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Global Brand Management (4)

1. What is Global Marketing?

 Why would you go global? –

 Global Customer (Needs) if you have logistics you should deliver to the
all over the world, so you are working global; Transferable Marketing- if
you have unique products. Ikea catalog 70% of the company's annual
marketing budget because they pay more to the decisionmakers for these
solutions and development of these solutions for the problem. Also, it’s
the most produced book in the world.
-Increase profit, increase customer base, decrease costs, to boost
Exporting a lot means that they are competitive, have high quality
products, have more external demand
Very dependent from other countries, but they have less internal
demand so that they should stimulate internal demand.

 Competitive Drivers
 Cost Drivers- (IBM) some products cost a lot of money, if you do
not go global you will not have so much profit and customer
 Technology Drivers-
-Global Outsourcing -Choice that you should make- to write your
post in home page in different languages or in original language
 New Markets
-Real estate in Far-East
 Global Marketing Refers to marketing activities coordinated and
integrated across multiple country markets

2. Which Brand to use From Global to Multi-domestic?

Standardization=Higher margin=more money= standard if you can.
Localization-adapt If u must- adapt for the taste of the locals
Global vs Local Brands

Q1: Is the market/product category global or multi-


1)If you are in a local market use local products, if you are in a multi-
domestic market use global brands.

 Global brands do not respect to the environmental and ethical

Local Brands are always market leaders
It depends on the type of the market

Markets in which buyer preferences are similar

across countries.

Teenagers- they have typically same tastes.

 Multi Domestic Markets-Product Markets in which local consumers have
preferences and functional requirements which differ widely from one
 Typical Categories include:

Q2: Is the competition global? Do they use global

If you have local competitors use local products, if you have
global competitors use global product.

Q3: Which consumer segments do I target?

 Global-Pro-global consumers that buy into the myth
 Local-Strong pro-domestic sentiment, anti- globalization and anti- brand

3. How to do it: The Global Marketing Strategy.

 Analyze your product portfolio: Start with a strong brand, perhaps a
leader in a large (leading) market.

The Global Marketing Strategy
– Start with the positioning. Does the insight have a global potential?
– Is it based on a global insight?
– Is it based on a firm or country specific advantage?
-Check the name: Acceptable everywhere? Available everywhere?
-What does the brand stand for (i.e, its symbolic associations, its visual
representation and logo)?

 Firm/specific advantage- acknowledgement about firm

 Country specific advantage-acknowledgement about origin

Club Atletico De Madrid Case:

 1.Entertainmnet is a glocal marker; however football fans are part of a

global community

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