most common examples are listed below in Table 1.
tumors and leiomyosarcoma. ALK mRNA has All of these fusion proteins consist of the
also been detected in cell lines arising from rhab- N-terminal of the partner proteins and the
domyosarcoma, neuroblastoma, melanoma, glio- intracytoplasmic region of ALK containing the
blastoma, and breast cancer as well as primary tyrosine kinase domain (Fig. 2a). With the excep-
neural tumors such as glioblastoma and neuro- tion of MSN-ALK and MYH9-ALK, all of the
blastoma. The precise role of wild type ALK fusion proteins contain the final 563 amino acids
protein in oncogenesis is uncertain at present of ALK while MSN-ALK and MYH9-ALK con-
although it has been implicated in the tain the final 567 and 566 amino acids,
RAS/MAPK and the glycogen synthase 3/Wnt respectively.
ALK Protein 175

ALK Protein, Table 1 Characteristics and distribution of ALK fusion proteins

Chromosomal Size fusion
Fusion protein translocation Subcellular location protein (kDa) Expression in tumors
NPM-ALK t(2;5)(p23;q35) Nucleus, nucleolus and 80 ALCL, B cell lymphoma
TPM3-ALK t(1;2)(p25;p23) Cytoplasm 104 ALCL, IMT
TFG-ALKS t(2;3)(p23;q21) Cytoplasm 85 ALCL
TFG-ALKL Cytoplasm 97
TFG-ALKXL Cytoplasm 113
ATIC-ALK inv(2)(p23q35) Cytoplasm 96 ALCL
CLTC-ALK t(2;17)(p23;q23) Granular cytoplasmic 250 ALCL, B cell lymphoma,
MSN-ALK t(2;X)(p23; Cell membrane- 125 ALCL
q11–12) associated
TPM4-ALK t(2;19)(p23;p13.1) Cytoplasm 95–105 ALCL, IMT
ALO17-ALK t(2;17)(p23;q25) Cytoplasm ND ALCL
RANBP2-ALK t(2;2)(p23;q13) or Nuclear periphery 160 IMT
MYH9-ALK t(2;22)(p23;q11.2) Cytoplasm 220 ALCL
CARS-ALK t(2;11;2)(p23;p15; Cytoplasm 130 IMT
SEC31L1-ALK t(2;4)(p23;q21) Cytoplasm Not known IMT, ALK + DLBCL
EML-4 inv(2)(p21;q21) Cytoplasm 119–122 NSCLC, breast and
colorectal cancer
KIF5B-ALK t(2;10)(p23;q22.1) Cytoplasm 168 NSCLC
NPM nucleophosmin, TPM3 tropomyosin 3, TFG TRK-fused gene, ATIC 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucle-
otide formyltransferase/IMP cyclohydrolase (ATIC), also known as PurH, CTLC clathrin heavy chain, MSN moesin,
TPM4 tropomyosin 4, ALO17 unknown gene, ALK lymphoma oligomerization partner on chromosome 17, RANBP2
RAN binding protein also known as Nup358, MYH9 nonmuscle myosin heavy chain, CARS cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase
enzyme, SEC31L-ALK SEC31 homologue A (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), EML4-ALK echinoderm microtubule-
associated protein-like 4, KIF5B kinesin family member 5B, ALCL anaplastic large cell lymphoma, DLBCL diffuse
large B-cell lymphoma, IMT inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, NSCLC non–small cell lung cancer

Distribution Partner proteins of 14 ALK fusion heterodimers (Fig. 2b). Other “variant” ALK
proteins all contain an oligomerization domain in fusion proteins exhibit a variety of distribution
their amino-region. The presence of these patterns again determined by the identity of the
domains permits the formation, not only of partner protein (Table 1 and Fig. 2b).
homodimers of ALK fusion proteins, but also
heterodimers of the ALK fusion protein and the Function Another consequence of an oligomeri-
normal wild type partner protein. Variations of zation domain in the ALK fusion proteins is that it
this mechanism may occur with the MSN-ALK mimics ligand-mediated aggregation of the full-
and MYH9-ALK proteins. The ability of the length ALK protein with the subsequent constitu-
ALK-fusion proteins to dimerize results in each tive activation of the ALK tyrosine kinase
of the ALK fusion proteins having a characteristic domain. This results in the aberrant activation of
subcellular distribution. NPM-ALK, for example, multiple downstream signaling pathways
has a nuclear, nucleolar, and cytoplasmic locali- involved in mitogenesis and ▶ apoptosis. Exam-
zation due to the presence of NPM-ALK ples of these pathways include the ▶ AKT signal
homodimers in the cytoplasm of the cell while transduction pathway, Janus kinase, and signal
the presence of a nuclear localization motif pre- transducer and activator of transcription
sent in wild type NPM results in a nuclear and (JAK/STAT), BCL2, GRB2, JNK, FOX03A,
nucleolar distribution of NPM/NPM-ALK phospholipase Cg (PLC-g), phosphatidylinositol
176 ALK Protein

a Protein X

Tyrosine kinase

Protein X-ALK
Tyrosine kinase


ALK Protein, Fig. 2 Structure and distribution of ALK Immunoperoxidase labeling of tissue sections from cases
fusion proteins. (a) The general mechanism of transloca- of anaplastic large cell lymphoma to illustrate the different
tions affecting genes encoding ALK and a partner protein subcellular distribution patterns of ALK fusion proteins.
(Protein X). As a result of the translocation (shown by the NPM-ALK is present in the nucleus, nucleolus, and cyto-
small arrows and dotted lines), the N-terminus of Protein plasm of the tumor cells (white arrow) while MSN-ALK is
X is joined to the intracytoplasmic region of ALK to present at the cell membrane (black arrow)
produce a chimeric protein, Protein X-ALK. (b)

3-kinase (PI3K), and MAP Kinase. NPM itself Tumor Types Although representing only 5% of
may also play a role in tumor development non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL), ALK-positive
through activation of p53. Proteomics-based stud- anaplastic large cell lymphoma constitutes 40% of
ies have confirmed the complexity of NPM-ALK pediatric large cell tumors. These CD30-positive
signaling pathways in cell proliferation, cellular tumors are of T- and null-cell phenotype.
structure and migration, protein synthesis and the NPM-ALK is the most common ALK fusion pro-
ability of cells to evade apoptosis. Proteins iden- tein being expressed in 60–80% of the cases,
tified in this way include additional adaptor mol- TPM3-ALK is detected in about 15% of cases,
ecules (suppressors of cytokine signaling, ▶ Rho while CLTC-ALK fusion proteins are present in
family proteins, and RAB35), kinases (such as approximately 8% of tumors. The other ALK
MEK kinase 1 and protein kinase C), and phos- fusion proteins are present in the remaining 2%
phatases (meprin, PTPK, and protein phosphatase of ALK-positive lymphomas. The differential
2 subunit). One potential role of the ALK fusion diagnosis of ALK-positive anaplastic large cell
proteins in oncogenesis is the relocation of lymphoma is important since these lymphomas
interacting proteins away from their normal site are associated with a good prognosis with an
of activity within the cell. FOX03A, for example, overall 5-year survival of 71–80% compared to
is redirected to the cytoplasm rather than to the only 15–46% for ALK-negative anaplastic large
nucleus. Further studies are, however, necessary cell lymphoma.
to understand fully the mechanisms employed by ALK fusion proteins may also be implicated in
ALK proteins in cell proliferation, differentiation, the development of other tumors. NPM-ALK and
and survival in both normal and disease states. CLTC-ALK have been reported in a small subset
ALK Protein 177

of CD30-negative B cell lymphoma, while unravel the full role of this RTK in both normal
TPM3-ALK, TPM4-ALK, RanBP2-ALK, and and neoplastic cells and tissues.
CLTC-ALK fusion proteins have been identified A
in inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors. Impor-
tantly, the oncogenic EML4-ALK and KIFB5-
ALK fusion proteins have also been described in
a significant subset (3–7%) of NSCLC. Evidence
▶ AKT Signal Transduction Pathway
for the presence of ALK fusion proteins in other
▶ Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
tumors is also increasing, e.g., in breast and renal
▶ Apoptosis
cell carcinomas.
▶ Hsp90
▶ Immunotherapy
Therapeutic Options
▶ Insulin Receptor
Current treatments for ALK-positive lymphomas
▶ Insulin-Like Growth Factors
include the use of various combination chemo-
therapy protocols originally developed for T-cell
▶ Neuroblastoma
lymphoblastic tumors and high-grade B-cell
▶ RANK–RANKL Signaling
non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Autologous and
▶ Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
allogeneic stem cell transplantation techniques
▶ Rho Family Proteins
have also been utilized. However, 20–30% of
patients fail to respond to current treatment regi-
mens, and so improved therapeutic options still References
continue to be sought. One approach is to use
ALK as a specific target through the use of ALK Chiarle R, Martineo C, Mastini C et al (2008) The anaplas-
tic lymphoma kinase is an effective oncoantigen for
specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (a paradigm is lymphoma vaccination. Nat Med 14:676–680
the ABL kinase inhibitor imatinib mesylate or Delsol G, Jaffe E, Falini B et al (2008) Anaplastic large cell
Gleevec used in chronic myeloid leukemia). lymphoma (ALCL), ALK-positive. In: Swerdlow SH,
Crizotinib, a small molecule tyrosine kinase Campo E, Harris NL et al (eds) WHO classification of
tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues. Inter-
inhibitor, has been approved by the Food and national Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon,
Drugs Administration (FDA) for use in lung can- pp 312–316
cer and its efficacy in ALK-positive lymphoma is Duyster J, Bai RY, Morris SW (2001) Translocations
under investigation. Recognition of ALK as an involving anaplastic lymphoma kinase. Oncogene
immunogenic tumor-associated antigen has also Hallberg B, Palmer RH (2013) Mechanistic insight into
highlighted its use as a potential target for ALK receptor tyrosine kinase in human cancer biology.
▶ immunotherapy, either via antibody-based ther- Nat Rev Cancer 10:685–700
apies for treatment of tumors expressing full- Janoueix-Lerosey I, Lequin D, Brugieres L et al (2009)
Somatic and germline activating mutations of the ALK
length ALK protein or through the use of T-cell kinase receptor in neuroblastoma. Nature 455:967–970
mediated immunity in the case of tumors bearing Pulford K (2014) ALK anaplastic lymphoma kinase. In:
intracellular ALK fusion proteins. Another ave- Gelman EP, Sawyers CL, Rauscher RJ III (eds) Molec-
nue that has shown promise is the use of small ular oncology – Causes of cancer and targets for treat-
ment. Cambridge University Press, New York,
molecule inhibitors affecting proteins involved in pp 162–189
the ALK signaling pathways; examples of this
include the ansamycin class of natural ▶ HSP90 See Also
inhibitors. (2012) ALK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
In conclusion, the ALK receptor tyrosine 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 128.
kinase and ALK fusion proteins have been impli- doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_178
(2012) AML-1/ETO/CBFβ/TEL in chromosomal translo-
cated in a diverse range of cellular functions. cations. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd
However, despite major advances, in depth anal- edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 157. doi:10.1007/
ysis of the signaling pathways is necessary to 978-3-642-16483-5_232
178 Alkylating Agents

(2012) CBP/p300. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of components of modern chemotherapeutic proto-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 684. cols (individually or in combination with other
(2012) Clathrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can- drugs) because of their proved and significant
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 880. clinical anticancer activities.
(2012) CTL. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1012.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1406 Characteristics
(2012) FOXO 3A. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1447. Discovery of alkylating agents as anticancer drugs
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2257 has its origin in the use of sulfur mustard gas for
(2012) Glioblastoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1554. warfare during World War I. Sulfur mustard gas
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2421 was not only fatal but it also showed ▶ myelosup-
(2012) MSC. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, pression/immunosuppression in its victims as
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2383. well as in animal models. The latter observation
(2012) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- led to the development of less volatile mustargen
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel- (mechlorethamine) with strong antitumor activity
berg, p 2537. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4110 against lymphomas and other cancers. Eventually
(2012) NPM. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, mustargen (nitrogen mustard) was developed for
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2565.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4133 clinical use to treat ▶ Hodgkin disease. Following
(2012) NPM-ALK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of the discovery of mustargen, less toxic and more
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp clinically effective nitrogen mustard derivatives,
2565–2566. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4134 e.g., ▶ cyclophosphamide, and other alkylating
(2012) Tropomyosin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3785. agents in clinical use today were developed
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5991 (Table 1). Cyclophosphamide is a bifunctional
nitrogen mustard that is a most commonly used
drug in combination chemotherapy and is a DNA
▶ alkylating agent that is used as an immunosup-
pressive drug. It acts by killing rapidly dividing
Alkylating Agents cells.
Alkylating agents, as suggested by their names
Lakshmaiah Sreerama contain reactive alkyl groups. An alkyl is an uni-
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, valent reactive group containing only carbon and
St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, USA hydrogen atoms arranged in a chain with a general
Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences, formula of Cn H2n+1, e.g., methyl, CH3 (derived
Qatar University, Doha, Qatar from methane) and butyl C4H9 (derived from
butane). Alkylating agents used as anticancer
drugs are cable of reacting with biological mole-
Definition cules such as DNA and proteins, and disrupt cel-
lular function by either killing the cell or by
Alkylating agents (al-ka-LAYT-ing AY-jints) are a preventing its growth. The most common biolog-
family of anticancer drugs that interfere with cell’s ical functional moiety alkylated by these com-
DNA and inhibit cancer cell growth. They are so pounds is guanine, a nucleobase. The anticancer
named because of their ability to add alkyl groups activities of alkylating agents are caused in two
to negatively charged groups on biological mole- ways: (i) through cross-linking two different DNA
cules such as DNA and proteins. Alkylating strands via the reaction with guanine nucleobases
agents are among the first group of chemicals present on the opposing strands of DNA and
determined to be useful in cancer ▶ chemother- (ii) preventing/affecting the activities of critical
apy. They remain to be the most important DNA processing enzymes and thereby
Alkylating Agents 179

Alkylating Agents, Table 1 Classification of clinically used alkylating agents

Class Clinically used agents Cancer/other disease treated
Nitrogen Cyclophosphamide ▶ Breast cancers, most lymphomas, and ▶ childhood A
mustards Ifosfamide cancers
4-Hydroxycyclophosphamide High dose therapies in conjunction with bone marrow
Mafosfamide transplantation
Melphalan Multiple myeloma, melanoma, and sarcomas
Chlorambucil B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and
immunosuppressive therapy for autoimmune diseases
Aziridines and Thiotepa Breast, ovarian, and ▶ bladder cancers
epoxides Mitomycin C ▶ Esophageal, breast, and bladder cancers
Dianhydrogalactitol Breast, cervical, and brain cancers
Alkyl sulfonates Busulfan Bone marrow transplantation for chronic myelogenous
Nitrosoureas BCNU [N,N0 -bis(2-chloroethyl)- ▶ Brain tumors (glioma, glioblastoma, medulloblastoma,
N-nitrosourea] and astrocytoma), multiple myeloma, and lymphoma
CCNU [N-(2-chloroethyl)-
N0 -cyclohexyl-N-nitrosourea]
MeCCNU [N-(2-chloroethyl)-N0
Hydrazine and Procarbazine Hodgkin lymphoma and certain brain cancers such as
triazine Dacarbazine glioblastoma multiforme astrocytoma, and ▶ melanoma
derivatives Temozolomide

stimulating apoptosis via the reaction with gua- aqueous solutions under physiological condi-
nine nucleobases on a single DNA strand. The tions. The positively charged alkyl groups are
cross-linking of DNA makes it impossible to capable of reacting with basic/negatively charged
uncoil DNA during cell division thus preventing (nucleophilic – electron rich) groups present in
its growth. Based on the reactivity, alkylating DNA and proteins/peptides. Such reactions lead
agents are of two types: (i) monofunctional to adding alkyl groups at oxygen, nitrogen, phos-
(monoalkylating – alkylate nucleobases on one phorous, or sulfur atoms (nucleophilic centers),
DNA strand); and (ii) bifunctional thus altering the biological function of DNA and
(dialkylating – alkylate nucleobases on both proteins. The most important reaction of
DNA strands and cross-link them). alkylating agents with regard to their antitumor
activity is their reactions with DNA nucleobases.
Classification The most preferred DNA nucleobase for alkyl-
Alkylating agents currently used as anticancer ation is guanine and the alkylation preferentially
drugs are divided into five major classes. The occurs at N7 position on guanine (Fig. 1). Other
examples of the clinically used agents (most com- nucleobases alkylated and the atomic positions at
mon) under each of these classes and their clinical which alkylation occurs in order of preference
utility are shown in Table 1. include N1 and O6 positions of guanine; N1,
N3, and N7 positions on adenine; N3 position on
Mechanism of Action cytosine; and O4 position of thymidine.
Alkylating agents are a diverse group of
chemical compounds with a common charac- DNA Cross-Links
teristic of forming positively charged Various techniques used to elucidate the reactions
(electrophilic – electron poor) alkyl groups in of alkylating agents with DNA and the possible
180 Alkylating Agents

Guanine base
R = Deoxyribose residue
Cl + O
−Cl N
Cl G
Cl N N NH2
Nitrogen mustard R
Alkylated guanine

Alkylating Agents, Fig. 1 Reaction between nitrogen mustard and guanylate residue on DNA at N7 position of guanine

basis for their anticancer activities has led to iden- Molecular Pharmacology, Drug Resistance,
tifying at least four different types of ▶ DNA and Clinical Efficacy
adducts (DNA cross-links) (Fig. 2). Nitrogen
mustard (mustargen) and its derivatives, e.g., Metabolism
cyclophosphamide, as well as alkylsulfonates, Alkylating agents are strong electrophiles and
e.g., busulfan, produce interstrand cross-links in react with many biological nucleophiles within
-G-X-C/C-X-G- configuration of DNA dou- the tumor cells. Many of these reactions result in
ble helix in greater frequency. The cross-link inactivation/detoxification of alkylating agents
involves the N7 atoms of the guanylates in and thus lead to drug resistance.
the -G-X-C/C-X-G- configuration of the The most abundant and principal nucleophile
DNA double helix (cross-link 1; Fig. 2). Aziridine in the cell is glutathione (GSH – concentrations in
and epoxide alkylating agents produce DNA mM levels). The cysteine sulfhydryl (nucleophile)
cross-links in -G-C/C-G- configuration of reacts with alkylating agents both in enzyme and
DNA. Agents such as thiotepa and dianhydroga- no-enzyme catalyzed reactions resulting in gluta-
lactitol in this class drugs react with N7 position of thione conjugates. The glutathione conjugates of
the guanylate groups. Whereas mitomycin alkylating agents are generally nontoxic. The
C reacts with the extracyclic N2 atom of the enzyme catalyzed conjugation of alkylating
amino group in guanylates (cross-link 2, Fig. 2). agents to GSH is catalyzed by ▶ glutathione
Nitrosoureas such as BCNU produce DNA S-transferases (GSTs). Tumor cells resistant to
cross-links between a guanine and a cytidine in a alkylating agents commonly have increased levels
-G/C- base-pair configuration of the DNA of GSTs. Inhibitors of GSTs such as sulfasalazine
double helix (cross-link 3; Fig. 2). Hydrazine and inhibitors of gamma-glutamylcysteine
and triazine derivatives such as procarbazine, synthase (a rate limiting enzyme in the synthesis
dacarbazine, and temozolomide decompose to of GSH) such as buthionine sulfoximine have
produce a methyl diazonium ion which in been shown to reverse the resistance originating
turn will methylate guanines on DNA at O6 posi- due to elevated levels of GSH in both in vitro and
tion (cross-link 4, Fig. 2). Other types of in vivo settings.
guanylate-alkyl cross-links of type 4, e.g., GSH conjugates of some alkylating agents,
O6-ethylguanine and O6-benzylguanine, have e.g.,melphalan and chlorambucil, are good
also been observed. substrates for absorption (membrane transporter
Alkylating Agents 181

Alkylating Agents, DNA

Fig. 2 Schematic
5' 3'
representation of alkylation
(interstrand cross-links and A
O-alkylation) of DNA by A T
alkylating agents
1 = G-X-C / C-X-G
C 1 G Interstrand crosslink caused by
nitrogen mustards.
C G e.g., cyclophosphamide


G C 2 = G-C / C-G
2 Interstrand crosslink caused by
C G azridines and epoxides, e.g.
mitomycin C
G 3 C
Interstrand crosslink caused by
C G nitrosoureas, e.g. BCNU

4 = O6-Alkylation or Methylation
4 G C caused by hydrazine and triazine
derivatives, e.g., Procarbazine

3' 5'

multidrug resistance proteins, MDR, metabolite of the three is aldophosphamide as it

▶ P-glycoprotein), and modulation of these gives rise to the DNA alkylating mustard that is
enzyme systems is also believed to improve clin- finally responsible for the anticancer activity of
ical efficacy of alkylating agents. these agents. ▶ Aldehyde dehydrogenases cata-
Thiol groups in metallothionein enzymes have lyze NAD-dependent oxidation of aldehydes in
been shown to sequester alkylating agents such as tumor cells. These enzymes have also been
chlorambucil, melphalan, and phosphoramide shown to oxidize aldophosphamide and cause
mustard (activated cyclophosphamide) and cause resistance to cyclophosphamide and its deriva-
resistance. This has been proved by transfection tives in various tumor cell models in both
and overexpression, as well as induced expression in vitro and in vivo settings. Inhibitors of aldehyde
of genes coding of metallothioneins in tumor dehydrogenases have been shown to reverse resis-
cells. Modulation of this enzyme system is also tance to cyclophosphamide and its analogs, as
expected to increase the efficacy of alkylating well as increase their efficacy in vitro. Relatively
agents. large concentrations of aldehyde dehydrogenases
Cyclophosphamide and its analogs (nitrogen are naturally present in critical normal cells such
mustard derivatives) are prodrugs and as bone marrow stem cells, intestinal progenitor
undergo extensive metabolism. During their cells, and the liver cells. Accordingly, these nor-
metabolism three aldehyde intermediates, viz., mal cells are protected from toxicities due to
aldophosphamide, acrolein, and chloroace- cyclophosphamide and its analogs.
taldehyde are formed. Although all three alde- The main mechanism by which alkylating
hydes are toxic to cells, the pivotal aldehyde agents present their anticancer properties is via
182 Alkylating Agents

alkylation of DNA. Alkylation further leads to the lesions leading to depletion of sperm in male
formation of various DNA adducts (Fig. 2) which patients and decrease in ovarian follicles in
in turn are responsible for the inhibition of tumor female patients.
cell growth. Removal of such adducts is yet 4. Pulmonary toxicity – Pulmonary toxicities
another mechanism by which tumor cells become characterized by interstitial pneumonitis and
resistant to alkylating agents. fibrosis leading to dyspnea and nonproductive
O6-Alkylguanine-alkyltransferase has been cough that may lead to cyanosis, pulmonary
shown to remove alkyl groups from the O6 posi- insufficiency, and death have also been
tion of guanine. This process leads to alkylation of observed in patients treated with alkylating
the enzyme alkyltransferase and the alkylated agents.
enzyme is rapidly degraded. This mechanism has 5. Alopecia – Although the association between
been shown to be very effective against DNA alkylating agents and alopecia was first
methylating agents such as procarbazine and described with busulfan therapy, this toxicity
temozolomide. The same enzyme has also been is predominantly associated with cyclophos-
shown to remove other alkyl and aryl groups, e.g., phamide and ifosfamide therapy. Alopecia is
dealkylation of O6-ethylguanine and caused by introduction of nicks in the hair
debenzylation of O6-benzyguanine. Inhibitors of fibers due the temporary stoppage in synthesis
O6-alkylguanine-alkyltransferase have been suc- of hair in hair follicles by alkylating agents.
cessfully used to prevent resistance to certain clin- 6. Teratogenicity – All therapeutically used
ically used alkylating agents, e.g., BCNU. alkylating agents cause teratogenicity
DNA cross-links of type 1–3 (Fig. 2) have been (developmental defects) in animal models.
shown to be removed via ▶ nucleotide excision Fetal malformations have been observed in
repair and poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) mothers receiving alkylating agents in the
polymerase pathways; however, the exact mecha- first trimester of pregnancy but not second
nism by which this is achieved is not clear. and third trimesters.
7. Carcinogenicity – Reports of the incidence of
Toxicology leukemia and increased frequency of incidence
The most common toxicities associated with of solid tumors have been reported in patients
administering alkylating agents to treat cancers receiving therapies that include alkylating
are as follows. agents.
8. Immunosuppression – Alkylating agents have
1. Hematopoietic toxicity – In general, the clini- been shown to inhibit antibody production. All
cal dose-limiting toxicity for alkylating agents alkylating agents produce some degree of
is hematopoietic toxicity, particularly suppres- immunosuppression; however severe immuno-
sion of granulocytes and platelets exhibited for suppression is caused by cyclophosphamide
8–16 days after treatment. The toxicity usually and its analogs, and chlorambucil. Accord-
disappears after 20 days and granulocytes and ingly, therapies that include high-dose cyclo-
platelets return to their normal levels. phosphamide or chlorambucil without bone
2. Gastrointestinal toxicity (nausea and marrow transplantation are now being used to
vomiting) – Damage to the gastrointestinal treat some autoimmune diseases.
tract is a toxicity that frequently occurs with
high-dose regimens of alkylating agents. These
toxicities are characterized by mucositis, sto- Cross-References
matitis, esophagitis, and diarrhea. This toxicity
can be managed by administering corticoste- ▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia
roids and antiemetics. ▶ Adducts to DNA
3. Gonadal toxicity – Treatments with alkylating ▶ Aldehyde Dehydrogenases
agents have been shown to cause testicular ▶ Alkylating Agents
Allergic Asthma 183

▶ Bladder Cancer (2012) Metallothionein enzymes. In: Schwab M (ed)

▶ Brain Tumors Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
delberg, p 2259. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
▶ Breast Cancer 5_3667 A
▶ Chemotherapy (2012) Nitrogen mustards. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
▶ Childhood Cancer dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
▶ Cisplatin 2528. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4092
(2012) O6-alkylguanine-alkyltransferase. In: Schwab M
▶ Cyclophosphamide (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber-
▶ Esophageal Cancer lin/Heidelberg, p 2595. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
▶ Glutathione S-Transferase 5_4182
▶ Hodgkin Disease
▶ Mitomycin C
▶ Myelosuppression
▶ Nucleotide Excision Repair
▶ P-Glycoprotein
▶ Toxicological Carcinogenesis
▶ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Allele Imbalance
Berger NA (1996) Alkylating agents. Cancer Chemother
Biol Response Modif 16:28–38
Colvin OM, Friedman HS (2005) Alkylating agents. In:
DeVita VT, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA (eds) Cancer:
principles and practice of oncology. Lippincott Wil- Alteration of the normal 1:1 ratio of the two alleles
liams & Wilkins, New York, pp 332–344 at a given genetic locus. The altered ratio can be
Sladek NE (1994) Metabolism and pharmacokinetic
secondary to increased copy number of one allele
behavior of cyclophosphamide and related oxazapho-
sphorines. In: Powis G (ed) Anticancer drugs: reactive (due to amplification or aneuploidy) or decreased
metabolism and drug interactions. Pergamon, Oxford, copy number of one allele (also known as loss of
pp 79–156 heterozygosity).

See Also
(2012) Combination chemotherapy. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
See Also
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 952. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
16483-5_6902 (2012) Loss of heterozygosity. In: Schwab M -
(2012) DNA. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber-
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1129. lin/Heidelberg, pp 2075–2076. doi: 10.1007/978-3-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1663 642-16483-5_3415
(2012) Gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase. In: Schwab
M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1494. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
(2012) Glioblastoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Allelic Association
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1554.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2421 ▶ Linkage Disequilibrium
(2012) Glutathione. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1559.
(2012) Intestinal absorption. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
1900. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3114
(2012) Leukemia. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Allergic Asthma
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2005.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3322 ▶ Allergy
184 Allergic Conjunctivitis

IgE-mediated hypersensitivity; Type-1

Allergic Conjunctivitis hypersensitivity

▶ Allergy

This field of study refers to the evaluation of the

Allergic Rhinitis association between allergy and cancer, specifi-
cally the role of allergy-related so-called Th2
▶ Allergy immune responses and IgE immunoglobulins
in cancer. Whereas previously the main
hypothesis of a positive history of allergy as a
protective factor in cancer development was pre-
Allergy dominant, the new field of AllergoOncology
evaluates all opportunities, but also potentially
Erika Jensen-Jarolim1,2, Sophia N. Karagiannis3,4 negative effects due to biological Th2-type
and Michelle C. Turner5,6,7,8 mechanisms.
Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy
Research, Center of Pathophysiology,
Infectiology and Immunology, Medical Characteristics
University Vienna, Vienna, Austria
The Interuniversity Messerli Research Institute, Immunoglobulin E (IgE) is expressed in mamma-
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, lians, but its overall biological role and the appar-
Medical University Vienna and University ent increase in IgE-mediated allergies has so far
Vienna, Vienna, Austria not been fully understood. In approximately 30%
St. John’s Institute of Dermatology, Division of of the population globally, the encounter and
Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Life uptake of actually harmless environmental, insect,
Sciences and Medicine, King’s College London, or food allergens leads to IgE formation, which is
London, UK fixed to inflammatory cells in skin and mucosa.
NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Guy’s and Upon allergen re-exposure, a cascade of
St. Thomas’ Hospitals, Guy’s Hospital, King’s events occurs leading to an immediate, followed
College London, London, UK by a late inflammatory response. Additionally,
McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk atopic patients have an inherited predisposition
Assessment, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, to produce even higher total and allergen-
Canada specific levels of IgE. The overwhelming IgE
ISGlobal, Centre for Research in Environmental and Th2 dominance in allergics can only be
Epidemiology (CREAL), Barcelona, Spain counteracted by allergen immunotherapy, typi-
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, cally rendering immunomodulation that is charac-
Spain terized by a Th1 shift, appearance of T-regulatory
CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública cells, and interestingly increasing IgG4 antibody
(CIBERESP), Madrid, Spain levels.
Soon after the discovery of IgE as major player
in specific hypersensitivity reactions in
Synonyms 1966–1967, the possible function of IgE in cancer
was approached. Although atopic disorders
Allergic asthma; Allergic conjunctivitis; have been commonly assumed to offer little ben-
Allergic rhinitis; Asthma; Atopic dermatitis; efit to the individual, it has been hypothesized
Atopy; Eczema; Hay fever; Hypersensitivity; that this atypical, Th2-dominated, immune
Allergy 185

response may in fact represent a state of enhanced The majority of previous studies have relied on
immune function of possible relevance for cancer self-reported history of specific allergic disorders
etiology. as an indicator of allergic status. Results from a A
The immune system has been recognized as large prospective cohort study revealed a signifi-
playing an essential role in cancer development, cant 12% reduction in cancer mortality overall
evidenced by the fact that immunosuppressed or and 24% reduction in colorectal cancer mortality
immunodeficient individuals tend to display specifically associated with a history of self-
higher rates of certain types of malignancies. reported physician-diagnosed asthma and hay
Immune surveillance theory suggests the ongoing fever at enrolment. Results for total cancer mor-
search for and eradication of cancer cells by the tality attenuated somewhat when considering
immune system as a self-protective mechanism never smoking participants only.
against cancer development. Traditionally, it has Studies have examined various biomarkers of
been the Th-1 immune response, however, that allergic status including IgE. There were inverse
has been thought to play a predominant role. associations between levels of both total or spe-
Today it is accepted that the sum of all immune cific IgE antibodies and subsequent cancer risk in
versus tolerance mechanisms in cancer deter- several studies including studies examining can-
mines the progression of disease. In this context, cer risk overall as well as at specific sites includ-
the great relevance of infiltrating T- and ing glioma, melanoma, female breast, and
B-regulatory cells has been recognized, and pub- gynecological cancers though further research is
lications report that IgG4 levels correlate posi- required to confirm these findings. There are also
tively with progression of melanoma. studies of cohorts of skin prick tested patients,
Immunologically, allergy and oncology are though no clear associations were observed.
thus truly complementary fields. Whereas toler- There was an inverse trend between both absolute
ance is desired against allergens, it is detrimental and relative eosinophil count and subsequent
in cancer; whereas IgE is detrimental in allergy, it colorectal cancer risk in one study with an approx-
may be harnessed against cancer antigens. It is imately 40% reduction in risk in the highest tertile
crucial that in AllergoOncology studies, all category. There are also several studies based on
possible facets are considered to foster both linkage of administrative data and hospital dis-
fields and result in clinically relevant charge records with one study reporting an inverse
recommendations. association between an allergy/atopy history of at
least 10 years and brain cancer risk. Several
Epidemiological Studies studies have also reported various associations
The association between allergy and cancer has between allergy-related genetic polymorphisms
been examined in numerous epidemiological and glioma risk which require confirmation.
studies conducted over the past several decades. There is also concern surrounding potential
Inverse associations between allergy and cancer increased cancer risk in asthmatics treated with
have been reported overall and at specific sites anti-IgE therapy; large cohort, long-term follow-
including pancreatic cancer, brain cancer up studies are however still required to ascertain a
(glioma), and childhood leukemia as reported in link between anti-IgE therapy and the develop-
several meta-analyses ranging from approxi- ment of cancer in this patient group. Further
mately 20% to 45% reductions in risk associated research is needed to clarify these findings and
with histories of allergy or specific allergic condi- to investigate possible roles for IgE and
tions (Pancreas cancer, basic and clinical parame- IgE-mediated immune responses in protection
ters; brain tumors; childhood cancer; leukemia). from carcinogenesis and in cancer therapy.
However, potential methodological limitations
remain, including in the assessment of lifetime Biological Details
history of allergic disorders, and results at other The atopic immune response involves antigen/
cancer sites are mixed. allergen presentation, and activation of CD4+
186 Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation

Th2 T cells, associated with section of cytokines recognize cancer antigens or triggered by specific
such as IL-4 and IL-13. These lead to class active immunization approaches can be effective
switching and production of allergen-specific antitumor agents. Eosinophils, dendritic cells,
IgE by affinity-matured and clonally expanded monocytes, and macrophages have been shown
B lymphocytes. Upon allergen exposure, to become activated in response to IgE engage-
IgE-allergen complexes bound to Fce receptors ment through its Fc domain. These processes have
on mast cells trigger the release of a number of been shown to be associated with reduced tumor
factors including histamine, leukotrienes, and growth or protection from tumor challenge in
chemotactic factors among others. The resulting preclinical models. Therefore, the concept of
response initially involves smooth muscle con- recruiting and activating immune effector cells
tractions, mucus secretion, vasodilation, and a with IgE antibodies is gaining substantial ground
loss of microvascular integrity which is then as a potential tumor inhibition strategy, which
followed by the infiltration and activation of may be able to overcome tumor-induced immu-
eosinophils, neutrophils, Th2-type CD4+ T cells, nosuppressive signals. Translation of these strate-
and macrophages at the sites of allergen chal- gies and their relevance treating patients with
lenge. Both IgE cell surface receptors, FceRI and cancer is awaited.
CD23, which are known to be upregulated by IgE
and Th2 environments, are involved in such aller-
gic inflammatory processes.
The defined multidisciplinary field of References
AllergoOncology seeks to understand the role of
IgE and Th2 immunity and IgE-mediated immune Jensen-Jarolim E, Achatz G, Turner MC, Karagiannis S,
Legrand F, Capron M et al (2008) AllergoOncology:
responses in cancer prevention, cancer develop- combat cancer with IgE antibodies. Allergy
ment, and treatment. Immune effector cells such 63:1255–1266
as macrophages, dendritic cells, CD4+ T cells, Karagiannis SN, Josephs DH, Karagiannis P, Gilbert AE,
B cells, and mast cells infiltrate tumor lesions Saul L, Rudman SM et al (2012) Recombinant IgE
antibodies for passive immunotherapy of solid tumors:
and tumor-associated inflammatory signals from concept towards clinical application. Cancer
appear to share features with Th2 immune Immunol Immunother 61:1547–1564
responses. These signals are thought to be immu- Karagiannis P, Gilbert AE, Josephs DH, Ali N, Dodey T,
nosuppressive and render host immune effector Saul L et al (2013) IgG4 subclass antibodies impair
antitumor immunity in melanoma. J Clin Invest
cells less effective in mounting antitumor 123:1457–1474
responses. Studies demonstrate that tumor- Turner MC (2012) Epidemiology: allergy history, IgE, and
associated inflammatory environments provide cancer. Cancer Immunol Immunother 61:1493–1510
an alternative Th2-biased cytokine milieu which Wulaningsih W, Holmberg L, Garmo H, Karagiannis SN,
Ahlstedt S, Malmstrom H et al (2016) Investigating the
may divert cancer patient B cells away from pro- association between allergen-specific
duction of IgE and in favor of expressing less immunoglobulin E, cancer risk and survival.
immune activatory antibody isotypes such as Oncoimmunology (in press). doi:10.1080/
IgG4. These alternative Th2 conditions may be 2162402X.2016
associated with worse clinical prognosis in
patients with cancer. The findings point to a
tumor-associated immunological bias which
does not favor IgE and support the notion that
IgE antibody production may not be compatible Allogeneic Bone Marrow
with the growth of tumors. Indeed, results from Transplantation
in vitro studies and studies in animal models have
revealed that IgE antibodies engineered to ▶ Allogeneic Cell Therapy
Allogeneic Cell Therapy 187

engraftment of subsequently infused allogeneic

Allogeneic Cell Therapy HSC and lymphocytes of donor origin. Preclinical
as well as clinical research has demonstrated that A
Wolfgang Herr the long-term leukemia control following alloge-
Universitätsklinikum Regensburg, Regensburg, neic HSCT depends on the immunological graft-
Germany versus-leukemia (GVL) effect rather than on the
intensity of the pre-transplant
▶ chemoradiotherapy. This important observation
Synonyms led to a change of paradigm, shifting the antileu-
kemic effect of the allotransplantation procedure
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation; Alloge- from the preparative cytostatic drugs to
neic cellular immunotherapy; Allogeneic hemato- alloreactive immune effector cells. Consequently,
poietic stem cell transplantation reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) regimens
were developed that do not irreversibly destroy
recipient hematopoiesis, but are sufficiently
Definition immunosuppressive to permit the engraftment of
allogeneic HSC. This results in an initial coexis-
Allogeneic cell therapy consists of tence of donor and recipient hematopoiesis
chemoradiotherapeutic conditioning therapy (“mixed hematopoietic chimerism”) that can be
followed by transplantation of hematopoietic gradually shifted to complete hematopoietic
stem cells and lymphocytes isolated from alloge- donor chimerism by modulating the
neic healthy donors to generate an effective graft- posttransplant immune system using immunosup-
versus-malignancy immune response in patients pressive agents or donor lymphocyte infusions
with treatment-refractory malignant disorders. (DLI). The majority of these non-myeloablative
RIC regimens are combinations of 1–3 different
chemotherapeutic drugs and low-dose total body
Characteristics irradiation. Compared to conventional
myeloablative conditioning protocols based on
Rationale high-dose radiochemotherapies, RIC regimens
Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation carry a much lower treatment-related morbidity
(HSCT) aims to break autologous and mortality allowing the use of allogeneic cell
immunotolerance toward malignant cells in therapy in patients until 60–70 years of age or in
tumor-bearing patients. The treatment approach is patients with significant comorbidities.
based on the alloreactive graft-versus-malignancy The allogeneic HSC donors are healthy-related
effect that is mainly mediated by T cells of donor and unrelated volunteers who are matched with
origin. These donor T cells are infused together the patients for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)
with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) at class I and II molecules. Although transplantation
the time of transplantation or originate from donor of donor HSC with single or multiple HLA allele
HSC in the patient thereafter. Allogeneic HSCT is or antigen disparities is feasible, this increases the
capable of inducing long-term disease control in risk of immune-mediated graft rejection and graft-
patients with chemotherapy-refractory leukemias versus-host disease (GVHD). The HSC can be
and other ▶ hematological malignancies. harvested either by bone marrow aspiration dur-
ing general anesthesia or by apheresis. The aphe-
Procedure resis procedure requires the prior mobilization of
Allogeneic HSCT requires chemoradio- HSC into the peripheral circulation by a 3–5-day
therapeutic conditioning therapy to allow the treatment course with recombinant human
188 Allogeneic Cell Therapy

granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). of GVHD are associated with a lower incidence of
HSC express the hematopoietic ▶ stem cell relapse of the underlying malignant disease and,
marker CD34 that enable their detection in clinical therefore, require no escalated immunosuppres-
samples by ▶ flow cytometry. sive treatment.
After conditioning therapy and transplantation If the patient develops disease relapse after
of the HSC allograft, the patient enters a 1–3- allogeneic HSCT, donor lymphocyte infusions
week-long period with a low neutrophil cell (DLI) can be administered to augment the GVL
count (▶ neutropenia) in which the patient is sus- effect. The DLI are collected from the original
ceptible to bacterial and fungal infections. The stem cell donor by apheresis without prior
hematopoietic engraftment is indicated by the G-CSF treatment. DLI therapy is most efficient
reoccurrence of circulating neutrophils. These in patients with low disease burden. Moreover,
neutrophils are of donor origin which can be ver- DLI carry a superior GVL effect in chronic leuke-
ified by analyzing the proportion of donor- and mias compared with acute leukemias. This may
patient-derived DNA in chimerism assays. Early rely on disease-inherent factors such as the growth
graft rejection is prevented by treating the patient kinetic and immunogenicity of leukemic blasts
with immunosuppressive medication, mainly that favors efficient immune reactions in chronic
consisting of the calcineurin inhibitors cyclospor- leukemias over their acute counterparts. The
ine A and tacrolimus, the antimetabolite metho- major complication of DLI therapy is an accom-
trexate, and T-cell depletion antibodies. The panying severe GVHD reaction, particularly if
strong suppression of T-cell immunity increases high lymphocyte doses are administered.
the risk of infections with opportunistic agents of
which herpes family viruses (e.g., cytomegalovi- Mechanisms
rus, varicella zoster virus, ▶ Epstein-Barr virus) The therapeutic success of allogeneic HSCT relies
and Pneumocystis carinii have the greatest clini- on the GVL immune effect that is closely linked to
cal significance during the first 1–2 years after GVHD (Fig. 1). However, there are a considerable
transplantation. The drug-induced immunosup- number of patients who develop efficient GVL
pression is also necessary to lower the incidence reactions in the absence of GVHD. The main
and severity of GVHD. effectors that induce the GVL reaction as well as
GVHD is a life-threatening complication of the GVHD are T lymphocytes of donor origin. In
allogeneic HSCT in which donor T cells attack allogeneic HLA-identical HSCT, the donor lym-
the tissues of the transplant recipient after perceiv- phocytes generate a ▶ T-cell response against a
ing host tissues as antigenically foreign. GVHD is group of proteins (called minor histocompati-
mainly directed against epithelial tissues of the bility antigens, minor Hag) that are genetically
skin, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. Other polymorphic between donor and recipient. The
GVHD target organs include the hematopoietic peptide epitopes derived from minor Hag are
tissues such as the bone marrow and thymus and presented by HLA molecules on recipient cells,
the lungs in the form of idiopathic pneumonitis. and there are well-described examples of HLA
Clinically, GVHD is divided into acute and class I and II associated minor Hag recognized
chronic forms. The acute form is observed within by CD8+ and CD4+ donor T cells, respectively. It
the first 100 days post-transplant, and the chronic is comprehensible that minor Hag exclusively
form occurs following day 100 after HSCT. expressed in the hematopoietic tissue lineage pro-
Chronic GVHD damages the abovementioned motes the engraftment of donor hematopoiesis as
organs, but also causes changes to the connective well as the GVL effect, while minor Hag with a
tissues including the skin and exocrine glands. If ubiquitous expression pattern including epithelial
the GVHD is severe and requires intense immu- tissues will facilitate the development of GVHD.
nosuppressive treatment, the patient may develop There is also increasing evidence that donor
serious infections as a result of the immunosup- T cells can recognize non-polymorphic antigens
pression and may die of infection. Moderate forms that are de novo expressed or overexpressed on
Allogeneic Cell Therapy 189

Allogeneic Cell Therapy,

Fig. 1 Donor-derived
T lymphocytes infused into
the leukemia patient are key Graft-versus-
mediators of the
alloreactive graft-versus-
leukemia effect (GVL) and
the graft-versus-host Graft-versus-
disease (GVHD). Main host disease
GVHD target organs are the (GVHD)
skin, gut, and liver
Healthy donor Patient Gut

leukemic cells of the recipient. Hematopoietic myeloid leukemia, ▶ acute myeloid leukemia,
minor Hag and leukemia-associated antigens are and ▶ acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Ongoing
ideal candidates to redirect donor immunity spe- studies explore the role of allogeneic HSCT in
cifically against the hematopoietic recipient cells patients with ▶ Hodgkin disease, non-Hodgkin
including leukemia, either by vaccination with lymphoma, and ▶ chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
▶ cancer vaccines or by ▶ adoptive immunother- With the development of less-toxic RIC regimens,
apy. A great deal of current research on allogeneic many groups are currently trying to establish allo-
HSCT involves attempts to separate the undesir- geneic HSCT for the treatment of diseases with a
able GVHD aspects of T-cell pathophysiology dysfunctional immune system, e.g., autoimmune
from the desirable GVL effect. disorders and solid tumors such as renal carci-
For many leukemia patients lacking an noma. The general idea is to first generate stable
HLA-matched hematopoietic stem cell donor, hematopoietic donor chimerism in the patient as a
transplantation of HLA-incompatible HSC platform allowing in a second step the redirection
remains the only curative treatment option. In of immunity using adoptively transferred donor
haplo-identical transplantation, the donor shares lymphocytes with beneficial specificity.
only one haplotype with the recipient. Because
disparate HLA alleles are strongly immunogenic
targets of alloreactive T cells, these regimens Cross-References
require concomitant T-cell depletion to prevent
graft rejection and severe GVHD. Several ▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and
research groups have demonstrated that in Lymphomas
HLA-mismatch transplantation settings incorpo- ▶ Histocompatibility Antigens
rating extensive T-cell depletion, the main immu- ▶ Natural Killer Cell Activation
nological effector cells are ▶ natural killer cells of
donor origin that recognize recipient hematopoi-
etic (including leukemia) cells lacking the expres- References
sion of natural killer cell inhibitory receptors.
Baron F, Storb R (2004) Allogeneic hematopoietic cell
transplantation as treatment for hematological malig-
Clinical Aspects nancies: a review. Springer Semin Immunopathol
Allogeneic HSCT is a curative treatment modality 26:71–94
for patients with insufficient hematopoietic stem Bleakley M, Riddell SR (2004) Molecules and mecha-
nisms of the graft-versus-leukaemia effect. Nat Rev
cell function such as aplastic anemia and for Cancer 4:371–380
patients with chemotherapy-refractory forms of Ferrara JL, Reddy P (2006) Pathophysiology of graft-
hematological malignancies including ▶ chronic versus-host disease. Semin Hematol 43:3–10
190 Allogeneic Cellular Immunotherapy

Kausche S, Wehler T, Schnurer E et al (2006) Superior ▶ hepatoblastoma) and chronic hepatitis B or

antitumor in vitro responses of allogeneic matched C virus infection (▶ hepatitis B virus x antigen asso-
sibling compared with autologous patient CD8 +
T cells. Cancer Res 66:11447–11454 ciated hepatocellular carcinoma). It also serves in
Kolb HJ, Schmid C, Barrett AJ et al (2004) Graft-versus- evaluation (▶ serum biomarkers, ▶ surrogate end-
leukemia reactions in allogeneic chimeras. Blood points) of therapy and disease progress in patients
103:767–776 with embryonal carcinomas (germ cell tumors,
▶ platinum-refractory testicular germ cell tumors).

Allogeneic Cellular Immunotherapy

▶ Allogeneic Cell Therapy
The studies of fetal serum proteins came from
different corners: from researchers interested pri-
marily in the development of proteins and from
Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell those studying proteins of tumor-bearing labora-
Transplantation tory animals. These two groups were at the begin-
ning not very aware of each other’s results. The
▶ Allogeneic Cell Therapy fetal protein history began with the physicochem-
ical and biochemical studies of serum proteins,
which depended, as this often happens in the
Alpha1-Fetoglobulin laboratory endeavor, on the development,
improvement, and refinement of laboratory
▶ Alpha-Fetoprotein Diagnostics methods. In the field of serum proteins, the elec-
trophoretic and immunochemical techniques
(▶ proteomics) were of crucial importance, espe-
cially in the case of fetal proteins, where usually
Alpha-Fetoprotein only minute volumes of sera were available. Stud-
ies of electrophoretic patterns of serum proteins in
Karel Kithier human fetuses showed some considerable differ-
Department of Pathology, Wayne State University ences when compared with the sera of adults.
School of Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA Thus, in 1956 Bergstrand and Czar, using filter
paper electrophoresis, reported on the special fetal
band (called substance X), which was located
Synonyms between albumin and alpha-1 globulins. Sub-
stance X was absent from maternal sera and
AFP; Carcinofetal proteins; Feto-specific pro- from sera of healthy adults. Also, Halbrecht and
teins; Oncodevelopmental proteins; Oncofetal Klibanski reported similar findings in the same
antigens; Tumor markers; a-Fetoprotein year. The first immunochemical studies of the
substance X were done by Muralt and by
Masopust in 1961 and 1962, respectively. Using
Definition antisera to fetal serum proteins (rabbits were
immunized with the human fetal sera), an addi-
AFP or alpha-fetoprotein is a serum protein of tional precipitin line with alpha globulin mobility
mammalian fetuses that is hardly detectable in was observed on immunoelectrophoresis (IEP) of
healthy adults. Its reoccurrence in serum of adults human fetal serum; however, it was not present in
may often attest to specific malignancy especially adult sera. This fetal component was called inde-
in high-risk patients, such as those with hepato- pendently “alpha-foeto-proteine” by Muralt and
cellular carcinomas (▶ hepatocellular carcinoma, “fetoprotein” by Masopust. These findings
Alpha-Fetoprotein 191

resembled older observations in large animals; in diagnosis of this patient, confirmed histopatholog-
1944 Pedersen studied bovine fetal sera by ultra- ically at the autopsy, was that of hepatocellular
centrifugation and found a distinct gradient, not carcinoma. In 1966 and 1967, the occurrence of A
present in sera of adult animals. The fraction was AFP in four children with a malignant growth of
named fetuin. Thus, it was believed by some that embryonic character was reported. One of them
the human fetoprotein was related to fetuin, and was a 5-year-old boy with embryonal cell carci-
the term “human fetuin” was used in some papers noma of the left testicle (testis cancer, ▶ childhood
on human fetoprotein. Physicochemical proper- cancer, ▶ germinoma) and another patient was a
ties of fetuin, which was found to be a typical 14-year-old girl with malignant teratoblastoma of
glycoprotein, were studied by a number of the right ovary (▶ ovarian cancer, ▶ ovarian
workers; its physiological and pathologic proper- tumors during childhood and adolescence). Also,
ties attracted much less interest. Because fetuin Abelev published in 1967 the finding of “alpha
and fetoprotein were present in higher concentra- fetal globulin” in patients with embryonal
tions in fetuses and undetectable in adults, they testicular cancer. Several pediatric patients with
were sometimes called “feto-specific proteins.” noncancerous liver diseases, such as infectious
hepatitis and some unspecified hepathopathies,
Immunochemical Techniques were identified, who had detectable AFP serum
For the detection of feto-specific proteins, the levels. A highly sensitive technique, radioactive
immunochemical techniques became the methods single radial immunodiffusion (employing the sec-
of choice in the 1960s. Antisera to these proteins ond, 125 Iodine-labeled antibodies to the primary
were prepared by the immunization of animals, antiAFP immunoglobulin fraction), enabled to
usually rabbits, with fetal sera. To obtain specific quantify previously undetectable levels of AFP in
antisera to feto-specific proteins, the antisera were various body fluids. By such means, AFP serum
absorbed with the sera of adult men or animals. levels of patients with hepatocellular carcinomas
The absorbed antisera should contain only the were studied in a correlation with their individual
antibodies directed to the feto-specific protein histopathologic findings. A further increased sen-
(s) of a given species. In some cases, the absorbed sitivity of AFP quantitation was facilitated by the
antisera showed two to three precipitin lines on development of a radioimmunoassay. This tech-
IEP of fetal serum. Sometimes, in human fetal nique made the quantitation of AFP in healthy
sera, two lines with the absorbed antiserum were persons such as pregnant women a routine test in
observed. The line in alpha zone of IEP was that of clinical laboratories. In the 1970s, a number of
human fetoprotein, the other line, in beta position, reviews on AFP were published along the studies
was sometimes incorrectly, without justification, of AFP physicochemical properties. The first stud-
called beta-fetoprotein. The lines showed no anti- ies on serum concentrations of AFP and their
genic relationship each to other. For this reason, changes in the course of diseases were done in
the original term “fetoprotein” was changed to those years. Thus, the impact of the therapy could
“alpha-fetoprotein” and consequently the abbre- be evaluated and monitored in some malignancies.
viation of AFP came to life. The term “beta-
fetoprotein” ceased to be used since the beta pro- Fetuin Versus AFP
tein was later identified as fetal ferritin. In the early years, AFP was considered by some
investigators to be a protein similar to bovine fetuin
AFP in Pathology and therefore called “human fetuin.” Fetuin was
In 1964, a study of a possible occurrence of AFP in isolated from fetal calf serum and the antisera were
sera of patients was started. The putative presence prepared to fetuin, and to serum proteins of human
of AFP was tested by double radial immunodiffu- and bovine fetuses. With the use of absorbed anti-
sion (Ouchterlony test). After hundreds of negative serum to calf serum, an additional protein compo-
results, a patient was identified, who had a defi- nent was detected in alpha zone of bovine fetal
nitely detectable serum concentration of AFP. The serum, which was not detectable in sera of adult
192 Alpha-Fetoprotein

animals. This component could be considered as a globulin zone. The antibody to the protein in
“bovine fetoprotein.” Antiserum to this protein did alpha-2 zone could be absorbed with the serum
not react with isolated fetuin and conversely the from an adult rat with turpentine abscess. This
specific antiserum to fetuin did not react in immu- protein was also detected immunochemically in
nodiffusion experiments with the “bovine fetopro- extracted proteins from macroglobulin position in
tein.” The protein was not detected in adult healthy starch gel electrophoresis of fetal serum. The pro-
animals; it was, however, found in sera of two, out tein obviously corresponded to alpha-2 slow glob-
of four, adult cows with hepatocellular carcinomas ulin of Beaton. The other precipitin line in alpha-2
(▶ comparative oncology). No antigenic relation- globulin zone was stainable with lipid stains (Red
ship was observed in double radial immunodiffu- Oil and Sudan Black B) and represented most
sion and the precipitin lines of fetuin and “bovine probably a lipoprotein-esterase found by
fetoprotein” crossed each other, showing thus the Stanislawski–Birencwajg in fetal rat serum. The
pattern of antigenic nonidentity. precipitin line in alpha-1 zone, present in sera of
fetuses, absent from sera of adult rats, either
AFP in Laboratory Animals healthy or with the acute inflammation, was con-
Rat sera were studied electrophoretically already sidered to be a typical feto-specific protein, prob-
in the 1950s. A “fetal” protein was detected by ably related to human AFP. However, no cross-
Beaton (1961) in the macroglobulin fraction of reaction was seen by immunodiffusion between
starch gel electrophoresis. This protein migrated human AFP and antiserum to rat fetal proteins.
as an alpha-2 globulin in electrophoretic media To prepare a monospecific antiserum to alpha Ft
without molecular sieve effect (filter paper) and protein, it was important to remove the antibodies
slowly in starch gel. Therefore, it was called to alpha-2 slow globulin, e.g., by using sera of
“alpha-2 slow globulin.” The protein was found adult rats with some inflammatory pathology. In
in sera of rat fetuses and newborns, as well as in 1963, Abelev reported the finding of “embryonal
pregnant rats, but not in healthy, nonpregnant alpha globulin” in serum of adult mouse with
adult rats. It was present, however, in sera of transplantable hepatoma; the globulin was also
tumor-bearing rats and in animals with various present in sera of fetal mice (▶ mouse models).
inflammatory processes, e.g., with turpentine Much progress has been done since the early
abscess. Another alpha globulin was found by modest beginnings of AFP research. Presently,
Darcy in fetal rat sera; it was also present in sera June 2015, a review of AFP literature shows
of pregnant animals and adult rats with tumors 21,158 papers related to the topic.
and/or with inflammations. Protein was also
detectable in much lower concentrations in
healthy, nonpregnant rats. Wise in 1963, using Cross-References
two-dimensional electrophoresis (filter paper-
starch gel), demonstrated in rat fetal sera special ▶ Alpha-Fetoprotein Diagnostics
proteins, named “fetal postalbumins” (two elec- ▶ Childhood Cancer
trophoretic bands), which were not present in sera ▶ Comparative Oncology
of adult animals. Altogether, at least three fetal ▶ Germinoma
components were reported in rats. To address this ▶ Hepatitis B Virus x Antigen-Associated Hepa-
question, rabbit antiserum directed to rat fetal tocellular Carcinoma
serum proteins was prepared. The absorbed anti- ▶ Hepatoblastoma
serum (with the serum proteins of adult, healthy, ▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma
nonpregnant animals) did not react with sera of ▶ Mouse Models
adult, healthy nonpregnant rats or with the protein ▶ Ovarian Cancer
described by Darcy. It did react, however, with ▶ Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors
three different proteins on IEP of fetal rat sera; two ▶ Ovarian Tumors During Childhood and
of them located in alpha-2 and one in alpha-1 Adolescence
Alpha-Fetoprotein Diagnostics 193

▶ Platinum-Refractory Testicular Germ Cell a-globulin; a1-Fetoglobulin; a-Feto-protein;

Tumors Fetuin; Fetuin-A; Foeto-protein
▶ Proteomics A
▶ Serum Biomarkers
▶ Surrogate Endpoint Definition
▶ Testicular Cancer
▶ Testicular Germ Cell Tumors ▶ Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a 68.7 kDa plasma
protein synthesized primarily by the fetal liver and
embryonic yolk sac that is highly homologous
with human albumin. Widely expressed in the
Abelev GI (1971) Alpha-fetoprotein in ontogenesis and its fetal liver, AFP mRNA is down-regulated in post-
association with malignant tumors. Adv Cancer Res natal hepatocytes. Serum AFP levels are used
14:295–358, PubMedCrossRef clinically for detection, confirmation, and
Kithier K, Poulik MD (1972) Comparative studies of follow-up of human ▶ hepatocellular carcinoma
bovine alpha-fetoprotein and fetuin. Biochim Biophys
Acta 278:505–516, PubMedCrossRef (HCC) and nonseminomatous germ cell tumors,
Kithier K, Prokes J (1966) Fetal alpha-1 globulin of rat although lack of sensitivity and specificity com-
serum. Biochim Biophys Acta 127:390–399, plicate its use.
Kithier K, Houstek J, Masopust J et al (1966) Occurrence
of a specific foetal protein in a primary liver carcinoma.
Nature 212:414, PubMedCrossRef Characteristics
Masopust J, Kithier K, Radl J et al (1968) Occurrence of
fetoprotein in patients with neoplasms and Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a 590 amino-acid plasma
non-neoplastic diseases. Int J Cancer 3:364–373,
PubMedCrossRef protein that shares 40% amino acid and 40–44%
nucleotide sequence homology with human serum
See Also albumin and is a member of the albumin gene super-
(2012) Germ cell tumors. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia family. The AFP gene covers approximately 22 kB
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1541. of DNA and has 15 exons and 14 introns. The human
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6905 albumin gene lies 14.5 kB upstream to its AFP
homologue. Regulation of AFP protein production
occurs mainly at the transcriptional level. In human
cells, the AFP enhancer region contains binding sites
Alpha-Fetoprotein Diagnostics for several liver-enriched transcription factors
(HNF1-4, C/EBP) which control tissue specific
David E. Kaplan expression. Expression of AFP also appears to be
Division of Gastroenterology, University of positively regulated by NFkB, by steroids via reti-
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA noid X receptors as well as by interactions with
extracellular matrix.
AFP is normally expressed by villous tropho-
Synonyms blasts in the human placenta during pregnancy
and by fetal hepatoblasts. In fetal and newborn
AFP; Alpha1-fetoglobulin; Embryonal serum rats, AFP mRNA can be detected at low levels in
alpha-globulin; Embryonal serum a-globulin; the kidney, pancreas, heart, and gastrointestinal
Embryo-specific alpha-globulin; Embryo-specific tracts as well. In early postnatal life, AFP produc-
tion is repressed in normal hepatocytes and
silenced in nonhepatic parenchymal cells.
The entry “Alpha-Fetoprotein Diagnostics” appears under
The mechanisms for the repression or silencing
the copyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (outside
the USA) both in the print and the online version of this of AFP expression have largely been character-
Encyclopedia. ized. In mice, an unlinked locus called alpha-
194 Alpha-Fetoprotein Diagnostics

fetoprotein regulator 1 (Afr1) on chromosome proliferation. Tumor-derived AFP has been shown
15 appears to interact with the AFP promoter to impair dendritic cell activation and reduce the
region; repression of Afr1 appears to be associ- allostimulated T-cell proliferation in vitro.
ated with postnatal repression of AFP expression. Serum AFP determinations has two main
The AFP promoter may also interact with Ku clinical uses. First, it is used to screen women
inducing a hairpin tertiary structure that may abro- during pregnancy for fetal developmental
gate HNF1 binding to the promoter. Postnatal abnormalities. Second, AFP is used as a tumor
repression of AFP expression in the liver has marker for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and
also been shown to be ▶ p53- and ▶ TGFb1- nonseminomatous germ cell tumors.
dependent whereas genetic silencing primarily Serum AFP determinations have been used since
involves epigenetic mechanisms that concomi- the late 1960s to detect hepatocellular carcinoma
tantly silence the upstream albumin gene. despite limitations in its sensitivity and specificity.
In the adult liver, AFP expression is present but While AFP levels greater than 400 ng/ml are con-
repressed. In situ hybridization studies confirm the sidered diagnostic of HCC, such elevations are
presence of minute quantities of AFP mRNA, rarely present. The sensitivity and specificity of
but at levels generally below the sensitivity of AFP determinations also appears to be dependent
immunohistochemical detection. In the setting of on the underlying cause of liver disease that results
hepatocyte regeneration, e.g., ischemic injury, sur- in HCC development. Using a cutoff of 20 ng/ml,
gical resection, and chronic viral hepatitis, in sensitivity ranges from 41% to 65% and specificity
▶ hepatoblastoma as well as in a subset of hepato- ranges from 80% to 94%. In chronic hepatitis C,
cellular carcinoma (HCC) (and rarely ▶ cholangio- AFP levels vary in relation to transaminase levels
carcinoma), AFP expression is de-repressed. AFP limiting the specificity of AFP for detection of HCC
production also occurs in nonseminomatous germ in patients with active inflammation.
cell tumors such as choriocarcinoma, mixed germ The role of serum AFP in screening programs
cell tumors, and teratomas. In fetal and newborn for HCC in patients with cirrhosis remains con-
rats, AFP mRNA can be detected at low levels in troversial. It remains unclear if the addition of
the kidney, pancreas, heart, and gastrointestinal AFP determinations to routine imaging examina-
tracts as well. Rarely in adults, nonhepatic/ tions, e.g., ultrasound every 6 months, provides
non–germ cell malignancies such as ▶ gastric can- any incremental benefit.
cer, ▶ pancreatic cancer, ▶ endometrial cancer, Current guidelines from the United Network of
▶ colon cancer, and ▶ ovarian cancer are associ- Organ Sharing (UNOS) in the United States sup-
ated with loss of silencing of AFP expression. port the use of AFP levels greater than 400 ng/ml
The critical activities of AFP in vivo remain to confirm the presence of HCC when a
poorly defined. Many cell types including vascular hypervascular lesion on CT or MRI imaging is
endothelium and T-cells express receptors for AF- seen. Exception points may be petitioned from
P. AFP administration in human cell lines has been UNOS to provide the rare individual patients
associated with differential expression of FasL and with AFP levels greater than 400 ng/ml but no
▶ TRAIL relative to fas and TRAIL Receptor, lead- visible tumor to increase the priority of such
ing to postulation of a role for AFP in escape from patients for liver transplantation.
tumor immunosurveillance. AFP also appears to Several glycoforms (AFP-L1, AFP-L2, and
inhibit TNF receptor 1-signalling-mediated tumor AFP-L3) of AFP have been resolved based on
cell apoptosis. Paradoxically, some studies suggest differences in glycosylation groups. Lectin-
a pro-apoptotic role for AFP in tumor cells lines via reactive AFP (AFP-L3) in some studies has been
interactions with X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis associated with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
protein (XIAP). Other studies postulate that AFP In other studies, a high percentage of total AFP
may mediate anti-inflammatory effects that suppress made up of the L3 fraction has been associated
autoimmunity and anti-fetal immune responses dur- with hepatocellular carcinomas. Measurement of
ing pregnancy, possibly via inhibition of CD4 T-cell specific glycoforms is not in routine clinical use.
Alu Elements 195

Alternative Reading Frame
▶ Alpha-Fetoprotein A
▶ Cholangiocarcinoma ▶ ARF Tumor Suppressor Protein
▶ Endometrial Cancer
▶ Gastric Cancer
▶ Hepatoblastoma
▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma Alu Elements
▶ Ovarian Cancer
▶ Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors Christine M. Morris
▶ p53 Family Cancer Genetics Research, University of Otago,
▶ Pancreatic Cancer Christchurch, New Zealand
▶ Testicular Germ Cell Tumors
▶ TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand
▶ TP53 Definition
▶ TRAIL Receptor Antibodies
▶ Transforming Growth Factor-Beta The most abundant class of dispersed repeat ele-
▶ Tumor Necrosis Factor ments in the human genome and one member of
the family of short interspersed repeat elements
(SINEs). An estimated one million copies com-
References prise about 10% of DNA in human cells.

Abelev GI, Eraiser TL (1999) Cellular aspects of alpha-

fetoprotein reexpression in tumors. Cancer Biol
9:95–107 Characteristics
Gupta S, Bent S, Kohlwes J (2003) Test characteristics of
a-fetoprotein for detecting hepatocellular carcinoma in Structure
patients with hepatitis C. Ann Intern Med 139:46–50
Alu elements are 280 bp in length and consist of
Nahon JL (1987) The regulation of albumin and
a-fetoprotein gene expression in mammals. Biochimie two similar monomers that have homology to, and
69:445–459 were originally derived from, the 7SL RNA gene
Pardee AD, Shi J, Butterfield LH (2014) Tumor-derived (a component of the signal recognition particle)
a-fetoprotein impairs the differentiation and T cell stim-
(Fig. 1). Individual Alu elements are flanked by
ulatory activity of human dendritic cells. J Immunol
193:5723–5732 direct repeats and end in a 30 A-rich tract, and the
Richardson P, Duan Z, Kramer J et al (2012) Determinants left monomer contains an internal RNA polymer-
of serum alpha-fetoprotein levels in hepatitis ase III promoter that directs transcription initiation
C-infected patients. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol
to the first residue of the element. Alu are
retrotransposable elements, and several subfam-
ilies, mobilized from different “source” genes at
See Also different evolutionary times, can be recognized on
(2012) Germ cell tumors. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia the basis of their sequence divergence and diag-
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1541.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6905 nostic bases. Because Alu has no coding machin-
(2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, ery, it depends on LINE-1 (▶ LINE-1 Elements)
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2747X. and other cellular processes to obtain the factors
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331 needed for retrotransposition, and these elements
(2012) TGF–ß. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3661. are therefore regarded as non-autonomous. How-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5753 ever, the vast majority of Alu copies in the human
Möslein G (2009) Colon cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- genome are not retrotranspositionally active, with
clopedia of cancer, 2nd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel- only a few likely to be active Alu source elements.
berg, pp 722–727. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-47648-
1_1265 Alu activity is evidenced by some of the
196 Alu Elements

7SL-specific sequence

300 bp

Poly-A Tail
Left monomer Right monomer

Alu (A)n (A)n

Direct repeat Direct repeat

280 bp

Alu Elements, Fig. 1 Alu elements have a dimeric structure that originated from 7SL RNA. Colored areas show 7SL
sequences present in the Alu repeat consensus

integrated subfamilies, primarily AluY, which are expression and therefore transposition. However,
polymorphic, occupying regions on some chro- methylation status of Alu is reported to vary in
mosomes that are not occupied at the same locus different tissues. For example, at least a subset of
on others. The current estimate for Alu retrotran- the integrated Alus are almost completely
sposition activity in humans is 1 insertion for unmethylated in sperm DNA relative to other
every 20 births. Across the genome, Alu distri- somatic tissues. Differences in Alu methylation
bution is nonrandom and concentrated in GC-rich have also been found mosaically in the same tissue,
regions. such as has been reported in the brain. Overall,
analysis of Alu expression is complex, and their
Function ubiquity presents technical challenges. For this rea-
The function of Alu elements has been subject to son, and excepting germ line expression, there are
intense investigation, debate, and speculation over currently minimal data available on differential
the past three decades. Proposed roles include mod- expression of Alu elements in somatic tissue or
ulation of chromosome structure and packaging of during development.
DNA around nucleosomes, initiation or switch sites
for DNA replication, regulation of gene transcrip- Role in Human Cancer
tion through Alu-specific protein binding domains, Alu-mediated gene rearrangement underlies sev-
RNA editing as preferential templates for adenosine eral important constitutional diseases, including
to inosine (A-to-I) substitution by the ADAR family familial cancers. Different mechanisms for these
of enzymes, and regulation of translation by RNA rearrangements include recombination between
transcribed from Alu elements. Although Alu homologous or nonhomologous regions of Alu
expression increases in cells stressed by chemical elements at different locations within a gene, or
agents or viral infection, most human Alu repeats on the same or different chromosomes, expansion
are silent in somatic cells, with only the minor, of 30 polynucleotide tracts to form fragile sites, or
evolutionarily younger subgroups actively tran- disruption of coding regions of functional genes
scribed. Consistent with these observations, CpG by transpositional insertion of actively transcribed
sites in the majority of Alu sequences are normally Alu elements. Instability of 30 polynucleotide
fully methylated (▶ Methylation) in most somatic tracts may also indicate a DNA mismatch repair
cell types, a state which is considered to suppress deficiency.
AME Transcription Factor 197

Because of their high density in the human (2012) x-(Chi)-like sequence. In: Schwab M -
genome, nonrandom chromosomal distribution, (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber-
lin/Heidelberg, p 796. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
and the high degree of homology between indi- 5_1085 A
vidual elements, Alu repeats are also recognized (2012) Translin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
candidates to mediate somatically acquired gene cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3773.
rearrangements with neoplastic potential. Specific doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5940
underlying mechanisms for involvement of Alu in
somatic rearrangements have begun to be
explored, with possibilities including promotion
of DNA exchange by sequences within Alu that AME Transcription Factor
share homology with known recombinogenic
translin DNA-binding motifs or the w-like Alu Vitalyi Senyuk
core sequence, preferential recombination Department of Medicine (M/C 737), College of
between DNA regions that are localized within Medicine Research Building, University of
Alu-rich clusters on the same or different chromo- Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
somes, or otherwise unknown features of individ-
ual Alu elements that predispose to recurrent
recombination events associated with some Synonyms
breakpoint cluster regions.

▶ LINE-1 Elements
AME is an aggressive oncoprotein (chimeric tran-
▶ Methylation
scription factor) associated with several types of
▶ acute myeloid leukemia (AML),
References myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), and myelo-
proliferative disorders (MPD).
Ade C, Roy-Engel AM, Deininger PL (2013) Alu ele-
ments: an intrinsic source of human genome instability.
Curr Opin Virol 3(6):639–645
Deininger P (2011) Alu elements: know the SINEs. Characteristics
Genome Biol 12(12):236
Kolomietz E, Meyn MS, Pandita A, Squire JA (2002) The The legendary discovery of chromosomal trans-
role of Alu repeat clusters as mediators of recurrent
locations by Janet D. Rowley in 1972 has revolu-
chromosomal aberrations in tumors. Genes Chromo-
somes Cancer 35(2):97–112 tionized leukemia research and therapy by
Konkel MK, Batzer MA (2010) A mobile threat to genome allowing biological interrogation and classifica-
stability: the impact of non-LTR retrotransposons upon tion of these disorders. Several recurring trans-
the human genome. Semin Cancer Biol 20(4):211–221
locations have been identified and the
Wang C, Huang S (2014) Nuclear function of Alus.
Nucleus 5(2):131–137 participating genes cloned and characterized at
the molecular level. One such recurring abnormal-
See Also ity is the balanced translocation between the long
(2012) ADAR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, arms of chromosomes 3 and 21, t(3;21)(q26;q22),
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 43. originally discovered in a patient with therapy-
related chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
(2012) Breakpoint cluster region. In: Schwab M -
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber- which is classified as an MPD.
lin/Heidelberg, p 485. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- The t(3;21) is a complicated chromosomal
5_716 rearrangement that employs a mechanism of
198 AME Transcription Factor

PR ZnF1 ZnF2


AME Transcription Factor, Fig. 1 Diagram of ME, RUNX1, and the fusion protein AME. The Runt, PR, and two zinc
finger (ZnF) domains are shown. The vertical dashed line indicates the breakpoint fusion

intergenic splicing to generate several ▶ fusion ▶ blast crisis of CML characterized by a low
genes of which AME is perhaps the best charac- response to the existing therapeutic treatments
terized and the most important. Among the less and a poor prognosis. In the largest clinical inves-
frequent translocations involving RUNX1 (also tigation of t(3;21) patients published to date, the
known as AML1, CBFA2, and PEBP2), AME is majority of AML patients died between 1 week
the only fusion gene that has been cloned and and 8.5 months (median 2 months) after presen-
characterized at the molecular level. AME, tation, whereas MPD patients survived 1–21
obtained by in-frame fusion of the truncated months (median 6.5 months) after presentation.
RUNX1 and MDS1/EVI1 (ME) genes, is con- RUNX1 is a DNA-binding subunit of the tran-
trolled by the RUNX1 promoter which becomes scription factor CBF which is essential for hema-
active during the execution of multiple steps of topoiesis and is involved in several chromosomal
hematopoietic program, especially during the abnormalities associated with human leukemias.
development of myeloid lineage. RUNX1 consists of an N-terminal DNA-binding
The t(3;21) is a relatively rare translocation domain called Runt with homology to the product
infrequently seen in de novo leukemias. It was of the Drosophila segmentation gene Runt and a
observed in ~1% of AML, MDS, and MPD C-terminal activation domain. ME is a zinc finger
cases and often associated with secondary leuke- transcription factor related to the leukemia-
mia that arises in patients previously treated with associated protein ecotropic viral integration site
▶ alkylating agents or topoisomerase inhibitors 1 (EVI1) of unknown function. ME contains a
for other malignancies. In particular, the t(3;21) conserved N-terminal region, called PR domain,
was detected in the patients after administration of two sets of DNA-binding zinc finger domains, a
cytostatic drugs such as busulfan, teniposide, proline-rich central domain, and an acidic
etoposide, hydroxyurea, ▶ fludarabine, C-terminal domain. AME consists of the
▶ 5-fluorouracil, and others. There is no unique DNA-binding domain Runt of RUNX1 fused to
clinical picture of t(3;21)-associated leukemias almost the entire ME (Fig. 1).
such as restriction to a certain FAB (French- Forced expression of AME upregulates the cell
American-British classification) category, and it cycle and blocks granulocytic differentiation of
has been classified as M1, M2, M4, and M7 sub- the murine hematopoietic cell line 32Dcl3 and
types. The common morphologic feature of t delays the myeloid differentiation of normal
(3;21)-positive AML is minimally differentiated murine bone marrow progenitors in vitro. The
blasts with prominent nucleoli and scant cyto- exact mechanisms of AME oncogenic activation
plasm. There is no age or gender specificity for t are unknown and several possibilities exist. Also,
(3;21)-associated diseases, but, as for many other as with many other oncoproteins, most probably
▶ cancers, older individuals are at higher risk. In AME alone is insufficient to transform a healthy
contrast to many other translocations, the t(3;21) normal cell into a leukemic one, and additional
causes a very aggressive myeloid leukemia/ cooperating genetic abnormalities are necessary.
AME Transcription Factor 199

It has been shown that the majority of Similar to many other fusion proteins that are
AME-positive patients have, in addition to t activated by chromosomal translocations in
(3;21), several other chromosomal abnormalities human leukemia, AME is able to oligomerize A
readily detected by cytogenetic analysis, translo- and displays a complex pattern of self-interaction
cations, deletions, and duplications, the most that involves at least three oligomerization
common of which is t(9;22)(q34;q11) found in regions, which are the proximal and the distal
CML patients. zinc finger domains and the Runt domain. The
One of the first investigated properties of AME distal zinc finger domain is quite important in
was its effect on a subset of target promoters AME oligomerization because it mediates the
regulated by both parent proteins. RUNX1 is gen- interaction with the other two domains and an
erally considered a transcription activator through internal deletion that removes the three zinc finger
its C-terminus, which interacts with several tran- motifs virtually sufficient to repair (though not
scription coregulators and regulates critical genes completely) the self-renewal and differentiation
in hematopoiesis. ME is also considered a programs of normal murine bone marrow progen-
transactivator, and both parent proteins act as itors in vitro. In vitro, this domain efficiently
antagonists of AME. Therefore, it was suggested cooperates with CtBP in disrupting normal
that AME could act as a bifunctional transcription hematopoiesis and the internal deletion, and a
factor possessing the ability to bind to and repress/ point mutation that abolishes CtBP binding
deregulate both the RUNX1- and ME-dependent reestablishes almost completely the hematopoi-
promoters. In support of this hypothesis, it was etic differentiation in murine cells. Probably
shown that AME directly interacts with the core- AME belongs to a growing group of chimeric
pressors C-terminal-binding protein (CtBP) and transcription factors which inappropriately main-
histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) which are often tain high local concentration of corepressors at the
a part of big repressor complexes transiently specific promoter sites because of their ability to
formed at the promoter sites. AME has distinct oligomerize, resulting in the deregulation of genes
regions for HDAC1 and CtBP binding, and, tak- involved in differentiation, ▶ apoptosis, and
ing in consideration that both corepressors are proliferation.
able to dimerize and interact to each other, one It is highly possible that the aggressiveness of
AME molecule can recruit several molecules of AME as an oncoprotein is in part mediated by
the corepressors. AME represses the target pro- AME’s ability to abrogate the growth inhibitory
moters by CtBP-dependent and CtBP- effect of ▶ transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b)
independent mechanisms, probably reflecting the that controls cell expansion and inhibits prolifer-
dual nature of this protein. In vitro CtBP enhances ation of different cell types. The repression of
not only AME repression potential but also the TGF-beta signaling depends on the ability of the
ability of AME to upregulate growth and deregu- proximal zinc finger of AME to directly interact
late differentiation in murine hematopoietic cells, with and repress Smad3, an intracellular mediator
suggesting that AME repression is necessary for of TGF-b signaling. It should be noted that in
its oncogenic activity. However, the transcription contrast to AME, ME cooperates with TGF-b
properties of AME are more complicated because and increases the sensitivity of hematopoietic
it also interacts with histone acetyltransferases cells to its stimulus.
p300/CBP-associated factor (P/CAF) and general AME is also indirectly involved in deregula-
control of amino-acid synthesis 5-like (GCN5), tion of the hematopoietic program. It has been
which are generally considered as co-activators shown that CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein a
of transcription. Both P/CAF and GCN5 effi- (C/EBPa), a crucial transcription factor for nor-
ciently acetylate the central region of AME mal granulopoiesis, is suppressed at translation
in vivo, but the function of this modification and level by more than 90% in AME-expressing
its role in oncogenesis are still unknown. U937 cells. In AML patients harboring t(3;21),
200 AME Transcription Factor

the C/EBPa level is reduced even more, whereas compared with C57BL/6 mice (because it has a
in AML patients without the t(3;21), C/EBPa is mutated inhibitor of Cdk4/alternative reading
not affected. The mRNA levels remain unchanged frame (INK4a/ARF) locus that at least partially
in both cases indicating that AME does not disables p16Ink4a, a ▶ tumor suppressor protein
affect C/EBPa transcription. Most probably which is frequently mutated in many cancers).
AME acts through an intermediate effector, A mouse model of AME knock-in has been
▶ calreticulin, a ubiquitous multifunctional also reported. The heterozygous mutant embryos
calcium-binding protein, whose expression is obtained by breeding of AME chimeric male (ICR
strongly correlated with both AME expression strain) and wild-type female (C57BL/6 strain)
and C/EBPa suppression. were not viable and died of fetal liver hematopoi-
It has been shown in reporter gene assays and esis failure at around day 13.5E. Fetal liver hema-
in Rat1 fibroblasts that AME stimulates activator topoietic progenitor cells from these mice
protein 1 (▶ AP-1) activity with dependence on displayed increased self-renewal capacity and
the distal zinc finger domain. AP-1 activation may impaired erythropoiesis. In addition, myeloid
increase cell proliferation potentially contributing and megakaryocytic cells appeared dysplastic
to AME oncogenic properties. indicating that AME induces multiple defects in
A ▶ mouse model of AME-positive leukemia, several myeloid lineages. Interestingly, the major-
generated by bone marrow transplantation of ity of AME chimeric mice demonstrated sudden
AME-expressing cells using BALB/c mice, showed death at the age of about 7 months without any
that AME induces acute myeloid leukemia with a significant signs of any disease, whereas one of
latency of 5–13 months indicating that additional them developed a disease resembling
genetic abnormalities are necessary for leukemogen- megakaryoblastic leukemia at 5 months of age.
esis. The disease was clonal in origin and resembled Since 1987, when the t(3;21) was described for
human acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AML the first time, our knowledge about AME has
FAB-M4). It has been also shown in this model increased vastly; however, the prognosis of patients
that AME efficiently cooperates with breakpoint with this abnormality is still extremely poor. Hope-
cluster region/Abelson tyrosine kinase (▶ BCR/ fully, the cumulative efforts of different research
ABL), a product of t(9;22) frequently seen in CML groups will provide new approaches for the search
patients. Both proteins together are able to block of a treatment for this selected group of patients.
myeloid differentiation during the pre-leukemia
stage and induce AML within 1–4 months.
The second mouse model for AME utilized
bone marrow infection and transplantation using
C57BL/6 mice. The animals displayed a variety of
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes
clinical features that are observed in essential
thrombocythemia (ET) that resulted in their death
after 8–16 months. The molecular etiology of ET,
which is classified as an MPD, is poorly under-
stood. An activating somatic point mutation Nucifora G, Rowley JD (1995) AML1 and the 8;21 and
(V617F) of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) was identified 3;21 translocations in acute and chronic myeloid leu-
in MPD patients. Nonetheless, this mutation was kemia. Blood 86:1–14
Nucifora G, Laricchia-Robbio L, Senyuk V (2006) EVI1
not detected in ~50% of ET patients, indicating that and hematopoietic disorders: history and perspectives.
some other molecular mechanisms exist and t Gene 368:1–11
(3;21) could be one of them. Rubin CM, Larson RA, Bitter MA et al (1987) Association
The differences between these two mouse of a chromosomal 3;21 translocation with the blast
phase of chronic myelogenous leukemia. Blood
models can be explained by taking into consider-
ation that the BALB/c strain of mice is well Yin CC, Cortes J, Barkoh B et al (2006) t(3;21)(q26;q22) in
known to have a higher tumor incidence as myeloid leukemia. Cancer 106:1730–1738
Amine Oxidases 201

Cu-AOs are often also named SSAO

Amine Oxidases (semicarbazide sensitive amine oxidase) because
of their inhibition by semicarbazide, which binds A
Bruno Mondovì1, Paola Pietrangeli1, Lucia the organic cofactor. When strictly necessary, the
Marcocci1 and Antonio Toninello2 name of the best substrate is used to characterize
Department of Biochemical Sciences “A. Rossi the enzymes. For instance, Cu-AOs, which oxi-
Fanelli”, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, dize diamine and histamine are named diamine
Italy oxidase (DAO) and histaminase, respectively.
Department of Biological Chemistry, University Sometimes, a single enzyme, such as the enzyme
of Padua, Padua, Italy purified from pig kidney, may display both DAO
and histaminase activities, so that the name may
not imply a specific enzyme.
Definition The X-ray structure is available for several
Cu-AOs, PAO, and MAO.
Amine oxidases (AOs) are a class of enzymes
which is heterogeneous in terms of structure, cat- Functions
alytic mechanisms, and substrate specificity. Bio- A plethora of physiological functions, sometimes
genic amines, a group of naturally occurring, in contrast with one another, is ascribed to AOs.
biologically active amines, such as monoamines Although the exact molecular mechanism of their
(norepinephrine, histamine, tyramine, dopamine, biological activity is not well-defined, a role of
and serotonin) and ▶ polyamines (putrescine, these enzymes in various processes through the
spermidine, spermine) are oxidatively deaminated action of either substrates or reaction products is
by AOs in a reaction that consumes O2 to produce postulated. Evidences have accumulated on the
the corresponding aldehydes, amines with a physiopathological relevance of polyamines, his-
shorter chain, ammonium ions, and hydrogen per- tamine, hydrogen peroxide, and aldehydes in cell
oxide (H2O2). death and differentiation, allergic diseases, and
postischemic reperfusion damage.
Histamine is considered to be a main factor
Characteristics involved in allergic diseases. A plant Cu-AO,
showing high histaminase activity, counteracts
Two classes of AOs can be described, which con- acute allergic asthma-like reaction in actively sen-
tain different prosthetic groups: the sitized guinea pigs. The same enzyme modulates
FAD-dependent AOs (FAD-AOs) containing the cardiac anaphylactic response in guinea pig. Pro-
flavin adenin dinucleotide (FAD), and the copper- tective effects of the plant enzyme were also
dependent AOs (Cu-AOs) containing copper and observed in heart and gut ischemia and reperfu-
an organic cofactor produced by the copper self- sion injury in in vivo rats. Bovine serum Cu-AO
catalyzed posttranslational oxidation of a tyrosine was shown to present an antioxidant effect,
residue, i.e., TPQ (trihydroxyphenylalanine qui- in vitro, against electrolytically induced reactive
none), or LTQ characteristic of lysyl oxidase oxygen species (ROS).
(LXAO). Among other physiopathological functions
The FAD-AOs are subdivided in monoamine ascribed to AOs are, for example, the involvement
oxidase A and B (MAO A, MAO B), polyamine of MAO in psychiatric diseases like schizophre-
oxidase (PAO), and the discovered spermine oxi- nia, by regulating the dopamine metabolism, and
dase (SMO). The two latter enzymes are cyto- of Cu-AOs in cataract, by the lens damaging effect
solic, catalyze the oxidation of secondary amino of amine oxidation products. An important role of
groups, and participate in the interconversion VAP1, vascular adhesion protein with AO activ-
metabolism of polyamines. MAOs are tightly ity, in inflammation, diabetes, and cerebrovascu-
bound to mitochondrial outer membranes. lar and cardiovascular diseases is also indicated.
202 Amine Oxidases

A primary involvement of AOs was demon- apoptosis is induced by polyamines through their
strated in cancer growth inhibition and progres- oxidation products. Other studies exist demon-
sion, especially by means of aldehydes, H2O2, strating instead the ability of polyamines to pro-
and other ROS, the AOs-mediated products of tect cells from apoptosis. This discrepancy can be
biogenic amines oxidation. Aminoaldehydes explained by taking into account the protective
were shown to interact with nucleotides or with effect of the same polyamines, probably due to a
DNA. Microinjection of Cu-AO into chick scavenging action of ROS.
embryo fibroblast, rat cells, and glioma cells A crucial role of AOs in cancer promotion has
caused the inhibition of DNA damage and protein also to be considered. High levels of DAO activity
synthesis. Tumor cells, with higher polyamines were occasionally found in rapidly growing tis-
content than the normal controls, were more sen- sues, while in some patients, even affected by
sitive to the injected AOs. When an immobilized metastatic tumors, the level of circulating DAO
Cu-AO was injected into the peritoneal cavity of was unaltered. A strong correlation between
Swiss mice, 24 h after viable Ehrlich ascites tumor serum AO activity and the factor responsible for
cells transplantation or into a mouse (melanoma) ▶ angiogenesis was found in non–small cell lung
model, a strong inhibition of tumor growth was cancer patients. DAO activity in the small intes-
observed. An induction of tumors in rat bowels tine mucosa was reported to increase in parallel
(colon cancer) was observed on inhibition of with the degree of cell maturation, being highest
DAO by aminoguanidine. An induction of tumors in differentiated villus tip cells and lowest in the
in rats was observed after carcinogenic treatment proliferative compartment. It was also found to
combined with AO inhibition. A possible use of increase in regenerating rat liver, with a peak
AOs in cancer therapy has been suggested. Both between 16 and 48 h after partial hepatectomy.
H2O2 and aldehydes contribute to cytotoxicity, as DAO activity peaks at the outset of growth and
demonstrated by incubation of Chinese hamster falls during the logarithmic growth phase of the
ovary cells with purified bovine serum AO in the cells. An increasing degree of malignancy associ-
presence of spermine. Catalase, the enzyme ated with an increase of MAO A activity and
involved in H2O2 elimination, is absent in many decrease of MAO B and Cu-AOs activities in
tumor cells and thus apoptosis occurs. The direct chemically-induced mammary cancer in the rat
relationship between AOs, apoptosis, and cancer has been observed. Elevated activity of AO was
appears to be related to the regulation of biogenic found in skeletal metastases of prostatic cancer
amines and their metabolic products. H2O2 is (▶ prostate cancer clinical oncology). DAO and
considered to be a mediator of apoptotic cell arginase, an enzyme that catalyses the synthesis of
death but the mechanism is unclear. H2O2 pro- ornithine from arginine, increase in tumor tissues
duced by MAO-catalyzed monoamines oxidation as compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
seems extremely important for apoptosis induc- A linear correlation between arginase and DAO
tion by considering the fact that MAO inhibitors activities was observed in patients with cancer.
are able to prevent apoptosis in human melanoma A high concentration of PAO and DAO was
cells and that catalase inhibits the apoptosis found in the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. The
induced by polyamines or their analogs and rise from normal conditions seems to produce
cathecolamines. The catalytic products of active cytological changes and to play a role in the eti-
amine oxidation are strong inducers of mitochon- ology of ▶ cervical cancer. DAO activity is pre-
drial membrane permeability transition (MPT). sent at high levels both in tumor tissues and in
Taken together, these results indicate that active biological fluids of tumor-bearing subjects.
amines, operating as AO substrates, play a critical A correlation between the degree of tumor malig-
role in controlling apoptosis through their effects nancy and their levels of AO activity has been
on MPT and the respiratory chain activity by observed in astrocytomas, where the activity is
means of fluctuations in their concentrations. proportional to the degree of malignancy. The
The conclusions of the above results may be that oxidation products of biogenic amines should
AML1/MTG8 203

also be carcinogenic. Acrolein, produced from (2012) Differentiation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
the oxidation of spermine and spermidine by cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1113.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1616
AOs, appears to be both carcinogenic and (2012) Postischemic Reperfusion. In: Schwab M (ed) A
cytotoxic. This compound is considered to be a Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
component of a universal cell growth regulatory delberg, p 2965. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
system. It may act as mediator of cell transforma- 5_4692
tion under oxidative stress when cells are
pretreated with benzopyrene, a major carcino-
genic found in cigarette smoke. The oxidation
products of spermine, spermidine, and putrescine Amino-Bisphosphonate
should be cofactors in the development of cervical
cancer. ▶ Minodronate
The balance between the cell content of bio-
genic amine oxidizing enzymes and antioxidizing
enzymes appears to be a crucial point for cancer
inhibition or progression. As a general conclu- 4-Amino-1-(2-deoxy-beta-D-erythro-
sion, the cancer inhibition/promotion effect of pentofuranosyl)-1,3,5-triazin-2(1H)-
AOs might be explained by taking into consider- one
ation the full pattern of the enzymes contained in
the cells. A long-lasting imbalance of ▶ 5-Aza-20 Deoxycytidine
antioxidizing enzymes and AO activity may be
carcinogenic, while AOs are rapidly cytotoxic for
cancer cells, because of their higher biogenic
amines concentration in comparison with normal
cells. AML1

▶ Runx1

▶ Angiogenesis
▶ Cervical Cancers
▶ Polyamines AML1/ETO
▶ Prostate Cancer Clinical Oncology
▶ Chromosomal Translocation t(8;21)

Bachrach U, Eilon G (1967) Interaction of oxidized poly-

amine with DNA. I. Evidence of the formation of cross-
links. Biochim Biophys Acta 145:418–4263 AML1/EVI-1
Floris G, Mondovì B (eds) (2009) Copper amine oxidases.
Structures, catalytic mechanisms, and role in pathophys-
iology. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton ▶ AME Transcription Factor
Toninello A, Pietrangeli P, De Marchi U et al (2006) Amine
oxidases in apoptosis and cancer. Biochim Biophys
Acta 1765:1–13

See Also
(2012) Allergic disease. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 137.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_190 ▶ Chromosomal Translocation t(8;21)
204 AMN107

(EGFR) family of ligands. AREG was originally

AMN107 described as a regulator of cell growth present in
the conditioned media of MCF-7 breast tumor
▶ Nilotinib cells. AREG has been implicated in different
physiologic processes including mammary
gland and bone development, lung and kidney
Amph II branching morphogenesis, and trophoblast
growth. The expression of AREG is upregulated
▶ Bin1 in a variety of cancerous tissues, and signaling
triggered by AREG is believed to be important
in tumorigenesis.

Amphibian Gastrin-Releasing
Peptide Characteristics

▶ Gastrin-Releasing Peptide The AREG human gene spans 10 kb in the geno-

mic DNA and it is composed of six exons; upon
transcription it produces a 1.4 kb mRNA. AREG
gene shows broad constitutive expression, being
Amphiphysin II more prevalent in human ovary and placenta
although it is also expressed in pancreas, cardiac
▶ Bin1 muscle, testis, colon, breast, lung, spleen, and
kidney, whereas it is undetectable in liver.
Transactivation of AREG promoter and AREG
gene expression can be induced by the ▶ Wilms’
Amphiphysin-Like tumor suppressor and through the activation of the
protein kinase C (PKC), mitogen associated pro-
▶ Bin1 tein kinase (MAPK), Yes-associated protein
(YAP/TEAD), b-catenin, and cyclic AMP/protein
kinase A (cAMP/PKA) pathways (Fig. 1). AREG
is synthesized as a 252-amino acid transmem-
Amphiregulin brane glycoprotein, also known as transmembrane
precursor or pro-form (Pro-AREG) (Fig. 1).
Matias A. Avila and Carmen Berasain Pro-AREG consists of a hydrophilic extracellular
Division of Hepatology, CIMA, University of N-terminus (or ectodomain), a hydrophobic trans-
Navarra, Pamplona, Spain membrane domain (TM), and a hydrophilic cyto-
plasmic C-terminus (CT-tail) (Fig. 1). In the
extracellular N-terminus we can distinguish an
Synonyms N-terminal pro-region containing glycosylation
sites followed by a heparin-binding domain and
AREG; Schwannoma-derived growth factor; an EGF-like region (Fig. 1). The EGF-like region
SDGF is shared by other members of the EGF family of
ligands. At the plasma membrane Pro-AREG
undergoes proteolytic cleavage to release the
Definition mature soluble factor in a process known as
“ectodomain shedding.” Cleavage of Pro-AREG
Amphiregulin (AREG) is a growth factor that at two N-terminal sites gives rise to two major
belongs to the ▶ epidermal growth factor receptor soluble forms of ~19 and ~21 kDa. Alternatively,
Amphiregulin 205

Amphiregulin, Fig. 1 Transcription of the AREG gene autocrine/paracrine signaling. Alternatively, juxtacrine
can be activated in response to the WT1 protein and the interaction of membrane-anchored Pro-AREG with the
PKC, cAMP/PKA, b-catenin, YAP/TEAD, or MAPK sig- EGFR is also possible. Pro-AREG and the AREG carboxy
naling pathways. AREG is synthesized as a membrane- terminal fragment (AREG-CTF) produced upon TACE/
anchored precursor (Pro-AREG) encompassing an ADAM17 digestion can translocate to the nucleus and
EGF-like domain, a heparin-binding domain (HB), a trans- potentially modulate gene expression. Shedding of
membrane region, and a carboxy-terminal cytosolic tail AREG by TACE/ADAM17 can be enhanced in response
(CT-tail). Upon digestion by the protease TACE/ to activation of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs),
ADAM17, soluble AREG forms are shed from the cell other growth factor tyrosine kinase receptors (TK-R), and
surface and can interact with the EGFR in an autocrine or inflammatory receptors, such as Toll-like receptors
paracrine fashion, or bind to heparan-sulfate proteoglycans (TLRs). Binding and activation of the EGFR by AREG
(HSPG) in the extracellular millieu. Exosome-associated triggers growth and survival intracellular signals essential
Pro-AREG can be also released from cells and engage in for the tumor cell

Pro-AREG cleavage can produce a larger 43-kDa cognate receptor, the EGFR (also known as
soluble protein corresponding to the entire extra- ErbB1), a transmembrane protein endowed with
cellular domain. Cleavage of Pro-AREG at the tyrosine kinase activity, although juxtacrine inter-
cell surface can be mediated by tumor necrosis action between membrane-bound Pro-AREG and
factor-a converting enzyme (TACE), a member of the EGFR has also been observed (Fig. 1).
the disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) Besides changes in AREG gene expression, dif-
family also known as ▶ ADAM17 (Fig. 1). Shed- ferent stimuli can also influence the availability of
ding of AREG, or exosome-mediated Pro-AREG this growth factor through the stimulation of
release from cells, allows the autocrine or para- Pro-AREG cleavage at the cell membrane. This
crine interaction of the mature ligand with its is achieved by the activation of TACE/ADAM17
206 Amphiregulin

in response to agonists acting through GPCRs, suggests that AREG plays a nonredundant role in
other growth factor receptors, or pro- carcinogenesis. Observations performed in vivo
inflammatory molecules, in a process termed also lend support to a role for AREG in the initi-
EGFR transactivation (Fig. 1). Binding of ation and maintenance of the neoplastic properties
AREG to EGFR triggers key intracellular signal- of tumor cells. For instance, tissue-specific trans-
ing pathways, such as the mitogenic MAPK and genic overexpression of AREG in pancreas results
survival PI3K/Akt pathways, as well as the in enhanced cell cycle progression, and in mice
mTOR and STAT pathways, which have been older than 1 year it induces dysplastic changes and
demonstrated to participate in the transduction of premalignant alterations. AREG is also emerging
AREG effects (Fig. 1). Although all members of as an important regulator in the tumor microenvi-
the EGF family can bind and activate the EGFR, ronment. AREG produced by monocyte-derived
there are differences in the pattern and intensity of dendritic cells has been identified as a potent
EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation, and EGFR turn- pro-tumorigenic factor in lung cancer progres-
over dynamics, elicited by AREG. This, together sion. Moreover, AREG released by tumor-
with the ability of AREG to bind HSPGs at the associated mast cells significantly enhances the
cell surface, may impart specificity in the cellular activity of regulatory T cells, contributing to the
effects elicited by AREG versus other EGFR immune suppressive environment within the
ligands. tumor and therefore to its progression. Although,
so far most of the evidences that support a role for
Amphiregulin Expression and Function AREG in cancer development and progression
AREG was originally identified as a factor capa- have been gathered under experimental condi-
ble of inhibiting the growth of certain carcinoma tions, there are also clinical studies that point in
cell lines, while stimulating the proliferation of the same direction. In this regard, a significant
normal cells, a fact that motivated its denomina- correlation has been established between elevated
tion. In fact, depending on its concentration and tumor tissue AREG mRNA levels and poor sur-
the nature of the target cell, AREG promotes the vival in bladder carcinoma patients, or elevated
growth and survival of most cell types, both nor- serum AREG concentrations and increased mor-
mal and transformed. AREG gene overexpression tality in non–small cell lung cancer patients.
has been frequently demonstrated in cancerous AREG expression has been also linked to the
tissues like colon, breast, bladder, prostate, pan- development of drug resistance in cancer cells,
creas, lung, ovary, squamous cell carcinomas, including targeted drugs such as sorafenib in
hepatocarcinoma, and myeloma cells. The exis- hepatocellular carcinoma.
tence of EGFR transactivation involving the In summary, the current knowledge on AR in
release of AREG has been demonstrated in a cancer suggests that increased availability of this
variety of cancer cells. In this context AREG growth factor can provide transformed cells with a
could be an important mediator between diverse selective advantage. Targeted inhibition of AR
stimuli, including inflammatory signals, acting on expression or action may therefore represent a
GPCRs and other cell surface receptors, and the useful therapeutic strategy for a wide variety of
activation of protumorigenic signals conveyed cancers.
through the EGFR (Fig. 1). Interference with
AREG production by means of specific antisense
RNAs or ▶ siRNAs, or treatment with AREG Cross-References
neutralizing antibodies, has been shown to revert
many of the neoplastic phenotypic traits of cancer ▶ ADAM17
cells in vitro, even though the expression of other ▶ Akt Signal Transduction Pathway
EGFR ligands was preserved in these cells. This ▶ Epidermal Growth Factor-Like Ligands
Amplification 207

▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor

▶ PI3K Signaling Amplification
▶ Wilms’ Tumor Manfred Schwab
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ),
Heidelberg, Germany

Berasain C, Avila MA (2014) Amphiregulin. Semin Cell

Dev Biol 28:31–41 Definition
Fischer OM, Hart S, Gschiwnd A et al (2003) EGFR signal
transactivation in cancer cells. Biochem Soc Trans Amplification is the selective increase of DNA
Lee DC, Hinkle CL, Jackson LF et al (2003) EGF family copy number either intracellularly, as a local
ligands. In: Thomson AW, Lotze MT (eds) The cyto- genomic change, or experimentally, by polymer-
kine handbook. Academic, London, pp 959–987 ase chain reaction (PCR). Increase of the level of
Normanno N, De Luca A, Bianco C et al (2006) Epidermal mRNA or protein alone should not be referred to
growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling in cancer.
Gene 366:2–16 as amplification.
Sanderson MP, Dempsey PJ, Dunbar AJ (2006) Control of
ErbB signaling through metalloprotease mediated
ectodomain shedding of EGF-like factors. Growth Fac- Characteristics
tors 24:121–136

Intracellular amplification results in a selective

See Also
(2012) CAMP. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, increase in gene copy number with the
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 603. consequence of elevated gene expression. Gene
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_788 amplification has been seen in three different
(2012) EGFR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, settings
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1211.
(2012) EGFR Transactivation. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- • Scheduled amplification as part of a develop-
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel- mental gene expression program, e.g., chorion
berg, p 1211. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1829 genes in ovaries of the fruitfly Drosophila
(2012) G-protein Couple Receptor. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- melanogaster or actin genes during myo-
delberg, p 1587. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- genesis in the chicken.
5_2294 • Unscheduled amplification during acquisition
(2012) MAPK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, of cellular ▶ drug resistance. For example,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2167.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3532 amplification of the gene encoding
dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) can result in
up to 1,000 gene copies per cell with the con-
sequence of cellular resistance against the
AMPL ▶ chemotherapy drug methotrexate.
• Unscheduled amplification of cellular genes
▶ Bin1 involved in growth control (▶ oncogenes)
during tumor progression. Amplification of
oncogenes can result in up to several hundred
gene copies and enhanced gene expression.
Amplaxin Usually large DNA stretches (from 100 Kb
up to several Mb) are amplified, and therefore
▶ Cortactin syntenic genes in addition to the particular
208 Amplification

Amplification, Fig. 1 Cytogenetics of MYCN amplifica- staining region (HSR) (right), multiple copies are ampli-
tion in neuroblastoma cells. Chromosomal fluorescence in fied in an HSR on chromosome 12 (with strong signal),
situ hybridization (FISH). High-level MYCN amplification while single copy gene is retained on the two parental
appears in human neuroblastoma cells as two alternative chromosomes (arrows). The retention of MYCN at 2p24
cytogenetic manifestations: (a). Double minutes (DMs) indicates that not the original MYCN gene but rather a copy,
(left), this tumor cell has in addition to amplified MYCN presumably the result of extra-replication, has been ampli-
(red) amplification of another oncogene MDM2 (green). fied. Note also the strong signal in interphase nuclei which
The two oncogenes are non-syntenic (2p24, and allows detection of amplified MYCN in tumor biopsies
12q13–14, respectively), and the amplification is the result when chromosomes cannot be prepared
of two independent genetic events. (b) Homogeneously

oncogene can be co-amplified due to their about genomic or environmental elements

close linkage to the oncogene. Alternatively, involved in amplification. Unscheduled ampli-
different non-syntenic oncogenes can fication presumably is a sporadic event that
amplify independently in the same cell. The can become stabilized under selective
prototypic human cancer with oncogene ampli- pressures, i.e., cytostatic drugs or if cells acquire
fication is ▶ neuroblastoma. Here, the ampli- a growth advantage within a certain tissue
fied gene, MYCN, is a biomarker for patient architecture.
Clinical Relevance
Amplified DNA can be visualized cytogeneti- Resistance against cytostatic drugs poses a big
cally as a homogeneously staining region problem in cancer therapy. Amplified oncogenes
(HSR) within chromosomes, as double minutes contribute to tumor progression, many different
(DM), or as C-bandless chromosomes oncogenes have been found amplified (e.g., RAS,
(CM) (Fig. 1). MYC, MYCN, MYCL, HER-2 (▶ HER-2/Neu),
ABL in some tumor types the oncogene status
Cellular Regulation provides information about patient prognosis:
Amplification can follow different pathways. Amplified MYCN indicates poor prognosis for
The “onion skin model” and “breakage stage 1–3 ▶ neuroblastoma; and amplified
fusion-bridge” (BFB) cycles (Fig. 2), both HER-2 indicates unfavorable outcome in a sub-
fit experimental observations. Little is known group of ▶ breast cancer.
Amplification 209

Centromere oncogene

Fragile site

Centromere oncogene


Centromere oncogene



Inverted duplication

3x 5x 6x 6x

Amplification, Fig. 2 Breakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) dicentric chromosome at some point will break. Of the
cycles in early stages of amplification. (a) BFB cycles two daughter cells, one will carry a deletion, the other an
start from common ▶ fragile sites, where a DNA break inverted duplication of DNA, which is equivalent to a
can occur in both sister chromatids. DNA repair systems low-level amplification. By subsequent BFB cycles, the
will be recruited to the break and may join the free DNA level of amplification can increase. (b) Low level amplifi-
ends of the two sister chromatids to form a dicentric chro- cation as the result of BFB cycles. FISH image, where each
mosome, one that has two centromers. At anaphase, where color shows the position and copy-number of a particular
sister chromatids are moved to the daughter cells, the DNA sequence
210 Amplified in Breast Cancer 1

Cross-References (2012) Sister-chromatids. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia

of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3418.
▶ Breast Cancer (2012) Syntenic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
▶ Chemotherapy cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3595.
▶ Drug Resistance doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5628
▶ Fragile Sites (2012) Tumor progression. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
▶ HER-2/neu 3800. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6046
▶ MYC Oncogene
▶ Neuroblastoma
▶ Oncogene
▶ RAS Genes
Amplified in Breast Cancer 1
Jianming Xu
Savelyeva L, Schwab M (2001) Amplification of onco-
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology,
genes revisited: from expression profiling to clinical Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
application. Cancer Lett 167:115–123
Schwab M (1998) Amplification of oncogenes in human
cancer cells. Bioessays 20:473–479
Schwab M, Westermann F, Hero B et al (2003) Neuroblas-
toma: biology, and molecular and chromosomal pathol-
ogy. Lancet Oncol 4:472–480 AIB1; Coactivator ACTR; NCoA3; Nuclear
receptor coactivator 3; p/CIP; p300/CBP-
See Also interacting protein; RAC3; Receptor-associated
(2012) ABL. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, coactivator 3; SRC-3; Steroid receptor
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 14. coactivator-3; Thyroid hormone receptor activator
(2012) Biomarkers. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
molecule 1; TRAM-1
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 408–
409. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6601
(2012) C-Bandless chromosome. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- Definition
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
berg, p 684. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_896
(2012) Double minute. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of AIB1 is a 160-kDa intracellular protein that
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1155. enhances gene expression through interacting
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1717 with nuclear hormone receptors and some other
(2012) Homogeneously staining region. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
transcription factors and serving as a transcrip-
delberg, p 1725. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- tional coactivator. The AIB1 gene is amplified
5_2797 and overexpressed in some human breast tumors.
(2012) Methotrexate. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2274.
(2012) MYCL. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, Characteristics
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2430.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3924 Molecular Structure and Functional Domains
(2012) MYCN. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 2430–2431.
The human AIB1 gene is located in chromosome
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3925 20, and it encodes for a 160-kDa intracellular
(2012) Non-syntenic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of protein with 1402 amino acid residues. AIB1 is a
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2554. member of the p160 steroid receptor coactivator
(2012) PCR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
(SRC) family that also includes SRC-1 and the
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2803. transcriptional intermediary factor 2 (TIF2). AIB1
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4417 contains multiple structural and functional
Amplified in Breast Cancer 1 211



AIB1 CBP/p300 CARM1/
Pol II
Ac Me

Receptor & AIB1 Chromatin Assembly Gene expression

complex remodeling Of GTFs

Amplified in Breast Cancer 1, Fig. 1 Schematic pre- receptors, CBP the CREB (cAMP response element-
sentation of the structure and function of AIB1. CR1, CR2, binding protein)-binding protein, p300 the 300-kDa pro-
and CR3 conserved regions 1, 2, and 3 in the p160 SRC tein homologous to CBP, p/CAF the p300- and
family, bHLH/PAS the basic helix-loop-helix/Per-Ah CBP-associated factor, CARM1 the coactivator-associated
receptor nuclear translocator-Sim domain, S/T the serine arginine methyltransferase 1, PRMT1 the protein arginine
and threonine-rich domain, L, L, and L the three LXXLL methyltransferase 1, TBP the TATA-binding protein,
motifs responsible for interaction with nuclear receptors, Q TAFIIs TBP-associated general transcription factors
and Q the two glutamine-rich regions, HAT the histone (GTFs), Pol II RNA polymerase II
acetyltransferase domain, H hormone, NR nuclear

domains (Fig. 1). The N-terminal basic helix- LXXLL (L, leucine; X, any amino acid) a-helix
loop-helix/Per-Ah receptor nuclear translocator- motifs that are responsible for interaction with the
Sim (bHLH/PAS) domain is the most conserved ligand-binding domain of nuclear receptors in a
region in the molecule with ~70% sequence sim- hormone binding-dependent manner. The third
ilarity to the respective regions of SRC-1 and conserved region located in the C-terminus of
TIF2. The bHLH/PAS domain contains a nuclear AIB1 has ~50% sequence similarity to SRC-1
localization signal, which is required for AIB1 to and TIF2 and contains two poly-glutamine
get into the cellular nucleus where AIB1- stretches and a weak histone acetyltransferase
regulated gene transcription takes place and activity. This domain can steadily interact with
where AIB1 degrades in a proteasome-dependent CREB (cAMP response element-binding
manner. The bHLH/PAS domain also can interact protein)-binding protein (CBP) and p300, which
with certain transcription factors such as are strong histone acetyltransferases. This domain
myogenin to mediate their transcriptional func- also can interact with the coactivator-associated
tions. The serine/threonine (S/T)-rich domain arginine methyltransferase (CARM1) and the pro-
contains many serine and threonine residues, and tein arginine methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1),
some of these residues are targets of serine/threo- which are histone methyltransferases.
nine kinases. The phosphorylation status of AIB1
is related to its interaction specificity and affinity Functional Mechanisms
with transcription factors and other coactivators. Two transcriptional activation domains of AIB1
A sequence in the S/T domain is also found to have been identified. The first one is located in the
interact with transcription factor E2F1. Through region that interacts with CBP or p300, and the
interaction and function with E2F1, AIB1 can second one is located in the region that interacts
play a role in direct regulation of cell cycle. Fol- with CARM1 or PRMT1 (Fig. 1). The transcrip-
lowing the S/T domain is the second conserved tional activation function of AIB1 is mainly exe-
region of AIB1 with ~60% sequence similarity to cuted through these acetyltransferases and
SRC-1 and TIF2. This region contains three methyltransferases, which are chromatin-
212 Amplified in Breast Cancer 1

remodeling enzymes. In the case of steroid inflammatory responses by inhibiting the produc-
hormone-regulated gene expression, hormone tion of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
binding triggers a series of events for steroid recep-
tors, including the dissociation of heat shock pro- Role in Cancer
teins, change of receptor conformation, receptor The AIB1 gene is amplified (or increased in the
dimerization, and DNA binding. Importantly, the number of gene copies) in about 5–10% human
hormone binding also induces the steroid receptors breast tumors. The AIB1 mRNA is overexpressed
to expose their coactivator-binding motifs in their in about 30–60% breast tumors, depending on the
ligand-binding domains and allows coactivators resources of reports. However, some study only
such as AIB1 to be recruited to the enhancer region found about 10% of breast tumors that have ele-
of the nuclear receptor target genes. Through the vated AIB1 protein levels. AIB1 overproduction is
further interaction of AIB1 with CBP, p300, the observed in breast tumors both positive and nega-
p300- and CBP-associated factor (p/CAF), tive to the estrogen receptor a. In ▶ tamoxifen-
CARM1, and PRMT1, a steroid receptor-directed treated patients, high levels of AIB1 are associated
transcriptional activation complex is built up on with the HER-2/neu expression, the tamoxifen
the hormone response elements of their target resistance, and the lower disease-free survival
gene. This protein complex uses its protein rates. In the cultured ▶ breast cancer cells, AIB1,
acetyltransferase and methyltransferase activities together with the estrogen and estrogen receptor,
to remodel the chromatin structure, to facilitate enhances cyclin D1 expression and cell cycle pro-
the assembly of general transcription factors on gression. Downregulation of AIB1 in breast cancer
the promoter, and thereby to promote target gene cells inhibits cell proliferation, cell motility, and
transcription. In addition to steroid receptors and anchorage-independent growth in the culture and
other nuclear receptors, AIB1 also serves as a tumor formation in the immune-deficient mice.
coactivator for certain other transcription factors Animal experiments further demonstrate that
such as E2F1, AP-1, and Ets transcription factors. AIB1-deficient mice are resistant to either trans-
genic ▶ oncogene- or chemical carcinogen-
Physiological Function induced mammary gland tumorigenesis. The trans-
AIB1 mRNA is expressed in many different genic v-Ha-ras oncogene can no longer induce
human tissues and cell lines when examined by mammary gland tumors in the ovariectomized
Northern blot analysis. Detail analyses with AIB1 knockout mice, suggesting that inhibition
mouse tissues revealed that AIB1 is mainly of AIB1 function and removal of ovarian ▶ hor-
expressed in the mammary gland epithelial cells, mones may be a potential strategy to control breast
oocytes, vaginal epithelial layer, hepatocytes, tumorigenesis. On the other hand, it has been dem-
smooth muscle cells, endothelial cells, and the onstrated that overexpression of AIB1 in the mouse
hippocampus and olfactory bulbs of the brain. At mammary epithelial cells is sufficient to induce a
this time, our knowledge regarding the in vivo high frequency of mammary gland tumors, indicat-
physiological function of AIB1 is mainly learned ing that AIB1 is an oncoprotein. Similar to the role
from the AIB1 knockout mice. AIB1-deficienct of AIB1 in breast cancer, AIB1 is also found to be
mice have a much lower level of insulin-like overexpressed in certain human prostate tumors
growth factor-I and 17b-▶ estradiol in their circu- and to play a detrimental role in prostate epithelial
lation. Accordingly, these mice are smaller in size, tumorigenesis in mouse models.
and they exhibit delayed puberty, retarded mam-
mary gland development, and reduced female
reproductive function. In addition, AIB1 plays a
beneficial role in estrogen and ▶ estrogen recep-
tor-mediated vascular protection after vessel Anzick SL et al (1997) AIB1, a steroid receptor coactivator
injury by enhancing estrogen receptor function amplified in breast and ovarian cancer. Science
and contributes to the control of acute 277:965–968
Amrubicin 213

Kuang SQ et al (2004) AIB1/SRC-3 deficiency affects tumor tissue, through reduction of its C-13 ketone
insulin-like growth factor I signaling pathway and sup- group to a hydroxy group. Despite the similarity
presses v-Ha-ras-induced breast cancer initiation and
progression in mice. Cancer Res 64:1875–1885 of its chemical structure to that of a representative A
Torres-Arzayus MI et al (2004) High tumor incidence and anthracycline such as doxorubicin, amrubicin has
activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway in transgenic a different mode of action that differs from that of
mice define AIB1 as an oncogene. Cancer Cell doxorubicin. Amrubicin and amrubicinol are
Xu J, Li Q (2003) Review of the in vivo functions of the inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase II, which exert
p160 steroid receptor coactivator family. Mol their cytotoxic effects by stabilizing a topoisom-
Endocrinol 17:1681–1692 erase II-mediated cleavable complex
Xu J et al (2000) The steroid receptor coactivator SRC-3 (▶ topoisomerase enzymes as drug targets), and
(p/CIP/RAC3/AIB1/ACTR/TRAM-1) is required for
normal growth, puberty, female reproductive function, are approximately only one-tenth as potent as
and mammary gland development. Proc Natl Acad Sci doxorubicin in generating intercalated DNA.
USA 97:6379–6384
Preclinical Studies
In in vitro experiments, amrubicin and its metab-
olite amrubicinol have been found to be active
Amrubicin against a broad spectrum of human cell lines
established from cancers of the lung, prostate,
Michiko Yamamoto, Noriyuki Masuda and urinary bladder, colon, kidney, pancreas, and
Tomoya Fukui uterus. Amrubicinol has been shown to exhibit a
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kitasato 20- to 220-fold increase in antitumor activity
University School of Medicine, Sagamihara, compared to amrubicin in vitro, with amrubicin
Kanagawa, Japan being as potent as doxorubicin. In addition,
amrubicin and amrubicinol have also been
shown to demonstrate a degree of noncross resis-
Synonyms tance with doxorubicin.
Amrubicin has been shown to be more effec-
(+)-(7S,9S)-9-acetyl-9-amino-7-[(2-deoxy-b-D- tive against five human xenografts including a
erythro-pentopyranosyl)oxy]-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro- breast, a lung, and three gastric cancers; equally
6,11-dihydroxy-5,12-naphthacenedione hydro- effective against two gastric cancers; and less
chloride; SM-5887 effective against a lung and two gastric cancers.
Amrubicin caused dose-dependent weight loss,
ataxia, myelosuppression, and hair loss in mice
Definition after a single intravenous (iv) injection. The max-
imum tolerated dose (MTD) for amurubicin was
The anthracyclines that have been tested clinically estimated to be 25 mg/kg in four mouse strains.
so far have been limited to those produced by Cardiotoxicity is one of the dose-limiting toxic-
fermentation or semi-synthetic processes. In con- ities (DLTs) in case of anthracyclines; however,
trast, 9-aminoanthracycline oramrubicin is a amrubicin showed little delayed-type
fully synthetic drug. Amrubicin differs from cardiotoxicity in rabbit or dog experimental
daunosamine in that it contains a 9-amino group models. Furthermore, amrubicin did not aggra-
and a simple sugar moiety (Fig. 1). vate doxorubicin-induced myocardial injury.

Clinical Studies
Amrubicin Monotherapy
Amrubicin is converted to its active 13-hydroxy On the basis of the finding that amrubicin
metabolite, amrubicinol, in the liver, kidney, and exhibited enhanced antitumor efficacy, in vitro
phase I trials of amrubicin were carried out in
patients with lung cancer for three consecutive
days. In the phase I study, four patients with
non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were
enrolled at dose level 1 (40 mg/m2/day) and four
at dose level 2 (45 mg/m2/day). No DLTs was
observed at these dose levels. At dose level
3 (50 mg/m2/day), three of five patients experi-
enced DLTs (leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombo-
cytopenia, or gastrointestinal toxicities). The
MTD and recommended dose (RD) were deter-
mined to be 50 mg/m2/day and 45 mg/m2/day,
respectively. Another phase I trial showed the
MTD of amrubicin was 40 mg/m
230 Aneuploidy

and also of chromosome 8 in mesoblastic Incidence of chromosome aneuploidy has also

nephroma are commonly seen. Association of been evaluated as a marker of risk assessment and
specific chromosome imbalances with benign prognosis in several other cancers. Analyzing
and malignant forms of papillary renal tumors aneuploidy in nonsurgically obtained squamous
not only contributes to understanding of tumor epithelial cells offers a promising noninvasive
origins and evolution but also implicate aneu- tool to identify individuals at high risk of devel-
ploidy of the respective chromosomes in the oping head and neck cancer. Interphase FISH
tumorigenic transformation process. studies have revealed extensive aneuploidy in
In ▶ colorectal cancer, aneuploidy is common tumors from patients with head and neck squa-
occurrence. Molecular allelotyping studies have mous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) and also in clin-
suggested that the limited karyotyping data avail- ically normal distant oral regions from the same
able from these tumors actually underestimate the individuals. It has been suggested that a panel of
true extent of these changes. Losses of heterozy- chromosome probes for FISH analyses may serve
gosity, reflecting loss of the maternal or paternal as an important tool to detect subclinical tumori-
allele in tumors, are widespread and often accom- genesis and for diagnosis of residual disease. The
panied by a gain of the opposite allele. Thus, for presence of aneuploid or tetraploid populations is
example, a tumor could lose a maternal chromo- commonly seen in 90–95% of esophageal adeno-
some while duplicating the homologous paternal carcinomas, and when detected in ▶ Barrett
chromosome leaving the tumor cell with a normal esophagus, a premalignant condition, predicts
karyotype and ploidy but an aberrant allelotype. It progression of disease.
has been estimated that on an average, cancer of Aneuploidy in most solid tumors coexists with
the colon, breast, pancreas, and prostate may lose structural chromosomal aberrations giving rise to
25% of the alleles and it is not unusual for a tumor complex karyotypes. Such karyotypic complexi-
to have lost over half of all its parental alleles. In ties could be reflective of similar underlying
clinical settings, DNA ploidy changes indicate mechanisms responsible for the origin of both
high risk of developing premalignant changes kinds of chromosomal aberrations as well as
among patients with ulcerative colitis and also their selective value for the evolution of malignant
lymph node metastasis among patients with gastric cells during carcinogenesis. These possibilities
carcinoma. Similarly, chromosome copy number appear credible in view of the findings that tetra-
alterations or aneuploidy has been detected in pre- ploid p53 null mouse mammary epithelial cells
cancerous lesions of colon, cervix, head and neck, show an increased frequency of whole chromo-
esophagus, and bone marrow. Between 60% and some missegregation and chromosomal
80% of colorectal polyps from individuals with rearrangements together with increased propen-
adenomatous polyposis syndrome, predisposed to sity to give rise to malignant mammary epithelial
develop colorectal cancer, have been reported to cancers. Despite complex karyotypes, different
show aneuploid changes. Comparative analysis of cancers also show shared minimal regions of
genomic alterations in AdAPC driven mouse intes- gains and losses of specific chromosomes. By
tinal tumors have identified loci syntenic with analyzing such regions of genomic imbalances
human chromosomes 1, 12, 9, and 22 that are in various solid tumors, karyotypic pathways of
frequently gained or lost in familial adenomas and evolution of cancers involving specific chromo-
sporadic colorectal cancers suggesting that genetic somal aneusomies have been described. For pan-
mechanisms manifested in the form of aneuploidy creatic cancer, the recurrent early imbalances
are conserved across species. The molecular kar- included loss of chromosomes 1, 5, 7, 8, 15, 17,
yotype of amplified chromosomal segments and 18, while the late recurrent imbalances were
(amplotype) generated from colorectal cancer was identified as gain of chromosomes 2, 6, 7, and
reported to indicate that over representation of loci 11 and loss of chromosome 19.
on chromosomes 8 and 13 may be critical for Besides clinical correlative observations, role
metastatic colorectal cancer. of aneuploidy in oncogenesis has also been
Aneuploidy 231

supported by in vitro and in vivo transformation cells undergoing missegregation of

experiments performed with human and rodent chromosomes.
cells. These studies revealed that aneuploidy is To investigate if aneuploidy is a dynamic A
induced at early stages of transformation. Trans- mutational event, different human tumor cell
genic mouse models with chromosome segment- lines and transformed rodent cell lines have been
specific duplications and deletions have been gen- analyzed for the rate of aneuploidy induction.
erated to investigate the effect of chromosome When grown under controlled in vitro conditions,
ploidy alterations during development. Three such conditions ensure that environmental factors
duplications for a portion of mouse chromosome do not influence selective proliferation of cells
11 syntenic with human chromosome 17 were with chromosome instability. In one study,
established in the mouse germline. Mice with Lengauer and colleagues provided evidence by
duplication of 1 Mb chromosomal DNA devel- FISH analyses that losses or gains of multiple
oped corneal hyperplasia and thymic tumors. The chromosomes occurred in excess of 102 per
findings document a direct role of chromosome chromosome per generation in aneuploid colorec-
aneusomy in tumorigenesis. Developments of tal cancer cell lines. The study further concluded
mouse models with targeted upregulation or that such chromosomal instability appeared to be
downregulation of genes regulating chromosome a dominant trait. Utilizing another in vitro model
segregation giving rise to increased incidence of system of Chinese hamster embryo (CHE) cells,
aneuploidy and cancer have further strengthened Duesberg and colleagues have also obtained sim-
the idea of aneuploidy being a cause driving ilar results. With clonal cultures of CHE cells,
tumorigenesis rather than a consequence of transformed with nongenotoxic chemicals and a
cancer. mitotic inhibitor, these authors demonstrated that
the majority of the transformed colonies contained
Aneuploidy as a “Driving Force” and Not more than 50% aneuploid cells, indicating that
a “Consequence” in Cancer aneuploidy would have originated from the same
The presence of numerical chromosomal alter- cells that underwent transformation. All the
ations in a tumor does not mean that the change transformed colonies tested were tumorigenic. It
arose as a dynamic mutation due to genomic was further documented that the ploidy factor,
instability. While aneuploidy as a dynamic muta- representing the quotient of modal chromosome
tion due to genomic instability in tumor cells number divided by the normal diploid number, in
would occur at a certain measurable rate per cell each clone correlated directly with the degree of
generation, a consequential state of aneuploidy is chromosomal instability. Thus chromosomal
expected to be fixed in similar tumors at an instability was found proportional to the degree
unpredictable random rate possibly decided by of aneuploidy in the transformed cells, and the
differences in environmental factors such as authors hypothesized that aneuploidy is an effec-
humoral, cell substratum, and cell-cell interaction tive mechanism of destabilizing the genome and
differences of the tumor and normal cell microen- changing normal cellular phenotypes.
vironments. It could be argued that despite similar
rates of spontaneous aneuploidy induction in nor- Genetic Mechanisms of Aneuploidy in Cancer
mal and tumor cells, the latter are selected to Numerical chromosomal aberrations giving rise to
proliferate due to altered selective pressure in the aneuploidy result when chromosomes are
tumor cell microenvironment while the normal missegregated unequally to the daughter cells dur-
cells are eliminated through activation of apopto- ing mitotic cell division process. Failure to correct
sis. Alternatively, it could be postulated that selec- misattachments of kinetochores with spindle
tive expression or over expression of microtubules through mitosis is the major cause
antiapoptotic proteins or inactivation of of such chromosome missegregation. The cell
proapoptotic proteins in tumor cells may counter- cycle control mechanism that ensures faithful
act default induction of apoptosis in G2/M phase equal segregation of chromosomes during mitosis
232 Aneuploidy

Checkpoint complex
(a) Amphitelic

“wait anaphase signal” inactive (b) Syntelic

Checkpoint complex
active Aneuploid

(C) Monotelic



(d) Merotelic

Aneuploid with structural

chromosome aberration

Metaphase Anaphase Daughter cells

Aneuploidy, Fig. 2 Mitotic checkpoint regulation of chromosome segregation

is referred to as the mitotic checkpoint or the prevented from proceeding to anaphase with the
spindle assembly checkpoint (Fig. 2). likely outcome of giving rise to aneuploidy. Aber-
The mitotic checkpoint prevents chromosome rant expression of the checkpoint proteins leading
missegregation and aneuploidy by inhibiting to weakening of the mitotic checkpoint, however,
metaphase to anaphase transition in cells until allows missegregation of inappropriately attached
the sister kinetochores of all the replicated chro- sister chromatids to proceed to anaphase leading
mosomes attach appropriately to the spindle to the generation of aneuploid daughter cells.
microtubules from the two opposing poles in the Chromosome segregation errors may also
cell. This form of attachment is known as result in cells with centrosome anomalies giving
amphitelic attachment and until such time as this rise to multipolar spindles. Among the mitotic
attachment is achieved, mitotic checkpoint pro- processes implicated in cancer, defects in centro-
teins recruited to the unattached kinetochores gen- some function have been frequently suggested to
erate a diffusible signal (wait anaphase signal) be involved in a wide variety of malignant human
that inhibits the anaphase promoting complex/ tumors. Centrosomes play a central role in orga-
cyclosome (APC/C) from facilitating the degrada- nizing the microtubule network in interphase cells
tion of the substrates necessary for transition from and the mitotic spindle during cell division. Mul-
metaphase to anaphase and mitotic exit. Thus with tipolar mitotic spindles have been observed in
an active mitotic checkpoint, inappropriately human cancers in situ and abnormalities in the
attached sister kinetochores, such as those with form of supernumerary centrosomes, centrosomes
both kinetochores attached to the same pole of aberrant size and shape, as well as aberrant
known as syntelic attachment or others with only phosphorylation of centrosome proteins have
one kinetochore attached to one pole known as been reported in prostate, colon, brain, and breast
monotelic attachment or to the two opposing tumors. It is conceivable that cells with abnormal
poles known as merotelic attachment, are centrosomes may missegregate chromosomes
Aneuploidy 233

Aneuploidy, Table 1 Genes-proteins regulating chromosome ploidy in cancer

Human Animal models of
Gene name Function Mutation/altered expression cancer cancer
Cenp-A Kinetochore assembly Upregulated Yes
Bub 1 Mitotic checkpoint Mutated/upregulated/ Yes
Bub R1 Mitotic checkpoint Mutated/upregulated/ Yes
Bub 3 Mitotic checkpoint Upregulated/downregulated Yes
Mad1 Mitotic checkpoint Upregulated/downregulated
Mad 2 Mitotic checkpoint Mutated/upregulated/ Yes Yes
Cenp E Motor protein/mitotic Yes
KIF 4 Motor protein Yes
Aurora-B Chromosome segregation Upregulated Yes
PTTG Sister chromatid cohesion Upregulated Yes
Survivin Chromosome segregation Upregulated Yes
Aurora-A Chromosome segregation Upregulated Yes Yes
PLK 1 Chromosome segregation Upregulated Yes
Nek 2 Chromosome segregation Upregulated Yes
Brca1 Tumor suppressor Mutated/downregulated Yes Yes
Brca2 Tumor suppressor Mutated Yes Yes
AdAPC Tumor suppressor Mutated/downregulated Yes Yes
Msh2 DNA mismatch repair Mutated/upregulated/ Yes Yes

producing aneuploid cells. The molecular genetic AdAPC, BRCA1, and BRCA2, have also been
mechanism(s) regulating centrosome structure/ shown to induce aneuploidy in murine fibroblasts
function that are aberrant in cancer cells remain derived from mice expressing mutated forms of
to be elucidated. The presence of supernumerary these proteins. Similarly, murine fibroblasts
centrosomes in aneuploid p53-deficient fibro- lacking the mismatch repair gene Msh2 also
blasts and over expression of the centrosome asso- reveal widespread aneuploidy indicating that
ciated kinase Aurora-A/STK15 and PLK1 in mutations in this gene may be contributing to
human cancers have further validated the possi- tumorigenesis by inducing DNA mismatch repair
bility that aberrant centrosome function is defects and aneuploidy.
involved in aneuploidy and oncogenesis. Complementing these findings on the likely
A number of genes involved in the mitotic involvement of aneuploidy inducing genes in the
checkpoint pathway and those regulating chromo- tumorigenesis process, two publications on genet-
some segregation have been found to be aber- ically engineered mice aberrantly expressing
rantly expressed in human cancer cells raising genes involved in the regulation of chromosome
the possibility that aberrant expression of the segregation further advance the case for aneu-
respective mitotic checkpoint and chromosome ploidy being a cause of cancer with some caveats.
segregation regulatory proteins contribute to the In one of these studies, mice heterozygous for
origin of aneuploidy in cancer (Table 1). Cenp-E gene, involved in the alignment of chro-
In addition to the genes with known functions mosomes on mitotic spindle, were reported to
in mitotic checkpoint and chromosome segrega- develop cancer accompanied by an increase in
tion, mutant alleles of tumor suppressor genes, age dependent whole chromosome aneuploidy
234 Angiogenesis

although Cenp-E heterozygosity inhibited tumori- Pellman D (2007) Aneuploidy and cancer. Nature
genesis in animals lacking the tumor suppressor 446:38–39
Rajagopalan H, Lengauer C (2004) Aneuploidy and
gene p19/ARF. In the second study, mice over cancer. Nature 432:338–341
expressing the mitotic checkpoint protein Mad2 Sen S (2000) Aneuploidy and cancer. In: Lengauer
developed a wide range of tumors with extensive C (ed) Current opinion in oncology, vol 12. Lippincott
chromosomal rearrangements. However, silencing Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp 82–88
Weaver BAA, Cleveland DW (2006) Does aneuploidy
of Mad2 after tumor formation had no effect on cause cancer? Curr Opin Cell Biol 18:658–667.
tumor growth, suggesting that Mad2 over expres- Elsevier Ltd
sion acts early to promote tumorigenesis. Together,
these studies indicate that, like other types of genetic
instability, aneuploidy promotes susceptibility to
cancer rather than make it obligatory. The concept
gains further credence from observations in the Angiogenesis
human genetic disease mosaic variegated aneu-
ploidy, associated with inactivated mitotic check- Arjan W. Griffioen
point gene Bub1b, which reveal constitutional Angiogenesis Laboratory, Department of
aneuploidy and predisposition to develop cancer. Pathology, Maastricht University, Maastricht,
The Netherlands
The role of aneuploidy as a cancer causing muta-
tion event helps resolve the paradox that with
known mutation rate in somatic cells (~107 per
gene per cell generation), tumor cell lineages can-
Formation of new blood vessels;
not accumulate enough mutant genes during a
human life time. Evidence from human tumor cyto-
genetic and molecular genetic studies provide com-
pelling evidence in favor of aneuploidy being
directly involved in the development of tumor phe- Definition
notypes. Results from clinical findings support a
correlation between origin of aneuploidy and Angiogenesis is the formation of new capillary
tumorigenic transformation of cells. Molecular vasculature out of pre-existing blood vessels
genetic analyses of tumor cells suggest that muta- under the regulation of growth factors and inhib-
tions/aberrant expression of genes involved in con- itors. It occurs in physiological (e.g., wound
trolling mitotic checkpoint and chromosome healing, ovulation, placental growth) and patho-
segregation play critical roles in causing chromo- logical (e.g., ▶ cancer, arthritis, ▶ inflammation)
some instability leading to aneuploidy in cancer. conditions.

Cross-References Characteristics

▶ Renal Cancer Clinical Oncology The formation of new blood vessels out of
pre-existing capillaries, the process that is called
angiogenesis, is a sequence of events that is of key
References importance in a broad array of physiologic and
pathologic processes. Normal tissue growth such
Mitelman F, Johansson B, Mertens F (eds)
(2006) Mitelman database of chromosome aberrations
as in embryonic development, wound healing,
and gene fusions in cancer. http://cgap.nci.nih.gov/ and the menstrual cycle is characterized by depen-
Chromosomes/Mitelman dence on new vessel formation for the supply of
Angiogenesis 235

Angiogenesis, Fig. 1 The angiogenesis cascade of endo- proliferation. EC, endothelial cells; BM, basement mem-
thelial cell activation, degradation of the extracellular brane; AS, angiogenic stimulus
matrix and the basement membrane, migration, and

oxygen and nutrients as well as for removal of • Synthesis of proteases that degrade the
waste products. Also, in a large number of ▶ extracellular matrix
different and non-related diseases, formation • ▶ Migration toward the stimulus
of new vasculature is involved in abnormal • Proliferation to increase the number of endo-
physiology. Among these pathologies are diseases thelial cells
such as tissue damage after reperfusion of • Differentiation in order to form a functional
ischemic tissue or cardiac failure, where angio- vessel (Fig. 1)
genesis is low and should be enhanced to improve
disease conditions. In a larger number of diseases, Negative interference in the different steps of
excessive angiogenesis is part of the pathology. the angiogenesis cascade enables different
These diseases include cancer (both solid approaches for treatment of cancer:
tumors and ▶ hematological malignancies), car-
diovascular diseases (atherosclerosis), chronic • Neutralization of angiogenic factors –
inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis, ▶ Crohn dis- antigrowth factor antibodies (Avastin) and dom-
ease), diabetes (diabetic retinopathy), psoriasis, inant negative growth factor receptors
endometriosis, and adiposity. These diseases • Inhibition of growth factor receptors –
may benefit from therapeutic inhibition of antigrowth factor receptor antibodies
angiogenesis. • Desensitization of growth factor-mediated
The initial recognition of angiogenesis being a intracellular signaling pathways – ▶ Receptor
therapeutically interesting process began in the tyrosine kinase inhibitors
oncological arena in the early 1970s, when the • Inhibition of ▶ matrix metalloproteinases
hypothesis was put forward that tumors are highly • Inhibition of endothelial cells adhesion
vascularized and therefore most vulnerable at the • Inhibition of endothelial cell ▶ migration
level of their blood supply (Carmeliet 2005). • Inhibition of endothelial cell growth/
The endothelial cells that line the blood vessels proliferation
play a pivotal regulatory role in the execution of
angiogenesis. The sequence of events in endothe- Clinical Aspects
lial cells that follow the initiation of angiogenesis Although the field of angiogenesis research is
by exposure to (e.g., tumor derived) angiogenic rather new, the first compounds with angiostatic
stimulation consists of: activity (Anti-Angiogenic Drug) have been
236 Angiogenesis-Inhibiting Agents

approved by the US Food and Drug Administra-

tion (Folkman 2006). Most of these compounds Angiogenin
are based on interference with growth factors pro-
duced by the tumor. Avastin (▶ Bevacizumab) is a Zhengping Xu
monoclonal antibody that blocks ▶ vascular Zhejiang University School of Medicine,
endothelial growth factor. Other currently Hangzhou, China
approved compounds act through inhibition of
signaling (kinase inhibitor function) of growth
factor receptors. Other angiogenesis inhibitors Synonyms
that directly act on endothelial cells are currently
in development. One of the advantages of anti- Ribonuclease 5; RNase A family 5
angiogenic therapy is believed to be the lack of
induction of resistance to the therapy. This is
explained by the fact that endothelial cells are Definition
genetically stable cells that are considered not to
mutate into drug resistant variants. Although this Angiogenin (ANG), originally isolated and charac-
is a beneficial feature of the anti-angiogenic terized as a tumor angiogenic factor, is a member of
approach, it is expected that inhibitors of angio- the vertebrate secreted ribonuclease superfamily.
genesis will mainly be used in the future in com- Besides its angiogenic activity, the biological func-
bination with other anticancer modalities such as tions of ANG have been extended to tumorigene-
chemotherapy, irradiation, and/or sis, neuroprotection, and host defense. The
▶ immunotherapy. mechanism of action of ANG is mainly related to
its ribonucleolytic activity toward ribosomal RNA
(rRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA). It has been
Cross-References developed as a clinical therapy target for treatment
of cancer, angiogenesis-related diseases, and neu-
rodegenerative diseases.
▶ Extracellular Matrix Remodeling
▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and
▶ Trefoil Factors

Angiogenin is the Fifth Member of the Human

References Ribonuclease A Superfamily
The human ANG gene is located on chromosome
Carmeliet P (2005) Angiogenesis in life, disease and med- 14q11.2, within the RNase genes cluster of
icine. Nature 438:932–936
Folkman J (1971) Tumor angiogenesis: therapeutic impli- ~400 kb length. The ANG and RNASE4 share the
cations. N Engl J Med 285:1182–1186 same promoters and 50 -untranslated region
Folkman J (2006) Angiogenesis. Annu Rev Med 57:1–18 (50 -UTR) followed by two distinct exons
Griffioen AW, Molema G (2000) Angiogenesis: potentials encoding the two proteins, respectively. In this
for pharmacologic intervention in the treatment of can-
cer, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic inflammation. unique gene arrangement, the transcription of
Pharmacol Rev 52:237–268 ANG and RNase4 is controlled by a universally
promoter and a liver-specific promoter. The rea-
sons for this unique gene arrangement of ANG
and RNASE4 are thought to ensure coexpression
of the two proteins that act in concert to regulate
Angiogenesis-Inhibiting Agents important biological events.
The entire open reading frame (ORF) of human
▶ Vascular Targeting Agents ANG gene encodes a single-chain protein
Angiogenin 237

consisting of 147 amino acid residues (the first under stress, including heat shock, hypothermia,
24 amino acid residues of signal peptide is cleaved hypoxia, and radiation. ANG takes key role in
before secretion). The human ANG is a 14.4 kDa tiRNA-mediated protein translation inhibition. A
basic protein (pI 10.1) that has 33% sequence In addition, ANG binds to the placental ribo-
identity and 65% homology with bovine pancre- nuclease inhibitor (RI), which is one of the most
atic ribonuclease A (RNase A). The three- abundant proteins in cytosol. The ANG-RI bind-
dimensional structure of ANG from NMR spec- ing interaction with an extremely low Kd of
troscopy and X-ray crystallography confirms its ~7.1  1016 M is more potent than other family
structural similarity to RNase A. ANG is desig- members. The X-ray crystallographic analysis of
nated as the fifth member of human ribonuclease ANG-RI complex reveals that ANG is located
A superfamily after RNASE1, RNASE2 (END, inside the central cavity of RI and the complex
liver, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin), RNASE3 pair crystallizes as a dimer, in contrast to the other
(ECP, eosinophil cationic protein), and RNASE4. RNases/RI, which forms a monomeric complex.
The special structure of ANG is important for The tight binding of RI to ANG not only inhibits
its function different to other family members. ANG ribonucleolytic activity but also its tumor
ANG has all the three main catalytic residues of angiogenic activity.
RNase A (His-13, Lys-40, and His-114). How-
ever, its ribonucleolytic activity, which is neces- Angiogenin Is an Angiogenic Factor
sary for its angiogenic activity, is 105–106 lower Angiogenin, characterized by Professor Valle and
than that of RNase A. On the one hand, this weak his colleague at Harvard in 1985, is the first iden-
enzymatic activity is because the pyrimidine base- tified human tumor-derived protein that stimulates
binding site in ANG is occluded by the side chain the growth of blood vessels. It provides the first
of Gln-117 compared with the structure of RNase direct proof for Professor Folkman’s hypothesis
A. On the other hand, the fourth disulphide bond that tumor growth depends on neovascularization.
in other members of the RNase A superfamily is ANG is very potent in inducing angiogenesis
replaced by two cysteine residues in ANG. The comparing with most other angiogenic factors. It
missing of fourth disulphide bond results a can induce new blood vessel formation in the
sequence of residues (loop region from Lys-60 to chicken chorioallantoic membrane and rabbit cor-
Lys-68), which interacts with cell-surface recep- nea only in a femtomole amounts. Until now, the
tor. ANG also has a nuclear localization sequence actions of ANG and its mechanisms in angiogen-
(NLS) consisting of 30-Met-Arg-Arg-Arg-Gly- esis have been well documented.
34, which is required for its angiogenic activity. ANG is one of the secreted proteins by tumor
The known physiological substrate of ANG cells and acts on endothelial cells. In the tumor
includes the rRNA and tRNA. ANG prefers to microenvironment, when ANG reaches to the cell
cleave the 30 side of pyrimidine by a transpho- surface of endothelial cells, it binds to the actin
sphorylation/hydrolysis mechanism. It is reported and dissociates as a complex. This complex stim-
that ANG is more active than RNase A when com- ulates tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA)-
pared by their activity on the 28 s and 18 s rRNA. catalyzed generation of plasmin from plasmino-
ANG can degrade 28 s and 18 s rRNA to the major gen. Degradation of basement membrane and
products of 100 ~ 500 nucleotides in length. Later, extracellular matrix may thus allow endothelial
ANG was demonstrated to be responsible for the cells to penetrate and migrate into the tumor.
first cleavage site (A0) of the 47 s pre-rRNA. tRNA ANG binds to a potential receptor, a 170-kDa
was first used as a quantitative enzymatic assay of transmembrane protein which is not yet fully char-
ANG. A series of publications have highlighted acterized. On one hand, it triggers a number of
that ANG can cleave the tRNA anticodon loop to downstream signaling pathways, including extra-
form exact tiRNA (tRNA-derived, stress induced cellular signal-related kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and
small RNA). The tiRNA inhibits protein translation protein kinase B/Akt. Activation of these path-
in a phosphorylation-eIF2a-independent manner ways by ANG is considered to produce more
238 Angiogenin

ribosomal proteins that enhance cell growth. On Taken together, we propose the hypothesis of
the other hand, ANG undergoes a receptor- ANG in angiogenic process (1) tumor or tissue
mediated endocytosis from the cell surface to the damage results in the release of ANG; (2) ANG
nucleus and accumulates in the nucleolus. This binds to the endothelial cell-surface actin to acti-
process is very important for its angiogenic activ- vate the protease system and the dissolution of
ity. Either its nuclear localization signal variants basement membrane; (3) the sparsely endothelial
or receptor binding site variants lose the angio- cells express ANG receptor, which activates sig-
genic activity. The ribonucleolytic activity of nal transduction and mediates ANG nuclear trans-
ANG is also essential for its angiogenisis func- location to stimulate the ribosome biogenesis;
tion. It is clear that the role of ANG in nucleolus is (4) proliferation of endothelial cells penetrate
promoting ribosomal transcription by binding the through the basement membrane to form new
promoter region of ribosomal DNA, which is blood tube; and finally (5) the maturation of the
called angiogenin binding element (ABE), and new blood vessel wall by smooth muscle cell
might act as the enzyme to cleave the first cleav- migration and proliferation, which also is acti-
age site (A0) of 47 s pre-rRNA. ANG has been vated by ANG.
proposed as a permissive factor for angiogenesis
induced by other angiogenic factor including vas- Angiogenin Is a Tumorigenic Factor
cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), basic ANG is closely related to tumor growth and pro-
fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), acidic fibroblast gression, and even its aggressiveness. Clinical
growth factor (aFGF), and epidermal growth fac- studies have been found that the protein and
tor (EGF). Combined with its signaling pathways, mRNA levels of ANG are universally upregulated
ANG induced ribosome biogenesis is generally in the plasma and tissue of patients with various
required for tumor angiogenesis. types of cancers. For example, ANG is signifi-
ANG circulates in human plasma at a normal cantly and progressively upregulated in prostatic
concentration of 200–400 ng/ml. However, it fails epithelial cells while evolving from a benign to an
to cause new blood vessel formation compared its invasive phenotype in the same patients. ANG
ability in chicken embryo chorioallantoic mem- was once thought to promote cancer progression
brane assay as little as 0.5 ng from the same source. by its ability to induce neovascularization. ANG
It looks like a paradox. However, ANG does not was reported to play a direct role on cancer cells
trigger the ribosome biogenesis in normal endothe- themselves.
lial cells that constitute the blood vessel. Now it is ANG plays a double role in cancer cells by
known that ANG receptor presents only on the stimulating ribosome biogenesis and sustaining
sparsely cultured endothelial cells, but not in con- survival under adverse conditions. It can con-
fluent cells that exist in blood vessels. This sug- stantly translocate into the nucleus of tumor cells
gests that ANG promotes wound healing at the loss in a cell density-independent manner. This pro-
of vascular integrity. When injured clot disrupts gress is different from the endothelial cells which
endothelial cell confluence, the high concentration only occurs under sparse cell density. Besides,
of ANG in blood vessel could facilitate rapid blood ANG can activate AKT, which enhances ribo-
vessel growth and tissue repair. somal protein production. ANG and AKT path-
Besides endothelial cell, smooth muscle cell is way have fulfilled the ribosomal biogenesis
another ANG target cell. ANG has been reported to required for cancer cells growth. ANG’s inhibitors
enhance human arterial smooth muscle cell prolifer- (including an anti-human monoclonal antibody
ation and bind to a-actinin-2, a cytoskeletal protein. 26-2F, small chemical compound neomycin and
The binding of ANG to a-actinin-2 may result in the neamine, siRNA, antisense, soluble binding pro-
phosphorylation of stress-associated protein kinase/ teins, and enzymatic inhibitors) would therefore
c-Jun N-terminal kinase (SAPK/JNK), which is not have a profound effect on cancer cells rRNA
affected by the binding of ANG to the receptor in transcription, ribosome biogenesis, proliferation,
endothelial cells. and tumorigenesis.
Angiogenin 239

ANG also shows cell protection ability. It has neuron protective response remain to be
been shown to be responsible for stress-induced determined.
cleavage of tiRNA. ANG-mediated production A
of tiRNA in response to stress results in Angiogenin Acts in Other Diseases
reprogramming of the protein translation thereby ANG may also play roles in a variety of
promoting damage repairs and cells survival. nonmalignant angiogenesis-dependent diseases
ANG can also protect cell apoptosis through its such as endometriosis, peripheral vascular dis-
capacity to inactivate p53 function and upregulate ease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), rheuma-
antiapoptotic genes expression, including Bag1, toid arthritis, diabetes, and so on. In these
Bcl-2, Hells, Nf-jb, and Ripk1, and downregulate disorders, ANG expression levels increase and
proapoptotic genes, such as Bak1, Tnf, Tnfr, may contribute to the local pathological angiogen-
Traf1, and Trp63. However, its mechanism is esis conditions.
still need to be clarified.
Angiogenin Is a Neuroprotective Factor ANG is a vertebrate-specific secreted ribonucle-
Since 2006, a total of 29 unique, nonsynonymous ase with angiogenic, tumorigenic, and
variants of ANG gene have been identified in neuroprotective activity. It was first isolated and
6,471 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) identified solely by its ability to induce new
patients (0.46%) and 3,146 Parkinson’s disease blood vessel formation in chick embryo chorioal-
(PD) patients (0.45%) compared with 7,668 con- lantoic membrane. Subsequently, it was soon dis-
trol subjects. Several mutations have been charac- covered to be a 14-kDa basic protein that has 33%
terized to impair the ribonucleolytic activity, sequence identity to bovine pancreatic ribonucle-
nuclear translocation capacity, or angiogenic ase A (named as the fifth member of ribonuclease
activity of ANG. ANG is shown to be the first family, RNASE5). The role of ANG in angiogen-
“loss of function” gene so far identified in ALS esis is dependent on stimulating rRNA transcrip-
and PD patients. tion and processing. ANG expression level is
ANG is the second angiogenic factor associ- upregulated in a various cancer types. It can sus-
ated with ALS pathogenesis. Mice with a homo- tain tumor cells growth by enhancing ribosomal
zygous deletion in the hypoxia responsive biogenesis and promote cell survival by cleaving
element of VEGF gene result in an ALS-like the tRNA to form tiRNA. ANG “loss-of-function”
phenotype. Subsequently, VEGF exerts has been associated with ALS and PD. It protects
neuroprotective on motor neurons not only by motor neuron and delays the death of the ALS
increasing neurovascular perfusion but also via mice. As ANG has multiple functions in physio-
directly effects on the neuron cells themselves. logical and pathological processes, it would be a
Since ANG-mediated rRNA transcription is potential therapeutic target.
essential for VEGF to stimulate angiogenesis, it
is possible that a deficiency in ANG function may
also impair the physiological role of VEGF Acknowledgments We apologize to colleagues whose
toward motor neurons. work has not been cited due to the space limitation.
ANG concentration is abnormally reduced in
the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of some ALS
patients. ANG protects motor neurons under References
excitotoxic insults and serum starvation in vitro
assays. Data show that stressed motor neuron Gao X, Xu Z (2008) Mechanisms of action of
secretes ANG, then astrocytes endocytose ANG angiogenin. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai)
to cleave RNA (unknown group of RNA). In ALS Li S, Hu GF (2012) Emerging role of angiogenin in stress
mice model, recombinant ANG delays the death. response and cell survival under adverse conditions.
However, the precise mechanisms of ANG in J Cell Physiol 227(7):2822–2826
240 Angiopoietins

Riordan JF (2001) Angiogenin. Methods Enzymol by a coiled-coil domain as illustrated in Fig. 1.

341:263–273 A linker peptide and a carboxyl-terminal fibrino-
Tello-Montoliu A, Patel JV, Lip GY (2006) Angiogenin: a
review of the pathophysiology and potential clinical gen homology domain then follow. The C-terminal
applications. J Thromb Haemost 4(9):1864–1874 fibrinogen homology domain (FRED) is further
made up of three regions, A, B, and P. The
P domain is responsible for the binding of ligand
to the Tie2 receptor. The coiled-coil domain is
Angiopoietins responsible for oligomerization of monomer
angiopoietins, while the superclustering domain
Harprit Singh allows formation of higher-order multimers. Ang1
De Montfort University, Leicester, UK exists as trimeric, tetrameric, and pentameric
homo-oligomers which cluster into multimers.
This multimerization of a tetrameric or high-order
Definition structure is essential for Ang1 to activate Tie2
receptors in endothelial cells. The ability of Ang2
Angiopoietins are a group of secreted glycopro- to act as an antagonist is that it exists only as a
teins that play a vital role in vascular development. homodimer and has no capability of forming
These growth factors are important in maintaining higher-order multimers which are essential in acti-
blood vessel maturation, vascular integrity, and vating Tie2 receptors. The linker allows secreted
vascular remodeling during adulthood. Ang1 to bind to extracellular matrix.

Angiopoietin 1: A Protective Ligand

Characteristics Angiopoietin 1 is distributed throughout the nor-
mal adult vascular system and is constantly
The angiopoietin family of growth factors consists released by smooth muscle cells and pericytes
of four members, Ang1–4. Angiopoietins 1–4 act that surround the endothelial layer. In addition,
as ligands for the membrane receptor tyrosine other cells including neutrophils and monocytes
kinase Tie2. The Tie2 receptor is predominately also generate Ang1. Genetic studies in mice
expressed on the vasculature endothelium. Differ- lacking Ang1 ligand have shown them to die by
ent members of the angiopoietin family act as ago- embryonic day 12.5 with similar vascular defec-
nist and antagonist toward the Tie2 receptor. The tive phenotypes as mice lacking the Tie2 receptor.
best characterized angiopoietins are angiopoietin The main role of Ang1 is that it maintains vessel
1 (Ang1) and angiopoietin 2 (Ang2). Angiopoietin quiescent, suppresses vascular leakage, inhibits
1 acts as an agonist and hence activates the Tie2 vascular inflammation, and maintains endothelial
receptor by phosphorylating several key tyrosine survival. It exerts its protective effects by binding
residues present at the carboxyl terminus. On the and activation of the Tie2 kinase domain causing
other hand, Ang2 has the ability to antagonize or auto- and transphosphorylation of specific tyrosine
partially phosphorylate tyrosine residues. residues, which act as docking sites for secondary
messengers for downstream signaling pathways.
Structure of Angiopoietins Tie2 triggers several cell signaling cascades and
The angiopoietins share similar structure, each downstream targets as illustrated in Fig. 2.
containing an amino-terminal superclustering Ang1-induced survival and migration of endo-
angiopoietin-specific domain, which is followed thelial cells are aided by activation of Tie2 and
downstream signaling pathways including
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3 Kinase),
Extracellular signal-regulating kinases 1 and 2
The entry “Angiopoietins” appears under the copyright
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of United Kingdom both (Erk1/2), and Dok-R/PAK pathways. Dok-R
in the print and the online version of this Encyclopedia. binds to Nck and p21-activated kinase (PAK)
Angiopoietins 241

Fig. 1 Schematic
representative of the
structure of Ang1 and Ang2 A

Fig. 2 Key downstream
Ang1/Tie2 signaling

and has a migratory effect. Activation of PI3 factor NF-kB, and has an anti-inflammatory
Kinase by recruitment of p85 subunit to specific effect. In addition, Ang1-stimulated Tie2 activa-
Tie2 tyrosine-phosphorylated residues further tion also plays an important role in the recruitment
activates the serine-threonine kinase AKT signal of pericytes to the vessels.
transduction pathway. This PI3-K/Akt pathway The protective effects of Ang1 make this
mediates antiapoptotic/survival effect of Ang1. ligand an attractive therapeutic target for manipu-
Ang1 also regulates the MAPK signaling cascade lation. Vascular regression contributes to various
by phosphorylating ERK1/2 which again is diseases including sepsis and diabetic retinopathy,
involved in migration and survival. Ang1-induced and so the antiapoptotic effects of Ang1 would
Tie2 activation also facilitates the interaction with have therapeutic usage in counteracting such
ABIN2, a regulatory protein for the transcription regression. Also inflammatory conditions such
242 Angiopoietins

as asthma and sepsis could also be regulated by monoclonal antibody inhibitor has shown to sup-
anti-inflammatory effects of Ang1. A potent Ang1 press lung metastasis and lung lymph node metas-
variant, COMP-Ang1, has been developed that tasis from non-small cell carcinoma of the lung by
shows therapeutic effects in various vascular blocking the Ang2 destabilization effect.
pathology models including stroke, diabetic Other studies have shown that combining
nephropathy, and asthma. Further work in under- selective Ang2 inhibitors with anti-VEGF anti-
standing the mechanism of Ang1 action will allow bodies in tumor models significantly reduces
development of potent mimetic of Ang1 for tumor growth compared to using Ang2 inhibitors
clinical use. on their own. Hence work on the effects of com-
bined inhibitors of Ang2, VEGF, and other angio-
Angiopoietin 2 Promotes Vascular genic cytokines including bFGF and PDGF is
Destabilization currently being investigated to maximize thera-
Angiopoietin 2 is stored in Weibel-Palade bodies peutic potential.
in the cytoplasm of endothelial cells and hence has In conclusion, angiopoietins are involved in
an autocrine action. In contrast to the constant vascular stability and remodeling. The level of
expression and secretion of Ang1, expression of Ang1 and Ang2 determines the fate of the vascu-
Ang2 is predominantly at sites of vascular lature. Increased levels of Ang2 or a fall in the
remodeling including wound healing, female Ang1/Ang2 ratio is linked to several pathologies
reproductive tract, and tumors. Levels of Ang2 including cancer making the angiopoietin-Tie2
are also elevated in various pathologies including axis an attractive target in the treatment in tumor
sepsis, diabetic retinopathy, and cardiac allograft therapy.
vasculopathy. Evidence that Ang2 binds to Tie2
and acts as antagonist comes from early trans-
genic studies that show overexpression of Ang2
displays similar phenotypes of mice that lack Cross-References
Ang1 or Tie2. At sites of vascular remodeling,
the Ang1/Ang2 ratio is dramatically decreased ▶ AKT Signal Transduction Pathway
allowing more Ang2 to accommodate Tie2 recep- ▶ Angiogenesis
tors and hence block the protective and stabiliza- ▶ Cytokine
tion effects of Ang1. ▶ Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinases 1 and 2
The consequence of Ang2-induced destabili- ▶ Fibrinogen
zation effect in tumors allows certain angiogenic ▶ Inflammation
cytokines such as Vascular endothelial growth ▶ Metastasis
factor (VEGF) to act on the vasculature promoting ▶ Monoclonal Antibodies for Cancer Therapy
tumor angiogenesis. Ang2 also aids in the recruit- ▶ Nuclear Factor-κB
ment of tumor-associated monocytes which are ▶ Pathology
capable of promoting angiogenesis within the ▶ PI3K Signaling
tumor. ▶ Receptors
▶ Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
Therapeutic Target for Tumor Angiogenesis ▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
Over the years, a huge interest has been drawn in
the development of therapeutic agents to block the References
activity of Ang2 to inhibit tumor angiogenesis and
growth. Ang2 monoclonal antibody inhibitors are Brindle NPJ, Saharinen P, Alitalo K (2006) Signaling and
common agents used for such models. Some pre- functions of angiopoietin-1 in vascular protection. Circ
Res 98:1014–1023
clinical models have shown that these inhibitors Hashizume H, Falcon BL, Kuroda T, Baluk P, Coxon A,
are quite potent in inhibiting tumor growth. One Yu D, Bready JV, Oliner JD, Mcdonald DM
example is MEDI3617. This Ang2-specific (2010) Complementary actions of inhibitors of
Angiotensin II Signaling 243

angiopoietin-2 and VEGF on tumor angiogenesis and homeostasis. There are two well-defined receptors
growth. Cancer Res 70:2213–2223 of angiotensin II (subtype 1 (AT1) and subtype
Kim KT, Choi HH, Steinmetz MO, Maco B, Kammerer
RA, Ahn SY (2005) Oligomerization and 2 (AT2)), both of which have seven transmem- A
multimerization are critical for angiopoietin-1 to bind brane, ▶ G-protein coupled receptors and are
and phosphorylate Tie2. J Biochem 280:20126–20131 encoded by different genes (AT1 (agtr1),
Moss A (2013) The angiopoietin: Tie2 interaction: a poten- 3q21–25; AT2 (agtr2), Xq22–23). The major iso-
tial target for future therapies in human vascular dis-
ease. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 24:579–592 form, AT1 receptor, is expressed in a wide variety
Yuan HT, Khankin EV, Karumanchi SA, Parikh SM of tissues. The AT2 receptor, the second major
(2009) Angiopoietin 2 is a partial agonist/antagonist isoform, is expressed abundantly in fetal mesen-
of Tie2 signaling in the endothelium. Mol Cell Biol chymal tissues, but its expression decreases sig-
nificantly immediately after birth. The AT2
receptor expression level is low in adult tissues
but is inducible and functional under pathophysi-
ological conditions. In addition to these angioten-
Angiotensin sin II receptors, leucyl/cystinyl aminopeptidase
and Mas-related G-protein-coupled receptor
▶ Angiotensin II Signaling
member F have been identified as receptors for
angiotensin IV and angiotensin-(1–7),

Angiotensin II Signaling
Masaaki Tamura and Takaya Matsuzuka
Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Kansas Angiotensin II Signaling in Carcinogenesis
State University, Manhattan, KS, USA The renin-angiotensin system plays a key role
in fluid homeostasis and in blood pressure
control. Circulating renin, produced by the
Synonyms juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidney, and
other tissue renin cleaves angiotensinogen to
Angiotensin angiotensin I. Angiotensin I-converting enzyme
(ACE) catalyzes the subsequent production of the
active peptide angiotensin II. Angiotensin II stim-
Definition ulates a variety of biologically important actions,
such as vasoconstriction, aldosterone release, and
The angiotensin peptides (angiotensins I, II, III, cell proliferation. A large portion of these biolog-
IV, and -(1–7)) are derived from the precursor ical actions are executed by locally generated
angiotensinogen by sequential processing prote- angiotensin II in an autocrine and paracrine man-
ases such as renin, angiotensin I-converting ner. The diversity of angiotensin II-induced bio-
enzyme (ACE), chymase, and other peptidases. logical reactions is determined through the
Among these peptides, angiotensin II has been expression of two receptors and their coupling
well studied and is shown to be the most biolog- with various ▶ G-proteins. The AT1 receptor is
ically active peptide. This peptide hormone pro- expressed in a wide variety of tissues and is
duction system is called the renin-angiotensin mainly responsible for most angiotensin
system and is one of the phylogenetically oldest II-dependent actions in cardiovascular/renal tis-
hormone systems that has been conserved sues. The AT1-mediated angiotensin II signaling
throughout evolution. The renin-angiotensin sys- stimulates an increase in vasoconstriction (Gq),
tem plays a key role in the maintenance of arterial cardiac hypertrophy (Gq), cell mortality (G12/13),
blood pressure and fluid and electrolyte nitric oxide (Gi), and ▶ prostaglandin (Gi)
244 Angiotensin II Signaling

Angiotensin II

AT 1 receptor AT 2 receptor


Gq G12/13 Gi Gs

IP3 Ca2+

DAG EGFR kinase Rho NOS Cox-2 SHP-1


cPKC ERK Rho kinase NO Prostaglandins

Angiotensin II Signaling, Fig. 1 Schematic illustration for diverse angiotensin II signaling

formation (G-proteins in the parenthesis indicate activation of downstream proteins such as

their specific roles, Fig. 1). AT1-mediated signal- MAPK, JNK, and STAT pathways. Furthermore,
ing also stimulates production of various growth AT1 signaling also stimulates ERK1/2 via ▶ epi-
factors such as EGF, basic-FGF, TGF-b, and dermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
▶ VEGF. AT2 receptor-mediated angiotensin II transactivation. The AT1 signaling-induced shed-
actions are also diverse, and this diversity is also ding of heparin-binding EGF by stimulation of
determined through Gi and Gs protein coupling. metalloproteinases causes the transactivation of
Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine phospha- EGFR. However, since it is implied that the
tase activation (Gs), nitric oxide/cGMP, and involvement of transactivation of EGFR by AT1
arachidonic acid/prostaglandin production signaling is dependent on cell type, pathophysio-
(Gi) are involved in the mechanism of AT2 logical significance of angiotensin II-AT1-
receptor-mediated biological reactions (Fig. 1). dependent EGFR transactivation in carcinogene-
The AT2 receptor can function to counteract AT1 sis is not yet clear.
receptor-mediated angiotensin II bioreactions.
However, the AT1 and AT2 receptors can also Clinical Aspects
unidirectionally mediate the angiotensin II sig- Angiotensin II induces the expression of
nal. Angiotensin II also stimulates FGF-2 protooncogenes, such as c-fos and c-myc, and
expression through both the AT1 and AT2 recep- promotes cell proliferation and growth through
tors. In addition, the AT2 receptor mediates the AT1 receptor. AT1 receptor signaling also stim-
▶ apoptosis in a few types of cells derived from ulates the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor
cardiovascular and neuronal tissues in vitro. (HIF) 1a and VEGF, which causes resultant
The stimulation of cell proliferation by angio- neovascularization, a requirement for solid
tensin II-AT1 signaling has been studied in various tumor growth. Accordingly, angiotensin II is a
cancer cell lines such as ▶ breast cancer, pancre- mitogenic and pro-angiogenic factor. The AT1
atic cancer, ▶ ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer. receptor expression has been shown in the tissues
The activation of AT1 stimulates growth factor of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic can-
pathways such as tyrosine kinase phosphorylation cer, melanoma, prostate cancer, and bladder can-
and induces phospholipase C, leading to cer. There is a strong positive relationship
230 Aneuploidy

and also of chromosome 8 in mesoblastic Incidence of chromosome aneuploidy has also

nephroma are commonly seen. Association of been evaluated as a marker of risk assessment and
specific chromosome imbalances with benign prognosis in several other cancers. Analyzing
and malignant forms of papillary renal tumors aneuploidy in nonsurgically obtained squamous
not only contributes to understanding of tumor epithelial cells offers a promising noninvasive
origins and evolution but also implicate aneu- tool to identify individuals at high risk of devel-
ploidy of the respective chromosomes in the oping head and neck cancer. Interphase FISH
tumorigenic transformation process. studies have revealed extensive aneuploidy in
In ▶ colorectal cancer, aneuploidy is common tumors from patients with head and neck squa-
occurrence. Molecular allelotyping studies have mous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) and also in clin-
suggested that the limited karyotyping data avail- ically normal distant oral regions from the same
able from these tumors actually underestimate the individuals. It has been suggested that a panel of
true extent of these changes. Losses of heterozy- chromosome probes for FISH analyses may serve
gosity, reflecting loss of the maternal or paternal as an important tool to detect subclinical tumori-
allele in tumors, are widespread and often accom- genesis and for diagnosis of residual disease. The
panied by a gain of the opposite allele. Thus, for presence of aneuploid or tetraploid populations is
example, a tumor could lose a maternal chromo- commonly seen in 90–95% of esophageal adeno-
some while duplicating the homologous paternal carcinomas, and when detected in ▶ Barrett
chromosome leaving the tumor cell with a normal esophagus, a premalignant condition, predicts
karyotype and ploidy but an aberrant allelotype. It progression of disease.
has been estimated that on an average, cancer of Aneuploidy in most solid tumors coexists with
the colon, breast, pancreas, and prostate may lose structural chromosomal aberrations giving rise to
25% of the alleles and it is not unusual for a tumor complex karyotypes. Such karyotypic complexi-
to have lost over half of all its parental alleles. In ties could be reflective of similar underlying
clinical settings, DNA ploidy changes indicate mechanisms responsible for the origin of both
high risk of developing premalignant changes kinds of chromosomal aberrations as well as
among patients with ulcerative colitis and also their selective value for the evolution of malignant
lymph node metastasis among patients with gastric cells during carcinogenesis. These possibilities
carcinoma. Similarly, chromosome copy number appear credible in view of the findings that tetra-
alterations or aneuploidy has been detected in pre- ploid p53 null mouse mammary epithelial cells
cancerous lesions of colon, cervix, head and neck, show an increased frequency of whole chromo-
esophagus, and bone marrow. Between 60% and some missegregation and chromosomal
80% of colorectal polyps from individuals with rearrangements together with increased propen-
adenomatous polyposis syndrome, predisposed to sity to give rise to malignant mammary epithelial
develop colorectal cancer, have been reported to cancers. Despite complex karyotypes, different
show aneuploid changes. Comparative analysis of cancers also show shared minimal regions of
genomic alterations in AdAPC driven mouse intes- gains and losses of specific chromosomes. By
tinal tumors have identified loci syntenic with analyzing such regions of genomic imbalances
human chromosomes 1, 12, 9, and 22 that are in various solid tumors, karyotypic pathways of
frequently gained or lost in familial adenomas and evolution of cancers involving specific chromo-
sporadic colorectal cancers suggesting that genetic somal aneusomies have been described. For pan-
mechanisms manifested in the form of aneuploidy creatic cancer, the recurrent early imbalances
are conserved across species. The molecular kar- included loss of chromosomes 1, 5, 7, 8, 15, 17,
yotype of amplified chromosomal segments and 18, while the late recurrent imbalances were
(amplotype) generated from colorectal cancer was identified as gain of chromosomes 2, 6, 7, and
reported to indicate that over representation of loci 11 and loss of chromosome 19.
on chromosomes 8 and 13 may be critical for Besides clinical correlative observations, role
metastatic colorectal cancer. of aneuploidy in oncogenesis has also been
Aneuploidy 231

supported by in vitro and in vivo transformation cells undergoing missegregation of

experiments performed with human and rodent chromosomes.
cells. These studies revealed that aneuploidy is To investigate if aneuploidy is a dynamic A
induced at early stages of transformation. Trans- mutational event, different human tumor cell
genic mouse models with chromosome segment- lines and transformed rodent cell lines have been
specific duplications and deletions have been gen- analyzed for the rate of aneuploidy induction.
erated to investigate the effect of chromosome When grown under controlled in vitro conditions,
ploidy alterations during development. Three such conditions ensure that environmental factors
duplications for a portion of mouse chromosome do not influence selective proliferation of cells
11 syntenic with human chromosome 17 were with chromosome instability. In one study,
established in the mouse germline. Mice with Lengauer and colleagues provided evidence by
duplication of 1 Mb chromosomal DNA devel- FISH analyses that losses or gains of multiple
oped corneal hyperplasia and thymic tumors. The chromosomes occurred in excess of 102 per
findings document a direct role of chromosome chromosome per generation in aneuploid colorec-
aneusomy in tumorigenesis. Developments of tal cancer cell lines. The study further concluded
mouse models with targeted upregulation or that such chromosomal instability appeared to be
downregulation of genes regulating chromosome a dominant trait. Utilizing another in vitro model
segregation giving rise to increased incidence of system of Chinese hamster embryo (CHE) cells,
aneuploidy and cancer have further strengthened Duesberg and colleagues have also obtained sim-
the idea of aneuploidy being a cause driving ilar results. With clonal cultures of CHE cells,
tumorigenesis rather than a consequence of transformed with nongenotoxic chemicals and a
cancer. mitotic inhibitor, these authors demonstrated that
the majority of the transformed colonies contained
Aneuploidy as a “Driving Force” and Not more than 50% aneuploid cells, indicating that
a “Consequence” in Cancer aneuploidy would have originated from the same
The presence of numerical chromosomal alter- cells that underwent transformation. All the
ations in a tumor does not mean that the change transformed colonies tested were tumorigenic. It
arose as a dynamic mutation due to genomic was further documented that the ploidy factor,
instability. While aneuploidy as a dynamic muta- representing the quotient of modal chromosome
tion due to genomic instability in tumor cells number divided by the normal diploid number, in
would occur at a certain measurable rate per cell each clone correlated directly with the degree of
generation, a consequential state of aneuploidy is chromosomal instability. Thus chromosomal
expected to be fixed in similar tumors at an instability was found proportional to the degree
unpredictable random rate possibly decided by of aneuploidy in the transformed cells, and the
differences in environmental factors such as authors hypothesized that aneuploidy is an effec-
humoral, cell substratum, and cell-cell interaction tive mechanism of destabilizing the genome and
differences of the tumor and normal cell microen- changing normal cellular phenotypes.
vironments. It could be argued that despite similar
rates of spontaneous aneuploidy induction in nor- Genetic Mechanisms of Aneuploidy in Cancer
mal and tumor cells, the latter are selected to Numerical chromosomal aberrations giving rise to
proliferate due to altered selective pressure in the aneuploidy result when chromosomes are
tumor cell microenvironment while the normal missegregated unequally to the daughter cells dur-
cells are eliminated through activation of apopto- ing mitotic cell division process. Failure to correct
sis. Alternatively, it could be postulated that selec- misattachments of kinetochores with spindle
tive expression or over expression of microtubules through mitosis is the major cause
antiapoptotic proteins or inactivation of of such chromosome missegregation. The cell
proapoptotic proteins in tumor cells may counter- cycle control mechanism that ensures faithful
act default induction of apoptosis in G2/M phase equal segregation of chromosomes during mitosis
232 Aneuploidy

Checkpoint complex
(a) Amphitelic

“wait anaphase signal” inactive (b) Syntelic

Checkpoint complex
active Aneuploid

(C) Monotelic



(d) Merotelic

Aneuploid with structural

chromosome aberration

Metaphase Anaphase Daughter cells

Aneuploidy, Fig. 2 Mitotic checkpoint regulation of chromosome segregation

is referred to as the mitotic checkpoint or the prevented from proceeding to anaphase with the
spindle assembly checkpoint (Fig. 2). likely outcome of giving rise to aneuploidy. Aber-
The mitotic checkpoint prevents chromosome rant expression of the checkpoint proteins leading
missegregation and aneuploidy by inhibiting to weakening of the mitotic checkpoint, however,
metaphase to anaphase transition in cells until allows missegregation of inappropriately attached
the sister kinetochores of all the replicated chro- sister chromatids to proceed to anaphase leading
mosomes attach appropriately to the spindle to the generation of aneuploid daughter cells.
microtubules from the two opposing poles in the Chromosome segregation errors may also
cell. This form of attachment is known as result in cells with centrosome anomalies giving
amphitelic attachment and until such time as this rise to multipolar spindles. Among the mitotic
attachment is achieved, mitotic checkpoint pro- processes implicated in cancer, defects in centro-
teins recruited to the unattached kinetochores gen- some function have been frequently suggested to
erate a diffusible signal (wait anaphase signal) be involved in a wide variety of malignant human
that inhibits the anaphase promoting complex/ tumors. Centrosomes play a central role in orga-
cyclosome (APC/C) from facilitating the degrada- nizing the microtubule network in interphase cells
tion of the substrates necessary for transition from and the mitotic spindle during cell division. Mul-
metaphase to anaphase and mitotic exit. Thus with tipolar mitotic spindles have been observed in
an active mitotic checkpoint, inappropriately human cancers in situ and abnormalities in the
attached sister kinetochores, such as those with form of supernumerary centrosomes, centrosomes
both kinetochores attached to the same pole of aberrant size and shape, as well as aberrant
known as syntelic attachment or others with only phosphorylation of centrosome proteins have
one kinetochore attached to one pole known as been reported in prostate, colon, brain, and breast
monotelic attachment or to the two opposing tumors. It is conceivable that cells with abnormal
poles known as merotelic attachment, are centrosomes may missegregate chromosomes
Aneuploidy 233

Aneuploidy, Table 1 Genes-proteins regulating chromosome ploidy in cancer

Human Animal models of
Gene name Function Mutation/altered expression cancer cancer
Cenp-A Kinetochore assembly Upregulated Yes
Bub 1 Mitotic checkpoint Mutated/upregulated/ Yes
Bub R1 Mitotic checkpoint Mutated/upregulated/ Yes
Bub 3 Mitotic checkpoint Upregulated/downregulated Yes
Mad1 Mitotic checkpoint Upregulated/downregulated
Mad 2 Mitotic checkpoint Mutated/upregulated/ Yes Yes
Cenp E Motor protein/mitotic Yes
KIF 4 Motor protein Yes
Aurora-B Chromosome segregation Upregulated Yes
PTTG Sister chromatid cohesion Upregulated Yes
Survivin Chromosome segregation Upregulated Yes
Aurora-A Chromosome segregation Upregulated Yes Yes
PLK 1 Chromosome segregation Upregulated Yes
Nek 2 Chromosome segregation Upregulated Yes
Brca1 Tumor suppressor Mutated/downregulated Yes Yes
Brca2 Tumor suppressor Mutated Yes Yes
AdAPC Tumor suppressor Mutated/downregulated Yes Yes
Msh2 DNA mismatch repair Mutated/upregulated/ Yes Yes

producing aneuploid cells. The molecular genetic AdAPC, BRCA1, and BRCA2, have also been
mechanism(s) regulating centrosome structure/ shown to induce aneuploidy in murine fibroblasts
function that are aberrant in cancer cells remain derived from mice expressing mutated forms of
to be elucidated. The presence of supernumerary these proteins. Similarly, murine fibroblasts
centrosomes in aneuploid p53-deficient fibro- lacking the mismatch repair gene Msh2 also
blasts and over expression of the centrosome asso- reveal widespread aneuploidy indicating that
ciated kinase Aurora-A/STK15 and PLK1 in mutations in this gene may be contributing to
human cancers have further validated the possi- tumorigenesis by inducing DNA mismatch repair
bility that aberrant centrosome function is defects and aneuploidy.
involved in aneuploidy and oncogenesis. Complementing these findings on the likely
A number of genes involved in the mitotic involvement of aneuploidy inducing genes in the
checkpoint pathway and those regulating chromo- tumorigenesis process, two publications on genet-
some segregation have been found to be aber- ically engineered mice aberrantly expressing
rantly expressed in human cancer cells raising genes involved in the regulation of chromosome
the possibility that aberrant expression of the segregation further advance the case for aneu-
respective mitotic checkpoint and chromosome ploidy being a cause of cancer with some caveats.
segregation regulatory proteins contribute to the In one of these studies, mice heterozygous for
origin of aneuploidy in cancer (Table 1). Cenp-E gene, involved in the alignment of chro-
In addition to the genes with known functions mosomes on mitotic spindle, were reported to
in mitotic checkpoint and chromosome segrega- develop cancer accompanied by an increase in
tion, mutant alleles of tumor suppressor genes, age dependent whole chromosome aneuploidy
234 Angiogenesis

although Cenp-E heterozygosity inhibited tumori- Pellman D (2007) Aneuploidy and cancer. Nature
genesis in animals lacking the tumor suppressor 446:38–39
Rajagopalan H, Lengauer C (2004) Aneuploidy and
gene p19/ARF. In the second study, mice over cancer. Nature 432:338–341
expressing the mitotic checkpoint protein Mad2 Sen S (2000) Aneuploidy and cancer. In: Lengauer
developed a wide range of tumors with extensive C (ed) Current opinion in oncology, vol 12. Lippincott
chromosomal rearrangements. However, silencing Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp 82–88
Weaver BAA, Cleveland DW (2006) Does aneuploidy
of Mad2 after tumor formation had no effect on cause cancer? Curr Opin Cell Biol 18:658–667.
tumor growth, suggesting that Mad2 over expres- Elsevier Ltd
sion acts early to promote tumorigenesis. Together,
these studies indicate that, like other types of genetic
instability, aneuploidy promotes susceptibility to
cancer rather than make it obligatory. The concept
gains further credence from observations in the Angiogenesis
human genetic disease mosaic variegated aneu-
ploidy, associated with inactivated mitotic check- Arjan W. Griffioen
point gene Bub1b, which reveal constitutional Angiogenesis Laboratory, Department of
aneuploidy and predisposition to develop cancer. Pathology, Maastricht University, Maastricht,
The Netherlands
The role of aneuploidy as a cancer causing muta-
tion event helps resolve the paradox that with
known mutation rate in somatic cells (~107 per
gene per cell generation), tumor cell lineages can-
Formation of new blood vessels;
not accumulate enough mutant genes during a
human life time. Evidence from human tumor cyto-
genetic and molecular genetic studies provide com-
pelling evidence in favor of aneuploidy being
directly involved in the development of tumor phe- Definition
notypes. Results from clinical findings support a
correlation between origin of aneuploidy and Angiogenesis is the formation of new capillary
tumorigenic transformation of cells. Molecular vasculature out of pre-existing blood vessels
genetic analyses of tumor cells suggest that muta- under the regulation of growth factors and inhib-
tions/aberrant expression of genes involved in con- itors. It occurs in physiological (e.g., wound
trolling mitotic checkpoint and chromosome healing, ovulation, placental growth) and patho-
segregation play critical roles in causing chromo- logical (e.g., ▶ cancer, arthritis, ▶ inflammation)
some instability leading to aneuploidy in cancer. conditions.

Cross-References Characteristics

▶ Renal Cancer Clinical Oncology The formation of new blood vessels out of
pre-existing capillaries, the process that is called
angiogenesis, is a sequence of events that is of key
References importance in a broad array of physiologic and
pathologic processes. Normal tissue growth such
Mitelman F, Johansson B, Mertens F (eds)
(2006) Mitelman database of chromosome aberrations
as in embryonic development, wound healing,
and gene fusions in cancer. http://cgap.nci.nih.gov/ and the menstrual cycle is characterized by depen-
Chromosomes/Mitelman dence on new vessel formation for the supply of
Angiogenesis 235

Angiogenesis, Fig. 1 The angiogenesis cascade of endo- proliferation. EC, endothelial cells; BM, basement mem-
thelial cell activation, degradation of the extracellular brane; AS, angiogenic stimulus
matrix and the basement membrane, migration, and

oxygen and nutrients as well as for removal of • Synthesis of proteases that degrade the
waste products. Also, in a large number of ▶ extracellular matrix
different and non-related diseases, formation • ▶ Migration toward the stimulus
of new vasculature is involved in abnormal • Proliferation to increase the number of endo-
physiology. Among these pathologies are diseases thelial cells
such as tissue damage after reperfusion of • Differentiation in order to form a functional
ischemic tissue or cardiac failure, where angio- vessel (Fig. 1)
genesis is low and should be enhanced to improve
disease conditions. In a larger number of diseases, Negative interference in the different steps of
excessive angiogenesis is part of the pathology. the angiogenesis cascade enables different
These diseases include cancer (both solid approaches for treatment of cancer:
tumors and ▶ hematological malignancies), car-
diovascular diseases (atherosclerosis), chronic • Neutralization of angiogenic factors –
inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis, ▶ Crohn dis- antigrowth factor antibodies (Avastin) and dom-
ease), diabetes (diabetic retinopathy), psoriasis, inant negative growth factor receptors
endometriosis, and adiposity. These diseases • Inhibition of growth factor receptors –
may benefit from therapeutic inhibition of antigrowth factor receptor antibodies
angiogenesis. • Desensitization of growth factor-mediated
The initial recognition of angiogenesis being a intracellular signaling pathways – ▶ Receptor
therapeutically interesting process began in the tyrosine kinase inhibitors
oncological arena in the early 1970s, when the • Inhibition of ▶ matrix metalloproteinases
hypothesis was put forward that tumors are highly • Inhibition of endothelial cells adhesion
vascularized and therefore most vulnerable at the • Inhibition of endothelial cell ▶ migration
level of their blood supply (Carmeliet 2005). • Inhibition of endothelial cell growth/
The endothelial cells that line the blood vessels proliferation
play a pivotal regulatory role in the execution of
angiogenesis. The sequence of events in endothe- Clinical Aspects
lial cells that follow the initiation of angiogenesis Although the field of angiogenesis research is
by exposure to (e.g., tumor derived) angiogenic rather new, the first compounds with angiostatic
stimulation consists of: activity (Anti-Angiogenic Drug) have been
236 Angiogenesis-Inhibiting Agents

approved by the US Food and Drug Administra-

tion (Folkman 2006). Most of these compounds Angiogenin
are based on interference with growth factors pro-
duced by the tumor. Avastin (▶ Bevacizumab) is a Zhengping Xu
monoclonal antibody that blocks ▶ vascular Zhejiang University School of Medicine,
endothelial growth factor. Other currently Hangzhou, China
approved compounds act through inhibition of
signaling (kinase inhibitor function) of growth
factor receptors. Other angiogenesis inhibitors Synonyms
that directly act on endothelial cells are currently
in development. One of the advantages of anti- Ribonuclease 5; RNase A family 5
angiogenic therapy is believed to be the lack of
induction of resistance to the therapy. This is
explained by the fact that endothelial cells are Definition
genetically stable cells that are considered not to
mutate into drug resistant variants. Although this Angiogenin (ANG), originally isolated and charac-
is a beneficial feature of the anti-angiogenic terized as a tumor angiogenic factor, is a member of
approach, it is expected that inhibitors of angio- the vertebrate secreted ribonuclease superfamily.
genesis will mainly be used in the future in com- Besides its angiogenic activity, the biological func-
bination with other anticancer modalities such as tions of ANG have been extended to tumorigene-
chemotherapy, irradiation, and/or sis, neuroprotection, and host defense. The
▶ immunotherapy. mechanism of action of ANG is mainly related to
its ribonucleolytic activity toward ribosomal RNA
(rRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA). It has been
Cross-References developed as a clinical therapy target for treatment
of cancer, angiogenesis-related diseases, and neu-
rodegenerative diseases.
▶ Extracellular Matrix Remodeling
▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and
▶ Trefoil Factors

Angiogenin is the Fifth Member of the Human

References Ribonuclease A Superfamily
The human ANG gene is located on chromosome
Carmeliet P (2005) Angiogenesis in life, disease and med- 14q11.2, within the RNase genes cluster of
icine. Nature 438:932–936
Folkman J (1971) Tumor angiogenesis: therapeutic impli- ~400 kb length. The ANG and RNASE4 share the
cations. N Engl J Med 285:1182–1186 same promoters and 50 -untranslated region
Folkman J (2006) Angiogenesis. Annu Rev Med 57:1–18 (50 -UTR) followed by two distinct exons
Griffioen AW, Molema G (2000) Angiogenesis: potentials encoding the two proteins, respectively. In this
for pharmacologic intervention in the treatment of can-
cer, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic inflammation. unique gene arrangement, the transcription of
Pharmacol Rev 52:237–268 ANG and RNase4 is controlled by a universally
promoter and a liver-specific promoter. The rea-
sons for this unique gene arrangement of ANG
and RNASE4 are thought to ensure coexpression
of the two proteins that act in concert to regulate
Angiogenesis-Inhibiting Agents important biological events.
The entire open reading frame (ORF) of human
▶ Vascular Targeting Agents ANG gene encodes a single-chain protein
Angiogenin 237

consisting of 147 amino acid residues (the first under stress, including heat shock, hypothermia,
24 amino acid residues of signal peptide is cleaved hypoxia, and radiation. ANG takes key role in
before secretion). The human ANG is a 14.4 kDa tiRNA-mediated protein translation inhibition. A
basic protein (pI 10.1) that has 33% sequence In addition, ANG binds to the placental ribo-
identity and 65% homology with bovine pancre- nuclease inhibitor (RI), which is one of the most
atic ribonuclease A (RNase A). The three- abundant proteins in cytosol. The ANG-RI bind-
dimensional structure of ANG from NMR spec- ing interaction with an extremely low Kd of
troscopy and X-ray crystallography confirms its ~7.1  1016 M is more potent than other family
structural similarity to RNase A. ANG is desig- members. The X-ray crystallographic analysis of
nated as the fifth member of human ribonuclease ANG-RI complex reveals that ANG is located
A superfamily after RNASE1, RNASE2 (END, inside the central cavity of RI and the complex
liver, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin), RNASE3 pair crystallizes as a dimer, in contrast to the other
(ECP, eosinophil cationic protein), and RNASE4. RNases/RI, which forms a monomeric complex.
The special structure of ANG is important for The tight binding of RI to ANG not only inhibits
its function different to other family members. ANG ribonucleolytic activity but also its tumor
ANG has all the three main catalytic residues of angiogenic activity.
RNase A (His-13, Lys-40, and His-114). How-
ever, its ribonucleolytic activity, which is neces- Angiogenin Is an Angiogenic Factor
sary for its angiogenic activity, is 105–106 lower Angiogenin, characterized by Professor Valle and
than that of RNase A. On the one hand, this weak his colleague at Harvard in 1985, is the first iden-
enzymatic activity is because the pyrimidine base- tified human tumor-derived protein that stimulates
binding site in ANG is occluded by the side chain the growth of blood vessels. It provides the first
of Gln-117 compared with the structure of RNase direct proof for Professor Folkman’s hypothesis
A. On the other hand, the fourth disulphide bond that tumor growth depends on neovascularization.
in other members of the RNase A superfamily is ANG is very potent in inducing angiogenesis
replaced by two cysteine residues in ANG. The comparing with most other angiogenic factors. It
missing of fourth disulphide bond results a can induce new blood vessel formation in the
sequence of residues (loop region from Lys-60 to chicken chorioallantoic membrane and rabbit cor-
Lys-68), which interacts with cell-surface recep- nea only in a femtomole amounts. Until now, the
tor. ANG also has a nuclear localization sequence actions of ANG and its mechanisms in angiogen-
(NLS) consisting of 30-Met-Arg-Arg-Arg-Gly- esis have been well documented.
34, which is required for its angiogenic activity. ANG is one of the secreted proteins by tumor
The known physiological substrate of ANG cells and acts on endothelial cells. In the tumor
includes the rRNA and tRNA. ANG prefers to microenvironment, when ANG reaches to the cell
cleave the 30 side of pyrimidine by a transpho- surface of endothelial cells, it binds to the actin
sphorylation/hydrolysis mechanism. It is reported and dissociates as a complex. This complex stim-
that ANG is more active than RNase A when com- ulates tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA)-
pared by their activity on the 28 s and 18 s rRNA. catalyzed generation of plasmin from plasmino-
ANG can degrade 28 s and 18 s rRNA to the major gen. Degradation of basement membrane and
products of 100 ~ 500 nucleotides in length. Later, extracellular matrix may thus allow endothelial
ANG was demonstrated to be responsible for the cells to penetrate and migrate into the tumor.
first cleavage site (A0) of the 47 s pre-rRNA. tRNA ANG binds to a potential receptor, a 170-kDa
was first used as a quantitative enzymatic assay of transmembrane protein which is not yet fully char-
ANG. A series of publications have highlighted acterized. On one hand, it triggers a number of
that ANG can cleave the tRNA anticodon loop to downstream signaling pathways, including extra-
form exact tiRNA (tRNA-derived, stress induced cellular signal-related kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and
small RNA). The tiRNA inhibits protein translation protein kinase B/Akt. Activation of these path-
in a phosphorylation-eIF2a-independent manner ways by ANG is considered to produce more
238 Angiogenin

ribosomal proteins that enhance cell growth. On Taken together, we propose the hypothesis of
the other hand, ANG undergoes a receptor- ANG in angiogenic process (1) tumor or tissue
mediated endocytosis from the cell surface to the damage results in the release of ANG; (2) ANG
nucleus and accumulates in the nucleolus. This binds to the endothelial cell-surface actin to acti-
process is very important for its angiogenic activ- vate the protease system and the dissolution of
ity. Either its nuclear localization signal variants basement membrane; (3) the sparsely endothelial
or receptor binding site variants lose the angio- cells express ANG receptor, which activates sig-
genic activity. The ribonucleolytic activity of nal transduction and mediates ANG nuclear trans-
ANG is also essential for its angiogenisis func- location to stimulate the ribosome biogenesis;
tion. It is clear that the role of ANG in nucleolus is (4) proliferation of endothelial cells penetrate
promoting ribosomal transcription by binding the through the basement membrane to form new
promoter region of ribosomal DNA, which is blood tube; and finally (5) the maturation of the
called angiogenin binding element (ABE), and new blood vessel wall by smooth muscle cell
might act as the enzyme to cleave the first cleav- migration and proliferation, which also is acti-
age site (A0) of 47 s pre-rRNA. ANG has been vated by ANG.
proposed as a permissive factor for angiogenesis
induced by other angiogenic factor including vas- Angiogenin Is a Tumorigenic Factor
cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), basic ANG is closely related to tumor growth and pro-
fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), acidic fibroblast gression, and even its aggressiveness. Clinical
growth factor (aFGF), and epidermal growth fac- studies have been found that the protein and
tor (EGF). Combined with its signaling pathways, mRNA levels of ANG are universally upregulated
ANG induced ribosome biogenesis is generally in the plasma and tissue of patients with various
required for tumor angiogenesis. types of cancers. For example, ANG is signifi-
ANG circulates in human plasma at a normal cantly and progressively upregulated in prostatic
concentration of 200–400 ng/ml. However, it fails epithelial cells while evolving from a benign to an
to cause new blood vessel formation compared its invasive phenotype in the same patients. ANG
ability in chicken embryo chorioallantoic mem- was once thought to promote cancer progression
brane assay as little as 0.5 ng from the same source. by its ability to induce neovascularization. ANG
It looks like a paradox. However, ANG does not was reported to play a direct role on cancer cells
trigger the ribosome biogenesis in normal endothe- themselves.
lial cells that constitute the blood vessel. Now it is ANG plays a double role in cancer cells by
known that ANG receptor presents only on the stimulating ribosome biogenesis and sustaining
sparsely cultured endothelial cells, but not in con- survival under adverse conditions. It can con-
fluent cells that exist in blood vessels. This sug- stantly translocate into the nucleus of tumor cells
gests that ANG promotes wound healing at the loss in a cell density-independent manner. This pro-
of vascular integrity. When injured clot disrupts gress is different from the endothelial cells which
endothelial cell confluence, the high concentration only occurs under sparse cell density. Besides,
of ANG in blood vessel could facilitate rapid blood ANG can activate AKT, which enhances ribo-
vessel growth and tissue repair. somal protein production. ANG and AKT path-
Besides endothelial cell, smooth muscle cell is way have fulfilled the ribosomal biogenesis
another ANG target cell. ANG has been reported to required for cancer cells growth. ANG’s inhibitors
enhance human arterial smooth muscle cell prolifer- (including an anti-human monoclonal antibody
ation and bind to a-actinin-2, a cytoskeletal protein. 26-2F, small chemical compound neomycin and
The binding of ANG to a-actinin-2 may result in the neamine, siRNA, antisense, soluble binding pro-
phosphorylation of stress-associated protein kinase/ teins, and enzymatic inhibitors) would therefore
c-Jun N-terminal kinase (SAPK/JNK), which is not have a profound effect on cancer cells rRNA
affected by the binding of ANG to the receptor in transcription, ribosome biogenesis, proliferation,
endothelial cells. and tumorigenesis.
Angiogenin 239

ANG also shows cell protection ability. It has neuron protective response remain to be
been shown to be responsible for stress-induced determined.
cleavage of tiRNA. ANG-mediated production A
of tiRNA in response to stress results in Angiogenin Acts in Other Diseases
reprogramming of the protein translation thereby ANG may also play roles in a variety of
promoting damage repairs and cells survival. nonmalignant angiogenesis-dependent diseases
ANG can also protect cell apoptosis through its such as endometriosis, peripheral vascular dis-
capacity to inactivate p53 function and upregulate ease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), rheuma-
antiapoptotic genes expression, including Bag1, toid arthritis, diabetes, and so on. In these
Bcl-2, Hells, Nf-jb, and Ripk1, and downregulate disorders, ANG expression levels increase and
proapoptotic genes, such as Bak1, Tnf, Tnfr, may contribute to the local pathological angiogen-
Traf1, and Trp63. However, its mechanism is esis conditions.
still need to be clarified.
Angiogenin Is a Neuroprotective Factor ANG is a vertebrate-specific secreted ribonucle-
Since 2006, a total of 29 unique, nonsynonymous ase with angiogenic, tumorigenic, and
variants of ANG gene have been identified in neuroprotective activity. It was first isolated and
6,471 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) identified solely by its ability to induce new
patients (0.46%) and 3,146 Parkinson’s disease blood vessel formation in chick embryo chorioal-
(PD) patients (0.45%) compared with 7,668 con- lantoic membrane. Subsequently, it was soon dis-
trol subjects. Several mutations have been charac- covered to be a 14-kDa basic protein that has 33%
terized to impair the ribonucleolytic activity, sequence identity to bovine pancreatic ribonucle-
nuclear translocation capacity, or angiogenic ase A (named as the fifth member of ribonuclease
activity of ANG. ANG is shown to be the first family, RNASE5). The role of ANG in angiogen-
“loss of function” gene so far identified in ALS esis is dependent on stimulating rRNA transcrip-
and PD patients. tion and processing. ANG expression level is
ANG is the second angiogenic factor associ- upregulated in a various cancer types. It can sus-
ated with ALS pathogenesis. Mice with a homo- tain tumor cells growth by enhancing ribosomal
zygous deletion in the hypoxia responsive biogenesis and promote cell survival by cleaving
element of VEGF gene result in an ALS-like the tRNA to form tiRNA. ANG “loss-of-function”
phenotype. Subsequently, VEGF exerts has been associated with ALS and PD. It protects
neuroprotective on motor neurons not only by motor neuron and delays the death of the ALS
increasing neurovascular perfusion but also via mice. As ANG has multiple functions in physio-
directly effects on the neuron cells themselves. logical and pathological processes, it would be a
Since ANG-mediated rRNA transcription is potential therapeutic target.
essential for VEGF to stimulate angiogenesis, it
is possible that a deficiency in ANG function may
also impair the physiological role of VEGF Acknowledgments We apologize to colleagues whose
toward motor neurons. work has not been cited due to the space limitation.
ANG concentration is abnormally reduced in
the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of some ALS
patients. ANG protects motor neurons under References
excitotoxic insults and serum starvation in vitro
assays. Data show that stressed motor neuron Gao X, Xu Z (2008) Mechanisms of action of
secretes ANG, then astrocytes endocytose ANG angiogenin. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai)
to cleave RNA (unknown group of RNA). In ALS Li S, Hu GF (2012) Emerging role of angiogenin in stress
mice model, recombinant ANG delays the death. response and cell survival under adverse conditions.
However, the precise mechanisms of ANG in J Cell Physiol 227(7):2822–2826
240 Angiopoietins

Riordan JF (2001) Angiogenin. Methods Enzymol by a coiled-coil domain as illustrated in Fig. 1.

341:263–273 A linker peptide and a carboxyl-terminal fibrino-
Tello-Montoliu A, Patel JV, Lip GY (2006) Angiogenin: a
review of the pathophysiology and potential clinical gen homology domain then follow. The C-terminal
applications. J Thromb Haemost 4(9):1864–1874 fibrinogen homology domain (FRED) is further
made up of three regions, A, B, and P. The
P domain is responsible for the binding of ligand
to the Tie2 receptor. The coiled-coil domain is
Angiopoietins responsible for oligomerization of monomer
angiopoietins, while the superclustering domain
Harprit Singh allows formation of higher-order multimers. Ang1
De Montfort University, Leicester, UK exists as trimeric, tetrameric, and pentameric
homo-oligomers which cluster into multimers.
This multimerization of a tetrameric or high-order
Definition structure is essential for Ang1 to activate Tie2
receptors in endothelial cells. The ability of Ang2
Angiopoietins are a group of secreted glycopro- to act as an antagonist is that it exists only as a
teins that play a vital role in vascular development. homodimer and has no capability of forming
These growth factors are important in maintaining higher-order multimers which are essential in acti-
blood vessel maturation, vascular integrity, and vating Tie2 receptors. The linker allows secreted
vascular remodeling during adulthood. Ang1 to bind to extracellular matrix.

Angiopoietin 1: A Protective Ligand

Characteristics Angiopoietin 1 is distributed throughout the nor-
mal adult vascular system and is constantly
The angiopoietin family of growth factors consists released by smooth muscle cells and pericytes
of four members, Ang1–4. Angiopoietins 1–4 act that surround the endothelial layer. In addition,
as ligands for the membrane receptor tyrosine other cells including neutrophils and monocytes
kinase Tie2. The Tie2 receptor is predominately also generate Ang1. Genetic studies in mice
expressed on the vasculature endothelium. Differ- lacking Ang1 ligand have shown them to die by
ent members of the angiopoietin family act as ago- embryonic day 12.5 with similar vascular defec-
nist and antagonist toward the Tie2 receptor. The tive phenotypes as mice lacking the Tie2 receptor.
best characterized angiopoietins are angiopoietin The main role of Ang1 is that it maintains vessel
1 (Ang1) and angiopoietin 2 (Ang2). Angiopoietin quiescent, suppresses vascular leakage, inhibits
1 acts as an agonist and hence activates the Tie2 vascular inflammation, and maintains endothelial
receptor by phosphorylating several key tyrosine survival. It exerts its protective effects by binding
residues present at the carboxyl terminus. On the and activation of the Tie2 kinase domain causing
other hand, Ang2 has the ability to antagonize or auto- and transphosphorylation of specific tyrosine
partially phosphorylate tyrosine residues. residues, which act as docking sites for secondary
messengers for downstream signaling pathways.
Structure of Angiopoietins Tie2 triggers several cell signaling cascades and
The angiopoietins share similar structure, each downstream targets as illustrated in Fig. 2.
containing an amino-terminal superclustering Ang1-induced survival and migration of endo-
angiopoietin-specific domain, which is followed thelial cells are aided by activation of Tie2 and
downstream signaling pathways including
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3 Kinase),
Extracellular signal-regulating kinases 1 and 2
The entry “Angiopoietins” appears under the copyright
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of United Kingdom both (Erk1/2), and Dok-R/PAK pathways. Dok-R
in the print and the online version of this Encyclopedia. binds to Nck and p21-activated kinase (PAK)
Angiopoietins 241

Fig. 1 Schematic
representative of the
structure of Ang1 and Ang2 A

Fig. 2 Key downstream
Ang1/Tie2 signaling

and has a migratory effect. Activation of PI3 factor NF-kB, and has an anti-inflammatory
Kinase by recruitment of p85 subunit to specific effect. In addition, Ang1-stimulated Tie2 activa-
Tie2 tyrosine-phosphorylated residues further tion also plays an important role in the recruitment
activates the serine-threonine kinase AKT signal of pericytes to the vessels.
transduction pathway. This PI3-K/Akt pathway The protective effects of Ang1 make this
mediates antiapoptotic/survival effect of Ang1. ligand an attractive therapeutic target for manipu-
Ang1 also regulates the MAPK signaling cascade lation. Vascular regression contributes to various
by phosphorylating ERK1/2 which again is diseases including sepsis and diabetic retinopathy,
involved in migration and survival. Ang1-induced and so the antiapoptotic effects of Ang1 would
Tie2 activation also facilitates the interaction with have therapeutic usage in counteracting such
ABIN2, a regulatory protein for the transcription regression. Also inflammatory conditions such
242 Angiopoietins

as asthma and sepsis could also be regulated by monoclonal antibody inhibitor has shown to sup-
anti-inflammatory effects of Ang1. A potent Ang1 press lung metastasis and lung lymph node metas-
variant, COMP-Ang1, has been developed that tasis from non-small cell carcinoma of the lung by
shows therapeutic effects in various vascular blocking the Ang2 destabilization effect.
pathology models including stroke, diabetic Other studies have shown that combining
nephropathy, and asthma. Further work in under- selective Ang2 inhibitors with anti-VEGF anti-
standing the mechanism of Ang1 action will allow bodies in tumor models significantly reduces
development of potent mimetic of Ang1 for tumor growth compared to using Ang2 inhibitors
clinical use. on their own. Hence work on the effects of com-
bined inhibitors of Ang2, VEGF, and other angio-
Angiopoietin 2 Promotes Vascular genic cytokines including bFGF and PDGF is
Destabilization currently being investigated to maximize thera-
Angiopoietin 2 is stored in Weibel-Palade bodies peutic potential.
in the cytoplasm of endothelial cells and hence has In conclusion, angiopoietins are involved in
an autocrine action. In contrast to the constant vascular stability and remodeling. The level of
expression and secretion of Ang1, expression of Ang1 and Ang2 determines the fate of the vascu-
Ang2 is predominantly at sites of vascular lature. Increased levels of Ang2 or a fall in the
remodeling including wound healing, female Ang1/Ang2 ratio is linked to several pathologies
reproductive tract, and tumors. Levels of Ang2 including cancer making the angiopoietin-Tie2
are also elevated in various pathologies including axis an attractive target in the treatment in tumor
sepsis, diabetic retinopathy, and cardiac allograft therapy.
vasculopathy. Evidence that Ang2 binds to Tie2
and acts as antagonist comes from early trans-
genic studies that show overexpression of Ang2
displays similar phenotypes of mice that lack Cross-References
Ang1 or Tie2. At sites of vascular remodeling,
the Ang1/Ang2 ratio is dramatically decreased ▶ AKT Signal Transduction Pathway
allowing more Ang2 to accommodate Tie2 recep- ▶ Angiogenesis
tors and hence block the protective and stabiliza- ▶ Cytokine
tion effects of Ang1. ▶ Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinases 1 and 2
The consequence of Ang2-induced destabili- ▶ Fibrinogen
zation effect in tumors allows certain angiogenic ▶ Inflammation
cytokines such as Vascular endothelial growth ▶ Metastasis
factor (VEGF) to act on the vasculature promoting ▶ Monoclonal Antibodies for Cancer Therapy
tumor angiogenesis. Ang2 also aids in the recruit- ▶ Nuclear Factor-κB
ment of tumor-associated monocytes which are ▶ Pathology
capable of promoting angiogenesis within the ▶ PI3K Signaling
tumor. ▶ Receptors
▶ Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
Therapeutic Target for Tumor Angiogenesis ▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
Over the years, a huge interest has been drawn in
the development of therapeutic agents to block the References
activity of Ang2 to inhibit tumor angiogenesis and
growth. Ang2 monoclonal antibody inhibitors are Brindle NPJ, Saharinen P, Alitalo K (2006) Signaling and
common agents used for such models. Some pre- functions of angiopoietin-1 in vascular protection. Circ
Res 98:1014–1023
clinical models have shown that these inhibitors Hashizume H, Falcon BL, Kuroda T, Baluk P, Coxon A,
are quite potent in inhibiting tumor growth. One Yu D, Bready JV, Oliner JD, Mcdonald DM
example is MEDI3617. This Ang2-specific (2010) Complementary actions of inhibitors of
Angiotensin II Signaling 243

angiopoietin-2 and VEGF on tumor angiogenesis and homeostasis. There are two well-defined receptors
growth. Cancer Res 70:2213–2223 of angiotensin II (subtype 1 (AT1) and subtype
Kim KT, Choi HH, Steinmetz MO, Maco B, Kammerer
RA, Ahn SY (2005) Oligomerization and 2 (AT2)), both of which have seven transmem- A
multimerization are critical for angiopoietin-1 to bind brane, ▶ G-protein coupled receptors and are
and phosphorylate Tie2. J Biochem 280:20126–20131 encoded by different genes (AT1 (agtr1),
Moss A (2013) The angiopoietin: Tie2 interaction: a poten- 3q21–25; AT2 (agtr2), Xq22–23). The major iso-
tial target for future therapies in human vascular dis-
ease. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 24:579–592 form, AT1 receptor, is expressed in a wide variety
Yuan HT, Khankin EV, Karumanchi SA, Parikh SM of tissues. The AT2 receptor, the second major
(2009) Angiopoietin 2 is a partial agonist/antagonist isoform, is expressed abundantly in fetal mesen-
of Tie2 signaling in the endothelium. Mol Cell Biol chymal tissues, but its expression decreases sig-
nificantly immediately after birth. The AT2
receptor expression level is low in adult tissues
but is inducible and functional under pathophysi-
ological conditions. In addition to these angioten-
Angiotensin sin II receptors, leucyl/cystinyl aminopeptidase
and Mas-related G-protein-coupled receptor
▶ Angiotensin II Signaling
member F have been identified as receptors for
angiotensin IV and angiotensin-(1–7),

Angiotensin II Signaling
Masaaki Tamura and Takaya Matsuzuka
Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Kansas Angiotensin II Signaling in Carcinogenesis
State University, Manhattan, KS, USA The renin-angiotensin system plays a key role
in fluid homeostasis and in blood pressure
control. Circulating renin, produced by the
Synonyms juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidney, and
other tissue renin cleaves angiotensinogen to
Angiotensin angiotensin I. Angiotensin I-converting enzyme
(ACE) catalyzes the subsequent production of the
active peptide angiotensin II. Angiotensin II stim-
Definition ulates a variety of biologically important actions,
such as vasoconstriction, aldosterone release, and
The angiotensin peptides (angiotensins I, II, III, cell proliferation. A large portion of these biolog-
IV, and -(1–7)) are derived from the precursor ical actions are executed by locally generated
angiotensinogen by sequential processing prote- angiotensin II in an autocrine and paracrine man-
ases such as renin, angiotensin I-converting ner. The diversity of angiotensin II-induced bio-
enzyme (ACE), chymase, and other peptidases. logical reactions is determined through the
Among these peptides, angiotensin II has been expression of two receptors and their coupling
well studied and is shown to be the most biolog- with various ▶ G-proteins. The AT1 receptor is
ically active peptide. This peptide hormone pro- expressed in a wide variety of tissues and is
duction system is called the renin-angiotensin mainly responsible for most angiotensin
system and is one of the phylogenetically oldest II-dependent actions in cardiovascular/renal tis-
hormone systems that has been conserved sues. The AT1-mediated angiotensin II signaling
throughout evolution. The renin-angiotensin sys- stimulates an increase in vasoconstriction (Gq),
tem plays a key role in the maintenance of arterial cardiac hypertrophy (Gq), cell mortality (G12/13),
blood pressure and fluid and electrolyte nitric oxide (Gi), and ▶ prostaglandin (Gi)
244 Angiotensin II Signaling

Angiotensin II

AT 1 receptor AT 2 receptor


Gq G12/13 Gi Gs

IP3 Ca2+

DAG EGFR kinase Rho NOS Cox-2 SHP-1


cPKC ERK Rho kinase NO Prostaglandins

Angiotensin II Signaling, Fig. 1 Schematic illustration for diverse angiotensin II signaling

formation (G-proteins in the parenthesis indicate activation of downstream proteins such as

their specific roles, Fig. 1). AT1-mediated signal- MAPK, JNK, and STAT pathways. Furthermore,
ing also stimulates production of various growth AT1 signaling also stimulates ERK1/2 via ▶ epi-
factors such as EGF, basic-FGF, TGF-b, and dermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
▶ VEGF. AT2 receptor-mediated angiotensin II transactivation. The AT1 signaling-induced shed-
actions are also diverse, and this diversity is also ding of heparin-binding EGF by stimulation of
determined through Gi and Gs protein coupling. metalloproteinases causes the transactivation of
Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine phospha- EGFR. However, since it is implied that the
tase activation (Gs), nitric oxide/cGMP, and involvement of transactivation of EGFR by AT1
arachidonic acid/prostaglandin production signaling is dependent on cell type, pathophysio-
(Gi) are involved in the mechanism of AT2 logical significance of angiotensin II-AT1-
receptor-mediated biological reactions (Fig. 1). dependent EGFR transactivation in carcinogene-
The AT2 receptor can function to counteract AT1 sis is not yet clear.
receptor-mediated angiotensin II bioreactions.
However, the AT1 and AT2 receptors can also Clinical Aspects
unidirectionally mediate the angiotensin II sig- Angiotensin II induces the expression of
nal. Angiotensin II also stimulates FGF-2 protooncogenes, such as c-fos and c-myc, and
expression through both the AT1 and AT2 recep- promotes cell proliferation and growth through
tors. In addition, the AT2 receptor mediates the AT1 receptor. AT1 receptor signaling also stim-
▶ apoptosis in a few types of cells derived from ulates the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor
cardiovascular and neuronal tissues in vitro. (HIF) 1a and VEGF, which causes resultant
The stimulation of cell proliferation by angio- neovascularization, a requirement for solid
tensin II-AT1 signaling has been studied in various tumor growth. Accordingly, angiotensin II is a
cancer cell lines such as ▶ breast cancer, pancre- mitogenic and pro-angiogenic factor. The AT1
atic cancer, ▶ ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer. receptor expression has been shown in the tissues
The activation of AT1 stimulates growth factor of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic can-
pathways such as tyrosine kinase phosphorylation cer, melanoma, prostate cancer, and bladder can-
and induces phospholipase C, leading to cer. There is a strong positive relationship
Angiotensin II Signaling 245

Angiotensin II Signaling,
Fig. 2 The schematic Cancer cells
model of the angiogenic
effect of angiotensin II in A

Angiotensin II Angiogenesis


Stromal cells Prostaglandins

AT 1

between the expression level of the AT1 receptor through AT1 signaling. Prostaglandin E2, the main
and ovarian cancer malignancy, and the survival product of COX-2, is known to have a
rate of AT1 positive ovarian cancer patients is pro-angiogenic effect as well. In fact, the COX-2
significantly lower than the AT1 negative patients. inhibitors reduced tumor growth accompanied by
ACE is also detected in tumor stroma of several an antiangiogenic effect on tumor tissue. The
types of cancers. These observations suggest that expression levels of COX-2 and VEGF appears
local renin-angiotensin system exists in these var- to be tightly associated since VEGF stimulates
ious cancer tissues, and the AT1 receptor- COX-2 mRNA expression and prostaglandin E2
mediated angiotensin II signaling may play a sig- increases VEGF mRNA expression in vascular
nificant role in tumor growth. Subcutaneous endothelial cells. The COX-2-specific inhibitor
tumor xenografts in AT1a-KO mice demonstrated suppresses tumor angiogenesis by decreasing
that AT1 signaling in host stromal fibroblasts is VEGF expression in a rat colon cancer model.
also an important regulator of tumor-associated Furthermore, the selective COX-2 inhibitor
▶ angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is an important celecoxib and ACE inhibitors or AT1 receptor
support mechanism in tumor development. antagonists synergistically inhibited colon cancer
Angiotensin II can directly stimulate capillary growth. Accordingly, angiotensin II-AT1 signal-
network formation by upregulation of VEGF pro- ing promotes tumor growth by upregulation of
duction in endothelial cells and vascular smooth both COX-2 and VEGF expression in cancer
muscle cells. VEGF is known as a strong angio- cells and stromal cells (Fig. 2).
genic factor in a variety of cancers. VEGF pro- Attenuation of the AT1 receptor function by a
motes endothelial cell proliferation, migration, clinically employed AT1-specific receptor antag-
and survival. An ACE inhibitor attenuates onist has been shown to block lung metastasis of
VEGF-mediated tumor growth, accompanied renal cell carcinoma in mice.
with the suppression of neovascularization in the A potential mechanism underlying the AT2
tumor and VEGF-induced endothelial cell migra- receptor-dependent modification of carcinogen
tion. VEGF expression is upregulated by AT1 susceptibility appears to be in part due to a mod-
signaling not only in cancer cells but also in ulation of cytochrome P450 expression and stro-
tumor-associated stromal cells including fibro- mal fibroblast-dependent support of tumor
blasts and infiltrated macrophages. Angiotensin growth. In addition to angiotensin II receptor
II-AT1 signaling also induces tumor-associated blockers, ACE inhibitors retard the growth of
macrophage infiltration. Angiotensin II signifi- cancer cells in vitro. ACE inhibitors also inhibit
cantly induced cyclooxygenase-2 (▶ COX-2) angiogenesis and the growth of tumor xenografts
expression in the mouse lung stromal fibroblasts in rats. Therefore, the renin-angiotensin system is
246 ANLL

an important component in both cancer and car- Egami K, Murohara T, Shimada T et al (2003) Role of host
diovascular diseases. angiotensin II type 1 receptor in tumor angiogenesis
and growth. J Clin Invest 112:67–75
Ino K, Shibata K, Kajiyama H et al (2006) Manipulating the
Epidemiological Study of the Effect of ACE angiotensin system – new approaches to the treatment of
Inhibitors on Cancer Risk solid tumours. Expert Opin Biol Ther 6:243–255
Although the ACE inhibitors (e.g., captopril, Kanehira T, Tani T, Takagi T et al (2005) Angiotensin II
type 2 receptor gene deficiency attenuates susceptibility
lisinopril, enalapril, or perindopril) have demon- to tobacco-specific nitrosamine-induced lung tumori-
strated significant antitumor effects in in vitro genesis: involvement of transforming growth factor-
studies or animal studies, results of epidemiolog- beta-dependent cell growth attenuation. Cancer Res
ical studies are not consistent with these studies. 65:7660–7665
Lever AF, Hole DJ, Gillis CR et al (1998) Do inhibitors of
In 1998, Lever et al. reported that ACE inhibitors angiotensin-I-converting enzyme protect against risk of
decreased the risks of cancer, particularly breast cancer? Lancet 352:179–184
and lung cancer for the first time. However, most
of the other epidemiological studies did not find
any clear association between ACE inhibitors and
risk of cancer. Although the reason for these con-
troversial results remains unclear, the variety of ANLL
conditions among studies (the use of different
ACE inhibitors, populations, the dose, and dura- ▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia
tion of treatment) might cause these different
results. Since angiotensin II is produced not only
by ACE but also by other enzymes such as
chymase, ACE inhibitors cannot completely Anoikis
block the effect of angiotensin II. Therefore, an
epidemiological study to determine the associa- Steven M. Frisch
tion between AT1 receptor inhibitors and risk of Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center and
cancer will also be required. Perhaps the most Department of Biochemistry, West Virginia
critical issue is that there is no ACE inhibitor or University, Morgantown, WV, USA
AT1 receptor blocker case-controlled study. There
is a strong negative correlation between the
expression levels of AT1 in ovarian cancer tissue Synonyms
and the 5-year survival ratio of patients. Although
the sample number is small, this study indicates Detachment-induced cell death; Integrin-
that angiotensin II signaling has a crucial impact mediated death
on some types of cancer prognosis. Taken
together, angiotensin II signaling is an important
component in carcinogenesis and is a potential Definition
target for Chemotherapy for various cancers.
Apoptosis that is suppressed by extracellular

Berry C, Touyz R, Dominiczak AF et al (2001) Angioten-
sin receptors: signaling, vascular pathophysiology, and
interactions with ceramide. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Cells that are released from extracellular matrix
Physiol 281:H2337–H2365 attachment or cells that are attached to an
Anoikis 247

inappropriate type of matrix are normally human tumors overexpress FAK protein. Thus,
programmed to undergo apoptosis. This phenome- FAK is considered a potential anticancer drug
non prevents the reattachment and possible target. A
mis-localized colonization of epithelial cells shed FAK, usually in a complex with c-src, can
during normal turnover, for example, in the gastro- activate ERKs through several pathways: (i) by
intestinal tract. Metastatic tumor cells have under- binding paxillin and augmenting signaling
gone genetic or epigenetic changes that invariably through p21-activated kinase (PAK), the
render them resistant to anoikis, permitting them to p130cas/crk complex, and an exchange factor
survive during metastasis and underscoring the (PIX) for rac-related GTPases, which are, in
cancer relevance of this phenomenon. Anoikis is turn, important factors in determining anoikis sen-
primarily a property of epithelial and endothelial sitivity, and (ii) by activating the Ras/Raf/MEK/
cells, and the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition ERK pathway through Grb2/sos1 interaction.
(EMT) of tumor cells is accompanied by resistance FAK can also activate PI3-kinase, activating
to anoikis. Accordingly, many activated oncogenes Akt. FAK can also rescue cells from anoikis by
confer anoikis resistance. inactivating the pro-apoptotic activity of RIP1, a
death receptor adaptor protein.
Certain Bcl-2 family members now have an
Mechanisms established role in anoikis. Although the translo-
Anoikis occurs when survival signaling by cation of Bax to mitochondria occurs in detached
ligated integrins is interrupted or when cells, a report shows that it is the conformational
unligated integrins actively recruit and activate change of Bax rather than its translocation per se
caspases. that is rate-limiting. Mitochondrial permeabi-
Survival signaling by integrins is complex. lization by Bax is regulated by several factors,
Two pivotal effectors are the ERK subfamily of including the “BH3 domain-only” Bcl-2 family
MAP kinases and the kinase known as Akt/PKB. members, Bim and Bmf. Both of these latter fac-
ERKs can promote cell survival through several tors play an important role in anoikis, and they are
different effects, including: (i) phosphorylation both regulated transcriptionally and posttransla-
and inactivation of the pro-apoptotic action of tionally. This may occur, for example, by the loss
the Bcl-2 family member BAD, of active EGFR-mediated ERK signaling in
(ii) downregulation of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 detached cells, facilitating pro-apoptotic activity
family member Bim and upregulation of Bcl-xl, of Bim at mitochondria, or by the association/
and (iii) phosphorylation and inactivation of dissociation of the BH3 factors with respect to
caspase-9. Akt activates several other survival the actin cytoskeleton.
pathways, through other effects: a. inactivation Several highly cancer relevant genes have
of glycogen synthase kinase-3, which regulates been implicated in regulating anoikis, two of
both Wnt/APC/beta-catenin/LEF-1 signaling and which are non-integrin proteins involved in cell
certain pro-apoptotic transcription factors; adhesion and one is a receptor. First, E-cadherin is
b. activation of the pro-survival transcription factor a major invasion suppressor protein involved in
complex NF-kB; c. inactivation of the epithelial cell-cell adhesion that is frequently
p73-associated cofactor, YAP; and d. phosphoryla- downregulated in carcinoma cells. Interestingly,
tion and inactivation of caspase-9. mouse genetics data show that cells lacking
Upstream of these kinases, Focal Adhesion E-cadherin (in a p53-null background) are resis-
Kinase (FAK) and Integrin Linked Kinase (ILK) tant to anoikis, indicating that epithelial cells are
contribute to integrin-mediated cell survival. Epi- normally sensitized to anoikis through
thelial cells containing a constitutively active E-cadherin-mediated cell interactions. This has
FAK or ILK are resistant to anoikis, and many important implications for the mechanism by
248 Anoikis

Epithelial specific x
inhibitory complex

Smad 3 CtBP


P x
TGF-β/TGF- β- P TGF-β/TGF-
βR catenin


Smad3 β-
YAP, TAZ, SMAD3, and β-catenin YAP, TAZ, SMAD3, and β-catenin
target genes silent target genes acve



Anoikis, Fig. 1 The epithelial specific cell polarity pro- interacts with disheveled (Dsh), inhibiting canonical Wnt
teins maintain anoikis sensitivity by regulating the Hippo, signaling. Expression or activation of the factors listed in
Wnt and TGF-b pathways. In normal, interacting epithelial the figure induce EMT (right panel), compromising cell
cells (left panel), the cell polarity complexes, crumbs (crb) polarity complexes, promoting YAP, TAZ and Smad3
and scribble (srb) stimulate the phosphorylation of YAP nuclear translocation and inducing cell survival genes.
and TAZ through the LATS kinase. This maintains YAP The absence of cytoplasmic TAZ allows Dsh to be acti-
and TAZ in the cytoplasm, sensitizing cells to anoikis. In vated by casein kinase-1 (CK1), inhibiting GSK3β, and
addition, cytoplasmic YAP and TAZ interact with Smad3 thus allowing b-catenin to transactivate pro-survival genes
and prevent its nuclear translocation, even in the presence in the nucleus. Alternatively, the Akt-GSK-3-b-catenin
of active TGF-β receptors. Furthermore, cytoplasmic TAZ axis could be stimulated by activation of TrkB, as shown

which EMT allows tumor cells to resist anoikis. Metabolic pathways of metastatic tumor cells
An E-cadherin-associated cytoskeletal protein, (after EMT) may favor anoikis-resistance by
ankyrin-G, sensitizes normal epithelial cells to maintaining high oxidative phosphorylation
anoikis by sequestering a transcription factor, while at the same time suppressing the levels of
NRAGE, that represses the p14ARF tumor sup- reactive oxygen species (ROS). This can be
pressor gene. achieved by increased glumate dehydrogenase-
Second, the neurotrophin receptor protein, mediated glutaminolysis and/or over-expression
trkB, that is over-expressed in pancreatic and of anti-oxidant enzymes.
prostate tumors, is a potent activator of the Cell-matrix detachment (acting, in part,
PI3-kinase/Akt pathway and thus renders these through ROS) also may engage autophagic path-
tumor cells resistant to anoikis, providing an ways that protect against anoikis by generating
opportunity for trkB-based therapy. biosynthetic precursors, reducing potential and
The third is carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), energy charge.
which is over-expressed on the surface of a variety Several mechanisms have been implicated in
of tumor cells, appears to program tumor cells to the acquisition of anoikis-resistance that accom-
resist anoikis by causing integrin clustering and panies EMT, including altered cell polarity com-
ensuing survival signaling. plexes, as depicted in Fig. 1.
Anoxia 249

in the superficial skin region is 1.1%, whereas in

Anoxia subpapillary plexus it is 4.6% and in intestinal
tissue it is 7.6% oxygen. Thus, a decrease in the A
Yerem Yeghiazarians1, Adrian L. Harris2 and normal O2 for a tissue or organ, sufficient to
Kurosh Ameri1 induce a molecular or physiological response,
Department of Medicine, Division of would be an operational definition with respect
Cardiology, Translational Cardiac Stem Cell to a specific tissue/organ. Several studies have
Program, Eli and Edythe Broad Center of shown that when cancer cells are exposed to hyp-
Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research, oxia (defined as 1%, 0.5%, or 0.1% oxygen in
Cardiovascular Research Institute, University those studies) versus anoxia (defined as
of California San Francisco (UCSF), O2 < 0.5%, 0.1%, or 0.001% in various studies),
San Francisco, CA, USA distinct pathways are switched on in anoxia that
Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, John are either absent or switched on in much lower
Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford, Cancer levels in hypoxia. Hence, anoxia has been referred
Research UK, Headington, Oxford, UK to lack of oxygen that triggers cellular and molec-
ular responses that differ to the response in hyp-
oxia. These differences in response of cells to
Synonyms hypoxia versus anoxia have been correlated to
cell-fate differences, respectively. Cellular fates
Extreme hypoxia; Hypoxia; Severe hypoxia during oxygen deprivation are diverse, including
death, survival, continued proliferation, quies-
cence (or hibernation/dormancy), senescence,
Definition and differentiation. Such diverse fates depend on
the severity and/or duration of oxygen/nutrient
Literal Definition deprivation and the genetic background of the
Anoxia literally means the complete absence of cell type. Therefore, the distinction of terminol-
oxygen (O2) and has been described as the state ogy between hypoxia and anoxia is important
where no O2 (0% O2) is detected in the tissue. This because in hypoxia, cells have a much better
definition contrasts the definition of hypoxia, chance to adapt and survive compared to anoxia.
which means low levels of oxygen as opposed to Therefore, anoxia can also be defined with respect
complete absence. to cell fates that differ to the fates observed in
hypoxia. Whereas cells can continue to grow in
Conceptual Definition hypoxia for some time, anoxia on the other hand
The major function of the vasculature is to deliver can redirect cell fate toward hibernation/dor-
oxygen and nutrients to cells and remove carbon mancy or death. These key cell-fate differences
dioxide and other metabolic by-products from in hypoxia versus anoxia are due to the key path-
them. Oxygenated blood is distributed in each ways induced, epigenetic changes, and metabolic
tissue according to the functions and needs of switches. Indeed, experiments performed with
that tissue, which differs from one tissue to Caenorhabditis elegans have demonstrated that
another. Therefore, when studying different tis- sensing anoxia is a separate pathway to sensing
sues and cell types, there are significant variations and adapting to hypoxia, where organisms survive
in cellular response(s) based on oxygen level anoxia via undergoing suspended animation.
and/or corresponding nutrient level. Hence, oxy-
gen tension has to be viewed with respect to a
particular tissue/organ and is therefore essentially Characteristics
a functional definition, because there are marked
normal differences in oxygen tension in the body. Oxygen is absolutely essential for life, so the
For example, normal physiological oxygen level molecular mechanisms underlying responses to
250 Anoxia

low levels of oxygen are central to the cell. The or 21% oxygen. Normoxia is used as means of
cell has to be able to sense and interpret the level experimental control, to which hypoxia is com-
of oxygen present in its environment, and based pared to. Typically, experiments testing the effects
on this interpretation, the cell will make a decision of hypoxia tend to culture cells in incubators with
(termed cellular decision-making) for a particular a gas mix of 5% CO2 and 95% N2 until the desired
fate such as death versus survival. For example, level of hypoxia is reached. The hypoxic cells are
when cells are exposed to hypoxia, such as during then compared to cells cultured in normoxia,
intensive exercise, information flow within the which consist of ambient air and 5% CO2.
cell interprets the oxygen level as being “hypoxia” Anoxia has been achieved in vitro by using
(low), which in turn results in anaerobic metabo- incubators with an atmosphere of 5% CO2,
lism that enables the cell to produce energy and 90% N2, and 5% H2 and a palladium catalyst to
survive under anaerobic conditions. This adaptive scavenge traces of oxygen. Alternatively, a con-
response can be viewed as a normal physiological tinuous flow of 95% N2 and 5% CO2 has been
process, which is primarily modulated via the used. Such conditions have achieved O2 levels
hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF1) pathway [see lower than 0.1% and even 0.001% O2 in tissue
entry on “▶ Hypoxia”]. In contrast, fate of cells in cultures of moderate to low cell density, and there-
a pathological setting will be different than the fore anoxia has been addressed as O2 levels
aforementioned physiological condition of exer- <0.1% or 0.001% in several publications.
cise. Several diseases such as ischemic heart dis- In vitro normoxia, defined as 21% O2
ease, stroke, and cancer are associated with (160 mmHg, pO2), is at least four times higher
oxygen and nutrient deprivation. In ischemic con- than the physiological in vivo normoxia in most
ditions such as in the heart or brain, cells initially arterial beds. Therefore, it has been proposed to
respond by adapting and surviving via switching make in vivo conditions the standard against
on anaerobic metabolism. As ischemic conditions which in vitro values should be measured. In
become severe, cells receive no oxygen or nutri- venous blood, there is an average 5.3% O2
ents (notably glucose) and eventually die but can (or 40 mmHg O2), and while some tissues have
also hibernate and survive. This scenario is similar higher than average oxygen levels, in some tissues
in solid tumors, which are known to contain (and especially solid tumors) oxygen levels are
regions of hypoxia and anoxia. Tumor cells may lower than the average. Twenty-one percent O2 is
survive anoxia due to diminished apoptotic path- not physiological, especially for tumors where
ways, genetic mutations, protein mislocalization, oxygen levels of around 1% (5–10 mmHg) can
as well as via dormancy-mediated survival. be a borderline between well- and poorly oxygen-
ated tumors. Thus, normally oxygenated
In Vitro Creation of Hypoxia and Anoxia (>10 mmHg or 1% O2) tumors are mostly hyp-
Several units have been used to describe the oxic compared to in vitro conditions of 21% O2
amount of oxygen present in the experimental and express HIF1, indicating that many tumors
atmosphere. It has been proposed that the partial live under hypoxia. The in vitro conditions of
pressure of oxygen should be given in the SI unit hypoxia and anoxia coincide well with oxygen
kilopascal (kPa, 1000 N per m2) in line with measurements performed with polarographic O2
international agreements. 1 kPa equals 10 bar or electrode needles on patient tumors, which have
7.5 torr (or mmHg where 760 mmHg equals 100% demonstrated extremely low levels of oxygen
O2). In gas mixtures containing 10,000 ppm (parts such as <2.5 mmHg (<0.3% O2), including
per million) of oxygen, the partial pressure is 0 mmHg (0% O2), termed anoxia.
1 kPa. Most reports have used the unit mmHg or
% O2 to refer to the amount of oxygen present in Causes and Consequences of Tumor Anoxia
experimental atmosphere. The use of ambient air Areas of low oxygen in tumors may be a conse-
has been referred to the “normal oxygen tension” quence of several mechanisms such as abnormal
(normal levels of oxygen) often termed normoxia tumor vasculature, limited tissue perfusion, and
Anoxia 251

tumor-associated or therapy-associated anemia addition to dormancy-mediated survival, tumor

leading to a reduced oxygen transport capacity cells can additionally escape death, attributed to
of the blood. Clinical studies with oxygen elec- defects in several death pathways, such as muta- A
trodes and molecular markers have shown oxy- tions in the p53 pathway. Escaping death via
genation patterns in human tumors to be dormancy could result in selection of cells,
heterogeneous with respect to the severity and which can result in recurrence giving rise to a
duration of exposure to levels of low oxygen, more aggressive and therapy-resistant phenotype.
ranging from 10 mmHg to below 2.5 mmHg
including 0 mmHg. Two types of tumor hypoxia Information Flow Within the Cell
(which if prolonged or severe will lead to anoxia) The environment of the cell contains information
can be distinguished: perfusion-limited and and the cell has to be able to recognize this infor-
diffusion-limited hypoxia. Hypoxia will precede mation and interpret it. One way in which cells
anoxia, and consequently anoxic tissues will have recognize and interpret information (such as
had induction of hypoxic pathways too. anoxia) is via intracellular protein localization
Perfusion-limited or acute hypoxia/anoxia is tran- and translocation. In cancer, intracellular proteins
sient and may be a result of severe structural and are often mislocalized, and therefore information
functional abnormalities of the tumor (be it anoxia or any other extracellular informa-
microvessels. These abnormalities cause distur- tion) is misinterpreted. Whereas the interpretation
bance in the blood supply, leading to temporal of information as being hypoxia results in an
shutdown of vessels and gradients of oxygen and adaptive response, the interpretation of informa-
nutrients (notably glucose) and even reversal of tion as being anoxia could be achieved by altered
the blood flow. The lack of oxygen can also be protein localization, which results in fates such as
caused by an increase in diffusion distances hibernation-mediated survival or death. For
between cells and O2, resulting in diffusion- example, in hypoxia, the factor termed HIGD1A
limited O2 supply, leaving cells chronically is mitochondrial, whereas in severely anoxic
deprived of oxygen and other nutrients. Over tumor regions, or severe ischemic regions created
this course of chronic hypoxia and/or anoxia, after anti-angiogenesis treatment, HIGD1A also
some cells die, resulting in areas of ▶ necrosis accumulates in the nucleus. Although the nuclear
that demarcate regions of hypoxia and anoxia, function of HIGD1A remains unknown, HIGD1A
also termed perinecrotic region. In addition to has been associated to metabolic stress-induced
oxygen deprivation, these regions are also dormancy. Hence, the definition of anoxia may
deprived of nutrients, where distinct survival also be related to altered and or specific intracel-
pathways of autophagy and/or dormancy can lular protein localization and cell fate.
become activated.
Whereas adaptation to hypoxia is a survival Cell Fate in Anoxia
mechanism, anoxia has traditionally been viewed Under the tissue culture of normoxia, the tran-
as a death-inducing condition and recognized by scription factor HIF1a is unstable, degraded, and
some as a protective mechanism to prevent possi- virtually undetectable. As soon as cells experience
ble cellular transformation associated with anoxic hypoxia (usually evident at 5% oxygen), HIF1a is
cellular damage. However, it should be noted that rapidly stabilized and induced (see “▶ Hypoxia”
anoxia and/or glucose deprivation could also entry), regulating majority of the adaptive/sur-
result in activation of survival pathways and vival genes such as glycolytic enzymes and
mechanisms such as autophagy and dormancy/ ▶ VEGF. HIF1a is also induced by anoxia, but
hibernation. Control of both gene expression and several reports have shown that prolonged anoxia
protein localization during oxygen and nutrient results in downregulation of HIF1a in vitro. This
deprivation, including epigenetic mechanisms, is in vitro finding has also been observed in some
emerging as an important cellular response, which human tumors, which lack of HIF1a expression in
can result in dormancy-mediated survival. In perinecrotic anoxic regions, potentially due to
252 Anoxia

Time (duration)

Normoxia Hypoxia (adaptation) Anoxia (Hibernation/Dormancy) Death

HIF1α protein level

p53 protein level


Epigenetic changes and altered intracellular protein localization

Anoxia, Fig. 1 Proposed model (Adapted from Schmid HIF1a destruction. Cell survival versus apoptosis is one
et al. 2004) showing the relation of HIF1a and p53 level in distinction between extreme end points of hypoxia and
hypoxia and anoxia. Hypoxic activation of HIF1a is atten- anoxia. In vivo, anoxia is commonly associated with nutri-
uated when p53 starts to accumulate. With progressing ent deprivation, notably glucose. Epigenetic changes
time under anoxia, p53 accumulates further and promotes toward anoxia have indicated a correlation to dormancy

lack of glucose, which is needed for HIF1a expression in hypoxia, thus permitting growth.
stability. Therefore, cells can use epigenetic mechanisms
as one way to discriminate between hypoxia and
Anoxia-Induced Dormancy anoxia, directing their fate toward growth versus
In general, when tissues become ischemic, they hibernation, respectively. From this point of view,
are subjected to both oxygen and nutrient depri- the definition of anoxia may be correlated to epi-
vation. Anoxic tumor regions are also commonly genetic mechanisms and specific pathways that
deprived of nutrients, notably glucose (Fig. 1). are activated to induce dormancy versus prolifer-
One way that cells can survive such metabolic ation pathways that are induced in hypoxia.
stress is via lowering cellular ROS and oxygen
consumption, which are parameters associated Interplay Between HIF1a and p53 Determining
with quiescence and dormancy-mediated sur- Cell Fate in Anoxia
vival. Ironically, it has been suggested that Several factors such as apoptosis-inducing factor
hypoxia-regulated genes are not induced in (AIF) or GAPDH can have cell survival and/or cell
hypoxia but can be induced in anoxic regions in death functions attributed to their diverse subcellu-
vivo that are severely ischemic and putatively lack lar localization. Another factor that can be localized
glucose. The induction of hypoxia-regulated fac- to the mitochondria, cytoplasm, or nucleus is p53,
tors such as HIGD1A or AMPK may modulate which can trigger apoptosis to eliminate damaged
oxygen consumption and cellular ROS to cells, or it can induce cell-cycle arrest to enable
induce dormancy-mediated survival, which is cells to cope with stress and survive.
not desired in growth permissive hypoxic condi-
tions. Epigenetic mechanisms modulated by DNA p53 and Cell Death
methyl transferases (DNMTs) may dictate expres- p53 is expressed at low levels in unstressed cells
sion of dormancy-regulating genes in anoxia, due to degradation by the ▶ proteasome. Upon
hence inducing dormancy, but prevent their exposure to extremely low levels of oxygen,
Anoxia 253

termed severe hypoxia, p53 is stabilized and tumor regions. Additionally, to maintain survival
becomes active. Accumulation of p53 in severe of dormant cells in the absence of nutrients, p53
hypoxia/anoxia has been shown to both inhibit the may modulate usage of alternative nutrient A
HIF1a transcriptional activity and reduce the sources such as increased fatty acid oxidation as
HIF1a protein levels, which might explain why an alternative energy source to glycolysis or reg-
some reports have observed HIF1a levels to ulate glutaminolysis, where glutamine can be
decline under prolonged anoxia. This scenario eventually converted to a-ketoglutarate for use
might have implications for cell fate in anoxia. in the tricarboxylic acid cycle to produce ATP.
In hypoxia, transactivation of HIF1a could serve To summarize, in anoxia, p53 can dictate cell
to protect cells enabling adaptation and survival. fate toward both death and survival, potentially
In anoxia, the inhibition and destruction of HIF1a dependent on its localization and or/misloca-
via p53 may result in a switch from an adaptive lization (nuclear versus mitochondria) and other
hypoxic response into an anoxic death response. parameters such as nutrient level. Figures 1, 2,
This HIF1a-p53 interactive pathway is one poten- and 3 summarize pathways and cell fates in
tial mechanism that could determine cellular fate various oxygen levels.
of death when hypoxia and anoxia need to be
discriminated by the cell. This cellular fate of Oxygen Sensing/Signaling Pathways Specific
hypoxia versus anoxia can become deregulated to Anoxia
in cancer. Tumor cells defective in p53 can escape Several distinct oxygen sensing/signaling path-
the anoxic death and endure longer periods of ways have been discovered that together deter-
anoxia, resulting in selection of more aggressive mine the cellular response to hypoxia and
cancer cells. anoxia. The best characterization of these is a
transcriptional response initiated by oxygen-
p53 and Cell Survival dependent stabilization of HIF1a in hypoxia and
p53 may also contribute to survival. In general, anoxia. The stability of HIF1a and its transcrip-
when tissues become ischemic, they are subjected tional activity are regulated by oxygen-dependent
to both oxygen and nutrient deprivation. Anoxic hydroxylation of specific amino acid residues.
regions are commonly also deprived of nutrients, Hydroxylation at two prolyl residues (Pro
notably glucose (Fig. 1), that can result in an 402 and Pro 564 in human HIF1a) enables inter-
increase of cellular ROS and induce death. It has action of HIF1a with the von Hippel-Lindau pro-
been shown that oncogenic HrasV12-expressing tein (pVHL) that targets HIF1a to proteasomal
MEFs with wild-type p53 survive better than their degradation. These hydroxylations are catalyzed
p53 null counterparts upon glucose starvation by a series of three closely related HIF prolyl
attributed to increased oxidative phosphorylation. hydroxylases, known as orthologs of C. elegans
This pro-survival effect is partly due to positive EGL-9, designated as PH (prolyl hydroxylase)
regulation of the cellular energy supply by p53. domain containing enzymes (PHD), i.e., prolyl
However, severe prolonged hypoxia (72 h 0.5% hydroxylases (PHD1, PHD2, PHD3).
O2) coupled with glucose starvation results in The transcriptional activity of HIF1a is controlled
severe cell death in both cell types. It should be by hydroxylation of an asparaginyl residue
noted, however, that wild-type p53 cells still sig- (Asn-803 in human HIF1a), catalyzed by a HIF
nificantly survive better than p53 null counter- asparaginyl hydroxylase, also termed factor
parts in such severe in vitro ischemic conditions. inhibiting HIF (FIH). Hydroxylation at this site
At this time it is not clear whether this survival is blocks transcriptional activation. The HIF
due to cell-cycle arrest-mediated dormancy, hydroxylases all iron (II) and two oxoglutarate-
although p53 can regulate lipid metabolism to dependent dioxygenases that have an absolute
restrain proliferation. This phenomenon may be requirement for molecular oxygen. In hypoxia
necessary to maintain cells in a dormant state and and anoxia, therefore, hydroxylation is reduced,
important for surviving anoxic glucose-deprived which allows HIF1a to accumulate by escaping
254 Anoxia


Tissue culture Hypoxia (adaptation/survival) Anoxia (Dormancy or death)


[O2] 21% 5% 3% 1% 0.5% <0.1% 0%

Inhibition of PHDs and stabilization of HIF1α

PERK mediated elF2α-

phosphorylation and increased
translation of ATF4.
Disruption of elF4F.

pathway of ATF4
and p53.

Induction of ATF3,

Altered intracellular
protein localization

Anoxia, Fig. 2 Oxygenated tumors are mostly hypoxic sensing anoxia, rather than hypoxia, and can result in
compared to in vitro conditions of 21% O2 and express induction of factors such as ATF3, ATF4, and
HIF1a over a broad range of oxygen level, which is sensed GADD153. Information flow within the cell differs
primarily by PHDs. Secondary responses, after the induc- between hypoxia and anoxia. Altered intracellular protein
tion of HIF1a in hypoxia, include translational control and localization can enable the cell to interpret this information
protein stabilization pathways, which are more specific to

proteasomal degradation. The PHDs could be place after the hypoxic HIF response. The signal-
considered as O2 sensors of the hypoxia and ing from downstream effectors of IRE1, PERK,
anoxia HIF1a pathway (Figs. 2 and 3). and ATF6 merges in the nucleus to activate tran-
Anoxia results in the induction of several fac- scription of UPR target genes.
tors including the ATF/CREB (activating The regulation of mRNA translation has
transcription factor/cyclic AMP response emerged as an important mediator of the cellular
element-binding protein), the family of basic response to hypoxia and anoxia. Distinct mecha-
region-leucine zipper (bZip), the transcription fac- nisms of translational control have shown to dis-
tors such as ATF3 and ATF4, the CCAAT/ criminate between initial and prolonged
enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) transcription conditions of in vitro generated anoxia. Anoxia
factor family member GADD153, and the tran- results in inhibition of global mRNA translation,
scription factor XBP1. Such anoxic response is which is a biphasic response. A central mediator
independent of HIF1a and is mediated by the of the initial translational response to anoxia is the
▶ unfolded protein response (UPR), which acti- phosphorylation of the eukaryotic initiation factor
vates the PERK kinase, IRE1 and ATF6, and takes 2a (eIF2a) by PERK protein kinase. The
Anoxia 255

Metabolic stress

Proliferation A


Normoxia Hypoxia Anoxia

O2 O2


? PHD Epigenetic changes.

ATF3 p53 ATF4
Altered protein localization.
ATF4 - P HIF 1α- OH
ATF4 Survival
βTrCP VHL degradation

Modulation of cell cycle,

Autophagy Dormancy/
Degradation lipogenesis, fatty acid
and survival hibernation
Epigenetic oxidation, glutaminolysis
Death or survival
factors Dormancy
DNMTs factors

Anoxia, Fig. 3 Diagram of specific pathways that could is shown as ?. One way in which cells may survive anoxia
discriminate between hypoxia and anoxia. Whereas both is via dormancy. Epigenetic mechanisms via DNMTs
HIF1a and ATF4 are degraded in normoxia, only HIF1a is and/or p53 may determine survival, dormancy, or death.
induced in hypoxia, whereas ATF4 and p53 are mostly In vivo, oxygen deprivation is often accompanied by met-
induced in anoxia. In all cases, different protein degrada- abolic stress due to nutrition (notably glucose) deprivation.
tion pathways are involved. Which kinase phosphorylates This metabolic stress can determine the response of cells to
ATF4 with subsequent recognition by bTrCP targeting oxygen deprivation and should be taken into account when
ATF4 to proteasomal degradation remains unknown and performing in vitro experiments

phosphorylation of eIF2a in anoxia is extremely levels, which is important for anoxia survival.
rapid, whereas under hypoxia eIF2a is phosphor- Indeed, acute anoxic stress (2 h) has shown to be
ylated to a smaller degree and requires prolonged capable of eliciting a cytoprotective pathway,
hypoxic exposure. Cells can also distinguish improving the survival of transformed cells fol-
between initial and prolonged anoxia by eliciting lowing prolonged anoxic stress (24 h), resulting in
a biphasic inhibition of translation. The first phase the clonogenic outgrowth of a population of
is due to transient eIF2a phosphorylation, and the adapted cells.
second phase of translation inhibition correlates Another important mediator of the cellular
with disruption of the cap-binding complex eIF4F. response to anoxia may be protein stabilization
The initial anoxic response of translational inhi- pathways. HIF1a is stabilized and induced rapidly
bition may be important during acute anoxia in at hypoxic conditions of 5% O2. Upon
tumors, which could be important for enduring reoxygenation it is rapidly degraded. In contrast
anoxia. Although the phosphorylation of eIF2a to HIF1a, the transcription factor ATF4 is not
results in global translational reduction, it specif- induced by such hypoxic conditions, but is
ically induces/increases the translation of ATF4 induced by anoxia (Figs. 2 and 3). Like HIF1a,
mRNA, subsequently increasing ATF4 protein ATF4 protein is unstable and degraded in the
256 Anoxia

presence of oxygen. Therefore, modulation of pro- effects of irradiation. Therefore, both hypoxia and
tein degradation pathways seems to be part of a anoxia are therapeutic problems.
sensing mechanism of both hypoxia and anoxia, Factors that are induced by anoxia, such as ATF3
but whereas the PHD pathway of HIF1a degrada- and ATF4, have shown to be potentially involved in
tion is blocked in hypoxia, hypoxic degradation of tubulogenesis, induction of VEGF and ▶ angiogen-
ATF4 is still active. The exact mechanism of ATF4 esis, cell survival, and metastasis. In response to
stabilization in anoxia remains unclear, but under anoxia, protein synthesis is decreased by 60–70%
normal oxygen levels of tissue culture, ATF4 is within 1 h and remains significantly repressed for up
degraded by two mechanisms: (i) ATF4 stability to 24 h but is completely reversible upon
modulated by the SCFbTrCP class of ubiquitin reoxygenation. Hence, in anoxia some cells might
ligase and (ii) ATF4 stability modulated by the survive, be selected for, and continue to grow upon
histone acetyltransferase p300 (HAT p300). ATF4 reoxygenation. Indeed, cells that lack downstream
contains the bTrCP recognition motif DSGXX(X) targets of PERK (e.g., ATF4) and IRE1 (e.g., XBP1)
S, and when the serine of this motif is phosphory- have shown to be sensitive to anoxia compared to wt
lated, it results in interaction with bTrCP and sub- cells that contain ATF4 or XBP1. Such anoxic sur-
sequent degradation by the proteasome. Histone vival is not entirely dependent on HIF1, and cells
acetyltransferase p300 induces ATF4 stabilization that are deficient in HIF1 are not more sensitive to
by inhibiting ATF4/bTrCP interaction and subse- anoxia compared to wt cells that contain HIF1.
quent degradation. How this relates to anoxic sta- Thus, downstream targets of PERK and IRE1 are
bilization of ATF4 remains unclear (Fig. 3). Other important for surviving and adapting to anoxia, as
mediators of the cellular response to anoxia include apposed to hypoxia where HIF1 mediates the major
the mRNA stability pathways and the ▶ MAPK survival pathway. Targeting HIF1 alone might select
pathway. The transcription factor ATF3 has been for more aggressive cells with an intact anoxic
shown to be induced by anoxia. PHDs have been response pathway.
suggested to be potentially involved in regulation In addition to hypoxia, anoxia might confer a
of ATF3 induction in anoxia, but a precise role total separate drug resistance pathway to hypoxia.
remains unclear. ATF3 mRNA has been shown to For example, overexpression of the anoxic factor
be more stable in anoxia compared to normoxia, ATF4 has shown to result in multidrug resistance,
and translation of ATF3 is also increased in anoxia and hence, cells under anoxia that induce ATF4
in a PERK-dependent manner. Induction of ATF3 may become selected for a treatment resistance
in MKK7 knockout primary mouse embryonic phenotype, if only the hypoxia cascade of HIF1a
fibroblasts is fully blocked, which has suggested is targeted.
that the MKK7 pathway might be part of mediating In contrast to hypoxia, anoxia may select for a
the induction of ATF3 in anoxia. Thus, multiple dormant therapy-resistant phenotype that may
pathways can converge into regulating ATF3 in contribute to tumor recurrence years after therapy.
anoxia. Interestingly ATF3 can inhibit but also Therefore, understanding the complex definition
stabilize p53 contributing to cell fate in anoxia of anoxia in an ischemic setting where nutrients
(Fig. 3). Figures 2 and 3 summarize some key are also lacking will lead to more specific targeted
pathways and factors in various oxygen levels. therapies in the future.

Therapeutic Implications of Anoxia Glossary

Hypoxia and anoxia are known to directly or
indirectly confer resistance to X- and gamma radi- Anemia Below normal levels of red blood cells
ation and some chemotherapies leading to treat- or hemoglobin, or both.
ment failures. Many classical radiobiological Angiogenesis The process of developing new
studies have shown that anoxic cells (O2 below blood vessels.
0.5 mmHg) are maximally resistant to the lethal bTrCP Beta-transducin repeat-containing pro-
teins (bTrCP) serve as the substrate recognition
Anoxia 257

subunits for the SCF complexes. bTrCP inter- Cross-References

act with substrates phosphorylated within the
DSGXX(X)S destruction motifs. SCFb-TrCP- ▶ Angiogenesis A
mediate ubiquitination and proteasomal degra- ▶ Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1
dation of phosphorylated substrates. ▶ MAP Kinase
DNA methyl transferases These are enzymes ▶ Necrosis
that transfer a methyl group from S-adenosyl- ▶ Oxygenation of Tumors
L-methionine to the carbon 5 position of ▶ Reactive Oxygen Species
cytosine. ▶ Unfolded Protein Response and Cancer
MAPK Mitogen-activated protein kinases ▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
(MAPK) are important intermediates in signal
transduction pathways that are initiated by
many types of cell surface receptors. MAP
kinase cascades are organized by a core- Ameri K, Jahangiri A, Rajah AM, Tormos KV,
signaling module consisting of three protein Nagarajan R, Pekmezci M, Nguyen V, Wheeler ML,
kinases: a MAP kinase kinase kinase Murphy MP, Sanders TA, Jeffrey SS, Yeghiazarians Y,
(MKKK), a MAP kinase kinase (MKK), and Rinaudo PF, Costello JF, Aghi MK, Maltepe E (2015).
HIGD1A regulates oxygen consumption, ROS produc-
a MAP kinase. tion, and AMPK activity during glucose deprivation to
Necrosis The sum of the morphological changes modulate cell survival and tumor growth. Cell Rep pii:
indicative of cell death and caused by the pro- S2211-1247(15)00033-9
gressive degradative action of enzymes. It may Ameri K, Lewis CE, Raida M, Sowter H, Hai T, Harris AL
(2004) Anoxic induction of ATF-4 through HIF-1-
affect groups of cells or part of a structure or an independent pathways of protein stabilization in
organ. human cancer cells. Blood 103(5):1876–1882
Proteasome Protein degradation machinery Ameri K, Hammond EM, Culmsee C, Raida M,
within the cell that can digest a variety of pro- Katschinski DM, Wenger RH, Wagner E, Davis RJ,
Hai T, Denko N, Harris AL (2007) Induction of acti-
teins. The proteasome is itself made up of pro- vating transcription factor 3 by anoxia is independent of
teins and requires ATP to work. p53 and the hypoxic HIF signaling pathway. Oncogene
ROS Reactive oxygen species. These are chem- 26(2):284–289
ically reactive molecules containing oxygen Ebbesen P, Pettersen EO, Denekamp J, Littbrand B, Keski-
Oja J, Schousboe A, Sonnewald U, Amellem O, Zachar
that are formed in biological systems as V (2000) Hypoxia, normoxia and
by-products of the reduction of molecular oxy- hyperoxia – terminology for medical in vitro cell biol-
gen. ROS include the superoxide radical anion, ogy. Acta Oncol 39(2):247–248
hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, Epstein AC, Gleadle JM, McNeill LA, Hewitson KS,
O'Rourke J, Mole DR, Mukherji M, Metzen E, Wilson
hydroperoxyl radical, singlet oxygen, and MI, Dhanda A, Tian YM, Masson N, Hamilton DL,
peroxyl radical. Jaakkola P, Barstead R, Hodgkin J, Maxwell PH, Pugh
VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor CW, Schofield CJ, Ratcliffe PJ (2001) C. elegans
(VEGF) is a factor made by cells that stimu- EGL-9 and mammalian homologues define a family
of dioxygenases that regulate HIF by prolyl hydroxyl-
lates the formation of new blood vessels, a ation. Cell 107(1):43–54
process called angiogenesis. VEGF also acts Harrington HA, Feliu E, Wiuf C, Stumpf MPH (2013) Cel-
as a mitogen for vascular endothelial (vessel lular compartments cause multistability and allow cells
lining) cells, stimulating these cells to divide to process more information. Biophys
J 104:1824–1831
and multiply. Jiang D, LaGory EL, Broz DK, Bieging KT, Brady CA,
XBP1 X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) is tran- Link N, Abrams JM, Giaccia AJ, Attardi LD
scription factor and a transcriptional activator (2015) Analysis of p53 transactivation domain mutants
of the UPR. Splicing of XBP1 mRNA is initi- reveals Acad11 as a metabolic target important for p53
pro-survival function. Cell Rep 10:1096–1109
ated by the RNAse activity of IRE1 to generate Rzymski T, Milani M, Pike L, Buffa F, Mellor HR,
mature XBP1 mRNA. Winchester L, Pires I, Hammond E, Ragoussis I, Harris
258 Anoxic

AL (2010) Regulation of autophagy by ATF4 in

response to severe hypoxia. Oncogene Anoxic
Schmid T, Zhou J, Brune B (2004) HIF-1 and p53: com-
munication of transcription factors under hypoxia. ▶ Hypoxia
J Cell Mol Med 8(4):423–431
Schulze A, Harris AL (2012) How cancer metabolism is
tuned for proliferation and vulnerable to disruption.
Nature 41(7424):364–373
Shen L, Sun X, Fu Z, Yang G, Li J, Yao L (2012) The Ansamycin Class of Natural Product
fundamental role of the p53 pathway in tumor metab- Hsp90 Inhibitors
olism and its implication in tumor therapy. Clin Cancer
Res 18(6):1561–1567
Hong Zhang and Lin Zhang
Biogen Idec, San Diego, CA, USA
See Also
(2012) Anemia. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 178.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_269 Synonyms
(2012) ATF6. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 299. Benzoquinone ansamycin; Geldanamycin; GM
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_430
(2012) Eukaryotic initiation factors. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
delberg, pp 1346–1347. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642- Definition
(2012) DNA-Methyl-Transferases. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
Ansamycins are a family of antibiotics with
delberg, p 1147. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1681 antitumor activity. These include geldanamycin
(2012) GADD153. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of (GM), herbimycin A, and the macbecins, all of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1485. which contain benzoquinone structures. These
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2299
(2012) IRE1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
antibiotics induce tumor cell death via inhibition
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1912. of the heat shock protein 90 (▶ Hsp90) chaperone
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3145 complex and induce the degradation of key client
(2012) MAPK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, proteins that are required for tumor survival.
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2167.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3532
(2012) PERK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 2819–2820. Characteristics
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4469
(2012) ROS. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3321.
Ansamycins, especially benzoquinone
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5125 ansamycins, such as herbimycin and
(2012) SCF. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, geldanamycin, were the first natural product
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3340. Hsp90 inhibitors identified. Both molecules con-
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5168
(2012) bTrCP. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
tain a benzoquinone moiety, which distinguishes
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3777. them from other ansamycins and confers selectiv-
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5963 ity for Hsp90 inhibition. Since discovery, these
(2012) Tubulogenesis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of molecules have been widely explored due to their
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3792.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6013
broad-spectrum antitumor activity.
(2012) Unfolded protein response. In: Schwab M (ed) Benzoquinone ansamycins were initially
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- discovered as naturally occurring antibiotics
delberg, p 3846. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483- in the fermentation broth of Streptomyces
(2012) VEGF. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
hygroscopicus in 1970, with activity against the
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3906. growth and development of protozoa. Later stud-
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6174 ies revealed that these molecules possess
Ansamycin Class of Natural Product Hsp90 Inhibitors 259



Geldanamycin Herbimycin A Macbecin I



17-AAG CF237: X= –(CH2)3NH(CH2)3–

CF483: X= –(CH2)2NCH3(CH2)2–

Ansamycin Class of Natural Product Hsp90 Inhibitors, Fig. 1 Benzoquinone ansamycins and its derivatives

antitumor activity due to their ability to reverse variety of key proteins and kinases that are crucial
v-Src-induced transformation in cells. However, for carcinogenesis, such as steroid receptors,
no direct effect on v-Src was observed in in vitro EGFR family members, IGFR, c-MET, Raf-1
experiments, suggesting that they worked by kinase, AKT, Bcr-abl, mutant p53, CDK4, and
targeting some other factors and indirectly many other oncogenic molecules. Hsp90 func-
affected v-Src activity. Affinity purification with tions as a super-chaperone complex in association
immobilized GM as bait demonstrated that these with various co-chaperones. Binding of GM or its
molecules exert their function by binding to the derivatives to Hsp90 disrupts the complex and
Hsp90 chaperone complex and that v-Src activity sends the dependent client proteins to be degraded
was blocked because v-Src is an Hsp90 “client” in proteasome. This results in simultaneous inter-
protein that is dependent upon the chaperone for ruption of many signal transduction pathways and
stability and/or function. Co-crystallization of eventually leads to cell death, especially in tumors
Hsp90 and GM at later time demonstrated that whose survival and growth depend on Hsp90
GM bound tightly to the ATP-binding pocket of client proteins.
Hsp90 at the N-terminal of the protein, therefore,
confirmed that Hsp90 is the true target of Antitumor Activity
benzoquinoid ansamycins. Numerous studies with GM demonstrated that
As the first Hsp90 inhibitor, GM has proved to the molecule had significant antitumor
be of great value in identifying new Hsp90 client activity in vitro and in human xenograft models.
proteins and in understanding the biology of However, the molecule also exhibited intolerable
Hsp90. Hsp90 is a conserved molecular chaper- hepatotoxicity in animals, rendering it unsuitable
one that mediates the maturation and stability of a for clinical development. Subsequent screening
set of cancer-associated proteins which are crucial among GM derivatives led to the identification
in oncogenesis. These proteins are collectively of 17-allyamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin
referred to as “clients,” the members of which (17-AAG) that differs from GM at the
are continually growing and include a wide 17-position (Fig. 1). The co-crystal structure of
260 Ansamycin Class of Natural Product Hsp90 Inhibitors

GM bound to Hsp90 revealed that the quinine ring conditions of brief cellular exposure. Since active
binds Hsp90 toward the surface of the protein, Hsp90 exists as obligate dimer and the two ATP
leaving the 17-position at the entrance of the binding sites are in close apposition in the
pocket. This suggested that modification of this multichaperone complex, we reasoned that two
position would not affect its antitumor activity. GM moieties separated by an optimized flexible
Indeed, 17-AAG retained the antiproliferative linker might be able to engage both ATP sites
ability of GM and demonstrated broad-spectrum simultaneously and may therefore inhibit Hsp90
cytotoxicity against the NCI60 panel. In animal more efficiently. GM dimers were originally
studies, 17-AAG showed reduced hepatotoxicity, reported by Zheng FF et al. These early com-
but comparable antitumor activity. Furthermore, pounds were relatively weak Hsp90 inhibitors
17-AAG exhibited selectivity for cancerous ver- that primarily induced the degradation of the
sus normal tissue where it preferentially bound to most sensitive Hsp90 client, HER-2, but were
the Hsp90 complex in tumors and thus accumu- largely ineffective on other clients. By screening
late to high concentration. 17-AAG became the an internally generated library of GM dimers
first HSP90 inhibitor to enter clinical trials in linked at 17-position, we identified some active
cancer patients in NCI-sponsored phase I studies dimeric ansamycins, represented by CF237 and
in 2001. The drug was generally well tolerated. CF483 (Fig. 1), which readily cause Hsp90 inhi-
Hepatotoxicity was dose limiting and may be in bition and client protein degradation. The dimers
part related to formulation. Clinical activity has are more potent under conditions of limited expo-
been observed in patients treated with 17-AAG sure compared to 17-AAG, whose biochemical
both as a single agent and in combination with and cellular effects were relatively transient. This
trastuzumab, bortezomib, or standard chemother- presumably results from continuous binding of
apeutic agents. The responsive tumor types dimeric compounds to dimeric Hsp90, as dissoci-
include myeloma, breast cancer, prostate cancer, ation does not occur until both GM moieties dis-
lung cancer, melanoma, GIST, and acute myeloid sociate from their binding sites concomitantly.
leukemia. The drug is currently under phase III This long-lived binding leads to prolonged bio-
investigation. logical activity in tumor cells even after the com-
Although 17-AAG is promising in clinical tri- pound was removed, a situation which more
als, it is poorly soluble and difficult to formulate closely reflects physiological conditions. Indeed,
and has limited bioavailability. Numerous efforts dimer-treated cells displayed markedly reduced
have been made to overcome these problems, client protein levels for at least 48 h after drug
including formulation optimization, such as removal; in comparison, 17-AAG induced only
KOS-953, a Cremophor-based formulation of transient suppression of the same clients and the
17-AAG, and CNF1010, a nanoemulsion of pathways they control. The dimers were also
17-AAG. Alternatively, more soluble ansamycin retained for longer in tumor xenografts and
analogs, including 17-DMAG and IPI-504 displayed superior antitumor activity in vivo,
(a quinine reduced form of 17-AAG), are also especially when the drugs were given at long
under phase I evaluation. Although phase I trials intervals.
are not designed for examining antitumor activi- Dimeric drugs with improved biological activ-
ties, responses from patients have been observed. ity have been reported. Vancomycin dimers show
Apart from ansamycin derivatives, several com- enhanced antibiotic effect against both susceptible
panies have also developed small molecule inhib- and drug-resistant gram-positive bacteria than that
itors with totally novel chemical structures, which of the parent monomer. In a mammalian system,
are either in early clinical or late discovery stages. longer-acting bivalent modulators against
During the development of Hsp90 inhibitors, dimerizing target, G-protein-coupled
we also noticed that 17-AAG showed a limited b2-adrenergic receptor, were also recorded. The
duration of its effects on target proteins and lost binding of high-affinity dimeric Hsp90 inhibitors
antiproliferative activity precipitously under to their target may be essentially irreversible, but
Anthracyclines 261

these compounds do not form covalent adducts researchers to develop more potent Hsp90 inhibi-
with the Hsp90. Therefore, they should not inherit tors. The beneficial effect of novel drugs with
the drawbacks of irreversible inhibitors, which diverse chemical structures has to be determined A
can result in increased toxicity. Indeed, the clinically, and in turn, clinical results will drive the
dimeric ansamycin was well tolerated at effective design of superior generations of Hsp90 inhibitors.
doses in xenograft studies. Moreover, the
prolonged acting of dimeric compounds on
Hsp90 may increase the range of susceptible References
tumors due to sustained inhibition of the target.
For example, both CF237 and CF483 are active in DeBoer C (1970) Geldanamycin, a new
antibiotic. J Antibiot 23:442–447
Rb-negative and Bcl-2 overexpressing cells,
Kamal A (2003) A high-affinity conformation of Hsp90
while 17-AAG is not. It is believed that continu- confers tumor selectivity on Hsp90 inhibitors. Nature
ous suppression of client proteins induced by 425:407–410
dimers depletes the essential elements for survival Solit D (2006) Hsp90: a novel target for cancer therapy.
Curr Top Med Chem 6:1205–1214
and leaves no field for the activated oncoprotein to
Whitesell L (1994) Inhibition of heat shock protein
carry out its function. All these results indicate HSP90-pp60v-src heteroprotein complex formation
that monomeric and dimeric ▶ Hsp90 inhibitors by benzoquinone ansamycins: essential role for stress
have distinct biological profiles and work differ- proteins in oncogenic transformation. Proc Natl Acad
Sci USA 91:8324–8328
entially toward target inhibition. However, on the
Zhang H (2007) Dimeric ansamycins – a new class of
other side of the coin, the greater mass of dimeric antitumor Hsp90 modulators with prolonged inhibitory
compounds (1,200 kDa) would likely retard activity. Int J Cancer 120:918–926
their permeation through the tightly packed cells Zheng FF (2000) Identification of a geldanamycin dimer
that induces the selective degradation of HER-family
and fibrous stroma that characterize solid tumor
tyrosine kinases. Cancer Res 60:2090–2094
masses. Similarly, the slow dissociation of dimers
from their target would not favor penetration of
the drug to distant extravascular sites. Although
activity was observed with CF237 and CF483 in
solid tumors in preclinical models, the limitations
should be considered for future applications.
Since cancer cells normally accumulate multi-
ple mutations, inhibition of single pathway is usu-
Anthracyclines, consisting of daunosamine and
ally not sufficient to suppress tumor growth.
tetra-hydro-naphthacene-dione, are a class of che-
Therefore, targeting Hsp90 and hence its
motherapeutic agents used to treat many cancers.
chaperoned proteins and pathways becomes
These compounds exhibit cytotoxic activity
increasingly intriguing in cancer therapy. In addi-
through intercalation into DNA, inhibition of
tion, tumor cells frequently develop resistance by
topoisomerase II, and the production of free rad-
mutating the target protein and escaping apoptotic
icals. In cancer chemotherapy with
cell death. It is becoming clear that mutant
anthracyclines, the serious problem is the side
oncoproteins are more reliant on Hsp90 for matu- effects, cardiotoxicity and bone marrow depres-
ration and function, thus making Hsp90 inhibitors
sion, and the emergence of drug resistance.
particularly attractive in resistant tumors and in
the scenario where tumor growth is driven by
mutated client proteins, such as mutant EGFR in
non-small cell lung cancer or mutant BRaf in Cross-References
melanoma, even though the wild-type counter-
parts of these two proteins are not Hsp90 clients. ▶ ABC-Transporters
The promising results from 17-AAG and its ▶ Adriamycin
derivatives in clinical trials are encouraging ▶ Liposomal Chemotherapy
262 Antiangiogenesis

distorted vision. There are two forms of macular

Antiangiogenesis degeneration: dry and wet. It is possible for a
person to suffer from both forms, for it to affect
Dan G. Duda one or both eyes, and for the disease to progress
Steele Laboratories for Tumor Biology, slowly or rapidly. Dry macular degeneration may
Department of Radiation Oncology, advance and cause loss of vision without turning
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard into the wet form of the disease. However, it is
Medical School, Boston, MA, USA also possible for the early-stage dry form to
change into the wet form of macular degeneration.
Macular degeneration is the leading cause of
Definition vision loss in people over the age of 60. http://
The prevention or inhibition of the process of new html. Antiangiogenesis has shown mixed results
blood vessel formation by endothelial cells from when used to treat malignant cancers. These
pre-existing adjacent vessels (▶ angiogenesis). contrasting outcomes have raised important ques-
tions about the mechanisms of action of
antiangiogenic agents and how to best use them
Characteristics in cancer patients. In cancer and other diseases,
new vessels form due to the chronic over-
Rationale for Antiangiogenesis for Therapy expression of multiple proangiogenic factors:
Formation of new blood vessels from existing e.g., ▶ vascular endothelial growth factor
vasculature – ▶ angiogenesis – is a requirement A (VEGF-A or VEGF), basic ▶ fibroblast growth
for cancer growth and progression to metastasis factor (bFGF), ▶ angiopoietin 2 (Ang2), and
(Carmeliet and Jain 2011). Preventing this ▶ placenta growth factor (PlGF). Blocking
process – antiangiogenesis – has emerged as a VEGF is a clinically validated strategy in certain
potential therapeutic strategy to halt cancer cancers and in macula degeneration. However, the
growth. This has prompted enormous interest in inhibition of VEGF alone has shown an overall
antiangiogenesis in the oncology field over the survival benefit only in one phase III clinical trial
last few decades. The interest has rapidly (in advanced stomach cancer patients). Trials of
extended in other areas of medicine, because FGF, Ang2, and PlGF inhibitors have been
angiogenesis plays a central role in other patho- conducted or are ongoing, but so far the results
logical states such as vascular diseases, benign have not shown benefit. Thus, a formal validation
tumors, obesity, or atherosclerosis. This has cul- of the concept that preventing angiogenesis in
minated with the approval of several itself could delay tumor growth and increase sur-
antiangiogenic agents for cancer and macula vival in patients is yet to be achieved. Other
degeneration (Ferrara 2010). Macular degenera- mechanisms of action have been proposed to
tion affects the retina. The retina is the paper-thin explain the clinical benefit – largely based on
tissue lining the back of the eye. Light-sensitive preclinical studies.
cells in the retina are responsible for converting
light into electrical impulses, which are then sent Potential Targets for Antiangiogenesis
via the optic nerve to the brain for interpretation. Specific and efficient targeting of the new vessels
In the very center of the retina is the macula. The that form in pathological states requires an in
macula contains the highest concentration of the depth understanding of the cellular and molecular
light-sensitive cells, called cones, which are events that lead to angiogenesis in each disease
responsible for sharp, detailed, central vision that type. For cancer therapy, such specificity and effi-
is used when driving and reading, for example. In ciency has not been achieved to date, presumably
macular degeneration, cells in the macular region due to the complexity of the angiogenesis process
begin to die, which results in blind spots and and the heterogeneity of tumors. Several
Antiangiogenesis 263

hypotheses have been proposed and are currently the overexpression of tumor-derived
under intense investigation. proangiogenic factors. The development of
recombinant endostatin was discontinued in A
• First, antiangiogenesis strategies have been the USA, but a modified recombinant human
developed to target specific molecules by phar- endostatin (Endostar ®, Medgenn) is currently
macologic means and halt angiogenesis in can- approved for lung cancer patients in China.
cer (Folkman 2007). Most of our knowledge in • Third, proliferating endothelial cells in the
angiogenesis to date derives from studies of angiogenic tissue may be a good target for
VEGF pathway. VEGF is overexpressed by cytotoxic regimens such as radiotherapy or
most cancers and is also a main player in dis- ▶ chemotherapy. Thus, continuous or frequent
eases such as macula degeneration and obesity. exposure of the endothelium to cytotoxic treat-
However, VEGF is also a key component of ment potentially has an antivascular effect. So
physiological angiogenesis. Moreover, VEGF far, the anti-VEGF antibody ▶ Bevacizumab
may modulate vasculogenesis (i.e., de novo has shown efficacy with chemotherapy in sev-
formation of new blood vessels from endothe- eral types of cancer (▶ colorectal cancer,
lial precursor cells), a neovascularization pro- ▶ lung cancer, ▶ ovarian cancer), but the rela-
cess complementary to angiogenesis. Finally, tive importance of this mechanism remains
VEGF is a highly pleiotropic ▶ cytokine and unknown. At the same time, Bevacizumab
exerts effects on nonendothelial cells that has failed to show efficacy with chemotherapy
express VEGF receptors such as hematopoietic in certain types of cancer (▶ pancreas cancer,
cells or cells of the nervous system. A similar ▶ prostate cancer). Moreover, to date all the
complexity emerges from current studies of attempts to combine anti-VEGF receptor
other proangiogenic factors such as bFGF, ▶ tyrosine kinase inhibitors with chemother-
PlGF, Ang2, or stromal-derived factor 1 alpha apy have failed to prolong overall survival in
(SDF1-Alpha), to name just a few. These fac- any cancer type. Phase III data on combina-
tors are also expressed in many tumors and tions of anti-VEGF agents with radiotherapy
potentially compensate for VEGF during anti- are not yet available.
VEGF therapy. This mechanism may also • Finally, therapies that directly target the cancer
explain why anti-VEGF strategies have failed cells, either nonspecifically (e.g., chemother-
to prevent metastasis formation and apy and/or radiotherapy) or specifically (e.g.,
micrometastatic tumor growth. While a formal newer molecularly targeted agents), may indi-
demonstration that halting angiogenesis bene- rectly affect angiogenesis by killing the main
fits cancer patients’ survival is currently source of the proangiogenic factors – the can-
lacking, early evidence has emerged on the cer cells. In addition, increasing evidence has
potential benefits of transiently “normalizing” been offered to support the concept that tumor-
tumor vasculature by antiangiogenesis (Jain associated mesenchymal cells (fibroblasts,
2014). Therefore, identifying and validating myofibroblasts, and perivascular cells) and
molecular and cellular targets as well as hematopoietic cells (monocyte/macrophages,
gaining further insights into the mechanisms neoutrophils) play key roles in pathologic
of action involved remains of great interest for angiogenesis. However, to date their roles in
research in the antiangiogenesis field. antiangiogenesis, or as a potential target for
• A second potential antiangiogenesis strategy is antiangiogenesis or other therapies are incom-
to use endogenous factors that are inhibitors of pletely understood Fig. 1.
angiogenesis. Upregulation of the expression
of factors such as ▶ endostatin, tumstatin, Antiangiogenesis Strategy in Cancer Patients
canstatin, ▶ thrombospondin, and other While basic researchers continue to explore a
blood circulating proteins, or exogenous deliv- multitude of pro- and antiangiogenic pathways
ery of recombinant proteins, may counteract as therapeutic targets, so far only the approaches
264 Antiangiogenesis

BMC recruitment



Possible Escape

Antiangiogenesis, Fig. 1 Schematic representation of derived factor 1 alpha (SDF1-alpha), basic ▶ fibroblast
potential escape mechanisms from antiangiogenesis using growth factor (bFGF), ▶ interleukin-6 (IL-6), and granu-
anti-VEGF agents. Cancers may use four potential mech- locyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) are increased in
anisms to acquire new blood vessels for their growth as the circulation of cancer patients treated with anti-VEGF
well as after VEGF blockade: co-option, ▶ angiogenesis, agents. These molecules may potentially contribute to
vasculogenesis (i.e., bone-marrow-derived (BMD) endo- tumor neovascularization in the face of VEGF pathway
thelial progenitor cell recruitment to increase the tumor inhibition (Courtesy of Dr. Lance L. Munn) (Reproduced
vascular supply), and intussusception. Levels of stromal- with permission from Jain et al. 2009)

blocking VEGF have proven their utility in the clinical benefit in renal cancer patients (such as
® ®
clinic. (5) Many of the early trials for sunitinib, Sutent , Pfizer; ▶ sorafenib, Nexavar ,
antiangiogenic agents yielded disappointing Bayer and Onyx; pazopanib, Votrient ,
results, presumably due to lack of specificity. GlaxoSmithKline), in ▶ gastrointestinal stromal
This was in contrast to the efficacy of tumor (sunitinib) and in ▶ hepatocellular carci-
antiangiogenic agents seen in preclinical models noma (sorafenib). In contrast, bevacizumab failed
of cancer. But after four decades of basic research to increase survival with chemotherapy in patients
and clinical development, two antiangiogenesis with previously treated and refractory metastatic
approaches have yielded survival benefit in breast cancer and in advanced prostate cancer and
patients with metastatic cancer in randomized, pancreatic cancer patients. Similarly, sunitinib
placebo-controlled phase III trials. In one failed to match the efficacy and safety of sorafenib
approach, the addition of ▶ Bevacizumab in hepatocellular carcinoma. In addition,
(a VEGF-specific antibody, Avastin , Genentech/ bevacizumab failed to meet the prespecified end-
Roche) to standard therapy improved overall points when used in adjuvant setting in large trials
and/or progression-free survival in colorectal can- in patients with localized breast or colorectal
cer, lung cancer, breast cancer, renal cancer, cer- cancer.
vical cancer, mesothelioma, and ▶ ovarian cancer ▶ Bevacizumab monotherapy is approved by
patients. In the second approach, multitargeted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the
agents that block growth factor pathways in both USA for recurrent glioblastoma, based on impres-
endothelial cells and cancer cells demonstrated sive response rates seen in phase II trials. This has
Antiangiogenesis 265

been proposed to be largely due to the antiedema ” hematopoietic cell recruitment in tumors. Based
effect of antiangiogeneic therapy in this setting. on preclinical observations, Dr. Rakesh K. Jain
Unfortunately, 2 large phase III trials of (Harvard Medical School) has proposed in 2001 a A
bevacizumab with chemoradiation failed to show new hypothesis that anti-VEGF agents can “nor-
any survival benefit. Finally, the addition of malize” tumor vasculature. Results from mouse
VEGF receptor ▶ tyrosine kinase inhibitors to models of cancer support this hypothesis.
conventional cytotoxic therapy did not show so In addition, emerging clinical data have begun
far a similar benefit in metastatic colorectal or to shed light on this potential mechanisms of action
breast cancer patients. These contrasting of antiangiogenesis in humans. In rectal cancer
responses raise critical questions about how patients, using multiple functional, cellular and
these agents work in patients and how to combine molecular investigations, Bevacizumab has
them optimally. Specifically, what are the mecha- antivascular effects. Bevacizumab alone reduced
nisms of action of antiangiogenic agents? And the tumor tissue vascular density approximately
how can we monitor the effects of by half at day 12 after first infusion, reduced sig-
antiangiogenesis? Significant research is currently nificantly the tumor blood flow evaluated by com-
undertaken to answer these questions. puted tomography (CT), and the number of blood
circulating progenitor cells (CPCs) evaluated by
Antiangiogenesis for Ocular Diseases flow cytometry. Twelve days after Bevacizumab
The other application of antiangio- therapy alone, the tumor interstitial fluid pressure
genesis – currently approved by the US FDA for was consistently decreased. While the significant
use in patients – is age-related wet macular degen- pruning of tumor vasculature led to a significant
eration. This disease is the result of VEGF-driven increase in cancer cell death by ▶ apoptosis, it also
angiogenesis and increased permeability and led to a more mature (perivascular cell-covered)
edema into the retina, which causes partial or tumor vasculature and a stable or increased cancer
complete loss of vision. Novel treatments cell proliferation. In addition, the uptake of
using a VEGF inhibiting aptamer (Macugen ®, 18-fluorodeoxyglucose – an analogue of glucose –
Eyetech/Pfizer) and in particular an antibody frag- measured by ▶ positron emission tomography
ment (Lucentis ®, Genentech) have demonstrated showed no apparent change in tumor metabolism
efficacy in this disease. A number of after VEGF inhibition alone. Taken together,
antiangiogenic agents are currently being tested these findings indicate that antiangiogenesis may
in other ocular diseases such as diabetic transiently “normalize” the structurally and func-
retinopathy. tionally abnormal tumor vasculature, likely by
restoring the local balance between pro- and
Mechanisms of Action of Pharmacologic antiangiogenic factors. Further understanding of
Antiangiogenic Agents the counterintuitive concept of vascular normali-
Several mechanisms of antitumor action have zation by antiangiogenesis may be critical for
been proposed for antiangiogenic agents. This is optimally combining antiangiogenic therapy
in part due to the fact that proangiogenic growth with cytotoxic therapies for cancer, but also for a
factor receptors (e.g., VEGF receptors 1 and variety of other diseases.
2, neuropilins 1 and 2) are not exclusively In recurrent glioblastoma patients, the
expressed on endothelial cells. In preclinical pan-VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor
models, these agents have demonstrated direct cediranib (AZD2171, AstraZeneca) normalized
antivascular effects, blockade of angiogenesis, tumor vasculature for at least 28 days, decreased
and regression or delay of tumor progression in tumor enhancement volume on magnetic reso-
mice. Studies have proposed and demonstrated an nance imaging (MRI), and significantly reduced
anti-“vasculogenic” effect of VEGF blockers, peritumor edema throughout the course of treat-
manifested through the blockade of blood-borne ment. The relative vessel size measured by MRI
“endothelial precursors,” or vascular “modifying was reduced during the “normalization window,”
266 Antiangiogenesis

but increased as tumors relapsed. Most impor- as potential predictive biomarkers. For example,
tantly, patients who experienced changes in MRI the incidence of the side effect of hyper-
biomarkers and plasma biomarkers that may be tension – relatively common after anti-VEGF
related to vascular normalization – i.e., changes in therapy – has been proposed as a predictive bio-
tumor blood volume and vascular permeability marker of efficacy. The development of advanced
and in circulating levels of collagen IV – had lon- MRI techniques allows changes in vascular
ger survival after cediranib treatment. Moreover, parameters that occur early after onset of
in mice, alleviation of vasogenic edema by vascu- antiangiogenesis therapy. Changes in vascular
lar normalization after cediranib treatment permeability and vascular volume as early as
increased survival even in the absence of an 24 h after cediranib treatment associated with
antitumor effect. survival in patients with glioblastoma. Similar
These mechanistic insights bring great hope data are emerging from imaging studies at other
that antiangiogenic agents are not only active time-points, in glioblastoma and in hepatocellular
antitumor agents, but they may be further devel- carcinoma patients receiving anti-VEGF agents.
oped to increase survival in patients with many Finally, changes in plasma angiogenic proteins
tumor types – by acting in synergism with con- have also been investigated in multiple trials of
ventional or new molecularly targeted anticancer antiangiogenic agents. While most of the data
therapies. reported in the literature indicates that changes in
the plasma concentrations of VEGF, PlGF, and
Biomarkers of Antiangiogenesis soluble VEGF receptor 2 represent potential
The current efforts in biomarker identification and “pharmacodynamic biomarkers,” several reports
validation for this type of therapy may hold the proposed biomarkers that may associate with
answers for its optimal use but are facing impor- tumor escape from antiangiogenesis. While these
tant hurdles (Jain et al. 2009). Unlike preclinical “escape biomarkers” may not be useful for patient
models, the phase III ▶ Bevacizumab experience stratification to therapy with anti-VEGF agents,
in metastatic ▶ colorectal cancer patients did not they may be valuable for identifying new targets
identify ▶ TP53, ▶ KRAS, or B-RAF mutation, or to prevent resistance to antiangiogenesis. For
VEGF or TSP2 expression, or microvascular example, findings from single-arm phase II trials
density at baseline as predictive markers of of antiangiogenics in glioblastoma, rectal cancer,
response. In fact, no biomarker of response for hepatocellular carcinoma, and sarcoma patients
antiangiogenesis has been yet validated for converged to show significant correlations
bevacizumab, sunitinib, sorafenib, or pazopanib between changes in plasma concentration of
therapy. SDF1a and outcome after treatment. All these
Reports proposed several biomarker candi- hypothesis-generating results need to be validated
dates. Some of these could be measured prior to in large prospective studies.
therapy. For example, polymorphisms in VEGF
and interleukin-8 (IL-8) have been proposed as Toxicity of Antiangiogenesis
potential biomarkers for bevacizumab-based ther- Toxicity of targeted antiangiogenic agents is con-
apies in breast cancer and colorectal cancer, sidered relatively mild, but serious side effects
respectively. In rectal cancer patients, the blood have occurred, including treatment-related deaths
circulating concentrations of a molecule linked to due to hemorrhage or bowel perforations. Exper-
vascular normalization (soluble VEGF receptor imental studies have shown that, in 11 of the
1) – measured prior to treatment – associated 17 healthy organs studied, VEGF blockade can
with the response as well as with toxicity of significantly decrease the number of normal cap-
bevacizumab with chemoradiation. In addition to illaries. In cancer patients, most anti-VEGF agents
measurements at baseline, the changes in certain often induce proteinuria, hypertension, thyroid-
parameters after treatment – referred to as stimulating hormone elevation, and gastrointesti-
dynamic biomarkers – have been also proposed nal toxicity, but agent specific toxicities have also
Antiangiogenesis 267

been reported. In addition, the long-term effects of for antiangiogenesis. Achieving this would allow
antiangiogenesis in patients with less advanced optimization of current treatment protocols and
cancers or other pathologies remain to be reduction of the adverse effects. A
• First, identifying the vascular “normalization
Future Directions in Antiangiogenesis window” in patients would allow synergistic
The major directions for the immediate future combinations with chemotherapeutics or
remain immune checkpoint blockers radiation.
• Second, understanding the mechanisms of ves-
• further understating of the mechanisms of sel pruning and cancer cell apoptosis induced
action to devise optimal combinations with by anti-VEGF therapy, and tumor escape from
standard and emerging therapies (e.g., novel it, may allow further sensitization of tumor
immunotherapies) cells to cytotoxic therapies.
• identification and validation of the first bio- • Third, characterization of the effect of
markers for antiangiogenesis antiangiogenesis on host-derived cells contri-
bution to cancer growth and relapse after treat-
For multitargeted ▶ tyrosine kinase inhibitors, ment would allow judicious and more effective
another major challenge is the off-target effects approaches to therapy involving these cells.
(i.e., not related to VEGF or antiangiogenesis) that
likely play significant roles in the efficacy To this end, new biomarkers and improved
and toxicity of these drugs. These off-target imaging techniques will play a major role in mon-
effects – e.g., effects of sunitinib on the immune itoring the effects and stratifying the patients with
system – need to be considered in studies of the ultimate goal of individualized therapy.
mechanisms of action and predictive biomarkers.
To this end, new biomarkers and improved imag-
ing techniques will play a major role in monitor- Cross-References
ing the effects and stratifying the patients with the
ultimate goal of individualized therapy. For exam- ▶ Angiogenesis
ple, identifying the onset of the vascular “normal- ▶ Angiopoietins
ization window” in patients would allow dosing ▶ Apoptosis
and timing of antiangiogenic therapies to achieve ▶ Bevacizumab
synergy for combinations with chemotherapeutics ▶ Chemotherapy
or radiation. In addition, understanding the mech- ▶ Colorectal Cancer
anisms of vessel pruning and cancer cell apoptosis ▶ Cytokine
induced by antiangiogenesis, and tumor escape ▶ Endostatin
from it, may allow further sensitization of tumor ▶ Fibroblast Growth Factors
cells to cytotoxic therapies. Finally, characteriza- ▶ Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor
tion of the effect of antiangiogenesis on host- ▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma
derived cells contribution to cancer growth and ▶ Interleukin-6
relapse after treatment would allow judicious and ▶ KRAS
more effective approaches to therapy involving ▶ Lung Cancer
these cells. Achieving this will take a large and ▶ Ovarian Cancer
highly integrated multidisciplinary effort, but may ▶ Pancreatic Cancer
directly allow optimization of current treatment ▶ Placenta Growth Factor
protocols and reduction of the adverse effects. ▶ Positron Emission Tomography
The major directions for the immediate future ▶ Sorafenib
are further understating of the mechanisms of ▶ Thrombospondin
action and identification of the first biomarkers ▶ TP53
268 Anti-angiogenic Chemotherapy

▶ Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (2012) Radiotherapy. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of

▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3158.
(2012) Renal cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 3225–
References 3226. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6575
(2012) Stromal-derived factor 1 alpha. In: Schwab M (ed)
Carmeliet P, Jain RK (2011) Molecular mechanisms and Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
clinical applications of angiogenesis. Nature 473 delberg, p 3544. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
(7347):298–307 5_5536
Ferrara N (2010) Vascular endothelial growth factor and (2012) Sunitinib. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
age-related macular degeneration: from basic science to cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3562.
therapy. Nat Med. 16(10):1107–11 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5575
Folkman J (2007) Angiogenesis: an organizing principle (2012) VEGF. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
for drug discovery? Nat Rev Drug Discov. 6(4):273–86 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3906.
Jain RK (2014) Antiangiogenesis strategies revisited: from doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6174
starving tumors to alleviating hypoxia. Cancer Cell. 26
Jain RK, Duda DG, Willett CG, Sahani DV, Zhu AX,
Loeffler JS, Batchelor TT, Sorensen AG (2009) Bio-
markers of response and resistance to antiangiogenic Anti-angiogenic Chemotherapy
therapy. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 6(6):327–38.
▶ Metronomic Chemotherapy

See Also
(2012) Aptamer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 257.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_374 Antibodies to Self-antigens
(2012) Biomarkers. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 408–
▶ Autoimmunity and Cancer
409. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6601
(2012) Circulating progenitor cells. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
delberg, p 865. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1181
(2012) Computed tomography. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
berg, pp 964–965. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
Antibody Toxin Fusions or
5_1295 Conjugates
(2012) Co-option. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 978. ▶ Immunotoxins
(2012) Endothelial cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1251.
(2012) Glioblastoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Antibody-Dependent Cellular
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1554.
(2012) Interleukin-8. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1896. Definition
(2012) Intussusception. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1904.
ADCC is a passive immune response in which the
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6987 Fc fragment of a (therapeutic) monoclonal anti-
(2012) Macula degeneration. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- body binds or ligates activating immunoglobulin
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, Fc receptors, e.g., Fc RI (CD64), Fc RIIa
pp 2134–2135. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6985
(2012) Polymorphism. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
(CD32a), Fc RIIc (CD32c), or Fc RIII (CD16),
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 2954– present on monocytes, macrophages,
2955. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4673 granulocytes, and natural killer (NK) cells,
Antibody-Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy 269

driving cytotoxic effector functions to target tumor tissue and thus the therapeutic index will
membrane-associated antigens. theoretically be increased by the factor of toxicity
of cytotoxic drug compared to prodrug. This A
means less side effects with the same efficacy or
increased efficacy with the same toxicity – the
latter perhaps the more important aspect, given
▶ Bispecific Antibodies
that many drugs kill cancer cells in vitro, but
▶ Diabody
only at doses that are either impossible to achieve
▶ Immunoprevention
or lethal in vivo. Finally, the prodrug can be
▶ Immunotherapy
applied many times and still be efficacious as
long as the antibody-enzyme construct is still
localized in the tumor – a potent advantage over
direct antibody-drug conjugates.
Antibody-Directed Enzyme Prodrug In summary, ADEPT is a pretargeting strategy
Therapy which is characterized by separating the pharma-
cokinetics of the targeting antibody (slow but
P. Markus Deckert specific) and the cytotoxic drug (fast but
Zentrum für Innere Medizin II – Abteilung für nonspecific).
Onkologie und Palliativmedizin, Klinikum The theoretical advantages are countered by a
Brandenburg, Brandenburg an der Havel, number of problems born out in practice: Even
Germany with prodrug activation highly restricted to tumor
tissue, both the antibody-enzyme-construct and
the cytotoxic drug itself may leak back into the
bloodstream at a substantial quantity, leading to
systemic drug activity.
Immunogenicity has posed a major issue for
most of the time. This can be solved effectively for
the antibody part, as these are essentially mam-
malian molecules which have long been success-
fully humanized. The enzyme part, however, to be
Antibody-directed enzyme-prodrug therapy
tumor specific, must catalyze a reaction not pre-
(ADEPT) is a two-step concept for the immuno-
sent in the human repertoire, which makes it dif-
logically targeted application of chemotherapeutic
ficult to find (or create) an enzyme of “human-
agents to tumor tissue. In it, first a tumor-specific
like” protein structure. Conjugating selectively
antibody coupled to a prodrug-specific enzyme is
the enzyme part with polyethylene glycol may
applied systemically via a parenteral route. Once
provide a versatile method for deimmunizing
this antibody-enzyme-construct has bound to its
such constructs.
cognate antigen in tumor tissue and the unbound
Then there has been the technical issue of
remainder has cleared from the bloodstream, the
generating functional fusion constructs. The first
prodrug is administered systemically. Ideally, it is
type of these was chemical conjugates, which may
converted into active cytotoxic drug exclusively
be cumbersome to produce with heterogeneous
in tumor tissue by the tumor-bound enzyme com-
results. Recombinant fusion proteins are the pre-
ponent of the targeting construct.
ferred approach today. This allows for high quan-
tities of high purity material. Yet the design of
Characteristics these constructs remains a critical issue for each
new project, concerning the type and valency of
In theory, this concept provides obvious advan- the antibody part, the source of enzyme and the
tages: The cytotoxic drug will only be liberated in type and length of linker sequence between the
270 Anticancer Drugs

two functional parts. In antibody design, the sin- Schellmann N, Deckert PM, Bachran D, Fuchs H, Bachran
gle chain variable fragment is often used, but C (2012) Targeted enzyme prodrug therapies. Mini Rev
Med Chem 10(10):887–904
larger and bivalent fragments or constructs such Sharma SK, Bagshawe KD, Springer CJ, Burke PJ, Rogers
as minibodies are also options. Another issue not GT, Boden JA, Antoniw P, Melton RG, Sherwood RF
preemptively resolved is the optimal molecular (1991) Antibody directed enzyme prodrug therapy
mass of the complete construct, as it is argued (ADEPT): a three phase system. Dis Markers
that large macromolecules may not reach tumor
tissue effectively while too small constructs tend
to be excreted in a first-pass effect. The success of
full-molecule antibody therapies does not refute
these considerations, as they tend to stay in circu-
Anticancer Drugs
lation up to several months, which contradicts the
▶ Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
ADEPT prerequisite of exclusive localization in
tumor tissue. Hence, some authors have intro-
duced the third step of a clearing antibody the
“catches” and eliminates circulating antibody-
Anti-Cancer Peptides
enzyme construct after sufficient time for its initial
tumor localization.
Ehsan Sarafraz-Yazdi1 and Josef Michl2
Finally, with or without the third step of a 1
Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Department
clearing antibody, application tends to be com-
of OB/GYN, State University of New York,
plex: The antibody-enzyme construct should
Downstate Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
have completely cleared from the bloodstream 2
Departments of Pathology, Molecular and Cell
before the prodrug is applied, but still be near its
Biology, State University of New York,
maximum concentration in tumor tissue. This
Downstate Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
window of opportunity can be short and easy to
miss under clinical conditions.
Despite these problems, a number of
approaches to ADEPT have been developed and
ways to overcome the obstacles explored, namely
Peptides that inhibit cell signaling interactions of
by the workgroups of Bagshawe and Begent in
interest and are being used as anticancer agents.
London, who have performed the first and so far
Therapeutic peptides have great potential as anti-
only successful clinical studies.
cancer agents owing to their ease of rational
design and target specificity.
Four categories of effective (or plausible) bio-
References logical mechanisms of action can be identified:

Bagshawe KD (1989) The First Bagshawe lecture. • Receptor-interacting compounds

Towards generating cytotoxic agents at cancer sites. • Inhibitors of protein-protein interaction
Br J Cancer 60:275–281 • Enzymes inhibitors; nucleic acid-interacting
Bagshawe KD, Sharma SK, Begent RH (2004) Antibody-
directed enzyme prodrug therapy (ADEPT) for cancer.
Expert Opin Biol Ther 4:1777–1789 • Peptides for which no mechanism of action has
Francis RJ, Sharma SK, Springer C, Green AJ, Hope-Stone been found yet
LD, Sena L, Martin J, Adamson KL, Robbins A,
Gumbrell L, O’Malley D, Tsiompanou E,
Shahbakhti H, Webley S, Hochhauser D, Hilson AJ, Characteristics
Blakey D, Begent RH (2002) A phase I trial of antibody
directed enzyme prodrug therapy (ADEPT) in patients
with advanced colorectal carcinoma or other CEA pro- All living matter contains proteins that are assem-
ducing tumours. Br J Cancer 87:600–607 bled according to a unique genetic code inside
Anti-Cancer Peptides 271

each nucleated cell as major cellular building conformation of these mutated proteins at the
blocks from 20 amino acids into molecules site of protein-protein interactions enables now
consisting of several dozen to hundreds of amino the design of high-affinity peptides that target A
acids. Peptides (from the Greek “peptos,” digest- single sites in an individual mutated protein mol-
ible) are small units that are generated during ecule and can block its function, the interaction
controlled degradation of protein molecules. Pep- with its ligand or receptor, without affecting those
tides generally do no longer fulfill all the functions of normal healthy cells.
that were the task of the intact protein molecule. Peptides are small molecules that show high
The ability to sequence proteins and the genes that levels of permeability throughout the body tissues
code for the proteins in living cells and complex due to their low molecular weight. However,
organisms including man has made possible the many of the available synthetic peptides that
identification and detailed characterization of the have been successfully tested for their anticancer
structural and functional domains of protein mol- effects in vitro are rather unstable and therefore
ecules. Based on the understanding of these lack in vivo efficiency. Consequently, new
domains, their amino acid sequence in healthy methods have been developed to increase the sta-
cells, and interaction with specific structures, bility of these peptides against rapid degradation
short amino acid sequences, peptides, continue and removal from circulation. These methods
to be identified in a large number of proteins that include, as referred to above, the modification of
function either as specific receptors or ligands. useful peptides by cycling, stitching, and their
The association and dissociation of protein- derivatization into peptoids which are completely
protein complexes are essential to the life of a resistant to proteolysis, and therefore are advanta-
normal cell. Dysfunction in the interaction and geous as therapeutic agents. Moreover, peptides
formation of protein-protein complexes have with D-amino acids are more stable and less sus-
been identified as an important mechanism in the ceptible to proteolysis than peptides composed of
development of cancer. Based on this understand- natural L-amino acids.
ing, it is now possible to synthesize peptides that
imitate individual functions of the larger proteins Peptides as Tools to Manipulate Protein
in a vast number of cellular processes in vitro and Functions
in vivo. Peptides are valuable tools that inhibit or Anticancer peptides are characterized by their
activate critical cellular responses to various ability to interfere with the abnormal processes
extra- and intracellular stimuli. that are specific to a cancer cell. Naturally derived
and synthetic peptides have been used in multiple
Structure in vitro and in vivo systems to manipulate cancer
Information obtained from crystallography and cell regulatory networks. These processes broadly
computer simulation of protein-protein com- include unrestricted cell proliferation, replication,
plexes has provided in-depth understanding of and metastasis. Cancer is a genetic disease. Con-
the precise conformation of the interaction site in sequently, prime targets for the development of
many of these complexes. Amino acid sequences effective anticancer peptides are the activation of
based on this information has allowed the synthe- tumor suppressor and the inhibition of oncogene
sis of peptides with linear or cyclic (helical) con- products and other key players in these signaling
formation that best mimic and compete with the pathways. Since all of these products function via
ligand molecule for the site of interaction in the regulated direct interaction with proteins or DNA,
target protein. Crystallographic and computer the effective interference with such functions
modeling studies continue to provide more requires molecules that specifically fit the interac-
detailed understanding of the subtle differences tion site. Peptides, mimicking precisely the inter-
of mutated protein molecules involved in driving active site of one of the proteins in the respective
the relentless growth of cancer cells versus their molecular complexes, can function as potent
normal counterparts. Knowledge of the precise inhibitors or activators of the cellular events
272 Anti-Cancer Peptides

controlled by these proteins. In this context, can- Drosophila melanogaster. Small anticancer pep-
cer therapy with anticancer peptides specifically tides either noncovalently associated or chemi-
targets and inhibits inappropriately activated cally linked to Penetratin may enter the
oncogenes or activates tumor suppressor genes. cytoplasm via the endosomal pathway during
The realm for the use of peptides in anticancer acidification rather than direct transport through
therapy is, however, much larger when one con- the cells’ membrane. To deliver larger anticancer
siders a cancer cell’s responses to its environment molecules or large loads of anticancer peptides
and its unique metabolic needs. Thus, anticancer into cancer cells, vesicles of diverse sizes have
peptides are being developed that interfere with been synthesized from different lipid mixtures
the delivery of nutrients via tumor angiogenesis of (liposomes) that can fuse with the cancer cells’
the growing tumor, the function of receptors at the plasma membrane or, after ingestion, to the mem-
cell’s plasma membrane, the signal cascade initi- brane of the acidic endosomes. Spiked with pep-
ated by agonists binding to the cell surface recep- tides that function as ligands for cell surface
tors, and the uncontrolled activity of transcription molecules of cancer cells (IGF-1R, EGF-R,
factors that drive the cancer cell’s rapid replica- CCR5, CXCR4) such vesicles can be specifically
tion. Furthermore, peptides have also been found delivered into cancer cells. This approach is now
to prevent cancer cell migration and metastasis. being applied to the synthesis of small colloidal
particles (nano-particles) that, by being coated
Extracellular Acting Peptides with selected anticancer peptides, can be targeted
The majority of the currently available therapeutic directly to cancer cells.
peptides target molecules that are released by Based on these experiences, various peptides
cancer cells [e.g., matrix metallo-proteases have been isolated and synthesized that inhibit
(MMP)] or cell surface receptors (VEGF-R, proteins which are particularly relevant in cancer
CCR5, CXCR4) to interfere with the binding cells due to their involvement in cell cycle pro-
and activation of cancer cells by their specific gression (e.g., CDK2, E2F1), cell signaling
ligands (e.g., IGF-1, EGF, MCP-1, PSA). (STAT3, EGFR, RAS), and cell dynamics
(TRIO, MMP-9). Peptides have been designed
Intracellular Acting Peptides that target viral oncoproteins (HPV16-E6, E7,
Great efforts have been made in developing new HBV core protein) and that are being examined
strategies to interfere with intracellular targets in for use as anticancer vaccines. In the attempt to
cancer cells. Virtually in parallel different make cellular oncoproteins targets for anticancer
methods have been developed for the intracellular peptides, large mammalian screens have been
delivery of peptides. Many viruses have been used (yeast two-hybrid systems, phage-display)
known for a long time to by-pass the endosomal to define the most fitting structures called peptide
mechanism by direct link to and fusion with the aptamers to interfere with the oncogenic functions
cells’ plasma membrane only to release their rep- of these proteins. Many of these novel peptides
lication machinery directly into the cytoplasm. have shown consistent antitumor efficacy in can-
From the examination of the amino acid compo- cer model systems.
sition of the proteins that executed the fusion Two of the most prominent mechanisms by
capacity for these virus, short amino acid which the growth of cancer cells can be prevented
sequences have been identified (RGD, CPP, and are the activation of apoptotic or necrotic cell
TAT) that when incorporated into or linked to a death that can be triggered by the use of peptides.
therapeutic peptide enable the direct translocation Apoptosis in cancer cells can be obtained by pep-
of the therapeutic peptide via the plasma mem- tides that activate pro-apoptotic enzymes (i.e.,
brane into cancer cells. A somewhat larger mem- Caspases) via death receptor pathway (Fas and
brane fusion peptide (Penetratin) containing a TNF receptor 1) or the intrinsic mitochondrial
membrane transduction domain (PTD) has been pathway (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bax, and Bak). Peptides
derived from the Antennapedia protein of have been generated to target enzymes (i.e.,
Antiglycolytics and Cancer 273

telomerase) involved in telomere length mainte-

nance and aging. Considering that in the vast Anti-erbB-2
majority of cancers p53 is mutated and has lost A
its cell cycle control functions, peptides have been ▶ Trastuzumab
designed to stabilize the molecule and prevent its
rapid removal by its negative regulator, the
ubiquitin ligase MDM2, and degradation in the
cells’ proteasomes. With respect to necrosis,
Anti-erbB2 Monoclonal Antibody
highly amphipathic, and membrane-active chime-
▶ Trastuzumab
ric peptides have been designed that bind selec-
tively to the plasma membrane of cancer cells
inducing rapid necrotic cell death by transmem-
brane pore formation. Antigen of the Cromer Blood Group

▶ Decay-Accelerating Factor

Bhutia SK, Maiti TK (2008) Targeting tumors with pep-

tides from natural sources. Trends Biotechnol
Antiglycolytics and Cancer
Borghouts C, Kunz C, Groner B (2005) Current strategies
for the development of peptide-based anti-cancer ther- Lanfranco Corazzi and Rita Roberti
apeutics. J Pept Sci 11(11):713–726 Department of Experimental Medicine,
Janin YL (2003) Peptides with anticancer use or potential.
Amino Acids 25(1):1–40
University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Sarafraz-Yazdi E, Bowne WB, Adler V, Sookraj KA,
Wu V, Shteyler V, Patel H, Oxbury W, Brandt-Rauf P,
Zenilman ME, Michl J, Pincus MR (2010) Anticancer Synonyms
peptide PNC-27 adopts an HDM-2-binding conforma-
tion and kills cancer cells by binding to HDM-2 in their Glucose metabolism; Glycolysis; Glycolytic
membranes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
inhibitors; Tumor metabolism; Warburg effect
Zheng LH, Wang YJ, Sheng J, Wang F, Zheng Y, Lin XK,
Sun M (2011) Antitumor peptides from marine organ-
isms. Mar Drugs 9(10):1840–1859 Definition

The strict dependence of cancer cells on glycoly-

sis for ATP synthesis stimulates the development
Anti-c-erB-2 of molecules acting as inhibitors of enzymes dis-
tributed along the glycolytic or the pentose phos-
▶ Trastuzumab phate pathway. Several drugs acting as glycolytic
inhibitors have been tested, and their efficacy has
been discussed in many reports. Some have been
Anti-c-erbB2 Monoclonal Antibody used in clinical studies or are still in use in basic
research. Here we discuss their mechanisms and
▶ Trastuzumab therapeutic effects.

The hallmark of aggressive cancer cells is an
▶ Trastuzumab intense glucose metabolism. Warburg first
274 Antiglycolytics and Cancer

discovered that cancer cells actively use glycoly- (PKM2), participating in the last step of glycoly-
sis for ATP synthesis, even in the presence of sis, appear to confer an advantage to tumor cells,
oxygen, a condition in which glycolytic flux is since it determines channeling of glycolytic inter-
reduced in normal cells (Pasteur effect) and ATP mediates through the pentose phosphate pathway
synthesis occurs through mitochondrial oxidative for the production of NADPH and other metabolic
phosphorylation. In cancer cells, generally char- substrates. NADPH is essential not only for lipid
acterized by impaired ability to synthesize ATP synthesis but also as a powerful reducing agent in
through mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, tumor cells by maintaining the redox balance dur-
a metabolic switch occurs that enhances the gly- ing cell proliferation.
colytic flux in order to maintain cellular energy Therapeutic approaches targeting the peculiar
levels. The high rate of glycolysis results in an metabolic profile of cancer cells have been inves-
increased pyruvate synthesis rate. Upregulation of tigated with the aim of killing them selectively
pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-1 (PDK-1) pre- and effectively. To render cancer cells vulnerable,
vents the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA their forced metabolic adaptation on glucose fuel
by inactivating pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH). for energy production through glycolysis has been
Consequently, pyruvate is converted to lactate by exploited using glycolytic inhibitors as therapeu-
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), overexpressed in tic strategy (Fig. 1).
tumor cells. This reaction provides the oxidized What is the response of normal cells to glyco-
form of NAD, supporting the glycolytic flux at the lytic inhibitors? Normal cells use amino acids and
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase fatty acids as alternative fuel to produce substrates
(GAPDH) step, which ensures the ATP levels for the mitochondrial oxidative metabolism. This
needed for tumor cell growth in a condition of is the reason why normal cells should not be
mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation impair- deeply influenced by antiglycolytics. Many
ment. The high capacity of tumor cells to uptake reports suggest that inhibition of glycolysis is a
glucose and convert it to glucose-6-phosphate promising therapeutic strategy with positive clin-
(G-6P) through the action of hexokinase ical implications.
(HK) not only contributes to the high glycolytic
rate of tumor cells but also feeds the pentose 2-Deoxy-D-glucose
phosphate pathway in order to synthesize 2-Deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) is a glucose analog in
NADPH and ribose-5-phosphate, necessary for which the hydroxyl group at carbon 2 is replaced
lipid and nucleic acid synthesis, respectively. by hydrogen. 2-DG enters the cell through the
The feature of many cancers, particularly the GLUT transporters and is converted to
most aggressive, to metabolize glucose at an ele- 2-DG-phosphate (2-DG-P) by HK-2. 2-DG-P
vated rate has been exploited clinically using cannot enter the glycolytic pathway since it lacks
▶ positron emission tomography (PET). the hydroxyl group at carbon 2 and cannot assume
The molecular basis of the ▶ Warburg effect in the endiolic form necessary to be converted to the
cancer cells is the result of critical biochemical fructose isomer by glucose-6-phosphate isomer-
adaptations. Indeed, the number of mitochondria ase, for which it also acts as a competitive inhib-
is decreased in tumors compared to the tissue of itor. Inhibition of glycolysis causes depletion of
origin, and hexokinase 2 (HK-2) is overexpressed cellular ATP, leading to cancer cell death. Due to
and bound to the voltage-dependent anion chan- its ability to repress tumor growth, 2-DG is used in
nel (VDAC) localized in the outer mitochondrial ▶ clinical trials for the treatment of cancer cells
membrane. VDAC, together with the adenine exhibiting mitochondrial dysfunction or solid
nucleotide transporter, moves the ATP substrate tumors under ▶ hypoxia.
to the active site on HK-2 increasing its catalytic The low toxicity of 2-DG, combined with its
efficiency. Surprisingly, despite the high rate of ability to enhance the efficacy of other anticancer
G-6P synthesis, in some tumors elevated levels of drugs, such as ▶ adriamycin and ▶ cisplatin,
the less active M2 isoform of pyruvate kinase makes it widely used in vivo and in clinical
Antiglycolytics and Cancer 275

and Cancer,
Fig. 1 Schematic
representation of glycolysis A
and connections with the
pentose phosphate pathway
and the Krebs cycle. The
site of action of several
antiglycolytics is shown.
GLUTs glucose
transporters, HK
hexokinase, G6PDH
dehydrogenase, PKK1
phosphofructokinase 1, TK
transketolase, GAPDH
phosphate dehydrogenase,
PGK phosphoglycerate
kinase, PK pyruvate kinase,
LDH lactate
dehydrogenase, PDH
pyruvate dehydrogenase

studies. A clinical trial indicated that 2-DG, in 2012 Shoshan published a state-of-the-art review
combination with ▶ docetaxel, can be tolerated on this compound and its molecular targets.
at a dose of 63 mg/kg/day. 3BP is an ▶ alkylating agent that reacts with
The positron emitting 2-18fluoro-2-DG, an thiol and hydroxyl groups of several enzymes and
analog of 2-DG, can be taken up as well by tumors induces cell death in tumor cell lines through a
in vivo, allowing the localization of tumors variety of biochemical mechanisms. 3BP acts as a
through positron emission tomography (PET). potent inhibitor of HK-2, whose association
with mitochondria by interaction with VDAC
3-Bromopyruvate (porin) is essential to support the high glycolytic
The first report on the anticancer effects of rate in cancer cells. Indeed, HK-2 is highly
3-bromopyruvate (3BP) describes its ability to expressed in many tumor cells where it represents
eradicate liver-implanted rabbit tumors, indicating a preferential target for 3BP, as in ▶ hepatocellu-
3BP as an emerging chemotherapeutic drug. In lar carcinoma.
276 Antiglycolytics and Cancer

3BP also affects glycolysis downstream of HK, of indazole-3-carboxylic acid. Further application
especially GAPDH, whose inhibition leads to loss of this drug demonstrated that LND is an
of both the ATP-producing steps downstream of antiglycolytic that acts by inhibiting the
this enzyme. PK, the last enzyme of the glycolytic mitochondria-bound HK-2. Contrarily to 3BP,
pathway, could also be affected via alkylation of LND contains low structural reactivity, since it is
cysteine residues at the active site. This should not reactive toward -SH groups. Though the
inactivate the enzyme, although no clear studies molecular mode of action is elusive, LND targets
have been reported. mitochondria and induces ▶ apoptosis via a direct
3BP has several non-glycolytic targets. Pecu- effect on the permeability transition pore complex
liar mitochondrial proteins such as succinate (PTPC). In a model of brain tumor, the LND
dehydrogenase, the mitochondrial phosphate car- mechanism of action involves inhibition of lactate
rier (PiC), and the adenine nucleotide carrier efflux and intracellular acidification. Further stud-
(ANC) are inhibited by 3BP. In addition, 3BP ies in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells showed that LND
targets proteins such as V-ATPases, sarcoplasmic inhibits both mitochondrial respiration and gly-
reticulum Ca2+-ATPases, carbonic anhydrases, colysis, leading to a decrease in cellular ATP.
and histone deacetylases. The clinical use of LND as primary therapy in
Altogether these effects are responsible for tumors is limited since the dose of LND necessary
3BP acting as an energy blocker that causes ATP to achieve clinical efficacy is associated with tox-
depletion. Therefore, 3BP is particularly effective icity. Clinical trials with LND in combination with
on cancer cells surviving in hypoxic conditions or other anticancer agents for a variety of cancers
exhibiting mitochondrial dysfunction, due to their have been performed, due to its proven ability to
high dependence on glycolysis for ATP supply. inhibit energy metabolism of cancer cells and to
New developments have extended the anticancer enhance the activity of other anticancer agents. In
power of 3BP to ▶ brain tumors. general, glycolytic inhibitors increase the cytotox-
In tumor cell studies 3BP is effective at icity of other agents since they reduce the ability
the concentration of 100 mM, much lower than of tumor cells to repair the produced damage or
2-DG which is used in the mM range. At concen- increase tumor cell permeability. In
trations that kill cancer cells, 3BP has little or no ▶ temozolomide-resistant glioma cells, LND
effect on normal cells. Evaluation of the response used as a cytotoxic drug in mitochondria-directed
of isolated normal brain mitochondria to treatment chemotherapy triggers apoptosis as the principal
with 3BP demonstrated that this drug targets only death modality. LND has been shown to increase
selected respiratory chain complexes of mito- the efficacy of cisplatin and melphalan in human
chondria, partially reducing respiration and ATP ▶ ovarian cancer cells resistant to alkylating
synthesis. drugs. In addition, LND modulates the response
3BP-based preclinical studies on a wide variety to doxorubicin in metastatic ▶ breast cancer
of tumors support the ability of this drug to kill patients.
tumor cells irrespective of their histotype. Clinical
applications indicate that 3BP can be an antican- Imatinib
cer therapeutic that, when formulated properly, ▶ Imatinib, a 2-phenylamino-pyridine derivative,
acts without associated toxicity. A paper suggests is the first example of a drug that targets a tumor-
that 2-DG and 3BP can both significantly specific protein. Imatinib (Gleevec) functions as a
synergize with photodynamic therapy to inhibit specific inhibitor of several tyrosine kinase
cell migration. Therefore, 3BP can be considered enzymes. Kinase inhibitors act by inhibiting pro-
a member of a new class of anticancer agents. teins that control cell division, growth, and sur-
vival and are highly expressed or active in cancer
Lonidamine cells. Imatinib is used in the treatment of
Lonidamine (LND), first designed and synthe- ▶ chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) as an inhibi-
sized as an antispermatogenic drug, is a derivative tor of the constitutive active tyrosine kinase
Antiglycolytics and Cancer 277

Bcr-Abl, a fusion protein found in nearly all contain oxygenated and hypoxic regions, so the
patients. tumor cell population is heterogeneous. In these
As it concerns glucose metabolism, in CML, tumors, hypoxic tumor cells utilize glucose as A
constitutive activation of Bcr-Abl upregulates the primary fuel and convert it to lactate that, released
▶ PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, thus resulting in outside, is taken up by the oxygenated tumor cell
increased glucose uptake and utilization through population and utilized for oxidative reactions,
control of the glucose transporter GLUT1. sparing glucose for the hypoxic cell population.
Imatinib decreases glucose uptake and reduces LDH not only contributes to favor a high glyco-
HK and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase lytic flux by reestablishing the oxidized form of
activities and increases the activity of Krebs NAD but also maintains the loop between hyp-
cycle, reverting the Warburg effect. oxic and oxygenated tumor cell populations.
In breast cancer cells, the combination of Genetic LDH downregulation in cultured can-
imatinib with the antifungal and inhibitor of gly- cer cells as well as cell treatment with LDH inhib-
colytic enzymes, clotrimazole, enhances cell itors causes increased mitochondrial respiration
growth inhibition. and cell death, due to ROS generation. Interest-
This drug has been approved by the US Food ingly, inhibitors of the lactate transporter MCT1
and Drug Administration and employed in clinical (monocarboxylate transporter 1), such as alpha-
trials as an anticancer drug. cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate, block lactate utiliza-
tion by oxygenated tumor cells forcing them to
Oxythiamine use more glucose and lowering this nutrient for
Oxythiamine is a molecule specifically designed hypoxic tumor cells. LDH could be a good candi-
to target two thiamine pyrophosphate-dependent date as a chemotherapeutic target since its inhibi-
enzymes involved in glucose metabolism. The tion should not affect normal cells that carry out
first one is transketolase (TK), a key enzyme of oxidative utilization of glucose. However, inhibi-
the non-oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate tors that target the LDH active site may influence
pathway, catalyzing the production of other enzyme activities, and, although LDH inhib-
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate as an intermediate itors have been designed and studied, their thera-
in phosphate sugar interconversion. The second peutic potential awaits investigation.
one is PDH, the mitochondrial multienzyme com-
plex catalyzing the oxidative decarboxylation of Other Antiglycolytics
pyruvate to acetyl-CoA. A cancer-specific iso- Arsenic acid salts abolish ATP synthesis during
form of TK, transketolase-like 1 (TKL-1), is the reaction catalyzed by GAPDH preventing the
overexpressed in several types of cancer cells. synthesis of 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate, although
The inhibition of TKL-1 by oxythiamine lowers GAPDH activity is not inhibited. These com-
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate levels, thus deter- pounds are responsible for arsenolysis, a compe-
mining a decrease in the glycolysis rate. Despite tition reaction between arsenate and phosphate in
the anticancer properties of oxythiamine, no clin- ATP synthesis by GAPDH. The normal route
ical data are available for this drug. includes the addition of phosphate in the step of
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate oxidation leading to
Inhibitors of Lactate Dehydrogenase the synthesis of bisphosphoglycerate; this inter-
LDH catalyzes the reduction of pyruvate to lactate mediate transfers the phosphate to ADP to form
at the end of anaerobic glycolysis, reestablishing ATP. Arsenate replaces phosphate in this reaction
the oxidized form of NAD, essential for sustaining forming an unstable intermediate that hydrolyzes
the glycolytic flux. As a consequence of direct spontaneously without generating ATP. The result
activation by the oncogenic signals that favor the is an “uncoupling” in ATP synthesis.
neoplastic change, the enzyme isoform LDH-A is Glufosfamide is an alkylating agent consisting
highly expressed in many tumors, contributing to of isophosphoramide mustard conjugated to glu-
the metabolic feature of cancer cells. Some tumors cose that is currently included in clinical studies
278 Antiglycolytics and Cancer

on ▶ pancreatic cancer. Glufosfamide is used in pentose intermediates, such as ribose-5-P, factors

combination with ▶ gemcitabine, an inhibitor of necessary for cellular vitality and growth. There-
DNA synthesis, rather than using either agent fore, it can be expected that 6AN exhibits antican-
alone. The drug takes advantage of the elevated cer activity against cells characterized by high
glucose uptake of tumor cells expressing the glucose metabolism. 6AN has been used as a
SAAT1 glucose transporter to enter the cells. potential modulator of the action of various anti-
Once inside, the active alchilating moiety neoplastic treatments. Particularly, it is a potential
isophosphoramide is released. modulator of cisplatin sensitivity. A combination
Dichloroacetate. Glycolysis can be regulated of 2-DG and 6AN induces selectively cell cycle
by targeting the last enzyme of the pathway, i.e., arrest and apoptosis in irradiated human malig-
PDH. Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK) nant cells.
inhibits PDH through phosphorylation. 5-Thioglucose and mannoheptulose are glu-
Dichloroacetate is an inhibitor of PDK, thus cose analogues that inhibit glucose uptake and
enhancing PDH activity and acetyl-CoA synthe- HK and glucokinase, respectively.
sis. Acetyl-CoA can feed the Krebs cycle, which
favors the switching of cellular energy metabo-
lism from glycolysis to mitochondria oxidative
phosphorylation. The therapeutic benefit of Cross-References
dichloroacetate in hypoxic conditions remains to
be demonstrated in clinical trials. ▶ Adenocarcinoma
Considering that glycolysis depends on glu- ▶ Adriamycin
cose uptake, drugs inhibiting glucose transporters ▶ Alkylating Agents
can also be effective in reducing the glycolytic ▶ Apoptosis
flux. Phloretin is a natural phenol and an inhibitor ▶ Brain Tumors
of glucose transporters that induces apoptosis and ▶ Breast Cancer
overcomes ▶ drug resistance in hypoxic ▶ Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
conditions. ▶ Cisplatin
6-Phosphofructo-1-kinase is a rate-limiting ▶ Clinical Trial
enzyme of glycolysis that is activated by fruc- ▶ Docetaxel
tose-2,6-bisphosphate (Fru-2,6-BP), the product ▶ Drug Resistance
of 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6- ▶ Gemcitabine
bisphosphatase isozymes (PFKFB, isozymes ▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma
1–4). The inducible PFKFB3 isozyme, constitu- ▶ Hypoxia
tively expressed in neoplastic cells, is inhibited by ▶ Imatinib
3-(3-pyridinyl)-1-(4-pyridinyl)-2-propen-1-one ▶ Ovarian Cancer
(3PO) that reduces glucose uptake and the intra- ▶ Pancreatic Cancer
cellular concentration of Fru-2,6-BP, lactate, ATP, ▶ PI3K Signaling
NAD+, and NADH. 3PO attenuates markedly the ▶ Positron Emission Tomography
proliferation of several human malignant hemato- ▶ Temozolomide
poietic and ▶ adenocarcinoma cell lines. ▶ Warburg Effect
6-aminonicotinamide (6AN) is an inhibitor of
glucose-6-phospate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), a References
NADP-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the
dehydrogenation of glucose-6-phosphate to Cardaci S, Desideri E, Ciriolo MR (2012) Targeting aero-
6-phosphogluconolactone, the first step in the bic glycolysis: 3-bromopyruvate as a promising anti-
cancer drug. J Bioenerg Biomembr 44:17–29
pentose phosphate pathway. This pathway Fiume L, Manerba M, Vettraino M, Di Stefano G (2014)
assumes a relevant role in the generation of reduc- Inhibition of lactate dehydrogenase activity as an
ing power as NADPH and in the synthesis of approach to cancer therapy. Future Med Chem 6:429–445
Anti-Her2/Neu Peptide Mimetic 279

Hammoudi N, Ahmed Riaz KB, Garcia-Prieto C, (2012) Preclinical studies. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
Huang P (2011) Metabolic alterations in cancer cells dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
and therapeutic implications. Chin J Cancer p 2968. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4717
30:508–525 (2012) Proliferation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of A
Shoshan MC (2012) 3-bromopyruvate: targets and out- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3004.
comes. J Bioenerg Biomembr 44:7–15 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4766
Pedersen PL (2007) Warburg, me and Hexokinase 2: mul- (2012) PTPC. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
tiple discoveries of key molecular events underlying 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3122.
one of cancers’ most common phenotypes, the “War- doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4864
burg Effect”, i.e., elevated glycolysis in the presence of (2012) Respiratory chain. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
oxygen. J Bioenerg Biomembr 39:211–222 of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3264.
Warburg O (1956) On respiratory impairment in cancer doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5057
cells. Science 124:269–270 (2012) ROS. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3321.
See Also (2012) Succinate dehydrogenase. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
(2012) Adenocarcinoma . In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 48. Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3554. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_84 16483-5_6880
(2012) Cell cycle arrest. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia (2012) Toxicity. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 737. cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3731.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_995 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5868
(2012) Cell death. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of (2012) Tumor metabolism. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 737. dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6724 p 3796. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6038
(2012) Cell lines. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 738.
(2012) Clinical studies. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia Anti-HER2/c-erbB2 Monoclonal
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 883. Antibody
(2012) 2-Deoxy-D-glucose. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, ▶ Trastuzumab
p 1087. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1565
(2012) Doxorubicin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1159.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1722 Anti-Her2/Neu Peptide Mimetic
(2012) Glioma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1557.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2423 Ramachandran Murali2, Alan Berezov1 and
(2012) Glut1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, Mark I. Greene1
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1558. 1
Department of Pathology, Laboratory Medicine
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2434 and Abramson Cancer Center, University of
(2012) Glycolysis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1570. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2450 Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cedars-
(2012) Lactate. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1967.
(2012) Lactate dehydrogenase. In: Schwab M (ed) Synonyms
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 1967–1968. doi:10.1007/978-3-
642-16483-5_3260 AHNP
(2012) Melphalan. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2221.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3619 Definition
(2012) Oxidative phosphorylation. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2730. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- AHNP is a rationally designed biologically active
16483-5_4308 peptidomimetic that mimics an anti-Her2/neu
280 Anti-Her2/Neu Peptide Mimetic

monoclonal antibody (Mab)’s antitumor function. have been developed to target erbB receptors,
AHNP is the smallest antibody fragment, which is including antireceptor MAbs, toxin-MAb, and
derived from the complementarity determining toxin-erbB ligand conjugates, synthetic tyrosine
region (CDR) heavy chain 3 (H3) of the anti- kinase inhibitors, and antisense therapy. We have
Her2/neu antibody rhuMab 4D5 (▶ Herceptin demonstrated that MAbs to the extracellular
and ▶ Trastuzumab). domain of Her2/neu can downmodulate the recep-
tor from the cell surface, resulting in a reduction in
the malignant phenotype and a conversion of the
Characteristics cell phenotype into a more normal one in vitro and
in retardation of tumor growth in vivo. This early
The epidermal growth factor (EGF) family of work has been translated into the creation of
tyrosine kinase receptors includes four structur- humanized antireceptor antibody (Herceptin or
ally related members: erbB1 (EGFR, HER1), trastuzumab), which has been approved for the
erbB2 (Her2/neu, p185), erbB3 (HER3), and treatment of metastatic ▶ breast cancer. Other
erbB4 (HER4). ErbB receptors are crucial for anti-erbB receptor antibodies or antibody-like
mediating cell proliferation, differentiation, and molecules are currently under development as
survival. They are glycoproteins composed of an therapeutic agents.
ectodomain, a single transmembrane region, and a
cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase domain flanked by AHNP Characteristics
noncatalytic regulatory regions. The ectodomain
contains four subdomains: L1, S1, L2, and S2, Rational for Design of AHNP
where L and S are acronyms for large and small, An antibody is large, difficult to produce, and
respectively. These subdomains are also referred expensive to synthesize and purify. Due to their
to as subdomains I–IV. Subdomains II and IV are large size, they often are impeded at the periphery
Cys-rich subdomains. A family of ligands, of solid tumors and are unable to enter inside the
EGF-like peptide growth factors, binds to the tumor mass. Several studies have reported the
ectodomain of erbB receptors, leading to the for- creation of smaller antibody fragments such as
mation of homo- and heterodimers. However, single-chain antibody (ScFv). These single-chain
Her2/neu is an unusual member of the erbB fam- antibodies have limited antitumor activity to date.
ily. It dimerizes in a ligand-independent manner. A promising alternative approach to overcome the
Moreover, it is apparently ligandless, since no limitations of high-molecular-weight therapeutics
authentic ligand that directly binds to it has yet is to design mimetic peptides derived from the
been defined. Dimerization consequently stimu- antigen-binding site of antibodies. The advan-
lates the intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of tages of peptidomimetics over therapeutic pro-
the receptors, triggering tyrosine auto- teins include the ease of manufacturing, low
phosphorylation in the cytoplasmic domain. immunogenity, and potential applicability to a
Phosphorylated tyrosine residues serve as wider range of disease targets, including those
docking sites for intracellular signaling molecules inside the cell.
involved in the regulation of signaling cascades.
Thus, the dimeric species are considered the AHNP
active form and responsible for signaling. Persis- A 1.5 kDa anti-Her2 peptide mimetic (AHNP)
tent signaling contributes to tumorigenesis. (Fig. 1) derived from the structure of the
CDR-H3 loop of the anti-Her2 rhu MAb 4D5
Her2 Regulation has been designed with demonstrated in vitro
Deregulated expression of erbB receptors, in par- and in vivo activities in disabling Her2 tyrosine
ticular, erbB1 and Her2/neu, has been implicated kinases are comparable to the MAb. AHNP has
in the development and malignancy of numerous been shown to bind to the rhu MAb 4D5 epitope
types of human cancers. Hence, various strategies on Her2/neu with submicromolar affinity. It
Anti-Her2/Neu Peptide Mimetic 281

AHNP analogs revealed a strong correlation

between peptide-binding characteristics and their
3D biological activity. For AHNP analogs, dissocia- A
tion rate constants have been shown to be better
2C 4G
indicators of peptide biological activity than
receptor-binding affinities. This study has demon-
5F strated that the well-documented biological
effects of antibodies, accounting for their applica-
tions in tumor therapy, can be mimicked by much
8C 6Y smaller antibody-based cyclic peptides with
potentially significant therapeutic advantages.

9Y AHNP as a Drug Carrier

Due to high specificity of AHNP to the Her2/neu
10M receptor, it has been used as a drug delivery agent
12V against Her2/neu-overexpressing tumors in vitro
and in vivo. The breast tumor-targeted peptide
carrier P3-AHNP has been developed by conju-
gating AHNP with a modified HIV TAT-derived
Anti-Her2/Neu Peptide Mimetic, Fig. 1 NMR struc- cell-penetrating peptide. A signal transducers and
ture of AHNP activators of transcription 3 (STAT3)-inhibiting
peptide conjugated to this peptide carrier
(P3-AHNP-STAT3BP) was delivered more effi-
inhibited the proliferation of Her2/neu- ciently into Her2/neu-overexpressing than Her2/
overexpressing tumor cells and colony formation neu low-expressing cancer cells in vitro and
in vitro, as well as the growth of Her2/neu- successfully decreased STAT3 binding to
expressing tumors in athymic mice. In addition, STAT3-interacting DNA sequence. P3-AHNP-
AHNP sensitized the tumor cells to ▶ apoptosis STAT3BP inhibited cell growth in vitro, with
when used in conjunction with ionizing radiation Her2/neu-overexpressing 435.eB breast cancer
or chemotherapeutic agents. AHNP was as effec- cells being more sensitive to the treatment than
tive as Herceptin in reducing tumor size and more the Her2/neu low-expressing MDA-MB-435
effective in its ability to block proliferation. cells. Compared with Her2/neu low-expressing
MDA-MB-435 xenografts, i.p. injected
AHNP Analogs P3-AHNP-STAT3BP preferentially accumulated
To further develop AHNP as an antitumor agent in 435.eB xenografts, which led to more reduction
and as a radiopharmaceutical for tumor imaging, a of proliferation and increased apoptosis and
number of derivatives of AHNP have been targeted inhibition of tumor growth. This novel
designed. Structure–function analysis of AHNP peptide delivery system provided a sound basis
analogs was used to optimize their biophysical for the future development of safe and effective
and therapeutic properties. Some of the designed new-generation therapeutics to cancer-specific
AHNP analogs had improved binding properties, molecular targets.
solubility, and cytotoxic activity relative to In another study, the Her2/neu-targeting/
AHNP. Residues in the exocyclic region of neutralizing function of AHNP was exploited by
AHNP appeared to be essential for high-affinity coupling AHNP to a mitochondria toxic
binding. The study also led to important observa- proapoptotic peptide PAP. The engineered chime-
tions of the analog properties that are essential for ric peptide, BHAP, selectively triggered apoptosis
their biological activities. Kinetic and equilibrium in Her2/neu-overexpressing tumor cells and
analysis of peptide–receptor binding for various inhibited growth of Her2/neu-overexpressing
282 Anti-Her2/Neu Peptide Mimetic

human mammary xenografts established in SCID Relevance to Cancer Therapy

mice. BHAP was selectively internalized by ▶ Monoclonal antibody therapy provides high tar-
human breast cancer cells through Her2/neu- get specificity, but has limitations and challenges in
mediated endocytosis and induced apoptosis drug development because of the large size of the
in vitro and in vivo. The peptide was effective therapeutic agent resulting in high cost and signifi-
against Her2/neu-overexpressing cells, even cant delivery problems. Therapeutic antibodies are
those that have been previously described as efficient against hematologic malignancies. Such
Herceptin resistant. To increase the avidity of the targeted antibodies reactive against solid tumors
chimeric peptide for Her2/neu, a tetrameric form are less efficacious due to barriers that limit their
has been created through streptavidin binding of entry into the tumor tissues. The main barriers for
biotin-labeled BHAP. Tetramerization resulted in antibody transport into tumor mass are dense
a significant (19–80-fold) improvement of the ▶ extracellular matrix (ECM) and high interstitial
efficacy of BHAP against the Her2/neu-positive pressure in the tumor. Due to these barriers, thera-
breast cancer cells. peutic molecules must diffuse across the tumor
▶ Taxol and ▶ Paclitaxel has been coupled to a mass. Since the rate of diffusion is inversely propor-
bivalent form of AHNP for targeting the chemo- tional to the molecular radius, large antibody mole-
therapeutic drug to Her2-overexpressing cells. cules diffuse very slowly. Thus, diffusion of
The prodrug conjugate released Taxol after antibodies across solid tumors usually takes weeks
receptor-mediated internalization resulting in to months making larger tumor masses especially
selective toxicity toward Her2/neu-positive cells. difficult to treat with monoclonal antibody therapy.
The studies where AHNP was used as a tumor- To overcome the pharmacokinetic limitations of the
targeting agent have demonstrated a context- antibodies, several studies report design of lower
independent nature of its biological activity. molecular weight constructs including FAB and
Indeed, AHNP could effectively carry drugs to Fab0 2 fragments, ScFvs, multivalent ScFvs,
tumor cells when it was included either in the minibodies, bispecific antibodies, and camel vari-
middle of the chimeric construct or at the amino able functional heavy-chain domains. Diffusion of a
or carboxy termini. This important property facil- smaller fragment such as ScFv into tumors is usually
itates the design of AHNP-drug conjugates and faster than that of a full antibody, but could still take
can largely explain the popularity of AHNP as a up to a month. Tumors are known to be genetically
drug carrier agent. unstable and may acquire resistance if antibody
therapies are slowed down by poor penetration.
AHNP in Breast Cancer Diagnosis AHNP is the smallest antibody fragment that has
Since AHNP shows antitumor effect in a context- been shown to possess antitumor effects comparable
independent manner, it was used in a highly sen- to an anti-Her2/neu antibody in vivo. Because of
sitive tumor detection technique, termed as their significant advantages over antibodies in terms
“IDAT.” Furthermore, AHNP was engineered of molecular weight, tumor penetration and ability
as a fusion protein containing AHNP and a to be easily conjugated with cytotoxic drugs,
non-immunoglobulin (Ig) protein scaffold, AHNP-like peptide mimetics are expected to be
streptavidin (SA) to improve the receptor-binding very effective for tumor therapy.
and pharmacological properties of AHNP. The
recombinant tetrameric protein, AHNP-SA, Conclusions
bound to the Her2/neu receptor with high affinity, AHNP is the first rationally designed small anti-
inhibited proliferation of Her2/neu- body fragment containing molecule that possesses
overexpressing cells and reduced tumor growth the ability to reduce tumor growth when used
induced by Her2/neu-transformed cells. These either alone or in combination with cytotoxic
studies suggest that the tetrameric form of drugs. Its specificity also has been shown to be
AHNP, as an antibody-surrogate molecule, can useful in tumor diagnostics. Due to its small size,
be used for tumor diagnosis. AHNP is amenable for further modification to
Anti-inflammatory Drugs 283

create molecular species for clinically useful

tumor therapy. AHNP represents a new paradigm Antihormone Therapy
in antibody-based tumor therapy. A
▶ Endocrine Therapy
Cross-References ▶ Hormonal Therapy

▶ Extracellular Matrix Remodeling

▶ Monoclonal Antibodies for Cancer Therapy Antihormones

Antihormones are steroid receptor antagonists,
Berezov A, Zhang HT, Greene MI et al (2001) Disabling either steroidal or nonsteroidal compounds, that
erbB receptors with rationally designed exocyclic
compete for binding with the steroid hormone and
mimetics of antibodies: structure-function analysis.
J Med Chem 44:2565–2574 prevent activation of receptors.
Drebin JA, Link VC, Stern DF et al (1985) Down-
modulation of an oncogene protein product and rever- Cross-References
sion of the transformed phenotype by monoclonal anti-
bodies. Cell 41:697–706
Masuda K, Richter M, Song X et al (2006) AHNP- ▶ Progestin
streptavidin: a tetrameric bacterially produced antibody
surrogate fusion protein against p185her2/neu. Onco-
gene 14:7740–7746
Park BW, Zhang HT, Wu C et al (2000) Rationally
designed anti-Her2/neu peptide mimetic disables
P185Her2/neu tyrosine kinases in vitro and in vivo.
Antihuman p185neu Receptor
Nat Biotechnol 18:194–198 Immunoglobulin G1
Tan M, Lan KH, Yao J et al (2006) Selective inhibition of
ErbB2-overexpressing breast cancer in vivo by a novel ▶ Herceptin
TAT-based ErbB2-targeting signal transducers and acti-
vators of transcription 3-blocking peptide. Cancer Res
Anti-idiotype Vaccination

Antihormonal Therapy ▶ Idiotype Vaccination

Anti-inflammatory Drugs
Therapy that aims to reduce the synthesis of spe-
cific ▶ hormones – either medically or Hui Y. Lan
surgically – or therapy that blocks receptors for a The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong
specific hormone (e.g., antibodies). Breast cancer Kong, China
and prostate cancer may be responsive to
antihormonal therapy. Synonyms

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

▶ Endocrine Therapy
▶ Endocrine-Related Cancers Anti-inflammatory drugs include steroid and non-
▶ Hormones steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (also called
284 Anti-inflammatory Drugs

NSAIDs). Generally, they are used to relieve clin- ▶ prostaglandins (PGs) including PGD2, PGE2,
ical symptoms such as ▶ inflammation, swelling, prostacyclin, PGF2alpha, and thromboxane. PGs
stiffness, and pain. regulate various pathophysiological processes
such as inflammatory reaction and gastrointestinal
cytoprotection. NSAIDs alleviate pain and
Characteristics inflammation by counteracting the COX activi-
ties, thereby inhibiting prostaglandins and thus
Steroid Anti-inflammatory Drugs reducing or eliminating inflammation and pain.
Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs such as glucocor- It is becoming increasingly apparent that many
ticoids are hormones naturally produced by the cancers are associated with a chronic inflamma-
adrenal gland with a variety of important physio- tory response such as the development of gastric
logical activities within the body. They are pre- carcinoma in patients with ▶ Helicobacter pylori
scribed for treatment of diseases such as adrenal infection. Indeed, the tumor microenvironment
insufficiency, arthritis, asthma, inflammatory such as tumor stroma, tumor-associated ▶ macro-
bowel disease, transplant rejection, and the graft- phages, cytokines, ▶ chemokines, and reactive
versus-host disease. Glucocorticoids are also a oxygen/nitrogen species contributes significantly
very effective anticancer drug for childhood to the ▶ carcinogenesis. Signaling pathways that
▶ acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), as well link inflammation with cancer include the COX-2,
as in other lymphoid malignancies. The immune NF-kappaB, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
suppressive effect and anticancer therapy of glu- (PI3K)/Akt pathways. Thus, therapies against
cocorticoids is mediated by the glucocorticoid the inflammatory process also act as either treat-
receptors to specifically induce programmed cell ment or prevention of cancers.
death (also called apoptosis) on lymphocytes in Increased levels of COX-2 expression have been
lymphoid tissues. Thus, glucocorticoids are piv- reported in carcinomas of the colon, stomach, breast,
otal in the treatment of ALL clinically. esophagus, cervix, lung, liver, prostate, and pancreas.
Glucocorticoids have been used in huge High levels of COX-2 expression appear to be
amounts in the last 40 years. Unfortunately, involved in the development of cancer by promoting
long-term use of steroids is associated with very cell division, inhibiting ▶ apoptosis, stimulating
severe side effects, including obesity, hyperlipid- ▶ angiogenesis, altering cell adhesion and enhanc-
emia (higher levels of lipid contents in blood), ing ▶ invasion, and ▶ Metastasis, and influencing
hyperglycemia (higher levels of blood glucose), immune surveillance (Fig. 1). All these actions
and hypertension (an increase in blood pressure). result in cancer development and progression.
The inhibition of COX-2 activity by NSAIDs
Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs blocks these activities and thus may account for
NSAIDs are commonly prescribed medications the anticarcinogenic activity of these drugs.
for the inflammation of arthritis and other inflam- In addition to mechanisms that involve the
matory diseases such as in tendinitis and bursitis. inhibition of COX-2, mechanisms independent
There are two classes of NSAIDs, including a of COX-2 also participate in the anticarcinogenic
classical NSAIDs (aspirin, sulindac, and various activities of NSAIDs. Celecoxib mediates
related agents) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) antitumor effects through the inhibition of a sig-
inhibitors (▶ celecoxib, rofecoxib, and others). naling pathway called phosphoinositide-
All classical NSAIDs act as nonselective inhibi- dependent kinase-1 (PDK-1)/Akt, which is
tors of the enzyme ▶ cyclooxygenase and are able COX-2 independent. Thus, blockade of PDK-1/
to inhibit both COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes with a Akt by celecoxib in cancer cells triggers
predominant effect on COX-1, whereas COX-2 programmed cell death. However, such an obser-
inhibitors bind selectively to COX-2. Both vation has not yet been described for rofecoxib.
COX-1 and COX-2 are able to catalyze Thus, each traditional NSAID appears to have its
arachidonic acid, resulting in synthesis of own, more or less specific, COX-independent
Anti-inflammatory Drugs 285

Drugs, Arachidonic
Fig. 1 Mechanisms of acid
COX inhibitors in A
anticancer. Both COX-1 COX-1/2
and COX-2 are able to
catalyze arachidonic acid
and stimulate synthesis of
prostaglandins (PGs), Prostaglandins
which play a role in
carcinogenesis by
promoting cell division,
inhibiting apoptosis,
stimulating angiogenesis,
enhancing invasion and
metastasis, and influencing Invasion/ Immune
Apoptosis Cell division Angiogenesis
immune surveillance. Metastasis surveillance
Administration of the
COX-1/COX-2 inhibitors
blocks COX-1/COX-2
activities and thus reduces
prostaglandins, resulting in
prevention or treatment of Carcinogenesis

anticancer mechanisms, which requires further cardiovascular side effects such as an increase in
investigation. blood pressure, stroke, and myocardial infarction
have been reported after long-term use of
Side Effects of NSAIDs rofecoxib and of valdecoxib. Thus, for those tak-
Long-term use of NSAIDs, which inhibit both ing NSAIDs for more than 1 or 2 months or in
COX-1 and COX-2, is associated with serious large amounts, consultation with the doctor is
side effects. Some 10–50% of patients are unable highly advised.
to tolerate NSAID treatment because of abdomi-
nal pain, diarrhea, bloating, heartburn, and upset
stomach. Approximately 15% of patients on long- Cross-References
term NSAID treatment develop ulceration
(an open wound) of the stomach and duodenum. ▶ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
The worse is that those with unaware of their ▶ Angiogenesis
ulcers are at risk of developing serious ulcer com- ▶ Apoptosis
plications such as bleeding or perforation of the ▶ Carcinogenesis
stomach. These side effects have been attributed ▶ Celecoxib
to the inhibition of COX-1, which mediates ▶ Chemokines
gastroprotective prostaglandin production. To ▶ Cyclooxygenase
overcome these side effects associated with ▶ Helicobacter Pylori in the Pathogenesis
COX-1 inhibition, selective COX-2 inhibitors, of Gastric Cancer
such as celecoxib and rofecoxib, have been devel- ▶ Immunosurveillance of Tumors
oped with fewer gastrointestinal side effects than ▶ Inflammation
traditional NSAIDs. Nevertheless, the group of ▶ Invasion
COX-2 inhibitors, including celecoxib, rofecoxib, ▶ Macrophages
valdecoxib, etoricoxib, and lumiracoxib, is under ▶ Metastasis
critical investigation because increased risk of ▶ Prostaglandins
286 Antimalarial

References regard, antimitotic drugs are viewed as valuable

anticancer agents as they restrict cancer growth
Grosch S, Maier TJ, Schiffmann S et al (2006) and spread.
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-independent
anticarcinogenic effects of selective COX-2 inhibitors.
J Natl Cancer Inst 98:736–747
Jackson L, Evers BM (2006) Chronic inflammation and Characteristics
pathogenesis of GI and pancreatic cancers. Cancer
Treat Res 130:39–65
What are the Current Antimitotic Drugs in
Meric JB, Rottey S, Olaussen K et al (2006)
Cyclooxygenase-2 as a target for anticancer drug devel- Clinical Use to Treat Cancer?
opment. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 59:51–64 The antimitotic drugs with a proven history of
clinical efficacy as anticancer agents are those
See Also that affect microtubule dynamics such as the
(2012) Cell division. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of taxanes and vinca alkaloids. Taxanes include pac-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 738.
litaxel and docetaxel which are microtubule-
(2012) Cyclooxygenase-2. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- stabilizing agents and are used in clinical treat-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p ment of a wide range of cancers such as advanced
1035. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1435 breast, non-small cell lung, androgen-independent
(2012) Glucocorticoids. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
prostate, and ovarian cancers. Vinca alkaloids
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1558.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2429 include vinblastine, vincristine, and vinorelbine
(2012) Inflammatory bowel disease. In: Schwab M (ed) which are microtubule-destabilizing agents that
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- have shown antitumor activity in Hodgkin and
delberg, p 1852. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6455
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Kaposi sarcoma, acute
(2012) Programmed cell death. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel- leukemias, neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma,
berg, p 2994. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4760 Wilms tumor, and testicular, breast, and
non-small cell lung cancers.

