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Coverage Acceptance Test Plan

1. Overview
This Coverage Acceptance Test Plan (CATP) is designed to verify that the voice
radio system implemented by Motorola and xxxxxxxxxx meets or exceeds the
required coverage reliability within xxxxxxxxx. The CATP defines the coverage
testing method and procedure, the coverage acceptance criterion, the test
documentation, and the responsibilities of Motorola, xxxxxxxx, and The
Government of xxxxxxxx.

Coverage Acceptance Testing is based upon a coverage prediction that

accurately represents the implemented infrastructure and overall parameters
used. If the implemented system varies from the design parameters, then a
revised coverage analysis will be conducted. New test maps will reflect the
measured losses and gains associated with the implemented infrastructure and
subscribers. These will be used to define the test configuration and potential
areas from which test locations may be included in the evaluation process.

To verify that the radio coverage reliability is met,xxxxxxxxxxx will be

divided into a yet-to-be-defined number of equally sized test tiles.

The following text provides a description of the proposed CATP:

2. CATP Definitions
Several definitions are needed to accurately describe the coverage test method.
Where cited, these terms or methods are defined in TIA TSB-88.1-C or TIA1

2.1. Coverage Area:

The coverage area is the geographical region in which communication will be
provided that meets or exceeds the specified Channel Performance Criterion at
the specified reliability for the specified equipment configuration. Radio systems
are typically designed to maximize the coverage within the customer’s service
area {TSB-88.1-C, §5.1} The predicted coverage area for the purposes of the
Coverage CATP has been defined as xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
2.2. Channel Performance Criterion (CPC):
The CPC is the specified minimum design performance level in a faded channel.
{TSB-88.1-C, §5.2} For this system, the CPC is a Delivered Audio Quality of
DAQ-4. The DAQ definitions are provided in Table 1. {TSB-88.1-C, §5.4.2, Table
2}. Given the static reference sensitivity of a receiver, the faded performance
threshold for the specified CPC is determined by using the projected CPC
requirements for different DAQ levels listed in TSB-88.1-C, Annex A, Table A-1.
The CATP pass / fail criterion for each test location is the faded performance
threshold plus any adjustments for antenna performance and in-building or in-
vehicle losses. {TSB-88.1-C, §5.4.2, Figure 5}

Table 1 – Delivered Audio Quality Definitions

Subjective Performance Description
DAQ Delivered
Audio Quality
Unusable, speech present but unreadable.
2 Understandable with considerable effort. to noise / distortion.
Frequent repetition due to noise/distortion.
3 Speech understandable with slight effort. required due to noise /
distortion. Occasional repetition required due to noise/distortion.
3.4 Speech understandable with repetition only rarely required. Some
noise / distortion.
Speech easily understood. Occasional noise / distortion.
Speech easily understood. Infrequent noise / distortion.
Speech easily understood.

2.3. Reliability:
The reliability is the percentage of locations within the coverage area that meet or
exceed the specified CPC. Motorola’s coverage simulations indicate that more
than the required 95% area of dry-land xxxxxxxxx is predicted to provide at
least 96.5% reliability of meeting or exceeding the CPC of DAQ-4.

2.4. Equipment Configurations:

Following is a list of the types and configurations of radio network and field unit
equipment upon which coverage acceptance is based. Motorola’s coverage map
for this system indicates the coverage area for the following equipment

• Multi-Site DIMETRA IP Communications System

• xxxxxxCommunication Sites
• Digital Trunking System
• On-Street Portable Coverage Simulated with Mobile Antenna and Attenuator
• xxxdB Body Loss
• Outdoors

2.5. In-Building Coverage:

A median loss value of xxxxdB was utilized as the approximated signal uplift for
in-building coverage. This value corresponds to a one to two story house and
small commercial building in the US. It is expected that most buildings in
xxxxxxxxxxxx will fall under this category.

In-building coverage will be tested as per the requirements provided by the

Government of xxxxxxxxxx in the bid specifications: “This provision of in-
building coverage will be demonstrated in the RF plan by achieving acceptable
outdoor handheld coverage plus the signal uplift...”

As such, in-building tests will be performed by measuring the signal strength

provided by the system outdoors, outside of buildings, at street level. The
measured signal strength will be compared to the dynamic sensitivity spec of the
radio while considering that a 10dB value of additional in-building loss was used
as the signal uplift value for the analysis. The measured signal strength must be
equal or better than 10dB above the dynamic sensitivity spec value of the
portable radio to consider the design/test as a pass. In-building tests will also
follow the CATP methods described below.

