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EMPLOYEE NAME: Jan Niña Isabel T. Gaden (Janine)
CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: Sports and Leisure Department
WEEK 10: February 2 - 8, 2020
● First monthly meeting with CHROMA and FLinTs in other properties
● Overview on the day to day operations of S&L
● Overseeing all indoor and outdoor activities by S&L including Foam Party and Penguin
● Managing all the S&L facilities at The Village namely, the Gym, Giftshop, Game Room and Crimzone
● Created a proper inventory system for all items inside Game Room and Crimzone
● Re-layouting of Gift Shop
● Proposed a daily and monthly maintenance schedules for all facilities under S&L in coordination with the Public
Area and Laundry Supervisors


I started my week by learning about the overview of Sports and Leisure like going around the facilities
they are in charge of. I also learned about the water sports activities that the team offers and how it should
appeal to the guests. I wanted to learn about the staff duties and responsibilities on their daily operations so I
also made sure I was able to discuss with them. With zero knowledge of the department and with nobody
guiding me yet, I initiated to get myself all of their Policies and Procedure in order to have a good base to start
with. I also looked at the job description of all the positions available in the department so I will have a
knowledge on the role of each one in the team. I then supervised the Gym, the Gift Shop, Crimzone and Game
Room. Coming the Housekeeping Department prior to joining S&L, I became very particular with their upkeep of
the place. I noticed the unpleasant smell at the Game Room in the morning, and everything that’s not perfectly
cleaned. I did an inspection and was surprised to find out that the couches, bean bags, pillows and the curtains
are quite dirty and no longer properly maintained. After the operating hours, I immediately sent the curtains
(which was never cleaned and already had molds) and bean bags to Laundry. I also called the Public Area
Supervisor to follow up on the schedule of the deep cleaning of the couches and the carpet. I made a proper
inventory system for Game Room and Crimzone so staff could properly monitor all the items and make it easier
for them to do it. I also suggested to the S&L Asst. Manager, Ms. Mariel, to have proper basic cleaning materials
in each facility so staff can properly maintain them, in which she agreed and now we already have. I also created
a daily and monthly maintenance schedule to make it consistent and easier for the staff to follow. I think most of
what I did this week is to help them how to properly facilitate these areas and really guide the staff so that can be
consistent about all the things I taught them.
On my first week with S&L, I already learned so much but it was super difficult because I had no training
plan to follow and instead, I had to learn and plan on my own, which is also a very good thing for me, I think. I
ended my week having sold a booking for Penguin and a booking for Mosaic Restaurant so I’m quite happy
about it. I am looking for the following week since I still have so things on my list that I want to do in S&L.


I will still be with Sports and Leisure Department. I will focus on helping with the sales of the water activities while
managing the Gym, Gift Shop, Crimzone and Game Room.

Reviewed by: Laurent Bourgeois

General Manager 1 of 1

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