How do Antimitotic Drugs Exert Their

Antimalarial Anticancer Activity?
Taxanes and vinca alkaloids are also referred to as
▶ Artemisinin microtubule-targeting agents (MTAs). Microtu-
bules are long and dynamic polymers that assem-
ble and disassemble, according to cell needs, by
polymerization and depolymerization of tubulin
Antimitotic Drugs subunits. Microtubules form the dynamic mitotic
spindle required for the transport and accurate
Hassan Bousbaa separation of the chromosomes during mitosis.
Instituto Investigação Formação Avançada Aberrant mitotic spindles activate a surveillance
Ciências Tecnologias Saúde, mechanism called the spindle assembly check-
CESPU – Cooperativa de Ensino Superior point (SAC) which keeps the anaphase-promoting
Politecnico e Universitario, Gandra PRD, complex/cyclosome (APC/C) inactive thereby
Portugal preventing cyclin B degradation. The cells are
then arrested in mitosis until normal spindles are
formed and all conditions for accurate chromo-
Definition some segregation are achieved. By interfering
with assembly and disassembly of tubulin sub-
Antimitotic drugs inhibit mitosis (cell division). units into microtubule polymers, MTAs affect
Mitosis is crucial for proliferation and propaga- mitotic spindle formation and dynamics thereby
tion through the body of cancer cells. In this arresting cells in mitosis as a consequence of SAC
Antimitotic Drugs 287

Antimitotic Drugs, Fig. 1 Cell fate in response to microtubule-targeting agents (see text for details)

activation. This antimitotic activity is exploited in intracellular accumulation. Toxicity is a major

clinic to restrict proliferation and spread of cancer concern because MTA, besides killing tumor
cells. dividing cells, also affects normal dividing cells
resulting in myelosuppression due to impaired
What Happens to Cells Treated with cycling of bone marrow cells. Also, microtubules
Antimitotic Drugs? are involved in different physiological processes
As a cell cannot be arrested indefinitely in mitosis, in nonproliferating cells such as vesicular traffick-
it is expected to die by apoptosis because tran- ing, organization of the cytoplasm, and axonal
scription is silenced and protein synthesis is transport, hence the neurotoxicity due to func-
inhibited at the mitotic stage of the eukaryotic tional disruption in neuronal cells associated
cell division cycle. MTA-treated cancer cells, with the use of MTAs.
however, respond to mitotic inhibition by differ-
ent ways (Fig. 1): death in mitotic arrest, mitotic What is the Future of Antimitotic Drugs?
exit (also called slippage) into an abnormal G1 Antimicrotubule agents remain the most effective
state, followed by cell death, arrest in a tetraploid and with the broadest antitumor spectrum among
G1 state, or continuation of cell cycle and prolif- anticancer agents currently in use. Due to the
eration. Currently, there is no broadly applicable abovementioned disadvantages that limit their
tool to predict how a given tumor will respond to efficacy, a new generation of antimitotic drugs is
antimitotic therapy. being developed that inhibit mitosis without
affecting microtubule dynamics in nondividing
What are the Drawbacks of Antimitotic Drugs? cells. In this regard, mitosis-specific kinases and
Resistance and toxicity are the two main factors microtubule-associated motor proteins were iden-
that limit the effectiveness of MTAs. Resistance to tified as promising antimitotic targets. Accord-
taxanes and vinca alkaloids is caused by structural ingly, several inhibitors are being tested that
alterations in tubulin, decreased polymerization target, among others, the mitotic kinesin motor
ratio, alterations in the expression of KSP/EG5; the aurora kinases A, B, and C; the
microtubule-associated proteins, and the efflux motor protein CENP-E involved in chromosome
activity of the P-glycoprotein and the multidrug- transport during mitosis; and the multifunctional
resistance protein MRP1 which decreases their mitotic polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1). Despite the
288 Antioxidant Enzymes

strong and challenging interest in developing new In cell metabolism, molecule oxidation pro-
antimitotics, existing antimitotic drugs are still vides the driven force toward the production of
subject of intense research that aims to improve energy-rich intermediates in the form of ATP.
their efficacy and minimize their side effects Molecule oxidation may be achieved by
through new strategy of drug design, formulation, enzyme-catalyzed reactions or as a result of elec-
and delivery. tron sequestration induced by specific molecules
known as oxidants. Clear examples of oxidants
are free radicals which are defined as molecules
with unpaired electrons in their upper electron
layer which explains their high affinity and ten-
dency to easily interact with almost all kinds of
▶ Spindle Assembly Checkpoint
organic substrates to oxidize them.
In aerobic metabolism, the uncompleted, par-
tial, or monovalent reduction of molecular oxygen
gives rise to a series of free radicals and powerful
Antioxidant Enzymes oxidants known as ▶ reactive oxygen species
(ROS). The most frequently formed and best char-
Guillermo T. Sáez1,2 and Nuria Están-Capell2 acterized are the superoxide radical (O2.),
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular ▶ hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and the highly reac-
Biology, Faculty of Medicine and Odontology- tive hydroxyl radical (•OH). The high reactivity of
INCLIVA, University of Valencia, Valencia, ROS does not necessary mean and should not be
Spain interpreted as they were totally harmful or toxic to
Service of Clinical Analysis, Dr. Peset University living cells. Thus, under controlled conditions,
Hospital, Valencia, Spain ROS may trigger the signal transduction pathways
leading to the activation of different transcription
factors and gene expression. However, an increase
of ROS above a critical threshold may however
induce ▶ oxidative stress, that is, a state of
metabolic distortion and cell damage where the
Antioxidants; Enzymes; Free radicals; Oxidative
rate of ROS production overwhelmed their
stress; Oxygen toxicity; Reactive oxygen species
metabolization efficiency. ROS are capable of
damaging membrane phospholipids, proteins, car-
bohydrates, and nucleic acids through an
Definition oxidative modification process giving rise to a
number of different oxidative stress by-products.
Antioxidant enzymes are proteins involved in the The body generates ROS as the inevitable
catalytic transformation of reactive oxygen spe- by-products of food processing into energy.
cies and their by-products into stable nontoxic They may arrive externally as food or air contam-
molecules therefore representing the most impor- inants as well as generated by high energy or
tant defense mechanism against oxidative stress- sunlight’s radiation.
induced cell damage. Anti-oxidation is the process by which mole-
cule oxidations are delayed in time, reduced in
rate, or simply inhibited. An antioxidant is any
Characteristics substance that when present at low concentrations
compared with those of an oxidable substrate
In biological chemistry, oxidation is the process significantly delays or prevents oxidation of that
by which a molecule loses electrons spontane- substrate. In the anti-oxidation reactions, different
ously or by metabolic coupled reactions. mechanisms and molecules are involved in order
Antioxidant Enzymes 289

to neutralize ROS and other free radical reactivity. Cu/ZnSOD in mice has been shown to give resis-
A precise balance between ROS concentrations tance to allergen-induced damage to tracheal
and antioxidants must be maintained inside the smooth muscle cells. Low levels of the enzymes A
cells and tissues to ensure a proper redox state have been observed in different cardiovascular
that guarantees the required control of metabolism diseases. Hyperoxia induces whereas hypoxia
and organic homeostasis. reduces mRNA expression of this enzyme. SOD
is present in all oxygen-metabolizing cells but
Antioxidant Enzymes lacking in most obligate anaerobes, probably
Antioxidant enzymes represent a group of pro- because its main function is to provide defense
teins which are responsible for the transformation against the potentially damaging effects of the
of ROS to a more stable and less reactive molec- superoxide radical generated as a result of aerobic
ular structures. Their development in early proto- metabolism. Fridovich and coworkers have pro-
cells was a critical step for the evolution of organ- vided substantial evidence supporting the impor-
isms under the pressure of a progressively oxy- tant of SOD for survival in all oxygen-
genated atmosphere which was generated as a metabolizing cells. Mutations in the first
result of photosynthesis. Phylogenetically con- Cu/ZnSOD can cause familial amyotrophic lateral
served antioxidant enzymes constitute the first sclerosis and induce some tumor processes such
line of defense against ROS, are widely distrib- as hepatocellular carcinoma. Its overexpression
uted throughout living organisms presenting dif- has been related to neural disorders in Down
ferent cell and tissue-specific isoforms, and syndrome.
localized in different cellular compartments
(Table 1). Antioxidant enzymes catalyze mainly Manganese Superoxide Dismutase
three different reaction mechanisms: dismutation, Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is a
peroxidise reactions, and thiol reductions. homotetramer protein acting with manganese in
its active site. It is considered one of the most
Superoxide Dismutases important intracellular antioxidant enzymes
Dismutation reactions are achieved by superoxide which is responsible for the dismutation of super-
dismutases (SOD) (EC, and the catalytic oxide radicals formed during electron transport
reaction consists in the transformation of the system inside the mitochondria. Its molecular
highly reactive superoxide ion into hydrogen per- weight is of 88 kDa. MnSOD has been shown to
oxide, with no unpaired electrons but still very be essential for the survival of animals, since
reactive molecule. Three different isoforms of this MnSOD gene knockout mice die within
enzyme have been identified in human cells. 2–3 weeks after birth being the most frequent
causes of death metabolic acidosis
Copper Zinc Superoxide Dismutase neurodegeneration and cardiomyocyte alterations.
Copper zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) is Different transcription factors are involved in its
mainly localized inside the cell cytosol. It is pre- expression which can be induced by a wide spread
sent as a homodimer with molecular weight of group of stimuli including changes in the redox
32,5 kDa and containing both copper and zinc at state, high oxygen tensions, inflammatory cyto-
its active sites. Transition metal ions play an kines, cytotoxic drugs, H2O2, peroxynitrite, and
important role in this enzyme since copper partic- environmental contaminants such as asbestos
ipates in the catalytic activity and zinc is essential fibers, cigarette smoke, and ozone. MnSOD is
for its molecular stabilization. Although abundant in type II pneumocytes, bronchial epi-
Cu/ZnSOD seems not to be essential for normal thelium, and alveolar macrophages of different
development and animal survival, it plays an animal species. Animals with enhanced levels of
important role in the protection of the lung and antioxidant enzymes, as well as those exposed to
other tissue cells against hyperoxia, ischemia/ sublethal hyperoxia, become tolerant to toxic dose
reperfusion damage, and cancer. Elevated of O2. In animal models, the induction of MnSOD

Antioxidant Enzymes, Table 1 Molecular and biological characteristics of human antioxidant enzymes
EC Molecular MW
Enzyme name number structure kDa Catalyzed reaction Distribution
Superoxide 2 O2•  þ 2 Hþ ! H2 O2 þ O2
Cu/ZnSOD Homodimer 32.5 Cytosol
Mn/SOD Homotetramer 88 Mitochondria
EC-SOD Tetrameric 135 Extracellular fluid
Catalase Heme 240 2 H2 O2 ! O2 þ 2H2 O Peroxisomes/cytosol
GSH Homotetramer 2 H2 O2 þ 2 GSH ! GSSG þ 2 H2 O
peroxidase ROOH þ 2 GSH ! GSSG þ ROH þ H2 O
GPx1-Se 22.1 Ubiquitous/liver/red blood cells
GPx2 21.9 Gastrointestinal tract/Cytosol
GPx3 25.5 Secreted/plasma
GPx4 22.2 Membrane bound
Peroxiredoxin Homodimer 2 H2 O2 ! O2 þ 2 H2 O
(no prosthetic
Heme free ROOH þ 2 CysSH ! CysS  SCys þ ROH þ H2 O
Antioxidant Enzymes
Prx1-2Cys 22 Cytosol/nucleus
Prx2-2Cys 21.8 Cytosol
Prx3-2Cys 27.7 Mitochondria
Prx4-2Cys 30.5 Peroxisome/endoplasmic reticulum/
Golgi apparatus/extracellular/lysosomes
Antioxidant Enzymes

Prx5-2Cys 22.1 Peroxisome/mitochondria

Prx6-1Cys 25 Cytosol/lysosome
Thioredoxin Polypeptide Trx  ðSHÞ2 þ X  S2 ! Trx  S2 þ XðSHÞ2
Trx-1 11.7 Cytosol
Trx-2 18.3 Mitochondria
Thioredoxin Homodimer Tx  S2 þ NADPH ! Trx  ðSHÞ2 þ NADPþ Plasma membrane/extracellular
TrxR1 70.9 Cytosol/mitochondria
TrxR2 56.5 Mitochondria
TrxR3 70.7 Mitochondria/nucleus/microsome/
endoplasmic reticulum

292 Antioxidant Enzymes

deprivation in knockout mice is accompanied by (GSH) as cosubstrate. In the reaction GSH is

metabolic acidosis, neurodegeneration, and oxidized to GSSG. GPx enzymes are divided in
prenatal death from dilated cardiomyopathy. two groups depending on the presence of sele-
Changes of both the expression and the activity nium in its active sites. Those containing ▶ sele-
of this mitochondrial enzyme have profound nium (selenium-dependent GPx) can also
implications in the regulation process of cell decompose H2O2 to water and oxygen. Oxidized
growth and malignant transformation. glutathione (GSSG) can be reduced back to GSH
by the enzyme GSH reductase (GR), using
Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase NADPH as reducing substrate. The capacity to
Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is recycle GSH makes the GSH cycle prevent the
a tetrameric glycoprotein with a molecular weight depletion of cellular thiols and play a pivotal role
of 135 kDa. EC-SOD contains also Cu and Zn in as antioxidant mechanism for aerobic cells. There
its active site and confers antioxidant protection to are different genetically distinct cellular forms
the extracellular space due to its high expression of GPxs in mammalian cells. The GPx family
in the blood vessel, heart, lung, and placenta. It is is composed of at least eight isoenzymes
also present in plasma and in lymph and synovial (GPx1–GPx8). GPx1 is the most ubiquitous and
fluids. The enzyme is established to extracellular abundant isoenzyme, in the intracellular fraction
matrix through a heparin-binding domain at its containing four subunits of 22 kDa, each carrying
carboxy-terminal amino acid sequence. EC-SOD one selenocysteine. GPx2 is the enzyme of the
plays an important role in modulating nitric oxide gastrointestinal track. GPx3 circulates in blood
(NO) levels by removing extracellular superoxide and is produced and secreted from the kidney.
radicals. Reduced levels of EC-SOD contribute to GPx5 and 6 are proteins specifically produced in
a number of pathological situations. the epididymis and in the olfactory epithelium,
respectively. GPx4, 7, and 8 are the earliest in
Catalase evolution, with conserved amino acid sequences
Catalase (EC is a heme homotetrameric shared by invertebrates and protozoa. GPx4 is a
enzyme with a molecular weight of 240 kDa; its membrane-bound form, important for spermato-
defense mechanisms consist in the decomposition genesis. GPxs have been implicated in different
of H2O2 to water and oxygen. Catalase has also an cardiometabolic diseases, and its activity is
effect on the detoxification of phenols, formic reduced in circulating mononuclear cells of hyper-
acid, methanol, and ethanol. It is mainly localized tensive subjects. Low level of activity of red-cell
in peroxisomes and in some extent also present in glutathione peroxidase 1 is independently associ-
the cytosolic fraction. Aminothiazole inhibits cat- ated with an increased risk of cardiovascular
alase in vivo by interfering the binding of a histi- events.
dine to the heme prosthetic group. In mammalian The coordination and synchronized activities
cells, catalase can also achieve peroxidation reac- of SOD, catalase, and GPx enzymes complete and
tion. Acatalasemia is a rare congenital condition ensure the antioxidant strategy which principal
with catalase deficiency in erythrocytes and other function is to avoid the production of the highly
tissues. Catalase plays an important role in the reactive hydroxyl radical and peroxynitrite
tolerance acquisitions to oxidative stress during (ONOO-) therefore preventing cell damage and
the adaptive response of cells to high oxygen the reduction of the vasoactive intermediate nitric
tensions. oxide (NO) (Fig. 1).

Glutathione Peroxidases The Thiol-Selenocysteine-Peroxidase

Glutathione peroxidases (GPxs) (EC Connection
are a superfamily of enzymes which catalyze the The cellular thiol redox state is maintained by
reduction of hydroperoxides (-ROOH) to alco- three major systems, the glutathione system, the
holic groups and water using reduced glutathione peroxiredoxins (Prx) (EC, and the
Antioxidant Enzymes 293


O2·- Fe+++/ Cu++
CAT ++ +
Fe / Cu

·OH + OH-
2 O2·- 2 H+ H2O2(−LOOH) + O2 (+ O2)

NO. O2



H2O+ ½ O2

Antioxidant Enzymes, Fig. 1 The synchronized func- with NO to produce the cytotoxic substrate ONOO-.
tion of SOD, catalase, and GPx enzyme activities avoids This antioxidant strategy prevents cells against an
the interaction of O2• with H2O2 or a transition metal ion excessive generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen spe-
(Cu+/Fe++) through the Haber-Weiss- or Fenton-type reac- cies and secondary oxidative stress while maintaining the
tions, respectively, leading to the formation of the highly physiological concentrations and vasodilating action
reactive oxygen species •OH. In addition, O2. may react of NO

▶ thioredoxin system including thioredoxin (Trx) cysteins in their active site which allow their clas-
(EC and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) sification and nomination (Table 1). Prxs1–4 are
(EC1.8.1.9) which act sequentially in transferring typical 2-cysteine-SH groups that reduce perox-
electrons delivered by NADPH or NADH. They ide, while the enzyme becomes oxidized to form
play an important role in the redox modulation of an intermolecular disulfide bond. They are located
different protein and nonprotein molecules and in different cell compartments including the cyto-
are implicated in cell proliferation, differentiation, sol (Prxs1, 2, 3, 5, 6), peroxisomes (Prxs4 and 5),
and apoptosis. lysosomes (Prxs4 and 6), endoplasmic reticulum,
extracellular Golgi apparatus (Prxs4), and the
Peroxiredoxins mitochondria (Prxs3 and 4). Prx3 acts synergisti-
This enzyme family with peroxidase activity cally with protein kinases such as MAP3K13 to
(Prxs) reduces hydrogen peroxide and organic regulate the activate NFkB transcription factor in
peroxides through redox changes of specific the cytosol.
cysteine-SH groups. These enzymes share the
same basic catalytic mechanism, in which a Thioredoxins
redox-active cysteine (the peroxidatic cysteine) Thioredoxins are polypeptides with a molecular
is oxidized to a sulfenic acid by the peroxide mass of about 12 kDa found in both eukaryotes
substrate which is transformed to the and prokaryotes and widely distributed in mam-
corresponding alcohol or water. They are com- malian cells. The thioredoxin system plays a crit-
posed of two identical subunits without prosthetic ical role in the regulation of many cellular
groups. Prxs contain one or two active functional functions such as cell proliferation and
294 Antioxidants

differentiation. Thioredoxins act as electron References

donors for a number of enzymes, such as ribonu-
cleotide reductase, methionine sulfoxide reductase, Bindoli A, Fukuto JM, Forman HJ (2008) The chemistry of
peroxidise and redox signalling. Antioxid Redox Sig-
and peroxiredoxins. In the reduced state,
nal 10:1549–1564
thioredoxins contain two sulfhydryl (-SH) groups Fridovich I (1999) Fundamental aspects of reactive oxygen
which undergo oxidation and form a mixed disul- species, or what’s the matter with oxygen? Ann N Y
fide (-S-S-) bridge. Trx interacts with target pro- Acad Sci 893:13–18
Halliwell B, Gutteridge JMC (2007) Free radicals in biol-
teins to form a mixed disulfide bridge while
ogy and medicine, 4th edn. Oxford University Press,
oxidizing themselves. In humans the principal Oxford, UK
isoforms are Trx1 in the cytosol and Trx2 in the McCord JM, Fridovich I (1969) Superoxide dismutase. An
mitochondria. Radiation induces the translocation enzymic function for erythrocuprein (hemocuprein).
J Biol Chem 244:6049
of Trx1 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Trx1
participates in the reversible S-nitrosylation of cys-
See Also
teine residues in target proteins and thereby con-
(2012) Free radicals. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
tributes to the response to intracellular nitric oxide. cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1454.
Thioredoxin Reductase (2012) Superoxide radical. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
Thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) is a homodimer
3563. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5580
protein. Three different TrxRs have been identi- (2012) Thioredoxin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
fied in humans (TrxR 1–3), which are localized in cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3669.
different cell compartments. They are responsible doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5774
(2012) Thioredoxin reductase. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
for the reduction of oxidized Trx using
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
selenocysteine as active redox group and FADH berg, p 2669. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5776
or NADPH as the enzyme cofactors. TrxR is able
to reduce disulfide bridges present in different
molecules such as S-nitrosoglutathione and
lipoic acid. Antioxidants
Conclusions ▶ Antioxidant Enzymes
Antioxidant enzymes represent group of catalytic
proteins responsible for the metabolism and sta-
bilization of reactive oxygen species and the Anti-p185-HER2
maintenance of the redox state of the cells which
protect aerobic organisms against oxidative ▶ Trastuzumab
stress-induced damage and related diseases
(PI13/01848. Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013–2016
ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y el
Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional Antisense DNA Therapy
Bruno Calabretta
Kimmel Cancer Institute, Thomas Jefferson
Cross-References University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

▶ Hydrogen Peroxide
▶ Oxidative Stress Definition
▶ Reactive Oxygen Species
▶ Selenium Antisense DNA therapy refers to the introduction
▶ Thioredoxin System of short antisense strands of DNA, which then
Antisense DNA Therapy 295

bind with target mRNA. Many cancers are due to should exhibit more favorable cell uptake while
overexpression of the genes that promote cell preserving high specificity of sequence comple-
proliferation, called tumor suppressor genes. mentarity to the mRNA target. Once the ODNs A
Antisense RNA might be able to inhibit this form a specific DNA-mRNA duplex, translation
overexpression. Antisense DNA is single- of the message might be prevented and mRNA
stranded DNA of various lengths that is comple- degradation promoted by activation of RNase
mentary to the mRNA of a given gene. The anti- H that cleaves the RNA component of the
sense DNA binds to the mRNA and, by DNA-RNA duplex. The potential for highly spe-
mechanisms that are not completely understood, cific targeting of mRNA transcripts of cancer
inhibits its natural function, i.e., translation into genes contrasts with the mechanism(s) of action
protein. Antisense nucleic acids are widely used to of conventional anticancer chemotherapeutic
study the effect of genes in cultured cells. The agents, which block enzymatic pathways or ran-
potential of antisense nucleic acids in gene ther- domly interact with nucleic acids irrespective of
apy, for instance to therapeutically downregulate the cell phenotype. Anticancer chemotherapeutic
the expression of overexpressed genes, is being agents exploit differences in biochemical or met-
evaluated. abolic processes (e.g., growth rate) between nor-
mal and cancer cells for the preferential killing of
neoplastic cells. In contrast, antisense ODNs have
Characteristics the potential to exploit the presence of genetically
defined characteristics that distinguish neoplastic
It is increasingly clear that the process of tumori- cells and are responsible for their growth advan-
genesis is intimately associated with the accumu- tage over normal cells. The antisense strategy for
lation of specific genetic abnormalities. This cancer therapy has progressed from in vitro cul-
recognition has led to the design of novel thera- ture studies to investigations in animal models,
peutic strategies based on suppressing the activity and now to clinical studies. The principles under-
of genes involved in tumorigenesis. Gene expres- lying the in vitro experiments such as choice of
sion can be disrupted by a variety of methods target mRNA, oligonucleotide design, assessment
targeted to the gene itself (e.g., homologous of antisense effects apply also to the in vivo stud-
recombination), to the gene’s transcriptional prod- ies. We describe here the current state of progress
uct (e.g., antisense strategies), or to the gene’s toward gene-directed antisense-based therapies,
protein product (e.g., expression of proteins with primarily from studies in animal models and
dominant-negative activity). These strategies are phase I clinical investigations in hematological
usually successful in tissue culture where cells malignancies.
subjected to gene transfer can be identified and
expanded; they are, however, of limited value in Target Choice and Oligonucleotide Design
anticancer DNA therapies where it is essential that The choice of the target mRNA selected for inhi-
many tumor cells carry and/or express the exoge- bition by antisense ODNs is dictated by the biol-
nous DNA sequences that can disrupt the function ogy of a particular disease process and by the
of the genes responsible for the growth advantage ability to predict the effects that may be achieved
of neoplastic cells. Among the strategies directed by inhibiting the expression of a particular cancer
to the suppression of gene expression, the most gene. For example, the bcr/abl (▶ BCR-ABL1)
widely used (at least in preclinical models) transcripts of chronic myelogenous leukemia
involves the so-called “antisense” oligodeoxynu- (CML) cells serve as an ideal target because of
cleotides (ODNs). ODNs are short (15–20 nucle- the role of the BCR/ABL oncoprotein in hemato-
otides) single-stranded DNA sequences poietic cell transformation and in the maintenance
synthesized as exact reverse complements of the of the leukemic phenotype. Since bcr/abl genes
desired mRNA target’s nucleotide sequence. are only found in leukemic cells, targeting their
Compared to longer DNA molecules, ODNs mRNA transcripts might also provide the
296 Antisense DNA Therapy

advantage of a specific effect against tumor cells. with regard to delivery, subcellular trafficking,
Targeting ▶ BCL-2 mRNA in lymphomas with pharmacodynamics, and applications in mouse
the t(14;18) translocation is appropriate not only models and in humans.
for the disease-causing effect of ▶ BCL-2 expres-
sion but also for the importance of interfering with Delivery, Subcellular Trafficking,
antiapoptotic pathways in drug response. Thus, and Pharmacodynamics of ODNs
▶ BCL-2 antisense ODNs, in addition to their Native and phosphorothioate ODNs are
direct effects on target cells, may also sensitize polyanionic molecules that cross cell membranes
these cells to chemotherapeutic agents that promote inefficiently. There is evidence that ODN uptake
▶ apoptosis. In most published studies, the is time- and concentration-dependent. Below a
sequence of the ODN targeting mRNA transcripts concentration of 1 mmol/l, uptake of phosphor-
of a disease-causing gene is selected empirically othioate ODNs is predominantly via a receptor-
with a preference for the mRNA transcription ini- like mechanism, while fluid-phase endocytosis
tiation sequence or the nucleotides surrounding the appears to predominate at higher concentrations.
translation initiation codon. However, there are Several receptor-like proteins potentially involved
now novel approaches of oligonucleotide design in ODN uptake have been identified, but evidence
based on the use of the DNA chip (▶ microarray that they are responsible for ODN uptake is still
(cDNA) technology) technology and hybridization lacking. In culture, ODN uptake may be enhanced
with labeled RNA to dissect accessible sites in the by a number of procedures directly or indirectly
mRNA tertiary structure. modifying the permeation properties of the
Early investigations of ODN-targeting of ODNs. The most common methods are ▶ electro-
growth-regulatory mRNA transcripts employed poration and streptolysin treatment which result in
natural DNA; the realization that natural ODNs physical disruption or enhanced permeabilization
are rapidly cleaved by endo-and exonucleases led of cell membranes. Such procedures are impracti-
to the development of nuclease-resistant ODNs by cal for in vivo studies, which, at present, rely on
modification of the internucleotide linkages. The the administration of naked DNA. Inside the cells,
most common modification is the replacement of ODNs accumulate in vacuoles, presumably
the nonbridging oxygen atoms in the phosphate endosomes and lysosomes, and slowly redistrib-
group with a sulfur group. This type of modifica- ute to the cytoplasm and nucleus where they may
tion generates the so-called phosphorothioate interact with their target mRNA molecules.
ODNs extensively used in preclinical studies and Accordingly, strategies that promote the release
in phase I clinical trials. The phosphorothioate of ODNs from endosomal structures may enhance
modification results in several desirable properties the ODN’s antisense effects. Pharmacokinetics
such as nuclease resistance, water solubility, and and metabolism of antisense ODNs have been
activation of RNase H. Nevertheless, it presents investigated in a variety of animal systems and
also certain disadvantages, including impaired also in few human trials. In most reports, the
uptake caused by the polyanionic nature of analyses were carried out after intravenous or
phosphorothioate ODNs, and nonsequence- intraperitoneal administration. Approximately
dependent effects attributed to charge interactions 30% of the injected dose is excreted in the urine
between phosphorothioate ODNs and proteins in within 24 h and intact material is detected in most
the extracellular environment, on the cell surface, tissues up to 48 h, and up to 7 days in liver and
and intracellularly. A number of strategies have kidney, the organs where most ODNs accumulate.
been utilized to minimize the undesirable effects Plasma clearance is biphasic with an initial half-
of the phosphorothioate ODNs while preserving life of 15–25 min and a second half-life
their useful properties. Since these modified of 20–40 h. Potential toxic effects of ODN admin-
phosphorothioate ODNs have not been tested suf- istration have been reported in rodents and in
ficiently in vitro and in in vivo models, we will primates. Mice receiving high doses of phosphor-
focus on first-generation phosphorothioate ODNs othioate ODNs show decreased platelet counts
Antisense DNA Therapy 297

probably related to the polyanionic charge of the pretreated with antisense ODNs targeting the
ODNs. Cardiovascular toxicity, rapid peripheral mRNA transcripts of the c-myb gene, a key regu-
vasodilatation, and death have been reported in lator of normal and leukemic hematopoiesis. After A
monkeys. These effects were noted after rapid transplantation, seven of eight patients engrafted.
bolus administration of large doses, while slow Of these, four patients showed 80–90% normal
infusion of similar doses appeared to be well metaphases 3 months post autologous bone mar-
tolerated. row transplant, suggesting that the antisense
ODNs treatment eliminated the majority of Phila-
Clinical Applications of Antisense ODNs delphia1 CML cells. These patients showed
in Hematological Malignancies hematologic improvement during the period
Early clinical experiences with antisense ODNs (6–24 months) following the bone marrow
have been reported by groups targeting oncogene transplant.
or apoptosis regulators. These studies were based Eighteen patients with refractory acute myelog-
on encouraging antitumor effects of systemically enous leukemia were also treated by continuous
delivered ODNs in mice injected with leukemia or infusion of c-myb antisense ODNs at dose levels
lymphoma cells of human origin. For example, ranging from 0.3 to 2.0 mg/kg/day for 7 days.
the disease process induced by Philadelphia1 leu- There was no treatment-related toxicity, but only
kemia cells was suppressed by the systemic deliv- one patient showed a therapeutic response.
ery of antisense ODNs targeting ▶ BCR-ABL or Studies in a mouse model of lymphoma
c-▶ myb transcripts. In particular, the with the t(14;18) associated with BCL-2 over-
antileukemia effects of the bcr/abl antisense expression have demonstrated dose-dependent
ODNs was markedly enhanced by the combina- disease eradication in most mice treated with anti-
tion with low doses of ▶ cyclophosphamide. In sense ODNs targeting a segment of the BCL-2
the context of ▶ chronic myelogenous leukemia open reading frame.
(CML), oligodeoxynucleotides targeting ▶ BCR- On the basis of these preclinical data, BCL-2
ABL or c-myb mRNA have been used as marrow antisense ODNs were given via a continuous sub-
purging agents in the chronic as well as acceler- cutaneous infusion for 2 weeks to lymphoma
ated phase of the disease. Eight patients with patients with high BCL-2 expression and resistant
CML in advanced phase were subjected to autol- to conventional therapies. Therapeutic responses
ogous bone marrow transplantation after bone assessed by computed tomography scanning were
marrow purging with bcr/abl antisense ODNs. demonstrated in six out of nine patients. The spec-
Infusion of the ODN-treated cells was ificity of the antisense effects was validated by
followed by prompt engraftment and hematologic showing a decrease in BCL-2 levels in lymph
reconstitution in all patients. Evaluation of node aspirates taken at different times after initi-
antileukemia effects by standard cytogenetic anal- ating the antisense ODN therapy.
ysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization showed
a complete karyotypic response in two cases and a Prospects for Antisense DNA Therapy
minimal or no response in the other six. Survival Continuous advances in understanding the genetic
of transplanted patients exceeded three years in basis of tumorigenesis are leading to the identifi-
some cases, but it is not clear that the protocol had cation of an ever-increasing number of gene tar-
therapeutic efficacy. gets for antisense ODNs-based therapies. Most
However, lack of toxicity, prompt hematopoi- disease-causing genes identified by molecular
etic reconstitution, and karyotypic response in genetics belong to the class of cell cycle and
some cases are all encouraging observations for apoptosis regulators. Accordingly, antisense
designing additional clinical trials. In a different ODNs may be used individually or in combina-
study, eight CML patients were subjected to bone tion against these targets; moreover, antisense
marrow transplantation using autologous hemato- ODNs might be combined with conventional che-
poietic progenitor (CD34+) cells that were motherapeutic drugs to enhance apoptosis
298 Antiviral Defenses

susceptibility of tumor cells. It might therefore be References

conceivable that various therapeutic strategies
involve ODNs that target tumor-causing genes. Beltinger C, Saragovi HU, Smith RM et al (1995) Binding,
uptake, and intracellular trafficking of phosphorothioate-
Considering this, the success of antisense ODNs-
modified oligodeoxynucleotides. J Clin Invest 95:1814
based antitumor therapies is likely to depend on Gewirtz AM, Sokol DL, Ratajczak MZ (1998) Nucleic
the development of antisense ODNs as effective acid therapeutics: state of the art and future prospects.
therapeutic agents. Delivery of sufficient amounts Blood 92:712–736
Milner N, Mor KU, Southern EM (1997) Selecting effec-
of ODNs to tumor cells remains an important
tive antisense reagents on combinatorial oligonucleo-
problem. Administration procedures that may tide assays. Nat Biotechnol 15:537–541
guide ODNs to tumor cells are of great interest; Pagnan G, Stuart DD, Pastorino F et al (2000) Delivery of
in a in vitro study, neuroblastoma cells were c-myb antisense oligodeoxy-nucleotides to human neu-
roblastoma cells via disialoganglioside GD2-targeted
targeted on the basis of the expression of the
immunoliposomes: antitumor effects. J Natl Cancer
neuroectodermal-specific GD2 disialoganglioside Inst 92:253
by antibody-coupled neutral liposomes encapsu- Skorski T, Nieborowska-Skorska M, Nicolaides NC
lated with c-myb antisense ODNs. Although it is et al (1994) Suppression of Philadelphia1 leukemia
cell growth in mice by BCR-ABL antisense oligodeox-
unknown if such an approach may function
ynucleotide. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 91:4504
in vivo, this is an example of a potentially useful Webb A, Cunningham D, Cotter F et al (1997) BCL-2
strategy. The delivery of sufficient amounts of antisense therapy in patients with non-Hodgkin lym-
ODNs to tumor cells does not guarantee that phoma. Lancet 349:1137–1141
they will find the mRNA targets once inside the
cells. Thus, methods promoting the intracellular
trafficking of ODNs, to enhance the access to as
many as possible mRNA target molecules, will be
invaluable for efficacious ODNs-based therapies. Antiviral Defenses
The development of novel classes of ODNs with
fewer nonspecific interactions to nontarget mole- Markus Vähä-Koskela
cules will also improve the efficacy of antisense Molecular Cancer Biology Research Program,
ODN therapies. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
If the goal of making effective ODN drugs is to
be achieved, these and other problems need to be
addressed. Definition
While the principles underlying ODNs-based
therapies remain highly attractive, the field of The biological mechanisms of living hosts and
DNA therapeutics is now at a crossroad where individual cells to limit virus infection and
rigorous validation in clinical trials is necessary. replication.

Individual cells in all kingdoms of life, including
▶ Apoptosis bacteria and other unicellular organisms, as well
▶ Bcl2 as plants and animals have evolved mechanisms
▶ BCR-ABL1 to ward of virus infection and to restrict virus
▶ Chronic Myeloid Leukemia dissemination between and within cells. These
▶ Cyclophosphamide antiviral defenses operate either through intracel-
▶ Electroporation lular mechanisms or through the action of other
▶ Microarray (cDNA) Technology cells or extracellular molecules, such as cells of
▶ MYB the immune system and antibodies.
Antiviral Defenses 299

Evolution Virus Recognition

Several theories on the origin of life have been Eukaryote cells have a vast array of molecular
presented. Irrespective of molecular causality, sensors that recognize specific features of patho- A
most theories eventually converge on the emer- gens, including viruses. The so called pathogen-
gence of compartmentalized life to provide self- associated molecular pattern (PAMP) or simply
replicating information an advantage in a hostile pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) are part of
environment. Paralleling emergence of the first the innate immune system and evolved before the
cells, viruses likely exerted evolutionary pressure adaptive immune components. PRRs sense par-
necessitating means to restrict excessive and self- ticular conformational structures not normally
annihilating replication. On one hand, such means found in cells or multicellular organisms, such as
are the result of mutual equilibrium between the bacterial flagella and virus capsids. The PRRs are
host – which strives to survive and develops either membrane bound, including the Toll-like
mechanisms to hinder virus replication – and the receptors (TLR) and C-type lectin receptors
parasite – which must curb its rate of consumption (CLR), intracellular, including the RNA-sensing
to allow the host to survive while still perpetuating RIG-like receptors (RLRs) and DNA-sensing
its own existence. On the other hand, a growth NOD-like receptors (NLRs), or secreted, such as
advantage was likely conferred to larger replicat- the mannan-binding lectin which is crucial for
ing units (i.e., primordial cells) that successfully sensing several pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and
barred interference by smaller (faster) heterotypic fungi. A brief overview of some of these is pro-
or homotypic units (i.e., viruses). Self-replicating vided below.
units such as viruses did not evolve to replicate
aimlessly (which would quickly lead to self- Toll-like Receptors (TLRs)
annihilation). Instead, it has been proposed In mammals, 11 Toll-like receptors have been iden-
that viruses have acted as a principal driving tified. Some TLRs important for sensing viruses
force of evolution and have been instrumental in are located on the plasma membrane where they
shaping the capacity of cells to fight intruders, recognize attaching virions. For example, TLR2
including other viruses (Villarreal 2011). This may recognize components of adenovirus particles
theory predicts that viruses themselves, even before cell entry. The ligand-binding domains of
today, are an integral part of antiviral defenses other TLRs important for antiviral defenses are
and still participate in shaping the outcome of located on the inner leaflet of endosomes where
spurious parasitic invasions. Also, in contrast to they recognize a variety of virus ligands. For exam-
a replicating unit in isolation, e.g., a virus poly- ple, whereas TLR3 senses double-stranded RNA
merase in vitro, viruses contain regulatory ele- (dsRNA) and TLR7 and 8 sense single-stranded
ments that ensure yet restrict unlimited RNA (ssRNA), TLR9 recognizes CpG-rich DNA
replication at a population scale. As such, antiviral released from select decoating DNA viruses. TLR
defenses are both the result of and a necessary activation leads to a “danger” signal, which
byproduct of constant evolutionary pressure includes the induction of cytokine transcription
exerted by viruses that strive to persist. mediated by nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-
enhancer of activated B cells (NfkB). Thus, TLRs
Prerequisites serve to bridge innate and adaptive immune
Two main components constitute a functional responses. Importantly, TLR activation also leads
antiviral defense: capacity to recognize and to via interferon response factors (IRFs) 3 and 7 to
restrict virus infection. In multicellular organisms, synthesis of type I interferon, the principal media-
because individual cells may not possess both tor of innate antiviral defenses.
these prerequisites (at least not to functional
extent), dissemination of the antiviral response RIG-like Receptors (RLRs)
to uninfected cells may constitute an additional Retinoic acid inducible gene I (RIG-I), also
requirement. known as dead-box protein 58 (DDX58), and
300 Antiviral Defenses

melanoma differentiation-associated gene Type I Interferon (IFN)

5 (MDA-5) are two of the main members of this “Interferon” was discovered almost contempora-
class of pattern recognition receptors. Both reside neously in the 1950s by Japanese virologists
in the cytoplasm where they sense replication Yasu-ichi Nagano and Yasuhiko Kojima of the
intermediates of viruses via helicase domains. Institute for Infectious Disease (nowadays the
The group of Shizou Akira who discovered Institute of Medical Science) at the University of
these receptors has worked on several critical Tokyo (Nagano and Kojima 1954) and Scottish
aspects of the molecular mechanisms of virologist Alick Isaacs together with Jean
RLRs. As an example, despite an apparent redun- Lindenmann from Switzerland operating at the
dancy in function, it was established that the National Institute for Medical Research, United
substrates for RIG-I and MDA-5 differ (5- Kingdom (Isaacs and Lindemann 1957). Nagano
-triphosphate for RIG-I, long dsRNA for and Kojima found that the soluble fraction of
MDA-5), as do their respective roles in control- UV-inactivated vaccinia virus infected rabbit
ling virus infections in vivo (Kato et al. 2006). tissues was capable of inhibiting live vaccinia
Whereas MDA-5 is particularly important for virus infection when administered to rabbits
sensing picornaviruses, which drive translation before the virus. Isaacs and Lindenmann, in turn,
through internal ribosome entry sites whose hall- found that heat-inactivated influenza virus
mark is extensive secondary structures and elicited a soluble inhibitory factor in chorioallan-
stretches of dsRNA, RIG-I senses the genomes toic membrane tissues preventing infection with
of paramyxoviruses, influenza virus, and Japanese live virus. The researchers coined the term “inter-
encephalitis virus. feron,” which later became consensus among
NOD-like Receptors (NLRs) Also around the same time, Monto Ho in John
NLRs are critical for sensing cytoplasmic virus Enders’ lab discovered a virus inhibitory factor
replication and an integral part of antiviral “VIF,” which was later considered a member of
defenses (Kanneganti 2010). Inflammasomes the interferon family of proteins.
contain a nucleotide binding domain and a micro- Based on the receptor they bind to interferons
bial pattern sensing domain, which allows them to which are divided into three subtypes: Type I IFN,
recognize both dsDNA and dsRNA in the cytosol. Type II IFN, and Type III IFN. All IFN classes are
They include NLRP1, NLRP3, NLRC4, AIM2, important for antiviral defense, but type I
STING, and DAI. The prototypical NLR, the interferon emerges as the principal component
inflammasome, is a large multiprotein complex restricting acute and lethal replication for most
which varies in composition depending on the viruses (Müller et al. 1994). Type I IFN includes
inducing stimulus as well as the cell type in subtypes IFN alpha, beta, and omega, all of
which it is assembled. The main function of the which bind to a single ubiquitous receptor, the
inflammosome is to activate interleukin (IL)-1 type I interferon receptor (IFNAR). Interferon
beta secretion by caspase-dependent cleavage of alpha is produced in large quantities by lympho-
pro-IL-1b. cytes, whereas IFN beta is produced by all cells.
Systemic type I IFN generated by a virus infection
Response to Virus Infection is produced chiefly by plasmacytoid dendritic
While many viruses may escape adaptive immune cells.
responses by mutating their antigenic moieties or Type II interferon (IFN gamma) binds to
by using host cell membrane-derived envelopes, IFNGR and is important for controlling virus
infection almost invariably triggers PRRs at some infections in vivo. Its direct antiviral effects are
point during the replicative cycle. PRR activation however more subtle than those of IFN alpha or
leads to a signaling cascade depicted in Figure 1. beta. Finally, type III interferon is an addition to
In particular, virus infection triggers production the IFN family and has a less clear role in antiviral
and secretion type I interferon. defenses than either type I or type II IFN.
Antiviral Defenses

Antiviral Defenses, Fig. 1 Schematic of key virus-sensing receptors and signaling infected cell type and its state of activation. Neighboring cells are put into an antiviral
pathways as well as cellular antiviral effector mechanisms. Invading viruses are sensed state by signaling through the type I interferon receptor (IFNAR). Such cells upregulate
principally by three cellular pattern-recognition mechanisms: toll-like receptors the expression of antiviral effector proteins, including double-stranded RNA-activated
(TLRs), the RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs), and NOD-like receptors (NLRs). The protein kinase R. Also, cells in an antiviral state display increased capacity to process
end-product of virus recognition is the synthesis and release of type I interferon intracellular antigens and may upregulate the expression of major histocompatibility
(primarily IFN beta and select early species of IFN alpha) via interferon responsive complex proteins for antigen presentation on their cell surface. While compiled from
factors 3 and 7 and certain proinflammatory cytokines via NfkB. The precise set of multiple sources, the pathways depicted here are representative only and may not reflect
cytokines released by infected cells depends on the virus (even its strain) as well as the consensus

302 Antiviral Defenses

The Antiviral State and Effector Mechanisms and sends affected virus proteins for degradation
As depicted in Fig. 1, type I IFN secreted by an in the proteasome.
infected cell signals through IFNAR on neighbor- As an example of a non-ISG type response,
ing cells (as well as distant cells in the case of type IFN gamma activates iNOS, which may have
I IFN secreted by pDCs upon a systemic virus direct antiviral effects through reactive oxygen
infection). This has a number of consequences (RO) species. ROs, in turn, produce free radicals
for the target cell, which in most cases is put into which may directly destroy virus proteins, but
a state of heightened readiness against an immi- more likely they accelerate the mutation rate of
nent viral incursion. Here, some important ele- viruses, resulting in the generation of defective
ments of the antiviral state are discussed. interfering viruses and lethal (excess) mutagene-
sis within the virus quasispecies.
Interferon Stimulated Genes (ISGs)
Engagement of IFNAR on a cell leads to phos- Cell Death
phorylation of JAK and STAT proteins, culminat- Activation of antiviral defenses may lead to cell
ing in induction of transcription of several death by apoptosis, most likely in order to limit
so-called interferon stimulated genes (ISGs). virus dissemination. Type I interferons are known
These, in turn, constitute the de facto intracellular to increase p53 activity, which kills virus-infected
antiviral effector mechanisms. Extensive detailing cells by promoting apoptosis. For instance, mac-
of more than 350 individual ISGs that were rophages readily undergo apoptosis when infected
induced in response to type I interferon revealed by influenza virus. The p53-increasing capacity of
that while some effectors possessed antiviral type I IFNs underlies their development as anti-
capacity against a broad spectrum of viruses and cancer therapeutics. In cells which do not undergo
others were more specific for select viruses, no apoptosis in response to type I interferon signal-
ISG alone provided universal protection against ing, such as adult neurons, other antiviral effector
all tested viruses (Schoggins et al. 2011). Instead, mechanisms either compensate for lack of
combinations of two or more ISGs consistent with programmed cell death or leave these cell types
their proposed mechanism provided synergistic vulnerable to infection.
antiviral effect.
Prototypical ISGs with a broad-spectrum activ- RNA Interference
ity include double-stranded RNA-activated pro- In 2006, the Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded
tein kinase R (PKR), which is a central enzyme to researchers Andrew Z. Fire and Craig C. Mello
regulating a number of other downstream signal- on the basis of their seminal discoveries into the
ing cascades. PKR inactivates by phosphorylation regulation of RNA stability and translation in the
the eukaryotic initiation factor 2 protein which is cell. A process termed RNA interference, as part of
critical for both host cell and virus translation. a broader set of mechanisms of posttranscriptional
When a cell pretreated with type I IFN (in an gene silencing (PTGS), serves to control levels of
antiviral state) is infected, PKR is rapidly acti- transcripts but also to shut down translation of
vated, which in turn induces the production of RNAs containing specific sequences that may be
RNA-degrading enzyme RNAseL. PKR and recognized by the RNA interference machinery in
RNAseL affect also the host cell and induce apo- a cell type and/or context-dependent manner. In
ptosis. Induced together with PKR, the approxi- general, RNA interference causes inhibition of
mately 70kD Mx proteins may hinder virus translation of the targeted mRNA or its complete
assembly by sequestering virus components. cleavage. Both mechanisms operate against
Several other ISGs are activated in response viruses and their transcripts across all kingdoms
to type I IFN signaling and may exert antiviral of life and are particularly important for antiviral
effects through a variety of other means, defense in organisms lacking a cell-mediated
such as posttranslational modification through immune system, such as plants and nematodes.
“ISG15ylation,” which is analogous to ubiquitination Genetic sequences corresponding to specific RNA
Antiviral Defenses 303

interference targets have been incorporated in “immunoproteasome”; an unstable proteasome

recombinant viruses in order to restrict their rep- that is induced only during inflammation and
lication in desired cell types. Micro-RNA which serves to accelerate degradation of intracel- A
targeting of viruses is an elegant way of lular pathogen proteins and to increase generation
harnessing antiviral defenses to guide virus infec- of products for antigen presentation (Shin
tion for therapeutic purposes. et al. 2006). Both type I and type II interferons
upregulate major histocompatibility complex
Virus–Virus Interference molecules, MHC I and MHC II, which increases
Potentially constituting a distinct mechanism of the presentation of viral peptides to cytotoxic
antiviral defense, endogenous viruses and trans- T cells and helper T cells, respectively.
posons are known to trigger basal responses that
influence infectivity of other viruses. For exam- Side-Effects of Antiviral Defenses
ple, even retroviruses which are stably integrated Sometimes, antiviral defense induction has
in the genome are controlled by the type I unforeseen of undesired consequences. For exam-
interferon system, as demonstrated by Nobel lau- ple, some invading pathogens may predispose to
reate Luc Montagnier and his colleagues and infection by other pathogens. An example of
peers in the early 1980s. Such basal induction of such heterogeneous manipulation of host-
IFN may influence capacity of other viruses to pathogen interactions, influenza virus infection
infect cells. Moreover, certain latent phages are is known to facilitate bacterial infection
known to protect bacteria against heterotypic (in large part dependent on type I interferon
pathogenic phages, and among homotypic induced by influenza infected cells). Virus infec-
viruses, a process termed superinfection exclusion tion and the pathways involved may interfere with
is known to limit entry and replication of cytokine production critical for control of other
superinfecting viruses. The mechanisms of heter- microbes, for instance IL-12, which is critical for
ologous interference likely operate partly through control of bacterial infections. As another
the induced antiviral responses, including type I example, the immediate response to high-dose
interferon and associated ISGs, but may also adenovirus particles involves IL-6, which is
involve other less characterized means of interfer- toxic at high levels and caused the death of
ence, including decoy replication targets (e.g., Jesse Gelsinger, the first human to receive gene
promoters) or induction of lethal mutagenesis or therapy.
so-called defective interfering particles (stunted
genomes which act as traps for the virus replica- Virus Antagonism of Antiviral Defenses
tion machinery). As viruses and their hosts have coevolved, viruses
have by necessity evolved ways of circumventing
Activation of Adaptive Immune Responses or directly opposing induction and/or function of
In organisms with a cell-dependent immune sys- antiviral defenses. Every virus has such mecha-
tem, PRR activation triggers production of nisms and these mechanisms are often the reason
proinflammatory cytokines through NfkB which, for virus pathogenicity. For example, Ebola virus
in turn, directly activate cells of the immune sys- carries countermeasures against type I interferon
tem to enter the site of infection and to release production, resulting in aggravated pathogenicity
additional inflammatory cytokines and due to severely delayed induction of antiviral
chemokines. The purpose of this process is to responses. Virus antagonistic mechanisms of
activate an immune response against the virus. antiviral defenses have been described elsewhere
Interleukin 12 activates the production of IFN (Haller et al. 2006).
gamma from lymphocytes, which in turn activates
natural killer cells and macrophages. While Antiviral Defenses in Cancer
principally mediated by IFN gamma, type I IFN Type I interferon increases p53 expression and
is also known to induce formation of the MHC expression on the cell surface. Both are
304 Antizyme Inhibitor

highly counterproductive to cancer cells, and thus Nagano Y, Kojima Y (1954) Immunizing property of vac-
cancers readily display defects in either type I cinia virus inactivated by ultraviolets rays [Article in
French]. C R Seances Soc Biol Fil 148:1700–1702
interferon secretion or responses. This has spurred Schoggins JW, Wilson SJ, Panis M, Murphy MY, Jones
the development of oncolytic viruses whose rep- CT, Bieniasz P, Rice CM (2011) A diverse range of
lication is restricted in normal cells but not in gene products are effectors of the type I interferon
cancer cells due to these defects in antiviral antiviral response. Nature 28:481–485
Shin EC, Seifert U, Kato T, Rice CM, Feinstone SM,
defenses (Stojdl et al. 2000). In cancer cells Kloetzel PM, Rehermann B (2006) Virus-induced
displaying functional antiviral defenses, it has type I IFN stimulates generation of immunopro-
been possible to develop drugs specifically inter- teasomes at the site of infection. J Clin Invest
fering with these mechanisms in order to facilitate 116:3006–3014
Stojdl DF, Lichty B, Knowles S, Marius R, Atkins H,
destructive infection by oncolytic viruses (Diallo Sonenberg N, Bell JC (2000) Exploiting tumor-specific
et al. 2010). defects in the interferon pathway with a previously
unknown oncolytic virus. Nat Med 6:821–825
Villarreal L (2011) Viral ancestors of antiviral systems.
Viruses 3:1933–1958

▶ Cytokine
▶ Inflammatory Response and Immunity
▶ Innate Immunity
Antizyme Inhibitor
▶ Interferon-Alpha
Chaim Kahana
▶ Oncolytic Virus
Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann
▶ RNA Interference
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
▶ Toll-Like Receptors
▶ Virotherapy
AzI is an ornithine decarboxylase (ODC)-related
Diallo JS, Le Boeuf F, Lai F, Cox J, Vähä-Koskela M, protein that functions as a positive regulator of the
Abdelbary H, MacTavish H, Waite K, Falls T, Wang J,
Brown R, Blanchard JE, Brown ED, Kirn DH,
▶ polyamine biosynthesis pathway thus contrib-
Hiscott J, Atkins H, Lichty BD, Bell JC uting to enhanced cellular proliferation.
(2010) A high-throughput pharmacoviral approach
identifies novel oncolytic virus sensitizers. Mol Ther
Haller O, Kochs G, Weber F (2006) The interferon
response circuit: induction and suppression by patho-
genic viruses. Virology 5:119–130 AzI is a cellular protein that shares high homology
Isaacs A, Lindemann J (1957) Virus interference. I. The with ODC, the first rate-limiting enzyme of the
interferon. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 12:258–267
Kanneganti TD (2010) Central roles of NLRs and
polyamine biosynthesis pathway. However, in con-
inflammasomes in viral infection. Nat Rev Immunol trast to ODC, AzI retains no ornithine
10:688–698 decarboxylating activity. The polyamines
Kato H, Takeuchi O, Sato S, Yoneyama M, Yamamoto M, spermidine, spermine, and their precursor putres-
Matsui K, Uematsu S, Jung A, Kawai T, Ishii KJ,
Yamaguchi O, Otsu K, Tsujimura T, Koh CS, Reis e
cine are organic polycations that are essential for
Sousa C, Matsuura Y, Fujita T, Akira S (2006) Differ- cellular proliferation. Depletion of cellular poly-
ential roles of MDA5 and RIG-I helicases in the recog- amines results in growth cessation that will resume
nition of RNA viruses. Nature 4:101–105 upon provision of exogenous polyamines. The
Müller U, Steinhoff U, Reis LF, Hemmi S, Pavlovic J,
Zinkernagel RM, Aguet M (1994) Functional role of
exact mechanisms by which polyamines affect cel-
type I and type II interferons in antiviral defense. Sci- lular functions were not yet identified. Optimal
ence 24:1918–1921 cellular polyamine balance is the net result of
Antizyme Inhibitor 305




Antizyme Inhibitor, Fig. 1 Regulation of cellular poly- undefined mechanism. Antizyme inhibitor (AzI), which
amines. Cellular polyamines are provided through their has higher affinity to Az compared to that of ODC, traps
synthesis initiated by the activity of ornithine decarboxyl- Az into a stable complex leading to ODC stabilization and
ase (ODC) and through their uptake from external sources. increased polyamine production. In parallel, Az neutrali-
Antizyme (Az) regulates both processes, it binds ODC zation increases polyamine uptake. This dual direction
monomers resulting in their inactivation and in their deg- increase in the cellular polyamine level results in increased
radation, and it reduces polyamine uptake via a yet cellular proliferation

their biosynthesis, degradation, uptake catabolism, of ODC and to increased polyamine uptake activity,
and excretion. Polyamine biosynthesis is executed resulting in augmented cellular proliferation (Fig. 1).
by the two highly regulated enzymes, ODC and Several independent lines of evidence support
S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, followed by the notion that AzI is a regulator of cellular pro-
the action of the two constitutively active enzymes, liferation and tumor development. AzI was dem-
spermidine and spermine synthase. ODC is unique onstrated to be upregulated in gastric tumor and in
in being a short-lived protein whose degradation is some tumor cell lines including Ras-transformed
performed by the 26S ▶ proteasome without cells. The AzI gene is located in a chromosomal
requiring ▶ ubiquitination, the standard way of segment whose amplification was connected with
marking proteins for degradation. Instead, its the development of prostate and ovarian cancer.
degradation is greatly stimulated by interaction Forced overexpression of AzI increased cell prolif-
with a polyamine-induced protein known as eration, while downregulation of AzI by specific
antizyme (Az). Az expression is regulated at the ▶ siRNA inhibited cell proliferation. Like ODC,
translational level by a polyamine-induced ribo- also AzI is transcriptionally induced by growth-
somal frameshifting constituting a cellular poly- promoting stimuli. While it is clear that AzI regu-
amine sensing mechanism. It was demonstrated lates cell growth by negating Az functions, it was
that Az as a central regulator of the cellular poly- also suggested that AzI might function also in an
amine metabolism is itself subjected to regulation Az-independent manner by regulating ▶ cyclin D1
by a molecule termed AzI. stability.
AzI was originally identified as a factor capable
of inhibiting Az activity. Following its characteriza- Cross-References
tion and cloning, it was revealed that AzI is highly
homologous to ODC and exhibits the same ▶ Cyclin D
homodimeric structure but lacks ornithine ▶ Polyamines
decarboxylating activity. AzI binds Az with higher ▶ Proteasome
affinity than ODC. The interaction between AzI and ▶ SiRNA
Az neutralizes Az functions leading to stabilization ▶ Ubiquitination
306 AP-1

References one of the decisive DNA-binding motifs required

for gene regulation by a variety of extracellular
Fujita K, Murakami Y, Hayashi S (1982) signals including growth factors, cytokines, tumor
A macromolecular inhibitor of the antizyme to orni-
promoters, such as the phorbol ester TPA
thine decarboxylase. Biochem J 204:647–652
Jung MH, Kim SC, Jeon GA et al (2000) Identification of (12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate), and
differentially expressed genes in normal and tumor carcinogens, for example, UV irradiation and
human gastric tissue. Genomics 69:281–286 other DNA-damaging agents. One of its members,
Keren-Paz A, Bercovich Z, Porat Z et al (2006)
the heterodimer Fos-Jun, was found in the
Overexpression of antizyme-inhibitor in NIH3T3 fibro-
blasts provides growth advantage through neutraliza- mid-1980s, as a protein complex containing the
tion of antizyme functions. Oncogene 25:5163–5172 viral ▶ oncogene product Fos without a clue of its
Kim SW, Mangold U, Waghorne C et al (2006) Regulation function. The term AP-1 was coined for an activ-
of cell proliferation by the antizyme inhibitor: evidence
ity that supports both basal and inducible tran-
for an antizyme-independent mechanism. J Cell Sci
119:2583–2591 scription of several genes containing AP-1
Murakami Y, Ichiba T, Matsufuji S et al (1996) Cloning of binding sites (50 -TGAG/CTCA-30 ), also known as
antizyme inhibitor, a highly homologous protein to TPA-responsive elements (TRE), in their pro-
ornithine decarboxylase. J Biol Chem 271:3340–3342
moter region. AP-1 was purified from cell extracts
by TRE-based affinity chromatography and
See Also
despite multiple rounds of purification, the AP-1
(2012) Ornithine Decarboxylase. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel- preparations contained several distinct polypep-
berg, p 2656. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4259 tides. Within a year, it became evident that these
polypeptides correspond to members of jun and
fos gene families and that the first member of the
Jun family, c-Jun, represents the cellular homo-
AP-1 logue of the transforming oncogene (v-Jun) of the
chicken retrovirus ASV-17. At present, the Jun
Peter Angel and Jochen Hess protein family consists of c-Jun, JunB, and
Division of Signal Transduction and Growth JunD; and the Fos protein family consists of
Control, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, c-Fos, FosB, Fra-1, and Fra-2. During the past
Heidelberg, Germany decade, additional proteins, such as members of
the ATF family, have been identified (mostly by
yeast-two-hybrid screening), which share struc-
Definition tural homologies and form heterodimeric com-
plexes predominantly with Jun proteins (see
Activating protein-1 (AP-1) is a transcription fac- below) to bind to TRE-like sequences.
tor usually consisting of a member of the Jun
family and a member of the Fos or ATF family General Structure of the AP-1 Subunits
of proto-oncogenes. AP-1 is activated in response According to its function in controlling gene
to cytokines, growth factors, and stress factors expression, the prototype of a transcription factor
during cell differentiation, tumor formation, or has to comprise at least two properties: a region of
mitogenic response. the protein that is responsible for binding
to a specific DNA recognition sequence
(DNA-binding domain) and a second region that
Characteristics is required for transcriptional activation
(transactivation domain) following DNA binding.
Much of our present knowledge about transcrip-
tion factors comes from the discovery and study of DNA-Binding Domain
the activating protein-1 (AP-1) family. AP-1 (and The DNA-binding domain is evolutionarily con-
the transcription factor NFkB) has served to detect served between the Jun, Fos, and CREB/ATF
AP-1 307

c- Fos




JunB Jun-family


Transactivation domain
Transrepression domain of c-Fos Basic Leucine
region zipper
Highly conserved regions
of unknown function

AP-1, Fig. 1 Structural organization of the Fos and Jun proteins

proteins, thus defining the protein family called regulate specific subsets of AP-1 target genes
“bZip” proteins. bZip stands for the amino acid depending on the characteristics of the AP-1 site in
sequences of the two independently acting sub- their promoter.
regions of the DNA-binding domain: the “basic In addition to the “classical” AP-1 members
domain,” which is rich in basic amino acids and (Jun, Fos, ATF), on the basis of DNA sequence
responsible for contacting the DNA, and the specificity and heterodimer formation with Jun
“leucine-zipper” region, which is characterized and Fos proteins, several new bZip proteins
by heptad repeats of leucine being part of the have been defined. These include Maf and Maf-
well-known “4–3 repeats” forming a coiled-coil related proteins and Smads and Jun-dimerizing
structure. The latter domain is responsible for partners (JDPs). The exact function of these pro-
dimerization, which is a prerequisite for DNA teins in AP-1-regulated process is still largely
binding (Fig. 1). In addition to the leucines, ill-defined. Binding of AP-1 to DNA also supports
other hydrophobic and charged amino acid resi- binding of other transcription factors to adjacent
dues within the leucine zipper region are respon- or overlapping binding sites (composite elements)
sible for specificity and stability of homo- or to allow the formation of larger complexes. The
heterodimer formation between the various Jun, interaction of NFAT and Ets proteins with DNA
Fos, or CREB/ATF proteins. The Fos proteins do on the IL-2 and collagenase promoters, respec-
not form stable homodimers but heterodimerize tively, serves as paradigms for this type of
efficiently with the Jun proteins. The Jun proteins protein–protein interaction.
can form homodimers, although with reduced sta-
bility compared to Jun/Fos or Jun/ATF. Jun–Jun Transactivation Domain
and Jun–Fos dimers preferentially bind to the 7-bp In contrast to the well-defined DNA-binding
motif 50 -TGAG/CTCA-30 whereas Jun-ATF domain, the structural properties of the domains
dimers or ATF homodimers prefer to bind to a in the AP-1 proteins mediating transcriptional
related 8-bp consensus sequence 50 -TTACCTCA-30 . activation of target genes (transactivation domain,
Therefore, individual AP-1 dimers are expected to TAD) are still poorly understood. The activity of
308 AP-1

the TAD can be transferred to heterologous Transcriptional Activation

DNA-binding domains, such as the yeast tran- Most of our current knowledge on transcriptional
scription factor GAL4. By employing such chi- activation of immediate early genes is derived
meric proteins, which in contrast to the wild-type from studies on deletion and point mutations
proteins do not depend on a dimerization partner, within the c-fos and c-jun promoters, combined
critical amino acids in the TADs could be identi- with in vitro and in vivo footprinting analyses.
fied. Moreover, it is clear that the various Jun, Fos, The serum response element (SRE) is required
and ATF proteins greatly differ in their for induced transcription in response to the major-
transactivation potential. Usually, c-Jun, c-Fos, ity of extracellular stimuli including growth fac-
and FosB are strong transactivators, whereas tors and phorbol esters. The ternary complex
JunB, JunD, Fra-1, and Fra-2 exhibit only weak containing the transcription factor p67-SRF and
transactivation potential. Under specific circum- p62-TCF, which stands for a class of related pro-
stances, they may even act as repressors of AP-1 teins described as Elk/SAP, specifically bounds to
activity by competitive binding to AP-1 sites or by this element. Changes in the phosphorylation pat-
forming inactive heterodimers with c-Fos, FosB, tern of SRF and, predominantly, TCF regulates
or c-Jun. Most importantly, transactivation studies c-fos promoter activity by these stimuli. Other
using fusion proteins led to the identification of elements include the cAMP response element
protein kinases, which bind to and phosphorylate (CRE) and the Sis-inducible enhancer (SIE),
AP-1 proteins in the TAD in response to extracel- which is recognized by the STAT group of tran-
lular signals thereby controlling expression of scription factors. These factors are at the receiving
AP-1 target genes. end of the Jak/Stat signaling pathway initiated by
specific classes of cytokines. The element respon-
sible for negative autoregulation of the c-fos pro-
Transcriptional and Posttranslational Control moter has not yet been identified conclusively.
of AP-1 Activity Analysis of deletion mutants within the c-jun
Regulation of AP-1 net activity in a given cell can promoter identified two AP-1-like binding sites
be achieved through changes in transcription of (Jun1, Jun2), which are recognized by Jun/ATF
genes encoding AP-1 subunits, control of the sta- heterodimers or ATF homodimers and are
bility of their mRNA, posttranslational processing involved in transcriptional regulation in response
and turnover of preexisting or newly synthesized to the majority of extracellular stimuli affecting
AP-1 subunits, and specific interactions between c-jun transcription. In response to G-protein
AP-1 proteins and other transcription factors or coupled receptor activation (e.g., the muscarinic
cofactors. acetylcholine receptor), or treatment, EGF and
The jun and fos genes are members of a class of other growth factors with the AP-1 sites and an
cellular genes, termed early response or additional element in the c-jun promoter recog-
“immediate-early” genes. They are characterized nized by MEF2 proteins cooperate in transcrip-
by a rapid and transient activation of transcription tional control of the c-jun gene. Similar to the
in response to changes of environmental condi- factors binding to the c-fos promoter, the activity
tions, such as growth factors, cytokines, tumor of factors binding to the c-jun promoter is regu-
promoters, carcinogens, and expression of certain lated by their phosphorylation status.
oncogenes. Since this type of regulation of pro-
moter activity is also observed in the absence of Regulation of AP-1 Activity
ongoing protein synthesis, it is generally accepted The most critical members of the class of protein
that preexisting factors, whose activity gets kinases regulating the activity of AP-1 in response
altered by changes in posttranslational modifica- to extracellular stimuli are mitogen-activated pro-
tion (described in detail in the subsequent sec- tein kinases (MAPKs). Depending on the type of
tion), are responsible for the regulation of stimuli, these proline-directed kinases can be dis-
promoter activity. sected into three subgroups. The extracellular
AP-1 309

y x a-b-c

57 70 71 78 227 252
++++ LLLL
Basic Leucine
S63 S73 domain zipper
T239 S249



Control UV Electophoresis
pH 1.9

AP-1, Fig. 2 Top: schematic diagram of the human c-Jun Autoradiogram of in vivo labeled c-Jun protein isolated by
protein. Amino acids are numbered. The numbers on top immunoprecipitation from untreated and UV-treated cells,
refer to the trypsin cleavage sites that lead to the appear- digested with trypsin, and separated by gel electrophoresis
ance of phosphopeptides after in vivo labeling of cells with into two dimensions. On the right, the positions of the
P-orthophosphate. The locations of the tryptic peptides tryptic peptides are schematically illustrated. Peptide “z”
“a–c” in the DNA-binding domain and peptides “x” and most likely represents a peptide-containing residual phos-
“y” in the transactivation domain are indicated. Bottom: phorylation at threonine-89 and/or threonine-91 of c-Jun

signal-regulated kinases (ERK-1, -2) are robustly oncoproteins). This network, which exhibits a
activated by growth factors and phorbol esters but high degree of evolutionary conservation between
are less efficiently activated by cytokines and yeast, drosophila, and mammals, is, however, far
cellular stress-inducing stimuli (UV irradiation, too complex to be discussed in greater detail in
chemical carcinogens). In contrast, Jun-N- this review (for in-depth information on this sub-
terminal kinases (▶ JNK-1, -2, -3), also known ject see Eferl and Wagner (2003)).
as stress-activated kinases (SAPK), and a ERK1 and ERK2 carry out mitogen-stimulated
structurally related class, p38 MAP kinases phosphorylation of JunD, and phosphorylation of
(p38a, -b, -g), are strongly activated by cytokines distinct serine residues at the C-terminus of c-Jun
and environmental stress but are poorly activated and Fos family members has also been postulated
by growth factors and phorbol esters. These to depend on the ERK pathway. The JNK/SAPKs
kinases themselves are under strict control of were originally identified by their ability to
upstream kinases and phosphatases, which are specifically phosphorylate c-Jun at two positive
part of individual signaling pathways initiated by regulatory sites (Ser-63, Ser-73) residing within
specific classes of extra- and intracellular stimuli the TAD (Fig. 2). Hyperphosphorylation of
(e.g., growth factors, DNA-damaging agents, both sites, which was originally identified by
310 AP-1

2D-phospho-amino acid-peptide mapping inflammatory and immunosuppressive activities

(peptides x, y in Fig. 2), is observed in response of glucocorticoids are mediated, at least in part,
to stress stimuli as well as oncoprotein expression by GR-mediated repression of AP-1 activity. In
and is required for transcriptional activation of addition to GR, numerous transcription factors
numerous c-Jun target genes. The JNKs can also (e.g., C/EBP, Ets, Gata, MyoD, NFAT, NFkB,
phosphorylate and potentiate the activity of JunD Runx, Smad, SP-1, Stat, TCF, and the Lim-only
and ATF-2. Notably, the nuclear protein Menin protein YY1), transcriptional cofactors
that is encoded by the tumor suppressor gene (e.g., alphaNAC, Jab1, p300/CBP, TAF1,
MEN1 specifically interacts with JunD and TAF4b, TAF 7, Trip6, and WWOX), subunit of
inhibits ERK- and JNK-dependent phosphoryla- the chromatin-remodeling complex (e.g.,
tion of JunD, but also of c-Jun. The amino acids SWI/SNF and HDAC3), as well as other types of
that are phosphorylated on ATF2 by JNKs also cellular proteins (e.g., DexD/H-box RNA helicase
serve as phospho-acceptor sites for p38, while RHII/Gu and BAF60a) have been found to physi-
Ser-63 and -73 of c-Jun are not affected by p38. cally interact and modulate AP-1 activity. In most
Most likely, hyperphosphorylation of Jun and cases, the exact mechanism of interaction between
ATF proteins results in a conformational change AP-1 and these proteins remains to be determined.
of the TAD allowing more efficient interaction
with cofactors, such as CBP, which facilitate and AP-1 in Physiology and Pathology
stabilize the connection with the RNA polymerase The generation of genetically modified mice har-
II/initiation complex to enhance transcription boring genetic disruption and/or transgenic
of target genes. In addition to enhanced overexpression as well as the availability of genet-
transactivation, phosphorylation-dependent ically defined mutant cells isolated from these
changes in the half-life of Jun and Fos proteins animals represent a major breakthrough in our
have been observed. In nonstimulated cells, the understanding of the regulatory functions of
DNA-binding domain of c-Jun becomes phosphor- AP-1 subunits (Tables 1 and 2). Distinct and
ylated at multiple sites (peptide a, b2, and c in overlapping phenotypes of the individual knock-
Fig. 2) by GSK-3 and/or casein kinase II (CK-II) out mice induced by defects in cells or tissues in
resulting in reduced DNA binding. In response to which the subunit was particularly important, or
extracellular stimuli, such as UV, phosphorylation where its absence became rate-limiting, support
is reduced leading to enhanced DNA binding. The the notion that AP-1 subunits exhibit unique but
mechanism (reduced activity of the kinase or also common functions in vivo. As a general rule
enhanced activity of a phosphatase) has not yet derived from all studies, the AP-1 family mem-
been defined conclusively. GSK3-mediated phos- bers must be present in a complementary and
phorylation of c-Jun was also detected at the coordinated manner in order to ensure proper
C-terminus creating a high affinity binding site development or physiology of the organism.
for the E3 ligase Fbw7, which targets c-Jun for Conventional knockout approaches demon-
poly-ubiquitination and proteosomal degradation. strate that expression of JunD, c-Fos, and FosB
In addition to phosphorylation, other mecha- is dispensable for normal embryogenesis
nisms of posttranslational processing have been (Table 1). However, junD null mice develop
identified, which regulate AP-1 activity including age-dependent defects in reproduction, hormone
redox-dependent DNA binding and regulation of imbalance, and impaired spermatogenesis in male
nuclear localization. and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy that is enhanced
The mutual interference between AP-1 and by chronic moderate pressure overload. Addition-
steroid hormone receptors, particularly the gluco- ally, junD deficiency impacts T helper cell differ-
corticoid receptor (GR), represents another exten- entiation. An important regulatory role for JunD
sively analyzed example of protein–protein in lymphocyte maturation and activation is
interaction-based crosstalk. In this context, there supported by reduced peripheral T- and B-cell
is experimental evidence that the anti- populations in transgenic mice with ectopic
AP-1 311

AP-1, Table 1 Knockout and knockin mouse models

Genotype Phenotype Affected tissues
c-Jun/ Embryonic lethality at E12.5 Liver, heart A
c-JunAA/AA for c-Jun Rescue of embryonic lethality and resistance to epileptic seizures and Liver, heart, CNS
neuronal apoptosis induced by excitatory amino acid kainate
JunB for c-Jun Rescue of embryonic lethality until birth Liver, heart
JunD for c-Jun Rescue of embryonic lethality until birth Liver, heart
c-JunD/D Alfp-Cre Impaired postnatal hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration Liver
c-JunD/D Bal1-Cre Malformation of axial skeleton Skeleton
c-JunD/D Col2a1-Cre Increased apoptosis of notochordal cells, fusion of ventral bodies, and Skeleton
scoliosis of axial skeleton
c-JunD/D K5-Cre Eyelid closure defect Skin
c-JunD/D Nestin-Cre Impaired axonal regeneration CNS
JunB/ Embryonic lethality at day E8.0 to E10 Extraembryonic
tissue, placenta
JunBD/DCol1a2-Cre Pronounced epidermal hyperplasia, disturbed differentiation, and Skin, immune
prolonged inflammation system
JunBD/DLysM-Cre Osteopetrosis Skeleton
JunBD/D More-Cre Osteopenia and myeloproliferative disease Immune system,
JunB/ Ubi-JunB Myeloproliferative disease, altered T-helper 2-cell differentiation, Immune system,
impaired allergen-induced airway inflammation, and osteoporosis-like Skeleton
c-JunD/DJunBD/D Psoriasis-like phenotype Skin
JunD/ Male sterility, growth retardation, cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, and Testis, heart,
impaired T-helper-cell differentiation immune system
c-Fos/ Osteopetrosis and accelerated light-induced apoptosis of Skeleton, CNS
photoreceptor cells
c-Fos/ H2Kb-Fra1 Rescue of osteopetrosis and photoreceptor cell apoptosis Skeleton, CNS
c-FosDD Nestin-Cre Impaired long-term memory and synaptic plasticity CNS
FosB/ Nurturing defect CNS,
Fra1/ Embryonic lethality at E9.5 Extraembryonic
tissue, placenta
Fra1D/D More-Cre Osteopenia Skeleton
Fra2/ Postnatal lethality and defective chondrocyte differentiation Skeleton
Fra2D/D Coll2a1-Cre Defective chondrocyte differentiation and kyphosis-like phenotype Skeleton
/ conventional knockout, D/D Cre-induced conditional knockout

JunD overexpression. Whereas, adult fosB/ Noteworthy, both phenotypes could be rescued by
females nurture insufficiently, tissue-specific transgenic Fra-1 overexpression in c-fos/ ani-
overexpression of DFosB, a naturally occurring mals in a dose-dependent manner implicating that
truncated form of FosB that arises from alternative Fra-1 is an important c-Fos target gene in vivo.
splicing of the fosB transcript, causes impaired In contrast to the AP-1 subunits discussed so
T-cell differentiation or osteosclerosis, respec- far, c-Jun, JunB, Fra1, and Fra2 expression is
tively. Lack of c-Fos expression in adult animals indispensable for embryonic development or
causes an accelerated light-induced ▶ apoptosis postnatal survival (Table 1). While c-jun null
of photoreceptor cells as well as osteopetrosis embryos die at midgestation (E12.5) due to fail-
and further experimental evidence support that ure in heart and liver development, lethality of
c-Fos is a master regulator of osteoclastogenesis. junB (E8.0 to E10) and fra1 (E9.5) deficient
312 AP-1

AP-1, Table 2 Transgenic mouse models novel nonoverlapping and common functions of
Affected distinct AP-1 family members in adult animals,
Genotype Phenotype tissues specifically in skeletal and bone morphogenesis,
H2kb-c- None None the immune system, skin homeostasis, and the
Jun central nervous system. In adult mice, c-jun defi-
UbiC- Increased bone mass Skeleton ciency results in axial skeleton malformation
accompanied by accelerated apoptosis of noto-
CD4- Altered T helper cell Immune
JunB differentiation system chordal cells, fusion of ventral bodies, and scoli-
UbiC- Reduced peripheral T- and Immune osis, while compromised JunB or Fra-2
JunD B-cells and impaired T-cell system expression is associated with defective endochon-
activation dral ossification partially due to impaired chon-
H2Kb-c- Osteosarcoma Skeleton drocyte differentiation. Postnatal and cell-type
specific loss of junB also causes osteopenia or
H2Kb- None None
FosB osteopetrosis, respectively, due to failure in oste-
Tcrb-D Impaired T-cell Immune oblasts and osteoclast differentiation and physiol-
FosB differentiation system ogy. Again, junB or fra-1 deficiency in osteoblasts
NSE-D Osteosclerosis and impaired Bone, fat (osteopenia) or overexpression in transgenic mice
FosB adipogenesis tissue (osteosclerosis and increased bone mass) results
H2Kb- Osteosclerosis Bone in comparable phenotypes. Furthermore and sim-
ilar to JunD, JunB is required for a proper regula-
CMV- Ocular malformation Anterior
Fra2 eye tion of T-helper-cell-specific cytokine expression
structure and differentiation that is also confirmed by T-cell
H2Kb- Increased bone mass Bone specific JunB overexpression in transgenic mice
Fra2 (Table 2).
Animal studies further unraveled an important
role of c-Jun in skin development and homeostasis
embryos is caused by placentation failure due to as an important regulator of keratinocyte prolifer-
multiple defects in the extraembryonic tissue. ation as well as differentiation through transcrip-
These data suggest that JunB and Fra1, possibly tional regulation of the epidermal growth factor
as heterodimers, address common target genes receptor (EGFR). In contrast, JunB can antago-
responsible for the generation of a functional nize keratinocyte proliferation, and an inducible
placental labyrinth. Knockin approaches downregulation of both, c-Jun and JunB, in epi-
revealed complete restoration of c-Jun dependent dermal keratinocytes causes a psoriatic-like phe-
defects during embryogenesis by JunB and JunD notype with epidermal hyperplasia as well as
indicating that spatial and temporal regulation of deregulated cytokine expression. Finally, specific
Jun protein expression may be more important ablation of AP-1 subunits in cells of the central
than the coding sequence of the individual family nervous system revealed crucial functions for
member (Table 1). Finally, Fra-2-deficient mice c-Jun in axonal regeneration upon transection of
die shortly after birth, are growth retarded, and the facial nerve and for c-Fos in long-term mem-
show defective chondrocyte differentiation. ory and synaptic plasticity.
Embryonic or postnatal lethality largely Importantly, primary and immortalized cells
prevented functional studies in vivo, and therefore could be isolated from almost all mice lacking
conditional tissue- and cell-type specific ablations individual AP-1 members. Analysis of fibroblasts
have become an important tool to study the regu- revealed that c-Jun acts as positive regulator of the
lation and function of AP-1 subunits in physio- cell cycle by suppressing p53 and indirectly the
logical and pathological processes (Table 1). p53 target gene ▶ p21. Moreover, loss of c-Jun
These approaches confirmed initially seen pheno- results in reduced ▶ cyclin D1 activity, while its
types during embryogenesis, but also revealed overexpression was found to upregulate cyclin
AP-1 313

D levels. On the other hand, JunB contributes to was also observed in mice lacking members of the
both positive and negative regulation of cell-cycle JNK/SAPK family of protein kinases, suggesting
progression by induction of the cyclin-CDK that c-Jun and ATF proteins are the major sub- A
inhibitor p16, downregulation of c-Jun and cyclin strates of JNK/SAPKs to mediate the cellular stress
D expression, or transcriptional activation of response. However, primary liver cell cultures and
cyclin A. JunD-deficient fibroblasts exhibit spe- erythroblasts derived from c-jun/ embryos
cific alterations in cell proliferation depending on exhibit increased apoptotic rates. Finally, while
p53 and p19-ARF expression. Moreover, data JunD participates in anti-apoptotic regulation,
from fibroblasts lacking both c-Fos and FosB JunB appears to be part of a pro-apoptotic pathway
established a critical role of these AP-1 subunits through negative regulation of anti-apoptotic
in cyclin D expression, whereas fibroblasts genes, at least in myeloid cells.
lacking either c-Jun or c-Fos cannot be
transformed by oncogenes, such as Ras and Src, AP-1 Subunits in Cancer
providing additional evidence for a critical role of As described previously, AP-1 activity is
AP-1 members in the control of cell proliferation enhanced in cells that are stimulated by agents
and transformation. In addition to these cell- promoting cell proliferation. Moreover, onco-
autonomous effects, critical and antagonistic genic versions of c-Jun and c-Fos have been iso-
functions of c-Jun and JunB on cell proliferation lated from retroviruses, and various membrane-
in trans were observed using knockout fibroblasts associated or cytoplasmic oncogenes (e.g., Ras,
in an in vitro skin equivalent model system with Src, Raf) permanently upregulate AP-1 abun-
primary human keratinocytes. dance as part of their transforming capacity,
As described before, AP-1 activity is also suggesting that AP-1 members play an important
greatly enhanced upon treatment of cells with role in cell proliferation and transformation.
genotoxic agents, implying that AP-1 target Initial evidence for this assumption has been
genes are involved in the cellular ▶ stress obtained by blocking AP-1 activity either
response, such as DNA repair, induction of sur- through expression of a transdominant-negative
vival, or initiation of the apoptotic program. c-Jun mutant, by expression of antisense
Detailed studies demonstrate that AP-1 subunits, sequences, or by microinjection of Jun- and
depending on the cell type and quality of the Fos-specific antibodies. Under these conditions
stimuli, are involved in both anti- and cell-cycle progression was disturbed in cultured
pro-apoptotic responses. As an example, fibro- cells and the efficiency of oncoprotein-mediated
blasts lacking the c-Fos protein are hypersensitive cell transformation was reduced. However, differ-
to UV irradiation compared to wild-type cells, ent lines of evidence suggested that members of
which is caused by a higher rate of apoptosis the Jun and Fos families play specific roles during
rather than the inability to repair damaged DN- these processes or may even antagonize each
A. However, c-fos/ deficiency results in the loss other.
of light-induced apoptosis of photoreceptor cells Genetic analysis of AP-1 function in transgenic
in retinal degeneration. In contrast to c-fos/ mice revealed that overexpression of c-Fos
fibroblasts, the ability of c-jun-deficient fibro- induces ▶ osteosarcoma formation. Expression
blasts to undergo apoptosis is greatly reduced of transdominant-negative or phosphorylation-
due to the absence of CD95 (Fas/APO)-ligand defective mutants and studies using knockout
induction. Vice versa, c-Jun overexpression mice confirmed an essential contribution of dis-
induced apoptosis in fibroblasts. Reduced tinct AP-1 subunits not only in osteosarcoma for-
CD95-L induction was also observed in cells mation, but also in ▶ skin carcinogenesis,
from mice expressing a c-Jun mutant protein, intestinal tumors, liver tumors, lymphomas, and
which lacks the critical JNK/SAPK phosphoryla- ▶ rhabdomyosarcomas.
tion sites in its transactivation domain (JunAA). These studies demonstrate that JNK-dependent
Reduced apoptosis in response to genotoxic agents phosphorylation of c-Jun as well as RSK-2
314 AP-1

dependent phosphorylation of c-Fos on Ser-362 metastasis that is a major cause of death in cancer
are essential for osteosarcoma formation in mice patients (for in-depth information on this subject
and may also be important for human osteosarco- see Eferl and Wagner (2003)).
mas. Additionally, expression and phosphoryla- Despite the fact that AP-1 has been identified
tion of c-Jun is critically implicated in skin tumor two decades ago, it still maintains a lot of its
formation, whereas c-Fos function is absolutely mystery. Further research on tissue-specific inac-
required for malignant ▶ progression in mouse tivation of AP-1 members and the identification of
models of skin carcinogenesis. Tissue-specific subunit-specific target genes may yield an even
ablation of c-Jun also reduces tumorigenesis in more complex picture of function and regulation
the APC (Min) mouse model of intestinal cancer of AP-1.
and chemically induced ▶ hepatocellular carci-
noma, respectively. During chemically induced
liver tumorigenesis, c-Jun prevents apoptosis by
antagonizing p53 activity and thereby contributes Cross-References
to early-stage hepatocellular cancer development.
In contrast to c-Jun, JunB was identified as a ▶ Angiogenesis
potential tumor suppressor gene, at least in hema- ▶ Apoptosis
topoietic cells, since inactivation of JunB in post- ▶ CD44
natal mice results in a transplantable ▶ Chromatin Remodeling
myeloproliferative disorder eventually ▶ Cyclin D
progressing to blast crisis and resembling early ▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma
human chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). ▶ Invasion
JunB has also been shown to inhibit proliferation ▶ JNK Subfamily
and transformation of B-lymphoid cells and to ▶ Matrix Metalloproteinases
function as a gatekeeper for B-lymphoid leuke- ▶ Metastasis
mia. Surprisingly, p53/c-fos double knockout ▶ Oncogene
mice develop highly proliferative and invasive ▶ Osteopontin
rhabdomyosarcomas suggesting tumor suppres- ▶ Osteosarcoma
sion also by the c-Fos oncogene under specific ▶ p21
conditions. ▶ Progression
Despite a broad knowledge concerning genes, ▶ RAS Genes
which harbor AP-1 binding sites in their regula- ▶ Rhabdomyosarcoma
tory elements, only a few directly regulated AP-1 ▶ Signal Transduction
target genes have been identified, which are ▶ Rhabdomyosarcoma
affected in AP-1 null mice or cells derived thereof ▶ Skin Carcinogenesis
and may critically contribute to cellular transfor- ▶ Stress Response
mation and tumor formation in vivo. In addition to
AP-1 target genes involved in cell proliferation, References
differentiation, and apoptosis, the most well-
characterized AP-1-responsive genes in cancer Eferl R, Wagner EF (2003) AP-1: a double-edged sword in
are those implicated in ▶ signal transduction tumorigenesis. Nat Rev Cancer 3:859–868
Hess J, Angel P, Schorpp-Kistner M (2004) AP-1 subunits:
(e.g., EGFR), ▶ chromatin remodeling (e.g., quarrel and harmony among siblings. J Cell Sci
DMNT1, HDAC3), ▶ invasion (e.g., MMPs, 117:5965–5973
uPA), ▶ metastasis (e.g., ▶ CD44, Shaulian E, Karin M (2002) AP-1 as a regulator of cell life
▶ osteopontin), and ▶ angiogenesis (e.g., and death. Nat Cell Biol 4:E131–E136
Wagner EF (2001) AP-1 reviews. Oncogene
VEGF). Some of these target genes support the 20:2333–2497
notion that AP-1 critically contributes to the Weston CR, Davis RJ (2002) The JNK signal transduction
aggressive spread of malignant tumor cells and pathway. Curr Opin Genet Dev 12:14–21
APAF-1 Signaling 315

See Also intrinsic pathway of apoptosis (such as develop-

(2012) Cellular Transformation Assay. In: Schwab M (ed) mental cues, genomic stress, endoplasmic reticu-
Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
lum stress, cytotoxic damage, ▶ hypoxia, growth A
Heidelberg, p 743. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
5_1020 factor deprivation, and cell detachment) lead to
(2012) G-protein Couple Receptor. In: Schwab M (ed) mitochondria outer membrane permeabilization
Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin (MOMP). As a result of MOMP, cytochrome-c,
Heidelberg, p 1587. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
a component of the mitochondrial respiratory
(2012) MAPK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- chain, present in the intermembrane space, is
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2167. doi: released from mitochondria into the cytosol,
10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3532 where it binds to APAF-1. Upon binding of
(2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
cytochrome-c, in the presence of dATP/ATP,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2747. doi:
10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331 APAF-1 undergoes a conformational change.
(2012) Polyubiquitination. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- This triggers APAF-1 oligomerization into a
dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, heptameric complex named apoptosome. The
p 2957. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4678
APAF-1-cytochrome-c apoptosome is a
wheel–like multiprotein particle with seven
spokes and a central hub that is able to recruit
and activate the initiator caspase-9. In turn,
Apactin (Mouse) caspase-9 activates other effector caspases, such
as caspase-3 and caspase-7, which execute the cell
▶ Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumors 1
death program.

APAF-1 Signaling
APAF-1 Gene Structure and Regulation
Andrea Anichini The APAF1 gene, encoding the APAF-1 protein,
Department of Experimental Oncology, spans about 55 kb of genomic region mapping on
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale per lo chromosomal band 12q22, between the polymor-
Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Milan, Italy phic markers D12S296 and D12S346. Several
allelic variants of the APAF1 gene have been
described. Some of these alleles (such as the
Synonyms E777K, N782T, C450W, and Q465R variants)
have been shown to segregate with major depres-
Apoptotic peptidase activating factor-1; sion (MDD) in families where a significant link-
C.elegans cell death 4 homolog; Cytoplasmic age had been found previously between MDD and
scaffolding apoptotic protease activating factor; markers at 12q22. The intron–exon structure of
KIAA0413 the APAF1 gene comprises 26 introns and
27 exons. The APAF-1 mRNA is ubiquitously
expressed in human adult and fetal tissues and
Definition yields a 130 kDa cytoplasmatic protein. The
APAF1 gene is one of the transcriptional targets
APAF-1 was identified in 1997 as a homolog of of ▶ p53 in DNA damage-induced apoptosis.
C. elegans cell death 4 (CED-4) gene. APAF-1 is a A genomic region upstream of the APAF-1 tran-
cytoplasmatic protein of 1194 aminoacids able to scription start site (at 604 to 570 relative to the
bind cytochrome-c and contributing to caspase-9 transcriptional start site) contains two consensus
activation. APAF-1 protein exists in cells in an palindromic sequences defined as p53-responsive
inactive monomeric form. Signals that activate the elements. Expression of the gene is promoted also
316 APAF-1 Signaling

by UVC irradiation which enhances translation of hub. The N-terminal CARD domains of seven
APAF1 by a cap-independent mechanism facili- APAF-1 molecules contribute to build the central
tated by internal ribosome entry (IRES) elements hub of the apoptosome (the “CARD ring”). The
located in the 50 -UTR of the gene. CARD ring represents the active center of the
apoptosome where interaction with procaspase-9
APAF-1 Protein Structure takes place. At this level, procaspase-9 molecules
The APAF-1 protein belongs to the superfamily of may bind to the apoptosome, by CARD–CARD
AAA+ (AAA+) proteins. AAA+ proteins form interactions with the hub domain. Activation of
large ring-shaped complexes acting as energy- procaspase-9 molecules is then thought to occur
dependent unfoldases of macromolecules. Most by an intermediate step requiring the formation of
AAA+ proteins have a single ATPase domain caspase-9 dimers. The C-terminal regulatory
containing a canonical phosphate-binding regions of each of the seven APAF-1 molecules
(P-loop) domain. In the APAF-1 protein, the in the apoptosome contribute an arm and a Y shape
AAA+ ATPase domain is located between an domain ending with two lobes. Each lobe, made of
N-terminal caspase recruitment domain (CARD) six or seven WD-40 repeats (depending on the
and a C-terminal domain containing several APAF-1 isoform) folds as a b propeller and a
WD-40 repeats. The overall structure of the cytochrome-c molecule binds between the two b
APAF-1 protein is as follows: (i) an N-terminal propellers.
CED-3-like domain (aminoacids 1–89) named
CARD that binds to the CARD domain of Positive and Negative Regulation of
procaspase-9; (ii) a CED-4 homologous domain Apoptosome Function
(aminoacids 94–412) containing a P-loop The apoptosome is subjected to positive and neg-
sequence that binds dATP/ATP and a putative ative regulatory interactions with several mole-
Mg2+-binding site; and (iii) a C-terminal regula- cules. In general, activation or inhibition of
tory domain (aminoacids 412–1,194) containing APAF-1 function may be achieved by mechanisms
12 WD-40 repeats involved in the regulation of that interfere with (i) APAF-1 oligomerization;
APAF-1. APAF-1 has different splice isoforms. (ii) APAF-1 interaction with caspase-9 or
These include APAF-1 L, APAF-1XL, APAF- cytochrome-c; and (iii) caspase-9 activation.
1 M, and APAF-1XS. These alternative APAF-1 Examples of positive regulators are (i) NAC, a
forms differ in the number of WD-40 repeats CARD-containing protein that associates with
(12 or 13) and/or for the presence of additional APAF-1 and promotes the activation of
sequences inserted between the CARD and the procaspase-9 by the apoptosome; (ii) Nucling, a
CED-4 homologous domains. protein that binds the apoptosome promoting its
translocation to the nucleus and the activation of
Assembly and Structure of the Apoptosome apoptosome-associated caspase-9; and (iii)
The inactive form of APAF-1 is thought to form a PHAPI, a protein that promotes caspase-9 associa-
compact monomer containing bound dAT- tion with the apoptosome. Examples of negative
P. According to current models, when regulators of the apoptosome include (i) IAP pro-
cytochrome-c binds to the C-terminal regulatory teins, as ▶ XIAP, that can associate with the
region of APAF-1, it promotes dATP hydrolysis apoptosome and inhibit caspase-9; (ii) heat shock
(dATP ! dADP). Subsequently, nucleotide proteins (HSP) that can bind to cytochrome-c
exchange (dATP for dADP) takes place leading to (as Hsp27) thus preventing its association with
an “active monomer” conformation that is poised APAF-1, or that can bind to APAF-1 (as Hsp70
to apoptosome assembly. Analysis of the and ▶ Hsp90) and prevent caspase-9 activation;
apoptosome structure first at 27 Å and at 12.8 Å (iii) posttranslational modifications of apoptosome
resolution, by electron cryomicroscopy, has con- components, as exemplified by phosphorylation of
firmed that the heptameric complex is a wheel-like caspase-9 at serine 196 (by AKT), at threonine
structure with seven spokes radiating from a central 125 (by ERK), or at serine 144 (by PKC) that
APAF-1 Signaling 317

prevent caspase-9 activation or recruitment to the APAF-1 may be associated with an apoptosis-
apoptosome; and (iv) a caspase-9 splice variant prone phenotype of the neoplastic cells.
(named Casp-9g), retaining only the CARD Inactivation of the APAF1 gene, first shown in A
domain but lacking the catalytic domain, that may human melanoma, provides evidence for a mech-
compete with functional caspase-9 for binding to anism that may prevent the execution of the apo-
the apoptosome. ptotic program in neoplastic cells following
cytotoxic stress. The initial evidence indicated
APAF-1 Expression and Apoptosome that reduced/absent APAF-1 protein expression
Regulation in Cancer was associated with chemoresistance of mela-
Most of the chemotherapeutic drugs used in the noma cells to DNA damaging drugs that mediate
treatment of cancer promote apoptosis by the mito- apoptosis by the p53 pathway. Reduction of
chondrial pathway that leads to cytochrome-c APAF-1 protein can be achieved in neoplastic
release and apoptosome assembly. As resistance cells even by APAF-1 sequestration in discrete
to apoptosis is one of the hallmark of cancer, alter- subcellular domains, not only by reduced protein
ations in APAF-1 expression and apoptosome expression as in melanoma cells. In Burkitt lym-
function have been shown to be common in both phoma cells, APAF-1 has been shown to be asso-
solid tumors and hematological malignancies. Loss ciated with discrete domains of the plasma
of expression of APAF1 gene was initially membrane, instead of being free in the cytosol.
described in advanced ▶ melanoma, by a mecha- Such APAF-1 sequestration prevents apoptosome
nism involving ▶ methylation-induced transcrip- formation in the presence of cytochrome-c and is
tional silencing and ▶ allelic imbalance (loss of associated with resistance to etoposide in Burkitt
heterozygosity). APAF1 promoter methylation lymphoma.
and allelic imbalance have been described even in Altered regulation of apoptosome assembly
tumors other than melanoma. For example, and function is another antiapoptotic strategy acti-
reduced mRNA levels for APAF1 has been shown vated in neoplastic cells. For example, the consti-
in primary acute myeloblastic leukemia cells, due tutively active tyrosine kinase ▶ BCR–ABL of
to ▶ CpG methylation in a region between +87 and chronic myelogenous leukemia has been shown
+128 of the APAF1 gene. Similarly, methylation of to inhibit interaction of caspase-9 with APAF-1.
APAF1 gene has been described in carcinomas of Reduced caspase-9 binding to the apoptosome,
the bladder and in clear cell renal carcinomas. not explained by reduced levels of caspase-9 or
Allelic imbalance for APAF1 gene, associated APAF-1, has been proposed as a chemoresistance
with reduced APAF1 mRNA levels, has been mechanism even in ▶ ovarian cancer. In nonsmall
described in colorectal carcinomas. cell lung cancer, a defect in apoptosome function
Defects of APAF-1 expression may be a has been linked to overexpression of the inhibitor
marker of neoplastic transformation and/or of apoptosis XIAP that binds to the processed
tumor ▶ progression. In human melanoma, form of caspase-9, thus suppressing activation of
expression of APAF-1 protein is lower in neoplas- downstream effector caspases.
tic cells than in melanocytes and decreases with
increasing thickness of the primary tumor as well Apoptosome-Dependent and -Independent
as in the progression from primary lesion to met- Pathways of Apoptosis in Normal and
astatic disease. In ▶ nonsmall cell lung cancer Neoplastic Cells
patients, the subcellular localization of APAF-1 The role of the APAF-1 pathway in apoptosis
has been shown to represent a significant prog- depends on the cell-context and on the specificity
nostic factor. In fact, nuclear localization of of the proapoptotic signal. In some experimental
APAF-1 was associated with 5-year survival models, and in some human tumors, APAF-1
rates of 89% compared to 54% in patients with expression and function has been shown to be
cytoplasmic localization of APAF-1 in the tumor required for apoptosis in response to different
cells. This suggests that nuclear translocation of proapoptotic drugs. For example, in mouse
318 APAF-1 Signaling

embryonic fibroblasts from mice lacking APAF-1 ▶ BCR-ABL1

(APAF-1/ mice), susceptibility to apoptosis ▶ Bladder Cancer
induced by the ▶ proteasome inhibitor ▶ Caspase
bortezomib is inhibited. In human leukemic ▶ Chemotherapy
cells, apoptosis promoted by etoposide requires ▶ Cisplatin
caspase-10 activation, but small interfering ▶ Colorectal Cancer
RNA-mediated downregulation of APAF-1 pre- ▶ CpG Islands
vents etoposide-mediated caspase-10 activation ▶ Hsp90
and inhibits apoptosis. ▶ Hypoxia
On the other hand, thymocytes from ▶ Methylation
APAF1/ mice have normal susceptibility to ▶ Mitochondrial Membrane Permeabilization in
Fas-mediated cell death, indicating that APAF-1 Apoptosis
is dispensable for the execution of apoptosis by ▶ Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
the extrinsic pathway (extrinsic pathway of apo- ▶ p53 Family
ptosis) (i.e., ▶ death receptor-induced apoptosis). ▶ Ovarian Cancer
In addition, thymocytes from mice expressing a ▶ Progression
mutant cytochrome-c unable to bind APAF-1 ▶ Proteasome Inhibitors
have been shown to be susceptible to apoptosis ▶ PUMA
regulated by the intrinsic pathway (and induced ▶ Renal Cancer Clinical Oncology
by stimuli as etoposide, g and UV irradiation). In ▶ Renal Cancer Genetic Syndromes
these cells caspase-9 and caspase-3 could be acti- ▶ TP53
vated after g-irradiation, in spite of the absence of ▶ UV Radiation
APAF-1 oligomerization, indicating the existence ▶ XIAP
of apoptosome-independent, caspase activation
pathways in response to cytotoxic stress.
Apoptosome-independent pathways of cell
death in response to chemotherapeutic drugs Anichini A, Mortarini R, Sensi M et al (2006) APAF-1
exist in neoplastic cells. These pathways may signaling in human melanoma. Cancer Lett
promote apoptosis even when APAF-1 is not 238:168–179
expressed, although APAF-1 expression can Hao Z, Duncan GS, Chang CC et al (2005) Specific abla-
tion of the apoptotic functions of cytochrome c reveals
amplify the cellular response to some drugs. In a differential requirement for cytochrome c and APAF-
melanoma cells, APAF-1 expression has been 1 in apoptosis. Cell 121:579–591
shown to be dispensable for caspase-9 activation Schafer ZT, Kornbluth S (2006) The apoptosome: physio-
and apoptosis promoted by drugs as ▶ cisplatin, logical developmental and pathological modes of reg-
ulation. Dev Cell 10:549–561
camptothecin, betulinic acid, and etoposide. In Shi Y (2006) Mechanical aspects of apoptosome assembly.
agreement with these results, analysis of APAF-1 Curr Opin Cell Biol 18:677–684
expression in a panel of 60 cell lines used for drug Yu X, Acehan D, Menetret JF et al (2005) A structure of the
screening, and including the most frequent solid human apoptosome at 12.8 Å resolution provides
insights into this cell death platform. Structure
tumors and leukemias, has not provided evidence 13:1725–1735
for APAF-1 as a major determinant of drug
See Also
(2012) AKT. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
Cross-References 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 115.
(2012) Allele imbalance. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
▶ Akt Signal Transduction Pathway of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 137.
▶ Apoptosis doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_184
APC Gene in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis 319

(2012) β propeller. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of

cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3005. APC Gene in Familial Adenomatous
(2012) Caspase-9. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Polyposis A
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 678.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_877 Riccardo Fodde
(2012) CARD. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, Department of Pathology, Josephine Nefkens
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 661.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_853 Institute, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The
(2012) CED-3. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, Netherlands
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 720-721.
(2012) CED-4. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 721. Synonyms
(2012) CpG. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, AAPC; Adenomatous polyposis coli; APC;
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 990. Attenuated adenomatous polyposis coli; Familial
(2012) Cytochrome c. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of adenomatous polyposis; Familial polyposis coli;
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1043. FAP; FPC; Gardner syndrome; GS
(2012) Death receptors. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1065.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1539 Definition
(2012) Intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a dom-
delberg, p 1901. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- inant condition predisposing to the development
(2012) IRES. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, of multiple colorectal adenomas (polyps) during
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1912. adolescence. Adenomatous polyps are benign
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3146 tumors that can degenerate into malignant adeno-
(2012) Loss of heterozygosity. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- carcinomas and subsequently into metastases if
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
berg, pp 2075-2076. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- the affected segment of the bowel is not surgically
5_3415 resected (Fig. 1a, b).
(2012) MOMP. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2367.
(2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, Characteristics
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2747.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331 FAP affects on the average 1 in 10,000 individ-
(2012) Renal cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of uals, and, although the polyps represent the
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 3225-
3226. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6575 hallmark of the disease, it might be regarded as
(2012) Ultraviolet radiation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- a condition of the whole body since it is
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p often characterized by a number of extraintestinal
3841. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6102 manifestations involving all three embryonic
(2012) WD repeats. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3945. lineages:
• Tumors of the stomach, duodenum, and biliary
• Osteomas, desmoids (Fig. 2), liver tumors, and
dental abnormalities
APC • Epidermal cysts of the skin, congenital hyper-
trophies of the retinal pigment epithelia
▶ APC Gene in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (CHRPE), and endocrine tumors
320 APC Gene in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

APC Gene in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis, Fig. 1 (a) Macroscopic detail of adenomatous polyps from an FAP
patient; (b) section of an adenomatous polyp; HE staining (Courtesy of Dr. Alex Kartheuser, Brussels, Belgium)

APC Gene in Familial

Adenomatous Polyposis,
Fig. 2 Surgical specimen
of a large abdominal
desmoid tumor resected
from a patient with familial
adenomatous polyposis

Of these tumors, the duodenal polyps and the ranging from cell ▶ adhesion, migration, and sig-
abdominal desmoids occur, respectively, in 44% nal transduction.
and 13% of the FAP patients. Next to ▶ Colorectal APC is nowadays considered as the gene for
Cancer (colon cancer) and eventual metastases, colorectal cancer as somatic APC mutations occur
these tumors represent the most clinically relevant early in the adenoma–carcinoma sequence and are
complication of the disease. found in the vast majority (>85%) of sporadic
The most benign manifestation of FAP, the adenomas and carcinomas. Functional studies
CHRPE in the eye, is found to be consistently have shown that APC plays a critical role in con-
associated in about 80% of the cases even before trolling WNT signal transduction (▶ WNT signal-
the appearance of the polyps in the large bowel, ing) by regulating b-catenin levels in the
thus representing a very useful diagnostic cytoplasm, and this feature is likely to represent
biomarker. APC’s tumor suppressive function. Indeed, colo-
FAP is an autosomal dominant condition with rectal tumors with an intact APC contain onco-
very high penetrance (close to 100%). Germ line genic b-catenin mutations that alter
mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli phosphorylation sites which make the protein
(APC) gene are responsible for FAP. APC resistant against proteolytic degradation. The
encodes for a large (312 kD) and multifunctional WNT signal transduction pathway plays a critical
protein involved in several biological processes role in a broad range of biological processes such
APC/b-Catenin Pathway 321

as differentiation, cell polarity, and the specifica- ▶ Desmoid Tumor

tion of cell fate (for a schematic representation of ▶ Wnt Signaling
the WNT pathway see http://www.ana.ed.ac.uk/ A
rnusse/pathways/pathway.html). In the absence of
the WNT stimulus, a multi-protein complex com-
posed of GSK3, Axin, Conductin, and APC ear- Bussey HJR (1975) Familial polyposis coli. The John
marks b-catenin for proteolytic degradation. In the Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
presence of the secreted WNT glycoproteins, these Fodde R, Khan P (1995) Genotype–phenotype correlations
interact with the frizzled receptors thereby at the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene. Crit
Rev Oncog 6:291–303
inhibiting the formation of the above complex and Polakis P (1995) Mutations in the APC gene and their
b-catenin degradation. Accumulation of b-catenin implications for protein structure and function. Curr
in the cytoplasm results in its translocation to the Opin Genet Dev 5:66–71
nucleus where it complexes with TCF transcription Polakis P (1997) The adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumor
suppressor. Biochim Biophys Acta 1332:F127–F147
factors thereby activating downstream target genes. Talbot IC (1994) Pathology. In: Robin ADS, Phillips KS,
Hence, loss of APC in mammalian cells or onco- Thomson JPS (eds) Familial polyposis and other
genic activation of b-catenin leads to constitutive polyposis syndromes. Edward Arnold, London/Bos-
signaling and cell transformation due to ton/Melbourne/Auckland, pp 15–25
uncontrolled activation of downstream target genes.
A large number of disease-causing mutations See Also
(2012) CHRPE. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
in individuals affected by FAP have been charac- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 856.
terized. The vast majority of APC mutations iden- doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1162
tified to date are clustered within the 50 half of the (2012) Osteoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
gene (upstream of codon 1600) and are predicted cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2663. doi:
to result in the truncation of the corresponding (2012) Penetrance. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
protein products. cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2806.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4437
Genotype–Phenotype Correlations (2012) Wnt. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3953.
The identification of a large number of mutations, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6255
together with the availability of the corresponding
clinical data, offers a unique opportunity to estab-
lish genotype–phenotype correlations at the APC
gene. Mutations located close to the 50 end of the
APC/b-Catenin Pathway
APC gene result in a generally mild and variable
Pat J. Morin
FAP phenotype, the so-called attenuated adeno-
Laboratory of Molecular Biology and
matous polyposis coli (AAPC), characterized by a
Immunology, National Institute on Aging,
variable and reduced polyp multiplicity and a
Baltimore, MD, USA
delayed age of onset. Mutations beyond APC
Department of Pathology, Oncology and
codon 1600 are rare and are also often associated
Gynecology and Obstetrics, Johns Hopkins
with attenuated phenotypes. Consistent correla-
Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, USA
tions between germ line mutations at the APC
American Association for Cancer Research,
gene and FAP extraintestinal manifestations such
Philadelphia, PA, USA
as ▶ desmoid tumors, CHRPEs, and osteomas
have also been reported.
The terms Wnt pathway and APC/b-catenin path-
▶ Adhesion way have been used interchangeably. Because
▶ Colorectal Cancer some Wnt proteins have b-catenin-independent
322 APC/b-Catenin Pathway


Armadillo repeat domain

β-catenin MT
β-catenin binding hdlg
TX Armadillo repeat domain binding and
binding binding
down regulation

β-catenin HMG

APC/b-Catenin Pathway, Fig. 1 Schematic representa- and the microtubule-binding region. Also shown are the
tion of the b-catenin, APC, and TCF proteins. (a) b-catenin binding domains for EB1 and the human discs large pro-
protein, showing the transcriptional activation domains, tein. (c) A simplified representation of the TCF family of
armadillo repeats, and the N-terminal GSK-3-b phosphor- proteins showing the b-catenin-binding site, as well as the
ylation domain (GSK). (b) APC, showing armadillo DNA-binding HMG domain
repeats, b-catenin binding, and downregulation domains

effects, and since b-catenin can be affected by properties of b-catenin reflect its ability to interact
upstream pathways other than Wnt, the term with ▶ E-cadherin at the cellular membrane, and
APC/b-catenin is used here. the alteration of this important cellular function
has been associated with an increased invasion
potential of cancer cells. In addition to this impor-
Definition tant role, b-catenin is also found in a cytoplasmic/
nuclear pool and is believed to act as a signal
The APC/b-catenin pathway is a signal transduc- transduction molecule. Cytoplasmic/nuclear
tion pathway important in development and b-catenin (sometimes called free b-catenin) can
tumorigenesis. Signaling by this pathway is associate with the T cell factor (TCF) family of
defined as the stabilization of b-catenin and tran- transcription factors and activate transcription of
scriptional activation of several target genes. specific genes. The TCFs provide the
DNA-binding domain, while b-catenin contains
the transcriptional activation domain (Fig. 1).
Characteristics Transcriptional target genes of the pathway
include c-Myc (MYC family), ▶ Cyclin D1, and
b-Catenin is a multifunctional protein with roles MMP-7. APC/b-catenin signaling is regulated
in adhesion and signal transduction. The adhesion mainly through degradation of b-catenin at the
APC/b-Catenin Pathway 323

APC/b-Catenin Pathway, β-catenin

Fig. 2 APC/b-catenin
signaling pathway. In the
absence of signaling,
b-catenin is targeted by the
APC complex for
proteasome degradation.
When stabilized, b-catenin Axin
interacts with TCF to
activate transcription of
genes such as c-Myc and TCF
Cyclin D1. See text for APC
Oncogenic P
signal P
MYC Cyclin
D1 Proteasome


protein level (see below). This regulation is com- and Axin, but the consequences of these phos-
plex, and inappropriate activation of the pathway phorylation events are unclear. It appears that
can facilitate the development of several malig- Axin increases the ability of GSK3b to phosphor-
nancies in humans and in animal models. ylate b-catenin, since GSK3b phosphorylation of
The pathway is highly conserved through evo- b-catenin is inefficient in vitro. APC has been
lution, and the Drosophila melanogaster homolog suggested to act as a scaffold for these phosphor-
of b-catenin, armadillo, interacts with Drosophila ylation events. APC, a protein believed to be
TCF (Pangolin) to activate genes important for exclusively cytoplasmic, was shown to be present
cellular fate determination during fruit fly embry- in the nucleus. In addition, APC contains a
onic development. Studies of the wingless path- nuclear export signal (NES) and may be involved
way in Drosophila and Xenopus have been in shuttling b-catenin from the nucleus to the
instrumental in unraveling the regulation of this cytoplasmic degradation complex. The regulation
pathway in normal and cancer cells. of the complex and the roles of the different pro-
teins within the complex are incompletely under-
Regulation stood. The multifaceted regulation of b-catenin
Normally, in differentiated cells, b-catenin protein likely reflects the importance of the pathway in
is constantly degraded through the ubiquitin- development and in tumorigenesis.
▶ proteasome pathway. b-catenin is earmarked
for degradation through phosphorylation of spe- Clinical Relevance
cific residues at its N-terminus by GSK3b. The The APC/b-catenin pathway is deregulated in
ubiquitin ligase b-TRCP can bind phosphorylated several common human cancers. APC mutations
b-catenin, which is then polyubiquitinated are the cause of FAP (▶ APC gene in familial
(▶ ubiquitination). This effectively targets adenomatous polyposis), a familial colon cancer
b-catenin for proteasome degradation. The phos- predisposition syndrome. Genetic testing of FAP
phorylation and ubiquitination of b-catenin is reg- families allows the identification of individuals at
ulated by a large complex of proteins that include risk of colon cancer and the establishment of
GSK3b, Axin, and APC (Fig. 2). In addition to its appropriate management options. In addition,
action on b-catenin, GSK3b phosphorylates APC APC mutations are found in 80% of all sporadic
324 API3

cases of colon cancer. Mutations of APC lead to a

lack of regulation of the b-catenin protein and API4
inappropriate activation of the downstream
genes. Interestingly, in sporadic colon tumors ▶ Survivin
without APC mutations, b-catenin itself is fre-
quently mutated. The mutations typically affect
GSK3b phosphorylation sites in the N-terminus
of b-catenin, leading to a protein resistant to phos-
phorylation and subsequent degradation. While Apico-Basal Polarity
mutations in APC are not frequently observed in
cancers other than colon, mutations in b-catenin Isabelle Gross
have been reported in several human malignan- INSERM U1113, Université de Strasbourg,
cies such as melanoma, colon cancer, prostate Strasbourg, France
cancer, and skin cancer. Axin, another member
of the pathway, is also found mutated in liver
cancer. Cellular consequences of the activation Definition
of the APC/b-catenin pathway are unclear, but
several lines of evidence suggest that the pathway Apicobasal polarity refers to the asymmetric orga-
is important for the maintenance of stem cell nization of the cell surface, intracellular organ-
characteristics, including longevity. In any event, elles, and the cytoskeleton. The apical region of
it is clear that many human malignancies gain a epithelial cells is defined as the area lying
selective advantage through activation of this above the tight junctions and contains the apical
pathway. Selective inhibition of b-catenin activa- membrane that faces the lumen or the outer sur-
tion may represent a useful therapeutic strategy face. The basolateral region is the side that is
for a large number of cancers. below the tight junctions and contains the
basolateral membrane that is in contact with the
basal lamina.

Aberle H, Bauer A, Stappert J et al (1997) b-Catenin is a

target for the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. EMBO
J 16:3797–3804
Morin PJ (1999) b-Catenin signaling and cancer. aPM1
Bioessays 21:1021–1030
Morin PJ, Sparks AB, Korinek V et al (1997) Activation of ▶ Adiponectin
b-catenin-Tcf signaling in colon cancer by mutations in
b-catenin or APC. Science 275:1787–1790
Orford K, Crockett C, Jensen JP et al (1997) Serine
phosphorylation-regulated ubiquitination and
degradation of b-catenin. J Biol Chem
272:24735–24738 APO2 Ligand
Peifer M, Polakis P (2000) Wnt signaling in oncogenesis
and embryogenesis – a look outside the nucleus. Sci-
ence 287:1606–1609 ▶ TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand


▶ XIAP ▶ TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand

Apoptosis 325

electrophoresis of the isolated DNA on an agarose

Apolipoprotein J (APO-J) gel, which yields a ladder of DNA fragments with
a unit size of 180 bp. A
▶ Clusterin
Cellular Regulation
Apoptosis is mediated by a family of proteases
called ▶ caspases that are activated by processing
Apoptosis from its inactive precursor (zymogen). Thirteen
members of the human caspase family have been
Shigekazu Nagata identified. Some of the family members are
Osaka University Medical School, Osaka, Japan involved in apoptosis, and these can be divided
into two subgroups. The first group consists of
caspase 8, caspase 9, and caspase 10, which con-
Synonyms tain a long prodomain at the N-terminus and func-
tion as initiators of the cell death process. The
Active Cell Death; Programmed Cell Death second group contains caspase 3, caspase 6, and
caspase 7, which have a short prodomain and
work as effectors, cleaving various death sub-
Definition strates that ultimately cause the morphological
and biochemical changes seen in apoptotic cells.
Apoptosis is a T cell death process that occurs The other effector molecule in apoptosis is Apaf-1
during development and aging of animals and (apoptotic protease activating factor), which,
humans. It is also induced by cytotoxic lympho- together with cytochrome C, recruits procaspase
cytes (CTL), anticancer drugs, g- or UV-radiation, 9 in an ATP (or dATP)-dependent manner and
a group of ▶ cytokines called death factors, and stimulates the processing of procaspase 9 to the
deprivation of survival factors. mature enzyme.
The other regulators of apoptosis are the
▶ BCL-2 family members. Eighteen members
Characteristics have been identified for the Bcl-2 family and
divided into three subgroups based on their struc-
Apoptosis was initially characterized by morpho- ture. Members of the first subgroup, represented
logical changes of dying cells. During apoptosis by Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, have an antiapoptotic func-
cells shrink, and microvilli on the plasma mem- tion. Members of the second subgroup,
brane disappear. The nucleus is also condensed represented by Bax and Bak (BAK1), as well as
and fragmented. At the final stage of apoptosis, members of the third subgroup such as ▶ Bid and
the cells themselves are fragmented with all cel- Bad, are proapoptotic molecules.
lular contents inside. One of the biochemical hall- The signal transduction pathway for a death
marks of apoptosis is the fragmentation of factor (Fas ligand)-induced apoptosis has been
chromosomal DNA into nucleosome size units well elucidated. Binding of Fas ligand to its recep-
(180 bp). tor results in the formation of a complex (disc,
Apoptotic cells can be recognized by staining death-inducing signaling complex) consisting of
of the condensed nuclei with fluorescence dyes FAS/APO-A/CD95, FADD, and procaspase
Hoechst or DAPI. Apoptotic cells expose 8. Procaspase 8 is processed to an active enzyme
phosphatidyl-serine to the cell surface, which at the disc. There are two pathways downstream
can be stained with fluorescently labeled annexin of caspase 8. In some cells, such as thymocytes
V. The fragmented DNA can be detected by and fibroblasts, caspase 8 directly activates 3. In
TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase- type II cells such as hepatocytes, caspase 8 cleaves
mediated UTP end labeling) procedure or by Bid, a member of the Bcl-2 family. The truncated
326 Apoptosis

Death factors

Growth factors
Fas ligand


Death domain
Caspase 8 Mitochondria P
A protease
Bad 14-3-3

Cytochrome C
Caspase 3

Proteolysis of death Caspase

Cas as 9 p53



Degradation of chromosomal DNA γ-radiation, anti-cancer drugs

Apoptosis, Fig. 1 Signal transduction for apoptosis. mechanism of which is not well understood. The cyto-
Inducers of apoptosis are categorized into three groups chrome C then activates caspase 9 together with Apaf-1
(death factors, genotoxic anticancer drugs, and factor dep- and caspase 9 in turn activates caspase 3. The genotoxic
rivation). Fas ligand, a representative of death factors, anticancer drugs such as etoposide and g-radiation gener-
binds to Fas receptor and causes its trimerization. The ate damage in chromosomal DNA. The signal seems to be
trimerized death domain in the Fas cytoplasmic region transferred to mitochondria in a p53-dependent manner by
recruits pro-caspase 8 through a FADD/MORT1 adaptor as yet an identified mechanism. This releases cytochrome
and forms a DISC. The procaspase 8 is autoactivated at C from mitochondria and activates caspase 9 as described
DISC and becomes a mature active enzyme. Two routes above. The apoptosis induced by factor-deprivation is best
have been identified to activate caspase 3 by caspase 8. In studied with IL-3-dependent myeloid cell lines. In the
one route, caspase 8 directly processes procaspase 3 in the presence of IL-3, the signal from the IL-3 receptor causes
downstream and caspase 3 cleaves various cellular proteins phosphorylation of Bad, a proapoptotic member of the
including ICAD. CAD is released from ICAD and Bcl-2 family. The phosphorylated Bad is trapped by an
degrades chromosomal DNA. In another route, caspase adaptor called 14–3–3. In the absence of IL-3,
8 cleaves Bid, a proapoptotic member of Bcl-2, which nonphosphorylated Bad is released from 14–3–3 and trans-
translocates to mitochondria to release cytochrome C into locates to mitochondria to release cytochrome C to activate
the cytosol. Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL, antiapoptotic members of the caspase 9
Bcl-2 family, inhibits the release of cytochrome C, the

Bid then translocates to mitochondria and stimu- during apoptosis induced by these stimuli, the
lates the release of cytochrome c, which activates molecular mechanism that triggers the release of
caspase 9 together with Apaf-1. The activated cytochrome C from mitochondria is not known
caspase 9 causes processing of procaspase 3 to (Fig. 1).
the mature enzyme. In addition to the death fac- Caspase 3 activated downstream of the caspase
tors, anticancer drugs, g-irradiation or factor- cascade activates a specific DNase (CAD,
depletion induce apoptotic cell death. Although caspase-activated DNase). CAD is complexed
cytochrome C is released from mitochondria with its inhibitor, ICAD (inhibitor of CAD), in
Apoptosis 327

Apoptosis, Table 1 The apoptosis factory of apoptosis-inhibitory molecule such as Bcl-2,

Apoptosis causes cellular hyperplasia. In some cases it
job leads to tumorigenesis, as evident in B-cell lym- A
Worker Synonym Pro Anti Chromosome phomas, which over-express Bcl-2 due to the
Fas CD95 + 10q24 translocation of the Bcl-2 gene to the immuno-
Apo-1 globulin gene locus. Some multiple myeloma and
FADD MORT-1 + 11q13 non-Hodgkin lymphoma carry loss-of-function
Granzyme GZMB + 14q11 mutations in the Fas gene. Somatic mutation in
the Fas gene can also be found in patients of
Apaf-1 CED4 + 12q23
autoimmune diseases called Canale-Smith syn-
Casp 2 ICH1 + 7q35
drome or autoimmune lymphoproliferative syn-
Casp 3 CPP32 + drome (ALPS).
Yama 4q33 Exaggeration of apoptosis causes tissue dam-
Apopain age. For example, administration of Fas ligand,
Casp 4 TX + exposure to g-irradiation, or treatment with a high
ICH-2 11q22 dose of glucocorticoid kill test animals by causing
ICE-rel-II massive apoptosis in the liver or thymus. Hepati-
Casp 6 MCH2 + 4q25 tis, insulitis, graft-versus-host disease, and aller-
Casp 7 MCH3 + 10q25 gic encephalitis are due to the excessive apoptosis
ICE- by Fas ligand expressed on CTL. Apoptotic cells
LAP3 are detected in the brain of ischemia or Alzheimer
Casp 8 MACH + 2q33
patients, suggesting that apoptosis is at least in
part responsible for the disease manifestation in
these patients.
Casp 9 APAF3 + 1p36.3–p36.1
A proper dose of anticancer drugs or
g-irradiation can kill cancer cells by activating
LAP6 the apoptotic death program in the target cells.
Casp 10 MCH4 + 2q33 Some cancer cells are resistant to these drugs by
CAD DFF40 + 1p36.3 an unknown mechanism. It is hoped that elucida-
Bak + 6p21 tion of the molecular mechanism of apoptosis
Bax + 19q13 leads to development of an efficient cancer ther-
Bcl-2 + 18q21 apy (Table 1).
Bid + 22q11
Bik + 22q13.3
XIAP + Xq25
UBL1 SUMO-1 + 2q32
▶ Bcl2
▶ Bid
▶ Caspase
proliferating cells. When caspase 3 is activated in ▶ Cytokine
apoptotic cells, it cleaves ICAD to release CAD. ▶ Orphan Nuclear Receptors
CAD then causes DNA fragmentation in the
Clinical Relevance
Nagata S (1997) Apoptosis by death factor. Cell
Blocking of apoptosis by loss-of-function muta- 88:355–365
tions of apoptosis-inducing molecules such as Nagata S, Golstein P (1995) The Fas death factor. Science
Fas, Fas ligand, and caspases, or overexpression 267:1449–1456
328 Apoptosis Induction for Cancer Therapy

Raff M (1998) Cell suicide for beginners. Nature removal of superfluous, damaged, or dangerously
396:119–122 altered cells without causing collateral damage.
Vaux DL, Korsmeyer SJ (1999) Cell death in development.
Cell 96:245–254 Imbalances in apoptosis have been implicated in
a variety of pathological conditions, including
See Also cancer. Tumor cells typically have an elevated
(2012) APAF-1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- threshold for endogenous pro-apoptotic signals,
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 231. which can lead to a dangerously extended cellular
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_344 life span and progressively malignant behavior.
(2012) Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome. In:
Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Conventional cancer treatment, such as ▶ chemo-
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 312. doi: 10.1007/978- therapy and/or ▶ ionizing radiation therapy, over-
3-642-16483-5_475 comes apoptosis resistance by inducing extensive
(2012) BAD. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, and indiscriminate damage in all rapidly dividing
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 337–338.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_519 cell types, including many normal cell types. Con-
(2012) BAK1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, sequently, the therapeutic efficacy of conventional
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 338. cancer therapeutics is usually limited by their
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_522 severe side effects. Therefore, cancer researchers
(2012) BAX. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 350. have focused on the design of new strategies that
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_543 more selectively tip the balance of cellular fate of
(2012) FAS. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, cancer cells toward apoptosis while sparing nor-
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1379. mal cells.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2121
(2012) TUNEL. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3816.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6064 Characteristics

In every cell, a variety of pro- and anti-apoptotic

receptors and signaling molecules are involved in
a continuous decision-making process on whether
Apoptosis Induction for Cancer it is safe to live or better to die by apoptosis. The
Therapy decision to activate apoptosis can originate from
within the cell itself and, alternatively, from sur-
Edwin Bremer1 and Wijnand Helfrich2 rounding tissue or immune effector cells. In the
Department of Pathology and Laboratory course of malignant progression, cancer cells
Medicine, Section Medical Biology, Laboratory evolve mechanisms to evade the activation of
for Tumor Immunology, University Medical apoptosis, most notably by acquiring cancer-
Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands specific intracellular aberrancies in the apoptotic
Groningen University Institute for Drug machinery. Many of these aberrancies have been
Exploration (GUIDE), University Medical Center identified and as such have become promising
Groningen, Department of Pathology and targets for cancer-selective therapy. Indeed, the
Laboratory Medicine, Section Medical Biology, design of targeted agents that selectively induce
Laboratory for Tumor Immunology, University apoptosis in cancer cells is a rapidly moving field
Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The which has yielded novel promising anticancer
Netherlands strategies. Roughly spoken, these strategies can
be divided in (i) those aimed at (re)activation of
intracellular pro-apoptotic systems, (ii) those
Definition aimed at inhibition of intracellular anti-apoptotic
systems, and (iii) those aimed at selective delivery
▶ Apoptosis is a highly coordinated homeostasis of additional external pro-apoptotic stimuli to can-
mechanism that ensures the timely and safe cer cells.
Apoptosis Induction for Cancer Therapy 329

Reactivation of Intracellular Pro-apoptotic an integral checkpoint during apoptosis that by

Systems inhibition of key proteases, the so-called caspases,
One of the most commonly found aberrancies in can block the execution of apoptosis. Of particular A
cancer cells is the inactivation of the tumor sup- interest is XIAP (X-linked IAP), which has been
pressor protein p53. P53 is a transcription factor shown to directly inhibit various pivotal caspases.
central to many of the cell’s anticancer mecha- Intriguingly, this direct caspase inhibitory activity
nisms. When needed, p53 can induce growth appears to be a unique feature of XIAP that is not
arrest, senescence, and apoptosis in order to main- shared by the other IAPs.
tain genetic integrity. In normal cells, p53 is A group of polyphenylurea compounds selec-
maintained quiescent by the protein HDM-2, tively inhibit XIAP. These compounds release the
which binds to p53, inhibits its action, and pro- blockade of XIAP on effector caspases, resulting
motes degradation of p53 by the ▶ proteasome. in potent and selective apoptosis induction, while
However, upon intracellular stress, e.g., resulting normal cells appear to be resistant. In experimen-
from UV radiation or drugs that induce ▶ DNA tal animal models, these XIAP inhibitors strongly
damage, p53 is rapidly activated by phosphoryla- retarded the growth of human tumors, providing
tion at sites within the HDM-2-binding region. As an intriguing insight in the apoptosis-prone nature
a result, HDM-2 dissociates and p53 activates the of cancer cells. Apparently, relieving the XIAP
cellular response to stress, which in most cases is anti-apoptotic brake is sufficient to reveal an
the activation of cell death by apoptosis. The intrinsically higher sensitivity of cancer cells to
importance of p53 is evidenced by the fact that apoptosis than normal cells.
p53 is inactivated in over 50% of human tumors.
Furthermore, tumors that do express a functional Selective Delivery of Additional External
p53 often overexpress HDM-2. Pro-apoptotic Stimuli
These notions have led to the rational design of Highly specialized immune effector cells possess
drugs that aim to reactivate the functionality of a variety of mechanisms to eliminate cancerous
p53 in cancer cells. Research focused on p53 cells, including the targeted induction of apopto-
reactivation is twofold. One aim is to reactivate sis. However, due to the complexity of the
mutant p53, and the second aim is to release the immune system, direct therapeutic manipulation
HDM-2-mediated block on functional p53. An for cancer therapy has proven to be difficult. Nev-
interesting example of the first strategy is the ertheless, several of the pro-apoptotic effector
compound called PRIMA-1, which stands for molecules of these immune cells have a promising
p53-dependent reactivation and induction of mas- therapeutic potential in their own right.
sive apoptosis-1. PRIMA-1 selectively restores ▶ TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand
activity of mutant p53 and thereby potently acti- (TRAIL) is normally expressed on immune effec-
vates apoptosis. An interesting example of the tor cells as a transmembrane protein. TRAIL can
second strategy is the compound called RITA, also be cleaved from the cell surface, yielding a
which stands for reactivation of p53 and induction functional soluble derivative (sTRAIL) that
of tumor cell apoptosis. RITA inhibits the retains pro-apoptotic activity. Several recombi-
HDM-2/p53 interaction by binding to p53, nant forms of sTRAIL have been generated, all
which also leads to potent p53-mediated apoptosis displaying promising therapeutic activity toward
induction, without significant toxicity toward nor- malignant cell types, with minimal activity toward
mal cells. normal cells.
The tumor-selective binding of sTRAIL, as
Inhibition of Intracellular Anti-apoptotic well as its family member sFasL (Fas ligand),
Systems can be strongly enhanced by genetic fusion to a
Many cancer cell types are characterized by tumor-selective antibody fragment. Binding of
upregulation of members of the so-called inhibitor such fusion proteins to cell surface-expressed tar-
of apoptosis protein (IAP) family. IAPs represent get antigens converts the soluble death ligands
330 Apoptosis Induction for Cancer Therapy

into membrane-bound molecules capable of Cross-References

cross-linking agonistic death receptors in an auto-
crine and paracrine manner. In this way also, ▶ Apoptosis
neighboring tumor cells devoid of target antigen ▶ Chemotherapy
can be effectively eliminated by the so-called ▶ DNA Damage
bystander effect. This bystander effect solely ▶ Ionizing Radiation Therapy
depends on accretion of fusion proteins to the ▶ Proteasome
cell surface of targeted cells and does not require ▶ TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand
further cellular processing other than intact death
receptor signaling pathways. Proof of principle
for this approach has been obtained for sTRAIL
and sFasL in both solid tumors and leukemia with Bremer E, van Dam G, Kroesen BJ BJ et al (2006) Targeted
no or minimal activity toward normal cells. induction of apoptosis for cancer therapy: current pro-
gress and prospects. Trends Mol Med 12:382–393
Perspectives for Selectively Tipping Bykov V, Issaeva N, Shilov A et al (2002) Restoration of
the tumor suppressor function to mutant p53 by a
the Apoptotic Balance in Cancer low-molecular-weight compound. Nat Med 8:282–288
The future direction in cancer therapy strongly Issaeva N, Bozko P, Enge M et al (2004) Small molecule
points to the selective induction of apoptosis in RITA binds to p53, blocks p53-HDM-2 interaction and
cancer cells by targeting cancer cell-specific aber- activates p53 function in tumors. Nat Med
rancies in the apoptotic machinery. However, an Schimmer AD, Welsh K, Pinilla C et al (2004) Small-
important question that remains to be fully molecule antagonists of apoptosis suppressor XIAP
addressed is how “selective” cancer cell-selective exhibit broad antitumor activity. Cancer Cell 5:25–35
apoptosis induction is and ultimately can be. In Wajant H, Gerspach J, Pfizenmaier K (2005) Tumor ther-
apeutics by design: targeting and activation of death
particular, since apoptosis is a pivotal process in receptors. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 16:55–76
both normal and cancer cells, it remains to be
determined whether specific induction of See Also
apoptosis in cancer cells is feasible without caus- (2012) Fas Ligand. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
ing harm to normal cells. Single-agent therapy is Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1380.
likely to be not selective and/or effective doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2126
(2012) Growth Arrest. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
enough and combinatorial strategies will be Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1607.
required. The most promising combinations of doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2519
anticancer drugs will be those that work along (2012) Homeostasis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
different or complementary apoptotic signaling Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1723.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2789
routes with nonoverlapping toxicities toward nor- (2012) Inhibitor of Apoptosis Family. In: Schwab M (ed)
mal cells. Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
Such rationally designed combinatorial strate- delberg, p 1864. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3052
gies will only be feasible when specific cancer- (2012) Malignant Progression. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp
related aberrancies can be rapidly diagnosed in 2149-2150. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3517
individual patients. Therefore, development of (2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
reliable, cost-effective, and high-throughput diag- 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2747.
nostic tools will have to be pursued for each of the doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331
(2012) Phosphorylation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
cancer-selective strategies to be successful. Taken of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2870.
together, as more and more cancer-selective strat- doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4544
egies designed to target the molecular aberrations (2012) Senescence. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
in apoptosis regulation in cancer cells are being Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3370.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5236
developed, the application of tumor-selective apo- (2012) Tumor Suppressor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
ptosis induction in a clinical setting is slowly dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
turning into reality. p 3803. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6056
Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms 331

disease. New treatment options are directed at

Apoptosis Inhibitor 4 definitive treatment of the peritoneal surface com-
ponent of this disease which will cause death from A
▶ Survivin intestinal dysfunction unless properly managed.

Apoptosis Regulator Bcl2
Epithelial Appendiceal Neoplasms
▶ Bcl2 Table 1 summarizes the unique characteristics of
these tumors and contrasts them with colorectal
cancer. Appendiceal neoplasms show varying
amounts of invasiveness. About 75% are nonin-
Apoptotic Peptidase Activating vasive and grow slowly, allowing patients to sur-
Factor-1 vive a decade or longer even without specialized
treatments. However, some appendiceal tumors
▶ APAF-1 Signaling are very invasive, progress rapidly, and can
cause death 1–2 years after the initial diagnosis.
Nearly all patients with these tumors have peri-
toneal dissemination at the time of diagnosis, a
Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms notable contrast with ▶ colorectal cancer, in
which only about 15% of patients present with
Paul H. Sugarbaker ▶ carcinomatosis. Progression is usually confined
Washington Cancer Institute, Washington to the peritoneal space, and most patients with
Hospital Center, Washington, DC, USA minimally invasive tumors die from loss of intes-
tinal function as the mucinous tumors expand
within the abdomen and pelvis.
Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms,
Adenomucinosis; Appendiceal mucinous tumor Table 1 Contrasting features of appendiceal neoplasms
of uncertain malignant potential; Borderline and colorectal cancer
appendiceal mucinous tumor; Colloid carcinoma; Appendiceal
Cystadenocarcinoma; Low grade appendiceal epithelial Colorectal
neoplasm cancer
mucinous neoplasm (LAMN); Mucinous
Incidence (cases per 1,500 150,000
cystadenocarcinoma; Mucocele of the appendix;
year in USA)
Peritoneal mucinous carcinoma; Pseudomyxoma Mucinous histology 85% 15%
peritonei Aggressiveness 10% 95%
Lymph-node 2% 50%
Definition metastases at initial
Liver metastases at 2% 20%
Appendiceal epithelial neoplasms include a
initial diagnosis
broad spectrum of tumors that vary greatly in 5-year survival with 30% 70%
their biological aggressiveness. Usually, they pro- traditional surgical
duce copious mucus as do normal appendiceal treatment
epithelial cells. The tumors usually rupture the 10-year survival with 60% NA
wall of the appendix prior to diagnosis causing combined treatment
widespread peritoneal dissemination of the NA not available
332 Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms

Most patients with appendiceal neoplasms

have no lymphatic or hematogenous ▶ metasta-
ses; 2% of patients have ▶ metastases in the
lymph nodes and 2% in the liver; thus extensive
local-regional treatments can eliminate the dis-
ease. Surgical management of the primary tumor
is usually appendicectomy or caecectomy, and an
appendiceal lymph-node dissection is needed to
rule out regional lymph-node metastases.
Appendiceal mucinous neoplasms spare the
small bowel, which qualifies them for aggressive
local-regional treatment. Even though large vol-
umes of mucinous neoplasm are sometimes
located within the greater and lesser omentum,
the space between the liver and the diaphragm,
and within the pelvis, the small bowel is usually
free of disease. Carmignani and colleagues
reported that the constant peristaltic activity of
the small bowel prevents neoplastic cells from
adhering to its surfaces or to the small-bowel
mesentery, except to the part of the jejunum that Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms, Fig. 1 Distal por-
is adjacent to the ligament of Treitz and the termi- tion of appendix has ruptured from the pressure of mucin
nal ileum or ileocecal-valve area, which is teth- accumulation within mucocele
ered by a short mesentery to the retroperitoneum.
Before surgery confirms the diagnosis, patients high propensity for spread to peritoneal surfaces,
with intestinal type adenocarcinoma (non-mucin- but almost never metastasize through lymphatic
ous cancer) of the appendix are usually diagnosed channels into lymph nodes or through venules
with appendicitis, a right lower quadrant abscess, into the liver. After the tumor ruptures the wall
or a tumor mass. In contrast, mucinous of the appendix (Fig. 1), it can be referred to as
appendiceal adenocarcinomas usually have devel- adenomucinosis. The adenomucinosis can pro-
oped a free perforation before diagnosis, causing gress for months or even years within the abdo-
the tumor to spread to the ovary or to present as men and pelvis without causing any symptoms.
peritoneal carcinomatosis within a hernia sac. An As the disease progresses, the peritoneal cavity
aggressive mucinous adenocarcinoma can invade becomes filled in a characteristic pattern with
the retroperitoneum and appear as a mucus accu- mucinous neoplasm and mucinous ▶ ascites.
mulation in the buttock or thigh. Also, the tumor The greater omentum is thickened (omental
could invade the abdominal wall with an cake) and infiltrated extensively by the tumor
enterocutaneous fistula or the bladder with an (Fig. 2). All parts of the abdomen that entrap
enterovesical fistula. The right ureter can also be malignant cells also contain tumor, including the
invaded by a mucus-containing tumor. If symp- undersurface of the right and left
toms other than increasing abdominal girth or hemidiaphragms, the right subhepatic space, the
appendicitis arise, the tumor is probably splenic hilus, the right and left abdominal gutters,
aggressive. and the pelvis and cul-de-sac. An important clin-
ical feature of ▶ pseudomyxoma peritonei is that
Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Syndrome tumors spare the mobile portions of the small
These less aggressive mucinous appendiceal epi- bowel, and the involved parietal and visceral peri-
thelial neoplasms constitute a large proportion of toneal surfaces can thus be removed by
the cases of appendiceal neoplasms. They have a peritonectomy (Fig. 3).
Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms 333

The symptoms and signs of ▶ pseudomyxoma peritonei syndrome is a gradually increasing

peritonei differ greatly from those of appendiceal abdominal girth as a result of progression of
adenocarcinoma. The most common symptom in adenomucinosis. Women often develop an ovar- A
both men and women with pseudomyxoma ian mass, usually on the right side, which is com-
monly diagnosed at a routine gynecological
examination, and men can have new-onset hernia
as the next most frequent symptom. The hernia
sac is filled by mucin, a mucinous tumor, or both.
The third most common presenting feature is
appendicitis, a clinical manifestation of a ruptured
appendiceal mucocele with local inflammation.
Pseudomyxoma peritonei syndrome can also
develop months or even years after planned laparo-
scopic appendicectomy, if a mucocele is found and
ruptures during the procedure. Table 2 shows the
symptoms and signs of pseudomyxoma peritonei
syndrome as reported by Esquivel and Sugarbaker.
When a patient presents with increasing
abdominal girth as a result of presumed malignant
ascites, diagnosis is usually established with a
paracentesis or laparoscopy and biopsy. In many
women with this disease, an ovarian tumor will be
found. In all instances, paracentesis or laparos-
copy with a biopsy should be done directly within
the midline and through the linea alba. These sites
can be excised as a part of a midline abdominal
incision. No lateral puncture sites or port sites
should be used because they cause the tumor to
Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms, Fig. 2 Omental seed into the abdominal wall causing difficulty
cake characteristic of pseudomyxoma peritonei syndrome with eradication of the disease.

Appendiceal Epithelial
Fig. 3 Mucinous tumors
spare the mobile portions of
the small bowel
334 Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms

Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms, recommended if the appendiceal lymph nodes

Table 2 Frequency of symptoms and signs of are negative by cryostat sectioning.
pseudomyxoma peritonei syndrome
Men Women Management of Mucinous Neoplasms with
(n = 105) (n = 112)
Peritoneal Dissemination
Appendicitis 36 (34%) 22 (20%)
Tumor tissue is removed from the abdominal gut-
Increased abdominal 28 (27%) 21 (19%)
girth ters, pelvis, right subhepatic space, and right and
Ovarian mass NA 44 (39%) left subphrenic spaces by use of a greater
Hernia 26 (25%) 4 (4%) omentectomy, lesser omentectomy, splenectomy,
Ascites 5 (5%) 4 (4%) and peritonectomy. The probability that a
Abdominal pain 5 (5%) 3 (3%) peritonectomy will eradicate the tumor from all
Other 5 (5%) 14 (13%) surfaces in the abdomen and pelvis is controlled
NA not available by two factors: the size of the tumor and its inva-
sive capabilities. A small tumor will have negli-
gible or no extension through the serosal layer, so
Treatment that peritonectomy with electrosurgical dissection
Treatment options for malignant diseases are (Fig. 4) will result in a small but adequate margin
determined by the anatomical location of the can- of resection. In a larger tumor, ▶ invasion through
cer and by its biological aggressiveness. the serosal layer is expected, yet, on structures
Appendiceal epithelial neoplasms differ greatly undamaged by deeper electrosurgical dissection
from other gastrointestinal cancers in both these such as the liver, a negative margin is still possi-
categories. Unfortunately, in the past, statistics ble. However, larger tumors on small-bowel sur-
have been combined for appendiceal neoplasms faces will need resection to eradicate mucinous
and colorectal cancer. The international classifica- adenocarcinoma. By contrast, adenomucinous
tion of disease designates appendiceal neoplasms nodules will not invade through the serosal layer
together with colorectal cancer. This disease has a and can be resected adequately by peritonectomy
unique natural history and requires very different from small bowel surfaces.
management as compared to colon cancer. For mucinous appendiceal neoplasms that are
perforated at the time of surgery and that result in
Management in Absence of Peritoneal peritoneal carcinomatosis or pseudomyxoma
Dissemination peritonei, peritonectomy is combined with intra-
In patients with invasive nonmucinous adenocar- peritoneal chemotherapy.
cinoma (intestinal type) of the appendix, a right After resection, and with the abdomen open, the
hemicolectomy may improve the survival peritoneal space is washed thoroughly with warm
achieved with routine appendicectomy. Patients (41.5  C) chemotherapy solution containing mito-
with invasive intestinal type appendiceal adeno- mycin C and doxorubicin by the surgeon’s hand
carcinoma with lymph nodes involved should with gauze debridement of all surfaces. Also, a
receive a right hemicolectomy either at the appen- window of time exists in the early postoperative
dectomy procedure or at a subsequent time. When period when all intraperitoneal surfaces are avail-
the surgeon finds aggressive tumor in the appen- able for treatment with intraperitoneal 5-fluoroura-
dix during an appendectomy, the mesoappendix cil. Consistent exposure of all peritoneal surfaces to
should be resected and emergency cryostat sec- intraperitoneal chemotherapy can be achieved if
tioning performed. If the bowel is prepared ade- the chemotherapy is used during the first week
quately and if adenocarcinoma is identified in after surgery. As the postoperative 5-fluorouracil
lymph nodes, a right hemicolectomy should be solution remains in the abdominal and pelvic
done immediately. In some patients, space, the solution can be distributed by turning
a caecectomy with preservation of the ileocecal the patient alternately on to their right and left side
valve has been used, and this procedure is and into the prone position.
Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms 335

Appendiceal Epithelial Electroevaporative Result

Neoplasms, surgery
Fig. 4 Peritonectomy
using electroevaporative
Small implant
surgery for removal of
carcinoma implants Intraperitoneal

Large implant


In a prospective investigation, perioperative cytoreductive surgery more difficult and because

intraperitoneal chemotherapy increased the fre- the peritoneum acts as the first line of defense
quency of anastomotic disruptions. Patients who against peritoneal dissemination, every effort
have had previous extensive surgery and who should be made to keep it intact for optimum
need many hours of adhesion lysis are more likely results in these procedures. Also, whereas the
to develop fistulas after surgery, presumably small bowel is spared early in the natural history
because of the combined effects of damage to of mucinous appendiceal neoplasms and
the small bowel from electrosurgical dissection pseudomyxoma peritonei, the fibrous adhesions
of adhesions (seromuscular damage) and systemic that inevitably result after several surgical proce-
effects of intraperitoneal chemotherapy on the dures will become infiltrated by tumor, leading to
intestine (mucosa and submucosa damage). widespread involvement of the small bowel.
Adjuvant bidirectional chemotherapy (com- Eventually, safe cytoreduction becomes impossi-
bined intravenous and intraperitoneal) is rec- ble, and the effects of the intraperitoneal chemo-
ommended for patients who have peritoneal therapy are not adequate to keep the patient free of
dissemination of high-grade appendiceal mucin- disease.
ous neoplasm. Second-look surgery is
recommended about 6 months after the Outcomes
cytoreduction in some patients, usually those The results of treatments for peritoneal surface
who need ostomy closure. If small tumor foci are dissemination of appendiceal neoplasms have
found on the peritoneal surface of the abdomen or been unexpectedly good. In 385 patients with
the pelvis at the staging celiotomy, the nodules are either peritoneal adenomucinosis or mucinous
resected and a final treatment with intraperitoneal carcinomatosis who were followed up for an aver-
chemotherapy may be necessary. age of 37.6 months, all had documented perito-
Definitive treatment of peritoneal carcinoma- neal surface disease, and most had large tumors.
tosis or pseudomyxoma peritonei should be done After cytoreductive surgery, all patients had their
in a timely way. Every nondefinitive debulking abdomen inspected for residual disease and the
surgical intervention makes potentially curative completeness of cytoreduction was scored for all
336 Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms

Appendiceal Epithelial 1.0

Complete (N=250)
Fig. 5 Survival by Incomplete (N=135)
cytoreduction of
385 patients with peritoneal
dissemination of 0.6

appendiceal epithelial
neoplasms treated by
cytoreduction and p = 0.0001
intraperitoneal 0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

patients on the basis of the size of remaining and pelvic surfaces that have been cleared of
tumors. Figure 5 shows the survival of patients peritoneum. Once these neoplastic cells implant
who had a complete cytoreduction compared with deep to the peritoneum, removal with an adequate
those who had an incomplete cytoreduction. In margin is unlikely.
statistical analysis of these data, survival did not Analysis of 21 patients with adenocarcinoid of
differ significantly between patients with near the appendix with peritoneal carcinomatosis
complete cytoreductions and those with grossly showed that median survival of patients who had
incomplete cytoreductions. Furthermore, the only complete cytoreduction and intraoperative and
variable that was an independent predictor of sur- postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy was
vival was the completeness of cytoreduction 18.5 months (range 3.2–95.1); 5-year survival
(complete vs. incomplete). was 25%. In some patients with adenocarcinoma,
Survival differed between patients with an attempt at complete resection is warranted. If
adenomucinosis and those with hybrid or mucin- debulking results in gross residual disease, only
ous adenocarcinoma (p < 0.0001). Patients with palliative surgical efforts associated with low
noninvasive disease (adenomucinosis) are more morbidity and mortality are indicated because
likely to benefit from this treatment strategy. No survival is limited.
significant differences were noted between Extensive cytoreductive surgery combined
patients with hybrid histology and those with with early postoperative intraperitoneal chemo-
mucinous adenocarcinoma. Furthermore, patients therapy is associated with high morbidity. Never-
with negligible or moderate extent of previous theless, only 1–5% of patients who receive this
surgery had an improved survival compared with treatment die postoperatively. Anastomotic leaks
those who had extensive previous surgery were more common in these patients than in those
(p = 0.001). who have conventional surgery (5%). Overall
This finding shows the importance of the peri- serious morbidity (grade III–IV) was 20–50%.
toneum as a first line defense in patients in whom Morbidity or mortality is not usually associated
the tumor has spread to this site. Multiple previous directly with the administration of intraperitoneal
dissections had a negative effect on survival when chemotherapy. Rather, the frequency of compli-
all patients were included in the analysis. Previous cations depended on the extent of the surgery,
debulking can worsen prognosis by impeding number of peritonectomy procedures, and time
complete removal of the tumor in some patients. needed to complete the cytoreduction.
Debulking surgery with incomplete cytoreduction Traditionally, appendiceal epithelial neo-
allows neoplastic cells to implant on abdominal plasms have been managed by serial debulking,
Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms 337

which removes the bulk of the disease. Although had repeated surgery with disease progression.
the midabdomen can be cleared by suctioning the Furthermore by concentrating the patients to
mucous neoplasm, washing the intestinal sur- multidisciplinary teams, new treatment options A
faces, and resection of the greater omentum, dis- using adjuvant chemotherapy have been
ease often remains around the liver and deep in the established for advanced inoperable cases.
pelvis. Because the tumor recurs after 2–3 years,
debulking is often repeated, but is more difficult at A New Standard of Care
a second operation. After three or four debulkings, Ideally, new treatments should evolve through the
loops of the small bowel become encased with clinical trials process. A phase III trial should be
scar tissue and mucinous neoplasm, and further undertaken to compare traditional treatment
surgery is impossible. The function of the gastro- options with new treatments. However, until
intestinal tract is gradually restricted by the accu- such data are available, the issue remains of
mulation of a large mucinous tumor now which treatment option is best for these patients.
embedded within the scar tissue, and the patient The available evidence suggests that
dies from long-term starvation. Sometimes, sys- cytoreductive surgery with perioperative intraper-
temic chemotherapy can be of transient benefit. itoneal chemotherapy should replace serial
debulking as the standard of care for patients
Approaches to Management with peritoneal spread of appendiceal epithelial
Appendiceal neoplasm with peritoneal dissemina- neoplasms.
tion can be an indolent disease process. The However, phase III trials are difficult to do in
assessment of any treatment regimen should this setting because they would need to compare a
allow for a minimum of 10 years’ follow-up, and potentially curative treatment option with a palli-
follow-up of 20 years would be ideal. A 20-year ative one. Patients are thus likely to be reluctant to
follow-up with cytoreductive surgery and periop- be randomized, no matter how carefully the trial is
erative intraperitoneal chemotherapy was reported designed and explained. Follow-up of about
by Sugarbaker and colleagues, who showed that 10 years would be needed to assess the best treat-
patients who had complete cytoreduction for less- ment plan. However, such long-term follow-up
aggressive disease had a projected survival of would mean that meaningful data might never be
70% at 20 years, a sharp contrast with the results available within the lifetime of the principal inves-
achieved with serial debulking. However, these tigator. Furthermore, the disease is uncommon
results should be interpreted with the knowledge and only a few institutions, especially those des-
that these treatment strategies have not been com- ignated as pseudomyxoma peritonei treatment
pared directly. These positive results have led to centers, can accumulate sufficient numbers of
the establishment of treatment centers for patients to give meaningful results. The only trial
appendiceal neoplasm in the USA and in nearly that would accumulate sufficient patients for
all countries in Europe. assessment over a reasonable time would be a
In the UK, the National Commissioning Group multinational trial with most of the institutions
(NCG) as a part of the National Health Service participating from the USA and Europe, meaning
(NHS) has promoted the referral of patients to two the expense and the coordination would be pro-
centers: North Hampshire and The Christie NHS hibitive. Acceptance of combined treatment as the
Foundation Trusts. These dedicated treatment standard of care would allow treatment centers to
centers allow treatment to be standardized, investigate new and possibly more effective local-
improve treatment regimens, and refine the surgi- regional treatment strategies that can improve the
cal skills needed for optimum management of overall results and decrease morbidity and mor-
patients with this rare disease. This approach has tality by prospective randomized studies. The
improved patient care and outcomes reduced costs skills, judgments, and treatments offered vary
because patients can be referred before they have between the many treatment centers, and results
338 Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms

of treatment might not therefore be consistent. metastases that cannot be resected or with gross
With experience, the morbidity and mortality residual disease of the peritoneal surface after
associated with cytoreductive surgery and intra- cytoreductive surgery has been done should be
peritoneal chemotherapy should lessen, as should excluded from a curative approach. With these
objections to this procedure. Physicians at experi- changes in surgical approach and chemotherapy
enced centers learn that addition of chemotherapy administration, patients with peritoneal dissemi-
as a planned part of cytoreductive surgery nation of appendiceal mucinous tumors have an
improves patient care rather than results in exces- improved survival.
sive morbidity and mortality. Correct selection of
patients is an important part of successful treat-
ment of this disease. Cross-References

Summary of Changes in Management of ▶ Adenocarcinoma

Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms ▶ Alkylating Agents
Several distinct changes are needed to the surgical ▶ Anthracyclines
techniques used to treat patients with peritoneal ▶ Asbestos
dissemination of an appendiceal mucinous neo- ▶ Aurora Kinases
plasm. Because chemotherapy has little effect on ▶ Carcinomatosis
large tumors, definitive cytoreduction should be ▶ Colon Cancer Molecular and Targeted Experi-
attempted to reduce the cancer within the abdo- mental Therapy
men and pelvis to its smallest volume. Such ▶ Colorectal Cancer
reduction requires the use of peritoneal stripping, ▶ Colorectal Cancer Pathology
now commonly referred to as peritonectomy, in ▶ Drug Delivery Systems for Cancer Treatment
which the patient often needs to spend many hours ▶ Drug Resistance
in the operating theatre. Frequently, the abdomen ▶ Fluorouracil
is left without peritoneal surfaces except for that ▶ Gastric Cancer
found on the small bowel. This approach is a ▶ Gastric Cancer Therapy
change from the previous conservative surgical ▶ Gemcitabine
approach to peritoneal carcinomatosis. ▶ Granulosa Cell Tumors
Several changes are also needed in the use of ▶ Invasion
chemotherapy in these patients. Administration of ▶ Locoregional Therapy
chemotherapy should change from intravenous to ▶ Metastasis
intraperitoneal with maximum doses of mitomy- ▶ Micrometastasis
cin, doxorubicin, and 5-fluorouracil. Intraperito- ▶ Minimal Residual Disease
neal chemotherapy should be done ▶ Nanoparticles in Cancer Therapy
perioperatively to contact all abdominal and pel- ▶ Neoadjuvant Therapy
vic surfaces before wounds start to heal. Once ▶ Ovarian Cancer Chemotherapy
fibrinous deposits become organized, chemother- ▶ Ovarian Cancer Drug Resistance
apy will not be able to reach residual tumors and ▶ Ovarian Mucinous Carcinoma
local recurrence will occur where the surfaces are ▶ Ovarian Serous Carcinoma
adherent. Perhaps most important for favorable ▶ Paclitaxel
results, selection of patients for treatment should ▶ Pancreatic Cancer
change. Patients should receive maximum ▶ Pancreatic Cancer Metastasis
cytoreductive surgical procedure and periopera- ▶ Pseudomyxoma Peritonei
tive chemotherapy as a first time management ▶ Rectal Cancer
strategy. The target of these treatments should be ▶ Taxol
directed at minimal residual disease on both the ▶ Taxotere
parietal and visceral surfaces. Patients with ▶ Transcoelomic Metastasis
Aptamer Bioconjugates for Cancer Therapy 339

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Farquarson AL, Pranesh N, Witham G et al (2008) A phase (2012) Peritoneum as the first line of defense. In: Schwab
11 study evaluating the use of concurrent mitomysin M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
C and capecitabine in patients with advanced Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2819. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
unresectable pseudomyxoma peritonei. Br J Cancer 16483-5_4468
99:591–596 (2012) Surgical debulking. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
Gonzalez-Moreno S, Sugarbaker PH (2004) Right dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
hemicolectomy does not confer a survival advantage p 3575. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5598
in patients with mucinous carcinoma of the appendix
and peritoneal seeding. Br J Surg 91:304–311
Rout S, Renehan AG, Parkinson M et al (2009) The treatment
and outcomes of peritoneal surface tumors through a
national service UK. Dis Colon Rectum 52:1705–1714 Appendiceal Mucinous Tumor of
Sugarbaker PH (1995) Peritonectomy procedures. Ann Uncertain Malignant Potential
Surg 221:29–42
Sugarbaker PH (2006) New standard of care for appendiceal ▶ Appendiceal Epithelial Neoplasms
epithelial malignancies and pseudomyxoma peritonei
syndrome. Lancet Oncol 7:69–76

See Also
(2012) Adenocarcinoid. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia APRF
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 48.
(2012) Adenomucinosis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 48.
(2012) Adjuvant. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 75.
Aptamer Bioconjugates for Cancer
(2012) Complete cytoreduction. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- Therapy
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
berg, p 964. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1290 Omid C. Farokhzad1 and Robert Langer2
(2012) Cytoreduction. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of 1
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 1056–
Laboratory of Nanomedicine and Biomaterials,
1057. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1488 Department of Anesthesiology, Brigham and
(2012) Doxorubicin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1159. 2
Department of Chemical Engineering and Center
for Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of
(2012) 5-Fluorouracil. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1429. Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
(2012) Intestinal type adenocarcinoma. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
delberg, p 1900. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3116
(2012) Intraperitoneal chemotherapy. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- Over the past two decades, a large body of data has
delberg, pp 1900–1901. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- been generated that demonstrates the feasibility of
(2012) Mucinous neoplasms. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
antibodies for tissue targeting. The first FDA
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p approval of a humanized monoclonal antibody for
2386. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3874 the treatment of cancer came in 1997 when
340 Aptamer Bioconjugates for Cancer Therapy

rituximab (Rituxan) entered the market for the treat- encode it, aptamers may inhibit a protein’s func-
ment of patients with relapsed or refractory tion through directly binding to it. Aptamers typ-
low-grade or follicular, CD20 positive, B-cell ically bind with an equilibrium dissociation
non-Hodgkin lymphoma. A wide variety of ligand- constant (Kd) in the range of 10 pM to 10 mM to
drug conjugates are now under clinical development a wide array of molecular targets including other
or in clinical practice today. For example, nucleic acids, proteins, peptides, and small mole-
gemtuzumab (Mylotarg) is an FDA-approved cules. Aptamers can be described by a sequence of
chemoimmunoconjugate for the treatment of acute approximately 15–80 nucleotides (A, U, T, C, and
myelogenous leukemia. Mylotarg is one of the four G). The conformation of the ▶ aptamer confers
FDA-approved therapeutic conjugates. There are specificity for a target molecule through
many others that are currently in various stages of interacting with multiple domains or a binding
clinical and preclinical development. In addition to pocket. Small changes in the target molecule can
antibodies, there is a growing list of ligand classes foil interactions, and thus, aptamers can distin-
underdevelopment that are capable of binding to guish between closely related but nonidentical
target antigens with high affinity and specificity. targets. For example, specific RNAs were identi-
One example is nucleic acid ligands referred to as fied that have a high affinity for the bronchodilator
▶ aptamers, which are small in size; potentially theophylline (1,3-dimeth-ylxanthine) yet exhibit a
non-immunogenic; easy to synthesize, characterize, >10,000 times weaker binding affinity to caffeine
and modify; and exhibit high specificity and affinity (1,3,7-trimethy-lxanthine) which differs form the-
for their target antigen. In the short time since the ophylline only by the substitution of a methyl
groups of Jack Szostak and Larry group at the nitrogen atom N7 position. Based
Gold independently described the methodology for on their unique molecular recognition properties,
in vitro selection of aptamers, known as SELEX, aptamers have found great utility for applications
these ligands have been explored for a variety of in areas such as in vitro and in vivo diagnostics,
applications, as therapeutics, diagnostics, and analytical techniques, imaging, and therapeutics.
research enablers. Aptamers have also been Although aptamers are highly stable and may
exploited as targeting molecules for cell- or tissue- tolerate a wide range of temperature, pH (~4–9),
specific delivery of controlled-release polymer drug and organic solvents without loss of activity, these
delivery vehicles. We described the first proof-of- molecules are susceptible to nuclease degradation
concept drug delivery vehicles utilizing aptamers for or renal clearance in vivo. Therefore, their pharma-
targeted delivery and have gone on to show efficacy cokinetic properties must be enhanced prior to
of these vehicles in tumor reduction in vivo. in vivo applications. Several approaches have
Aptamers are single-stranded DNA, RNA, or been adopted to optimize the properties of
unnatural oligonucleotides that have been selected aptamers such as (i) capping their terminal ends,
in vitro from a pool of 1014 to 1015 random (ii) substituting naturally occurring nucleotides
oligonucleotides for their ability to bind to a target with unnatural nucleotides that are poor substrates
molecule. Aptamers have a molecular weight in the for nuclease degradation (i.e., 20 -F-, 20 -OCH3-, or
6–25 kDa range and derive their name from the 20 -NH2-modified nucleotides), (iii) substituting
Latin word “aptus” meaning “to fit.” Aptamers fold naturally occurring nucleotides with hydrocarbon
through intramolecular interaction to create tertiary linkers, and (iv) use of L-enantiomers of nucleo-
conformations with specific binding pockets which tides to generate mirror-image aptamers commonly
bind to their target molecules with high specificity referred to as Spiegelmers. Aptamers can also be
and affinity. This tertiary conformation is analo- stabilized using locked nucleic acid modifications
gous to the globular shape of tRNA. to reduce conformational flexibility. Alternatively,
Unlike antisense compounds, which are single- a nuclease-resistant aptamer may be selected de
stranded nucleic acids that affect the synthesis of a novo using a pool of oligonucleotides with 20 -F-
targeted protein by hybridizing to the mRNAs that or 20 -OCH3-modified nucleotides. Through
Aptamer Bioconjugates for Cancer Therapy 341

combining some of these strategies, an aptamer’s nucleic acid-based nanoparticles, and nanoshells
half-life can be prolonged from several minutes to to name a few have been, or are currently being,
many hours. To prolong the rate of clearance of developed for drug delivery applications. A
aptamers, their size may be increased by conjuga- The conjugation of aptamers to nanoparticles
tion with polymers such as polyethylene glycol can result in the development of therapeutic or
(PEG). diagnostic conjugates. Covalent conjugation of
▶ Nanoparticles are referred to structures that aptamers to nanoparticles can be achieved most
are in the 1–100 nm scale in at least one dimension commonly through succinimidyl ester–amine
and may have any form including spherical, cylin- chemistry which results in a stable amide linkage
drical, or pancake like. To put this size range in or through maleimide–thiol chemistry. Potential
perspective, a small molecule, a virus, a bacte- non-covalent strategies include affinity interac-
rium, and the cross section of a human hair are tions (i.e., streptavidin–biotin) and metal coordi-
around 1, 100, 1,000, and 100,000 nm, respec- nation (i.e., between polyhistidine-tag at the end
tively. Several classes of materials have been used of the aptamer and Ni+2 chelates with
for the development of nanoparticles including immobilized nitrilotriacetic acid on the surface
organic and inorganic biomaterials. Biodegrad- of the polymer particles). When aptamers are con-
able polymer nanoparticles, which are a type of jugated to drug encapsulated nanoparticles, these
organic nanoparticles, have been extensively ▶ bioconjugates can direct the delivery of thera-
investigated for cancer therapy. Polymeric peutic agents in a targeted manner to specific cells
nanoparticles can be designed to have a prolonged or tissue. The payload of nanoparticles may include
systemic circulating half-life by conjugating or small molecule drugs such as chemotherapeutics;
adsorbing sterically amphiphilic polymers such as protein-based therapeutics such as antibodies or
polyethylene glycol (PEG) to the particle surface. hormones; nucleic acid therapeutics such as anti-
These nanoparticles can be used to release the sense oligonucleotide, RNAi, or gene therapy vec-
encapsulated drugs at a controlled rate surface or tors; or agents for neutron capture therapy or
bulk erosion, diffusion, or swelling followed by photodynamic therapy. Aptamers may also be
diffusion in a time- or condition-dependent man- bound to imaging nanoparticles to facilitate diag-
ner. The rate of drug release can be controlled by nosis and identification of tumor metastases. For
modification of the polymer side chain, develop- example, it may be useful to bind aptamers to
ment of novel polymers, or synthesis of copoly- optical imaging agents including fluorophores and
mers. In general, these biodegradable polymer quantum dots (nanocrystals) or MRI imaging
systems can provide drug levels at an optimum agents such as magnetic nanoparticles for detection
range over a longer period of time than other drug of small foci of cancer metastasis. Multiplex sys-
delivery methods, thus increasing the efficacy of tems comprising drug-laden nanoparticle aptamer
the drug and maximizing patient compliance while conjugates together with imaging agents represent
enhancing the ability to use highly toxic, poorly a prospective avenue to future research.
soluble, or relatively unstable drugs. Liposomes Our research is supported by the US National
are another type of nanoparticles made of amphi- Institutes of Health grant CA CA119349 and
philic unilamellar/multilamellar membranes of nat- EB003647 and by a grant from the Prostate Can-
ural or synthetic lipids. Lipids are characterized by cer Foundation through the generosity of
a hydrophilic head group and a hydrophobic tail. Mr. David Koch.
Doxorubicin-encapsulated liposome (Doxil) was
the first liposome to gain FDA approval in 1995
and have potent antineoplastic activity against a Cross-References
wide range of human cancers including Kaposi
sarcoma and ovarian cancer. A variety of other ▶ Aptamer Bioconjugates for Cancer Therapy
nanoparticle platforms including dendrimers, ▶ Nanoparticles in Cancer Therapy
342 Apudomas

Arachidonic Acid Pathway
Ellington AD, Szostak JW (1990) In vitro selection of
RNA molecules that bind specific ligands. Nature
Henk J. van Kranen and Christine L. E. Siezen
Farokhzad OC, Langer R (2006) Nanomedicine: develop- National Institute of Public Health and
ing smarter therapeutic and diagnostic modalities. Adv Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Drug Deliv Rev 58:1456–1459
Farokhzad OC, Jon S, Khademhosseini A et al (2004)
Nanoparticle-aptamer bioconjugates: a new approach
for targeting prostate cancer cells. Cancer Res Synonyms
Farokhzad OC, Cheng J, Teply BA et al (2006) Targeted COX; Cyclooxygenase; Eicosanoid signaling;
nanoparticle-aptamer bioconjugates for cancer chemo-
Lipoxygenase; LOX
therapy in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Tuerk C, Gold L (1990) Systematic evolution of ligands by
exponential enrichment: RNA ligands to bacteriophage Definition
T4 DNA polymerase. Science 249:505–510
The arachidonic acid pathway describes the bio-
synthesis of ▶ eicosanoids from arachidonic acid
(AA) including its formation from omega-6 poly-
Apudomas unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and the synthesis
of eicosanoids from eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
▶ Neuroendocrine Carcinoma including its formation from omega-3 PUFAs.
Eicosanoids are short-lived biologically potent,
autocrine or paracrine acting, lipid signaling

▶ Osteopontin Characteristics

The AA pathway is involved in many physiolog-

ical processes including ▶ inflammation and can-
AR cer. The pleiotropic effects of modulating this
pathway are manifold and are depending on the
▶ Androgen Receptor levels of fatty acids from (dietary) substrates,
which in turn modulate the level of eicosanoid
precursors (AA and EPA) determining the
amounts of eicosanoid lipid mediators actually
9-b-D-Arabinosyl-2-fluoroadenine produced. Initial and still ongoing research on
(F-ara-A) monophosphate the pharmacological inhibition of inflammatory
reactions by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
▶ Fludarabine (NSAIDs) is one of the major disciplines/fields of
research contributing to our current understanding
of the AA pathway, including all its tissue-specific

Arachidonate 5-Lipoxygenase Fatty Acids as Dietary Precursors

PUFAs that enter the body through our diet are
▶ 5-Lipoxygenase first metabolized via a series of enzymatic changes
Arachidonic Acid Pathway 343

n-6 PUFAs n-3 PUFAs

Dietary LA Dietary α-LNA

15-LOX 6
D -Desaturase
Dietary GLA GLA 18:4n-3
1-series PGs, TXs DGLA 20:4n-3
D -D’esaturase

Membrane phospholipids
Dietary EPA Dietary DHA
Dietary AA

COXs 15-LOX 12-LOX 5-LOX 5-LOX 12-LOX 15-LOX COXs



15d- TXA2 Lipoxins Lipoxins TXA3 PGF3α PGE3



Arachidonic Acid Pathway, Fig. 1 Overview of the arachidonic acid pathway (Adapted from Larsson et al. (2004))

into the eicosanoid precursors arachidonic acid This protective effect is lost after migration to
(AA) and EPA. The main PUFA in our diet is Western countries like the USA, and adoption of
linoleic acid (LA), a member of the omega-6 Western lifestyle. The accompanying shift in bal-
(n-6) family of PUFAs that have their first double ance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is
bond at the sixth carbon from the methyl terminus. hypothesized to play an important role in cancer
The omega-3 (n-3) PUFA family, with the first promotion and development. Epidemiological
double bond at the third carbon atom, has as its prospective studies, however, have not been very
parent compound a-linolenic acid (ALA) (see consistent, and a meta-analysis even suggested no
Fig. 1). Both LA and ALA are converted in sev- protective effect at all of omega-3 PUFAs for
eral steps by tissue-specific elongases and cancer in general. However, drawing of general
desaturases into AA and EPA. The latter two can conclusions is hampered by the many uncer-
be directly obtained from the diet as well. These tainties that exist in the way exposure to omega-
eicosanoid precursors are incorporated and stored 3 PUFAs is estimated (food frequency question-
into cell membranes until they are released by naires, analysis of fatty acids in sera, or bodyfat
different members of the phospholipase A2 biopsies) as well as by tissue- and cancer-type
(PLA2) family of enzymes, thereby producing specific differences. Furthermore, animal and
free AA and EPA. in vitro studies keep reinforcing a potential pro-
The hypothesis that omega-3 PUFAs have a tective effect of increased omega-3 PUFA intake
protective effect against (colorectal) cancer origi- on (intestinal) cancer. For example, dietary sup-
nates from observational studies with Greenland plementation with fish oil and/or EPA/DHA
Eskimos and a Japanese population. These decreases tumor number in chemically induced
populations are characterized by a significantly animal models of colorectal tumors as well as in
lower incidence of colorectal cancer, and by a APC-Min mice (APC-min mouse). Omega-3
fish-enriched diet containing substantially more PUFAs have also been shown to induce apoptosis
omega-3 PUFAs compared to Western diets. and suppress cell growth in vitro.
344 Arachidonic Acid Pathway

There are several proposed mechanisms by Regarding COX, tumor development in sev-
which omega-3 PUFAs can exert their protective eral different tissues is frequently associated with
effect on tumor formation, as reviewed by Larsson overexpression of COX-2 in both premalignant
et al. (2004). One of the major mechanisms leads and malignant stages, indicating that activation
to the suppression of omega-6 PUFA-derived of COX-2 may be an early event in carcinogene-
eicosanoids. Higher intake of omega-3 PUFAs, sis. This overexpression often starts in tissues
compared to the omega-6 variety, would result in adjacent to the transformed epithelium giving
a decrease in available AA for eicosanoid produc- rise to “activated” stroma. Expression of COX-2
tion through the incorporation of the omega-3 is induced by numerous growth factors, cytokines,
PUFAs into membrane phospholipids. This effect and oncogenes, and regulated both transcription-
is further enhanced by competition between ally and posttranscriptionally, especially through
omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs for the elongases increased mRNA stability. Several pathways are
and desaturases that convert these PUFAs, since involved and interconnected in the modulation of
omega-3 PUFAs have a higher affinity for these COX expression and are discussed in more detail
enzymes. Omega-3 PUFAs can also directly in the section on “Interactions with Cancer Sig-
inhibit cyclooxygenases (COX) (see next section) naling Pathways.” Both genetic and pharmaco-
and compete with omega-6 PUFAs for COX-2 to logic studies support a causal role of COX in
form prostanoids. Moreover, EPA is the preferred cancer development. Genetic inactivation of
substrate for the lipoxygenase (LOX) enzymes COX-2 strongly reduces tumor formation in sev-
that utilize both AA and EPA, resulting in an eral animal model systems including the classical
increase in omega-3 PUFA-derived leukotrienes. two-stage mouse skin cancer model, and in Apc
mutant mouse models. These effects are not lim-
Production of Eicosanoids: From AA and EPA ited to COX-2 but also apply in part to COX-1.
by COX and LOX Pathways These data are corroborated by pharmacologic
AA and EPA are the central eicosanoid precursors intervention studies using both nonselective
in the majority of mammalian cells and are released COX inhibitors, like ▶ aspirin and other NSAIDS
by phospholipases from cell-membrane bound and COX-2 selective inhibitors. The subsequent
phospholipids. The biosynthesis of eicosanoids reduction in tumor formation has been
from AA and EPA is controlled by two major documented in numerous experimental animal
metabolic routes, the COX and LOX pathways. model studies, but also in patients with familial
Via these routes, AA is converted into 2-series adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and supports the
prostanoids (▶ prostaglandins, PGs; prostacyclins, outcome of many epidemiological studies
PGIs; and thromboxanes, TXs) and 4-series leuko- suggesting a chemoprotective effect of long-time
trienes, and EPA is converted into 3-series regular use of these drugs.
prostanoids and 5-series leukotrienes (see Fig. 1). With respect to LOX, the situation is less
The COX enzymes, also called prostaglandin- clear and seems more complicated, illustrated
endoperoxide synthase (PTGS), catalyze the forma- by the identification of six LOX genes so far
tion of prostanoids. There are three COX isozymes, in humans (and seven in mice) and the different
the constitutively expressed COX-1, the inducible profiles of LOX that have been observed in
COX-2, and the identified COX-3 which is actually human and rodent tissues. A general but
a splice variant of COX-1, probably producing a oversimplified picture emerging is to divide the
truncated inactive protein. The LOX family of LOX genes/enzymes into “procarcinogenic” and
enzymes, including 5-LOX, 8-LOX, 12-LOX, and “anticarcinogenic” isoforms. 5-LOX and
15-LOX, catalyzes the formation of leukotrienes, p12-LOX are considered “procarcinogenic”
“hydroxy fatty acids,” and lipoxins. Carcinogenesis because they can induce proliferation, anti-
in humans and experimental animals is consistently apoptotic effects, angiogenesis, and metastasis,
linked to aberrant arachidonic acid metabolism whereas 15-LOX(1 + 2), l + e12-LOX, and
through these COX and LOX pathways. 8-LOX are considered “anticarcinogenic” because
Arachidonic Acid Pathway 345

they are associated with differentiation, growth analgesic purposes and to reduce inflammation,
inhibition, and apoptosis. and are also used as anticoagulants for individuals
at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. From A
Signaling by Eicosanoids the effects on high risk individuals (Gardner syn-
There are several mechanisms involved in eicos- drome), it became apparent that NSAIDs also
anoid signaling, which are frequently divided into played an active role in the protection against
COX-dependent and COX-independent routes. (colorectal) cancer. Numerous epidemiological
The COX-dependent tissue-specific production studies have found associations between regular
of prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and thrombox- use of NSAIDs and decreased risk of (colorectal)
anes represents the major route in the formation cancer and adenomas. Animal studies have also
of lipid mediators. The most prominent example given clear indications about the protective effect
in relation to cancer is prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)- of NSAIDs. The mechanisms of action of
mediated signal transduction through its NSAIDs are generally divided into
G-protein-coupled EP2 receptor, which has been COX-dependent and COX-independent mecha-
demonstrated to play a pivotal role in (intestinal) nisms. The ability of NSAIDs to inhibit the
carcinogenesis (see also the last section). Another COX enzymes was originally thought to represent
important topic is the type of substrate that is used the main underlying mechanism of action, thereby
by the COX and LOX enzymes for the formation reducing the production of prostanoids and
of eicosanoids (see also the previous sections). increasing the pool of free AA, resulting in
The 3-series prostanoids and 5-series leukotrienes immune modulation, inhibition of tumor angio-
derived from omega-3 PUFAs are generally con- genesis, and promotion of apoptosis. One of the
sidered to be less inflammatory and inhibiting first clues that other enzymes might play a role in
tumor formation, whereas the 2-series prostanoids the mechanism of action of NSAIDs, the
and 4-series leukotrienes derived from omega-6 COX-independent mechanisms, came from stud-
PUFAs are believed to be proinflammatory and ies on the sulindac metabolites sulindac sulfone
contain several tumor promoting properties, and sulindac sulfide. Other enzymes within the
including increased cell proliferation, inhibition pathway have been considered as targets for
of apoptosis, and stimulating angiogenesis. NSAIDs. Based on in vitro studies, 15-LOX1
A variety of other effects, in part and PLA2G4A have been implicated as
COX-independent, have been put forward from alternative targets of NSAID (aspirin) action.
research on the effects of (high concentrations) of Two subtypes of the PPAR family, which can be
NSAIDs and its derivatives. An example of a activated by the products of the AA pathway,
COX-independent process includes the induction can also act as direct targets of NSAIDs.
of apoptosis directly by AA through the produc- Sulindac can bind to PPARd, after which its
tion of ceramide and the mediation of apoptotic activity and protein expression is downregulated,
signaling by the LOX-15 production of 13-S- inducing apoptosis. NSAIDs can also act as
HODE. Furthermore, leukotriene production can ligands for another receptor subtype, PPARg.
be reduced due to the inhibition of LOX-5 by In contrast to PPARd, this subtype has
nitric oxide-releasing aspirin. Lastly and less clar- been shown to be activated by sulindac, which
ified, eicosanoids may exert their biological resulted in growth inhibition and apoptosis of
effects in an intracrine way, similar to specific cancer cells.
PUFAs, as activating ligands of transcription fac- Other research in the field of lipid mediators
tors of the PPAR family, especially PPARg and has further linked omega-3 PUFAs and NSAIDs
PPARd. to inflammation. It is now hypothesized that
increased omega-3 PUFA intake not only results
NSAIDS and Eicosanoid Signaling in decreased production of proinflammatory
NSAIDs, of which aspirin is the best known eicosanoids due to competition with AA,
example, are a class of drugs mainly used for but also produces mediators with potent
346 Arachidonic Acid Pathway

antiinflammatory effects of their own. Moreover, EP2 receptor signaling providing another exam-
new evidence suggests that acetylation of COX-2 ple of signal modulation by cross-talk between a
by aspirin does not only result in complete G-protein-coupled receptor and growth factor
inhibition of the COX activity of the enzyme, receptors. The integrating picture can be summa-
but induces a conformational change resulting rized by recognizing that the Gas and Gbg
in a shift to a LOX function, producing subunits of the EP2 receptor display different
potent lipoxins. This prompted others to study downstream signaling properties (Fig. 2).
the effect of omega-3 PUFA metabolites Next to activating adenylatecyclase (AC) and
derived from acetylated COX-2 on inflammation. subsequently PKA, it was demonstrated that the
They found that these mediators could resolve Gas subunit is also capable to associate directly
inflammation, and subsequently called them with axin, destabilizing the signaling complex,
resolvins. An orphan receptor ChemR23 was which leads to an increase in b-catenin and
identified as a specific receptor of the resulting in activation of Wnt signaling. Another
EPA-derived resolvin RvE1, which inhibits acti- way of destabilizing the same complex is to inac-
vation of NF-kb by TNF-a, and is among other tivate GSK-3b by phosphorylation. It was also
tissues also expressed in the gastrointestinal tract. demonstrated that PI3K and AKT could be acti-
It is likely that these mediators play an important vated through the Gbg subunit of the EP2 recep-
role in reducing inflammation in the GI tract, and tor, leading to inactivation of GSK-3b. In
that omega-3 PUFAs and aspirin exert their pro- summary, PGE2 seem to exert its G-protein-
tective effect on colorectal cancer partly through coupled signaling through axin, GSK-3b, and
this pathway. PKA, but how these signals are integrated is still
Over time, the serious gastric toxicity of far from clear.
NSAIDS, resulting from the inhibition of The role of NF-kb signaling, producing a
COX-1, stimulated the development of specific proinflammatory transcription factor, as an impor-
COX-2 inhibitors, the so-called coxibs. Although tant central player in cancer development and
highly effective in cancer prevention, their progression is well documented and still intrigu-
improved risk profile for gastric toxicity ing. Activated NF-kb has been linked to many
seems to occur at the expense of cardiovascular cancer promoting processes including cellular
toxicity. proliferation, apoptosis suppression, invasion,
Finally, pharmacokinetics and genetics of and angiogenesis, and depending on tissue con-
NSAID metabolism have been documented to text also to tumor suppression. Normally, NF-kb
greatly influence the chemopreventive potential is sequestered in the cytoplasm by IkB. A variety
of various NSAIDs. Polymorphisms in metabolic of receptors and afferent signals activate IKK,
activation (CYP2C9) and elimination pathways which phosphorylates IkB, tagging it for degrada-
(UGTs) but also in the AA pathway (COX-2) tion. The “liberated” NF-kb can now translocate
have been demonstrated to interact with NSAIDs to the nucleus where it activates ~150 different
with respect to (colorectal) cancer risk. genes, including COX-2. Well known inflamma-
tory conditions introduced by infectious agents
Interactions with Cancer Signaling Pathways like for example Helicobacter pylori in the stom-
At present many molecular signaling pathways ach and HBV in the liver are established risk
linked to cancer have been identified. It is also factors for respectively gastric and liver cancer.
becoming increasingly clear that the interactions However, the persistent activation of NF-kb is
between cellular signaling pathways are key to the also documented to result in the loss of the
(phenotypic) outcome of the molecular signaling tumor suppressor protein CYLD, leading to
circuitry. Two important pathways, the canonical the benign human syndrome called
Wnt signaling pathway and one of the RAS effec- ▶ cylindromatosis. Further details of the interplay
tor pathways, the PI3K/AKT pathway, have been between NF-kb signaling and the AA pathway are
demonstrated to functionally interact with PGE2- eagerly awaited.
AREG 347


LRP 5/6 Frizzled EP Receptors EGFR

Gγ *Src
Ga3 Gβ

Axin Ras
PKA Mapk

Ang 1/2
Tcf/Lof Bcl2
Creb-binding protein
NR4A2 Cyclin D1
HlF-1 DAF/CD55

Arachidonic Acid Pathway, Fig. 2 Prostaglandin induced transactivation of the canonical Wnt and EGFR signaling
pathways (Adapted from Buchanan and Dubois (2006))

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348 ARF

Genomic alterations of the 9p21 chromosome
▶ ARF Tumor Suppressor Protein region occur in various types of human solid
tumors and hematological malignancies. Most, if
not all, involve the CDKN2 locus, where the
INK4a and ARF genes are superimposed. Both
ARF Tumor Suppressor Protein gene products result from alternative splice tran-
scripts in different reading frames (Fig. 1) and
Paule Seite have been functionally characterized as tumor
UMR CNRS 6187 Pôle Biologie Santé, suppressor genes.
University of Poitiers, Poitiers cedex, France
1. p16INK4a is the prototypic member of the INK
(▶ INK4) gene family that encodes inhibitors
Synonyms of ▶ cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 and
induces cell cycle arrest by negatively regulat-
Alternative reading frame; ARF; Human; p14ARF; ing Rb (▶ retinoblastoma protein, biological
p19ARF and clinical functions) phosphorylation.
2. The ARF gene encodes a small basic nucleolar
protein: p14ARF in human (132 amino acids,
Definition 14 KDa) and p19ARF in mouse (169 amino
acids, 19 kDa). p14ARF and its murine homo-
ARF (alternative reading frame), is a ▶ tumor logue p19ARF only share 50% sequence iden-
suppressor protein that accumulates in the nucle- tity. The N-terminus region of ARF (exon 1b)
olus in response to aberrant oncogenic/hyperpro- is the most conserved among species and
liferative signals and induces cell cycle arrest in retains the main functions of the protein (cell
G1/S or G2/M transition and ▶ apoptosis. Con- cycle arrest, nucleolar localization, and MDM2
sistent with its tumor suppressor status, ARF inac- binding). However, the C-terminal domain of
tivation (deletion, promoter methylation) impairs ARF also presents functional domains and is
cellular response to oncogenic stress, and fre- needed for efficient nucleolar localization of
quently occurs in a wide spectrum of cancers p14ARF as well as for interaction with specific
(30–40% of cancers). partners.

Exon1β Exon1α Exon 2 Exon 3

Locus 9p21 Pβ AUG Pα AUG STOP

Splicing Splicing
mRNA E1b E2 E3 E1a E2 E3

p14 ARF p16INK4a

ARF Tumor Suppressor Protein, Fig. 1 Schematic rep- grey. ARF and INK4a promoters are indicated respectively
resentation of the genomic INK4a/ARF locus. Exons are by Pb and Pa. INK4a/ARF locus utilizes alternative first
depicted by boxes. Coding regions of ARF are colored in exons and shares downstream exons to encode two totally
blue, those of INK4a in red, untranslated regions are in unrelated tumor suppressors
ARF Tumor Suppressor Protein 349

ARF is induced in response to aberrant onco- designed as the ARF–MDM2–p53 pathway

genic or hyperproliferative signals (ras); E2F, (Fig. 2(1)). Upon mitogenic activation, ARF is
E1A, MYC (▶ Myc oncogene), etc.; or DNA expressed in the nucleolus and shuttles into the A
damage. The growth suppressive function of nucleoplasm where it directly binds to MDM2,
ARF mainly depends on its ability to regulate which functions as a negative regulator of p53
p53 stability, but data indicate that ARF also through its E3-ubiquitine ligase activity. The
exerts p53-independent functions. ARF–MDM2 interaction results in the inhibition
of p53 ubiquitination and proteasomal degrada-
p53-Dependent Functions of ARF tion. Accordingly, p53 is stabilized and induces
upregulation of antiproliferative genes leading to
The ARF–MDM2–p53 Pathway cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. The exact mecha-
The major pathway through which ARF exerts its nism whereby ARF stabilizes p53 is still not clear.
control on cell cycle progression is currently Initial data suggested that the expression of ARF

Hyperproliferative signals
E2F1, MYC, E1A...
DNA damage

2 3

MYC Proliferation but

not apoptosis

ARF b)
a) b)
5.8S 28S
18S E2F
UBF1 47S pre-rRNA
Sumo ?

1 Ub

ARF Tumor Suppressor Protein, Fig. 2 p53-dependent preribosomal particles, ARF induces NPM/B23 degrada-
and independent functions of ARF. (1) The tion and partially reduces 28S rRNA maturation. ARF is a
ARF–MDM2–p53 pathway (grey frame): ARF binds to transcriptional regulator (green frame). (a) p14ARF inter-
MDM2 and exerts a negative control on MDM2-mediated acts with the transcription factor E2F1. ARF delocalizes
p53 degradation. p53 tightly regulates its own activity by E2F1 to the nucleolus and inhibits its transcriptional activ-
stimulating MDM2 and repressing ARF transcription ity. ARF has also been shown to enhance the sumoylation
through a direct binding on their promoters. ARF exerts a of E2F1. The significance of ARF-induced sumoylation is
negative control on ribosome biogenesis (pink frame). (a) not clear yet, but it could regulate the functions of ARF
Phosphorylated UBF1 is required for the RNA polymerase partners in different ways. (b) When overexpressed, MYC
I-dependent transcription of the 47S pre-rRNA. Human directly associates with the ARF promoter and upregulates
ARF binds to the transcription factor UBF1 and partially ARF expression. In turn, ARF associates with MYC and
inhibits its phosphorylation, impairing the recruitment of inhibits the transcription of genes required for cell cycle
the transcriptional complex on the rDNA promoter. (b) By progress
interfering with the nucleolar protein NPM/B23 within
350 ARF Tumor Suppressor Protein

was correlated with MDM2 delocalization from detected in the granular component of nucleolus
the nucleus to the nucleolus but ARF can also and correspond to mature preribosomal particles.
stabilize p53 without relocating MDM2 into Given the high amounts of NPM/B23 in the nucle-
nucleoli. Moreover, additional feedback loops olus when compared with ARF, all ARF mole-
regulate this pathway as p53 is able to modulate cules are bound to only a fraction of NPM/B23,
its own activity by stimulating MDM2 transcrip- suggesting that NPM/B23 could sequester ARF
tion and repressing ARF (Fig. 2(1)). into the nucleolus to avoid its binding with some
of its nuclear targets. The human homologue
ARF and Replicative Senescence p14ARF also colocalizes with NPM/B23 and has
The induction of p19ARF and p53 by activation of been shown to promote its ubiquitination and
the ARF–MDM2–p53 pathway in mouse embry- degradation, resulting in the decrease of mature
onic fibroblasts (MEFs) results in premature 28S rRNA levels. The interaction of ARF with
senescence or apoptosis depending on the cellular NPM/B23 delays rRNA processing and induces a
context. The alteration of either ARF or p53 func- partial cell growth arrest.
tion is sufficient to bypass senescence and immor- Several molecular models connecting the
talize MEFs. In contrast, p14ARF expression does p53-dependent and p53-independent activities of
not correlate with the onset of senescence in ARF have emerged, based on the consequence of
human fibroblasts in which replicative senescence ARF–NPM/B23 interaction on the cellular local-
seems to be preferentially mediated by p16INK4a. ization of both partners, and can be summarized as
follows: in response to oncogenic insults, ARF is
p53-Independent Functions of ARF rapidly and highly expressed in nucleoli where it
Mice lacking ARF (ARF/) essentially develop binds to NPM/B23 and interferes with rRNA mat-
sarcomas and lymphomas and to a lesser extent uration to inhibit cell growth in a MDM2 and
gliomas. Mice lacking p53 (p53/) develop with p53-independent manner. Upon DNA damage or
short latency lymphocytic lymphomas but also other stress signals, ARF shuttles from the nucle-
sarcomas, a phenotype similar to that observed olus and is redistributed in the nucleoplasm,
with ARF-null mice. Double (ARF/ p53/) where it binds MDM2 to activate the so-called
or triple knockout (KO) mice (ARF/, p53/, ARF–MDM2–p53 pathway and inhibit cell
MDM2/) develop with decreased latency a proliferation.
wide spectrum of tumors, suggesting that ARF is In addition, data indicate that human p14ARF
involved in alternative pathway(s) to exert its specifically associates with the transcription fac-
antiproliferative function. Moreover, p19ARF tor UBF1 and partially inhibits Pol I-dependent
re-expression in triple-KO MEFs is sufficient to transcription of rRNA (Fig. 2(2)). UBF1 is
induce cell cycle arrest. hypophosphorylated upon p14ARF expression
The investigation of the p53-independent func- and unable to recruit the transcriptional complex.
tions of ARF led to characterize many proteins These results suggest that ARF could exert a
that physically and/or functionally interact with negative regulation of ribosome biogenesis at
ARF. The biological relevance of most of these both transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels
interactions remains unclear; however some of through independent pathways. Moreover, human
these led to characterize new functions or cellular p14ARF has been described to interfere with poly-
pathways involving the ARF protein. some formation and could in that way comple-
ment p53-dependent functions through the
ARF Negatively Regulates Ribosome Biogenesis negative regulation of protein translation.
In murine cells, p19ARF has been shown to asso-
ciate in very high molecular weight complexes ARF and the Control of Transcription
with NPM/B23, a multifunctional protein ARF expression can be induced in response to
involved in the maturation of the 32S rRNA into aberrant hyperproliferative signals conveyed by
28S rRNA (Fig. 2(2)). These complexes are the E2F1 transcription factor. In turn, ARF
ARF Tumor Suppressor Protein 351

physically associates with E2F1 and regulates its remodeling through their respective helicase and
functions in different ways. Upon ARF expres- histone acetyl transferase (HAT) activity. Their
sion, E2F1 is delocalized from the nucleus to the association with ARF specifically maintains chro- A
nucleolus and its transcription activity is inhibited matin in a condensed state and block MYC acti-
(Fig. 2(3)). Moreover, the presence of ARF is vation of proliferating genes. In contrast, ARF has
correlated with a dramatic rate of E2F1 proteoly- not been shown to modify MYC ability to repress
sis. Data indicate that p14ARF, through its interac- transcription or activate apoptosis.
tion with the SUMO-E2 conjugating enzyme, can
promote the sumoylation of some of its binding Conclusion
partners including E2F1. SUMO is an ubiquitin- The INK4a/ARF locus encodes two unrelated
like protein that covalently associates to proteins tumor suppressor genes, p16INK4a and ARF, ini-
and alters alternatively their stability, subcellular tially considered to regulate cell proliferation
localization, or their function in cell cycle pro- through independent pathways.
gression. In consequence, p14ARF could diversely The first mechanism elucidated, by which ARF
regulate its own functions by targeting the inhibits cell proliferation, was its ability to block
sumoylation of its partners. MDM2-dependent p53 degradation. As the tumor
ARF is also induced upon MYC over- suppressor function of the protein still remained in
expression, and leads to cell cycle arrest or apo- p53 deficient cells, new partners have been char-
ptosis through the stabilization of p53. In turn, acterized and delineate new modes of action. By
ARF has been shown to physically associate interacting with nucleolar proteins like NPM/B23
with MYC and inhibit some of its functions, char- or UBF1, ARF can limit ribosome biogenesis
acterizing a negative feedback loop, independent independently of p53 and MDM2. Moreover,
of p53 or MDM2 (Fig. 2(3)). It is not clear ARF can interact in the nucleoplasm with tran-
whether this interaction occurs in the nucleolus, scription factors and control the expression of
suggesting a sequestration of MYC in this com- target genes by varied mechanisms such as tran-
partment, or takes place in the nucleoplasm after scription factor degradation or delocalization,
ARF exclusion from nucleoli. Anyhow, ARF inhibition of promoter binding, and inhibition of
directly interacts with two functional regions of promoter activity. Interestingly, the control of
MYC: the C-terminal domain required for its E2F1 transcriptional activity by ARF character-
heterodimerization with MAX, and the amino- izes this protein as a regulator of the RB pathway,
terminal transcriptional regulatory (activation or and delineates a functional connection between
repression) domain. the two tumor suppressors encoded by the
MYC is a dual transcription factor that regu- INK4a/ARF locus.
lates genes to either stimulate cell proliferation or The emerging notion is that the ability of ARF
induce apoptosis. p19ARF participates in both to control cell proliferation is tightly dependant on
mechanism and differentially controls MYC tran- its cellular localization. In particular, the pivotal
scriptional activity depending on the target genes; role of NPM/B23 in ARF nucleolar functions
the transcription of MYC-responsive genes should be considered to improve therapeutic strat-
involved in G1 to S phase progression is dramat- egies restoring a functional p53 pathway.
ically decreased upon p19ARF expression. Chro-
matin immunoprecipitation experiments suggest
that this control of MYC functions could depend Cross-References
on the binding of ARF on selected
MYC-responsive promoters. In fact, ARF binding ▶ Apoptosis
does not inhibit the recruitment of MYC–MAX ▶ Cyclin-Dependent Kinases
on those promoters, but alters the activation of ▶ INK4A
different cofactors such as TRRAP and TIP 60. ▶ Myc Oncogene
These coactivators are responsible for chromatin ▶ RAS Genes
352 Argentaffin Carcinoma

▶ Retinoblastoma Protein, Biological and Excess arginine, however, has been implicated in
Clinical Functions ▶ carcinogenesis in animal model systems and
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes also in humans.

Linström MS, Zhang Y (2006) B23 and ARF, friends or
foes? Cell Biochem Biophys 46:79–90 Arginine Metabolism
Ruas M, Peters G (1998) The p16INK4a/CDKN2A tumor Arginine is derived from dietary sources and is
suppressor and its relatives. Biochim Biophys Acta also synthesized by the kidney. It is considered to
Sharpless NE (2005) INK4a/ARF: a multifunctional tumor be a “semi-essential” amino acid because many
suppressor locus. Mutat Res 576:22–38 conditions affect its synthesis (i.e., sepsis, burns,
Sherr CJ (2006) Divorcing ARF and p53: an unsettled case. inborn errors of protein metabolism), resulting in
Nat Rev Cancer 6:663–673 dependence on exogenous arginine supplementa-
Sherr CJ, Bertwistle D, den Besten W et al (2005)
p53-dependent and independent functions of the Arf tion. Dietary sources rich in arginine include all
tumor suppressor. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant biol types of meat, nuts, and certain other foods
LXX:129–137 (cheeses, etc.). Arginine is important for protein
synthesis, wound healing, and spermatogenesis,
See Also and it is involved in numerous metabolic path-
(2012) E3 Ubiquitin Ligase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- ways. Arginine is well described as a component
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
1184. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1771 of the urea cycle, which is involved in the
(2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, processing and cellular export of ammonia.
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2747. L-arginine is a key substrate in the biosynthesis
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331 of ▶ nitric oxide (NO), and the ▶ polyamines
(2012) Tumor Suppressor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (i.e., putrescine, spermidine, and spermine).
p 3803. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6056 These naturally occurring arginine-derived sub-
stances (i.e., nitric oxide and the polyamines)
have long been the focus of carcinogenesis
Argentaffin Carcinoma research. Thus, the majority of investigations on
arginine and cancer relate to carcinogenesis
▶ Carcinoid Tumors research related to these important arginine-
derived compounds. Arginine is catabolized pri-
marily by arginase I in the liver for processing of
waste via the urea cycle. In the kidney and small
Arginine bowel, arginase II catabolizes arginine in the mito-
chondria. A simplified schema for arginine metab-
Jason A. Zell olism is provided.
Cancer Prevention Program, Division of
Hematology/Oncology and Epidemiology, Nitric Oxide, Polyamines, Carcinogenesis,
Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, and Chemoprevention
Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Arginine is catabolized by the enzyme nitric oxide
University of California, Irvine, CA, USA synthase (NOS) to form citrulline and nitric oxide
(NO). Nitric oxide is a signaling molecule with
well-defined vasodilatory properties. Three main
Definition isoforms of NO synthases exist: NOS1 (neuronal
NOS), NOS2 (inducible NOS), and NOS3
Arginine is a “semi-essential” amino acid that is a (endothelial NOS). Nitric oxide has been impli-
key component of several metabolic pathways. cated in numerous aspects of carcinogenesis.
Arginine 353

However, nitric oxide has also been observed to demonstrating the effects of dietary arginine
inhibit carcinogenesis – thus, the biology of nitric intake on model systems of cancer. Rodents
oxide is complex, and further research is needed treated with L-arginine exhibit increased growth A
to clarify the role of nitric oxide and NOS in of carcinomas and sarcomas, and treatment with
various carcinogenesis models. Nitric oxide has D-arginine inhibits carcinogenesis. Hepatic argi-
been reported to be involved in cell migration, nase and arginine deiminase are enzymes that
tumor invasiveness, and angiogenesis in murine degrade arginine and have been investigated as
mammary adenocarcinoma cell lines. Based on potential anticancer agents. Experimental results
promising experimental data, the field of ▶ che- demonstrate that human breast cancer cells have
moprevention continues to dedicate significant express high levels of arginase. For example, argi-
research into inhibitors of inducible nitric oxide nase inhibition results in decreased proliferation
synthase (NOS2). Various NOS2 inhibitors have of human breast cancer cells. Dietary arginine
been developed and tested in animal carcinogen- supplementation has been demonstrated to
esis models. For example, selective NOS2 increase tumor size in familial adenomatous
inhibitors have been shown to inhibit colonic polyposis (FAP) mouse models and also increase
aberrant crypt foci (i.e., colorectal adenoma the intestinal tumor number in these mice in a
▶ preneoplastic lesions) in rat colon carcinoma dose-dependent manner. The increase in tumor
model systems. number was found to be due to an increase in
The hepatic arginases convert L-arginine to orni- high-grade tumors, in a manner dependent on
thine, which is converted directly to putrescine via Nos2. This process is inhibited dramatically by
the rate-limiting enzyme of polyamine synthesis: treatment with DFMO, various nonsteroidal anti-
ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). In excess, poly- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, which modulate
amines have been shown to promote tumorigenesis polyamine metabolism), or a combination of
in epithelial tissues in human and murine systems. these agents. Thus, an experimental basis for
The field of chemoprevention has long sought to arginine-induced tumorigenesis has been
capture a therapeutic advantage of this finding, established, and various inhibitory agents and
through polyamine inhibition via the irreversible mechanisms are being developed to antagonize
ODC-inhibitory agent a-difluoromethylornithine this process.
(DFMO). In experimental studies using murine
models, inhibition of polyamines with DFMO Arginine and Cancer: Epidemiologic Studies
suppresses arginine-induced tumorigenesis. In Methods of epidemiologic assessment of arginine
humans, phase IIa clinical biomarker trials of oral intake in cancer research is typically from 24-h
DFMO on high-risk populations have demonstrated food recall or food frequency questionnaires,
polyamine inhibition in target tissues (prostate and which collect data on the type and quantity of
colorectum). These polyamine-inhibitory effects ingested foods. Further analysis with food com-
were sustained during the treatment period position tables must then be performed to calcu-
(3–12 months), and administration of DFMO late estimated arginine intake for each study
resulted in a favorable toxicity profile. participant. Alternatively, serum arginine levels
have been tested in epidemiologic studies, and
Arginine and Cancer: Experimental Studies these patient serum levels correlate fairly well
Various cell culture and animal models have dem- with corresponding data from food recall
onstrated a carcinogenic role of arginine. In cell questionnaires.
culture experiments, viability of malignant cells As mentioned, arginine is primarily derived
has been demonstrated to be dependent on argi- from meat, and it is estimated that approximately
nine supplementation. Normal cells become 40% of daily arginine intake comes from meat
quiescent in an arginine-deficient medium, consumption in Western and European diets. It is
whereas malignant cells die. A series of relevant a common misunderstanding that high arginine
murine and rat studies have been performed content is restricted to beef. In fact, pork, chicken,
354 Arginine

various fish, and shellfish have similarly high including early-phase clinical trials of pegylated
arginine levels when compared to beef. While a arginine deiminase (an arginine-degrading
large body of epidemiologic data have associated enzyme derived from Mycoplasma) among hepa-
meat consumption with risk of epithelial cancers tocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients. Treatment
(particularly colorectal cancer), the contribution of HCC patients with arginine deiminase was
of arginine to this risk is unknown. However, shown to be well tolerated, despite depletion of
among colorectal cancer patients, it has been dem- plasma arginine levels over a 3-month period,
onstrated that total dietary arginine intake, highly and modest efficacy has been reported. Other
associated with meat consumption quantity, and investigators have reported responses of various
that meat consumption were associated with poor tumors to arginase treatment. Currently, our
survival in familial colorectal cancer patients. group at the University of California, Irvine, is
Such findings implicate potential gene- developing a phase IIa clinical biomarker trial
environment-modifying effects between arginine involving arginine restriction among colon
and an unknown genotype(s) among familial cancer patients. The goal of this study is to favor-
colorectal cancer patients – possibly involving ably alter surrogate endpoint biomarkers of poly-
the nitric oxide (e.g., Nos2) or polyamine syn- amine metabolism through dietary arginine
thetic pathway (e.g., Odc). restriction and oral aspirin therapy. Modest argi-
nine dietary restriction (i.e., 50% decrease in
Arginine and Cancer: Clinical Aspects daily intake) will be prescribed individually to
The putative benefits of arginine restriction on each study participant after a thorough
cancer have led to translational applications dietary assessment. The customized dietary regi-
among cancer patients. However, limited data mens will be prescribed in a manner that will not
are available to demonstrate the efficacy and tol- restrict total protein intake. Thus, the prescribed
erability of such treatments. regimens are not particularly stringent and are
Determining the safety of arginine restriction expected to result in good compliance. Safety
among cancer patients (i.e., as a tertiary cancer and tolerability assessments are critical compo-
prevention strategy) is of great importance in nents of this trial, as significant toxicity is not
▶ clinical trial development, since these patients expected.
often have special nutritional requirements or As more data emerge from clinical trials
cachexia. As noted, many clinical studies have involving arginine restriction (through various
focused on polyamine inhibition through various mechanisms) among cancer patients, the optimal
agents such as DFMO or NSAIDs. Data on the delivery methods and management issues will be
safety and tolerability of arginine restriction discovered. However, until then, such approaches
among cancer patients is quite limited, however. remain investigational, and broad-based dietary
Interestingly, severe arginine restriction has been recommendations directed at cancer patients can-
prescribed to pediatric patients with gyrate atro- not be supported.
phy of the eye (the result of an enzymatic dys-
function leading to excess arginine production
and resultant retinal morbidity) without untoward
events. Such children are given a prescribed Cross-References
arginine-restricted dietary regimen with amino
acid supplementation – which delays disease pro- ▶ Carcinogenesis
gression. This dietary regimen is quite stringent ▶ Chemoprevention
and adherence is difficult, but it has demonstrated ▶ Clinical Trial
sustained efficacy in children treated over a period ▶ Nitric Oxide
of many years. ▶ Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Various strategies for arginine restriction have ▶ Polyamines
been attempted in the setting of clinical trials, ▶ Preneoplastic Lesions
Arginine-Depleting Enzyme Arginine Deiminase 355

References Characteristics

Crowell JA, Steele VE, Sigman CC et al (2003) Is induc- To starve cancer cells through amino acid depri-
ible nitric oxide synthase a target for chemoprevention? A
vation can be a strategy in cancer therapy. Specific
Mol Cancer Ther 2(8):815–823
Lind DS (2004) Arginine and cancer. J Nutr amino acids are required for the growth of certain
134(10):2837S–2841S tumor cells, while normal cells can synthesize
Wheatley DN (2004) Controlling cancer by restricting sufficient amounts for their own needs. For exam-
arginine availability – arginine-catabolizing enzymes
ple, an enzyme called asparaginase has been used
as anticancer. Anticancer Drugs 15(9):825–833
Yerushalmi HF, Besselsen DG, Ignatenko NA et al (2006) to deplete asparagine in the treatment of ▶ acute
Role of polyamines in arginine-dependent colon carci- lymphoblastic leukemia and a few subtypes of
nogenesis in Apc(Min/+) mice. Mol Carcinog non-Hodgkin lymphoma (▶ Malignant Lym-
phoma, Hallmarks and Concepts) because these
Zell JA, Ignatenko NA, Yerushalmi HF et al (2007) Risk
and risk reduction involving arginine intake and meat cancers lack asparagine synthetase and are auxo-
consumption in colorectal tumorigenesis and survival. trophic for asparagine. Asparaginase degrades
Int J Cancer 120(3):459–468 both asparagine and glutamine. The antitumor
activity of this enzyme is due to its ability to
See Also degrade asparagine, and some of its deleterious
(2012) Difluoromethylornithine. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
side effects were due to its degradation of
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
berg, p 1117. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1623 glutamine.
(2012) Ornithine decarboxylase. In: Schwab M (ed) ADI is an enzyme that hydrolyzes arginine
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, to generate energy in many parasitic microorgan-
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2656. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
isms including Mycoplasma arginini and
Mycoplasma hominis. This enzyme has potent
anticancer activities. Some cancers have an
elevated requirement for arginine (arginine and
cancer), such as metastatic ▶ melanoma and
Arginine-Depleting Enzyme Arginine ▶ hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). These cancer
Deiminase cells are unable to produce arginine and therefore
take it from the blood since they need it for their
Yun-Chung Leung rapid growth. ADI catalyzes the hydrolysis of
Lo Ka Chung Centre for Natural Anti-cancer arginine to citrulline, is currently being used as a
Drug Development and Department of Applied chemotherapeutic agent against these arginine-
Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong requiring cancers, and has gained much attention
Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China in clinical trials. ADI appears to degrade only
arginine and does not appear to metabolize any
other amino acids. When administrating ADI to
patients with metastatic melanoma or HCC, it
Synonyms destroys the arginine present in the blood, and
the cancer cells are thus deprived of their supply,
ADI and they cannot grow and eventually die.

Sensitivity of Cancer Cells to ADI Treatment

Definition Arginine is a nonessential amino acid for humans
and mice because it can be synthesized from cit-
▶ Arginine deiminase (ADI; EC is an rulline in two steps via the urea cycle enzymes
enzyme from prokaryotes that has been used to argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS) and arginino-
deplete arginine in the treatment of arginine- succinate lyase (ASL). ASS catalyzes the conver-
requiring ▶ cancers. sion of citrulline and aspartic acid to
356 Arginine-Depleting Enzyme Arginine Deiminase

argininosuccinate. Argininosuccinate is then 50% growth inhibition (IC50) is about

converted to arginine and fumaric acid by 10 ng/mL. The IC50 value of the Mycoplasma
ASL. Some melanomas, HCCs, and prostate car- hominis ADI against the same cell line is about
cinomas (▶ Prostate Cancer Clinical Oncology) 100 ng/mL. Arginine restores, in a dose-
do not express ASS mRNA but do express ASL dependent manner, the growth of mouse MH134
mRNA. Although it is not known why these can- hepatoma and Meth A fibrosarcoma cell lines that
cer cells are unable to express ASS, there is ample have been inhibited by ADI, indicating that the
evidence that ASS deficiency results in the argi- tumor cell growth inhibition caused by ADI orig-
nine auxotrophy. inates from the depletion of the essential nutrient
The sensitivity of various cell lines to ADI has arginine. ADI is also effective at nanogram quan-
been reported to be dependent upon the expres- tities per milliliter in Chinese hamster ovary
sion of ASS, the rate-limiting enzyme in the con- (CHO) cells, HeLa cells (human epithelial cells
version of citrulline into arginine. Resistance to from a fatal cervical carcinoma (▶ Cervical Can-
ADI treatment may correlate with cellular ASS cers)), human T cells, and T lymphoblastoid cell
activity, allowing cell survival by conversion of lines but not B-precursor and myeloid cell lines.
the product of the ADI reaction, i.e., citrulline to Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) (renal carcinoma)
arginine. Many ASS-positive HCC cell lines are does not express ASS and is also sensitive to
resistant to ADI treatment, although most require arginine deprivation via ADI. RCC cells treated
arginine for proliferation. Recombinant human with ADI showed growth retardation in a dose-
arginase has been reported as an arginine- dependent manner. ADI also exerted in vivo
depleting enzyme for killing ASS-positive tumors antiproliferative effect on the allografted renal
which expressed ASS but not ornithine transcar- cell carcinoma (RENCA) tumor cells and
bamylase (OTC), the enzyme that converts orni- prolonged the survival of tumor-bearing mice.
thine, the product of degradation of arginine with ADI may inhibit cell proliferation not only by
recombinant human arginase, to citrulline, which depletion of arginine but also by mechanisms
is converted back to arginine via ASS. Data sug- involving the cell cycle and death signals. Low
gest that the growth of OTC-deficient HCC tumor concentrations of ADI inhibit proliferation of var-
cells (ASS positive and ADI resistant) in mice is ious cultured cells by arresting the cell cycle in G1
inhibited by treatment with pegylated recombi- and/or S phase with higher ADI concentrations
nant human arginase, which is in clinical trials leading to subsequent ▶ apoptosis. For
and development by Bio-Cancer Treatment Inter- T lymphoblasts, ADI induces apoptotic cell
national Limited. Arginine deprivation causes death, and cell cycle analysis shows that G1!S
many types of tumor cells to die, because they transition is blocked in these ADI-treated cells,
cannot recover or convert urea cycle intermediates with increase of apoptotic nuclei in the sub-G1
into arginine. fraction. Data suggest that ADI inhibits prolifera-
tion of human leukemia cells more potently than
Mechanisms of Antitumor Activity of ADI asparaginase by inducing cell cycle arrest and
As a promising enzyme in the treatment of tumors apoptosis. This inhibition of cell proliferation
without ASS expression, ADI has shown its involves cell growth arrest in the G1 and/or
antiproliferative and antiangiogenic activities in S phase and eventually apoptotic cell death. For
a variety of cancer cells and endothelial cells human leukemic CEM cells, ADI suppresses
in vitro and in vivo. The exact mechanism of its expression of c-myc, a potential key regulator of
antitumor activity remains unclear. To elucidate cell proliferation and apoptosis, and increases
the mechanisms, many data have been collected. expression of p27Kip1 cyclin-dependent kinase
For example, the Mycoplasma arginini ADI inhibitor.
inhibits the growth of mouse hepatoma cell line Since arginine is involved in several pathways
MH134 in vitro, and its concentration required for for regulation and maintenance of cellular
Arginine-Depleting Enzyme Arginine Deiminase 357

functions, such as protein synthesis, polyamine Clinical Trials

synthesis, and ▶ nitric oxide (NO) production, Polaris Group is developing ADI-PEG-20 (ADI
ADI may modulate these physiological pathways. conjugated to polyethylene glycol 20,000 molec- A
Human mammary adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) and ular weight), a pegylated ADI for the potential
human lung carcinoma (A549) cells express treatment of HCC, for which the Food and Drug
diverse ASS activity which regenerates arginine Administration (FDA) and the European Agency
and have different sensitivity to ADI. In A549 for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products have
cells, the antiproliferative activity of ADI might granted the drug Orphan Drug status, and mela-
be due to the inhibition of protein synthesis noma, for which the FDA has also awarded
but not polyamine synthesis. Data suggest that ADI-PEG-20 Orphan Drug status. In addition,
ADI inhibits de novo synthesis of protein in cells ADI-PEG-20 is being investigated for the poten-
with low ASS activity but not in cells with high tial treatment of influenza virus infection and hep-
ASS activity, due to the fact that the lack of atitis C virus infection. The Mycoplasma hominis
extracellular arginine in protein synthesis can be ADI has been mutated and is produced by recom-
replaced by the regenerated arginine via ASS and binant technology in E. coli. It is formulated with
ASL in the cell. Polyamine synthesis is not PEG to decrease its immunogenicity and to
affected by ADI, even in cells with no ASS activ- increase its circulating half-life in vivo.
ity. Therefore, inhibitory effect of ADI on the Reported in 2004, ADI-PEG-20 was used to
proliferation of ADI-sensitive tumor cells is lower plasma arginine to treat patients with
most likely due to the inhibition of de novo unresectable HCC in phase I/II studies. Pharma-
protein synthesis. codynamic studies indicated an ADI-PEG-20
On the other hand, arginine is the precursor of dose level of 160 U/m2 was sufficient to lower
NO, and the latter modulates ▶ angiogenesis. ADI plasma arginine from a resting level of
is a selective modulator for NO production via 130 mmol/L to below the level of detection
inducible (iNOS) and endothelial (eNOS) nitric (<2 mmol/L) for more than 7 days. This therapy
oxide synthases. Hydrolysis of plasma arginine to appeared to be well tolerated, even in patients who
citrulline by ADI suppresses lipopolysaccharide- had no detectable plasma arginine for three con-
induced NO synthesis. ADI treatment affects tinuous months of therapy. Of the 19 patients
tubelike (capillary) formation of human umbilical enrolled, 2 had a complete response, 7 had a
vein endothelial cells. Inhibition of angiogenesis partial response, 7 had stable disease, and 3 had
by ADI is reversed when a surplus of exogenous progressive disease. The median survival for the
arginine is provided, indicating that its 19 patients enrolled on this study was 410 days.
antiangiogenic effect (▶ Antiangiogenesis) is pri- Reported in 2005, ADI-PEG-20 was also used
marily due to arginine depletion. Data suggest that to treat patients with metastatic melanoma in
acting as an antiangiogenic agent (antiangiogenic phase I and II studies. After treatment, plasma
drug), ADI inhibits in vivo growth of neuroblas- arginine levels in individuals with metastatic mel-
tomas with unfavorable properties and these anoma were lowered; NO levels also were
effects are potentiated by simultaneous irradia- lowered. There were no grade 3 or 4 toxicities
tion. Combination of ADI with irradiation does directly attributable to the drug. Six of 24 phase
not increase tumor hypoxia. The antiproliferative I to II patients responded to treatment (five partial
and antiangiogenic effects of ADI might be a responses and one complete response; 25%
consequence of protein synthesis that involves response rate) and also had prolonged survival.
cell growth and tumorigenesis and polyamine However, ADI-PEG-20 does have a number of
synthesis that involves cell proliferation and dif- shortcomings. First, ADI is a bacterial enzyme
ferentiation. Due to its two-pronged attack as both and antigenicity may still be a problem despite
an antiproliferative and an antiangiogenic agent, pegylation. In phase II studies that have been
ADI may be highly beneficial in cancer therapy. reported, autoantibodies were detected as early

as the fifth week and continued to increase with

treatment. This may potentially render the drug ARK2
ineffective on prolonged treatment. Second, ADI
converts arginine to citrulline and free ammonia, ▶ Aurora Kinases
which could pose problems in patients with liver
cirrhosis and hepatic decompensation with further
elevation of ammonia levels, leading to prehepatic
encephalopathy in man. Third, ADI product cit- Aromatase
rulline is readily recyclable and rescues cells not
only from arginine-free medium but also from ▶ Aromatase and Its Inhibitors
arginase-induced deficiency. This has led to the
major limitation of ADI: it only kills cancer cells
that are ASS deficient. ASS expression has been
detected in some tested human tumor biopsy spec- Aromatase and Its Inhibitors
imens which might cause the tumors to be resis-
tant to ADI therapy. Gauri Sabnis and Angela Brodie
University of Maryland School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD, USA

Ascierto PA, Scala S, Castello G et al (2005) Pegylated Synonyms

arginine deiminase treatment of patients with meta-
static melanoma: results from phase I and II studies.
J Clin Oncol 23:7660–7668, Erratum in: J Clin Oncol Aromatase; CYP 450arom; Estrogen synthase
(2006) 24:4047
Cheng PN, Lam TL, Lam WM et al (2007) Pegylated
recombinant human arginase (rhArg-peg 5,000 mw)
inhibits the in vitro and in vivo proliferation of human
hepatocellular carcinoma through arginine depletion.
Cancer Res 67:309–317 Estrogens are involved in numerous physiological
Feun L, Savaraj N (2006) Pegylated arginine deiminase: a processes including the development and mainte-
novel anticancer enzyme agent. Expert Opin Investig
nance of the female sexual organs, the reproduc-
Drugs 15:815–822
Izzo F, Marra P, Beneduce G et al (2004) Pegylated argi- tive cycle, reproduction, and various other
nine deiminase treatment of patients with unresectable neuroendocrine functions. These ▶ hormones
hepatocellular carcinoma: results from phase I/II stud- have crucial roles in certain disease states, partic-
ies. J Clin Oncol 22:1815–1822
ularly in mammary and endometrial hyperplasias
Shen LJ, Shen WC (2006) Drug evaluation: ADI-PEG-
20 – a PEGylated arginine deiminase for arginine- and ▶ breast cancers.
auxotrophic cancers. Curr Opin Mol Ther 8:240–248 Estrogens are biosynthesized from androgens
by the ▶ cytochrome P450 enzyme complex
called “aromatase” first discovered in 1955.

▶ DLC1
The aromatase enzyme complex is bound in the
endoplasmic reticulum of the cell and is com-
ARK1 prised of two major proteins. One protein is cyto-
chrome P450arom, a hemoprotein that converts C19
▶ Aurora Kinases steroids (androgens) into C18 steroids (estrogens)
Aromatase and Its Inhibitors 359

containing a phenolic A ring. The second protein manner, enabling tissue- or cell-specific regula-
is NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, which tion of aromatase. For example, the most proximal
transfers reducing equivalents to cytochrome promoters, PII and I.3, are used predominantly for A
P450arom. Three moles of NADPH and three the gonads, whereas promoter 1f drives brain-
moles of oxygen are used in the conversion of specific transcription of aromatase, and promoter
one mole of substrate into one mole of estrogen I.4 is used for adipose tissue and skin. The most
product. distal promoter, I.1, located 100 kb upstream of
exon II, is used almost exclusively for the placenta.
Distribution and Regulation Each promoter displays different cis-elements to
In premenopausal women, the enzyme is expressed which cell-specific transcription factors bind.
in the ovarian granulosa cells of large preovulatory Accordingly, tissue- or cell-specific expression
follicles and syncytiotrophoblasts of the placenta and regulation of aromatase is realized by the
during pregnancy. Additionally, former theca level of promoter selection and by the cell-specific
interna cells of early to mid-luteal phase corpus profiles of transcription factors. The first step
luteum are the major source of aromatase in toward understanding the regulation of aromatase
premenopausal ovaries. Aromatase is not found in expression in a specific tissue is to elucidate the
prepubertal infant ovaries. In addition, aromatase is associated promoter use.
expressed in a number of other tissues throughout
the body. The most important site of non-ovarian Aromatization Reaction
estrogen is adipose tissue where production Aromatization of androgens to estrogens is last in
increases with age and is the primary source of the series of reactions in steroid biosynthesis and
circulating estrogen in postmenopausal women. is the rate-limiting step for estrogen synthesis.
However, aromatase levels in breast tissue have Therefore, there are no steroids normally
been found to be severalfold higher than those produced downstream to be affected by the inhi-
found in plasma. A number of reports indicate that bition of aromatase. Aromatization of androstene-
aromatase activity and mRNA are present in normal dione, the preferred substrate, occurs via three
breast tissue and breast tumors. Approximately, successive oxidation steps, with the first two
60% of the ▶ breast cancers express aromatase being hydroxylations of the angular C19 methyl
activity. Although gonadal aromatase is regulated group and characteristic of P450 hydroxylations.
by follicle-stimulating hormone, aromatase in extra- The final oxidation step involves aromatization of
gonadal sites is regulated by other factors such as the A ring of the steroid molecule and loss of the
glucocorticoids, cAMP, and prostaglandin E2. Thus, C19 carbon atom as formic acid. Although the
in postmenopausal women, estrogen synthesis is mechanism of the third and last step remains
independent on pituitary-ovary feedback regulation. unclear, it is thought to involve nucleophilic
Furthermore, the expression of aromatase is highest attack of the 19-aldehyde by the reduced ferrous
in or near breast tumor sites. peroxy intermediate to produce a peroxo-
hemiacetal that decays as a consequence of cis
Expression elimination of the 1b-hydrogen by the proximal
Human aromatase is encoded by CYP19, a single- oxygen atom and results in aromatization of the
copy gene on 15q21.2, and is expressed in the A ring of the steroid and formic acid release.
endoplasmic reticulum. CYP19 comprises ten Analysis of the reduced ferrous peroxy interme-
exons, with exons II through X encoding the diate indicates that the 1b-hydrogen removal by
open reading frame of aromatase. At least nine the proximal oxygen of the peroxo-hemiacetal
different first exons are known to encode unique intermediate encounters a high energetic barrier
50 -untranslated regions of aromatase mRNA. (>60 kcal/mol) that is enzymatically inaccessible.
Each first exon has its own upstream promoter Furthermore, the resulting species do not directly
region. First exons and corresponding promoters fragment to the experimentally observed formic
are used alternatively in a tissue- or cell-specific acid and aromatized steroid products. It has been
360 Aromatase and Its Inhibitors

reported that steroid models that contain the substrate D4A. These are competitive inhibitors
2,3-enol moiety have a markedly lower barrier of the enzyme androstenedione and interact with
for 1b-hydrogen atom abstraction (<7 kcal/mol) the substrate-binding site of the enzyme. This
due to the ability of the enolized A ring to delo- leads to covalent bond formation with the nucle-
calize the impending radical. Formation of the ophilic site of the enzyme leading to irreversible
2,3-enol appears to be necessary as transition enzyme inhibition. Since the inhibitor binds irre-
states containing the 2,3-enol moiety and the versibly to the target site, a new enzyme molecule
19-gem diol decay directly to the aromatized must be produced for estrogen synthesis to occur.
product, formic acid, and the aqua-bound model
cytochrome P450 enzyme. Analysis of the reac- Formestane
tion vectors indicates that the second hydrogen First selective aromatase inhibitor: Investigations
transfer occurs with a concerted, nonsynchronous on the development of aromatase inhibitor began
mechanism without an energetic barrier. Thus, the in 1970s and have expanded greatly in the past
final catalytic step of aromatase appears to involve three decades. The initial approach taken
the cytochrome P450 oxene intermediate, to develop the first selective AI was to design
1b-hydrogen atom abstraction, and release of substrate analogs based on the structure of D4A.
formic acid. Although aromatase shares common These inhibitors have chemical substituents
features with the other P450 enzymes, the unique at various positions on the steroid nucleus.
characteristics of the aromatization reaction, Modifications at C4 have produced several
involving loss of the C19 carbon and conversion effective inhibitors including 4-OHA
of steroidal A ring to an aromatic ring, provide the (4-hydroxyandrostenedione). Other structural
opportunity to develop inhibitors selective for modifications can be made on the B-ring of the
P450arom. The importance of selective inhibition steroid nucleus.
is that potent inhibitors bind to the target enzyme Following initial ▶ clinical trials in the 1980s,
with high affinity. Because only low concentra- 4-OHA was introduced into the market in 1993 as
tions of the drug are required to suppress the the first selective inhibitor under the name
enzyme, interactions with other enzymes are formestane (LENTARON ® Ciba-Geigy, now
unlikely to occur. For example, 11b-hydroxylase Novartis) with the indication for the treatment of
mediates the synthesis of the adrenal steroid cor- advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal
tisol and is inhibited along with aromatase and women. In clinical trials, weekly deep intramus-
other P450 enzymes by general inhibitors of ste- cular injections with 500 mg of formestane to
roid biosynthesis, such as aminoglutethimide. unselected breast cancer patients resulted in a
This compound was used in breast cancer treat- 60% suppression of plasma ▶ estradiol levels
ment in the 1960s, initially to produce medical and an overall response rate of almost 30%. Sim-
adrenalectomies, but later was used to inhibit aro- ilar responses, obtained with a daily oral adminis-
matase in conjunction with cortisol replacement. tration of 500 mg, were however indicative of a
However, because of its lack of selectivity, this lower bioavailability by this route.
compound is a relatively weak aromatase inhibi-
tor and causes a number of toxicities in patients. Exemestane
Since aromatase has both an iron-containing and Subsequently AIs with improved oral activity
a steroid-binding site, there are two possible ways were developed. This resulted in exemestane
inhibitors may interact with the enzyme. Aromatase (Aromasin ®) which received US FDA approval
inhibitors have been traditionally divided into the in 1999 for the treatment of advanced breast
two classes of type I and type II inhibitors. cancer.

Type I Inhibitors of Aromatase Type II Inhibitors of Aromatase

Type I or mechanism-based inhibitors of aroma- Nonsteroidal Reversible Inhibitors. Type II inhib-
tase include steroidal structural analogs of the itors are reversible inhibitors of aromatase and
Aromatic Amine 361

include nitrogen-containing compounds such as gynecological symptoms than tamoxifen. A low

letrozole (Femara) and anastrozole (Arimidex). incidence of bone toxicity and muculoskeletal
The nitrogen in these compounds reacts and effects are associated with AI compared to A
forms a coordinate bond with the heme atom of tamoxifen.
the P450 enzyme complex. These inhibitors are Some of the newer studies also show AIs may
based on known P450 enzyme inhibitors, such as have advantages over clomiphene citrate for ovar-
ketoconazole, and are more likely to inhibit mul- ian stimulation (ovulation induction).
tiple P450 enzymes in addition to aromatase. Type
II inhibitors can have lower specificity than type
I inhibitors, for example, type II inhibitors also Cross-References
include aminoglutethimide which inhibits 11-
b-hydroxylase and cortisol production. However, ▶ Breast Cancer
the newer, third-generation AIs such as letrozole ▶ Clinical Trial
and anastrozole exhibit a great degree of specific- ▶ Cytochrome P450
ity for aromatase, are very potent, and have ▶ Estradiol
good bioavailability. In postmenopausal women, ▶ Hormones
letrozole decreases plasma concentration of estra- ▶ Tamoxifen
diol, estrone, and estrone sulfate by 75–95% from
baseline with maximal suppression achieved
within 2–3 days of treatment initiation. At clini-
cally used dosage, letrozole does not impair adre- Brodie A (2003) Aromatase inhibitor development and hor-
nal synthesis of glucocorticoids or aldosterone. mone therapy: a perspective. Semin Oncol 30:12–22
In 1998, letrozole was approved for the treatment Brueggemeier RW, Hackett JC, Diaz-Cruz ES (2005) Aro-
of advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal matase inhibitors in the treatment of breast cancer.
Endocr Rev 26:331–345
women with hormone receptor-positive or unknown Meyer AS (1955) 19-Hydroxylation of D-androstene-3,17-
breast cancer who had failed prior ▶ tamoxifen dione and dehydroepiandrosterone by bovine adrenals.
treatment (second line). In 2001, FDA approved Acta Endocrinol 18:148
letrozole for first-line treatment of postmenopausal Njar VC, Brodie AM (1999) Comprehensive pharmacol-
ogy and clinical efficacy of aromatase inhibitors. Drugs
women with hormone receptor-positive locally 58:233–255
advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Winer EP, Hudis C, Burstein HJ et al (2005) American Society
of Clinical Oncology technology assessment on the use of
Applications and Indications aromatase inhibitors as adjuvant therapy for postmeno-
pausal women with hormone receptor-positive breast can-
AIs are approved by US FDA for the treatment of cer: status report 2004. J Clin Oncol 23:619–629
postmenopausal hormone dependent (ER positive
or unknown) as a first-line treatment and after
tamoxifen relapse. Reports of the MA-17 and
IES clinical trials suggest that AIs are effective Aromatic Amine
in early breast cancer following tamoxifen. Based
on data from these and other multiple, large ran- Denis M. Grant
domized trials, it was recommended by the Amer- Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology,
ican Association of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto,
technology assessment panel that optimal adju- Toronto, ON, Canada
vant hormonal therapy for a postmenopausal
woman with receptor-positive breast cancer
includes an aromatase inhibitor as initial therapy Definition
or after treatment with tamoxifen. Clinical data
shows advantage of AI over tamoxifen for as A primary aromatic amine is a homocyclic
long as 10 years. AIs are well tolerated with less (strictly carbon-based) or heterocyclic (usually
362 ARP2

both carbon and nitrogen-based) conjugated ring Definition

structure that contains a primary amine (-NH2)
substituent directly attached to the ring. As many Array-based comparative genomic hybridization
as 12% of all of the substances listed by the U.S. (array CGH) is a technique to assay the genome
National Toxicology Program as being a known for identifying chromosomal segments with copy
or probable human carcinogen is a primary aro- number alterations. This technique utilizes printed
matic amine or a compound that can be converted microarrays (▶ Microarray (cDNA) technology)
into one. The simplest aromatic amine is aniline. to perform a simultaneous analysis of selected
N-acetylation of primary aromatic amines by genomic regions or even the entire genome.
arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) enzymes is These arrays can be based on printed genomic
considered to be detoxifying since the product of material (BACs), cDNAs, or oligonucleotide frag-
the reaction is chemically stable. On the other ments and are analyzed by the same apparatus and
hand, aromatic amines can be bioactivated to software used for cDNA microarray analysis.
DNA-damaging electrophiles by a metabolic
sequence of N-oxidation of the primary amino
group by cytochrome P450 enzymes followed Characteristics
by O-acetylation either by NAT or by other
O-conjugating enzymes such as sulfotransferases DNA sequence copy number changes have been
and UDP-glucuronosyltransferases. Examples shown to play an important role in the pathogen-
of aromatic amine carcinogens include esis of cancer. Array CGH is a further develop-
4-aminobiphenyl, 2-aminofluorene, benzidine ment of CGH, which was originally used to detect
and β-naphthylamine. chromosomal imbalances. CGH allowed the
detection of chromosomal copy number changes
in cell and tissue samples, but, unfortunately, con-
Cross-References ventional CGH has a low resolution. This problem
has been overcome by the introduction of array-
▶ Carcinogen Metabolism based CGH (array CGH). This technique is based
on differential labeling of a test sample and refer-
ence DNA that are cohybridized on a slide with
several thousand DNA clones representing spe-
cific regions of the human genome.
Since chromosomal copy numbers cannot be
measured directly, two samples of genomic DNA
▶ Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase
(reference and test DNAs) are differentially
labeled with fluorescent dyes and competitively
hybridized to known mapped sequences spotted
onto a slide (Fig. 1a). Because the fluorescence
Array CGH intensity is related to the copy number of single
clones, the ratio of intensity between test and
Daniele Calistri reference samples will be null in cases of equal
Molecular Laboratory, Istituto Scientifico amount of fluorescent signal or either negative or
Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori positive in cases of low copy number or high copy
(I.R.S.T.), Meldola, Italy number of test DNA clones, respectively. The
fluorescence intensity ratio for the labeled DNA
populations is computed, and a fluorescence pro-
Synonyms file is generated for each chromosome according
to the physical position of their corresponding
Array-based comparative genomic hybridization probe on the genome (Fig. 1b). By this method,
Array CGH 363

Array CGH, Fig. 1 (a) Two DNA samples, isolated from intensity ratios, measured at each array spot, are normal-
“test” and “reference” cells, are labeled with two different ized, and a fluorescent profile is generated for each
dyes and competitively hybridized to genomic clones chromosome
which are spotted onto a slide. (b) The fluorescent signal

array CGH can provide improved quantitative platforms initially developed used mainly BAC,
accuracy, resolution, and dynamic range com- YAC, or PAC clones. Synthetic oligonucleotides
pared to conventional CGH, and the measure- have been introduced as an alternative substrate
ments can be referenced directly to the positions for array CGH, and today this approach seems to
on the genome sequence. offer the highest resolution.
The difficulty in obtaining the correct result
depends on many factors. The types of aberration, Clinical Applications
for example, strongly influence the array Chromosomal alterations represent an important
CGH analysis. It is much easier to detect large feature of tumors that, up to now, have not been
increases/decreases in copy number due to ampli- investigated exhaustively due to the low resolu-
fications/deletions of large genomic regions than tion of conventional array methods. Compared to
single copy gains and losses of affecting small microscopic chromosomal cytogenetic tech-
genomic DNA fragments. Heterogeneity of cells niques, array CGH analyses provide many advan-
in the tumor sample, for example, the presence of tages mainly because they have a higher
normal cells within tissues, and different proto- resolution in detecting alterations. For this reason,
cols used for tissue fixation can cause problems. the role of array-based CGH technology in cancer
Obviously, another important factor is the type of research is to detect new rearrangements or geno-
array CGH technology used providing different mic alterations important for neoplastic transfor-
results in terms of reproducibility and resolution mation and to provide a more accurate diagnosis
with different abilities to correctly identify geno- of cancer. In fact, a more accurate diagnosis of
mic DNA gains or losses. genomic alterations could be of patient’s benefit
There are many different types of probes used because pathologists and clinicians can better
to generate slides for array CGH analysis. The classify and define each single tumor providing a
364 Array-Based Comparative Genomic Hybridization

more effective and specific approach to patient ▶ Cancer Epigenetics

care. A wide spectrum analysis could provide ▶ Epigenetic
important information for a more accurate prog- ▶ Epigenetic Gene Silencing
nosis as well as helping to predict the outcome to a ▶ Hypomethylation of DNA
specific cancer treatment. ▶ Methylation
Array CGH could also be useful for analyzing ▶ Microarray (cDNA) Technology
not only chromosomal rearrangement but also ▶ Oncogene
epigenetic alterations, which are another impor- ▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes
tant feature of tumor cells. Hypermethylation of
CpG islands in promoter regions is known to be
associated with silencing of ▶ tumor suppressor
genes, while conversely, ▶ hypomethylation Inazawa J, Inoue J, Imoto I (2004) Comparative genomic
events are associated with ▶ oncogene activation. hybridization (CGH)-arrays pave the way for identifi-
For this reason, a technique that provides an anal- cation of novel cancer-related genes. Cancer Sci
ysis of the vast majority of ▶ methylation alter- 95:559–563
Lockwood WW, Chari R, Chi B et al (2005) Recent
ations present in tumor cells could be very useful advances in array comparative genomic hybridisation
to clarify the mechanism of tumor transformation. technologies and their applications in human genetics.
Using array CGH methods, it is possible to check Eur J Hum Gen 14:1–10
the methylation status of genomic DNA combin- Pinkel D, Albertson DG (2005) Array comparative geno-
mic hybridisation and its applications in cancer. Nat
ing CpG island array and differential methylation Genet 37:s11–s17
hybridization (DMH) techniques. Ylstra B, Ivan den Jssel P, Carvalho B et al (2006) BAC to
Finally, crucial information can be obtained by the future! or oligonucleotides: a perspective for micro
the ability of array CGH to detect focal homozy- array comparative genomic hybridisation (array CGH).
Nucleic Acids Res 34:445–450
gous deletions in regions of frequent heterozygous
deletions or loss of heterozygosity because these
alterations can provide important information to
detect specific tumor suppressor genes. Unfortu-
nately, alterations that do not change copy number
Array-Based Comparative Genomic
cannot be detected by this technique. However, the
development of array CGH analyses based on sin-
gle nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) profiling
▶ Array CGH
could override this problem being an important
tool for tumor characterization.
The main limitation for array CGH to be used
in clinical environment is the high price of array
CGH platforms that do not permit a rapid diffu- Arrhenoblastoma
sion in laboratory and clinical practices. However,
in the next few years, it is possible to predict an Synonyms
increment of this technique and a parallel decrease
of cost per sample with a larger diffusion in diag- Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
nostic applications and standardization of differ-
ent protocols and applications.

Cross-References Arrhenoblastoma is a rare type of ▶ ovarian can-

cer. The cancer cells produce and release a high
▶ Amplification level of a male sex hormone testosterone, which
▶ Aneuploidy may cause women to develop male physical
Arsenic 365

characteristics, including facial hair and a deep whereas organic arsenic is found in combination
voice. While the tumor can occur at any age, it with carbon and hydrogen. The inorganic forms of
develops most often in young adults. arsenic are more toxic compared to the organic A
forms. The trivalent forms of arsenic are more
toxic and react with thiol groups. On the other
hand, the pentavalent forms are less toxic but
uncouple cellular oxidative phosphorylation.
The odorless and tasteless properties of most
▶ Ovarian Cancer
arsenic compounds make them attractive poisons.
Arsenic has been called the Poison of Kings and
the King of Poisons because of its use by the
ruling class to murder one another and its potency
Arsenic and discreetness. One of the most notorious poi-
soners in the nineteenth century was Goeie Mie
Ann M. Bode and Zigang Dong (“Good Mary”) of Leiden, the Netherlands, who
The Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota, poisoned 102 friends and relatives by giving them
Austin, MN, USA As2O3 in hot milk after opening life insurance
policies in their names. Arsenic acts by disrupting
ATP production, ultimately leading to death due
Definition to multisystem organ failure. Physiologically,
both As3+ and As5+ bind to sulfhydryl groups,
Arsenic is a “trace element” that is found natu- but As3+ has about a tenfold greater affinity for
rally in the environment. A “trace element” refers binding than As5+. Arsenic tends to accumulate in
to chemical elements present or required in minute the skin, hair, oral mucosa, and esophagus proba-
quantities. Arsenic (As) is considered to be an bly because it can bind with sulfhydryl groups of
important factor in human health. Humans are keratin commonly found in these tissues. In addi-
exposed to arsenic through the air, drinking tion, arsenic can be found at high levels in tissues
water, and food. No documented evidence exists such as the hair, nails, skin, and lungs, which are
that would support a beneficial biological function rich in cysteine groups.
or documented clinical deficiency in humans.
Arsenic has been associated with cancer as far History of Use
back as 1887, and current evidence suggests a Arsenic compounds were mined by the early Chi-
positive correlation between arsenic exposure nese, Greek, and Egyptian civilizations and were
and increased risk for developing various cancers, used for medicinal purposes, including the treat-
especially ▶ skin cancer. ment of syphilis and arthritis. The compound
arsenic was probably first identified and isolated
by Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great,
Characteristics 1193–1280), a German alchemist, in 1250. Arse-
nic was mixed with vinegar and chalk and eaten or
Arsenic is a metalloid that is found in rubbed on their faces and arms by women during
various oxidation states, depending on the pH the Victorian era to improve their complexion. In
and the presence of oxidizing and reducing sub- 1878, Dr. Thomas Fowler created “Fowler’s solu-
stances. Arsenite (As3+) and arsenate (As5+) forms tion,” a combination of arsenic and potassium
are the main forms of arsenic found in drinking bicarbonate. “Fowler’s solution” was used to
water. treat leukemia and Hodgkin disease but also
Arsenic compounds are classified as inorganic eczema, psoriasis, and asthma. In 1910, Nobel
or organic arsenic. Inorganic arsenic is usually laureate Paul Ehrlich developed salvarsan
combined with oxygen, chlorine, or sulfur, (organic arsenical) that was used to treat syphilis
366 Arsenic

and trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness). Arsenic sensitivity to arsenic exists among individuals,
was used to treat leukemia until the 1970s at and this variation may be related to differences
which time its use in Western countries was in metabolism. The metabolism of arsenic in
almost totally discontinued due to the advent of humans occurs through alternating steps of reduc-
more effective chemotherapy and radiotherapy in tion and methylation. Cellular glutathione (GSH)
addition to its perceived toxicity and potential can reduce arsenate (As5+) nonenzymatically, but
carcinogenicity. However, the clinical use of arse- evidence also indicates that arsenate reductase
nic has experienced a major resurgence. Arsenic may catalyze the GSH reduction of As5+ to As3
trioxide is now considered to be an effective treat- . As3+ is then methylated to form monomethy-
ment for relapsed and/or refractory ▶ acute larsonic acid (MMA), which is further methylated
promyelocytic leukemia (APL) and has been to dimethylarsinic acid (DMA). The relative con-
approved by the FDA for the general treatment tributions of these metabolites to the toxicity and
of APL. ▶ carcinogenesis of arsenic have not yet been
fully elucidated.
Paradox of Arsenic
As3+ and its monomethylated and dimethylated Mechanisms of Action: Cancer-Causing Effects
derivatives are associated with risk for cancers of of Arsenic
the skin, ▶ lung, ▶ bladder, kidney, and/or liver. The precise mechanisms of arsenic’s cancer-
Thus, arsenic is a well-established human carcin- causing effects have been elusive most likely
ogen, but paradoxically, arsenic trioxide is also an because arsenic’s effects are enigmatic. Arsenic
extremely valuable therapeutic tool for treating has not been shown conclusively to be an initiat-
hematological malignancies, including various ing or a promoting agent of carcinogenesis in
leukemias and ▶ multiple myeloma. In particular, animals, thus making its classification as a carcin-
arsenic has been very useful in treating relapsed or ogen difficult, and in contrast to classic tumor-
all-trans-▶ retinoic acid (ATRA)-resistant APL promoting agents, its effects are not reversible.
patients. Arsenic has also been reported as effec- In addition, the majority of scientific evidence
tive against ▶ neuroblastoma, ▶ esophageal car- does not suggest that arsenic is a mutagen
cinoma, ▶ gastric cancer, ▶ hepatocellular in vivo, although it has been shown to interact
carcinoma, head and neck cancer, ▶ cervical can- with DNA to cause damage. Arsenic’s ability to
cer, ▶ prostate cancer, transitional cell cancer, contribute to carcinogenesis has been suggested to
glioblastoma, renal cell carcinoma, and ▶ breast be associated primarily with genotoxicity
cancer. (chromosome abnormalities), ▶ oxidative stress,
This creates a paradox for which no unified and alteration of cellular ▶ signal transduction
agreement has yet been reached regarding the pathways.
molecular mechanisms that determine whether
arsenic will act as a carcinogen or as an effectual Genotoxicity
chemotherapeutic agent. The suggestion has been Exposure to arsenic compounds can result in the
made that high doses of arsenic result in toxicity, induction of chromosomal abnormalities, includ-
whereas lower doses induce cellular differentia- ing micronuclei formation, deletions, sister chro-
tion. Another key element contributing to the puz- matid exchanges, and aneuploidy in both humans
zle has been the nonresponsiveness of animal and animals. Arsenic, and especially the methyl-
models to tumorigenesis induced by oral admin- ated trivalent form, seems to have potent
istration of arsenic alone. This suggests that arse- clastogenic activity (i.e., causes breaks in chro-
nic may act to enhance mutagenicity induced by mosomes). Some suggest that whether arsenic
other carcinogens or it may function as a cocar- acts as a clastogen or an aneugen (i.e., agent that
cinogen, acting by inhibiting repair of carcinogen- affects cell division and the mitotic spindle appa-
induced DNA damage. Furthermore, a diverse ratus resulting in the loss or gain of whole
Arsenic 367

chromosomes, thereby inducing an aneuploidy) is signal transduction pathways. In particular, arse-

related to dose (i.e., high dose = clastogen). Arse- nic may act as a carcinogen by activating path-
nite appears to induce gene amplification at the ways associated with proliferation to induce cell A
dhfr locus in both human and animal cells. Arse- transformation or tumor development, or it may
nite can also increase telomerase activity to pro- act as a chemotherapeutic agent by inducing death
mote cellular proliferation. (▶ apoptosis) of tumor cells. Arsenic is reported
to increase tyrosine phosphorylation of receptor
Possible Involvement of Reactive Oxygen tyrosine kinases (i.e., ▶ epidermal growth factor
Species (ROS) receptor) and nonreceptor tyrosine kinases (i.e.,
▶ Reactive oxygen species, such as superoxide Src), which is associated with abnormal cell sig-
anion, hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxygen, and naling, leading to uncontrolled cell growth and
hydroxyl radical, might be involved in both the cancer. Arsenic has been reported to stimulate
initiation and promotional stages of carcinogene- activator protein-1 (▶ AP-1) and to either activate
sis. Low levels of ROS can act as second messen- or suppress nuclear factor kappa B (NFkappaB).
gers to mediate gene expression, whereas high AP-1 and NFkappaB are transcription factors that
levels are suggested to result in cell damage and induce the transcription of genes known to have a
death. ROS causes damage through lipid peroxi- major role in determining whether cell transfor-
dation and modification of DNA including base- mation or apoptosis will occur. Arsenic clearly
pair mutations, rearrangements, deletions, inser- induces either transformation or apoptosis in
tions, and sequence amplifications. ROS have many cell types, and the carcinogenic and
been reported to be involved in cell transforma- anticarcinogenic actions of arsenic could very
tion signaling. ROS can damage DNA and well share a common molecular mechanism that
proteins both directly and indirectly. Exposure to is related to length of arsenic exposure (e.g.,
arsenic results in the induction of oxidative stress- chronic vs. acute), level of exposure (high dose
associated enzymes such as heme oxygenase and vs. low dose), and/or species of arsenic exposure
NADPH oxidase in various human and animal (e.g., arsenite, arsenate, MMA, DMA). Based on
cell lines. Induction of these enzymes appears to these assumptions, the possibility exists that the
increase the production of ROS, which can key to arsenic’s actions is the extent to which it
cause DNA damage. Elevated levels of character- disrupts the normal control of apoptosis through
istic DNA adducts (i.e., 8-hydroxy-2- its influence on signaling pathways, including the
-deoxyguanosine) associated with oxidative ▶ mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs)
injury have also been observed in various tissues that can lead to the activation of AP-1 or
that are common sites of arsenic-induced carcino- NFkappaB.
genesis. Because arsenic has a high affinity for the
thiol groups of proteins, GSH levels and the activ- Arsenic as a Therapeutic Agent
ity of various antioxidants and ROS scavenging APL is a relatively rare malignancy characterized
proteins all contribute to a protective effect by a chromosomal translocation t(15;17), which
against arsenic-induced production of RO- fuses the retinoid acid receptor (RAR)a on chro-
S. Arsenite has been reported to suppress excision mosome 17 to the promyelocytic leukemia (PML)
and ligation, thereby inhibiting the DNA repair gene on chromosome 15. The PML–RARa
process. It might directly interfere with DNA fusion gene and the resulting protein product,
ligase activity or indirectly interfere through PML–RARa, are thought to be responsible for
ROS production. APL pathogenesis. The addition of ATRA to
chemotherapy has proven to be an effective
Aberrations in Signal Transduction treatment. Importantly, arsenic trioxide is now
The toxic effects of arsenic are very likely related considered to be an important and effective
to arsenic’s ability to induce or impair various treatment for relapsed and/or refractory APL
368 Arsenic

patients. Similar to ATRA, arsenic trioxide Bode AM, Dong Z (2005a) Inducible covalent posttrans-
appears to act by inducing differentiation and lational modification of histone H3. Sci STKE 2005:re4
Bode AM, Dong Z (2005b) Signal transduction pathways
apoptosis in APL cells expressing the PML fusion in cancer development and as targets for cancer pre-
protein. vention. Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol Biol 79:237–297
Bustaffa E, Stoccoro A, Bianchi F, Migliore L (2014)
Genotoxic and epigenetic mechanisms in arsenic carci-
nogenicity. Arch Toxicol 88:1043–1067
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▶ AP-1 science and future research opportunities. Environ
▶ Apoptosis Health Perspect
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▶ Bladder Cancer Stoltidi M, Kastania AN, Linos A (2013) Bladder can-
▶ Breast Cancer cer and arsenic through drinking water: a systematic
▶ Carcinogenesis review of epidemiologic evidence. J Environ Sci
▶ Cervical Cancers Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng 48:1764–
▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Cohen SM, Arnold LL, Beck BD, Lewis AS, Eldan M
▶ Esophageal Cancer (2013) Evaluation of the carcinogenicity of inorganic
▶ Gastric Cancer arsenic. Crit Rev Toxicol 43:711–752
▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma Dangleben NL, Skibola CF, Smith MT (2013) Arsenic
immunotoxicity: a review. Environ Health 12:73
▶ Lung Cancer Falchi L, Verstovsek S, Ravandi-Kashani F, Kantarjian
▶ Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase HM (2015) The evolution of arsenic in the treatment
Kinases of acute promyelocytic leukemia and other myeloid
▶ MAP Kinase neoplasms: moving toward an effective oral, outpatient
therapy. Cancer
▶ Multiple Myeloma He Z, Ma WY, Liu G, Zhang Y, Bode AM, Dong Z (2003)
▶ Neuroblastoma Arsenite-induced phosphorylation of histone H3 at ser-
▶ Oxidative Stress ine 10 is mediated by Akt1, extracellular signal-regu-
▶ Prostate Cancer lated kinase 2, and p90 ribosomal S6 kinase 2 but not
mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase 1. J Biol
▶ Reactive Oxygen Species Chem 278:10588–10593
▶ Retinoic Acid Huang C, Bode AM, Chen NY, Ma WY, Li J, Nomura M,
▶ Signal Transduction Dong Z (2001) Transactivation of AP-1 in AP-1-lucif-
▶ Skin Cancer erase reporter transgenic mice by arsenite and arsenate.
Anticancer Res 21:261–267
▶ Transitional Cell Carcinoma Jomova K, Jenisova Z, Feszterova M, Baros S, Liska J,
Hudecova D, Rhodes CJ, Valko M (2011) Arsenic:
toxicity, oxidative stress and human disease. J Appl
References Toxicol 31:95–107
Kim HG, Kim DJ, Li S, Lee KY, Li X, Bode AM, Dong Z
Bhattacharjee P, Banerjee M, Giri AK (2013) Role of (2012) Polycomb (PcG) Proteins, BMI1 and SUZ12,
genomic instability in arsenic-induced carcinogenicity. Regulate Arsenic-induced Cell Transformation. The
A review. Environ Int 53:29–40 Journal of biological chemistry 287:31920–31928
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Systems biology approaches to evaluate arsenic toxic- MAPK is required for arsenic-induced cell transforma-
ity and carcinogenicity: an overview. Int J Hyg Environ tion. Mol Carcinog
Health 216:574–586 Kitchin KT (2001) Recent advances in arsenic carcinogen-
Bode AM, Dong Z (2000) Apoptosis induction by arsenic: esis: modes of action, animal model systems, and meth-
mechanisms of actions and possible clinical applica- ylated arsenic metabolites. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol
tions for treating therapy-resistant cancers. Drug Resist 172:249–261
Updates 3:21–29 Kitchin KT, Conolly R (2010) Arsenic-induced carcino-
Bode AM, Dong Z (2002) The paradox of arsenic: molec- genesis–oxidative stress as a possible mode of action
ular mechanisms of cell transformation and chemother- and future research needs for more biologically based
apeutic effects. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 42:5–24 risk assessment. Chem Res Toxicol 23:327–335
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Autophagy in arsenic carcinogenesis. Exp Toxicol Antimalarial; Cancer cell cytotoxicity; Free radi-
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Tang F, Liu G, He Z, Ma WY, Bode AM, Dong Z (2006)
Arsenite inhibits p53 phosphorylation, DNA Artemisinin, a natural product (Fig. 1) isolated
binding activity, and p53 target gene p21 expression from the sweet wormwood Artemisia annua L, is
in mouse epidermal JB6 cells. Mol Carcinog
a sesquiterpene lactone. Artemisinin has molecu-
Tapio S, Grosche B (2006) Arsenic in the aetiology of lar formula of C15H22O5 (MW = 282.34). The
cancer. Mutat Res 612:215–246 structure of artemisinin contains fused 6- and 7-
Tokar EJ, Benbrahim-Tallaa L, Ward JM, Lunn R, Sams membered rings with a peroxide bridge
RL, 2nd, Waalkes MP (2010) Cancer in experimental
animals exposed to arsenic and arsenic compounds.
(endoperoxide). Pure artemisinin is a white
Crit Rev Toxicol 40:912–927 and crystalline powder that melts at 152–157  C.
Zykova TA, Zhu F, Lu C, Higgins L, Tatsumi Y, Abe Y, Artemisinin is soluble in organic solvents but
Bode AM, Dong Z (2006) Lymphokine-Activated almost insoluble in water.
Killer T-Cell-Originated Protein Kinase Phosphoryla-
tion of Histone H2AX Prevents Arsenite-Induced Apo-
ptosis in RPMI7951 Melanoma Cells. Clin Cancer Res
12:6884–6893 Characteristics

See Also Biological Activity

(2012) Carcinogen. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Artemisinin is being used in humans as a potent
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 644. antimalarial. Its effectiveness on malaria is due to
its endoperoxide moiety (R1–O–O–R2) that reacts
(2012) Cellular transformation assay. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, with heme, which is abundant in malaria parasites,
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 743. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- leading to the formation of carbon-based free rad-
16483-5_1020 icals which in turn cause death of the parasite.
(2012) Glioblastoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Artemisinin is also being developed into an anti-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1554.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2421 cancer therapeutic agent (Lai et al. 2013). The
(2012) Liver cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of rationale is that cancer cells, like the malaria par-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2063. asites, contain high concentration of intracellular
free iron. Cell death also results from the forma-
(2012) Renal cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 3225– tion of free radicals by the artemisinin-iron reac-
3226. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6575 tion. This property of artemisinin enables it to be
370 Artemisinin

Artemisinin, Fig. 1 Molecular structures of several common artemisinin monomers

effective against many different types of cancer In general, artemisinin compounds have been
cells. The advantage of artemisinin as an antican- shown to be more toxic toward cancer cells than
cer agent is not only in its potency as a toxic their corresponding normal cells. Most cancer
agent to cancer cells but also in its selectivity in cells have high rates of iron uptake to support
killing cancer cells and low toxicity to normal their uncontrolled growth and may become more
cells, since normal cells contain significantly sensitive to artemisinin. This represents a major
less free iron. However, artemisinin compounds advantage of artemisinin when used as a chemo-
have multiple mechanisms of action on cancer. therapeutic agent.
They have also been shown to have antiproli-
feration, anti-angiogenic, anti-metastasis, and Mechanism of Action
anti-inflammatory properties. All of these are ben- Artemisinins affect many different cellular path-
eficial to cancer treatment and, probably, ways that are involved in cellular development,
prevention. proliferation, and apoptosis. Thus, both cell death
and growth inhibition occur. However, the site of
Artemisinin Monomers action is not clear. There are reports of involve-
In addition to the parent compound, a number of ment of mitochondria and its apoptotic pathway,
synthetic derivatives of artemisinin have been extramitochondrial mode of action, involvements
reported. The common artemisinin monomers of iron/heme, and reactive oxidative species. Two
(artemisinin, dihydroartemisinin, artesunate, and processes that have repeatedly been reported to be
artemether (Fig. 1)) have been tested on many affected by artemisinins are inhibition of nuclear
different types of cancer cells. Results indicate factor kappaB (NF-kB) and decrease in vascular
that they are toxic to cancer cells with IC50s in endothelial growth factor (VEGF) activities.
the 10–20 mM range. Dihydroartemisinin, Artemisinin derivatives induce programmed cell
artesunate, and artemether are generally more death of cancer cells by activating the intrinsic or
potent than artemisinin when tested in vitro. Can- the cytochrome c-mediated pathway for apopto-
cer cells and models studied include brain cancer, sis. Effects on other cellular pathways have also
breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, been reported including NOXA, mitogen-
endometrial cancer, gastric cancer, hepatoma, leu- activated protein kinase (MAPK), hypoxia-
kemia, lung cancer, lymphoma, melanoma, mye- inducible factor 1a (HIF-1a), Wnt/b-catenin,
loma, nasopharyngeal cancer, oral cancer, survivin, COX, c-MYC oncoprotein, epidermal
osteosarcoma, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, growth factor (EGF), and tumor necrosis factor-
papillomavirus-expressed epithelial cells, prostate a (TNF-a). These molecular effects could explain
cancer, skin cancer, and thyroid cancer. According the apoptotic, anti-angiogenic, anti-inflammatory,
to NCI’s screening data, leukemia cells are the anti-metastasis, and cell cycle inhibition effects of
most sensitive to artemisinin and its derivatives. artemisinin compounds.
Artemisinin 371

Artemisinin, Fig. 2 Molecular structures of two artemisinin dimers (Dimer-Sal and Dimer-OH) and the monomer
dihydroartemisinin (DHA)

Other Artemisinin-Like Compounds effectiveness and action of the compound on can-

In addition to the basic monomeric compounds, cer cells.
other artemisinin-like compounds have been
developed. These other compounds include Synergism with Other Chemotherapeutic
artemisone, tehranolide, artemisinin-glycolipid, Agents
deoxoartemisinin, azaartemisinin derivatives, Combination of artemisinin compounds with tra-
artemisinin dimers and trimers, tetraoxanes, and ditional chemotherapeutic agents may achieve a
artemisinin tagged to iron delivery proteins such synergistic effect with fewer side effects. Syner-
as transferrin. Other preparations, such as lipid gism has been reported between artesunate with
nanoparticle formulations, have also been inves- fotemustine and dacarbazine on human uveal mel-
tigated. Artemisinin dimers (Fig. 2) are the most anoma; artesunate and epidermal growth factor
well studied and have been tested in many differ- receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor on glioblastoma
ent cancer cell lines and found to be effective in multiforme cells; artesunate and vinorelbine and
either retarding their growth or causing cell death cisplatin on human non-small cell lung cancer;
(apoptosis). They are also the most promising dihydroartemisinin and temozolomide on rat C6
candidate for development into cancer therapeutic glioma cells; artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin
agents. In general, cancer cell cytotoxicity of with gemcitabine on hepatoma xenograft in mice;
dimers is more potent than that of the monomers. dihydroartemisinin and carboplatin on ovarian
The increase in potency varies from 10- to cancer cells in vitro and in vivo; dihydroar-
200-fold. Artemisinin dimers have also been temisinin and gemcitabine on pancreatic cancer
shown to be as or even more potent than some xenograft in mice; dihydroartemisinin with cis-
chemotherapeutic agents, such as doxorubicin, platin and cyclophosphamide on lung cancer
and much less toxic to normal cells than cancer xenografts in mice; artesunate with lenalidomide
cells. However, artemisinin dimers cannot be con- on A549 lung cancer cells and MCF7 breast can-
sidered as a single group of compounds with cer cells (but not on HCT116 colon cancer cells);
similar general properties. The arrangement of artemisone with gemcitabine, oxaliplatin, and tha-
atoms in the molecule, the chemical characteris- lidomide on human colon and breast cancer cells;
tics of the linkers, and the in vivo pharmacokinet- and artesunate and the anti-CD20 antibody
ics of a dimer can determine the cytotoxic rituximab.
372 Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor

Effective on Drug-Resistant Cancer Cells converted to artemisinin photochemically. Com-

Artemisinin compounds have been shown to be mercial production of artemisinin through the
toxic toward various multiple drug-resistant can- genetically engineered yeast has started in 2013.
cer cell lines. Artemisinin has been shown to be Artemisinin has been chemically synthesized,
toxic to various doxorubicin-, methotrexate-, although its commercialization potential remains
cisplastin-, topotecan-, melphalan-, etoposide-, unclear (Corsello and Garg 2015).
and hydroxyurea-resistant cancer cell lines. Dif-
ferent cellular and molecular mechanisms may
account for the lack of cross-resistance between Cross-References
anticancer agents and artemisinin compounds. It
has been shown that overexpression of membrane ▶ Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
protein pumps did not affect artemisinin’s toxicity ▶ Chelators as Anti-Cancer Drugs
toward cancer cells. On the other hand, ▶ Drug Resistance
artemisinin-resistant cancer cell lines have been ▶ Metastasis
reported by several laboratories.

Case Reports and Human Clinical Trials

Several case reports on effects of artemisinin com- Ades V (2011) Safety, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of
pounds on cancer patients have been published. artemisinins in pregnancy. Infect Dis Rep 3:e8
These include laryngeal squamous cell carci- Corsello MA, Garg NK (2015) Synthetic chemistry fuels
noma/artesunate, metastatic uveal melanoma/ interdisciplinary approaches to the production of
artemisinin. Nat Prod Rep 32:359–366
artesunate, pituitary macroadenoma/artemether, Lai H, Singh NP, Sasaki T (2013) Development of
non-small cell lung cancer/artesunate, and cervi- artemisinin compounds for cancer treatment. Invest
cal cancer/dihydroartemisinin. Artesunate has New Drugs 31:230–246
been tested in clinical trials for treatment of met-
astatic breast cancer and colorectal cancer.

Reports on toxicity of artemisinin compounds in Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor
humans are generally negligible. Side effects are
generally mild. Brainstem neurotoxic has been Robert Barouki
reported in animals after long-term high-dose Inserm UMR-S 1124, Université Paris Descartes,
treatments and systemic administrations, e.g., Paris, France
IM. Lipid-soluble forms of artemisinin can be
more neurotoxic than hydrophilic derivatives.
However, toxicity of artemisinin-like compounds Synonyms
could occur with long-term use and has not been
thoroughly investigated. Fetal developmental tox- AHR; Dioxin receptor; Xenobiotic receptor
icity has been reported (Ades 2011).

Production of Artemisinin Definition

Artemisinin has traditionally been produced from
cultivated Artemisia annua L plants. Both crude The aryl hydrocarbon receptor is a protein that
extracts and pure artemisinin are available for recognizes a variety of usually plane hydrophobic
applications in industry as well as for personal ▶ xenobiotics, as well as a few endogenous com-
uses. Both yeast and bacteria have been geneti- pounds. Upon activation, the AhR triggers a sig-
cally modified to produce artemisinic acid, a bio- naling and transcriptional program leading to
synthetic intermediate of artemisinin, that can be adaptive cellular processes and toxic effects.
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor 373

Characteristics speculations about possible physiological func-

tions of the AhR that have been supported by a
Historical Perspective large body of observations. First, several nontoxic A
plant-derived molecules such as indolic com-
Xenobiotic Stress pounds, ▶ flavonoids, and ▶ polyphenols were
Exposure of cells and organisms to foreign com- found to be potent ligands of the Ah-
pounds called ▶ xenobiotics leads to an adaptive R. Furthermore, endogenous compounds such as
response, which consists in the induction of a tryptophan derivatives, bilirubin, and sterols were
variety of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes also described as ligands of the AhR. A critical
(XMEs), ultimately leading to the metabolization, argument in favor of a physiological role of
▶ detoxification, and elimination of these this receptor came from the analysis of the
putative toxic compounds. In analogy with other phenotype of AhR/ ▶ Knockout mice. These
cellular stresses, this adaptive response could be AhR-deficient mice exhibited a number of
termed xenobiotic stress. It is best illustrated in defects, among which small liver size, probably
the case of hydrophobic and plane compounds due to a congenital vascular defect, alterations in
such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH, e.g., thymus and cardiovascular development, as well
benzopyrenes) or halogenated polyaromatic as decreased fertility. While these defects may be
hydrocarbons (▶ dioxins), which trigger a similar due to a deficiency in cellular modulators such as
response and induce a subset of xenobiotic metab- ▶ retinoic acid or various growth factors and
olizing enzymes as well as specific transporters. ▶ cytokines, they point to a function of the AhR
Xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes are classified in cellular differentiation and development. Such
as phase 1 enzymes such as ▶ cytochromes P450 functions are supported by observations made in
(CYP), which add a reactive chemical function nonvertebrate organisms. In Drosophila, the AhR
(hydroxyl, epoxide) to the xenobiotic and phase orthologs are involved in antenna and leg mor-
2 enzymes, usually transferases that conjugate an phogenesis, and in Caenorhabditis elegans, the
organic hydrophilic group (glucuronate, glutathi- AhR ortholog appears to be required for the dif-
one, etc.) to the reactive function. This metabolic ferentiation and migration of GABAergic neu-
pathway renders these hydrophobic compounds rons. In these species, there is no evidence for
less toxic, more hydrophilic, and therefore facili- the involvement of AhR orthologs in xenobiotic
tates their elimination. This pathway can be detection. Furthermore, evidence have indicated
involved in ▶ carcinogen metabolism. In addition that the AhR plays a critical role in both innate and
to the metabolic aspects, a critical parameter of adaptive immunity. It also contributes to the inter-
xenobiotic stress is the recognition of the xenobi- action of immune cells with cancer cells. In con-
otics and the induction of the genes encoding clusion, the control of cell fate, cell proliferation,
phase 1 and phase 2 XMEs and transporters. and migration and immune defence is a likely
Genetic and biochemical studies using a variety endogenous function of the AhR and AhR
of cell lines that are more or less sensitive to orthologs.
dioxin and PAHs allowed the identification of
their receptor, the aryl hydrocarbon receptor. A Link Between Environment and Cancer?
Other similar studies allowed the determination Most of the studies devoted to the AhR have
of the other components of this signaling pathway focused on its function as a mediator of its
which was initially viewed as a response to the ligands toxicity. The most studied ligand is
exposure to the toxic PAH and dioxin-like the prototypical dioxin – 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-
compounds. dibenzoparadioxin, TCDD (Dioxin) – since it is
widely accepted that most, if not all effects of this
Physiological Effects pollutant, are related to the activation of the AhR.
In addition to its function as a detector of toxic Dioxins are usually present in the environment as
xenobiotics, there have been considerable a mix of chlorinated congeners. Seventy-five
374 Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor

possible congeners have been identified and their fibroblasts in xenograft mouse models. The other
toxicity is systematically expressed in relation to evidence was provided by the examination of AhR
that of Dioxin by means of a “toxic equivalent” gene polymorphisms in various human cancers
quantification factor (TEQ). Dioxin’s toxic effects leading, in particular, to the finding that one poly-
are numerous and include teratogenicity, immu- morphism adversely affects survival in patients
nosuppression, metabolic and endocrine disrup- suffering from soft tissue sarcoma.
tion, skin toxicity such as chloracne and keratosis,
and cancer. Dioxin is considered by the IARC as a The Signaling Pathway
human carcinogen. This conclusion is mostly The AhR is localized in the cytoplasm of most
based on its mechanism of action and on animal cells and is associated with a number of ▶ chap-
studies and therefore relies primarily on the ability erone proteins such as ▶ Hsp90, p23, and XAP, in
of dioxin to activate the AhR. Dioxin displays a a conformation exhibiting a high affinity for
carcinogenic effect on a wide variety of tissues Dioxin. Upon ligand binding, this complex is
and organs. In rodents, most studies have focused sequentially dissociated and the AhR is
on liver carcinogenesis in which dioxin behaves translocated into the nucleus where it forms a
as a cancer promoter. In humans, according to heterodimer with a transcription factor called
epidemiological studies, it is believed that dioxin AhR nuclear translocator (ARNT). AhR and
is a relatively weak nonspecific carcinogen that ARNT have similar structures including DNA
could mildly increase the risk to develop a variety binding and heterodimerization bHLH domain
of tumors such as non-Hodgkin lymphomas, sar- and a PAS domain that also contributes to
comas, and breast cancer. The difference between heterodimerization and, only in the case of the
the sensitivity of the various species to the carci- AhR, harbors the ligand-binding pocket. The
nogenic effect of Dioxin (high in some rodent heterodimer then binds to specific DNA respon-
species, mild in human) correlates well with the sive sequences, interacts with coactivators and
affinity of the AhR for Dioxin in these species. other transcription factors, alters the chromatin
Furthermore, AhR/ knockout mice are resis- structure, and regulates transcription of the target
tant to the carcinogenic effects of Dioxin. In addi- genes. The classical target sequence is called XRE
tion, overexpression of a constitutively active (xenobiotic responsive element); however, alter-
AhR in mice leads to the development of stomach native sequences called XRE II have been identi-
and liver cancers. All these observations establish fied. In addition to this classical gene regulation
a firm link between the carcinogenicity of dioxin pathway, a number of other AhR signaling path-
and the activation of the AhR. Other carcinogens ways have been described including the interac-
also exert their effects at least partially through the tion between this receptor and the transcription
AhR. Benzo(a)pyrene, a PAH present in tobacco factor ▶ NFkB, the hypophosphorylated ▶ retino-
smoke and diesel particles, also binds and acti- blastoma protein and the corepressor SMRT, and
vates the AhR. Although the mechanisms of its the ▶ estrogen receptor and the progesterone
carcinogenicity are distinct from those of dioxin, receptor. Furthermore, the AhR has been shown
it has been shown that AhR/ mice are resistant to activate, with rapid or long-term kinetics, sev-
to benzo(a)pyrene toxicity. eral protein kinases such as ▶ Src, p38 ▶ MAPK,
Authors have also searched for evidence of the and Jun kinase. Non genomic effects of the AhR
implication of the AhR in cancer independently of may be involved in the alteration of adhesion
its ligand. One such evidence came from mice properties of cells and their migratory phenotype.
overexpressing a constitutively active AhR, These pathways may be relevant for the carcino-
which develop stomach and liver cancers, genic effects of several AhR ligands Fig 1.
suggesting that AhR activity is sufficient for
such a toxic effect. Conversely, immortalized Gene Expression and Biological Pathways
mouse embryo fibroblasts carrying deleted AhR Initial studies on the AhR have focused on its
genes exhibited less tumorigenicity than wild type adaptive and putative toxic functions related to
Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor 375

Cl O Cl

Cl O Cl
Dioxin A
AhR c-Src


Rb Cell cycle

ARNT AhR NFkB Apoptosis


ARNT AhR NF1 Inflammation


Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor, Fig. 1 Signaling path- the transcription of target genes. In addition to this classical
ways and functions of the AhR. The AhR is localized in pathway, signaling through the AhR could also be medi-
the cytoplasm and interacts with several chaperones such ated through interaction with other regulatory proteins
as Hsp90, p23, and XAP. Upon binding to dioxin, the such as c-Src, Rb, NFkB, and the ER. Some of the main
complex dissociates sequentially, the AhR enters the cellular functions controlled by the AhR are listed to the
nucleus, interacts with ARNT, and the heterodimer binds right. These pathways and functions could contribute to the
to target sequences called XREs. The active receptor inter- role of the AhR during the various steps of carcinogenesis
acts with transcription factors such as NF1 and activates

the induction of xenobiotic metabolism. The control, cell fate determination, and ▶ migration.
so-called AhR gene battery includes mostly Furthermore, a number of cytokines have been
XMEs such CYP1 proteins, glutathione shown to be the target of the activated AhR,
S-transferase (GST), and UDP-glucuronosyl which establishes a link between this receptor
transferase (UGT). Further biological and large- and inflammation. In the mouse ovary, the AhR
scale genomic studies have shown that the AhR is involved in the regulation of aromatase gene
also regulates a number of genes unrelated to expression, which adds another crosstalk between
xenobiotic stress. Targets of the AhR include pro- the AhR and hormonal effects. It should be noted
teins involved in cell cycle control such as p27, that many of these regulations by the AhR could
p21, cJun, SOS1, in cell signaling such as HES1 be tissue specific. Repression of some genes has
and IGFBP-1, in cell–cell interaction, and migra- also been reported but was less well characterized.
tion such as HEF1, ▶ E-cadherin, and ▶ MMPs. For example, the antagonism between the AhR
Some of these regulations have not yet been firmly and estrogen signaling in breast tissue could
linked to a biological or toxic effect. These obser- account for the repression of the pS2 gene.
vations suggest that AhR ligands may exert part
of their biological or toxic effects independently Mechanisms of Carcinogenicity of AhR Ligands
of the xenobiotic metabolism pathway. Ligands of Different mechanisms could account for the car-
the AhR (or the AhR alone) could alter cell cycle cinogenicity of the AhR ligands. In the case of
376 Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor

PAH such as benzo(a)pyrene, it has been clearly pharmacological target. Several antagonists,
shown that the metabolism of these compounds including plant ▶ polyphenols or endogenous
by the CYP enzymes generates highly reactive compounds such as 7-keto-cholesterol, were iden-
metabolites that display ▶ DNA damage and tified. Other compounds named SahRMs
strong mutagenicity. Phase 2 enzymes detoxify (selective AhR modulators) were found to modu-
these intermediate metabolites. The balance late the activity of the AhR in that they prevented
between phase 1 and phase 2 enzyme activities the induction of XMEs but did not affect the
is maintained through the coordinate regulation of antagonism between the AhR and the estrogen
the expression of their genes by the AhR pathway receptor, a property that is relevant for breast
and the Nrf2-▶ oxidative stress signaling path- cancer therapy. Several dietary plant constituents
way. Evidence from both human and animal stud- have been shown to be activators of both the AhR
ies suggests that the xenobiotic metabolizing and the Nrf-2 signaling pathways offering poten-
pathways are protective as long as the fine-tuning tial applications in ▶ chemoprevention. More
between the different enzymes is maintained. generally, pharmacological studies of the AhR
Genotoxicity could result from an unbalance have shown that this receptor displays a consider-
between the enzymes of the successive phases. able diversity in its response to different types of
The mechanisms of carcinogenicity of dioxin are ligands, each type selectively activating an
distinct from those of PAHs. Indeed, dioxin is not overlapping set of pathways and genes. Thus,
metabolized by the XMEs, which partially the signals initiated by pollutants such as dioxin
accounts for its long half-life (7 years in human). and PAHs and by polyphenols or other dietary
Furthermore, dioxin is not genotoxic. However, plant compounds appear to be distinct. This diver-
the induction of CYP enzymes leads to oxidative sity of the response that has yet to be characterized
stress and therefore to a possible indirect toxicity. at a structural and molecular level constitutes the
Dioxin is considered as a potent cancer promoter, grounds for further pharmacological investigation
at least in rodents. Such an effect could be medi- of this receptor.
ated by the modification of the gene expression
program following AhR activation. The genes
that are possibly responsible are those involved Cross-References
in proliferation. However, dioxin also induces
several genes implicated in ▶ apoptosis. To ▶ Apoptosis
explain this paradoxical effect, it has been ▶ Carcinogen Metabolism
suggested that dioxin could promote the prolifer- ▶ Cytochrome P450
ation of clones which exhibit resistance to apopto- ▶ Detoxification
sis and cell cycle arrest. Several other mechanisms ▶ Dioxin
could account for the cancer promotion activity of ▶ DNA Damage
dioxin: increase in ▶ oxidative stress and ▶ E-Cadherin
▶ inflammation, activation of tyrosine kinases ▶ Estrogen Receptor
such as ▶ Src, and complex interaction with the ▶ Hsp90
estrogen signaling pathway. Furthermore, cancer ▶ Inflammation
progression could also be stimulated by AhR ▶ MAP Kinase
ligands, since it was shown that the activation of ▶ Matrix Metalloproteinases
this receptor leads to an increase in cell mobility ▶ Migration
and plasticity which could be mediated by a num- ▶ Molecular Chaperones
ber of target gene products. ▶ Nuclear Factor-κB
▶ Oxidative Stress
AhR as a Pharmacological Target ▶ Polyphenols
Because of its implication in several pathological ▶ Retinoblastoma Protein, Biological and
processes, AhR was considered as a relevant Clinical Functions
Arylamine N-Acetyltransferases 377

▶ Retinoic Acid (2012) Nrf2. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,

▶ Senescence and Immortalization 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2566.
▶ Src (2012) Progesterone receptor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- A
▶ Xenobiotics pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
2990. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4754


Bock KW, Kohle C (2006) Ah receptor: dioxin-mediated

toxic responses as hints to deregulated physiologic Arylamine N-Acetyltransferases
functions. Biochem Pharmacol 72:795–805
Denison MS, Nagy SR (2003) Activation of the aryl hydro- Neville J. Butcher and Rodney F. Minchin
carbon receptor by structurally diverse exogenous and
endogenous chemicals. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol
School of Biomedical Sciences, University of
43:309–334 Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia
Marlowe JL, Puga A (2005) Aryl hydrocarbon receptor,
cell cycle regulation, toxicity, and tumorigenesis. J Cell
Biochem 96:1174–1184
Nebert DW, Dalton TP, Okey AB et al (2004) Role of aryl
hydrocarbon receptor-mediated induction of the CYP1
enzymes in environmental toxicity and cancer. J Biol NAT
Chem 279:23847–23850
Steenland K, Bertazzi P, Baccarelli A et al (2004) Dioxin
revisited: developments since the 1997 IARC classifi-
cation of dioxin as a human carcinogen. Environ Health Definition
Perspect 112:1265–1268
The arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs; EC
See Also are ▶ Phase II Enzymes that catalyze the
(2012) Benzo(a)pyrene. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia transfer of an acetyl group from acetyl coenzyme
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 384.
A to ▶ aromatic amine, ▶ heterocyclic amine or
(2012) Chemoprevention. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- hydrazine substrates. Acetylation catalyzed by
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p NATs is an important biotransformation pathway
778. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1070 for many drugs and cancer causing agents that we
(2012) Cytokine. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
are exposed to on a daily basis.
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1051.
(2012) Flavonoids. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1416. Characteristics
(2012) Genotoxic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1540. There are three human NAT genes. Two encode
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2393 functional proteins and are designated NAT1 and
(2012) Glutathione. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of NAT2, and the third is a pseudogene (NATP1) that
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1559.
encodes a truncated nonfunctional protein. All are
(2012) Helix-loop-helix domain. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- located on the short arm of chromosome 8 and
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel- have been mapped to 8p21.3–23.1, a region com-
berg, p 1639. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2607 monly deleted in human cancers. Both functional
(2012) Immortalization. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
NATs are encoded by single intronless exons and
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1811.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2969 the protein-coding regions share an 87% nucleo-
(2012) Knock-out mouse. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- tide homology and are 870 base pairs in length.
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p NAT1 and NAT2 are cytosolic proteins having an
1957. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3239
approximate molecular mass of 33 kDa and each
(2012) MAPK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2167. consists of 290 amino acids, sharing an 81%
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3532 homology. NAT1 is ubiquitously expressed and
378 Arylamine N-Acetyltransferases

has been identified in both fetal and adult tissues, formed by the condensation of creatine with
while NAT2 expression is only evident approxi- amino acids when protein rich foods like meats are
mately 12 months after birth and is restricted to cooked at high temperatures. These compounds
the liver and gut. The active site of NAT enzymes have been implicated as risk factors for a number
contains the catalytic triad cysteine-histidine- of human cancers and cause tumors in animal
aspartate, which is similar to that of the cysteine models. Generally, O-acetylation of the N-hydroxy
protease superfamily of proteins. metabolites of carbocyclic arylamines is catalyzed
The importance of exposure to aromatic and selectively by NAT1, whereas NAT2 O-acetylates
heterocyclic amines present in cigarette smoke, N-hydroxy metabolites of the dietary heterocyclic
car exhaust fumes, and foodstuffs in the etiology amine carcinogens.
of certain toxicities including cancer is well
established. Like most chemical carcinogens, Acetylation Polymorphism
arylamines require bioactivation, i.e., the transfor- The acetylation polymorphism was one of the first
mation of a compound within an organism into a described examples of a pharmacogenetic defect
more biochemically active metabolite, in order to affecting ▶ xenobiotic biotransformation capacity
exert their oncogenic effects. ▶ Carcinogen in human populations, and was discovered fol-
metabolism is a complex process and involves lowing the introduction of isoniazid therapy for
competing reactions that can lead to either the treatment of tuberculosis during the 1950s.
▶ detoxification or bioactivation. The NATs are Since the human NAT2 locus was established as
versatile enzymes that are able to catalyze both the site of the acetylation polymorphism, the
N-acetylation and O-acetylation reactions. Gener- study of NAT2 allelic variation has been an area
ally, N-acetylation is a detoxification step that of intense investigation. To date, 36 different
produces non-toxic stable N-acetates that can be NAT2 alleles have been detected in human
eliminated from the body. An exception is populations. Each of the variant alleles is com-
N-acetylation of the bladder carcinogen benzi- prised of between 1 and 4 SNPs, of which 16 have
dine, which is part of the bioactivation process. been identified, located in the protein-coding
Bioactivation of arylamines involves an initial region of the gene. The correlation between
N-oxidation reaction catalyzed predominantly by NAT2 genotype and phenotype is well
▶ cytochrome P450 1A2, but also by prostaglan- established. Moreover, there is a gene-dosage
din H synthase and myeloperoxidase. The resul- effect. Individuals who are homozygous for slow
tant N-hydroxy arylamines and/or their nitroso NAT2 alleles have a slow acetylator phenotype,
intermediates are able to react with cellular mac- individuals heterozygous for slow NAT2 alleles
romolecules, but subsequent O-acetylation by have an intermediate acetylator phenotype, and
NATs yields highly reactive N-acetoxy esters individuals who lack slow NAT2 alleles have a
(electrophiles) which can form covalent adducts rapid acetylator phenotype. Historically, NAT1
with nucleophiles such as DNA and protein. was thought to be genetically invariant and
▶ Adducts to DNA are an essential step in the referred to as “monomorphic.” However, wide
initiation of ▶ chemical carcinogenesis. inter-individual variability in NAT1 activities
NATs acetylate a number of important carcin- was suggestive of a genetic polymorphism. The
ogens. Some compounds, such as the carcino- first reported allelic variation at the NAT1 locus
genic aromatic amines 2-aminofluorene, was in 1993, and marked the beginning of a sys-
benzidine, 4-aminobiphenyl, 4,4-dichloroaniline tematic survey of NAT1 genotypes. To date, 26 dif-
and 2-naphthylamine, and the food-derived ferent NAT1 alleles have been detected in human
heterocyclic amines 2-amino-1-methyl-6- populations, but only a small number of these alter
phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) and 2-amino- phenotype. The frequency of slow acetylator
3,4-dimethyl-imidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx) alleles for NAT1 is low. The most common
are N-acetylated to varying degrees by both NATs. NAT1 variant in caucasians is NAT1*10, which
Food-derived heterocyclic amines are mutagens reportedly results in a rapid acetylator phenotype.
Arylamine N-Acetyltransferases 379

Both NAT1 and NAT2 show considerable consideration. Individual risks associated with
interethnic variability. In Caucasian and African NAT phenotypes are small, but increase when
populations, the frequency of the NAT2 slow other susceptibility genes and carcinogen expo- A
acetylation phenotype varies between 40% and sures are included in the analysis.
70%, while that of Asian populations, such as
Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Thai, range from
10% to 30%.
Clinical Relevance
Because of the role of acetylation in the metabolic ▶ Adducts to DNA
activation and detoxification of arylamine and ▶ Aromatic Amine
heterocyclic amine carcinogens, acetylator poly- ▶ Bladder Cancer
morphisms can modify cancer risk associated ▶ Cancer Epidemiology
with chemical exposures. Unlike the relatively ▶ Carcinogen Metabolism
rare but highly penetrant genes involved in famil- ▶ Chemical Carcinogenesis
ial cancers, those genes responsible for biotrans- ▶ Colorectal Cancer Clinical Oncology
formation polymorphisms have low penetrance ▶ Cytochrome P450
and cause only a moderate increase in cancer ▶ Detoxification
risk. Nevertheless, their widespread occurrence ▶ Heterocyclic Amines
in the general population suggests they are a sig- ▶ Phase II Enzymes
nificant contributor to individual risk. Many ▶ Prostate Cancer
▶ cancer epidemiology studies have reported ▶ Xenobiotics
associations between acetylator status and risk of
bladder, colon, breast, head and neck, lung, and
▶ Prostate Cancer. However, inconsistent reports
have meant that the relationship between pheno- Boukouvala S, Fakis G (2005) Arylamine
type and risk remains unclear. For example, sev- N-acetyltransferases: what we learn from genes and
eral studies have implicated the rapid phenotype genomes. Drug Metab Rev 37:511–564
Butcher NJ, Boukouvala S, Sim E et al (2002) Pharmaco-
as an increased risk factor for ▶ colon cancer,
genetics of the arylamine N-acetyltransferases.
whereas others have been unable to confirm this Pharmacogenomics J 2:30–42
finding. Geographical differences, ethnicity, lack Hein DW, Doll MA, Fretland AJ et al (2000) Molecular
of study power, dietary differences and differ- genetics and epidemiology of the NAT1 and NAT2
acetylation polymorphisms. Cancer Epidemiol Bio-
ences in other risk factors between study groups
markers Prev 9:29–42
have been suggested as reasons for variable Minchin RF, Kadlubar FF, Ilett KF (1993) Role of acety-
results from independent studies. Reports lation in colorectal cancer. Mutat Res 290:35–42
suggesting that NAT activity may be altered by
environmental factors and substrate-dependent
See Also
down-regulation also may explain why inconsis- (2012) Benzidine. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
tent associations have been seen. When acetylator Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 384.
phenotype has been linked to carcinogen expo- doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_581
sure, more consistent results have been reported. (2012) Bioactivation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 403.
For example, the rapid phenotype has emerged as doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5624
a strong risk factor for colon cancer in those (2012) Food-Derived Heterocyclic Amines. In: Schwab M
individuals who have a higher exposure to the (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
food-derived heterocyclic amines. Similarly, the Heidelberg, p 1443. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
association between slow acetylator status and (2012) Genotype. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
urinary ▶ bladder cancer is more consistently Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1540.
observed when exposure is taken into doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2396
380 Arylsulfatase C

(2012) Pharmacogenetics. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- iron is its ability to initiate and to promote neo-
dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p plastic cell growth. Initiation occurs via iron-
2840. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4496
(2012) Phenotype. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of catalyzed formation of reactive oxygen radicals
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2856. (▶ reactive oxygen species; ▶ oxidative stress)
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4514 that, when generated in close proximity to DNA,
(2012) Polymorphism. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can cause point mutations, cross linking, and
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 2954–
2955. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4673 DNA strand breaks (▶ DNA damage). Promotion
(2012) SNP. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, of neoplastic cell growth by iron occurs via its
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3460. ability to suppress the tumoricidal action of mac-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5395 rophages and to serve as an essential nutrient for
unrestricted cancer cell growth.
Excessive iron enters the body by inhalation,
ingestion, or, less often, by injection. Misplaced
Arylsulfatase C iron most commonly occurs in conditions of
erythrocyte or hepatocyte destruction.
▶ Steroid Sulfatase A frequently reported example of the association
of iron loading with tissue site-specific neoplasia
is the development of respiratory tract cancers in
humans and animals who have inhaled iron com-
Asbestos pounds. Items that routinely serve as vehicles for
inhaled iron include tobacco smoke (▶ tobacco
Eugene D. Weinberg carcinogenesis; ▶ smoking addiction), iron-
Biology and Medical Sciences, Indiana contaminated coal dust and sand, urban and sub-
University, Bloomington, IN, USA way air particulates, iron dross released in mining
and industrial processing of ferriferous materials,
and, not least, iron-containing asbestos fibers.
Asbestos: A Vehicle for Iron
Asbestos is a commercial term for a group of Asbestos is a commercial term employed for a
crystalline silicates that are composed of long group of crystalline silicate fibers. The group is
thin fibers. Formerly, the noncombustible mineral divided into amphibole and serpentine configura-
was incorporated into a great variety of industrial tions. Amphibole configurations include crocido-
and building materials. However, asbestos can be lite, tremolite, and amosite, the latter form referring
easily broken into tiny microscopic fibers and to asbestos from Mines of South Africa; amosite
inhaled. In the lungs, the indestructible fibers contains 31% iron, when inhaled, it is highly
may, over time, increase in size due to acquisition carcinogenic. Serpentine configurations include
of ferritin/hemosiderin from proximal dying mac- chrysotile. Crocidolite, amosite, and green tremo-
rophages. After many years, the inhaled fibers can lite contain high levels of iron and are much more
be carcinogenic. Thus commercial use of asbestos carcinogenic than chrysotile which contains very
has been banned. little iron. Inhalation of carcinogenic forms of
asbestos can result, after many years, in carcinoma
of lungs (▶ lung cancer), esophagus (▶ esophageal
Characteristics cancer), and stomach (▶ gastric cancer) as well as
▶ mesothelioma of pleura, peritoneum, and peri-
Carcinogenic Action of Iron cardium. In cell cultures and in animal models,
During the past 80 years, authors of scores of strong iron chelators (▶ chelators as anticancer
clinical and laboratory studies have reported that drugs) as well as oxygen radical scavengers
one of the many dangers of excessive/misplaced decrease the toxicity of asbestos.
Asbestos 381

Following phagocytosis of inhaled iron- their families as well as in persons who lived down-
containing asbestos by alveolar ▶ macrophages, wind from the mines and factories.
iron is leaked (mobilized) over time into low Villagers and rural inhabitants who live near A
molecular mass pools. Cytotoxicity of asbestos asbestos outcroppings likewise are at serious risk
samples is directly proportional to the amount of of respiratory tract cancers and mesotheliomas.
mobilized iron. Asbestos fibers not only can Additional persons at risk include installers of
release iron but also can acquire the metal as a products that contain iron-contaminated asbestos
deposit on their surfaces. The deposit consists of as well as users of those products in which asbes-
ferritin/hemosiderin derived from proximal tos leaking has developed.
decaying macrophages. Presently, if building materials are leaking
Iron coated fibers are termed ferruginous bod- asbestos, the product should be removed by
ies. In one study, for example, crocidolite, amo- trained biohazard specialists. The latter wear pro-
site, or chrysotile injected into rat pleura bound, tective masks and clothing. If clothing items are to
respectively, 240, 135, or 25 nmol Fe/mg. Accu- be reused, they must be laundered carefully in a
mulation of ferruginous bodies on macrophage commercial cleaning establishment rather than in
cell membranes may kill the defense cells. More- the homes of the biohazard workers.
over, the metal can become catalytically active to It has been estimated that, in the USA, at least
result in further oxidant damage. 11 million persons have had occupational expo-
Erionite, a zeolite silicate of aluminum, cal- sure to asbestos between 1940 and 1979, of whom
cium, and magnesium, contains no iron but is far 2000 die each year of mesothelioma. Since 1979,
more able to cause human mesothelioma than can in the USA, the commercial use of asbestos in
either crocidolite or amosite. Erionite has an inter- most applications has been banned.
nal cage-like surface area up to 50-fold greater
than crocidolite. Thus when inhaled it acquires a
very large quantity of iron. Unlike native erionite,
the iron-laden fibers catalyze single strand DNA Cross-References
breaks. Destruction of DNA by iron-erionite is
prevented by iron chelators. ▶ Chelators as Anti-Cancer Drugs
The iron-dependent mutagenicity of asbestos ▶ DNA Damage
has been verified by treatment of Chinese hamster ▶ Esophageal Cancer
cells with crocidolite. A doubling of mutation rate ▶ Gastric Cancer
occurred. The increase could be prevented by use ▶ Lung Cancer
of iron-free medium with crocidolite samples ▶ Lung Cancer and Smoking Behavior
from which redox active iron had been removed ▶ Macrophages
by the iron chelator, deferoxamine (chelators as ▶ Mesothelioma
anticancer drugs). ▶ Oxidative Stress
▶ Reactive Oxygen Species
Asbestos: Usage and Banishment ▶ Tobacco Carcinogenesis
For many decades, asbestos was incorporated in such
products as brake pads and linings, cement pipes and
shingles, cigarette filters, fireproof gloves, flooring References
and roofing materials, gas masks, hot pipe coverings,
and sound proofing material. Although the principal Hardy JA, Aust AE (1995) Iron in asbestos chemistry and
type of asbestos employed was chrysotile, particular carcinogenesis. Chem Rev 95:97–118
samples were contaminated with varying amounts of Weinberg ED (1996) The role of iron in cancer. Eur
J Cancer Prev 5:19–36
iron. The elevated risk of carcinomas and mesotheli- Weinberg ED (1999) The development of awareness of the
omas occurred not only in miners and fabricators of carcinogenic hazard of inhaled iron. Oncol Res
iron-contaminated asbestos but also in members of 11:109–113
382 Ascites

See Also variety of neoplasms. Malignant effusion is the

(2012) Crocidolite. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of escape of fluid from the blood or vessels into
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 998.
tissues or cavities and is a common problem in
(2012) Chrysotile. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of patients with cancer. All types of cancer can
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 856. metastasize to any of the body’s serous
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1163 cavities and result in malignant effusion. In the
(2012) Erionite. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
Western world, the most common cause of malig-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1307.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1986 nant ascites is ▶ ovarian cancer. Other common
(2012) Ferritin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, primary sites are the pancreas, stomach, and
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1391. uterus, with breast, lung, and lymphoma
representing the commonest extra-abdominal
(2012) Ferruginous bodies. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p sites. Up to 20% of all patients with malignant
1391. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2149 ascites have cancer of unknown primary
(2012) Smoking. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can- origin (CUP). Except in breast and ovarian cancer,
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3455.
the presence of malignant ascites in patients with
(2012) Tremolite. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of neoplastic disease frequently signalizes the
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3782. terminal phase of cancer. The mean survival time
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5968 for ovarian cancer is 30–35 weeks and for tumors
(2012) Zeolite. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
of lymphatic origin 58–78 weeks, whereas for
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3975.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6297 cancers of the gastrointestinal tract the mean sur-
vival is only 12–20 weeks. In patients with CUP,
the median survival shows a great variability
ranging from 1 week to 3 months in different
Gerhild Becker Fluid accumulation in the peritoneal cavity is
Department of Palliative Care, University dependent on the amount of fluid generated and
Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany the rate at which it leaves the abdominal cavity.
When fluid production exceeds its clearance, free
transudate will accumulate. Under physiologic
Definition conditions, transudation of plasma through capil-
lary membranes of the peritoneal serosa continu-
Ascites is derived from the Greek word askóB ously produces free fluid to lubricate the serosal
(gr. sack, wineskin) and is defined as accumula- surfaces. This fluid production is under the influ-
tion of protein rich fluid in the peritoneal cavity. It ence of portal pressure, plasma oncotic pressure,
occurs mainly in cirrhosis of the liver, but also in sodium and water retention, hepatic lymph pro-
heart failure, tuberculosis, and malignancy. duction, and microvascular permeability for mac-
Malignant ascites occurs in association with a romolecules. Under physiologic conditions, at
variety of neoplasms and is defined as the abnor- least two thirds of the peritoneal fluid reabsorbs
mal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity into open-ended lymphatic channels of the dia-
caused by cancer. phragm and is propelled cephalad by the negative
intrathoracic pressure. This fluid proceeds
through mediastinal lymph channels into the
Characteristics right thoracic duct and empties into the right sub-
clavian vein. The ability of the healthy subject to
Malignant ascites accounts for around 10% of all resorb fluid is much greater than the fluid gener-
cases of ascites and occurs in association with a ated, with the result that there is normally only a
Ascites 383

small volume of approx. 50 mL of fluid in the history. The main clinical symptoms of ascites
peritoneal cavity. include abdominal distension, ankle edema, con-
Ascites as an abnormal accumulation of fluid in tinuous abdominal discomfort or pain, nausea, A
the peritoneal cavity can be induced by several vomiting, shortness of breath, and decreased
causes. In principle, four types of causes can be mobility. Greater quantities of ascites cause
identified: (i) Ascites due to raised hydrostatic pres- abdominal distension, bulging flanks that are
sure, caused by cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, dull to percussion, shifting dullness, and a fluid
inferior vena caval obstruction, or hepatic vein occlu- wave. Ultrasound is able to detect free peritoneal
sion. (ii) Ascites due to decreased osmotic pressure, fluid if its volume is greater than 100 mL. CT and
caused by protein depletion (e.g., nephrotic syn- MRI are also able to detect little quantities of
drome), reduced protein intake (malnutrition), or ascites. Malignant diagnosis is indistinguishable
reduced protein production (cirrhosis of the liver). by physical examination from ascites caused by
(iii) Ascites due to fluid production exceeding resorp- nonmalignant conditions. Ascites detected by
tive capacity, caused by infections or malignancies. ultrasound, CT, or MRI in the presence of typical
(iv) Chylous ascites, caused by obstruction and leak- imaging features of a malignant tumor is strongly
age of the lymph channels draining the gut. suggestive of a malignant ascites. Diagnosis is
The pathophysiology of malignant ascites is confirmed by positive cytology of malignant
multifactorial and is yet incompletely understood. cells in the fluid. A positive cytology result has a
Ascites may result from obstruction of lymphatic specificity of nearly 100%, but it is not very sen-
drainage by tumor cells that prevent absorption of sitive with only about 60% of malignant aspirates
intraperitoneal fluid and protein as often seen in being cytologically positive. Compared to ascites
lymphomas and breast cancer. Since the ascites of caused by cirrhosis, malignant ascites usually
many patients with malignant ascites has a high contains more white blood cells and a higher
protein content, alteration in vascular permeabil- level of lactate dehydrogenase. Fibronectin, cho-
ity has been implicated in the pathogenesis of lesterol, lactate dehydrogenase, sialic acid, pro-
ascites production. The tumor induces increasing teases, and antiproteases have been studied with
production of peritoneal fluid due to increased fibronectin performing best in differentiating
microvascular permeability of tumor vasculature, between malignant and nonmalignant ascites in
and the amount of ascites production correlates most series. However, at present there is no single
with the extent of neovascularization. Aside from test available to be used routinely to differentiate
mechanical obstruction and cytokines, the patho- between malignant and nonmalignant ascites.
physiology of malignant ascites also consists of Tumor markers, especially CEA and CA-125,
hormonal mechanisms. Due to decreased removal can be useful in diagnosing the primary tumor in
of fluid as a consequence of obstructed lym- malignant ascites, although they lack specificity.
phatics, the circulating blood volume is reduced In case of doubt, abdominal paracentesis with
and this activates the renin-angiotensin- chemical and cytologic analysis of the ascitic
aldosterone system, leading to sodium retention. fluid should be used. The cell count provides
Therefore, reduced sodium intake together with immediate information about possible bacterial
diuretics is often used to treat malignant ascites, infection. Samples with a predominance of a
but there is no consensus on effectiveness. Avail- least 250 neutrophils per cubic millimeter of
able trials considering diuretics often include dif- ascitic fluid are suggestive of infection. Gram
ferent patient groups with varying dose regimens stains and culture for bacterial, fungal, and acid
and up to now there are no RCTs assessing the fast organisms are mandatory. Spontaneous bac-
efficacy of diuretics in malignant ascites. terial peritonitis is characterized by the spontane-
ous infection of ascitic fluid in the absence of an
Diagnosis intra-abdominal source of infection and involves
In most cases, ascites can be diagnosed by careful the translocation of bacteria from the intestinal
physical examination and taking a detailed lumen to the lymph nodes, with subsequent
384 Ascites

bacteremia and infection of ascitic fluid. Third- cancer, there is no generally accepted gold stan-
generation cephalosporins are the treatment of dard for the management of malignant ascites
choice. Ascitic fluid’s amylase content helps to so far.
detect pancreatic ascites and gut perforation. There are two principle approaches in manag-
Eighty percentage of all cases of ascites are caused ing malignant ascites. The first attempts to treat
by cirrhosis of the liver. The chief factor contrib- the cancer as the underlying cause of the ascites.
uting to ascites in liver cirrhosis is portal hyper- The main treatments are systemic or intraperito-
tension. Patients with ascites caused by liver neal chemotherapies, biological therapies like
disease usually have a serum-ascites albumin con- intraperitoneal alpha or beta interferon, tumor
centration gradient (calculated by subtracking the necrosis factor (TNF), or administration of infec-
albumin concentration of the ascitic fluid from the tious agents in nonpathogenic form like Coryne-
albumin concentration of a serum specimen bacterium parvum or OK-432, a penicillin- and
obtained on the same day) 1.1 g/dL. If serum heat-treated powder of Su-strain Streptococcus
albumin: ascites albumin gradient is less than pyogenes A3 in peritoneal cavity. Octreotide, a
1.1 g/dL, portal hypertension can be safely somatostatin analogue known to decrease the
ruled out. secretion of fluid by the intestinal mucosa and to
increase water and electrolyte reabsorption, was
Treatment used successfully in some case reports of malig-
In general, practice of managing malignant ascites nant ascites. Novel therapies are radiolabeled
seems to be influenced by the evidence obtained monoclonal antibodies and radiocolloids. In
in the context of nonmalignant ascites, especially tumors associated with increased activity of
ascites caused by liver disease. Malignant ascites ▶ vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
only accounts for approximately 10% of all cases like ovarian, gastric, colon, pancreatic carcino-
of ascites whereas over 80% of cases are caused mas, and omental or hepatic metastatic malignan-
by chronic liver disease. So, most evidence in cies, a new concept is to reduce the production of
treatment of ascites is obtained in the context of ascites by the inhibition of neovascularization.
liver disease. In ascites caused by liver cirrhosis, This is achieved via inhibition of vascular endo-
the most important treatments are the restriction of thelial growth factor (VEGF) or inhibition of
dietary sodium intake and the use of oral diuretics ▶ matrix metalloproteinases, which are a family
because patients with liver cirrhosis retain sodium of enzymes present within the normal healthy
and water as a result of the renin-angiotensin- individuals, but produced in high concentrations
aldosterone pathway. In ascites due to liver dis- by a variety of tumors. However, these concepts
ease there is good evidence for the efficacy of a are comparatively new and are based on experi-
combined therapy with the diuretics mental results or only partially investigated in
spironolactone and furosemide supported by sev- Phase I trials and have not yet been evaluated in
eral randomized controlled trials. Treatment randomized controlled trials.
options for the minority of patients who are resis- A new category of active agents for the intra-
tant to standard therapy with diuretics are thera- peritoneal immunotherapy of malignant ascites
peutic paracentesis, peritoneovenous shunting, are the so-called trifunctional antibodies. The
transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt trifunctional antibody catumaxomab has been
(TIPS), extracorporeal ultrafiltration of ascitic designed to specifically adhere with one binding
fluid with reinfusion and liver transplantation. Of arm to the epithelial cell adhesion molecule
these, transjugular portosystemic stent shunts, (EpCAM) of carcinoma cells, with the second
extracorporeal ultrafiltration, and liver transplan- binding arm to CD3-receptors of T cells and
tation are specific to liver diseases, whereas with its Fc portion to the Fc-gamma-receptor of
abdominal paracentesis and peritoneovenous accessory cells such as macrophages and natural
shunting are often used in managing malignant killer cells to induce a complex immune response.
ascites. In contrast to the treatment of underlying EpCAM is an antigen that is expressed on many
Ascites 385

carcinomas, such as breast, lung, colorectal, gas- catheters can be placed on an outpatient basis and
tric, prostate, head and neck, pancreatic, and ovar- intermittent drainage may be performed by the
ian cancer. The European Medicines Agency patient or caregiver at home. The life expectancy A
(EMEA) approved catumaxomab (Removab ®) in patients with advanced cancer and malignant
for the treatment of malignant ascites in patients ascites is limited and placement of permanent
with EpCAM-positive tumors for whom no stan- drains maximizes time spend out of hospital. On
dard therapy is available. Trifunctional antibodies the other hand, they do carry the psychosocial
may become an option for treatment of malignant issues and physical constraints associated with
ascites in selected patients, but the high costs of exteriorized drains and require some patient coop-
this therapy have to be kept in mind. eration in terms of the ability to live with and care
The second approach in managing malignant for such a catheter system. There are no random-
ascites is palliative and relies upon reducing the ized trials assessing the efficacy of diuretic ther-
volume of fluid through a variety of approaches apy. The available data are controversial and there
like paracentesis, diuretics, or peritoneovenous are no clear predictors to identify which patients
shunts. Paracentesis is indicated for those patients would benefit. Therefore, the use of diuretics
who have symptoms of increasing intra- should be considered in all patients with malig-
abdominal pressure. Available data show good, nant ascites but has to be evaluated individually.
although temporary, relief of symptoms in most Patients with malignant ascites due to massive
patients. Symptoms seem to be significantly hepatic metastasis seem to respond more likely
relieved by drainage of up to 5 L of fluid. When to diuretics than patients with malignant ascites
removing up to 5 L, intravenous fluids seem to be caused by peritoneal carcinomatosis or chylous
not routinely required. If the patient is hypoten- ascites. Choice of diuretics is also not sufficiently
sive, dehydrated, or known to have severe renal evaluated. As available data suggest that the effi-
impairment and paracentesis is still indicated, cacy of diuretics in malignant ascites depends on
intravenous hydration should be considered. The plasma renin/aldosterone concentration, aldoste-
only investigated therapy in malignant ascites is rone antagonists like spironolactone should be
infusion of 5% dextrose. There is no evidence of used either alone or in combination with a loop
concurrent albumin infusions in patients with diuretic.
malignant ascites. To avoid repeated paracenteses,
a peritoneovenous shunting may be considered.
Major complications like pulmonary edema, pul-
monary emboli, infection, or clinically relevant References
disseminated intravascular coagulation have to
Adam RA, Adam YG (2004) Malignant ascites: past, pre-
be expected in about 6% of patients. Two types
sent and future. J Am Coll Surg 198(6):999–1011
of exteriorized drainage catheters can be used. Becker G, Galandi D, Blum HE (2006) Malignant ascites:
One type is tunneled into the skin (such as systematic review and guideline for treatment. Eur
Tenkhoff® catheter, peritoneal Port-A-Caths ®, or J Cancer 42(5):589–597
Flemming ND, Alvarez-Secord A et al (2009) Indwelling
PleurX ® catheter), and the other type is a
catheters for the management of refractory
nontunneled pigtail catheter. Tunneled catheter malignant ascites: a systematic literature overview
systems have two potential advantages over and retrospective chart review. J Pain Symptom Man-
nontunneled (pigtail) catheters: lower infection age 38:341–349
Gines P, Cardenas A, Arroyo Vet al (2004) Management of
rates and greater stability. Published data show cirrhosis and ascites. N Engl J Med
that permanent drains provide symptom relief in 350(16):1646–1654
most patients with comparatively few side effects. Parsons SL, Watson SA, Steele RJC (1995) Malignant
Permanent drains may be managed by patients ascites. Br J Surg 83:6–146
Rosenberg S, Courtney A, Nemcek AAJ et al (2004) Com-
and their families. The catheters can be placed
parison of percutaneous management techniques for
under local anesthetics using ultrasonographic recurrent malignant ascites. J Vasc Interv Radiol
guidance. With appropriate patient teaching, the 15:1129–1131
386 ASI

Sebastian M, Kuemmel A, Schmidt M et al (2009) Definition

Catumaxomab: a bispecific trifunctional antibody.
Drugs Today 45:589–597
Smith EM, Jayson GC (2003) The current and future Is a trademarked name of a specific preparation of
management of malignant ascites. Clin Oncol acetylsalicylic acid. It is a ▶ nonsteroidal anti-
15:59–72 inflammatory drug (NSAID) and used as pain
reliever and fever reducer.

ASI Characteristics

▶ Active Specific Immunization Salicylic acid was originally found in the bark of
the white willow. Use of willow bark as pain
reliever dates back as far as Hippocrates when it
was administered to patients by chewing the bark
of white willow to extract effective ingredient.
Askin Tumor
In1829, scientists discovered that this effective
ingredient was the compound called salicin.
Later, this ingredient was extracted and combined
with a buffering agent to form acetylsalicylic acid
Ewing sarcoma or peripheral primitive
(acetylated derivative of salicylic acid). In 1899,
neuroectodermal tumor of the chest wall.
Bayer claimed to discover aspirin and marketed it
worldwide. Aspirin is one of the safest and least
expensive pain-killer on the marketplace.
Aspirin has been used as an anti-inflammatory
agent for the treatment of inflammation and
▶ Ewing Sarcoma
exhibits a broad range of pharmacological activi-
ties, including antipyretic and analgesic properties.
Antiplatelet activity of aspirin can help to prevent
cerebral thromboses and cardiovascular diseases.
Aspiration Cytology Aspirin also has significant anticancer activity in
▶ colorectal cancer and other types of cancer.
▶ Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy
Antipyretic Activity
▶ Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is a potent hyperther-
mic agent and has intermediary function in the
response of thermoregulatory neurons to pyrogens,
Aspirin thereby altering the body’s thermoregulation in the
hypothalamus. Aspirin’s antipyretic activity is due
Seong-Ho Lee to inhibiting ▶ cyclooxygenase (COX) and subse-
Department of Nutrition and Food Science, quently reducing the PGE2 level within the hypo-
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA thalamus. However, other mechanisms of action of
aspirin have been suggested, including its ability to
reduce proinflammatory mediators or boost antipy-
Synonyms retic messages within the brain.

2-Acetoxybenzenecarboxylic acid; 2- Analgesic Activity

Acetoxybenzoic acid; Acetylsalicylic acid; Tissue injury or trauma results in formation of
Empirin; Salicylate local prostaglandins (PGs). This increased level
Aspirin 387

of PGs leads to the release of other biochemical of aspirin also reduced the incidence of other
substances including bradykinin which acts on types of cancer including ▶ esophageal cancer,
nociceptors to amplify pain signals to the ▶ gastric cancer, ▶ breast cancer, and ▶ lung A
central nervous system. PGs lower the cancer (Bosetti et al. 2006). Data from 91 epide-
threshold of the nerve endings and sensitize miologic studies supported that long-term
the pain fiber to be excitable and enhance the administration of aspirin reduced risk of 63%
painful stimulus. Aspirin provides analgesia by for colon, 39% for breast, 36% for lung, 39%
blocking PGs that sensitize the peripheral pain for prostate, 73% for esophageal, 62% for
receptors. stomach, and 47% for ▶ ovarian cancer (Harris
et al. 2005).
Antiplatelet Activity
Platelets and thrombosis have central roles in car- Experimental Studies
diovascular thrombosis and the occurrence of Aspirin treatment caused significant reduction of
acute occlusive vascular events, including acute azoxymethane-induced aberrant crypt foci (ACF)
myocardial infarction (AMI) and ischemic stroke. formation in colon of rats (Reddy et al. 1993). In
Platelets adhere to the endothelial matrix and addition, aspirin suppressed development of
aggregate with each other to form a prothrombotic breast, prostate, lung, skin, liver, and pancreas
surface that promotes clot formation and subse- cancer in experimental animal models.
quently vascular occlusion. This is caused by
activation of thromboxane A2 (TXA2) in plate- Mechanism of Action
lets, and this pathway is a target of cardio- Aspirin has been extensively studied in the con-
protective therapy. Aspirin inhibits platelet text of the prevention of colorectal cancer. As like
aggregation by irreversible inhibition of platelet other NSAIDs, general concept of anticancer
▶ cyclooxygenase (COX) and thus inhibits the mechanisms by aspirin includes induction of
generation of TXA2, which is the most plausible ▶ apoptosis and suppression of cell cycle, cell
mechanism for the cardioprotective effects of invasion, ▶ metastasis, and ▶ angiogenesis
aspirin. (Fig. 1a). In many cancer models, aspirin suppress
oncogenic signal transduction pathways and key
Anticancer Activity oncogenic transcription factors. On the contrary,
aspirin stimulates anti-oncogenic pathway. The
Clinical Evidences coordination of these different pathways makes a
The first anticancer activity of aspirin initially big picture of cancer prevention and cancer
arose from the observation that aspirin suppressed therapy.
tumor metastasis in animals. After that, vast
majority of cohort and case–control studies have COX-Dependent Pathways Cyclooxygenase
reported an inverse association between the use of (COX) inhibition is the most well-established
aspirin and risk of cancer. According to Bosetti’s anticancer mechanism of aspirin. Activation of
summary obtained from more than COX enzyme converts arachidonic acid (AA) to
100 case–control and cohort studies, the pooled prostaglandin H2 (PGH2), which is again
relative risk (RR) was 0.71 in colorectal cancer converted into different types of prostaglandins
patients treated with aspirin, demonstrating direct (PGs) by specific PG synthase, and those PGs
interaction between use of aspirin and colorectal mediate multiple pro-tumorigenic pathways. In
cancer risk (Bosetti et al. 2006). In addition, at particular, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) promotes cel-
randomized trial of aspirin to prevent colorectal lular proliferation, migration, invasion, angiogen-
adenoma, incidence of polyp formation decreased esis, and resistance to apoptosis (Fig. 1b). At this
in patients with low dose of aspirin (81 mg daily), pathway, aspirin inhibits COX enzyme by com-
and aspirin effect is much more notable in further peting AA on active binding site. Aspirin is an
advanced adenomas than primary tumor. And use irreversible inhibitor of the COX active site,
388 Aspirin

a b Phospholipid

Cell cycle Metastasis COX-dependent

O COX-1/2

Aspirin PGG2

Apoptosis O Angiogenesis O COX-1/2


Signal Transcription
Transduction Factor


Cell Division


Aspirin, Fig. 1 Schematic representation of mechanisms the development of cancer. Deregulation of the
of aspirin in cancer. (a) Aspirin induces apoptosis and COX/PGE2 pathway appears to affect colorectal tumori-
suppresses the cell cycle, metastasis, and angiogenesis in genesis via a number of distinct mechanisms: inhibiting
various cancer models. Also, aspirin suppresses oncogenic ▶ apoptosis, promoting tumor maintenance and progres-
transcription factors and signal transduction pathways sion, enhancing angiogenesis, and metastatic spread. Aspi-
while it stimulates anti-oncogenic pathways in cancer rin decreases the production of ▶ prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
cells. (b) Alterations of ▶ cyclooxygenase (COX) expres- by inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2. AA arachidonic acid;
sion and the abundance of its enzymatic product ▶ prosta- COX ▶ cyclooxygenase; PGG2 ▶ prostaglandin G2;
glandin E2 (PGE2) have key roles in influencing PGH2 prostaglandin H2; PGE2 prostaglandin E2

covalently modifying the COX protein by acety- COX-Independent Pathways A number of

lation of single serine residue in the substrate- cyclooxygenase (COX)-independent pathways
binding channel and blocking the approach of mediate antineoplastic activity of aspirin. These
AA. As a result, aspirin decreased the production mechanisms include direct modulation of onco-
of PGs. COX-1 isoenzyme is constitutively genes and expression of transcription factors.
expressed in most tissues, whereas COX-2 Aspirin inactivates ▶ nuclear factor kappa
expression is cell/tissue type specific and induced B (NFkB); this effect has been demonstrated
by growth factors, oncogenes, tumor promoters, in vitro and in vivo and is accompanied by
and inflammatory cytokines. Aspirin suppresses increased apoptosis in neoplastic epithelial cells
activity of both COX-1 and COX-2. In fact, aspi- but not in normal intestinal mucosa. Aspirin may
rin doses sufficient to inhibit COX-1 but not interact directly with other molecules and path-
COX-2 effectively inhibit prostaglandin synthesis ways associated with tumorigenesis, including
in the colon, indicating that inhibition of COX-1 ▶ wnt signaling, b-catenin, ▶ tumor necrosis fac-
likely plays a major role in antineoplastic effect of tor (TNF), polyamine metabolism, and DNA
aspirin. However, many studies support a signifi- ▶ mismatch repair system. Unraveling aspirin’s
cant role of COX-2 in anticancer activity of aspi- precise mode of action may seem a matter of
rin. Aspirin use was associated with a lower risk secondary importance. Thus, further investigation
of colorectal cancer among COX-2 positive into aspirin’s anticancer mechanism continues to
tumors but not COX-2 negative tumors. be a high research priority.
Aspirin 389

Side Effect of Aspirin PGs’ action by inhibiting cyclooxygenase (COX)

Although aspirin is the main actor in primary and is believed to be a way how aspirin works to
secondary preventive treatments in cardiovascular block or prevent these diseases. However, A
diseases, prolonged use of aspirin has side effects a number of in vitro and in vivo studies
including gastrointestinal toxicity (bleeding and support COX-independent antineoplastic path-
ulcer formation). Aspirin blocks the action of the ways of aspirin for cancer prevention. Improved
enzyme cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) that forms understanding for mechanism of action,
thromboxane A2 (TXA2). Without TXA2, plate- efficacy, and toxicity of aspirin will facilitate
lets cannot stick and join together with fibrin to decisions about the optimal dose, frequency of
generate a blood clot. Because normal platelet administration, and combination therapy with
activity protects the stomach lining, the other agents.
antiplatelet effects of aspirin counter normal
development of gastric lining. Although lower
doses are relatively safe, it is generally accepted
that prolonged use of the lowest dose may cause Cross-References
gastrointestinal bleeding. Thus, use of concurrent
proton pump inhibitor and ▶ Helicobacter pylori ▶ Angiogenesis
eradication may help to reduce the risk of gastro- ▶ Apoptosis
intestinal side effects in patients taking aspirin. ▶ Breast Cancer
▶ Colorectal Cancer
Modified Aspirin ▶ Cyclooxygenase
The stomach complications of aspirin have ▶ Esophageal Cancer
prompted scientists to develop new modified for- ▶ Gastric Cancer
mulations. Nitric-oxide-donating aspirin ▶ Helicobacter Pylori in the Pathogenesis of
(NO-ASA) is aspirin coupling a nitric oxide- Gastric Cancer
releasing moiety to overcome the limitation of ▶ Inflammation
aspirin because NO possess the same properties ▶ Lung Cancer
as prostaglandins within the gastric mucosa, ▶ Metastasis
thereby decreasing gastric toxicity. Moreover, ▶ Mismatch Repair in Genetic Instability
NO-ASA is very effective at low dose (6000- ▶ Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
fold more potent than traditional ASA) in ▶ Nuclear Factor-kB
suppressing cancer development. NO-ASA sup- ▶ Ovarian Cancer
presses the growth of various cancer cells includ- ▶ Pancreatic Cancer
ing ▶ colorectal cancer, ▶ lung cancer, ▶ breast ▶ Prostaglandins
cancer, leukemia, ▶ pancreatic cancer, ▶ skin ▶ Prostate Cancer
cancer, and ▶ prostate cancer (Kashfi and Rigas ▶ Skin Cancer
2005). ▶ Tumor Necrosis Factor
▶ Wnt Signaling
Aspirin is a nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug
and used to fight against general ▶ inflammation,
pain, or fever. Aspirin is also beneficial in helping Bosetti C, Gallus S, La Vecchia C (2006) Aspirin and
to prevent heart attack and stroke. Studies cancer risk: an updated quantitative review to 2005.
demonstrate that aspirin treatment prevented or Cancer Causes Control CCC 17:871–888
reversed development of cancers in various Harris RE, Beebe-Donk J, Doss H, Burr Doss D (2005)
Aspirin, ibuprofen, and other non-steroidal anti-
tissues. Aspirin inhibits production of prostaglan- inflammatory drugs in cancer prevention: a critical
dins (PGs) that cause inflammation, pain, review of non-selective COX-2 blockade (review).
fever, blood clot, and cancer. Thus, the blocking Oncol Rep 13:559–583
390 Assessment of Anaplasia of a Tumor

Kashfi K, Rigas B (2005) Molecular targets of nitric-oxide-

donating aspirin in cancer. Biochem Soc Trans Astrocytoma
Reddy BS, Rao CV, Rivenson A, Kelloff G (1993) Inhib-
itory effect of aspirin on azoxymethane-induced colon Michael K. Cooper
carcinogenesis in F344 rats. Carcinogenesis Department of Neurology, Vanderbilt Medical
14:1493–1497 Center, Nashville, TN, USA

See Also
(2012) Acetylsalicylic Acid. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 17. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_26
(2012) Arachidonic Acid. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia Anaplastic astrocytoma; Astrocytic tumor; Dif-
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 260. fuse astrocytoma; Diffuse intrinsic pontine gli-
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_379
(2012) Beta-Catenin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
oma; Glioblastoma; Pilocytic astrocytoma;
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 385. Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma; Subependymal
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_889 giant cell astrocytoma
(2012) Bradykinin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 468.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_701
(2012) Epithelial Cell. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Definition
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp
1291–1292. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1958 Astrocytomas are primary glial tumors of the cen-
tral nervous system that occur in the brain and
occasionally the spinal cord. Glial tumors, or gli-
omas, are classified by the World Health Organi-
Assessment of Anaplasia of a Tumor zation (WHO) according to histologic
resemblance to astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, or
▶ Grading of Tumors ependymal cells, and then numerically graded
(I to IV) for pathologic features of malignancy.
Astrocytomas account for at least 76% of all gli-
omas and constitute a heterogeneous group of
astrocytic tumors with distinct clinical and molec-
Assessment of the Degree of Tumor ular features. More generally, however, astrocyto-
Differentiation mas can be divided into the diffusely infiltrative
astrocytic tumors (grades II–IV) that occur more
▶ Grading of Tumors commonly in adults and the more circumscribed
astrocytic tumors (grade I) that occur more com-
monly in children. Glioblastoma is the most com-
mon diffuse astrocytic glioma and pilocytic
astrocytoma is the most common circumscribed
Asthma astrocytic tumor.

▶ Allergy

The overall age-adjusted incidence rate for astro-
Astrocytic Tumor cytic tumors diagnosed in the USA between 2004
and 2008 is 4.7 per 100,000 person years; how-
▶ Astrocytoma ever, age distributions for each astrocytic tumor
Astrocytoma 391

subtype vary significantly. Etiologies of astrocytic apparent on computerized tomography (CT) and
tumors remain largely unknown. A small number magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) administered
of families have a defined hereditary syndrome, with intravenous contrast dye. The presence of A
such as neurofibromatosis type 1, tuberous scle- mass effect often helps to distinguish neoplastic
rosis complex, and Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and a from demyelinating and other nonneoplastic pro-
family history of brain tumor is associated with cesses, and can be particularly helpful for astro-
only a modestly increased risk (odds ratio 2.3). cytic neoplasms that lack contrast enhancement.
The only environmental factor that has been
unequivocally associated with an increased risk Prognosis
of astrocytic neoplasms is ionizing radiation. For The WHO grading system is the most accurate
example, children who received prophylactic cra- means for predicting clinical course. Patients with
nial irradiation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia a grade I pilocytic astrocytoma generally have a
have an increased risk for astrocytic brain tumors. favorable prognosis with 10 year survival rates of
An increased risk for brain tumors with radiation 91%. The median survival rate is 7.3 years for
exposure from CT scans in childhood has also grade II diffuse astrocytoma, 1.7–5.4 years for
been demonstrated. Although concern has been grade III anaplastic astrocytoma, and 1.2 years
raised about cellular phones, neither their use nor for grade IV glioblastoma. Other important prog-
other household or workplace exposures to elec- nostic criteria may include patient age, perfor-
tromagnetic energy have been linked convinc- mance status, tumor location, extent of surgical
ingly with an increased risk for glioma. resection, and genetic alterations discussed below.

Clinical Features Treatment

The neurological symptoms and signs of astro- Currently there are no targeted therapies that sig-
cytic tumors include localized dysfunction, such nificantly extend median survival for patients with
as seizures, aphasia, and hemiparesis, related to astrocytic neoplasms. Standard, nontargeted ther-
tumor site as well as global dysfunction related to apies include surgery, radiation, and chemother-
mass effect or increased intracranial pressure. Sei- apy. For grade I astrocytic gliomas, such as
zures are more common in lower-grade (70–80%) pilocytic astrocytoma, complete surgical resection
than in higher-grade (20–30%) infiltrative astro- may be curative. For higher-grade astrocytomas,
cytic gliomas. Personality and cognitive changes the treatment goals are to extend survival and
are also common presenting symptoms. The improve quality of life. Radiotherapy is conven-
majority of patients with astrocytic neoplasms tionally provided with fractionated external beam
have a good performance status (Karnofsky per- photon irradiation (45–60 Gy total) to the tumor
formance status of 70% or better) at diagnosis. volume or resection cavity and a 1–2 cm margin.
Chemotherapeutic agents most commonly used
Diagnosis include alkylating agents, such as nitrosureas
Astrocytic tumors can only be diagnosed defini- and temozolomide, and the angiogenesis inhibitor
tively by tissue histopathology, as diagnostic bevacizumab.
imaging or laboratory studies are not currently
available for standard clinical use. Astrocytic Pilocytic Astrocytoma
tumors often exhibit marked regional cellular het- It is a relatively circumscribed and slow growing
erogeneity and thus specimens obtained by ste- WHO grade I astrocytoma with an incidence that
reotactic needle biopsy may be more difficult to decreases with age. The peak incidence is during
diagnose accurately than those obtained by open the first two decades of life at 0.88 per 100,000
biopsy or resection. Pathologic features of neo- person years. Pilocytic astrocytomas are most
plastic growth, including hypercellularity, cyst commonly located in the infratentorial region in
formation, white matter tract infiltration, edema, the cerebellum or brainstem. The most common
and blood brain barrier disruption, are generally supratentorial sites are the optic pathways and
392 Astrocytoma

hypothalamus, and the thalamus and other basal Complete surgical resection may be curative, and
ganglia regions. On CT or MRI, pilocytic astro- radiotherapy is commonly avoided given the risk
cytomas are well circumscribed and contrast of secondary malignancy in patients lacking
enhancing. Cyst formation is common. Pilocytic tumor suppressor function. The majority of
astrocytomas are histologically characterized by a patients with tuberous sclerosis have constitutive
biphasic pattern of compacted regions of bipolar activation of the rapamycin complex 1 (mTOR)
cells that contain elongated corkscrew shaped pathway through mutations of the TSC1 or TSC2
structures termed “Rosenthal fibers” and more genes, and evidence indicates that small molecule
loosely textured regions of multipolar cells that mTOR inhibitors may be an effective targeted
contain globular aggregates termed “eosinophilic therapy.
granular bodies.” Approximately 15% of patients
with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) develop Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma (PXA)
pilocytic astrocytomas. In this setting, the typical A WHO grade II neoplasm that usually presents in
location is involvement of the optic nerves. Inac- the second decade of life with seizures or
tivation of NF1 alleles results in increased activity hemiparesis. These tumors are typically located
of the ERK/MAPK pathway. The ERK/MAPK superficially in the cerebral hemispheres and often
pathway is also activated in approximately 80% involve the meninges. Radiographically, the
of sporadic pilocytic astrocytomas by somatic majority have cystic lesions with a contrast
BRAF gene alterations or mutations. The most enhancing mural nodule. Histologically, cellular
common gene fusion is between KIAA1549 and pleomorphism is evident with spindle-shaped
BRAF, to produce a protein that lacks the BRAF cells, giant cells, and multinucleated cells present.
regulatory domain, and the most common Intracellular accumulation of lipid droplets is
point mutation is BRAF V600E. Due to the common, giving rise to the term xanthoas-
circumscribed growth pattern of pilocytic trocytoma. Although typically classified as grade
astrocytomas, total resection may be curative, II, anaplastic features indicating a higher grade of
localized lesions are amenable to radiosurgery, malignancy may be present. Surgical resection is
and long-term survival (91% at 10 years) is the the treatment of choice, with extent of resection
general rule. correlating well with outcome. Radiotherapy and
Pilomyxoid astrocytoma is a more malignant, chemotherapy are adjuvant treatments. Genetic
WHO grade II variant of pilocytic astrocytoma. It studies have revealed that approximately 60% of
occurs in younger patients (median age of XPAs harbor BRAF V600E mutations.
10 months) and is histologically characterized by
a mucous matrix with angiocentric cell arrange- Diffuse Astrocytoma
ments and the absence of Rosenthal fibers or It is an infiltrative WHO grade II neoplasm that
eosinophilic granular bodies. typically affects young adults with a peak inci-
dence in the fourth decade of life. There are many
Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma (SEGA) synonymous terms for diffuse astrocytoma,
A WHO grade I neoplasm associated with the including “low-grade astrocytoma” and “fibrillary
tuberous sclerosis complex. Between 5% and astrocytoma.” Diffuse astrocytomas are typically
20% of patients with tuberous sclerosis develop located supratentorially in the frontal and tempo-
SEGAs, typically during the first two decades of ral lobes. Seizures are a common presenting
life. These tumors arise from the wall of the lateral symptom, along with focal deficits and behavioral
ventricle, often near the foramen of Monro and or cognitive changes. Radiographically, diffuse
thus may present with CSF obstruction. On head astrocytomas usually do not demonstrate contrast
CT subependymal calcifications may be noted. enhancement. Typically, brain MRI demonstrates
Histologically, SEGAs are composed of large a lesion with hyperintense T-2 weighted or FLAIR
cells, typically with astrocytic features and often signal and associated mass effect. Histopathology
with neuronal features, and multinucleated cells. often demonstrates only modest hypercellularity
Astrocytoma 393

with occasional nuclear atypia and well- IDH mutations occur less frequently (~65%)
differentiated fibrillary or gemistocytic neoplastic and appear to represent a powerful prognostic
astrocytes. Mitotic activity is generally absent and marker in patients with anaplastic astrocytoma. A
neoplastic astrocytes can be difficult to distin- In several studies, the median survival for patients
guish from normal or reactive astrocytes. Somatic with anaplastic astrocytoma is 1.7 years in the
heterozygous mutations of the IDH1 or IDH2 absence of IDH mutation and >5.4 years in the
genes occur in ~75% of grade II astrocytomas. presence of IDH mutation. Treatment regimens
Mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 are mutually exclu- for anaplastic astrocytoma are generally similar
sive and the vast majority (over 95%) occur in to those utilized for patients with grade IV
IDH1. Sequence analysis for IDH mutations or glioblastoma, surgical resection to the extent fea-
immunohistochemistry with an antibody specific sible followed by radiotherapy and adjuvant
for the most common IDH1 mutation, R132H, are chemotherapy.
highly sensitive and specific assays are gaining
routine use in clinical neuropathology laborato- Glioblastoma
ries. Alterations of PDGFRA and TP53mutation The most common astrocytic neoplasm, glioblas-
are also common in sporadic diffuse astrocyto- toma, is a WHO grade IV malignancy with an
mas. Diffuse astrocytoma may occur in patients incidence that increases with age. Peak incidence
with Li-Fraumeni syndrome with inherited is in the eighth to ninth decades of life at 14.5 per
germline TP53 mutations. Surgical resection is 100,000 person years. A widely used synonym is
often the initial treatment, with some evidence to glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Glioblastoma
suggest that more complete resection prolongs occurs most frequently supratentorially, and due
survival. Diffuse astrocytomas ultimately pro- to highly invasive growth may extend across the
gress clinically and may evolve to anaplastic corpus callosum to involve both cerebral hemi-
astrocytoma and secondary glioblastoma histopa- spheres. Glioblastoma of the brain stem is a rare
thologies. Radiotherapy prolongs survival, and it entity that most commonly affects children
is often implemented after clinical and or radio- (discussed below). Symptoms generally present
graphic evidence of disease progression. The role over a short period of time and are often related
for adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with diffuse to mass effect or increased intracranial pressure.
astrocytomas is less clear and currently under Seizures are less common in glioblastoma than in
investigation. The median survival of patients lower grade infiltrative astrocytomas. Radio-
with diffuse astrocytoma is 7.3 years. graphically, glioblastomas are often large at the
time of clinical presentation, with contrast
Anaplastic Astrocytoma enhancement of the tumor and peritumoral
An infiltrative WHO grade III neoplasm that pri- edema. Often there is a rim of intense contrast
marily affects adults with a peak incidence during enhancement with regions of central tumor necro-
the fifth decade of life. Anaplastic astrocytoma sis evident on MRI. Histologically, glioblastomas
may arise from a grade II diffuse astrocytoma or are composed of pleomorphic astrocytic cells with
de novo. The localization and clinical features of marked nuclear atypia and high mitotic activity.
anaplastic astrocytoma are similar to those of Vascular proliferation and necrosis are prominent
grade II diffuse astrocytomas, though patients features that are required for establishing the diag-
often present over a shorter time course. Radio- nosis of a grade IV astrocytic tumor. Many phe-
graphically, anaplastic astrocytomas typically notypic variants have been described, including
demonstrate contrast enhancement. Histopatho- adenoid glioblastoma, small cell glioblastoma,
logical features differ from grade II diffuse astro- and gliosarcoma. Two clinical entities have been
cytomas by increased cellularity, nuclear atypia, defined: primary and secondary glioblastoma.
and mitotic activity. As with grade II diffuse astro- Well over 90% of glioblastomas present over a
cytomas, IDH and TP53 mutations and PDGFRA short clinical course (<6 months) in older patients
alterations are common. Interestingly, however, (median age of 60) without clinical or
394 Astrocytoma

histopathological evidence of pre-existing dis- prolong survival. The angiogenesis inhibitor

ease, and are designated as primary glioblasto- bevacizumab may improve clinical symptoms,
mas. Conversely, secondary glioblastomas but without demonstrable benefit in survival.
develop over many months to years in younger Important prognostic factors are IDH1 mutational
patients (median age of 33) with prior histopath- status, age at diagnosis, and MGMT methylation
ological evidence of a diffuse or anaplastic astro- status.
cytoma. Primary and secondary glioblastomas are
radiographically and histologically indistinguish- Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG)
able, yet molecular analysis supports the diver- An aggressive WHO grade IV astrocytic tumor of
gent evolution of these two distinct clinical the brainstem that occurs almost exclusively in
entities. Secondary glioblastomas are more com- children. DIPG is also known as brainstem or
monly associated with PDGFRA alterations and diffuse brainstem glioma. Patients with DIPG typ-
TP53 mutation while primary glioblastomas are ically present over a short course of time with
more commonly associated with EGFR amplifi- motor, cranial nerve, and cerebellar signs and
cation and PTEN mutation. Most strikingly, IDH symptoms. MRI demonstrates an enhancing
mutation occurs in >75% of secondary glioblas- mass within the pons. Due to lesion location and
toma and <8% of primary glioblastoma. The high characteristic absence of exophytic components,
frequency of IDH mutation in diffuse astrocyto- these tumors are rarely biopsied and are typically
mas, anaplastic astrocytomas, and secondary glio- diagnosed by MRI and clinical features. Radiation
blastomas has been interpreted to suggest that it is is the mainstay of therapy, though the median
an early genetic alteration in a common cell of survival is 8–9 months. For those cases in which
origin that is distinct from the cellular origin for tissue has been obtained, the histopathological
primary glioblastomas. Analyses of the glioblas- diagnosis is glioblastoma. DIPG, as well as pedi-
toma genome have identified four molecular sub- atric glioblastomas in other locations, are molec-
types: proneural, neural, classical, and ularly distinct from adult glioblastoma. Two
mesenchymal. Based primarily upon gene expres- somatic point mutations in genes encoding
sion profiling, specific genetic alterations also regulatory histone H3.1 (H3F3A I and
help differentiate glioblastoma subtypes: the HIST1H3B) have been identified in 78% of
proneural subtype is characterized by alterations DIPGs and 22–31% of nonbrainstem pediatric
of PDGFRA and IDH1 mutation, the classical by glioblastomas.
EGFR amplification and mutation (EGFRvIII),
and the mesenchymal by NF1 and PTEN muta-
tions. Most of the genomic alterations identified References
by these studies have been mapped to three core
pathways, the mitogenic signaling pathways, the Dunn GP, Rinne ML, Wykosky J, Genovese G, Quayle SN,
Dunn IF, Argarwalla PK, Chheda MG, Campos B,
retinoblastoma pathway, and the protein 53 path- Wang A, Brennan C, Ligon KL, Furnari F, Cavenee
way. Although these molecular data may guide WK, Depinho RA, Chin L, Hahn WC (2012) Emerging
the development of targeted therapies, the current insights into the molecular and cellular basis of glio-
standard of care involves surgery, radiation, and blastoma. Genes Dev 26:756–784
Louis DN, Ohgaki H, Wiestler OD, Cavenee WK (eds)
chemotherapy with an alkylating agent. With all
(2007) WHO classification of tumours of the central
three modalities utilized, the current median sur- nervous system, 4th edn. IARC Press, Lyon
vival for patients with glioblastoma is 1.2 years. Palka K, Mobley B, Perkins S, Cooper MK, Sills AK Jr,
Radiation therapy has the greatest impact, with Moots PL (2012) Glioma and other neuroepithelial
neoplasms. In: Raghavan D, Blanke C, Johnson DH,
threefold to fourfold improvement in median sur-
Moots PL, Reaman G, Rose P, Sekeres M (eds) Text-
vival. Temozolamide is the only adjuvant chemo- book of uncommon cancer, 4th edn. Wiley, West
therapy agent demonstrated to significantly Sussex
ATM Protein 395

Asymmetric Cell Division ATM

Synonyms ▶ ATM Protein

Asymmetric cytokinesis

Definition ATM Protein

Asymmetric cell division is a mitotic event that Yosef Shiloh

produces two daughter cells with different devel- Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University,
opmental potentials. Tel Aviv, Israel

Cross-References Synonyms

▶ Stem Cell Markers Ataxia-telangiectasia, mutated; ATM

Asymmetric Cytokinesis ATM is a large, homeostatic protein kinase with
roles in various branches of cellular metabolism.
▶ Asymmetric Cell Division
ATM’s best characterized function is mobilizing a
highly complex network of signaling pathways in
response to double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the
DNA. DSBs markedly enhance the protein
kinase activity of ATM, which subsequently phos-
Ataxia-Telangiectasia Variant 1 and
phorylates a multitude of substrates, typically
Variant 2
key players in the numerous branches of the
DNA damage response. ATM is missing or inac-
▶ Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome
tive in patients with the multisystem genetic dis-
order, ataxia telangiectasia (A-T), characterized
by neurodegeneration, immune deficiency, geno-
mic instability, sensitivity to ionizing radiation,
and cancer predisposition. The cellular phenotype
Ataxia-Telangiectasia, Mutated
of cells from A-T patients includes premature
senescence, chromosomal instability, extreme
▶ ATM Protein
sensitivity to DSB-inducing agents such as
ionizing radiation and radiomimetic chemicals,
and defective activation of the extensive
DSB response network. ATM has been also impli-
ATL cated in the regulation of other pathways of cellu-
lar metabolism, in particular cellular redox
▶ Adult T-Cell Leukemia balance.
396 ATM Protein

Characteristics physiology. ATM controls also the marked change

in the cellular transcriptome following DSB
ATM is a large, heavily phosphorylated protein of induction. Evidence suggests that ATM might
370 kDa containing 3,056 amino acids. Its most also be involved in many other pathways that
prominent motif is a carboxy-terminal region of respond to various genotoxic stresses by phos-
about 350 amino acids that is similar to the cata- phorylating and modulating pivotal players in
lytic subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases these pathways. ATM is not as crucial for these
(PI3-kinases). The large size and PI3-kinase- pathways as it is for the DSB response, but it may
related region are common to a family of proteins, enhance them when the need arises.
identified in organisms ranging from yeast to Mouse strains lacking the Atm protein were
mammals, that are involved in maintaining geno- generated by targeted inactivation of their Atm
mic stability and responding to genotoxic gene, the murine ATM homolog. These animals
and other stresses. Most members of this protein recapitulate the radiosensitivity and striking pro-
family, called PI3-kinase-like protein pensity to thymic lymphomas of the human dis-
kinases – PIKKs, were found to have a serine/ ease, but exhibit only a mild neurological
threonine protein kinase activity, i.e., they phos- phenotype. Atm-deficient mice, like A-T patients,
phorylate other proteins on serine or threonine are sterile as a result of extensive chromosomal
residues. Notable members of this group that are fragmentation during meiotic recombination.
involved in responses to genotoxic stress are the Indeed, the association of the ATM protein with
catalytic subunit of the DNA-dependent protein the synapsed chromosomal axes seen during nor-
kinase (DNA-PKcs), which is activated by DNA mal meiosis points to its involvement in meiotic
ends, and the ATR protein, which responds pri- recombination. This indicates that ATM is
marily to stalled replication forks. ATM, ATR, involved not only in damage responses but also
and DNA-PK maintain complex, often collabora- in responding to DNA breaks that take place dur-
tive and complementary relationships in response ing normal physiological processes. Another such
to genotoxic stress. process is the maturation of the antigen receptor
genes by somatic recombination. The marked
Cellular Functions and Molecular Regulation immunodeficiency of A-T patients, as well as the
ATM’s major fraction is nuclear, but a distinct appearance of chromosomal translocations with
cytoplasmic fraction of ATM has been consis- breakpoints involving these genes in A-T patient
tently observed, some of it in the mitochondria lymphocytes, represents the involvement of ATM
and peroxisomes. ATM’s ongoing kinase activity in this process as well. ATM is also involved in
is probably modulated according to the cell’s telomere maintenance.
needs and may vary among different cell types
and different physiological conditions. DSBs Clinical Relevance
evoke the strongest activation of ATM, which The clinical manifestation of ATM inactivation is
involves the separation of ATM homodimers A-T, a genetic disease characterized by a broad
into extremely active monomers and the induction range of clinical symptoms and cellular defects.
of many posttranslational modifications on The phenotype attests to the centrality of
ATM, including several autophosphorylations. ATM-controlled cellular pathways to the proper
A different mode of ATM activation is induced function of many tissues. The striking predisposi-
by oxidative stress and involves the formation of tion of A-T patients to a variety of cancers is one
covalent, disulfide bridges between two ATM more indication of how critical genome stability is
monomers. The estimated number of ATM down- in cancer prevention.
stream effectors is over 1,000. ATM substrates in It has long been suspected that carriers of A-T
the DNA damage response have been studied in mutations bear a certain degree of predisposition
detail. Phosphorylation of these substrates leads to to malignancies, primarily breast cancer. This
temporary, profound modulation of cellular notion stemmed primarily from epidemiological
ATX 397

observations and is continuously being re-

examined using molecular assays for the detection Atopic Dermatitis
of carriers of ATM mutations. Evidence is accu- A
mulating that some degree of cancer predisposi- ▶ Allergy
tion may be conferred by heterozygosity for
specific types of ATM mutations. Since cells
from A-T carriers exhibit a moderate degree of
radiation sensitivity, heterozygosity for ATM Atopy
mutations might also lead to adverse side effects
of radiotherapy, such as severe local responses to ▶ Allergy
treatment or radiation-induced secondary cancers.
A further link between ATM sequence alter-
ations and cancer comes from another line of
research: In certain hematopoietic malignancies, ATP-Binding Cassette-Transporters
most notably mantle cell lymphoma, both copies
of the ATM gene are inactivated due to somatic ▶ ABC-Transporters
mutations or rearrangements. This phenomenon is
typical of tumor suppressor genes, and, again,
points to the role of ATM-dependent processes
in guarding mammalian cells from malignant ATP-Binding-Cassette Transporters
transformation. Sub-family C
Genomic instability is at the heart of cancer
development, and inherited genomic instability is ▶ ABCC Transporters
directly associated with predisposition to various
forms of cancer. But the very agents for fighting
cancer – radiotherapy and chemotherapy – them-
selves induce DNA damage. Thus, understanding Atrial Myxoma
how the DNA damage response operates has pow-
erful implications for the refinement of those thera- ▶ Carney Complex
pies and for the development of novel treatment
approaches to the disease.