3. CATP Method
The method used to test coverage is a statistical sampling of the predicted
coverage area to verify that the CPC is met or exceeded at the required reliability
for the defined equipment configurations. It is impossible to verify every point
within a coverage area as there are an infinite number of points, many of them
inaccessible. Therefore, coverage reliability will be verified by sampling a
statistically significant number of randomly selected locations, quasi-uniformly

distributed throughout the predicted coverage area where roads allow


This CATP provides an objective, quantitative method of measurement using

Motorola’s Voyager hardware and software. The method follows TIA TSB-
88.3.C §5.0, “Performance Confirmation”, and has direct correlation with
Motorola’s coverage prediction methodology.

3.1. Determine the required number of test tiles in the coverage area:
The coverage area used in the simulations, dry-land xxxxxxxxx, will be
divided into a tile pattern to produce at least the number of uniformly sized test
locations required by the Estimate of Proportions formula. {TSB-88.3-C,
§5.2.1, equation 2} The minimum number of test tiles required varies for
different systems, from a hundred to many thousands, depending on the
size of the coverage area, desired confidence in results, type of coverage
test, and the predicted versus required reliability.
3.2. Constraints on test tile sizes
The minimum test tile size is 100 by 100 wavelengths; however, the minimum
practical test tile size is typically about 400 by 400 meters (about 0.25 by 0.25
miles). The minimum practical size for any system is determined by the distance
traveled at the speed of the test vehicle while sampling, GPS error margin, and
availability of road access within very small tiles. A related consideration is the
time and resources involved in testing very large numbers of very small test tiles.
The maximum test tile size is 2 by 2 km (1.25 by 1.25 miles). {TSB-88.3-C,
§5.5.1}. In some wide-area systems, this constraint on maximum size may
dictate a greater number of test locations than the minimum number required by
the Estimate of Proportions formula.

3.3. Accessibility to test tiles

Prior to testing (if possible) or during the test, Motorola and xxxxxxxxxx, and
the Government of xxxxxxx will determine whether any test tiles are
inaccessible for the coverage test (due to lack of roads, restricted land, etc.)
Inaccessible tiles will be considered a pass if the simulation predicted coverage
in it. {TSB-88.3C, §5.5.4}

3.4. Randomly Select A Test Location Within Each Tile:

Using Voyager , the actual test location within each tile will be randomly
selected as the test vehicle crosses into the tile at an arbitrary point with an
arbitrary speed and direction.

3.5. Perform Measurements In Each Tile:

In each test tile, a series of sequential measurements (subsamples) will be
made. This test location measurement, containing a number of subsamples,

constitutes the test sample for this location. The test sample will establish the
local median signal level within the test tile. The distance over which the
subsamples are measured will be [40] wavelengths. A median of multiple signal
strength subsamples is used rather than a single measurement to ensure that the
measurement is not biased by taking a single sample that might be at a peak or
null point on the radio wave.

3.6. Determine If Each Tile Passes Or Fails The CPC Requirement:

For each tile, the pass / fail criterion is the faded performance threshold for the
specified CPC plus any adjustments for antenna performance due to body loss.

Coverage acceptance testing will be performed in the talk-out direction to a test

receiver in a vehicle. The propagation path loss is the same for talk-out and talk-
in; therefore, coverage for the talk-in direction will be verified for acceptance by
the attenuation of the test receiver for talk-out signal level measurements. The
attenuator value will be the difference in system gain between talk-out and talk-
in. {TSB-88.3-C, §}
Coverage for the portable outdoor equipment configurations will be verified for
acceptance by attenuation of the test receiver for mobile signal level
measurements. The attenuation will be the difference between the mobile test
receiver’s antenna system and the additional loss used in Motorola’s coverage
prediction to account for portable antenna performance. The attenuator value(s)
will be provided during the implementation phase of the project. This provides an
objective method of verifying that the radio system provides the faded
performance threshold for the specified CPC for each of the defined equipment

3.7. Determine The Coverage Area Reliability For Acceptance:

After all accessible tiles in the coverage area have been tested; the coverage
area reliability percentage will be determined by dividing the number of tiles that
pass by the total number of tiles tested. {TSB-88.3-C, §5.1, equation 1} The
coverage test acceptance criterion is that the tested coverage area reliability
must be equal to or greater than the required reliability.

4. Responsibilities and Preparation

This information will help set the expectations of the Government of xxxxxxxxx
Motorola and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx regarding requirements for equipment,
personnel, and time during the coverage test.

The Government of xxxxxxxx will provide the following for the duration of the
coverage test:
• At least one test vehicle that is representative of the vehicles to be installed with
mobile radios, including antenna location

• At least one Government of xxxxxxxxxxxx representative to drive each test vehicle

and/or to be the customer representative(s) for the test team(s).

Motorola and Txxxxxxxxxxxxxxx will provide the following for the duration of the
coverage test:
• At least one Motorola representative and at least one xxxxxxxxxxxxx
representative to navigate and to operate Voyager
• At least one calibrated Motorola Voyager coverage testing package
• At least one laptop computer equipped with Voyager software

Coverage acceptance testing will be performed on xxxxxxxxxxxxx in areas

where accessible, predicted by Motorola to provide the required reliability.
Motorola will determine the minimum number of test tiles required after contract
award, as described in the Method section of this CATP. Motorola, Telecom
xxxxxxxxxxx, and the Government of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx will plan the route
for the test vehicle(s) through the coverage test area to ensure that at least
the minimum number of required tiles are tested. Wherever possible, any tiles
not accessible to the test vehicle(s) will be identified while planning the route.
Motorola will calibrate the test receiver(s) used with the Voyager coverage
testing package. The test receiver(s) will be provided by Motorola.

Motorola will provide the corrections required to evaluate each equipment

configuration from the mobile outbound reference signal level measurements.
Motorola will conduct this test only once. If any portion of the test is determined
to be unreliable because of proven equipment malfunctions or failures, Motorola
will repeat the portion of the test affected by the equipment malfunction or failure.
The Government of xxxxxxxxxx will have the option to accept the coverage at
any time prior to completion of the coverage test.

Before starting the test, the Government of xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Motorola and

xxxxxxxxxxxx will agree upon the time frame for Motorola’s submission of a
report containing the coverage test results.

5. CATP Procedures
A quantitative coverage acceptance test will be performed using Motorola’s
Voyager package, to provide objective verification that the system provides the
faded performance threshold for the specified CPC.
Voyager consists of the following:

• A calibrated test receiver connected to an antenna installed in a representative

location on the test vehicle. The test receiver will monitor transmissions from the
fixed network radio site(s).

• A Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver which will provide the computer
with the location and speed of the test vehicle.
• A laptop computer with Voyager software and a mapping database which
includes highways, local streets, etc.

The procedure for the objective signal strength coverage test will be as follows:
• The Voyager package will be installed in a test vehicle. The Government of
xxxxxx personnel will drive the test vehicle over a route planned to cover the
accessible tiles within the coverage test area. Motorola personnel will operate the
Voyager package.

• During the coverage test, the laptop computer will display the vehicle’s location
on a map of the coverage test area overlaid with the test tiles. Voyager will
automatically initiate signal level measurements when the GPS receiver indicates
that a tile has been entered. The computer will provide a visual indication that a
measurement has been completed in a tile. Voyager will manage the coverage
test data collection, and will store for later analysis the mobile outbound
reference signal level measured in each tested tile.
• Attenuation of the test receiver will be used to evaluate whether each tile
passes or fails the faded performance threshold for each equipment
configuration. The tile pass / fail evaluations will be used to determine the
coverage area reliability.
• Coverage acceptance will be based on demonstrating that at least 95% of the
tiles in the coverage test area are measured to provide at worst a mean BER
equivalent to DAQ 4.0 for the mobile test receiver input.
• Any tile that fails the objective Voyager test described above will be retested
using a subjective Delivered Audio Quality (DAQ) test*. Any tile that fails the
objective test, but passes the subjective re-test will be declared passed.

*Note: The purpose of this CATP is to verify that a system provides a specified
CPC audio Quality (DAQ 4.0); therefore, it is reasonable to propose a subjective
re-test of tiles that fail the initial objective signal level test. Experience has shown
that tiles that fail a signal level test may sound acceptable.

6. CATP Documentation and Coverage Acceptance

During the coverage acceptance test, Voyager generates computer files that
include the Reference Tile Levels for each test tile. A copy of this raw data will
be provided to the Government of xxxxxxxxxx at the conclusion of the
coverage test. Motorola will process this data to determine whether the
coverage test was passed for each equipment configuration and will
subsequently produce a map detailing the coverage test results.

Motorola will submit to the Government of xxxxxxxxxxx a report detailing

the coverage test results. This report will include a document which is to be
signed by the Government of xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx and Motorola indicating the
test was performed in accordance with this CATP, and the results of the test
indicate the acceptance or non-acceptance of the coverage portion of the

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