▶ Lobular Involution of the Breast
▶ Genomic Instability

Attenuated Adenomatous Polyposis
Paull TT (2015) Mechanisms of ATM activation. Ann Rev Coli
Biochem 84:711–738
Shiloh Y (2014) ATM: expanding roles as a chief guardian
of genome stability. Exp Cell Res 329:154–161
▶ APC Gene in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Shiloh Y, Ziv Y (2013) The ATM protein kinase: regulating
the cellular response to genotoxic stress, and more. Nat
Rev Cel Mol Biol 14:197–210
Thompson LH (2012) Recognition, signaling, and repair of
DNA double-strand breaks produced by ionizing radi-
ation in mammalian cells: the molecular choreography.
Mutat Res 751:158–246 ▶ Autotaxin
398 Atypical Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma

Atypical Congenital Mesoblastic Aurora Kinases

Lili He and Jin Q. Cheng
▶ Mesoblastic Nephroma Molecular Oncology Program and Research
Institute, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center,
University of South Florida College of Medicine,
Tampa, FL, USA

Atypical Neurocytoma
▶ Neurocytoma
AURORA2; Aurora-A; Aurora-B; Aurora-C;
BTAK; IPL1; MGC34538; STK12; STK13;

▶ Aurora Kinases

Aurora kinases are mitotic serine/threonine

kinases, which regulate mitotic events.

▶ Aurora Kinases

Aurora is a subfamily of serine/threonine protein

kinase and is conserved from yeast, Drosophila,
to humans. In mammals, this subfamily of serine/
threonine kinases comprises three members:
AurC Aurora-A, B, and C. Drosophila and C. elegans
also express Aurora-A and B kinases, whereas
▶ Aurora Kinases
S. cerevisiae and S. pombe have only one Aurora
kinase gene, Ipl1 (Fig. 1a), suggesting that the
functions of Auroras have diverged throughout
evolution. All Aurora kinases share similar
structures, with their catalytic domains flanked
AURKB by very short C-terminal tails (15–20 residues)
and variable lengths of N-terminal domains
▶ Aurora Kinases (39–129 residues). The overall homology
between these three members in human is about
60% at amino acid level. The C-terminal domain
of human Aurora-B shares 53 and 73% sequence
similarity to human Auroras A and C, respec-
AURKC tively. The N-terminal domain of Aurora kinases
are less conserved, which may determine selectiv-
▶ Aurora Kinases ity of protein–protein interactions (Fig. 1b).
Aurora Kinases 399

a lpl1p S. cerevisiae

Aurora-A Aurora-B C. elegans

Aurora-A Aurora-B Aurora-C Mammalian

20q13 17p13 19q13 Human chromosome

b Activation loop Degradation box

(RxTxCGTx) (RxxLxG)
Kinase T-loop
D-box A-box

Aurora-A 402
101 Thr232
Thr23 388 57%
Aurora-B 344 60%
77 Thr198
Thr1 372
Aurora-C 309
43 239

Aurora Kinases, Fig. 1 Aurora kinase family. (a) Aurora representation of the domain structure of three Aurora
kinases are conserved from yeast to human. Their human family members. The percentages indicate the degree of
chromosomal locations are listed. (b) Diagrammatic the identity between Aurora-A, B, and C

Despite these similarities, the three mamma- checkpoint and the coordination between chromo-
lian Aurora family members differ in their expres- some segregation and cytokinesis. Aurora-C has
sion patterns, subcellular localization, and timing been described only in mammals, where it is
of activity. Aurora-A is upregulated at the onset of expressed in testis and certain tumor cell lines
mitosis. It localizes to centrosomes during inter- and, like Aurora-B, functions as a chromosomal
phase and to both spindle poles and spindle micro- passenger, which localizes first to centromeres
tubules during early mitosis. However, it is noted and then to the midzone of mitotic cells. It has
that immunostaining studies show that Aurora-A been shown that Aurora-C cooperates with
distributes not only to centrosome but also to Aurora-B to regulate mitotic chromosome segre-
cytoplasm and/or nucleus. Aurora-B, whose gation and cytokinesis.
activity appears to reach maximal levels later in Aurora-A is located on chromosome 20q13.2,
mitosis, displays the dynamic properties of a chro- a region commonly amplified in malignancies,
mosomal passenger protein. It first associates with such as melanoma and cancers of the breast,
centromeres/kinetochores – the sites on chromo- colon, pancreas, ovary, bladder, liver, and stom-
somes where microtubules attach – then ach. Interest in Aurora has intensified since the
relocalizes to the midzone of the central spindle, discovery that the transfection of rodent Rat1 and
and finally concentrates at the midbody between NIH3T3 fibroblast cell lines with Aurora-A is
dividing cells. In line with these distinct localiza- sufficient to induce colony formation in culture
tions, Aurora-A is implicated primarily in centro- and tumors in nude mice, thus establishing
some maturation and spindle assembly, whereas Aurora-A as a bona fide oncogene. Moreover,
Aurora-B is proposed to regulate chromosome we and another group have shown that the
condensation and cohesion, kinetochore assembly overexpression of wild-type Aurora-A induces
and bipolar chromosome attachment, the spindle breast cancer in vivo. Aurora-B is located on
400 Aurora Kinases

p53 D-TACC
Brca1 TPX2
MgcRacGAP Eg5
GFAP Lats2
Vimentin PAK1 CENP-A

MRLC IKKα Histone H3
Telophase Aurora A Prometaphase

Aurora B

BudR1/ Mad2
Topo II

Metaphase Spc34p

Aurora Kinases, Fig. 2 Activation, cell cycle execution survivin; and (iii) known execution points and substrates
points, and substrates of Aurora-A and B kinases. Sche- of Aurora-A and B across the cell cycle. The substrates
matic diagram illustrating (i) the activation of Aurora-A phosphorylated in each phase of the cell cycle are color
through phosphorylation of Thr288 by PAK1 and IKKa as coded: orange circles indicate Aurora-A substrates and
well as via the interaction with TPX2, HEF1, and Ajuba; green circles indicate Aurora-B substrates. Ipl1p substrates
(ii) activation of Aurora-B by binding to INCENP and are indicated as a double green and orange line

chromosome 17p13.1, a region not typically polyadenylation of cyclin B and cdc2 mRNA;
amplified in human malignancies. Despite lack TACC3, a protein required for stabilization and
of amplification at the gene level, mRNA and organization of microtubules; Eg5, a kinesin-like
protein levels of Aurora-B are frequently protein involved in both centrosome separation
increased in human tumors. and spindle assembly and stability; TPX2, which
is required to generate stable bipolar spindle; and
Mechanisms two tumor-suppressor proteins, Lats2 and
Aurora-A was shown to be activated by BRCA1. Further, TPX2, Ajuba, and HEF1 have
autophosphorylation of Thr-288 during G2/M been shown to interact and activate Aurora-A. The
phase upon interacting with TPX, Ajuba, and crystal structure of activated Aurora-A in complex
HEF1 (Fig. 2). However, studies have demon- with a TPX2 fragment showed that TPX2 binding
strated that PAK1 and IKKa bind to and phos- is sufficient to allow autophosphorylation of the
phorylate Aurora-A on Thr288 and Ser342, which activatory T-loop Thr-288, allowing Aurora-A to
are key sites for kinase activation in mitosis. In adopt a conformation similar to the “active” con-
vivo PAK activation causes an accumulation of formation of other Ser/Thr kinases. With regard to
activated Aurora-A. Aurora-A phosphorylates the mechanism of Aurora-A regulation of cell
several proteins which are important in mitosis, survival and proliferation, we have demonstrated
including histone H3 on Ser10, a key molecule in Aurora-A upregulation of c-Myc to induce telo-
conversion of the relaxed interphase chromatin to merase activity. Moreover, we and others have
mitotic condensed chromosomes; CPEB also documented that Auraro-A abrogates p53
(cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding DNA-binding activity and induces p53 degrada-
protein), best known for its role in promoting tion by direct phosphorylation of p53 at Ser215
Autoantibodies 401

and Ser315, respectively. Aurora-B activation is genetic instability preceding mammary tumor forma-
triggered by autophosphorylation after associa- tion. Oncogene 25:7148–7158
Yang H, Ou CC, Feldman RI et al (2004) Aurora-A kinase
tion with its substrates INCENP and survivin, regulates telomerase activity through c-Myc in human A
with peak activity in metaphase and telophase ovarian and breast epithelial cells. Cancer Res
(Fig. 2). Key substrates of activated Aurora-B 64:463–467
include the centromeric proteins centromere
protein A, INCENP, survivin, Borealin;
microtubule-destabilizing kinesin mitotic
centromere-associated kinesin; the mitotic check- AURORA2
point proteins BubR1 and Mad2; the cytoskeletal
proteins myosin II regulatory light chain, ▶ Aurora Kinases
vimentin, desmin, and glial fibrillary acidic pro-
tein; and histone H3. Following mitosis, the
D-box region of Aurora-B is recognized by the
anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome, leading Aurora-A
to Aurora-B ubiquitination and degradation.
▶ Aurora Kinases
Aurora Kinase as Target for Cancer
Frequent deregulation of Aurora kinase in human
cancer prompted to develop Aurora kinase inhib- Aurora-B
itors as novel anticancer drugs. A half of dozen of
such inhibitors have been reported and a few of ▶ Aurora Kinases
them are in clinic trails, which include VX-680
(Merck), AZD1152 (AstraZeneca), MLN8054
(Millenium), and PHA-739358 (Nerviano). How-
ever, VX-680 and PHA-739358 are pan-Aurora Aurora-C
kinase inhibitors. AZD1152 and MLN8054 also
inhibit three members of Aurora kinase, however, ▶ Aurora Kinases
AZD1152 preferentially inhibits Aurora-B,
whereas MLN8054 is more potent toward
Aurora-A. Further investigations are required to
identify more potent and selective Aurora kinase Autoantibodies
inhibitor for cancer intervention.
Marie-Claire Maroun and Félix Fernández
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of
Rheumatology, Wayne State University, Detroit,
Carmena M, Earnshaw WC (2003) The cellular MI, USA
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Jackson JR, Patrick DR, Dar MM et al (2007) Targeted
anti-mitotic therapies: can we improve on tubulin
agents? Nat Rev Cancer 7:107–117
Liu Q, Kaneko S, Yang L et al (2004) Aurora-A abrogation Autoantibodies are those antibodies to proteins,
of p53 DNA binding and transactivation activity by nucleic acids, carbohydrates, or lipids derived
phosphorylation of serine 215. J Biol Chem
from the cells of the organism in which they
Wang X, Zhou YX, Qiao W et al (2006) Overexpression of were formed, recognized by the immune system
aurora kinase A in mouse mammary epithelium induces as nonself. Cancer-associated autoantibodies are
402 Autoantibodies

potential reagents for the early diagnosis and diagnosis of cancer. This promising field con-
prognosis of cancer. Autoantibodies target mole- tinues to exhibit two main problems probably
cules involved in signal transduction, cell cycle related to the heterogeneity of cancer. Available
regulation, cell proliferation, and apoptosis; all of antibody-based classifiers display limited speci-
them are key processes in carcinogenesis. Molec- ficity and sensitivity still not sufficient for clinical
ular studies of antigen–antibody systems in cancer use. The second problem, even more important, is
can also yield valuable mechanistic information that validation studies for many promising
on the carcinogenic process. The study of autoan- reported classifiers have not been forthcoming as
tibodies in cancer has broad implications for the expected. This problem was initially attributed to
discovery of molecular targets for drug therapy complexities related to the discovery process
and for cancer biomarkers in general. Tumor- itself, particularly to the vagaries inherent to
associated antigens (TAAs) and their autoantigen microarray analyses. These technical
corresponding antibodies can also be invaluable difficulties have been largely solved in many lab-
reagents in the selection of naturally immuno- oratories, and it has become evident that other
genic molecules as key targets for cancer reasons related to breast carcinogenesis itself
immunotherapy. must exist. The choice of starting material for
the construction of the cDNA library for
immunoscreening is important. Since cancer is
Characteristics heterogeneous, multiple cancer cell lines rather
than single lines should be used. Similarly, it is
Multiple studies have reported hundreds of auto- preferable to obtain mRNA from the tissue of
antibodies in cancer sera using high-throughput several tumor types rather than from a single
methodology, genomics, and proteomics for the tumor specimen. The use of single cancer cell
identification of biomarkers useful for the diagno- lines as the sole material for mRNA has other
sis of solid tumors and hematological malignan- limitations. The molecular heterogeneity of can-
cies. Most single autoantibodies recognize their cer is reflected in antigenic heterogeneity. For
corresponding autoantigens only in 10–20% of example, the cancer cell in solid tumors such as
cancer patients, and there is consensus regarding breast cancer (BC) is most likely antigenically
the superiority of autoantibody classifiers formed different from the normal breast cell at its incep-
by panels of antibodies to improve sensitivity and tion and also very different from their neoplastic
specificity of cancer diagnosis and to discriminate descendants, which sustain large numbers of
among cancer phenotypes in breast, prostate, and genetic and epigenetic changes which obviously
ovarian cancers. Some studies using genomics or would also change the antigenic composition of
proteomics have reported the association of reac- cancer cells. As a consequence, one would expect
tivity of individual IgG autoantibodies with the to find different TAA composition at different
diagnosis of solid tumors, while other studies cancer stages. The heterogeneity of cancer that
have reported correlations between autoantibody makes validation of classifiers based on identified
reactivity and patient survival. Once an biomarkers most difficult is exemplified by
autoantigen has been identified in cancer sera, it expression array analyses of cells of BC. Two
is essential to establish that it is not only patient excellent genomic studies found to be equally
associated but also that it is tumor related, i.e., useful in predicting future clinical behavior of
recognized by multiple sera from patients with BC contained almost no genes in common, and
cancer and not by control sera. The association thus, little antigenic commonality can be
of many individual autoantigens with cancer diag- expected. Most importantly, the ever-changing
nosis has been validated in multiple studies. How- paradigm related to how cancer begins and pro-
ever, the association of an autoantigen with cancer gresses, i.e., back and forth from a reductionist
diagnosis is not sufficient for a potential bio- molecular biology to the endless complexities of
marker to become a reagent useful for the early cancer pathogenesis, can be largely responsible
Autoantibodies 403

for the failure of validation studies and for the cancer sera are predominantly of the IgG and the
limits in specificity and sensitivity that can be IgM class of immunoglobulins. IgG antibodies
expected from autoantibody classifiers. In breast may predict the coexistence of helper T-cell activ- A
and other cancers, the interaction between epithe- ity. In the RADs, the autoantibody profile has
lial cells and tumor stroma is increasingly recog- diagnostic and prognostic significance. Likewise,
nized as important. Autoantibodies to epithelial the picture has emerged pointing to a characteris-
and stromal proteins may be valuable markers of tic autoantibody profile in many types of cancer,
epithelial–stromal interactions. The use of the expanding the opportunities for serologic diagno-
tumor tissue as starting material for constructing sis. Autoantibodies recognizing TAAs can be
cDNA libraries may help to identify stromal com- detected in a small proportion of healthy individ-
ponents and other antigens that develop as a con- uals. This is to be expected since autoantibodies
sequence of epithelial, stromal, and immune cell may develop months or years before the clinical
interactions. As can be expected, none of these diagnosis of cancer. It is clear that the larger the
interactions would be revealed by using cancer pool of “normal” sera used in library construction,
cell lines. It is likely that different cancer pheno- the more likely will be the detection of some true
types display unique protein profiles that would TAAs that may reflect cancer development.
not be captured by using a single source material. Existing data support the view that serum anti-
Progress has been made on the significance of bodies may be prevalent in premalignant disease,
autoantibodies in cancer sera. For decades, auto- thus supporting the likelihood that autoantibodies
antibodies reported in cancer sera have been may show significant predicting ability for the
thought to be nonspecific, without any relation to diagnosis of early disease, i.e., when the treatment
the carcinogenic process. However, the emer- has the best chance to influence tumor behavior
gence of tumor antigens highly associated with and ideally to achieve a cure. This goal is yet to be
diagnosis and/or prognosis could not readily be achieved. As to the origin of autoantibodies, it has
dismissed as a nonspecific effect. Autoimmunity been shown that increased proteolytic cleavage in
in the rheumatic autoimmune diseases (RADs) the process of apoptosis may be related to the
was recognized as a useful model to attempt to immunogenicity of proteins. Apoptosis is a pro-
elucidate mechanisms by which autoantibodies cess which can make TAAs or fragments of cyto-
arise in cancer patients. Indeed, autoantibodies solic or nuclear proteins accessible to cell surfaces
developing in solid tumors such as BC were and may expose cryptic peptides for MHC I/MHC
found not to be epiphenomena, but likely to reflect II display by antigen-presenting cells. The immu-
an antigen-driven autoimmune response triggered nogenicity of many or even most TAAs is not due
by epitopes developing in the mammary gland to mutations but appears to be the result of
during carcinogenesis. The plethora of autoanti- overexpression in tumor or secondary to other
bodies found in cancer sera seen in the light of the mechanisms. From the many TAAs reported
classic findings on autoantibodies in the RADs using immunoscreening cDNA expression librar-
acquires a new significance which supports the ies or using proteomics, relatively few are
validity of the multiple studies reporting associa- membrane-associated or nuclear antigens, while
tion of individual autoantibodies with cancer the majority of the autoantigens identified are
diagnosis. It is well known that tumor-infiltrating cytosolic proteins. Past research has relied on bio-
B cells differentiate into plasma cells in the tumor markers based on protein gene products and has
tissue and that their IgG genes exhibit patterns of ignored the involvement of transcription of the
mutations that are consistent with antigenic selec- noncoding part of the genome. As indicated
tion and affinity maturation, suggesting a tumor above, the understanding of cancer heterogeneity
antigen-driven humoral immune response. TAAs is essential to explain why a set of promising
are commonly produced in response to solid autoantibody biomarkers may fail to achieve the
tumors and B-cell responses occur early in tumor expected levels of sensitivity and specificity.
development. The autoantibodies observed in A developed field arising from the emergence of
404 Autoantibodies

wide transcriptome analysis and high-throughput antigens may not be a function of systemic immu-
RNA-seq technology may come in the rescue of nodeficiency, but at least to some extent may be
autoantibodies as diagnostic and prognostic bio- due to specific tolerance to TAAs. Other possibil-
markers of cancer. The burgeoning studies of ities exist to explain why naturally occurring auto-
lncRNAs involved in the regulation of the critical antibodies are not more effective against cancer. It
pathways prevalent in cancer are likely to identify has been shown that the collaboration of both
critical pathways involved in carcinogenesis and humoral and cellular immune responses is
contribute to early diagnosis, to discriminate required for the complete eradication of antigen-
between different stages of the disease, and to expressing tumors. It is likely that this type of
have prognostic significance and therapeutic cooperation between humoral and cell-mediated
implications. response is necessary for an effective spontaneous
antitumor immune response. Another possibility
Autoantibodies Can Contribute to Produce that may negate the beneficial effect of a cancer-
Tissue Injury and May Influence Tumor associated immune response is that autoanti-
Behavior bodies against some tumor antigens paradoxically
The paraneoplastic syndromes (PNS) are experi- may stimulate uncontrolled cell proliferation and
ments of nature in which autoantibodies are not tumor progression. Indeed, some autoantibody
only markers of cancer but can also result in tissue responses may be stimulatory of tumor growth
injury in regions remote from the tumor. Several in vivo. In addition, antibodies against shed
neurologic syndromes have been described in tumor cell surface antigens can also promote
association with small cell lung cancer, BC, and tumor invasion and metastases through
other cancers. Although the PNS are rare, studies FcR-induced release of angiogenic cytokines in
on the specificity of the autoantibodies suggest the tumor microenvironment. It seems likely
that they may be able to influence cellular func- that the affinity-matured IgG responses observed
tions. It has been presumed that spontaneous in draining nodes in BC represent a mixture
regressions rarely occurring in cancer patients of protective and harmful autoantibodies. Thus,
have an immunological basis. Although there is it is possible that in addition to T-cell reactivity,
ample evidence that autoantibodies can function the balance of the antagonistic effect of the
as effectors of the immune system in the RADs, autoantibodies and cytokines produced in a par-
whether autoantibodies can in any way influence ticular patient will contribute to determine
tumor behavior in cancer patients is unclear. Stud- whether the immune response may be protective
ies of the mononuclear cell infiltrate observed in or harmful.
medullary carcinoma of the breast have demon-
strated its importance to the improved prognosis Autoantibodies as Diagnostic and Prognostic
of this form of BC, suggesting that the host Serologic Biomarkers of Cancer
immune response – most likely the concerted In 1995, Sahin et al. described SEREX technol-
action of the autoantibody response to ogy, in which recombinant tumor cDNA expres-
TAAs – and cytokines orchestrated by B and sion libraries were screened with cancer sera.
T cells are involved in restraining tumor growth. Since then, many hundreds of autoantigens have
Associations with improved prognosis as well as been identified in cancer sera using SEREX and
with poor prognosis have been reported for sev- its modifications. Proteomics technology has also
eral naturally occurring humoral responses. The been successfully used for the identification of
factors underlying the poor effectiveness of natu- tumor-associated antigens. Proteomics is a versa-
rally occurring antibody responses against cancer tile approach which has generated considerable
are complex. It has been suggested that tolerance interest in the field of biomarker discovery for its
may constitute an obstacle to naturally occurring capability of uncovering antigen–antibody sys-
responses, i.e., the decreased response to tumor tems in serum and other biological fluids. One
Autoantibodies 405

advantage of this approach over genomics is its sensitivities and specificities that can be realisti-
ability to assess the contribution of posttransla- cally achieved must be shown to be adequate
tional modifications of the autoantigens. How- through appropriate statistical evaluations. Vali- A
ever, a significant contribution of antibodies to dation of the most promising of the proposed bio-
epitopes reflecting posttranslational modifications markers for diagnosis and prognosis of cancer
to cancer diagnosis has not been demonstrated. requires the application of these high evaluative
For all the multiple autoantibodies presently being standards in prospective studies of large cohorts
studied as diagnostic instruments, the appropriate of patients with cancer against the present diag-
validation rout must be followed. A factor that nostic standards. The goal of most of these studies
should be considered when evaluating the predic- is to develop accurate and reliable serologic tests
tive value of autoantibodies as biomarkers for the useful to diagnose cancer early. Pathways criti-
early diagnosis of cancer is the stage of the tumor cally involved in carcinogenesis could in the near
in patients donating their sera to probe the antigen future be identified by studies of regulatory
collection. Although advanced stage cancer lncRNAs, thus facilitating the discovery of mole-
patients have normal cellular and humoral cules involved in early stages of carcinogenesis
responses to recall antigens, they do not generate which might make a substantial contribution to
effective responses against tumor antigens. In early cancer diagnosis. While the biodiscovery
addition, a large proportion of patients with early and validation phases are supported by the Early
stages of malignancy have serum antibodies reac- Diagnosis Research Network of NIH in the USA,
tive with autologous tumor, while a significantly the National Institute of Standards and Technol-
smaller proportion of patients with metastatic dis- ogy, also a branch of NIH, directs the efforts of the
ease have tumor-reactive antibodies. These find- scientific community in bringing metrology to
ings suggest that a decrease in antibody response serology. Indeed, after the usefulness of a panel
against tumor-associated antigens may be the of autoantibodies is established, the gap between
result of tumor-/autoantigen-specific tolerance the discovery phase and the real world should be
mechanisms rather than generalized disease- bridged by developing new standards for autoan-
related immune dysfunction. Not only there may tibody measurement with participation of indus-
be less autoantibody reactivity in advanced stages try, academia, physicians, and patients.
of cancer but also there may be a change in the
specificity of the autoantibodies. These consider- Glossary
ations are relevant to the design of studies propos-
ing to demonstrate the ability of autoantibodies to Autoantigens Self-proteins, carbohydrates,
contribute to the early diagnosis of cancer, since nucleic acids, or lipids to which the immune
lumping data from all stages of cancer, and system makes an antibody response are called
particularly the inclusion of patients with autoantigens.
advanced stages of the disease in the assessment Autoimmune diseases Diseases in which the
of sensitivity and specificity, may dilute the pathology is caused by adaptive immune
predicting ability of a biomarker for the early responses to self-antigens that occur when the
diagnosis of cancer. The field of diagnostic bio- body tissues are attacked by its own immune
markers is still in the discovery phase, and the system. Patients with autoimmune diseases
transition to testing in the real world has been have circulating autoantibodies targeting their
hampered by difficulties encountered in the criti- own body tissues.
cal validation step. It has been suggested that
proposed markers for classifying or predicting
risk in individual subjects must be held to a Cross-References
much higher standard than merely being associ-
ated with outcome and that the limits of ▶ SEREX
406 Autocrine Signaling

Autocrine Signaling
Fernández Madrid F, Maroun M-C, Olivero OA, Long M,
Azadeh Stark A, Grossman LI, Binder W, Dong J,
Burke M, Nathanson SD, Zarbo R, Chitale D, Zeballos-
Chávez R, Peebles C (2015) Autoantibodies in breast
cancer sera are not epiphenomena and may participate Is a form of local area signaling in which a cell
in carcinogenesis. BMC Cancer 15:407 secretes a chemical messenger (autocrine agent)
Hanash S (2011) Harnessing the immune response for
that signals the same cell. In contrast, in the para-
cancer detection. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
20:569–570 crine signaling, the signal of the chemical mes-
Iyer MK, Niknafs YS, Malik R et al (2015) The landscape senger (paracrine agent) is limited to other cells
of long noncoding RNAs in the human transcriptome. also in the local area.
Nat Genet 47:199–208
Sahin U, Tureci O, Schmitt H et al (1995) Human neo-
plasms elicit multiple specific immune responses in the
autologous host. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Cross-References
Weinbeg RA (2014) Coming full circle-from endless com- ▶ Chemoattraction
plexity to simplicity and back again. Cell 157:267–271

See Also See Also

(2012) Affinity-matured IgG response. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, (2012) Autocrine. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 100. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 311.
16483-5_133 doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_468
(2012) Antigen-presenting cells. In: Schwab M (ed) (2012) Paracrine. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2783.
Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 209–210. doi:10.1007/978-3- doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4380
(2012) B-cell response. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 351.
(2012) FcR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, Autoimmunity and Cancer
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1386.
Theresa L. Whiteside
(2012) Humoral immune response. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1760. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
16483-5_2865 Pittsburgh, PA, USA
(2012) Immunoscreening cDNA expression libraries. In:
Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn.
Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1831. doi:10.1007/978-
3-642-16483-5_3009 Synonyms
(2012) Major histocompatibility complex. In: Schwab
M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Antibodies to self-antigens; Immune responses to
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2137. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
16483-5_3500 autoantigens; T-cells recognizing autoantigens
(2012) Medullary breast carcinoma. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2199. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
(2012) Paraneoplastic syndromes. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- Autoimmunity is a disease state caused by the
delberg, pp 2784–2785. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- overactive immune system attacking the host.
Cancer is a disease in which activity of the
(2012) Tolerance. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3723. immune system against self-antigens expressed
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5853 by the tumor is suppressed.
Autoimmunity and Cancer 407

Characteristics damage or trauma in the past or in response to

It has often been said that cancer and ▶ autoim- therapeutic intervention and may or may not be
munity represent “two sides of the same coin.” prognostically useful. The types of cellular pro- A
Links between these two disease states have been teins which induce autoantibody response in
identified many years ago. However, this relation- malignancy are quite varied and include cellular
ship has been receiving increased attention largely antigens encoded by mutated normal genes such
due to emerging evidence that antitumor immu- as p53, cellular proteins that are aberrantly
notherapies, especially antitumor vaccines and/or expressed in tumor cells (e.g., alpha-fetoprotein
checkpoint inhibitors, are often associated with or carcinoembryonic antigen), mucins (e.g.,
the manifestation of autoimmunity in cancer MUC1), inhibitors of apoptosis (e.g., survivin),
patients. Apparently, the most successful vaccina- surface receptors of apoptosis (e.g., CD95), or
tions in terms of their ability to induce immune nuclear antigens such as double-stranded or
activation in cancer patients are also most likely to single-stranded DNA. The list of the so-called
induce autoimmune sequelae. These may be mild cancer-related antigens which initiate humoral
or severe and may result in substantial pathology. immune responses in the host has considerably
However, immunotherapies can also induce auto- expanded, and the presence of some of these anti-
antibody or self-antigen-specific T-cell responses bodies has been taken as evidence that the host is
without associated clinical symptoms in some not ignorant of the tumor. In patients with mela-
patients. It has been well documented that the noma, the appearance of autoantibodies, e.g., anti-
development of cancer and autoimmune disease nuclear antibodies (ANA), anti-DNA antibodies,
is accompanied by aberrations in immune regula- and antithyroid antibodies, or of clinical manifes-
tion. The crucial role of immune regulation in tations of autoimmunity or both during immuno-
disease development and progression has been therapy with interferon a-2b was associated with
intensively studied in various animal models good prognosis and significantly improved sur-
and, to a lesser extent, in humans with the result vival. In many other studies, the presence of auto-
that multiple mechanisms at least some mecha- antibodies against tumor antigens was considered
nisms responsible for immune dysfunction in as evidence that tumor-specific immune responses
autoimmunity and cancer are now defined. The can be made and could potentially contribute to
interesting point to consider is that in cancer and improved survival of patients with cancer. In real-
autoimmune disease, these mechanisms seem to ity, these antibodies with specificity for tumor-
involve the same immune cell subsets behaving in associated proteins are targeting self-antigens,
a diametrically opposite way in response to anti- and therefore, they represent an autoimmune
genic stimuli. Thus, excessive activation of the response. Immunotherapies further enhance the
immune system to autoantigens is a hallmark of host capability to mount these responses, thereby
autoimmunity, while in cancer, downregulation of breaking the tolerance to self and contributing to
autoantigen-specific immune functions allows for the development of effective antitumor immunity.
cancer development, progression, and metastasis. Cellular responses mediated by T cells specific
for self-antigens are also observed in patients with
Evidence for Autoreactivity in Patients cancer as well as autoimmune diseases. The self-
with Cancer antigen-specific T cells are detectable in the
In patients with cancer or autoimmune diseases, peripheral circulation of patients with cancer and
the presence of circulating antibodies to self- are present at the tumor site. Using MHC tetra-
antigens is a common finding and one that has mers, it has been possible to quantify the fre-
been helpful in diagnosis and management of quency of epitope-specific CD8+ T cells in the
patients with autoimmune conditions. The devel- circulation of normal donors and patients with
opment of antibodies to autologous cellular anti- cancer or autoimmune disease. Cancer immuno-
gens (autoantibodies) in cancer occurs therapies often increase the frequency and activa-
spontaneously, presumably as a result of a tissue tion levels of such effector T cells, creating an
408 Autoimmunity and Cancer

opportunity for autoimmune tissue destruction. by Treg in cancer and autoimmunity is a result of
There is a valid concern that this type of therapy biological economy, whereby the same cell subset
targeting altered self antigens in tumors could is differently regulated, depending on the environ-
potentially result in activation of autoreactive mental context. Under normal conditions, the
T cells capable of killing tissue cells, similar to immune system maintains tolerance to self by
what happens in autoimmune diseases. For this utilizing Treg. In disease, pathologic events
reason, current T cell-based therapies for accompanied by danger signals trigger inflamma-
cancer are designed to target mutated antigens tory cascades, which shift the immune balance
(i.e., neoantigens) rather than self-antigens. and activate or downregulate Treg, depending on
the nature of triggering signals. Molecular mech-
Regulation of Autoreactivity anisms responsible for down- or upregulation of
Given that both autoantibodies and self-reactive immunity by Treg in disease are being intensely
T cells are present in patients with autoimmune investigated at present, and the critical unan-
disease and cancer, the question arises as to how swered issues concern their origin, the factors
immune responses are regulated in these diverse that contribute to Treg differentiation, the nature
pathologic situations. Presumably, mechanisms of Treg activation stimuli, and the molecular path-
allowing for expansion of immune responses to ways used for suppression/activation of immune
self-antigens in autoimmunity and for their sup- responses. Treg are a heterogenous population
pression in cancer are involved. Indeed, evidence encompassing several types of regulatory cells,
suggests that a subset of T lymphocytes named including natural or nTreg, antigen-dependent
▶ regulatory T cells (Treg) and able to suppress Tr1 cells, and perhaps other suppressor cells
responses of effector T cells represents one mech- induced by IL-10 or ▶ TGF-b in the tissue micro-
anism that may be relevant to both autoimmunity environment. It is unclear whether all or only
and cancer. Normally, Treg defined as CD4 + some of these regulatory cell subsets participate
CD25 + FoxP3+ cells are responsible for in suppressing antitumor responses and, thus, in
maintaining tolerance to self and preventing auto- promoting tumor growth and its escape from
immunity. Their numbers and functional compe- immunosurveillance. In animals with autoim-
tence in the local microenvironment determine the mune diseases, selective depletion of partially
nature and magnitude of immune responses. Treg overlapping CD4+ T-cell subsets or their adoptive
depletion or functional deficiency results in devel- transfers identified the existence of phenotypi-
opment of autoimmunity. In contrast, Treg accu- cally distinct Treg which mediate distinct clinical
mulations at tumor sites and in the peripheral manifestations of disease. The critical role of a
circulation have been observed in patients with cytokine/chemokine milieu, unique cytokine
cancer. Further, their presence and suppressive dependency of various Treg subsets, and the abil-
activity in the ▶ tumor microenvironment have ity of these subsets to produce distinct cytokines
been often linked to poor survival in patients all contribute to tremendous plasticity of Treg and
with cancer. Therefore, Treg represent a common suggest organ-restricted regulation of autoimmu-
regulatory mechanism that could account for nity as well as antitumor responses. ▶ Cytokines,
immune aberrations seen in cancer as well as especially TNF-a, are implicated in the develop-
autoimmunity. ment of autoimmunity as well as cancer, and their
The concept that the same regulatory T-cell pluripotent activities represent another example of
subset patrolling responses to self is involved in biologic redundancy.
seemingly opposite functions, i.e., a lack of sup- In addition to Treg and cytokines, other links
pression vs. an excess of suppression, in autoim- between cancer and autoimmunity have been
munity and cancer, respectively, seems reasonable identified. The role ▶ dendritic cells (DC) play
when it is remembered that the vast majority of in regulating T-cell activation is well known. It
non-mutated tumor antigens are seen by the now appears that DC not only elicit potent effector
immune system as self. The Janus face presented cell responses but may also cross talk with Treg.
Autoimmunity and Cancer 409

Evidence indicates that DC have the ability to immunotherapy of patients with metastatic mela-
induce and expand subsets of CD4+ Treg cells, noma using a combination of a peptide vaccine
with antigen-targeted immature DC promoting and antibody to cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 A
induction of Tr1 cells and antigen-loaded mature (CTLA-4) was reported to cause durable objective
DC stimulating CD4 + CD25+ nTreg. Silencing responses, which correlated with the induction of
of cytokine signaling inhibitor SOCS1 in murine symptomatic autoimmunity. The ability of inter-
DC has been shown to induce unbridled IL-12 feron a-2b to induce autoimmunity in patients
signaling and a downstream cytokine cascade with metastatic melanoma and correlations
resulting in a breakdown of tolerance and the observed by Gogas et al. (2006), between the
development of autoimmune responses against development of autoimmunity and the reduced
normal tissues as well as tumor. Signaling via risk of melanoma recurrence, convincingly sug-
toll-like receptors (TLR), which are expressed on gest that benefits of immunotherapies are
DC and recognize a set of conserved pathogen- restricted to cancer patients in whom evidence of
associated molecular structures (PAMPS), may autoimmunity exists or appears in response to
also be involved in regulation of Treg functions. therapy. In another interesting report, a patient
Thus, molecular signals that DC experience in the with melanoma who was treated with anti-
tissue microenvironment determine their cross CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody in combination
talk with other immune cells. This cross talk is with a vaccine containing autologous tumor cells
most likely driven by cytokines produced by engineered to secrete granulocyte-macrophage
immune and/or tissue cells, and it controls the colony-stimulating factor (GMCSF) developed
magnitude of responses mediated by effector high-titer antibodies against MHC class I chain-
cells responsible for antigen-specific or innate related protein A (MICA), while favorably
immunity. It may well be that the requirements responding to this therapy. These results highlight
for autoreactive cytolytic T-lymphocyte (CTL) the therapeutic potential of anti-MICA antibodies,
responses are defined and regulated at the level which were shown to be able to opsonize tumor
of DC-T-cell interactions. The outcome could be cells for efficient cross-presentation to DC and to
critical for either cancer progression or develop- lyse tumor cells via complement fixation. In
ment of autoimmunity. aggregate, clinical and immunologic results of
antitumor vaccination trials strongly suggest that
Immunotherapy May Induce Autoimmunity cancer patients in whom breaking of tolerance to
The mechanisms for breaking tolerance to self and self can be induced by immunopotentiating ther-
simultaneously upregulating antitumor immunity apies are most likely to become clinical
may operate at the cellular level (e.g., Treg, Treg- responders to the treatment. There is also emerg-
DC, DC) or may involve cytokine networks or ing evidence that cancer patients with pre-existing
signaling pathways, such as the NFkB pathway anti-tumor immunity (i.e., the presence of tumor-
known to regulate proinflammatory cytokine reactive antibodies or T cells) have a greater
responses and identified as a potential molecular potential of responding to immune therapies.
link between inflammation and cancer. To what Seen from this perspective, the reports correlating
extent the same mechanisms are potentially the presence of autoimmunity to improved prog-
involved in the development of autoimmune dis- nosis and survival in cancer have important impli-
ease and cancer is critical to unravel. For many cations for diagnosis, patient selection, immune
years, reports have been suggesting increased can- monitoring, and immunotherapy of cancer.
cer risk among patients with autoimmune dis-
eases. Conversely, the presence of autoimmune Autoantigens as a Link Between Cancer
disease has been noted in patients with cancer. and Autoimmunity
The onset of autoimmune diseases among cancer The above described scenario indicates that
patients immunologically responding to biologic immune therapies can benefit cancer patients by
therapies has been observed. In particular, improving therapeutic responses and/or survival
410 Autoimmunity and Cancer

Immunotherapy of cancer

Cancer Autoimmunity

Tumor Tissue
antigens antigens
T Lymphocytes
Regulatory Regulatory
T cells T cells
ity c i fic im
mun ue-s
p e
ecific im Tiss Tissue
Tum damage

Low antitumor

Autoimmunity and Cancer, Fig. 1 Immunotherapy of specific immune responses are strongly increased,
cancer can shift the balance of autoantigen-driven immune resulting in immune-mediated tissue damage (right). Suc-
responses. In cancer, T lymphocytes and/or antibodies cessful immunotherapy of cancer leads to upregulation of
specific for tumor-derived antigens, which are self, are immune responses to self, similar to what happens in
generated. However, in the presence of an excess of regu- autoimmunity, and to improved antitumor immunity. This
latory T cells (Treg), these immune responses are may be brought about by a decrease in Treg numbers or
suppressed, and tumor-specific immunity is low (left). In function. The ultimate result may be a better prognosis for
autoimmune disease, autoantigens derived from tissues cancer patients who are predisposed to making immune
similarly stimulate T-cell and antibody responses. How- responses to autoantigens
ever, because Treg are few or are not functional, tissue-

and, at the same time, may promote the develop- clinical response. In such cancer patients, autoim-
ment of autoimmunity. This situation is illustrated munity develops during effective immunotherapy,
in Figure 1, and it underscores the existence of a perhaps because the tolerance threshold to
potential mechanistic link between cancer and autoantigens is lowered by therapy, with the result
autoimmunity. Accumulated data suggest that that robust antitumor responses can be generated.
autoantigens drive the autoimmune response in The prospective identification of such patients
both instances and are the key factor in pathogen- could help clinicians in selecting patients for
esis. However, it is necessary to distinguish two immunotherapy and lead to improved treatment
alternatives. In the first instance, the patient has strategies.
pre-existing autoimmunity, as indicated by low Multiple strategies have been used to optimize
but detectable titers of pre-existing autoantibodies immunotherapy of cancer and to improve progno-
and/or autoreactive T cells. Such patients with a sis. It now appears that therapies capable of effec-
strong propensity toward autoimmunity might be tively breaking tolerance in patients who are
a group for whom immunotherapy should be con- predisposed to autoimmunity are among the
sidered, because memory responses to most promising. As the cellular and molecular
autoantigens are present. In the second instance, mechanisms of immune regulation become better
no pre-existing autoimmunity is evident prior to defined, new opportunities arise for changing the
treatment, but immunotherapy induces the balance in favor of autoimmunity, with a proviso
appearance of autoantibodies and symptoms of that it can be adequately clinically managed in
autoimmunity that correlate with a favorable patients with a malignant disease. The discovery
Autophagy 411

that excess of Treg can be at least transiently

decreased with anti-CD25 antibodies, cyclophos- Autologous Bone Marrow
phamide, or interleukin-2-diphtheria recombinant Transplantation A
fusion protein (DAB389IL-2) offers a window of
opportunity for delivery of tumor-specific vac- ▶ Myeloablative Megatherapy
cines. It is also now feasible to expand Treg many
folds in the presence of rapamycin (1nM),
presenting us with a potentially useful therapeutic
tool for ameliorating autoimmune disease. In cancer Autophagocytosis
patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell trans-
plantation, the posttransplant delivery of expanded, ▶ Autophagy
strongly suppressive Treg might help in the control
of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). These and
other strategies targeting regulatory cells or molec-
ular pathways involved in immune regulation are Autophagy
likely to clarify the complex interactions between
immune cell subsets mediating autoimmune Amanda Schalk1 and Sven Thoms2
responses to autoantigens and to provide new University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL,
insights into more effective approaches to improv- USA
ing prognosis in patients with malignancies. University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

References Synonyms

Attia P, Phan GQ, Maker AV et al (2005) Autoimmunity Autophagocytosis; Cellular self-cannibalism;

correlates with tumor regression in patients with meta-
Cellular self-digestion; Macroautophagy
static melanoma treated with anti-cytotoxic
T-lymphocyte antigen-4. J Clin Oncol 23:6043–6053
Bernatsky S, Ramsey-Goldman R, Clarke A (2006) Malig-
nancy and autoimmunity. Curr Opin Rheumatol Definition
Gogas H, Ioannovich J, Dafni U et al (2006) Prognostic
significance of autoimmunity during treatment of mel- Autophagy is the intracellular uptake of cyto-
anoma with interferon. NEJM 354:709–718 plasm (proteins, nucleic acids, small molecules,
Houghton AN, Guevara-Patino JA (2004) Immune recog- whole organelles, etc.) into the lysosome and its
nition of self in immunity against cancer. J Clin Invest
subsequent degradation. Autophagy is a constitu-
Ivanova EA, Orekhov AN (2015) T helper lymphocyte tive as well as a stress-inducible process respon-
subsets and plasticity in autoimmunity and cancer: an sible for the degradation of the majority of cellular
overview. BioMed Res Inter, article ID 327470, 9 pages proteins.
Sakaguchi S, Sakaguchi N, Shimizu J et al (2003) Immu-
nologic tolerance maintained by CD25 + CD4+ regu-
latory T cells: their common role in controlling
autoimmunity, tumor immunity and transplantation tol- Characteristics
erance. Immunol Rev 3:199–210
The lysosomal uptake and degradation of proteins
by autophagy can be found in virtually all eukary-
otic cells. Autophagy is a homeostatic catabolic
Autologous (Hematopoietic) Stem process by which long-lived cytosolic proteins
Cell Transplantation and complexes (like ribosomes) are degraded
and recycled. Unlike the ubiquitin-proteosome
▶ Myeloablative Megatherapy system of degradation, autophagy is able to
412 Autophagy

degrade large protein aggregates and is the only health effects including adaptive immunity, anti-
pathway able to degrade whole organelles. inflammatory, microbial infections, heart disease,
Autophagy is regarded to be a largely neurodegeneration, and cancer.
nonselective bulk process, but it also exhibits Autophagy shows high conservation through-
selectivity during the biogenesis of the lysosome out evolution, and autophagic degradation is being
(import of lysosomal hydrolases), cellular differ- studied in model organisms like Dictyostelium
entiation and cell death, the engulfment of certain discoideum, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila,
bacteria and viruses (xenophagy), and the elimi- and mice. Most of the autophagy genes (ATG
nation of mitochondria (mitophagy), peroxisomes genes) have been discovered in the yeast Saccha-
(pexophagy), lipid droplets (lipophagy), Golgi romyces cerevisiae. Many of them are conserved in
complexes, and the endoplasmic reticulum. higher eukaryotes including mammals.
Autophagy can be upregulated as a response to
nutrient deprivation, growth factor withdrawal, Cell Biology of Autophagy
during stress response (oxidative stress, chemo- There are three morphologically distinct forms of
therapy, radiation, protein aggregation), develop- autophagy (Fig. 1): (i) Chaperone-mediated
mental differentiation, and tumor suppression. autophagy involves the recognition of cytosolic
Autophagy has been shown to have far-reaching proteins by a chaperone-related receptor and its

Autophagy / Macroautophagy

Cytosol or
organelle Fusion with lysosome
autophagic membrane


Autophagic body

and scission

Cargo Chaperone

Chaperone-mediated autophagy

Autophagy, Fig. 1 Cell biology of three forms of Constitutive autophagy aids in maintaining homeostasis
autophagy. In macroautophagy (hereafter referred to sim- by replenishing the cellular storages of energy and building
ply as autophagy), intracellular membranes form in the blocks. Microautophagy involves the direct uptake of cyto-
process of sequestering cytosolic material. The edges of sol through membrane invaginations of the lysosome. In
these isolation membranes fuse to form mature double chaperone mediated autophagy, the autophagic cargo
membrane structures (autophagosomes). The outer mem- containing a specific pentapeptide motif is recognized in
branes of the autophagosomes fuse with the lysosome. the cytosol by the carrier chaperone heat shock cognate
Delivery of the inner sequestered material leads to the 70 (Hsc70). Hsc70 guides the substrate protein to the
appearance of autophagic bodies within the lysosome. lysosome where it is translocated through the membrane
Phospholipases, proteases, and other hydrolases degrade via the lysosome-associated membrane protein type 2A
intralysosomal membranes and their content for reuse. (LAMP2A) receptor
Autophagy 413

subsequent, direct translocation through the complex. In the second conjugation system, the
lysosomal membrane. (ii) In microautophagy, ubiquitin-like protein LC3 is first processed at its
cytosolic material is sequestered through invagi- C-terminus by Atg4 and then conjugated to the A
nations of the lysosome. (iii) In macroautophagy, lipid phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) via Atg7
cytosol is engulfed by a double membrane vesicle, and Atg3, its E1- and E2-like enzymes. Conjuga-
thereby delivering the inner vesicle (autophagic tion of LC3 to PE is stimulated by the Atg16L1-
body) of the autophagosomes into the lysosome. Atg5-Atg12 complex which functions as its
In subsequent steps, the vesicle membrane and the E3-like enzyme. The Atg16L1-Atg5-Atg12 com-
autophagic cargo are degraded and amino acids plex dissociates from the membrane either
and other small molecules are recycled. directly before or fusion of the leading edges of
Macroautophagy is the most prominent form of the isolation membrane to form the mature
autophagy; therefore these terms are often used autophagosome. Atg4 cleaves LC3 from the
synonymously. outer membrane of the autophagosome. However,
since LC3 still remains attached to the inner
Autophagosome formation membrane of the mature autophagosome it can
To date, more than 30 Atg proteins have been be used as a marker for tracking mature
identified and about half of them play an essential autophagosomes.
role during formation of the autophagosome. The
others are specific for autophagy subtypes such as Signal Transduction
mitophagy and pexophagy. The core machinery When nutrients, amino acids in particular, are
can be subdivided into several functional groups. abundant, autophagic activity is reduced to basal
Autophagy is initiated by the ULK1/2 kinase levels. Concomitantly, active growth factor sig-
complex which consists of the Ser/Thr kinase naling downregulates autophagy to basal levels.
ULK1/2, FIP200, Atg13, and Atg101. During Many times, the transduction of these signals is
starvation, Atg13 and ULK1/2 are accomplished through the central regulator of
dephosphorylated and able to interact. They autophagy, the kinase mammalian target of
then form a complex with FIP200 which rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) (Fig. 2). Extra-
ULK1/2 phosphorylates, thus inducing formation cellular growth factor or hormone (e.g., insulin)
of the autophagosome. Autophagy initiation signaling occurs through receptor tyrosine kinases
also requires phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate which activate the class I PI3K/AKT/PKB kinase
(PI3P). This is produced by the phos- pathway and causes the phosphorylation and sub-
phatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) complex I, sequent inactivation of tuberous sclerosis com-
which is comprised of the class III PI3K plex (TSC). TSC then loses its ability to act as
hVps34, Beclin1, Atg14L, and p150. Beclin1 the GTPase activating protein (GAP) for Ras
can also interact with UVRAG and Bif-1 to stim- homolog enriched in brain (Rheb), a GTPase
ulate autophagy. WIPI-1, a PI3P effector, forms a which has an inhibitory effect on mTORC1. In
complex with Atg9, which is the sole integral this way, mTORC1 acts as a nutrient sensor to
membrane protein of the core complex machinery control cell growth via translational and transcrip-
and shuttles between the site of autophagosome tional mechanisms and inhibit autophagy under
formation and cytoplasmic pools. Expansion of nutrient-rich conditions. Deregulation of this
the isolation membranes during autophagosome pathway has been linked to various cancers
formation requires two ubiquitin-like conjugation through several molecules. Mutations in PI3K
systems. In the first system, Atg12 is irreversibly which cause it to be constitutively active are
conjugated to Atg5 via Atg7 and Atg10, the E1- often found in human cancers and cause inhibition
and E2-like enzymes, respectively. Atg5 then of autophagy. PTEN normally inhibits signaling
interacts noncovalently with Atg16L1. Dimeriza- of the class I PI3K to AKT kinase. Haplo-
tion of Atg16L1 via its coiled coil domain causes insuffiency of PTEN results in activation of
dimerization of the entire Atg16L1-Atg5-Atg12 AKT kinase and suppression of autophagy in
414 Autophagy

Autophagy, Fig. 2 Regulation of autophagy in response Low intracellular energy levels are detected by an
to growth factor signaling and nutrient availability. In the increase in the AMP to ATP ratio through the LKB1 kinase
presence of growth factors and nutrients, the mTOR kinase and the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). AMPK in
complex (mTORC1) is activated through PI3K and AKT turn phosphorylates TSC and regulatory associated protein
and by amino acids. TOR inhibits autophagy and induces of mTOR (Raptor). Proximate induction of autophagy by
translation of household genes. Under these conditions, formation of the isolation membrane is initiated by the
anabolic processes like translation and cell growth are ULK1/2 kinase complex which consists of the Ser/Thr
induced, whereas b-oxidation and autophagic turnover kinase ULK1/2 in complex with FIP200, Atg13, and
are repressed. The small GTPase Rheb and its GTPase Atg101. In the absence of growth factor signaling and
activators, the tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) proteins under conditions of nutrient deprivation, cell survival is
are involved upstream in TOR signaling. Autophagy can ensured by basal levels of autophagy. Cell surface nutrient
also be stimulated by the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway. expression is shut down and TOR kinase is inactive.
Cancers with mutations in this pathway are constitutively Autophagy provides energy from within the cell by
active and increased autophagy can be used as a means to recycling as an alternative to external sources. Excess
promote tumor survival. autophagy can also be associated with cell death

cancer cells. PTEN haplo-insufficiency together thought to be involved in tumorigenesis and can-
with Rheb overexpression stimulates tumorigen- cer cell metabolism. Low intracellular energy
esis in prostate cancer. Furthermore, increased level and metabolic stress can be detected by an
mTORC1 signaling triggers protein cell growth increase in the AMP to ATP ratio. This is
and proliferation, thus enhancing tumorigenesis. detected by the LKB1 kinase which phosphory-
mTORC1 also regulates metabolism through lates and thereby activates AMP-activated
the LKB1-AMPK pathway. AMPK is also protein kinase (AMPK). AMPK in turn
Bcl2 449

was observed that Bcl2 protein and its homo- expression and the ratio between antiapoptotic
logues are localized to intracellular membranes, and proapoptotic Bcl2 family proteins is critical
in particular, the outer mitochondrial membrane, in deciding cell death or survival.
the endoplasmic reticulum, and the intracellular In addition to the channel forming properties,
membrane of the nuclear envelope. In these areas Bcl2 family proteins interact with a number of B
they have a membrane transport function for cal- signal transducing proteins involved in apoptosis
cium ions and proteins. The channels created by and other crucial cellular processes. These include
Bcl2 insertion into membranes resemble the pores the protein kinase C homologue Raf-1, the ▶ G-
formed by certain bacterial toxins. Thus, the two proteins H-Ras and R-Ras, the p53-binding pro-
long hydrophobic helices of the protein core insert tein p53-BP2, the proapoptotic protein CED-4
deeply through the phospholipid bilayer, perpen- (homologue to APAF1), and the protein phospha-
dicular to the membrane surface, and the rest of tase calcineurin. These interactions are mediated
the protein undergoes conformational changes by specific BH domains; for example, the BH4
resembling the opening of an umbrella with the domain has been reported to bind with
five surrounding amphipathic helices resting on calcineurin, Raf-1, and CED-4. The association
the top of the membrane. The ability to form between Bcl2 and these proteins might be respon-
channels, by insertion of the two hydrophobic sible for their translocation to intracellular mem-
helices, is essential for Bcl2 antiapoptotic func- branes where Bcl2 is anchored. This may lead to
tion. However, by analogy with other channel- changes of their activity, such that they might be
forming proteins, the Bcl2 channels are formed sequestered and inactivated, or targeted for inter-
by two or more proteins of the Bcl2 family. Thus, action with other membrane-associated proteins.
there is the possibility that anti- and proapoptotic For example, Raf-1 is a serine/threonine kinase
members of the Bcl2 family form homo- or which transduces mitogenic signals from mem-
heterodimers. In fact, the proapoptotic members brane receptors to the nucleus. Association
of the family also have channel forming activity, between Raf-1 and Bcl2 causes translocation of
although the channels formed by these proteins the protein kinase to the mitochondrial membrane
might have different transport selectivity or sub- where Bcl2 is located. Once there, Raf-1 phos-
cellular localization. Heterodimerization of anti- phorylates and inactivates Bad, one of the
and proapoptotic Bcl2 family proteins might lead proapoptotic members of the Bcl2 family. Phos-
to the formation of different channels or, alterna- phorylated Bad is sequestered in the cytosol,
tively, the heterodimers might be unable to form encaged by an adaptor protein termed 14-3-3,
channels at all. Schematically, the channels and thus unable to induce apoptosis. In the
formed by Bcl2 and the other antiapoptotic mem- absence of growth/survival factors (such as in
bers prevent apoptosis, possibly transporting IL-3 deprivation of IL-3-dependent hematopoietic
back, and thus antagonizing, the proapoptotic fac- cell lines), Raf-1 is not activated and the
tors that outflow through the channels formed by unphosphorylated Bad is able to induce apoptosis.
the proapoptotic members of the Bcl2 family. For Protein–protein interaction is also responsible for
example, Fas-ligand, a well characterized inducer Bcl2 biological functions other than control of
of apoptosis, activates a member of the caspase apoptosis. In fact, interaction between the cata-
family (caspase 8) that cleaves proapoptotic Bid. lytic domain of Raf-1 and the BH4 domain of
Once truncated, Bid translocates to mitochondria Bcl2 in multipotent hematopoietic progenitor
where it might function as a channel protein to cells is critical in determining the erythroid/mye-
release cytochrome c, thus activating cytosolic loid fate of differentiating cells. Another protein
caspases which are the terminal effectors of apo- originally isolated as a Bcl2-interacting protein
ptosis. Bcl2 inhibits the release of cytochrome is Beclin 1, the first identified mammalian
c either by plugging the channels opened by Bid, autophagy gene product. Bcl2 negatively regu-
or by transporting cytochrome c back to the mito- lates Beclin 1–dependent autophagy and Beclin
chondria. Also in this case, the level of gene 1–dependent autophagic cell death, thus raising
450 Bcl2

the possibility that proteins of the Bcl2 family macrophages are the targets of Gc-macrophage
might also regulate autophagy. activating factor (GcMAF), a stimulator of the
immune system and an anticancer agent tested
Regulation of Gene Expression with success in advanced cancers (Yamamoto
The first association between Bcl2 and human et al. 2008). Although the effects of GcMAF on
cancer was observed in follicular lymphoma bear- Bcl2 expression have not been studied as yet, it
ing the t(14;18) chromosomal translocation by would not be surprising to discover that at least
which the gene was cloned. This translocation some of the effects of GcMAF are mediated
brings the Bcl2 gene to chromosomal location through Bcl2.
18q21 into juxtaposition with the immunoglobu-
lin heavy-chain locus at 14q32, resulting in tran- Regulation of Protein Function
scriptional deregulation of the Bcl2 gene. This In normal cells, once apoptosis is initiated, Bcl2
event does not involve alterations of the coding protein is proteolytically cleaved by caspases. The
regions of the gene. Subsequently, Bcl2 cleaved protein, lacking the BH4 domain, has
overexpression was recognized as a general fea- proapoptotic activity, and causes the release of
ture of various types of hematological and solid cytochrome c into the cytosol thus promoting
malignancies. Thus, many members of the Bcl2 further caspase activity. Bcl2 family proteins are
family have been found to be differentially also regulated by phosphorylation that affects
expressed in various malignancies, and some are their activity and conformation. The structural
useful prognostic cancer biomarkers (Biomarkers analysis of antiapoptotic members of Bcl2 family
in Prognosis and Prediction). Whether through its led to the discovery of an unstructured “loop
function as a channel protein or as an adaptor/ region” near the N-terminus exposed to the cyto-
docking protein, the final result on cell fate, how- plasm. The antiapoptotic members of Bcl2 family
ever, depends upon the level of expression of such as Bcl2 and Bcl-XL are phosphorylated on
Bcl2. Therefore, the control of Bcl2 expression specific serine/threonine residues within this
has been the object of numerous studies of tran- unstructured loop in response to diverse stimuli
scriptional, translational, and posttranslational including treatment with chemotherapeutic or
regulation. Overexpression of Bcl2 has been asso- chemopreventive agents. In most instances, such
ciated with hypomethylation in the promoter phosphorylation has been associated with the loss
region and resulted in increased cell survival. It of their biological (antiapoptotic) function. The
should be noticed, however, that regulation of chemoresistant tumors often overexpress Bcl2/
Bcl2 gene expression is likely to be more complex Bcl-XL. In these instances, the apoptosis yielding
than previously imagined and might encompass effect due to phosphorylation of antiapoptotic
interaction between different proteins, each regu- Bcl2 family members is quite interesting because
lating Bcl2 expression. HIV-infected monocytes phosphorylation–dephosphorylation pathway of
represent a good example of such a complexity. these antiapoptotic proteins could be an ideal
HIV-Tat protein upregulates Bcl2 expression thus molecular target for therapy of subpopulation of
increasing survival of infected cells, whereas cancer in which these cell death repressors are
HIV-Vpr synthetic peptide downregulates Bcl2 essential prognostic markers. Thus, further
expression thus inducing monocyte apoptosis. gaining the knowledge on the mechanism of inac-
As mentioned above, however, the net result tivation of Bcl2/Bcl-XL by phosphorylation
depends upon the balance between these opposite might be of significant importance to therapy for
effects, and it appears that in HIV infection human malignancies in which overexpression of
upregulation prevails over downregulation with these antiapoptotic proteins is recognized. It
the final result of increased survival of mono- should be noticed, however, that, as odd as it
cytes/macrophages during HIV infection. This may seem, in some instances Bcl2 can be consid-
role of Bcl2 in monocytes/macrophages survival ered a favorable prognostic marker. In fact, a
is of utmost importance in cancer since meta-analysis demonstrated the prognostic role
Bcl2 451

of assessing Bcl2 protein by immunohistochem- proposed instead that cancer is a chromosomal

istry in breast cancer (Callagy et al. 2008). This disease. According to this hypothesis, carcino-
effect was found independent of lymph node sta- gens initiate chromosomal evolutions via
tus, tumor size, and tumor grade. According to unspecific aneuploidies. By unbalancing thou-
this meta-analysis, Bcl2 almost paradoxically sands of genes, ▶ aneuploidy corrupts teams of B
exerted a tumor suppressor effect and its expres- proteins that segregate, synthesize, and repair
sion was associated with favorable prognostic chromosomes. Aneuploidy is thus considered a
features such as low grade, estrogen receptor- steady source of karyotypic–phenotypic varia-
positivity, and good outcome. The mechanisms tions from which selection of further cancer-
through which Bcl2 might exert such a protective specific aneuploidies encourages the evolution
effect in solid epithelial tumors including breast and subsequent malignant progression of cancer
cancer are still unclear and might even open new cells. The rates of these variations are propor-
perspectives on the multifaceted role of Bcl2 in tional to the degrees of aneuploidy, and can
cancer. In fact, it was demonstrated that in vitro exceed conventional mutation by 4–7 orders of
Bcl2 interferes with the cell cycle slowing G1 magnitude. In this scenario, the role of
progression and G1-S transition by prolonging antiapoptotic genes, such as Bcl2, is even more
G0, thus inhibiting cell proliferation. It is conceiv- paramount as they provide the opportunity for
able that in some instances these effects of Bcl2 on cancer cells to survive despite gross aneuploidy
the cell cycle might prevail over the antiapoptotic and to accumulate complex, malignant pheno-
effects with the net, paradoxical, result that Bcl2 types. In addition to its well-assessed role in
could perform a tumor suppressor role in solid oncogenesis, evidence demonstrates that Bcl2
epithelial tumors such as breast cancer. is involved also in physiological processes
such as the control of senescence and ageing.
Bioactivity In the signaling pathway of ageing, Bcl2 appears
Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes modu- to be positioned downstream of telomerase.
late Bcl2 expression with profound results on Thus, natural compounds showing antiaging
death or survival of cancer cells. The tumor properties up-regulate the expression of telome-
suppressor gene (TP53) can induce apoptotic rase followed by Bcl2 expression in cortical
cell death by downregulation of Bcl2 and neurons. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that
upregulation of (Bax). The p53-dependent neg- non-neoplastic up-regulation of Bcl2 counter-
ative response element on Bcl2 has the features acts ageing and may have potential therapeutic
of a transcription silencer, mediating inhibition roles in the treatment of neurological and psy-
of transcription in an orientation-dependent chiatric disorders.
manner. In a variety of tumors, p53 expression
is associated with ▶ apoptosis and with sensitiv-
ity to ▶ DNA damaging agents (anticancer
drugs and ionizing radiations), by enhancing Cross-References
the transcription of a gene that favors apoptosis
(Bax), at the same time blocking the transcrip- ▶ Aneuploidy
tion of a gene that would protect cancer cells ▶ Apoptosis
from apoptosis (i.e., Bcl2). Bcl2 overexpression ▶ Autophagy
is able to hinder p53-induced apoptosis, but it is ▶ Caspase
ineffective against p53-dependent growth arrest. ▶ DNA Damage
However, when Bcl2 is expressed together with ▶ Follicular Lymphoma
the ▶ MYC gene, both p53-induced growth ▶ G Proteins
arrest and apoptosis are counteracted. However, ▶ Macrophages
the role of mutations of single genes in the gen- ▶ MYC Oncogene
esis of cancer has been questioned, and it was ▶ Oncogene
452 Bcl-2

▶ Senescence and Immortalization (2012) Ionizing radiation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
▶ TAT Protein of HIV of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1907.
▶ Telomerase (2012) MYC family. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2426.
(2012) Orthologue. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2661.
References doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4263
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Busca A, Saxena M et al (2009) Anti-apoptotic genes in the 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2747.
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Genomics 10:307–317 (2012) Transcription. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Callagy GM, Webber MJ et al (2008) Meta-analysis con- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3752.
firms BCL2 is an independent prognostic marker in doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5899
breast cancer. BMC Cancer 8:153. doi:10.1186/1471- (2012) Translocation reciprocal. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
2407-8-153 clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
Duesberg P, Li R, Fabarius A et al (2005) The chromo- berg, p 3773. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5945
somal basis of cancer. Cell Oncol 27:293–318
Haecker G, Vaux DL (1995) A sticky business. Curr Biol
Nonaka M, Hashimoto Y, Takeshima SN et al (2009) The
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpr protein and
its carboxy-terminally truncated form induce apoptosis Bcl-2
in tumor cells. Cancer Cell Int 9:20–30
Pattingre S, Levine B (2006) Bcl2 inhibition of autophagy: ▶ Bcl2
a new route to cancer? Cancer Res 66:2885–2888
Reed JC (1997) Double identity for the proteins of the Bcl2
family. Nature 387:773–776
Thomadaki H, Scorilas A (2006) BCL2 family of
apoptosis-related genes: functions and clinical implica- Bcl-2 Binding Component 3
tions in cancer. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 43:1–67
Yamamoto N, Suyama H, Yamamoto N (2008) Immuno-
therapy for prostate cancer with Gc protein-derived ▶ PUMA
macrophage-activating factor, GcMAF. Transl Oncol

See Also BCL3

(2012) APAF-1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 231. Katja Brocke-Heidrich
(2012) Autoimmune diseases. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- Praxis für Naturheilkunde und ganzheitliche
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p Therapie, Leipzig, Germany
311. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_473
(2012) BAD. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 337–338.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_519 Definition
(2012) BAK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 338. BCL3 stands for B-cell leukemia/lymphoma
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_521 3. The BCL3 gene is a proto-oncogene mapping
(2012) BAX. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 350. to chromosomal band 19q13. It encodes a phos-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_543 phoprotein of 446 amino acids exhibiting an
(2012) Cell cycle. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of apparent molecular weight between 47 and
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 737. 60 kDa. BCL3 is an IkB-like protein that primar-
(2012) Differentiation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of ily functions as a transcriptional cofactor, espe-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1113. cially in cooperation with ▶ NF-kB (nuclear
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1616 factor kB).
BCL3 453

Characteristics Additionally, apart from its role in transcrip-

tional regulation, BCL3 seems to exert a function
Structure and Molecular Function in intracellular signaling. This conclusion results
As its main structural feature, BCL3 protein from the observation of BCL3 expression in
exhibits seven so-called ankyrin repeat elements thrombin-activated platelets. These cells are B
in its central domain. This structure is character- anuclear and incapable of gene transcription.
istic of the IkB family of proteins. Ankyrin repeats Here, BCL3 has been found to associate with the
are tandemly arranged modules of about 33 amino ▶ Src-related protein kinase Fyn. The molecular
acids. Through these motifs, IkB proteins interact relevance of this interaction is not known.
with and modulate the activity of NF-kB tran-
scription factors. The NF-kB family consists of Regulation
five members called RelA, RelB, c-Rel, p50, and BCL3 protein is modified by phosphorylation and
p52. These subunits form various homo- and polyubiquitination (▶ Ubiquitination). Phosphor-
heterodimers that regulate the transcription of tar- ylation occurs extensively and constitutively, pre-
get genes by binding to specific (kB) sites present dominantly at the serine-rich C-terminal domain.
in promoter or enhancer elements. Unlike other BCL3 exhibits several protein forms differing in
NF-kB subunits, p50 and p52 contain a their phosphorylation state. A major protein
DNA-binding domain but lack a transactivation kinase shown to act on BCL3 is glycogen
domain. Thus, DNA-bound p50 and p52 synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) that constitutively
homodimers inhibit gene transcription. phosphorylates BCL3 at serines 394 and 398.
BCL3 differs from classical IkB family mem- This modification is followed by polyubiquitin
bers by acting as a transcriptional cofactor. Hence, linkage on N-terminal lysine residues of BCL3
in many cells, BCL3 is primarily located in the and its subsequent degradation through the
nucleus. Its proline-rich amino terminus and proteasome pathway. Therefore, this mechanism
proline/serine-rich carboxyl terminus appear to regulates BCL3 turnover. In addition, GSK3-
function as transactivation domains. BCL3 prefer- mediated phosphorylation also influences the
entially binds to NF-kB p50 and p52 homodimers. transcriptional function of BCL3 by modulating
These complexes can either activate or repress its interaction with HDAC transcriptional repres-
transcription of target genes. Two mechanisms of sors and attenuates its oncogenicity. Independent
transcriptional activation by BCL3 have been of these findings, the extent of BCL3 phosphory-
described. It can either directly activate transcrip- lation has been shown to affect its interaction with
tion by providing its transactivation activity to p50 both NF-kB p50 and p52. Further information on
and p52 homodimers or cause derepression by signaling pathways leading to BCL3 phosphory-
removing these inhibitory subunits from kB sites. lation is missing.
Alternatively, BCL3 can also enhance binding of In addition, polyubiquitination has also been
p50 and p52 to DNA, thereby inducing transcrip- shown to regulate BCL3 entry into the nucleus. In
tional repression. The circumstances leading to B and T cells, BCL3 exhibits a predominantly
either effect are not well understood. The dual nuclear localization, while in several other
role of BCL3 in transcriptional regulation is cell types (e.g., erythroblasts, hepatocytes,
reflected by its interaction with the basal transcrip- keratinocytes), BCL3 resides in the cytoplasm
tion machinery and coactivators such as p300/CBP, and needs activation prior to nuclear transloca-
SRC-1, and the ▶ histone acetyltransferase Tip60 tion. Current data reveal that BCL3 requires a
and with corepressors such as histone deacetylases lysine 63-linked polyubiquitin chain in order to
(HDACs). In addition to its role in NF-kB- enter the nucleus and regulate gene transcription.
dependent transcription, BCL3 has been described This polyubiquitin modification acts as a “molec-
to function as a coactivator in complex with tran- ular ticket,” probably by facilitating the interac-
scription factors ▶ AP1 and retinoid X receptor by tion with nuclear transport receptors (called
potentiating their activities. importins) and mediating transport through the
454 BCL3

nuclear core complex. Nuclear translocation of causing its dissociation from eukaryotic transla-
BCL3 is prevented by the de-ubiquitinating tion initiation factor 4E and allowing translation
enzyme CYLD, which was identified as a tumor to proceed.
suppressor. Loss of CYLD results in
de-ubiquitinylation of BCL3, which in turn facil- Physiological Function
itates nuclear accumulation of BCL3 and tran- Knockout mouse studies provide some informa-
scription of target genes which are able to tion on the physiological function of BCL3.
promote cellular transformation. Although BCL3 is widely expressed, it seems to
play its primary role in the immune system. BCL3
Expression knockout mice appear developmentally normal,
The BCL3 gene is composed of nine exons, span- but are susceptible to certain kinds of pathogens.
ning 11.5 kb. Its transcript shows a broad expres- They are severely impaired in producing antigen-
sion pattern in multiple cell types. It is highly specific T- and B-cell responses. The altered
expressed in the spleen and liver, with no apparent microarchitecture in the spleen and lymph nodes,
expression in the brain. Transcription of BCL3 is including the lack of germinal center formation, is
regulated through several signaling pathways. In thought to underlie the immunological defects.
addition to regulatory elements in the promoter, In accordance with its observed role in immune
two enhancer regions have been identified within responses, BCL3 functions have been found in
the second intron. immunologically relevant cells. BCL3 is selec-
BCL3 itself is an NF-kB target gene whose tively upregulated in mature dendritic cells, and
expression is initiated by a number of classic its absence results in failure of normal follicular
NF-kB-inducing stimuli (e.g., TNF-a, dendritic cell differentiation. This finding might be
interleukin-1) but also upon activation of the the main reason for the observed defects in the
T-cell receptor. The corresponding kB sites have microarchitecture of secondary lymphoid organs
been found in the promoter and first intronic and T-cell responses in BCL3-deficient mice.
enhancer. BCL3 transcription is further induced BCL3 was further shown to be required for the
by the Jak/Stat pathway (▶ Signal Transducers survival of activated T cells as well as for
and Activators of Transcription in Oncogenesis). the attenuation of the pro-inflammatory
Stat3-activating cytokines (e.g., ▶ interleukin-6, (▶ Inflammation) action of activated macrophages.
interleukin-9, and interleukin-10) initiate BCL3 Moreover, BCL3 has been found to be tran-
transcription primarily via Stat-binding sites in siently upregulated by DNA damage and to sup-
the second enhancer. In mice, an AP1-dependent press p53 activation (see below). The data suggest a
mechanism of BCL3 gene expression was found physiological role of BCL3 in B-cell development.
in T cells upon ▶ interleukin-4 stimulation. More- According to this hypothesis, BCL3 expression
over, BCL3 auto-regulates its own transcription in allows germinal center B cells to tolerate the DNA
a repressive manner. The negative feedback is damage required for immunoglobulin class switch
mediated via the kB motifs. recombination and somatic hypermutation without
In platelets, which lack nuclei and cannot syn- mounting an apoptotic (▶ Apoptosis) response.
thesize mRNA, BCL3 expression is regulated on BCL3 expression is highly upregulated in
the translational level. In resting platelets, a thrombin-activated platelets. In these activated
preformed BCL3 mRNA pool exists whose trans- platelets, BCL3 is required for retraction of fibrin
lation is constitutively repressed. Upon activation, clots, which is an important step in wound healing.
an mTOR-dependent rapid increase of BCL3 pro-
tein synthesis takes place. This specialized trans- Oncological Relevance
lational control pathway is mediated by a cascade The BCL3 gene was initially identified through its
also involving PI3K (▶ PI3K Signaling) and involvement in a t(14;19)(q32;q13) chromosomal
PDK1 protein kinases and culminates in phos- translocation found in some patients with chronic
phorylation of the translation repressor 4EBP-1, lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) or other B-cell
BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors 455

neoplasms. This translocation leads to juxtaposi- Mdm2 protein, which mediates the proteosomal
tion of the BCL3 locus at chromosome 19q13 to degradation of p53. When cells are exposed to
the enhancer of the immunoglobulin heavy chain genotoxic stress, this interaction is disrupted,
gene on chromosome 14q32, resulting in high- and p53 accumulation results in either cell-cycle
level expression of the BCL3 transcript. Studies arrest or apoptosis. One proposed mechanism in B
have shown that elevated BCL3 expression is not this regulatory circuit is the ability of BCL3 to
limited to the rare cases of CLL or lymphomas induce the expression of the p53 inhibitor Mdm2
with this translocation. High BCL3 expression via its recruitment to kB sites in the promoter
has also been reported in subsets of ▶ diffuse occupied by p50 or p52. A more complete under-
large B-cell lymphomas, T-cell lymphomas standing of the role of BCL3 in human cancers is
(especially ▶ anaplastic large cell lymphoma), still lacking.
and ▶ Hodgkin disease. Furthermore, increased
nuclear levels of BCL3 have been demonstrated
in a growing number of nonlymphoid tumors such Cross-References
as breast cancer and nasopharyngeal carcinomas.
Oncogenically activating mutations within the ▶ Nuclear Factor-κB
coding region of BCL3 have not been found so ▶ Retinoid Receptor Cross-Talk
far. Consequently, elevated expression of BCL3 is
hypothesized to contribute to oncogenesis by
dysregulating target genes involved in cell prolif- References
eration, apoptosis, and differentiation.
Consistent with a direct oncogenic function, Bates PW, Miyamoto S (2004) Expanded nuclear roles for
IkBs. Sci STKE 254:pe48
BCL3 overexpression has been shown to lead to
Viatour P, Merville M-P, Bours V et al (2004) Protein
transformation of murine fibroblasts and phosphorylation as a key mechanism for the regulation
induction of tumor growth in vivo. In contrast, of BCL3 activity. Cell Cycle 3:1498–1501
transgenic mice expressing BCL3 in both B
and T cells develop a lymphoproliferative
disorder but no lymphoid neoplasms, indicating
that BCL3 overexpression alone is not
sufficient for the direct transformation of lym- BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors
phoid cells.
A few target genes potentially involved in the Hitoshi Ohno
oncogenic potential of BCL3 have been identified Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of
so far. Transcription of the cyclin D1 (▶ Cyclin D) Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
gene, whose product acts as a key factor in driving
cell-cycle progression, is activated by BCL3
through its cooperation with p52 homodimers Definition
bound to an NF-kB motif in the cyclin D1 pro-
moter. Concerted elevation of BCL3, p52, and B-NHLs are often associated with chromosomal
cyclin D1 levels has been found in breast cancer translocations that lead to the juxtaposition of
cells. In these cells, in vitro studies also suggested cellular oncogenes with the immunoglobulin
a BCL3-mediated activation of the anti-apoptotic gene (IG) loci. The 3q27 translocation is unique,
▶ BCL2 gene. fusing the BCL6 gene on 3q27 to either one of the
BCL3 can suppress the activation of tumor three IGs but also another non-IG partner. Cyto-
suppressor protein p53 (p53 protein, Biological genetic and molecular analyses have demon-
and Clinical Aspects), which is a crucial guardian strated that alteration of 3q27 and/or BCL6 is
of genomic integrity. Normally, p53 is kept at one of the most common genetic abnormalities
low levels mainly by its interaction with the in B-NHLs.
456 BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors

Characteristics “lateral grove” motif that interfaces with a

17-residue sequence (BBD motif) of SMRT
The BCL6 Gene and Gene Product (Ahmad et al. 2003; Melnick et al. 2002).
The BCL6 gene spans 24 kb and contains ten The central portion of Bcl-6 contains a second
exons. The ATG signal for the initiation of protein domain required for the repressive transcriptional
synthesis is within exon 3 and is followed by an activity. The KKYK motif within the PEST
open reading frame (Fig. 1). The Bcl-6 protein, sequence is targeted by p300-mediated acetyla-
consisting of 706 amino acids with a calculated tion, and this posttranslational modification dis-
molecular weight of 79 kD, is a sequence-specific rupts the ability of Bcl-6 to recruit histone
transcription factor that can repress transcription deacetylase (HDAC), thereby hindering its
from promoters containing its DNA-binding site capacity to repress transcription. Interaction with
(Albagli-Curiel 2003). The C-terminal region MTA3 corepressor is sensitive to Bcl-6 acetyla-
comprises six Cys2His2 zinc finger motifs, each tion status.
separated by a conserved stretch of seven amino Within the B-cell lineage, BCL6 is expressed
acids. Hence, the Bcl-6 protein was classified as exclusively in germinal center (GC) B cells.
belonging to the Krüppel-like subfamily of zinc Targeted inactivation of BCL6 in the mouse
finger proteins (Fig. 1). germline prevents GC formation in the lymphoid
The BTB/POZ domain at the N-terminus is a tissues and alters Th2-mediated immune
conserved 120-amino acid motif, which is found responses. A prominent target gene of Bcl-6 is
in 5–10% of zinc finger proteins (Fig. 1). The PRDM1 (Blimp-1), which plays a key role in the
primary function of the BTB/POZ domain differentiation of B cells into plasma cells by
appears to be the mediation of protein-protein turning off the entire mature B-cell gene expres-
interactions. The repressive effect of Bcl-6 on sion program (Shaffer et al. 2002). On the other
the target gene is exerted via the recruitment of hand, repression of other Bcl-6 target genes,
SMRT, NCoR, and BCoR corepressors (Ahmad including TP53 and CDKN1A, promotes cell pro-
et al. 2003; Melnick et al. 2002). Crystallographic liferation and survival (Fig. 1). It is therefore
analysis of the BTB/POZ domain revealed that it presumed that BCL6 is the master gene for the
forms a butterfly-shaped homodimer to generate a generation by B cells of a GC.

BCL6 Translocations ABR MTC

in B-Cell Tumors,
Fig. 1 Schematic
presentation of the BCL6 BCL6 5’ 3’
gene and its protein product. 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10
Repressor function of Bcl-6
is segregated into two
domains (Ci et al. 2008). KKYK
The POZ/BTB domain
recruits SMART, NCoR, Bcl-6 706
and BCoR corepressors and
targets genes involved in Domain: BTB/POZ Central Zinc-finger
domain domain motifs
B-cell proliferation and
survival, whereas the Co-repressors: SMRT, MTA3
central domain recruits NCoR, BCoR
another set of corepressors
(MTA3) and controls genes
in B-cell differentiation. Target genes: TP53, CDKN1A PRDM1
ABR alternative breakpoint
region, MTC major
breakpoint cluster, KKYK Promotes cell Inhibits
Biological effect:
where K = lysine and Y = proliferation and differentiation to
tyrosine survival plasma cell
BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors 457

BCL6 Translocation Affecting the IG and Non- BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors, Table 1 Non-
IG Loci IG partner genes of BCL6 translocation
Chromosomal translocation involving the 3q27 Gene
chromosomal band occurs within the major trans- symbol Chromosomal
(alias) Gene product locus
location cluster (MTC) of BCL6, which spans the
MBNL1 Muscleblind-like 3q25/3q25.1
promoter, the noncoding exon 1, and the 50 region (KIAA0428) protein (triplet-
of intron 1 (Fig. 1) (Akasaka et al. 2000). In the expansion
majority of cases, breakpoints are localized imme- RNA-binding
diately in 30 of exon 1. The translocation, there- protein)
fore, does not interrupt the protein-coding region TFRC Transferrin q26.2-qter/3q29
receptor (p90,
of BCL6. The most common type of BCL6 trans- CD71)
location is t(3;14) (q27;q32), involving the IG ST6GAL1 Sialyltransferase 3q27-q28/3q27.3
heavy chain gene (IGH) on 14q32 as the partner. (CD75) 1 (beta-
On the der(3)t(3;14) (q27;q32), the IGH upstream galactoside
sequences are juxtaposed to the BCL6 in the same
transcriptional orientation, whereas the 50 -BCL6 EIF4A2 Eukaryotic 3q28/3q27.3
sequences are fused to downstream sequences of translation
IGH on the reciprocal der(14)t(3;14) (q27;q32). initiation factor
As the result of t(3;14) (q27;q32), BCL6 expres- 4A, isoform 2
sion is initiated from the IGH germline transcript RHOH Rho-related 4p13/4p14
(RhoH, GTP-binding
promoters, which are followed by the BCL6 TTF) protein RhoH
coding sequences. Two “variant” translocations, (GTP-binding
t(3;22) (q27;q11) involving the l-light chain gene protein TTF)
(IGLl) on 22q11 and t(2;3) (p12:q27) involving the H4 H4 histone 6p21.3
k-light chain gene (IGLk) on 2p12, lead to juxta- HSPCB Heat shock 6p12/6p21.1
(HSP90b) 90kDa protein
position of the 30 sequences of IGLl or IGLk to
1, beta
BCL6 in divergent orientation (Ohno 2004). PIM1 Pim-1 oncogene 6p21.2
Non-IG partner genes and their chromosomal product
sites are listed in Table 1. The partners are not SFRS3 Splicing factor, 6p21/6p21.31
random but instead have been recurrently identi- (SRp20) arginine/serine-
fied. These include the genes for a transcription rich
3 (pre-mRNA-
factor, serine/threonine-protein kinase, cytokine splicing factor
receptor, Ras small GTPase, heat shock proteins, SRP20)
and so on. In spite of this marked diversity of HIST1H4I H4 histone 6p21.33
protein products, there are common features in (H4/m) family, member
the molecular anatomy of non-IG/BCL6 transloca-
U50HG Small nucleolar 6q15
tions. First, the gene fusion occurs in the same
transcriptional orientation; second, the breakpoint ZNFN1A1 Ikaros (zinc 7p13-p11.1
on the partner gene is located in close proximity to (IKAROS) finger protein)
the promoter sequence; and third, the complete GRHPR Glyoxylate 9q12/9p13.2
sequence of the promoter is fused upstream of the (GLXR) reductase/
coding region of BCL6 on the der(3) chromosome. hydroxypyruvate
As the result of non-IG/BCL6 translocation, many
POU2AF1 POU domain 11q23.1
types of regulatory sequences of each partner gene (BOB1, class
substitute for the 50 untranslated region of BCL6, OBF-1) 2, associating
and the rearranged BCL6 comes under the control factor 1 (B-cell-
of the replaced promoter activity (promoter substi-
tution) (Fig. 2) (Ohno 2004).
458 BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors

BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors, Table 1 the other hand, PIM1 and RHOH (▶ Rho family
(continued) proteins), both of which are non-IG partners
Gene (Table 1), are mutated in B-cell tumors, and the
symbol Chromosomal regions involved in the mutation match those in
(alias) Gene product locus
the translocation (Pasqualucci et al. 2001). These
observations suggest that somatic mutations and
factor 1) (BOB-1) translocations involving BCL6 are mediated by
(OCA-B) common molecular mechanisms.
LRMP Lymphoid- 12p12.1
(JAW1) restricted Mouse Model of BCL6 Translocation
to Develop Lymphoma
GAPDH Glyceraldehyde- 12p13.31 To investigate the role of BCL6 translocation
3-phosphate in the development of B-NHL, mouse models
dehydrogenase that carried a recombinant gene mimicking
NACA Nascent- 12q23-q24.1/ t(3;14) (q27;q32) translocation were established
polypeptide- 12q13.3 (Cattoretti et al. 2005). As expected, BCL6 was
complex alpha constitutively expressed in mature B-cell and GC
polypeptide formation markedly increased in response to anti-
LCP1 L-plastin 13q14.3/ 13q14.13 gen stimulation. After 13 months of age, the mice
(lymphocyte developed lymphoma showing the features of
cytosolic protein
human B-NHL (Cattoretti et al. 2005). This exper-
1) (LCP-1)
(LC64P) iment provided the evidence that BCL6 can act as
HSPCA Heat shock 14q32.33/ an oncogene.
(HSP90a) 90kDa protein 14q32.31
1, alpha Clinical Relevance
IL21R Interleukin-21 16p11/16p12.1 BCL6 translocations are detected by conventional
cytogenetic analysis and Southern blotting with
CIITA MHC class II 16p13/16p13.13
transactivator an MTC probe. More conveniently, fluorescence
in situ hybridization (FISH) using a dual-color,
break-apart probe for the MTC is applied to meta-
The 50 Noncoding Region of BCL6 Undergoes phase/interphase nuclei. BCL6 translocations
Somatic Hypermutation involving IG and non-IG partners occur in about
Somatic mutations within the 50 noncoding region equal frequency (Iqbal et al. 2007).
of BCL6 have been described in a significant Although an initial study indicated a specific
proportion of GC/post-GC type B-cell tumors correlation of BCL6 translocation with diffuse
(Capello et al. 2000). The majority of the muta- large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), later studies
tions cluster around the 30 of exon 1, which has of panels of many B-NHL types invariably
been referred to as the major mutation cluster showed that a significant number of cases with
(MMC), apparently overlapping the MTC. These ▶ follicular lymphoma (FL) carried such translo-
mutations are often multiple, are frequently cations. The range of BCL6 translocations in
biallelic, and are independent of BCL6 transloca- B-NHL subtypes are 5–15% in FL, 20–40% in
tion or linkage to IGs. Somatic mutations within DLBCL and its variants, and 20% in acquired
the MMC were also observed in a large proportion immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-associated
of memory B cells isolated from normal individ- DLBCL. BCL6 translocation can occur within
uals as well as GC B cells from a reactive tonsil. the alternative breakpoint region (ABR) that is
The presence of cis-acting elements in BCL6, located 245-285-kb 50 to BCL6 (Fig. 1). Translo-
which are shared with IG and essential for cation at the ABR is reported to be frequently
targeting the mutation, has been suggested. On associated with grade 3B FL.
BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors 459

MTC 2 kb

5′ 3′
1 2 3

HSP89a 5′ 3′ Breakpoint of the translocation

Translation initiation site

Heat shock element:
2 3 nGAAnnTTCn (n = any nucleotide)

HSP90β 5′ 3′

2 3

BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors, Fig. 2 Non-IG/ the HSP genes were either 50 or 30 of the translation
BCL6 translocations involving HSP89a heat shock protein initiation sites. Transcriptional control of HSP genes is
gene and HSP90b gene. Open (BCL6) and closed (partner mediated by three tandem copies of heat shock element
genes) boxes indicate the exons. The breakpoints on the (HSE). As the result of translocation, the complete set of
BCL6 gene were within the MTC region, while those on the HSEs is fused upstream of BCL6

BCL6 translocations sometimes coexist with a predictor of a favorable treatment outcome in

other IG translocations associated with B-cell cases of DLBCL. In contrast, BCL6 translocation
tumors, i.e., t(8;14) (q24;q32) and t(14;18) (q32; is observed with a higher frequency in non-GCB
q21) and their variants. In some cases, alteration DLBCL subtype, and studies on the influence of
of the BCL6 locus was not a primary genetic BCL6 translocation on treatment outcome yielded
abnormality but may have occurred at the time conflicting results. One study showed that BCL6
of transformation from low- to high-grade disease translocation was significantly associated with an
(Akasaka et al. 2003). A cDNA microarray anal- unfavorable impact on survival of DLBCL
ysis revealed that DLBCL patients with the GC patients who were treated with rituximab plus
B-cell-like (GCB) pattern of gene expression have cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and
a significantly better survival than those with the prednisone (Copie-Bergman et al. 2009). In
activated B-cell-like expression profile. BCL6 is a another series, however, BCL6 translocation
representative gene of the GCB-type signature, showed no association with overall survival in
and high-level expression of BCL6 at both the DLBCL as a single entity or in subtype analysis
mRNA and protein levels has been shown to be (Iqbal et al. 2007).
460 BCR-ABL1

▶ Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
▶ Follicular Lymphoma Christine M. Morris and Suzanne M. Benjes
Cancer Genetics Research, University of Otago,
Christchurch, New Zealand

Ahmad KF, Melnick A, Lax S et al (2003) Mechanism of Definition

SMRT corepressor recruitment by the BCL6 BTB
domain. Mol Cell 12:1551–1564
Akasaka H, Akasaka T, Kurata M et al (2000) Molecular BCR-ABL1 is a hybrid (fusion or chimeric) gene
anatomy of BCL6 translocations revealed by long- that arises when genomic DNA of the BCR gene
distance polymerase chain reaction-based assays. Can- on chromosome 22 and of the ABL1 gene on
cer Res 60:2335–2341
chromosome 9 breaks and recombines. The
Akasaka T, Lossos IS, Levy R (2003) BCL6 gene translo-
cation in follicular lymphoma: a harbinger of eventual BCR-ABL1 hybrid gene is transcribed to produce
transformation to diffuse aggressive lymphoma. Blood a hybrid mRNA that is subsequently translated
102:1443–1448 into a functional BCR-ABL1 protein. The BCR-
Albagli-Curiel O (2003) Ambivalent role of BCL6 in
ABL1 mutation causes and is diagnostic of human
cell survival and transformation. Oncogene
22:507–516 ▶ chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and some
Capello D, Vitolo U, Pasqualucci L et al (2000) forms of acute leukemia, particularly ▶ acute
Distribution and pattern of BCL-6 mutations through- lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
out the spectrum of B-cell neoplasia. Blood
Cattoretti G, Pasqualucci L, Ballon G et al (2005)
Deregulated BCL6 expression recapitulates the patho- Characteristics
genesis of human diffuse large B cell lymphomas in
mice. Cancer Cell 7:445–455
A Somatic Mutation of Bone Marrow
Ci W, Polo JM, Melnick A (2008) B-cell lymphoma 6 and
the molecular pathogenesis of diffuse large B-cell lym- Progenitor Cells
phoma. Curr Opin Hematol 15:381–390 The BCR-ABL1 mutation is somatically acquired.
Copie-Bergman C, Gaulard P, Leroy K et al (2009) Recombination between the BCR and ABL1 genes
Immuno-fluorescence in situ hybridization index pre-
occurs in a self-renewing hematopoietic stem cell
dicts survival in patients with diffuse large B-cell lym-
phoma treated with R-CHOP: a GELA study. J Clin of the bone marrow and usually results in the
Oncol 27:5573–5579 microscopically visible chromosome transloca-
Iqbal J, Greiner TC, Patel K et al (2007) Distinctive tion t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2) (Fig. 1).
patterns of BCL6 molecular alterations and their
One product of the t(9;22) translocation is the
functional consequences in different subgroups of
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Leukemia well-known Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome
21:2332–2343 (Fig. 2), a shortened chromosome 22 identifiable
Melnick A, Carlile G, Ahmad KF et al (2002) Critical in leukemic metaphase cells of 90% of patients
residues within the BTB domain of PLZF and Bcl-6
with CML. The Ph and/or associated BCR-ABL1
modulate interaction with corepressors. Mol Cell Biol
22:1804–1818 hybrid gene also occur recurrently in ALL,
Ohno H (2004) Pathogenetic role of BCL6 translocation in manifesting at higher frequency in adult (~25%)
B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Histol Histopathol compared with childhood ALL (~3–4%). The dis-
covery of the Ph chromosome in 1960 by Peter
Pasqualucci L, Neumeister P, Goossens T et al (2001)
Hypermutation of multiple proto-oncogenes in B-cell Nowell and David Hungerford in Philadelphia
diffuse large-cell lymphomas. Nature 412:341–346 was a milestone for cancer research, providing
Shaffer AL, Lin KI, Kuo TC et al (2002) Blimp-1 orches- the first clear indication that different cancer sub-
trates plasma cell differentiation by extinguishing the
types may be characterized by consistent cytoge-
mature B cell gene expression program. Immunity
17:51–62 netic changes.
BCR-ABL1 461


p 22q11.21 22q11.21
q 22q11.21 9q34.1

9q34.1 9q34.1
9q34.1 22q11.21

9 22 9 22

Normal t(9;22)(q34;q11)

BCR-ABL1, Fig. 1 Stylized representation of chromosomes 9 and 22 before (left) and after (right) recombination
between the BCR and ABL1 genes to form the t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2) and hybrid BCR-ABL1 gene

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 X Y

BCR-ABL1, Fig. 2 Karyotype of a leukemic metaphase cell showing the standard Ph translocation, 46,XY,t(9;22)(q34.1;
q11.2) (Ren et al. 2005)

Molecular Features of BCR-ABL1 gene on the derivative 22q or Ph chromosome

Recombination (Fig. 1). The 50 ABL1-30 BCR hybrid gene is fre-
Both BCR and ABL1 are large genes, at 138 kb quently transcribed and translated, but the biolog-
and 174 kb, respectively (Fig. 3), and their recom- ical and clinical relevance of these products has yet
bination usually generates two products: a to be confirmed. In contrast, the 50 BCR-30 ABL1
50 ABL1-30 BCR hybrid gene on the derivative hybrid gene is in all cases both transcribed and
9q+ chromosome and a 50 BCR-30 ABL1 hybrid translated. The leukemia-causing properties of the
462 BCR-ABL1

a Genomic structure of BCR Breakpoint cluster regions


m-Bcr M-Bcr μ-Bcr

1 a1a2 2 12 1314 1516 19 23

137.673 kb

b Genomic structure of ABLI

Break-prone region

1b 1a 2 11

173.795 kb

BCR-ABL1, Fig. 3 Genomic structure and features of the associated with the different regions are shown as ALL,
human BCR and ABL1 genes. (a) Exons 1–23 of BCR and acute lymphoblastic leukemia; CML, chronic myeloid leu-
alternatives (a1, a2) are indicated as blue boxes; the kemia; and CML-N, neutrophilic chronic myeloid leuke-
minor breakpoint cluster region (m-Bcr), major breakpoint mia. (b) Genomic structure of the human ABL1 gene.
cluster region (M-Bcr), and micro breakpoint cluster Exons 1–11 and alternatives (a, b) are indicated as red
region (m-Bcr) are shaded in green. Disease subtypes boxed regions

50 BCR-30 ABL1 protein have been proven in a • P230 BCR-ABL1: For a subgroup of patients
variety of animal models, and it is to this product with neutrophilic CML (CML-N), breakage
that the BCR-ABL1 acronym usually refers. occurs in a region more 30 in BCR (m-Bcr) to
Several viable in-frame BCR-ABL1 fusions have form a BCR exon 19:ABL1 exon 2 (e19a2)
been reported or predicted. However, depending on mRNA transcript in which almost the entire
the location of the breakpoint site within BCR, those BCR gene is joined with ABL1. A larger
associated with leukemia generally differ according 230-kD protein identifies this subgroup of
to the number of BCR exons that link with the patients, who may present with a lower white
constant ABL1 exons 2–11 (Fig. 4). The most prev- cell count than usual and with a prolonged
alent fusion genes are as follows: progression to blast crisis.
• P190 BCR-ABL1: For the remaining 50–70%
• p210 BCR-ABL1: In most cases of CML and in of BCR-ABL1-positive ALL cases, breakage
~30–50% of BCR-ABL1-positive ALL, break- typically occurs at different sites across a wider
age occurs within the 5-kb major breakpoint 35-kb region-designated m-Bcr (minor
cluster region (M-Bcr) of BCR to link with breakpoint cluster region), which maps 46-
ABL1 exons 2–11. In these cases, the BCR- kb upstream of M-Bcr. A BCR exon 1:ABL1
ABL1 fusion gene is transcribed as a large chi- exon 2 (e1a2) transcript is expressed in these
meric mRNA that is spliced into an 8-kb mRNA cases, which is translated into a smaller
with BCR exon 13:ABL1 exon 2 (e13a2) and/or 185-kD BCR-ABL1 protein. The e1a2 tran-
BCR exon 14:ABL1 exon 2 (e14a2) junctions. script is occasionally found in CML patients
This hybrid mRNA is translated to form a when it may be associated with a more aggres-
210-kD BCR-ABL1 fusion protein. sive clinical course.
BCR-ABL1 463

BCR-ABL1 Transcripts
alt1 alt2 P160 BCR protein
Normal BCR
3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11121314151617181920212223
1 2

1 2 11
e1a2 P185 BCR-ABL1 protein B
e13a2 P210 BCR-ABL1 protein
13 2 11
e14a2 P210 BCR-ABL1 protein
14 2 11
e19a2 P230 BCR-ABL1 protein
19 2 11

1a Normal ABL P145 ABL1 protein

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

BCR-ABL1, Fig. 4 Normal BCR and ABL1 transcripts shown to the right. Alternative (alt) exons are marked
and the most frequently detected BCR-ABL1 fusion above the normal transcript for BCR and as 1a or 1b
transcript variants. Corresponding protein products are for ABL1

Complex BCR-ABL1 Rearrangements to the 30 BCR breakpoint, are associated with the
About 10% of CML cases show more complex derivative 9q+ of the standard t(9;22) or with sites
BCR-ABL1 rearrangements that involve other of recombination on additional partner chromo-
chromosomal sites and may be camouflaged by a somes in complex variant BCR-ABL1
normal karyotype. In all of these cases, the 50 part rearrangements. The deletions, which were initially
of BCR is fused with the 30 part of ABL1 to form identified fortuitously after development of fluores-
the characteristic BCR-ABL1 fusion gene essential cent in situ hybridization (FISH) probe systems for
for the development of CML. However, the 30 part detecting ▶ minimal residual disease in interphase
of BCR, which unites with the 50 ABL1 remnant in cells of CML patients, are found in 10–15% of all
the standard t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2), usually CML patients, with an increased frequency report-
recombines with one of the additional chromo- edly associated with complex BCR-ABL1
somes in the complex translocations or with parts rearrangements. The deletions can be large, with
of chromosome 9 or 22 outside of the ABL1 and variable proximal and distal breakpoints located up
BCR genes. The involvement of additional partner to several megabases distant from ABL1 or BCR on
chromosomes in these complex rearrangements is the derivative 9q + or derivative additional partner
nonrandom, and sites of recombination with BCR chromosome. Deletions can occur simultaneously
or ABL1 may in some cases interrupt other gene- with the BCR-ABL1 recombination translocation-
coding regions. Whereas patients generally present forming process or occasionally as a subsequent
with clinical features typical of BCR-ABL1 leuke- step following the initial translocation. Prior to
mia, the biological and pathological consequences the development of tyrosine kinase inhibitors
of complex recombination variants, including (TKIs) for therapy, patients having translocation-
impact on treatment response and disease course, associated deletions tended to have a considerably
remain a matter for debate. worse prognosis and survival than patients without
deletions, but prognosis has since improved. The
Translocation-Associated Genomic Deletions biological basis for the survival disadvantage pre-
Another level of complexity in the BCR-ABL1 viously associated with positive deletion status is
rearrangement is found in the form of translocation- presently not known, but may be due to loss of
associated deletions. These genomic deletions, tumor suppressor genes or noncoding RNAs within
either proximal to the 50 ABL1 breakpoint or distal the deleted region.
464 BCR-ABL1

BCR-ABL1, Fig. 5 Functional domains of the ABL1 and coiled-coil oligomerization (OD), serine/threonine (S/T)
BCR proteins. (a) The amino terminal end of ABL1 con- kinase, guanine nucleotide exchange factor homology
tains alternative first exons 1a and 1b (myristoylated, Myr), (GEF), pleckstrin homology (PH), Ca2+-dependent phos-
tandem SRC homology 3 (SH3) and SH2 domains, and the pholipid binding (C2), and RAC guanosine
tyrosine kinase domain. The carboxy-terminal region triphosphatase-activating protein (RAC-GAP) domains.
has four proline-rich SH3-binding sites (PxxPs), three BCR also contains binding sites for GRB2 at tyrosine
nuclear localization signals (NLS), one nuclear exporting 177 (Y177) and a PDZ-binding motif that ends with
signal (NES), a DNA-binding domain (D), and an actin- STEV. P185, P210, and P230 mark regions of BCR that
binding domain that has binding sites for both monomeric most commonly fuse with ABL1 (Adapted by permission
(G) and filamentous (F) forms of actin. The region of from Macmillan publishers Ltd: Ren, Nat Rev Cancer,
ABL1 that fuses with BCR is marked. (b) BCR has copyright 2005)

Functional Impact of BCR-ABL1 differentiation, cell division, cell adhesion, and

The ABL1 gene has 11 exons, with alternative first cell-cycle control.
exons 1a and 1b that are spliced to common exons Normal BCR, also widely expressed, has
2–11 and transcribed into 6- or 7-kb mRNA tran- 23 exons with alternative exons 1 and 2 (Fig. 4).
scripts, respectively. Both transcript variants are Two transcripts of 4.5- and 7.0-kb have been
widely expressed and yield protein isoforms with found, and the normal BCR gene is presently
distinct N-terminal sequences. The 1b isoform known to code for two major proteins, P160 and
contains an N-terminal glycine that is P130. Although both BCR proteins have been
myristoylated, while the 1a variant lacks this site found in the cell nucleus, the best-studied role
and the corresponding modification (Fig. 5a). The for BCR is as a cytoplasmic signaling protein,
functional relevance of these and other ABL1 emphasizing its ability to regulate ▶ G-proteins
isoform variants has still to be clarified. The nor- through its guanine nucleotide exchange factor
mal ABL1 protein is a non-receptor protein tyro- (GEF) and ▶ GTPase-activating protein (GAP)
sine kinase that is localized to the cytoplasm, domains (Fig. 5b). BCR is a Rho-GEF due to the
where it is weakly associated with actin filaments, presence of a dbl homology domain and a
and in the nucleus, where it is associated with pleckstrin homology domain. A C-terminal S-T-
chromatin. ABL1 phosphorylates both nuclear E-V sequence is a ligand for PDZ domains, and
and cytoplasmic proteins, consistent with its shut- through this domain, a role for BCR in intracellu-
tling between these two subcellular compart- lar membrane-bound functions has been impli-
ments. A large number of proteins have been cated. BCR exon 1, which is consistently
found to be phosphorylated by the ABL1 kinase, retained in all gene fusions, encodes a coiled-coil
and these substrates are functionally diverse, oligomerization domain facilitating dimerization
including adaptors, other kinases, cytoskeletal and autophosphorylation, a docking site for the
proteins, transcription factors, chromatin modi- adaptor protein growth receptor bound 2 (GRB-2)
fiers, and others. ABL1 has regulatory roles in (phosphorylated tyrosine 177) and a serine/threo-
DNA damage and cell stress response, cell nine kinase domain. The functional domains
BCR-ABL1 465

encoded by BCR have been implicated in a variety genotype, evolve to develop heightened genetic
of fundamental biological processes, including instability induced by a combination of
cytoskeletal modeling, cell growth, differentia- BCR-ABL1 kinase-induced oxidative DNA dam-
tion, movement, and lipid vesicle transport. age caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS),
In BCR-ABL1 hybrid proteins, the fused enhanced spontaneous DNA damage, and B
N-terminal BCR sequences block nuclear translo- compromised fidelity of DNA repair, all leading
cation and activate the actin-binding function that to a progressive malignant behavior.
is required for BCR-ABL1 to efficiently transform
cells. Because of its heightened tyrosine kinase Clinical Relevance
activity, the BCR-ABL1 protein can phosphory- The BCR-ABL1 protein causes leukemia, with
late a range of different substrates, thereby acti- clinically distinct manifestations as follows:
vating multiple different cytoplasmic and nuclear
signal-transduction pathways relevant to hemato- • Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML): a myelo-
poietic cell growth and differentiation. Examples proliferative disorder that develops after the
of signaling cascades activated by, or otherwise BCR-ABL1 rearrangement occurs in a pluripo-
influenced by, BCR-ABL1 include the tent bone marrow stem cell. The affected
JAK-STAT (signal transducers and activators of stem cell gains a proliferative advantage,
transcription in oncogenesis) pathway, the and a malignant leukemic clone becomes
phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (▶ PI3K signaling) established. CML, characterized by
pathway, a variety of CRKL-linked signaling pro- overproduction of granulocytes in the bone
cesses, RAS and ▶ SRC pathways, and the marrow and peripheral blood, accounts for
Jun-kinase (JNK) pathway. Noncoding RNAs ~15% of all new cases of human leukemia in
also have altered expression patterns in the Western hemisphere with an incidence of
BCR-ABL1-positive cells with downstream func- ~1 in 100,000 per year. CML affects both sexes
tional impact on cell growth and survival. and all age groups but occurs most commonly
The leukemia-causing properties of the at 40–50 years. Patients typically present with
BCR-ABL1 protein have been demonstrated in a symptoms of fatigue, bleeding, moderate
range of in vivo and in vitro laboratory models, weight loss, an enlarged palpable spleen, and
including mice made transgenic for different a high white blood cell count.
forms of the hybrid oncogene or transplanted • ▶ Blast crisis CML: CML is a triphasic disease
with BCR-ABL1-transfected stem cells. and without effective treatment usually pro-
BCR-ABL1 cells are proliferatively more active, gresses within 3–5 years of diagnosis through
differentiate abnormally, show an increased resis- an accelerated phase to an aggressive and ter-
tance to ▶ apoptosis, and have altered adhesion minal acute phase or blast crisis. Leukemic
properties compared with their normal counter- cells at this advanced stage of disease lose the
parts. In transgenic animals, p190 BCR–ABL1 ability to undergo terminal differentiation,
has been shown to induce exclusively resulting in an expansion of primitive cells
B-lymphoid leukemia with a short latency, rather than mature granulocytes. The
whereas p210 BCR–ABL1 led to the develop- phenotype of blast crisis can be myeloid
ment of both lymphoid and myeloid leukemias (50%), lymphoid (25%), biphenotypic, or
with a longer latency. The molecular basis for undifferentiated.
these different disease phenotypes is not yet • Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL): The
fully understood, but possible explanations have BCR-ABL1 rearrangement is found at diagno-
included greater tyrosine kinase activity with cor- sis in ~3–4% of childhood ALL patients and in
respondingly broader range of substrate phos- ~25% of adult ALL cases. Clinical presenta-
phorylation of P190 compared to P210. Over tion for BCR-ABL1-positive ALL is typically
time, chronic phase leukemia stem cells of CML, indistinguishable from other cytogenetically or
which are largely dependent on the BCR-ABL1 molecularly distinct ALL subtypes, and
466 BCR-ABL1

diagnosis is therefore reliant on cytogenetics, bioavailability. Examples of the latter include

FISH, or PCR to detect the Ph translocation aberrant expression of drug exporters, the
and/or BCR-ABL1 fusion transcript. upregulation of parallel leukemia cell survival
• ▶ Acute myeloid leukemia (AML): BCR- pathways such as those involving SRC or
ABL1 is found rarely in AML, affecting ~3% JAK-STAT, or predisposing polymorphic vari-
of cases. ability such as the deletion polymorphism in
intron 2 of the BCL2L11 gene shown to confer
Anti-BCR-ABL1 Therapies an intrinsic TKI resistance in Asian patients.
Treatment over the course of more than 60 years BCR-ABL1-dependent mechanisms include
has evolved from first tangible success for CML BCR-ABL1 gene amplification or over-
using the alkylating agent busulfan (1950s), expression, but in many cases, resistance to
followed by hydroxyurea (1970s), interferon-a, imatinib therapy arises due to point mutations
and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation within sequences that encode the tyrosine kinase
(SCT) (1980s). Of these, SCT proved most effec- domain of the BCR-ABL1 protein. Leukemic cell
tive to eliminate BCR-ABL1-positive cells, to populations that harbor mutations within this
normalize blood and bone marrow counts, and to domain gain proliferative advantage because
achieve a sustained remission. SCT is, however, imatinib cannot bind effectively to changes in
not without risk for side effects from morbidity protein contact points or conformation at its
and mortality, and there are associated issues of target site.
In the early 2000s, a new era of treatment New-Generation BCR-ABL1 Tyrosine Kinases
options emerged as understanding of the molecu- Inhibitors
lar pathogenesis of BCR-ABL1 leukemias deep- The identification of imatinib resistance has stim-
ened. Introduction of ▶ imatinib, a synthetic TKI ulated the development of additional second- and
designed to specifically target BCR-ABL1 fusion third-generation TKIs with improved efficacy and
protein activity, has significantly improved the a broad range of activity against known imatinib-
overall outlook and prognosis for most CML resistance mutations. Second-generation TKIs
patients, and this drug is now considered standard include ▶ nilotinib, an imatinib derivative;
therapy. Imatinib competes with adenosine tri- dasatinib, a dual SRC and ABL1 inhibitor that is
phosphate (ATP) for the ATP-binding pocket of structurally unrelated to imatinib and able to bind
the BCR-ABL1 kinase, thus inhibiting further and inhibit both the active and inactive conforma-
substrate phosphorylation by the enzyme. Before tions of ABL1, and bosutinib, also a dual SRC and
imatinib, the median survival of newly diagnosed ABL1 inhibitor. These TKIs are generally associ-
CML patients was 3–5 years, but now, in 2015, ated with more rapid, and deeper, cytogenetic and
the 10-year survival rate is >80%. In some cases, molecular responses than imatinib; a lower level
the disease is no longer detectable and therapy of acquired mutations; and with lower rates of
may be discontinued. Side effects are few and blastic transformation. However, because
usually low grade. BCR-ABL1-binding specificities for each of
While successful, a proportion of CML cases these TKIs differ, so too do their respective spec-
with BCR-ABL1 leukemia either fail to respond trums of resistance-associated mutations (see
to imatinib within a prescribed duration of time below). These differing specificities, together
(primary resistance) or develop resistance follow- with independent TKI toxicity profiles, are signif-
ing a previously obtained response to imatinib icant determinants of clinical application for indi-
treatment (secondary resistance). Resistance can vidual patients, both at diagnosis and following
arise from BCR-ABL1-independent mechanisms acquired resistance. Ponatinib is described as a
that include nonadherence or intolerance to TKIs third-generation TKI because it was developed
or the disruption of cell-signaling processes with the aim of targeting a specific BCR-ABL1
to invoke reduced efficacy or low TKI mutation (T315I).
BCR-ABL1 467

The introduction of TKIs has also revolution- because their emergence predicts worse outcome,
ized approaches to treatment for the more chal- including shorter progression-free survival,
lenging group of BCR-ABL1-positive ALLs. In shorter time to progression, and shorter overall
these cases, the BCR-ABL1 rearrangement often survival. Mutations in the BCR-ABL1 kinase
co-occurs with additional cytogenetic abnormali- domain also appear in BCR-ABL1-positive ALL B
ties such as 7, +Ph, 9p-, or hyperdiploidy. with similar effect.
BCR-ABL1-positive ALL cells may also harbor More than 100 different nucleotide point muta-
one or more recurrent gene mutations, most com- tions have been described, although only a limited
monly involving deletions of the lymphoid- number of substitutions account for most of the
specific transcriptional regulators IKAROS mutations observed in clinical practice. These
(IKZF1) (70–80% of cases) or PAX5 (up to 50% recurrent mutations are clustered across four
of cases). Deletions involving ▶ CDKN2A/ regions of the BCR-ABL1 kinase domain, includ-
CDKN2B are also common, affecting ~50% of ing the phosphate-binding loop (P-loop), the
cases. Of these additional alterations, loss of imatinib-binding site, the catalytic domain
IKFZ1 identifies BCR-ABL1 cases with particu- (SH2), and the activation loop (Fig. 6). The spec-
larly poor outcomes. Overall, and prior to the trum of recurrent mutations and their frequency
introduction of TKIs, prognosis for BCR-ABL1-
positive ALL was very poor when treated with
chemotherapy. Stem cell transplant at the time of
first remission was considered the best alternative.
Now, TKIs are an integral part of treatment for this
subgroup, incorporated during a rigorous induc-
tion therapy with combined chemotherapies such
as cyclophosphamide, vincristine, adriamycin,
and dexamethasone (hyper-CVAD). The addition
of TKIs has more than doubled overall survival
compared to chemotherapy-only-treated control
groups, and stem cell transplant in first remission
is no longer universally recommended. However,
even with these advances, the survival of
BCR-ABL1 ALL still lags behind other geneti-
cally distinct ALL subgroups. A better under-
standing of the biology of BCR-ABL1 ALL will
inevitably refine therapies and further improve
patient outcomes.

BCR-ABL1 Kinase Domain Mutations

Findings from several studies have shown that
BCR-ABL1 mutations are found in ~35% of
CML patients when imatinib resistance occurs,
although incidence varies depending on phase
BCR-ABL1, Fig. 6 Crystal structure of the ABL1 kinase
and type of disease. Mutation incidence is lower
domain in complex with imatinib (Protein Data Bank entry
in patients with primary resistance than in patients 2HYY). The 12 key positions accounting for most clinical
with acquired resistance, but higher in patients BCR-ABL1 TKI resistance, including compound
with accelerated disease or in blast crisis, particu- mutation-based resistance, are highlighted (orange; T315
is in red). The phosphate-binding (yellow) and activation
larly lymphoid blast crisis, than in patients
loops (green) are indicated (This figure was sourced with
remaining in chronic phase. Detailed characteri- permission from the authors of Zabriskie et al. (2014) and
zation of BCR-ABL1 mutations is important under copyright license)
434 Basal Cell Carcinoma

behavior of BCCs. The typically indolent growth developing BCC are Caucasians, and 85% of
pattern of BCC accounts for the resistance and these tumors arise on the head and neck. The
fusion planes of the central facial zone being a nose is most common of all sites, accounting for
more significant determinant of subclinical exten- 25–30% of all tumors. Individuals of Scottish,
sion. Size is also a good predictor of high-risk Celtic, or Scandinavian ancestry are at higher
BCCs. Cure rates with Mohs micrographic sur- risk. Affected persons usually have a history of
gery (MMS) decreases as tumor size increases. significant occupational and/or recreational sun
A cure rate of 99.8% for tumors less than 2 cm exposure. There is evidence that BCC arising
in diameter, 98.6% for tumors between 2 and before the age of 40 years corresponds with child-
3 cm, and 90.5% for tumors greater than 3 cm hood or recreational sun exposure but does not
has been reported. correlate directly with cumulative sun damage.
Micronodular, infiltrative, and morpheaform Thus, in areas of the world where the UV radiation
BCCs have a much higher incidence of positive is most intense, such as the Sunbelt in the USA,
surgical margins after surgical excision childhood sun exposure is at a maximum, and
(18.6–33.3%) as compared with tumors with a younger patients are at a higher risk of
nodular or superficial histologic pattern. developing BCC.
Morpheaform BCCs may have significant sub- It is debatable whether BCC is more aggressive
clinical extent, with the average subclinical exten- in children. As total incidence rates of BCC con-
sion being 7.2 mm. Similarly, significant tinue to rise, childhood cases may become more
subclinical extension in infiltrative BCC has common. This increase in pediatric BCC may be
been noted. BCC with marked squamous differ- especially true in areas of high UV radiation expo-
entiation has been determined to be a more viru- sure. The percentage of sunny days during the
lent tumor (a local recurrence rate of 45.7% and year, higher altitude, and location closer to the
metastatic incidence 8.6% of 35 such tumors as equator may place children in these areas at
compared to rates of 24.2%/0.09% for BCC). increased risk. There exist other significant risk
As with SCC, the perineural space can serve factors for the development of BCC: Prior injury
as a conduit for significant subclinical tumor such as trauma, burns, or vaccinations at the tumor
extension. site is frequently noted by persons with BC-
Although BCC is rarely life threatening, its C. Carcinomas arising as a late sequelae of radia-
capacity for local tissue destruction can result in tion therapy most frequently take the form of BCC
significant functional or cosmetic morbidity. on the head, neck, and trunk, and SCC on the
Untreated or inadequately treated BCCs have an hands. Prior exposure to inorganic arsenic can
insidious growth pattern and may result in death. also lead to the formation of BCC. In this setting,
▶ Metastasis from BCC is a rare event, with esti- tumors are often multiple, truncal, and superficial
mates of metastatic incidence ranging from lesions. Immunosuppressed individuals are also
0.0028% to 0.1%. Metastasis is associated with prone to the development of BCC, although their
the metatypical (basosquamous) BCC and with risk is greater for SCC than for BCC.
duration and size of the lesion. The most frequent Basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS),
site of metastasis is the lungs, followed by bone, ▶ xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), Baze syn-
lymph nodes, and liver. For these reasons, great drome, and albinism represent inherited genetic
importance is attached to the early diagnosis and disorders that predispose those affects to BCC and
treatment of this malignancy. SCC. Patients with basal cell nevus syndrome are
BCC is related to chronic ultraviolet radiation found to have a germline mutation in PCTH, a
(▶ UV radiation) exposure. UVR exposure is ▶ tumor suppressor gene located on 9q22.3.
partly responsible for both BCC and SCC, as PTCH is the human homolog of Drosophila
evidenced by the preponderance of these lesions patched protein. Approximately, one third of
on sun-damaged skin after chronic exposure to cases result from a new germline mutation.
sunlight. More than 99% of individuals Approximately, 80% of PTCH mutations result
Basal Cell Carcinoma 435

in premature truncation of the patched protein. Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Inactivation of this gene was found in tumor tissue SCC is the second most common skin cancer,
in 68% of BCCs examined and did not correlate representing 20% of cutaneous malignancies.
directly with sun exposure or age. Typically, mul- Over 100,000 cases of SCC are diagnosed annu-
tiple BCCs develop at a young age in BCN- ally in the USA, accounting for an incidence of B
S. Multiple BCCs, odontogenic keratocysts, and 41.4 per 100,000. SCC of the skin is the fifth most
palmo-plantar pits constitute the primary features common cancer among men and the sixth most
of BCNS. Approximately, 5% of infants with common cancer among women in Sweden. SCC
BCNS develop medulloblastoma. Radiation ther- in situ or ▶ Bowen disease is the most common
apy for the medulloblastoma can result in a crop of benign or precancerous tumor among men, while
BCCs in the radiation port. among women, it is second only to in situ cervical
Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is due to a cancer. It most commonly affects individuals in
genetic defect in the biochemical pathway to elim- mid to late life. SCC usually causes local tissue
inate the carcinogenic potential caused by the destruction, and in advanced cases it may cause
damage of ultraviolet light B (UVB) to DN- cosmetic and functional morbidity.
A. Several genes, those for XP groups B, D, and Clinically, typical SCC is a hyperkeratotic pap-
G and Cockayne syndrome groups B code for ule, nodule, or plaque with variable erythema.
components of transcription factors, the protein Associated pain may suggest perineural exten-
complexes that bind the promoter regions and sion. The central part of the face is the area at
control gene transcription. BCCs and SCCs highest risk for recurrence. Tumors in this region
occur at a much higher rate and a much earlier tend to grow down or extend at various resistance
age. Keratoacanthomans, fibrosarcomas, and mel- planes such as the perichondrium of auricular and
anomas are also common in patients with XP. nasal cartilages. The tarsal plates of the eyelids or
BCC can be treated with multiple modalities embryonic fusion planes at the junction of the
providing 90% cure rates for primary disease in nasal and nasolabial folds, and along the nasal
most cases. Cure rates for ablative surgery and columella or in the periauricular region. The size
excisional surgery vary with a number of factors of the tumor also affects risk for recurrence.
including the clinical size of the tumor, the loca- Tumors less than 1 cm have a 99.5% cure rate
tion, the histological subtype, and whether or not it by Mohs micrographic surgery, compared with
is recurrent. Cure rates for ablative surgery are less 82.3% for tumors 2–3 cm and 58.9% for tumors
than 90% for BCC exceeding 0.5 cm in diameter greater than 3 cm. Tumors under 2 cm of diameter
on the face and over 2.0 cm in diameter on the have a local recurrence rate of 7.4% in contrast to
trunk and extremities. In these instances, consider- a 15.2% recurrence rate for tumors greater than
ation should be given for excisional surgery with 2 cm. Therefore, margins of excision are adjusted
adequate margin control. BCCs exceeding 0.5 mm according to size, with a 4 mm margin
in diameter of the central facial zone and aggressive recommended for tumors less than 2 cm and
growth pattern tumors with sclerosing stromas are 6 mm for tumors of 2 cm or greater.
best treated with Mohs micrographic surgery. The Deeply invasive tumors have a greater ten-
histologic subtype or growth pattern is a good dency for local recurrence and metastases.
predictor of cure rate. These tumors do not respond Tumors with less than 4 mm in depth have a
well to superficial or ablative surgery. Nodular and local recurrence rate of 5.3% compared with a
superficial BCC respond well to curettage and rate of 17.2% for tumors 4 mm or greater. SCCs
electrodesiccation; cryotherapy or shave excision that penetrate though the dermis to the subcutane-
can result in less morbidity than full-thickness ous tissue have a recurrence rate of 19.8%.
excisional surgery. For adequate cure rates Tumors greater than 1 cm in diameter or a histo-
morpheaform or sclerosing, micronodular or infil- logic grade 2 or higher are more likely to extend to
trative variants of BCC require excisional surgery subcutaneous tissue. The degree of histologic dif-
with histologic margin control. ferentiation has a propensity for aggressive
436 Basal Cell Carcinoma

disease. SCC Broder grades 2 or higher usually as radiation or burn scars are all high-risk tumors.
require larger resections and have greater risk of In these instances, excisional surgery with careful
local recurrence. Well differentiated SCCs have a margin control should be the treatment of choice.
13.6% recurrence rate in contrast to a 28.6% Postoperative radiation therapy may also be con-
recurrence rate for poorly differentiated SCCs. sidered for these aggressive high-risk tumors on a
SCCs with neurotropic growth pattern, which case-by-case basis. Superficial or ablative proce-
invade the perineural space, have a greater risk dures such as curettage and electrodesiccation,
for local recurrence. cryotherapy and shave excision should be
SCCs usually have a low metastasis rates rang- reserved for SCC in situ (▶ Bowen disease) or
ing from 0.3% to 3.7%. SCC arising in the lip, ear, SCC that invades only the superficial dermis.
penis, scrotum, and anus have a higher risk for The depth of the invasion can be measured with
metastases. There is a greater risk of metastases an adequate preoperative biopsy. Indurated
for SCC more than 2 cm in size, with depth of tumors with an undermining infiltrative border
invasion to at least 4 mm, Broder histologic clas- are often deeply invasive and should be treated
sification of 2 or greater, and perineural extension. with excisional surgery.
SCCs usually metastasize to the regional lymph
nodes. The 5 year survival rate for patients with
regional lymph node metastases is 26%, and 23% Cross-References
in patients with distant metastases.
▶ Arsenic
Risk Factors and Therapy ▶ Bowen Disease
The risk factors for SCC include exposure to UV ▶ Metastasis
light and ▶ arsenic compounds, immunosuppres- ▶ Plasmacytoma
sion, and underlying genetic predisposition. Cel- ▶ Squamous Cell Carcinoma
lular atypia is often equally high among those with ▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes
in situ SCC or invasive SCC, and it is difficult to ▶ UV Radiation
use cytological criteria to define in situ SCC as a ▶ Xeroderma Pigmentosum
benign lesion in spite of an intact basement mem-
brane in histological specimens. Even when using
molecular markers such as the expression of p53 References
gene, in situ and invasive SCC are indistinguish-
Arndt KA, LeBoit PE, Robinson JK (eds) (1996) Cutanous
able. The incidence of invasive SCC is two times medicine and surgery. W.B. Saunders Company,
higher for men, whereas in situ SCC is more Philadelphia
common among women. It is possible that there Gailani MR, Leffell DJ, Zeigler A et al (1996) Relationship
are close etiological links between in situ and between sunlight exposure and key genetic
alterations in basal cell carcinoma. J Natl Cancer Inst
invasive SCC, and in situ appears to be as impor- 88:349–354
tant a marker for subsequent cancer risk as Johnson TM, Rowe DE, Nelson BR et al (1992) Squamous
invasive SCC. cell carcinoma of the skin (excluding lip and oral
SCC can also be treated satisfactorily with mucosa). J Am Acad Dermatol 26:467–484
Lo JS, Snow SN, Reizner GT et al (1991) Metastatic basal
different modalities. Histologic growth pattern is cell carcinoma: report of twelve cases with a review of
less important in SCC than clinical size and depth the literature. J Am Acad Dermatol 24:715–719
of invasion, with the exception of rare histologic
subtypes such as adenosquamous cell carcinoma. See Also
SCC exceeding 1 cm in diameter and tumors that (2012) Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome. In: Schwab M (ed)
invade into the mid-dermis or deeper, particularly Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
delberg, pp 345–346. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
those involving cartilage and bone, are high-risk 5_530
tumors. SCC on the lip, ear, temple, genitalia, and (2012) Broder Histological Classification. In: Schwab M
those associated with preexistent conditions such (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
B-Cell Lymphoid Neoplasm 437

Heidelberg, p 571. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-

5_737 Bbc3
(2012) Cockayne Syndrome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
890. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1246 ▶ PUMA
(2012) Erythema. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of B
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1313.
(2012) Mohs Micrographic Surgery. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
delberg, p 2354. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
(2012) Morpheaform. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of ▶ Interleukin-6
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2372.
(2012) Nevus. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2513.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4061 B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 2
(2012) Radiation Therapy. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
▶ Bcl2
3144. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4907
(2012) Ultraviolet Light. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3841.
B-Cell Differentiation Factor

▶ Interleukin-6


Refers to a skin cancer with extended growth, but B-Cell Interferon

no metastasis, and develops in skin areas exposed
to sun, such as the face, nose, or ears. ▶ Interferon-Alpha

BAY 43-9006 B-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma-2 Gene

▶ Sorafenib
▶ Bcl2

BAY 73-4506
B-Cell Leukemias
▶ Regorafenib
▶ B-Cell Tumors

BAY-43-9006 B-Cell Lymphoid Neoplasm

▶ Sorafenib ▶ B-Cell Tumors

438 B-Cell Lymphoma

patterns of behavior and responses to treatment.

B-Cell Lymphoma NHL must be distinguished from Hodgkin disease
with certainty before therapy is initiated since
Subbarao Bondada1 and Murali Gururajan2,3 Hodgkin lymphoma responds extremely well to
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and therapies. NHL usually originates in the lymphoid
Molecular Genetics, University of Kentucky, tissues and can spread to other organs. However,
Lexington, KY, USA compared with Hodgkin disease, NHL is less
Department of Hematology and Oncology, predictable and has a far greater ability to dissem-
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, inate to distant sites away from lymph nodes.
USA NHLs express classical B-cell markers whereas
Bristol-Myers Squibb & Co, Princeton, NJ, USA Hodgkin lymphomas do not express classic B-cell
markers but contain Reed-Steinberg cells.
The prognosis depends on the histologic type,
Synonyms stage, and treatment. Most NHLs (i.e., 80–90%)
are of B-cell origin. With the current treatment
B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder options available for NHL patients, the overall
5 years survival rate is approximately 50–60%.
Most relapses occur in the first 2 years after ther-
Definition apy. Rituximab, an antibody that depletes both
normal and cancerous B cells, was approved
B-cell lymphoma is a cancer of the by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in
B lymphocytes, a type of cell that forms part of 1997 to treat B cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas
the immune system. Lymphomas are “blood can- resistant to other chemotherapy regimens.
cers” in lymphoid organs. Rituximab, in combination with cyclophospha-
mide, hydroxydoxorubicin, oncovin
(Vincristine), prednisone (CHOP) chemotherapy,
Characteristics is superior to CHOP alone in the treatment of
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and many other
B-cell lymphoma is the most common form of B-cell lymphomas.
hematological malignancy, or “blood cancer,” in
the United States. Taken together, lymphomas B-Cell Lymphoma Pathology, Diagnosis, and
represent 5.0% of all cancers in the United States Classification
and 55% of all blood cancers. B-cell lymphomas Phenotypic characterization of human NHL
express B-cell receptor (BCR) (membrane bound B lymphoma cells includes histopathological
antibody) on their surface and B-cell lineage spe- detection of CD20 expression and other cell sur-
cific markers such as CD19 and CD20. face proteins. CD30 serves as an important cell
B lymphoma cells often originate in lymph surface marker that can identify Hodgkin lym-
nodes, presenting as an enlargement of the node phoma cells. Based on these markers, several sub-
(a tumor). There are neither early warning signs types can be defined that differ in prognosis and
nor known effective genetic or biochemical response to chemotherapy. Histopathology and
markers that can be used for screening molecular markers are used to subdivide
purposes. There are two types of B cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas. The subtype, diffuse
lymphomas – Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and large B-cell lymphoma, is the biggest subgroup
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), which differ in and is difficult to treat. Follicular lymphoma is the
the morphology and phenotype of lymphoma second most common type and progresses slowly.
cells and the composition of cellular infiltrate. The first symptom of lymphoma is often rapid and
NHL is a collective term for a heterogeneous usually painless enlargement of lymph nodes in
group of B-cell malignancies with differing the neck, under the arms, or in the groin. Enlarged
B-Cell Lymphoma 439

lymph nodes within the chest may obstruct air- lymphomas arise from abnormalities in chromo-
ways, causing cough and difficulty in breathing. somal translocations that occur during B-cell dif-
Deep lymph nodes within the abdomen may block ferentiation in the germinal centers. Germinal
organs in the abdominal cavity, causing loss of centers are sites of extensive B-cell proliferation
appetite, constipation, abdominal pain, or pro- that leads to the development of plasma cells and B
gressive swelling of the legs. memory cells. B cells also undergo somatic
Since some of B-cell lymphomas can appear in hypermutation process during which random
the bloodstream and bone marrow, people can mutations occur in the immunoglobulin variable
develop symptoms related to decrease of other regions which adds to the diversity of antigens
hematopoietic cells when B lymphomas invade recognized by B cells. During germinal center
the bone marrow and disrupt hematopoiesis. Lym- reaction, chromosomal translocations involving
phomas can be indolent or aggressive. Indolent the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus leads to
lymphomas are characterized by (1) a long sur- many B-cell lymphomas, including follicular
vival period (many years), (2) rapid response to lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma, and Burkitt
many treatments, and (3) lack of cure when stan- lymphoma. Common chromosomal transloca-
dard therapies are used. Aggressive lymphomas tions involve immunoglobulin heavy chain locus
are characterized by (1) rapid progression without forming a fusion protein with another protein that
therapy and (2) high rates of cure with standard has pro-proliferative or antiapoptotic abilities.
chemotherapy. People who have had organ trans- The enhancer element of the immunoglobulin
plants and some people who have been infected heavy chain locus, which normally promotes
with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) enhanced transcription of heavy chain gene in
are at risk of developing NHLs. Although the B cells, now induces transcription of the fusion
cause of NHLs is not known, evidence strongly protein, resulting in excessive proproliferative or
supports a role for microbial agents in some of the antiapoptotic effects on the B cells leading to
less common types. The Epstein-Barr virus is cancer. In Burkitt lymphoma, the fusion partner
associated with many cases of Burkitt lymphoma, is c-myc (on chromosome 8), and in mantle cell
one type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Gastric lym- lymphoma, the fusion partner is cyclin D1
phoma is frequently associated with chronic (on chromosome 11), which gives the fusion pro-
inflammation as a result of the presence of the tein pro-proliferative ability. In follicular lym-
bacterium Helicobacter pylori. A link between phoma, the fusion partner is Bcl2
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in patients (on chromosome 18), which makes cells to
with B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL) become resistant to apoptosis. Bcl6 translocation
has been reported. Several imaging techniques is frequent in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. In
are employed in order to see if cancer exists and addition to chromosomal translocations, B-cell
to find out how far they have spread. Common receptor has been shown to drive key oncogenic
imaging tests include X-rays, computerized signaling pathways in sustaining B lymphoma
tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imag- growth in mouse models and human clinical sam-
ing (MRI), lymphangiogram, gallium scan, and ples (Küppers 2005; Klein and Dalla-Favera
positron emission tomography (PET) scans. 2008; Gururajan and Bondada 2010).

Molecular Biology of B-Cell Lymphoma B-Cell Receptor Signaling in B-Cell Lymphoma

B cell NHLs include Burkitt lymphoma, chronic The B-cell receptor drives oncogenic signaling in
lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lym- B lymphoma cells. Deletion of surface BCR leads
phoma (CLL/SLL), diffuse large B-cell lym- to decreased lymphoma cell survival and growth
phoma, follicular lymphoma, immunoblastic (Gururajan et al. 2006). Also such treatment
large cell lymphoma, precursor B-lymphoblastic inhibited BCR derived proximal signaling path-
lymphoma, and mantle cell lymphoma. The ways such as tyrosine phosphorylation of
majority of the different types of B-cell Ig-alpha, activation of protein tyrosine kinase
440 B-Cell Lymphoma

Syk, and expression of the transcription factor interfere with the cell division process – damaging
Egr-1. Syk, an immediate downstream target of proteins or DNA – so that cancer cells will commit
BCR signaling, is constitutively active in a variety suicide. These treatments target any rapidly divid-
of B lymphoma cell lines and primary tumors ing cells (not just cancer-specific), but normal
from human patients. Inhibition of Syk inhibited cells usually can recover from any chemical-
growth of B lymphoma cells in vitro and in vivo induced damage while cancer cells cannot. Treat-
(Gururajan et al. 2007). BCR driven signals have ment occurs in cycles so the body has time to heal
been documented in primary human lymphoma between doses. However, there are still common
cells. The importance of BCR signaling for side effects such as hair loss, nausea, fatigue, and
B lymphoma has been shown using the Em-Myc vomiting. Radiation treatment, also known as
mouse model and anti-hen egg white lysozyme radiotherapy, destroys cancer by focusing high-
BCR transgenic mice in which the constitutive energy rays on the cancer cells. This causes dam-
BCR signaling may be different from antigen age to the molecules that make up the cancer cells
induced BCR signals. In the presence of Myc, and leads them to undergo apoptosis. Side effects
the expression of transgenic BCR without the of radiation therapy may include mild skin
antigen favored B cell malignancy similar to changes resembling sunburn or suntan, nausea,
chronic lymphocytic leukemia, while the presence vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue. Other drugs that
of antigen gave rise to Burkitt type of target processes such as histone acetylation,
B lymphoma. In this regard, fostamatinib angiogenesis, and cell signaling are being
disodium (R-788) (Rigel Pharmaceuticals), an examined for their efficacy in numerous clinical
inhibitor of Syk, is reported to have benefit for trials and in laboratories across the world. Huge
diffuse large B cell and small cell lymphomas in progress has been made in understanding both
Phase I/II clinical trials. Phase II clinical trials the biology and genetics of B-cell lymphomas.
with a compound (Ibrutinib) that inhibits the Therefore, identifying novel drugs that prolong
Bruton tyrosine kinase (downstream of BCR) disease-free survival, and drugs that target cell
have shown substantial efficacy with low toxicity signaling pathways are need of the hour. Thus,
in poor prognosis chronic lymphocytic leukemia continued efforts in all these and additional areas
(CLL) and mantle cell lymphoma and is currently could potentially see patients with B-cell lym-
approved as a new therapy for CLL and mantle phoma living longer and healthier lives in the
cell lymphoma (Gururajan and Bondada 2010; future.
Byrd et al. 2015).

Clinical Treatment of B-Cell Lymphoma References

Lymphoma therapy is usually designed to result in
complete remission of the disease – a state where Byrd JC, Furman RR, Coutre SE, Burger JA, Blum KA,
there may be lymphoma cells in the body, but they Coleman M, Wierda WG, Jones JA, Zhao W, Heerema
are undetectable and cause no symptoms. Com- NA, Johnson AJ, Shaw Y, Bilotti E, Zhou C, James DF,
O’Brien S (2015) Three-year follow-up of treatment-
mon lymphoma therapies include chemotherapy,
naive and previously treated patients with CLL and
radiation therapy, and biological therapy. The ulti- SLL receiving single-agent ibrutinib. Blood 125
mate goal of lymphoma treatment is durable (16):2497–2506
remission or remission that lasts a long time. Gururajan M, Bondada S (2010) Immunoglobulin gene
rearrangements, oncogenic translocations, B-cell
After therapy, the patient may see improvement receptor signaling, and B lymphomagenesis. In:
(lymphoma shrinks), a stable disease (lymphoma Thomas-Tikhonenko A (ed) Cancer genome and
is the same size), progression (lymphoma tumor microenvironment. Springer, New York,
worsens), or a refractory disease (the lymphoma pp 399–425
Gururajan M, Jennings CD, Bondada S (2006) Cutting
resists treatment). Refractory disease is usually
edge: constitutive B cell receptor signaling is critical
treated with bone marrow transplantation. for basal growth of B lymphoma. J Immunol
Chemotherapy (R-CHOP) utilizes chemicals that 176:5715–5719
B-Cell Tumors 441

Gururajan M, Dasu T, Shahidain S, Jennings CD, Robert-

son DA, Rangnekar VM, Bondada S (2007) Spleen B-Cell Tumors
tyrosine kinase (Syk), a novel target of curcumin, is
required for B lymphoma growth. J Immunol
178:111–121 Christian Ottensmeier and Freda Stevenson
Klein U, Dalla-Favera R (2008) Germinal centres: role in CRC Wessex Oncology Unit, Southampton B
B-cell physiology and malignancy. Nat Rev Immunol General Hospital and Tenovous Laboratory,
Küppers R (2005) Mechanisms of B-cell lymphoma path- Southampton University Hospital Trust,
ogenesis. Nat Rev Cancer 5(4):251–262 Southampton, UK

B-Cell Lymphoma Protein 2
B-cell leukemias; B-cell lymphoid neoplasm; B-
▶ Bcl2 cell lymphomas; B-cell lymphoproliferative dis-
orders/diseases; B-cell malignancy; Cancer of
B-lymphocytes; Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin

B-Cell Lymphomas
▶ B-Cell Tumors
B-cell lymphomas are malignant tumors of
B-lymphocytes. They arise at all stages of B-cell
differentiation, from immature B-lymphocytes in
B-Cell Lymphoproliferative Disorder the bone marrow through to terminally differenti-
ated plasma cells (Fig. 1). It is now possible to use
▶ B-Cell Lymphoma immunogenetic analyses to define more clearly
the cell origin and clonal history of B-cell tumors.

B-Cell Lymphoproliferative
Disorders/Diseases What Is a B-Lymphocyte?
B-lymphocytes are cells of the immune system
▶ B-Cell Tumors
that are destined to express immunoglobulins
(antibody molecules). These immunoglobulins
(Igs) play a central role in the recognition of
foreign antigens like infectious organisms, which
B-Cell Malignancy could threaten the integrity of the individual.
Igs are glycoproteins that can exist either as
▶ B-Cell Tumors membrane-bound molecules on the cell surface or
as secreted molecules in the serum. There are five
classes of Ig with different size, structure, and
function; IgM, IgD, IgG, IgA, and IgE. Each
basic Ig molecule contains two identical heavy
B-Cell Stimulating Factor-2 chains (m, d, g, a or e) and two identical light
chains (k or l). A mature B-cell carries about
▶ Interleukin-6 105–106 identical Igs on its cell surface. Both
442 B-Cell Tumors

Bone marrow Secondary lymphatic organs


Somatic mutation
isotype swicthing
D-JH VH Pre-BCR lgM lgM/D/G/A/E
lgM lgD lgM

Immature Mature Activated B- Plasma
Pro B-cell Pro B-cell
B-cell B-cell cell cell
Chronic lymphocytic
Acute lymphoblastic
mantle cell lymphoma
Follicular lymphoma Memory
diffuse large B-cell B-cell
burkitt’s lymphoma


B-Cell Tumors, Fig. 1 In the bone marrow, first the D-JH B-cells encounter antigen and are stimulated to somatically
then VH-D-JH recombination takes place. This heavy mutate their V genes. Additionally, class switching is ini-
chain is expressed on the cell surface with the surrogate tiated. Some B-cells then leave the germinal centre to
light chain to form the pre-B-cell receptor (pre-BCR). Next become plasma cells, some become memory cells. The
the light chain genes are rearranged. The B-cell now grey blocks illustrate, at which stage of B-cell differentia-
expresses surface Ig and leaves the bone marrow. Mature tion some B-cell tumors are thought to originate

light and heavy chains can be subdivided into Immunoglobulin Gene Rearrangement
distinct regions. The N-terminal variable (V-) During this remarkable process, double-stranded
regions mediate antigen contact and their amino DNA breaks are created and repaired in a tightly
acid sequence is specific to each B-cell. The controlled fashion. Rearrangement brings
C-terminal constant regions are common to all together one representative from different gene
antibodies of the same class. families: variable region (VH) genes, diversity
The sequence variability, which is necessary to region (D) genes, and joining region (JH) genes
recognize the vast number of different antigens for the Ig heavy chain, VL and JL for the Ig light
present in the environment, is created by two chain (Fig. 1). The process of VH-D-JH and
processes. The first is immunoglobulin gene VL-JL joining is imprecise; nontemplated nucle-
rearrangement and the second is somatic muta- otides (N-additions) can be inserted and the ends
tion. Class switching changes Ig effector function. of the joined segments can be trimmed back. Thus
Class switching is a process by which the the final products of rearrangement, the VH-D-JH
rearranged variable region from an immunoglob- and VL-JL, will have a unique nucleotide
ulin heavy chain gene is brought into the vicinity sequence V(D)J recombination.
of a constant region gene other than IgM or Ig- The heavy chain variable (VH) region is about
D. Typically the intervening DNA between the 120 amino acids (aa) long and can be subdivided
variable region and the downstream constant into discrete structural sections. Three comple-
region is lost during this recombination. mentarity determining regions form the classical
B-Cell Tumors 443

antigen binding site: CDR1, CDR2, and CDR3. In some lymphomas, the tumor clone has
While CDR1 and CDR2 are encoded in the nonfunctionally rearranged VH genes, as appears
germline, CDR3 is created de novo in each B cell to be the case in Hodgkin lymphoma (▶ Hodgkin
by VH-D-JH rearrangement. In the antibody mol- disease). This sets these lymphomas apart from
ecule, this sequence corresponds to the central part normal B-cells, which can only survive if they B
of the antigen recognition site. The CDRs alternate express immunoglobulins. The antigenic determi-
with four framework regions (FR1–4). Light chain nants, derived from the variable regions of the
variable regions (VL) regions are about ten aa immunoglobulin molecule, provide us with a
shorter, but contain similar structural motifs. unique tumor antigen called idiotype. This tumor
In the bone marrow, the Ig heavy chain genes antigen is now being exploited in new immuno-
are rearranged first followed by the light chain therapeutic strategies.
genes (Fig. 1). Ultimately, a B-cell that success-
fully completes this process will have a unique Characteristics of B-Cell Tumors
immunoglobulin heavy and light chain gene B-cell tumors account for about 3% of all cancers.
sequence for antigen recognition. The nucleotide For unknown reasons, their incidence is rising
sequence in CDR3 can be viewed as its molecular steadily at about 6% per year worldwide. B-cell
marker or “fingerprint.” tumors are the most common malignancies in
childhood. In adults, the frequency of B-cell
Somatic Mutation and Class Switching tumors increases steadily with age, with a median
Following antigen encounter, further variability is of 50–60 years. They occur more frequently in
introduced into the rearranged variable region men than women.
genes by somatic mutation that occurs in second- The presentation of B-cell tumors at the clini-
ary lymphatic organs. Somatic mutation can cal and morphological level can vary widely.
change the amino acid sequence of variable region Aggressive malignancies are at the one end of
genes and may therefore impact on the antigen the spectrum, which if untreated will cause death
binding of the resulting protein. in weeks but are frequently curable with combi-
The process of class switching changes the nation chemotherapy. Indolent malignancies are
effector function of the antibody molecule at the other end of the spectrum, which are usually
(complement activation, binding to Fc receptors incurable but can remain untreated for decades.
or uptake by phagocytic cells). During class The diagnosis of B-cell malignancies relies on the
switching, the DNA segment of one constant clinical picture, histological analysis, and
region (e.g., IgM) is deleted and the variable immunophenotype of the tumor. Increasingly,
region of the heavy chain brought into the vicinity hallmark genetic abnormalities are being
of another constant region gene (e.g., IgG or IgA). defined in individual entities. They frequently
This process conserves the unique variable region. involve translocations into the immunoglobulin
loci of the heavy chain genes on chromosome
What Is a B-cell Tumor? 14 or the k or l light chain loci on chromosomes
In the broadest sense, ▶ B-cell tumors are malig- 2 and 22.
nancies in which tumor cells have undergone Different ways of grouping lymphoid malig-
rearrangements of their immunoglobulin genes. nancies in a logical fashion have been applied.
Analysis of the status of these genes provides They were based on the need of clinicians to
information that defines origin and clonal history determine a suitable course of treatment as well
of the tumor cell. Figure 1 shows key steps in as the desire of pathologists to distinguish mor-
normal B-cell development and gives examples phological similarities. Although these classifica-
of B-cell malignancies that may arise at a partic- tions were used in parallel, they are difficult to
ular stage. Within each cancer, the tumor cells are compare since similar entities were often attrib-
clonally related, as revealed by the common uted to different categories. In 1994, an attempt
CDR3 sequence in the tumor cell population. was made to divide lymphoid malignancies taking
444 B-Cell Tumors

into account the combined available information necessary but insufficient condition for the devel-
from clinical patterns, morphology, immuno- opment of follicular lymphoma.
phentoype, and genetic characteristics. Also, as The analysis of the status of the immunoglob-
far as possible, the normal counterparts were ulin genes in B-cell tumors has shed new light
attributed to each malignancy. This led to the on the events which shape the malignant cell.
“Revised European-American Classification of Figure 2 summarizes the information that V-gene
Lymphoid Neoplasms” (REAL). This REAL clas- analysis of B-cell tumors can reveal. The presence
sification provides the first truly international of rearranged immunoglobulin genes defines the
view of lymphomas and has been developed fur- cells under investigation as being of B-cell origin
ther in the form of the proposed WHO (Fig. 2). In this way, it could finally be established
classification. that in the majority of cases Hodgkin lymphoma is
a B-cell tumor.
Immunogenetics of B-Cell Lymphomas Sometimes it can be very difficult to assess if
Genetic analysis of B-cell lymphomas has aided an abnormal population of B-cells represents a
our understanding of malignant lymphoma. Spe- true malignancy. Examples include low grade
cific chromosomal rearrangements in many of the ▶ MALT lymphomas in the stomach or
lymphoma entities indicate that a particular type lymphoproliferations after organ transplants.
of genetic damage in the precursor cell is impor- Here the analysis of the Ig genes can help to
tant for the development of the lymphoma. For separate a poly- or oligo-clonal and premalignant
example, t(14;18) translocation is the characteris- lesion from a truly clonal and cancerous one
tic of ▶ follicular lymphoma. The isolation of the (Fig. 2).
same translocation in cells from healthy individ- In some B-cell lymphomas (follicular lym-
uals suggests that this genetic change may be a phoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphomas), the

B-Cell Tumors, Fig. 2

Variable gene status as an
indicator of the clonal history of
B-cell tumours

B−Cell identity VH−D−JH
VL−JL V−Gene

Functional: Somatic
Antigen selected hypenmutation

Isotype switch Intraclonal
switch variants
B-Cell Tumors 445

Mantle cell lymphoma


lymphoma Burkitt’s

Diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma Malt

gammopathy of
Site of somatic myeloma


B-Cell Tumors, Fig. 3 Origin and development of B-cell out); and (iii) remaining in the GC (no arrows). Monoclo-
tumors in relation to the site of somatic mutation in the nal gammopathy of unknown significance may in some
germinal centre (GC). V-gene mutational patterns can be cases remain in the GC. CLL has subgroups, with different
used to classify tumors as follows: (i) not entering the GC patterns of mutations, which thus possibly arise from dif-
(blocked arrows); (ii) passing through the GC (arrows ferent stages of B cell development

observed VH gene usage is similar to that of determine which processes the B-cell has been
normal B-cells. In other tumor types, however, a exposed to and also suggests which “normal”
marked over- or under-representation of certain counterpart the tumor cell may be related to.
VH genes has been detected. For example, a The majority of B-cells in the periphery will
member of the VH4 gene family, called V4–34, have been exposed to somatic mutation in the
is used by about 6% of normal cells. In contrast, germinal centre of the secondary lymphatic
all known cases of Waldenstrom macroglobuline- organs. Figure 3 relates the origin and develop-
mia with cold agglutinins of anti-I activity use ment of B-cell tumors relative to the germinal
the V4–34 gene. This suggests that B-cell centre. The analysis of the tumor related VH-D-
superantigens may play a role in the pathogenesis JH genes in tumors can reveal evidence that the
of cancer in these B-cell lymphomas. tumor cell clone has entered this site, if somatic
Since gene rearrangement, somatic mutation, mutations are found in the VH-D-JH gene. Within
and class switching all leave their traces in the the same tumor type, some cases may show
Ig-genotype of a B-cell, Ig analysis can provide somatic mutation, while others do not. ▶ Chronic
important information about the clonal history of lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) segregates into two
the malignant B-cell. V-gene analysis allows us to categories; patients with unmutated (pre-germinal
446 BCG

centre) CLL have a significantly worse prognosis ▶ Hodgkin Disease

than those with mutated VH-D-JH genes. ▶ MALT Lymphoma
Evidence for ongoing mutation can be identi- ▶ Microarray (cDNA) Technology
fied by detecting micro-heterogeneity in clonally ▶ Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined
related sequences from the tumor. While the Significance (MGUS)
clonal fingerprint of the tumor is shared between
all cells, some cells have acquired additional
mutations that are not shared by other cells. This
type of pattern is found in follicular lymphoma, Hamblin TJ, Davis Z, Gardiner A et al (1999) Unmutated
▶ Burkitt lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lym- Ig V(H) genes are associated with a more aggressive
phomas (DLBCL) (Fig. 3). The tumor cells of form of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood
DLBCL and hairy cell leukemias are also able to 94:1848–1854
Harris NL, Jaffe ES, Stein H et al (1994) A revised
produce transcripts for more than one Ig isotype. European-American classification of lymphoid neo-
This provides additional evidence that the malig- plasms: a proposal from the International Lymphoma
nant tumor cells are less frozen in their develop- Study Group. Blood 84:1361–1392
ment than previously thought. Harris NL, Jaffe ES, Diebold J et al (1999) World
Health Organization classification of neoplastic dis-
Malignancies like multiple myeloma (MM) eases of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues: report
have mutated VH-D-JH genes, but all sequences of the Clinical Advisory Committee Meeting-
are identical (they are “stable”). This suggests Airlie House, Virginia, November 1997. J Clin Oncol
that MM has undergone somatic mutation but 17:3835–3849
Stevenson F, Sahota S, Zhu D et al (1998) Insight into the
that the tumor cells have then left the site of origin and clonal history of B-cell tumors as revealed
somatic mutation (post germinal centre tumors). by analysis of immunoglobulin variable region genes.
▶ Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined sig- Immunol Rev 162:247–259
nificance (MGUS) can show or lack intraclonal
heterogeneity. See Also
The available data now allow us a detailed (2012) Class Switching. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 879.
description of human B-cell tumors. Immunoge- doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1203
netics has contributed to the classification by pro- (2012) Constant Region. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
viding information that is independent of the of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 973.
morphology and clarifies the developmental doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1321
(2012) DNA. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
stage at which the final transforming event 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1129.
occurred. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1663
It is likely that in the future new methods like (2012) Idiotype. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
the gene ▶ microarray technology will help us cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1804.
understand which disease entities should be fur- (2012) Immunoglobulin Genes. In: Schwab M (ed)
ther subdivided. Additionally, we are likely to Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
predict better within lymphoma entities and tailor delberg, p 1819. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
treatment according to more accurate prognostic 5_2992
(2012) Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia. In: Schwab M
factors. (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, p 3941. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-


▶ B-Cell Tumors
▶ Burkitt Lymphoma BCG
▶ Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
▶ Follicular Lymphoma ▶ Bacillus Calmette-Guérin
Bcl2 447

been identified in numerous mammals for which

Bcl2 complete genome data are available.

Marco Ruggiero and John W. Anderson

Dream Master Laboratory, Chandler, AZ, USA Characteristics B
Molecular Anatomy
Synonyms The Bcl2 family encompasses several members
divided in antiapoptotic and proapoptotic (genes
Apoptosis regulator Bcl2; B-cell CLL/lymphoma and proteins); among the antiapoptotic proteins
2; B-cell leukemia/lymphoma-2 gene (Bcl-2); are Bcl2 and Bcl-XL, whereas among the
B-cell lymphoma protein 2; Bcl-2 proapoptotic are Bax, Bak (BAK1), Bid, and
Bad. Looking at protein structure, it is worth
noting that these proteins contain conserved
Definition Bcl2 homology (BH) domains (termed BH1,
BH2, BH3, and BH4), together with a transmem-
The gene defined in the title of the entry as Bcl2 brane domain, all being identified as crucial for
could be found written in different ways, with or regulation of apoptosis. Thus, deletion of these
without a line or a space between Bcl and 2. Just domains via molecular cloning affects survival/
like any other gene, technically it should be ital- apoptosis rates. In addition, based on functional
icized. In this entry, however, I decided to pay studies and the conservation of BH domains, the
attention to specify whether I was referring to Bcl2 family of proteins can be further divided into
the gene or to the protein. three subgroups. The Bcl2 subgroup includes all
The Bcl2 family of proteins belong to a pecu- antiapoptotic proteins, such as Bcl2 and Bcl-XL
liar class of proteins regulating ▶ apoptosis, cell that conserve all four BH domains. The Bax sub-
cycle, differentiation, and ▶ autophagy; in oncol- group consists of proapoptotic members, such as
ogy, the genes coding for these proteins could not Bax, Bak, and Bad. Both groups contain more
be defined neither as dominant transforming than one BH domain. The third subgroup contains
▶ oncogenes (such as myc), nor ▶ tumor suppres- BH3-only proteins, such as Bid and Bim, which
sor genes (such as p53). They could be best can interact with either antiapoptotic proteins or
defined as apoptosis-related genes, a definition proapoptotic members. The observation that
that stresses the importance of apoptosis (and of inhibitors and inducers of cell death interact
its dysregulation) in the genesis and development with each other by forming homodimers or
of cancer in humans and other species. heterodimers suggests that apoptosis is regulated,
Dysregulation of apoptosis is involved also in at least in part, by protein-protein interaction. By
the development of diseases other than cancer, means of two alternative transcripts (a and b),
such as autoimmune diseases, AIDS, and various Bcl2 codes for a protein of 205 amino acids
degenerative pathologies. Bcl2, a gene coding for (Bcl2b), or 239 amino acids (Bcl2a); both
inhibitors of apoptosis, is the prototype of this proteins contain BH domains for homo-/
family of genes even though other members of heterodimerization with members of the Bcl2
the family show proapoptotic properties (BAX, family of proteins. The BH4 domain is required
BAD, BAK, and Bok among others). There are for antiapoptotic activity and also for interaction
about 25 genes in the Bcl2 family known to date. with the serine-threonine kinase encoded by the
Bcl2 derives its name from B-cell leukemia/lym- proto-oncogene Raf-1, a gene coding for a protein
phoma 2, as it was the second member of a range homologous to protein kinase C, which is the
of genes initially described as a reciprocal trans- target of several tumor promoters including
location involving chromosomes 14 and 18 in phorbol esters. The hydrophobic carboxyl termi-
▶ follicular lymphoma. Bcl2 orthologs have nus of the protein determines association with
448 Bcl2

cellular membranes; also this tail seems necessary of downstream antiapoptotic Bcl2. Thus, as odd as
for the antiapoptotic function. In fact, the Bcl2 it may seem, a protein produced by HIV could be
family of proteins shows a general structure that exploited as a beneficial antitumor agent in can-
consists of long hydrophobic helices surrounded cers overexpressing Bcl2. Several investigators
by short amphipathic helices. Many members of have studied the potential use of Vpr as an
the family have transmembrane domains. Genes antitumor therapeutic. In vitro studies have indi-
and proteins of the Bcl2 gene family are evolu- cated that Vpr is cytotoxic against a large number
tionarily conserved from the sponges to man. of different tumor cell types and it is presumable
that those cancers overexpressing Bcl2 are the
Biological Functions: Apoptosis, Cell Survival, most sensitive to the proapoptotic effect of Vpr.
Differentiation, and Autophagy The antitumor properties of certain HIV proteins
The main biological function of Bcl2 protein is to might even have been responsible for establishing
inhibit apoptosis or, conversely, to promote cell a symbiotic relationship in humans, considering
survival. Other related biological functions con- that it is estimated that HIV has been in humans
cern the control of cell cycle. In fact, Bcl2, as well for more than 100 years, thus establishing a deli-
as the antiapoptotic members of this family of cate survival balance. Conversely, in the develop-
proteins, are antiproliferative by facilitating G0, ment of cancer, Bcl2 overexpression inhibits the
thus suggesting that cell survival is maintained at apoptosis of cancer cells bearing mutations, thus
the expense of proliferation. In hematopoietic cell being a key determinant of neoplastic cell expan-
lines, these functions are crucial for differentia- sion and resistance to anticancer treatments. As a
tion, and Bcl2 might also have a direct role in cell consequence, cancer cell death is delayed, and
fate decision beyond strict cell survival. In addi- cancer cell accumulation occurs. At the molecular
tion, Bcl2 family members are involved in the level, inhibition of apoptosis as well as control of
control of autophagy. As far as cell survival is cell cycle, differentiation, and autophagy occur
concerned, it appears that the cell fate is depen- through a complex process of protein–protein
dent on the amount of intracellular Bcl2 protein; interaction. In the inhibition of apoptosis this pro-
overexpression of Bcl2 is associated with cess involves heterodimerization, especially with
prolonged survival and apoptotic protection, the proapoptotic member of the Bcl2 family. In
whereas decrease of Bcl2 protein level is associ- addition to homo-/heterodimerization within the
ated with apoptosis or enhanced sensitivity to Bcl2 family members, the antiapoptotic members
apoptosis-inducing agents. In the development of the Bcl2 family also interact with other proteins
of cancer, Bcl2 overexpression inhibits the apo- regulating apoptosis, such as ▶ Caspases and
ptosis of cancer cells bearing mutations, thus APAF1. Formation of complexes with these pro-
being a key determinant of neoplastic cell expan- teins involved in the actuation of apoptosis pre-
sion and resistance to anticancer treatments. As a vent them to initiate the protease cascade
consequence, cancer cell death is delayed, and eventually leading to cell death.
cancer cell accumulation occurs. Conversely, The multiple independent functions of Bcl2
HIV-specific CD8+ T cells show a significantly proteins are mediated by the BH domains and
reduced expression of Bcl2, potentially priming the hydrophobic helices. These functions can be
them to apoptosis. The relationship between HIV grouped in two main categories: (i) a function as
and Bcl2 family of proteins, however, is complex membrane channels for ions and proteins and (ii) a
and presents wide-ranging implications in cancer. function as membrane adaptor/docking proteins.
In fact, there exists a HIV accessory protein The first hint about Bcl2 function came from
termed viral protein R (Vpr) that plays a key role studies on the three-dimensional structure of the
in virus replication and also induces cell cycle Bcl2 analog, the antiapoptotic Bcl-XL. It showed
arrest and apoptosis in various cell types including a surprising similarity to the pore-forming
T cells, neuronal cells, and tumor cells. domains of some bacterial toxins that cause the
Vpr-induced apoptosis is mediated by inhibition formation of channels for ions, proteins, or both. It
Bcl2 449

was observed that Bcl2 protein and its homo- expression and the ratio between antiapoptotic
logues are localized to intracellular membranes, and proapoptotic Bcl2 family proteins is critical
in particular, the outer mitochondrial membrane, in deciding cell death or survival.
the endoplasmic reticulum, and the intracellular In addition to the channel forming properties,
membrane of the nuclear envelope. In these areas Bcl2 family proteins interact with a number of B
they have a membrane transport function for cal- signal transducing proteins involved in apoptosis
cium ions and proteins. The channels created by and other crucial cellular processes. These include
Bcl2 insertion into membranes resemble the pores the protein kinase C homologue Raf-1, the ▶ G-
formed by certain bacterial toxins. Thus, the two proteins H-Ras and R-Ras, the p53-binding pro-
long hydrophobic helices of the protein core insert tein p53-BP2, the proapoptotic protein CED-4
deeply through the phospholipid bilayer, perpen- (homologue to APAF1), and the protein phospha-
dicular to the membrane surface, and the rest of tase calcineurin. These interactions are mediated
the protein undergoes conformational changes by specific BH domains; for example, the BH4
resembling the opening of an umbrella with the domain has been reported to bind with
five surrounding amphipathic helices resting on calcineurin, Raf-1, and CED-4. The association
the top of the membrane. The ability to form between Bcl2 and these proteins might be respon-
channels, by insertion of the two hydrophobic sible for their translocation to intracellular mem-
helices, is essential for Bcl2 antiapoptotic func- branes where Bcl2 is anchored. This may lead to
tion. However, by analogy with other channel- changes of their activity, such that they might be
forming proteins, the Bcl2 channels are formed sequestered and inactivated, or targeted for inter-
by two or more proteins of the Bcl2 family. Thus, action with other membrane-associated proteins.
there is the possibility that anti- and proapoptotic For example, Raf-1 is a serine/threonine kinase
members of the Bcl2 family form homo- or which transduces mitogenic signals from mem-
heterodimers. In fact, the proapoptotic members brane receptors to the nucleus. Association
of the family also have channel forming activity, between Raf-1 and Bcl2 causes translocation of
although the channels formed by these proteins the protein kinase to the mitochondrial membrane
might have different transport selectivity or sub- where Bcl2 is located. Once there, Raf-1 phos-
cellular localization. Heterodimerization of anti- phorylates and inactivates Bad, one of the
and proapoptotic Bcl2 family proteins might lead proapoptotic members of the Bcl2 family. Phos-
to the formation of different channels or, alterna- phorylated Bad is sequestered in the cytosol,
tively, the heterodimers might be unable to form encaged by an adaptor protein termed 14-3-3,
channels at all. Schematically, the channels and thus unable to induce apoptosis. In the
formed by Bcl2 and the other antiapoptotic mem- absence of growth/survival factors (such as in
bers prevent apoptosis, possibly transporting IL-3 deprivation of IL-3-dependent hematopoietic
back, and thus antagonizing, the proapoptotic fac- cell lines), Raf-1 is not activated and the
tors that outflow through the channels formed by unphosphorylated Bad is able to induce apoptosis.
the proapoptotic members of the Bcl2 family. For Protein–protein interaction is also responsible for
example, Fas-ligand, a well characterized inducer Bcl2 biological functions other than control of
of apoptosis, activates a member of the caspase apoptosis. In fact, interaction between the cata-
family (caspase 8) that cleaves proapoptotic Bid. lytic domain of Raf-1 and the BH4 domain of
Once truncated, Bid translocates to mitochondria Bcl2 in multipotent hematopoietic progenitor
where it might function as a channel protein to cells is critical in determining the erythroid/mye-
release cytochrome c, thus activating cytosolic loid fate of differentiating cells. Another protein
caspases which are the terminal effectors of apo- originally isolated as a Bcl2-interacting protein
ptosis. Bcl2 inhibits the release of cytochrome is Beclin 1, the first identified mammalian
c either by plugging the channels opened by Bid, autophagy gene product. Bcl2 negatively regu-
or by transporting cytochrome c back to the mito- lates Beclin 1–dependent autophagy and Beclin
chondria. Also in this case, the level of gene 1–dependent autophagic cell death, thus raising
450 Bcl2

the possibility that proteins of the Bcl2 family macrophages are the targets of Gc-macrophage
might also regulate autophagy. activating factor (GcMAF), a stimulator of the
immune system and an anticancer agent tested
Regulation of Gene Expression with success in advanced cancers (Yamamoto
The first association between Bcl2 and human et al. 2008). Although the effects of GcMAF on
cancer was observed in follicular lymphoma bear- Bcl2 expression have not been studied as yet, it
ing the t(14;18) chromosomal translocation by would not be surprising to discover that at least
which the gene was cloned. This translocation some of the effects of GcMAF are mediated
brings the Bcl2 gene to chromosomal location through Bcl2.
18q21 into juxtaposition with the immunoglobu-
lin heavy-chain locus at 14q32, resulting in tran- Regulation of Protein Function
scriptional deregulation of the Bcl2 gene. This In normal cells, once apoptosis is initiated, Bcl2
event does not involve alterations of the coding protein is proteolytically cleaved by caspases. The
regions of the gene. Subsequently, Bcl2 cleaved protein, lacking the BH4 domain, has
overexpression was recognized as a general fea- proapoptotic activity, and causes the release of
ture of various types of hematological and solid cytochrome c into the cytosol thus promoting
malignancies. Thus, many members of the Bcl2 further caspase activity. Bcl2 family proteins are
family have been found to be differentially also regulated by phosphorylation that affects
expressed in various malignancies, and some are their activity and conformation. The structural
useful prognostic cancer biomarkers (Biomarkers analysis of antiapoptotic members of Bcl2 family
in Prognosis and Prediction). Whether through its led to the discovery of an unstructured “loop
function as a channel protein or as an adaptor/ region” near the N-terminus exposed to the cyto-
docking protein, the final result on cell fate, how- plasm. The antiapoptotic members of Bcl2 family
ever, depends upon the level of expression of such as Bcl2 and Bcl-XL are phosphorylated on
Bcl2. Therefore, the control of Bcl2 expression specific serine/threonine residues within this
has been the object of numerous studies of tran- unstructured loop in response to diverse stimuli
scriptional, translational, and posttranslational including treatment with chemotherapeutic or
regulation. Overexpression of Bcl2 has been asso- chemopreventive agents. In most instances, such
ciated with hypomethylation in the promoter phosphorylation has been associated with the loss
region and resulted in increased cell survival. It of their biological (antiapoptotic) function. The
should be noticed, however, that regulation of chemoresistant tumors often overexpress Bcl2/
Bcl2 gene expression is likely to be more complex Bcl-XL. In these instances, the apoptosis yielding
than previously imagined and might encompass effect due to phosphorylation of antiapoptotic
interaction between different proteins, each regu- Bcl2 family members is quite interesting because
lating Bcl2 expression. HIV-infected monocytes phosphorylation–dephosphorylation pathway of
represent a good example of such a complexity. these antiapoptotic proteins could be an ideal
HIV-Tat protein upregulates Bcl2 expression thus molecular target for therapy of subpopulation of
increasing survival of infected cells, whereas cancer in which these cell death repressors are
HIV-Vpr synthetic peptide downregulates Bcl2 essential prognostic markers. Thus, further
expression thus inducing monocyte apoptosis. gaining the knowledge on the mechanism of inac-
As mentioned above, however, the net result tivation of Bcl2/Bcl-XL by phosphorylation
depends upon the balance between these opposite might be of significant importance to therapy for
effects, and it appears that in HIV infection human malignancies in which overexpression of
upregulation prevails over downregulation with these antiapoptotic proteins is recognized. It
the final result of increased survival of mono- should be noticed, however, that, as odd as it
cytes/macrophages during HIV infection. This may seem, in some instances Bcl2 can be consid-
role of Bcl2 in monocytes/macrophages survival ered a favorable prognostic marker. In fact, a
is of utmost importance in cancer since meta-analysis demonstrated the prognostic role
Bcl2 451

of assessing Bcl2 protein by immunohistochem- proposed instead that cancer is a chromosomal

istry in breast cancer (Callagy et al. 2008). This disease. According to this hypothesis, carcino-
effect was found independent of lymph node sta- gens initiate chromosomal evolutions via
tus, tumor size, and tumor grade. According to unspecific aneuploidies. By unbalancing thou-
this meta-analysis, Bcl2 almost paradoxically sands of genes, ▶ aneuploidy corrupts teams of B
exerted a tumor suppressor effect and its expres- proteins that segregate, synthesize, and repair
sion was associated with favorable prognostic chromosomes. Aneuploidy is thus considered a
features such as low grade, estrogen receptor- steady source of karyotypic–phenotypic varia-
positivity, and good outcome. The mechanisms tions from which selection of further cancer-
through which Bcl2 might exert such a protective specific aneuploidies encourages the evolution
effect in solid epithelial tumors including breast and subsequent malignant progression of cancer
cancer are still unclear and might even open new cells. The rates of these variations are propor-
perspectives on the multifaceted role of Bcl2 in tional to the degrees of aneuploidy, and can
cancer. In fact, it was demonstrated that in vitro exceed conventional mutation by 4–7 orders of
Bcl2 interferes with the cell cycle slowing G1 magnitude. In this scenario, the role of
progression and G1-S transition by prolonging antiapoptotic genes, such as Bcl2, is even more
G0, thus inhibiting cell proliferation. It is conceiv- paramount as they provide the opportunity for
able that in some instances these effects of Bcl2 on cancer cells to survive despite gross aneuploidy
the cell cycle might prevail over the antiapoptotic and to accumulate complex, malignant pheno-
effects with the net, paradoxical, result that Bcl2 types. In addition to its well-assessed role in
could perform a tumor suppressor role in solid oncogenesis, evidence demonstrates that Bcl2
epithelial tumors such as breast cancer. is involved also in physiological processes
such as the control of senescence and ageing.
Bioactivity In the signaling pathway of ageing, Bcl2 appears
Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes modu- to be positioned downstream of telomerase.
late Bcl2 expression with profound results on Thus, natural compounds showing antiaging
death or survival of cancer cells. The tumor properties up-regulate the expression of telome-
suppressor gene (TP53) can induce apoptotic rase followed by Bcl2 expression in cortical
cell death by downregulation of Bcl2 and neurons. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that
upregulation of (Bax). The p53-dependent neg- non-neoplastic up-regulation of Bcl2 counter-
ative response element on Bcl2 has the features acts ageing and may have potential therapeutic
of a transcription silencer, mediating inhibition roles in the treatment of neurological and psy-
of transcription in an orientation-dependent chiatric disorders.
manner. In a variety of tumors, p53 expression
is associated with ▶ apoptosis and with sensitiv-
ity to ▶ DNA damaging agents (anticancer
drugs and ionizing radiations), by enhancing Cross-References
the transcription of a gene that favors apoptosis
(Bax), at the same time blocking the transcrip- ▶ Aneuploidy
tion of a gene that would protect cancer cells ▶ Apoptosis
from apoptosis (i.e., Bcl2). Bcl2 overexpression ▶ Autophagy
is able to hinder p53-induced apoptosis, but it is ▶ Caspase
ineffective against p53-dependent growth arrest. ▶ DNA Damage
However, when Bcl2 is expressed together with ▶ Follicular Lymphoma
the ▶ MYC gene, both p53-induced growth ▶ G Proteins
arrest and apoptosis are counteracted. However, ▶ Macrophages
the role of mutations of single genes in the gen- ▶ MYC Oncogene
esis of cancer has been questioned, and it was ▶ Oncogene
452 Bcl-2

▶ Senescence and Immortalization (2012) Ionizing radiation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
▶ TAT Protein of HIV of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1907.
▶ Telomerase (2012) MYC family. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2426.
(2012) Orthologue. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2661.
References doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4263
(2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
Busca A, Saxena M et al (2009) Anti-apoptotic genes in the 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2747.
survival of monocytic cells during infection. Curr doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331
Genomics 10:307–317 (2012) Transcription. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Callagy GM, Webber MJ et al (2008) Meta-analysis con- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3752.
firms BCL2 is an independent prognostic marker in doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5899
breast cancer. BMC Cancer 8:153. doi:10.1186/1471- (2012) Translocation reciprocal. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
2407-8-153 clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
Duesberg P, Li R, Fabarius A et al (2005) The chromo- berg, p 3773. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5945
somal basis of cancer. Cell Oncol 27:293–318
Haecker G, Vaux DL (1995) A sticky business. Curr Biol
Nonaka M, Hashimoto Y, Takeshima SN et al (2009) The
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpr protein and
its carboxy-terminally truncated form induce apoptosis Bcl-2
in tumor cells. Cancer Cell Int 9:20–30
Pattingre S, Levine B (2006) Bcl2 inhibition of autophagy: ▶ Bcl2
a new route to cancer? Cancer Res 66:2885–2888
Reed JC (1997) Double identity for the proteins of the Bcl2
family. Nature 387:773–776
Thomadaki H, Scorilas A (2006) BCL2 family of
apoptosis-related genes: functions and clinical implica- Bcl-2 Binding Component 3
tions in cancer. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 43:1–67
Yamamoto N, Suyama H, Yamamoto N (2008) Immuno-
therapy for prostate cancer with Gc protein-derived ▶ PUMA
macrophage-activating factor, GcMAF. Transl Oncol

See Also BCL3

(2012) APAF-1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 231. Katja Brocke-Heidrich
(2012) Autoimmune diseases. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- Praxis für Naturheilkunde und ganzheitliche
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p Therapie, Leipzig, Germany
311. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_473
(2012) BAD. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 337–338.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_519 Definition
(2012) BAK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 338. BCL3 stands for B-cell leukemia/lymphoma
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_521 3. The BCL3 gene is a proto-oncogene mapping
(2012) BAX. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 350. to chromosomal band 19q13. It encodes a phos-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_543 phoprotein of 446 amino acids exhibiting an
(2012) Cell cycle. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of apparent molecular weight between 47 and
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 737. 60 kDa. BCL3 is an IkB-like protein that primar-
(2012) Differentiation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of ily functions as a transcriptional cofactor, espe-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1113. cially in cooperation with ▶ NF-kB (nuclear
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1616 factor kB).
BCL3 453

Characteristics Additionally, apart from its role in transcrip-

tional regulation, BCL3 seems to exert a function
Structure and Molecular Function in intracellular signaling. This conclusion results
As its main structural feature, BCL3 protein from the observation of BCL3 expression in
exhibits seven so-called ankyrin repeat elements thrombin-activated platelets. These cells are B
in its central domain. This structure is character- anuclear and incapable of gene transcription.
istic of the IkB family of proteins. Ankyrin repeats Here, BCL3 has been found to associate with the
are tandemly arranged modules of about 33 amino ▶ Src-related protein kinase Fyn. The molecular
acids. Through these motifs, IkB proteins interact relevance of this interaction is not known.
with and modulate the activity of NF-kB tran-
scription factors. The NF-kB family consists of Regulation
five members called RelA, RelB, c-Rel, p50, and BCL3 protein is modified by phosphorylation and
p52. These subunits form various homo- and polyubiquitination (▶ Ubiquitination). Phosphor-
heterodimers that regulate the transcription of tar- ylation occurs extensively and constitutively, pre-
get genes by binding to specific (kB) sites present dominantly at the serine-rich C-terminal domain.
in promoter or enhancer elements. Unlike other BCL3 exhibits several protein forms differing in
NF-kB subunits, p50 and p52 contain a their phosphorylation state. A major protein
DNA-binding domain but lack a transactivation kinase shown to act on BCL3 is glycogen
domain. Thus, DNA-bound p50 and p52 synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) that constitutively
homodimers inhibit gene transcription. phosphorylates BCL3 at serines 394 and 398.
BCL3 differs from classical IkB family mem- This modification is followed by polyubiquitin
bers by acting as a transcriptional cofactor. Hence, linkage on N-terminal lysine residues of BCL3
in many cells, BCL3 is primarily located in the and its subsequent degradation through the
nucleus. Its proline-rich amino terminus and proteasome pathway. Therefore, this mechanism
proline/serine-rich carboxyl terminus appear to regulates BCL3 turnover. In addition, GSK3-
function as transactivation domains. BCL3 prefer- mediated phosphorylation also influences the
entially binds to NF-kB p50 and p52 homodimers. transcriptional function of BCL3 by modulating
These complexes can either activate or repress its interaction with HDAC transcriptional repres-
transcription of target genes. Two mechanisms of sors and attenuates its oncogenicity. Independent
transcriptional activation by BCL3 have been of these findings, the extent of BCL3 phosphory-
described. It can either directly activate transcrip- lation has been shown to affect its interaction with
tion by providing its transactivation activity to p50 both NF-kB p50 and p52. Further information on
and p52 homodimers or cause derepression by signaling pathways leading to BCL3 phosphory-
removing these inhibitory subunits from kB sites. lation is missing.
Alternatively, BCL3 can also enhance binding of In addition, polyubiquitination has also been
p50 and p52 to DNA, thereby inducing transcrip- shown to regulate BCL3 entry into the nucleus. In
tional repression. The circumstances leading to B and T cells, BCL3 exhibits a predominantly
either effect are not well understood. The dual nuclear localization, while in several other
role of BCL3 in transcriptional regulation is cell types (e.g., erythroblasts, hepatocytes,
reflected by its interaction with the basal transcrip- keratinocytes), BCL3 resides in the cytoplasm
tion machinery and coactivators such as p300/CBP, and needs activation prior to nuclear transloca-
SRC-1, and the ▶ histone acetyltransferase Tip60 tion. Current data reveal that BCL3 requires a
and with corepressors such as histone deacetylases lysine 63-linked polyubiquitin chain in order to
(HDACs). In addition to its role in NF-kB- enter the nucleus and regulate gene transcription.
dependent transcription, BCL3 has been described This polyubiquitin modification acts as a “molec-
to function as a coactivator in complex with tran- ular ticket,” probably by facilitating the interac-
scription factors ▶ AP1 and retinoid X receptor by tion with nuclear transport receptors (called
potentiating their activities. importins) and mediating transport through the
454 BCL3

nuclear core complex. Nuclear translocation of causing its dissociation from eukaryotic transla-
BCL3 is prevented by the de-ubiquitinating tion initiation factor 4E and allowing translation
enzyme CYLD, which was identified as a tumor to proceed.
suppressor. Loss of CYLD results in
de-ubiquitinylation of BCL3, which in turn facil- Physiological Function
itates nuclear accumulation of BCL3 and tran- Knockout mouse studies provide some informa-
scription of target genes which are able to tion on the physiological function of BCL3.
promote cellular transformation. Although BCL3 is widely expressed, it seems to
play its primary role in the immune system. BCL3
Expression knockout mice appear developmentally normal,
The BCL3 gene is composed of nine exons, span- but are susceptible to certain kinds of pathogens.
ning 11.5 kb. Its transcript shows a broad expres- They are severely impaired in producing antigen-
sion pattern in multiple cell types. It is highly specific T- and B-cell responses. The altered
expressed in the spleen and liver, with no apparent microarchitecture in the spleen and lymph nodes,
expression in the brain. Transcription of BCL3 is including the lack of germinal center formation, is
regulated through several signaling pathways. In thought to underlie the immunological defects.
addition to regulatory elements in the promoter, In accordance with its observed role in immune
two enhancer regions have been identified within responses, BCL3 functions have been found in
the second intron. immunologically relevant cells. BCL3 is selec-
BCL3 itself is an NF-kB target gene whose tively upregulated in mature dendritic cells, and
expression is initiated by a number of classic its absence results in failure of normal follicular
NF-kB-inducing stimuli (e.g., TNF-a, dendritic cell differentiation. This finding might be
interleukin-1) but also upon activation of the the main reason for the observed defects in the
T-cell receptor. The corresponding kB sites have microarchitecture of secondary lymphoid organs
been found in the promoter and first intronic and T-cell responses in BCL3-deficient mice.
enhancer. BCL3 transcription is further induced BCL3 was further shown to be required for the
by the Jak/Stat pathway (▶ Signal Transducers survival of activated T cells as well as for
and Activators of Transcription in Oncogenesis). the attenuation of the pro-inflammatory
Stat3-activating cytokines (e.g., ▶ interleukin-6, (▶ Inflammation) action of activated macrophages.
interleukin-9, and interleukin-10) initiate BCL3 Moreover, BCL3 has been found to be tran-
transcription primarily via Stat-binding sites in siently upregulated by DNA damage and to sup-
the second enhancer. In mice, an AP1-dependent press p53 activation (see below). The data suggest a
mechanism of BCL3 gene expression was found physiological role of BCL3 in B-cell development.
in T cells upon ▶ interleukin-4 stimulation. More- According to this hypothesis, BCL3 expression
over, BCL3 auto-regulates its own transcription in allows germinal center B cells to tolerate the DNA
a repressive manner. The negative feedback is damage required for immunoglobulin class switch
mediated via the kB motifs. recombination and somatic hypermutation without
In platelets, which lack nuclei and cannot syn- mounting an apoptotic (▶ Apoptosis) response.
thesize mRNA, BCL3 expression is regulated on BCL3 expression is highly upregulated in
the translational level. In resting platelets, a thrombin-activated platelets. In these activated
preformed BCL3 mRNA pool exists whose trans- platelets, BCL3 is required for retraction of fibrin
lation is constitutively repressed. Upon activation, clots, which is an important step in wound healing.
an mTOR-dependent rapid increase of BCL3 pro-
tein synthesis takes place. This specialized trans- Oncological Relevance
lational control pathway is mediated by a cascade The BCL3 gene was initially identified through its
also involving PI3K (▶ PI3K Signaling) and involvement in a t(14;19)(q32;q13) chromosomal
PDK1 protein kinases and culminates in phos- translocation found in some patients with chronic
phorylation of the translation repressor 4EBP-1, lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) or other B-cell
BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors 455

neoplasms. This translocation leads to juxtaposi- Mdm2 protein, which mediates the proteosomal
tion of the BCL3 locus at chromosome 19q13 to degradation of p53. When cells are exposed to
the enhancer of the immunoglobulin heavy chain genotoxic stress, this interaction is disrupted,
gene on chromosome 14q32, resulting in high- and p53 accumulation results in either cell-cycle
level expression of the BCL3 transcript. Studies arrest or apoptosis. One proposed mechanism in B
have shown that elevated BCL3 expression is not this regulatory circuit is the ability of BCL3 to
limited to the rare cases of CLL or lymphomas induce the expression of the p53 inhibitor Mdm2
with this translocation. High BCL3 expression via its recruitment to kB sites in the promoter
has also been reported in subsets of ▶ diffuse occupied by p50 or p52. A more complete under-
large B-cell lymphomas, T-cell lymphomas standing of the role of BCL3 in human cancers is
(especially ▶ anaplastic large cell lymphoma), still lacking.
and ▶ Hodgkin disease. Furthermore, increased
nuclear levels of BCL3 have been demonstrated
in a growing number of nonlymphoid tumors such Cross-References
as breast cancer and nasopharyngeal carcinomas.
Oncogenically activating mutations within the ▶ Nuclear Factor-κB
coding region of BCL3 have not been found so ▶ Retinoid Receptor Cross-Talk
far. Consequently, elevated expression of BCL3 is
hypothesized to contribute to oncogenesis by
dysregulating target genes involved in cell prolif- References
eration, apoptosis, and differentiation.
Consistent with a direct oncogenic function, Bates PW, Miyamoto S (2004) Expanded nuclear roles for
IkBs. Sci STKE 254:pe48
BCL3 overexpression has been shown to lead to
Viatour P, Merville M-P, Bours V et al (2004) Protein
transformation of murine fibroblasts and phosphorylation as a key mechanism for the regulation
induction of tumor growth in vivo. In contrast, of BCL3 activity. Cell Cycle 3:1498–1501
transgenic mice expressing BCL3 in both B
and T cells develop a lymphoproliferative
disorder but no lymphoid neoplasms, indicating
that BCL3 overexpression alone is not
sufficient for the direct transformation of lym- BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors
phoid cells.
A few target genes potentially involved in the Hitoshi Ohno
oncogenic potential of BCL3 have been identified Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of
so far. Transcription of the cyclin D1 (▶ Cyclin D) Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
gene, whose product acts as a key factor in driving
cell-cycle progression, is activated by BCL3
through its cooperation with p52 homodimers Definition
bound to an NF-kB motif in the cyclin D1 pro-
moter. Concerted elevation of BCL3, p52, and B-NHLs are often associated with chromosomal
cyclin D1 levels has been found in breast cancer translocations that lead to the juxtaposition of
cells. In these cells, in vitro studies also suggested cellular oncogenes with the immunoglobulin
a BCL3-mediated activation of the anti-apoptotic gene (IG) loci. The 3q27 translocation is unique,
▶ BCL2 gene. fusing the BCL6 gene on 3q27 to either one of the
BCL3 can suppress the activation of tumor three IGs but also another non-IG partner. Cyto-
suppressor protein p53 (p53 protein, Biological genetic and molecular analyses have demon-
and Clinical Aspects), which is a crucial guardian strated that alteration of 3q27 and/or BCL6 is
of genomic integrity. Normally, p53 is kept at one of the most common genetic abnormalities
low levels mainly by its interaction with the in B-NHLs.
456 BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors

Characteristics “lateral grove” motif that interfaces with a

17-residue sequence (BBD motif) of SMRT
The BCL6 Gene and Gene Product (Ahmad et al. 2003; Melnick et al. 2002).
The BCL6 gene spans 24 kb and contains ten The central portion of Bcl-6 contains a second
exons. The ATG signal for the initiation of protein domain required for the repressive transcriptional
synthesis is within exon 3 and is followed by an activity. The KKYK motif within the PEST
open reading frame (Fig. 1). The Bcl-6 protein, sequence is targeted by p300-mediated acetyla-
consisting of 706 amino acids with a calculated tion, and this posttranslational modification dis-
molecular weight of 79 kD, is a sequence-specific rupts the ability of Bcl-6 to recruit histone
transcription factor that can repress transcription deacetylase (HDAC), thereby hindering its
from promoters containing its DNA-binding site capacity to repress transcription. Interaction with
(Albagli-Curiel 2003). The C-terminal region MTA3 corepressor is sensitive to Bcl-6 acetyla-
comprises six Cys2His2 zinc finger motifs, each tion status.
separated by a conserved stretch of seven amino Within the B-cell lineage, BCL6 is expressed
acids. Hence, the Bcl-6 protein was classified as exclusively in germinal center (GC) B cells.
belonging to the Krüppel-like subfamily of zinc Targeted inactivation of BCL6 in the mouse
finger proteins (Fig. 1). germline prevents GC formation in the lymphoid
The BTB/POZ domain at the N-terminus is a tissues and alters Th2-mediated immune
conserved 120-amino acid motif, which is found responses. A prominent target gene of Bcl-6 is
in 5–10% of zinc finger proteins (Fig. 1). The PRDM1 (Blimp-1), which plays a key role in the
primary function of the BTB/POZ domain differentiation of B cells into plasma cells by
appears to be the mediation of protein-protein turning off the entire mature B-cell gene expres-
interactions. The repressive effect of Bcl-6 on sion program (Shaffer et al. 2002). On the other
the target gene is exerted via the recruitment of hand, repression of other Bcl-6 target genes,
SMRT, NCoR, and BCoR corepressors (Ahmad including TP53 and CDKN1A, promotes cell pro-
et al. 2003; Melnick et al. 2002). Crystallographic liferation and survival (Fig. 1). It is therefore
analysis of the BTB/POZ domain revealed that it presumed that BCL6 is the master gene for the
forms a butterfly-shaped homodimer to generate a generation by B cells of a GC.

BCL6 Translocations ABR MTC

in B-Cell Tumors,
Fig. 1 Schematic
presentation of the BCL6 BCL6 5’ 3’
gene and its protein product. 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10
Repressor function of Bcl-6
is segregated into two
domains (Ci et al. 2008). KKYK
The POZ/BTB domain
recruits SMART, NCoR, Bcl-6 706
and BCoR corepressors and
targets genes involved in Domain: BTB/POZ Central Zinc-finger
domain domain motifs
B-cell proliferation and
survival, whereas the Co-repressors: SMRT, MTA3
central domain recruits NCoR, BCoR
another set of corepressors
(MTA3) and controls genes
in B-cell differentiation. Target genes: TP53, CDKN1A PRDM1
ABR alternative breakpoint
region, MTC major
breakpoint cluster, KKYK Promotes cell Inhibits
Biological effect:
where K = lysine and Y = proliferation and differentiation to
tyrosine survival plasma cell
BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors 457

BCL6 Translocation Affecting the IG and Non- BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors, Table 1 Non-
IG Loci IG partner genes of BCL6 translocation
Chromosomal translocation involving the 3q27 Gene
chromosomal band occurs within the major trans- symbol Chromosomal
(alias) Gene product locus
location cluster (MTC) of BCL6, which spans the
MBNL1 Muscleblind-like 3q25/3q25.1
promoter, the noncoding exon 1, and the 50 region (KIAA0428) protein (triplet-
of intron 1 (Fig. 1) (Akasaka et al. 2000). In the expansion
majority of cases, breakpoints are localized imme- RNA-binding
diately in 30 of exon 1. The translocation, there- protein)
fore, does not interrupt the protein-coding region TFRC Transferrin q26.2-qter/3q29
receptor (p90,
of BCL6. The most common type of BCL6 trans- CD71)
location is t(3;14) (q27;q32), involving the IG ST6GAL1 Sialyltransferase 3q27-q28/3q27.3
heavy chain gene (IGH) on 14q32 as the partner. (CD75) 1 (beta-
On the der(3)t(3;14) (q27;q32), the IGH upstream galactoside
sequences are juxtaposed to the BCL6 in the same
transcriptional orientation, whereas the 50 -BCL6 EIF4A2 Eukaryotic 3q28/3q27.3
sequences are fused to downstream sequences of translation
IGH on the reciprocal der(14)t(3;14) (q27;q32). initiation factor
As the result of t(3;14) (q27;q32), BCL6 expres- 4A, isoform 2
sion is initiated from the IGH germline transcript RHOH Rho-related 4p13/4p14
(RhoH, GTP-binding
promoters, which are followed by the BCL6 TTF) protein RhoH
coding sequences. Two “variant” translocations, (GTP-binding
t(3;22) (q27;q11) involving the l-light chain gene protein TTF)
(IGLl) on 22q11 and t(2;3) (p12:q27) involving the H4 H4 histone 6p21.3
k-light chain gene (IGLk) on 2p12, lead to juxta- HSPCB Heat shock 6p12/6p21.1
(HSP90b) 90kDa protein
position of the 30 sequences of IGLl or IGLk to
1, beta
BCL6 in divergent orientation (Ohno 2004). PIM1 Pim-1 oncogene 6p21.2
Non-IG partner genes and their chromosomal product
sites are listed in Table 1. The partners are not SFRS3 Splicing factor, 6p21/6p21.31
random but instead have been recurrently identi- (SRp20) arginine/serine-
fied. These include the genes for a transcription rich
3 (pre-mRNA-
factor, serine/threonine-protein kinase, cytokine splicing factor
receptor, Ras small GTPase, heat shock proteins, SRP20)
and so on. In spite of this marked diversity of HIST1H4I H4 histone 6p21.33
protein products, there are common features in (H4/m) family, member
the molecular anatomy of non-IG/BCL6 transloca-
U50HG Small nucleolar 6q15
tions. First, the gene fusion occurs in the same
transcriptional orientation; second, the breakpoint ZNFN1A1 Ikaros (zinc 7p13-p11.1
on the partner gene is located in close proximity to (IKAROS) finger protein)
the promoter sequence; and third, the complete GRHPR Glyoxylate 9q12/9p13.2
sequence of the promoter is fused upstream of the (GLXR) reductase/
coding region of BCL6 on the der(3) chromosome. hydroxypyruvate
As the result of non-IG/BCL6 translocation, many
POU2AF1 POU domain 11q23.1
types of regulatory sequences of each partner gene (BOB1, class
substitute for the 50 untranslated region of BCL6, OBF-1) 2, associating
and the rearranged BCL6 comes under the control factor 1 (B-cell-
of the replaced promoter activity (promoter substi-
tution) (Fig. 2) (Ohno 2004).
458 BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors

BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors, Table 1 the other hand, PIM1 and RHOH (▶ Rho family
(continued) proteins), both of which are non-IG partners
Gene (Table 1), are mutated in B-cell tumors, and the
symbol Chromosomal regions involved in the mutation match those in
(alias) Gene product locus
the translocation (Pasqualucci et al. 2001). These
observations suggest that somatic mutations and
factor 1) (BOB-1) translocations involving BCL6 are mediated by
(OCA-B) common molecular mechanisms.
LRMP Lymphoid- 12p12.1
(JAW1) restricted Mouse Model of BCL6 Translocation
to Develop Lymphoma
GAPDH Glyceraldehyde- 12p13.31 To investigate the role of BCL6 translocation
3-phosphate in the development of B-NHL, mouse models
dehydrogenase that carried a recombinant gene mimicking
NACA Nascent- 12q23-q24.1/ t(3;14) (q27;q32) translocation were established
polypeptide- 12q13.3 (Cattoretti et al. 2005). As expected, BCL6 was
complex alpha constitutively expressed in mature B-cell and GC
polypeptide formation markedly increased in response to anti-
LCP1 L-plastin 13q14.3/ 13q14.13 gen stimulation. After 13 months of age, the mice
(lymphocyte developed lymphoma showing the features of
cytosolic protein
human B-NHL (Cattoretti et al. 2005). This exper-
1) (LCP-1)
(LC64P) iment provided the evidence that BCL6 can act as
HSPCA Heat shock 14q32.33/ an oncogene.
(HSP90a) 90kDa protein 14q32.31
1, alpha Clinical Relevance
IL21R Interleukin-21 16p11/16p12.1 BCL6 translocations are detected by conventional
cytogenetic analysis and Southern blotting with
CIITA MHC class II 16p13/16p13.13
transactivator an MTC probe. More conveniently, fluorescence
in situ hybridization (FISH) using a dual-color,
break-apart probe for the MTC is applied to meta-
The 50 Noncoding Region of BCL6 Undergoes phase/interphase nuclei. BCL6 translocations
Somatic Hypermutation involving IG and non-IG partners occur in about
Somatic mutations within the 50 noncoding region equal frequency (Iqbal et al. 2007).
of BCL6 have been described in a significant Although an initial study indicated a specific
proportion of GC/post-GC type B-cell tumors correlation of BCL6 translocation with diffuse
(Capello et al. 2000). The majority of the muta- large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), later studies
tions cluster around the 30 of exon 1, which has of panels of many B-NHL types invariably
been referred to as the major mutation cluster showed that a significant number of cases with
(MMC), apparently overlapping the MTC. These ▶ follicular lymphoma (FL) carried such translo-
mutations are often multiple, are frequently cations. The range of BCL6 translocations in
biallelic, and are independent of BCL6 transloca- B-NHL subtypes are 5–15% in FL, 20–40% in
tion or linkage to IGs. Somatic mutations within DLBCL and its variants, and 20% in acquired
the MMC were also observed in a large proportion immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-associated
of memory B cells isolated from normal individ- DLBCL. BCL6 translocation can occur within
uals as well as GC B cells from a reactive tonsil. the alternative breakpoint region (ABR) that is
The presence of cis-acting elements in BCL6, located 245-285-kb 50 to BCL6 (Fig. 1). Translo-
which are shared with IG and essential for cation at the ABR is reported to be frequently
targeting the mutation, has been suggested. On associated with grade 3B FL.
BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors 459

MTC 2 kb

5′ 3′
1 2 3

HSP89a 5′ 3′ Breakpoint of the translocation

Translation initiation site

Heat shock element:
2 3 nGAAnnTTCn (n = any nucleotide)

HSP90β 5′ 3′

2 3

BCL6 Translocations in B-Cell Tumors, Fig. 2 Non-IG/ the HSP genes were either 50 or 30 of the translation
BCL6 translocations involving HSP89a heat shock protein initiation sites. Transcriptional control of HSP genes is
gene and HSP90b gene. Open (BCL6) and closed (partner mediated by three tandem copies of heat shock element
genes) boxes indicate the exons. The breakpoints on the (HSE). As the result of translocation, the complete set of
BCL6 gene were within the MTC region, while those on the HSEs is fused upstream of BCL6

BCL6 translocations sometimes coexist with a predictor of a favorable treatment outcome in

other IG translocations associated with B-cell cases of DLBCL. In contrast, BCL6 translocation
tumors, i.e., t(8;14) (q24;q32) and t(14;18) (q32; is observed with a higher frequency in non-GCB
q21) and their variants. In some cases, alteration DLBCL subtype, and studies on the influence of
of the BCL6 locus was not a primary genetic BCL6 translocation on treatment outcome yielded
abnormality but may have occurred at the time conflicting results. One study showed that BCL6
of transformation from low- to high-grade disease translocation was significantly associated with an
(Akasaka et al. 2003). A cDNA microarray anal- unfavorable impact on survival of DLBCL
ysis revealed that DLBCL patients with the GC patients who were treated with rituximab plus
B-cell-like (GCB) pattern of gene expression have cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and
a significantly better survival than those with the prednisone (Copie-Bergman et al. 2009). In
activated B-cell-like expression profile. BCL6 is a another series, however, BCL6 translocation
representative gene of the GCB-type signature, showed no association with overall survival in
and high-level expression of BCL6 at both the DLBCL as a single entity or in subtype analysis
mRNA and protein levels has been shown to be (Iqbal et al. 2007).
460 BCR-ABL1

▶ Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
▶ Follicular Lymphoma Christine M. Morris and Suzanne M. Benjes
Cancer Genetics Research, University of Otago,
Christchurch, New Zealand

Ahmad KF, Melnick A, Lax S et al (2003) Mechanism of Definition

SMRT corepressor recruitment by the BCL6 BTB
domain. Mol Cell 12:1551–1564
Akasaka H, Akasaka T, Kurata M et al (2000) Molecular BCR-ABL1 is a hybrid (fusion or chimeric) gene
anatomy of BCL6 translocations revealed by long- that arises when genomic DNA of the BCR gene
distance polymerase chain reaction-based assays. Can- on chromosome 22 and of the ABL1 gene on
cer Res 60:2335–2341
chromosome 9 breaks and recombines. The
Akasaka T, Lossos IS, Levy R (2003) BCL6 gene translo-
cation in follicular lymphoma: a harbinger of eventual BCR-ABL1 hybrid gene is transcribed to produce
transformation to diffuse aggressive lymphoma. Blood a hybrid mRNA that is subsequently translated
102:1443–1448 into a functional BCR-ABL1 protein. The BCR-
Albagli-Curiel O (2003) Ambivalent role of BCL6 in
ABL1 mutation causes and is diagnostic of human
cell survival and transformation. Oncogene
22:507–516 ▶ chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and some
Capello D, Vitolo U, Pasqualucci L et al (2000) forms of acute leukemia, particularly ▶ acute
Distribution and pattern of BCL-6 mutations through- lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
out the spectrum of B-cell neoplasia. Blood
Cattoretti G, Pasqualucci L, Ballon G et al (2005)
Deregulated BCL6 expression recapitulates the patho- Characteristics
genesis of human diffuse large B cell lymphomas in
mice. Cancer Cell 7:445–455
A Somatic Mutation of Bone Marrow
Ci W, Polo JM, Melnick A (2008) B-cell lymphoma 6 and
the molecular pathogenesis of diffuse large B-cell lym- Progenitor Cells
phoma. Curr Opin Hematol 15:381–390 The BCR-ABL1 mutation is somatically acquired.
Copie-Bergman C, Gaulard P, Leroy K et al (2009) Recombination between the BCR and ABL1 genes
Immuno-fluorescence in situ hybridization index pre-
occurs in a self-renewing hematopoietic stem cell
dicts survival in patients with diffuse large B-cell lym-
phoma treated with R-CHOP: a GELA study. J Clin of the bone marrow and usually results in the
Oncol 27:5573–5579 microscopically visible chromosome transloca-
Iqbal J, Greiner TC, Patel K et al (2007) Distinctive tion t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2) (Fig. 1).
patterns of BCL6 molecular alterations and their
One product of the t(9;22) translocation is the
functional consequences in different subgroups of
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Leukemia well-known Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome
21:2332–2343 (Fig. 2), a shortened chromosome 22 identifiable
Melnick A, Carlile G, Ahmad KF et al (2002) Critical in leukemic metaphase cells of 90% of patients
residues within the BTB domain of PLZF and Bcl-6
with CML. The Ph and/or associated BCR-ABL1
modulate interaction with corepressors. Mol Cell Biol
22:1804–1818 hybrid gene also occur recurrently in ALL,
Ohno H (2004) Pathogenetic role of BCL6 translocation in manifesting at higher frequency in adult (~25%)
B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Histol Histopathol compared with childhood ALL (~3–4%). The dis-
covery of the Ph chromosome in 1960 by Peter
Pasqualucci L, Neumeister P, Goossens T et al (2001)
Hypermutation of multiple proto-oncogenes in B-cell Nowell and David Hungerford in Philadelphia
diffuse large-cell lymphomas. Nature 412:341–346 was a milestone for cancer research, providing
Shaffer AL, Lin KI, Kuo TC et al (2002) Blimp-1 orches- the first clear indication that different cancer sub-
trates plasma cell differentiation by extinguishing the
types may be characterized by consistent cytoge-
mature B cell gene expression program. Immunity
17:51–62 netic changes.
BCR-ABL1 461


p 22q11.21 22q11.21
q 22q11.21 9q34.1

9q34.1 9q34.1
9q34.1 22q11.21

9 22 9 22

Normal t(9;22)(q34;q11)

BCR-ABL1, Fig. 1 Stylized representation of chromosomes 9 and 22 before (left) and after (right) recombination
between the BCR and ABL1 genes to form the t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2) and hybrid BCR-ABL1 gene

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 X Y

BCR-ABL1, Fig. 2 Karyotype of a leukemic metaphase cell showing the standard Ph translocation, 46,XY,t(9;22)(q34.1;
q11.2) (Ren et al. 2005)

Molecular Features of BCR-ABL1 gene on the derivative 22q or Ph chromosome

Recombination (Fig. 1). The 50 ABL1-30 BCR hybrid gene is fre-
Both BCR and ABL1 are large genes, at 138 kb quently transcribed and translated, but the biolog-
and 174 kb, respectively (Fig. 3), and their recom- ical and clinical relevance of these products has yet
bination usually generates two products: a to be confirmed. In contrast, the 50 BCR-30 ABL1
50 ABL1-30 BCR hybrid gene on the derivative hybrid gene is in all cases both transcribed and
9q+ chromosome and a 50 BCR-30 ABL1 hybrid translated. The leukemia-causing properties of the
462 BCR-ABL1

a Genomic structure of BCR Breakpoint cluster regions


m-Bcr M-Bcr μ-Bcr

1 a1a2 2 12 1314 1516 19 23

137.673 kb

b Genomic structure of ABLI

Break-prone region

1b 1a 2 11

173.795 kb

BCR-ABL1, Fig. 3 Genomic structure and features of the associated with the different regions are shown as ALL,
human BCR and ABL1 genes. (a) Exons 1–23 of BCR and acute lymphoblastic leukemia; CML, chronic myeloid leu-
alternatives (a1, a2) are indicated as blue boxes; the kemia; and CML-N, neutrophilic chronic myeloid leuke-
minor breakpoint cluster region (m-Bcr), major breakpoint mia. (b) Genomic structure of the human ABL1 gene.
cluster region (M-Bcr), and micro breakpoint cluster Exons 1–11 and alternatives (a, b) are indicated as red
region (m-Bcr) are shaded in green. Disease subtypes boxed regions

50 BCR-30 ABL1 protein have been proven in a • P230 BCR-ABL1: For a subgroup of patients
variety of animal models, and it is to this product with neutrophilic CML (CML-N), breakage
that the BCR-ABL1 acronym usually refers. occurs in a region more 30 in BCR (m-Bcr) to
Several viable in-frame BCR-ABL1 fusions have form a BCR exon 19:ABL1 exon 2 (e19a2)
been reported or predicted. However, depending on mRNA transcript in which almost the entire
the location of the breakpoint site within BCR, those BCR gene is joined with ABL1. A larger
associated with leukemia generally differ according 230-kD protein identifies this subgroup of
to the number of BCR exons that link with the patients, who may present with a lower white
constant ABL1 exons 2–11 (Fig. 4). The most prev- cell count than usual and with a prolonged
alent fusion genes are as follows: progression to blast crisis.
• P190 BCR-ABL1: For the remaining 50–70%
• p210 BCR-ABL1: In most cases of CML and in of BCR-ABL1-positive ALL cases, breakage
~30–50% of BCR-ABL1-positive ALL, break- typically occurs at different sites across a wider
age occurs within the 5-kb major breakpoint 35-kb region-designated m-Bcr (minor
cluster region (M-Bcr) of BCR to link with breakpoint cluster region), which maps 46-
ABL1 exons 2–11. In these cases, the BCR- kb upstream of M-Bcr. A BCR exon 1:ABL1
ABL1 fusion gene is transcribed as a large chi- exon 2 (e1a2) transcript is expressed in these
meric mRNA that is spliced into an 8-kb mRNA cases, which is translated into a smaller
with BCR exon 13:ABL1 exon 2 (e13a2) and/or 185-kD BCR-ABL1 protein. The e1a2 tran-
BCR exon 14:ABL1 exon 2 (e14a2) junctions. script is occasionally found in CML patients
This hybrid mRNA is translated to form a when it may be associated with a more aggres-
210-kD BCR-ABL1 fusion protein. sive clinical course.
BCR-ABL1 463

BCR-ABL1 Transcripts
alt1 alt2 P160 BCR protein
Normal BCR
3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11121314151617181920212223
1 2

1 2 11
e1a2 P185 BCR-ABL1 protein B
e13a2 P210 BCR-ABL1 protein
13 2 11
e14a2 P210 BCR-ABL1 protein
14 2 11
e19a2 P230 BCR-ABL1 protein
19 2 11

1a Normal ABL P145 ABL1 protein

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

BCR-ABL1, Fig. 4 Normal BCR and ABL1 transcripts shown to the right. Alternative (alt) exons are marked
and the most frequently detected BCR-ABL1 fusion above the normal transcript for BCR and as 1a or 1b
transcript variants. Corresponding protein products are for ABL1

Complex BCR-ABL1 Rearrangements to the 30 BCR breakpoint, are associated with the
About 10% of CML cases show more complex derivative 9q+ of the standard t(9;22) or with sites
BCR-ABL1 rearrangements that involve other of recombination on additional partner chromo-
chromosomal sites and may be camouflaged by a somes in complex variant BCR-ABL1
normal karyotype. In all of these cases, the 50 part rearrangements. The deletions, which were initially
of BCR is fused with the 30 part of ABL1 to form identified fortuitously after development of fluores-
the characteristic BCR-ABL1 fusion gene essential cent in situ hybridization (FISH) probe systems for
for the development of CML. However, the 30 part detecting ▶ minimal residual disease in interphase
of BCR, which unites with the 50 ABL1 remnant in cells of CML patients, are found in 10–15% of all
the standard t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2), usually CML patients, with an increased frequency report-
recombines with one of the additional chromo- edly associated with complex BCR-ABL1
somes in the complex translocations or with parts rearrangements. The deletions can be large, with
of chromosome 9 or 22 outside of the ABL1 and variable proximal and distal breakpoints located up
BCR genes. The involvement of additional partner to several megabases distant from ABL1 or BCR on
chromosomes in these complex rearrangements is the derivative 9q + or derivative additional partner
nonrandom, and sites of recombination with BCR chromosome. Deletions can occur simultaneously
or ABL1 may in some cases interrupt other gene- with the BCR-ABL1 recombination translocation-
coding regions. Whereas patients generally present forming process or occasionally as a subsequent
with clinical features typical of BCR-ABL1 leuke- step following the initial translocation. Prior to
mia, the biological and pathological consequences the development of tyrosine kinase inhibitors
of complex recombination variants, including (TKIs) for therapy, patients having translocation-
impact on treatment response and disease course, associated deletions tended to have a considerably
remain a matter for debate. worse prognosis and survival than patients without
deletions, but prognosis has since improved. The
Translocation-Associated Genomic Deletions biological basis for the survival disadvantage pre-
Another level of complexity in the BCR-ABL1 viously associated with positive deletion status is
rearrangement is found in the form of translocation- presently not known, but may be due to loss of
associated deletions. These genomic deletions, tumor suppressor genes or noncoding RNAs within
either proximal to the 50 ABL1 breakpoint or distal the deleted region.
464 BCR-ABL1

BCR-ABL1, Fig. 5 Functional domains of the ABL1 and coiled-coil oligomerization (OD), serine/threonine (S/T)
BCR proteins. (a) The amino terminal end of ABL1 con- kinase, guanine nucleotide exchange factor homology
tains alternative first exons 1a and 1b (myristoylated, Myr), (GEF), pleckstrin homology (PH), Ca2+-dependent phos-
tandem SRC homology 3 (SH3) and SH2 domains, and the pholipid binding (C2), and RAC guanosine
tyrosine kinase domain. The carboxy-terminal region triphosphatase-activating protein (RAC-GAP) domains.
has four proline-rich SH3-binding sites (PxxPs), three BCR also contains binding sites for GRB2 at tyrosine
nuclear localization signals (NLS), one nuclear exporting 177 (Y177) and a PDZ-binding motif that ends with
signal (NES), a DNA-binding domain (D), and an actin- STEV. P185, P210, and P230 mark regions of BCR that
binding domain that has binding sites for both monomeric most commonly fuse with ABL1 (Adapted by permission
(G) and filamentous (F) forms of actin. The region of from Macmillan publishers Ltd: Ren, Nat Rev Cancer,
ABL1 that fuses with BCR is marked. (b) BCR has copyright 2005)

Functional Impact of BCR-ABL1 differentiation, cell division, cell adhesion, and

The ABL1 gene has 11 exons, with alternative first cell-cycle control.
exons 1a and 1b that are spliced to common exons Normal BCR, also widely expressed, has
2–11 and transcribed into 6- or 7-kb mRNA tran- 23 exons with alternative exons 1 and 2 (Fig. 4).
scripts, respectively. Both transcript variants are Two transcripts of 4.5- and 7.0-kb have been
widely expressed and yield protein isoforms with found, and the normal BCR gene is presently
distinct N-terminal sequences. The 1b isoform known to code for two major proteins, P160 and
contains an N-terminal glycine that is P130. Although both BCR proteins have been
myristoylated, while the 1a variant lacks this site found in the cell nucleus, the best-studied role
and the corresponding modification (Fig. 5a). The for BCR is as a cytoplasmic signaling protein,
functional relevance of these and other ABL1 emphasizing its ability to regulate ▶ G-proteins
isoform variants has still to be clarified. The nor- through its guanine nucleotide exchange factor
mal ABL1 protein is a non-receptor protein tyro- (GEF) and ▶ GTPase-activating protein (GAP)
sine kinase that is localized to the cytoplasm, domains (Fig. 5b). BCR is a Rho-GEF due to the
where it is weakly associated with actin filaments, presence of a dbl homology domain and a
and in the nucleus, where it is associated with pleckstrin homology domain. A C-terminal S-T-
chromatin. ABL1 phosphorylates both nuclear E-V sequence is a ligand for PDZ domains, and
and cytoplasmic proteins, consistent with its shut- through this domain, a role for BCR in intracellu-
tling between these two subcellular compart- lar membrane-bound functions has been impli-
ments. A large number of proteins have been cated. BCR exon 1, which is consistently
found to be phosphorylated by the ABL1 kinase, retained in all gene fusions, encodes a coiled-coil
and these substrates are functionally diverse, oligomerization domain facilitating dimerization
including adaptors, other kinases, cytoskeletal and autophosphorylation, a docking site for the
proteins, transcription factors, chromatin modi- adaptor protein growth receptor bound 2 (GRB-2)
fiers, and others. ABL1 has regulatory roles in (phosphorylated tyrosine 177) and a serine/threo-
DNA damage and cell stress response, cell nine kinase domain. The functional domains
BCR-ABL1 465

encoded by BCR have been implicated in a variety genotype, evolve to develop heightened genetic
of fundamental biological processes, including instability induced by a combination of
cytoskeletal modeling, cell growth, differentia- BCR-ABL1 kinase-induced oxidative DNA dam-
tion, movement, and lipid vesicle transport. age caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS),
In BCR-ABL1 hybrid proteins, the fused enhanced spontaneous DNA damage, and B
N-terminal BCR sequences block nuclear translo- compromised fidelity of DNA repair, all leading
cation and activate the actin-binding function that to a progressive malignant behavior.
is required for BCR-ABL1 to efficiently transform
cells. Because of its heightened tyrosine kinase Clinical Relevance
activity, the BCR-ABL1 protein can phosphory- The BCR-ABL1 protein causes leukemia, with
late a range of different substrates, thereby acti- clinically distinct manifestations as follows:
vating multiple different cytoplasmic and nuclear
signal-transduction pathways relevant to hemato- • Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML): a myelo-
poietic cell growth and differentiation. Examples proliferative disorder that develops after the
of signaling cascades activated by, or otherwise BCR-ABL1 rearrangement occurs in a pluripo-
influenced by, BCR-ABL1 include the tent bone marrow stem cell. The affected
JAK-STAT (signal transducers and activators of stem cell gains a proliferative advantage,
transcription in oncogenesis) pathway, the and a malignant leukemic clone becomes
phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (▶ PI3K signaling) established. CML, characterized by
pathway, a variety of CRKL-linked signaling pro- overproduction of granulocytes in the bone
cesses, RAS and ▶ SRC pathways, and the marrow and peripheral blood, accounts for
Jun-kinase (JNK) pathway. Noncoding RNAs ~15% of all new cases of human leukemia in
also have altered expression patterns in the Western hemisphere with an incidence of
BCR-ABL1-positive cells with downstream func- ~1 in 100,000 per year. CML affects both sexes
tional impact on cell growth and survival. and all age groups but occurs most commonly
The leukemia-causing properties of the at 40–50 years. Patients typically present with
BCR-ABL1 protein have been demonstrated in a symptoms of fatigue, bleeding, moderate
range of in vivo and in vitro laboratory models, weight loss, an enlarged palpable spleen, and
including mice made transgenic for different a high white blood cell count.
forms of the hybrid oncogene or transplanted • ▶ Blast crisis CML: CML is a triphasic disease
with BCR-ABL1-transfected stem cells. and without effective treatment usually pro-
BCR-ABL1 cells are proliferatively more active, gresses within 3–5 years of diagnosis through
differentiate abnormally, show an increased resis- an accelerated phase to an aggressive and ter-
tance to ▶ apoptosis, and have altered adhesion minal acute phase or blast crisis. Leukemic
properties compared with their normal counter- cells at this advanced stage of disease lose the
parts. In transgenic animals, p190 BCR–ABL1 ability to undergo terminal differentiation,
has been shown to induce exclusively resulting in an expansion of primitive cells
B-lymphoid leukemia with a short latency, rather than mature granulocytes. The
whereas p210 BCR–ABL1 led to the develop- phenotype of blast crisis can be myeloid
ment of both lymphoid and myeloid leukemias (50%), lymphoid (25%), biphenotypic, or
with a longer latency. The molecular basis for undifferentiated.
these different disease phenotypes is not yet • Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL): The
fully understood, but possible explanations have BCR-ABL1 rearrangement is found at diagno-
included greater tyrosine kinase activity with cor- sis in ~3–4% of childhood ALL patients and in
respondingly broader range of substrate phos- ~25% of adult ALL cases. Clinical presenta-
phorylation of P190 compared to P210. Over tion for BCR-ABL1-positive ALL is typically
time, chronic phase leukemia stem cells of CML, indistinguishable from other cytogenetically or
which are largely dependent on the BCR-ABL1 molecularly distinct ALL subtypes, and
466 BCR-ABL1

diagnosis is therefore reliant on cytogenetics, bioavailability. Examples of the latter include

FISH, or PCR to detect the Ph translocation aberrant expression of drug exporters, the
and/or BCR-ABL1 fusion transcript. upregulation of parallel leukemia cell survival
• ▶ Acute myeloid leukemia (AML): BCR- pathways such as those involving SRC or
ABL1 is found rarely in AML, affecting ~3% JAK-STAT, or predisposing polymorphic vari-
of cases. ability such as the deletion polymorphism in
intron 2 of the BCL2L11 gene shown to confer
Anti-BCR-ABL1 Therapies an intrinsic TKI resistance in Asian patients.
Treatment over the course of more than 60 years BCR-ABL1-dependent mechanisms include
has evolved from first tangible success for CML BCR-ABL1 gene amplification or over-
using the alkylating agent busulfan (1950s), expression, but in many cases, resistance to
followed by hydroxyurea (1970s), interferon-a, imatinib therapy arises due to point mutations
and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation within sequences that encode the tyrosine kinase
(SCT) (1980s). Of these, SCT proved most effec- domain of the BCR-ABL1 protein. Leukemic cell
tive to eliminate BCR-ABL1-positive cells, to populations that harbor mutations within this
normalize blood and bone marrow counts, and to domain gain proliferative advantage because
achieve a sustained remission. SCT is, however, imatinib cannot bind effectively to changes in
not without risk for side effects from morbidity protein contact points or conformation at its
and mortality, and there are associated issues of target site.
In the early 2000s, a new era of treatment New-Generation BCR-ABL1 Tyrosine Kinases
options emerged as understanding of the molecu- Inhibitors
lar pathogenesis of BCR-ABL1 leukemias deep- The identification of imatinib resistance has stim-
ened. Introduction of ▶ imatinib, a synthetic TKI ulated the development of additional second- and
designed to specifically target BCR-ABL1 fusion third-generation TKIs with improved efficacy and
protein activity, has significantly improved the a broad range of activity against known imatinib-
overall outlook and prognosis for most CML resistance mutations. Second-generation TKIs
patients, and this drug is now considered standard include ▶ nilotinib, an imatinib derivative;
therapy. Imatinib competes with adenosine tri- dasatinib, a dual SRC and ABL1 inhibitor that is
phosphate (ATP) for the ATP-binding pocket of structurally unrelated to imatinib and able to bind
the BCR-ABL1 kinase, thus inhibiting further and inhibit both the active and inactive conforma-
substrate phosphorylation by the enzyme. Before tions of ABL1, and bosutinib, also a dual SRC and
imatinib, the median survival of newly diagnosed ABL1 inhibitor. These TKIs are generally associ-
CML patients was 3–5 years, but now, in 2015, ated with more rapid, and deeper, cytogenetic and
the 10-year survival rate is >80%. In some cases, molecular responses than imatinib; a lower level
the disease is no longer detectable and therapy of acquired mutations; and with lower rates of
may be discontinued. Side effects are few and blastic transformation. However, because
usually low grade. BCR-ABL1-binding specificities for each of
While successful, a proportion of CML cases these TKIs differ, so too do their respective spec-
with BCR-ABL1 leukemia either fail to respond trums of resistance-associated mutations (see
to imatinib within a prescribed duration of time below). These differing specificities, together
(primary resistance) or develop resistance follow- with independent TKI toxicity profiles, are signif-
ing a previously obtained response to imatinib icant determinants of clinical application for indi-
treatment (secondary resistance). Resistance can vidual patients, both at diagnosis and following
arise from BCR-ABL1-independent mechanisms acquired resistance. Ponatinib is described as a
that include nonadherence or intolerance to TKIs third-generation TKI because it was developed
or the disruption of cell-signaling processes with the aim of targeting a specific BCR-ABL1
to invoke reduced efficacy or low TKI mutation (T315I).
BCR-ABL1 467

The introduction of TKIs has also revolution- because their emergence predicts worse outcome,
ized approaches to treatment for the more chal- including shorter progression-free survival,
lenging group of BCR-ABL1-positive ALLs. In shorter time to progression, and shorter overall
these cases, the BCR-ABL1 rearrangement often survival. Mutations in the BCR-ABL1 kinase
co-occurs with additional cytogenetic abnormali- domain also appear in BCR-ABL1-positive ALL B
ties such as 7, +Ph, 9p-, or hyperdiploidy. with similar effect.
BCR-ABL1-positive ALL cells may also harbor More than 100 different nucleotide point muta-
one or more recurrent gene mutations, most com- tions have been described, although only a limited
monly involving deletions of the lymphoid- number of substitutions account for most of the
specific transcriptional regulators IKAROS mutations observed in clinical practice. These
(IKZF1) (70–80% of cases) or PAX5 (up to 50% recurrent mutations are clustered across four
of cases). Deletions involving ▶ CDKN2A/ regions of the BCR-ABL1 kinase domain, includ-
CDKN2B are also common, affecting ~50% of ing the phosphate-binding loop (P-loop), the
cases. Of these additional alterations, loss of imatinib-binding site, the catalytic domain
IKFZ1 identifies BCR-ABL1 cases with particu- (SH2), and the activation loop (Fig. 6). The spec-
larly poor outcomes. Overall, and prior to the trum of recurrent mutations and their frequency
introduction of TKIs, prognosis for BCR-ABL1-
positive ALL was very poor when treated with
chemotherapy. Stem cell transplant at the time of
first remission was considered the best alternative.
Now, TKIs are an integral part of treatment for this
subgroup, incorporated during a rigorous induc-
tion therapy with combined chemotherapies such
as cyclophosphamide, vincristine, adriamycin,
and dexamethasone (hyper-CVAD). The addition
of TKIs has more than doubled overall survival
compared to chemotherapy-only-treated control
groups, and stem cell transplant in first remission
is no longer universally recommended. However,
even with these advances, the survival of
BCR-ABL1 ALL still lags behind other geneti-
cally distinct ALL subgroups. A better under-
standing of the biology of BCR-ABL1 ALL will
inevitably refine therapies and further improve
patient outcomes.

BCR-ABL1 Kinase Domain Mutations

Findings from several studies have shown that
BCR-ABL1 mutations are found in ~35% of
CML patients when imatinib resistance occurs,
although incidence varies depending on phase
BCR-ABL1, Fig. 6 Crystal structure of the ABL1 kinase
and type of disease. Mutation incidence is lower
domain in complex with imatinib (Protein Data Bank entry
in patients with primary resistance than in patients 2HYY). The 12 key positions accounting for most clinical
with acquired resistance, but higher in patients BCR-ABL1 TKI resistance, including compound
with accelerated disease or in blast crisis, particu- mutation-based resistance, are highlighted (orange; T315
is in red). The phosphate-binding (yellow) and activation
larly lymphoid blast crisis, than in patients
loops (green) are indicated (This figure was sourced with
remaining in chronic phase. Detailed characteri- permission from the authors of Zabriskie et al. (2014) and
zation of BCR-ABL1 mutations is important under copyright license)
468 BCR-ABL1

differ between first- and second-generation TKIs. define a single leukemic clone. In contrast, poly-
Common mutations affecting imatinib response clonal mutations are defined as two or more codon
are M244V, G250E, Y253H, E255K, T315I, changes across different BCR-ABL1 mRNA mol-
F317L, M351T, F359V, L384M, and H396R, ecules, each mutation variant defining a different
whereas mutations with a low response rate to leukemic clone. Most BCR-ABL1 compound
dasatinib or nilotinib are fewer and include mutations are two components, with frequency
F317L, Q252H, and V299L or Y253H, E255V/ decreasing significantly beyond triple-component
K, and F359V/C, respectively. Kinase domain variants.
mutations develop even more frequently in Whereas different mutant clones are expected
BCR-ABL1-positive ALL treated with TKIs as to retain their individual sensitivity to a given
monotherapy, despite initial sensitivity, with the TKI, compound mutations can dramatically affect
most common mutations being T315I, Y253H, kinase activity and therefore TKI sensitivity.
and E255K/V. There has been considerable debate Compound mutations typically involve one or
as to whether these mutations occur during treat- more of 12 key positions (M244, G250, Q252,
ment or whether TKIs select for preexisting resis- Y253, E255, V299, F311, T315, F317, M351,
tant subclones. Several studies suggest that a F359, and H396) (Fig. 6) and have been shown
substantial percentage of patients harbor to confer varying resistance to different TKIs.
subclones with kinase domain mutations prior to Those including the T315I gatekeeper mutation
the initiation of therapy. confer high-level resistance, including ponatinib.
Some BCR-ABL1 mutations are associated Rational selection of TKIs according to mutation
with a high level of resistance and therefore poor profile is therefore essential for optimal clinical
prognosis. Most noteworthy is the “gatekeeper” outcome.
T315I mutation located within the P-loop domain.
This mutation blocks binding of the TKI to the Disease Monitoring
BCR-ABL1 protein and confers resistance to all Confirmation of BCR-ABL1-positive status is
commercially available TKIs. The T315I muta- essential for diagnosis and to ensure proper
tion is a common mechanism of resistance in follow-up monitoring of response to targeted
CML patients evolving to accelerated phase or therapies. International recommendations for
blast crisis while on TKI therapy. The P-loop is a BCR-ABL1 leukemia diagnostics include a cyto-
highly conserved region responsible for ATP genetic test to confirm presence of the Ph chro-
phosphate binding. Substitution of threonine mosome, FISH in the case of Ph negativity to
with a bulkier and more hydrophobic isoleucine identify complex BCR-ABL1 variants, and a
renders the active site inaccessible not only to qualitative PCR to determine the type of tran-
imatinib but also most second-generation inhibi- script. For follow-up monitoring of minimal resid-
tors. For many patients, the third-generation TKI ual disease status, cytogenetic and/or real-time
ponatinib has proven active against this T315I quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR
mutation, but not without controversial side (RT-qPCR) tests are performed at defined periodic
effects of treatment. intervals. Peripheral blood or bone marrow sam-
ples are typically used for these assays. For
Compound Mutations RT-qPCR, the amount of BCR-ABL1 mRNA is
Patients already harboring mutations within the estimated relative to an internal reference gene,
BCR-ABL1 kinase domain have increased likeli- most commonly ABL1, GUSB, or BCR. When
hood of developing additional mutations follow- treatments fail, RT-qPCR, mutational analysis,
ing sequential TKI treatment, and these patients and cytogenetic analysis of marrow cell meta-
typically have a poorer prognosis than those with phases are indicated, together with immunophe-
no or one mutation. Compound mutations are notyping if transformation to blast crisis is
defined as two or more codon changes in the implicated. Treatment failure is currently defined
same BCR-ABL1 mRNA molecule and therefore by RT-qPCR when BCR-ABL1 transcript levels
BCR-ABL1 469

are >10% at 6 months and >1% from 12 months increased occurrence of BCR-ABL1 mutations in
onward or cytogenetically when >95% cultured cells subjected to high-dose gamma-
Ph-positive cells are present at 3 months, less irradiation and X-irradiation.
than 65% Ph-positive cells at 6 months, and Insofar as the processes that bring the BCR and
when cytogenetic response from 12 months is ABL1 genes into direct contact within the cell B
less than complete. Direct sequencing is currently nucleus, new and relevant clues are only beginning
the most extensively used technique to detect to emerge. The application of established tech-
BCR-ABL1 mutations in clinical practice, but niques such as FISH for the analysis of discrete
there are limitations of sensitivity and the ability chromosome compartments in individual nuclei,
to efficiently detect polyclonal versus compound together with the advancement of new genome-
BCR-ABL1 mutations. For this reason, more sen- wide technologies building on high-throughput
sitive routine diagnostic technologies are emerg- sequencing methods, such as chromosome confor-
ing, such as those using high-throughput next- mation capture (3C, 4C, 5C, Hi-C), has revealed
generation sequencing to span the BCR-ABL1 genome-wide features of nuclear architecture at
kinase domain in a single read. The European unprecedented resolution. It is now recognized
LeukemiaNet regularly publishes updated guide- that chromosomes occupy discrete territories
lines for monitoring patients with BCR-ABL1 within the cell nucleus and that these frequently
leukemia, including criteria for optimal response, intermingle to impact genome structure and func-
suboptimal response, and failure to therapy tion. Moreover, the arrangement of chromosomes
with TKI. appears to be nonrandom, with particular chromo-
somal domains more commonly associating
BCR-ABL1 in Healthy Individuals depending on tissue type and stage of differentia-
BCR-ABL1 transcripts have been identified, tion. Of note, chromosome translocations that recur
using RT-qPCR, at very low levels in circulating in different cancer types seem to correlate with this
peripheral blood granulocytes of up to more than nonrandom compartmentalization. Thus, chromo-
two thirds of healthy individuals, with an inci- some bands 22q11.2 and 9q34.1 that contain the
dence that increases with age. The identification BCR and ABL1 genes have been shown to associate
of other leukemia-associated fusion transcripts in at a frequency significantly above that of other
different studies provides good evidence that randomly selected regions of chromosomes 9 and
aberrant gene recombination occurs ubiquitously 22 in immortalized, karyotypically normal
at a baseline level in somatic cells of normal lymphoblastoid cells that do not harbor the trans-
individuals. These findings also suggest that addi- location. Related findings indicate that active tran-
tional selective processes, such as immunological scription influences the probability of translocation
tolerance or cell type origin and stage of differen- formation by retaining potential translocation part-
tiation, are required for BCR-ABL1 to induce ners in close physical proximity within shared tran-
leukemic transformation. scription factories, and that aberrations in DNA
repair processes, or in the structural dynamics of
What Causes BCR-ABL1? chromatin remodeling, including motion patterns
The mechanisms that underly BCR-ABL1 gene of broken DNA ends, also have a determining role.
rearrangement and its cytogenetic mani- Overall, these models favor a combination of
festations – the t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2) or complex nonrandom spatial, functional, and temporal char-
variants – are still poorly understood. There is a acteristics of genome organization as critical for
recognized association, both epidemiologically determining BCR-ABL1 translocation frequency
and in the laboratory, between exposure to ioniz- and partner selection.
ing radiation and increased risk of BCR-ABL1 Once juxtaposed, the formation of the BCR-
leukemia. This is evidenced by the increased inci- ABL1 rearrangement requires that DNA breaks
dence of CML in atomic bomb survivors com- occur separately within the BCR and ABL1 genes
pared to the general population and in the and that these broken ends of chromosomes
470 BCR-ABL1

22 and 9 then associate and are illegitimately ▶ CDKN2A

rejoined by DNA repair machinery to form a ▶ Chromosomal Translocations
functional hybrid gene in context of the t(9;22) ▶ Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
translocation. The molecular factors that deter- ▶ G Proteins
mine preferential breakage sites in BCR and lead ▶ GTPase
to BCR-ABL1 recombination are presently ▶ Imatinib
unknown, but the ▶ Alu element is a strong can- ▶ Minimal Residual Disease
didate to facilitate this process. Sequence analysis ▶ Nilotinib
of M-Bcr has identified a single Alu element cen- ▶ PI3K Signaling
tral within a 3-kb region where more than 70% ▶ RAS Genes
of the breakpoints occur. In addition, analysis of ▶ Src
reciprocal BCR-ABL1 and ABL1-BCR breakpoint
junctions from several cases of CML and ALL has
identified sequence homology to Alu elements at,
or close to, the sites of recombination. M-Bcr also Albano F, Anelli L, Zagaria A, Coccaro N, Casieri P, Rossi
recombines preferentially with Alu elements at AR, Vicari L, Liso V, Rocchi M, Specchia G (2010)
chromosomal sites outside of ABL1 in complex Non random distribution of genomic features in
BCR-ABL1 rearrangements, and in these cases an breakpoint regions involved in chronic myeloid leuke-
mia cases with variant t(9;22) or additional chromo-
association with gene-coding domains and somal rearrangements. Mol Cancer 9:120
translin-specific binding motifs has been Apperley JF (2015) Chronic myeloid leukaemia. Lancet
suggested. In contrast, studies of large patient 385(9976):1447–1459
cohorts have concluded that Alu may not be so Baccarani M, Deininger MW, Rosti G, Hochhaus A,
Soverini S, Apperley JF, Cervantes F, Clark RE, Cortes
relevant. Further research is needed to resolve JE, Guilhot F, Hjorth-Hansen H, Hughes TP, Kantarjian
these disparate findings. Detailed interrogation HM, Kim DW, Larson RA, Lipton JH, Mahon FX,
of sequence motifs surrounding the breakpoint Martinelli G, Mayer J, Müller MC, Niederwieser D,
sites indicates involvement of nonhomologous Pane F, Radich JP, Rousselot P, Saglio G, Saußele S,
Schiffer C, Silver R, Simonsson B, Steegmann JL,
end-joining (NHEJ) pathways in BCR-ABL1 Goldman JM, Hehlmann R (2013) European
breakpoint repair. LeukemiaNet recommendations for the management of
The participation of additional partner chromo- chronic myeloid leukemia: 2013. Blood 122(6):872–884
somes in BCR-ABL1 recombination to form more Bernt KM, Hunger SP (2014) Current concepts in pediatric
Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblas-
complex cytogenetic rearrangements than the stan- tic leukemia. Front Oncol 4:54
dard t(9;22) provides counterpoint to the question Chereda B, Melo JV (2015) Natural course and biology of
of cause. The involvement of other chromosomes CML. Ann Hematol 94(Suppl 2):S107–S121
is nonrandom and favors GC-rich segments of the Engreitz JM, Agarwala V, Mirny LA (2012) Three-
dimensional genome architecture influences partner
genome that are also gene and Alu rich. This selection for chromosomal translocations in human
nonrandom participation is likely to reflect as yet disease. PLoS One 7(9):e44196
unknown structural and functional features associ- Fielding AK (2015) Treatment of Philadelphia
ated with chromosomal compartmentalization in chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia
in adults: a broader range of options, improved out-
the BCR-ABL1 progenitor stem cell. comes, and more therapeutic dilemmas. Am Soc Clin
Oncol Educ Book 35:e352–e359
Laurent E, Talpaz M, Kantarjian H, Kurzrock R (2001) The
Cross-References BCR gene and Philadelphia chromosome-positive leu-
kemogenesis. Cancer Res 61(6):2343–2355
▶ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Morris CM (2011) Chronic myeloid leukemia: cytogenetic
▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia methods and applications for diagnosis and treatment.
Methods Mol Biol 730:33–61
▶ Alu Elements Ren R (2005) Mechanisms of BCR-ABL in the pathogen-
▶ Apoptosis esis of chronic myelogenous leukaemia. Nat Rev Can-
▶ Blast Crisis cer 5(3):172–83
BCR-ABL1 471

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Lange T, Hernández-Boluda JC, Ossenkoppele GJ, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2197
Press RD, Chuah C, Goldberg SL, Wetzler M, Mahon (2012) GAP. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
FX, Etienne G, Baccarani M, Soverini S, Rosti G, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1501.
Rousselot P, Friedman R, Deininger M, Reynolds KR, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2324
Heaton WL, Eiring AM, Pomicter AD, Khorashad JS, (2012) GEF. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
Kelley TW, Baron R, Druker BJ, Deininger MW, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1516.
O’Hare T (2014) BCR-ABL1 compound mutations doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2353
combining key kinase domain positions confer clinical (2012) GRB2. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
resistance to ponatinib in Ph chromosome-positive leu- 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1603.
kemia. Cancer Cell 26(3):428–442 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2513
(2012) Hematopoietic stem cell. In: Schwab M
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(ed) Encyclopedic reference of cancer. Springer, (2012) Hyperdiploidy. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 239. doi:10.1007/3-540-30683- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1781.
8_411 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2905
(2006) JAK/STAT. In: Ganten D et al (eds) Encyclopedic (2012) Immunophenotyping. In: Schwab M
reference of genomics and proteomics in molecular (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
medicine. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 927. Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1827. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
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(2008) Ikaros. In: Rédei GP (ed) Encyclopedia of genetics, (2012) Isoform. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
genomics, proteomics and informatics. Springer Neth- cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
erlands, p 956. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-6754-9_8240 pp 1920–1921. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3158
(2009) Cytogenetic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of (2012) JAK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 813. 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1923.
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(2009) Reverse real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). In: (2012) MRNA. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
Binder MD, Hirokawa N, Windhorst U (eds) Encyclo- 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2382.
pedia of neuroscience. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3856
p 3535. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-29678-2_5136 (2012) Non-homologous end joining. In: Schwab M
(2012) Acquired mutation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2537. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 18. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- 16483-5_4111
16483-5_38 (2012) Oligomerization domain. In: Schwab M
(2012) Actin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 18–19. Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2606. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
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(2012) Activation loop. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia (2012) PAX5. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 23. 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 2798–2799.
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3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2803.
(2012) PDZ Domain. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of ▶ Bacillus Calmette-Guérin
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2805. ▶ Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Associated
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4428 Childhood Tumors
(2012) Pleckstrin homology domains. In: Schwab M ▶ Wilms’ Tumor
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2919. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
(2012) Polymorphism. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
pp 2954–2955. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4673 Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
(2012) Recombination. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia Associated Childhood Tumors
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3208.
(2012) Rho. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, Marcel Mannens
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3302. Academic Medical Centre, University of
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5099 Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(2012) Serine/threonine kinase. In: Schwab M
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3384. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
16483-5_5258 Definition
(2012) STAT. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3502.
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is a
(2012) Transgenic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of complex overgrowth disorder caused by a number
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3763. of genes that are subject to genomic imprinting.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5919 A high incidence of solid childhood tumors is
(2012) Translin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
seen in patients that present with BWS.
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3773.
(2012) Tyrosine kinase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3822.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6079 Characteristics

Diagnostic Criteria
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is a disorder first
BD described by Beckwith in 1963 at the 11th annual
meeting of the Western Society for Pediatric
▶ Behcet Disease Research. Later, Wiedemann and Beckwith
described the syndrome in more detail (Beckwith
1969). BWS is characterized by a great variety of
clinical features, among which are abdominal wall
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome defects, macroglossia, pre- and postnatal gigan-
tism, earlobe pits or creases, facial nevus
Definition flammeus, hypoglycemia, renal abnormalities,
and hemihypertrophy. BWS patients have a high
BWS is a rare, congenital overgrowth disorder in risk (4.2–25%, on average 8.6%) of developing
which babies are large at birth and may develop (mostly intra-abdominal) childhood tumors.
low blood sugar. Other common symptoms include Tumors most frequently found are ▶ Wilms
a large tongue, large internal organs, and defects of tumor (WT), adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC),
the abdominal wall near the navel. Beckwith- rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), and hepatoblastoma
Wiedemann syndrome increases the risk of devel- (HB). Patients can be classified as having BWS
oping certain cancers, especially ▶ Wilms’ tumor. according to the clinical criteria proposed by
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Associated Childhood Tumors 473

Beckwith-Wiedemann Imprinted region 11p15.5

Syndrome Associated
Childhood Tumors, Translocation breakpoints BWSCR1
Fig. 1 Imprinted genes on
11p15 involved in
BWS. The parental B
expression (imprinting) of CDKNIC KCNQ1OT1 ? ASCL2 IGF2 H19
these genes is indicated


Elliot or DeBaun, although cases of BWS are Hypomethylation at multiple maternally methyl-
known that do not comply with either set of ated imprinted regions in the genome has been
criteria. described in BWS cases. Its clinical significance
is hitherto unclear although these loci may con-
(Epi)Genetics tribute to rare atypical clinical findings in these
The syndrome occurs with an estimated incidence patients.
of 1:13,700, and most cases are sporadic (85%).
The genetic predisposition for BWS lies on chro- BWSCR1: ICR1 and ICR2
mosome 11p15 (linkage analysis, chromosome These regions consist of a number of imprinted
abnormalities, loss of imprinting (LOI), gene genes (Fig. 1). All known translocation
mutations). The syndrome is subject to genomic breakpoints disrupt KCNQ1, a gene coding for a
imprinting since maternal transmission seems to potassium channel involved in the Romano-Ward
be predominant. In addition chromosomal trans- and Jervell and Lange-Nielsen cardiac arrhyth-
locations are of maternal origin; duplications and mias syndromes. However, this imprinted gene
uniparental disomies (UPDs) are of paternal ori- is not directly involved in BWS, but a gene tran-
gin. All hitherto known causative genes are scribed in the antisense orientation of KCNQ1
imprinted. The translocation breakpoints on chro- clearly is. This gene, KCNQ1OT1, shows aber-
mosome 11 map to distinct Beckwith-Wiedemann rant methylation in 50–80% of BWS cases. It does
syndrome chromosome regions within 11p15.3- not code for a protein and functions through its
pter called BWSCR1 and BWSCR2. Within RNA. CDKN1C is an inhibitor of cyclin-
BWSCR1 an imprinting control region (ICR1) dependent kinases. Heterozygous mutations have
maps near INS/IGF2, and the second one (ICR2) been identified in about 20% of BWS patients in
maps 5-Mb proximal to ICR1 near CDKN1C/ two studies. Others, however, have not been able
KCNQ1OT1. The translocations in BWSCR2 to confirm this mutation frequency. The gene is
2 Mb more proximal to ICR2 are associated with not a major cause of BWS. It is, however, possible
an imprinted gene ZNF214, but no direct correla- that in certain countries the mutation frequency is
tion to BWS has been found so far for this gene. elevated (e.g., Asia). In addition, it has been
This already points to genetic heterogeneity, reported that this gene is more frequently involved
but also at the clinical level, there seems to be in familial cases of BWS. CDKN1C mouse
heterogeneity. Most cases with exomphalos models revealed some of the clinical BWS fea-
have an ICR2 abnormality, while Wilms tumor tures such as omphalocele and renal adrenal cor-
and hemihyperplasia/organomegaly are pre- tex anomalies. In humans, CDKN1C also seems
dominantly associated with ICR1. All genes to be more frequently associated with abdominal
involved are subject to genomic ▶ imprinting. wall defects. Another gene involved in the
474 Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Associated Childhood Tumors

etiology of BWS is the embryonic growth factor methylation of IGF2/H19. These former cases
IGF2. Mouse models overexpressing IGF2 often show UPD for 11p15 (in a mosaic form)
displayed a phenotype overlapping with the which explains this aberrant methylation for mul-
BWS phenotype. Loss of IGF2 imprinting is tiple genes. However, the majority of cases with
often seen in BWS patients. H19, another noncod- KCNQ1OT1 defects and some cases with
ing gene, lies downstream of IGF2 and the expres- H19/IGF2 defects have no UPD 11p15. There-
sion of IGF2 and H19 seems to be linked. H19 is fore, an imprinting switch can be assumed,
important for the maintenance of the imprinting involving an imprinting center analogous to the
status of IGF2. Mouse studies underline the link Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes. The cur-
between IGF2 and H19 expression and over- rent data are most compatible with two distinct
growth phenotypes were found. H19 loss of imprinting centers for either KCNQ1OT1 or
imprinting (silencing of the gene) is frequently IGF2/H19. CDKN1C mutation analyses might
seen in BWS cases although not always in com- be considered, especially in familial cases of BW-
bination with IGF2 loss of imprinting (LOI). S. The increased tumor risk for BWS patients
Interestingly, overexpression of H19 seems to seems to be associated with UPD in general and
lead to Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS), character- H19 methylation defects in particular. KCNQOT1
ized by intrauterine growth retardation, poor post- methylation defects only seem to be a reliable
natal growth, asymmetry, a classic facial prognostic factor since tumors are seldomly asso-
phenotype, and no increased risk for childhood ciated with this group of patients. Recurrence
tumors. Finally a gene called ASCL2 is localized risks for a second pregnancy can be assessed
to the 11p15 imprinted region. Although no direct with UPD studies. In cases of a UPD in a mosaic
involvement in the BWS etiology is known, this form, there is no increased recurrence risk for
gene might account for the fact that most, if not BWS in a second pregnancy since the genetic
all, BWS cases with uniparental disomy (UPD) defect occurred post-fertilization.
present in a mosaic form. The mouse homologue
codes for a transcription factor, which is expressed BWS-Associated Tumors
during early mouse development and is essential Although childhood solid tumors associated with
for the development of the placenta. Therefore, BWS share some common genetic features, the
also in humans, complete lack of expression spectrum of genetic changes found in these
might be lethal. tumors is diverse and complicated with many
genetic alterations seen.
Two patients with balanced chromosomal trans- Wilms Tumor
locations define this second chromosomal region, The tumor most often found to be associated with
one of which developed a Wilms tumor. Both BWS is Wilms tumor (WT) or nephroblastoma
translocations in 11p15.4 disrupt a paternally (59% of the tumors found in BWS patients). Over-
imprinted zinc-binding finger gene ZNF215. all it occurs with a frequency of 1 in 10,000
Parts of the 30 end of this gene are transcribed children, mostly in children under the age of
from the antisense strand of a second zinc finger 5 years. In patients suffering from BWS, the inci-
gene, ZNF214. dence is 800–1000 times increased. A high per-
centage (38%) shows loss of heterozygosity
Diagnostics (LOH) of chromosome 11p. This region can be
BWS can be diagnosed in the laboratory with subdivided roughly into two parts: LOH of
cytogenetics (<5%) or DNA diagnostics. The markers on 11p13 and LOH of markers on
current major test involves methylation assays or 11p15. The region on 11p13 has been shown to
LOI studies at the RNA level. The majority of be deleted in patients affected by WAGR. WAGR
cases (50–80%) exhibit aberrant methylation stands for the combined occurrence of sporadic
of KCNQ1OT1 with or without aberrant aniridia, WT, genitourinary abnormalities, and
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Associated Childhood Tumors 475

mental retardation. A gene in the candidate region Chromosome regions showing loss of DNA in
(WT1) has been cloned. Mutations of this gene three or more samples included 1p (11%), 11p
occur in only 10–15% of sporadic Wilms tumors, (9%), 16q (13%), and 17p (7%). Regions showing
suggesting the existence of additional genes gain of DNA in three or more samples included 1q
involved in the development of this tumor. The (20%), 7q (9%), 8 (7%), 12q (17%), 17q (7%), B
Denys-Drash syndrome, another syndrome asso- and 18 (7%). In 2007, it became clear that a
ciated with Wilms tumor, shows constitutional somatic deletion of an X-linked gene (WTX) is
mutations of the WT1. The region on 11p15 found in 1/3 Wilms tumors.
showing LOH in WTs can be subdivided into As expected, imprinting seems to play a
two regions: An 800 kb region containing the major role in WT development since 11p15
WT2 locus near IGF2 and an additional locus of LOH is always of maternal origin. This resulted
336 kb proximal to WT2. WT can also be found in in the hypothesis that a paternally imprinted
association with other syndromes, like the trisomy tumor suppressor gene is involved in Wilms
18 syndrome, the Perlman and the Simpson- tumorigenesis. Alternatively, a maternally
Golabi-Behmel syndromes, the Sotos syndrome, imprinted gene involved in stimulation of cell
and the Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome. The ▶ Li- growth could be involved in the cases showing
Fraumeni syndrome is a rare familial tumor syn- paternal UPD of (part of) chromosome 11. At
drome, and patients suffering from this disease present there are three candidate genes on
contain germline point mutations in the p53 11p15 that show parent-of-origin-dependent
tumor suppressor gene. The tumors that develop monoallelic expression and belong to one of
in these patients show a deletion of the wild-type these two categories: the tumor suppressor
p53 allele. Although WT is not considered to be genes H19 and CDKN1C which are maternally
part of the Li-Fraumeni syndrome, there have expressed and the paternally expressed growth-
been few reports of the occurrence of WT in promoting gene IGF2. Evidence for the involve-
families affected by this syndrome. Mutations in ment of these genes has been found, i.e., loss of
the tumor suppressor gene p53 have been found in imprinting or increased expression of IGF2 or
sporadic WTs and seem to be associated with a reduced expression of CDKN1C or H19.
histological subtype. In a series of 140 WTs,
mutations were restricted to tumors of the anaplas- Adrenocortical Carcinoma
tic subtype, showing aberrations in 8/11 samples. The second most common tumor found in BWS
This subtype is linked to a poor prognosis. In patients is adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC). It is
10–25% of the Wilms tumors, LOH of 16q found in 15% of patients that develop a tumor. In
markers is found. It has been suggested that the general population, ACC is found to be an
LOH of 16q is associated with an adverse prog- extremely rare tumor with an incidence of 1.7
nosis. Another genetic abnormality, which seems new cases per 1,000,000 per year. As in BWS,
to confer an adverse outcome, is LOH of 1p. This IGF2 seems to be involved in sporadic ACC
abnormality was found in 12% and 18% of the tumorigenesis. A considerable proportion of the
cases, respectively. Chromosome 7 also seems to malignant tumors (60%) display LOH of the
be involved in Wilms tumor. According to the 11p15.5 region, presumably all representing uni-
literature in 23% of the cases, chromosome 7 is parental disomies. This is seen in both adult and
rearranged. Another region found to be frequently childhood ACCs. In these cases a good correlation
involved in LOH (14%) is on chromosome 22q. In was found with overexpression of the IGF2 gene.
a study which quantified chromosome 12 allelic These phenomena were found in a much smaller
imbalance in a series of 28 Wilms tumors, dupli- percentage in the benign adenomas. It has been
cations were detected in 18%. An inventory of all hypothesized that adrenocortical tumorigenesis is
quantitative chromosome aberrations occurring in a multistep process with sequential progression
a series of 46 WTs was made using comparative from the normal to the adenomatous and then to
genomic hybridization analysis (CGH). the malignant cell. If this is the case, then IGF2
476 Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Associated Childhood Tumors

could be involved in the transition from adenoma children under the age of 15 years. It occurs with
to carcinoma. ACC is also found in association a frequency of 1.3–4.5 cases per million children
with other syndromes. One of these is the per year. Based on their histology, rhabdomyosar-
Li-Fraumeni syndrome, which is associated with comas can be subdivided into three major sub-
mutations of the p53 gene on chromosome 17p. In types: embryonal (E-RMS), alveolar (A-RMS),
one study, in which sporadic ACCs were analyzed and pleomorphic (P-RMS) rhabdomyosarcoma,
for the presence of LOH at three different chro- of which E-RMS is the subtype associated with
mosome regions, chromosome 17p (containing BWS. Of all newly diagnosed cases 60% are
the p53 gene) had become homozygous in all E-RMS and 20% are A-RMS. Patients with
informative samples. LOH of 17p was not found E-RMS have a better prognosis than patients
in adrenocortical adenoma, the benign counterpart with A-RMS. LOH of chromosome 11p is an
of ACC. Again, if the hypothesis that adrenocor- abnormality found frequently in RMS. In one
tical tumors develop from normal tissue to adeno- study it was found in 72% of primary E-RMS
mas to carcinomas is correct, this would mean that and 20% of primary A-RMS. A gene located in
LOH of 17p could be a late event in ACC tumor- this region, GOK (gene on chromosome 11) or
igenesis. Two other groups identified mutations in STIM1 (stromal interaction molecule 1), was pos-
the p53 gene in 30% of sporadic ACCs. In tulated to be a candidate tumor suppressor gene in
addition, CGH analysis showed loss of 17p in RMS. No expression was found in seven RMS
50% of the (sporadic) cases. Another hereditary cell lines, and transfection of the gene into the
tumor syndrome associated with adrenocortical RMS cell line RD was followed by growth arrest
tumors is ▶ multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 of the cells. LOH of 16q was also found in both
(MEN1). In most cases associated with MEN1, types (in 55% of E-RMS and 40% of A-RMS). In
adrenocortical adenomas are found. The disease is total, LOH of 6p was found in 28% and LOH of
caused by mutation of the menin tumor suppressor 18p in 32% of the cases. Studies of A-RMS have
gene (MEN1), located at 11q13. shown that they often (90%) contain a specific
Other regions found to be lost in ACCs include translocation. In most of these cases (68%), a t
chromosome 13q, which was shown to have lost (2;13)(q35;q14) is found. In a smaller subset of
heterozygosity in 50% of informative patients, A-RMS (14%), a variant translocation of t(1;13)
and chromosome 2. Genetic aberrations that (p36;q14) has been detected. Both these translo-
were found in 38% of the tumors in this study cations cause the formation of a chimeric protein.
were gains of chromosomes 12, 15q, 16q, and 19p In the case of the t(2;13), a PAX3-FKHR fusion
and losses of chromosomes 3p, 6q, 8p, 9p, 11p, product is expressed, and in tumors with the t
17q, 18q, and 22q. There are numerous differ- (1;13), a PAX7-FOXO1A product is detected.
ences between the genetic aberrations found in PAX3 and PAX7 are both transcription factors
adrenocortical adenomas and adrenocortical car- involved in embryonal myogenesis. In the chime-
cinomas. These differences may reflect various ric proteins, the DNA-binding domains of the
stages along the carcinogenic pathway. PAX genes are retained and fused to the
Evidence for an involvement of imprinting in C-terminal region of the FKHR gene containing
ACC again comes from LOH 11p15 studies a strong transactivation domain. It has therefore
(maternal loss) and LOI and expression studies been proposed that both fusion proteins function
for IGF2 and H19. It should be noted that LOI of as transcription factors that aberrantly regulate
IGF2 was associated with the malignant pheno- transcription of genes, controlled by PAX3 or
type, since it was not detected in the adenomas but PAX7 binding sites. The PAX3-FOXO1A fusion
only in the carcinomas. protein has been shown to be a strong transcrip-
tional activator. In addition both PAX3-FOXO1A
Rhabdomyosarcoma and PAX7-FOXO1A are overexpressed
Although rare, rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) repre- in A-RMS either by increased transcription
sents the most common soft-tissue sarcoma in (PAX3-FOXO1A) or by gene amplification
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Associated Childhood Tumors 477

(PAX7-FOXO1A). Although the presence of (paternal LOH, LOI of IGF2). Increased expres-
either translocation is considered to be a charac- sion of IGF2 in tumors with monoallelic expres-
teristic of A-RMS, some cases with the t(1;13) sion of the gene confirm the important role
show mixed histology of both the embryonal and postulated for IGF2 in the development of this
the alveolar type, and a case of E-RMS containing tumor. The imprinting status of H19 has also B
the t(2;13) has been described. In addition the age been examined in RMS and was found to be
at diagnosis in patients with the t(1;13) is more normal in both subtypes. However, the expression
consistent with E-RMS. Cytogenetic analysis of was reduced significantly in 13/15 E-RMS and
RMS showed a high incidence of trisomy 2 (in 9/9 2/11 A-RMS. This phenomenon was associated
E-RMS samples) and a high incidence of struc- with either loss of the maternal (expressed) allele
tural rearrangements of chromosomes 1 and or LOI of IGF2. In contrast to the situation for
3 (both in 4/5 RMS samples). The alterations on Wilms tumor, reduced expression of H19 was not
chromosome 3 seem to cluster within 3p14–21. seen in all cases with LOI of IGF2.
The presence of a der(16)t(1;16)(q21;q13) is also
noted in both RMS types and has been categorized Hepatoblastoma
as a secondary structural abnormality. RMS was Hepatoblastoma (HB) is a rare malignant epithe-
one of the first tumors found to be associated with lial tumor of the liver with an incidence of one
the Li-Fraumeni syndrome. DNA amplifications case per million children. However, it is the most
have been identified for regions on chromosome common malignant hepatic neoplasm of child-
2p and 12q. Both A-RMS and E-RMS have been hood, and occurs with a predominance in males.
studied by CGH and the results showed clear Although most cases are sporadic, some HBs are
differences between the two RMS subtypes. Aber- associated with either BWS or familial adenoma-
rations found in E-RMS concerned gains and tous polyposis coli (FAP; ▶ APC gene in Familial
losses of whole chromosomes or large parts of Adenomatous Polyposis). Since FAP patients
chromosomes: Gains were most frequently carry mutations in the adenomatous polyposis
found for chromosomes 2, 8, 12, and 13 (in 6/10 coli (APC) gene, sporadic HBs have also been
cases), chromosome 7 (in 5/10 cases), and chro- analyzed for the presence of mutations in this
mosomes 17, 18, and 19 (in 4/10 cases). Losses gene. Indeed, alterations of the APC gene were
were identified most often for chromosome found in 69% of the sporadic cases. When FAP
16 (in 4/10 cases), chromosome 10 (in 3/10 occurs in combination with extracolonic symp-
cases) and chromosomes 14 and 15 (in 2/10 toms it is commonly referred to as Gardner syn-
cases). One tumor showed an amplification of drome. Patients suffering from this disease also
12q13-q15. In the A-RMS samples whole have an increased risk for the development of
(or part of) chromosome gains and losses were HB. The trisomy 18 syndrome can also be asso-
found to a much smaller extent. In ten tumors and ciated with HB, as has been found in four patients.
four cell lines gain of chromosome 17q was found One of the phenotypic features of trisomy 18 syn-
in four cases. However, in a high percentage drome is the presence of an omphalocele (also
amplifications were present. Chromosome found in BWS patients). It has been suggested
regions most often involved were 12q13-q15 that this feature may be one of the factors impor-
(in seven cases) and 2p25 (in five cases). The tant in the development of HB in cases in which
latter region contains the N-MYC gene which is part of the liver has herniated into the
known to be amplified in A-RMS. The regions omphalocele. As was found for the other
containing the PAX7 and FKHR genes on 1p36 BWS-associated tumors, LOH of 11p15 has also
and 13q14 were found to be amplified in two been found independently by several researchers
cases. for HB (up to 33%). An LOH study of chromo-
As for Wilms tumor, abnormal genomic some 1 showed frequent loss of alleles in HBs. In
imprinting of chromosome region 11p15 appears 32 cases 34% had lost heterozygosity for (a part
to play a role in the development of RMS of) chromosome 1, of which 22% were
478 Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Associated Childhood Tumors

homozygous for markers on the (distal) short arm. However, this is found in a large proportion of
There has been a report of the occurrence of HB in all cancers and therefore is considered not to be
the Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and in addition one specific for the development of tumors associated
study showed mutation of the p53 gene in 1/3 with the BWS.
sporadic HB samples. Cytogenetic analysis of Besides genetic evidence, there are also path-
HB revealed certain consistent chromosome ological data indicating an association between
anomalies. Extra copies of chromosomes 2q and these tumors. Both WT and HB may contain
20 are most frequently found. There has also been rhabdomyomatous tissue, whereas primary
a report about a recurring translocation: t(1;4) tumors of the liver have been shown to consist
(q12;q34) that results in partial trisomy of most of ACC and RMS.
of chromosome arm 1q and partial monosomy of There are also several chromosome aberrations
distal 4q. CGH analysis identified mostly gain of found in a subset of these tumors. When consid-
DNA. Chromosomes affected in more than 30% ering abnormalities found in three of the four
of the cases included 1, 2, 7, 8 and 17. When tumor types, there seems to be a strong connection
determining the parental origin of 11p alleles lost between WT, E-RMS, and HB. They share seven
in HBs it became clear that in this common genetic abnormalities. Besides the
BWS-associated tumor LOH of 11p15.5 was abnormalities already mentioned above, they all
exclusively of maternal origin. When looking might contain extra copies of chromosomes 7q,
directly at the imprinting status of the IGF2 and 8, and 17q. Therefore, these chromosome regions
H19 genes biallelic expression was detected. Two may contain genes that play a role in the normal
studies showed LOI of IGF2 with normal imprint- embryonic development of the affected tissues.
ing of H19 in 1/3 HBs and in 1/5 HBs. A third Since these affected regions are large, it would
study showed LOI of both genes in 1/5 cases. be very difficult to identify the genes involved.
More interesting therefore is the abnormality of
Common Genetic Pathways chromosome 1p that was found in these tumors.
When reviewing all genetic and epigenetic data, it This presented either as LOH or structural abnor-
becomes clear that the most evident abnormality mality of the short arm of chromosome 1. Since
found in all BWS-associated tumors affects chro- these aberrations affect small(er) regions of the
mosome region 11p15. This is the region to which chromosome, they may be very helpful in the
the syndrome has been linked. All four tumor identification of genes. This applies especially to
types show LOH of markers in this region. To the analysis of translocation breakpoint regions,
date, data has been published for all except ACC as has been shown for the regions involved in
showing LOH affecting the maternal allele, with BWS. Extra copies of chromosome 12 have been
retention of the paternal allele (one ACC with identified in the subset consisting of WT, ACC,
paternal UPD has been described). This suggests and E-RMS. These tumors are also characterized
the involvement of genomic imprinting. Indeed, by increased expression of IGF2.
abnormal imprinting was found for these tumors, When analyzing the published data, it becomes
as it was for BWS: They display LOI of the clear that WT and E-RMS share most genetic
maternally imprinted IGF2 gene. Therefore, this aberrations, with a total of 12. Therefore, the
growth factor may play a central role in the devel- genetic relationship is most evident between
opment of the overgrowth syndrome and its asso- these two tumor types. In addition to the abnor-
ciated tumors. Increased expression has been malities already mentioned, they have both been
noted for WT, ACC, and E-RMS, and LOI of shown to contain extra copies of chromosome
IGF2 has been associated with decreased expres- 18, and in both tumor types decreased expression
sion of the supposed tumor suppressor gene H19. of H19 has been found. Further elucidation of the
There is an additional genetic abnormality common genetic pathways involved in the etiol-
common between all four types of neoplasms. ogy of the BWS-associated tumors awaits identi-
They all show mutations in the p53 gene. fication of the genes involved.
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia 479

Cross-References ulcers, genital ulcers, and uveitis. This complex,

multisystemic disease includes involvement of the
▶ APC Gene in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis mucocutaneous, ocular, cardiovascular, renal,
▶ Imprinting gastrointestinal, pulmonary, urologic, and central
▶ Li-Fraumeni Syndrome nervous systems and the joints, blood vessels, B
▶ Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 and lungs. It is characterized by oral aphthae
▶ Wilms’ Tumor and by at least two of the following: (i) genital
aphthae, (ii) synovitis, (iii) posterior
uveitis, (iv) cutaneous pustular vasculitis,
(v) meningoencephalitis, (vi) recurrent genital
Beckwith J (1969) Macroglossia, omphalocele, adrenal ulcers, and (vii) uveitis in the absence of inflam-
cytomegaly, gigantism and hyperplastic visceromegaly. matory bowel disease or collagen vascular dis-
Birth Defects 5:188–196 ease. The cause of BD is not known; however,
Bliek J, Gicquel C, Maas S et al (2004) Epigenotyping as a immunogenetics, immune regulation, vascular
tool for the prediction of tumour type and tumour risk in
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome patients. J Pediatr abnormalities, or bacterial and viral infection
145:796–799 may have a role in its development.
Eggermann T, Algar E et al (2014) Clinical utility card for:
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. Eur J Hum
Genet 22(3). doi:10.1038/ejhg.2013.132. Epub 3 July
Steenman M, Westerveld A, Mannens M (2000) Genetics
of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome associated tumors: Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
common genetic pathways. Genes Chromosom Cancer
Wiedemann H (1964) Complexe malformatif familial avec
hernie ombilicale et macroglossie, un ‘syndrome nou-
veau’. J Genet Hum 13:223–232 Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) or “enlarged
prostate” is a condition that can cause many of the
See Also same symptoms as prostate cancer. BPH is a
(2012) FOXO1A. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of noncancerous increase in the size and number of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1447.
cells that make up the prostate. BPH is almost
(2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, always found in older men. Since women do not
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2747. have a prostate, they cannot get BPH. Young men
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331 almost never experience symptoms of an enlarged
prostate either. The prostate enlarges over the
course of many years of exposure to male hor-
mones, and young men typically have not had
enough years of exposure for symptoms to show
Behcet Disease up. During puberty, the prostate goes through a
phase of very rapid enlargement, but these levels
Synonyms off once puberty is completed. Starting in midlife,
the prostate begins growing again but very slowly
BD this time. It is thought that these periods of growth
result from increased levels of male hormones
such as testosterone. Testosterone is produced
Definition throughout a man’s life and, subsequently, the
prostate grows throughout a man’s life. Due to
Was named in 1937 after the Turkish dermatolo- the slow progression of this growth, most men
gist Hulusi Behçet, who first described the triple- do not notice any symptoms of BPH until they
symptom complex of recurrent oral aphthous are older and the prostate has grown to such a size
480 Benzene and Leukemia

that it impinges on the outflow of urine from the

bladder. Benzene and Leukemia

Symptoms Valentina Bollati1 and Alessandra Forni2

Due to the location of the prostate, BPH causes a EPIGET - Epidemiology, Epigenetics and
number of urinary symptoms. The prostate is Toxicology Lab - Department of Clinical Sciences
located just below where the bladder empties and Community Health, University of Milan,
into the urethra (which is a thin tube that carries Milan, Italy
urine from the bladder, through the penis, to out- Department of Occupational and Environmental
side the body). As the prostate enlarges, it Health “Clinica del Lavoro L. Devoto”,
impinges the flow of urine through the urethra. University of Milan, Milan, Italy
The most common symptoms are as follows:

1. Frequency – urinating much more often than

2. Urgency – having a sensation that you need to
Benzene and leukemia address leukemogenic
urinate immediately
effect of benzene, representing a complex model
3. Nocturia – getting up to urinate multiple times
of chemical carcinogenesis in humans.
during the night
4. Hesitancy – difficulty starting the urine stream

These symptoms can be identical to those Characteristics

experienced by men with ▶ prostate cancer.
There is no way to tell if your symptoms are due The relationship between benzene, the smallest
to BPH or prostate cancer, so it is essential to visit and most stable aromatic hydrocarbon, and leuke-
your physician if you develop any of these symp- mia has been reported in the past for workers with
toms. To diagnose BPH, prostate cancer must first high exposures, when benzene in the commercial
be ruled out. To rule out prostate cancer, you need form (benzol) was used largely as a solvent, espe-
to undergo a digital rectal examination (DRE) and cially in the shoe industry and in rotogravure
a ▶ prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test at printing. Today, occupational exposures are
the minimum. These tests are used to diagnose controlled by law and are at most reserved to
prostate cancer and, if both are negative, then your workers in the petrochemical industry, workers
chances of having prostate cancer are very low. exposed to automobile emissions such as urban
officers or gas station attendants, firefighters, and
vehicle mechanics. Currently, most European
countries and the USA have fixed the threshold
Cross-References of acceptable occupational exposure at
1.63–3.25 mg/m3 (0.5–1 ppm). Benzene, even at
▶ Prostate Cancer much lower concentrations, is also a pollutant of
▶ Prostate-Specific Antigen the general environment. Among major sources of
benzene for the general population (usually
below 50 mg/m3, 15 ppb) are traffic exhaust
See Also fumes, since benzene is still a typical component
of gasoline (1%), and cigarette smoking, which
(2012) Testosterone. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3660. remains a significant source of exposure in both
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5741 http://prostate occupationally and nonoccupationally exposed
cancer.about.com/od/prostatecancer101/a/bphbasics.htm. individuals.
Benzene and Leukemia 481

Benzene Toxicity and Carcinogenicity values reported were anyway within normal
Since the nineteenth century, benzene has been ranges.
recognized as the cause of hematotoxicity of var- The bone marrow depression of chronic ben-
ious degrees, up to aplastic anemia, in workers zene poisoning, resulting in hyporegenerative
chronically exposed to high concentrations. How- anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia of B
ever, high-dose benzene leukemogenicity was varying degree, may slowly recover after removal
first reported only in 1928 by Delore and from exposure but sometimes persists and evolves
Borgomano in a subject showing benzene intoxi- into fatal aplastic anemia or into ▶ acute myeloid
cation. Subsequent studies confirmed an increased leukemia (AML). AML may be preceded by a
risk of leukemia in different occupational settings myelodysplastic syndrome (or preleukemic syn-
characterized by high exposure. In Italy, out- drome), consisting in abnormalities of bone mar-
breaks of severe benzene poisoning and leukemia row cells surviving ▶ apoptosis and of blood
have been observed from the 1930s to the early precursor cell differentiation.
1960s, when benzene as a solvent was prohibited The majority of benzene AMLs are myeloblas-
by law. Similar findings were reported in the tic, but other rarer subtypes (e.g., erythro-
1970s in Turkey and more recently in China. In leukemia) have been reported. Many cases of
Italy, most cases of fatal aplastic anemia and leu- benzene leukemia have low white cell counts or
kemia occurred in shoe manufacturing and in show only a moderate leukocytosis with a small
rotogravure printing where commercial benzene percentage of immature cells, except in the termi-
was used as a solvent of glues and inks, respec- nal stage.
tively. The estimated or measured exposures were Aplastic anemia may occur in subjects while
in the order of hundreds ppm. Less severe cases of they are still exposed to high concentration of
benzene toxicity were observed in subjects benzene. Leukemia may occur at the same time
exposed to several tens ppm. The acceptable or more or less shortly after cessation of exposure.
threshold in the 1960s (25 ppm) was later reduced In a few cases, a long latency period between the
in many countries after the confirmation of ben- end of work with benzene and occurrence of leu-
zene leukemogenic activity at lower exposures, kemia has been reported.
claimed on the basis of some epidemiologic stud-
ies in chemical and rubber workers, in the USA. Benzene Metabolism and Toxicity
Benzene was recognized as a group Benzene is not toxic and carcinogenic per se, but
A carcinogen (“a known carcinogen”) by EPA in rather its toxicity is through its metabolites.
1979 and as a group 1 human carcinogen (“known Experimental evidences indicate that reactive
to be carcinogenic to humans”) by IARC in 1982. intermediates are necessary for benzene carcino-
Based on the general assumption that no threshold genicity and toxicity, but the metabolite(s)-
might exist for carcinogenic substances and the responsible is still not fully identified. Inhaled
fact that benzene exposures in certain industries benzene is partly eliminated in the exhaled air.
cannot be avoided, the threshold has been lowered The remaining is rapidly distributed, crosses
to less than 1 ppm, anyway the lowest technically blood–brain, placental, and gonadal barriers, and
possible threshold. is found in several organs including the bone
Conflicting results, however, have been marrow. Benzene is transformed in the liver to
reported in low-level exposure populations such benzene oxide, phenol, catechol, hydroquinone,
as drivers, police traffic officers, and gasoline and 1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene by the microsomal
station attendants. Concerns about health effects ▶ cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase system
of benzene at very low doses have been raised by (CYP2E1). Catechol and hydroquinone oxidation
results of a study showing a reduction of white results into the reactive intermediates
blood cells and platelets also in subjects chroni- ortho-benzoquinone and para-hydroquinone.
cally exposed to less than 1 ppm in air, but the Hydroquinones may also be produced from
482 Benzene and Leukemia

dermal Bone marrow metabolism
inhalation and
1,2,4-Trihydroxybenzene Hydroquinone Cathecol



1,4-Hidroxybenzoquinone p-Benzoquinone O-Benzoquinone

Liver metabolism

Urinary metabolites OH 1-Glutathiony1-2-OH-3,5-cyclohoxadiono

O Cyto P450 −H2O OH
1,2,4-Trihydroxybenzene Hydroquinone Cathecol O
Cyto P450 Epoxide OH
MPO NQO1 MPO NQO1 MPO NQO1 Benzene Benzene hydrolase
oxepin oxide Dihydrodiol
O O O dehydrogenase
[OH] [OH]

1,4-Hidroxybenzoquinone p-Benzoquinone O-Benzoquinone Hydroquinone Phenol Cathecol
[OH] [OH]

p-Benzoquinone 1,2,4-Trihydroxybenzene o-Benzoquinone

Benzene and Leukemia, Fig. 1 Benzene metabolism in humans

benzene-derived quinones via NAD(P)H:quinone NQO1 function polymorphism were found to be

oxidoreductase (NQO1) (Fig. 1). Benzene metab- associated with increased benzene toxicity in
olites such as hydroquinone and catechol reach workers exposed to high levels of benzene
the bone marrow and can be further activated by (>10 ppm) in Shanghai (China). Results
myeloperoxidase (MPO), present at high levels in highlighted the role of MPO and NQO1 polymor-
stromal ▶ macrophages, resulting in the produc- phisms even at exposures lower than 1 ppm.
tion of quinones and ▶ reactive oxygen species, CYP2E1 and NQO1 are polymorphically distrib-
which bind covalently to biological macromole- uted in human populations: in Caucasians, the
cules. Unmetabolized benzene and several metab- estimated frequency of CYP2E1 rapid
olites are eliminated through the kidney, and some metabolizers is around 10% and a loss-function
of them can be measured to assess benzene NQO1 polymorphism has been identified with a
exposure. 40% frequency.
In order to explain the different susceptibility
to benzene poisoning in workers with similar Benzene, Chromosome Changes,
levels of exposure, some metabolic polymor- and Leukemia
phisms have been examined in benzene-exposed Benzene metabolites are not mutagenic but are
subjects. A rapid CYP2E1 activity and a loss of able to generate oxygen reactive species, which
Benzene and Leukemia 483

might be responsible for DNA damage, both by References

genetic and epigenetic mechanisms.
In the 1960s, the possibility of studying human IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)
(1974) Benzene. IARC monographs on the evaluation
chromosomes in lymphocytes, stimulated to
of carcinogenic risks of chemicals to man, vol 7. IARC,
divide in culture, and in direct preparations of Lyon, pp 203–221 B
bone marrow cells, raised the interest for cytoge- IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)
netic studies in benzene-exposed workers with or (1982) Benzene. IARC monographs on the evaluation
of carcinogenic risks of chemicals to humans: some
without signs of benzene toxicity and in cases of
industrial chemicals and dyestuffs, vol 29. IARC,
benzene leukemia. Exposure to high concentra- Lyon, pp 93–148
tions of benzene was demonstrated to induce Schnatter AR, Rosamilia K, Wojcik NC (2005) Review of
structural (▶ Chromosomal Translocations, the literature on benzene exposure and leukemia sub-
types. Chem Biol Interact 153–154:9–21
breaks, deletions) and/or numerical chromosome
Snyder R (2002) Benzene and leukemia. Crit Rev Toxicol
changes, persisting in lymphocytes also for 32:155–210
decades after cessation of exposure and in bone U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1979) Final report
marrow cells at the time of benzene poisoning or on population risk to ambient benzene exposures. The
Carcinogen Assessment Group, Research Triangle
during persisting myelodysplastic syndrome.
Park, EPA/450/5-80-004
Structural chromosome changes in benzene-
exposed workers were studied with special tech-
niques and resulted to be nonrandom, involving See Also
specific chromosomes, both for breaks and for (2012) Aromatic hydrocarbon. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
translocations. clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
berg, p 279. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_397
In vitro studies of hematopoietic progenitor (2012) Benzol. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
cells from human bone marrow or umbilical cord 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 384.
blood, cultured in the presence of hydroquinone, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_583
showed specific deletions and/or numerical (2012) Chromosome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 848.
changes in chromosomes more frequently doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1145
involved in benzene-induced myelodysplastic (2012) CYP2E1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
syndrome and leukemia. cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1037.
On the basis of some clinical reports, the doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1445
(2012) Epigenetic mechanism. In: Schwab M (ed)
hypothesis is suggested that myeloid precursor Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
cells with different chromosome changes either delberg, p 1286. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
die by apoptosis or necrosis or survive giving 5_1945
rise to atypical cell clones. One clone with selec- (2012) MPO. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2381.
tive advantage might proliferate and be responsi- doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3850
ble for the evolution into leukemia. This (2012) Metabolic polymorphisms. In: Schwab M (ed)
mechanism might be enhanced by the bone mar- Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
row microenvironment conditions and be favored delberg, p 2255. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
by benzene-induced immunodepression. (2012) Myeloperoxidases. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
2437. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3938
Cross-References (2012) NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase. In: Schwab M
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/
Heidelberg, p 2448. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia 5_3958
▶ Apoptosis (2012) NQO1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Chromosomal Translocations 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2566.
▶ Cytochrome P450 (2012) Ppb. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Macrophages 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2967.
▶ Reactive Oxygen Species doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4703
484 Benzoquinone Ansamycin

(2012) Ppm. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,

3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2967. Betulinic Acid
(2012) Quinones. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3132. Stephen Safe, Sabitha Papineni and Sudhakar
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4888 Chintharlapalli
Department of Veterinary Physiology and
Pharmacology, Texas A&M University, College
Station, TX, USA
Benzoquinone Ansamycin

▶ Ansamycin Class of Natural Product Hsp90

Betulinic acid is a naturally occurring
triterpenoid acid and a potent anticancer drug.

Definition Characteristics

Member of the group of ▶ polycyclic aromatic Betulin is a pentacyclic triterpenol natural product
hydrocarbons. Benzopyrenes are present in coal tar that is found in tree bark, and this compound may
at low levels and are considered carcinogenic constitute up to 30% of the bark from birch trees.
(cancer-inducing). Traces of benzopyrenes are pre- Betulinic acid (BA) is a minor bark constituent but
sent in wood smoke, and this has given rise to some is readily synthesized from betulin by oxidation to
concern about the safety of naturally smoked foods. betulonic acid followed by reduction to betulinic
acid (Fig. 1). Birch bark extracts containing
betulin and BA have been used in traditional
Cross-References folk medicines; however, BA alone or some of
its derivatives have been developed as pharmaco-
▶ Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons logical agents for treating multiple diseases. For
example, these compounds are antiviral agents
that inhibit HIV-1 replication and exhibit antima-
larial, antihelmintic, and antibacterial activity as
Berlin Breakage Syndrome well as anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
Many of these responses induced by BA and its
▶ Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome derivatives are structure dependent and involve
changes in structure of one or more regions in
the molecule.
Beta-Glucosidase Many of the naturally occurring triterpenoid
acids, such as ursolic acid, glycyrrhetinic acid,
Definition oleanolic acid, and betulinic acids, exhibit some
cytotoxicity to various cancer cell lines; however,
A glycoside hydrolase enzyme that cleaves sugar among these natural products, BA is by far the
residues from compounds. most potent anticancer agent. Initial studies by
Pisha et al. showed that BA was a highly potent
drug for treatment of melanoma in mouse xeno-
Cross-References graft model. In this study, athymic mice were
injected with melanoma cells (MEL-2 or
▶ Genistein MEL-1) and treated with BA at doses of 50, 250,
Betulinic Acid 485

the combination compared to the treatments alone;

however, these interactions are highly cell context
dependent. Recombinant TRAIL is now being
investigated in clinical trials, and the protein is a
ligand for cell membrane death receptors and B
activates the extrinsic apoptosis pathway character-
ized by caspase-8-dependent PARP cleavage.
Treatment of neuroblastoma cells with TRAIL
plus BA (combination) clearly enhanced apoptosis
compared to treatment with the individual agents.
TRAIL and BA alone tend to activate the extrinsic
and intrinsic apoptosis pathways, and the combi-
nation of these drugs results in mutual enhance-
ment of both pathways. Since many tumor types
are highly resistant to cell death, the combination of
BA and other proapoptotic agents may offer many
advantages for clinical treatment of some tumors.
Betulinic Acid, Fig. 1 Betulin, a major component of Although BA induces apoptosis in most cancer
birch bark, is readily oxidized by chromic acid to betulonic
acid which is reduced with sodium borohydride to
cell lines, there is also evidence that activation of
betulinic acid other responses may also contribute to the anti-
cancer activity of this drug. In human melanoma
cells, BA induces reactive oxygen species (ROS),
or 500 mg/kg every third day, and this resulted in and this is accompanied by time-dependent and
significant tumor growth inhibition. Moreover, persistent activation of p38 and c-Jun NH2-
BA also decreased tumor volume in mice already terminal kinase (JNK). ROS acts upstream of
bearing relatively large tumors. It was also these mitogen-activated protein kinases; however,
reported that tumor growth inhibition could be both p38 and JNK can be involved in apoptotic
observed at doses of BA as low as 5 mg/kg pathways induced by BA in melanoma cells.
(X 6), whereas at doses as high as 500 mg/kg, Interestingly, studies in other melanoma cell
minimal toxic side effects were observed in the lines showed that BA-induced effects on some
animals. It was also reported that BA-induced cell cycle proteins and apoptosis (PARP cleavage
▶ apoptosis in melanoma cell lines and the high and DNA laddering) were dependent on persistent
cytotoxicity of BA was observed in melanoma activation of MAPK, since all of these responses
cells but not in squamous, breast, colon, sarcoma, were inhibited by the MAPK inhibitor U0126.
prostate, lung, neuroblastoma, and glioma cancer Thus, BA-induced apoptosis is linked to activa-
cell lines. tion of multiple kinases, and differences in their
Subsequent studies on the cytotoxicity of BA in action are highly dependent on cell context. The
cancer cell lines demonstrated that comparable anticancer activity of BA may also be associated
effects were observed in cells derived from with other effects including the inhibition of topo-
multiple tumor types. BA alone inhibited prolifer- isomerase 1 and antiangiogenic activity. This lat-
ation of various cancer cell lines, and several ter response was determined in ECV
reports show the potential chemotherapeutic 304 endothelial cells in a Matrigel tube formation
advantages of using BA in combination with assay where BA and three substituted analogs
other anticancer drugs such as vincristine, tumor exhibited angiogenic activity.
necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing The mechanism of the anticarcinogenic activ-
ligand (TRAIL), doxorubicin, taxol, and irradia- ity of BA is complex and cell context dependent
tion. Interactions of these anticancer drugs with and may include contributions from the direct
BA generally enhance the overall cytotoxicity of effects of this compound on mitochondria and
486 Bevacizumab

activation of kinase pathways. Research in our to degradation of Sp proteins, and we have

laboratory has focused on studying some of the observed that this process is due to the activation
underlying mechanisms of cancer cell and tumor of both proteasome-dependent and proteasome-
growth, survival, and angiogenesis. Using RNA independent pathways. Thus, betulinic acid and
interference, we have shown that specificity pro- some of its derivatives are part of a new class of
tein (Sp) transcription factors are responsible, in anticancer drugs that work through targeting Sp
part, for the growth and survival of cancer cells proteins and Sp-dependent genes involved in
and their ability to metastasize and grow at distal cancer cell survival, growth, and angiogenesis.
sites. Sp1, Sp3, and Sp4 are overexpressed in
colon and pancreatic cancer cells and tumors
and play a key role in overexpression of the References
angiogenic factors vascular endothelial growth
Abdelrahim M, Baker CH, Abbruzzese JL et al (2006)
factor (▶ VEGF), VEGF receptor 1 (VEGFR1), Tolfenamic acid and pancreatic cancer growth, angio-
and VEGFR2 and the survival gene survivin and genesis, and Sp protein degradation. J Natl Cancer Inst
Sp3-dependent suppression of the cyclin- 98:855–868
dependent kinase inhibitor p27. These results Chintharlapalli S, Papineni S, Ramaiah SK et al (2007)
Betulinic acid inhibits prostate cancer growth through
directly link overexpression of Sp proteins to inhibition of specificity protein transcription factors.
the enhanced growth and survival and potential Cancer Res 67:2816–2823
for metastasis/angiogenesis of cancer cells and Fulda S, Scaffidi C, Susin SA et al (1998) Activation of
tumors and also suggest that inhibiting Sp mitochondria and release of mitochondrial apoptogenic
factors by betulinic acid. J Biol Chem
protein-dependent gene expression or inducing 273:33942–33948
Sp protein degradation may be an important Pisha E, Chai H, Lee IS et al (1995) Discovery of betulinic
strategy for developing effective anticancer acid as a selective inhibitor of human melanoma that
drugs. The first example of this approach was functions by induction of apoptosis. Nat Med
the identification and application of tolfenamic Sami A, Taru M, Salme K et al (2006) Pharmacological
acid, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, properties of the ubiquitous natural product betulin. Eur
which inhibited pancreatic cell growth through J Pharm Sci 29:1–13
activation of proteasome-dependent degradation
of Sp1, Sp3, and Sp4. Moreover, in an orthotopic
model for pancreatic cancer, we also observed
that tolfenamic acid inhibited tumor growth and
metastasis, and this was accompanied by degra- Bevacizumab
dation of Sp proteins in pancreatic tumors. Based
on the reported proapoptotic/antiangiogenic Definition
effects of BA in cancer cell lines, we hypothe-
sized that this compound may also act, in part, Avastin ® made by Genentech/Roche.
through Sp protein degradation. In LNCaP pros- Monoclonal antibody against the ▶ vascular
tate cancer cells, we have shown that BA induced endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Bevacizumab
proteasome-dependent degradation of Sp1, Sp3, has activity in ▶ colorectal cancer (▶ Colorectal
and Sp4, and we have observed similar responses Cancer Therapeutic Antibodies), non-small cell
in cell lines derived from other tumor types. ▶ lung cancer, ▶ breast cancer, and ▶ ovarian
Moreover, in in vivo studies in athymic nude cancer. Binding to VEGF prevents it from binding
mice bearing human LNCaP cells as xenografts, to its receptor. Originally approved by the US
BA also inhibited tumor growth, and this was FDA for the treatment of ▶ colorectal cancer.
accompanied by decreased Sp1, Sp3, and Sp4 VEGF stimulates the growth of new blood
expression in the tumors. These results vessels, a process called ▶ angiogenesis. The
demonstrate that some of the anticancer activities binding of bevacizumab is designed to inactivate
of BA in multiple cell lines may be partially due VEGF so that it is no longer an effective stimulant
BH3-Interacting Domain Death Agonist 487

for angiogenesis. As a result, new blood vessels Cross-References

are not formed. Cancers depend on the develop-
ment of new blood vessels to grow. Without an ▶ Angiogenesis
adequate supply of blood, they cannot get larger ▶ Breast Cancer
and may even shrink. Bevacizumab does not work ▶ Colorectal Cancer B
directly on the tumor, but prevents its growth by ▶ Colorectal Cancer Therapeutic Antibodies
reducing its supply of blood. Bevacizumab does ▶ Lung Cancer
not cure cancer, but it can slow its growth and ▶ Melanoma
increase survival times. It is normally given ▶ Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
immediately after treatment with chemotherapy. ▶ Ovarian Cancer
Bevacizumab is thought to have great promise in ▶ Pancreatic Cancer
slowing the growth of inoperable tumors. As of ▶ Squamous Cell Carcinoma
2005, it was being tested in more than three dozen ▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
clinical trials in combination with other drugs to
treat many other types of metastatic cancer includ-
ing ▶ non-small cell lung cancer, ▶ Pancreatic
Cancer, head and neck tumors, ▶ ovarian cancer, References
malignant ▶ melanoma, and solid tumors in chil-
dren and adults. Jubb AM, Harris AL (2010) Biomarkers to predict the
clinical efficacy of bevacizumab in cancer. Lancet
Bevacizumab binds to ▶ vascular endothelial
Oncol 11(12):1172–1183
growth factor (VEGF)-A, thus blocking its bind-
ing to the VEGF receptor (VEGFR). It does not
bind to other VEGF molecules, such as VEGF-B See Also
or VEGF-C. Its half-life in the patient is 17–21 (2012) FDA. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1386.
days, making administration every 2 or 3 weeks doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2136
possible. As would be expected for a successfully (2012) Humanized monoclonal antibody. In: Schwab M
humanized monoclonal antibody, there has been (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/
no evidence of development of high-titer anti- Heidelberg, p 1760. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
bodies directed against bevacizumab in treated (2012) Monoclonal antibody. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
patients. Bevacizumab is supplied as a clear to pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
slightly opalescent sterile liquid in 100-mg and 2367. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6842
1000-mg glass vials ready for parenteral adminis- http://www.answers.com/topic/bevacizumab http://www.
tration. The loading dose should be infused intra-
venously over 90 min, and if no adverse infusion
reactions occur, then the second dose can be
administered over 60 min. If no adverse events
occur after the second administration, then the
third and all subsequent doses can be administered BGP
over at least 30 min. The principal toxicities asso-
ciated with the use of bevacizumab include hyper- ▶ CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule
tension, arterial thrombosis, proteinuria, delayed
wound healing, and rarely gastrointestinal perfo-
ration. In ▶ colorectal cancer (CRC) clinical tri-
als, an increased incidence of bleeding was noted.
However, life-threatening hemoptysis occurred in BH3-Interacting Domain Death
clinical trials evaluating bevacizumab for the Agonist
treatment of ▶ squamous cell carcinoma of
the lung. ▶ Bid
488 BHD syndrome

level, the full-length Bid is a long-lived protein,

BHD syndrome but caspase-8 cleaved truncated Bid (tBid) is
degraded through the ubiquitination-proteasome
▶ Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome system and has a half-life of less than 1.5 h.
The structure of Bid has been resolved with
NMR. It is the only structure resolved for a
BH3-only molecule. Bid is composed of eight
Bid alpha helices. The central hydrophobic helices
(alpha 6 and alpha 7) are surrounded by the
Xiao-Ming Yin amphipathic helices. Such an arrangement is con-
Department of Pathology and Laboratory served among other Bcl2 family proteins, such as
Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and Bax. There is a nonstructural
USA loop between alpha 2 and alpha 3, which is
subjected to regulatory modifications by protease
cleavage or phosphorylation. Similar loops are
Synonyms present in Bcl-xL, Bcl2, and Bax, which play the
same regulatory role.
BH3-interacting domain death agonist Bid does not have a transmembrane domain. It
shares sequence homology with other Bcl-2 fam-
ily proteins in the BH3 domain, which is impor-
Definition tant for its interaction with other family members
and for its pro-apoptotic activity. Interaction of
Bid is a pro-death ▶ Bcl2 family protein. Structur- Bcl2 or Bcl-xL suppresses Bid by preventing it
ally, it contains only one Bcl-2 homology domain, from interacting with the pro-death Bax or Bak.
the BH3 domain. Thus, it belongs to the BH3-only
subfamily, which also includes Bad, Bik/Nbk/Blk, Bid Is a Pro-death Sensor for Specific Protease
Bim, Bmf, Hrk/DP5, EGL-1, Noxa, and PUMA. Activation
Early studies based on transient transfection or
an inducible system demonstrated that
Characteristics overexpression of full-length Bid could induce
▶ apoptosis. However, in most cases, it seems
The Bid Molecule that Bid may function in a truncated form. Bid
Bid was first cloned in 1996 from an expression was initially found to be cleaved and activated by
cDNA library screened with recombinant ▶ Bcl2 caspase-8 following death receptor activation and
and Bax. Its ability to interact with both the anti- thus considered to be specific to the death receptor
death and the pro-death Bcl2 family proteins is a pathway. However, studies indicate that Bid can
distinguished feature of this molecule among the be cleaved in a specific and limited way by several
BH3-only members. Bid was re-cloned in 1998 by other proteases such as granzyme B, calpains, and
two other laboratories. In both cases, Bid was cathepsins. These proteases are first activated in
identified as a substrate of ▶ caspase-8. response to a plethora of stimuli, including death
Bid is phylogenetically conserved. The mouse receptor activation, cytotoxic T cell attack, ische-
Bid gene is located at chromosome 6 (6 F1, mia/reperfusion injury, and lysosome damage.
6 54.0 cM), while the human Bid is localized in These observations indicate that Bid is in general
a syntenic region, chromosome 22q11.2. The a sentinel to protease activation resulted from
major protein product is derived from the origi- various injury stimuli. As such Bid serves a crit-
nally defined five exons with 195 amino acids ical role in connecting these stimuli to the mito-
(about 22Kd) in both human and mouse. The chondria, allowing the death process to be
Bid molecule is widely expressed. At the protein advanced or amplified.
Bid 489

The cellular death receptor pathway is acti- In the case of cytochrome c release, it seems
vated when the death receptors, Fas, TNF-R1, or that Bid could activate at least two different mech-
▶ TRAIL-R1, are engaged by their ligands or anisms. One is based on protein interactions and
agonistic antibodies. Both in vitro cell lines and the other is based on lipid interactions. Bid can
in vivo animal models have been used to study the interact with either Bax or Bak, the multi-domain B
signaling events. In a murine model of anti-Fas pro-death Bcl-2 family proteins, via its BH3
antibody-induced liver injury, Bid has been found domain, to promote their oligomerization on the
to play a significant role in Fas-mediated apopto- mitochondrial outer membranes. Indeed, mice
sis. Normal wild-type mice are particularly sus- deficient in both Bax and Bak are much like
ceptible to the administration of a Fas agnostic bid-deficient mice and are resistant to anti-Fas-
monoclonal antibody (clone Jo2), which induces induced hepatocyte apoptosis in vivo. The other
significant hepatocyte apoptosis and severe liver important mechanism is based on the interaction
injury. However, bid-deficient mice are resistant of Bid with cardiolipin at the mitochondrial con-
to such a treatment with minimal hepatocyte apo- tact site. This interaction promotes mitochondrial
ptosis and liver injury. In these mice, while cristae reorganization, which contributes to the
caspase-8 is appropriately activated, the down- mobilization of stored cytochrome c and its sub-
stream effector caspase-3 is not. Caspase-3 acti- sequent release. As the majority of cytochrome c
vation is arrested in bid-deficient hepatocytes in a is tightly bound to cardiolipin, a full release of
pattern consistent with being suppressed by XIAP, this molecule would require its dissociation from
the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein. In the cardiolipin, which is facilitated by Bid-cardiolipin
wild-type mice, Bid is cleaved by caspase-8 and interactions.
the truncated Bid is translocated to the mitochon- The two mechanisms activated by Bid, involv-
dria to induce the release of cytochrome c and ing proteins and lipids, respectively, seem to be
Smac. While cytochrome c could activate Apaf- well coordinated. Bid interaction with Bak or Bax
1 and therefore caspase-9, Smac is able to bind to is the primary mechanism, which initiates mito-
XIAP to release its suppression on caspase-3 acti- chondrial leakage. This requires the BH3 domain
vation. In this scenario, Bid connects the death and can be blocked by Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL. On the
receptor pathway to the mitochondria pathway, other hand, the serial events of Bid-cardiolipin
which is necessary for the prompt activation of interaction and cristae reorganization do not
effector caspases and subsequent apoptosis in require the BH3 domain of Bid and could not be
hepatocytes. suppressed by Bcl-2/Bcl-xL. The mobilized cyto-
chrome c is released through the mechanism
Activation of Mitochondria by Bid enforced by Bid-Bak or Bid-Bax interactions.
The ability of Bid to activate the mitochondria
pathway is related to its ability to interact with the Bid as a Pro-Life Sensor for Cell Cycle
mitochondria and to permeabilize the mitochondrial Progression and DNA Damage
outer membranes. Bid is able to induce the release Although Bid was initially defined as a pro-death
of multiple mitochondrial intermembrane space molecule, studies have shown that Bid can pos-
proteins, including cytochrome c and Smac/ sess functions important to the life of a cell. Bid
DIABLO. Full-length Bid is usually much weaker has a pro-proliferation activity and can also serve
than truncated Bid in this capability. Bid is also able as a DNA damage sensor to participate in cell
to induce several other prominent mitochondria cycle arrest. Other Bcl-2 family proteins, such as
dysfunctions, including mitochondrial permeability Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bax, and Bad, have also been
transition, mitochondrial depolarization, mitochon- shown to possess the function of regulating cell
drial cristae reorganization, and the generation of cycle progression. From a broad point of view, it
mitochondrial ▶ reactive oxygen species. While the seems that Bcl-2 family proteins do not just sim-
mechanisms for some of the phenomena are better ply regulate cell death but also affect other key
understood, others are not. cellular events.
490 Bid

Bid seems to be able to regulate the G0-G1/S observations could be better explained by the
transition, as shown in several types of cells enter- role of Bid in promoting cell proliferation. Indeed,
ing cell cycle from the resting stage. As a result, Bid was subsequently found to have such a func-
bid-deficient cells are often delayed in entering tion. Since this ability to regulate cell cycle pro-
S phase upon mitogen stimulation. How Bid gression is also possessed by other Bcl-2 family
may promote cell proliferation is not clear at the proteins, it is possible that Bcl-2 family proteins
moment. Regulation at the cyclin and cyclin- can in general affect tumorigenesis via both of
dependent kinase could be a key mechanism, their functions in cell death and cell proliferation.
although this has yet to be determined. The net effects could be specific to the affected
Another function of Bid in cell cycle regulation tissue or the etiology of the tumor.
relates to S/G2 transition in cells with DNA dam- In addition, as far as Bid is concerned, one may
age or under replication stress. Thus, bid-deficient have to also consider whether the regulation of
cells fail to be arrested at S/G2 boundary in these mitosis checkpoint by Bid following DNA dam-
conditions. Further studies showed that Bid can be age can be another key factor in affecting tumor-
a phosphorylation substrate of ATM/AT- igenesis. There is a significant presence of
R. Mutagenesis studies indicate that Bid phos- genomic instability in bid-deficient myeloid
phorylation by ATM/ATR is required for the cells. It is possible that the myeloid cells are
S-phase arrest following DNA damage. However, prone to DNA damage, which in the absence of
it is not clear how Bid may then contribute to the Bid would lead to an accumulation of DNA
S-phase arrest. It seems that this function of Bid is abnormalities and subsequent leukemogenesis.
beneficial to cells so that they would not have to
go into mitosis in the presence of DNA damage. Summary
Thus, the protective effect of Bid phosphorylation Bid is a versatile multifunction BH3-only mole-
in this case could be largely due to its effect in cule. While its function was initially defined to be
inducing S-phase arrest. Finally, this ability of Bid pro-apoptosis, it is now clear that it can also regu-
is not dependent on its BH3 domain. late cell proliferation and genomic stability. These
functions could be intimately connected and are
Role of Bid in Oncogenesis overall responsible for the role of Bid in cell
In general, neoplasia could be resulted from an death, tissue injury, cell proliferation, and oncogen-
uncontrolled cell proliferation owing to the acti- esis. Future studies would be devoted to understand
vation of oncogenes or from deregulated cell sur- how these functions are integrated and regulated
vival owing to the overexpression of anti-death and what the underlining mechanisms are.
molecules or the loss of pro-death molecules. For
the Bcl-2 family proteins, it is generally assumed
that their role in tumorigenesis is related to their Cross-References
ability to regulate cell death. However, other func-
tions of the Bcl-2 family proteins can be equally ▶ TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand
important in tumorigenesis. ▶ TRAIL Receptor Antibodies
Bid-deficient mice develop spontaneous
chronic myelomonocytic leukemia when they
become aged. This may be explained by the loss
of the pro-death activity of Bid. However, Cory S, Huang DC, Adam JM (2003) The Bcl-2 family:
bid-deficient mice do not have an enhanced devel- roles in cell survival and oncogenesis. Oncogene
opment of liver cancers following the administra- 22:8590–8607
tion of a chemical carcinogen, diethylnitrosamine Wang K, Yin X-M, Chao DT et al (1996) BID: a novel BH3
domain-only death agonist. Genes Dev 10:2859–2869
(DEN). In contrast, they manifest a delayed devel- Yin X-M (2006) Bid, a BH3-only multi-functional mole-
opment of tumors despite that there is a reduced cule, is at the cross road of life and death. Gene
cell death in the affected livers. These 369:7–19
BIK Proapoptotic Protein 491

antiapoptotic proteins ▶ BCL-2 and BCL-xL as

20 ,3-Biindolinylidene-2,30 -dione: 3- well as viral antiapoptotic proteins ▶ Epstein-Barr
(3-Indolinone-2-ylidene)-indolin-2- virus BHRF1 and the 32P-postlabeling, both of
one which were viral homologues of human ▶ BCL-2.
In an independently performed two-hybrid B
▶ Indirubin and Indirubin Derivatives screening using the 19-kDa adenovirus E1B pro-
tein as bait, BIK was isolated as an E1B-binding
protein and described as cDNA clone Bp4, which
was later renamed NBK. These early studies char-
BIK (BCL-2 Interacting Killer) acterized BIK/NBK as an apoptosis-inducing pro-
tein. Later, a DNA microarray study performed by
▶ BIK Proapoptotic Protein an independent investigator identified BIK as a
protein induced by the Adenovirus E1A protein in
human KB epithelial cells.

BIK Proapoptotic Protein Protein Structure and Molecular Functions

Human BIK consists of 160 amino acids, and its
Toshi Shioda BH3 domain spans from amino acid 57(Leu) to
Massachusetts General Hospital Center for 71(Ser). The strongly hydrophobic, leucine-rich
Cancer Research, Charlestown, MA, USA C-terminal transmembrane domain (amino acids
136–159) selectively anchors BIK to the ER
membrane, thus almost entire BIK protein includ-
Synonyms ing its N-terminus is exposed to cytosol. In human
cells, BIK is phosphorylated at 33(Thr) and
BIK (BCL-2 Interacting Killer); Bp4; NBK 35(Ser) by an unidentified, casein kinase II-like
(Natural Born Killer) enzyme. Substitutions of these amino acids with
alanines reduce the proapoptotic activity of BIK
without significantly affecting its protein stability
Definition or ability to heterodimerize with BCL-2. Con-
versely, substitutions of these amino acids with
BIK is a BRAF localized exclusively on the cyto- aspartic acids enhance the proapoptotic activity.
solic surface of the endoplasmic reticulum When expressed in mammalian cells, either
(ER) membrane. Although the amino acid sequence endogenously or from exogenous vectors, BIK
of mouse Blk (BIK-like killer; also known as Biklk potently induces apoptosis. This activity involves
for Bik-like) has only 43% identity to that of human the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria
BIK, Blk is usually considered mouse ortholog of and is entirely dependent on BAX, a proapoptotic
BIK due to their functional similarities. The official member of the BCL-2 family. However, BIK does
gene symbol of Blk is bik. Blk should not be con- not directly bind to BAX nor affect mitochondrial
fused with B lymphoid tyrosine kinase, a member of membrane potential or voltage-dependent anion
the SRC family nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase channel activity. Instead, BIK directly binds to
and whose official gene symbol is BLK. BCL-2, BCL-xL, and BCL-w antiapoptotic mem-
bers of the BCL-2 family. Therefore, BIK is a
typical sensitizer-type BH3-only protein. In con-
Characteristics trast, the activator-type BH3-only proteins bind
directly to BAX or BAK, the proapoptotic mem-
Discovery bers of the BCL-2 family that possess multiple
BIK was originally cloned in a two-hybrid screen- BCL-2 homology (BH) domains and oligomerize
ing as a protein that interacts with cellular on the mitochondrial outer membrane to form a
492 BIK Proapoptotic Protein

BIK Proapoptotic
Fig. 1 Mechanism of the
proapoptotic actions of the
BH3-only proteins

channel that release cytochrome c to the cytosol. similar to that of BMF. However, BIK also has to
The antiapoptotic members of the BCL-2 family cooperate with another weak BH3-only protein such
bind to the activator-type BH3-only proteins and as NOXA to cause rapid release of mobilized cyto-
thus sequester them from interacting with BAX or chrome c and subsequent activation of caspases.
BAK (Fig. 1). Since each sensitizer and activator The activator BH3-only proteins such as tBID
BH3-only protein has discrete binding specificity or BIM directly bind to BAK or BAX, the
and affinity to the antiapoptotic members of the proapoptotic multi-BH domain members of the
BCL-2 family, the apoptotic signal is activated BCL-2 family. These activator BH3-only proteins
only when correct combinations of these three are sequestered by the antiapoptotic members of
groups of proteins are expressed (Table 1). the BCL-2 family proteins BCL-2, BCL-xL,
Reflecting its weak affinity to MCL-1, an BCL-w, and/or MCL-1. When the sensitizer
antiapoptotic member of the BCL-2 family, BIK BH3-only proteins bind to the antiapoptotic mem-
cannot kill cells in the presence of sufficient expres- bers, the activator BH3-only proteins are released
sion of MCL-1. When MCL-1 expression is weak from them and instead bind to BAK or BAX,
and BCL-2/BCL-xL/BCL-w expression is high, which then oligomerizes to form channels through
BIK can kill cells in the presence of tBID as an the outer membrane of mitochondria to release
activator BH3-only protein, showing specificity cytochrome c to the cytosol. Thus, the sensitizer
BIK Proapoptotic Protein 493

BIK Proapoptotic Protein, Table 1 Effects of combinations of antiapoptotic, sensitizer BH3-only, and activator
BH3-only proteins on induction of cell apoptosis
Sensitizer/inactivator BH3-only proteins
Antiapoptotic BCL-2 family Activator BH3-only None BAD NOXA BMF BIK
BCL-2 BCL-xL tBID n Y n Y Y B
BCL-xL BIM n Y n n n
PUMA n Y n n n
MCL-1 tBID n n Y n n
BIM n n Y n n
PUMA n n Y n n
n no apoptosis, Y apoptosis (Modified from Kim et al. (2006)

and activator BH3-only proteins compete for The BIK mRNA transcripts are strongly
binding to the antiapoptotic proteins. expressed in lymphatic tissues and endothelial
At the ER, BIK can initiate early release of cells of the venous (but not arterial) lineages.
Ca2+ from the ER lumen to cytosol in response Normal adult mammary and prostate glands also
to apoptotic stimuli. This BIK-activated Ca2+ express significant amounts of BIK mRN-
release requires BAK recruitment to the ER mem- A. C57BL/6 mice express Bik mRNA in the
brane. The reuptake of cytosolic Ca2+ by mito- liver, lung, heart, and kidneys; weaker expression
chondria causes recruitment and activation of the was also detected in spleen, skeletal muscle, and
fission enzyme DRP1 at discrete sites on the mito- salivary gland. Mechanisms of the BIK tissue-
chondrial tubular network, resulting in mitochon- specific distribution are unknown. At least one
drial fragmentation and cristae opening but strain of bik gene knockout mice was generated,
minimal release of cytochrome c. Since loss of but no significant phenotype has been observed
the GTPase activity of DRP1 results in suppres- with them. However, simultaneous knockdown of
sion of mitochondrial fission and cytochrome c bik and bim genes causes male infertility with
release during apoptosis, the BIK-dependent early severely perturbed spermatogenesis. Bik and
morphological changes in mitochondria may Bim may share the role of eliminating supernu-
enhance cytochrome c release, which is later merary germ cells during the first wave of the
induced by activation of BAX/BAK in the pres- spermatogenesis, a process critical for normal tes-
ence of both BIK and NOXA. ticular development.
The A/WySnJ mice, which have 90% fewer
Gene Structure, Expression, and Phenotypes peripheral B cells than normal animals and fail
The BIK gene is found in human, bovine, rat, and to make significant immunoglobulin memory
mouse genomes but not in frog or fish. Therefore, response, overexpress the Bik mRNA transcripts,
among the BH3-only proteins, BIK seems a rela- and their transitional B cells rapidly succumb to
tively new mammalian-specific member. The apoptosis in vitro. During the transition from
human BIK gene is localized to chromosome naïve B cell to centroblast B cell, expression of
22q13.3 and is comprised of five exons spanning the BIK mRNA transcripts increases by about 8.5-
in about a 19-kb region. The minimal BIK pro- fold, and the high level of BIK mRNA expression
moter is localized to a region between 211 bp is maintained in memory B cells. These observa-
and +153 bp relative to its transcription initiation tions suggest possible roles of BIK during B-cell
site. Although it was originally reported as a maturation.
TATA-less promoter, a later study and the EST Expression of the BIK mRNA transcripts
data suggest possible involvement of a TATA-like and protein is inducible in human cells by
sequence in its transcriptional activity. No evi- overexpression of wild type p53 protein. Adeno-
dence of alternative promoters or splicing has virus E1A protein also induces BIK in a manner
been found in the EST database or literature. dependent on p53 protein. Apoptosis-inducing
494 BIK Proapoptotic Protein

stimuli that involve p53 protein activation, such as (HT-29) tumor xenografts in nude mice.
doxorubicin or gamma-irradiation, induce BIK A liposome-based, systematic intravenous deliv-
expression as well. Doxorubicin may be able to ery of a plasmid that expressed BIK using the
activate BIK gene transcription by a mechanism pancreatic cancer-specific, cholecystokinin type
independent of p53 protein but involving the E2F A receptor promoter completely suppressed
transcription factors. In MCF-7 human ▶ breast growth of human PANC-1 cells as xenograft in
cancer cells, antiestrogens such as ▶ tamoxifen nude mice. These results suggest promise for BIK
and ▶ fulvestrant induce BIK expression in a as a cytotoxic protein agent in gene therapy.
manner dependent on p53 protein, but its mecha- Because of the apoptosis sensitizing activity of
nism may be independent of the transcription BIK, low-level expression of exogenously intro-
factor activity of p53 protein. duced BIK that cannot induce apoptosis by itself
may still be able to enhance cellular sensitivity to
Relevance to Cancer Genetics and Therapy apoptotic stimuli. Thus, BIK-enhanced sensitivity
Significant frequency of missense mutations in of the H9 human T-cell leukemia cell line to
the BIK gene was observed in peripheral B-cell chemotherapeutic agents increased apoptosis by
lymphomas. Chromosomal deletions causing loss 10- to 39-fold. Breast cancer cell lines selected for
of heterozygosity (LOH) of the BIK locus has doxorubicin resistance were also effectively sen-
been reported for head and neck tumors, colorec- sitized by expression of exogenously introduced
tal cancers, glioblastomas, and clear-cell renal cell BIK. These results suggest possible use of BIK in
carcinomas. Epigenetic silencing of BIK mRNA adjuvant gene therapy in combination with
expression was reported for the KAS-6/1 multiple apoptosis-inducing chemotherapy.
myeloma cell line and in a number of cell lines of The intracellular half-life of BIK protein is
renal cell carcinoma. Although these data sug- very short because of its rapid degradation by a
gests possible roles of BIK in human carcinogen- proteasome-dependent mechanism. Therefore,
esis, this remains to be established by further when cells are exposed to proteasome inhibitors,
studies. such as lactacystin, MG-132, or ▶ bortezomib,
Since the strong proapoptotic activity of BIK strong intracellular accumulation of BIK protein
potently induces ▶ apoptosis even in malignant is often observed. Bortezomib does not cause
cells, a number of studies reported the possible significant accumulation of other BCL-2 family
application of BIK-expressing vectors in the con- proteins except for NOXA. The bortezomib effect
text of ▶ gene therapy. A chimeric protein to resensitize malignant cells resistant to the death
consisting of gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor ligand ▶ TRAIL is dependent on
(GnRH) and BIK specifically killed adenocarci- BIK protein accumulation. Bortezomib-induced
noma cell lines expressing plasma membrane ZR75–1 breast cancer cell apoptosis is also
GnRH receptor in vitro. In vivo growth of a largely dependent on the accumulated BIK pro-
human melanoma cell line stably transfected tein. Thus, proteasome inhibitors might be useful
with a doxycycline-inducible expression plasmid as adjuvant therapy agents for the purpose of
for BIK as nude mice xenograft was strongly increasing expression of the endogenous BIK pro-
inhibited by doxycycline administration in drink- tein in malignant cells to enhance their sensitivity
ing water. When administered systematically by to apoptosis-inducing chemotherapy.
intravenous injection, a cationic liposome-based
gene delivery system of a BIK expression plasmid
effectively suppressed growth of human breast Cross-References
cancer xenografts in nude mice. An adenoviral
expression system of BIK induced apoptosis in ▶ p53 Family
glioma cell lines, and intratumoral injection of an ▶ TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand
▶ adenovirus vector expressing BIK significantly ▶ TP53
suppressed growth of prostate (PC-3) and colon ▶ TRAIL Receptor Antibodies
Bile Acids 495

References example, cholic acid is stored as either

glycocholic acid or taurocholic acid, and
Gelinas C, White E (2005) BH3-only proteins in control: chenodeoxycholic acid is stored as either
specificity regulates MCL-1 and BAK-mediated apo-
glycodeoxycholic acids or taurodeoxycholic
ptosis. Genes Dev 19:1263–1268
Kim H, Rafiuddin-Shah M, Tu HC et al (2006) Hierarchi- acids. Bile acids are then released into the intesti- B
cal regulation of mitochondrion-dependent apoptosis nal tract when fat enters the proximal portion of
by BCL-2 subfamilies. Nat Cell Biol 8:1348–1358 the intestine. About 90–95% of released bile acids
Labi V, Erlacher M, Kiessling S et al (2006) BH3-only
are absorbed in the terminal ileum. Bile acids are
proteins in cell death initiation, malignant disease and
anticancer therapy. Cell Death Differ 13:1325–1338 transported via the portal vein to the liver and
Puthalakath H, Strasser A (2002) Keeping killers on a tight extracted for reuse in the so-called enterohepatic
leash: transcriptional and post-translational control of circulation. However, about 5–10% of secreted
the pro-apoptotic activity of BH3-only proteins. Cell
bile acids reach the colon, where conjugated
Death Differ 9:505–512
Willis SN, Adams JM (2005) Life in the balance: how cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid undergo
BH3-only proteins induce apoptosis. Curr Opin Cell deconjugation and 7a-dehydroxylation by the
Biol 17:617–625 anaerobic bacterial flora, forming the secondary
bile acids deoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid,
respectively. The tertiary bile acid
ursodeoxycholic acid is subsequently formed by
epimerization of chenodeoxycholic acid. In the
Bilateral Acoustic Neurofibromatosis colon, deoxycholic acid is partly absorbed and
enters the enterohepatic circulation. Conse-
▶ Neurofibromatosis 2 quently, about 2–5% of secreted bile acids,
consisting mainly of lithocholic acid, are excreted
in the stool.

Toxicity of Bile Acids

Bile Acids Bile acids are probably not genotoxic but may be
cytotoxic (▶ toxicological carcinogenesis). Spe-
Toshiya Soma and Yutaka Shimada cifically, unconjugated bile acids are known to
Department of Surgery, Graduate School of be toxic. Conjugation reduces the pKa of bile
Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan acids, thereby increasing solubility at low
pH. Thus, at a pH lower than the physiological
value, unconjugated bile acids precipitate easily,
Definition whereas conjugated bile acids remain soluble.
Taurine conjugates are especially soluble even at
Bile acids are complex physiological molecules more acidic pH. Hence, at physiological pH, bile
that are essential for solubilization, absorption, acids usually remain as ionized forms and may be
and transport of dietary lipids in the intestine. termed bile salts, which cannot pass through the
On the other hand, bile acids are potentially cell membrane. However, at acidic pH,
toxic to cells. unconjugated bile acids are nonionized and can
accumulate inside mucosal cells and potentially
cause damage. An acidic pH thus does not affect
Characteristics the toxicity of conjugated bile acids, but may
potentiate the toxicity of unconjugated bile
Primary bile acids such as cholic acid and acids. On the other hand, both conjugated and
chenodeoxycholic acid are derived from choles- unconjugated bile acids reduce the pH sensitivity
terol in the liver and are secreted and stored in the of cells. Decreased pH sensitivity results in the
gallbladder as glycine or taurine conjugates. For induction of cyclooxygenase-2, which is rapidly
496 Bile Acids

induced in response to tumor promoters, cyto- implicated in the pathogenesis of human colorec-
kines, and growth factors. Furthermore, cholic tal cancer, presumably because both of these fac-
acid and chenodeoxycholic acid are considered tors promote the synthesis and secretion of bile
to be tumor promoters and increase the incidence acids. Carcinogenesis is also associated with con-
of benign adenomas and malignant adenocarci- ditions such as ileal resection, cholecystectomy, or
nomas when administered after carcinogens. It is ileal inflammation such as that accompanying
thus likely that pH and bile acids are dual drivers ▶ Crohn disease, which can alter intestinal expo-
of metaplasia, acting in combination to fuel sure to bile. These conditions can result in incom-
inflammation and mediate cellular change. plete active reabsorption of bile acids from the
distal ileum and interrupt the enterohepatic circu-
Effects of Bile Acids on Organs lation of bile acids. In addition, increased colonic
concentrations of bile acids are also associated
Upper Gastrointestinal Tract with diarrhea, which may respond to bile acid
Several studies indicate that duodenogastroe- sequestrants.
sophageal reflux leads to esophagitis or Barrett
esophagus and may be related to esophageal ade- Liver, Gallbladder, and Bile Ducts
nocarcinoma. Although the pathogenesis of Several etiological studies indicate that bile acids
▶ esophageal cancer remains to be fully eluci- might induce carcinogenesis in the gallbladder
dated, bile acids are somehow involved, probably (▶ gallbladder cancer). The gallbladder and bile
by being cytotoxic rather than genotoxic. As such, ducts are exposed to high concentrations of bile
bile acids stimulate the development of esopha- acids, most of which are unconjugated. If retained
geal squamous cell carcinoma, not to mention for a long time in the gallbladder and bile ducts,
esophageal adenocarcinoma or ▶ gastric cancer, bile acids may induce carcinogenesis in the biliary
by promoting ▶ angiogenesis via the tree, although the mechanism remains unclear.
cyclooxygenase-2 pathway (▶ arachidonic acid Furthermore, numerous studies have shown that
pathway). In contrast, unconjugated bile acids, elevated concentrations of bile acids in the liver
which are more toxic than conjugated forms, induce hepatocyte apoptosis. Some evidence sug-
appear more frequently in the bile acid profiles gests a relation between the hydrophobicity of bile
of patients with severe esophagitis. Although acids and the induction of apoptosis. Thus, the
reflux of unconjugated bile acids has not been degree of hepatocellular damage may be related
demonstrated in patients with an intact stomach, to bile acid hydrophobicity, and lithocholic acid,
such reflux has been found in the stomach after the major constituent of hydrophobic bile acids, is
partial gastrectomy and in the esophagus after the most hepatotoxic. These findings suggest a
total gastrectomy. However, further studies are possible mechanism for bile acid-mediated liver
required to establish whether bile acids have a injury, but since most hepatic bile acids are in
role in gastric cancer. conjugated form, the hydrophobicity of bile acid
is reduced, thereby decreasing its entry into
Lower Gastrointestinal Tract cells. Moreover, the hepatotoxicity of
Several studies indicate that ▶ colorectal cancer is chenodeoxycholic acid treatment in patients with
associated with higher fecal levels of secondary cholelithiasis appears to be caused by secondary
bile acids. Deoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid increases in lithocholic acid production.
appear to promote carcinogenesis and tumorigen-
esis by activating multiple oncogenic signaling Pancreas
pathways (cycloxygenase-2 in colorectal cancer). Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a pos-
Furthermore, a high-fat diet and cholesterol are itive correlation between the incidence of
Bile Duct Neoplasms 497

pancreatic cancer and a high-fat diet in association

with the secretion of bile acids (▶ pancreatic can- Bile Duct Neoplasms
cer). Pancreatic adenocarcinoma tends to
develop in the head of the gland, which is more Shannon S. Glaser1 and Gianfranco Alpini2
exposed to bile. These findings suggest that bile B
Department of Internal Medicine, Texas A&M
acids participate in carcinogenesis of the pan- Health Science Center, Central Texas Veterans
creas, although underlying mechanisms remain Health Care System, Temple, TX, USA
to be clarified. Departments of Medicine and Medical
Physiology, Texas A&M Health Science Center,
College of Medicine, Central Texas Veterans
Health Care System, Baylor Scott & White
Cross-References Health, Temple, TX, USA

▶ Angiogenesis
▶ Arachidonic Acid Pathway Synonyms
▶ Colorectal Cancer
▶ Crohn Disease Intraductal papillary mucinous tumor
▶ Cyclooxygenase
▶ Esophageal Cancer
▶ Gallbladder Cancer Definition
▶ Gastric Cancer
▶ Pancreatic Cancer Bile duct neoplasms are classified as benign and
▶ Toxicological Carcinogenesis malignant tumors of the cells comprising the bile
ducts of the liver, which include the bile duct
epithelial cells and the connective tissues
supporting the bile duct structure.
Armstrong B, Doll R (1975) Environmental factors and
cancer incidence and mortality in different countries,
with special reference to dietary practices. Int J Cancer Characteristics
Narisawa T, Magadia NE, Weisburger JH et al (1974) Pro-
moting effect of bile acids on colon carcinogenesis after The biliary system is comprised of intra- and extra-
intrarectal instillation of N-methyl-N0 -nitro- hepatic bile ducts. The function of this system is to
N-nitrosoguanidine in rats. J Natl Cancer Inst transport bile from the liver to the duodenum where
53:1093–1097 bile aids in the digestion of dietary fats. Bile ducts
Soma T, Kaganoi J, Kawabe A et al (2006)
Chenodeoxycholic acid stimulates the progression of have a tube or vessel-like appearance. The interior
human esophageal cancer cells: a possible mechanism of the ducts is lined with columnar epithelial
of angiogenesis in patients with esophageal cancer. Int cells, which have been termed cholangiocytes.
J Cancer 119:771–782
Cholangiocytes are surrounded by a subepithelial
Spechler SJ, Goyal RK (1986) Barrett’s esophagus. N Engl
J Med 315:362–371 layer of tough connective tissue, which contains a
scant number of smooth muscle cells. Also, within

The entry “Bile Duct Neoplasms” appears under the copy-

Bile Duct Carcinoma right Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (outside the USA)
both in the print and the online version of this
▶ Cholangiocarcinoma Encyclopedia.
498 Bile Duct Neoplasms

this connective tissue layer resides a population of Benign carcinoid tumors are also extremely
mucous cells. The biliary system is surrounded by a uncommon. These neoplasms arise from entero-
network of nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatics. chromaffin cells of the biliary tract. Due to the
Bile duct neoplasms are an extremely rare condition rarity of this type of tumor, carcinoids have been
that includes both benign and malignant growth of poorly characterized. Biliary carcinoids have not
cholangiocytes and the surrounding supporting tis- been associated with the production of functional
sues of the bile duct. hormones that has been reported for carcinoids in
other areas of the gastrointestinal tract.
Benign Bile Duct Neoplasms Patients with carcinoids often present with symp-
Benign tumors of the intrahepatic and extrahe- toms mimicking cholangiocarcinoma and/or
patic biliary system are exceedingly rare as the choledocholithiasis. Biliary carcinoids are slow
large majority of bile duct neoplasms are malig- growing, and thus have a low potential for malig-
nant. These benign tumors include adenomas and nant transformation. The predominant treatment
papillomas and neoplasms of the supporting for carcinoids is surgical removal.
structure of the bile duct, such as bile duct Diagnostically, benign bile duct neoplasms are
hamartomas, carcinoids, leiomyomas, and fibro- virtually impossible to differentiate from malignant
mas. Some benign biliary lesions, such as papil- neoplasms. Since these neoplasms are extremely
lomas, adenomas carcinoids, and cystadenomas rare, there is a lack of understanding of the potential
result in biliary obstruction and symptoms of for these tumors to become malignant. In certain
jaundice and cholestasis (a condition caused by cases, benign neoplasms are thought to contribute
interruption in the excretion of bile; cholestasis is to ▶ inflammation of the liver from damage due to
caused by obstruction of bile ducts within the cholestasis. Therefore, surgical resection is the cur-
liver (intrahepatic) and/or outside the liver rent and predominant treatment course.
(extrahepatic)). Obstruction of bile flow causes
bile salts, the bile pigment, bilirubin, and fats Malignant Bile Duct Neoplasms
(lipids) to accumulate in the blood instead of Over 95% of bile duct neoplasms are malignant.
being eliminated normally. The most commonly Reports indicate that there is an increase in global
diagnosed benign neoplasms are bile duct incidence of malignant bile duct tumors. These
hamartomas (von Meyenburg complexes), carci- malignant tumors include cholangiocarcinoma
noids, and cystoadenomas. (an ▶ adenocarcinoma), cholangiosarcoma,
Bile duct hamartomas are characterized by the malignant carcinoids, and intraductal papillary
growth of many tiny noncancerous nodules in the mucinous adenocarcinoma.
intrahepatic bile ducts, which are the result of the Cholangiocarcinoma is the predominant cancer
malformation of the ductal plates of the liver of the bile ducts. Cholangiocarcinoma results from
during embryonic development. Pathologically the malignant transformation of cholangiocytes,
hamartomas are characterized by dilated cysts which are epithelial cells that line the biliary sys-
embedded in a fibrous, collagenous stroma. tem. Cholangiocarcinoma occurs in  2 per
Hamartomas have for the large part been defined 100,000 people. Approximately 13% of primary
to be innocuous. Hamartomas have been associated liver cancers are cholangiocarcinomas. Cholangio-
with increased neoplastic transformation resulting carcinoma is divided into two types: (i) intrahepatic
in biliary adenocarcinoma (i.e., ▶ cholangio- that occurs in the bile ducts residing within the
carcinoma). Biliary cystoadenomas arise from liver; and (ii) extrahepatic that arises in the right
von Meyenburg complexes and are also a rare and left hepatic ducts, common hepatic duct, and
neoplasm of the bile duct that is difficult to diag- common bile duct. Risk factors for this cancer
nose preoperatively. Biliary cystoadenomas occur share long-standing inflammation of the liver and
more often in females. The predominant treatment chronic damage of the biliary epithelium. Increased
for cystoadenoma is surgical ablation due to the proliferation of biliary epithelium due to chronic
high potential for malignant transformation. damage of the liver is thought to play a key role in
Biliary Glycoprotein 499

the pathogenesis of malignant bile duct neoplasms. References

The list of risk factors includes: gallstones or gall-
bladder inflammation, chronic ulcerative colitis, or Alpini G, Prall RT, LaRusso NF (2001) The pathobiology of
biliary epithelia. In: Arias IM, Boyer JL, Chisari FV,
chronic infection of the parasitic worm, Clonorchis
Fausto N, Jakoby W, Schachter D, Shafritz DA (eds)
sinensis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). The liver; biology and pathobiology, 4th edn. Lippincott B
The prognosis for cholangiocarcinoma is grim due Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp 421–435
to lack of early diagnostic modalities and effective Anthony PP (2000) Tumors of the hepatobiliary system. In:
Fletcher CDM (ed) Diagnostic histopathology of
treatment paradigms. Cholangiocarcinomas are
tumors. Churchill Livingstone, London, pp 411–460
slow growing, metastasize late during the cancer’s Jain D, Sarode V, Abdul-Karim F et al (2000) Evidence for
progression, and present with symptoms of chole- the neoplastic transformation of Von-Meyenburg com-
stasis due to the blockage of the bile duct by tumor plexes. Am J Surg Pathol 24:1131–1139
Lazaridis KN, Gores GJ (2005) Cholangiocarcinoma. Gas-
growth. In most cases, the tumors are well
troenterology 128:1655–1667
advanced at the time of diagnosis, which results Nakanuma Y, Sasaki M, Ishikawa A et al (2002) Biliary papil-
in limited treatment options. Many of these tumors lary neoplasm of the liver. Histol Histopathol 17:851–856
are too advanced to be removed surgically and
chemotherapy and radiation therapy usually are See Also
not effective. In addition to cholangiocarcinoma, (2012) Bile. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 397.
cholangiosarcoma is a tumor arising from the cells
constituting the connective tissue layer of the bile (2012) Bile duct. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
ducts. Cholangiosarcoma is rarely reported and cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 399.
information is lacking on prevalence. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_616
(2012) Cholangiocytes. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
A subset of cholangiocarcinoma tumors have
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 820.
been defined as papillary cholangiocarcinoma or doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1109
interductal papillary mucinous neoplasms. These (2012) Cholestasis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
tumors are characterized by frondlike, papillary cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 821.
projects that occasionally produce large amounts
(2012) Chronic ulcerative colitis. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
of mucous. The excessive mucous secretions may clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
disturb bile flow and cause dilation of the bile berg, p 856. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1160
ducts, which results in symptoms of obstructive (2012) Clonorchis sinensis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
cholestasis or bile duct stones. Interductal papil-
885. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1223
lary tumors have low-grade malignancy penetrat- (2012) Gallstones. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
ing the bile duct wall in the late stages of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1493.
pathogenesis. Diagnostically, these tumors are doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2308
(2012) Liver cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
often confused with bile duct stones due to the
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2063.
constant sloughing of tumor debris into the bile. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3393
The predominant treatment is surgical removal. (2012) Primary sclerosing cholangitis. In: Schwab M (ed)
Malignant carcinoids are also extremely rare Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
delberg, p 2988. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
neoplasms. Similar to benign carcinoids, the treat-
ment of choice is surgical removal with chemo- (2012) Stroma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
therapy used when the tumors are metastatic. 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3541.


▶ Adenocarcinoma Biliary Glycoprotein

▶ Cholangiocarcinoma
▶ Inflammation ▶ CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule
500 B-immunoblastic

event that adds a neuron-specific exon (12a)

B-immunoblastic preventing nuclear entry by the aberrant Bin1
protein generated. Studies of RNA splicing pat-
▶ Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma terns in cancer cells indicate that this aberrant
event is among the most common missplicing
events occurring in human cancer.
Loss of heterozygosity at the Bin1 locus occurs
Bin1 with some frequency in ▶ prostate cancer, but in
general deletions of Bin1 seem to be rare in
George C. Prendergast human cancer. In contrast, Bin1 is often attenu-
Department of Pathology, Anatomy and Cell ated at the level of missplicing or loss of expres-
Biology, Jefferson Medical School, Lankenau sion, including in breast (▶ breast cancer),
Institute for Medical Research, Wynnewood, PA, prostate, lung (▶ lung cancer), and colon cancer
USA and in ▶ astrocytoma, ▶ neuroblastoma, and
malignant ▶ melanoma. In breast cancer, loss of
nuclear Bin1 protein may predict poor prognosis.
Synonyms Restoring normal expression in cancer cells can
restrict cell proliferation and/or survival, includ-
Amph II; Amphiphysin II; Amphiphysin-like; ing by eliciting a caspase-independent mechanism
AMPL; SH3P9 of cell suicide. Thus, attenuation of the nuclear
function(s) of Bin1 is important during cancer
development or progression.
Definition Genetic and cell biological studies in animal
model systems indicate that Bin1 acts at several
Bin1 is a cancer suppression gene that functions in levels to suppress cancer, including by blocking
membrane dynamics, vesicle trafficking, and cell proliferation, survival, motility, and
nucleocytosolic signaling processes. The Bin1 ▶ immune escape. Bin1 was initially identified
gene maps to human chromosome 2q14–2q21. through its ability to interact with and inhibit the
transcriptional and oncogenic activity of the
▶ Myc oncogene. There is also some evidence
Characteristics that Bin1 may also facilitate Myc-mediated
▶ apoptosis in certain settings. Furthermore,
Bin1 encodes a set of BAR adapter proteins that genetic ablation of Bin1 in the mouse mammary
bind and tubulate curved membranes in the cyto- gland drives the progression of lesions initiated by
sol and that can restrict gene expression in the activation of the Ras pathway, which cooperates
nucleus. Bin1 protein structure is varied by alter- with Myc in triggering neoplastic cell transforma-
nate RNA splicing events that determine its can- tion. Thus, Bin1 may act in part to suppress cancer
cer suppression activity. All Bin1 proteins include by restraining the oncogenic activity of Myc. In
an N-terminal BAR domain and a C-terminal animals where Bin1 is more widely ablated,
▶ SH3 domain. Two isoforms found in all cells inflammation (▶ Inflammation), premalignant
localize to the nucleus and cytoplasm and both lesions, and tumors occur with a markedly
display cancer suppression activity. Several other increased incidence during aging. In particular,
tissue-specific isoforms found mainly in neurons lung or liver tumors occur within 18 months in
include specialized membrane-targeting most animals where Bin1 is ablated. Mouse model
sequences that prevent nuclear entry. These studies further indicate that Bin1 acts to restrict
isoforms lack cancer suppression activity. In immune escape, an important trait of cancer which
fact, Bin1 suppression activity is often inactivated is highly relevant to the emergence of clinical
in cancer cells by a specific RNA missplicing disease. At this level, Bin1 acts by restricting
Bioavailability 501

expression of ▶ indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, an

important modulator of T cell immunity in cancer. BING2
Thus, Bin1 loss during tumor development influ-
ences the immune microenvironment as well as ▶ Daxx
the cancer cell itself. B

Cross-References Bioactive Lipid Therapy

▶ Apoptosis ▶ Membrane-Lipid Therapy

▶ Astrocytoma
▶ Breast Cancer
▶ Immune Escape
▶ Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase
▶ Inflammation Bioactive Lipids
▶ Lung Cancer
▶ MYC Oncogene ▶ Lipid Mediators
▶ Neuroblastoma
▶ Prostate Cancer

References Bioavailability
Elliott K, Ge K, Du W et al (2000) The c-Myc-interacting
adapter protein Bin1 activates a caspase-independent Definition
cell death program. Oncogene 19:4669–4684
Ge K, DuHadaway J, Du W et al (1999) Mechanism for Bioavailability of Nutrients
elimination of a tumor suppressor: aberrant splicing of
a brain-specific exon causes loss of function of Bin1 in
Refers to the fraction of a mineral nutrient intake
melanoma. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96:9689–9694 that is biologically available to meet the essential
Muller AJ, DuHadaway JB, Sutanto-Ward E et al (2005) metabolic and/or structural functions associated
Inhibition of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, an immuno- with that mineral nutrient in the body. Bioavail-
modulatory target of the tumor suppressor gene Bin1,
potentiates cancer chemotherapy. Nat Med 11:312–319
ability incorporates the concepts of absorption,
Ren G, Vajjhala P, Lee JS et al (2006) The BAR domain distribution, metabolic transformation (where
proteins: molding membranes in fission, fusion, and necessary to meet biological function), and excre-
phagy. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 70:37–120 tion. In some circumstances the main component
Sakamuro D, Elliott K, Wechsler-Reya R et al (1996) BIN1
is a novel MYC-interacting protein with features of a
of bioavailability is absorption across the gastro-
tumor suppressor. Nat Genet 14:69–77 intestinal wall, so that sometimes the term bio-
availability may be used interchangeably with
See Also
(2012) BAR domain. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 338. Bioavailability of Drugs
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_525 Refers to the percentage of drug that is detected in
(2012) Microenvironment. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
the systemic circulation after its administration.
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
2296. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3720 Losses can be attributed to an inherent lack of
(2012) SH3 domain. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia absorption/passage into the systemic circulation
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, and/or to metabolic clearance. Detection of drug
pp 3399–3400. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5281
can be accomplished pharmacodynamically or
(2012) Vesicle trafficking. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p pharmacokinetically. Oral bioavailability is asso-
3907. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6181 ciated with orally administered drugs.
502 Biochip

Biological Markers
▶ Genistein
▶ Lead Optimization ▶ Clinical Cancer Biomarkers
▶ Mineral Nutrients
▶ Personalized Cancer Medicine

Biological Monitoring
See Also

(2012) Pharmacodynamics. In: Schwab M ▶ Biomonitoring

(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2840. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
(2012) Pharmacokinetics. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2845. Biological Therapy
▶ Immunotherapy

Bioluminescence Imaging
▶ Proteinchip
Scott K. Lyons
Molecular Imaging Group, CRUK Cambridge
Research Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre,
Cambridge, UK
A covalent or non-covalent coupling of two or
more distinct molecules together to confer a spe-
cific functionality. For example, the coupling of
an aptamer targeting molecules to drug-
encapsulated nanoparticles can result in a nano-
A non-invasive preclinical imaging approach,
particle drug delivery bioconjugate that is targeted
reliant upon the detection of light from cells mod-
to specific cells or tissues.
ified to express a luciferase transgene.

▶ Aptamer Bioconjugates for Cancer Therapy
Bioluminescence imaging (BLI) is a preclinical
imaging modality that has become popular with
researchers across a broad range of biological
disciplines. From an oncology perspective, the
Biodribin high sensitivity, versatility, speed and relative
simplicity afforded by BLI has made it a particu-
▶ Cladribine larly attractive imaging modality for measuring
Bioluminescence Imaging 503

many aspects of in vivo tumor biology with can- Pyrophorus plagiophthalamus) and gaussia lucif-
cer models. erase (derived from a copepod called Gaussia
In general terms and in comparison to the other princeps and unique amongst the enzymes men-
preclincal imaging modalities, the hardware and tioned in that it is naturally secreted by expressing
consumable reagents needed for BLI are relatively cells). B
cheap and safe (i.e., non-radioactive). In vivo These individual luciferase enzymes share lit-
images of multiple subjects can be acquired tle homology and vary in the efficiency that they
quickly (typically ranging between 1 and 180 s) produce light. To generate bioluminescence, fire-
so throughput is high. Moreover, BLI is arguable fly and click beetle luciferases specifically cata-
the most sensitive preclinical imaging approach lyze the oxidation of D-luciferin in the presence of
available and in ideal experimental circumstances, O2, ATP, and Mg2+. Renilla and gaussia lucifer-
capable of detecting the presence of fewer than ases, however, specifically catalyze the oxidation
100 labelled cells in vivo. Unlike CT (computed of a different substrate, coelenterazine, in the pres-
tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imag- ence of O2 and independently of ATP. Neither of
ing), BLI does not generate images with a high these substrates are produced endogenously by
degree of anatomical detail. The wavelengths of mammalian cells and so must be administered
light generated by luciferase are prone to scatter as either directly to tissue culture medium or by
they pass through tissue, resulting in an imaging injection to enable in vitro or in vivo biolumines-
resolution in the millimetre range. As BLI is reli- cence imaging respectively. Both substrates are
ant on the expression of a luciferase transgene, it relatively small molecules that are broadly taken
can also be a highly versatile technique and used up by cells throughout the body and can be admin-
to measure diverse aspects of in vivo tumor biol- istered repeatedly without eliciting an immune
ogy, ranging from the relative quantification of reaction or apparent toxicity. The in vivo use of
tumor cell burden to the measurement of various coelenterazine is slightly more complicated than
biological processes or cell signalling pathways. luciferin, however, as it is less soluble and prone
In addition, as only viable labeled cells generate to auto-oxidation (resulting in bioluminescent
bioluminescence in many cases, BLI has proven “noise”) and deactivation in serum. It has also
particularly useful for testing the in vivo efficacy been shown that coelenterazine is actively
of experimental cancer treatments, in conjunction pumped out of cells that express high levels of
with luciferase labelled tumour models. ▶ P-Glycoprotein. Therefore, renilla or gaussia
luciferases are likely not ideal reporters to directly
image multi-drug resistant (i.e., P-glycoprotein
About Luciferases over-expressing) tumor cells in vivo. As a similar
As stated in the definition, BLI relies upon the consideration, the expression of ABCG2/BCRP
external detection of light produced by cells that has been shown to transport D-luciferin out of
express a luciferase enzyme. These enzymes are the cell and thereby limit the brightness of firefly
not endogenously present in mammalian cells, luciferase labelled cells. In contrast, co-expres-
therefore, luciferase transgene expression must sion of a transgene called OATP1 (Organic
be introduced prior to imaging by this method. Anion-Transporting Polypeptide 1) has been
The most commonly used luciferase enzymes for employed to increase in vivo bioluminescence of
such purposes have been the codon-optimized firefly luciferase cells >10 fold by increasing the
forms of firefly luciferase (derived from the intracellular concentration of luciferin substrate.
North American firefly, Photinus pyralis) and The emission spectra produced by these lucif-
renilla luciferase (derived from the sea pansy, erase enzymes are also characteristically broad
Renilla reniformis). A range of other enzymes (spanning >100 nm) and differ. For example, the
have also shown utility for imaging mammalian peak emission of renilla luciferase is 480 nm,
cells, including the click beetle luciferases (green whereas firefly luciferase is 610 nm. Collectively,
or red; derived from the Jamaican click beetle these factors ensure that bioluminescent signals
504 Bioluminescence Imaging

Day 62 Day 69 Day 76 Day 83








Bioluminescence Imaging, Fig. 1 Figure shows a scale bar correspond to light intensity and do not reflect the
series of bioluminescent images of an individual mouse color of detected light (This figure is reproduced with
taken at weekly intervals and shows the development of a modification from Fig. 4A (Lyons et al. 2006) by copyright
spontaneous and bioluminescent prostate tumor. Note that permission of the AACR)
the colors associated with these images and accompanying

from selected pairs of luciferase enzyme can be completely light tight box. The non-visible levels
discriminated, both upon the basis of substrate of light associated with bioluminescence imaging
exclusivity as well as their spectral signature. can be detected by the pixels of the cold CCD,
This can be useful as it enables the employment which results in a fully digitized and quantifiable
of powerful dual-labeled BLI studies, where the 2-D map of light intensity across the field of view.
light generated by different luciferase enzymes An image of this light intensity map is then
can measure multiple parameters within the superimposed over a digital photograph of the
same cell or individual animal (e.g., viable tumor subject (taken in normal light conditions immedi-
cell burden measured with one enzyme and the ately prior to bioluminescence acquisition) to
activation of a cellular process with another). The indicate the regions of the subject where labeled
development of increasingly sophisticated spec- cells reside (Fig. 1).
tral unmixing image analysis techniques has made In a manner analogous to conventional photog-
it relatively straight-forward to discern the optical raphy, the exposure time and aperture settings of
spectra from two different luciferase enzymes the CCD camera can be adjusted to modify
when both substrates are administered the sensitivity of bioluminescence acquisitions.
simultaneously. This ensures that CCD pixels do not become
saturated when imaging relatively bright subjects
How Is In Vivo Bioluminescence Detected? and maximizes sensitivity when imaging rela-
The intensity of light generated by luciferase tively dim subjects. Computer software can be
labeled cells in a typical bioluminescence imaging used to collect (or “bin”) the signals detected by
experiment is very low, such that a highly sensi- adjacent CCD pixels to further increase imaging
tive light detector is needed to measure it. Such sensitivity, but this gain is made at a cost to image
detectors are commercially available and typically resolution. Software tools are also used to create
comprise a cryogenically cooled CCD camera “regions of interest” to quantitatively measure
(charge-coupled device; cooled to 90  C to light emission from any area of the image in
reduce thermal noise and increase sensitivity of fully calibrated physical units (i.e., photons/s/
detection) housed behind a lens within a cm2/steradian).
Bioluminescence Imaging 505

Considerations to Maximize In Vivo Imaging absence of green light in relation to the amount of
Sensitivity measured red light is indicative of a shallow or
Currently, BLI is considered the most sensitive deep bioluminescent origin respectively).
non-invasive preclinical imaging modality. There Another key factor that influences the sensitiv-
are, however, several important factors that will ity of BLI is the extent of bioluminescent back- B
affect the sensitivity of any in vivo BLI approach ground. In terms of imaging labeled tumor
and so influence the minimum number of cells xenograft models, this is not normally a serious
detectable or the ability to visualize a cellular issue as non-labeled host tissue does not emit light
process above noise. at appreciable levels. This issue becomes perti-
One obvious issue relates to the extent of lucif- nent when working with luciferase labeled trans-
erase enzyme expression in the target cell; labeled genic mice (as certain lines may express
cells that express relatively low levels of lucifer- significant levels of luciferase in a non-specific
ase will be harder to detect than an equivalent manner) or when attempting to detect micro-
number of labeled cells that express greater metastases that reside in proximity to a bright
amounts of luciferase. primary tumor. Attempts to image the activation
Another key issue is the depth of signal, as the of a molecular pathway in a population of cells
wavelengths of light produced by the commonly can also prove challenging in transgenic mice, if
employed luciferases are prone to scatter and basal levels of luciferase expression are
absorption as they pass through mammalian tis- already high.
sue. Red wavelengths of light (>600 nm) pass
through tissue with greater efficiency than rela- Oncology Model Applications
tively bluer wavelengths (<500 nm). Therefore, A tremendous degree of experimental versatility
in principal, luciferases that produce light with the is afforded by the fact that the direct imaging of
highest proportion of red light should be better- mammalian cells by BLI relies upon the expres-
suited for in vivo imaging. The quantum yield or sion of a luciferase transgene. A wide range of
relative brightness of the different luciferases also validated strategies exist to regulate transgene
varies however, and can compensate for issues expression at transcriptional level or post-transla-
relating to the color of emitted light. For example, tional levels. As a consequence, a diverse range of
even though gaussia luciferase generates predom- tumor biology related parameters can be imaged
inantly blue/green light, imaging sensitivity has in vivo using BLI.
been reported to be roughly comparable to that One of the most common applications of BLI
associated with firefly luciferase as the relative in cancer research is the detection and repeated
efficiency of light production is sufficiently high. measurement of in vivo tumor burden within the
The absorbance of in vivo bioluminescence is same subject over time.
increased when overlying tissues, skin, or fur are For tumor xenograft based studies, this can be
darkly pigmented. Indeed, whenever BLI sensi- achieved by introducing stable constitutive lucif-
tivity issues become prevalent for any given erase expression into the cell line of choice in
in vivo application, the use of albino mouse strain vitro, prior to implantation. Derivatives of strong
variants or the local removal of pigmented fur is viral promoters such as CMV or SV40 have been
highly recommended. employed for such purposes, but promoter
The fact that different colors of light have sequences from eukaryotic house-keeping genes
inherently different tissue transmission properties (e.g., b-actin or EF1a) can also be used and may
has led to the development of algorithms that can be preferable for ensuring robust luciferase
predict the depth of firefly luciferase expressing expression in certain cell types.
cells in tissue. As red light passes through tissue It is now well established that when ATP
with greater efficiency than green, the ratio of red dependent luciferases are constitutively expressed
to green light on the surface of the animal is in tumor cells, total light emission is proportional
proportional to tissue depth (i.e., the presence or to the number of viable tumour cells. At early and
506 Bioluminescence Imaging

mid-stages of tumor development, this is typically invasively when luciferase expression or func-
reflected by a strong correlation between mea- tionality is regulated in different ways. For exam-
sured bioluminescence and tumor volume. This ple, relative levels of tumor cell proliferation can
correlation becomes less pronounced when be imaged before and after drug treatment using a
tumors near end-stage, as extensive regions of luciferase allele that is only expressed at the onset
tumor necrosis (which contribute to tumor volume of S-phase in replicating cells. Tumor cell ▶ apo-
but not bioluminescence), variable tissue-depth, ptosis can be imaged in vivo by employing
and tumor perfusion/substrate bioavailability engineered luciferase alleles that have extra pep-
issues (affecting measured bioluminescence but tide domains fused to them, causing either
not volume) become more prevalent. reporter instability or impaired function in normal
BLI can also measure spontaneously arisen cells. The activation of specific caspase enzymes,
tumor burden in transgenic mice. Imaging such which mark the onset of apoptosis, specifically
tumors is more complicated than xenograft cleave this interfering peptide domain from the
models as, in order to maintain sensitivity, strate- reporter, resulting in reporter functionality and
gies must be implemented to ensure that luciferase the generation of bioluminescence. Several
expression is maximized in the tumor, yet mini- approaches have also been devised to image spe-
mized in proximal non-transformed tissues. Tis- cific protein-protein interactions in tumor cells
sue specific promoters can be useful when in vivo. One involves the splitting of firefly or
tumorigenesis occurs in a target organ or cell renilla luciferase into two separate but comple-
type population that is relatively small in size (e. mentary domains. These intrinsically inactive N-
g., tumors arising spontaneously in the pituitary and C-terminal reporter fragments can be fused to
and prostate glands have been successfully other proteins, such that reconstituted and mea-
imaged in this way). The growth dynamics of surable bioluminescent activity only occurs when
spontaneous tumors arising in other more elabo- the tagged peptide domains bind each other and
rate conditional (Cre/loxP dependent) tumor bring the split reporter halves into close proximity.
models can also be measured using a generally Again, the ability to garner this type of informa-
expressed but conditional (Cre/loxP dependent) tion non-invasively in vivo is incredibly useful for
luciferase allele. characterizing fundamental aspects of tumor biol-
Constitutive promoter strategies can also be ogy or examining the effects of experimental
used to detect the appearance of tumor ▶ Metas- therapeutics.
tases in vivo. As the primary tumor may be rela-
tively large (and consequently bright) at the time
that metastases appear, imaging sensitivity is Cross-References
maximal when metastases develop at sites that
are spatially distinct from the primary tumor. Tis- ▶ Apoptosis
sue depth will also likely vary between the meta- ▶ Metastasis
static sites within a cohort of subjects. Therefore, ▶ P-Glycoprotein
longitudinal BLI measurements indicate only the
presence and relative growth dynamics of each
metastatic lesion as opposed to the absolute quan- References
tification of tumor cell burden at every location.
Kocher B, Piwnica-Worms D (2013) Illuminating cancer
BLI can also be performed on freshly excised systems with genetically engineered mouse models and
organs at necropsy (i.e., ex vivo BLI) to quickly coupled luciferase reporters in vivo. Cancer Discov 3
validate the presence of metastases at the end of an (6):616–629
experiment. Lyons SK, Patrick PS, Brindle KM (2013) Imaging mouse
cancer models in vivo using reporter transgenes. Cold
The sensitivity of BLI is such that many tumor Spring Harbor Protoc 2013(8):685–699
associated processes (and the effects of drug treat- Mezzanotte L, Aswendt M, Tennstaedt A, Hoeben R,
ment upon them) can also be imaged non- Hoehn M, Löwik C (2013) Evaluating reporter genes
Biomarkers in Detection of Cancer Risk Factors and in Chemoprevention 507

of different luciferases for optimized in vivo

bioluminescence imaging of transplanted neural stem Biomarkers in Detection
cells in the brain. Contrast Media Mol Imaging 8
(6):505–513 of Cancer Risk Factors and in
Patrick PS, Lyons SK, Rodrigues TB, Brindle KM (2014) Chemoprevention
Oatp1 enhances bioluminescence by acting as a plasma B
membrane transporter for D-luciferin. Mol Imaging Beatrice L. Pool-Zobel
Biol 16(5):626–634
Nutritional Toxicology, Friedrich-Schiller-
University of Jena, Jena, Germany
See Also
(2012) Caspase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 674–675.
(2012) Codon-optimization. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- Definition
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
891. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1249 ▶ Biomarkers are parameters that provide infor-
(2012) Cre/loxP. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
mation on exposure to xenobiotics and to chemo-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 993.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1368 preventive compounds or on the effects of that
(2012) CT. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd exposure in an individual or in a group.
edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 1006–1007.
(2012) Enzyme. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1259. Characteristics
(2012) MRI. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2382. Biomarkers used for the detection of cancer risk
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3854 factors and in studies of chemoprevention can
(2012) Spectral unmixing. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- reveal an overall body load of genotoxins (which
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
3476. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5434
should be avoided) or of chemoprotective compo-
(2012) S-phase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can- nents (which should be enhanced).
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3476.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5138 Background
(2012) Steradian. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3527.
Most forms of cancer are due to somatic alter-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5497 ations (Mutation, ▶ Amplification, recombina-
(2012) Tumor Xenografts. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- tion) in proto-oncogenes, in tumor suppressor
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p genes, or in ▶ DNA repair genes. These are
3807. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6061
acquired in the tumor target tissues during
lifetime and accumulate and produce a clonal
selection of cells with aggressive and
invasive growth properties. Only 1% of all can-
cers are due to inheritance of these types of
Bioluminescent Reporter Gene genetic alterations. Most other cancers are
Assays dietary related, are due to inhalation of tobacco
smoke (tobacco carcinogenesis), or may be a
▶ Luciferase Reporter Gene Assays
consequence of ▶ inflammation or viral infec-
tions. Therefore, the majority of all human tumors
are considered to be preventable by avoiding
exposure to risk factors. ▶ Biomarkers may be
used in human trials and in studies of molecular
Biomarkers cancer epidemiology to study these types of expo-
sures and to identify measures to reduce cancer
▶ Clinical Cancer Biomarkers risks.
508 Biomarkers in Detection of Cancer Risk Factors and in Chemoprevention

Types of Biomarkers • Biomarkers of exposure (risk and protective

The most straightforward determination of risk is factors) to identify current exposure to risk
to identify people already carrying the disease on compounds (e.g., carcinogens from tobacco
account of having tumor cells in their body. These (▶ tobacco carcinogenesis) or food, reactive
markers are of diagnostic value. In the context of oxygen species, products of lipid peroxidation)
exposure and health, however, other parameters or protective compounds (e.g., antioxidants,
that can be detected prior to manifestation of metabolites of chemopreventive agents, fer-
tumors are considered more feasible. These mentation products of the gut flora) by mea-
include: suring their concentrations in urine or blood.
For complex associations such as diet and can-
• Susceptibility biomarkers (predetermining cer, the shift of these groups of substances
damage) to identify people at high risk, since relative to each other can then be evaluated as
they carry cancer-prone genetic alterations contributing to an increase or to a decrease
(mutations, gene amplifications, or recombina- of risk.
tion) in cancer target genes (e.g., ▶ APC dele-
tions, hMSH mutations, K-ras amplification). Biomarker Techniques and Fields
• Susceptibility biomarkers (predisposing of Application
alterations) to identify people at different Depending on the source of body fluid or cells
degrees of risk because they carry frequent analyzed, the biomarkers will reveal systemic or
alterations in genes that are more indirectly tissue-specific exposures. Specific endpoints will
related to the process of carcinogenesis. be more suited for molecular cancer epidemiology
These indirect mechanisms include features studies, whereas nonspecific endpoints are also of
of carcinogen metabolism (metabolic poly- value for occupational types of exposure assess-
morphisms) or pharmacological variations ment or for dietary intervention studies. Noninva-
(e.g., receptors for micronutrients, sensory dis- sive methods should be better suited for
positions). There is some evidence available large-scale studies, whereas invasive methods
that single genetic polymorphisms, or a com- will be employed more selectively. In this context,
bination of these, can be associated with largely depending on the degree of invasiveness,
cancer risk. biomarkers may be categorized as follows:
• Biomarkers of early effects in cells and tissues
to identify past exposure to risk factors by • Noninvasive methods using body fluids or
determining genetic damage (▶ DNA adducts, exfoliated cells include techniques such as the
DNA breaks, ▶ oxidative DNA damage, analytical detection of single compounds or of
genome instability) in somatic cells. This is their metabolites. The methods are indicators
based on the assumption that increased DNA of exposure. Also, a functional determination
damage is the result of a higher load of of mutagenic or genotoxic effects of body
genotoxic agents that will cause the complex fluids using cultured cells as target organisms
process of carcinogenesis. Additional cellular (e.g., determination of fecal water geno-
processes that may serve as biomarkers are cell toxicity) is the biomarkers for determining
proliferation or ▶ apoptosis (intermediate end- exposure. Other noninvasive methods are
points). These may also be decreased on directed at analyzing genetic alterations in iso-
account of exposure to protective factors. Fur- lated exfoliated cells from these body fluids.
thermore, the modulation of gene expression, Examples are the analysis of micronuclei, e.g.,
such as induction of phase II enzymes, may in sputum or urinary and buccal cells.
render the cell less vulnerable and more resis- • Relatively noninvasive methods using cells of
tant to risk factors, and the measurement of the peripheral blood stream are aimed at
these effects is thus novel biomarkers of detecting exposure-related genotoxic damage.
chemoprevention. The endpoints include DNA-strand breaks,
Biomarkers in Detection of Cancer Risk Factors and in Chemoprevention 509

Biomarkers in Detection of Cancer Risk Factors and microscopical slides, lysed, subjected to alkaline electropho-
in Chemoprevention, Fig. 1 Images of undamaged to resis, and stained with ethidium bromide. Usually, the pro-
damaged DNA from single human peripheral lymphocytes in portion of damaged cells and degree of damage are quantified
the “comet assay.” Cells were embedded into agarose on for 50–100 cells per slide, using an image analyzer

oxidized DNA bases (using the single cell exposure as well as of exposure reduction. Many
microgel electrophoresis assay, also referred of the techniques, however, need to be further
to as the ▶ comet assay), DNA adducts validated for their applicability, reliability, and
(detected with 32P-postlabeling), and cytoge- predictivity of potential tumor risks in human
netic endpoints (micronuclei, sister chromatid studies. Another set of techniques is available
exchanges, chromosomal aberrations). The that can serve as a meaningful basis for the devel-
development of the techniques for genetic opment of potentially new biomarkers. Alto-
damage has been largely based on their utiliza- gether, these methods are of value to serve as
tion as methods to assess exposure in occupa- indicators of effects and indicators of exposure
tional, environmental settings or subsequent to by risk and protective compounds. Depending
tobacco smoke inhalation. They have only spo- on the specificity of the endpoint or on the tech-
radically been used to study associations of nical feasibility, individual methods will be more
diet and cancer. or less suited for use in dietary intervention stud-
• Invasive methods using cells from tumor target ies, in occupational exposure settings, and/or in
tissues make use of cells from biopsies (e.g., larger-scale trials of molecular epidemiology.
colon, breast, kidney) to determine functional
parameters in potential tumor target tissues. The
parameters indicate cellular responses and Cross-References
genetic alterations (proliferation, K-ras and
p53 mutations, APC alterations, and DNA dam- ▶ Adducts to DNA
age). The endpoints are indicators of very early ▶ Biomonitoring
response to risk factors and are biomarkers of ▶ BORIS
effect. However, they are invasive and thus may ▶ CCCTC-Binding Factor
be limited to studies on special exposures or in ▶ Clinical Cancer Biomarkers
specific groups of patients. In any case, their ▶ Molecular Pathology
utilization and development will serve as basis ▶ Oncopeptidomics
for the refinement of noninvasive methods with ▶ Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases
exfoliated cells as outlined above (Fig. 1).
In conclusion, a variety of biomarkers to assess
the impact of risk and of protective factors is Doll R, Peto R (1981) The causes of cancer: quantitative
available. Already research has provided evidence estimates of avoidable risks of cancer in the United
that biomarkers can measure the efficacy of States today. J Natl Cancer Inst 66:1191–1308
510 Biomonitoring

Fearon ER (1997) Human cancer syndromes: clues to the Biological monitoring is complementary to the
origin and nature of cancer. Science 278:1043–1050 two other monitoring programs that are carried
Perera FP (2000) Molecular epidemiology: on the path to
prevention? J Natl Cancer Inst 92:602–612 out to evaluate the health risk associated with
Pool-Zobel BL, Bub A, Müller H et al (1997) Consumption exposure to pollutants, i.e., ambient monitoring
of vegetables reduces genetic damage in humans: first and health surveillance. The basis of these moni-
results of an intervention trial with carotenoid-rich toring programs is defined by following up the
foods. Carcinogenesis 18:1847–1850
World Cancer Research Fund, American Institute for Can- fate of a chemical from the environment to the
cer Research (1997) Food, nutrition and the prevention target molecules in the organism. The main char-
of cancer: a global perspective. American Institute for acteristics of biological and ambient monitoring
Cancer Research, Washington, DC are summarized in Table 1.
Once absorbed and present in the circulation,
the chemical may be eliminated unchanged,
Biomonitoring mainly in urine or in expired air, or distributed to
different compartments of the body. Organic
Ari Hirvonen chemicals usually undergo a biotransformation
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, to more water-soluble compounds that are more
Helsinki, Finland easily excreted via urine or bile than the parent
compound. If not excreted, the chemical or its
metabolites may bind to different sites on the
Synonyms target molecules. Binding on critical sites may
give rise to adverse health effects at least when
Biological monitoring the amount bound has reached a certain level and
the protective mechanisms are inadequate or
Definition Biological monitoring may offer several
advantages over environmental monitoring to
Biological monitoring (i.e., biomonitoring) has evaluate the internal dose and hence to estimate
conventionally been defined as “the periodic mea- the health risk. One of the main advantages is that
surement of ▶ xenobiotic(s) or their metabolite(s) biological monitoring takes into consideration all
in accessible biological media for the comparison routes of absorption (inhalation, skin, ingestion)
with an appropriate reference.” At present, a in both occupational and leisure activities,
broader definition could be used that included accounting for individual differences in
effect ▶ biomarkers and biologically relevant
dose, as well as biomarkers of susceptibility.

Biomonitoring, Table 1 Main characteristics of

biomonitoring and ambient monitoring
Biomonitoring monitoring
Biomonitoring is mainly aimed at:
Quantifies Dose External
• Defining the existence of an occupational or Routes of All routes Inhalation
environmental exposure absorption
• Quantifying the internal dose Measurement Biomarkers Direct
• Verifying that exposure limits are respected Interpretation Complicated Easy
Variability High Usually low
The most commonly used matrices for Confounding Metabolic Protection
biomonitoring are blood (and its components, phenotype devices
e.g., serum and plasma) and urine. Cost Usually high Usually low
Biomonitoring 511

absorption rate due to variations in, e.g., workload The meaning of the marker may depend on the
or coexposure to additional components of com- sampling time. Therefore, the choice of the bio-
plex mixtures. It also takes into account the vari- marker should rely on a number of considerations,
ations in individual metabolic capability, due to but mainly on kinetic parameters and on the knowl-
either genetically determined or acquired changes edge of the mechanistic basis of adverse effects. An B
in gene expression and enzyme activity. The ideal biomarker of exposure should be (i) specific
greatest advantage of biomonitoring, however, is for the exposure of interest, (ii) detectable in small
the fact that the biological parameter of exposure quantities, (iii) measurable by noninvasive tech-
is more directly related to the adverse health niques, (iv) inexpensive, (v) associated with prior
effects that one attempts to prevent than any envi- exposure, and (vi) able to provide an excellent
ronmental measurement. positive predictive value to a specific health status.
On the other hand, biomonitoring is more com- Several biomarkers of exposure are often available
plex in terms of standardization and interpretative for the same chemical, e.g., the parent compound
efforts as compared with ambient monitoring. itself, a metabolite, or a macromolecular ▶ adduct
Since biomonitoring relies on the use of bio- (to DNA or protein).
markers, rational biological monitoring is only A great majority of the currently available
possible when sufficient toxicological informa- biomonitoring tests are based on the determina-
tion has been gathered on the mechanism of action tion of the chemical or its metabolite in a biolog-
and/or the metabolism (absorption, biotransfor- ical media. According to their selectivity, these
mation, distribution, excretion) of ▶ xenobiotics tests can be classified into two subgroups: (i) the
to which people may be exposed. When a selective tests based on the direct measurement of
biomonitoring method is based on the determina- the unchanged chemicals or their metabolites in
tion of chemical or its metabolite in biological biological media and (ii) the nonselective tests
media, it is essential to know how the substance used as nonspecific indicators of exposure to a
is absorbed via the lung, the gastrointestinal tract, group of chemicals.
and the skin and subsequently how it is distributed DNA and protein ▶ adducts are primary mea-
to the different compartments of the body, sures of exposure to carcinogenic compounds.
biotransformed, and finally eliminated. It is also DNA adducts are mechanistically linked to cancer
important to know whether the chemical can accu- formation, as they may cause gene mutations and
mulate to the body. chromosomal alterations in growth-controlling
According to the National Research Council genes. Measurement of DNA adduct levels allows
(NRC), biomarkers can be classified as insight into the impact of metabolic variations,
(i) biomarkers of exposure, (ii) biomarkers of interactions between components of complex
effect, and (iii) biomarkers of susceptibility. The mixtures, and coexposure to compounds that
use of biomarkers rather than their intrinsic prop- enhance the effect of carcinogens. In human stud-
erties may define their classification. ies, DNA adduct levels in the target organ are
consistent with the excess risk noted for
Biomarkers of Exposure populations with specific exposures. For instance,
Exposure biomarkers are widely used, e.g., in significant differences in DNA adduct levels have
occupational toxicology for a more accurate risk been detected in persons exposed to passive
assessment. In workers exposed to similar air tobacco smoke in the face of only modest differ-
concentrations of chemical pollutants, various ences in exposures. Moreover, simple interven-
factors can determine the actual absorbed dose, tions have been shown to reduce DNA adduct
including physical workload, additional skin levels in the target organ of an exposed popula-
absorbance due to bad working practice or, on tion. So, while analysis of carcinogen DNA
the contrary, the use of personal protection adducts remains primarily a research tool, these
devices, and differences in individual uptake and research studies have begun to validate its wider
metabolism. use in biological monitoring of exposed human.
512 Biomonitoring

Biotransformation is obviously a central issue purpose. Cytogenetic tests involving scoring of

for any biomarker used in biomonitoring of xeno- microscopic chromosomal damage are the oldest
biotic exposure. Variation in individual metabo- of biomarkers used and are still applied in a wide
lism is expected to be an important contributor to variety of exposures.
variation in biomarker levels. Metabolic differ- The main conceptual basis for using cytoge-
ences among individuals can stem from acquired netic assays for biological monitoring is that
factors, such as enzyme induction or inhibition, or genetic damage in a nontarget tissue, most often
from inherited polymorphisms of xenobiotic- peripheral blood lymphocytes, reflects similar
metabolizing enzymes (XMEs). events in cells involved in carcinogenic process.
Most absorbed xenobiotic chemicals undergo The conventional chromosomal damage assess-
biotransformation that eventually aims at disposal ments include determination of (i) structural chro-
of the chemical with as little harm as possible. For mosomal aberrations (CAs), (ii) sister chromatid
indirectly toxic chemicals, phase I reactions medi- exchanges (SCEs), and (iii) micronuclei (MN).
ated by cytochrome P-450 (CYP)-dependent In situ fluorescence techniques (FISH) have been
monooxygenases usually comprise metabolic used in order to score specific chromosomes and
activation, while phase II conjugation reactions chromosomal loci. Rigorous study design is nec-
are part of detoxification and lead to excretion. essary in all cytogenetic biomonitoring methods,
In many cases, the metabolism is, however, com- since many interindividual factors that are not
plicated, and metabolic activation and detoxifica- related to the specific chemical exposure(s) of
tion do not follow this simple model. interest may affect the parameters studied. Exper-
During the last decade many of the XME genes imental confirmation of the chromosome-
have been shown to be polymorphic, resulting in damaging potential of the test agent(s) is therefore
individual differences in the metabolic capability a prerequisite in performing human cytogenetic
related to these enzymes. For some enzymes, the studies.
polymorphism involves genotypes that are asso- A good example of the potential applicability
ciated with no enzyme activity, while in other of chromosomal damage as surrogate for disease
cases phenotypic differences between the geno- comes from prospective studies on cytogenetic
types are subtler. The phenotypic consequences of biomarkers and cancer risk that followed several
many metabolic polymorphisms are, however, European cohorts; subjects in the group of highest
inadequately known. Accordingly, we are just frequency of CAs were at a more than doubled
beginning to understand the possible toxicologi- overall risk for cancer with comparison to the
cal impacts of genetic polymorphisms in environ- lowest frequency group. The use of MN as a
mental exposures. measure of chromosomal damage, on the other
hand, has become a widely used assay in both
Biomarkers of Effect genetic toxicology testing and human
Biomarker of effect has been defined as “any biomonitoring studies. Analysis of results from
measurable biochemical, physiological, or other European cohorts indicated that subjects with can-
alteration within an organism that, depending on cer had a significant increase in MN frequency.
the magnitude, can be recognized as an
established or potential health impairment or dis- Biomarkers of Susceptibility
ease.” Research on biomarkers of effect is rapidly The concatenation of environmental exposure,
generating a large amount of data measuring inter- genetic effect, and individual susceptibility is a
mediate end points occurring probably after expo- key issue in the assessment of risks for
sure and possibly before illness. Such biomarkers populations exposed to environmental pollutants.
are expected to reflect early modifications preced- In view of the interindividual differences in sus-
ing progressive structural or functional damage at ceptibility to xenobiotics, one might consider the
the molecular, cellular, and tissue level. A wide detection of increased susceptibility to a chemical
spectrum of biomarkers may be used for this hazard. A biomarker of susceptibility is defined as
Biomonitoring 513

an indicator of an inherent or acquired ability of an to the external exposure source. And because
organism to respond to the challenge of exposure human biomonitoring has to do with people, an
to a specific xenobiotic substance. For instance, ethical and communication framework has to be
the ability to acetylate aromatic amines has been further developed in order to ensure that the bio-
shown to be genetically determined, and it has logical monitoring surveys respect ethical and B
been suggested that carriers of allelic variants of privacy considerations.
the N-acetyltransferase (NAT2) gene that result in Much work has therefore still to be done, espe-
decreased N-acetylation capacity are at increased cially with respect to proper interpretation of
risk for colorectal cancer when exposed to carci- human biomonitoring data and its translation
nogenic aromatic amines. into policy actions. In line with this, developing
Genetic polymorphisms in the activity of the a coherent approach to human biomonitoring
aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) have also was one of the main priorities of the European
been suggested as an example of the relationship Union Environment and Health Action Plan
of metabolic variation to individual susceptibility 2004–2010.
to develop lung cancer in case of exposure to
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
The genetic polymorphisms potentially impor- Cross-References
tant for a particular biomarker largely depend on
the exposing agent and biological material ▶ Adducts to DNA
examined. As genotype effects have only occa- ▶ Arylamine N-Acetyltransferases
sionally been considered in ▶ biomarker studies, ▶ Biomarkers in Detection of Cancer Risk
much basic research is needed, and no general Factors and in Chemoprevention
conclusions can yet be drawn on their real impor- ▶ Carcinogen Metabolism
tance. It is, however, expected that genotype dif- ▶ Clinical Cancer Biomarkers
ferences exist in biomarker response to many ▶ Glutathione S-transferase
exposures. In such cases, information on this ▶ Toxicological Carcinogenesis
effect will be very valuable for correct assessment ▶ Xenobiotics
of exposure and effect biomarkers. If genotyping
can be shown to markedly improve routine bio- References
marker reliability, the ethical question whether
this tool should be utilized only in setting stan- Bonassi S, Znaor A, Ceppi M et al (2007) An increased
dards or incorporated as part of the analysis must micronucleus frequency in peripheral blood lympho-
be addressed. cytes predicts the risk of cancer in humans. Carcino-
genesis 28:625–631
Hirvonen A (2005) Gene-environment interaction and bio-
Ethical and Social Implications logical monitoring of environmental exposures.
Biological monitoring has been a major tool of Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 207:329–335
medical health surveillance in most EU member Hirvonen A, Pelkonen O (2001) Measurement of drug
metabolizing enzyme polymorphisms as indicators of
states already for several decades. Biomonitoring susceptibility. In: Aitio A, Hayashi Y (eds) Biomarkers
data can also be used to fine-tune or even launch in risk assessment: validity and validation, Environ-
environment and health policies; it allows policy mental health criteria, 222. World Health Organization,
makers to identify priorities, provides early warn- Geneva, pp 146–201
National Research Council (NRC) (1987) Biological
ing on potential threats, and enables them to markers in environmental health research. Environ
assess how effective the strategies are (time Health Perspect 74:3–9
trend analysis). Shatzkin A, Freedman LS, Dorgan J (1997) Using and
For many pollutants, however, interpretation interpreting surrogate end-points in cancer research.
In: Toniolo P, Boffetta P, Shuker DEG, Rothman N,
of health significance is still hampered by the Hulka B, Pearce N (eds) Application of biomarkers in
lack of toxicological and medical information. cancer epidemiology. International Agency for
Moreover, internal doses cannot be directly linked Research on Cancer, Lyon, pp 265–271
514 Bioradiotherapy

Van Damme K, Casteleyn L (2003) Current scientific,

ethical and social issues of biomonitoring in the Euro- BIRC5
pean Union. Toxicol Lett 144:117–126

▶ Survivin
See Also
(2012) Adduct. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 43.
(2012) Biomarkers. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of BIR-Containing Protein 4 (BIRC4)
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 408–
409. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6601
(2012) Biotransformation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- ▶ XIAP
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
415. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_651
(2012) Cytogenetics. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 1050–
1051. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1470 Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome
(2012) Genotype. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1540. Shree Ram Singh
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2396 Basic Research Laboratory, National Cancer
(2012) Internal dose. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1897. Institute at Frederick, Frederick, MD, USA
(2012) Kinetic parameters. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p Synonyms
1943. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3223
(2012) Metabolic capability. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p BHD syndrome; Fibrofolliculomas with tricho-
2255. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3653 discomas and acrochordons; Hornstein-
(2012) Metabolite. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Knickenberg syndrome
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2258.
(2012) Phenotype. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2856. Definition
(2012) Standardization. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3501. Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome is a rare, autosomal
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5480 dominantly inherited genodermatosis characterized
(2012) Toxicology. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of by multiple, benign cutaneous hair follicle tumors
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3734. (fibrofolliculomas, characterized by multiple
noncancerous tumors of the hair follicles particularly
on the face, neck, and upper chest), trichodiscomas,
acrochordons (skin tags), lung cysts, spontaneous
pneumothorax (lung wall collapse), colon polyps
and colon carcinoma, lipomas, angiolipomas, para-
thyroid adenomas, parotid oncocytomas, and an
increased risk for developing kidney tumors such
▶ Chemoradiotherapy
as oncocytomas, chromophobe, papillary carci-
noma, and clear renal cell carcinoma (RCC).

Biotechnology-Derived Therapeutic
Proteins The entry “Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome” appears under the
copyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (outside the
USA) both in the print and the online version of this
▶ Recombinant Therapeutics Encyclopedia.
Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome 515

Characteristics neoplasms, including renal oncocytomas and pap-

illary RCCs. BHD patients with renal neoplasia
BHD syndrome was originally described in 1977 display multifocal, bilateral tumors of several his-
by Birt, Hogg, and Dubé as a rare form of topathological variants including chromophobe
inherited autosomal dominant syndrome in large RCC (34%), oncocytic hybrid (50%) with features B
kindred, wherein 15 of 37 members were older of chromophobe RCC and renal oncocytoma, and
than 25 years of age. Originally, it was character- less frequently clear cell RCC (9%), renal
ized as a triad of multiple, skin hamartomatous oncocytoma (5%), and papillary RCC (2%).
lesions (fibrofolliculomas, trichodiscomas, and Oncocytoma and chromophobe RCC originate
acrochordon). The fibrofolliculomas and from the intercalated cells of renal collecting
trichodiscomas appear as multiple, small, dome- tubules and share overlapping histologic features.
shaped, smooth, 2–4 mm, yellowish, or skin- A study on 98 patients with BHD syndrome
colored papules, scattered over the forehead, face, described the occurrence of both oncocytoma
neck, nose, chest, scalp, and upper trunk. The onset and chromophobe RCC with predominancy of
of skin lesions typically begins during the third or chromophobe RCC in renal cancer, found in 7 of
fourth decade of life. Skin lesions tend to increase 14 histologically examined tumors. Chromo-
in size and number with age. The acrochordons phobe RCCs are slowly progressive, locally inva-
appear as small and soft skin tags (furrowed, sive, and average 7–9 cm in diameter but rarely
1–2 mm soft papules) composed of loose connec- metastasize. Mean age at diagnosis of kidney
tive tissues. Histogenesis of skin lesions confirmed tumors is 50.7 years. Findings suggest that micro-
that trichodiscomas originated from the mesenchy- scopic oncocytic lesions may be precursors of
mal component of the pilar complex, acrochordons hybrid oncocytic tumors, chromophobe RCCs,
from epithelial components, and fibrofolliculomas and perhaps clear cell RCCs in patients with
from both epithelial and mesenchymal prolifera- BHD syndrome. Strong associations between
tion. Since its initial description, more than 60 fam- renal neoplasms and pulmonary cysts and sponta-
ilies have been identified with BHD syndrome, and neous pneumothorax have been observed in BHD
a number of other features of BHD have been families. The lung cysts in BHD-affected individ-
recognized, including an increased incidence of ual are mostly bilateral and multifocal and have a
▶ renal carcinoma, most commonly chromophobe high risk of developing spontaneous pneumotho-
and hybrid oncocytic/chromophobe ▶ renal cell rax. Pneumothorax likely occurs in younger indi-
carcinomas (RCCs), lung cysts, pleural blebs, viduals with BHD syndrome. Male gender and
spontaneous pneumothorax, developing colonic older age have been associated with increased risk
adenomas and carcinoma, neurothekeomas, of renal tumors, whereas the risk of spontaneous
meningiomas, flecked chorioretinopathy, parathy- pneumothorax is inversely associated with age.
roid adenomas, multiple lipomas, intraoral papules, Based on these clinical manifestations, penetrance
parotid oncocytoma, and other cutaneous tumors of BHD syndrome is considered to be very high.
such as collagenomas, perivascular fibromas, Thus, the BHD syndrome conferred an increased
angiofibromas, and ▶ melanomas. risk for the development of renal tumors, sponta-
Individuals with BHD syndrome were found to neous pneumothorax, and lung cysts.
have sevenfold higher risk of developing kidney
neoplasm, 50-fold higher risk of developing spon- Diagnostic Criteria
taneous pneumothorax, and 80-fold higher risk of The following diagnostic features may be consid-
developing pulmonary cysts over the general pop- ered in a patient with BHD syndrome: the presence
ulation. The first report of BHD syndrome with of 10–100 cream to flesh-colored, smooth, firm skin
renal pathology when examined showed bilateral papules on the face, neck, or upper torso, with at
kidney tumors with a one clear RCC and one least one histologically confirmed fibrofolliculoma
chromophobe RCC. Further, in a study of with or without family history of BHD or a
13 patients with BHD syndrome, seven had renal single renal tumor or history of spontaneous
516 Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome

pneumothorax; a patient with multiple and bilateral stem cells in human. It has been demonstrated
chromophobe, oncocytic, and/or oncocytic hybrid that folliculin (FLCN)-interacting proteins 1 and
renal tumors; single oncocytic, chromophobe, or 2 (Fnip1 and Fnip2) play an important roles in
oncocytic-hybrid tumor and a family history of kidney tumor suppression in cooperation with
renal cancer with any of the above renal cell tumor Flcn. Fnip1 and Fnip2 are essential for the
types; and a family history of autosomal dominant tumor-suppressive function of Flcn. Their study
primary spontaneous pneumothorax without a his- also suggest that kidney tumorigenesis in human
tory of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome may be triggered by
loss of interactions among Flcn, Fnip1, and Fnip2.
BHD Gene Mutations Their findings suggest crucial roles for Fnip1 and
The genetic defect responsible for BHD syndrome Fnip2 in kidney tumor suppression and may pro-
has been mapped to the pericentromeric region of vide molecular targets for the development of
chromosome 17p11.2 by linkage analysis, and the novel therapeutics for kidney cancer.
gene in this region has been cloned and is believed The germline mutations identified in BHD fam-
to be responsible for the BHD syndrome. This ilies so far are frameshift or nonsense mutations,
region is interesting because of the presence of predicted to truncate folliculin, including insertions
low-copy-number repeat elements, unstable, and or deletions (44%) of a hypermutable tract of eight
associated with a number of diseases. Several cytosines (C8) in exon 11. Initially, the distinct
heterozygous germline mutations have been iden- germline mutations on exon 11 of the folliculin
tified in a novel gene, BHD, in BHD families. The gene (c.1733insC and c.1733delC) in three of
human BHD gene encodes a tumor suppressor four families with BHD syndrome were identified.
protein, folliculin (FLCN), a cytoplasmic protein Later, mutations along the entire length of the
with an open reading frame of 579 amino acids, coding region of the folliculin gene have been
64-kDa protein. Human FLCN consists of identified, including 16 insertions/deletions, 3 non-
14 exons. Folliculin contains a glutamic acid- sense mutations, and 3 splice site mutations in 51 of
rich, coiled-coil domain with no significant 61 families with BHD syndrome. Interestingly,
homology to any known human protein. among patients with a mutation in the exon
Folliculin homologs have been identified in 11 hot spot, significantly fewer renal tumors were
many species, including Drosophila, observed in patients with the C-deletion than those
Caenorhabditis elegans, mouse, dog, and rat, with the C-insertion mutation. Two unique features
implying a critical biological role for folliculin. of renal tumors in patients with BHD syndrome are
Although the function of the BHD gene is the variable expression of the phenotype among
unknown, germline mutations in FLCN, with members of a given family who carry the same
somatic mutations and loss of heterozygosity in germline mutation and between families who
tumor tissue, suggest that loss of function of the carry the “hot spot” mutation in exon 11. Muta-
folliculin protein is the basis of tumor formation in tional hot spot is also reported to be a target of
BHD syndrome. It has been shown that FLCN mutation in ▶ microsatellite instability (MSI) spo-
binds with FNIP1 (folliculin interacting protein radic colorectal cancer. Five of 32 (16%) sporadic
1) and may be involved in energy and/or nutrient colorectal cancers with MSI were found to have
sensing through AMPK and mTOR signaling insertion/deletion mutations in the poly(C)8 tract of
pathways. Further, a study demonstrates that the the BHD exon 11. In addition, mutations truncating
Drosophila homolog of gene BHD regulates male folliculin have been described in patients with 4-bp
germline stem cell maintenance and functions deletions in BHD exon 4, dominantly inherited
downstream of the JAK/STAT (Janus kinase/sig- lung cysts, and/or spontaneous pneumothorax
nal transducer and activator of transcription) and without skin lesions or kidney tumors. Moreover,
Dpp (decapentaplegic) signal transduction path- germline mutation in the rat and dog homologs of
ways. This study suggests that the BHD may the BHD gene also resulted in inherited kidney
regulate tumor formation through modulating tumors, suggesting that the BHD gene has a
Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome 517

tumor suppressor function. Furthermore, evidence 2 years. Further, BHD syndrome can be identified
of somatic second “hit” mutations in renal tumors by skin biopsies to confirm the fibrofolliculomas
from BHD patients in which 53% showed a second and X-rays to look for lung cysts and previous
somatic mutation and 17% showed loss of hetero- spontaneous pneumothorax. Individuals with
zygosity (LOH) of the wild-type allele strongly BHD syndrome should avoid smoking because B
supports the Knudson “two-hit” tumor suppressor of increased risk of kidney cancer associated
model for BHD, suggesting that BHD is a new with smoking. No curative medical treatment is
▶ tumor suppressor gene with roles in both currently available for the cutaneous lesions asso-
human and animal carcinogenesis. ciated with BHD syndrome. However, surgery
BHD mRNA is expressed in a wide variety of and electrodesiccation have provided definitive
normal tissues including the differentiated epider- treatment of solitary perifollicular fibromas and
mal layers of the skin and the outer and inner root multiple lesions, respectively. Treatment of
sheath supporting structures of the hair follicle, folliculoma/trichodiscoma shows substantial
lung, and kidney and also expressed in a variety improvement after laser ablation but can be
of secretory cell types, including acinar cells of the reverted. Renal tumors can be treated with
parotid gland and pancreas, brain, lymphocytes, nephron-sparing surgical approaches, depending
and ductal cells of the breast and prostate. Tissues on the size and location of the tumors. Individuals
with reduced expression of folliculin mRNA with spontaneous pneumothorax may avoid high
included the heart, muscle, and liver. Folliculin ambient pressures, which can precipitate sponta-
immunoreactivity also occurred in the nucleolus neous pneumothorax. Consider colonoscopy for
of normal cells and was associated with mitosis. colonic polyps and colonic adenocarcinoma.
In addition, folliculin mRNA was expressed Genetic testing for BHD syndrome is also avail-
strongly in fibrofolliculomas, but loss of folliculin able. Use of molecular genetic testing for early
expression was seen in oncocytoma (3.3%), chro- identification of at-risk family members before
mophobe RCC (60.7%), papillary RCC (36.4%), disease-causing mutations are manifested may
and clear cell RCC (21.1%). Abnormal accumula- improve diagnostic certainty and reduce costly
tion in the cytoplasm was also observed in screening procedures. Methods of using BHD
oncocytoma (76.7%), chromophobe RCC (3.6%), encoding sequence also allow for a differential
and clear cell RCC (14.7%). Thus, the protein may genetic diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax
have important biological functions in a variety of or collapsed lung.
tissues and organisms. Furthermore, the defective
protein in BHD patients may affect the cell’s cyto-
skeleton, disrupting the extracellular matrix and Cross-References
affecting the regulation of cellular proliferation.
▶ Microsatellite Instability
Screening and Possible Treatment for BHD ▶ Renal Cancer Clinical Oncology
BHD syndrome is inherited in an autosomal dom- ▶ Renal Cancer Genetic Syndromes
inant manner. A child having a parent with muta- ▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes
tion on BHD has a 50% chance of inheriting that
mutation. No specific screening guidelines for
BHD syndrome have been described. However,
due to the risk of kidney cancer and other associ- Hasumi H, Baba M, Hasumi Y et al (2015) Folliculin-
ated abnormalities, it has been suggested that interacting proteins Fnip1 and Fnip2 play critical roles
individuals with BHD syndrome or a family his- in kidney tumor suppression in cooperation with Flcn.
tory of BHD syndrome should have yearly ultra- Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112:E1624-E1631
Nickerson ML, Warren MB, Toro JR et al (2002) Mutations
sounds of their kidneys from the age of 25 and in a novel gene lead to kidney tumors, lung wall defects,
abdominal computerized tomography (CT) scan and benign tumors of the hair follicle in patients with the
or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) every Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome. Cancer Cell 2:157–164
518 Bispecific Antibodies

Schmidt LS (2004) Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome, a same or different antigens. Bispecific antibodies

genodermatosis that increases risk for renal carcinoma. act as mediators or adaptors bringing two different
Curr Mol Med 4:877–885
Schmidt LS, Warren MB, Nickerson ML et al (2001) Birt- structures into close contact. In cancer therapy,
Hogg-Dubé syndrome, a genodermatosis associated with possible applications include the retargeting of
spontaneous pneumothorax and kidney neoplasia, maps effector molecules (e.g., radionuclides, drugs,
to chromosome 17p11.2. Am J Hum Genet 69:876–882 enzymes, cytokines), effector cells (e.g., cytotoxic
Singh SR, Zhen W, Zheng Z et al (2006) The drosophila
homolog of the human tumor suppressor gene BHD T lymphocytes, ▶ natural killer cells), or carrier
interacts with the JAK-STAT and Dpp signaling path- systems (e.g., drug-loaded liposomes, genetic
ways in regulating male germline stem cell mainte- vehicles) to tumor-associated target sites, such as
nance. Oncogene 25:5933–5941 tumor cells, tumor stroma cells, and extracellular
Vincent A, Farley M, Chan E et al (2003) Birt-Hogg-Dubé
syndrome: a review of the literature and the differential components as well as cells and structures associ-
diagnosis of firm facial papules. J Am Soc Dermatol ated with the tumor vasculature. Thus, potential
49:698–705 applications of bispecific antibodies cover the
areas of immunotherapy, ▶ chemotherapy, radio-
See Also therapy (▶ radioimmunotherapy), and ▶ gene
(2012) Autosomal dominant. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- therapy. Bispecific antibodies can lead to
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
323. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_489 increased selectivity and improved efficacy of
(2012) Germline mutation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- natural effector functions and are able to expand
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p therapeutic effects to those not exerted by normal
1544. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2404 immunoglobulins used in the clinic (e.g., IgG
(2012) Heterozygosity. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1689. molecules) (Fig. 1).
(2012) Neoplasia. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Generation of Bispecific Antibodies
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2474. Bispecific antibodies are not found in nature and
(2012) Renal cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of hence have to be generated in vitro. Various
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, methods have been established including somatic
pp 3225–3226. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6575 hybridization of two antigen-producing cells,
chemical cross-linking of two Fab0 fragments
derived from different antibodies, and genetic
approaches leading to recombinant antibody mol-
Bispecific Antibodies ecules. Somatic hybridization, e.g., of two hybrid-
oma cells, leads to hybrid hybridomas or
Roland E. Kontermann quadromas. These quadromas produce light and
Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology, heavy chains of both antibodies within one cell,
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany which assemble into bispecific antibodies. How-
ever, also nonfunctional or monospecific anti-
bodies are produced due to random association
Definition of light and heavy chains. Thus, this approach
results in a heterogeneous population of anti-
Bispecific antibodies are antibodies possessing bodies. Alternatively, Fab0 fragments produced
antigen-binding sites with specificity for two dif- by proteolytic cleavage of two antibody mole-
ferent structures (dual specificity). cules with different specificity can be chemically
conjugated to form bispecific F(ab0 )2 fragments.
Approaches utilize genetic engineering to com-
Characteristics bine two different antigen-binding sites within
one molecule. A large variety of different formats
Bispecific antibodies are molecules able to simul- have been developed. Currently, the most widely
taneously bind to two different epitopes on the used formats are tandem scFv molecules linking
Bispecific Antibodies 519

Target site Effector site a bslgG

Tumor cells Effector molecules
Tumor stroma Effector cells
Tumor stroma cells
Tumor vasculature Carrier systems B
Bispecific Antibodies, Fig. 1 Possible applications of
bispecific antibodies in cancer therapy. Bispecific anti-
bodies can act as mediators to retarget effector molecules,
effector cells, or carrier systems to tumor-associated target

b bsF(ab’)2
two single-chain Fv fragments (scFv) by a flexible
linker and diabodies or single-chain diabodies
with a more rigid structure. Compared to whole
antibodies or F(ab0 )2 fragments, these recombi-
nant formats are much smaller with a molecular
weight of 50–60 kDa (Fig. 2).
c Tandem scFv Single-chain
Effector Cell Retargeting diabody
Preclinical and clinical developments of bispecific
antibodies for cancer therapy have a strong focus
on the retargeting of effector cells of the immune
system to tumor cells. Suitable effector cells of the
immune system include cytotoxic T lymphocytes
(CTL), natural killer cells (NK), macrophages, Bispecific Antibodies, Fig. 2 Various forms of
and neutrophils, which can efficiently kill target bispecific antibodies. Bispecific antibodies can be gener-
ated by (a) somatic hybridization of two antibody-
cells by antibody-independent or ▶ antibody- producing cells, (b) by chemical cross-linking of two
dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Fab0 fragments, or (c) by genetically combining two dif-
Retargeting of these effector cells to target cells ferent antigen-binding sites, e.g., as tandem scFv or as
requires binding of the bispecific antibody to one single-chain diabody format
or more trigger molecules on the effector cell
(Fig. 3).
Cytotoxic T cells are among the most potent costimulation. One recombinant bispecific anti-
effector cells of the immune system. Trigger mol- body (MT103) directed against CD19 and CD3
ecules on CTLs are molecules associated with the is based on such a costimulation-independent
T cell receptor (TCR) such as CD3. Bispecific anti-CD3 antibody. This antibody is currently in
antibodies thus bypass normal MHC-mediated a phase I trial for the treatment of non-Hodgkin
T cell activation. This is of special interest since lymphoma (NHL).
many tumor cells escape from a T cell response by Fc receptors are the trigger molecules
downregulation or loss of MHC expression dur- employed for retargeting of NK cells, macro-
ing tumorigenesis. T cell activation, however, phages, and neutrophils. Fcg receptor III (CD16)
depends on a costimulatory signal, e.g., through represents the main trigger molecule on NK
binding of B7 to CD28 on CTLs. In a therapeutic cells, while Fcg receptor I (CD64) or the Fca
setting, this costimulatory signal can be provided receptor (CD89) has been utilized for retargeting
by anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies or by of macrophages and neutrophils, respectively.
bispecific or bifunctional antibodies (Table 1). The expression of these trigger molecules
Interestingly, some anti-CD3 antibodies are able on effector cells can be increased by activa-
to activate T cells without the need for ting cytokines such as interleukin-2 (IL-2),
520 Bispecific Antibodies


Target Effector
cell cell

Target Tigger
molecule molecule


Bispecific Antibodies, Fig. 3 Bispecific antibodies for simultaneous binding to a target molecule on the target
the retargeting of effector cells. Bispecific antibodies are cell and a trigger molecule on the effector cell leading to
able to retarget effector cells such as cytotoxic killing of the target cell
T lymphocytes or natural killer cells to target cells by

Bispecific Antibodies, Table 1 Effector cells and trig- fragments in combination with activating cyto-
ger molecules
kines such as GM-CSF could demonstrate some
Main biological effects; however, clinical responses
trigger Activating
Effector cell molecule Costimulus cytokine remained vague. Current research focuses on the
Cytotoxic TCR/ B7, anti- IL-2 development of novel antibody formats including
T lymphocytes CD3 CD28 costimulation-independent bispecific tandem
(CTL) scFv molecules for the retargeting of CTLs, the
Natural killer CD16 – IL-2 retargeting and activation of CTLs, as well as Fcg
cells (NK)
receptor expressing effector cells by combination
Macrophages CD64, – GM-CSF,
CD16, IFN-g
therapy with two bispecific antibody molecules or
CD89 trispecific antibodies, but also on bispecific anti-
Neutrophils CD89, – G-CSF, body molecules with improved pharmacokinetic
CD64 GM-CSF, properties.

granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating fac- Cross-References

tor (GM-CSF), or interferon-g (IFN-g) (Table 1).
▶ Natural Killer Cell Activation
Clinical Experience with Bispecific Antibodies
Various bispecific antibodies have entered clinical
trials. However, as to yet none has been approved References
for therapeutic applications. Initial problems were
Kontermann RE (2006) Recombinant bispecific antibodies
associated with the use of whole bispecific immu- for cancer therapy. Acta Pharmacol Sin 26:1–9
noglobulins derived from murine hybridomas, Kufer P, Lutterbuse R, Baeuerle PA (2004) A revival of
especially Fc-mediated toxicity due to the release bispecific antibodies. Trends Biotechnol 22:38–44
of inflammatory cytokines (cytokine storm) and a Müller D, Kontermann RE (2007) Bispecific antibodies.
In: Dübel S (ed) Handbook of therapeutic antibodies,
neutralizing immune response against the murine vol 2. Weinheim, Wiley, pp 345–378
antibodies (human–anti-mouse antibodies, Peipp M, Valerius T (2002) Bispecific antibodies targeting
HAMA). Further, studies using bispecific F(ab0 )2 cancer cells. Biochem Soc Trans 30:507–511
Bisphosphonates 521


Valentina Guarneri
Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Division of B
Medical Oncology 2, Department of Surgery,
Oncology and Gastroenterology, University of
Padova, Padova, Italy
Bisphosphonates, Fig. 1 Generic structure of

Bisphosphonates are potent inhibitors of ▶ osteo- nitrogen atom in an alkyl chain (such as
clast-mediated bone resorption. These com- pamidronate and alendronate) are 10–100 times
pounds are stable analogues of the inorganic more potent than non-nitrogen bisphosphonates.
pyrophosphate (PPi), which is an endogenous Indeed, the higher antiresorptive potency is
regulator of bone mineralization. obtained when the R2 side chain contains a nitro-
gen atom within a heterocyclic ring (as in
risedronate and zoledronate).
Characteristics Thus, according to the chemical structure of
the R2 side chain, bisphosphonates are generally
Bisphosphonates were developed in the nine- classified as follows:
teenth century for industrial use, in particular as
“water softeners.” The first clinical use of • Non-nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates:
bisphosphonates in humans was in the 1960s for • Etidronate
the treatment of Paget disease, a focal disorder of • Clodronate
bone remodeling due to abnormally increased • Tiludronate
osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. So far, • Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates:
bisphosphonates have been successfully studied • Pamidronate
in several clinical disorders characterized by an • Neridronate
alteration in bone resorption, such as metastatic • Olpadronate
and osteolytic bone diseases, hypercalcemia of • Alendronate
malignancy, and ▶ osteoporosis. • Ibandronate
All bisphosphonates share a common structure • Risedronate
which consists of two phosphate groups attached • Zoledronate
to a single carbon atom (P-C-P) (See Fig. 1).
The P-C-P group is responsible for the affinity Mechanism of Action
of these drugs for the bone, since it is essential for Bisphosphonates bind to the bone mineral in par-
binding to hydroxyapatite or hydroxylapatite. The ticular at sites of active bone metabolism, where
substitution in the R1 and R2 side chains gives they achieve therapeutic concentration. During
rise to a variety of compounds with different the process of bone resorption, since the
potency and biological effects. For instance, the acid environment of osteoclasts causes dissolu-
presence of a hydroxyl group in the R1 side chain tion of the hydroxyapatite bone mineral,
confers a higher affinity for the bone mineral. The bisphosphonates are released in this subcellular
R2 side chains directly influence the potency of space and are internalized by osteoclasts. At this
bisphosphonates for inhibiting osteoclast- point, osteoclasts lose the ruffled border and show
mediated bone resorption. In particular, the cytoskeleton alterations and eventually become
bisphosphonates containing a basic primary apoptotic.
522 Bisphosphonates

The toxic effect of bisphosphonates on osteo- half-life in bone is very long, ranging from
clasts can be explained in at least two different months to years.
ways, according to their chemical structure.
First-generation, non-nitrogen-containing Clinical Use
bisphosphonates, such as clodronate and etidro-
nate, are metabolized by osteoclasts to non- Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (HCM)
hydrolyzable adenosine triphosphate (ATP) HCM is a severe clinical condition that can occur
analogues, with subsequent inhibition of in up to 20% of patients with advanced cancer, in
ATP-dependent intracellular enzymes. The intra- the presence or absence of bone metastases. HCM
cellular accumulation of these metabolites inhibits is a consequence of osteoclast activation due to
osteoclast function and can induce apoptosis. On the presence of cancer cells in the bone (metastatic
the other hand, aminobisphosphonates, following bone disease) or the production by cancer cells of
internalization in the osteoclasts, inhibit the parathyroid hormone-related protein (humoral
farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) synthase, affecting hypercalcemia). Tumors more frequently induc-
the biosynthetic mevalonate pathway. This path- ing episodes of HCM include non-Hodgkin lym-
way is involved in the production of sterols such phomas, myeloma, lung cancer, breast cancer,
as cholesterol and isoprenoid lipids such as renal cancer, and ▶ prostate cancer.
isopentenyl diphosphate, farnesyl diphosphate HCM occurs when total serum calcium is
(FPP), and geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP). above 10.2 mg/dl (2.55 mmol/l) and causes a
FPP and GGPP are essential for the posttransla- variety of symptoms including gastrointestinal
tional modification of small ▶ GTPases (Ras, manifestations (anorexia, vomiting, constipation),
Rab, Rho, and Rac). These signaling proteins are renal function deterioration, alteration of cardiac
involved in the regulation of cell proliferation, rhythm (EKG abnormalities and arrhythmias),
cytoskeletal organization, membrane ruffling, and neurological disorders (from asthenia to leth-
intracellular vesicle transport, and apoptosis. In argy and coma).
addition, aminobisphosphonates can also induce Treatment of HCM includes iv hydration and
the formation of intracellular ATP analogues diuretics to facilitate renal calcium excretion and
which may directly induce osteoclast apoptosis. bisphosphonates to inhibit calcium resorption
A growing number of preclinical data have from the bone. A single bisphosphonate iv infu-
consistently demonstrated the direct antitumor sion can obtain a sustained serum calcium nor-
effect of bisphosphonates. The mechanisms malization in about 80% of the patients.
responsible for this effect are not still fully eluci-
dated. However, it has been shown that Treatment of Bone Metastases
bisphosphonates can inhibit angiogenesis, cell Bone metastases represent a major health problem
proliferation, and adhesion. Moreover, the effects and can occur in a significant proportion of
of bisphosphonates on osteoclasts result in an patients with solid tumors. Bone metastases are
inhibited release of growth factors in the bone frequent (up to 70–80% of the patients) in com-
microenvironment, thus rendering the bone less mon tumor types such as prostate cancer, breast
hospitable to cancer cell homing. cancer and lung cancer. Bone metastases develop
when circulating tumor cells home in the bone
Pharmacokinetic marrow and stimulate the activation of osteoclasts
Bisphosphonates are characterized by very low that eventually initiate bone matrix resorption.
absorption from the gastrointestinal tract (less Bone metastases can be lytic, sclerotic, or mixed,
than 6% for clodronate and etidronate). The depending on the balance between bone resorp-
plasma half-life ranges between 20 min and tion induced by osteoclasts and new bone forma-
2–3 h, depending on the type of bisphosphonates tion by osteoblasts.
and the individual rate of clearance. However, Metastatic bone disease causes considerable
because of the high affinity for the bone matrix, morbidity, leading to several complications
Bisphosphonates 523

including pain, pathologic fractures, spinal cord MRC (Medical Research Council) Myeloma IX
compression, ineffective hematopoiesis, and trial, zoledronic acid reduced mortality by 16%
HCM. In addition to the specific anticancer ther- over clodronate and prolonged overall survival by
apy (e.g., chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or 5.5 months.
biologic agents), the current options to treat bone B
metastases are radiation therapy, orthopedic sur- Bone Metastases from Breast Cancer
gery, radiopharmaceuticals, and antiresorptive Several bisphosphonates have been approved in
agents including bisphosphonates and the anti- the United States and Europe for the treatment of
RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor skeletal metastases from ▶ breast cancer.
kappa-B ligand) antibody denosumab. Currently, The efficacy of pamidronate has been known
bisphosphonates and denosumab are considered since the early 1990s. In two pivotal, phase III
the mainstay of the treatment for metastatic bone randomized trials, pamidronate significantly
disease from breast cancer, prostate cancer, and reduced the incidence and delayed the onset of
other solid tumors including lung and renal SREs as compared to placebo. It was also effec-
cancer. tive in the reduction of pain scores.
In clinical trials, the efficacy of bisphos- The more potent bisphosphonate ▶ zoledronic
phonates has been measured on the basis of their acid has been directly compared to pamidronate.
capacity to reduce or delay the skeletal-related The pivotal trial, including breast cancer and mul-
events (SRE). An SRE is defined as the occur- tiple myeloma patients, was designed as a
rence of pathologic fractures, radiation therapy for non-inferiority trial, the primary end point being
bone pain or to treat/prevent a fracture, surgery to the percentage of patients with at least 1 SRE at
stabilize bone fractures, hypercalcemia of malig- 25 months. Zoledronic acid was at least as effec-
nancy, or spinal cord compression. tive as pamidronate according to the primary end
The following sections will briefly summarize point. Furthermore, the multiple-event analysis
the clinical experience with different bisphos- demonstrated that zoledronic acid was signifi-
phonates according to tumor types. cantly more effective in reducing the risk of
SREs in the subset of breast cancer patients.
Multiple Myeloma Zoledronic acid was also compared to placebo
▶ Multiple myeloma (MM) is associated with in a trial conducted in Japan, where pamidronate
relevant skeleton morbidity, since lytic lesions is not approved for the treatment of bone metas-
are present in more than 90% of the patients. tases from breast cancer, showing a clear superi-
The lytic process in MM is different from bone ority in reducing the SRE rate ratio and the
metastases from other cancers, where bone percentage of patients with at least one SRE and
destruction is generally followed by new bone in delaying the time to first SRE. The multiple-
formation. Several bisphosphonates including event analysis showed a 44% reduction in the risk
clodronate, pamidronate, and ▶ zoledronic acid of developing an SRE and significantly reduced
are effective in preventing or delaying skeletal mean pain scores from baseline over 12 months.
complications. Oral clodronate has shown a sig- Ibandronate is a single-nitrogen bisphos-
nificant reduction in non-vertebral and vertebral phonate available in both intravenous and oral
fracture rates over a placebo. Again compared to formulations. In terms of reduction of SREs and
placebo, intravenous pamidronate significantly pain control, the efficacy of iv and oral
reduces the proportion of patients with any ibandronate has been confirmed in three
SRE. It was also associated with significant placebo-controlled phase III randomized trials.
decrease of bone pain. ▶ Zoledronic acid was A direct comparison between ibandronate and
shown not only to be as effective as iv zoledronic acid in breast cancer failed to show
pamidronate but also to produce an additional the non-inferiority of ibandronate. In a review of
16% risk reduction of skeletal complication as 34 randomized controlled trials of
measured by multiple-event analysis. In the bisphosphonates and other bone-targeting agents
524 Bisphosphonates

by the Cochrane Collaboration, it has been shown cancer and solid tumors is zoledronic acid. In a
that bisphosphonates reduced the SRE risk by placebo-controlled randomized trial in more than
15%. This benefit was most certain with intrave- 700 patients, zoledronic acid significantly reduced
nous zoledronic acid, iv pamidronate, and iv the proportion of patients experiencing at least one
ibandronate. In three studies, compared with SRE and delayed the median time to first SRE as
bisphosphonates, subcutaneous denosumab was well. Denosumab has been studied in comparison
more effective in reducing the risk of SREs. with zoledronic acid in a study including more than
Optimal treatment duration is still to be defined. 1700 patients with bone metastases from solid
Traditionally, bone-targeted agents are given every tumors or multiple myeloma (other than prostate
3-4 weeks from the time of diagnosis of bone metas- or breast cancer), of whom 46% were diagnosed
tases until deterioration of clinical conditions. with lung cancer and 9% with renal cancer. Overall,
Data support the potential for treatment the trial confirmed non-inferiority of denosumab to
de-escalation (from 4- to 12-weekly dosing). A zoledronic acid in all patients in terms of time to
systematic review of studies of bisphosphonates first SRE. In an ad hoc analysis including only
and denosumab has shown no difference in SREs patients with solid tumors, denosumab was supe-
or pain with de-escalated therapy. rior to zoledronic acid. On the basis of these data,
denosumab has been approved and represents a
Bone Metastases from Prostate Cancer treatment option for patients with bone metastases
Bisphosphonates have also been studied in from solid tumors.
patients with ▶ prostate cancer and bone metasta-
ses. In patients with symptomatic bone disease, Prevention of Bone Metastases
pamidronate failed to show any advantage over Because of their mechanism of action, bisphos-
placebo in pain scores, analgesic use, and SREs. phonates have the potential to prevent cancer cells
On the contrary, as compared to placebo, homing in the bone, thus changing the entire pro-
zoledronic acid significantly reduced the propor- cess of metastatic spread. The earlier, weaker gen-
tion of patients with an SRE over 2 years and eration of bisphosphonates has produced conflicting
delayed the time to first SRE by approximately results. The newer, more potent intravenous
6 months. No other bisphosphonate has demon- bisphosphonates have demonstrated the potential
strated to prevent skeletal-related events. There- to influence breast cancer outcome. A meta-analysis
fore, zoledronic acid was approved for the of individual patient data from randomized trials of
treatment of patients with prostate cancer meta- adjuvant bisphosphonates in early breast cancer has
static to bone and progression of disease despite shown a significant reduction in the incidence of
first-line hormonal therapy. bone recurrence in patients receiving adjuvant
Denosumab has been compared with bisphosphonates. Moreover, in patients who were
zoledronic acid in a randomized trial including postmenopausal at the time of treatment initiation,
patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer bisphosphonates produced significant reduction in
(CRPC). The rate of SREs was similar with both recurrence, distant recurrence, bone recurrence, and
treatments; however, the median time to first SRE breast cancer mortality. Currently, however, none of
was more prolonged with denosumab (absolute the approved bisphosphonates for the treatment of
difference of 3.6 months), with similar toxicity bone metastases have the label for the use in the
profile. According to international guidelines, adjuvant setting.
zoledronic acid or denosumab should be consid-
ered for patients with CRPC and bone metastases. Osteoporosis
In both men and women, bone mass decreases
Bone Metastases from Lung Cancer and Other with age. In men, this process is constant over
Solid Tumors time, while women usually experience a signifi-
The first bisphosphonate with proven efficacy in cant increase in the rate of bone loss after meno-
the treatment of bone metastases from ▶ lung pause. The most standardized method to evaluate
Bisphosphonates 525

the bone mineral density (BMD) is the dual Treatment with intravenous bisphosphonates is
energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at the usually well tolerated, with transient side effects
recommended site of the proximal femur. Patients such as mild to moderate flu-like symptoms fol-
are classified as osteoporotic when the BMD lowing initial infusions, generally self-limited.
(as expressed as T-score) is 2.5 standard deviation However, iv bisphosphonates have the potential B
(SD) or more below the average value for to adversely affect renal function, and sporadic
premenopausal women. When the T-score is episodes of both acute and chronic renal failure
between 1 and 2.5 SD, patients are classified have been described. The risk of renal failure is
as osteopenic. For each SD reduction in BMD, directly related to dose and to the drug infusion
there is a doubling in the risk of fracture. time: when bisphosphonates are administered at
Bisphosphonates have been successfully used the recommended doses and infusion rates, the
to treat osteoporosis. In particular, alendronate incidence of elevated serum creatinine is gener-
and etidronate can increase the BMD and almost ally low (<10%), and severe adverse renal events
halve the fracture rates in postmenopausal are rare. Nevertheless, accurate renal function
women, representing the most frequent agents monitoring is recommended in the use of iv
used worldwide in this setting. pamidronate and zoledronic acid. In breast cancer
Besides the risk of bone metastasization, the patients, iv ibandronate has shown a renal safety
bone health of cancer patients can be further profile similar to a placebo, and because no case of
affected by cancer therapies. This particular con- renal failure has been described at the time of
dition, known as cancer-treatment-induced bone writing this, the monitoring of serum creatinine
loss (CTIBL), reflects the effects of cancer therapy prior to each ibandronate administration is not
(both chemotherapy and endocrine therapy) on mandatory.
bone mineralization. In brief, all cancer therapies Oral administration of bisphosphonates can
that directly or indirectly antagonize the effect of cause esophagitis and other gastrointestinal side
estrogen or androgen significantly enhance the effects such as mucositis, nausea, vomiting, and
loss in bone mineral density, thus dramatically diarrhea.
increasing the risk of fractures. Because of the In the past few years, a growing number of
higher severity of CTIBL, the common strategies cases of jaw osteonecrosis have been associated
to treat benign osteoporosis, such as oral with the use of aminobisphosphonates, prompting
bisphosphonates, calcium/vitamin D supple- labeling changes for pamidronate and zoledronic
ments, and calcitonin, might not be sufficient. In acid. Several reports have described a frequency
early breast cancer, both daily oral clodronate and of jaw osteonecrosis ranging from 0.6% to 4.3%
intermittent oral risedronate have shown superior- for patients with breast cancer and from 3% to
ity over placebo, although clodronate was unable 9.9% for those with multiple myeloma. The
to completely prevent bone loss in patients with exact mechanism underlying jaw osteonecrosis
chemotherapy-induced ovarian dysfunction. has not yet been fully elucidated. The phase III,
Pamidronate and zoledronic acid are shown to randomized, placebo-controlled studies
prevent bone loss in men with prostate cancer comparing zoledronic acid with denosumab for
getting androgen deprivation therapy. Similar the management of bone metastases have
results were observed with zoledronic acid in been pooled and analyzed for ONJ adverse
breast cancer patients receiving aromatase inhibi- event. The incidence of ONJ was approximately
tors. However, the label indication for 1–2%. In comparison to BPs, a similar or
bisphosphonates is currently limited to the treat- slightly higher numerical incidence of ONJ was
ment of osteoporosis. seen with denosumab, but was not statistically
Side Effects Dental disease, dental surgery, periodontal dis-
The safety profile of bisphosphonates varies ease, trauma, and poor oral hygiene are the most
depending on the route of administration. often reported precipitating factors. Several
526 Bisphosphonates

reports have also identified a relationship between Ibrahim MF, Mazarello S, Shorr R et al (2015) Should
dose and duration of treatment and the develop- de-escalation of bone-targeting agents be standard of
care for patients with bone metastases from breast
ment of this complication. Because jaw cancer? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann
osteonecrosis is not reversible in the majority of Oncol 26:2205–2213
the cases, physicians should focus on the preven- Khan AA, Morrison A, Hanley DA et al (2014) Diagnosis
tion of this complication. It is therefore and management of osteonecrosis of the jaw: a system-
atic review and international consensus. J Bone Miner
recommended to assess the dental status of Res 30:3–23
patients before starting bone-targeting agents and Morgan GJ, Davies FE, Gregory WM et al (2010) First-line
avoid invasive dental procedures while on treatment with zoledronic acid as compared with
therapy. clodronic acid in multiple myeloma (MRC Myeloma
IX): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet
Russell RG (2006) Bisphosphonates: from bench to bed-
side. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1068:367–401
Cross-References Saad F, Gleason DM, Murray R, Zoledronic Acid
Prostate Cancer Study Group et al (2004) Long-term
efficacy of zoledronic acid for the prevention of skeletal
▶ Breast Cancer complications in patients with metastatic hormone-
▶ GTPase refractory prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst
▶ Lung Cancer 96:879–882
Van Poznak CH, Temin S, Yee GC et al (2011) American
▶ Multiple Myeloma Society of Clinical Oncology executive summary of the
▶ Osteoclast clinical practice guideline update on the role of bone-
▶ Osteoporosis modifying agents in metastatic breast cancer. J Clin
▶ Prostate Cancer Oncol 29:1221–1227
Wong MH, Stockler MR, Pavlakis N (2012)
▶ Zoledronic Acid Bisphosphonates and other bone agents for breast can-
cer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2:CD003474

Body JJ (2006) Bisphosphonates for malignancy-related See Also

bone disease: current status, future developments. Sup- (2012) Alkyl. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
port Care Cancer 14:408–418 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 132.
Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_181
(2015) Adjuvant bisphosphonate treatment in early (2012) Bone resorption. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
breast cancer: meta-analyses of individual patient data of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 446.
from randomized trials. Lancet 386:1353–61 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_684
Fizazi K, Carducci M, Smith M et al (2011) Denosumab (2012) Hydroxyapatite. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
versus zoledronic acid for treatment of bone metastases of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1779.
in men with castration-resistant prostate cancer: a doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2890
randomised, double-blind study. Lancet 377:813–822 (2012) Hydroxyl group. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
Garg A, Leitzel K, Ali S, Lipton A (2015) Antiresorptive of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1779.
therapy in the management of cancer treatment-induced doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2893
bone loss. Curr Osteoporos Rep 13:73–77 (2012) Jaw osteonecrosis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
Henry DH, Costa L, Goldwasser F et al (2011) Random- of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1926.
ized, double-blind study of denosumab versus doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3175
zoledronic acid in the treatment of bone metastases in (2012) Paget disease. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
patients with advanced cancer (excluding breast and cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2758.
prostate cancer) or multiple myeloma. J Clin Oncol doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4345
29:1125–1132 (2012) Renal cancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
Hortobagyi GN (2005) Moving into the future: treatment of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/
of bone metastases and beyond. Cancer Treat Rev Heidelberg, pp 3225–3226. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
31(Suppl 3):9–18 16483-5_6575
Bladder Cancer 527

bladder cancer is approximately 200,000 patients

Bladder Cancer per year with 120,000 annual deaths, accounting
for 3.2% of all malignancies. It affects more males
Dan Theodorescu1 and Behfar Ehdaie2 than females by a 3:1 ratio. In the United States,
Department of Surgery, Urology, School of the incidence is higher in Whites than Blacks,
Medicine, University of Colorado Cancer Center, although survival is longer in Whites and men
Aurora, CO, USA than in Blacks and women. The disease can affect
Department of Surgery, Urology Service, all ages (even children), but the median age at
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New presentation is 70 years. It is rarely found as an
York, NY, USA incidental finding at autopsy suggesting that these
cancers do not have a long latent or subclinical
course. Bladder cancer incidence has increased
Definition 50% between 1985 and 2005; however, the mor-
tality rate has decreased by 33% in the past four
Bladder cancer is a malignant neoplasm which decades.
arises from the epithelial lining of the bladder Environmental risk factors for urothelial
(Fig. 1). Several histological forms have been iden- cell carcinoma include cigarette smoking
tified. Cancers with urothelial histology (▶ tobacco-related cancers), aniline dyes, pelvic
(UC) comprise more than 90% of the neoplasms, radiation, benzidine, 2-naphthylamine, and other
while ▶ squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and ade- aromatic amines (▶ aromatic amine). Acrolein, a
nocarcinoma account for 5% and 2%, respectively. metabolic product of cyclophosphamide, can
In areas with endemic schistosomiasis, SCC is the increase the risk of bladder cancer ninefold.
predominant histological form. It is also not uncom- Smoking increases the risk of bladder cancer four-
mon for urothelial cell malignancies to have minor fold, and at least one quarter of cases can be
elements of adenomatous or squamous cell histol- attributed to smoking. Chronic cystitis and long-
ogy. However, from the clinical management stand- term bladder catheters increase the risk of squa-
point, urinary neoplasms with minor components of mous cell carcinoma. Schistosoma haematobium
these two histologic types are treated for their pri- infection not only increases the risk of SCC sig-
mary component. The clinical relevance of these nificantly but also increases the risk of urothelial
minor components or the percentage at which a cell carcinoma. Epidemiologic evidence does not
minor component becomes significant is unclear. exist for a hereditary etiology for bladder cancer.
An important prognostic criterion in urothelial cell
carcinoma is tumor grade. Tumor grading most Tumor Biology and Genetics
commonly follows World Health Organization Urothelial cell carcinoma is a field change disease
(WHO) guidelines in which malignant tumors are rendering the entire urothelium susceptible to
classified as papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant transformation. Polychronotopicity
malignant potential (PUNLMP), low grade, or high refers to the propensity of tumors to arise at dif-
grade, regardless of invasion status. ferent times and sites in the urothelium. Both the
▶ TP53 and RAS genes are known targets of
chemical carcinogens. The most frequent genetic
Characteristics alterations in urothelial cell carcinoma are mono-
somies of chromosome 9 (57%) and losses on
Clinical Epidemiology and Risk Factors chromosome arms 11p (32%), 17p (32%), 8p
Bladder cancer is the second most common uro- (23%), 4p (22%), and 13q (15%). Deletions spe-
logic malignancy. The worldwide incidence of cifically associated with higher grades and stages
528 Bladder Cancer

diverticuli. Although these tumors’ prognosis is

similar to urothelial cell carcinoma by stage,
non-bilharzial tumors tend to present with late-
Kidneys stage disease. Primary bladder adenocarcinomas
represent approximately two percent of bladder
tumors and are more common in exstrophic blad-
ders, urachi, and intestinal conduits or augmenta-
tions. They may produce mucin and can be
Great vessels associated with cystitis glandularis. Most are
poorly differentiated and present with advanced
Bladder disease.

Clinical Presentation
Bladder Cancer, Fig. 1 Anatomy of the urinary tract Bladder cancer frequently presents with painless
hematuria, although urinary frequency, urgency,
and dysuria can occur as well. Gross hematuria is
of cancer, indicative of tumor progression to common, and bladder cancer is rarely diagnosed
muscle-invasive disease, have been identified at in the absence of at least microscopic hematuria
3p, 4q, 8p, 10, 15, 17p, and 18q, among many although this can be intermittent. Bladder cancer
others. Other studies utilizing immunohisto- can also present with flank pain and
chemical techniques have suggested that hydronephrosis if the tumor obstructs the ureteral
overexpression of p21Ras protein, mutated orifice.
TP53, and the epidermal growth factor receptor
(EGFR) in bladder tumors are related to bladder Diagnosis and Staging
tumor progression. In addition, loss of RB1, DCC, The diagnostic evaluation of bladder cancer
and ▶ E-cadherin (CDH1) expression has also begins with a history and physical examination
been related to this transition. Tumors with p53 including bimanual pelvic exam, urinalysis, cytol-
mutations tend to exhibit more aggressive behav- ogy, and cystoscopy. In the past, intravenous
ior when present in both noninvasive and invasive urography (IVU) was indicated in all patients
diseases, while chromosome 9 alterations and with bladder tumors to evaluate the upper urinary
fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) muta- tracts. Retrograde ureteropyelograms (IVPs) can
tions are associated with low-grade noninvasive also be performed at the time of cystoscopy if IVU
disease. In fact, FGFR3 mutations are found in up does not provide an adequate view of the upper
to 90% of non-muscle-invasive cancers while tracts. Currently, IVP has been replaced by CT
only found in 10% of muscle-invasive or meta- scanning of the abdomen and pelvis with 3-D
static cancers. reconstructions allowing for both the assessments
of extravesical spread (contiguous and metastatic)
Characteristics of Nonurothelial Cell and urography (CT urogram). This is discussed in
Carcinomas more detail later. Cytologic examination of blad-
SCC comprises only 1–3% of bladder tumors in der cells that slough off into urine is useful in the
the United States and Britain but represents 75% diagnosis of carcinoma in situ (CIS) or high-grade
of tumors in Egypt. Most of the SCCs found in tumors, but low-grade tumors are more difficult to
Egypt are due to S. haematobium (“bilharzial” detect by cytology. Cytology is primarily used in
bladder cancer) and are well differentiated with the diagnosis and follow-up of patients at risk for
lower risk of metastases than urothelial cell carci- recurrent disease. Novel biomarkers such as the
noma. Non-bilharzial squamous cell tumors nuclear matrix protein (NMP-22) assay, survivin,
are caused by chronic inflammation from infec- BLCA4, and FISH analysis (UroVysion) offer
tion, stones, indwelling catheters, or bladder promise for enhanced detection of symptomatic
Bladder Cancer 529

Stages of bladder cancer

Superficial disease

Tis Does not invade muscle layer
of the bladder wall


Invasive disease
Invades muscle layer of the
bladder wall
Bladder wall:
Basement membrane
Superficial muscle
Deep muscle

Bladder Cancer, Fig. 2 Stages of bladder cancer

patients, screening of high-risk populations, and Transurethral resection (TUR) of bladder

treatment follow-up and monitoring. A novel tumors not only provides tissue for pathologic
technique called COXEN has been applied to diagnosis but can represent definitive therapy in
translate signatures of in vitro chemosensitivity the most clinical stage Ta and T1 tumors as long as
for prediction of clinical outcome and drug dis- the whole tumor is resected (Fig. 3). After the
covery. In addition, somatic tumor genetic signa- intraluminal portions of the tumor are resected,
tures have been applied and validated to predict the tumor base is frequently resected as a separate
lymph node micrometastases. pathologic specimen to ensure complete
At presentation, 85% of patients with resection and accurate staging. T1 tumors undergo
urothelial cell carcinoma of the bladder have dis- a second resection 3–6 weeks later to reduce the
ease limited to the organ, while 10% have regional risk of understaging. It is critical that muscularis
disease and 5% have metastatic disease. Of the propria is included in the specimen to exclude
85% with localized disease, 80% have the presence of muscle invasion by the tumor.
non-muscle-invasive disease (stages Tis/CIS, Ta, Routine performance of random biopsies of the
T1) and 20% have muscle-invasive disease bladder or prostatic fossa mucosa remains
(stages T2–T4) (Fig. 2). These stages are, controversial. However, these may be indicated
according to the UICC/AJCC system, the most to evaluate for CIS in patients with positive cytol-
common staging system in use today. Urothelial ogy or in patients that are candidates for
cell carcinoma may grow in papillary, sessile, orthotopic neobladder or partial cystectomy. If
nodular, or flat (Tis) forms. Papillary tumors the tumor appears invasive (i.e., sessile, solid con-
with orderly cellular arrangement and minimal figuration), the resection is tailored so as to
nuclear atypia are designated PUNLMP. Such accurately determine clinical stage and to opti-
tumors rarely progress to invasive disease and mize subsequent definitive therapy. For example,
are considered benign. Tis/CIS is sessile, poorly if the patient is likely to choose radical cystectomy
differentiated urothelial cell carcinoma involving as the treatment of choice, then complete TUR
only the urothelium. Although CIS can cause is not necessary. Conversely, if the patient is
irritative voiding, it is often asymptomatic. likely to select bladder-sparing therapy with radi-
Cystoscopy may be normal or exhibit erythema- ation and chemotherapy, then resection of as
tous patches, and urine cytology is 80–90% much tumor as safely possible should be carried
sensitive. out.
530 Bladder Cancer

• Electrical scraping of tumor

• General or spinal anesthesia
• Same day or overnight surgery toscop
• Bladder catheter in place for 0–5 days


Bladder wall

Excised area

Bladder Cancer, Fig. 3 The transurethral resection (TUR)

Bladder Cancer, Table 1 UICC/AJCC consensus Bladder Cancer, Table 2 WHO/ISUP consensus
classification classification
UICC/AJCC World Health Organization/International Society of
2010 Description Urological Pathology Classification
Ta Papillary tumor, epithelium confined Hyperplasia
Tis Carcinoma in situ: “flat tumor” Flat hyperplasia
T1 Lamina propria invasion Papillary hyperplasia
T2a Tumor invades non-muscle-invasive Flat lesions with atypia
muscle (inner half) Reactive (inflammatory) atypia
T2b Tumor invades deep muscle (outer half) Dysplasia
T3a Tumor invades perivesical fat Carcinoma in situ (CIS)
microscopically Papillary neoplasms
T3b Tumor invades perivesical fat Papilloma
macroscopically (extravesical mass)
Papillary neoplasm of low malignant potential
T4a Tumor invades prostate or uterus or (PUNLMP)
Papillary carcinoma, low grade
T4b Tumor invades pelvic wall or abdominal
Apillary carcinoma, high grade
N1 Single node
N2 Multiple nodes
N3 Nodal metastases above bifurcation of numerous diverse grading schemes for noninva-
common iliac vessels
sive bladder cancer and provide detailed histolog-
M1 Distant metastasis
ical criteria for papillary urothelial lesions. In
addition, the new classification system allows for
As alluded earlier, the staging of bladder can- designation of a lesion papillary urothelial neo-
cer is based primarily on the specimen generated plasm of low malignant potential, which biologi-
by the TUR and is classified according to the 2010 cally has a very low risk of progression, but is not
UICC/AJCC system (Table 1) and revised by the entirely benign. Therefore an intermediate classi-
World Health Organization/International Society fication enables these patients to avoid the label of
of Urological Pathology WHO/ISUP Consensus having cancer with its psychosocial and financial
Classification (Table 2). In 1998, the WHO/ISUP implications and prevent them from being diag-
Consensus Classification of urothelial neoplasms nosed as having a benign lesion, whereby they
of the urinary bladder was developed to unify the might not be followed as closely.
Bladder Cancer 531

The pathologic exam of bladder specimens following TUR. BCG is a live attenuated strain
may be complicated by difficulty in differentiating of Mycobacterium bovis, which stimulates a local
muscularis propria from the more non-muscle- and possibly systemic immune response. BCG
invasive and thin muscularis mucosa, the latter can often delay recurrence and progression of
of which does not represent “true muscle” inva- high-grade noninvasive disease and CIS. Side B
sion, and thus direct communication between effects of BCG include bladder irritability, granu-
urologist and pathologist is essential. If pathologic lomatous prostatitis, systemic disseminated infec-
examination reveals tumor invasion into tion requiring antitubercular agents, and rarely
muscularis propria, CT or MRI of the abdomen death. Contraindications for intravesical delivery
pelvis is used to evaluate for gross extravesical include active tuberculosis, immunosuppression,
spread, lymphadenopathy, or hepatic metastases. traumatic catheterization, gross hematuria, and
In general, these methods fail to detect lymph prior severe reaction to BCG. Mitomycin C is an
node spread in as many as 30% of patients. alkylating chemotherapeutic agent that inhibits
A radionucleotide bone scan can be obtained to DNA synthesis. BCG is superior to mitomycin
evaluate for bony metastases, but the yield of a C in reducing the risk of progression in high-
bone scan in the face of a normal alkaline phos- grade tumors in some but not all studies. BCG
phatase is low. Chest X-ray or CT scan is obtained can also be used for maintenance therapy where it
to rule out pulmonary metastases. has been shown to reduce recurrence even further.
Other intravesical compounds include interferon,
Management of Noninvasive Disease keyhole limpet hemocyanin, bropirimine, myco-
The therapy of noninvasive (Ta/T1) bladder can- bacterial cell wall DNA extract, doxorubicin and
cer consists of TUR and fulguration. Because its derivatives, thiotepa, and ▶ gemcitabine. The
approximately 30% of these tumors tend to recur effectiveness of these agents compared with the
and 10% may progress to muscle invasion, two mentioned earlier in delaying progression and
follow-up cystoscopy at regular intervals is man- recurrence in initially treated patients is generally
datory. Tumors that invade the lamina propria less, and thus their use has been reserved for the
(T1) should be considered potentially more salvage setting. Similarly, the addition of inter-
aggressive, particularly if high grade. Argon and feron gamma to BCG has been used to treat
Nd:Yag lasers have also been used successfully patients who have recurred after initial BCG ther-
for ablation of noninvasive bladder tumors espe- apy. Among patients with Ta, T1, or CIS, radical
cially those that are multifocal or difficult to cystectomy is reserved for diffuse, symptomatic,
access via the resectoscope used for TUR. The recurrent high-grade, or unresectable papillary
disadvantage of these techniques is the lack of tumors unresponsive to intravesical therapy.
tumor specimen to be analyzed by pathology, Recurrence polychronotropism (multiple
and thus only lesions with a high likelihood of reoccurrences in space and time) in noninvasive
being noninvasive should be treated in this way. bladder tumors is uniquely elevated when com-
Patients with recurrent, high-grade Ta, T1 pared to other organ sites. 20–70% of patients
tumors, or CIS may benefit from intravesical ther- suffer disease recurrence. While in the absence of
apy with ▶ Bacillus Calmette–Guerin (BCG) or progression recurrence per se is not life-
▶ mitomycin C. These treatments can be given in threatening, this phenomenon nonetheless consti-
two clinical contexts. They can be given for the tutes a cause of significant morbidity and treatment
treatment of residual disease which could not to be expense. While less common, the progression of
removed at TUR. Alternatively, they can be used noninvasive tumors to muscle invasion is associ-
to reduce the incidence of recurrence and progres- ated with a marked decrease in 5-year disease-
sion in patients that have completely resected specific survival. Progression risks vary widely by
tumors. Furthermore, mitomycin C delivered stage and grade, ranging from less than 5% for
perioperatively in one dose has successfully low-grade papillary tumors and greater than 50%
reduced the incidence of tumor recurrence for T1 lesions with associated CIS.
532 Bladder Cancer

Management of Invasive and Metastatic therapy has been suggested by some authors;
Disease however, there is limited evidence of benefit of
Radical cystectomy with urinary diversion or this approach. Ongoing clinical trials are
bladder-sparing protocols, using a combination addressing this question.
of radiation and chemotherapy, is the treatment Recurrence or persistence rates after bladder-
of choice for patients who have resectable muscle- sparing protocols approach 50%. By careful
invasive bladder cancer. Radical cystectomy patient selection, these latter protocols can
includes wide excision of the bladder and prostate achieve comparable disease-specific survival
in male patients and typically the bladder, uterus, rates to those obtained by radical cystectomy.
ovaries, and anterior vaginal wall in females. Large tumors that are only minimally resectable
Perioperative mortality from cystectomy is by TUR and those causing hydronephrosis have a
approximately 1% in most centers. The 5-year significantly worse response rate with such
disease-free survival is 65–80% for pT2 tumors bladder-sparing protocols. Complications of
and 37–61% for pT3 tumors. Microscopic radiotherapy include dysuria, frequency, or diar-
involvement of local lymph nodes decreases rhea in up to 70% of patients.
5-year survival to approximately 5–20% Following cystectomy, multiple options in uri-
depending on the number and extent of nodal nary diversion exist, most of which utilize intesti-
involvement. Pelvic recurrence rates after nal segments. An ileal conduit using a short
cystectomy range from 2% to10% and depend portion of the terminal ileum to carry urine from
on the stage of the primary tumor as well as the the ureters to the anterior abdominal wall is the
presence of pelvic nodal involvement. In addition, simplest most commonly performed diversion
an interval longer than 12 weeks between the and the one associated with the least number of
diagnosis of muscle-invasive bladder cancer and complications. Patients wear an external appli-
radical cystectomy is associated with decreased ance on the stoma. Possible complications include
survival. The use of ▶ neoadjuvant therapy parastomal hernia, stomal stenosis, or stricture at
consisting of a four-drug regimen MVAC the ureteroileal anastomosis. A cutaneous conti-
(methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin, and nent urinary diversion such as the Indiana
▶ cisplatin) has demonstrated a survival advan- (ileocecal) pouch forms an internal reservoir
tage for patients with localized bladder cancer which can then be intermittently catheterized via
undergoing cystectomy. The use of ▶ adjuvant a small cutaneous stoma (Fig. 4). In selected


Ureters implanted
into ileum

Bladder Cancer, Fig. 4 The ileal conduit urinary diversion

Bladder Cancer Molecular Therapy 533

patients, such continent reservoirs can be anasto- pathways into clinical biomarkers of prognosis. Expert
mosed to the native urethra and in this setting are Rev Anticancer Ther 8(7):1103–1110
International Bladder Cancer Nomogram Consortium,
called “orthotopic neobladders.” Such continent Bochner BH, Kattan MW, Vora KC (2006) Postopera-
diversions are technically more difficult and tive nomogram predicting risk of recurrence after rad-
require motivated patients to manage the postop- ical cystectomy for bladder cancer. J Clin Oncol B
erative care required. Ureterosigmoidostomies are 24:3967–3972
Lee JK, Havaleshko DM, Cho H et al (2007) A strategy for
now rarely performed because of difficulties with predicting the chemosensitivity of human cancers and
reflux, urolithiasis, electrolyte imbalance, and its application to drug discovery. Proc Natl Acad Sci
increased risk of adenocarcinoma of the colon. 104(32):13086–13091
Advances in laparoscopic and robotic surgery Rhee JJ, Lebeau S, Smolkin M et al (1999) Radical
cystectomy with ileal conduit diversion: early prospec-
have enabled minimally invasive techniques to be tive evaluation of the impact of robotic assistance. BJU
applied for treatment of various benign and malig- Int 98:1059–1063
nant conditions of the urinary bladder. Multiple Smith JA Jr, Labasky RF, Cockett AT et al (1999) Bladder
centers worldwide are reporting their initial expe- cancer clinical guidelines panel summary report on the
management of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
rience with laparoscopic radical cystectomy and (stages Ta, T1 and TIS). Am Urol Assoc J Urol
urinary diversion. The majority of centers perform 162:1697–1701
an intracorporeal laparoscopic cystoprostatectomy Smith SC, Baras AS, Dancik G et al (2011) A 20-gene
and complete the urinary diversion extracorpore- model for molecular nodal staging of bladder cancer:
development and prospective assessment. Lancet
ally through a minilaparotomy incision. Oncol 12(2):137–143
Metastatic urothelial cell carcinoma has tradi- Sternberg CN, Donat SM, Bellmunt J et al (2007) Chemo-
tionally been treated with MVAC with a response therapy for bladder cancer: treatment guidelines for
rate of 15–35%. Complete remission is seen in neoadjuvant chemotherapy, bladder preservation, adju-
vant chemotherapy, and metastatic cancer. Urology
approximately 13% of patients, and mean survival 69:62–79
can be improved from 8 to 12 months. However,
MVAC is associated with significant toxicity, as
20% experience neutropenic fever and sepsis-
associated mortality approaches 3–4%. Newer
agents have been used with a significantly lower Bladder Cancer Molecular Therapy
morbidity and mortality than MVAC. Gemcitabine
is an antimetabolite chemotherapeutic agent. The Hwa-Chain Robert Wang
combination of gemcitabine and cisplatin has dem- Molecular Oncology, Department of Biomedical
onstrated similar effectiveness to that of MVAC and Diagnostic Sciences, The University of
with a better safety profile and tolerability. How- Tennessee, College of Veterinary Medicine,
ever, larger randomized trials are needed to conclu- Knoxville, TN, USA
sively prove this point.


Cross-References Urothelial cancer molecular therapy

▶ Bladder Cancer Molecular Therapy

▶ Bladder Cancer Pathology Definition
▶ Urothelial Carcinoma
Therapy targeting molecular pathways that are
References aberrantly-regulated in cancer cells to: (i)
increase apoptotic signals, (ii) decrease sur-
Ehdaie B, Theodorescu D (2008) Predicting tumor out- vival signals, and (iii) reduce drug-resistant
comes in urothelial bladder carcinoma: turning signals.
534 Bladder Cancer Molecular Therapy


Molecular Therapy
Molecular therapy enhances or suppresses molec-
ular pathways that are aberrantly-regulated in can-
cer cells to: (i) increase apoptotic signals, (ii)
decrease survival signals, and (iii) reduce
drug-resistant signals. These processes induce
selective death of cancerous cells, leaving
noncancerous cells intact. Currently, some thera-
peutic strategies for treating urothelial carcinomas
(UCs) emphasize targeted inhibition of
aberrantly-regulated signaling modulators in
order to abrogate cancer-associated alterations.
However, considering these signaling modulators
are required for regulation of cellular activities in
both normal and cancer cells, inhibition of these
modulators in cancer cells may also induce
undiscriminative inhibition of the modulators
required for physiological activities by normal
cells. Thus, it is important to develop advanced
molecular therapeutic strategies to identify target-
able aberrantly-regulated pathways and induce
selective death of UC cells, bypassing normal
cells, for effective control of UCs with minimal
side effects.

Genetic Alterations in the Course of UC

UCs account for more than 90% of urinary blad-
der cancers in the USA, and squamous cell carci-
noma and adenocarcinoma account for the other
10%. Papillary and invasive carcinomas are the
two major types of UCs, accounting for 80% and
20% of cases, respectively. These carcinomas Bladder Cancer Molecular Therapy, Fig. 1 Divergent
pathways of genetic alterations in urothelial tumorigenesis
arise from normal urothelium via divergent path-
ways of genetic alterations over the course of
multiple years and steps (Fig. 1). Initiation of factor receptor 3 (FGFR3). The invasive carci-
UCs involves deletions of chromosome 9, which noma may progress from recurrent papillary car-
harbors the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A cinoma by acquiring additional alterations of
(CDKN2A) gene. This gene codes for two tumor tumor suppressor p53, retinoblastoma (Rb), and
suppressor gene products: p16INK4A and p14ARF. phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), as well
Development from precancerous urothelium to as epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFRs),
papillary carcinoma may involve mutational acti- cyclin-D1, Mdm2, and/or the transcription factor
vation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic E2F. On the other hand, development from pre-
subunit (PIK3CA) and either mutational activa- cancerous urothelium to carcinoma in situ (CIS)
tion of H-Ras or mutational activation involves high frequencies of mutations of the p53,
(or increased expression) of fibroblast growth Rb, and PTEN genes. Additional genetic
Bladder Cancer Molecular Therapy 535

alterations may cause invasive carcinoma to

develop from CIS, resulting in mutational activa-
tion and increased expression of FGFR3, muta-
tional activation of H-Ras, as well as increased
expression of EGFRs, cyclin-D1, Mdm2, and/or B
E2F. In addition, mutational activation of the
mitochondrial cytochrome B (CYTB) gene and
increased expression of alkylation repair homolog
8 (ALKBH8), leukotriene B4 receptor BLT2, the
mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (Sod2), and
NADPH oxidase 1 (Nox1) are frequently detected
in high-grade urothelial CIS or carcinomas. These
genetic alterations result in aberrantly-regulated
signaling modulators and contribute to the
advancement of UC carcinogenesis. Accordingly,
the resulting modulators and their involved path-
ways can be regarded as potential targets for ther-
apeutic control of UCs.
Bladder Cancer Molecular Therapy, Fig. 2 Molecular
therapeutic strategy
Aberrantly-Regulated Signaling Pathways
Targetable for Molecular Therapy
In order to design a therapeutic strategy to induce Mutational activation of the HRAS gene results in
selective apoptosis of UC cells, UC-associated oncogenic activation of HRAS, and thus constant
aberrantly-regulated signaling pathways must be induction of the downstream ERK pathway. Acti-
identified that lead to increased cell susceptibility vation of the ERK pathway leads to increased
to specific anticancer agents for inducing apopto- expression of Nox1, and increased Nox1 results
sis in cancer cells and bypassing normal cells to in elevation of ROS (Fig. 2). ALKBH8 is required
minimize side effects. Reactive oxygen species for Nox1 expression to induce ROS in UC cells.
(ROS)-mediated therapeutics may be useful in Increased BLT2 expression enhances expression
this new approach of molecular therapy for UCs. of Nox1 and 4, resulting in ROS elevation and
Intracellular ROS consists of a variety of reactive NFkB expression in the promotion of invasion
oxygen-containing chemical metabolites. High and metastasis of UC cells. BLT2 is required for
levels of these metabolites, such as H2O2 and oncogenic H-Ras-induced cellular carcinogene-
O2, play a pivotal role in maintenance of not sis. Expression of the active CYTB variant results
only cancerous properties but also viability of in increasing ROS, NFkB, cyclin-D1, and
UC cells. Among the genetic alterations detected metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2) and promotes cellu-
in UC cells (Fig. 1), mutational activation or lar carcinogenic activity. Sod2 converts O2 to
increased expression of FGFR3, EGFRs, H-Ras, H2O2, and elevated H2O2 is required for
ALKBH8, BLT2, CYTB, and Sod2 is particularly upregulation of metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) and
important, because it may result in aberrantly- vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),
regulated signaling pathways and lead to elevated which contribute to tumor invasion and angiogen-
intracellular ROS. Mutational activation or esis. Thus, the mounting of these aberrantly-
increased expression of the membrane-associated regulated signaling pathways, resulting from
growth factor receptors FGFR3 or EGFR is suffi- increasingly-accumulated genetic alterations, not
cient to induce Ras activity and downstream path- only contributes to the advancement of UC carci-
ways in UC cells. Activated Ras induces the ERK nogenesis but also results in elevations of intra-
pathway consisting of serine/threonine protein cellular ROS in UC cells at various stages of
kinases Raf-1, B-Raf, Mek1/2, Erk1/2, and Rsk. carcinogenesis.
536 Bladder Cancer Molecular Therapy

Indeed, ROS elevation is able to induce a wide FK228, and NSC-630176) is a natural bicyclic
spectrum of molecular and cellular responses depsipeptide HDACI. Romidepsin has been
ranging from cell growth to death in a dose- approved by the Food and Drug Administration
dependent manner; thresholds of ROS elevation for treatment of T-cell lymphomas, but its value
are involved in modulating mitogenic, inhibitory, for treating UCs is not yet determined. Expression
carcinogenic, and lethal signals in cells. Thus, it is of oncogenic H-Ras in UC and other types of cells
worthwhile to take advantage of the high level of results in increased susceptibility to romidepsin’s
ROS in UC cells in designing molecular therapeu- ROS-mediated apoptosis effects, indicating selec-
tic strategies to control UCs by therapeutically tivity of romidepsin in inducing apoptosis of
increasing already-elevated levels of ROS to a oncogenic H-Ras-expressing UC cells. Expres-
lethal level in UC cells and keeping ROS below sion of oncogenic H-Ras not only advances UC
the lethal level in normal cells. In addition, ROS cell tumorigenicity but also results in elevated
elevation is able to reduce glutathione (GSH). intracellular ROS, reduced clonal resistance to
GSH, an abundant intracellular tripeptide, plays romidepsin, and increased cellular responsiveness
an important role in a wide spectrum of cellular to romidepsin for inducing both mitochondrial
processes, such as cell proliferation and apoptosis. ROS and Raf-independent and Nox-dependent
GSH is used as an essential substrate in detoxifi- ROS elevation. In addition to ROS
cation reactions, and high GSH levels contribute elevation, romidepsin treatment of oncogenic
to the resistance of cancer cells to anticancer H-Ras-expressing UC cells results in a significant
agents. Thus, augmentation of ROS to a lethal reduction of activated Raf-1 and B-Raf as well as
level will not only induce selective apoptosis but GSH, indicating romidepsin’s ability to
will also reduce GSH-dependent drug resistance abrogate Raf-dependent survival signals and
to achieve highly-effective intervention of UCs GSH-dependent drug resistance. Accordingly,
with minimal side effects. romidepsin is an optimal candidate for use as a
molecular therapeutic agent and should be further
Potential Anticancer Agents for Molecular clinically developed for controlling UCs hosting
Therapy of UCs oncogenic H-Ras. Oncogenic induction of
Adriamycin, cisplatin, gemcitabine, methotrex- FGFR3 or EGFR also induces constitutive activa-
ate, and vinblastine are standard chemotherapeu- tion of Ras and the downstream ERK pathway in
tic agents used in treatments of UCs. These agents UC cells. It is conceivable that UCs hosting onco-
are reportedly able to induce ROS. However, genic FGFR3 or EGFR are highly susceptible to
treatments with these agents are associated with romidepsin-induced apoptosis via mitochondrial
high toxicity and drug resistance in UC patients. and Nox-dependent ROS elevation, abrogation of
Combining cisplatin with GSH-depleting Raf-associated cell survival, and reduction of drug
buthionine-sulfoximine has been shown to resistance. Thus, romidepsin should be consid-
enhance its effectiveness by reducing drug resis- ered as an optimal molecular therapeutic agent to
tance and thereby increasing ROS-mediated cell treat UCs through the entire course of disease
death. Growing studies continue to identify development and acquisition of oncogenic
ROS-inducing agents, such ashistone deacetylase H-Ras, FGFR3, or EGFR.
inhibitors (HDACIs), b-phenylethyl isothiocya- In conclusion, the approach of molecular ther-
nate, and taxol, capable of inducing apy in UCs is to: (i) augment, instead of
ROS-mediated apoptosis of cancer cells. HDACIs inhibiting, associated aberrantly-regulated path-
are a relatively new class of therapeutic agent for ways to increase apoptotic signals (e.g.,
cancer treatment. Many HDACIs, including ROS-mediated apoptosis), (ii) abrogate survival
romidepsin, benzamide MS-275, suberoylanilide signals (e.g., Raf-supported survival), and (iii)
hydroxamic acid, etc., are able to induce reduce drug resistance (e.g., GSH-dependent
ROS-mediated apoptosis of various types of can- detoxification) in order to achieve selective induc-
cer cells. Romidepsin (also known as FR901228, tion of apoptosis of UC cells, bypassing normal
Bladder Cancer Pathology 537

cells, to increase therapeutic effectiveness in the predominance (3.5:1). The highest incidence
control of UCs (Fig. 2). rates are reported in Western Europe, North Amer-
ica, and Australia, thus depicting a higher preva-
lence of this particular neoplasm in developed
Cross-References countries (a 6-fold increase, comparing with B
developing countries). Most cases of BlCa have
▶ Transitional Cell Carcinoma an urothelial (transitional cell) phenotype, and it is
▶ Urothelial Carcinoma estimated that approximately 70–80% of those
newly diagnosed present with noninvasive (i.e.,
basement membrane limited) or early invasive
(i.e., invading the lamina propria) features (Ta,
Ballatori N, Krance SM, Notenboom S, Shi S, Tieu K, Tis, or T1), so-called superficial BlCa, whereas
Hammond CL (2009) Glutathione dysregulation and the remainder are deeply invasive (i.e., infiltrating
the etiology and progression of human diseases. Biol the muscularis propria and beyond) cancers
Chem 39:191–214 (T2-T4). The histology of infiltrating urothelial
Cagnol S, Chambard JC (2010) ERK and cell death: mech-
anisms of ERK-induced cell death – apoptosis, carcinomas is variable, although most of pT1 can-
autophagy and senescence. FEBS J 277:2–21 cers are papillary and low or high grade, and most
Hait WN, Hambley TW (2009) Targeted cancer therapeu- of T2-T4 carcinomas are non-papillary and high
tics. Cancer Res 69:1263–1267 grade.
Wagner JM, Hackanson B, Lübbert M, Jung M (2010)
Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors in recent clin-
ical trials for cancer therapy. Clin Epigenetics
1:117–136 Characteristics
Wang HC, Choudhary S (2011) Reactive oxygen species-
mediated therapeutic control of bladder cancer. Nat Rev
Urol 8:608–616 Morphologic Aspects

Noninvasive Lesions

Flat Lesions Urothelial dysplasia – it is

Bladder Cancer Pathology characterized by some degree of architectural dis-
tortion, accompanied by nuclear irregularity,
Angelo Rodrigues1, Rui Henrique1 and Carmen nucleomegaly, hyperchromasia, and pleomor-
Jeronimo2 phism, but insufficient to merit a diagnosis of
Department of Pathology, Portuguese Oncology urothelial carcinoma in situ (CIS). There is evi-
Institute-Porto, Porto, Portugal dence, however, that these lesions share some
Research Center, Portuguese Oncology Institute- genomic abnormalities with CIS, thus rendering
Porto, Porto, Portugal them a putative precursor role.
Urothelial carcinoma in situ (CIS) – it is char-
acterized by architectural disorder, nuclear
Synonyms hyperchromasia, and pleomorphism (Fig. 1). The
full thickness of the epithelium is not required to
Vesical cancer be occupied by atypical cells, which may show a
pagetoid growth pattern or clinging to the base-
ment membrane. CIS is accepted as a direct pre-
Definition cursor of invasive urothelial carcinoma. Some
authors diagnose CIS with microinvasion when
Bladder cancer (BlCa) constitutes the 11th most there is invasion into the lamina propria that does
common cancer worldwide, accounting for not exceed 5 mm in depth nor more than 20 cells
roughly 3% of all cancers, with a male in the subepithelial connective tissue.
538 Bladder Cancer Pathology

Bladder Cancer Pathology, Fig. 1 Urothelial carci- Bladder Cancer Pathology, Fig. 2 Papillary urothelial
noma in situ (CIS). Note the architectural disorder, and carcinoma, low grade. The papillae are delicate and sepa-
nuclear hyperchromasia, with clumped chromatin and a rate, with an orderly appearance of the cells with fine
few discernible nucleoli chromatin (compare with Fig. 3)

Papillary or Exophytic Lesions Papillary

urothelial neoplasm of low malignant
potential – it consists of delicate papillae with
little or no fusion and scarce urothelial architec-
tural distortion. The nuclei lack significant atypia,
with fine chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli.
Mitotic figures are rare or absent and, when pre-
sent, located at the base. The recurrence rate is
lower than that of low- or high-grade papillary
carcinomas (see below), and there is a very low
rate of grade and/or stage progression (3.7%).
Papillary urothelial carcinoma, low grade – the
papillae are largely delicate and separate, but Bladder Cancer Pathology, Fig. 3 Papillary urothelial
some fusion may be seen. At low magnification carcinoma, high grade. The papillae exhibit a disordered
there is an orderly appearance of the cells within growth, with haphazardly arranged cells; hyperchromatic,
the epithelium, which is lost at higher magnifica- pleomorphic nuclei; and multiple mitotic figures
tion. The uniformly enlarged nuclei retain the
elongated to oval shape of normal urothelial prominent. Mitoses are frequent and may be
cells. Chromatin remains fine with small nucleoli, seen at any level (Fig. 3). Concomitant invasive
and mitoses may be present but are scarce and carcinoma is frequently observed at diagnosis.
remain restricted to the basal area (Fig. 2). Heterogeneity of grade is recognized in papil-
Papillary urothelial carcinoma, high grade – lary lesions, and the current consensus advocates
the papillae are frequently fused, forming appar- that tumors should be graded according to the
ently solid masses. At both low and high magni- highest grade present.
fications, there is disordered growth, with variable
thickness of the papillae. Individual cells are Invasive Lesions
mainly discohesive and haphazardly arranged. Invasive urothelial carcinoma – it is characterized
Nuclei are hyperchromatic and pleomorphic, by infiltrative cohesive nests of cells with moder-
with dense, often clumped chromatin, containing ate to abundant amphophilic cytoplasm and large
single or multiple nucleoli which are often hyperchromatic nuclei. Some nuclear palisading
Bladder Cancer Pathology 539

may be present on the edges. Nuclei are typically or artifact should not be mistaken with glandular
pleomorphic, with irregular contours and angular differentiation. As with the cases that show squa-
profiles, containing highly variable nucleoli in mous differentiation, the presence of any amount
number and appearance. Bizarre and of classic urothelial carcinoma (invasive or in situ)
multinucleated cells may be present and mitotic precludes the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma (only B
figures are common and frequently aberrant. applied for pure cases).
Urothelial carcinoma may display divergent dif- Urothelial carcinoma with inverted pattern –
ferentiation, in which case squamous or glandular this variant of BlCa is diagnostically challenging,
differentiations are the most common. These are as the assessment of invasion is frequently diffi-
seen in variable proportions in association with cult and it possesses some resemblance with
otherwise typical urothelial carcinoma, usually in inverted papilloma, which is a benign condition.
high-grade and high-stage disease. Intraepithelial When morphology and tumor architecture are
neoplasia including CIS is common in the adja- insufficient, ancillary techniques (p53, Ki-67,
cent urothelium. Lymphatic or vascular invasion CK20) are required to establish the correct
is apparent in several cases. diagnosis.
Nested variant – this is an aggressive neo-
Histologic Variants plasm, frequently regarded as bearing deceptively
Urothelial carcinoma with squamous differentia- bland features, because of its similarity with some
tion is defined by the presence of intercellular benign bladder proliferations, such as von
bridges or keratinization (Fig. 4). The diagnosis Brunn’s nests, particularly if the latter exhibit a
of squamous cell carcinoma is restricted to pure florid architecture.
forms, when foci of conventional invasive Microcystic variant – it shows a striking cystic
urothelial carcinoma or CIS are not identified. pattern, composed of round to oval, sometimes
The true clinical significance remains uncertain elongated cysts, which may contain necrotic
but seems to bare an unfavorable prognosis. material or pale pink secretion, frequently lacking
Urothelial carcinoma with glandular differen- any form of stromal response. Cystitis cystica,
tiation is defined by the presence of true glandular cystitis cystica glandularis, and nephrogenic ade-
spaces within the tumor, which correspond to noma are mimickers of this variant of BlCa.
tubular or enteric-type glands, with mucin secre- Micropapillary variant – it resembles papillary
tion. Pseudoglandular spaces caused by necrosis serous carcinoma of the ovary, and it is almost
always associated with conventional urothelial
carcinoma. These tumors are invariable muscle
invasive and the morphology is retained in the
metastases. It is a high-grade and high-stage var-
iant with considerable incidence of metastases and
morbidity. The percentage of micropapillary com-
ponent has been shown to be a significant adverse
prognostic factor (Fig. 5). This variant has a high
propensity for vascular lymphatic invasion. The
response to immunotherapy is usually limited.
Lymphoepithelioma-like variant – histologi-
cally, it resembles lymphoepithelioma of the
nasopharynx. The search for the presence of
Epstein-Barr-encoded RNA has been consistently
Bladder Cancer Pathology, Fig. 4 Invasive urothelial
carcinoma with squamous differentiation. Note the
negative. The tumor is solitary and usually
intercellular bridging, one of the key features of this vari- involves the dome, posterior wall, or trigone,
ant, and the bizarre nuclei (the conventional urothelial often with a sessile growth pattern. There is usu-
component of this case is not shown) ally some lymphoid infiltrate, which may be
540 Bladder Cancer Pathology

differentiated carcinoma and should be treated

accordingly. Prognosis is dismal.
Sarcomatoid variant (with/without heterolo-
gous elements) – this designation is restricted to
biphasic malignant neoplasm with an accompany-
ing morphologic and/or immunohistochemical
evidence of epithelial and mesenchymal differen-
tiation. Although this is a rare variant, it is more
common than primary sarcomas of the bladder.
Previous radiation treatment (e.g., external beam
radiation for prostate cancer) or cyclophospha-
mide therapy is common. The most frequently
observed mesenchymal component is an undiffer-
Bladder Cancer Pathology, Fig. 5 Micropapillary vari-
ant of invasive urothelial carcinoma. The presence of this
entiated high-grade spindle cell neoplasm, and the
component must be documented in the pathology report, as most common heterologous component is osteo-
it is more prone to lymphovascular invasion and metastases sarcoma, followed by chondrosarcoma, rhabdo-
myosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, liposarcoma,
angiosarcoma, or even multiple types of sarcoma.
prominent and composed of both B and T cells. Nodal and distant metastases at diagnosis are
Most patients present with advanced-stage disease common.
at the time of diagnosis. The scarce data available Urothelial carcinoma with giant cells – this
from the literature suggests that when this variant very infrequent variant is composed of mononu-
occurs in the pure form, it does not respond to clear cells, osteoclast-like giant cells, and recog-
chemotherapy and that the percentage of nizable urothelial neoplasia in mixed proportions.
lymphoepithelioma-like areas might have an There may be areas morphologically similar to
impact on the patient outcome (a higher percent- giant cell tumor of bone or even blood-filled
age seems to be associated with better outcome). cysts, resembling an aneurismal bone cyst. It is
Lymphoma-like and plasmacytoid variants – in usually associated with a poor outcome.
these variants, the malignant cells resemble those Urothelial carcinoma with trophoblastic
of malignant lymphoma or plasmacytoma and are differentiation – there are few reported cases
characterized by the presence of single malignant with symptoms related to excess human chorionic
cells in a loose or myxoid stroma. Diagnosis of the gonadotropin production, including gynecomas-
plasmacytoid variant of urothelial carcinoma may tia. Most cases present with an admixture of con-
be rather problematic, as the morphology of the ventional urothelial carcinoma and trophoblastic
tumor cells closely resembles that of true plasma elements, usually associated with a poor progno-
cells and may even exhibit a strong immunoreac- sis and metastatic spread. The effectiveness of
tivity for some specific plasma cells markers, such germ cell-directed therapy in this particular vari-
as CD138. Therefore, one should always use a ant remains to be further clarified, with some
panel of immunostains, including cytokeratins, reports suggesting a poor response and a few
in problematic lesions. The prognosis is documenting some encouraging results.
usually poor. Clear cell variant – it is characterized by focal
Urothelial carcinoma with rhabdoid features – or extensive clear cell pattern with glycogen-rich
this described variant is characterized by the pres- cytoplasm, and it is relatively more common in
ence of a variable proportion of large and poorly differentiated urothelial carcinomas.
discohesive malignant cells, with distinct cell Lipid cell or lipoid cell variant – rarely, a
borders, large vesicular nuclei, prominent nucle- variable proportion of the neoplastic cells may
oli, and eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions contain abundant lipid and optically clear cells,
(intermediate filaments). It behaves as a poorly in which lipid-distended cells mimic signet ring
Bladder Cancer Pathology 541

cell adenocarcinoma or even lipoblast, raising the it is morphologically indistinguishable from its
possibility of a glandular differentiation, or heter- counterpart in the lung. It is characterized by
ologous liposarcomatous component of a diffuse sheets of round, blue, hyperchromatic
sarcomatoid carcinoma. The associated urothelial cells, with nuclear molding, granular chromatin,
component is invariably high grade and invasive. inconspicuous nucleoli, scant cytoplasm, and fre- B
Undifferentiated carcinoma – it is a category quent mitosis/apoptotic debris. Clinically it is sel-
restricted to those carcinomas which cannot be dom associated with paraneoplastic syndromes.
otherwise classified. Roughly 50% of the cases are associated with an
admixture of other epithelial malignant compo-
Other Histological Types nent, including classical urothelial carcinoma,
Squamous cell carcinoma – these are malignant squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, or
neoplasms derived from the urothelium that show even sarcomatoid elements. Some lesions display
histologically pure squamous cell phenotype. The a large cell neuroendocrine phenotype, exhibiting
presence of keratinizing squamous metaplasia in an organoid, palisaded, or trabecular pattern and
the adjacent flat epithelium, especially if associ- large cells with abundant cytoplasm and
ated with dysplasia, supports the diagnosis. The macronucleoli. Focal to diffuse areas of geograph-
grading ranges from well to poorly differentiated. ical necrosis, tumor giant cells, DNA encrustation
Tobacco smoke and schistosome infection are of blood vessels walls (Azzopardi phenomenon),
well-established etiological factors. TNM staging and lack of desmoplastic response are also fre-
and tumor grade have been shown to have inde- quent features.
pendent prognostic value. Patients who undergo The differential diagnosis with other neuroen-
radical surgery appear to have an improved sur- docrine tumors, either by direct extension or
vival as compared to those submitted to radiation metastasis, can be quite troublesome, since the
therapy and/or chemotherapy, whereas morphological and immunohistochemical studies
neoadjuvant radiation improves the outcome of yield the same results (positivity for
locally advanced tumors. chromogranin and synaptophysin, “dot-like”
Adenocarcinoma – these are urothelium- cytokeratin staining). Thyroid transcription factor
derived malignant neoplasms displaying a histo- 1 (TTF-1), which was regarded as a specific
logically pure adenocarcinoma phenotype. It marker for pulmonary small cell carcinoma, was
accounts for less than 2% of all malignant bladder also found to be expressed in up to 40% of bladder
tumors and comprises both primary bladder ade- SmCC, and the same holds true for SmCC from
nocarcinoma and urachal carcinoma. Histologi- other primary sites. Thus, clinical and imagiologic
cally, it may show different patterns of growth: correlation is mandatory. In the specific case of
enteric (colonic) type, adenocarcinoma not other- prostatic SmCC with bladder extension, since half
wise specified, signet ring cell, mucinous of the cases have a conventional adenocarcinoma
(colloid), clear cell (mesonephric – extremely component, positive immunostaining for prostate-
rare), hepatoid, and mixed. Most cases of adeno- specific antigen (PSA) may aid in the differential
carcinoma of the urinary bladder are associated diagnosis. Malignant lymphoma is another entity
with longstanding intestinal metaplasia, such as in to be considered in the differential diagnosis, and
the case of nonfunctioning bladder, obstruction, although a careful observation of the cytological
chronic irritation, and cystocele. Stage is the most features is usually sufficient, in difficult cases a
important prognostic factor, and the prognosis is panel of cytokeratin, CD45, CD20, and CD3 may
usually poor since most adenocarcinomas present be required.
at advanced stage with muscle invasion. Carcinoid tumors – these are the rarest neo-
plasms with neuroendocrine differentiation (less
Neuroendocrine Tumors than two dozen cases reported) and demonstrate
Small cell carcinoma (SmCC) – it comprises all the classic carcinoid architectural patterns
0.5–1% of all primary bladder malignancies, and (glandular, acinar, cribriform, i.e., perforated like
542 Bladder Cancer Pathology

a sieve, or trabecular), similar to their counterparts Diagnostic Markers

in other sites. The main issue with this entity The use of ancillary techniques is widely used in
is that it is mainly a diagnosis of exclusion, as all the current practice of surgical pathology. Immu-
the most common sites (lung, gastrointestinal) nohistochemistry is undoubtedly one of the most
must be thoroughly excluded, before rendering a cost effective and invaluable tools that the pathol-
diagnosis of primary carcinoid tumor of the ogist possesses nowadays to reach a correct diag-
bladder. nosis. However, there are a few rules which
Paraganglioma – it exhibits a “zellballen” pat- should be considered when immunohistochemical
tern composed of polyhedral cells, with assays are used:
amphophilic or basophilic cytoplasm and ovoid
nuclei, separated by a prominent vascular network. • There is no single immunostain that is patho-
These features, although unique, may be insuffi- gnomonic of a given condition, and thus, they
cient when analyzing superficial and/or small tissue work best used within panels.
samples, as the “zellballen” architecture could be • The panel should be judiciously chosen
mistaken for a nested pattern of urothelial carci- according to the correlation of the morphology
noma. If the correct diagnosis could not be of the tumor, the potential differential diagno-
achieved on morphological grounds alone, the ses, and the clinical and imaging data.
characteristic S100 protein positivity on the • Familiarization with positive internal control
sustentacular cells, positive neuroendocrine for a given tissue/tumor staining pattern (the
markers and the negativity for keratins may aid in same stain might have different staining pat-
the differential diagnosis (toward paraganglioma). terns, depending on the tumor type and/or tis-
sue) and potential pitfalls and aberrant staining
Molecular Alterations is mandatory.
Noninvasive papillary urothelial neoplasms, on
the one hand, and CIS and invasive urothelial Failure to meet the aforementioned criteria
carcinoma, on the other, show distinct genomic could easily lead to excessive costs, misinterpre-
alterations. These are thought to reflect two alter- tation, delayed diagnosis, or misdiagnosis, with
native pathways of tumorigenesis (Table 1). negative impact on patient care.

Bladder Cancer Pathology, Table 1 Molecular profiles of clinical phenotypes and respective frequencies
Molecular alteration tumors Invasive tumors
Chromosomal 9p loss (40–45%) Losses: 3p, 6q, 8p, 9p, 9q, 11p, 17p, 18q
9q loss (45–65%) Gains: 3q, 5p, 8q, 17q, 20 q (15–30%)
Genetic FGFR3 60–80% 20–30%
alteration mutations
HRAS mutations 15% 10–15%
TP53 mutations/ – >50%
PIK3CA 15–25% –
RB deletion – >30%
CDKN2A LOH 60% 60%
HD 20–30% 20–30%
Promoter hypermethylation CDH1(84%), CDKN2 (67%), PMF1 (88.1%), DBC1 (60%), NID2 (73%),
VIM (96%), ICAM (90%)
LOH loss of heterozygosity; HD homozygous deletion
Bladder Cancer Pathology 543

Bearing that in mind, in what immunohisto-

chemistry is concerned, p53, cytokeratin
20, E-cadherin, Ki-67, and CD44 are the most
useful to distinguish normal epithelium from
CIS, although some robust expression could be B
observed with Ki-67 in both inflamed and regen-
erative urothelium.
For the distinction between urothelial carcino-
mas from benign mimickers, cytokeratins 7 and
20, p63 and high molecular weight cytokeratins
such as CK903, as well as PAX-2 and alpha-
methylacyl-CoA racemase (the latter two for
nephrogenic adenoma) might be of great value.
Bladder Cancer Pathology, Fig. 6 Early invasion of the
When dealing with cases of invasive carcino- papillary core, in the form of small nests and isolated cells.
mas with more distinctive features (variants), the In a fair amount of cases, these are the only signs of
immunostains stated above, in addition with the invasion of the chorion
proper markers akin to the main differential diag-
noses in question, should, in the majority of cases,
solve the problem. The recognition and the extent of the invasion are
of paramount importance in the pathologic evalu-
Tumor Staging ation. In the early invasive carcinoma (pT1), foci
Currently, the 7th edition of AJCC/UICC TNM of invasion are characterized by irregularly
staging system is used for BlCa staging. The shaped nests, clusters, or, not infrequently, as sin-
criteria for each T, N, and M category follow: gle cells, within the papillary core and/or lamina
propria (Fig. 6). Useful pointers in assessing inva-
Primary Tumor (T) sion are desmoplastic stromal response (which
pT0 – no evidence of residual carcinoma, in the may be pronounced and may mimic a malignant
cystectomy specimen, after an initial diagnosis spindle cell component – pseudosarcomatous
of malignancy on a previous biopsy or trans- stromal reaction), tumor cells within the retraction
urethral resection (TUR). spaces [mimicking vascular invasion (Fig. 7)],
pTa – noninvasive urothelial papillary and paradoxical differentiation (cells with an
carcinomas. abundant and eosinophilic cytoplasm, at the
pTis – urothelial carcinoma in situ. advancing edge of tumor infiltration). Neverthe-
pT1 – tumors invading into the lamina propria, but less, in small specimens (biopsy or TUR), the
not into the muscularis propria. recognition of invasion may be problematic due
pT2 – tumor invading the muscularis propria. The to thermal and mechanical injury, tangential sec-
7th edition of AJCC/UICC subdivides pT2 tioning and/or the presence of marked inflamma-
carcinomas into two categories: pT2a, cancers tory infiltrate obscuring neoplastic cells, and
invading the inner half of the muscularis inverted or broad front growth. Yet another prob-
propria, and pT2b, cancers invading the lem derived from small tissue samples is the pT1
outer half. substaging as it requires the recognition of the
pT3 – tumors that invade perivesical tissue. This muscularis mucosa, which is not always present
category is further divided according to the pres- in the sample. In fact, there seems to be a signif-
ence of microscopic invasion (pT3a) or a mac- icant topographical variation of muscularis
roscopically evident extravesical mass (pT3b). mucosa in different regions in the bladder, and
pT4 – when tumors invade any of the following: up to 6% of radical cystectomies do not have
T4a, prostatic stroma, uterus, and vagina; T4b, discernible muscularis mucosa at all. Immunohis-
pelvic wall and abdominal wall tochemistry for smoothelin, a smooth muscle
544 Bladder Cancer Pathology

Bladder Cancer Pathology, Fig. 7 Invasive urothelial Bladder Cancer Pathology, Fig. 8 Lymphovascular
carcinoma, dissecting through the muscularis propria. Note invasion in invasive urothelial carcinoma. The endothelial
the presence of a moderate amount of inflammatory cells cells lining the vascular spaces are visible
and of tumor cells within the retraction spaces, mimicking
vascular invasion (compare with Fig. 8)
of adipose tissue near the tumor does not neces-
sarily imply invasion into the perivesical fat.
protein expressed only in terminally differentiated
smooth muscle cells, was brought forth as a pos- Regional Lymph Nodes (N)
sible solution for the aforementioned issue, as it is pNX – lymph nodes cannot be assessed
strongly expressed in the muscularis propria and pN0 – no lymph node metastasis
showed only focal, weak staining of the pN1 – single regional lymph node metastasis in
muscularis mucosa, a staining pattern that was the true pelvis (hypogastric, obturator, external
retained even in the presence of cautery or crush iliac, or presacral lymph node)
artifact. However, the evaluation of smoothelin pN2 – multiple regional lymph node metastases in
as a potential ancillary tool was mainly the true pelvis (hypogastric, obturator, external
performed on cystectomy specimens, and when iliac, or presacral lymph node metastasis)
applied to diagnostically difficult TUR speci- pN3 – lymph node metastasis to the common iliac
mens, approximately 25% of cases in one study lymph nodes
showed overlapping in the staining pattern
between muscularis mucosa and muscularis Distant Metastases (M)
propria, a potential pitfall that should not be pM0 – no distant metastasis
disregarded. Thus, the substaging of pT1 remains pM1 – distant metastasis
controversial and currently is not universally
accepted. Morphological Parameters of Prognostic
Regarding the pT2 substaging, some authors Value
argue that tumor size (the largest tumor dimen-
sion) could be more useful in predicting the dis- Lymphovascular Invasion
tant metastasis-free rate and cancer-specific Lymphovascular invasion is one of the most
survival in the presence of muscularis propria robust predictors of poor outcome; thus, its inclu-
invasion, than substaging the pT2 category. sion in the pathological report is mandatory
In what concerns the pT3 category, there is a (Fig. 8). One potential confounder is the retraction
major caveat that needs to be reminded: the pres- artifact, frequently present around nests of inva-
ence of intramural adipose tissue is well sive carcinoma, particularly in the micropapillary
documented in the bladder wall, even in small variant. In doubtful cases, staining with CD31 or
samples (biopsies and TUR). Hence, the presence CD34 may aid in the distinction.
Blast Crisis 545

Surgical Margins myeloid leukemia (CML). Clinically, blast crisis

The surgical margins of the resected specimen should is similar to an acute leukemia and typically has an
be carefully examined for the presence of tumor, as immature myeloid, B-lymphoid, or mixed-lineage
its presence usually indicates residual tumor in the phenotype.
patient, and it is correlated with a decreased cancer- B
specific survival rate. The margins of interest on a
cystectomy specimen are right and left urethral, ure- Characteristics
thral, perivesical, and pelvic soft tissue.
Contrary to malignancies in other sites (e.g., Clinical Features
prostate), the prognostic significance of perineural When left untreated, CML is a progressive dis-
invasion on bladder cancer remains to be eluci- ease. Patients typically present in a relatively
dated and is therefore not routinely included in the benign chronic phase that is characterized by
pathology report. symptoms of fatigue and lethargy, bleeding, mod-
erate weight loss, an enlarged palpable spleen, and
a high white blood cell (WBC) count. During
chronic phase, the increased WBC population in
Cheng L, Montironi R, Davidson DD, Lopez-Beltran large part constitutes cells of the myeloid com-
A (2009) Staging and reporting of urothelial carcinoma partment, with overrepresentation of the granulo-
of the urinary bladder. Mod Pathol Suppl 2:S70–S95 cyte series. Within a period of 3–5 years, the
Coleman JF, Hansel DE (2009) Utility of diagnostic and natural course of the disease is to accelerate,
prognostic markers in urothelial carcinoma of the blad-
der. Adv Anat Pathol 16(2):67–78 then to transform to an aggressive and rapidly
Eble J, Sauter G, Epstein J, Sesterhenn I (2004) Pathology & fatal acute phase known as blast crisis, typically
genetics. Tumours of the urinary system and male genital of 4–6 months duration. Features associated with
organs. International Agency for Cancer, Lyon, pp 98–138 this transformation include an increasing number
Jerónimo C, Henrique R (2014) Epigenetic biomarkers in
urological tumors: a systematic review. Cancer Lett 342 of WBCs, particularly immature blasts, in the
(2):264–74 blood and bone marrow, progressive anemia,
Knowles MA (2008) Bladder cancer subtypes defined by thrombocytopenia, and lack of response to ther-
genomic alterations. Scand J Urol Nephrol Suppl apy. In a small proportion of patients, the blast
transformation may occur outside the bone mar-
row (extramedullary) in sites such as the lymph
nodes, spleen, skin, or meninges.
B-anaplastic Blast cell phenotype may be myeloid (60%),
B-lymphoid (30%), or biphenotypic (10%).
▶ Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Myeloid transformation is heterogeneous, where
myeloblasts are the usual blast cell type, but
megakaryoblasts or erythroblasts have also been
identified. Occasional patients show blasts with
Blast Crisis myelomonocytic, monocytic, or very rarely, baso-
philic blast differentiation. Lymphoid blast crisis
Christine M. Morris is usually B-cell phenotype, but rare cases may
Cancer Genetics Research, University of Otago, present with T-cell phenotype.
Christchurch, New Zealand During chronic phase, most mature CML cells
are BCR–ABL1 kinase dependent and therefore
killed by the now widely used tyrosine kinase
Definition inhibitor (TKI) therapies such as imatinib,
nilotinib, or dasatinib. Rapid and sustained hema-
Blast crisis is the aggressive and rapidly fatal tological and cytogenetic responses are inducible
terminal phase of BCR–ABL1-positive chronic for the majority of patients, and the clinical
546 Blast Crisis

success of TKIs in treating chronic phase CML cells gain self-renewal capacity, differentiation
has served as a paradigm model for the design of arrest, and survival properties that lead to their
new molecularly targeted cancer therapies. How- uncontrolled proliferation.
ever, a proportion of cases (<5% per year) will
develop TKI resistance, most frequently within Leukemia Stem Cells (LSCs)
the first 1 or 2 years from diagnosis and when a Once formed in a hematopoietic stem cell (HSC),
major molecular response is not achieved. When the BCR–ABL1 fusion gene gives rise to a popu-
this occurs, the disease will accelerate and pro- lation of BCR–ABL1-positive HSCs that, similar
gress to blast crisis unless intercepted by alterna- to normal HSCs, shares the immunophenotype
tive therapies. Whereas most cases of blast crisis CD34+CD38 and has acquired an enhanced
currently progress from TKI-resistant chronic capacity to survive, maintain an undifferentiated
phase disease, some patients (<5%) present state by self-renewal, and generate progenitors
with advanced disease de novo or otherwise pro- that differentiate to form cells of multiple lineages
gress to blast crisis following treatment upon successive cell divisions. Unlike normal
withdrawal. HSCs, however, the differentiation pathways of
BCR–ABL1 HSCs are abnormally skewed so that
Biological Basis at diagnosis, and prior to treatment, the chronic
Despite best efforts, the precise sequence of cel- phase of CML is typically characterized by a high
lular and molecular events that determines transi- WBC count and sizeable expansion of the granu-
tion from chronic phase to blast crisis CML locytic cell series (Fig. 1).
remains unknown. Nonetheless, research using In contrast to chronic phase CML, when
next-generation DNA, expression, and other BCR–ABL1-positive committed myeloid progen-
array profiling platforms, combined with increas- itors predominate, progression to blast crisis is
ingly refined techniques for animal modeling, associated with increased levels of more differen-
three-dimensional in vitro tissue modeling, and tiated BCR–ABL1-positive granulocyte/macro-
hematopoietic cell lineage purification, has seen phage progenitors (GMPs). There is now
a significant unraveling of the intra- and extracel- compelling evidence to show that a small subpop-
lular processes that are involved. An advantage ulation(s) of cells within this expanded GMP pool
for these studies is that, when diagnosed early, has acquired stemlike self-renewal capacity,
CML provides a slow-moving window through allowing their uncontrolled proliferation (Fig. 1).
which to sample and analyze the biological pro- These subpopulations are recognized as the leu-
cesses involved in disease progression. In this kemia stem cells of blast crisis CML (BC-LSCs).
regard, and because the affected cells are rela- The relative rarity of BC-LSCs has hampered
tively accessible at all stages, compared to most their analysis in biological studies, and although
solid tumors, CML is one of the best understood considered similar to lymphocytes in their mor-
malignancies to date. phological appearance, their exact phenotype
Current perceptions are that blast crisis trans- remains uncertain. Most studies rely on a combi-
formation is a complex multistep process that nation of genotyping (e.g., presence of the Phila-
initiates in a primitive BCR–ABL1-positive delphia (Ph) chromosome or BCR–ABL1 fusion
hematopoietic stem cell, that it evolves through gene) and retrospectively interpreted functional
time, and that it is fuelled by collaborating pro- assays (e.g., in vitro hematopoietic colony assays
cesses that involve different combinations of in culture) to show that BC-LSCs exist. The
BCR–ABL1-dependent and BCR–ABL1- BC-LSC cell fraction shares immunophenotype
independent genetic and epigenetic events and characteristics with normal GMPs and, like
with participation from the microenvironment. them, is enriched within the CD34+ CD38+
A defining characteristic of blast crisis is the GMP compartment. Unlike normal GMPs, how-
rapid expansion of hematopoietic progenitors ever, blast crisis GMPs form self-renewing,
that invade the peripheral blood. These progenitor replatable myeloid colonies in colony assays
Blast Crisis 547


CMP CLP (Lymphoid)
Additional MEP Additional
mutations mutations



M T cell B cell

Blast Crisis, Fig. 1 Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a can also differentiate into common lymphoid progenitors
biphasic disease initiated by expression of the BCR–ABL1 (CLPs), which are the progenitors of lymphocytes such as
fusion gene product in self-renewing hematopoietic stem T cells and B cells. The initial chronic phase of CML
cells (HSCs). BCR–ABL1 HSCs can differentiate into (CML-CP) is characterized by a massive expansion of the
common myeloid progenitors (CMPs), which then differ- granulocytic cell series. Gene functional changes beyond
entiate into granulocyte/macrophage progenitors (GMPs; expression of BCR–ABL1 cause progression from chronic
progenitors of granulocytes (G) and macrophages (M)) and phase to blast phase (CML-BP), here characterized by an
megakaryocyte/erythrocyte progenitors (MEPs; progeni- accumulation of myeloid or lymphoid blast cells (Adapted
tors of red blood cells (RBCs) and megakaryocytes by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature
(MEGs), which produce platelets). BCR–ABL1 HSCs Reviews Cancer, Ren, copyright 2005)

in vitro, and as few as 1,000 BC-GMPs will Further characterization of these primitive pro-
engraft blast crisis CML in murine models. genitor cells remains an important scientific
Laboratory-based research designed to interro- objective.
gate the molecular basis of blast crisis CML has
intensified over the past 10 years. These efforts Genomic Instability Marks Progression
parallel a rising awareness that understanding to Blast Crisis
CML progression through BC-LSCs will likely The BCR–ABL1 fusion gene encodes an abnormal
have high relevance for the stem cell origins and and constitutively active tyrosine kinase that is
acquired resistance to treatment that characterizes necessary and thought sufficient to drive initial
other more prevalent solid tumors. A multitude of transformation to chronic phase CML from its
mechanisms, including BCR–ABL1-dependent origins in an HSC. Over a period of time, it is
and BCR–ABL1-independent, genetic and epige- this BCR–ABL1 activity that, together with addi-
netic, and intrinsic and extrinsic cellular pro- tional BCR–ABL1-independent cellular pro-
cesses, are now recognized to contribute to the cesses, eventually leads to genomic instability in
enhanced survival and continued growth of the BCR–ABL1 HSC population, setting the stage
BC-LSCs in the presence of TKI therapies. But for Darwinian-style selection and survival of the
still, many of the factors that collaborate with fittest clonally acquired genomic gains, losses,
BCR–ABL1 or function independently to convert gene rearrangements, and mutations. Although
GMP into BC-LSCs remain to be identified. unstable, the genomic alterations that characterize
548 Blast Crisis

Blast Crisis,
Fig. 2 Simplified
schematic illustrating
stepwise evolution of
cytogenetically abnormal
subclones along the “major
route” associated with
progression to blast crisis
CML. At each level, new
subclones evolve (solid
line) while the original
clone continues (thin line)

advanced CML do not manifest in the “mutator When cytogenetic patterns of myeloid blast
phenotype” associated with many solid tumors. crisis and lymphoid blast crisis CML have been
Rather, they are fewer in number, and genomic compared, there is an apparent lineage-specific
changes typically follow nonrandom cytogenetic selection for particular chromosomal changes.
and molecular evolutionary pathways. Discernible differences include more frequent
association of i(17q) with myeloid blast crisis
Cytogenetic Evolution and of monosomy 7 (-7) or hypodiploidy with
Whereas cytogenetic changes in addition to the t lymphoid blast crisis (Fig. 3a).
(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2), or its complex variants, are In some cases, albeit rare, balanced
found in less than 5% of cases at diagnosis of chromosome translocations or other structural
chronic phase CML, cytogenetic evolution of rearrangements typically associated with distinct
the BCR–ABL1-positive clone occurs in 80% morphological subtypes of acute myeloid leukemia
of cases that transform to blast crisis. A change (AML) appear at the time of blast transformation.
in karyotype is considered a poor prognostic Examples include the t(15;17)(q24;q21)
sign, heralding or accompanying the acute tran- (PML/RARA), inv(3)(q21;26.2)/t(3;3)(q21;q26.2)
sition. Diverse karyotype abnormalities are (RPN1/MECOM) or t(3;21)(q26.2;q22)(RUNX1/
found, both structural and numerical, either sin- MECOM), t(7;11)(p15;p15)(NUP98/HOXA9),
gly or in combination, but there is marked t(8;21)(q22;q22)(RUNX1/RUNX1T1), and inv(16)
nonrandom involvement of certain chromo- (p13.1q22)(CBFB/MYH11). These changes are not
somes. Duplication of the Ph chromosome (and usually associated with major route karyotype
therefore the BCR–ABL1 fusion gene), i(17q), changes, suggesting that they follow a distinct
+8 or +19 occurs alone or in various combina- evolutionary pathway.
tions, appears stepwise, and is recognized as the
“major route” of cytogenetic evolution to blast High-Resolution DNA Copy Number Profiling/
crisis (Fig. 2). Karyotype evolution along the Deep Sequencing
major route is associated with disease progres- High-resolution genome-wide searches using
sion, but the occurrence of acquired transloca- array comparative genomic hybridization
tions or other changes, recognized as “minor (aCGH) and oligo- or single nucleotide polymor-
routes” of cytogenetic evolution, is infrequent phism arrays (SNP) have confirmed the accumu-
and not usually correlated with measured clini- lation of clonally acquired chromosomal
cal features. imbalances in advanced stages of CML and
Blast Crisis 549

Blast Crisis, a
Fig. 3 Relative incidences 100
of selected cytogenetic (a) Myeloid (%)
and molecular (b) 90
Lymphoid (%)
aberrations occurring 80
secondary to the
70 B
Ph/BCR–ABL1 on
progression to myeloid or 60
lymphoid blast crisis 50
CML. Molecular
aberrations correspond to
gene loss (CDK2NA, 30
IKZF1) or gene mutations 20
(all other genes) (Data
sourced from Johansson 10
et al, 2002 (a) or collated 0
from Mullighan













et al (2008), Nacheva






et al (2010) and Grossman
et al (2011) (b)) b
90 Myeloid (%)
80 Lymphoid (%)
PM (e 2A

BL x 4)

ns )

IK )
AS xo P53

H ns )
xo )

TE )

xo 1

R 2)
xo 12

ID xo 2/3
(e 2/3


(e WT

C 1 (e on


(e on

N S (e T

(E s





additionally identified distinct nonrandom submi- and self-renewal of normal HSCs on transition to
croscopic aberrations. Using these methods, fur- blast crisis. Overall, mutations have been detected
ther differences between lymphoid and myeloid in >70% of cases examined, with nonrandom
blast cell genomes have been identified, including association of some mutations (e.g., ASXL1)
a high incidence of deletions within both the according to blast cell phenotype (Fig.3b).
immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) and T-cell The IKAROS protein is of great interest
receptor (TCR) loci exclusively in lymphoid because it has roles in determining crucial cell
blast crisis, accompanied in a subset of cases by fate decisions during early hematopoietic devel-
simultaneous loss of segments encompassing the opment, including activation of lymphoid poten-
IKZF1 gene that encodes IKAROS and CDKN2A, tial in multipotent progenitor cells, and the
losses that also occur at high frequency in proliferative expansion of differentiating lympho-
BCR–ABL1-positive acute lymphoblastic leuke- cyte precursors. Genomic deletions resulting in
mia (ALL) (Fig. 3b). loss of functional IKAROS expression were con-
Targeted deep sequencing has also shown a sidered a hallmark of lymphoid blast crisis. How-
high incidence of mutation in selected candidate ever, IKAROS is also involved in transcriptional
genes that play important roles in differentiation regulation of erythroid- and myeloid-specific
550 Blast Crisis

genes, and new findings now indicate that loss or Centrosome Aberrations
reduced expression of the IKAROS protein also BCR–ABL1 expression has been associated with
occurs at high frequency during progression to aberrant centrosome activity, contributing to
myeloid blast crisis but without genomic loss. karyotype instability and aneuploidy in CML.
The cause of IKAROS downregulation in these Centrosomes are essential for organization of the
cases is not fully understood, but epigenetic mitotic spindle that regulates stringent bipolar
silencing of IKZF1 expression, mutations in separation of chromosomes during mitosis. Cen-
IKZF1, and BCR–ABL1-induced aberrant splic- trosome amplification has been reported to occur
ing of IKZF1 to form a dominant-negative iso- early in chronic phase CML, with increasing inci-
form (IK6) are reported possibilities. dence and complexity of centrosome aberrations
on progression to blast crisis.
Mechanisms of Genomic Instability in Blast
Crisis CML Telomere Instability
As shown by cytogenetic and higher-resolution As in many types of cancer, telomere shortening
genome-wide screening techniques, the accumu- and inappropriate activation of the telomere main-
lation of genomic abnormalities is a hallmark of tenance enzyme telomerase are frequently
disease progression in CML. The molecular observed in the affected cells of CML. Repeated
mechanisms that underlie this genomic instability studies have shown a significant loss of telomere
are not yet fully explained, but currently favor a repeats in BCR–ABL1-positive stem cell
model whereby BCR–ABL1 expression promotes populations, but not normal stem or progenitor
defective, error-prone DNA repair, which, in con- cells, and the degree of telomere shortening has
text of an altered threshold for apoptosis, been shown to correlate with disease stage, dura-
increases resistance within the CML progenitor tion, and response to treatment.
cell pool to an expanding number of genetic
errors. Functional Profiling
Complementing DNA profiling experiments, high-
Failure of DNA Damage/Repair Responses throughput microarray, and deep-sequencing tech-
BCR–ABL1 has been shown to increase the pro- nologies have also been applied for the analysis of
duction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which gene regulatory patterns in CML. Experimental
cause oxidative DNA damage and enhanced platforms have differed according to study objec-
endogenous DNA breakage or mutations. Expo- tives, but have included cDNA, oligonucleotide,
sure to ionizing radiation or genotoxic drugs dur- methylation, noncoding RNA, antibody, and
ing the conditioning regimen for hematopoietic reverse phase protein arrays and full transcriptome
stem cell transplantation (HSCT) likewise RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) or “function-first”
increases DNA damage and chromosomal insta- lentiviral short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) library
bility in BCR–ABL1-positive progenitor cells. screening. Sample sources have likewise varied,
BCR–ABL1 expression has been shown to com- but generally favor purified progenitor cell
promise the efficiency or fidelity of most of the populations, such as CD34+, CD38+, and lin-
major DNA repair pathways, including single cells from bone marrow or peripheral blood, or
nucleotide defects (point mutations), errors in established cell lines (e.g., K-562), rather than
mismatch repair and nucleotide excision repair, unpurified total white cells. Overall, these studies
and errors of double-strand break repair processes have, in a relatively short period of time, identified
such as homologous recombination repair and large numbers of genes that are differentially regu-
nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). lated in treatment-naïve or posttreatment chronic
BCR–ABL1-mediated stimulation of activation- phase progenitor cells and during progression from
induced cytidine deaminase (AID) has also been chronic phase to blast crisis.
associated with a hypermutator phenotype and Notably, transcriptional profiling has shown
TKI resistance in lymphoid blast crisis CML. that CML progression is, biologically at least, a
Blast Crisis 551

two-step (chronic phase/advanced disease) rather Blast Crisis, Table 1 Deregulated cell signaling path-
than a three-step process, that conventionally ways and genes associated with transformation to blast
crisis CML
includes an accelerated phase. In addition, and
consistent with their functional attributes, Signaling Participating Expression
pathway genes/pathways status
transcriptome profiles of CML blast crisis progen-
Stem cell FOXO3 Downregulated B
itor cells show close similarity to those of CD34+ maintenance/self- SHH/SMO/GLI2 Upregulated
cells from healthy donors. Although array plat- renewal GSK3B Downregulated
forms and sample sources have differed, changes Wnt/b-catenin Upregulated
to self-renewal, differentiation, proliferation, ALOX5 Upregulated
apoptosis, DNA repair, cell adhesion, and inflam- PRAME Upregulated
matory response genes and signaling pathways MSI2 Upregulated
have remained common themes across those Proliferation/ BCL2 family (e.g., Upregulated
survival BCL2L1; MCL1)
studies that have focused particularly on progres-
BCL2L11 (BIM) Downregulated
sion from chronic phase to blast crisis. Selected JAK-STAT Upregulated
examples of deregulated pathways and gene XPO1 Upregulated
activities associated with transition to blast crisis BMI1 Upregulated
CML are summarized in Table 1, and outlined JUNB Downregulated
below. RRAS Upregulated
ALDH1A1 Upregulated
Self-Renewal SET Upregulated
Self-renewal is an essential property of normal PP2A Downregulated
CIP2A Upregulated
stem cells and a recognized hallmark of cancer.
Differentiation CEBPA Downregulated
Landmark reports of the mid-2000s first showed
PCBP2 (hnRNP- Upregulated
that increased expression of b-catenin, a compo- E2)
nent of the Wnt signaling pathway, conferred IKZF1 (IKAROS) Downregulated
stemlike properties to progenitor cells of blast Immune/ IFN-g Upregulated
crisis leading to their expansion within the inflammatory IL-3RA (CD123) Upregulated
response IL1RAP Upregulated
GMP pool. Soon afterwards, others showed that
progression to myeloid blast crisis was averted TNF receptors Upregulated
SOCS2 Upregulated
in a b-catenin knockout mouse model of CML.
IRF8 Downregulated
Potential mechanisms underlying increased
Tumor BLK Downregulated
b-catenin in BC-LSCs include BCR–ABL1- suppressors TP53 Downregulated
mediated b-catenin phosphorylation leading to PTEN Downregulated
protein stabilization and activation of nuclear sig- Genomic AID Upregulated
naling, and reduced b-catenin degradation related instability ADAR p150 Upregulated
to GSK-3b inactivation or missplicing. Since RAD51 Downregulated
these initial findings, many genes and signaling BRCA1 Downregulated
pathways essential to normal HSC self-renewal SIRT1 Upregulated
have been shown to be involved in the self-
renewal and expansion of BC-LSCs.

Differentiation Arrest mature granulocytes, and the BC-LSC progeny

During the initial chronic phase, BCR–ABL1 pro- of CML blast crisis is typically arrested at an
vides a survival advantage but has minimal impact early immature stage (Fig. 1). The CCAAT/
on the differentiation of myeloid progenitors. enhancer-binding protein-a (C/EBPa) is a
However, progression from chronic phase to lineage-specific transcription factor that is
blast crisis is associated with an impaired ability required for differentiation of multipotent progen-
for myeloid progenitors to differentiate into itor cells into committed myeloid progenitors of
552 Blast Crisis

the granulocytic series. At blast crisis, expression methylation coincides with blast crisis and that
of the C/EBPa protein is suppressed via multiple genes are affected and with functions
upregulation of the poly(rC)-binding protein relevant to BC-LSC self-renewal, maintenance,
2 (PCBP2 or hnRNP-E2), which inhibits and proliferation. Roles for noncoding RNAs in
C/EBPa expression. The analysis of CML cells the progression of CML are also emerging, with a
has shown that loss of C/EBPa protein and complexity of involvement that is well illustrated
increased expression of PCBP2 are restricted to by the BCR–ABL1-induced loss of miR-328
blast crisis and directly proportional to increasing through the MAPK-PCBP2 pathway at blast cri-
levels of BCR–ABL1. sis. When present, miR-328 has been shown to act
as a decoy by interacting with PCBP2, most likely
Survival: Apoptosis antagonizing binding of that protein with C/EBPa,
Deregulation of programmed cell death, or apo- and thereby releasing C/EBPa from the transla-
ptosis, allows cancer stem cells to continue to tion inhibitory effects of PCBP2. In a different
survive, to proliferate, and to accumulate genetic role, miR-328 may also act as a molecular relay,
mutations. BCR–ABL1 expression, which contributing to the progressive differentiation
increases with disease progression, is regarded to arrest of BCR–ABL1-positive progenitor cells.
confer resistance to apoptosis through several Mutations in spliceosome genes and alterna-
mechanisms, many with functional impact on the tive splicing of coding and noncoding RNAs are
BCL2 family of pro-survival proteins that directly emerging too as important drivers of
inhibit mitochondrial outer membrane permeabi- transcriptomic diversity that fuel leukemia pro-
lization (MOMP). To this effect, there is now gression and therapeutic resistance. One of the
strong evidence that increased BCL2L1 most frequent modifications in primates is the
(BCL-xL) expression during blast crisis is driven conversion of adenosine to inosine (A-to-I) in
by BCR–ABL1-dependent pathways. However, double-stranded RNA through the action of the
the upregulation of other pro-survival BCL2 fam- adenosine deaminase acting on RNA (ADAR)
ily members (e.g., BCL2 and MCL1) during family of enzymes. The consequence of this con-
blast crisis likely involves additional version is that inosine is later translated as guano-
BCR–ABL1-independent mechanisms, including sine (G), and proteins are recoded with potentially
a requirement for cues from the bone marrow new functions. A-to-I editing affects gene expres-
microenvironment. Of note, many BCL2 family sion, both globally and in a gene-specific manner,
genes encode splice variants, and studies have and enhances the complexity of transcriptome
shown global upregulation of BCL2 splice dynamics by introducing changes to RNA struc-
isoforms during transformation to blast crisis. tures, stabilities, localization, and splicing
Moreover, full transcriptome RNA-seq analysis patterns.
has shown that survival pathway-related gene ADAR1 is the primary RNA editase regulating
expression profiles differentiate BC-LSC from maintenance of fetal and adult HSCs and progen-
chronic phase and normal progenitor cell itor cells and the responses of stem cells to inflam-
populations. mation. Importantly for CML, findings suggest
that the interferon (IFN)-responsive p150 isoform
Epigenetic Pathways of ADAR1 is aberrantly activated and that
Evidence is now rapidly accumulating to show BC-LSCs show increased expression of this iso-
that posttranscriptional gene regulation involving form compared with normal and chronic phase
several types of epigenetic alteration occurs with progenitors. A corresponding increase of A-to-I
progression to blast crisis CML. DNA methyla- RNA changes contributing to missplicing of key
tion analysis of individual genes, selected groups stem cell regulatory transcripts (e.g., GSK-3b) has
of genes, or genome-wide CpG island library been identified during CML progression, and it
screens have together confirmed that differential has been concluded that ADAR1 likely has a
Blast Crisis 553

pivotal role in the reprogramming of myeloid pro- Nonetheless, translational efforts are already
genitors into self-renewing BC-LSCs that drive represented in multiple new (or existing) biologi-
blast crisis transformation. cally targeted interventions currently undergoing
preclinical or clinical investigation, including
Treatment of Blast Crisis CML inhibitors of BCL2, JAK-STAT or Hedgehog/ B
Current treatment options for those patients who SMO pathways, PP2A-activating drugs, or mole-
present de novo with blast crisis, or otherwise cules that target factors within the bone marrow
progress to this advanced stage, are less than niche to interfere with BC-LSC survival.
optimal. When a diagnosis of CML in blast crisis Despite current successes, a more global func-
is confirmed, recommendations are that patients tional perspective of the diverse molecular-
should receive intensive chemotherapy with or signaling cascades that drive CML progression
without a BCR–ABL1 TKI and that if a return to to blast crisis is needed, one that reflects both
second chronic phase can be achieved, then opti- spatial and temporal factors, incorporating
mal subsequent treatment would include HSCT. changes to intra- and extracellular leukemia
Second- and third-generation TKIs, either stem cell territories. The development of new
alone or in combination with chemotherapy, mouse models for blast crisis progression
HSCT, or interferon, have assisted to improve that closely mimic the human condition will par-
prognosis, but these drugs do not provide a cure tially resolve some of the outstanding questions.
as they are unable to eradicate the quiescent frac- Future promise of better outcomes for what is
tion of CML BC-LSCs. By these regimens, currently a rapidly progressing and fatal disease
response rates can approximate 40% in myeloid must lie in sophisticated models such as these,
blast crisis CML and 70–80% in lymphoid blast some of which have already either confirmed or
crisis CML, with median survival times of newly identified multiple biologically relevant
6–12 months and 12–24 months, respectively. cooperating mutations and potential therapeutic
Long-term survival after diagnosis of blast targets, and released them into the scientific
crisis is rare, and whereas HSCT is considered domain.
the best option, outcomes for most cases
remain poor.
Future Promise
The biological complexity and redundant nature ▶ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
of the signaling pathways that drive advanced ▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia
phase CML is well recognized, as is the need for ▶ Aneuploidy
alternative molecularly targeted therapies. Current ▶ Apoptosis
opinion is that killing or suppressing BC-LSCs ▶ BCL2
using drugs that inhibit LSC-specific signaling ▶ BCR-ABL1
pathways, in combination with anti-BCR–ABL1 ▶ Centrosome
TKIs, will prove the most effective approach to ▶ Chromosomal Translocations
control the disease. Optimal future treatments will ▶ DNA Oxidation Damage
therefore target the BCR–ABL1 GMP stem cell ▶ Genomic Instability
compartment that is responsible for blast crisis, as ▶ Homologous Recombination Repair
well as CML, but not normal, BCR–ABL1 HSCs. ▶ Ionizing Radiation Therapy
A better understanding of the molecular biology ▶ Mutator Phenotype
of these different leukemia and normal progenitor ▶ Reactive Oxygen Species
cell compartments, and the signaling pathways ▶ Telomerase
that set them apart, will be essential to the success ▶ Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
of this evolving therapeutic paradigm. ▶ Wnt Signaling
554 Blast Crisis

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Reya T, Morris SR, Minden MD, Messer K, Mikkola pp 1920–1921. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3158
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inhibition abrogates human leukemia stem cell dor- cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2042.
mancy. J Transl Med 13:98 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3361
Samassekou O (2013) Dynamic length changes of telo- (2012) Microenvironment. In: Schwab M -
meres and their nuclear organization in chronic mye- (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber-
loid leukemia. Cancers (Basel) 5(3):1086–1102 lin/Heidelberg, p 2296. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
Saußele S, Silver RT (2015) Management of chronic mye- 5_3720
loid leukemia in blast crisis. Ann Hematol 94(Suppl 2): (2012) Mitosis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
S159–S165 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2342.
See Also (2012) Mitotic Spindle. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
(2012) ADAR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2348.
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 43. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3782
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_77 (2012) MOMP. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
(2012) Beta-Catenin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2367.
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 385. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3821
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_889 (2012) Multipotent. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
(2012) CCAAT/Enhancer-Binding Protein a. In: Schwab cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2404.
M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3902
Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 687–688. doi:10.1007/978-3- (2012) Myeloid. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
642-16483-5_901 cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2436.
(2012) Cell division. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3935
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 738. (2012) Non-homologous end joining. In: Schwab M
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_999 (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber-
(2012) DNA repair. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of lin/Heidelberg, p 2537. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1141. 5_4111
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1687 (2012) Self-Renewal. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
(2012) Dominant negative. In: Schwab M - cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3359.
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber- doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5226
lin/Heidelberg, p 1150. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- (2012) Spliceosome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
5_1705 cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3487.
(2012) Epigenetic event. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5455
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, (2012) Telomere. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
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cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1540. (2012) Transcriptome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2393 cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3753.
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(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber-
lin/Heidelberg, p 1570. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
(2012) Hematopoietic stem cell. In: Schwab M -
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber- Bleomycin
lin/Heidelberg, p 1645. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
5_2619 Definition
(2012) Hematopoietic stem cell transplants. In: Schwab
M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1645. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- A chemotherapeutic drug categorized as a cyto-
16483-5_2620 toxic/antitumor antibiotic. As an anticancer drug,
556 BLI

it is typically used in the treatment of cervical of the BBB, its importance in health and disease,
cancer, head and neck cancer, Hodgkin disease, and its anatomical definition were mostly revealed
non-Hodgkin lymphomas, and testicular cancer. over the last 30 years. The BBB is a well-
Bleomycin interferes with cell growth by damag- differentiated network of brain microvessels that
ing DNA and preventing DNA repair. An antican- maintains the homeostasis of the brain microen-
cer antibiotic that can induce DNA strand breaks. vironment. The BBB regulates the interface
It is the first mutagen applied to ▶ mutagen sen- between the peripheral circulation and the
sitivity assay. CNS. It restricts the nonspecific flux of ions, pro-
teins, and other substances into the CNS environ-
ment, thereby protecting neurons from harmful
Cross-References components of the blood and also allows the
uptake of essential molecules from the blood to
▶ Hyperthermia the CNS. The BBB is a selective diffusion barrier
▶ Malignant Lymphoma: Hallmarks and at the level of the cerebral microvascular endothe-
Concepts lium. The anatomy of the brain microvascular
▶ Mutagen Sensitivity endothelial cells (BMEC) of the BBB, which are
a major component of the BBB, are distinguished
from other types of endothelial cells in the periph-
ery by increased mitochondrial content, a lack of
fenestration, minimal pinocytotic activity, and the
presence of ▶ tight junctions (TJs). The tight
junctions create a barrier in the BBB that helps
▶ Bioluminescence Imaging
to maintain brain homeostasis and provide high
transendothelial electrical resistance (100–2,000
Ω/cm2), resulting in decreased paracellular per-
meability. BMEC are surrounded with pericytes,
Blood-Brain Barrier often divided into granular and filamentous sub-
types, and astrocytic end-feet, which play an
Shalom Avraham, Tzong-Shi Lu and Hava essential role in maintaining the structure of the
Karsenty Avraham BBB (Fig. 1). Astrocytes confer protection to the
Division of Experimental Medicine, Beth Israel BBB against hypoxia and aglycemia.
Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Institutes of The development of the BBB involves brain
Medicine, Boston, MA, USA angiogenesis and BBB differentiation. First, brain
endothelial cells derived from permeable vessels
invade the vascular neuroectoderm and form
Definition intraneural vessels. Next, during the late embry-
onic and early postnatal periods, brain capillaries,
The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is formed by brain in concert with astrocytes, differentiate, gradually
capillary endothelial cells. The BBB is composed mature, and are remodeled into the BBB, with
of cerebral endothelial cells, astrocyte end-feet, impermeable properties.
and pericytes and regulates the homeostasis of Failure to maintain BBB integrity can have
the central nervous system (CNS). profound effects on the CNS. The disruption of
the BBB may result in many brain disorders,
including brain tumors. Changes in BBB function
Characteristics are associated with several neurological disorders,
including stroke, multiple sclerosis, and
The BBB was identified by Paul Ehrlich in 1885 Alzheimer disease as well as inflammatory dis-
(Hawkins and Davis 2005). However, the biology eases such as chronic relapsing multiple sclerosis.
Blood-Brain Barrier 557

Blood-Brain Barrier,
Fig. 1 Anatomical view of
major components of the Endothelial cell
blood–brain barrier (BBB). Pericyte
The BBB is formed by Astrocyte
endothelial cells, pericytes,
basement membrane, and N
astrocytes. The BBB forms
a highly restricted barrier Astrocyte N N
that controls the exchange
of materials between brain
tissue and the circulatory
system to maintain brain
homeostasis. Tight
junctions are more
abundant than in other Mitochondria
Astrocyte Pericyte
vessel systems and play a Astrocyte
major role in regulating the
permeability changes of the Tight junction
BBB. N: nucleus
Basement membrane
N: Nucleus

Many of these changes have been linked to alter- AJs include VE-cadherin, alpha-actinin, and
ations in the tight junctions of the BBB. vinculin, which all link to the actin cytoskeleton,
thus stabilizing the AJ complex.
The BBB Junctional Complexes The TJs form a continuous network of parallel,
The interendothelial space of the cerebral micro- interconnected, intramembrane strands of protein
vasculature is characterized by the presence of a arranged as a series of multiple barriers. It is the
junctional complex that includes adherens junc- TJs that confer the low paracellular permeability
tions (AJs), tight junctions (TJs), and ▶ gap junc- and the high electrical resistance. The TJs are
tions (Fig. 2) (Huber et al. 2001). While the gap composed of transmembrane proteins that form a
junctions mediate intercellular communications, primary seal linked via accessory proteins to the
both AJs and TJs act to restrict permeability actin cytoskeleton. The proteins of the tight junc-
across the endothelium. tions include junctional adhesion molecule
The TJs are dynamic structures. The physio- (JAM-1), occludin, and the claudins.
logical and pathological conditions of the BBB
affect TJ organization and function in the BB- 1. JAM-1 is a 40-kDa member of the IgG super-
B. Disruption of the TJs by disease or drugs can family and is believed to mediate the early
lead to impaired BBB function and thus compro- attachment of adjacent cell membranes via
mise the CNS microenvironment. Changes in TJ homophilic interactions. JAM-1 is composed
expression, subcellular localization, and/or post- of a single membrane-spanning chain with a
translational modification or changes in the large extracellular domain.
protein–protein interactions of TJs can lead to 2. Occludin is a 60–65-kDa protein that has four
alterations in BBB permeability and integrity. transmembrane domains with the carboxyl and
AJs are ubiquitous in the vasculature and medi- amino terminals oriented to the cytoplasm and
ate the following functions: (i) adhesion of endo- two extracellular loops which span the
thelial cells to each other; (ii) contact inhibition intercellular cleft. It is highly expressed along
during vascular growth and remodeling; (iii) ini- the cell margins in the cerebral endothelium.
tiation of cell polarity; and (iv) partial regulation Occludin increases electrical resistance in
of paracellular permeability. The components of TJ-containing tissues and has multiple sites
558 Blood-Brain Barrier

Lumen Tight Apical plasma membrane


Actin ZO-2 Actin
ZO-1 cingulin
Cingulin ZO-1 ZO-1
ZO-2 Occludin
Claudins ZO-3
AF6 ZO-1 ZO-1
7H6 Actin
Actin AF6 7H6
Actin JAM (junctionaladhesion molecule)

α -actin α - actin
Catenins Cadherins Cadherins Catenins

Vinculin Vinculin
Brain junctions

Blood-Brain Barrier, Fig. 2 Major tight junction and zonula occludens (ZO-1, ZO-2, and ZO-3), AF6, 7H6, and
adherens junction proteins in the blood–brain barrier cingulin, are involved in structure support, regulation,
(BBB). Three transmembrane proteins, claudin, occludin, location recognition, and signal transduction for the tight
and junctional adhesion molecule (JAM), form integral junctions. Adherens junctions consist of one transmem-
tight junctions between adjacent endothelial cells. They brane protein, cadherin, and three structure support pro-
provide the primary seal and regulate the paracellular per- teins, catenin, a-actinin, and vinculin, that link to the major
meability of the BBB. Other accessory proteins, such as cytoskeletal protein, actin

for phosphorylation on serine and threonine have been identified at the TJs: ZO-1, ZO-2,
residues. In addition, the cytoplasmic and ZO-3. ZO-1, which is abundantly
C-terminal domain is likely involved in the expressed in BMEC, is a 220-kDa protein
association of occludin with the cytoskeleton that links transmembrane proteins of the TJs
via accessory proteins, such as the zonula to the actin cytoskeleton. This interaction is
occludens ZO-1 and ZO-2. critical to the stability and function of the TJs
3. Claudins are a family of 20–24-kDa membrane and is important for the integrity and perme-
proteins that includes 24 members. The ability of the BBB.
assumption is that claudins form the primary 5. Additional accessory proteins of the BBB
seal of the TJs and that occludin acts as an include cingulin, AF6, and 7H6.
additional support structure. In the brain endo-
thelium, claudin-5 is the most critical for BBB Permeability Properties of the BBB
permeability. The BBB significantly impedes entry from the
4. In addition to the transmembrane components blood into the brain of virtually all molecules,
of the TJs, there are several accessory proteins except those that are small and lipophilic.
that associate with them in the cytoplasm. However, there are sets of small and large hydro-
These include members of the membrane- philic molecules that can enter the brain, and they
associated guanylate kinase-like (MAGUK) do so by active transport. One of the important
homolog family. MAGUK proteins are transporters is P-glycoprotein (Pgp), which is pre-
involved in the coordination and clustering of sent in relatively high concentrations in brain cap-
protein complexes to the cell membrane and in illaries and is also part of the barrier. Pgp is
the establishment of specialized domains associated with multidrug resistance (MDR) in
within the membrane. Three MAGUK proteins numerous tumors. The discovery of Pgp on the
Bloom Syndrome 559

BBB has contributed to an understanding of the Future studies should be aimed at understand-
penetration of various drugs into the brain. ing BBB dysfunction and the factors that regulate
Net fluid influx and brain extracellular fluid its recovery as well as at designing new
homeostasis are regulated by hormones produced approaches for the prevention and treatment of
in the CNS that affect blood–brain transport. neurological diseases including brain tumors. B
Transcytosis of insulin and transferrin has been
well-defined and these pathways have been utilized
for targeted delivery to the brain and brain tumors. Cross-References
The presence of active efflux transporters in the
BBB prevents many systemically administered ▶ Gap Junctions
drugs from entering the brain and is a major obstacle ▶ Pharmacogenomics in Multidrug Resistance
in designing drugs to treat neurological disorders. ▶ Tight Junction
▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
In Vitro BBB Models ▶ Zonula Occludens Protein-1
Research on BBB functionality has been facili-
tated by the availability of in vitro BBB culture
systems (Lee et al. 2006). Culturing of the in vitro
BBB involves the isolation of capillaries and cul- de Vries HE, Kuiper J, de Boer AG et al (1997) The
ture of BMEC alone or in combination with astro- blood–brain barrier in neuroinflammatory diseases.
cytes or astrocyte-conditioned medium. Pharmacol Rev 49:143–155
Hawkins BT, Davis TP (2005) The blood–brain barrier/
neurovascular unit in health and disease. Pharmacol
BBB in Disease Rev 57:173–185
The BBB is sensitive to the pharmacodynamic Huber JD, Egleton RD, Davis TP (2001) Molecular phys-
effects of compounds and disease mediators that iology and pathophysiology of tight junctions in the
may result in changes in BBB integrity and func- blood–brain barrier. Trends Neurosci 24:719–725
Lee TH, Seng S, Li H et al (2006) Integrin regulation by
tion (Rubin and Staddon 1999). Alterations of the vascular endothelial growth factor in human brain micro-
barrier tight junctions are a hallmark of many vascular endothelial cells: role of alpha(6)beta(1) integrin
CNS pathologies, including tumor, stroke, HIV, in angiogenesis. J Biol Chem 281:40450–40460
encephalitis, and bacterial meningitis. BBB Rubin LL, Staddon JM (1999) The cell biology of the
blood–brain barrier. Annu Rev Neurosci 22:11–28
breakdown or TJ protein rearrangement seems to
be involved in both the direct and indirect effects
See Also
of stress responses and inflammatory mediators. (2012) Adhesion molecules. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
Traumatic brain injury leads to an upregulation of pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
▶ vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and 66. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_96
the VEGF receptors, VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2.
Although a compromised BBB has been reported
under some pathologic conditions, the precise role
of a disrupted BBB in the pathogenesis of neuro- Bloom Syndrome
logical diseases is not well-defined.
In addition, the BBB presents a major obstacle Mounira Amor-Guéret
to the treatment of malignant brain tumors and Institut Curie – UMR 3348 CNRS, Orsay Cedex,
other CNS diseases. Delivery of therapeutics to France
the CNS is critical for the successful treatment of
brain tumors and other neurological diseases. In
this context, the current view is that the BBB, Synonyms
BMEC along with glia cells, pericytes, and neu-
rons, should be viewed as a neurovascular unit for Bloom-Torre-Mackacek syndrome; Congenital
drug delivery. telangiectatic erythema
560 Bloom Syndrome

Bloom Syndrome, Fig. 1 Increased sister chromatid dark staining. Little chromatid exchange is seen in normal
exchange in Bloom syndrome cells. The sister chromatids cell metaphase (left panel), whereas most of the chromo-
in the images are differentially labeled so that the regions somes in a Bloom syndrome cell metaphase (right panel)
of chromatid exchange can be seen as regions of light and show chromatid exchange

Definition it appears that the two constant clinical features

associated with BS are growth retardation starting
Bloom syndrome (BS) is a rare human autosomal in utero and persisting throughout life with normal
recessive disorder that belongs to the group of proportioning and accompanied by dolichoceph-
“chromosomal breakage syndromes,” and is char- aly and predisposition to all types of cancers. The
acterized by marked ▶ chromosomal instability mean adult height for men is 147.5 cm (range
associated with a greatly increased predisposition 130–162) and for women is 138.6 cm (range
to a wide range of ▶ cancers commonly affecting 122–151). Eleven additional clinical features that
the general population. BS was first described by are not constant and that vary in severity among
David Bloom in 1954 as “congenital telangiec- BS patients were also reported by James German:
tatic erythema resembling lupus erythematosus in (i) a “bird-like” facies with a narrow face and
dwarfs.” The predominant and constant clinical prominent nose, and malar and mandibular hypo-
feature of BS is proportionate pre- and postnatal plasia; (ii) sun-sensitive erythema affecting the
growth retardation. Additional clinical features butterfly area of the face (similar to that caused
are described below. The hallmark of BS cells is by lupus erythematosis), and sometimes affecting
an approximately tenfold increase in the rate of the dorsa of the hands and forearms; (iii) spots of
sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) compared to hyper- and hypopigmentation of the skin (“café au
normal cells. This increased level of SCE is the lait” spots); (iv) a high-pitched voice (Mickey
only objective criteria for BS diagnosis (Fig. 1). Mouse voice); (v) a variable degree of “vomiting
SCEs frequency averages 0.24 per chromosome and diarrhea” during infancy; (vi) diabetes
in normal cells and 2.12 per chromosome in BS mellitus (diagnosed at a mean age of 24.9 years
cells. in 20 of the 168 BS patients in the Registry); (vii)
small testes accompanied by a total failure of
spermatogenesis in men and early cessation of
Characteristics menstruation accompanied by reduced fertility in
women; (viii) immunodeficiency manifested by
Clinical Description recurrent respiratory tract infections complicated
A surveillance program, the Bloom Syndrome by otitis media and pneumonia (life-threatening
Registry, was established in 1960 by James Ger- ear and lung infections are common) and
man and Eberhard Passarge, in which the follow- manifested by the gastrointestinal problems men-
up of 168 BS patients (93 males, 75 females) was tioned in (v); (ix) some minor anatomic abnormal-
reported until 1991. From the data in this Registry, ities such as obstructing anomalies of the urethra,
Bloom Syndrome 561

which were of major clinical importance in sev- from BS patients. One particular BLM gene muta-
eral cases; (x) average intelligence (sometimes tion corresponding to a 6-bp deletion and a 7-bp
mental deficiency); and (xi) clinical features that insertion at nucleotide position 2,207, referred to
occurred in only one or a few BS patients and that as the blmAsh mutation, is homozygous in nearly
are not to be considered part of BS itself, such as all BS patients with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry B
congenital thrombocytopenia, mild anemia, and is due to a founder effect. Screening for BLM
asthma, or psoriatic arthritis. gene mutations can be done by analyzing the
The 100 cancers that arose in 71 of the 168 BS 21 coding exons (4,437 bp total length).
patients recorded in the Bloom Syndrome Regis-
try have been reported, and the distribution of the Frequency
sites and types of these cancers is similar to that BS affects all human populations, and its reported
found in the general population. The main con- frequency is 1 in 10,836,000 in Japan, 1 in
clusions of this report are that nearly half of the 3,331,000 in the United States, 1 in 5,590,000 in
registered BS (71/168) patients have had at least West Germany, and 1 in 2,395,000 in the Nether-
one cancer by the mean age of 24.7, and of those lands. In the Ashkenazi Jewish population, the
patients, 40% have had more than one primary frequency of BS is 1 in 48,000. This is due to
cancer (29/71). ▶ Acute myeloid leukemias (21% a founder effect, and 1% of the Ashkenazi Jew-
of cancers), lymphomas (23%) and rare tumors ish population is heterozygous carriers for the
(5% including medulloblastoma, ▶ Wilms tumor, blmAsh mutation.
and osteogenic sarcoma) predominate in the first
two decades of life, whereas carcinomas (51%) BLM Protein
start to appear late in the second decade of life. The BLM gene codes for the BLM protein, which
is 1,417 amino acids in length with a predicted
BLM-Deficient Cells molecular mass of 159 kDa, and it belongs to the
BS cells display an increase in chromosome DExH box-containing RecQ helicase subfamily.
breaks, a spontaneous ▶ mutation rate ten times BLM displays an ATP- and Mg2+ dependent
higher than that in normal cells, an increased 30 –50 -DNA helicase activity that separates the
frequency of spontaneous symmetric quadriradial complementary strands of DNA in a 30 –50 direc-
interchanges and sister chromatid exchanges, and tion. However, the exact function of BLM is still
increased loss of heterozygosity (LOH). BS cells unclear. BLM protein accumulates in S and ▶ G2/
also display replication abnormalities, including M phases of the cell cycle and localizes in two
retarded replication-fork elongation and abnormal distinct nuclear structures, PML nuclear bodies
replication intermediates, and a general delay in (also called ND10) and the nucleolus. The pre-
the timing of replication associated with an ferred substrates for BLM are G1–S transition,
increased level of constitutive ▶ DNA damage D-loop structures, and X-junctions (Fig. 2).
in mid- to late-S-phase. BS cells bud out large BLM promotes branch migration of RecA-
number of micronuclei during S phase and have generated Holliday junctions and effects, with
constitutively high levels of RAD51-containing topoisomerase IIIa, the resolution of a recombi-
nuclear foci. Chronic overproduction of the nation intermediate containing a double Holliday
superoxide-free radical O2 (▶ Reactive oxygen junction with no flanking sequence exchanges.
species) has also been reported in BS cells. BLM also catalyzes the annealing of complemen-
tary single-stranded DNA molecules (DNA strand
BLM Gene annealing activity). BLM interacts with several
BS arises through mutations in both copies of the proteins involved in the maintenance of genome
BLM gene, which is located on chromosome 15 at integrity. It participates in a super complex of
15q26.1. Nonsense or frameshift mutations lead- BRCA1-associated proteins called BASC
ing to a premature termination codon, and mis- (▶ BRCA1-associated genome surveillance com-
sense mutations have been found in BLM gene plex) which includes BRCA1 (mutated in some
562 Bloom Syndrome

physically and/or functionally with BLM in

undamaged cells and/or in cells submitted to
genotoxic stresses, are the tumor suppressor pro-
tein ▶ p53, WRN protein (a RecQ helicase defec-
tive in the Werner syndrome), RAD51 (a key
protein in ▶ homologous recombination),
RAD51L3 (a RAD51 paralog), ATR (ataxia tel-
angiectasia and rad3+ related kinase), TRF2
(a double-stranded telomeric DNA binding pro-
tein), Mus81 (a DNA-structure specific endonu-
5′ clease), g-H2AX (▶ Ganglioside; histone H2AX
phosphorylated on Ser 139 in response to DNA
G-quadruplex DNA double-strand breaks), hp150 (the largest subunit
of chromatin assembly factor 1, CAF1), FEN1
(flap endonuclease 1, involved in the removal of
RNA primers of Okazaki fragments), FANCD2
(Fanconi anemia complementation group D2 pro-
tein), and the Chk1 kinase (a serine/threonine
D-loop structure
protein kinase that is a key mediator in DNA
damage-induced cell cycle checkpoints).
Altogether, these data support a major role for
BLM in maintaining genomic stability during
DNA replication, homologous recombination and
repair. Several models for the role of BLM have
Synthetic holliday junction
been proposed and suggest that BLM acts as a
Bloom Syndrome, Fig. 2 Preferred substrates of the “roadblock” remover during DNA replication by
BLM helicase. The recombinant BLM protein efficiently disrupting complex structures such as
unwinds DNA structures such as G-quadruplex, D-loop,
G-quadruplexes or DNA hairpins. BLM may also
and synthetic holiday junctions
restart replication after the fork stalls and/or resolve
recombination intermediates during DNA double-
familial breast cancers) ▶ ATM defective in strand break repair through its reverse branch
Ataxia Telangectasia, AT, NBS1 (defective in migration and DNA strand annealing activities.
▶ Nijmegen Breakage syndrome) and MRE11
(defective in ataxia-telangiectasia-like disorder), Mouse Models
MLH1, MSH2, and MSH6 (involved in human Among the five BS knockout alleles that have
nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, HNPCC syn- been generated, four led to embryonic lethality
drome or ▶ Lynch syndrome), and several other when the targeted allele was homozygous, and
proteins known to be involved in replicational only one resulted in viable “BS” mice through a
and/or post-replicational repair processes. BLM complex rearrangement of the targeted region. By
also participates in a complex called BRAFT 20 months of age, 29% of these Blm-deficient
(BLM, RPA, FA, Topoisomerase IIIa), which mice had developed a wide spectrum of cancer,
contains five of the ▶ Fanconi anemia similar to human BS patients.
(FA) complementation group proteins (FANCA,
FANCG, FANCC, FANCE, and FANCF), RPA Genetic Counseling
and topoisomerase IIIa (which are also known to Due to the autosomal recessive transmission of
interact independently with BLM), and a newly BS, sibs of two heterozygous carriers are at 25%
identified factor called BLAP75. Among the other risk of having BS and at 50% risk of being car-
proteins known to colocalize and/or to interact riers. When the risk of BS transmission has been
618 Brain Tumors

medulloblastoma, a PNET that arises in the pos- often benign also occur in the nervous system.
terior fossa, are highly cellular malignant tumors Meningioma are derived from cells of the arachnoid
thought to arise in neural precursor cells. These membranes. They are more frequent in women than
tumors most commonly occur in children and are in men, with a peak incidence in middle age.
difficult to distinguish from one another and typ- Meningioma rarely have histological evidence of
ically appear histologically as sheets of small malignancy. Other tumors that have a benign clini-
round malignant cells. Germ line mutation of cal course include giant cell astrocytoma, pleomor-
PTCH and SUFU in rare patients has called atten- phic xanthroastrocytoma, neurocytoma, and
tion to the importance of sonic hedgehog signal- gangliogliomas. Colloid cysts, dermoid cysts, and
ing in medulloblastoma. Similarly, APC germ line epidermoid cysts also occur in the brain.
mutations in rare patients implicate WNT signal-
ing as well. Analysis of the TCGA database in Clinical Presentation of Brain Tumor Patients
addition to other research confirmed the impor- The most common symptoms that bring patients
tance of APC and Sonic Hedgehog signaling in with a tumor arising in the brain to their physician
medulloblastoma and is consistent with these sig- include a slow progressive focal neurological dis-
naling pathways driving the malignancy of two ability, or a nonfocal neurological syndrome such
out of four molecular subtypes of medulloblas- as headache, dementia, gait disorder, or seizure.
toma. Ependymomas are rare tumors, and when The presence of systemic symptoms suggest a
these occur in children, they typically are within tumor from some other location that may have
the fourth ventricle, where they are thought to metastasized to the brain, since patients with pri-
arise from cells lining the fourth ventricle. In mary brain tumors typically do not exhibit sys-
adults, they arise more frequently in the spinal temic symptoms. Patients with primary brain
cord. Patients with neurofibromatosis type 2 are tumors rarely have any biochemical abnormali-
at increased risk of developing ependymoma, and ties; thus, CT (computerized tomography) and
30% of sporadically occurring tumors exhibit MR (magnetic resonance) imaging are key diag-
deletion of Ch22q where the NF2 gene is located. nostic modalities for the identification of brain
Histologically, these tumors exhibit diagnostic tumors. The characteristic imaging features of
ependymal rosettes. Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid brain tumors are mass effect, edema, and contrast
tumors histologically appear as fields of undiffer- enhancement. Positron emission tomography
entiated malignant neuroectodermal cells that are (PET) scanning and single photon emission com-
indistinguishable from the histological appear- puted tomography (SPECT) have ancillary roles
ance of PNET, except for infrequent cells that in the imaging of brain tumors. Meningiomas and
exhibit evidence of rhabdoid differentiation and other slow-growing tumors may be found inciden-
the presence of mesenchymal and epithelial ele- tally on a CT or MRI scan or they may present
ments. Germinomas arise most commonly during with a focal seizure, a slow progressive focal
the second decade of life at midline locations. deficit, or symptoms of increased intracranial
Both malignant and benign variants occur fre- pressure. Brain tumors are also recognizable in
quently. These tumors present with hypothala- many inherited syndromes including von Reck-
mic–pituitary dysfunction and visual field deficits. linghausen syndrome (▶ neurofibromatosis type
Primary CNS lymphomas are most commonly 1), ▶ neurofibromatosis type 2, ▶ Li–Fraumeni
seen in immunocompromised patients and have a syndrome, ▶ multiple endocrine neoplasia type
clinical presentation similar to other primary brain 1, tuberous sclerosis syndrome, ▶ Turcot syn-
tumors with signs and symptoms referable to cere- drome, and Gorlin syndrome.
bral and cranial nerve involvement. Imaging studies
typically demonstrate a uniformly enhancing mass Clinical Management of Brain Tumor Patients
lesion. Secondary CNS lymphoma almost always and Prognosis
occurs in association with the progression of sys- Stereotaxic needle biopsy may establish the his-
temic disease. Several kinds of tumors that are most tological diagnosis of primary brain tumor,
Brain Tumors 619

although open biopsy is also often utilized to complications of venous thrombosis that occurs
establish the diagnosis. The primary modality of in these patients.
treatment for most primary brain tumors is sur- The prognosis for patients with primary brain
gery. The goals of surgery are to obtain tissue for tumors varies greatly as a function of the histology
pathological examination, to remove tumor, to and location of the tumor. Benign tumors are often B
control mass effect, and to reduce dependence cured by surgery alone. ▶ Germinomas and
on steroids. In the case of low-grade and benign medulloblastoma are more sensitive to cytotoxic
tumors, the removal of tumor tissue can be cura- therapies than are other brain tumors, and the
tive or contribute substantially to extending the prognosis for patients with these tumors is gener-
time to symptomatic progression. In higher-grade ally better than for patients with high-grade gli-
tumors, the role of surgery in contributing to cura- oma. In modern studies, the median survival of
tive therapy is less clearly defined, but in younger patients with high-grade glioma is 1–2 years.
patients, most surgeons aggressively pursue the
removal of as much tumor as possible. Following Complications of Therapy
total excision of an ependymoma, the prognosis is Neurological damage associated with surgical
excellent. However, many ependymomas cannot intervention presents a key challenge in the man-
be totally excised. Following surgery, radiation agement of brain tumors. Furthermore, the ner-
therapy has been shown to prolong survival and vous system is vulnerable to injury by therapeutic
improve the quality of life of patients with high- radiation, and this is frequently manifested by
grade glioma, PNET, ependymoma, or meningi- neuropsychological compromise and disability,
oma when malignant histologic elements can be particularly in very young children who have
pathologically identified within the tumor. been treated with high doses of radiation. Patho-
The medical management of most brain logically, there is demyelination, hyaline degen-
tumors is symptomatic, although a role for che- eration of small arterioles, and eventually brain
motherapy is clearly defined in oligoden- infarction and necrosis. Endocrine dysfunction is
droglioma and medulloblastoma. In patients also commonly seen when the hypothalamus or
with oligodendroglioma, a combination of pro- pituitary gland has been exposed to therapeutic
carbazine, lomustine, and vincristine has been radiation. Depending on the radiated field, sec-
shown to be most effective in patients with a ondary tumors such as glioma, meningioma, sar-
deletion of chromosome 1p/19q deletion and coma, and thyroid cancer occur following
IDH1 mutation. Various combination therapies radiation therapy. Toxicities associated with che-
have been shown to contribute to the treatment motherapy can be significant, but they are not
of medulloblastoma, which has a propensity to usually different from the toxicities associated
spread throughout the neuroaxis. If medulloblas- with comparable treatments for tumors arising
toma is limited to the posterior fossa and elsewhere in the body.
completely resected, this tumor has a good prog-
nosis. Temozolomide given during radiation
therapy for glioblastoma has been shown to con- Cross-References
tribute to longer overall survival time. ▶ Chemo-
therapy and radiation therapy typically play a ▶ Astrocytoma
central role in the treatment of ▶ germinoma, ▶ CDKN2A
although there is a role for surgery as well. ▶ Chemotherapy
Patients whose brain tumors are associated with ▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
surrounding cerebral edema benefit symptomati- ▶ Germinoma
cally from the administration of high doses of ▶ INK4A
glucocorticoids. Anticonvulsants are useful in ▶ Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
the control of seizures. Some glioma patients ▶ MDM2
receive anticoagulation therapy to avoid ▶ Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
620 BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Cancer Risk

▶ Neurofibromatosis 1 (2012) Neural Stem Cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-

▶ Neurofibromatosis 2 dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
2478. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4023
▶ Neuro-oncology: Primary CNS Tumors (2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
▶ Oligoastrocytomas 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2747.
▶ Oligodendroglioma doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331
▶ Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (2012) Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor. In: Schwab M
(ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
▶ Retinoblastoma Heidelberg, pp 2988–2989. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
▶ Rhabdoid Tumor 16483-5_4744
▶ Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (2012) Radiation Therapy. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
3144. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4907
▶ Turcot syndrome (2012) RB1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
▶ Von Hippel-Lindau Disease 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3189.
(2012) Tuberous Sclerosis Syndrome. In: Schwab M (ed)
References Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, p 3792. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
Alentorn A et al (2015) Molecular profiling of gliomas: 5_6010
potential therapeutic implications. Expert Rev Antican- (2012) Vincristine. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cer Ther 15(8):955–962 Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3908.
American Cancer Society (2016) Cancer facts & figures. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6188
Atlanta, The American Cancer Society
Bernstein M, Berger MS (2008) Neuro-Oncology: The
essentials. New York, Thieme
Ellison DW (2015) Multiple molecular data sets and the
classification of adult diffuse gliomas. N Engl J Med BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations
Ostrom QT et al (2015) CBTRUS statistical report: primary
and Breast Cancer Risk
brain and central nervous system tumors TCGA data
portal overview. The Cancer Genome Atlas. National Peter Devilee
Cancer Institute, National Human Genome Research Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical
Institute. https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/tcga/
Center, Leiden, The Netherlands

See Also
(2012) Anaplastic Astrocytoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- Definition
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
berg, p 169. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_256 Mutations in the breast cancer genes BRCA1 and
(2012) Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor. In: Schwab M
BRCA2 cause elevated risks to ▶ breast cancer
(ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, p 304. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- and ▶ ovarian cancer. BRCA1 maps to chromo-
5_454 some 17 (band q21); BRCA2 maps to chromo-
(2012) Cerebral Edema. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia some 13 (band q12).
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 750.
At the genetic level there are interesting anal-
(2012) Glioma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- ogies between the two genes, even though they are
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1557. not detectably related by sequence. Both genes are
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2423 large (coding regions of 5.6 and 10.2 kb, respec-
(2012) Glucocorticoids. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia tively), complex (22 and 26 coding exons, respec-
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1558.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2429 tively), and span about 80 kb of genomic
(2012) Gorlin Syndrome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia DNA. Both have extremely large central exons
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1586. encoding >50% of the protein. The majority of
the mutations in both genes detected to date lead
(2012) Lymphoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2124. to premature termination of protein translation,
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3463 presumably resulting in an inactive truncated
BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Cancer Risk 621

protein. Gene changes are distributed nearly ubiq- such a mutation. The estimated cumulative risk of
uitously over the coding exons and immediate breast cancer conferred by BRCA2 reached 84%
flanking introns. Even though more than half of by age 70. The corresponding ovarian cancer risk
all mutations are found only once, many muta- was 27% (Fig. 1). These estimates imply that
tions have been detected repeatedly in certain BRCA2 mutations are about as prevalent as B
populations. For most of these, this has been BRCA1 mutations. It has been suggested that the
shown to be the result of a founder effect: these ovarian cancer risks are dependent on the position
mutations arose once a long time ago and have of the mutation in the gene, for BRCA1 as well as
since spread in certain populations. Typical foun- BRCA2 mutations. There is also some evidence
der mutations are the 1185delAG and 15382insC that cancer risks can be modified by other factors.
in BRCA1 and 26174delT in BRCA2 that have a For example, a strong variability in phenotype can
joint frequency of about 2.5% among individuals be seen among families segregating the same
of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. mutation. This can range from early-onset breast
cancer and ovarian cancer to late-onset breast
cancer without ovarian cancer. Even within a sin-
Characteristics gle pedigree, ages of onset of cancer can vary
substantially. It seems likely that environmental
Clinical Characteristics and hormonally related factors (smoking, oral
Female carriers of a deleterious BRCA1 mutation contraceptives) importantly co-determine disease
were estimated by the Breast Cancer Linkage outcome in carriers.
Consortium (BCLC) to have an 87% cumulative
risk to develop breast cancer before the age of Molecular and Cellular Characteristics
70 and 40–63% risk to develop ovarian cancer
before that age (Fig. 1). The gene frequency of Tumor Suppressor Genes
BRCA1 was estimated at 1 in 833 women, imply- The first clues to the roles of BRCA1 and BRCA2
ing that 1.7% of all breast cancer patients diag- in tumorigenesis were genetic. The fact that most
nosed between the ages of 20 and 70 are carrier of germline mutations are predicted to inactivate the

60% Breast/BRCA2
Cum. risk

50% Ovary/BRCA2
40% Breast/BRCA1
30% Ovary/BRCA1
30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)

BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Can- data, which is determined only by disease phenotype
cer Risk, Fig. 1 Overall penetrances of BRCA1 and data. This will give an unbiased estimation of the pene-
BRCA2 for breast and ovarian cancer. Estimates were trance irrespective of ascertainment of families on the basis
obtained by maximizing the LOD score with respect to of multiple affected individuals (Data were compiled from
all the different penetrance functions in those families with Ford et al. (1994, 1998)). The graphs can be read in such a
strong evidence of the breast and ovarian cancers being way that, for example, an unaffected carrier of a BRCA1
caused by the gene (done by linkage analysis). This is mutation has a 50% risk to develop breast cancer before
equivalent to maximizing the likelihood of the marker age 50
622 BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Cancer Risk

protein, and the observed loss of the wild type proliferation of breast epithelial cells during
allele in almost all breast and ovarian cancers puberty, pregnancy, and lactation. Intriguingly,
arising in mutation carriers, are strong indicators BRCA1 might suppress estrogen-dependent
that BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins act as ▶ tumor mammary epithelial proliferation by inhibiting
suppressor genes. This is supported by the finding ▶ estrogen receptor-alpha (ER-a) mediated tran-
that induced overexpression of wild type but not scriptional pathways related to cell proliferation.
mutant BRCA1 in MCF-7 breast cancer cells Whatever the cellular function of BRCA1, it
leads to growth inhibition and inhibited tumor appears to be regulated by phosphorylation: it
growth in nude mice. becomes hyperphosphorylated at G1/S with
dephosphorylation occurring at M phase.
Expression of BRCA1 and BRCA2 BRCA1 might regulate the G1/S checkpoint by
In normal cells, BRCA1 and BRCA2 encode binding hypophosphorylated ▶ retinoblastoma
nuclear proteins, preferentially expressed during protein. BRCA1 and BRCA2 have also been
the late-G1/early-S phase of the ▶ cell cycle but suggested to regulate the G2/M checkpoint by
downregulated in quiescent cells. While appar- controlling the assembly of the mitotic spindle
ently at odds with the observations that BRCA1 and the appropriate segregation of chromosomes
expression inhibits cellular proliferation, the to daughter cells.
proliferation-induced expression could represent
a negative feedback loop tending to decrease BRCA1- and BRCA2-Related Breast
breast cancer risk. However, BRCA1 Cancer A close examination of the ▶ pathology
expression can also be upregulated in a of BRCA1- and BRCA2-related breast cancers
proliferation-independent way in mammary epi- has defined a typical pathology for each category,
thelial cells induced to differentiate into lactating differing from that in sporadic cases. In general,
cells by glucocorticoids. Hence, BRCA1 might cancers in carriers are of higher grade than
also play a role in controlling mammary gland age-matched controls (Fig. 2), and the BRCA1
development. In mice, expression of BRCA1 cancers more frequently display a “medullary”-
and BRCA2 is coordinately upregulated with like appearance. This is due to a higher mitotic




40% Grade 1
Grade 2
30% Grade 3



Controls BRCA1 BRCA2

BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Can- breast cancer cases served as control. The overall grade of
cer Risk, Fig. 2 BRCA1- and BRCA2-related breast can- both BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancers was significantly
cers are generally of higher grade than age-matched higher than that of controls (p < 0.0001 and p < 0.04,
controls. Histological sections from 118 breast tumors respectively). For BRCA1 breast cancers, this was due to
attributable to BRCA1 and 78 attributable to BRCA2 higher scores for all three grade indices; whereas, for
were evaluated by five histopathologists, all experts in BRCA2 breast cancers, the grade was only significantly
breast disease. Every slide was seen by two pathologists. higher for tubule formation (Data taken from The Breast
An age-matched group of 547 apparently sporadic female Cancer Linkage Consortium (1997))
BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Cancer Risk 623

count and lymphocytic infiltrate. BRCA2-related high priori familial risk in Clinical Genetic Cen-
breast cancers generally show fewer mitoses and ters or multidisciplinary Cancer Family Clinics.
less tubule formation. For both BRCA1- and A few studies have presented models to determine
BRCA2-related cancers, greater proportions of the prior probability that the counselee is a BRCA
the tumor show continuous pushing margins. mutation carrier, by combining breast cancer and B
Although a role for BRCA1 and BRCA2 in ovarian cancer family history data with results
noninherited sporadic breast cancer is unclear, from comprehensive mutation testing. These
protein expression of BRCA1 is reduced in most models enable the genetic counselor to decide
sporadic advanced (grade III) ▶ ductal when a DNA-test is indicated.
Why Take the DNA-Test?
BRCA1 and BRCA2 as Caretakers of A clear positive result of the DNA-test, i.e., the
the Genome To date, several biological roles for presence of a deleterious mutation, is being used to
BRCA1 and BRCA2 have been demonstrated, and enter these women into early-detection cancer
a number of observations indicate that they func- screening programs or in the decision for or against
tion in a similar pathway. Both maintain genomic prophylactic surgery. A woman in whom breast
stability through their involvement in ▶ homolo- cancer has just been diagnosed can benefit from
gous recombination repair, transcription-coupled knowledge about gene carrier status, since the risks
repair of ▶ oxidative DNA damage, and DNA to the contralateral breast and ovary must be con-
double-strand break repair. These roles are sidered. The treatment of such cancer by lumpec-
suggested by interactions of the Brca1 and/or tomy will not reduce recurrence risks dramatically,
Brca2 proteins with proteins known to be involved as opposed to complete mastectomy. Healthy
in ▶ repair of DNA damage, most notably RAD50 women who test positive can take action to prevent
and RAD51. Murine embryonic stem cells and cancer developing, although the efficacy of the
mice in which both copies of BRCA1 or BRCA2 preventive options currently offered to a woman
have been mutated show a repair deficiency and remains without formal supporting evidence.
defects in cell-cycle checkpoints. BRCA1 and ▶ Chemoprevention is still controversial, and
BRCA2 play a role as transcription factor, through good prospective data on BRCA carriers will prob-
interactions or complex formation with RNA poly- ably never become available, given the ethical and
merase II and various transcriptional regulators, clinical difficulties surrounding randomization.
although this is presently more firmly established Prophylactic surgery, intuitively the most secure
for BRCA1 than for BRCA2. A transcriptional way to reduce breast cancer risk to below popula-
response to DNA damage is well documented, tion levels, is socially ill accepted in many parts of
and identification of downstream targets of the world, and formal proof of its preventive effect
BRCA1/2-mediated transcription regulation in BRCA carriers is also lacking. Clearly, this area
might help to further understand how BRCA1 is fraught with clinical dilemmas.
and BRCA2 suppress tumor formation. ▶ Micro-
array-based screening of genes regulated by Interpreting a Negative Test Result
BRCA1 fall into two categories: cell-cycle control Paradoxically, a negative test result (the absence
genes and DNA ▶ damage response genes. of a deleterious mutation) presently still has lim-
ited power in excluding the presence of a strong
Clinical Relevance risk allele. A negative test result is presently being
found in 70–80% of all probands tested in most
When to Take the DNA-Test? non-Ashkenazi Jewish populations. Among pro-
Diagnosis of gene defects became possible after bands with a family history for ovarian cancer, a
the identification of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in 1994 negative test result is found less frequently
and 1995, respectively. In many countries, testing (although still in 40–60% of the cases). There
for mutations is being offered to women with a are several levels of uncertainty.
624 BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Cancer Risk

• The first is technical: no single mutation- BRCA2. The K3326X mutation was found in
detection method is 100% sensitive, and there- 2.2% of over 400 controls tested. Only a few
fore only exhaustive testing, using a range of missense mutations (e.g., BRCA1C61G) have
different methodologies sensitive to various been called a deleterious disease-related muta-
types of mutation-mechanisms, and investigat- tion, mainly because they reside in a validated
ing the entire coding regions and regulatory functional domain of the protein or affect an
domains can detect any changes. This is obvi- evolutionary conserved residue. As a result,
ously very cost- and labor-intensive. about 35% of all the distinct gene changes
• The second level of uncertainty relates to the detected to date are lumped into the “unclassi-
interpretation of sequence changes that do not fied variant” category, meaning that their rele-
predict a truncated protein. Of the almost 5,000 vance to disease outcome is uncertain. Almost
BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations submitted to certainly, a substantial proportion of these rep-
the Breast Cancer Information Core (BIC) resent rare polymorphisms, but equally cer-
database, about one third are either missense, tainly, a number of them will turn out to be
in-frame deletions or insertions, base- true deleterious mutations.
substitutions not leading to an amino acid
change (neutral changes), or intronic changes The entire Breast Cancer Information Core
with unknown effect on mRNA processing (BIC) database was downloaded on March
(Table 1). Only a small proportion of these 1, 2000 from http://www.nhgri.nih.gov/Intramu
have been unmasked as polymorphisms ral_research/Lab_transfer/Bic. There were 3,086
unrelated to disease outcome. They include BRCA1 mutations and 1,892 BRCA2 mutations.
missense mutation and intron variants, but, The total numbers of distinct changes were
intriguingly, also a nonsense mutation in 724 and 670, respectively.

• A third reason for a negative test result is that

the familial clustering of breast cancer in a
BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Cancer
Risk, Table 1 Mutation types in BRCA1 and BRCA2 and family is due to an unknown gene or in fact is
their predicted effects a nongenetic chance event. The proportion of
BRCA1 BRCA2 truly missed, deleterious mutations is therefore
% of % of % of % of difficult to gauge. A study by the BCLC has
Total Distinct Total Distinct suggested that a combination of incomplete
Mutation type testing and missed or misinterpreted gene
Frameshifting 47.1 38.7 33.7 36.5 changes causes false-negative test results in
Nonsense 11.3 11.1 11.5 10.2 over 30% of all family types with some
Splice-site 4.4 7.9 2.2 3.6 evidence of being linked to BRCA1. This pro-
In-frame 0.6 1.8 0.4 1.0 portion was independent of the mutation-
screening methodology used.
Missense 28.4 28.4 44.3 35.4
Neutral 3.5 3.9 3.1 5.5
Intronic 4.7 8.3 4.9 7.8
Mutation effect Cross-References
Protein 62.6 56.9 41.4 47.9
truncating ▶ Breast Cancer Familial Risk
Missense 2.2 1.5 0.7 1.9 ▶ Cell Cycle Checkpoint
Neutral 11.0 7.2 14.4 13.7 ▶ Contralateral Breast Cancer
polymorphism ▶ DNA Oxidation Damage
Unclassified 24.2 34.4 43.4 36.4 ▶ Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
▶ Microarray (cDNA) Technology
Breast Cancer 625

References in women in developed countries after lung can-

cer. Both men and women can be diagnosed with
Devilee P (1999) BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing: weighing breast cancer, but it is more prevalent in women.
the demand against the benefits. Am J Hum Genet
Clinical breast cancer forms when cells in breast
Ford D et al (1994) Risks of cancer in BRCA1-mutation tissues become malignant and grow uncontrolla- B
carriers. Lancet 343:692–695 bly. The same breast cancer cells can leave the
Ford D, Easton DF, Stratton M et al (1998) Genetic het- primary site and metastasize (see “▶ Metastasis”)
erogeneity and penetrance analysis of the BRCA1 and
in other parts of body. There are several types of
BRCA2 genes in breast cancer families. Am J Hum
Genet 62:676–689 breast cancer, but the most common type is ductal
Lakhani SR, Jacquemier J, Sloane JP et al (1998) Multi- carcinoma in situ, which originates in the lining of
factorial analysis of differences between sporadic the ducts and is confined within the breast duct(s).
breast cancers and cancers involving BRCA1 and
When ductal carcinoma spreads into surrounding
BRCA2 mutations. J Natl Cancer Inst 90:1138–1145
Ponder B (1997) Genetic testing for cancer risk. Science tissues, it is called invasive ductal carcinoma.
278:1050–1054 Invasive ductal carcinoma accounts for 80% of
The Breast Cancer Linkage Consortium (1997) Pathology invasive breast cancer. About 10% of invasive
of familial lung cancer: differences between breast can-
carcinomas are invasive lobular carcinomas
cers in carriers of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations and
sporadic cases. Lancet 349:1505–1510 which begin in the milk-producing glands
Welcsh PL, Owens KN, King MC (2000) Insights into the (lobules) and spread into surrounding tissues.
functions of BRCA1 and BRCA2. Trends Genet Other rare types of invasive breast carcinomas
include inflammatory (see “▶ Inflammation”)
breast cancer, triple-negative breast cancer, and
mammary Paget disease.
BRCA1-Associated Ring Domain 1

▶ BARD1 Characteristics

Risk Factors
Breast Adenocarcinoma It is not known what causes breast cancer; yet
there are several genetic and environmental links
▶ Metastatic Breast Cancer Experimental that predispose an individual to breast cancer
Therapeutics development.

Breast cancer incidence increases dramatically
Breast Cancer
with age. Women aged 20–30 are diagnosed
with breast cancer at a rate of 1 in 10,000, while
Seda Ayer1, Garima Sinha1,2, Margarette Bryan1
the incidence of breast cancer is 1 in 500 in
and Pranela Rameshwar1,2
women over the age of 60.
Department of Medicine – Hematology/
Oncology, Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School,
Newark, NJ, USA
2 The vast majority of breast cancers are not hered-
Rutgers Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
itary, although women who have one or more first-
at New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, USA
degree relatives with breast cancer or ovarian
cancer do have a higher risk to develop breast
Definition cancer compared to women with no history of
breast or ovarian cancer in the family. Defects in
Breast cancer is a leading cause of death in devel- certain genes can increase the risk of breast cancer
oping countries and second leading cause of death development. BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have
626 Breast Cancer

been linked to familial breast cancer. In addition, until years after the initial growth. During the
most breast cancer showed dysfunctional expres- early stages of breast cancer, subjects show no
sion of p53, CHEK2, ATM, and PALB2 genes. symptoms. With the progression of the disease
several symptoms aid in detection and diagnosis.
Reproductive Factors These symptoms include a lump or lumps in the
It is believed that longer exposure to estrogen breast, bloody nipple discharge, pain in the breast,
increases breast cancer risk. Women who started thickening of the breast skin, and swollen lymph
their menstrual cycle before age 12 and/or late nodes in the neck and armpits. Mammogram
menopause at age >55 years have slightly screening for women over the age of 40 could be
increased risk of breast cancer. Nulliparity and important in early detection, but could also miss
late pregnancy (after age 30) also increase breast the cancer due to low sensitivity of mammogram
cancer risk, while breastfeeding has preventative scans. Breasts with high-density tissue are harder
effect. to analyze in a mammogram compared to breasts
with low-density tissue. It was believed that high
Obesity and Physical Activity breast density was associated with increased risk
Obesity (see “▶ Obesity and Cancer Risk”) has of breast cancer, but recent studies show the dif-
been linked to postmenopausal breast cancer. ference is negligible (Sickles 2010).
However, this risk factor remains to be determined The discovery of a lump during self-
by larger controlled studies. Regular physical examination of the breast or a doctor’s physical
activity has been associated with a reduction of exam is often the first indication of breast cancer.
breast cancer incidence. Advanced methods such as biopsy, mammogra-
phy, MRI, computed tomography, and ultrasound
Radiation are used to detect and diagnose the lump. After
Ionizing radiation (see “▶ Ionizing Radiation detection, breast cancer is staged based on the
Therapy”) has been shown to be a major risk TNM system: tumor size (T), lymph node
factor for breast cancer. Patients who underwent involvement (N), and metastasis to different
radiation therapy in the chest area have increased parts of the body (M). The TNM system is
risk of breast cancer. Survivors of atomic bomb accepted worldwide as the standard for cancer
and nuclear plant accidents also have higher diagnosis. (T), (N), and (M) categories are
incidence. followed by numbers to describe how large the
breast cancer is T(0–4), lymph node spread N
Alcohol (0–3), and the presence or absence of metastasis
In premenopausal women daily consumption of M(0–1). The higher the number in each category,
one to two glass of alcohol (see “▶ Alcohol Con- the more advanced the cancer. After (T), (N), and
sumption”) is associated with increased levels of (M) categories are determined, breast cancer is
estrogen. It is thought that high estrogen levels staged into five groups (0–V).
increase breast cancer risk. However, recent stud- Based on endocrine status, breast cancer is
ies show that adequate folate intake among further classified into four different types:
premenopausal women can reduce alcohol-
associated breast cancer risk. 1. Endocrine receptor positive
Breast cancer cells that test positive for
Hormone Therapy estrogen (see “▶ Estrogen Receptor”) or pro-
Women who received hormone replacement ther- gesterone receptors are considered endocrine
apy have increased risk of breast cancer. receptor positive. They respond to hormone
therapy well. Patients often receive hormone
Breast Cancer Symptoms and Diagnosis therapy after they undergo surgery, radiation,
Detecting breast cancer early can be a challenge. and/or chemotherapy. Several drugs are used in
Breast cancer may not be clinically detectable hormone therapy, but tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
Breast Cancer 627

and aromatase inhibitors (see “▶ Aromatase adenocarcinoma, it is believed that Paget cells,
and Its Inhibitors”) are the most common large round epithelial cells with abundant cyto-
drugs used in clinic. Tamoxifen stops the plasm, travel through the milk ducts and invade
growth of hormone receptor-positive breast the epidermis of the nipple or areola. In Paget
cancer cells by blocking the action of estrogen. disease without any underlying adenocarcinoma, B
Aromatase inhibitors are class of drugs that it is believed that Paget cells arise from the epi-
inhibit production of estrogen and are used in dermis. Diagnosis of Paget disease is often
postmenopausal women. delayed because of a misdiagnosis as a benign
2. HER2 positive skin condition. The definitive diagnosis is
Ten to 20% of breast cancers express exces- achieved with full depth nipple/areola biopsy. If
sive amounts of HER2 (see “▶ HER-2/neu”) not treated, Paget cells migrate into lymph nodes
protein often due to amplification. HER2- and metastasize (see “▶ Metastasis”) to different
positive breast cancers tend to be more aggres- parts of the body. Mammary Paget disease is
sive, and patients have increased relapse rates treated with a combination of lumpectomy or
after traditional chemotherapy. Patients benefit mastectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy. The
from treatment with trastuzumab (Herceptin) 5- and 10-year survival rates are 59% and 44%,
which is given in conjunction with chemother- respectively.
apy. In addition to trastuzumab, several other
Her2-targeting drugs have been developed and Targeted Breast Cancer Therapies
are currently used in clinic. Increased understanding in breast cancer biology
3. Triple positive has led to development of targeted drugs (see
Breast cancer that tests positive for estrogen “▶ Targeted Drug Delivery”). Unlike chemother-
and progesterone receptors and HER2 protein apy and radiation which cause massive side
is classified as triple positive. A combination of effects, targeted therapies are designed to kill
hormone therapy and drugs that block Her2 breast cancer cells and spare healthy cells. Tamox-
protein is used to treat triple-positive breast ifen is considered targeted drug because it blocks
cancers in conjugation with chemotherapy. the effects of estrogen. Drugs that block Her2
4. Triple negative protein are another example of targeted drugs.
Breast cancer that tests negative for estro- An increasing number of small molecules are
gen and progesterone receptors and does not being developed and tested in clinical trials that
express HER2 protein is categorized as triple target angiogenesis, mTOR (see “▶ Mammalian
negative. Triple-negative breast cancers Target of Rapamycin”), ERK, cyclin-dependent
respond very well to chemotherapy initially; kinases, and proteasome.
however the recurrence rate is high.

Mammary Paget Disease Cross-References

Mammary Paget disease is a rare type of breast
adenocarcinoma that accounts for 1–3% of all ▶ Amplification
breast cancer cases. Mammary Paget disease ▶ Angiogenesis
affects the epidermis of the nipple and/or areola ▶ Aromatase and Its Inhibitors
causing irritation, ulceration, itching, and bleed- ▶ BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and
ing. In 96–100% of cases, mammary Paget dis- Breast Cancer Risk
ease is accompanied by localized ductal or lobular ▶ Cyclin-Dependent Kinases
carcinomas with the remaining minority of cases ▶ Estrogen Receptor
presenting without any underlying adenocarci- ▶ Herceptin
noma. The origin of precursor cells in Paget dis- ▶ Ionizing Radiation Therapy
ease is not clearly elucidated. In the case of ▶ Metastasis
mammary Paget disease with underlying ▶ Obesity and Cancer Risk
628 Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance

▶ Proteasome (SERMs).” SERMs inhibit estrogen signaling,

▶ Tamoxifen which is the primary mitogenic factor for ER
▶ Trastuzumab alpha-positive breast cancer. ▶ Tamoxifen
(commercial name Nolvadex), which prevents
estrogen from binding to ER alpha, and aromatase
References inhibitors (▶ Aromatase and its Inhibitors) such as
letrozole and anastrozole, which prevent estrogen
Sickles EA (2010) The use of breast imaging to screen biosynthesis, are commonly used SERMs in the
women at high risk for cancer. Radiol Clin N Am clinic. Aberrant ER alpha signaling and growth
factor receptor-mediated estrogen-independent
growth are suggested mechanisms of antiestrogen
resistance. Various strategies to re-sensitize resis-
tant cancers to antiestrogens using growth factor
Breast Cancer Antiestrogen receptor antagonists are being developed to treat
Resistance antiestrogen-resistant breast cancer.

Hariktishna Nakshatri
IU Simon Cancer Center, Indiana University Characteristics
School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA
The American Cancer Society estimates that 15%
of 713,220 cancers in the USA in 2009 are breast
Definition cancers. Approximately 70% of these breast can-
cers, particularly if the cancer is in postmeno-
Breast cells are programmed to respond to certain pausal women, express ER alpha. ER alpha is a
▶ hormones as signals for growth and multiplica- transcription factor that activates or represses
tion. The most prominent examples for these hor- genes in response to estrogen. Estrogen is the
mones are ▶ estrogenic hormones and most important mitogen for normal breast as
progesterone. Many ▶ breast cancer cells retain well as breast cancers. ER alpha-positive breast
hormone receptors, to which hormones can bind cancers are addicted to estrogen for survival and
and execute their activities. The hormone receptors proliferation (▶ oncogene addiction); therefore,
therefore make the cancerous cells responsive to these cancers are susceptible to treatment with
these particular hormones. Most of the estrogen in antiestrogens. However, resistance to therapy is
women’s bodies is made by the ovaries. Estrogen evident from the recurrence of tumor as a meta-
makes hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers static growth preferentially in bones, and resis-
grow. Reducing the amount of estrogen or blocking tance is observed in 30% of cases. Essentially,
its action can reduce the risk of early-stage there are two forms of resistance:
hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers coming
back (recurring) after surgery. Hormonal therapy 1. De novo resistance
medicines can also be used to help shrink or slow 2. Acquired resistance
the growth of advanced-stage or metastatic
hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers. Hor- De novo resistance may be accompanied with
monal therapy medicines are not effective against loss of ER alpha expression while this is uncom-
hormone-receptor-negative breast cancers. The mon during acquired resistance. There are several
term “antiestrogen resistance” indicates the recur- mechanisms that may contribute to de novo or
rence of breast cancer in patients with ▶ estrogen acquired resistance. Most of these resistance mech-
receptor alpha-positive breast cancer, and these anisms are centered on the biology of ER alpha
patients should have received treatments called and/or growth factor receptors. ER alpha function
“selective estrogen receptor modulators is primarily influenced by posttranslational
Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance 629

modification, mostly phosphorylation, and by of chromatin organization. However, a substantial

association with additional proteins of the tran- fraction of binding sites within a given cell type
scription process. These factors, otherwise called harbor relatively closed chromatin structure and
coregulators, are sometimes overexpressed in can- lack apparent activity in positive gene expression.
cers that fail antiestrogen therapy. Thus, the mag- In actively transcribed regions, FOXA1 binding is B
nitude of estrogen signaling in breast cancer is associated with histone H3 lysine 4 demethylation
determined by the levels of ER alpha, kinases that (H3K4me2; ▶ hypomethylation of DNA) and
phosphorylate ER alpha, and coregulators that H3K9 acetylation. In general, this cell-type-
associate with ER alpha. Changes in the expression selective chromatin remodeling defines the active
levels of these factors during the course of disease subset of FOXA1-bound enhancers. FOXA1 bind-
progression can play a role in acquired resistance. ing to these specifically marked chromatin regions
enhances recruitment of ER alpha to regions of
Breast Cancer Subtypes chromatin that are enriched for both FOXA1 and
Breast cancer is not a single disease. There are ER alpha binding sites.
multiple subtypes. Previously, breast cancer was GATA-3 binding sites are enriched in regions
mainly classified into ER alpha-positive and ER that also bind to ER alpha. In ER alpha-positive
alpha-negative types. ER alpha expression status breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen, ele-
along with nodal status and tumor grade influenced vated expression of estrogen-regulated and
treatment decisions. Since 2000, this classification GATA-3-regulated genes in primary tumor is
has been further refined into five subtypes: associated with good prognosis. Loss of GATA-
3 expression is associated with metastatic progres-
1. Luminal types A and B, both expressing sion of breast cancer.
estrogen–ER alpha In the normal breast, ER alpha and FOXA1 are
2. HER-2/Neu/ERBB2+ expressed in a small percentage of luminal epithe-
3. Basal type lial cells. In contrast, ~30% of luminal epithelial
4. Claudin-low cells express GATA-3. Considering similarity in
5. Normal-like FOXA1 and ER alpha expression pattern in nor-
mal breast, it is likely that there are at least four
Only luminal A and luminal B subtypes are distinct ER alpha-positive breast epithelial cells:
relevant to antiestrogen resistance.
1. ER alpha+/FOXA1+/GATA3+
Luminal Type A Subtype 2. ER alpha+/FOXA1+/GATA3-
Luminal subtype A cancers are generally considered 3. ER alpha+/FOXA1-/GATA-3+
to have the best prognosis with a 90% 5-year survival 4. ER alpha+/FOXA1-/GATA-3-
rate followed by luminal B with 50%. Luminal type
A tumors can be characterized by a hormonal signa- These cell types are likely to exhibit distinct
ture composed of the expression of three transcrip- ER alpha binding pattern to genome and conse-
tion factors: ER alpha, FOXA1, and GATA-3. quently estrogen-regulated gene expression. ER
Patients with tumors that express all three of these alpha-positive breast cancers expressing different
transcription factors display the most favorable levels of FOXA1 and GATA-3 are likely to
prognosis. express different sets of estrogen-regulated
FOXA1 is a multifunctional transcription factor genes, display variable degree of dependence on
involved in activation as well as repression of tran- estrogen signaling for proliferation and survival,
scription. It binds to target DNA sequences as a and hence respond to antiestrogen therapy.
monomer, using a helix–turn–helix motif of ~110
amino acids (Helix-Loop-Helix Domain). Unlike Luminal Type B Subtype
most transcription factors, FOXA1 binds to thou- Clinically, luminal B phenotype is associated with
sands of enhancers across the genome irrespective the expression of proliferation markers such as
630 Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance

Ki-67. In fact, all ER alpha-positive breast cancers The ER alpha-positive/HER2-positive cell line
characterized by the expression of “proliferation BT-474 treated with lapatinib, a HER2/EGFR
signature” and associated poor prognosis may fall growth factor pathway inhibitor, develops resis-
into this category. A small subfraction of these tance. These resistant cells display functional
breast cancers also overexpress HER2. Growth estrogen–ER alpha signaling and are sensitive to
factor signaling pathways are significantly active combined lapatinib and antiestrogen treatment.
in these cells, suggesting that estrogen–ER alpha- Therefore, the existence of redundant survival
regulated signaling pathways and growth factor- pathways may be responsible for the lack of
regulated signaling pathways are functionally response of luminal type B breast cancers to
redundant in these cancers. Cell line-based studies antiestrogen therapy alone. Table 1 provides a
have provided some support for this possibility. list of major differences between luminal type
A and luminal type B breast cancers, and Fig. 1
Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance, provides schematic view of these differences,
Table 1 Differences between luminal A and luminal which can be utilized for therapeutic purposes.
B breast cancers
Luminal type A Luminal type B Gene Expression Signatures Predicting
ERa and ERa or PR-positive Response to Antiestrogens
PR-positive While luminal A and luminal B classifications
FOXA1-high FOXA1-low or FOXA1-negative give a simplistic view of ER alpha-positive breast
GATA-3- GATA-3 cancers, tumors within these subtypes can show
remarkable heterogeneity in the patterns at which
HER2-negative Few HER2+ cases
individual genes are expressed. This heterogene-
Low Ki67 High Ki67
Hormone- Functional alternative growth factor
ity of gene expression is likely to influence
dependent pathway response to therapy and outcome. Predictive
Low p53 40% p53 mutation types of gene expression signature are ideally
mutation rate suited for further refining these subtypes. The
95% 5-year 50% 5-year survival rate field of breast cancer research has led the way in
survival rate developing predictive gene expression signatures
Specific plasma proteome profile
for solid tumors. Several of these predictive sig-
compared to luminal A or healthy
natures have already entered clinical use.

Breast Cancer Loss/reduced of FOXA1 or

Luminal type A Luminal type B
Antiestrogen Resistance, GATA −3 expression/function?
ERα+/FOXA1+/GATA −3+ ERα+
Fig. 1 Relationship
EGFR or Her2+
between luminal type A and
luminal type B breast
cancers. There is no clinical
evidence favoring or
disproving progression of
luminal A breast cancer to Dependent on E2 Two redundant
for survival/proliferation survival/proliferation
luminal B phenotype; E2,
pathways; E2 or
growth factors

Responsive to anti-estrogens
Non-responsive to
anti-estrogens. May
be responsive to both
anti-estrogens and growth
factor receptor antagonists
Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance 631

However, not surprisingly, there is no consensus expression of IGFBP4, BCL2, and FO-
on the signature that is most accurate. S. Tamoxifen failure in these cases could be
At least three types of gene expression signa- due to reduced activity of ER alpha, which
tures have been described for ER alpha-positive forces cancer cells to adapt to alternative path-
breast cancers: way of proliferation and survival. B
3. A 50-gene signature that predicts response or
1. Predicts survival independent of endocrine de novo resistance to endocrine therapy.
therapy Patients who respond to treatment express
2. Predicts response to endocrine therapy high levels of a unique set of genes in their
3. Enables treatment decisions with respect to tumors prior to treatment, and the expression of
endocrine and chemotherapy these genes in the tumors declines after treat-
ment. S100P is expressed at 17.7-fold higher in
Luminal type A classification has been untreated tumor and the expression decreases
suggested to predict long-term survival indepen- in responders after treatment. Cellular
dent of tamoxifen treatment. The 76-gene signa- ▶ retinoic acid binding protein 2 (CRABP2),
ture predicts outcome independent of tamoxifen an estrogen-upregulated gene, is expressed at
treatment. Similarly, genomic grade signature higher levels in responders and the expression
helps to distinguish grade I tumors from grade decreases upon treatment. In contrast, perilipin
III tumors at the molecular level, which may is overexpressed in nonresponders. Overall,
help in treatment decisions. This genomic grade similar to above two signatures, responders
index signature also co-segregates with poor appear to have tumors with functional
response to tamoxifen treatment. The Oncotype estrogen–ER alpha network.
Dx, which measures the expression of 21 genes 4. A 44-gene signature that discriminates breast
(16 cancer-associated genes and five reference cancer patients with progressive disease and
genes), enables clinicians to decide whether che- objective response to tamoxifen. Seventeen of
motherapy provides additional benefits to ER these genes are involved in estrogen action; nine
alpha-positive/node-negative breast cancer of them are upregulated and eight of them are
patients treated with tamoxifen. downregulated in tamoxifen-resistant tumors.
The number of gene expression signatures that Osteonectin (also called ▶ secreted protein
predict response to tamoxifen treatment is grow- acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC)) is one of
ing day by day. Below are some of the examples: the genes upregulated in resistant tumors.
Estrogen–ER alpha suppresses the expression
1. HOXB13/IL17RB expression ratio. A ratio of of this gene. TSC22D1 (▶ tuberous sclerosis
1.849 is associated with better disease-free complex), a transcription factor overexpressed
survival among patients receiving tamoxifen in tamoxifen-resistant tumors, is generally
treatment. IL17RB is an estrogen-inducible suppressed by estrogen in cells that respond to
gene but lacks ER alpha binding sites. tamoxifen treatment. Thus, loss of estrogen–ER
HOXB13 does not appear to be regulated by alpha-mediated suppression of these genes
estrogen. Therefore, tumors with lower could potentially lead to tamoxifen resistance.
HOXB13/IL17RB ratio may have functional 5. The extracellular matrix gene cluster comprising
ER alpha network and express higher levels collagen 1A1 (COL1A1), ▶ fibronectin 1 (FN1),
of estrogen-responsive genes. lysyl oxidase (LOX), secreted protein acidic and
2. A 47-gene signature identifies tumors that do rich in cysteine (SPARC, also called osteonectin),
not respond to tamoxifen treatment. In this tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases 3 (TIMP3),
signature, reduced expression of ER alpha, and ▶ tenascin C (TNC). The expression levels of
IGFBP4, ▶ synuclein, ▶ BCL2, and FOS is FN1, LOX, SPARC, and TIMP3 are associated
associated with tamoxifen failure. Among with metastasis-free survival in lymph node-
these genes, estrogen positively regulates the negative patients who received no adjuvant
632 Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance

systemic therapy suggesting that the predictive respectively. Therefore, this 36-gene signature
value of these markers is independent of treat- may be the most significant among all signa-
ment. However, a high level of TNC is associated tures in evaluating the function of ER alpha
with a shorter metastasis-free survival after adju- and FOXA1 in primary breast cancer and
vant tamoxifen treatment. predicting response to tamoxifen in cancers
6. Estrogen and MYC (▶ MYC oncogene)- that express variable levels of ER alpha and
responsive gene cluster. Estrogen-regulated FOXA1.
genes can be subclassified into two categories: 9. A 10-gene BCAR (breast cancer antiestrogen
those that are also regulated by MYC (“estro- resistance) gene set. Genes in this set are
gen and MYC”) and those that are not (“estro- AKT1, AKT2, BCAR1, BCAR3, EGFR,
gen but not MYC”). Elevated expression of a ERBB2, GRB7, ▶ SRC, TLE3, and TRERF1.
subset of estrogen-regulated genes that are also Among these genes, elevated levels of BCAR3
regulated by MYC and play a role in cell and TLE3 are associated with favorable prog-
growth through ribosomal RNA and protein nosis, whereas elevated levels of ERBB2 and
synthesis is associated with tamoxifen resis- GRB7 are associated with poor outcome in
tance. It is likely that deregulated expression/ patients treated with tamoxifen. Four among
activity of MYC in the resistant tumors these genes have ER alpha and FOXA1 bind-
overcomes the need for estrogen–ER alpha ing sites. Four among them are repressed by
for the expression of growth-associated estrogen, while one of them is induced. There-
genes. In this respect, MYC controls the fore, this signature mostly identifies genes
expression of several proliferation- and repressed by estrogen and highlights how loss
growth-associated genes, and elevated expres- of estrogen-mediated repression contributes to
sion of proliferation-associated genes is hall- tamoxifen resistance.
mark of antiestrogen resistance and/or luminal
B phenotype. Challenges in Developing New In Vitro Models
7. ▶ Retinoblastoma/E2F target genes. to Study Antiestrogen Resistance
Upregulation of 59 genes regulated by retino- ER alpha-dependent and ER alpha-independent
blastoma protein is associated with poor signaling events responsible for gene expression
tamoxifen response. Loss of retinoblastoma signatures in primary tumors can only be evalu-
protein results in elevated activity of E2F tran- ated using in vitro model system. In this respect, it
scription factors. Estrogen–ER alpha is important first to identify a list of genes that
upregulates several members of E2F family overlap between these signatures and to determine
transcription factors, and these E2Fs mediate whether expression of these genes are altered in
secondary estrogen response. Therefore, ele- ER alpha-positive breast cancer cell lines that
vated estrogen secondary response genes may have acquired resistance or are intrinsically resis-
contribute to tamoxifen resistance. E2F family tant to antiestrogens. Several antiestrogen-
members control the expression of cell cycle, resistant variants of breast cancer cell lines have
cell proliferation, and cell death (▶ apoptosis) been developed, and gene expression profiling
genes, and their deregulated activity could data are available. Similar comparative gene
result in the expression of cell proliferation expression profiling data on breast cancer cell
markers as evident in luminal B cancers. lines that are sensitive to tamoxifen and de novo
8. A 36-gene signature derived from genes in the resistant to tamoxifen are also available. Impor-
progesterone receptor (PR) pathway. All genes tantly, genes regulated by estrogen in cell lines
in this signature are induced by estrogen–ER show similar expression pattern in primary breast
alpha-positive cell lines and their expression in cancers demonstrating relevance of these model
primary tumors correlates with PR expression. systems. As in clinical breast cancers, the majority
Thirty and 28 of 36 genes of this cluster con- of cell lines with acquired or de novo resistance to
tain binding sites for ER alpha and FOXA1, tamoxifen express significant levels of ER alpha.
Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance 633

Gene expression predictive signatures for anti-estrogen resistance

HOXB13/IL17RB ratio, 47-gene signature, 50-gene signature, 44-gene signature, extracellular matrix gene cluster, estrogen and cMyc-
responsive gene cluster, retinoblastoma/E2F gene cluster, 36-gene estrogen-inducible gene cluster, and 10-gene BCAR cluster

Overlapping gene set

Estrogen-inducible Estrogen-repressed Growth factor inducible/

genes genes repressed genes

Analyze the effects of ER

TRANSFEC databases post-translational
analysis to identify Evaluate the role Functional studies to
modification and co- distinguish genes
common motifs of pioneer factors
regulator expression functionally involved
responsible for in E2-dependent
relevant to anti-estrogen in resistance from
expression of genes expression
resistance on the expression genes that are
independent of ERα of the genes.
AP-1 and NF-κB for markers
Epigenetic analysis

1) Develop amanageable biomarker response predictive

panel for immunohistochemical analysis.
2) Identify proteins that are targets for drug development

Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance, Fig. 2 Depic- antiestrogen resistance and biomarker development and for
tion of future studies essential for integrating clinical data identifying therapeutic targets
with laboratory studies for elucidating the mechanisms of

The challenge is to combine gene expression sig- 3. Genes that are upregulated in nonresponsive
nature available from different studies and iden- tumors and cell lines but lacking any relation
tify common set of overlapping genes in these to ER alpha and estrogen signaling.
signatures. As several of the genes identified in
the signatures appear to be also regulated by Myc, Future Directions
NF-kappaB, and ▶ AP-1, selective enrichment of There is an immediate need for comprehensive
binding sites for these transcription factors in analysis of gene expression signatures from vari-
genes associated with tamoxifen resistance is a ous studies to separate genes in the antiestrogen
likely possibility. At least three distinct pathways response signature that are functionally linked to
may emerge from this type of studies: antiestrogen resistance from those genes that only
serve as biomarkers. Elucidating the role of
1. Genes that are enriched for ER alpha binding FOXA1 and GATA-3 in establishing these signa-
sites and are induced by estrogen and repressed tures is also equally critical. As more data on
by tamoxifen in sensitive tumors. specific types of ▶ histone modification associ-
2. Genes with or without ER alpha binding sites ated with estrogen–ER alpha signaling become
and are repressed by estrogen in vitro, and their available, ▶ epigenetic events responsible for
expression is lower in responsive tumors. antiestrogen resistance may be discovered. Such
634 Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance

an effort is essential for mechanistic studies to clinical implications. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
better understand ER alpha biology and bio- 98:10869–10874
Xia W, Bacus S, Hegde P, Husain I, Strum J, Liu
marker development to distinguish acquired ver- L et al (2006) A model of acquired autoresistance to a
sus de novo resistance and to develop second-line potent ErbB2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor and a therapeu-
targeted therapies for antiestrogen-resistant breast tic strategy to prevent its onset in breast cancer. Proc
cancers (Fig. 2). Natl Acad Sci U S A 103:7795–7800

See Also
Cross-References (2012) Acetylation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 17.
▶ AP-1 (2012) Adjuvant. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Apoptosis cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 75.
▶ Aromatase and its Inhibitors doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_107
(2012) AKT. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Bcl2 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 115.
▶ Breast Cancer doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_163
▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (2012) Chromatin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Epigenetic cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 825.
▶ Estrogen Receptor (2012) EGFR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Estrogenic Hormones 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1211.
▶ Fibronectin doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1828
▶ HER-2/neu (2012) Enhancer. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1259.
▶ Histone Modification doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1910
▶ Hormones (2012) Extracellular matrix. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
▶ Hypomethylation of DNA pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
▶ MYC Oncogene 1362. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2067
(2012) FOS. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Oncogene Addiction 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1446.
▶ Retinoblastoma doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2252
▶ Retinoic Acid (2012) FOX. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Cysteine 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1447.
▶ Src (2012) Gene expression signature. In: Schwab M (ed)
▶ Synuclein Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
▶ Tamoxifen delberg, p 1523. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
▶ Tenascin-C 5_6679
(2012) Growth factor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Tuberous Sclerosis Complex cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 1607–
1608. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2520
(2012) Helix-loop-helix domain. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
References clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
berg, p 1639. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2607
Hua S, Kittler R, White KP (2009) Genomic antagonism (2012) HER2. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
between retinoic acid and estrogen signaling in breast 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1678.
cancer. Cell 137:1259–1271 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2676
McGuire WL, Chamness GC, Costlow ME, Richert NJ (2012) HOX. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
(1975) Steroids and human breast cancer. J Steroid 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1739.
Biochem 6:723–727 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2819
Musgrove EA, Sutherland RL (2009) Biological determi- (2012) Ki-67. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
nants of endocrine resistance in breast cancer. Nat Rev 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1943.
Cancer 9:631–643 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3213
Sorlie T, Perou CM, Tibshirani R, Aas T, Geisler S, (2012) Lapatinib. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Johnsen H et al (2001) Gene expression patterns of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1980.
breast carcinomas distinguish tumor subclasses with doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3277
Breast Cancer Carcinogenesis 635

(2012) Letrozole. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Characteristics

cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2005.
(2012) Mitogen. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can- Breast Cancer Subtypes
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2336. In clinical practice, ▶ estrogen receptor (ER), pro-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3769 gesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal B
(2012) Phosphorylation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia growth factor receptor (HER2) status are deter-
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2870.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4544 mined by ▶ immunohistochemistry. They identify
(2012) Posttranslational modification. In: Schwab M (ed) the four major subgroups: luminal A group (E+/
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- Pr+), a luminal B group with lower expression of
delberg, p 2966. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- hormone receptors and higher growth rates, a
(2012) Progesterone. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of HER2+ group, and a basal-like group which
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2990. lacks ER and PR expression and HER2
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4753 overexpression, so-called ▶ triple-negative breast
(2012) Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators. In: cancer.
Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn.
Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3356. doi:10.1007/978- The terminal duct-tubular unit of the breast is
3-642-16483-5_6677 the structure from which most cancers arise, and
(2012) Transcription factor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- they are mostly composed of two types of epithe-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p lial cells: the inner or luminal cells which are
3752. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5901
surrounded by a basal layer of myoepithelial
cells and the basal-like cells which express
cytokeratins 5, 6, and 17 as do normal
myoepithelial cells. By contrast, luminal tumors
Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Therapy express more genes common to epithelial cells:
▶ E-cadherin and cytokeratins 8 and 18.
▶ Endocrine Therapy in Breast Cancer
Molecular profiling assays, especially for small
mRNA expression, have added more information
about gene expression in subgroups. HER2+ can-
cers have the greatest frequency of high-level
Breast Cancer Carcinogenesis ▶ amplification (independent of HER2
amplicon), while triple-negative cancers show
Beatriz G. T. Pogo and James F. Holland the highest overall frequencies of copy gain.
Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medicine These cancers also show more frequent loss of
at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) and
mutation of retinoblastoma protein 1 (RB1).
Amplification of ▶ cyclin D (CCND1) and acti-
Definition vating mutation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
catalytic subunit a (PIK3CA) are mostly associ-
Although ▶ breast cancer is still a major cause of ated with ER and PR positivity. It has been con-
morbidity and mortality in developed countries, the cluded that all these changes may contribute to
mortality rate has diminished there due to earlier ▶ genomic instability and that the subtypes of
diagnosis and improved treatments. Incidence has breast cancer are associated with distinct onco-
risen worldwide; however, one in eight American genic pathways (Xiaolan et al. 2009).
women is expected to develop breast cancer before
age 90. Advances in biotechnology have allowed a Pathological Grade
better understanding of the molecular mechanisms Clinical subtypes and gene expression
involved in cancer initiation and progression and signatures have been fundamental for determining
have led to new therapeutic interventions. prognostic risk and treatment. Low-grade
636 Breast Cancer Carcinogenesis

Breast Cancer
Fig. 1 Invasive breast
carcinoma. (a) Well-
differentiated carcinoma
(grade 1) composed of well-
formed glands lined with
cells that have uniform
small nuclei. (b)
Moderately differentiated
carcinoma (grade 2)
composed of glands and
some solid sheets. Tumor
cell nuclei are slightly
enlarged and show mild
pleomorphism. (c) Poorly
differentiated carcinoma
(grade 3) composed
predominantly of solid
cords and sheets. Tumor
cell nuclei are enlarged and
show pleomorphism

well-differentiated tumors (Fig. 1a) have a favor- has been shown to be promoted by fibroblasts
able prognosis, whereas poorly differentiated can- and inhibited by normal myoepithelial cells. Elim-
cers (Fig. 1c) have a less favorable one. The ination of markers of myoepithelial differentiation
intermediate-grade tumor group makes a determi- leads to progression and invasion (Hu et al. 2008).
nation of prognosis difficult. Myoepithelial cells are considered to be natural
Pathological and prognostic classification of tumor suppressors. The importance of the stroma
breast cancers is based on tumor size, lymph in influencing progression of epithelial tumors has
node metastasis, hormone receptor status, and been shown by Finak et al. (2008). The expression
HER2 expression. There is high heterogeneity in profile of tumor stroma was found to be associated
the molecular level; however, the clinical out- with clinical outcome. A new stroma-derived
comes and responses to treatment can be variable. prognostic predictor (SDPP) has been introduced
Ellsworth et al. (2009) have proposed that which helps to identify poor-outcome individuals
intermediate-grade tumors do not represent an among the multiple clinical subtypes (Finak
independent subtype, but they are clinical and et al. 2008).
molecular hybrids between low- and high-grade In spite of advances in diagnosis and treatment,
tumors. A linear model of progression from low to the molecular mechanisms of breast carcinogene-
high was proposed. Identification of the molecular sis have not been completely solved. Genetic sus-
changes involved in this progression may ceptibility, endocrine and reproductive risk
provide new molecular targets for therapeutic factors, hormones, and environmental factors
developments. including viruses and radiation exposure are
The natural history of breast cancer, some of the conditions that have been considered
progressing from abnormal epithelial proliferation possibly involved in pathogenesis.
in situ and invasive carcinoma to metastatic dis-
ease, has been well documented. Transition from Genetic Alterations
▶ ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) to invasive Known susceptibility genes account for less than
tumor is poorly understood, however. Using an 25% of family risk. Three genes are associated
experimental model, the progression to invasion with familial breast cancer: BRCA1, which is
Breast Cancer Carcinogenesis 637

located in chromosome 17q21, BRCA2 located in increase the risk of breast cancer. Numerous stud-
chromosome 13q12, and PALB2 mutations in ies indicate that there is strong correlation
chromosome 16p12 that increase the risks of between the level and duration of estrogen
breast cancer alone or sometimes in association exposure and breast cancer development
with other mutations. Studies on BRCA1 muta- (Li et al. 2008). B
tions have shown that it is a ▶ tumor suppressor Epidemiological studies have shown that
gene, and its function is related to DNA damage women who have their first pregnancy before
repair. The BRCA1 signature is usually associated 18 years have one-third lower incidence of breast
with a basal cell type, but after cell fractionation, cancer than women who had their first child after
luminal types were also shown to have the trans- 35. These findings are interpreted as due to pro-
membrane tyrosine kinase receptor c-kit gesterone inhibitory effects and as stimulatory
overexpressed (Lim et al. 2009). This observation effect of estrogen on an involuting epithelium.
implicates a luminal progenitor cell as a probable Other factors to be considered are the number of
target population in BRCA1-associated and other pregnancies and lactation. Each birth increases the
basal breast cancers. Liu et al. (2008) have risk of breast cancer, but lactation for long periods
implied unstable breast stem cells, because of seems to be a protective factor.
loss of DNA repair functions which are targeted
by other carcinogenic events. BRCA2 mutations Exogenous Hormones
are associated with early-onset cancer of the The use of ▶ hormone replacement therapy
breast and ovary in females and breast cancer in (HRT) and breast cancer incidence has been stud-
males. BRCA2 mutations are also related to pros- ied by several groups. The Collaborative Group
tate and pancreas cancers. Another genetic anom- on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer found that
aly is the ▶ Li-Fraumeni syndrome, which a modest increase of breast cancer was associated
occasionally causes breast cancers as well as sar- with 5 or more years of HRT. Other groups,
comas and other mesenchymal neoplasms. Women’s Health Initiative and the Million
Easton et al. (2007) have conducted an exten- Women Study found a larger increase, 26% after
sive two-stage genome-wide association study of 5 years of HRT. Abrupt decrease in HRT in 2005
4398 breast cancers and 4316 controls followed because of publicity led to a sharp drop in Amer-
by a third stage in which 30 single nucleotide ican women’s breast cancer incidence in the next
polymorphisms (SNPs) were searched for. They 2 years suggesting that HRT had been a promoting
reported that there were SNPs in five novel inde- agent rather than an etiologic one. Other
pendent loci which exhibited strong association hormonal-related events like abortion and physi-
with breast cancer. Four of the five loci contain cal activity have been studied. Insufficient evi-
putatively causative genes: ▶ fibroblast growth dence exists that abortion plays a role. Strenuous
factor receptor 2 (FGFR2), trinucleotide repeat physical activity in adolescence is related to a
motive containing 9 (TNRC9), probably a tran- reduction of breast cancer that may be correlated
scription factor, mitogen-activated protein kinase with retarding the onset of ovulation.
(MAP3K), and lymphocyte-specific protein
1 (LSP1). Other loci previously identified were Environmental Factors
G2 checkpoint kinase (CHEK2) and ataxia- Incidence of breast cancer varies in different parts
telangiectasia mutation (ATM). of the world. It is high in Western Europe, North
A 21-gene signature has been created in breast America, and Australia and lower in Latin Amer-
cancer which, dependent on mutations and ampli- ica and much lower in Asia. Changes in risk have
fications, has predictive value for patient outcomes. been recorded when people migrate from one
low-incidence country to a high-incidence one
Endocrine and Reproductive Risk Factors suggesting environmental factors. The most obvi-
Early onset of menarche and late onset of meno- ous, but not the only change in risk factors,
pause, denoting many years of ovarian activity, appears to be a difference in diet. A high calorie
638 Breast Cancer Carcinogenesis

intake rich in saturated fats may be linked to Such regimens for use after surgical excision have
increased cancer risk. Alcohol is also a risk factor become more effective when they contain a
perhaps due to increased endogenous estrogen taxane and an ▶ anthracycline or platinum deriv-
levels. The risk associated with alcohol can be ative than earlier formulas containing an
reduced by intake of folate. Cigarette smoking ▶ alkylating agent and antimetabolites. Adjuvant
and caffeine consumption have shown no definite chemotherapy regimens have improved survival
correlation with breast cancer risk. curves by about 20%.
For breast cancers expressing HER2, the addi-
Radiation Exposure tion of the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab
Exposure to ionizing radiation is a factor; repeated (Herceptin) has dramatically increased survival
fluoroscopic chest radiography increases risk. of patients with metastases compared to chemo-
Mediastinal radiotherapy treatment for lymphoma therapy alone (Slamon et al. 2011). When used as
increases breast cancer risk. postsurgical adjuvant therapy for a year with
chemotherapy and endocrine therapy, relapse is
Viruses also sharply decreased. The addition of another
Several viruses have been reported to be associ- monoclonal antibody, pertuzumab, to the
ated with breast cancer including the mouse mam- trastuzumab-chemotherapy regimen has further
mary tumor virus (MMTV) also known as human improved the treatment of HER2-positive breast
mammary tumor virus (HMTV) (Holland and cancer and become the standard of care (Swain
Pogo 2004), ▶ Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human et al. 2013).
papillomavirus (HPV), and bovine leukemia virus After needle biopsy to establish a diagnosis,
(BLV). The expression of human endogenous ret- primary induction (neoadjuvant) chemotherapy
rovirus K-10 has been correlated with breast can- can substantially decreased primary tumor size,
cer. A published review on this subject evaluated thereby increasing the feasibility and frequency
these findings (Akhter et al. 2014). Association of lumpectomy rather than mastectomy. Com-
does not mean causation, and none of these agents pared to adjuvant chemotherapy given after sur-
have so far fulfilled the requirements for gery, however, improved survival has occurred
causation. only in those patients whose primary tumor is
completely eradicated by the treatment. Since
Clinical Studies death from breast cancer is almost always deter-
Adjuvant hormonal treatment for ER+ tumors has mined by disease outside the breast, the behavior
evolved from oral ▶ tamoxifen, a synthetic estro- of the breast tumor is a surrogate indicator of the
gen receptor modifier, to intramuscular unseen metastatic disease. An innovation in meth-
fulvestrant, a pure antiestrogen receptor binder odology has been important in breast cancer ther-
that downregulates hormone receptors, which is apy. For primary tumors of adequate size, an
clinically superior. In premenopausal patients, initial core biopsy is taken and a magnetic resi-
gonadotropin-releasing hormone treatment can dence image. Chemotherapy is initiated with a
suppress ovarian function. ▶ Aromatase inhibi- taxane or with a taxane plus one of several candi-
tors diminish postmenopausal estrogen conver- date agents randomly chosen that have passed
sion from other steroidal precursors. For both safety investigations and that have putative activ-
metastatic and postsurgical adjuvant treatments, ity. Bayesian statistical methodology preferen-
aromatase inhibitors have shown better disease- tially weights the better performing compounds
free survival than tamoxifen in postmenopausal (Yee et al. 2012). Early thereafter repeat imaging
patients. Longer duration of tamoxifen therapy to and repeat biopsy are performed allowing assess-
10 years has proved advantageous. Similar study ment of efficacy and possibly of mechanism of
for aromatase inhibition is ongoing. action based on genetic or proteomic change from
Combination chemotherapy regimens for adju- the initial specimen. Completion of the chemo-
vant treatment are better than single drugs alone. therapeutic regimen is then followed by surgery.

the promoters of the genes in question, followed many others. This expression pattern and the abil-
by the activation of these genes. This implies the ity to induce immune response in patients, both
involvement of different biochemical machinery antibody and cellular, place BORIS into a cate-
recruited by BORIS to the DNA targets in these gory of CTAs. The CTAs include around 14 fam-
cells. Interaction between BORIS and a transcrip- ilies of tumor antigens. The function of the
tion factor, SP1, facilitates derepression of NY- majority of the CTAs is still unknown, although
ESO-1 gene in lung cancer cells. These findings some CTAs are thought to be implicated in the
further signify the importance of protein partners regulation of gene expression and others may
interacting with BORIS; the identification of such control gametogenesis. As a member of the CTA
proteins will be instrumental in the understanding family, BORIS is now seen as an attractive target
of the exact molecular mechanisms of BORIS for both diagnostics and therapy of many human
functions in the processes of DNA methylation tumors (see below).
and demethylation. Although the mechanisms of BORIS activa-
Some of the CTAs (for instance MAGE-A1 tion in cancers are not yet known, the conse-
and NY-ESO) are considered to be potential clin- quences of such an event can be dramatic. For
ical targets for cancer immunotherapy. Therefore, example, BORIS can reverse the function of
the investigations into how these genes may be CTCF as a TSG by binding to CTCF targets and
regulated by BORIS are very important as they deregulating them. The possibility of such a “two
may provide the means to increase the expression chromosome hit” scenario, when a TSG is
from the relevant genes and enhance the response inactivated by the events occurring on two differ-
from the patients’ immune system. ent chromosomes, creates a necessity to revise
BORIS is capable to compete with CTCF on Knudsen’s “two hit” theory, suggesting that
different targets both in vitro and in vivo. Taking while one copy of a TSG can be eliminated by
into account the same DNA binding specificity, it loss of heterozygosity (LOH), the other copy can
is conceivable that the aberrantly expressed be either inactivated by epigenetic means or by
BORIS can act as an interfering mutation to CTC- somatic mutations. For the CTCF/BORIS pair, the
F. As CTCF regulates several genes implicated in second hit can occur at a different chromosome
cancer development (c-Myc, hTERT, BRCA1, (20q13) by activation and subsequent chromo-
IGF2, p53, p27, ▶ p21, ARF etc. – see the essay somal amplification of a gene with the same
on CTCF in this Encyclopedia), aberrantly DNA binding specificity but different regulatory
expressed BORIS can compete with CTCF for domains. This activation of a different gene on a
binding thus ultimately leading to deregulation different chromosome but capable of interfering
of those genes. with a tumor suppressor can be considered as
analogous to the action of a dominant negative
BORIS in Cancers mutant (Fig. 1b). The aberrantly expressed
Some of BORIS features indicate that BORIS can BORIS is likely to interfere with the CTCF regu-
be classified as an ▶ oncogene. It is located at the latory pathways that include a number of cancer-
20q13, together with Aurora kinase; this small related genes, thus leading to deregulation of these
20q amplicon is a hotspot for chromosomal ampli- genes and contributing to transformed phenotype.
fication in many human cancers (Fig. 1b). BORIS BORIS interaction with the protein arginine
proximity to Aurora and their frequent methyl transferase PRMT7 that can result in
coamplification raises an interesting possibility DNA methylation and formation of heterochro-
of potential cooperation of those two potential matin may be responsible for silencing of some
oncogenes in the process of cell transformation. tumor suppressor genes that are inactivated in
Normal BORIS expression is restricted to adult cancers due to aberrant methylation of the pro-
testis while abnormal expression is detected in a moter regions. Finally, BORIS appears to be capa-
wide variety of cancers including breast, prostate, ble of the reversing the epigenetically silenced
colon, melanomas, testicular, endometrial, and multiple CTAs, which results in activation of

these genes and may contribute to tumor tumors), as well as the attractive target for early
development. intervention and prevention of the disease.
This discovery is of great importance in the
context of an ongoing quest to identify accurate
Clinical Aspects circulating markers as far there are no established B
circulating tumor markers available for clinical use
BORIS as a Cancer Biomarker in the determination of cancer susceptibility,
The identification of new markers to discriminate screening, diagnosis, and prognosis. The presence
tumorigenic from normal cells, as well as the in such markers in blood makes them particularly
different stages of tumor pathology, has now useful since clinical analysis will involve relatively
become of critical importance for cancer diagno- noninvasive procedures.
sis, prognosis, and monitoring. All currently
available tumor markers are not ideal as in most BORIS as a Target for Cancer Immunotherapy
cases they lack of sensitivity for early cancer and Multiple CTAs are promising candidates for
specificity for malignancy. Therefore, the quest to immunotherapeutic approach to treat cancer,
identify additional “cancer genes” implicated in although they have limitations. One of the main
breast tumorigenesis, along with delineation of disadvantages for using these targets is their rela-
prognostic biomarkers, has now become the tively narrow expression patterns. Another prob-
most important step toward developing better lem lies in the fact that sometimes during the
diagnostic tools and a possibility of curing the treatment of the cancerous condition, the expres-
disease. The finding that, similar to other CTAs, sion of the target antigen ceases without affecting
BORIS is aberrantly expressed in a wide variety the tumor growth, thus allowing tumor cells to
of cancers points to important practical applica- escape from the immune response directed
tions, namely, using BORIS as a molecular Bio- against them.
marker of cancer, especially for early diagnostics The fact that BORIS belongs to cancer–testis
of the disease. gene family as well as its wide expression in
BORIS has the potential to be an early circu- multiple cancers suggests that BORIS can be a
lating marker, the detection of which may indicate good candidate for cancer immunotherapy. Using
the existence of a cancerous condition in the a mouse model, it was demonstrated that immune
patient or of a predisposition of the patient to response to BORIS can be developed in the organ-
such a condition. In these investigations, BORIS ism and, furthermore, such immune response has
was found to be present in the white blood cells protective effects against several mouse tumors of
(or leukocytes) in patients with breast cancer, but different origin. Importantly, this immune reac-
not in healthy donors. The type of the leukocytes tion seems to be of a MHC class I-restricted
was determined as the neutrophil polymorphonu- response of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs)
clear granulocytes (PMNs). These findings place against histologically diverse tumor cells
BORIS in a new category of cancer biomarkers, expressing only endogenous BORIS.
different from those currently used in medical As BORIS seems to reverse tumor suppressor
practice. functions of CTCF in cancer, it is likely that BORIS
The molecular mechanisms of BORIS activa- is important to sustain the transformed phenotype.
tion and the functions in PMNs of breast cancer Therefore, if some tumor cells escape the anti-
patients remain to be established. However, it is BORIS immune cells following the cessation of
acknowledged that this is a tumor-related occur- BORIS production in these cells, such BORIS-
rence because BORIS was not detected in PMNs negative cells are expected to have much weaker
in donors with injuries, immune, and inflamma- growth/tumorigenic potential than BORIS-positive
tory diseases. This opens the perspective to utilize cells. This means that even if complete elimination
BORIS as a valuable blood marker for early detec- of tumor cannot be achieved, the patient still might
tion of breast cancer (and may be other types of benefit from anti-BORIS therapy.
586 Bortezomib

In summary, BORIS has an excellent potential

for immunotherapy and even preventive vaccina- Bortezomib
tion against cancers, although more research is
required to advance BORIS to clinical trials. Jochen Lorch
Dana Farlur Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA

Cross-References Synonyms

▶ CCCTC-Binding Factor PS 341; Velcade ®

▶ Imprinting
▶ Oncogene
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes Definition

An antineoplastic agent targeting the proteasome.


Klenova EM, Morse HC III, Ohlsson R et al (2002) The

novel BORIS + CTCF gene family is uniquely Characteristics
involved in the epigenetics of normal biology and can-
cer. Semin Cancer Biol 12:399–414 Mechanism of Action
Loukinov D, Pugacheva E, Vatolin S et al (2002) BORIS, a Bortezomib is a proteasome inhibitor and the first
novel male germ-line-specific protein associated with
epigenetic reprogramming events, shares the same drug to emerge from a new class of therapeutic
11-zinc-finger domain with CTCF, the insulator protein agents targeting the ubiquitin–proteasome path-
involved in reading imprinting marks in the soma. Proc way. This pathway mediates the degradation of
Natl Acad Sci U S A 99:6806–6811 polyubiquitinated proteins and accounts for 80%
Ohlsson R, Lobanenkov V, Klenova E (2010) Does CTCF
mediate between nuclear organization and gene expres- of the protein degradation in eukaryotic cells. Pro-
sion? Bioessays 32:37–50 teins that are marked for degradation undergo
Pugacheva EM, Suzuki T, Pack SD (2010) The structural conjugation of polyubiquitin chains to lysine res-
complexity of the human BORIS Gene in gametogen- idues in a process called ubiquitination. The
esis and cancer. PLoS One 5(11):e13872
Suzuki T, Kosaka-Suzuki N, Pack S (2010) Expression of a proteasome is an enzymatic complex that recog-
testis-specific form of Gal3st1 (CST), a gene nizes ubiquitin-tagged proteins and catalyzes their
essential for spermatogenesis, is regulated by the proteolytic breakdown in an ATP-dependent fash-
CTCF paralogous gene BORIS. Mol Cell Biol ion. Bortezomib is a reversible inhibitor of the
chymotrypsin-like activity of the 26S proteasome
in mammalian cells. It has been approved in the
See Also USA and Europe for the treatment of ▶ multiple
(2012) ARF. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, myeloma and has been approved in the USA for
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 265.
the treatment of relapsed ▶ mantle cell lym-
(2012) Biomarkers. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of phoma. In addition, it has also shown significant
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 408- antitumor activity in many other types of cancer.
409. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6601 Due to the wide range of proteins that are subject
(2012) C-Myc. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 886.
to ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1232 degradation, bortezomib interferes with multiple
(2012) CTCF. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, pathways ultimately leading to ▶ apoptosis. Pro-
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1007. posed mechanism of action includes NF-kB
(2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
inhibition trough reduced Ika degradation, lead-
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2747. ing to reduced NF-kB-dependent synthesis of
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331 antiapoptotic factors such as c-Flip. Other
Bortezomib 587

mechanisms include inhibition of apoptosis (IAP)

1/2 and BCL-2, stabilization of ▶ p53, deregula-
tion of cyclin turnover, and subsequently
▶ cyclin-dependent kinase activity as well as
effects on stability of cdc25 family proteins, B
KIP1 and WAF1, during cell cycle. In addition,
it has been shown to influence the balance
between pro- and antiapoptotic Bcl-2-family pro-
teins, stabilizes JNK, as well as increases c-Jun
phosphorylation and AP-1 DNA-binding activity
with subsequent Fas upregulation. Other path-
ways include deregulated proapoptotic signaling
via ▶ tumor necrosis factor and ▶ (TNF)-related
apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and disrup- Bortezomib, Fig. 1 Chemical structure of bortezomib
tion of the unfolded protein response with endo-
plasmic reticulum (ER) stress induction. is administered intravenously and weekly once
Increased intracellular reactive oxygen species and twice dosing schedules have been tested.
and oxidative stress may also contribute to its The mean elimination half-life of bortezomib
antitumor activity. Preclinical data suggests that after first dose ranges from 9 to 15 h at doses
bortezomib reverses the antiapoptotic effects of ranging from 1.45 to 2.00 mg/m2 in patients with
▶ interleukin (IL)-6 and ▶ insulin growth factor advanced malignancies. In vitro studies with
(IGF)-1. It also reduces tumor cell migration in human liver microsomes and human cDNA-
multiple myeloma cells and squamous cell cancer expressed cytochrome P450 isozymes indicate
cells due to its effects on VEGF and dysregulation that bortezomib is oxidatively metabolized pri-
of focal ▶ adhesion assembly. Furthermore, it marily via cytochrome P450 enzymes 3A4,
may affect the ▶ tumor microenvironment, thus 2C19, and 1A2, while bortezomib metabolism
exerting an antiangiogenic effect. As a result, by CYP 2D6 and 2C9 enzymes is minor. The
bortezomib ultimately triggers an apoptotic cas- major metabolic pathway is deboronation to
cade mediated by ▶ caspases. The number of form two deboronated metabolites that subse-
proposed mechanisms is likely to grow in the quently undergo hydroxylation to several metab-
future as none of these pathways can fully explain olites, which are inactive as 26S proteasome
the clinical effectiveness of bortezomib in malig- inhibitors. The most common side effects include
nancy, and research is under way to fill these gaps. asthenia, nausea, diarrhea, anorexia, constipation,
Depending on the tumor cell type, one or a com- thrombocytopenia, peripheral neuropathy, and
bination of several pathways may be responsible pyrexia.
for the clinical effects, and different cell types may
therefore be more or less sensitive to the effects of Clinical Aspects
bortezomib. For example, terminally differenti-
ated immunoglobulin-secreting plasma cells In Cancer
have impaired proteasome activity, which could The effectiveness of bortezomib is based on
explain bortezomib’s activity against malignant response rates which led to the accelerated
plasma cells in multiple myeloma. approval of bortezomib by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the European Medi-
Pharmacology cines Agency (EMEA). The approval of
The chemical formula for bortezomib is bortezomib was based on an open-label, single-
[3-methyl-1-(3-phenyl-2-pyrazin-2-ylcarbonyla- arm, multicenter study of 202 subjects with mul-
mino-propanoyl)amino-butyl]boronic acid. The tiple myeloma who had received at least two prior
chemical structure is shown in Fig. 1. Bortezomib therapies. An IV bolus injection of bortezomib
588 Bortezomib

(1.3 mg/m2/dose) was administered twice a week bortezomib, with 8% demonstrating a complete
for 2 weeks, followed by a 10-day rest period response, and 23% a partial response, as deter-
(21-day treatment cycle) for a maximum of eight mined by computed tomography scan reviews.
treatment cycles. Subjects who experienced a The median number of cycles in responding
response to bortezomib treatment were allowed patients was eight, and the median time to
to continue treatment in an extension study. response was 40 days. The median duration of
Results showed 52 (27.7%) subjects achieved an response was 9.3 months overall and longer for
overall response rate, 5 (2.7%) achieved a com- those achieving complete response compared
plete response, 47 (25%) achieved a partial with those with partial response to bortezomib.
response, and 33 (17.6%) demonstrated a clinical The median time to progression of disease was
remission. The Kaplan–Meier estimated median 6.2 months.
duration of response was 1 year. In another trial, Trials are also investigating thalidomide in
bortezomib was compared with high-dose dexa- combination with bortezomib in patients with
methasone in 669 patients with relapsed multiple ▶ myelodysplastic syndromes. Phase 2 studies
myeloma, which confirmed superior activity of on bortezomib in other types of lymphoma are
bortezomib over dexamethasone resulting in a ongoing, and interesting results have been
higher response rate, a longer time to progression presented as abstracts which indicate that
(the primary end point), and a longer survival than bortezomib may be useful in the treatment of
patients treated with dexamethasone. The com- these diseases with high response rates and a
bined complete and partial response rates were substantial number of complete remissions in
significantly longer for the group receiving pretreated patients.
bortezomib (38% vs. 18%), and the complete Early data is also emerging showing that
response rates were 6% and less than 1%, respec- bortezomib has activity in various solid tumors
tively. Median times of progression in the such as lung, head and neck, prostate cancer.
bortezomib and dexamethasone groups were Preclinical and early clinical data suggests that
6.22 months (189 days) and 3.49 months bortezomib may enhance the activity of EGF-R
(106 days), respectively. The 1-year survival rate inhibitors through the upregulation of the EGF
was 80% among patients treated with bortezomib receptor. As trials are under way to evaluate the
and 66% among patients treated with dexametha- use of bortezomib alone and in combination with
sone, and the hazard ratio for overall survival with other agents, other indications for bortezomib in
bortezomib was 0.57. Since then, more data from solid tumors are likely to emerge.
phase 2 and 3 trials have emerged and have con-
firmed the activity of bortezomib in relapsed and In Graft Versus Host Disease and Immune
newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Trials evalu- Disorders
ating the combination of bortezomib and other The use of bortezomib in graft versus host disease
drugs such as thalidomide and its analog (GVHD) is based on bortezomib’s effect on anti-
lenalidomide are ongoing, and the results will be gen processing, apoptosis, cell cycle onco-
available in the near future. Bortezomib has been stimulation, and chemotaxis. The ability of
approved for the treatment of relapsed and refrac- proteasome inhibitors to prevent NF-kB activa-
tory mantle cell lymphoma. The approval was tion has made proteasome inhibitors attractive
based on data from an open-label, single-group, candidates for the treatment of immune-mediated
multicenter phase 2 clinical trial of 155 patients disorders. Preclinical and early clinical data sug-
with relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma gests that proteasome inhibitors may be effective
who had received at least one prior therapy. Par- in the treatment of osteoarthritis, psoriasis, and a
ticipants received single-agent bortezomib spectrum of other autoimmune conditions. In pre-
(1.3 mg/m2 twice a week for 2 weeks every clinical models, GVHD was effectively prevented
21 days) for up to a year. Results showed that without affecting the beneficial graft versus tumor
31% of patients achieved overall response to effects. At this point it is unknown whether this
Bovine Papillomavirus 589

will be reproducible in humans. It appears that

bortezomib has direct proapoptotic effects on Bovine Papillomavirus
human T-lymphocytes which has been shown
in vitro which may explain the clinical observa- Giuseppe Borzacchiello
tion of lymphopenia in some patients undergoing Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal B
treatment with bortezomib. Productions, University of Naples “Federico II”,
Naples, Italy
Other Uses
Preclinical models suggest that bortezomib may
also be useful in the treatment of cardiovascular Definition
disease and ischemic strokes. It is unclear whether
these effects may be related to its effects on the Oncogenic DNA viruses causing both benign and
NF-kB inactivation; cytokine secretion and mod- malignant epithelial and mesenchymal tumors in
ulation of cell adhesion may also play an cows and equids.
important role.

Future Directions Characteristics

Other compounds that target the proteasome are in
preclinical and clinical development. NPI-0052, a Bovine papillomaviruses (BPVs) belong to the
compound derived from the marine actinomycete Papillomaviruses (PVs) family. BPVs are small
Salinispora tropica, an inhibitor of the 20S oncogenic DNA viruses strictly species-specific
subunit of the proteasome, is currently undergoing and, even in experimental conditions, do not
early phase clinical testing. It has shown signifi- infect any other host than the natural one. The
cant activity in multiple myeloma. only known case of cross-species infection is the
infection of other species by BPV type 1 (BPV-1)
BPV type-2 (BPV-2) BPV type 5 (BPV-5), BPV
type 13 (BPV-13) and BPV type 14 (BPV-14).
Cross-References Papillomavirus infections usually regress, but
occasionally they develop to cancer.
▶ p53 Family Fourteen BPV types (BPV 1–14) have been
▶ TP53 characterized associated with different histopath-
ological lesions. The different genotypes have
been classified into three genera.
References Xi-papillomaviruses encompassing the pure
epitheliotropic BPV-3; BPV-4 BPV-6
Lorch JH, Thomas TO, Schmoll HJ (2007) Bortezomib BPV-9; BPV-10; BPV-11; BPV-12; Delta-
inhibits cell–cell adhesion and cell migration and papillomaviruses encompassing BPV-1 BPV-2;
enhances epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor-
induced cell death in squamous cell cancer. Cancer Res
BPV-13 associated with fibropapillomas (i.e.,
67:727–734 benign tumors of both epithelium and underlying
Millennium Pharmaceuticals I Bortezomib prescribing derma) and the discovered BPV-14; and Epsilon
information. http://www.mlnm.com/products/velcade/ papillomavirus comprising the BPV-5 and BPV-
full_prescrib_velcade.pdf, 2006
O’Connor OA, Wright J, Moskowitz C et al (2005) Phase II
8 and an as yet unassigned PV genus for BPV-7.
clinical experience with the novel proteasome inhibitor The BPV virion is a nonenveloped structure of
bortezomib in patients with indolent non-Hodgkin’s 55–60 nm diameter containing a double-stranded
lymphoma and mantle cell lymphoma. J Clin Oncol covalently closed circular DNA. Three different
Richardson PG, Sonneveld P, Schuster MW et al (2005)
regions compose the genome: the long control
Bortezomib or high-dose dexamethasone for relapsed region (LCR) and two regions encoding for early
multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med 352:2487–2498 and late genes.
590 Bovine Papillomavirus

The LCR is the genome region containing sig- The mechanism by which BPV-1 E5 induces
nals for both viral DNA replication and transcrip- cell transformation is its binding to and activation
tion. E2 regulates BPV transcription at LCR level; of the cellular b receptor for the ▶ platelet-derived
the LCR of BPV-4 contains different E2 binding growth factor (PDGFb). The activation of endog-
sites, depending on the sites involved the tran- enous PDGFb receptors is characterized by the
scription may be repressed or activated. The E2 formation of stable E5-receptor complexes, per-
sites are also bound by different cellular transcrip- sistent tyrosine phosphorylation of the receptor,
tion factors and the E2 can also bind to mitotic dimerization, and cellular transformation. This
chromosomes resulting in efficient distribution of interaction takes place also in naturally occurring
the BPV genome into daughter cells. BPV-2 associated bovine urinary bladder cancer.

BPV Gene Products E6

The BPV-1 E6 gene of Xi BPV encodes an
E5 oncoprotein of 137 amino acids. It binds to
The papillomavirus E5 proteins are short hydro- paxillin blocking its interaction with vinculin
phobic polypeptides [from 83 amino acid residues and the focal adhesion kinase. It also binds to
in human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) to several others cellular proteins such as ERC-55,
42 residues in BPV-4], many of which have the E3 ubiquitin ligase E6AP, and with the AP-1.
transforming activity. BPV-1 E5 oncogene Finally, it has been demonstrated that E6 interacts
encodes for a 44 amino acid protein that is the with the CBP/p300 inhibiting the p53.
major BPV transforming oncoprotein. It is a type
II transmembrane protein which is expressed in the E7
deep layers of the infected epithelia and is largely The BPV E7 gene encodes a 127 amino acids zinc-
localized to the membranes of the endoplasmic binding protein which cooperates with E5 and E6 in
reticulum (ER) and Golgi apparatus (GA) of the inducing cell transformation. Once E7 is coexpressed
host cells. BPV E5 is expressed in the cytoplasm of with E5 and E6, its transformation capacity increases
both basal and suprabasal transformed epithelial many folds and such coexpression may also occur in
cells with a typical juxtanuclear pattern due to its tumors of mesenchymal origin. BPV-1 E7 transfor-
localization in the GA. It may also be expressed in mation function correlates with its binding to a cel-
neoplastic cells of mesenchymal origin such those lular target p-600, which is a shared transformation
of endothelial origin. pathway of HPV-16 E7.
Due to its relative small size, BPV E5 has no The BPV-4 E7 can also cooperate with E8 in
intrinsic enzymatic activity and its transformation inducing cellular transformation and the activa-
activity is related to the activation of several tion of the ras oncogene is responsible for mor-
kinases, from growth factor receptor to cdk phological changes of primary bovine fibroblasts
cyclins. E5 interacts with the 16-K subunit c pro- (PalF). Like other E7 PV, BPV-4 E7 has a
tein, a component of the vacuolar H+-ATPase p105Rb-binding domain, whose mutation may
pump. This proton pump acidifies the lumen of reduce or abolish its transforming activity.
intracellular compartments (endosomes, lyso- BPV E7 localizes in the cytoplasm and nucleoli
somes, and GA) that process growth factors of basal and lower spinous epithelial cells. It may
so that E5 binding may result in alteration of also be found in mesenchymal neoplastic cells.
this processing. Another consequence of
E5-mediated impaired acidification is the L1 and L2
downregulation (both in vivo and in vitro) of the The BPV late proteins L1 and L2 are expressed
major histocompatibility complex class into the more differentiated epithelial cells. The
I (MHC-I) expression, representing one of the former mediates virus interaction with cellular
mechanisms by which the BPV evade the receptor, and the latter induces virion assembly
immunoresponse by the host. by binding to viral DNA.
Bovine Papillomavirus 591

Infection by delta-PVs leads to the transforma- persistent lesions to cancer occurs once cofactors
tion of subepithelial fibroblasts followed by epi- synergize with the virus.
thelial acanthosis and then papillomatosis, while
infection by Xi-PVs induces transformation only BPV and Cancer
of the epithelial component. Virus replication can One of the major environmental cofactor involved B
take place only in keratinocytes undergoing ter- in BPV-associated carcinogenesis is the bracken
minal differentiation to squamous epithelium, so fern (genus Pteridium), the only higher plant
it is seen only in the epithelial component of the proven to cause cancer naturally in animals.
tumors and only at certain stages of its develop- Bracken eating animals may develop cancer
ment. Virus replication has never found in fibro- since the plant contains immunosuppressants as
blasts where the BPV genome is present in a well as a number of mutagens and oncogenic
nonintegrated episomal form, although BPV viral principles such as ptaquiloside. Bracken-fed
gene expression has been found in tumors of mes- cows become chronically immunosuppressed
enchymal origin such those arising from blood and the latent BPV is activated. Full malignant
vessels (hemangioma and hemangiosarcoma, the transformation depends on others mutagens that
latter a malignant tumor of mesenchymal origin are believed to trigger BPV gene expression lead-
arising from endothelial cells) suggesting a role of ing to initiation and development of cancer.
the virus even in neoplastic transformation other Additionally, bracken eating animals develop a
than epithelial. clinical syndrome known as chronic enzootic
hematuria and chromosomal abnormalities.
BPV and Papillomas Field cases of urinary bladder and GI cancers
Papillomas and fibropapillomas may occur in dif- in cattle occur wherever the plant is spread. The
ferent organs in cattle and different BPV genotypes disease is known to occur in continental Europe,
are found. BPV-1, BPV-5, and BPV-6 are associ- Azores Islands, in some regions of Kenya, Brazil,
ated with papillomas of the teats and udders in New Zealand, India, and China. Human exposure
cows. This can become a great economic problem to bracken fern directly or indirectly through milk
once the papillomas spread around the primary from bracken eating cattle has been linked to
tumors and the cows cannot be milked, veals are human GI cancer.
unable to suckle properly, and the site may become Cows affected by BPV-4-associated papillomas
infected inducing mastitis. Occasionally, the herds of the upper GI tract and naturally exposed to
should be culled if the papillomatosis progress. bracken fern are at high risk of developing carci-
Epithelia of both prepuce and penis may be noma. The fern induces immunosuppression and the
infected by BPV-1 resulting in fibropapillomas. fibropapillomas spread, additionally the mutagens
The tumors can spread along the perineum and from the plant such as quercetin and ptaquiloside,
even up toward the back; they can become act synergistically with the virus in the carcinogenic
necrotic and cause loss of reproductive functions. process. The BPV-4 E7 oncoprotein cooperates with
BPV-4 induces fibropapillomas of the upper quercetin for neoplastic transformation, in so doing
gastrointestinal (GI) tract. All sites form the the ras oncogene is activated, the p53 is mutated and
tongue to stomach can be affected. Healthy cattles the number of the cellular receptors for epidermal
normally recover from papillomatosis in approx- growth factors is increased. From a comparative
imately one year time, but if the animals are not point of view, it is worth noting that some human
able to reject the tumors they are at high risk to GI cancer may have the same etiology: papilloma-
develop cancer such as squamous cell carcinoma. virus and bracken suggesting that similar molecular
Normally, these benign lesions (papillomas mechanisms underlying bovine cancer may even
and fibropapillomas) regress but some animals occur in humans.
may even die due to widespread cutaneous or At the same time, cows suffering from chronic
mucosal papillomatosis if they are not able to enzootic hematuria may develop urinary ▶ blad-
reject the infection. Progression of benign der cancer. The cancer is of both epithelial and
592 Bovine Papillomavirus

BPV-2 (abortive infection)

Carcinogens, Immunosuppressants and Mutagens from

Bracken fern

BPV-2 oncogenes E5, E7 expression

FHIT COX-2 c H-ras

Telomerase E5- PDGFβr physical interaction

b c

Bovine Papillomavirus, Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the multistep carcinogenesis of bovine urinary bladder
tumors. Histological sections of (a) normal bladder mucosa, (b) hemangiosarcoma, and (c) papillary urothelial carcinoma

mesenchymal origin with hemangiosarcomas histidine tetrads (▶ FHIT) is downregulated

being the most frequent histotype. In both cases, (Fig. 1).
the BPV-2 is involved testifying that the virus is
not a pure epitheliotropic agent in its natural host. BPV and Equine Sarcoids
The BPV-2 infects the urinary bladder mucosa The sarcoids are benign tumors of fibroblastic
inducing an abortive and latent infection with no skin origin affecting horses, mules, and donkeys.
production of virions. The exposure to immuno- They are locally invasive often occurring at sites
suppressants, mutagenic and carcinogenic princi- of previous injury or scarring. Tumors can exist as
ples from bracken triggers viral gene expression single or multiple lesions in different forms. Clin-
leading to cell transformation. In both cancers of ically, five different types of sarcoids can be dis-
epithelial and mesenchymal origin, the BPV-2 E5 tinguished: occult sarcoid is an hairless circular
oncoprotein is expressed and is in complex with area of the skin; verrucous tumors with wart-like
the activated form of the PDGFb receptor. Addi- appearance; fibroblastic sarcoids present as a
tionally, in urothelial cancers, the ▶ telomerase fleshy mass; nodular sarcoids consist of firm
activity is upregulated, the expression of ras and masses lying under the skin; and mixed sarcoid
▶ cyclooxygenase-2, (▶ COX-2) is increased shows a combination of features of verrucous,
and, as already observed in HPV-associated fibroblastic, and nodular types.
▶ Cervical cancer, the ▶ fragile sites are disrupted It is the most common dermatological neo-
and the expression of the tumor suppressor fragile plasm reported in horses. The most common
Bovine Papillomavirus 593

sites of appearance are the skin of the head, ven- expression of the viral oncoprotein E5 in naturally
tral abdomen, legs, and the paragenital region. occurring urinary bladder tumors in cows. J Gen Virol
Despite the failure to isolate any papillomavi- Borzacchiello G, Russo V, Gentile F et al (2006) Bovine
rus from the sarcoids, a large body of evidence papillomavirus E5 oncoprotein binds to the activated
strongly support the hypothesis that BPV is the form of the platelet-derived growth factor b receptor in B
etiological agent of this tumor. naturally occurring bovine urinary bladder tumors.
Oncogene 25:1251–1260
Both BPV-1 and BPV-2 have been detected in Borzacchiello G, Russo V, Spoleto C et al (2007) Bovine
sarcoid tumors with the BPV-1 being the predom- papillomavirus type-2 DNA and expression of E5 and
inant type. The BPV exists as episomally and its E7 oncoproteins in vascular tumours of the urinary
major oncoprotein E5 is expressed, thus bladder in cattle. Cancer Lett 250:82–91
Campo MS (2006) Bovine papillomavirus: old system,
suggesting the viral genes are expressed. new lessons? In: Campo MS (ed) Papillomavirus
Equine sarcoid is a biologically attractive research from natural history to vaccines
tumor since it is the only known case of natural and beyond. Caister Academic Press, Norfolk,
cross-species PV infection. Moreover, while BPV pp 373–383
Chambers G, Ellsmore VA, O’Brien PM et al (2003) Asso-
infection in cattle produces benign lesions that ciation of bovine papillomavirus with the equine sar-
may regress, the sarcoids are nonpermissive for coid. J Gen Virol 84:1055–1062
virus production, locally aggressive and
nonregressing. See Also
Cell cycle regulatory proteins are involved in (2012) Bracken fern. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
the pathogenesis of equine sarcoids. P53 is stabi- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 468.
lized in sarcoid cells being expressed in the nuclei doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_700
(2012) Cyclooxygenase-2. In: Schwab M (ed)
as well as in perinuclear region; however, its Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/
transactivation function is abrogated. Low levels Heidelberg, p 1035. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
of cell proliferation are characteristic of sarcoids 5_1435
with no overexpression neither of cyclin A, (2012) E5. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd
edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1184. doi:10.1007/
p27kip1, nor of CDK-2. 978-3-642-16483-5_1773
The loss of p53 function and the low levels of (2012) E7. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd
cell proliferation indicate that sarcoid cellular and edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1184. doi:10.1007/
molecular pathology may not be associated with 978-3-642-16483-5_1774
(2012) FHIT. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
abnormal cell cycle control mechanisms. 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1394.
(2012) Hemangiosarcoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
Cross-References 1640. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2614
(2012) Malignant tumor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
▶ Bladder Cancer of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2150.
▶ Cervical Cancers
(2012) MHC. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Fragile Histidine Triad 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2281.
▶ Fragile Sites doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3700
▶ Oncogene (2012) Papilloma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2782.
▶ Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
▶ RAS Genes (2012) Ptaquiloside. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Telomerase cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3116.
(2012) Quercetin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3132.
References doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4887
(2012) Sarcoid. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
Borzacchiello F, Iovane G, Marcante ML et al (2003) Pres- 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3334.
ence of bovine papillomavirus type 2 DNA and doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5159
594 Bowen Disease

devices or catheters directly into tumors or into

Bowen Disease cavities in close approximation to the tumor.

A red patch on the mucosa that is not attributable
to any obvious cause. Generally, these lesions Radiation therapy is the treatment of cancer with
have a well-defined border and a soft, velvet-like radiation. Radiation targets the DNA in cells and
appearance. Their atrophic nature contributes to causes DNA strand breaks. Normal cells have the
the red coloration, as underlying vasculature is ability to repair the DNA damage, whereas cancer
more prominent. Around 90% show signs of cells lack such repair mechanisms.
severe dysplasia or carcinoma-in-situ and may Brachytherapy is one method of delivering
progress to invasive squamous cell carcinoma. radiation. The word “brachy” is derived from
Greek meaning “short.” The radiation from the
radioactive isotopes penetrates a short distance,
allowing for conformity to a target volume or
tumor while sparing the normal structures in the
vicinity. The dose falloff for a single brachythrapy
▶ Squamous Cell Carcinoma
source follows the inverse square law, in that the
distance traveled by the radiation is inversely pro-
portional to the square of the radius of distance
(d = 1/r2).
Bp4 Historically, the isotopes used for brachyther-
apy were radium, radon and its derivatives, and
▶ BIK Proapoptotic Protein gold. In modern times, isotopes must be
nongaseous, have effective energies for treat-
ments, be able to be encapsulated in a size that is
clinically useful, and have a half-life suitable for
either permanent implants or temporary implants
Brachytherapy (Table 1).

Caroline L. Holloway1 and Dose Rate

Akila N. Viswanathan2 Brachytherapy treatments can utilize different
BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver Island Centre, dose rates to treat cancer. Standardized dose
Victoria, BC, Canada rates have been defined by the International
Brigham and Women’s/Dana-Farber Cancer
Center, Boston, MA, USA
Brachytherapy, Table 1 Characteristics of some com-
monly used radioisotopes in the United States
Synonyms Isotope Half-life (MeV)
Cesium 30 years 0.66
Endocurietherapy; Radioactive seed therapy 192
Iridium 74 days 0.29–0.6
Iodine 60 days 0.028
Paladium 17 days 0.023
Definition 131
Cesium 9.6 days 0.029
Gold 2.7 days 0.41
Brachytheapy treatments deliver radiation dose Strontium/90Yttrium 28.8 years/2.7 2.27
using radioactive isotopes placed via applicator days
Brachytherapy 595

Commission on Radiation Units and Measure- sufficiently and deliver as small a fraction size as
ments Report #38. Low dose rate (LDR) is defined feasible depending on the tissue treated, the indi-
as a range of 0.4–2 Gray per hour (Gy/h). Medium cations for treatments, and the amount of normal
dose rate (MDR) is a range of 2–12 Gy/h, and high tissue in proximity to the source.
dose rate (HDR) is defined as >12 Gy/h. VLDR Pulsed-dose-rate (PDR) brachytherapy uses an B
(very low dose rate) radiation is used in permanent HDR afterloader and source, allowing computer
radioactive seed implants at a dose rate of less optimization, but it attempts to mimic the radio-
than 0.4 Gy/h. Temporary implants are placed biological effect of LDR by giving a large number
into the tumor/adjacent tissues in order to deliver of very small fractions over a longer period of
LDR, MDR, or HDR treatments. VLDR implants time than HDR.
typically reside permanently in the tissue, but
decay over the course of a few months. In the Dose Calculations
delivery of LDR or MDR radiation, the temporary Historically, the dose delivered to a treatment
implant stays in place over several hours, whereas volume was hand calculated, based on one of
HDR treatments usually last only a few minutes. three methods of implantation. The Paris and
LDR techniques involve the static placement Quimby systems placed parallel sources with uni-
of radiation isotopes within the applicators for a form spacing and source activity, to give a higher
period of time. The radiation is typically manually central dose compared with the periphery. The
afterloaded into the implanted applicators by a Paterson-Parker method utilizes higher peripheral
physician; in the past, it could be remotely radioactivity, as compared with that at the center,
afterloaded if a cesium selectron afterloader (for resulting in increased dose homogeneity through-
gynecological brachytherapy) was available. out the implant. These methods have been
HDR treatments most often involve a single 192Ir replaced in most radiation oncology clinics by
source fixed to a wire that is guided remotely by a computer programs that use information gathered
computer. The HDR afterloader attaches to indi- from imaging techniques such as CT/MRI or US
vidual applicators by transfer tubes. Computer scans to define the target volume and identify the
programming determines the position of the radi- implant geometry within that volume to calculate
ation isotope within the applicator, and calculates the dose.
a radiation isodose curve that may be manipulated
by altering the dwell times (i.e., the amount of Brachytherapy Techniques
time the radiation source remains in place). Dwell The placement of the radiation source in relation
positions are defined along the applicators every to the treatment volume is the most important
2.5–10 mm, and the isotope remains at the desig- determinant in the effectiveness of brachytherapy.
nated dwell position for a preset time as deter- Therefore the techniques used depend on the loca-
mined by the optimized plan. LDR radiation may tion of the tissue being targeted.
have a radiobiological advantage over HDR radi- Surface applicators involve sculpting a radio-
ation, as the normal tissue in the vicinity of the therapy delivery system on or around the target
target that is exposed to LDR radiation is more surface area. A superficial dose may be delivered
likely to be able to repair sublethal damage. Addi- to lesions of the skin or intraoperatively to
tionally, the continuous dose may prevent exposed tumor beds.
repopulation of the tumor cells, and the longer Intracavitary radiation utilizes orifices within
period of time that the cells are exposed to radia- the human body to introduce applicators in close
tion allows the cell cycle to move through radio- proximity to the tumor. Intracavitary radiation is
resistant and radio-sensitive phases. HDR radia- commonly used to treat gynecological malignan-
tion may lead to an increase in normal-tissue cies, in which the vagina, cervical os, and uterine
toxicity if the total dose delivered is not decreased cavity allow for the relatively easy placement of
(relative to what would be used for LDR). It is applicators. Other intracavitary treatments include
important to fractionate the HDR radiation the bronchus, esophagus, and rectum.
596 Brachytherapy

Intersitital radiation entails passing catheters Gynecological Malignancies

through normal tissue to reach the target volume The most common gynecological malignancy
or placing tubes within a surgical bed at the time treated with brachytherapy in the United States
of operation. is ▶ endometrial cancer. Intracavitary radiation
targets the vaginal vault in women thought to be
Clinical Applications of Brachytherapy at high risk of local recurrence to the vagina
Brachytherapy may be administered alone or in following definitive surgery. This treatment
combination with external beam radiation, che- involves the insertion of a cylinder into the vagina
motherapy, or surgery to provide either cure or (Fig. 1). LDR or HDR radiation may be used. The
palliation for the patient. The most common uses dose and fractionation of the radiation depend on
of brachytherapy are discussed below. both the dose rate and the patient’s history of prior
external beam radiation therapy. The dose may be
prescribed at either the surface of the applicator or
at a depth, typically 5 mm, from the applicator.
▶ Cervical cancer is treated using a combina-
tion of external beam radiation and brachytherapy,
with or without chemotherapy. A central uterine
tandem is placed through the cervical os into the
uterine cavity. Vaginal ovoids or a vaginal ring or
cylinder are then secured to the central tandem
(Fig. 2). Historically, cervical-cancer brachyther-
apy was administered using LDR radiation, most
commonly using a tandem and ovoids applicator
placed twice with 1 week between treatments.
Plain films were then used to assess the location
of the apparatus relative to the cervix and organs
at risk (OAR), such as the bladder and bowel.
However, CT imaging capability now allows for
3D imaging of the apparatus and normal tissues
Brachytherapy, Fig. 1 A high dose rate vaginal cylinder and more accurate dose calculation. MRI can also
is inserted into the vagina to treat the vaginal surface for
be used to allow for optimal visualization of the
patients who have had a hysterectomy for uterine or cervi-
cal cancer. The applicator is attached to a brachytherapy tumor and treatment planning. There is also
board for stabilization increased use of HDR and PDR radiation in the

Brachytherapy, Fig. 2 Low dose rate them in order to fill the vaginal fornices. A flange rests
Fletcher–Suit–Delclos tandem and ovoid applicator will outside the external os of the cervix. The apparatus is held
be loaded with 137Cs. The central tandem is inserted into in place by vaginal packing
the uterus. The ovoids may have plastic caps placed over
Brachytherapy 597

Other cancers that can be treated with brachytherapy
as part of combined care include head-and-neck
cancers, including nasopharynx and tongue; breast
cancers; sarcomas; thoracic and some gastrointesti- B
nal cancer; as well as ophthalmic and skin cancers.


▶ Cervical Cancers
▶ Endometrial Cancer
▶ Prostate Cancer


Brachytherapy, Fig. 3 High dose rate tandem and ovoid Aronowitz JN (2015) Afterloading: the technique that res-
isodose curve demonstrates the 100% isodose line opti- cued brachytherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
mized to point A, a point 2 cm above and lateral to the 92(3):479–487
cervical os Lee KK, Lee JY, Nam JM, Kim CB, Park KR (2015) High-
dose rate vs. low-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy
for carcinoma of the uterine cervix: systematic review
and meta-analysis. Brachytherapy 14(4):449–457
Lukens JN, Gamez M, Hu K, Harrison LB (2014) Modern
management of cervical cancer. HDR tandem- brachytherapy. Semin Oncol 41(6):831–847
and-ovoid dose is delivered in minutes and most WE-F-201-00 (2015) Practical guidelines for commission-
ing advanced brachytherapy dose calculation algo-
commonly requires four or five separate inser-
rithms. Med Phys 42(6):3686
tions, with each treatment lasting several minutes. Williamson JF (2006) Brachytherapy technology and
The HDR isodose curve approximates a standard physics since 1950: a half century of progress. Phys
LDR loading (Fig. 3). Med Biol 51(13):R303–R325
Vulvar and vaginal cancers are rare, but their
treatment may involve interstitial or intracavitary See Also
radiation after external beam radiation and con- (2012) Dose fall-off. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
current chemotherapy. cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1154.
(2012) Dose homogeneity. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
Prostate Cancer of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1155.
Brachytherapy may be the sole treatment for doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1713
low-risk ▶ prostate cancer, or it may be used in (2012) Dose rate. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1155.
combination with external beam radiation as a doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1715
form of dose escalation in high-risk prostate can- (2012) Dwell positions. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
cer. VLDR brachytherapy places permanent of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1173.
radioactive seeds of either 125I or 103Pd into the doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1755
(2012) Half-life. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
prostate through the perineal skin by means of cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1625.
catheters, under image guidance. The seeds doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2554
remain permanently within the prostate and (2012) Isodose. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
deliver a low dose of radiation continuously until 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1917.
they have decayed. HDR brachytherapy for pros- (2012) Radiobiology. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
tate cancer as either a boost or as monotherapy is cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3147.
also being evaluated. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4915
598 BRAF

for tumorigenesis. In their role as gatekeepers of

BRAF this pathway, Raf kinases appear as attractive
targets for therapeutic intervention. The Raf fam-
▶ BRaf-Signaling ily contains three genes in vertebrates, A-Raf,
B-Raf, and Raf-1, as well as D-Raf and LIN-45
in Drosophila und Caenorhabditis, respectively.
While the Raf1 gene displays a ubiquitous and
BRaf-Signaling prominent expression pattern, BRAF is predomi-
nantly expressed in neuroectoderm-derived tis-
Tilman Brummer sues, the placenta, the hematopoietic system, and
Institut für Molekulare Medizin und the testis. However, gene targeting experiments in
Zellforschung, Zentrum für Biochemie und mice and DT40 B cells revealed that B-Raf repre-
Molekulare Zellforschung (ZBMZ), Albert- sents the major ERK activator, even if it is
Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, expressed at barely detectable levels, whereas
Germany Raf-1, also known as C-Raf, serves as an acces-
sory ERK activator. Among the three mammalian
isoforms, B-Raf displays the highest affinity
Synonyms toward its substrate MEK and has the highest
activities in biological and in vitro kinase assays.
BRAF; B-raf-1; BRAF1; EC; In many cell types, B-Raf plays a nonredundant
MGC126806; MGC138284; p94; RAFB1; v-raf role in the maintenance of ERK signaling induced
murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1; by various extracellular signals and thereby regu-
c-Rmil lates directly, or in concert with other signaling
pathways, the expression of important target gene
products such as growth factors and cytokines.
Definition The importance of B-Raf for the efficient expres-
sion of ERK-regulated target gene products is
BRaf-signaling comprises the activation of the most likely explained by the fact that ERK acti-
proto-oncogene product B-Raf and its downstream vation is not only required for the induction of
effectors and represents a key regulatory step in the immediate early genes transcription but also for
activation of the canonical ▶ MAP kinase pathway the stabilization of the resulting proteins by phos-
by various extracellular stimuli and oncogene phorylation through sustained ERK signaling.
products such as Ras and activated receptor tyro- The correlation between B-Raf expression and
sine kinases (RTKs) like NTRK and ▶ RET. Aber- sustained ERK signaling has been implicated in
rant B-Raf activity as a result of somatic mutations various physiological processes such as lympho-
is observed in 8% of human cancers. cyte activation, myelopoiesis, angiogenesis, and
development of extraembryonic tissues as well as
for the growth factor-mediated survival of neu-
Characteristics rons and their effector functions. The discovery of
germ-line mutations with mostly slight to moder-
Physiological Aspects of BRaf-Signaling ate gain-of-function character in the SOS, KRAS,
B-Raf is a member of the ▶ Raf kinase family and HRAS, SHP2/PTPN11, BRAF, and MEK1/2 genes
represents an important component of the in patients suffering from the various neuro-
Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK MAP kinase signal transduc- cardio-facial-cutaneous syndromes (also known
tion pathway, which plays a pivotal role in growth as RAS opathies) illustrates that tight control of
control and differentiation. Dysregulation of this this pathway upstream or at the level of the B-Raf/
pathway is observed in about 30% of human MEK interface is key to the normal development
tumors and represents an established mechanism and homeostasis of many organs.
BRaf-Signaling 599

BRaf-Signaling and Tumor Development similar transformed phenotypes indicating that

The high biological relevance of B-Raf is also the activation of B-Raf effectors such as ERK
reflected in the discovery that somatic alterations and NF-kB is a major driving force in thyrocyte
of the BRAF gene occur in about 8% of all human transformation. Similar constellations have been
tumors with particular high frequencies in hairy cell described for Ras and BRAF in melanoma and B
leukemia (>95%), ▶ melanoma (70%), colorectal and ovarian carcinoma. However,
Langerhans cell histiocytosis and Erdheim- Ras- and B-Raf-transformed cells differ in their
Chester Disease (50%), ovarian (30%), thyroid responsiveness to MEK inhibitors showing that
(27%), colorectal, and biliary tract carcinoma (both both oncoproteins, while having a large group of
5-15%) as well as in various low-grade glioma effectors in common, also trigger ▶ oncogene
entities. Both oncogenic point mutants as well as addiction through distinct mechanisms. Onco-
fusion proteins resulting from chromosomal genic B-Raf not only mimics growth factor sig-
rearrangements have been described in tumors. naling but also induces a variety of auto- and
Many of the resulting mutant B-Raf proteins cause paracrine-acting growth factors itself, e.g.,
chronic ERK activation and transform a variety of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor
cell types in vitro. Furthermore, the B-RafV600E (EGF)-like growth factor, chemokines, and
oncoprotein, which is the most frequently found pro-inflammatory and angiogenic cytokines like
mutant and occurs in 7% of human tumors, induces ▶ vascular endothelial growth factor A. Apart
neoplasms in transgenic mice and zebrafish. Apart from tumor initiation, tissue culture experiments
from their established role as ERK activators, suggest that oncogenic B-Raf also contributes to
B-RafV600E and other oncogenic mutants have tumor progression by inducing two additional key
been shown to activate the NF-kB pathway, events in metastasis: the epithelial to mesenchy-
although the exact mechanism for this oncologically mal transition of the oncogene-bearing cell and
relevant aspect of BRaf-signaling remains elusive. the angiogenic switch in its environment through
Dysregulated BRaf-signaling in the absence of the aforementioned growth factors and cytokines.
any BRAF mutations has been also implicated in Aberrant B-Raf activity does not necessarily
various hyperproliferative diseases. For example, result in tumorigenesis unless profound changes
hyperactivation of wild-type B-Raf has been in the regulatory network underlying cell cycle
observed in ▶ polycystic kidney disease. Simi- control have occurred. Through the ERK and
larly, overexpression and deregulation of B-Raf NF-kB pathways, oncogenic B-Raf stimulates not
have been implicated in ▶ Kaposi sarcoma. Like- only the production of positive cell cycle regulators
wise, amplification and/or overexpression of the such as cyclin D1 but also induces negative regu-
BRAF gene was described as alternative events to lators such as cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors
BRAF mutations in melanoma. Furthermore, like p16INK4A. Consequently, chronic B-Raf/ERK
B-Raf serves as an important signal transducer signaling ultimately results in cell cycle arrest and
of upstream oncogene products such as Ras or oncogene induced senescence. For example, mela-
activated RTKs such as ▶ RET, NTRK, ▶ epider- nocytes with an intact cell cycle control program
mal growth factor receptor family members, or the become growth arrested by chronic BRaf-signaling
Kit/stem cell factor receptor. In many cell types and develop only into benign nevi. However, if
where the chronic activation of the Raf/MEK/ important negative cell cycle regulators and tumor
ERK effector arm by these oncoproteins repre- suppressor genes like the products of the CDKN2
sents a major mechanism of cellular transforma- locus, PTEN or p53 are lost, oncogenic BRaf-
tion, a mutual exclusivity is observed between signaling will trigger cell cycle progression and
mutations in BRAF or genes encoding its drive tumor development.
upstream activators. For example, gain-of-
function mutations in either the ▶ RET, NTRK, B-Raf Structure and Regulation
Ras, or BRAF proto-oncogenes account for 70% Like many other protein kinases, B-Raf is part of a
of papillary thyroid carcinoma and provoke large multi-protein complex or signalosome in
600 BRaf-Signaling

BRaf-Signaling, Fig. 1 Model of the B-Raf activation association. The constitutive basal phosphorylation of
cycle. B-Raf contains three conserved regions: CR1 (blue) B-Raf at S446 suggests that a large fraction of B-Raf
consisting of the Ras-binding domain (RBD) and the resides in this primed state. The 14-3-3 dimer remains
cysteine-rich domain (CRD), CR2 (green), and the kinase bound to the C-terminus and promotes homo- and
domain CR3 (yellow or red, depending on its activation heterodimerization. Interaction with activated Ras
state). Inactive B-Raf resides in the cytoplasm in a closed, (Ras-GTP) leads to in cis auto-phosphorylation of T599
inactive conformation stabilized by 14-3-3. Interaction of and S602 within the activation loop, which induces a
B-Raf with a complex consisting of CK2 and the scaffold conformational change within the CR3 and renders one
protein KSR (not shown) results in phosphorylation of B-Raf protomer fully active (red color). This in turn
S446 (and perhaps S447) in the N-region thereby transfer- induces the allosteric transactivation (black arrow) of the
ring B-Raf into a more open conformation. This open other protomer via the DIF, thereby generating a fully
conformation is initiated by Ras displacing the 14-3-3 active B-Raf dimer. B-Raf is supposedly inactivated by
dimer from phospho-S365 in the CR2, which is subse- phosphatases, re-phosphorylation of the inhibitory residue
quently de-phosphorylated to prevent 14-3-3 re- S365 and transition into the closed conformation

which the individual components regulate B-Raf enzymes within two segments, the N-region and
conformation and activity through various the activation loop. B-Raf carries a second 14-3-3
protein-protein interactions in a dynamic spatio- binding motif around S729 at the C-terminal end
temporal manner. Key to the understanding of the of the CR3 domain, which is essential to couple
(dys)regulation of B-Raf is the knowledge of its B-Raf to its downstream effector MEK and to
modular structure. B-Raf shares three highly con- promote dimerization, either with itself or with
served regions (CR) with the other members of the other Raf isoforms or with the related Kinase-
Raf family (Fig. 1): the N-terminal CR1 contains suppressor-of-Ras (KSR) proteins.
the Ras-GTP binding domain, which initiates the Similar to the better-characterized Raf-1 iso-
interaction with activated Ras, and the cysteine- form, B-Raf is activated by its interaction with
rich domain involved in the stabilization of small GTPases of the Ras family. Although no
Ras/Raf interaction. The CR2 contains a negative crystal structure for any of the full-length Raf
regulatory serine residue (S365) that serves as a proteins is available, various experimental
binding site for ▶ 14-3-3 proteins upon phosphor- approaches imply that Raf activation is accompa-
ylation by Akt and other kinases. The catalytic nied by a transition from a closed, auto-inhibited
domain (CR3) harbors the dimer interface (DIF) into an open, active conformation in which the
and phosphorylation sites for Raf-regulating N-terminal lobe consisting of the CR1 and CR2
BRaf-Signaling 601

domains is displaced from the C-terminal lobe transformation, the biological activity of the
encompassing the CR3 (Fig. 1). The degree of most frequently found mutant, B-RafV600E, is not
auto-inhibition of B-Raf is influenced by the affected by N-region neutralization, at least not in
inclusion/exclusion of amino acid sequences experimental approaches involving the ectopic
within the linker region between the N- and expression of this oncoprotein. B-RafV600E is B
C-terminal lobe, which are encoded by alterna- also largely uncoupled from various other regula-
tively spliced, tissue-specific exons and various tory layers, e.g. Ras binding, interaction with 14-
phosphorylation events. Among the latter, two 3-3 proteins and an intact DIF, and is protected
phosphorylation sites within the CR3, the against the negative regulation of Sprouty
N-region and the activation loop, are of particular proteins.
importance (Fig. 1). The introduction of negative The interaction with Ras recruits B-Raf to the
charges into the N-region, which is located at plasma membrane followed by the phosphoryla-
the N-terminal end of the CR3 domain, plays a tion of T599 and S602 in the activation loop (also
critical, multifaceted role in Raf activation. While known as activation segment) (Fig. 2). This phos-
the N-region of Raf-1 is charged through phorylation event presumably leads to the dislo-
phosphorylation of its S338SYY341-sequence in cation of the activation loop relative to the overall
a Ras-dependent manner by Ser/Thr and Tyr catalytic domain thereby resulting in full B-Raf
kinases, the equivalent serine residues within the activity. The importance of the activation segment
N-region of B-Raf (S446SDD449-motif) are phos- phosphorylation is established by the fact that
phorylated in a constitutive and Ras-independent mutation of these phosphorylation sites to alanine
manner (Fig. 1). Several lines of evidence propose residues renders B-Raf resistant to extracellular
that N-region phosphorylation primes B-Raf for signals and even to strong activators like onco-
activation at the membrane by reducing the affin- genic RasG12V. Conversely, mutations that mimic
ity between N-terminal and C-terminal lobe. The the phosphorylation-induced dislocation of the
significance of the aspartate residues, which are activation segment, such as BRAFV600E, lock
the functional equivalents of the phospho-tyrosine B-Raf in an active conformation and confer high
residues in the SSYY-sequence of Raf-1, is two- constitutive enzymatic and transforming activities
fold: firstly, the negative charge of the aspartate to B-Raf independent of Ras. Consequently, these
residues is supposed to prime B-Raf for N-region activation loop mutations are frequently found as
phosphorylation by casein kinase 2 (CK2). Sec- somatic alterations of the BRAF gene in human
ondly, the D448 residue stabilizes the conforma- tumors.
tion of activated B-Raf through the formation of a Intracellular B-Raf activity is also regulated by
salt bridge with R506 within the aC helix of the the phosphorylation-dependent recruitment of
CR3. The important role of the SSDD-sequence is ▶ 14-3-3 proteins in an opposing manner
highlighted by the fact that mutation of the serine (Fig. 1). Binding of 14-3-3 proteins to phospho-
and/or aspartate residues results in drastic reduc- S729 at the C-terminus of B-Raf is essential to
tion of the basal in vitro kinase and biological couple B-Raf to the MEK/ERK pathway. In con-
activities. Furthermore, it has been suggested trast, phosphorylation of S365 within the CR2
that the different mechanisms that supply the by protein kinase A, Akt, or serum- and
N-region of B-Raf and Raf-1 with negative glucocorticoid-induced kinase (SGK) generates a
charges account not only for the aforementioned second binding site for 14-3-3 proteins, which
isoform-specific differences in the enzymatic, negatively regulates B-Raf activity, most likely
biological, and transforming activities but also through the stabilization of the auto-inhibited con-
predispose the BRAF gene for oncogenic hits. formation through the simultaneous binding of the
However, while tissue culture experiments 14-3-3 dimer to S365 and S729 (Figs. 1 and 2).
demonstrated that the rare B-RafE586K mutant The 14-3-3 proteins are also involved in the Ras-
indeed requires an intact SSDD-sequence to stimulated formation of homodimers of B-Raf and
induce MEK/ERK activation and oncogenic its heterodimerization with Raf-1 (Fig. 2). Indeed,
602 BRaf-Signaling

Generic receptor Plasmamembrane

Positive modulators:
Adapters, SHP2, SOS etc. H-Ras K-Ras HSP90/Cdc37, KSR/CK2
N-Ras CNK, 14-3-3,, PS, PA
Negative modulators:
Akt, PKA, SGK, RKIP, Raf-1 B-Raf
Rheb, 14-3-3
B-Raf B-Raf



Nuclear substrates, Transcription

BRaf-Signaling, Fig. 2 Modulation of BRaf-signaling. by a multitude of positive and negative modulators. The
Extracellular signals received by various receptor classes longevity of B-Raf/Raf-1 heterodimers is determined by a
trigger the activation of Ras GTPases by stimulating their rapid negative feedback loop from ERK. In a delayed
loading with GTP. Activated Ras not only recruits B-Raf negative feedback loop, sustained B-Raf/ERK signaling
and promotes its phosphorylation by unknown activation also induces the transcription of sprouty-2, a negative
loop kinases but also stimulates its homo- and heterodi- regulator of B-Raf
merization. The activity of B-Raf (and Raf-1) is fine-tuned

B-Raf/Raf-1 heterodimers represent the most sprouty-2 and Raf kinase inhibitory protein
potent form of Raf activity within the cell. Acti- (RKIP), two proteins which are both often
vated ERK limits the longevity of these dimers by downregulated in human cancer raising the possi-
targeting an evolutionary conserved phosphoryla- bility that their epigenetic silencing represents an
tion motif at the C-terminus of B-Raf (Fig. 2). In alternative mechanism to gain-of-function muta-
addition to 14-3-3 proteins, the DIF, a group of tions in genes linked to the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK
evolutionary conserved amino acid residues pathway in human cancer.
mediating the contact between Raf protomers,
plays a critical role in dimerization and the allo- B-Raf as a Therapeutic Target
steric transactivation by which the Ras activated The identification of mutant B-Raf as an onco-
protomer induces a conformational change in the genic driver in tumour entities for which only
receiver protomer. In addition, B-Raf activity is limited therapies were available spurred the
modulated by other components of the development of inhibitors selective for oncogenic
signalosome such as the ▶ HSP90/Cdc37 chaper- B-Raf proteins with V600E/K substitutions.
one complex and ▶ scaffold proteins like KSR Indeed, the first two ATP-competitive inhibitors
and connector and enhancer of KSR (CNK). entering the clinic, vemurafenib and dabrafenib,
Membrane phospholipids such as phosphati- yielded unprecedented response rates as single
dylserine (PS) and phosphatidic acid (PA) are agents in metastatic melanoma patients while
also discussed as important regulators of Raf acti- being well-tolerated. In agreement with the con-
vation. B-Raf is also negatively regulated by cept of oncogene addiction, clinical responses
BRaf-Signaling 603

were correlated with a strong reduction of pERK conformational change induced by the first gener-
levels in tumour biopsies. Currently, more B-Raf ation of B-Raf selective inhibitors, so-called par-
inhibitors are in preclinical development and clin- adox-breakers, or by blocking all Raf isoforms
ical trials. with similar efficacy (pan-Raf inhibitors) are cur-
Despite the clinical efficacy of B-Raf selective rently in pre-clinical devleopment. B
inhibitors in melanoma, the therapeutic success of
these compounds is limited by three phenomena:
Firstly, therapeutic responses of BRAFV600E
mutant melanoma to vemurafenib and dabrafenib Cross-References
monotherapy are very impressive but unfortu-
nately relatively short-lived. Secondly, treatment ▶ 14-3-3 Proteins
with these compounds is often accompanied by ▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
the development of non-melanocytic skin tumors ▶ Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition
such as keratoacanthomas and squamous cell car- ▶ Hsp90
cinomas. In addition, promotion of other second- ▶ Kaposi Sarcoma
ary neoplasia such as chronic myelomonocytic ▶ MAP Kinase
and chronic lymphocytic leukemias as well as ▶ Nuclear Factor-kB
pancreatic adenocarcinoma has been reported for ▶ Nucleoporin
individual cases with B-Raf inhibitor therapy. ▶ Oncogene Addiction
Thirdly, the ability of B-RafV600E selective inhib- ▶ Pleiotrophin
itors is restricted to tumors with BRAF gain-of- ▶ Polycystic Kidney Disease
function mutants as these compounds rather acti- ▶ Raf Kinase
vate than inhibit the MEK/ERK pathway in the ▶ RAS Genes
context of aberrant RAS-GTP levels. Conse- ▶ RET
quently, one of the original hopes associated ▶ Scaffold Proteins
with the development of Raf inhibitors, the inhi- ▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
bition of the ERK pathway downstream of onco-
genic RAS or RTK signaling, was not fulfilled References
with the B-RafV600E selective drugs. These three
limitations are caused by the phenomenon of par- Cseh B, Doma E, Baccarini M (2014) “RAF” neighbor-
adoxical ERK pathway activation, which is hood: protein-protein interaction in the Raf/Mek/Erk
pathway. FEBS Lett 588:2398–2406
caused by drug-bound B-Raf molecules that, in Lavoie H, Therrien M (2015) Regulation of RAF protein
the presence of active RAS proteins, promote the kinases in ERK signalling. Nature reviews. Mol Cell
allosteric activation of drug-free Raf kinases, Biol 16:281–298
which are not drug-bound due to the isoform Röring M, Brummer T (2012) Aberrant B-raf signaling in
human cancer – 10 years from bench to bedside. Crit
specificity of the compound and/or insufficient Rev Oncog 17:97–121
drug concentrations to saturate and inactivate all Samatar AA, Poulikakos PI (2014) Targeting RAS-ERK
Raf molecules. For example, Raf-1 has been iden- signalling in cancer: promises and challenges. Nat Rev
tified as a major player in the paradoxical activa- Drug Discov 13:928–942
Wu CJ (2014) Shifting ecologies of malignant and
tion of the ERK pathway by drug-bound or nonmalignant cells following BRAF inhibition. J Clin
kinase-inactive B-Raf molecules. As MEK repre- Investig 124:4681–4683
sents the common substrate of all Raf kinases, the
risk of paradoxical ERK pathway activation can See also
be minimized by the combination of B-Raf with (2012) Activation loop. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
MEK inhibitors and thereby more durable of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 23.
responses can be achieved. Furthermore, new (2012) AKT. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
compounds that avoid paradoxical MEK/ERK 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 115.
pathway activation either by preventing the doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_163
604 BRAF Somatic Alterations

(2012) Angiogenic switch. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- pathway that is involved in the control of prolif-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p eration and differentiation of various tissues. Con-
186. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_277
(2012) DT40. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, sequently, alterations of the expression level or the
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1168. activity of B-Raf are associated with various can-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1747 cers. Proto-oncogenes can be converted into
(2012) Geldanamycin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of oncogenes by point mutations; amplifications;
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 1516-
1517. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2357 genomic rearrangement, e.g., translocation or
(2012) Immediate early genes. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- inversion; or retroviral transduction. Interestingly,
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel- all four mechanisms of oncogene activation have
berg, p 1811. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2967 been documented for the BRAF genes in human
(2012) In vitro kinase assay. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p and/or animal tumors.
1839. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3218
(2012) Neuro-Cardio-Facial-Cutaneous Syndromes. In: History of the BRAF Proto-oncogene
Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. The discovery of the raf-oncogenes originates
Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2480. doi:10.1007/978-
3-642-16483-5_4024 back to the isolation of the chicken Mill Hill
(2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 2 (MH2) retrovirus by Begg in 1927. Genetic
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2747. studies in the 1980s demonstrated that MH2 con-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331 tains two unrelated retroviral oncogenes that were
(2012) Senescence. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3370. designated as v-myc and v-mil. Subsequent anal-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5236 ysis of v-mil revealed a high sequence homology
(2012) Signalosome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of to the v-raf oncogene of the murine sarcoma ret-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3411. rovirus 3611. Further analyses showed that both
v-mil and v-raf arose independently by retroviral
transduction from the chicken c-mil and mamma-
lian raf-1 genes, respectively. In 1988, a
v-mil-related oncogene was discovered in
BRAF Somatic Alterations transforming retroviruses that were generated by
passaging the nononcogenic Rous-associated
Tilman Brummer virus type 1 (RAV-1) on embryonic chicken
Institut für Molekulare Medizin und neuroretinal cells. Due to its origin in retinal cul-
Zellforschung, Zentrum für Biochemie und tures, this relative of v-mil was designated as
Molekulare Zellforschung (ZBMZ), Albert- v-Rmil. Subsequent studies showed that v-Rmil
Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, was generated by retroviral transduction from the
Germany proto-oncogene c-Rmil, which is related but dis-
tinct to the c-mil/raf-1 proto-oncogenes and rep-
resents the avian orthologue of BRAF. Similar to
Definition the avian c-Rmil/B-raf gene, the BRAF genes of
other vertebrates display a conserved exon/intron
Somatic alterations of the BRAF gene in cancer, structure with 18–20 coding exons, in which the
either caused by point mutation or genomic first eight exons encode the N-terminal
rearrangement of the BRAF proto-oncogene. autoinhibitory region (Fig. 1a).
At the same time as v-Rmil was discovered, the
human BRAF oncogene was identified in a
Characteristics NIH3T3 transformation assay using ▶ Ewing sar-
coma DNA. Importantly and in striking analogy
The Ser/Thr-kinase B-Raf, a product of the human to v-Mil and v-Raf, both the v-Rmil and the B-Raf
BRAF proto-oncogene, plays a pivotal role in the oncoprotein from the Ewing sarcoma isolate rep-
activation of the classical ERK/MAP kinase resent N-terminally truncated B-Raf proteins
BRAF Somatic Alterations 605

a b P P P P
S SDD T S gag
Inactive env -3
3-3 S c P P
S S DD 14- S SDD T S
3-3 14-3
C AKAP9 - 3


P P P P 14-3
- 3
14-3 Glycine- Activation
Active rich loop loop

BRAF Somatic Alterations, Fig. 1 B-Raf oncoproteins. representation of v-Rmil. Due to the retroviral transduction
(a) Situation for wild-type B-Raf. In its inactive state, the event, the genome of RAV encodes for a fusion protein
BRAF proto-oncogene product resides in a closed confor- flanking the B-Raf (CR3) kinase domain with an
mation stabilized by 14-3-3 proteins. Activation of B-Raf by N-terminal portion encoded by the env gene and a
activated RAS results in a displacement of the N-terminal C-terminal moiety encoded by a portion of the gag gene.
autoinhibitory region (conserved region (CR) 1 in blue, CR2 Both the env and gag genes are integral components of
in green) from the CR3 or kinase domain (red) allowing retroviral genomes. (c) Schematic representation of B-Raf
access of the activation loop kinase to the TVKS-motif. fusion proteins as exemplified for AKAP9-B-Raf. (d) Sche-
Phosphorylation of T599 and S602 within this motif renders matic representation of B-Raf proteins with point mutations
B-Raf active (▶ BRaf-Signaling). (b) Schematic as exemplified for the activation loop mutant B-RafV600E

(Fig. 1b), which have lost the N-terminal regula- v-Rmil and v-Raf. However, it should be men-
tory lobe and consequently the ability for tioned that neither retroviral B-Raf oncogenes nor
autoinhibition (▶ BRaf-Signaling). Therefore, all transposon-mediated oncogenic activation of the
these Raf-oncoproteins display constitutive activ- BRAF gene has been observed in human beings.
ity and induce chronic activation of the ERK Nevertheless, the human BRAF proto-oncogene is
pathway. Thus, loss of exons encoding for the affected by somatic alteration in about 7% of
autoinhibitory N-terminal moiety is a common human tumors. The following alterations are
mechanism of oncogenic activation of raf proto- observed in human tumors.
oncogenes. This notion is further supported by
experiments showing that the murine Braf gene Chromosomal Aberrations
represents a frequent integration point for the Originally, N-terminal truncations of B-Raf like
Sleeping Beauty transposon. All transposon inte- those found in the original publication describing
grations were observed between exons 9 and the human BRAF gene, which most likely repre-
10 resulting in a disruption of the coding sequence sents a transfection artifact, have not been found
of full-length B-Raf and expression of an in human tumors until recently. A study published
N-terminally truncated B-Raf protein with an in 2005, however, identified an oncogenic BRAF
intact kinase domain and structural similarity to allele in about 11% of papillary thyroid
606 BRAF Somatic Alterations

carcinomas (PTC) in children and adolescents that cancer genome project (CGP) reported a high
had been exposed to radiation following the Cher- frequency of somatic point mutations in the
nobyl nuclear power plant station accident in human BRAF gene in malignant melanoma
1986. This oncogene was generated via a (27–70%). Subsequent studies also revealed high
paracentric inversion of the BRAF locus on chro- point mutation frequencies in hairy cell leukemia
mosome 7q34 resulting in an in-frame fusion with (>95%), thyroid (36–53%), ovarian (30%), biliary
exons 1–8 of the A-kinase anchor protein (14%), and colorectal cancer (5–22%) and lower
9 (AKAP9) gene on 7q21-22. The resulting frequencies in a wide range of other human
AKAP9-B-Raf fusion protein is made up by tumors. The discoveries that BRAFV600E muta-
exons 1–8 of AKAP9 and exons 9–18 of BRAF. tions occur in more than 50% of Langerhans cell
Thus, this AKAP9-B-Raf protein contains an histiocytosis and Erdheim-Chester disease
intact kinase domain, but the autoinhibitory patients not only identified a druggable target in
N-terminal regulatory domain of B-Raf is these rare diseases, but also provided proof that
replaced by the AKAP9 moiety, which cannot these disorders represent neoplastic rather than
confer autoinhibition (Fig. 1c). Consequently, polyclonal inflammatory immune disorders. In
the activity of this fusion protein is, similar to contrast to the aforementioned alterations of the
the situation in v-Rmil, unrestrained and able to BRAF locus, these point mutations and small in
transform NIH3T3 cells. Interestingly these muta- frame deletions/insertions do not affect the overall
tions were only found in tumors that had devel- primary structure of B-Raf (Fig. 1d), but mostly
oped within a short latency period suggesting that bypass critical regulatory events required for the
this chromosomal aberration is a driver of activation of wild-type B-Raf (▶ BRaf-
radiation-induced PTC rather than being a sec- Signaling).
ondary event. Since this initial report, more than While mutations in the human CRAF gene are
40 inter- or intrachromosomal rearrangements still considered as a very rare event, over 300 dif-
involving BRAF and leading to the expression of ferent somatic mutations (point mutations and
N-terminally truncated proteins (similar to the more complex alterations such as in-frame dele-
depicted AKAP9-B-Raf fusion protein) have tions or insertions) have been identified in BRAF
been identified. In all these cases, these since 2002. A detailed overview on these
rearrangements produce fusion proteins in which mutations can be found on the CGP homepage
the individual and diverse set of fusion partners (http://www.sanger.ac.uk/perl/genetics/CGP/cgp_
are joined to an intact B-Raf kinase domain. Such viewer?action=gene&In=BRAF). Most muta-
oncogenic B-Raf fusion proteins have been tions cluster within the activation loop codons
described to occur at low frequencies in a wide and, to a lesser extent, within the nucleotide
range of tumor entities, but represent common sequence encoding the glycine-rich loop (also
oncogenic drivers in pilocytic astrocytoma (PA), known as P-loop; Fig. 1d). Among the activation
Spitzoid melanoma, pancreatic acinar carcinoma segment mutations, the thymidine to adenine
and papillary thyroid carcinoma. In fact, the transversion at nucleotide 1799, which results in
KIAA1549-BRAF fusion oncogene is found in the substitution of valine 600 within the
more than 50% of sporadic PA and can thus be T599V600KS602-motif in the activation segment
considered as the signature oncogene of this by glutamate, represents the most common muta-
tumor entity. tion and is found in 6% of human cancers. Struc-
tural analysis of the B-Raf kinase domain suggests
Somatic and Germline Point Mutations and In- that the inactive conformation of B-Raf is stabi-
frame Deletions/Insertions lized by a hydrophobic interaction between the
Although Raf proteins were implicated early on as activation loop residues with the glycine-rich
important effectors of human oncoproteins, e.g., loop, with V600 and F467 playing key roles in
Ras, they were not considered as frequent muta- this process. Upon activation of wild-type B-Raf
tional targets in cancer. In 2002, however, the by activated Ras, T599 and S602 in the activation
BRAF Somatic Alterations 607

loop become phosphorylated resulting in the dis- activity mutants still activate the ERK pathway,
ruption of the inhibitory hydrophobic interaction either through the paradoxical activation of
between the activation and glycine-rich loop and wildtype B-Raf, Raf-1 or A-Raf molecules within
consequently full activation of B-Raf (Fig. 1a). In B-Raf homo- or heterodimers (see ▶ BRaf-
a similar way, any mutation in either the activation Signaling). B
or glycine-rich loop mutation that disrupts this
hydrophobic interaction, e.g., replacement of Amplification and Overexpression
V600 by bulky and/or charged amino acids like Amplification of the BRAF locus is another mech-
glutamate, mimics the activated state and confers anism contributing to elevated B-Raf protein
constitutive activity to B-Raf. As described in expression and activity. Studies in malignant mel-
▶ BRaf-Signaling, the current model of B-Raf anoma have described the amplification of BRAF
activation proposes a sequence of positive regula- alleles with point mutations such as V600E at the
tory events leading to a relief of autoinhibition by expense of the wild-type BRAF allele.
the N-terminal lobe followed by activation loop Genetic experiments have identified B-Raf as
phosphorylation, dimerization and full B-Raf acti- an important factor for ERK activation under
vation. According to this sequential model of basal and steady-state conditions (▶ BRaf-Signal-
B-Raf activation, the V600E mutation not only ing). Experiments in various cell types have
bypasses these events, but is also able to counter- shown that increasing levels of wild-type B-Raf
act autoinhibition. These findings explain why this enhanced basal and steady-state ERK signaling
mutation is so frequently found in tumors driven suggesting that overexpression of endogenous
by chronic ▶ BRaf-Signaling. wild-type B-Raf might contribute to tumorigene-
In 2006, germline mutations in the human sis. Indeed, amplification of the BRAF locus in the
BRAF gene were found in patients suffering absence of any mutations in exon 11 (Gly-rich
from the cardio-facial-cutaneous (CFC) syn- loop) and exon 15 (activation loop) was described
drome. This is a rare genetic disorder character- as an important contributor to the proliferation of
ized by integumental defects (sparse, brittle and malignant melanoma cell lines. Likewise, the
curly hair, skin defects), skull and skeletal abnor- Cancer Genome Atlas Network reported that
malities (macrocephaly; bitemporal constriction 30% of basal like breast cancers display amplifi-
of the head, short stature), congenital heart cation of the BRAF gene. In addition, a publica-
defects, mental retardation, and failure to thrive. tion implies that B-Raf expression is regulated by
CFC syndrome is an autosomal dominant genetic miRNAs whose abundance is regulated by a
disorder caused by germline mutations in the pseudogene derived transcript that acts as a
human BRAF or the MEK1 or MEK2 genes. sponge for the BRAF specific miRNA. Loss of
However, not all affected individuals carry a this pseudogene derived competitive endogenous
mutation in one of these genes suggesting that RNA (ceRNA) induces a diffuse large B cell
other genes are also associated with CFC. CFC lymphoma like disease in mice and has been also
belongs to the neuro-cardio-facial-cutaneous syn- observed in human tumor specimen. Taken
drome complex, some of which are discussed as together, these data suggest that B-Raf expression
predisposition for neoplastic diseases. Some of needs to be tightly controlled and that loss of this
these mostly gain-of-function mutations in CFC exquisite regulation can contribute to tumorigen-
patients are also found in cancer; however, muta- esis, even in the absence of somatic alterations of
tions conferring high activity to B-Raf such as BRAF.
BRAFV600E have not been found.
However, it should be noted that not all of the
point mutations found in cancer or CFC patients Cross-References
represent obvious gain-of-function mutations as
some of them actually display impaired in vitro ▶ BRaf-Signaling
kinase activity. Nevertheless, these impaired ▶ Ewing Sarcoma
608 BRAF1

Brain Cancer Pathology
Davies H, Bignell GR, Cox C, Stephens P, Edkins S, Clegg
S, Teague J, Woffendin H, Garnett MJ, Bottomley W,
Chunhai Hao and Anita C. Bellail
Davis N, Dicks E, Ewing R, Floyd Y, Gray K, Hall S,
Hawes R, Hughes J, Kosmidou V, Menzies A et al Department of Pathology and Laboratory
(2002) Mutations of the BRAF gene in human cancer. Medicine, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit,
Nature 417:949–954 MI, USA
Karreth FA, Reschke M, Ruocco A, Ng C, Chapuy B,
Leopold V, Sjoberg M, Keane TM, Verma A, Ala U,
Tay Y, Wu D, Seitzer N, Velasco-Herrera Mdel C,
Bothmer A, Fung J, Langellotto F, Rodig SJ, Elemento Definition
O, Shipp MA et al (2015) The BRAF pseudogene
functions as a competitive endogenous RNA and
Brain cancer is a generic term that describes a
induces lymphoma in vivo. Cell 161:319–332
Network TCGA (2012) Comprehensive molecular por- heterogeneous group of malignant tumors in the
traits of human breast tumours. Nature 490:61–70 brain. In contrast, brain tumors describe both
Röring M, Brummer T (2012) Aberrant B-raf signaling in benign and malignant tumors in the brain.
human cancer – 10 years from bench to bedside. Crit
The brain has three key subdivisions, the cere-
Rev Oncog 17:97–121
Ross JS, Wang K, Chmielecki J, Gay L, Johnson A, brum, brain stem, and cerebellum, and is histolog-
Chudnovsky J, Yelensky R, Lipson D, Ali SM, Elvin ically composed of four major types of
JA, Vergilio JA, Roels S, Miller VA, Nakamura BN, neuroepithelial cells: astrocyte (astroglia), oligo-
Gray A, Wong MK, Stephens PJ (2015) The distribu-
dendrocyte (oligodendroglia), ependymal cell,
tion of BRAF gene fusions in solid tumors and
response to targeted therapy. Int J Cancer. and neuron. The primary brain tumors originate
doi:10.1002/ijc.29825. [Epub ahead of print] from these four neuroepithelial cells. The generic
term glioma describes astrocytic, oligodendrog-
See Also lial, and ependymal tumors.
(2012) Cardio-facial-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome. In: The World Health Organization (WHO) clas-
Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn.
sification of the neuroepithelial tumors, i.e., pri-
Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 666. doi:10.1007/978-
3-642-16483-5_857 mary brain tumors, is based on the morphological
(2012) ERK/MAP kinase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- appearances of the tumors including constituent
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p cell types and tissue patterns (Louis et al. 2007;
1308. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1988
Burger et al. 2002). The brain is encased in a bony
(2012) NIH3T3 transformation assay. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- cranium and floated in a cerebrospinal fluid
delberg, p 2520. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4085 (CSF). The CSF is produced in the ventricle sys-
(2012) Orthologue. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of tem by choroid plexus that is formed by modified
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2661.
ependymal cells. Attached to the roof of the
(2012) Transforming retroviruses. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- third ventricle is a pineal neuroendocrine gland.
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, Both choroid plexus and pineal tumors are
p 3763. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5917 therefore considered as primary brain tumors
(“▶ Astrocytoma”). Neuro-oncology is more
about the treatments of brain tumors (“▶ Brain
BRAF1 Tumors”).

▶ BRaf-Signaling

Human brain tumors account for approximately

B-raf-1 2% of all human tumors in children and adults
(“▶ Cancer Epidemiology”), but they are the sec-
▶ BRaf-Signaling ond most common tumors in childhood. Brain
Brain Cancer Pathology 609

tumors in adults and children are distinct in clas- Brain Cancer Pathology, Table 1 The WHO classifica-
sification and prognosis (“▶ Glioblastoma Ther- tion and grading of the neuroepithelial tumors, i.e., primary
brain tumors
apy”). To predict the tumor biological behavior,
A. Astrocytic tumors
the WHO classification implements the histolog-
Pilocytic astrocytoma I
ical grading scheme grades I to IV. Grade I tumors Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma I B
are benign with the possibility of cure by surgical Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma II
resection alone. Grade II indicates a low-grade Diffuse astrocytoma II
malignancy that tends to recur and progress to Anaplastic astrocytoma III
higher grades. Grades III and IV are assigned to Glioblastoma IV
moderate- and high-grade malignant tumors that Gliosarcoma IV
Giant cell glioblastoma IV
need adjuvant radiation and chemotherapy. In
B. Oligodendroglial and mixed oligoastroglial
general, patients with grade II tumor survive tumors
more than 5 years, and those with grade III Oligodendroglioma II
tumor survive 2–3 years. The prognosis of grade Anaplastic oligodendroglioma III
IV tumor is extremely poor with a medium sur- Oligoastrocytoma II
Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma III
vival time of less than a year unless effective
C. Ependymal tumors
treatments are available. Here, we introduce the Subependymoma I
WHO classification and grading of the primary Myxopapillary ependymoma I
brain tumors following neuroepithelial cell line- Ependymoma II
ages (Table 1). Anaplastic ependymoma III
D. Choroid plexus tumors
Astrocytic Tumors Choroid plexus papilloma I
Atypical choroid plexus papilloma II
Astrocytic tumors include two distinct subgroups:
Choroid plexus carcinoma III
circumscribed and diffuse astrocytic tumors E. Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumors
(“▶ Grading of Tumors”). Both subgroups Gangliocytoma I
have astrocytic differentiation that can Ganglioglioma I
be recognized by immunohistochemistry Anaplastic ganglioglioma III
(“▶ Immunohistochemistry”) of the intermediate Desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma I

filament protein, glial fibrillary acid protein Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma I

Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor I
(GFAP). The circumscribed astrocytic tumors
Central neurocytoma II
are not closely related clinically, but they share Extraventricular neurocytoma II
an indolent clinical course. Cerebellar liponeurocytoma II
Pilocytic astrocytoma (WHO grade I) is a Papillary glioneuronal tumor I
slowly growing astrocytic tumor of children and Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumors of the fourth I
young adults, accounting for 6% of all gliomas.
F. Pineal tumors
The tumor is characterized histologically by a Pineocytoma I
biphasic pattern with compacted bipolar cells Pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate II/III
associated with Rosenthal fibers and loose- differentiation
textured multipolar cells associated with eosino- Pineoblastoma IV
Papillary tumor of the pineal region II/III
philic granular bodies. The tumors occur most
G. Embryonal tumors
frequently in the cerebellum of children and sec- Medulloblastoma IV
ond in frequency in optic chiasm (optic glioma) of CNS primitive neuroectodermal tumor IV
infants with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). It CNS/supratentorial PNET IV
also occurs in the thalamus in young adults but Neuroblastoma IV
rarely in the cerebrum. A complete surgical resec- CNS ganglioneuroblastoma IV
tion is the most effective treatment in the cerebel- Medulloepithelioma IV
Ependymoblastoma IV
lum and cerebrum but impossible to achieve in the
Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor IV
optic chiasm, thalamus, and brain stem; thus,
610 Brain Cancer Pathology

radiation and chemotherapy are required to treat nuclear atypia and mitotic activity. The survival
the tumors in these regions. is about 2–3 years mainly due to its progression to
Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma the higher-grade glioblastoma.
(WHO grade I) is a benign astrocytic tumor typi- Glioblastoma (WHO grade IV), previously
cally arising in the wall of the lateral ventricles in termed as glioblastoma multiforme, is the most
the first two decades of life. The tumors primarily frequent and malignant primary brain tumor,
develop within the constellation of the tuberous accounting for approximately 70% of astrocytic
sclerosis complex and are composed of large giant tumors. Glioblastoma develops either from grades
cells with astrocytic and, in some cases, neuronal II–III (secondary glioblastoma) or de novo
differentiation. The tumors have a favorable prog- (primary glioblastoma) in adults of 45–75 years
nosis and complete surgical resection provides of age and displays the following pathological
a cure. features: nuclear atypia, mitotic activity, endothe-
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (WHO lial proliferation, and pseudopalisading necrosis.
grade II) is a rare, superficially located astrocytic The prognosis of patients with glioblastoma
tumor characterized by pleomorphic and lipidized remains extremely poor: less than 20% survive
cells often surrounded by a reticulin network. more than a year and less than 3% live more
Many of the tumors follow benign courses after than 3 years. The O6-methylguanine-DNA
surgical resection; however, some of them recur methyltransferase (MGMT) gene promoter meth-
and undergo malignant progression; for this rea- ylation occurs in about 40% glioblastomas in a
son, the tumor has been reclassified from WHO significant correlation with the survival of
grade I to grade II. patients that receive temozolomide-based
The diffuse astrocytic tumors are the most chemoradiotherapy (“▶ Neuro-Oncology: Pri-
common malignant tumors of the brain, mary CNS Tumors”).
representing approximately 60% of all brain Gliosarcoma and giant cell glioblastoma are
tumors. These tumors are related biologically the variants of glioblastoma and characterized by
and clinically and characterized by diffuse infil- sarcoma features and bizarre giant cells, respec-
tration into brain tissues and tendency for recur- tively. Patients survive less than a year with older
rence and malignant progression. These tumors age as the most significant adverse prognostic factor.
occur preferentially in cerebral hemispheres in
adults. They are less frequent in children and the Oligodendroglial and Mixed Oligoastroglial
location of brain stem (brain stem glioma). The Tumors
diffuse astrocytic tumors are classified into three This group of primary brain tumors can develop
grades based on the malignancy. anywhere in the brain at any age but commonly
Diffuse astrocytoma (WHO grade II) repre- occur in cerebral hemispheres in adults with the
sents 10–15% of all astrocytic tumors and affects peak between 40 and 50 years of age (“▶ Oligo-
young adults of 30–40 years of age. The tumors astrocytomas” and “▶ Oligodendroglioma”).
show increased cellularity and nuclear atypia. Oligodendroglioma (WHO grade II) accounts
About 70% of the tumors harbor the mutations for 2.5% of primary brain tumors and 5–6% of
of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1/2 (IDH1/2) and total gliomas. It is composed of monomorphous,
tend to have a better prognosis than the tumors moderately cellular and diffusely infiltrative
without the mutations. The mean survival is about oligodendrocyte-like cells with uniform round
6–8 years, and the prognosis depends on whether nuclei and perinuclear halos with low mitotic
the tumor progresses to higher grades. activity. The tumor is associated with microcystic
Anaplastic astrocytoma (WHO grade III) change, delicate vascular pattern, and focal calci-
may arise from diffuse astrocytoma or de novo, fication. Nearly 80% of the tumors harbor concur-
i.e., without a less malignant precursor tumor. The rent deletion of chromosomal arm 1p and 19q.
tumors occur commonly in adults of 40–50 years This is a slowly growing glioma with a median
of age and are histologically characterized by survival time of 11 years.
Brain Cancer Pathology 611

Anaplastic oligodendroglioma (WHO grade Ependymoma (WHO grade II) is the most
III) accounts for 1.2% of all primary brain tumors common ependymal tumor, accounting for
and shows the anaplastic features: high cellularity, 12% of intracranial tumors in children and
marked cytological atypia, and high mitotic activ- 60% of spinal gliomas in adults. The ependymal
ity. The cocurrent 1p and 19q deletion is present in tumor cells typically form perivascular B
2/3 of the tumors, and combined chemo- and pseudorosettes and true ependymal rosettes with
radiotherapy prolong survival up to about 4–5 four histological patterns/types: cellular, papil-
years. lary, clear cell, and tanycytic ependymoma. It
Oligoastrocytoma (WHO grade II) accounts occurs mainly in two age peaks: the fourth ventri-
for 2% of all primary brain tumors and is com- cle ependymoma in children and spinal
posed of a conspicuous mixture of two distinct ependymoma in adults. Children tend to fare
tumor cell types morphologically resembling the worse than adult with overall survival time more
tumor cells in oligodendroglioma and astrocy- than 5 years. Complete surgical resection is the
toma. About 30–50% of the tumors have 1p and favorable prognostic factor.
19q deletion with overall median survival time of Anaplastic ependymoma (WHO grade III) is
6 years. characterized by high mitotic activity often
Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma (WHO grade accompanied with endothelial proliferation and
III) is a very rare mixed oligoastrocytoma with pseudopalisading necrosis. CSF pathway and dis-
anaplastic features such as increased cellularity, tant metastases may be present at the time of
nuclear atypia, and high mitotic activity. The diagnosis or develop later. This anaplastic tumor
tumors may exhibit the 1p and 19q deletion accounts for less than 5% of ependymal tumors. It
observed in oligoastrocytoma with a median sur- is far more frequent in childhood than adults and
vival time of 2.8 years. has unfavorable outcome with 5-year overall sur-
vival rates of only 8.3%. Complete surgical resec-
Ependymal Tumors tion is the treatment of choice, usually combined
This group of brain tumors originates in the wall with chemo- and/or radiotherapy.
of cerebral and cerebellar ventricles and spinal
canal, ranging from WHO grade I benign to Choroid Plexus Tumors
grade III malignant tumors. Ependymal tumors The choroid plexus tumors are rare and account
account for 2.3% of all primary brain tumors and for about 0.5% of brain tumors and occur in chil-
5.6% of all gliomas. dren and young adults. Immunohistochemically,
Subependymoma (WHO grade I) is benign most tumors express cytokeratin, vimentin, and
and typically attached to a ventricular wall. It is podoplanin; 70% are positive for transthyretin and
composed of glial tumor cell clusters embedded in 20–55% are positive for GFAP.
an abundant fibrillary matrix. The tumor accounts Choroid plexus papilloma (WHO grade I) is a
for 8% of ependymal tumors and often remains benign, ventricular papillary tumor derived from
asymptomatic, and the treatment with symptom- the choroid plexus epithelium. The tumors rarely
atic tumor is surgical resection. progress and can be cured by surgery.
Myxopapillary ependymoma (WHO grade I) Atypical choroid plexus papilloma (WHO
is a slowly growing ependymal tumor that typi- grade II) is defined as a papilloma with increased
cally arises in the conus of the spinal cord and mitotic activity and two of the following features:
around the cauda equina of young adults. The cellularity, nuclear atypia, solid growth, and
cuboidal and columnar tumor cells are arranged necrosis. The tumors have a greater chance of
in a papillary manner mounted on vascularized recurrence.
myxoid cores of connective tissue. The tumors Choroid plexus carcinoma (WHO grade III)
account for 13% of ependymal tumors and have shows the frank signs of malignancy: frequent
a good prognosis of benign tumors after surgical mitoses, increased cellularity, nuclear atypia,
resection. solid growth, necrosis, and brain invasion. The
612 Brain Cancer Pathology

5-year survival rates are 40% for the carcinoma as They are typically located in the lateral and third
compared with 80% for the papilloma. ventricles (central neurocytoma) or brain paren-
chyma (extraventricular neurocytoma). They
Neuronal and Mixed Neuronal-Glial Tumors affect young adult with a favorable prognosis
These tumors contain mature neurons (ganglions) after surgical resection; however, local recurrence
alone or intermingled with low-grade glial tumor is common if resection is incomplete.
cells and thus display immunoreactivity for the Cerebellar liponeurocytoma (WHO grade I)
neuronal markers: synaptophysin, neurofilaments, is a rare, cerebellar tumor of adults with consistent
and astrocytic marker, GFAP. neuronal, variable astrocytic, and focal lipoma-
Gangliocytoma and ganglioglioma (WHO tous differentiation. The tumor has a good clinical
grade I) are composed of irregular group of prognosis, even though recurrences are frequent.
large, multipolar mature ganglions, alone Papillary glioneuronal tumor (WHO
(gangliocytoma) or in combination with neoplas- grade II) is a rare, circumscribed, histologically
tic glial elements resembling diffuse astrocytoma, biphasic cerebral tumor composed of cuboidal,
oligodendroglioma, or pilocytic astrocytoma GFAP-positive astrocytic lining of vascular
(ganglioglioma). They account for 1.3% of brain pseudo-papillae and clusters of ganglionic cells
tumors and may occur throughout the brain, but in the papillae. This benign tumor has a good
70% localize in temporal lobes. The tumor is prognosis.
benign and complete surgical resection is the Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor of the
choice of treatment. fourth ventricle (WHO grade I) is a rare benign
Anaplastic ganglioglioma (WHO grade III) is tumor of the fourth ventricle in young adults with
a rare, anaplastic variant of ganglioglioma that a good clinical prognosis. The tumor is composed
shows malignant features on the initial assessment of two histological components: neuronal
or upon recurrence. High-grade elements are cells forming neurocytic rosette and perivascular
almost invariable astrocytic cells and character- pseudorosettes and pilocytic astrocytoma
ized by hypercellularity, nuclear atypia, mitotic component.
activity, necrosis, and/or endothelial proliferation.
Desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma and Pineal Tumors
ganglioglioma (WHO grade I) is composed of a Pineal tumors are very rare and account for less
prominent desmoplastic stroma with neoplastic than 1% of brain tumors affecting adults of 30–40
astrocytes (desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma) years of age. The WHO classification subdivides
or both astrocytic and neuronal elements pineal tumors into three grades.
(desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma). These Pineocytoma (WHO grade I) is a well-
cystic tumors involve superficial cerebral cortex circumscribed benign tumor in the pineal gland
and leptomeninges, often attached to the dura. and made of small, uniform, mature pineocytes
These infantile benign tumors account for 15% forming pineocytomatous rosettes with nucleus-
of all infantile tumors. Surgical resection results in free space filled with a fine meshwork of cell
a long-term survival. processes. The tumor has a good prognosis with
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor a 5-year survival rate up to 100% without recur-
(WHO grade I) takes the form of intracortical rence after resection.
nodules of glial-neuronal cells with a patterned, Pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate
microcystic, or alveolar substructure. It occurs in differentiation (WHO grade II or III) is com-
children and young adults and accounts for 1.2% posed of diffuse sheets or clusters of uniform
of brain tumors. It is benign; patients present with pineocyte-like cells with mild to moderate nuclear
epilepsy; and surgery is the choice of treatment. atypia and mitotic activity. The 5-year survival
Central neurocytoma and extraventricular rate is from 39% up to 70%.
neurocytoma (WHO grade II) are composed of Pineoblastoma (WHO grade IV) is a highly
uniform round cells with neuronal differentiation. malignant primitive embryonal tumor of the
Brain Cancer Pathology 613

pineal gland and composed of dense sheets of combination of surgery, radiotherapy, and/or
undifferentiated small round cells accompanied chemotherapy.
by Homer Wright and Flexner-Wintersteiner CNS primitive neuroectodermal tumor
rosettes. The metastases of the tumors in the (WHO grade IV) describes a heterogeneous
brain and vertebra are the most common causes group of embryonal tumors affecting children B
of death. and adolescents. CNS/supratentorial PNET is
Papillary tumor of the pineal region (WHO used for undifferentiated embryonal tumors that
grade II/III) is a rare neuroepithelial tumor of the occur at any sites outside the cerebellum in the
pineal gland and characterized by papillary archi- CNS. CNS neuroblastoma or CNS ganglioneur-
tecture with the epithelial cells positive for kera- oblastoma is used for the tumor with only neuro-
tins. The majority of the tumors progress, nal differentiation. Medulloepithelioma is
particularly in the cases of incomplete resection characterized by papillary or tubular arrange-
and marked mitotic activity. ments of the cells mimicking the embryonic neu-
ral tubes. Ependymoblastoma is featured by
Embryonal Tumors distinctive multilayered rosettes. Children with
These highly malignant tumors originate CNS PNET have a worse overall 5-year survival
from embryonic precursors and thus have the rate compared with medulloblastoma. The prog-
capacity for neuronal and glial differentiation. nosis of medulloepithelioma and ependymo-
The term of “primitive neuroectodermal tumor blastoma is extremely poor with less than a year
(PNET)” was introduced for all embryonal survival time.
neuroepithelial tumors; however, it has become Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (WHO
clear later on that various embryonal tumors har- grade IV) is a highly malignant brain tumor in
bor distinct genetic defects and behavior young children and accounts for 1–2% of pediat-
differently. ric brain tumors. The tumor typically contains
Medulloblastoma (WHO grade IV) is the rhabdoid cells that express epithelial membrane
most common and malignant embryonal tumor antigen and vimentin. The tumors have variable
of the cerebellum in children (“▶ Pediatric Brain primitive neuroectodermal, mesenchymal, and
Tumors”). It represents 2–4% of brain tumors but epithelial components. The tumor can occur
20% of pediatric brain tumors. Nearly 5% of the sporadically or as part of a familiar tumor syn-
tumors are associated with familial tumor syn- drome. The genetic hallmark of the tumor is the
dromes caused by an inherited germ line gene mutation or loss of the INI1(hSNF5/SMARCB1)
mutation. This diffusely infiltrative tumor is com- locus at the chromosome 22q11.2. The overall
posed of densely packed small cells with high prognosis is poor with the mean survival time of
mitotic activity, neuronal differentiation, and 1–2 years.
Homer Wright rosette formation.
There are several histological variants: large
medulloblastoma characterized by cells with Cross-References
large round nuclei and prominent nucleoli,
desmoplastic medulloblastoma with widespread ▶ Astrocytoma
desmoplasia, medullomyoblastoma with ▶ Brain Tumors
rhabdomyoblastic cells, melanotic medulloblas- ▶ Cancer Epidemiology
toma with melanin pigment containing cells, and ▶ Glioblastoma Therapy
anaplastic medulloblastoma featured by marked ▶ Grading of Tumors
nuclear atypia and high mitotic activity. Medullo- ▶ Immunohistochemistry
blastoma tends to disseminate through the central ▶ Neuro-oncology: Primary CNS Tumors
nervous system (CNS) and occasionally metasta- ▶ Oligoastrocytomas
sizes in distance. Despite these, approximately ▶ Oligodendroglioma
70% medulloblastomas are cured with a ▶ Pediatric Brain Tumor
614 Brain Tumors

References related deaths, second only to leukemia in this age

group. The estimated 5-year relative survival rate
Burger PC, Scheithauer BW, Vogel FS (eds) (2002) Surgi- for malignant brain tumors is about 33%, but there
cal pathology of the nervous system and its coverings.
is much variation in survival, depending on tumor
Elsevier Health Sciences, New York
Louis DN, Ohgaki H, Wiestler OD, Cavenee WK histology. The 5-year survival rate exceeds 91% for
(2007) WHO classification of tumor of the central pilocytic astrocytomas but is about 5% for glioblas-
nervous system. In: Bosman FT, Jaffe ES, Lakhani tomas. Generally, the duration of survival follow-
SR, Ohgaki H (eds) World Health Organization classi-
ing diagnosis decreases with increasing age at
fication of tumors. International Agency for Research
on Cancer, Lyon diagnosis.

Brain Tumors
Classification and Pathology
Santhosh Kesari1, Gilbert J. Rahme2, Damian A. The cell of origin of commonly occurring brain
Almiron2 and Mark A. Israel2 tumors remains a topic of considerable debate.
Department of Translational Neuro-Oncology While much data suggests that glioma arise in
and Neurotherapeutics, John Wayne Cancer neural stem and progenitor cells evidence indi-
Institute, Providence St. John’s Health Center, cates that differentiated cells of the central ner-
Santa Monica, CA, USA vous system, including astrocytes and cortical
Departments of Pediatrics and of Genetics, neurons, can dedifferentiate into cells with neural
Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Geisel School of stem cell-like properties when an oncogenic event
Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, USA occurs and give rise to glioblastoma. Most com-
monly, the oncogenic changes that can cause such
a phenotype include enhanced H-Ras signaling
Definition along with decreased TP53 activity or enhanced
PDGF-B expression either alone or coupled with
Primary brain tumors present most commonly as decreased CDKN2A/B activity. Pathologically,
meningioma or various grades of ▶ astrocytoma. glioma are classified according to the World
Glioma, which includes astrocytoma constitute Health Organization (WHO) nomenclature and
80% of all malignant brain and central nervous grading criteria. Tumors that share cytologic and
system tumors. It is estimated that approximately histologic evidence of astrocytic differentiation
24,000 individuals will be diagnosed with cancer of are known as ▶ astrocytoma and are the most
the brain and nervous system in 2016, about 1.4% frequent primary intracranial neoplasms. Their
of all newly occurring malignancies. Of those diag- neuropathological appearance is highly variable.
nosed, there will be 13% more men than women. Tumors with evidence of oligodendroglial differ-
Primary brain and nervous system cancers will entiation are known as ▶ oligodendroglioma.
account 4% of the estimated 596,000 cancer deaths Some tumors that have cells reminiscent of
in 2016. Based on the report of the Central Brain both lineages are known as mixed
Tumor Registry of the United States, benign tumors ▶ oligoastrocytomas. Each of these tumor types
of the CNS arise in numbers comparable to malig- can be graded histologically according to a four-
nant brain tumors. In children and young adults, tiered system of increasing malignancy from
brain tumors are responsible for 25% of all cancer- Grades I through IV. Grade I, for example, has
an excellent prognosis following surgical exci-
sion, and Grade IV glioma or glioblastoma, has
Modified version of Hitoshi Y, Israel MA, Kuzontkoski
multiple features of clinical aggressiveness and is
PM (2012) Brain tumors. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, typically incurable. Hypercellularity with evi-
pp 477–481. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_709 dence of high mitotic activity, nuclear and
Brain Tumors 615

cytoplasmic atypia, endothelial proliferation, and the subsequent division of the proneural subtype
necrosis correspond closely to tumor malignancy into two subtypes: proneural G-CIMP (+) (gli-
and are most characteristically present in Grade oma-CpG island methylator profile) which has a
IV tumors. The overwhelming majority of glioma hypermethylator profile and is characterized by
arising in adults are high-grade and arise in a mutations in the IDH1 gene, and proneural B
supratentorial location. High-grade tumors do not G-CIMP (-) which lacks such a profile but has
have a clear margin separating neoplastic and nor- amplifications and gain-of-function mutations in
mal tissue. This finding is consistent with the obser- PDGFRA. Importantly, the proneural G-CIMP (-)
vation that tumor cells usually have infiltrated group has the worst prognosis amongst glioblas-
adjacent normal brain by the time of diagnosis, toma subtypes. Furthermore, the R132H point
when complete resection is oftentimes not possible. mutation in IDH1, which is observed almost
Tumor cells capable of initiating new tumor foci exclusively in the proneural G-CIMP (+) glioblas-
can now be recognized as tumor stem cells. toma subtype, has been shown to induce the
There is histologic heterogeneity and variation G-CIMP hypermethylated profile by affecting the
in the response of glioblastoma to all known ther- epigenetic profile of GBM leading to genome-wide
apies. While MGMT promoter methylation may transcriptional effects. Interestingly, even though
partially explain why some patients with glioblas- mutant IDH1 has been shown to cause G-CIMP,
toma respond better to DNA alkylation therapy inhibition of IDH1-R132H using a selective small
with the most widely used drug, temozolomide, molecule inhibitor does not convert the back the G-
than other patients, there are no other genes or CIMP profile. This suggests that the IDH1 mutant
histological differences that have provided induced epigenetic effects may not be reversible.
insights to the heterogeneity of tumor response Overall, these defined subtypes may provide an
to current methods of therapy. Transcriptomic explanation for why clinical trials of targeted ther-
analysis of GBM by multiple groups have led to apies, most notably those targeting EGFR and
an in-depth understanding of the complexity of PDGFR, have failed to show frequent responses
glioblastoma. The latest study by The Cancer in glioblastoma patients. Further, these molecular
Genome Atlas (TCGA) group identified four sub- subgroups provide a substantive basis of designing
groups of glioblastoma: proneural, classical, neu- future clinical trials within the framework of preci-
ral, and mesenchymal. These subgroups were sion medicine.
identified on the basis of gene expression differ- Cytogenetic examination of chromosomes
ences observed in a cohort of 200 GBM patients. within the cells of a brain tumor has revealed
The proneural subgroup is the least responsive to characteristic chromosomal regions that tend to
currently available therapies, including radiation be altered in specific tumor types (Table 1). Fre-
therapy and temozolomide. Subtype-specific gene quent sites for chromosomal DNA loss in astro-
alterations were observed and these include the cytic tumors include chromosomes 17p, 13q, and
amplification of PDGFRA in the proneural 9. In oligodendroglioma, DNA from 1p and 19q is
subtype, loss-of-function mutations of NF1 in frequently lost, and in meningioma, 22q is often
the mesenchymal subtype, and intragenic deletion lost. Molecular genetic analysis can also reveal
of EGFR yielding the mutant EGFRviii locus in evidence of tumor-specific genetic alterations at
the classical subtype. Amplification of EGFR sites where chromosomes appear normal upon
occurs frequently in glioblastoma and is observed cytogenetic analysis. Using a variety of molecular
most commonly in the neural, mesenchymal, and technologies, it has been possible to document the
classical subtypes. alteration of many different genes in brain tumors,
In depth DNA methylation analysis of glio- particularly astrocytic tumors (Table 1). In an effort
blastoma samples performed by the TCGA to document convincingly the genetic changes in
group has led to the subtyping of glioblastoma these tumors, TCGA performed genome wide
into 6 methylation clusters. This methylation anal- copy number and sequencing analysis of a multi-
ysis is of particular importance because it led to tude of tumors. We collected and present some of
616 Brain Tumors

Brain Tumors, Table 1 Cytogenetic and genetic alterations in brain tumors

Frequently copy number alterations
(amplified vs. deleted genes, >5%
astrocytoma and medulloblastoma, >3%
Frequently mutated genes (>2%, in oligodendroglioma and GBM, >4.5%
Tumor type decreasing order) oligoastrocytoma, in decreasing order)
Glioblastoma PTEN, TP53, EGFR, FLG, PIK3R1, NF1, EGFR, CDK4, FIP1L1, PDGFRA, CHIC2,
Astrocytoma IDH1, TP53, ATRX, PTEN, NF1, EGFR, EGFR, MYC, EXT1, CCND2, FGF23, FGF6,


Oligodendroglioma IDH1, CIC, TP53, NOTCH1, ATRX, FUBP1, RHEB, CREB3L2, KIAA1549, EZH2,


Oligoastrocytoma IDH1, TP53, ATRX, CIC, PIK3CA, PTK2, EPPK1, PLEC, RECQL4, MYC,


U2AF2, HDAC4, BRSK1, ZNF132,
Medulloblastoma CTNNB1, DDX3X, PTCH1, KMT2D, GLI2, CMYC, NMYC
Brain Tumors 617

the detected copy number and mutations observed development of different brain tumors. Patients
in glioblastoma, oligodendroglioma, astrocytoma, with ▶ Li–Fraumeni syndrome, caused by an
oligoastrocytoma, and medulloblastoma in inherited constitutional TP53 mutation, have a
Table 1. predisposition for the development of brain
While the particular constellation of genetic tumors. The TP53 gene, located on chromosome B
alterations that activate oncogenes and inactivate 17p, has been found to influence multiple cellular
tumor suppressor genes varies among individual functions thought to be important in tumorigene-
brain tumors that appear to be histologically indis- sis. TP53 mutations have been reported in sporad-
tinguishable, an accumulation of mutations is typ- ically arising astrocytic tumors of all grades and
ically associated with increasingly aggressive occur in approximately 34% of astrocytomas, and
malignant behavior. Glioblastoma typically pre- 14% of glioblastoma. Other brain tumor predis-
sents without evidence of a precursor lesion, position syndromes associated with the inactiva-
referred to as de novo or primary tion of one copy of a particular gene in the germ
glioblastoma. These tumors typically have evi- line include ▶ neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1
dence for chromosome 10 deletions in the region gene), which is associated with meningioma and
where the tumor suppressor PTEN is known to be optic glioma; ▶ neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2
located and activation of the ▶ epidermal growth gene), which is associated with acoustic neuroma
factor receptor (EGFR) gene either by amplifica- and glioma; familial ▶ retinoblastoma (Rb gene),
tion or deletion of 275 amino acids from the which is associated with retinoblastoma and
extracellular domain of the receptor yielding the pinealoblastoma; ▶ von Hippel–Lindau syn-
EGFRviii variant of EGFR. These and closely drome (VHL gene), which is associated with cer-
related mutations occur frequently in glioblas- ebellar hemangioblastoma; ▶ tuberous sclerosis
toma. EGFR amplification and activation by muta- (TSC1 and TSC2 genes), which is associated
tion occurs in 15% of low-grade astrocytomas and with subependymal giant cell astrocytoma;
about 48% of glioblastoma, indicating that this ▶ Turcot Syndrome (APC gene), which is associ-
molecular change is principally associated with ated with astrocytoma and medulloblastoma;
the progression from low- or intermediate-grade and Gorlin Syndrome (PTCH gene), which is
neoplasia to high-grade astrocytic neoplasia. In associated with desmoplastic medulloblastoma.
fewer than 10% of cases, glioblastoma arises in The second most common primary brain tumor
association with progressive genetic alterations is oligodendroglioma, which has a more benign
after the diagnosis of a lower-grade astrocytoma. course than astrocytoma. Many gliomas have
These tumors are referred to as secondary glioblas- mixtures of cells with astrocytic and oligoden-
toma. Apart from EGFR, the most frequent alter- droglial features. If this mixed histology is prom-
ations in GBM include lesions in PDGFRa, TP53, inent, the tumor is termed a mixed glioma or an
CDKN2A/B, PTEN, RB1, and CDK4 as summa- ▶ oligoastrocytoma. Many investigators believe
rized in Table 1. that the greater the oligodendroglial component,
The protein products of tumor suppressor the more benign the clinical course. The presence
genes are proteins that act to regulate or suppress of such histologic characteristics as mitosis, necro-
cell growth or promote cell death. These genes are sis, and nuclear atypia generally is associated with a
inactivated during tumorigenesis, and several more aggressive clinical course. If these features are
such genes have been implicated in the develop- prominent, the tumor is termed a malignant
ment of astrocytoma. Occasionally, inactivation oligodendroglioma. The highest-grade oligoden-
of one of these alleles in the germ line can occur droglioma is indistinguishable from glioblastoma.
without disturbing development, and patients who Other malignant primary brain tumors include
carry germ line mutations of some tumor suppres- primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) such
sor genes can be predisposed to the development as medulloblastoma, ependymoma, atypical
of cancer. Several inherited cancer predisposition teratoid/▶ rhabdoid tumor; ▶ germinoma; and
syndromes are known to be associated with the CNS lymphoma. Cerebral PNETs and
618 Brain Tumors

medulloblastoma, a PNET that arises in the pos- often benign also occur in the nervous system.
terior fossa, are highly cellular malignant tumors Meningioma are derived from cells of the arachnoid
thought to arise in neural precursor cells. These membranes. They are more frequent in women than
tumors most commonly occur in children and are in men, with a peak incidence in middle age.
difficult to distinguish from one another and typ- Meningioma rarely have histological evidence of
ically appear histologically as sheets of small malignancy. Other tumors that have a benign clini-
round malignant cells. Germ line mutation of cal course include giant cell astrocytoma, pleomor-
PTCH and SUFU in rare patients has called atten- phic xanthroastrocytoma, neurocytoma, and
tion to the importance of sonic hedgehog signal- gangliogliomas. Colloid cysts, dermoid cysts, and
ing in medulloblastoma. Similarly, APC germ line epidermoid cysts also occur in the brain.
mutations in rare patients implicate WNT signal-
ing as well. Analysis of the TCGA database in Clinical Presentation of Brain Tumor Patients
addition to other research confirmed the impor- The most common symptoms that bring patients
tance of APC and Sonic Hedgehog signaling in with a tumor arising in the brain to their physician
medulloblastoma and is consistent with these sig- include a slow progressive focal neurological dis-
naling pathways driving the malignancy of two ability, or a nonfocal neurological syndrome such
out of four molecular subtypes of medulloblas- as headache, dementia, gait disorder, or seizure.
toma. Ependymomas are rare tumors, and when The presence of systemic symptoms suggest a
these occur in children, they typically are within tumor from some other location that may have
the fourth ventricle, where they are thought to metastasized to the brain, since patients with pri-
arise from cells lining the fourth ventricle. In mary brain tumors typically do not exhibit sys-
adults, they arise more frequently in the spinal temic symptoms. Patients with primary brain
cord. Patients with neurofibromatosis type 2 are tumors rarely have any biochemical abnormali-
at increased risk of developing ependymoma, and ties; thus, CT (computerized tomography) and
30% of sporadically occurring tumors exhibit MR (magnetic resonance) imaging are key diag-
deletion of Ch22q where the NF2 gene is located. nostic modalities for the identification of brain
Histologically, these tumors exhibit diagnostic tumors. The characteristic imaging features of
ependymal rosettes. Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid brain tumors are mass effect, edema, and contrast
tumors histologically appear as fields of undiffer- enhancement. Positron emission tomography
entiated malignant neuroectodermal cells that are (PET) scanning and single photon emission com-
indistinguishable from the histological appear- puted tomography (SPECT) have ancillary roles
ance of PNET, except for infrequent cells that in the imaging of brain tumors. Meningiomas and
exhibit evidence of rhabdoid differentiation and other slow-growing tumors may be found inciden-
the presence of mesenchymal and epithelial ele- tally on a CT or MRI scan or they may present
ments. Germinomas arise most commonly during with a focal seizure, a slow progressive focal
the second decade of life at midline locations. deficit, or symptoms of increased intracranial
Both malignant and benign variants occur fre- pressure. Brain tumors are also recognizable in
quently. These tumors present with hypothala- many inherited syndromes including von Reck-
mic–pituitary dysfunction and visual field deficits. linghausen syndrome (▶ neurofibromatosis type
Primary CNS lymphomas are most commonly 1), ▶ neurofibromatosis type 2, ▶ Li–Fraumeni
seen in immunocompromised patients and have a syndrome, ▶ multiple endocrine neoplasia type
clinical presentation similar to other primary brain 1, tuberous sclerosis syndrome, ▶ Turcot syn-
tumors with signs and symptoms referable to cere- drome, and Gorlin syndrome.
bral and cranial nerve involvement. Imaging studies
typically demonstrate a uniformly enhancing mass Clinical Management of Brain Tumor Patients
lesion. Secondary CNS lymphoma almost always and Prognosis
occurs in association with the progression of sys- Stereotaxic needle biopsy may establish the his-
temic disease. Several kinds of tumors that are most tological diagnosis of primary brain tumor,
Brain Tumors 619

although open biopsy is also often utilized to complications of venous thrombosis that occurs
establish the diagnosis. The primary modality of in these patients.
treatment for most primary brain tumors is sur- The prognosis for patients with primary brain
gery. The goals of surgery are to obtain tissue for tumors varies greatly as a function of the histology
pathological examination, to remove tumor, to and location of the tumor. Benign tumors are often B
control mass effect, and to reduce dependence cured by surgery alone. ▶ Germinomas and
on steroids. In the case of low-grade and benign medulloblastoma are more sensitive to cytotoxic
tumors, the removal of tumor tissue can be cura- therapies than are other brain tumors, and the
tive or contribute substantially to extending the prognosis for patients with these tumors is gener-
time to symptomatic progression. In higher-grade ally better than for patients with high-grade gli-
tumors, the role of surgery in contributing to cura- oma. In modern studies, the median survival of
tive therapy is less clearly defined, but in younger patients with high-grade glioma is 1–2 years.
patients, most surgeons aggressively pursue the
removal of as much tumor as possible. Following Complications of Therapy
total excision of an ependymoma, the prognosis is Neurological damage associated with surgical
excellent. However, many ependymomas cannot intervention presents a key challenge in the man-
be totally excised. Following surgery, radiation agement of brain tumors. Furthermore, the ner-
therapy has been shown to prolong survival and vous system is vulnerable to injury by therapeutic
improve the quality of life of patients with high- radiation, and this is frequently manifested by
grade glioma, PNET, ependymoma, or meningi- neuropsychological compromise and disability,
oma when malignant histologic elements can be particularly in very young children who have
pathologically identified within the tumor. been treated with high doses of radiation. Patho-
The medical management of most brain logically, there is demyelination, hyaline degen-
tumors is symptomatic, although a role for che- eration of small arterioles, and eventually brain
motherapy is clearly defined in oligoden- infarction and necrosis. Endocrine dysfunction is
droglioma and medulloblastoma. In patients also commonly seen when the hypothalamus or
with oligodendroglioma, a combination of pro- pituitary gland has been exposed to therapeutic
carbazine, lomustine, and vincristine has been radiation. Depending on the radiated field, sec-
shown to be most effective in patients with a ondary tumors such as glioma, meningioma, sar-
deletion of chromosome 1p/19q deletion and coma, and thyroid cancer occur following
IDH1 mutation. Various combination therapies radiation therapy. Toxicities associated with che-
have been shown to contribute to the treatment motherapy can be significant, but they are not
of medulloblastoma, which has a propensity to usually different from the toxicities associated
spread throughout the neuroaxis. If medulloblas- with comparable treatments for tumors arising
toma is limited to the posterior fossa and elsewhere in the body.
completely resected, this tumor has a good prog-
nosis. Temozolomide given during radiation
therapy for glioblastoma has been shown to con- Cross-References
tribute to longer overall survival time. ▶ Chemo-
therapy and radiation therapy typically play a ▶ Astrocytoma
central role in the treatment of ▶ germinoma, ▶ CDKN2A
although there is a role for surgery as well. ▶ Chemotherapy
Patients whose brain tumors are associated with ▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
surrounding cerebral edema benefit symptomati- ▶ Germinoma
cally from the administration of high doses of ▶ INK4A
glucocorticoids. Anticonvulsants are useful in ▶ Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
the control of seizures. Some glioma patients ▶ MDM2
receive anticoagulation therapy to avoid ▶ Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
620 BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Cancer Risk

▶ Neurofibromatosis 1 (2012) Neural Stem Cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-

▶ Neurofibromatosis 2 dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
2478. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4023
▶ Neuro-oncology: Primary CNS Tumors (2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
▶ Oligoastrocytomas 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2747.
▶ Oligodendroglioma doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331
▶ Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (2012) Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor. In: Schwab M
(ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
▶ Retinoblastoma Heidelberg, pp 2988–2989. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
▶ Rhabdoid Tumor 16483-5_4744
▶ Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (2012) Radiation Therapy. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
3144. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4907
▶ Turcot syndrome (2012) RB1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
▶ Von Hippel-Lindau Disease 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3189.
(2012) Tuberous Sclerosis Syndrome. In: Schwab M (ed)
References Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, p 3792. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
Alentorn A et al (2015) Molecular profiling of gliomas: 5_6010
potential therapeutic implications. Expert Rev Antican- (2012) Vincristine. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cer Ther 15(8):955–962 Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3908.
American Cancer Society (2016) Cancer facts & figures. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6188
Atlanta, The American Cancer Society
Bernstein M, Berger MS (2008) Neuro-Oncology: The
essentials. New York, Thieme
Ellison DW (2015) Multiple molecular data sets and the
classification of adult diffuse gliomas. N Engl J Med BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations
Ostrom QT et al (2015) CBTRUS statistical report: primary
and Breast Cancer Risk
brain and central nervous system tumors TCGA data
portal overview. The Cancer Genome Atlas. National Peter Devilee
Cancer Institute, National Human Genome Research Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical
Institute. https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/tcga/
Center, Leiden, The Netherlands

See Also
(2012) Anaplastic Astrocytoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- Definition
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
berg, p 169. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_256 Mutations in the breast cancer genes BRCA1 and
(2012) Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor. In: Schwab M
BRCA2 cause elevated risks to ▶ breast cancer
(ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, p 304. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- and ▶ ovarian cancer. BRCA1 maps to chromo-
5_454 some 17 (band q21); BRCA2 maps to chromo-
(2012) Cerebral Edema. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia some 13 (band q12).
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 750.
At the genetic level there are interesting anal-
(2012) Glioma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- ogies between the two genes, even though they are
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1557. not detectably related by sequence. Both genes are
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2423 large (coding regions of 5.6 and 10.2 kb, respec-
(2012) Glucocorticoids. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia tively), complex (22 and 26 coding exons, respec-
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1558.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2429 tively), and span about 80 kb of genomic
(2012) Gorlin Syndrome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia DNA. Both have extremely large central exons
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1586. encoding >50% of the protein. The majority of
the mutations in both genes detected to date lead
(2012) Lymphoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2124. to premature termination of protein translation,
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3463 presumably resulting in an inactive truncated
BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Cancer Risk 621

protein. Gene changes are distributed nearly ubiq- such a mutation. The estimated cumulative risk of
uitously over the coding exons and immediate breast cancer conferred by BRCA2 reached 84%
flanking introns. Even though more than half of by age 70. The corresponding ovarian cancer risk
all mutations are found only once, many muta- was 27% (Fig. 1). These estimates imply that
tions have been detected repeatedly in certain BRCA2 mutations are about as prevalent as B
populations. For most of these, this has been BRCA1 mutations. It has been suggested that the
shown to be the result of a founder effect: these ovarian cancer risks are dependent on the position
mutations arose once a long time ago and have of the mutation in the gene, for BRCA1 as well as
since spread in certain populations. Typical foun- BRCA2 mutations. There is also some evidence
der mutations are the 1185delAG and 15382insC that cancer risks can be modified by other factors.
in BRCA1 and 26174delT in BRCA2 that have a For example, a strong variability in phenotype can
joint frequency of about 2.5% among individuals be seen among families segregating the same
of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. mutation. This can range from early-onset breast
cancer and ovarian cancer to late-onset breast
cancer without ovarian cancer. Even within a sin-
Characteristics gle pedigree, ages of onset of cancer can vary
substantially. It seems likely that environmental
Clinical Characteristics and hormonally related factors (smoking, oral
Female carriers of a deleterious BRCA1 mutation contraceptives) importantly co-determine disease
were estimated by the Breast Cancer Linkage outcome in carriers.
Consortium (BCLC) to have an 87% cumulative
risk to develop breast cancer before the age of Molecular and Cellular Characteristics
70 and 40–63% risk to develop ovarian cancer
before that age (Fig. 1). The gene frequency of Tumor Suppressor Genes
BRCA1 was estimated at 1 in 833 women, imply- The first clues to the roles of BRCA1 and BRCA2
ing that 1.7% of all breast cancer patients diag- in tumorigenesis were genetic. The fact that most
nosed between the ages of 20 and 70 are carrier of germline mutations are predicted to inactivate the

60% Breast/BRCA2
Cum. risk

50% Ovary/BRCA2
40% Breast/BRCA1
30% Ovary/BRCA1
30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)

BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Can- data, which is determined only by disease phenotype
cer Risk, Fig. 1 Overall penetrances of BRCA1 and data. This will give an unbiased estimation of the pene-
BRCA2 for breast and ovarian cancer. Estimates were trance irrespective of ascertainment of families on the basis
obtained by maximizing the LOD score with respect to of multiple affected individuals (Data were compiled from
all the different penetrance functions in those families with Ford et al. (1994, 1998)). The graphs can be read in such a
strong evidence of the breast and ovarian cancers being way that, for example, an unaffected carrier of a BRCA1
caused by the gene (done by linkage analysis). This is mutation has a 50% risk to develop breast cancer before
equivalent to maximizing the likelihood of the marker age 50
622 BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Cancer Risk

protein, and the observed loss of the wild type proliferation of breast epithelial cells during
allele in almost all breast and ovarian cancers puberty, pregnancy, and lactation. Intriguingly,
arising in mutation carriers, are strong indicators BRCA1 might suppress estrogen-dependent
that BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins act as ▶ tumor mammary epithelial proliferation by inhibiting
suppressor genes. This is supported by the finding ▶ estrogen receptor-alpha (ER-a) mediated tran-
that induced overexpression of wild type but not scriptional pathways related to cell proliferation.
mutant BRCA1 in MCF-7 breast cancer cells Whatever the cellular function of BRCA1, it
leads to growth inhibition and inhibited tumor appears to be regulated by phosphorylation: it
growth in nude mice. becomes hyperphosphorylated at G1/S with
dephosphorylation occurring at M phase.
Expression of BRCA1 and BRCA2 BRCA1 might regulate the G1/S checkpoint by
In normal cells, BRCA1 and BRCA2 encode binding hypophosphorylated ▶ retinoblastoma
nuclear proteins, preferentially expressed during protein. BRCA1 and BRCA2 have also been
the late-G1/early-S phase of the ▶ cell cycle but suggested to regulate the G2/M checkpoint by
downregulated in quiescent cells. While appar- controlling the assembly of the mitotic spindle
ently at odds with the observations that BRCA1 and the appropriate segregation of chromosomes
expression inhibits cellular proliferation, the to daughter cells.
proliferation-induced expression could represent
a negative feedback loop tending to decrease BRCA1- and BRCA2-Related Breast
breast cancer risk. However, BRCA1 Cancer A close examination of the ▶ pathology
expression can also be upregulated in a of BRCA1- and BRCA2-related breast cancers
proliferation-independent way in mammary epi- has defined a typical pathology for each category,
thelial cells induced to differentiate into lactating differing from that in sporadic cases. In general,
cells by glucocorticoids. Hence, BRCA1 might cancers in carriers are of higher grade than
also play a role in controlling mammary gland age-matched controls (Fig. 2), and the BRCA1
development. In mice, expression of BRCA1 cancers more frequently display a “medullary”-
and BRCA2 is coordinately upregulated with like appearance. This is due to a higher mitotic




40% Grade 1
Grade 2
30% Grade 3



Controls BRCA1 BRCA2

BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Can- breast cancer cases served as control. The overall grade of
cer Risk, Fig. 2 BRCA1- and BRCA2-related breast can- both BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancers was significantly
cers are generally of higher grade than age-matched higher than that of controls (p < 0.0001 and p < 0.04,
controls. Histological sections from 118 breast tumors respectively). For BRCA1 breast cancers, this was due to
attributable to BRCA1 and 78 attributable to BRCA2 higher scores for all three grade indices; whereas, for
were evaluated by five histopathologists, all experts in BRCA2 breast cancers, the grade was only significantly
breast disease. Every slide was seen by two pathologists. higher for tubule formation (Data taken from The Breast
An age-matched group of 547 apparently sporadic female Cancer Linkage Consortium (1997))
BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Cancer Risk 623

count and lymphocytic infiltrate. BRCA2-related high priori familial risk in Clinical Genetic Cen-
breast cancers generally show fewer mitoses and ters or multidisciplinary Cancer Family Clinics.
less tubule formation. For both BRCA1- and A few studies have presented models to determine
BRCA2-related cancers, greater proportions of the prior probability that the counselee is a BRCA
the tumor show continuous pushing margins. mutation carrier, by combining breast cancer and B
Although a role for BRCA1 and BRCA2 in ovarian cancer family history data with results
noninherited sporadic breast cancer is unclear, from comprehensive mutation testing. These
protein expression of BRCA1 is reduced in most models enable the genetic counselor to decide
sporadic advanced (grade III) ▶ ductal when a DNA-test is indicated.
Why Take the DNA-Test?
BRCA1 and BRCA2 as Caretakers of A clear positive result of the DNA-test, i.e., the
the Genome To date, several biological roles for presence of a deleterious mutation, is being used to
BRCA1 and BRCA2 have been demonstrated, and enter these women into early-detection cancer
a number of observations indicate that they func- screening programs or in the decision for or against
tion in a similar pathway. Both maintain genomic prophylactic surgery. A woman in whom breast
stability through their involvement in ▶ homolo- cancer has just been diagnosed can benefit from
gous recombination repair, transcription-coupled knowledge about gene carrier status, since the risks
repair of ▶ oxidative DNA damage, and DNA to the contralateral breast and ovary must be con-
double-strand break repair. These roles are sidered. The treatment of such cancer by lumpec-
suggested by interactions of the Brca1 and/or tomy will not reduce recurrence risks dramatically,
Brca2 proteins with proteins known to be involved as opposed to complete mastectomy. Healthy
in ▶ repair of DNA damage, most notably RAD50 women who test positive can take action to prevent
and RAD51. Murine embryonic stem cells and cancer developing, although the efficacy of the
mice in which both copies of BRCA1 or BRCA2 preventive options currently offered to a woman
have been mutated show a repair deficiency and remains without formal supporting evidence.
defects in cell-cycle checkpoints. BRCA1 and ▶ Chemoprevention is still controversial, and
BRCA2 play a role as transcription factor, through good prospective data on BRCA carriers will prob-
interactions or complex formation with RNA poly- ably never become available, given the ethical and
merase II and various transcriptional regulators, clinical difficulties surrounding randomization.
although this is presently more firmly established Prophylactic surgery, intuitively the most secure
for BRCA1 than for BRCA2. A transcriptional way to reduce breast cancer risk to below popula-
response to DNA damage is well documented, tion levels, is socially ill accepted in many parts of
and identification of downstream targets of the world, and formal proof of its preventive effect
BRCA1/2-mediated transcription regulation in BRCA carriers is also lacking. Clearly, this area
might help to further understand how BRCA1 is fraught with clinical dilemmas.
and BRCA2 suppress tumor formation. ▶ Micro-
array-based screening of genes regulated by Interpreting a Negative Test Result
BRCA1 fall into two categories: cell-cycle control Paradoxically, a negative test result (the absence
genes and DNA ▶ damage response genes. of a deleterious mutation) presently still has lim-
ited power in excluding the presence of a strong
Clinical Relevance risk allele. A negative test result is presently being
found in 70–80% of all probands tested in most
When to Take the DNA-Test? non-Ashkenazi Jewish populations. Among pro-
Diagnosis of gene defects became possible after bands with a family history for ovarian cancer, a
the identification of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in 1994 negative test result is found less frequently
and 1995, respectively. In many countries, testing (although still in 40–60% of the cases). There
for mutations is being offered to women with a are several levels of uncertainty.
624 BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Cancer Risk

• The first is technical: no single mutation- BRCA2. The K3326X mutation was found in
detection method is 100% sensitive, and there- 2.2% of over 400 controls tested. Only a few
fore only exhaustive testing, using a range of missense mutations (e.g., BRCA1C61G) have
different methodologies sensitive to various been called a deleterious disease-related muta-
types of mutation-mechanisms, and investigat- tion, mainly because they reside in a validated
ing the entire coding regions and regulatory functional domain of the protein or affect an
domains can detect any changes. This is obvi- evolutionary conserved residue. As a result,
ously very cost- and labor-intensive. about 35% of all the distinct gene changes
• The second level of uncertainty relates to the detected to date are lumped into the “unclassi-
interpretation of sequence changes that do not fied variant” category, meaning that their rele-
predict a truncated protein. Of the almost 5,000 vance to disease outcome is uncertain. Almost
BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations submitted to certainly, a substantial proportion of these rep-
the Breast Cancer Information Core (BIC) resent rare polymorphisms, but equally cer-
database, about one third are either missense, tainly, a number of them will turn out to be
in-frame deletions or insertions, base- true deleterious mutations.
substitutions not leading to an amino acid
change (neutral changes), or intronic changes The entire Breast Cancer Information Core
with unknown effect on mRNA processing (BIC) database was downloaded on March
(Table 1). Only a small proportion of these 1, 2000 from http://www.nhgri.nih.gov/Intramu
have been unmasked as polymorphisms ral_research/Lab_transfer/Bic. There were 3,086
unrelated to disease outcome. They include BRCA1 mutations and 1,892 BRCA2 mutations.
missense mutation and intron variants, but, The total numbers of distinct changes were
intriguingly, also a nonsense mutation in 724 and 670, respectively.

• A third reason for a negative test result is that

the familial clustering of breast cancer in a
BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and Breast Cancer
Risk, Table 1 Mutation types in BRCA1 and BRCA2 and family is due to an unknown gene or in fact is
their predicted effects a nongenetic chance event. The proportion of
BRCA1 BRCA2 truly missed, deleterious mutations is therefore
% of % of % of % of difficult to gauge. A study by the BCLC has
Total Distinct Total Distinct suggested that a combination of incomplete
Mutation type testing and missed or misinterpreted gene
Frameshifting 47.1 38.7 33.7 36.5 changes causes false-negative test results in
Nonsense 11.3 11.1 11.5 10.2 over 30% of all family types with some
Splice-site 4.4 7.9 2.2 3.6 evidence of being linked to BRCA1. This pro-
In-frame 0.6 1.8 0.4 1.0 portion was independent of the mutation-
screening methodology used.
Missense 28.4 28.4 44.3 35.4
Neutral 3.5 3.9 3.1 5.5
Intronic 4.7 8.3 4.9 7.8
Mutation effect Cross-References
Protein 62.6 56.9 41.4 47.9
truncating ▶ Breast Cancer Familial Risk
Missense 2.2 1.5 0.7 1.9 ▶ Cell Cycle Checkpoint
Neutral 11.0 7.2 14.4 13.7 ▶ Contralateral Breast Cancer
polymorphism ▶ DNA Oxidation Damage
Unclassified 24.2 34.4 43.4 36.4 ▶ Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
▶ Microarray (cDNA) Technology
Breast Cancer 625

References in women in developed countries after lung can-

cer. Both men and women can be diagnosed with
Devilee P (1999) BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing: weighing breast cancer, but it is more prevalent in women.
the demand against the benefits. Am J Hum Genet
Clinical breast cancer forms when cells in breast
Ford D et al (1994) Risks of cancer in BRCA1-mutation tissues become malignant and grow uncontrolla- B
carriers. Lancet 343:692–695 bly. The same breast cancer cells can leave the
Ford D, Easton DF, Stratton M et al (1998) Genetic het- primary site and metastasize (see “▶ Metastasis”)
erogeneity and penetrance analysis of the BRCA1 and
in other parts of body. There are several types of
BRCA2 genes in breast cancer families. Am J Hum
Genet 62:676–689 breast cancer, but the most common type is ductal
Lakhani SR, Jacquemier J, Sloane JP et al (1998) Multi- carcinoma in situ, which originates in the lining of
factorial analysis of differences between sporadic the ducts and is confined within the breast duct(s).
breast cancers and cancers involving BRCA1 and
When ductal carcinoma spreads into surrounding
BRCA2 mutations. J Natl Cancer Inst 90:1138–1145
Ponder B (1997) Genetic testing for cancer risk. Science tissues, it is called invasive ductal carcinoma.
278:1050–1054 Invasive ductal carcinoma accounts for 80% of
The Breast Cancer Linkage Consortium (1997) Pathology invasive breast cancer. About 10% of invasive
of familial lung cancer: differences between breast can-
carcinomas are invasive lobular carcinomas
cers in carriers of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations and
sporadic cases. Lancet 349:1505–1510 which begin in the milk-producing glands
Welcsh PL, Owens KN, King MC (2000) Insights into the (lobules) and spread into surrounding tissues.
functions of BRCA1 and BRCA2. Trends Genet Other rare types of invasive breast carcinomas
include inflammatory (see “▶ Inflammation”)
breast cancer, triple-negative breast cancer, and
mammary Paget disease.
BRCA1-Associated Ring Domain 1

▶ BARD1 Characteristics

Risk Factors
Breast Adenocarcinoma It is not known what causes breast cancer; yet
there are several genetic and environmental links
▶ Metastatic Breast Cancer Experimental that predispose an individual to breast cancer
Therapeutics development.

Breast cancer incidence increases dramatically
Breast Cancer
with age. Women aged 20–30 are diagnosed
with breast cancer at a rate of 1 in 10,000, while
Seda Ayer1, Garima Sinha1,2, Margarette Bryan1
the incidence of breast cancer is 1 in 500 in
and Pranela Rameshwar1,2
women over the age of 60.
Department of Medicine – Hematology/
Oncology, Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School,
Newark, NJ, USA
2 The vast majority of breast cancers are not hered-
Rutgers Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
itary, although women who have one or more first-
at New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, USA
degree relatives with breast cancer or ovarian
cancer do have a higher risk to develop breast
Definition cancer compared to women with no history of
breast or ovarian cancer in the family. Defects in
Breast cancer is a leading cause of death in devel- certain genes can increase the risk of breast cancer
oping countries and second leading cause of death development. BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have
626 Breast Cancer

been linked to familial breast cancer. In addition, until years after the initial growth. During the
most breast cancer showed dysfunctional expres- early stages of breast cancer, subjects show no
sion of p53, CHEK2, ATM, and PALB2 genes. symptoms. With the progression of the disease
several symptoms aid in detection and diagnosis.
Reproductive Factors These symptoms include a lump or lumps in the
It is believed that longer exposure to estrogen breast, bloody nipple discharge, pain in the breast,
increases breast cancer risk. Women who started thickening of the breast skin, and swollen lymph
their menstrual cycle before age 12 and/or late nodes in the neck and armpits. Mammogram
menopause at age >55 years have slightly screening for women over the age of 40 could be
increased risk of breast cancer. Nulliparity and important in early detection, but could also miss
late pregnancy (after age 30) also increase breast the cancer due to low sensitivity of mammogram
cancer risk, while breastfeeding has preventative scans. Breasts with high-density tissue are harder
effect. to analyze in a mammogram compared to breasts
with low-density tissue. It was believed that high
Obesity and Physical Activity breast density was associated with increased risk
Obesity (see “▶ Obesity and Cancer Risk”) has of breast cancer, but recent studies show the dif-
been linked to postmenopausal breast cancer. ference is negligible (Sickles 2010).
However, this risk factor remains to be determined The discovery of a lump during self-
by larger controlled studies. Regular physical examination of the breast or a doctor’s physical
activity has been associated with a reduction of exam is often the first indication of breast cancer.
breast cancer incidence. Advanced methods such as biopsy, mammogra-
phy, MRI, computed tomography, and ultrasound
Radiation are used to detect and diagnose the lump. After
Ionizing radiation (see “▶ Ionizing Radiation detection, breast cancer is staged based on the
Therapy”) has been shown to be a major risk TNM system: tumor size (T), lymph node
factor for breast cancer. Patients who underwent involvement (N), and metastasis to different
radiation therapy in the chest area have increased parts of the body (M). The TNM system is
risk of breast cancer. Survivors of atomic bomb accepted worldwide as the standard for cancer
and nuclear plant accidents also have higher diagnosis. (T), (N), and (M) categories are
incidence. followed by numbers to describe how large the
breast cancer is T(0–4), lymph node spread N
Alcohol (0–3), and the presence or absence of metastasis
In premenopausal women daily consumption of M(0–1). The higher the number in each category,
one to two glass of alcohol (see “▶ Alcohol Con- the more advanced the cancer. After (T), (N), and
sumption”) is associated with increased levels of (M) categories are determined, breast cancer is
estrogen. It is thought that high estrogen levels staged into five groups (0–V).
increase breast cancer risk. However, recent stud- Based on endocrine status, breast cancer is
ies show that adequate folate intake among further classified into four different types:
premenopausal women can reduce alcohol-
associated breast cancer risk. 1. Endocrine receptor positive
Breast cancer cells that test positive for
Hormone Therapy estrogen (see “▶ Estrogen Receptor”) or pro-
Women who received hormone replacement ther- gesterone receptors are considered endocrine
apy have increased risk of breast cancer. receptor positive. They respond to hormone
therapy well. Patients often receive hormone
Breast Cancer Symptoms and Diagnosis therapy after they undergo surgery, radiation,
Detecting breast cancer early can be a challenge. and/or chemotherapy. Several drugs are used in
Breast cancer may not be clinically detectable hormone therapy, but tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
Breast Cancer 627

and aromatase inhibitors (see “▶ Aromatase adenocarcinoma, it is believed that Paget cells,
and Its Inhibitors”) are the most common large round epithelial cells with abundant cyto-
drugs used in clinic. Tamoxifen stops the plasm, travel through the milk ducts and invade
growth of hormone receptor-positive breast the epidermis of the nipple or areola. In Paget
cancer cells by blocking the action of estrogen. disease without any underlying adenocarcinoma, B
Aromatase inhibitors are class of drugs that it is believed that Paget cells arise from the epi-
inhibit production of estrogen and are used in dermis. Diagnosis of Paget disease is often
postmenopausal women. delayed because of a misdiagnosis as a benign
2. HER2 positive skin condition. The definitive diagnosis is
Ten to 20% of breast cancers express exces- achieved with full depth nipple/areola biopsy. If
sive amounts of HER2 (see “▶ HER-2/neu”) not treated, Paget cells migrate into lymph nodes
protein often due to amplification. HER2- and metastasize (see “▶ Metastasis”) to different
positive breast cancers tend to be more aggres- parts of the body. Mammary Paget disease is
sive, and patients have increased relapse rates treated with a combination of lumpectomy or
after traditional chemotherapy. Patients benefit mastectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy. The
from treatment with trastuzumab (Herceptin) 5- and 10-year survival rates are 59% and 44%,
which is given in conjunction with chemother- respectively.
apy. In addition to trastuzumab, several other
Her2-targeting drugs have been developed and Targeted Breast Cancer Therapies
are currently used in clinic. Increased understanding in breast cancer biology
3. Triple positive has led to development of targeted drugs (see
Breast cancer that tests positive for estrogen “▶ Targeted Drug Delivery”). Unlike chemother-
and progesterone receptors and HER2 protein apy and radiation which cause massive side
is classified as triple positive. A combination of effects, targeted therapies are designed to kill
hormone therapy and drugs that block Her2 breast cancer cells and spare healthy cells. Tamox-
protein is used to treat triple-positive breast ifen is considered targeted drug because it blocks
cancers in conjugation with chemotherapy. the effects of estrogen. Drugs that block Her2
4. Triple negative protein are another example of targeted drugs.
Breast cancer that tests negative for estro- An increasing number of small molecules are
gen and progesterone receptors and does not being developed and tested in clinical trials that
express HER2 protein is categorized as triple target angiogenesis, mTOR (see “▶ Mammalian
negative. Triple-negative breast cancers Target of Rapamycin”), ERK, cyclin-dependent
respond very well to chemotherapy initially; kinases, and proteasome.
however the recurrence rate is high.

Mammary Paget Disease Cross-References

Mammary Paget disease is a rare type of breast
adenocarcinoma that accounts for 1–3% of all ▶ Amplification
breast cancer cases. Mammary Paget disease ▶ Angiogenesis
affects the epidermis of the nipple and/or areola ▶ Aromatase and Its Inhibitors
causing irritation, ulceration, itching, and bleed- ▶ BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and
ing. In 96–100% of cases, mammary Paget dis- Breast Cancer Risk
ease is accompanied by localized ductal or lobular ▶ Cyclin-Dependent Kinases
carcinomas with the remaining minority of cases ▶ Estrogen Receptor
presenting without any underlying adenocarci- ▶ Herceptin
noma. The origin of precursor cells in Paget dis- ▶ Ionizing Radiation Therapy
ease is not clearly elucidated. In the case of ▶ Metastasis
mammary Paget disease with underlying ▶ Obesity and Cancer Risk
628 Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance

▶ Proteasome (SERMs).” SERMs inhibit estrogen signaling,

▶ Tamoxifen which is the primary mitogenic factor for ER
▶ Trastuzumab alpha-positive breast cancer. ▶ Tamoxifen
(commercial name Nolvadex), which prevents
estrogen from binding to ER alpha, and aromatase
References inhibitors (▶ Aromatase and its Inhibitors) such as
letrozole and anastrozole, which prevent estrogen
Sickles EA (2010) The use of breast imaging to screen biosynthesis, are commonly used SERMs in the
women at high risk for cancer. Radiol Clin N Am clinic. Aberrant ER alpha signaling and growth
factor receptor-mediated estrogen-independent
growth are suggested mechanisms of antiestrogen
resistance. Various strategies to re-sensitize resis-
tant cancers to antiestrogens using growth factor
Breast Cancer Antiestrogen receptor antagonists are being developed to treat
Resistance antiestrogen-resistant breast cancer.

Hariktishna Nakshatri
IU Simon Cancer Center, Indiana University Characteristics
School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA
The American Cancer Society estimates that 15%
of 713,220 cancers in the USA in 2009 are breast
Definition cancers. Approximately 70% of these breast can-
cers, particularly if the cancer is in postmeno-
Breast cells are programmed to respond to certain pausal women, express ER alpha. ER alpha is a
▶ hormones as signals for growth and multiplica- transcription factor that activates or represses
tion. The most prominent examples for these hor- genes in response to estrogen. Estrogen is the
mones are ▶ estrogenic hormones and most important mitogen for normal breast as
progesterone. Many ▶ breast cancer cells retain well as breast cancers. ER alpha-positive breast
hormone receptors, to which hormones can bind cancers are addicted to estrogen for survival and
and execute their activities. The hormone receptors proliferation (▶ oncogene addiction); therefore,
therefore make the cancerous cells responsive to these cancers are susceptible to treatment with
these particular hormones. Most of the estrogen in antiestrogens. However, resistance to therapy is
women’s bodies is made by the ovaries. Estrogen evident from the recurrence of tumor as a meta-
makes hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers static growth preferentially in bones, and resis-
grow. Reducing the amount of estrogen or blocking tance is observed in 30% of cases. Essentially,
its action can reduce the risk of early-stage there are two forms of resistance:
hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers coming
back (recurring) after surgery. Hormonal therapy 1. De novo resistance
medicines can also be used to help shrink or slow 2. Acquired resistance
the growth of advanced-stage or metastatic
hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers. Hor- De novo resistance may be accompanied with
monal therapy medicines are not effective against loss of ER alpha expression while this is uncom-
hormone-receptor-negative breast cancers. The mon during acquired resistance. There are several
term “antiestrogen resistance” indicates the recur- mechanisms that may contribute to de novo or
rence of breast cancer in patients with ▶ estrogen acquired resistance. Most of these resistance mech-
receptor alpha-positive breast cancer, and these anisms are centered on the biology of ER alpha
patients should have received treatments called and/or growth factor receptors. ER alpha function
“selective estrogen receptor modulators is primarily influenced by posttranslational
Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance 629

modification, mostly phosphorylation, and by of chromatin organization. However, a substantial

association with additional proteins of the tran- fraction of binding sites within a given cell type
scription process. These factors, otherwise called harbor relatively closed chromatin structure and
coregulators, are sometimes overexpressed in can- lack apparent activity in positive gene expression.
cers that fail antiestrogen therapy. Thus, the mag- In actively transcribed regions, FOXA1 binding is B
nitude of estrogen signaling in breast cancer is associated with histone H3 lysine 4 demethylation
determined by the levels of ER alpha, kinases that (H3K4me2; ▶ hypomethylation of DNA) and
phosphorylate ER alpha, and coregulators that H3K9 acetylation. In general, this cell-type-
associate with ER alpha. Changes in the expression selective chromatin remodeling defines the active
levels of these factors during the course of disease subset of FOXA1-bound enhancers. FOXA1 bind-
progression can play a role in acquired resistance. ing to these specifically marked chromatin regions
enhances recruitment of ER alpha to regions of
Breast Cancer Subtypes chromatin that are enriched for both FOXA1 and
Breast cancer is not a single disease. There are ER alpha binding sites.
multiple subtypes. Previously, breast cancer was GATA-3 binding sites are enriched in regions
mainly classified into ER alpha-positive and ER that also bind to ER alpha. In ER alpha-positive
alpha-negative types. ER alpha expression status breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen, ele-
along with nodal status and tumor grade influenced vated expression of estrogen-regulated and
treatment decisions. Since 2000, this classification GATA-3-regulated genes in primary tumor is
has been further refined into five subtypes: associated with good prognosis. Loss of GATA-
3 expression is associated with metastatic progres-
1. Luminal types A and B, both expressing sion of breast cancer.
estrogen–ER alpha In the normal breast, ER alpha and FOXA1 are
2. HER-2/Neu/ERBB2+ expressed in a small percentage of luminal epithe-
3. Basal type lial cells. In contrast, ~30% of luminal epithelial
4. Claudin-low cells express GATA-3. Considering similarity in
5. Normal-like FOXA1 and ER alpha expression pattern in nor-
mal breast, it is likely that there are at least four
Only luminal A and luminal B subtypes are distinct ER alpha-positive breast epithelial cells:
relevant to antiestrogen resistance.
1. ER alpha+/FOXA1+/GATA3+
Luminal Type A Subtype 2. ER alpha+/FOXA1+/GATA3-
Luminal subtype A cancers are generally considered 3. ER alpha+/FOXA1-/GATA-3+
to have the best prognosis with a 90% 5-year survival 4. ER alpha+/FOXA1-/GATA-3-
rate followed by luminal B with 50%. Luminal type
A tumors can be characterized by a hormonal signa- These cell types are likely to exhibit distinct
ture composed of the expression of three transcrip- ER alpha binding pattern to genome and conse-
tion factors: ER alpha, FOXA1, and GATA-3. quently estrogen-regulated gene expression. ER
Patients with tumors that express all three of these alpha-positive breast cancers expressing different
transcription factors display the most favorable levels of FOXA1 and GATA-3 are likely to
prognosis. express different sets of estrogen-regulated
FOXA1 is a multifunctional transcription factor genes, display variable degree of dependence on
involved in activation as well as repression of tran- estrogen signaling for proliferation and survival,
scription. It binds to target DNA sequences as a and hence respond to antiestrogen therapy.
monomer, using a helix–turn–helix motif of ~110
amino acids (Helix-Loop-Helix Domain). Unlike Luminal Type B Subtype
most transcription factors, FOXA1 binds to thou- Clinically, luminal B phenotype is associated with
sands of enhancers across the genome irrespective the expression of proliferation markers such as
630 Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance

Ki-67. In fact, all ER alpha-positive breast cancers The ER alpha-positive/HER2-positive cell line
characterized by the expression of “proliferation BT-474 treated with lapatinib, a HER2/EGFR
signature” and associated poor prognosis may fall growth factor pathway inhibitor, develops resis-
into this category. A small subfraction of these tance. These resistant cells display functional
breast cancers also overexpress HER2. Growth estrogen–ER alpha signaling and are sensitive to
factor signaling pathways are significantly active combined lapatinib and antiestrogen treatment.
in these cells, suggesting that estrogen–ER alpha- Therefore, the existence of redundant survival
regulated signaling pathways and growth factor- pathways may be responsible for the lack of
regulated signaling pathways are functionally response of luminal type B breast cancers to
redundant in these cancers. Cell line-based studies antiestrogen therapy alone. Table 1 provides a
have provided some support for this possibility. list of major differences between luminal type
A and luminal type B breast cancers, and Fig. 1
Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance, provides schematic view of these differences,
Table 1 Differences between luminal A and luminal which can be utilized for therapeutic purposes.
B breast cancers
Luminal type A Luminal type B Gene Expression Signatures Predicting
ERa and ERa or PR-positive Response to Antiestrogens
PR-positive While luminal A and luminal B classifications
FOXA1-high FOXA1-low or FOXA1-negative give a simplistic view of ER alpha-positive breast
GATA-3- GATA-3 cancers, tumors within these subtypes can show
remarkable heterogeneity in the patterns at which
HER2-negative Few HER2+ cases
individual genes are expressed. This heterogene-
Low Ki67 High Ki67
Hormone- Functional alternative growth factor
ity of gene expression is likely to influence
dependent pathway response to therapy and outcome. Predictive
Low p53 40% p53 mutation types of gene expression signature are ideally
mutation rate suited for further refining these subtypes. The
95% 5-year 50% 5-year survival rate field of breast cancer research has led the way in
survival rate developing predictive gene expression signatures
Specific plasma proteome profile
for solid tumors. Several of these predictive sig-
compared to luminal A or healthy
natures have already entered clinical use.

Breast Cancer Loss/reduced of FOXA1 or

Luminal type A Luminal type B
Antiestrogen Resistance, GATA −3 expression/function?
ERα+/FOXA1+/GATA −3+ ERα+
Fig. 1 Relationship
EGFR or Her2+
between luminal type A and
luminal type B breast
cancers. There is no clinical
evidence favoring or
disproving progression of
luminal A breast cancer to Dependent on E2 Two redundant
for survival/proliferation survival/proliferation
luminal B phenotype; E2,
pathways; E2 or
growth factors

Responsive to anti-estrogens
Non-responsive to
anti-estrogens. May
be responsive to both
anti-estrogens and growth
factor receptor antagonists
Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance 631

However, not surprisingly, there is no consensus expression of IGFBP4, BCL2, and FO-
on the signature that is most accurate. S. Tamoxifen failure in these cases could be
At least three types of gene expression signa- due to reduced activity of ER alpha, which
tures have been described for ER alpha-positive forces cancer cells to adapt to alternative path-
breast cancers: way of proliferation and survival. B
3. A 50-gene signature that predicts response or
1. Predicts survival independent of endocrine de novo resistance to endocrine therapy.
therapy Patients who respond to treatment express
2. Predicts response to endocrine therapy high levels of a unique set of genes in their
3. Enables treatment decisions with respect to tumors prior to treatment, and the expression of
endocrine and chemotherapy these genes in the tumors declines after treat-
ment. S100P is expressed at 17.7-fold higher in
Luminal type A classification has been untreated tumor and the expression decreases
suggested to predict long-term survival indepen- in responders after treatment. Cellular
dent of tamoxifen treatment. The 76-gene signa- ▶ retinoic acid binding protein 2 (CRABP2),
ture predicts outcome independent of tamoxifen an estrogen-upregulated gene, is expressed at
treatment. Similarly, genomic grade signature higher levels in responders and the expression
helps to distinguish grade I tumors from grade decreases upon treatment. In contrast, perilipin
III tumors at the molecular level, which may is overexpressed in nonresponders. Overall,
help in treatment decisions. This genomic grade similar to above two signatures, responders
index signature also co-segregates with poor appear to have tumors with functional
response to tamoxifen treatment. The Oncotype estrogen–ER alpha network.
Dx, which measures the expression of 21 genes 4. A 44-gene signature that discriminates breast
(16 cancer-associated genes and five reference cancer patients with progressive disease and
genes), enables clinicians to decide whether che- objective response to tamoxifen. Seventeen of
motherapy provides additional benefits to ER these genes are involved in estrogen action; nine
alpha-positive/node-negative breast cancer of them are upregulated and eight of them are
patients treated with tamoxifen. downregulated in tamoxifen-resistant tumors.
The number of gene expression signatures that Osteonectin (also called ▶ secreted protein
predict response to tamoxifen treatment is grow- acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC)) is one of
ing day by day. Below are some of the examples: the genes upregulated in resistant tumors.
Estrogen–ER alpha suppresses the expression
1. HOXB13/IL17RB expression ratio. A ratio of of this gene. TSC22D1 (▶ tuberous sclerosis
1.849 is associated with better disease-free complex), a transcription factor overexpressed
survival among patients receiving tamoxifen in tamoxifen-resistant tumors, is generally
treatment. IL17RB is an estrogen-inducible suppressed by estrogen in cells that respond to
gene but lacks ER alpha binding sites. tamoxifen treatment. Thus, loss of estrogen–ER
HOXB13 does not appear to be regulated by alpha-mediated suppression of these genes
estrogen. Therefore, tumors with lower could potentially lead to tamoxifen resistance.
HOXB13/IL17RB ratio may have functional 5. The extracellular matrix gene cluster comprising
ER alpha network and express higher levels collagen 1A1 (COL1A1), ▶ fibronectin 1 (FN1),
of estrogen-responsive genes. lysyl oxidase (LOX), secreted protein acidic and
2. A 47-gene signature identifies tumors that do rich in cysteine (SPARC, also called osteonectin),
not respond to tamoxifen treatment. In this tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases 3 (TIMP3),
signature, reduced expression of ER alpha, and ▶ tenascin C (TNC). The expression levels of
IGFBP4, ▶ synuclein, ▶ BCL2, and FOS is FN1, LOX, SPARC, and TIMP3 are associated
associated with tamoxifen failure. Among with metastasis-free survival in lymph node-
these genes, estrogen positively regulates the negative patients who received no adjuvant
632 Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance

systemic therapy suggesting that the predictive respectively. Therefore, this 36-gene signature
value of these markers is independent of treat- may be the most significant among all signa-
ment. However, a high level of TNC is associated tures in evaluating the function of ER alpha
with a shorter metastasis-free survival after adju- and FOXA1 in primary breast cancer and
vant tamoxifen treatment. predicting response to tamoxifen in cancers
6. Estrogen and MYC (▶ MYC oncogene)- that express variable levels of ER alpha and
responsive gene cluster. Estrogen-regulated FOXA1.
genes can be subclassified into two categories: 9. A 10-gene BCAR (breast cancer antiestrogen
those that are also regulated by MYC (“estro- resistance) gene set. Genes in this set are
gen and MYC”) and those that are not (“estro- AKT1, AKT2, BCAR1, BCAR3, EGFR,
gen but not MYC”). Elevated expression of a ERBB2, GRB7, ▶ SRC, TLE3, and TRERF1.
subset of estrogen-regulated genes that are also Among these genes, elevated levels of BCAR3
regulated by MYC and play a role in cell and TLE3 are associated with favorable prog-
growth through ribosomal RNA and protein nosis, whereas elevated levels of ERBB2 and
synthesis is associated with tamoxifen resis- GRB7 are associated with poor outcome in
tance. It is likely that deregulated expression/ patients treated with tamoxifen. Four among
activity of MYC in the resistant tumors these genes have ER alpha and FOXA1 bind-
overcomes the need for estrogen–ER alpha ing sites. Four among them are repressed by
for the expression of growth-associated estrogen, while one of them is induced. There-
genes. In this respect, MYC controls the fore, this signature mostly identifies genes
expression of several proliferation- and repressed by estrogen and highlights how loss
growth-associated genes, and elevated expres- of estrogen-mediated repression contributes to
sion of proliferation-associated genes is hall- tamoxifen resistance.
mark of antiestrogen resistance and/or luminal
B phenotype. Challenges in Developing New In Vitro Models
7. ▶ Retinoblastoma/E2F target genes. to Study Antiestrogen Resistance
Upregulation of 59 genes regulated by retino- ER alpha-dependent and ER alpha-independent
blastoma protein is associated with poor signaling events responsible for gene expression
tamoxifen response. Loss of retinoblastoma signatures in primary tumors can only be evalu-
protein results in elevated activity of E2F tran- ated using in vitro model system. In this respect, it
scription factors. Estrogen–ER alpha is important first to identify a list of genes that
upregulates several members of E2F family overlap between these signatures and to determine
transcription factors, and these E2Fs mediate whether expression of these genes are altered in
secondary estrogen response. Therefore, ele- ER alpha-positive breast cancer cell lines that
vated estrogen secondary response genes may have acquired resistance or are intrinsically resis-
contribute to tamoxifen resistance. E2F family tant to antiestrogens. Several antiestrogen-
members control the expression of cell cycle, resistant variants of breast cancer cell lines have
cell proliferation, and cell death (▶ apoptosis) been developed, and gene expression profiling
genes, and their deregulated activity could data are available. Similar comparative gene
result in the expression of cell proliferation expression profiling data on breast cancer cell
markers as evident in luminal B cancers. lines that are sensitive to tamoxifen and de novo
8. A 36-gene signature derived from genes in the resistant to tamoxifen are also available. Impor-
progesterone receptor (PR) pathway. All genes tantly, genes regulated by estrogen in cell lines
in this signature are induced by estrogen–ER show similar expression pattern in primary breast
alpha-positive cell lines and their expression in cancers demonstrating relevance of these model
primary tumors correlates with PR expression. systems. As in clinical breast cancers, the majority
Thirty and 28 of 36 genes of this cluster con- of cell lines with acquired or de novo resistance to
tain binding sites for ER alpha and FOXA1, tamoxifen express significant levels of ER alpha.
Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance 633

Gene expression predictive signatures for anti-estrogen resistance

HOXB13/IL17RB ratio, 47-gene signature, 50-gene signature, 44-gene signature, extracellular matrix gene cluster, estrogen and cMyc-
responsive gene cluster, retinoblastoma/E2F gene cluster, 36-gene estrogen-inducible gene cluster, and 10-gene BCAR cluster

Overlapping gene set

Estrogen-inducible Estrogen-repressed Growth factor inducible/

genes genes repressed genes

Analyze the effects of ER

TRANSFEC databases post-translational
analysis to identify Evaluate the role Functional studies to
modification and co- distinguish genes
common motifs of pioneer factors
regulator expression functionally involved
responsible for in E2-dependent
relevant to anti-estrogen in resistance from
expression of genes expression
resistance on the expression genes that are
independent of ERα of the genes.
AP-1 and NF-κB for markers
Epigenetic analysis

1) Develop amanageable biomarker response predictive

panel for immunohistochemical analysis.
2) Identify proteins that are targets for drug development

Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance, Fig. 2 Depic- antiestrogen resistance and biomarker development and for
tion of future studies essential for integrating clinical data identifying therapeutic targets
with laboratory studies for elucidating the mechanisms of

The challenge is to combine gene expression sig- 3. Genes that are upregulated in nonresponsive
nature available from different studies and iden- tumors and cell lines but lacking any relation
tify common set of overlapping genes in these to ER alpha and estrogen signaling.
signatures. As several of the genes identified in
the signatures appear to be also regulated by Myc, Future Directions
NF-kappaB, and ▶ AP-1, selective enrichment of There is an immediate need for comprehensive
binding sites for these transcription factors in analysis of gene expression signatures from vari-
genes associated with tamoxifen resistance is a ous studies to separate genes in the antiestrogen
likely possibility. At least three distinct pathways response signature that are functionally linked to
may emerge from this type of studies: antiestrogen resistance from those genes that only
serve as biomarkers. Elucidating the role of
1. Genes that are enriched for ER alpha binding FOXA1 and GATA-3 in establishing these signa-
sites and are induced by estrogen and repressed tures is also equally critical. As more data on
by tamoxifen in sensitive tumors. specific types of ▶ histone modification associ-
2. Genes with or without ER alpha binding sites ated with estrogen–ER alpha signaling become
and are repressed by estrogen in vitro, and their available, ▶ epigenetic events responsible for
expression is lower in responsive tumors. antiestrogen resistance may be discovered. Such
634 Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance

an effort is essential for mechanistic studies to clinical implications. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
better understand ER alpha biology and bio- 98:10869–10874
Xia W, Bacus S, Hegde P, Husain I, Strum J, Liu
marker development to distinguish acquired ver- L et al (2006) A model of acquired autoresistance to a
sus de novo resistance and to develop second-line potent ErbB2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor and a therapeu-
targeted therapies for antiestrogen-resistant breast tic strategy to prevent its onset in breast cancer. Proc
cancers (Fig. 2). Natl Acad Sci U S A 103:7795–7800

See Also
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▶ AP-1 (2012) Adjuvant. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Apoptosis cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 75.
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▶ Bcl2 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 115.
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▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (2012) Chromatin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
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▶ Estrogen Receptor (2012) EGFR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Estrogenic Hormones 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1211.
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(2012) Mitogen. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can- Breast Cancer Subtypes
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2336. In clinical practice, ▶ estrogen receptor (ER), pro-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3769 gesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal B
(2012) Phosphorylation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia growth factor receptor (HER2) status are deter-
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2870.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4544 mined by ▶ immunohistochemistry. They identify
(2012) Posttranslational modification. In: Schwab M (ed) the four major subgroups: luminal A group (E+/
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- Pr+), a luminal B group with lower expression of
delberg, p 2966. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- hormone receptors and higher growth rates, a
(2012) Progesterone. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of HER2+ group, and a basal-like group which
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2990. lacks ER and PR expression and HER2
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4753 overexpression, so-called ▶ triple-negative breast
(2012) Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators. In: cancer.
Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn.
Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3356. doi:10.1007/978- The terminal duct-tubular unit of the breast is
3-642-16483-5_6677 the structure from which most cancers arise, and
(2012) Transcription factor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- they are mostly composed of two types of epithe-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p lial cells: the inner or luminal cells which are
3752. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5901
surrounded by a basal layer of myoepithelial
cells and the basal-like cells which express
cytokeratins 5, 6, and 17 as do normal
myoepithelial cells. By contrast, luminal tumors
Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Therapy express more genes common to epithelial cells:
▶ E-cadherin and cytokeratins 8 and 18.
▶ Endocrine Therapy in Breast Cancer
Molecular profiling assays, especially for small
mRNA expression, have added more information
about gene expression in subgroups. HER2+ can-
cers have the greatest frequency of high-level
Breast Cancer Carcinogenesis ▶ amplification (independent of HER2
amplicon), while triple-negative cancers show
Beatriz G. T. Pogo and James F. Holland the highest overall frequencies of copy gain.
Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medicine These cancers also show more frequent loss of
at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) and
mutation of retinoblastoma protein 1 (RB1).
Amplification of ▶ cyclin D (CCND1) and acti-
Definition vating mutation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
catalytic subunit a (PIK3CA) are mostly associ-
Although ▶ breast cancer is still a major cause of ated with ER and PR positivity. It has been con-
morbidity and mortality in developed countries, the cluded that all these changes may contribute to
mortality rate has diminished there due to earlier ▶ genomic instability and that the subtypes of
diagnosis and improved treatments. Incidence has breast cancer are associated with distinct onco-
risen worldwide; however, one in eight American genic pathways (Xiaolan et al. 2009).
women is expected to develop breast cancer before
age 90. Advances in biotechnology have allowed a Pathological Grade
better understanding of the molecular mechanisms Clinical subtypes and gene expression
involved in cancer initiation and progression and signatures have been fundamental for determining
have led to new therapeutic interventions. prognostic risk and treatment. Low-grade
636 Breast Cancer Carcinogenesis

Breast Cancer
Fig. 1 Invasive breast
carcinoma. (a) Well-
differentiated carcinoma
(grade 1) composed of well-
formed glands lined with
cells that have uniform
small nuclei. (b)
Moderately differentiated
carcinoma (grade 2)
composed of glands and
some solid sheets. Tumor
cell nuclei are slightly
enlarged and show mild
pleomorphism. (c) Poorly
differentiated carcinoma
(grade 3) composed
predominantly of solid
cords and sheets. Tumor
cell nuclei are enlarged and
show pleomorphism

well-differentiated tumors (Fig. 1a) have a favor- has been shown to be promoted by fibroblasts
able prognosis, whereas poorly differentiated can- and inhibited by normal myoepithelial cells. Elim-
cers (Fig. 1c) have a less favorable one. The ination of markers of myoepithelial differentiation
intermediate-grade tumor group makes a determi- leads to progression and invasion (Hu et al. 2008).
nation of prognosis difficult. Myoepithelial cells are considered to be natural
Pathological and prognostic classification of tumor suppressors. The importance of the stroma
breast cancers is based on tumor size, lymph in influencing progression of epithelial tumors has
node metastasis, hormone receptor status, and been shown by Finak et al. (2008). The expression
HER2 expression. There is high heterogeneity in profile of tumor stroma was found to be associated
the molecular level; however, the clinical out- with clinical outcome. A new stroma-derived
comes and responses to treatment can be variable. prognostic predictor (SDPP) has been introduced
Ellsworth et al. (2009) have proposed that which helps to identify poor-outcome individuals
intermediate-grade tumors do not represent an among the multiple clinical subtypes (Finak
independent subtype, but they are clinical and et al. 2008).
molecular hybrids between low- and high-grade In spite of advances in diagnosis and treatment,
tumors. A linear model of progression from low to the molecular mechanisms of breast carcinogene-
high was proposed. Identification of the molecular sis have not been completely solved. Genetic sus-
changes involved in this progression may ceptibility, endocrine and reproductive risk
provide new molecular targets for therapeutic factors, hormones, and environmental factors
developments. including viruses and radiation exposure are
The natural history of breast cancer, some of the conditions that have been considered
progressing from abnormal epithelial proliferation possibly involved in pathogenesis.
in situ and invasive carcinoma to metastatic dis-
ease, has been well documented. Transition from Genetic Alterations
▶ ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) to invasive Known susceptibility genes account for less than
tumor is poorly understood, however. Using an 25% of family risk. Three genes are associated
experimental model, the progression to invasion with familial breast cancer: BRCA1, which is
Breast Cancer Carcinogenesis 637

located in chromosome 17q21, BRCA2 located in increase the risk of breast cancer. Numerous stud-
chromosome 13q12, and PALB2 mutations in ies indicate that there is strong correlation
chromosome 16p12 that increase the risks of between the level and duration of estrogen
breast cancer alone or sometimes in association exposure and breast cancer development
with other mutations. Studies on BRCA1 muta- (Li et al. 2008). B
tions have shown that it is a ▶ tumor suppressor Epidemiological studies have shown that
gene, and its function is related to DNA damage women who have their first pregnancy before
repair. The BRCA1 signature is usually associated 18 years have one-third lower incidence of breast
with a basal cell type, but after cell fractionation, cancer than women who had their first child after
luminal types were also shown to have the trans- 35. These findings are interpreted as due to pro-
membrane tyrosine kinase receptor c-kit gesterone inhibitory effects and as stimulatory
overexpressed (Lim et al. 2009). This observation effect of estrogen on an involuting epithelium.
implicates a luminal progenitor cell as a probable Other factors to be considered are the number of
target population in BRCA1-associated and other pregnancies and lactation. Each birth increases the
basal breast cancers. Liu et al. (2008) have risk of breast cancer, but lactation for long periods
implied unstable breast stem cells, because of seems to be a protective factor.
loss of DNA repair functions which are targeted
by other carcinogenic events. BRCA2 mutations Exogenous Hormones
are associated with early-onset cancer of the The use of ▶ hormone replacement therapy
breast and ovary in females and breast cancer in (HRT) and breast cancer incidence has been stud-
males. BRCA2 mutations are also related to pros- ied by several groups. The Collaborative Group
tate and pancreas cancers. Another genetic anom- on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer found that
aly is the ▶ Li-Fraumeni syndrome, which a modest increase of breast cancer was associated
occasionally causes breast cancers as well as sar- with 5 or more years of HRT. Other groups,
comas and other mesenchymal neoplasms. Women’s Health Initiative and the Million
Easton et al. (2007) have conducted an exten- Women Study found a larger increase, 26% after
sive two-stage genome-wide association study of 5 years of HRT. Abrupt decrease in HRT in 2005
4398 breast cancers and 4316 controls followed because of publicity led to a sharp drop in Amer-
by a third stage in which 30 single nucleotide ican women’s breast cancer incidence in the next
polymorphisms (SNPs) were searched for. They 2 years suggesting that HRT had been a promoting
reported that there were SNPs in five novel inde- agent rather than an etiologic one. Other
pendent loci which exhibited strong association hormonal-related events like abortion and physi-
with breast cancer. Four of the five loci contain cal activity have been studied. Insufficient evi-
putatively causative genes: ▶ fibroblast growth dence exists that abortion plays a role. Strenuous
factor receptor 2 (FGFR2), trinucleotide repeat physical activity in adolescence is related to a
motive containing 9 (TNRC9), probably a tran- reduction of breast cancer that may be correlated
scription factor, mitogen-activated protein kinase with retarding the onset of ovulation.
(MAP3K), and lymphocyte-specific protein
1 (LSP1). Other loci previously identified were Environmental Factors
G2 checkpoint kinase (CHEK2) and ataxia- Incidence of breast cancer varies in different parts
telangiectasia mutation (ATM). of the world. It is high in Western Europe, North
A 21-gene signature has been created in breast America, and Australia and lower in Latin Amer-
cancer which, dependent on mutations and ampli- ica and much lower in Asia. Changes in risk have
fications, has predictive value for patient outcomes. been recorded when people migrate from one
low-incidence country to a high-incidence one
Endocrine and Reproductive Risk Factors suggesting environmental factors. The most obvi-
Early onset of menarche and late onset of meno- ous, but not the only change in risk factors,
pause, denoting many years of ovarian activity, appears to be a difference in diet. A high calorie
638 Breast Cancer Carcinogenesis

intake rich in saturated fats may be linked to Such regimens for use after surgical excision have
increased cancer risk. Alcohol is also a risk factor become more effective when they contain a
perhaps due to increased endogenous estrogen taxane and an ▶ anthracycline or platinum deriv-
levels. The risk associated with alcohol can be ative than earlier formulas containing an
reduced by intake of folate. Cigarette smoking ▶ alkylating agent and antimetabolites. Adjuvant
and caffeine consumption have shown no definite chemotherapy regimens have improved survival
correlation with breast cancer risk. curves by about 20%.
For breast cancers expressing HER2, the addi-
Radiation Exposure tion of the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab
Exposure to ionizing radiation is a factor; repeated (Herceptin) has dramatically increased survival
fluoroscopic chest radiography increases risk. of patients with metastases compared to chemo-
Mediastinal radiotherapy treatment for lymphoma therapy alone (Slamon et al. 2011). When used as
increases breast cancer risk. postsurgical adjuvant therapy for a year with
chemotherapy and endocrine therapy, relapse is
Viruses also sharply decreased. The addition of another
Several viruses have been reported to be associ- monoclonal antibody, pertuzumab, to the
ated with breast cancer including the mouse mam- trastuzumab-chemotherapy regimen has further
mary tumor virus (MMTV) also known as human improved the treatment of HER2-positive breast
mammary tumor virus (HMTV) (Holland and cancer and become the standard of care (Swain
Pogo 2004), ▶ Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human et al. 2013).
papillomavirus (HPV), and bovine leukemia virus After needle biopsy to establish a diagnosis,
(BLV). The expression of human endogenous ret- primary induction (neoadjuvant) chemotherapy
rovirus K-10 has been correlated with breast can- can substantially decreased primary tumor size,
cer. A published review on this subject evaluated thereby increasing the feasibility and frequency
these findings (Akhter et al. 2014). Association of lumpectomy rather than mastectomy. Com-
does not mean causation, and none of these agents pared to adjuvant chemotherapy given after sur-
have so far fulfilled the requirements for gery, however, improved survival has occurred
causation. only in those patients whose primary tumor is
completely eradicated by the treatment. Since
Clinical Studies death from breast cancer is almost always deter-
Adjuvant hormonal treatment for ER+ tumors has mined by disease outside the breast, the behavior
evolved from oral ▶ tamoxifen, a synthetic estro- of the breast tumor is a surrogate indicator of the
gen receptor modifier, to intramuscular unseen metastatic disease. An innovation in meth-
fulvestrant, a pure antiestrogen receptor binder odology has been important in breast cancer ther-
that downregulates hormone receptors, which is apy. For primary tumors of adequate size, an
clinically superior. In premenopausal patients, initial core biopsy is taken and a magnetic resi-
gonadotropin-releasing hormone treatment can dence image. Chemotherapy is initiated with a
suppress ovarian function. ▶ Aromatase inhibi- taxane or with a taxane plus one of several candi-
tors diminish postmenopausal estrogen conver- date agents randomly chosen that have passed
sion from other steroidal precursors. For both safety investigations and that have putative activ-
metastatic and postsurgical adjuvant treatments, ity. Bayesian statistical methodology preferen-
aromatase inhibitors have shown better disease- tially weights the better performing compounds
free survival than tamoxifen in postmenopausal (Yee et al. 2012). Early thereafter repeat imaging
patients. Longer duration of tamoxifen therapy to and repeat biopsy are performed allowing assess-
10 years has proved advantageous. Similar study ment of efficacy and possibly of mechanism of
for aromatase inhibition is ongoing. action based on genetic or proteomic change from
Combination chemotherapy regimens for adju- the initial specimen. Completion of the chemo-
vant treatment are better than single drugs alone. therapeutic regimen is then followed by surgery.
Breast Cancer Carcinogenesis 639

The frequency of pathologic complete remission Easton DF, Poley KA, Dunning AM et al (2007) Genome-
of the tumor and the lymph nodes plus the molec- wide association study identifies novel breast cancer
susceptibility loci. Nature 447:1087–1092
ular mechanistic information augurs well for a Ellsworth RE, Hooke JA, Shriver CD, Ellsworth DL
more rapid and efficient identification of new (2009) Genomic heterogeneity of breast tumor patho-
agents with even greater curative potential. Mod- genesis. Clin Med Oncol 3:77–85 B
ifications of this approach to testing in vivo are Finak G, Bertos N, Pepin F et al (2008) Stromal gene
expression predicts clinical outcome in breast cancer.
particularly well suited for study in patients with Nat Med 14:518–527
breast cancer. The approach offers a valuable path Holland JF, Pogo BGT (2004) The biology behind:
forward: study of the primary tumor biopsy to mouse mammary tumor virus-like infection and
identify efficiently improvements to the standard human breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res
therapy, simultaneously exploring the genomic Hu M, Yao J, Carroll DK et al (2008) Regulation of in situ
and proteomic evidence for how the agent to invasive breast carcinoma transition. Cancer Cell
works. Eventually, those who sustain complete 13:394–406
pathologic eradiation of the tumor may not require Li CI, Malone KE, Daling JR et al (2008) Timing of
menarche and first full-term birth in relation to breast
surgery. cancer risk. Am J Epidemiol 167:230–239
Lim E, Vaillant F, Wu D et al (2009) Aberrant luminal
progenitors as the candidate target population for basal
tumor development in BRCA1 mutation carriers. Nat
Cross-References Med 15:907–915
Liu S, Ginestier C, Charafe-Jauffret E et al (2008) BRCA1
regulates human mammary stem/progenitor cell fate.
▶ Alkylating Agents Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105:1680–1685
▶ Amplification Slamon D, Eiermann W, Robert N et al (2011) Adjuvant
▶ Anthracyclines trastuzumab in HER-2-positive breast cancer. N Engl
▶ Aromatase and its Inhibitors J Med 365:1273–1283
Swain SM, Kim SB, Cortes J et al (2013) Pertuzumab,
▶ Breast Cancer trastuzumab, and docetaxel for HER-2 positive
▶ Cyclin D metastatic breast cancer (CLEOPATRA Study): overall
▶ Ductal Carcinoma In Situ survival results from a randomized, double-blind,
▶ E-Cadherin placebo-controlled, phase 3 study. Lancet Oncol
▶ Epstein-Barr Virus Xiaolan H, Stern HM, Ge L et al (2009) Genetic alterna-
▶ Estrogen Receptor tions and oncogenic pathways associated with breast
▶ Fibroblast Growth Factors cancer subtypes. Mol Cancer Res 7:511–522
▶ Genomic Instability Yee D, Haddad T, Albain K et al (2012) Adaptive trials in
the neoadjuvant setting: a model to safely tailor care
▶ HER-2/neu while accelerating drug development. J Clin Oncol
▶ Hormone Replacement Therapy 30(36):4584–4586
▶ Immunohistochemistry
▶ Li-Fraumeni Syndrome See Also
▶ MAP Kinase (2012) Antimetabolite. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Tamoxifen cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 216.
▶ Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
(2012) Ataxia telangiectasia. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
298. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_426
(2012) Checkpoint. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
References cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp
754–755. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1049
Akhter J, Aziz MAA, Ajlan AA, Tulbah A, Akhtar (2012) Epithelial cell. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
M (2014) Breast cancer: is there a viral connection. cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp
Adv Anat Pathol 5:373–381 1291–1292. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1958
Antoniu AC, Casadei S, Heikkimen (2014) Breast cancer (2012) HER2. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
risk in families with mutation in PALB2. N Engl J Med 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1678.
37:497–506 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2676
640 Breast Cancer Drug Resistance

(2012) Ionizing radiation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia Additional Factors Contributing to Resistance
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1907. Resistance may also result from microenvironment
(2012) Mitogen-activated protein kinase. In: Schwab M influences that modulate the efficacy of a drug or the
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Ber- manner in which tumor cells respond to any given
lin/Heidelberg, p 2336. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- drug. Other factors that may influence responses to
5_3770 drugs are factors that may vary between individual
(2012) Myoepithelial cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p patients such as differences in pharmacological
2440. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3943 clearance of the drug by the liver, poor tolerance of
(2012) Progesterone. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of drug side effects that limit the tolerable dose admin-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2990. istered, and differences in immune and ▶ inflamma-
(2012) RB1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, tion responses that may alter drug activities.
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3189.
(2012) Taxane. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, Characteristics
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3614.
(2012) Transcription factor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- Traditionally, breast cancer ▶ drug resistance has
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p been described in terms of the available
3752. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5901 treatments. One mechanism can account for resis-
tance to various therapeutic agents
(i.e., cross-resistance), especially if they are
derived from the same general class of com-
pounds or have a similar target. Understanding
Breast Cancer Drug Resistance breast cancer drug resistance requires knowledge
of current breast cancer drug regimens and their
Christina L. Addison and Miguel A. Cabrita targets. Surgery is routinely the first step in treat-
Cancer Therapeutics Program, Ottawa Hospital ment followed by systemic therapy in the form of
Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada cytotoxic ▶ chemotherapy, ▶ hormonal therapy,
and/or ▶ immunotherapy (Table 1). In addition
to these different regimens, breast cancer may
Definition also be treated by radiotherapy alone or in combi-
nation with systemic therapy.
▶ Breast cancer drug resistance refers to the fail-
ure of chemotherapy at the outset of treatment or Mediators of Drug Resistance
at some point after treatment has commenced. Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a limiting factor to
Resistance can thus be defined as intrinsic or the efficacy of systemic therapy and is a very
acquired, depending upon presentation. serious concern in the treatment of breast cancer.
Cancer cells may be intrinsically resistant to vari-
Intrinsic Drug Resistance ous drug agents. Alternatively, as they are chal-
Drug resistance that is present from the onset of lenged by different drugs, tumor cells may mutate
therapy whereby a subpopulation of tumor cells and become refractory to various therapies as a
are inherently resistant to the treatment regimen. result of selective pressures, thus rendering the
therapies ineffective. The end result is that patients
Acquired Drug Resistance may have to change to a different drug regimen or
An initial response to treatment followed by sub- stop therapy altogether (i.e., treatment failure).
sequent progression of disease. This occurs when
a subpopulation of tumor cells develops resistance Drug Efflux Transporters
following exposure to selective pressures placed MDR was first reported to be mediated by
upon them in the presence of cytotoxic drugs. overexpression of ▶ P-glycoprotein (MDR1), a
Breast Cancer Drug Resistance 641

Breast Cancer Drug Resistance, Table 1 Common forms of systemic therapy used in the treatment of breast cancer
Type of systemic therapy Mode of action Mechanism of resistance
▶ Anthracyclines (e.g., Intercalate in DNA and hence inhibit Increased expression or gene
doxorubicin, epirubicin) DNA topoisomerase II activity thus amplification of the P-170 multidrug
inducing apoptosis, activation of
signaling pathways, and production of
resistance protein (MDR) or the
multidrug resistance-associated protein
reactive oxygen intermediates (MRP); altered topoisomerase II
Taxanes (e.g., ▶ paclitaxel) Block appropriate microtubule function Changes in expression of beta tubulin
thus inhibiting cell division (mitosis) isoforms; increases in MDR expression
Antimetabolites (e.g., Block enzymes involved in nucleic acid Changes in expression or activity of
5-▶ fluorouracil, metabolism (e.g., dihydrofolate enzymes involved in drug metabolism,
methotrexate) reductase, DHFR), thereby inhibiting e.g., ▶ amplification of DHFR gene;
DNA replication and cell proliferation defective folate transporter
Nucleoside analogs (e.g., Inhibit activity of DNA polymerase alpha Defects in nucleoside transport; altered
capecitabine, thus preventing DNA chain elongation, activity of enzymes involved in
▶ gemcitabine) hence replication and cell proliferation nucleoside metabolism (e.g., kinases and
ribonucleotide reductase)
▶ Alkylating agents and Alter structure of DNA thereby inhibiting Altered drug accumulation; drug
platinum drug therapies replication and cell proliferation inactivation in the cytosol; increased
(e.g., ▶ cisplatin, repair of ▶ DNA damage; reduction in
carboplatin) apoptosis
Vinca alkaloids (e.g., Prevent polymerization of tubulin, hence Changes in expression of alpha and beta
vincristine, vinblastine, cell division tubulin; increased expression or gene
vinorelbine) ▶ amplification of MDR
▶ Hormonal therapy (e.g., Estrogen receptor (ER) Altered or lack of ER expression;
▶ tamoxifen) increased expression levels of ErbB2;
altered pharmacology of drug due to
genetic factors
▶ Trastuzumab Blocks signaling activity of the receptor Increased expression of ▶ epidermal
tyrosine kinase ErbB2 (▶ HER-2/neu), growth factor receptor; increases in
leading to downregulation of ErbB2 ▶ insulin-like growth factor-1
expression or activity, thus decreased expression, increased expression of beta
cellular proliferation and increased 1 integrin
cellular ▶ apoptosis

170-kDa multiple transmembrane domain protein relationship between the expression levels of
initially characterized in cultured cells. MDR1 is a these efflux pump proteins and drug resistance in
member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) breast cancer patients, the results have not been
family of transporters, a large superfamily now consistent. The fact that positive correlation
known to encompass at least 49 ABC transporter between resistance to therapy and ABC trans-
proteins. MDR1 acts as an efflux pump by remov- porter expression does not always occur clinically
ing a variety of structurally diverse compounds could be due to many factors including the het-
from the cell (▶ membrane transporters) includ- erogeneity of breast cancers, the methods used to
ing many therapeutic agents used to treat breast examine expression levels, the differences in the
cancer such as taxanes, vincristine, doxorubicin, patient populations studied, or the variability in
and ▶ etoposide. Many ABC proteins, including the chemotherapeutic drugs administered.
MDR1 (ABCB1), multidrug resistance-asso-
ciated protein (MRP1; ABCC1), and breast cancer Cyclin E
resistance protein (BCRP; ABCG2), have been Cell division involves a series of precisely con-
extensively studied in tumor cell lines and in trolled steps that can be subdivided into four
breast cancer patients. However, while there stages: cell growth (G1 phase), monitoring
have been numerous studies examining the (G2 phase), DNA synthesis (S phase), and mitosis
642 Breast Cancer Drug Resistance

(M phase). These phases are controlled by a num- BRCA1 BRCA1 is another nuclear protein that
ber of different proteins including a group of cell controls transcription (positively and negatively)
cycle regulatory proteins called ▶ cyclins, which and is involved in chromatin remodeling and
in turn are regulated by a family of serine/threo- DNA damage repair. Mutations in BRCA1 cause
nine protein kinases (serine/threonine kinase), the familial breast cancer risk (about 10% of all breast
▶ cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk). Cyclin E is an cancers), but BRCA1 can also be lost or
important G1-associated cyclin that associates downregulated in cases of sporadic breast cancer.
with Cdk2 in late G1 phase to regulate the transi- Individuals with these mutations have an
tion to S phase. Cyclin E is synthesized during the enhanced sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents
early stages of G1 phase and is degraded during that target DNA, such as ▶ cisplatin and
the S phase. When this synthesis/degradation pat- ▶ anthracyclines. Since BRCA1 plays a crucial
tern becomes aberrant, the cell cycle becomes role in the repair of ▶ DNA damage, these
altered and deregulated. findings are not surprising. However, patients
Deregulation of cyclin E is an important prog- that lack or have decreased amounts of BRCA1
nostic biomarker in early stage breast cancer and are also more resistant to therapies that target
may contribute to resistance of some forms of microtubules (e.g., taxanes and vincristine).
therapy. Specifically, breast tumors can generate Moreover, BRCA1 binds to gamma-tubulin and
hyperactive low molecular weight (LMW) forms thus regulates ▶ centrosomes and the mitotic
of cyclin E for which Cdk2 has a higher affinity. checkpoint. Thus, patients with BRCA1 muta-
This complex of Cdk2 with LMW isoforms of tions are predicted to be more responsive to
cyclin E leads to increased Cdk2 activity, resulting DNA-damaging agents. However, studies have
in profound effects on cells including reduced cell shown that the responses to these agents are
size, lower cell growth rates, and growth factor- mixed (i.e., some tumors are more sensitive,
independent proliferation. The subsequent dereg- while others do not respond).
ulation of the cell cycle causes the cells to be
refractory to many types of chemotherapeutic Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) Receptor
treatments, since the majority of these are targeted Family The ▶ epidermal growth factor receptor
to rapidly proliferating cells. family of proteins includes EGFR (ErbB1), ErbB2
(▶ HER-2/neu), ErbB3, and ErbB4. These trans-
Transcription Factors membrane proteins are overexpressed in numer-
ous breast cancers including many estrogen
p53 p53 is a transcription factor that controls the receptor-negative tumors, which tend to be the
expression of a large number of genes associated most clinically aggressive. Members of this recep-
with cell growth. It is mutated in 50% of all can- tor family can homo- or heterodimerize. EGFR
cers, and p53 mutations contribute to drug resis- binds to EGF, while ErbB2 is an orphan receptor
tance (▶ TP53). Furthermore, certain types of p53 (i.e., has no known ligands) and exists in an open
mutation and/or polymorphism correlate with pos- conformation. ErbB3, although catalytically
itive and negative responsiveness to various breast inactive, binds to many ligands and can
cancer therapies. For example, mutations in the heterodimerize with any of the other family mem-
DNA-binding domain of p53 alter its transcrip- bers to influence their signaling. ErbB4 binds to
tional activity and correlate with poor response to neuregulins and has a functional tyrosine kinase
▶ tamoxifen. However, patients carrying a com- domain. In breast cancer triage, ErbB2 (HER-2/
mon polymorphism at codon 72 are more likely neu) status is another widely used classifier.
to have a good pathological response to standard Tumors overexpressing ErbB2 tend to be resistant
chemotherapy compared to those that lack the to agents that damage DNA, perturb microtubule
polymorphism. Thus, knowing the type of p53 networks, or induce apoptosis. It has been pro-
mutation/polymorphism of a particular tumor can posed that ErbB2 can inhibit paclitaxel-mediated
be important in predicting response to therapy. apoptosis by preventing activation of p34/Cdc2
Breast Cancer Drug Resistance 643

kinase (directly or indirectly). Despite clinical and collagen IV levels have been documented. Fur-
laboratory evidence, the mechanism by which thermore, dramatic changes in the ECM, particu-
ErbB2 overexpression mediates drug resistance larly the collagenous stroma, occur in the normal
is controversial as there are studies which suggest mammary gland as it transitions to ductal infiltrat-
the opposite. However, tumors overexpressing ing carcinomas of the breast. Expression of vari- B
ErbB2 are more sensitive to trastuzumab ous ECM components has been correlated with
(▶ Herceptin), an antibody that binds to the extra- patient survival and recurrence risk in breast
cellular domain of ErbB2, and in vitro cancer. The major cellular receptors that interact
▶ trastuzumab has been shown to sensitize breast with ECM are the heterodimeric integrins.
cancer cells to other therapeutic agents. In clinical ECM-integrin signals are bidirectional. Following
studies, some patients have shown therapeutic binding of ECM ligands, conformational changes
benefit from inclusion of trastuzumab in an adju- in integrins result in activation of various down-
vant setting. stream kinases, a process termed 'outside-in sig-
naling', which leads to signal transduction events
Estrogen Receptors Tamoxifen is the most that control various aspects of tumor cell biology
common antiestrogen and one of the most effec- including cell differentiation, migration, adhe-
tive treatments given to estrogen receptor (ER)- sion, proliferation, survival, and response to che-
positive breast cancer patients. However, hor- motherapeutic drugs. As an example, it has been
mone resistance and relapse is routinely observed shown that integrin-laminin binding can induce
in patients treated with tamoxifen for extended polarization of breast tumor cells, which was suf-
periods of time (i.e., 5 years or greater). ficient to mediate resistance to chemotherapy-
A variety of mechanisms have been postulated to induced apoptosis. Integrins can also be induced
explain this refraction to hormone therapy. After to undergo conformational changes following
prolonged periods of exposure to antiestrogens, activation stimuli in cells, such as EGFR activa-
the balance of proliferative and apoptotic signals tion, that result in increased affinity of integrins
in tumors can be altered so as to promote tumor for binding ECM ligands, a process termed
growth. Furthermore, ER activity is modulated by 'inside-out signaling'. Inside-out signaling may
many coactivators and corepressors whose thus alter the adhesive or invasive properties of
expression levels are modified after extended tumor cells and contribute to their aggressiveness
treatment with tamoxifen. In addition, hormone and response to therapy. ECM-integrin binding
resistance has been linked to the increased activity has also been shown to “cross talk” with other
and expression of EGFR and ErbB2 upon expo- signaling pathways such as those induced by
sure to tamoxifen. Activation of other signal trans- growth factor receptors (GFR). For example, Src
duction pathways, such as MAPK and PI3K/ can be activated downstream of both integrins and
AKT, has also been implicated in hormone resis- various GFR such as EGFR, and activation of Src
tance; however, the exact molecular mechanisms downstream of certain integrin-ECM ligands can
have not yet been elucidated. result in enhanced duration and intensity of EGFR
signaling, thereby contributing to EGFR-
Tumor-Stroma Interaction-Induced mediated resistance pathways.
Resistance In experimental models of acquired drug resis-
tance, many changes in tumor cell-produced ECM
Extracellular Matrix Composition and Integrin proteins and expression of their integrin receptors
Signaling are known to occur, suggesting that tumor cells
The composition of the extracellular matrix may actively reorganize their ECM microenviron-
(ECM) within tumors is very different from that ment and their response to it. As an example,
of normal counterpart tissues. In breast cancer, MCF7 tumor cells that were made multidrug
increases in collagen I and fibronectin deposition resistant following exposure to increasing concen-
and decreases in normal basement membrane trations of multiple drugs (including paclitaxel,
644 Breast Cancer Drug Resistance

docetaxel, vincristine, and doxorubicin) had tumor region is hypoxic, usually due to its
upregulated the expression of ~25 different ECM increased distance from tumor vessels, the amount
or integrin genes compared to the drug-sensitive of drug delivered to these regions is inherently
parental control cells. Given that many of these decreased as many drugs are delivered
interactions are favorable for tumor cell survival, intravenously.
it is likely that a process of selection for these
ECM-producing and ECM-responsive tumor Tumor-Stromal Cell Interactions
cells occurs in the presence of cytotoxic drugs. Tumors are comprised of not only tumor cells and
This would result in a process of clonal selection extracellular matrix but many other cell types and
and expansion of tumor cells with decreased apo- proteins commonly referred to as the tumor
ptosis and hence increased drug resistance follow- stroma. Stromal cell types include cancer-
ing treatment. Different ECM proteins also have associated fibroblasts (CAF), immune cells such
different affinities for binding and possibly as ▶ macrophages, and endothelial cells that
sequestering various drugs and proteins. There- contribute to tumor-associated angiogenesis.
fore, the composition of the tumor ECM may Moreover, the tumor stroma can comprise
affect the efficacy of drug treatment by altering ~50–90% of the tumor itself. Factors produced
its ability to be delivered to tumor cells. by the tumor cells, such as ▶ transforming growth
factor beta (TGFb) and ▶ platelet-derived growth
Vessel Integrity, Angiogenesis, and Hypoxia factor (PDGF), lead to recruitment to and activa-
Tumor ▶ angiogenesis results from a stimulation tion of stromal cells within the tumor. Moreover,
of resident endothelial cells to form new blood these factors can induce stromal cells to secrete
vessels and also from the recruitment of circulat- other growth factors, remodel the ECM microen-
ing endothelial progenitor cells to the tumor site vironment, and induce immune tolerance to tumor
where they become incorporated into the newly antigens within infiltrating immune cells. All of
forming vessels. As the angiogenic process is these processes can alter the response of tumor
exacerbated in tumors, the tumor vessels them- cells to various therapeutic strategies. Increased
selves are quite abnormal and tortuous, leading to stromal macrophage density has been associated
overall reduced blood flow and hence impeding with poor prognoses in breast cancer. Macro-
drug delivery to tumors and contributing to lack of phages increase the invasiveness of tumor cells
clinical response. The reduced blood flow also and can contribute to enhanced tumor-associated
leads to increased tumor ▶ hypoxia. Hypoxia angiogenesis via production of various growth
inhibits the response of tumor cells to both factors. These in turn may activate survival path-
chemo- and radiotherapeutic regimens and occurs ways in tumor cells, making them more refractive
primarily in response to increased activity of to apoptotic signals. In addition to this, CAF rep-
hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF). HIF is a transcrip- resent a large proportion of the tumor cellular
tion factor that is responsible for production of stroma. These cells resemble myofibroblasts and
proteins designed to scavenge and remove oxygen are usually a-smooth muscle actin positive, and
free radicals. As many chemotherapy agents rely histologically they resemble fibroblasts observed
on oxygen radicals to induce significant cellular in normal tissue healing wounds. CAF also con-
damage, their efficacy is negatively impacted by tribute to aggressive tumor growth in part by their
HIF activity. HIF also increases the expression of ability to secrete stromal cell-derived factor
many of the drug efflux transporters, hence 1 alpha (SDF1a which, in addition to recruiting
resulting in reduced drug levels within tumor circulating endothelial progenitor cells to tumor
cells. HIF also modulates DNA repair pathways sites and promoting tumor-associated angiogene-
thereby leading to increased ▶ genomic instabil- sis, has profound effects on tumor cell prolifera-
ity and a mutator state in cells, all of which may tion itself, e.g., as shown for breast tumor cells
contribute to selection of mutated tumor cells with harboring the SDF1a receptor, CXCR4). The
drug-resistant phenotypes. Furthermore, when a importance of CAF has been demonstrated by
Breast Cancer Drug Resistance 645

studies in which they have been co-implanted tumor with as few as 20 remaining cells, the
with tumor cells in in vivo models. The presence presence of CSC may be a critical mediator of
of CAF induced much more aggressive tumor cancer recurrence following treatment.
growth than did co-implantation of normal fibro-
blasts, and CAF also stimulated tumorigenic Resistance of Cancer Stem Cells to Conventional B
growth from non-tumorigenic epithelial cells Cancer Therapies
upon co-implantation. Although currently there CSC isolated from human tumors are fairly resis-
is no evidence suggesting a direct influence of tant to conventional chemotherapy and radiation
CAF in mediating drug resistance, their contribu- therapy as compared to the non-CSC populations
tion to tumor aggression and angiogenesis sug- (▶ breast cancer stem cells). This may be
gests that they play an important role in explained in part by the fact that CSC commonly
modulating the tumor microenvironment and express proteins known to modulate response to
hence drug delivery and response to therapy in drugs, including drug efflux pumps, and thus have
general. enhanced intrinsic capabilities to remove drugs or
overcome their inhibitory activities. CSC are also
Cancer Stem Cells and Resistance more adept at stimulating ▶ angiogenesis within
Over 150 years ago, it was first proposed that tumors and therefore can contribute to more
cancers arise from germ or stem cells; however, aggressive tumor growth both before and after
this hypothesis has now become a major focus of therapy.
investigation in the biology of tumorigenesis and
also in the response of cancers to various thera- Aldehyde Dehydrogenase CSC express higher
pies. In part, the renewed focus of investigation is levels of metabolic mediators such as aldehyde
a result of advances in technology and in under- dehydrogenase (ALDH1; ▶ detoxification).
standing the biology of putative stem cells. Stem ALDH1 has been used as a marker for selection
cells are defined by their ability to undergo self- and isolation of CSC from tumor homogenates.
renewal and their pluripotency (ability to differ- As ALDH1 confers resistance to ▶ cyclophospha-
entiate into multiple cell lineages). The discovery mide in normal stem cells, it is likely that the same
of proteins preferentially expressed in stem cells is true for CSC. Reduction of BRCA1 expression
has allowed the identification and purification of in normal breast epithelial cells resulted in
these cells from various tissue sources (▶ stem increased expression of ALDH1 in conjunction
cell markers). Human breast cancers possess a with decreased expression of ER, suggesting that
subpopulation of cells, characterized by expres- loss of BRCA1 may contribute to tumorigenesis
sion of certain cell markers that display stem cell and resistant cancers in part from generation of
properties (▶ breast cancer stem cells). These can- more stem-like cancer cells. In a similar manner,
cer stem cells (CSC) have the ability to form overexpression of ErbB2 (▶ HER-2/neu)
tumors following transplantation into xenograft increases the proportion of ALDH1-positive
animal models, which then display the phenotypic CSC, further suggesting that the resistance mech-
heterogeneity of the cell types within the original anisms imparted by many previously identified
tumor from which they were isolated. Transplan- factors may be due to increases in the CSC com-
tation of as few as 20–200 CSC results in subse- ponent of tumors. ALDH1 is also associated with
quent generation of these tumors. The presence of poor prognosis in cancer patients, suggesting that
CSC in human tumors has significant implications drug resistance mediated by CSC may directly
for the diagnosis and clinical management of can- influence overall patient response to therapy.
cer patients. As stem cells generally have reduced
proliferative capacities, they may be refractory to Enhanced DNA Repair Mechanisms The
most conventional cancer therapies that are majority of the experimental evidence for
designed to target rapidly proliferating cells. enhanced DNA repair capacity in CSC is in the
Given the possibility that they can produce a context of response to radiation damage.
646 Breast Cancer Drug Resistance

However, many of the DNA repair enzymes acquired resistance. Other proteins that play an
implicated are also involved in response to DNA important role in stem cell self-renewal and dif-
damage induced by some chemotherapeutic ferentiation are the Notch family of proteins
agents and thus may also play a role in mediating (▶ Notch/Jagged signaling). Upon activation by
CSC drug resistance. In general, CSC repair DNA ligand binding, proteolytic cleavage of the Notch
damage more rapidly than non-CSC tumor cells receptors results in translocation of the cytoplas-
due in part to an ability to more readily activate mic domain of Notch to the nucleus and subse-
DNA damage checkpoint mechanisms. CSC have quent induction of downstream transcriptional
a basal activation of this checkpoint and thus are targets. During development, Notch plays a role
primed to rapidly induce repair mechanisms in in regulating asymmetric cell division and hence
response to genotoxic stress. Two of the check- promotes self-renewal of stem cell precursors.
point kinases, CHK1 and CHK2, are critical medi- Approximately 40% of human breast cancers
ators of resistance to radiation in CSC, and have reduced expression of the Notch inhibitor
inhibition of these two kinases by specific small- NUMB, suggesting a role for activated Notch
molecule inhibitors resulted in sensitization of pathways in human breast cancer. Notch activa-
cells to the genotoxic stress. As many chemother- tion occurs also in CSC in response to
apy agents commonly used to treat breast cancer DNA-damaging agents such as radiation. There-
(see Table 1) also primarily damage DNA, thera- fore, in addition to promoting CSC self-renewal,
peutic agents that target these DNA damage Notch may also contribute to resistance to
checkpoint regulatory proteins may become genotoxic stress. A link between Notch activation
extremely useful in adjuvant therapies to help and ErbB2 (▶ HER-2/neu) overexpression has
overcome intrinsic chemoresistance of CSC. been demonstrated whereby inhibition of Notch
signaling resulted in decreased ErbB2 (HER-2/
Altered Transcription Factor Activity Many neu) expression. Given the demonstrated role of
transcription factor pathways known to control ErbB2 (HER-2/neu) in breast cancer progression
stem cell self-renewal and differentiation are also and response to various therapies, which may in
found to be overexpressed and active in CS- part be a result of its increased expression in the
C. Some of these, such as the canonical Wnt CSC population of breast tumors, targeting Notch
(wingless-type mouse mammary tumor virus inte- may be a viable therapeutic option to target CSC
gration site) pathway (▶ Wnt signaling), result in and tumor recurrence post-treatment.
increases in the proportion of tumor cells
expressing stem cell markers in transgenic animal The Future of Breast Cancer Therapy:
models. Wnt binds to cell surface receptors of the Pharmacogenetics and the Promise of
Frizzled family, which results in the downstream Personalized Medicine
translocation of beta-catenin to the nucleus where Through the use of new high-throughput DNA
it activates the LEF1/TCF family of transcription technologies, a thorough understanding of how
factors, many of which are required for embryonic breast cancers evolve and which treatments work
mammary development from normal stem cells. best for particular types of breast cancer is emerg-
In addition to its role in modulating increases in ing. For example, scientists have been able to
the proportion of CSC within tumors, ▶ DNA track changes in the gene expression signature of
damage may induce activity of the Wnt/b-catenin a cancer from a single patient as it evolved from a
pathway thus enhancing its CSC-promoting activ- primary to a metastatic lesion. Such studies lead
ities. As the Wnt/b-catenin pathway also pro- one to think that in the future, a personalized
motes ▶ genomic instability, its activation in treatment regimen may be achievable. In some
CSC populations treated with DNA-damaging cases, this is already occurring, although to a
agents may additionally promote mutation within limited degree. Pharmacogenetics studies use
these populations in response to selective pres- information from a patient's genetic traits to pre-
sures which may thus contribute to induction of dict responses to various therapies. For example,
Breast Cancer Drug Resistance 647

some women are unable to metabolize tamoxifen ▶ Inflammation

properly due to inactive forms of a gene encoding ▶ Insulin-Like Growth Factors
a liver enzyme required for its proper activation. ▶ Macrophages
As a result, many women are now being tested for ▶ Membrane Transporters
this liver insufficiency prior to administration of ▶ Notch/Jagged Signaling B
tamoxifen. Moreover, from many breast cancer ▶ P-Glycoprotein
patients now, an mRNA gene expression signa- ▶ Paclitaxel
ture is established (e.g., http://www.oncotypedx. ▶ Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
com/) to determine the likelihood that they will ▶ Platinum Complexes
respond to certain breast cancer therapies ▶ Repair of DNA
(▶ breast cancer antiestrogen resistance). ▶ Stem Cell Markers
Thus, while breast cancer drug resistance con- ▶ Tamoxifen
tinues to be a challenge in the clinic, technological ▶ TP53
and biological advances and the advent of person- ▶ Transforming Growth Factor-Beta
alized medicine will make a difference in mitigat- ▶ Trastuzumab
ing the effects of resistance in future therapeutic ▶ Wnt Signaling
Cross-References Dihua, Yu, Hung, Mien-Chie (Eds.) (2007) Breast cancer
chemosensitivity. Adv Exp Med Biol 608
▶ Alkylating Agents Kakarala M, Wicha MS (2008) Implications of the cancer
▶ Amplification stem-cell hypothesis for breast cancer prevention and
therapy. J Clin Oncol 26(17):2813–2820
▶ Angiogenesis Meads MB, Gatenby RA, Dalton WS (2009) Environment-
▶ Anthracyclines mediated drug resistance: a major contributor to mini-
▶ Apoptosis mal residual disease. Nat Rev Cancer 9(9):665–674
▶ Breast Cancer Musgrove EA, Sutherland RL (2009) Biological determi-
nants of endocrine resistance in breast cancer. Nat Rev
▶ Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance Cancer 9(9):631–643
▶ Breast Cancer Stem Cells
▶ Centrosome See Also
▶ Chemotherapy (2012) ABC transporter proteins. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
▶ Cisplatin clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
▶ Cyclin-Dependent Kinases berg, p 10. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_12
(2012) Adjuvant. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Cyclins cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 75.
▶ Cyclophosphamide doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_107
▶ Detoxification (2012) Beta-catenin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ DNA Damage cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 385.
▶ Drug Resistance (2012) Breast cancer resistance protein. In: Schwab M (ed)
▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
▶ Etoposide delberg, pp 546–547. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
▶ Fluorouracil 5_719
(2012) Capecitabine. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Gemcitabine cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 640.
▶ Genomic Instability doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_828
▶ HER-2/neu (2012) Carboplatin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Herceptin cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 641.
▶ Hormonal Therapy (2012) Cell division. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Hypoxia cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 738.
▶ Immunotherapy doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_999
648 Breast Cancer Epidemiology

(2012) Checkpoint. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia (2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2747.
754–755. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1049 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331
(2012) Checkpoint kinases. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- (2012) Pharmacogenetics. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
755. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1050 2840. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4496
(2012) CHK1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, (2012) Prognostic biomarker. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 817. pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1101 2994. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4759
(2012) Codon. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, (2012) Polymorphism. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 891. cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 2954–
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1248 2955. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4673
(2012) DNA repair. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of (2012) Radiotherapy. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1141. cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3158.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1687 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4926
(2012) Doxorubicin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of (2012) Serine/threonine kinase. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1159. clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1722 berg, p 3384. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5258
(2012) Endothelial cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia (2012) Taxanes. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1251. cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 3614–
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1896 3615. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6648
(2012) Epirubicin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of (2012) Transcription factor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1291. pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1955 3752. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5901
(2012) Extracellular matrix. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- (2012) Transgenic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3763.
1362. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2067 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5919
(2012) Gene expression signature. In: Schwab M (ed) (2012) Tubulin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3792.
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5_6679 (2012) Vinblastine. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
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(2012) HER2. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3908.
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(2012) Integrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3908.
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(2012) Methotrexate. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3967.
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(2012) Multidrug resistance. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- Director Center of Molecular Epidemiology, The
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Breast Cancer Epidemiology 649

endogenous or exogenous estrogens. Rates of Breast Cancer Epidemiology, Table 1 Annual inci-
breast cancer vary widely and are higher in devel- dence and mortality rates of breast cancer per 100,000
oped countries such as the USA and UK and lower
in developing countries such as India and China. Nation Incidence Mortality
Breast cancer risk appears to increase with high China 18.7 5.5
intake of essential polyunsaturated fats that pro- Africa (Zimbabwe) 19.0 14.1
India 19.1 10.4
mote ▶ inflammation and estrogen biosynthesis.
Japan 32.7 8.3
Reproductive risk factors include early menses,
Brazil 46.0 14.1
nulliparity, late first pregnancy, and late meno-
Singapore 48.7 15.8
pause, all of which increase exposure to endoge-
Italy 74.4 18.9
nous estrogens. Estrogen replacement therapy Switzerland 81.7 19.8
(ERT) and high body mass increase breast cancer Australia 83.2 18.4
risk in postmenopausal women. Identifiable Canada 84.3 21.1
genetic factors account for only a small fraction The Netherlands 86.7 27.5
of breast cancer cases. Studies in cancer control UK 87.2 24.3
show that annual screening with mammography Sweden 87.8 17.3
after age 50 is highly effective in detecting early Denmark 88.7 27.8
breast lesions when they can be surgically excised France 91.9 21.5
with a high probability of long-term survival. USA 101.1 19.0
Breast cancer prevention may be aided by taking Data resource: Ferlay et al. (2004)
synthetic or natural compounds with anti-
inflammatory or antiestrogenic activity. Addi-
tional studies in molecular epidemiology are narrower range than incidence rates ranging
needed to more clearly delineate the way in from 5.5 deaths per 100,000 Chinese women to
which breast cancer risk factors interact to impact 27.8 deaths per 100,000 Danish women. The inci-
the natural history of this disease. dence and mortality rates of breast cancer tend to
be higher for women in developed countries com-
pared to those in underdeveloped countries
Characteristics (Table 1).
As discussed in this chapter, the surging global
Global Impact of Breast Cancer burden of breast cancer and the wide variability in
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed incidence and mortality reflect the impact of mul-
cancer and the second leading cause of cancer tiple factors including screening (mammography),
death among women (only lung cancer causes therapy, and increases in risk factors such as late
more deaths). In 2012, breast cancer was diag- childbearing, lack of breastfeeding, intake of
nosed in 1.68 million women and caused exogenous hormones, intake of diets high in fat
522,000 deaths in the world population. The and calories, lack of exercise, obesity and inflam-
global burden of breast cancer has increased mation (Harris, 2016).
sharply in the 21st century. During 2000-2012,
reported numbers of new cases and deaths rose Breast Cancer Detection, Staging, and
by 60% and 40%, respectively. Among developed Survival
countries, the USA has the highest annual inci- Mammography is a radiographic imaging process
dence rates of breast cancer exceeding 100 cases using low-dose X-rays to assist in the detection
per 100,000. The lifetime risk of breast cancer for and diagnosis of breast cancer. The goal of mam-
American women is approximately 1 in 8 com- mography as a screening tool is to detect breast
pared to a lifetime risk of only 1 in 66 for Chinese tumors early in their growth and development so
women. Breast cancer mortality rates show a they can be completely excised by qualified breast
650 Breast Cancer Epidemiology

surgeons. Screening mammography together with Breast Cancer Epidemiology, Table 2 Breast cancer
effective biopsy (▶ fine-needle aspiration survival by stages at detection
biopsy), accurate pathologic evaluation, and sur- Stage at Description of stage at Five-year
gical excision of breast tumors have been shown diagnosis diagnosis survival (%)
to reduce the mortality from breast cancer by 0 Carcinoma in situ 100
(no invasion)
approximately 30% in women over the age of
I Tumor <2 cm with no 100
50 years. Because of the difficulty in discriminat- lymphatic spread
ing normal active mammary glands from abnor- IIA Tumor? 2 cm with no 92
mal neoplastic growths in women during their lymphatic spread
reproductive years, there is controversy about IIB Spread to axillary lymph 81
the value of screening for breast cancer by mam- nodes
mography in premenopausal women (before age IIIA Spread to axillary and 67
other lymph nodes
50). Currently, the American National Cancer
IIIB Spread to lymph nodes 54
Institute recommends that women initiate bian- and opposite breast
nual screening for breast cancer by mammogra- IV Widespread metastatic 20
phy at age 40–49, whereas after age 50, screening cancer
is recommended on an annual basis Source: American Cancer Society (2005)
(▶ mammographic breast density and cancer
risk). Other imaging techniques such as ultra-
sound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and
▶ positron emission tomography (PET) are now requires additional treatment by ▶ chemotherapy,
being widely used by physicians to assist in the radiation therapy (▶ ionizing radiation therapy),
evaluation and diagnosis of breast tumors. Breast and hormonal therapy (▶ endocrine therapy).
self-examination (BSE) and physician examina-
tion are also considered essential components of Mechanisms of Breast Carcinogenesis
regular breast care. Breast carcinogenesis is most probably due to
stimulation of epithelial cells that line the breast
Pathology ducts by estrogens (▶ estrogenic hormones). The
Tumor staging (▶ staging of tumors) refers to the major evidence for this is that breast cancer pri-
microscopic evaluation of tissue by a pathologist marily occurs in women, although occasionally
to assess the size, exact anatomic location, breast tumors do develop in men, particularly in
growth, and spread of a cancerous lesion. While association with Klinefelter syndrome, where
imaging procedures are important for the identifi- there is an extra X chromosome in the karyotype
cation of suspicious lesions, the ultimate diagno- (XXY), or by ingestion of synthetic estrogens
sis of breast cancer (or any other malignant such as diethylstilbestrol in the treatment of pros-
neoplasm) must be confirmed by microscopic tate cancer (▶ prostate cancer clinical oncology).
examination of cancerous tissue (obtained by Several theories have been proposed to explain
biopsy) by a qualified pathologist. breast carcinogenesis. Perhaps the best known of
Breast cancer survival is highest when tumors these relates breast cancer risk to the sustained
are detected prior to invading contiguous tissues stimulus of estrogen over many years. The
or lymph nodes (carcinoma in situ, stage I; ▶ duc- “estrogen-stimulus” theory of breast cancer pos-
tal carcinoma in situ), whereas survival is lowest tulates that the risk is enhanced with a sustained
with late detection after tumors have spread continuum of estrogen cycles unbroken by preg-
(metastasized; ▶ metastasis) to other sites nancy or other mechanisms of estrogen ablation
(Table 2). Early stage breast cancer is effectively such as ovariectomy. Both endogenous and exog-
“cured” by complete surgical excision with clear enous factors may potentially increase estrogen
margins (no evidence of spread beyond the surgi- stimulus of the mammary gland in association
cal margins), whereas later stage disease usually with breast cancer development.
Breast Cancer Epidemiology 651

Risk Factors without progesterone) elevates the risk of post-

Several “risk factors” have been identified that menopausal breast cancer by two- to threefold.
increase a woman’s chance of developing breast Several studies show consistency in observing
cancer. Nevertheless, cause and effect cannot be an interaction between body mass and ERT in
established in most individual cases. The classical elevating the risk of breast cancer in postmeno- B
risk factors of breast cancer include familial and pausal women. Specifically, lean women who
genetic predisposition, early menses, delayed receive ERT after menopause have been found to
reproductive history, nulliparity, late menopause, be at significantly higher risk for the development
and the natural process of aging. of breast cancer. One possible explanation for this
is the relatively higher concentration of ERT in
Hormones women of smaller body mass.
During the reproductive years, estrogens are pro-
duced by the ovaries, whereas after menopause, Body Mass Index
the source of circulating estrogens is biosynthesis Body mass index (BMI) shows differential effects
in fat and muscle cells by the enzyme aromatase on premenopausal versus postmenopausal breast
(▶ aromatase and its inhibitors). The risk of cancer risk. Before menopause, BMI shows little
premenopausal breast cancer increases two- to association with risk, whereas after menopause,
threefold with either nulliparity or “late” first the risk of breast cancer increases two- to three-
pregnancy (after age 30). Parous women who do fold among women with high BMI, presumably
not breastfeed are also at increased risk. due to heightened estrogen biosynthesis.

Family History Diet

A strong family history (breast cancer in a first- From an etiologic standpoint, rates of breast can-
degree or second-degree relative) increases the cer are changing in populations that historically
risk of breast cancer by three- to fivefold. Genetic have been at low risk, whereas the rates have
or familial predisposition is identifiable for remained relatively constant in populations at
approximately 5–10% of women diagnosed with higher risk. For example, breast cancer mortality
breast cancer. Two heritable genetic mutations rates among Japanese, Indian, and Chinese
have been identified that predispose to familial women have increased approximately threefold
breast cancer, BRCA1 and BRCA2. The BRCA1 in the past two decades, whereas the USA, UK,
gene predisposes heterozygous female carriers to and European (French) rates have remained con-
both breast cancer and ▶ ovarian cancer, while the stant or slightly declined (Fig. 1).
BRCA2 gene predisposes heterozygous female Concurrently, the Japanese, Indian, and Chi-
carriers to breast cancer only. Hallmarks of famil- nese diets have also changed dramatically with
ial predisposition to breast cancer include early higher intakes of fat and calories. However,
age of onset, an excess of bilateral disease, and other risk factors may also be involved since
breast cancer in familial association with other birth rates are declining, age at first pregnancy is
malignancies such as ovarian cancer and ▶ endo- being delayed, and nulliparity is increasing in
metrial cancer. ▶ BRCA1/BRCA2 germline muta- these populations.
tions and breast cancer risk. Various hypotheses postulate that dietary fac-
tors are related to the initiation and promotion of
Estrogen Replacement Therapy breast cancer. One such hypothesis states that
Approximately 75% of breast cancers are diag- breast cancer development is due to intake of
nosed in women after they undergo menopause. certain types of essential fatty acids that increase
A number of investigations have examined the ▶ inflammation and estrogen biosynthesis and
association between estrogen replacement therapy thus promote breast cancer development. How-
(ERT) and postmenopausal breast cancer risk. ever, there is controversy among epidemiologists
There is a general consensus that ERT (with or regarding the role of dietary fat or other dietary
652 Breast Cancer Epidemiology

Breast Cancer 40
Fig. 1 Trends in breast 35
cancer mortality
30 UK

Matality per 100,000

25 USA

20 France

15 Japan

10 India

5 China

1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

factors in the development of breast cancer ▶ chemoprevention against the development of

(▶ cancer causes and control). second primary cancer in the contralateral breast.
The highest-risk target organ for development Large independent clinical trials have been
of breast cancer is the contralateral (opposite) performed to examine the preventive activity of
breast of a woman who has already manifested tamoxifen. While a US trial showed beneficial
unilateral disease (▶ contralateral breast cancer). effects, the results of two European trials were
In addition, the familial breast cancer patient has a negative. Despite this apparent discrepancy of
markedly enhanced risk for development of results, the US FDA has approved tamoxifen for
malignancy in the contralateral breast (about use as a preventive agent in high-risk women.
50% over 20 years, postmastectomy). This action tends to disregard adverse side effects
Many studies in biochemical epidemiology of the drug including increased risks of endome-
have been performed with the objective of identi- trial cancer, ER-negative breast cancer, colon can-
fying a biochemical marker of breast cancer risk. cer, and pulmonary embolus.
The various subtypes of estrogens (estradiol, Many epidemiologic studies have noted a sig-
estrone, and estriol) and their ratios, androgens nificant preventive effect of ▶ nonsteroidal anti-
and other steroids, polypeptide hormones such inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) against breast can-
as prolactin, and various indices of these parame- cer. These investigations suggest that the risk of
ters have been tried; however, no single parameter breast cancer is reduced by 20–30% with regular
or index of parameters has been developed which use of common over-the-counter NSAIDs such as
accurately predicts an individual’s risk of for ▶ aspirin and ibuprofen. Studies in molecular epi-
developing cancer of the breast. demiology and in animals suggest that this effect
is manifest due to blockade of cyclooxygenase
Prevention isozymes of the inflammatory cascade, particu-
Breast cancer specimens ascertained by biopsy or larly the inducible isoform, cyclooxygenase-2.
surgical procedures (mastectomy) are routinely
subjected to laboratory analysis of estrogen
receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR).
Breast tumors that are positive for ER/PR may References
respond to hormone therapy by administration of
Ferlay J, Bray F, Pisani P, Parkin DM (2004) GLOBOCAN
antiestrogenic compounds such as ▶ tamoxifen.
2002. Cancer incidence, mortality and prevalence
Tamoxifen is now being offered to women worldwide, vol 5, IARC CancerBase, version 2.0.
treated for early stage breast cancer for IARCPress, Lyon
Breast Cancer Familial Risk 653

Harris RE (2016) Epidemiology of Breast Cancer. in by risk profile into three tiers: high-penetrance
“Global Epidemiology of Breast Cancer”, Jones and genes (contribute to approximately 25% of all
Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA, USA, pp 139–152
Harris RE (2002) Epidemiology of breast cancer and non- familial breast cancer cases), intermediate-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In: Harris RE penetrance genes (account for about 5% of famil-
(ed) COX-2 blockade in cancer prevention and therapy. ial breast cancer risk), and low-penetrance genes B
Humana Press, Totowa, pp 57–68 (the known genes account for about 5% of familial
breast cancer risk).
Most of the risk factors are still unknown, and
the vast majority of breast cancers are presumed to
be due to an undefined number of additional
Breast Cancer Familial Risk inherited susceptibility factors with various
degrees of penetrance, exposure to hormonal and
Barbara Burwinkel1 and Rongxi Yang2 environmental factors, and stochastic genetic
Division Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer, events (Fig. 1).
University of Heidelberg, Department of
Gynecology and Obstetrics, Heidelberg, Germany High-Penetrance Breast Cancer Susceptibility
Molecular Epidemiology Unit, German Cancer Genes
Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany High-penetrance breast cancer susceptibility
genes are genes that confer a greater than fivefold
relative risk of breast cancer. This group includes
Definition three genes, BRCA1, BRCA2, and TP53.

Familial breast cancer is characterized by multiple BRCA1 and BRCA2

affected individuals in one family. The patients Breast cancer 1 (BRCA1) gene and breast cancer
with breast cancer are normally diagnosed in a 2 (BRCA2) gene are identified as two major
relatively younger age compared to the sporadic ▶ Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes. The two
ones. Familial breast cancers account for approx- genes are known as DNA repair genes and play
imately 5–10% of all breast cancers. The closer roles as tumor suppressor genes. They both are
and the younger the relatives affected by breast involved in a cluster of processes in the
cancer are, the higher the breast cancer risk to the cells, including ▶ cell cycle checkpoint control,
individuals in the same family will be. Moreover, protein ▶ ubiquitination, chromatin remodeling,
multiple affected individuals in one family will and the maintenance of genomic stability.
increase the risk of breast cancer. Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 tumor sup-
pressor genes are the strongest indicators of risk
for ▶ breast cancer and/or ▶ ovarian cancer.
Characteristics Women with mutations in either of the two
genes have a lifetime risk of breast cancer of
A twin study based on a large population indi- 60–85% and a lifetime risk of ovarian cancer of
cated that breast cancer in general is due to the 15–40%.
combination of one-third of genetic background Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 have a con-
and two-thirds of environmental factors. Familial siderable contribution to familial breast cancer
aggregation can be attributed to shared genes and aggregation. It has been estimated that 0.7–29%
shared physical environment and lifestyles. Con- of familial breast cancers are accounted for by
sidering the familial aggregation, hereditary mutations in BRCA1, and 1.5–25% are accounted
breast cancers are mainly due to germline muta- for by mutations in BRCA2. Although the contri-
tions in ▶ tumor suppressor genes or ▶ oncogenes bution of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations to can-
transmitted from one generation to another. The cer risk is varied in different populations, the true
breast cancer susceptibility genes can be stratified degree of these differences is difficult to be
654 Breast Cancer Familial Risk

25% High-penetrance genes, OR>5

(BRCA1,BRCA2 and TP53)

Intermediate-penetrance genes, OR 2-4

Known low-penetrance genes from GWAS
studies, OR 1-2
65% 5%
Unknownriskfactors ,yet to be identified

Breast Cancer Familial Risk, Fig. 1 Genetics of familial breast cancer. The percentages present the contribution of each
group of genes to familial breast cancer

estimated given the wide variety of patient inclu- TP53

sion criteria, mutation ascertainment methods, ▶ TP53 was recognized as a tumor suppressor
and limited sample size used in different studies. gene and central to multiple cellular pathways.
Thus, the data from different studies might show Loss of p53 function by somatic mutations occurs
very different frequencies of BRCA1/2 mutations frequently in tumors. Germline mutations of TP53
even in the same cohorts of patients. In general, are correlated with the ▶ Li–Fraumeni syndrome
inherited germline mutations in BRCA1/2 occur (LFS). LFS is characterized by autosomal
in about 20–30% of all familial breast cancer dominant inheritance and early onset of tumors,
cases and in 2–3% of all breast cancers. Some such as breast cancer, soft tissue sarcomas, ▶ oste-
founder mutations are relatively frequent in par- osarcomas, ▶ brain tumors, leukemia, and adre-
ticular ethnic groups. For example, BRCA1 nocortical carcinomas. The pattern of breast
185delAG, BRCA1 5382insC, and BRCA2 cancer in LFS families is remarkable. In a study
6174delT are observed in about 59% of familial on 28 LFS families including 148 cancer-affected
breast–ovarian cancer patients in Ashkenazim individuals, 38 women were diagnosed with
Jewish population, comparing to 2% in normal breast cancer. The breast cancer patients in LFS
population. The BRCA2 999del5 mutation, the are more likely to be diagnosed at a younger age
sole high-frequency founder mutation in Iceland, (younger than 30 years old) and with bilateral
is found in about 10.4% of breast cancer cases disease. As Li–Fraumeni syndrome is rare and
unselected for family history and 38% of male leads to multiple tumors, not only breast cancer,
breast cancers, whereas it is only detected in the contribution of mutations in TP53 to the famil-
0.6% of unaffected Icelanders. The carriers of ial breast cancer is very low.
BRCA1 mutations are mostly diagnosed before
the age of 50, whereas the BRCA2 mutations Intermediate-Penetrance Breast Cancer
carrier are more likely to have breast cancer Susceptibility Genes
when they are above 50 years. BRCA2 is also In addition to BRCA1, BRCA2, and TP53, some
associated with a 6% lifetime risk for male breast other genes are also considered as well-
cancer and increased ovarian cancer risk. established breast cancer susceptibility genes.
Breast Cancer Familial Risk 655

Germline mutations in PTEN, STK11, and CDH1 response to ▶ DNA damage and is also involved in
have been identified as causes of some syndromes cell cycle arrest. The inherited mutations in CHEK2
that are associated with an increased risk of famil- are found in a portion of the autosomal dominantly
ial breast cancer. Mutations in CHEK2, ATM, inherited Li–Fraumeni syndrome. The CHEK2
BRIP1, and PALB2 are rare and confer a relative Breast Cancer Case–Control Consortium has found B
two- to fourfold risk of breast cancer. However, all that CHEK2 1100delC is associated with a more than
these intermediate-penetrance genes only account twofold increased breast cancer risk in the popula-
for less than 5% of all familial breast cancer cases. tion. Some other variants in CHEK2, such as I157T,
S428F, and P85L, have also been reported to be
PTEN associated with increased breast cancer risk.
The phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN)
gene encodes a lipid phosphatase and functions as ATM
a tumor suppressor by leading to cell cycle arrest Ataxia–telangiectasia mutated (ATM) gene-
and ▶ apoptosis. Germline mutations in PTEN encoded protein is involved in DNA repair
cause ▶ Cowden syndrome, a rare autosomal and/or cell cycle control. The mutations in ATM
dominant syndrome that is characterized by an contribute to ataxia–telangiectasia (A–T) which is
increased familial cancer risk especially in the an autosomal recessive syndrome with progres-
breast and thyroid, and together with multiple sive cerebellar ataxia, immune deficiency, and
clinical features. The lifetime risk of breast cancer cancer predisposition. Some mutations in ATM
in women with Cowden syndrome is estimated to have shown a larger than twofold relative risk
be as high as 50%, comparing to 11% in the with familial breast cancer.
general population. The breast cancer carriers in
Cowden syndrome are normally diagnosed at a BRIP1
younger age and with the average age of 36–46 BRCA1-interacting protein 1(BRIP1) is a mem-
years old. ber of the DEAH helicase family. It interacts
directly with BRCA1 to form the BRIP1–BRCA1
STK11 complex and contributes to the key BRCA1 activ-
Serine/threonine protein kinase 11 (STK11) ity. The truncation mutations in BRIP1 were
encodes a serine/threonine kinase that can inhibit found to be more frequent in familial breast cancer
cellular proliferation, control cell polarity, and cases than in the controls. It has been estimated
interact with the mTOR pathway. Mutations in that BRIP1 mutations confer a 2.0-fold higher risk
STK11 lead to ▶ Peutz–Jeghers syndrome (PJS), of breast cancer. Some other mutations in BRIP1,
which is a rare autosomal dominant hereditary such as P47A and M299I, are identified in early-
disease leading to a predisposition to benign and onset breast cancer individuals with family history
malignant tumors of many organs, including the of breast and ovarian cancers.
breast and ovary.
CDH1 Partner and localizer of BRCA2 (PALB2) gene
Cadherin 1 (CDH1) gene encodes ▶ E-cadherin, encodes the protein PALB2 that promotes locali-
which is important for cell ▶ adhesion. The muta- zation and stability of BRCA2 in the nucleus and
tion in CDH1 has shown dominantly inherited enables the DNA repair and checkpoint functions
predisposition for ▶ gastric cancer. Multiple lob- of BRCA2. Monoallelic truncating mutation of
ular breast cancer carriers are also observed in PALB2 confers a 2.3-fold higher risk for familial
families with germline mutations in CDH1. breast cancer. The 1583delT variation is associ-
ated with significant increased breast cancer risk
CHEK2 in the Finnish population (fourfold in unselected
Checkpoint kinase 2 (CHEK2) encodes the protein breast cancer individuals and about tenfold in
CHK2, a ▶ protein kinase that is activated in familial cases).
656 Breast Cancer Familial Risk

Low-Penetrance Breast Cancer Susceptibility Interaction between Breast Cancer

Alleles Susceptibility Genes
Low-penetrance alleles are variants or polymor- There is etiological evidence that cancer is the
phisms that may be associated with a small result of accumulated mutations in genes under
increased relative risk to cancer, with the odd the pressure of a combination of genetic and envi-
ration of less than 2 and mostly less than 1.5. ronmental risk factors. The interaction and collab-
The frequency of the variants in low-penetrance oration between breast cancer susceptibility genes
genes in all is higher in the general population are important aspects for familial breast cancer
than that of high-penetrance genes. According to risk. Studies have suggested that breast cancer
the polygenic model of inherited breast cancer, risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers is
unfavorable combinations of polymorphic genetic modified by other genetic or environmental fac-
variants in low-penetrance susceptibility genes tors that cluster in families. For example, the
contribute to the excess familial breast cancer minor alleles of SNP rs2981582 and rs889312
risk. Most of the low-penetrance susceptibility are associated with increased breast cancer risk
genes have not been discovered yet. A large num- in BRCA2 mutation carriers (rs2981582
ber of genetic polymorphisms contribute to Ptrend = 1.7  10–8 and rs889312 Ptrend =
low-penetrance breast cancer genes. The 0.02, respectively), but not in BRCA1 carriers.
low-penetrance genes are mainly detected by Genotype and haplotype analyses of TP53 in the
association studies, where the frequencies of can- Spanish population revealed that the haplotype
didate alleles are compared between cases and with the variant allele for the Arg72Pro but with-
controls. out 97-147ins16bp in TP53 is associated with an
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) earlier age of onset in BRCA2 mutation carriers.
have emerged as a powerful approach to identify Further investigations are necessary to reveal
susceptibility loci. By utilizing genotyping plat- whether similar interactions exist between other
forms that can type hundreds of thousands of susceptibility genes.
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) simulta-
neously, it is possible to conduct association stud- Conclusion and Outlook
ies using sets of SNPs that tag most of the known Although GWAS have revealed many genetic fac-
common variants in the genome. The GWAS have tors contributing to sporadic breast cancer risk,
already identified several breast cancer suscepti- most of the familial breast cancer-related inherited
bility alleles. factors are still unknown. Far more rare genetic
Most of these alleles are located in a linkage variants/mutations conferring an intermediate to
disequilibrium block with known cancer- high breast cancer risk might contribute to a larger
related genes, such as FGFR2, CASP8, and portion of familial breast cancer than assumed
MAP3K1; some are located in regions that are before. The association of these rare variants
far away from any known genes, such as with breast cancer can hardly be detected by
rs13387042 in 2q35 and rs13281615 in 8q24. So GWAS. Next-generation sequencing approaches
far, the biological characteristics of these SNPs will be helpful to reveal these variants. Further-
are still unknown. Although, these more, DNA copy number variations (CNVs),
low-penetrance genes or variants have explained which are genomic structural aberrations occur-
a number of sporadic breast cancer cases, their ring in the population, might contribute to
contribution to familial breast cancer is low. Five cancer risk.
loci are estimated to account for a modest 3.6% of
the excess familial risk of breast cancer in Euro-
pean populations. All the identified and well- Cross-References
verified low-penetrance alleles might account for
about 5% of all familial breast cancers in Euro- ▶ Adhesion
pean population. ▶ Apoptosis
Breast Cancer Immunotherapy 657

▶ Brain Tumors (2012) Penetrance. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of

▶ Breast Cancer Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2806.
▶ Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes (2012) Polymorphism. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Cell Cycle Checkpoint Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp
▶ Cowden Syndrome 2954–2955. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4673 B
▶ DNA Damage (2012) STK11. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3534.
▶ E-Cadherin doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6624
▶ Gastric Cancer (2012) Truncating Mutation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
Lymphomas 3786. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6698
▶ Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
▶ Mammalian Target of Rapamycin
▶ Non-Rhabdomyosarcoma Soft Tissue Sarcomas
▶ Oncogene
▶ Osteosarcoma Breast Cancer Hormonal Therapy
▶ Ovarian Cancer
▶ Peutz–Jeghers Syndrome ▶ Endocrine Therapy in Breast Cancer
▶ Protein Kinases
▶ Repair of DNA
▶ TP53
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes Breast Cancer Hormone Therapy
▶ Ubiquitination
▶ Endocrine Therapy in Breast Cancer
See Also

(2012) Adrenocortical Tumors. In: Schwab M (ed)

Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei- Breast Cancer Immunotherapy
delberg, pp 89–90. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
5_121 Silvia von Mensdorff-Pouilly
(2012) Ataxia Telangiectasia. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vrije
298. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_426 Universiteit Medisch Centrum (VUmc),
(2012) Autosomal Dominant. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- Amsterdam, The Netherlands
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
323. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_489
(2012) BRIP1. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p pp 566–567. Definition
(2012) Checkpoint. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Active specific immunmotherapy (▶ immuno-
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp
754–755. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1049
therapy) of cancer endeavors to direct the host’s
(2012) DNA Repair. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of own immune system against an antigen expressed
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1141. by tumor cells to create an immune response that
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1687 will destroy the established tumor. The same
(2012) Germline Mutation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
immune response induced in an adjuvant setting
1544. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2404 targets and intends to eliminate isolated dissemi-
(2012) MTOR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- nated tumor cells (▶ micrometastasis) to prevent
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2384. disease recurrence and to create a state of immune
(2012) PALB2. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
surveillance (▶ immunosurveillance of tumors)
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp that will eliminate tumor cells as they arise. Pas-
2758–2759. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4349 sive immunotherapy uses monoclonal antibodies
658 Breast Cancer Immunotherapy

(MAbs; monoclonal antibody therapy; ▶ Mono- tissues is limited to the testes (melanoma antigen
clonal Antibodies for Cancer Therapy) that bind 1, MAGE-1) ▶ Melanoma Antigens. An advan-
to receptors or antigens on the tumor cell surface tage of many TAAs, such as MUC1, CEA, and
blocking receptor-ligand interactions and HER2, is that they are shared antigens expressed
recruiting immune effector cells against the by many types of tumors, thus broadening the
tumor. ▶ Trastuzumab (▶ Herceptin ®), a mono- applicability of a particular vaccine. However,
clonal antibody to human epidermal growth factor TAAs are in essence self-antigens and therefore
receptor 2 (HER2; ▶ HER-2/neu; ▶ epidermal have been subjected to thymic selection to elimi-
growth factor inhibitors), is already part of the nate high avidity T cells that otherwise might
standard treatment of patients with breast carcino- induce autoimmunity. This makes them weak
mas expressing the antigen. antigens and partly explains the tolerance
exhibited to growing tumors ▶ Immune Escape.
Because many of the targeted TAAs are aberrant
Characteristics self-antigens, one important safety issue of cancer
vaccines ▶ Cancer Vaccines is that they induce
One major difficulty faced by ▶ immunotherapy immune responses to tumor cells but not to normal
of cancer in general, and that of ▶ breast cancer in cells. Transgenic mice expressing either human
particular, is that there are very few antigens that MUC1, CEA, or HER2 that were vaccinated
are specific to tumor cells. Tumor-specific anti- with the corresponding antigen showed tumor
gens (TSA) are for the most part oncogenic viral rejection and no autoimmunity. Cancer vaccines
antigens, among others ▶ Epstein-Barr virus based on TAAs that have been tested in clinical
(EBV in Burkitt lymphoma) and ▶ human T- trials in human subjects differ in vectors, carrier
lymphotropic virus (HTLV in T-cell leukemia/ proteins, and adjuvants but are similar in showing
lymphoma), which are not relevant to breast can- low toxicity, the adjuvant in question being
cer and adenocarcinomas. On the other hand, mainly to blame for the local and constitutional
numerous tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) that symptoms associated with the vaccine. No auto-
are expressed by carcinomas have been described, immune reactions have been reported to the
and their number continues to increase with the moment.
use of new methods to define them, such as Another hurdle that cancer immunotherapy has
recombinant expression cloning (▶ SEREX), to overcome is that carcinomas use a variety of
serological proteome analysis (SERPA), geno- immunosuppressive mechanisms to defeat poten-
mics, and proteomics. Immunotherapy exploits tially effective immune responses, such as induc-
the fact that TAAs ▶ Tumor Antigens are present tion of immunosuppressive immune cells
in greater amounts and in a different cell distribu- (T regulatory cells, Treg; ▶ regulatory T cells),
tion in cancer than in normal cells. This is the case elaboration of immunosuppressive ▶ cytokines
with members of the epithelial growth receptor (TGF-b, ▶ interleukin-4 (IL-4), ▶ interleukin-6
family, such as HER2 and EGFR Epithelial (IL-6), and IL-10), and loss of major histocom-
Growth Factor Receptor. Additionally, some patibility complex (MHC) class I (▶ HLA class I)
TAAs, such as the mucin MUC1 ▶ Mucins and expression. Conversely, immune recognition of
▶ gangliosides, are aberrantly glycosylated and tumors frequently occurs in cancer-bearing
express tumor-associated glycans that provide a hosts: high-titer IgG antibodies to tumor-
good target for immunotherapy. Other TAAs rep- associated gene products regularly accompany
resent mutated versions of self (P53) or constitute cancer development, and their presence has been
oncofetal antigens (▶ carcinoembryonic antigen, associated with favorable outcome of disease in
CEA; alpha fetoprotein, aFP; ▶ alpha fetoprotein several tumor types, including breast; ▶ cytotoxic
diagnostics) with restricted expression in mature T cells derived from patients with breast cancer
tissues, or like the cancer-testis antigens (▶ cancer react with tumor antigens present on malignant
germline antigens), their expression in normal cells; tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are
Breast Cancer Immunotherapy 659

present in various types of tumors, and the com- released from cells dying after exposure to the
position and localization of the tumor infiltrate MAb or to chemotherapeutic agents forms
seem to be crucial for good or bad prognosis immune complexes with the MAb that can stimu-
▶ Tumor microenvironment. The ultimate goal late an immune response through the intermediary
of tumor vaccines is to induce antigen-specific of |antigen-presenting cells (APCs) ▶ Dendritic B
immune effector cells (CD8+ ▶ cytotoxic Cells. The beneficial effect on breast cancer of
T cells) that will kill tumor cells. Cytotoxic Trastuzumab|trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody
T cells are capable of recognizing defined tumor against HER2, is associated with the induction of
antigens in the context of MHC class I and are T-cell responses against HER2. Furthermore, anti-
indispensable for clinically significant antitumor genic determinants (idiotype) in the variable
responses in advanced metastatic disease. Addi- region of MAb are recognized by the host immune
tionally, there is an increasing awareness of the system as foreign and can trigger an idiotypic
importance of inducing CD4+ helper T cells cascade. After administration of MAb for diagno-
(helper CD4 T cells), given the key role that sis or therapy, some patients with cancer develop
these cells play in the control of immune anti-idiotypic antibodies that can be associated
responses and in the induction of cytotoxic with a good clinical response. Anti-idiotypic anti-
responses, as well as stimulating B cells to pro- bodies, mostly murine but also human, that mimic
duce antibodies specific to the tumor. Dissemina- tumor antigens have been used to elicit tumor
tion of disease occurs early in breast cancer: antigen-specific immune responses ▶ Idiotype
isolated disseminated tumor cells can be found at Vaccination (Fig. 1). The effect of MAb
the time of primary surgery in the bone marrow of monotherapy may be greatly enhanced with adju-
30% of lymph node-negative breast cancer vants that stimulate the innate immune system by
patients, and their presence is associated with way of the ▶ toll-like receptors (TLR). Similar to
poor outcome. Antibodies, particularly of the bacterial DNA, synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides
IgG1 isotype, may be effective in eradicating (ODN) that contain a high frequency of CpG
these tumor cells by ▶ antibody-dependent cellu- motifs (▶ CpG islands) act as TLR agonists and
lar cytotoxicity (ADCC), by antibody-dependent enhance both NK cell cytotoxicity (▶ natural
cellular phagocytosis (ADCP), and by killer cell activation) against MAb-coated cells
▶ complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) (ADCC) and NK cell cytokine production
and prevent recurrence of disease. (IFN-g; interferon gamma). IFN-g is an important
Immunotherapeutic strategies in breast cancer mediator of antitumor responses by enhancing
include the use of MAbs to target antigens on phagocytosis by ▶ Macrophages|macrophages,
breast cancer tumor cells (HER2, EGFR) and inhibiting tumor growth and promoting recogni-
▶ vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) tion of tumor cells by immunologic effectors, and
and numerous cancer vaccine constructs, illus- plays a role in immunosurveillance. Additionally,
trated in Figs. 1 and 2. MAb conjugated to radionuclides, toxins, and
prodrug-converting enzymes can be used to
Monoclonal Antibodies for the deliver a toxic load to the tumor.
Immunotherapy of Breast Cancer
The best results so far in the immunotherapy of HER2 and EGFR
▶ breast cancer have been obtained with MAbs, in HER2 (erbB2) and EGFR (HER1 or erbB1) are
general used in combination with conventional members of the family of transmembrane protein
chemotherapy rather than as monotherapy. kinase receptors known as the erbB or HER recep-
MAbs with clinical activity in breast cancer not tor family that also includes HER3 and HER4.
only block receptor-ligand interactions but also HER2 and EGFR are expressed in a variety of
mediate immune responses, such as ▶ Antibody- tumors, and their activation promotes processes
Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity|antibody- responsible for tumor growth and progression.
dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Antigen HER2 and EGFR are transmembrane
660 Breast Cancer Immunotherapy

NK cell
Antibody-dependent cellular
cytotoxicity (ADCC)

Anti-idiotypic chain
Complement-mediated Ab2
cytotoxicity (CDC) B cell
Opsonization B cell

Tumour cell
Blocking of receptors
CD4+ T-cell

CD8+ T-cell
Toxic payload:
Cell death
- radionuclide
- toxin
- enzyme APC
- Ag-ab complexes
- antigen
- cell detritus
Tumour cell

Breast Cancer Immunotherapy, Fig. 1 Monoclonal and opsonization, which lead to cell lysis. Antigen
antibodies (MAbs) as immunotherapeutic agents. MAbs processing and presentation via MHC class I or class II
bind to cell surface antigen blocking receptors responsible molecules on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) induce
for constitutive growth signals (e.g., EGFR, HER2). MAbs antitumor immunity in the host. Immune responses include
are able to mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic- cytotoxic T cells and antibodies to the tumor (idiotypic
ity (ADCC), complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), cascade)

glycoproteins that consist of an extracellular (▶ trastuzumab, ▶ cetuximab) block ligand

ligand-binding domain, a hydrophobic transmem- binding and induce receptor internalization and
brane region, and an intracellular domain with degradation without stimulating receptor phos-
tyrosine kinase activity for ▶ signal transduction. phorylation, resulting in downregulation of sur-
Ligands to EGFR are epidermal growth factor face expression of the receptors. Antitumor
(EGF; ▶ epidermal growth factor inhibitors), efficacy of trastuzumab and cetuximab results
transforming growth factor-a (TGF-a; trans- from multiple mechanisms that include inhibition
forming growth factor alpha), ▶ amphiregulin, of cell cycle progression, promotion of ▶ apopto-
betacellulin, and epiregulin; the ligands to HER2 sis, ▶ antiangiogenesis, and ADCC.
are not known. Binding of ligands to the extracel-
lular domain induces homodimerization of the
receptors or heterodimerization with the other Trastuzumab
ErbB family members, inducing activation of the Trastuzumab (Herceptin ®), a humanized mono-
tyrosine kinase domain and setting in motion sig- clonal antibody that targets HER2, is standard
naling cascades involved in cell growth, prolifer- treatment in patients with HER2-positive breast
ation, and survival. MAbs to these receptors cancer, preferably in combination with
Breast Cancer Immunotherapy 661

Vaccines based on defined antigenic substrates

Virus vector transfected to
express TAA and
molecules B

CD4+ helper cell

TAA Carrier + Adjuvant

CD8+ T-cell

B cell
Tumour cell Iysate

Tumour cell
Tumour protein DC

Tumour peptide

DC - tumour cell
cDNA coding for tumour APC
CD8+ T-cell
protein in expression
Cellular vaccines

Breast Cancer Immunotherapy, Fig. 2 Vaccines based provoked by immunostimulatory adjuvants in the vaccine
on defined substrates (often synthetic peptides) and cellular formulation leads to antigen processing and presentation
vaccines for the immunotherapy of breast cancer. Antigen by dendritic cells (DCs) and inducement of a tumor-
presentation in an adequate cytokine environment specific immune response

nonanthracycline-based chemotherapy. HER2 is The trials led to the approval of trastuzumab as

expressed in low levels in several normal tissues a first-line treatment in combination with ▶ pacli-
and is overexpressed in 20–30% of primary breast taxel for HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer
carcinomas. Overexpression is associated with by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
poor prognosis. Pivotal phase III trials showed in 1998. In 2004 it was approved for the ▶ adju-
that trastuzumab in combination with cytotoxic vant therapy of HER2-positive breast cancer,
chemotherapy prolongs overall survival in either in combination with chemotherapy or as a
patients with HER2-positive breast cancer in single agent, for patients with node-negative dis-
both the metastatic and the adjuvant settings. ease with high-risk features or with node-positive
Treatment with trastuzumab may be complicated breast cancer. Trastuzumab is being extensively
by an increased risk of congestive heart failure investigated in combination with different chemo-
that is higher with advanced age and concurrent therapy or hormone therapy agents to refine treat-
treatment with trastuzumab and ▶ anthracyclines. ment combinations and schedules, as well as in
Trastuzumab is most active in patients with combination with other approved MAbs
tumors that have 3+ HER2 staining on immuno- (▶ cetuximab, ▶ bevacizumab, Avastin), with
histochemistry (IHC) or have HER2 gene ▶ tyrosine kinase inhibitors of EGFR and HER2
▶ amplification. (lapatinib), or with immunostimulatory agents
662 Breast Cancer Immunotherapy

(interleukin-12; IL-12; CpG). Continuing angiogenic factors by tumor cells, including

trastuzumab in combination with other treatments ▶ vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).
may have clinical benefits despite tumor progres- Once produced, angiogenic factors stimulate
sion on prior trastuzumab treatment. An antibody- ▶ angiogenesis by binding to their cognate
drug conjugate (ADC) of trastuzumab and the receptors on peritumoral vascular endothelial cells
maytansinoid DMI, a cytotoxic drug that acts by promoting neo-capillary formation. Furthermore,
binding to (Tubulin|tubulin) and inhibiting tubulin the secreted angiogenic factors bind to cells
polymerization, exhibited antitumor activity in located at distant sites, including the bone marrow,
patients with metastatic breast cancer progressing and stimulate their homing to the tumor, where
under prior HER2-targeted therapy. they contribute further to promote vascularization.
VEGF expression is increased in many tumor
Cetuximab types, including breast cancer, and this increase
Cetuximab (Erbitux ®) is a recombinant chimeric is associated with poor clinical outcome.
IgG1 MAb that binds specifically to the extracel- ▶ Bevacizumab (Avastin®) is a recombinant
lular domain of EGFR. Cetuximab is approved for humanized monoclonal antibody against vascular
the treatment of ▶ irinotecan-refractory metastatic endothelial growth factor (VEGF) that blocks bind-
colon cancer in combination with irinotecan and ing of VEGF to its receptor on the vascular endo-
for the treatment of locoregional advanced head thelium limiting angiogenesis and, consequently,
and neck cancer as monotherapy or in combina- tumor growth. Additionally, restoration of vessel
tion with radiation. Dermatological toxicity is a structure and permeability decreases intratumoral
limiting factor to the use of cetuximab. Hypersen- interstitial fluid pressure increasing delivery of
sitivity to cetuximab (rash, urticaria, fever, dys- cytotoxic drugs into tumors. Bevacizumab has
pnea, and hypotension) is frequent in certain shown antitumor efficacy, which was stronger in
regions and has been related to the presence of combination with chemotherapy, in many tumor
IgE antibodies specific for an oligosaccharide, types. Two pivotal phase III trials investigated
galactose-a-1,3-galactose, which is present on capecitabine alone or combined with bevacizumab
the Fab portion of the cetuximab heavy chain. in patients with metastatic breast cancer who had
Cetuximab is under investigation in combination prior anthracycline- and taxane-based chemother-
with chemotherapy (carboplatin or ▶ irinotecan) apy and bevacizumab in combination with
in pretreated ▶ Triple negative Breast Cancer ▶ paclitaxel in patients with previously untreated
triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) with metastatic breast cancer. Paclitaxel plus
advanced disease. TNBC is estrogen and proges- bevacizumab significantly increased median
terone receptor negative, as well as HER2 nega- progression-free survival and objective response
tive, and therefore is not amenable to treatment rate; median overall survival did not differ between
with ▶ hormonal therapy or with trastuzumab. the two groups. Grade 3/4 toxicities were more
Furthermore, several phase I/II studies with frequent in the combined treatment arm, including
cetuximab in combination with cytotoxic agents hypertension, proteinuria, headache, and throm-
or with other targeted therapies, such as botic events. ▶ Bevacizumab offers an alternative
trastuzumab, are currently ongoing. treatment for HER2-negative tumors, and it has
been approved for first-line treatment of metastatic
VEGF breast cancer in combination with paclitaxel.
Vascularization, i.e., the formation of blood ves- Multiple trials using bevacizumab as part of
sels, is essential for the growth of clinically relevant ▶ adjuvant therapy are ongoing, including a
invasive carcinomas and metastasis. Expression of phase II trial evaluating neoadjuvant ▶ cisplatin
high levels of ▶ hypoxia-inducible factor 1 in and bevacizumab in ▶ triple-negative breast
tumor cells in response to reduced oxygen avail- cancer (TNBC). Toxicity associated with
ability, as well as oncogenetic alterations, leads to bevacizumab may be a limitation to its use in an
the production and secretion of many different adjuvant setting.
Breast Cancer Immunotherapy 663

MUC1 genetically engineered to secrete a cytokine, are

HuHMFG1 (AS1402), a humanized IgG1 anti- being tested in clinical trials in advanced breast
body to MUC1, is capable of effecting ADCC cancer, with some results.
that is enhanced by cytokines that stimulate NK
cells. HuHMFG1 has been investigated in phase Dendritic Cell Vaccines ▶ Adoptive immuno- B
I clinical trials in patients with advanced breast therapy involves the ex vivo expansion and acti-
cancer: The antibody was well tolerated and five vation of autologous immune cells that are then
cases of prolonged stable disease were seen, administered back to the patient. Several phase
supporting its advancement to phase II clinical I/II clinical trials have been carried out in breast
trials. However, a randomized phase II clinical cancer with ▶ dendritic cells (DCs) cultured
trial evaluating the addition of huHMFG1 to ex vivo from the patients’ peripheral blood mono-
endocrine therapy with letrozole in postmeno- nuclear cells (PBMCs) and pulsed with MUC1
pausal women receiving first-line treatment for peptides, HER2 protein, or tumor lysates. The
advanced breast cancer was discontinued after vaccines have low toxicity and do not induce
10 months. No safety concerns were identified, autoimmunity. Immune responses to the tumor
but reviewing of the data led the sponsor to con- as well as clinical responses were observed in a
clude that the trial would be very unlikely to give subset of patients. A limiting factor to the clinical
sufficiently positive efficacy findings. The failure applicability of these vaccines may be posed by
of this trial illustrates the difficulties of testing the the technical challenges faced in their develop-
efficacy of MAbs in advanced disease and the ment. Vaccines based on tumor cells fused to
importance of trial design. allogeneic DCs that provide ▶ cytokines for ade-
quate antigen presentation by the hosts’ DCs may
Vaccines for the Immunotherapy of Breast be more amenable to production than autologous
Cancer DC vaccines.
Strategies for vaccine therapy are numerous, rang-
ing from cellular vaccines to vaccine constructs Vaccines Based on Defined Antigenic
based on specific antigens with a variety of vec- Substrates One approach to vaccine design is
tors and carriers, immunologic adjuvants, and to conjugate synthetic antigenic molecules to car-
modes of administration (Fig. 2; ▶ cancer rier protein, e.g., keyhole limpet hemocyanin,
vaccines). KLH, and administer the conjugate together with
an immunologic adjuvant such as ▶ bacillus
Cellular Vaccines Calmette-Guérin (BCG), DETOX, or QS-21 to
An advantage of whole-tumor-cell vaccines is that augment the immunogenicity of the antigen and
the target antigen need not be identified before elicit an immune response to it. Another current
vaccination, as they present a whole range of approach includes the insertion of antigens of
antigens to the immune system. A strong disad- interest into a wide array of vectors (DNA, bacte-
vantage is that preparation of the vaccines is labor ria, viruses, or yeast), capitalizing on the vectors’
intensive, time-consuming, and costly, specially innate and adaptive immunostimulatory charac-
for personalized vaccines based on autologous teristics to potentiate an immune response to the
material. This approach remains restricted to par- antigen. Viral vectors infect professional antigen-
ticular centers. The majority of studies with cellu- presenting cells (APCs), which in turn present
lar vaccines have been carried out in melanoma, peptides derived from the transgene antigen mol-
colorectal cancer (colon cancer vaccine therapy), ecule in the context of HLA class I and II to
and renal cell carcinoma. Cellular vaccines based T cells. An inflammatory reaction to the virus
on autologous tumor cells (from the patient’s vector further amplifies the immune response to
tumor), or allogeneic tumor cells (using the transgene antigen. Virus vectors that actively
established tumor cell lines), combined with an replicate in the host, such as vaccinia virus, can
immunologic adjuvant or a cytokine, or present high levels of transgene antigen to the host
664 Breast Cancer Immunotherapy

immune system over a period of approximately costimulatory molecules that are capable of pro-
1 week, substantially increasing the potential for viding activating signals to antigen-specific
immune stimulation. Generation of host immune T cells: B7.1, intercellular adhesion molecule-1
responses against the virus vector limits the effi- (ICAM-1), and leukocyte function-associated
cacy of multiple vaccinations and has led to the antigen-3 (LFA-3). Granulocyte-macrophage
development of vaccines that use different vectors colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is
for priming and for boosting the immune co-administered at the vaccination site, to pro-
response. mote the activation, maturation, and migration of
APCs, such as ▶ dendritic cells. One study is
HER2 being carried out in combination with dose-
Patients who have tumors overexpressing HER2 intensive induction chemotherapy and another in
exhibit increased frequencies of T cells to HER2 combination with ▶ docetaxel.
peptides and/or serum antibodies to HER2. Vac-
cines based on HER2 peptides are being tested in MUC1
phase I clinical trials. A vaccine based on a HER2 Human MUC1 mucin is a major component of the
protein and two epitopes from tetanus toxin for- ductal cell surface of normal glandular cells that is
mulated with aluminum hydroxide and adminis- overexpressed and aberrantly glycosylated in vir-
tered with QS-21, a purified saponin that has been tually all adenocarcinomas. It is a multifunctional
shown to increase both B-cell and T-cell protein involved in the protection of mucous
responses, was tested in a phase I trial in membranes, signal transduction, and modulation
14 patients with locally advanced or metastatic of the immune system. MUC1 is a high-
breast cancer expressing HER2. The vaccine was molecular-weight (over 400 kD) type I transmem-
nontoxic and induced antibodies to HER2. brane glycoprotein with a large, highly
A chimeric peptide vaccine consisting of two glycosylated extracellular domain that consists
HER2 epitopic sequences linked to a T-helper mainly of numerous peptide repeats, varying in
epitope derived from the measles virus number among the different alleles. Tumor-
(MVF-HER2 vaccine) was tested in a phase associated MUC1 has shorter glycans attached to
I trial in 27 patients with HER2-overexpressing the extracellular peptide core, ▶ glycosylation
metastatic tumors. The vaccine induced strong which leads to the exposure of core protein epi-
and long-lasting anti-HER2 antibody responses, topes, as well as to the presence on the molecule of
and two patients experienced complete remission tumor-associated glycans, such as the blood
of their tumor. group-related antigens, and sialyl-Tn, as well as
the Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF or T) antigen. The
CEA restrictive distribution of these antigens in normal
▶ Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a 180 kD tissues and their extensive expression in a variety
glycoprotein expressed in the normal fetal colon. of epithelial cancers make them good targets
It is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily for immunotherapy. MUC1 favors tumor progres-
involved in intercellular recognition and ▶ adhe- sion and metastasis: loss of polarity and
sion. In the adult, it is expressed in normal colonic overexpression of MUC1 on cancer cells interfere
mucosa and is overexpressed primarily in colo- with cell-cell adhesion and shield the tumor from
rectal adenocarcinomas but also in other adeno- immune recognition by the cellular arm of the
carcinomas, including breast. One promising immune system. At the same time, carcinoma-
approach to CEA vaccination being tested in associated MUC1 induces cellular and humoral
phase I/II clinical trials in metastatic breast cancer immune responses to the tumor. IgG antibodies to
uses two poxvirus-based vaccines (vaccinia- MUC1 are associated with a benefit in survival in
CEA-TRICOM and fowlpox-CEA-TRICOM patients with early stage breast cancer; they bind
vaccine). These recombinant virus vector vac- to MUC1 expressed on breast cancer cells and
cines contain genes for human CEA and three mediate ADCC in vitro. Several vaccine
Breast Cancer Immunotherapy 665

formulations based on MUC1 have been tested in T cells, low antibody, and IL-12 and IFN-g). The
patients with breast cancer, and immune vaccine induced antibodies to MUC1 in most
responses and some clinical responses have been patients and MUC1-specific T-cell responses in a
reported. A recombinant vaccinia virus small number of them. After a median follow up
expressing human MUC1 and interleukin-2 of more than 5 years, the recurrence rate in the B
genes (TG1031) tested in phase I/II clinical trials placebo group was 27%; those receiving immu-
in patients with advanced breast cancer induced notherapy had no recurrences. A vaccine to sialyl-
some proliferative T-cell responses to MUC1 and Tn (STn), a glycopeptide expressed on MUC1,
stabilization of disease in a small number of was tested in phase I, II, and III clinical trials.
patients, which lasted for some months. In phase II studies in breast cancer, the sialyl-
A recombinant vaccinia and fowlpox vaccine Tn-KLH combined with DETOX vaccine
expressing both CEA and MUC1 and (Theratope ®) induced antibody responses to STn
TRICOMTM administered with GM-CSF and to ovine submaxillary mucin (OSM) that were
(PANVAC-VF) was tested in a pilot study in improved by pretreatment with low-dose intrave-
25 patients with metastatic carcinoma, including nous cyclophosphamide and showed median sur-
breast cancer. The vaccine induced T-cell vival rates nearly three times that of patients in a
responses to CEA and to MUC1 in half of the retrospective, frequency-matched, control group
patients and two prolonged clinical responses. who received conventional therapies. A phase II
A phase I trial in metastatic breast cancer with a study in 33 patients with breast cancer who were
similar vaccine (without CEA) is in progress. treated with Theratope® following high-dose che-
Vaccination of breast cancer patients with motherapy provided evidence for the induction of
MUC1 peptides conjugated to KLH and adminis- T-cell immunity. A phase III randomized clinical
tered with QS-21 induced high titers of MUC1 study in 1028 patients with metastatic breast can-
antibodies to the naked peptide with only moder- cer who had either no evidence of disease or
ate binding to glycosylated forms of the peptide, nonprogressive disease after first-line chemother-
suggesting that glycopeptides, rather than naked apy did not result in longer overall survival
peptides, constitute a better vaccine substrate. (OS) and time to progression (TTP). Antibody
Vaccination with MUC1 glycopeptides conju- titers against OSM, but not against STn or KLH,
gated to KLH, alone or in combination with were correlated with survival. As with MUC1
other tumor antigens, has been tested in phase II glycopeptide vaccines, minimal tumor burden set-
trials. Most clinical studies with (glyco)peptide tings might be more suitable for eliciting a clinical
vaccines (▶ peptide vaccines for cancer) have benefit with this type of vaccine immunotherapy.
been carried out in advanced disease, whereas Patients with metastatic disease may not have time
this form of therapy may be effective only in an to mount an effective immune response before
adjuvant setting, in patients with a low tumor tumor burden either exceeds the therapeutic
burden (▶ minimal residual disease), and is prob- potential of immunotherapy or compromises the
ably not useful in advanced metastatic disease. In patient’s immune responsiveness.
this respect, the results of a small phase III ran-
domized study (31 patients) performed in stage II Perspectives
breast cancer patients with no evidence of disease In general, the current studies argue for vaccines
using a MUC1 fusion protein coupled to oxidized to be used as early on in the disease as therapeu-
mannan (M-FP) or placebo are encouraging. tically possible, as opposed to end-stage disease
Mannan is a polysaccharide made up of mannose after other modalities have failed. Patients
subunits present in the cell wall of microorgan- included in experimental vaccine therapy have
isms and yeast that binds to the mannose receptor late-stage disease with high tumor burden and
on dendritic cells (DCs). In preclinical studies, are the least likely to benefit from vaccination.
oxidized mannan was able to steer the immune Monotherapies tested in this setting run the risk
response toward the Th1 type (high cytotoxic of being discarded early on, when they may well
666 Breast Cancer Immunotherapy

have been effective in an adjuvant setting. Vac- ▶ Docetaxel

cines that are effective in an adjuvant setting may ▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Inhibitors
have applicability as prophylactic vaccines to ▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
reduce the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1/ ▶ Epstein-Barr Virus
BRCA2 mutation carriers (▶ BRCA1/BRCA2 ▶ Gangliosides
germline mutations and breast cancer risk). Fur- ▶ HER-2/neu
thermore, there is a substantial body of evidence ▶ Herceptin
to suggest that some combinations of chemo- or ▶ HLA Class I
radiotherapy and vaccine treatment are synergis- ▶ Hormonal Therapy
tic, as well as increasing evidence that the stan- ▶ Human T-Lymphotropic Virus
dard chemotherapy approaches may target ▶ Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1
regulatory cells. Combining such approaches ▶ Immune Escape
with immunotherapy may result in enhanced ▶ Immunosurveillance of Tumors
tumor-specific immune responses and clinical ▶ Immunotherapy
efficacy. Multimodal treatments that affect several ▶ Interleukin-4
aspects of the immune system may improve the ▶ Interleukin-6
efficacy of cancer immunotherapy. ▶ Irinotecan
▶ Micrometastasis
▶ Minimal Residual Disease
Cross-References ▶ Monoclonal Antibodies for Cancer Therapy
▶ Natural Killer Cell Activation
▶ Adhesion ▶ Paclitaxel
▶ Adjuvant Therapy ▶ Peptide Vaccines for Cancer
▶ Adoptive Immunotherapy ▶ Regulatory T Cells
▶ Alpha-Fetoprotein Diagnostics ▶ SEREX
▶ Amphiregulin ▶ Signal Transduction
▶ Amplification ▶ Toll-Like Receptors
▶ Angiogenesis ▶ Trastuzumab
▶ Anthracyclines ▶ Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
▶ Antiangiogenesis ▶ Tumor Antigens
▶ Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity ▶ Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
▶ Apoptosis ▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
▶ Bacillus Calmette-Guérin
▶ Bevacizumab
▶ BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and References
Breast Cancer Risk
▶ Breast Cancer Capdevila J, Elez E, Macarulla T, Ramos FJ, Ruiz-Echarri-
M, Tabernero J (2009) Anti-epidermal growth factor
▶ Cancer Germline Antigens
receptor monoclonal antibodies in cancer treatment.
▶ Cancer Vaccines Cancer Treat Rev 35:354–363
▶ Carcinoembryonic Antigen Clinical trials. http://www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials/; http://
▶ Cetuximab www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/cochrane/cochrane_
▶ Colorectal Cancer Clinical Oncology
Copier J, Dalgleish AG, Britten CM, Finke LH,
▶ Colorectal Cancer Vaccine Therapy Gaudernack G, Gnjatic S, Kallen K, Kiessling R,
▶ Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity Schuessler-Lenz M, Singh H, Talmadge J,
▶ CpG Islands Zwierzina H, Håkansson L (2009) Improving the effi-
cacy of cancer immunotherapy. Eur J Cancer
▶ Cytokine
▶ Cytotoxic T Cells Ferrara N, Kerbel RS (2005) Angiogenesis as a therapeutic
▶ Dendritic Cells target. Nature 438:967–974
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Breast Cancer Multifocality

Tibor Tot
Department of Pathology and Clinical Cytology,
Central Hospital Falun, Uppsala University,
Falun, Sweden


Multifocality is defined as the presence of more

than one tumor focus within the same breast at the
same time; this is in contrast with unifocal cases,
which comprise a single tumor focus. The foci
need to be well delineated from each other and
without interconnections. The distance between
foci is biologically unimportant, but the term
multicentricity is often applied to delineate
cases with foci located in different quadrants of
the breast. Both the invasive and the in situ com- Breast Cancer Multifocality, Fig. 1 Typical cases of
ponent of the tumor may be multifocal. In some unifocal (a), multifocal (b), and diffuse invasive breast
cases, the tumor cells are dispersed over a large carcinomas documented in large-format histological slides.
volume of the breast tissue without forming well- Note intratumoral heterogeneity within the focus on left
hand side in (b)
delineated foci. These cases are designated as
diffuse. Figure 1 shows typical cases of unifocal
(a), multifocal (b), and diffuse (c) invasive carci- in breast cancer, but the proportion of unifocal,
nomas documented in large-format histological multifocal, and diffuse cases was difficult to deter-
slides. mine, as identification relies upon the method of
detection and the applied criteria. Clinical exam-
inations detect multifocality in approximately
Characteristics 10% of cases. Mammography, ultrasound exami-
nation, and magnetic resonance imaging have a
For decades, surgeons and radiologists have been higher sensitivity in detecting multifocal lesions,
aware that multifocality is a frequent phenomenon especially if their results are combined. The
Breast Cancer Multifocality 669

approach of multimodal radiology increases the Further accumulation of mutations during the
detection rates of multifocal carcinoma to over decades of postnatal life may lead to complete
30% of diagnosed cases. These detection rates malignant transformation of the committed pro-
are higher than those in series diagnosed by genitor cells. The malignant progenitor cells and
means of traditional histopathological examina- their daughter cells (also called “progeny”) com- B
tion. The spatial distribution of the lesions within prise the tumor cell population. In most breast
the breast is best observed if the results of multi- cancer cases, only one “sick lobe” carrying com-
modal radiological examinations are correlated mitted progenitor cells is observed; thus, desig-
with the pathological findings from contiguous nating breast carcinoma as a lobar disease is
histological sections that are several centimeters appropriate. The malignant transformation of
in size. In large consecutive series of breast committed progenitor cells may be restricted to a
cancer cases that were worked up with radio- single area of the sick lobe, it may happen at
logical–pathological correlations using such his- several distant areas of the same lobe at the same
tological slides, a third of the cases turn out to be time or at different times, or it may involve the
unifocal, another third are multifocal, and the last entire lobe or large parts of it. Consequently,
third are diffuse. These proportions are related to tumor cell population(s) may appear as unifocal,
the aggregate distribution of all of the tumors’ multifocal, or diffuse.
components, both in situ and invasive (Tot At the beginning of the natural history of breast
2007). In conclusion, breast cancer is unifocal carcinoma, the tumor cells are confined to the
only in a minority of cases; the frequency and ducts and lobules of the sick lobe. During this
clinical importance of multifocality is thus often “in situ” phase, the tumor cells usurp the location
underestimated. and function of normal epithelial cells. They are
able to maintain the normal ductal–lobular mor-
Natural History of Multifocal Breast phology of the lobe, the continuous myoepithelial
Carcinomas layer, and the delineation of the tumor structures
The breast is an organ with lobar morphology. from the supportive tissue (with intact basement
A breast lobe comprises a ductal tree, the lobules, membrane), although the structures are distended
and the surrounding supportive tissue. There are and distorted by the accumulation of tumor cells
15–25 lobes within a breast. The lobes are indi- and their products. Eventually, the tumor cells
vidual units of varying size and shape; a lobe may may lose these characteristics: the myoepithelial
occupy up to one-quarter of the breast volume. layer becomes irregular and disappears, and indi-
The bow of the ductal tree, the main (lactiferous) vidual tumor cells and their groups become
duct, opens at the nipple. In the opposite direction, entrapped in the surrounding supportive tissue.
it branches into segmental ducts, which in turn These irregular structures no longer resemble nor-
branch into subsegmental and terminal ducts. The mal tissue. This infiltrative growth may be
terminal ducts end in hundreds of lobules <1 mm restricted to a single place, it may happen on
in size. All of the ducts and lobules are luminated multiple points at the same time or at different
structures, with a single inner layer of epithelial times, or it may appear at many points at the same
cells and an outer layer of myoepithelial cells time. Consequently, invasive tumor foci may also
surrounding the lumen. These cell layers renew appear as unifocal, multifocal, or diffuse.
continuously because of the presence and prolif- In addition to this “primary” type of
eration of progenitor cells, which are able to multifocality of the invasive component of breast
reproduce the structures of the lobe. cancer, which is characterized by foci developed
Progenitor cells in some lobes become mutated from in situ lesions, multiple foci may result from
during embryonic development. These cells are the spread of tumor cells from one invasive focus
more sensitive to mutagenic effects than through vascular channels within the breast. This
non-mutated progenitor cells in other lobes and is known as “secondary multifocality” or
are designated as “committed” progenitors. intramammary metastatic tumor spreading.
670 Breast Cancer Multifocality

In 10–20% of cases, the cancer is diagnosed in designated as intertumoral heterogeneity and can
the in situ phase. In a small proportion of cases, be observed in up to 30% of multifocal cases.
the in situ component cannot be demonstrated. To adequately characterize a breast carcinoma,
However, most breast carcinomas comprise both all of the aforementioned morphological
an in situ and an invasive component. With time, parameters must be assessed: tumor size, lesion
the tumor foci grow and infiltrate beyond the distribution (unifocal, multifocal, or diffuse),
borders of the involved lobe. New tumor foci extent of the disease, and tumor heterogeneity.
may appear, and the morphology of the tumor All of these parameters have a substantial clinical
may become increasingly complex. impact.

Relationship Between Multifocality and Other Clinical Importance of Multifocality

Tumor Characteristics Multifocality of the invasive tumor component is
Well-differentiated (low-grade) in situ carcinomas a negative prognostic parameter. Lymph node
are often unifocal or multifocal and are confined to metastasis can be observed in approximately
neighboring lobules or distant lobules and smaller 20% of unifocal cases and 40% of multifocal
ducts, with noninvolved breast tissue between the cases. The rate of lymphovascular invasion is
foci. On the other hand, poorly differentiated (high- also doubled in multifocal cases compared to
grade) in situ carcinomas tend to grow diffusely unifocal cases. Lymph node metastases in
and involve large ducts. In situ carcinomas that multifocal tumors are regularly of larger volume,
overexpress human epidermal growth factor recep- >1 lymph node is often involved, and the individ-
tor 2 (HER2) are most often diffuse. Multifocality ual metastatic deposits are regularly >2 mm (Tot
of the invasive component is not related to its 2007).
histological type and grade. Multiple invasive foci One of the problems in multifocal cases is that
are seen in approximately one-third of cases of seemingly clear surgical margins may be created
invasive breast carcinomas of different types and during breast-conserving surgery if the surgeon
grades, irrespective of their hormone receptor sta- cuts the breast tissue in between two distant indi-
tus. However, multiple invasive foci are present in vidual foci, which can result in the false impres-
more than half of HER2-positive cases. sion that the surgical margins are clear. This may
Tumor size in multifocal breast carcinoma is lead to local recurrence of the cancer in a consid-
defined as the largest dimension of the largest erable number of cases, more often than in
invasive tumor focus. Multifocality is not related patients with unifocal tumors. Both the increased
to the size of the individual tumor foci; the pro- metastatic capacity of the multifocal tumors and
portion of multifocal cases is similar in all size their increased local recurrence rates lead to
categories. The multiple foci within the breast can decreased disease-free survival of these patients.
be close together or more or less distant from one Several studies have demonstrated that
another. The volume of the breast tissue that the multifocality has a negative impact on disease-
foci occupy is designated as the extent of the specific and overall survival of patients. This neg-
disease. Multifocal or diffuse tumors with a larger ative impact seems to be independent of the
extent require more extensive surgery. Tumors applied oncological therapy (Pekar et al. 2014;
with an extent of 4 cm are associated with high Vera-Badillo et al. 2014).
local recurrence rates in cases treated with breast-
conserving surgery. Diffuse Cases
The multiple in situ and invasive tumor foci Diffuse growth of both the invasive and in situ
within the same breast are not necessarily identical. components of tumors is a distinct morphological
They can deviate from one another with respect of pattern with a substantial impact on prognosis.
tumor type, grade, hormone receptor status, and Diffuse in situ carcinomas (including the in situ
proliferative activity. This phenomenon is component of invasive tumors) can be observed in
Breast Cancer Multistep Development 671

approximately one-quarter of breast cancer cases. References

In these cases, the tumor involves mainly the large
ducts and often the main duct of the sick lobe. Half Pekar G, Hofmeyer S, Tabar L et al (2014) Multifocal
breast cancers documented in large-format histology
of such cases are detected by mammography find-
sections: long-term follow-up results by molecular phe-
ings of typical long and branching calcifications; notypes. Cancer 119:1132–1139 B
other such tumors may cause architectural distor- Tot T (2007) Clinical relevance of the distribution of the
tion on the mammogram without calcifications. lesions in 500 consecutive breast cancer cases
documented in large-format histologic sections. Cancer
Invasive carcinomas associated with an in situ
component such as this have a much poorer prog- Vera-Badillo FE, Napoleone M, Ocana A et al (2014)
nosis compared to other invasive tumors. Effect of multifocality and multicentricity on outcome
In contrast with diffuse in situ carcinomas, in early stage breast cancer: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Breast Cancer Res Treat 146:235–244
invasive carcinomas with a diffuse growth pattern
are rare and comprise approximately 5% of all
breast carcinoma cases. Most of these tumors are
of the lobular subtype and comprise small dis-
persed tumor cells that infiltrate the surrounding Breast Cancer Multistep
tissue without producing any reaction from Development
it. These tumors are most often of intermediate
histological grade and are estrogen receptor posi- Dihua Yu and Jing Lu
tive; however, despite their favorable molecular Departments of Molecular and Cellular Oncology,
characteristics, these are the most aggressive The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
breast carcinomas with the worst outcome in mod- Center, Houston, TX, USA
ern breast healthcare.

Conclusions Definition
Multifocality and a diffuse growth pattern of both
the in situ and invasive tumor components are A ▶ multistep development of breast cancer
frequent in breast carcinoma and are powerful involves increasingly abnormal stages during
negative prognostic parameters independent of ▶ breast cancer ▶ progression as illustrated in
other characteristics of the tumors. The prognosis Fig. 1.
in unifocal invasive breast carcinomas is rela-
tively favorable, while the prognosis is intermedi-
ate in multifocal cases and worst in diffuse cases. Characteristics
Modern multimodal breast radiology and special
large-format histopathological slides can enable Breast cancer is well recognized as a heteroge-
detection of multiple tumor foci in most neous disease. It can be categorized as five sub-
multifocal cases and provide valuable guidance types based on gene expression profiles as
in therapeutic decision-making. determined by ▶ multigene arrays: luminal A,
luminal B, HER2+/▶ estrogen receptor (ER)-,
basal-like, and normal breast-like (Sorlie
Cross-References et al. 2001). Based on epidemiological and histo-
logical observations of mostly the luminal A and
▶ Breast Cancer luminal B subtypes, these steps can be defined as a
▶ Breast Cancer Prognostic and Predictive series of morphological changes beginning with
Biomarkers ▶ hyperplasia; followed by atypical hyperplasia,
▶ Breast Cancer Stem Cells ▶ carcinoma in situ, and invasive carcinoma; and
▶ Ductal Carcinoma In Situ ending with metastatic breast cancer, the major
672 Breast Cancer Multistep Development

Normal Atypical Carcinoma Invasive

Hyperplasia Metastasis
Mammary duct Hyperplasia in situ Carcinoma

Genetic, epigenetic, and microenviroment alterations

• Gain of functions in oncogenes, such as ER, HER2, ras and c-myc;

• Loss of functions in suppressor genes, such as BRCA1/2, P53, PTEN and Rb;
• Epigenetic alterations such hypermethylation of DNA and hypoacetylation of histones;
• Microenviroment alterations such as loss of myoepithelial cells and inflammatory responses;

Breast Cancer Multistep Development, Fig. 1 Sche- increasingly abnormal stages including hyperplasia, atyp-
matic representation of the multistep model of breast can- ical hyperplasia, carcinoma in situ, invasive carcinoma,
cer development. These steps can be defined as a series of and metastatic breast cancer

cause of most breast cancer-related deaths. This size, shape, number, or growth pattern. It is found
seemingly continuous but nonobligatory progres- in approximately 15% of breast biopsies follow-
sion can occur over long periods of time, decades ing the identification of suspicious microcalci-
in many cases, and many patients can live with the fication. According to the location of these
early stage noninvasive lesions through a normal abnormal cells within the breast tissue, the lob-
life span, without being diagnosed or treated. ules, or the ducts, AH can be further divided into
atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH) or atypical
Multistep of Breast Cancer Progression ductal hyperplasia (ADH).

Hyperplasia Carcinoma In Situ

Hyperplasia refers to the increased proliferation of ▶ Carcinoma in situ is the first malignant step in
normal-looking mammary epithelial cells within the progression of breast cancer. It is defined by
the breast. As a benign, noncancerous disease, the clonal proliferation of malignant cells that are
hyperplasia can be caused by delayed differentia- restrained within the lumen of mammary ducts
tion rather than the essential alterations that will (termed ▶ ductal carcinoma in situ, or DCIS) or
obligatorily lead to breast cancer. However, sta- lobules (termed lobular carcinoma in situ, or
tistical studies have indicated that women with LCIS). DCIS and LCIS have been indicated to
hyperplasia have a twofold increase in the risk of evolve from ADH and ALH, respectively. In
developing breast cancer. both cases, there is no invasion into the surround-
ing stroma.
Atypical Hyperplasia DCIS is the most common type of noninvasive
Atypical hyperplasia (AH) is characterized as a breast cancer in women, accounting for 25% of all
condition when breast cells appear abnormal in breast cancer diagnoses. As an intermediate stage
Breast Cancer Multistep Development 673

in breast cancer progression between ADH and Metastasis

invasive cancer, DCIS represents a spectrum of The end stage of breast cancer as a progressive
heterogeneous breast diseases which vary both disease is ▶ metastasis, when breast cancer cells
morphologically and biologically and therefore gain the capability to escape the restrain of pri-
remain a challenging task for its classification mary site, metastasize, and colonize a secondary B
and clinical management. Traditionally, DCIS site. Metastasis is extremely devastating to
classification has been mainly based on patients because the vast majority of breast cancer
architectural growth pattern and thus divided mortality is due to metastasis, not the primary
into comedo, solid, cribriform, papillary, tumor. Metastasis is a multistep cascade involving
micropapillary, clinging, hypersecretory, and apo- at least the following crucial events: dissemina-
crine variants. However, this classification does tion from the original tissue architecture;
not allow prediction of the clinical behavior of increased ▶ matrix metalloproteinase expression
DCIS, particularly its potential for progression to degrade extracellular matrix barrier; elevated
into life-threatening invasive disease. To generate ▶ motility and ▶ invasion; intravasation into the
better correlation with the clinical outcome of blood or lymphatic vessels and survival in the
DCIS, several new criteria have been proposed, circulation; and extravasation and adaptation to a
and most of them are based primarily on foreign microenvironment of distant organs for
nuclear grade (high, intermediate, and low) metastatic growth. The most common sites of
and secondarily on cell polarization breast cancer metastasis are the bones, brain,
(architectural differentiation) and absence or pres- liver, and lungs.
ence of ▶ Necrosis. These classifications are more
predictive of disease recurrence after surgical Mechanisms that Drive Multistep
resection. Development of Breast Cancer
LCIS is relatively rare compared to DCIS and It is commonly accepted that the multistep devel-
usually shows a low proliferation rate. In many opment of breast cancer is driven by progressively
cases, LCIS is diagnosed in patients before men- accumulated genetic, epigenetic, and microenvi-
opause, and the lesions are usually multifocal and ronmental alterations (Figs. 1 and 2). Numerous
bilateral (▶ contralateral breast cancer). studies have confirmed the essential role of
genetic abnormalities in breast cancer progres-
Invasive Carcinoma sion. Two categories of genetic abnormities are
Invasive carcinoma is defined as cancerous cells the gain-of-function mutation in proto-oncogenes
having spread beyond the mammary ducts or lob- and the loss-of-function mutation in ▶ tumor sup-
ules and invaded into the surrounding stroma. pressor genes. Some well-known ▶ oncogenes
There are many subtypes of invasive carcinoma involved in breast cancer include HER2 (or
in the breast, with the invasive ductal carcinoma ErbB2), RAS, ▶ MYC, and many others, and
(i.e., malignant cells have penetrated through the many others. The activation of proto-oncogenes
basement membrane of the mammary duct and can occur through gene ▶ amplification,
invaded the fatty tissue of the breast) as the most rearrangement by chromosomal translocation,
common type, accounting for three-quarter of all and mutation. Critical tumor suppressor genes in
cases. The second most common subtype is inva- breast cancer include BRCA1 and BRCA2, p53,
sive lobular carcinoma, which is characterized as PTEN, the ▶ retinoblastoma gene RB1, and
cancerous cell invading through the lobules of the others. Inactivation is frequently caused by muta-
breast. Other rare forms of invasive breast cancer tion, deletion, or allelic loss. These diverse genetic
include inflammatory carcinoma, medullary events contribute to the disruption of normal cel-
breast cancer, and adenocystic breast cancer. Path- lular physiology in various perspectives, such as
ologic/clinical and molecular studies have uncontrolled proliferation, insensitivity to stimuli
strongly supported the in situ carcinoma as the to undergo ▶ apoptosis, and increased potential
precursor lesion of invasive carcinoma. for ▶ migration, and eventually lead to the
674 Breast Cancer Multistep Development

Increasingly accumulated alterations drive the multiple steps of breast cancer progression

Non-invasive stage Invasive stage Metastasis stage

Breast Cancer Multistep Development, Fig. 2 Linear and microenvironment levels gradually drive the progres-
multistep model of breast cancer development. The sion from normal breast tissue to noninvasive stage, to
increasingly accumulated alterations at genetic, epigenetic, invasive stage, and ultimately to metastatic breast cancer

ultimate transition to a malignant mammary epi- a random process. Therefore, it is increasingly

thelial cell. accepted that the progression of breast cancer
The contribution of ▶ epigenetic changes to through the multiple steps is accompanied by
breast cancer development and progression is tumor cells gradually acquiring capability to
increasingly recognized over the past decade. Dif- convert an oppressive microenvironment to a
ferent from genetic alterations, epigenetic events, permissive microenvironment. A distinct example
such as dysregulated DNA methylation, histone of the microenvironment components in
acetylation and methylation, can substantially regulating breast tumor progression is the sup-
alter gene expression by modifying chromatin pressive role of myoepithelial cells in
structures (▶ histone modification). Genes preventing the transition of ductal carcinoma in
affected by epigenetic alterations in breast cancers situ (DCIS) to invasive breast cancer. Emerging
include HOXA5, MGMT, MLH1, CDH1, and data strongly suggested that the layer of
others. myoepithelial cells surrounding mammary ducts
The essential role of the microenvironment functions as a barrier to inhibit the escape of
along breast cancer progression has also been malignant breast tumor cells to other tissues or
gradually established. The fact that malignant organs.
breast cancer cells could dwell in a ▶ dormancy Unlike the noninvasive breast lesions, which
state over a long period of time clinically, have favorable prognosis if diagnosed and inter-
and numerous elegant experimental models vened clinically, invasive carcinoma and metasta-
demonstrating the failure of many tumor cells to sis significantly contribute to the morbidity and
thrive in a new environment in spite of high mortality of breast cancer patients. Therefore,
rates of arriving at the secondary organs, effec- extensive efforts in both clinical and basic
tively reveals the protective role of normal micro- research have been attributed to better understand
environment in preventing breast cancer the transition from noninvasive carcinoma in situ
development and progression. The suppressive to invasive carcinoma. Various alterations at the
role of the microenvironment during breast genetic, ▶ epigenetic, and microenvironment
cancer progression is perhaps best reflected at its levels collaborate to increase the intrinsic cell
last stage – metastasis. It has been demonstrated ▶ migration ability and decrease the rigid intra-
that the distinct organ pattern of breast cancer cellular restrains exerted on by both cell-cell and
metastasis is highly dependent on the intricate cell-matrix ▶ adhesion, to ultimately convert the
interactions between breast tumor cells and the noninvasive breast tumor to life-threatening inva-
microenvironment of particular target organs, not sive/metastatic breast tumor.
Breast Cancer Multistep Development 675

Alterations occur at any stages of breast cancer

Non-invasive stage Invasive stage Metastasis stage

Breast Cancer Multistep Development, Fig. 3 Selec- established tumor is the result of selection pressures from
tion model of breast cancer development. Diverse genetic, the environment and/or clinical treatments, but does not
epigenetic, and microenvironment alterations can occur at necessarily go through all the steps
any stage of breast cancer development. The successfully

Alternative Model of Breast Cancer genetic/epigenetic alterations to obtain stem cell

Development or progenitor cell properties.
As the central paradigm of breast cancer develop-
ment, the linear multistep model reflects both the Conclusion
pathological observations and the genetic/epige- In summary, breast cancer multistep progression
netic alterations found in patients and experimen- has been significantly elucidated over the past
tal models. However, due to the heterogeneous decade. However, more in-depth investigations
nature of breast cancer and the enormous number are imperative to identify key players in this pro-
of factors involved in the breast cancer progres- cess. The goal is to develop strategies to detect the
sion, this model mainly applies to the luminal early events of breast cancer multistep progres-
A and luminal B subtypes of this disease, but sion and to intervene effectively this dreadful
cannot summarize all subtypes of breast cancer. process.
The massive diversity in both phenotype and
genotype of a certain stage of breast tumor formu-
lates an alternative model of breast cancer devel- Cross-References
opment and progression: the diversity selection
model (Fig. 3). This model proposes that the var- ▶ Adhesion
ious subtypes of breast cancer are the results of ▶ Amplification
selective expansion of altered stem or progenitor ▶ Apoptosis
cells in the breast. And the tumor does not neces- ▶ Breast Cancer
sarily go through all the linear stages. These two ▶ Breast Cancer Epidemiology
models are not intrinsically incompatible. Multi- ▶ Breast Cancer Stem Cells
ple genetic/epigenetic alterations can also gradu- ▶ Carcinoma in Situ
ally accumulate in stem cell or progenitor cells ▶ Contralateral Breast Cancer
(▶ breast cancer stem cells), which may contrib- ▶ Dormancy
ute to the intratumoral heterogeneity. Also, ▶ Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
somatic breast epithelial cells can acquire ▶ Epigenetic
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(2012) Allelic loss. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3541.
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 137.
(2012) Translocation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
(2012) Basement membrane. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3773.
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
349. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_537
Breast Cancer New Therapies: HER2, VEGF, and PARP as Targets 677

with two agents currently approved for clinical

Breast Cancer New Therapies: HER2, use. ▶ Trastuzumab, a humanized monoclonal
VEGF, and PARP as Targets antibody, targeting the extracellular component
of the HER2 receptor, is approved for use in
Shaheenah Dawood1 and Massimo Cristofanilli2 both the adjuvant and metastatic setting. In the B
Department of Medical Oncology, Dubai pivotal phase III ▶ clinical trial by Slamon and
Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates colleagues that randomized 469 patients with
Division of Hematology and Oncology, Robert H HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer to receive
Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chicago, first-line treatment with either ▶ chemotherapy
IL, USA alone or chemotherapy and trastuzumab, the
investigators reported a significant improvement
in median overall survival from 20.3 to
Definition 25.1 months. Four large randomized clinical trials
evaluated the role of trastuzumab in the adjuvant
The last two decades have seen an explosion of setting among women with node-positive or high-
information in the treatment of both early- and risk node-negative breast cancer. A combined
advanced-stage ▶ breast cancer. The Early Breast analysis of the NSABP B-31 and the NCCTG
Trialists’ Collaborative Group 15-year update N9831 studies, in which women with early-stage
clearly demonstrates that 6 months of adjuvant HER2-positive breast cancer were treated with
▶ anthracycline-based polychemotherapy reduces adjuvant doxorubicin and followed by ▶ pacli-
the annual breast cancer death rate by 38% and taxel with or without 1 year of trastuzumab, dem-
20% for women younger than 50 years and those onstrated a 52% increase in disease-free survival
aged 50–69 years, respectively. The recognition and 35% increase in overall survival with the
and understanding of the biological subtypes of addition of trastuzumab. The HERA study ran-
breast tumors have helped move its management domized a similar cohort of 5,102 women with
towards a more personalized approach, further HER2-positive early-stage breast cancer who had
improving these figures. Gene expression profiling completed standard chemotherapy up to 1 or
has identified at least six subtypes of breast tumors 2 years of trastuzumab versus observation. At a
including luminal subtypes (hormone receptor pos- median follow-up of 3 years, the investigators
itive), HER2 subtype, and a basal-like subtype. In reported a significant increase in disease-free sur-
parallel have been the development and implemen- vival by 36% and overall survival by 34% among
tation of specific targeted therapies that have not women who had received 1 year of trastuzumab
only allowed for more treatment options to be compared to observation. In the BCIRG 006 study
available but have altered the natural history 3,222 women with early-stage HER2-positive
of the disease, positively impacting survival breast cancer were randomized to receive either
outcomes. anthracycline-based regimen (adriamycin and
▶ cyclophosphamide followed by ▶ docetaxel),
a non-anthracycline-based regimen with 1 year
Characteristics of trastuzumab (trastuzumab, docetaxel, and
carboplatin), or an anthracycline-based regimen
Anti-HER2 Therapy with 1 year of trastuzumab (▶ adriamycin and
HER2 protein overexpression or gene ▶ amplifi- ▶ cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel and
cation occurs in approximately 20–25% of breast trastuzumab). The investigators reported an
cancers and is a biomarker of a more aggressive improvement in disease-free survival with the
disease associated with an adverse prognostic out- addition of trastuzumab by 39% and 33% in the
come. Several agents have been developed that anthracycline- and non-anthracycline-containing
abrogate HER2-mediated signaling pathways arms of the study, respectively, compared to the
678 Breast Cancer New Therapies: HER2, VEGF, and PARP as Targets

group of women who did not receive trastuzumab. monotherapy arm of the study (8.4 months
In contrast to the these large-scale trials that eval- vs. 4.4 months). A randomized phase III trial has
uated 1 year of trastuzumab, the FinHer study also evaluated the combination of lapatinib and
assessed the efficacy of 9 weeks of adjuvant trastuzumab compared to lapatinib alone in a
trastuzumab in a group of node-positive or high- cohort of heavily pretreated women with HER2-
risk node-negative women with HER2-positive positive breast cancer demonstrating significantly
early-stage breast cancer. At a median follow-up improved progression-free survival in the
of 62 months, the authors reported that the addi- combination arm.
tion of trastuzumab resulted in a reduced risk of Pertuzumab, like trastuzumab, is a monoclonal
distant recurrence or death compared to the group antibody that binds HER2. However in contrast to
who did not receive trastuzumab (hazard ratio trastuzumab it binds to a different epitope,
with adjustment for presence of axillary nodal disrupting HER2 dimerization. Phase I and
metastases was 0.57; p = 0.047). There is cur- phase II trials have demonstrated good tolerance
rently an ongoing phase III trial evaluating and clinical benefit in a heavily pretreated popu-
1 year of trastuzumab compared to 9 weeks of lation. It is currently being evaluated in the phase
trastuzumab in the adjuvant setting. III CLEOPATRA trial. ▶ Trastuzumab–DM 1 is
The main side effect of the use of trastuzumab trastuzumab that is bound to an inhibitor of tubu-
is cardiotoxicity. In a pooled analysis of the four lar polymerization. In the phase II setting
large adjuvant studies, grade III or IV trastuzumab–DM1 when administered to a cohort
cardiotoxicity was reported for 4.5% of patients of women with HER2-positive metastatic breast
receiving trastuzumab compared to 1.8% of cancer who had progressed on prior anti-HER2
patients. In a separate meta-analysis of over therapy resulted in an overall response rate of
11,000 patients, the relative risk of cardiotoxicity 38.2%. This agent is currently being tested in the
associated with the adjuvant use of trastuzumab phase III setting.
versus no trastuzumab was 5.59 (95% CI
1.99–15.7; p = 0.011). Similar observations Anti-VEGF Therapy
were noted in the metastatic setting as well with Tumor ▶ angiogenesis is an important step in the
an important observation that the rate of development of breast tumors and is regulated by
cardiotoxicity substantially increased with the a number of proangiogenic factors including
combination of trastuzumab and anthracyclines. ▶ vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).
Based on such observations guidelines are now ▶ Antiangiogenesis agents abrogate signaling
available for cardiac monitoring of patients pathways promoted by these receptors.
receiving trastuzumab in either the adjuvant or ▶ Bevacizumab is a humanized anti-VEGF anti-
metastatic setting. body that is approved for use in the treatment of
The second anti-HER2 agent approved for women with HER2-negative metastatic breast
clinical use is the reversible ▶ tyrosine kinase cancer. In the phase III ECOG 2,100 trial,
inhibitor lapatinib that targets the intracellular 722 women with HER2-negative metastatic
tyrosine kinase component of both the HER2 breast cancer were randomized to receive first-
receptor and the ▶ epidermal growth factor recep- line treatment with either ▶ paclitaxel alone or
tor (EGFR). In phase III randomized clinical trial, paclitaxel and bevacizumab. The investigators
over three hundred women with metastatic HER2- reported a significant improvement in median
positive breast cancer who had progressed after time to progression (11.8 months vs. 5.9 months,
receiving ▶ anthracycline, taxanes, and p < 0.001) and overall response rate (36.9%
▶ trastuzumab-based regimens were randomized vs. 21.2%, p < 0.001) in the combination arm
to receive either capecitabine alone or compared to the group of patients who received
capecitabine and lapatinib. The investigators paclitaxel alone. Overall survival however was
reported a significantly improved median time to similar between the two groups (26.7 months
progression in the combination arm versus the vs. 25.2 months, p = 0.16). In the phase III
Breast Cancer New Therapies: HER2, VEGF, and PARP as Targets 679

AVADO trial, a similar cohort of women was the heat shock protein 90 (▶ Hsp90) inhibitor
randomized to receive first-line treatment with tanespimycin (that interacts with HER2 through
docetaxel alone or in combination with its kinase domain and has a stabilizing effect on it)
bevacizumab. A significant improvement in are also currently being investigated. Ultimately
progression-free survival and overall survival the goal is to improve prognostic outcomes with B
was observed. Results from the RIBBON-1 and minimal toxicity by individualizing treatment
RIBBON-2 studies have also demonstrated the using targeted therapies based on the breast
efficacy of bevacizumab in combination with a tumor subtype presentation.
variety of chemotherapeutic agents in both first-
and second-line setting, respectively.
A number of phase II and phase III clinical trials Cross-References
are exploring novel combinations with
bevacizumab. The CALGB is conducting a phase ▶ Adriamycin
III clinical trial of the combination of an aromatase ▶ Amplification
inhibitor with bevacizumab in an attempt to over- ▶ Angiogenesis
come or delay endocrine resistance. The combina- ▶ Anthracyclines
tion of bevacizumab with anti-HER2 agents is also ▶ Antiangiogenesis
being explored. Other anti-VEGF agents such as ▶ Aromatase and its Inhibitors
tyrosine kinase inhibitors ▶ sorafenib and sunitinib ▶ Bevacizumab
are also being evaluated in patients with HER2- ▶ Breast Cancer
negative metastatic breast cancer. ▶ Breast Cancer Antiestrogen Resistance
▶ Chemotherapy
PARP Inhibitors ▶ Clinical Trial
Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is a nuclear ▶ Cyclophosphamide
enzyme that plays a critical role in cell proliferation ▶ Docetaxel
and DNA repair, and therefore inhibition of PARP ▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
has been explored in a number of phase I and phase ▶ Gemcitabine
II trials. The PARP inhibitor BSI-201 has been ▶ HER-2/neu
evaluated among women with ▶ triple-negative ▶ Hsp90
breast cancer in a randomized phase II setting in ▶ Mammalian Target of Rapamycin
combination with ▶ gemcitabine and carboplatin ▶ Microtubule-Associated Proteins
where a significant improvement in clinical benefit ▶ Paclitaxel
rate, progression-free survival, and overall survival ▶ Rapamycin
was observed compared to chemotherapy alone. ▶ Repair of DNA
The oral PARP inhibitor olaparib has in the phase ▶ Sorafenib
II setting demonstrated 38% response rate as a ▶ Trastuzumab
single agent in a cohort of women with chemother- ▶ Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
apy refractory BRAC1- or BRCA2-mutated meta- ▶ Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
static breast cancer. ▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor

Future Directions
The use of targeted therapies in the treatment
paradigm of patients with breast cancer has been
revolutionary in the management of this disease.
Current adjuvant and metastatic trials are focused
on incorporating these novel agents. Other novel Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group
agents such as the ▶ mammalian target of (2005) Effects of chemotherapy and hormonal therapy
rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor ▶ rapamycin and for early breast cancer on recurrence and 15-year
680 Breast Cancer Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers

survival: an overview of the randomized trials. Lancet (2012) Olaparib. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
365:1687–1717 cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2598.
Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6689
(EBCTCG) (2012) Comparisons between different (2012) Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase. In: Schwab M (ed)
polychemotherapy regimens for early breast cancer: Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
meta-analyses of long-term outcome among 100 000 delberg, p 2935. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4655
women in 123 randomised trials. Lancet (2012) Proliferation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
379(9814):432-444. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11) Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3004.
61625–5 doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4766
Guarneri V, Conte P (2009) Metastatic breast cancer: (2012) Sunitinib. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
therapeutic options according to molecular Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3562.
subtypes and prior adjuvant therapy. Oncologist doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5575
14(7):645–656 (2012) Targeted Therapy. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
Martín M, Esteva FJ, Alba E, Khandheria B, Pérez-Isla L, of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3610.
García-Sáenz JA, Márquez A, Sengupta P, Zamorano doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5677
J (2009) Minimizing cardiotoxicity while optimizing (2012) Taxanes. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
treatment efficacy with trastuzumab: review and expert cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 3614–
recommendations. Oncologist 14(1):1–11 3615. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6648
Spector NL, Blackwell KL (2009) Understanding the (2012) Tyrosine Kinase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
mechanisms behind trastuzumab therapy for human of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3822.
epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive breast can- doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6079
cer. J Clin Oncol 27(34):5838–5847
Traina TA (2009) Bevacizumab in the treatment of meta-
static breast cancer. Oncology (Williston Park)
Breast Cancer Prognostic
See Also and Predictive Biomarkers
(2012) Adjuvant. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 75. Michael Z. Gilcrease
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_107 Department of Pathology, Breast Section,
(2012) Biomarkers. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 408–
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX,
409. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6601 USA
(2012) Carboplatin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 641.
(2012) Doxorubicin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1159.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1722 A biomarker is a body substance or component
(2012) Epitope. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- that can be objectively measured to indicate the
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1297.
status of a biological (usually pathological) pro-
(2012) Gene Expression Profiling. In: Schwab M (ed) cess. Normal genes and gene products can serve
Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei- as biomarkers, as well as alterations in or modifi-
delberg, p 1522. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- cations of normal genes and gene products. Com-
(2012) HER2. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
binations of substances that together indicate a
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1678. particular biological function can also serve as
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2676 biomarkers, as well as entire cells. Biomarkers
(2012) Lapatinib. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of that indicate how a disease will progress in an
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1980.
individual patient are referred to as prognostic
(2012) Monoclonal Antibody. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- biomarkers, whereas those that predict how a dis-
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel- ease will respond to a particular therapy are
berg, p 2367. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6842 termed predictive biomarkers. A number of prog-
(2012) Monoclonal Antibody Therapy. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
nostic and predictive biomarkers are currently
delberg, pp 2367–2368. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- used clinically or are under investigation to
16483-5_3823 guide therapy for ▶ breast cancer patients.
Breast Cancer Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers 681

Characteristics parameters. The Nottingham combined histologic

grading system is recommended by the College of
Established Prognostic Biomarkers in Breast American Pathologists for grading invasive breast
Cancer carcinomas. This grading system takes into
Well-established prognostic factors for invasive account the degree of nuclear pleomorphism of B
breast carcinoma include the histologic type, invasive tumor cells, the mitotic rate of the inva-
tumor grade, presence or absence of sive tumor, and the degree of tubule formation by
lymphovascular invasion, tumor size, and lymph the invasive tumor cells. Tumor grade is reported
node status. These traditional prognostic markers, as grade 1 (low grade), grade 2 (intermediate
although based on the microscopic assessment of grade), or grade 2 (high grade). Tumor grade is
the tumor or regional lymph nodes, are sometimes an independent prognostic factor. High-grade
not regarded as biomarkers per se, as they do not tumors have a worse prognosis than low and
entail the quantitative measurement of a single intermediate grade tumors.
biological substance. Nevertheless, they are bio- Lymphovascular invasion also portends a
markers in a broad sense, and they have well- worse prognosis. The College of American
established prognostic utility. Other prognostic Pathologists recommends using the terminology
biomarkers are useful only if they provide addi- “vascular invasion” when tumor cells are identi-
tional information about disease outcome that is fied within either lymphatic or blood vascular
independent of that provided by these well- channels. (It is not necessary to distinguish
established prognostic factors. between the two.) Lymphovascular invasion
Favorable histologic types of invasive breast should be evaluated in the peritumoral breast tis-
carcinoma include tubular carcinoma, mucinous sue. It is present in approximately 20% of primary
carcinoma, medullary carcinoma, low-grade ade- invasive breast carcinomas, and its presence is an
noid cystic carcinoma, low-grade adenosquamous adverse prognostic factor, independent of other
carcinoma, and fibromatosis-like metaplastic prognostic factors. Lymphovascular invasion is
tumor. Unfavorable histologic types of invasive independently associated with local tumor recur-
breast carcinoma include invasive micropapillary rence and patient survival.
carcinoma, some forms of metaplastic breast car- The size of an invasive breast carcinoma
cinoma, centrally-necrotizing breast carcinoma, should be reported at least for the greatest single
and invasive breast carcinoma with a “large cen- dimension. The prognostic significance is based
tral acellular zone.” Invasive micropapillary car- on the size of the invasive component only. Asso-
cinoma tends to be high stage at presentation but ciated carcinoma in situ (carcinoma that has not
does not clearly have a worse prognosis than invaded beyond the basement membrane of the
stage-matched invasive ductal carcinomas. Some normal breast duct system) is not included in the
metaplastic breast carcinomas, particularly those size of the invasive breast carcinoma. Only
with a predominant sarcomatoid morphology, are 10–20 % of patients with invasive breast carci-
aggressive tumors that behave like true sarcomas. nomas measuring less than 1 cm have axillary
Carcinosarcomas are similarly clinically aggres- lymph node metastases. The recurrence-free sur-
sive tumors but have a greater likelihood of axil- vival at 10 years for patients with negative axillary
lary lymph node involvement than predominantly nodes is approximately 90% when the tumor size
sarcomatoid carcinomas. Both centrally- is less than 1 cm.
necrotizing carcinomas and those with large cen- The lymph node status has long been regarded
tral acellular zones have a tendency to metastasize as the single most important prognostic factor in
to lungs and brain and have a particularly poor breast cancer. Only 20–30% of patients with neg-
prognosis. ative lymph nodes develop tumor recurrence
The grade of breast cancer is a measure of within 10 years, compared to almost 70% of
potential aggressive behavior based on the histo- patients with positive lymph nodes. Patients with
logic appearance of well-defined cytological four or more positive lymph nodes have a worse
682 Breast Cancer Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers

prognosis than those with three positive nodes excision specimen in the event of a pCR or near-
or less. The prognostic significance of micro- complete response.
metastases is not clearly established but appears
to be worse than complete absence of metastasis. Established Predictive Biomarkers in Breast
The significance of isolated tumor cells in the Cancer
axillary lymph nodes, now staged separately Clinically useful prognostic and predictive bio-
from micrometastases, is even less clear. markers should have biologic relevance and
well-defined scoring criteria. They should be
Prognostic Markers Following Breast reproducible in different laboratories, confirmed
Conservation Surgery and Neoadjuvant independently by multiple investigators, and val-
Chemotherapy idated in large prospective studies. Most reported
With increasing use of breast conservative surgery markers for breast cancer do not yet meet these
and neoadjuvant chemotherapy (chemotherapy criteria. As a result, only a few are currently
before surgical excision of the primary tumor), recommended for routine practice.
additional important prognostic markers include Hormone receptor staining is routinely
margin status and pathologic response to performed more for its utility in predicting
neoadjuvant chemotherapy (▶ Neoadjuvant Ther- response to hormonal therapy than for its prog-
apy). A positive margin (invasive tumor at the nostic significance. (There are mixed data on the
surgical margin of the excised breast tissue) has prognostic significance of hormone receptor
been shown to be an independent predictor of expression in invasive breast carcinoma.)
decreased survival (RR = 3.9, P = 0.011). A quantitative value for ▶ estrogen receptor
Breast conservative surgery, therefore, requires (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) expression
negative margins. Subsequent radiation therapy is routinely reported for all invasive breast carci-
is also required, even when negative margins are nomas, as response to ▶ endocrine therapy has
achieved, to reduce the risk of tumor recurrence been shown to be proportional to the degree of
following breast conservative surgery. hormone receptor positivity. Completely negative
A pathologic complete response (pCR) to staining or weak staining in less than 1% of inva-
neoadjuvant chemotherapy is a favorable prog- sive carcinoma cells is regarded as a negative test
nostic factor. It is defined as a complete eradica- for estrogen or progesterone receptor. Any degree
tion of invasive carcinoma cells following of staining greater than this is now regarded as a
chemotherapy. In a study of 1,731 patients treated positive test, and the likelihood of response to
with neoadjuvant chemotherapy, a pCR was ▶ hormonal therapy appears to be directly related
observed in 13%. Eight percent of hormone to the amount of nuclear staining for ER and PR in
receptor-positive patients had a pCR, while 24% the invasive tumor cells (Fig. 1).
of hormone receptor-negative patients had a HER2 (c-erbB-2) is a member of the ▶ epider-
pCR. In hormone receptor-positive patients, mal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family of
5-year survival was 96.4% versus 65.3% with growth factor receptors. Overexpression of the pro-
and without a pCR, respectively. In hormone tein and/or ▶ amplification of the HER2 gene has
receptor-negative patients, 5-year survival was been shown to be an adverse prognostic factor in
83.4% versus 67.4% with and without a pCR, node-positive breast cancer patients, but evaluation
respectively. Because a pCR is an important of HER2 status is routinely performed on all inva-
prognostic factor for patients treated with sive breast carcinomas more for its utility in
neoadjuvant chemotherapy, it is important that predicting response to anti-HER2 therapy, such as
the tumor site be sampled correctly by the pathol- ▶ trastuzumab (▶ Herceptin) or lapatinib. In expe-
ogist. It is useful to place a metallic marker in the rienced labs, 3+ HER2 staining by ▶ immunohis-
tumor if a response is observed after initiating tochemistry correlates well with HER2 gene
chemotherapy to facilitate identification and cor- ▶ amplification as determined by ▶ fluorescence
rect sampling of the tumor site in the surgical in situ hybridization (FISH). Tumors with 3+
Breast Cancer Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers 683

HER2 expression or HER2 gene amplification Proposed Biomarkers in Breast Cancer

show the greatest response to trastuzumab therapy, A variety of tumor markers have been proposed,
and they are also more sensitive to ▶ anthracycline- most of which are analyzed by ▶ immunohisto-
containing ▶ chemotherapy (Fig. 2). chemistry assays. A few of these show promise as
potentially useful prognostic markers but have not B
yet been adopted in routine practice. Several new
molecular tests are also reported to have both
prognostic and predictive utility.
The Ki-67 antigen is expressed in late G1, S,
and early G2/M phases of the cell cycle. Immu-
nohistochemical staining for Ki-67 is more sensi-
tive than S-phase analysis or mitotic figure
counting for assessing proliferation. Ki-67 ana-
lyses, however, lack standardization. The College
of American Pathologists recommends reporting
mitotic figure counts for every invasive breast
carcinoma and designates the use of MIB-1
immunohistochemistry (for detection of Ki-67)
Breast Cancer Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers,
Fig. 1 Nuclear expression of estrogen receptor in invasive as optional.
breast carcinoma

Breast Cancer Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers, Fig. 2 Membranous expression of HER2 in invasive breast
carcinoma. Scores of 0 and 1+ are negative, 2+ is equivocal, and 3+ is positive for HER2 overexpression
684 Breast Cancer Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers

▶ Urokinase-type plasminogen activator utility of bcl-2, but it may prove to be a useful

(uPA), a serine protease, is a promising prognostic marker for routine practice in the future.
marker for breast cancer. uPA and its inhibitor, A new and controversial putative prognostic
plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1; marker for breast cancer is cyclin E. Cyclin
▶ Plasminogen-Activating System), stimulate E exists as multiple functional low molecular
the ▶ adhesion, migration, and proliferation of weight isoforms in addition to its complete form.
cells and the degradation of matrix proteins. Ele- The low molecular weight isoforms of cyclin
vated levels of uPA and/or PAI-1 consistently E induce genetic instability and produce increased
correlate with tumor recurrence and decreased resistance to hormonal treatment in vitro. These
patient survival. Some studies also show that ele- low molecular weight isoforms have also been
vated levels of these markers predict response to reported to have adverse prognostic significance.
chemotherapy. In a study of more than 3,400 In a paper from the New England Journal of
patients with invasive breast carcinoma, uPA/ Medicine, overexpression of cyclin E was
PAI-1 levels correlated with response to chemo- reported to be “. . .the most powerful prognostic
therapy. In a subsequent pooled analysis of 8,377 marker for breast cancer that has been identified to
patients with invasive breast carcinoma, except date.” Among 114 patients with stage I breast
for lymph node status, a high level of uPA or cancer, none of the 102 patients with low cyclin
PAI-1 was the strongest prognostic factor E isoform levels died of breast cancer during the
identified. High levels of uPA or PAI-1 correlated 5 years following the date of diagnosis. In con-
with reduced survival in both lymph node- trast, all of the 12 patients with a high level of
positive and lymph node-negative subgroups. In cyclin E isoforms died of breast cancer during this
particular, uPA or PAI-1 levels had prognostic time period. These results need to be confirmed,
significance in lymph node-negative patients that preferably in prospective studies, and verified by
received no adjuvant systemic therapy. Unfortu- independent investigators before cyclin E is
nately, uPA and PAI-1 levels are currently adopted as a routine prognostic marker. If the
evaluated by ELISA, and reliable immunohisto- low molecular weight isoforms are more impor-
chemical assays for uPA and PAI-1 for clinical use tant than the complete protein, Western blotting
are still lacking. This has hindered acceptance of may be necessary for their identification.
uPA and PAI-1 as routine prognostic markers in Multiple additional prognostic markers,
the USA. including DNA ploidy/S-phase, p53, cyclin D,
Bcl-2 belongs to a family of proteins that reg- cathepsin D, EGFR, and E-cadherin have been
ulate cell survival. Bcl-2 inhibits apoptosis reported to have clinical utility, but each has prob-
in vitro. Some reports show a correlation between lems with reproducibility and/or assay standardi-
bcl-2 and ER expression and response to tamoxi- zation, and none of these is currently
fen. Some data also show that bcl-2 expression recommended by the College of American Pathol-
appears to be a favorable prognostic factor in ogists for routine use as a prognostic marker for
lymph node-negative patients. The College of breast cancer.
American Pathologists currently does not recom-
mend use of bcl-2 expression as a prognostic Multigene Predictors in Breast Cancer
factor because of insufficient data. However, in a Gene expression profiling is a method of evaluat-
study published after the latest CAP recommen- ing hundreds or thousands of genes in tumor cells
dations, multiple tumor markers were evaluated by extracting the RNA and quantifying the
on tissue microarrays from 930 invasive breast expression of genes relative to so-called house-
carcinomas, and the most powerful marker to keeping genes that are expressed at a relatively
predict survival at 10 years was bcl-2. Moreover, constant level regardless of experimental condi-
its prognostic significance was independent of the tions. Gene expression profiling studies have
Nottingham Prognostic Index. A large prospec- identified a so-called basal-like subgroup of inva-
tive study is needed to confirm the prognostic sive breast carcinomas, in addition to a subgroup
Breast Cancer Prognostic Biomarkers 685

that overexpresses genes related to HER2. Both of further validation. These include assays based on
these subgroups have been reported to have gene expression profiling and RT-PCR, as well as
adverse prognostic significance. the detection of keratin-positive cells in bone mar-
Another subgroup expressing a so-called row and circulating tumor cells.
70-gene prognosis signature is reported to have B
adverse prognostic significance. A commercial
assay to detect this signature (Mammaprint) is References
being tested in lymph node-negative patients in a
prospective randomized study in Europe. The Harvey JM, Clark GM, Osborne CK et al (1999) Estrogen
receptor status by immunohistochemistry is superior to
study is comparing the 70-gene signature with
the ligand-binding assay for predicting response to
common clinical-pathological criteria for adjuvant endocrine therapy in breast cancer. J Clin
selecting patients to receive adjuvant chemother- Oncol 17(5):1474–1481
apy. The assay currently requires fresh frozen Paik S, Shak S, Tang G et al (2004) A multigene assay to
predict recurrence of tamoxifen-treated, node-negative
tumor tissue.
breast cancer. N Engl J Med 351(27):2817–2826
Another commercially available molecular test Sorlie T, Perou CM, Tibshirani R et al (2001) Gene expres-
that is becoming more popular in the USA is the sion patterns of breast carcinomas distinguish tumor
Oncytoype Dx assay, which involves quantitation subclasses with clinical implications. Proc Natl Acad
Sci U S A 98(19):10869–10874
of 21 genes by real-time PCR. This assay provides
van de Vijver MJ, He YD, van’t Veer LJ et al (2002)
a so-called recurrence score that correlates A gene-expression signature as a predictor of survival
inversely with the likelihood of response to in breast cancer. N Engl J Med 347(25):1999–2009
tamoxifen in lymph node-negative breast cancer Wolff AC, Hammond ME, Schwartz JN et al (2007) Amer-
ican Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American
patients. This assay can be performed on paraffin
Pathologists guideline recommendations for human
tumor tissue. It is currently being evaluated in a epidermal growth factor receptor 2 testing in breast
large clinical trial involving over 10,000 patients cancer. Arch Pathol Lab Med 131(1):18
at 900 sites in the USA and Canada.
Both keratin-positive tumor cells in bone mar-
row and circulating tumor cells in the blood are
also reported to be associated with patient out- Breast Cancer Prognostic Biomarkers
come. The independent prognostic and predictive
value of these tests is still being evaluated. Boon-Huat Bay and George Wai-Cheong Yip
Department of Anatomy, National University of
Conclusion Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Traditional prognostic markers in breast cancer
are based on the histologic assessment of the
primary tumor and regional lymph nodes. These Definition
include histologic type, tumor grade, presence or
absence of lymphovascular invasion, tumor size, Biomarkers are distinctive and relatively specific
and lymph node status. Clinically useful bio- biological indicators (in the form of altered gene,
markers should provide additional independent protein, carbohydrate, or lipid expression) of
prognostic or predictive information. Tumor mar- physiological or disease processes. ▶ Clinical
gin status and pathologic complete response are cancer biomarkers have been broadly categorized
important prognostic markers following breast into prognostic biomarkers which aid in determin-
conservative surgery and neoadjuvant chemother- ing the disease outcome (prognosis) or predictive
apy. Assays for hormone receptors and HER2 are markers which predict response to therapy. Iden-
routinely performed as predictive markers for tification of prognostic and predictive biomarkers
response to endocrine therapy and anti-HER2 would enhance the management of ▶ breast can-
therapy, respectively. A variety of additional prog- cer patients by helping clinicians make better
nostic markers have been proposed but require decisions with regard to the mode of treatment
686 Breast Cancer Prognostic Biomarkers

for each patient, such as which group of patients Hormone Receptors

would benefit from chemotherapy after surgical Estrogen receptor (ER) is a 65 kDa nuclear mol-
excision of the tumor. Prognostic biomarkers also ecule and binds to 17b-▶ estradiol as its principal
form the basis for the development of effective ligand. Two ER subtypes, ERa and ERb, have
targeted therapy against ▶ breast cancer. been described, with the former being present in
approximately 70% of breast cancers. Binding of
estrogen to ER leads to either homo- or hetero-
Characteristics dimerization of the receptor, which then interacts
with hormone response elements to induce tran-
Clinical Prognostic Indicators scription of genes which regulate cellular activity
Standard prognostic factors for breast malignancy (Fig. 1).
take into account clinical and pathological criteria This process can be deactivated by blocking
such as a patient’s age and the morphological the activity of the receptor or depriving the recep-
features of the cancer, such as its stage and histo- tor of the estrogen hormone. Patients with
logical grade. Tumor stage involves measuring ER-negative breast tumors are more likely to
the size of the tumor and determining if the have a higher histological grade and decreased
tumor has invaded into surrounding structures overall survival, whereas the prognosis in
and draining lymph nodes as well as spread dis- ER-positive tumors is relatively better. The pres-
tally to other organs (metastasis). There are two ence of ER has been used to guide the use of
main commonly used systems for staging of ▶ endocrine therapy. Drugs such as ▶ tamoxifen
tumors: the TNM system (T, tumor; N, lymph target and block the ER receptor and therefore
node status; M, metastasis) and the American possess anticarcinogenic properties. They are
Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging. His- able to reduce tumor cell proliferation and signif-
tological grade is assessed by morphological icantly reduce the risk of recurrence within 5 years
examination of the tissues under a light micro- by 40% and overall breast specific mortality by
scope. Tumors are classified as histological 31%. ▶ Aromatase inhibitors like anastrozole and
Grade 1 (low grade where the tissue has more letrozole inhibit the conversion of precursor mol-
resemblance to normal tissue in terms of parame- ecules to estradiol. Patients need to be assessed of
ters such as variability of the size of the nucleus their tumor status for the ER marker (endocrine
and mitosis), Grade 2 (moderately differentiated), responsiveness) to qualify for either of the treat-
and Grade 3 (poorly differentiated) tumors. ments. Furthermore, the presence of ER receptor
These parameters provide the basis for prog- is associated with fewer benefits from
nostic algorithms, such as the Nottingham Prog- ▶ chemotherapy.
nostic Indicator which is a reliable predictor of Like estrogen, progesterone is a steroid hor-
long-term survival of breast cancer patients. How- mone and expression of the progesterone receptor
ever, there are limitations in the use of conven- (PR) is known to be strongly dependent on ER
tional prognostic tools for predicting patient activity. Therefore, PR-positive breast cancers
outcome. Herein lies the importance of the con- have a more favorable prognosis than
tinuous search for clinically useful biomarkers PR-negative tumors.
that can provide additional prognostic The ER and PR status of breast cancer tissues is
information. determined by ▶ immunohistochemistry (IHC), a
technique which uses an antibody to detect the
Traditional Prognostic Markers receptors (Fig. 2).
Well-established traditional prognostic markers
include ▶ estrogen receptor (ER) status, proges- Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2
terone receptor (PR) status, ▶ HER-2/neu (HER-2)
(synonym neu or cerbB2) positivity, and Ki-67 Human ▶ epidermal growth factor receptor-2
cell proliferation marker. (HER-2 or ERBB2) is a member of the family of
Breast Cancer Prognostic Biomarkers 687

Breast Cancer Prognostic Estrogen

Biomarkers, Growth factors
Fig. 1 Diagrammatic
representation of ER, PR,
and HER-2 pathways
(Courtesy of S.L. Bay, B
National University of
Singapore) HER2





Breast Cancer Prognostic

Fig. 2 Positive estrogen
(immunohistochemistry) in
breast cancer tissue with
strong reactivity present in
the cell nuclei which are
stained brown (Courtesy of
P.H. Tan, Singapore
General Hospital,

epidermal growth factor receptors. The HER-2 can be determined by immunohistochemistry or

gene is located on chromosome 17q21 and more sophisticated fluorescence in situ hybridiza-
encodes a 185 kDa tyrosine kinase glycoprotein tion techniques. HER2 expression is estimated to
(Fig. 1). HER-2 regulates cell differentiation, be amplified in approximately 20% of breast
▶ adhesion, and ▶ motility. The status of HER-2 tumors. Most clinical studies have shown that
828 Catechin

in the clinical symptoms of pain. A great chal- apoptotic and necrotic phenotypes. Its pH opti-
lenge is the discovery of new chemotherapy drugs mum depends on the enzyme source and on the
that can increase overall survival of patients with substrate used for the determination of the activity
recurrent CRPC. and ranges between 2.8 and 5. No endogenous
cathepsin-D tissue inhibitor is known in mam-
mals. Pepstatin, a natural inhibitor of aspartic pro-
Cross-References teases isolated from various species of
actinomycetes, inhibits its catalytic activity.
▶ Androgen Ablation Therapy Cathepsin-D, like other aspartic proteases, such
▶ Prostate Cancer as renin, chymosin, pepsinogen, has a bilobed
▶ Prostate Cancer Chemotherapy organization. Crystal structures of native and
pepstatin-inhibited forms of mature human
cathepsin-D revealed a high degree of tertiary
structural similarity with other members of the
aspartic proteinase family (e.g., pepsinogen and
human immunodeficiency virus protease). The
human cathepsin-D gene containing nine exons
▶ Epigallocatechin
is located in chromosome 11p15 and expresses a
single transcript of 2.2 kb. Cathepsin-D is synthe-
sized as a 52 kDa catalytically inactive precursor
(Fig. 1). During its transport to lysosomes,
Cathepsin-D cathepsin-D can be found in the endosomes
where it is present as partially active 48 kDa
Emmanuelle Liaudet-Coopman single-chain intermediate (Fig. 1). This interme-
IRCM, INSERM, UMI, CRLC Val d’Aurelle, diate is subsequently transported to the lysosomes
Montpellier, France where it is converted into the fully active mature
protease that is composed of a 34 kDa heavy and a
14 kDa light chain (Fig. 1). The human cathepsin-
Definition D catalytic site includes two critical aspartic resi-
dues (amino acids 33 and 231) located on the
Cathepsin-D (E.C. is a ubiquitous lyso- 34 and 14 kDa chains (Fig. 1a). Mannose-6-
somal aspartic endo-proteinase cleaving preferen- phosphate (M6P) receptors are involved in lyso-
tially -Phe-Phe-, -Leu-Tyr-, -Tyr-Leu-, and somal routing of cathepsin-D and in the cellular
-Phe-Tyr- bonds in peptide chains containing at uptake of the secreted pro-cathepsin-D. In
least five amino acids at an acidic pH. ▶ breast cancer cell lines, over-expressed
cathepsin-D is hyper-secreted in the extracellular
environment and can be endocytosed
Characteristics (▶ Endocytosis) by both ▶ cancer cells and fibro-
blasts via M6P receptors and other as yet
Cathepsin-D is ubiquitously distributed in lyso- unidentified receptor(s) (Fig. 1b). Endocytosed
somes. It was considered for a long time that the pro-cathepsin-D also undergoes successive matu-
main function of cathepsin-D was to degrade pro- rations leading to the 48 kDa and 34 + 14 kDa
teins in lysosomes at an acidic pH. Apart from its forms. In addition, secreted pro-cathepsin-D, like
function in general protein turnover, cathepsin-D pepsinogen, is capable of acid-dependent auto-
can also activate precursors of biologically active activation in vitro, resulting in a catalytically
proteins in pre-lysosomal compartments of spe- active pseudo-cathepsin-D, an enzyme species
cialized cells. Knock-out of cathepsin-D gene that retains 18 residues (27–44) of the
induces death shortly after birth with severe pro-segment.
Cathepsin-D 829

NH2 4K 14K 34K COOH
Asp33 Asp231

−44 1 348

1 2
52 K
48 K

34 K


Cathepsin-D, Fig. 1 Cathepsin-D structure and expres- mature cathepsin-D. Position of the 2 aspartic acids of the
sion in breast cancer cells (a) Schematic representation of catalytic site is shown. Molecular mass is shown in
the human 52 kDa pro-cathepsin-D sequence. Location of K (kDa). (b) Expression of Human cathepsin-D in
4 kDa cathepsin-D pro-fragment, 14 kDa light and 34 kDa MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. MCF-7 cells were metabol-
heavy mature chains are indicated. Intermediate 48 kDa ically labeled with [35S]Methionine and human cathepsin-
form (not shown) corresponds to noncleaved 14 + 34 kDa D immunoprecipitated from cell extract (lane 2) and
chains. Number 1 corresponds to the first amino acid of the medium (lane 1) was analyzed by SDS-PAGE

Apoptosis (e.g., SP1, AP1), they may be responsible for the

Cathepsin-D is a key mediator of ▶ apoptosis stimulation of cathepsin-D gene expression. Stud-
induced by many apoptotic agents, such as ies in estrogen receptor negative breast cancer cell
IFN-gamma, FAS/APO, TNF-alpha, ▶ oxidative lines that are the more aggressive, invasive, and
stress, ▶ adriamycin, etoposide, cisplatin and 5- metastatic indicated a constitutive over-
fluorouracil, as well as staurosporine. The role of expression of cathepsin-D. The mechanism of
cathepsin-D in apoptosis has been linked to the this over-expression is still unknown but does
lysosomal release of mature 34 kDa cathepsin-D not seem to involve gene amplification or major
into the cytosol, leading in turn to the mitochon- chromosomal rearrangements (▶ Chromosomal
drial release of cytochrome c into the cytosol and Translocations).
the activation of pro-caspases-9 and -3.
Regulation Cathepsin-D over-expressed by cancer cells stim-
Studies on ▶ estrogen receptor positive breast ulates tumorigenicity and ▶ metastasis in nude
cancer cell lines revealed that this housekeeping mice. The direct role of cathepsin-D in cancer
enzyme is highly upregulated by estrogens metastasis was first demonstrated in rat tumor
(▶ Estradiol) and growth factors (i.e., IGF1, cells in which transfection-induced cathepsin-D
EGF). In estrogen receptor positive breast cancer over-expression increased their metastatic poten-
cell lines, both estrogens and growth factors stim- tial in vivo. In this rat tumor model, the cathepsin-
ulate cathepsin-D protein and mRNA accumula- D mechanism responsible for metastasis stimula-
tion levels. The regulation of cathepsin-D mRNA tion seemed to be a positive effect on cell prolifer-
accumulation by estrogens is mainly due to ation, favoring the growth of micro-metastases.
increased initiation of transcription. Estrogen- Using an RNA antisense strategy, cathepsin-D
responsive elements have been defined in the was then shown to be a rate limiting factor for the
proximal promoter region of the gene, and in outgrowth, tumorigenicity, and lung colonization
conjunction with other regulatory sequences of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Several
830 Cathepsins

reports have indicated that cathepsin-D stimulates ▶ Endocytosis

cancer cell proliferation. Purified pro-cathepsin-D ▶ Epithelial Tumorigenesis
from MCF-7 breast cancer cells stimulated MCF-7 ▶ Estradiol
cell growth. Moreover, 3Y1-Ad12 rat cancer cells ▶ Estrogen Receptor
transfected with human cathepsin-D cDNA grew ▶ Immunohistochemistry
more rapidly both at low or high cell densities ▶ Macrophages
in vitro and showed an increased experimental ▶ Metastasis
metastatic potential in vivo. In addition, ▶ Oxidative Stress
pro-cathepsin-D was also mitogenic for breast
and prostate cancer cells.
Clinical Aspects Chwieralski CE, Welte T, Buhling F (2006) Cathepsin-
Different approaches, such as cytosolic immunoas- regulated apoptosis. Apoptosis 11:143–149
say, ▶ immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridiza- Liaudet-Coopman E, Beaujouin M, Derocq D et al (2006)
tion, and Northern and Western blot analyses, Cathepsin D: newly discovered functions of a long-
standing aspartic protease in cancer and apoptosis.
have indicated that in most breast cancer tumors, Cancer Lett 237:167–179
cathepsin-D is over-expressed from 2- to 50-fold Rochefort H (1992) Cathepsin D in breast cancer: a tissue
compared to its concentration in other cell types marker associated with metastasis. Eur J Cancer
such as fibroblasts or normal mammary glands. 28A:1780–1783
Westley BR, May FE (1999) Prognostic value of cathepsin
Several independent clinical studies have shown D in breast cancer. Br J Cancer 79:189–190
that the cathepsin-D level in primary breast cancer
cytosols is an independent prognostic parameter See Also
correlated with the incidence of clinical metastasis (2012) Epithelial cell. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
and shorter survival times. The major cathepsin-D of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
producing cells appear to be epithelial cancer cells pp 1291–1292. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1958
(2012) Estrogens. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
(Epithelial Tumors) and stromal ▶ macrophages. cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1333.
Cathepsin-D production by fibroblasts appears var- doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2019
iable according to various publications. Certain (2012) Knock-out. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
studies have indicated that cathepsin-D production cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1957.
is low relative to cancer cells as shown by immu- (2012) Lysosome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
nohistochemistry and in situ hybridization with cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2128.
antisense RNA. Other studies have indicated a doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3472
prognostic role for cathepsin-D over-expression (2012) Promoter. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3004.
by reactive stromal cells. Pro-cathepsin-D is also doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4768
increased in the plasma of patients with metastatic (2012) Proteinase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
breast cancer, indicating that part of the cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3092.
pro-cathepsin-D secreted by tumors can be released doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4805
into the circulation.

Cross-References Cathepsins

▶ Adriamycin Definition
▶ Amplification
▶ Apoptosis Are mainly lysosomal cysteine proteases (human
▶ Breast Cancer cathepsins B, C, F, H, K, L, O, S, V, X, and W),
▶ Cancer other cathepsins belong to the serine (cathepsin G)
▶ Chromosomal Translocations and the aspartic (cathepsins D, E) proteases.
Caveolins 831

Cathepsins were long believed to be involved in vesicular invaginations of the plasma cell mem-
intracellular protein degradation; it has become brane. They play a key role in membrane traffick-
evident that they are involved in a number of ing, ▶ signal transduction, mechano-sensing, and
specific cellular processes and that their irregular cell metabolism.
function is associated with pathological condi-
tions, including cancer. Cathepsins were origi-
nally defined as a group of digestive proteases Characteristics C
present in lysosomes and involved in lysosomal
protein breakdown. From a genetic, biochemical, Caveolae (“little caves”) are flask-shaped,
and catalytic point of view, cathepsins constitute “smooth,” vesicular invaginations of the plasma
an extremely heterogeneous group of proteases. membrane (50–100 nm in diameter) distinct from
This diversity assures in most tissues complete the larger electron-dense clathrin-coated pits. As a
degradation of ingested proteins. With the identi- subset of detergent-resistant liquid-ordered lipid
fication of select cathepsins in other vesicular rafts, which are clustered protein microdomains
compartments of the secretory and endosomal within a “sea of homogeneously distributed
system, however, the definition of cathepsins has lipids,” they are uniquely enriched in cholesterol,
evolved to also take into account their capacity to sphingolipids, and phosphatidylethanolamine and
act by limited proteolysis on certain proteins. additionally contain essential structural marker
proteins termed caveolins, cavins, and pacsin-2.
Specifically, caveolins are highly conserved hair-
Cross-References pin loop-shaped (both the C-terminus and the
N-terminus face the cytoplasmic side of the mem-
▶ Cystatins brane), oligomeric, integral membrane proteins of
▶ Stefins 22–24 kDa with a typical short stretch of eight
amino acids (FEDVIAEP), the “caveolin signa-
ture sequence.” Three distinct caveolin genes
have been identified: caveolin-1 or VIP-21
Caudal Type Homeobox 2 (Cav-1), caveolin-2 (Cav-2), and caveolin-3
(Cav-3). Cav-1 exists in two isoforms Cav-1a
▶ CDX2 (containing residues 1–178) and Cav-1b
(containing residues 32–178); Cav-2 exists in
three isoforms, the full-length Cav-2a, and two
truncated variants, Cav-2b and Cav-2g. Cav-1 and
Caveolins Cav-2, which is proposed to function as an acces-
sory protein to Cav-1, are co-expressed in most
Klaus Podar1 and Kenneth C. Anderson2 differentiated cells, including adipocytes, endo-
Medical Oncology, National Center for Tumor thelial cells, pneumocytes, Schwann cells, and
Diseases (NCT), University of Heidelberg, fibroblasts, whereas Cav-3 is found specifically
Heidelberg, Germany in skeletal muscle, the diaphragm, and the heart.
Department of Medical Oncology, Jerome Apart from the plasma cell membrane, caveolins
Lipper Multiple Myeloma Center, Dana-Farber are also present in other cellular localizations
Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA including endocytic vesicles called caveosomes,
mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER),
the Golgi/trans-Golgi network (TGN), and secre-
Definition tory vesicles. In addition, Cav-1 is secreted by
some cells into the extracellular space.
Caveolins are integral membrane proteins respon- Functionally, caveolae, caveolins, and cavins
sible for the formation of caveolae, small have been implicated in vesicular transport
832 Caveolins

(transcytosis, pinocytosis, and clathrin- therapeutic strategies aim to exploit the loss of
independent ▶ endocytosis), mechano-sensing, stromal Cav-1 by targeting the tumor
cholesterol homeostasis, and cell metabolism. microenvironment.
Moreover, caveolins in general and Cav-1 in par- In contrast to stromal Cav-1, the functional
ticular interact through the caveolin scaffolding roles of Cav-1 and cavins in tumor cells depend
domain (CSD) with a vast variety of proteins, on cancer cell types and conditions. While initial
thereby sequestering and organizing protein com- studies have demonstrated that Cav-1 negatively
plexes and regulating multiple intracellular sig- regulates signaling molecules in some tumor cells
naling pathways. Such molecules include ▶ Src (i.e., head and neck cancer and extrahepatic bili-
family tyrosine kinases, ▶ G protein a subunits, ary carcinoma cells) thereby mediating cell
G protein-coupled receptors, ▶ receptor tyrosine growth inhibition, several reports clearly show a
kinases (i.e., receptors for ▶ epidermal growth positive correlation between high Cav-1 expres-
factor (EGFR), ▶ insulin-like growth factor sion, ▶ tumor grade, ▶ progression, ▶ metastasis,
(IGFR), placenta-derived growth factor and chemoresistance in other tumor cells. This
(PDGFR), ▶ interleukin-6 (IL-6), ▶ vascular dual role of Cav-1 may be caused by
endothelial growth factor (VEGFR)), Ca2+ microenvironment-stimulated Cav-1 tyrosine
pumps, endothelial ▶ nitric oxide synthetase and/or serine phosphorylations and the presence
(eNOS), integrins, protein kinase C a, as well as of a Cav-1 P132L dominant-negative point muta-
components of the tumor growth factor b (TGFb/ tion, which counteract the growth inhibitory func-
SMAD), Wnt/b-catenin/Lef-1, and ▶ MAP tion of Cav-1. Moreover, the secreted form of
Kinase (e.g., H-Ras, ▶ Raf kinase, p38) pathway. Cav-1 (e.g., in prostate cancer) acts as a growth
In addition to the CSD, SH2 domain-containing factor and an inhibitor of apoptosis, as well as a
molecules (i.e., Grb7) interact with Cav-1 via the stimulator of angiogenesis. Increased Cav-1
growth factor-/cytokine-triggered phosphoryla- expression has been linked to the progression of
tion of Tyr 14. Dysregulation of caveolins is asso- tumors including human ▶ prostate cancer, pri-
ciated with the pathogenesis of several human mary and metastatic human ▶ breast cancer, pro-
diseases including type II diabetes, Alzheimer gression of thyroid cancer, high-grade ▶ bladder
disease, atherosclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and cancer, metastasis of the ▶ lung, ▶ pancreatic
▶ cancer. cancer, lymph node metastasis in esophageal
▶ squamous cell carcinoma, and ▶ multiple mye-
Clinical Aspects loma. Based on these proposed roles of Cav-1 in
The ability of Cav-1 to interact with and regulate tumor progression, ongoing studies are now
the activity of proteins involved in cell transfor- exploring caveolins as novel therapeutic targets
mation, growth, metabolism, invasion, and cyto- in cancer therapies. High levels of Cav-1 expres-
skeletal rearrangement renders Cav-1 a key role in sion in vascular endothelial cells additionally pro-
tumorigenesis. The effect of Cav-1 expression vide the rationale for using Cav-1-targeted
depends on whether it is expressed in tumor cells therapy to inhibit tumor ▶ angiogenesis.
or stroma cells. Loss of Cav-1 in fibroblasts Approaches to target caveolins in general and
induces a cancer-associated fibroblast (CAF) phe- Cav-1 in particular include the use of Cav-1 anti-
notype, which has been consistently linked to sense and Cav-1 ▶ siRNA, as well as the use of
higher tumor grade and poor patient outcome in synthetic CSD, which competitively inhibits pro-
a variety of malignancies including prostate can- tein interactions with Cav-1. Further therapeutic
cer, esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, gastric strategies include attempts to inhibit or disrupt
cancer, pancreatic cancer, and melanoma. Based caveola formation using either statins (3-hydroxy-
on these data, expression of Cav-1 together with 3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA)
expression of cavin-1 and CD36 in the tumor reductase inhibitors), which block the production
stroma has been suggested as prognostic bio- of the cholesterol intermediate mevalonate, or the
markers, i.e., in breast cancer. In addition, new cholesterol-binding agent methyl-b-cyclodextrin
CBP/p300 Coactivators 833

(MbCD). Alternatively, caveolae might be used as van Golen KL (2006) Is caveolin-1 a viable therapeutic
a drug and gene delivery transport system to spe- target to reduce cancer metastasis? Expert Opin Ther
Targets 10:709–721
cifically target anticancer therapies to tumor cells,
thereby reducing required dosages and overall
See Also
toxicity. (2012) Integrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1884.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3084 C
(2012) Wnt. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
Cross-References 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3953.
▶ Angiogenesis
▶ Bladder Cancer
▶ Breast Cancer
▶ Cancer C-BAS/HAS
▶ Endocytosis
▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor ▶ HRAS
▶ G Proteins
▶ Grading of Tumors
▶ Insulin-Like Growth Factors
▶ Interleukin-6 CBFA2
▶ Lung Cancer
▶ MAP Kinase ▶ Runx1
▶ Metastasis
▶ Multiple Myeloma
▶ Nitric Oxide
▶ Pancreatic Cancer CBP/p300 Coactivators
▶ Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
▶ Progression Andrew S. Turnell
▶ Prostate Cancer Cancer Research UK Institute for Cancer Studies,
▶ Raf Kinase The Medical School, The University of
▶ Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK
▶ Signal Transduction
▶ Squamous Cell Carcinoma Definition
▶ Src
▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor CBP is an acronym for cAMP-regulated-enhancer
(CRE)-binding protein (CREB)-binding protein.
References p300 is a protein that is highly homologous to
CBP and has been named according to its approx-
Carver LA, Schnitzer JE (2003) Caveolae: mining little imate molecular weight. Coactivators are a group
caves for new cancer targets. Nat Rev Cancer of cellular proteins that enhance transcription
Liu P, Rudick M, Anderson RG (2002) Multiple functions
factor-dependent transcriptional activation.
of caveolin-1. J Biol Chem 277:41295–41298
Martinez-Outschoorn UE, Sotgia F, Lisanti MP
(2015) Caveolae and signalling in cancer. Nat Rev Characteristics
Cancer 15(4):225–237
Parton RG, del Pozo MA (2013) Caveolae as plasma
membrane sensors, protectors and organizers. Nat Rev CBP was initially identified as an auxiliary cofac-
Mol Cell Biol 14(2):98–112 tor required for the CREB-mediated activation of
834 CBP/p300 Coactivators

cAMP-stimulated gene transcription. CBP binds F9 cells have been identified. p300, but not CBP,
specifically, at CREs, to an activated CREB spe- was found to be required for both retinoic acid-
cies which has been suitably modified through induced differentiation and transcriptional
phosphorylation by the cAMP-responsive protein upregulation of the cell cycle inhibitor p21CIP1/
kinase, PKA. p300 was subsequently character- . In contrast, CBP, but not p300, was required
ized, independently, upon the basis of its interac- for transcriptional induction of p27KIP1. Interest-
tion with the protein product of the adenoviral ingly, both CBP and p300 were required for
transforming E1A gene and, like CBP, can func- retinoic acid-induced apoptosis.
tion as a coactivator in CREB-mediated transcrip- CBP and p300 function primarily as transcrip-
tional activation. CBP, akin to p300, also binds to tional coactivators for many sequence-specific
E1A. CBP and p300 are highly related at the transcription factors. In this capacity both CBP
amino acid sequence level, sharing approximately and p300 function as lysine (K)-directed
60% identity, and both proteins have predicted acetyltransferases (ATs; Fig. 2a). They modify
molecular weights of 265 kDa (Goodman and chromatin structure and function through acetyla-
Smolik 2000). Although CBP and p300 bind to a tion of the core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 at
similar set of cellular proteins, share identical numerous sites within their N-terminal tail
enzymatic activities (Fig. 1), and overlap func- regions. Specific p300-directed acetylation sites
tionally in regulating cell cycle and differentiation within nucleosome-associated histones have
pathways, it is important to note that they also been identified. p300 acetylates H2A upon K5;
possess distinct biological functions. For exam- H2B upon K5, K12, K15, and K20; H3 upon K14
ple, discrete roles for CBP and p300 during and K18; and H4 upon K5, K8, and K12. Histone
retinoic acid-induced differentiation, cell cycle acetylation by CBP and p300 facilitates further
exit, and ▶ apoptosis of embryonal carcinoma epigenetic histone modifications and the

BRCA1 Ets-1
p45/NF-E2 JunB
TAL1 c-Jun RNA helicase A
p73 c-myb C/EBP β
Mdm2 Tax GATA-1
TBP Sap1 Neuro D
E1A HIF-1 YY1 Micropthalmia p53
Stat-1 RXR ATF-1 APC5/7 P/CAF YY1
SF-1 p65 ATF-4 Twist Myo D Smad
Nuclear Pit-1 Cubitus pp90 RSK
Hormone HNF-4 Interruptus c-Fos p/CIP
Receptors Stat-2 EBNA2 Gli3 vIRF ATF-2 SV40 Large T SRC-1
E4 Zn CREB HAT Glutamine-rich
Finger Binding domain Domain Region
Zn Fingers

CBP/p300 Coactivators, Fig. 1 Schematic depiction of APC7, p53, as well as the adenoviral E1A protein: E4
CBP/p300 primary sequence displaying conserved ubiquitin E4 ligase activity, HAT histone-directed AT
domains. The diagram shows the binding sites for a num- activity
ber of proteins including the APC/C subunits APC5 and
CBP/p300 Coactivators 835

a b
Ac E1A
Ac Ac CBP/p300
Transcription CBP/p300
pUb pUb
p53 p53
Ac Ac Proteasome
Mdm2 p53 p53
Ac Ac Ac Ac degradation
Response element TATA-box

CBP/p300 Coactivators, Fig. 2 Role of CBP and p300 promotes its binding to p53-response elements, Ac: acety-
in acetylation and ubiquitylation. (a) CBP and p300 bind to lation (b) CBP and p300 accelerate Mdm2-mediated
enhancer and promoter regions and promote the acetyla- polyubiquitylation (pUb) of p53 promoting its degradation
tion of the core histones in order to promote the recruitment by the proteasome. The adenoviral E1A protein binds to
of transcription factors and auxiliary factors to sites of CBP/p300 to regulate both acetylation and ubiquitylation
transcription. Acetylation of the transcription factor p53 activities

recruitment of other proteins involved in transcrip- to transcription factors such as nuclear receptors,
tional activation to promoter/enhancer regions, or p53. p300 also possesses an N-terminal E4
potentially through reducing the affinity of histone ubiquitin ligase domain. It has been shown that
tails for DNA. Interestingly, p300 AT activity itself this domain catalytically enhances the Mdm2-
is enhanced by autoacetylation of critical lysine directed polyubiquitylation of p53, promoting
residues in an activation loop motif found within degradation (Fig. 2b). E1A inhibits p300 function
its AT domain. Specifically, autoacetylation of crit- in this regard.
ical residues K1499, K1549, K1554, K1558, and A role for CBP and p300 in cell cycle and
K1560 enhances AT activity. cellular transformation was first established dur-
CBP and p300 also enhance transcription ing early studies with E1A. E1A mutants incapa-
through their ability to interact with and acetylate ble of binding to CBP and p300 were found to be
nonhistone proteins and regulate their cellular defective in their ability to promote S phase and
activities. Indeed, CBP and p300 acetylate a vari- initiate DNA synthesis in baby rat kidney (BRK)
ety of transcription factors directly, including p53, cells; E1A was also shown to induce S phase by a
E2F-1, NF-kB, and c-Myc. For example, p300 redundant pathway through its interaction with
has been shown to enhance p53 transcriptional the protein product of the Retinoblastoma gene,
activity by promoting p53 sequence-specific bind- pRb. Interestingly, E1A’s capacity to induce mito-
ing to DNA through the acetylation of multiple sis in BRKs requires its interaction with both pRb
residues in p53’s C-terminal region. Lysine resi- and CBP/p300. Moreover, the ability of E1A to
dues K370, K372, K373, K381, and K382 have transform primary rodent cells in tissue culture
all been found to be substrates for p300-directed was found to be wholly dependent upon its inter-
acetylation in vitro. Consistent with these obser- action with CBP and p300, suggesting that both
vations, K373 is acetylated in vivo in circum- CBP and p300 might function as tumor suppres-
stances when p53 transcriptional activity is sors. In vitro models suggest that E1A inhibits
stimulated by UV and ionizing radiation. Interest- CBP/p300-directed AT activity and represses
ingly, Mdm2, the E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets CBP/p300-dependent transcription programs.
p53 for degradation, inhibits p300-mediated acet- Alternatively, E1A could utilize CBP/p300
ylation of p53. CBP and p300 can also function as acetyltransferases during tumorigenesis to pro-
transactivators independently of AT activity. Thus mote an altered program of gene expression.
CBP and p300 mutants that lack the AT domain A role for the E3 ubiquitin ligase, the APC/C, in
can still stimulate transcription. CBP and p300 CBP/p300 function has been determined. E1A
function in this regard through specific binding and APC/C subunits APC5 and APC7 share
836 CBP/p300 Coactivators

evolutionarily conserved CBP/p300-binding malignancies, usually childhood tumors of neural

domains within their primary sequence. Studies crest origin. Whether these tumors are characterized
have suggested that E1A deregulates CBP/p300 by LOH is, however, not known. Interestingly, mice
during tumorigenesis by disrupting CBP/p300- displaying monoallelic inactivation of CBP also
APC/C cell cycle function. Interestingly, E1A display characteristics of RTS, while mice-
residue K239 is acetylated by CBP/p300 in vivo, engineered heterozygous for CBP displays hemato-
and E1A associates with CBP/p300 AT activity logical developmental abnormalities, and with
from adenovirus-infected and adenovirus- increased age develop a number of hematological
transformed cells. Acetylation of E1A has been malignancies, which in some instances are charac-
proposed to affect its interaction with the core- terized by LOH. Germ-line monoallelic mutations in
pressor CtBP and alter its nuclear localization by p300 also result in RTS. It is not known at present,
disrupting E1A association with importin-a. however, whether these RTS patients also have an
Whether acetylation of E1A is required for trans- increased risk of developing tumors. However, mice
formation with either Ras or E1B is not known. heterozygous for p300 do not develop malignancies
The requirement for the CBP/p300 E4 ligase in at a higher frequency. The ability of CBP and/or
E1A-mediated transformation is similarly not p300 to function as ▶ tumor suppressor genes may
known. reside in their capacity to directly interact with tumor
There is increasing evidence to suggest that suppressor gene products and ▶ oncogene products,
CBP and p300 might be functionally deregulated or through regulating, indirectly, multiple signaling
in ▶ cancer. In support of this notion, studies have pathways that coordinate cell cycle progression
indicated that both CBP and p300 genes are func- and/or differentiation programs.
tionally deregulated in ▶ acute myeloid leukemia
(AML). Specifically, chromosomal translocations
occur during AML tumorigenesis where a signifi- Cross-References
cant portion of the gene encoding the monocytic
leukemia zinc finger AT (MOZ) fuses with a large ▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia
part of the CBP or p300 gene to form MOZ-CBP or ▶ Apoptosis
MOZ-p300 chimeras. It is proposed that these chi- ▶ Cancer
meric proteins possess aberrant AT activity which ▶ Oncogene
is important in promoting tumorigenesis. Chromo- ▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes
somal rearrangements are more common for CBP
than p300 in this regard. Mixed lineage leukemia References
(MLL), MLL-CBP, and MLL-p300 translocations
have also been described. Studies have also indi- Goodman RH, Smolik S (2000) CBP/p300 in cell growth,
cated that somatic mutations in one p300 allele, transformation and development. Genes Dev
accompanied by loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of Iyer NG, Ozdag H, Caldas C (2004) p300/CBP and cancer.
the second wild-type allele, also occur in isolated Oncogene 23:4225–4231
cases of human colorectal and breast tumors. Sim- Hennenkam RCM (2006) Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome.
ilarly, biallelic somatic inactivation of CBP has Eur J Hum Genet 14:981–985
Miller RW, Rubinstein JH (1995) Tumors in Rubinstein-
been observed in ovarian tumors, esophageal squa- Taybi syndrome. Am J Med Genet 56:112–115
mous cell carcinomas, and some lung cancers, Turnell AS, Mymryk JS (2006) Roles for the coactivators
suggesting that both CBP and p300 might function CBP and p300 and the APC/C E3 ubiquitin ligase in
as classical tumor suppressors in epithelial cancers. E1A-dependent cell transformation. Br J Cancer
In support of these findings, germ-line
monoallelic inactivation of CBP is the genetic
See Also
basis for Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTS), a dis- (2012) Acetyltransferase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
ease characterized by pleiotropic developmental of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 17.
abnormalities and an increased incidence of doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_27
CCCTC-Binding Factor 837

(2012) Cell cycle. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Definition

cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 737.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_994
(2012) Chromatin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of CTCF (acronym for a “CCCTC-binding factor”)
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 825. is a highly conserved and ubiquitous protein with
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1125 multiple functions, which include regulation of
(2012) Differentiation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of transcription, chromatin insulation, and genomic
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1113.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1616 imprinting. C
(2012) E3 ubiquitin ligase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 1184. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1771 Characteristics
(2012) E4 ubiquitin ligase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 1184. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1772 The CTCF protein was originally identified for its
(2012) Loss of heterozygosity. In: Schwab M (ed) ability to bind to a promoter element of the
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei- chicken c-myc gene. The sequence recognized
delberg, pp 2075–2076. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-
16483-5_3415 by CTCF contained the CCCTC repeats and
(2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, therefore the protein was defined as CTCF (the
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2747. doi: CCCTC-binding factor). However, it was later
10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331 discovered that other CTCF-target sequences
(2012) Transcription. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3752. (or CTSs) were remarkably dissimilar, and the
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5899 term “multivalent transcription factor” was coined
(2012) Transformation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia for CTCF. Another unusual feature of the CTSs is
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp their length: the analysis of binding patterns of
3757–3758. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5913
(2012) Tumor suppressor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- CTCF to multiple sites demonstrated that CTCF
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, requires about 50–60-bp-long sequence to form a
p 3803. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6056 complex with DNA.
The ability of CTCF to bind such diverse tar-
gets has been attributed to its DNA-binding
domain, which is composed of 11 zinc fingers
C-CAM (ZFs), 10 of them of the C2H2 class and 1 ZF of
C2HC class (Fig. 1a, b). According to this model,
▶ CEA Gene Family the combinatorial utilization of different ZFs
results in binding to diverse DNA targets. In addi-
tion, CTCF-DNA complex formation can be reg-
ulated by DNA ▶ methylation, if symmetrically
CCCTC-Binding Factor methylated CpG dinucleotides present on both
DNA-strands within any given CTS coincide
Elena Klenova1, Dmitri Loukinov2 and with the DNA bases required for the CTS recog-
Victor Lobanenkov2 nition by a particular subset of CTCF fingers. Not
Department of Biological Sciences, University all CTCF-target sequences contain CpG bp that
of Essex, Colchester, Essex, UK can be modified by methylation, nevertheless the
Section of Molecular Pathology, Laboratory of capability of CTCF to distinguish differentially
Immunopathology, NIAID, National Institutes of methylated DNA targets is one of the major fea-
Health, Bethesda, MD, USA tures of CTCF with a broad spectrum of functional
The CTSs have been identified in many geno-
Synonyms mic elements. It is estimated there may be well
over 30,000 of CTSs in the human genome, with
CTCF 14,000 localized in potential insulators. Many
838 CCCTC-Binding Factor

CCCTC-Binding Factor,
Fig. 1 (a) Schematic
drawing of the CTCF
protein. The three domains
of CTCF are depicted as
follows: N N-terminal
domain (Patterned box), ZF
ZF domain (box with half
ovals designating 11 Zinc
Fingers; the black half ovals
refer to the C2H2 class and
the gray half oval refers to
the C2HC class),
C C-terminal domain (open
box). The amino acid
numbers for the start and the
end of each domain are
indicated above the
diagram. (b) The cartoon
illustration of the wild-type
human CTCF protein
represents the N-terminal
and C-terminal domains of
CTCF and the
DNA-binding domain of
CTCF composed of 10 ZF
of C2H2 class and 1 ZF of
C2HC class. (c) The
locations of the tumor-
specific mutations in the
CTCF protein are shown.
The mutations CTCFHR,
KE, and RW are located in
ZF3, and the mutation
CTCFRQ is located in ZF7.
The position of the 14 bp
insertion is indicated

of these sites are methylation sensitive and map to BRCA1, the amyloid precursor protein (APP),
promoter, intergenic and intragenic regions, and the exon regions of hTERT, and the intron regions
both exons and introns. Examples of CTCF-target of the serotonin transporter gene, SLC6A4. Other
promoters include 50 -noncoding regions of the CTCF-driven regulatory elements include verte-
c-Myc oncogene, chicken lysozyme, IRAK2, brate enhancer-blocking elements (insulators),
CCCTC-Binding Factor 839

classic examples of which are chicken b-globin posttranslational modifications. For example,
insulators that flank b-globin gene cluster. Such the C-terminal domain contains the sites of phos-
intergenic insulators seem to have a consensus phorylation by the protein kinase CK2
binding motif for CTCF. CTCF sites are univer- (former casein kinase II), whereas the N-terminal
sally present in all mammalian differentially domain contains the sites for poly(ADP-ribosyl)
methylated domains/regions (DMD/DMR) or ation by the PARP-1 (poly(ADP-ribose)
imprinting control regions (ICR), as exemplified polymerase-1). The sites for SUMOylation have C
by CTSs in ICRs of such imprinted gene been mapped to the N- and C-terminal domains
clusters as IGF2/H19, Rasgfr, KvDMR, and of CTCF.
other loci, deregulation of which through The posttranslational modifications and inter-
aberrant (biallelic) CTS-methylation or actions with protein partners have been demon-
CTS-demethylation contributes to cancer. strated to modulate important functions of
CTCF has now been cloned from various CTCF. For example, specific phosphorylation of
organisms which include insects, fish, amphib- CTCF by CK2 and SUMOylation affect the
ians, birds, rodents, and primates. The comparison CTCF functions in transcriptional regulation.
between the proteins revealed a high degree of Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation was found to be impor-
homology between the CTCF from different tant for insulator function of CTCF, CTCF-
organisms, especially in the ZF DNA-binding dependant nucleolar transcription, and barrier
domain. Thus, this domain is 100% identical at function. Posttranslational modifications of
the protein level among mouse, man, and chicken, CTCF have also been implicated in human mye-
whereas the full-length protein is 93% identical in loid cell differentiation.
those three species; the Drosophila CTCF protein Regulation of CTCF-dependent molecular pro-
has a 46% identity within the zinc-finger regions cesses also involves CTCF associations with other
and 27% overall identity. proteins. Thus, CTCF interactions with sin3 and
Typically for a transcriptional factor, CTCF is YB-1 are shown to modulate CTCF function as a
localized to the nucleus. It is ubiquitously transcriptional repressor. Cooperation of CTCF
expressed in various tissues and cells in different with nucleophosmin, Kaiso, and helicase protein
organisms. Such conservation in the protein com- CHD8 has been linked to the control of insulator
position and also wide representation in cells/tis- function of CTCF and epigenetic regulation.
sues signifies the important and general cellular Cohesins and CTCF have been shown to
functions mediated by CTCF. co-localize genome wide; this association has
The size of the CTCF protein varies depending been implicated in the insulator function of CTC-
on the organism. For example, the human CTCF F. Interaction of CTCF with another transcription
protein is composed of 727 amino acids, chicken factor, YY-1, is required to control the
CTCF of 728, and Drosophila CTCF of X-chromosome inactivation, and cooperation of
818 amino acids. The structure of the human CTCF with RNA Polymerase II may be important
CTCF is shown in Fig. 1 (panels a and b). The for regulation of transcription.
ZF DNA-binding domain is positioned in the cen- A testis-specific paralogue of CTCF has been
ter of CTCF and accounts for about one third of reported. This protein was termed ▶ BORIS (the
the protein’s size. acronym for Brother of the Regulator of Imprinted
The N-terminal domain of human CTCF is Sites). BORIS possesses the 11 ZF domain
composed of 268 amino acids and is rich in pro- homologous to that of CTCF; the flanking N-and
line residues. The C-terminal domain is the C-terminal domain, on the other hand, are dissim-
smallest part of the molecule (150 amino acids) ilar. These structural features indicate that BORIS
and is highly negatively charged. These CTCF could recognize the same set of DNA targets as
domains play an important role in the modulation CTCF, while different flanking domains could be
of CTCF functions in the regulation of transcrip- important for regulation of BORIS-specific
tion. In some cases, this regulation relies on functions.
840 CCCTC-Binding Factor

CTCF Functions The CTCF’s function as a negative regulator

A growing body of evidence suggests that CTCF of cell growth has been well documented on var-
is involved in the organization and regulation of a ious cellular models. Thus, over-expression of
whole range of distinct genomic functions in CTCF leads to inhibition of cell growth and pro-
three-dimensional nuclear space. They include liferation. Normal embryonic rat cells, made
gene activation, repression, and silencing; CTCF haploinsufficient for CTCF by the retroviral inser-
is also involved in the control of insulator function tion into the intron upstream of the first coding
and imprinting. All vertebrate enhancer-blocking exon, manifest all major features of cancerous
elements tested so far contain CTCF-binding transformation in vitro. The mechanism of this
sites. The importance of the insulator function of function of CTCF, at least in part, lies in the ability
CTCF was further demonstrated in the regulation of CTCF to control genes responsible for regula-
of CTG/CAG repeats in the DM1 locus and in the tion of cell growth and proliferation, negatively
X-chromosome inactivation. It is now generally ▶ oncogenes and positively TSG. Examples of
accepted that the molecular basis for the insulator such CTCF-target genes include oncogenes
function of CTCF lies in the ability of CTCF to ▶ MYC, PIM-1, PLK, E2F1, TERT, IGF2 and
influence chromatin architecture by mediating TSGs p19ARF(p16/INK4a), BRCA1, ▶ p53,
long-range chromatin looping and modification ▶ p21, and p27. Based on these findings, CTCF
of histones. Such alterations then settle the bal- emerges as a key versatile element linking genet-
ance between active and repressive chromatin and ics, epigenetics, development, and disease.
influence gene expression. The ability of CTCF to interact with the
CTCF binding to many of its targets can be repeated sequences and read epigenetic marks
regulated by DNA methylation; the ability of (DNA methylation) may provide a causal link
CTCF to read such epigenetic marks contributes not only to some forms of neoplasia but also to
significantly to the versatility of CTCF functions. degenerative and neurological conditions. Epige-
Several findings support the concept of CTCF netic disturbances in these diseases are frequently
being a ▶ tumor suppressor gene (TSG). Firstly, associated with the instability of repeats, which is
CTCF suppresses cell growth and proliferation, considered to be the hallmark of this pathology.
and, further, in some cell systems (for example,
myeloid cells) induces cell differentiation. Clinical Aspects
Secondly, the CTCF gene maps within the A link between CTCF and the disease develop-
smallest region of overlap for loss of heterozygos- ment has been generally recognized. Various
ity (LOH) that has been observed at chromosome genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that result in
16q22.1 in breast, prostate, and Wilm’s tumor CTCF malfunction can lead to pathogenesis.
(Fig. 1c). Finally, functionally significant, tumor- The tumor-specific mutations in CTCF can dra-
specific CTCF mutations in the ZF domain of matically change the normal biological functions of
CTCF were identified in various sporadic cancers the wild-type CTCF protein. The sets of the geno-
including breast, prostate, and Wilm’s tumor in mic targets of the mutant CTCF variants may alter
the remaining allele (Fig. 1b). All four reported due to the loss of binding to the usual CTCF targets
tumor-specific point mutations in the CTCF Zn and/or binding of the mutants to the new targets,
finger domain result in a missense codon at a especially if the wild-type allele is lost. Each ZF
position predicted to be critical for ZF formation mutation abrogates CTCF binding to a subset of
or DNA base recognition. Another reported target sites within the promoters and/or insulators of
tumor-specific mutation constituted of a 14 bp certain genes involved in regulating cell prolifera-
insertion in the N-terminal domain of CTCF tion but do not alter binding to the regulatory
(Fig. 1b). In familial non-BRCA1/BRCA2 breast sequences of other genes. These observations sug-
cancers, two sequence variants, G240A in the 50 gest that CTCF may represent a novel tumor sup-
untranslated region and C1455T (S388S) in exon pressor gene that displays tumor-specific “change of
4, were also identified. function” rather than complete “loss of function.”
CCCTC-Binding Factor 841

The 14 bp insertion in the N-terminal domain, The utility of CTCF as a cancer ▶ biomarker is
on the other hand, most likely leads to the loss of yet to be established, although there are indica-
function of CTCF as it creates a premature stop tions that CTCF may be an interesting target for
codon, thus generating a truncated CTCF protein. therapy in breast tumors where levels of CTCF
The significance of the sequence variants in the were found elevated compared with breast cell
familial breast cancers, however, is not yet clear. lines with finite life span and normal breast tis-
The genetic alterations in CTCF are rare sues. Such upregulation of CTCF in breast cancer C
events; therefore, considerable efforts are being cells has been linked to resistance of these cells to
currently made to identify epigenetic mechanisms apoptosis. The results of the experiments in breast
responsible for inactivation of CTCF. The ratio- cancer cell lines point to a possible link between
nale behind these studies is that the binding of CTCF expression and sensitivity to apoptosis; that
CTCF to its DNA targets is methylation sensitive, is, higher levels of CTCF may be necessary to
with the current view that the bound CTCF can protect the more sensitive cancer cells from apo-
protect the CpG islands of DNA against methyla- ptotic stimuli. These findings may be relevant to
tion. Indeed, it has been reported that derepression the potential use of CTCF as a therapeutic target in
of the maternal IGF2 allele is linked to abnormal breast cancers: reducing the levels of CTCF
methylation of the CTCF target sites within the would then result in apoptotic cell death of cancer
ICR H19 in a wide range of cancer types (breast, cells hopefully without affecting normal breast
prostate, colorectal, Wilm’s tumor). This has been tissue; the effect of CTCF downregulation may
explained by the inability of CTCF to bind to the be more dramatic in high grade breast tumors. On
methylated ICR H19 and therefore its failure to the other hand, elevated levels of CTCF in breast
establish the chromatin insulator function on the tumors may correlate with several clinical and/or
maternal allele thus leading to activation of IGF2. pathological parameters, which make CTCF a
There is a growing body of evidence to suggest potential prognostic marker. More research is
that even mutations of a single CTCF site leads to needed to clarify the full potential of CTCF as a
dramatic biological consequences. For instance, clinical target and a cancer biomarker.
mutations of the CTCF site in the Xist promoter
that alter CTCF binding result in the skewed
X-chromosome inactivation in affected families.
Furthermore, deletions of CTCF sites in human
ICR H19 lead to predisposition to Wilm’s tumors
▶ Biomarkers in Detection of Cancer Risk
in families with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
Factors and in Chemoprevention
(BWS). Finally, a mutation of the single CTCF
▶ BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and
site in the homologous ICR H19 predisposes the
Breast Cancer Risk
mice carrying such a mutation to colorectal
▶ Clinical Cancer Biomarkers
▶ MYC Oncogene
Epigenetic inactivation of a number of cancer
genes due to aberrant methylation of the CpG
islands within their promoters has also been References
established. Interestingly, many of these genes
are regulated by CTCF. As in the case with the Klenova EM, Morse HC, III HC, Ohlsson R et al (2002)
The novel BORIS + CTCF gene family is uniquely
ICR H19, CTCF may be necessary to protect the involved in the epigenetics of normal biology and can-
promoters of the TSGs from unwanted DNA cer. Semin Cancer Biol 12:399–414
methylation. According to another, yet to be Ohlsson R, Renkawitz R, Lobanenkov V (2001) CTCF is a
proven, model, CTCF may demarcate the bound- uniquely versatile transcription regulator linked to epi-
genetics and disease. Trends Genet 17:520–527
ary between methylated and unmethylated geno- Ohlsson R, Lobanenkov V, Klenova E (2010) Does CTCF
mic domains, as may be the case for the BRCA1 mediate between nuclear organization and gene expres-
promoter. sion? Bioessays 32:37–50
842 CCI779

Phillips JE, Corces VG (2009) CTCF: master weaver of the assigned based upon the “clustering” of submitted
genome. Cell 137:1194–1211 antibodies whose reactivities were screened
Recillas-Targa F, De La Rosa-Velazquez IA, Soto-Reyes
E et al (2006) Epigenetic boundaries of tumour sup- against a panel of cell lines. Different antibodies
pressor gene promoters: the CTCF connection and its that showed similar or identical patterns of reac-
role in carcinogenesis. J Cell Mol Med 10:554–568 tivity against the panel of cell types were consid-
ered to be reacting with the same surface
molecule. This clustering of antibody reactivity
enabled designation of a specific CD number for a
CCI779 particular surface molecule. The identification of
CD antigens was facilitated by the prior develop-
▶ Rapamycin ment by Kohler and Milstein of a procedure for
generation of monoclonal antibodies against a
particular antigen. Meetings of the HLDA group
were held approximately every 4 years, culminat-
CCI-779 ing in HLDA10 that was held at Wollongong
(NSW, Australia) in December 2014. At that
▶ Temsirolimus workshop, further CD antigens were added to
the list to give a total of 371 CD antigens. The
CD antigen organization has now been renamed
Human Cell Differentiation Molecules (HCDM)
CCRG-81045 in recognition that CD antigens are not found
uniquely on leukocytes. Indeed CD antigens are
▶ Temozolomide found on all types of human cells in different
repertoires controlled by the genetic program of
the tissue.

CD Antigens
Richard I. Christopherson
School of Life and Environmental Sciences, The CD antigens are a diverse group of surface
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia glycoproteins with a multitude of functions, provid-
ing the interface between a cell and the external
environment that includes other cells. The CD anti-
Synonyms gens may be cell-cell or cell-matrix adhesion mole-
cules, cytokine receptors, ion pores, or nutrient
Cellular antigens; Cluster of differentiation anti- transporters. The CD antigens perform a variety of
gens; Immunophenotypic determinants; Surface roles in immune system function. CD1, for example,
molecules presents lipids to T-cells and is essential for immu-
nity against the mycobacterial infections that cause
tuberculosis and leprosy. CD4 is a co-receptor in
Definition antigen-induced T-cell activation and is a receptor
for HIV, CD35 is a complement receptor, CD40 is a
The human clusters of differentiation member of the TNF receptor family with the ligand
(CD) antigens are surface molecules originally CD154, and CD54 is an intercellular adhesion
detected on white blood cells (leukocytes) from molecule.
peripheral blood. The first Human Leukocyte Dif- The method of discovery of CD antigens has
ferentiation Antigen (HLDA) workshop was held classically involved testing monoclonal anti-
in Paris in 1982 where 15 surface molecules were bodies submitted to a workshop against a panel
CD Antigens 843

CD Antigens, Fig. 1 Venn

diagram showing the TCR α/β CD19
differential expression of TCR γ/δ CD77
CD56 CD5 CD20
CD antigens on different CD1a
T-cells CD79a
categories of leukocytes CD2 CD57 CD25 CD38 CD21
CD80 CD79b
CD103 CD52 CD22
CD4 CD11a CD95 CD138 C
CD134 CD54 CD37
CD7 CD102
CD11c B-cells
CD11b CD62L FMC7
CD8 CD122 CD9
CD16 CD71 CD10 slg
CD28 CD126
CD60 CD44 CD23
CD80 k
CD45 CD130 CD24 CD54
CD128 λ
CD49d CD31 CD86
CD34 CD40
CD13 CD62P
CD117 CD36 CD88 CD120a
CD135 CD14 CD64 CD235a
CD41 CD65
Stem cells
CD42a CD66c Myeloid cells
CD33 CD61

of 75 cell types using fluorescently tagged anti- Thus, cells may be classified according to their
bodies and ▶ flow cytometry. Hierarchical cluster cell surface profile (immunophenotype). This con-
analysis is then performed and a dendrogram plot- cept is illustrated in Fig. 1 as a Venn diagram for
ted. Monoclonal antibodies that cluster show sim- T-cells, B-cells, and myeloid cells. T-cells (yellow)
ilar patterns of interaction with the panel of cells. express certain antigens uniquely such as CD2,
With the development of sophisticated procedures CD3, and CD4; B-cells (blue) express CD19,
for membrane proteomics, this clustering proce- CD20, CD21, and CD22; and myeloid cells (red)
dure is becoming outdated, and CD antigens may express CD13, CD14, CD15, and CD33. Certain
in the future be designated using different criteria. CD antigens are shared between two lineages of
There are certainly several 1,000 cell surface pro- leukocytes, for example, CD5 and CD38 (green)
teins that could, in principle, be detected and are shared between T-cells and B-cells. The
characterized using methods of higher sensitivity. so-called pan leukocyte markers are shared
The discovery of further CD antigens will con- between all three categories of leukocytes and
tinue to involve raising monoclonal antibodies include well-known antigens such as CD44 and
against antigens on intact cells in the traditional CD45. All leukocytes originate from stem cells
manner but will certainly utilize modern proteo- via proliferation and differentiation of cells down
mic techniques such as two-dimensional gel lineages to form the many types of mature leuko-
electrophoresis and multidimensional chromatog- cytes. The stem cell antigen CD34 (black) is a
raphy with detection and identification of proteins marker of undifferentiated cells.
using mass spectroscopy and extensive protein
databases. Classification of Leukemias Using CD Antigens
The principles described above for normal cells
CD Antigens Provide Immunophenotypes of can also be applied to cancers such as leukemias.
Leukocytes Most leukemias arise as mutations in precursors
The repertoires of surface CD antigens found on of leukocytes in the lineages of differentiation
different types of leukocytes reflect the genetic found in the bone marrow. A mutation will stop
programs that operate in particular cell types. further differentiation of a precursor cell, and
844 CD Antigens

there is proliferation rather than differentiation. CD20 (Fig. 1) and are killed by this antibody.
The resultant identical (monoclonal) cells accu- Mylotarg is specific for CD33, contains a toxin,
mulate in the circulation and the patient is even- and is used to treat certain types of acute myeloid
tually diagnosed with leukemia. Most leukemias leukemia (AML). Campath-1H (alemtuzumab)
are monoclonal, and the leukemic cells usually binds to CD52 and is used to treat NHL. There
have a similar or identical surface expression pro- are many more therapeutic antibodies in develop-
file (immunophenotype) to that of the precursor ment, one of the most rapidly growing area of
cell from which the leukemia arose. Thus, identi- pharmaceuticals, where monoclonal antibodies
fication of a large number of CD antigens using are first made against the desired CD antigen and
flow cytometry or antibody microarrays may be the characteristics of the antibody are then
sufficient to diagnose leukemia. “engineered” to make it suitable for use in
CD Antigens as Targets for Therapeutic
Antibodies Methods for Identification of CD Antigens
These cell surface proteins are potential targets for Flow cytometry has been the “gold standard” for
therapeutic antibodies. Such antibodies may block identification of a limited number of CD antigens
the function of a receptor, selectively activate on the surface of leukocytes. In this method, the
leukocyte subpopulations, carry a toxin or radio- leukocytes in suspension are mixed with a fluo-
isotope, or act as a site for antibody-dependent rescently labeled antibody that is specific for the
cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) or complement- extracellular portion (epitope) of a surface mole-
dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) where the target cule thought to be expressed on the cells. The
cell is eliminated by cytotoxic cells such as neu- fluorescently labeled sample is aspirated into the
trophils, monocytes, and natural killer cells. There flow cytometer, and the cells pass singly through a
are a number of therapeutic antibodies in clinical narrow aperture where a laser beam individually
use for treatment of a variety of leukemias and excites fluorescent antibodies bound to single
lymphomas. For example, rituximab is specific cells. The emitted fluorescence is detected and
for CD20 and is used to treat chronic lymphocytic data accumulates for a large number (e.g.,
leukemia (CLL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma 10,000 cells). Flow cytometry can detect three
(NHL). Both are B-cell cancers that express different fluorescent antibodies simultaneously;

CD Antigens,
Fig. 2 Capture of live
leukocytes on the CD
antibody microarray. The
red bars across the cell
membrane represent a CD
antigen (e.g., CD20) that
forms an initial interaction
with antibodies against
CD20 that are immobilized
on a solid support as a dot in
the microarray. Cell capture
occurs progressively as
CD20 moves in the
membrane of the cell and
becomes progressively
captured by the antibodies
on one side of the cell
CD Antigens 845

CD Antigens, Fig. 3 Cell surface expression profiles from an antibody microarray. (a) Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells from peripheral blood; (b) AML cells from bone
slg slg
Cambda Cambda
Kappa Kappa
138 138
135 135
134 134
130 130
128 128
126 126
122 122
120a 120a

marrow. Numbers on the x-axis refer to antibodies against the corresponding CD antigens. Values on the y-axis are average dot intensities
117 117
103 103
102 102
95 95
88 88
86 86
80 80
79b 79b
79a 79a
77 77
71 71
66C 66C
65 65
64 64
62P 62P
62E 62E
62L 62L
61 61
60 60
57 57
56 56
54 54
52 52
49e 49e
49d 49d
45RO 45RO
45RA 45RA
45 45
44 44
43 43
42a 42a
41 41
40 40
38 38
37 37
36 36
34 34
33 33
32 32
31 31
29 29
28 28
25 25
24 24
23 23
22 22
21 21
20 20
19 19
16 16
15 15
14 14
13 13
11c 11c
11b 11b
11a 11a
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1a 1a
TCR b/g TCR b/g
TCR a/b TCR a/b





846 CD156b Antigen

more sophisticated systems can detect eight and See Also

up to 17 CD antigens. To diagnose leukemias, (2012) CD Antibody Microarray. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
10–15 CD antigens are usually identified using sev-
berg, p 689. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_946
eral cycles of flow cytometry, and the information is (2012) Clustering. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
combined with other criteria such as cell morphol- Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 885.
ogy, cell staining, an image of the chromosomes, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1226
(2012) Immunophenotype. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
and sometimes analysis of the DNA in the cells.
dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
A CD antibody microarray has been developed 1826. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3000
that detects the presence of 147 different CD (2012) Leukocytes. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
antigens on leukocytes in a single assay. This Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2028.
microarray called DotScan (Medsaic Pty Ltd,
(2012) Monoclonal Antibody. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
Eveleigh, NSW, Australia), consists of CD anti- clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
bodies immobilized on a microscope slide. Live Heidelberg, p 2367. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
cells (three million) are placed on the microarray 5_6842
(2012) Proteomic Techniques. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
that is 0.5 cm square and contains more than
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
300 antibody dots. Cells are captured by an Heidelberg, p 3100. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
immobilized antibody if the cell has the 5_4820
corresponding CD antigen on its surface (Fig. 2). (2012) Surface Glycoproteins. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
After one hour, unbound cells are gently washed
berg, p 3571. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5593
off and the resultant dot pattern is the
immunophenotype (surface expression profile,
disease signature) for the leukemia. The dot pat-
tern for leukemia is stored as a digital image and
may be analyzed with a variety of software to CD156b Antigen
provide an expression profile (Fig. 3) that in
many cases enables diagnosis of the type of ▶ ADAM17

▶ Flow Cytometry
▶ Chemokine Receptor CXCR4


Belov L, Mulligan SP, Barber N et al (2006) Analysis of

human leukaemias and lymphomas using extensive
immunophenotypes from an antibody microarray. Br CD246
J Haematol 135:184–197
Chattopadhyay PK, Price DA, Harper TF et al (2006) ▶ ALK Protein
Quantum dot semiconductor nanocrystals for
immunophenotyping by polychromatic flow
cytometry. Nat Med 12:972–977
Köhler G, Milstein C (2005) Continuous cultures of fused
cells secreting antibody of predefined specificity.
J Immunol 174:2453–2455. Reprinted from Nature CD26
256(5517):495–497 (1975)
Zola H, Swart B, Banham A et al (2006) CD
molecules – human cell differentiation molecules. ▶ CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and
J Immunol Methods 319:1–5 Spread
CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and Spread 847

gastrointestinal epithelia. When ADA was iso-

CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression lated from the tissue, it was found to exist in
and Spread both high-molecular-weight and low-molecular-
weight forms. The high-molecular-weight form
Jonathan Blay was found to be a complex of ADA itself with a
Department of Pharmacology, Dalhousie larger, 110-kDa protein, subsequently referred to
University, Halifax, NS, Canada as ADA-complexing protein (ADA-CP) or C
ADA-binding protein (ADAbp). This anchoring
protein for ADA was later shown to be identical to
Synonyms CD26/DPPIV, the extracellular part of which has a
region that acts to bind ADA from outside of
ADAbp; ADA-CP; CD26; Dipeptidyl-peptidase the cell.
IV; DPPIV Some of the major substrates for this activity
are listed in Table 1. Early studies on CD26/
DPPIV also addressed its enzyme activity. The
Definition dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (DPPIV) activity is an
intrinsic part of the molecule itself and was ini-
CD26/DPPIV is a multifunctional protein in the tially studied mostly at a biochemical level. This
outer membrane of normal and cancer cells that very selective form of enzyme activity removes
can (i) remove an amino-terminal dipeptide from just two amino acids from the N-(amino-)terminus
many regulatory peptides, terminating their activ- of a peptide, which is why it is called a dipepti-
ity, (ii) bind the enzyme adenosine deaminase dase. The characteristic activity of DPPIV
(ADA) from the extracellular fluid, and (iii) asso- requires that the penultimate N-terminal amino
ciate directly with proteins of the ▶ extracellular acid has a particular identity, usually proline and
matrix. Levels of CD26/DPPIV are variable but less commonly alanine. This is a part of the pep-
typically decline as cancer develops, and this has tide that often has effects on its stability within the
been linked to disease progression and the shift to body – the existence of a proline in that position
metastasis. typically confers greater stability. So the removal
of this dipeptide by DPPIV is a means of regulat-
ing the persistence and bioactivity of important
Characteristics regulatory peptides.
The relative susceptibilities to cleavage of the
CD26/DPPIV is a molecule that has been known substrates are given on an arbitrary scale based
in different forms since the 1960s but whose key upon their specificity constants (k cat/K m). A high
role in cancer has only been appreciated since the number indicates that the peptide is a good sub-
early 1990s when it was shown that the absence or strate for the dipeptidyl-peptidase IV activity of
presence of CD26/DPPIV in melanocytes deter- CD26/DPPIV.
mined whether or not those cells showed behavior The third area of research that led to our pre-
that was characteristic of a cancer. Our under- sent knowledge of CD26/DPPIV involved the
standing of CD26/DPPIV has an interesting his- way in which lymphocytes become activated.
tory, as it reflects the collective findings of four Lymphocytes normally reside in the body within
different areas of research – in fact directly particular tissue structures – specialized structures
reflecting the multifunctional nature of the protein called lymph nodes or at specific sites within the
itself. The different aspects of the function of this gut mucosa, for example – in numbers that are
molecule are illustrated in Fig. 1. necessary to be able to respond to almost all of the
Some of the earliest data on this molecule were threats that may be encountered. In the event of
obtained in studies of the major binding protein such a challenge, however, the cells that are most
for the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA) in able to deal with the threat are mobilized, divide
848 CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and Spread


CXCL12-2AA Binding site(s) for ECM proteins

active site
Binding site
for ADA
Inosine deaminase


Sites of
with other

CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and Spread, the major cellular binding site for another enzyme, adeno-
Fig. 1 The different domains and functions of CD26/ sine deaminase (ADA), which is present in the extracellular
DPPIV. The CD26 protein is anchored in the plasma mem- fluid. There are also at least two potential sites for the
brane of the cell, with the bulk of its molecular structure on binding of the extracellular matrix proteins collagen and
the outer face. The enzyme domain that underlies its fibronectin. CD26/DPPIV usually exists as a dimer; the
dipeptidyl-peptidase IV activity, removing pairs of amino second molecule is shown in outline. The intracellular
acids (AA) from substrates such as the chemokine portion of CD26/DPPIV is small and no functional
CXCL12, comprises one of three functional sites in contact domains have been identified. CD26/DPPIV must signal
with the external environment. A separate domain acts as intracellularly by coupling with other cellular components

so as to make a larger population of specialized cancer cells, this opens up the possibility that it
defenders, and become armed to respond in the may act as an additional anchor to tether cells to
appropriate way. As these cells become activated, the extracellular matrix, along with dedicated cell
various important proteins are produced at the cell adhesion molecules such as the integrins. The
surface. These “activation proteins” are given reverse situation may also be important during
“CD” numbers as unique identifiers (“CD” refers the process of metastasis. It has been shown that
to “cluster of differentiation” markers or anti- the CD26/DPPIV that is present at the surface of
gens). The differentiation antigen designated endothelial cells lining blood vessels can interact
CD26 has proven to be identical to the molecules with a form of fibronectin that is deposited on the
ADAbp and DPPIV. surface of cancer cells. This may cause arrest of
The last of the roles for CD26/DPPIV follows circulating cancer cells that have become
from its ability to bind to extracellular matrix detached from the main tumor and help to seed
molecules, primarily collagen and ▶ fibronectin. the cancer at secondary sites like the lung.
These are embedded within the molecular scaffold The same molecule therefore has four different
that surrounds all cells and which provides partic- functions and has four different names that have
ular cues for cellular behavior in three dimen- been used over the years with greater or lesser
sions. For the CD26/DPPIV that is present on frequencies. The designation CD26 is probably
CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and Spread 849

CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and Spread, refers to its enzyme activity and – given the other
Table 1 Some of the major substrates for the dipeptidyl- activities this talented component incorporates – is
peptidase IV activity of CD26/DPPIV
not a valid name for the overall molecule. How-
Full name and main DPPIV ever, as so as much research on this protein has
function(s) in normal sensitivity
Molecule tissues (kcat/Km) focused upon its enzymatic role, and this facet of its
CXCL12 SDF-1a (stromal cell- 100 action is of significance in certain diseases such as
derived factor-1a): cancer and diabetes, the term “CD26/DPPIV” C
Involved in development of serves as a compromise.
the nervous system, bone CD26/DPPIV is found at the surface of the
marrow, and intestine and in
the homing of stem cells cells that form the functional barrier (epithelium)
CCL22 Macrophage-derived 80 in most of the major sites that give rise to cancer in
chemokine: Is an attractant adults (e.g., intestine, lung, breast, and prostate).
for various types of white The levels detected in cancer (the “expression”)
cells and functions in vary from those of the corresponding normal tis-
immune and inflammatory
responses sue, but the pattern is not consistent across all
GRP Gastrin-releasing peptide: 40 cancers and within a single cancer type there
Released by nerves in the may be variable findings. So, for example, while
stomach to cause the the prevailing change in adult solid cancers (e.g.,
production of gastrin from
lung and prostate cancer) is for CD26/DPPIV to
G cells in the mucosa
NPY Neuropeptide Y: Peptide 20
decline, in certain less common cancers such as
neurotransmitter found in those of the thyroid and kidney, CD26/DPPIV
the brain that has a role in levels actually increase. This suggests that the
regulating normal absence or presence of CD26/DPPIV does not
physiological processes
universally favor or disfavor cancer progression
GLP-1 Glucagon-like peptide-1: 4
Gut hormone secreted by but that its role depends very much on the tissue
L cells in the intestine has a type, meaning that changes in CD26/DPPIV as a
role in control of insulin tissue becomes cancerous will depend very much
levels on its normal role. Additionally, in some cancers
CCL11 The chemokine eotaxin-1: 1.6
(such as colorectal cancer), the expression of
Causes the recruitment of
eosinophils into tissues and CD26/DPPIV is very variable, not just between
plays a role in allergic different tumors but in different regions of the
responses same cancer. This points to a likelihood that
CCL5 The chemokine RANTES 0.8 CD26/DPPIV levels can be regulated by factors
(“regulated on activation,
that are generated within the developing cancer
normal T expressed and
secreted”): Selective tissue.
attractant for memory The ability of CD26/DPPIV to bind the enzyme
T lymphocytes and ADA seems to be part of a fundamental mechanism
whereby cells can resist the actions of the purine
VIP Vasoactive intestinal 0.2
peptide: Peptide hormone
nucleoside adenosine in certain disease situations.
produced by various This helps them to resist a threat to their survival by
tissues, with effects on high concentrations of adenosine or the risk of
blood vessels and secretory responding excessively to adenosine when it per-
sists in the environment for an extended period.
High concentrations of adenosine can occur persis-
the most neutral, because although CD proteins tently in the disorganized environment of a solid
have been studied primarily in white cells, they cancer (▶ Adenosine and tumor microenviron-
also exist in other tissues, and the nomenclature ment). By retaining ADA close to the cell surface,
has no link to function. The abbreviation “DPPIV” the cell has a greater chance of scavenging
850 CD314

adenosine near to the cell and preventing excessive chemokine molecule called CXCL12.
action through adenosine receptors that are embed- (Chemokines are small peptide mediators that
ded in the cell membrane. play an important role in controlling cellular
This dynamic situation involving extracellular arrangement in developing tissues and directing
adenosine production (from ATP breakdown and cell movement in the immune and inflammatory
through cellular export) and breakdown (ADA systems of our body’s defenses.) CXCL12 is
bound to CD26/DPPIV) next to the cell surface important in cancer because it seems to be one of
provides substantial opportunity for the cell to the major factors that provides the “right environ-
modulate other signals that might be acting on it ment” for cancer cells that have left the original
from other sources. Adenosine modulates many of tumor to settle into new locations in the process of
the signals that are produced to act on leukocytes metastasis. It provides a signal that activates a
in inflammation and cancer, leaving CD26/ receptor on cancer cells called CXCR4 to facili-
DPPIV – as the docking site for ADA – in a unique tate their seeding and growth in such metastatic
position to act as one of the central determinants of sites as the lungs, liver, and bone marrow
the overall cellular response. In leukocytes, this (▶ Chemokine Receptor CXCR4).
seems to allow cells to resist somewhat the immu- Changes in CD26/DPPIV levels in cancer likely
nomodulatory effects of adenosine that may be help cancers to grow by affecting the activities of
produced during inflammation. Indeed, levels of these mediators that are substrates for the DPPIV
CD26/DPPIV, either on the surface of leukocytes enzyme activity. The result of excising the
or in a soluble form (sCD26) that is shed from cells N-terminal two amino acids in most cases is to
and can be recovered from blood plasma, have inactivate the mediator or cause it to be more
been used to indicate levels of inflammation. rapidly degraded. In the common cancers in
In cancer, the status quo is altered by two things. which CD26/DPPIV tends to have declined, there
Firstly, as indicated above, adenosine levels in will therefore be a shift to higher levels of the active
solid cancers are persistently high. Secondly, cel- mediator(s). As mediators such as CXCL12 are
lular levels of CD26/DPPIV are altered from nor- strongly linked to cancer progression, this will be
mal and (with the exception of a few specific one of the many different ways in which cancers
cancers) are typically low. These factors will com- can act to encourage their own expansion.
bine to leave cells within a cancer (tumor cells,
supporting fibroblastic cells, and infiltrating leuko-
cytes) more susceptible to the effects of adenosine. Cross-References
The two factors may be linked, as it has been
shown that persistently high adenosine levels can ▶ Extracellular Matrix Remodeling
cause the amounts of CD26/DPPIV at the surface ▶ Integrin Signaling
of cancer cells to decline precipitously. Adeno- ▶ Melanocytic Tumors
sine, which is produced regionally within cancers,
is likely a major factor responsible for the spatial
variations in CD26/DPPIV expression within cer-
tain cancers.
Changes in CD26/DPPIV levels in cancer will
also have an impact as a result of alterations in the
▶ NKG2D Receptor
DPPIV enzyme activity available. The substrates
of this enzyme are typically hormones and other
peptide regulators that are important in controlling
the functions of epithelial and nervous cells, as CD318 (Cluster of Differentiation
well as cells involved in the body’s defenses 318)
(Table 1). Among the most sensitive of the various
mediators that are substrates for this enzyme is a ▶ CDCP1
CD44 851

c-met/▶ scatter factor receptor, c-kit/stem cell fac-

CD44 tor receptor, ▶ osteopontin (OPN), and CD95
have specifically been shown to associate with
Ursula Günthert CD44 variant isoforms, association with the
Institute of Pathology, University Hospital, Basel, other molecules has not been specified to a
Switzerland CD44 isoform. The association between VLA-4
(integrin a4b1) and CD44 directs cells into C
inflammatory regions, while the c-met/CD44v6
Synonyms interaction is required for c-met/scatter factor
receptor signaling leading to ▶ RAS activation,
Cluster of differentiation 44; ECMRIII; and when CD44v6 associates with CD95,
gp90Hermes; H-CAM; Homing receptor; trimerization of the death receptor is prevented
Hyaluronan receptor; pgp-1; Phagocytic and hence apoptosis signaling is blocked (see
glycoprotein-1 Fig. 1).
Upon cellular activation, CD44 localizes to
plasma membrane microdomains and associates
Definition (see Fig. 1) with nonreceptor tyrosine kinases lck
and fyn, smad-1, membrane-bound OPN, and
CD44 is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein, Rho. Via ezrin (▶ ERM protein), ankyrin, or
which exists in a large number of isoforms. The annexin II, the cytoplasmic region of CD44 is
gene contains 20 exons within a region of ~60 kb linked to the cytoskeleton. CD44 is involved in
on chromosome 11p13 in humans and on chro- the ▶ Wnt signaling pathway. ▶ P-glycoprotein,
mosome 2 at 56 cM in mice. CD44 is in close the product of the multidrug resistance (MDR)
proximity to the recombination-activating genes gene, has also been demonstrated to interact phys-
Rag-1 and Rag-2. ically and functionally with CD44, thus promot-
ing cell ▶ migration and invasion and possibly
enforcing resistance to ▶ chemotherapy. The
Characteristics p-glycoprotein–CD44 interaction is the first hint
of a functional association between MDR and
CD44 is the major receptor for hyaluronic acid ▶ metastasis formation, involving CD44. Further
and other ▶ extracellular matrix molecules it is of importance that the presenilin-dependent
(▶ fibronectin, laminin 5, collagen type IV, g-secretase cleaves off the intracellular domain
serglycin). The standard molecule is heavily (ICD) of CD44, which then translocates to the
glycosylated by N- and O-linked residues and nucleus and acts as a transcription factor for
chondroitin sulfate side chains, while some of genes containing TPA (12-O-tetradecanoyl
the variant isoforms carry in addition heparan phorbol 13-acetate) response elements in their
sulfate moieties, which can present various promoter. The ICD of CD44 promotes the fusion
growth factors and ▶ chemokines (for local con- of ▶ macrophages, is localized in the nucleus of
centration and activation). The number of extra- macrophages, and promotes the activation of
cellular molecules that can associate with CD44 is nuclear factor kappa (NF-k) B.
ever growing, among them matrix
metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) and matrix Cellular and Molecular Regulation
metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) inducing activation The standard form of CD44 (CD44s) is expressed
of latent transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) in almost all tissues and leukocytes and is encoded
and hence promote ▶ invasion and ▶ angiogene- by exons s1–s10, yielding a product of 90 kDa.
sis. Further associating molecules are ErbB2 The variant isoforms (CD44v) are generated by
(HER-2/neu), EpCAM, E-selectin, CD8+ cyto- alternative splicing of the nuclear RNA between
toxic T cells, and VLA-4 (Integrin a4b1). While exons s5 and s6 and are encoded by exons v2–v10
852 CD44

CD44, Fig. 1 Multiprotein

complexes can be formed
between CD44 and various
membrane-linked (top) and
intracellular molecules

(exon v1 is silent in humans, but not in mice and upregulated, e.g., in carcinoma, various ▶ hema-
rats). Combinations of different variant exons tological malignancies, and in autoimmune
with the standard backbone result in numerous lesions.
variant isoforms, with masses of 100–250 kDa. A positive feedback loop was identified
All the variant regions are located extracellularly which couples RAS activation with alternative
and are highly hydrophilic. In contrast to the ubiq- splicing of the CD44 variant isoforms. The pres-
uitous expression of CD44s, CD44v isoforms are ence of CD44v6 then sustains Ras signaling,
expressed in a highly restricted manner in which is in turn important for cell cycle
nonmalignant tissues: in early embryogenesis, progression.
stem cells of epithelia and hemopoiesis, activated CD44 is implicated in various aspects of tumor
leukocytes, and memory cells. However, in malig- progression: invasion, migration, and ▶ apoptosis
nant tissues, CD44v isoforms are often blockade.
CD44 853

Clinical Relevance ▶ Caspase

Originally identified by its metastasizing potential in ▶ Cell Adhesion Molecules
rats, CD44v isoform expression was identified in ▶ Colorectal Cancer
various human tumors and correlated with clinical ▶ Crohn Colitis
relevance. Upregulation of CD44v correlates with ▶ Death Receptors
poor prognosis in gastric and colorectal carcinoma, ▶ Embryonic Stem Cells
non-small cell lung tumors, ▶ hepatocellular carci- ▶ EpCAM C
noma, ▶ pancreatic cancer, B-cell chronic lympho- ▶ ERM Proteins
cytic leukemia, ▶ multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin ▶ E-Selectin-Mediated Adhesion and Extravasa-
lymphoma, and acute myeloblastic leukemia. tion in Cancer
Downregulation of CD44v correlates with poor ▶ Extracellular Matrix Remodeling
prognosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, ▶ Gastric Cancer
bronchial carcinoid tumors, ovarian neoplasms, ▶ HER-2/neu
uterine cervical tumors, transitional cell bladder ▶ Hyaluronidase
tumors, and prostate cancers, while downregulation ▶ HRAS
of CD44s correlates with amplification of MYCN ▶ Inflammation
and is indicative for an unfavorable outcome in ▶ Kit/Stem Cell Factor Receptor in Oncogenesis
▶ neuroblastoma patients. In breast carcinoma, con- ▶ Lipid Raft
troversial data between CD44v expression and sur- ▶ Matrix Metalloproteinases
vival were established and need further evaluation. ▶ MET
Elevated serum levels of CD44v have prognos- ▶ Mouse Models
tic value for gastric and colon carcinoma and ▶ Osteopontin
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which are indicative ▶ P-Glycoprotein
for a poor prognosis. ▶ RAS Activation
An emerging new field (although hypothesized ▶ Receptor Cross-Talk
some 150 years ago) is the area of cancer-initiating ▶ Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
cells, also termed ▶ cancer stemlike cells. They exist ▶ Scatter Factor
as a small population in every tumor and determine ▶ Stem Cell Markers
the capability of the tumor to grow and propagate. In ▶ Wnt Signaling
tumors of the ▶ Brms1, the pancreas, the prostate,
the head and neck, the brain (glioblastoma), and in
the blood system (leukemia), the cancer-initiating
cells are CD44+. A major goal currently is to identify Cheng C, Yaffe MB, Sharp PA (2006) A positive feedback
specific markers (▶ stem cell markers) that enable to loop couples Ras activation and CD44 alternative splic-
distinguish between normal, benign tissue stem cells ing. Genes Dev 20:1715–1720
and those that are cancer-initiating. Jin L, Hope KJ, Zhai O et al (2006) Targeting of CD44
eradicates human acute myeloid leukemic stem cells.
CD44 is also strongly upregulated in inflam- Nat Med 12:1167–1174
matory lesions of patients with autoimmune dis- Martin TA, Harrlison G, Mansel RE et al (2003) The role of
eases (▶ inflammatory bowel disease-associated the CD44/ezrin complex in cancer metastasis. Crit Rev
cancer (Crohn disease), multiple sclerosis, rheu- Oncol Hematol 46:165–186
Ponta H, Sherman L, Herrlich PA (2003) CD44: from
matoid arthritis). adhesion molecules to signalling regulators. Nat Rev
Mol Biol 4:33–45
Ponti D, Zaffaroni N, Capelli C et al (2006) Breast cancer
Cross-References stem cells: an overview. Eur J Cancer 42:1219–1224
Zeilstra J, Joosten SP, van Andel H, Tolg C, Berns A,
Snoek M, van de Wetering M, Spaargaren M, Clevers
▶ g-Secretase H, Pals ST (2014) Stem cell CD44v isoforms promote
▶ Apoptosis intestinal cancer formation in Apc(min) mice down-
▶ Autoimmunity and Cancer stream of Wnt signaling. Oncogene 3(5):665-70
854 CD55

CD55 2-CdA

▶ Decay-Accelerating Factor ▶ Cladribine

CD62 Antigen-Like Family Member E CdA

▶ Cladribine
▶ E-Selectin-Mediated Adhesion and Extravasa-
tion in Cancer

▶ Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase
▶ CEA Gene Family
▶ CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule

CD66b Brian Law and Stephan C. Jahn
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
▶ CEA Gene Family and the UF and Shands Cancer Center, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

CD66c Synonyms

▶ CEA Gene Family CD318 (cluster of differentiation 318); CDCP1

(CUB domain-containing protein 1); gp140
(glycoprotein 140); SIMA135 (subtractive immu-
nization M(+)HEp3 associated 135 kDa protein);
Trask (transmembrane and associated with Src
CD66e kinases)

▶ Carcinoembryonic Antigen
▶ CEA Gene Family Definition

CDCP1 is an 836-amino-acid protein that is pre-

sent in cells as an apparent 140 kDa full-length
protein and an 80 kDa fragment. It is
CD82 overexpressed in some cancers and has been
implicated in ▶ invasion, ▶ metastasis, and
▶ Metastasis Suppressor KAI1/CD82 tumor ▶ progression.
CDCP1 855

Characteristics and a 150-residue intracellular domain. The

predicted molecular weight is approximately
Discovery 90 kDa; however, CDCP1 migrates nearer to
The CDCP1 gene was first discovered in 2001 when 140 kDa on SDS-polyacrylamide gels due to
high levels of mRNA were found in colon cancer high levels of glycosylation. The extracellular
cells, and the protein was later identified in three portion holds three CUB (complement protein
separate instances. SIMA135 was described as an subcomponents C1r ⁄C1s, urchin embryonic C
N-glycosylated and tyrosine phosphorylated mem- growth factor, and bone morphogenetic protein
brane protein upregulated in metastatic human epi- 1) domains and contains 14 consensus
dermoid carcinoma cells in 2003. It was later N-glycosylation sites. It is structurally similar to
identified as glycoprotein 140, a protein that was membrane receptors, but no ligand has been iden-
highly phosphorylated when cells were cultured in tified. The intracellular domain is also posttransla-
suspension and could be cleaved to an 80 kDa frag- tionally modified, with 5 phosphorylatable
ment. Its final name, Trask, came in 2005 when it was tyrosine residues. Two proline-rich stretches
discovered to be a substrate for the Src family kinases. make up SH3 ligand binding domains. CDCP1
protein structure is summarized in Fig. 1.
Protein Structure
The type 1 transmembrane glycoprotein contains Cleavage
a 29-amino-acid signal sequence on the amino The 140 kD full-length protein is cleaved between
terminus, a 636-amino-acid extracellular domain, R368 and K369 in some cancers, creating an
a 21-amino-acid membrane spanning sequence, 80 kDa fragment with a truncated extracellular

Signal Peptide (Res. 1-29) Tyrosine-

N-Glycosylation Sites Phosphorylation Sites
N122 Tyr707
N180 Tyr734
N205 Tyr743
CUB1 (Res. 221-348) N213 Tyr762
N271 Tyr806
CUB2 (Res. 417-544) Protease Cleavage Site
N512 R368, K369
CUB3 (Res. 545-660)

Transmembrane (Res. 666-696)

SH3-binding 1 (Res. 716-721)

SH3-binding 2 (Res. 772-777)

CDCP1, Fig. 1 Diagram of the CDCP1 protein structure (orange), and SH3 binding domains (red) are labeled.
showing the extracellular, transmembrane, and intracellu- N-glycosylation, phosphorylation, and protease cleave
lar portions. The signal peptide (yellow), CUB domains sites are also listed
856 CDCP1

domain lacking the original N-terminus. Trypsin (SFK). Tyr734 is phosphorylated by SFK,
and Matriptase are capable of carrying out this allowing SFK to bind and further phosphorylate
cleavage in vitro at K277 and R368, respectively. Tyr762. In cancer cells, this phosphorylation is
This cleavage is primarily carried out in vivo by induced by detachment and is important in initi-
the serine protease Plasmin during early-stage ating signaling cascades responsible for invasion
colonization of ▶ metastatic cells. CDCP1 cleav- and metastasis.
age is initiated by cell detachment and leads to
phosphorylation by Src Family Kinases and Downstream Signaling
pro-invasive and pro-survival signaling. The phosphorylation of Tyr762 by SFK allows the
binding and activation of Protein Kinase-C d
CDCP1 Expression (PKCd), and PKCd signaling is responsible for
CDCP1 is normally expressed in a small number the pro-tumorigenic effects of CDCP1, including
of stem and progenitor cells but is also highly cell invasion, resistance to ▶ anoikis, ▶ matrix
expressed in various cancers. Its expression levels metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) secretion, and
are controlled by promoter methylation in both invadopodia formation. The mechanisms of
cases and by ▶ hypoxia-inducible factor 1 and inducing MMP-9 secretion and invadopodia for-
2 in renal cell carcinoma cells in vitro. High levels mation are not known; however, the activation of
of CDCP1 expression in tumors correlate with a the CDCP1-PKCd complex results in a reduction
poor prognosis. in phosphorylation of ▶ focal adhesion kinase,
decreasing cell adhesion and increasing ▶ motil-
CDCP1 Signaling ity. This signaling process is outlined in Fig. 2.

Phosphorylation Known Binding Partners

CDCP1 is a heavily tyrosine phosphorylated pro- SFK, PKCd, Yes, Integrins, P-cadherin,
tein and is a key target of the Src family of kinases N-cadherin

CDCP1, Fig. 2 Diagram of CDCP1-mediated signaling. Upon detachment, CDCP1 is phosphorylated by SFK leading to
PKCd recruitment and subsequent downstream signaling
CDCP1 (CUB Domain-Containing Protein 1) 857

Cross-References (2012) Cadherins. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of

cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 581–
582. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_770
▶ Adhesion (2012) CUB domain. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Akt Signal Transduction Pathway cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1012.
▶ Anoikis doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1408
▶ Cell Adhesion Molecules (2012) Glycoprotein. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Focal Adhesion Kinase
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1570.
▶ Glycosylation (2012) Integrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
▶ Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1884.
▶ Invadosome doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3084
(2012) Invadopodia. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Invasion cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1904.
▶ Matrix Metalloproteinases doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3132
▶ Metastasis (2012) Matriptase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Motility cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2182.
▶ Progression (2012) Plasmin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
▶ Proteinase-Activated Receptor-4 cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2904.
▶ SH2/SH3 Domains doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4604
▶ Src (2012) Phosphorylation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2870.
(2012) Progenitor cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
References of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2990.
Bhatt AS, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, Craik CS, (2012) Prognosis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Moasser MM (2005) Adhesion signaling by a novel cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2994.
mitotic substrate of src kinases. Oncogene doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4758
24:5333–5343 (2012) Promoter hypermethylation. In: Schwab M (ed)
Brown TA, Yang TM, Zaitsevskaia T, Xia Y, Dunn CA, Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Sigle RO, Knudsen B, Carter WG (2004) Adhesion or Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3004. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
plasmin regulates tyrosine phosphorylation of a novel 16483-5_4769
membrane glycoprotein p80/gp140/CUB domain- (2012) Renal-cell carcinoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
containing protein 1 in epithelia. J Biol Chem pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
279:14772–14783 3252. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5023
Hooper JD, Zijlstra A, Aimes RT, Liang H, Claassen GF, (2012) SH3 domain. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Tarin D, Testa JE, Quigley JP (2003) Subtractive immuni- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 3399–
zation using highly metastatic human tumor cells identifies 3400. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5281
SIMA135/CDCP1, a 135 kDa cell surface phosphorylated (2012) Signal sequence. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
glycoprotein antigen. Oncogene 22:1783–1794 of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3403.
Scherl-Mostageer M, Sommergruber W, Abseher R, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5297
Hauptmann R, Ambros P, Schweifer N (2001) Identifi- (2012) Src family tyrosine kinase. In: Schwab M (ed)
cation of a novel gene, CDCP1, overexpressed in Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
human colorectal cancer. Oncogene 20:4402–4408 delberg, p 3498. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
Uekita T, Ryuchi S (2011) Roles of CUB domain- 5_5467
containing protein 1 signaling in cancer invasion and (2012) Trypsin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
metastasis. Cancer Sci 102:1943–1948 cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3786.

See Also
(2008) SDS-polyacrylamide gels. In: Rédei GP (ed) Ency-
clopedia of genetics, genomics, proteomics and infor-
matics. Springer, Netherlands, p 1768. doi:10.1007/
978-1-4020-6754-9_15185 CDCP1 (CUB Domain-Containing
(2008) YES1 oncogene. In: Rédei GP (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, Encyclopedia of genetics, genomics, proteo-
Protein 1)
mics and informatics. Springer, Netherlands, p 2125.
doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-6754-9_18335 ▶ CDCP1
858 CDDP


▶ Cisplatin Mark Harland

Section of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
Cancer Research UK Clinical Centre, Leeds
Institute of Molecular Medicine, St. James’s
University Hospital, Leeds, UK

▶ Cyclin-Dependent Kinases Synonyms

CDK4I; CDKN2; CMM2; Cyclin-dependent

kinase inhibitor 2A; INK4A; MTS1; p16;
p16INK4; p16INK4A; p16INK4a
Cdk1 Kinase

▶ Cyclin-Dependent Kinases Definition

Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A gene

(CDKN2A), the first identified ▶ melanoma pre-
disposition gene, encodes the tumor suppressor
CDK2/Cyclin A-Associated Protein proteins p16 and ARF.

▶ Ubiquitin Ligase SCF-Skp2 Characteristics

Identification of CDKN2A
The 9p21-22 chromosomal region was originally
implicated in the development of melanomas
CDK4I through a combination of cytogenetic and loss of
heterozygosity (LOH) studies. Subsequent link-
▶ CDKN2A age analysis in melanoma families indicated that
this region harbored a melanoma predisposition
locus. Homozygous deletions in cell lines derived
from several different tumor types narrowed down
the region significantly. This led to the isolation,
CDKN1A by two independent groups, of the cell cycle reg-
ulatory gene encoding the cyclin-dependent
▶ p21 kinase (CDK) inhibitor, p16, which had been pre-
viously identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen to
identify proteins that bound to CDK4 (Fig. 1).

Gene Structure of CDKN2A

CDKN2 In the original description of human p16, the
initiating methionine was incorrectly identified.
▶ CDKN2A It was later found that the protein included eight
CDKN2A 859

Human p16 156αα

Mouse p16 168αα

Exon 1β Exon 1α Exon 2 Exon 3

Human p14ARF 132αα

Mouse p19ARF 169αα

CDKN2A, Fig. 1 Alternative transcripts and products two transcripts, exons that splice to encode p16 are shown
encoded by the CDKN2A locus. The exons of CDKN2A above, and those that encode p14ARF are shown below.
are shown as boxes and identified as exons 1b, 1a, 2, and The sizes and composition of the respective mouse and
3. Alternative splicing occurs as indicated to give rise to human proteins are indicated

additional amino acids at its amino terminus, Two different translation start sites have been
although these residues are not present in murine reported for the ARF protein, which has lead to
p16. Three exons, spread over approximately some confusion in the numbering of the ARF
7.2 kb of genomic DNA, encode the protein amino acids in publications.
156 amino acid protein with predicted molecular
weight of 16,533 Da, designated p16. The primary Tumor Suppressor
structural feature of p16 is the four tandem CDKN2A is a tumor suppressor gene for multiple
ankyrin-like repeats that comprise approximately tumor types. The frequency of mutations at this
85% of the protein. This domain is believed to locus in various cancers is rivaled only by muta-
facilitate protein-protein interactions (Fig. 2). tions in TP53. As with other classical tumor sup-
The sizes of the translated regions encoded by pressor genes, both alleles need to be abrogated
exon 1a, exon 2, and exon 3 are 150, 307, and for tumorigenesis to occur. A wide variety of
11 bp, respectively. The CDKN2A-locus also has mechanisms of inactivation of CDKN2A have
the capacity to encode two distinct transcripts been documented, including intragenic mutation,
from two different promoters. This is achieved homozygous deletion, and transcriptional silenc-
by alternative splicing and the use of different ing through methylation of the promoter. Notably
reading frames. Each transcript has a specific 50 in melanomas, many of the intragenic mutations
exon, exon 1a (E1a) or exon 1b (E1b), which is are C > T or tandem CC > TT transitions, impli-
spliced onto common second (E2) and third cating ultraviolet radiation (UVR) as the causal
(E3) exons. The E1a-containing transcript somatic mutagen. Although CDKN2A is
encodes p16, and the E1b-containing transcript inactivated in the majority of melanoma cell
encodes a protein translated into an alternate read- lines examined, deletions and interstitial muta-
ing frame initiated in E1b, designated p19ARF in tions of CDKN2A are much less common in
mice and p14ARF in humans. In contrast to p16, uncultured melanoma tumors. Present studies
where the murine and human genes share 85% indicate that only 5–10% of uncultured melano-
amino acid homology, the alternative reading mas demonstrate mutations in CDKN2A, a sur-
frame (ARF) proteins share only 59% amino prisingly low figure given the obvious importance
acid homology. The different sizes of the encoded of CDKN2A in familial melanoma and the fre-
proteins are brought about by the earlier trunca- quency of LOH seen at chromosome 9p21 in
tion of the ARF transcript in exon 2 in humans. melanomas.
860 CDKN2A

Growth factors

Cyclin D Cyclin D Cyclin D

CAK p16
Cyclin D

pRb P
E2F + p16 gene
S phase gene

CDKN2A, Fig. 2 Schematic representation of the protein mechanism of inhibition in vivo. The scheme provided is
interactions in the cyclin D/CDK4/p16/pRb pathway. necessarily simplistic; however, it appears that p16 may also
Through a complex system of signal transduction, growth inhibit the phosphorylation of pRb by indirectly inactivating
factors lead to the assembly of cyclin D and CDK4. This other CDKs, e.g., CDK2, as a consequence of the redistri-
complex is then activated through phosphorylation by the bution of other CDK inhibitors, e.g., p27 and p21. There is
CDK-activating kinase (CAK), and cyclin D/CDK4 in turn also a feedback loop whereby the release of the E2F tran-
phosphorylates pRb, leading to the release of transcription scription factor results in the activation of p16 expression,
factors of the E2F family. These are then capable of although the absence of E2F binding sites in the CDKN2A
transactivating the genes necessary for entry into S phase, promoter precludes direct transactivation by E2F. Aberration
and p16 has been shown to inhibit this process in several of this pathway through either deletion or mutation of pRb,
ways, by binding to the complex and inhibiting the kinase the binding of viral oncogenes to pRb, overexpression or
activity of CDK4, inhibiting CAK-dependent phosphoryla- activation of CDK4 or cyclin D, or deletion or mutation of
tion of CDK4, or inhibiting the assembly of the cyclin CDKN2A all can result in constitutive transactivation of
D/CDK4 complex, with the latter being the principal S phase genes by E2F transcription factors

P16 Is a CDK Inhibitor point, cyclin D/CDK4 must phosphorylate the

P16 is the archetype member of the ▶ INK4 ▶ retinoblastoma protein pRb. During G0/G1 the
(inhibitor of CDK4) family of CDK inhibitors, Rb protein exists in a DNA-bound protein com-
which is comprised of p16INK4A, p15INK4B, plex, where it is bound to the transactivation
p18INK4C, and p19INK4D, encoded by domain of E2F transcription factors, preventing
CDKN2A, CDKN2B, CDKN2C, and CDKN2D, transactivation of E2F target genes. The phos-
respectively. Each of the proteins inhibits CDK4- phorylation of pRb results in the disassociation
or CDK6-mediated phosphorylation of the ▶ ret- of this protein complex and the release of E2F
inoblastoma susceptibility gene product, pRb, such that it can transactivate genes required for
thereby providing a powerful negative signal, or entry into S phase. Overexpression of p16 inhibits
“brake,” to progression through the cell cycle. progression of cells through the G1 phase of the
The ▶ cyclin D1/CDK4/p16/pRb signaling cell cycle by binding to CDK4/cyclin
pathway is the major growth control pathway for D complexes (or CDK6/cyclin D) and blocking
entry into the cell cycle. For cells to progress the kinase activity of the holoenzyme. Given that
through G1 into S phase they must pass the late p16 normally functions to inhibit CDK4, it is easy
G1 restriction point, which controls entry into to understand how inactivation of this gene could
S phase. For progression past this restriction result in uncontrolled cellular growth leading to
CDKN2A 861

CDKN2A, DNA damage Oncogenic stimuli

Fig. 3 Schematic (e.g. E2F)
representation of the role of
ARF in p53 activation by
DNA damage and
Kinases Up-regulation ARF
oncogenic stimuli. ARF
(ATM,DNA-PK etc) transcription
functions to sequester
MDM2 in the nucleus
preventing MDM2 C
MDM2 p53
nucleocytoplasmic p14ARF Induction
P P P p53 MDM2 of apoptosis
shuttling of the MDM2/p53
complex; however, the p53 ARF sequesters MDM2
details have not yet been in the nucleus preventing
fully elucidated and results p53 degradation
suggest the mechanism may p53
differ between humans Transcriptional Ub Ub Ub
and mice activation of
target genes

cancer. In many tumor types, an inverse correla- phosphorylation. Instead, ARF binds to MDM2
tion between mutations of p16 and pRb has been and blocks both MDM2-mediated p53 degrada-
observed. Since p16 lies upstream of pRb, inacti- tion and the transactivational silencing of p53.
vation of both proteins would be redundant. MDM2 continuously shuttles between the nucleus
and the cytoplasm. This shuttling is essential for
Role of the Alternative Reading Frame (ARF) its ability to promote p53 degradation, indicating
Product that MDM2 must export p53 from the nucleus to
The ARF protein also regulates the G1/S phase the cytoplasm to target p53 to the cytoplasmic
transition via a distinct pathway involving the proteosome. ARF activates p53 by binding to
▶ TP53 ▶ tumor suppressor gene product p53 MDM2 in the nucleus and blocking the transport
and MDM2, which function upstream of p21 of the MDM2/p53 complex out of this organelle.
(a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor closely Results obtained with murine and human ARF are
related to p16) and the CDK2/cyclin E complex somewhat different. In murine cells results indi-
(Fig. 3). p53 is a transcription factor that plays a cate that p19ARF sequesters MDM2 away from
major role in monitoring the integrity of the p53 into the nucleolus. In human cells p14ARF
genome and can be activated to inhibit cell cycle moves out from the nucleolus to form discrete
progression or initiate apoptosis through two dis- nuclear bodies in conjunction with MDM2 and
tinct pathways: (i) in response to a variety of p53, thereby blocking their nuclear export
cellular stresses including ▶ DNA damage and and leading to p53 stabilization. The discovery
▶ hypoxia and (ii) via overexpression of viral or that ARF transcription is induced by the
cellular oncoproteins such as E1A and c-myc. overexpression of a variety of cellular and viral
In this way, cells prevent the repair of mutations oncoproteins including c-myc, E1A, and E2F has
in successive generations by inducing apoptosis in provided the link by which hyperproliferative sig-
incipient cancer cells. ARF plays a crucial role in nals result in p53-dependent apoptosis.
p53-induced apoptosis. Murine p19ARF is capa- To determine whether mutations in CDKN2A
ble of inducing a p53-dependent G1 cell cycle contribute to tumorigenesis via p19ARF in addi-
arrest that is not mediated through the direct inhi- tion to p16, cDNAs carrying a variety of exon
bition of known CDKs. Ectopic expression of 2 mutations have been transfected into cell lines
ARF leads to stabilization of p53 in multiple cell and cell cycle arrest monitored. These mutations
types, but unlike other known upstream effectors have included several that are silent in p16 but
of p53, this activation is not through caused missense mutations in p19ARF, as well as
862 CDKN2A

several deletion mutants that removed either exon lymphomas, and were highly sensitive to carcin-
1b or various portions of exon 2. Results indicate ogens. In contrast to wild-type mouse embryonic
that the majority of p19ARF activity is encoded fibroblasts (MEFs), cultured MEFs from Cdkn2a
by the exon 1b sequences, as all missense muta- nullizygous mice (Cdkn2a/) failed to undergo
tions in exon 2 of p19ARF remained fully active senescence crisis and could be transformed by
in blocking cell cycle progression, and removal of oncogenic ras alleles. Although Cdkn2a/ mice
exon 2 sequences only marginally reduced the did not develop melanomas, transformation of
ability to induce arrest. In contrast, deletion of Cdkn2a/ MEFs by activated ras prompted
exon 1b resulted in a transcript that was incapable experiments to cross the Cdkn2a/ mice with a
of inhibiting cell cycle progression. Missense previously generated transgenic mouse in which
mutations in exon 2 of the human p14ARF tran- an activated ras allele was targeted exclusively to
script similarly did not reduce the growth suppres- melanocytes under the control of the tyrosinase
sive function of p14ARF. promoter. These mice spontaneously developed
melanomas at high frequency and with short
Senescence latency.
p16 is not normally expressed at detectable levels To determine whether p16 or p19ARF was the
in most cycling cells; however, CDKN2A mRNA principal mediator of the above effects, knockout
and p16 protein accumulate in late-passage mice strains with targeted deletions of p16 and
non-immortalized cells, implicating a role for p19ARF were generated. In general, p19ARF null
p16 in cellular ▶ senescence. This is supported animals were observed to develop a tumor spec-
by studies revealing that loss of p16 expression is trum more closely related to p53 null rather than
a critical event in ▶ immortalization (the flip side p16 null mice. Tumors observed in p19ARF null
to senescence) of a range of cell types. This con- mice included lymphomas and an increased inci-
clusion was initially alluded to by finding that the dence of soft tissue sarcomas, carcinomas, and
frequency of deletions and intragenic mutations of osteosarcomas. Mice lacking p16 were found to
CDKN2A in uncultured tumors was considerably develop soft tissue sarcomas, osteosarcomas, and
lower than in immortalized cell lines. Growth and melanomas. Mouse strains with specific inactiva-
survival experiments using cells with impaired tion of either p16 or p19ARF were tumor prone,
CDKN2A function suggest that a p16/pRb- but neither was as severely affected as animals
dependent form of senescence may be particularly lacking both p16 and p19ARF, suggesting coop-
important in melanocytes. Individuals with defec- eration between p16 and p19ARF loss in
tive p16INK4a have been found to have increased tumorigenesis.
numbers of naevi, and it has been speculated that
naevi are senescent clones of melanocytes. Clinical Aspects

Mouse Models CDKN2A Mutations and Melanoma

The generation of a CDKN2A “knockout” mouse, Germline CDKN2A mutations have been
carrying a germline homozygous deletion observed in approximately 20–40% of melanoma
encompassing exons 2 and 3 of the gene, revealed families worldwide. However, melanoma appears
that p16 and p19ARF (since both proteins are to segregate with chromosome 9p markers in a far
eliminated by deletion of exon 2) were not essen- greater proportion of families than have been
tial for viability or organomorphogenesis. How- shown to carry mutations of CDKN2A. This sug-
ever, the mice did demonstrate abnormal gests that melanoma predisposition in some of
extramedullary hematopoiesis, suggesting that these families is caused by: (i) another gene in
p16 or p19ARF may regulate the proliferation of the vicinity of CDKN2A, (ii) mutations outside of
some hematopoietic lineages. In addition, the the p16 coding region, and (iii) another gene
mice developed spontaneous tumors at an early somewhere else in the genome, with linkage to
age, specifically fibrosarcomas and B cell this region occurring simply by chance. The most
CDKN2A 863

parsimonious explanation is that a combination of been performed these have invariably been shown
all these possibilities is likely. to be due to common founders. The only excep-
Overall, approximately 40% of pedigrees with tion to this appears to be a 24 bp insertion in exon
three or more cases of melanoma have been found 1a, that has arisen multiple times, presumably
to harbor mutations in the CDKN2A gene. This because of DNA slippage over a 24 bp repeat
figure varies with location and is lowest in regions region.
of high ▶ UV radiation (UVR), e.g., Australia C
(20%), and higher in regions with low incident Mutation of ARF Germline mutations affecting
UVR, e.g., Europe (57%). ARF but not p16INK4a have been reported in a
There is a significant increase in the yield of small number (3%) of melanoma families.
CDKN2A mutations with increasing number of Whereas the distribution of p16 mutation types
affected cases in families with melanoma. In addi- (approximately 70% missense or nonsense, 23%
tion, an early age of diagnosis and the presence of insertion or deletion, 5% splicing, and 2% regula-
family members with multiple primary melano- tory) is consistent with that observed in the
mas or with ▶ pancreatic cancer have also been Human Genome Mutation Database, the reported
shown to be significantly associated with an ARF-specific mutations are almost all either splic-
increased likelihood of finding a CDKN2A ing mutations (affecting the 30 splice site of exon
mutation. 1b) or large deletions.
The population-based frequency of CDKN2A
mutations in melanoma cases is of the order of Penetrance The pattern of susceptibility in mel-
1–2%, even in those individuals that had devel- anoma pedigrees is consistent with the inheritance
oped multiple primary tumors, much lower than of autosomal dominant genes with incomplete
observed in families selected for multiple cases of penetrance. The overall penetrance of CDKN2A
melanoma. mutations in melanoma families has been esti-
Disease-associated mutations are distributed mated to be 0.30 by the age of 50 years and 0.67
along the entire length of the p16 coding region. by the age of 80 years. There is significant varia-
At least one mutation has been described in the tion in the penetrance of CDKN2A mutations with
promoter of the gene, and several putative muta- geographical location. By the age of 50 years,
tions have been identified in the intronic penetrance was estimated to be 0.13 in Europe,
sequences. The most frequent CDKN2A muta- 0.5 in the United States, and 0.32 in Australia and
tions identified to date are c.255_243del19 (also by the age of 80 years 0.58 in Europe, 0.76 in the
known as p16 Leiden), p.M53I, p.G101W, United States, and 0.91 in Australia (Fig. 4).
c.331_332insGTC (p.R112_L113insR) (all in This indicates that the CDKN2A mutation pen-
exon 2), c.-34G > T (promoter), and c.IVS2- etrance varies with melanoma population inci-
105A > G (intron). There are considerable differ- dence rates, thus the same factors that effect
ences in the frequencies and distribution of population incidence of melanoma may also
CDKN2A mutations across the world. Many mediate CDKN2A penetrance.
mutations have been shown to arise from a com-
mon founder and are more frequent in particular Multiple Primary Melanoma
geographic locations. For example, Sweden and General characteristics of inherited susceptibility
the Netherlands have single predominant founder to many types of cancer are early age of onset and
mutations (p.R112_L113insR and p16 Leiden, the development of multiple primary tumors.
respectively) involving over 90% of families Hence the presence of multiple primary melano-
tested. The G101W mutation, common in Italy, mas (MPM) in an individual may be a sign of
France, and Spain, has been calculated to arise them being a CDKN2A mutation carrier. This is
from a single genetic event approximately 93 gen- the case for a small proportion (13/133, 10%) of
erations ago. Many additional mutations have MPM cases without a family history of the dis-
been repeatedly reported, and where analysis has ease. In contrast, analysis of MPM cases with a
864 CDKN2A

CDKN2A, Fig. 4 Age-

specific penetrance 1.0
estimates for CDKN2A
mutations. Penetrance is Europe
shown for melanoma 0.8

Cumulative penetrance
pedigrees from Australia, All
Europe, America, and all
geographic locations 0.6



20 40 60 80

family history of disease yields CDKN2A muta- Modifiers of Penetrance of CDKN2A Mutations
tions in 55/139 (40%) of samples tested. The The MC1R gene (16q24) which encodes for the
proportion of CDKN2A mutations in sporadic melanocyte-stimulating hormone has been shown
MPM cases increases with increasing number of to be a risk factor in families with segregating
melanomas (10/119 (8.5%) of cases with two CDKN2A mutations. MC1R variants have been
primary melanomas, compared to 11/83 (33%) shown to act as modifier alleles, increasing the
cases with three or more primary tumors). penetrance of CDKN2A mutations and reducing
the age of onset of melanoma.
CDKN2A Mutations and Nonmelanoma Cancers
Since CDKN2A is a tumor suppressor found to be CDKN2a Polymorphisms as Low-Risk Factors
inactivated in a wide range of different tumors, The A148T variant, located in exon 2 of the
one might expect individuals carrying germline CDKN2A gene, has no observed effect on p16
mutations of CDKN2A to be prone to cancers function and does not segregate with disease in
other than melanoma. ▶ Brms1, prostate, colon, melanoma pedigrees. The contribution of this
and ▶ lung cancers have been suggested to be polymorphism to melanoma risk remains unclear;
associated with CDKN2A mutations; however, an association with increase in risk has been seen
these common cancers may occur in CDKN2A- in some populations, but not in others.
positive pedigrees by chance. Convincing evi- The 500 C > G and the 540 C > T polymor-
dence for susceptibility to another tumor type phisms in the 30 untranslated region of the
has been shown only for pancreatic cancer, CDKN2A gene have been shown to be associated
which has been shown to be significantly associ- with melanoma risk. The frequencies of the rare
ated with CDKN2A mutations in all regions alleles at these loci have been shown to be higher
except Australia, the reason for this is not yet in melanoma cases than in controls. It is possible
understood. that these variants might alter the stability of the
There appears to be no evidence of an associ- CDKN2A transcript or the level of transcription,
ation between neural system tumors (NSTs) and or that they may be in linkage disequilibrium with
CDKN2A mutations involving p16. However, an unidentified variant which is directly responsi-
there is marginal evidence for the association of ble for melanoma predisposition. The contribu-
NSTs with ARF-specific mutations. tion of these polymorphisms to melanoma risk is
CDX2 865

likely to be small in comparison to that of

CDKN2A inactivating mutations. CDX2

CDKN2A and the Atypical Mole Syndrome Isabelle Gross and Isabelle Hinkel
Since the description of the “B-K mole syndrome,” INSERM U1113, Université de Strasbourg,
much debate has ensued regarding the association Strasbourg, France
between melanoma and the atypical mole syndrome C
(AMS). Several authors have concluded that atypi-
cal moles segregate independently of CDKN2A Synonyms
mutations, although individuals with high numbers
of naevi in melanoma-prone families are three times Caudal type homeobox 2; CDX3; CDX-3
more likely to be CDKN2A mutation carriers than
those with a low number of naevi. Support for the
notion that CDKN2A is naevogenic comes from a Definition
study of a large series of 12-year-old twins in which
total naevus count was found to be tightly linked to CDX2 is a member of the caudal-related homeo-
CDKN2A. This finding has been corroborated by box transcription factor gene family. As a deter-
two independent genome wide association studies minant of cell fate, CDX2 is critical for various
that have mapped loci responsible for naevi in twin aspects of embryonic development, including
cohorts. Both studies showed peaks of high linkage intestinal morphogenesis. In the adult, CDX2
scores at 9p21 directly over the CDKN2A gene. expression is restricted to the gut and is required
to maintain intestinal homeostasis. Altered CDX2
expression is associated with several types of can-
References cer, namely, colon cancer and acute myeloid
Bishop JN, Harland M, Randerson-Moor J et al (2007)
Management of familial melanoma. Lancet Oncol
Goldstein AM, Chan M, Harland M et al (2007) Features Characteristics
associated with germline CDKN2A mutations: a
GenoMEL study of melanoma-prone families from Structure
three continents. J Med Genet 44(2):99–106
Hayward NK (2003) Genetics of melanoma predisposition.
CDX1, CDX2, and CDX4 are the three members
Oncogene 22(20):3053–3056 of the mammalian homeobox transcription factor
Sharpless NE (2005) INK4a/ARF: a multifunctional tumor gene family related to the Drosophila gene caudal
suppressor locus. Mutat Res 576(1–2):22–38 and belong to the ▶ ParaHox gene cluster, a
Sharpless E, Chin L (2003) The INK4a/ARF locus and
melanoma. Oncogene 22(20):3092–3098
paralogue of the Hox gene cluster.
The human CDX2 gene is located on chromo-
some 13 at band q12.3 and consists of three exons
encoding a 313 amino acid protein. The central
region of the CDX proteins is the most conserved
CDKN4 and corresponds to the homeodomain, a 60 amino
acid sequence arranged in three alpha-helices,
▶ p27 which binds to DNA. The N-terminal region of
CDX2 acts as a transcriptional activator domain
and together with the C-terminal region modu-
lates its activity. Alternative splicing of the
cDNA Chips CDX2 gene can also generate miniCDX2 in
which the N-terminal transactivation domain is
▶ Microarray (cDNA) Technology replaced by a specific 13 amino acid extension.
866 CDX2

Expression, Activity, and Mechanisms of Finally, another way of regulating CDX2 activ-
Regulation ity was revealed with the detection in the prolifer-
Nuclear CDX2 expression is detected at E3.5 in ative ▶ crypt cells of a dominant negative isoform
the murine ▶ trophectoderm and around E8.5 in of CDX2 (miniCDX2), that lacks the transcription
several developing tissues of the embryo itself activator domain and whose fixation on the CDX2
(posterior gut, tail bud, neural tube, etc.). By binding sites inhibits transcription by full-
E12.5 onwards, CDX2 expression is restricted to length CDX2.
the intestinal ▶ epithelium where it is maintained
throughout life. Species- and stage-specific gradi- Structure Physiological Functions
ents of expression along the anteroposterior and The existence of a large panel of mice models
dorsoventral axes have been described: for provides us with considerable information about
instance, CDX2 expression generally increases the biological functions of CDX2.
with differentiation in the small intestine but not Ubiquitous and homozygous gene invalidation
in the colon. of CDX2 is lethal before gastrulation as CDX2 is
The regulation of CDX2 transcription is highly required for ▶ trophectoderm maturation and con-
dynamic, involving stage-specific promoter ele- sequently blastocyst implantation. In contrast,
ments and possibly various transcription factors heterozygous CDX2/+ mice are viable and fertile
such as HNF4alpha, GATA6, TCF4/beta-catenin, and present no major dysfunctions despite mor-
NF-kappaB, SMAD, or CDX2 itself. The tran- phological defects. Indeed, these CDX2/+ mice
scription of CDX2 can be modified by multiple display anterior homeotic shifts of their axial skel-
extracellular factors (collagen I, Laminin eton, tail abnormalities, or stunted growth, illus-
1, Wnt5A, sodium butyrate, etc.) and is highly trating the role of CDX2 in anteroposterior
sensitive to the cellular microenvironment. patterning and posterior axis elongation. In addi-
CDX2 levels are also regulated by posttransla- tion, these mice totally lose CDX2 expression in
tional modifications affecting the half-life of the some regions of the proximal colon, which
protein. Indeed, phosphorylation of CDX2 by allows intercalary growth of more anterior gastro-
kinases implicated in cell cycle progression, intestinal tissue types (esophageal, gastric),
such as ERK1/2 and CDK2, leads to its highlighting the role of CDX2 in intestinal iden-
polyubiquitination and degradation by the tity. Accordingly, ectopic expression of CDX2 in
▶ proteasome. Conversely, in intestinal cells that the stomach of transgenic mice induces the con-
start to differentiate, the ▶ cyclin-dependent version of gastric epithelial cells into enterocyte-
kinase inhibitor p27Kip1stabilizes CDX2 by like cells.
preventing its phosphorylation by CDK2. To circumvent the problem of embryonic
Posttranslational modifications are not only lethality induced by complete CDX2 depletion,
involved in the regulation of CDX2 protein levels conditional inactivation of CDX2 was performed
but can also modulate the transcriptional activity to study the consequences of CDX2 loss at differ-
of CDX2. For instance, the MAPK p38alpha ent stages of development and in the adult.
phosphorylates CDX2 on a not yet identified Because CDX1 and CDX2 can be functionally
residue in differentiated cells and this leads redundant, double knockout mice for CDX1 and
to enhanced transcription of CDX2 target CDX2 were sometimes analyzed using CDX1/
genes. On the opposite, high levels of mice, which are viable and only show alterations
S60-phosphorylated CDX2 are detected in the of the skeleton. For instance, ubiquitous inactiva-
proliferative crypt cells, and this phosphorylation tion of CDX2 post-implantation at E5.5 in
actually inhibits CDX2 transcriptional activity: CDX1/ mice is lethal at E10: the mice present
this might explain why CDX2 target genes are abnormal axis elongation, neural tube closure
mainly activated in the upper third of the crypt, defects, and ▶ somite patterning alterations, dem-
although no CDX2 expression gradient is onstrating that the CDX genes are crucial for these
observed in colonic ▶ crypts. events in early embryonic development.
CDX2 867

CDX2 expression was also specifically and form tight, adherens, and desmosomal junc-
suppressed in the developing intestine: strikingly, tions upon CDX2 expression. The effect of CDX2
none of these mice survived longer than 2 days on apicobasal polarity was demonstrated using a
after birth because of severe abnormalities in the 3D culture system and was associated with defec-
morphology and function of the gut. For instance, tive apical transport. This effect is consistent with
mice in which CDX2 is invalidated at E9.5 in the the formation of large cytoplasmic vacuoles and
early endoderm fail to form a colon. In addition, downregulation of genes involved in C
the small intestine lacks most of the ▶ villi critical endolysosomal function in intestinal cells of con-
for nutrient absorption and displays more cycling ditional CDX2 knockout mice.
cells, and many of the mutant cells resemble more CDX2 expression can also reduce anchorage-
to keratinocytes that constitute the esophageal dependent or anchorage-independent growth of
▶ epithelium than to differentiated intestinal normal, ▶ adenoma, and carcinoma epithelial
cells. If ablation of CDX2 in the developing intes- cells. This may be achieved through reduced cell
tine is performed later at E13.5 or E15.5, colon proliferation as CDX2 can block the G0/G1-S
formation occurs, but the ▶ epithelium of mutant progression in intestinal cell lines. However, a
mice is highly disorganized and ▶ villi are proapoptotic effect of CDX2 can also be observed
smaller. Inactivation of CDX2 at E13.5 leads to in various intestinal contexts and thus may also
an upregulation of gastric markers (H+/K+- contribute to reduced cell numbers. Of note, the
ATPase, ghrelin) and a downregulation of intesti- activity of CDX2 on cell growth appears to be
nal markers (I-FABP). Ablation of CDX2 at E15.5 dependent on the context and cell type: for
generates enterocytes that display profound instance, somatic knockout of CDX2 reduces
defects in their typical microvilli and disrupted anchorage-independent growth of LoVo intestinal
apicobasal polarity, but no features of gastric/ cells, and shRNA silencing of CDX2 expression
esophageal transdifferentiation. inhibits the proliferation of various human leuke-
Finally, specific ablation of CDX2 in the adult mia cell lines.
intestinal ▶ epithelium is also lethal, indicating CDX2 can inhibit intestinal cell ▶ migration
that CDX2 expression is required throughout life and ▶ invasion in Boyden chambers coated or not
to maintain a functional intestine. Indeed, mutant with Matrigel. These are hollow plastic chambers
mice lose weight, have chronic diarrhea, and die sealed at one end with a porous membrane and
of starvation (malabsorption) at the latest 3 weeks suspended in a well containing chemoattractants.
after CDX2 inactivation. The ▶ villi of these mice Cells are placed inside the chamber and allowed to
are smaller and the microvilli on absorptive cells migrate through the pores to the other side of the
are shorter, less dense, and disorganized com- membrane. CDX2 expression appears to influ-
pared to those of their wild-type littermates. ence chromosome segregation, as well as DNA
Although conversion into stomach-like tissue is damage repair in intestinal cells.
not observed, analysis of the gene expression pro-
files of CDX2/ mice shows upregulation of Mode of Action at the Molecular Level
stomach-specific markers. As a bona fide transcription factor, the main func-
tion of CDX2 is to activate specific gene expression
Mode of Action at the Cellular Level in the embryo and later in the intestinal ▶ epithe-
In line with the spectacular consequences of lium. The consensus binding site of CDX2 is
CDX2 depletion on intestinal cell differentiation (C/TATAAAG/T), an AT-rich sequence typical of
in mice, numerous reports show that homeobox proteins, but CDX2 can also bind to
overexpression of CDX2 can induce various sequences that are slightly different.
degrees of intestinal differentiation in vitro. For During early development, CDX2 regulates
instance, undifferentiated colorectal cell lines can anteroposterior patterning by stimulating the
acquire a polarized, columnar shape with apical expression of various HOX genes such as
microvilli, produce various digestive enzymes, HOXA5. Later, in the developing of mature
868 CDX2

intestinal ▶ epithelium, CDX2 regulates a large interaction: indeed, CDX2 can stabilize the
number of genes involved in intestinal identity cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1 by
and in various intestinal functions. Indeed, CDX2 inhibiting its polyubiquitination and thereby
regulates the transcription of genes implicated reduce cell proliferation.
in cell-fate decision, such as the Notch ligand In some cases, the exact mechanism of CDX2
DLL1, the transcription factors Math1 or KFL4, activity is not yet understood but might be impor-
and even itself. Since CDX2 is critical for tant for intestinal homeostasis. One example is the
enterocyte maturation, the first direct target potential repression of the mTOR pathway by
genes identified encoded digestive enzymes like CDX2, which might oppose cell cycle progres-
sucrase-isomaltase, lactase, or phospholipase sion and chromosomal segregation defects.
A/lysophospholipase. Many transporters, neces- Another example is the enhanced trafficking of
sary for the absorption and secretion of nutrients ▶ E-cadherin to the membrane of colon cancer
by enterocytes, are also CDX2 target genes, for cells, which strengthens Ca2+-dependent adhesion
instance, the iron transporter hephaestin, the and might be linked to the fact that CDX2 can
multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1/P-glycoprotein/ reduce the phosphorylation of beta-catenin and
ABCB1), or the solute carrier family 5, member p120 catenin.
8 (SLC5A8). Other direct CDX2 target genes are
involved in the modeling of the intestinal mucus- Clinical Relevance for Colon Cancer
covered brush border: they encode, for example, In colon ▶ adenocarcinomas, nuclear CDX2
the actin-binding protein villin 1 (important for expression is generally reduced, becoming some-
microvilli architecture) and mucus constituents times diffuse and cytoplasmic, but there is a lot of
such as MUC2 and MUC4. Some CDX2 target heterogeneity in the level of reduction between
genes encode adhesion molecules, potentially different tumors or even between different areas
involved in intestinal barrier function and cell within a tumor, which might explain why
polarization: several members of the cadherin conflicting results have been obtained in separate
superfamily such as LI-cadherin, Mucdhl, and studies. Reduced expression of CDX2 can be
Desmocollin 2, but also claudin-2 and claudin-1. associated with high ▶ microsatellite instability
Finally, the transcription of the cyclin-dependent (MSI) status, advanced tumor stage, higher
kinase inhibitor p21Cip1 can be stimulated by tumor grade, lymph node metastasis, and reduced
CDX2 and thus may contribute to the antiproli- survival. In addition, CDX2 expression is more
ferative effect of CDX2. systematically decreased in cells located at the
CDX2 does not necessarily bind to DNA and tumor front or disseminated in the adjacent stroma
use its properties of transcriptional activator to compared to the cells of the tumor center. Strik-
modulate gene expression. For instance, CDX2 ingly, most of the time, ▶ metastases (lymph
affects the ▶ Wnt signaling pathway by direct nodes, liver) exhibit a similar level of CDX2
interaction with beta-catenin, thereby inhibiting expression than the primary tumor, suggesting a
the formation of the beta-catenin/TCF4 complex dynamic expression pattern of CDX2 during
and consequently Wnt target gene activation. tumor progression, with a specific but transient
Another example is the binding of CDX2 to the reduction in invasive cells.
p65 subunit of NF-кB, which prevents its binding Deletions or mutations at the CDX2 locus
and activation of the COX-2 promoter. More occur very rarely in colon tumors. Actually, most
unexpectedly, CDX2 can modulate the activity (chromosomal instability) CIN tumors present a
of proteins that are not involved in gene transcrip- gain of CDX2 copy number, but this gene ampli-
tion: as an example, CDX2 interacts by its fication does not correlate with CDX2 expression.
homeodomain with the protein complex Ku70/ On the other hand, somatic cell hybrid experi-
Ku80 and inhibits its activity of DNA repair by ments indicate that silencing of CDX2 expression
the nonhomologous end joining process. Further- was transferable upon cell fusion, suggesting a
more, CDX2 can affect proteins without direct dominant repression mechanism. Since no
CDX2 869

epigenetic modifications of the CDX2 promoter ▶ tumor suppressor gene (no genomic alteration,
have been detected in colon cancer cell lines, the no spontaneous tumor), it impacts on various cel-
existence of a transcriptional repression pathway is lular processes (proliferation, ▶ adhesion, polarity,
likely. Of note, such a regulatory mechanism ▶ migration; see above) involved in tumor growth
would be consistent with a transient change of and dissemination, and experimental evidences in
CDX2 expression in invasive cells. Several onco- mice indicate that reduced expression of CDX2 has
genic signaling pathways (PI3K, Raf-MEK-ERK1/ important consequences for colon tumor (speed, C
2) that are aberrantly activated in a large fraction of number, location) and ▶ metastasis formation.
colon tumors can repress CDX2 expression in
colon cancer cell lines. Transcriptional repressors Clinical Relevance for Other Types of Cancer
inducing EMT (Slug, Snail, and Zeb1) can repress Ectopic CDX2 expression is described in various
CDX2 transcription in vitro and may be involved in types of ▶ adenocarcinomas, especially in those
the systematic decrease of CDX2 expression in arising in the stomach, esophagus, and ovary.
invasive cells. Several microenvironmental factors More surprisingly, leukemia patients, and
linked to tumor progression (▶ hypoxia, extracel- above all 90% of patients with ▶ acute myeloid
lular matrix, protein changes) can modify CDX2 leukemia (AML), exhibit ectopic CDX2 expres-
transcription in colon cancer cell lines, and nude sion. The mechanism involved in this aberrant
mice grafting experiments highlight the plasticity expression of CDX2 is not yet elucidated. Never-
of CDX2 expression. However, all of the above theless, CDX2 expression represents a marker of
data obtained with cell lines still await confronta- bad prognosis and reduced survival for leukemia
tion with cohorts of human colon tumors. patients. In contrast to most intestinal cell lines,
Given that CDX2 expression is downregulated CDX2 stimulates the proliferation and the ability
in colon tumors and impacts on cell proliferation to form colonies of hematopoietic cells in vitro. In
and ▶ migration, it is hypothesized that CDX2 addition, ectopic CDX2 expression in
acts as a tumor suppressor in the colon. Heterozy- transplanted hematopoietic cells was sufficient to
gous CDX2/+ mice do not develop spontaneous induce AML in mice by perturbing the expression
tumors (the initially described “intestinal polyps” of HOX genes. The pro-oncogenic role of CDX2
turned out to be nonneoplastic; see above), in leukemia may be linked to the involvement of
suggesting that the loss of CDX2 alone is not CDX genes in embryonic hematopoiesis
sufficient to initiate tumor formation, but only described in zebrafish or murine pluripotent stem
one allele is invalidated in these mice to allow cells but awaits further investigation.
survival. In contrast, upon tumor initiation, the
tumor suppressor activity of CDX2 becomes References
obvious. Indeed, CDX2+/mice treated with a
colon carcinogen (azoxymethane) develop Aoki K et al (2011) Suppression of colonic polyposis by
numerous ▶ adenocarcinomas in the distal colon homeoprotein CDX2 through its nontranscriptional
much faster than their wild-type littermates. Sim- function that stabilizes p27Kip1. Cancer Res
ilarly, when CDX2+/ mice are crossed with mice Beck F, Stringer EJ (2010) The role of Cdx genes in the gut
that spontaneously develop adenomatous polyps and in axial development. Biochem Soc Trans
in the small intestine (APC+/D716 mice), they form 38(2):353–357
six times more adenomatous polyps, and these are Gao N, White P, Kaestner KH (2009) Establishment of
intestinal identity and epithelial-mesenchymal signal-
now located in the distal colon. ing by Cdx2. Dev Cell 16(4):588–599
Finally, forced expression of CDX2 in colon Lengerke C, Daley GQ (2012) Caudal genes in blood
cancer cells injected in nude mice correlates not development and leukemia. Ann N Y Acad Sci
only with reduced tumor size, but also with 1266:47–54
Subtil C et al (2007) Frequent rearrangements and ampli-
decreased metastasis incidence, suggesting that fication of the CDX2 homeobox gene in human spo-
CDX2 opposes metastatic dissemination. Thus, radic colorectal cancers with chromosomal instability.
even if CDX2 cannot be considered as a classic Cancer Lett 247(2):197–203
870 CDX3

and differentiation and their overexpression (CEA

CDX3 and CEACAM6) or their downregulation
(CEACAM1 and CEACAM7) contributes to pro-
▶ CDX2 gression of many epithelial cancers and immune

CDX-3 Characteristics

▶ CDX2 The CEA gene family encodes a set of 22 genes

and 11 pseudogenes clustered in a 1.8 Mb region
on human chromosome 19q13.2 between the
CY2A and D19S15 marker genes. The CEA
CEA genes encompass an N-terminal Ig variable
domain followed by one to six Ig constant-like
▶ Carcinoembryonic Antigen domains. A striking characteristic of these pro-
teins is their extensive ▶ glycosylation on aspar-
agine residues with multiantennary carbohydrate
chains. CEA and CEACAM1 are further modified
CEA Gene Family by the addition of Lewis and sialyl-Lewisx high-
mannose residues. The proteins differ, however,
Nicole Beauchemin in their C-terminal regions producing either
Goodman Cancer Research Centre, McGill secreted entities such as the pregnancy-specific
University, Montreal, QC, Canada glycoproteins (PSG1–11) or others, tethered to
the cell surface by either a glycosyl phosphatidy-
linositol linkage (CEA, CEACAM6–8) or a bona
Synonyms fide transmembrane domain (CEACAM1,
C-CAM; CD66a; CD66b; CD66c; CD66e; (Fig. 1). The CEACAM1 gene is unique in this
CEACAM1 = BGP; CEACAM5 = CEA; family in that it produces 12 different splicing
CEACAM6 = NCA; CEACAM7 = CGM2; variants. More information on the structural fea-
CEACAM8 = CGM6 tures of the CEA gene family members is available
at http://www.carcinoembryonic-antigen.de/.
CEA is a monomeric protein adopting a b-barrel
Definition cylindrical shape resembling a “bottle brush,”
whereas CEACAM1 is present as both a mono-
The carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene family meric and dimeric protein.
comprises 33 genes, 22 of which are expressed.
All family members share similar structural fea- Expression and Functions of CEA Family
tures encompassing immunoglobulin (Ig) variable Members in Normal and Tumor Tissues
and/or constant domains and therefore constitute Although not ubiquitous, CEA family members
members of the large immunoglobulin superfam- exhibit a wide tissue distribution. CEA and
ily. These proteins are either secreted or mem- CEACAM6 are found mainly in columnar epithe-
brane bound. Several CEACAMs function as lial and goblet cells of the colon in the early fetal
homophilic or heterophilic intercellular ▶ cell period and are maintained in adult life. In the
adhesion molecules. CEA, CEACAM1, colonic brush border, CEA, CEACAM1, 6 and
CEACAM6, and CEACAM7 also play a signifi- 7 demonstrate maximal expression at the free
cant role as regulators of tumor cell proliferation luminal surface, although CEACAM1 and 7 are
CEA Gene Family 871

N A2
A1 B2

A3 A N A
B3 B A B


CEA Gene Family, Fig. 1 Schematic representation of represented in orange. The N-linked glycosylation sites
some members of the CEA family. Most CEA family are indicated by sticks and balls, colored in dark orange.
members, except the pregnancy-specific glycoproteins The glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchors are
(PSG) that are secreted proteins, are associated with the represented by arrows. The CEACAM1 gene expresses
cell membrane (depicted in grey). The immunoglobulin many splice variants. However, only the CEACAM-4L
variable-like domains (the N domain) are shown in blue isoform containing four Ig domains and the longer cyto-
and the immunoglobulin constant-like domains are plasmic tail is shown here

also found at the lateral membrane. In addition to increase of the TGF-b1 receptor CD105. Other
its expression in epithelia, CEACAM1 is located functions for CEA and CEACAM6 include the
on granulocytes, lymphocytes, and endothelial inhibition of cellular differentiation as demon-
cells, whereas CEACAM6 is also expressed on strated in a number of cellular systems and inhi-
granulocytes and monocytes. CEACAM3 and bition of the apoptotic process of ▶ anoikis by
8 are found exclusively on granulocytes. activation of b1 integrins.
CEA, CEACAM1, and CEACAM6 are recog- PSG1–11 are mainly expressed in syncytiotro-
nized as cell adhesion molecules contacting each phoblast during the first trimester of pregnancy
other by antiparallel self-binding (homophilic). where they act as immunomodulators and inhibit
Some associations are exclusive, such as cell-matrix interactions.
CEACAM8-CEACAM6. The first Ig domain is CEA is abundantly expressed in tumors of
crucial in these interactions. Various CEA family epithelial origin such as colorectal, lung, mucin-
members also act as heterophilic partners for ous ovarian, and endometrial adenocarcinomas.
E-selectin and galectin-3. Another striking feature For these reasons, CEA has a long history as a
of CEA family members is their ability to act as marker of colonic, intestinal, ovarian, and breast
pathogen receptors binding to outer membrane tumor progression and its high expression is asso-
proteins of Neisseria gonococci and Haemophilus ciated with poor prognostic and recurrence of
influenzae as well as fimbriae of Salmonella disease postsurgically. High preoperative CEA
typhimurium and Escherichia coli. In addition, levels are indicative of a poor prognosis whereas
CEACAM1 is the receptor for the mouse hepatitis low levels are associated with increased survival
viruses. The bacterial and viral adhesin functions of the patients. The tumorigenic potential of CEA
of the CEA family members confer strong immu- and CEACAM6 was clarified by transgenic
nosuppressive activity in T and B lymphocytes, overexpression of a bacterial artificial chromo-
whereas they enhance integrin-dependent cell some fragment of 187 kb encoding the full CEA,
adhesion in epithelial cells with concomitant CEACAM6, and CEACAM7 genes. When the
872 CEA Gene Family

CEABAC transgenic mice were treated with the membrane-proximal Tyr488 is a phosphorylation
azoxymethane carcinogen to induce colon can- substrate of Src-like kinases as well as of the
cers, expression of CEA and CEACAM6 was insulin and epidermal growth factor receptors.
increased by 2–20 fold, a situation reminiscent Upon Tyr phosphorylation, CEACAM1-L associ-
to that observed in the human cancer. Information ates with the tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and
on CEACAM7 expression in tumors is more lim- SHP-2. The SHP-1-CEACAM1-L protein com-
ited. It is downregulated in colorectal cancers, but plex regulates its function in various tissues such
increased in gastric tumors. CEACAM6, how- as inhibition of epithelial cell growth, CD4+ T cell
ever, exhibits a broader distribution than in the activation, and insulin clearance from hepato-
cancers described above, as it is additionally cytes. CEACAM1-L tyrosine phosphorylation
found in gastric and breast carcinomas and also stimulates its association with the cytoskele-
▶ acute lymphoblastic leukemias. In fact, tal proteins G-actin, tropomyosin, and paxillin,
overexpression of CEACAM6 in ▶ pancreatic thereby influencing cell adhesion, and with the
cancer confers increased resistance to anoikis b3 integrin, hypothesized to influence cell motil-
and increased metastasis. It also modulates ity. The CEACAM1-L cytoplasmic domain also
chemoresistance to the ▶ gemcitabine agent, carries 17 serine residues most of which lie in
thereby suggesting that CEACAM6 determines consensus sequences recognized by serine
cellular susceptibility to apoptosis. kinases. However, little is known about their func-
tional implications apart from the CEACAM1-S
Expression and Functions of CEACAM1 Thr/Ser452 and Ser456, shown to modulate direct
CEACAM1 expression is more complex. It is binding to G- and F-actin, tropomyosin, and cal-
downregulated in colon, prostate, hepatocellular, modulin, and CEACAM1-L’s Ser503 whose
bladder, endometrial, renal cell, and 30% of breast mutation to an Ala residue enhances colonic or
carcinomas, but overexpressed in gastric and prostatic tumor development in xenograph
squamous lung cell carcinomas, bladder cancer models. Additionally, Ser503 renders permissive
and ▶ melanomas. In thyroid carcinomas, Tyr488 phosphorylation by the insulin receptor.
CEACAM1 was shown to restrict tumor cell Transgenic mice overexpressing a Ser503Ala
growth. However, it increases the thyroid cancer CEACAM1-L mutant in the liver developed
metastatic potential. Manipulation of CEACAM1 hyperinsulinemia, secondary insulin resistance,
expression levels in colonic, prostatic, and blad- and defective insulin clearance. As a consequence
der tumor cell lines, negative for CEACAM1, has of the decreased insulin receptor endocytosis and
indeed confirmed that expression of the longer altered insulin signaling, the transgenic mice
variant, CEACAM1-4L, produces reduction of became obese demonstrating increased visceral
tumorigenic potential in vitro and inhibition of adiposity, elevated serum free fatty acids and
tumor growth in xenograft mouse models. The plasma and hepatic triglyceride levels.
importance of cell surface CEACAM1 expression CEACAM1-L also contributes to important
for maintenance of normal epithelial cellular functions in the immune system. It functions as
behavior has been confirmed in vivo; a an inhibitory coreceptor in T lymphocytes. Its
Ceacam1-null mouse exhibits a significantly conditional deletion in these cells amplified
increased colon tumor load compared to the TCR-CD3 signaling, whereas overexpression in
wild-type littermates upon carcinogenic induction T cells was responsible for decreased prolifera-
of colorectal cancer. tion, allogeneic reactivity, and cytokine produc-
CEACAM1’s role as a modulator of tumor tion in vitro, with delayed type hypersensitivity
progression depends on the involvement of and inflammatory bowel disease in vivo. Regula-
its cytoplasmic domain in signaling via its tion of this function involves the ITIM motifs and
tyrosine and serine phosphorylation. Two Tyr res- the SHP-1 tyrosine phosphatase. A similar func-
idues are positioned within immunoreceptor tion and mechanism have been described in
tyrosine-based inhibition motifs (ITIM). The B lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Indeed,
CEA Gene Family 873

CEACAM1-mediated intercellular adhesion large family are triggered by inflammation via

between melanomas with increased CEACAM1 interferons, tumor necrosis factors, and interleu-
expression and NK cells allows inhibition of kins. It has been reported that expression of the
NK-cell-elicited killing, thereby conferring CEACAM1 gene is influenced by TPA and cal-
upon CEACAM1 a role in tumor immunosur- cium ionophore in endometrial cancers, the
veillance. Similarly, heterophilic engagement of expression of BCR/ABL in leukemias, the expres-
CEACAM1 with CEA, overexpressed in many sion of the b3 integrin in melanomas, and VEGF C
tumors, also inhibits lymphocyte-mediated and and hypoxia in angiogenic situations. In prostate
NK-cell-mediated killing having therefore detri- cancer, there is an inverse correlation between the
mental effects on immune surveillance. In addi- downregulation of CEACAM1 and the increased
tion, increased expression of CEACAM1 on expression of the transcriptional repressor Sp2
endothelial cells present in tumors in response to that acts to recruit histone deacetylase to the
VEGF activation and/or hypoxia provokes a CEACAM1 promoter.
proangiogenic switch with increased endothelial
tube formation and invasion. Therefore The Next Frontier
CEACAM1’s contribution to cancer progression The diversity of functions of the members of the
most likely depends on its positive or negative CEA gene family and their dynamic expression
expression and signaling in epithelial tumor patterns in normal and tumor tissues has slowed
cells, on its systemic effects on metabolism and the development of effective targeted therapies.
adiposity, on its role in immunosurveillance, Effective strategies have been devised using vac-
and most probably on endothelial proliferation cination with CEA peptide-loaded mature den-
and invasion. dritic cells that induced potent CEA-specific
T cell responses in advanced colorectal cancer
Transcriptional Regulation patients. Effective protection from tumor devel-
The upstream promoters of the CEA and opment have also been seen with delivery of ade-
CEACAM1 genes have been dissected to identify noviral vectors encoding CEA fused to
important binding sites responsible for their tran- immunoenhancing agents such as tetanus toxin
scriptional regulation. These two genes do not or the Fc portion of IgG1. Likewise, targeting of
encompass classical TATA and CAAT boxes and CEACAM6 in pancreatic cancer may result in
are considered members of the housekeeping gene decreased tumor load. The therapeutic and selec-
family. Their distal promoter regions (> 500 bp) tive targeting of CEACAM1 in melanomas, gas-
contain highly repetitive elements, whereas their tric and lung carcinomas as well as its location in
proximal promoter regions are rich in GC boxes tumor endothelia may prove to be a favorable
and SP1 binding sites. Five footprinted regions avenue of future interventions.
have been identified in the CEA promoter, the first
three binding respectively, to the upstream stimu-
latory factor (USF) and SP1 and SP1-like factors.
Similarly, the human CEACAM6 promoter is reg-
ulated by the USF1 and USF2 as well as SP1 and Beauchemin N, Arabzadeh A (2013) Carcinoembryonic
SP3 transcription factors. A silencer element has antigen-related cell adhesion molecules (CEACAMs)
also been located in its first intron. In contrast, the in cancer progression and metastasis. Cancer and Mets
Rev 32:643–671
human CEACAM1 promoter does not bind the Beauchemin N, Draber P, Dveksler G, Gold P, Gray-Owen
SP1 factors, but associates with an AP-2-like fac- S, Grunert F, Hammarstrom S, Holmes KV, Karlsson
tor and the USF and HFN-4 transcription factors. A, Kuroki M, et al (1999) Redefined nomenclature for
The gene is additionally controlled by the hor- members of the carcinoembryonic antigen family. Exp
Cell Res 252:243–249
monal changes (estrogens and androgens) and
Gray-Owen SD, Blumberg RS (2006) CEACAM1:
can be induced by cAMP, retinoids, glucocorti- contact-dependent control of immunity. Nat Rev
coids, and insulin. Moreover, many genes of this Immunol 6:433–446

Hammarström S (1999) The carcinoembryonic antigen molecules. Additionally, a number of pseudo-

(CEA) family: structures, suggested functions and genes have been identified. To date, 29 genes are
expression in normal and malignant tissues. Semin
Cancer Biol 9:67–81 known, which are clustered on human chromo-
Horst A, Wagener C (2004) CEA-related CAMs. Handb some 19 (19q13.1-19q13.2). The CEA-related
Exp Pharmacol 165:283–341 members of the CEA family display a complex
Kuespert K, Pils S, Hauck CR (2006) CEACAMs: their expression pattern on human healthy and malig-
role in physiology and pathophysiology. Curr Opin
Cell Biol 18:1–7 nant tissues. They are linked to the cell membrane
Leung N, Turbide C, Marcus V et al (2006) via GPI anchors, or they are transmembrane pro-
Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion mole- teins with a cytoplasmatic tail. The PSG-related
cule 1 (CEACAM1) contributes to progression of colon molecules are soluble glycoproteins; their expres-
tumors. Oncogene 25:5527–5536
sion is restricted to the placenta, more specifically,
to the syncytiotrophoblast, which is the outermost
fetal component of the placenta. CEACAM1 has
been structurally and functionally conserved in
CEACAM1 humans and rodents.
▶ CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule

Properties of CEACAM1
CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule Human CEACAM1 has been originally identified
in human bile due to its crossreactivity with
Andrea Kristina Horst1 and Christoph Wagener2 CEA-antisera. It was therefore named biliary gly-
Inst. Experimental Immunology and Hepatology, coprotein I or nonspecific cross-reacting antigen
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, at first. Amongst the cluster of differentiation anti-
Hamburg, Germany gens on human leukocytes, CEACAM1 used to be
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, referred as CD66a. However, with the latest revi-
Hamburg, Germany sion of the nomenclature for the CEA family,
CD66a, BGP, or NCA-160 became CEACAM1.
Its structural similarities to CEA and the immuno-
Synonyms globulin superfamily proteins became apparent,
once the cDNA sequence for CEACAM1 became
BGP; Biliary glycoprotein; CD66a; CEACAM1; available.
CEA-related cell adhesion molecule 1; Cluster of CEACAM1 displays the broadest expression
differentiation antigen 66 a; NCA-160; pattern amongst CEA family members; it has first
Nonspecific cross-reacting antigen with a Mw of been described as a cell–cell adhesion molecule
160kD on rat hepatocytes. CEACAM1 is expressed on
epithelia, endothelia, and leukocytes.
CEACAM1 is a heavily glycosylated molecule
Definition that exists in 11 known isoforms emerging from
differential splicing and proteolytic processing.
CEACAM1 (CEA-related cell adhesion molecule 1) The two major isoforms of CEACAM1 consist
belongs to the CEA (▶ carcinoembryonic antigen, of four extracellular Ig-like domains, a transmem-
▶ CEA gene family) family of cell surface glyco- brane domain, and either a long or a short
proteins, a subfamily of the immunoglobulin gene cytoplasmic tail, referred to as the long
superfamily. The CEA family comprises two (CEACAM1-4L) and the short isoform
major groups, the CEA-related molecules and the (CEACAM1-4S), respectively. In addition
PSG (pregnancy-specific glycoprotein)-related to these transmembrane isoforms, soluble
CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule 875

CEACAM1 isoforms are found in body fluids, for CEACAM1 in Cancer

example, in saliva, serum, seminal fluid, and bile. The first report on CEACAM1, in the context of
Glycans on the extracellular domains of human pathological conditions, was on elevated
CEACAM1 are linked to the protein backbone serum levels of a biliary glycoprotein in patients
via N-glycosidic linkages. It is presently unknown with liver or biliary tract disease. Later, aberrant
whether all of the 19 motifs that may render CEACAM1 expression in a broad variety of
N-linked ▶ glycosylation actually harbor sugar human malignancies has been reported. In the C
moieties. On human granulocytes, CEACAM1 is progression of malignant diseases, two general
a major carrier of Lewisx glycans that are impli- patterns in the changes of CEACAM1 expression
cated in cellular adhesion to cognate lectins on levels have emerged. In the first group of tumors,
blood vessels, within the extracellular matrix, or CEACAM1 expression is downregulated in the
antigen presenting cells. CEACAM1 also elicits course of progressing disease. In the second
cell–cell adhesion via self-association in a group of tumors, CEACAM1 expression appears
homomeric fashion or via formation of to be upregulated; often, this upregulation of
heteromers with other CEA-family members and CEACAM1 expression is observed in the context
different adhesion molecules that are either with increased invasiveness (▶ invasion) of the
located on the same cell or on neighboring cells. primary tumor or is found on microvessels in
The resulting adhesive properties are modulated progressing (▶ progression) tumor areas (Fig. 2).
by differential expression ratios between the long
and short CEACAM1 isoform, respectively. Loss of CEACAM1 Expression in
Through its long and short cytoplasmic tail, Tumorigenesis and Tumor Progression
CEACAM1 mediates molecular interactions Human cancers that show the downregulation
with cytoskeletal components or adapter proteins, of CEACAM1 expression in the course of
which are integral parts of various key signal tumor progression are carcinomas of the liver
transduction pathways (signal transduction, cell (▶ hepatocellular carcinoma), colon (colon
biology). These interactions are in part dependent cancer, colorectal premalignant lesions), kidney
on differential phosphorylation of the (renal cell carcinoma, renal carcinoma), urinary
CEACAM1-4L cytoplasmic domain on tyrosine bladder (bladder cancer, bladder tumors), prostate
and serine residues. The overall phosphorylation (prostate cancer, clinical oncology), mammary
status of the CEACAM1-4L cytoplasmic domain gland (▶ breast cancer), and the endometrium
relays signals, which contribute to cellular motil- (▶ endometrial cancer). In general, down-
ity and differentiation, and thus determine cell fate regulation and subsequent loss of CEACAM1
by promoting proliferation or cell death. Phos- expression is more frequent in high-grade tumors
phorylation of CEACAM1-4L cytoplasmic tyro- that are poorly differentiated and often associated
sines that are part of an imperfect ITIM (immune with a larger tumor size.
receptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif) and ser- On epithelia, especially those that form a lumen,
ine residues regulate the interaction with kinases, CEACAM1 exhibits a pronounced apical expres-
phosphatases, cellular receptors for insulin sion, like in the entire gastrointestinal tract, breast,
(▶ Insulin receptor), the epidermal growth factor liver, prostate, bladder, and kidney. CEACAM1
(epidermal growth factor receptor ligand, epider- expression has been implicated in morphogenesis
mal growth factor receptor inhibitor), and other of lumen formation. In the process of building an
cellular adhesion molecules, for example, integrin asymmetrical epithelium, lateral CEACAM1
avb3 (integrin signaling and cancer). These qual- expression on neighboring cells is lost and often
ities make CEACAM1 an important tool for cel- becomes entirely apical once a lumen or a duct has
lular communication and they illustrate why so been formed. The loss of CEACAM1 expression in
many different biological functions have been the context of tumorigenesis has been studied most
attributed to CEACAM1 in different biological extensively in the context of breast, colonic, and
contexts (Fig. 1). prostate carcinomas.
876 CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule


N. meningitidis
N. gonorrhoe N N
M. catarrhalis
Murine hepatitis virus


A1 A1
Integrin ανβ3



B1 B1

S. typhimurium
E. coli

A2 A2

src, SHP1, SHP2,

caspase-3, paxillin, Tyr488 Actin, tropomyosin
filamin, calmodulin

CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule, Fig. 1 Schematic rep- hepatitis virus: Additionally, CEACAM1 binds to galectin-
resentation of CEACAM1-4L and CEACAM1–4S and 3, DC-SIGN (dendritic cell ICAM3-grabbing nonintegrin),
their participation in extracellular and intracellular com- and integrin avb3. Tyrosine and serine residues involved in
munication. The two major CEACAM1 isoforms consist relaying CEACAM1-4L-mediated signal transduction are
of four extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains, a indicated by red and grey circles, respectively. Through its
transmembrane domain and either a long or a short cyto- long cytoplasmic tail, CEACAM1-4L interacts with
plasmic tail. The N-terminal domain (N) resembles a intracellular kinases of the SRC-family (▶ SRC), the
variable-like Ig domain but lacks the cystin bond usually tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2, caspase-3 as
found in Ig members. The A1, B1, and A2 domain resem- well as with paxillin, filamin, and calmodulin. Differential
ble constant I-type-like Ig domains. Motifs for N-linked phosphorylation of the CEACAM1-4L cytoplasmic
glycosylation are represented by lollipops. With its extra- domain is required for its interaction with the insulin
cellular domains, CEACAM1 mediates recognition of var- receptor, regulating insulin receptor internalization and
ious pathogens, such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella recycling, and for modulating immune responses
typhimurium, Moraxella catarrhalis, Neisseria elicited by lymphocytes, for example. The short cytoplas-
gonorrhoeae, and Neisseria meningitidis. The murine mic domain of CEACAM1–4S binds to actin and
homologue of CEACAM1 is the receptor for the murine tropomyosin

A hallmark of carcinomatous lesions is the loss This observation and the fact that the CEACAM1
of polarity of their epithelial structures. In colonic gene is silenced in the course of aberrant cell
epithelium, for example, loss of polarity is accom- growth prompted the hypothesis that CEACAM1
panied by the loss of apical CEACAM1 expres- acts as a tumor suppressor. In intestinal cells, the
sion that occurs in early adenomas and presence of the long CEACAM1 isoform is
carcinomas. In these tumors, the presence and required to suppress tumor growth, and the lack
absence of CEACAM1 correlate with normal of CEACAM1-4L expression is accompanied by
and reduced apoptosis (apoptosis, apoptosis sig- a decrease in proteins that inhibit cell cycle
nals), respectively. Furthermore, the naturally progression.
occurring process of ▶ anoikis, once cells lose In human mammary epithelial cells,
contact to their substratum, is compromised. CEACAM1 expression is causally related to
CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule 877

However, since particular mutations or allelic

loss of the CEACAM1 gene in human cancers has
CEACAM1 not been described so far, it is likely that the
dysregulation of CEACAM1 expression rather
than irreversible loss of the CEACAM1 gene are
Thyroid linked to tumorigenesis and tumor progression
in vivo. Hence, gene silencing may attribute to C
the loss of the tumor suppressive qualities of
Breast CEACAM1. Though there are no changes in pro-
Lung moter ▶ methylation of the CEACAM1 gene
linked to tumor progression, CEACAM1 pro-
moter activity appears to be regulated by binding
of the transcription factor Sp2. In high-grade pros-
tate carcinomas, Sp2 is highly abundant, whereas
Colon CEACAM1 expression is lost. Sp2 localizes to the
Kidney Skin CEACAM1 promoter and imposes repression of
gene transcription by recruiting histone
Endometrium deacetylase.

Bladder Upregulation of CEACAM1 Expression in

Prostate CEACAM1 Malignant Diseases
Opposed to its tumor suppressive functions, cer-
CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule, Fig. 2 Dysregulation tain tumors gain CEACAM1 expression in the
of CEACAM1 expression in human cancers. Changes of course of cancer development. In the case of
epithelial CEACAM1 expression in the course tumor malignant melanomas and thyroid carcinomas,
progressison: In mammary carcinomas and carcinomas of
the liver, colon, endometrium, kidney, bladder, and pros- expression of CEACAM1 correlates with an
tate, CEACAM1 expression is downregulated on tumor increase of tumor invasiveness and development
epithelium (epithelial cancers). Downregulation of of metastatic disease. In primary cutaneous malig-
CEACAM1 levels often correlates with dedifferentiation nant melanomas, for example, CEACAM1
of the tumor and loss of tissue architecture. In carcinomas
of the thyroid, ▶ non-small cell lung cancer (▶ lung can- expression is found at the invasive front of the
cer), pancreatic tumors (pancreas cancer, clinical oncol- tumors, and its coexpression with integrin avb3
ogy), and malignant melanomas, CEACAM1 is induced indicates that CEACAM1 may directly promote
or upregulated in the course of tumor growth. Here, on cellular invasion. In a follow-up study,
CEACAM1 expression is found on the invasive front of
the tumors and is related to development of metastatic CEACAM1 was identified as an independent
disease (▶ metastasis) and poor prognosis. In pancreatic prognostic marker, predicting the development
cancer, CEACAM1 has been identified as a novel bio- of metastatic disease and poor survival. In this
marker (biomarker, clinical cancer biomarker) that indi- context, it is noteworthy that CEACAM1 on mel-
cates the presence of malignant disease
anoma cells forms homophilic cell–cell
contacts with CEACAM1 molecules on tumor-
infiltrating lymphocytes and leads to the inhibi-
lumen formation and differentiation. In mammary tion of their cytolytic function. Similarly, in
glands, CEACAM1-4S is the predominating iso- human non-small cell lung cancer, CEACAM1
form, and only the short cytoplasmic tail induces expression correlates with advanced disease,
apoptosis of the central cells and subsequently whereas it is not expressed on the normal
leads to lumen formation in mammary morpho- bronchiolar epithelium; this CEACAM1
genesis. During tumor progression, CEACAM1- neoexpression was identified as an independent
4S expression is lost and acinar polarity no longer prognostic marker, indicating lower incidence of
can be observed. relapse-free survival.

In pancreatic carcinomas, CEACAM1 has from human diseases could be confirmed. The
been identified as a novel serum biomarker, with focus of the mouse and rat models (▶ Mouse
an increased CEACAM1 expression on neoplastic model) studied to date was set largely on the
cells of pancreatic adenocarcinomas and elevation tumor-suppressive effects or enhancement of met-
of serum levels at the same time. Additionally, astatic disease of CEACAM1-4L on the progres-
significant differences in CEACAM1 serum sion of colonic cancer, prostate cancer,
levels were found in patients with either pancre- hepatocellular carcinomas, and malignant mela-
atic cancer or chronic pancreatitis. Opposed to the nomas. In CEACAM1-knockout mice, chemi-
classical pancreatic tumor marker CA19-9, cally induced colonic tumor growth was
CEACAM1 was confirmed as an independent significantly increased in terms of tumor numbers
marker to distinguish between the presence of and size opposed to CEACAM1-expressing
malignant disease and pancreatitis. wild type littermates. In syngeneic and xenotypic
transplantation of tumor cells of the colon,
CEACAM1 and Tumor Angiogenesis prostate, and hepatocellular carcinomas, the
CEACAM1 expression on human blood vessels is tumor-suppressive effects of CEACAM1-4L
restricted to newly formed vessels, and usually, no expression could also be validated. After xeno-
CEACAM1 is found on mature, large vessels. The transplantation of human CEACAM1-expressing
first indication that CEACAM1 is related to melanoma cell lines into immune-deficient mice,
▶ angiogenesis was the description of enhanced metastasis was observed when com-
CEACAM1 neoexpression on newly formed ves- pared to transplantation of CEACAM1-negative
sels in the human placenta. Furthermore, cell lines.
CEACAM1 is expressed on vessels in wound
healing tissues and on tumor vessels of human
bladder carcinomas, the prostate, hemangiomas,
and ▶ neuroblastomas. CEACAM1 expression in References
endothelia is induced by VEGF (▶ vascular endo-
thelial growth factor)-dependent pathways and Beauchemin N, Draber P, Dveksler G et al (1999)
appears to favor vessel maturation. Redefined nomenclature for members of the
carcinoembryonic antigen family. Exp Cell Res
In human prostate carcinomas, CEACAM1 252:243–249
shows divergent expression on tumoral blood ves- Gray-Owen SD, Blumberg RS (2006) CEACAM1:
sels and the tumor epithelium. The presence of contact-dependent control of immunity. Nat Rev
epithelial CEACAM1 is observed in the context Immunol 6:433–446
Kuespert K, Pils S, Hauck CR (2006) CEACAMs: their
of poor tumoral blood vessel growth and loss of role in physiology and pathophysiology. Curr Opin
epithelial CEACAM1 expression parallels Cell Biol 18:565–571
enhanced tumor angiogenesis. Especially in Prall F, Nollau P, Neumaier M et al (1996) CD66a (BGP),
high-grade prostate carcinomas, tumor proximal an adhesion molecule of the carcinoembryonic antigen
family, is expressed in epithelium, endothelium, and
vessels are expressing CEACAM1. Contrary to myeloid cells in a wide range of normal human tissues.
prostate carcinomas, microvessels in human neu- J Histochem Cytochem 44:35–41
roblastomas are CEACAM1-positive only during Singer BB, Lucka LK (2005) CEACAM1. UCSD-nature
tumor maturation, but absent in undifferentiated, molecule pages. Nat Publ Group. doi:10.1038/mp.
high-grade tumors. In ▶ Kaposi sarcomas,
CEACAM1 upregulation is observed, indicating
that CEACAM1 might be related to lymphatic
reprogramming of the vasculature in these tumors.

Studying CEACAM1 in Cancer: Animal Models CEACAM1 = BGP

In animal models investigating CEACAM1 func-
tion in tumorigenesis in vivo, the observations ▶ CEA Gene Family
Celastrol 879

CEACAM5 Celastrol

▶ Carcinoembryonic Antigen Qing Ping Dou1 and Xiao Yuan2

The Prevention Program, Barbara Ann
Karmanos Cancer Institute and Department of
Pathology, School of Medicine, Wayne State C
University, Detroit, MI, USA
CEACAM5 = CEA Research and Development Center, Wuhan
Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science,
▶ CEA Gene Family Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China


CEACAM6 = NCA Quinone methide friedelane tripterene (2R,4aS,6a

▶ CEA Gene Family
carboxylic acid; Tripterine

Celastrol is a natural quinone methide friedelane
▶ CEA Gene Family
tripterene, widely found in the plant genera
Celastrus, Maytenus, and Tripterygium, all of
which are present in China. For example, celastrol
is one of the active components extracted from
Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F, an ivy-like vine
CEACAM8 = CGM6 also known as “Thunder of God Vine,” which
belongs to the family of Celastraceae and has
▶ CEA Gene Family been used as a natural medicine in China for
hundreds of years (Fig. 1).

CEA-Related Cell Adhesion
Molecule 1 Biological Properties
Celastrol has strong antifungal, anti-
▶ CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. It has
been shown that celastrol isolated from the roots
of Celastrus hypoleucus (Oliv) Warb f argutior
Loes exhibited inhibitory effects against diverse
phytopathogenic fungi. Celastrol was also found
CED to inhibit the mycelial growth of Rhizoctonia
solani Kuhn and Glomerella cingulata (Stonem)
▶ Convection-Enhanced Delivery Spauld and Schrenk in vitro. Furthermore,
880 Celastrol

Celastrol, Fig. 1 The chemical structure and nucleophilic celastrol analyzed using CAChe software. Higher suscep-
susceptibility of celastrol. (a) The chemical structure of tibility was shown at the C2 and C6 positions of celastrol
celastrol is shown. (b) Nucleophilic susceptibility of

celastrol has good preventive effect and curative tumor ▶ angiogenesis inhibitor. In a sharp com-
effect against wheat powdery mildew in vivo. parison, celastrol can block neuronal cell death in
Celastrol in low nanomolar concentrations cultured cells and in animal models. These unique
suppresses the production of the pro- features of celastrol suggest potential use for treat-
inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor- ment of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases
alpha (TNF-a) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1b) by accompanied by inflammation, such as Alzheimer
human monocytes and macrophages. Celastrol disease.
also decreases the induction of class II major
histocompatibility complex (MHC) expression Potential Molecular Targets
by microglia. In macrophage lineage cells Celastrol is a naturally occurring potent inhibitor of
and endothelial cells, celastrol decreases induc- the ▶ proteasome and nuclear factor kappa
tion of nitric oxide (NO) production. Celastrol B (NFkB). Proteasome, or 26S proteasome, is a
also suppresses adjuvant arthritis in the rat, multicatalytic protease complex consisting of a
demonstrating in vivo anti-inflammatory activity. 20S catalytic particle capped by two 19S regulatory
Low doses of celastrol administered to rats could particles. The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is
significantly improve the performance of these responsible for the degradation of most endogenous
animals in memory, learning, and psychomotor proteins involved in gene transcription, cell cycle
activity. progression, differentiation, senescence, and apo-
In an isolated rat liver assay of lipid peroxida- ptosis. Inhibition of the proteasomal chymotrypsin-
tion, the antioxidant potency of celastrol (IC50 like but not trypsin-like activity is associated with
7 mM) is 15 times stronger than that of induction of apoptosis in tumor cells.
a-tocopherol or vitamin E. Under in vitro condi- Both computational and experimental data sup-
tions, celastrol was found to inhibit ▶ cancer cell port the hypothesis that celastrol is a natural
proliferation and induce programmed cell death proteasome inhibitor. Atomic orbital energy analy-
(or ▶ apoptosis) in a broad range of tumor cell sis demonstrates high susceptibility of C2 on
lines, including 60 National Cancer Institute A-ring and C6 on B-ring of celastrol toward a
(NCI) human cancer cell lines. As a ▶ topoisom- nucleophilic attack. Computational modeling
erase II inhibitor, celastrol was fivefold more shows that celastrol binds to the proteasomal chy-
potent than the well-known topoisomerase inhib- motrypsin site (b5 subunit) in an orientation and
itor etoposide to induce apoptosis in HL-60 leu- conformation that is suitable for a nucleophilic
kemia cells. Celastrol was also found to be a attack by the hydroxyl (OH) group of N-terminal
Celastrol 881

end time points demonstrated in vivo inhibition of

the proteasomal activity and induction of apopto-
sis after celastrol treatment.
Antitumor activity of celastrol was also observed
in a breast cancer mouse model. Celastrol inhibited
60% tumor growth in breast cancer xenograft
through NFkB inhibition. NFkB inhibition by C
celastrol includes inhibition of its DNA-binding
activity and inhibition of IkBa degradation induced
by TNF-a or phorbol myristyl acetate. Further
investigation showed that the cysteine-179 in the
IkBa kinase was a potential target of celastrol-
suppressed IkBa degradation. Since the proteasome
is required for the activation of NFkB by degrading
Celastrol, Fig. 2 Docking solution of celastrol. Celastrol IkBa, the proteasome inhibition may also contribute
was docked to S1 pocket of b5 subunit of 20S proteasome. to the NFkB inhibition by celastrol.
Celastrol was shown in pink while b5 subunit was shown
in purple. The selected conformation with 92% possibility
TNF could send both anti-apoptotic and
showed the distances to the OH group of N-Thr from C6 pro-apoptotic signals. The effects of celastrol on
and C2 were 2.96 Å and 4.16 Å, respectively cellular responses activated by the potent
pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF have also been
investigated. Celastrol was able to potentiate the
threonine of b5 subunit. The distances to the OH of apoptosis induced by TNF and chemotherapeutic
N-terminal threonine of b5 from the electrophilic agents and inhibited invasion, both regulated by
C6 and C2 of celastrol are measured as 2.96 Å and NFkB activation. TNF induced the expression of
4.16 Å, respectively. Both carbons, more probably gene products involved in anti-apoptosis (IAP1,
C6, of celastrol potentially interact with N-terminal IAP2, ▶ Bcl2, Bcl-XL, c-FLIP, and survivin), pro-
threonine of b5 subunit and inhibit the proteasomal liferation (cyclin D1 and COX-2), invasion
chymotrypsin-like activity (Fig. 2). (MMP-9), and angiogenesis (VEGF), and
Celastrol potently and preferentially inhibits celastrol treatment suppressed the expression of
the chymotrypsin-like activity of a purified 20S these genes. Celastrol also suppressed both induc-
proteasome with an IC50 value 2.5 mM. Celastrol ible and constitutive NFkB activation. Further-
at 1–5 mM inhibits the proteasomal activity in more, celastrol was found to inhibit the
intact human prostate cancer cells. The inhibition TNF-induced activation of IkBa kinase, IkBa
of the cellular proteasome activity by celastrol phosphorylation, IkBa degradation, p65 nuclear
results in accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins translocation and phosphorylation, and NFkB-
and three natural proteasome substrates, IkB-a, mediated reporter gene expression. Therefore,
Bax, and p27, leading to induction of apoptosis celastrol potentiates TNF-induced apoptosis and
in ▶ androgen receptor (AR)-negative PC-3 cells. inhibits invasion through suppression of the
In AR-positive LNCaP cells, celastrol-mediated NFkB pathway.
proteasome inhibition was accompanied by sup-
pression of AR protein, probably by inhibiting Clinical Relevance
ATP-binding activity of heat shock protein Due to its antioxidant or anti-inflammatory effects,
90 (Hsp90) that is responsible for AR folding. celastrol has been effectively used in the treatment of
Treatment of PC-3 tumor-bearing nude mice autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic
with celastrol (1–3 mg/kg/day, i.p., for 1–31 lupus erythematosus), asthma, chronic inflamma-
days) resulted in significant inhibition (65–93%) tion, and neurodegenerative diseases. As a bioactive
of the tumor growth. Multiple assays using the component in Chinese traditional medicinal prod-
animal tumor tissue samples from both early and ucts from the extract of the roots of Tripterygium
882 Celebra

wilfordii Hook F, celastrol has been used since the

1960s in China for autoimmune diseases but has Celecoxib
showed some side effects such as nausea, vomiting,
etc. Celastrol has not been used solely as a medica- Numsen Hail1 and Reuben Lotan2
tion product. Celastrol has antitumor activities via Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The
inhibition of the proteasome and NFkB activation, University of Colorado at Denver and Health
indicating that celastrol has a great potential to be Sciences Center, Denver, CO, USA
used for cancer prevention and treatment. This find- 2
Department of Thoracic Head and Neck Medical
ing can be applied to various human cancers and Oncology, The University of Texas
diseases in which the proteasome is involved and on MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
which celastrol has an effect.

Celebra; Celebrex; 4-[5-(4-Methylphenyl)-3-
▶ Topoisomerases (trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl] benzene

Hieronymus H, Lamb J, Ross KN et al (2006) Gene

expression signature-based chemical genomic predic-
tion identifies a novel class of HSP90 pathway modu- Celecoxib, a diaryl-substituted pyrazole drug, was
lators. Cancer Cell 10:321–330 developed by G. D. Searle & Company and is
Sassa H, Takaishi Y, Terada H (1990) The triterpene celastrol
as a very potent inhibitor of lipid peroxidation in mito-
currently marketed by Pfizer Incorporated under
chondria. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 172:890–897 the brand names Celebrex and Celebra. Celecoxib
Sethi G, Ahn KS, Pandey MK et al (2006) Celastrol, a is a member of the class of agents known as
novel triterpene, potentiates TNF-induced apoptosis ▶ non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
and suppresses invasion of tumor cells by inhibiting
NF-?B-regulated gene products and TAK1-mediated (NSAIDs). NSAIDs are the most commonly
NF-?B activation. Blood 109:2727–2735 used therapeutic agents for the treatment of acute
Setty AR, Sigal LH (2005) Herbal medications commonly pain, fever, menstrual symptoms, osteoarthritis,
used in the practice of rheumatology: mechanisms of and rheumatoid arthritis. Because of their ability
action, efficacy, and side effects. Semin Arthritis
Rheum 34:773–784
to reduce tissue ▶ inflammation, which is often
Yang HJ, Chen D, Cui QZC et al (2006) Celastrol, a associated with tumorigenesis at various sites in
triterpene extracted from the Chinese “Thunder of the body (e.g., gastrointestinal tract and lung),
God Vine”, is a potent proteasome inhibitor and sup- celecoxib and certain other NSAIDs are also con-
presses human prostate cancer growth in nude mice.
Cancer Res 66:4758–4765
sidered to have a potential in cancer chemopre-
vention as exemplified by their ability to prevent
the formation and decrease the size of polyps in
familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) patients.
Celebra Orally administered celecoxib exhibits good sys-
temic bioavailability and tissue distribution with
▶ Celecoxib an estimated plasma half-life of approximately
11 h. Celecoxib binds to plasma albumin and is
metabolized primarily by hepatic enzymes prior to
excretion. In humans, long-term exposures to
Celebrex celecoxib taken for arthritis pain relief at 100 mg
twice daily caused no biologically significant
▶ Celecoxib adverse reactions. However, higher doses of
Celecoxib 883

H3C nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), which controls

COX-2 expression and has been associated with
tumorigenesis in various cell types.
The COX-2 isoenzyme is frequently
unregulated in cancer cells, as well as cells that
constitute premalignant lesions, which are impor-
tant targets for cancer chemoprevention. The C
CF3 expression of the inducible COX-2 is enhanced
N in 50% of colon adenomas and in the majority of
O human colorectal cancers, as opposed to COX-1,
H2N which typically remains unchanged. Thus, the
S increase in COX-2 expression, which is an early
event in colon carcinogenesis, is believed to be
O necessary for tumor promotion. Aberrant COX-2
expression has also been implicated in tumorigen-
Celecoxib, Fig. 1 The chemical structure of celecoxib esis in the lung, prostate, esophagus, ▶ Brms1,
liver, pancreas, and skin. The activity of COX-2
400 mg twice daily recommended for patients to produce arachidonic acid metabolites appears
with FAP resulted in threefold increased risk of to enhance the proliferation of transformed cells
cardiovascular events (Fig. 1). and/or increases their survival through the sup-
▶ Cyclooxygenase Dependent Mechanisms for pression of ▶ apoptosis. Furthermore, COX-2
Cancer Chemoprevention by Celecoxib. expression by tumor cells can stimulate ▶ angio-
Cyclooxygenases are enzymes that are indispens- genesis at the tumor site and alter tumor cell
able for the synthesis of ▶ prostaglandins. Prosta- adhesion to promote ▶ metastasis.
glandins are ▶ hormones generated from Celecoxib is a highly selective inhibitor of
arachidonic acid, and they are found in virtually COX-2. Traditional NSAIDs (e.g., aspirin) inhibit
all tissues and organs. Prostaglandins typically both COX-1 and COX-2 isozymes. In contrast,
act as short-lived local cell signaling intermedi- celecoxib is approximately 20 times more selec-
ates that regulate processes associated with tive for COX-2 inhibition compared to its inhibi-
inflammation. In the early 1990s, cyclo- tion of COX-1. This specificity allows celecoxib,
oxygenases were demonstrated to exist as two and other selective COX-2 inhibitors, to reduce
isoforms, cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and inflammation while minimizing adverse drug
cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). COX-1 is character- reactions (e.g., stomach ulcers and reduced plate-
ized as a constitutively expressed housekeeping let aggregation) that are common with
enzyme that mediates physiological responses non-selective NSAIDs. This selectivity for
like platelet aggregation, gastric cytoprotection, COX-2 is also intimately associated with the puta-
and the regulation of renal blood flow. In contrast, tive cancer chemopreventive activity of
COX-2 is recognized as the inducible cyclooxy- celecoxib, which has been demonstrated in colo-
genase isoform that is primarily responsible for rectal cancer prevention. Epidemiological studies
the synthesis of the prostaglandins that are have shown that persons who regularly take aspi-
involved in pathological processes (e.g., chronic rin have about a 50% lower risk of developing
inflammation) in cells that mediate inflammation colorectal cancer. Celecoxib was the most effec-
(e.g., macrophages and monocytes). COX-2 is tive NSAID in reducing the incidence and multi-
inducible by oncogenes (e.g., RAS and ▶ SRC), plicity of colon tumors in a rat colon
interleukin-1, ▶ hypoxia, benzo[a]pyrene, ultra- carcinogenesis model. Moreover, in a clinical set-
violet light, epidermal growth factor, ting celecoxib has been used effectively to sup-
▶ transforming growth factor b, and tumor necro- press the development and/or reduce the number
sis factor a. Many of these inducers activate of colorectal polyps in patients with FAP. This
884 Celecoxib

inflammatory disease often predisposes individ- metabolism. Celecoxib treatment increases the
uals to the development of ▶ colorectal cancers. level of the sphingolipid ceramide in murine mam-
The anti-inflammatory mediated anticancer mary tumor cells irrespective of COX-2 expres-
effects of celecoxib may be tissue-specific consid- sion. This increase in ▶ ceramide was considered
ering that celecoxib reduced lung inflammation in essential to apoptosis induction in these cells. Cer-
mice, but failed to inhibit the formation of chem- amide has been shown to mediate apoptosis in
ically induced lung tumors in these animals. response to inflammatory cytokines like Fas and
Cyclooxygenase Independent Mechanisms for tumor necrosis factor a, and/or conditions associ-
Cancer Chemoprevention by Celecoxib. The ated with ▶ oxidative stress. During conditions of
results of several in vitro and animal studies sug- cell stress, the deregulation of ceramide generating
gest the celecoxib may suppress tumorigenesis and/or utilizing processes are believed to cause a
through several COX-2-independent mecha- net increase in cellular ceramide that is sufficient to
nisms, which may account, at least in part, for trigger apoptosis induction via a mitochondrial
celecoxib’s anti-cancer effects in humans. For membrane permeabilization mechanism.
example, celecoxib inhibited the proliferation of Celecoxib treatment has also been shown to
various cancer cell types in vitro irrespective of suppress the activity of the Ca ATPase located in
their expression of COX-2, including transformed the endoplasmic reticulum of human prostate can-
haematopoietic cells and immortalized and cer cells. The inhibition of the Ca2 ATPase by
transformed human bronchial epithelial cells that celecoxib disrupted Ca2+ homeostasis in the pros-
were deficient in COX-2 expression. Celecoxib tate cancer cells. This activity was highly specific
also inhibited the growth of human COX-2- for celecoxib and was not associated with the expo-
deficient colon cancer cells that were transplanted sure to other COX-2 inhibitors, including
as xenografts in nude mice. Thus, the chemopre- rofecoxib. Microsome and plasma membrane prep-
ventive effect of COX-2-specific inhibitors like arations from the human prostate cancer cells
celecoxib may be due to their effect on COX-2 showed that only the Ca2 ATPases located in the
as well as targets other than COX-2. endoplasmic reticulum were the direct targets of
One putative COX-2 independent target for celecoxib. The disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis
celecoxib is the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase played a central role in apoptosis induction in the
(PI3K) pathway, which is often deregulated in prostate cancer cells because it was required for the
tumor cells. Celecoxib appears to directly inhibit activation of Ca2+-dependent hydrolyses that car-
the phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 ried out cellular degradation. Moreover, mitochon-
(PDK1), and its downstream substrate protein drial membrane permeabilization, which releases
kinase B/AKT, in the PI3K pathway. Protein cytochrome c to activate cell death, is sensitive to
kinase B/AKT inhibits apoptosis through the elevations in intracellular free Ca2+. Consequently,
phosphorylation, and thus inactivation, of the the celecoxib-induced inhibition Ca2 ATPases
proapoptotic ▶ BCL-2 family protein BA- located in the endoplasmic reticulum may provide
D. During apoptotic stimuli, BAD antagonizes a link to mitochondrial membrane permeabilization
BCL-2 and BCL-XL activity, which can promote for apoptosis induction much in the same way
mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and that celecoxib inhibition of the PI3K pathway
cell death. The inhibition of the PI3K pathway can regulate BAD phosphorylation to trigger
by celecoxib is believed to be specific in its ability mitochondrial-mediated cell death.
to promote apoptosis in transformed cells. For It is apparent that the central hypothesis of
example, rofecoxib, another specific COX-2 a dominant role for COX-2 inhibition in
inhibitor, had only marginal protein kinase cancer prevention by celecoxib may need
B/AKT inhibitory activity in tumor cells during re-examination. Furthermore, the COX-2 depen-
apoptosis induction. dent and independent action of celecoxib in can-
Another presumed COX-2 independent target cer prevention may be tissue specific. Since the
of celecoxib in tumor cells is sphingolipid aberrant expression of COX-2 is implicated in the
Cell Adhesion Molecules 885

pathogenesis of various types of human cancers, Definition

perhaps this inducible enzyme may be a useful
surrogate biomarker of the anticancer activity of Cell ▶ adhesion molecules are transmembrane or
celecoxib when evaluating the chemoprevention of membrane-linked glycoproteins that mediate the
cancer at various sites in the body. Although the connections between cells or the attachment of
precise molecular mechanism for its chemopreven- cells to substrate (such as stroma or basement
tive effects are still fairly unknown, celecoxib may membrane). Dynamic cell-cell and cell-substrate C
be still useful as a chemopreventive agent for a adhesion is a major morphogenetic factor in
variety of malignancies, especially since it triggers developing multicellular organisms. In adult ani-
less toxicity and adverse side effects during long- mals, adhesive mechanisms underlie the mainte-
tern use when compared to traditional NSAIDs. nance of tissue architecture, allow the generation
Celecoxib may be useful when combined with of force and movement, and guarantee the func-
other cancer chemopreventive/therapeutic agents tionality of the organs (e.g., to create barriers in
to control the process of tumorigenesis. secreting organs, intestines, and blood vessels) as
well as the generation and maintenance of neuro-
nal connections. Cell adhesion is also an inte-
References grated component of the immune system and
wound healing. At the cellular level, cell adhesion
Chun KS, Surh JY (2006) Signal transduction pathways molecules do not function just as molecular glue.
regulating cyclooxygenase-2 expression: potential
Several signaling functions have been attributed
molecular targets for chemoprevention. Biochem
Pharmacol 68:1089–1100 to adhesion molecules, and cell adhesion is
Grosch S, Maier TJ, Schiffmann S et al (2006) involved in processes such as contact inhibition,
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-independent growth, and ▶ apoptosis. Deficiencies in the func-
anticarcinogenic effects of selective COX-2 inhibitors.
tion of cell adhesion molecules underlie a wide
J Natl Cancer Inst 98:736–747
Kismet K, Akay MT, Abbasoglu O et al (2004) Celecoxib: variety of human diseases including cancer. By
a potent cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor in cancer preven- their adhesive activities and their dialogue with
tion. Cancer Detect Prev 28:127–142 the ▶ cytoskeleton, adhesion molecules directly
Psaty BM, Potter JD (2006) Risks and benefits of celecoxib
to prevent recurrent adenomas. N Engl J Med
influence the invasive and metastatic behavior of
355:950–952 tumor cells and by their signaling function they
Schroeder CP, Kadara H, Lotan D et al (2006) Involvement can be involved in the initiation of tumorigenesis.
of mitochondrial and akt signaling pathways in aug-
mented apoptosis induced by a combination of low
doses of celecoxib and N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)
retinamide in premalignant human bronchial epithelial Characteristics
cells. Cancer Res 66:9762–9770
At the molecular level, cell adhesion is mediated
by molecules that are exposed on the external
surface of the cell and are somehow physically
Cell Adhesion Molecules linked to the cell membrane. In essence, there are
three possible mechanisms by which such
Kris Vleminckx membrane-attached adhesion molecules link
Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology cells to each other (Fig. 1a). Firstly, molecules
and Center for Medical Genetics, Ghent on one cell bind directly to similar molecules on
University, Ghent, Belgium the other cell (homophilic adhesion). Secondly,
adhesion molecules on one cell bind to other
adhesion receptors on the other cell (heterophilic
Synonyms adhesion). Finally, two different adhesion mole-
cules on two cells may both bind to a shared
Adhesion molecules; CAMs secreted multivalent ligand in the extracellular
886 Cell Adhesion Molecules

a Cell-cell adhesion




Cell-substrate adhesion

b Cytoskeletal strengthening

Cell Adhesion Molecules, Fig. 1 Different modes of cell- identical cell types (homotypic adhesion) or between cells of
cell and cell-substrate adhesion and the mechanism of cyto- different origin (heterotypic adhesion), independently of the
skeletal strengthening. (a) Three possible mechanisms by involved adhesion molecules. Cell-substrate adhesion mole-
which cell adhesion molecules mediate intercellular adhesion. cules attach cells to specific compounds of the extracellular
A cell surface molecule can bind to an identical molecule matrix. Cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesion can occur simul-
(homophilic adhesion) on the opposing cell or can interact taneously. (b) Intercellular and cell-substrate adhesion can be
with another adhesion receptor (heterophilic adhesion). Alter- strengthened by indirect intracellular linkage of the cytoplas-
natively, cell adhesion receptors on two neighboring cells can mic tail of the adhesion molecules to the cytoskeleton and by
bind to the same multivalent, secreted ligand (linkermediated lateral clustering in the membrane
adhesion). Intercellular adhesion can take place between
Cell Adhesion Molecules 887

space. Also, cell-cell adhesion between two iden- variety of adhesive interactions both in the embryo
tical cells is called homotypic (cell) adhesion, and the adult. Cadherins play a fundamental role in
while heterotypic (cell) adhesion takes place metazoan embryos, from the earliest gross morpho-
between two different cell types. In the case of genetic events (e.g., separation of germ layers dur-
cell-substrate adhesion, the adhesion molecules ing gastrulation) to the most delicate tunings later
bind to the extracellular matrix (ECM). in development (e.g., molecular wiring of the neu-
ral network). The extracellular part of vertebrate C
Cell Adhesion Molecules and the classical cadherins consists of a number of cadherin
Cytoskeleton repeats whose conformation is highly dependent
Adhesion molecules can be associated with the on the presence or absence of calcium ions.
cell membrane either by a glycosylphosphatidyl- Homophilic interactions can only be realized in
inositol (GPI) anchor or by a membrane-spanning the presence of calcium, usually by the most distal
region. In the latter case, the cytoplasmic part of cadherin repeat. Classical cadherins are generally
the molecule often associates indirectly with com- exposed as homodimers and their cytoplasmic
ponents of the cytoskeleton (e.g., actin, interme- domain can be structurally or functionally associ-
diate filaments, or submembranous cortex). This ated with the actin cytoskeleton. Cadherins are the
implies that adhesion molecules, which by them- major adhesion molecules in tissues that are subject
selves establish extracellular contacts, can be to high mechanical stress such as epithelia (▶ E-
structurally integrated with the intracellular cyto- cadherin) and endothelia (VE-cadherin). However,
skeleton, and they are often clustered in specific finer and more elegant intercellular interactions,
restricted areas in the membrane, the so-called such as synaptic contacts, also involve cadherins.
junctional complex (Fig. 1b). This combined
behavior of linkage to the cytoskeleton and clus- Integrins
tering, considerably strengthens the adhesive Integrins are another group of major players in the
force of the adhesion molecules. In some cases, field of cell adhesion. They are involved in various
exposed adhesion molecules can be in a confor- processes such as morphogenesis and tissue integ-
mational configuration that does not support bind- rity, homeostasis, immune response, and inflamma-
ing to its adhesion receptor. A signal within the tion. Integrins are a special class of adhesion
cell can induce a conformational change that acti- molecules not only because they mediate both cell-
vates the adhesion molecule. Dynamic adhesion cell and cell-substrate interactions (with components
can also be mediated via regulated endocytosis of in the ECM such as laminin, fibronectin and colla-
the adhesion molecules. These mechanisms of gen) but also because they function as heterodimers
regulation allow for a dynamic process of cell consisting of an a- and b-subunit. To date, at least
adhesion that, amongst others, is required for 16 a-subunits and 8 b-subunits have been
morphogenesis during development and for effi- indentified. Of the theoretical 128 heterodimeric
cient immunological defense. pairings, at least 21 are known to exist. While most
integrin heterodimers bind to ECM components,
Classification of Cell Adhesion Molecules some of them, more particularly those expressed
Based on their molecular structure and mode of on leukocytes, are heterophilic adhesion molecules
interaction, five classes of adhesion molecules are binding to members of the Ig superfamily. The
generally distinguished; the cadherins, integrins, a-subunit mostly contains a ligand-binding domain
immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily, selectins, and and requires the binding of divalent cations (Mg2+,
proteoglycans (Fig. 2). Ca2+, and Mn2+, depending on the integrin) for its
function. Interestingly, integrins may be present on
Cadherins the cell-surface in a nonfunctional and functional
Cadherins and protocadherins form a large and configuration. The cytoplasmic domain appears to
diverse group of adhesion receptors. They are Ca2 be responsible for the conformational change that
-dependent adhesion molecules, involved in a activates the integrin.
888 Cell Adhesion Molecules

Adhesion molecule Binding partner

Cadherins Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Cadherins

Integrins Lg-like, ECM

Lg-like FnIII FnIII s-s s-s s-s s-s s-s

Lg-like, integrins

Selectins Ca2− Carbohydrates

– – – –
– – – –
– – – –
– – – –
– – – –
Proteoglycans Miscellanious
– – – –
– – – –
– – – –
– – – –
– – – –

Cell Adhesion Molecules, Fig. 2 The five major classes like domains (open circles). Membrane-proximal, fibro-
of cell adhesion molecules and their binding partners. nectin type III repeats are often observed (gray boxes).
Cadherins are Ca2+-dependent adhesion molecules that They can either bind to other members of the Ig-family
consist of a varying number of cadherin repeats (five in (homophilic) or to integrins. Selectins contain an
case of the classical cadherins). The conformation and N-terminal Ca2+-dependent lectin domain (circle) that
activity of cadherins is highly dependent on the presence binds carbohydrates, a single EGF-like repeat (gray box)
of Ca2+-ions. In general, cadherin binding is and a number of repeats that are related to those present in
homophilic. Integrins are functional as heterodimers and complement-binding proteins (ovals). Proteoglycans are
consist of an a- and b-subunit. They interact with members huge molecules that consist of a relatively small protein
of the immunoglobulin superfamily or with compounds of core to which long side chains of negatively charged gly-
the extracellular matrix (e.g., fibronectin, laminin). Mem- cosaminoglycans are covalently attached. They bind vari-
bers of the immunoglobulin superfamily (Ig-like proteins) ous molecules, including components of the extracellular
are characterized by a various number of immunoglobulin- matrix

The Ig Superfamily heterophilic interactions that play a central role

Among the classes of adhesion molecules in regulation and organization of neural networks,
discussed here, the Ig superfamily is probably specifically in neuron-target interactions and fas-
the most diverse. The main representatives are ciculation. The basic extracellular structure con-
the neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs) sists of a number of Ig domains, which are
and V(ascular)CAMs. As the name suggests, the responsible for homophilic interaction, followed
members of this family all contain an extracellular by a discrete number of fibronectin type III
domain consisting of different immunoglobulin- repeats. This structure is linked to the membrane
like domains. NCAMs sustain homophilic and either by a GPI anchor or a transmembrane
Cell Adhesion Molecules 889

Secondary tumor

Step II
Step IV

Step I

Step III

Primary tumor

Cell Adhesion Molecules, Fig. 3 Cell adhesion pro- circulation and, at distant sites, attach to the endothelial
cesses involved in the metastatic cascade. A subset of blood vessel wall through specific cell-cell interactions
cells (gray) growing in a primary tumor will reduce cell- (Step III). Once these cells have extravasated through the
cell contacts (Step I) and migrate in the surrounding stroma vessel wall they use cell-substrate adhesion molecules to
by increasing specific cell-substrate adhesion (Step II). invade the surrounding stroma (Step IV). See text for
These invasive tumor cells can extravasate into the details

domain. The VCAM subgroup, including I proteoglycans may bind to each other or may be
(ntercellular)CAMs and the mucosal vascular the attachment site for other adhesion molecules.
addressin adhesion molecule (MAdCAM), is
involved in leukocyte trafficking (or homing) Role of Adhesion Molecules in Cancer
and extravasation. They consist of membrane-
linked Ig domains that make heterophilic contacts The Metastatic Cascade
with integrins. Other members of this family that Cell adhesion molecules play an important role
are associated with cancer are carcinoembryonic during the progression of tumors, more particu-
antigen (CEA), “deleted in colon cancer” (DCC) larly in the metastatic cascade (Fig. 3). When a
and platelet endothelial (PE)CAM-1. benign tumor becomes malignant, cells at the
periphery of the tumor will lose cell-cell contact
Selectins (step I) and invade the surrounding stroma (step
These types of adhesion molecules depend on carbo- II) (see also ▶ invasion). Cells then extravasate
hydrate structures for their adhesive interactions. and enter the vasculature or lymphatic system,
Selectins have a C-type lectin domain that specifi- where they are further transported. A fraction of
cally binds to discrete carbohydrate structures present the circulating tumor cells survives and is arrested
on cell-surface proteins. Intercellular interactions at a distant site, attaches to the endothelium (step
mediated by selectins are of particular interest in the III), and extravasates through the blood vessel
immune system, where they play a fundamental role wall and into the surrounding tissue (step IV).
in trafficking and homing of leukocytes. Here the tumor cells grow, attract blood vessels,
and develop to a secondary tumor (▶ metastasis).
Proteoglycans are large extracellular proteins Adhesive Events in Metastasis
consisting of a relatively small protein core to All the classes of cell adhesion molecules play a
which long chains of glycosaminoglycans role in the metastatic cascade. During the first
are attached. Although poorly documented, step, tumor cells need to disrupt intercellular
890 Cell Adhesion Molecules

junctions in order to detach from the primary the surrounding stroma. Integrins are instrumen-
tumor. This step often involves the suppression tal in this process. Several studies have correlated
of cadherin function. The second step of ▶ migra- the migratory behavior of tumor cells either with
tion through the stroma and into the blood or an increased or decreased expression of particu-
lymphatic vessels requires dynamic cell-substrate lar integrins. This apparent paradox may be
adhesion, mostly mediated by integrins. In the explained by the fact that firm but temporary
third step, where cells arrest in the circulation by cell-substrate contacts are required for cells to
aggregation with each other or attachment to migrate on a substrate. In order to crawl
platelets, leukocytes, and endothelial cells, critical directionally through the stroma, a cell needs to
roles have been attributed to cell adhesion mole- “grab” the ECM, release after pulling itself for-
cules of the Ig superfamily, selectins, integrins, ward and then has to establish the next contact.
and specific membrane-associated carbohydrates. Both inhibiting adhesion and preventing release
The fourth step is similar to step II and mostly of the substrate contacts “locks” the cell in its
involves integrins. Details on the adhesive events position and prevents migration. It should be
associated with metastasis are outlined below. remembered that integrins may exist in two func-
tional states and that signals passed through the
• In benign epithelial tumors, cells maintain firm cytoplasm determine whether membrane-
intercellular adhesive contacts, mostly by forma- exposed integrins are functional or not.
tion of a junctional complex (including tight junc- • In the third step of the metastatic cascade, cell-
tions, ▶ adherens junctions, and desmosomes). cell interactions are again the most determin-
Establishment and maintenance of such a strong ing. Homotypic interactions between circulat-
junctional complex requires expression and func- ing tumor cells promote formation of
tion of cadherins (more particularly E-cadherin). aggregates that are preferentially retained in
Loss of E-cadherin expression or function appears the capillary network. PECAM-1 is a cell adhe-
to be a hallmark of progression of a benign epi- sion molecule potentially involved in this pro-
thelial tumor (adenoma) to a malignant one cess. It should be pointed out that (re)
(carcinoma). Epithelial tumor cells often acquire expression of the invasion-suppressor mole-
invasive properties by mutational inactivation of cule E-cadherin would actually promote
E-cadherin or one of its cytoplasmic binding part- metastasis formation. Besides these homotypic
ners (catenins). It is important to keep in mind that interactions, heterotypic interactions are also
cadherin-mediated adhesion is a dynamic pro- of major importance in the metastatic process.
cess and that E-cadherin can be temporarily Tumor cells can attach to the blood-vessel wall
inactivated at the functional level, for example either directly or indirectly through platelets
by phosphorylation or other posttranslational and leukocytes. The adhesion molecules
modifications. E-cadherin and other molecules involved in this process are similar to those
of the junctional complex are very often involved in the “multistep adhesion cascade”
suppressed or functionally modulated in the observed during homing and extravasation of
epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMT), a leukocytes or trafficking of lymphocytes. Cell
hallmark of malignant tumor progression. adhesion events include interactions of tumor-
EMT can be a tumor-intrinsic feature or can be associated lectins with selectins expressed on
induced by their microenvironment. Paracrine platelets, leukocytes, and endothelium (P-, L-,
factors such as scatter factor or juxtacrine sig- and E-selectins, respectively). These adhesion
naling via Ephrin/Eph receptor or via molecules are also involved in the initial tran-
▶ semaphorins/plexins can affect adhesion via sient low-affinity interactions (rolling) of cir-
direct activity on the cell adhesion molecules or culating leukocytes (and probably tumor cells)
via regulation of the cytoskeleton. with the endothelium. Other and more strin-
• Dynamic cell-substrate adhesion is a critical fac- gent heterotypic heterophilic interactions in
tor in the migration of invasive tumor cells into this metastatic stage include the binding of
Cell Adhesion Molecules 891

integrins on tumor cells to ICAMs expressed ▶ Apoptosis

on the surface of the endothelial cells. ▶ Carcinoembryonic Antigen
• The fourth step in the metastatic cascade is ▶ Cytoskeleton
extravasation and invasion at a distant site. ▶ E-Cadherin
This process is very similar to step 2 and the ▶ Eph Receptors
same adhesion molecules are likely to be ▶ Invasion
involved. Specific interactions of the tumor ▶ Metastasis C
cells with molecules present on the endothelial ▶ Migration
cells (e.g., N-cadherin) will facilitate the ▶ Plexins
extravasation process. ▶ Semaphorin
▶ Wnt Signaling
Other Cancer-Related Functions of Cell Adhesion
It has become clear that some cell adhesion mol-
ecules are involved in signaling processes that are Cavallaro U, Christofori G (2004) Cell adhesion and sig-
relevant to cancer. Germline mutations in nalling by cadherins and Ig-CAMs in cancer. Nat Rev
E-cadherin predispose patients to the develop- Cancer 4:118–132
ment of diffuse gastric carcinomas, and in lobular Chothia C, Jones EY (1997) The molecular structure of cell
adhesion molecules. Annu Rev Biochem 66:823–862
breast carcinoma, E-cadherin seems to act as a Hynes RO (2000) Cell adhesion: old and new questions.
tumor suppressor. Interestingly, b-catenin, a pro- Trends Cell Biol 9:M33–M37
tein cytoplasmically linked to cadherins, has a Mizejewski GJ (1999) Role of integrins in cancer: survey of
central role in ▶ Wnt signaling and has oncogenic expression patterns. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 222:124–138
Sanderson RD (2001) Heparan sulfate proteoglycans in
properties that are counteracted by the adenoma- invasion and metastasis. Semin Cell Dev Biol 12:89–98
tous polyposis coli (APC) gene product. Signaling
by integrins can also be an important factor that See Also
prevents cells from undergoing apoptosis (2012) Cadherins. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
(apoptosis upon loss of cell adhesion is called Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 581–
▶ anoikis), which might be critical when tumor 582. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_770
(2012) Contact Inhibition. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
cells are traveling in the circulation. Interdisci- dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp
plinary research has revealed new unexpected 973–974. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1323
functions for known cell adhesion molecules. (2012) E-Selectin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
The suspected tumor suppressor DCC, a member Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1317.
of the Ig superfamily of adhesion molecules, (2012) Extracellular Matrix. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
turned out to be the receptor for netrin-1, an axo- pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
nal chemoattractant crucial in neuronal develop- 1362. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2067
ment. Other molecules known to have adhesive or (2012) Homophilic and Heterophilic Adhesion. In:
Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn.
repulsive activities in the axonal growth cone or in Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1729. doi:10.1007/978-
migrating neural crest cells, turn out to have sim- 3-642-16483-5_2804
ilar activities in tumor cells (see also the chapters (2012) Integrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
on ▶ EPH receptors, Ephrin signaling in cancer, cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1884.
▶ semaphorins, and ▶ plexins). (2012) Junctional Complex. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 1929. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3188
Cross-References (2012) Lectin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1999.
▶ Adherens Junctions (2012) Proteoglycans. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Adhesion Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3100.
▶ Anoikis doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4816
892 Cell Biology

extracellular environment, cells need to exchange

Cell Biology matter, energy, and information with the external
Filippo Acconcia1 and Rakesh Kumar2
Molecular and Cellular Oncology, The Cell Division and Reproduction
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, One of the unique features of cell is its ability to
Houston, TX, USA divide and produce two daughter cells that are an
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular exact copy of their parental cell, by a process
Medicine, George Washington University, called “mitosis.” However, some differentiated
Washington, DC, USA cells undergo the process of meiosis. For simplic-
ity, meiotic division can be considered as the sum
of two successive mitotic divisions, which result
Definition in four daughter cells with half the number of
chromosomes and rearranged genes. These spe-
Cell biology deals with all aspects of the normal cialized cells (i.e., gametes) serve as reproductive
and of the tumor cell, their normal and abnormal cells. The fusion of the female and male gametes
multiplication, their differentiation, their stem ori- (eggs and spermatozoa, respectively) results in a
gins, and their regulated cell death. new cell called zygote. The zygote, by definition,
is a stem cell. Following mitotic division, it
becomes an embryo and, at the end of the embry-
Characteristics onic development, results in a new organism.

The Cell Cell Proliferation

The intracellular environment is separated from The physiological functions of an organ require
the external environment by a lipid bilayer called maintenance of homeostasis, a process of regu-
plasma membrane. The plasma membrane con- lated balance between cell proliferation and cell
trols the movement of substances in and out of death (also known as ▶ apoptosis), in the differ-
the cell and it is important for the cell to sense the entiated tissue. Indeed, a variety of extracellular
surrounding environment. Within the cell the stimuli activate specific ▶ signal transduction
nucleus occupies most of the space. The cell pathways that affect the expression and activity
nucleus contains genes, which drive all cellular of molecules involved in the control of cell pro-
activities and processes. Genes are organized in liferation or cell death. Thus, the balance between
chromosomes (i.e., genome) and are made of DN- cell cycle progression and apoptosis defines the
A. The genetic information is used to produce cell fate, and this process depends on genetic
proteins, which are the critical effectors required factors as well as the kinetics of signal transduc-
for all cellular processes. The nucleus is separated tion pathways in exponentially growing cells.
from the rest of the cellular content by the nuclear
membrane, which remains in contact with the Cell Cycle
cytoplasm as well as the nucleoplasm. In the cyto- In mammalian cells, one cell cycle takes about
plasm, proteins are organized into specific func- 24 h in most cell types and can be schematically
tional structures and also connected with the divided into two stages: mitosis and interphase.
structural network referred to as cytoskeleton net- Mitosis (M phase) consists of a series of molecu-
work, which physically sustains the cell. More- lar processes that result in cell division. On the
over several intracellular organelles are located in other hand, the interphase can be subdivided into
the cytoplasm (e.g., mitochondria, Golgi appara- three major gaps (G1, S, and G2 phase). The G1
tus) and allow the cells to self sustain. To contin- phase of the cell cycle separates the M and
uously adjust the intracellular processes and to S phases. In G1 phase, cells express a specific
promptly respond to the demands of the pattern of gene products required for the DNA
Cell Biology 893

synthesis; the G2 phase of the cell cycle resides in a given signal. The initiator caspases (▶ Caspase
between the S and M phases and is important for 8 and 9) are the first enzymes involved in the
the completion of processes that are necessary for activation of the apoptotic cascade. Caspase
mitosis. The G0 phase of the cell cycle is entered 8 and 9 activate the downstream effector caspases
by the cells from the G1. In the G0 phase, cells are (caspase 3, 6, and 7) by proteolytic cleavage
out of the cell cycle and into a quiescent state which in turn results in the hydrolysis and inacti-
where they do not proliferate. vation of the enzymes involved in the processes of C
DNA repair such as by poly-ADP-ribose poly-
Regulation of Cell Cycle Progression merase (PARP). Upon stimulation of apoptotic
Cell cycle progression is achieved through a series cascade, cells display a specific set of characters,
of coordinated molecular events that allow the which constitute the hallmark of apoptosis (DNA
cells to transit across the restriction points, also fragmentation, cell shrinkage, cytoplasmic bud-
known as cell cycle checkpoints. There are three ding, and fragmentation). The activation of
main restriction points in the cell cycle (G2/M, caspases is achieved through two principle
M/G1, and G1/S, respectively). Broadly, these pathways – an extrinsic pathway that transduces
checkpoints are defined as points after which the signals from the plasma membrane directly to the
cell is committed to progress to the next phase in a caspases, and an intrinsic pathway that involves
nonreversible manner. Therefore, the transition activation of caspases through a series of bio-
between the phases of the cell cycle is strictly chemical events leading to permeabilization of
regulated by a specific set of proteins. ▶ Cyclin- the mitochondrial membrane and release of cyto-
dependent kinases (CDK) act in various phases of chrome c (▶ Cytochrome P450) in the cytoplasm.
the cell cycle by binding to its activating proteins Apoptotic cells are eventually eliminated by the
called cyclins. For example, both ▶ cyclin D/ immune system without the activation of inflam-
CDK4 and cyclin E/CDK2 complexes regulate matory reactions (▶ Inflammation).
transition of the cells through G1/S phase whereas
cyclin A/CDK1, cyclin A/CDK2, and cyclin Necrosis
B/CDK1 complexes are active during the rest of Necrosis results from a severe physical, mechan-
the cell cycle. On the other hand, another class of ical, or metabolic cellular damage. The necrotic
regulatory proteins, the cyclin-dependent kinase phenotype is very different from those of an apo-
inhibitors (CKI) (e.g., p21Cip/Kip; p19Ink4d) antag- ptotic cells. Overall, the cell switches off its met-
onizes the activation of CDK activity, thus imped- abolic pathways and the DNA condenses at the
ing the progression of the cell cycle. margins of the nucleus and the cellular constitu-
ents start to degrade. In general, necrosis consists
Programmed Cell Death in a general swelling of the cell before it disinte-
Programmed cell death (PCD) is a physiological grates. Furthermore, upon leakage of the intracel-
process of eliminating a living cell. The PCD lular content, necrotic cells stimulate an
involves activation of specific intracellular pro- inflammatory response that usually damages the
grams that commit cells to a “suicidal route.” The surrounding tissue.
process of PCD plays an important role in a variety
of biological events, including morphogenesis, Autophagy
maintenance of tissue homeostasis, and elimination Autophagy, i.e., autophagic cell death, occurs by
of harmful cells. To date, different forms of PCD sequestration of intracellular organelles in a dou-
have been described among which apoptosis, ble membrane structure termed autophagosome.
necrosis, and ▶ autophagy are the most common. Subsequently, the autophagosomes are delivered
to the lysosomes and degraded. Autophagy is
Apoptosis responsible for the turnover of dysfunctional
One of the critical events in apoptosis is the acti- organelles and cytoplasmic proteins and thus,
vation of cystein proteases, called caspases, upon contributes to cytosolic homeostasis. Autophagy
894 Cell Biology

can occur either in the absence of detectable signs damage). Activation of JNK/SAPK and p38/
of apoptosis or concomitantly with apoptosis. MAPK often results in an increased expression
Indeed, autophagy is activated by signaling path- of proapoptotic proteins (e.g., Bax), and in the
ways that also control apoptosis. activation of the caspase cascade and cytochrome
c release from the mitochondria.
Signal Transduction
Extracellular signals are transduced by the activa- Systems Biology
tion of a series of phosphorylation-dependent Systems biology represents a new analytical tool
intracellular pathways initiated by cell surface that has begun to emerge for balanced compre-
receptors. Eventually, such signals feed into the hensive analyses of cellular pathways at the level
nucleus, stimulate transcription factors, and regu- of genes and proteins. Signal transduction path-
late gene transcription. ways often cross-talk and influence each other,
and the functionality of the effector molecule is
Signaling Targets influenced by the overall outcome of a set of
Signaling pathways regulate gene transcription by signaling pathways. Thus, cells form a web of
triggering the promoter activity of the target gene. intracellular interactions that are critical for a
For example, regulation of cyclin D is critical for timely and dynamic response. The intracellular
cell cycle progression. The extracellular signal- signaling network is considered a complex system
mediated activation of specific signal transduction rapidly adapting to extracellular challenges.
pathways stimulates the activity of transcription Therefore, an additional level of complication is
factors such as AP-1, SP-1, and NF-kB, which the evaluation of the network as a whole, rather
coordinate the activation of the cyclin D1 promoter than the individual pathway.
and thus lead to cyclin D1 expression. On the other
hand, signaling molecules can also change the Cell Motility and Migration
activity of a preexisting protein. For example, acti- ▶ Motility and ▶ migration are important compo-
vation of p21-activated kinase (PAK) induces the nents for the functionality of a variety of cell types
phosphorylation of phosphoglucomutase (PGM) and are involved in physiologic processes such as
that stimulates its enzyme activity and the phos- embryonic development, immune response, as
phorylation of ▶ estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) well as in pathologic processes such as ▶ invasion
thus inducing its transcriptional activity. One of and ▶ metastasis. Cell motility and migration
the most studied signaling pathways is the are coordinated physiological processes that
extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK) (▶ MAP allow the cells to move or to invade the surround-
kinase) cascade. It consists of three steps of sequen- ing tissues, respectively. They occur as a result
tial phosphorylations that impact on diverse cellu- of a complex interplay between the focal ▶ adhe-
lar effectors. The ERK cascade is activated by sion sites (cell-to-substrate contacts) and the
mitogenic stimuli (e.g., growth factors extracellular matrix (ECM) (substrate). Phenotyp-
(▶ Fibroblast growth factors)) and plays a critical ically, migratory cells develop motile structures
role both in cell proliferation and cell survival. such as pseudopodia, lamellipodia, and filopodia.
Indeed, activation of ERK induces the activation An ordered sequence of events (protrusion of
of AP-1 transcription factor, which, in turn, regu- motile structures, formation and disruption of
lates cyclin D1 expression in addition to many of focal contacts) generate the traction forces
other proliferative molecules. Further, ERK that drive the cell movement. Moreover, when
activity leads to an increased expression of the migration is required, cells secrete specific pro-
antiapoptotic protein ▶ BCL-2 and inactivation teolytic enzymes (matrix metalloproteinases,
of the proapoptotic protein Bad. Conversely, MMPs) that digest the ECM, thus opening a pas-
the JNK/SAPK (▶ JNK Subfamily) and the sage across the substrate. Cytoskeleton is critical
p38/MAPK (MAP kinase) pathways mediate stress for the correct occurrence of cell motility and
and apoptotic stimuli (e.g., UV, ischemic-reperfusion migration.
Cell Biology 895

Cytoskeleton a mass of uncontrolled proliferating cells. Tumor-

Cytoskeleton is a network of cytoplasmic pro- igenesis is a multistep process and involves pro-
teins, which define the cell “bones.” Many differ- gressive conversion of a normal cell into a
ent protein filaments are important for malignant cell, which subsequently invades the
cytoskeleton functions. In particular, microtu- surrounding tissues. The process of tumorigenesis
bules, built from different types of tubulin, origi- consists of major steps (initiation, promotion, and
nate from specific intracellular structures called progression), each involving specific molecular C
microtubules organizing centers (MTOC). mechanisms, often interlaced with each other,
Dynamic changes in the polymerization and depo- that drive tumor development.
lymerization of tubulin maintain microtubule
integrity and resulting functions. Furthermore, Initiation and Promotion
actin microfilaments form a network of In general, initiation of tumorigenesis is referred to
cytoskeleton-associated proteins and connect the as the first oncogenic stimulus. However, such as
focal adhesion with the intracellular cytoskeleton. initial event is not sufficient for tumor induction. In
The dynamic remodeling of microtubules and most cases, a second oncogenic stimulus must
microfilaments has an impact on cell motility, occur in a restricted time frame, thus promoting an
migration and cell–cell adhesion, ▶ endocytosis, irreversible effect. Chemical (e.g., aromatic com-
intracellular trafficking, organelle function, cell pounds (▶ Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)),
survival, gene expression, and cell division. physical (e.g., ▶ UV radiation), as well as biological
(e.g., viruses as Human Papillomavirus) stress have
Signaling Regulation impact on the cells and can induce DNA mutations
At the focal adhesion sites, cells accumulate (e.g., point mutations). In addition, gene deletion or
receptors (e.g., growth factor receptors), adaptors duplication also alters gene function and contributes
(e.g., vinculin), and signaling molecules, as well to the process of tumorigenesis. These genomic
as structural and motor proteins (e.g., actin, myo- changes result in the production of proteins with
sin). Migration-specific stimuli (e.g., integrins altered functions or in the overexpression or
engagement of ECM, growth factor stimulation, downregulation of specific proteins, which affects
and mechanical stimuli) activate specific bio- the associated cellular functions.
chemical pathways. ▶ Focal Adhesion Kinase Protooncogenes or oncogenes are genes that
(FAK), integrin-linked kinase (ILK), PAK, and encode for proteins involved in the induction of
▶ Src play key roles in modulating cell migration cell proliferation (e.g., cyclin D1, CDK, EGFR,
and invasion. The FAK/Src complex regulates the Src, Ras, etc.) and whose overexpression or
assembly and disassembly of focal contacts, hyperactivation leads to an uncontrolled cell prolif-
F-actin cytoskeleton remodeling, and the formation eration. On the other hand, tumor suppressor genes
of lamellipodia and filopodia through the activation are genes encoding for proteins that negatively reg-
of specific downstream cytoskeleton-associated ulate cell proliferation (e.g., p53, PARP, CKI, etc.).
signaling pathways. Further, ILK is also implicated Inactivating mutations or downregulation of tumor
in cell motility and migration by linking integrins suppressor genes are also critical for enhanced cell
with cytoskeleton dynamics through the ▶ PI3K proliferation. In addition to DNA damage, onco-
signaling pathway. Also, PAK1 dynamically regu- genes and tumor suppressor genes, abnormal
lates cytoskeletal changes by coordinating changes in the epigenetic cellular information
upstream signaling with multiple effectors. By act- (e.g., DNA ▶ methylation) can also participate in
ing on actin reorganization, PAK1 drives direc- clonal evolution of human cancers.
tional cell motility and migration.
Tumor Biology The modified balance between the growth-
Cancer is a progressive disease that arises from the inhibitory programs and proliferative networks
clonal expansion of a single transformed cell into allows the cell to escape the physiological growth
896 Cell Biology

restrains. These selective growth advantages pro- produces, rather than two identical daughter
duce a population of more aggressive or transformed cells, one cell that is completely identical to the
cells that resist clearance by the immune system (i.e., parental stem cell and another cell that is already
immune defense escape), and in turn, contributes to committed to a more restricted developmental
the accumulation of additional mutations and even- path and more specialized abilities. Thus, stem
tually, in tumor growth. In this context, an in situ cells have both the ability to self-maintain their
tumor develops, that is the uncontrolled mass of clonal cell population and to produce a population
transformed cells stays within the limit of the tissue of clones with more differentiated characteristics.
in which the first cell resided. During this phase, In this way, stem cells form a hierarchy of
tumor volume increases in parallel with an increased potency.
dedifferentiation of the cells that also secrete angio-
genic factors (▶ Angiogenesis) to promote blood Potency
vessels formation in the tumor. Stem cells have the ability to give rise to a
population of daughter stem cells with a
Metastasis reduced differentiation. The totipotent cells are
Metastasis is the process by which highly the first embryonic cells that can become any
vascularized tumor cells acquire the ability to kind of cell type (e.g., zygote). These cells
invade the blood-stream and seed in distant organs. become pluripotent cells, which can differentiate
Deregulation of cytoskeleton-associated proteins into most but not all cell types (e.g., embryonic
and secretion of protein factors play a critical role stem cells). Next, cells that are committed to pro-
in the functionality of the metastatic cells. duce only a certain lineage of cell types (e.g.,
▶ adult stem cells) are the multipotent cells.
Stem Cell Biology Some multipotent cells can only generate one
In 1998, the group of Prof. James Thomson specific kind of terminally differentiated cell
reported the isolation of a human embryonic type and thus, such cells, are called unipotent
stem cell line from the blastocyst stage of a cells.
human embryo. This cell line showed stability in
a specifically developed culture medium and, Environmental Regulation
upon transplantation in the nude mice, had the The molecular mechanism by which regulatory
ability to form tumor-like structures made up of processes occur in stem cells are not clear but
all the major human tissue types. This pioneer are believed to be tightly regulated to avoid
study opened the field of stem cell biology. imbalance in stem cell population or mutation
Since then, enormous research efforts have been that can lead to tumorigenesis. One possibility is
focused on the understanding of stem cell biology that the asymmetric division produces two daugh-
as well as their potential medical and therapeutic ter cells and, because of intrinsic factors, such
implications. Nonetheless, although the last cells follow different fates in spite of residing in
10 years witnessed an enormous progress, the the same microenvironment. Alternatively, the
field of stem cell research is in its infancy. The two daughter cells become functionally different
first controversy is the definition of stem cell because they are exposed to different extrinsic
itself. For simplicity, a stem cell is a clonal self- factors. Most likely, both intrinsic and
renewing entity that is multipotent and can gener- extrinsic factors are integrated in the milieu of
ate several different cell types. This definition the surrounding microenvironment, also known
introduces three major characteristic of the stem as the stem cell niche. Signals from the
cells: self-renewal, clonality, and potency. niche determine the type of gene regulation that
allows the asymmetric division to take place.
Self-Renewal and Clonality In this model, one daughter cell stays in the
Self-renewal is the process by which a stem cell niche and the other one moves out. Indeed, the
undergoes an asymmetric mitotic division that importance of the microenvironment in stem
Cell Cycle Checkpoint 897

cell biology is highlighted by the ability of a References

particular stem cell to transdifferentiate or to
dedifferentiate when put in a different niche. Feinberg AP, Tycko B (2004) The history of cancer epige-
netics. Nat Rev Cancer 4:143–153
Although the concept of plasticity is debated in
Gearhart J, Hogan B, Melton D et al (2006) Essential of
the literature, it is part of the “stemness” of a cell, stem cell biology. Academic, London
which is the hallmark for a cell to be defined as a Lowe SW, Cepero E, Evan G (2004) Intrinsic tumour
stem cell. suppression. Nature 432:307–315 C
Pestell RG, Albanese C, Reutens AT et al (1999) The
cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in hor-
Social Implications monal regulation of proliferation and differentiation.
The ability to scientifically manipulate the human Endocr Rev 20:501–534
embryo or human adult stem cells has opened new Potten C, Wilson J (2004) Apoptosis – the life and death of
cells. Cambridge University Press, New York
perspectives for treatment of several human dis-
eases. However, it has also initiated intense phil-
See Also
osophical and political debates on the ethical
(2012) Cell Cycle. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
issues associated with the use of such potential Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 737.
tools in medical practice. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_994
(2012) Extracellular Matrix. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 1362. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2067
(2012) Microenvironment. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
Cross-References dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 2296. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3720
▶ Adhesion
▶ Adult Stem Cells
▶ Angiogenesis
▶ Apoptosis Cell Cycle Checkpoint
▶ Autophagy
▶ Bcl2 Wenjian Ma
▶ Caspase-8 National Institute of Environmental Health
▶ Cyclin D Sciences (NIEHS), Research Triangle Park, NC,
▶ Cyclin-Dependent Kinases USA
▶ Cytochrome P450
▶ Endocytosis
▶ Estrogen Receptor Definition
▶ Fibroblast Growth Factors
▶ Focal Adhesion Kinase Cell cycle checkpoints are the control mecha-
▶ Inflammation nisms that stop cell progression during particular
▶ Invasion stage of the cell cycle to check and ensure the
▶ JNK Subfamily accurate completion of earlier cellular processes
▶ MAP Kinase and faithful transmission of genetic information
▶ Metastasis before cell division.
▶ Methylation
▶ Migration
▶ Motility Characteristics
▶ PI3K Signaling
▶ Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Cell growth and division proceeds through an
▶ Signal Transduction ordered set of events called cell cycle, which is
▶ Src divided into four distinct phases namely G1 (the
▶ UV Radiation first gap phase), S (DNA synthesis), G2 (the
898 Cell Cycle Checkpoint

second gap phase), and M (mitosis). G1 and G2 which become active when bound by their cyclin
are two gap phases that accumulate nutrients, partners. CDKs phospharylate specific down-
perform biosynthesis, and monitor cell state to stream substrates to alter their biochemical func-
get ready for DNA synthesis and mitosis, respec- tion and elicit specific cellular responses. The
tively. DNA replication occurs in S phase and the level of cyclins and CDKs fluctuate during the
duplicated chromosomes are separated into two cell cycle that is controlled by complex negative-
identical sets during mitosis (M phase). Followed feedback loops. Through the oscillation of cyclin-
by cytokinesis, the mother cell is divided into two CDKs, cellular processes within the cell cycle
daughter cells that are genetically identical to each such as DNA replication, chromosome segrega-
other. tion, and cell division are precisely modulated.
The cell cycle is highly regulated and each Simple eukaryotes such as yeast has only one
phase is monitored by surveillance mechanisms CDK (Cdc28 in Saccharomyces cerevisae and
to maintain cellular integrity and faithful trans- Cdc2 in pombe), whereas higher eukaryotes
mission of genetic information from mother cell have multiple CDKs, and through different com-
to daughter cell. If a crucial process has not been bination of CDKs and cyclins, to control different
completed or if a cell has sustained damage, pro- aspects of the cell cycle. For example, S-phase is
gression into the next cell phase would be controlled by cyclin A in combination with
prevented. These mechanisms that capable of CDK2, whereas progression into mitosis is regu-
delaying the cell cycle at specific time points are lated by cyclin B-CDK1 in mammalian cells. So
now referred to as checkpoints, which were first far 16 eukaryotic cyclins and up to nine CDKs
identified in the late 1980s. have been discovered.
Various stresses can activate the checkpoint CDK activity is also negatively controlled by
and cause cell cycle arrest, such as nutrient depri- certain families of inhibitory proteins, and the
vation, mitogenic stimuli, and cytotoxins. How- cell-cycle progression is determined by the rela-
ever, the most important function of checkpoints tive abundance of positive and negative regula-
is to monitor DNA damages and coordinate tors. The core cell cycle control protein/enzyme
repair. Cells are under constant attack by machineries sense stress/damage and trigger the
DNA-damaging agents arising from endogenous cell cycle arrest are not conserved between differ-
or exogenous sources such as UV and the reactive ent eukaryotes. Below describes the major check-
oxygen species that inevitably generates during points in mammalian cells as shown in Fig. 1.
metabolism. These attacks can interfere with
DNA replication, transcription, and other cellular G1 checkpoint
functions and finally lead to genome instability. The G1 checkpoint is located at the end of the G1
As repairing damaged DNA takes time, it is essen- phase that ensures everything is ready for DNA
tial to activate specific checkpoint machinery to synthesis. It is the major restriction point to decide
temporarily stall the cell cycle progression. In whether the cell continue for a further round of
case the damages cannot be dealt with, the check- cell division. Under unfavorable environmental
point can also activate other mechanisms such as conditions, it signals the cell to temporally with-
apoptosis to target the cell for destruction. draw from the cell cycle and enter into a resting
Multiple checkpoints have been identified phase called G0. Once passing this checkpoint,
from lower eukaryotes to human. Despite varia- the cell would tend to complete the whole cycle.
tions in molecular details, the controlling mecha- During G1 phase, the cells may also irreversibly
nisms of different organism share some conserved withdraw from the cell cycle into terminally dif-
features in that they are tightly regulated through ferentiated or senescent states.
the interaction of specific protein kinases and One of the control pathways acting in G1
adaptor proteins. The transition from one phase checkpoint is through the regulation of the tumor
of the cell cycle to the next is driven by a group of suppressor retinoblastoma protein (Rb) and the
kinases called cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), transcription factor called E2F. The
Cell Cycle Checkpoint 899

Cell Cycle Checkpoint, Fig. 1 The cell cycle checkpoints in mammalian cells

hypophosphorylated form of Rb is active and Intra S-phase checkpoint

represses cell cycle progression by inhibiting Strict control of S-phase is important to ensure the
E2F, which is necessary for S phase entry. Phos- genome stability and precise transmission of
phorylation of Rb blocks its inhibition on E2F and genetic information. The intra S-phase check-
brings about the G1 phase progression or G1-S points monitor DNA damage, coordinate DNA
transition. In early G1 phase, increased expression repair pathways, and cause transient and revers-
of cyclin D in conjunction with CDK4 or CDK6 ible inhibition of the DNA replication during the
(depending on the cell types) leads to Rb phos- whole S phase. They are activated when the rep-
phorylation. In late G1 phase, Rb is lication fork stalls which can help preventing the
phospharylated by cyclin E/CDK2 complex. conversion of primary DNA damages into lethal
Phospharylation of Rb and subsequent release of lesions such as DNA double strand breaks.
E2F facilitates the transcription of late G1 genes to There are two major checkpoint pathways in
get ready for DNA synthesis and S-phase entry. human that are initiated by the sensor proteins
Besides this positive regulation, G1 checkpoint is ATR or ATM, which delays the cell cycle either
also negatively regulated by a family of proteins through the downstream signal cascade of Chk1(-
called cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs), Chk2)/cdc25a/CDK2 or ATM/MRN/SMC1. In
which have a function in inhibiting the cyclin/ the first pathway, it is often triggered by the for-
CDK complexes. In mammalian cells, there are mation of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in rep-
two major families of CKIs – INK4 family lication fork as a result of uncoupling between
(selectively for CDK4 and CDK6) and the DNA unwinding and DNA synthesis. ssDNA sig-
CIP/KIP family (has a broader range of nals the recruitment of ATR to the stalled forks
inhibition). then activates downstream mediator and trans-
In addition to the above pathway, another con- duces the signal to Chk1/2. Phospharylated
trol of the G1 checkpoint is through the tumor Chk1/2 then activating other downstream pro-
suppressor p53 and its negative regulator teins/factors, such as cdc25 and CDK2/cyclin A,
MDM2. p53 Activation can cause G1 growth to control several cellular processes including cell
arrest via the CIP family member p21Cip1. This cycle delay, prevention of late replication origins
pathway, which also works in G2 checkpoint, from firing, and the activation of DNA repair
plays an important regulatory role in DNA repair, pathways. In the second pathway, ATM is
senescence, and apoptosis. recruited to sites of DNA damage by a component
Chemical Mutagenesis 921

▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and Jr (eds) Molecular carcinogenesis and the molecular
Lymphomas biology of human cancer. CRC/Taylor and Francis
Group, Boca Raton, pp 289–302
▶ Hepatitis B Virus Weinberg RW (2007) Multi-step tumorigenesis, Chapter 11.
▶ Hepatitis B Virus x Antigen-Associated In: Ram A (ed) The biology of cancer. Garland Science/
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, New York, pp 399–462
▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Etiology, Risk
Factors, and Prevention See Also C
▶ Hexavalent Chromium (2012) Carcinogen. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 644.
▶ Hormonal Carcinogenesis doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_839
▶ Hypomethylation of DNA (2012) Cytochrome P450 enzymes. In: Schwab M (ed)
▶ Inflammation Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
▶ Lung Cancer delberg, p 1043. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1465
(2012) Epithelial cell. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Lung Cancer Epidemiology cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 1291-
▶ Mesenchymal Stem Cells 1292. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1958
▶ Methylation (2012) Fibroblasts. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Mutation Rate cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1398.
▶ Oncogene (2012) Genotoxic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Oxidative Stress cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1540.
▶ Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2393
▶ Radiation Carcinogenesis (2012) Mutagen. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2409.
▶ Radiation Oncology doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3907
▶ Reactive Oxygen Species (2012) Mutation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Renal Cancer Pathogenesis cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2412.
▶ Repair of DNA doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3911
(2012) Neoplastic cell transformation. In: Schwab M (ed)
▶ Senescence and Immortalization Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
▶ SV40 delberg, p 2474. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4013
▶ Telomerase (2012) Proto-oncogenes. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
▶ Toxicological Carcinogenesis of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp
3107-3108. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6656
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes (2012) Tumor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Virology 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3792.
(2012) Tumor promoter. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
References of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3800.
Landolph JR Jr, Xue W, Warshawsky D (2006) Whole (2012) Two-step carcinogenesis. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
animal carcinogenicity bioassays, Chapter 2. In: clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
Warshawsky D, Landolph JR Jr (eds) Molecular carci- berg, p 3821. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6071
nogenesis and the molecular biology of human cancer.
CRC/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, pp 25–44
Verma R, Ramnath J, Clemens F et al (2005) Molecular
biology of nickel carcinogenesis: identification of dif-
ferentially expressed genes in morphologically Chemical Genetic Screen
transformed C3H/10T1/2 Cl 8 mouse embryo fibro-
blast cell lines induced by specific insoluble nickel
compounds. Mol Cell Biochem 255:203–216
▶ Small Molecule Screens
Warshawsky D (2006) Carcinogens and mutagens, Chapter 1.
In: Warshawsky D, Landolph JR Jr (eds) Molecular car-
cinogenesis and the molecular biology of human cancer.
CRC/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, pp 1–24
Warshawsky D, Landolph JR Jr (2006) Overview of Chemical Mutagenesis
human cancer induction and human exposure to car-
cinogens, Chapter 13. In: Warshawsky D, Landolph JR ▶ Genetic Toxicology
922 Chemically Induced Cell Transformation

These three general cell types can be grown

Chemically Induced Cell outside the body in an artificial situation, in cell
Transformation culture medium in plastic cell culture dishes. This
constitutes a model system in which the physiol-
Joseph R. Landolph, Jr. ogy of cells can be studied outside of the compli-
Department of Molecular Microbiology and cated conditions of the body. When grown in
Immunology, and Department of Pathology; cell culture, epithelial cells and fibroblastic cells
Laboratory of Chemical Carcinogenesis and attach to the cell culture dish, by virtue of the
Molecular Oncology, USC/Norris surface charge of the cell relative to that of the
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of plastic of the cell culture dish. These normal fibro-
Medicine; Department of Molecular blastic and epithelial cells must anchor to the
Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, bottom inside of the cell culture dish in order to
School of Pharmacy, Health Sciences Campus, be able to replicate their DNA and divide. This is
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, called anchorage dependence of cell growth.
CA, USA These cells continue to grow if fed properly with
cell culture medium, containing 5–10% fetal calf
serum and cell culture medium. Cell culture
Definition medium consists of sugars, amino acids, salts,
and buffers, along with an indicator to detect the
Chemically induced cell transformation is the acidity of the culture medium (pH indicator), all
series of sequential steps that occur when mam- dissolved in water.
malian cells are treated with ▶ Chemical Carcino- In cell culture, the normal fibroblasts and nor-
genesis and converted into tumor cells. mal epithelial cells continue to grow if they are fed
The intermediate cell phenotypes (cell proper- properly, until they eventually fill the culture dish,
ties) are acquired one at a time, including first and touch each other. Growth then ceases. This
cellular immortality, then morphological transfor- process is called contact inhibition of cell divi-
mation (change in cell shape, leading to sion. These cells can then be removed from the
crisscrossing of cells in abnormal patterns), then cell culture dish with a protease called trypsin,
anchorage independence (growth of cells as colo- diluted and replated into new cell culture dishes.
nies or balls of cells in three-dimensional suspen- This process can be repeated many times, until the
sion of agar, without attachment to the plastic population of total cells has undergone approxi-
dishes cells are usually grown on), and finally mately 60 population doublings. This is called the
neoplastic transformation (neoplastic cell trans- “Hayflick limit,” after Dr. Leonard Hayflick, who
formation), or the ability of cells to form tumors discovered it. At this point, the cells undergo
when injected into nude (athymic) mice. cellular senescence (▶ Senescence and immortal-
ization) or die. This is due to progressive shorten-
ing of telomeres (▶ Telomerase), structures at the
Characteristics end of chromosomes that are progressively short-
ened with each successive DNA replication and
Normal Growth of Normal Cells cell division. Hence, telomere shortening acts as a
In the mammalian organism (warm-blooded ani- cellular and molecular “clock,” to mark the life-
mal), there are many types of cells. In general, these time of the cell. This process is believed to aid in
cell types are divided into (i) epithelial cells, which the control of the normal physiology of the organ-
form the coverings of organs; (ii) fibroblasts, which ism, and to rid it of old cells which have many
are connective tissue cells; and (iii) cells of the mutations, which could eventually lead to cancer.
hemato-lymphopoietic series, which are derived If these normal cells are injected into mice lacking
from the blood-forming elements. These cell an immune system (athymic or “nude” mice), they
types all have special and specific characteristics. will not grow and will not form tumors.
Chemically Induced Cell Transformation 923

In contrast, cells of the hemato-lymphopoietic nuclei), beta particles (naked electrons), and
series grow in three-dimensional suspension (the gamma particles.
blood) in vivo. Hence, when grown in vitro In addition, there are also tumor viruses,
(outside the body), these cells must also be grown consisting of RNA (RNA tumor viruses) and
in three-dimensional suspension. A common prac- DNA (DNA tumor viruses). When animals are
tice is to grow the cells in varying concentrations of treated with these viruses, tumors are formed.
agar. When injected into athymic or “nude” mice, Examples of RNA tumor viruses are the Rous C
these normal cells, whether cells of the hematopoi- sarcoma virus, the Abelson leukemia virus, and
etic (red blood cell) or lymphoid (white blood cell) the Kirsten Ras virus. Examples of DNA tumor
lineages, will not form tumors. viruses are the polyoma virus, the SV40 (simian
virus 40) (▶ SV40) virus, the ▶ Epstein-Barr
Carcinogens virus, and the human papilloma viruses 16 and 18.
There are a group of chemical molecules, radia-
tions, and viruses referred to as “carcinogens.” Chemically Induced Cell Transformation:
A carcinogen is any chemical or group of mole- Description and Mechanisms
cules, such as viruses (▶ Virology) or radiation Chemically induced cell transformation is the pro-
(▶ Radiation carcinogenesis; ▶ radiation oncol- cess by which normal cells are treated with chem-
ogy) that can cause tumors in lower animals ical carcinogens in vitro in a cell culture dish or
when they are treated with this agent. These flask, and they then convert or transform into
agents can also cause normal cells to transform transformed cells. There are two mechanisms by
(convert) into transformed cells and tumor cells. which cells can be converted by chemical carcino-
There are a group of chemicals referred to as gens into transformed cells. Firstly, cells can be
chemical carcinogens (▶ Chemical carcinogene- treated with genotoxic (DNA damaging)
sis). These are specific chemicals that can cause (▶ Genetic toxicology) chemical carcinogens.
tumors in animals treated with them. Examples of Many of these genotoxic carcinogens are mutagens
these are vinyl chloride, aflatoxin B1 (a metabolite (▶ Mutation rate). These carcinogens either already
and biocide of the fungus, Aspergillus flavus) are direct mutagens (rare), or more commonly they
(▶ Aflatoxins), benzo(a)pyrene (a polycyclic aro- are pre-carcinogens, and can be converted into
matic hydrocarbon formed when organic matter is mutagenic proximate carcinogens by cytochrome
burned in the absence of oxygen) (▶ Polycyclic P450 enzymes or other enzyme systems that acti-
aromatic hydrocarbons), and beta-naphthylamine vate the pre-carcinogens into mutagens. The
(an aromatic amine used to manufacture dyestuffs pre-carinogens benzo(a)pyrene, aflatoxin B1, and
that causes bladder cancer in animals and humans) nitrosamines are all examples of pre-carcinogens
(▶ Aromatic amine). Another class of chemical that are metabolically activated into mutagens by
carcinogens is called nitrosamines. An example is various types of cytochrome P450 enzymes.
dimethylnitrosamine (DMN). Many nitrosamines The perspective for this process is that most
are synthetic compounds. Some are believed to pre-carcinogens are hydrophobic (fat loving)
form in the stomach of humans when amines compounds that would bioaccumulate in the
(derived from fish in the diet) contact nitrous body and cause alterations in the properties of
acid (formed from the nitrate from fertilizer that enzymes and membranes in cells. Hence, the
is used to grow foodstuffs) in the acidic conditions organism must derive a strategy to eliminate
(acid pH) of the stomach. Chemicals in all these these hydrophobic pre-carcinogens. Therefore,
classes of carcinogens can cause tumors in the cytochrome P450 enzyme systems, and other
humans and in lower mammals. enzyme systems, have evolved in order to metab-
There are also a number of radiations (radiation olize these pre-carcinogens, to make them water-
carcinogenesis) that can cause tumors in humans soluble, so they can be excreted in the urine and
and lower animals. These include ionizing radia- removed from the body. Since these compounds
tions, such as alpha particles (charged helium are inherently chemically inert, a necessary first
924 Chemically Induced Cell Transformation

chemical reaction step has evolved, in which cyto- epithelial cells. This first step in cell transforma-
chrome P450 enzymes first attack pre-carcinogens tion is called morphological cell transformation or
like benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) with molecular oxygen focus formation. Further genetic changes occur in
and reducing equivalents (NADPH and NADH) the transformed cells. The second step that occurs
to generate epoxides and diol epoxides from is that the cells become immortal and do not die or
it. These metabolites are mutagens, and this step senesce. Some activated oncogenes (v-myc) can
results in “metabolic activation.” In a second step, cause cells to become immortal. This step would
which is closely coupled to the first step, these be called transformation to cellular immortality.
active metabolites are reacted with and conjugated A third step that occurs is that the cells develop the
to, molecules of water by the enzyme, epoxide ability to grow in soft agar, in three-dimensional
hydrolase, converting them to trans-dihydrodiols suspension. This step is called anchorage-
and tetraols, which are highly water-soluble, so independent cell transformation or transformation
they are excreted in the urine. The small amount to anchorage independence. A final step that
of epoxides and diol epoxides derived from BaP develops after further genetic change is that the
then go on to bind covalently to DNA bases, cells develop the ability to form tumors
resulting in mutations in proto-▶ oncogenes, acti- when injected into athymic (nude) mice. This
vating them into ▶ oncogenes, and mutations in step is called neoplastic transformation, or the
▶ tumor suppressor genes, inactivating them. ability of the cell to be transformed so that it
In a second mechanism of ▶ carcinogenesis, forms neoplasms or new growths, which we call
chemicals called “non-genotoxic carcinogens” tumors. Often, a number of activated oncogenes,
transform normal cells into tumor cells in a differ- two or more, may cooperate together to perturb
ent way, by non-mutagenic mechanisms. One normal cellular physiology to cause neoplastic
example is the chemical, 5-azacytidine, a chemi- transformation of normal rodent or human cells
cal analog of a normal base. 5-azacytidine binds to in culture.
DNA methyltransferases (▶ Methylation),
inhibiting them. This results in a loss of methyla- Significance of Chemically Induced Neoplastic
tion of the cytidine in DNA. If this occurs in Transformation
quiescent proto-oncogenes, then these can The significance of the process of chemically
become transcriptionally activated, leading to induced neoplastic transformation is two-fold.
cell transformation. Other examples of Firstly, the assay for chemically induced morpho-
non-genotoxic carcinogens include hormones, logical cell transformation can be used an assay to
such as testosterone and estrogen. Higher steady- detect chemical carcinogens. Those chemicals
state levels of testosterone and estrogen are that have the ability to induce foci of morpholog-
believed to lead to aberrantly high numbers of ically transformed cells are highly likely to be able
cell divisions in the prostate and breast tissue. to induce tumors in animals. Hence, this assay can
The resultant spontaneous mutations that occur detect chemical carcinogens by virtue of their
are believed to lead to prostate cancer and breast ability to induce foci of morphologically
cancer, respectively. transformed cells.
The process of chemically induced neoplastic Secondly, the study of chemically induced
transformation, or the process of generating a morphological, anchorage-independent, and neo-
tumor cell, falls into at least four steps. In the plastic transformation in vitro is frequently used
first step, when cells are treated with mutagenic as a model system to study the process of chem-
chemical carcinogens, there occur mutations in ical carcinogenesis. Investigators frequently use
proto-oncogenes, activating them to oncogenes, these assays to study how proto-oncogenes are
and mutations in tumor suppressor genes, activated into oncogenes, and how tumor suppres-
inactivating them. The cells then develop the abil- sor genes are inactivated by chemical carcino-
ity to grow in multilayers and form foci. This is gens, and how oncogene activation and tumor
particularly true for fibroblastic cells, less so for suppressor gene inactivation leads to induction
Chemically Induced Cell Transformation 925

of morphological transformation, cellular immor- Pitot HC, Dragan YP (2001) Chemical carcinogenesis,
tality, anchorage-independent transformation, and Chapter 8. In: Klaassen CD (ed) Casarett and Doull’s
toxicology, the basic science of poisons, 6th edn.
neoplastic transformation. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 239–320
Verma R, Ramnath J, Clemens F et al (2005) Molecular
biology of nickel carcinogenesis: identification of dif-
ferentially expressed genes in morphologically
Cross-References transformed C3H/10T1/2 Cl 8 mouse embryo fibro-
blast cell lines induced by specific insoluble nickel
compounds. Mol Cell Biochem 255:203–216
▶ 5-aza-20 Deoxycytidine
Weinberg RW (2007) Multi-step tumorigenesis, Chapter 11.
▶ Aflatoxins In: The biology of cancer. Garland Science/Taylor and
▶ Anchorage-Independent Francis Group, LLC, New York, pp 399–462
▶ Aromatic Amine
▶ Benzpyrene See Also
▶ Cancer (2012) Anchorage-independent cell transformation. In:
▶ Carcinogen Metabolism Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn.
▶ Carcinogenesis Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 173. doi:10.1007/978-
▶ Cervical Cancers (2012) Carcinogen. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Chemical Carcinogenesis cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 644.
▶ Class II Tumor Suppressor Genes doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_839
▶ DNA Damage (2012) Cellular senescence. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
▶ Epigenetic 743. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1019
▶ Epithelium (2012) Cytochrome P450 enzymes. In: Schwab M (ed)
▶ Epstein-Barr Virus Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
▶ Estrogenic Hormones delberg, p 1043. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
▶ Genetic Toxicology (2012) Contact inhibition of cell division. In: Schwab M
▶ KRAS (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/
▶ Methylation Heidelberg, p 974. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
▶ Mutation Rate 5_1324
(2012) Epithelial cell. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Oncogene cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 1291–
▶ Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 1292. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1958
▶ Radiation Carcinogenesis (2012) Fibroblasts. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Radiation Oncology cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1398.
▶ Senescence and Immortalization (2012) Genotoxic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ SV40 cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1540.
▶ Telomerase doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2393
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes (2012) Morphological cell transformation. In: Schwab M
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/
▶ Virology Heidelberg, p 2373. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
(2012) Mutagen. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
References cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2409.
Kumar V, Abbas AK, Fausto N (2005) Neoplasia, (2012) Mutation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Chapter 7. In: Robbins and Cotran’s pathologic basis cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2412.
of disease, 7th edn. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3911
pp 269–342 (2012) Neoplastic cell transformation. In: Schwab M (ed)
Landolph JR Jr (2006) Chemically induced morphological Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
and neoplastic transformation in C3H/10T1/2 mouse delberg, p 2474. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
embryo cells, Chapter 9. In: Warshawsky D, Landolph 5_4013
JR Jr (eds) Molecular carcinogenesis and the molecular (2012) Transformation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
biology of human cancer. CRC/Taylor and Francis of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp
Group, Boca Raton, pp 199–220 3757–3758. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5913
926 Chemoattractant Cytokine

cell toward the positions where chemoattractant is

Chemoattractant Cytokine present at high concentration. Therefore, the anal-
ysis, in a specific context, in one hand, of the type
▶ Chemokines of chemoattractant receptors expressed by a certain
migratory cell and, on the other hand, the position
in the organism of the chemoattractants recognized
by these receptors, allow to make predictions on
Chemoattraction the potential tissues where this cell can be attracted.
Upon arrival to the position where the
Jose Luis Rodríguez-Fernández chemoattractant is at a high concentration, adhe-
Departamento de Microbiología Molecular y sive receptors may contribute to slow down
Biología de las Infecciones, Centro de (function largely performed by selectin adhesive
Investigaciones Biológicas, Madrid, Spain receptors for cells in blood vessels) and eventually
attach (cells use integrin receptors for this function
in most cell types) the cells to these sites.
Synonyms Chemoattractants can be conveniently classi-
fied according to the type of receptor that they
Directed migration; Directed motility bind. In this regard, the first and the largest group
include chemoattractants that bind members of the
G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily.
Definition In this first group is included the family of
▶ chemokines. A second group is formed by
Chemoattraction is the process whereby a cell chemoattractants that bind tyrosine kinase recep-
detects a chemical gradient of a ligand called tors (e.g., epidermal growth factor (EGF),
chemoattractant and, as a consequence, gets ori- platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)). A third
ented and subsequently moves in the direction group includes ligands that bind receptors differ-
from a low to a high concentration of the ent of the two aforementioned families (e.g., lam-
chemoattractant. Chemoattraction is controlled by inin and fibronectin, which bind integrin
specific chemoattractant receptors that are able to receptors). This article deals mainly with the
detect selectively these ligands. Chemoattraction is chemokines because they have been the
called chemotaxis or haptotaxis when the chemical chemoattractant family most studied in relation
gradient of the chemoattractant is presented to the to ▶ cancer and ▶ metastasis.
cell either in a soluble or bound to a substrate form,
respectively. As it is not clear which one of these Chemokines
two types of motile processes takes place in vivo, it Chemokines (chemotactic chemokines) are a fam-
is more appropriate to refer to these directional ily of peptides (60–100 amino acids (aa)) that
motile processes with the more general term of includes some 50 members (Fig. 1). Based on
chemoattraction. the number and spacing of the conserved cysteine
(C) residue in the N-terminus of the protein,
chemokines are subdivided into four families (C,
Characteristics CC, CXC, CX3C), where X is any intervening
amino acid between the cysteines. Chemokine
Chemoattractants use specific chemoattractant receptors transmit intracellular signals that can
receptors to guide different migratory cell types control either chemoattraction or other functions
toward specific sites in the organism. These recep- (Fig. 1). The chemokine receptors (some 20 mem-
tors, upon binding to the chemoattractant, trans- bers) are included in the G protein-coupled recep-
form the information of this ligand in intracellular tor (GPCR) superfamily. They are classified based
signals that result in the movement of the migratory on the class of chemokines that they bind, i.e.,
Chemoattraction 927

Chemokine receptors that bind to C, CC, CXC, and CX3C

Chemokines receptor chemokines are called, respectively, CR, CCR,
Common New CXCR, and CX3CR receptors. Based largely on
name name studies performed in the immune system,
IL-8 CXCL8 chemokines have been classified in three func-
GCP-2 CXCL6 CXCR1 tional groups: homeostatic, inducible, and dual
NAP-2 CXCL7 function (Fig. 1). The first group, which includes C
ENA-78 CXCL5 CXCR2 chemokines constitutively produced by “resting
cells” in specific organs or in tissues inside these
organs, controls homeostatic migratory processes
IP-10 CXCL10 that determinate the correct location of different
Mig CXCL9 CXCR3 cell types in the organism under normal conditions.
I-TAC CXCL11 CXCR7 The second group is inducible or inflammatory
SDF-1a/b CXCL12 CXCR4 chemokines, which are secreted in different tissues
BCA-1 CXCL13 CXCR5 in emergency situations and serve to attract to these
BRAK CXCL14 Unknow places’ specialized cell types that contribute to the
MCP-1 CCL2 resolution of the emergency situation. The third
MCP-4 CCL13 CCR2 group is formed by dual function chemokines,
MCP-3 CCL7 which can be either homeostatic or inducible
MCP-2 CCL8 depending on the context (Fig. 1). Although
MIP-1a S chemoattraction is the function most commonly
MIP-1a P CCL3LI regulated by chemokines, however, studies
RANTES CCL5 performed mainly on leukocytes have demon-
MPIF-1 CCL23 CCR1 strated that these peptides, acting through specific
HCC-1 CCL14 chemokine receptors, may control additional cellu-
lar functions, including proliferation, ▶ adhesion,
Eotaxin-2 CCL24
▶ motility, survival, or protease secretion, among
Eotaxin-3 CCL26 CCR3 other functions. By controlling these activities,
Eotaxin CCL11 chemokines may contribute to modulate the func-
TARC CCL17 tions of leukocytes and other cell types.
ELC Chemokines and Cancer
SLC CCL21 CCR7 Cancer is a disease where cells have disrupted the
I-309 CCL1 CCR8 mechanisms that regulate their normal growth
PARC CCL18 Unknown Chemoattraction, Fig. 1 (continued) protein, GRO
Lymphotactin XCL1 growth-related oncogene, HCC human CC chemokine, IP
SCM-1b XCL2 XCR1 IFN-inducible protein, I-TAC IFN-inducible T-cell a
Fractalkine CX3CL1 CX3CR1 chemoattractant, MCP monocyte chemoattractant protein,
MDC macrophage-derived chemokine, Mig monokine
Chemoattraction, Fig. 1 Classical and new names of induced by gamma interferon, MIP macrophage inflamma-
chemokines are included. Red identifies “inducible” or tory protein, MPIF myeloid progenitor inhibitory factor,
“inflammatory” chemokines, green “homeostatic” ago- NAP neutrophil-activating protein, PARC pulmonary and
nists, and yellow ligands belonging to both realms. BCA activation-regulated chemokine, RANTES regulated upon
B cell-activating chemokine, BRAK breast and kidney che- activation normal T cell expressed and secreted, SCM
mokine, CTACK cutaneous T-cell attracting-chemokine, single C motif, SDF stromal cell-derived factor, SLC sec-
ELC Epstein-Barr virus-induced receptor ligand chemo- ondary lymphoid tissue chemokine, TARC thymus and
kine, ENA-78 epithelial cell-derived neutrophil-activating activation-related chemokine, TECK thymus-expressed
factor (78 amino acids), GCP granulocyte chemoattractant chemokine
928 Chemoattraction

and, consequently, proliferate without control. contrast a marked tropism toward specific organs
This affliction becomes life threatening when can- (Table 1). A variety of experimental data indicates
cer cells become metastatic, that is, they acquire that chemokines may play an important role in
the ability to leave their original sites of growth determining this bias of the metastatic cells. Anal-
(primary tumor) and invade other tissues or ysis of the phenotype of multiple metastatic cell
organs where the uncontrolled growing cells can types shows that these cells express specific sets
form new colonies (▶ metastasis) that can inter- of chemokine receptors (Table 1). Furthermore, a
fere with vital functions. The process leading to clear correlation has been observed between the
metastasis formation has been divided into several expression of a specific chemokine receptor by a
steps. In the first step, the cancer cells detach from metastatic cell and the presence of its respective
the substrate and from the neighboring cells and ligands in the metastatic sites, suggesting the
escape from the primary tumors. The second step involvement of these receptors in the homing
involves the penetration of the cancer cells into processes (Table 1). Finally, a direct role for
the blood or lymphatic vessels and their ▶ migra- chemokines and their receptors in the control of
tion through these vessels. In the case of cells that the tropism of metastatic cells is corroborated in
migrate through the afferent lymphatics, they studies that show that interference with the bind-
migrate first to the lymph nodes from where they ing to the chemokine receptors impairs the ability
can exit through the efferent lymphatics, eventu- to metastasize to specific organs. For instance,
ally ending up in the blood vessels. In the third antibody neutralization of ▶ CXCR4 in breast
stage, cancer cells extravasate from blood vessels cancer cells reduced the ability of these cells to
and home into new sites in the organism where form metastases in the lung, both upon intrave-
new metastatic colonies can be formed. During nous injection and after orthotopic implantation of
these migratory processes, the cells undergo the cells. Conversely, overexpression of CCR7 in
changes in their adhesive properties that are reg- B16 melanoma resulted in a dramatic enhance-
ulated by modulation of the activities and/or ment in the ability of these cells to form metasta-
levels of integrin receptors. Moreover, cancer ses in the draining lymph nodes upon intravenous
cells and/or associated stromal cells secrete pro- injection of the cells in mice. From these studies it
teases which, by degrading extracellular matrix has also emerged that CCR7 and CXCR4 are the
(ECM) proteins of connective tissues, facilitate chemokine receptors most commonly expressed
the moving of the cells and the ▶ invasion of by metastatic cells. This finding contributes to
other tissues. Finally, at the metastatic sites, the explain the ability of multiple metastatic cell
cancer cells attach and grow as secondary colo- types that express these receptors to colonize the
nies. In addition, they may secrete chemokines lymph node and other organs where CXCL12
and other soluble factors that induce new vascular (ligand for CXCR4 and CXCR7) and CCL19
vessel formation (▶ angiogenesis) and contribute and CCL21 (both ligands of CCR7) are expressed
to maintain the growth of the metastatic cells. (Table 1).
Although millions of cells may be shed into the Premetastatic niche is the name given to the
blood from primary tumors, however, only a specific regions, whose formation is induced by
reduced percentage of these cells are able to soluble factors released by primary tumor cells,
form metastases, suggesting that metastatic cells which eventually become colonized by distant
develop mechanisms that increase their survival in metastatic cells from the primary tumors. It has
the face of a hostile environment. been shown that chemokine expression may
confer premetastatic niches the ability to attract
Chemoattraction: A Key Process to Attract metastatic cells from the distant primary tumor.
Cancer Cells to New Biological Niches In this regard, it has been shown that chemokines
Since the work of Stephen Paget in the second half S100A8 and S100A9, expressed by myeloid
of the nineteenth century, it is known that meta- and endothelial in premetastatic niches in the
static cells do not move randomly, displaying in lung, are responsible of attracting incoming
Chemoattraction 929

Chemoattraction, Table 1 Chemokine receptors involved in cancer metastases

Chemokine/s Function/s regulated
receptor/s/ligand/ Site/s of by chemokine
s metastases Cancer cell types receptor
CXCR3/CXCL9, Lung, Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chronic myelogenous Chemoattraction
CXCL10, bone, leukemia, colon, melanoma
CXCL11 lymph
node C
CXCR4/ Lung, Breast, ovarian, prostate, glioma, pancreas, melanoma, Chemoattraction,
CXCL12 bone, esophageal, lung (small cell lung cancer), head and neck, angiogenesis,
lymph bladder, colorectal, renal, stomach, astrocytoma, cervical survival, growth
node cancer, squamous cell cancer, osteosarcoma, multiple
myeloma, intraocular lymphoma, follicular center
lymphoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, neuroblastoma,
B-lineage acute lymphocytic leukemia, B-chronic
lymphocytic leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, acute
myeloid leukemia, thyroid cancer, acute lymphoblastic
leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia
CXCR5/ Lymph Head and neck, chronic myelogenous leukemia Chemoattraction
CXCL13 node
CXCR7/ Lymph Breast, cervical carcinoma, glioma, lymphoma, lung Adhesion, survival,
CXCL11, node carcinoma growth
CCR4/CCL17, Skin Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma Chemoattraction
CCR7/CCL19, Lymph Breast, melanoma, lung (non-small cell lung cancer), head Chemoattraction
CCL21 node and neck, colorectal, stomach, chronic lymphocytic
CCR9/CCL25 Small Melanoma, prostate Chemoattraction
CCR10/CCL27 Skin Melanoma, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma Chemoattraction,
growth, survival

Lewis lung carcinoma metastatic cells to these chemokines on the proliferation of cancer cells is
niches because neutralization of the chemokines not unexpected. The growth of tumor cells may be
with antibodies reduced the metastases in these affected by chemokines that can be either released
areas. In sum, chemokine/chemokine receptor in an ▶ autocrine signaling fashion by the cancer
pairs are important factors that control the coloni- cells or secreted by the stromal tissues associated
zation of cancer cells to specific sites in the to the cancer cells. As an example of the first case,
organism. it is known that CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL3, and
CXCL8, secreted as autocrine growth factors by
Other Biological Effects of Chemokines melanoma, pancreatic, and liver cancer cells, reg-
on Cancer Cells Apart from Chemoattraction ulate the proliferation of all these cell types. As an
Chemokines may affect cancer not only by regu- example of the second case, it has been reported
lating chemoattraction but also by regulating that CXCL12, which is secreted in the lungs and
other functions that control cancer progression. lymph nodes, leads to the increase in the growth of
glioma, ovarian, small cell lung, basal cell carci-
Chemokines Can Contribute to Regulate noma, and renal cancer, all cancer cell types that
the Growth of Cancer Cells colonize the aforementioned organs. The effects
Uncontrolled growth is a hallmark of cancer cells. of chemokines on growth can be complex
Considering that chemokines may control cell because, for instance, interference with CCR5
growth in different cell types, the effect of seems to increase the proliferation of xenografts
930 Chemoattraction

of human breast cancer, suggesting that CCR5 experiments. As an example of the second case,
inhibits the growth of this cancer cells. stimulation of prostate tumor cells with CXCL12
induces enhanced expression of the integrins a3
Chemokines Can Contribute to Regulate and b5.
the Survival of Cancer Cells
A reduced susceptibility to ▶ apoptosis, leading Chemokines Can Contribute to Control
to a concomitant extended survival, is also an Protease Secretion in Cancer Cells
important factor to explain the uncontrolled Metalloproteins are largely responsible for ECM
growth and the ability of cancer cells to form remodeling and play key roles in solid tumor cell
metastases. Chemokines have been involved in invasion. In this regard, it has been shown that
regulating survival in leukocytes and other cells; chemokines enhance in protease secretion in some
therefore these ligands may potentially contribute cancer cell types. For instance, stimulation of
to regulate the carcinogenic phenotype by modu- myeloma cells with CXCL12 induces
lating this function. Stimulation of melanoma B16 metalloproteinase secretion.
cells expressing CCR10 with its ligand CCL27
enhances the resistance of these cells to the apo- Chemokines Can Contribute to Control
ptosis induced by stimulation of the death receptor Angiogenesis in Cancer Cells
CD95. These in vitro results are consistent with At metastatic sites cancer cells induce formation
in vivo experiments that show that the neutraliza- of new vessels (angiogenesis), which allow the
tion of CCL27 ligand with antibodies results in nourishment of the metastatic colonies. Angio-
the blocking of tumor cell formation. Also, stim- genesis is a finely orchestrated process where
ulation of glioma cells with CXCL12 protects endothelial cells proliferate, secrete proteases,
these cells from the apoptosis induced by serum change their adhesive properties, migrate, and,
deprivation. It has been shown that CXCR7, a finally, differentiate into new vessels.
novel second receptor for CXCL12, is expressed Chemokines can act as positive or negative regu-
in a variety of cancer cells. It has been indicated lators of the angiogenesis in the tumor microenvi-
that CXCR7 may regulate survival, growth, and ronment. In this regard, the members of the CXC
adhesion. Thus, it is possible that CXCR7 may chemokine family play an important role during
also contribute to control all these functions in this process. The CXC family has been divided
cancer cells. into two groups. The first group includes members
that present the triplet glutamic acid-leucine-
Chemokines Can Contribute to Regulate arginine (ELR) before the first Cys (ELR+ CXC
the Adhesion to New Sites in Cancer Cells chemokines), and the second group includes the
Migratory cancer cells experience changes in members that lack this three amino acids (ELR
adhesion, including processes of attachment and CXC chemokines). Although there are excep-
detachment, as they move through the organism. tions, by and large, ELR+ CXC chemokines
Enhanced adhesion is particularly crucial at the (including CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL3, CXCL5,
final stages of cancer progression where these CXCL6, CXCL7, and CXCL8) play
cells require attaching to the new metastatic pro-angiogenic roles, promoting vessel formation
sites. Stimulation of cancer cells with chemokines through the stimulation of the CXCR2 receptor.
may change the adhesion of these cells either by For instance, in human ovarian carcinoma,
increasing the activity of integrins or by inducing CXCL8 induces both angiogenesis and tumori-
changes in the expression levels on the membrane genesis. Furthermore, treatment of mice that bear
of these receptors. As an example of the first case, CXCL8-producing non-small cell ▶ lung cancer
it has been observed that stimulation of B16 mel- cells with anti-CXCL8 antibodies blunted the
anoma cells with CXCL12 leads to an increase in growth of these tumors in the mice. Exceptions
the affinity of the b1 integrin by the ligand to the rule ELR+ CXC=angiogenic chemokines
VCAM-1 both in in vitro and in in vivo are the ELR+ CXC members CXCL1 and
Chemoattraction 931

CXCL2, which are angiostatic, i.e., they inhibit relay on their ability to inhibit survival or angio-
angiogenesis. genesis in the target cells. As CXCR4 is one of the
ELR CXC chemokines, including CXCL9, most broadly expressed chemokine receptor in
CXCL10, and CXCL11, are generally cancer cells, at least six peptides or small mole-
angiostatic. For instance, CXCL9 and CXCL10 cule inhibitors of the function of CXCR4 have
inhibit Burkitt lymphoma tumor formation prob- been developed and used in preclinical cancer
ably by blocking blood vessel formation. An models. CXCR4 is particularly interesting due to C
exception to the rule ELR CXC=angiostatic its pro-angiogenic functions. A variety of data
chemokine is CXCL12 that is angiogenic, as indicate that the growth and persistence of tumors
suggested by CXCL12 and CXCR4 KO mice and their metastases depend on an active angio-
that display cardiovascular development defects. genesis at the tumor sites. In this regard, interfer-
It is believed that the angiogenic effects of ence with this process is a powerful strategy to
CXCL12 are mediated by the vascular endothelial inhibit tumor growth. Interference with CXCR4
growth factor (VEGF) that is secreted by endo- has been used in several cancer models, including
thelial cells upon stimulation with CXCL12. The many of the cancers indicated in Table 1.
latter chemokine can be secreted in the tumor Although peptide inhibitors of chemokine recep-
microenvironment by both the cancer cells and tors may not have by itself tumoricidal affects,
associated stromal cells. Finally, apart from CXC however, along with other strategies may be a
chemokines, other chemokines families may also powerful therapy against tumors.
regulate angiogenesis. In this regard, the CC che-
mokine CCL21 is angiostatic. In contrast, three Summary and Final Conclusions
CC family members (CCL1, CCL2, CCL11) and Upon becoming carcinogenic and metastatic, a
one CX3C family member (CX3CL1) can induce variety of cancer cells upregulate the expression
angiogenesis. All these chemokines, secreted of chemokine receptors. In this regard, the micro-
inside the tumor, may potentially regulate the environment conditions inside the tumors are also
growth of the metastatic cells. known to induce chemokine receptor expression
in some cases. For instance, the low oxygen con-
Therapeutical Aspects centration (▶ hypoxia) inside a tumor induces
The multiple points at which chemokines may CXCR4 expression which concomitantly leads
regulate cancer progression make them attractive to a more aggressive metastatic phenotype in can-
targets to develop anticancer drugs. Several strat- cer cells. Chemokine receptors endow cancer cells
egies have been adopted to harness the power of with “postal codes” that determine their migration
chemokines against cancer, including the use of to tissues where the ligands of these receptors are
antibodies against the overexpressed chemokine expressed and therefore are important for the met-
receptors in the target cancer cells to induce apo- astatic ability of these cells. In addition, these
ptosis of these cells. One common strategy has receptors may confer or modulate cancer cells
been the development of inhibitors to block the functions that, by regulating different steps in
binding of the chemokines to the receptors and cancer progression, may contribute to the carci-
consequently the function of these receptors. The nogenic and metastatic phenotype of these cells.
fact that chemokine receptors are on the mem- The case of the Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus
brane and that much information is available on (KSHV), which induces cancer lesions similar to
the sequences, both on the ligands and on the that of the Kaposi sarcoma, is a dramatic example
receptors, necessary for receptor-ligand binding that shows the important role that chemokines and
have enabled the development of numerous pep- their receptors may play in cancer. Interestingly,
tide or small molecule inhibitors that interfere this virus encodes a constitutively active receptor
with chemokine function. Some of these inhibi- that displays a high degree of sequence similarity
tors have been developed against CCR1, CCR5, to chemokine receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2 and
CXCR7, and CXCR4. Most of these inhibitors which can even be further activated by the
932 Chemokine Receptor CXCR4

CXCR2 ligands CXCL1 and/or CXCL8. KSHV is Heidelberg, p 1587. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
also pro-angiogenic and induces survival effects 5_2294
(2012) Haptotaxis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
in the cancer cells where it is expressed. Further Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1631.
supporting a causative role of CXCR2 in cancer, a doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2565
constitutive form of CXCR2, can induce cell (2012) Integrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
transformation in susceptible cell types. cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1884. doi:
(2012) Orthotopic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2661.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4264
Cross-References (2012) Xenograft. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3967.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6278
▶ Adhesion
▶ Angiogenesis
▶ Apoptosis
▶ Autocrine Signaling
▶ Cancer Chemokine Receptor CXCR4
▶ Chemokine Receptor CXCR4
▶ Chemokines Jonathan Blay
▶ G Proteins Department of Pharmacology, Dalhousie
▶ Hypoxia University, Halifax, NS, Canada
▶ Invasion
▶ Lung Cancer
▶ Metastasis Synonyms
▶ Migration
▶ Motility CD184; Fusin; Receptor for CXCL12; Receptor
for stromal cell-derived factor-1 alpha; SDF-1a

Balkwill F (2004) Cancer and the chemokine network. Nat Definition

Rev Cancer 4:540–550
Ben-Baruch A (2006) The multifaceted roles of CXCR4 is a cell surface protein that acts as a
chemokines in malignancy. Cancer Metastasis Rev
receptor for the molecule CXCL12 (stromal cell-
Kakinuma T, Hwang ST (2006) Chemokines, chemokine derived factor-1 alpha, SDF-1a). CXCL12 is one
receptors, and cancer metastasis. J Leukoc Biol of a class of signaling molecules called
79:639–651 chemokines that regulate the movement and
Sánchez-Sánchez N, Riol-Blanco L, Rodríguez-Fernández
other activities of cells throughout the body.
JL (2006) The multiples personalities of the chemokine
receptor CCR7 in dendritic cells. J Immunol Although CXCL12 and CXCR4 play major roles
176:5153–5159 in regulating stem cells and cells of the immune
Zlotnik A (2006) Chemokines and cancer. Int J Cancer system, CXCR4 is also found on many cancer
cells and plays a part in metastasis, spread of the
cancer cells being influenced by tissue levels of
See Also CXCL12.
(2012) Chemotaxis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 793.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1081
(2012) Glioma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- Characteristics
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1557. doi:
(2012) G-protein Couple Receptor. In: Schwab M (ed) Chemokines are a class of peptide mediators that
Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin play important roles in controlling cellular
Cancer Vaccines 773

association with class I MHC gene products. CD4 tumor cells were mixed with dinitrophenyl
helper T cells are activated by binding via their (DNP) and mixed with BCG. Promising results
TCR to class II molecules that contain 14–25 were reported for patients with metastatic disease
amino acid peptides in their antigen-binding and for patients with locally resected melanoma.
cleft. Specialized antigen presenting cells The weakness of autologous cell vaccines can
(APCs), such as dendritic cells (DCs), macro- be overcome with the allogeneic approach: First,
phages, and B lymphocytes, capture extracellular an allogeneic vaccine is generic and developed C
protein antigens, internalize and process them, from cell lines selected to provide multiple
and display class II-associated peptides to CD4 TAAs and a broad range of HLA expression.
helper T cells. The CD8 positive CTLs are acti- Second, allogeneic cells are more immunogeneic
vated by binding via their TCR to class than autologous cells. Third, there is no require-
I molecules that contain 9–10 amino acid peptides ment to obtain tumor tissue by surgical resection
in their antigen-binding cleft. All nucleated cells for a prolonged course of immunotherapy.
can present class I-associated peptides, derived A polyvalent melanoma cell vaccine called
from cytosolic proteins such as viral and tumor CancerVax developed for allogeneic viable mela-
antigens, to CD8 positive T cells. noma cell lines has demonstrated promising
There are two types of CD4 helper T cells results for patients with resected metastatic dis-
capable of generating either antibody or cell- ease and for resected local disease. Randomized
mediated immune responses, based on the type phase III studies are ongoing in the United States
of signaling they receive. Th1 CD4 helper T cells comparing CancerVax plus BCG versus BCG for
stimulate cell-mediated immunity by activating patients with stage III melanoma.
CTLs through the release of cytokines such as Another variation of cell vaccines is using
IL-2. Th2 CD4 helper T cells mediate an antibody “shed” antigen vaccines. These are vaccines that
response through the release of cytokines such as are prepared from the material shed by viable
IL-4 and IL-10. tumor cells into culture medium. The potential
advantage is that it contains a broad range of
Tumor Cells antigens expressed on the surface of melanoma
The most straightforward means of immunization cells and the shed antigens are partially purified.
is the use of whole tumor cell preparations (either Trials of such vaccines in melanoma patients have
autologous or allogeneic tumor cells). The advan- demonstrated specific humoral and cellular
tage of this approach is that the potential TAAs are immune responses in patients and promising
presented to the immune system for processing early clinical results.
and presentation to the appropriate T cell precur- Another approach to tumor cell vaccines is the
sors. The difficulty with this approach lies in the introduction of foreign genes encoding cytokines
availability of fresh autologous tumor material such as IL-2 and GM-CSF into tumor cells. Alter-
and the scarcity of well-characterized long-term natively, molecules designed to increase the
tumor cell lines. Regardless, whole tumor cell immunogenicity of the tumor cell such as CD80
vaccines have been an area of intense interest. and CD86. Gene transfer can be accomplished by
A variety of trials using autologous tumors for transfection of plasmid constructs
colon cancer and malignant melanoma have (electroporation) or transduction using a viral
been reported. In one trial, freshly thawed autolo- vehicle such as a retrovirus or an adenovirus.
gous colon cancer cells were inactivated with Another option tested for gene transfer is physical
radiation, mixed with BCG (bacille Calmette- gene delivery in which a plasmid or “naked” DNA
Guerin) and injected into patients who had their is delivered directly into tumor cells. There are a
primary colon cancer resected but were at risk for number of mechanisms to carry this out including
recurrence. This study did reveal disease-free sur- liposomes as gene carriers, use of a “gene gun,”
vival and overall survival trends in favor of the electroporation and calcium phosphate-mediated
vaccine arm. In a melanoma study, autologous gene transfer. In one phase I trial, 21 patients with
774 Cancer Vaccines

metastatic melanoma were vaccinated with irradi- IL-2 to 31 patients with metastatic melanoma
ated autologous melanoma cells engineered to revealed an objective response of 42%. This is
secrete human GM-CSF. Metastatic lesions compared with the typical response of high-dose
resected after vaccination were densely infiltrated systemic IL-2 without peptide of only 15%. Based
with T lymphocytes and plasma cells and showed on these data, a randomized trial was initiated to
extensive tumor destruction. compare the peptide vaccine plus IL-2 versus IL-2
alone in metastatic melanoma patients.
Peptides and Carbohydrates Immunization against tumor-associated carbo-
An advantage to peptide vaccines is that they can hydrate antigens has also been attempted. Carbo-
be synthetically generated in a reproducible fash- hydrate antigens typically bypass T cell help for
ion. The major disadvantage is that they are B cell activation. Investigators demonstrated that
restricted to a single HLA molecule and are not some carbohydrates may activate an alternative
of themselves very immunogenic. To increase T cell pathway. Vaccine studies have been
their immunogenicity, peptides may be injected reported using the GM-2 ganglioside vaccine.
with adjuvants, cytokines or liposomes or Patients were pretreated with low dose cyclophos-
presented on DCs. Whole proteins have the phamide. After a minimum follow up of
advantage over peptides in that they can be 72 months, there was a 23% increase in disease-
processed for a wider range of MHC class I and free interval and a 17% increase in overall survival
II antigens. in patients who produced antibody against
Mucins such as MUC I are heavily GM-2. This suggested a benefit to the GM-2
glycosylated high molecular weight proteins ganglioside vaccine which has led to a current
abundantly expressed on human cancers of epi- phase III trial.
thelial origin. The MUC I gene is over-expressed
and aberrantly glycosylated in a variety of Recombinant Vaccines Expressing Tumor
cancers including colorectal cancer. MUC 1 is Antigens
being widely used as a focus for vaccine The ▶ carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is highly
development. expressed on ▶ colorectal cancer and on a variety
Using expression-cloning techniques, several of other epithelial tumors and is thought to be
groups have cloned the genes encoding melanoma involved in cell-cell interactions. A recombinant
antigens recognized by T cells and have identified vaccinia virus expressing human CEA (rV-CEA)
the immunogenic epitopes presented on HLA stimulates specific T cell responses in patients.
molecules. Ten different melanoma antigens This was the first vaccine to demonstrate human
have been identified. Direct immunization using CTL responses to specific CEA epitopes and class
the immunodominant peptides from the tumor I HLA-2 restricted T-cell mediated lysis, and dem-
antigens or recombinant viruses such as adenovi- onstrated the ability of human tumor cells to
rus, fowlpox, and vaccinia virus encoding the endogenously process CEA to present a specific
relevant genes have been pursued to immunize CEA peptide in the context of a MHC for T-cell
patients with advanced melanoma. Initial results mediated lysis.
have demonstrated increased antitumor T cell
reactivity in patients receiving peptide immuniza- Anti-idiotype Vaccines
tion. Immunization in melanoma patients with The idiotype network offers an elegant approach
melanoma antigens has been reported. One study to transforming epitope structures into idiotypic
showed that immunization of melanoma patients determinants expressed on the surface of anti-
with MAGE-1 peptide pulsed on DCs induced bodies. According to the network concept, immu-
melanoma-reactive and peptide specific CTL nization with a given TAA will generate
responses at the vaccination sites and at distant production of antibodies against these TAA,
tumor deposits. Administration of the gp-100 which are termed Ab1; the Ab1 is then used to
molecule in conjunction with high-dose bolus generate a series of anti-idiotype antibodies
Cancer Vaccines 775

against the Ab1, termed Ab2. Some of these Ab2 minimal pain. In another clinical trial, 32 patients
molecules can effectively mimic the three- with resected colorectal cancer were randomized
dimensional structure of the TAA identified by to treatment with CeaVac. All 32 patients entered
the Ab1. These Ab2 can induce specific immune into this trial generated high-titer IgG anti-CEA
responses similar to those induced by the original antibodies, and ~75% generated CEA specific
TAA and therefore can be used as surrogate T cell responses. These data demonstrated that 5-
TAAs. Immunization with Ab2 can lead to the fluorouracil based chemotherapy regimens did not C
generation of anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies have any adverse effect on the immune response
(Ab3) that recognize the corresponding original developed by CeaVac. TriGem, an anti-idiotype
tumor-associated antigen identified by Ab1. The monoclonal antibody that mimics the disialogan-
anti-idiotype antibody represents an exogenous glioside GD2, was used as a vaccine in clinical
protein that should be endocytosed by APCs and trial consisting of 47 patients with stage IV mela-
degraded to 14–25 mer peptides to be presented noma. Forty of 47 patients developed high-titer
by class II antigens to activate CD4-helper T cells. IgG anti-GD2 antibodies. Seventeen patients were
Activated Th2 CD4-helper T cells secrete cyto- stable on the study from 8 to 34 months. Disease
kines such as IL-4 that stimulate B cells that have progression occurred in 27 patients on the study
been directly activated by Ab2 to produce anti- from 1 to 9 months. For the 26 patients with soft
body that binds to the original antigen identified tissue disease, the median overall survival has not
by Ab1. In addition, activation of Th1 been reached. For 18 patients with visceral metas-
CD4-helper T cells secrete cytokines that activate tasis, the median overall survival was 15 months.
T cells, macrophages, and natural killer cells that These results exceed historical controls with stage
directly lyse tumor cells and, in addition, contrib- IV melanoma. Another anti-idiotype monoclonal
ute to ADCC. Th1 cytokines such IL-2 also antibody, TriAb, which mimics the human milk
contribute to the activation of a CD8-CTL fat globule (HMFG) membrane antigen, is highly
response. This represents a putative pathway of overexpressed on breast cancer cells and a variety
endocytosed anti-idiotype antibody. The anti- of other cancer cells, including ovarian cancer,
idiotype antibody may be degraded to 9/10 mer non small-cell lung cancer, and colon cancer.
peptides to present in the context of class Immunizations with this anti-idiotype antibody
I antigens to activate CD8-cytotoxic T cells, elicited both anti-HMFG antibodies and idiotype
which are also stimulated by IL-2 from Th1 specific T cell responses in patients with
CD4-helper T cells. breast cancer in the adjuvant setting as well as in
Anti-idiotype antibodies that mimic distinct patients with advanced disease following autolo-
TAAs expressed by cancer cells of different his- gous bone marrow transplantation. Although
tology have been used to implement active spe- these initial clinical data are promising, active
cific immunotherapy in patients with malignant specific immunotherapy with anti-idiotype anti-
diseases including colorectal carcinoma, malig- bodies need to be tested in combination with
nant melanoma, breast cancer, B cell lymphoma other conventional and experimental therapies to
and leukemia, ovarian cancer, or lung cancer. overcome the multiple mechanisms by which
A murine monoclonal anti-idiotype antibody, tumor cells escape immune recognition and
3H1 or CeaVac, which mimics CEA was devel- destruction. The anti-idiotype vaccine therapy
oped by the authors and was used in a phase for patients with minimal residual disease might
I clinical trial. Among 23 patients with advanced be curative in the adjuvant setting and may
colorectal cancer, 17 patients generated anti-anti- improve the quality of patients’ life.
idiotypic Ab3 responses, and 13 of these
responses were proven to be true anti-CEA Dendritic Cell-based Vaccines
responses. The median survival of 23 evaluable DCs are the professional APCs of the immune
patients was 11.3 months, with 44% 1-year sur- system and are present in peripheral tissues,
vival. Toxicity was limited to local swelling and where they capture antigens. These antigens are
776 Cancer Vaccines

subsequently processed into small peptides as the subsets that are activated through different path-
DCs mature and move toward the draining sec- ways. These ex vivo strategies should help to
ondary lymphoid organs. There the DCs present identify the parameters for in vivo targeting of
the peptides to naïve T cells, thereby inducing a DCs. Overall, we remain optimistic that improved
cellular immune response that involves both CD4 cancer vaccines will ultimately yield favorable
T helper 1 (Th1) cells and cytotoxic CD8 T cells. clinical results, particularly after these
DCs are also important at inducing humoral approaches have been modified in a manner that
immune response through their capacity to acti- integrates progress related to the physiology of
vate naïve and memory B cells. DCs can also DCs and our improved understanding of how
activate natural killer (NK) cells and natural killer tumors and the host immune system interact with
T (NKT) cells. Therefore, DCs can conduct all of each other.
the elements of the immune orchestra, and they
are therefore a fundamental target and tool for Conclusion
vaccination. There exist several promising immunologic
The development of ex vivo techniques for approaches to vaccine therapy of cancer. The
generating large numbers of DCs in vitro from challenge of immunotherapy research is to deter-
mouse bone marrow cells supplemented with mine which combination of approaches leads to a
either GM-CSF alone or GM-CSF plus IL-4 favorable clinical response and outcome. Several
allowed the approach of DC-based tumor vacci- studies have shown enhanced survival of patients
nation to be fully exploited. Numerous studies in receiving vaccines; however, a randomized phase
mouse tumor models have shown that DCs pulsed III clinical trial has yet to show a statistically
with tumor antigens can induce protective and significant improvement in the survival of such
therapeutic antitumor immunity. In 1996, Hsu patients.
et al. reported the first DC-based clinical trial of
follicular B cell lymphoma patients who were
treated with peripheral blood-derived DCs pulsed Cross-References
with a tumor-specific idiotype (Id) protein. Of
these ten patients, eight developed a proliferative ▶ Carcinoembryonic Antigen
cellular response to Id and one patient developed ▶ Cancer Germline Antigens
an Id-specific CTL response. However, tumor ▶ Colorectal Cancer
regression was not reported in these ▶ Cytokine Receptor as the Target for Immuno-
DC-vaccinated patients. In several other trials, therapy and Immunotoxin Therapy
a correlation between immunological and clinical ▶ T-Cell Response
outcome has been demonstrated. However,
the efficacy of therapeutic DC-based vaccination
has been modest and these trials have had similar References
clinical outcome: mainly, immunized patients
Bhattacharya-Chatterjee M, Chatterjee SK, Foon KA
often demonstrate significant activation of adap- (2002) Anti-idiotype antibody vaccine therapy for can-
tive immunity to the targeted tumor antigen(s) as cer. Expert Opin Biol Ther 2:869–881
shown by various methods such as tetramer anal- Dalgleish AG, Whelan MA (2006) Cancer vaccines as a
ysis, IFN-g ELISPOT, and 51Cr-release assay; but therapeutic modality: the long trek. Cancer Immunol
Immunother 55:1025–1032
only a limited number of immunized patients Emens LA (2006) Roadmap to a better therapeutic tumor
demonstrate significant tumor regression. vaccine. Int Rev Immunol 25:415–443
The complexity of the DC system requires Nestle FO, Farkas A, Conrad C (2005) Dendritic-cell-
rational manipulation of DCs to achieve protec- based therapeutic vaccination against cancer. Curr
Opin Immunol 17:163–169
tive or therapeutic immunity. Further research is Saha A, Chatterjee SK, Mohanty K et al (2003) Dendritic
needed to analyze the immune responses induced cell based vaccines for immunotherapy of cancer. Can-
in patients by distinct ex vivo generated DC cer Ther 1:299–314
Cannabinoids 777

See Also
(2012) BCG. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, Candidate of Metastasis 1
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 356. doi:
(2012) FcR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, ▶ P8 Protein
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1386. doi:
Canine Transmissible Tumor (CTVT)

▶ Sticker Sarcoma
Cancer Without Disease

▶ Dormancy

Guillermo Velasco and Manuel Guzmán

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
Cancer/Testis Antigen1b Biology I, School of Biology, Complutense
University, Madrid, Spain
▶ NY-ESO-1


Endocannabinoids; Marijuana; Phyto-

Cancer-Mediated Bone Loss cannabinoids; Synthetic cannabinoids

▶ Bone Loss Cancer Mediated


Cannabinoids are a family of lipid molecules that

comprises a series of metabolites produced by the
Cancers of Hormone-Responsive hemp plant Cannabis sativa (the phyto-
Organs or Tissues cannabinoids), several fatty-acid derivatives
endogenously produced by most animals (the
▶ Endocrine-Related Cancers endogenous ligands for cannabinoid receptors),
and different synthetic compounds structurally or
functionally related with the natural cannabinoids.
Activation of cannabinoid receptors by some of
these molecules reduce the symptoms associated
Cancer-Testis Antigen 1.11 to cancer chemotherapy and inhibit the growth of
tumor cells in culture and in animal models of
▶ MAGE-A11 tumor xenografts.

Cancer-Testis Antigens
This entry was first published in the 2nd edition of the
▶ Cancer Germline Antigens Encyclopedia of Cancer in 2009.
778 Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids, a
Fig. 1 Cannabinoids,
cannabinoid receptors, and
their mechanisms of action. Anandamide
(a) D9-tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC), the main active N
component of marijuana, OH
and the endocannabinoids OH
anandamide and 2- 2-Arachidonoylglycerol
arachidonoylglycerol are THC OH
ligands of cannabinoid
receptors. (b) Both CB1 and
CB2 receptors belong to the OH
family of G-protein-coupled
receptors. Binding of
cannabinoids to cannabinoid K+
receptors leads, among other
actions and depending on
the cell context, to:
inhibition of adenylyl
cyclase, modulation of the
activity of several ion CB1 CB2
channels, modulation of
phosphatidylinositol-3 Ca2+ K+
kinase (PI3K) and of
mitogen activated protein Gi/o Gi/o
kinase cascades, or
stimulation of ceramide

Ceramide AC


Characteristics was initially described to be present in the

immune system, although it has been shown that
The hemp plant Cannabis sativa produces expression of this receptor also occurs in cells
approximately 70 unique compounds known as from other origins including many types of
cannabinoids, of which D9-tetrahydrocannabinol tumor cells.
(THC) is the most important owing to its high
potency and abundance in cannabis. THC exerts Signaling Pathways Modulated by
a wide variety of biological effects by mimicking Cannabinoid Receptors
endogenous substances – the endocannabinoids Most of the physiological, therapeutic, and psycho-
anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol – that tropic actions of cannabinoids rely on the activa-
bind to and activate specific cannabinoid recep- tion of CB1 and CB2 receptors (Fig. 1a, b).
tors (Fig. 1a, b). So far, two cannabinoid- Extensive molecular and pharmacological
specific G-protein-coupled receptors have been studies have demonstrated that cannabinoids
cloned and characterized from mammalian tis- inhibit adenylyl cyclase through CB1 and CB2
sues: The CB1 receptor is particularly abundant receptors. The CB1 receptor also modulates ion
in discrete areas of the brain, but is also expressed channels, inducing, for example, inhibition of N-
in peripheral nerve terminals and various and P/Q-type voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels and
extraneural sites. In contrast, the CB2 receptor activation of G protein-activated inwardly
Cannabinoids 779

rectifying K+ channels. Besides these well- Mechanism Involved in Appetite Stimulation by

established signaling events that mediate – among Cannabinoids
others – the neuromodulatory actions of the The endogenous cannabinoid system may serve
endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors also as a physiological regulator of feeding behavior.
modulate several pathways that are more directly For example, endocannabinoids and CB1
involved in the control of cell proliferation receptors are present in the hypothalamus, the
and survival, including extracellular signal- area of the brain that controls food intake; C
regulated kinase, c-Jun N-terminal kinase and hypothalamic endocannabinoid levels are reduced
p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, phosphati- by leptin, one of the most prominent
dylinositol 3-kinase/Akt, and focal adhesion anorexic hormones; and blockade of tonic
kinase. In addition, cannabinoids stimulate the gen- endocannabinoid signaling with the CB1 antago-
eration of the bioactive lipid second messenger nist rimonabant – inhibits appetite and induces
ceramide via two different pathways: weight loss. CB1 receptors present in nerve termi-
sphingomyelin hydrolysis and ceramide synthesis nals and adipocytes also participate in the regula-
de novo. tion of feeding behavior.

Palliative Effects of Cannabinoids in Cancer Mechanism Involved in the Analgesic Effect

Cannabinoids have been known for several of Cannabinoids
decades to exert palliative effects in cancer Cannabinoids inhibit pain in animal models of
patients, and nowadays capsules of THC acute and chronic hyperalgesia, allodynia, and
(Marinol-TM) and its synthetic analog nabilone spontaneous pain. Cannabinoids produce
(Cesamet-TM) are approved to treat nausea and antinociception by activating CB1 receptors in
emesis associated with cancer chemotherapy. In the brain (thalamus, periaqueductal gray matter,
addition, several clinical trials are testing other rostral ventromedial medulla), the spinal cord
potential palliative properties of cannabinoids in (dorsal horn), and nerve terminals (dorsal root
oncology such as appetite stimulation and ganglia, peripheral terminals of primary afferent
analgesia. neurons). Endocannabinoids serve naturally to
suppress pain by inhibiting nociceptive neuro-
Mechanism Involved in the Antiemetic Effect transmission. In addition, peripheral CB2 recep-
of Cannabinoids tors might mediate local analgesia, possibly by
One of the most important physiological functions inhibiting the release of various mediators of
of the cannabinoid system is to modulate synaptic pain and inflammation, which could be important
transmission. Thus, activation of cannabinoid in the management of cancer pain.
receptors at presynaptic locations leads to reduced
neurotransmitter release. As the CB1 receptor is Antitumoral Effects of Cannabinoids
present in cholinergic nerve terminals of the Cannabinoids have been proposed as potential
myenteric and submucosal plexus of the antitumoral agents on the basis of experiments
stomach, duodenum and colon, it is likely that performed both in cultured cells and in animal
cannabinoid-induced inhibition of digestive tract models of cancer. A number of plant-derived,
motility is due to blockade of acetylcholine synthetic, and endogenous cannabinoids are now
release in these areas. There is also evidence that known to exert antiproliferative actions on a wide
cannabinoids act on CB1 receptors localized in the spectrum of tumor cells in culture. More impor-
dorsal vagal complex of the brainstem – the region tantly, cannabinoid administration to nude mice
of the brain that controls the vomiting reflex. In curbs the growth of various types of tumor xeno-
addition, endocannabinoids and their inactivating grafts, including lung carcinoma, glioma, thyroid
enzymes are present in the gastrointestinal tract epithelioma, lymphoma, skin carcinoma, pancre-
and may play a physiological role in the control of atic carcinoma, and melanoma. The requirement
emesis. of cannabinoid receptors for this antitumoral
780 Cannabinoids

− Invasiveness

ER stress
MMP2 Ceramide
Caspase 3

p8 ER stress-related
+ apoptosis VEGF
− migration Targets
− Angiogenesis + Apoptosis CHOP ? ym
TRB3 ?

Cannabinoids, Fig. 2 Mechanism of cannabinoid an ER stress-related pathway. The stress-regulated protein

antitumoral action. (a) Cannabinoid administration p8 plays a key role in this effect by controlling the expres-
decreases the growth of tumors by several mechanisms, sion of ATF-4, CHOP, and TRB3. This cascade of events
including at least: (i) reduction of tumor angiogenesis, triggers the activation of the mitochondrial intrinsic apo-
(ii) induction of tumor cell apoptosis, and perhaps (iii) ptotic pathway through mechanisms that have not been
inhibition of tumor cell migration and invasiveness. (b) unraveled as yet. Cannabinoids also decrease the expres-
Cannabinoid treatment induces apoptosis of several types sion of various tumor-progression molecules such as
of tumor cells via ceramide accumulation and activation of VEGF and MMP2

activity has been revealed by various biochemical triggers a cascade of events that involves the
and pharmacological approaches, in particular by upregulation of several genes involved in the
determining cannabinoid receptor expression in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response
the tumors and by using selective cannabinoid including the activating transcription factor
receptor agonists and antagonists. 4 (ATF-4) and the C/EBP-homologous protein
Although the downstream events by which (CHOP). These two transcription factors cooper-
cannabinoids exert their antitumoral action ate in the induction of the tribbles homologue
have not been completely unraveled, there is 3 (TRB3), a pseudokinase that is involved in the
substantial evidence for the implication of at induction of apoptosis (Fig. 2b).
least two mechanisms: induction of apoptosis of The processes downstream of ER stress activa-
tumor cells and inhibition of tumor angiogenesis tion involved in the execution of cannabinoid-
(Fig. 2a). induced apoptosis of tumor cells are not
completely understood yet but include inhibition
Induction of Apoptosis of the antiapoptotic kinase Akt and activation of
Different studies have shown that the the mitochondrial intrinsic pathway.
proapoptotic effect of cannabinoids on tumor Of interest, the proapoptotic effect of cannabi-
cells relies on the stimulation of cannabinoid noids is selective of tumor cells. For instance,
receptors and a subsequent activation of the treatment of primary cultured astrocytes with
proapoptotic mitochondrial intrinsic pathway. In these compounds does not trigger ceramide accu-
glioma and pancreatic tumor cells, treatment with mulation, induction of the aforementioned ER
cannabinoids leads to accumulation of the stress-related genes, or apoptosis. Furthermore,
proapoptotic sphingolipid ceramide which in cannabinoids promote the survival of astrocytes,
turn leads to upregulation of the stress-regulated oligodendrocytes, and neurons in different models
protein p8, which belongs to the family of of injury, supporting the notion that cannabinoids
HMG-I/Y transcription factors. The acute activate opposite responses in transformed and
increase of p8 levels after cannabinoid treatment nontransformed cells.
Cannabinoids 781

Inhibition of Tumor Angiogenesis although the limited number of patients involved

To grow beyond minimal size, tumors must gen- in the trial did not permit the extraction of
erate a new vascular supply (angiogenesis) for statistical conclusions, median survival of the
purposes of cell nutrition, gas exchange and cohort was similar to other studies performed in
waste disposal, and therefore blocking the angio- recurrent glioblastoma multiforme with
genic process constitutes one of the most promis- temozolomide and carmustine, the drugs of refer-
ing antitumoral approaches currently available. ence for the treatment of these tumors. In addition, C
Immunohistochemical analyses in mouse models THC administration correlated with decreased
of glioma, skin carcinoma, and melanoma have tumor cell proliferation and increased tumor cell
shown that cannabinoid administration turns the apoptosis.
vascular hyperplasia characteristic of actively The significant antiproliferative action of
growing tumors to a pattern of blood vessels char- cannabinoids, together with their low toxicity
acterized by small, differentiated, and imperme- compared with other chemotherapeutic
able capillaries. This is associated with a reduced agents and their ability to reduce symptoms asso-
expression of vascular endothelial growth factor ciated to standard chemotherapies, might make
(VEGF) and other proangiogenic cytokines such these compounds promising new antitumoral
as angiopoietin-2 and placental growth factor, as agents.
well as of type 1 and type 2 VEGF receptors, in
cannabinoid-treated tumors. Pharmacological
inhibition of ceramide synthesis de novo abro-
gates the antitumoral and antiangiogenic effect Cross-References
of cannabinoids in vivo and decreases VEGF pro-
duction by glioma cells in vitro and by gliomas ▶ Angiogenesis
in vivo, indicating that ceramide plays a general ▶ Apoptosis
role in cannabinoid antitumoral action. ▶ Ceramide
Other reported effects of cannabinoids might ▶ Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress
be related with the inhibition of tumor angiogen- ▶ Matrix Metalloproteinases
esis and invasiveness by these compounds ▶ P8 Protein
(Fig. 2a, b). Thus, activation of cannabinoid ▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
receptors on vascular endothelial cells in culture
inhibits cell migration and survival. In addition, References
cannabinoid administration to glioma-bearing
mice decreases the activity and expression of Carracedo A, Lorente M, Egia A et al (2006) The stress-
matrix metalloproteinase-2, a proteolytic enzyme regulated protein p8 mediates cannabinoid-induced
that allows tissue breakdown and remodeling dur- apoptosis of tumor cells. Cancer Cell 9:301–312
Guzman M (2003) Cannabinoids: potential anticancer
ing angiogenesis and metastasis. In line with this agents. Nat Rev Cancer 3:745–755
notion, cannabinoid intraperitoneal injection Guzman M, Duarte MJ, Blazquez C et al (2006) A pilot
reduces the number of metastatic nodes produced clinical study of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in
from paw injection in lung, breast, and melanoma patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme. Br
J Cancer 95:197–203
cancer cells in mice. Hall W, Christie M, Currow D (2005) Cannabinoids and
cancer: causation, remediation, and palliation. Lancet
Therapeutic Potential of Cannabinoids Oncol 6:35–42
as Antitumoral Agents Mackie K (2006) Cannabinoid receptors as therapeutic
targets. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 46:101–122
On the basis of these preclinical findings, a pilot
clinical study of THC in patients with recurrent
See Also
glioblastoma multiforme has been run. Cannabi- (2012) Allodynia. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
noid delivery was safe and could be achieved cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 138.
without significant psychoactive effects. Also, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_193
782 CAP20

(2012) G-protein couple receptor. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-

clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel- Carbon Metabolism
berg, p 1587. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2294
(2012) Hyperalgesia. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1780. Nianli Sang and Chengqian Yin
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2902 Department of Biology, Drexel University
(2012) Mitochondrial intrinsic pathway. In: Schwab M (ed) College of Arts and Sciences, Philadelphia, PA,
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
delberg, p 2333. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- USA
(2012) Pseudokinase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3112. Definition
(2012) Tribbles homologue 3. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei- Cells utilize reduced carbon sources including
delberg, p 3783. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids, to satisfy
5_5971 the basic needs for adenosine triphosphate (ATP),
(2012) Tumor xenografts. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p reducing power and building blocks, which are
3807. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6061 critical for cell survival, growth, and proliferation.


CAP20 Three fundamental needs must be satisfied to sup-

port the robust proliferation of cancer cells: suffi-
▶ p21 cient amount of ATP production to provide
energy, rapid biosynthesis of biomolecules to sup-
port cell structure and function, and delicate main-
tenance of cellular redox status. Carbon
metabolism plays an essential role in all three
aspects (Yin et al. 2012; Cairns et al. 2011), and
CAR oncogenic signaling pathways activate the utiliza-
tion of carbon sources to facilitate cell survival,
▶ Chimeric Antigen Receptor on T Cells
growth, proliferation, and cancer progression.
▶ Constitutive Androstane Receptor
There are three major types of carbon sources
for cell metabolism: carbohydrates, lipids, and
amino acids. Glucose is the major product of
carbohydrates after digestion and absorption and
is a universal carbon source utilized in cancer
8-Carbamoyl-3-methylimidazo cells. Cancer cells have an extraordinary depen-
(5,1-d)-1,2,3,5-tetrazin-4(3H)-one dence on glucose as they consume a large amount
of glucose for glycolysis and lactate fermentation
▶ Temozolomide even in the presence of ample oxygen, which
is well known as Warburg effect. Upon entering
cells via a glucose transporter, glucose is first
phosphorylated to glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) by
hexokinases. G6P is the common starting point
Carbohydrate Part of of multiple metabolic pathways. In glycolytic
Glycoconjugates pathway, G6P is finally converted to pyruvate.
Glycolysis provides ATP independent of
▶ Glycosylation mitochondria and molecular oxygen. Some
Carbon Metabolism 783

intermediates of the glycolytic pathway are Finally, in carbon metabolism, a key molecule
important precursors for biosynthesis of other that links catabolism to anabolism is acetyl-CoA.
intermediary metabolites such as nonessential Catabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, or amino
amino acids. Pyruvate can either be reduced to acids generates acetyl-CoA, which can be used
lactate by cytosolic nicotinamide adenine dinucle- for the biosynthesis of fatty acids, ketones,
otide (NADH), reduced or enter the mitochon- mevalonate, isoprenes, and other indispensible
drion where it will be decarboxylated to acetyl- biomolecules derived from them, such as choles- C
CoA or carboxylated to oxaloacetate and then terol, heme, quinone and dolichol.
enter the citric acid cycle. The citric acid cycle
not only provides various precursors for the bio- Homeostatic Regulation of Carbon
synthesis of many components such as heme Metabolism
and some amino acids but also transfers electrons Cancer cells require continuous and abundant
to form reducing molecules NADH and energy supply for their survival, growth, and pro-
flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH2), reduced liferation. Therefore, cancer cells need a delicate
for ATP production via oxidative phosphoryla- energy sensing and regulating system to maintain
tion. In the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), the energy homeostasis. The AMP-activated pro-
G6P is utilized to produce riboses and NADP- tein kinase (AMPK) plays a crucial role in the
H. Riboses are precursors for the biosynthesis of process. The decreasing of the ATP level leads to
nucleotides and some cofactors, and NADPH the increasing of AMP concentration, which acti-
is the most important reducing power for biosyn- vates AMPK through allosteric activation and
thesis and maintenance of intracellular redox protection against dephosphorylation. AMPK
status. contributes to maintaining the energy level
Triacylglycerol and free fatty acids collectively through two aspects: enhancement of ATP pro-
represent another type of carbon source from diet. duction and inhibition of ATP consumption. Acti-
Free fatty acids can be oxidized into acetyl-CoA vated AMPK activates a lot of catabolic enzymes
through b oxidation. In addition, absorbed free participating in glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation
fatty acids can be directly used as precursors of to increase ATP generation. AMPK is also
phospholipids for biomembrane construction. reported to promote the translocation of glucose
Generally, free fatty acids have little role in the transporter 4 (GLUT4) in short term and
production of NADPH. upregulate the expression of GLUT4 in long
The carbon skeletons of amino acids also func- term to increase the glucose uptake. On the other
tion as carbon source. Generally, carbon skeletons hand, the activation of AMPK inhibits the synthe-
from proteinogenic amino acids can be converted sis of many molecules such as fatty acids, choles-
to either ketone or glucose (by gluconeogenesis, terol, glycogen, and proteins. In addition,
except for lysine and leucine). Either way, they activated AMPK causes the G1-phase cell-cycle
may end up in citric acid cycle and be used to arrest where a large amount of energy is required
produce ATP. Particularly, glutamine plays a vital or even promotes apoptosis through activating the
role in cancer cell metabolism. Like glucose, glu- tumor suppressor p53 (Hardie 2011).
tamine is another nutrient which cancer cells have Besides the reduced biosynthesis of macromol-
an extraordinary demand for. Through ecules, the reducing power is also indispensible
glutaminolysis, glutamine is degraded into gluta- for the maintenance of redox homeostasis in the
mate and then a-ketoglutarate (a-KG). After cells. Various causes including normal metabolic
entering the citric acid cycle, a-KG will be used processes, irradiation, and pharmaceutical agents
either for energy production and anaplerosis or be result in the generation of reactive oxygen species
converted to malate or isocitrate for NADPH gen- (ROS). Although moderate levels of ROS are
eration. All anaplerotic amino acids may contrib- required and beneficial for certain cellular pro-
ute to intracellular NADPH production via either cesses such as signal transduction, pathogen kill-
the malate or isocitrate pathway. ing, and gene expression regulation, high levels of
784 Carbonyl Metabolism

ROS damages biomolecules and cell structures. At the organismal level, glucose homeostasis is
ROS can attack and damage macromolecules regulated by insulin, glucagon, and other hor-
including DNA, proteins, and lipids, which is mones. At the cellular level, two transcription
implicated in apoptosis, genetic instability, can- complexes have been reported to regulate gene
cer, and many other diseases. Therefore, cells expression in response to high glucose concentra-
should maintain adequate levels of reducing tions: MondoA/Mlx and MondoB/Mlx. When the
power which is usually in the form of NADPH intracellular G6P level increases, the two tran-
to balance the oxidative and reductive levels. The scription complexes upregulate metabolic
ratio of [NADPH]/[NADP+] is dynamically reg- enzymes to utilize or store the carbon source.
ulated by oxidizing reduced carbon sources. The cellular response to low G6P levels has not
NADPH can be regenerated from NADP+ in sev- been well studied. Since low glucose levels usu-
eral metabolic pathways: the pentose phosphate ally result in ATP depletion, AMPK pathway has
pathway which oxidizes G6P, the oxidation of been considered to play a role in cell response to
glutamate catalyzed by glutamate dehydrogenase, low-glucose conditions (Yin et al. 2012).
the reaction converting isocitrate to a-KG facili-
tated by isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 (IDH
1 and 2), and the malate oxidation catalyzed by
malic enzyme 1 (Yin et al. 2012). References
Another important function of carbon source is
for the biosynthesis of building blocks. Particu- Cairns RA, Harris IS, Mak TW (2011) Regulation of
larly, biosynthesis of biomembranes has been cancer cell metabolism. Nat Rev Cancer 11(2):85–95
Hardie DG (2011) AMP-activated protein kinase-an
found to be important for cancer progression.
energy sensor that regulates all aspects of cell function.
Important enzymes involved in the fatty acid syn- Genes Dev 25(18):1895–1908
thesis are acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid Horton JD, Goldstein JL, Brown MS (2002) SREBPs:
synthase. The key rate-limiting enzyme of the activators of the complete program of cholesterol and
fatty acid synthesis in the liver. J Clin Invest
cholesterol synthesis pathway is HMG-CoA
reductase. The synthesis of fatty acids and choles- Yin C, Qie S, Sang N (2012) Carbon source metabolism
terol is regulated by sterol regulatory element and its regulation in cancer cells. Crit Rev Eukaryot
(SRE) and SRE-binding proteins (SREBPs). Gene Expr 22(1):17–35
Newly synthesized SREBP is inserted in the
membranes of endoplasmic reticulum (ER),
bound to the SREBP cleavage-activating protein
(SCAP). When the intracellular sterol level is low,
SREBP migrates to the Golgi apparatus, where Carbonyl Metabolism
SREBP is cleaved by site-1 and site-2 protease
(S1P and S2P) activated by SCAP. The cleaved Lakshmaiah Sreerama
and activated SREBP then moves to the nucleus Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
and upregulates more than 30 genes involved in St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, USA
the synthesis of cholesterol, fatty acids, and phos- Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences,
pholipids, as well as the NADPH required for the Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
reduced synthesis of these molecules (Horton
et al. 2002). In addition to the biosynthesis of
biomembrane, carbons are also needed for the Definition
generation of the skeletons of nonessential
amino acids; some of them are expected to be Carbonyl metabolism is a general term used to
actively synthesized as intermediary metabolites collectively describe the reactions in which either
for the production of macromolecules such as the carbonyl group is formed or carbonyl carbon is
proteins, DNA, and RNA. reduced and/or further oxidized (Fig. 1). These
Carbonyl Metabolism 785

Carbonyl Metabolism, Fig. 1 Metabolism of compounds containing carbonyl groups

reactions are catalyzed by three distinct families Characteristics

of enzymes:
Alcohol Dehydrogenases (ADHs)
• Alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs) ADHs are ubiquitous. They are present in many
• Aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) organisms as well as in most tissue to varying
• Aldo-keto reductases (AKRs) levels. ADHs catalyze NAD+-dependent oxida-
tion of alcohols to aldehydes as well as NADH-
Each of these enzyme families catalyzes NAD dependent reduction of ketones and aldehydes to
(P)+- or NAD(P)H-dependent oxidation and/or alcohols. In humans as well as animals, ADHs
reduction of the carbonyl carbon (Fig. 1) present serve to bioactivate certain alcohols to their alde-
in a wide variety of endogenous and exogenous hydes, e.g., retinol àretinal, that are further metab-
compounds. Some of the endogenous compounds olized to carboxylic acids which are important in
that are substrates for these enzymes are generated cell growth and differentiation. They break down
as a result of oxidative stress, metabolism of toxic alcohols and participate in the generation of
mono- and polyamines, prostaglandins, vitamins, useful aldehydes, ketones, or alcohol groups in
sugars, and steroids. Exogenous compounds that various biosynthetic pathways. In certain organ-
are known to serve as substrates for these enzymes isms, including yeast, some plants, and many
include anticancer drugs, alcohols, and carcino- bacteria, ADHs catalyze the reduction of acetal-
gens. Since these enzymes are involved in redox dehyde to ethanol (part of fermentation process) to
reactions, they are often referred to as phase I drug maintain a balance of NAD+/NADH ratio.
metabolizing enzymes. Certain cytochrome The ADHs are a superfamily of isozymes. The
P450s and aldehyde oxidase are also capable of human ADHs are coded for by at least seven
carbonyl metabolism; however, their role appears different genes, and the isozymes are classified
to be minimal in this process, accordingly are not into five classes (I–V). The class I ADH (liver
considered here. forms) in humans consists of a, b, and g subunits
786 Carbonyl Metabolism

Carbonyl Metabolism, Fig. 2 ADH- and ALDH-catalyzed oxidation of ethanol

that are encoded by the genes ADH1A, ADH1B, polymorphism is also associated with drug depen-
and ADH1C. The class II, III, IV, and VADHs are dence; however, this line of thought needs further
encoded by ADH4, ADH5, ADH7, and ADH6, investigations.
respectively. Each of the human ADH isozymes is
a dimer, and each subunit has an active site with Aldehyde Dehydrogenases (ALDHs)
zinc ion (Zn2+) associated with it. The Zn2+ions Like ADHs, ALDHs are also ubiquitous, present
are located at the catalytic site to aid in binding the in most tissues as well as organisms. ALDHs
hydroxyl group of an alcohol and are critical for function in conjunction with ADHs and catalyze
its catalytic activity. NAD(P)-dependent oxidation (detoxification
Class I ADHs are primarily responsible for the and/or bioactivation) of endogenous as well as
oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde (Fig. 2). exogenous aldehydes, Fig. 1. ALDHs exhibit rel-
Although the purpose for the presence of these atively broad substrate specificity, and the sub-
ADHs is most likely to break down alcohols nat- strates include straight- and branched-chain
urally present in foods or those produced during aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes. For example,
metabolism, the reaction shown in Fig. 2 allows the conversion of ethanol-derived acetaldehyde
us to consume ethanol-containing beverages and to acetic acid is considered detoxification
other products. (Fig. 2). The conversion of retinal to retinoic
Another function of class I ADHs is to metab- acid (physiologically active) and conversion of
olize endogenous retinol that ultimately results in ethylene glycol ether-derived aldehydes to their
the formation of retinoic acid (Vitamin A) via corresponding acids (toxic and carcinogenic in
carbonyl metabolism. It is also believed that certain cases) are considered bioactivation.
ADHs primarily eliminate toxic levels of retinol. Similar to ADHs, the ALDHs also belong to a
Class I ADHs are also responsible for superfamily of isozymes. According to the latest
bioactivation and toxicity associated with certain literature reports, the human genome contains
alcohols. For example, class I ADHs oxidize 19 ALDH functional genes and three
methanol, ethylene glycol, and many ethylene pseudogenes. The ALDH isozymes are classified
glycol ethers to their corresponding aldehydes. into at least 12 classes, and each of these classes
These aldehydes are known to cause various has multiple members. Human ALDHs are
types of cancers in animal models. homotetrameric enzymes with the exception of
The ADH levels are gender, age, and race class 3 isozymes which are homodimers. The
specific. For example, men generally have higher most well-investigated ALDH isozymes include
levels ADH activity as compared to women. class 1 (ALDH1A members), class 2 (ALDH2),
Young women are unable to process alcohol at and class 3 (ALDH3A members). ALDH1A and
the same rate as young men because their ADH ALDH2 isozymes are constitutive forms, whereas
levels are lower. The ADH levels are also different ALDH3A isozymes are inducible in response to
among various populations. Polymorphism in oxidative stress.
these enzymes has clinical significance in alcohol- ALDH1A members are mainly responsible for
ism. For example, the expression of slower alco- retinal metabolism and thus play a significant role
hol metabolizing isozymes ADH2 and AHD3 in vertebrate embryogenesis. ALDH1A members
poses increased risk for alcoholism. ADH are expressed in stem cells and thus considered as
Carbonyl Metabolism 787

markers in these cells. ALDH2 is mainly respon- alcohols resulting from AKR-catalyzed reactions
sible for the detoxification of ethanol-derived are further conjugated to sulfate or glucuronide for
acetaldehyde (Fig. 2). More than 40% of individ- excretion (elimination reactions; detoxification)
uals from East Asian descent exhibit a functional and some are bioactivated, e.g., tobacco
polymorphism in ALDH2 gene (ALDH2*2; carcinogens.
Glu487 has been replaced by a lysine) that leads AKRs are implicated in the metabolism of
to a partially inactive form of ALDH2. This certain cancer chemotherapeutics leading to their C
results in acetaldehyde accumulation and an detoxification, and thus, AKRs are associated
alcohol-induced flushing reaction, an increased with anticancer drug resistance. AKRs convert
sensitivity to alcohol and thus resulting in lower tobacco carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic
rates of alcoholism in this population. Polymor- trans-dihydrodiols to reactive and redox-active
phism in ALDH2 in association with polymor- o-quinones (bioactivation). They detoxify
phism in class I ADH isozymes is considered a nicotine-derived nitrosoamino ketones. AKRs
risk factor for many cancers. ALDH2 has also are also known to detoxify exogenous toxins
been implicated in the bioactivation of nitroglyc- such as aflatoxin and endogenous toxins such as
erin, a compound used to treat angina and heart lipid peroxides.
failure. ALDH3A members are expressed in More than 50 genes are known to code for
tumors, stomach, and cornea. They appear to be AKR isozymes. AKR isozymes are mostly mono-
responsible for the maintenance of corneal trans- meric (~37 kDa) and cytosolic enzymes. They are
parency, protection of the lens crystallins by scav- categorized into 14 classes (families). Most of the
enging hydroxyl radicals, direct absorption of human AKRs are placed into AKR1 class and are
UV-light, and metabolism of cytotoxic aldehydes further subdivided into four subclasses, viz.,
generated from UV-induced lipid peroxidation. (i) AKR1A (aldehyde reductases), (ii) AKR1B
ALDH1A1 and ALDH3A1 isozymes catalyze (aldose reductases), (iii) AKR1C (hydro-
detoxification of certain anticancer drugs, e.g., xysteroid/dihydrodiol dehydrogenases), and
oxazaphosphorines such as cyclophosphamide (iv) AKR1D (steroid 5b-reductases).
and ifosfamide. They also detoxify/bioactivate AKR1A and AKR1B members utilize sugars,
many biologically and environmentally important glycation products (methylglyoxal), and lipid
aldehydes such as acrolein, chloroacetaldehyde, aldehydes (4-hydoxy-2-nonenal) as substrates.
and 2-butoxyacetaldehyde. The latter aldehydes One of the members of AKR1B subclass, viz.,
are implicated in carcinogenesis. Polymorphisms AKR1B10, prefers retinals as substrates.
in other ALDHs play a significant role in AKR1B10 is primarily expressed in small intes-
hyperprolinemia; neurological disorders including tine and colon. Its levels are elevated in some
mental retardation, ataxia, and seizures; and stress liver cancers suggesting it may be involved in
management in vital organs such as the kidney. liver pathogenesis. AKR1C1 (human 20-
a-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/dihydrodiol
Aldo-Keto Reductases (AKRs) dehydrogenase 1) has been shown to be
AKRs are also a superfamily of isozymes. Like overexpressed (>50-fold) in non-small cell lung
ADHs and ALDHs, AKRs are present in prokary- cancer (NSCLC). Elevated levels of AKR1C1 in
otes as well as eukaryotes and are ubiquitously NSCLC have been correlated with poor prognosis
expressed in various tissues. They catalyze NAD outcome in NSCLC, and it has been implicated in
(P)H-dependent reduction of aldehydes or anticancer drug resistance.
ketones to primary or secondary alcohols, respec-
tively (Fig. 1). AKRs, like other carbonyl-
metabolizing enzymes, exhibit broad substrate References
specificity. The compounds that serve as sub-
strates for these enzymes include drugs, carcino- Moreb JS (2008) Aldehyde dehydrogenase as a marker for
gens, and reactive aldehydes. Many of the stem cells. Curr Stem Cell Res Ther 3:237–246
788 Carbonyl Reductases

Parkinson A (2001) Biotransformation of xenobiotics. ▶ oncofetal antigen. Many of the advances in

McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 133–224 tumor marker research lead directly back to the
Penning TM (2015) The aldo-keto reductases (AKRs): Over-
view. Chemico-biological interactions, 234, 236–246 discovery of CEA. The protein component of
Sladek NE (2003) Human aldehyde dehydrogenases: CEA is 79 kDa in size, and the balance of
potential pathological, pharmacological, and toxicolog- 70–100 kDa is made from up to 28 complex
ical impact. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 17:7–23 N-linked multi-antennary carbohydrate structures
Yokoyama A, Mizukami T, Yokoyama T (2015) Genetic
polymorphisms of alcohol dehydrogense-1B and alde- containing N-acetyl-glucosamine, mannose,
hyde dehydrogenase-2, Alcohol flushing, mean corpus- galactose, fucose, and sialic acid. Low-resolution
cular Volume, and aerodigestive tract neoplasia in X-ray studies have shown an elongated mono-
japanese drinkers. In: Biological basis of alcohol-induced meric structure that could be described as a bot-
cancer Springer international publishing, pp 265–279
tlebrush. The molecule is composed of a series of
six disulfide-linked immunoglobulin-like
domains (IgC2-like) of either 93 (type A) or
85 (type B) amino acids and a seventh N-domain
Carbonyl Reductases of 108 amino acids which is an IgV (variable
antigen recognition domain) structure without
▶ Reductases
the stabilizing disulfide bridge. CEA can attach
to the cell membrane, and this is achieved by
posttranslational modification of a small
(26 amino acids) hydrophobic C-terminal domain
Carcinoembryonic Antigen to a glycosylphosphatidylinositol linkage (see
Fig. 1a). Cleavage of this linkage by phospholi-
Peter Thomas pases releases CEA into the lumen of the intestine
Departments of Surgery and Biomedical or other extracellular compartments.
Sciences, Creighton University, Omaha, NE,
USA The CEA Gene Family
The complete gene for CEA has been cloned, and
it includes a promoter region that confers cell
Synonyms type-specific expression. The ▶ CEA gene family
comprises 29 genes or pseudogenes located
CD66e; CEA; CEACAM5 between the q13.1 and q13.3 regions of chromo-
some 19. The family can be divided into three
groups: The CEA group of 12 genes, the
Definition pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (PSG) group of
11 genes, and a third group composed of
CEA is a glycoprotein of approximately 6 pseudogenes. Only 16 of the 29 genes are
150–180 kDa. Its measurement in serum is used expressed. Sequence data has shown that the
clinically as a biomarker for a number of cancers CEA family is a subset of the immunoglobulin
(pancreas, breast, stomach, ovary, lung, and med- supergene family. Comparative sequence studies
ullary carcinoma of the thyroid), but its primary use of the CEA gene family from various species
is in monitoring cancers of the colon and rectum. suggest that the CEA family has a common ances-
try and arose relatively recently in evolution.

Characteristics Function of CEA in Normal and Cancerous

Protein Structure In general, members of the CEA family subgroup
CEA was discovered in 1965 in colon cancer and have a ubiquitous distribution in adult tissues.
fetal tissue extracts and was described as an However, CEA itself has a more restricted
Carcinoembryonic Antigen 789

a association with mucins. The function of CEA in

the normal individual is not well understood and
N has been the subject of much speculation. It has
been estimated that the normal person can pro-
duce 70 mg or more of CEA a day and excrete it in
the feces. CEA has been shown to bind to various
S fimbriated gut pathogens, and therefore, it has C
b been suggested that it has a function in protecting
the gut epithelia. In cancer cells CEA may per-
form a number of functions. Unlike the normal
colonocyte where CEA expression is highly
polarized in cancers, this polarity is lost and its
expression occurs through the whole of the cell
A2 S N S A3 surface. It has been shown that CEA can act as a
Ca2+-independent homotypic adhesion molecule
S S binding with itself through an interaction between
B2 S
the N and A3 domains (Fig. 1b) and causing
S S aggregation of tumor cells. This allows the malig-
nant epithelium to adopt a multilayered structure
S S and may disrupt the normal pattern of differentia-
A3 S tion. CEA can also bind heterotypically to other
S S members of the gene family including the
nonspecific cross-reacting antigen (NCA,
B3 S A3 S
N CD66c, CEACAM6) and the biliary glycoprotein
(BGP, CD66a, CEACAM1), of which seven dif-
S ferent forms have been identified. It is unlikely
that CEA functions as a ▶ cell adhesion molecule

in the normal colon because of its apical expres-

sion. CEA is cleared from the circulation by the
hepatic ▶ macrophages (▶ Kupffer cells). A cell
surface receptor identical to the heterogeneous
Carcinoembryonic Antigen, Fig. 1 CEA structure. (a)
Insertion of CEA into the plasma membrane (down arrow), nuclear RNA-binding protein hnRNP M4 recog-
the Ig domain structure, and the position of the N-linked nizes a pentapeptide (Pro–Glu–Leu–Pro–Lys
sugar chains. An arrow marks the position of the PELPK (PELPK)) located at the hinge region between
receptor recognition sequence. (b) Homotypic binding
the N and the first immunoglobulin loop domain
between two CEA molecules with attachment between
the N and A3 domains (Structures are modified from the (A1) of CEA. Patients with a mutation in the
CEA homepage http://cea.klinikum.uni-meunchen.de) region coding for this peptide have extremely
high circulating CEA levels presumably due to
the inability of Kupffer cells to clear the protein
expression being found only in the colon, pyloric from the blood. CEA has also been implicated in
mucus cells, epithelial cells of the prostate, sweat the development of hepatic ▶ metastasis from
glands, and squamous cells in the tongue, cervix, colorectal cancers by the induction of a localized
and esophagus. In the colon CEA is located at the inflammatory response that affects retention and
apical surface of colonic enterocytes and is asso- implantation in the liver. Cytokines produced also
ciated with the glycocalyx or fuzzy coat. In the protect the tumor cells against the toxic effects of
normal colon CEA is maximally expressed on hypoxia. CEA-producing cells therefore have a
columnar cells at the level of the free luminal selective advantage for growth in the liver. Studies
surface. CEA is also found in goblet cells in have also shown that CEA can protect cancer cells
790 Carcinoembryonic Antigen

from a form of programmed cell death called metastasis in colorectal cancer patients. It is not
▶ anoikis, and this also seems to involve the as effective in detecting locoregional or pulmo-
PELPK motif and inhibition of Trail-R2 (DR5) nary metastases. Elevated CEA levels that fall to
signaling. CEA is also protective against other normal following tumor resection are an indica-
forms of ▶ apoptosis including drug- and UV tion of a successful surgery; however, a rising
light-induced programmed cell death. The related CEA level postoperatively indicates a progression
protein CEACAM-1, however, is a proapoptotic or recurrence of the tumor. There is no clear
protein. Research has shown that CEA may be agreement on how often CEA measurements
involved in promoting angiogenesis (growth of should be taken following curative surgery. The
new blood vessels) in colorectal cancer, by guidelines put out by the American Society of
interacting with endothelial cells directly through Clinical Oncologists (ASCO) recommend mea-
its receptor. This raises the possibility of alternate surements every 2–3 months for a minimum of
therapeutic approaches and further emphasizes 2 years. CEA measurements can give a lead time
CEA as a multi-functional glycoprotein. of up to a year before the onset of clinical symp-
toms of recurrence. Serial serum CEA measure-
Clinical Aspects ments have been shown to be useful in the follow-
The main clinical use for CEA is as a tumor up of patients with breast cancer and small cell
marker especially for cancers in the colon and cancer of the lung. The reverse transcriptase-
rectum and approximately 90% of these cancers polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) has been
produce CEA. CEA has also been used as a used to detect CEA-producing circulating cancer
marker for breast and small cell cancer of the cells. A real-time PCR method has been devel-
lung. Approximately 50% of breast and 70% of oped for the quantitative detection of CEA mRNA
small cell cancers express CEA. Accurate immu- transcripts in blood, peritoneal washings, and
noassays are commercially available for its mea- lymph nodes. These methods can be used for a
surement in body fluids. Immunohistochemistry more exact staging and prognosis in cancer
on biopsy or resection specimens is also often patients. CEA has been used as a target antigen
carried out, for example, the intensity of CEA for both radioimmunodetection and ▶ radio-
staining has been associated with a worse progno- immunotherapy of cancers. Imaging after admin-
sis for breast cancer. Normal serum levels are istration of radiolabeled anti-CEA antibodies
<2.5 ng/ml unless the subject is a heavy smoker provides information on the location and extent
when the normal cutoff becomes <5 ng/ml. CEA of disease. Radiolabeled anti-CEA antibodies
levels can be elevated in a number of have shown therapeutic effects in reducing
nonmalignant conditions such as pancreatitis, tumor size in metastatic disease. Radiolabeled
inflammatory bowel disease including ▶ Crohn anti-CEA antibodies are also used to guide
disease, hereditary polyposis including Gardener second-look surgery and can detect occult disease.
syndrome, polycystic disease of the liver, and a CEA has been used as the antigen of choice for
variety of other liver diseases including cirrhosis cancer vaccines against colorectal cancers. Clini-
and hepatitis and benign biliary duct obstruction. cal trials have been conducted using recombinant
Rarely do these diseases result in a CEA elevation CEA-vaccine virus (vaccine constructed from a
over 10 ng/ml. CEA levels above 20 ng/ml almost recombinant vaccine virus containing the human
always indicate the presence of a malignant tumor. ▶ carcinoembryonic antigen gene) and recombi-
Patients with colorectal cancer who present with a nant ALVAC-CEA vaccines. The latter is a cancer
CEA level of over 5 ng/ml have a poorer progno- vaccine constructed from canarypox virus
sis and are at higher risk for developing metastasis (ALVAC) and combined with the human
to the liver. However, because the CEA assay carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene. The vac-
lacks sensitivity for early stage colorectal cancer, cines were well tolerated and elicited
it cannot be used as a population screen. CEA is CEA-specific T-cell responses. This promises to
most useful for the early detection of liver be a useful addition to standard therapies.
Carcinogen Metabolism 791

Cross-References (2012) CEA-Vaccine Virus. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-

pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
720. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_971
▶ Anoikis (2012) Cirrhosis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Apoptosis Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 869.
▶ CEA Gene Family doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1184
▶ Cell Adhesion Molecules (2012) DR5. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
▶ Crohn Disease
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1160. doi:
▶ Kupffer Cells (2012) Gardner Syndrome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
▶ Macrophages dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
▶ Metastasis 1503. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2327
(2012) Glycocalyx. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Oncofetal Antigen Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1569.
▶ Radioimmunotherapy doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2445
(2012) Glycosyl Phosphatidyl Inositol. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
References delberg, p 1571. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
Beauchemin N, Draber P, Dveksler G, Gold P, Gray-Owen (2012) HnRNP M. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
S, Grunert F, Hammerstrom S, Holmes KV, Karlsson Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1711.
A, Kuroki M, Lin S-H, Lucka L, Najjar S.M, Neumaier doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2777
M, Obrink B, Shivley JE, Skubitz K, Stanners CP, (2012) Nonspecific Cross Reacting Antigen. In: Schwab M
Thomas P, Thompson JA, Virji M, von Kleist S, (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
Wagener C, Watt S, Zimmermann W (1999) Redefined Heidelberg, p 2551. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
nomenclature for members of the carcinoembryonic 5_4125
antigen gene family. Experimental Cell Res. (2012) Phospholipase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
252:243–249 Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2867.
Gold P, Freedman SO (1965) Specific carcinoembryonic doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4536
antigens of the human digestive system. J Exp Med (2012) Radio-Immunodetection. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
122:467–481 clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
Goldstein MJ, Mitchell EP (2005) Carcinoembryonic anti- berg, p 3148. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4910
gen in the staging and follow up of patients with colo-
rectal cancer. Cancer Invest 23:338–351
Hammerstrom S (1999) The carcinoembryonic antigen
(CEA) family: structures, suggested functions and
expression in normal and malignant tissues. Semin Carcinofetal Proteins
Cancer Biol 9:67–81
Jessup JM, Thomas P (1998) CEA and metastasis: a facil-
itator of site specific metastasis. In: Stanners C (ed) Cell ▶ Alpha-Fetoprotein
adhesion and communication mediated by the CEA
family: basic and clinical perspectives. Harwood Aca-
demic, Amsterdam, pp 195–222
Koppe MJ, Bleichrodt RP, Oyen WJG et al (2005) Radio-
immunotherapy and colorectal cancer. Br J Surg
Carcinogen Metabolism
Frederick Peter Guengerich
Department of Biochemistry and Center in
See Also Molecular Toxicology, Biochemistry and Center
(2012) ALVAC-CEA. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of in Molecular Toxicology, Vanderbilt University
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 150.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_214
School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA
(2012) Biliary Glycoprotein. In: Schwab M (ed)
Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, p 401. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483- Definition
(2012) Biomarkers. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 408– The transformation of chemicals is important in
409. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6601 carcinogenesis both in terms of bioactivation and
792 Carcinogen Metabolism

Carcinogen Metabolism, Ingestion

Fig. 1 General paradigm
for carcinogen metabolism,
including both Detoxicated Enzyme 1 Enzyme 2 Detoxicated
Chemical Reactive Enzyme 3
bioactivation and product (procarcinogen) product product
detoxication reactions

Excretion Reaction with DNA Excretion

Cancer Mutation


O DNA adducts
Aflatoxin Q1
OH conjugate Cancer
Aflatoxin B1 Aflatoxin B1
exo-8, 9-epoxide (detoxication)
Aflatoxin M1 HO


Carcinogen Metabolism, Fig. 2 Major events in the metabolism of the hepatocarcinogen aflatoxin B1

detoxication. Most chemical carcinogens need to Characteristics

be activated within the body. Such reactive forms
can then cause biological damage (Fig. 1). As an History
example for competing processes, aflatoxin B1 In 1761, the London physician J. Hill associated
was chosen (Fig. 2) (▶ Adducts to DNA). Exactly the use of snuff with nasal cancers (Tobacco car-
what proportion in human cancers is the result of cinogenesis, tobacco-related cancers). More than
chemical exposure is not clear. However, in most one hundred years later in 1895, Rehn and others
countries, at least one third of cancer cases are due reported a link of large-scale arylamine exposure
to tobacco carcinogens (▶ Tobacco carcinogene- of workers in the aniline dye industry in Germany
sis, ▶ tobacco-related cancers). A significant and Switzerland to bladder cancer (▶ Aromatic
number of cancer cases may be related to diet, amine). Aniline is an aromatic amine. It is a col-
although it is unknown exactly which chemicals orless, oily liquid, originally obtained from
in food cause or influence cancer. As a result of indigo, a blue dyestuff derived from several
precautions adapted in the course of the last cen- plants, by distillation. Today it is largely
tury, the number of cases due to industrial expo- manufactured from coal tar or nitrobenzene as a
sure seems to be very low. base from which many brilliant dyes are made. In
Carcinogen Metabolism 793

Japan, Yamagiwa and Ichikawa were in 1915 the studied member of this class of compounds is
first to demonstrate the formation of tumors in benzo[a]pyrene. It is widely believed that the
rabbits exposed to coal tar, a mixture of polycyclic main metabolic pathway involves the oxida-
hydrocarbons (▶ Polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- tion of benzo[a]pyrene by cytochrome P450
bons). The concept that metabolic processes are (P450) to an epoxide. The hydrolysis of this
a necessity for the bioactivation of chemical car- epoxide to a dihydrodiol is followed by another
cinogens was primarily developed by J. A. and oxidation by P450 that generates highly reac- C
E. C. Miller at the University of Wisconsin in the tive diol epoxides (▶ Cytochrome P450). The
early 1940s (▶ DNA damage). Over the next few latter can either react with DNA or are detox-
decades, they and others provided further insight, icated by glutathione transferase.
defining metabolically derived carcinogenic prod- • Aflatoxin B1 is a mycotoxin and a prominent
ucts that react with DNA (“ultimate carcinogens”) contributor to human liver cancer
(Adducts to DNA). However, although the rela- (▶ Hepatocellular carcinoma). A critical fea-
tionship between carcinogens and mutagenesis ture of its metabolism is the formation of an
had been considered, it was not clearly defined. epoxide by P450 enzymes (Fig. 2). The epox-
It was only after B. N. Ames developed a (still ide (with a half-life in water of t1/2 = 1 s) is able
widely used) bacterial mutation system in which to react with DNA or can be conjugated with
rat liver extracts are able to transform carcinogens glutathione. P450 enzymes can also detoxicate
into mutagens that the correlation between carci- aflatoxin B1 by catalyzing several other oxida-
nogenesis and mutagenesis became obvious tion steps (e.g., the oxidation to 3a- and 9a-
(▶ Genetic toxicology). Advances in enzymology hydroxylated products).
and recombinant DNA technology made it possi- • Olefins (alkenes) can be oxidized to epoxides
ble to discern the role of individual human (▶ Alkylating agents). A member of this group
enzymes in various steps in carcinogen metabo- is vinyl chloride, a carcinogenic substance that
lism. Using inbred mouse strains and knockout was shown to cause a rare liver hemangiosarcoma
mice, it was possible to demonstrate the critical in people working in the rubber industry.
role of mouse orthologues in carcinogen • Another problematic group of substances are
activation. N-nitrosamines. They can result from some
industrial settings but are also produced endog-
Metabolism enously from amines and nitrites in the acidic
Metabolism of carcinogens occurs in many tissues environment of the stomach. Sources are the
throughout the body (▶ ADMET screen). Many so-called tobacco-specific nitrosamines as well
in vitro studies utilize liver tissue samples because as sodium nitrite that are used to preserve
many enzymes of interest are concentrated there. processed meats (Tobacco carcinogenesis,
However, for tumors that originate elsewhere, tobacco-related cancers). As in the examples
extrahepatic sites are of greater interest. The ques- stated above, P450 activates N-nitrosamines by
tion of which kind of tissue is most important is oxidation. The formation of an alcohol on the
related to the site of entry of a carcinogen, as well adjacent carbon atom yields an unstable prod-
as how much of the activated form(s) of the car- uct that decomposes and alkylates DNA.
cinogen is able to circulate within the body before • Another group of chemicals of concern present
reacting with the target tissue. Examples of impor- in food and tobacco is heterocyclic amines,
tant carcinogens and their metabolism are given substances derived from creatinine and amino
below (▶ Xenobiotics). acids following pyrolysis (Aromatic amines).
Amine activation involves its oxidation by a
• Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are systems P450 enzyme to a hydroxylamine (–NHOH).
of fused benzene rings that are found in carci- An unstable compound (–NHOAc) is the result
nogenic soots, tars, and tobacco smoke of the enzymatic transfer of an acetyl group
(Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). A widely (▶ Arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NAT) and
794 Carcinogen Metabolism

cancer, biomarkers). It ultimately breaks down risk assessment, which uses the knowledge of car-
to a nitrenium ion (–NH+) that can react with cinogen metabolism derived from animal bioassay
DNA. Detoxication involves other P450 studies and sometimes epidemiology to determine
enzymes, glutathione transferases, and UDP critical exposure levels of environmental carcino-
glucuronosyltransferases. gens in humans (▶ Cancer epidemiology).
Metabolism mechanisms play an important
Mechanisms role in cancer safety assessment studies of pro-
Conjugation reactions (including those catalyzed spective new drugs, including those used to treat
by the enzyme N-acetyltransferase) (Arylamine cancer. Another important area is chemopreven-
N-acetyltransferases (NAT) and cancer) are usu- tion where beneficial effects of certain chemicals
ally involved in detoxication reactions; they can, are investigated, e.g., their ability to change the
however, also be part of bioactivation schemes metabolism of carcinogens.
(▶ Sulfotransferases). An example is the pesticide
ethylene dibromide (BrCH2Cl2Br) and related
compounds where the enzymatic conjugation of
ethylene dibromide with endogenous tripeptide
glutathione yields a molecule (in this case
▶ Adducts to DNA
glutathione-CH2CH2Br) that can react with DNA
▶ ADMET Screen
(▶ Glutathione S-Transferase). ▶ Alkylating Agents
▶ Aromatic Amine
▶ Arylamine N-Acetyltransferases
Numerous studies support the important role of ▶ Biomarkers in Detection of Cancer Risk
carcinogen metabolism in human cancers.
Factors and in Chemoprevention
First, substances, such as aflatoxin B1, whose
▶ Cancer Epidemiology
metabolic products can cause cancers (Fig. 2) have ▶ Clinical Cancer Biomarkers
been identified in foods (Xenobiotics). Second, it
▶ Cytochrome P450
has been shown in animal models that either the
▶ Detoxification
absence or the induction of certain enzymes that are ▶ DNA Damage
involved in carcinogen metabolism can have a
▶ Genetic Toxicology
dramatic effect on chemical-caused cancers.
▶ Glutathione S-Transferase
Third, humans are known to show great phenotypic ▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma
variation in many enzymes involved in carcinogen
▶ Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
metabolism. Dramatic effects on the metabolism of ▶ Sulfotransferases
drugs have been demonstrated with these enzymes. ▶ Tobacco Carcinogenesis
Large international and other interindividual differ-
▶ Tobacco-Related Cancers
ences in cancer incidence, as well as the ▶ Xenobiotics
documented effects of diet on cancer, justify the
considerable interest to study carcinogen metabo-
lism, particularly in humans. Research in carcino- References
gen metabolism and its applications can be divided
into several areas. Investigating cancer cause and Guengerich FP (2000) Metabolism of chemical carcino-
gens. Carcinogenesis 21:345–351
cancer etiology depends upon the understanding of Guengerich FP, Shimada T (1991) Oxidation of toxic and
basic chemistry, enzymology, and physiology of carcinogenic chemicals by human cytochrome P-450
metabolic processes as well as how the chemicals enzymes. Chem Res Toxicol 4:391–407
react with DNA once they are activated. Molecular Miller JA (1998) The metabolism of xenobiotics to reactive
electrophiles in chemical carcinogenesis and mutagen-
epidemiology utilizes information about carcino- esis. Drug Metab Rev 30:645–674
gen metabolism in order to establish their relevance Searle CE (ed) (1984) Chemical carcinogens, vols 1 and
in human cancer (▶ Biomarkers). A related topic is 2. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC
Carcinogenesis 795

See Also or their metabolites, form covalent ▶ adducts to

(2012) Biomarkers. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of DNA and are mutagenic. Others act at the epige-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 408–
netic level by altering pathways of signal trans-
409. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6601
duction and gene expression. These include tumor
promoters, growth factors, and specific hormones.
Dietary factors also play an important role. Fruits
and vegetables often have a protective effect. C
Excessive fat and/or calories may enhance carci-
nogenesis in certain organs. Hereditary factors
I. Bernard Weinstein
can also play an important role in cancer causa-
Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
tion. Indeed, human cancers are often caused by
complex interactions between these multiple fac-
tors. An example is the interaction between the
naturally occurring carcinogen ▶ aflatoxin and
the chronic infection with hepatitis B virus in the
Carcinogenesis is the process by which cancer
causation of liver cancer in regions of China and
develops in various tissues in the body.

Molecular Genetics
Studies indicate that the stepwise process of car-
cinogenesis reflects the progressive acquisition of
In most cases, carcinogenesis occurs via a step-
activating mutations in dominant-acting ▶ onco-
wise process that can encompass a major fraction
genes and inactivating recessive mutations in
of the lifespan (▶ multistep development). These
▶ tumor suppressor genes. It is also apparent
progressive stages often include hyperplasia, dys-
that epigenetic abnormalities in the expression of
plasia, metaplasia, benign tumors, and then, even-
these genes also play an important role in carci-
tually, malignant tumors. Malignant tumors can
nogenesis. Thus far over 100 oncogenes and at
also undergo further progression to become more
least 12 tumor suppressor genes have been iden-
invasive and metastatic, autonomous of hormones
tified. Tumor progression is enhanced by genomic
and growth factors, and resistant to chemotherapy
instability due to defects in DNA repair and other
or radiotherapy.
factors. The heterogeneous nature of human can-
cers appears to reflect heterogeneity in the genes
that are mutated and/or abnormally expressed.
Known causes of carcinogenesis include various
Individual variations in susceptibility to carcino-
chemicals or mixture of chemicals present in sev-
genesis are influenced by hereditary variations in
eral sources. This includes cigarette smoke; diet;
enzymes that either activate or inactivate potential
workplace or general environment; ultraviolet and
carcinogens, variations in the efficiency of DNA
ionizing radiation; specific viruses, bacteria, and
repair, and other factors yet to be determined.
parasites; and endogenous factors (▶ DNA Oxi-
Age, gender, and nutritional factors also influence
dation Damage, DNA depurination, deamina-
individual susceptibility.
tion). According to the International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC), 69 agents, mixtures,
Clinical Relevance
and exposure circumstances are known to be car-
cinogenic to humans (group 1), 57 are probably
carcinogenic (group 2A), and 215 are possibly
Cancer is a major cause of death throughout the
carcinogenic to humans. Some of these agents,
world. Therefore, the prevention of carcinogene-
sis is a major goal of medicine and public health.
Bernard Weinstein: deceased. The carcinogenic process can be prevented by
796 Carcinogenesis in Colon

avoidance of exposure to various carcinogenic

factors (i.e., cigarette smoking, excessive sun- Carcinoid
light, etc.), dietary changes, early detection of
precursor lesions, and chemoprevention. Synonyms

Carcinoid tumors

▶ Adducts to DNA Definition

▶ Aflatoxins
▶ DNA Oxidation Damage Carcinoids originate in hormone-producing cells of
▶ Multistep Development the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (i.e., esophagus, stom-
▶ Nucleoporin ach, small intestine, colon), the respiratory tract (i.e.,
▶ Oncogene lungs, trachea, bronchi), the hepatobiliary system
▶ Toxicological Carcinogenesis (i.e., pancreas, gallbladder, liver), and the reproduc-
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes tive glands (i.e., testes, ovaries).
The most common site of origin is the GI tract,
and carcinoid tumors often develop in the appen-
dix, the rectum, and the lower sections of the small
Kitchin KT (ed) (1999) Carcinogenicity, testing predicting intestine (i.e., the jejunum and the ileum). The
and interpreting chemical effects. Marcel Dekker, New large tubes that lead from the windpipe to the
York/Basel lungs (bronchi) are other common sites of origin.
Weinstein IB (2000) Disorders in cell circuitry during Carcinoids are classified as ▶ neuroendocrine
multistage carcinogenesis: the role of homeostasis.
Carcinogenesis 22:857–864 tumors. They develop in peptide- and amine-
Weinstein IB, Santella RM, Perera FP (1995a) Molecular producing cells, which release hormones in
biology and molecular epidemiology of cancer. In: response to signals from the nervous system.
Greenwald P, Kramer BS, Weed DL (eds) Cancer preven- Excessive amounts of these hormones cause a
tion and control. Marcell Dekker, New York, pp 83–110
Weinstein IB, Carothers AM, Santella RM et al (1995b) condition called carcinoid syndrome in approxi-
Molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis and multistage mately 10% of patients with carcinoid tumors.
carcinogenesis. In: Mendelsohn J, Howley PM, Israel Carcinoids are slow growing, and tumors with
MA, Liotta LA (eds) The molecular basis of cancer. the same site of origin often have different char-
Saunders, WB, Philadelphia, pp 59–85
acteristics and growth patterns. They can be
subdivided according to the following:
See Also
(2012) Mutagenic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2412. • Cellular growth pattern (e.g., trabecular, glan-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3909 dular, undifferentiated, mixed)
• Hormones produced (e.g., bradykinin, seroto-
nin, histamine, ▶ prostaglandins)
• Site of origin – foregut (respiratory tract, pan-
Carcinogenesis in Colon creas, stomach, first section of the small intestine
[duodenum]), midgut (jejunum, ileum, appen-
▶ Colorectal Cancer Nutritional Carcinogenesis dix, diverticulum, ascending colon), or hindgut
(transverse colon, descending colon, rectum)

Incidence and Prevalence of Carcinoid Tumors

Carcinogenic Compounds in Food According to the American Cancer Society, approx-
imately 5,000 carcinoid tumors are diagnosed each
▶ Food-Borne Carcinogens year in the United States. According to the National
Carcinoid Tumors 797

Cancer Institute (NCI), approximately 74% of these Definition

tumors originate in the GI tract and 25% occur in the
respiratory tract. Carcinoids are rare in children and Carcinoid tumors represent a family of diseases
are more common in patients older than the age of 50. derived from neuroendocrine cells. These tumors
They are twice as common in men. Carcinoid tumors were first described by Langhans in 1867 but were
of the appendix usually are benign and often occur not described in detail until Lubarsch described
between the ages of 20 and 40. them in 1888. The name karzinoide was not used C
until 1907 by Oberndorfer and was chosen to
Cross-References reflect his idea that these were benign growths.
However, these tumors have a wide range of clin-
▶ Carcinoid Tumors ical presentations and outcomes from benign to
▶ Neuroendocrine Neoplasms malignant. Clinicians must recognize the nature of
▶ Prostaglandins carcinoid disease, because these often have a sig-
nificantly different clinical course than typical
carcinomas occurring within the body. Addition-
See Also
ally, with few exceptions, neuroendocrine tumors
(2012) Bradykinin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
(NETs) comprise a tiny fraction of tumors within
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 468. any specific organ. These neoplasms cause <1%
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_701 of all malignancies in the United States, currently
(2012) Carcinoid syndrome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- occurring at a rate of 2.5–4.5/100,000 people.
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
654. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_846 NETs can arise in almost any tissue within the
(2012) Serotonin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of body, but most are derived from the embryonic
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3389. foregut, midgut, and hindgut with over two-thirds
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5262 of these occurring in the gastroenteropancreatic
nancy/carcinoid-malignancy-overview.shtml axis, with approximately 25% occurring in the fore-
gut. NETs of the midgut (true carcinoids) are the
only ones which secrete serotonin, and only these
Carcinoid (Well-Differentiated tissues give rise to tumors causing carcinoid syn-
Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) of the drome. Carcinoid syndrome is the most recognized
Respiratory and Gastrointestinal complication of carcinoid tumors, originally
Tract) described in 1890 by Ransom. This manifestation
was not recognized as an endocrine or
▶ Neuroendocrine Neoplasms paraneoplastic syndrome until 1914 by Gosset. Car-
cinoid syndrome is caused by carcinoid in the mid-
gut which secretes serotonin. In its localized state,
venous drainage of tumor secretions that are metab-
Carcinoid Tumors
olized by the liver and serotonin is deactivated.
However, upon metastasis to the liver, secretions
Phillip H. Abbosh and Liang Cheng
are not as readily processed and serotonin not
Department of Pathology and Laboratory
deactivated and so is released into the systemic
Medicine, Indiana University School of
circulation, causing the syndrome. This is often
Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA
characterized by flush, diarrhea, and cramping.

Argentaffin carcinoma; Carcinoid; NET;
Neuroectodermal tumor; Neuroendocrine Within the GI system, the small intestine is the
carcinoma most frequent site of NETs, followed by the
798 Carcinoid Tumors

rectum. Overall, 32–45% of NETs will spread, but fact is required for mixed-lineage leukemogenesis
the propensity for these tumors to metastasize also in relevant models of the disease. Menin interacts
varies individually by the organ in which they with the mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) protein,
develop. As with most neoplasms, the set of which is also known to regulate transcription.
symptoms that each tumor will cause the patient Indeed, deletion of the menin-interaction domain
is dependent on where the tumor begins, and thus, from MLL results in failed leukemogenesis in a
NETs will probably present in different stages validated model for this disease. MLL behaves as
depending on the site. For instance, >70% of a histone methyltransferase for histone H3-K4,
NETs starting in the cecum and pancreas spread and H3-K4 methylation is known to be strongly
regionally or distantly, compared to NETs of associated with transcriptional activation. There-
the rectum and stomach, which spread less fore, it appears menin retains transcriptional acti-
than 18% and 33% of the time, respectively. vating as well as repressing activity and behaves
Overall, 5-year survival rates for NETs are 67%, in oncogenic as well as tumor-suppressive signal-
with survival rates after spread to localized or ing pathways. Only a handful of other genes are
distant sites exceeding 75% and below 40%, known to be definitively mutated in NET and
respectively. Accordingly, 5-year survival rates carcinoid, including succinate-ubiquinone oxido-
vary by site, with the highest and lowest rates reductase subunit D (SDHD) and b-catenin
being in the rectum (88%) and liver (18%), (▶ APC/b-Catenin Pathway). Notably, mutation
regardless of stage. of “classical” oncogenes and tumor suppressors
Risk for developing NETs can also be part of like RAS and ▶ TP53 is not present in NETs.
inherited familial cancer syndromes. Although Much more work has been done to identify
rare, this most frequently occurs in type chromosomal losses in NETs or carcinoid tumors.
I multiple endocrine neoplasia and type Identification of regions of DNA which are con-
I neurofibromatosis, with isolated case reports in sistently lost in carcinoid tumors implies that
other inherited cancer syndromes. However, the carcinoid- or NET-specific tumor suppressors
site of NETs in these syndromes is most often the may reside in these deleted regions. These regions
duodenum or pancreas, and not the midgut, which most frequently include 11q, which contains
is the site of most sporadic carcinoids. The molec- MEN1 as previously discussed, but this region
ular genetics of MEN1 (the gene which is mutated may contain other tumor suppressors as well.
MEN I) in carcinoids is complex but includes Another chromosomal region frequently lost in
point mutation as well as loss of one allele. In these malignancies is 18q. This occurs in
lung NETs, for example, 4/11 tumors showed 33–88% of NETs and varies by NET site. For
both point mutation and deletion of one allele. instance, lung NETs, like carcinoids, often have
Additionally, MEN1 is located on chromosome loss of 11q but rarely have loss of 18q. Several
11q13, which is frequently lost from NETs and known tumor suppressors reside on 18q which
will be discussed later. MEN1 which encodes the include two transcription factors in the TGF-b
protein menin is frequently altered in sporadic signaling pathway (▶ Smad proteins in TGF-b
carcinoid, in addition to type I MEN. Menin signaling) (SMAD2 and SMAD4) and DCC, all
behaves as a nuclear protein when consisting of of which are known to be altered in pancreatic
the wild-type sequence but does not localize to the and colorectal cancer. At least one study has
nucleus in many mutated forms. As with almost delimited the region of lost genomic DNA in
all genes which are implicated in familial cancer midgut carcinoids to the sequence between
syndromes, menin predictably behaves as a tumor 18q22 and the 18q telomere. Interestingly,
suppressor gene. It has been shown to dampen SMAD2, SMAD4, and DCC do not reside in the
transcriptional transactivational activity of such region of recurrent loss in carcinoid, strongly
oncogenes as NF-kb and JunD. However, menin suggesting that other genes in 18q22-qter are car-
is also known to behave as an oncogene and in cinoid tumor suppressors. Less evidence is
Carcinoid Tumors 799

available regarding the loss of 9p21 (which con- for one of a few reasons: Cells were exposed to an
tains p16/ARF), 3p (which contains ▶ peroxisome endogenous mitogen or trophic factor; cells were
proliferator-activated receptor, RASSF1A, ▶ von exposed to a genotoxin, causing genetic damage
Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor gene, FHIT, and to accumulate in many cells which independently
▶ retinoic acid), and 16q21. acquire further mutations; or intrinsic germline
The ability to measure chromosomal abnor- polymorphisms provide a propensity for tumors
malities and point mutation of specific genes in to form in multiple independent cells. In all three C
NETs combined with the fact that NETs are often cases, the idea of a field defect, first described by
multifocal has led to the question of whether each Slaughter in 1953, plays a significant role. A field
tumor focus originated as an independent event or defect may be thought of as normal-looking tissue
if multifocality is secondary to local invasion and which, at a gene-by-gene level, is not normal. In
metastasis. This question can be answered in a other words, it is a pre-benign lesion. If the entire
variety of ways, but currently, the most definitive organ at the site of NET formation harbored pre-
method is based on molecular analysis of the malignant genomic changes, then more aggres-
genomic content of each individual focus. By sive surgical intervention would predictably
analyzing regions which are frequently lost result in better outcomes for patients, because
and/or genes which are commonly mutated in the procedure would leave behind the tissue with
each tumor individually, inferences regarding the a propensity to continue to undergo carcinogene-
clonality of multiple tumor foci can be drawn. If sis. However, if multiple NETs arise in an organ
multiple tumors form independently, then one due to local spread, then wider surgical margins
would expect that genetic alterations at specific would probably not result in higher survival rates,
loci would occur randomly. However, if the same assuming the procedure was able to remove all of
genetic alterations are seen in a majority of tumors the malignant tissue.
from the same patient, then it is likely that the Much has been learned about carcinoid since
tumors do not form independently. This was its original description over 100 years ago. Much
shown by Katona et al. using microdissected tis- is left to be learned about this disease as well,
sues from patients with multiple pancreatic NETs including exactly which signaling pathways are
or carcinoids. Seventy-two tumors from altered in the disease and identification of genes
24 patients were analyzed using LOH analysis. which are in chromosomal regions of frequent
The results of this study showed that indeed at alteration. As yet, there are very few reports of
least some tumors show identical patterns of alle- experimental carcinoid models which to study,
lic loss, indicating that carcinogenesis in these both at the cell line and animal level. Detailed
patients probably occurred once and that each epidemiological studies become difficult to per-
tumor focus represents a locally invasive metasta- form due to the rare nature of this disease, which
sis. However, the largest fraction of patients had also complicates prospective studies. Overcoming
tumors with nonidentical LOH pattern in each or averting these obstacles will significantly speed
tumor, indicating that these tumors actually the rate of progress in carcinoid research.
formed independently. Other groups have shown
a similar pattern of evidence with different genetic
markers implicating multiple independent foci in
carcinoid carcinogenesis. Cross-References
The implications of identifying the mechanism
of multiple tumor formation are directly related to ▶ Carcinoid
therapy, especially with regard to surgical inter- ▶ Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
vention. This is directly related to the pathogene- ▶ Neuroendocrine Carcinoma
sis of NET formation. One would surmise that ▶ Neurofibromatosis 1
multiple tumors arise independently in an organ ▶ Telomerase
800 Carcinoma In Situ

References Cross-References

Dreijerink KM, Hoppener JW, Timmers HM et al (2006) ▶ Breast Cancer

Mechanisms of disease: multiple endocrine neoplasia
▶ Cervical Cancers
type 1-relation to chromatin modifications and tran-
scription regulation. Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab ▶ Colorectal Cancer
2(10):562–570 ▶ Colorectal Cancer Clinical Oncology
Katona TM, Jones TD, Wang M et al (2006) Molecular ▶ Dormancy
evidence for independent origin of multifocal neuroen-
docrine tumors of the enteropancreatic axis. Cancer Res
Kytola S, Hoog A, Nord B et al (2001) Comparative
genomic hybridization identifies loss of 18q22-qter as
an early and specific event in tumorigenesis of midgut Carcinoma of the Adrenal Cortex
carcinoids. Am J Pathol 158(5):1803–1808
Modlin IM, Lye KD, Kidd M (2003) A 5-decade analysis ▶ Adrenocortical Cancer
of 13,715 carcinoid tumors. Cancer 97(4):934–959
Walch AK, Zitzelsberger HF, Aubele MM et al (1998)
Typical and atypical carcinoid tumors of the lung are
characterized by 11q deletions as detected by compar-
ative genomic hybridization. Am J Pathol Carcinoma Pathogenesis

▶ Epithelial Tumorigenesis

Carcinoma In Situ
Carcinoma with Amine Precursor
Synonyms Uptake Decarboxylation Cell
In Situ Carcinoma
▶ Extrapulmonary Small Cell Cancer


CIS is a lesion that exhibits the cytologic changes Carcinomatosis

of invasive carcinoma but that is limited to the
epithelium with no invasion of the basement François Noël Gilly and Olivier Glehen
membrane. For instance, in colorectal cancer, Department of Digestive Oncologic Surgery,
CIS represents an early form of carcinoma that is Hospices Civils de Lyon–Université Lyon 1,
restricted to the colon mucosa and only locally Lyon, France
expands within the mucosa without expanding
over the mucosa limits. There is a complete
absence of invasion of the surrounding tissues. Synonyms
However, becoming bigger, CIS will then grow
over the colon mucosa limits, reach the surround- Peritoneal carcinomatosis; Peritoneal malig-
ing vessels, and thus become invasive. Invasive nancy; Peritoneal tumor
carcinomas, that are able to metastasize, are often
the first clinical presentation of colon cancer
(▶ Colorectal Cancer Clinical Oncology). Transi- Definition
tional cell CIS carries a high risk of progression to
invasion. CIS also appears in breast cancer and Until the 1980s, “carcinomatosis” was a con-
cervical cancer. dition typically characterized by widespread
Carcinomatosis 801

dissemination of malignant metastases throughout diagnosed in the USA each year; contrary
the body. It was then used to describe conditions to pleural mesothelioma, its asbestosis expo-
with more limited spread as in “leptomeningeal sure relation remains controversial mainly in
carcinomatosis,” “lymphangitic carcinomatosis” women, and other carcinogenic agents were
(which is diffuse malignant infiltration of the reported such as virus, abdominal irradia-
lungs with obstruction of the lymphatic channels tion, chronic peritonitis, mica, or thorium
that occurs most commonly in patients with car- dioxide exposure. C
cinoma of the breast, lung, stomach, pancreas, (iii) From primary serous carcinoma: a very rare
prostate, cervix, or thyroid, as well as in patients disease mostly diagnosed in women and
with metastatic adenocarcinoma from an sometimes related to a chromosome
unknown primary site), and “peritoneal carcino- deletion.
matosis.” Since 2000, due to the worldwide diffu- (iv) From desmoplastic tumors.
sion of cytoreductive surgery combined with (v) From psammocarcinoma: the estimated inci-
intra-abdominal chemotherapy, “carcinomatosis” dence for these three last diseases remains
is a word now describing tumoral spreading unknown and is probably <1/10 million/
within the peritoneal cavity. year.
Peritoneum is the mesothelial tissue (serosa)
that covers most of the organs in the abdominal Metastatic peritoneal carcinomatosis is com-
cavity as well as the interior part of the abdominal mon; it mainly arises from colorectal cancer
wall (parietal peritoneum covers the abdominal (detected in about 10% of patients at the time of
walls, and visceral peritoneum covers intra- primary cancer resection), ovarian cancer, and
abdominal organs like the stomach, colon, gall- gastric or pancreatic cancers. The mechanisms
bladder, spleen, liver, etc.). Peritoneum, which is causing carcinomatosis are multifactorial and
now regarded as an organ by itself, could be the include peritoneal dissemination of free cancer
site for “peritoneal carcinomatosis” arising from cells as a result of serosal involvement of the
primary peritoneal tumors or from metastatic primary tumor, implantation of free cancer cells
nonperitoneal tumors. caused by the presence of adhesion molecules,
and presence of cancer cells in lymph fluid or
venous blood retained within the peritoneal cavity
Characteristics (the role of laparoscopic approach in malignant
cell diffusion, as well as the role of surgeon during
Etiology of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis the tumor handling, is still controversial). Meta-
Primary peritoneal carcinomatosis could arise: static peritoneal carcinomatosis could also arise
from extra peritoneal cancer (lymph and/or blood
(i) From pseudomyxoma: a rare borderline or dissemination) such as breast cancer, uterus can-
malignant mucinous tumor, generally origi- cer, thyroid cancer, etc.
nating from the appendix, incidence of Natural history of metastatic peritoneal carci-
which is estimated 1/million/year and some- nomatosis is well known from three international
times called the “jellylike fluid prospective series; without curative treatment, the
disease” – only the histopathologic analysis overall median survival is 3–7 months, according
is able to determine grade 1 (peritoneal to the stage of the peritoneal carcinomatosis.
adenomucinosis, 84% 5-year survival),
grade 3 (peritoneal mucinous adenocarci- Diagnosis
noma, 7% 5-year survival), and grade Primary and metastatic peritoneal carcinomatosis
2 (intermediate, 37% 5-year survival). have no specific symptoms; due to the absence of
(ii) From mesothelioma: peritoneal location of specific symptoms, clinical diagnosis could be a
mesothelioma is not so frequent as pleural rather difficult one. Peritoneal carcinomatosis is
location, and about 250 new cases are often diagnosed during surgical exploration of a
802 Carcinomatosis

known primary tumor; if not, symptoms can scan is still under evaluation. Laparoscopic explo-
include abdominal or pelvic pain, changes in ration is useful to perform large biopsies and to
bowel functions (up to intestinal obstruction), stage the peritoneal carcinomatosis using the Gilly
increase of abdominal volume (caused by staging system (Fig. 1) and Sugarbaker peritoneal
ascitis or by tumoral volume itself), abdominal cancer index (Fig. 2); combination of these two
swelling and bloating, infertility (mainly in scoring systems was demonstrated as an indepen-
pseudomyxoma), loss of weight, anorexia, asthe- dent survival predictive factor.
nia, etc. Clinical examination of the patient could There is no biologic specificity; tumoral
reveal ascitis or malignant nodules detectable markers (CEA, CA 19-9, CA 125, etc.) could be
through the abdominal wall. increased in relation to or not with the primary
Abdominal ultrasonography could reveal tumor, and molecular markers are still being
ascitis or primary ovarian cancer but remains evaluated.
unuseful for detection of peritoneal lesion Microscopic examination of biopsies
<1 cm in diameter. While CT scan and MRI (or surgically removed tumor) is the key for the
help the diagnosis when peritoneal carcinomato- diagnosis and could need immune analysis using
sis is made of >5 mm in diameter lesions, PET calretinin, B72.3, Ber EP4, estrogen, and proges-
terone receptors (mainly to differentiate mesothe-
lioma and primary serous carcinoma).
Stages carcinomatosis
Stage 1 < 5mm, one part While peritoneal carcinomatosis was thought to
be a terminal disease for a long time, most oncol-
Stage 2 < 5mm, diffuse ogists regarded it as a condition only to be palli-
ated. Systemic chemotherapy (mainly 5-fluoro-
Stage 3 5mm to 2 cm uracil based, oxaliplatinum based, and irinotecan
based) combined or not with antiangiogenic drugs
Stage 4 Large malignant cakes achieves a 15-month median survival (most of the
available trials are related to the liver and/or pul-
Carcinomatosis, Fig. 1 Gilly staging system for perito- monary metastases with only few information
neal carcinomatosis regarding peritoneal metastases). Since the

Carcinomatosis, Peritoneal cancer index

Fig. 2 Sugarbaker Regions Lesion size Lesion size score
peritoneal cancer index
0 Central LS 0 No tumor seen
(PCI) for peritoneal LS 1 Tumor up to 0.5 cm
1 Right upper
carcinomatosis LS 2 Tumor up to 5.0 cm
2 Epigastrium
3 Left upper LS 3 Tumor > 5.0 cm
4 Left flank or confluence
5 Left lower
6 Pelvis
1 2 3 7 Right lower
8 Right flank
8 0 4
7 6 5 9 Upper jejunum
10 Lower jejunum
11 Upper lleum 11 9
12 Lower lleum


Carcinomatosis 803

Fig. 3 Operative view of
right diaphragmatic cupula
peritonectomy (the parietal
peritoneum is stripped to
remove all the macroscopic

1980s, a renewed interest in peritoneal surface surgical, oncologic, and anesthetic procedure
malignant diseases developed through new multi- (5–10-h long) which requires an experienced
modal therapeutic approaches, mainly with multidisciplinary team.
cytoreductive surgery combined with intraperito- These therapeutic strategies need a strict
neal chemotherapy (using mitomycin C, patient selection (younger than 70 years who
cisplatinum, oxaliplatinum, doxorubicin) with or have not had cardiorespiratory or renal failure)
without hyperthermia (42–43  C). Despite these and need to be done in experienced centers
aggressive and multidisciplinary approaches are involved in the management of peritoneal surface
reserved to experienced teams, many phase II and malignancies. Combination of cytoreductive sur-
phase III studies revealed a strong advantage for gery and intraperitoneal chemotherapy leads to a
selected patients with colorectal carcinomatosis, 1–5% mortality rate and 30% morbidity rate
peritoneal pseudomyxoma, and mesothelioma. (related to the extent of the carcinomatosis, the
Cytoreductive surgery (also called peri- duration of surgery, and the number of digestive
tonectomy procedure) aims to remove as much anastomoses performed). Postoperatively, the
tumor as possible within the abdominal cavity. patients also received systemic chemotherapy,
The objective is to clear the entire peritoneal according to the primary tumor location.
cavity of all macroscopic detectable disease. Pro- Results are currently encouraging ones. For
cedures for cytoreductive surgery (Fig. 3) have colorectal carcinomatosis, the Dutch randomized
been described extensively by Sugarbaker: parie- trial showed that 2-year survival was 43% using
tal peritonectomy (which is a stripping of the cytoreductive surgery and intraperitoneal
parietal peritoneum) combined with organ resec- chemohyperthermia versus 16% in the control
tions (where visceral peritoneum is involved) group; the international registration (including
followed by immediate intraperitoneal chemo- more than 500 patients) showed that 5-year sur-
therapy with or without hyperthermia (using vival was 33% for patients treated by optimal
closed or opened technique) aims to clear all cytoreductive surgery combined with intraperito-
potential microscopic residual disease. Whatever neal chemotherapy. Concerning pseudomyxoma
the used technique is, intraperitoneal chemo- (the natural history of this disease is not exten-
hyperthermia is defined as a heated fluid circula- sively documented, but the prognosis is better
tion with cytotoxic drugs for 30–90 min within the than that for colorectal carcinomatosis), the
abdominal cavity under a nonstop control of core 5-year survival is 80% for patients with complete
temperature as well as cardiac flow rate. At least, cytoreductive surgery (whatever the pathologic
combination of optimal cytoreductive surgery and grade is). Concerning peritoneal mesothelioma
intraperitoneal chemohyperthermia is a long (the median survival in the past was
804 Carcinosarcoma

approximately 12 months), optimal cytoreductive intraperitoneal chemotherapy: a multi-institutional

surgery and intraperitoneal chemohyperthermia study of 1,290 patients. Cancer 116(24): 5608–5618
Glehen O et al (2014) GASTRICHIP: D2 resection and
achieve a 5-year median survival. Peritoneal car- hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in locally
cinomatosis arising from gastric or ovarian cancer advanced gastric carcinoma: a randomized and multi-
and the use of intraperitoneal chemohyperthermia center phase III study. BMC Cancer 14: 183
in a prophylactic way for high locoregional recur- Sadeghi B, Arvieux C, Glehen O (2000) Peritoneal carci-
nomatosis from non gynaecologic malignancies:
rence risk tumors are still under evaluation. results of the EVOCAPE 1 multicentric prospective
study. Cancer 88:358–363
Sugarbaker PH (1995) Peritonectomy procedures. Ann
Surg 221:29–42
Cross-References Sugarbaker PH, Chang D (1999) Results of treatment of
385 patients with peritoneal surface spread of
▶ Colorectal Cancer appendiceal malignancy. Ann Surg Oncol 6:727–731
▶ Cancer Verwall VJ, Ruth S, van de Bree E (2003) Randomized trial
of cytoréduction and hyperthermic intraperitoneal che-
▶ Gastric Cancer motherapy versus systemic chemotherapy and pallia-
▶ Gastric Cancer Therapy tive surgery n patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis
▶ Hyperthermia of colorectal cancer. J Clin Oncol 21:3737–3743
▶ Locoregional Therapy
▶ Mesothelioma
▶ Ovarian Cancer
▶ Ovarian Cancer Chemoresistance Carcinosarcoma
▶ Pseudomyxoma Peritonei
A malignant tumor that is a mixture of carcinoma
Bakrin N et al (2012) Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyper- (cancer of epithelial tissue, which is skin and
thermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) for tissue that lines or covers the internal organs)
Persistent and Recurrent Advanced Ovarian Carci-
noma: A Multicenter, Prospective Study of 246 and sarcoma (cancer of connective tissue such as
Patients. Ann Surg Oncol bone, cartilage, and fat).
Bakrin N et al (2013) Peritoneal carcinomatosis treated
with cytoreductive surgery and Hyperthermic Intraper-
itoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) for advanced ovarian
carcinoma: A French multicentre retrospective cohort
study of 566 patients. Eur J Surg Oncol Cardiac Tumors
Chua TC, et al (2011) Multi-institutional experience of
diffuse intra-abdominal multicystic peritoneal meso-
thelioma. Br J Surg 98(1): 60–64 Jagdish Butany
Chua TC et al (2012) Early- and Long-Term Outcome Data Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology,
of Patients With Pseudomyxoma Peritonei From University Health Network/Toronto, Toronto,
Appendiceal Origin Treated by a Strategy of
Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperito-
ON, Canada
neal Chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol
Elias D et al (2010) Pseudomyxoma peritonei: a French
multicentric study of 301 patients treated with Definition
cytoreductive surgery and intraperitoneal chemother-
apy. Eur J Surg Oncol 36(5): 456–462
Glehen O, Mohamed F, Gilly FN (2004) Peritoneal carci- Cardiac tumors, like all other tumors, may be
nomatosis from digestive tract cancer: new manage- classified as primary and secondary and were
ment by cytoreductive surgery and intraperitoneal previously considered as incidental curiosities
chemohyperthermia. Lancet Oncol 5:219–228
Glehen O et al (2010) Toward curative treatment of peri-
seen at autopsy. In comparison to the incidence
toneal carcinomatosis from nonovarian origin by and range of neoplastic proliferations seen in
cytoreductive surgery combined with perioperative other organs, tumors of the heart are uncommon
Cardiac Tumors 805

and have a fairly limited morphologic spectrum. introduction of various substances into the circu-
With the advent of innovative diagnostic tech- lation to occlude vessels, by purposely introduc-
niques such as echocardiography, computed ing emboli. A treatment that clogs small blood
tomography (CT) scan, and magnetic resonance vessels and blocks the flow of blood, such as to
imaging (MRI) and better delineation, this has a tumor, aims either to arrest or prevent
changed, and most tumors are now diagnosed hemorrhaging; to devitalize a structure, tumor, or
antemortem. With new therapeutic techniques, organ by occluding its blood supply; or to reduce C
both surgical and pharmacologic, patients with blood flow to an arteriovenous malformation.
cancers live longer and show more evidence of Tumors with significant myocardial involvement
cardiac involvement. may lead to arrhythmias or features related to
coronary artery disease due to narrowing or oblit-
eration of small intramyocardial coronary arteries.
Characteristics If the tumor is large or multifocal, it can by itself
produce frank, symptomatic cardiac failure. Peri-
The heart was considered the “royal organ” and cardial tumors are often associated with varying
hence immune to damage, including tumors. We degrees of serous or hemorrhagic effusion with or
know now that the heart is as prone to disease as without tamponade. This is also the presentation
most other organs and that includes tumors. The with metastatic tumors, which more commonly
prevalence of immunodeficiency states involve the pericardium. It is noteworthy that
(especially human immune deficiency virus infec- 12% of primary tumors and almost 90% of metas-
tion) has also led to an increase in some cancers, tases to the heart are clinically silent and detected
involving the heart. only at routine assessment or are a surprise at
Secondary tumors or metastases to the heart and Primary Tumors
pericardium are 100–1,000 times more common
than the primary cardiac tumors with an incidence Benign
of about 1.23%. In contrast, the frequency of Cardiac myxoma is the commonest tumor
primary neoplasms ranges from 0.001% to encountered in adults and accounts for nearly
0.030%, and three quarters of these are benign. half the cases. It is more common in females
The types of benign tumors vary with age. The than in males. While no age is immune, it is
myxoma and papillary fibroelastoma are more more common in the 30–60-year-old group.
common in adults, while in children, the common A familial predisposition has been noted in some
ones are cardiac rhabdomyoma and fibroma. of these patients. In the familial form, the tumors
Primary cardiac cancers comprise the remaining appear at a younger age, involve the right side of
quarter, and most of these are sarcomas. the heart, are often multicentric, and have a high
rate of recurrence. There is a germ line mutation in
Clinical Features PRKARIA gene, and other associations such as
Cardiac tumors, in general, can have a varied pigmented adrenal micronodular hyperplasia and
clinical presentation, and the pattern depends cutaneous melanocytic or neurogenic tumors are
on the location of the tumor. Most primary inherited as autosomal dominant disease. These
tumors, benign and malignant, usually produce are collectively known as the ▶ Carney complex.
intracavitary masses. Such lesions produce one A majority of myxomas are solitary, arising as
or more patterns of the classic triad of constitu- smooth-surfaced, firm, gray-white sessile polyp-
tional symptoms, obstruction to the inflow and oid masses on either side of the interatrial septum
outflow of the blood within the cardiac chambers (Fig. 1a, b). Approximately 75% of myxomas are
and/or complications related to tumor emboliza- located in the left atrium, where they produce
tion. Embolization refers to the therapeutic features related to the classical triad. Patients
806 Cardiac Tumors

Cardiac Tumors, Fig. 1 (a) Polypoidal glistening hem- myocardium (*). (b) Myxoma cells in cords within a
orrhagic myxoma in the left atrium, resected with the mucopolysaccharide (greenish blue)-rich stroma (b)
underlying interatrial septal endocardium (arrows) and (Stain Movat pentachrome; original magnification, 10.0)

with this tumor often present with a typical com- rigorous histological examination. The morphol-
plaint of “hearing a plop” as they bend forward, ogy of this tumor is best appreciated by holding
associated with severe shortness of breath, and the mass under water, when a short central stalk
that they hear a second “plop” and improvement with multiple papillary fronds (up to 1 cm or more
of symptoms, as they bend backward. This is due in length) is seen (Fig. 2a, b). The whole tumor
to the tumor “plopping” into the mitral valve resembles a sea anemone. These papillae are del-
orifice and obstructing it. Systemic embolization icate and often break off and embolize. Addition-
is often related to the softer, gelatinous, blunt ally, thrombi can also occur over the surfaces of
papillary fronds. the papillae with subsequent embolization. In fact,
Superimposed thrombus or even infection can one of the presentations of this tumor is the sud-
occur and these can embolize. The cut surface den development of blindness of one eye or the
characteristically appears “wet,” yellowish sudden development of chest pain. Sudden death
white, gelatinous, and translucent with foci of has also been reported. The fronds have a soft
fibrosis, hemorrhage, calcification, and rarely myxoid core surrounded by collagen and elastic
ossification. Histologically, nestling amidst the tissue fibers, lined by endothelial cells.
mucopolysaccharide (jellylike) stroma are the Rhabdomyoma, considered a hamartoma, is
myxoma cells or lipidic cells arranged in the the most common tumor found in children, with
form of cords or form vessel-like structures. Foci an overall incidence of about 5%. Sporadic
of hematopoiesis and intestinal glandular meta- rhabdomyomas are mostly seen as solitary, small
plasia may be seen occasionally. or large (0.1 cm or more), firm, opaque white, and
The next common tumor is the papillary well-circumscribed endocardial nodules. They are
fibroelastoma, representing about 8% of cardiac usually found in the left ventricle and the interven-
tumors, with no gender predilection. The tumor tricular septum and produce obstructive symp-
arises from the endocardium, especially over the toms. In contrast to the sporadic variants, about
cardiac valves, particularly the aortic. The true 50% of patients with tuberous sclerosis have mul-
incidence is not known as they are often small, tiple rhabdomyomas, leading to intrauterine
escaping gross detection; besides, the surgically hydrops fetalis and stillbirths. It is important to
excised native valves are not always subjected to rule out the presence of tuberous sclerosis in not
Cardiac Tumors 807

Cardiac Tumors, Fig. 2 (a) “Sea anemone”-like appear- lined by plump endothelial cells (b) (Stain hematoxylin
ance of papillary fibroelastoma, photographed under water. and eosin; original magnification, 10.0)
(b) Delicate papillae with a core of collagen and elastic,

only multiple tumors but also in patients with small fluid-filled endoderm-derived spaces in a
solitary lesions. The rhabdomyomas are com- connective tissue stroma. The spaces may be
posed of ballooned out cardiac myocytes with lined a variety of epithelial and epitheliod cells.
clear vacuolated pink-staining cytoplasm, radiat-
ing from the centrally located nucleus to the Malignant
periphery, and responsible for the “spider-cell” Sarcomas are the most common malignant pri-
appearance. mary tumors of the heart, forming 10% of the
Cardiac fibroma, the second common tumor in surgically resected cardiac neoplasms.
the pediatric population, is seen as a solitary, Angiosarcoma is the commonest with an inci-
circumscribed, firm to hard, gray-white fascicu- dence of 35–37%, slight male predominance and
lated tumor occurring in the ventricular chambers occurs in the third to fifth decade of life. Most
with a predilection to affect the interventricular often, it is seen as an irregular, soft, friable, hem-
septum. The mean age of presentation is around orrhagic mass in the right atrium, projecting into
13 years and these are the commonly resected the cavity as well as infiltrating the wall and
tumors at that age. There is a proliferation of adjacent structures. Clinical presentation is often
innocuous appearing fibroblasts, which character- with recurrent, hemorrhagic pericardial effusion
istically entrap islands of myofibers (pseudo- and/or symptoms related to metastases (seen in
invasion). With increasing age, the tumors are more than half of the patients), frequently pulmo-
rendered paucicellular, with multifocal areas of nary or rarely even distant. At times, the
calcification. angiosarcomas may be purely pericardial,
Both rhabdomyomas and fibromas are consid- forming a sheetlike mass. Depending on the
ered as congenital lesions that undergo gradual degree of differentiation, angiosarcomas show
spontaneous regression or cease to be progressive. irregular, anastomosing vascular channels lined
Other benign lesions include the hemangioma by plump, atypical endothelial cells with papillary
(vascular) and lipoma (fat-cell tumor). Brief men- projections or sheets of epithelioid or spindled
tion must be made of the cystic tumor of the cells. If areas of spindle-shaped cells predominate,
atrioventricular node, the smallest known tumor, the presence of red blood cells in the stroma and
associated with sudden death. It is composed of the presence of intracellular vacuoles offer
808 Cardiac Tumors

Cardiac Tumors, Fig. 3 (a) Left atrial sarcoma resected in pieces. (b) Malignant spindle-shaped cells arranged in
intersecting bundles, suggestive of leiomyosarcoma (b) (Stain hematoxylin and eosin; original magnification, 20.0)

important clues to the diagnosis. Areas of necro- Patients are often symptomatic at an early stage.
ses and brisk mitotic activity are evident. Some of The tumors are composed of proliferating spindle
the tumors are also associated with chromosomal cells or epithelioid-looking cells and pleomorphic
abnormalities as seen by cytogenetic analysis. cells in varying pattern.
The next common sarcomas are a group of Rhabdomyosarcomas, which constitute about
sarcomatous proliferation, which share many 5% of the tumors, are common in younger
morphological and clinical features. These are patients, especially children. They too form very
designated as myofibroblastic sarcomas and bulky and infiltrative masses in either of the ven-
include malignant fibrous histiocytoma, fibrosar- tricular chambers. Majority are embryonal rhab-
coma, fibromyxosarcoma, and myxosarcoma domyosarcomas. The other sarcomas include
(Fig. 3a, b). Many of them in addition can show leiomyosarcoma and synovial sarcoma, though
focal osteosarcomatous or chondrosarcomatous virtually any type of soft tissue sarcoma may
differentiation. The mean age of presentation is occur.
around 40 years of age with no gender predilec- Primary lymphomas of the heart are extremely
tion. They form bulky, lobulated, polypoidal gray- rare. However, their incidence has increased, in
white masses projecting into the left atrium with patients who are HIV positive as well as those
the result that many of these patients present with with other causes of immunosuppression. An
the left-sided inflow tract obstruction. Most of important criterion in these patients is the demon-
them resemble their soft tissue counterparts, but strable absence of lymphomatous proliferation or
often these tumors in their cardiac location show a any other sarcoma at any other site, before they
prominent myxoid change. Hence, at times, many can be categorized as a primary cardiac tumor.
such tumors are misdiagnosed as myxomas. These patients therefore require thorough imaging
Undifferentiated sarcomas constitute about investigations. In this type of lymphoma, there is a
10–24% of these malignant cardiac tumors. They slight male predominance, and multiple, soft to
are designated undifferentiated, as they are not firm, creamy white nodules are seen, especially in
associated with specific, classifiable morphologi- the right atrium. They mostly exhibit the full range
cal, immunohistochemical, or ultrastructural fea- of the neoplastic B cell proliferation, though large
tures. These are present as large, lobulated, cell lymphomas are common.
polypoidal masses, chiefly in the left-sided cham- Sarcomas can also affect the great vessels.
bers in middle-aged adults. They can affect either Leiomyosarcomas involve chiefly the veins espe-
gender, with a wide age range of occurrence. cially the inferior vena and less commonly the
Cardiac Tumors 809

Cardiac Tumors, Fig. 4 (a) Cut surface (viewed en face) (fatty) tissue. (b) Histology shows a metastatic adenocar-
of an excised piece of pericardium showing cinoma composed of clusters of mucin-secreting cells
metastatic tumor, with diffuse gray-white thickening and (Stain hematoxylin and eosin; original magnification,
a large nodule, with some surrounding yellow adipose 20.0)

superior vena cava and azygos vein. Women with a myxofibrosarcoma, angiosarcoma, malignant
mean age of 49 years are affected, with clinical fibrous histiocytoma, leiomyosarcoma, or myxoid
features of pain and venous obstructions. The chondrosarcoma.
growth may be intraluminal or extraluminal.
Extraluminal tumors, despite their extension into Secondary or Metastatic Tumors
the surrounding tissues, appear circumscribed and The commonest tumor seen in the heart is the
lobulated. Metastases usually involve the lungs, metastatic or secondary tumor and is seen in
though other organs like the liver or kidney can at least 3% of patients with cancer, that is,
also be affected, especially with inferior vena caval at least 3% of patients with a malignancy
tumors. Sarcomas of the great arteries, pulmonary (usually advanced ones) have cardiac metastases
trunk, and aorta arise from the multipotential mes- (Fig. 4a, b). Primary cancers can spread to the heart
enchymal cells of the intima and are designated as by direct extension from adjoining structures,
intimal sarcomas. Despite the intimal origin, the hematogenous or lymphatic spread, and sometimes
tumor can have an intraluminal or mural growth as extensions through the inferior vena cava and
patterns. The patients are usually elderly and the even the pulmonary veins. The noncardiac solid
symptoms depend on the growth pattern. Aortic organ primary cancers may be placed in three
involvement is more common than pulmonary. groups, depending on their propensity to produce
The luminal tumors often produce sheetlike or metastases: uncommon malignant tumors with a
plaque-like growths, which in due course of time high incidence of cardiac metastases (malignant
can form an intraluminal polyp. There can be melanoma and malignant germ cell tumors), com-
superimposed thrombi, which may form the mon cancers with an intermediate frequency of
major chunk over the tumor, leading to misleading cardiac involvement (carcinoma of lung in males
diagnosis. The patients present with effects of and breast cancer in females), and common cancers
obstruction or embolization. The mural growth with rare metastases (cervical carcinoma).
pattern is uncommon and there is medial and Of all malignancies, leukemias have the
adventitial infiltration with resultant local invasion. highest incidence of cardiac involvement; how-
Most of them are of the undifferentiated type, ever, this infiltrative process usually does not pro-
which have 50% shorter survival as compared duce symptoms. There is a diffuse or patchy
with the differentiated type. The latter includes interstitial infiltrate of neoplastic cells. On the
810 Carney Complex

other hand, the solid tumor metastases produce Neragi-Miandoab S, Kim J, Vlahakes GJ (2007) Malignant
multiple or single nodules over the epicardial sur- tumours of the heart: a review of tumour type, diagnosis
and therapy. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol)
face. Occasionally, nodules may also be found in 19(10):748–756
the myocardium or on the endocardial surface. Sarjeant JM, Butany J, Cusimano RJ (2003) Cancer of the
The mode of presentation therefore depends on heart: epidemiology and management of primary
the location of the tumor. The tumors do not pose tumors and metastases. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs
a diagnostic problem, as the histologic appearance
is usually similar to that of the primary site.

Therapy and Prognosis

Benign tumors, which are symptomatic or located Carney Complex
at sites that might lead to catastrophic complica-
tions, are resected. Primary cancers with limited Jérôme Bertherat
growth and no evidence of metastases are treated Endocrinology, Metabolism and Cancer
by surgical resection with adjuvant chemotherapy Department, INSERM U567, Institut Cochin,
and radiotherapy. The latter may be the only treat- Paris, France
ment option available in very large tumors which
are not amenable to even palliative debulking.
Autotransplantation or orthotopic transplantation Synonyms
may be an option in some cases. Primary lympho-
mas, on the other hand, are usually best treated by Atrial myxoma; Blue nevi; CNC; Ephelide;
combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The LAMB; Lentigineses; Mucocutaneous myxoma;
prognosis in benign tumors after surgical excision Myxoid neurofibroma; NAME; Nevi
is usually excellent, except for a rare case of recur-
rences, likely due to incomplete resection. The
prognosis for cardiac sarcoma is extremely dismal Definition
with a mean survival of 3 months to a year.
The Carney complex (CNC) is a dominant auto-
Cross-References somal hereditary multiple neoplasia syndrome
characterized mainly by cardiac myxomas
▶ Aging (a benign tumor of the heart and the most common
▶ AIDS-Associated Malignancies type of heart tumor in adults; cardiac myxomas
▶ Carcinogenesis can appear in an isolated case or in families),
▶ Carcinoid Tumors spotty skin pigmentation, and endocrine tumors.
▶ Carney Complex It was first described in 1985 by J. Aidan Carney, a
▶ Staging of Tumors pathologist at the Mayo Clinic.
▶ Targeting Cancer Stem Cells

The manifestations of CNC can be numerous and
Butany J, Leong SW, Carmichael K, Komeda M (2005a)
vary between patients. Even in the same kindred,
A 30-year analysis of cardiac neoplasms at autopsy.
Can J Cardiol 21(8):675–680 phenotypic variability can be observed. The esti-
Butany J, Nair V, Naseemuddin A, Nair GM, Catton C, mated frequencies of these manifestations are
Yau T (2005b) Cardiac tumours: diagnosis and man- listed in Table 1. Endocrine, dermatologic, and
agement. Lancet Oncol 6(4):219–228
cardiac anomalies are the main manifestations of
Gazit AZ, Gandhi SK (2007) Pediatric primary cardiac
tumors: diagnosis and treatment. Curr Treat Options the disease. The lentiginosis is observed in most
Cardiovasc Med 9(5):399–406 patients and is so characteristic that can make the
Carney Complex 811

Carney Complex, Table 1 Main manifestations of Car- regularly (by ultrasound) patients with CNC for
ney complex the presence of cardiac myxoma. In difficult
Frequency cases, transesophageal ultrasound and cardiac
Main features of Carney complex (%) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be very
Primary pigmented nodular 25–60 helpful.
adrenocortical disease (PPNAD)
Endocrine tumors are also a major manifesta-
Cardiac myxoma 30–60
tion of the disease. Most characteristic is the adre- C
Skin myxoma 20–63
Lentiginosis 60–70
nocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-independent
Multiple blue nevus ▶ Cushing syndrome due to PPNAD observed in
Breast ductal adenoma 25 30–60% of patients with CNC. The disease was
Testicular tumors (LCCSCT, large cell 33–56 named after the macroscopic appearance of the
calcifying Sertoli cell tumor) (in male) adrenals that is characterized by the small
Ovarian cyst (in female) 20–67 pigmented micronodules observed in the cortex.
Acromegaly 10 The disease is usually bilateral with primary
Thyroid tumor 10–25 involvement of both adrenals. Cushing syndrome
Melanotic schwannoma 8–18 due to PPNAD is most often observed in children
Osteochondromyxoma <10 and young adults, with a peak during the second
decade of life. Diagnosis of Cushing syndrome
due to PPNAD is often difficult because hypercor-
diagnosis. It appears as small brown to black tisolism can develop progressively over years. In
macules typically located around the upper and contrast, a large and rapid burst of cortisol excess
lower lips and on the eyelids, ears, and the genital can be observed in some patients who might
area. Multiple blue nevi and junctional or com- spontaneously regress. In some cases of
pound nevi may also be observed in CNC, as well PPNAD, clearly cyclic forms of hypercortisolism
as cutaneous myxomas. The skin myxomas pre- have been documented. PPNAD can also be diag-
sent as nonpigmented subcutaneous nodules. nosed by systematic screening in patients with
Myxomas can also be located in the ear canal. CNC, investigated for other clinical manifesta-
Table 1 lists the most frequent features of CNC tions of the complex, or after familial screening.
and their estimated frequency. The incidence of Despite the unusual time course of Cushing syn-
each manifestation depends on its presentation drome observed in some patients with PPNAD,
and might not reflect true prevalence. For clinical signs are quite similar to those observed in
instance, according to autopsy studies, primary patients having other causes of hypercortisolism.
pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease Urinary cortisol is increased in most patients at the
(PPNAD) is a constant feature in CNC patients; time of diagnosis of PPNAD, but its level can be
however, reports of ▶ Cushing syndrome in the highly variable. The circadian rhythm of cortisol
literature indicate that only 25–45% of CNC secretion is usually completely abolished. As with
patients have PPNAD. ACTH-independent Cushing syndrome due to
Cardiac myxoma is an important manifestation other causes, patients with PPNAD have low
of CNC. It may be the cause of the high rate (16%) plasma levels of ACTH and show no stimulation
of sudden death historically reported in CNC fam- of cortisol or ACTH secretion after corticotropin-
ilies, thus, underlying the importance of its early releasing hormone (CRH) injection. In addition,
diagnosis. In the past, underdiagnosis of cardiac dexamethasone fails to suppress cortisol secre-
myxomas may have accounted for the majority of tion, even after high-dose administration. Patho-
deaths due to CNC. In contrast with sporadic logical investigation reveals that adrenal glands
myxoma, they can develop in any cardiac cham- from patients with PPNAD are usually normal in
ber and may be multiple. Cardiac myxoma can be size and weight (between 4 and 17 g). In keeping
the cause of stroke due to embolism and cardiac with this finding, adrenals appear normal on com-
deficiency. It is therefore important to screen puted tomography (CT) scan in one out of three
812 Carney Complex

patients. In the other patients, micronodules can heterozygosity (LOH) at 17q22-24 may be
be visible and, more rarely, macronodules (>1 cm observed, suggesting that PRKAR1A is a tumor
diameter) in one or both glands. Iodocholesterol suppressor gene. Somatic mutation of PRKAR1A
scintigraphy, when performed, usually shows a in a patient with PPNAD already carrying a germ
bilateral uptake despite ACTH suppression by line mutation may lead to inactivation of the wild-
endogenous hypercortisolism. type allele. However, inactivation of the remaining
Acromegaly due to a pituitary GM-CSF- wild-type allele by genetic alteration does not
secreting tumor is not very frequent, but most appear to be a constant step in PPNAD and CNC
patients with CNC present with a mild increase tumor development. In a mice transgenic model
in GH and sometimes in ▶ prolactin (PRL) with heterozygous inactivation of PRKAR1A,
secretion. tumors may develop without allelic loss. This sug-
Alterations in the rhythm of GH secretion are gests that the classic model of tumor suppressor
frequently observed. Thyroid tumors are most gene with a germ line inactivating first allelic alter-
often benign, nontoxic adenomas, mostly of fol- ation, followed by a second genetic hit leading to
licular type. Some patients present with papillary inactivation of the remaining wild-type allele,
carcinoma that can be multiple and sometimes might to some extent be applicable to PRKAR1A.
quite aggressive. Testicular tumors (large cell cal- It is also possible that in PPNAD, a general poly-
cifying Sertoli cell tumors (LCCST)) are easily clonal expansion might be stimulated by
detected by ultrasound investigation as bilateral haploinsufficiency due to the first germ line defect;
microcalcifications. They can be diagnosed by a second genetic hit would then lead to the inacti-
ultrasound. Ovarian cysts and cystadenoma have vation of the wild-type allele and further stimulate
been observed in CNC patients. tumorigenesis and the development of adrenocor-
Various other tumors, some of them quite spe- tical nodules. PRKAR1A inactivation in trans-
cific for CNC, can be observed. Melanotic genic models is associated with an increased
schwannoma is a rare tumor and occurs mainly PKA activity. Stimulation of the MAP kinase path-
in CNC. It is a pigmented tumor that can be way as well as mTOR phosphorylation has been
misdiagnosed as a melanoma. This tumor can be observed in experimental models of PRKAR1A
observed in any peripheral nerve and can be, in inactivation and might be a mechanism for onco-
rare cases, malignant. Breast ductal adenomas, genesis in CNC.
breast myxomas, and osteochondromyxoma are Considering the genetics of isolated PPNAD,
among the tumors also observed in CNC. the clinical manifestations in a subgroup of very
CNC is an autosomal dominant hereditary dis- young PPNAD patients may differ from those in
ease, and at least two loci have been postulated: older patients with CNC. In these patients, the
2p16 and 17q22-24. The CNC1 gene, located on classical pathological finding of pigmented nod-
17q22-24, has been identified as the regulatory ules may be absent although micronodules are
subunit (R1A) of the protein kinase A (PRKAR1A). present. In this subgroup of very young PPNAD
PRKAR1A is a key component of the cAMP- patients, Cushing syndrome may occur between
signaling pathway that has been implicated in birth and the age of 5 years. The main reason for
endocrine tumorigenesis. Heterozygous differentiating this group of PPNAD or PPNAD-
inactivating mutations of PRKAR1A have been like patients is the lower rate of germ line
detected in about 65% of CNC families. In CNC inactivating mutation. This observation leads to
patients with Cushing syndrome, the frequency of the identification by genome-wide screen of a
PRKAR1A mutations is about 80%, suggesting that gene responsible for isolated PPNAD: the phos-
families with PPNAD are more likely to carry a phodiesterase PDE11A4. The affected patient pre-
17q22-24 defect. Interestingly, patients with iso- sents with a germ line heterozygous mutation of
lated PPNAD and no familial history of CNC may PDE11A4 gene located at 2q31-35. An allelic loss
also carry a germ line de novo mutation in at 2q31-35 is observed in adrenal tissue from these
PRKAR1A. In the tumors of CNC patients, loss of patients, suggesting also that PDE114 might be a
Carotenoids 813

tumor suppressor gene. Inactivating mutations Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1980. doi: 10.1007/
lead to increased cAMP and cGMP levels in 978-3-642-16483-5_3278
(2012) Lentiginosis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
keeping with the observation that PDE11A4 is a Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2000.
dual phosphodiesterase. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3309
(2012) Melanotic Schwannoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-

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(2012) PKA. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2895. doi:
▶ Cushing Syndrome 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4581
(2012) Primary Pigmented Nodular Adrenocortical Dis-
▶ Osteochondroma ease. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd
▶ Prolactin edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2988. doi: 10.1007/


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complex of myxomas, spotty pigmentation, and endo-
crine overactivity. Medicine (Baltimore) Carotenoids
Groussin L, Cazabat L, Rene-Corail F et al (2005) Adrenal Heather Mernitz1 and Xiang-Dong Wang2
pathophysiology: lessons from the Carney complex. 1
Horm Res 64(3):132–139
Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Horvath A, Boikos S, Giatzakis C et al (2006) A genome- Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research
wide scan identifies mutations in the gene encoding Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston, MA,
phosphodiesterase 11A4 (PDE11A) in individuals USA
with adrenocortical hyperplasia. Nat Genet
Kirschner LS, Carney JA, Pack SD et al (2000) Mutations
of the gene encoding the protein kinase A type I-alpha Definition
regulatory subunit in patients with the Carney complex.
Nat Genet 26(1):89–92
Veugelers M, Wilkes D, Burton K et al (2004) Comparative Carotenoids are lipophilic plant pigments with
PRKAR1A genotype-phenotype analyses in humans polyisoprenoid structures that occur naturally in
with Carney complex and prkar1a haploinsufficient plants and other photosynthetic organisms. There
mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101(39):14222–14227 are over 600 known carotenoids with chemical
structures characterized by a large (35–40 carbon
See Also atoms) conjugated polyene chain, sometimes ter-
(2012) Acromegaly. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 18. doi: minated by ring structures. Carotenoids are
10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_39 divided into two major groups: xanthophylls, oxy-
(2012) Benign Tumor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of genated carotenoids including lutein, zeaxanthin,
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 381. and b-cryptoxanthin, and carotenes, hydrocarbon
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_579
(2012) Cardiac Myxoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
carotenoids that are either cyclized, such as
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 661. a-carotene and b-carotene, or linear like lycopene.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_855 The most abundant carotenoids in human plasma
(2012) Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone. In: Schwab M include lutein, lycopene, b-carotene, zeaxanthin,
(ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, p 983. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483- b-cryptoxanthin, and a-carotene. The two main
5_1343 mechanisms by which carotenoids may influence
(2012) Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor. In: cancer risk are by exerting antioxidant effects and
Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. through interaction with ligand-dependent nuclear
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(2012) Large Cell Calcifying Sertoli Cell Tumor. In: The capacity of carotenoids to act as lipid-soluble
Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. antioxidants serves a functional and protective
814 Carotenoids

role in plants during photosynthesis and may pro- Characteristics

tect animals against free radical damage to lipid
membranes and DNA. In addition, carotenoids ▶ DNA damage by free radicals (including ▶ reac-
may enhance cell-cell gap junctional communica- tive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species)
tion and induce phase II detoxifying enzymes (see is thought to be a major contributor to ▶ carcino-
“▶ Carcinogen Metabolism”). Provitamin genesis, and carotenoids contain an extended sys-
A carotenoids (e.g., b-carotene, a-carotene, and tem of conjugated double bonds that make them
b-cryptoxanthin) can be cleaved to generate vita- efficient scavengers of free radicals. While antiox-
min A and other metabolites that interact with idant supplements and diets high in antioxidant
signaling pathways controlling gene expression. nutrients, including carotenoids (lycopene,
Non-provitamin A carotenoids (e.g., lutein, zea- b-carotene, lutein, b-cryptoxanthin), have been
xanthin, and lycopene) not only have significant shown to reduce DNA strand breaks and other
antioxidant activity, but their metabolites may biomarkers of ▶ oxidative DNA damage, it is still
also exert effects on gene expression (Fig. 1). unclear whether these changes are sufficient to

Carotenoids, Fig. 1 Metabolic pathway of b-carotene and chemical structures of provitamin A carotenoids (b-carotene,
a-carotene, and b-cryptoxanthin) and non-provitamin A carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, and lycopene)
Carotenoids 815

lower cancer risk in humans with chronic exposure provitamin A carotenoids and non-provitamin
to low levels of carcinogenic compounds over a A carotenoids. Since disruption in retinoid metab-
lifetime. Epidemiological studies suggest that a olism and signaling may play a key role in the
higher dietary intake of carotenoids and high levels process of carcinogenesis, understanding the
of certain carotenoids in the plasma may offer molecular details behind the actions of these carot-
protection against the development of certain can- enoid oxidative metabolites may yield insights into
cers (e.g., lung, prostate, stomach, colon, breast), as both physiological and pathophysiological pro- C
well as other health conditions linked to oxidative cesses in human health and disease, particularly
damage (e.g., heart disease, macular degeneration, the potential for beneficial effects of small quanti-
cataracts). However, two intervention trials, the ties of carotenoids and harmful effects of large
Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial quantities of carotenoid metabolites.
(CARET) and the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta- Disruption of carotenoid and retinoid metabo-
Carotene Cancer Prevention Study (ATBC), have lism and signaling due to diet and lifestyle factors
shown that supplementation with high-dose has been associated with increased risk of cancers
b-carotene, alone or in combination with at multiple sites (see “▶ Nutrition Status” and
vitamin A, does not reduce the risk of lung cancer “▶ Hepatic Ethanol Metabolism”). Cigarette
and may even increase that risk in smokers and smoking is associated with substantially
▶ asbestos workers. These findings have led to an decreased plasma levels of carotenoids, despite
increased effort to better understand the role of only slightly lower intakes of carotenoids in
carotenoids and ▶ retinoids (vitamin A and its smokers compared to nonsmokers. Several
derivatives) in the process of carcinogenesis, with hypotheses have been proposed to explain this
special attention to dose and the oxidative environ- increased metabolism of carotenoids in the tissues
ment at the tissue level. Based on the accumulated of smokers, including increased induction of met-
evidence, it appears that low-dose carotenoids abolic enzymes, excentric cleavage of b-carotene
(similar to the amounts consumed in a diet high in into harmful oxidative products, and oxidative
fruits and vegetables) may act as antioxidants and degradation of cellular antioxidants (e.g., ascorbic
protect against cancer, whereas at high doses, carot- acid, a-tocopherol) that normally serve to stabi-
enoids may lose their effectiveness as antioxidants, lize the reduced form of b-carotene. While initial
function as prooxidants, and/or interfere with reti- cleavage of provitamin A carotenoids can lead to
noid signaling pathways, increasing cancer risk. the generation of ▶ retinoic acid, a bioactive form
The series of conjugated double bonds in the of vitamin A, additional oxidation can lead to
central chain of carotenoids make them suscepti- degradation into polar metabolites. With respect
ble to oxidative cleavage and isomerization from to lung cancer, laboratory studies have demon-
trans to cis forms. Cleavage can result in the strated that the oxidative cleavage products of
formation of potentially bioactive metabolites, b-carotene, when formed in large quantities in
such as retinoids and other biological compounds. the cell after supplementation with high-dose
For provitamin A carotenoids, such as b-carotene, b-carotene in the highly oxidative environment
a-carotene, and b-cryptoxanthin, central cleavage of the smoke-exposed lung, enhance catabolism
by b-carotene 15,150 -oxygenase, a nonheme iron of retinoic acid by their induction of cytochrome
oxygenase enzyme which can cleave carotenoids P450 enzymes (CYP enzymes) and facilitate the
at their central 15,150 double bond, is a major binding of carcinogen ▶ adducts to DNA. Lower
pathway leading to vitamin A formation. An alter- retinoic acid levels then combine with smoke-
native pathway for carotenoid metabolism into induced changes to alter ▶ signal transduction
vitamin A in mammals is excentric cleavage or pathways and promote lung carcinogenesis. On
asymmetric cleavage. Characterization and study the other hand, low-dose b-carotene supplemen-
of b-carotene 90 ,100 -oxygenase have demon- tation, particularly when combined with other
strated that this enzyme a mitochondrial protein antioxidants, inhibits tobacco smoke-induced
can catalyze the excentric cleavage of both changes in retinoic acid levels and signaling in
816 Case Control Association Study

the lung tissue, preventing the formation of

smoke-induced ▶ preneoplastic lesions (see Case Control Association Study
“▶ Tobacco Carcinogenesis”).
Therefore, the effects of provitamin Ahmed E. Hegab
A carotenoids can be mediated by conversion to Department of Geriatric and Respiratory
retinoic acid and transcriptional activation of a Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital, Sendai,
series of genes with distinct antiproliferative or Japan
proapoptotic activity or by induction of ▶ apopto-
sis, eliminating cells with unrepairable alterations
in the genome or killing neoplastic cells. Certain Synonyms
carotenoids may also be able to interact directly or
indirectly with transcription factors, such as Case–control association analysis; Genetic asso-
retinoic acid receptors (RARs), peroxisome ciation study; Population candidate gene associa-
proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), nuclear tion study
factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), or orphan recep-
tors, or may indirectly influence transcriptional
activity of redox-sensitive transcription systems, Definition
such as activator protein-1 (▶ AP-1), ▶ nuclear
factor-kB (NF-kB), and the antioxidant response Case–control association study aims to detect
element (ARE). Greater understanding of the bio- association between one or more genetic markers
logical functions of carotenoids mediated via their (usually a polymorphism but also may be a micro-
oxidative metabolites through their effects on satellite) and a trait, which might be a disease
these important cellular signaling pathways and (e.g., lung cancer), a quantitative characteristic
molecular targets, as well as their significance to (e.g., serum level of a ▶ cytokine), or a discrete
cancer prevention, is needed. In considering the attribute.
efficacy and complex biological functions of
carotenoids in human cancer prevention, it
seems that increasing consumption of vegetable Characteristics
and fruits rich in carotenoids as a part of a bal-
anced diet would be an effective chemopreventive Several genetic methods are used for detecting
strategy against cancer development. genes responsible for the development of complex
human diseases; these are nonparametric linkage
analysis, case–control association analysis, and
References DNA microarray.
Case–control association analysis involves
Palozza P, Serini S, Ameruso M et al (2009) Modulation of selecting genes that are likely to be associated
intracellular signaling pathways by carotenoids. In: with the pathogenesis of disease based on our
Britton G, Liaaen-Jensen S, Pfander H (eds) Caroten-
understanding of its pathophysiology. Then
oids: Vol 5: Nutrition and Health. Birkhauser Verlag,
Basel, pp 211–234 genetic polymorphisms in these candidate genes
Rock CL (2009) Carotenoids and cancer. In: Britton G, Liaaen- are investigated in a large number of unrelated
Jensen S, Pfander H (eds) Carotenoids: Vol 5: Nutrition and patients and healthy ethnically matched controls.
Health. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, pp 269–286
Significant differences in genotype or allele fre-
Wang XD (2012) Carotenoids. In: Ross AC, Caballero B,
Cousins RJ, Tucker KL, Ziegler TR (eds) Modern quencies between the two groups suggest either
nutrition in health and disease. Lippincott Williams & that (i) the polymorphism predisposes one to the
Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp 427–439 disease, (ii) the polymorphism is in ▶ linkage
Yeum KJ, Aldini G, Russell RM, et al (2009) Antioxidant/
Pro-oxidant actions of carotenoids. In: Britton G, Liaaen-
disequilibrium with a disease susceptibility gene,
Jensen S, Pfander H (eds) Carotenoids: Vol 5: Nutrition or (iii) there is a confounding factor such as poor
and Health. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, pp 235–268 ethnic matching between the cases and controls.
Case Control Association Study 817

When several markers are being examined for phenotype. Furthermore, the degree of associ-
association with the same trait, it is advisable to ation between the specific gene and disease
check them for linkage disequilibrium and is different between populations. It is also pos-
disease-associated genetic haplotypes. sible that the different environments to which
Association studies have greater power than every population is exposed will interact dif-
linkage analysis. They can detect genes with a ferently with the genetic components respon-
relative risk of 1.5 at nearly 80% probability if sible for the development of the disease. C
several hundred samples are collected. However, 2. Most complex human diseases are heteroge-
since association studies examine much smaller neous disorders, e.g., leukemia. It may happen
regions than linkage analyses, many more that patients diagnosed with leukemia in differ-
markers would need to be typed to conduct a ent ethnic groups have distinct types of poly-
genome-wide association study. This is not possi- morphisms causing a specific type of leukemia.
ble with current technology. At present, associa- 3. When the population under study consists of a
tion studies are limited to the investigation of mixture of two or more subpopulations that
candidate genes and regions identified in linkage have different allele frequencies, associations
analysis. As association studies are not compre- between genotype and outcome could be con-
hensive, the possibility that the most important founded by population stratification.
genes have been overlooked cannot be excluded. 4. Ascertainment errors include undiagnosed
Choosing candidate genes from areas spotted by affected individuals in the control group or
linkage analysis might be the most fruitful including patients with heterogeneous etiologies
practice. for the complex disease in the patient group.
When performing case–control association 5. Failure to check for Hardy–Weinberg equilib-
studies, factors such as study design, methods rium. The presence of disequilibrium in the
for recruitment of case and controls, selection of control group can result from genotyping
candidate genes, functional significance of poly- errors, inbreeding, small sample size, or
morphisms chosen for study, and statistical anal- mutation.
ysis require close attention to ensure that only 6. A possible reason for failure to replicate posi-
genuine associations are detected. tive findings is that subsequent studies are
Potential Problems in Association Studies 7. Failure to exclude chance is the most likely
Marked inconsistency can be observed between explanation for difficulty in replication of
association studies in different or even the same reports of genetic associations with complex
ethnic groups. The association between tumor diseases. Applying a significance level of
necrosis factor-alpha promoter polymorphism p = 0.05 leads to one false positive in
and gastric cancer is an example for inconsistency, 20 results. In order to avoid type I error,
while the association of head and neck cancers p values calculated from association studies
with M1 polymorphism of glutathione must be corrected for the number of loci ana-
S-transferase gene is an example for the reproduc- lyzed (x) and the number of alleles at each loci
ible associations. This situation has led some com- (y). In the Bonferroni correction, the required
mentators to question the value of genetic significance level should be divided by
association studies, suggesting that association x (y  1). However, this method is too conser-
studies should be restricted to polymorphisms vative because closely located loci are not usu-
that have been shown to have a direct effect on ally independent. The appropriate correction
gene function. Possible explanations for these for multiple comparisons in association studies
inconsistent results include: remains unclear.
8. Publication bias should be considered. Nega-
1. Different populations might have different tive results in association studies may not be
genetic components for the same disease submitted for publication.
818 Case–Control Association Analysis

Casein Kinase 2
▶ Cytokine
▶ Linkage Disequilibrium ▶ CK2


Hegab AE, Sakamoto T, Sekizawa K (2005) Assessing the Casein Kinase II

validity of genetic association studies. Thorax
60:882–883 ▶ CK2
Lohmueller KE, Pearce CL, Pike M et al (2003) Meta-
analysis of genetic association studies supports a con-
tribution of common variants to susceptibility to com-
mon disease. Nat Genet 33:177–182
Newton-Cheh C, Hirschhorn JN (2005) Genetic associa- CASH
tion studies of complex traits: design and analysis
issues. Mutat Res 573:54–69
Risch N, Merikangas K (1996) The future of genetic stud- ▶ FLICE-Inhibitory Protein
ies of complex human diseases. Science

See Also CASP-8

(2012) Allele. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 137.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6570 ▶ Caspase-8
(2012) DNA Microarray. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1140.
(2012) Genetic Haplotype. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp Caspase
1526–1527. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2378
(2012) Genetic Polymorphism. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- Definition
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
berg, p 1528. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2382
(2012) Genotype. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Are protein degrading enzymes (proteases) that
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1540. act as mediators of programmed cell death
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2396 (▶ apoptosis). Proteins within the large family of
(2012) Hardy–Weinberg Law. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo- these cell-death proteases are all similar to each
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp
1631–1632. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2566 other. Caspases are highly conserved during evo-
(2012) Linkage. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- lution and can be found in humans as well as in
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2043. insects and worms and are even found in lower
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3367 multicellular organisms. More than a dozen
(2012) Microsatellite. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2305. caspases have been identified in humans. Usually
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3730 caspases selectively cleave a restricted set of tar-
(2012) Polymorphism. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of get proteins in the primary sequence at one posi-
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 2954– tion, or at a few positions at most. Cleavage
2955. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4673
always occurs behind an aspartate amino acid.
The caspase-mediated cleavage of specific sub-
strates supplies an explanation for several charac-
teristic features of apoptosis. Cleavage of the
Case–Control Association Analysis nuclear lamins, for instance, is required for
nuclear shrinking. Cleavage of cytoskeletal pro-
▶ Case Control Association Study teins causes the overall loss of cell shape. In
Caspase-8 819

healthy cells, caspases normally lie dormant. In

response to diverse stimuli, they become activated Caspase Homologue
when cell death is required. Dormant caspases
exist as precursor polypeptides or “proenzymes” ▶ FLICE-Inhibitory Protein
that are largely activated by proteolytic
processing. This involves cleaving of proenzymes
at specific points to generate the large and small C
subunits that associate to the active caspase Caspase-8
enzyme. The proenzymes have low protease
activity themselves and can therefore process Simone Fulda
each other when brought into vicinity. This pro- Institute for Experimental Cancer Research in
cess starts when an external stimulus, a “death Pediatrics, Goethe-University Frankfurt,
ligand,” binds to a receptor (such as CD95/FAS/ Frankfurt, Germany
APO-1) on the cell surface. Ligand binding results
in the aggregation of procaspase-8. The high den-
sity of caspase-8 proenzymes has the result that Synonyms
they mutually activate each other. Caspase-8 is an
initiator caspase that can activate downstream CASP-8; FADD-like ICE; FLICE; Mach; Mch5
procaspases, in particular procaspase-3, either by
direct cleaving or indirectly by cleaving BID
and inducing cytochrome C release from Definition
An alternative mechanism of caspase activa- Caspase-8 belongs to the family of cysteine pro-
tion in response to death stimuli involves teases called caspases that act as mediators of
procaspase-9. In this case, the adaptor molecule programmed cell death (▶ apoptosis). It is a pro-
APAF-1 sequesters several procaspase-9 mole- tein of 480 amino acids and 55 kDa that is widely
cules that, within this complex (often referred to expressed in various tissues. Caspase-8 displays
as apoptosome), are activated by a change in 20% identity to the ced-3-encoded protein of
conformation, not by proteolysis. In response to Caenorhabditis elegans. The gene maps to 2q33.
that change, they can activate downstream
In short, initiator caspases become primarily Characteristics
activated by regulated protein-protein interaction,
whereas downstream effector caspases are acti- Structure and Physiological Functions of
vated proteolytically. Besides caspase pathways, Caspase-8
other death-inducing pathways must exist since Caspase-8 contains two death-effector domains
developmental apoptosis is functional in mice that (DED) in the N-terminal prodomain that serve as
are defective in regard to the ▶ caspase-8 and protein–protein interaction sites and a catalytic
caspase-9 pathways. protease domain at the C-terminus consisting of
a large and small subunit. The active caspase-
8 molecule is composed of a heterotetramer of
Cross-References two of each of the large and small subunits
(Fig. 1). The preferred substrate specificity for
▶ APAF-1 Signaling caspase-8 is I/L/V/E X D (where X is any amino
▶ Apoptosis acid).
▶ Autophagy Caspase-8 exists in different splice variants of
▶ Caspase-8 which caspase-8a and caspase-8b are expressed in
▶ PUMA most cell lines and catalytically active. Caspase-
820 Caspase-8

DED DED p20 p10 DIL

Caspase-8, Fig. 1 Caspase-8 structure. Caspase-8 is a

480 amino acid protein that consists of two death-effector
domains (DED) and a catalytic protease domain with a

large subunit (p20) and small subunit (p10)

8 L is generated by alternative splicing of intron FADD

8 of the human caspase-8 gene generating a FLIP
136 bp insertion between exon 8 and exon 9 of
full-length caspase-8 mRNA. This produces a Bid
premature stop codon and a truncated protein
that contains only the two N-terminal DED
domains but lacks the C-terminal proteolytic
domain. Smac
Caspase-8 is an initiator caspase that is cytc Apaf-1
expressed as proenzyme (zymogen) in an inactive IAP Caspase-9
state and becomes activated during apoptosis
through oligomerization in a multimeric complex.
Cross-linking of ▶ death receptors such as CD95 Caspase-3
or the agonistic TRAIL receptors TRAIL-R1 and PARP
TRAIL-R2 by their corresponding ligands CD95
ligand or TRAIL or by agonistic antibodies initi-
ates receptor trimerization, clustering of the recep- DNA fragmentation
tors death domains, and recruitment of adaptor
molecules such as Fas associated with a death
domain (FADD) through homophilic Caspase-8, Fig. 2 Apoptosis signaling pathways. Apo-
protein–protein interactions mediated by the ptosis pathways can be initiated by cross-linking of death
death domains (Fig. 2). FADD in turn recruits receptors (DR), e.g., CD95 or TRAIL receptors, by death-
caspase-8 to activated death receptors through inducing ligands (DILs) such as CD95 ligand or TRAIL
followed by recruitment of the adaptor molecule FADD
interaction via the DED domains to form the and caspase-8, which drives caspase-8 activation through
death-inducing signaling complex (DISC). Olig- autoproteolysis (receptor/extrinsinc pathway). In type
omerization of caspase-8 upon DISC formation I cells, caspase-8 is activated at the receptor level in quan-
drives its activation through autoproteolysis. tities sufficient to directly activate effector caspase-3. In
type II cells, caspase-8 initiates a mitochondrial amplifica-
Once activated, caspase-8 cleaves downstream tion loop to activate effector caspases by cleaving Bid,
effector caspases such as caspase-3. For the which translocates to mitochondria to trigger the release
CD95 signaling pathway, two distinct prototypic of cytochrome c (cytc) and Smac. The mitochondrial
cell types have been identified. In type I cells, (intrinsic) pathway is initiated by the release of cytochrome
c or Smac from mitochondria into the cytosol. Cytochrome
caspase-8 is activated upon CD95 ligation at the c triggers caspase-3 activation via formation of the cyto-
DISC in quantities sufficient to directly activate chrome c/Apaf-1/caspase-9-containing apoptosome com-
downstream effector caspases such as caspase-3. plex, while Smac neutralizes the inhibitor of apoptosis
In type II cells, however, the amount of active protein (IAP)-mediated inhibition of caspase-3 and
caspase-9. Cellular ▶ FLICE-inhibitory protein (c-FLIP)
caspase-8 generated at the DISC is insufficient to inhibits apoptosis by blocking caspase-8 activation
fully activate caspase-3. In these cells, a mito-
chondrial amplification loop is required for com- mitochondria to trigger the release of apoptogenic
plete activation of the caspase cascade involving proteins such as cytochrome c from mitochondria
caspase-8-mediated cleavage of BH3-interacting into the cytosol. Also, a similar cell-type-
death domain agonist (Bid), which translocates to dependent organization (type I and type II) of
Caspase-8 821

the TRAIL signaling pathway has been described. manner, e.g., by blocking the recruitment of
Besides its activation at the DISC, caspase-8 can wild-type caspase-8 to activated death receptors,
also be activated downstream of mitochondria thereby inhibiting apoptosis. Despite the key role
upon initiation of the intrinsic apoptosis pathway, of caspase-8 for cell death execution, caspase-8-
e.g., through cleavage by caspase-6. mutations in human tumors have, however, only
In addition to its established role in apoptosis been identified at low frequency in some tumors,
signaling, evidence indicates that caspase-8 can e.g., in colorectal, head and neck, or vulvar carci- C
also exert several nonapoptotic functions. For noma. In addition, homo- or heterozygous geno-
example, caspase-8 is required to maintain mic deletions were found in some neuroblastoma.
homeostasis of peripheral T cells by controlling In contrast to these rare genetic alterations,
T-cell proliferation via regulation of IL-2 produc- caspase-8 expression is frequently impaired by
tion. In addition, caspase-8 is involved in the epigenetic mechanisms in cancer cells. To this
regulation of differentiation and proliferation of end, caspase-8 expression was found to be
B cells, NK cells, and hematopoietic progenitors. inactivated by hypermethylation of a regulatory
Also, caspase-8 has been reported to be important sequence of the caspase-8 gene, which maps to
for NF-kB activation through the T-cell receptor, the boundary between exon 3 and intron 3. Silenc-
for CD95 clustering and internalization upon ing of caspase-8 was detected in a variety of
CD95 stimulation, as well as for the survival of cancers, e.g., in ▶ neuroblastoma, medulloblas-
endothelial cells. Furthermore, it has been shown toma, malignant glioma, ▶ rhabdomyosarcoma,
that caspase-8 can promote cell motility by regu- ▶ Ewing sarcoma, ▶ retinoblastoma, and small
lating activation of ▶ calpains, Rac, and lung cell carcinoma both in cell lines and in pri-
lamellipodial assembly and regulates cell spread- mary tumor samples. Although this regulatory
ing by cleaving the cytolinker plectin, a compo- region of caspase-8 does not meet the criteria of
nent of hemidesmosomes and focal adhesion a classical ▶ CpG island and shows no promotor
complexes. Loss-of-function mutation in activity, the ▶ methylation status of this domain
caspase-8 is lethal to the mouse embryo around correlated with caspase-8 expression in several
day 12.5, an indication of its critical role during human tumors. In addition, treatment with the
normal development. Caspase-8 knockout mice demethylating agent 5-aza-20 deoxycytidine
die in utero as a result of defective development (5-AZA) resulted in demethylation of this regula-
of heart muscle and display abdominal hemor- tory sequence, which in turn led to increased
rhage and fewer than normal hematopoietic pro- caspase-8 promotor activity and re-expression of
genitor cells. Together, these findings indicate that caspase-8. This suggests that demethylation of a
constitutive caspase-8 activity is relevant to nor- trans-acting factor may be involved in controlling
mal physiology. activity of the caspase-8 promotor. Another level
of transcriptional regulation of caspase-8 in can-
Caspase-8 and Cancer cers is alternative splicing, for example, in leuke-
It is well established that the evasion of apoptosis mia or neuroblastoma cells. Alternative splicing
is one of the hallmarks of ▶ cancer. It is therefore of intron 8 of the caspase-8 gene generates
not surprising that some cancers have used the caspase-8 L that misses the catalytic site but
inactivation of caspase-8 to avoid apoptotic sig- retains the two N-terminal DED repeats. Thus,
nals suggesting that caspase-8 may act as tumor caspase-8 L is recruited to activated death recep-
suppressor. In principle, caspase-8 expression tors where it acts as a dominant-negative inhibitor
and/or function can be altered through genetic or of apoptosis in cancer cells by interfering with the
▶ epigenetic mechanisms, or alternatively, recruitment of wild-type caspase-8.
caspase-8 function can be compromised in can- In addition to genetic and epigenetic mecha-
cers. For example, caspase-8 expression can be nisms, caspase-8 signaling can also be function-
impaired by mutations. Such mutant variants of ally impaired in cancer cells, e.g., by
caspase-8 may act in a dominant-negative overexpression of antiapoptotic proteins that
822 Caspase-8

interfere with caspase-8 activation at the death form a large molecular complex containing
receptor level. Examples are cellular ▶ FLICE- caspase-8, thereby initiating an apoptosis cascade.
inhibitory protein (c-FLIP) or phosphoprotein In this context, caspase-8 may function as metas-
enriched in diabetes/phosphoprotein enriched in tasis suppressor gene that, together with
astrocytes-15 kDa (PEST region) that exert their integrins, regulates cell death of cancer cells that
antiapoptotic function by blocking the recruit- migrate from the primary tumor. Thus, loss of
ment of caspase-8 to activated death receptors. caspase-8 may promote metastasis of cancers
The adenoviral E1B19K early protein has similar by providing a survival advantage in foreign
properties. microenvironments.
The biological relevance of caspase-8-
inactivation in cancers follows from its key role
in the apoptotic machinery. Tumor cells with loss
of caspase-8 were found to be resistant to death Cross-References
receptor-triggered apoptosis. Similarly, embry-
onic fibroblasts derived from caspase-8 knockout ▶ Apoptosis
mice were completely resistant to apoptosis ▶ Calpain
induced by death receptors including CD95, ▶ Cancer
TRAIL receptors, or TNF receptor-1, whereas ▶ Ceramide
they retained sensitivity to other apoptotic stimuli ▶ CpG Islands
such as UV irradiation, ▶ ceramide, or several ▶ Death Receptors
anticancer drugs. These findings indicate that ▶ Epigenetic
caspase-8 plays a necessary and nonredundant ▶ Ewing Sarcoma
role in transducing the death signal from activated ▶ FLICE-Inhibitory Protein
death receptor to intracellular effector caspases. In ▶ Invasion
addition, chemotherapeutic drugs can initiate ▶ Metastasis
caspase-8 activation in a receptor-dependent and ▶ Methylation
also in a receptor-independent manner. Of note, ▶ Migration
loss of caspase-8 expression has been reported to ▶ Neuroblastoma
significantly correlate with unfavorable survival ▶ Retinoblastoma
outcome in medulloblastoma patients, while no ▶ Rhabdomyosarcoma
correlation with survival or established parame- ▶ Signal Transducers and Activators of Tran-
ters of poor prognosis was found in neuroblas- scription in Oncogenesis
toma. Restoration of caspase-8 expression by ▶ TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand
gene transfer or by demethylation treatment in
cancer cells where caspase-8 is epigenetically
silenced also sensitized resistant tumor cells for References
death-receptor- or drug-induced apoptosis. In
addition, treatment with the cytokine IFNg caused Barnhart BC, Lee JC, Alappat EC et al (2003) The death
transcriptional activation of caspase-8 in cancer effector domain protein family. Oncogene
cells lacking caspase-8 and enhanced expression 22:8634–8644
Fulda S, Debatin KM (2004) Exploiting death receptor
of caspase-8 through interferon-sensitive signaling pathways for tumor therapy. Biochim
response elements within the caspase-8 promotor Biophys Acta 1705:27–41
and STAT-1. Lahti JM, Teitz T, Stupack DG (2006) Does integrin-
Loss of caspase-8 fosters cancer ▶ metastasis mediated cell death confer tissue tropism in metastasis?
Cancer Res 66:5981–5984
and ▶ invasion by rendering cancer cells resistant Park SM, Schickel R, Peter ME (2005) Nonapoptotic func-
to integrin-mediated cell death. Integrin receptors tions of FADD-binding death receptors and their sig-
that are unable to find appropriate ligands can naling molecules. Curr Opin Cell Biol 17:610–616
Caspase-Independent Apoptosis 823

See Also
(2012) Alternative RNA Splicing. In: Schwab M (ed) Caspase-Independent Apoptosis
Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
delberg, p 148. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_212
(2012) BH3-Interacting Death Domain Agonist. In: Chun Hei Antonio Cheung
Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Department of Pharmacology and Institute of
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 389. doi:10.1007/978- Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine,
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, C
(2012) C-FLICE-like Inhibitory Protein. In: Schwab M
(ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Republic of China
Heidelberg, p 753. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
(2012) Death Domain. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1065.
(2012) Death-Effector-Domain. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- AIF-mediated cell death; Caspase-independent
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel- cell death; Nonclassical apoptosis
berg, p 1066. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1535
(2012) Death-Inducing Signaling Complex. In: Schwab M
(ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, p 1066. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483- Definition
(2012) Fas Associated with a Death Domain. In: Schwab
Caspase-independent apoptosis is defined as the
M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer
Berlin Heidelberg, p 1379. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- process of apoptosis-like cell death, in which
16483-5_2123 caspase activation does not contribute to the com-
(2012) Initiator Caspases. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia pletion of this process.
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1865.
(2012) Microenvironment. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p Characteristics
2296. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3720
(2012) PEST Sequence. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
Cellular and Molecular Characteristics of
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2828.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4478 Apoptotic Cells
(2012) Phosphoprotein Enriched in Diabetes/Phosphopro- Cell death can be induced through necrosis and
tein Enriched in Astrocytes-15kDa. In: Schwab M (ed) apoptosis, in which apoptosis is also called
Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
programmed cell death. Generally, apoptosis
Heidelberg, p 2870. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
5_4543 processing requires sequential activations of a
(2012) Receptor for TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing specific family of proteases called caspases. At
Ligand. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, the molecular level, initial activation of initiator
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3198. doi:
caspases such as caspase-9/caspase-8 and the sub-
(2012) STAT. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, sequent activation of effector caspases such as
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3502. caspase-3/caspase-7 play important roles in
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5481 inducing apoptosis in cells. Activation of caspases
(2012) Tumor Suppressor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
induced proteolytic cleavages of a set of proteins
dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
3803. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6056 that are important in maintaining cellular integrity
and cell-to-cell attachment. Activation of caspases
also activates various DNase enzymes (CAD,
caspase-activated DNase), leading to the induc-
tion of DNA fragmentations (with fragment size
Caspase-Eight-Related Protein of approximately 200 base pairs). Therefore, the
appearance of cytoplasmic shrinkage and pres-
▶ FLICE-Inhibitory Protein ence of DNA strand breaks/fragmentations are
824 Caspase-Independent Cell Death

two morphological changes typically observed in certain circumstances during the Bax-/Bak-
apoptotic cells. mediated caspase-involved apoptosis. In addition,
inter-switch between caspase-dependent apopto-
Molecules Involved in the Caspase- sis and caspase-independent apoptosis does exist
Independent Apoptosis Process in cells. Upon apoptotic stimulations, cells can
Noticeably, cells can also process apoptosis-like switch to process caspase-independent apoptosis
cell death without activating caspases (caspase- if caspase-3/caspase-7 is inhibited by a few
independent apoptosis). During caspase- caspase-specific inhibitors. Furthermore,
independent apoptosis, apoptosis-inducing factor overexpression of AIF can induce caspase-7 acti-
(AIF, mature form of approximately 57 kDa), vation occasionally and inhibit protein synthesis.
which is a mitochondrial intermembrane flavopro- Cancer cells can inhibit both caspase-dependent
tein, translocates from the mitochondria upon apoptosis and caspase-independent apoptosis
mitochondrial membrane depolarization into the simultaneously in order to maintain their survival
nucleus. It binds to DNA strands through electro- and induce drug resistance to various chemother-
static interaction and induces chromosome con- apeutic treatments. In fact, a few antiapoptotic
densation and large-scale DNA fragmentation molecules are overexpressed in cancer cells and
(approximately 50 k base pairs), resulting in the capable of inhibiting both the caspase-dependent
promotion of cell death. Cells can also process and caspase-independent apoptosis pathways. For
apoptosis through the translocation and activation example, survivin, a member of the inhibitor-of-
of endonuclease G (endoG) in the absence of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) family which is
caspase activation or during caspase dysfunction. overexpressed in a variety of cancer cells but not
EndoG is a sequence-unspecific DNase that also in differentiated tissues, inhibits the activation of
exhibits RNase activity. As similar to AIF, endoG caspase-3 through direct and indirect mechanisms
is released from the intermembrane space of mito- and also interferes with the translocation of AIF in
chondria upon mitochondrial membrane depolar- cancer cells.
ization to the cytosol during caspase-independent
apoptosis. It subsequently translocates into the
nucleus and induces DNA fragmentations. Cross-References
Besides AIF and endoG, activation and nuclear
translocation of another proapoptotic molecule ▶ Apoptosis
called WOX1 (WW domain-containing oxidore- ▶ Caspase-8
ductase, WWOX) also play an important role in ▶ Survivin
processing apoptosis without caspase activation.
In addition, the activated WOX1 can bind to the
tumor suppressor p53 and promotes the
proapoptotic functions of p53. Candé C, Cecconi F, Dessen P, Kroemer G (2002)
Apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF): key to the conserved
Inter-regulations Between Caspase- caspase-independent pathways of cell death? J Cell Sci
Dependent and Caspase-Independent 115:4727–4734
Lorenzoa HK, Susinb SA (2004) Mitochondrial effectors
Apoptosis in Cancer Cells in caspase-independent cell death. FEBS Lett
The process of caspases, AIF, endoG, and WOX1- 557:14–20
mediated apoptosis is not mutually exclusive in
cells. Although cells can carry out programmed
cell death through nuclear translocation of both
AIF and endoG and the subsequent induction of
DNA fragmentation without caspase activation, Caspase-Independent Cell Death
caspase activation is capable of triggering trans-
location and activation of these molecules under ▶ Caspase-Independent Apoptosis
Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer 825

majority of the patients go disease-free for life or

Caspase-Like Apoptosis-Regulatory for a few years. The later stage is marked by
Protein aggressiveness, and overall survival is signifi-
cantly reduced by this later stage of the disease.
▶ FLICE-Inhibitory Protein Castration decreases androgen levels in the body
and thereby helps in the remission or overall sur-
vival during the initial stage of the disease, C
whereas castration has no effect on the later
CASPER stage of the disease and many a times induces
the rapid onset of the late stage of this disease
▶ FLICE-Inhibitory Protein giving the name: castration-resistant prostate can-
cer (CRPC). Prostate cancer that progresses
despite castrate levels of serum testosterone is
defined as “castrate resistant.”

▶ Combinatorial Selection Methods Characteristics

Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed

cancer in men aside from skin cancer. For reasons
Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer that remain unclear, incidence rates are 70%
higher in African-Americans than in whites.
Saurabh Ghosh Roy With an estimated 29,720 deaths in 2013, prostate
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death
University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA in men. For most patients, prostate cancer is a
localized indolent disease that may be cured with
surgery or radiation therapy, but the disease recurs
Synonyms in approximately 20–30% of patients. However, it
is far more difficult to treat those patients with
Hormone-refractory prostate cancer; Metastatic aggressive or metastatic form of the disease.
prostate cancer Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), the most
common treatment after recurrence, is effective,
but the disease eventually progresses in most
Keywords patients who receive such treatment. For men
with metastatic castration-resistant prostate can-
Androgen deprivation therapy; Androgen recep- cer, the median survival in studies has ranged
tor signaling from 12.2 to 21.7 months.
The male body produces male hormones called
androgens. Research has shown that androgens
Definition help fuel the prostate tumor. Androgen is pro-
duced from two different sources in the human
Prostate cancer as the name suggests is the body: primarily from the male testes and some
cancer of the prostate, an essential gland of the from the cortical adrenal glands situated on top
male reproductive system. In general, prostate of the kidneys. However, in men, androgens could
cancers are slow-growing cancers, and frequently also be made from yet another source: the tumor
they are not detected by PET scanning. The dis- tissue itself, thereby making them self-sufficient
ease could be segregated into two stages. The and does not depend on other sources of
initial stage which responds to castration and androgens.
826 Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer

Previously, the initial stage of the disease was the 5-year relative survival rate approaches 100%.
referred to as hormone-dependent prostate cancer Patients with metastatic castration-resistant pros-
and the later stage as hormone-independent pros- tate cancer (mCRPC) have a poor prognosis, and
tate cancer (as castration was thought to obliterate those patients with metastases are expected to
androgen signaling). Later, research showed that survive 19 months.
although androgen deprivation therapy (ADT)
improved the tumor burden in the hormone- Current Treatment Options
dependent stage of the disease, it had no effect Until 2009, there were only few drugs approved
during the ▶ hormone-independent stage. While for the treatment of CRPC, only one, docetaxel,
the later stage of the disease was no longer respon- that showed improvement in overall survival.
sive to castration or ADT therapy by either chem- Currently, the FDA has approved a number of
ical or surgical means, these late-stage “hormone novel drugs which targets the disease at different
refractory” cancers still show reliance upon hor- stages thereby improving overall progression-free
mones for ▶ androgen receptor (AR) activation, survival.
hence the re-nomenclature as castration-resistant As the androgen receptor signaling is still
prostate cancer (CRPC). There is abundant evidence active in CRPC patients, several new agents
that the road to CRPC is paved by the reactivation of which are both FDA approved and/or in develop-
the AR and the re-expression of androgen respon- ment targets the AR activation by the following
sive genes. Research suggests that AR is reactivated mechanisms.
by a gain of function in a ligand-sensitized manner.
Mutations also occur in the AR ligand binding 1. Direct androgen receptor antagonists:
domain which broadens the specificity for steroid enzalutamide (FDA approved) and ARN-509
hormone ligands. Briefly, several cellular and (phase III clinical trials)
molecular alterations are related to this post- 2. Androgen biosynthesis inhibitors: abiraterone
castration activation of AR, including incomplete (FDA approved) and TAK-700 (phase III clin-
blockade of AR ligand signaling, AR amplifica- ical trials)
tions, AR mutations, AR splice variant expression, 3. Androgen receptor coactivators: OGX-111
and aberrant AR co-regulator activities. (phase III clinical trials) and OGX-427 (phase
II clinical trials)
Genetic Causes of the Disease 4. Immunologic therapy (vaccine therapy):
Profiling studies of prostate cancers have shown sipuleucel-T (also known as Provenge; FDA
that several receptor tyrosine kinases including approved), Prostvac-VF (phase III clinical tri-
HER kinase family (EGFR, HER2), PDGFR, als), and ipilimumab (phase III clinical trials)
c-met, and c-myc are expressed in a certain number 5. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors: cabozantinib
of these cancers. One of the most frequent genetic (phase III clinical trials)
alterations is the deletion of tumor suppressor 6. Radiopharmaceutical therapy: radium
PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue). 223 (FDA approved)

Diagnosis of the Disease Brief Description of Each Therapy

Diagnosis could be done by ultrasonography, (A) Direct androgen receptor antagonists:
MRI, as well as prostate biopsy. Perhaps the (i) Enzalutamide is an oral androgen recep-
most widely used method for screening the dis- tor signaling inhibitor that inhibits
ease is by monitoring the rising levels of PSA nuclear translocation of the androgen
(prostate-specific antigen). receptor hormone complex, DNA bind-
ing, and coactivator recruiting and
Survival induces cell ▶ apoptosis.
The majority (93%) of prostate cancers are dis- (ii) ARN-509 is an oral competitive andro-
covered in the local or regional stages, for which gen receptor antagonist that impairs
Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer 827

androgen receptor binding to DNA and specific activity against c-MET and
androgen receptor target gene modula- VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2).
tion and induces apoptosis. (F) Radiopharmaceutical therapy:
(B) Androgen biosynthesis inhibitors: (i) Radium 223 is a novel alpha particle-
(i) Abiraterone is a small molecule inhibitor emitting radiopharmaceutical targeting
of 17-alpha-monooxygenase (17-alpha- bone metastasis in CRPC.
hydroxylase and C17,20-lyase, named C
as CYP17 complex), a member of the
▶ cytochrome P450 family that blocks Cross-References
androgen synthesis by the adrenal glands
and testes and within the prostate tumor ▶ Cancer Vaccines
in a ligand-dependent fashion. ▶ Metastasis
(ii) TAK-700 is a selective, nonsteroidal ▶ Prostate Cancer Clinical Oncology
potent CYP17 inhibitor that inhibits the ▶ Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
17,20-lyase activity of CYP17A1. ▶ Prostate Cancer Hormonal Therapy
(C) Androgen receptor coactivators: ▶ Prostate Cancer Targeted Therapy
(i) OGX-111 also known as clusterin is ▶ Prostate-Specific Antigen
a chaperone protein involved in cell
proliferation and survival. It is a stress-
induced androgen receptor-regulated
cytoprotective chaperone that is Acar O, Esen T, Lack NA (2013) New therapeutics to
upregulated in cell death. treat castrate resistant prostate cancer. Sci World
(ii) OGX-427 also known as heat shock J 379641
protein 27 (Hsp27) is a chaperone pro- Dayyani F, Gallick GE, Logothetis CJ, Corn PG
(2011) Novel therapies for metastatic castrate
tein that regulates cell signaling and resistant prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 103(22):
survival pathways involved in cancer 1665–1675
progression and is uniformly expressed Scher HI, Sawyers CL (2005) Biology of progressive,
in metastatic CRPC. castration-resistant prostate cancer: directed therapies
targeting the androgen receptor signaling axis. J Clin
(D) Immunologic therapies: Oncol 23(32):8253–8261
(i) Sipuleucel-T is a personalized antigen- Thoreson GR, Gayed BA, Chung PH, Raj GV
presenting cell-based immunotherapy (2014) Emerging therapies in castration resistant pros-
product. tate cancer. Can J Urol 21(2 Suppl):98–105
(ii) Prostvac-VF is a prostate cancer vaccine
consisting of a recombinant vaccinia
virus expressing the entire PSA trans-
gene as a primary vaccination, followed
by multiple recombinant fowlpox Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
booster vaccinations and a viral vector
encoding three major costimulatory Definition
(iii) Ipilimumab is a monoclonal antibody Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) has been a
that blocks the activity of the T-cell mainstay in ▶ prostate cancer therapy. After an
inhibitory receptor cytotoxic excellent clinical response to ADT, however,
T-lymphocyte-associated antigen prostate cancer returns as a therapy resistant and
4 (CTLA4) deadly form, resulting in a short survival time of
(E) Tyrosine kinase inhibitors: 18–24 months. This form of prostate cancer, now
(i) Cabozantinib is an orally bioavailable known as castration-resistant prostate cancer
novel tyrosine kinase inhibitor with (CRPC), often metastasizes to the bone and results
828 Catechin

in the clinical symptoms of pain. A great chal- apoptotic and necrotic phenotypes. Its pH opti-
lenge is the discovery of new chemotherapy drugs mum depends on the enzyme source and on the
that can increase overall survival of patients with substrate used for the determination of the activity
recurrent CRPC. and ranges between 2.8 and 5. No endogenous
cathepsin-D tissue inhibitor is known in mam-
mals. Pepstatin, a natural inhibitor of aspartic pro-
Cross-References teases isolated from various species of
actinomycetes, inhibits its catalytic activity.
▶ Androgen Ablation Therapy Cathepsin-D, like other aspartic proteases, such
▶ Prostate Cancer as renin, chymosin, pepsinogen, has a bilobed
▶ Prostate Cancer Chemotherapy organization. Crystal structures of native and
pepstatin-inhibited forms of mature human
cathepsin-D revealed a high degree of tertiary
structural similarity with other members of the
aspartic proteinase family (e.g., pepsinogen and
human immunodeficiency virus protease). The
human cathepsin-D gene containing nine exons
▶ Epigallocatechin
is located in chromosome 11p15 and expresses a
single transcript of 2.2 kb. Cathepsin-D is synthe-
sized as a 52 kDa catalytically inactive precursor
(Fig. 1). During its transport to lysosomes,
Cathepsin-D cathepsin-D can be found in the endosomes
where it is present as partially active 48 kDa
Emmanuelle Liaudet-Coopman single-chain intermediate (Fig. 1). This interme-
IRCM, INSERM, UMI, CRLC Val d’Aurelle, diate is subsequently transported to the lysosomes
Montpellier, France where it is converted into the fully active mature
protease that is composed of a 34 kDa heavy and a
14 kDa light chain (Fig. 1). The human cathepsin-
Definition D catalytic site includes two critical aspartic resi-
dues (amino acids 33 and 231) located on the
Cathepsin-D (E.C. is a ubiquitous lyso- 34 and 14 kDa chains (Fig. 1a). Mannose-6-
somal aspartic endo-proteinase cleaving preferen- phosphate (M6P) receptors are involved in lyso-
tially -Phe-Phe-, -Leu-Tyr-, -Tyr-Leu-, and somal routing of cathepsin-D and in the cellular
-Phe-Tyr- bonds in peptide chains containing at uptake of the secreted pro-cathepsin-D. In
least five amino acids at an acidic pH. ▶ breast cancer cell lines, over-expressed
cathepsin-D is hyper-secreted in the extracellular
environment and can be endocytosed
Characteristics (▶ Endocytosis) by both ▶ cancer cells and fibro-
blasts via M6P receptors and other as yet
Cathepsin-D is ubiquitously distributed in lyso- unidentified receptor(s) (Fig. 1b). Endocytosed
somes. It was considered for a long time that the pro-cathepsin-D also undergoes successive matu-
main function of cathepsin-D was to degrade pro- rations leading to the 48 kDa and 34 + 14 kDa
teins in lysosomes at an acidic pH. Apart from its forms. In addition, secreted pro-cathepsin-D, like
function in general protein turnover, cathepsin-D pepsinogen, is capable of acid-dependent auto-
can also activate precursors of biologically active activation in vitro, resulting in a catalytically
proteins in pre-lysosomal compartments of spe- active pseudo-cathepsin-D, an enzyme species
cialized cells. Knock-out of cathepsin-D gene that retains 18 residues (27–44) of the
induces death shortly after birth with severe pro-segment.
Cathepsin-D 829

NH2 4K 14K 34K COOH
Asp33 Asp231

−44 1 348

1 2
52 K
48 K

34 K


Cathepsin-D, Fig. 1 Cathepsin-D structure and expres- mature cathepsin-D. Position of the 2 aspartic acids of the
sion in breast cancer cells (a) Schematic representation of catalytic site is shown. Molecular mass is shown in
the human 52 kDa pro-cathepsin-D sequence. Location of K (kDa). (b) Expression of Human cathepsin-D in
4 kDa cathepsin-D pro-fragment, 14 kDa light and 34 kDa MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. MCF-7 cells were metabol-
heavy mature chains are indicated. Intermediate 48 kDa ically labeled with [35S]Methionine and human cathepsin-
form (not shown) corresponds to noncleaved 14 + 34 kDa D immunoprecipitated from cell extract (lane 2) and
chains. Number 1 corresponds to the first amino acid of the medium (lane 1) was analyzed by SDS-PAGE

Apoptosis (e.g., SP1, AP1), they may be responsible for the

Cathepsin-D is a key mediator of ▶ apoptosis stimulation of cathepsin-D gene expression. Stud-
induced by many apoptotic agents, such as ies in estrogen receptor negative breast cancer cell
IFN-gamma, FAS/APO, TNF-alpha, ▶ oxidative lines that are the more aggressive, invasive, and
stress, ▶ adriamycin, etoposide, cisplatin and 5- metastatic indicated a constitutive over-
fluorouracil, as well as staurosporine. The role of expression of cathepsin-D. The mechanism of
cathepsin-D in apoptosis has been linked to the this over-expression is still unknown but does
lysosomal release of mature 34 kDa cathepsin-D not seem to involve gene amplification or major
into the cytosol, leading in turn to the mitochon- chromosomal rearrangements (▶ Chromosomal
drial release of cytochrome c into the cytosol and Translocations).
the activation of pro-caspases-9 and -3.
Regulation Cathepsin-D over-expressed by cancer cells stim-
Studies on ▶ estrogen receptor positive breast ulates tumorigenicity and ▶ metastasis in nude
cancer cell lines revealed that this housekeeping mice. The direct role of cathepsin-D in cancer
enzyme is highly upregulated by estrogens metastasis was first demonstrated in rat tumor
(▶ Estradiol) and growth factors (i.e., IGF1, cells in which transfection-induced cathepsin-D
EGF). In estrogen receptor positive breast cancer over-expression increased their metastatic poten-
cell lines, both estrogens and growth factors stim- tial in vivo. In this rat tumor model, the cathepsin-
ulate cathepsin-D protein and mRNA accumula- D mechanism responsible for metastasis stimula-
tion levels. The regulation of cathepsin-D mRNA tion seemed to be a positive effect on cell prolifer-
accumulation by estrogens is mainly due to ation, favoring the growth of micro-metastases.
increased initiation of transcription. Estrogen- Using an RNA antisense strategy, cathepsin-D
responsive elements have been defined in the was then shown to be a rate limiting factor for the
proximal promoter region of the gene, and in outgrowth, tumorigenicity, and lung colonization
conjunction with other regulatory sequences of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Several
830 Cathepsins

reports have indicated that cathepsin-D stimulates ▶ Endocytosis

cancer cell proliferation. Purified pro-cathepsin-D ▶ Epithelial Tumorigenesis
from MCF-7 breast cancer cells stimulated MCF-7 ▶ Estradiol
cell growth. Moreover, 3Y1-Ad12 rat cancer cells ▶ Estrogen Receptor
transfected with human cathepsin-D cDNA grew ▶ Immunohistochemistry
more rapidly both at low or high cell densities ▶ Macrophages
in vitro and showed an increased experimental ▶ Metastasis
metastatic potential in vivo. In addition, ▶ Oxidative Stress
pro-cathepsin-D was also mitogenic for breast
and prostate cancer cells.
Clinical Aspects Chwieralski CE, Welte T, Buhling F (2006) Cathepsin-
Different approaches, such as cytosolic immunoas- regulated apoptosis. Apoptosis 11:143–149
say, ▶ immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridiza- Liaudet-Coopman E, Beaujouin M, Derocq D et al (2006)
tion, and Northern and Western blot analyses, Cathepsin D: newly discovered functions of a long-
standing aspartic protease in cancer and apoptosis.
have indicated that in most breast cancer tumors, Cancer Lett 237:167–179
cathepsin-D is over-expressed from 2- to 50-fold Rochefort H (1992) Cathepsin D in breast cancer: a tissue
compared to its concentration in other cell types marker associated with metastasis. Eur J Cancer
such as fibroblasts or normal mammary glands. 28A:1780–1783
Westley BR, May FE (1999) Prognostic value of cathepsin
Several independent clinical studies have shown D in breast cancer. Br J Cancer 79:189–190
that the cathepsin-D level in primary breast cancer
cytosols is an independent prognostic parameter See Also
correlated with the incidence of clinical metastasis (2012) Epithelial cell. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
and shorter survival times. The major cathepsin-D of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
producing cells appear to be epithelial cancer cells pp 1291–1292. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1958
(2012) Estrogens. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
(Epithelial Tumors) and stromal ▶ macrophages. cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1333.
Cathepsin-D production by fibroblasts appears var- doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2019
iable according to various publications. Certain (2012) Knock-out. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
studies have indicated that cathepsin-D production cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1957.
is low relative to cancer cells as shown by immu- (2012) Lysosome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
nohistochemistry and in situ hybridization with cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2128.
antisense RNA. Other studies have indicated a doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3472
prognostic role for cathepsin-D over-expression (2012) Promoter. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3004.
by reactive stromal cells. Pro-cathepsin-D is also doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4768
increased in the plasma of patients with metastatic (2012) Proteinase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
breast cancer, indicating that part of the cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3092.
pro-cathepsin-D secreted by tumors can be released doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4805
into the circulation.

Cross-References Cathepsins

▶ Adriamycin Definition
▶ Amplification
▶ Apoptosis Are mainly lysosomal cysteine proteases (human
▶ Breast Cancer cathepsins B, C, F, H, K, L, O, S, V, X, and W),
▶ Cancer other cathepsins belong to the serine (cathepsin G)
▶ Chromosomal Translocations and the aspartic (cathepsins D, E) proteases.
Caveolins 831

Cathepsins were long believed to be involved in vesicular invaginations of the plasma cell mem-
intracellular protein degradation; it has become brane. They play a key role in membrane traffick-
evident that they are involved in a number of ing, ▶ signal transduction, mechano-sensing, and
specific cellular processes and that their irregular cell metabolism.
function is associated with pathological condi-
tions, including cancer. Cathepsins were origi-
nally defined as a group of digestive proteases Characteristics C
present in lysosomes and involved in lysosomal
protein breakdown. From a genetic, biochemical, Caveolae (“little caves”) are flask-shaped,
and catalytic point of view, cathepsins constitute “smooth,” vesicular invaginations of the plasma
an extremely heterogeneous group of proteases. membrane (50–100 nm in diameter) distinct from
This diversity assures in most tissues complete the larger electron-dense clathrin-coated pits. As a
degradation of ingested proteins. With the identi- subset of detergent-resistant liquid-ordered lipid
fication of select cathepsins in other vesicular rafts, which are clustered protein microdomains
compartments of the secretory and endosomal within a “sea of homogeneously distributed
system, however, the definition of cathepsins has lipids,” they are uniquely enriched in cholesterol,
evolved to also take into account their capacity to sphingolipids, and phosphatidylethanolamine and
act by limited proteolysis on certain proteins. additionally contain essential structural marker
proteins termed caveolins, cavins, and pacsin-2.
Specifically, caveolins are highly conserved hair-
Cross-References pin loop-shaped (both the C-terminus and the
N-terminus face the cytoplasmic side of the mem-
▶ Cystatins brane), oligomeric, integral membrane proteins of
▶ Stefins 22–24 kDa with a typical short stretch of eight
amino acids (FEDVIAEP), the “caveolin signa-
ture sequence.” Three distinct caveolin genes
have been identified: caveolin-1 or VIP-21
Caudal Type Homeobox 2 (Cav-1), caveolin-2 (Cav-2), and caveolin-3
(Cav-3). Cav-1 exists in two isoforms Cav-1a
▶ CDX2 (containing residues 1–178) and Cav-1b
(containing residues 32–178); Cav-2 exists in
three isoforms, the full-length Cav-2a, and two
truncated variants, Cav-2b and Cav-2g. Cav-1 and
Caveolins Cav-2, which is proposed to function as an acces-
sory protein to Cav-1, are co-expressed in most
Klaus Podar1 and Kenneth C. Anderson2 differentiated cells, including adipocytes, endo-
Medical Oncology, National Center for Tumor thelial cells, pneumocytes, Schwann cells, and
Diseases (NCT), University of Heidelberg, fibroblasts, whereas Cav-3 is found specifically
Heidelberg, Germany in skeletal muscle, the diaphragm, and the heart.
Department of Medical Oncology, Jerome Apart from the plasma cell membrane, caveolins
Lipper Multiple Myeloma Center, Dana-Farber are also present in other cellular localizations
Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA including endocytic vesicles called caveosomes,
mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER),
the Golgi/trans-Golgi network (TGN), and secre-
Definition tory vesicles. In addition, Cav-1 is secreted by
some cells into the extracellular space.
Caveolins are integral membrane proteins respon- Functionally, caveolae, caveolins, and cavins
sible for the formation of caveolae, small have been implicated in vesicular transport
832 Caveolins

(transcytosis, pinocytosis, and clathrin- therapeutic strategies aim to exploit the loss of
independent ▶ endocytosis), mechano-sensing, stromal Cav-1 by targeting the tumor
cholesterol homeostasis, and cell metabolism. microenvironment.
Moreover, caveolins in general and Cav-1 in par- In contrast to stromal Cav-1, the functional
ticular interact through the caveolin scaffolding roles of Cav-1 and cavins in tumor cells depend
domain (CSD) with a vast variety of proteins, on cancer cell types and conditions. While initial
thereby sequestering and organizing protein com- studies have demonstrated that Cav-1 negatively
plexes and regulating multiple intracellular sig- regulates signaling molecules in some tumor cells
naling pathways. Such molecules include ▶ Src (i.e., head and neck cancer and extrahepatic bili-
family tyrosine kinases, ▶ G protein a subunits, ary carcinoma cells) thereby mediating cell
G protein-coupled receptors, ▶ receptor tyrosine growth inhibition, several reports clearly show a
kinases (i.e., receptors for ▶ epidermal growth positive correlation between high Cav-1 expres-
factor (EGFR), ▶ insulin-like growth factor sion, ▶ tumor grade, ▶ progression, ▶ metastasis,
(IGFR), placenta-derived growth factor and chemoresistance in other tumor cells. This
(PDGFR), ▶ interleukin-6 (IL-6), ▶ vascular dual role of Cav-1 may be caused by
endothelial growth factor (VEGFR)), Ca2+ microenvironment-stimulated Cav-1 tyrosine
pumps, endothelial ▶ nitric oxide synthetase and/or serine phosphorylations and the presence
(eNOS), integrins, protein kinase C a, as well as of a Cav-1 P132L dominant-negative point muta-
components of the tumor growth factor b (TGFb/ tion, which counteract the growth inhibitory func-
SMAD), Wnt/b-catenin/Lef-1, and ▶ MAP tion of Cav-1. Moreover, the secreted form of
Kinase (e.g., H-Ras, ▶ Raf kinase, p38) pathway. Cav-1 (e.g., in prostate cancer) acts as a growth
In addition to the CSD, SH2 domain-containing factor and an inhibitor of apoptosis, as well as a
molecules (i.e., Grb7) interact with Cav-1 via the stimulator of angiogenesis. Increased Cav-1
growth factor-/cytokine-triggered phosphoryla- expression has been linked to the progression of
tion of Tyr 14. Dysregulation of caveolins is asso- tumors including human ▶ prostate cancer, pri-
ciated with the pathogenesis of several human mary and metastatic human ▶ breast cancer, pro-
diseases including type II diabetes, Alzheimer gression of thyroid cancer, high-grade ▶ bladder
disease, atherosclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and cancer, metastasis of the ▶ lung, ▶ pancreatic
▶ cancer. cancer, lymph node metastasis in esophageal
▶ squamous cell carcinoma, and ▶ multiple mye-
Clinical Aspects loma. Based on these proposed roles of Cav-1 in
The ability of Cav-1 to interact with and regulate tumor progression, ongoing studies are now
the activity of proteins involved in cell transfor- exploring caveolins as novel therapeutic targets
mation, growth, metabolism, invasion, and cyto- in cancer therapies. High levels of Cav-1 expres-
skeletal rearrangement renders Cav-1 a key role in sion in vascular endothelial cells additionally pro-
tumorigenesis. The effect of Cav-1 expression vide the rationale for using Cav-1-targeted
depends on whether it is expressed in tumor cells therapy to inhibit tumor ▶ angiogenesis.
or stroma cells. Loss of Cav-1 in fibroblasts Approaches to target caveolins in general and
induces a cancer-associated fibroblast (CAF) phe- Cav-1 in particular include the use of Cav-1 anti-
notype, which has been consistently linked to sense and Cav-1 ▶ siRNA, as well as the use of
higher tumor grade and poor patient outcome in synthetic CSD, which competitively inhibits pro-
a variety of malignancies including prostate can- tein interactions with Cav-1. Further therapeutic
cer, esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, gastric strategies include attempts to inhibit or disrupt
cancer, pancreatic cancer, and melanoma. Based caveola formation using either statins (3-hydroxy-
on these data, expression of Cav-1 together with 3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA)
expression of cavin-1 and CD36 in the tumor reductase inhibitors), which block the production
stroma has been suggested as prognostic bio- of the cholesterol intermediate mevalonate, or the
markers, i.e., in breast cancer. In addition, new cholesterol-binding agent methyl-b-cyclodextrin
CBP/p300 Coactivators 833

(MbCD). Alternatively, caveolae might be used as van Golen KL (2006) Is caveolin-1 a viable therapeutic
a drug and gene delivery transport system to spe- target to reduce cancer metastasis? Expert Opin Ther
Targets 10:709–721
cifically target anticancer therapies to tumor cells,
thereby reducing required dosages and overall
See Also
toxicity. (2012) Integrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1884.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3084 C
(2012) Wnt. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
Cross-References 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3953.
▶ Angiogenesis
▶ Bladder Cancer
▶ Breast Cancer
▶ Cancer C-BAS/HAS
▶ Endocytosis
▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor ▶ HRAS
▶ G Proteins
▶ Grading of Tumors
▶ Insulin-Like Growth Factors
▶ Interleukin-6 CBFA2
▶ Lung Cancer
▶ MAP Kinase ▶ Runx1
▶ Metastasis
▶ Multiple Myeloma
▶ Nitric Oxide
▶ Pancreatic Cancer CBP/p300 Coactivators
▶ Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
▶ Progression Andrew S. Turnell
▶ Prostate Cancer Cancer Research UK Institute for Cancer Studies,
▶ Raf Kinase The Medical School, The University of
▶ Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK
▶ Signal Transduction
▶ Squamous Cell Carcinoma Definition
▶ Src
▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor CBP is an acronym for cAMP-regulated-enhancer
(CRE)-binding protein (CREB)-binding protein.
References p300 is a protein that is highly homologous to
CBP and has been named according to its approx-
Carver LA, Schnitzer JE (2003) Caveolae: mining little imate molecular weight. Coactivators are a group
caves for new cancer targets. Nat Rev Cancer of cellular proteins that enhance transcription
Liu P, Rudick M, Anderson RG (2002) Multiple functions
factor-dependent transcriptional activation.
of caveolin-1. J Biol Chem 277:41295–41298
Martinez-Outschoorn UE, Sotgia F, Lisanti MP
(2015) Caveolae and signalling in cancer. Nat Rev Characteristics
Cancer 15(4):225–237
Parton RG, del Pozo MA (2013) Caveolae as plasma
membrane sensors, protectors and organizers. Nat Rev CBP was initially identified as an auxiliary cofac-
Mol Cell Biol 14(2):98–112 tor required for the CREB-mediated activation of
834 CBP/p300 Coactivators

cAMP-stimulated gene transcription. CBP binds F9 cells have been identified. p300, but not CBP,
specifically, at CREs, to an activated CREB spe- was found to be required for both retinoic acid-
cies which has been suitably modified through induced differentiation and transcriptional
phosphorylation by the cAMP-responsive protein upregulation of the cell cycle inhibitor p21CIP1/
kinase, PKA. p300 was subsequently character- . In contrast, CBP, but not p300, was required
ized, independently, upon the basis of its interac- for transcriptional induction of p27KIP1. Interest-
tion with the protein product of the adenoviral ingly, both CBP and p300 were required for
transforming E1A gene and, like CBP, can func- retinoic acid-induced apoptosis.
tion as a coactivator in CREB-mediated transcrip- CBP and p300 function primarily as transcrip-
tional activation. CBP, akin to p300, also binds to tional coactivators for many sequence-specific
E1A. CBP and p300 are highly related at the transcription factors. In this capacity both CBP
amino acid sequence level, sharing approximately and p300 function as lysine (K)-directed
60% identity, and both proteins have predicted acetyltransferases (ATs; Fig. 2a). They modify
molecular weights of 265 kDa (Goodman and chromatin structure and function through acetyla-
Smolik 2000). Although CBP and p300 bind to a tion of the core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 at
similar set of cellular proteins, share identical numerous sites within their N-terminal tail
enzymatic activities (Fig. 1), and overlap func- regions. Specific p300-directed acetylation sites
tionally in regulating cell cycle and differentiation within nucleosome-associated histones have
pathways, it is important to note that they also been identified. p300 acetylates H2A upon K5;
possess distinct biological functions. For exam- H2B upon K5, K12, K15, and K20; H3 upon K14
ple, discrete roles for CBP and p300 during and K18; and H4 upon K5, K8, and K12. Histone
retinoic acid-induced differentiation, cell cycle acetylation by CBP and p300 facilitates further
exit, and ▶ apoptosis of embryonal carcinoma epigenetic histone modifications and the

BRCA1 Ets-1
p45/NF-E2 JunB
TAL1 c-Jun RNA helicase A
p73 c-myb C/EBP β
Mdm2 Tax GATA-1
TBP Sap1 Neuro D
E1A HIF-1 YY1 Micropthalmia p53
Stat-1 RXR ATF-1 APC5/7 P/CAF YY1
SF-1 p65 ATF-4 Twist Myo D Smad
Nuclear Pit-1 Cubitus pp90 RSK
Hormone HNF-4 Interruptus c-Fos p/CIP
Receptors Stat-2 EBNA2 Gli3 vIRF ATF-2 SV40 Large T SRC-1
E4 Zn CREB HAT Glutamine-rich
Finger Binding domain Domain Region
Zn Fingers

CBP/p300 Coactivators, Fig. 1 Schematic depiction of APC7, p53, as well as the adenoviral E1A protein: E4
CBP/p300 primary sequence displaying conserved ubiquitin E4 ligase activity, HAT histone-directed AT
domains. The diagram shows the binding sites for a num- activity
ber of proteins including the APC/C subunits APC5 and
CBP/p300 Coactivators 835

a b
Ac E1A
Ac Ac CBP/p300
Transcription CBP/p300
pUb pUb
p53 p53
Ac Ac Proteasome
Mdm2 p53 p53
Ac Ac Ac Ac degradation
Response element TATA-box

CBP/p300 Coactivators, Fig. 2 Role of CBP and p300 promotes its binding to p53-response elements, Ac: acety-
in acetylation and ubiquitylation. (a) CBP and p300 bind to lation (b) CBP and p300 accelerate Mdm2-mediated
enhancer and promoter regions and promote the acetyla- polyubiquitylation (pUb) of p53 promoting its degradation
tion of the core histones in order to promote the recruitment by the proteasome. The adenoviral E1A protein binds to
of transcription factors and auxiliary factors to sites of CBP/p300 to regulate both acetylation and ubiquitylation
transcription. Acetylation of the transcription factor p53 activities

recruitment of other proteins involved in transcrip- to transcription factors such as nuclear receptors,
tional activation to promoter/enhancer regions, or p53. p300 also possesses an N-terminal E4
potentially through reducing the affinity of histone ubiquitin ligase domain. It has been shown that
tails for DNA. Interestingly, p300 AT activity itself this domain catalytically enhances the Mdm2-
is enhanced by autoacetylation of critical lysine directed polyubiquitylation of p53, promoting
residues in an activation loop motif found within degradation (Fig. 2b). E1A inhibits p300 function
its AT domain. Specifically, autoacetylation of crit- in this regard.
ical residues K1499, K1549, K1554, K1558, and A role for CBP and p300 in cell cycle and
K1560 enhances AT activity. cellular transformation was first established dur-
CBP and p300 also enhance transcription ing early studies with E1A. E1A mutants incapa-
through their ability to interact with and acetylate ble of binding to CBP and p300 were found to be
nonhistone proteins and regulate their cellular defective in their ability to promote S phase and
activities. Indeed, CBP and p300 acetylate a vari- initiate DNA synthesis in baby rat kidney (BRK)
ety of transcription factors directly, including p53, cells; E1A was also shown to induce S phase by a
E2F-1, NF-kB, and c-Myc. For example, p300 redundant pathway through its interaction with
has been shown to enhance p53 transcriptional the protein product of the Retinoblastoma gene,
activity by promoting p53 sequence-specific bind- pRb. Interestingly, E1A’s capacity to induce mito-
ing to DNA through the acetylation of multiple sis in BRKs requires its interaction with both pRb
residues in p53’s C-terminal region. Lysine resi- and CBP/p300. Moreover, the ability of E1A to
dues K370, K372, K373, K381, and K382 have transform primary rodent cells in tissue culture
all been found to be substrates for p300-directed was found to be wholly dependent upon its inter-
acetylation in vitro. Consistent with these obser- action with CBP and p300, suggesting that both
vations, K373 is acetylated in vivo in circum- CBP and p300 might function as tumor suppres-
stances when p53 transcriptional activity is sors. In vitro models suggest that E1A inhibits
stimulated by UV and ionizing radiation. Interest- CBP/p300-directed AT activity and represses
ingly, Mdm2, the E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets CBP/p300-dependent transcription programs.
p53 for degradation, inhibits p300-mediated acet- Alternatively, E1A could utilize CBP/p300
ylation of p53. CBP and p300 can also function as acetyltransferases during tumorigenesis to pro-
transactivators independently of AT activity. Thus mote an altered program of gene expression.
CBP and p300 mutants that lack the AT domain A role for the E3 ubiquitin ligase, the APC/C, in
can still stimulate transcription. CBP and p300 CBP/p300 function has been determined. E1A
function in this regard through specific binding and APC/C subunits APC5 and APC7 share
836 CBP/p300 Coactivators

evolutionarily conserved CBP/p300-binding malignancies, usually childhood tumors of neural

domains within their primary sequence. Studies crest origin. Whether these tumors are characterized
have suggested that E1A deregulates CBP/p300 by LOH is, however, not known. Interestingly, mice
during tumorigenesis by disrupting CBP/p300- displaying monoallelic inactivation of CBP also
APC/C cell cycle function. Interestingly, E1A display characteristics of RTS, while mice-
residue K239 is acetylated by CBP/p300 in vivo, engineered heterozygous for CBP displays hemato-
and E1A associates with CBP/p300 AT activity logical developmental abnormalities, and with
from adenovirus-infected and adenovirus- increased age develop a number of hematological
transformed cells. Acetylation of E1A has been malignancies, which in some instances are charac-
proposed to affect its interaction with the core- terized by LOH. Germ-line monoallelic mutations in
pressor CtBP and alter its nuclear localization by p300 also result in RTS. It is not known at present,
disrupting E1A association with importin-a. however, whether these RTS patients also have an
Whether acetylation of E1A is required for trans- increased risk of developing tumors. However, mice
formation with either Ras or E1B is not known. heterozygous for p300 do not develop malignancies
The requirement for the CBP/p300 E4 ligase in at a higher frequency. The ability of CBP and/or
E1A-mediated transformation is similarly not p300 to function as ▶ tumor suppressor genes may
known. reside in their capacity to directly interact with tumor
There is increasing evidence to suggest that suppressor gene products and ▶ oncogene products,
CBP and p300 might be functionally deregulated or through regulating, indirectly, multiple signaling
in ▶ cancer. In support of this notion, studies have pathways that coordinate cell cycle progression
indicated that both CBP and p300 genes are func- and/or differentiation programs.
tionally deregulated in ▶ acute myeloid leukemia
(AML). Specifically, chromosomal translocations
occur during AML tumorigenesis where a signifi- Cross-References
cant portion of the gene encoding the monocytic
leukemia zinc finger AT (MOZ) fuses with a large ▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia
part of the CBP or p300 gene to form MOZ-CBP or ▶ Apoptosis
MOZ-p300 chimeras. It is proposed that these chi- ▶ Cancer
meric proteins possess aberrant AT activity which ▶ Oncogene
is important in promoting tumorigenesis. Chromo- ▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes
somal rearrangements are more common for CBP
than p300 in this regard. Mixed lineage leukemia References
(MLL), MLL-CBP, and MLL-p300 translocations
have also been described. Studies have also indi- Goodman RH, Smolik S (2000) CBP/p300 in cell growth,
cated that somatic mutations in one p300 allele, transformation and development. Genes Dev
accompanied by loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of Iyer NG, Ozdag H, Caldas C (2004) p300/CBP and cancer.
the second wild-type allele, also occur in isolated Oncogene 23:4225–4231
cases of human colorectal and breast tumors. Sim- Hennenkam RCM (2006) Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome.
ilarly, biallelic somatic inactivation of CBP has Eur J Hum Genet 14:981–985
Miller RW, Rubinstein JH (1995) Tumors in Rubinstein-
been observed in ovarian tumors, esophageal squa- Taybi syndrome. Am J Med Genet 56:112–115
mous cell carcinomas, and some lung cancers, Turnell AS, Mymryk JS (2006) Roles for the coactivators
suggesting that both CBP and p300 might function CBP and p300 and the APC/C E3 ubiquitin ligase in
as classical tumor suppressors in epithelial cancers. E1A-dependent cell transformation. Br J Cancer
In support of these findings, germ-line
monoallelic inactivation of CBP is the genetic
See Also
basis for Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTS), a dis- (2012) Acetyltransferase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
ease characterized by pleiotropic developmental of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 17.
abnormalities and an increased incidence of doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_27
CCCTC-Binding Factor 837

(2012) Cell cycle. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Definition

cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 737.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_994
(2012) Chromatin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of CTCF (acronym for a “CCCTC-binding factor”)
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 825. is a highly conserved and ubiquitous protein with
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1125 multiple functions, which include regulation of
(2012) Differentiation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of transcription, chromatin insulation, and genomic
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1113.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1616 imprinting. C
(2012) E3 ubiquitin ligase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 1184. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1771 Characteristics
(2012) E4 ubiquitin ligase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 1184. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1772 The CTCF protein was originally identified for its
(2012) Loss of heterozygosity. In: Schwab M (ed) ability to bind to a promoter element of the
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei- chicken c-myc gene. The sequence recognized
delberg, pp 2075–2076. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-
16483-5_3415 by CTCF contained the CCCTC repeats and
(2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, therefore the protein was defined as CTCF (the
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2747. doi: CCCTC-binding factor). However, it was later
10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4331 discovered that other CTCF-target sequences
(2012) Transcription. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3752. (or CTSs) were remarkably dissimilar, and the
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5899 term “multivalent transcription factor” was coined
(2012) Transformation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia for CTCF. Another unusual feature of the CTSs is
of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp their length: the analysis of binding patterns of
3757–3758. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5913
(2012) Tumor suppressor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- CTCF to multiple sites demonstrated that CTCF
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, requires about 50–60-bp-long sequence to form a
p 3803. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6056 complex with DNA.
The ability of CTCF to bind such diverse tar-
gets has been attributed to its DNA-binding
domain, which is composed of 11 zinc fingers
C-CAM (ZFs), 10 of them of the C2H2 class and 1 ZF of
C2HC class (Fig. 1a, b). According to this model,
▶ CEA Gene Family the combinatorial utilization of different ZFs
results in binding to diverse DNA targets. In addi-
tion, CTCF-DNA complex formation can be reg-
ulated by DNA ▶ methylation, if symmetrically
CCCTC-Binding Factor methylated CpG dinucleotides present on both
DNA-strands within any given CTS coincide
Elena Klenova1, Dmitri Loukinov2 and with the DNA bases required for the CTS recog-
Victor Lobanenkov2 nition by a particular subset of CTCF fingers. Not
Department of Biological Sciences, University all CTCF-target sequences contain CpG bp that
of Essex, Colchester, Essex, UK can be modified by methylation, nevertheless the
Section of Molecular Pathology, Laboratory of capability of CTCF to distinguish differentially
Immunopathology, NIAID, National Institutes of methylated DNA targets is one of the major fea-
Health, Bethesda, MD, USA tures of CTCF with a broad spectrum of functional
The CTSs have been identified in many geno-
Synonyms mic elements. It is estimated there may be well
over 30,000 of CTSs in the human genome, with
CTCF 14,000 localized in potential insulators. Many
838 CCCTC-Binding Factor

CCCTC-Binding Factor,
Fig. 1 (a) Schematic
drawing of the CTCF
protein. The three domains
of CTCF are depicted as
follows: N N-terminal
domain (Patterned box), ZF
ZF domain (box with half
ovals designating 11 Zinc
Fingers; the black half ovals
refer to the C2H2 class and
the gray half oval refers to
the C2HC class),
C C-terminal domain (open
box). The amino acid
numbers for the start and the
end of each domain are
indicated above the
diagram. (b) The cartoon
illustration of the wild-type
human CTCF protein
represents the N-terminal
and C-terminal domains of
CTCF and the
DNA-binding domain of
CTCF composed of 10 ZF
of C2H2 class and 1 ZF of
C2HC class. (c) The
locations of the tumor-
specific mutations in the
CTCF protein are shown.
The mutations CTCFHR,
KE, and RW are located in
ZF3, and the mutation
CTCFRQ is located in ZF7.
The position of the 14 bp
insertion is indicated

of these sites are methylation sensitive and map to BRCA1, the amyloid precursor protein (APP),
promoter, intergenic and intragenic regions, and the exon regions of hTERT, and the intron regions
both exons and introns. Examples of CTCF-target of the serotonin transporter gene, SLC6A4. Other
promoters include 50 -noncoding regions of the CTCF-driven regulatory elements include verte-
c-Myc oncogene, chicken lysozyme, IRAK2, brate enhancer-blocking elements (insulators),
CCCTC-Binding Factor 839

classic examples of which are chicken b-globin posttranslational modifications. For example,
insulators that flank b-globin gene cluster. Such the C-terminal domain contains the sites of phos-
intergenic insulators seem to have a consensus phorylation by the protein kinase CK2
binding motif for CTCF. CTCF sites are univer- (former casein kinase II), whereas the N-terminal
sally present in all mammalian differentially domain contains the sites for poly(ADP-ribosyl)
methylated domains/regions (DMD/DMR) or ation by the PARP-1 (poly(ADP-ribose)
imprinting control regions (ICR), as exemplified polymerase-1). The sites for SUMOylation have C
by CTSs in ICRs of such imprinted gene been mapped to the N- and C-terminal domains
clusters as IGF2/H19, Rasgfr, KvDMR, and of CTCF.
other loci, deregulation of which through The posttranslational modifications and inter-
aberrant (biallelic) CTS-methylation or actions with protein partners have been demon-
CTS-demethylation contributes to cancer. strated to modulate important functions of
CTCF has now been cloned from various CTCF. For example, specific phosphorylation of
organisms which include insects, fish, amphib- CTCF by CK2 and SUMOylation affect the
ians, birds, rodents, and primates. The comparison CTCF functions in transcriptional regulation.
between the proteins revealed a high degree of Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation was found to be impor-
homology between the CTCF from different tant for insulator function of CTCF, CTCF-
organisms, especially in the ZF DNA-binding dependant nucleolar transcription, and barrier
domain. Thus, this domain is 100% identical at function. Posttranslational modifications of
the protein level among mouse, man, and chicken, CTCF have also been implicated in human mye-
whereas the full-length protein is 93% identical in loid cell differentiation.
those three species; the Drosophila CTCF protein Regulation of CTCF-dependent molecular pro-
has a 46% identity within the zinc-finger regions cesses also involves CTCF associations with other
and 27% overall identity. proteins. Thus, CTCF interactions with sin3 and
Typically for a transcriptional factor, CTCF is YB-1 are shown to modulate CTCF function as a
localized to the nucleus. It is ubiquitously transcriptional repressor. Cooperation of CTCF
expressed in various tissues and cells in different with nucleophosmin, Kaiso, and helicase protein
organisms. Such conservation in the protein com- CHD8 has been linked to the control of insulator
position and also wide representation in cells/tis- function of CTCF and epigenetic regulation.
sues signifies the important and general cellular Cohesins and CTCF have been shown to
functions mediated by CTCF. co-localize genome wide; this association has
The size of the CTCF protein varies depending been implicated in the insulator function of CTC-
on the organism. For example, the human CTCF F. Interaction of CTCF with another transcription
protein is composed of 727 amino acids, chicken factor, YY-1, is required to control the
CTCF of 728, and Drosophila CTCF of X-chromosome inactivation, and cooperation of
818 amino acids. The structure of the human CTCF with RNA Polymerase II may be important
CTCF is shown in Fig. 1 (panels a and b). The for regulation of transcription.
ZF DNA-binding domain is positioned in the cen- A testis-specific paralogue of CTCF has been
ter of CTCF and accounts for about one third of reported. This protein was termed ▶ BORIS (the
the protein’s size. acronym for Brother of the Regulator of Imprinted
The N-terminal domain of human CTCF is Sites). BORIS possesses the 11 ZF domain
composed of 268 amino acids and is rich in pro- homologous to that of CTCF; the flanking N-and
line residues. The C-terminal domain is the C-terminal domain, on the other hand, are dissim-
smallest part of the molecule (150 amino acids) ilar. These structural features indicate that BORIS
and is highly negatively charged. These CTCF could recognize the same set of DNA targets as
domains play an important role in the modulation CTCF, while different flanking domains could be
of CTCF functions in the regulation of transcrip- important for regulation of BORIS-specific
tion. In some cases, this regulation relies on functions.
840 CCCTC-Binding Factor

CTCF Functions The CTCF’s function as a negative regulator

A growing body of evidence suggests that CTCF of cell growth has been well documented on var-
is involved in the organization and regulation of a ious cellular models. Thus, over-expression of
whole range of distinct genomic functions in CTCF leads to inhibition of cell growth and pro-
three-dimensional nuclear space. They include liferation. Normal embryonic rat cells, made
gene activation, repression, and silencing; CTCF haploinsufficient for CTCF by the retroviral inser-
is also involved in the control of insulator function tion into the intron upstream of the first coding
and imprinting. All vertebrate enhancer-blocking exon, manifest all major features of cancerous
elements tested so far contain CTCF-binding transformation in vitro. The mechanism of this
sites. The importance of the insulator function of function of CTCF, at least in part, lies in the ability
CTCF was further demonstrated in the regulation of CTCF to control genes responsible for regula-
of CTG/CAG repeats in the DM1 locus and in the tion of cell growth and proliferation, negatively
X-chromosome inactivation. It is now generally ▶ oncogenes and positively TSG. Examples of
accepted that the molecular basis for the insulator such CTCF-target genes include oncogenes
function of CTCF lies in the ability of CTCF to ▶ MYC, PIM-1, PLK, E2F1, TERT, IGF2 and
influence chromatin architecture by mediating TSGs p19ARF(p16/INK4a), BRCA1, ▶ p53,
long-range chromatin looping and modification ▶ p21, and p27. Based on these findings, CTCF
of histones. Such alterations then settle the bal- emerges as a key versatile element linking genet-
ance between active and repressive chromatin and ics, epigenetics, development, and disease.
influence gene expression. The ability of CTCF to interact with the
CTCF binding to many of its targets can be repeated sequences and read epigenetic marks
regulated by DNA methylation; the ability of (DNA methylation) may provide a causal link
CTCF to read such epigenetic marks contributes not only to some forms of neoplasia but also to
significantly to the versatility of CTCF functions. degenerative and neurological conditions. Epige-
Several findings support the concept of CTCF netic disturbances in these diseases are frequently
being a ▶ tumor suppressor gene (TSG). Firstly, associated with the instability of repeats, which is
CTCF suppresses cell growth and proliferation, considered to be the hallmark of this pathology.
and, further, in some cell systems (for example,
myeloid cells) induces cell differentiation. Clinical Aspects
Secondly, the CTCF gene maps within the A link between CTCF and the disease develop-
smallest region of overlap for loss of heterozygos- ment has been generally recognized. Various
ity (LOH) that has been observed at chromosome genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that result in
16q22.1 in breast, prostate, and Wilm’s tumor CTCF malfunction can lead to pathogenesis.
(Fig. 1c). Finally, functionally significant, tumor- The tumor-specific mutations in CTCF can dra-
specific CTCF mutations in the ZF domain of matically change the normal biological functions of
CTCF were identified in various sporadic cancers the wild-type CTCF protein. The sets of the geno-
including breast, prostate, and Wilm’s tumor in mic targets of the mutant CTCF variants may alter
the remaining allele (Fig. 1b). All four reported due to the loss of binding to the usual CTCF targets
tumor-specific point mutations in the CTCF Zn and/or binding of the mutants to the new targets,
finger domain result in a missense codon at a especially if the wild-type allele is lost. Each ZF
position predicted to be critical for ZF formation mutation abrogates CTCF binding to a subset of
or DNA base recognition. Another reported target sites within the promoters and/or insulators of
tumor-specific mutation constituted of a 14 bp certain genes involved in regulating cell prolifera-
insertion in the N-terminal domain of CTCF tion but do not alter binding to the regulatory
(Fig. 1b). In familial non-BRCA1/BRCA2 breast sequences of other genes. These observations sug-
cancers, two sequence variants, G240A in the 50 gest that CTCF may represent a novel tumor sup-
untranslated region and C1455T (S388S) in exon pressor gene that displays tumor-specific “change of
4, were also identified. function” rather than complete “loss of function.”
CCCTC-Binding Factor 841

The 14 bp insertion in the N-terminal domain, The utility of CTCF as a cancer ▶ biomarker is
on the other hand, most likely leads to the loss of yet to be established, although there are indica-
function of CTCF as it creates a premature stop tions that CTCF may be an interesting target for
codon, thus generating a truncated CTCF protein. therapy in breast tumors where levels of CTCF
The significance of the sequence variants in the were found elevated compared with breast cell
familial breast cancers, however, is not yet clear. lines with finite life span and normal breast tis-
The genetic alterations in CTCF are rare sues. Such upregulation of CTCF in breast cancer C
events; therefore, considerable efforts are being cells has been linked to resistance of these cells to
currently made to identify epigenetic mechanisms apoptosis. The results of the experiments in breast
responsible for inactivation of CTCF. The ratio- cancer cell lines point to a possible link between
nale behind these studies is that the binding of CTCF expression and sensitivity to apoptosis; that
CTCF to its DNA targets is methylation sensitive, is, higher levels of CTCF may be necessary to
with the current view that the bound CTCF can protect the more sensitive cancer cells from apo-
protect the CpG islands of DNA against methyla- ptotic stimuli. These findings may be relevant to
tion. Indeed, it has been reported that derepression the potential use of CTCF as a therapeutic target in
of the maternal IGF2 allele is linked to abnormal breast cancers: reducing the levels of CTCF
methylation of the CTCF target sites within the would then result in apoptotic cell death of cancer
ICR H19 in a wide range of cancer types (breast, cells hopefully without affecting normal breast
prostate, colorectal, Wilm’s tumor). This has been tissue; the effect of CTCF downregulation may
explained by the inability of CTCF to bind to the be more dramatic in high grade breast tumors. On
methylated ICR H19 and therefore its failure to the other hand, elevated levels of CTCF in breast
establish the chromatin insulator function on the tumors may correlate with several clinical and/or
maternal allele thus leading to activation of IGF2. pathological parameters, which make CTCF a
There is a growing body of evidence to suggest potential prognostic marker. More research is
that even mutations of a single CTCF site leads to needed to clarify the full potential of CTCF as a
dramatic biological consequences. For instance, clinical target and a cancer biomarker.
mutations of the CTCF site in the Xist promoter
that alter CTCF binding result in the skewed
X-chromosome inactivation in affected families.
Furthermore, deletions of CTCF sites in human
ICR H19 lead to predisposition to Wilm’s tumors
▶ Biomarkers in Detection of Cancer Risk
in families with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
Factors and in Chemoprevention
(BWS). Finally, a mutation of the single CTCF
▶ BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and
site in the homologous ICR H19 predisposes the
Breast Cancer Risk
mice carrying such a mutation to colorectal
▶ Clinical Cancer Biomarkers
▶ MYC Oncogene
Epigenetic inactivation of a number of cancer
genes due to aberrant methylation of the CpG
islands within their promoters has also been References
established. Interestingly, many of these genes
are regulated by CTCF. As in the case with the Klenova EM, Morse HC, III HC, Ohlsson R et al (2002)
The novel BORIS + CTCF gene family is uniquely
ICR H19, CTCF may be necessary to protect the involved in the epigenetics of normal biology and can-
promoters of the TSGs from unwanted DNA cer. Semin Cancer Biol 12:399–414
methylation. According to another, yet to be Ohlsson R, Renkawitz R, Lobanenkov V (2001) CTCF is a
proven, model, CTCF may demarcate the bound- uniquely versatile transcription regulator linked to epi-
genetics and disease. Trends Genet 17:520–527
ary between methylated and unmethylated geno- Ohlsson R, Lobanenkov V, Klenova E (2010) Does CTCF
mic domains, as may be the case for the BRCA1 mediate between nuclear organization and gene expres-
promoter. sion? Bioessays 32:37–50
842 CCI779

Phillips JE, Corces VG (2009) CTCF: master weaver of the assigned based upon the “clustering” of submitted
genome. Cell 137:1194–1211 antibodies whose reactivities were screened
Recillas-Targa F, De La Rosa-Velazquez IA, Soto-Reyes
E et al (2006) Epigenetic boundaries of tumour sup- against a panel of cell lines. Different antibodies
pressor gene promoters: the CTCF connection and its that showed similar or identical patterns of reac-
role in carcinogenesis. J Cell Mol Med 10:554–568 tivity against the panel of cell types were consid-
ered to be reacting with the same surface
molecule. This clustering of antibody reactivity
enabled designation of a specific CD number for a
CCI779 particular surface molecule. The identification of
CD antigens was facilitated by the prior develop-
▶ Rapamycin ment by Kohler and Milstein of a procedure for
generation of monoclonal antibodies against a
particular antigen. Meetings of the HLDA group
were held approximately every 4 years, culminat-
CCI-779 ing in HLDA10 that was held at Wollongong
(NSW, Australia) in December 2014. At that
▶ Temsirolimus workshop, further CD antigens were added to
the list to give a total of 371 CD antigens. The
CD antigen organization has now been renamed
Human Cell Differentiation Molecules (HCDM)
CCRG-81045 in recognition that CD antigens are not found
uniquely on leukocytes. Indeed CD antigens are
▶ Temozolomide found on all types of human cells in different
repertoires controlled by the genetic program of
the tissue.

CD Antigens
Richard I. Christopherson
School of Life and Environmental Sciences, The CD antigens are a diverse group of surface
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia glycoproteins with a multitude of functions, provid-
ing the interface between a cell and the external
environment that includes other cells. The CD anti-
Synonyms gens may be cell-cell or cell-matrix adhesion mole-
cules, cytokine receptors, ion pores, or nutrient
Cellular antigens; Cluster of differentiation anti- transporters. The CD antigens perform a variety of
gens; Immunophenotypic determinants; Surface roles in immune system function. CD1, for example,
molecules presents lipids to T-cells and is essential for immu-
nity against the mycobacterial infections that cause
tuberculosis and leprosy. CD4 is a co-receptor in
Definition antigen-induced T-cell activation and is a receptor
for HIV, CD35 is a complement receptor, CD40 is a
The human clusters of differentiation member of the TNF receptor family with the ligand
(CD) antigens are surface molecules originally CD154, and CD54 is an intercellular adhesion
detected on white blood cells (leukocytes) from molecule.
peripheral blood. The first Human Leukocyte Dif- The method of discovery of CD antigens has
ferentiation Antigen (HLDA) workshop was held classically involved testing monoclonal anti-
in Paris in 1982 where 15 surface molecules were bodies submitted to a workshop against a panel
CD Antigens 843

CD Antigens, Fig. 1 Venn

diagram showing the TCR α/β CD19
differential expression of TCR γ/δ CD77
CD56 CD5 CD20
CD antigens on different CD1a
T-cells CD79a
categories of leukocytes CD2 CD57 CD25 CD38 CD21
CD80 CD79b
CD103 CD52 CD22
CD4 CD11a CD95 CD138 C
CD134 CD54 CD37
CD7 CD102
CD11c B-cells
CD11b CD62L FMC7
CD8 CD122 CD9
CD16 CD71 CD10 slg
CD28 CD126
CD60 CD44 CD23
CD80 k
CD45 CD130 CD24 CD54
CD128 λ
CD49d CD31 CD86
CD34 CD40
CD13 CD62P
CD117 CD36 CD88 CD120a
CD135 CD14 CD64 CD235a
CD41 CD65
Stem cells
CD42a CD66c Myeloid cells
CD33 CD61

of 75 cell types using fluorescently tagged anti- Thus, cells may be classified according to their
bodies and ▶ flow cytometry. Hierarchical cluster cell surface profile (immunophenotype). This con-
analysis is then performed and a dendrogram plot- cept is illustrated in Fig. 1 as a Venn diagram for
ted. Monoclonal antibodies that cluster show sim- T-cells, B-cells, and myeloid cells. T-cells (yellow)
ilar patterns of interaction with the panel of cells. express certain antigens uniquely such as CD2,
With the development of sophisticated procedures CD3, and CD4; B-cells (blue) express CD19,
for membrane proteomics, this clustering proce- CD20, CD21, and CD22; and myeloid cells (red)
dure is becoming outdated, and CD antigens may express CD13, CD14, CD15, and CD33. Certain
in the future be designated using different criteria. CD antigens are shared between two lineages of
There are certainly several 1,000 cell surface pro- leukocytes, for example, CD5 and CD38 (green)
teins that could, in principle, be detected and are shared between T-cells and B-cells. The
characterized using methods of higher sensitivity. so-called pan leukocyte markers are shared
The discovery of further CD antigens will con- between all three categories of leukocytes and
tinue to involve raising monoclonal antibodies include well-known antigens such as CD44 and
against antigens on intact cells in the traditional CD45. All leukocytes originate from stem cells
manner but will certainly utilize modern proteo- via proliferation and differentiation of cells down
mic techniques such as two-dimensional gel lineages to form the many types of mature leuko-
electrophoresis and multidimensional chromatog- cytes. The stem cell antigen CD34 (black) is a
raphy with detection and identification of proteins marker of undifferentiated cells.
using mass spectroscopy and extensive protein
databases. Classification of Leukemias Using CD Antigens
The principles described above for normal cells
CD Antigens Provide Immunophenotypes of can also be applied to cancers such as leukemias.
Leukocytes Most leukemias arise as mutations in precursors
The repertoires of surface CD antigens found on of leukocytes in the lineages of differentiation
different types of leukocytes reflect the genetic found in the bone marrow. A mutation will stop
programs that operate in particular cell types. further differentiation of a precursor cell, and
844 CD Antigens

there is proliferation rather than differentiation. CD20 (Fig. 1) and are killed by this antibody.
The resultant identical (monoclonal) cells accu- Mylotarg is specific for CD33, contains a toxin,
mulate in the circulation and the patient is even- and is used to treat certain types of acute myeloid
tually diagnosed with leukemia. Most leukemias leukemia (AML). Campath-1H (alemtuzumab)
are monoclonal, and the leukemic cells usually binds to CD52 and is used to treat NHL. There
have a similar or identical surface expression pro- are many more therapeutic antibodies in develop-
file (immunophenotype) to that of the precursor ment, one of the most rapidly growing area of
cell from which the leukemia arose. Thus, identi- pharmaceuticals, where monoclonal antibodies
fication of a large number of CD antigens using are first made against the desired CD antigen and
flow cytometry or antibody microarrays may be the characteristics of the antibody are then
sufficient to diagnose leukemia. “engineered” to make it suitable for use in
CD Antigens as Targets for Therapeutic
Antibodies Methods for Identification of CD Antigens
These cell surface proteins are potential targets for Flow cytometry has been the “gold standard” for
therapeutic antibodies. Such antibodies may block identification of a limited number of CD antigens
the function of a receptor, selectively activate on the surface of leukocytes. In this method, the
leukocyte subpopulations, carry a toxin or radio- leukocytes in suspension are mixed with a fluo-
isotope, or act as a site for antibody-dependent rescently labeled antibody that is specific for the
cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) or complement- extracellular portion (epitope) of a surface mole-
dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) where the target cule thought to be expressed on the cells. The
cell is eliminated by cytotoxic cells such as neu- fluorescently labeled sample is aspirated into the
trophils, monocytes, and natural killer cells. There flow cytometer, and the cells pass singly through a
are a number of therapeutic antibodies in clinical narrow aperture where a laser beam individually
use for treatment of a variety of leukemias and excites fluorescent antibodies bound to single
lymphomas. For example, rituximab is specific cells. The emitted fluorescence is detected and
for CD20 and is used to treat chronic lymphocytic data accumulates for a large number (e.g.,
leukemia (CLL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma 10,000 cells). Flow cytometry can detect three
(NHL). Both are B-cell cancers that express different fluorescent antibodies simultaneously;

CD Antigens,
Fig. 2 Capture of live
leukocytes on the CD
antibody microarray. The
red bars across the cell
membrane represent a CD
antigen (e.g., CD20) that
forms an initial interaction
with antibodies against
CD20 that are immobilized
on a solid support as a dot in
the microarray. Cell capture
occurs progressively as
CD20 moves in the
membrane of the cell and
becomes progressively
captured by the antibodies
on one side of the cell
CD Antigens 845

CD Antigens, Fig. 3 Cell surface expression profiles from an antibody microarray. (a) Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells from peripheral blood; (b) AML cells from bone
slg slg
Cambda Cambda
Kappa Kappa
138 138
135 135
134 134
130 130
128 128
126 126
122 122
120a 120a

marrow. Numbers on the x-axis refer to antibodies against the corresponding CD antigens. Values on the y-axis are average dot intensities
117 117
103 103
102 102
95 95
88 88
86 86
80 80
79b 79b
79a 79a
77 77
71 71
66C 66C
65 65
64 64
62P 62P
62E 62E
62L 62L
61 61
60 60
57 57
56 56
54 54
52 52
49e 49e
49d 49d
45RO 45RO
45RA 45RA
45 45
44 44
43 43
42a 42a
41 41
40 40
38 38
37 37
36 36
34 34
33 33
32 32
31 31
29 29
28 28
25 25
24 24
23 23
22 22
21 21
20 20
19 19
16 16
15 15
14 14
13 13
11c 11c
11b 11b
11a 11a
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1a 1a
TCR b/g TCR b/g
TCR a/b TCR a/b





846 CD156b Antigen

more sophisticated systems can detect eight and See Also

up to 17 CD antigens. To diagnose leukemias, (2012) CD Antibody Microarray. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
10–15 CD antigens are usually identified using sev-
berg, p 689. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_946
eral cycles of flow cytometry, and the information is (2012) Clustering. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
combined with other criteria such as cell morphol- Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 885.
ogy, cell staining, an image of the chromosomes, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1226
(2012) Immunophenotype. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
and sometimes analysis of the DNA in the cells.
dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
A CD antibody microarray has been developed 1826. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3000
that detects the presence of 147 different CD (2012) Leukocytes. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
antigens on leukocytes in a single assay. This Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2028.
microarray called DotScan (Medsaic Pty Ltd,
(2012) Monoclonal Antibody. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
Eveleigh, NSW, Australia), consists of CD anti- clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
bodies immobilized on a microscope slide. Live Heidelberg, p 2367. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
cells (three million) are placed on the microarray 5_6842
(2012) Proteomic Techniques. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
that is 0.5 cm square and contains more than
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin
300 antibody dots. Cells are captured by an Heidelberg, p 3100. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
immobilized antibody if the cell has the 5_4820
corresponding CD antigen on its surface (Fig. 2). (2012) Surface Glycoproteins. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
After one hour, unbound cells are gently washed
berg, p 3571. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5593
off and the resultant dot pattern is the
immunophenotype (surface expression profile,
disease signature) for the leukemia. The dot pat-
tern for leukemia is stored as a digital image and
may be analyzed with a variety of software to CD156b Antigen
provide an expression profile (Fig. 3) that in
many cases enables diagnosis of the type of ▶ ADAM17

▶ Flow Cytometry
▶ Chemokine Receptor CXCR4


Belov L, Mulligan SP, Barber N et al (2006) Analysis of

human leukaemias and lymphomas using extensive
immunophenotypes from an antibody microarray. Br CD246
J Haematol 135:184–197
Chattopadhyay PK, Price DA, Harper TF et al (2006) ▶ ALK Protein
Quantum dot semiconductor nanocrystals for
immunophenotyping by polychromatic flow
cytometry. Nat Med 12:972–977
Köhler G, Milstein C (2005) Continuous cultures of fused
cells secreting antibody of predefined specificity.
J Immunol 174:2453–2455. Reprinted from Nature CD26
256(5517):495–497 (1975)
Zola H, Swart B, Banham A et al (2006) CD
molecules – human cell differentiation molecules. ▶ CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and
J Immunol Methods 319:1–5 Spread
CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and Spread 847

gastrointestinal epithelia. When ADA was iso-

CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression lated from the tissue, it was found to exist in
and Spread both high-molecular-weight and low-molecular-
weight forms. The high-molecular-weight form
Jonathan Blay was found to be a complex of ADA itself with a
Department of Pharmacology, Dalhousie larger, 110-kDa protein, subsequently referred to
University, Halifax, NS, Canada as ADA-complexing protein (ADA-CP) or C
ADA-binding protein (ADAbp). This anchoring
protein for ADA was later shown to be identical to
Synonyms CD26/DPPIV, the extracellular part of which has a
region that acts to bind ADA from outside of
ADAbp; ADA-CP; CD26; Dipeptidyl-peptidase the cell.
IV; DPPIV Some of the major substrates for this activity
are listed in Table 1. Early studies on CD26/
DPPIV also addressed its enzyme activity. The
Definition dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (DPPIV) activity is an
intrinsic part of the molecule itself and was ini-
CD26/DPPIV is a multifunctional protein in the tially studied mostly at a biochemical level. This
outer membrane of normal and cancer cells that very selective form of enzyme activity removes
can (i) remove an amino-terminal dipeptide from just two amino acids from the N-(amino-)terminus
many regulatory peptides, terminating their activ- of a peptide, which is why it is called a dipepti-
ity, (ii) bind the enzyme adenosine deaminase dase. The characteristic activity of DPPIV
(ADA) from the extracellular fluid, and (iii) asso- requires that the penultimate N-terminal amino
ciate directly with proteins of the ▶ extracellular acid has a particular identity, usually proline and
matrix. Levels of CD26/DPPIV are variable but less commonly alanine. This is a part of the pep-
typically decline as cancer develops, and this has tide that often has effects on its stability within the
been linked to disease progression and the shift to body – the existence of a proline in that position
metastasis. typically confers greater stability. So the removal
of this dipeptide by DPPIV is a means of regulat-
ing the persistence and bioactivity of important
Characteristics regulatory peptides.
The relative susceptibilities to cleavage of the
CD26/DPPIV is a molecule that has been known substrates are given on an arbitrary scale based
in different forms since the 1960s but whose key upon their specificity constants (k cat/K m). A high
role in cancer has only been appreciated since the number indicates that the peptide is a good sub-
early 1990s when it was shown that the absence or strate for the dipeptidyl-peptidase IV activity of
presence of CD26/DPPIV in melanocytes deter- CD26/DPPIV.
mined whether or not those cells showed behavior The third area of research that led to our pre-
that was characteristic of a cancer. Our under- sent knowledge of CD26/DPPIV involved the
standing of CD26/DPPIV has an interesting his- way in which lymphocytes become activated.
tory, as it reflects the collective findings of four Lymphocytes normally reside in the body within
different areas of research – in fact directly particular tissue structures – specialized structures
reflecting the multifunctional nature of the protein called lymph nodes or at specific sites within the
itself. The different aspects of the function of this gut mucosa, for example – in numbers that are
molecule are illustrated in Fig. 1. necessary to be able to respond to almost all of the
Some of the earliest data on this molecule were threats that may be encountered. In the event of
obtained in studies of the major binding protein such a challenge, however, the cells that are most
for the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA) in able to deal with the threat are mobilized, divide
848 CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and Spread


CXCL12-2AA Binding site(s) for ECM proteins

active site
Binding site
for ADA
Inosine deaminase


Sites of
with other

CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and Spread, the major cellular binding site for another enzyme, adeno-
Fig. 1 The different domains and functions of CD26/ sine deaminase (ADA), which is present in the extracellular
DPPIV. The CD26 protein is anchored in the plasma mem- fluid. There are also at least two potential sites for the
brane of the cell, with the bulk of its molecular structure on binding of the extracellular matrix proteins collagen and
the outer face. The enzyme domain that underlies its fibronectin. CD26/DPPIV usually exists as a dimer; the
dipeptidyl-peptidase IV activity, removing pairs of amino second molecule is shown in outline. The intracellular
acids (AA) from substrates such as the chemokine portion of CD26/DPPIV is small and no functional
CXCL12, comprises one of three functional sites in contact domains have been identified. CD26/DPPIV must signal
with the external environment. A separate domain acts as intracellularly by coupling with other cellular components

so as to make a larger population of specialized cancer cells, this opens up the possibility that it
defenders, and become armed to respond in the may act as an additional anchor to tether cells to
appropriate way. As these cells become activated, the extracellular matrix, along with dedicated cell
various important proteins are produced at the cell adhesion molecules such as the integrins. The
surface. These “activation proteins” are given reverse situation may also be important during
“CD” numbers as unique identifiers (“CD” refers the process of metastasis. It has been shown that
to “cluster of differentiation” markers or anti- the CD26/DPPIV that is present at the surface of
gens). The differentiation antigen designated endothelial cells lining blood vessels can interact
CD26 has proven to be identical to the molecules with a form of fibronectin that is deposited on the
ADAbp and DPPIV. surface of cancer cells. This may cause arrest of
The last of the roles for CD26/DPPIV follows circulating cancer cells that have become
from its ability to bind to extracellular matrix detached from the main tumor and help to seed
molecules, primarily collagen and ▶ fibronectin. the cancer at secondary sites like the lung.
These are embedded within the molecular scaffold The same molecule therefore has four different
that surrounds all cells and which provides partic- functions and has four different names that have
ular cues for cellular behavior in three dimen- been used over the years with greater or lesser
sions. For the CD26/DPPIV that is present on frequencies. The designation CD26 is probably
CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and Spread 849

CD26/DPPIV in Cancer Progression and Spread, refers to its enzyme activity and – given the other
Table 1 Some of the major substrates for the dipeptidyl- activities this talented component incorporates – is
peptidase IV activity of CD26/DPPIV
not a valid name for the overall molecule. How-
Full name and main DPPIV ever, as so as much research on this protein has
function(s) in normal sensitivity
Molecule tissues (kcat/Km) focused upon its enzymatic role, and this facet of its
CXCL12 SDF-1a (stromal cell- 100 action is of significance in certain diseases such as
derived factor-1a): cancer and diabetes, the term “CD26/DPPIV” C
Involved in development of serves as a compromise.
the nervous system, bone CD26/DPPIV is found at the surface of the
marrow, and intestine and in
the homing of stem cells cells that form the functional barrier (epithelium)
CCL22 Macrophage-derived 80 in most of the major sites that give rise to cancer in
chemokine: Is an attractant adults (e.g., intestine, lung, breast, and prostate).
for various types of white The levels detected in cancer (the “expression”)
cells and functions in vary from those of the corresponding normal tis-
immune and inflammatory
responses sue, but the pattern is not consistent across all
GRP Gastrin-releasing peptide: 40 cancers and within a single cancer type there
Released by nerves in the may be variable findings. So, for example, while
stomach to cause the the prevailing change in adult solid cancers (e.g.,
production of gastrin from
lung and prostate cancer) is for CD26/DPPIV to
G cells in the mucosa
NPY Neuropeptide Y: Peptide 20
decline, in certain less common cancers such as
neurotransmitter found in those of the thyroid and kidney, CD26/DPPIV
the brain that has a role in levels actually increase. This suggests that the
regulating normal absence or presence of CD26/DPPIV does not
physiological processes
universally favor or disfavor cancer progression
GLP-1 Glucagon-like peptide-1: 4
Gut hormone secreted by but that its role depends very much on the tissue
L cells in the intestine has a type, meaning that changes in CD26/DPPIV as a
role in control of insulin tissue becomes cancerous will depend very much
levels on its normal role. Additionally, in some cancers
CCL11 The chemokine eotaxin-1: 1.6
(such as colorectal cancer), the expression of
Causes the recruitment of
eosinophils into tissues and CD26/DPPIV is very variable, not just between
plays a role in allergic different tumors but in different regions of the
responses same cancer. This points to a likelihood that
CCL5 The chemokine RANTES 0.8 CD26/DPPIV levels can be regulated by factors
(“regulated on activation,
that are generated within the developing cancer
normal T expressed and
secreted”): Selective tissue.
attractant for memory The ability of CD26/DPPIV to bind the enzyme
T lymphocytes and ADA seems to be part of a fundamental mechanism
whereby cells can resist the actions of the purine
VIP Vasoactive intestinal 0.2
peptide: Peptide hormone
nucleoside adenosine in certain disease situations.
produced by various This helps them to resist a threat to their survival by
tissues, with effects on high concentrations of adenosine or the risk of
blood vessels and secretory responding excessively to adenosine when it per-
sists in the environment for an extended period.
High concentrations of adenosine can occur persis-
the most neutral, because although CD proteins tently in the disorganized environment of a solid
have been studied primarily in white cells, they cancer (▶ Adenosine and tumor microenviron-
also exist in other tissues, and the nomenclature ment). By retaining ADA close to the cell surface,
has no link to function. The abbreviation “DPPIV” the cell has a greater chance of scavenging
850 CD314

adenosine near to the cell and preventing excessive chemokine molecule called CXCL12.
action through adenosine receptors that are embed- (Chemokines are small peptide mediators that
ded in the cell membrane. play an important role in controlling cellular
This dynamic situation involving extracellular arrangement in developing tissues and directing
adenosine production (from ATP breakdown and cell movement in the immune and inflammatory
through cellular export) and breakdown (ADA systems of our body’s defenses.) CXCL12 is
bound to CD26/DPPIV) next to the cell surface important in cancer because it seems to be one of
provides substantial opportunity for the cell to the major factors that provides the “right environ-
modulate other signals that might be acting on it ment” for cancer cells that have left the original
from other sources. Adenosine modulates many of tumor to settle into new locations in the process of
the signals that are produced to act on leukocytes metastasis. It provides a signal that activates a
in inflammation and cancer, leaving CD26/ receptor on cancer cells called CXCR4 to facili-
DPPIV – as the docking site for ADA – in a unique tate their seeding and growth in such metastatic
position to act as one of the central determinants of sites as the lungs, liver, and bone marrow
the overall cellular response. In leukocytes, this (▶ Chemokine Receptor CXCR4).
seems to allow cells to resist somewhat the immu- Changes in CD26/DPPIV levels in cancer likely
nomodulatory effects of adenosine that may be help cancers to grow by affecting the activities of
produced during inflammation. Indeed, levels of these mediators that are substrates for the DPPIV
CD26/DPPIV, either on the surface of leukocytes enzyme activity. The result of excising the
or in a soluble form (sCD26) that is shed from cells N-terminal two amino acids in most cases is to
and can be recovered from blood plasma, have inactivate the mediator or cause it to be more
been used to indicate levels of inflammation. rapidly degraded. In the common cancers in
In cancer, the status quo is altered by two things. which CD26/DPPIV tends to have declined, there
Firstly, as indicated above, adenosine levels in will therefore be a shift to higher levels of the active
solid cancers are persistently high. Secondly, cel- mediator(s). As mediators such as CXCL12 are
lular levels of CD26/DPPIV are altered from nor- strongly linked to cancer progression, this will be
mal and (with the exception of a few specific one of the many different ways in which cancers
cancers) are typically low. These factors will com- can act to encourage their own expansion.
bine to leave cells within a cancer (tumor cells,
supporting fibroblastic cells, and infiltrating leuko-
cytes) more susceptible to the effects of adenosine. Cross-References
The two factors may be linked, as it has been
shown that persistently high adenosine levels can ▶ Extracellular Matrix Remodeling
cause the amounts of CD26/DPPIV at the surface ▶ Integrin Signaling
of cancer cells to decline precipitously. Adeno- ▶ Melanocytic Tumors
sine, which is produced regionally within cancers,
is likely a major factor responsible for the spatial
variations in CD26/DPPIV expression within cer-
tain cancers.
Changes in CD26/DPPIV levels in cancer will
also have an impact as a result of alterations in the
▶ NKG2D Receptor
DPPIV enzyme activity available. The substrates
of this enzyme are typically hormones and other
peptide regulators that are important in controlling
the functions of epithelial and nervous cells, as CD318 (Cluster of Differentiation
well as cells involved in the body’s defenses 318)
(Table 1). Among the most sensitive of the various
mediators that are substrates for this enzyme is a ▶ CDCP1
CD44 851

c-met/▶ scatter factor receptor, c-kit/stem cell fac-

CD44 tor receptor, ▶ osteopontin (OPN), and CD95
have specifically been shown to associate with
Ursula Günthert CD44 variant isoforms, association with the
Institute of Pathology, University Hospital, Basel, other molecules has not been specified to a
Switzerland CD44 isoform. The association between VLA-4
(integrin a4b1) and CD44 directs cells into C
inflammatory regions, while the c-met/CD44v6
Synonyms interaction is required for c-met/scatter factor
receptor signaling leading to ▶ RAS activation,
Cluster of differentiation 44; ECMRIII; and when CD44v6 associates with CD95,
gp90Hermes; H-CAM; Homing receptor; trimerization of the death receptor is prevented
Hyaluronan receptor; pgp-1; Phagocytic and hence apoptosis signaling is blocked (see
glycoprotein-1 Fig. 1).
Upon cellular activation, CD44 localizes to
plasma membrane microdomains and associates
Definition (see Fig. 1) with nonreceptor tyrosine kinases lck
and fyn, smad-1, membrane-bound OPN, and
CD44 is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein, Rho. Via ezrin (▶ ERM protein), ankyrin, or
which exists in a large number of isoforms. The annexin II, the cytoplasmic region of CD44 is
gene contains 20 exons within a region of ~60 kb linked to the cytoskeleton. CD44 is involved in
on chromosome 11p13 in humans and on chro- the ▶ Wnt signaling pathway. ▶ P-glycoprotein,
mosome 2 at 56 cM in mice. CD44 is in close the product of the multidrug resistance (MDR)
proximity to the recombination-activating genes gene, has also been demonstrated to interact phys-
Rag-1 and Rag-2. ically and functionally with CD44, thus promot-
ing cell ▶ migration and invasion and possibly
enforcing resistance to ▶ chemotherapy. The
Characteristics p-glycoprotein–CD44 interaction is the first hint
of a functional association between MDR and
CD44 is the major receptor for hyaluronic acid ▶ metastasis formation, involving CD44. Further
and other ▶ extracellular matrix molecules it is of importance that the presenilin-dependent
(▶ fibronectin, laminin 5, collagen type IV, g-secretase cleaves off the intracellular domain
serglycin). The standard molecule is heavily (ICD) of CD44, which then translocates to the
glycosylated by N- and O-linked residues and nucleus and acts as a transcription factor for
chondroitin sulfate side chains, while some of genes containing TPA (12-O-tetradecanoyl
the variant isoforms carry in addition heparan phorbol 13-acetate) response elements in their
sulfate moieties, which can present various promoter. The ICD of CD44 promotes the fusion
growth factors and ▶ chemokines (for local con- of ▶ macrophages, is localized in the nucleus of
centration and activation). The number of extra- macrophages, and promotes the activation of
cellular molecules that can associate with CD44 is nuclear factor kappa (NF-k) B.
ever growing, among them matrix
metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) and matrix Cellular and Molecular Regulation
metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) inducing activation The standard form of CD44 (CD44s) is expressed
of latent transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) in almost all tissues and leukocytes and is encoded
and hence promote ▶ invasion and ▶ angiogene- by exons s1–s10, yielding a product of 90 kDa.
sis. Further associating molecules are ErbB2 The variant isoforms (CD44v) are generated by
(HER-2/neu), EpCAM, E-selectin, CD8+ cyto- alternative splicing of the nuclear RNA between
toxic T cells, and VLA-4 (Integrin a4b1). While exons s5 and s6 and are encoded by exons v2–v10
852 CD44

CD44, Fig. 1 Multiprotein

complexes can be formed
between CD44 and various
membrane-linked (top) and
intracellular molecules

(exon v1 is silent in humans, but not in mice and upregulated, e.g., in carcinoma, various ▶ hema-
rats). Combinations of different variant exons tological malignancies, and in autoimmune
with the standard backbone result in numerous lesions.
variant isoforms, with masses of 100–250 kDa. A positive feedback loop was identified
All the variant regions are located extracellularly which couples RAS activation with alternative
and are highly hydrophilic. In contrast to the ubiq- splicing of the CD44 variant isoforms. The pres-
uitous expression of CD44s, CD44v isoforms are ence of CD44v6 then sustains Ras signaling,
expressed in a highly restricted manner in which is in turn important for cell cycle
nonmalignant tissues: in early embryogenesis, progression.
stem cells of epithelia and hemopoiesis, activated CD44 is implicated in various aspects of tumor
leukocytes, and memory cells. However, in malig- progression: invasion, migration, and ▶ apoptosis
nant tissues, CD44v isoforms are often blockade.
CD44 853

Clinical Relevance ▶ Caspase

Originally identified by its metastasizing potential in ▶ Cell Adhesion Molecules
rats, CD44v isoform expression was identified in ▶ Colorectal Cancer
various human tumors and correlated with clinical ▶ Crohn Colitis
relevance. Upregulation of CD44v correlates with ▶ Death Receptors
poor prognosis in gastric and colorectal carcinoma, ▶ Embryonic Stem Cells
non-small cell lung tumors, ▶ hepatocellular carci- ▶ EpCAM C
noma, ▶ pancreatic cancer, B-cell chronic lympho- ▶ ERM Proteins
cytic leukemia, ▶ multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin ▶ E-Selectin-Mediated Adhesion and Extravasa-
lymphoma, and acute myeloblastic leukemia. tion in Cancer
Downregulation of CD44v correlates with poor ▶ Extracellular Matrix Remodeling
prognosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, ▶ Gastric Cancer
bronchial carcinoid tumors, ovarian neoplasms, ▶ HER-2/neu
uterine cervical tumors, transitional cell bladder ▶ Hyaluronidase
tumors, and prostate cancers, while downregulation ▶ HRAS
of CD44s correlates with amplification of MYCN ▶ Inflammation
and is indicative for an unfavorable outcome in ▶ Kit/Stem Cell Factor Receptor in Oncogenesis
▶ neuroblastoma patients. In breast carcinoma, con- ▶ Lipid Raft
troversial data between CD44v expression and sur- ▶ Matrix Metalloproteinases
vival were established and need further evaluation. ▶ MET
Elevated serum levels of CD44v have prognos- ▶ Mouse Models
tic value for gastric and colon carcinoma and ▶ Osteopontin
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which are indicative ▶ P-Glycoprotein
for a poor prognosis. ▶ RAS Activation
An emerging new field (although hypothesized ▶ Receptor Cross-Talk
some 150 years ago) is the area of cancer-initiating ▶ Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
cells, also termed ▶ cancer stemlike cells. They exist ▶ Scatter Factor
as a small population in every tumor and determine ▶ Stem Cell Markers
the capability of the tumor to grow and propagate. In ▶ Wnt Signaling
tumors of the ▶ Brms1, the pancreas, the prostate,
the head and neck, the brain (glioblastoma), and in
the blood system (leukemia), the cancer-initiating
cells are CD44+. A major goal currently is to identify Cheng C, Yaffe MB, Sharp PA (2006) A positive feedback
specific markers (▶ stem cell markers) that enable to loop couples Ras activation and CD44 alternative splic-
distinguish between normal, benign tissue stem cells ing. Genes Dev 20:1715–1720
and those that are cancer-initiating. Jin L, Hope KJ, Zhai O et al (2006) Targeting of CD44
eradicates human acute myeloid leukemic stem cells.
CD44 is also strongly upregulated in inflam- Nat Med 12:1167–1174
matory lesions of patients with autoimmune dis- Martin TA, Harrlison G, Mansel RE et al (2003) The role of
eases (▶ inflammatory bowel disease-associated the CD44/ezrin complex in cancer metastasis. Crit Rev
cancer (Crohn disease), multiple sclerosis, rheu- Oncol Hematol 46:165–186
Ponta H, Sherman L, Herrlich PA (2003) CD44: from
matoid arthritis). adhesion molecules to signalling regulators. Nat Rev
Mol Biol 4:33–45
Ponti D, Zaffaroni N, Capelli C et al (2006) Breast cancer
Cross-References stem cells: an overview. Eur J Cancer 42:1219–1224
Zeilstra J, Joosten SP, van Andel H, Tolg C, Berns A,
Snoek M, van de Wetering M, Spaargaren M, Clevers
▶ g-Secretase H, Pals ST (2014) Stem cell CD44v isoforms promote
▶ Apoptosis intestinal cancer formation in Apc(min) mice down-
▶ Autoimmunity and Cancer stream of Wnt signaling. Oncogene 3(5):665-70
854 CD55

CD55 2-CdA

▶ Decay-Accelerating Factor ▶ Cladribine

CD62 Antigen-Like Family Member E CdA

▶ Cladribine
▶ E-Selectin-Mediated Adhesion and Extravasa-
tion in Cancer

▶ Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase
▶ CEA Gene Family
▶ CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule

CD66b Brian Law and Stephan C. Jahn
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
▶ CEA Gene Family and the UF and Shands Cancer Center, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

CD66c Synonyms

▶ CEA Gene Family CD318 (cluster of differentiation 318); CDCP1

(CUB domain-containing protein 1); gp140
(glycoprotein 140); SIMA135 (subtractive immu-
nization M(+)HEp3 associated 135 kDa protein);
Trask (transmembrane and associated with Src
CD66e kinases)

▶ Carcinoembryonic Antigen
▶ CEA Gene Family Definition

CDCP1 is an 836-amino-acid protein that is pre-

sent in cells as an apparent 140 kDa full-length
protein and an 80 kDa fragment. It is
CD82 overexpressed in some cancers and has been
implicated in ▶ invasion, ▶ metastasis, and
▶ Metastasis Suppressor KAI1/CD82 tumor ▶ progression.
CDCP1 855

Characteristics and a 150-residue intracellular domain. The

predicted molecular weight is approximately
Discovery 90 kDa; however, CDCP1 migrates nearer to
The CDCP1 gene was first discovered in 2001 when 140 kDa on SDS-polyacrylamide gels due to
high levels of mRNA were found in colon cancer high levels of glycosylation. The extracellular
cells, and the protein was later identified in three portion holds three CUB (complement protein
separate instances. SIMA135 was described as an subcomponents C1r ⁄C1s, urchin embryonic C
N-glycosylated and tyrosine phosphorylated mem- growth factor, and bone morphogenetic protein
brane protein upregulated in metastatic human epi- 1) domains and contains 14 consensus
dermoid carcinoma cells in 2003. It was later N-glycosylation sites. It is structurally similar to
identified as glycoprotein 140, a protein that was membrane receptors, but no ligand has been iden-
highly phosphorylated when cells were cultured in tified. The intracellular domain is also posttransla-
suspension and could be cleaved to an 80 kDa frag- tionally modified, with 5 phosphorylatable
ment. Its final name, Trask, came in 2005 when it was tyrosine residues. Two proline-rich stretches
discovered to be a substrate for the Src family kinases. make up SH3 ligand binding domains. CDCP1
protein structure is summarized in Fig. 1.
Protein Structure
The type 1 transmembrane glycoprotein contains Cleavage
a 29-amino-acid signal sequence on the amino The 140 kD full-length protein is cleaved between
terminus, a 636-amino-acid extracellular domain, R368 and K369 in some cancers, creating an
a 21-amino-acid membrane spanning sequence, 80 kDa fragment with a truncated extracellular

Signal Peptide (Res. 1-29) Tyrosine-

N-Glycosylation Sites Phosphorylation Sites
N122 Tyr707
N180 Tyr734
N205 Tyr743
CUB1 (Res. 221-348) N213 Tyr762
N271 Tyr806
CUB2 (Res. 417-544) Protease Cleavage Site
N512 R368, K369
CUB3 (Res. 545-660)

Transmembrane (Res. 666-696)

SH3-binding 1 (Res. 716-721)

SH3-binding 2 (Res. 772-777)

CDCP1, Fig. 1 Diagram of the CDCP1 protein structure (orange), and SH3 binding domains (red) are labeled.
showing the extracellular, transmembrane, and intracellu- N-glycosylation, phosphorylation, and protease cleave
lar portions. The signal peptide (yellow), CUB domains sites are also listed
856 CDCP1

domain lacking the original N-terminus. Trypsin (SFK). Tyr734 is phosphorylated by SFK,
and Matriptase are capable of carrying out this allowing SFK to bind and further phosphorylate
cleavage in vitro at K277 and R368, respectively. Tyr762. In cancer cells, this phosphorylation is
This cleavage is primarily carried out in vivo by induced by detachment and is important in initi-
the serine protease Plasmin during early-stage ating signaling cascades responsible for invasion
colonization of ▶ metastatic cells. CDCP1 cleav- and metastasis.
age is initiated by cell detachment and leads to
phosphorylation by Src Family Kinases and Downstream Signaling
pro-invasive and pro-survival signaling. The phosphorylation of Tyr762 by SFK allows the
binding and activation of Protein Kinase-C d
CDCP1 Expression (PKCd), and PKCd signaling is responsible for
CDCP1 is normally expressed in a small number the pro-tumorigenic effects of CDCP1, including
of stem and progenitor cells but is also highly cell invasion, resistance to ▶ anoikis, ▶ matrix
expressed in various cancers. Its expression levels metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) secretion, and
are controlled by promoter methylation in both invadopodia formation. The mechanisms of
cases and by ▶ hypoxia-inducible factor 1 and inducing MMP-9 secretion and invadopodia for-
2 in renal cell carcinoma cells in vitro. High levels mation are not known; however, the activation of
of CDCP1 expression in tumors correlate with a the CDCP1-PKCd complex results in a reduction
poor prognosis. in phosphorylation of ▶ focal adhesion kinase,
decreasing cell adhesion and increasing ▶ motil-
CDCP1 Signaling ity. This signaling process is outlined in Fig. 2.

Phosphorylation Known Binding Partners

CDCP1 is a heavily tyrosine phosphorylated pro- SFK, PKCd, Yes, Integrins, P-cadherin,
tein and is a key target of the Src family of kinases N-cadherin

CDCP1, Fig. 2 Diagram of CDCP1-mediated signaling. Upon detachment, CDCP1 is phosphorylated by SFK leading to
PKCd recruitment and subsequent downstream signaling
CDCP1 (CUB Domain-Containing Protein 1) 857

Cross-References (2012) Cadherins. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of

cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 581–
582. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_770
▶ Adhesion (2012) CUB domain. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Akt Signal Transduction Pathway cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1012.
▶ Anoikis doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1408
▶ Cell Adhesion Molecules (2012) Glycoprotein. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Focal Adhesion Kinase
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1570.
▶ Glycosylation (2012) Integrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
▶ Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1884.
▶ Invadosome doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3084
(2012) Invadopodia. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Invasion cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1904.
▶ Matrix Metalloproteinases doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3132
▶ Metastasis (2012) Matriptase. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Motility cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2182.
▶ Progression (2012) Plasmin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
▶ Proteinase-Activated Receptor-4 cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2904.
▶ SH2/SH3 Domains doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4604
▶ Src (2012) Phosphorylation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2870.
(2012) Progenitor cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
References of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2990.
Bhatt AS, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, Craik CS, (2012) Prognosis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Moasser MM (2005) Adhesion signaling by a novel cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2994.
mitotic substrate of src kinases. Oncogene doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4758
24:5333–5343 (2012) Promoter hypermethylation. In: Schwab M (ed)
Brown TA, Yang TM, Zaitsevskaia T, Xia Y, Dunn CA, Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Sigle RO, Knudsen B, Carter WG (2004) Adhesion or Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3004. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
plasmin regulates tyrosine phosphorylation of a novel 16483-5_4769
membrane glycoprotein p80/gp140/CUB domain- (2012) Renal-cell carcinoma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
containing protein 1 in epithelia. J Biol Chem pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
279:14772–14783 3252. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5023
Hooper JD, Zijlstra A, Aimes RT, Liang H, Claassen GF, (2012) SH3 domain. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Tarin D, Testa JE, Quigley JP (2003) Subtractive immuni- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 3399–
zation using highly metastatic human tumor cells identifies 3400. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5281
SIMA135/CDCP1, a 135 kDa cell surface phosphorylated (2012) Signal sequence. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
glycoprotein antigen. Oncogene 22:1783–1794 of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3403.
Scherl-Mostageer M, Sommergruber W, Abseher R, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5297
Hauptmann R, Ambros P, Schweifer N (2001) Identifi- (2012) Src family tyrosine kinase. In: Schwab M (ed)
cation of a novel gene, CDCP1, overexpressed in Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
human colorectal cancer. Oncogene 20:4402–4408 delberg, p 3498. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
Uekita T, Ryuchi S (2011) Roles of CUB domain- 5_5467
containing protein 1 signaling in cancer invasion and (2012) Trypsin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
metastasis. Cancer Sci 102:1943–1948 cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3786.

See Also
(2008) SDS-polyacrylamide gels. In: Rédei GP (ed) Ency-
clopedia of genetics, genomics, proteomics and infor-
matics. Springer, Netherlands, p 1768. doi:10.1007/
978-1-4020-6754-9_15185 CDCP1 (CUB Domain-Containing
(2008) YES1 oncogene. In: Rédei GP (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, Encyclopedia of genetics, genomics, proteo-
Protein 1)
mics and informatics. Springer, Netherlands, p 2125.
doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-6754-9_18335 ▶ CDCP1
858 CDDP


▶ Cisplatin Mark Harland

Section of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
Cancer Research UK Clinical Centre, Leeds
Institute of Molecular Medicine, St. James’s
University Hospital, Leeds, UK

▶ Cyclin-Dependent Kinases Synonyms

CDK4I; CDKN2; CMM2; Cyclin-dependent

kinase inhibitor 2A; INK4A; MTS1; p16;
p16INK4; p16INK4A; p16INK4a
Cdk1 Kinase

▶ Cyclin-Dependent Kinases Definition

Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A gene

(CDKN2A), the first identified ▶ melanoma pre-
disposition gene, encodes the tumor suppressor
CDK2/Cyclin A-Associated Protein proteins p16 and ARF.

▶ Ubiquitin Ligase SCF-Skp2 Characteristics

Identification of CDKN2A
The 9p21-22 chromosomal region was originally
implicated in the development of melanomas
CDK4I through a combination of cytogenetic and loss of
heterozygosity (LOH) studies. Subsequent link-
▶ CDKN2A age analysis in melanoma families indicated that
this region harbored a melanoma predisposition
locus. Homozygous deletions in cell lines derived
from several different tumor types narrowed down
the region significantly. This led to the isolation,
CDKN1A by two independent groups, of the cell cycle reg-
ulatory gene encoding the cyclin-dependent
▶ p21 kinase (CDK) inhibitor, p16, which had been pre-
viously identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen to
identify proteins that bound to CDK4 (Fig. 1).

Gene Structure of CDKN2A

CDKN2 In the original description of human p16, the
initiating methionine was incorrectly identified.
▶ CDKN2A It was later found that the protein included eight
CDKN2A 859

Human p16 156αα

Mouse p16 168αα

Exon 1β Exon 1α Exon 2 Exon 3

Human p14ARF 132αα

Mouse p19ARF 169αα

CDKN2A, Fig. 1 Alternative transcripts and products two transcripts, exons that splice to encode p16 are shown
encoded by the CDKN2A locus. The exons of CDKN2A above, and those that encode p14ARF are shown below.
are shown as boxes and identified as exons 1b, 1a, 2, and The sizes and composition of the respective mouse and
3. Alternative splicing occurs as indicated to give rise to human proteins are indicated

additional amino acids at its amino terminus, Two different translation start sites have been
although these residues are not present in murine reported for the ARF protein, which has lead to
p16. Three exons, spread over approximately some confusion in the numbering of the ARF
7.2 kb of genomic DNA, encode the protein amino acids in publications.
156 amino acid protein with predicted molecular
weight of 16,533 Da, designated p16. The primary Tumor Suppressor
structural feature of p16 is the four tandem CDKN2A is a tumor suppressor gene for multiple
ankyrin-like repeats that comprise approximately tumor types. The frequency of mutations at this
85% of the protein. This domain is believed to locus in various cancers is rivaled only by muta-
facilitate protein-protein interactions (Fig. 2). tions in TP53. As with other classical tumor sup-
The sizes of the translated regions encoded by pressor genes, both alleles need to be abrogated
exon 1a, exon 2, and exon 3 are 150, 307, and for tumorigenesis to occur. A wide variety of
11 bp, respectively. The CDKN2A-locus also has mechanisms of inactivation of CDKN2A have
the capacity to encode two distinct transcripts been documented, including intragenic mutation,
from two different promoters. This is achieved homozygous deletion, and transcriptional silenc-
by alternative splicing and the use of different ing through methylation of the promoter. Notably
reading frames. Each transcript has a specific 50 in melanomas, many of the intragenic mutations
exon, exon 1a (E1a) or exon 1b (E1b), which is are C > T or tandem CC > TT transitions, impli-
spliced onto common second (E2) and third cating ultraviolet radiation (UVR) as the causal
(E3) exons. The E1a-containing transcript somatic mutagen. Although CDKN2A is
encodes p16, and the E1b-containing transcript inactivated in the majority of melanoma cell
encodes a protein translated into an alternate read- lines examined, deletions and interstitial muta-
ing frame initiated in E1b, designated p19ARF in tions of CDKN2A are much less common in
mice and p14ARF in humans. In contrast to p16, uncultured melanoma tumors. Present studies
where the murine and human genes share 85% indicate that only 5–10% of uncultured melano-
amino acid homology, the alternative reading mas demonstrate mutations in CDKN2A, a sur-
frame (ARF) proteins share only 59% amino prisingly low figure given the obvious importance
acid homology. The different sizes of the encoded of CDKN2A in familial melanoma and the fre-
proteins are brought about by the earlier trunca- quency of LOH seen at chromosome 9p21 in
tion of the ARF transcript in exon 2 in humans. melanomas.
860 CDKN2A

Growth factors

Cyclin D Cyclin D Cyclin D

CAK p16
Cyclin D

pRb P
E2F + p16 gene
S phase gene

CDKN2A, Fig. 2 Schematic representation of the protein mechanism of inhibition in vivo. The scheme provided is
interactions in the cyclin D/CDK4/p16/pRb pathway. necessarily simplistic; however, it appears that p16 may also
Through a complex system of signal transduction, growth inhibit the phosphorylation of pRb by indirectly inactivating
factors lead to the assembly of cyclin D and CDK4. This other CDKs, e.g., CDK2, as a consequence of the redistri-
complex is then activated through phosphorylation by the bution of other CDK inhibitors, e.g., p27 and p21. There is
CDK-activating kinase (CAK), and cyclin D/CDK4 in turn also a feedback loop whereby the release of the E2F tran-
phosphorylates pRb, leading to the release of transcription scription factor results in the activation of p16 expression,
factors of the E2F family. These are then capable of although the absence of E2F binding sites in the CDKN2A
transactivating the genes necessary for entry into S phase, promoter precludes direct transactivation by E2F. Aberration
and p16 has been shown to inhibit this process in several of this pathway through either deletion or mutation of pRb,
ways, by binding to the complex and inhibiting the kinase the binding of viral oncogenes to pRb, overexpression or
activity of CDK4, inhibiting CAK-dependent phosphoryla- activation of CDK4 or cyclin D, or deletion or mutation of
tion of CDK4, or inhibiting the assembly of the cyclin CDKN2A all can result in constitutive transactivation of
D/CDK4 complex, with the latter being the principal S phase genes by E2F transcription factors

P16 Is a CDK Inhibitor point, cyclin D/CDK4 must phosphorylate the

P16 is the archetype member of the ▶ INK4 ▶ retinoblastoma protein pRb. During G0/G1 the
(inhibitor of CDK4) family of CDK inhibitors, Rb protein exists in a DNA-bound protein com-
which is comprised of p16INK4A, p15INK4B, plex, where it is bound to the transactivation
p18INK4C, and p19INK4D, encoded by domain of E2F transcription factors, preventing
CDKN2A, CDKN2B, CDKN2C, and CDKN2D, transactivation of E2F target genes. The phos-
respectively. Each of the proteins inhibits CDK4- phorylation of pRb results in the disassociation
or CDK6-mediated phosphorylation of the ▶ ret- of this protein complex and the release of E2F
inoblastoma susceptibility gene product, pRb, such that it can transactivate genes required for
thereby providing a powerful negative signal, or entry into S phase. Overexpression of p16 inhibits
“brake,” to progression through the cell cycle. progression of cells through the G1 phase of the
The ▶ cyclin D1/CDK4/p16/pRb signaling cell cycle by binding to CDK4/cyclin
pathway is the major growth control pathway for D complexes (or CDK6/cyclin D) and blocking
entry into the cell cycle. For cells to progress the kinase activity of the holoenzyme. Given that
through G1 into S phase they must pass the late p16 normally functions to inhibit CDK4, it is easy
G1 restriction point, which controls entry into to understand how inactivation of this gene could
S phase. For progression past this restriction result in uncontrolled cellular growth leading to
CDKN2A 861

CDKN2A, DNA damage Oncogenic stimuli

Fig. 3 Schematic (e.g. E2F)
representation of the role of
ARF in p53 activation by
DNA damage and
Kinases Up-regulation ARF
oncogenic stimuli. ARF
(ATM,DNA-PK etc) transcription
functions to sequester
MDM2 in the nucleus
preventing MDM2 C
MDM2 p53
nucleocytoplasmic p14ARF Induction
P P P p53 MDM2 of apoptosis
shuttling of the MDM2/p53
complex; however, the p53 ARF sequesters MDM2
details have not yet been in the nucleus preventing
fully elucidated and results p53 degradation
suggest the mechanism may p53
differ between humans Transcriptional Ub Ub Ub
and mice activation of
target genes

cancer. In many tumor types, an inverse correla- phosphorylation. Instead, ARF binds to MDM2
tion between mutations of p16 and pRb has been and blocks both MDM2-mediated p53 degrada-
observed. Since p16 lies upstream of pRb, inacti- tion and the transactivational silencing of p53.
vation of both proteins would be redundant. MDM2 continuously shuttles between the nucleus
and the cytoplasm. This shuttling is essential for
Role of the Alternative Reading Frame (ARF) its ability to promote p53 degradation, indicating
Product that MDM2 must export p53 from the nucleus to
The ARF protein also regulates the G1/S phase the cytoplasm to target p53 to the cytoplasmic
transition via a distinct pathway involving the proteosome. ARF activates p53 by binding to
▶ TP53 ▶ tumor suppressor gene product p53 MDM2 in the nucleus and blocking the transport
and MDM2, which function upstream of p21 of the MDM2/p53 complex out of this organelle.
(a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor closely Results obtained with murine and human ARF are
related to p16) and the CDK2/cyclin E complex somewhat different. In murine cells results indi-
(Fig. 3). p53 is a transcription factor that plays a cate that p19ARF sequesters MDM2 away from
major role in monitoring the integrity of the p53 into the nucleolus. In human cells p14ARF
genome and can be activated to inhibit cell cycle moves out from the nucleolus to form discrete
progression or initiate apoptosis through two dis- nuclear bodies in conjunction with MDM2 and
tinct pathways: (i) in response to a variety of p53, thereby blocking their nuclear export
cellular stresses including ▶ DNA damage and and leading to p53 stabilization. The discovery
▶ hypoxia and (ii) via overexpression of viral or that ARF transcription is induced by the
cellular oncoproteins such as E1A and c-myc. overexpression of a variety of cellular and viral
In this way, cells prevent the repair of mutations oncoproteins including c-myc, E1A, and E2F has
in successive generations by inducing apoptosis in provided the link by which hyperproliferative sig-
incipient cancer cells. ARF plays a crucial role in nals result in p53-dependent apoptosis.
p53-induced apoptosis. Murine p19ARF is capa- To determine whether mutations in CDKN2A
ble of inducing a p53-dependent G1 cell cycle contribute to tumorigenesis via p19ARF in addi-
arrest that is not mediated through the direct inhi- tion to p16, cDNAs carrying a variety of exon
bition of known CDKs. Ectopic expression of 2 mutations have been transfected into cell lines
ARF leads to stabilization of p53 in multiple cell and cell cycle arrest monitored. These mutations
types, but unlike other known upstream effectors have included several that are silent in p16 but
of p53, this activation is not through caused missense mutations in p19ARF, as well as
862 CDKN2A

several deletion mutants that removed either exon lymphomas, and were highly sensitive to carcin-
1b or various portions of exon 2. Results indicate ogens. In contrast to wild-type mouse embryonic
that the majority of p19ARF activity is encoded fibroblasts (MEFs), cultured MEFs from Cdkn2a
by the exon 1b sequences, as all missense muta- nullizygous mice (Cdkn2a/) failed to undergo
tions in exon 2 of p19ARF remained fully active senescence crisis and could be transformed by
in blocking cell cycle progression, and removal of oncogenic ras alleles. Although Cdkn2a/ mice
exon 2 sequences only marginally reduced the did not develop melanomas, transformation of
ability to induce arrest. In contrast, deletion of Cdkn2a/ MEFs by activated ras prompted
exon 1b resulted in a transcript that was incapable experiments to cross the Cdkn2a/ mice with a
of inhibiting cell cycle progression. Missense previously generated transgenic mouse in which
mutations in exon 2 of the human p14ARF tran- an activated ras allele was targeted exclusively to
script similarly did not reduce the growth suppres- melanocytes under the control of the tyrosinase
sive function of p14ARF. promoter. These mice spontaneously developed
melanomas at high frequency and with short
Senescence latency.
p16 is not normally expressed at detectable levels To determine whether p16 or p19ARF was the
in most cycling cells; however, CDKN2A mRNA principal mediator of the above effects, knockout
and p16 protein accumulate in late-passage mice strains with targeted deletions of p16 and
non-immortalized cells, implicating a role for p19ARF were generated. In general, p19ARF null
p16 in cellular ▶ senescence. This is supported animals were observed to develop a tumor spec-
by studies revealing that loss of p16 expression is trum more closely related to p53 null rather than
a critical event in ▶ immortalization (the flip side p16 null mice. Tumors observed in p19ARF null
to senescence) of a range of cell types. This con- mice included lymphomas and an increased inci-
clusion was initially alluded to by finding that the dence of soft tissue sarcomas, carcinomas, and
frequency of deletions and intragenic mutations of osteosarcomas. Mice lacking p16 were found to
CDKN2A in uncultured tumors was considerably develop soft tissue sarcomas, osteosarcomas, and
lower than in immortalized cell lines. Growth and melanomas. Mouse strains with specific inactiva-
survival experiments using cells with impaired tion of either p16 or p19ARF were tumor prone,
CDKN2A function suggest that a p16/pRb- but neither was as severely affected as animals
dependent form of senescence may be particularly lacking both p16 and p19ARF, suggesting coop-
important in melanocytes. Individuals with defec- eration between p16 and p19ARF loss in
tive p16INK4a have been found to have increased tumorigenesis.
numbers of naevi, and it has been speculated that
naevi are senescent clones of melanocytes. Clinical Aspects

Mouse Models CDKN2A Mutations and Melanoma

The generation of a CDKN2A “knockout” mouse, Germline CDKN2A mutations have been
carrying a germline homozygous deletion observed in approximately 20–40% of melanoma
encompassing exons 2 and 3 of the gene, revealed families worldwide. However, melanoma appears
that p16 and p19ARF (since both proteins are to segregate with chromosome 9p markers in a far
eliminated by deletion of exon 2) were not essen- greater proportion of families than have been
tial for viability or organomorphogenesis. How- shown to carry mutations of CDKN2A. This sug-
ever, the mice did demonstrate abnormal gests that melanoma predisposition in some of
extramedullary hematopoiesis, suggesting that these families is caused by: (i) another gene in
p16 or p19ARF may regulate the proliferation of the vicinity of CDKN2A, (ii) mutations outside of
some hematopoietic lineages. In addition, the the p16 coding region, and (iii) another gene
mice developed spontaneous tumors at an early somewhere else in the genome, with linkage to
age, specifically fibrosarcomas and B cell this region occurring simply by chance. The most
CDKN2A 863

parsimonious explanation is that a combination of been performed these have invariably been shown
all these possibilities is likely. to be due to common founders. The only excep-
Overall, approximately 40% of pedigrees with tion to this appears to be a 24 bp insertion in exon
three or more cases of melanoma have been found 1a, that has arisen multiple times, presumably
to harbor mutations in the CDKN2A gene. This because of DNA slippage over a 24 bp repeat
figure varies with location and is lowest in regions region.
of high ▶ UV radiation (UVR), e.g., Australia C
(20%), and higher in regions with low incident Mutation of ARF Germline mutations affecting
UVR, e.g., Europe (57%). ARF but not p16INK4a have been reported in a
There is a significant increase in the yield of small number (3%) of melanoma families.
CDKN2A mutations with increasing number of Whereas the distribution of p16 mutation types
affected cases in families with melanoma. In addi- (approximately 70% missense or nonsense, 23%
tion, an early age of diagnosis and the presence of insertion or deletion, 5% splicing, and 2% regula-
family members with multiple primary melano- tory) is consistent with that observed in the
mas or with ▶ pancreatic cancer have also been Human Genome Mutation Database, the reported
shown to be significantly associated with an ARF-specific mutations are almost all either splic-
increased likelihood of finding a CDKN2A ing mutations (affecting the 30 splice site of exon
mutation. 1b) or large deletions.
The population-based frequency of CDKN2A
mutations in melanoma cases is of the order of Penetrance The pattern of susceptibility in mel-
1–2%, even in those individuals that had devel- anoma pedigrees is consistent with the inheritance
oped multiple primary tumors, much lower than of autosomal dominant genes with incomplete
observed in families selected for multiple cases of penetrance. The overall penetrance of CDKN2A
melanoma. mutations in melanoma families has been esti-
Disease-associated mutations are distributed mated to be 0.30 by the age of 50 years and 0.67
along the entire length of the p16 coding region. by the age of 80 years. There is significant varia-
At least one mutation has been described in the tion in the penetrance of CDKN2A mutations with
promoter of the gene, and several putative muta- geographical location. By the age of 50 years,
tions have been identified in the intronic penetrance was estimated to be 0.13 in Europe,
sequences. The most frequent CDKN2A muta- 0.5 in the United States, and 0.32 in Australia and
tions identified to date are c.255_243del19 (also by the age of 80 years 0.58 in Europe, 0.76 in the
known as p16 Leiden), p.M53I, p.G101W, United States, and 0.91 in Australia (Fig. 4).
c.331_332insGTC (p.R112_L113insR) (all in This indicates that the CDKN2A mutation pen-
exon 2), c.-34G > T (promoter), and c.IVS2- etrance varies with melanoma population inci-
105A > G (intron). There are considerable differ- dence rates, thus the same factors that effect
ences in the frequencies and distribution of population incidence of melanoma may also
CDKN2A mutations across the world. Many mediate CDKN2A penetrance.
mutations have been shown to arise from a com-
mon founder and are more frequent in particular Multiple Primary Melanoma
geographic locations. For example, Sweden and General characteristics of inherited susceptibility
the Netherlands have single predominant founder to many types of cancer are early age of onset and
mutations (p.R112_L113insR and p16 Leiden, the development of multiple primary tumors.
respectively) involving over 90% of families Hence the presence of multiple primary melano-
tested. The G101W mutation, common in Italy, mas (MPM) in an individual may be a sign of
France, and Spain, has been calculated to arise them being a CDKN2A mutation carrier. This is
from a single genetic event approximately 93 gen- the case for a small proportion (13/133, 10%) of
erations ago. Many additional mutations have MPM cases without a family history of the dis-
been repeatedly reported, and where analysis has ease. In contrast, analysis of MPM cases with a
864 CDKN2A

CDKN2A, Fig. 4 Age-

specific penetrance 1.0
estimates for CDKN2A
mutations. Penetrance is Europe
shown for melanoma 0.8

Cumulative penetrance
pedigrees from Australia, All
Europe, America, and all
geographic locations 0.6



20 40 60 80

family history of disease yields CDKN2A muta- Modifiers of Penetrance of CDKN2A Mutations
tions in 55/139 (40%) of samples tested. The The MC1R gene (16q24) which encodes for the
proportion of CDKN2A mutations in sporadic melanocyte-stimulating hormone has been shown
MPM cases increases with increasing number of to be a risk factor in families with segregating
melanomas (10/119 (8.5%) of cases with two CDKN2A mutations. MC1R variants have been
primary melanomas, compared to 11/83 (33%) shown to act as modifier alleles, increasing the
cases with three or more primary tumors). penetrance of CDKN2A mutations and reducing
the age of onset of melanoma.
CDKN2A Mutations and Nonmelanoma Cancers
Since CDKN2A is a tumor suppressor found to be CDKN2a Polymorphisms as Low-Risk Factors
inactivated in a wide range of different tumors, The A148T variant, located in exon 2 of the
one might expect individuals carrying germline CDKN2A gene, has no observed effect on p16
mutations of CDKN2A to be prone to cancers function and does not segregate with disease in
other than melanoma. ▶ Brms1, prostate, colon, melanoma pedigrees. The contribution of this
and ▶ lung cancers have been suggested to be polymorphism to melanoma risk remains unclear;
associated with CDKN2A mutations; however, an association with increase in risk has been seen
these common cancers may occur in CDKN2A- in some populations, but not in others.
positive pedigrees by chance. Convincing evi- The 500 C > G and the 540 C > T polymor-
dence for susceptibility to another tumor type phisms in the 30 untranslated region of the
has been shown only for pancreatic cancer, CDKN2A gene have been shown to be associated
which has been shown to be significantly associ- with melanoma risk. The frequencies of the rare
ated with CDKN2A mutations in all regions alleles at these loci have been shown to be higher
except Australia, the reason for this is not yet in melanoma cases than in controls. It is possible
understood. that these variants might alter the stability of the
There appears to be no evidence of an associ- CDKN2A transcript or the level of transcription,
ation between neural system tumors (NSTs) and or that they may be in linkage disequilibrium with
CDKN2A mutations involving p16. However, an unidentified variant which is directly responsi-
there is marginal evidence for the association of ble for melanoma predisposition. The contribu-
NSTs with ARF-specific mutations. tion of these polymorphisms to melanoma risk is
CDX2 865

likely to be small in comparison to that of

CDKN2A inactivating mutations. CDX2

CDKN2A and the Atypical Mole Syndrome Isabelle Gross and Isabelle Hinkel
Since the description of the “B-K mole syndrome,” INSERM U1113, Université de Strasbourg,
much debate has ensued regarding the association Strasbourg, France
between melanoma and the atypical mole syndrome C
(AMS). Several authors have concluded that atypi-
cal moles segregate independently of CDKN2A Synonyms
mutations, although individuals with high numbers
of naevi in melanoma-prone families are three times Caudal type homeobox 2; CDX3; CDX-3
more likely to be CDKN2A mutation carriers than
those with a low number of naevi. Support for the
notion that CDKN2A is naevogenic comes from a Definition
study of a large series of 12-year-old twins in which
total naevus count was found to be tightly linked to CDX2 is a member of the caudal-related homeo-
CDKN2A. This finding has been corroborated by box transcription factor gene family. As a deter-
two independent genome wide association studies minant of cell fate, CDX2 is critical for various
that have mapped loci responsible for naevi in twin aspects of embryonic development, including
cohorts. Both studies showed peaks of high linkage intestinal morphogenesis. In the adult, CDX2
scores at 9p21 directly over the CDKN2A gene. expression is restricted to the gut and is required
to maintain intestinal homeostasis. Altered CDX2
expression is associated with several types of can-
References cer, namely, colon cancer and acute myeloid
Bishop JN, Harland M, Randerson-Moor J et al (2007)
Management of familial melanoma. Lancet Oncol
Goldstein AM, Chan M, Harland M et al (2007) Features Characteristics
associated with germline CDKN2A mutations: a
GenoMEL study of melanoma-prone families from Structure
three continents. J Med Genet 44(2):99–106
Hayward NK (2003) Genetics of melanoma predisposition.
CDX1, CDX2, and CDX4 are the three members
Oncogene 22(20):3053–3056 of the mammalian homeobox transcription factor
Sharpless NE (2005) INK4a/ARF: a multifunctional tumor gene family related to the Drosophila gene caudal
suppressor locus. Mutat Res 576(1–2):22–38 and belong to the ▶ ParaHox gene cluster, a
Sharpless E, Chin L (2003) The INK4a/ARF locus and
melanoma. Oncogene 22(20):3092–3098
paralogue of the Hox gene cluster.
The human CDX2 gene is located on chromo-
some 13 at band q12.3 and consists of three exons
encoding a 313 amino acid protein. The central
region of the CDX proteins is the most conserved
CDKN4 and corresponds to the homeodomain, a 60 amino
acid sequence arranged in three alpha-helices,
▶ p27 which binds to DNA. The N-terminal region of
CDX2 acts as a transcriptional activator domain
and together with the C-terminal region modu-
lates its activity. Alternative splicing of the
cDNA Chips CDX2 gene can also generate miniCDX2 in
which the N-terminal transactivation domain is
▶ Microarray (cDNA) Technology replaced by a specific 13 amino acid extension.
866 CDX2

Expression, Activity, and Mechanisms of Finally, another way of regulating CDX2 activ-
Regulation ity was revealed with the detection in the prolifer-
Nuclear CDX2 expression is detected at E3.5 in ative ▶ crypt cells of a dominant negative isoform
the murine ▶ trophectoderm and around E8.5 in of CDX2 (miniCDX2), that lacks the transcription
several developing tissues of the embryo itself activator domain and whose fixation on the CDX2
(posterior gut, tail bud, neural tube, etc.). By binding sites inhibits transcription by full-
E12.5 onwards, CDX2 expression is restricted to length CDX2.
the intestinal ▶ epithelium where it is maintained
throughout life. Species- and stage-specific gradi- Structure Physiological Functions
ents of expression along the anteroposterior and The existence of a large panel of mice models
dorsoventral axes have been described: for provides us with considerable information about
instance, CDX2 expression generally increases the biological functions of CDX2.
with differentiation in the small intestine but not Ubiquitous and homozygous gene invalidation
in the colon. of CDX2 is lethal before gastrulation as CDX2 is
The regulation of CDX2 transcription is highly required for ▶ trophectoderm maturation and con-
dynamic, involving stage-specific promoter ele- sequently blastocyst implantation. In contrast,
ments and possibly various transcription factors heterozygous CDX2/+ mice are viable and fertile
such as HNF4alpha, GATA6, TCF4/beta-catenin, and present no major dysfunctions despite mor-
NF-kappaB, SMAD, or CDX2 itself. The tran- phological defects. Indeed, these CDX2/+ mice
scription of CDX2 can be modified by multiple display anterior homeotic shifts of their axial skel-
extracellular factors (collagen I, Laminin eton, tail abnormalities, or stunted growth, illus-
1, Wnt5A, sodium butyrate, etc.) and is highly trating the role of CDX2 in anteroposterior
sensitive to the cellular microenvironment. patterning and posterior axis elongation. In addi-
CDX2 levels are also regulated by posttransla- tion, these mice totally lose CDX2 expression in
tional modifications affecting the half-life of the some regions of the proximal colon, which
protein. Indeed, phosphorylation of CDX2 by allows intercalary growth of more anterior gastro-
kinases implicated in cell cycle progression, intestinal tissue types (esophageal, gastric),
such as ERK1/2 and CDK2, leads to its highlighting the role of CDX2 in intestinal iden-
polyubiquitination and degradation by the tity. Accordingly, ectopic expression of CDX2 in
▶ proteasome. Conversely, in intestinal cells that the stomach of transgenic mice induces the con-
start to differentiate, the ▶ cyclin-dependent version of gastric epithelial cells into enterocyte-
kinase inhibitor p27Kip1stabilizes CDX2 by like cells.
preventing its phosphorylation by CDK2. To circumvent the problem of embryonic
Posttranslational modifications are not only lethality induced by complete CDX2 depletion,
involved in the regulation of CDX2 protein levels conditional inactivation of CDX2 was performed
but can also modulate the transcriptional activity to study the consequences of CDX2 loss at differ-
of CDX2. For instance, the MAPK p38alpha ent stages of development and in the adult.
phosphorylates CDX2 on a not yet identified Because CDX1 and CDX2 can be functionally
residue in differentiated cells and this leads redundant, double knockout mice for CDX1 and
to enhanced transcription of CDX2 target CDX2 were sometimes analyzed using CDX1/
genes. On the opposite, high levels of mice, which are viable and only show alterations
S60-phosphorylated CDX2 are detected in the of the skeleton. For instance, ubiquitous inactiva-
proliferative crypt cells, and this phosphorylation tion of CDX2 post-implantation at E5.5 in
actually inhibits CDX2 transcriptional activity: CDX1/ mice is lethal at E10: the mice present
this might explain why CDX2 target genes are abnormal axis elongation, neural tube closure
mainly activated in the upper third of the crypt, defects, and ▶ somite patterning alterations, dem-
although no CDX2 expression gradient is onstrating that the CDX genes are crucial for these
observed in colonic ▶ crypts. events in early embryonic development.
CDX2 867

CDX2 expression was also specifically and form tight, adherens, and desmosomal junc-
suppressed in the developing intestine: strikingly, tions upon CDX2 expression. The effect of CDX2
none of these mice survived longer than 2 days on apicobasal polarity was demonstrated using a
after birth because of severe abnormalities in the 3D culture system and was associated with defec-
morphology and function of the gut. For instance, tive apical transport. This effect is consistent with
mice in which CDX2 is invalidated at E9.5 in the the formation of large cytoplasmic vacuoles and
early endoderm fail to form a colon. In addition, downregulation of genes involved in C
the small intestine lacks most of the ▶ villi critical endolysosomal function in intestinal cells of con-
for nutrient absorption and displays more cycling ditional CDX2 knockout mice.
cells, and many of the mutant cells resemble more CDX2 expression can also reduce anchorage-
to keratinocytes that constitute the esophageal dependent or anchorage-independent growth of
▶ epithelium than to differentiated intestinal normal, ▶ adenoma, and carcinoma epithelial
cells. If ablation of CDX2 in the developing intes- cells. This may be achieved through reduced cell
tine is performed later at E13.5 or E15.5, colon proliferation as CDX2 can block the G0/G1-S
formation occurs, but the ▶ epithelium of mutant progression in intestinal cell lines. However, a
mice is highly disorganized and ▶ villi are proapoptotic effect of CDX2 can also be observed
smaller. Inactivation of CDX2 at E13.5 leads to in various intestinal contexts and thus may also
an upregulation of gastric markers (H+/K+- contribute to reduced cell numbers. Of note, the
ATPase, ghrelin) and a downregulation of intesti- activity of CDX2 on cell growth appears to be
nal markers (I-FABP). Ablation of CDX2 at E15.5 dependent on the context and cell type: for
generates enterocytes that display profound instance, somatic knockout of CDX2 reduces
defects in their typical microvilli and disrupted anchorage-independent growth of LoVo intestinal
apicobasal polarity, but no features of gastric/ cells, and shRNA silencing of CDX2 expression
esophageal transdifferentiation. inhibits the proliferation of various human leuke-
Finally, specific ablation of CDX2 in the adult mia cell lines.
intestinal ▶ epithelium is also lethal, indicating CDX2 can inhibit intestinal cell ▶ migration
that CDX2 expression is required throughout life and ▶ invasion in Boyden chambers coated or not
to maintain a functional intestine. Indeed, mutant with Matrigel. These are hollow plastic chambers
mice lose weight, have chronic diarrhea, and die sealed at one end with a porous membrane and
of starvation (malabsorption) at the latest 3 weeks suspended in a well containing chemoattractants.
after CDX2 inactivation. The ▶ villi of these mice Cells are placed inside the chamber and allowed to
are smaller and the microvilli on absorptive cells migrate through the pores to the other side of the
are shorter, less dense, and disorganized com- membrane. CDX2 expression appears to influ-
pared to those of their wild-type littermates. ence chromosome segregation, as well as DNA
Although conversion into stomach-like tissue is damage repair in intestinal cells.
not observed, analysis of the gene expression pro-
files of CDX2/ mice shows upregulation of Mode of Action at the Molecular Level
stomach-specific markers. As a bona fide transcription factor, the main func-
tion of CDX2 is to activate specific gene expression
Mode of Action at the Cellular Level in the embryo and later in the intestinal ▶ epithe-
In line with the spectacular consequences of lium. The consensus binding site of CDX2 is
CDX2 depletion on intestinal cell differentiation (C/TATAAAG/T), an AT-rich sequence typical of
in mice, numerous reports show that homeobox proteins, but CDX2 can also bind to
overexpression of CDX2 can induce various sequences that are slightly different.
degrees of intestinal differentiation in vitro. For During early development, CDX2 regulates
instance, undifferentiated colorectal cell lines can anteroposterior patterning by stimulating the
acquire a polarized, columnar shape with apical expression of various HOX genes such as
microvilli, produce various digestive enzymes, HOXA5. Later, in the developing of mature
868 CDX2

intestinal ▶ epithelium, CDX2 regulates a large interaction: indeed, CDX2 can stabilize the
number of genes involved in intestinal identity cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1 by
and in various intestinal functions. Indeed, CDX2 inhibiting its polyubiquitination and thereby
regulates the transcription of genes implicated reduce cell proliferation.
in cell-fate decision, such as the Notch ligand In some cases, the exact mechanism of CDX2
DLL1, the transcription factors Math1 or KFL4, activity is not yet understood but might be impor-
and even itself. Since CDX2 is critical for tant for intestinal homeostasis. One example is the
enterocyte maturation, the first direct target potential repression of the mTOR pathway by
genes identified encoded digestive enzymes like CDX2, which might oppose cell cycle progres-
sucrase-isomaltase, lactase, or phospholipase sion and chromosomal segregation defects.
A/lysophospholipase. Many transporters, neces- Another example is the enhanced trafficking of
sary for the absorption and secretion of nutrients ▶ E-cadherin to the membrane of colon cancer
by enterocytes, are also CDX2 target genes, for cells, which strengthens Ca2+-dependent adhesion
instance, the iron transporter hephaestin, the and might be linked to the fact that CDX2 can
multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1/P-glycoprotein/ reduce the phosphorylation of beta-catenin and
ABCB1), or the solute carrier family 5, member p120 catenin.
8 (SLC5A8). Other direct CDX2 target genes are
involved in the modeling of the intestinal mucus- Clinical Relevance for Colon Cancer
covered brush border: they encode, for example, In colon ▶ adenocarcinomas, nuclear CDX2
the actin-binding protein villin 1 (important for expression is generally reduced, becoming some-
microvilli architecture) and mucus constituents times diffuse and cytoplasmic, but there is a lot of
such as MUC2 and MUC4. Some CDX2 target heterogeneity in the level of reduction between
genes encode adhesion molecules, potentially different tumors or even between different areas
involved in intestinal barrier function and cell within a tumor, which might explain why
polarization: several members of the cadherin conflicting results have been obtained in separate
superfamily such as LI-cadherin, Mucdhl, and studies. Reduced expression of CDX2 can be
Desmocollin 2, but also claudin-2 and claudin-1. associated with high ▶ microsatellite instability
Finally, the transcription of the cyclin-dependent (MSI) status, advanced tumor stage, higher
kinase inhibitor p21Cip1 can be stimulated by tumor grade, lymph node metastasis, and reduced
CDX2 and thus may contribute to the antiproli- survival. In addition, CDX2 expression is more
ferative effect of CDX2. systematically decreased in cells located at the
CDX2 does not necessarily bind to DNA and tumor front or disseminated in the adjacent stroma
use its properties of transcriptional activator to compared to the cells of the tumor center. Strik-
modulate gene expression. For instance, CDX2 ingly, most of the time, ▶ metastases (lymph
affects the ▶ Wnt signaling pathway by direct nodes, liver) exhibit a similar level of CDX2
interaction with beta-catenin, thereby inhibiting expression than the primary tumor, suggesting a
the formation of the beta-catenin/TCF4 complex dynamic expression pattern of CDX2 during
and consequently Wnt target gene activation. tumor progression, with a specific but transient
Another example is the binding of CDX2 to the reduction in invasive cells.
p65 subunit of NF-кB, which prevents its binding Deletions or mutations at the CDX2 locus
and activation of the COX-2 promoter. More occur very rarely in colon tumors. Actually, most
unexpectedly, CDX2 can modulate the activity (chromosomal instability) CIN tumors present a
of proteins that are not involved in gene transcrip- gain of CDX2 copy number, but this gene ampli-
tion: as an example, CDX2 interacts by its fication does not correlate with CDX2 expression.
homeodomain with the protein complex Ku70/ On the other hand, somatic cell hybrid experi-
Ku80 and inhibits its activity of DNA repair by ments indicate that silencing of CDX2 expression
the nonhomologous end joining process. Further- was transferable upon cell fusion, suggesting a
more, CDX2 can affect proteins without direct dominant repression mechanism. Since no
CDX2 869

epigenetic modifications of the CDX2 promoter ▶ tumor suppressor gene (no genomic alteration,
have been detected in colon cancer cell lines, the no spontaneous tumor), it impacts on various cel-
existence of a transcriptional repression pathway is lular processes (proliferation, ▶ adhesion, polarity,
likely. Of note, such a regulatory mechanism ▶ migration; see above) involved in tumor growth
would be consistent with a transient change of and dissemination, and experimental evidences in
CDX2 expression in invasive cells. Several onco- mice indicate that reduced expression of CDX2 has
genic signaling pathways (PI3K, Raf-MEK-ERK1/ important consequences for colon tumor (speed, C
2) that are aberrantly activated in a large fraction of number, location) and ▶ metastasis formation.
colon tumors can repress CDX2 expression in
colon cancer cell lines. Transcriptional repressors Clinical Relevance for Other Types of Cancer
inducing EMT (Slug, Snail, and Zeb1) can repress Ectopic CDX2 expression is described in various
CDX2 transcription in vitro and may be involved in types of ▶ adenocarcinomas, especially in those
the systematic decrease of CDX2 expression in arising in the stomach, esophagus, and ovary.
invasive cells. Several microenvironmental factors More surprisingly, leukemia patients, and
linked to tumor progression (▶ hypoxia, extracel- above all 90% of patients with ▶ acute myeloid
lular matrix, protein changes) can modify CDX2 leukemia (AML), exhibit ectopic CDX2 expres-
transcription in colon cancer cell lines, and nude sion. The mechanism involved in this aberrant
mice grafting experiments highlight the plasticity expression of CDX2 is not yet elucidated. Never-
of CDX2 expression. However, all of the above theless, CDX2 expression represents a marker of
data obtained with cell lines still await confronta- bad prognosis and reduced survival for leukemia
tion with cohorts of human colon tumors. patients. In contrast to most intestinal cell lines,
Given that CDX2 expression is downregulated CDX2 stimulates the proliferation and the ability
in colon tumors and impacts on cell proliferation to form colonies of hematopoietic cells in vitro. In
and ▶ migration, it is hypothesized that CDX2 addition, ectopic CDX2 expression in
acts as a tumor suppressor in the colon. Heterozy- transplanted hematopoietic cells was sufficient to
gous CDX2/+ mice do not develop spontaneous induce AML in mice by perturbing the expression
tumors (the initially described “intestinal polyps” of HOX genes. The pro-oncogenic role of CDX2
turned out to be nonneoplastic; see above), in leukemia may be linked to the involvement of
suggesting that the loss of CDX2 alone is not CDX genes in embryonic hematopoiesis
sufficient to initiate tumor formation, but only described in zebrafish or murine pluripotent stem
one allele is invalidated in these mice to allow cells but awaits further investigation.
survival. In contrast, upon tumor initiation, the
tumor suppressor activity of CDX2 becomes References
obvious. Indeed, CDX2+/mice treated with a
colon carcinogen (azoxymethane) develop Aoki K et al (2011) Suppression of colonic polyposis by
numerous ▶ adenocarcinomas in the distal colon homeoprotein CDX2 through its nontranscriptional
much faster than their wild-type littermates. Sim- function that stabilizes p27Kip1. Cancer Res
ilarly, when CDX2+/ mice are crossed with mice Beck F, Stringer EJ (2010) The role of Cdx genes in the gut
that spontaneously develop adenomatous polyps and in axial development. Biochem Soc Trans
in the small intestine (APC+/D716 mice), they form 38(2):353–357
six times more adenomatous polyps, and these are Gao N, White P, Kaestner KH (2009) Establishment of
intestinal identity and epithelial-mesenchymal signal-
now located in the distal colon. ing by Cdx2. Dev Cell 16(4):588–599
Finally, forced expression of CDX2 in colon Lengerke C, Daley GQ (2012) Caudal genes in blood
cancer cells injected in nude mice correlates not development and leukemia. Ann N Y Acad Sci
only with reduced tumor size, but also with 1266:47–54
Subtil C et al (2007) Frequent rearrangements and ampli-
decreased metastasis incidence, suggesting that fication of the CDX2 homeobox gene in human spo-
CDX2 opposes metastatic dissemination. Thus, radic colorectal cancers with chromosomal instability.
even if CDX2 cannot be considered as a classic Cancer Lett 247(2):197–203
870 CDX3

and differentiation and their overexpression (CEA

CDX3 and CEACAM6) or their downregulation
(CEACAM1 and CEACAM7) contributes to pro-
▶ CDX2 gression of many epithelial cancers and immune

CDX-3 Characteristics

▶ CDX2 The CEA gene family encodes a set of 22 genes

and 11 pseudogenes clustered in a 1.8 Mb region
on human chromosome 19q13.2 between the
CY2A and D19S15 marker genes. The CEA
CEA genes encompass an N-terminal Ig variable
domain followed by one to six Ig constant-like
▶ Carcinoembryonic Antigen domains. A striking characteristic of these pro-
teins is their extensive ▶ glycosylation on aspar-
agine residues with multiantennary carbohydrate
chains. CEA and CEACAM1 are further modified
CEA Gene Family by the addition of Lewis and sialyl-Lewisx high-
mannose residues. The proteins differ, however,
Nicole Beauchemin in their C-terminal regions producing either
Goodman Cancer Research Centre, McGill secreted entities such as the pregnancy-specific
University, Montreal, QC, Canada glycoproteins (PSG1–11) or others, tethered to
the cell surface by either a glycosyl phosphatidy-
linositol linkage (CEA, CEACAM6–8) or a bona
Synonyms fide transmembrane domain (CEACAM1,
C-CAM; CD66a; CD66b; CD66c; CD66e; (Fig. 1). The CEACAM1 gene is unique in this
CEACAM1 = BGP; CEACAM5 = CEA; family in that it produces 12 different splicing
CEACAM6 = NCA; CEACAM7 = CGM2; variants. More information on the structural fea-
CEACAM8 = CGM6 tures of the CEA gene family members is available
at http://www.carcinoembryonic-antigen.de/.
CEA is a monomeric protein adopting a b-barrel
Definition cylindrical shape resembling a “bottle brush,”
whereas CEACAM1 is present as both a mono-
The carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene family meric and dimeric protein.
comprises 33 genes, 22 of which are expressed.
All family members share similar structural fea- Expression and Functions of CEA Family
tures encompassing immunoglobulin (Ig) variable Members in Normal and Tumor Tissues
and/or constant domains and therefore constitute Although not ubiquitous, CEA family members
members of the large immunoglobulin superfam- exhibit a wide tissue distribution. CEA and
ily. These proteins are either secreted or mem- CEACAM6 are found mainly in columnar epithe-
brane bound. Several CEACAMs function as lial and goblet cells of the colon in the early fetal
homophilic or heterophilic intercellular ▶ cell period and are maintained in adult life. In the
adhesion molecules. CEA, CEACAM1, colonic brush border, CEA, CEACAM1, 6 and
CEACAM6, and CEACAM7 also play a signifi- 7 demonstrate maximal expression at the free
cant role as regulators of tumor cell proliferation luminal surface, although CEACAM1 and 7 are
CEA Gene Family 871

N A2
A1 B2

A3 A N A
B3 B A B


CEA Gene Family, Fig. 1 Schematic representation of represented in orange. The N-linked glycosylation sites
some members of the CEA family. Most CEA family are indicated by sticks and balls, colored in dark orange.
members, except the pregnancy-specific glycoproteins The glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchors are
(PSG) that are secreted proteins, are associated with the represented by arrows. The CEACAM1 gene expresses
cell membrane (depicted in grey). The immunoglobulin many splice variants. However, only the CEACAM-4L
variable-like domains (the N domain) are shown in blue isoform containing four Ig domains and the longer cyto-
and the immunoglobulin constant-like domains are plasmic tail is shown here

also found at the lateral membrane. In addition to increase of the TGF-b1 receptor CD105. Other
its expression in epithelia, CEACAM1 is located functions for CEA and CEACAM6 include the
on granulocytes, lymphocytes, and endothelial inhibition of cellular differentiation as demon-
cells, whereas CEACAM6 is also expressed on strated in a number of cellular systems and inhi-
granulocytes and monocytes. CEACAM3 and bition of the apoptotic process of ▶ anoikis by
8 are found exclusively on granulocytes. activation of b1 integrins.
CEA, CEACAM1, and CEACAM6 are recog- PSG1–11 are mainly expressed in syncytiotro-
nized as cell adhesion molecules contacting each phoblast during the first trimester of pregnancy
other by antiparallel self-binding (homophilic). where they act as immunomodulators and inhibit
Some associations are exclusive, such as cell-matrix interactions.
CEACAM8-CEACAM6. The first Ig domain is CEA is abundantly expressed in tumors of
crucial in these interactions. Various CEA family epithelial origin such as colorectal, lung, mucin-
members also act as heterophilic partners for ous ovarian, and endometrial adenocarcinomas.
E-selectin and galectin-3. Another striking feature For these reasons, CEA has a long history as a
of CEA family members is their ability to act as marker of colonic, intestinal, ovarian, and breast
pathogen receptors binding to outer membrane tumor progression and its high expression is asso-
proteins of Neisseria gonococci and Haemophilus ciated with poor prognostic and recurrence of
influenzae as well as fimbriae of Salmonella disease postsurgically. High preoperative CEA
typhimurium and Escherichia coli. In addition, levels are indicative of a poor prognosis whereas
CEACAM1 is the receptor for the mouse hepatitis low levels are associated with increased survival
viruses. The bacterial and viral adhesin functions of the patients. The tumorigenic potential of CEA
of the CEA family members confer strong immu- and CEACAM6 was clarified by transgenic
nosuppressive activity in T and B lymphocytes, overexpression of a bacterial artificial chromo-
whereas they enhance integrin-dependent cell some fragment of 187 kb encoding the full CEA,
adhesion in epithelial cells with concomitant CEACAM6, and CEACAM7 genes. When the
872 CEA Gene Family

CEABAC transgenic mice were treated with the membrane-proximal Tyr488 is a phosphorylation
azoxymethane carcinogen to induce colon can- substrate of Src-like kinases as well as of the
cers, expression of CEA and CEACAM6 was insulin and epidermal growth factor receptors.
increased by 2–20 fold, a situation reminiscent Upon Tyr phosphorylation, CEACAM1-L associ-
to that observed in the human cancer. Information ates with the tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and
on CEACAM7 expression in tumors is more lim- SHP-2. The SHP-1-CEACAM1-L protein com-
ited. It is downregulated in colorectal cancers, but plex regulates its function in various tissues such
increased in gastric tumors. CEACAM6, how- as inhibition of epithelial cell growth, CD4+ T cell
ever, exhibits a broader distribution than in the activation, and insulin clearance from hepato-
cancers described above, as it is additionally cytes. CEACAM1-L tyrosine phosphorylation
found in gastric and breast carcinomas and also stimulates its association with the cytoskele-
▶ acute lymphoblastic leukemias. In fact, tal proteins G-actin, tropomyosin, and paxillin,
overexpression of CEACAM6 in ▶ pancreatic thereby influencing cell adhesion, and with the
cancer confers increased resistance to anoikis b3 integrin, hypothesized to influence cell motil-
and increased metastasis. It also modulates ity. The CEACAM1-L cytoplasmic domain also
chemoresistance to the ▶ gemcitabine agent, carries 17 serine residues most of which lie in
thereby suggesting that CEACAM6 determines consensus sequences recognized by serine
cellular susceptibility to apoptosis. kinases. However, little is known about their func-
tional implications apart from the CEACAM1-S
Expression and Functions of CEACAM1 Thr/Ser452 and Ser456, shown to modulate direct
CEACAM1 expression is more complex. It is binding to G- and F-actin, tropomyosin, and cal-
downregulated in colon, prostate, hepatocellular, modulin, and CEACAM1-L’s Ser503 whose
bladder, endometrial, renal cell, and 30% of breast mutation to an Ala residue enhances colonic or
carcinomas, but overexpressed in gastric and prostatic tumor development in xenograph
squamous lung cell carcinomas, bladder cancer models. Additionally, Ser503 renders permissive
and ▶ melanomas. In thyroid carcinomas, Tyr488 phosphorylation by the insulin receptor.
CEACAM1 was shown to restrict tumor cell Transgenic mice overexpressing a Ser503Ala
growth. However, it increases the thyroid cancer CEACAM1-L mutant in the liver developed
metastatic potential. Manipulation of CEACAM1 hyperinsulinemia, secondary insulin resistance,
expression levels in colonic, prostatic, and blad- and defective insulin clearance. As a consequence
der tumor cell lines, negative for CEACAM1, has of the decreased insulin receptor endocytosis and
indeed confirmed that expression of the longer altered insulin signaling, the transgenic mice
variant, CEACAM1-4L, produces reduction of became obese demonstrating increased visceral
tumorigenic potential in vitro and inhibition of adiposity, elevated serum free fatty acids and
tumor growth in xenograft mouse models. The plasma and hepatic triglyceride levels.
importance of cell surface CEACAM1 expression CEACAM1-L also contributes to important
for maintenance of normal epithelial cellular functions in the immune system. It functions as
behavior has been confirmed in vivo; a an inhibitory coreceptor in T lymphocytes. Its
Ceacam1-null mouse exhibits a significantly conditional deletion in these cells amplified
increased colon tumor load compared to the TCR-CD3 signaling, whereas overexpression in
wild-type littermates upon carcinogenic induction T cells was responsible for decreased prolifera-
of colorectal cancer. tion, allogeneic reactivity, and cytokine produc-
CEACAM1’s role as a modulator of tumor tion in vitro, with delayed type hypersensitivity
progression depends on the involvement of and inflammatory bowel disease in vivo. Regula-
its cytoplasmic domain in signaling via its tion of this function involves the ITIM motifs and
tyrosine and serine phosphorylation. Two Tyr res- the SHP-1 tyrosine phosphatase. A similar func-
idues are positioned within immunoreceptor tion and mechanism have been described in
tyrosine-based inhibition motifs (ITIM). The B lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Indeed,
CEA Gene Family 873

CEACAM1-mediated intercellular adhesion large family are triggered by inflammation via

between melanomas with increased CEACAM1 interferons, tumor necrosis factors, and interleu-
expression and NK cells allows inhibition of kins. It has been reported that expression of the
NK-cell-elicited killing, thereby conferring CEACAM1 gene is influenced by TPA and cal-
upon CEACAM1 a role in tumor immunosur- cium ionophore in endometrial cancers, the
veillance. Similarly, heterophilic engagement of expression of BCR/ABL in leukemias, the expres-
CEACAM1 with CEA, overexpressed in many sion of the b3 integrin in melanomas, and VEGF C
tumors, also inhibits lymphocyte-mediated and and hypoxia in angiogenic situations. In prostate
NK-cell-mediated killing having therefore detri- cancer, there is an inverse correlation between the
mental effects on immune surveillance. In addi- downregulation of CEACAM1 and the increased
tion, increased expression of CEACAM1 on expression of the transcriptional repressor Sp2
endothelial cells present in tumors in response to that acts to recruit histone deacetylase to the
VEGF activation and/or hypoxia provokes a CEACAM1 promoter.
proangiogenic switch with increased endothelial
tube formation and invasion. Therefore The Next Frontier
CEACAM1’s contribution to cancer progression The diversity of functions of the members of the
most likely depends on its positive or negative CEA gene family and their dynamic expression
expression and signaling in epithelial tumor patterns in normal and tumor tissues has slowed
cells, on its systemic effects on metabolism and the development of effective targeted therapies.
adiposity, on its role in immunosurveillance, Effective strategies have been devised using vac-
and most probably on endothelial proliferation cination with CEA peptide-loaded mature den-
and invasion. dritic cells that induced potent CEA-specific
T cell responses in advanced colorectal cancer
Transcriptional Regulation patients. Effective protection from tumor devel-
The upstream promoters of the CEA and opment have also been seen with delivery of ade-
CEACAM1 genes have been dissected to identify noviral vectors encoding CEA fused to
important binding sites responsible for their tran- immunoenhancing agents such as tetanus toxin
scriptional regulation. These two genes do not or the Fc portion of IgG1. Likewise, targeting of
encompass classical TATA and CAAT boxes and CEACAM6 in pancreatic cancer may result in
are considered members of the housekeeping gene decreased tumor load. The therapeutic and selec-
family. Their distal promoter regions (> 500 bp) tive targeting of CEACAM1 in melanomas, gas-
contain highly repetitive elements, whereas their tric and lung carcinomas as well as its location in
proximal promoter regions are rich in GC boxes tumor endothelia may prove to be a favorable
and SP1 binding sites. Five footprinted regions avenue of future interventions.
have been identified in the CEA promoter, the first
three binding respectively, to the upstream stimu-
latory factor (USF) and SP1 and SP1-like factors.
Similarly, the human CEACAM6 promoter is reg-
ulated by the USF1 and USF2 as well as SP1 and Beauchemin N, Arabzadeh A (2013) Carcinoembryonic
SP3 transcription factors. A silencer element has antigen-related cell adhesion molecules (CEACAMs)
also been located in its first intron. In contrast, the in cancer progression and metastasis. Cancer and Mets
Rev 32:643–671
human CEACAM1 promoter does not bind the Beauchemin N, Draber P, Dveksler G, Gold P, Gray-Owen
SP1 factors, but associates with an AP-2-like fac- S, Grunert F, Hammarstrom S, Holmes KV, Karlsson
tor and the USF and HFN-4 transcription factors. A, Kuroki M, et al (1999) Redefined nomenclature for
The gene is additionally controlled by the hor- members of the carcinoembryonic antigen family. Exp
Cell Res 252:243–249
monal changes (estrogens and androgens) and
Gray-Owen SD, Blumberg RS (2006) CEACAM1:
can be induced by cAMP, retinoids, glucocorti- contact-dependent control of immunity. Nat Rev
coids, and insulin. Moreover, many genes of this Immunol 6:433–446

Hammarström S (1999) The carcinoembryonic antigen molecules. Additionally, a number of pseudo-

(CEA) family: structures, suggested functions and genes have been identified. To date, 29 genes are
expression in normal and malignant tissues. Semin
Cancer Biol 9:67–81 known, which are clustered on human chromo-
Horst A, Wagener C (2004) CEA-related CAMs. Handb some 19 (19q13.1-19q13.2). The CEA-related
Exp Pharmacol 165:283–341 members of the CEA family display a complex
Kuespert K, Pils S, Hauck CR (2006) CEACAMs: their expression pattern on human healthy and malig-
role in physiology and pathophysiology. Curr Opin
Cell Biol 18:1–7 nant tissues. They are linked to the cell membrane
Leung N, Turbide C, Marcus V et al (2006) via GPI anchors, or they are transmembrane pro-
Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion mole- teins with a cytoplasmatic tail. The PSG-related
cule 1 (CEACAM1) contributes to progression of colon molecules are soluble glycoproteins; their expres-
tumors. Oncogene 25:5527–5536
sion is restricted to the placenta, more specifically,
to the syncytiotrophoblast, which is the outermost
fetal component of the placenta. CEACAM1 has
been structurally and functionally conserved in
CEACAM1 humans and rodents.
▶ CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule

Properties of CEACAM1
CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule Human CEACAM1 has been originally identified
in human bile due to its crossreactivity with
Andrea Kristina Horst1 and Christoph Wagener2 CEA-antisera. It was therefore named biliary gly-
Inst. Experimental Immunology and Hepatology, coprotein I or nonspecific cross-reacting antigen
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, at first. Amongst the cluster of differentiation anti-
Hamburg, Germany gens on human leukocytes, CEACAM1 used to be
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, referred as CD66a. However, with the latest revi-
Hamburg, Germany sion of the nomenclature for the CEA family,
CD66a, BGP, or NCA-160 became CEACAM1.
Its structural similarities to CEA and the immuno-
Synonyms globulin superfamily proteins became apparent,
once the cDNA sequence for CEACAM1 became
BGP; Biliary glycoprotein; CD66a; CEACAM1; available.
CEA-related cell adhesion molecule 1; Cluster of CEACAM1 displays the broadest expression
differentiation antigen 66 a; NCA-160; pattern amongst CEA family members; it has first
Nonspecific cross-reacting antigen with a Mw of been described as a cell–cell adhesion molecule
160kD on rat hepatocytes. CEACAM1 is expressed on
epithelia, endothelia, and leukocytes.
CEACAM1 is a heavily glycosylated molecule
Definition that exists in 11 known isoforms emerging from
differential splicing and proteolytic processing.
CEACAM1 (CEA-related cell adhesion molecule 1) The two major isoforms of CEACAM1 consist
belongs to the CEA (▶ carcinoembryonic antigen, of four extracellular Ig-like domains, a transmem-
▶ CEA gene family) family of cell surface glyco- brane domain, and either a long or a short
proteins, a subfamily of the immunoglobulin gene cytoplasmic tail, referred to as the long
superfamily. The CEA family comprises two (CEACAM1-4L) and the short isoform
major groups, the CEA-related molecules and the (CEACAM1-4S), respectively. In addition
PSG (pregnancy-specific glycoprotein)-related to these transmembrane isoforms, soluble
CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule 875

CEACAM1 isoforms are found in body fluids, for CEACAM1 in Cancer

example, in saliva, serum, seminal fluid, and bile. The first report on CEACAM1, in the context of
Glycans on the extracellular domains of human pathological conditions, was on elevated
CEACAM1 are linked to the protein backbone serum levels of a biliary glycoprotein in patients
via N-glycosidic linkages. It is presently unknown with liver or biliary tract disease. Later, aberrant
whether all of the 19 motifs that may render CEACAM1 expression in a broad variety of
N-linked ▶ glycosylation actually harbor sugar human malignancies has been reported. In the C
moieties. On human granulocytes, CEACAM1 is progression of malignant diseases, two general
a major carrier of Lewisx glycans that are impli- patterns in the changes of CEACAM1 expression
cated in cellular adhesion to cognate lectins on levels have emerged. In the first group of tumors,
blood vessels, within the extracellular matrix, or CEACAM1 expression is downregulated in the
antigen presenting cells. CEACAM1 also elicits course of progressing disease. In the second
cell–cell adhesion via self-association in a group of tumors, CEACAM1 expression appears
homomeric fashion or via formation of to be upregulated; often, this upregulation of
heteromers with other CEA-family members and CEACAM1 expression is observed in the context
different adhesion molecules that are either with increased invasiveness (▶ invasion) of the
located on the same cell or on neighboring cells. primary tumor or is found on microvessels in
The resulting adhesive properties are modulated progressing (▶ progression) tumor areas (Fig. 2).
by differential expression ratios between the long
and short CEACAM1 isoform, respectively. Loss of CEACAM1 Expression in
Through its long and short cytoplasmic tail, Tumorigenesis and Tumor Progression
CEACAM1 mediates molecular interactions Human cancers that show the downregulation
with cytoskeletal components or adapter proteins, of CEACAM1 expression in the course of
which are integral parts of various key signal tumor progression are carcinomas of the liver
transduction pathways (signal transduction, cell (▶ hepatocellular carcinoma), colon (colon
biology). These interactions are in part dependent cancer, colorectal premalignant lesions), kidney
on differential phosphorylation of the (renal cell carcinoma, renal carcinoma), urinary
CEACAM1-4L cytoplasmic domain on tyrosine bladder (bladder cancer, bladder tumors), prostate
and serine residues. The overall phosphorylation (prostate cancer, clinical oncology), mammary
status of the CEACAM1-4L cytoplasmic domain gland (▶ breast cancer), and the endometrium
relays signals, which contribute to cellular motil- (▶ endometrial cancer). In general, down-
ity and differentiation, and thus determine cell fate regulation and subsequent loss of CEACAM1
by promoting proliferation or cell death. Phos- expression is more frequent in high-grade tumors
phorylation of CEACAM1-4L cytoplasmic tyro- that are poorly differentiated and often associated
sines that are part of an imperfect ITIM (immune with a larger tumor size.
receptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif) and ser- On epithelia, especially those that form a lumen,
ine residues regulate the interaction with kinases, CEACAM1 exhibits a pronounced apical expres-
phosphatases, cellular receptors for insulin sion, like in the entire gastrointestinal tract, breast,
(▶ Insulin receptor), the epidermal growth factor liver, prostate, bladder, and kidney. CEACAM1
(epidermal growth factor receptor ligand, epider- expression has been implicated in morphogenesis
mal growth factor receptor inhibitor), and other of lumen formation. In the process of building an
cellular adhesion molecules, for example, integrin asymmetrical epithelium, lateral CEACAM1
avb3 (integrin signaling and cancer). These qual- expression on neighboring cells is lost and often
ities make CEACAM1 an important tool for cel- becomes entirely apical once a lumen or a duct has
lular communication and they illustrate why so been formed. The loss of CEACAM1 expression in
many different biological functions have been the context of tumorigenesis has been studied most
attributed to CEACAM1 in different biological extensively in the context of breast, colonic, and
contexts (Fig. 1). prostate carcinomas.
876 CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule


N. meningitidis
N. gonorrhoe N N
M. catarrhalis
Murine hepatitis virus


A1 A1
Integrin ανβ3



B1 B1

S. typhimurium
E. coli

A2 A2

src, SHP1, SHP2,

caspase-3, paxillin, Tyr488 Actin, tropomyosin
filamin, calmodulin

CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule, Fig. 1 Schematic rep- hepatitis virus: Additionally, CEACAM1 binds to galectin-
resentation of CEACAM1-4L and CEACAM1–4S and 3, DC-SIGN (dendritic cell ICAM3-grabbing nonintegrin),
their participation in extracellular and intracellular com- and integrin avb3. Tyrosine and serine residues involved in
munication. The two major CEACAM1 isoforms consist relaying CEACAM1-4L-mediated signal transduction are
of four extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains, a indicated by red and grey circles, respectively. Through its
transmembrane domain and either a long or a short cyto- long cytoplasmic tail, CEACAM1-4L interacts with
plasmic tail. The N-terminal domain (N) resembles a intracellular kinases of the SRC-family (▶ SRC), the
variable-like Ig domain but lacks the cystin bond usually tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2, caspase-3 as
found in Ig members. The A1, B1, and A2 domain resem- well as with paxillin, filamin, and calmodulin. Differential
ble constant I-type-like Ig domains. Motifs for N-linked phosphorylation of the CEACAM1-4L cytoplasmic
glycosylation are represented by lollipops. With its extra- domain is required for its interaction with the insulin
cellular domains, CEACAM1 mediates recognition of var- receptor, regulating insulin receptor internalization and
ious pathogens, such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella recycling, and for modulating immune responses
typhimurium, Moraxella catarrhalis, Neisseria elicited by lymphocytes, for example. The short cytoplas-
gonorrhoeae, and Neisseria meningitidis. The murine mic domain of CEACAM1–4S binds to actin and
homologue of CEACAM1 is the receptor for the murine tropomyosin

A hallmark of carcinomatous lesions is the loss This observation and the fact that the CEACAM1
of polarity of their epithelial structures. In colonic gene is silenced in the course of aberrant cell
epithelium, for example, loss of polarity is accom- growth prompted the hypothesis that CEACAM1
panied by the loss of apical CEACAM1 expres- acts as a tumor suppressor. In intestinal cells, the
sion that occurs in early adenomas and presence of the long CEACAM1 isoform is
carcinomas. In these tumors, the presence and required to suppress tumor growth, and the lack
absence of CEACAM1 correlate with normal of CEACAM1-4L expression is accompanied by
and reduced apoptosis (apoptosis, apoptosis sig- a decrease in proteins that inhibit cell cycle
nals), respectively. Furthermore, the naturally progression.
occurring process of ▶ anoikis, once cells lose In human mammary epithelial cells,
contact to their substratum, is compromised. CEACAM1 expression is causally related to
CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule 877

However, since particular mutations or allelic

loss of the CEACAM1 gene in human cancers has
CEACAM1 not been described so far, it is likely that the
dysregulation of CEACAM1 expression rather
than irreversible loss of the CEACAM1 gene are
Thyroid linked to tumorigenesis and tumor progression
in vivo. Hence, gene silencing may attribute to C
the loss of the tumor suppressive qualities of
Breast CEACAM1. Though there are no changes in pro-
Lung moter ▶ methylation of the CEACAM1 gene
linked to tumor progression, CEACAM1 pro-
moter activity appears to be regulated by binding
of the transcription factor Sp2. In high-grade pros-
tate carcinomas, Sp2 is highly abundant, whereas
Colon CEACAM1 expression is lost. Sp2 localizes to the
Kidney Skin CEACAM1 promoter and imposes repression of
gene transcription by recruiting histone
Endometrium deacetylase.

Bladder Upregulation of CEACAM1 Expression in

Prostate CEACAM1 Malignant Diseases
Opposed to its tumor suppressive functions, cer-
CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule, Fig. 2 Dysregulation tain tumors gain CEACAM1 expression in the
of CEACAM1 expression in human cancers. Changes of course of cancer development. In the case of
epithelial CEACAM1 expression in the course tumor malignant melanomas and thyroid carcinomas,
progressison: In mammary carcinomas and carcinomas of
the liver, colon, endometrium, kidney, bladder, and pros- expression of CEACAM1 correlates with an
tate, CEACAM1 expression is downregulated on tumor increase of tumor invasiveness and development
epithelium (epithelial cancers). Downregulation of of metastatic disease. In primary cutaneous malig-
CEACAM1 levels often correlates with dedifferentiation nant melanomas, for example, CEACAM1
of the tumor and loss of tissue architecture. In carcinomas
of the thyroid, ▶ non-small cell lung cancer (▶ lung can- expression is found at the invasive front of the
cer), pancreatic tumors (pancreas cancer, clinical oncol- tumors, and its coexpression with integrin avb3
ogy), and malignant melanomas, CEACAM1 is induced indicates that CEACAM1 may directly promote
or upregulated in the course of tumor growth. Here, on cellular invasion. In a follow-up study,
CEACAM1 expression is found on the invasive front of
the tumors and is related to development of metastatic CEACAM1 was identified as an independent
disease (▶ metastasis) and poor prognosis. In pancreatic prognostic marker, predicting the development
cancer, CEACAM1 has been identified as a novel bio- of metastatic disease and poor survival. In this
marker (biomarker, clinical cancer biomarker) that indi- context, it is noteworthy that CEACAM1 on mel-
cates the presence of malignant disease
anoma cells forms homophilic cell–cell
contacts with CEACAM1 molecules on tumor-
infiltrating lymphocytes and leads to the inhibi-
lumen formation and differentiation. In mammary tion of their cytolytic function. Similarly, in
glands, CEACAM1-4S is the predominating iso- human non-small cell lung cancer, CEACAM1
form, and only the short cytoplasmic tail induces expression correlates with advanced disease,
apoptosis of the central cells and subsequently whereas it is not expressed on the normal
leads to lumen formation in mammary morpho- bronchiolar epithelium; this CEACAM1
genesis. During tumor progression, CEACAM1- neoexpression was identified as an independent
4S expression is lost and acinar polarity no longer prognostic marker, indicating lower incidence of
can be observed. relapse-free survival.

In pancreatic carcinomas, CEACAM1 has from human diseases could be confirmed. The
been identified as a novel serum biomarker, with focus of the mouse and rat models (▶ Mouse
an increased CEACAM1 expression on neoplastic model) studied to date was set largely on the
cells of pancreatic adenocarcinomas and elevation tumor-suppressive effects or enhancement of met-
of serum levels at the same time. Additionally, astatic disease of CEACAM1-4L on the progres-
significant differences in CEACAM1 serum sion of colonic cancer, prostate cancer,
levels were found in patients with either pancre- hepatocellular carcinomas, and malignant mela-
atic cancer or chronic pancreatitis. Opposed to the nomas. In CEACAM1-knockout mice, chemi-
classical pancreatic tumor marker CA19-9, cally induced colonic tumor growth was
CEACAM1 was confirmed as an independent significantly increased in terms of tumor numbers
marker to distinguish between the presence of and size opposed to CEACAM1-expressing
malignant disease and pancreatitis. wild type littermates. In syngeneic and xenotypic
transplantation of tumor cells of the colon,
CEACAM1 and Tumor Angiogenesis prostate, and hepatocellular carcinomas, the
CEACAM1 expression on human blood vessels is tumor-suppressive effects of CEACAM1-4L
restricted to newly formed vessels, and usually, no expression could also be validated. After xeno-
CEACAM1 is found on mature, large vessels. The transplantation of human CEACAM1-expressing
first indication that CEACAM1 is related to melanoma cell lines into immune-deficient mice,
▶ angiogenesis was the description of enhanced metastasis was observed when com-
CEACAM1 neoexpression on newly formed ves- pared to transplantation of CEACAM1-negative
sels in the human placenta. Furthermore, cell lines.
CEACAM1 is expressed on vessels in wound
healing tissues and on tumor vessels of human
bladder carcinomas, the prostate, hemangiomas,
and ▶ neuroblastomas. CEACAM1 expression in References
endothelia is induced by VEGF (▶ vascular endo-
thelial growth factor)-dependent pathways and Beauchemin N, Draber P, Dveksler G et al (1999)
appears to favor vessel maturation. Redefined nomenclature for members of the
carcinoembryonic antigen family. Exp Cell Res
In human prostate carcinomas, CEACAM1 252:243–249
shows divergent expression on tumoral blood ves- Gray-Owen SD, Blumberg RS (2006) CEACAM1:
sels and the tumor epithelium. The presence of contact-dependent control of immunity. Nat Rev
epithelial CEACAM1 is observed in the context Immunol 6:433–446
Kuespert K, Pils S, Hauck CR (2006) CEACAMs: their
of poor tumoral blood vessel growth and loss of role in physiology and pathophysiology. Curr Opin
epithelial CEACAM1 expression parallels Cell Biol 18:565–571
enhanced tumor angiogenesis. Especially in Prall F, Nollau P, Neumaier M et al (1996) CD66a (BGP),
high-grade prostate carcinomas, tumor proximal an adhesion molecule of the carcinoembryonic antigen
family, is expressed in epithelium, endothelium, and
vessels are expressing CEACAM1. Contrary to myeloid cells in a wide range of normal human tissues.
prostate carcinomas, microvessels in human neu- J Histochem Cytochem 44:35–41
roblastomas are CEACAM1-positive only during Singer BB, Lucka LK (2005) CEACAM1. UCSD-nature
tumor maturation, but absent in undifferentiated, molecule pages. Nat Publ Group. doi:10.1038/mp.
high-grade tumors. In ▶ Kaposi sarcomas,
CEACAM1 upregulation is observed, indicating
that CEACAM1 might be related to lymphatic
reprogramming of the vasculature in these tumors.

Studying CEACAM1 in Cancer: Animal Models CEACAM1 = BGP

In animal models investigating CEACAM1 func-
tion in tumorigenesis in vivo, the observations ▶ CEA Gene Family
Celastrol 879

CEACAM5 Celastrol

▶ Carcinoembryonic Antigen Qing Ping Dou1 and Xiao Yuan2

The Prevention Program, Barbara Ann
Karmanos Cancer Institute and Department of
Pathology, School of Medicine, Wayne State C
University, Detroit, MI, USA
CEACAM5 = CEA Research and Development Center, Wuhan
Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science,
▶ CEA Gene Family Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China


CEACAM6 = NCA Quinone methide friedelane tripterene (2R,4aS,6a

▶ CEA Gene Family
carboxylic acid; Tripterine

Celastrol is a natural quinone methide friedelane
▶ CEA Gene Family
tripterene, widely found in the plant genera
Celastrus, Maytenus, and Tripterygium, all of
which are present in China. For example, celastrol
is one of the active components extracted from
Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F, an ivy-like vine
CEACAM8 = CGM6 also known as “Thunder of God Vine,” which
belongs to the family of Celastraceae and has
▶ CEA Gene Family been used as a natural medicine in China for
hundreds of years (Fig. 1).

CEA-Related Cell Adhesion
Molecule 1 Biological Properties
Celastrol has strong antifungal, anti-
▶ CEACAM1 Adhesion Molecule inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. It has
been shown that celastrol isolated from the roots
of Celastrus hypoleucus (Oliv) Warb f argutior
Loes exhibited inhibitory effects against diverse
phytopathogenic fungi. Celastrol was also found
CED to inhibit the mycelial growth of Rhizoctonia
solani Kuhn and Glomerella cingulata (Stonem)
▶ Convection-Enhanced Delivery Spauld and Schrenk in vitro. Furthermore,
880 Celastrol

Celastrol, Fig. 1 The chemical structure and nucleophilic celastrol analyzed using CAChe software. Higher suscep-
susceptibility of celastrol. (a) The chemical structure of tibility was shown at the C2 and C6 positions of celastrol
celastrol is shown. (b) Nucleophilic susceptibility of

celastrol has good preventive effect and curative tumor ▶ angiogenesis inhibitor. In a sharp com-
effect against wheat powdery mildew in vivo. parison, celastrol can block neuronal cell death in
Celastrol in low nanomolar concentrations cultured cells and in animal models. These unique
suppresses the production of the pro- features of celastrol suggest potential use for treat-
inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor- ment of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases
alpha (TNF-a) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1b) by accompanied by inflammation, such as Alzheimer
human monocytes and macrophages. Celastrol disease.
also decreases the induction of class II major
histocompatibility complex (MHC) expression Potential Molecular Targets
by microglia. In macrophage lineage cells Celastrol is a naturally occurring potent inhibitor of
and endothelial cells, celastrol decreases induc- the ▶ proteasome and nuclear factor kappa
tion of nitric oxide (NO) production. Celastrol B (NFkB). Proteasome, or 26S proteasome, is a
also suppresses adjuvant arthritis in the rat, multicatalytic protease complex consisting of a
demonstrating in vivo anti-inflammatory activity. 20S catalytic particle capped by two 19S regulatory
Low doses of celastrol administered to rats could particles. The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is
significantly improve the performance of these responsible for the degradation of most endogenous
animals in memory, learning, and psychomotor proteins involved in gene transcription, cell cycle
activity. progression, differentiation, senescence, and apo-
In an isolated rat liver assay of lipid peroxida- ptosis. Inhibition of the proteasomal chymotrypsin-
tion, the antioxidant potency of celastrol (IC50 like but not trypsin-like activity is associated with
7 mM) is 15 times stronger than that of induction of apoptosis in tumor cells.
a-tocopherol or vitamin E. Under in vitro condi- Both computational and experimental data sup-
tions, celastrol was found to inhibit ▶ cancer cell port the hypothesis that celastrol is a natural
proliferation and induce programmed cell death proteasome inhibitor. Atomic orbital energy analy-
(or ▶ apoptosis) in a broad range of tumor cell sis demonstrates high susceptibility of C2 on
lines, including 60 National Cancer Institute A-ring and C6 on B-ring of celastrol toward a
(NCI) human cancer cell lines. As a ▶ topoisom- nucleophilic attack. Computational modeling
erase II inhibitor, celastrol was fivefold more shows that celastrol binds to the proteasomal chy-
potent than the well-known topoisomerase inhib- motrypsin site (b5 subunit) in an orientation and
itor etoposide to induce apoptosis in HL-60 leu- conformation that is suitable for a nucleophilic
kemia cells. Celastrol was also found to be a attack by the hydroxyl (OH) group of N-terminal
Celastrol 881

end time points demonstrated in vivo inhibition of

the proteasomal activity and induction of apopto-
sis after celastrol treatment.
Antitumor activity of celastrol was also observed
in a breast cancer mouse model. Celastrol inhibited
60% tumor growth in breast cancer xenograft
through NFkB inhibition. NFkB inhibition by C
celastrol includes inhibition of its DNA-binding
activity and inhibition of IkBa degradation induced
by TNF-a or phorbol myristyl acetate. Further
investigation showed that the cysteine-179 in the
IkBa kinase was a potential target of celastrol-
suppressed IkBa degradation. Since the proteasome
is required for the activation of NFkB by degrading
Celastrol, Fig. 2 Docking solution of celastrol. Celastrol IkBa, the proteasome inhibition may also contribute
was docked to S1 pocket of b5 subunit of 20S proteasome. to the NFkB inhibition by celastrol.
Celastrol was shown in pink while b5 subunit was shown
in purple. The selected conformation with 92% possibility
TNF could send both anti-apoptotic and
showed the distances to the OH group of N-Thr from C6 pro-apoptotic signals. The effects of celastrol on
and C2 were 2.96 Å and 4.16 Å, respectively cellular responses activated by the potent
pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF have also been
investigated. Celastrol was able to potentiate the
threonine of b5 subunit. The distances to the OH of apoptosis induced by TNF and chemotherapeutic
N-terminal threonine of b5 from the electrophilic agents and inhibited invasion, both regulated by
C6 and C2 of celastrol are measured as 2.96 Å and NFkB activation. TNF induced the expression of
4.16 Å, respectively. Both carbons, more probably gene products involved in anti-apoptosis (IAP1,
C6, of celastrol potentially interact with N-terminal IAP2, ▶ Bcl2, Bcl-XL, c-FLIP, and survivin), pro-
threonine of b5 subunit and inhibit the proteasomal liferation (cyclin D1 and COX-2), invasion
chymotrypsin-like activity (Fig. 2). (MMP-9), and angiogenesis (VEGF), and
Celastrol potently and preferentially inhibits celastrol treatment suppressed the expression of
the chymotrypsin-like activity of a purified 20S these genes. Celastrol also suppressed both induc-
proteasome with an IC50 value 2.5 mM. Celastrol ible and constitutive NFkB activation. Further-
at 1–5 mM inhibits the proteasomal activity in more, celastrol was found to inhibit the
intact human prostate cancer cells. The inhibition TNF-induced activation of IkBa kinase, IkBa
of the cellular proteasome activity by celastrol phosphorylation, IkBa degradation, p65 nuclear
results in accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins translocation and phosphorylation, and NFkB-
and three natural proteasome substrates, IkB-a, mediated reporter gene expression. Therefore,
Bax, and p27, leading to induction of apoptosis celastrol potentiates TNF-induced apoptosis and
in ▶ androgen receptor (AR)-negative PC-3 cells. inhibits invasion through suppression of the
In AR-positive LNCaP cells, celastrol-mediated NFkB pathway.
proteasome inhibition was accompanied by sup-
pression of AR protein, probably by inhibiting Clinical Relevance
ATP-binding activity of heat shock protein Due to its antioxidant or anti-inflammatory effects,
90 (Hsp90) that is responsible for AR folding. celastrol has been effectively used in the treatment of
Treatment of PC-3 tumor-bearing nude mice autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic
with celastrol (1–3 mg/kg/day, i.p., for 1–31 lupus erythematosus), asthma, chronic inflamma-
days) resulted in significant inhibition (65–93%) tion, and neurodegenerative diseases. As a bioactive
of the tumor growth. Multiple assays using the component in Chinese traditional medicinal prod-
animal tumor tissue samples from both early and ucts from the extract of the roots of Tripterygium
882 Celebra

wilfordii Hook F, celastrol has been used since the

1960s in China for autoimmune diseases but has Celecoxib
showed some side effects such as nausea, vomiting,
etc. Celastrol has not been used solely as a medica- Numsen Hail1 and Reuben Lotan2
tion product. Celastrol has antitumor activities via Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The
inhibition of the proteasome and NFkB activation, University of Colorado at Denver and Health
indicating that celastrol has a great potential to be Sciences Center, Denver, CO, USA
used for cancer prevention and treatment. This find- 2
Department of Thoracic Head and Neck Medical
ing can be applied to various human cancers and Oncology, The University of Texas
diseases in which the proteasome is involved and on MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
which celastrol has an effect.

Celebra; Celebrex; 4-[5-(4-Methylphenyl)-3-
▶ Topoisomerases (trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl] benzene

Hieronymus H, Lamb J, Ross KN et al (2006) Gene

expression signature-based chemical genomic predic-
tion identifies a novel class of HSP90 pathway modu- Celecoxib, a diaryl-substituted pyrazole drug, was
lators. Cancer Cell 10:321–330 developed by G. D. Searle & Company and is
Sassa H, Takaishi Y, Terada H (1990) The triterpene celastrol
as a very potent inhibitor of lipid peroxidation in mito-
currently marketed by Pfizer Incorporated under
chondria. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 172:890–897 the brand names Celebrex and Celebra. Celecoxib
Sethi G, Ahn KS, Pandey MK et al (2006) Celastrol, a is a member of the class of agents known as
novel triterpene, potentiates TNF-induced apoptosis ▶ non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
and suppresses invasion of tumor cells by inhibiting
NF-?B-regulated gene products and TAK1-mediated (NSAIDs). NSAIDs are the most commonly
NF-?B activation. Blood 109:2727–2735 used therapeutic agents for the treatment of acute
Setty AR, Sigal LH (2005) Herbal medications commonly pain, fever, menstrual symptoms, osteoarthritis,
used in the practice of rheumatology: mechanisms of and rheumatoid arthritis. Because of their ability
action, efficacy, and side effects. Semin Arthritis
Rheum 34:773–784
to reduce tissue ▶ inflammation, which is often
Yang HJ, Chen D, Cui QZC et al (2006) Celastrol, a associated with tumorigenesis at various sites in
triterpene extracted from the Chinese “Thunder of the body (e.g., gastrointestinal tract and lung),
God Vine”, is a potent proteasome inhibitor and sup- celecoxib and certain other NSAIDs are also con-
presses human prostate cancer growth in nude mice.
Cancer Res 66:4758–4765
sidered to have a potential in cancer chemopre-
vention as exemplified by their ability to prevent
the formation and decrease the size of polyps in
familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) patients.
Celebra Orally administered celecoxib exhibits good sys-
temic bioavailability and tissue distribution with
▶ Celecoxib an estimated plasma half-life of approximately
11 h. Celecoxib binds to plasma albumin and is
metabolized primarily by hepatic enzymes prior to
excretion. In humans, long-term exposures to
Celebrex celecoxib taken for arthritis pain relief at 100 mg
twice daily caused no biologically significant
▶ Celecoxib adverse reactions. However, higher doses of
Celecoxib 883

H3C nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), which controls

COX-2 expression and has been associated with
tumorigenesis in various cell types.
The COX-2 isoenzyme is frequently
unregulated in cancer cells, as well as cells that
constitute premalignant lesions, which are impor-
tant targets for cancer chemoprevention. The C
CF3 expression of the inducible COX-2 is enhanced
N in 50% of colon adenomas and in the majority of
O human colorectal cancers, as opposed to COX-1,
H2N which typically remains unchanged. Thus, the
S increase in COX-2 expression, which is an early
event in colon carcinogenesis, is believed to be
O necessary for tumor promotion. Aberrant COX-2
expression has also been implicated in tumorigen-
Celecoxib, Fig. 1 The chemical structure of celecoxib esis in the lung, prostate, esophagus, ▶ Brms1,
liver, pancreas, and skin. The activity of COX-2
400 mg twice daily recommended for patients to produce arachidonic acid metabolites appears
with FAP resulted in threefold increased risk of to enhance the proliferation of transformed cells
cardiovascular events (Fig. 1). and/or increases their survival through the sup-
▶ Cyclooxygenase Dependent Mechanisms for pression of ▶ apoptosis. Furthermore, COX-2
Cancer Chemoprevention by Celecoxib. expression by tumor cells can stimulate ▶ angio-
Cyclooxygenases are enzymes that are indispens- genesis at the tumor site and alter tumor cell
able for the synthesis of ▶ prostaglandins. Prosta- adhesion to promote ▶ metastasis.
glandins are ▶ hormones generated from Celecoxib is a highly selective inhibitor of
arachidonic acid, and they are found in virtually COX-2. Traditional NSAIDs (e.g., aspirin) inhibit
all tissues and organs. Prostaglandins typically both COX-1 and COX-2 isozymes. In contrast,
act as short-lived local cell signaling intermedi- celecoxib is approximately 20 times more selec-
ates that regulate processes associated with tive for COX-2 inhibition compared to its inhibi-
inflammation. In the early 1990s, cyclo- tion of COX-1. This specificity allows celecoxib,
oxygenases were demonstrated to exist as two and other selective COX-2 inhibitors, to reduce
isoforms, cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and inflammation while minimizing adverse drug
cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). COX-1 is character- reactions (e.g., stomach ulcers and reduced plate-
ized as a constitutively expressed housekeeping let aggregation) that are common with
enzyme that mediates physiological responses non-selective NSAIDs. This selectivity for
like platelet aggregation, gastric cytoprotection, COX-2 is also intimately associated with the puta-
and the regulation of renal blood flow. In contrast, tive cancer chemopreventive activity of
COX-2 is recognized as the inducible cyclooxy- celecoxib, which has been demonstrated in colo-
genase isoform that is primarily responsible for rectal cancer prevention. Epidemiological studies
the synthesis of the prostaglandins that are have shown that persons who regularly take aspi-
involved in pathological processes (e.g., chronic rin have about a 50% lower risk of developing
inflammation) in cells that mediate inflammation colorectal cancer. Celecoxib was the most effec-
(e.g., macrophages and monocytes). COX-2 is tive NSAID in reducing the incidence and multi-
inducible by oncogenes (e.g., RAS and ▶ SRC), plicity of colon tumors in a rat colon
interleukin-1, ▶ hypoxia, benzo[a]pyrene, ultra- carcinogenesis model. Moreover, in a clinical set-
violet light, epidermal growth factor, ting celecoxib has been used effectively to sup-
▶ transforming growth factor b, and tumor necro- press the development and/or reduce the number
sis factor a. Many of these inducers activate of colorectal polyps in patients with FAP. This
884 Celecoxib

inflammatory disease often predisposes individ- metabolism. Celecoxib treatment increases the
uals to the development of ▶ colorectal cancers. level of the sphingolipid ceramide in murine mam-
The anti-inflammatory mediated anticancer mary tumor cells irrespective of COX-2 expres-
effects of celecoxib may be tissue-specific consid- sion. This increase in ▶ ceramide was considered
ering that celecoxib reduced lung inflammation in essential to apoptosis induction in these cells. Cer-
mice, but failed to inhibit the formation of chem- amide has been shown to mediate apoptosis in
ically induced lung tumors in these animals. response to inflammatory cytokines like Fas and
Cyclooxygenase Independent Mechanisms for tumor necrosis factor a, and/or conditions associ-
Cancer Chemoprevention by Celecoxib. The ated with ▶ oxidative stress. During conditions of
results of several in vitro and animal studies sug- cell stress, the deregulation of ceramide generating
gest the celecoxib may suppress tumorigenesis and/or utilizing processes are believed to cause a
through several COX-2-independent mecha- net increase in cellular ceramide that is sufficient to
nisms, which may account, at least in part, for trigger apoptosis induction via a mitochondrial
celecoxib’s anti-cancer effects in humans. For membrane permeabilization mechanism.
example, celecoxib inhibited the proliferation of Celecoxib treatment has also been shown to
various cancer cell types in vitro irrespective of suppress the activity of the Ca ATPase located in
their expression of COX-2, including transformed the endoplasmic reticulum of human prostate can-
haematopoietic cells and immortalized and cer cells. The inhibition of the Ca2 ATPase by
transformed human bronchial epithelial cells that celecoxib disrupted Ca2+ homeostasis in the pros-
were deficient in COX-2 expression. Celecoxib tate cancer cells. This activity was highly specific
also inhibited the growth of human COX-2- for celecoxib and was not associated with the expo-
deficient colon cancer cells that were transplanted sure to other COX-2 inhibitors, including
as xenografts in nude mice. Thus, the chemopre- rofecoxib. Microsome and plasma membrane prep-
ventive effect of COX-2-specific inhibitors like arations from the human prostate cancer cells
celecoxib may be due to their effect on COX-2 showed that only the Ca2 ATPases located in the
as well as targets other than COX-2. endoplasmic reticulum were the direct targets of
One putative COX-2 independent target for celecoxib. The disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis
celecoxib is the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase played a central role in apoptosis induction in the
(PI3K) pathway, which is often deregulated in prostate cancer cells because it was required for the
tumor cells. Celecoxib appears to directly inhibit activation of Ca2+-dependent hydrolyses that car-
the phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 ried out cellular degradation. Moreover, mitochon-
(PDK1), and its downstream substrate protein drial membrane permeabilization, which releases
kinase B/AKT, in the PI3K pathway. Protein cytochrome c to activate cell death, is sensitive to
kinase B/AKT inhibits apoptosis through the elevations in intracellular free Ca2+. Consequently,
phosphorylation, and thus inactivation, of the the celecoxib-induced inhibition Ca2 ATPases
proapoptotic ▶ BCL-2 family protein BA- located in the endoplasmic reticulum may provide
D. During apoptotic stimuli, BAD antagonizes a link to mitochondrial membrane permeabilization
BCL-2 and BCL-XL activity, which can promote for apoptosis induction much in the same way
mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and that celecoxib inhibition of the PI3K pathway
cell death. The inhibition of the PI3K pathway can regulate BAD phosphorylation to trigger
by celecoxib is believed to be specific in its ability mitochondrial-mediated cell death.
to promote apoptosis in transformed cells. For It is apparent that the central hypothesis of
example, rofecoxib, another specific COX-2 a dominant role for COX-2 inhibition in
inhibitor, had only marginal protein kinase cancer prevention by celecoxib may need
B/AKT inhibitory activity in tumor cells during re-examination. Furthermore, the COX-2 depen-
apoptosis induction. dent and independent action of celecoxib in can-
Another presumed COX-2 independent target cer prevention may be tissue specific. Since the
of celecoxib in tumor cells is sphingolipid aberrant expression of COX-2 is implicated in the
Cell Adhesion Molecules 885

pathogenesis of various types of human cancers, Definition

perhaps this inducible enzyme may be a useful
surrogate biomarker of the anticancer activity of Cell ▶ adhesion molecules are transmembrane or
celecoxib when evaluating the chemoprevention of membrane-linked glycoproteins that mediate the
cancer at various sites in the body. Although the connections between cells or the attachment of
precise molecular mechanism for its chemopreven- cells to substrate (such as stroma or basement
tive effects are still fairly unknown, celecoxib may membrane). Dynamic cell-cell and cell-substrate C
be still useful as a chemopreventive agent for a adhesion is a major morphogenetic factor in
variety of malignancies, especially since it triggers developing multicellular organisms. In adult ani-
less toxicity and adverse side effects during long- mals, adhesive mechanisms underlie the mainte-
tern use when compared to traditional NSAIDs. nance of tissue architecture, allow the generation
Celecoxib may be useful when combined with of force and movement, and guarantee the func-
other cancer chemopreventive/therapeutic agents tionality of the organs (e.g., to create barriers in
to control the process of tumorigenesis. secreting organs, intestines, and blood vessels) as
well as the generation and maintenance of neuro-
nal connections. Cell adhesion is also an inte-
References grated component of the immune system and
wound healing. At the cellular level, cell adhesion
Chun KS, Surh JY (2006) Signal transduction pathways molecules do not function just as molecular glue.
regulating cyclooxygenase-2 expression: potential
Several signaling functions have been attributed
molecular targets for chemoprevention. Biochem
Pharmacol 68:1089–1100 to adhesion molecules, and cell adhesion is
Grosch S, Maier TJ, Schiffmann S et al (2006) involved in processes such as contact inhibition,
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-independent growth, and ▶ apoptosis. Deficiencies in the func-
anticarcinogenic effects of selective COX-2 inhibitors.
tion of cell adhesion molecules underlie a wide
J Natl Cancer Inst 98:736–747
Kismet K, Akay MT, Abbasoglu O et al (2004) Celecoxib: variety of human diseases including cancer. By
a potent cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor in cancer preven- their adhesive activities and their dialogue with
tion. Cancer Detect Prev 28:127–142 the ▶ cytoskeleton, adhesion molecules directly
Psaty BM, Potter JD (2006) Risks and benefits of celecoxib
to prevent recurrent adenomas. N Engl J Med
influence the invasive and metastatic behavior of
355:950–952 tumor cells and by their signaling function they
Schroeder CP, Kadara H, Lotan D et al (2006) Involvement can be involved in the initiation of tumorigenesis.
of mitochondrial and akt signaling pathways in aug-
mented apoptosis induced by a combination of low
doses of celecoxib and N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)
retinamide in premalignant human bronchial epithelial Characteristics
cells. Cancer Res 66:9762–9770
At the molecular level, cell adhesion is mediated
by molecules that are exposed on the external
surface of the cell and are somehow physically
Cell Adhesion Molecules linked to the cell membrane. In essence, there are
three possible mechanisms by which such
Kris Vleminckx membrane-attached adhesion molecules link
Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology cells to each other (Fig. 1a). Firstly, molecules
and Center for Medical Genetics, Ghent on one cell bind directly to similar molecules on
University, Ghent, Belgium the other cell (homophilic adhesion). Secondly,
adhesion molecules on one cell bind to other
adhesion receptors on the other cell (heterophilic
Synonyms adhesion). Finally, two different adhesion mole-
cules on two cells may both bind to a shared
Adhesion molecules; CAMs secreted multivalent ligand in the extracellular
886 Cell Adhesion Molecules

a Cell-cell adhesion




Cell-substrate adhesion

b Cytoskeletal strengthening

Cell Adhesion Molecules, Fig. 1 Different modes of cell- identical cell types (homotypic adhesion) or between cells of
cell and cell-substrate adhesion and the mechanism of cyto- different origin (heterotypic adhesion), independently of the
skeletal strengthening. (a) Three possible mechanisms by involved adhesion molecules. Cell-substrate adhesion mole-
which cell adhesion molecules mediate intercellular adhesion. cules attach cells to specific compounds of the extracellular
A cell surface molecule can bind to an identical molecule matrix. Cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesion can occur simul-
(homophilic adhesion) on the opposing cell or can interact taneously. (b) Intercellular and cell-substrate adhesion can be
with another adhesion receptor (heterophilic adhesion). Alter- strengthened by indirect intracellular linkage of the cytoplas-
natively, cell adhesion receptors on two neighboring cells can mic tail of the adhesion molecules to the cytoskeleton and by
bind to the same multivalent, secreted ligand (linkermediated lateral clustering in the membrane
adhesion). Intercellular adhesion can take place between
Cell Adhesion Molecules 887

space. Also, cell-cell adhesion between two iden- variety of adhesive interactions both in the embryo
tical cells is called homotypic (cell) adhesion, and the adult. Cadherins play a fundamental role in
while heterotypic (cell) adhesion takes place metazoan embryos, from the earliest gross morpho-
between two different cell types. In the case of genetic events (e.g., separation of germ layers dur-
cell-substrate adhesion, the adhesion molecules ing gastrulation) to the most delicate tunings later
bind to the extracellular matrix (ECM). in development (e.g., molecular wiring of the neu-
ral network). The extracellular part of vertebrate C
Cell Adhesion Molecules and the classical cadherins consists of a number of cadherin
Cytoskeleton repeats whose conformation is highly dependent
Adhesion molecules can be associated with the on the presence or absence of calcium ions.
cell membrane either by a glycosylphosphatidyl- Homophilic interactions can only be realized in
inositol (GPI) anchor or by a membrane-spanning the presence of calcium, usually by the most distal
region. In the latter case, the cytoplasmic part of cadherin repeat. Classical cadherins are generally
the molecule often associates indirectly with com- exposed as homodimers and their cytoplasmic
ponents of the cytoskeleton (e.g., actin, interme- domain can be structurally or functionally associ-
diate filaments, or submembranous cortex). This ated with the actin cytoskeleton. Cadherins are the
implies that adhesion molecules, which by them- major adhesion molecules in tissues that are subject
selves establish extracellular contacts, can be to high mechanical stress such as epithelia (▶ E-
structurally integrated with the intracellular cyto- cadherin) and endothelia (VE-cadherin). However,
skeleton, and they are often clustered in specific finer and more elegant intercellular interactions,
restricted areas in the membrane, the so-called such as synaptic contacts, also involve cadherins.
junctional complex (Fig. 1b). This combined
behavior of linkage to the cytoskeleton and clus- Integrins
tering, considerably strengthens the adhesive Integrins are another group of major players in the
force of the adhesion molecules. In some cases, field of cell adhesion. They are involved in various
exposed adhesion molecules can be in a confor- processes such as morphogenesis and tissue integ-
mational configuration that does not support bind- rity, homeostasis, immune response, and inflamma-
ing to its adhesion receptor. A signal within the tion. Integrins are a special class of adhesion
cell can induce a conformational change that acti- molecules not only because they mediate both cell-
vates the adhesion molecule. Dynamic adhesion cell and cell-substrate interactions (with components
can also be mediated via regulated endocytosis of in the ECM such as laminin, fibronectin and colla-
the adhesion molecules. These mechanisms of gen) but also because they function as heterodimers
regulation allow for a dynamic process of cell consisting of an a- and b-subunit. To date, at least
adhesion that, amongst others, is required for 16 a-subunits and 8 b-subunits have been
morphogenesis during development and for effi- indentified. Of the theoretical 128 heterodimeric
cient immunological defense. pairings, at least 21 are known to exist. While most
integrin heterodimers bind to ECM components,
Classification of Cell Adhesion Molecules some of them, more particularly those expressed
Based on their molecular structure and mode of on leukocytes, are heterophilic adhesion molecules
interaction, five classes of adhesion molecules are binding to members of the Ig superfamily. The
generally distinguished; the cadherins, integrins, a-subunit mostly contains a ligand-binding domain
immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily, selectins, and and requires the binding of divalent cations (Mg2+,
proteoglycans (Fig. 2). Ca2+, and Mn2+, depending on the integrin) for its
function. Interestingly, integrins may be present on
Cadherins the cell-surface in a nonfunctional and functional
Cadherins and protocadherins form a large and configuration. The cytoplasmic domain appears to
diverse group of adhesion receptors. They are Ca2 be responsible for the conformational change that
-dependent adhesion molecules, involved in a activates the integrin.
888 Cell Adhesion Molecules

Adhesion molecule Binding partner

Cadherins Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Cadherins

Integrins Lg-like, ECM

Lg-like FnIII FnIII s-s s-s s-s s-s s-s

Lg-like, integrins

Selectins Ca2− Carbohydrates

– – – –
– – – –
– – – –
– – – –
– – – –
Proteoglycans Miscellanious
– – – –
– – – –
– – – –
– – – –
– – – –

Cell Adhesion Molecules, Fig. 2 The five major classes like domains (open circles). Membrane-proximal, fibro-
of cell adhesion molecules and their binding partners. nectin type III repeats are often observed (gray boxes).
Cadherins are Ca2+-dependent adhesion molecules that They can either bind to other members of the Ig-family
consist of a varying number of cadherin repeats (five in (homophilic) or to integrins. Selectins contain an
case of the classical cadherins). The conformation and N-terminal Ca2+-dependent lectin domain (circle) that
activity of cadherins is highly dependent on the presence binds carbohydrates, a single EGF-like repeat (gray box)
of Ca2+-ions. In general, cadherin binding is and a number of repeats that are related to those present in
homophilic. Integrins are functional as heterodimers and complement-binding proteins (ovals). Proteoglycans are
consist of an a- and b-subunit. They interact with members huge molecules that consist of a relatively small protein
of the immunoglobulin superfamily or with compounds of core to which long side chains of negatively charged gly-
the extracellular matrix (e.g., fibronectin, laminin). Mem- cosaminoglycans are covalently attached. They bind vari-
bers of the immunoglobulin superfamily (Ig-like proteins) ous molecules, including components of the extracellular
are characterized by a various number of immunoglobulin- matrix

The Ig Superfamily heterophilic interactions that play a central role

Among the classes of adhesion molecules in regulation and organization of neural networks,
discussed here, the Ig superfamily is probably specifically in neuron-target interactions and fas-
the most diverse. The main representatives are ciculation. The basic extracellular structure con-
the neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs) sists of a number of Ig domains, which are
and V(ascular)CAMs. As the name suggests, the responsible for homophilic interaction, followed
members of this family all contain an extracellular by a discrete number of fibronectin type III
domain consisting of different immunoglobulin- repeats. This structure is linked to the membrane
like domains. NCAMs sustain homophilic and either by a GPI anchor or a transmembrane
Cell Adhesion Molecules 889

Secondary tumor

Step II
Step IV

Step I

Step III

Primary tumor

Cell Adhesion Molecules, Fig. 3 Cell adhesion pro- circulation and, at distant sites, attach to the endothelial
cesses involved in the metastatic cascade. A subset of blood vessel wall through specific cell-cell interactions
cells (gray) growing in a primary tumor will reduce cell- (Step III). Once these cells have extravasated through the
cell contacts (Step I) and migrate in the surrounding stroma vessel wall they use cell-substrate adhesion molecules to
by increasing specific cell-substrate adhesion (Step II). invade the surrounding stroma (Step IV). See text for
These invasive tumor cells can extravasate into the details

domain. The VCAM subgroup, including I proteoglycans may bind to each other or may be
(ntercellular)CAMs and the mucosal vascular the attachment site for other adhesion molecules.
addressin adhesion molecule (MAdCAM), is
involved in leukocyte trafficking (or homing) Role of Adhesion Molecules in Cancer
and extravasation. They consist of membrane-
linked Ig domains that make heterophilic contacts The Metastatic Cascade
with integrins. Other members of this family that Cell adhesion molecules play an important role
are associated with cancer are carcinoembryonic during the progression of tumors, more particu-
antigen (CEA), “deleted in colon cancer” (DCC) larly in the metastatic cascade (Fig. 3). When a
and platelet endothelial (PE)CAM-1. benign tumor becomes malignant, cells at the
periphery of the tumor will lose cell-cell contact
Selectins (step I) and invade the surrounding stroma (step
These types of adhesion molecules depend on carbo- II) (see also ▶ invasion). Cells then extravasate
hydrate structures for their adhesive interactions. and enter the vasculature or lymphatic system,
Selectins have a C-type lectin domain that specifi- where they are further transported. A fraction of
cally binds to discrete carbohydrate structures present the circulating tumor cells survives and is arrested
on cell-surface proteins. Intercellular interactions at a distant site, attaches to the endothelium (step
mediated by selectins are of particular interest in the III), and extravasates through the blood vessel
immune system, where they play a fundamental role wall and into the surrounding tissue (step IV).
in trafficking and homing of leukocytes. Here the tumor cells grow, attract blood vessels,
and develop to a secondary tumor (▶ metastasis).
Proteoglycans are large extracellular proteins Adhesive Events in Metastasis
consisting of a relatively small protein core to All the classes of cell adhesion molecules play a
which long chains of glycosaminoglycans role in the metastatic cascade. During the first
are attached. Although poorly documented, step, tumor cells need to disrupt intercellular
890 Cell Adhesion Molecules

junctions in order to detach from the primary the surrounding stroma. Integrins are instrumen-
tumor. This step often involves the suppression tal in this process. Several studies have correlated
of cadherin function. The second step of ▶ migra- the migratory behavior of tumor cells either with
tion through the stroma and into the blood or an increased or decreased expression of particu-
lymphatic vessels requires dynamic cell-substrate lar integrins. This apparent paradox may be
adhesion, mostly mediated by integrins. In the explained by the fact that firm but temporary
third step, where cells arrest in the circulation by cell-substrate contacts are required for cells to
aggregation with each other or attachment to migrate on a substrate. In order to crawl
platelets, leukocytes, and endothelial cells, critical directionally through the stroma, a cell needs to
roles have been attributed to cell adhesion mole- “grab” the ECM, release after pulling itself for-
cules of the Ig superfamily, selectins, integrins, ward and then has to establish the next contact.
and specific membrane-associated carbohydrates. Both inhibiting adhesion and preventing release
The fourth step is similar to step II and mostly of the substrate contacts “locks” the cell in its
involves integrins. Details on the adhesive events position and prevents migration. It should be
associated with metastasis are outlined below. remembered that integrins may exist in two func-
tional states and that signals passed through the
• In benign epithelial tumors, cells maintain firm cytoplasm determine whether membrane-
intercellular adhesive contacts, mostly by forma- exposed integrins are functional or not.
tion of a junctional complex (including tight junc- • In the third step of the metastatic cascade, cell-
tions, ▶ adherens junctions, and desmosomes). cell interactions are again the most determin-
Establishment and maintenance of such a strong ing. Homotypic interactions between circulat-
junctional complex requires expression and func- ing tumor cells promote formation of
tion of cadherins (more particularly E-cadherin). aggregates that are preferentially retained in
Loss of E-cadherin expression or function appears the capillary network. PECAM-1 is a cell adhe-
to be a hallmark of progression of a benign epi- sion molecule potentially involved in this pro-
thelial tumor (adenoma) to a malignant one cess. It should be pointed out that (re)
(carcinoma). Epithelial tumor cells often acquire expression of the invasion-suppressor mole-
invasive properties by mutational inactivation of cule E-cadherin would actually promote
E-cadherin or one of its cytoplasmic binding part- metastasis formation. Besides these homotypic
ners (catenins). It is important to keep in mind that interactions, heterotypic interactions are also
cadherin-mediated adhesion is a dynamic pro- of major importance in the metastatic process.
cess and that E-cadherin can be temporarily Tumor cells can attach to the blood-vessel wall
inactivated at the functional level, for example either directly or indirectly through platelets
by phosphorylation or other posttranslational and leukocytes. The adhesion molecules
modifications. E-cadherin and other molecules involved in this process are similar to those
of the junctional complex are very often involved in the “multistep adhesion cascade”
suppressed or functionally modulated in the observed during homing and extravasation of
epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMT), a leukocytes or trafficking of lymphocytes. Cell
hallmark of malignant tumor progression. adhesion events include interactions of tumor-
EMT can be a tumor-intrinsic feature or can be associated lectins with selectins expressed on
induced by their microenvironment. Paracrine platelets, leukocytes, and endothelium (P-, L-,
factors such as scatter factor or juxtacrine sig- and E-selectins, respectively). These adhesion
naling via Ephrin/Eph receptor or via molecules are also involved in the initial tran-
▶ semaphorins/plexins can affect adhesion via sient low-affinity interactions (rolling) of cir-
direct activity on the cell adhesion molecules or culating leukocytes (and probably tumor cells)
via regulation of the cytoskeleton. with the endothelium. Other and more strin-
• Dynamic cell-substrate adhesion is a critical fac- gent heterotypic heterophilic interactions in
tor in the migration of invasive tumor cells into this metastatic stage include the binding of
Cell Adhesion Molecules 891

integrins on tumor cells to ICAMs expressed ▶ Apoptosis

on the surface of the endothelial cells. ▶ Carcinoembryonic Antigen
• The fourth step in the metastatic cascade is ▶ Cytoskeleton
extravasation and invasion at a distant site. ▶ E-Cadherin
This process is very similar to step 2 and the ▶ Eph Receptors
same adhesion molecules are likely to be ▶ Invasion
involved. Specific interactions of the tumor ▶ Metastasis C
cells with molecules present on the endothelial ▶ Migration
cells (e.g., N-cadherin) will facilitate the ▶ Plexins
extravasation process. ▶ Semaphorin
▶ Wnt Signaling
Other Cancer-Related Functions of Cell Adhesion
It has become clear that some cell adhesion mol-
ecules are involved in signaling processes that are Cavallaro U, Christofori G (2004) Cell adhesion and sig-
relevant to cancer. Germline mutations in nalling by cadherins and Ig-CAMs in cancer. Nat Rev
E-cadherin predispose patients to the develop- Cancer 4:118–132
ment of diffuse gastric carcinomas, and in lobular Chothia C, Jones EY (1997) The molecular structure of cell
adhesion molecules. Annu Rev Biochem 66:823–862
breast carcinoma, E-cadherin seems to act as a Hynes RO (2000) Cell adhesion: old and new questions.
tumor suppressor. Interestingly, b-catenin, a pro- Trends Cell Biol 9:M33–M37
tein cytoplasmically linked to cadherins, has a Mizejewski GJ (1999) Role of integrins in cancer: survey of
central role in ▶ Wnt signaling and has oncogenic expression patterns. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 222:124–138
Sanderson RD (2001) Heparan sulfate proteoglycans in
properties that are counteracted by the adenoma- invasion and metastasis. Semin Cell Dev Biol 12:89–98
tous polyposis coli (APC) gene product. Signaling
by integrins can also be an important factor that See Also
prevents cells from undergoing apoptosis (2012) Cadherins. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
(apoptosis upon loss of cell adhesion is called Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 581–
▶ anoikis), which might be critical when tumor 582. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_770
(2012) Contact Inhibition. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
cells are traveling in the circulation. Interdisci- dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp
plinary research has revealed new unexpected 973–974. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1323
functions for known cell adhesion molecules. (2012) E-Selectin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
The suspected tumor suppressor DCC, a member Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1317.
of the Ig superfamily of adhesion molecules, (2012) Extracellular Matrix. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
turned out to be the receptor for netrin-1, an axo- pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p
nal chemoattractant crucial in neuronal develop- 1362. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2067
ment. Other molecules known to have adhesive or (2012) Homophilic and Heterophilic Adhesion. In:
Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn.
repulsive activities in the axonal growth cone or in Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1729. doi:10.1007/978-
migrating neural crest cells, turn out to have sim- 3-642-16483-5_2804
ilar activities in tumor cells (see also the chapters (2012) Integrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
on ▶ EPH receptors, Ephrin signaling in cancer, cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1884.
▶ semaphorins, and ▶ plexins). (2012) Junctional Complex. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 1929. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3188
Cross-References (2012) Lectin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1999.
▶ Adherens Junctions (2012) Proteoglycans. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Adhesion Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3100.
▶ Anoikis doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4816
892 Cell Biology

extracellular environment, cells need to exchange

Cell Biology matter, energy, and information with the external
Filippo Acconcia1 and Rakesh Kumar2
Molecular and Cellular Oncology, The Cell Division and Reproduction
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, One of the unique features of cell is its ability to
Houston, TX, USA divide and produce two daughter cells that are an
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular exact copy of their parental cell, by a process
Medicine, George Washington University, called “mitosis.” However, some differentiated
Washington, DC, USA cells undergo the process of meiosis. For simplic-
ity, meiotic division can be considered as the sum
of two successive mitotic divisions, which result
Definition in four daughter cells with half the number of
chromosomes and rearranged genes. These spe-
Cell biology deals with all aspects of the normal cialized cells (i.e., gametes) serve as reproductive
and of the tumor cell, their normal and abnormal cells. The fusion of the female and male gametes
multiplication, their differentiation, their stem ori- (eggs and spermatozoa, respectively) results in a
gins, and their regulated cell death. new cell called zygote. The zygote, by definition,
is a stem cell. Following mitotic division, it
becomes an embryo and, at the end of the embry-
Characteristics onic development, results in a new organism.

The Cell Cell Proliferation

The intracellular environment is separated from The physiological functions of an organ require
the external environment by a lipid bilayer called maintenance of homeostasis, a process of regu-
plasma membrane. The plasma membrane con- lated balance between cell proliferation and cell
trols the movement of substances in and out of death (also known as ▶ apoptosis), in the differ-
the cell and it is important for the cell to sense the entiated tissue. Indeed, a variety of extracellular
surrounding environment. Within the cell the stimuli activate specific ▶ signal transduction
nucleus occupies most of the space. The cell pathways that affect the expression and activity
nucleus contains genes, which drive all cellular of molecules involved in the control of cell pro-
activities and processes. Genes are organized in liferation or cell death. Thus, the balance between
chromosomes (i.e., genome) and are made of DN- cell cycle progression and apoptosis defines the
A. The genetic information is used to produce cell fate, and this process depends on genetic
proteins, which are the critical effectors required factors as well as the kinetics of signal transduc-
for all cellular processes. The nucleus is separated tion pathways in exponentially growing cells.
from the rest of the cellular content by the nuclear
membrane, which remains in contact with the Cell Cycle
cytoplasm as well as the nucleoplasm. In the cyto- In mammalian cells, one cell cycle takes about
plasm, proteins are organized into specific func- 24 h in most cell types and can be schematically
tional structures and also connected with the divided into two stages: mitosis and interphase.
structural network referred to as cytoskeleton net- Mitosis (M phase) consists of a series of molecu-
work, which physically sustains the cell. More- lar processes that result in cell division. On the
over several intracellular organelles are located in other hand, the interphase can be subdivided into
the cytoplasm (e.g., mitochondria, Golgi appara- three major gaps (G1, S, and G2 phase). The G1
tus) and allow the cells to self sustain. To contin- phase of the cell cycle separates the M and
uously adjust the intracellular processes and to S phases. In G1 phase, cells express a specific
promptly respond to the demands of the pattern of gene products required for the DNA
Cell Biology 893

synthesis; the G2 phase of the cell cycle resides in a given signal. The initiator caspases (▶ Caspase
between the S and M phases and is important for 8 and 9) are the first enzymes involved in the
the completion of processes that are necessary for activation of the apoptotic cascade. Caspase
mitosis. The G0 phase of the cell cycle is entered 8 and 9 activate the downstream effector caspases
by the cells from the G1. In the G0 phase, cells are (caspase 3, 6, and 7) by proteolytic cleavage
out of the cell cycle and into a quiescent state which in turn results in the hydrolysis and inacti-
where they do not proliferate. vation of the enzymes involved in the processes of C
DNA repair such as by poly-ADP-ribose poly-
Regulation of Cell Cycle Progression merase (PARP). Upon stimulation of apoptotic
Cell cycle progression is achieved through a series cascade, cells display a specific set of characters,
of coordinated molecular events that allow the which constitute the hallmark of apoptosis (DNA
cells to transit across the restriction points, also fragmentation, cell shrinkage, cytoplasmic bud-
known as cell cycle checkpoints. There are three ding, and fragmentation). The activation of
main restriction points in the cell cycle (G2/M, caspases is achieved through two principle
M/G1, and G1/S, respectively). Broadly, these pathways – an extrinsic pathway that transduces
checkpoints are defined as points after which the signals from the plasma membrane directly to the
cell is committed to progress to the next phase in a caspases, and an intrinsic pathway that involves
nonreversible manner. Therefore, the transition activation of caspases through a series of bio-
between the phases of the cell cycle is strictly chemical events leading to permeabilization of
regulated by a specific set of proteins. ▶ Cyclin- the mitochondrial membrane and release of cyto-
dependent kinases (CDK) act in various phases of chrome c (▶ Cytochrome P450) in the cytoplasm.
the cell cycle by binding to its activating proteins Apoptotic cells are eventually eliminated by the
called cyclins. For example, both ▶ cyclin D/ immune system without the activation of inflam-
CDK4 and cyclin E/CDK2 complexes regulate matory reactions (▶ Inflammation).
transition of the cells through G1/S phase whereas
cyclin A/CDK1, cyclin A/CDK2, and cyclin Necrosis
B/CDK1 complexes are active during the rest of Necrosis results from a severe physical, mechan-
the cell cycle. On the other hand, another class of ical, or metabolic cellular damage. The necrotic
regulatory proteins, the cyclin-dependent kinase phenotype is very different from those of an apo-
inhibitors (CKI) (e.g., p21Cip/Kip; p19Ink4d) antag- ptotic cells. Overall, the cell switches off its met-
onizes the activation of CDK activity, thus imped- abolic pathways and the DNA condenses at the
ing the progression of the cell cycle. margins of the nucleus and the cellular constitu-
ents start to degrade. In general, necrosis consists
Programmed Cell Death in a general swelling of the cell before it disinte-
Programmed cell death (PCD) is a physiological grates. Furthermore, upon leakage of the intracel-
process of eliminating a living cell. The PCD lular content, necrotic cells stimulate an
involves activation of specific intracellular pro- inflammatory response that usually damages the
grams that commit cells to a “suicidal route.” The surrounding tissue.
process of PCD plays an important role in a variety
of biological events, including morphogenesis, Autophagy
maintenance of tissue homeostasis, and elimination Autophagy, i.e., autophagic cell death, occurs by
of harmful cells. To date, different forms of PCD sequestration of intracellular organelles in a dou-
have been described among which apoptosis, ble membrane structure termed autophagosome.
necrosis, and ▶ autophagy are the most common. Subsequently, the autophagosomes are delivered
to the lysosomes and degraded. Autophagy is
Apoptosis responsible for the turnover of dysfunctional
One of the critical events in apoptosis is the acti- organelles and cytoplasmic proteins and thus,
vation of cystein proteases, called caspases, upon contributes to cytosolic homeostasis. Autophagy
894 Cell Biology

can occur either in the absence of detectable signs damage). Activation of JNK/SAPK and p38/
of apoptosis or concomitantly with apoptosis. MAPK often results in an increased expression
Indeed, autophagy is activated by signaling path- of proapoptotic proteins (e.g., Bax), and in the
ways that also control apoptosis. activation of the caspase cascade and cytochrome
c release from the mitochondria.
Signal Transduction
Extracellular signals are transduced by the activa- Systems Biology
tion of a series of phosphorylation-dependent Systems biology represents a new analytical tool
intracellular pathways initiated by cell surface that has begun to emerge for balanced compre-
receptors. Eventually, such signals feed into the hensive analyses of cellular pathways at the level
nucleus, stimulate transcription factors, and regu- of genes and proteins. Signal transduction path-
late gene transcription. ways often cross-talk and influence each other,
and the functionality of the effector molecule is
Signaling Targets influenced by the overall outcome of a set of
Signaling pathways regulate gene transcription by signaling pathways. Thus, cells form a web of
triggering the promoter activity of the target gene. intracellular interactions that are critical for a
For example, regulation of cyclin D is critical for timely and dynamic response. The intracellular
cell cycle progression. The extracellular signal- signaling network is considered a complex system
mediated activation of specific signal transduction rapidly adapting to extracellular challenges.
pathways stimulates the activity of transcription Therefore, an additional level of complication is
factors such as AP-1, SP-1, and NF-kB, which the evaluation of the network as a whole, rather
coordinate the activation of the cyclin D1 promoter than the individual pathway.
and thus lead to cyclin D1 expression. On the other
hand, signaling molecules can also change the Cell Motility and Migration
activity of a preexisting protein. For example, acti- ▶ Motility and ▶ migration are important compo-
vation of p21-activated kinase (PAK) induces the nents for the functionality of a variety of cell types
phosphorylation of phosphoglucomutase (PGM) and are involved in physiologic processes such as
that stimulates its enzyme activity and the phos- embryonic development, immune response, as
phorylation of ▶ estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) well as in pathologic processes such as ▶ invasion
thus inducing its transcriptional activity. One of and ▶ metastasis. Cell motility and migration
the most studied signaling pathways is the are coordinated physiological processes that
extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK) (▶ MAP allow the cells to move or to invade the surround-
kinase) cascade. It consists of three steps of sequen- ing tissues, respectively. They occur as a result
tial phosphorylations that impact on diverse cellu- of a complex interplay between the focal ▶ adhe-
lar effectors. The ERK cascade is activated by sion sites (cell-to-substrate contacts) and the
mitogenic stimuli (e.g., growth factors extracellular matrix (ECM) (substrate). Phenotyp-
(▶ Fibroblast growth factors)) and plays a critical ically, migratory cells develop motile structures
role both in cell proliferation and cell survival. such as pseudopodia, lamellipodia, and filopodia.
Indeed, activation of ERK induces the activation An ordered sequence of events (protrusion of
of AP-1 transcription factor, which, in turn, regu- motile structures, formation and disruption of
lates cyclin D1 expression in addition to many of focal contacts) generate the traction forces
other proliferative molecules. Further, ERK that drive the cell movement. Moreover, when
activity leads to an increased expression of the migration is required, cells secrete specific pro-
antiapoptotic protein ▶ BCL-2 and inactivation teolytic enzymes (matrix metalloproteinases,
of the proapoptotic protein Bad. Conversely, MMPs) that digest the ECM, thus opening a pas-
the JNK/SAPK (▶ JNK Subfamily) and the sage across the substrate. Cytoskeleton is critical
p38/MAPK (MAP kinase) pathways mediate stress for the correct occurrence of cell motility and
and apoptotic stimuli (e.g., UV, ischemic-reperfusion migration.
Cell Biology 895

Cytoskeleton a mass of uncontrolled proliferating cells. Tumor-

Cytoskeleton is a network of cytoplasmic pro- igenesis is a multistep process and involves pro-
teins, which define the cell “bones.” Many differ- gressive conversion of a normal cell into a
ent protein filaments are important for malignant cell, which subsequently invades the
cytoskeleton functions. In particular, microtu- surrounding tissues. The process of tumorigenesis
bules, built from different types of tubulin, origi- consists of major steps (initiation, promotion, and
nate from specific intracellular structures called progression), each involving specific molecular C
microtubules organizing centers (MTOC). mechanisms, often interlaced with each other,
Dynamic changes in the polymerization and depo- that drive tumor development.
lymerization of tubulin maintain microtubule
integrity and resulting functions. Furthermore, Initiation and Promotion
actin microfilaments form a network of In general, initiation of tumorigenesis is referred to
cytoskeleton-associated proteins and connect the as the first oncogenic stimulus. However, such as
focal adhesion with the intracellular cytoskeleton. initial event is not sufficient for tumor induction. In
The dynamic remodeling of microtubules and most cases, a second oncogenic stimulus must
microfilaments has an impact on cell motility, occur in a restricted time frame, thus promoting an
migration and cell–cell adhesion, ▶ endocytosis, irreversible effect. Chemical (e.g., aromatic com-
intracellular trafficking, organelle function, cell pounds (▶ Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)),
survival, gene expression, and cell division. physical (e.g., ▶ UV radiation), as well as biological
(e.g., viruses as Human Papillomavirus) stress have
Signaling Regulation impact on the cells and can induce DNA mutations
At the focal adhesion sites, cells accumulate (e.g., point mutations). In addition, gene deletion or
receptors (e.g., growth factor receptors), adaptors duplication also alters gene function and contributes
(e.g., vinculin), and signaling molecules, as well to the process of tumorigenesis. These genomic
as structural and motor proteins (e.g., actin, myo- changes result in the production of proteins with
sin). Migration-specific stimuli (e.g., integrins altered functions or in the overexpression or
engagement of ECM, growth factor stimulation, downregulation of specific proteins, which affects
and mechanical stimuli) activate specific bio- the associated cellular functions.
chemical pathways. ▶ Focal Adhesion Kinase Protooncogenes or oncogenes are genes that
(FAK), integrin-linked kinase (ILK), PAK, and encode for proteins involved in the induction of
▶ Src play key roles in modulating cell migration cell proliferation (e.g., cyclin D1, CDK, EGFR,
and invasion. The FAK/Src complex regulates the Src, Ras, etc.) and whose overexpression or
assembly and disassembly of focal contacts, hyperactivation leads to an uncontrolled cell prolif-
F-actin cytoskeleton remodeling, and the formation eration. On the other hand, tumor suppressor genes
of lamellipodia and filopodia through the activation are genes encoding for proteins that negatively reg-
of specific downstream cytoskeleton-associated ulate cell proliferation (e.g., p53, PARP, CKI, etc.).
signaling pathways. Further, ILK is also implicated Inactivating mutations or downregulation of tumor
in cell motility and migration by linking integrins suppressor genes are also critical for enhanced cell
with cytoskeleton dynamics through the ▶ PI3K proliferation. In addition to DNA damage, onco-
signaling pathway. Also, PAK1 dynamically regu- genes and tumor suppressor genes, abnormal
lates cytoskeletal changes by coordinating changes in the epigenetic cellular information
upstream signaling with multiple effectors. By act- (e.g., DNA ▶ methylation) can also participate in
ing on actin reorganization, PAK1 drives direc- clonal evolution of human cancers.
tional cell motility and migration.
Tumor Biology The modified balance between the growth-
Cancer is a progressive disease that arises from the inhibitory programs and proliferative networks
clonal expansion of a single transformed cell into allows the cell to escape the physiological growth
896 Cell Biology

restrains. These selective growth advantages pro- produces, rather than two identical daughter
duce a population of more aggressive or transformed cells, one cell that is completely identical to the
cells that resist clearance by the immune system (i.e., parental stem cell and another cell that is already
immune defense escape), and in turn, contributes to committed to a more restricted developmental
the accumulation of additional mutations and even- path and more specialized abilities. Thus, stem
tually, in tumor growth. In this context, an in situ cells have both the ability to self-maintain their
tumor develops, that is the uncontrolled mass of clonal cell population and to produce a population
transformed cells stays within the limit of the tissue of clones with more differentiated characteristics.
in which the first cell resided. During this phase, In this way, stem cells form a hierarchy of
tumor volume increases in parallel with an increased potency.
dedifferentiation of the cells that also secrete angio-
genic factors (▶ Angiogenesis) to promote blood Potency
vessels formation in the tumor. Stem cells have the ability to give rise to a
population of daughter stem cells with a
Metastasis reduced differentiation. The totipotent cells are
Metastasis is the process by which highly the first embryonic cells that can become any
vascularized tumor cells acquire the ability to kind of cell type (e.g., zygote). These cells
invade the blood-stream and seed in distant organs. become pluripotent cells, which can differentiate
Deregulation of cytoskeleton-associated proteins into most but not all cell types (e.g., embryonic
and secretion of protein factors play a critical role stem cells). Next, cells that are committed to pro-
in the functionality of the metastatic cells. duce only a certain lineage of cell types (e.g.,
▶ adult stem cells) are the multipotent cells.
Stem Cell Biology Some multipotent cells can only generate one
In 1998, the group of Prof. James Thomson specific kind of terminally differentiated cell
reported the isolation of a human embryonic type and thus, such cells, are called unipotent
stem cell line from the blastocyst stage of a cells.
human embryo. This cell line showed stability in
a specifically developed culture medium and, Environmental Regulation
upon transplantation in the nude mice, had the The molecular mechanism by which regulatory
ability to form tumor-like structures made up of processes occur in stem cells are not clear but
all the major human tissue types. This pioneer are believed to be tightly regulated to avoid
study opened the field of stem cell biology. imbalance in stem cell population or mutation
Since then, enormous research efforts have been that can lead to tumorigenesis. One possibility is
focused on the understanding of stem cell biology that the asymmetric division produces two daugh-
as well as their potential medical and therapeutic ter cells and, because of intrinsic factors, such
implications. Nonetheless, although the last cells follow different fates in spite of residing in
10 years witnessed an enormous progress, the the same microenvironment. Alternatively, the
field of stem cell research is in its infancy. The two daughter cells become functionally different
first controversy is the definition of stem cell because they are exposed to different extrinsic
itself. For simplicity, a stem cell is a clonal self- factors. Most likely, both intrinsic and
renewing entity that is multipotent and can gener- extrinsic factors are integrated in the milieu of
ate several different cell types. This definition the surrounding microenvironment, also known
introduces three major characteristic of the stem as the stem cell niche. Signals from the
cells: self-renewal, clonality, and potency. niche determine the type of gene regulation that
allows the asymmetric division to take place.
Self-Renewal and Clonality In this model, one daughter cell stays in the
Self-renewal is the process by which a stem cell niche and the other one moves out. Indeed, the
undergoes an asymmetric mitotic division that importance of the microenvironment in stem
Cell Cycle Checkpoint 897

cell biology is highlighted by the ability of a References

particular stem cell to transdifferentiate or to
dedifferentiate when put in a different niche. Feinberg AP, Tycko B (2004) The history of cancer epige-
netics. Nat Rev Cancer 4:143–153
Although the concept of plasticity is debated in
Gearhart J, Hogan B, Melton D et al (2006) Essential of
the literature, it is part of the “stemness” of a cell, stem cell biology. Academic, London
which is the hallmark for a cell to be defined as a Lowe SW, Cepero E, Evan G (2004) Intrinsic tumour
stem cell. suppression. Nature 432:307–315 C
Pestell RG, Albanese C, Reutens AT et al (1999) The
cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in hor-
Social Implications monal regulation of proliferation and differentiation.
The ability to scientifically manipulate the human Endocr Rev 20:501–534
embryo or human adult stem cells has opened new Potten C, Wilson J (2004) Apoptosis – the life and death of
cells. Cambridge University Press, New York
perspectives for treatment of several human dis-
eases. However, it has also initiated intense phil-
See Also
osophical and political debates on the ethical
(2012) Cell Cycle. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
issues associated with the use of such potential Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 737.
tools in medical practice. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_994
(2012) Extracellular Matrix. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 1362. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2067
(2012) Microenvironment. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
Cross-References dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
p 2296. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3720
▶ Adhesion
▶ Adult Stem Cells
▶ Angiogenesis
▶ Apoptosis Cell Cycle Checkpoint
▶ Autophagy
▶ Bcl2 Wenjian Ma
▶ Caspase-8 National Institute of Environmental Health
▶ Cyclin D Sciences (NIEHS), Research Triangle Park, NC,
▶ Cyclin-Dependent Kinases USA
▶ Cytochrome P450
▶ Endocytosis
▶ Estrogen Receptor Definition
▶ Fibroblast Growth Factors
▶ Focal Adhesion Kinase Cell cycle checkpoints are the control mecha-
▶ Inflammation nisms that stop cell progression during particular
▶ Invasion stage of the cell cycle to check and ensure the
▶ JNK Subfamily accurate completion of earlier cellular processes
▶ MAP Kinase and faithful transmission of genetic information
▶ Metastasis before cell division.
▶ Methylation
▶ Migration
▶ Motility Characteristics
▶ PI3K Signaling
▶ Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Cell growth and division proceeds through an
▶ Signal Transduction ordered set of events called cell cycle, which is
▶ Src divided into four distinct phases namely G1 (the
▶ UV Radiation first gap phase), S (DNA synthesis), G2 (the
898 Cell Cycle Checkpoint

second gap phase), and M (mitosis). G1 and G2 which become active when bound by their cyclin
are two gap phases that accumulate nutrients, partners. CDKs phospharylate specific down-
perform biosynthesis, and monitor cell state to stream substrates to alter their biochemical func-
get ready for DNA synthesis and mitosis, respec- tion and elicit specific cellular responses. The
tively. DNA replication occurs in S phase and the level of cyclins and CDKs fluctuate during the
duplicated chromosomes are separated into two cell cycle that is controlled by complex negative-
identical sets during mitosis (M phase). Followed feedback loops. Through the oscillation of cyclin-
by cytokinesis, the mother cell is divided into two CDKs, cellular processes within the cell cycle
daughter cells that are genetically identical to each such as DNA replication, chromosome segrega-
other. tion, and cell division are precisely modulated.
The cell cycle is highly regulated and each Simple eukaryotes such as yeast has only one
phase is monitored by surveillance mechanisms CDK (Cdc28 in Saccharomyces cerevisae and
to maintain cellular integrity and faithful trans- Cdc2 in pombe), whereas higher eukaryotes
mission of genetic information from mother cell have multiple CDKs, and through different com-
to daughter cell. If a crucial process has not been bination of CDKs and cyclins, to control different
completed or if a cell has sustained damage, pro- aspects of the cell cycle. For example, S-phase is
gression into the next cell phase would be controlled by cyclin A in combination with
prevented. These mechanisms that capable of CDK2, whereas progression into mitosis is regu-
delaying the cell cycle at specific time points are lated by cyclin B-CDK1 in mammalian cells. So
now referred to as checkpoints, which were first far 16 eukaryotic cyclins and up to nine CDKs
identified in the late 1980s. have been discovered.
Various stresses can activate the checkpoint CDK activity is also negatively controlled by
and cause cell cycle arrest, such as nutrient depri- certain families of inhibitory proteins, and the
vation, mitogenic stimuli, and cytotoxins. How- cell-cycle progression is determined by the rela-
ever, the most important function of checkpoints tive abundance of positive and negative regula-
is to monitor DNA damages and coordinate tors. The core cell cycle control protein/enzyme
repair. Cells are under constant attack by machineries sense stress/damage and trigger the
DNA-damaging agents arising from endogenous cell cycle arrest are not conserved between differ-
or exogenous sources such as UV and the reactive ent eukaryotes. Below describes the major check-
oxygen species that inevitably generates during points in mammalian cells as shown in Fig. 1.
metabolism. These attacks can interfere with
DNA replication, transcription, and other cellular G1 checkpoint
functions and finally lead to genome instability. The G1 checkpoint is located at the end of the G1
As repairing damaged DNA takes time, it is essen- phase that ensures everything is ready for DNA
tial to activate specific checkpoint machinery to synthesis. It is the major restriction point to decide
temporarily stall the cell cycle progression. In whether the cell continue for a further round of
case the damages cannot be dealt with, the check- cell division. Under unfavorable environmental
point can also activate other mechanisms such as conditions, it signals the cell to temporally with-
apoptosis to target the cell for destruction. draw from the cell cycle and enter into a resting
Multiple checkpoints have been identified phase called G0. Once passing this checkpoint,
from lower eukaryotes to human. Despite varia- the cell would tend to complete the whole cycle.
tions in molecular details, the controlling mecha- During G1 phase, the cells may also irreversibly
nisms of different organism share some conserved withdraw from the cell cycle into terminally dif-
features in that they are tightly regulated through ferentiated or senescent states.
the interaction of specific protein kinases and One of the control pathways acting in G1
adaptor proteins. The transition from one phase checkpoint is through the regulation of the tumor
of the cell cycle to the next is driven by a group of suppressor retinoblastoma protein (Rb) and the
kinases called cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), transcription factor called E2F. The
Cell Cycle Checkpoint 899

Cell Cycle Checkpoint, Fig. 1 The cell cycle checkpoints in mammalian cells

hypophosphorylated form of Rb is active and Intra S-phase checkpoint

represses cell cycle progression by inhibiting Strict control of S-phase is important to ensure the
E2F, which is necessary for S phase entry. Phos- genome stability and precise transmission of
phorylation of Rb blocks its inhibition on E2F and genetic information. The intra S-phase check-
brings about the G1 phase progression or G1-S points monitor DNA damage, coordinate DNA
transition. In early G1 phase, increased expression repair pathways, and cause transient and revers-
of cyclin D in conjunction with CDK4 or CDK6 ible inhibition of the DNA replication during the
(depending on the cell types) leads to Rb phos- whole S phase. They are activated when the rep-
phorylation. In late G1 phase, Rb is lication fork stalls which can help preventing the
phospharylated by cyclin E/CDK2 complex. conversion of primary DNA damages into lethal
Phospharylation of Rb and subsequent release of lesions such as DNA double strand breaks.
E2F facilitates the transcription of late G1 genes to There are two major checkpoint pathways in
get ready for DNA synthesis and S-phase entry. human that are initiated by the sensor proteins
Besides this positive regulation, G1 checkpoint is ATR or ATM, which delays the cell cycle either
also negatively regulated by a family of proteins through the downstream signal cascade of Chk1(-
called cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs), Chk2)/cdc25a/CDK2 or ATM/MRN/SMC1. In
which have a function in inhibiting the cyclin/ the first pathway, it is often triggered by the for-
CDK complexes. In mammalian cells, there are mation of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in rep-
two major families of CKIs – INK4 family lication fork as a result of uncoupling between
(selectively for CDK4 and CDK6) and the DNA unwinding and DNA synthesis. ssDNA sig-
CIP/KIP family (has a broader range of nals the recruitment of ATR to the stalled forks
inhibition). then activates downstream mediator and trans-
In addition to the above pathway, another con- duces the signal to Chk1/2. Phospharylated
trol of the G1 checkpoint is through the tumor Chk1/2 then activating other downstream pro-
suppressor p53 and its negative regulator teins/factors, such as cdc25 and CDK2/cyclin A,
MDM2. p53 Activation can cause G1 growth to control several cellular processes including cell
arrest via the CIP family member p21Cip1. This cycle delay, prevention of late replication origins
pathway, which also works in G2 checkpoint, from firing, and the activation of DNA repair
plays an important regulatory role in DNA repair, pathways. In the second pathway, ATM is
senescence, and apoptosis. recruited to sites of DNA damage by a component
1076 Circulating Tumor Cells

Circulating Tumor Cells, Fig. 1 CTC and CTM (May–Grünwald–Giemsa staining, 100). (b) CTM from
enriched by ISET and diagnosed by cytopathology. (a) a patient with breast cancer (May–Grünwald–Giemsa
CTC from a patient with mesothelioma staining, 100)

cells except those derived from leukemia and mesenchymal to epithelial transition (▶ MET), for-
lymphoma. CTC may also circulate as aggregated mation of ▶ micrometastases, and growth of
tumor cells, which are defined as circulating macrometastases. Epithelial–mesenchymal cell
tumor microemboli or “collective tumor cell plasticity is thought to play a central role in cancer
migration (CTM)” (Fig. 1). progression, generation of cancer stem cells (CSC),
and metastasis formation (Ye and Weinberg 2015).
Growing cells rapidly outstrip the supply of
Characteristics nutrients and oxygen and suffer from stress and
hypoxia. Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF), which
Tumor cells may circulate in blood spontaneously, mediates the transcriptional response to hypoxia,
i.e., because of their invasive capabilities or for is a strong promoter of tumor growth and ▶ inva-
other causes of cell spreading. Spontaneous circu- sion and controls angiogenesis via two key angio-
lation of tumor cells represents the early hallmark genic factors (VEGF-A and angiopoietin-2).
of the invasive behavior of a proportion of cancer Hypoxia determines cell necrosis and release of
cells and the first step of the process leading to the inflammatory mediators such as cytokines and
formation of ▶ metastases, which are known to ▶ chemokines which recruit, among other cells,
account for 90% of cancer-related morbidity and leukocytes and ▶ macrophages. These, in turn,
mortality. Nonspontaneous circulation of tumor stimulate angiogenesis, extracellular matrix
cells may derive from iatrogenic invasive proce- breakdown, and tumor cell motility (Noman
dures (biopsy, surgical intervention, etc.), tumor et al. 2014). Local production of basic fibroblast
compression, and tumor inflammation. growth factor (bFGF), epidermal growth factor
The process by which tumor cells spreading (EGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and
from solid tumors give rise to metastases includes transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) medi-
the following steps (Fig. 2): tumor cell growth ates the control of tumor cell survival/▶ apoptosis
involving genetic and epigenetic changes and balance and of E-cadherin downregulation lead-
tumor-induced microenvironment reprogramming ing to reduced cell adhesion and increased tumor
(Meseure et al. 2014), ▶ angiogenesis, tumor cell cell invasiveness.
detachment, ▶ epithelial to mesenchymal transi- Hypoxia, acting through LOX induction and
tion (EMT), motility, intravasation, survival in ves- Snail activation, leads to E-cadherin repression, a
sels and embolization, collective tumor cell crucial feature of the EMT. Furthermore, platelets
migration (CTM), possible extravasation, may induce CTC to undergo EMT (Meseure
Circulating Tumor Cells 1077



Invasion Intravascular

Circulating Tumor Cells, Fig. 2 Main steps leading to CTC. After extravasation to distant organs, CTC remain as
development of metastases (From Paterlini-Brechot 2007). dormant solitary cells or undergo limited proliferation
Growing tumor cells outstrip oxygen supply and activate (micrometastases). Unrestrained CTC proliferation gives
angiogenesis. Invading tumor cells undergo the phenotype rise to metastases, via phenotype reversion “mesenchymal
switch “epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)”: they to epithelial transition (MET)” and angiogenesis. Circulating
progressively lose epithelial antigens, acquire mesenchymal tumor microemboli (CTM) represent “collective tumor cell
antigens, and motile propensities (like fibroblasts). After migration” of tumor cells. They cannot extravasate, but
entering blood vessels (intravasation), circulating tumor arrest in capillaries and proliferate, rupturing the capillary
cells (CTC) undergo apoptosis or circulate as isolated walls and giving rise to metastases

et al. 2014; Ye and Weinberg 2015). During EMT, intravasated tumor cells includes a rapid phase of
Twist may need to activate antiapoptotic programs intravascular cancer cell disappearance related to
in order to allow epithelial cells to convert to a sheer forces, detection by immune system, and
mesenchymal fate while avoiding ▶ anoikis. “anoikis.” Many cancer cell types with increased
It is noteworthy that, in the journey of the metastatic potential are resistant to anoikis and
tumor cells from the tumor tissue to the blood- to elimination by the immune system compared
stream and to the metastatic site, the cross talk of with the parental cells, a tumor cell behavior
tumor cells with the microenvironment of the related to the expression of apoptosis inhibitors
“primary” tissue, of blood, and of the metastatic and CTC chaperoning by endothelial cells and/or
tissue and the plasticity of tumor cells, i.e., their platelets.
ability to shift from a differentiated to an undiffer- Metastatic inefficiency is principally determined
entiated phenotype and vice versa, are thought to by CTC susceptibility to apoptosis, failure of soli-
play a central role in metastasis formation tary cells extravasated in distant organs to initiate
(Meseure et al. 2014; Ye and Weinberg 2015; growth, and failure of early micrometastases in
Noman et al. 2014). distant organs to stimulate angiogenesis and con-
Epithelial cancer cells have very low survival tinue growth into macromatastases.
rates in circulation. Animal studies, in which Both solitary cells in organs, defined as dis-
tumor cells are directly introduced into the sys- seminated tumor cells (DTC), and micro-
temic circulation, have established that approxi- metastases may remain in “▶ dormancy” for
mately 1/40 CTC give rise to micrometastases and years (Sosa et al. 2014). The immune system and
only approximately 0.01% proliferate into angiogenesis have been shown to play a role in
macrometastasis (Luzzi et al. 1998). The fate of tumor cell dormancy, as well as extracellular and
1078 Circulating Tumor Cells

stromal microenvironments, autophagy, tumor expression signature matching that observed in

cell epigenetics, and heterogeneity (Sosa the metastatic colony and that this signature can
et al. 2014). Finally, it has been suggested that help to predict whether the tumor will remain local-
any factor that tips the balance between prolifera- ized or not (Soundararajan et al. 2015).
tion and apoptosis may result in tumor progres-
sion or regression. CTC Detection and Characterization
The mechanisms involved in the preferential The challenge of CTC/CTM detection is related to
choice of a target organ for metastatic tumor cell the requirement of high sensitivity combined with
proliferation (▶ “seed and soil” theory) are still high specificity. Since invasion can start very
not completely understood, but include the close early during tumor development, identification
interaction between tumor cells (the “seeds”) and and counting of CTC when they are very rare
the microenvironment of the “soil” (Langley and (few CTC/CTM per 10 ml of blood, which
Fidler 2011). Organ-specific attractant molecules means few CTC/CTM mixed with approximately
(chemokines) can stimulate migrating tumor cells 50–100 million leukocytes and 50 billion erythro-
to invade the walls of blood vessels and enter cytes) could alert the oncologist about a develop-
specific organs. Tumor–endothelial interaction, ing tumor invasion process (Paterlini-Bréchot
appropriate adhesion molecules expressed by 2014).
endothelial cells in distant organs, and local Specificity is also an absolute requirement in
growth factors can drive metastatic tumor cell this field. In fact, a wrong identification of circu-
proliferation. Once the target organ is reached, lating epithelial non-tumor cells as “tumor cells”
mesenchymal-like CTC may need to reverse to is expected to generate wrong clinical and
epithelial-like tumor cells via MET in order to therapeutical choices with bad impact on cancer
regain the ability to proliferate. patients’ survival.
Tumor cells can also invade as multicellular Indirect methods to detect CTC do not provide
aggregates or clusters, a process known as “col- a diagnostic identification of CTC (Paterlini-
lective tumor cell migration.” Multicellular aggre- Bréchot 2014) as they target epithelial cells
gates of tumor cells, also called circulating tumor and/or use organ-specific markers which identify
microemboli (CTM), are thought to have potential cells from organs but do not demonstrate their
advantages for survival, proliferation, and estab- tumorous nature. These include immune-
lishment of micrometastatic lesions in distant mediated methods and RT-PCR (reverse tran-
organs. Actually, it has been shown that CTM scriptase polymerase chain reaction) methods.
may bring their own soil and give rise to metasta- Since antigens or transcripts completely specific
sis without extravasation, by proliferating within for CTC are not known (i.e., antigens or tran-
the vasculature (Fig. 2). Thus, it is generally scripts expressed by all tumor cells from a solid
accepted that the presence of CTM in blood is a tumor type and not expressed by leukocytes nor
marker of highly metastatic potential (Paterlini- by other circulating non-tumor cells), epithelial-
Bréchot 2014). specific or organ-specific antigens have been used
Convergent results have led to the present to identify CTC (for instance, EpCAM, BerEP4,
knowledge that invasion can be early and some- cytokeratins).
times clinically dormant (Sosa et al. 2014). Tumor However, due to the lack of tumor specificity,
cell dissemination may precede evident primary epithelial-specific antibodies and transcripts have
tumor outgrowth by many years (Sosa et al. 2014; been proven to generate false-positive results
Kohn and Liotta 1995). The capacity to metasta- through the biased detection of circulating
size may be preordained by the spectrum of muta- non-tumor epithelial cells. Furthermore,
tions acquired early in tumorigenesis, which epithelial-specific antibodies and transcripts can
means that some cancers start out “on the wrong generate false-negative results since they cannot
foot.” In fact, it has been demonstrated that cancer detect invasive circulating tumor cells which have
cells in the primary tumor may harbor a gene lost their epithelial antigens due to the EMT
Circulating Tumor Cells 1079

process. Finally, CTM cannot be reliably detected of HER-2, metalloproteinases, EGF-R, uPAR,
by immune-mediated and RT-PCR approaches and alpha-fetoprotein.
(as multiple cell labeling tends to dissociate Detection of apoptotic cells (for instance, by
tumor cell aggregates and RT-PCR methods TUNEL (TdT-uridine nick end labeling) analysis)
destroy cell membranes). Thus, it appears that a may be relevant before and after anticancer ther-
reliable unbiased isolation and diagnostic identi- apy, in order to assess the proapoptotic effect of
fication of CTC and CTM cannot be based on the therapeutic programs. However, the method used C
expression of epithelial-specific antigens or to prepare the cells for analysis may induce apo-
transcripts. ptotic cell death in cells made fragile by blood
Accordingly, since the term circulating tumor storage, multiple manipulations, and magnetic
cells (CTC) has been referred to circulating cells particles.
detected with methods using epithelial-specific CTC culture, although potentially useful for
antigens or transcripts, which have been demon- CTC characterization and drug sensitivity studies,
strated to generate false-positive and false- has been shown to be difficult, inconsistent, and
negative results, the terms of circulating cancer with low efficiency up to now (Paterlini-Bréchot
cells (CCC) and circulating cancer microemboli 2014).
(CCM) have been introduced in 2014 to indicate CTC characterization assays are expected to
circulating cells and microemboli isolated from expand our knowledge of the invasion process
blood without antibody-dependent bias and diag- and generate new data aimed at improving cancer
nostically (i.e., virtually without false-positive patients’ diagnosis, follow-up, and treatment.
and false-negative results) identified by cytopa- However, it is noteworthy that addressing charac-
thology (Paterlini-Bréchot 2014). terization studies only to a proportion of CTC
Direct methods, in particular density gradient isolated by antibody-dependent approaches is sus-
isolation and ISET (isolation by size of tumor ceptible to generate biased results and false con-
cells), which do not rely on the use of antibodies, clusions potentially leading to harmful clinical
isolate all types of CTC from blood without intro- choices.
ducing bias of selection, thus without losing the
most invasive tumor cells which have lost epithe- Clinical Impact of CTC Detection
lial antigens. When they are followed by Several studies have shown the potential of
cytopathological analysis, they provide the diag- CTC/CTM detection and counting for cancer
nostic identification of CCC (Paterlini-Bréchot prognosis and follow-up. However, the clinical
2014). impact of CTC detection is not completely
CTC molecular characterization has revealed established because a substantial number of stud-
genetic heterogeneity of CTC and may detect ies do not meet essential criteria for quality assur-
potentially ▶ theranostic genetic abnormalities, ance, stressing the need for a gold standard assay
useful to select targeted therapies and/or to detect based on a highly sensitive, unbiased isolation of
escape mutants. Genotyping of CTC can be CTC and their diagnostic cytopathologic detec-
performed by several approaches including FISH tion (i.e., a gold standard method for CCC detec-
(fluorescence in situ hybridization), CGH tion) (Paterlini-Bréchot 2014). This approach is
(comparative genomic hybridization), and NGS crucial to assess the clinical impact of CCC by
(next-generation sequencing). Analyses of onco- performing large clinical trials focused on patients
gene abnormalities (e.g., HER2, ALK, BRAF) with different types of solid cancers at different
can be performed by FISH or by quantitative clinical stages. These trials are expected to gener-
PCR. Immunolabeling of cancer cells isolated ate reliable results and provide guidelines to the
without using antibodies is an interesting clinical use of CCC. In this setting, it is notewor-
approach to identify mutated oncogenic proteins thy that CCC diagnosed by a direct
(e.g., ALK, BRAF) and to characterize their inva- cytopathological assay (ISET) have been demon-
sive potential, for instance, through the expression strated to detect lung cancer before CT scan
1080 cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum

leading to its early diagnosis and surgical eradica- metastasis to different organs. Int J Cancer
tion (Ilie et al. 2014). 128(11):2527–2535
Luzzi KJ, MacDonald IC, Schmidt EE (1998) Multistep
nature of metastatic inefficiency: dormancy of solitary
cells after successful extravasation and limited survival
Glossary of early micrometastases. Am J Pathol 153:865–873
Meseure D, Alsibai KD, Nicolas A (2014) Pivotal role of
Cell plasticity Capacity of cells to adopt the pervasive neoplastic and stromal cells reprogramming
biological properties (gene expression profile, in circulating tumor cells dissemination and metastatic
colonization. Cancer Microenviron 7:95–115
phenotype, etc.) of other undifferentiated Noman MZ, Messai Y, Muret J, Hasmim M, Chouaib
(stem) or differentiated types of cells. S (2014) Crosstalk between CTC, immune system
Escape mutants Mutated forms of a microor- and hypoxic tumor microenvironment. Cancer
ganism or tumor cell which escape the attack Microenviron 7:153–160
Paterlini-Brechot P and Benali N (2007) Circulating tumor
of immune system or selected therapy. cells (CTC) detection: Clinical impact and future direc-
Liquid biopsy Detection of circulating tumor tions. Cancer Letters, 253:180–204
cells and/or cell-free molecules (DNA, RNA, Paterlini-Bréchot P (2014) Circulating tumor cells: who is
miRNA) shed in blood by the primary tumor the killer? Cancer Microenviron 7:161–176
Sosa MS, Bragado P, Aguirre-Ghiso JA (2014) Mecha-
and/or metastases. nisms of disseminated cancer cell dormancy: an awak-
Theranostic A form of diagnostic testing ening field. Nat Rev Cancer 14:611–622
employed for selecting targeted therapy. Soundararajan R, Paranjape AN, Barsan V, Chang JT,
Mani SA (2015) A novel embryonic plasticity gene sig-
nature that predicts metastatic competence and clinical
outcome. Sci Rep 5:11766. doi:10.1038/srep11766
Cross-References Ye X, Weinberg RA (2015) Epithelial–mesenchymal plas-
ticity: a central regulator of cancer progression. Trends
▶ Angiogenesis Cell Biol 25:675–686
▶ Anoikis
▶ Apoptosis See Also
(2012) Cancer stem cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
▶ Chemokines
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 626.
▶ Dormancy doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_815
▶ Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (2012) Circulating tumor microemboli. In: Schwab M
▶ Invasion (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 868–869. doi:10.1007/978-3-
▶ Macrophages
▶ MET (2012) Extravasation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Metastasis cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1370.
▶ Micrometastasis doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2080
(2012) Intravasation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ “Seed and Soil” Theory of Metastasis
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1901.
▶ Theranostics doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3125
(2012) Macrometastasis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2130.
References doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3483
(2012) Targeted therapy. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
Ilie M, Hofman V, LongMira E, Selva E, Vignaud JM, of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3610.
Padovani B, Mouroux J, Marquette CH, Hofman P doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5677
(2014) “Sentinel” circulating tumor cells allow early
diagnosis of lung cancer in patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. PlosOne 9(10):
e111597 1–7
Kohn EC, Liotta LA (1995) Molecular insights into cancer
invasion: strategies for prevention and intervention.
Cancer Res 55:1856–1862
Langley RR, Fidler IJ (2011) The seed and soil hypothesis
revisited – the role of tumor-stroma interactions in ▶ Cisplatin
Cisplatin 1081

therapeutic efficacy of cisplatin as an anticancer

cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) agent has been established in a variety of preclin-
ical animal tumor models and in clinical human
▶ Cisplatin cancers. Cisplatin has now been one of the most
widely used chemotherapeutic agents for the treat-
ment of many human cancers. The success of
cisplatin in cancer treatment has been due to its C
many unique properties: a wide spectrum of
Cisplatin antitumor activity against drug-sensitive as well
as drug-resistant human tumors; a potent inhibi-
Lin Ji
tion against tumors with varied proliferation and
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular
growth characters; effectiveness on both solid and
Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson
disseminated tumors; and broad cytotoxic activity
Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
against viral-induced, chemical-induced, and
transplantable tumors with no strain or species
Mechanisms of Action
CDDP; cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum;
The biochemical and biological properties of cis-
cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum(II); cis-Platinum
platin rely on the relative ease of substitution of
the chlorine ligands with nucleophilic species
such as nucleic acid bases of a DNA strand. It is
now widely accepted that cisplatin is similar to the
bifunctional alkylating agents and its primary tar-
get is DNA. After cisplatin enters the cells, the
Cisplatin is classified as a platinum compound and
chloride ligands are replaced by water molecules.
an alkylating cytotoxic agent. Much of our current
This reaction results in the formation of positively
understanding of the unique properties of plati-
charged platinum complexes that form covalent
num drugs has come from studies of cisplatin,
bounds with nucleopholic sites on guanine bases
especially its antitumor activity. The antitumor
in a DNA strand using intrastrand and interstrand
activity of platinum (II) complexes requires sev-
cross-links and create cisplatin–DNA adducts.
eral unique chemical properties including the
The most prevalent and unique form of
presence of chloride, bromide, oxalate, or
cisplatin–DNA adducts is the 1,2-intrastrand
malonate as leaving group and the neutral com-
cross-link that cannot form with the inactive iso-
plex with inert carrier ligands such as NH3 groups.
mer of ciaplatin, trans-DDP, suggesting that such
Minor variations in the structure of these ligands
an adduct might be responsible for the biological
may have a profound effect on the antitumor
activity of cisplatin. Other platinum–DNA
activity and toxicity of platinum compounds.
adducts form a distinct structural element that
The cis conformation is required for a complex
interacts with DNA differently. The formation of
to be a biologically effective agent and has signif-
these DNA adducts disrupts DNA function and
icant cytotoxic properties, while the transisomer
prevents DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis. Reg-
does not.
ulatory mechanisms that detect the abnormal
DNA activate a chain of cellular response to cor-
rect or repair the faulty DNA and this ultimately
Characteristics leads to programmed cell death (▶ apoptosis).
Cisplatin-mediated cell killing is believed to be
Since the discovery of the antitumor potential of cell cycle phase nonspecific, although there is
cisplatin by Rosenberg and coworkers, now much evidence that it may be most effective
1082 Cisplatin

+H3N H O
Pt O–
Cl O
+H3N O P O

Cisplatin H2 N N N H O
Intracellular HN H H
target: OH
+H3N H2 N N N

Cisplatin - 1,2-d (GpG) intrastrand crosslink

Cisplatin-DNA adducts
Cisplatin, Fig. 1 Cisplatin and DNA adduct formation

in G1 phase. Cisplatin also has immunosuppres- improves the survival rate of patients with ovarian
sive, radiosensitizing, and antimicrobial proper- cancer. This high success rate is mostly due to
ties (Fig. 1). synergistic effects, where multidrug combination
prevents the drug-induced resistance in tumor
Cisplatin and Cancer Treatment cells and, in addition, to the reduced toxic effects
Cisplatin is an effective chemotherapeutic drug of the combination therapy with respect to the
against a wide spectrum of human cancers. It has total toxicity of each equivalent single agent.
been primarily used in the treatment of epider- A marked therapeutic synergy has been shown
moid carcinomas of the head and neck, lym- in combination of cisplatin with a wide variety
phoma, nonHodgkin and Hodgkin disease of other chemotherapeutic agents, such as 5-
sarcoma, mesothelioma, osteosarcoma, and adre- fluorouracil and cytarabine. In general, it is not
nal carcinoma and of bladder, brain, and cervical, uncommon for the therapeutic effect of two anti-
esophageal, gastric, lung, nasopharyngeal, ovar- cancer drugs on a particular cancer to be greater
ian, prostate, and testicular cancers. It has also than the effect of each drug treatment alone or the
proved to be of benefit in the treatment of other sum of the individual effects. The presence of one
cancers of anal, kidney, liver, breast, penile, and drug enhances the effects of the second. This is
thyroid and of choriocarcinoma, lymphomas, and called a synergistic effect or synergy, and the
melanoma. The effectiveness of ciaplatin is how- drugs are sometimes described as showing anti-
ever mostly due to the inclusion of other antineo- cancer synergism.
plastic agents into the chemotherapy regimens. Cisplatin is supplied for clinical use as a lyoph-
For example, such combination therapy of cis- ilized powder in vials that contain 10 mg of the
platin along with vinblastine and bleomycin pro- drug, a diuretic, usually mannitol, and salt, or as a
duces complete remission in more than 70% of 1 mg mL1 aqueous solution. The powder is
patients with testicular cancers and substantially reconstituted with sterile water to a concentration
Cisplatin 1083

of 1 mg mL1 and followed by further dilution pharmacology, including inhibition of cisplatin

with saline for intravenous (i.v.) administration. uptake and reduced cisplatin accumulation by
The standard method of administration of cis- cancer cells, have been observed in numerous
platin is as a single slow i.v. injection or infusion model systems and appear to be a major form of
every 3–4 weeks. Cisplatin has been shown to be acquired resistance. An increase in the production
more effective when given locally to the site of the of cellular thiols, such as metallothione and glu-
tumors. The most common method is intraperito- tathione, has been shown to block the formation of C
neal (i.p.) administration, and this type of therapy cisplatin–DNA adducts and sequester cisplatin
is most effective for ovarian cancers. The specific and remove it from the cell.
dose of cisplatin will vary from patient to patient
and depends on a number of criteria. Increased DNA Repair
Cancer cells can also become resistant to cisplatin
Cisplatin-Induced Resistance by an enhanced ability to remove cisplatin-DNA
Even though cisplatin has proven to be a highly adducts and to repair cisplatin-induced ▶ DNA
effective chemotherapeutic agent for treating var- damages through an upregulated expression and
ious types of cancers, one of the significant limi- activity of certain DNA repair proteins. For exam-
tations toward the successful treatment of ple, a nuclear protein called XPE-BF (xeroderma
malignant cancers with cisplatin and other pigmentosum group E binding factor) has been
platinum-based drugs is the emergency of drug shown to be upregulated early in the development
resistance. Drug resistance has significant clinical of cisplatin resistance and be able to repair cis-
implications and accounts for the failure of a platin damaging. Another example of a DNA
single platinum agent-mediated chemotherapy in repair protein that may be involved in the recog-
curing the majority of cancer patients. When cells nition of cisplatin damage is ERCC1, one of the
become resistant to cisplatin, a large dose escala- essential components of the mammalian nucleo-
tion has to be applied, which can lead to severe tide excision repair (NER) pathway. A higher
multiorgan toxicities such as failures of the kid- level of ERCC1gene expression is observed in
neys and bone marrow, intractable vomiting, and cisplatin-resistant cells than in cells that are sen-
deafness. Cellular resistance to these drugs con- sitive to cisplatin and in tumor tissues from
sists of complex mechanisms involving multiple patients who were clinically resistant to cisplatin
biological pathways. The acquisition or intrinsic therapy than those who responded favorably to
presence of resistance significantly undermines the treatment. In addition, an increased level of
the curative potential of these drugs against ERCC1 expression was also found in patients
many human malignant cancers. Although the who developed resistance after initial cisplatin
precise mechanisms by which cells develop resis- treatment. It has been shown that an enhanced
tance to cisplatin are still not well known, several capacity to tolerate cisplatin-induced damage
cellular processes have been identified or may also contribute to cisplatin resistance. Alter-
suggested attributing to invulnerability to ations in proteins that recognize cisplatin–DNA
cisplatin-induced cytotoxicicty. damage (mismatch repair and high-mobility
group (HMG) family proteins) and in pathways
Inhibition of Drug Uptake and Decreased that determine sensitivity to apoptosis may con-
Intracellular Accumulation tribute to damage tolerance. Furthermore,
In order for cisplatin to exercise its cytotoxic ▶ tumor suppressor genes have also been linked
effect on tumor cell, it must be taken and accumu- to the ability of DNA repair to confer cisplatin
lated inside of cancer cells to reach and bind to the sensitivity. Interruption of p53 ▶ tumor suppres-
DNA and cause cell death. The cancer cell, how- sor gene by dysfunctional mutations found in
ever, has to develop mechanisms either to keep breast, ovarian, and lung cancer cells may
cisplatin out of the cell or to remove cisplatin from increase tumor cells’ sensitivity to cisplatin, pos-
the cell to survive. Alterations in cellular sibly by a decrease in p53-mediated DNA repair.
1084 Cisplatin-Refractory Germ Cell Tumors

NPRL2, a novel tumor suppressor gene identified moneymaker of the two drugs. In addition to
in human chromosome 3p21.3 region, has been carboplatin and other second-generation cisplatin
suggested to be involved in DNA mismatch analogs, several third-generation drugs have been
repair, cell cycle checkpoint signaling, and regu- synthesized and tested, such as platinum
lation of the apoptotic pathway. The loss of (IV) dicarboxylates. These analogs can be taken
NPRL2 protein expression was significantly cor- orally, a significant improvement over cisplatin
related to cisplatin resistance in human nonsmall which can only be administered intravenously.
cell lung cancer cells. However, it remains to be These new platinum complexes and their promis-
determined whether any of these mechanisms ing therapeutic strategies in terms improved accu-
contribute significantly to resistance in the clinical mulation and activation at the tumor site are
setting. Ongoing biochemical modulation and demonstrating a stepwise approach toward the
translational correlative trials should clarify “magic bullet” to human cancer therapy.
which specific mechanisms are most relevant to
clinical cisplatin resistance. Such investigations
have the potential to improve the ability to predict References
likelihood of response and should identify poten-
tial targets for pharmacological or molecular Barnes KR, Lippard SJ, Barnes KR et al (2004) Cisplatin
and related anticancer drugs: recent advances and
insights. Met Ions Biol Syst 42:143–177
Matsusaka S, Nagareda T, Yamasaki H et al (2005) Does
Development of Cisplatin Analogs cisplatin (CDDP) function as a modulator of
Besides a remarkable therapeutic efficacy in a 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) antitumor action? A study based
on a clinical trial. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol
series of solid tumors and outstanding activity of
cisplatin, the platinum-based therapy is in part McEvoy GK (ed) (2004) AHFS 2004 drug information.
accompanied by a set of severe toxic side effects. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists,
Analogs or second-generation platinum drugs Bethesda, pp 929–945
Ueda K, Kawashima H, Ohtani S et al (2006) The 3p21.3
have being designed and developed to exhibit an
tumor suppressor NPRL2 plays an important role in
exclusive tumor selectivity, enhance the efficacy, cisplatin-induced resistance in human non-small-cell
improve the toxicity profile, overcome resistance lung cancer cells. Cancer Res 66:9682–9690
of the original drug, and to be able to be taken Wang D, Lippard SJ (2005) Cellular processing of plati-
num anticancer drugs. Nat Rev Drug Discov
orally. Many second-generation analogs of cis-
platin have been made. Some have been found to
produce the same therapeutic effects as cisplatin
but with lower required doses and reduced side
effects. Three of these analogs are carboplatin,
spiroplatin, and iproplatin. Carboplatin has
proven to be the most useful of these three analogs Cisplatin-Refractory Germ Cell
and was approved by the FDA for the treatment of Tumors
ovarian cancers and for first line lung cancer treat-
ment. Carboplatin and cisplatin have been shown ▶ Platinum-Refractory Testicular Germ Cell
to form an identical type of adduct with DNA and Tumors
have similar activities against ovarian and lung
tumors but is less toxic to the peripheral nervous
system and the kidneys. Carboplatin works in
some cases when cisplatin has failed. The
decreased toxicity of carboplatin and the activity Cisplatin-Resistant Germ Cell Tumors
of carboplatin against cisplatin-resistant tumors
have led to greater use of carboplatin which has ▶ Platinum-Refractory Testicular Germ Cell
resulted in carboplatin becoming the greater Tumors
CK2 1085

original name “casein kinase 2,” which was

cis-Platinum II derived from CK2 being identified as a kinase
capable of phosphorylating casein in vitro, proved
▶ Cisplatin to be a misnomer since casein was found not to be
a physiologic substrate of CK2.

c-Jun Activation Domain-Binding Characteristics
CK2 was the first protein kinase to be identified in
▶ JAB1 1954 by Eugene Kennedy, who described the
enzyme’s ability to catalyze the phosphorylation
of protein substrate by ATP. CK2 possesses sev-
eral distinct features that distinguish it from the
majority of other kinases. It is a highly acidophilic
c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Ser/Thr kinase that atypically phosphorylates
tyrosine (Tyr) residues in addition to Ser and Thr
▶ JNK Subfamily
and can also utilize GTP, besides ATP, as a phos-
phate donor. CK2 is expressed in all cellular com-
partments, including the cellular membrane. It is
extremely pleiotropic in nature with hundreds of
CK substrates identified to date and is responsible for
the generation of a substantial proportion of the
▶ Choline Kinase human phosphoproteome (possibly up to 20%).
CK2 is a very well conserved kinase with
corresponding subunits having >98% sequence
identity between human and mouse.

CK2 Regulation of Expression and Activity

The presence of fully functioning CK2a and
Denis Drygin1 and Lorenzo Pinna2 CK2b subunits is absolutely required for embry-
Pimera, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA onic development, with CK2a being a critical
Department of Biological Chemistry, University regulator of mid-gestational morphogenetic pro-
of Padua, Padua, Italy cesses and loss of CK2b leading to early embry-
onic lethality. In contrast, CK2a0 -deficient mice
are viable, albeit suffering from defects in sper-
Synonyms matogenesis. Even though they are encoded by
distinct genes that reside on separate chromo-
Casein kinase 2; Casein kinase II; CKII somes, the two catalytic subunits possess a high
level of homology to each other, with the excep-
tion of a C-terminal extension that is present only
Definition in CK2a. Furthermore, CK2a and CK2a0 share
the highly acidic recognition motif: X1-[S/T]
CK2 is a serine/threonine (Ser/Thr) protein kinase X+1-X+2-[E/D/pS]-X+4-X+5, where S/T desig-
that can operate as a tetrameric holoenzyme nates a phospho-acceptor residue, X1–X+5 are
consisting of two catalytically active subunits a preferably acidic residues, and X+1 cannot be a
and/or a0 and a dimer of regulatory b-subunits or proline. Based on this consensus, highly specific
as a monomeric catalytic subunit (a or a0 ). Its peptide substrates have been developed which
1086 CK2

enable the detection and evaluation of CK2 activ- Furthermore, forced expression of CK2 by genetic
ity in crude biological preparations and in cell manipulation in mice leads to the development of
lysates. In addition to redundant phosphorylation, lymphoma and breast cancer, particularly in the
CK2a and CK2a0 are also known to have inde- presence of c-Myc or Tal oncogene
pendent substrates and functions. For example, overexpression or loss of p53. However, in con-
siRNA-mediated knockdown of CK2a, but not trast to classical oncogenes, no gain-of-function
CK2a0 , was shown to downregulate the expres- mutations in any subunit of CK2 have been iden-
sion of IL-6. In contrast, CK2a0 exhibits a striking tified to date. While there are clearly several path-
preference for caspase-3 phosphorylation in cells ways that can contribute to cancer-specific
as compared to CK2a. The exact mechanism of alterations in CK2 expression, in general, they
the regulation of CK2 expression and activity is are not all well characterized. One example is
not well characterized. Both CK2 holoenzyme that loss of miR-125b in breast cancer was
and monomeric catalytic subunits are constitu- shown to cause 40–56% increase in CK2a expres-
tively active; in particular, they do not require sion. Hypoxia, a condition that is commonly asso-
any posttranslational modification for their func- ciated with tumors, was reported to increase
tion. In the past, several reports have described the CK2b protein levels and to enhance overall CK2
increase in CK2 activity and/or expression in activity; however, the exact mechanism of this
response to exogenous stimuli such as enhancement is not understood. While not an
pro-inflammatory mediators or growth factors; oncogene itself, CK2 plays an important role in
presently, however, these results are being dis- maintaining an oncogenic phenotype by posi-
puted. Interestingly, while there are multiple tively regulating multiple hallmarks of cancer.
examples of changes in CK2 protein level under CK2 is involved in sustaining proliferative signal-
pathologic conditions, these do not necessarily ing, as it is known to regulate both G1/S and S/G2
correlate with the alteration in mRNA level, con- transitions. CK2 was shown to phosphorylate
sistent with the occurrence of posttranscriptional multiple proteins involved in cell cycle regulation,
and/or posttranslational regulation. Two molecu- including cyclin H, p53, p21, p27, Cdc34, and
lar mechanisms contribute to constitutive activity: Cdk1. CK2 promotes the resistance of cancer
unique interactions between activation loop and cells to apoptosis through multiple mechanisms,
N-terminal segment of CK2a/CK2a0 and associ- including positive regulation of expression and
ation of catalytic subunits with regulatory sub- stability of antiapoptotic proteins such as mem-
units. In general, both the holoenzyme and bers of Bcl-2 family, as well as inhibitors of apo-
individual catalytic subunits are capable of phos- ptosis (IAPs); by interfering with caspase activity,
phorylating the same substrates, with the catalytic either directly or by rendering caspase targets
activity of the holoenzyme being somewhat refractory to cleavage; as well as by suppressing
higher (“class I” substrates). However, there are the signaling cascades triggered by death recep-
notable exceptions to this rule. Phosphorylation of tors. Another signaling pathway that plays an
certain protein substrates critically relies on the important role in suppression of apoptosis,
presence of b-subunits (“class III” substrates). In PI3K-Akt-mTOR, is also regulated by CK2 at
other cases, only individual subunits, but not the multiple nodules, including enhanced phosphory-
holoenzyme, were shown to be active (“class II” lation of Akt and inactivation of PTEN, as well as
substrates). It should also be noted that association in a broader manner through activation of Hsp90/
with b-subunits stabilizes CK2 activity. Cdc37 chaperone machinery. CK2 has been
implicated in the promotion of tumor
Role in Carcinogenesis neo-angiogenesis by activating Hif-1a-dependent
Elevated levels and activity of CK2 have been transcription through the HDAC-pVHL/p53
associated with malignant transformation and axis and by regulating the ability of the endothe-
poor prognosis in multiple types of cancers. lium to produce and support neovasculature.
CK2 1087

Epithelial–mesynchemal transition (EMT) is diminished by DNA damage repair processes

known to play an important role in activation of that cancer cells often employ to remove
invasion and metastasis. Overexpression of CK2 therapy-caused DNA lesions before they become
has been demonstrated to induce a mesynchemal irreversibly cytotoxic. CK2 phosphorylates mul-
phenotype, in part through the direct phosphory- tiple members of the DNA repair machinery and is
lation and thus stabilization of Snail and in part known to play a prominent role in multiple types
through activation of Wnt signaling by phosphor- of DNA damage repair, including base excision C
ylation of disheveled, Lef-1 and b-catenin, while repair, homologous recombination, and
inhibition of CK2 was shown to block TGFb1- nonhomologous end joining. The additional
induced EMT. Inflammation has been recognized mechanisms of CK2-dependent chemoprotection
as an important contributor to carcinogenesis. include EMT and inflammation. Targeting CK2
CK2 controls one of the most important master with either siRNA or small molecule inhibitors
regulators of the inflammatory response, NF-kB, was shown to increase the antitumor potency of
by both activating its transcriptional activity multiple types of cancer therapeutics, including
through direct phosphorylation of the p65 subunit DNA-damaging drugs, ionizing radiation, EGFR-
of NF-kB and by reliving the negative regulation targeting agents, proteasome inhibitor
through phosphorylation and inactivation of bortezomib, and BCR-Abl inhibitor imatinib.
IkBa. Furthermore, CK2 has been shown to reg-
ulate the expression of several pro-inflammatory Targeting CK2
cytokines including IL-6 and TNFa. In addition to Both catalytic subunits of CK2 belong to the
NF-kB, CK2 was shown to positively regulate CMGC kinase subfamily; have a bilobular topol-
other transcriptional factors/activators that are ogy with a b-strand-rich small lobe, an a-helix-
known to be involved in carcinogenesis, e.g., rich large lobe, and a short-hinge region that con-
STAT3, Gli1, and Notch1. tains the ATP-binding site; and display several
main structural motifs that are common to all
Role in Drug Resistance human protein kinases, e.g., phosphate-binding
CK2 plays a significant a role in chemoresistance. loop, catalytic loop, activation loop, and substrate
Drug efflux by ATP-binding cassette (ABC) trans- binding site. They also possess several distinct
porters represents one of the major mechanisms features that separate them from most other
by which cancer cells negate the activity of che- kinases. The region that surrounds the substrate
motherapeutics. CK2 phosphorylates and thus recognition site of both subunits contains an
positively regulates the activity and stability of unusually high number of basic residues, which
two major members of the ABC transporter fam- explains CK2’s affinity for acidic substrates. In
ily: ABCB1/MDR1 (multidrug resistance protein addition, three unique amino acids are present in
1) and ABCC1/MRP1 (multidrug resistance- the ATP/GTP-binding cleft of CK2: Val66, which
associated protein 1). Suppression of CK2 by is responsible for the resistance of CK2 to
small molecule inhibitors or siRNA can counter- pan-kinase inhibitor staurosporine, Ile174, and
act the activity of these transporters and restore the Met163. The presence of these bulky amino
chemosensitivity of cancer cells. Another mecha- acids creates a pocket that is smaller and more
nism by which cancer cells circumvent the effect hydrophobic than the ones present in most other
of treatment is the suppression of apoptosis. protein kinases. By replacing these hydrophobic
Upregulation of the expression of antiapoptotic residues with alanine, CK2 mutants have been
proteins, as well as blockade of caspase- generated which are less sensitive to a number of
dependent proteolysis by CK2, prevents the acti- ATP site-directed inhibitors and are proving use-
vation of apoptosis in response to treatment and ful to demonstrate that functional alterations pro-
thus drives resistance. The efficacy of moted by these compounds are actually mediated
DNA-damaging drugs can be significantly by CK2.
1088 CK2

Multiple types of CK2 inhibitors have been derivative of tetrabromo-benzimidazole (TDB)

described in the literature. In general they fall displays toward cancer cells a cytotoxic efficacy
into three categories: (1) small molecule higher than that of CX-4945 and is evident also in
ATP-competing inhibitors of CK2 catalytic activ- a multidrug resistance background.
ity; (2) small molecule allosteric inhibitors; and In addition to ATP-mimetics, several types of
(3) CK2-targeting “biologics.” allosteric inhibitors of CK2 have been reported.
Several classes of natural compounds and their These include hematein (IC50 = 550 nM)
derivatives have been shown to inhibit CK2 in an that displays noncompetitive inhibition against
ATP-competitive manner, including anthraqui- ATP and mixed inhibition against a peptide sub-
nones emodin (Ki = 1.5 mM) and quinalizarin strate, W16, a podophyllotoxin indolo-analog
(Ki = 60 nM); flavonoids apigenin (IC50 = 20 mM) that interferes with CK2a(a0 )/
(IC50 = 1.72 mM), quercetin (IC50 = 510 nM), CK2b interaction, and inorganic polyoxometalate
and luteolin (IC50 = 860 nM); coumarin DBC [P2Mo18O62]6 (IC50 = 1.4 nM) for which the
(Ki = 60 nM); polyphenol ellagic acid exact mechanism of action is still unclear. The
(Ki = 20 nM), phenoxazine resorufin utility of some of these compounds however is
(Ki = 800 nM); and phytoestrogen coumestrol hampered by their lack of cell permeability.
(IC50 = 228 nM). The first synthetic CK2 Targeting protein expression with an antisense
ATP-mimetic inhibitor DRB (IC50 = 23 mM), approach has been extensively tested in the pre-
identified in 1986, belongs to the chemical clinical setting as well as in the clinic, with at least
class of benzimidazoles. Several improved two antisense-based drug securing regulatory
analogs were developed including TBB approval. Nano-encapsulated anti-CK2 oligonu-
(IC50 = 160 nM), one of the most commonly cleotides (e.g., GS-10, an s50-encapsulated
used CK2 inhibitor in the literature. Numerous RNAi from GeneSegues Therapeutics) were
pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies shown to be effective in producing significant
also made a contribution to designing antitumor activity both in vitro and in vivo in
ATP-competitive inhibitors of CK2 including several preclinical models of cancer. In addition
indoloquinazolinone IQA (IC50 = 390 nM) from to nucleic acid-based inhibitors, several cyclic
Novartis, pyrazole–triazine series from Polaris peptides were shown to successfully inhibit the
Pharmaceuticals that contains several compounds activity of CK2. One such cyclic peptide, CIGB-
with Ki = 0.2–0.3 nM, pyrazole–pyrimidines 300, designed to target substrate phosphor-
from AstraZeneca (e.g., AZ285 IC50 = 1.3 nM), acceptor domains to abrogate phosphorylation
40 -hydroxyflavones from Otava, Ltd. (e.g., by CK2, has been tested in patients with cervical
FNH79 IC50 = 4 nM), and several series of inhib- malignancies demonstrating signs of clinical
itors from Cylene Pharmaceuticals including benefit, as was evidenced by significant decrease
pyrimidine–quinolines CX-5011 (IC50 = 3 nM), of the tumor lesion area and histological exami-
CX-5279 (IC50 = 9 nM), and pyrido-quinoline nation, while being well tolerated. Since this pep-
CX-4945 (IC50 = 1 nM). To note that unlike the tide fails to prevent the phosphorylation of peptide
majority of ATP site-directed CK2 inhibitors, and protein substrates by CK2 in vitro, the bio-
which have been shown to be quite promiscuous, chemical features underlying its therapeutic
CX-4945 and its analogs CX-5011 and CX-5279 potential are still unclear.
are endowed with unprecedented selectivity. On As of the fourth quarter of 2014, the only
the other hand, the advantage of developing dual selective small molecule inhibitor of CK2 to be
and eventually multi-kinase inhibitors hitting tested in clinical trials is CX-4945, which has
CK2 and other kinase(s) that cooperate with completed two phase I clinical trials, one enrolling
CK2 to enhance the tumor phenotype has been patients with advanced solid tumors, Castleman
highlighted and exemplified by the cytotoxic disease, or multiple myeloma and another focused
potency of CK2/PIM1 dual inhibitors on cancer solely on the relapsed or refractory multiple mye-
cells. One of these, a deoxyribofuranosyl loma (http://clinicaltrials.gov, NCT00891280 and
Cladribine 1089

NCT01199718). Two dosing regiments were Guerra B, Issinger OG (2008) Protein kinase CK2 in
investigated. CX-4945 was administered orally human diseases. Curr Med Chem 15:1870–1886
Ruzzene M, Pinna LA (2010) Addiction to protein kinase
twice or four times daily for the first three consec- CK2: a common denominator of diverse cancer cells?
utive weeks of the 4-week cycle. The drug was Biochim Biophys Acta 1804:499–504
well tolerated with reversible dose-limiting toxic- Trembley JH, Chen Z, Unger G, Slaton J, Kren BT
ity being diarrhea and hypokalemia. The pharma- et al (2010) Emergence of protein kinase CK2 as a
cokinetic profile was generally linear and dose
key target in cancer therapy. Biofactors 36:187–195
dependent. Inhibition of CK2 was evaluated by
measuring phosphoproteins in peripheral blood
mononuclear cells (Akt S129, Akt S473, and
p21 T145), assessing plasma levels of interleukins CKII
6 and 8 (IL-6 and IL-8), and by monitoring circu-
lating tumor cells (CTCs). Twenty percent of the ▶ CK2
treated patients presented signs of stable disease
for at least 16 weeks, with the most durable stabi-
lization in patients with the highest percentage
decreases in IL-6 and IL-8 levels. Reduction in c-Kit
monitored phosphoproteins and CTCs was also
observed, but in general did not correlate with ▶ Kit/Stem Cell Factor Receptor in Oncogenesis
the clinical outcome. Thus, CX-4945 provided
the first evidence that CK2 can be safely inhibited
in humans. In June 2014, Senhwa Biosciences,
which acquired CX-4945 from Cylene Pharma- C-KRAS
ceuticals, announced the initiation of phase II
clinical trial testing CX-4945 in combination ▶ KRAS
with gemcitabine and cisplatin for the frontline
treatment of patients with bile duct cancers
(cholangiocarcinoma) (http://clinicaltrials.gov,

Cross-References Tadeusz Robak

Department of Hematology, Medical University
▶ Apoptosis of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
▶ Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition
▶ Hypoxia
▶ Inflammation Synonyms
▶ PI3K Signaling
2-CdA; 2-Chloro-20 -deoxyadenosine; 2-
Chlorodeoxyadenosine; Biodribin; CdA;
Leustatin; NSC-10514-F
Cozza G, Pinna LA, Moro S (2013) Kinase CK2 inhibition:
an update. Curr Med Chem 20:671–693
Drygin D (2013) CK2 as a logical target in cancer therapy: Definition
potential for combining CK2 inhibitors with various
classes of cancer therapeutic agents. In: Pinna L (ed)
The Wiley-IUBMB series on biochemistry and molec- Cladribine is a purine nucleoside analog (PNA)
ular biology: protein kinase CK2. Wiley-Blackwell, synthesized by a simple substitution of a chlorine
Ames, pp 383–439 atom with a hydrogen atom at the position 2 of the
1090 Cladribine

NH2 plays a key role in control of apoptosis and cell
Fig. 1 Chemical structure cycle and influences the bcl-2 protein family with
of cladribine
N antineoplastic properties, as well as bcl-2 like pro-
N teins such as bax, bcl-xs, and bak, which have
proapoptotic action (Fig. 2).
Cl N N
Administration and Pharmacokinetics
HO Clinical pharmacokinetics of 2-CdA have been
evaluated in patients with lymphoproliferative
diseases and acute leukemia. The drug is usually
administrated i.v. in a dose of 0.12–0.14 mg/kg/
OH day for 5–7 days in continuous infusion or 2-h
infusion. Oral and subcutaneous method of
administration can be also used. This routes result
in substantial improvement of the quality of life in
purine ring of deoxyadenosine and resistant to disorders that require repeated courses of
deamination by adenosine deaminase (ADA) treatment.
(Fig.1). After administration of 2-CdA at a dose
0.14 mg/kg as a 2-h i.v. infusion, the mean max-
imum plasma concentration of the drug is
Characteristics 198 mol/L (range 70–381 mol/L). The steady-
stage drug concentration during 24-h continuous
2-CdA is a prodrug and its intracellular phosphor- infusion of 2-CdA at a dose of 0.14 mg/kg is
ylation is necessary for cytotoxic effect to occur. It 23 mol/L. The areas under the concentration
is phosphorylated by deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) time curves (AUC) are similar for both the 2-h
and accumulates as 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine (588 mol/L) and 24-h (552 mol/L) infusion. Fol-
triphopsphate (2-CdATP). High activity of this lowing administration of 2-CdA at a dose of
enzyme in lymphocytes along with their low 0.12 mg/kg as a 2-h i.v. infusion or continuous
5 nucleotidase (50 -NT) activity explains its rela- 2-h infusion, the mean cellular concentration of
tively high selectivity for lymphoid cells. The 2-CdA nucleotides are 12.2 mol/L and 10.8 mol/
nucleoside that is formed does not readily exit L, respectively. Cellular concentration of the drug
from the cells through the cell membrane and exceeded plasma concentration 128–373 times.
therefore is accumulated inside the cell. This There is a linear dose relationship for 2-CdA
metabolite disrupts cell metabolism by incorpo- between 0.2 and 2.5 mg/m2/h and elimination
rating into the DNA of the actively dividing cells followed by two compartment model. The two
and freezes cell cycles at S phase. In contrast to compartment model showed a half life (T1/2a)
other antineoplastic drugs, 2-CdA is cytotoxic to of 35  12 min and T1/2b of 6.7  2.5 h. The
both proliferating and quiescent cells. In quiescent mean apparent volume of distribution (Vdr) is
cells 2-CdATP interferes with proper repair of 9.2  5.4 L/kg.
DNA and leads to a total disruption of cellular
metabolism via accumulation of breaks in DNA Clinical Activity
strand, which in turn lead to p53 expression and 2-CdA was approved by the FDA for the treatment
consequently to induction of apoptosis. Apoptosis of hairy cell leukemia (HCL), and in some
induced by 2-CdA can be mediated either via European countries for the treatment of refrac-
DNA damage and p53 protein expression or tory/relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia
directly via mitochondrial permeability transition (CLL). Moreover, several clinical trials
pore. Inhibition of DNA repair and accumulation continued the value of this agent in low-grade
of DNA breaks lead to p53 expression, which non-Hodgkin lymphoma (LG-NHL), Waldenström
Cladribine 1091




Cytosol Cell membrane

5 ′-NT dCK/dGK

Nucleus 2-CdA-TP
2-CdA-TP Fas ligand

of DNA Inhibition Fas receptor
polymerases of RR Cytochrome C

p53 Pro- APAF-1

Caspase-9 Apoptosome
Inhibition of DNA synthesis
Inhibition of DNA repair Caspase-9
DNA condensation

Effector caspase-3
DNA fragmentation

Cladribine, Fig. 2 Schematic presentation of 2-CdA-TP cladribine triphosphate; dCK- deoxycytidine

cladribine (2-CdA) pathways. (2-CdA-MP-cladribine kinase; dGk-deoxyguanine kinase; 50 -NT - 50 - nucleotidase)
monophosphate; 2-CdA-DP-cladribine diphosphate;

macroglobulinemia (WM), cutaneous T-cell lym- 2. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. 2-CdA used
phoma (CTCL), Langerhans cell histiocytosis alone or in combination with other cytotoxic
(LCH), and systemic mastocytosis. 2-CdA has drugs showed good efficacy and acceptable
also some activity in acute myeloid leukemia toxicity profile in CLL. The drug is more effec-
(AML) and idiopathic myelofibrosis (IM). tive in the previously untreated patients than in
the patients refractory or relapsed after conven-
1. Hairy cell leukemia. 2-CdA induces durable tional therapy with alkylating agents. The
and unmaintained complete response (CR) in overall response (OR) rate ranges from 75%
about 80% of patients with HCL after a single to 85% and CR from 10% to 47% when 2-CdA
course of therapy. However, patients in an is used in first line therapy. In the pretreated
apparent clinical and hematological remission patients, OR rate ranges first 30% to 70% and
following a single course of 2-CdA may have CR from 0% to 30%. The combination of 2-
residual disease and 20–30% of them relapse at CdA with cyclophosphamide (CC), cyclophos-
10 years follow-up. However, 2-CdA may be phamide, and mitoxantrone (CMC) or
equally effective in the reinduction therapy. rituximab (RC) can be more effective than 2-
Moreover, this agent may be also effective in CdA alone. Randomized studies indicate that
patients with HCL who did not enter remission 2-CdA alone and CC used as the first-line
after splenectomy, interferon-a or even therapy give similar OR and CR and are of
pentostatin. comparable toxicity as fludarabine alone or
1092 Cladribine

fludarabine combined with cyclophosphamide, 2-CdA in pretreated systemic mastocytosis

respectively. patients has been reported, with partial
3. Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia. 2-CdA is a response achieved in up to 75% of patients.
reasonable choice for the first line treatment of This agent has a role in the treatment of symp-
WM patients. In this disease, 2-CdA has been tomatic mastocytosis, which is unresponsive to
shown to be active in 64–100% of the previ- conventional therapy with interferon-a.
ously untreated patients and 14–78% of the 8. Acute myeloid leukemia. 2-CdA as a single
refractory or relapsed patients. The median agent is more active in pediatric AML than in
time of response to this agent in the previously adults. 2-CdA increases cell concentration of
untreated patients varied between 13 and Ara-CTP which is the active metabolite
28 months. The response rate is higher and of cytarabine (Ara-C). The combined use of
the duration of response is longer when both agents is active regimen in the patients
2-CdA is given to the patients with primary with AML. The addition of G-CSF may further
refractory disease or to the patients relapsing improve the effects of 2-CdA and Ara-C
of therapy rather than to the patients with the (CLAG regimen). Even better results (50%
disease in resistant relapse. CR) have been achieved in the refractory/
4. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. 2-CdA showed relapsed patients, when CLAG was combined
some activity in advanced CTCL patients, with mitoxantrone (CLAG-M). Encouraging
including Sezary syndrome, and mycosis results with combination of 2-CdA, Ara-C,
fungoides. This drug produces 25% OR in and idarubicin have been also observed in pre-
CTCL. However, high incidence of septic viously untreated elderly AML patients (62%
complications and significant treatment related CR).
mortality was observed. 9. Idiopathic myelofibrosis. 2-CdA used alone
5. Other lymphoid malignancies. 2-CdA showed was investigated in idiopathic myelofibrosis.
remarkable activity in both previously treated Clinical and hematological response was seen
and untreated patients with low grade non in about 50% of patients with median response
Hodgkin lymphoma (LG-NHL). In relapsed/ duration of 6 months.
refractory LG-NHL, the drug-induced durable
response with OR rates range from 36% to Toxicity and Adverse Effects
56% and CR rates between 10% and 20%. 2- The tolerability profile of 2-CdA is distinguish-
CdA is also effective in combination with able from that of other cytotoxic agents. However,
alkylating agents and/or mitoxantrone in the bone marrow suppression with prolonged throm-
treatment of refractory or relapsed advanced bocytopenia, neutropenia, and anemia is a com-
stage LG-NHL. High activity and low toxicity mon complication of this drug. Moreover, the
was reported in the patients with LG-NHL and treatment with 2-CdA leads to a decrease in the
mantle cell lymphoma treated with 2-CdA CD4+/CD8+ ratio for an extensive period of time
combined with rituximab (RC regimen) or exceeding even 24 months. In consequence, infec-
rituximab and cyclophosphamide (RCC). tions, including opportunistic ones, are frequent
6. Langerhans cell histiocytosis. 2-CdA has a events, and infections with fatal outcome are
major clinical activity in both pediatric and reported. The most common infection complica-
adult patients with LCH. Clinical response tions arising from 2-CdA toxicity are respiratory
was observed in 60–100% patients with a tract infections with bacterial pathogens and
median disease free survival of 33–50 months. unexplained fever. Opportunistic infections
Combination with cyclophosphamide may be caused by Pneumocystic carini, cytomegalovirus,
even more effective in the treatment of LCH. herpes simplex virus, zoster virus, and
7. Systemic mastocytosis. 2-CdA exerts cytotoxic mycobacteria are also observed. Some reports
and antiapoptotic effect on mast cell leukemia suggest that 2-CdA may induce autoimmune
derived cell line HMC-1 cells. Efficacy of hemolytic anemia, especially in the patients with
Class II Tumor Suppressor Genes 1093

CLL. Prolonged immunosuppression related to 2-

CdA treatment may increase the risk of the second Class II Tumor Suppressor Genes
Christine Sers
Institute of Pathology, University Medicine
Charité, Berlin, Germany
▶ Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
▶ Fludarabine
▶ Hairy Cell Leukemia
Class II tumor suppressor genes encode proteins
▶ Mitochondrial Membrane Permeabilization in
that function in the negative regulation of cell
growth. The genes are downregulated in cancer
without mutations or deletions in their coding
References regions. Downregulation is reversible indicating
that gene and protein function can be reconstituted
Barete S, Lortholary O, Damaj G, et al. (2015) Long-term upon appropriate treatment.
efficacy and safety of cladribine (2-CdA) in adult
patients with mastocytosis. Blood. pii: blood-2014-
Beutler E (1992) Cladribine (2-chlorodeoxyadenosine). Characteristics
Lancet 340:952–956
Bryson H, Sorkin EM (1993) Cladribine. A review of
its pharmacokinetic properties and therapeutic The term “class II tumor suppressor gene” was
potential in haematological malignancies. Drugs invented in 1997 by Ruth Sager, who was the first
46:872–894 to realize during the upcoming age of gene expres-
Freyer CW, Gupta N, Wetzler M, Wang ES (2015) sion profiling that in human cancers many genes
Revisiting the role of cladribine in acute myeloid leu-
kemia: an improvement on past accomplishments or show reduced expression in tumors without being
more old news? Am J Hematol 90:62–72 deleted or mutated. Accordingly, two classes of
Pettitt AR (2003) Mechanism of action of purine analogues tumor suppressor genes were suggested: Class
in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Br J Haematol I tumor suppressor genes (▶ tumor suppressor
Robak T (2001) Cladribine in the treatment of chronic genes, TGS) that are lost in cancer due to mutation
lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk Lymphoma 40:551–564 or deletion and class II tumor suppressor genes
Robak T, Lech-Marańda E, Korycka A (2006) Purine that are not altered at the DNA level but rather
nucleoside analogs as immunosuppressive and antineo- exhibit strongly reduced expression in tumors as
plastic agents: mechanism of action and clinical activ-
ity. Curr Med Chem 13:3165–3189 compared with normal tissue.
Robak T, Robak P (2012) Purine nucleoside analogs in the Examples for classical, bona fide class I tumor
treatment of rarer chronic lymphoid leukemias. Curr suppressor genes are Rb, p53, or WT1. These
Pharm Des 18:3373–88. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ genes are found frequently deleted or mutated in
Sigal DS, Miller HJ, Schram ED, Saven A (2010) Beyond the large majority of human cancers. A list of class
hairy cell: the activity of cladribine in other hemato- II tumor suppressor genes that have been identi-
logic malignancies. Blood 116:2884–96. http://www. fied today are summarized in Table 1 and harbor
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20634380 well-defined genes such as Thrombospondin
(THBS), H-REV107-1, and ▶ maspin.

Evidence for a Class II Tumor Suppressive

CLARP Due to the reversible nature of class II tumor
suppressor gene regulation, its expression levels
▶ FLICE-Inhibitory Protein may vary during tumor development. This is in
1094 Class II Tumor Suppressor Genes

Class II Tumor Suppressor Genes, Table 1 List of characterized class II tumor suppressor genes involved in negative
growth regulation in human tumors
Tumor suppressor
gene Gene function Cancer type Mechanism of inactivation
Maspin Serine protease inhibitor Breast Transcriptional repression P53 loss
ING1-4 HDAC/HAT cofactor NSCLC, breast Unknown
RNASet2 Secreted glycoprotein Ovary Unknown
RARRES3 (TIG3) Signaling regulator Colon, ovary Unknown
H-REV107-1 Signaling regulator ovary Loss of IRF1
THBS1 Angiogenesis inhibitor Prostate, ovary Transcriptional repression by ATF1 or Id1
Tropomyosin Microfilament Breast Methylation
Gelsolin Actin binding Ovary, breast Chromatin modification lack of ATF1
CAV1 scaffold protein Ovary Unknown
RASSF1 Negative RAS effector Various Methylation
LOX Extracelullar cross- Skin, breast Loss of IRF1, methylation
RARRES1 (TIG1) Unknown Prostate, lung Methylation
PRSS11 (HtrA) serine protease Melanoma, ovary Unknown
KLK10 Secreted serine protease Breast, testis, Methylation

sharp contrast to class I tumor suppressors and and in vivo, as well as mutational and functional
renders the functional characterization of class II analysis. In a similar way, the serine protease inhib-
genes challenging. The suppressive impact of a itor (serpin) maspin, originally identified as being
given class II tumor suppressor gene might downregulated in human breast carcinomas, was
depend on the tumor type and even more on characterized. Maspin exerts a number of different
tumor stage and on the underlying genetic alter- functions inside and outside the cell, and
ations. H-REV107-1 and maspin are two class II downregulation of the gene is achieved by various
tumor suppressors, which have been characterized mechanisms in human carcinomas. Maspin inhibits
extensively. H-REV107-1 is downregulated in invasion and ▶ angiogenesis probably by interfer-
ovarian cancer and acts as a growth suppressor ing with cytoskeletal signaling thereby altering
in vitro and in vivo by inducing ▶ apoptosis in components of the cytoskeleton. Maspin was also
ovarian cancer cells. No mutations with the H- shown to hamper the migration of cultured endo-
REV107-1 gene have been detected in ovarian thelial cells upon VEGF chemoattraction and to
tumor samples and overexpression or induction sensitize both tumor and endothelial cells for
of the gene by interferon g stimulates drug-induced apoptosis.
apoptosis. Also the mechanism of H-REV107-1
action as a signaling regulator indicates that its Class II Tumor Suppressor Identification
downregulation is necessary to enable anti- Different paths of identification have been used
apoptotic signaling in ovarian carcinoma. Thus, for class I and class II tumor suppressor genes.
for the H-REV107-1 gene, evidence for its class II Class I tumor suppressors are usually localized in
tumor suppressive nature comes from several stud- critical chromosomal regions often found deleted
ies investigating expression and regulation in vitro in cancer. In contrast, most class II tumor
Class II Tumor Suppressor Genes 1095

suppressors were recognized during large-scale stimulate the expression of class II tumor suppres-
expression profiling as being downregulated in sors such as RARRES3 and TIG1 but are lost in
tumor cells and tissues. They light up in cancer cells. Also, deregulation of ▶ MicroRNAs
approaches such as differential display, subtrac- might be one mechanism for class II tumor sup-
tive hybridization, and DNA microarray analysis. pressor inactivation. Several class II tumor sup-
In addition, some class II tumor suppressors were pressors, e.g., CAV1, maspin, THBS1, have been
identified as being encoded in mutational hotspots identified as p53 target genes. P53, a bona fide C
without directly comprising a target for deletions class I tumor suppressor, acts as a transcriptional
and mutations in a given tumor. Further proof that regulator and belongs to the most frequently lost
an individual gene identified during such an suppressor genes in human carcinomas. It is evi-
approach is a true class II tumor suppressor dent that loss of p53 entails a loss of targets genes,
requires careful analysis of the genomic sequence some of which act themselves as tumor suppres-
and functional analysis of the mechanisms of sup- sors. For the maspin gene, active suppression
pression and function of the protein. Interestingly, through a hormone-responsive element and lack
high-throughput screening also revealed that the of transactivation have also been detected. Like-
transition between class I and class II tumor sup- wise inactivation of the interferon-responsive
pressors is a smooth one. Canonical tumor sup- transcription factor 1 (IRF1) was found to
pressor genes such as BRCA1 and WT1, determine loss of the H-REV107-1 class II tumor
frequently inactivated by mutation in hereditary suppressor involved in the induction of apoptosis
breast cancer and Wilms’ tumor, respectively, can in human ovarian carcinomas. In addition,
be suppressed by nonmutational mechanisms in aberrant localization of the maspin protein was
sporadic carcinomas and thus turn into class II found to account for altered function. In ovarian
tumor suppressors in these cancer types. Distinct carcinoma, only cytoplasmic maspin localization
class II tumor genes, e.g., ING-family members, is associated with poor prognosis, while
are inactivated by missense mutations in one can- nuclear maspin was found in less aggressive car-
cer type but lost by downregulation in another cinomas, suggesting a tumor suppressive role of
cancer type. Therefore, it will be more precise in only nuclear maspin. A frequent class II mecha-
the future to define a class I mechanism (mutation, nism for gene inactivation is chromatin modifica-
deletion) or a class II mechanism (transcriptional tion such as histone methylation, histone
or functional inactivation) for an individual tumor acetylation, and DNA ▶ methylation, and a num-
suppressor gene in a defined tumor type. ber of class II tumor suppressors, e.g., RASSF1,
tropomyosin, or TIG1, are suppressed via DNA
Mechanisms of Inactivation methylation.
For the majority of class II tumor suppressors, the
precise mechanism of downregulation has not Clinical Relevance
been elucidated. However, it has become clear Class II tumor suppressors offer novel therapeutic
that often alterations in upstream signaling cas- opportunities because they are present as wild-
cades and transcriptional regulatory complexes type alleles in cancer cells. Like class I tumor
can finally result in the loss of downstream gene suppressors, class II tumor suppressor genes are
expression. Oncogenic signaling pathways involved in the regulation of apoptosis, cell sig-
emerging from overexpressed ▶ receptor tyrosine naling, differentiation, invasion, and metastasis.
kinases like ▶ HER2 and from cytoplasmic As one example, the serine protease inhibitor
oncoproteins such as ▶ RAS have been shown maspin could be induced by the breast cancer
to suppress class II tumor suppressors in a revers- drug Tamoxifen, thereby contributing to the
ible manner. Differentiation signals emerging metastasis-suppressing effects of the drug. Due
from hormone and vitamin receptors can normally to the variety of different mechanisms involved
1096 Clastogenesis

in class II tumor suppressor gene inactivation,

therapeutic importance is currently under investi- Clinical Cancer Biomarker
gation for most of the class II tumor suppressors.
However, the reconstitution of proapoptotic or ▶ Surrogate Endpoint
immune-modulatory properties through interfer-
ence with chromatin modification and DNA meth-
ylation in tumors has already entered clinical trials
(https://clinicaltrials.gov/) and will be improved
in the near future. Clinical Cancer Biomarkers

Martin Tobi
Cross-References Section of Gastroenterology, Detroit VAMC,
Detroit, MI, USA
▶ Microarray (cDNA) Technology
▶ RAS Genes

References Biological markers; Biomarkers; Surrogate end-

point; Tumor markers;
Bailey CM, Khalikhali-Ellis Z, Seftor EA et al (2006) Bio-
logical functions of maspin. J Cell Physiol
209:617–624 Definition
Esteller M (2007) Cancer epigenomes: DNA methylomes
and histone-modification maps. Nat Rev Genet
8:286–298 A biological analyte that serves as a tool to answer
Sager R (1997) Expression genetics in cancer: shifting the clinically relevant management issues regarding a
focus from DNA to RNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA specific cancer disease.


The analytes must be measurable qualitatively or

Clastogenesis quantitatively and they may be a biological sub-
stance or a process that is dynamically based on a
▶ Genetic Toxicology specific tumorigenic pathway. They may occur at
the molecular, cellular, or somatic level and
should have the ability to detect and thereby
reveal sentinel events impacting health outcome
with respect to carcinogenesis. They may emanate
Clathrin Assembly Lymphoid from the cancerous process itself or the host reac-
Myeloid Protein tion to the various processes involved in the can-
cer pathway. The analytes can be measured in a
▶ PICALM variety of bodily fluids such as blood, saliva,
urine, breast fluid, colonic effluent (stool or
washings), and sputum or other fluids relevant to
the specific cancer disease. There is a current
attempt worldwide at standardization of objective
Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis assays by criteria such as levels of evidence that
attempt validation for innumerable marker
▶ Endocytosis candidates.
Chemical Mutagenesis 921

▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and Jr (eds) Molecular carcinogenesis and the molecular
Lymphomas biology of human cancer. CRC/Taylor and Francis
Group, Boca Raton, pp 289–302
▶ Hepatitis B Virus Weinberg RW (2007) Multi-step tumorigenesis, Chapter 11.
▶ Hepatitis B Virus x Antigen-Associated In: Ram A (ed) The biology of cancer. Garland Science/
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, New York, pp 399–462
▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Etiology, Risk
Factors, and Prevention See Also C
▶ Hexavalent Chromium (2012) Carcinogen. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 644.
▶ Hormonal Carcinogenesis doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_839
▶ Hypomethylation of DNA (2012) Cytochrome P450 enzymes. In: Schwab M (ed)
▶ Inflammation Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
▶ Lung Cancer delberg, p 1043. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1465
(2012) Epithelial cell. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Lung Cancer Epidemiology cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 1291-
▶ Mesenchymal Stem Cells 1292. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1958
▶ Methylation (2012) Fibroblasts. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Mutation Rate cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1398.
▶ Oncogene (2012) Genotoxic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Oxidative Stress cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1540.
▶ Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2393
▶ Radiation Carcinogenesis (2012) Mutagen. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2409.
▶ Radiation Oncology doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3907
▶ Reactive Oxygen Species (2012) Mutation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Renal Cancer Pathogenesis cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2412.
▶ Repair of DNA doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3911
(2012) Neoplastic cell transformation. In: Schwab M (ed)
▶ Senescence and Immortalization Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
▶ SV40 delberg, p 2474. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4013
▶ Telomerase (2012) Proto-oncogenes. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
▶ Toxicological Carcinogenesis of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp
3107-3108. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6656
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes (2012) Tumor. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Virology 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3792.
(2012) Tumor promoter. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
References of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3800.
Landolph JR Jr, Xue W, Warshawsky D (2006) Whole (2012) Two-step carcinogenesis. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
animal carcinogenicity bioassays, Chapter 2. In: clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
Warshawsky D, Landolph JR Jr (eds) Molecular carci- berg, p 3821. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6071
nogenesis and the molecular biology of human cancer.
CRC/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, pp 25–44
Verma R, Ramnath J, Clemens F et al (2005) Molecular
biology of nickel carcinogenesis: identification of dif-
ferentially expressed genes in morphologically Chemical Genetic Screen
transformed C3H/10T1/2 Cl 8 mouse embryo fibro-
blast cell lines induced by specific insoluble nickel
compounds. Mol Cell Biochem 255:203–216
▶ Small Molecule Screens
Warshawsky D (2006) Carcinogens and mutagens, Chapter 1.
In: Warshawsky D, Landolph JR Jr (eds) Molecular car-
cinogenesis and the molecular biology of human cancer.
CRC/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, pp 1–24
Warshawsky D, Landolph JR Jr (2006) Overview of Chemical Mutagenesis
human cancer induction and human exposure to car-
cinogens, Chapter 13. In: Warshawsky D, Landolph JR ▶ Genetic Toxicology
922 Chemically Induced Cell Transformation

These three general cell types can be grown

Chemically Induced Cell outside the body in an artificial situation, in cell
Transformation culture medium in plastic cell culture dishes. This
constitutes a model system in which the physiol-
Joseph R. Landolph, Jr. ogy of cells can be studied outside of the compli-
Department of Molecular Microbiology and cated conditions of the body. When grown in
Immunology, and Department of Pathology; cell culture, epithelial cells and fibroblastic cells
Laboratory of Chemical Carcinogenesis and attach to the cell culture dish, by virtue of the
Molecular Oncology, USC/Norris surface charge of the cell relative to that of the
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of plastic of the cell culture dish. These normal fibro-
Medicine; Department of Molecular blastic and epithelial cells must anchor to the
Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, bottom inside of the cell culture dish in order to
School of Pharmacy, Health Sciences Campus, be able to replicate their DNA and divide. This is
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, called anchorage dependence of cell growth.
CA, USA These cells continue to grow if fed properly with
cell culture medium, containing 5–10% fetal calf
serum and cell culture medium. Cell culture
Definition medium consists of sugars, amino acids, salts,
and buffers, along with an indicator to detect the
Chemically induced cell transformation is the acidity of the culture medium (pH indicator), all
series of sequential steps that occur when mam- dissolved in water.
malian cells are treated with ▶ Chemical Carcino- In cell culture, the normal fibroblasts and nor-
genesis and converted into tumor cells. mal epithelial cells continue to grow if they are fed
The intermediate cell phenotypes (cell proper- properly, until they eventually fill the culture dish,
ties) are acquired one at a time, including first and touch each other. Growth then ceases. This
cellular immortality, then morphological transfor- process is called contact inhibition of cell divi-
mation (change in cell shape, leading to sion. These cells can then be removed from the
crisscrossing of cells in abnormal patterns), then cell culture dish with a protease called trypsin,
anchorage independence (growth of cells as colo- diluted and replated into new cell culture dishes.
nies or balls of cells in three-dimensional suspen- This process can be repeated many times, until the
sion of agar, without attachment to the plastic population of total cells has undergone approxi-
dishes cells are usually grown on), and finally mately 60 population doublings. This is called the
neoplastic transformation (neoplastic cell trans- “Hayflick limit,” after Dr. Leonard Hayflick, who
formation), or the ability of cells to form tumors discovered it. At this point, the cells undergo
when injected into nude (athymic) mice. cellular senescence (▶ Senescence and immortal-
ization) or die. This is due to progressive shorten-
ing of telomeres (▶ Telomerase), structures at the
Characteristics end of chromosomes that are progressively short-
ened with each successive DNA replication and
Normal Growth of Normal Cells cell division. Hence, telomere shortening acts as a
In the mammalian organism (warm-blooded ani- cellular and molecular “clock,” to mark the life-
mal), there are many types of cells. In general, these time of the cell. This process is believed to aid in
cell types are divided into (i) epithelial cells, which the control of the normal physiology of the organ-
form the coverings of organs; (ii) fibroblasts, which ism, and to rid it of old cells which have many
are connective tissue cells; and (iii) cells of the mutations, which could eventually lead to cancer.
hemato-lymphopoietic series, which are derived If these normal cells are injected into mice lacking
from the blood-forming elements. These cell an immune system (athymic or “nude” mice), they
types all have special and specific characteristics. will not grow and will not form tumors.
Chemically Induced Cell Transformation 923

In contrast, cells of the hemato-lymphopoietic nuclei), beta particles (naked electrons), and
series grow in three-dimensional suspension (the gamma particles.
blood) in vivo. Hence, when grown in vitro In addition, there are also tumor viruses,
(outside the body), these cells must also be grown consisting of RNA (RNA tumor viruses) and
in three-dimensional suspension. A common prac- DNA (DNA tumor viruses). When animals are
tice is to grow the cells in varying concentrations of treated with these viruses, tumors are formed.
agar. When injected into athymic or “nude” mice, Examples of RNA tumor viruses are the Rous C
these normal cells, whether cells of the hematopoi- sarcoma virus, the Abelson leukemia virus, and
etic (red blood cell) or lymphoid (white blood cell) the Kirsten Ras virus. Examples of DNA tumor
lineages, will not form tumors. viruses are the polyoma virus, the SV40 (simian
virus 40) (▶ SV40) virus, the ▶ Epstein-Barr
Carcinogens virus, and the human papilloma viruses 16 and 18.
There are a group of chemical molecules, radia-
tions, and viruses referred to as “carcinogens.” Chemically Induced Cell Transformation:
A carcinogen is any chemical or group of mole- Description and Mechanisms
cules, such as viruses (▶ Virology) or radiation Chemically induced cell transformation is the pro-
(▶ Radiation carcinogenesis; ▶ radiation oncol- cess by which normal cells are treated with chem-
ogy) that can cause tumors in lower animals ical carcinogens in vitro in a cell culture dish or
when they are treated with this agent. These flask, and they then convert or transform into
agents can also cause normal cells to transform transformed cells. There are two mechanisms by
(convert) into transformed cells and tumor cells. which cells can be converted by chemical carcino-
There are a group of chemicals referred to as gens into transformed cells. Firstly, cells can be
chemical carcinogens (▶ Chemical carcinogene- treated with genotoxic (DNA damaging)
sis). These are specific chemicals that can cause (▶ Genetic toxicology) chemical carcinogens.
tumors in animals treated with them. Examples of Many of these genotoxic carcinogens are mutagens
these are vinyl chloride, aflatoxin B1 (a metabolite (▶ Mutation rate). These carcinogens either already
and biocide of the fungus, Aspergillus flavus) are direct mutagens (rare), or more commonly they
(▶ Aflatoxins), benzo(a)pyrene (a polycyclic aro- are pre-carcinogens, and can be converted into
matic hydrocarbon formed when organic matter is mutagenic proximate carcinogens by cytochrome
burned in the absence of oxygen) (▶ Polycyclic P450 enzymes or other enzyme systems that acti-
aromatic hydrocarbons), and beta-naphthylamine vate the pre-carcinogens into mutagens. The
(an aromatic amine used to manufacture dyestuffs pre-carinogens benzo(a)pyrene, aflatoxin B1, and
that causes bladder cancer in animals and humans) nitrosamines are all examples of pre-carcinogens
(▶ Aromatic amine). Another class of chemical that are metabolically activated into mutagens by
carcinogens is called nitrosamines. An example is various types of cytochrome P450 enzymes.
dimethylnitrosamine (DMN). Many nitrosamines The perspective for this process is that most
are synthetic compounds. Some are believed to pre-carcinogens are hydrophobic (fat loving)
form in the stomach of humans when amines compounds that would bioaccumulate in the
(derived from fish in the diet) contact nitrous body and cause alterations in the properties of
acid (formed from the nitrate from fertilizer that enzymes and membranes in cells. Hence, the
is used to grow foodstuffs) in the acidic conditions organism must derive a strategy to eliminate
(acid pH) of the stomach. Chemicals in all these these hydrophobic pre-carcinogens. Therefore,
classes of carcinogens can cause tumors in the cytochrome P450 enzyme systems, and other
humans and in lower mammals. enzyme systems, have evolved in order to metab-
There are also a number of radiations (radiation olize these pre-carcinogens, to make them water-
carcinogenesis) that can cause tumors in humans soluble, so they can be excreted in the urine and
and lower animals. These include ionizing radia- removed from the body. Since these compounds
tions, such as alpha particles (charged helium are inherently chemically inert, a necessary first
924 Chemically Induced Cell Transformation

chemical reaction step has evolved, in which cyto- epithelial cells. This first step in cell transforma-
chrome P450 enzymes first attack pre-carcinogens tion is called morphological cell transformation or
like benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) with molecular oxygen focus formation. Further genetic changes occur in
and reducing equivalents (NADPH and NADH) the transformed cells. The second step that occurs
to generate epoxides and diol epoxides from is that the cells become immortal and do not die or
it. These metabolites are mutagens, and this step senesce. Some activated oncogenes (v-myc) can
results in “metabolic activation.” In a second step, cause cells to become immortal. This step would
which is closely coupled to the first step, these be called transformation to cellular immortality.
active metabolites are reacted with and conjugated A third step that occurs is that the cells develop the
to, molecules of water by the enzyme, epoxide ability to grow in soft agar, in three-dimensional
hydrolase, converting them to trans-dihydrodiols suspension. This step is called anchorage-
and tetraols, which are highly water-soluble, so independent cell transformation or transformation
they are excreted in the urine. The small amount to anchorage independence. A final step that
of epoxides and diol epoxides derived from BaP develops after further genetic change is that the
then go on to bind covalently to DNA bases, cells develop the ability to form tumors
resulting in mutations in proto-▶ oncogenes, acti- when injected into athymic (nude) mice. This
vating them into ▶ oncogenes, and mutations in step is called neoplastic transformation, or the
▶ tumor suppressor genes, inactivating them. ability of the cell to be transformed so that it
In a second mechanism of ▶ carcinogenesis, forms neoplasms or new growths, which we call
chemicals called “non-genotoxic carcinogens” tumors. Often, a number of activated oncogenes,
transform normal cells into tumor cells in a differ- two or more, may cooperate together to perturb
ent way, by non-mutagenic mechanisms. One normal cellular physiology to cause neoplastic
example is the chemical, 5-azacytidine, a chemi- transformation of normal rodent or human cells
cal analog of a normal base. 5-azacytidine binds to in culture.
DNA methyltransferases (▶ Methylation),
inhibiting them. This results in a loss of methyla- Significance of Chemically Induced Neoplastic
tion of the cytidine in DNA. If this occurs in Transformation
quiescent proto-oncogenes, then these can The significance of the process of chemically
become transcriptionally activated, leading to induced neoplastic transformation is two-fold.
cell transformation. Other examples of Firstly, the assay for chemically induced morpho-
non-genotoxic carcinogens include hormones, logical cell transformation can be used an assay to
such as testosterone and estrogen. Higher steady- detect chemical carcinogens. Those chemicals
state levels of testosterone and estrogen are that have the ability to induce foci of morpholog-
believed to lead to aberrantly high numbers of ically transformed cells are highly likely to be able
cell divisions in the prostate and breast tissue. to induce tumors in animals. Hence, this assay can
The resultant spontaneous mutations that occur detect chemical carcinogens by virtue of their
are believed to lead to prostate cancer and breast ability to induce foci of morphologically
cancer, respectively. transformed cells.
The process of chemically induced neoplastic Secondly, the study of chemically induced
transformation, or the process of generating a morphological, anchorage-independent, and neo-
tumor cell, falls into at least four steps. In the plastic transformation in vitro is frequently used
first step, when cells are treated with mutagenic as a model system to study the process of chem-
chemical carcinogens, there occur mutations in ical carcinogenesis. Investigators frequently use
proto-oncogenes, activating them to oncogenes, these assays to study how proto-oncogenes are
and mutations in tumor suppressor genes, activated into oncogenes, and how tumor suppres-
inactivating them. The cells then develop the abil- sor genes are inactivated by chemical carcino-
ity to grow in multilayers and form foci. This is gens, and how oncogene activation and tumor
particularly true for fibroblastic cells, less so for suppressor gene inactivation leads to induction
Chemically Induced Cell Transformation 925

of morphological transformation, cellular immor- Pitot HC, Dragan YP (2001) Chemical carcinogenesis,
tality, anchorage-independent transformation, and Chapter 8. In: Klaassen CD (ed) Casarett and Doull’s
toxicology, the basic science of poisons, 6th edn.
neoplastic transformation. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 239–320
Verma R, Ramnath J, Clemens F et al (2005) Molecular
biology of nickel carcinogenesis: identification of dif-
ferentially expressed genes in morphologically
Cross-References transformed C3H/10T1/2 Cl 8 mouse embryo fibro-
blast cell lines induced by specific insoluble nickel
compounds. Mol Cell Biochem 255:203–216
▶ 5-aza-20 Deoxycytidine
Weinberg RW (2007) Multi-step tumorigenesis, Chapter 11.
▶ Aflatoxins In: The biology of cancer. Garland Science/Taylor and
▶ Anchorage-Independent Francis Group, LLC, New York, pp 399–462
▶ Aromatic Amine
▶ Benzpyrene See Also
▶ Cancer (2012) Anchorage-independent cell transformation. In:
▶ Carcinogen Metabolism Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn.
▶ Carcinogenesis Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 173. doi:10.1007/978-
▶ Cervical Cancers (2012) Carcinogen. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Chemical Carcinogenesis cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 644.
▶ Class II Tumor Suppressor Genes doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_839
▶ DNA Damage (2012) Cellular senescence. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
▶ Epigenetic 743. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1019
▶ Epithelium (2012) Cytochrome P450 enzymes. In: Schwab M (ed)
▶ Epstein-Barr Virus Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
▶ Estrogenic Hormones delberg, p 1043. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
▶ Genetic Toxicology (2012) Contact inhibition of cell division. In: Schwab M
▶ KRAS (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/
▶ Methylation Heidelberg, p 974. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
▶ Mutation Rate 5_1324
(2012) Epithelial cell. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Oncogene cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 1291–
▶ Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 1292. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1958
▶ Radiation Carcinogenesis (2012) Fibroblasts. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Radiation Oncology cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1398.
▶ Senescence and Immortalization (2012) Genotoxic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ SV40 cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1540.
▶ Telomerase doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2393
▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes (2012) Morphological cell transformation. In: Schwab M
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/
▶ Virology Heidelberg, p 2373. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
(2012) Mutagen. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can-
References cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2409.
Kumar V, Abbas AK, Fausto N (2005) Neoplasia, (2012) Mutation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Chapter 7. In: Robbins and Cotran’s pathologic basis cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2412.
of disease, 7th edn. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3911
pp 269–342 (2012) Neoplastic cell transformation. In: Schwab M (ed)
Landolph JR Jr (2006) Chemically induced morphological Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Hei-
and neoplastic transformation in C3H/10T1/2 mouse delberg, p 2474. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
embryo cells, Chapter 9. In: Warshawsky D, Landolph 5_4013
JR Jr (eds) Molecular carcinogenesis and the molecular (2012) Transformation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
biology of human cancer. CRC/Taylor and Francis of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp
Group, Boca Raton, pp 199–220 3757–3758. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5913
926 Chemoattractant Cytokine

cell toward the positions where chemoattractant is

Chemoattractant Cytokine present at high concentration. Therefore, the anal-
ysis, in a specific context, in one hand, of the type
▶ Chemokines of chemoattractant receptors expressed by a certain
migratory cell and, on the other hand, the position
in the organism of the chemoattractants recognized
by these receptors, allow to make predictions on
Chemoattraction the potential tissues where this cell can be attracted.
Upon arrival to the position where the
Jose Luis Rodríguez-Fernández chemoattractant is at a high concentration, adhe-
Departamento de Microbiología Molecular y sive receptors may contribute to slow down
Biología de las Infecciones, Centro de (function largely performed by selectin adhesive
Investigaciones Biológicas, Madrid, Spain receptors for cells in blood vessels) and eventually
attach (cells use integrin receptors for this function
in most cell types) the cells to these sites.
Synonyms Chemoattractants can be conveniently classi-
fied according to the type of receptor that they
Directed migration; Directed motility bind. In this regard, the first and the largest group
include chemoattractants that bind members of the
G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily.
Definition In this first group is included the family of
▶ chemokines. A second group is formed by
Chemoattraction is the process whereby a cell chemoattractants that bind tyrosine kinase recep-
detects a chemical gradient of a ligand called tors (e.g., epidermal growth factor (EGF),
chemoattractant and, as a consequence, gets ori- platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)). A third
ented and subsequently moves in the direction group includes ligands that bind receptors differ-
from a low to a high concentration of the ent of the two aforementioned families (e.g., lam-
chemoattractant. Chemoattraction is controlled by inin and fibronectin, which bind integrin
specific chemoattractant receptors that are able to receptors). This article deals mainly with the
detect selectively these ligands. Chemoattraction is chemokines because they have been the
called chemotaxis or haptotaxis when the chemical chemoattractant family most studied in relation
gradient of the chemoattractant is presented to the to ▶ cancer and ▶ metastasis.
cell either in a soluble or bound to a substrate form,
respectively. As it is not clear which one of these Chemokines
two types of motile processes takes place in vivo, it Chemokines (chemotactic chemokines) are a fam-
is more appropriate to refer to these directional ily of peptides (60–100 amino acids (aa)) that
motile processes with the more general term of includes some 50 members (Fig. 1). Based on
chemoattraction. the number and spacing of the conserved cysteine
(C) residue in the N-terminus of the protein,
chemokines are subdivided into four families (C,
Characteristics CC, CXC, CX3C), where X is any intervening
amino acid between the cysteines. Chemokine
Chemoattractants use specific chemoattractant receptors transmit intracellular signals that can
receptors to guide different migratory cell types control either chemoattraction or other functions
toward specific sites in the organism. These recep- (Fig. 1). The chemokine receptors (some 20 mem-
tors, upon binding to the chemoattractant, trans- bers) are included in the G protein-coupled recep-
form the information of this ligand in intracellular tor (GPCR) superfamily. They are classified based
signals that result in the movement of the migratory on the class of chemokines that they bind, i.e.,
Chemoattraction 927

Chemokine receptors that bind to C, CC, CXC, and CX3C

Chemokines receptor chemokines are called, respectively, CR, CCR,
Common New CXCR, and CX3CR receptors. Based largely on
name name studies performed in the immune system,
IL-8 CXCL8 chemokines have been classified in three func-
GCP-2 CXCL6 CXCR1 tional groups: homeostatic, inducible, and dual
NAP-2 CXCL7 function (Fig. 1). The first group, which includes C
ENA-78 CXCL5 CXCR2 chemokines constitutively produced by “resting
cells” in specific organs or in tissues inside these
organs, controls homeostatic migratory processes
IP-10 CXCL10 that determinate the correct location of different
Mig CXCL9 CXCR3 cell types in the organism under normal conditions.
I-TAC CXCL11 CXCR7 The second group is inducible or inflammatory
SDF-1a/b CXCL12 CXCR4 chemokines, which are secreted in different tissues
BCA-1 CXCL13 CXCR5 in emergency situations and serve to attract to these
BRAK CXCL14 Unknow places’ specialized cell types that contribute to the
MCP-1 CCL2 resolution of the emergency situation. The third
MCP-4 CCL13 CCR2 group is formed by dual function chemokines,
MCP-3 CCL7 which can be either homeostatic or inducible
MCP-2 CCL8 depending on the context (Fig. 1). Although
MIP-1a S chemoattraction is the function most commonly
MIP-1a P CCL3LI regulated by chemokines, however, studies
RANTES CCL5 performed mainly on leukocytes have demon-
MPIF-1 CCL23 CCR1 strated that these peptides, acting through specific
HCC-1 CCL14 chemokine receptors, may control additional cellu-
lar functions, including proliferation, ▶ adhesion,
Eotaxin-2 CCL24
▶ motility, survival, or protease secretion, among
Eotaxin-3 CCL26 CCR3 other functions. By controlling these activities,
Eotaxin CCL11 chemokines may contribute to modulate the func-
TARC CCL17 tions of leukocytes and other cell types.
ELC Chemokines and Cancer
SLC CCL21 CCR7 Cancer is a disease where cells have disrupted the
I-309 CCL1 CCR8 mechanisms that regulate their normal growth
PARC CCL18 Unknown Chemoattraction, Fig. 1 (continued) protein, GRO
Lymphotactin XCL1 growth-related oncogene, HCC human CC chemokine, IP
SCM-1b XCL2 XCR1 IFN-inducible protein, I-TAC IFN-inducible T-cell a
Fractalkine CX3CL1 CX3CR1 chemoattractant, MCP monocyte chemoattractant protein,
MDC macrophage-derived chemokine, Mig monokine
Chemoattraction, Fig. 1 Classical and new names of induced by gamma interferon, MIP macrophage inflamma-
chemokines are included. Red identifies “inducible” or tory protein, MPIF myeloid progenitor inhibitory factor,
“inflammatory” chemokines, green “homeostatic” ago- NAP neutrophil-activating protein, PARC pulmonary and
nists, and yellow ligands belonging to both realms. BCA activation-regulated chemokine, RANTES regulated upon
B cell-activating chemokine, BRAK breast and kidney che- activation normal T cell expressed and secreted, SCM
mokine, CTACK cutaneous T-cell attracting-chemokine, single C motif, SDF stromal cell-derived factor, SLC sec-
ELC Epstein-Barr virus-induced receptor ligand chemo- ondary lymphoid tissue chemokine, TARC thymus and
kine, ENA-78 epithelial cell-derived neutrophil-activating activation-related chemokine, TECK thymus-expressed
factor (78 amino acids), GCP granulocyte chemoattractant chemokine
928 Chemoattraction

and, consequently, proliferate without control. contrast a marked tropism toward specific organs
This affliction becomes life threatening when can- (Table 1). A variety of experimental data indicates
cer cells become metastatic, that is, they acquire that chemokines may play an important role in
the ability to leave their original sites of growth determining this bias of the metastatic cells. Anal-
(primary tumor) and invade other tissues or ysis of the phenotype of multiple metastatic cell
organs where the uncontrolled growing cells can types shows that these cells express specific sets
form new colonies (▶ metastasis) that can inter- of chemokine receptors (Table 1). Furthermore, a
fere with vital functions. The process leading to clear correlation has been observed between the
metastasis formation has been divided into several expression of a specific chemokine receptor by a
steps. In the first step, the cancer cells detach from metastatic cell and the presence of its respective
the substrate and from the neighboring cells and ligands in the metastatic sites, suggesting the
escape from the primary tumors. The second step involvement of these receptors in the homing
involves the penetration of the cancer cells into processes (Table 1). Finally, a direct role for
the blood or lymphatic vessels and their ▶ migra- chemokines and their receptors in the control of
tion through these vessels. In the case of cells that the tropism of metastatic cells is corroborated in
migrate through the afferent lymphatics, they studies that show that interference with the bind-
migrate first to the lymph nodes from where they ing to the chemokine receptors impairs the ability
can exit through the efferent lymphatics, eventu- to metastasize to specific organs. For instance,
ally ending up in the blood vessels. In the third antibody neutralization of ▶ CXCR4 in breast
stage, cancer cells extravasate from blood vessels cancer cells reduced the ability of these cells to
and home into new sites in the organism where form metastases in the lung, both upon intrave-
new metastatic colonies can be formed. During nous injection and after orthotopic implantation of
these migratory processes, the cells undergo the cells. Conversely, overexpression of CCR7 in
changes in their adhesive properties that are reg- B16 melanoma resulted in a dramatic enhance-
ulated by modulation of the activities and/or ment in the ability of these cells to form metasta-
levels of integrin receptors. Moreover, cancer ses in the draining lymph nodes upon intravenous
cells and/or associated stromal cells secrete pro- injection of the cells in mice. From these studies it
teases which, by degrading extracellular matrix has also emerged that CCR7 and CXCR4 are the
(ECM) proteins of connective tissues, facilitate chemokine receptors most commonly expressed
the moving of the cells and the ▶ invasion of by metastatic cells. This finding contributes to
other tissues. Finally, at the metastatic sites, the explain the ability of multiple metastatic cell
cancer cells attach and grow as secondary colo- types that express these receptors to colonize the
nies. In addition, they may secrete chemokines lymph node and other organs where CXCL12
and other soluble factors that induce new vascular (ligand for CXCR4 and CXCR7) and CCL19
vessel formation (▶ angiogenesis) and contribute and CCL21 (both ligands of CCR7) are expressed
to maintain the growth of the metastatic cells. (Table 1).
Although millions of cells may be shed into the Premetastatic niche is the name given to the
blood from primary tumors, however, only a specific regions, whose formation is induced by
reduced percentage of these cells are able to soluble factors released by primary tumor cells,
form metastases, suggesting that metastatic cells which eventually become colonized by distant
develop mechanisms that increase their survival in metastatic cells from the primary tumors. It has
the face of a hostile environment. been shown that chemokine expression may
confer premetastatic niches the ability to attract
Chemoattraction: A Key Process to Attract metastatic cells from the distant primary tumor.
Cancer Cells to New Biological Niches In this regard, it has been shown that chemokines
Since the work of Stephen Paget in the second half S100A8 and S100A9, expressed by myeloid
of the nineteenth century, it is known that meta- and endothelial in premetastatic niches in the
static cells do not move randomly, displaying in lung, are responsible of attracting incoming
Chemoattraction 929

Chemoattraction, Table 1 Chemokine receptors involved in cancer metastases

Chemokine/s Function/s regulated
receptor/s/ligand/ Site/s of by chemokine
s metastases Cancer cell types receptor
CXCR3/CXCL9, Lung, Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chronic myelogenous Chemoattraction
CXCL10, bone, leukemia, colon, melanoma
CXCL11 lymph
node C
CXCR4/ Lung, Breast, ovarian, prostate, glioma, pancreas, melanoma, Chemoattraction,
CXCL12 bone, esophageal, lung (small cell lung cancer), head and neck, angiogenesis,
lymph bladder, colorectal, renal, stomach, astrocytoma, cervical survival, growth
node cancer, squamous cell cancer, osteosarcoma, multiple
myeloma, intraocular lymphoma, follicular center
lymphoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, neuroblastoma,
B-lineage acute lymphocytic leukemia, B-chronic
lymphocytic leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, acute
myeloid leukemia, thyroid cancer, acute lymphoblastic
leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia
CXCR5/ Lymph Head and neck, chronic myelogenous leukemia Chemoattraction
CXCL13 node
CXCR7/ Lymph Breast, cervical carcinoma, glioma, lymphoma, lung Adhesion, survival,
CXCL11, node carcinoma growth
CCR4/CCL17, Skin Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma Chemoattraction
CCR7/CCL19, Lymph Breast, melanoma, lung (non-small cell lung cancer), head Chemoattraction
CCL21 node and neck, colorectal, stomach, chronic lymphocytic
CCR9/CCL25 Small Melanoma, prostate Chemoattraction
CCR10/CCL27 Skin Melanoma, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma Chemoattraction,
growth, survival

Lewis lung carcinoma metastatic cells to these chemokines on the proliferation of cancer cells is
niches because neutralization of the chemokines not unexpected. The growth of tumor cells may be
with antibodies reduced the metastases in these affected by chemokines that can be either released
areas. In sum, chemokine/chemokine receptor in an ▶ autocrine signaling fashion by the cancer
pairs are important factors that control the coloni- cells or secreted by the stromal tissues associated
zation of cancer cells to specific sites in the to the cancer cells. As an example of the first case,
organism. it is known that CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL3, and
CXCL8, secreted as autocrine growth factors by
Other Biological Effects of Chemokines melanoma, pancreatic, and liver cancer cells, reg-
on Cancer Cells Apart from Chemoattraction ulate the proliferation of all these cell types. As an
Chemokines may affect cancer not only by regu- example of the second case, it has been reported
lating chemoattraction but also by regulating that CXCL12, which is secreted in the lungs and
other functions that control cancer progression. lymph nodes, leads to the increase in the growth of
glioma, ovarian, small cell lung, basal cell carci-
Chemokines Can Contribute to Regulate noma, and renal cancer, all cancer cell types that
the Growth of Cancer Cells colonize the aforementioned organs. The effects
Uncontrolled growth is a hallmark of cancer cells. of chemokines on growth can be complex
Considering that chemokines may control cell because, for instance, interference with CCR5
growth in different cell types, the effect of seems to increase the proliferation of xenografts
930 Chemoattraction

of human breast cancer, suggesting that CCR5 experiments. As an example of the second case,
inhibits the growth of this cancer cells. stimulation of prostate tumor cells with CXCL12
induces enhanced expression of the integrins a3
Chemokines Can Contribute to Regulate and b5.
the Survival of Cancer Cells
A reduced susceptibility to ▶ apoptosis, leading Chemokines Can Contribute to Control
to a concomitant extended survival, is also an Protease Secretion in Cancer Cells
important factor to explain the uncontrolled Metalloproteins are largely responsible for ECM
growth and the ability of cancer cells to form remodeling and play key roles in solid tumor cell
metastases. Chemokines have been involved in invasion. In this regard, it has been shown that
regulating survival in leukocytes and other cells; chemokines enhance in protease secretion in some
therefore these ligands may potentially contribute cancer cell types. For instance, stimulation of
to regulate the carcinogenic phenotype by modu- myeloma cells with CXCL12 induces
lating this function. Stimulation of melanoma B16 metalloproteinase secretion.
cells expressing CCR10 with its ligand CCL27
enhances the resistance of these cells to the apo- Chemokines Can Contribute to Control
ptosis induced by stimulation of the death receptor Angiogenesis in Cancer Cells
CD95. These in vitro results are consistent with At metastatic sites cancer cells induce formation
in vivo experiments that show that the neutraliza- of new vessels (angiogenesis), which allow the
tion of CCL27 ligand with antibodies results in nourishment of the metastatic colonies. Angio-
the blocking of tumor cell formation. Also, stim- genesis is a finely orchestrated process where
ulation of glioma cells with CXCL12 protects endothelial cells proliferate, secrete proteases,
these cells from the apoptosis induced by serum change their adhesive properties, migrate, and,
deprivation. It has been shown that CXCR7, a finally, differentiate into new vessels.
novel second receptor for CXCL12, is expressed Chemokines can act as positive or negative regu-
in a variety of cancer cells. It has been indicated lators of the angiogenesis in the tumor microenvi-
that CXCR7 may regulate survival, growth, and ronment. In this regard, the members of the CXC
adhesion. Thus, it is possible that CXCR7 may chemokine family play an important role during
also contribute to control all these functions in this process. The CXC family has been divided
cancer cells. into two groups. The first group includes members
that present the triplet glutamic acid-leucine-
Chemokines Can Contribute to Regulate arginine (ELR) before the first Cys (ELR+ CXC
the Adhesion to New Sites in Cancer Cells chemokines), and the second group includes the
Migratory cancer cells experience changes in members that lack this three amino acids (ELR
adhesion, including processes of attachment and CXC chemokines). Although there are excep-
detachment, as they move through the organism. tions, by and large, ELR+ CXC chemokines
Enhanced adhesion is particularly crucial at the (including CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL3, CXCL5,
final stages of cancer progression where these CXCL6, CXCL7, and CXCL8) play
cells require attaching to the new metastatic pro-angiogenic roles, promoting vessel formation
sites. Stimulation of cancer cells with chemokines through the stimulation of the CXCR2 receptor.
may change the adhesion of these cells either by For instance, in human ovarian carcinoma,
increasing the activity of integrins or by inducing CXCL8 induces both angiogenesis and tumori-
changes in the expression levels on the membrane genesis. Furthermore, treatment of mice that bear
of these receptors. As an example of the first case, CXCL8-producing non-small cell ▶ lung cancer
it has been observed that stimulation of B16 mel- cells with anti-CXCL8 antibodies blunted the
anoma cells with CXCL12 leads to an increase in growth of these tumors in the mice. Exceptions
the affinity of the b1 integrin by the ligand to the rule ELR+ CXC=angiogenic chemokines
VCAM-1 both in in vitro and in in vivo are the ELR+ CXC members CXCL1 and
Chemoattraction 931

CXCL2, which are angiostatic, i.e., they inhibit relay on their ability to inhibit survival or angio-
angiogenesis. genesis in the target cells. As CXCR4 is one of the
ELR CXC chemokines, including CXCL9, most broadly expressed chemokine receptor in
CXCL10, and CXCL11, are generally cancer cells, at least six peptides or small mole-
angiostatic. For instance, CXCL9 and CXCL10 cule inhibitors of the function of CXCR4 have
inhibit Burkitt lymphoma tumor formation prob- been developed and used in preclinical cancer
ably by blocking blood vessel formation. An models. CXCR4 is particularly interesting due to C
exception to the rule ELR CXC=angiostatic its pro-angiogenic functions. A variety of data
chemokine is CXCL12 that is angiogenic, as indicate that the growth and persistence of tumors
suggested by CXCL12 and CXCR4 KO mice and their metastases depend on an active angio-
that display cardiovascular development defects. genesis at the tumor sites. In this regard, interfer-
It is believed that the angiogenic effects of ence with this process is a powerful strategy to
CXCL12 are mediated by the vascular endothelial inhibit tumor growth. Interference with CXCR4
growth factor (VEGF) that is secreted by endo- has been used in several cancer models, including
thelial cells upon stimulation with CXCL12. The many of the cancers indicated in Table 1.
latter chemokine can be secreted in the tumor Although peptide inhibitors of chemokine recep-
microenvironment by both the cancer cells and tors may not have by itself tumoricidal affects,
associated stromal cells. Finally, apart from CXC however, along with other strategies may be a
chemokines, other chemokines families may also powerful therapy against tumors.
regulate angiogenesis. In this regard, the CC che-
mokine CCL21 is angiostatic. In contrast, three Summary and Final Conclusions
CC family members (CCL1, CCL2, CCL11) and Upon becoming carcinogenic and metastatic, a
one CX3C family member (CX3CL1) can induce variety of cancer cells upregulate the expression
angiogenesis. All these chemokines, secreted of chemokine receptors. In this regard, the micro-
inside the tumor, may potentially regulate the environment conditions inside the tumors are also
growth of the metastatic cells. known to induce chemokine receptor expression
in some cases. For instance, the low oxygen con-
Therapeutical Aspects centration (▶ hypoxia) inside a tumor induces
The multiple points at which chemokines may CXCR4 expression which concomitantly leads
regulate cancer progression make them attractive to a more aggressive metastatic phenotype in can-
targets to develop anticancer drugs. Several strat- cer cells. Chemokine receptors endow cancer cells
egies have been adopted to harness the power of with “postal codes” that determine their migration
chemokines against cancer, including the use of to tissues where the ligands of these receptors are
antibodies against the overexpressed chemokine expressed and therefore are important for the met-
receptors in the target cancer cells to induce apo- astatic ability of these cells. In addition, these
ptosis of these cells. One common strategy has receptors may confer or modulate cancer cells
been the development of inhibitors to block the functions that, by regulating different steps in
binding of the chemokines to the receptors and cancer progression, may contribute to the carci-
consequently the function of these receptors. The nogenic and metastatic phenotype of these cells.
fact that chemokine receptors are on the mem- The case of the Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus
brane and that much information is available on (KSHV), which induces cancer lesions similar to
the sequences, both on the ligands and on the that of the Kaposi sarcoma, is a dramatic example
receptors, necessary for receptor-ligand binding that shows the important role that chemokines and
have enabled the development of numerous pep- their receptors may play in cancer. Interestingly,
tide or small molecule inhibitors that interfere this virus encodes a constitutively active receptor
with chemokine function. Some of these inhibi- that displays a high degree of sequence similarity
tors have been developed against CCR1, CCR5, to chemokine receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2 and
CXCR7, and CXCR4. Most of these inhibitors which can even be further activated by the
932 Chemokine Receptor CXCR4

CXCR2 ligands CXCL1 and/or CXCL8. KSHV is Heidelberg, p 1587. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
also pro-angiogenic and induces survival effects 5_2294
(2012) Haptotaxis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
in the cancer cells where it is expressed. Further Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1631.
supporting a causative role of CXCR2 in cancer, a doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2565
constitutive form of CXCR2, can induce cell (2012) Integrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
transformation in susceptible cell types. cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1884. doi:
(2012) Orthotopic. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
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doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6278
▶ Adhesion
▶ Angiogenesis
▶ Apoptosis
▶ Autocrine Signaling
▶ Cancer Chemokine Receptor CXCR4
▶ Chemokine Receptor CXCR4
▶ Chemokines Jonathan Blay
▶ G Proteins Department of Pharmacology, Dalhousie
▶ Hypoxia University, Halifax, NS, Canada
▶ Invasion
▶ Lung Cancer
▶ Metastasis Synonyms
▶ Migration
▶ Motility CD184; Fusin; Receptor for CXCL12; Receptor
for stromal cell-derived factor-1 alpha; SDF-1a

Balkwill F (2004) Cancer and the chemokine network. Nat Definition

Rev Cancer 4:540–550
Ben-Baruch A (2006) The multifaceted roles of CXCR4 is a cell surface protein that acts as a
chemokines in malignancy. Cancer Metastasis Rev
receptor for the molecule CXCL12 (stromal cell-
Kakinuma T, Hwang ST (2006) Chemokines, chemokine derived factor-1 alpha, SDF-1a). CXCL12 is one
receptors, and cancer metastasis. J Leukoc Biol of a class of signaling molecules called
79:639–651 chemokines that regulate the movement and
Sánchez-Sánchez N, Riol-Blanco L, Rodríguez-Fernández
other activities of cells throughout the body.
JL (2006) The multiples personalities of the chemokine
receptor CCR7 in dendritic cells. J Immunol Although CXCL12 and CXCR4 play major roles
176:5153–5159 in regulating stem cells and cells of the immune
Zlotnik A (2006) Chemokines and cancer. Int J Cancer system, CXCR4 is also found on many cancer
cells and plays a part in metastasis, spread of the
cancer cells being influenced by tissue levels of
See Also CXCL12.
(2012) Chemotaxis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 793.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1081
(2012) Glioma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- Characteristics
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1557. doi:
(2012) G-protein Couple Receptor. In: Schwab M (ed) Chemokines are a class of peptide mediators that
Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin play important roles in controlling cellular
Chemokine Receptor CXCR4 933

homing and migration both in embryonic devel- different chemokines. However, most receptors
opment and in the regulation of cell populations in have between one and three distinct partners.
the adult. There are at least 40 different With very few exceptions, these partnerships are
chemokines that fall into four classes depending within a particular chemokine class (e.g., CXCL
upon their peptide structure. The different classes chemokines bind selectively to certain CXCR
are “C,” “CC,” “CXC,” and “CX3C” chemokines, receptors). At this point, the only chemokine fac-
for which characteristic sequence motifs involve tor known to bind to CXCR4 is CXCL12, C
residues of the amino acid cysteine (C) either in although CXCL12 itself is able to bind to an
sequence or separated by one or three other amino alternate receptor (CXCR7, previously known as
acids (X or X3). The chemokines themselves are RDC-1) as well as to CXCR4.
peptides that can exist freely in solution in biolog- Chemokine receptors such as CXCR4 are
ical fluids and act by binding to corresponding seven-transmembrane, G protein-coupled recep-
▶ receptors. In the language of molecular interac- tors. The protein chain of CXCR4 therefore winds
tions, a chemokine is therefore known as a ligand. back and forth across the outer membrane of the
Chemokines are denoted by the letter L within cell so that it crosses the membrane a total of
their name. CXCL12 is thus a ligand and a che- seven times. One end of the protein chain (the
mokine of the CXC class of chemokine mediators. amino terminus) protrudes from the outside of
The chemokine receptors are named according the cell. This region of the protein, together with
to the chemokine class of their binding partner certain parts of the three extracellular loops, forms
(or ligand), with the letter “R” to designate their the binding domain for CXCL12. The part of the
receptor status. CXCR4 is therefore a receptor. As receptor that protrudes from the inner face of the
for chemokines, the numbers serve to distinguish membrane (composed of the carboxy-terminus
individual members of the overall family. The and three intracellular loops) contains the charac-
partnership between chemokine receptors and teristics that allow it to provoke a cascade of
the chemokines is not monogamous, and some events within the cell (Fig. 1). These steps are
chemokine receptors may bind as many as ten initiated firstly by a linkage to one or more of a

Chemokine Receptor CXCL12

CXCR4, Fig. 1 The
cellular signaling pathways
of CXCR4. When the CXCR4
chemokine ligand CXCL12 Exterior
binds to its receptor
CXCR4, one or more of
several pathways can be Cell
activated through initial membrane
links involving G proteins
that associate with the Interior
receptor. These pathways,
which are shown only in
G proteins
outline, involve a further
network of interactions that
eventually lead to a cellular
response that may ensure Phospholipase-Cγ Phosphatidyl-
cell growth, migration or inositol 3-kinase

Inositol Phosphatidylinositol
Diacylglycerol Raf
trisphosphate (3,4,5)-trisphosphate

Release of Ca2+ Protein kinase C MAPK Protein kinase B/Akt

934 Chemokine Receptor CXCR4

small family of proteins that interact directly with These supporting cells or “stromal cells” secrete
the receptor, called ▶ G proteins (in this case a number of factors that serve to nourish the stem
primarily Gai and Gaq). G protein involvement cells and to keep them within a safe environment
leads to the activation of three major signal- in their primitive and “resting” state.
ing pathways: (i) the phospholipase Notable among these factors is CXCL12 (the
C-diacylglycerol/IP3 pathway, (ii) the Ras-Raf- “stromal cell-derived factor”), which can bind to
MAP kinase pathway, and (iii) the PI3-kinase CXCR4 on the stem cells. The binding of
pathway. CXCL12 to its receptor has several effects on
CXCR4 is a crucially important member of the cell behavior, but the principal outcome is to
chemokine receptor family. If CXCR4 or attract cells toward the source of CXCL12. In
CXCL12 is absent during embryonic develop- the case of stem cells in the bone marrow, this
ment, the organism is unable to survive. The key results in retention within the microenvironmental
dependence on CXCL12 and CXCR4 reflects the niche or directs migrant stem cells back to this
importance of this signal/receptor pair in marshal- location. This ability of the CXCL12:CXCR4 axis
ing the correct formation of cells as tissues are to direct cell movement is what underlies its key
formed from their more rudimentary cellular pre- role in orchestrating tissue development and
cursors in the embryo. The CXCL12-CXCR4 repair. The phenomenon can be demonstrated in
axis, as it is often called, is a central part of the experiments using isolated cells, such that cells
normal development of the central nervous sys- that have the CXCR4 receptor can be induced to
tem (the brain itself) and the exquisitely organized migrate through pores in an artificial filter in
tissue that replenishes the different cells of the response to an upward concentration gradient of
blood through adult life (the hematopoietic sys- CXCL12 in the fluid. This is a cellular response
tem). In addition, CXCR4 and CXCL12 seem to known as chemotaxis, and CXCL12 is referred to
play a particular role in the development of the as a chemoattractant.
gut, and their participation is important for the Unfortunately, this normal and very important
proper development of the blood vessel system process by which CXCL12 and CXCR4 assist
that is required for efficient intestinal function in directed cell movement has been subverted by
the adult. In adult organisms, CXCR4 and cancer cells to assist the spread of a cancer or
CXCL12 partly reprise their developmental role metastasis. Normal tissues that are not subject to
during tissue damage by participating in repair inflammation or repair processes typically have
processes. very low levels of CXCR4. However, when can-
Once the organism is fully formed, the most cers are formed the affected cells frequently expe-
evident role for CXCR4 and CXCL12 in a normal rience a dramatic increase (“upregulation”) of
individual is that of continued regulation of the CXCR4. This has been shown for the common
hematopoietic system. This takes place mainly in adult cancers (carcinomas of the breast, colon,
the bone marrow, which acts as a reservoir for the lung, prostate, cervix, etc.), which arise in the
ancestral cells (stem cells and other progenitor membranous linings (epithelia) of certain organs;
cells) that are needed for the continued production but CXCR4 levels are also elevated in cancers
of various white cells (leukocytes) and other prog- arising in the bone (e.g., osteosarcoma), muscle
eny that are required to ensure a proper defense (e.g., rhabdomyosarcoma), nervous tissue (e.g.,
against infection or injury or to deal with replace- glioblastoma), or white cells (various leukemias).
ment and remodeling of damaged tissues. These This is such a consistent finding that in many
stem cells – which need to be maintained safely by cancers the level, or “expression,” of CXCR4 can
the body until required to respond – are located be used as cancer biomarker. The levels of
within the protected environment of the bone CXCR4 that are present on the cells give an indi-
marrow and are supported and nourished by a cation of how the cancer is likely to behave in the
specialized grouping of cells that together are future and what therapeutic steps might need to be
referred to as the “microenvironmental niche.” considered. Levels are assessed using a technique
Chemokine Receptor CXCR4 935

called immunohistochemistry. In this approach that may provide certain subpopulations with
very thin slices or “sections” – no more than greater amounts of the CXCR4 protein, and
0.005 mm thick – are taken from the suspect tissue these cells have a selective advantage. However,
onto glass slides. Special protein reagents called there are also indications that factors within the
antibodies are used that recognize any molecules environment of the tumor can make the situation
of CXCR4 in the tissue, and additional steps in the worse by stimulating the cell to make even more
process generate color wherever the antibody has CXCR4. The hypoxic nature of tumor tissue C
bound. The resulting picture under a microscope causes an increase in CXCR4 gene transcription
tells the pathologist not only about the architec- through a pathway involving ▶ hypoxia-
ture of the tissue and the characteristics of the cells inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1a). Various small-
but whether or not they have high levels of molecular-weight and polypeptide mediators have
CXCR4. High levels (expression) of CXCR4 are also been shown to enhance the cellular expres-
associated with cancer aggressiveness, a likeli- sion of this chemokine receptor.
hood that the cancer will spread or metastasize The cancer cells are therefore equipped to be
and means that the outlook for the patient is likely attracted toward sources of CXCL12 and to be
to be poorer. captured within environments that are high in
The link between cancer aggressiveness/ concentrations of CXCL12. Thus, it is no coinci-
metastasis exists because the CXCL12:CXCR4 dence that the tissues that are high in CXCL12 are
axis has a similar role of “directing traffic” in also those in which cancers form secondary
cancer as it does in normal circumstances. In this tumors or metastases. Such tissues include the
situation it is the cancer cells that possess the lymph nodes – central filters in the system that
receptor – CXCR4 – and have levels at the cell drain fluid from all tissues – as well as the liver,
surface that are much greater than are found on lung, and bone marrow. CXCL12 is believed to be
their normal counterparts. The exact reasons for one of the major factors driving metastasis
these elevated levels of the chemokine receptor (Fig. 2). As a colorectal cancer develops in the
are not fully understood. Undoubtedly the genetic large intestine, for example, and small groups of
changes that are characteristic of cancer cells lead tumor cells are shed into the blood circulation and
to alterations in transcription of the CXCR4 gene the lymphatic drainage, circulating cells will find

Primary tumor Metastatic site

e.g. colon or breast cancer e.g. lung, liver, bone

Increased levels of CXCL 12 in tissue of

receptor (CXCR4) on e.g. lung, liver, bone:
tumor cell surface

1. Stimulates entry of
tumor cells into tissue

2. Stimulates cell division/

growth of the metastasis

Chemokine Receptor CXCR4, Fig. 2 How CXCR4 and have high concentrations of CXCL12, the molecule for
CXCL12 work together to facilitate metastasis. Tumor which CXCR4 is the receptor. CXCL12 both encourages
cells have increased levels of the receptor at their cell the entry of cells into the tissue and promotes growth of the
surface. When the tumor grows sufficiently for the cancer cell population, facilitating metastatic spread. Tissues that
cells to find their way into the bloodstream, some cells have low levels of CXCL12 are much less likely to accept
lodge in tissues (e.g., lungs, liver, and bone marrow) that metastases
936 Chemokines

an attractive home as they encounter lymph nodes See Also

in the mesenteric fat around the intestinal wall,
when they are delivered to the liver through the (2012) Antibody. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 208.
portal circulation or as they lodge in the capillary
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_312
beds of the lung after traversing the systemic (2012) Biomarkers. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
circulation. Conversely, they have a much Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
reduced probability of taking up residence in pp 408–409. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6601
(2012) Chemotaxis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
sites such as the heart or skeletal (voluntary) mus-
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 793.
cle, which are low in CXCL12. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1081
In addition to being attracted and retained in (2012) G-protein Couple Receptor. In: Schwab M (ed)
tissues that have high concentrations of CXCL12, Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
delberg, p 1587. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
the CXCR4-bearing cancer cells may respond in
other ways. Although this may not be the case for (2012) Hematopoietic System. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
all cancers, in some types (e.g., carcinomas of clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
the colon and prostate), there is evidence that berg, p 1645. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2621
(2012) Ligands. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can-
once the cells have settled in to their new location,
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2040. doi:
the presence of CXCL12 acting through CXCR4 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3352
also enhances their ability to grow and colonize (2012) Microenvironmental Niche. In: Schwab M (ed)
the tissue. In this way, CXCL12 can also be Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
delberg, p 2296. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
regarded as a growth factor, alongside other poly-
peptide growth stimulators that participate in (2012) Stromal Cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
tumor expansion. Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3544.
One additional factor that makes CXCR4 of doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5535
(2012) Transcription. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
interest for many different clinicians and
Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3752.
researchers is that it is one of the two major doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5899
coreceptors by which the AIDS virus infects
human cells. One of the proteins that is present
within the outer surface of the HIV-1 virus, called
gp120, binds to CXCR4, although at a slightly
different site to CXCL12. When the virus binds to Chemokines
its major target (the CD4 protein) on susceptible
cells, it requires a coreceptor in order to complete Lei Fang and Sam T. Hwang
its cellular attack. This allows it to complete the Dermatology Branch, National Cancer Institute,
molecular changes that allow it to infect the cell. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Depending on the exact cell and viral type, the
coreceptor may be CXCR4 or another chemokine
receptor, CCR5. While the link with AIDS has Synonyms
limited direct relevance to most cancers, the two
fields of research have synergized to extend our Chemoattractant cytokine; Chemotactic cytokine
present understanding of CXCR4.


Cross-References Chemokines are a large group of small proteins

that play multiple biological roles, including stim-
▶ G Proteins ulating directional migration (chemotaxis) of leu-
▶ Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 kocytes and tumor cells via their membrane-
▶ Receptors bound receptors.
Chemokines 937

The name comes from “chemotactic cyto- capable of mediating haptotaxis of leukocytes
kines,” these small cytokines induce migration and other cells. Chemokine receptor activation
of diverse immune cells. The family of the can also trigger conformational changes in mem-
chemokines is quite numerous, as are the chemo- brane integrins, permitting strong cell–cell adhe-
kine receptors, and often there is “promiscuity,” in sion in the presence of appropriate integrin
that a single chemokine can activate multiple receptors. This signaling pathway is particularly
receptors and multiple chemokines can activate a relevant in triggering cellular integrins found on C
single receptor. These molecules direct trafficking leukocytes and cancer cells to bind to their respec-
of leucocytes. Two chemokine receptors are tive receptors (e.g., ICAM-1) on vascular endo-
also the principal coreceptors for HIV involved thelial cells, facilitating stable binding and
in viral entry: CCR5, expressed on monocytes spreading of cells to endothelium. The stable
and macrophages as well as other cells, and the binding of metastatic tumor cells to vascular
more widely expressed CXCR4. The tropism of endothelial cells at distant sites of metastasis is
specific chemokine receptors is associated with likely to be a crucial early step in the process of
HIV clinical effects, with CCR5 linked to infec- ▶ metastasis.
tion and CXCR4 tropism linked to progression Circumstantial evidence supports the idea that
to AIDS. tumor cells use chemokines to promote their own
survival and metastasis through multiple mecha-
nisms. For example, certain chemokines secreted
Characteristics by tumor cells contribute to tumor growth and
▶ angiogenesis. Members of chemokines that
Chemokines are divided into four subgroups (C, contain an ELR motif (Glu–Leu–Arg) act as
CC, CXC, and CX3C) based on the spacing of the angiogenic factors, which are chemotatic for
key cysteine residues near the N terminus of these endothelial cells in vitro and can stimulate
proteins. The CC and CXC families represent the in vivo. In contrast, members without an ELR
majority of known chemokines. Chemokines sig- motif inhibit angiogenesis. Chemokine-mediated
nal through seven-transmembrane-domain recep- tumor cell activation through cellular kinases such
tors, which are coupled to heterotrimeric as PI3K, ▶ Akt signal transduction pathway in
Gi-proteins. Activation of phospholipase oncogenesis), and other downstream mediators
C (PLC) and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase g (Fig. 1) influences tumor cell resistance to apopto-
(PI3Kg) by bg subunits of ▶ G-proteins is well tic death. For example, activation of the chemo-
established. kine receptor CCR10 prevents Fas-mediated
So far, approximately 50 chemokines and tumor cell death induced by cytolytic antigen-
18 chemokine receptors have been identified. specific T cells.
Some chemokine receptors bind to multiple Selected chemokine receptors are upregulated
chemokines and vice versa, suggesting possible in a large numbers of common human cancers,
redundancies in chemokine functions. Chemokine including breast, lung, prostate, colon, and mela-
receptors permit diverse cells to sense small noma. Chemokine receptors expressed on tumor
changes in the gradient of soluble and extracellu- cells coupled with chemokines preferentially
lar matrix-bound chemokines, thus facilitating the expressed in a variety of organs are believed to
directional migration of these cells toward higher play critical roles in cancer metastasis to vital
relative concentrations of chemokines. While sol- organs as well as draining lymph nodes. CXCR4
uble chemoattractants can induce directional is by far the most common chemokine receptor
migration, chemokines (due to their net positive expressed on most cancers. In addition, CXCL12,
charges) will often be bound to and presented by the ligand for CXCR4, is highly expressed in
negatively charged macromolecules such as endo- lung, liver, bone marrow, and lymph nodes,
thelial cell-derived proteoglycans in vivo. Che- which represent the common sites of metastasis
mokine gradients bound to solid surfaces are of many cancers. Chemokine receptor expression
938 Chemokines

Chemokines, N terminus Chemokine

Fig. 1 Chemokine
receptor signaling. Upon
stimulation by chemokine, Plasma Chemokine receptor
bg subunits of G-protein are membrane
dissociated from Gai
subunit. bg subunits
activate phospholipase C terminus Gβγ PLC PKC
C (PLC) and IP3 Ca2+
3 kinase g (PI3Kg), whereas
PLC phospholipase C
Gai subunit directly
DAG Diacylglycerol
activates ▶ Src-like kinase PI3K PI3Kγ IP3
P85/p110 inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate
PKC protein kinase C
PI3Kγ phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase γ
Src Src-like kinase
PKB protein kinase B

on cancer cells may influence the conversion of Cross-References

small, clinically insignificant foci of cancer cells
at metastatic sites to rapidly growing, clinically ▶ Akt Signal Transduction Pathway
serious secondary tumors. Cancers that upregulate ▶ Angiogenesis
CCR7 expression also facilitate their entry into ▶ Chemokine Receptor CXCR4
lymphatic vessels, which strongly express the ▶ Dendritic Cells
CCR7 ligand (CCL21), and subsequent retention ▶ G Proteins
within CCL21-rich secondary lymphoid organs. ▶ Metastasis
Upregulation of chemokine receptors such as ▶ Regulatory T Cells
CCR7 may be a major reason for efficient lymph ▶ Src
node metastasis observed in many epithelial
Chemokines released by tumor cells have been
shown to attract ▶ regulatory T cells, thus Kakinuma T, Hwang ST (2006) Chemokines, chemokine
suppressing host responses to invasive tumors. receptors, and cancer metastasis. J Leukoc Biol
Moreover, chemokine and their receptors are 79:639–651
involved in ▶ dendritic cell maturation, B and Müller A, Homey B, Soto H et al (2001) Involvement of
chemokine receptors in breast cancer metastasis.
T cell development, and T1 and T2 polarization Nature 410:50–56
of the T-cell response. These actions suggest the Murphy PM (2002) International Union of Pharmacology.
possibility that chemokines may play a role in XXX. Update on chemokine receptor nomenclature.
altering the magnitude and polarity of host Pharmacol Rev 54:227–229
Rossi D, Zlotnik A (2000) The biology of chemokines and
immune responses to cancer cells. their receptors. Annu Rev Immunol 18:217–242
Although individual chemokine and chemo- Thelen M (2001) Dancing to the tune of chemokines. Nat
kine receptor appear to affect many aspects of Immunol 2:129–134
cancer cell survival, migration, angiogenesis,
and the host response to cancer cells, it is still
See Also
unclear which of these functions predominate in (2012) Chemotaxis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
the multistep establishment of primary tumors and cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 793. doi:
secondary metastases. 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1081
Chemoprevention 939

(2012) FAS. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, quality of life and should be ideally inexpensive,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1379. doi: safe, well tolerated, and effective in preventing
(2012) Haptotaxis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of more than one cancer.
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1631. Experience with ▶ celecoxib (Celebrex) and
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2565 other COX-2 inhibitors illustrates the importance
(2012) Integrin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can- of an assessment of the risk/benefit ratio for
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1884. doi:
10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3084 patients. COX-2 inhibitors have shown impres- C
(2012) TH1 Cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of sive efficacy in the prevention of colon cancer
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3600. and several other forms of cancer, but they also
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5647 increase the risk of serious cardiovascular side
Attention has focused on ▶ nutraceuticals and
phytochemicals (see “▶ Phytochemicals in Can-
Chemokinesis cer Prevention”) as chemopreventive agents.
▶ Curcumin (found in the curry spice turmeric)
▶ Motility has shown dramatic anticancer results in preclin-
ical studies owing to its significant anti-▶ inflam-
mation properties. Curcumin has been used for
thousands of years in the diets of people in the
Chemoprevention Middle and Far East and therefore is believed to
have a low probability of serious side effects.
Definition Under investigation for their potential in breast
cancer chemoprevention are aromatase inhibitors
Chemoprevention involves the use, in healthy (see “▶ Aromatase and Its Inhibitors”), a class of
people, of natural or laboratory-made substances estrogen blockers, which are approved to treat
to prevent cancer or reduce cancer risk both in metastatic breast cancer in postmenopausal
high-risk individuals and in the general popula- women. While the idea of cancer chemopreven-
tion. The aim is to reduce the cancer burden in tion is extremely attractive, much research
humans. Most work is being done to reduce the remains to be done to make this a generally appli-
risk for ▶ oral cancer, prostate cancer (see cable option for reducing the human cancer bur-
“▶ Prostate Cancer Clinical Oncology”), ▶ cervi- den. An important element will be to identify
cal cancer, ▶ lung cancer, ▶ colorectal cancer, informative biomarkers to assess individual can-
and ▶ breast cancer. The first chemopreventive cer risk and to possibly provide information of
agent to reach the clinic – and possibly the best patient’s tolerance toward individual chemopre-
known – was ▶ tamoxifen, which has been shown ventive agents.
to cut breast cancer incidence in high-risk women
by 50%. It was followed by finasteride, found to
reduce prostate cancer (see “▶ Prostate Cancer Cross-References
Clinical Oncology”) incidence by 25% in men at
high risk for the disease. However, the large-scale ▶ Aromatase and Its Inhibitors
trials that confirmed these benefits brought to light ▶ Breast Cancer
a troublesome issue: the drugs caused serious side ▶ Celecoxib
effects in some patients. This is an issue of partic- ▶ Cervical Cancers
ular concern when considering long-term admin- ▶ Chemoprotectants
istration of a drug to healthy people who may or ▶ Colorectal Cancer
may not develop cancer. Obviously, this is raising ▶ Curcumin
a number of ethical issues. An effective chemo- ▶ Detoxification
preventive agent should not significantly alter ▶ Inflammation
940 Chemoprotectants

▶ Lung Cancer serum enzyme levels, or induce significant injury

▶ Nutraceuticals to the tissues/organs. These chemoprotectants
▶ Oral Cancer include anticancer, antitumor, anti angiogenic,
▶ Photochemoprevention and antioxidant compounds and are used as an
▶ Phytochemicals in Cancer Prevention adjuvant in cancer ▶ chemotherapy.
▶ Prostate Cancer Clinical Oncology
▶ Tamoxifen
See Also
According to the World Health Organization
(2012) Biomarkers. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of (WHO), cancer accounts for 7.6 million
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, (or 13%) of all deaths in 2005, and the incidence
pp 408–409. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6601 of cancer is expected to rise with an estimated
(2012) Cyclooxygenase-2. In: Schwab M 9 and 11.4 million deaths from cancer in 2015
(ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1035. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- and 2030, respectively. Cancer chemotherapy
16483-5_1435 and radiation therapy are the most promising
(2012) Estrogens. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of choice available for the cancer patients. The
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1333. global outlook of cancer therapy has made dra-
(2012) Finasteride. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of matic improvement since the discovery of various
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1407. synthetic and natural chemoprotectants which
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2191 slow down the progress of this deadly disease
and enhance the life span of the cancer patients.
Chemoprotectants may exert toxic effects. Thus, it
is very important to determine the right dosage
Chemoprotectants and exposure scenario for each chemoprotectant
prior to the exposure to demonstrate adequate
Debasis Bagchi safety.
Department of Pharmacy Sciences, Creighton
University Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA Synthetic Chemoprotectants
Amifostine. A white powder, water-soluble
organic thiophosphate compound, chemically
Synonyms known as 2-[(3-aminopropyl)amino]-ethanethiol
dihydrogen phosphate (ester) or 2-(3-aminopro-
Chemoprevention; Chemoprotection pylamino)ethylsulfanyl phosphonic acid or
aminopropylaminoethyl thiophosphate (Fig. 1a),
and used as a cytoprotective adjuvant in cancer
Definition chemotherapy to reduce the incidence of ▶ neu-
tropenia-related fever and infection caused by
Chemoprotectants are natural or synthetic chem- DNA-binding chemotherapeutic agents including
ical compounds which exhibit the ability to ame- cyclophosphamide and cisplatin. Amifostine
liorate, mimic, or inhibit the toxic or adverse (empirical formula C5H15N2O3PS; molecular
effects of structurally different chemotherapeutic weight 214.22; trade name Ethyol, synonyms:
agents, radiation therapy, cytotoxic drugs, or nat- ethiofos, ethanethiol, gammaphos, WR2721,
urally occurring toxins, without compromising NSC-296961) is used to decrease the cumulative
the anticancer or antitumor potential of the che- nephrotoxicity caused by cisplatin in patients with
motherapeutic drugs. Chemoprotectants should ovarian or lung cancer, as well as to reduce the
not affect the therapeutic efficacy of the chemo- incidence of moderate to severe xerostomia
therapeutic agents, radiation, or drugs, disrupt the (dry mouth) in patients undergoing radiotherapy
Chemoprotectants 941

a Amifostine b Dexrazoxane
(R)-2-acetamido-3-mercaptopropanoic acid 4-[1-(3, 5-dioxopiperazin-1-yl) propan-2-yl]
piperazine-2, 6-dione

N Na+ HO

c Glutathione d Mesna e N-Acetylcysteine

2-amino-5-{[2[(carboxymethyl)amino]- Sodium-2-sulfanylethane- (R)-2-acetamido-3-
1-(mercaptomethyl)-2-oxoethyl]amino}- sulfaonate mercaptopropanoic acid
5-oxopentanoic acid

Chemoprotectants, Fig. 1 Structures and IUPAC nomenclature of (a) amifostine, (b) dexazoxane, (c) glutathione, (d)
mesna, and (e) N-acetylcysteine

for head and neck cancer. Amifostine is molecular weight 268.28; trade names:
dephosphorylated by alkaline phosphatase in tis- Zinecard ®, ICRF-187, ADR-529, or NSC
sues to a pharmacologically active free thiol 169780, synonym: 2,6-piperazinedione) is a
metabolite, which readily scavenge noxious reac- cyclic derivative of EDTA that readily penetrates
tive oxygen species (ROS) generated by exposure cell membranes and a potent intracellular chelat-
to either cisplatin or radiation, as well as detoxify ing agent. Dexrazoxane is used to protect the heart
reactive metabolites of platinum and other against the cardiotoxic side effects of
alkylating agents. Pharmacokinetic studies show anthracycline chemotherapy and to reduce the
that amifostine is rapidly cleared from the plasma incidence and severity of cardiomyopathy associ-
with a distribution half-life of <1 min and an ated with doxorubicin administration in women
elimination half-life of approximately 8 min. with breast cancer. Dexrazoxane is hydrolyzed by
Ethyol is supplied in 500 mg vials and admin- the enzyme dihydropyrimidine amidohydrolase
istered intravenously (i.v.). Amifostine-induced in the liver and kidney to active metabolites,
adverse side effects include nausea, vomiting, which have been shown to chelate both free and
flushing, chills, dizziness, shortness of breath, bound intracellular iron, thereby preventing
fainting, seizures, cardiovascular problems, skin the formation of cardiotoxic ROS and
rash, hives, and swelling of the throat. anthracycline-mediated cardiomyopathy. How-
Dexrazoxane. A whitish crystalline powder, ever, dexrazoxane may potentiate hematological
sparingly soluble in water, and chemically toxicity induced by chemotherapy or radiation.
known as (S)-4,40 -(1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)bis- Dexrazoxane is rapidly distributed into the
2,6-piperazinedione or 4-[1-(3,5-dioxopiperazin- body’s tissues and fluids, while the highest con-
1-yl) propan-2-yl]piperazine-2,6-dione (Fig. 1b). centration is found in the hepatic and renal tissues.
Dexrazoxane (empirical formula C11H16N4O4; Urinary excretion plays an important role in the
942 Chemoprotectants

elimination of dexrazoxane (half-life, t 1/2 2–4 h). ifosfamide or cyclophosphamide and to decrease
Forty-two percent of the 500 mg/m2 dose of the incidence of ifosfamide-associated urothelial
dexrazoxane is excreted in the urine. toxicity. Hematuria can also happen with higher
Dexrazoxane is available in 250 and 500 mg doses of cyclophosphamide chemotherapy, but is
for i.v. administration. Adverse effects include less common. Higher doses of mesna are
alopecia, nausea, vomiting, fever, fatigue, recommended if blood is detected in the urine.
anorexia, urticaria, leucopenia, hematologic Ifosfamide or cyclophosphamide is converted to
thrombocytopenia, and neurotoxicity. urotoxic metabolites such as acrolein and
Glutathione. A tripeptide, made of the amino oxazaphosphorine metabolites, while mesna neu-
acids g-glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine, is the tralizes these metabolites by binding through its
predominant nonprotein thiol and functions as a sulfhydryl moieties and increases urinary cysteine
redox buffer and exhibits diverse antioxidant excretion. Analogous to the physiological
activities and protects cells from oxidative stress. cysteine–cystine system, mesna is rapidly oxi-
Glutathione (synonyms: reduced glutathione, dized to its biologically inert disulfide metabolite,
monomeric glutathione, GSH; empirical formula mesna disulfide or dimesna. Both mesna and
C10H17N3O6S; and molecular weight 307.33) is dimesna are very hydrophilic and, therefore,
chemically known as N-(N-L-g-glutamyl-L- remain in the intravascular compartment, where
cysteinyl)glycine (Fig. 1c), while its dimer is they are rapidly eliminated by the kidneys. In the
known as oxidized glutathione, glutathione disul- kidney, the mesna disulfide is reduced to the free
fide, diglutathione, and GSSG, chemically known thiol compound, mesna, which reacts chemically
as L-g-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine disulfide with the urotoxic ifosfamide metabolites includ-
(empirical formula C20H32N6O12S2). The primary ing acrolein and 4-hydroxy-ifosfamide, resulting
function of GSH is to act as a nonenzymatic in their detoxification. After oral administration,
reducing agent to help keep cysteine thiol side mesna has a bioavailability of 50–75%, and uri-
chains in a reduced state on the surface of pro- nary mesna concentrations are approximately one
teins. GSH levels in intracellular fluids decline half of those observed after i.v. infusion. The
dramatically with advancing age, and thus, the mean terminal half-life of mesna is 0.4 h, and the
ability to detoxify ROS diminishes. GSH is avail- half-life of dimesna is 1.2 h.
able as a single-ingredient dietary supplement or Mesnex Injection contains 100 mg/ml mesna
in combination products. Daily dosage ranges and is recommended for both oral and/or
from 50 to 600 mg daily. No adverse effects i.v. Adverse effects include nausea, vomiting,
were reported. taste changes, headache, diarrhea, weakness,
Mesna. A synthetic sulfhydryl compound, pain, skin rash, itching, irritation, and mood
chemically known as sodium-2-mercaptoethane swings.
sulfonate or sodium-2-sulfanylethane-sulfonate, N-Acetylcysteine. It is a precursor of intracel-
and forms a clear and colorless aqueous solution. lular glutathione and cysteine and has an impres-
Mesna (HS-CH2–CH2SO3–Na+; empirical for- sive array of mechanisms and protective effects
mula C2H5O3S2Na; molecular weight 164.18; toward DNA damage, carcinogenesis, and other
trade names: Uromitexan, Mesnex) (Fig. 1d) is a mutation-related diseases. N-Acetylcysteine
thiol uroprotective chemoprotectant used as an (empirical formula C5H9NO3S; molecular weight
adjuvant in cancer chemotherapy to protect the 163.19; synonyms: LNAC, NAC, N-acetyl-
bladder and kidneys from the urotoxic side effects L-cysteine; trade names: ACC, Mucomyst,
of the chemotherapy drugs ifosfamide (Mitoxana, Acetadote, Fluimucil, Parvolex) (Fig. 1e) is chem-
Ifex, and Holoxan), trofosfamide (Ixoten), and ically known as (R)-2-acetamido-3-
cyclophosphamide (Endoxan). It was developed mercaptopropanoic acid and used mainly as a
as a prophylactic agent to reduce or detoxify the mucolytic (mucus dissolving) in a variety of respi-
risk of hemorrhagic cystitis and hematuria ratory conditions or in the management of para-
(excretion of blood in urine) induced by cetamol overdose. However, novel applications of
Chemoprotectants 943

NAC, alone and in combination with other anti- R1

cancer compounds, have been shown to be suc- 3′ 4′ OH
cessful in treatment of tumor cell growth. First, it
scavenges noxious ROS, and later, NAC is B
deacetylated in many tissues and cells to form 5′
L-cysteine, supporting glutathione biosynthesis 7
that serves directly as an antioxidant or as a sub-
3 C
strate in the glutathione redox cycle. Efficacy of OH
different doses of NAC on potent carcinogens OH
such as benzo(a)pyrene, 2-aminofluorene, and
aflatoxin B1 have been reported. NAC, a precursor R1 – H R2 – H : Pelargonidin
of intracellular glutathione, is also capable of R1 = OH R2 = H : Cyanidin
stimulating phase II enzymes in the glutathione R1 = OH R2 = OH : Delphinidin
cycle (GSH peroxidase, GSSG, reductase, GSH
R1 = OCH3 R2 = H : Peonidin
S-transferase). Repair of DNA damage has also
been found to be stimulated by thiols like NAC R1 = OCH3 R2 = OH : Petunidin
and glutathione. In a rat hepatocarcinogenesis R1 = OCH3 R2 = OCH3 : Malvidin
model, NAC administered by gavage inhibited
the formation of carcinogen–DNA adducts. Chemoprotectants, Fig. 2 Structures of berry
NAC (250–1500 mg/day) is well tolerated while
mild gastrointestinal upset reported at very high
doses. Extensive studies were conducted on six edible
ORG 2766. A neuroprotective chemo- berry extracts including wild blueberry, wild bil-
protectant which slows down the neurotoxic berry, cranberry, elderberry, raspberry, seed, and
effect or neuropathy of the cancer chemotherapy strawberry, and accordingly a novel synergistic
drug cisplatin, while leaving the antitumor activ- combination of these six berry extracts known as
ity of cisplatin unaffected. ORG 2766, a “OptiBerry” was developed. The six berry
hexapeptide analog of ACTH-(4–9) [synonym: extracts and OptiBerry demonstrated excellent
adrenocorticotropic hormone-(4–9)], prevents antiangiogenic properties. OptiBerry was also
Taxol-induced neuropathy in rats and cisplatin- shown to eradicate ▶ Helicobacter pylori, a caus-
induced ototoxicity (ear poisoning). ORG 2766 ative factor for diverse gastrointestinal diseases
is given subcutaneously in a dose of 0.25 mg/m2 including gastric cancer. Anthocyanins can be
(low dose) or 1 mg/m2 (high dose). No adverse identified in human blood plasma and serum
effects were reported. after consumption of berries.
Grape Seed Proanthocyanidins (GSP). OPC is
Natural Chemoprotectants the acronym for “oligomeric proanthocyanidins”
Berry Anthocyanin. Natural anthocyanins [synonyms: procyanidins, grape seed extract,
(synonyms: anthocyanins, anthocyanidins), grape seed proanthocyanidins (GSP)], a class of
including petunidin, malvidin, pelargonidin, polyphenolic bioflavonoids especially found in
peonidin, delphinidin, and cyanidin (Fig. 2), pro- grape seeds and the bark of maritime pine trees.
vide pigmentation (color) to fruits (especially Catechin, epicatechin, and OPC dimers, trimers,
berries), vegetables, and red wine and demon- and tetramers are shown in Fig. 3. GSP exhibited
strate novel chemotherapeutic, anticancer, anti- excellent free radical scavenging ability and pro-
inflammatory, and antimutagenic properties. vided significantly better protection as compared
Blueberry, bilberry, cranberry, strawberry, lingon- to vitamin C, vitamin E, and b-carotene in both
berry, tart cherry, black raspberry, and red rasp- in vitro and in vivo models. GSP exhibited signif-
berry as such, and their extracts, have exhibited icant protection against acetaminophen-induced
potential cancer chemopreventive properties. hepato- and nephrotoxicity, amiodarone-induced
944 Chemoprotectants


H Dimer A2

(+)-Calechin: R1=H; R2=OH H HO

(–)-Epicatechin: R1=OH; R2=H HO
(–)-Epicatechin-3-O-gallate: R1=OG: R2=H OH
(+)-Catechin-3-O-glucose: R=OGlv: R2=H

R1 R1 HO O
R2 R2
R4 H
Dimer B1; R1=OH; R2=H; R3=H; R4=OH H
Dimer B2; R1=OH; R2=H; R3=H; R4=OH R1
Dimer B3; R1–H; R2–OH; R3–H; R4–OH R2
Dimer B4; R1–H; R2–OH; R3–OH; R4–H OH
Trimer C1: R1=OH; R2=H; N=1
Dimer B6; R1=OH; R2=H; R3=OH; R4=H
Trimer EEC: R1=H; R2=OH; R2=OH; n=1
Dimer B7; R1=OH; R2=H; R3=OH; R4=H
Tetramer EEEC: R1=H; R2=OH; n=2

Chemoprotectants, Fig. 3 Structures of grape seed proanthocyanidins

pulmonary toxicity, dimethylnitrosamine (DMN)- liver cells. Thus, GSP can serve as a potential
induced splenotoxicity, cadmium chloride- candidate to ameliorate the toxic effects associ-
induced nephrotoxicity, doxorubicin-induced ated with chemotherapeutic agents used in the
cardiotoxicity, and O-ethyl S,S-dipropyl treatment of cancer. Another study demonstrated
phosphorodithioate (MOCAP)-induced neurotox- that long-term exposure to GSP may serve as a
icity in mice. GSP was shown to induce selective potent barrier to all three stages of DMN-induced
cytotoxicity toward cultured human MCF-7 liver carcinogenesis and tumorigenesis by selec-
breast cancer, A-427 lung cancer, and CRL-1739 tively altering oxidative stress, genomic integrity,
gastric adenocarcinoma cells, while enhancing the and cell death patterns in vivo. No adverse effect
growth and viability of normal human gastric is known.
mucosal cells and murine macrophage J774A.1 Green Tea Catechins and Polyphenols. The
cells. The protective ability of GSP was assessed history of tea as a beverage is traced by the Chi-
against chemotherapeutic drug-induced cytotox- nese to about 2700 BC. The green tea polyphenols
icity toward normal human liver cells. Chang liver (synonym: green tea extract) are composed of
cells were treated with idarubicin (Ida) (30 nM) or seven different kinds of catechin derivatives
4-hydroxyperoxycyclophosphamide (4-HC) with including (+)-catechin, ()-epicatechin, (+)-
or without GSP. GSP dramatically reduced the gallocatechin, ()-epigallocatechin, ()-
growth inhibitory effects of Ida and 4-HC on epicatechin-3-gallate, ()-gallocatechin-3-gallate,
Chemoprotectants 945


a Lycopene b trans- Resveratrol cis- Resveratrol
(6E, 8E, 10E, 12E, 14E, 16E, 20E, 22E, 24E, 26E)- Trans-3, 4′, 5-trihydroxystilebene; 3, 4’ , 5-stilbenetriol;
2, 6, 10, 14, 19, 23, 27, 31-Octamethyldotriaconta- trans-resveratorl; (E)-5-(p-hydroxystyryl)resorcinol; C
2, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 1B, 20, 22, 24, 30-tridecaene 5-[(E)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-ethenyl]benzene-1,3-doil



c Diadzein Genistein
4′ , 7-Trihydroxyisoflavone 4′, 5, 7-Trihydroxyisoflavone

Chemoprotectants, Fig. 4 Structure and IUPAC nomenclature of (a) lycopene, (b) trans- and cis-resveratrol, and (c)
daidzein and genistein

and ()-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (Fig. 3). deep-red color of ripe tomatoes, vegetables,

Green tea catechins exhibit powerful antioxidant, plants, and algae. Lycopene (empirical formula
antitumor, and anticancer properties. These help C40H56; molecular weight 536.87; synonyms:
DNA molecules against oxidative damage, as well all-trans lycopene) (Fig. 4a) is one of the most
as eradicate H. pylori. High consumption of potent carotenoid antioxidant in the human body,
green tea and a low incidence of prostate and as well as a potent chemoprotectant. Lycopene
breast cancers have been reported in epidemiolog- exhibits anticancer properties by regulating can-
ical studies. Case–control studies have demon- cer cell growth by interfering with cell cycle pro-
strated that high consumption of green tea, gression thereby inhibiting proliferation. An
especially more than ten cups a day, is associated inverse association exists between intake of toma-
with cancer chemoprevention, while consumption toes and plasma levels of lycopene, and a lower
of five cups lower the risk of esophageal, risk for cancer was strongest for cancers of the
stomach, and gastric cancer. Green tea polyphe- lung, stomach, and prostate gland and was sug-
nols increase the activity of both glutathione gestive for cancers of the cervix, breast, oral cav-
peroxidase and catalase in the intestines, liver, ity, pancreas, colorectum, and esophagus.
and lungs of mice and suppress spontaneous Lycopene exhibited a cancer risk reduction of
mutagenesis mediated by peroxide in the micro- 30–40%. The red color of lycopene is due to
environment of DNA following a substantial many conjugated C = C double bonds, which
reduction of activated carcinogens. EGCG absorb most of the visible spectrum. The antioxi-
inhibits the growth and causes regression of dant properties are responsible for the anticancer
human prostate and breast tumors. The advan- properties of lycopene. Lycopene in combination
tages of cancer chemoprevention with green tea with vitamin D or vitamin E has been reported to
components are safety, economical, and early to inhibit cancer cell growth. It was shown that lyco-
mass-produce. pene, with a half-maximal inhibitory concentra-
Lycopene. A bright red carotenoid pigment, tion of 1–2 mM, more effectively impaired growth
chemically a terpene assembled from eight iso- of select cancer cell types as compared with
prene units, is a natural pigment biosynthesized a-carotene or b-carotene. No adverse effects
by and accumulated in various fruits mostly in were reported.
946 Chemoprotectants

Resveratrol. A phytoalexin, a natural antibi- cancer cells to die. No adverse effects were
otic, conferring disease resistance in the plant reported.
kingdom and is produced under the conditions of Vitamins C and E and b-carotene. These anti-
UV radiation, fungal infection, and pathogenic oxidants are associated with decreased risk of
attack. ▶ Resveratrol (3,40 ,5-trihydroxystilbene, cancer.
5-[(E)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) ethenyl]benzene- Vitamin C. It is a water-soluble, highly bio-
1,3-diol; empirical formula C14H12O3; molecular available antioxidant and chemically known as
weight 228.25) (Fig. 4b) is mostly found in 2-oxo-L-threo-hexono-1,4-lactone-2,3-enediol or
grapes, berries, nuts, red wine, and Japanese knot- (R)-3,4-dihydroxy-5-((S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl)
weed and produced with the help of the enzyme furan-2(5H)-one (Fig. 5a). Vitamin C (synonyms:
stilbene synthase. The trans configuration of res- L-ascorbate, L-ascorbic acid, L-xylo-ascorbic acid;
veratrol is the only naturally occurring isomer. empirical formula C6H8O6; molecular weight
Resveratrol was demonstrated to function as a 176.13) induces antioxidant efficacy in the bio-
potent antimutagen including the induction of logical systems. The low one-electron reduction
phase II drug-metabolizing enzymes (anti- potentials of ascorbate and the ascorbyl radical
initiation activity), inhibition of cyclooxygenase enable them to react with and reduce ROS and
and hydroperoxidase functions (antipromotion reactive nitrogen species. The ascorbyl radical
activity), and induction of human promyelocytic may scavenge another radical or rapidly
leukemic cell differentiation (antiprogression dismutates to form ascorbate and dehydroascorbic
activity). Resveratrol was also found to possess acid. Vitamin C acts as a coantioxidant by
chemopreventive activity by inhibiting ribonucle- regenerating a-tocopherol from the
otide reductase and cellular events associated with a-tocopheroxyl radical. The recommended die-
cell proliferation, tumor initiation, promotion, and tary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is from
progression. Rapid absorption of resveratrol 75 to 90 mg/day.
occurs at the intestinal level in both animals and Vitamin E. A fat-soluble antioxidant present
humans and reaches the highest concentrations in in cell membranes and lipoproteins and chemi-
the blood plasma approximately 1 h after admin- cally known as (2R)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-
istration. No adverse effects were reported. [(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]-3,4-dihydro-
Soy Isoflavonoids. Isoflavonoids, natural plant 2H-chromen-6-ol (Fig. 5b). The term vitamin E
estrogens (▶ phytoestrogen), exhibit novel anti- (synonyms: a-tocopherol, tocopherol, ()-a-
oxidant and anticancer properties. Soybeans con- tocopherol, 3,4-dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-
tain beneficial isoflavones such as daidzein (4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-6-
(empirical formula C15H10O4; molecular weight ol; empirical formula C29H50O2; molecular
254.25; chemical name 40 ,7-dihydroxyisoflavone; weight 430.69) describes a family of eight plant-
synonyms: 7-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H- derived antioxidants, a-, b-, g-, and d-tocopherol
1-benzopyran-4-one, 40 ,7-dihydroxyisoflavone) and a-, b-, g-, and d-tocotrienol. Only the
and ▶ genistein (empirical formula C15H10O5; RRR-stereoisomer occurs naturally. Vitamin
molecular weight 270.24; chemical name 40 ,5,7- E inhibits lipid peroxidation by reacting with
trihydroxyisoflavone; synonyms: 5, 7-dihydroxy- lipid peroxyl radicals much faster than these
3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, radicals can react with polyunsaturated fatty
40 ,5,7-trihydroxyisoflavone) (Fig. 4c). Being a acids to propagate the chain reaction of lipid per-
weak form of estrogen, isoflavones can positively oxidation. The a-tocopheroxyl radical is rela-
interact at estrogen receptor sites and maintain the tively stable and can be reduced back by a
requisite amount of estrogen in the blood level to coantioxidant such as vitamin C. The RDA for
reduce the risk factor for breast cancer and meno- vitamin E is 15 mg/day.
pausal symptoms. Genistein reduces the risk fac- b-Carotene. Another fat-soluble vitamin pre-
tor for breast and prostate cancer and slows down sent in cell membranes and chemically known as
the prostate cancer growth and renders prostate 3,7,12,16-tetramethyl-1,18-bis(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-
Chemoradiotherapy 947



a Vitamin C b Vitamin E
2-oxo-L-threo-hexono-1, 4-lactone-2, 3- (R)-2, 5, 7, 8-tetramethyl-2((4R,8R)-4, 8, 12-
enediol; (R)-3, 4-dihydroxy-5-((S)-1, 2- trimethyltridecyl)chroman-6-ol

c β-Carotene
3, 7, 12, 16-tetramethyl-1, 18-bis(2, 6, 6-trimethyl-1-
cyclohexenyl)-octadec; a-1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17-nonaene

Chemoprotectants, Fig. 5 Structure and IUPAC nomenclature of (a) vitamin C, (b) vitamin E, and (c) b-carotene

cyclohexenyl)-octadeca-1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17- Jang M, Cai L, Udeani GO et al (1997) Cancer chemopre-

nonaene (synonyms: b,b-carotene, provitamin A, ventive activity of resveratrol, a natural product derived
from grapes. Science 275:218–220
b-cryptoxanthin, all-trans b-carotene; empirical Jones DP (2006) Redefining oxidative stress. Antioxid
formula C40H56; molecular weight 536.85) Redox Signal 8:1865–1879
(Fig. 5c). Carotenoids, a class of carotenes, are a
group of more than 600 naturally occurring pig-
ments, of which only about 50 can be Chemoprotection
bioconverted to vitamin A. Carotenoids circulate
in the blood with lipids in lipoproteins, while liver ▶ Chemoprotectants
and adipose tissues are the major tissues where
intact carotenoids accumulate. b-Carotene is the
primary provitamin A carotenoid in the human Chemoradiation
diet. Vitamin A plays essential roles in visual
function, immune system function, and cell ▶ Chemoradiotherapy
growth and differentiation. The Institute of Med-
icine recommends 3–6 mg of b-carotene/day.

Marcel Verheij and Harry Bartelink

References Department of Radiotherapy, The Netherlands
Cancer Institute–Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Bagchi D, Preuss HG (eds) (2004) Phytopharmaceuticals
in cancer chemoprevention. CRC Press, Boca Raton Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Block KI, Gyllenhaal C (2005) Commentary: the pharma-
cological antioxidant amifostine – implications of
recent research for integrative cancer care. Integr Can- Synonyms
cer Ther 4:329–351
Cvetkovic RS, Scott LJ (2005) Dexrazoxane: a review of
its use for cardioprotection during anthracycline che- Bioradiotherapy; Chemoradiation; Combined
motherapy. Drugs 65:1005–1024 modality treatment; Radiochemotherapy
948 Chemoradiotherapy

Definition in the preoperative and ▶ adjuvant therapy set-

ting, concurrent chemoradiation has contributed
Chemoradiotherapy refers to the combination of to a better outcome in terms of tumor downsizing/
a cytostatic drug and external beam irradiation downstaging (▶ esophageal cancer and rectal can-
and can be applied sequentially or concurrently. cer) and survival (▶ gastric cancer). Major further
There are several arguments to combine both improvement can be expected from the combina-
modalities. While radiotherapy is aimed at con- tion with biological agents that are directed
trolling the primary tumor, chemotherapy is used toward specific molecular targets in tumor cells
to eradicate distant (micro-) metastases (spatial (often referred to as bioradiotherapy). Examples
cooperation). Both modalities may be active include ▶ epidermal growth factor receptor
against different tumor cell populations (EGFR) inhibitors, antiangiogenic drugs, apopto-
(independent cell-killing effect). In addition, che- sis modulators, and DNA repair-interfering
motherapy may synchronize cells in a vulnerable agents.
phase for radiotherapy, decrease repopulation
after radiotherapy, and enhance reoxygenation. Chemoradiotherapy for Non-small Cell Lung
It was also thought that shrinking a tumor with Cancer
chemotherapy first should be advantageous for For many years, radiotherapy has been the stan-
radiotherapy. However, this concept has failed in dard of care for inoperable stage III ▶ non-small
most clinical trials, probably due to fast cell lung cancer (NSCLC). These patients, how-
repopulation of tumor cells after cytoreduction ever, show a poor outcome with long-term sur-
with chemotherapy before the start of radiother- vival rates of 5–10%. Therefore, many groups
apy. In contrast to sequential regimens, concurrent have explored the possibility to improve these
chemoradiotherapy exploits the ability of results by adding chemotherapy to the radiation
chemotherapeutic agents to sensitize radio- treatment. The EORTC (European Organisation
resistant tumors to the lethal effect of ionizing for Research and Treatment of Cancer) was the
irradiation. Optimal efficacy can be expected first in 1992 to report the results of a randomized
when the interaction between both modalities is phase III study of concomitant ▶ cisplatin
synergistic. (weekly or daily) and radiotherapy versus
Bioradiotherapy refers to the combination of radiotherapy alone in patients with inoperable
radiotherapy with biological agents that specifi- NSCLC. This combination of cisplatin with
cally target deregulated pathways in tumor cells. radiotherapy resulted in improved survival and
control of local disease. The largest and signifi-
cant benefit was seen in the treatment arm with
Characteristics radiotherapy and daily cisplatin. Two meta-
analyses confirmed the benefit of concurrent
Several clinical trials carried out during the last cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy compared
decades clearly show that concurrent delivery of with radiation alone and consolidated this regi-
both chemotherapy and radiotherapy modalities men as standard treatment for stage III NSCLC.
significantly improves local control in a variety Whether chemoradiotherapy should be given
of advanced solid tumors. In most of these trials, sequentially or concurrently has also been
▶ cisplatin alone or in combination with other the topic of several studies. Several randomized
drugs has been used. This has led to improved trials and ▶ meta-analyses have demonstrated
survival rates in head and neck cancer, ▶ lung that concurrent is superior over sequential
cancer, and ▶ cervical cancer. An additional chemoradiotherapy in terms of local control and
important advantage of this combined treatment survival, but is also associated with more, yet
is the possibility to obtain a higher organ- manageable acute toxicity, mainly esophageal.
preservation rate, such as in patients with So far, no significant increase in late toxicity has
advanced head and neck or anal cancer. Finally, been reported.
Chemoradiotherapy 949

Chemoradiotherapy for Small Cell Lung large tumors benefit as much from
Cancer chemoradiotherapy as those with smaller tumors.
In the treatment of limited stage SCLC, the central Also, it remains to be established what the optimal
role of chemotherapy has been widely recognized. chemotherapy or combination of cytostatic drug is
To define an additional role of thoracic irradiation, for combined use with radiation and what role
several large phase III studies have been immunotherapy will play in combined modality
performed. These, together with subsequent strategies. C
meta-analyses, established the positive impact of
thoracic irradiation in combination with chemo- Chemo-Bioradiotherapy for Head and Neck
therapy in terms of local tumor control and sur- Cancer
vival. Regarding the timing of both treatment Several chemoradiation trials have been
modalities, it has been shown that early thoracic conducted in patients with previously untreated
irradiation during chemotherapy is superior to its head and neck cancer using cisplatin alone, cis-
late scheduling. platin and 6,4-photoproducts (▶ 5-FU), and other
combinations. In eight single institutional studies,
Chemoradiotherapy for Cervical Cancer the average complete response to concomitant
The introduction of chemoradiotherapy in the therapy was 67.5%. A ▶ meta-analysis performed
treatment of ▶ cervical cancer shows many simi- by the MACH-NC group concerning the updated
larities with that in NSCLC: until the 1980s, results of 63 randomized trials including 10,717
radiotherapy was the standard therapy for patients patients demonstrated a clear benefit of 8%
with locally advanced tumors. Despite modifica- (p = 0.0001) improved disease-free survival for
tions of the total radiation dose and overall treat- the concomitant chemotherapy treatment. In the
ment time, more than 70% of these patients same analysis adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemo-
developed a local regional recurrence. Therefore, therapy showed no improvement. Subsequent tri-
improvements of these results were sought into als confirmed that the concomitant use of
the addition of chemotherapy to radiotherapy. In ▶ cisplatin or carboplatin and irradiation leads to
1999, three articles were published reporting on improved local cure and survival when compared
studies comparing chemoradiotherapy with con- with radiotherapy alone, including in the postop-
ventional radiotherapy for locally advanced cer- erative setting. The 3-arm GORTEC 99-02 ran-
vical cancer. In all three studies, the combination domized trial further showed that acceleration of
of radiotherapy with cisplatin was significantly radiotherapy cannot compensate for the absence
better than the control arms. An interesting obser- of chemotherapy.
vation came from Rose and colleagues, demon- Despite these encouraging results, cisplatin-
strating that the single use of cisplatin was as based chemoradiation protocols for advanced
effective as a combination of three drugs, the latter head and neck cancer are still associated with
scheme being much more toxic. In the meantime, too many locoregional recurrences. Besides
three additional trials on the concomitant use of dose-escalation strategies, molecular targeted
cisplatin in cervical cancer have been published, drugs represent a new and promising approach
demonstrating now in five out of six trials a sig- to further improve treatment results. One of
nificant improvement of local control and survival these is the humanized monoclonal antibody
when concomitant cisplatin and irradiation was directed against the ▶ EGFR which is frequently
used. This is in contrast with eight out of nine overexpressed in head and neck cancer and asso-
phase III studies of neoadjuvant chemotherapy ciated with chemo-/radioresistance and poor out-
prior to radiotherapy, showing no benefit. Based come. In 2006, a large multicenter randomized
on these results, concurrent chemoradiotherapy is phase III study was published comparing radio-
nowadays the standard of care for cervical cancer. therapy alone with radiotherapy plus ▶ cetuximab
Several open questions persist, however. For in patients with locally advanced head and neck
example, it is unclear whether patients with very cancer. The results were very encouraging and
950 Chemoradiotherapy

demonstrated that the addition of cetuximab to chemoradiotherapy with a weekly schedule of

radiotherapy significantly improved locoregional ▶ paclitaxel and carboplatin was shown to result
control and survival. Whether cetuximab in significant tumor downstaging, high micro-
(or other EGFR-blocking strategies) can further scopically complete resection rate, and improved
improve the results when added to standard survival as compared to surgery only, with accept-
chemoradiotherapy has been investigated in the able toxicity.
RTOG 0522 randomized trial. Adding cetuximab
to cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy did not Chemoradiotherapy for Gastric Cancer
improve outcome, but was associated with Surgical resection remains the cornerstone of
significantly more acute toxicity. Whether curative treatment of ▶ gastric cancer. However,
HPV-positive head and neck cancer represents a the long-term prognosis remains poor for patients
separate disease entity requiring a differential with locally advanced disease. Therefore, differ-
approach is subject of ongoing trials. ent (neo-)adjuvant strategies have been evaluated
in the past decades to improve these results. Adju-
Chemoradiotherapy for Esophageal Cancer vant chemotherapy only resulted in a small sur-
Surgical resection is currently the preferred treat- vival benefit of 3–5% in Western populations as
ment for ▶ esophageal cancer. Neoadjuvant che- shown in multiple meta-analyses. Preoperative
motherapy may improve the results of surgery and radiotherapy also showed a small, but significant
may prevent patients from recurrent disease. improvement in survival. MacDonald et al.
However, a Cochrane meta-analysis based on performed a randomized phase III study compar-
seven phase III randomized trials with ing surgery alone with surgery and postoperative
neoadjuvant chemotherapy failed to demonstrate adjuvant therapy, combining radiotherapy with
such a beneficial effect. In a number of studies, 5-FU-leucovorin. In this study of 556 patients, a
sequential chemoradiotherapy or concurrent statistically and clinically significant reduced risk
chemoradiotherapy was compared with radiother- of relapse and improved survival were observed.
apy alone. The RTOG 85-01 phase III study com- Median overall survival in the surgery alone
paring radiotherapy alone with 5-FU/cisplatin- group was 27 months, compared with 36 months
based chemoradiotherapy showed a statistically in the chemoradiation group. The 3-year survival
significant survival difference in favor of the rate was 41% versus 50% (p = 0.005), respec-
chemoradiotherapy arm. Treatment-related toxic- tively. An update of the 10-year follow-up results
ity was increased in the chemoradiotherapy arm, in 2012 showed a strong persistent benefit from
44% severe and 20% life-threatening side effects adjuvant chemoradiotherapy. In 2005, final results
versus 25% and 3% in the radiotherapy alone arm. of the MAGIC study on perioperative chemother-
Late toxicity was not increased as has been apy have been presented. In this large multicenter
reported in other studies with concomitant study, patients were randomized between surgery
chemoradiotherapy. Al-Sarraf reported on an only and three cycles of preoperative ECF
additional group of patients treated with the (epirubicin, ▶ cisplatin, ▶ 5-FU) followed by sur-
same chemoradiotherapy regime. The 5-year sur- gery and then another three cycles of ECF chemo-
vival was 26% versus 0% in the therapy. This regimen resulted in a 10% higher
chemoradiotherapy arm and radiotherapy alone resectability rate and a significant survival benefit
arm, respectively. These studies show that concur- of 13% (23% vs. 36% at 5 years). Which of both
rent chemoradiation is recommended compared strategies – postoperative chemoradiotherapy and
with radiotherapy alone. In most concurrent perioperative chemotherapy – is superior remains
chemoradiotherapy studies, the classic 5-FU/ to be determined. Since preoperative-combined
cisplatin regimen has been used. Studies with chemoradiotherapy has shown a beneficial impact
taxanes as concurrently administered cytotoxic on surgical outcome in esophageal and rectal can-
drugs showed promising results. In the Dutch cer, this is considered an attractive approach to
randomized phase III CROSS trial, preoperative explore in operable gastric cancer as well. Indeed,
Chemoradiotherapy 951

several phase I–II studies showed significant FFCD 9203 study, which randomized between
tumor downsizing, high R0, and pathological preoperative radiotherapy and preoperative
complete response rates by neoadjuvant 5-FU-based chemoradiotherapy, with local recur-
chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced gastric rence rates of 16.5% and 8%, respectively. All
cancer. studies that compare preoperative radiotherapy
with preoperative chemoradiotherapy demon-
Chemoradiotherapy for Rectal Cancer strate an increase in toxicity in the combined C
Surgical resection is the only curative treatment modality arm.
for ▶ colorectal cancer. However, following It became clear that apart from cytotoxic
resection, local recurrence rate varies between agents, biological agents may play a role in the
5% and 40%. Total mesorectal excision (TME), achievement of tumor response. In an experimental
the standard surgical technique for primary resect- study, ▶ VEGF blockade enhanced radio-
able rectal cancer, has significantly improved the therapeutic activity, probably due to reduction of
outcome of this disease, in particular, through the tumor vascular permeability and tumor interstitial
realization of free circumferential margins. The pressure, thereby increasing the delivery of large
Dutch TME trial demonstrated that short-term therapeutic compounds to the tumor. In an early
preoperative radiotherapy is effective in report on a small number of patients treated with
preventing local recurrences, but not in patients the combination of an anti-VEGF monoclonal
with a positive resection margin. Although posi- antibody, bevacizumab, 5-FU, and radiotherapy,
tive margins can be partly due to poor surgical significant downstaging occurred in all six
techniques, they occur more often in locally patients.
advanced tumors. For these stages, a more aggres-
sive (neo-)adjuvant approach is required. Postop- Chemoradiotherapy for Anal Cancer
erative chemoradiation has been mainly Over the past decades, the treatment of anal cancer
evaluated in the United States. The Gastrointesti- has shifted from a surgical approach toward organ-
nal Tumor Study Group conducted a four-arm sparing radiotherapy with or without concurrent
study: surgery only, postoperative chemotherapy, chemotherapy. It was shown in two randomized
postoperative radiotherapy, and postoperative studies that concomitant radiotherapy and 5-FU
chemoradiotherapy (GITSG 71-75). Pairwise and ▶ mitomycin C (MMC) is superior to radio-
comparisons showed superior survival and local therapy alone and significantly reduced the number
recurrence rates in the chemoradiation arm versus of local recurrences. These anal cancer trials also
the surgery-only arm. The North Central Cancer clearly demonstrated the advantage of organ pres-
Treatment Group compared radiotherapy with ervation by combined modality treatment as it
postoperative chemoradiation and demonstrated results in an improved colostomy-free survival.
lower local and distant recurrence rates in the The enhanced acute toxicity observed during
combined treatment arm. Survival was signifi- these combined regimens did not translate in a
cantly increased (NCCTG 794751). The evidence significant increase in late side effects. MMC has
that the addition of chemotherapy to preoperative contributed significantly to these results. In a
radiotherapy improves local control rates has been RTOG study, patients were randomized to radio-
provided by two separate trials. The EORTC therapy and 5-FU or radiotherapy, 5-FU, and MM-
22921 trial has a two by two factorial design and C. The colostomy-free survival rate at 4 years was
randomized between preoperative radiotherapy significantly better in patients who received both 5-
and preoperative 5-FU-based chemoradiotherapy. FU and MMC compared with those who received
A second randomization took place for postoper- 5-FU only (71% and 59%, respectively). In addi-
ative chemotherapy versus no adjuvant treatment. tion, others found that by deleting MMC from a
The results demonstrated an increased local con- comparable combined treatment protocol, the local
trol rate for the chemoradiation arm: 92% versus tumor control rate at 2 years dropped from 87% to
87%. A similar result was found in the French 58%. In order to minimize treatment-related
952 Chemoradiotherapy

toxicity, cisplatin has been evaluated as a replace- achievements in clinical oncology of the past
ment for MMC, with good results in decades. In general, the interaction between radi-
nonrandomized studies. Randomized trials are ation and cytostatic agents is time-, dose-, and
now underway to confirm at least equal efficacy sequence-dependent as shown for cisplatin, the
of cisplatin and MMC. The RTOG 98-11 phase III most widely used ▶ radiosensitizer. In the near
study compared 5-FU plus MMC and radiation to future, the combination of radiotherapy with bio-
5-FU plus cisplatin and radiation in 632 anal car- logical agents and a number of new cytostatic
cinoma patients. The results showed that the com- drugs will become available for testing in con-
bination of radiotherapy with 5-FU plus MMC had comitant chemotherapy or biotherapy and radio-
a statistically significant, clinically meaningful therapy approaches. These agents should be
impact on disease-free and overall survival, as selected based upon their mechanisms of action.
compared to induction plus concurrent 5-FU and Given the results of many randomized clinical
cisplatin. It was concluded that MMC, 5-FU studies, it is quite likely that chemo- or
(frequently given as oral capecitabine), and radio- bioradiotherapy will be the standard of care for
therapy remain the standard of care for patients an increasing number of advanced squamous cell
with anal canal carcinoma. Further improvements cancers, but until the best regimen of each disease
in treatment results are expected from the applica- has been determined, there is now more than ever
tion of novel biological agents. an urgent need to encourage treatment of patients
within the framework of carefully controlled clin-
Chemoradiotherapy for Glioblastoma ical trials.
Glioblastoma has a dismal prognosis with most
patients dying within 2 years after diagnosis. Stan-
dard therapy consisted of surgical resection, Cross-References
followed by radiotherapy. Although a meta-
analysis of 12 randomized trials suggested a ▶ Adjuvant Therapy
small survival advantage by the addition of che- ▶ Cervical Cancers
motherapy, Stupp et al. in 2004 were the first to ▶ Cetuximab
demonstrate a clinically meaningful and statisti- ▶ Cisplatin
cally significant survival benefit from the addition ▶ Colorectal Cancer
of temozolomide (TMZ) to radiotherapy with ▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Inhibitors
minimal additional toxicity. The subsequent ▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
5-year analysis of this EORTC-NCIC randomized ▶ Esophageal Cancer
phase III trial confirmed these results with the ▶ Fluorouracil
2-year overall survival improving from 10.9% ▶ Gastric Cancer
after surgery only to 27.2% with adjuvant ▶ Lung Cancer
TMZ and radiotherapy. The MGMT promoter ▶ Meta-Analysis
methylation status of the tumor was identified ▶ Mitomycin C
as a prognostic biomarker, selecting those ▶ Neoadjuvant Therapy
patients most likely to benefit from the addition ▶ Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
of TMZ. ▶ Paclitaxel
▶ Radiosensitizer
Concluding Remarks ▶ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
The combination of radiotherapy and chemother-
apy has resulted in a major step forward in
the treatment of patients with advanced solid
tumors. The recognition that concurrent Bartelink H, Schellens JHM, Verheij M (2002) The com-
chemoradiotherapy is superior to sequential regi- bined use of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the
mens may be viewed as one of the major treatment of solid tumors. Eur J Cancer 38:216–222
Chemosensibilization 953

Hennequin C, Favaudon V (2002) Biological basis for

chemo-radiotherapy interactions. Eur J Cancer Chemosensibilization
John MJ (2004) Radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
In: Leibel SA, Phillips TL (eds) Textbook of Grégory Gatouillat and Claudie Madoulet
radiation oncology, 2nd edn. Saunders, Philadelphia, Laboratory of Biochemistry, IFR53, Faculty of
pp 77–100 Pharmacy, Reims, France
Stewart FA, Bartelink H (2002) The combination of radio-
therapy and chemotherapy. In: Steel GG (ed) Basic
clinical radiobiology, 3rd edn. Hodder Arnold, London,
pp 217–230 Synonyms
Tannock IF (1996) Treatment of cancer with radiation and
drugs. J Clin Oncol 14:3156–3174
Verheij M, Vens C, van Triest B (2010) Novel therapeutics
Chemosensitization; Resistance modulation;
in combination with radiotherapy to improve cancer Resistance reversion
treatment: rationale, mechanisms of action and clinical
perspective. Drug Resist Updat 13:29–43
See Also
(2012) Adjuvant. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of The sensitization to chemotherapeutic agents of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 75. resistant tumor cells is known as
(2012) Anti-angiogenic drugs. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel-
berg, pp 207–208. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
5_302 Characteristics
(2012) Carboplatin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 641.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_833 Chemosensibilization is used when tumor cells no
(2012) Concurrent. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of longer respond to chemotherapeutic drugs. This
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 965. resistance can be inherent to tumor cells or can be
acquired during ▶ chemotherapy treatment, lead-
(2012) EGFR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1211. ing to the inefficiency of a wide range of antineo-
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1828 plastic agents. This phenomenon is named
(2012) Epirubicin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of multidrug resistance (MDR). Once MDR appears,
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1291.
chemotherapy is not efficient anymore even when
(2012) Leucovorin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of using high doses of drugs, which stimulates the
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2005. resistance mechanism and brings toxic side
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3321 effects. To overcome this problem, several strate-
(2012) Neoadjuvant. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
gies aiming at restoring drug sensitivity are used.
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2472.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4003 The main approach to achieve chemosensibi-
(2012) 6,4-Photoproduct. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia lization is the use of substances capable of
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2881. bypassing the resistance mechanism, named
chemosensitizers or MDR modulators. A typical
(2012) VEGF. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3906. chemosensitizer should not really have inherent
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6174 antitumor properties; however, most chemosen-
sitizers exhibit antitumor activity and act syner-
gistically with antineoplastic drugs to kill tumor
cells. After the discovery of the mechanisms lead-
ing to chemoresistance, much effort has been
Chemoresistance devoted to discover such candidate molecules.
Although numerous chemosensitizers have been
▶ Drug Resistance developed, few of them have reached clinical
954 Chemosensibilization

trials. MDR is a multifactorial phenomenon, and Chemosensibilization, Table 1 Compounds used to

the best characterized mechanisms are resistant to chemosensitize P-gp-mediated MDR tumor cells
apoptosis and enhanced drug efflux due to the Quinidine, amiodarone,
overexpression of ATP-binding cassette trans- Antiarrhythmics propafenone
porters (▶ ABC transporters) such as ▶ P- Antibiotics Cephalosporins
glycoprotein (P-gp), MRP, or BCRP in tumor Antihistaminics Terfenadine, azelastine
Antihypertensive Reserpine
Antimalarials Quinine, quinacrine,
Chemosensibilization of Tumors by Calcium channel Verapamil, dexverapamil,
Targeting P-gp blockers nicardipine, azidopine
Calmodulin Trifluorperazine,
Inhibitors of P-gp Activity antagonists chlorpromazine
The development of chemosensitizers to over- Immunosuppressants Cyclosporin A, SDZ PSC
833, staurosporine, rapamycin
come chemoresistance mediated by ABC trans-
Neuroleptics Phenothiazine, fluoxetine,
porters mainly focuses on the inhibition of P-gp haloperidol
that is overexpressed in a number of malignancies P-gp-specific MS 209, GF 120918, XR
(Table 1). Many chemosensitizers are adminis- chemosensitizers 9576, VX-710, LY 335979
tered simultaneously with anticancer drugs. They Steroid hormones and Progesterone, tamoxifen
overcome drug resistance by functioning as com- synthetic derivatives
petitive or noncompetitive inhibitors for P-gp and Alkaloids Cyclopamine, tetrandrine,
by binding either to drug modulation sites or to
Flavonoids and dietary Quercetin, genistein,
other modulator binding sites. Other reversing compounds curcumin, green tea
agents act by interfering with ATP hydrolysis polyphenols, ginsenoside Rg,
required to P-pg activity. indole-3-carbinol, diallyl
The first chemosensitizers used to inhibit sulfide
P-gp-mediated MDR were drugs that possess Anti-P-gp antibodies Monoclonal antibodies,
unrelated pharmacological functions. Among antibodies
them, verapamil was the first substance that siRNA, antisense
showed chemosensitizing activity. It was origi- oligonucleotides
nally used as a calcium channel blocker in the Anti-MDR1
treatment of heart disease. Verapamil is a substrate ribozymes
of P-gp and inhibits the transport of chemothera-
peutic drugs in a competitive manner without
interfering with its catalytic cycle. when used at lower doses and are less cardiotoxic
Cyclosporin A, a commonly used immunosup- than verapamil. PSC 833, a potent and
pressant for organ transplantation, can also sensi- non-immunosuppressive analog of cyclosporine,
tize MDR tumor cells by interfering with both efficiently reverses MDR and has been used in
substrate recognition and ATP hydrolysis. Unfor- combination with anticancer drugs in clinical
tunately, the use of these first-generation studies. It restores sensitivity to chemotherapy
chemosensitizers in clinical studies has been lim- by direct interaction with P-gp. Although these
ited. These sensitizers reverse MDR at high con- modulators are more efficient than the first-
centrations, which brings toxic side effects due to generation chemosensitizers, they influence the
their innate pharmacological function. pharmacokinetics of anticancer drugs, elevating
The search for nontoxic second-generation plasma concentration beyond acceptable toxicity.
chemosensitizers resulted in newer analogs of Third-generation chemosensitizers were
the first-generation modulators that were more designed using structure-activity relationships
potent and considerably less toxic. Structural ana- specifically for high transporter affinity and low
logs of verapamil show increased reversal activity pharmacokinetic interaction. The latest synthetic
Chemosensibilization 955

compounds, including VX-710, LY 335979, ASOs to mRNA leads to the formation of

GF-120918, and XR 9576, are currently used in mRNA/DNA hybrid duplexes that become
clinical trials in association with anticancer drugs the target of RNase H, an enzyme that cata-
to sensitize tumor cells. lyzes the cleavage of RNA in RNA/DNA
Several other compounds with different phar- duplexes. siRNAs are small RNAs duplexes
macological functions possess chemosensitizing that assemble into an RNA-induced silencing
effects in several models of resistant tumor cells complex (RISC). These complexes target a C
expressing P-gp (Table 1). specific mRNA that is cleaved and degraded.
The targeting of a unique mRNA can also be
Other Strategies to Inhibit P-gp achieved by using catalytic RNAs called
Alternative strategies that include the use of ribozymes. These small RNAs hybridize to a
chemicals as chemosensitizers can be applied to complementary sequence of mRNA and cata-
restore sensitivity of tumors: lyze site-specific cleavage of the substrate.
Specific ASOs, siRNAs, and ribozymes
1. Anti-P-gp Antibodies. Antibodies specific to targeted to the MDR1 mRNA are used to pre-
P-gp have been developed and are capable of vent P-gp expression in tumor cells and can
potent reversal of MDR by disrupting P-gp improve sensitivity toward chemotherapeutic
drug efflux activity. These antibodies can be drugs in resistant tumor cells.
generated by several ways. Monoclonal anti-
bodies generated from hybridomas have been Chemosensibilization of Tumors by
developed to target P-gp. The monoclonal Triggering Apoptosis
antibody UIC2 recognizes a conformational Tumor cells can become resistant to chemother-
epitope that involves several peptide apy due to a reduced susceptibility to die by
fragments of the human P-pg. The binding of ▶ apoptosis, by the overexpression of
UIC2 to P-gp induces the blockade of antiapoptotic proteins and activation of
conformational changes required to the activity prosurvival signaling pathways, or by the
of the efflux pump, leading to an increase in downregulation of proapoptotic proteins. Cancer
intracellular accumulation of drugs. Recombi- treatment by chemotherapy kills cells principally
nant antibody fragments targeted to extracellu- by inducing apoptosis. Therefore, modulation of
lar loops of P-gp are also used in vitro to the key elements of apoptotic signaling directly
sensitize MDR cells to chemotherapy, as influences therapy-induced tumor cell death and
well as antibodies induced by immunization represents another way to sensitize tumor cells to
with P-gp-derived peptides that allow the apoptosis-inducing drugs. Given that
in vivo sensitization of tumor cells to antican- antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family members are
cer drugs. overexpressed in many types of cancers, specific
2. Altered Levels of MDR1 mRNA. ASOs directed against these proteins can be useful
Downregulation of the MDR1 gene coding to improve drug sensitivity. The administration of
for P-gp is another way to overcome Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL antisenses in combination with
chemoresistance. It is based on the use of mol- anticancer drugs results in a decreased level of
ecules such as antisense oligonucleotides these antiapoptotic molecules and the subsequent
(ASOs), small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), improved efficiency of drugs. In many cases,
and ribozymes whose activity leads to altered complete cure of mice-bearing Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL-
level of a specific mRNA (▶ Antisense DNA overexpressing tumors occurs. Downregulation of
therapy, ▶ RNA interference). They can spe- other proteins inhibiting apoptosis including
cifically modulate the transfer of the genetic survivin and XIAP and silencing of prosurvival
information from DNA to proteins. ASOs are signaling mediated by the PI-3kinase/Akt path-
short single-strand DNAs that hybridize to a way and NFkB can also sensitize tumor cells to
unique mRNA sequence. Hybridization of programmed cell death.
956 Chemosensitization

A growing interest has been placed upon the

use of dietary polyphenols, which induce apopto- Chemotaxis
sis in cancer cells while they protect normal cells.
These compounds not only have the capacity to ▶ Motility
trigger cell death when used as single agents but
also enhance apoptosis triggered by numerous
anticancer drugs in several tumor cell lines by
interfering with multiple pathways leading to Chemotherapy
chemoresistance (▶ Polyphenols).
Emil Frei
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA

▶ ABC-Transporters Definition
▶ Antisense DNA Therapy
▶ Apoptosis Chemotherapy is defined as the use of chemical
▶ Chemotherapy agents for treatment. Chemotherapy as used for
▶ P-Glycoprotein cancer generally refers to small molecules that
▶ Polyphenols damage proliferating cells. It represents systemic
▶ RNA Interference treatment in contrast to radiotherapy and surgery
that represent local treatment. Classes of systemic
agents may also include ▶ hormones, ▶ cyto-
kines, and antitumor vaccines.
Garg AK, Buchholz TA, Aggarwal BB (2005) Chemosen- http://www.chemocare.com/whatis/important_
sitization and radiosensitization of tumors by plant chemotherapy_terms.asp
polyphenols. Antioxid Redox Signal 7:1630–1647
Shabbits JA, Hu Y, Mayer LD (2003) Tumor chemosensi-
bilization strategies based on apoptosis manipulation.
Mol Cancer Ther 2:805–813 Characteristics
Szakács G, Paterson JK, Ludwig JA et al (2006) Targeting
multidrug resistance in cancer. Nat Rev Drug Discov The Challenge
5:219–234 Cancer is the most feared, morbid, and mortal of
diseases. In the USA, five million people contract
See Also cancer per year, of whom one third, or almost half
(2012) Monoclonal Antibody. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel- a million citizens, will die of their disease. Most
berg, p 2367. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6842 cancers start in a specific location (e.g., breast,
lung) and spread to regional lymph nodes; in
▶ breast cancer, spread is to the armpit and sub-
sequent dissemination by the bloodstream to dis-
Chemosensitization tant organs. For cancers that are diagnosed before
such dissemination, local treatment with surgery
▶ Chemosensibilization and/or radiotherapy may be curative. Most
patients who die of cancer die because of dissem-
inated metastatic tumor. These are either clinically
present at the time of diagnosis or occur months to

Chemotactic Cytokine

▶ Chemokines Emil Frei: deceased.

Chemotherapy 957

years after diagnosis because of microscopic clin- These examples of currently used agents, while
ically undetectable cancer that only becomes clin- varyingly effective against human cancers, have a
ically evident following local treatment. Cancer significant limitation in the area of specificity.
chemotherapy along with hormone therapy They attack not only the tumor but also certain
(▶ Endocrine Therapy) and ▶ immunotherapy is rapidly growing normal tissues, such as the bone
designed to treat and ideally eradicate metastatic marrow and bowel, and hence produce dose-
cancer. limiting toxicity relating to depression of the mar- C
row (infection and bleeding), nausea and
The Agents vomiting, and ulceration of the gastrointestinal
Most of the currently effective chemotherapeutic tract.
agents were discovered by serendipity and/or The use of high dose combination chemother-
empiricism (by trial and error). For example, apy with stem cell rescue for patients with breast
the first effective agent, nitrogen mustard cancer was the subject of considerable enthusiasm
(Nitrogen Mustards), was a derivative of chemical during the 1980s and early 1990s. However, in the
warfare studies conducted in World War I. Among late 1990s and particularly since the American
the side effects of mustard gas was the Society of clinical Oncology (ASCO) reports in
suppression of normal bone marrow. Because of 1999 have been considered to be largely ineffec-
this, it was given to mice bearing a tumor tive. This paper considers some of the reasons
derived from the bone marrow, i.e., leukemia, for this change and particularly on the basis of
and found to be effective. Subsequent clinical tri- preclinical and clinical models, considers current
als affirmed this effectiveness. Analogs were syn- and future directions. The intensification
thesized and mustard-like compounds, termed regimen may produce resistance that could com-
▶ alkylating agents, are effective in many forms promise the important intensification component.
of cancer. Microenvironmental and clinical trials of
The antimetabolites (Antimetabolite) are com- adjuvant chemotherapy strongly indicate that
pounds that are similar to normal metabolites, one cycle of intensification is not enough and
such that they enter the same metabolic that two and perhaps three will be required.
system but because of slight differences, inhibit The components of the intensification regimen
or antagonize that system. For example, white are reviewed with respect to dose response and
cells consume high quantities of the vitamin with respect to mechanisms of resistance, cross
folic acid, and this is particularly true of cancerous resistance, and potential additive or synergistic
white cells, that is leukemic cells. Slight chemical effects.
modifications of folic acid have lead to the To reiterate, the major limitation of classical
antifol class of compounds, and these have been cancer chemotherapy is the lack of specificity for
found to be active in patients with leukemias as the tumor as compared to normal tissue. This
well as in many solid tumor patients. limitation is being addressed by basic science
Two important classes of compounds are particularly relating to molecular biology; a sum-
mary of which follows:
• The anthracyclines (▶ Anthracycline) Cancer is a genetic disease of somatic cells,
• The platinum analogs (▶ Platinum Com- following a series of mutations or genetic events
plexes) were discovered by serendipity and incident to lifestyles such as smoking.
developed largely through screening methods. In ▶ tobacco carcinogenesis and genetic sus-
All of the above compounds target DNA and ceptibility, a sufficient number of events occur
therefore cell proliferation. Another class of such that a cell becomes transformed into a cancer
compounds target the ▶ cytoskeleton of the cell. The vast majority of cancers therefore derive
tumor cell. These are derived from fungi and from a single cell. However, the process that pro-
plants, and include the vinca alkaloids and duces cancer also results in a marked increase in
▶ taxol. genetic instability such that daughter cells are
958 Chemotherapy

variable. This variation permits selection of those • The identification of active agents in an exper-
daughter variants that have a survival advantage, imental model with the duration of complete
such as resistance to certain drugs, a higher pro- remission (DCR) being central parameter of
liferative thrust, or a greater capacity to invade response.
and metastasize. This clonal evolution to hetero- • The use of the DCR model to develop and
geneity is adverse. However, it does lead to evaluate optimal doses, schedules, and
events that are unique to the cancer cell, that is, combinations.
they are not present in normal cells in the same • It was observed that meningeal leukemia
person. For example, ▶ chronic myelogenous leu- occurred with increasing frequency in patients
kemia is due to white cells being driven to cancer with prolonged complete remission. Pharma-
behavior by a product of the fusion of two genes. cological and clinical trial studies found this be
By advanced pharmacologic techniques including due to the failure of standard anti-leukemia
designer drug synthesis and high throughput agents to cross the blood–brain barrier. The
screening, an agent termed STI571 was developed introduction of intrathecal chemotherapy and
that inhibits the action of the fusion gene radiotherapy to the brain markedly reduced this
protein product. STI571 has been found to be type of complication.
capable of producing complete regression of leu- • The importance of supportive and symptom-
kemia in the majority of patients and, in contrast atic care, for example, platelet transfusions,
to essentially all chemotherapy, is non-toxic. antibiotics, and antiemetics, markedly reduced
There are a number of molecular targets in other the morbidity and mortality of chemotherapy.
tumors that have been identified, and academia
and the pharmaceutical industry have given The result of these advances was an increase in
major priority to the development of agents capa- the cure rate for childhood leukemia from 0% in
ble of selectively attacking and inhibiting such 1955, to 35% by 1970, up to 80% within the last
molecular targets. It is this process more than 15 years. This experience with childhood leuke-
any other that leads to optimism on the part of mia had a profound effect on the field of cancer
cancer investigators concerning the future of can- chemotherapy in general. Most importantly, it
cer treatment. established the position that it can be done, that
is, systemic cancer could be cured by systemic
Clinical Strategies therapy.
Although there are numerous different types of Most patients who die of cancer die because of
cancer, they often share many biological and disseminated metastatic tumor. Today, in major
molecular processes, an important feature to centers and cooperative groups the cure rate of
keep in mind. childhood leukemia is close to 80%. It was hoped
In the late 1950s, a series of integrated clinical that the solid tumors would follow on closely
trials were conducted. As a result, the cure rate for behind the leukemias, but they have in the main
childhood leukemia increased from 0% to 70% proven more difficult to treat. This is unfortunate
and many scientific principles of cancer therapy as adult solid tumors such as breast, bowel, and
were established. These were (in chronological lung cancer constitute 80% of all cancers. A major
order): strategy has been to use agents in combination.
This is because solid tumor cells are heteroge-
• The application of quantitative clinical trials, neous and thus they have multiple targets. The
involving comparisons and randomizations. second rationale for combination chemotherapy
• The use of agents in an appropriate combina- is that it works, with essentially all highly effec-
tion can increase the complete remission rate tive and certainly curative cancer chemotherapy
from zero to more than 90%. involving combinations. The best of combina-
• The generation of complete remission as the tions produce partial responses in 30–50% of
most powerful discriminant for survival. patients with, for example, metastatic cancer of
Chemotherapy 959

bowel and lung. Complete tumor regression rarely 1950s and early 1960s. The nausea and vomiting
occurs. associated with cancer, and some forms of cancer
It has long been known that in experimental treatment, has been markedly reduced by the
tumors, for example in mice, tumor burden is development of antiemetics. Pain control has
critical to chemotherapeutic effect. Thus, chemo- markedly improved and radical surgery has been
therapy that has a minor effect on palpable tumor reduced by neoadjuvant approaches.
is often curative of the same tumor in microscopic C
form. This led to the strategy known as adjuvant Long-Term Effects of Cancer Treatment
chemotherapy. Here patients known to be of high Perhaps the most worrisome long-term effect has
risk of having micrometastatic cancer at the time been the development of secondary cancers
of initial treatment are given chemotherapy imme- (▶ Second Primary Tumors), particularly leuke-
diately following surgery and/or radiotherapy. mia and leukemia-like illnesses. There is a latent
This increases the cure rate some 20% for breast period of 5–10 years for most of these secondary
and large bowel cancers. In a strategy (termed cancers, and for solid tumors it is even
neoadjuvant chemotherapy), chemotherapy is longer. Clinical treatment, environmental and
given prior to surgery. This moves chemotherapy genetic factors, and in vitro and in vivo laboratory
still further forward in the disease. It provides models are being developed to study these
shrinkage of the primary tumor and thus facilitat- events. The alkylating agents and X-ray are the
ing the use and effectiveness of local treatment. It chief offenders. ▶ Hodgkin disease was found to
may decrease the need for radical surgery in cer- be curable by strategies similar to that of
tain tumors such as head, neck, and bladder can- acute lymphocytic leukemia, but there was a
cer. Finally, combination chemotherapy can be cumulative long-term risk of secondary cancer.
given concurrently with radiotherapy as initial With this knowledge and the development of
treatment. In addition to the above advantages, newer active agents for Hodgkin disease, the
local control may be superior with many chemo- combination regimen that included alkylating
therapeutic agents since some of them, particu- agents has been modified without loss of effec-
larly the platinum analogs and fluorouracil, are tiveness, but with major diminution in secondary
highly radiosensitizing. cancers.
In addition to combination chemotherapy, dose
is a significant factor in cancer chemotherapy. The Conclusions
dose of certain chemotherapeutic agents, particu- With a marked increase in support for cancer
larly the alkylating agents, can be substantially research including both basic and clinical and
increased if one protects the bone marrow. Protec- the extraordinary increase in molecular sophisti-
tion is provided by harvesting marrow stem cells cation of such research, it is expected that major
before the high dose chemotherapy and returning progress in the curative treatment of most, if not
the marrow to the patient following chemother- all, cancers will be achieved in the next decade. It
apy. Such peripheral blood stem cell rescue has is the clinical scientist who must translate this
been effective in the leukemias and lymphomas progress in basic research to the clinic. This ulti-
and is under study often in combination with some mate challenge would require the most sophisti-
of the above-mentioned strategies in selected solid cated of treatment methodology and must always
tumors. be conducted in a setting where the primary ben-
eficiary of such research is the patient.
Supportive Care
Bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cell trans-
plantation is one form of supportive care. The first References
major advance in supportive care involved plate-
let transfusions for the treatment and prevention of Fearon ER, Vogelstein B (2000) Tumor suppressor gene
thrombocytopenic hemorrhage, starting in the late defects in human cancer. Cancer Med 5:67–87

Holland JF, Frei E III, Kufe DW et al (2000) Principles of Benezra 2001). Missteps in any one of these pro-
medical oncology. Cancer Med 5:503–510 cesses can result in aneuploidy or genetic insta-
Pollock RE, Morton DL (2000) Principles of medical
oncology. Cancer Med 5:448–458 bility, setting off any number of deleterious events
Ries LAG, Kosary CL, Hankey BF et al (eds) (1999) SEER such as unregulated cell growth, leading to neo-
cancer statistics review 1973–1996. National Cancer plastic transformation and tumor progression.
Institute, Bethesda A mitotic checkpoint that delays chromosome
condensation in response to mitotic stress induced
by paclitaxel or nocodazole involves the CHFR
gene which is associated with delaying prophase
CHETK in human cells (Scolnick and Halazonetis 2000).
Mitotic checkpoint function is impaired in a sig-
▶ Choline Kinase nificant proportion of human cancer cell lines,
often by genetic alterations, supporting a possible
link between the impaired mitotic checkpoint and
Activity in Cancer
Maria J. Worsham CHFR expression has been found to be reduced in
Department of Otolaryngology, Henry Ford cancers due to the loss of gene copy number,
Health System, Detroit, USA possible interaction between CHFR and the
DNA mismatch repair system, and promoter
hypermethylation. The downregulation of CHFR
Synonyms is associated with microsatellite stable and insta-
ble tumors as well as chromosomal instability to
Checkpoint with forkhead and RING finger varying degrees in multiple cancers.
domain protein; E3 ubiquitin protein ligase; A statistically significant correlation has been
FLJ10796; FLJ33629; RING finger protein 196; found to exist between hypermethylation of
RNF116; RNF196 MLH1 and incidences of CHFR hypermethylation
in primary colorectal cancer and gastric cancer. In
HNSCC, comprehensive high-throughput
Definition methods have underscored the contribution of
genetic and epigenetic events, often working
The CHFR (checkpoint with forkhead and RING together, in the development and progression of
finger domains) gene, located at 12q24.33, coor- HNSCC. Epigenetic mechanisms involve DNA
dinates mitotic prophase by delaying chromo- and histone modifications, resulting in the herita-
some condensation in response to a mitotic stress. ble silencing of genes without a change in their
coding sequence. Gene transcriptional inactiva-
tion via hypermethylation at the CpG islands
Characteristics within the promoter regions is an important
Chromosomal segregation at mitosis is preceded The association of promoter hypermethylation
by a series of steps, including condensation of of CHFR and tumors was first reported in primary
chromosome and separation of the centrosome, lung cancer where CHFR downregulation
chromosomal alignment, and sister-chromatid appeared to be associated with poor prognosis.
separation (Shibata et al. 2002). To ensure fidelity The examination of the prevalence and pattern of
of the replicated genetic material, mitosis is care- CHFR inactivation in human tumors found CpG
fully choreographed and monitored by several methylation-dependent silencing of CHFR
checkpoint systems (Nigg 2001; Wassmann and expression in 40% of primary colorectal cancers,
CHFR 961

53% of colorectal adenomas, and 30% of primary Scolnick DM, Halazonetis TD (2000) Chfr defines a
head and neck cancers. mitotic stress checkpoint that delays entry into meta-
phase. Nature 406:430–435
Various cancers have demonstrated the inacti- Shibata Y, Haruki N, Kuwabara Y et al (2002) Chfr
vation of CHFR at different stages. In colorectal expression is downregulated by CpG island
cancers, CHFR inactivation occurs at an early hypermethylation in esophageal cancer. Carcinogene-
stage (Brandes et al. 2005), whereas in hepatocel- sis 23:1695–1699
lular, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and
Wassmann K, Benezra R (2001) Mitotic checkpoints: from
yeast to cancer. Curr Opin Genet Dev 11:83–90
oral squamous cell carcinoma, it occurs at a late
stage. Attempts at determining a correlation
See Also
between stage and CHFR inactivation have not Baba S, Hara A, Kato K et al (2009) Aberrant promoter
demonstrated any clear pattern. In a pilot cohort of hypermethylation of the CHFR gene in oral squamous
28 HNSCCs, aberrant methylation of CHFR was cell carcinomas. Oncol Rep 22:1173–1179
detected in only stage IV tumors. This preliminary Baylin SB, Herman JG, Graff JR et al (1998) Alterations in
DNA methylation: a fundamental aspect of neoplasia.
finding of promoter hypermethylation of CHFR, Adv Cancer Res 72:141–196
by MS-MLPA and MSP assays, only in late-stage Cahill DP, Lengauer C, Yu J et al (1998) Mutations of
tumors appears to suggest CHFR as a late event mitotic checkpoint genes in human cancers. Nature
and a putative diagnostic biomarker for late-stage 392:300–303
Derks S, Postma C, Carvalho B et al (2008) Integrated
disease. analysis of chromosomal, microsatellite and epigenetic
instability in colorectal cancer identifies specific
Biomarker Potential associations between promoter methylation of
CHFR methylation status may be useful as a diag- pivotal tumour suppressor and DNA repair genes and
specific chromosomal alterations. Carcinogenesis
nostic or prognostic marker. In smoking-related 29:434–439
NSCLC, CHFR hypermethylation is associated Hernando E, Orlow I, Liberal V et al (2001) Molecular
with poorer outcomes, and in colorectal cancer it analyses of the mitotic checkpoint components
is better associated with the sporadic type of can- hsMAD2, hBUB1 and hBUB3 in human cancer. Int J
Cancer 95:223–227
cer. In gastric cancer, CHFR hypermethylation is a Hiraki M, Kitajima Y, Sato S et al (2010) Aberrant gene
diagnostic marker of lymph node micrometastasis methylation in the lymph nodes provides a possible
which could be useful in determining recurrence. marker for diagnosing micrometastasis in gastric can-
cer. Ann Surg Oncol 17:1177–1186
Homma N, Tamura G, Honda T et al (2005)
Conclusion Hypermethylation of Chfr and hMLH1 in gastric non-
Treatment with the methyltransferase inhibitor invasive and early invasive neoplasias. Virchows Arch
5-aza-20 -deoxycytidine induced re-expression of 446:120–126
CHFR. In addition, because cancer cells that lack Joensuu EI, Abdel-Rahman WM, Ollikainen M et al (2008)
Epigenetic signatures of familial cancer are character-
CHFR expression have been shown to be more istic of tumor type and family category. Cancer Res
susceptible to the microtubule inhibitor paclitaxel, 68:4597–4605
silencing of CHFR by methylation can serve as a Koga T, Takeshita M, Yano T et al (2011) CHFR
marker for predicting sensitivity to particular che- hypermethylation and EGFR mutation are mutually
exclusive and exhibit contrastive clinical backgrounds
motherapeutic agents. and outcomes in non-small cell lung cancer. Int J Can-
cer 128:1009–1017
Maruya S, Issa JP, Weber RS et al (2004) Differential
methylation status of tumor-associated genes in head
References and neck squamous carcinoma: incidence and potential
implications. Clin Cancer Res 10:3825–3830
Brandes JC, van Engeland M, Wouters KA et al (2005) Nigg EA (2001) Mitotic kinases as regulators of cell
CHFR promoter hypermethylation in colon cancer cor- division and its checkpoints. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol
relates with the microsatellite instability phenotype. 2:21–32
Carcinogenesis 26:1152–1156 Nomoto S, Haruki N, Takahashi T et al (1999) Search for in
Nigg EA (2001) Mitotic kinases as regulators of cell divi- vivo somatic mutations in the mitotic checkpoint gene,
sion and its checkpoints. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol hMAD1, in human lung cancers. Oncogene 18:7180–
2:21–32 7183
962 Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma

Sakai M, Hibi K, Kanazumi N et al Aberrant methylation squamous cell carcinoma. Arch Otolaryngol Head
of the CHFR gene in advanced hepatocellular carci- Neck Surg 132:668–677
noma. Hepatogastroenterology 52:1854–1857 Worsham MJ, Chen KM, Tiwari N et al (2006b) Fine-
Sanbhnani S, Yeong FM (2012) CHFR: a key checkpoint mapping loss of gene architecture at the CDKN2B
component implicated in a wide range of cancers. Cell (p15INK4b), CDKN2A (p14ARF, p16INK4a), and
Mol Life Sci 69:1669–1687 MTAP genes in head and neck squamous cell carci-
Sanchez-Cespedes M, Esteller M, Wu L et al (2000a) Gene noma. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 132:409–415
promoter hypermethylation in tumors and serum of
head and neck cancer patients. Cancer Res 60:892–895
Sanchez-Cespedes M, Okami K, Cairns P et al (2000b)
Molecular analysis of the candidate tumor suppressor
gene ING1 in human head and neck tumors with 13q Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma
deletions. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 27:319–322
Scolnick DM, Halazonetis TD (2000) Chfr defines a Raul C. Ribeiro1, Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo2 and
mitotic stress checkpoint that delays entry into meta- Gerard P. Zambetti3
phase. Nature 406:430–435 1
Shah SI, Yip L, Greenberg B et al (2000) Two distinct Department of Oncology, St. Jude Children’s
regions of loss on chromosome arm 4q in primary Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA
head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Arch Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 126:1073–1076 3
Department of Biochemistry, Dana-Farber
Shaw RJ, Liloglou T, Rogers SN et al (2006) Promoter
methylation of P16, RARbeta, E-cadherin, cyclin A1 Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA
and cytoglobin in oral cancer: quantitative evaluation
using pyrosequencing. Br J Cancer 94:561–568
Shibata Y, Haruki N, Kuwabara Y et al (2002) Chfr Definition
expression is downregulated by CpG island
hypermethylation in esophageal cancer. Carcinogene-
sis 23:1695–1699 Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a cancer of
Sidransky D (2000) Circulating DNA. What we know and the cortex of the adrenal gland (▶ endocrine-
what we need to learn. Ann N Y Acad Sci 906:1–4 related cancers). There are two types. In one
Smeets SJ, Braakhuis BJ, Abbas S et al (2006) Genome-
wide DNA copy number alterations in head and neck type, the tumor continues to secrete the hormones
squamous cell carcinomas with or without oncogene- normally produced by the cortex, including glu-
expressing human papillomavirus. Oncogene 25:2558– cocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and adrenal sex
2564 hormones. However, these steroids may be pro-
Soutto M, Peng D, Razvi M et al (2010) Epigenetic and
genetic silencing of CHFR in esophageal adenocarci- duced in excessive amounts, with negative effects
nomas. Cancer 116:4033–4042 on the body. In the other type, the tumor does not
Takahashi T, Haruki N, Nomoto S et al (1999) Identifica- produce these hormones and may go
tion of frequent impairment of the mitotic checkpoint undiscovered until it metastasizes.
and molecular analysis of the mitotic checkpoint genes,
hsMAD2 and p55CDC, in human lung cancers. Onco-
gene 18:4295–4300
Takeshita M, Koga T, Takayama K et al (2008) CHFR Characteristics
expression is preferentially impaired in smoking-
related squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, and the
diminished expression significantly harms outcomes. Incidence
Int J Cancer 123:1623–1630 Cancer of the adrenal cortex is exceedingly rare:
Toyota M, Sasaki Y, Satoh A et al (2003) Epigenetic only about 300 cases are diagnosed in the United
inactivation of CHFR in human tumors. Proc Natl States each year. Adrenocortical tumors (ACT)
Acad Sci U S A 100:7818–7823
Wassmann K, Benezra R (2001) Mitotic checkpoints: from represent only about 0.2% of all malignancies in
yeast to cancer. Curr Opin Genet Dev 11:83–90 children. The frequency of ACT is 0.4 per million
Worsham MJ, Pals G, Schouten JP et al (2003) Delineating during the first 4 years of life, 0.1 per million
genetic pathways of disease progression in head and during the subsequent 10 years, and 0.2 per mil-
neck squamous cell carcinoma. Arch Otolaryngol Head
Neck Surg 129:702–708 lion during the late teens. These tumors also occur
Worsham MJ, Chen KM, Meduri V et al (2006a) Epige- in adults, usually during the fourth to fifth decades
netic events of disease progression in head and neck of life. The incidence of ACT differs across
Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma 963

Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma, Table 1 Constitutional syndromes associated with adrenocortical tumors
Condition Tumor types Observations
Germline ▶ TP53 mutations, including Li–Fraumeni Adenomas, sarcomas, Penetrance of ACT is about 10% or
syndrome (▶ IARC TP53 Database) (▶ p53 family) carcinomas less
(p53 protein, biological and clinical aspects)
Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome Adenomas, ACT is the second most common
(Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome-associated
childhood tumors)
carcinomas tumor (~15% of children with this
Hemihypertrophy Adenomas, 20% of these tumors are ACT
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Adenoma, carcinoma Very rare occurrence of ACT
Carney complex Primary pigmented ACT occurs in ~25% of patients;
nodular common in children
adrenocortical disease
Multiple endocrine neoplasia I Nodules, adenomas, ACT is very rare in children

geographic regions, ranging from 0.1 per million Normal Physiology and Tumor Biology
in Hong Kong and Bombay to 0.4 in Los Angeles The human fetal adrenal cortex rapidly develops
and 3.4 in southern Brazil. into two morphologically distinct zones (fetal and
definitive) and is essentially adult size by
Causes midgestation. The outer, definitive zone exhibits
Predisposing genetic factors have been found in high proliferative activity and is thought to be the
the majority of children and adolescents with germinal cell compartment from which the lipid-
ACT (Table 1). dense fetal zone cells migrate. Cortisol is also
The most common genetic abnormalities in synthesized primarily by the definitive zone.
young children with ACT are germline mutations The inner, fetal zone produces large amounts of
in various exons of the TP53 tumor suppressor dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S),
(▶ Li–Fraumeni syndrome, or LFS). However, which maintains placental function and integrity.
low-penetrant mutant alleles can also reduce rather Soon after birth, the fetal zone atrophies by under-
than abrogate TP53 tumor suppressor activity and going massive cell death through an apoptotic
contribute to ACT without being associated with mechanism. Remodeling of the cortex in the neo-
LFS. Strong evidence suggests that one such nate results in three functional regions: (i) zona
inherited TP53 mutation (Arg337His) explains glomerulosa, (ii) zona fasciculata, and (iii) zona
the extraordinarily high incidence of pediatric adre- reticularis. The outer zona glomerulosa primarily
nocortical carcinoma in southern Brazil. produces aldosterone, and the zonae fasciculata
Adrenocortical tumors may also occur in the and reticularis synthesize corticosteroids and
context of Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome androgens, respectively.
(BWS) (Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome- Adrenocortical tumorigenesis in children, in
associated childhood tumors), which is character- contrast to adults, often results in the
ized by a loss of heterozygosity at chromosome hyperproduction of steroids, which is readily
11p15, resulting in the overproduction of apparent by marked physical changes (see below
▶ insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) (insulin- and Fig. 1).
like growth factors) and diminished levels of the The extensive growth of the adrenal cortex
cyclin kinase inhibitor p57 Kip2. ▶ Carney com- during gestation and its postnatal resolution are
plex, hemihypertrophy, congenital adrenal hyper- likely important in the sensitivity of this gland to
plasia, and multiple endocrine neoplasia type small losses in TP53 tumor suppressor activity in
I (inherited mutations in the MENIN ▶ tumor those carriers of germline TP53 mutations. An
suppressor gene) also give rise to pediatric ACT. adrenocortical cell that was destined to cease
964 Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma

Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma, Fig. 1 Clinical (c) Precocious pseudopuberty (clitorimegaly) in a girl with
signs of adrenocortical tumors. (a) Typical facies of a adrenocortical carcinoma. (d) Precocious pseudopuberty
patient with hypercortisolism. (b) Patient with hirsutism. in a boy with adrenocortical carcinoma

proliferation during the expansion phase or was (INHA) on chromosome 2q33 by mutation of one
targeted to die after birth could continue to survive allele and deletion of the remaining wild-type
and divide. The timing of tumor development by allele is also common in ACT. The gross
3 or 4 years of age is consistent with this hypoth- overexpression of IGF-II in pediatric ACT,
esis. The fetal zone or the zona reticularis have regardless of the genetic predisposing factors
been implicated as the source of cells that contrib- (LFS or BWS), has been convincingly
ute to ACT formation, although definitive proof is established. Adult ACT shares this biochemical
lacking. alteration, and clinical trials of drugs to inactivate
Pediatric adrenocortical tumorigenesis relies IGF-II signaling in both childhood and adult ACT
on the acquisition of multiple genetic hits. In are being designed.
addition to frequent germline TP53 mutations,
steroidogenic factor-1 (SF1), which encodes a Clinical Manifestations
transcription factor required for normal adrenal Features of virilization, including pubic hair,
gland development, is amplified on chromosome facial acne, clitorimegaly, voice change, facial
9q34 and overexpressed in ~90% of patients with hair, hirsutism, muscle hypertrophy, growth accel-
ACT. Inactivation of the TGFb-related Inhibina eration, and increased penis size, are the most
Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma 965

Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma, Fig. 2 (a) calcifications are also seen. (b) Regional relapse is
Axial computed tomographic image of a large adrenocor- apparent adjacent to the liver surface. This patient’s
tical tumor showing a central area of stellate appearance initial surgery was complicated by tumor rupture and
caused by hemorrhage, necrosis, and fibrosis. Small spillage

common clinical manifestations of AC- (17-KS), 17-hydroxycorticosteroid (17-OH),

C. Virilization can be observed either alone and free cortisol, as well as plasma cortisol,
(virilizing tumors, 40% of patients) or with clini- DHEA-S, testosterone, androstenedione,
cal manifestations resulting from the 17-hydroxyprogesterone, aldosterone, renin
overproduction of other adrenal cortical hor- activity, deoxycorticosterone, and other
mones, including glucocorticoids, androgens, 17-deoxysteroid precursors. Most patients with
aldosterone, or estrogens (mixed type, 45%; ACT who are tested have elevated levels of
Fig. 1). About 10% of patients show no clinical 17-KS. Plasma DHEA-S levels are abnormal in
evidence of an endocrine syndrome at presenta- ~90% of cases. Elevated glucocorticoid and
tion (nonfunctional tumors). Finally, over- androgen levels are strong indications of an adre-
production of glucocorticoids alone (▶ Cushing nal tumor.
syndrome) is evident in about 3% of patients. Several different imaging modalities are used
Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn syndrome) to diagnose ACT. Computed tomography (CT;
and pure feminization can also occur. In some Fig. 2), sonography, magnetic resonance imaging
circumstances, clinical manifestations of ACT (MRI), and ▶ positron emission tomography
can be present at birth. Conn syndrome, first (PET) are the most commonly used.
reported by Jerome W. Conn, is a result of an Ultrasound is useful for evaluating tumor
increased production of aldosterone, a hormone extension into the inferior vena cava and right
produced by the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal atrium. On CT imaging, ACT is usually well
cortex. This hormone causes the retention of water demarcated, with an enhancing peripheral cap-
and sodium and excretion of potassium. The clin- sule. Large tumors usually have a central area of
ical manifestations include high blood pressure, stellate appearance that is caused by hemorrhage,
headaches, and muscle cramps. A small propor- necrosis, and fibrosis. Calcifications are common.
tion of children with ▶ adrenocortical cancer Because ACT is metabolically active,
overproduce aldosterone. fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomogra-
phy (FDG-PET) imaging is frequently used in
Testing patients with ACT. PET imaging can also detect
Routine laboratory evaluation for suspected ACT tumor recurrence in areas that routine follow-up
includes measuring urinary 17-ketosteroids CT imaging may miss.
966 Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma

The definitive diagnosis of ACT is made on the depression, and vertigo) toxic effects of mitotane
basis of the gross and histological appearance of reduce patient adherence. Because mitotane is
tissue obtained surgically. Tumors are classified as adrenolytic, all patients receiving this agent should
adenoma or carcinoma, although even an experi- be considered to have severe adrenal insufficiency
enced pathologist can find it difficult to differen- and treated accordingly. ▶ Cisplatin-based regi-
tiate between benign and malignant tumors. mens, usually including etoposide and doxorubi-
cin, are used in combination with mitotane,
Treatment although less than 40% of patients respond.
Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for ACT. A The use of radiotherapy in pediatric ACT has
curative, complete resection may be attempted in not been consistently investigated, although ACT
patients with local or regional disease (70–75% of is generally considered to be radioresistant. Fur-
cases). En bloc resection, including the adjacent thermore, because many children with ACT carry
structures invaded by the tumor, is required for germline TP53 mutations that predispose them to
good local control. Nephrectomy and resection of cancer, radiation may increase the incidence of
liver segments and portions of the pancreas may secondary tumors. For most patients with meta-
be included. Because of tumor friability, rupture static or recurrent disease that is unresponsive to
of the capsule with resultant tumor spillage is mitotane and chemotherapy, repeated surgical
common (Fig. 2). When ACT is suspected, lapa- resection is the only alternative. However, given
rotomy and a curative procedure are the infiltrative nature of the disease, complete
recommended rather than fine-needle aspiration, resection is difficult. Image-guided tumor ablation
to avoid the risk of tumor rupture. with radiofrequency currently offers a valid alter-
Infiltration of the vena cava by tumor thrombus native for these patients.
occurs in 20% of patients and may make radical
surgery difficult; a combined thoracic and abdom- Prognosis
inal approach may be required in those cases. The Complete tumor resection is the single most impor-
pattern of recurrence is locoregional (15–25%), tant prognostic indicator. Patients who have distant
combined local and distant (25–30%), or distant or local with gross or microscopic residual disease
alone (50%). Chemotherapy with mitotane is indi- after surgery have a dismal prognosis. Long-term
cated for unresectable and recurrent disease, survival (5 years or more after the diagnosis) is
although it has a small impact on overall outcome. about 75% for children after complete tumor resec-
At low doses, mitotane suppresses the secretion of tion. Among those who undergo complete tumor
adrenal steroids, providing symptomatic improve- resection, tumor size has prognostic value. The
ment and partial regression of endocrine dysfunc- estimated event-free survival is 40% for those
tion in most patients with functional tumors. with tumors weighing more than 200 g and 80%
Higher doses (>3 g/day) are required for an for those with smaller tumors. Children whose
adrenolytic effect. tumors produce excess glucocorticoid appear to
Although responses to mitotane alone may have a worse prognosis than children who have
occur in 20–30% of cases, most responses are pure virilizing manifestations. Classification
transient, and the prospect for long-term survival schemes or disease staging systems (Table 2) are
is uncertain. The antitumor effect of mitotane is still evolving. Prognosis will likely be further
influenced by its pharmacokinetics and by the refined by adding other predictive factors, includ-
duration of its therapeutic exposure. Serum con- ing those from gene expression studies.
centration plateaus after 8–12 weeks of treatment
and antitumor responses occur only when a serum Concluding Remarks
concentration of at least 14 mg/mL is maintained Adrenocortical tumors remain difficult to treat,
for a prolonged period. The severe gastrointestinal and little progress has been made in developing
(nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain) effective chemotherapeutic regimens. The rarity
and neurologic (somnolence, lethargy, ataxia, of ACT hinders the opportunity to conduct
Childhood Cancer 967

Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma, characterization of the first pediatric adrenocortical car-

Table 2 Staging criteria for childhood adrenocortical cinoma xenograft model identifies topotecan as a
tumor potential chemotherapeutic agent. Clin Cancer Res 19
Stage Description
Ribeiro RC, Pinto EM, Zambetti GP, Rodriguez-Galindo C
I Tumor totally excised, tumor size <100 g or (2012) The International Pediatric Adrenocortical
<200 cm3, absence of metastasis, and normal Tumor Registry initiative: contributions to clinical,
hormone levels after surgery
II Tumor totally excised, tumor size 100 g or
biological, and treatment advances in pediatric adreno-
cortical tumors. Mol Cell Endocrinol 351(1):37–43
200 cm3, absence of metastasis, and normal
hormone levels after surgery
III Unresectable tumor, gross or microscopic
residual tumor, tumor spillage during surgery,
persistence of abnormal hormone levels after
surgery, or retroperitoneal lymph node Childhood Cancer
IV Distant tumor metastasis Stefan K. Zöllner1, Amal M. Abu-Ghosh2 and
Jeffrey A. Toretsky2
Department of Pediatric Hematology and
adequately powered clinical trials, including bio- Oncology, University Childrens Hospital
logical studies. Therefore, efforts must be coordi- Münster, Münster, Germany
nated and resources must be consolidated to Department of Oncology and Pediatrics,
advance our understanding and treatment of Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center,
ACT. In this regard, a long-standing international Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
ACT registry and tissue bank has been
established. Short-term goals are to establish tis-
sue culture, xenograft transplants, and genetically Definition
engineered mouse models to explore novel thera-
pies. Clinical investigators, physicians, and basic Childhood cancer, also known as pediatric cancer,
scientists are encouraged to participate in these describes a cancerous tumor burden, which can
studies. occur anywhere in the body originating from cells
with the propensity to invade surrounding tissue
and to spread from its primary site of occurrence,
References the latter referred to as ▶ metastasis, and specifi-
cally affects children and adolescents.
Michalkiewicz E, Sandrini R, Figueiredo B et al (2004)
Clinical and outcome characteristics of children with
adrenocortical tumors: a report from the International
Pediatric Adrenocortical Tumor Registry. J Clin Oncol Characteristics
Ribeiro RC, Sandrini F, Figueiredo B et al (2001) An Incidence
inherited p53 mutation that contributes in a tissue-
In general, cancer in children and teenagers is
specific manner to pediatric adrenal cortical carcinoma.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98:9330–9335 uncommon, representing between 0.5% and
Pinto EM, Chen X, Easton J, Finkelstein D, Liu Z, Pounds 4.6% of all cancer. The incidence of childhood
S, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Lund TC, Mardis ER, Wilson cancers such as leukemia (▶ Hematological
RK, Boggs K, Yergeau D, Cheng J, Mulder HL, Manne
Malignancies, Leukemias, and Lymphomas) and
J, Jenkins J, Mastellaro MJ, Figueiredo BC, Dyer MA,
Pappo A, Zhang J, Downing JR, Ribeiro RC, Zambetti tumors of the brain and central nervous system
GP (2015) Genomic landscape of paediatric adrenocor- (CNS) (see ▶ Brain Tumors, ▶ Pediatric Brain
tical tumours. Nat Commun 6:6302. doi:10.1038/ Tumors, ▶ Neuro-Oncology: Primary CNS
Tumors) varies between countries with higher
Pinto EM, Morton C, Rodriguez-Galindo C, McGregor L,
Davidoff AM, Mercer K, Debelenko LV, Billups C, overall rates in industrialized countries, while,
Ribeiro RC, Zambetti GP (2013) Establishment and for example, populations in sub-Saharan Africa
968 Childhood Cancer

Childhood Cancer, Rate per 100,000

Fig. 1 SEER delay-
adjusted incidence and US
mortality 1975–2012, all Delay-Adjusted Incidence
childhood cancers, under
20 years of age, both sexes,
all races



1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2012
Year of Diagnosis/Death

have higher incidence rates of lymphomas occurring mostly in childhood (<15 years)
(▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and (▶ Neuroblastoma (NB), ▶ nephroblastoma (a.k.
Lymphomas) than other regions. These variations a. ▶ Wilms tumor), ▶ retinoblastoma (RB),
may reflect differences in diagnostic techniques or ▶ hepatoblastoma) and others at later ages
registration or in the distribution of possible risk (>15 years) (lymphoma, soft tissue, and bone
factors. tumors (see ▶ Bone Tumors, ▶ Non-
The overall incidence of childhood cancer Rhabdomyosarcoma Soft Tissue Sarcomas,
varies between 50 and 200 per million children ▶ Rhabdomyosarcoma, ▶ Osteosarcoma,
across the world. In the United States of America ▶ Ewing Sarcoma, ▶ Synovial Sarcoma), germ
(USA), an estimated 10,380 children (younger cell tumors (see ▶ Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors,
than 15) and about 5,000 adolescents aged ▶ Germinoma, ▶ Ovarian Stromal and Germ
15–19 will be diagnosed with cancer per year. Cell Tumors, ▶ Testicular Germ Cell Tumors),
An estimated 69,212 adolescents and young thyroid cancer (see ▶ Follicular Thyroid Tumors,
adults (AYAs) aged 15–39 were diagnosed with ▶ Thyroid Carcinogenesis, ▶ Papillary Thyroid
cancer in 2011. Reports from the SEER Carcinoma)). Other tumors affect both children
(Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results) and adolescents (Leukemia, brain, and CNS
program on childhood cancer since the 1970s tumors). Tumors arising from postnatally
have shown a gradual increase in incidence, persistent embryonal remnants or rests are
although it appears to have leveled off in the past referred as embryonal tumors and include NB,
decade (Fig. 1). Wilms tumor, and brain tumors such as
The most common childhood cancer diagnoses medulloblastoma, etc. Scientific evidence sug-
are leukemia followed by brain and CNS tumors gests that with developmental transition in
and lymphoma (Fig. 2). The incidence and type of AYAs, the spectrum of cancer reflects a
cancer varies with age with certain cancers similar transition harboring unique genetic and
Childhood Cancer 969

ICCC group

Leukemiast - I 49.1

Lymphomas - II 24.9

Brain/CNS* - III 46.3

Neuroblastoma - IV 7.9

Retinoblastoma - V 3.2

Renal - VI 6.6

Hepatic - VII 2.5

Bone - VIII 9.1

Soft tissue - IX 12.5

Germ cell - X 12.3

Other malig. epithelial neo - XI 18.1

Other - XII 0.6

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Rate per 1,000,000

Childhood Cancer, Fig. 2 SEER incidence rates 2008–2012 by ICCC group (leukemias include myelodysplastic
syndromes and brain/CNS include benign brain tumors), under 20 years of age, both sexes, all races

biological features which led to the concept of care have contributed to a better prognosis in all
AYA-focused oncology to meet both the types of childhood cancer.
distinct cancer profiles (Hodgkin lymphoma Despite improved survival rates, approximately
(▶ Hodgkin Disease) (HD), ▶ melanoma, testic- 20% of children with cancer will die each year of
ular cancer (see ▶ Testicular Germ Cell Tumors, their disease. From 1970 to 2011, the number of
▶ Testicular Cancer), thyroid cancer, and sarco- deaths from childhood cancer has decreased
mas) and age-appropriate needs of these patients steadily by 67% in the USA. However, cancer
(Fig. 3). remains the second leading cause of death in chil-
Most children and adolescents diagnosed with dren 0–14 years of age after accidents. It is esti-
cancer can be treated successfully. While survival mated that 1,250 deaths per year from cancer will
differs between cancer types, the 5-year survival occur in children in this age group, and 600 deaths
after childhood cancer in general has dramatically from cancer will occur in teens aged 15–19 in the
improved over the last 30 years, reaching 83%, USA. In 2011, cancer was the leading cause of
which is mainly due to increased survival of child- disease-related death in the AYA population.
hood ▶ acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with
introduction of multiagent chemotherapy and its Causes and Risk Factors
risk-adapted application including CNS prophy- The causes (▶ Cancer Causes and Control) of
laxis. Additionally, improvements in supportive childhood cancer have been systematically
970 Childhood Cancer

Distribution of cancer sites within age group

AGE 0-14 AGE 15-19
Bone & joint Brain & CNS Eye & Orbit Bone & joint Brain & CNS Hodgkin lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma Kidney & Renal pelvis Leukemia Leukemia Melanoma of the skin Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Other Endocrine Soft tissue Testis (males) Thyroid

4% 8%
4% 5% 15%
29% 12%

45% 18%
4% 6%
5% 18%

Top 5 cancer sites by single year of age at diagnosis

Childhood Cancer, Fig. 3 SEER age-specific incidence rates 2008–2012 (leukemia includes myelodysplastic syn-
dromes and brain and CNS include benign brain tumors), under 20 years of age, both sexes, all races

studied for decades but apart from high-dose radi- cancer. The contribution of common genetic var-
ation (see ▶ Ionizing Radiation Therapy, ▶ Radi- iation to etiology has come into focus through
ation Carcinogenesis) and prior ▶ chemotherapy genome-wide association studies; the genetic
there are few strong external risk factors. Most of sequence analyses might contribute insights
the time, there is no known cause for childhood into inherited components of etiology. Finally,
cancers. However, studying epidemiologic pat- exposure to a variety of chemical carcinogens
terns (see ▶ Cancer Epidemiology, ▶ Epidemiol- (see ▶ Chemical Carcinogenesis, ▶ Benzene and
ogy of Cancer) can shed some light over possible Leukemia) shortly before conception, during
causes occurring alone or as part of multiple risk pregnancy, and/or after birth appear to
factors that work together and lead to cancer. increase the risk of some childhood cancer
Inherent risk factors including birth weight, types, especially leukemia. Some other
parental age, and congenital anomalies are con- important and established risk factors are
sistently associated with most types of pediatric discussed below.
Childhood Cancer 971

Socioeconomic and Ethnic Factors Childhood Cancer, Table 1 Virus-associated cancer

From approximately 200,000 children and adoles- entities
cents diagnosed with cancer every year world- Virus type Cancer type/location
wide, 80% live in low- and middle-income HPV Cervical, penis, anus, vagina, vulva,
countries (LMICs), which account for 90% of mouth, throat
cancer-related deaths. Outcome of children with EBV Lymphomas (Burkitt, Hodgkin),
cancer in LMICs is dictated by late presentation,
nasopharyngeal, stomach
HBV Liver
underdiagnosis, high abandonment rates, and HCV Liver, non-Hodgkin lymphoma
high prevalence of malnutrition; in therapy HIV Kaposi sarcoma, cervical,
suboptimal supportive and palliative care as well lymphoma (Hodgkin,
as limited access to curative therapies further hin- non-Hodgkin), anal, lung, mouth,
der morbidity and mortality. The rising proportion throat, skin, liver
of cases in these countries, especially in AYAs, is HHV-8 (a.k.a. Kaposi sarcoma
caused by population growth and aging, com-
HTLV-1 T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
bined with reduced mortality from infectious dis- MCV Merkel cell carcinoma (skin)
eases. Meanwhile, there is a dramatic inequity in Simian virus Mesothelioma, brain, bone,
the distribution of resources for cancer care and 40 (SV40)a lymphomas
control worldwide; the consequence limits a
Even though ▶ SV40 causes cancer in some lab animals,
options for patients in resource-limited countries. the evidence so far suggests that it does not cause cancer in
The lack of quality population-based cancer reg- humans
istries in LMICs limits knowledge of the epide-
miology of pediatric cancer but available more than one virus. However, only a proportion
information show variations in incidence of leu- of persons infected by oncogenic viruses will
kemia and some embryonal tumors, possibly develop cancer. ▶ Epstein-Barr virus (EBV),
related to environmental factors and geographical human papilloma virus (HPV), human herpes
and ethnic patterns. virus 8 (HHV-8, a.k.a. Kaposi sarcoma herpes
Differences in the incidence of embryonal virus, KSHV), human T-cell lymphotropic virus
tumors between countries and ethnic groups type 1 (▶ Human T-Lymphotropic Virus) (HTLV-
have been consistently reported, particularly for 1), and Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV) are the
NB and RB. While an inverse correlation between main viruses associated with the development of
the incidence of RB and socioeconomic index has cancer and are considered direct carcinogens.
been described, the opposite is true for NB, with ▶ Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and ▶ hepatitis
higher incidence in regions with high socioeco- C virus (HCV) represent indirect carcinogens
nomic status. Conversely, in the USA, black and through chronic inflammation. Besides being a
Native American patients with NB have a higher main cause of immunodeficiency, which in turn
prevalence of high-risk disease. Further examples contributes to oncogenesis by increasing the sus-
for geographical variations in childhood cancers ceptibility to other infections, human immunode-
include Wilms tumor occurring at the lowest rates ficiency virus type 1 (▶ Pediatric HIV/AIDS)
in East Asia, and Ewing Sarcoma (ES) which is (HIV-1) also exerts a direct oncogenic effect
extremely rare in black and East Asian patients (Table 1).
compared to Caucasians. In general, persistent infection and high viral
load are important risk predictors of virus-caused
Infections cancers. Some viruses display distinct geographi-
Several viruses are linked with childhood cancer cal distribution due to endemic infection and, in
development. The relative cellular tropism of viral combination with other unidentified factors such
infection presumably predetermines a specific as genetic predisposition, may account for ethnic
cancer risk. Some viruses may cause more than differences. Socioeconomic conditions further
one cancer, while some cancers may be caused by correlate with the risk for virus-induced cancer
972 Childhood Cancer

as in LMICs prevention programs including risks of cancer of the thyroid, breast, brain and
screening tests, and vaccine availability if appli- skin, as well as leukemia. It is noteworthy that the
cable (HBV, HPV) are underdeveloped. cancer risk following diagnostic radiation expo-
Epidemiological studies of the incidence of sure in children is not increased.
HD worldwide have shown a strong association
of poor socioeconomic status and EBV infection UV Light Exposure
which is detected in more than 50% of cases of Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation (▶ UV
HD worldwide. ▶ Burkitt lymphoma (BL) has Radiation) (UVR) during childhood is a major
also been strongly linked with EBV infection risk factor for skin cancer in adulthood since
and malaria as a cofactor as found in all BL 40–50% of total UVR by age 60 occurs before
cases in tropical Africa and in Papua New Guinea. age 20. Still, the incidence of childhood mela-
EBV infection further occurs in 50–70% of BL in noma has increased and 98% of melanoma
North Africa and South America and 20% in cases are diagnosed in adolescents and young
Europe and North America. ▶ Nasopharyngeal adults. ▶ Melanoma in children appears to have
carcinoma has the highest incidence in North similar epidemiologic characteristics (family his-
Africa and is also associated with EBV infection. tory) to the adult form of the disease, being asso-
▶ Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is the most common soft ciated with a cluster of phenotypic attributes
tissue sarcoma among children in sub-Saharan (large congenital or numerous nevi, heavy facial
countries, likely originated in endemic HIV and freckling, and an inability to tan on exposure to
heightened infection with HHV-8. ▶ Hepatocel- light), indicating cutaneous sensitivity to the
lular carcinoma (HCC) is a rare hepatic tumor in effects of sun exposure. In consequence, the
Europe and North America, but is still the most highest rate in childhood melanoma is seen in
common childhood liver tumor in Saharan Africa, Oceania.
East and Southeast Asia, and Melanesia, and is
associated with chronic hepatitis B infection. Genetic and Chromosomal Syndromes
Genetic factors play a crucial role in the develop-
Radiation Exposure ment of cancer. There are several genetic condi-
Following the Chernobyl explosion, areas in tions that are associated with increased risk of
Belarus, Russia, and the Ukraine contaminated cancers in children, including hereditary cancer
with radiation fallout reported a significant predisposition syndromes, bone marrow failure
increase of more aggressive forms of thyroid car- syndromes, primary immunodeficiency disorders,
cinoma. The incidence fell to pre-Chernobyl and numerical chromosomal abnormalities, which
levels in children conceived after the contamina- will be discussed in a separate chapter.
tion. Few studies reported increased numbers of
leukemia cases in children living in the vicinity of Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis
nuclear power plants but the emitted ionizing Cancer diagnosis in children is challenging, as
radiation is generally considered too small to (I) childhood cancers may behave very differently
cause cancer. Other studies could not confirm from adult cancers, even when they start in the
suspected associations between nonionizing radi- same part of the body, (II) infants and children are
ation exposure (e.g., cell phones, AM and FM often either motorically or mentally incapable of
radio, televisions, and microwaves) and child- depicting their physical problems or describing
hood brain tumors. In contrast, high background their mental status, (III) early signs and symptoms
radiation from terrestrial gamma and cosmic rays of childhood cancers can be nonspecific, and
may contribute to the risk of cancer in children, (IV) symptoms often mimic those of common
including leukemia and CNS tumors. Numerous childhood diseases. Different cancers have differ-
epidemiologic cohort studies of childhood expo- ent symptoms related to the site of disease and
sure to radiation for treatment of nonmalignant type of cancer. General signs and symptoms can
diseases have demonstrated radiation-related be summarized with the mnemonic CHILD
Childhood Cancer 973

Childhood Cancer, Fig. 4 Diagnostic workflow from symptom to diagnosis (Adapted from Hamilton et al. 2015)

CANCER (provided by The Pediatric Oncology A diagnosis of cancer may be suspected based
Resource Center): on history and physical examination but requires
Continued, unexplained weight loss confirmation by tumor biopsy and histopathologic
Headaches, often with early morning vomiting examination. In addition to diagnosing childhood
Increased swelling or persistent pain in the cancer, the following tests may be used to stage the
bones, joints, back, or legs cancer disease, i.e., determine the status of metasta-
Lump or mass, especially in the abdomen, neck,
chest, pelvis, or armpits sis: blood tests including complete blood count,
Development of excessive bruising, bleeding, or liver and kidney function tests, and tumor-specific
rash markers if applicable (also used as course parame-
Constant, frequent, or persistent infections ter). Surgical excision or biopsy of the suspected
A whitish color behind the pupil
Nausea that persists or vomiting without nausea lesions is performed to confirm the diagnosis by
Constant tiredness or noticeable paleness microscopic examination of the tumor tissue, and
Eye or vision changes that occur suddenly and define a tumor subtype through histopathological
persist techniques like tissue staining. Bone marrow exam-
Recurring or persistent fevers of unknown
origin ination and biopsy are required to assess the histo-
pathology of hematopoiesis and screen for bone
Primary care physicians are often the first to marrow metastases. Lumbar puncture (spinal tab)
suspect a cancer diagnosis. Although many of the will assess metastatic involvement of the cerebro-
described symptoms frequently go along with spinal fluid. Radiological evaluation such as ultra-
common, benign childhood diseases, it is the sound of both the lesion and other organ sites,
duration, unusual associations, course, and qual- computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic res-
ity of such symptoms that alerts the physician to onance imaging (MRI) of different body compart-
the possibility of an underlying oncologic disor- ments, positron emission tomography (PET) scan,
der. A full patient’s history with the help of par- etc., are necessary: (I) to characterize the exact
ents and a thorough clinical examination are tumor localization and (II) to identify all involved
indispensable. Childhood cancers can often be organ sites by cancer metastases.
detected with blood counts or radiographic imag-
ing. However, persistent, symptoms require refer- Treatment
ral for more intensive radiologic and pathological Childhood cancer is rare and the exact treatment
investigation (Fig. 4). (see ▶ Combinatorial Cancer Therapy,
974 Childhood Cancer

▶ Adjuvant Therapy, ▶ Neoadjuvant Therapy) At several stages during anticancer therapy, the
protocols for each malignancy are complex and response to treatment (▶ Minimal Residual Dis-
constantly evolving which makes it unreasonable ease) is assessed and the treatment may be
for primary care physicians to initiate care without adjusted based upon tumor response and patient
consulting a pediatric oncologist. Moreover, side effects. Attention to psychosocial and
diagnostic tools and pillars of cancer treatment financial issues may reduce existing delays in
such as chemotherapy require certain technical, initiating therapy and also the fraction of
logistical, and medical prerequisites only avail- patients that abandon therapy, especially in AYA
able at specialized centers. Children with cancer patients.
are therefore best cared for at a pediatric compre-
hensive cancer center that includes a multidis- Outcome
ciplinary team of pediatric oncologists, Advances in diagnostic precision, treatment strat-
specialized nurses, surgeons of different disci- egies, and supportive care have resulted in signif-
plines, radiation oncologists, pathologists, and icantly improved outcome for children with
supportive care services such as child life special- cancer over the past 60 years, with greater than
ists, nutritionists, physical and occupational ther- 80% of patients today becoming 5-year survivors
apists, social workers, and counselors, for the (Fig. 1). Several decades ago, a diagnosis of ALL
patients and their families. was almost always fatal, but a child diagnosed
Children younger than 15 years old with cancer with it today has about a 90% chance of long-
are often treated as part of a clinical trial, referred term survival (>5 years). The use of CNS prophy-
to as a research study that compares standard laxis and multidrug regimens is largely responsi-
treatments (the best proven treatments available) ble for this success. Delayed intensification and
with newer approaches to treatments that may be the use of maintenance intrathecal methotrexate
more effective. Clinical trials may test such have contributed to the dramatic improvement in
approaches as a new drug, a new combination of survival rate.
standard treatments, or alternative regimens of Despite this progress, cancer remains the lead-
current therapies to reduce long-term toxicity. ing cause of death from disease in children in the
The 5-year overall survival rate in countries US, and significant short-term and long-term
where such infrastructures are established has sig- treatment toxicities continue to impact the major-
nificantly improved from <20% before 1950 to ity of children with cancer. Therefore, one of the
>80% since 1995. major ongoing treatment objectives is to preserve
The treatment of childhood cancer depends on the quality of life of cured patients through reduc-
several factors, including the type and stage of tion and monitoring of treatment-related toxicities
cancer, possible side effects, the family’s prefer- by risk-adapted treatment and standardized
ences, and the child’s overall health. Treatment follow-up protocols, respectively. The character-
may include single or combinatorial ▶ chemo- istics of treatment-related toxicities in children
therapy, radiation therapy (see ▶ Ionizing Radia- will be discussed in a separate chapter.
tion Therapy, ▶ Radiation Oncology), and
surgery. The choice of chemotherapeutic agents
depends on the disease and previous experiences
from clinical trials. A chemotherapy regimen Cross-References
(schedule) (see ▶ Induction Chemotherapy,
▶ Maintenance Chemotherapy) usually consists ▶ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
of a specific number of cycles given over a set ▶ Adjuvant Therapy
period of time. Side effects include hematological ▶ Benzene and Leukemia
toxicities (anemia, ▶ neutropenia, and thrombo- ▶ Bone Tumors
cytopenia); nausea and vomiting; alopecia; ▶ Brain Tumors
infections; and cardiac, renal, and liver toxicities. ▶ Burkitt Lymphoma
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 975

▶ Cancer Causes and Control References

▶ Cancer Epidemiology
▶ Chemical Carcinogenesis Chen CJ et al (2014) Epidemiology of virus infection and
human cancer. Recent Results Cancer Res 193:11–32
▶ Chemotherapy
Ferlay J et al (2015) Cancer incidence and mortality world-
▶ Combinatorial Cancer Therapy wide: sources, methods and major patterns in
▶ Epstein-Barr Virus GLOBOCAN 2012. Int J Cancer 136(5):E359–E386
▶ Ewing Sarcoma Hamilton W et al (2015) Suspected cancer (part 1 – chil- C
dren and young adults): visual overview of updated
▶ Follicular Thyroid Tumors
NICE guidance. BMJ 350:h3036
▶ Germinoma Kaatsch P (2010) Epidemiology of childhood cancer. Can-
▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and cer Treat Rev 36(4):277–285
Lymphomas Marshall GM et al (2014) The prenatal origins of cancer.
Nat Rev Cancer 14(4):277–289
▶ Hepatitis B Virus
Ries LAG, Harkins D, Krapcho M, Mariotto A, Miller BA,
▶ Hepatitis C Virus Feuer EJ, Clegg L, Eisner MP, Horner MJ, Howlader N,
▶ Hepatoblastoma Hayat M, Hankey BF, Edwards BK (eds) (2006) SEER
▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma cancer statistics review, 1975–2003. National Cancer
Institute, Bethesda. http://seer.cancer.gov/csr/1975_
▶ Hodgkin Disease
2003/. Based on Nov 2005 SEER data submission,
▶ Human T-Lymphotropic Virus posted to the SEER web site
▶ Induction Chemotherapy Rodriguez-Galindo C et al (2013) Global challenges in
▶ Ionizing Radiation Therapy pediatric oncology. Curr Opin Pediatr 25(1):3–15
Young G et al (2000) Recognition of common childhood
▶ Kaposi Sarcoma
malignancies. Am Fam Physician 61:2144–2154
▶ Maintenance Chemotherapy
▶ Metastasis
▶ Minimal Residual Disease
▶ Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
▶ Neoadjuvant Therapy Childhood Cancer and Pediatric
▶ Nephroblastoma Cancer Predisposition Syndromes
▶ Neuroblastoma
▶ Neuro-Oncology: Primary CNS Tumors Stefan K. Zöllner1 and Jeffrey A. Toretsky2
▶ Neutropenia Department of Pediatric Hematology and
▶ Non-Rhabdomyosarcoma Soft Tissue Oncology, University Childrens Hospital
Sarcomas Münster, Münster, Germany
▶ Osteosarcoma Department of Oncology and Pediatrics,
▶ Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center,
▶ Ovarian Stromal and Germ Cell Tumors Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
▶ Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
▶ Pediatric Brain Tumors
▶ Pediatric HIV/AIDS Definition
▶ Radiation Carcinogenesis
▶ Radiation Oncology Genetic factors play a crucial role in the develop-
▶ Retinoblastoma ment of cancer. There are several genetic condi-
▶ Rhabdomyosarcoma tions which are associated with increased risk of
▶ SV40 cancers, termed hereditary cancer syndromes. In
▶ Synovial Sarcoma adults, the percentage of cancer attributed to
▶ Testicular Cancer underlying, inherited genetic mutations is esti-
▶ Testicular Germ Cell Tumors mated at 5–10%. However, the rate of cancer
▶ Thyroid Carcinogenesis predisposition in children might be significantly
▶ UV Radiation higher, and potentially as high as a third of all new
▶ Wilms’ Tumor pediatric cancer diagnoses may be due to an
976 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

inherited genetic cause. Identification of at-risk “two-hit-hypothesis” of tumor suppressor genes

individuals leads to early tumor detection and where two mutational events of the RB1 gene (see
better prognosis for some cancers. Familial neo- ▶ Retinoblastoma Protein, Biological and Clini-
plastic syndromes, bone marrow failure syn- cal Functions) locus are necessary for develop-
dromes, inherited immunodeficiency (see ment of RB. Patients with heritable RB often
▶ Immunosuppression and Cancer), and numeri- develop bilateral or multifocal tumors and are
cal chromosome abnormalities are presented. younger (median age 11 months) at diagnosis. In
heritable tumors, one mutation is inherited
through the germline and the second occurs in
Characteristics somatic cells, whereas in the sporadic tumors,
both mutational events occur in somatic cells in
Hereditary Cancer Predisposition Syndromes utero. Patients with mutant RB1 are at an
Although hereditary cancer predisposition syn- increased risk for osteosarcomas in their first
dromes are rare, the list of well-defined inherited three decades of life as well as other types of
cancer predisposition syndromes is steadily grow- cancers with advancing age including melanoma
ing. Malignancies arising in this context involve a and carcinomas of the lung (see ▶ Lung Cancer,
large variety of organ systems and affect individ- ▶ Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer) and bladder (see
uals of all ages. Many children with newly diag- ▶ Bladder Cancer).
nosed cancer and suspicion of an underlying The ▶ rhabdoid tumor predisposition syn-
cancer predisposition syndrome have a family drome is an autosomal dominant cancer syndrome
history of syndrome-specific symptoms and/or predisposing to renal or extrarenal malignant
cancer, but some are diagnosed “de novo,” with- rhabdoid tumors (MRT) and to a variety of central
out any clinical or genetic evidence in family nervous system (CNS) tumors (see ▶ Neuro-
members. Cancer predisposition is caused by Oncology: Primary CNS Tumors), including cho-
alterations in one of the three groups of genes: roid plexus carcinoma, medulloblastoma, and
▶ tumor suppressor genes (TS), ▶ oncogenes central primitive neuroectodermal tumors. In the
(OG), and DNA stability genes (SG) (see CNS, rhabdoid tumors may be pure rhabdoid
▶ DNA Damage Response Genes). Germline tumors or a variant that has been designated as
mutations coupled with acquired somatic atypical teratoid tumor (AT/RT). Up to one-third
mutations in the same genes confer cellular of patients with rhabdoid tumors harbor
homozygosity, loss of tumor suppressor SMARCB1 (see ▶ HSNF5/INI1/SMARCB1
activity, and malignant transformation. Herein, Tumor Suppressor Gene) germline-inactivating
we discuss syndromes of inherited cancer predis- mutations at 22q11.2 and rarely mutations in a
position based on the primarily affected organ site 2nd locus of the SWI/SNF complex, the
of cancer which is associated with the syndrome. SMARCA4 gene.
The attached table gives a comprehensive over- Paragangliomas and ▶ pheochromocytomas
view on associated tumor types and frequency, are rare tumors of parasympathetic or sympathetic
related genes including type (TS, OG, SG) and ganglia, respectively. Characterized familial
mutation frequency, mode of inheritance, time of paraganglioma syndromes (types 1–4) include
tumor onset, symptoms, and survival of the dif- those related to perturbation in the succinate
ferent cancer predisposition syndromes in dehydrogenase (SDH) genes. Other familial
childhood. paraganglioma conditions include von Hippel-
Lindau (VHL gene) (see ▶ Von Hippel-Lindau
Central Nervous System Cancer Predisposition Disease, ▶ Von Hippel-Lindau Tumor Suppressor
Syndromes Gene), multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (RET;
▶ Retinoblastoma (RB) is a tumor that occurs in see below), neurofibromatosis (NF1; see below),
heritable (25–30%) and nonheritable (70–75%) and germline perturbation of tumor suppressor
forms. Heritable RB is the classic example of the TMEM127.
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 977

Hereditary Gastrointestinal Malignancies Epigenetic (gain or loss of methylation of

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is one of imprinting center region 1, ICR1) and genomic
the most common hereditary syndromes caused (CDKN1C mutations or 11p15 paternal uniparen-
by germline mutations in adenomatous polyposis tal isodisomy) alterations give rise to ▶ Beckwith-
coli (APC) gene (see ▶ APC Gene in Familial Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), an overgrowth
Adenomatous Polyposis) in chromosome 5q21. syndrome. BWS exhibits an increased risk for
FAP is associated with an increased risk of embryonic tumors (see ▶ Beckwith-Wiedemann C
▶ colorectal cancer and extracolonic neoplasms Syndrome Associated Childhood Tumors). BWS
including gastric (see ▶ Gastric Cancer) and thy- is associated with alterations in two distinct
roid cancer (see ▶ Follicular Thyroid Tumors, imprinting domains at 11p15: a telomeric domain
▶ Thyroid Carcinogenesis, ▶ Papillary Thyroid containing H19 and IGF2 and a centromeric
Carcinoma) and ▶ hepatoblastoma. domain including KCNQ1, KCNQ1OT1, and
▶ Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is a condition CDKN1C. The types of tumors observed in
characterized by the association of gastrointesti- children with telomeric defects (mainly Wilms
nal polyposis, mucocutaneous pigmentation, and tumors) are different from those observed
cancer predisposition. The majority of patients in cases with aberrations limited to the centro-
that meet the clinical diagnostic criteria have a meric domain (▶ rhabdomyosarcoma and
causative mutation in the STK11 gene, which is gonadoblastoma).
located at 19p13.3. The cancer risks in this condi- Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome (SGBS) is
tion are substantial, particularly for a wide variety a complex congenital overgrowth syndrome with
of epithelial malignancies (see ▶ Epithelial an increased risk of embryonal cancers. Most
Tumorigenesis) (colorectal, gastric, pancreatic cases of SGBS appear to arise as a result of either
[see ▶ Pancreatic Cancer], breast [see ▶ Breast deletions or point mutations within the glypican-3
Cancer], lung, and ▶ ovarian cancers). (GPC3) gene at Xq26. Similar to BWS, patients
Juvenile polyposis syndrome (JPS) is a similar with SGBS have an increased risk of developing
hereditary condition, which is characterized by Wilms tumor and ▶ neuroblastoma (NB). How-
the presence of hamartomatous polyps in the ever, unlike BWS, patients with SGBS also
digestive tract. Hamartomas are noncancerous appear to have an increased risk of ▶ hepatocel-
(benign) masses but exhibit a neoplastic potential lular carcinoma and medulloblastoma (see ▶ Tes-
for gastrointestinal cancers (gastric, small intesti- ticular Germ Cell Tumors, ▶ Testicular Cancer).
nal, colorectal, pancreatic cancer). Both sporadic
and familial cases are found with mutations in Endocrine Cancer Predisposition Syndromes
SMAD4 and BMPR1A. JPS has significant malig- Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is
nant potential, but unlike PJS, extraintestinal can- a rare cancer syndrome presented mostly
cers are not prominent. by endocrine-characterizing tumors (see
▶ Endocrine-Related Cancers) of the parathy-
Genitourinary Cancer Predisposition Syndromes roids, endocrine pancreas, and anterior pituitary.
A germline pathogenic variant is thought to be the Other endocrine and non-endocrine lesions, such
cause of about 10–15% of ▶ Wilms tumor (see as adrenal cortical tumors (see ▶ Adrenocortical
▶ Nephroblastoma). WT1 germline variants give Cancer, ▶ Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma);
rise to WAGR (Wilms tumor-aniridia-genital carcinoids (see ▶ Carcinoid Tumors) of the bron-
anomalies retardation), Denys-Drash syndrome chi, gastrointestinal tract, and thymus, lipomas,
(DDS), Frasier syndrome (FS), and isolated angiofibromas, collagenomas, and meningiomas,
Wilms tumor, i.e., Wilms tumor with no evidence have been described. The responsible gene,
of an underlying syndrome. Other Wilms MEN1, maps on chromosome 11q13.
tumor predisposition genes have been mapped to Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) is
17q (locus name FWT1) and 19q (locus name characterized by the presence of medullary thy-
FWT2). roid carcinoma (MTC), unilateral or bilateral
978 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

▶ pheochromocytoma (PHEO), and other hyper- carcinomas, but about 5–10% of NBCCS patients
plasia and/or neoplasia of different endocrine tis- develop medulloblastomas.
sues within a single patient. Predisposition to Neurofibromatosis (NF) consists of three
MEN2 is caused by germline-activating muta- genetic disorders that primarily cause tumors to
tions of the c-RET proto-oncogene (see ▶ RET) grow around the nerves: neurofibromatosis type
on chromosome 10q11.2. 1 (NF1) (see ▶ Neurofibromatosis 1), neurofibro-
matosis type 2 (NF2) (see ▶ Neurofibromatosis
Sarcoma Predisposition Syndromes 2), and schwannomatosis, which is a genetic con-
▶ Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS) is a rare syn- dition, but unlike NF1 and NF2, does not have a
drome, characterized by early onset of bone and clear pattern of inheritance. Benign tumors of NF1
soft tissue sarcomas (see ▶ Bone Tumors, ▶ Non- (neurofibroma and optic pathway glioma), NF2
Rhabdomyosarcoma Soft Tissue Sarcomas, (schwannoma, ependymoma, and meningioma),
▶ Rhabdomyosarcoma), brain tumors (see and schwannomatosis (schwannoma) can cause
▶ Brain Tumors, ▶ Pediatric Brain Tumors), significant morbidity. Schwannomatosis typically
breast cancer, leukemia (see ▶ Hematological does not develop into malignancies, in contrast to
Malignancies, Leukemias, and Lymphomas), NF1 and NF2 where nearly 10% of tumors will
adrenocortical carcinoma (see ▶ Adrenocortical develop into malignant cancers. Malignant tumors
Cancer), and other tumors, as well as multiple commonly associated with the most diagnosed
primary tumors in a single individual. The major- type, NF1, include malignant peripheral nerve
ity of families (77%) with classic LFS have an sheath tumor (MPNS), CNS tumors (optic path-
inherited or de novo ▶ TP53 germline mutation. way glioma, ▶ astrocytoma, and brain stem gli-
Hereditary multiple exostoses (HME) is a skel- oma), soft tissue sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma,
etal disorder with mutations in EXT-1 or EXT 2 ▶ gastrointestinal stromal tumors, and leukemia.
gene, characterized by the development of several ▶ Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a
benign tumors in the form of ▶ osteochondromas, neurocutaneous, multisystem disorder character-
which eventually become malignant. ized by benign hamartomas in multiple organ
Werner syndrome (WS) is a genetic instability systems, predominantly the skin (fibromas [see
and progeroid (premature aging) syndrome ▶ Aggressive Fibromatosis in Children]), brain
caused by loss-of-function mutations in the WRN (tubers, nodules), kidney (angiomyolipoma), and
gene. It is associated with an elevated risk of heart (cardiac rhabdomyoma [see ▶ Cardiac
▶ osteosarcoma but also thyroid neoplasms, Tumors]). Although the overall cancer risk asso-
malignant ▶ melanoma, meningioma, and leuke- ciated with TSC is low, patients with TSC have an
mia. WS is estimated to affect 1:200,000 individ- increased risk of subependymal giant cell astrocy-
uals in the USA, but occurs more often in Japan, toma and renal cell carcinoma (see ▶ Renal Can-
affecting 1:20,000 to 1:40,000 individuals. cer Clinical Oncology, ▶ Renal Cancer Genetic
Syndromes). The genetic cause is mutations in the
Genodermatoses (Inherited Genetic Skin TSC1 gene, found on chromosome 9q34, and
Disorders) with Cancer Predisposition TSC2 gene, found on chromosome 16p13.
Genodermatoses consign to inherited skin disor- ▶ Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a rare dis-
ders that often present with multisystem involve- order, based on a genetic defect, in the DNA repair
ment leading to increased morbidity and system. XP is characterized by photosensitivity,
mortality. pigmentary changes, premature skin aging, and
▶ Naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome malignant tumor development. In consequence,
(NBCCS), also known as Gorlin syndrome, is a patients with XP have a nearly 100% risk of
hereditary condition which is caused by mutations developing multiple ▶ skin cancers, and the first
in the PTCH1 gene. NBCCS accounts for less diagnosis commonly occurs in childhood. Genet-
than 1% of all NBCCS diagnoses. The main clin- ically, XP is differentiated into seven complemen-
ical manifestation includes multiple ▶ basal cell tation groups (XP-A to XP-G) and the xeroderma
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 979

pigmentosum variants (XP-V). XP is estimated to characterized by microcephaly at birth, combined

affect about 1:1,000,000 people in the USA and immunodeficiency, and predisposition to malig-
Europe, but is more common in Japan, North nancies, predominantly of lymphoid origin
Africa, and the Middle East. including non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), Hodg-
Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (RTS) is a rare kin lymphoma (HD; see ▶ Hodgkin Disease), and
inherited disorder, characterized by a leukemia but also brain tumors such as medullo-
poikilodermatous rash starting in infancy, skeletal blastoma and glioma and soft tissue sarcomas like C
abnormalities, and predisposition to specific can- rhabdomyosarcoma. Of all the chromosomal
cers, particularly osteosarcoma as well as instability syndromes, the incidence of cancer in
nonmelanoma skin cancers. The gene defect in NBS patients is one of the highest. Due to a
two-thirds of cases is due to mutations in founder mutation in the underlying NBN gene,
RECQL4. the disease is encountered most frequently
among Slavic populations.
Leukemia/Lymphoma Predisposition Syndromes Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is characterized by
▶ Bloom syndrome (BS) is an inherited genomic progressive cerebellar ataxia beginning between
instability disorder caused by disruption of the ages one and four years, telangiectasias of the
BLM helicase which confers an extreme cancer conjunctivae, immunodeficiency, and an
predisposition. The cancer predisposition is char- increased risk for malignancy, particularly leuke-
acterized by (I) broad spectrum, including leuke- mia and lymphoma, usually of the B-cell type (see
mia, lymphomas, and adenocarcinomas, (II) early ▶ B-Cell Lymphoma, ▶ Diffuse Large B-Cell
age of onset relative to the same cancer in the Lymphoma, ▶ Marginal Zone B-Cell Lym-
general population, (III) frequency, as more than phoma). The gene associated with A-T is ATM
half of the BS patients develop cancer, and (see ▶ ATM Protein), meaning ataxia-
(IV) multiplicity, that is, synchronous or telangiectasia mutated.
metachronous cancers (see ▶ Second Primary Fanconi anemia, ataxia-telangiectasia,
Tumors). BS patients with five independent pri- xeroderma pigmentosum, Bloom syndrome, Wer-
mary cancers have been described. Only a few ner syndrome, Rothmund-Thomson syndrome,
hundred affected individuals have been described and Nijmegen breakage syndrome form a class
in the literature, about one-third of whom are of of cancer predisposition syndromes which consist
Central and Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish of autosomal recessive disorders of DNA repair
background. (see ▶ Repair of DNA, ▶ DNA Damage
▶ Fanconi anemia (FA) is a chromosomal Response, ▶ DNA Damage Response Genes).
instability syndrome characterized by the pres- Failure to diagnose hereditary cancer predisposi-
ence of pancytopenia, congenital malformations, tion syndromes with impaired DNA repair path-
and cancer predisposition. Mutations in at least ways may result in the use of chemotherapeutic
15 genes can cause FA, but 80 to 90% of cases of agents or radiation therapy with conventional dos-
DFA are due to mutations in one of three genes, ages, which are contraindicated in these patients.
FANCA, FANCC, and FANCG (SG, recessive).
The hallmark neoplastic events in FA cases are Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes
myeloid leukemia (see ▶ Acute Myeloid Leuke- Fanconi anemia can also be classified with
mia, ▶ Chronic Myeloid Leukemia), liver tumors, dyskeratosis congenita (DC), Diamond-Blackfan
head and neck carcinomas (see ▶ Head and Neck anemia (DBA), Shwachman-Diamond syndrome
Cancer), and gynecologic malignancies. FA is (SDS), severe congenital neutropenia (SCN), and
more common among people of Ashkenazi Jew- amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia (CAMT) to a
ish descent, the Roma population of Spain, and second group comprising the inherited bone mar-
black South Africans. row failure syndromes which predispose to
▶ Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) is a lymphoreticular malignancies. These disorders
syndrome of chromosomal instability mainly have diverse genetic mechanisms, including
980 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes, Table 1

Malignancy risk and

associated tumor types
including index tumors
Cancer predisposition syndrome Synonyms (bold) and frequencies Frequency
Central nervous Hereditary (Bilateral) Retinoblastoma, 1:15,000–
system cancer retinoblastoma pineoblastoma, malignant 20,000
predisposition syndrome midline primitive
syndromes neuroectodermal tumor,
osteosarcoma, melanoma,
lung, bladder cancer
Rhabdoid tumor Rhabdoid tumors (renal, <1:1Mio
syndrome CNS: pure or atypical
teratoid rhabdoid tumor
(AT/RT)), choroid plexus
medulloblastoma, central
primitive neuroectodermal
Hereditary Familial Pheochromocytoma 1:500,000
pheochromocytoma- cerebelloretinal (=PCC), paraganglioma (PCC)-1Mio
paraganglioma angiomatosis (=PGL; abdomen, head, (PGL)
syndrome neck, trunk) ! malignant
PCC, PGL (extra-adrenal)

Hereditary Familial adenomatous Familial polyposis Polyps ! 100% colorectal, 1:7,000–

gastrointestinal polyposis syndrome coli 0.5–12% gastrointestinal, 22,000
malignancies 2% thyroid (papillary), 2%
pancreatic, adrenal, bile duct
cancer, 10–20% desmoid
tumors, 1.5%
hepatoblastoma, < 1%

Peutz-Jeghers Hamartomatous 93%; hamartomatous polyps 1:25,000–

syndrome intestinal polyposis (jejunal) ! 40% colorectal, 300,000
Polyps-and-spots 12–30% gastrointestinal,
syndrome 50% breast, 36% pancreatic,
10% cervix, 21%
ovarian, < 10% testicular,
15% lung cancer (non-small
Juvenile Juvenile polyps 1:15,000–
(gastrointestinal) (colonal) ! 9–50% 100,000
polyposis syndrome gastrointestinal cancer
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 981

Related genes
including type
(tumor suppressor
TS, oncogene OG, Tumor
DNA stability gene onset Cancer and syndrome Cancer therapy Survival/life
SG) and frequency Inheritance (years) symptomology to avoid expectancy
RB1 (TS; chr13) ADI <1–5 Leukocoria, strabismus, UV, ionizing 10 years: > 95% C
(overall and pain, redness, irritation, radiation (IR) (post-
particular for each poor vision ! enucleation)
gene) blindness

30% SMARCB1 ADI <2 Cancer site specific <1 year/5 years:
(TS; chr22), 25% (AT/RT)

SDHD (type I; TS; ADI <45 Cancer site specific; 5 years: < 50%
chr11), SDHAF2 catecholamine (malignant PCC,
(type II; TS; chr11), production by PCG)
SDHC (type III; TS; sympathetic
chr1), SDHB (type paragangliomas !
IV; TS; chr1) neurologic symptoms
related to hypertension
APC (TS; chr5), ADI (APC), ARI 1–7 Cancer site specific; 63–70 years
MUTYH (TS; chr1) (MUTYH) gastrointestinal bleeding,
(jaw) osteomata, teeth
(extra, missing,
unerupted), skin
(epidermoid cysts and
fibromas) abnormalities,
congenital hypertrophy
of the retinal pigment
80-94% STK11 ADI 40 Cancer site specific; 45–58 years
(LKB1; TS; chr19) obstruction,

20% BMPR1A (TS; ADI 24–47 Diarrhea, rectal prolapse, 56 years

chr10), 20% protein-losing
SMAD4 (TS; chr18) enteropathy;
cardiovascular (valvular
heart disease), urogenital
macrocephaly, cleft
982 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes, Table 1 (continued)

Malignancy risk and

associated tumor types
including index tumors
Cancer predisposition syndrome Synonyms (bold) and frequencies Frequency
Genitourinary WAGR(O) syndrome Deletion/monosomy 33–57%; Wilms 1:500,000-
cancer 11p13 tumor = nephroblastoma, 1Mio
predisposition gonadoblastoma

Denys-Drash Nephroblastoma (multiple ~150 cases

syndrome tumors in one or both
Frasier syndrome kidneys), gonadoblastoma <1:1Mio

Beckwith-Wiedemann Exomphalos- 3–43%; nephroblastoma, 1:14,000

syndrome macroglossia- hepatoblastoma,
gigantism pancreatoblastoma,
adrenocortical carcinoma,
rhabdomyosarcoma, gastric

Simpson-Golabi- X-linked dysplasia 8–10%; nephroblastoma, ~250 cases

Behmel syndrome gigantism neuroblastoma,
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 983

Related genes
including type
(tumor suppressor
TS, oncogene OG, Tumor
DNA stability gene onset Cancer and syndrome Cancer therapy Survival/life
SG) and frequency Inheritance (years) symptomology to avoid expectancy
WT1 (TS; chr11), ADI 1–3 Wilms tumor, aniridia ( 4 years: 95% C
PAX6 (TS; chr11; cataract, glaucoma, 27 years: 48%
responsible for eye nystagmus),
features), BDNF genitourinary
(OG/TS; chr11; (cryptorchidism, streak
responsible for ovaries, bicornate uterus)
obesity) abnormalities, mental
retardation, obesity;
pancreatitis, scoliosis,
autism, asthma,
glomerulosclerosis (focal
WT1 (TS; chr11) ADI Glomerulosclerosis 5 years: 90%
(Denys-Drash, diffuse (Wilms tumor)
mesangial; Frasier, focal
Mutation or ADI <8 Cancer site specific; Normal/life-
deletion of macrosomia, threatening
imprinted genes macroglossia, midline complications/
(CDKN1C, H19, abdominal wall defects cancer specific
KCNQ1OT1), (omphalocele, umbilical
hypermethylation hernia, diastasis recti),
and variation in the hemihyperplasia,
H19/ visceromegaly, cleft
IGF2-imprinting palate, kidney
control region abnormalities, posterior
(ICR1) on chr helical ear pits;
11p15.5; NSD1 hypoglycemia, nevus
(TS; chr5) flammeus, prematurity
GPC3 (type I; TS; XRI <10 Cancer site specific;
chrX), OFD1 macrosomia, craniofacial
(CXORF5; type II; (coarse facies,
TS; chrX) macrocephaly, cleft
palate, macroglossia),
cardiovascular, skeletal
(syn- and polydactyly),
hernia) abnormalities,
984 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes, Table 1 (continued)

Malignancy risk and

associated tumor types
including index tumors
Cancer predisposition syndrome Synonyms (bold) and frequencies Frequency
Von Hippel-Lindau 40%; 90% 1:30,000–
syndrome hemangioblastoma (50% 40,000
retinal, 60–80% CNS),
cystadenoma (epididymis,
uterus broad ligament,
pancreas, endolymphatic
sac), PCC, 70% renal cell
Endocrine Multiple endocrine Wermer syndrome Adenoma (95% 1:10,000–
cancer neoplasia type I (type IV) parathyroid, 15–90% 30,000
predisposition pituitary, 20–40%
syndromes adrenocortical), 30–80%
pancreatic islet cell tumor,
10% carcinoid, 25% thyroid
cancer, 88% angiofibroma
(facial), 20–30% (angiomyo-
)lipoma, leiomyoma,
ependymoma (spinal cord),
60% meningioma, > 70%
collagenoma (facial)
Multiple endocrine 80% medullary thyroid 1:35,000
neoplasia type II(A/B) carcinoma (=MTC),
80–100% PCC (bilateral),
80–100% parathyroid

Sarcoma Li-Fraumeni syndrome SBLA cancer 90%; sarcoma 1:5,000–

predisposition syndrome (osteosarcoma), breast 25,000
syndromes cancer, brain tumor
(glioblastoma), leukemia,
adrenocortical carcinoma,
melanoma, nephroblastoma,
gonadal germ cell tumor,
gastric, pancreatic,
colorectal, prostate cancer,
Hereditary multiple Diaphyseal aclasis 0.5–5%; exostoses/ 1:50,000
exostoses/ Bessel-Hagen-disease osteochondromas (benign,
osteochondromas metaphyseal)
! chondrosarcoma,
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 985

Related genes
including type
(tumor suppressor
TS, oncogene OG, Tumor
DNA stability gene onset Cancer and syndrome Cancer therapy Survival/life
SG) and frequency Inheritance (years) symptomology to avoid expectancy
VHL (TS; chr3) ADI 1–20 Cancer site specific 48–59 years C

65-90%; MEN1 ADI 5–20 Cancer site specific; 20 years: 64%

(TS; chr11), hyperparathyroidism, (normal)
CDKN1B (type IV; tuberous sclerosis-like
TS; chr12) skin abnormalities

RET (OG; chr10) ADI 1–3 Cancer site specific; 10 years:

70–80% type IIA, 68–75% (MEN
hyperparathyroidism, IIA with MTC)
cutaneous lichen
M. Hirschsprung; 5%
type IIB, no
ganglioneuromas (lip,
tongue, colon),
marfanoid habitus,
CHEK2 (TS; ADI 30 Cancer site specific UV, IR <40 years
chr22), 77% TP53
(TS; chr17)

70–95%; 56–78% ADI 30 Cancer site specific; 10 years:

EXT1 (TS; chr8), growth perturbation 29–83%
21–44% EXT2 (TS;

986 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes, Table 1 (continued)

Malignancy risk and

associated tumor types
including index tumors
Cancer predisposition syndrome Synonyms (bold) and frequencies Frequency
Werner syndrome Adult progeria Sarcoma (osteosarcoma), 1: 20,000
melanoma, myelodysplastic (Japan)–
syndrome (=MDS), 200,000
leukemia, meningioma, (USA)
thyroid, liver cancer,
malignant fibrous

Genodermatoses Nevoid basal cell Gorlin-Goltz 90% basal cell carcinoma 1:18,000–
with cancer carcinoma syndrome syndrome (face, chest, back), 5–10% 250,000
predisposition medulloblastoma,
fibromas (cardiac, ovarian),
leiomyosarcoma, 75%
keratocystic odontogenic

(Peripheral) Von Recklinghausen 100% 1:2,500–4,000

Neurofibromatosis disease neurofibromas ! (neuro-)
type 1 fibrosarcoma, 3–15%
malignant peripheral nerve
sheath tumors, malignant
schwannoma, 15% glioma
(optic pathway, iridial Lisch
nodules), PCC, leukemia,
brain tumors, squamous cell
gastrointestinal stromal
(Central) MISME syndrome; 100% multiple inherited 1:33,000–
Neurofibromatosis familial acoustic schwannomas 60,000
type 2 neuroma/neurinoma/ (vestibular = acoustic
vestibular neuroma), 60%
schwannoma meningioma, 20%
ependymoma; astrocytoma,
malignant schwannoma
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 987

Related genes
including type
(tumor suppressor
TS, oncogene OG, Tumor
DNA stability gene onset Cancer and syndrome Cancer therapy Survival/life
SG) and frequency Inheritance (years) symptomology to avoid expectancy
90%; WRN ARI 25–64 Cancer site specific; DNA- 30–50 years C
(RECQL2; SG; progeroid syndrome with damaging
chr8) skin (facial wrinkling, agents
calcification, ulcers), hair
(alopecia, premature
graying, thinning)
abnormalities, cataract
(bilateral), short stature;
high-pitched voice,
atherosclerosis, diabetes
mellitus type 2, impaired
fertility, osteoporosis
85% PTCH1 (TS; ADI 1–5 Cancer site specific; UV, IR 70–81 years
chr9) years intracranial
calcifications, cysts
conjunctival, jaw, bone,
abdominal, genital),
palmar-plantar pits,
macrocephaly, cleft
palate, skeletal (bifid,
fused ribs, vertebrae),
ocular (cataract,
NF1 (TS; chr17) ADI 1–50 Cancer site specific; UV, IR 54–74 years
plexiform), 6
café-au-lait spots,
freckling (axillary,
inguinal), skeletal
(scoliosis, short stature,
sphenoid dysplasia)
hypertension, learning

NF2 (TS; chr22) ADI 1–20 Cancer site specific; UV, IR 62–73 years
fewer café-au-lait spots
and neurofibromas than
NF1, cataract;
neuropathy, multifocal
988 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes, Table 1 (continued)

Malignancy risk and

associated tumor types
including index tumors
Cancer predisposition syndrome Synonyms (bold) and frequencies Frequency
Tuberous sclerosis Bourneville syndrome Hamartoma, angiofibroma 1:6,000–
complex (facial = adenoma 10,000
sebaceum, brain, lung, renal
angiomyolipoma, cardiac
rhabdomyoma, coloboma),
14% giant cell astrocytoma
(subependymal, retinal), 4%
renal cell carcinoma,
chordoma, PCC

Xeroderma 100%; basal cell 1:1Mio

pigmentosum carcinoma, squamous cell
carcinoma (head and neck),
melanoma, brain tumors,
lung, eye, tongue cancer,

Rothmund-Thomson Poikiloderma of 30% osteosarcoma, 5% ~300 cases

syndrome Rothmund-Thomson squamous cell carcinoma,
basal cell carcinoma, MDS,

Leukemia/ Bloom syndrome Bloom-Torre- Leukemia, lymphoma, <300 cases

lymphoma Machacek syndrome adenocarcinoma (breast,
predisposition gastrointestinal, urogenital),
syndrome nephroblastoma,
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 989

Related genes
including type
(tumor suppressor
TS, oncogene OG, Tumor
DNA stability gene onset Cancer and syndrome Cancer therapy Survival/life
SG) and frequency Inheritance (years) symptomology to avoid expectancy
70%; TSC1 (TS; ADI <1 Cancer site 50 years C
chr9), TSC2 (TS; specific;  2 (angio-)
chr16; more severe fibromas, hypomelanotic
phenotype) macules (= ash leaf
spots), tubers (= thick,
firm, pale gyri),
(pulmonary); enamel
pits, 60% epilepsy, 50%
mental retardation
XPC (SG; chr3), ARI 10 Cancer site specific; skin UV 20 years:  40%
ERCC2 (SG; (dry, pigmented,
chr19), POLH (SG; increased sensitivity to
chr6) sunlight) abnormalities,
impairment, hearing loss
RECQL4 (SG; chr8) ARI 14–34 Cancer site specific; Hydroxyurea, 5 years: 60–70%
progeroid syndrome with camptothecin, (osteosarcoma)/
skin (poikiloderma, doxorubicin, normal
atrophy, telangiectases, cisplatin, UV, (no cancer)
hyper- and IR
skeletal (short stature,
saddle nose,
osteoporosis, radial ray
defect), dental,
abnormalities, alopecia,
dystrophic nails, cataract
BLM (SG; chr15) ARI 4–46 Cancer site specific; high- UV 50 years/28 years
pitched voice, “birdlike” (cancer)
facial (narrow face,
prominent nose, ears,
mandibular hypoplasia),
skin (sun-sensitive
telangiectatic erythema,
poikiloderma, reduced
subcutaneous fat)
abnormalities, growth
retardation with short
stature, bilateral optic
nerve hypoplasia,
immunodeficiency (IgM
and IgA deficiency)
990 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes, Table 1 (continued)

Malignancy risk and

associated tumor types
including index tumors
Cancer predisposition syndrome Synonyms (bold) and frequencies Frequency
Fanconi anemia Fanconi pancytopenia 20–60%; 32% 1:160,000
BMF ! MDS, 10–30%
leukemia (acute myeloid
leukemia = AML),
lymphoma, 14% head and
neck, esophageal, colorectal,
anogenital, breast, skin
cancer, brain tumors

Nijmegen breakage Berlin breakage 42%; lymphoreticular 1:100,000

syndrome syndrome; ataxia- malignancies (non-Hodgkin
telangiectasia, variant lymphoma, leukemia),
1; immunodeficiency- glioma, medulloblastoma,
microcephaly- rhabdomyo
chromosomal- sarcoma
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 991

Related genes
including type
(tumor suppressor
TS, oncogene OG, Tumor
DNA stability gene onset Cancer and syndrome Cancer therapy Survival/life
SG) and frequency Inheritance (years) symptomology to avoid expectancy
80–90%; 65% ARI, rarely XRI 16–34 Cancer site specific; Mitomycin 20–33 years/5 C
FANCA (SG; BMF (macrocytosis, C (MMC), years: 94% (after
chr16), 15% anemia, diepoxybutane HSCT)
FANCC (SG; chr9), thrombocytopenia, (DEB), IR
10% FANCG (SG; neutropenia, hypocellular
chr9); FANCB marrow), skeletal
(chrX), BRCA2 (growth retardation with
(FANCD1; TS/SG, short stature, radial ray
chr13), FANCD2 defect, thenar
(SG; chr3), FANCE hypoplasia), urogenital
(SG; chr6), FANCF (hypoplastic genital
(SG; chr11), FANCI organs, hypogonadism,
(SG; chr15), BRIP1 ectopic, horseshoe,
(FANCJ; TS/SG; hypoplastic, double
chr17), FANCL kidney, hydronephrosis),
(SG; chr2), FANCM skin (hypo- and
(chr14), PALB2 hyperpigmentation,
(FANCN; TS/SG; café-au-lait spots),
chr16), RAD51C cardiopulmonary
(FANCO; TS/SG; (valvular stenosis,
chr17), SLX4 cardiomyopathy), ocular
(FANCP; TS/SG; (microphthalmia,
chr16), ERCC4 strabismus, cataract),
(FANCQ; SG; gastrointestinal organ
chr16) atresia, microcephaly,
conductive deafness
NBN (SG; chr8) ARI 10 Cancer site specific; IR, bleomycin, 11 years/
skeletal (growth MMC, DEB 20 years: 85%
retardation with short (no cancer), 35%
stature, thenar (cancer)
hypoplasia), “birdlike”
facial (sloping forehead,
long, beaked, upturned
nose, mandibular
hypoplasia, large ears),
skin (café-au-lait spots,
vitiligo), urogenital
(ectopic, horseshoe,
hypoplastic, double
kidney, premature
ovarian insufficiency)
abnormalities, CNS
immunodeficiency (both
cellular and humoral)
992 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes, Table 1 (continued)

Malignancy risk and

associated tumor types
including index tumors
Cancer predisposition syndrome Synonyms (bold) and frequencies Frequency
Ataxia-telangiectasia Louis-Bar syndrome 25–40%; 85% 1:40,000–
lymphoreticular 100,000
malignancies ((T cell)
leukemia, (B cell)
lymphoma), breast, thyroid,
liver cancer, gastric
mucinous adenocarcinoma,
medulloblastoma, glioma

Dyskeratosis congenita Zinsser-Engman-Cole 10–50%; 22–80% bone ~1:1Mio

syndrome marrow failure
(=BMF) ! MDS,
leukemia (AML), Hodgkin
lymphoma, 40% squamous
cell carcinoma (head and
neck), anogenital,
pancreatic cancer

Diamond-Blackfan Aase(-Smith II) 6%; BMF ! MDS, 1:150,000

anemia syndrome; congenital leukemia (AML),
pure red cell aplasia osteosarcoma
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 993

Related genes
including type
(tumor suppressor
TS, oncogene OG, Tumor
DNA stability gene onset Cancer and syndrome Cancer therapy Survival/life
SG) and frequency Inheritance (years) symptomology to avoid expectancy
90% ATM (SG; ARI 5–20 Cancer site specific; CNS IR, bleomycin, 24 years C
chr11) (progressive cerebellar MMC, DEB (no cancer),
ataxia, oculomotor 15 years (cancer)
apraxia, neuropathy)
telangiectases, gonadal
dysfunction, growth
retardation with short
immunodeficiency (both
cellular and humoral)
60–70%; 40% XRI (DKC1), ADI 29–37 Cancer site specific; 46 years
DKC1 (TS; chrX), (TERC, TERT, TINF2, mucocutaneous (lacy (no cancer),
5% TERC (TS; RTEL1), ARI (TERT, reticular pigmentation, 39 years (cancer)
chr3), TERT (OG; CTC1, RTEL1, skin atrophy (chest, head
chr5), TINF2 (TS; WRAP53, NHP2, and neck), palmar,
chr14), NHP2 (TS; NOP10) plantar hyperkeratosis,
chr5), NOP10 (TS; pigmentation, nail
chr15), RTEL1 (TS; dystrophy, oral
chr20), WRAP53 leukoplakia)
(OG; chr17), USB1 abnormalities;
(TS; chr16), CTC1 pulmonary fibrosis,
(OG; chr17) immunodeficiency (both
cellular and humoral),
growth retardation with
short stature, CNS
(microcephaly, cerebellar
developmental delay),
(gastrointestinal tract
stenosis, enteropathy),
retinal abnormalities
40–60%; 25% ADI 56 Cancer site specific; 40 years: 75%
RPS19 (TS; chr19), BMF (macrocytosis,
9% RPL5 (TS; anemia with
chr1), 6.5% RPL11 reticulocytopenia,
(TS; chr1), 7% erythroid hypoplasia in
RPS26 (TS; chr12), marrow) skeletal (growth
1–3%: RPS7 (TS; retardation with short
chr2), RPS17 (TS; stature, upper limb
chr15), RPS24 (TS; malformations),
chr10), RPS10 (TS; craniofacial (Pierre
chr6), RPL35a (TS; Robin syndrome, cleft
chr3), GATA1 (TS; palate, cataract,
chrX) glaucoma, strabismus),
cardiac, urogenital
994 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes, Table 1 (continued)

Malignancy risk and

associated tumor types
including index tumors
Cancer predisposition syndrome Synonyms (bold) and frequencies Frequency
Shwachman-(Bodian-) Pancreatic 40% BMF ! 8–19% MDS, 1:77,000–
Diamond syndrome insufficiency and leukemia (AML); breast 350,000
bone marrow cancer, dermatofibrosarcoma

Congenital BMF ! MDS, leukemia <100 cases

amegakaryocytic (AML)

Primary immuno Common variable Primary 7–13%; 16% 1:10,000–

deficiency immuno hypogammaglobu- gastrointestinal, breast, 100,000
disorders with deficiency (CVID) linemia bladder, cervix cancer, 8%
cancer predis lymphoid malignancies
position ((non-)Hodgkin lymphoma)
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 995

Related genes
including type
(tumor suppressor
TS, oncogene OG, Tumor
DNA stability gene onset Cancer and syndrome Cancer therapy Survival/life
SG) and frequency Inheritance (years) symptomology to avoid expectancy
90% SBDS (TS; ARI 4–19 Cancer site specific; Cyclophos 20 years: 85% C
chr7) BMF (macrocytosis, phamide,
neutropenia, myeloid busulfan
hypoplasia in marrow),
exocrine pancreatic
insufficiency with
steatorrhea, skeletal
(growth retardation with
short stature,
chondrodysplasia or
congenital thoracic
dystrophy), skin, dental,
cardiac abnormalities,
MPL (type I and II; ARI >2–3 Cancer site specific; Mortality: 30%
OG; chr1), RUNX1 BMF of bleeding, 20%
(type III; OG; (hypomegakaryocytic after HSCT
chr21) thrombocytopenia, 
pancytopenia), cardiac
(septal defects),
neurological (cerebral,
cerebellar hypoplasia)
strabismus, psychomotor
ICOS (CVID 1; 80% ADI, 20% ARI 23–27 Cancer site specific; 43 years
T-cell defect; OG; immunodeficiency
chr2), TNFRSF13B (hypogamma
(TACI; CVID 2; globulinemia, recurrent
TS/OG; chr17), 98% bronchitis, sinusitis,
CD19 (CVID 3; otitis, pneumonia with
B-cell defect; OG; subsequent
chr16), bronchiectasia), 25%
TNFRSF13C autoimmune phenomena
(BAFFR; CVID 4; (immune
OG; chr22), CD20 thrombocytopenic
(MS4A1; CVID 5; purpura (ITP) and
OG; chr11), CD81 autoimmune hemolytic
(CVID 6; TS/OG; anemia (AIHA),
chr11), CD21 (CR2; rheumatoid arthritis),
CVID 7; TS/OG; generalized
chr1), LRBA (CVID lymphadenopathy 
8; OG; chr4), splenomegaly,
NFKB2 (CVID 10; granulomas
OG; chr10), IL21
(CVID 11; TS;
chr4), NFKB1
(CVID 12; OG;
996 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes, Table 1 (continued)

Malignancy risk and

associated tumor types
including index tumors
Cancer predisposition syndrome Synonyms (bold) and frequencies Frequency
Wiskott-Aldrich Eczema- 13–22% lymphoreticular <1:100,000
syndrome thrombocytopenia- malignancies (MDS, B-cell
immunodeficiency lymphoma, leukemia)

Severe congenital Kostman’s disease 9–15% lymphoreticular 1:250,000-

neutropenia (SCN) (ARI disease) malignancies (MDS, 1Mio
leukemia (AML))

Severe combined Lymphoid malignancies 1:50,000–

immunodeficiency (30% non-Hodgkin 100,000
(SCID) lymphoma)
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 997

Related genes
including type
(tumor suppressor
TS, oncogene OG, Tumor
DNA stability gene onset Cancer and syndrome Cancer therapy Survival/life
SG) and frequency Inheritance (years) symptomology to avoid expectancy
WAS (TS; chrX) XRI 10 Cancer site specific; 8–15 C
immunodeficiency (both years, > 80%
cellular and humoral, after HSCT
recurrent (middle ear)
with hematochezia,
mucosal bleeding and/or
petechiae, eczema
(chronic, acute), 40%
autoimmune phenomena
(AIHA, neutropenia,
vasculitis, inflammatory
bowel disease,
nephropathy, arthritis)
60%; 50–60% ADI (ELA2, GFI1), 10 Cancer site specific; 20 years: 82%
ELANE (ELA2; ARI (HAX1, G6PC3, immunodeficiency
SCIN1; TS; chr19), VPS45, JAGN1), XRI (maturation arrest of
GFI1 (SCIN2; (WAS) myeloid precursors at
chr1), 4–30% HAX1 promyelocyte stage,
(SCIN3, OG; chr1), granulocytopenia with
G6PC3 (SCIN4; recurrent bacterial and
TS; chr17), VPS45 mycotic infections,
(SCIN5, chr1), stomatitis, ear, nose,
JAGN1 (SCIN6, throat, pulmonary);
chr3), WAS (SCNX; osteoporosis
TS; chrX)
69%; IL2RG (TS; XRI (IL2RG), ARI 6 Cancer site specific; 10 years: >
chrX), JAK3 (15 genes) immunodeficiency (both 66–90% (after
(TS/OG; chr19) and cellular and humoral with HSCT)
others lack of functional,
T lymphocytes, recurrent
infections, absent lymph
nodes), CNS
(sensorineural deafness,
deficit), skin (rash,
alopecia), hepatic
998 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes, Table 1 (continued)

Malignancy risk and

associated tumor types
including index tumors
Cancer predisposition syndrome Synonyms (bold) and frequencies Frequency
Selective Gastrointestinal cancer, 1:700–2,000
immunoglobulin lymphoid malignancies
A deficiency

Numerical Down syndrome Trisomy 21 Leukemia (60% acute 1:700–1,000

chromosomal lymphoblastic leukemia,
abnormalities 40% AML; lymphoma,
with cancer (extra-)gonadal germ cell
predisposition tumor, retinoblastoma)

Klinefelter syndrome 47,XXY syndrome Breast, lung, testicular 1:500–1,000

cancer, non-Hodgkin males
lymphoma, germ cell
tumor (mediastinal)
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 999

Related genes
including type
(tumor suppressor
TS, oncogene OG, Tumor
DNA stability gene onset Cancer and syndrome Cancer therapy Survival/life
SG) and frequency Inheritance (years) symptomology to avoid expectancy
TNFRSF13B ARI <40 Cancer site specific; Normal/ C
(TS/OG; chr17), 8590% patients progression to
IGHA1 (chr14), asymptomatic; immuno- CVID/cancer
IGHA2 (chr14) deficiency with recurrent specific
infections, food
intolerance, celiac
disease, 40% allergic
disorders (rhinitis,
conjunctivitis, asthma,
atopic dermatitis), 55%
autoimmune phenomena
(ITP, AIHA, rheumatoid
arthritis, thyroiditis,
diabetes mellitus type 1)
Numerical NA <5 Cancer site specific; DNA- >55 years
chromosomal variable intellectual damaging
abnormalities disability, muscular agents
hypotonia, joint laxity,
characteristic facial
dysmorphism, cardiac,
(duodenal atresia, celiac
disease), endocrine
diabetes mellitus type 1)
abnormalities, Alzheimer
disease, short stature,
cataract, conductive
hearing loss
15–30 Cancer site specific; Normal/cancer
motor, cognitive, specific
behavioral dysfunction,
vascular disease, primary
hypogonadismus with
severe endocrine (delayed,
incomplete puberty,
eunuchoid habitus,
gynecomastia, infertility),
reproductive (hypospadia,
small testes, phallus or
1000 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes, Table 1 (continued)

Malignancy risk and

associated tumor types
including index tumors
Cancer predisposition syndrome Synonyms (bold) and frequencies Frequency
Turner syndrome 45,X syndrome 2–28% gonadoblastoma, 1:2,500
meningioma, childhood females
brain tumors, Wilms tumor,
retinoblastoma, bladder,
uterus, colon cancer,
melanoma, leukemia

Edwards syndrome Trisomy 18 1% Wilms tumor, 1:3,600–

hepatoblastoma 10,000

Pleuropulmonary DICER1 syndrome Pleuropulmonary ~350 cases

blastoma syndrome blastoma, 9% cystic
nephroma, sarcoma,
medulloblastoma, Sertoli-
Leydig cell tumor, Hodgkin
lymphoma, leukemia,
thyroid cancer
chr chromosome, TS tumor suppressor gene, OG oncogene, SG DNA stability gene/DNA damage response gene,
ADI autosomal dominant inheritence, ARI autosomal recessive inheritence, XRI X-linked recessive inheritence,
HSCT hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, UV ultraviolet radiation
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 1001

Related genes
including type
(tumor suppressor
TS, oncogene OG, Tumor
DNA stability gene onset Cancer and syndrome Cancer therapy Survival/life
SG) and frequency Inheritance (years) symptomology to avoid expectancy
<15 Cancer site specific; short Reduced by C
stature, ovarian failure 13 years/cancer
(infertility), skin specific
(lymphedema, multiple
nevi), cardiovascular
(coarctation aortae, aortic
dissection, dilatation,
valve anomalies), renal,
hepatic, metabolic
(osteoporosis, diabetes
mellitus type 2)
abnormalities, otitis
media  conductive
deafness, autoimmune
phenomena (inflammatory
bowel disease, thyroiditis)
1–5 Cancer site specific; >1 year: 10%
skeletal (growth
retardation, clenched fist
with overriding fingers,
nail hypoplasia), facial
microphthalmia), cardiac
(septal defects, patent
ductus arteriosus,
polyvalvular disease),
urogenital, CNS (choroid
plexus cysts,
microcephaly, hypotonia,
psychomotor and
cognitive disability)
97% DICER1 (TS; ADI 2 Type I (cystic), type II 5 years: 90%
chr14) (cystic/solid), type III (type I), 71%
(solid); symptoms of (type II), 53%
pneumonia, (type III)
1002 Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

autosomal recessive (DC, SDS, SCN), autosomal selective IgA deficiency, with NHL being the
dominant (DC, DBA, SCN), and X-linked predominant malignancy in A-T, CVID, WAS,
(DC) inheritance patterns. Within each bone mar- and SCID. Bloom syndrome and Nijmegen break-
row failure syndrome, the composition and sever- age syndrome are further recognized as immuno-
ity of the physical phenotype vary widely, but deficiency syndromes by their particular clinical
there is overlap in features such as poor growth, or immunological features.
radial ray anomalies, and involvement of skin,
eyes, renal, cardiac, skeletal, and other organs. Numerical Chromosomal Abnormalities
There is also a wide spectrum to the hematologic Besides familial neoplastic syndromes, inherited
picture. ▶ Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has immunodeficiency, and bone marrow failure syn-
been observed in FA, DBA, DC, SDS, SCN, and dromes, several numerical chromosome abnor-
CAMT. Solid tumors are also appearing in malities are associated with childhood cancer.
patients whose underlying disease involves hema- Down syndrome (trisomy 21) accounts for the
topoiesis and physical development. These largest number of cases including leukemia
tumors occur at much younger ages than in the (60% ▶ acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
general population and have patterns that are char- and 40% AML) with a 50-fold risk in the first
acteristic to the syndrome, such as head and neck 5 years of life and tenfold risk in the next
and gynecologic cancers in FA and DC and oste- 10 years. Less commonly, Down syndrome
ogenic sarcomas in DBA. The other syndromes patients are diagnosed at a higher frequency with
have not yet been reported to have a propensity for germ cell tumors (see ▶ Ovarian Germ Cell
solid tumors. Tumors, ▶ Germinoma, ▶ Ovarian Stromal and
Germ Cell Tumors, ▶ Testicular Germ Cell
Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders Tumors), lymphomas, and RB. Patients with tri-
Only a few of the more than 150 subtypes of somy 18 have an increased risk of Wilms tumor.
primary immunodeficiency disorders (PIDDs) Female patients with Turner syndrome (45, X;
are associated with elevated risks for different other rare forms) are at increased risk for NB
types of cancer. The overall risk for cancer devel- and Wilms tumor. Patients with Klinefelter syn-
oping in children with PIDD is estimated to range drome (47, XXY; other rare forms) display an
from 4% to 25%. There seems to be a complex increased risk of breast and lung cancer, and
relationship between PIDD, the viral infections to germ cell tumors.
which patients with PIDD are susceptible, and the
development of cancer. As support for this Miscellaneous
assumption, the most common cancer subtypes Pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB) is a rare embry-
in immunodeficient patients are NHL and HD, onal cancer affecting the lungs of infants and
representing immune system-related malignan- young children, and it is suspected that approxi-
cies. Further, cancer development in immuno- mately 60–70% of PPBs are due to germline
compromised patients frequently correlates with DICER1 mutation which functions as a
either de novo, reactivated, or chronic infection, in haploinsufficient tumor suppressor (Table 1).
particular with oncogenic viruses, such as EBV
(see ▶ Epstein-Barr Virus) and HHV-8. In most
PIDD cases with cancer, B-cell function is at least
partially defective, whereas T-cell function might Cross-References
be unaffected. More than half of PIDD-related
cancer cases have been reported in patients with ▶ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) and common variable ▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia
immunodeficiency (CVID). One-third is associ- ▶ Adrenocortical Cancer
ated with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS), ▶ Aggressive Fibromatosis in Children
severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), and ▶ APC Gene in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Childhood Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Syndromes 1003

▶ Astrocytoma ▶ Non-Rhabdomyosarcoma Soft Tissue

▶ ATM Protein Sarcomas
▶ Basal Cell Carcinoma ▶ Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
▶ B-Cell Lymphoma ▶ Oncogene
▶ Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome ▶ Osteochondroma
▶ Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Associated ▶ Osteosarcoma
Childhood Tumors ▶ Ovarian Cancer C
▶ Bladder Cancer ▶ Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors
▶ Bloom Syndrome ▶ Ovarian Stromal and Germ Cell Tumors
▶ Bone Tumors ▶ Pancreatic Cancer
▶ Brain Tumors ▶ Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
▶ Breast Cancer ▶ Pediatric Brain Tumors
▶ Carcinoid Tumors ▶ Peutz–Jeghers Syndrome
▶ Cardiac Tumors ▶ Pheochromocytoma
▶ Childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma ▶ Renal Cancer Clinical Oncology
▶ Chronic Myeloid Leukemia ▶ Renal Cancer Genetic Syndromes
▶ Colorectal Cancer ▶ Repair of DNA
▶ Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma ▶ RET
▶ DNA Damage Response ▶ Retinoblastoma
▶ DNA Damage Response Genes ▶ Retinoblastoma Protein, Biological and Clini-
▶ Endocrine-Related Cancers cal Functions
▶ Epithelial Tumorigenesis ▶ Rhabdoid Tumor
▶ Epstein-Barr Virus ▶ Rhabdomyosarcoma
▶ Fanconi Anemia ▶ Second Primary Tumors
▶ Follicular Thyroid Tumors ▶ Skin Cancer
▶ Gastric Cancer ▶ Testicular Cancer
▶ Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor ▶ Testicular Germ Cell Tumors
▶ Germinoma ▶ Thyroid Carcinogenesis
▶ Head and Neck Cancer ▶ TP53
▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and ▶ Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Lymphomas ▶ Tumor Suppressor Genes
▶ Hepatoblastoma ▶ Von Hippel-Lindau Disease
▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma ▶ Von Hippel-Lindau Tumor Suppressor Gene
▶ Hodgkin Disease ▶ Wilms’ Tumor
▶ HSNF5/INI1/SMARCB1 Tumor Suppressor ▶ Xeroderma Pigmentosum
▶ Immunosuppression and Cancer
▶ Li-Fraumeni Syndrome References
▶ Lung Cancer
▶ Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphoma Alter BP et al (2010) Malignancies and survival patterns in the
▶ Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 National Cancer Institute inherited bone marrow failure
syndromes cohort study. Br J Haematol 150(2):179–188
▶ Naevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome Garber JE, Offit K (2005) Hereditary cancer predisposition
▶ Nephroblastoma syndromes. J Clin Oncol 23(2):276–292
▶ Neuroblastoma Schiffman JD et al (2013) Update on pediatric cancer
▶ Neurofibromatosis 1 predisposition syndromes. Pediatr Blood Cancer
▶ Neurofibromatosis 2 Shapiro RS (2011) Malignancies in the setting of primary
▶ Neuro-Oncology: Primary CNS Tumors immunodeficiency: Implications for hematologists/
▶ Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome oncologists. Am J Hematol 86(1):48–55
1004 Childhood Cancer and Treatment-Related Toxicities

Stiller CA (2004) Epidemiology and genetics of childhood extremely varied and may be influenced by char-
cancer. Oncogene 23(38):6429–6444 acteristics of the individual, the childhood
Strahm B, Malkin D (2006) Hereditary cancer predisposi-
tion in children: genetic basis and clinical implications. cancer diagnosis, and the therapeutic regimen.
Int J Cancer 119(9):2001–2006 Long-term survivors are at high risk for develop-
ing complications, such as subsequent malig-
nant neoplasms, cardiovascular disease, and
endocrinopathies, years after completion of can-
Childhood Cancer and Treatment- cer treatment. Apart from direct organ toxicities,
Related Toxicities other treatment-related side effects significantly
influence the psychosocial well-being of patients,
Stefan K. Zöllner1 and Jeffrey A. Toretsky2 including the risk of infertility, physical disability
Department of Pediatric Hematology and and stigmatization, and cognitive deficits.
Oncology, University Childrens Hospital
Münster, Münster, Germany
Department of Oncology and Pediatrics, Risk prevention
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA For many of the complications, there are well-
established associations between therapeutic
exposures and adverse health-related outcomes,
Definition which set the stage for primary prevention
(avoidance of certain treatments, when possible)
Treatment-related toxicities of childhood cancer and secondary prevention (screening for and treat-
encompass both the physical and non-physical ment of asymptomatic disease) strategies in these
burden of children and young adolescents diag- survivors. Some of these side effects were related
nosed with cancer which result from invasive and to the cumulative dose of chemotherapy agents
non-invasive medical treatment modalities and and resulted in dose modification or replacement
the psycho-socio-economic effects of being a can- strategies in newer regimens to minimize imme-
cer patient, occurring during and/or after the dis- diate and late toxicity without affecting efficacy.
ease-related treatment. Similar modifications have been made with radi-
ation therapy by instituting techniques to improve
delivery of the radiation to the tumor and mini-
Risk awareness mizing damage to neighboring healthy tissues
(involved field radiotherapy) as well as reducing
The overall survival rates of many pediatric can- the total dose of radiation delivered. To ameliorate
cers continue to improve with each decade due to and enable the follow-up care for patients and
new advances in therapy. As this trend continues, families and physicians, specific recommenda-
the focus and importance of minimizing acute and tions for screening of treatment-related complica-
long-term toxicity associated with treatment is tions have been elaborated.
paramount; significant treatment-related toxicities
continue to impact the majority of children with Death
cancer. Awareness of short- and long-term health Although the survival rate for most pediatric can-
risks is important, and careful follow-up of long- cer patients is high, approximately 20% of chil-
term survivors is essential. Children with cancer dren with cancer will die each year of the disease.
and their families are affected not only by the Any patient’s death is not only challenging for
disease and treatments but also by significant relatives but poses a unique set of emotional and
effects on the child’s physical and emotional practical difficulties for caregivers and health-care
development. The risk of specific health-related professionals alike. Specific studies revealed that
outcomes in childhood cancer survivors is caring for terminal patients (see ▶ Palliative
Childhood Cancer and Treatment-Related Toxicities 1005

Therapy) can result in feelings of distress and Thyroid Tumors, ▶ Thyroid Carcinogenesis,
burnout in health-care professionals when patients ▶ Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma), skin (see
die. The findings point to the complexity of work- ▶ Skin Cancer), and brain cancer (see ▶ Brain
ing with children where parents are included in the Tumors, ▶ Pediatric Brain Tumors) and charac-
decision-making processes around a child’s treat- teristically occurring after a latency of 10 years
ment. In contrast, parents of children diagnosed after radiation exposure, and (II) chemotherapy-
with cancer are at risk for the development of related ▶ myelodysplastic syndrome/▶ acute C
posttraumatic stress symptoms, especially at the myeloid leukemia (MDS/AML), which are nota-
end of treatment. Some bereaved parents develop ble for their shorter latency, i.e., less than 5 years
post-traumatic stress disorder up to 5 years after from primary cancer diagnosis, and association
the end of treatment or child’s death. with ▶ alkylating agent and/or ▶ topoisomerase
II inhibitor chemotherapy. Success in treating
Secondary Malignant Neoplasms children with cancer should not be overshadowed
The occurrence of secondary and subsequent by the incidence of SMNs, but patients and health-
malignant neoplasms (SMNs) has been recog- care providers must be aware of risk factors for
nized for many years as late sequelae of childhood SMNs so that surveillance is focused and early
cancer therapy. SMNs should be distinguished prevention strategies are implemented.
from metastases or recurrences of the primary
tumor. They are histologically different from the Cardiovascular Disease
first primary and they occur after the first primary. Childhood cancer survivors treated with
While a majority of SMNs develop within cardiotoxic substances (▶ anthracycline chemo-
10 years, the incidence of SMNs in childhood therapy and/or chest radiation) are at risk for
cancer survivors increases with sustained age, developing cardiovascular complications includ-
with the cumulative incidence exceeding 20% at ing cardiomyopathy/heart failure, coronary artery
30 years after diagnosis of the primary cancer. disease, valvular disease, conduction abnormali-
These survivors have an up to sixfold risk of ties, and pericardial disease. The risk for cardio-
SMNs when compared with age- and vascular complications is highest in survivors of
sex-matched general population. In detail, the HD, kidney tumors (see ▶ Renal Cancer Therapy,
excess risk of SMNs is highest for Hodgkin lym- ▶ Renal Cancer Treatment), and ES. Apart from
phoma (HD; see ▶ Hodgkin Disease) and the fact that childhood cancer survivors have a
▶ Ewing sarcoma (ES) survivors (8.7-fold and sevenfold increased risk of cardiac death when
8.5-fold, respectively). Importantly, these patients compared with the general population, there is a
are even at a higher risk to develop additional long latency between cancer treatment and onset
tumors, as within 20 years from diagnosis of the of clinically overt cardiovascular disease, e.g.,
first SMNs, nearly one half (47%) will develop a asymptomatic cardiomyopathy eventually pro-
subsequent neoplasm. gresses to symptomatic heart failure. Therefore,
The main therapeutic risk factors for develop- survivors treated with anthracyclines and/or radi-
ment of SMNs include chemotherapeutic agents ation therapy involving the heart region should be
(see ▶ Chemotherapy), exposure to ionizing radi- aware of the risk of cardiomyopathy, and their left
ation (see ▶ Radiation Oncology, ▶ Ionizing ventricular systolic function should be monitored
Radiation Therapy), and undergoing allogeneic by echocardiography.
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (see
▶ Allogeneic Cell Therapy). The distinct differ- Endocrine Complications
ences in the onset and role of specific therapeutic Endocrine complications of cancer therapy are
exposures have resulted in the classification of reported in over 40% of childhood cancer survi-
SMNs into two distinct categories: (I) radiation- vors. The main endocrine complications include
related solid SMNs, commonly including breast disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, dis-
(see ▶ Breast Cancer), thyroid (see ▶ Follicular orders of pubertal development, thyroid
1006 Childhood Cancer and Treatment-Related Toxicities

dysfunction, gonadal dysfunction, decreased bone with permanent sterility common following tes-
mineral density (see ▶ osteoporosis), obesity, and ticular doses of more than 6 Gy, especially in men
alterations in glucose metabolism. Determining treated with total body irradiation. Chemotherapy
an individual child’s risk for developing endo- alone rarely results in Leydig cell failure and
crine abnormalities requires a thorough analysis subsequent impairment of testosterone produc-
of the child’s chemotherapeutic regimen, radia- tion, but most prepubertal males who receive radi-
tion dose, fractionation of radiotherapy, age dur- ation doses of 24 Gy or greater to the testis will
ing therapy, pubertal status during therapy, and develop pubertal delay or arrest, if it occurs before
length of time since completion of therapy. or during puberty, and reduced libido, erectile
dysfunction, decreased bone mineral density, and
Thyroid Disorders decreased muscle mass, if it occurs after comple-
Primary hypothyroidism frequently occurs in sur- tion of normal puberty.
vivors treated with radiation to the thyroid gland, The interdependence of sex steroid-producing
including nasopharyngeal, cervical, mantle/ cells and oocytes within the ovarian follicle leads
supraclavicular, and craniospinal fields, as well to ovarian failure resulting in impairment of both
as those exposed to total body irradiation. The sex hormone production and fertility. Ovarian
risk of primary hypothyroidism is observed begin- dysfunction may result from treatment with
ning at 10 Gy of thyroidal irradiation, and it gonadotoxic chemotherapy (typically treatment
increases as the dose of radiation increases with high-dose alkylators), radiation affecting
above this dose. At-risk childhood cancer survi- the ovaries (doses exceeding 10 Gy), or surgical
vors should have their thyroid function serially removal of the ovaries. If ovarian failure occurs
monitored, generally at least annually. before pubertal onset, delayed puberty and pri-
mary amenorrhea will result. If ovarian function
Gonadal Dysfunction is lost during or after puberty, pubertal arrest,
Loss of opportunity for fertility is a prime concern secondary amenorrhea, and symptoms of meno-
in both male and female cancer survivors. Endo- pause will occur.
crine effects of gonadal damage are also central to Female survivors treated with high-dose
long-term health and well-being, and therefore alkylating agents and/or pelvic irradiation have
preservation of gonadal function is an important been shown to experience fewer pregnancies
priority at treatment. All approaches to fertility when compared with siblings; women who do
preservation have specific challenges in children achieve pregnancy after treatment with chemo-
and teenagers, including ethical, practical, and therapy alone do not appear to have adverse preg-
scientific issues. For both sexes, fertility preserva- nancy outcomes. Female cancer survivors treated
tion involves an invasive procedure. Decision- with pelvic irradiation, who become pregnant,
making for fertility often preservation needs however, are at a higher risk of stillbirth or neo-
assessment of the individual’s risk of fertility natal death and having offspring who are prema-
loss and is made at a time of emotional distress ture, have low birth weight, or are small for
but, in the end, must be offered to any child with gestational age. In contrast, their offspring do
cancer even if maturation of immature germ cells not appear to be at increased risk of congenital
is uncertain. anomalies or genetic defects.
Exposure of the sperm-producing cells to radi-
ation and/or alkylating chemotherapeutics includ- Neurocognitive Impairment
ing mechlorethamine, ▶ cyclophosphamide, A robust literature has developed documenting
ifosfamide, procarbazine, busulfan, and melpha- neurocognitive late effects in up to 40% of survi-
lan may result in impaired spermatogenesis. The vors of childhood cancer. Patterns of late effects
risk that is dose dependent, but individual include deficits in attention and concentration,
responses vary greatly. Sperm production may working memory, processing speed, executive
be impaired at radiation doses as low as 0.15 Gy, function, contributing to declines in intellectual
Childhood Cancer and Treatment-Related Toxicities 1007

and academic abilities, and ultimately affect Long-term follow-up is an important part of
employment, independent living, and health-care care for survivors of pediatric cancers, guided by
use in adult survivors of childhood cancer. In par- the cancer diagnosis and the type of treatment the
ticular, patients who have undergone treatment for child received. Despite standardization in disease
brain tumors or received prophylactic cranial radi- assessments, curative interventions, and follow-
ation therapy for leukemia treatment are at high risk up care, palliative assessments and psychosocial
for neurocognitive impairment. For leukemia, the interventions require improvement. The ultimate C
doses of cranial radiation therapy are usually much goal of cancer therapy today is not simply medical
lower than they are for brain tumors, thereby cure but cure that results in the survivors’ healthy,
resulting in less severe neurocognitive sequelae. long-term neurocognitive outcome and optimum
In order to ameliorate the neurocognitive outcome quality of life.
of survivors, prophylactic interventions should be
implemented during or immediately after therapy
to minimize the effects associated with neurotoxic Cross-References
therapies. As not all children with similar diagno-
ses and treatment show identical neurocognitive ▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia
outcomes, studies are needed to identify, early in ▶ Alkylating Agents
their treatment, those patients at most risk for the ▶ Allogeneic Cell Therapy
greatest declines in cognitive damage. ▶ Anthracyclines
▶ Bone Tumors
Socioeconomic Burden and Health Status ▶ Brain Tumors
The survival rate improvement of childhood can- ▶ Breast Cancer
cer patients also affects their educational and ▶ Chemotherapy
social outcome. Returning to school after cancer ▶ Cyclophosphamide
diagnosis can be both academically, i.e., school ▶ Ewing Sarcoma
performance, and socially, i.e., (re)socialization ▶ Follicular Thyroid Tumors
into a peer group, challenging for children with ▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and
cancer and is influenced by (I) type of tumor Lymphomas
(primarily brain tumors but also hematological ▶ Hodgkin Disease
malignancies (see ▶ Hematological Malignan- ▶ Ionizing Radiation Therapy
cies, Leukemias, and Lymphomas) and ▶ bone ▶ Myelodysplastic Syndromes
tumors), (II) age at diagnosis (very young children ▶ Osteoporosis
and adolescent), (III) treatment modalities ▶ Palliative Therapy
(neurotoxic treatments, hematopoietic stem cell ▶ Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
transplantation), and (IV) social or educational ▶ Pediatric Brain Tumors
status of the parents. ▶ Radiation Oncology
Cancer treatment may cause financial stress for ▶ Renal Cancer Therapy
pediatric oncology families but also affects the ▶ Renal Cancer Treatment
quality of life of children with cancer in lower- ▶ Skin Cancer
income families which may have fewer resources ▶ Thyroid Carcinogenesis
to cope with their child’s disease. In consequence, ▶ Topoisomerases
significant socioeconomic disparities exist in the
quality of life of these children.
In general, the prevalence of poor health status References
is higher among survivors than siblings, increases
Armenian SH, Kremer L.C, Sklar C (2015) Approaches to
rapidly with age particularly among female reduce the long-term burden of treatment-related com-
patients, and is related to an increasing burden of plications in survivors of childhood cancer. Am Soc
chronic health conditions. Clin Oncol Educ Book 196–204
1008 Children’s Brain Tumors

Bhatia S, Sklar C (2002) Second cancers in survivors of activation upon engagement of the receptor
childhood cancer. Nat Rev Cancer 2(2):124–132 ligand.
Landier W, Armenian S, Bhatia S (2015) Late effects of
childhood cancer and its treatment. Pediatr Clin North
Am 62(1):275–300
Lipshultz SE et al (2013) Long-term cardiovascular toxic- Characteristics
ity in children, adolescents, and young adults who
receive cancer therapy: pathophysiology, course, mon-
itoring, management, prevention, and research direc- Chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) are designed
tions: a scientific statement from the American Heart to redirect immune cells, preferentially T cells,
Association. Circulation 128(17):1927–1995 with predefined specificity toward target cells for
Oeffinger KC et al (2006) Chronic health conditions in the use in the ▶ adoptive immunotherapy. The
adult survivors of childhood cancer. N Engl J Med
355(15):1572–1582 strategy thereby takes advantage of the power of
Prasad PK et al (2015) Psychosocial and neurocognitive the immune cell response to target predefined cells
outcomes in adult survivors of adolescent and early in patients for the treatment of various diseases,
young adult cancer: a report from the childhood cancer mostly malignant diseases.
survivor study. J Clin Oncol 33(23):2545–2552
Technically, patient’s T cells are ex vivo
engineered with the CAR by ▶ viral vector-
mediated gene transfer, amplified to clinically rel-
evant numbers and readministered to the patient.
Children’s Brain Tumors Currently, g-retroviral and lentiviral vectors are
mostly used; RNA and DNA-mediated transfer
▶ Pediatric Brain Tumors techniques are applied as well.
Apart from the entire T cell population, T cell
subsets like CD8+ T cells, CD4+ T cells or ▶ reg-
ulatory T (Treg) cells, cytokine activated killer
Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) (CIK) cells, or NK-T cells are also used for
CAR-based cell therapy. Tregs are explored in
Astrid Holzinger, Jennifer Makalowski and experimental models to treat autoimmunity.
Hinrich Abken Other immune cells like natural killer (NK) cells
Tumor Genetics, Clinic I Internal Medicine, or monocytes were also redirected by CARs to
University Hospital Cologne, and Center for drive receptor-signaling initiated effector
Molecular Medicine Cologne, University of functions.
Cologne, Cologne, Germany The efficacy of CAR-mediated T cell activa-
tion depends on various parameters including the
CAR expression level on the T cell surface, bind-
Synonyms ing affinity, the targeted antigen, the accessibility
of the targeted epitope within the antigen, the
Chimeric immune receptor; Immunoreceptor; density of the cognate antigen on the target cell,
T-body the CAR signaling, and others.

The Basic CAR Design

Definition Based on the similarity of the primary structure
and the spatial conformation of the variable
Chimeric antigen receptors are recombinant trans- regions of immunoglobulins (Ig) and TCR a and
membrane receptor molecules which are com- b chain molecules, antibody-derived binding
posed of an extracellular binding domain, mostly regions VH and VL for antigen were grafted onto
derived from an antibody, and an intracellular the constant domain of the TCR a and b chains,
signaling domain, mostly derived from the T cell respectively, in earlier studies. The need to simul-
receptor (TCR) complex, to initiate immune cell taneously express two modified TCR chains and
Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) 1009

VL 1°

a ce
scFv CD3ζ
Spa CD

cer 28
VH 4-

CD 0X40
CD3ζ scFv

er er

VH VL scFv
3° 2°

Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR), Fig. 1 The gener- co-stimulatory signaling domain, mostly derived from
ations of chimeric antigen receptors (CARs). The chi- CD28, 4-1BB, or OX40, the third generation CAR (3 )
meric antigen receptor consists in the extracellular part of a has two costimulatory domains in tandem. Multiple varia-
heavy (VH) and light chain (VL) variable region single tions of these prototype CARs were reported. The fourth
chain antibody (scFv) for binding linked by a spacer to a generation CAR (4 ), also called TRUCKs (T cells
transmembrane and cytoplasmic signaling domain. The redirected for universal cytokine killing), are CAR T cells
first generation CAR (1 ) has the CD3z chain derived which are additionally engineered with a CAR inducible
from the T cell receptor (TCR) to mediate T cell activation, expression cassette for a transgenic product, e.g., a cyto-
the second generation CAR (2 ) has additionally a kine, which is released upon CAR signaling

the risk of unintended hetero-dimerization with the as a scFv antibody is available. Other binding
endogenous TCR chains lead to the development domains, for instance, derived from physiological
of a single chain format which is now known as receptors, were also applied in this context.
chimeric antigen receptor, CAR. In contrast to the TCR, CARs mediate T cell
A typical CAR consists of one polypeptide chain activation independent of MHC recognition. This
which is comprised of a single chain variable frag- particular property provides CAR-modified cells
ment (scFv) antibody, optionally an extracellular some advantages, including the targeting of
spacer domain, a transmembrane domain, and one nonclassical T cell antigens like carbohydrates
or more intracellular signaling domains (Fig. 1; and of antigens that are not properly processed
Eshhar et al. 1993; Bridgeman et al. 2010). Multiple or presented due to the downregulated antigen
variations of the basic design were described. The processing and presentation machinery in cancer
prototypic CAR has entered clinical exploration cells. On the other hand, only surface proteins can
with substantial success. be targeted with the exception to use antibodies
that recognize the processed peptide in the context
The Binding Domain of MHC and thereby allow antigen recognition in
The CAR binds to cognate target by an antibody- a MHC-dependent fashion.
derived domain, the scFv, which is engineered by Instead of engineering a panel of CARs with
joining the VH and VL immunoglobulin regions by a different specificities, a CAR may alternatively be
flexible peptide linker, e.g., (Gly4Ser)3, resulting in a used that binds the immunoglobulin Fc region, e.g.,
continuous polypeptide chain (VH-linker-VL or via CD16, and binds an added antibody which in
VL-linker-VH). Due to the antibody-derived binding turn provides the specificity for the target. Thereby,
domain, CARs can target a broad variety of antigens the CAR strategy combines the T cell with the
of any chemical composition or conformation as far antibody therapy (Kudo et al. 2014).
1010 Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR)

CARs of multiple specificities can be The Four Generations of CARs

engineered by linking scFvs to each other. First-generation CARs contain a primary signal-
Bispecific CARs with two linked scFvs of differ- ing domain, mostly derived from CD3z or (FceRI)
ent specificities may be advantageous in targeting g-chain (Fig. 1). T cells with those CARs, how-
cancer cell variants with downregulated antigens. ever, failed to produce therapeutic efficacy in vivo
which is thought to be due to the lack of a
The Spacer Domain costimulatory signal needed for full T cell activa-
The requirement of a spacer domain in the extra- tion and prolonged persistence. Second (2 )- and
cellular part between the scFv and the transmem- third (3 )-generation CARs additionally provide
brane domain of the CAR depends in parts on the costimulation through one (2 ) or two (3 )
intracellular signaling moiety and on the costimulatory signaling domains, respectively.
accessibility of the targeted epitope for CAR Different costimulatory signals produce different
binding. The spacer is typically derived activation profiles, T cell functions, and cytokines
from IgG1 or IgG4 CH2-CH3 (Fc) domains released upon activation. T cells with second-
with or without hinge or from CD4 or CD8. generation CARs are currently evaluated in early
Lengthening or shortening the spacer can opti- phase trials and have shown increased down-
mize binding and subsequent CAR-mediated stream signaling potency and improved clinical
T cell activation. efficacy in the treatment of leukemia/lymphoma.
T cells with CARs of the fourth generation (4 ),
The Transmembrane Domain so-called TRUCKs, are CAR T cells with an addi-
Various transmembrane regions, including those tional payload (i.e., the constitutive or inducible
of CD3z, CD4, CD8, or OX40, are used. CARs release of a transgenic product, for instance, a
with CD3z transmembrane domain incorporate cytokine) (Chmielewski et al. 2014). Technically,
into the endogenous TCR/CD3 complex and the CAR T cells are additionally engineered with a
may have the advantage of more stable expression construct for the transgenic payload directed under
and more robust signaling compared to others. control of a T cell activation responsive promoter
which becomes activated upon successful signal-
The Signaling Domains ing of the CAR. Such activated TRUCKs deposit
The CAR intracellular signaling domain is most the transgenic product, e.g., IL-12, in the targeted
frequently derived from CD3z of the TCR/CD3 tissue. In the example of an IL-12 TRUCK, the
complex or the g-chain of the IgE Fc receptor-I released cytokine recruits components of the innate
(FceRI). The CD3z provides three immunoreceptor immune response, like NK cells and ▶ macro-
tyrosine activation motifs (ITAMs), the g-chain one phages, which in turn attack antigen-negative
ITAM. Upon CAR engagement of antigen the tumor cells, thereby broadening the overall
ITAMs become phosphorylated and serve as spe- antitumor response.
cific adaptors for downstream signaling proteins
resulting in a cascade of T cell activation events. CAR T Cell Therapy: Challenges and Safety
In this context, signaling moieties of downstream Engineering T cells with defined specificity
kinases like lck or fyn can also be used as CAR against cancer cells is a significant advancement
activation domains. toward a more specific and individualized cell
CAR-mediated downstream signaling pro- therapy. The CAR T cell therapy has some advan-
motes T cell activation resulting in the amplifica- tages over other ▶ immunotherapies including the
tion of T cells, secretion of proinflammatory use of autologous ▶ cytotoxic T cells that actively
▶ cytokines, and cytolysis of antigen-positive tar- penetrate tissues, execute their killing toward cog-
get cells. By using different primary signaling and nate target cells in a repetitive fashion, and acti-
costimulatory domains, the ▶ T-cell response can vate by release of proinflammatory factors the
be modulated with some impact on the T-cell entire cellular defense system in trans. As “living
response, persistence, and maturation. drugs” the CAR T cells amplify, circulate, and
Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) 1011

persist over long periods of time, in some cases multiorgan failure. Vascular leakage syndrome
over years, and may provide an antigen-specific (VLS) and the cytokine release syndrome (CRS)
memory. Thereby, the CAR T cell therapy is antic- due to extensive T cell activation are associated
ipated to eliminate disseminated cancer cells, like with fever, nausea, and supraphysiological serum
(micro-) ▶ metastasis, as well as ▶ circulating levels of proinflammatory cytokines; in particular
tumor cells including leukemia. IFN-g and ▶ Interleukin-6, are life-threatening
▶ Clinical trials are currently ongoing in sev- and demand intensive care treatment and the C
eral centers using CAR T cells directed toward application of an IL-6 receptor blocking antibody.
CD19 or other antigens to treat ▶ hematological While the production of cytokines is beneficial in
malignancies, most trials with substantial success tumor elimination through the direct killing of
(June et al. 2014). Patients with refractory target cells and recruitment of innate immune
▶ chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and cells, the fine-tuning between the antitumor effect
▶ acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) experi- and the cytokine-related toxicity is currently a
enced complete and enduring remission. Therapy major hurdle.
of solid tumors, however, is still more challenging “On-target off-tumor” toxicity occurs when
which is thought to be due to the stroma barrier CAR T cells recognize healthy tissues with phys-
which hampers CAR T cell penetration into the iological expression of the cognate antigen. In the
tumor lesion and the immunosuppressive ▶ tumor case of B cell malignancies, B cell aplasia
microenvironment which represses the antitumor occurred due to CD19 targeting on normal
response. B cells which is, however, clinically manageable.
A number of parameters on the CAR T cell Targeting of healthy lung epithelial cells by
side, the patient side, and the pretreatment sched- ▶ HER-2/neu specific third-generation CAR
ule need to be considered when translating the T cells during treatment of a metastatic cancer
CAR T cell strategy into a clinical efficacious patient resulted in fatal toxicity soon after adop-
and safe treatment of malignant diseases. These tive transfer.
include on the CAR side an accurate target antigen CAR T cells may produce “off-target off-tumor”
selection, a sufficient binding affinity and speci- toxicity due to target unrelated immune cell
ficity, an appropriate CAR design, use of primary activation. For instance, the extracellular Fc
and costimulatory signaling domains, a sufficient spacer in the CAR may bind to and activate Fc
CAR expression level, and others. The cell prod- receptor (FcR) expressing cells of the innate
uct itself requires an adequate T cell subset with immune system including NK cells or macro-
depletion of suppressor T cells, an appropriate phages which may mediate a systemic inflamma-
preactivation and maturation level, and ex vivo tory response. Modification of the IgG1 Fc
expansion capacities. The patient treatment domain or the use of the IgG4 domain is aiming
includes the preconditioning like lymph- at avoiding this situation. In addition, CAR T cells
odepletion, reducing the bulk of tumor mass may cause anaphylaxis due to the induction of IgE
prior therapy, the route of administration, sys- antibodies against the binding domain or other
temic cytokine administration, and clinical man- CAR moieties.
aging of comorbidities and toxicities. The To avoid such toxicities, truly tumor-restricted
prediction of CAR T cell-related toxicities is still antigens or physiologically embryonic antigens
in its infant stage; some toxicities are briefly which are re-expressed by cancer cells may there-
mentioned. fore be ideal antigens for CAR T cell targeting.
The “on-target on-tumor” toxicity includes the Such tumor-selective antigens are mostly not
tumor lysis syndrome which is mediated through available. Currently targeted antigens are rather
the rapid destruction of a large tumor mass in tumor associated; some healthy cells express the
response to therapy. The release of tumor cell cognate antigen, albeit at lower levels than on
components into circulation leads to electrolyte cancer cells. Several approaches are aiming at
and metabolic disturbances and, at worst, increasing the selectivity for cancer cells
1012 Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR)

including the coexpression of two CARs, each ▶ Regulatory T Cells

CAR recognizing a different antigen. One CAR ▶ T-Cell Response
provides the “signal 1” for primary and ▶ Tumor Microenvironment
suboptimal T cell activation; the other CAR pro- ▶ Viral Vector-Mediated Gene Transfer
vides “signal 2” for costimulation and prolonga-
tion of the response. While cosignaling through
both CARs initiates full T cell effector functions,
each CAR alone is not capable to initiate a lasting Bridgeman JS, Hawkins RE, Hombach AA, Abken H, Gilham
and sufficient T cell activation. When both DE (2010) Building better chimeric antigen receptors for
coexpressed CARs recognize their cognate targets adoptive T cell therapy. Curr Gene Ther 10:77–90
on a cancer cell, the suboptimal activation by each Chmielewski M, Hombach AA, Abken H (2014) Of CARs
and TRUCKs: chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells
individual CAR is rescued by the complementa- engineered with an inducible cytokine to modulate the
tion of both signals. Such combinatorial antigen tumor stroma. Immunol Rev 257:83–90
recognition increases the selectivity in targeting Eshhar Z, Waks T, Gross G, Schindler DG (1993) Specific
cancer cells which is based on the reduced likeli- activation and targeting of cytotoxic lymphocytes
through chimeric single chains consisting of antibody-
hood of two tumor-associated antigens being binding domains and the gamma or zeta subunits of the
simultaneously expressed on healthy tissues in immunoglobulin and T-cell receptors. Proc Natl Acad
sufficient amounts to exceed the threshold for Sci U S A 90:720–724
T cell activation. June CH, Maus MV, Plesa G, Johnson LA, Zhao Y, Levine
BL, Grupp SA, Porter DL (2014) Engineered T cells for
In the case of toxicity, the depletion of CAR cancer therapy. Cancer Immunol Immunother
T cells may be required which, however, will 63:969–975
result in the abrogation of their therapeutic poten- Kudo K, Imai C, Lorenzini P, Kamiya T, Kono K, Davidoff
tial. Strategies to selectively eliminate CAR AM, Chng WJ, Campana D (2014) T lymphocytes
expressing a CD16 signaling receptor exert antibody-
T cells include the coexpression of a suicide dependent cancer cell killing. Cancer Res 74:93–103
gene, e.g., inducible caspase 9 (iCasp9), herpes
simplex thymidine kinase (▶ HSV-TK), or others. See Also
A less selective approach to deplete modified (2012) Antibody. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
T cells is the administration of high dose cortico- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 208.
steroids which proved successful in a clinical trial. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_312
(2012) Autoimmunity. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 312.
Cross-References (2012) CD4. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 698.
▶ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (2012) CD4+ T-Cells. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Adoptive Immunotherapy cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
▶ Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia pp 698–699. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_915
▶ Circulating Tumor Cells (2012) CD8. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 703.
▶ Clinical Trial doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_917
▶ Cytokine (2012) Corticosteroids. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
▶ Cytotoxic T Cells of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
▶ Hematological Malignancies, Leukemias, and pp 982–983. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1341
(2012) Costimulation. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Lymphomas cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
▶ HER-2/neu pp 983–984. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1348
▶ HSV-TK-/Ganciclovir-Mediated Toxicity (2012) ScFv. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
▶ Immunotherapy 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3340.
▶ Interleukin-6 (2012) Suicide gene. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
▶ Macrophages cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3555.
▶ Metastasis doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5557
Chimeric Antigen Receptor on T Cells 1013

(2012) T cell. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, Definition

3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3599.
(2012) T cell receptor complex. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- A chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) consists of an
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel- extracellular antigen-binding exodomain, typi-
berg, p 3599. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5646 cally derived from a single-chain antibody frag-
(2012) Treg. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, ment (scFv) of a monoclonal antibody (mAb), a
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 3782.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5967 spacer (such as an antibody Fc region), a trans- C
(2012) Tumor-associated antigen. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency- membrane region, and one or more intracellular
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, signaling endodomains, which can be genetically
pp 3807–3808. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6017 introduced into hematopoietic cells, such as
(2012) Tumor lysis syndrome. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidel- T cells, to redirect specificity for a desired cell-
berg, p 3796. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6035 surface antigen.
(2012) Epithelial cell. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg,
pp 1291–1292. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1958
(2012) Epitope. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of can- Characteristics
cer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1297.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1966 Background on Manipulating T-Cell
(2012) FcR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, Responses to Cancer
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1386.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2135 Adoptive transfer of tumor-specific T cells in
(2012) Immunoglobulin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia mouse models can function as potent anticancer
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1819. biological agents leading to the elimination of
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2990 established malignancies. Continued advances in
(2012) Interferon gamma. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1888. tumor immunology support the premise and
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3092 promise for ▶ adoptive immunotherapy as a treat-
(2012) ITAM. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, ment for human malignancies. Yet, infusion of
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1921. tumor-specific T cells has only been partially suc-
(2012) MHC. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, cessful in clinical oncology trials. Indeed, most of
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2281. doi: these trials demonstrate the safety and feasibility
10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3700 of infusing T cells, but with the exception of
(2012) Monocyte. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of treating melanoma and chronic myelogenous leu-
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2371.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3825 kemia (CML), only occasionally show a sustained
(2012) NK. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, anti-tumor effect. In contrast, infusing viral-
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2529. specific T cells has successfully treated and
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4096 protected patients from opportunistic diseases
associated with adenovirus, CMV, and EBV. Why
is it that augmenting an immune response against
neoplasms by infusing tumor-specific T cells has
Chimeric Antigen Receptor on T Cells proven more challenging than engendering an
effective anti-viral response? The answer is partly
Laurence J. N. Cooper and Sourindra N. Maiti due to the relative inability of T cells to recognize,
Division of Pediatrics, Department of via an endogenous T-cell receptor (TCR), poorly
Immunology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, immunogenic tumor-associated antigens (TAAs)
Houston, TX, USA compared with the highly immunogenic/stimula-
tory viral antigens presented in the context of
human leukocyte antigen (HLA). While TAAs
Synonyms generally have a little or no expression in normal
postnatal tissues outside of sanctuary sites, natu-
CAR rally arising T cells are typically not reactive to
1014 Chimeric Antigen Receptor on T Cells

tumors expressing a TAA due to immunologic transgene can be engineered ex vivo to provide
tolerance. However, investigators have been able nonphysiologic signaling via a chimeric antigen
to manipulate T cells into recognizing TAA in the receptor (CAR) that co-opts the ability of recombi-
context of HLA molecules. This has been nant antibody to bind to tumor targets leading to
exploited by injection/infusion of (i) vaccines T-cell activation. The development of CAR+ T cells
presenting TAA to overcome tolerance and stim- can overcome the relative inability of antibodies to
ulate T-cell immunity to tumors, (ii) tumor- localize and penetrate into tumor masses and pro-
specific T cells which have been culled from the vides a self-renewing source of chimeric antibody
patient and massively expanded in the laboratory, linked to T-cell effector function.
and (iii) T cells that have redirected specificity for
tumor by genetically introducing predefined Tumor-Specific CAR Development
tumor-specific immunoreceptor genes. Clinical Generally, a CAR consists of an extracellular
trials are currently evaluating all three approaches. domain composed of a single chain variable frag-
While vaccines will likely have application for ment (scFv) derived from a monoclonal antibody
cancer prevention (▶ cancer vaccines), vaccina- (mAb) against a cell-surface tumor-antigen which
tion to eradicate most established tumors is a is typically a lineage specific molecule, such as
difficult challenge at this time due in part to iatro- CD19 on B cells. The scFv is typically suspended
genic damage of the underlying immune system from the cell surface by a spacer (e.g., mAb Fc
from chemotherapy and accumulation of large region) and uses a transmembrane (TM) region
tumor masses in sanctuaries which are function- (e.g., from CD4 or CD28) to affix the scFv–Fc to
ally protected from immune recognition and the cell surface. This TM region is in turn fused in
response. Rather than vaccinate, or addition to frame to one or more signaling modules that are
vaccination, investigators have chosen to augment normally present in an endogenous TCR signaling
T-cell response through infusion of effector T cells complex, such as the CD3-z chain (Fig. 1). The
(adoptive immunotherapy). Indeed, isolation, CAR can confer scFv-mediated antigen-
ex vivo-expansion of autologous tumor- recognition to T cells that is independent of HLA
infiltrating cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs), and on tumor cells and endogenous TCR. T cells
subsequent transfer of these CTLs in genetically modified to express a CAR can be
lymphodepleted patients can mediate regression propagated in vitro and demonstrated to exert
of metastatic melanoma. The widespread thera- robust CAR-dependent effector function. Upon
peutic success of adoptive immunotherapy using antigen-mediated cross-linking of the CAR, the
T cells that have not been genetically manipulated intracellular signaling domain or domains initiate
is, however, limited because of (i) difficulties in cellular activation which can result in prolifera-
obtaining sufficient number of tumor-reactive tion, cytokine secretion, and specific cytolysis of
CTLs from patients, (ii) TAAs are typically poor the antigen-expressing target cells. Several
immunogens, (iii) existence of immune- requirements need to be met to enable T cells
regulatory mechanisms that prevent T-cell depen- expressing CAR to exert a pronounced therapeu-
dent reactivity against TAA (such emergence of tic effect. These include (i) expression of the CAR
tumor escape variants with loss of HLA), and at sufficient density to activate effector function
(iv) the requirement that patients have preexisting upon binding antigen, (ii) generation of clinically
tumor-reactive cells that can be expanded ex vivo. meaningful numbers of T cells suitable for infu-
To overcome these hurdles, investigators have sion, (iii) traffic T cells to and within tumor
combined the endogenous effector function of stroma, and (iv) conditional activation upon anti-
CTLs with redirected antigen specificity that gen binding, manifesting appropriate T-cell effec-
results from genetic introduction of an tor mechanisms such as cytokine secretion,
immunoreceptor. This introduced immunoreceptor proliferation, and cytolysis leading to tumor
Chimeric Antigen Receptor on T Cells 1015

CD8+ T cell
α Tumor cell
Lineage-specific antigen
HLA class I and

Processed peptide from TAA

Incomplete T-cell activation T-cell receptor
through TCR β



CD8+ T cell Transmembrane domain and spacer

Co-stimulatory domain

CD3-ζ signaling domain


Chimeric antigen receptor

Complete T-cell activation
through CAR resulting in
proliferation and tumor-killing


CD8+ T cell

CD8+ T cell

Lysed tumor cell


CD8+ T cell

Chimeric Antigen Receptor on T Cells, Fig. 1 (a) lineage-specific antigen (e.g., CD19) independent
Incomplete activation of T cells recognizing TAA of HLA by introduced CAR. (c) Complete
through ab TCR in context of HLA class I. (b) Fully CAR-mediated activation results in T-cell proliferation
competent activation signal by T cells recognizing and tumor lysis
1016 Chimeric Antigen Receptor on T Cells

destruction. We and others have generated a panel rituximab (CD20-specific therapeutic mAb) will
of CARs and demonstrated that T cells (and NK not interfere with binding of CD19-specific
cells) equipped with CAR mediate a highly T cells. A clinical-grade DNA plasmid vector
efficient antitumor immune response against coding for CD19R and bifunctional hygromycin
antigen-defined tumor target cells in vitro as (Hy) phosphotransferase selection gene fused to
well as in vivo. These CAR-grafted T cells thymidine kinase (TK) suicide/imaging fusion
thus are appealing candidates for adoptive gene (HyTK) was developed and produced by
immunotherapy. the National Gene Vector Laboratory. Using
this vector, a gene therapy trial was opened
Clinical Application of CAR-Specific T Cells (BB-IND 11411, ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:
Adoptive transfer of T cells for treatment of NCT00182650) to determine the feasibility and
tumors is an attractive therapeutic option as it safety of infusing autologous T cells coexpressing
has the potential to cure disease refractory to CD19R and HyTK transgenes, along with exoge-
conventional therapies. Successful allogeneic nous low dose recombinant human IL-2 (as a
hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) surrogate Th-response) in patients with refractory
with the engraftment of donor-derived tumor- lymphoma.
specific T cells and adoptive transfer of T cells
genetically rendered specific for melanoma anti- Improved Therapeutic Potential of CAR+
gens currently provide the two cornerstones for T Cells
the rational application of adoptive transfer of Ongoing projects in our laboratory to improve
T cells genetically modified to express CAR. therapeutic efficacy have focused on prolonging
Along with other investigators, we have chosen the survival of the infused CAR+ T cells mainly
to develop CD19-specific CAR, since the CD19 via three approaches.
molecule is widely expressed on most cancers
arising from B cells. B-cell tumors are a class 1. To produce T cells those are capable of endog-
poorly immunogenic with few described TAA, enous IL-2 production. To generate an effec-
thus isolating and expanding endogenous T cells tive antitumor response for CD19-redirected
with specificity for malignant B cells has proven effector T cells in tumor microenvironment,
difficult in the context of allogeneic HSCT and we introduced a chimeric CD28 T cell
near-impossible in the autologous setting. Thus, costimulatory molecule into the CD19R
to target B-lineage neoplasms, an initial CD19- CAR. This is based on the rationale that
specific CAR (designated CD19R) was generated T-cell binding of CD28 to B7 molecules on
from the variable regions of a mouse mAb specific target cells generates critical regulatory signals
for CD19, and T-cell activation was achieved necessary for full T-cell activation and
through chimeric CD3-z endodomain. The CD19 preventing T-cell apoptosis after CAR engage-
molecule is a 95-kDa membrane glycoprotein ment. However, massively ex vivo-expanded
found on human B lymphocytes at all stages of genetically modified T cells may lose endoge-
maturation, although it typically disappears upon nous CD28 cell-surface expression. Therefore,
differentiation to terminally differentiated plasma to provide genetically modified CD28neg
cells. It is expressed on B-lineage acute leukemias T cells with tandem activation and
and lymphomas as well as chronic lymphocytic costimulation upon engagement with
leukemia and is rarely lost during the process of B7negCD19+ B-lineage tumors, the CD19R
neoplastic transformation. It is not expressed on CAR was modified to include CD28-signalling
hematopoietic progenitor cells or on normal tis- domain. This second generation CAR, desig-
sues outside the B-lineage and is not thought to be nated CD19RCD28, has been expressed in
shed into the circulation. An advantage of CD19- primary T cells and shown to activate geneti-
directed therapy for lymphomas over targeting cally modified T cells for killing, IFN-g,
CD20, another B-lineage antigen, is that unbound and IL-2 cytokine production, and improve
Chimeric Antigen Receptor on T Cells 1017

in vivo survival of adoptively transferred cytokine receptors. One of the major advantages
CD19RCD28+ T cells resulting in a greater of the strategy infusing CAR+ T cells lies in the
antitumor effect, compared with first- modular composition of the CAR molecule that
generation CD19R+ T cells. combines an antigen-binding domain with signal-
2. To target IL-2 to the tumor micro-environment. ing domains for effector-cell activation. This
In addition to engineering CAR for T-cell pro- allows investigators to swap the CAR exodomain
duction of IL-2, a cytokine that ex vivo- with a scFv or ligand that recognizes or binds to a C
expanded T cells typically depend on for con- desired cell-surface antigen. Future experiments
tinued in vivo persistence, we have directed will build on the catalog of antigen-targeting
exogenous IL-2 cytokine to the B-cell tumor receptors to evaluate expression level, density,
microenvironment using a CD20-mAb fused and stability of the CAR expression on the T-cell
to IL-2 (immunocytokine), and this combina- surface, as well as affinity of the binding domain
tion immunotherapy enhanced the antitumor for antigen in the context of tumor targets with
effect of infused T cells. varying antigen density. These studies will impact
3. To produce T cells with improved biologic CAR-mediated immunotherapy since low-density
potential. Shortening the ex vivo manufactur- antigen-positive tumor cells or low affinity CAR
ing time may improve therapeutic efficacy, as may lead to emergence of tumor escape. Just as
extensively propagated T cells differentiate genetic engineering can be used to alter the CAR
in vitro into cytolytic effectors lacking desired exodomain, so the transmembrane, or
homing receptors and a tendency to undergo endodomain may be altered to provide a fully
replicative senescence. Therefore, we have competent antigen-dependent T-cell activation
developed a new rapid propagation technology signal. The majority of the CARs generated har-
using a CD19+ immortalized artificial antigen bor CD3-z signaling chain which is currently con-
presenting cell (aAPC) that can be lethally sidered more efficient in activating T cells for
irradiated and used in coculture to numerically cytolysis, compared to chimeric FceRI-g. Other
expand cytolytic CD19-specific T cells. To CARs have been generated activating T cells
develop noninvasive biomarkers and to evalu- through syk, lck, but the full-effect of these recep-
ate adoptively transferred T-cell distribution tors with respect to cellular activation and stability
and function, we have used radionuclides that of receptor expression on the cell surface has yet
are metabolized by TK which acts as a reporter to be determined. Similarly, the CAR endodomain
gene for the detection of T cells by positron has been altered to express a costimulatory sig-
emission tomography (PET). naling molecule, such as chimeric CD28, to pro-
vide a coordinated signal with CD3-z to provide a
Future Challenges more complete T-cell activation signal than
There has been a paucity of published data on the achieved by signaling through CD3-z alone.
safety and feasibility of infusing T cells Because different types of costimulation may
expressing CAR, and at this time there are no result in different patterns of cellular activation,
reports describing sustained clinical response of it will likely be beneficial to explore alternative
adoptive transfer of CAR+ T cells. This will soon costimulatory pathways in CAR-mediated T-cell
change as multiple clinical trials are currently activation. Increasingly, investigators are devel-
underway world-wide using adoptive cellular oping the tools to genetically modify T cells
immunotherapy with T cells expressing CAR. To using techniques that cause minimal manipulation
maximize therapeutic efficacy, future trials will of the product leaving intact the full range of
likely infuse CAR+ T cells combined vaccine to T-cell homing and proliferation potentials.
deliver a T-cell activation signal though endoge- Finally, genetic modification is being used to
nous ab TCR, or CAR+ T cells combined with accomplish more than redirect T-cell specificity.
cytokine, such as immunocytokine, to deliver For example, experiments are underway to render
costimulatory signal through endogenous the T cells resistant to the anti-inflammatory and
1018 Chimeric Genes

deleterious effects of iatrogenic glucocorticoids

and TGF-b secreted by tumor cell. Chinese Medicine

Conclusion ▶ Chinese Versus Western Medicine

Although limitations remain, genetic modifica-
tions enable investigators to engineer T cells
with augmented therapeutic potential. It is
expected that infusion of genetically modified Chinese Versus Western Medicine
T cells will be a center-piece of personalized med-
icine rivaling the influence of therapeutic mAbs as William Chi-Shing Cho
a treatment for malignancies. Department of Clinical Oncology, Queen
Elizabeth Hospital, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Cooper L, Topp MS, Serrano LM et al (2003) T-cell clones
can be rendered specific for CD19: toward the selective
Chinese medicine; Traditional chinese medicine
augmentation of the graft-versus-B-lineage leukemia
effect. Blood 101:1637–1644
Eshhar Z, Waks T, Bendavid A et al (2001) Functional
expression of chimeric receptor genes in human T cells. Definition
J Immunol Methods 248(1–2):67–76
Morgan RA, Dudley ME, Wunderlich JR et al (2006) Can-
cer regression in patients after transfer of genetically Chinese medicine is a patient-oriented medical
engineered lymphocytes. Science 314:126–129 system that treats the patients instead of the dis-
Park JR, Digiusto DL, Slovak M et al (2007) Adoptive eases. It is believed that qi (the Chinese term for
transfer of chimeric antigen receptor re-directed cyto-
vital energy) supports the functional activities and
lytic T lymphocyte clones in patients with neuroblas-
toma. Mol Ther 15(4):825–833 blood supplies nutriments for the whole body.
Rossig C, Brenner MK (2003) Chimeric T-cell receptors There exists a system of channels within the
for the targeting of cancer cells. Acta Haematol human body, through which the vital energy and
blood circulate, and by which the internal organs
are connected with superficial organs and tissues,
and the body is made an organic whole. Using
these holistic and harmonic approaches, Chinese
Chimeric Genes medicine emphasizes to strengthen the body resis-
tance. It attaches importance to the self-healing
▶ Fusion Genes ability of human body to remove pathogenic fac-
tors and recover health. Many of its ▶ cancer
therapies, such as Chinese medication (including
medicinal decoction, patent medicine, and propri-
Chimeric Immune Receptor etary medicine), medicated diet, acupuncture and
moxibustion, as well as qigong and massage, are
▶ Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) employed for enhancing this power.
Western medicine is an evidence-based medi-
cal system, it is the science and practice of the
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
The clinical problems faced by oncologists
Chimeric Oncogenes include overcoming the inherent or acquired resis-
tance of the malignant cell to therapy, ameliorat-
▶ Fusion Genes ing the toxicities of aggressively applied
Chinese Versus Western Medicine 1019

therapies, as well as exploiting the synergistic physiological and pathological relationship and
potency of surgery, radiotherapy, and ▶ chemo- interconnection among the internal organs. The
therapy. In the postgenomic era, targeted therapy five phases match the five viscera, in which liver,
and novel therapeutic strategies are applied to heart, spleen, lung, and kidney correspond to
complement the conventional treatment for an wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, respectively.
achievement of optimal anticancer results. The five phase concept explains the
interpromoting and interacting relations, as well C
as the encroachment and violation in illness con-
Characteristics dition between the five viscera. According to the
basic theories, the physical structure and physio-
Developing History logical phenomena of human body as well as the
The Huangdi’s Internal Classic is believed to be pathological changes are in adaptative conformity
the earliest medical monograph in China, which with the variations of the natural environment.
appeared during the Warring States period Hence considerations of personalized cancer med-
(475–221 BC), first defined the etiology of icine are based on the patient’s constitution, geo-
tumor. Since the ancient times, Chinese medicine graphical localities, climatic, and seasonal
has made a great contribution to the health of the conditions. The therapeutic principle of cancer is
Asian people. Based on empirical and clinical to treat the disease by looking into both its root
experience, Chinese medicine has been systema- cause and symptoms. Sometimes different treat-
tized and theorized in complex practice. Many ments are applied to the same kind of cancer in the
safe and effective methods have been developed light of different physical reactions and clinical
to diagnose and treat cancer over the past thou- manifestations, whereas the same therapy can be
sands of years. used to treat different cancers if they are alike in
Hippocrates (460–375 BC), the father of West- clinical manifestations and pathogenesis.
ern medicine, first attributed the origin of cancer According to the theories of Western medicine,
to natural causes. Improved microscopes, stimu- cancer is not one illness but a variety of disorders
lated cancer researches, and important discoveries with different pathophysiology that can arise from
in human and animal studies have resulted in a and spread to almost every organ and tissue in the
better understanding of neoplasia. The last few body. Mechanism of the cancer development
decades has witnessed spectacular progress in varies according to the site of the malignant dis-
describing the fundamental molecular basis of ease and the precipitating cause. Each cancer has
cancer following the advent of molecular biology its unique pattern of presentation and approach to
and genetics, which allows the device of advanced diagnosis and treatment. Therapy must be directed
or targeted therapy for cancer. not only toward cure of the cancer and control of
potential ▶ metastasis, but also to optimize the
Theories and Principles quality of life.
The philosophical theories and fundamental prin-
ciples of Chinese medicine include the theory of Etiology and Pathogenesis
yin and yang, the phases concept, the physiolog- Based on Chinese medicine, there are two main
ical functions of viscera and bowels, the concep- categories of etiological factors for cancer, which
tion of vital energy and blood, as well as the include exogenous and endogenous factors. The
theory of the channels and collaterals. The five exogenous factors refer to the six excessive and
phases (synonym five elements; wood, fire, earth, untimely atmospheric influences (wind, cold,
metal, and water) concept is a philosophical the- summerheat, dampness, dryness, and fire), as
ory developed in ancient China to explain the well as unhealthy diet. The endogenous factors
composition and phenomena of the physical uni- refer to the excessive emotional changes (joy,
verse. It is used in Chinese medicine to expound anger, thought, anxiety, sorrow, fear, and fright)
the unity between human and nature, as well as the and the deficiency of functional organ. In general,
1020 Chinese Versus Western Medicine

the pathogenesis of cancer can be summarized as a-fetoprotein for hepatocellular carcinoma,

accumulation of phlegm dampness, internal nox- b-human chorionic gonadotrophin for choriocar-
ious heat due to accumulation of pathogenic heat, cinoma, and prostate-specific antigen for prostate
blood stasis due to vital energy stagnancy, dys- cancer.
function of internal organs, vital energy, and
blood deficiency, as well as yin and yang Treatment Modalities
imbalance. The principal methods of cancer treatment by
Extensive epidemiological and prospective Chinese medicine involve Chinese medication
studies have allowed Western medicine to identify (derived from plant, animal, and mineral sub-
two categories of etiological factors for cancer, stances), medicated diet, acupuncture and moxi-
which include environmental and genetic factors. bustion, as well as qigong and massage. In most
The environmental factors refer to smoking, alco- cases, the patients are treated with medications to
hol, unhealthy diet, ultraviolet light, ionizing radi- strengthen their resistance and dispel the invading
ation, carcinogens, certain viruses, and infections. pathogenic factors of cancer. Sometimes the
The genetic factors refer to monogenic and poly- malignancy is treated with poisonous medication
genic disorders. In general, cancer is a clonal to combat poison with poison, such as the appli-
disease arising by the ▶ multistep development cation of arsenic trioxide. The cancer remedy
of genetic or epigenetic changes in oncogenes, should be made up in accordance with the phy-
▶ tumor suppressor genes, and caretaker genes sique of an individual, pathologic changes occur
that favor expansion of the new clone over the in the course of cancer, as well as the geographical
old. These changes allow a normal cell to achieve and seasonal conditions. The prescription for can-
the hallmark features of cancer, which include the cer usually consists of various medicinal ingredi-
capacity to proliferate irrespective of exogenous ents with the purpose to produce the desired
mitogen, the refractoriness to growth inhibitory therapeutic effect in unison and reduction of tox-
signal, the resistance to ▶ apoptosis, the potential icity or side effects. The principal ingredient pro-
to reactivate ▶ telomerase resulting in vides the principal curative action, the adjuvant
unrestricted proliferation, the capacity to recruit ingredient helps to strengthen the principal action,
a vasculature, as well as the ability to invade the auxiliary ingredient relieves the secondary
surrounding tissue and eventually metastasize. symptom or tempers the strong action of the prin-
cipal ingredient, and the conductant directs the
Diagnostic Methods action to the affected channel or site. Over thou-
Chinese medicine views the human body as a sands of species of Chinese pharmaceuticals have
unity, and a malignant disease reflects both the been reported to treat cancer. As there are up to
interior and exterior of the body. The diagnosis of thousands of compounds in a medication,
cancer is based on an overall analysis and differ- multitargets are exhibited to the malignant disease
entiation of the patient’s signs and symptoms, and some of the compounds may exert a synergis-
which include observation of the patient’s mental tic anticancer effect.
state and inspection of the tongue, auscultation Using the combined modality approach, the
and olfaction, interrogation, as well as pulse tak- principal methods of cancer treatment by Western
ing and palpation. medicine involve the combined application of
Western medicine diagnoses cancer based on surgery, radiotherapy, combination chemother-
tissue diagnosis, which include tissue biopsy, apy, hormonal therapy, biological therapy, pallia-
diagnostic medicine, cytology, histopathology, tive care, and symptom control. Surgery alone is
and immunocytochemistry. The tumor-node- curative in many early stage neoplastic tumors.
metastases classification is applied to establish Radiotherapy is often used after surgery to reduce
the anatomical staging for most cancers. In addi- the chance of recurrence. It can also be used on its
tion, there are a number of specific tumor markers own with curative intent or as a palliative treat-
which are useful in diagnosis, such as ment. Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment that
Cholangiocarcinoma 1021

can reach any part of the body with an adequate Cho WC (2010) Supportive cancer care with Chinese med-
blood supply, and therefore it is normally used to icine. Springer, New York, US3
Cho WC (2011) Evidence-based anticancer materia
treat disseminated cancer. It can also be used as an medica. Springer, New York, US4
▶ adjuvant therapy to reduce the volume of Cho WC, Leung KN (2007) In vitro and in vivo anti-tumor
advanced cancer, with intent to prolong life and effects of Astragalus membranaceus. Cancer Lett
relieve symptom. The development of new less 252:43–54
toxic chemotherapeutic drugs and more effective
Lee KH, Lo HL, Tang WC, Hsiao HH, Yang PM (2014) A
gene expression signature-based approach reveals the
antiemetics have reduced many adverse effects of mechanisms of action of the Chinese herbal medicine
chemotherapy. Hormonal therapy is performed to berberine. Sci Rep 4:6394
manipulate the hormone level, which can result in
the regression of a number of cancers, particularly
for the breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and
prostate cancer. Biological therapy exploits 2-Chloro-20 -deoxyadenosine
insight into the nature of tumor antigen, the
molecular and cellular requirement for immune ▶ Cladribine
activation, the role of cytokine in amplifying the
immune response, as well as the evolution of
recombinant DNA approach to introduce the
genetic material into eukaryotic cell. Palliative
care aims to achieve the best possible quality of 2-Chlorodeoxyadenosine
life for patient and their family by controlling the
physical symptom, as well as recognizing the ▶ Cladribine
psychological, social, and spiritual problems.
Western medicine is currently used as the pri-
mary therapy for cancer, and Chinese medicine is
employed as a supplementary therapy in some ChoK
Asian nations. There is considerable evidence
for the promising benefits of Chinese medicine ▶ Choline Kinase
in alleviating the toxic effect of radiotherapy and
chemotherapy, strengthening the anticancer activ-
ity, as well as enhancing the immune function.
Chinese and Western medicines are obviously
two distinct medical systems with different diag- Cholangiocarcinoma
nostic and therapeutic methods for cancer. How-
ever, with a common goal to eradicate this Justin L. Mott1 and Gregory J. Gores2
systemic disease, it may be feasible for a certain Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
degree of complementation and integration of Biology, University of Nebraska Medical Center,
these two medical systems in the realm of clinical Omaha, NE, USA
practice. Miles and Shirley Fiterman Center for Digestive
Diseases, Division of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine,
References Rochester, MN, USA

Beauchamp EM, Ringer L, Bulut G, Sajwan KP, Hall MD,

Lee YC, Peaceman D, Ozdemirli M, Rodriguez O,
Macdonald TJ, Albanese C, Toretsky JA, Uren
A (2011) Arsenic trioxide inhibits human cancer cell
growth and tumor development in mice by blocking Bile duct carcinoma; Cholangiocellular
Hedgehog/GLI pathway. J Clin Invest 121:148–1602 carcinoma
1022 Cholangiocarcinoma

Definition cholangiocarcinoma include primary sclerosing

cholangitis (PSC), congenital dilatation of the bil-
Cholangiocarcinoma refers to malignancy within iary tree (i.e., Caroli disease), hepatolithiasis and
the biliary duct system (Bile Duct Neoplasms) and chronic infestation of the biliary tree by the para-
is distinct from ▶ gallbladder cancer. Cholangio- sitic liver flukes Opisthorchis viverrini and
carcinomas generally have features of biliary tract Clonorchis sinensis, a human liver fluke of the
epithelium, such as a glandular appearance, small class Trematoda, Phylum Platyhelminthes. This
regular nuclei, and scant cytoplasm. Tumor cells parasite is found mainly in the common bile duct
often express cytokeratins, mucin, and cancer- and gall bladder and feeds on bile. Infection with
associated antigen 19-9, a carbohydrate antigen these parasites is endemic in some parts of South-
that is used as a tumor marker in serum. It is east Asia and in part may contribute to the higher
thought to be a sialylated Lewis blood group incidence of cholangiocarcinoma in this region.
antigen. CA19-9 levels are elevated in many gas- These conditions all have in common chronic
trointestinal malignancies including cholangio- inflammation of the biliary tree, biliary stasis, or
carcinoma and pancreatic cancer, as well both. The inflammatory milieu likely contributes
as some nonmalignant conditions such as to two of the cardinal features of cancer, resistance
cholangitis and peritoneal ▶ inflammation/infec- to ▶ apoptosis, and continuous proliferation.
tion. Patients who have a genetic deficiency in a The cellular origin of malignant cells is not
fucosyltransferase specified by the Le gene are certain. Biliary epithelial cells are long lived
Lewisa-b- and are unable to make this antigen; under normal circumstances and thus survive
thus CA19-9 testing in Lewisa-b- patients can be long enough to accumulate carcinogenic muta-
falsely negative. tions. Alternatively, multipotent progenitor cells
that reside in the canals of Hering – small ductules
lined in part by cholangiocytes and in part by
• 95% of bile duct tumors are adenocarcinoma.
hepatocytes, hepatocytes secrete bile into bile
• The remainder is comprised of squamous, car-
canaliculi which in turn drain into the canals of
cinoid, sarcomatous, mixed cholangiocellular/
Hering – are not terminally differentiated and
hepatocellular tumors, Kaposi sarcoma, and
have the proliferative capacity that may facilitate
malignant transformation. Finally, gland-like
• The characteristics described here refer to the
structures along the bile ducts can show hyperpla-
adenocarcinoma cell type of either intrahepatic
sia and dysplasia adjacent to malignant cholangio-
or extrahepatic bile duct origin.
carcinoma. It is possible that each of these cellular
• Extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is referred to
compartments contributes depending on tumor
as ▶ Klatskin tumor.
focus and carcinogenic insult.

Characteristics Biology
Grossly, cholangiocarcinomas usually develop at
Etiology the hilum (60%) and less frequently develop as
Cholangiocarcinomas are the second most com- distal extrahepatic or as intrahepatic tumors
mon primary liver cancer, representing 10% of all (Fig. 1). Lesions can be categorized based on
primary liver tumors. Cholangiocarcinomas occur growth pattern as mass-forming, periductal-
with an approximate 1:100,000 incidence in the infiltrating, and intraductal. Microscopically,
Western world but are more common in Southeast tumors have relatively few cancer cells in a
Asia and Japan. There is a slight male preponder- desmoplastic stroma. This fibrosis leads to a
ance, with tumors occurring most frequently in the low diagnostic yield of random sampling and the
seventh decade of life. More than 90% sensitivity of routine cytology from biliary
occur sporadically in an otherwise normal liver. brushings is usually reported in the range of
Risk factors for the development of 4–26%.
Cholangiocarcinoma 1023



Distal extrahepatic


Cholangiocarcinoma, Fig. 1 Diagram of the liver and depending on the involvement of only the hepatic duct
biliary tree. Cholangiocarcinoma can arise anywhere along (type I), the common hepatic duct and the confluence of
the biliary tree, including intrahepatic bile ducts the left and right hepatic ducts (type II), the common
(peripheral cholangiocarcinoma), the hilum (Klatskin hepatic duct and either the left or right hepatic duct (type
tumors), and more distally (distal extrahepatic cholangio- III), or the common, left, and right hepatic ducts or
carcinoma). Hilar cholangiocarcinoma can be further multifocal tumors (type IV)
subdivided using the Bismuth-Corlette classification

The mechanistic link between inflammation and described in cholangiocarcinoma. Further, bile
the development and progression of cholangio- acids stimulate signaling through the EGFR,
carcinoma is of interest. Several inflammatory including increasing Mcl-1 protein levels. EGFR
mediators have been shown to stimulate activation leads to activation of the survival
cholangiocyte proliferation and inhibit DNA repair kinase Akt which is inhibited by phosphatase
or block apoptosis – all factors important in carci- and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome
nogenesis. Indeed, interleukin-6 (IL-6) is an effec- 10 (PTEN). Experimental PTEN deficiency in
tive cholangiocyte mitogen and drives proliferation mice combined with the loss of SMAD4
of this cell type via the MAP-kinase pathway. Addi- (a mediator of TGF-beta signaling) leads to
tionally, IL-6-driven activation of signal-transducer cholangiocarcinoma by 4–5 months of age.
and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) increases Thus, dysregulation of EGFR signaling may
the expression of Mcl-1, a potent antiapoptotic pro- play a prominent role in cholangiocarcinoma.
tein. Mcl-1 acts to protect cancerous cells and may
contribute to the refractory nature of cholangio- Diagnosis
carcinoma to chemotherapy. Proinflammatory cyto- Most patients with cholangiocarcinoma present
kines induce cholangiocyte DNA damage and with signs and symptoms of biliary obstruction,
inhibit DNA repair by a nitric oxide-dependent including jaundice, pruritis, chalk-colored stools,
mechanism. In addition, immunohistochemical and dark-colored urine. This is the result of partial
studies of human cholangiocarcinoma specimens or complete blockage of the biliary tract leading to
have shown the ubiquitous presence of inducible cholestasis and applies to Klatskin tumors and
nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Thus, IL-6 and iNOS distal extrahepatic tumors. Intrahepatic tumors
with nitric oxide generation in chronically inflamed do not cause clinically significant biliary stasis.
tissues likely contribute to the initiation and pro- Because the majority of tumors are not mass-
gression of cholangiocarcinoma. forming, diagnosis by imaging can be difficult.
The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) Still, MRI with magnetic resonance cholangio-
has been implicated in numerous cancers, and pancreatography (MRCP) can be used to define
activating mutations of EGFR have been the location and extent of a lesion. MR
1024 Cholangiocarcinoma

angiography is useful for the assessment of vas- partial hepatectomy improves outcomes. Selected
cular involvement. CT and CT angiography can patients with unresectable extrahepatic tumors
also be used to assess tumor location and vascular benefit from liver transplantation; liver transplan-
involvement, as well as lymph node enlargement. tation for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is
Ultrasound is often the initial study used in the contraindicated due to disease recurrence.
evaluation of obstructive jaundice. While Only a minority of patients present with dis-
nonspecific, ultrasound can visualize biliary duct ease amenable to surgical resection or transplan-
dilatation proximal to the obstruction and poten- tation. For the remaining patients, palliative
tially can visualize an intrahepatic mass. treatment improves quality of life. The most
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC) important intervention involves relief of biliary
in the case of obstruction is necessary and can be obstruction generally by endoscopic approach or
diagnostically and therapeutically useful. ERC can percutaneously. Drainage of one functional lobe is
demonstrate the site and extent of a stricture, sufficient to relieve obstructive symptoms. Photo-
intraluminal brushings taken within the stricture dynamic therapy in conjunction with stent place-
can provide cells for cytologic and advanced cyto- ment can improve drainage and increase survival
logic evaluation, and stenting relieves symptoms by ~1 year. Palliative chemotherapy with
due to obstruction. Transluminal or percutaneous gemcitabine leads to only limited responses.
biopsy of hilar lesions or lymph nodes is not Overall, the prognosis for cholangiocarcinoma
recommended due to the risk of tumor seeding. remains poor. Five year survival ranges from 10%
Histologic diagnosis is the gold standard, how- to 45%, while periampullary tumors have slightly
ever often diagnosis is based on the overall clini- higher 5-year survival (50–60%). Future improve-
cal picture. Cytologic evaluation has high ments may come from rationally designed therapy
specificity when positive for malignancy, but due based on the tumor biology, for instance targeting
to the desmoplastic nature of the tumor has low IL-6, EGFR, or Mcl-1.
sensitivity. Advanced methods of cytologic anal-
ysis (digital image analysis and fluorescence in
situ hybridization) have been used to improve Cross-References
sensitivity without compromising specificity.
Serum CA19-9 level can aid in the diagnosis. ▶ Adenocarcinoma
Patients with PSC represent a significant diag- ▶ Akt Signal Transduction Pathway
nostic challenge, as noncancerous stricture forma- ▶ Bile Acids
tion is the norm in this disease. Still, with a ▶ Bile Duct Neoplasms
lifetime incidence of cholangiocarcinoma in PSC ▶ Carcinoid Tumors
patients of 10–20%, a high index of suspicion ▶ Clinical Cancer Biomarkers
must be maintained. Stable asymptomatic patients ▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
can be surveyed by noninvasive techniques such ▶ Gallbladder Cancer
as MRCP and CA19-9 serum testing. ▶ Gemcitabine
▶ Hepatocellular Carcinoma Molecular Biology
Treatment and Prognosis ▶ Inflammation
Surgical resection for intrahepatic cholangio- ▶ Interleukin-6
carcinoma is curative for a minority of patients. ▶ Kaposi Sarcoma
For extrahepatic tumors (including Klatskin ▶ Klatskin Tumors
tumors), resectability depends on the extent of ▶ Nitric Oxide
biliary and vascular involvement. Involvement ▶ Palliative Therapy
of the left and right hepatic lobar structures ▶ Serum Biomarkers
(bilateral portal vein, main portal vein, or bilateral ▶ Smad Proteins in TGF-Beta Signaling
hepatic ducts) precludes resection, as does under- ▶ Squamous Cell Carcinoma
lying liver disease or PSC. In resectable cases, ▶ STAT3
Choline Kinase 1025

References CK-beta, encoded by two separate genes: choline

kinase alpha (CHKA), located in chromosome
de Groen PC, Gores GJ, LaRusso NF et al (1999) Biliary 11q13.2, and choline kinase beta (CHKB),
tract cancers. N Engl J Med 341:1368–1378
located in chromosome 22q13.33. Choline kinase
Patel T (2006) Cholangiocarcinoma. Nat Clin Pract
Gastroenterol Hepatol 3:33–42 is not active in its monomeric form; the active
Roskams T (2006) Liver stem cells and their implication in enzyme acts as a hetero- or homodimeric
hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinoma. Oncogene (or oligomeric) protein, which proportions have C
been proposed to be tissue specific.
Xu X, Kobayashi S, Qiao W et al (2006) Induction of
intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinoma by liver- CK-alpha1 and 2 are two splicing variants of
specific disruption of Smad4 and Pten in mice. J Clin the primary mRNA, in which the latter differs
Invest 116(7):1843–1852 only in an additional stretch of 18 aa starting at
position 155 from CK-alpha1. No differences
have been found to date about the biological role
Cholangiocellular Carcinoma of these two variants. By contrast, CK-beta is
structurally and biologically different to
▶ Cholangiocarcinoma CK-alpha. The first conspicuous difference lies
in their sequence, differing in approximately
40%. In addition, whereas mice lacking the
alpha isoform die during embryogenesis, mice
Choline Kinase lacking the beta isoform survive to adulthood
though affected of muscular dystrophy and bone
Ana Ramirez de Molina deformity. The involvement of each isoform in
Nutritional Genomics and Cancer Unit, IMDEA distinct biochemical pathway has been also
Food Institute, Madrid, Spain suggested since CK-alpha presents a dual cho-
line/ethanolamine function in vivo, whereas
CK-beta seems to display only ethanolamine
Synonyms kinase activity in the same conditions.

CHETK; ChoK; Choline phosphokinase; Choline Kinase Alpha and Human

Choline-ethanolamine kinase; CK Tumorigenesis
The most fundamental feature of cancer cells
involves their ability to maintain chronic prolifer-
Definition ation. In this process, cancer cells require the
synthesis of new cell membranes as well as
Choline kinase is the first enzyme in the Kennedy reprogramming their energy metabolism. CK is
pathway of biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine an essential enzyme in the generation of the major
(PC), one of the major components of eukaryotic membrane phospholipids and, subsequently, dis-
membranes (Fig. 1). This enzyme catalyzes the plays a structural and energetic function within the
phosphorylation of choline (Cho) or ethanolamine cell, which confers this enzyme a relevant role in
(ETA) in the presence of ATP and magnesium as a cell division. Accordingly, CK-alpha plays a role
cofactor to yield phosphocholine (PCho) or in the regulation of cell growth and is involved in
phosphoethanolamine (PEta), respectively (Fig. 2). malignant transformation.
Increased levels of CK-alpha have been asso-
ciated with proliferation, tumorigenesis, and
Characteristics oncogenic signaling through Ras GTPases.
CK-alpha has also been implicated in numerous
Choline kinase exists in mammalian cells in at cancers. It has been found overexpressed in a high
least three isoforms, CK-alpha1, CK-alpha2, and percentage of cell lines derived from human
1026 Choline Kinase



CDP - Cho




Choline Kinase, Fig. 1 Kennedy pathway (also called phosphatidylcholine (PC). PC is also catabolized through
choline pathway) of biosynthesis of PC. Choline, an essen- phospholipase D (PLD, EC to choline and phos-
tial nutrient whose main function underlies in the synthesis phatidic acid (PA). PA can be hydrolyzed to generate DAG
of PC, crosses the plasmatic membrane into the cell by by phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase (PAP, EC,
passive diffusion or choline-specific transports. Within the or deacetylated to lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and
cell, choline is phosphorylated by choline kinase (CK, EC arachidonic acid (AA) by phospholipase A2 (PLA2, EC to yield phosphocholine (PCho), which in turn is The generation of these metabolites has resulted
converted into CDP-choline by CDP-phosphorylcholine in the consideration of PC as a precursor of lipid-related
cytidyltransferase (CT, EC Then, through the second messengers involved in cell proliferation and
action of DAG-choline phosphoryltransferase (CPT, EC mitogenesis, DAG is incorporated in the reaction resulting in



Choline (Cho) Phosphorylcholine (Pcho)


Choline Kinase, Fig. 2 Choline kinase. Choline (Cho), choline kinase (CK) in the presence of ATP and magne-
obtained by dietary source through the catabolism of PC, is sium ions. This reaction constitutes the first step in the
phosphorylated to phosphocholine (PCho) catalyzed by cycle of biosynthesis of PC

tumors, as well as in different breast, lung, colo- compounds have been proposed as a noninvasive
rectal, prostate, bladder, and ovarian tumor tis- biomarker of tumorigenesis. In this sense,
sues. An increase of its product, PCho, has been increased levels of CK-alpha activation have
also frequently found in different tumor types also been associated to increased levels of malig-
using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) tech- nancy in several types of cancer, and CK-alpha
niques. Since choline-containing compounds are expression has been proposed as a prognostic
detected by noninvasive magnetic resonance molecular biomarker for patients with lung
spectroscopy, increased levels of these cancer.
1226 CPT-11

methylated. This process of X-chromosome Cross-References

inactivation is linked to the transcriptional
silencing of genes on the inactive ▶ Epigenetic Gene Silencing
X-chromosome (phosphoglycerate kinase
1 (PGK1), glucose 6-phosphate dehydroge-
nase (G6PD), or androgen receptor (AR).
Exceptions are found in a few number of Baylin SB, Herman JG, Graff JR et al (1998) Alterations in
CpG islands in genes that escape DNA methylation: a fundamental aspect of neoplasia.
X inactivation (e.g., STS, ZFX, or UBE1)). Adv Cancer Res 72:141–196
Bird A, Taggart M, Frommer M et al (1985) A fraction of
• Some CpG islands become methylated in other
the mouse genome that is derived from islands of
normal developmental processes including cell nonmethylated, CpG-rich DNA. Cell 40:91–99
differentiation and aging. The result of this Costello JF, Frühwald MC, Smiraglia DJ et al (2000) Aber-
methylation is the selective inactivation of rant CpG island methylation has non-random and
genes in specific tissues or at certain develop- tumor type specific patterns. Nat Genet 25:132–138
Gardiner-Garden M, Frommer M (1987) CpG islands in
mental stages (e.g., estrogen receptor). vertebrate genomes. J Mol Biol 196:261–282
• Genes that are expressed from either the pater-
nal or the maternal allele are called imprinted
genes. These genes are found to have CpG
island methylation of one allele. While meth-
ylation usually occurs in the inactive allele,
CpG island methylation was found in some
▶ Irinotecan
instances in the active allele. This feature of
allele-specific methylation in a CpG island was
used as a tag for the identification of novel
imprinted genes in the mouse using the
▶ restriction landmark genomic scanning Cr(VI)
(RLGS) technique for a genome wide scan
for patterns of allele-specific methylation. ▶ Hexavalent Chromium

Aberrant CpG Island Methylation in Cancer

Hypermethylation of CpG islands in various can-
cers has been observed and is correlated with the Cr6+
transcriptional inactivation of tumor suppressor
genes and other cancer-related genes. It was ▶ Hexavalent Chromium
shown that methylation in a CpG island can
serve as one of the two “hits” needed for the
inactivation of a tumor suppressor gene. While
CpG island methylation in some tumors is
restricted to a small number of CpG islands, cRaf
other tumors show a methylation phenotype
with up to 10% methylated CpG islands. ▶ Raf Kinase
A subset of CpG islands is methylated in a
tumor-type specific matter, while other CpG
islands can be methylated in different tumor
types. It was also shown that many of the genes
associated with methylated CpG islands could be C-Raf
reactivated in cell lines by experimental demeth-
ylation using 50 -aza-20 deoxycytidine. ▶ Raf Kinase
Cripto-1 1227

An overall sequence identity of approximately

Cripto-1 30% exists between the EGF-CFC members
across different species. Within the EGF-like
Caterina Bianco domain, there is a 60–70% sequence similarity,
Division of Extramural Activities, National whereas in the CFC motif, the similarity ranges
Institutes of Health, Rockville, MD, USA from 35 to 48%. The modified EGF-like domain
corresponds to a region of approximately C
40 amino acids containing six cysteine residues.
Synonyms Whereas the canonical EGF-like domain that is
present in the EGF family of growth factors
TDGF-1; Teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor-1 (▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Ligands),
such as EGF, transforming growth factor-a
(TGF-a), and heregulins, contains three loops
Definition (A, B, and C) due to the presence of three intra-
molecular disulfide bonds, the variant EGF-like
Human Cripto-1 is a cell membrane-associated domain in the EGF-CFC proteins lacks the
protein important for embryonic development, A loop, has a truncated B loop, and possesses a
stem cell renewal, and tumorigenesis. complete C loop. The presence of this unusual
EGF-like domain explains the observation that
CR-1 does not directly bind to any of the known
Characteristics erbB type I tyrosine kinase receptors including the
EGF receptor, erbB2, erbB3, and erbB4.
Structure of Cripto-1, a Member of the EGF- EGF-CFC proteins are glycoproteins that range
CFC Protein Family from 171 to 202 amino acids with an unmodified
Human Cripto-1 (CR-1), originally identified core protein of 18–21 kDa in size. The native
from a human embryonal carcinoma cDNA mouse and human Cripto-1 proteins are 24, 28,
library, is the founding member of the epidermal and 36 kDa in size, although proteins ranging in
growth factor (EGF)-CFC (Cripto in humans, size from 14 to 60 kDa have been identified in
FRL1 in Xenopus, and Cryptic in mice) family mouse and human normal tissues. This variation
of proteins identified only in vertebrates. The in size could be due to the removal of the hydro-
EGF-CFC protein family includes monkey phobic signal peptide and to posttranslational
Cripto-1, mouse Cripto-1 (Cr-1), chicken modifications of the core protein. In fact, all the
Cripto-1, zebra fish one-eyed pinhead (oep), members of the EGF-CFC family, except for oep,
Xenopus FRL1, and mouse and human Cryptic. are glycoproteins that contain a single N-▶ glyco-
EGF-CFC proteins contain multiple domains sylation site and potential O-glycosylation sites
consisting of an amino-terminal signal peptide, a (Fig. 1). A single O-linked ▶ fucosylation site
modified EGF-like domain, a cystein-rich CFC (Fig. 1) has been identified within the EGF-like
motif, and a short hydrophobic carboxy-terminus domain of human CR-1, and a single point muta-
containing, in some cases, consensus sequences tion in the fucosylation consensus sequence
for a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor- results in the loss of Cripto-1-dependent Nodal
age site that serves to attach the protein to the cell signaling (see below).
membrane (Fig. 1). EGF-CFC proteins are mostly
found to be cell membrane associated. However, Cripto-1 During Embryonic Development
human CR-1 can also be detected in the condi- and in Embryonic Stem (ES) Cells
tioned medium of several cancer cell lines and in Cripto-1 functions as a co-receptor for the TGF-b
the plasma of colon and breast cancer patients, family ligands, Nodal and Vg1/growth, and dif-
probably by cleavage of the glycosylphosphatidy- ferentiation factor 1 and 3 (GDF1 and 3), during
linositol (GPI) linkage by GPI-specific enzymes. early vertebrate embryogenesis. Genetic studies
1228 Cripto-1

Cripto-1, 1
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram
Signal sequence
of the human Cripto-1
protein domains. Sites of 31
glycosylations are indicated Ser 40-O
by arrows
Asn 79-N
EGF-like domain Thr 88-fucose
CFC domain
Ser 161-O
GPI anchor 188
Cell membrane

in zebra fish and mice have defined an essential differentiation and repression of neural differenti-
role for Nodal that functions through Cripto-1 in ation. In this regard, Cr-1/ ES cells, when
the formation of the primitive streak, patterning of transplanted in vivo at low doses, generate a
the anterior/posterior axis, specification of the pool of dopaminergic cells that are able to induce
mesoderm and endoderm during gastrulation, behavioral and anatomical recovery in animal
and establishment of left/right asymmetry of models of Parkinson’s disease. It has been
developing organs. Cripto-1-dependent Nodal established that Cripto-1 is a ▶ stem cell marker
signaling depends upon the Activin type II (Act in mouse and human ES cells and in conjunction
RII) and type I (Alk4) serine/threonine kinase with Nanog, Nodal, Oct3/4, and GDF3 is
receptors that activate the Smad-2/Smad-3 intra- involved in maintaining self-renewal and
cellular signaling pathway (▶ Smad Proteins in pluripotentiality of ES cells. Since malignant ES
TGFb Signaling). Evidence from several studies cells are probably the most appropriate targets for
suggests that Cripto-1 recruits Nodal to the Act therapy in cancer, stem cell markers could be used
RII/Alk4 receptor complex by interacting with as a signature to identify adult tissue cancer stem
Nodal through the EGF-like domain and with cells.
Alk4 through the CFC domain. Cr-1 null mice
die at day 7.5 due to their inability to gastrulate Cripto-1 in Mammary Gland Development
and form appropriate germ layers. Disruption of Ovarian hormones and several growth factors,
Cr-1 in Cr-1/ embryos results in the formation such as TGF-b, TGF-a, EGF, and insulin-like
of embryos that possess a head without a trunk, growth factor have been shown to play a crucial
demonstrating that there is a severe deficiency in role in the regulation of the development and
mesoderm and endoderm without a loss of ante- maturation of the mammary gland. In the mouse
rior neuroectoderm formation. Homozygous mammary gland, Cr-1 is detected during different
knock out of the Cr-1 gene in pluripotential stages of postnatal mammary gland development.
▶ embryonic stem cells (ES cells) impairs their In fact, Cr-1 protein has been detected in 4–12-
ability to differentiate in vitro into week-old virgin, midpregnant, and lactating
cardiomyocytes without affecting the ability of mouse mammary gland. In the virgin pubescent
ES cells to differentiate in other cell types. In mammary gland, Cr-1 expression is observed in
fact, Cr-1/ ES cells show extensive neuronal the cap stem cells of the growing terminal end
differentiation in vitro and in vivo, suggesting buds and in the ductal epithelial cells from preg-
that Cripto-1 could represent a key molecule nant and lactating mice. Expression of Cr-1 in
required for both induction of cardiomyocyte ductal epithelial cells is enhanced by
Cripto-1 1229

approximately 3- to 5-fold during pregnancy and cells show an increase in their migratory behavior
lactation. Further support for CR-1 regulation of in Boyden chamber studies and in wound-healing
mammary epithelial cells derives from data assay. Exogenous CR-1 protein is also able to
showing that CR-1 can modulate milk protein stimulate chemotaxis of wild-type EpH4 cells
expression in HC-11 mouse mammary and can induce scattering of NOG-8 mouse mam-
epithelial cells. HC-11 mouse mammary epithelial mary epithelial cells grown at low density as col-
cells express the milk protein b-casein after onies on plastic. The scattering effect is C
exposure to the lactogenic hormones dexametha- characterized by a change in morphology of the
sone, insulin, and prolactin (DIP). Prior treatment epithelial cells to a more fibroblastic-like pheno-
of HC-11 cells with exogenous CR-1 during type and by a decrease in cell-cell adhesion due to
logarithmic growth induces a competency reduction in ▶ E-cadherin expression. These find-
response to DIP with respect to the induction of ings suggest that Cripto-1 may play a role in
the milk protein b-casein. In contrast, inducing ▶ Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition
simultaneous treatment of HC-11 cells with (EMT) of mammary epithelial cells. In fact,
CR-1 in the presence of DIP inhibits b-casein MCF7 breast cancer cells overexpressing CR-1
expression. This inhibitory effect of CR-1 on show increased invasion through matrix-coated
milk protein expression may be biologically sig- membranes and mammary hyperplasias, and
nificant since soluble CR-1 protein can be found tumors from MMTV-CR-1 ▶ transgenic mice
in human milk. (see below) show a dramatic reduction in the
levels of expression of the adhesion molecule
Cripto-1 in Transformation, Tumorigenesis, E-cadherin, whereas the mesenchyme cell cyto-
and Angiogenesis skeleton component, vimentin, is significantly
A first clue to the biological activity of Cripto-1 increased. Regulation of cell proliferation, cell
derives from studies demonstrating the ability of motility, and survival by CR-1 is dependent
human CR-1 to transform mouse NIH-3 T3 fibro- upon activation of two major intracellular signal-
blasts, mouse NOG-8, and mouse CID-9 mam- ing pathways, the Ras/Raf/mitogen-activated pro-
mary epithelial cells in vitro. However, NOG-8 tein kinase (MAPK) (▶ Map Kinase) and
and CID-9 transformed cells are unable to form phopshatidylinositol 30 kinase (PI3K)/Akt
tumors in nude mice, suggesting that additional (▶ AKT Signal Transduction Pathway) signaling
genetic alterations are necessary to complete the pathways. Activation of these two intracellular
tumorigenic phenotype in vivo. Further support signaling pathways is independent of Nodal and
for the transforming potential of Cripto-1 derives Alk4, since CR-1 can activate MAPK and Akt in
from studies showing increased expression of EpH4 mammary epithelial cells and MC3T3-E1
Cripto-1 in cells transformed by different onco- osteoblast cells that lack Nodal and Alk4 expres-
genes. In this regard, Ha-ras (▶ Ras) has been sion, respectively. Activation of these two signal-
shown to upregulate Cr-1 expression in rat ing pathways is mediated by binding of CR-1 to
CREF embryo fibroblasts or rat FRLT-5 thyroid the GPI-linked heparan sulfate proteoglycan
epithelial cells. Also, v-ras/Smad-7 transformed Glypican-1, which can then activate the cytoplas-
keratinocytes develop skin tumors that mic tyrosine kinase c-Src triggering activation of
overexpress CR-1 and TGF-a, suggesting that MAPK and Akt. Finally, an intact c-Src kinase is
Smad-7 induces tumor formation through required by CR-1 to induce in vitro transformation
upregulation of CR-1 and other EGF-related pep- and enhance migration in mammary epithelial
tides. Overexpression of Cr-1 in EpH4 mouse cells.
mammary epithelial cells increases cell prolifera- In addition to regulating cell proliferation and
tion, anchorage-independent growth in soft agar, transformation, CR-1 plays an essential role in
and the formation of branching structures when tumor ▶ angiogenesis. In fact, CR-1 has a strong
the cells are cultured in a three-dimensional type angiogenic activity in vitro in cultured human
I collagen gel matrix. Furthermore, EpH4 Cr-1 umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs),
1230 Cripto-1

stimulating proliferation, migration, invasion, and In fact, increased expression of an activated

differentiation of HUVECs into vascular-like b-catenin has been found in the mammary tumors
structures when the cells are grown in Matrigel. of WAP-CR-1 transgenic mice, suggesting that a
Furthermore, recombinant CR-1 protein stimu- canonical Wnt pathway may be activated in these
lates new blood vessel formation in silicone cyl- tumors.
inders filled with Matrigel implanted under the
skin of nude mice, and microvessel formation in Expression of CR-1 in Human Carcinomas
response to CR-1 is significantly inhibited in vivo and Premalignant Lesions
by an anti-CR-1 blocking mouse monoclonal anti- CR-1 is overexpressed, relative to noninvolved
body. Finally, tumor xenografts that develop from adjacent tissue, in 50–90% of carcinomas that
CR-1 overexpressing MCF-7 breast cancer cells arise in the colon, breast, stomach, pancreas, lung,
in the cleared mammary fat pad of nude mice have gall bladder, testis, bladder, ovary, endometrium,
a significantly higher microvessel density than and cervix. Furthermore, enhanced expression of
tumor xenografts that form from control MCF7 CR-1 has also been detected in premalignant
cells. lesions, such as colon adenomas, intestinal meta-
plasia of the gastric mucosa, and ductal carcinoma
Transgenic Mouse Models Overexpressing in situ of the breast. In this respect, the frequency
CR-1 in the Mammary Gland and level of CR-1 expression in colon adenomas
Transgenic mouse models have shown that and intestinal metaplasia in the stomach are
overexpression of a human CR-1 transgene in directly correlated with the size, histological
the mouse mammary gland under the control of subtype, and degree of dysplasia in these lesions,
the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) or suggesting that CR-1 might be an early marker for
whey acidic protein (WAP) promoter results in malignant transformation in these tissues. CR-1
mammary hyperplasias and adenocarcinomas. expression has also been detected in approxi-
Virgin MMTV-CR-1 transgenic mice exhibit mately 60% of normal colon mucosa
enhanced ductal branching, intraductal hyperpla- specimens from individuals with a high incidence
sias, and hyperplastic alveolar nodules. Approxi- of colon carcinomas but only in 20% of colon
mately 30–40% of multiparous female mice mucosa from low-risk individuals. In addition,
develop papillary adenocarcinomas. The rela- expression of CR-1 in the adjacent noninvolved
tively long latency period suggests that additional colon epithelium surrounding colon tumors is
genetic or regulatory alterations are required to significantly correlated with increased lymph
facilitate mammary tumor formation in conjunc- node involvement and with a higher rate of recur-
tion with CR-1. Unlike the MMTV promoter that rence of colorectal tumors. Although no
starts to be active in the virgin mammary gland, significant correlations have been found between
the WAP promoter is maximally expressed at CR-1 expression and prognosis, a study suggests
mid-pregnancy and lactation. Approximately that CR-1 is an independent prognostic factor in
50% of old nulliparous WAP-CR-1 mice develop breast cancer. In fact, in more than
multifocal intraductal hyperplasias and more than 100 invasive breast cancers, overexpression of
half of multiparous WAP-CR-1 female mice CR-1 has been found more often in high grade
develop multifocal mammary tumors of mixed and poor prognosis tumors compared to low
histological subtypes. These tumors are a mixture grade and good prognosis breast cancers and is
of regions containing glandular, papillary, and significantly associated with decreased patient
undifferentiated carcinoma, as well as survival. Another study has also demonstrated a
myoepithelioma and adenosquamous carcinoma. significant increase in the plasma levels of CR-1
Mammary tumors of mixed histology are nor- protein in patients affected by colon and breast
mally phenotypes that are associated with trans- carcinomas, suggesting that CR-1 might represent
genic mice that have alterations in the canonical a novel serological marker for breast and colon
Wnt/b-catenin pathway (▶ Wnt Signaling). cancer.
Crohn Disease 1231

Cross-References (megacolon), and rupture (perforation) of the

intestine are potentially life-threatening complica-
▶ Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor tions. Extra-intestinal complications involve the
▶ Epidermal Growth Factor-like Ligands skin, joints, spine, eyes, liver, and bile ducts.
▶ Serum Biomarkers There is an increased risk of cancer of the small
and large intestine in patients with long-standing
Crohn disease (▶ Colon Cancer Carcinogenesis in C
Human and in Experimental Animal Models).
Bianco C, Normanno N, Salomon DS et al (2004) Role of
the cripto (EGF-CFC) family in embryogenesis and
cancer. Growth Factors 22:133–139
Bianco C, Strizzi L, Normanno N et al (2005) Cripto-1: an Cross-References
oncofetal gene with many faces. Curr Top Dev Biol
Strizzi L, Bianco C, Normanno N et al (2005) Cripto-1: a ▶ Colon Cancer Carcinogenesis in Human and in
multifunctional modulator during embryogenesis and Experimental Animal Models
oncogenesis. Oncogene 24:5731–5741 ▶ Crohn Disease
▶ Inflammation

Crohn Disease
▶ BRaf-Signaling
Gerard Dijkstra1 and Maikel P. Peppelenbosch2
University Medical Center Groningen,
University of Groningen, Groningen, The
Crohn Colitis Netherlands
Erasmus Medical Center, University Medical
Synonyms Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Granulomatous colitis; Crohn disease


Definition Inflammatory Bowel Disease (also includes

Ulcerative Colitis)-related Cancer; Nonprimary
Originally described as a small bowel process, is APC mutation Colorectal Cancer
now known to involve the large bowel in approx-
imately 40% of all cases, with or without a con-
comitant ileal component. Crohn colitis is Definition
▶ inflammation that is confined to the colon.
Abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea are the com- Crohn disease (also: regional enteritis) and ulcer-
mon symptoms. Anal fistulae and peri-rectal ative colitis area chronic, inflammatory conditions
abscesses also can occur. This disease is histo- of the gastrointestinal tract. Although the inflam-
pathologically characterized by transmural and mation of the mucosa is usually episodic in nature,
granulomatous inflammation. Obstruction and these Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are
perforation, abscesses, fistulae, and intestinal associated with an increased risk of developing
bleeding are complications of Crohn colitis. Mas- colorectal cancer (inflammatory bowel disease).
sive distention or dilatation of the colon Well-managed patients suffering from IBD have
1232 Crohn Disease

an approximately two times higher chance for process, which attempts to block, reverse, or delay
contracting CRC as the population at large. carcinogenesis before the development of invasive
disease (▶ Chemoprotectants). Mesalazine
(5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA)), for which there
Characteristics is long-term clinical experience in the treatment of
patients with IBD, is well tolerated, has limited
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients, which systemic side effects, and has no gastrointestinal
include the two related conditions of Crohn disease toxicity (Schroeder 2002) (▶ Anti-Inflammatory
and ulcerative colitis, have an increased risk of Drugs). In a rodent model of colorectal cancer,
developing colorectal cancer (CRC) (Itzkowitz mesalazine inhibits tumor growth and reduces the
and Yio 2004). For patients with Crohn disease number of aberrant crypt foci (Brown et al. 2000)
[CD], the excess risk for contracting CRC has (▶ Colorectal Cancer Premalignant Lesions),
been estimated at 1.9, whereas the risk for small whereas in patients with sporadic polyps or cancer
bowel cancer is 27.1 (Jess et al. 2005), for UC the of the large bowel mesalazine induces apoptosis
risk appears considerably higher with a standard- and decreases proliferation in the colorectal
ized incidence ratio of 2.4 (Munkholm 2003). The mucosa. Epidemiological data from the chemopre-
risk depends on disease duration, extent of inflam- ventive action of mesalazine in IBD are inconsis-
mation, presence of primary sclerosing cholangitis, tent because of heterogeneity (Nguyen et al. 2012).
a positive family history of CRC, age of onset, and Our own meta-analysis however supports a che-
the degree of endoscopic and histologic activity mopreventive role for mesalazine in ulcerative
(▶ Inflammation in Cancer). Furthermore, CRC colitis-associated colorectal cancer (Fig. 1). An
accounts for about 15% of deaths related to IBD; important question is whether the chemopreven-
however, IBD related colorectal carcinoma tive effect of mesalazine is restricted to IBD-CRC
accounts for only 1–2% of all cases of CR- or can be extrapolated to sporadic CRC as well.
C. Although the number of IBD-related CRC of
the total cases of CRC is low, the mortality rate in Mechanistic Explanations
patients with a diagnosis of CRCs in the setting of Confusingly many models as to the chemopreven-
IBD is higher than for those afflicted with sporadic tive action for 5-ASA have been put forward,
cases of CRC (▶ Cancer Epidemiology). Addition- hampering rational decisions in this area.
ally, the risk for CRC is not related to disease Reinacher-Schick et al. (2000) show that
activity, patients who are clinically quiescent do mesalazine induces apoptosis and decreases pro-
not have a lower risk for developing CRC compared liferation in colorectal mucosa in patients with
to patients who suffer from a more active disease sporadic polyps of the large bowel. In addition,
history. Moreover, during the last decades, the inci- Brown and coworkers (2000) show that
dence of IBD has continued to rise worldwide, mesalazine inhibits tumor growth and reduces
reaching incidence rates of 16.6/100,000 in North the number of aberrant crypt foci in a rodent
America and 9.8/100,000 in Europe. IBD, together model of colorectal cancer. We ourselves show
with the hereditary syndromes of familial adenoma- in a panel of human colon cancer cell lines that
tous polyposis (FAP), and hereditary nonpolyposis 5-ASA inhibits the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway
colorectal cancer (HNPCC), are the top three of through protein phosphatase 2A (Bos
high-risk conditions for CRC (colon cancer/gastro- et al. 2006), but we also provided evidence that
intestinal tumors/▶ Peutz-Jeghers-Syndrome). interferes with proliferation of colorectal cancer
cells via inhibition of PLD-dependent generation
of PA and loss of mTOR signaling (Baan
Chemoprevention of IBD-Related CRC et al. 2012). Schwab c.s. provide evidence for
the involvement of PPARgamma in
Cancer chemoprevention is based on the arrest of pro-apoptotic and antiproliferative actions of
one or several steps in the multistep carcinogenesis 5-ASA also in various CRC cell lines (Schwab
Crohn Disease 1233

Crohn Disease, Fig. 1 Meta-analysis of the effect of studies in any language but English, and studies using an
mesalazine on IBD-associated CRC. Pubmed and Web of animal model. Review manager 5 was used to conduct the
Science were searched for studies on the possible chemo- meta-analyses. 274 abstracts were screened for eligibility.
preventive effect of mesalamine in UC-patients. Search Full text review was performed on 25 studies. 8 studies
terms: PubMed: (“Mesalamine”[Mesh] OR “Sulfasala- were found suitable for inclusion in this meta-analysis,
zine”[Mesh]) AND “Colorectal Neoplasms”[Mesh] AND including a total of 5.467 patients. All studies are included,
(“Colitis, Ulcerative”[Mesh] AND “Inflammatory Bowel the data show that use of 5-ASA preparation conferred an
Diseases”[Mesh]). Web of Science: ((mesalamine OR odds ratio of 0.36 (95% CI; 0.21–0.62) for development of
5-asa OR mesalazine OR 5-aminosalicylic acid OR CRC in IBD patients. Studies included are listed in
sulfasalazine OR sulphasalazine) AND (ulcerative colitis Pinczowski et al. (1994), Eaden et al. (2000), Lindberg
OR IBD) AND (colorectal cancer OR colorectal neo- et al. (2001), Rutter et al. (2004), Rubin et al. (2006),
plasms OR colonic cancer OR colonic carcinoma)). Stud- Velayos et al. (2006), Gong et al. (2012), Rubin
ies were excluded if they were reviews, in vitro studies, et al. (2013)

et al. 2008). Using both human and murine CRC Concluding Remarks
lines, Monteleone c.s. show that mesalazine neg- Chronic inflammation of the Colon, as observed
atively regulates CDC25A protein expression, in Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis, is closely
thus delaying CRC cell progression, independent linked to the development of CRC. The pathogen-
of Chk1 and Chk2 (Stolfi et al. 2008), although in esis of this disease is different from the classical
earlier work these authors also propose that pathway, involving loss of APC function. Chemo-
5-ASA disrupts EGFR signaling by enhancing prevention of CRC-development, using
SH-PTP2 activity as a mechanism by which mesalazine, seems to be a promising chemopre-
5-ASA interferes with CRC growth (Monteleone ventive strategy.
et al. 2006). Alternatively, Chu et al. propose that
downregulation of c-Myc is the key to its chemo-
preventive action in CRC (Chu et al. 2007).
Gasche c.s. provide data that demonstrate that 5- Cross-References
ASA causes cells to reversibly accumulate in
S phase and activate an ATR-dependent check- ▶ Anti-inflammatory Drugs
point (Luciani et al. 2007). In conclusion, it is fair ▶ Cancer Epidemiology
to say that a plethora of mechanisms possibly ▶ Chemoprotectants
mediating 5-ASA effects in chemoprevention of ▶ Colorectal Cancer Premalignant Lesions
CRC has been proposed, and for this field to move ▶ Crohn Colitis
forward a large-scale long-term study in patients ▶ Inflammation
will be essential. ▶ Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
1234 Crow-Fukase Syndrome

References of non-referral populations. Am J Gastroenterol

Baan B, Dihal AA, Hoff E, Bos CL, Voorneveld PW, Pinczowski D1, Ekbom A, Baron J, Yuen J, Adami HO
Koelink PJ, Wildenberg ME, Muncan V, Heijmans J, (1994) Risk factors for colorectal cancer in patients
Verspaget HW, Richel DJ, Hardwick JC, Hommes DW, with ulcerative colitis: a case–control study. Gastroen-
Peppelenbosch MP, van den Brink GR (2012) terology 107(1):117–20
5-Aminosalicylic acid inhibits cell cycle progression Reinacher-Schick A, Seidensticker F, Petrasch S,
in a phospholipase D dependent manner in colorectal Reiser M, Philippou S, Theegarten D et al (2000)
cancer. Gut 61(12):1708–1715 Mesalazine changes apoptosis and proliferation in nor-
Bos CL, Diks SH, Hardwick JC, Walburg KV, mal mucosa of patients with sporadic polyps of the
Peppelenbosch MP, Richel DJ (2006) Protein phospha- large bowel. Endoscopy 32:245–254
tase 2A is required for mesalazine-dependent inhibition Rubin DT, Huo D, Kinnucan JA, Sedrak MS, McCullom
of Wnt/beta-catenin pathway activity. Carcinogenesis NE, Bunnag AP, Raun-Royer EP, Cohen RD, Hanauer
27:2371–2382 SB, Hart J, Turner JR (2013) Inflammation is an inde-
Brown WA, Farmer KC, Skinner SA, Malcontenti-Wilson- pendent risk factor for colonic neoplasia in patients
C, Misajon A, O’Brien PE (2000) 5-aminosalicyclic with ulcerative colitis: a case–control study. Clin
acid and olsalazine inhibit tumor growth in a Gastroenterol Hepatol 11(12):1601–8.e1–1601–8.e4
rodent model of colorectal cancer. Dig Dis Sci Rubin DT, LoSavio A, Yadron N, Huo D, Hanauer SB
45:1578–1584 (2006) Aminosalicylate therapy in the prevention of
Chu EC, Chai J, Ahluwalia A, Tarnawski AS dysplasia and colorectal cancer in ulcerative colitis.
(2007) Mesalazine downregulates c-Myc in human Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 4(11):1346–1350
colon cancer cells. A key to its chemopreventive Rutter M, Saunders B, Wilkinson K, Rumbles S,
action? Aliment Pharmacol Ther 25:1443–1449 Schofield G, Kamm M, Williams C, Price A, Talbot I,
Eaden J, Abrams K, Ekbom A, Jackson E, Mayberry Forbes A (2004) Severity of inflammation is a risk
J (2000) Colorectal cancer prevention in ulcerative factor for colorectal neoplasia in ulcerative colitis. Gas-
colitis: a case–control study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther troenterology 126(2):451–459
14(2):145–153 Schroeder KW (2002) Role of mesalazine in acute and
Gong W, Lv N, Wang B, Chen Y, Huang Y, Pan W, Jiang long-term treatment of ulcerative colitis and its compli-
B (2012) Risk of ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cations. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl 236:42–47
cancer in China: a multi-center retrospective study. Dig Schwab M, Reynders V, Loitsch S, Shastri YM,
Dis Sci 57(2):503–507 Steinhilber D, Schroder O et al (2008) PPARgamma
Itzkowitz SH, Yio X (2004) Inflammation and cancer is involved in mesalazine-mediated induction of apo-
IV. Colorectal cancer in inflammatory bowel disease: ptosis and inhibition of cell growth in colon cancer
the role of inflammation. Am J Physiol Gastrointest cells. Carcinogenesis 29:1407–1414
Liver Physiol 287:G7–G17 Stolfi C, Fina D, Caruso R, Caprioli F, Fantini MC, Rizzo
Jess T, Gamborg M, Matzen P, Munkholm P, Sørensen TI A et al (2008) Mesalazine negatively regulates
(2005) Increased risk of intestinal cancer in Crohn’s CDC25A protein expression and promotes accumula-
disease: a meta-analysis of population-based cohort tion of colon cancer cells in S phase. Carcinogenesis
studies. Am J Gastroenterol 100:2724–2729 29:1258–1266
Lindberg BU, Broomé U, Persson B (2001) Proximal Velayos FS, Loftus EV Jr, Jess T, Harmsen WS, Bida J,
colorectal dysplasia or cancer in ulcerative colitis. The Zinsmeister AR, Tremaine WJ, Sandborn WJ (2006) Pre-
impact of primary sclerosing cholangitis and dictive and protective factors associated with colorectal
sulfasalazine: results from a 20-year surveillance cancer in ulcerative colitis: a case–control study. Gastro-
study. Dis Colon Rectum 44(1):77–85 enterology 130(7):1941–1949
Luciani MG, Campregher C, Fortune JM, Kunkel TA,
Gasche C (2007) 5-ASA affects cell cycle progression
in colorectal cells by reversibly activating a replication
checkpoint. Gastroenterology 132:221–235
Monteleone G, Franchi L, Fina D, Caruso R, Vavassori P, Crow-Fukase Syndrome
Monteleone I et al (2006) Silencing of SH-PTP2
defines a crucial role in the inactivation of epidermal
▶ POEMS Syndrome
growth factor receptor by 5-aminosalicylic acid in
colon cancer cells. Cell Death Differ 13:202–221
Munkholm P (2003) Review article: the incidence and
prevalence of colorectal cancer in inflammatory bowel
disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 18(Suppl 2):1–5
Nguyen GC, Gulamhusein A, Bernstein CN (2012) 5-
-aminosalicylic acid is not protective against colorectal
cancer in inflammatory bowel disease: a meta-analysis ▶ Calreticulin
Cryosurgery 1235

that entails the formation of amorphous, transpar-

CRP-Ductin (Mouse) ent, glasslike structures rather than crystals. Crys-
tallization requires initiating nuclei, for instance,
▶ Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumors 1 an insoluble crystalline impurity). Slow cooling
rates of water (<1  C/min) will induce large crys-
tals around a few nuclei. During fast cooling rates,
many small crystals are formed which are thermo- C
CRT dynamically unstable and tend to join each other
by recrystallization to minimize their surface
▶ Calreticulin energies.
During freezing of solutions, ice crystals
remove more and more pure water from the solu-
tion, elevating the dissolved solute concentration
and lowering the vapor pressure of water to that of
Cryosurgery ice at the same temperature. In this situation, solid
and liquid phase coexist, and this supercooled
René P. H. Veth and Bart H. W. Schreuder phase ends with a sudden rise of the temperature
Department of Orthopaedics, Radboud University due to dissipation of latent heat generated by the
Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands recrystallization of the thermodynamically unsta-
ble small crystals. This phenomenon takes place at
a eutectic temperature.
Synonyms The nature of the tissue responding to low
temperatures varies with the intensity of the
Cold surgery; Freeze surgery induced cold. A minor cryogenic injury produces
only an inflammatory response; a greater injury
will produce tissue destruction. The effects of
Definition every physical state on living tissue can be divided
in immediate and delayed effects. Immediate
Operative cutting of tissue or the targeted destruc- destructive properties of cryosurgery are the result
tion of pathological tissue by induced cold necro- of mechanical damage due to the formation of ice,
sis at temperatures down to 196  C. whereas the delayed effects are due to progressive
failure of the microcirculation (vascular stasis),
tissue ischemia, and ultimately cell death. When
Characteristics tissue temperature is lowered without reaching
subzero temperatures, cell metabolism is reduced.
Cryobiology This is a reversible process and used to its benefit
Cryobiology deals with the physical effects of low in cardiac surgery. However, if living tissue is
temperatures and the changing of temperatures in continuously subjected to low, but nonfreezing
living tissues. The state or phase (vapor, liquid, or temperatures, cell death will occur.
solid) of water depends on temperature, pressure, The freezing of tissue is more complicated
and volume. The liquid and solid phase of pure since its solvent (water) is divided by cell mem-
water are in equilibrium at atmospheric pressure branes into extracellular and intracellular com-
and 0  C. By increasing the pressure, this temper- partments. Cell membranes in general easily
ature (0  C) or freezing point can be lowered. This allow the passage of water, but far less readily
phenomenon is known as supercooling. allow passage of other solutes. When tissue is
When its temperature is lowered, water will subjected to a constant slow lowering of temper-
show vitrification or crystallization. Very rapid ature, it first enters a supercooled phase. Temper-
cooling of pure water will induce vitrification atures of 10–15  C below zero will initiate ice
1236 Cryosurgery

formation in the extracellular compartment. The blood vessels is particularly sensitive to freeze-
intracellular compartment remains unfrozen thawing, leading to increased permeability of vas-
because it contains substances with high and low cular walls, interstitial edema, slowing of circula-
molecular weight, which lower freezing tempera- tion, and platelet aggregation. Capillary
tures. Due to the freezing of water in the extracel- obstruction and vascular stasis ensue resulting in
lular compartment, concentration of solutes will tissue ischemia and cell death.
rise, creating an osmotic pressure-induced trans-
port of water from the intra- to the extracellular Tumors Suitable for Cryosurgical Treatment
compartment. This loss of water will lead to A number of benign and malignant ▶ bone
shrinkage of the cell, accompanied by higher con- tumors can be treated by cryosurgery. These
centrations of the solutes, which further prevent include aneurysmal bone cyst, symptomatic
the formation of ice in the intracellular enchondroma, borderline chondrosarcoma, low-
compartment. grade chondrosarcoma, chondroblastoma, chordoma,
The shrinkage and high concentration of sol- and giant cell tumor of bone. In addition radio-
utes, especially of salts, may be responsible for and chemotherapy-resistant bone metastases may
cell injury. This phenomenon seems especially of also be effectively treated. The same goes for
importance during slow freezing rates. Very rapid benign aggressive soft tissue tumors.
cooling induces intracellular ice formation,
because there is insufficient time for water leaving Indications for Cryosurgery
the cell to maintain osmotic equilibrium across the Active or aggressive benign and low-grade malig-
cell membrane. Intracellular ice formation is nant bone tumors are ideally treated by
believed to be lethal to the cell. Based on histolog- extralesional excision (marginal excision or wide
ical investigations, it has been shown that intracel- excision). For tumors located in expendable
lular ice causes mechanical damage to the bones, like ribs, this is the treatment of choice.
membrane and disturbs the function of mitochon- However, since most benign and low-grade
dria and other cell organelles and membranes. malignant bone tumors tend to occur in the
Furthermore, masses of frozen cells, closely metaphysis and/or epiphysis (the end of a bone
packed, will be subjected to shearing forces of that lies between the joint surface on one side and
ice formation that will injure the tissue structure. the epiphyseal plate (growth plate) on the other
Propagating ice will induce cell damage, regard- side) of long bones, marginal or wide excision
less of the fact that ice is intra- or extracellular. would imply segmental loss of bone, compromis-
Intracellular ice has to been shown to propagate ing normal growth in children and loss of articular
from one cell to another via intercellular channels. surface. Therefore, intralesional excision
During thawing the “behavior” of the ice crys- (curettage), combined with a powerful local
tals is dependent on the rate of thawing. In con- adjuvant, is advocated in tumors in which this
trast to rapid thawing, slow thawing is combination is equivalent to at least a marginal
accompanied by recrystallization and the crystals excision.
can grow to damaging sizes. The damaging effect Cryosurgery is a powerful adjuvant therapy,
of these intracellular ice crystals, only formed and the main advantage is that the surgeon is in
during rapid freezing can therefore be exploited charge of the local extent beyond the surgical
a second time, if slow thawing is allowed, thereby margin (7–12 mm) and is able to customize the
enhancing recrystallization. On the other hand, if treatment for a specific benign or low-grade
tissues have been cooled slowly, causing shrink- malignant bone tumor.
age and intracellular dehydration, rapid thawing
may be damaging because the cells are exposed to Cryosurgical Technique
high electrolyte concentrations. After sufficient exposure of the tumor, thorough
After thawing there is typically a brief period curettage of the tumor is performed. To monitor
of vasodilation. Additionally the endothelium of the intralesional temperature and the local extent
Cryosurgery 1237

Fig. 1 Drawing of
cryosurgical technique for
bone tumors


Surgical margin

Cryosurgical margin

Bone graft

of the freeze, thermocouples are positioned in and Figure 1 shows this type of cryosurgical ther-
around the lesion. Liquid nitrogen is sprayed in apy for bone tumors.
the cavity in every direction, until the whole cav-
ity is wetted and becomes frosted. The duration of Results of Treatment
the freeze is based on the temperature readings All results will be presented according to the func-
and visual observation. Intralesional temperatures tional evaluation system of the Musculoskeletal
of at least minus 50  C are pursued. After sponta- Tumor Society. Veth et al. reported on 302 patients
neous thawing, two more cycles of freezing and who had been treated by cryosurgery for a variety
thawing are done, to destroy tumor cells, which of bone and soft tissue tumors. At follow-up, 298 of
may have survived the previous cycle. Finally, these patients showed NED (no evidence of dis-
the cavity is filled with allograft bone chips, and ease) or CDF (continuously free of disease),
when feasible, the defect is reinforced with whereas 5 were AWD (alive with disease) and
osteosynthesis to prevent pathological fracture of 2 DOD (dead of disease). The minimal follow-up
the bone. period for this review was 2 years.
1238 Cryosurgery

Of these cryosurgically treated patients, 43 had general, whenever a gas is introduced into a
been diagnosed with giant cell tumor of bone, body cavity, there is the hazard of intravascular
15 with chondroblastoma, 73 with borderline introduction of gas bubbles especially when pres-
chondrosarcoma, and 44 with chondrosarcoma sure is allowed to develop. Gas emboli in the
grade 1. Chordoma was diagnosed in seven cases. vascular circulation can cause serious hemody-
Most studies on giant cell tumor report on a namic complications.
rate of local recurrences varying from 0% to 47%. The risk is increased when the site of the tumor
The risk for local recurrence for this tumor is is located in a richly vascularized area such as the
greatly influenced by the method of first surgery. metaphysis of the long bones. Unfortunately, this
Primary surgery of a giant cell tumor in a is the location of preference for many bony tumors
non-bone tumor hospital is most likely to induce suitable for cryosurgical treatment.
several local recurrences. The local recurrence
rates in chondroblastoma and low-grade Fracture
chondrosarcoma are, respectively, 7% and 3%. The tumor itself and the surgical exposure and
Figures for chordoma are small and rates of local resection jeopardize the structural integrity of the
recurrence vary to a great deal with the extent of bone. Cryosurgery is said to further diminish bone
the tumor. The functional results according to the strength by inducing necrosis of the local bone
MSTS system (MSTS functional evaluation sys- stock often leading to postoperative fractures.
tem) for the first three tumors are good to excellent In the late 1960s, the pioneers, who used cryo-
in 80% of cases. surgery for bone tumors, reported rather high
Comparing the results, it appears that the risk fracture rates (up to 10%).
for local recurrence is small after cryosurgery, Fractures are most likely to occur 4–8 weeks
compared to different types of treatment, and the after the cryosurgical treatment, but they can
functional results are at least similar. However, an occur even after 8 months. Diaphyseal lesions
import feature of cryosurgery is that tumor exci- are most prone for fracture. Therefore, prophylac-
sion is never followed by prosthetic implants; tic internal fixation is advised. Plate and screws
thus, the patient keeps a biological reconstruction. are often used, which protects the bone especially
from rotating forces. Intramedullary instrumenta-
Complications tion is ill advised, because it has the risk of con-
Possible complications of cryosurgery are: taminating the entire intramedullary compartment
with tumor cells. Titanium alloys are preferred
Wound Infection because these implants induce little interference
Cryosurgery appears to be accompanied by a deep on MRI making tumor follow-up less difficult.
infection rate of about 4%, but this differs between Partial weight bearing is usually necessary until
institutions. Sacral lesions are prone for develop- 3 months after the operation.
ing an infection. Experience and improvements in technique
The following items are of importance in order have reduced the fracture rate to an acceptable
to avoid infection: intraoperative broad-spectrum level of 1–2%.
antibiotics, adequate drainage of wound fluids,
avoidance of accidental freezing of the skin, and Epiphyseal Damage
wound closure with sufficient soft tissue Benign bone tumors, especially simple- and aneu-
coverage. rysmal bone cysts, tend to occur in patients of
immature skeletal age. Furthermore, these tumors
Venous Gas Embolism are commonly observed in the metaphysis, often
During cryosurgery liquid nitrogen is either adjacent or very close to the epiphysis. Damage of
sprayed or poured into the bony cavity, and since the epiphysis either by the tumor itself or the use
its boiling point is 195  C nitrogen, gas bubbles of cryosurgery occurs and may result in arrest or
are rapidly produced at room temperature. In disturbance of normal growth.
Cryosurgery 1239

Whether an epiphysis is damaged by the bone other sacral tumors as well as its use in bone tumor
tumor or by the treatment will not always become areas where a peripheral nerve is often involved
clear and in many cases may be the result of both. (proximal fibula) has shown that these nerves may
dysfunction after cryosurgery for a period up to
Degenerative Osteoarthritis 6 months but in the end mostly recover
Some bone tumors like giant cell tumor and completely. Additional study on the behavior of
chondroblastoma occur almost always extremely nerve tissue during cryosurgery is warranted in C
close to major joints. Damage of the articular order to optimize the temperature for tumor cell
surface either by the tumor itself (intra-articular kill and reduce the period of nerve dysfunction.
fracture) or treatment (cryosurgery) may be the
result, thus resulting in osteoarthritis.
Damage to Nerves
Nerve palsy is a complication of cryosurgery, ▶ Bone Tumors
which was recognized at the very early beginning
of the introduction of cryosurgery for bone References
If nerves are frozen, their function is only tem- Enneking WF, Dunham W, Gebhart MC (1993) A system
porarily impaired. Most neuropraxias resulting for the functional evaluation of reconstructive proce-
dures after surgical treatment of tumours of the muscu-
from freezing will resolve in 6 weeks to 6 months.
loskeletal system. Clin Orthop Relat Res 286:241–246
Very likely regenerating nerve fibers can grow Gage A, Baust J (1998) Mechanisms of tissue injury in
down the nerve sheaths since they are left intact. cryosurgery. Cryobiology 37(3):171–186
Furthermore, the vital nerve cell nucleus is located Robinson D, Halperin N, Nevo Z (2001) Two freezing
cycles ensure interface sterilization by cryosurgery dur-
away in the dorsal root ganglion. Tourniquets
ing bone tumour resection. Cryobiology 43:4–10
should not be used, in order to keep nerves and Schreuder HWB (2001) Cryosurgery for bone tumors. In:
skin vascularized and thereby protect them from a Korpan NN (ed) Basics of cryosurgery. Springer, Wien,
freeze injury. Veth et al. saw in 302 cryosurgical pp 231–253
Veth R, Schreuder B, van Beem H et al (2005) Cryosurgery
procedures 10 nerve palsies; only one peroneal
in aggressive benign and low-grade malignant bone
nerve failed to regain its function, however, not tumours. Lancet Oncol 6(1):25–34
the cryosurgery but surgical traction was very
likely the cause of this persistent palsy. See Also
(2012) Epiphysis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
Prospects to the Future cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1291.
Starting in the mid-1960s, cryosurgery has
(2012) Extralesional excision. In: Schwab M (ed) Ency-
evolved from a medical tool with limited useful- clopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidel-
ness for treatment of all kind of tumors into a berg, p 1366. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2073
reliable technique, even for bone tumor patients. (2012) Intralesional excision. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclo-
pedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
A study showed that two instead of three freeze-
p 1900. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3122
thaw cycles would be sufficient for tumor control. (2012) Marginal excision. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
A study by Baust identified apoptosis as a dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
cryosurgery-related mechanism of cell death, p 2168. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3538
(2012) MSTS functional Evaluation System. In: Schwab M
additive with ice-related cell damage and (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
posttreatment coagulative necrosis. This may pro- delberg, p 2383. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3865
vide a possible route to molecular-based optimi- (2012) Osteosynthesis. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
zation of cryosurgical procedures and better cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2670.
(2012) Wide excision. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
The use of cryosurgery in multi-recurrent cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3947.
schwannoma of peripheral nerves, chordoma, or doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_6246
1240 Cryptotanshinone

Cryptotanshinone is one of the major tanshinones
Shile Huang1 and Wenxing Chen2 (including tanshinone I, tanshinone IIA,
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular dihydrotanshinone, and cryptotanshinone)
Biology and Feist-Weiller Cancer Center, derived from the traditional Chinese medicine
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (simplified Chinese, ;
Center, Shreveport, LA, USA traditional Chinese, ; pinyin, dānshēn), also
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, College of known as red sage, Chinese sage, Dan Shen,
Pharmacy, Nanjing University of Chinese Dan-Shen, or Danshen (molecular formula,
Medicine, Nanjing, China C19H20O3; molecular weight, 296.36; CAS regis-
try number, 35825-57-1). The molecular structure
of cryptotanshinone is shown in Fig. 1b.
Cryptotanshinone is an orange-brown powder.
It is not water soluble, but soluble in dimethyl
sulfoxide (DMSO) or ethanol (~10 mM). It
should be stored under dry and cool (2–8  C)
phenanthro(1,2-b)furan-10,11-dione; 1,2,6,7,8,9-
condition and protected from light.
Danshen has been used to treat a variety of
(1,2-b)furan-10,11-dione; 1,2,6,7,8,9-hexahydro-
human diseases, including coronary artery dis-
ease, hyperlipidemia, acute ischemic stroke,
Tanshinone C
chronic renal failure, chronic hepatitis, and
Alzheimer disease. Danshen can also be used for
treatment of uterine myomas and menstrual prob-
Definition lems in women. Studies have revealed that
cryptotanshinone not only has potential to prevent
Cryptotanshinone is a cell-permeable diterpene ischemia, atherosclerosis, and Alzheimer disease
quinone and natural product isolated from the but also possesses diverse actions, such as
root of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (Fig. 1a), a anti-inflammation, antidiabetes and antiobesity,
widely used herb in China for treatment of cardio- antiangiogenesis, antilymphangiogenesis, anti-
vascular and cerebrovascular diseases. bacterial, and anticancer activities.

Cryptotanshinone, b
Fig. 1 (a) Molecular
structure of
cryptotanshinone. (b)
Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge

Crypts 1241

Antiangiogenesis androgen receptor (AR) signaling by inhibition

Cryptotanshinone inhibits proliferation in bovine of lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1)-
aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) in culture. Also mediated demethylation of histone H3 lysine
cryptotanshinone inhibits basic fibroblast growth 9 (H3K9) and suppresses the transcriptional activ-
factor (bFGF)-stimulated invasion and tube for- ity of AR in AR-positive prostate cancer cells.
mation in BAECs. These data suggest that Cryptotanshinone also enhances the anticancer
cryptotanshinone has antiangiogenic activity. effects of TNF-a, Fas, cisplatin, etoposide, or C
5-fluorouracil through inducing ER stress.
Cryptotanshinone inhibits tube formation in
murine lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC), References
suggesting an antilymphangiogenic effect. This
is partly attributed to downregulating protein Chen W, Luo Y, Liu L et al (2010) Cryptotanshinone
inhibits cancer cell proliferation by suppressing mam-
expression of vascular endothelial growth factor
malian target of rapamycin-mediated cyclin D1 expres-
(VEGF) receptor 3 (VEGFR-3), leading to sion and Rb phosphorylation. Cancer Prev Res (Phila)
decreased phosphorylation of the extracellular 3:1015–1025
signal-related kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2). Additionally, Luo Y, Chen W, Zhou H et al (2011) Cryptotanshinone
inhibits lymphatic endothelial cell tube formation by
cryptotanshinone also inhibits protein expression
suppressing VEGFR-3/ERK and small GTPase path-
and activities of the small GTPases, such as Rac1 ways. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 4:2083–2091
and Cdc42. Park IJ, Kim MJ, Park OJ et al (2010) Cryptotanshinone
sensitizes DU145 prostate cancer cells to Fas (APO1/
CD95)-mediated apoptosis through Bcl-2 and MAPK
Anticancer Activities regulation. Cancer Lett 298:88–98
Cryptotanshinone is also a potential anticancer Shin DS, Kim HN, Shin KD et al (2009) Cryptotanshinone
agent. Cryptotanshinone inhibits cell proliferation inhibits constitutive signal transducer and activator of
and induces cell death in cancer cells. transcription 3 function through blocking the dimeriza-
tion in DU145 prostate cancer cells. Cancer Res
Cryptotanshinone inhibits cell proliferation by
arresting cell cycle in G1 or G2/M phase
depending on cell lines. It has been described
that cryptotanshinone inhibits protein expression
of cyclin D1 and phosphorylation of retinoblas-
toma protein (Rb), resulting in G1 cell-cycle Crypts
arrest, which is attributed to inhibition of the
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Also, Isabelle Gross
cryptotanshinone inhibits DU145 prostate cancer INSERM U1113, Université de Strasbourg,
cell proliferation through inhibiting phosphoryla- Strasbourg, France
tion of the signal transducer and activator of tran-
scription 3 (STAT3) (Tyr705). Cryptotanshinone
inhibition of STAT3 is through the Janus- Definition
activated kinase 2 (JAK2)-independent mecha-
nism, but by blocking the dimerization, nuclear Anatomically, crypts are narrow and deep invag-
translocation, and transcription activity of STAT3. inations into a larger structure. The small intestine
In addition, cryptotanshinone induces reactive and the colon are typically formed by glandular
oxygen species (ROS), which activates c-jun crypts that invaginate deep in the submucosa. In
N-terminal kinase (JNK)/p38 mitogen-activated the small intestine, crypts are called crypts of
protein kinase (MAPK) and inhibits extracellular Lieberkühn and are organized around fingerlike
signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (Erk1/2), leading to protrusions (villi). Stem cells are located at the
caspase-independent cell death in cancer cells. bottom of each crypt and generate actively divid-
Moreover, cryptotanshinone downregulates ing progenitors (the transit-amplifying cells) that
Chromophore-Assisted Laser Inactivation 1043

Chromophore-Assisted Laser Inactivation, oxidative damage are mapped by high resolution mass
Fig. 3 Principle of Xplore. Xplore uses CALI and high spectroscopy, providing a correlation of a protein function
resolution mass spectroscopy to map regions of functional with specific domains of the targeted protein
importance on proteins. After CALI inactivation, sites of

(from flat to rounded) and motility (from validation. As CALI lends itself well to combinato-
lamellipodial to pseudopodial). CALI of ezrin in rial approaches and high throughput methods, it
transformed fibroblasts causes a decrease in mem- may be a powerful tool in addressing function in a
brane ruffling and pseudopodial retraction. CALI proteome wide manner. A new use for CALI is in
of ezrin in normal fibroblasts causes a marked refining drug discovery screens to direct them
collapse of the leading edge lamellipodia against binders of a single domain on the target
(Fig. 2). These studies implicate ezrin in cell protein. CALI causes localized oxidative damage
shape and motility and suggest that ezrin has a to modify residues of the protein near the antibody-
critical role in the shape and motility changes binding site. By combining CALI with high resolu-
associated with oncogenic transformation. tion mass spectrometry to map those sites of dam-
A second protein of interest is the tumor supressor age, it may be possible to correlate loss of function
▶ hamartin. Hamartin binds to ERM proteins and with particular domains on a protein (Fig. 3).
its function is regulated by the small GTPase, A major development for CALI has been the
Rho. CALI was used to show a role for hamartin application of endogenously encoded photosensi-
in cell adhesion and suggests it might be involved tizers for the acute inactivation of fusion proteins,
in a rate-limiting step in tumor formation. thus combining light induced loss of function with
CALI is currently being combined with molecular genetics. While work in the 2000s
advances in dynamic imaging to visualize subcellu- established this using Green Fluorescent Protein,
lar changes in response to the loss of function of more efficient generators of oxygen radicals such
specific proteins. We view that a major application as KillerRed, SuperNova and miniSOG expand
of CALI for cancer research will be in target CALI’s potential and ease of use.
1044 Chromosomal Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization

Developments Lin JY, Sann SB, Zhou K, Nabavi S, Proulx CD, Malinow R,
A major development for CALI has been the Jin Y, Tsien RY (2013) Optogenetic inhibition of synap-
tic release with chromophore-assisted light inactivation
application of endogenously encoded photosensi- (CALI). Neuron 79(2):241–53. doi: 10.1016/j.
tizers for the acute inactivation of fusion proteins, neuron.2013.05.022
thus combining light induced loss of function with Takemoto K, Matsuda T, Sakai N, Fu D, Noda M,
molecular genetics. While work in the 2000s Uchiyama S, Kotera I, Arai Y, Horiuchi M, Fukui K,
Ayabe T, Inagaki F, Suzuki H, Nagai T (2013) Super-
established this using Green Fluorescent Protein, Nova, a monomeric photosensitizing fluorescent pro-
more efficient generators of oxygen radicals such tein for chromophore-assisted light inactivation. Sci
as KillerRed, SuperNova and miniSOG expand Rep 3:2629. doi:10.1038/srep02629
CALI’s potential and ease of use. Wang FS, Jay DG (1996) Chromophore-assisted laser inac-
tivation (CALC): probing protein function in situ with a
high degree of spatial and temporal resolution. Trends
Conclusions Cell Biol 6:444–447
CALI is a means for the inactivation of specific
proteins in situ with a high degree of spatial and See Also
temporal resolution. CALI converts a binding (2012) High Throughput Screens. In: Schwab M (ed)
reagent (such as an antibody) into an functional Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Hei-
delberg, p 1695. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
inhibitor. A large number of studies have demon- 5_2732
strated the potential of CALI in addressing cellu- (2012) Laser. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
lar processes. It has been employed to address 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 1984.
cellular mechanisms of cancer, and we believe doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_3284
(2012) Proteome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
that this technology is poised to contribute signif- Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3100.
icantly to target validation and drug discovery for doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4819
cancer-relevant processes.

Cross-References Chromosomal Fluorescence In Situ

▶ ERM Proteins
▶ Hamartin Synonyms


Beermann AE, Jay DG (1994) Chromophore-assisted laser

inactivation of cellular proteins. Methods Cell Biol Definition
Bulina ME, Lukyanov KA, Britanova OV, Onichtchouk D, Detection of specific chromosome structures by
Lukyanov S, Chudakov DM (2006) Chromophore-
assisted light inactivation (CALI) using the phototoxic
hybridization of fluorescence dye-conjugated
fluorescent protein KillerRed. Nat Protoc 1:947–953 probes to DNA. The FISH technique relies on
Ilag LL, Ng JH, Jay DG (2000) Chromophore-assisted the hybridization of DNA probes which identify
laser inactivation (CALI) to validate drug targets and specific chromosomal structures. Probes can be
pharmacogenomic markers. Drug Dev Res 49:65–73
Lamb RF, Ozanne BW, Roy C et al (1997) Essential func-
used which are specific for the centromere region
tions of ezrin in maintenance of cell shape and of particular chromosomes, for genes, or for com-
lamellipodial extension in normal and transformed plete chromosomes. The DNA of both the applied
fibroblasts. Curr Biol 7:682–688 probe and of the patient sample are denaturated,
Lamb RF, Roy C, Diefenbach TJ et al (2000) The TSC1
tumor suppressor hamartin regulates cell adhesion
i.e., both DNA strands of the double helix are
through ERM proteins and the GTPase Rho. Nat Cell separated. During the following renaturation, the
Biol 2:281–287 DNA probes attach to the complementary section
Chromosomal Instability 1045

of the patient’s DNA (hybridization). The DNA Cross-References

probes are either directly conjugated to a fluores-
cent dye or are analyzed using fluorescence con- ▶ Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
jugated antibodies. The respective chromosome ▶ Chromosomal Translocations
structures therefore are assessable as fluorescence ▶ Interphase Cytogenetics
signals. ▶ Minimal Residual Disease
A significant advantage of the method lies in its C
applicability not only to metaphases but also to
See Also
interphase nuclei. A disadvantage is that informa-
tion is obtained only on chromosomes and genes (2012) Centromere. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
for which probes are used. cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 744.
Interphase FISH (2012) Chromosome. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/ Heidelberg, p 848.
▶ Interphase Cytogenetics; Due to the multitude doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1145
of different chromosome aberrations, which are (2012) FISH. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
observed particularly in acute leukemias, a 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp 1415–1416.
screening based on FISH on interphase nuclei doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2197
(2012) Fluorescence in situ hybridisation. In: Schwab M -
covers only a fraction of potentially present aber- (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/
rations and therefore cannot substitute the classic Heidelberg, p 1436. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-
chromosome analysis. However, if a specific 5_6740
question should be answered, e.g., the (2012) PCR. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 2803.
detection of the ▶ chromosomal translocation doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4417
t(15;17)(q22;q12) when ▶ acute promyelocytic
leukemia is suspected, the FISH technique repre-
sents a fast and reliable method, providing a result
within 4 h.
In follow-up assessments during therapy, the Chromosomal Instability
FISH technique can be used for the detection of
residual disease if at diagnosis aberrations have Susanne M. Gollin
been found by chromosome analysis for which Department of Human Genetics, University of
FISH probes are available. The sensitivity for Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health and
this method is higher than for the chromosome the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute,
analysis; however, it is lower than for PCR. Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Metaphase FISH
In addition to the probes applicable to interphase Synonyms
nuclei, so-called chromosome painting probes can
be applied to metaphases which specifically bind CIN
to the complete DNA of a chromosome. This
technique is used mainly for the confirmation of
the conventional chromosome analysis in difficult Definition
The 24-color-FISH method allows the display Chromosomal instability is the gain and/or loss of
of all 22 different pairs of chromosomes as well as whole chromosomes or chromosomal segments at
of the sex chromosomes in one single hybridiza- a higher rate in a population of cells, such as
tion. It is applicable to metaphase chromosomes cancer cells, compared to their normal counter-
only and helps in identifying complex structural parts (normal cells). In some cancers, each cell
aberrations. within the tumor has a different chromosomal
1046 Chromosomal Instability

constitution (karyotype) due to chromosomal from numerical chromosomal alterations. Cancers

instability, which may be defined in practical with chromosomal instability are characterized by
terms as numerical and/or structural chromosomal aneusomy, a condition in which a population of
alterations that vary from cell to cell. Although the cells contain different numbers of chromosomes.
terms chromosomal instability and genomic insta- In tumor cells, gains and losses of chromosomal
bility have been used interchangeably, this is tech- segments arise as a result of structural chromo-
nically incorrect, as they refer to different forms of somal alterations, including reciprocal and
genetic instability. nonreciprocal chromosomal translocations,
homogeneously staining regions (in which a cas-
sette of contiguous genes, including at least one
Characteristics oncogene or growth-related gene, is tandemly
repeated (amplified) at least five times on a diploid
Chromosomal instability is a characteristic of can- background), other forms of gene amplification
cer cells, especially solid tumors (rather than most (e.g., double minute chromosomes), insertions,
hematologic (blood cell) malignancies). Several and deletions. Structural alterations may result in
cellular mechanisms lead to numerical and struc- a further imbalance in gene expression, resulting
tural chromosomal instability in cancer cells, in chromosomal instability. In some tumors, each
including defects in (i) chromosomal distribution cell within the tumor has a different karyotype due
to the daughter cells (chromosome segregation), to chromosomal instability.
(ii) cell cycle checkpoints that protect against
proliferation of abnormal cells, (iii) telomere Historical Background
(specialized structures that cap the ends of chro- Chromosomal instability is thought to be the
mosomes) stability, and (iv) the DNA damage means by which cells develop the features that
response. Although in the past, these mechanisms enable them to become cancer cells. In spite of
were thought to be unrelated, it has become clear the presence of cell-to-cell chromosomal instabil-
that they are intimately intertwined, connecting ity, the tumor karyotype is thought to be quite
the complex network of cellular pathways. stable over time, probably because advanced
Human papillomavirus and other oncogenic tumors have evolved a genetic makeup
viruses interfere with these processes, causing (genotype) optimized for growth, making it less
chromosomal instability and tumor formation in likely that additional genetic alterations will con-
the cells that they infect. Chromosomal instability fer an additional growth advantage. Chromosomal
plays an important role in cancer by creating alterations and karyotypic instability in human
large-scale genetic changes in as little as one cell tumor cells have been investigated for nearly a
generation, leading to rapid cancer cell evolution. century. David von Hansemann first identified
The rate of discoveries about the mechanisms abnormal dividing cells in tissue sections of
leading to chromosomal instability in cancer tumors, including cell divisions that appeared to
cells is accelerating, improving our understanding have asymmetric spindles or multiple spindle
of how cells become cancer cells and how cancer poles (multipolar spindles) that would lead to
cells become more dangerous to the patient by unequal distribution of the chromosomes to the
progressing and/or metastasizing. daughter cells, and chromosomes stretched
Both clonal numerical and structural chromo- between the two spindle poles late in cell division
somal alterations and chromosomal instability are (anaphase bridges). Theodor Boveri (Hanahan
common features of human cancers. Aneuploidy and Weinberg 2011), while studying chromo-
is the condition in which the chromosome number somal segregation in Ascaris worms and
in a cell, population of cells, or person is not an Paracentrotus sea urchins in the early 1900s
exact multiple of the usual haploid chromosome suggested that malignant tumors arise from a sin-
number (N = 23 for humans). Aneuploidy results gle cell with an abnormal genetic constitution
Chromosomal Instability 1047

acquired as a result of defects in the mitotic spin- we know it. Abnormal chromosome segregation
dle apparatus. Today we know that numerical results in aneuploidy, abnormal numbers of chro-
chromosomal instability arises as a result of chro- mosomes being distributed to daughter cells, such
mosome segregational defects, most frequently that the daughter cells don’t match each other or
resulting from multipolar spindles. Structural their mother cell. This is the essence of chromo-
chromosomal instability results from chromo- somal instability. Studies have shown that several
some breakage and rearrangement due to defects factors can result in segregation defects, including C
in cell cycle checkpoints, the DNA damage abnormal chromosome-spindle interactions, pre-
response, and/or loss of telomere integrity. Struc- mature chromatid separation, centrosome ampli-
tural chromosomal instability frequently results fication, multipolar spindles, and abnormal
from breakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) cycles, first cytokinesis (cell division). Chromosomal
described in maize by geneticist Barbara McClin- segregational defects (multipolar spindles, lag-
tock in 1938. In this process, a chromatid break ging chromosomes at metaphase and anaphase,
occurs, exposing an unprotected chromosomal and anaphase bridges) in cancer cell lines are an
end which, after replication, is thought to fuse intrinsic, heritable trait in the general tumor cell
with either another broken chromatid or its sister population. Tumor cells expressing chromosomal
chromatid to produce a dicentric chromosome. instability cannot be “cloned,” as they continue to
During the anaphase stage of mitosis, the two express numerical and structural chromosomal
centromeres are pulled to opposite poles, forming instability generation after generation. In some
a bridge which breaks, resulting in more unpro- cancers, ongoing chromosomal instability is a
tected chromosomal ends, and thus the cycle con- feature of both primary tumors in the patient and
tinues. Our studies of cancer cells suggest that cell lines cultured in the laboratory from biopsies
structural chromosomal instability, including removed from those tumors. Many studies of pro-
gene amplification, can occur by BFB cycles. teins involved in the process of chromosome seg-
The basis for these BFB cycles is not entirely regation, spindle function, and cytokinesis are in
clear, although studies of chromosomal fragile progress in numerous laboratories. The role of
site breakage, some of which occurs as a result these proteins in chromosomal instability and
of cigarette smoking and leads to induction of implications in the diagnosis, prognosis, and ther-
BFB cycles, telomere dynamics, and the DNA apy of human tumors will be revealed in the next
damage response, suggest that these critical cellu- few years.
lar processes play major roles in the development
of structural chromosomal instability. In this con- A Defective Response to DNA Damage Leads
tribution, defects in chromosomal segregation, to Chromosomal Instability
cell cycle checkpoints, telomere function, and For many years, cytogeneticists (scientists who
the DNA damage response and their role in mech- examine chromosomes) have known that patients
anisms leading to chromosomal instability are with “chromosome breakage” syndromes express
introduced and literature citations (References) chromosomal instability. Yet, until recently, fea-
are provided for the interested reader. tures of these syndromes have not been utilized to
define defects in the DNA damage response in
Chromosome Segregational Defects Lead to cancer cells. Causes of DNA damage include
Chromosomal Instability attack by ultraviolet light, ionizing radiation
One of the fundamental processes required in the (X-rays), or environmental chemicals, and cellu-
life of a cell, whether from a unicellular or lar errors, such as “spelling errors” (base pair
multicellular organism, is chromosome segrega- mismatch) during DNA replication, replication
tion. Fidelity of chromosome segregation, fork collapse, or defects caused by naturally
whether in meiosis or mitosis, is necessary for occurring reactive oxygen species. One type of
genomic stability and the continuation of life as DNA damage is the double strand break, which
1048 Chromosomal Instability

leads to a cascade of cellular events (the DNA If the sensor protein spots a double strand break or
damage response) that usually results in repair of another defect that might derail the train or cause a
the damage or cell death. Failure in the DNA defect in the cellular instructions (mutation), she
damage response and double strand break repair then tells the communications officer (signal
can lead to genetic alteration or chromosomal transducer) to call headquarters which in turn
instability, which can result in transformation calls the repair team. This happens in our cells,
from a normal cell to a cancer cell. in which case the repair team is a series of proteins
The DNA damage response involves the sens- that carry out sequential multistep assessment and
ing of DNA damage followed by transduction of repair of the damage (the DNA damage response).
the damage signal to a network of cellular path- If they find that a cargo train has already been
ways, from those involved in the cellular survival instructed by the defect to race out of control,
response, including cell cycle checkpoints, DNA analogous to a cell proliferating in an uncontrolled
repair, and stress responses to telomere mainte- fashion, making more and more copies of itself,
nance, and the apoptotic pathway. To make a on the way to making a cancer, they kill that cell.
simple analogy in an effort to describe the com- But, what if the protein that has the job of pushing
plex DNA damage response to double strand the kill switch is sick that day, the cell cannot be
breaks, we can say that our cellular instruction killed and a cancer ensues. In our cells, this DNA
book for all of the activities that go on in our damage response pathway is carried out by about
cells and in our bodies is made up of 23 chapters, 50 proteins in a carefully choreographed process.
the chromosomes, and for safety’s sake, we have With the advances in the human genome project,
two copies of the book, one from our mother and we are learning more about the proteins in this
one from our father, although they aren’t exact pathway and how defects (mutations) in them can
copies (e.g., the set of eye color genes from your cause predisposition to cancer.
mother may code for blue eyes and the one from Loss, mutation, or altered function of the genes
your father, brown). The genes are like sentences that code for some of the DNA damage response
in a chapter, made up of three letter words com- proteins cause familial cancer syndromes and in
posed of the four letters of DNA, A, T, C, and some cases, chromosomal breakage syndromes,
G. The 23 different chromosomes in the cells, which may affect heterozygous gene carriers or
composed of many genes, are equivalent to the affected (homozygous) individuals. Although not
23 chapters in the book, made up of many clear at this time, the role of these critical DNA
sentences. The total genome is equivalent to the damage response genes in chromosomal instabil-
whole instruction book for the cells, and the ity merits further investigation. The DNA damage
instructions code for proteins, the molecules that response genes involved in known familial cancer
do the work in our bodies. So in total, we have syndromes include ATM, TP53, BRCA1, BRCA2,
46 chromosomes, two copies of each one. Some- FANC, CHEK2, BLM, and MRE11A. The involve-
times, this very long set of DNA instructions ment of the DNA damage response genes, BRCA1
becomes damaged (like the pages in the book and BRCA2, in familial breast and ovarian cancer
can become torn or fall out) from smoking, is well known. Both genes also appear to be asso-
chemicals, X-rays, oxidants that occur naturally ciated with an increased risk of prostate cancer,
in our bodies (why some of us take “antioxidant” and BRCA2 is involved in familial pancreatic can-
vitamins), or other insults. Although our DNA is a cer. Germline TP53 mutation carriers have
code of letters like words in a book, it really looks Li-Fraumeni syndrome which is associated with
like a ladder or even like railroad tracks. To more a high risk of breast and brain tumors, sarcomas
easily think about DNA repair, we need to visual- (muscle tumors), leukemia (blood cell tumors),
ize it as railroad tracks. Like the railroad company, laryngeal (voice box) and lung cancer, and other
which has special vehicles that check the integrity tumors. Germline CHEK2 mutation carriers may
of the tracks, we have proteins that check our present with a Li-Fraumeni-like syndrome and
DNA (sensor proteins and checkpoint proteins). may have an increased risk for a wide range of
Chromosomal Instability 1049

tumors including breast, prostate, and colorectal drive chromosomal instability in cancer cells and
(intestinal) cancer. Patients with ataxia telangiec- age-related epithelial carcinogenesis. Thus, in
tasia, the autosomal recessive genetic disorder mouse and man, telomere dysfunction leads to
characterized by a defective ATM gene, manifest chromosomal instability, as shown by studies of
progressive cerebellar ataxia (staggering gait), tel- telomere dysfunction in the mouse, chromosomal
angiectases (“blood shot” eyes and skin), immune breakage patterns in human tumors, and the obser-
dysfunction, chromosomal instability, increased vation that cancer predisposition syndromes can C
sensitivity to ionizing radiation (X-rays), and pre- lead to both telomere dysfunction and chromo-
disposition to cancer, especially leukemia. Het- somal instability. Consistent with this hypothesis,
erozygous ATM carriers (both human and both telomere shortening and cancer incidence
mouse) of dominant-negative (interfering) mis- increase with age. Telomeres play an important
sense mutations are at increased risk for solid role in chromosomal instability, but the exact
tumors, including breast cancer. Fanconi anemia details remain under active investigation.
(FA) is a rare genetic cancer susceptibility syn-
drome characterized by skeletal abnormalities, Cell Cycle Disturbances Result in
skin pigmentation abnormalities, bone marrow Chromosomal Instability
failure, chromosomal instability in the form of Oncogenic (cancer causing) viruses, such as
rearrangements between nonhomologous chro- human papillomavirus (a sexually transmitted dis-
mosomes, and sensitivity to DNA crosslinking ease which causes cervical cancer in women,
agents. FA patients are predisposed to developing penile cancer in men, and oral and anal cancer in
cancer, primarily leukemia and epithelial tumors, both men and women), recapitulate the abnormal-
especially squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth ities, including defects in chromosome segrega-
and throat (called head and neck cancer) or cervi- tion, centrosome dynamics, telomere mechanics,
cal cancer. The risk of solid tumors in FA patients the DNA damage response, cell cycle regulation,
is ~50-fold higher for all solid tumors compared to and cell cycle checkpoints, that appear to play
the general population, but about 700-fold higher important roles in the development and mainte-
for head and neck cancers. Bloom syndrome is an nance of chromosomal instability. The primary
autosomal recessive disorder characterized by impact of chromosomal instability is cancer. In
growth deficiency, sun-sensitive facial redness, addition, chromosomal instability is a major
hypo- and hyper-pigmented skin, sterility in cause of tumor evasion of or resistance to therapy.
males, reduced fertility in females, predisposition Therefore, a complete understanding of the bio-
to a variety of malignancies, and chromosomal logical basis of chromosomal instability is essen-
instability. Thus, patients with cancer predisposi- tial for developing therapies targeted against the
tion and “chromosomal breakage” syndromes will defects in cancer cells.
continue to educate us about the cellular processes
that lead to chromosomal instability and cancer.

Telomere Dysfunction May Lead to Cross-References

Chromosomal Instability
Telomere loss or dysfunction is a cause of chro- ▶ ATM Protein
mosomal instability in the laboratory mouse. ▶ BRCA1/BRCA2 Germline Mutations and
Telomere loss can result from DNA damage or Breast Cancer Risk
occur spontaneously in cancer cells which often ▶ Cell Cycle Checkpoint
have a high rate of telomere loss due to telomere ▶ DNA Damage Response
shortening with each cell division. Telomere alter- ▶ DNA Damage Response Genes
ations in certain genetically engineered mice mir- ▶ P53 Family
ror those in human epithelial tumors, lending ▶ Repair of DNA
support to the hypothesis that telomere defects ▶ TP53
1050 Chromosomal Translocation t(8;21)

References the chromosomes 8 and 21 exchanged their long

arms (the q arms) from band 22 till the telomere.
Boveri T (1929) The origin of malignant tumors (trans: This translocation is exclusively associated with
Boveri M). The Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, p 119
acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Most commonly,
Hanahan D, Weinberg RA (2011) Hallmarks of cancer: the
next generation. Cell 144:646–674 standard cytogenetic analysis is used to detect the
Murnane JP (2010) Telomere loss as a mechanism for t(8;21). In addition, molecular techniques such as
chromosome instability in cancer cells. Cancer Res FISH (▶ fluorescence in situ hybridization) or
reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction
Thompson SL, Bakhoum SF, Compton DA (2010) Mecha-
nisms of chromosomal instability. Curr Biol 20: (RT-PCR) are increasingly used for the identifica-
R285–R295 tion of t(8;21) positive patients. Several studies
comparing the sensitivity of PCR techniques and
standard cytogenetics for the detection of t(8;21)
have found AML1/MTG8 transcripts also in
Chromosomal Translocation t(8;21) patients with no cytogenetic evidence of this aber-
ration. These findings indicate that the sensitivity
Olaf Heidenreich1 and Jürgen Krauter2 for the detection of a t(8;21) can be increased by
Northern Institute for Cancer Research, molecular screening of all AML patients.
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK The leukemic blasts of t(8;21)-positive AML
Medizinische Klinik III – Hämatologie und patients are often large and display characteristic
Onkologie, Klinikum Braunschweig, morphological features such as abundant cytoplasm,
Braunschweig, Germany numerous granules, and single needlelike Auer rods.
In most cases, the leukemic cells express the stem
cell marker antigen CD34 on their surface. In con-
Synonyms trast to most solid tumors, the amount of additional
chromosomal changes is rather limited in t(8;21)-
AML1/ETO; AML1/MTG8; RUNX1/CBFA2T1; positive leukemia. The t(8;21) is significantly asso-
RUNX1/RUNX1T1; t(8;21); t(8;21)(q22;q22) ciated with the loss of a sex chromosome. Other
additional chromosomal changes include a trisomy
of chromosome 8 and a deletion of chromosome 9q.
The ▶ chromosomal translocation t(8;21) is asso- The translocation t(8;21) affects two genes. The
ciated with ▶ acute myeloid leukemia. The resul- AML1 (▶ RUNX1) gene located on chromosome
tant fusion gene AML1/MTG8 (AML1/ETO, 21 codes for a transcription factor which is essential
RUNX1/CBFA2T1, RUNX1/RUNX1T1) is a for hematopoiesis. The MTG8 gene on chromo-
repressor of gene transcription. In this chapter, some 8 encodes a corepressor able to interact with
the fusion gene is named AML1/MTG8 and the several histone deacetylases (HDACs). Because of
corresponding fusion protein AML1/MTG8. its reciprocal nature, the translocation t(8;21) gen-
erates two fusion genes, the derivative 8, MTG8/
AML1, and the derivative 21, AML1/MTG8. How-
Characteristics ever, leukemic cells express only AML1/MTG8;
MTG8/AML1 protein has not been identified yet.
Cytogenetics and Morphology In the case of the AML1/MTG8 fusion protein, the
Almost 50% of all cases of acute leukemia are DNA-binding domain of AML1 (the runt homol-
associated with recurrent chromosomal changes ogy domain, RHD) is linked to the almost complete
such as inversions or translocations of material MTG8 (Fig. 1). As a consequence, the transcrip-
from one chromosome to the other. t(8;21)(q22; tional modulator AML1 is converted into a consti-
q22) marks a chromosomal translocation, where tutive repressor. However, since only one of the
Chromosomal Translocation t(8;21) 1051

Break/fusion CBP
site EP300





CBFβ E proteins SIN3A NCOR1

SMAD3 MTG proteins
DNA binding

Chromosomal Translocation t(8;21), Fig. 1 Primary A line marks the fusion site. RHD runt homology domain,
structure of AML1/MTG8, AML1b, and MTG8. The TAD transactivation domain, TAF TATA box binding
translocation t(8;21) fuses the N-terminal part of AML1 protein-associated factor homology domain, HHR hydro-
to the almost complete MTG8 protein. Functions and phobic heptad repeat, NHR3 nervy homology region
interacting proteins for the different domains are indicated. 3, ZnF zinc-finger region

two copies of chromosome 8 and 21 are affected by MTG8 expression has been found in blood sam-
the translocation, each t(8;21)-positive cell still ples of newborn children at a much higher inci-
contains one intact copy of these chromosomes dence than the probability to develop leukemia.
and, thus, expresses nonfused wild-type AML1 in Furthermore, some of the cured AML patients
addition to AML1/MTG8. remain positive for AML1/MTG8. Moreover,
AML1/MTG8 acts as a transcriptional repres- AML1/MTG8 supports the expansion of hemo-
sor. Via the SIN3A and NCOR1 (N-CoR) bridging poietic stem cells both in cell culture and in animal
proteins, AML1/MTG8 recruits HDACs to genes, models. In conclusion, AML1/MTG8 generates
which contain AML1-binding sites in their pro- and maintains a pool of preleukemic cells but is
moters, thus leading to the deacetylation of his- not sufficient to induce leukemia. Additional
tones and, consequently, silencing of the target genetic changes such as mutations in growth
gene (Fig. 2). Established target genes include factor receptors (e.g., c-kit) or in p53 are required
cytokine and growth factor receptors such as the for full leukemic transformation. Nevertheless,
gene for M-CSF receptor (CSF1R) or cell cycle leukemic persistence requires the continuous
control genes such as p14ARF (CDKN2A). More- expression of AML1/MTG8 as shown by RNA
over, AML1/MTG8 interferes with hemopoietic interference experiments. Notably, a C-terminally
differentiation by sequestering factors essential truncated version lacking a binding domain for
for these processes such as C/EBPa (CEBPA), NCOR-HDAC complexes has a much higher
SMADs, or vitamin D receptor (VDR). transforming capacity in a leukemia mouse
model than the full-length AML1/MTG8 protein.
AML1/MTG8 in Leukemogenesis Interestingly, similar splice variants of AML1/
The translocation t(8;21) is most likely an initiat- MTG8 have been identified in patients suffering
ing event in the development of leukemia. AML1/ of t(8;21)-positive leukemia. Because of its
1052 Chromosomal Translocation t(8;21)










Chromosomal Translocation t(8;21), Fig. 2 AML1 MTG8 results in oligomerization with other MTG proteins,
and AML1/MTG8. Dependent on cellular signaling recruitment of histone deacetylases, and, consequently, a
events, AML1 can switch from a repressive mode constitutive repression of AML1 target genes. The
(complexed with SIN3A and HDACs) to an activating DNA-binding site is indicated in bold. CBFb, core-binding
mode (complexed with the transcriptional activators CBP factor b (cofactor of AML1)
or EP300). Replacement of the transactivation domain by

essential role in maintaining leukemia, and due to of approximately 90% in patients with t(8;21).
its exclusive expression in preleukemic and leuke- Moreover, an intensive consolidation with high-
mic cells, AML1/MTG8 might provide a promising dose cytarabine or autologous stem cell transplan-
target for leukemia-specific therapeutic tation yields an overall survival of approximately
approaches. 50–70%. A low white blood cell count and high
platelets at diagnosis are favorable prognostic fac-
Clinical Relevance and Therapy tors, whereas the loss of the Y chromosome in male
The translocation t(8;21) is found in about 10% of patients has an adverse prognostic effect. In t(8;21)-
adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. positive patients in CR, minimal residual disease
Patients with t(8;21) are generally younger than can be detected by RT-PCR for AML/MTG8 fusion
60 years. Most cases of t(8;21) positive AML transcripts. As mentioned earlier, some of the
show a FAB M2 or, less often, a M1 subtype that patients remain positive for AML1/MTG8 even in
is with (M2) or with minimal (M1) signs of matu- long-term CR or after allogeneic stem cell trans-
ration. This translocation marks a subgroup of plantation most probably due to the persistence of
patients, which responds well to standard chemo- nonleukemic t(8;21)-positive multipotent progeni-
therapy and, thus, has a rather good prognosis. tors. However, it has been shown that serial quanti-
Standard induction chemotherapy consisting of fication of AML1/MTG8 transcript levels by
cytarabine (5-azacytidine) and an anthracycline quantitative RT-PCR might identify patients at
achieves a very high complete remission (CR) rate high risk for relapse.
Chromosomal Translocations 1053

Cross-References of each chromosome at a specific point called

breakpoint, followed by fusion of the fragments
▶ Acute Myeloid Leukemia generated by these breaks. A causative role has
▶ Allogeneic Cell Therapy been demonstrated for some chromosomal trans-
▶ Chromosomal Translocations locations in various cancer types.
▶ Runx1

Downing JR (1999) The AML1-ETO chimaeric transcrip- Instability of the genome, ▶ chromosomal insta-
tion factor in acute myeloid leukaemia: biology and bility in particular, is one of the hallmarks of
clinical significance. Br J Haematol 106:296–308 cancer. Therefore, chromosomal rearrangements
Hug BA, Lazar MA (2004) ETO interacting proteins. are very common in cancer cells. A frequent type
Oncogene 23:4270–4274
Peterson LF, Zhang DE (2004) The 8;21 translocation in of rearrangement is the translocation of genomic
leukemogenesis. Oncogene 23:4255–4262 fragments between different chromosomal
regions. The simplest case is a reciprocal translo-
See Also cation between two chromosomes, but transloca-
(2012) CCAAT/Enhancer-Binding Protein α. In: Schwab tions can also involve three or more
M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer chromosomes. If no genetic material is lost in
Berlin Heidelberg, pp 687–688. doi:10.1007/978-3-
642-16483-5_901 the process, translocations are said to be “bal-
(2012) FAB Classification. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope- anced.” A well-known example of a reciprocal
dia of Cancer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p chromosomal translocation in cancer is the t
1371. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2087 (9;22) implicating the ABL1 gene on chromosome
(2012) FISH. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer,
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 1415–1416. 9 and the BCR gene on chromosome 22, which is
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_2197 found in most patients with ▶ Chronic Myeloid
(2012) P53. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Cancer, Leukemia.
3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 2747. Chromosome translocations are found both in
(2012) SIN3A. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- solid tumors and in ▶ hematological malignan-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3411. cies, leukemias, and lymphomas. Solid tumors
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5309 usually display complex karyotypes with many
(2012) SMAD. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of Can- different translocations and other types of chro-
cer, 3rd edn. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p 3440.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5360 mosomal rearrangements such as deletion,
▶ amplification, or inversion. In contrast, a fre-
quent feature of most types of leukemias and
lymphomas is the presence of a single or a few
translocations, many of which are recurrent (i.e.,
Chromosomal Translocations found in different patients with the same type of
cancer, or even in different tumor types). For this
Francisco J. Novo reason, chromosomal translocations have been
Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, best characterized in hematological cancers.
University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
The mechanism underlying the presence of chro-
Definition mosomal translocations in cancer cells is the sub-
ject of active research. Various lines of evidence
A chromosomal translocation is a type of over the past years have identified several require-
rearrangement between two chromosomes ments for the generation of chromosome trans-
(usually nonhomologous) that involves breakage locations. First of all, two breaks must be created
1054 Chromosomal Translocations

in different chromosomes at the same time. Addi- This could explain the recurrence of certain chro-
tionally, the free ends must be close to each other mosomal translocations in specific cancer types.
within the cell nucleus. Finally, some DNA repair However, it is possible that many of the trans-
pathway must join the broken ends together, and locations generated in a cell never lead to the
the resulting molecule must provide some prolif- development of cancer. Chromosomal transloca-
erative advantage to the cell. tions are associated with cancer only when the
With respect to the initial step, it is now gen- resulting fusion products possess some oncogenic
erally accepted that chromosomal translocations property that favors the clonal expansion of those
are the result of DNA double-strand break, a type cells. In this regard, there are two main mecha-
of ▶ DNA damage in which both strands of the nisms by which chromosomal translocations dis-
double-helix are broken. Double-strand breaks are rupt normal cellular processes. In one type of
created throughout the genome by oxidative dam- translocations, a gene is separated from its regu-
age, radiation, replication over a single-strand latory elements (promoter, enhancers) and juxta-
break, genotoxic chemicals or physiological pro- posed to the regulatory elements of a different
cesses, such as the assembly of active immuno- gene. As a result, the pattern of expression of
globulin and T-cell receptor genes during the gene is altered and this leads to the acquisition
lymphocyte development through ▶ V(D)J of growth or survival advantage to those cells.
recombination. There are three main pathways Translocations involving immunoglobulin genes
that repair double-strand breaks in mammalian are the best example of this mechanism. For
somatic cells: instance, the t(8;14) found in Burkitt lymphoma
fuses the ▶ MYC oncogene to the regulatory ele-
• ▶ Homologous recombination repair, which ments of the gene coding for immunoglobulin
relies on the presence of an intact homologous heavy chains, resulting in deregulated and consti-
template in order to repair the DNA lesion tutive expression of MYC in lymphoid cells. In the
• Single-strand annealing, which requires some second type of translocations, the oncogenic phe-
homology at both sides of the break, usually in notype is the result of a ▶ fusion gene that is
the form of direct repeats translated into a chimeric oncoprotein. This
• Nonhomologous end-joining, which results in hybrid fusion protein brings together functional
the religation of the ends without the require- domains that were present in both original pro-
ment for a template. teins, and this results in some gain of function
which helps the cell to escape normal control
The general consensus is that, in cancer cells, mechanisms. For example, the t(15;17) found in
chromosomal translocations are the result of the patients with ▶ acute promyelocytic leukemia
repair of double-strand breaks via fuses part of the PML gene on chromosome
nonhomologous end-joining. 15 to part of retinoic acid receptor A (RARA)
Work in the field of chromosome localization gene on chromosome 17. The chimeric fusion
has shown that chromosomes occupy specific protein lacks RARA’s responsiveness to retinoic
chromosomal territories inside the cell nucleus, acid, a consequence of which is that some bone
and that a substantial amount of intermingling marrow progenitor cells cannot undergo the nor-
takes place between chromatin loops from neigh- mal process of differentiation.
boring territories. For example, loops from differ- Breakpoints are sometimes clustered in spe-
ent territories can colocalize if genes present in cific regions of the genes involved in a transloca-
those loops are transcribed at the same time and tion. Such nonrandom distribution of breakpoints
utilize the same transcription factory. Thus, two might be the result of functional selective pres-
chromatin loops (from different chromosomes) sures, so that even if double-strand breaks were
that sustain a double-strand break simultaneously generated randomly, not all the potential products
and are localized in close proximity are more would be functional: only those fusion transcripts
likely to be involved in a translocation event. that keep an intact reading frame and bring
Chronic Idiopathic Myelofibrosis 1055

together specific functional domains will confer a and to confirm (or rule out) the presence of ▶ min-
proliferative advantage and will be found in cancer imal residual disease.
cells. Alternatively, specific structural DNA ele- Finally, the identification of chromosomal trans-
ments or sequence motifs might be responsible locations has been instrumental in designing new
for the observed nonrandom distribution of trans- effective therapies against some types of cancer. The
location breakpoints in some tumor types. In this best example of this is the new generation of drugs,
regard, recent work has shown that binding of like ▶ Imatinib (STI-571) against ▶ chronic mye- C
nuclear receptors to DNA can bring specific loid leukemia and other malignancies characterized
genomic regions into close proximity within the by the presence of chromosomal translocations
cell nucleus and sensitize these regions to involving tyrosine kinase genes. The finding that
genotoxic stress. However, these two alternative these tumors are the result of deregulated tyrosine
explanations are not mutually exclusive, and it is kinase activity has led to the development of specific
likely that nonrandom clustering of translocation inhibitors and a dramatic increase in response to
breakpoints in some cancers is the result of both therapy and in survival rates in those patients.

Clinical Relevance Cross-References

The fact that some chromosomal translocations
are associated with specific malignancies is also ▶ DNA Oxidation Damage
important from the clinical point of view. ▶ Fusion Genes
A complete collection of published chromosomal
translocations and the cancer types in which they
were detected can be found in the Mitelman
Database of Chromosome Aberrations in Aplan PD (2006) Causes of oncogenic chromosomal trans-
Cancer (http://cgap.nci.nih.gov/Chromosomes/ location. Trends Genet 22:46–55
Mitelman). Lin C, Yang L, Tanasa B, Hutt K, Ju BG, Ohgi K, Zhang J,
Rose DW, Fu XD, Glass CK, Rosenfeld MG
In some cases, especially in ▶ hematological
(2009) Nuclear receptor-induced chromosomal prox-
malignancies, leukemias, and lymphomas, the imity and DNA breaks underlie specific translocations
diagnosis of the disease relies on the detection of in cancer. Cell 139:1069–1083
a particular chromosomal translocation. The lab- Meaburn KJ, Misteli T, Soutoglou E (2007) Spatial
oratory tools most frequently used in the diagnos- genome organization in the formation of chromosomal
translocations. Semin Cancer Biol 17:80–90
tic setting are conventional karyotyping van Gent DC, Hoeijmakers JH, Kanaar R (2001) Chromo-
(G-banding), fluorescence in situ hybridization somal stability and the DNA double-stranded break
(FISH), and PCR-based molecular techniques. connection. Nat Rev Genet 2:196–206
Zhang Y, Rowley JD (2006) Chromatin structural elements
Analysis of cancer patients has also shown that
and chromosomal translocations in leukemia. DNA
the clinical course of the disease sometimes Repair 5:1282–1297
depends on the presence of specific translocations.
Therefore, the detection of chromosomal translo-
cations is also important to estimate the probabil-
ity of response to therapy or the risk that the Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia
cancer will recur after treatment. For this reason,
specific translocations are part of the international ▶ Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
classification system proposed by the World
Health Organization for various types of malig-
nancies. Importantly, the detection of specific
chromosomal translocations is also used to assess Chronic Idiopathic Myelofibrosis
the efficacy of treatment, since it provides a ratio-
nal way to follow the evolution of the tumor clone ▶ Primary Myelofibrosis
1056 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia The forces that drive the relentless expansion of
the CLL clone are unknown. Models of the path-
Jesper Jurlander ogenesis of CLL have focused on the B-cell recep-
Department of Hematology, Rigshospitalet, tor. Like other mature B-cells, CLL cells express
Copenhagen, Denmark immunoglobulin in the cell membrane, structur-
ally ordered inside the B-cell receptor (BCR)
complex. The immunoglobulin molecules in the
CLL BCR complex are unique in several ways:
(i) The repertoire of Ig-genes used by CLL cells is
skewed, compared to normal B-cells. (ii) The
genes encoding the heavy-chain variable seg-
ments only show signs of somatic hypermutation
in about half of cases. (iii) The BCR complex is
Definition expressed at much lower densities, than on normal
or other malignant B-cells. (iv) The three-
CLL is a chronic form of leukemia with accumu- dimensional structure of the immunoglobulin
lation of small mature B lymphocytes that express molecules encoded by B-cells is remarkably
the surface membrane proteins CD5, CD19, stereotypic. Taken together, these observations
and CD23. suggest that the BCRs of CLL cells may be acti-
vated and transduce signals, by a limited and
restricted set of (auto)-antigens, that drive the
Characteristics expansion and survival of the CLL clone. Abnor-
mal expression of certain molecules involved in
Diagnosis signal transduction from the BCR, for example,
A diagnosis of CLL requires persistent absolute overexpression of ZAP-70 or CD38 or low
B lymphocytosis of 5  109/l or more, with a expression of p72syk, may further modify the sig-
characteristic immunophenotype and naling capacity of the BCR in CLL cells. The
cytomorphology. Usually the diagnosis can be result of this altered signaling is extended survival
made based on a blood sample. In the identical of B-CLL cells and perhaps even increased pro-
lymphoma disorder, small lymphocytic lym- liferation. Furthermore, the most common cyto-
phoma, the level of circulating tumor cells in the genetic lesion in CLL cells results in deletion of a
blood and bone marrow may be very low or segment on chromosome 13q14 encoding the two
absent. The diagnosis of SLL therefore may ▶ microRNAs miR-15 and miR-16. These miRs
require a lymph node biopsy. can target and destroy Bcl-2 mRNA transcripts,
leading to abandoned expression of Bcl-2 protein.
Epidemiology When miR-15 and miR-16 are lost, due to the
CLL is the most common leukemia in the Western 13q14 deletion, the absence of the negative regu-
world, with an incidence of approximately 5 new lation of Bcl-2 may extend the longevity of CLL
cases per 100,000 persons per year. The median cells. Given the extended life cycle of a CLL cell,
age at diagnosis is 70 years, and the incidence the risk of acquiring additional chromosomal
increases with age. CLL may be seen in younger aberrations is increased and may, for example,
adults but never in children. result in losses at 11q22 (the ATM gene) or 17p
(the p53 gene). Both of these aberrations will
Etiology further destabilize the negative regulation of
The causes of CLL are largely unknown. Unlike Bcl-2 and, furthermore, decrease the DNA dam-
other leukemias, there is no relation to exposure to age response, in particular, the ability of p53 to
chemotherapy or ionizing radiation. induce cell cycle arrest upon DNA damage. In this
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 1057

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Table 1 Risk prediction in CLL

Predictor Low-risk CLL High-risk CLL
Immunoglobulin heavy- Mutated (less than 98% Unmutated (more than 98% homology to the germ-line
chain gene mutations or homology to the germ-line sequence). VH3-21 gene, regardless of mutational
usage sequence) status
Cytogenetics by FISH Del13q14 as sole abnormality Del17p and/or Del11q22 and/or trisomy 12
Clinical stage Lymphocytosis only Bone marrow failure (nonimmune-mediated anemia/ C
ZAP-70 protein <20% positive cells by flow >20% positive cells by flow cytometry
expression cytometry
CD3 <30% positive cells by flow >30% positive cells by flow cytometry
CLLU1 mRNA expression <40-fold upregulation by >40-fold upregulation by quantitative RT-PCR
quantitative RT-PCR

way, the loss of control over apoptosis, induced by prognosis. However, the clinical staging systems
Bcl-2 overexpression, becomes linked to loss of are static and can only describe the patient status
control, the G1 restriction point of the cell cycle, at presentation. The increased usage of standard
resulting in increased proliferation and transfor- blood tests in the clinic results in identification of
mation to the truly malignant and aggressive form CLL patients at earlier stages of the disease,
of leukemia, seen in the end stages of advanced thereby eroding the informativeness of clinical
chemotherapy refractory CLL. staging systems. Today, more than 75% of
Thus, the highly variable clinical course patients are diagnosed by chance, usually because
observed for many years in CLL is reflected by of examination for a non-CLL-related condition,
an equally variable spectrum of molecular aberra- at a stage where lymphocytosis is the only mani-
tions detected in CLL cells. About half the cases festation of the disease.
of CLL have few molecular aberrations and are The identification of biological risk predictors
characterized by very slow expansion of the now allows definition of low-risk and high-risk
clone, resulting in an indolent form of leukemia cases, based on molecular features at the time of
that may not affect the mortality or morbidity of diagnosis. The major risk predictors are seen on
the patient. The other half of the patients Table 1.
show molecular features of aggressive disease Patients with no high-risk features have an
and follow a clinical course that sooner or later expected median survival of more than 15 years.
develops into aggressive, refractory, and lethal Patients with some high-risk features have an
leukemia. expected median survival around 10 years.
Patients with many high-risk features have an
Risk Prediction in CLL expected median survival of 5 years or less.
Traditionally, the estimation of prognosis in CLL
patients has relied on clinical staging systems, the Symptoms and Signs of Active CLL
two most widely used systems being those of Rai There is no chemotherapy treatment that can cure
and Binet. Both systems use practical measure- CLL at present. Non-myeloablative allogeneic
ments of tumor size and bone marrow failure for hematopoietic cell transplantation may do so, but
prognostic estimation in CLL. Patients presenting the considerable morbidity and mortality associ-
with lymphocytosis alone generally have a favor- ated with this treatment makes it an option only
able prognosis. Patients with lymphocytosis and for patients in advanced FC-refractory stages.
enlarged lymph nodes, liver, or spleen have an Therefore, the treatment strategy is to await
intermediate prognosis. Patients presenting with signs of active disease, before treatment is initi-
signs of bone failure, i.e., anemia or thrombocy- ated. The signs of active CLL were defined by the
topenia not caused by autoimmunity, have a poor NCI working group on CLL, also known as the
1058 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Cheson criteria, and updated in 2008 (Hallek patients is also the evaluation of an ultimative
criteria): risk predictor. FC nonresponders, or early
(<1 year) relapses, have a particularly unfavor-
• Progressive bone marrow failure: able clinical course, with a median overall sur-
– Development or worsening of nonimmune- vival of less than 2 years. Therefore, patients
mediated anemia younger than 70 years of age, started on treatment
– Development or worsening of nonimmune- with a ▶ fludarabine-containing regimen, should
mediated thrombocytopenia have their options for allogeneic hematopoietic
• Massive or progressive lymph node cell transplantation (allo-HCT allogeneic cell
enlargement therapy) accessed at start of the treatment, primar-
• Massive or progressive enlargement of the ily by tissue typing and identification of potential
spleen sibling allo-HCT donors. The expected median
• Progressive lymphocytosis: event-free survival is 1 year for alkylating agents,
– More than 50% increase in lymphocyte 2 years for fludarabine monotherapy, and 3 years
count in less than 2 months or more for fludarabine combination regimens.
– Lymphocyte doubling time of less than None of these strategies will cure CLL, and
6 months relapses are inevitable. If the recurrence of active
• Disease symptoms: CLL occurs later than the expected time point, the
– Weight loss (>10%) in less than 6 months initial treatment may successfully be repeated. If
– Fever of unknown origin for more than not, it may be considered to escalate to a more
2 weeks aggressive regimen, again considering the age and
– Extreme fatigue comorbidity of the patient.
– Night sweats Given the incurable nature of the disease, the
• Steroid-resistant autoimmune cytopenia described treatment strategy will eventually select
for patients who are resistant to fludarabine-
Treatment Strategies in CLL containing regimens. These patients constitute a
Once the patient has developed active CLL, it is growing and very significant challenge in CLL
necessary to prepare a long-term treatment strat- centers. First of all, their disease at this point has
egy, ensuring that the relevant options are avail- every sign of aggressive leukemia, with bone mar-
able for the patient at the inevitable subsequent row failure and constitutional symptoms being the
relapses. The goal of the treatment must be most important signs of disease. Secondly,
accessed, i.e., tumor reduction, tumor control, or fludarabine refractory patients more often than not
tumor eradication, and developed in the context of present with a very severe immunodeficiency. It is
patient age, comorbidity, and biological risk pre- opportunistic infections, more than the leukemia,
diction. Elderly patients, or patients with signifi- that is threatening in advanced stages of CL-
cant comorbidity, may not benefit from aggressive L. Treatment options at this point, for example,
treatment, not at least due to toxicity. Tumor con- monoclonal anti-CD52 antibodies (alemtuzumab),
trol using single-agent alkylating regimens, such may reduce and control the tumor but will inevita-
as chlorambucil, may be sufficient. Standard treat- bly worsen the immunodeficiency. The only way
ment, aiming at tumor control, for medically fit out of this situation, with aggressive leukemia and
patients is the combination of (oral) ▶ fludarabine disabled immune function, is allo-HCT.
and ▶ cyclophosphamide (FC). For certain
patients, the addition of the monoclonal antibody Allo-HCT in CLL
rituximab to FC (RFC) may further improve the The effectiveness of allogeneic HCT relies on two
result, and new data from controlled clinical trials principles, with the aim to eradicate the tumor:
suggest that patients with active CLL should be (i) to deliver disease effective high-dose chemo-
offered rituximab, in first line, second line, or both or radiotherapy that can eradicate the tumor and
lines. The initiation of FC therapy in younger will eradicate normal bone marrow function,
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia 1059

which however can be restored by reinfusion of (2012) CD52. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of cancer,
normal bone marrow precursors and (ii) to 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 702.
develop alloreactivity that will target and destroy (2012) Cytogenetics. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
the leukemia, without targeting the patient. Stan- cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp
dard transplantation evokes both principles. 1050–1051. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_1470
Non-myeloablative or reduced-intensity trans- (2012) Graft-versus-host disease. In: Schwab M (ed)
plantation, using modern immunosuppression to
Encyclopedia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1597. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-
allow the new immune system to develop, is 16483-5_2502
focused on the second principle. This second (2012) Immunoglobulin. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia
form of allo-HCT appears to be particularly effec- of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 1819.
tive in CLL, however, at a certain cost. The intro- (2012) Non-myeloablative. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
duction of a new immune system will create the dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
risk that the new graft (immune system) will not 2538. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_4116
only target the leukemia but several tissues in the (2012) Thrombocytopenia. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclope-
dia of cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p
engrafted recipient. The risk is development of 3678. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_5792
graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The GVH dis-
ease follows an acute and a chronic phase. The
acute phase is responsible for a treatment-related
mortality of approximately 10%. The deaths
caused by chronic GVH occur at the same fre- Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
quency, and living with chronic GVH disease
causes severe reduction in life quality. Therefore, ▶ Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
allo-HCT cannot be considered an option for the
general CLL population. However, in younger
patients, with FC-refractory disease or deletions
at 17p, allo-HCT may be the only way to survive
the disease. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
In summary, the development of biological risk
predictors, new effective chemoimmunotherapy Massimo Breccia
combinations and the possibility for allo-HCT Department of Cellular Biotechnologies and
for at least some patients, has changed the man- Hematology, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
agement of CLL considerably since and will con-
tinue to do so over the next years.
List of Abbreviations

Cross-References ALL Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

AML Acute myeloid leukemia
▶ Allogeneic Cell Therapy AP Accelerated phase
▶ Clinical Cancer Biomarkers BP Terminal blastic phase
▶ Cyclophosphamide CCyR Conventional cytogenetic analysis
▶ Fludarabine CHR Complete hematologic remission
▶ MicroRNA CP Chronic phase
MMR Major molecular response
OS Overall survival
See Also Ph Philadelphia chromosome
(2012) Alemtuzumab. In: Schwab M (ed) Encyclopedia of
RQ- Real quantitative polymerase chain
cancer, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, p 127. PCR reaction
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16483-5_177 RT-PCR Real-time polymerase chain reaction
1060 Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Synonyms Although evolution through all stages is most

common, 20% to 25% of patients progress
Chronic granulocytic leukemia; Chronic myelog- directly from CP to BP. The time course for pro-
enous leukemia; CML; Ph-positive chronic gression can also be extremely varied.
leukemia Chronic phase is often asymptomatic diag-
nosed incidentally with elevated white blood cell
count on routine laboratory test. Symptoms at
Definition diagnosis include fever, fatigue, sweating, weight
loss, joint pain, and enlargement of the spleen,
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a clonal dis- liver, or both. The enlarged spleen may cause
order caused by a malignant transformation of a early satiety, decreased food intake, and abdomi-
hematopoietic stem cell. Mature granulocytes and nal fullness. Advanced phases of disease may
precursors proliferate and increase in bone mar- present with bleeding, petechiae, ecchymoses,
row and peripheral blood. bone pain, fever, and infections. The mechanisms
behind CML progression are not fully understood:
it has been demonstrated that Src family kinases
Characteristics are involved in CML progression through the
induction of cytokine independence and protec-
The annual incidence is 1–2 cases every 100,000 tion from apoptosis. Diagnosis of accelerated
inhabitants/year and increases with age, with a phase according to WHO criteria includes:
male prevalence. It account for 15–20% of all
cases of leukemia in adult Western population. – 10–19% myeloblasts in blood or bone marrow
The disease is characterized by a reciprocal – Platelet count <100.000/mmc, unrelated to
translocation t(9;22) (q34;q11) called Philadel- therapy, or >1.000.000/mmc unresponsive to
phia chromosome (Ph). The Ph chromosome is therapy
present in more than 90% of adult CML – >20% basophils in the blood or bone marrow
patients, in 15–30% of adult acute lymphoblastic – Additional cytogenetic abnormalities
leukemia (ALL), and in 2% of acute myeloid – Increasing splenomegaly unresponsive to
leukemia (AML). Diagnosis is often based on therapy
morphological analysis of peripheral blood
that showed increased mature myeloid cells, Diagnosis of blastic phase according to WHO
eosinophils, and basophils. Characterization of criteria requires more than 20% of blast cells in
disease is performed with cytogenetic bone marrow or peripheral blood, or
analysis and molecular analysis with real-time extramedullary blast proliferation or large clusters
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) or real quan- of blasts in bone marrow biopsy.
titative polymerase chain reaction (RQ-PCR),
which detects, respectively, Philadelphia chromo- Pathophysiology
some and the presence and amount of BCR/ The specific cytogenetic aberration associated
ABL1 mRNA. with the disease consisting of a reciprocal trans-
CML is a progressive neoplasm that normally location between the long arms of chromosomes
comprises three clinically recognized phases: 22 and 9. For the first time, it was described by
approximately 90% of patients are diagnosed dur- Nowell and Hungerford, and subsequently called
ing the the Philadelphia (Ph1) chromosome. As a result, a
region of chromosome 22 called “breakpoint clus-
– Typically indolent chronic phase (CP), which ter region” fused with the ABL gene on chromo-
is followed by an some 9. This translocation results in the
– Accelerated phase (AP) and finally a expression of the constitutively active protein
– Terminal blastic phase (BP). BCR-ABL1 with tyrosine kinase activity.
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia 1061

Different molecular weight isoforms are gener- Myelosuppressive agents (hydroxyurea and
ated based on different breakpoints and mRNA busulfan) were initially used to obtain a
splicing. Most CML patients have a fusion protein haematological control of the disease, but did
of 210 kDa, while approximately 30% of Ph + not induce cytogenetic or molecular remissions.
ALL cases and a few CML cases express a In the 1980s, interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) entered
190 kDa BCR-ABL1 protein. The protein is able the clinical practice, but allowed only limited
to phosphorylate several proteins involved in cell cytogenetic responses and now is no longer con- C
cycle control, apoptosis, and adhesion to the stro- sidered as first-line therapy.
mal layer. The discovery of the BCR-
ABL1-mediated pathogenesis of CML provided Imatinib
the rationale for the design of specific inhibitory Imatinib mesylate, synonyms STI571, Gleevec, is
agents targeting BCR-ABL1 kinase activity. currently approved as first-line treatment of
CP-CML. The phase III international randomized
Prognosis study of IFN-alpha versus STI571 (IRIS) trial
Before the advent of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, compared imatinib and IFN-alpha plus cytarabine
median survival of CML patients was estimated to in 1,106 CML patients in early CP. Eight-year
be 3–5 years. Now it has been estimated that overall follow-up showed that the cumulative CCyR rate
survival (OS) is higher than 90% for patients who is 83%, the estimated survival rate is 85%, and
achieved a cytogenetic response with first-line tyro- freedom from progression rate (FFP) is 92%, with
sine kinase inhibitor. Prognostic scores at diagnosis an event-free survival of 81%. Disease progres-
may be used to categorize the relative risk of overall sion occurs early, highlighting the importance of
survival. Sokal risk was based on an equation that close monitoring during the early stages of treat-
considers age, spleen size, platelet count, and per- ment. Most of all events or disease progression
centage of blood blast in peripheral blood. The reported during the 8-year follow-up occurred
score is able to identify three categories of risk during the first 2–3 years. Achievement of CCyR
(low, intermediate, and high) with different proba- in the first 12 months of therapy is associated with
bilities to achieve a complete cytogenetic response optimal long-term outcome: with the high rate of
(absence of Ph-positive metaphases at conventional complete cytogenetic responders, the goal of ther-
cytogenetic analysis, CCyR) and overall survival. apy has become achieving molecular responses,
In the interferon era, another prognostic score was as measured by the reduction or elimination of the
developed, the so-called Hasford or Euro score that BCR-ABL1 transcript with RQ-PCR. Major
considered the same prognostic features as Sokal molecular response (MMR) in the IRIS trial was
plus peripheral eosinophil and basophil count: this defined initially as a >3 log reduction in transcript
score also is able to identify three categories of risk. from baseline and then according to an Interna-
It has been reported that both scores were able to tional Scale (IS) as a BCR-ABL1/ABL ratio
categorize patients even if treated with tyrosine <0.1%. Early molecular responses were found
kinase inhibitors. A new prognostic score was pro- to be predictive of a better outcome: progression
posed, the so-called Eutos score, created on a large of disease correlated with failure to achieve a 1 log
series of patients treated with front-line imatinib. It reduction in the transcript level by 3 months and a
was based only on two features at baseline (spleen 2 log reduction by 6 months. Obtaining an MMR
size and basophil count), and stratified patients in within 18 months was associated with signifi-
two categories, low and high risk. cantly better long-term event-free survival (98%)
at 8 years. Adherence to therapy in the long-term
Therapy of CML is predictive of response. In a single-institution
study of patients with newly diagnosed CML-CP
Chemotherapy Agents and Interferon Alpha who had achieved a CCyR with first-line imatinib
Therapy of CML evolved over time on the basis treatment, patients with lower adherence to
of increased knowledge of pathogenesis. imatinib treatment had a significantly lower
1062 Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

probability of achieving a MMR and complete Nilotinib is structurally related to imatinib,

molecular response (undetectable residual disease 30-fold more potent and selectively active against
or 4-log reduction, CMR) than patients with BCR-ABL1 protein. Like imatinib, nilotinib
higher treatment adherence. The most frequent binds the inactive conformation of ABL but
adverse events reported were oedema, nausea, unlike imatinib, nilotinib is not a substrate for
muscle cramps, skin rash, and diarrhea. efflux and intake transporters. It is active against
A minority of CML patients in CP are refractory different mutations affecting imatinib response,
to imatinib or become insensitive to treatment with except the T315I gatekeeper mutation. It was
the agent after initial response to therapy, and con- found less active against mutations with an
sequently experienced relapse. In 2006, the Euro- IC50 > 150 nM such as E255V, Y253H, and
pean LeukemiaNet panel of experts proposed F359. The drug was tested in a phase II trial that
recommendations for monitoring CML patients enrolled 321 CML patients with resistance or
treated with imatinib, and these recommendations intolerance to imatinib treated with nilotinib at
were updated in 2009: three categories of patients the standard dose of 400 mg twice daily. At a
were defined, optimal, suboptimal, and failure, at minimum follow-up of 4 years, 94% of patients
different scheduled time points (3, 6, 12, and rapidly reached a CHR and overall and 44% of
18 months). Despite the excellent results with patients reached a CCyR. MMR was obtained in
imatinib, the 8-year follow-up results from IRIS 28% of patients with an overall survival of 87%.
study provided data on imatinib failure: primary The most frequent nonhematological adverse
resistance accounted for 17% of patients, whereas events reported with the drug were skin rash,
secondary resistance was approximately 15%. headache, and laboratory abnormalities
There are various mechanisms that could contrib- (increased bilirubin, transaminases, glucose
ute to imatinib resistance, including increased level, and pancreatic enzymes).
expression of BCR–ABL1 through gene amplifica- Dasatinib is an oral dual tyrosine kinase inhib-
tion, decreased intracellular drug concentrations itor active against ABL and Src-family kinases:
caused by drug efflux proteins, clonal evolution, the structure is based on a different chemical
and over-expression of the Src kinases (Lyn, Hck) scaffold of imatinib, and it has a 325-fold greater
involved in BCR–ABL1-independent activation of potency. Dasatinib binds both the inactive and the
alternative pathways. However, 40–60% of resis- active conformation of the ABL kinase domain.
tance can be attributed to the emergence of clones Also dasatinib was not able to inhibit T315I muta-
expressing mutated forms of BCR–ABL1 with tion and was found less active against mutations
amino acid substitutions in the ABL-kinase domain with IC50 > 3 nM, such as V299L, T315A, and
that impair imatinib binding, either through disrup- F317. Several studies tested the efficacy and
tion of the critical contact point or by inducing a safety of dasatinib in resistant/intolerant
switch from the inactive to the active conformation. patients to imatinib in different phases of disease.
The drug was tested also in advanced phase and Based on the preliminary results of phase III trial,
was able to induce 50–80% of complete hemato- which enrolled 667 patients, the approved initial
logic remission (CHR), and about 30% of CCyR, dose for CP patients in resistance, suboptimal
unfortunately sustained in a minority of patients. response, or intolerance after imatinib therapy
Higher doses resulted in the improvement of was changed from 70 mg twice daily to 100 mg
responses and overall survival. once a day. At last follow-up of 7 years, 92% of
patients achieved CHR, 50% achieved CCyR, and
Dasatinib and Nilotinib as Second-Line Tyrosine 44% of these reached MMR. Dasatinib induces
Kinase Inhibitors more frequently hematologic adverse events
Second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (grade 3/4 neutropenia and thrombocytopenia)
(nilotinib and dasatinib) were developed to and nonhematological side effects, such
improve results obtained with imatinib and to as headache, diarrhea, and pleural/pericardic
overcome different mechanisms of resistance. effusions.
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia 1063

Second-Generation Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors for survival rate reported was 34% for HSCT from
Newly Diagnosed Patients HLA-identical sibling. It has been reported that
After the results of dasatinib and nilotinib in prior treatments with tyrosine kinase inhibitor do
imatinib resistant or intolerant patients, both were not affect negatively the outcome of HSCT. At the
tested as single agent, or in phase III trials com- present time, the place of HSCT after imatinib
pared to imatinib, in newly diagnosed patients. treatment is debated. European LeukemiaNet rec-
Both are able to induce rapid CCyR and MMR, ommendations indicated HSCT at diagnosis for C
independently from risk category at baseline patients presenting in AP or BP, even if a treat-
(evaluated by Sokal or Euro risk) and higher rates ment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors is
of complete molecular responses (considered as recommended, or after imatinib failure for
4.5-log reduction or MR4.5). Rapid achievement patients who have experienced progression to
of responses reduces the rate of nonoptimal AP/BP or carrying the T315I mutation after a
responders during the first years of treatment and second-line treatment. It is recommended that
reduces the rate of progression in BP. FDA has the search for a donor should be initiated at appro-
approved as possible treatment strategy in first priate times, according to the stage of disease,
line, both the drugs. response to treatment, and characteristics of the
patient. Transplantation-related mortality ranges
Third-Line Inhibitors from 5% to 50% depending on factors including
Bosutinib is 30 times more potent than imatinib, age, donor origin (related versus unrelated),
developed to be active against BCR-ABL1 signal- degree of HLAmatching, host cytomegalovirus
ling and Src family kinases with less activity against status, use of conditioning regimens, and institu-
other receptors (c-KIT and PDGFR), active also tional expertise. Potential risks of HSCT include
against all imatinib-resistant mutations, with the the graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), life-
exception of the T315I mutation. The results of a threatening infections, risk of secondary malig-
phase II trial in patients resistant or intolerant to nancies, and possible relapses.
imatinib were reported: CCyR rate was 50% and
MMR rate 51%. Bosutinib was tested also in
patients with newly diagnosed chronic-phase
CML and compared to imatinib in a phase III
study (BELA trial): the results of this trial showed Baccarani M, Cortes J, Pane F, Niederwieser D, Saglio G,
that the drug allowed higher MMR rate compared to Apperley J, Cervantes F, Deininger M, Gratwohl A,
imatinib. The most frequent adverse events reported Guilhot F, Hochhaus A, Horowitz M, Hughes T,
were diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and skin rash. Kantarjian H, Larson R, Radich J, Simonsson B, Silver
RT, Goldman J, Hehlmann R (2009) Chronic myeloid
Ponatinib (AP24534) is an oral tyrosine kinase leukemia: an update of concepts and management rec-
inhibitor for the treatment of CML and ommendations of European LeukemiaNet. J Clin
Ph-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia Oncol 27:6041–6051
(ALL). It is a multitargeted tyrosine-kinase inhib- Breccia M, Alimena G (2011a) Activity and safety of
dasatinib as second-line treatment or in newly diag-
itor with a broad spectrum of action, active against nosed chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia
all type of mutations, including T315I mutation. A patients. BioDrugs 25:147–157
phase II study, namely the PACE study, showed Breccia M, Alimena G (2011b) Nilotinib for the treatment
activity of ponatinib, in resistant or intolerant of newly diagnosed Philadelphia chromosome-positive
chronic myeloid leukemia: review of the latest clinical
CML patients in different phases of disease and evidence. Clin Investig 1:707–719
in Ph-positive ALL. Druker BJ, Talpaz M, Resta DJ et al (2001) Efficacy and
safety of a specific inhibitor of the BCR-ABL tyrosine
Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantion kinase in chronic myeloid leukemia. N Engl J Med
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) Hehlmann R, Hochhaus A, Baccarani M (2007) European
remains the only potential curative option for LeukemiaNet. Chronic myeloid leukaemia. Lancet
CML. In a period of 20 years, the estimated 370:342–350
1064 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Lung Cancer

disorder, it is also associated with significant sys-

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary temic abnormalities.
Disease and Lung Cancer COPD is a general category that includes
chronic bronchitis, an inflammatory airway disor-
Juhayna Kassem Davis1 and Ronald G. Crystal2 der characterized by a daily, productive cough for
Carolinas HealthCare System, Charlotte, NC, at least 3 months in two successive years, and
USA emphysema, an abnormal, permanent airspace
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care dilation with destruction of the alveolar walls
Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, without evidence of fibrosis. Most patients with
New York, NY, USA COPD have components of both chronic bronchi-
tis and emphysema, and some have superimposed
asthma, with airway hyperactivity and reversible
Definition limitation to expiratory airflow.
Most cases of COPD start with abnormalities
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the small airways, with epithelial changes,
and ▶ lung cancer have rising prevalence world- ▶ inflammation in the airway walls, and
wide with estimates of significant increases in narrowing of the airway lumen, limiting airflow.
mortality over the next few decades. Both diseases As the disease progresses, the airflow limitation is
are directly linked to cigarette smoking, environ- manifested by abnormalities in spirometry, a
mental exposures and old age, and both cluster in physiologic test that measures inhaled and
families, suggesting genetic links (Genetic poly- exhaled volumes of air independently and as a
morphisms) to disease susceptibility. But function of time. The most commonly used
irrespective of tobacco history (tobacco carcino- parameters relevant to COPD are the forced vital
genesis; ▶ tobacco-related cancers) and environ- capacity (FVC, the volume of air that can be
ment, there is growing evidence supporting an forcibly exhaled following maximal inspiration)
increased incidence of lung cancer in individuals and the forced expiratory volume in one second
with COPD. (FEV1, the volume of air that is exhaled in the first
Primary lung cancer is usually divided into two second of that same maneuver). A reduction in
broad classes, small-cell lung cancer and FEV1 directly correlates with the degree of airway
non-small-cell lung cancer (tobacco carcinogene- disease from inflammation, fibrosis, or
sis; ▶ cancer causes and control; ▶ tobacco- intraluminal exudates that characterize COP-
related cancer), which includes adenocarcinoma, D. Following the use of inhaled bronchodilators,
squamous cell carcinoma, and large-cell if the FEV1/FVC is <70% and the FEV1 is <80%
carcinoma. of expected values, airflow limitation is present.
The airflow limitation that characterizes COPD
results from the intrinsic airway disease per se,
Characteristics as well as the loss of airway structural support
from the destruction of the alveolar walls. The
COPD alveolar wall destruction also results in a reduc-
COPD is a chronic disorder characterized by air- tion in the diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide
flow limitation that may be accompanied by and can be visualized by computerized tomogra-
hyperreactivity but is not fully reversible and is phy of the chest.
usually progressive. The disease is primarily
caused by cigarette smoking and, to a lesser Lung Cancer
extent, by other noxious particles and gases. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related
Despite smoking cessation, once COPD is deaths worldwide. Like COPD, most (85–90%) of
established, the disorder continues to progress, all lung cancers are a result of exposure to
albeit at a slower rate. Although COPD is a lung smoking. The risk of developing lung cancer,
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Lung Cancer 1065

even after smoking cessation, persists for years. In despite shorter survival data for patients with
the United States, the rate of lung cancer in former COPD, there was a clear, increased risk for the
smokers is now equal to the rate in current development of lung cancer in the COPD popula-
smokers and is expected to increase even more tion. Overall, the risk of developing lung cancer in
in the next decades. patients with airway obstruction is 4.4 times
greater than in those without obstruction to expi-
Link to Decline in FEV1 ratory airflow. C
The incidence of both lung cancer and COPD In 1997, a retrospective review of data col-
increases with >20 pack-year smoking exposure. lected from two large prospective study groups,
Smoking one pack of cigarettes per day can the Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing Trial
increase the normal decline in FEV1 from an sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
expected 30 to 50–60 ml/year. Overall increases Institute and the Johns Hopkins Lung Project, was
in mortality associated with COPD are directly conducted by the National Cancer Institute’s
associated with declining FEV1. The decrease in Cooperative Early Lung Cancer Detection Pro-
FEV1 associated with COPD is also directly gram. The goal was to evaluate the association
linked to lung cancer, as well as to an increased between the degree of airway obstruction and the
risk of cardiovascular disease, including coronary development of lung cancer. This study demon-
heart disease and stroke. strated that the frequency of lung cancer was
proportional to the degree of airflow obstruction
COPD and Lung Cancer Associations and that the risk of lung cancer was more closely
While COPD and lung cancer are both related to linked to a decline in FEV1 than to older age or
smoking, there is data from as early as the degree of tobacco use.
mid-1960s to support that the two diseases are The 1994 study by Islam et al. reviewed pro-
even more closely related. Van Der Wal spectively data collected over a 28-year period in
et al. were the first to demonstrate a high a community-based study in Tecumseh, Michi-
incidence of lung cancer in patients with “chronic gan, in 3,900 subjects. They determined that the
nonspecific lung disease,” now recognized as initial FEV1 and the rate of decline in FEV1 were
COPD. Goldstein et al. in 1968 reported a each independent predictors of lung cancer devel-
32 times higher rate of lung cancer in opment. When loss of FEV1 reached 100 ml/year,
patients with radiographic evidence of bullous the risk of lung cancer reached as high as 30 times
emphysema in hospitalized patients with cancer the rate seen in matched controls.
as compared to other hospitalized patients who A study by Mannino, published in 1993,
were used as controls. These data were supported reviewed patients in the First National Health
by several subsequent studies in the 1970s and and Nutrition Examination Survey database who
1980s. had at least a 22-year follow-up. They demon-
In 1976, Davis et al. suggested that a reduced strated that moderate to severe obstructive disease
FEV1 itself might be an independent risk factor was associated with a higher incidence of lung
for the development of lung cancer, demonstrat- cancer and that there was no difference in rates
ing a four to fivefold increase in lung cancer in of lung cancer when comparing current to former
their patients with COPD as compared to smokers.
lung cancer rates in previously reported series
of smokers without COPD. A prospective study Possible Mechanisms of the COPD: Lung
by Skillrud et al., comparing 113 people with Cancer Risk
COPD to 113 matched controls without COPD The relationship between reduced FEV1 and the
followed over a 10-year period, found that development of primary lung cancer is not clear,
all-cause mortality increased with COPD, a although many theories have been advanced. It is
decreased FEV1 was directly linked to a generally accepted that both disorders result from
decreased time to death from any cause, and, a combination of genetic and environmental
1066 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Lung Cancer

factors (▶ Cancer Causes and Control; ▶ Cancer Summary

Epidemiology). However, while the link to Many challenging questions remain unanswered
smoking is clear, the commonalities of the regarding COPD, lung cancer, and the relationships
smoke components that cause COPD and lung between them. More information on their associa-
cancer are not clear nor are the genetic differences tions with environmental exposures (including but
linking a susceptibility to both diseases. not limited to tobacco), genetic susceptibility, and
One gene of common interest is ▶ vascular inflammatory processes is still needed. It is evident
endothelial growth factor (VEGF). While COPD that these connections are not simply based on
has been theorized to be associated with decreased tobacco use and that there is a genetic predisposition
availability of VEGF leading to capillary ▶ apo- to the development of each. While smoking cessa-
ptosis in the lung, lung cancer, as with other tion will clearly reduce the incidence of COPD and
cancers, is associated with an increased expres- lung cancer, it will not eliminate either disease for
sion of VEGF supporting ingrowth of capillaries many decades to come. Further well-formulated
into the developing tumor. Linkage studies in both studies are required to continue to evaluate the
humans and mice have suggested that allelic loss connections between environmental exposures,
in some regions of chromosomes 6q and 12q is inflammation, genetic expression, and the develop-
associated with lung cancers as well as with ment of COPD and lung cancer, which remain two
COPD. Finally, excess amounts of ▶ matrix pulmonary diseases with the highest morbidity and
metalloproteinases (MMPs), enzymes that mortality in the world.
degrade ▶ extracellular matrix, are associated
with a decline in lung function, as well as an
increased risk of lung cancer.
Chronic inflammation (▶ Inflammation) has
long been linked to cancer in many organs, as
▶ Extracellular Matrix Remodeling
evidenced by the development of esophageal ade-
nocarcinoma (▶ esophageal cancer) following
chronic gastric reflux. This concept has led to the References
theory that COPD and lung cancer risks
increase in the face of chronic inflammation. Con- Buist AS et al (2007) Global strategy for the diagnosis,
management, and prevention of chronic obstructive
sistent with that concept, cigarette smoking pulmonary disease. Global Initiative for Chronic
(▶ Tobacco Carcinogenesis; Tobacco-Related Obstructive Lung Disease. http://www.goldcopd.org/
Cancers) has been shown to cause sustained Guidelineitem.asp?|1=2%26|2=1%26intld=989. Last
changes in gene expression of respiratory epithe- accessed 26 Feb 2008
Harvey B-G, Heguy A, Leopold PL et al (2007) Modifica-
lial cells. Some of these changes have been noted tion of gene expression of the small airway epithelium
to persist, regardless of smoking cessation, for in response to cigarette smoking. J Mol Med 86:39–53
decades. Some of the inflammatory changes are Islam SS, Schottenfeld D (1994) Declining FEV1 and
likely associated with the development of both chronic productive cough in cigarette smokers: a
25-year prospective study of lung cancer incidence in
COPD and lung cancer. One example is the loss Tecumseh, Michigan. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers
of the tumor suppressor gene ▶ TP53, the protein Prev 3:289–296
it encodes generally inhibits inflammation. Lundback B, Lindberg A, Lindstrom M, et al (2003) Not
Allelic loss of TP53 is known to lead to 15 but 50% of smokers develop COPD? Report from
the Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden
inflammatory responses including increases in Studies. Respir Med 97:115–122
▶ nuclear factor-kB, a transcription factor linked Mannino DM, Aguayo SM, Petty TL et al (2003) Low lung
to both COPD and cancer, via inflammatory path- function and incident lung cancer in the United States.
ways. Other ▶ oncogenes and other ▶ tumor sup- Arch Intern Med 163:1475–1480
Skillrud DM, Offord KP, Miller RD (1986) Higher risk of
pressor genes have also been suggested as key risk lung cancer in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
factors to the development of COPD and lung A prospective, matched, controlled study. Ann Intern
cancer. Med 105:503–507
Cip-Interacting Zinc Finger Protein 1 Ciz1 1067

in a number of cell lines from multiple organ

Ciliary Body Melanoma systems. None of the genes of Yeast, C. elegans
or Drosophila showed any overall structural sim-
▶ Uveal Melanoma ilarities to Ciz1, suggesting that Ciz1 is a unique
protein only found in vertebrates.

CIN Characteristics

▶ Chromosomal Instability Ciz1 directly interacts with ▶ p21WAF1 and is

predominantly located in the nucleus. However,
upon co-overexpression of Ciz1 and p21WAF1, an
enhanced cytoplasmic localization of both pro-
teins was detected. Ciz1 is a DNA-binding pro-
Cip1 tein, and its DNA consensus sequence was
determined by a modified selected and amplified
▶ p21
binding (SAAB) sequence method (ARYSR(0–2)
YYAC). Ciz1 is a binding partner of Dynein Light
Chain 1 (DLC1), shown by using a modified
▶ proteomics technique. Ciz1 influences the cell
Cip-Interacting Zinc Finger Protein cycle progression at the G1-S transition by affect-
1 Ciz1 ing the kinase activity of Cdk2. A reduced local-
ization of p21WAF1 in nuclei of DLC1
Petra Den Hollander1 and Rakesh Kumar2 overexpressing cells strengthened the hypothesis
Department of Translational Molecular that Ciz1 (together with DLC1) is important for
Pathology, The University of Texas MD the sequestration of p21WAF1 in the cytoplasm,
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA which will then release the repression of the
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cdk2 kinase complex and induce the G1-S transi-
Medicine, George Washington University, tion. Also, cell-free experiments have demon-
Washington DC, USA strated that Ciz1 has a role in mammalian DNA
replication. The addition of Ciz1 protein increases
the number of nuclei that initiate DNA replication,
Definition and when mutating the potential ▶ cyclin-
dependent kinase (Cdk) phosphorylation sites,
Ciz1 is a member of the Matrin 3 protein family Ciz1 functions were compromised in vitro. Ciz1
and also called NP94 (Nuclear Protein 94). At the co-localizes with PCNA in foci in the nucleus, and
N-terminal region, Ciz1 contains poly-glutamine Ciz1-depleted cells are unable to replicate
repeats and glutamine rich regions. Additionally, their DNA.
the C-terminus contains three zinc-finger motifs, Besides significant role in the cell cycle pro-
an acidic region and a matrin 3-homologous gression, Ciz1 is responsible for potentiating the
domain 3 (MH3 domain), which shows 40.4% transactivation activity of the ▶ Estrogen Recep-
and 37.7% identity (55.8% and 64.2% similarity) tor alpha (ER). Ciz1 is a coregulator of ER by
to NP220 and matrin 3 (two other members of the enhancing ER transactivation activity and recruit-
Matrin 3 family), respectively (Fig. 1). Ciz1 is ment to target gene chromatin. Ciz1 induces the
expressed in a wide variety of tissues, with highest hypersensitivity of ▶ breast cancer cells to
expression in pancreas, testis, kidney, and brain ▶ estradiol and induces the expression of ER tar-
(with the highest expression in cerebellum) an

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