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Ángel Pérez, M. L. y González Flórez, E.


Reflection: reading and writing processes

in the university environment
Reflexión: los procesos de lectura y escritura
en el ámbito universitario
Martha Lucía Ángel Pérez* y Edilberto González Flórez**

This article aims to understand the structure of the SABER PRO exam in the writing
and critical reading components from a psycholinguistic analysis. All this, in order to
recognize the importance of cognitive processes developed by Colombian students
which are presented in the test, whereby the 75% of them who have culminated their
formative process in higher education must take.
Key words: critical reading, writing, SABER PRO, psycholinguistics.

Citar este artículo como: Ángel Pérez, M. L. y González Flórez, E. (2017). Reflection: reading and writing
processes in the university environment. Revista Papeles, 9(17), 31-37.

Fecha de recibido: 15 de febrero de 2017.

Fecha de aceptación: 5 de mayo de 2017.
* Student of Bachelor’s degree in Spanish and English at Antonio Nariño University. Email:
** Graduate in Basic Education with emphasis in Humanities and Languages from Universidad Libre (Bosque
Popular, campus Bogotá.) MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the Ibero-American Interna-
tional University. Lecturer at Antonio Nariño University. Email:

Revista PAPELES • ISSN 0123-0670 • Vol. 9(17) • pp. 31-37 • Enero-junio de 2017
32 Reflection: reading and writing processes in the university environment

El presente artículo tiene por objeto entender la estructura de la prueba SABER PRO
en los componentes escrito y crítico lector desde un análisis psicolingüístico. Lo ante-
rior, con el fin de reconocer la importancia de los procesos cognitivos que desarrollan
los estudiantes colombianos y que se evidencian en esta prueba; la cual es presentada
por todos aquellos que han culminado el 75% de su proceso formativo en la educación
Palabras clave: lectura crítica, escritura, SABER PRO, psicolingüística.

Developing the ability to adequately produce and writing contain social, psychological,
oral and written texts has been a constant linguistic and cultural elements, in which the
challenge, not only for trainee teachers and student is trained to confront a society that is
lecturers, but for all those who have begun educated towards competitiveness.
a higher education programme. This article
The SABER PRO exam, in order to analyse the
aims to understand the structure of the wri-
evaluation process of reading and writing in
ting and critical reading components of the
the university context, presents a set of generic
SABER PRO exam that are presented by uni-
competencies (see table 1), in which reading
versity students with the intention of fishing
and writing skills are assessed in two aspects:
their undergraduate studies. This analysis will
critical reading and written communication.
aim to provide reasons for the importance of
developing significant processes in the stren-
gthening of reading and writing skills in the Table 1. Structure of the SABER PRO exam
university context, supported by a psycholin- No. of items
guistic approach. Test
Higher education in Colombia is regulated Citizenship skills 30
by entities that promote equality in access to Written communication 1
quality education; among them it is found the English 35
National Ministry of Education (MEN), which Critical reading 30
prepares the SABER PRO exams, in reading Quantitative reasoning 30
and writing as two essential components that Source: taken from ICFES (2016d).
aim to create indices for the improvement of
Colombian education. Ramírez (2009) argues The following graph (see figure 1) shows that
for “la necesidad de articular el sistema de the generic competencies focused on writing
educación media y superior con una estrategia and critical reading are performed well in
global de competitividad para aumentar la degree programmes, such as Medicine and
productividad de Colombia ante el mundo” Humanities. On the other hand, Education,
[the need to articulate the secondary and with one of the lowest averages, has a lower
higher education system with a global strategy than the fixed average score in Critical Reading
of competitiveness in order to increase pro- and lower than that of Health Sciences. Howe-
ductivity in Colombia compared to the rest of ver, in writing, the score for Agro-Livestock
the world (own translation)] (p. 3)1. Reading Sciences and Health Sciences programmes is
right on the threshold of the fixed average. In
En adelante, todas las traducciones son nuestras. this regard, it can be seen that many university

Universidad Antonio Nariño • Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Ángel Pérez, M. L. y González Flórez, E. 33

Figure 1. Averages Score-University Students

1.235 2.399 1.904 26.398 134 1.592 5.789 3.669 10.421 11.839 738 13.401 2.93 6.557






Architecture and urban studies

Fine arts and design

Agro-Liverstock sciences

Economics and business sciences

Military and naval sciences

Natural and pure Sciences

Social Sciences

Communication, Journalism and marketing






Health Sciences
Writing English Critical reading Quantitative reasoning

Source: taken from Ministerio de Educación Nacional (2012, p. 2)

programmes have great difficulties in achieving specific tasks. In other words, whoever
scores at or above the fixed average required is competent is so for a specific activity
by the exam to be considered as having passed (2002, p. 19)]
the minimum developed competencies.
Therefore, these competencies strengthen the
Torrado considers that the critical and purpo- reading and writing processes in the univer-
seful competencies: sity context as evidenced in the results of the
SABER PRO exam, given that these processes
además de ser un saber hacer, es un saber
haciendo, soportado en múltiples cono- of autonomy are developed from a critical
cimientos que vamos adquiriendo en el standpoint and new approaches are proposed
transcurso de la vida; es la utilización from different perspectives.
flexible e inteligente de los conocimientos
The critical component complicates the
que poseemos los que nos hace com-
development of the exam due to the need to
petentes frente a tareas específicas. En
generate answers in response to the reading,
otras palabras, quien es competente lo es
para una actividad determinada. [as well which in some way are subject to the abili-
as being know-how, it is knowing how, ties that the individual has been developing
supported by a wide range of knowledge throughout their professional education. In
bases that we acquire throughout the critical reading, the SABER PRO exam provi-
course of a lifetime; it is the flexible and des 30 multiple-choice questions with only one
intelligent use of the knowledge that correct answer, that are categorised according
we possess that makes us competent in to three competencies:

Revista PAPELES • ISSN 0123-0670 • Vol. 9(17) • pp. 31-37 • Enero-junio de 2017
34 Reflection: reading and writing processes in the university environment

(1) identificar y entender los contenidos loca- los planteamientos de manera efectiva y
les que conforman un texto; (2) comprender se establezca claramente a qué se hace
cómo se articulan las partes de un texto para referencia en la argumentación. Los
darle un sentido global; y (3) reflexionar a textos cuyo contenido no sea claro,
partir de un texto y evaluar su contenido” presenten ambigüedades, repeticiones
[(1) Identify and understand the local content innecesarias o redundancia en el plan-
that makes up a text; (2) understand how the teamiento de las ideas, recibirán una
different parts of a text are articulated in order calificación inferior. [those written texts
to give it global sense; and (3) reflect on a text that achieve the highest scores are those
and evaluate its content )] (ICFES, 2016c, p. 4). in which the given subject is analysed
from different innovative perspectives,
In this way, the reading is assessed using a complex concepts are dealt with effec-
comprehensive and reflective approach, which tively and it clearly establishes what is
allows the student to create cognitive processes being referred to in the argumentation.
focused on the processing of the information Texts whose content is not clear, which
from its interpretation, argumentation and present ambiguities, unnecessary repeti-
purposeful critique. tions or redundancy in the proposal of
ideas will receive a lower score (ICFES,
Managing the three levels of reading (literal,
2016b, p. 4)]
inferential and critical) is fundamental to
approach the exam with an aim to obtain a Secondly, in terms of organisation, that is
satisfactory result. However, many students related to the form and structure of the text:
present the exam with the first two levels of “cuando en la escritura (…) se note que el autor
reading well developed, as can be observed in pensó en cómo expresar sus ideas de manera
the figure 1, but the last reading level, which is efectiva y ordenada, siguió esquemas adecua-
focused on a purposeful competency that has dos al tipo de tarea propuesto y definió bien
a negative effect on the exam results. “La inter- los párrafos que componen el texto” [when
pretación de los textos, el punto de vista, (…) in the writing (...) it is noted that the author
el significado social de los géneros a los que thought about how to express their ideas in
pertenece cada texto, y ser consciente de cómo an effective and ordered manner, that they
estos contenidos ideológicos se relacionan con followed appropriate schemes for the type of
los propios” [The interpretation of the texts, task proposed and defined well the paragraphs
the point of view, (...) the social significance that make up the text] (ICFES, 2016b, p. 4).
of the genres to which each text belongs, and It will receive a high score; and thirdly, the
being aware of how this ideological content is expression of ideas, which makes reference to
related to them (López y Martín, n.d., p. 510) the vocabulary used, the argument and posi-
will allow the student to handle with ease the tion regarding the tops, in other words, “si el
elaboration of essays, scientific articles, their texto cumple su función comunicativa: hacer
bachelor’s thesis, among others. una solicitud, sustentar un planteamiento,
Similarly, the elements that have to be con- indicar cómo han de ejecutarse unas tareas,
sidered for the assessment of the written etcétera, o sea, si la redacción es socialmente
component of the SABER PRO exam, accord- efectiva” [if the text fulfils its communicative
ing to ICFES (2016c), are subject, firstly, to the function: making a request, expressing an
approach developed, which means: approach, indicating how these tasks should
be performed, et cetera, or rather, if the com-
obtendrán calificaciones altas los escritos
position is socially effective (own translation)]
en los que el tema dado se analice desde
(ICFES, 2016b, p. 4). Furthermore, the written
perspectivas innovadoras, se complejicen

Universidad Antonio Nariño • Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Ángel Pérez, M. L. y González Flórez, E. 35

communication component is justified by an

individual process of elaboration on a topic The creation of strengthening
in the public domain, that which is evaluated processes in reading and writing
from a communicative perspective. in the classroom promotes the
“La lectura y escritura son herramientas development of proposals that are
fundamentales en el aprendizaje, debido a su centred on continuity, coherence
carácter transversal, si bien matizado por las
diversas áreas de enseñanza” [Reading and
and cohesion in the discourse,
writing are fundamental tools for learning, substantiation in assertions and
due to their transversal nature, although this vocabulary that allows for the
is moderated according to the different areas understanding of ideas.
of teaching (Fernández, et al., 2011, p. 112).
Therefore, the creation of strengthening pro-
cesses in reading and writing in the classroom Metacognition allows the student to be cons-
promotes the development of proposals that cious of the processes in the acquisition of
are centred on continuity, coherence and knowledge. It is, therefore:
cohesion in the discourse, substantiation in
assertions and vocabulary that allows for the indispensable desarrollar estrategias
understanding of ideas. This will allow the cognitivas que permitan a los estudiantes
student to reflect on their learning process by interactuar con distintos tipos de texto,
analysing the results of the exam. para construir sentido a partir de cono-
cimientos previos, e impulsar estrategias
An important contribution to reading and metacognitivas que los lleven a asumir
writing processes is psycholinguistics, which el control y la regulación de sus propios
proposes a series of processes, including: procesos de lectura y escritura [crucial
perception, memory, cognition, metacogni- to develop cognitive strategies that allow
tion, abstraction, conscience, among many students to interact with different types
others. This discipline is a tool that develops of text, in order to build an understan-
and appropriates language as a single entity ding based on prior knowledge, and
that reinforces the necessary oral and written promote new metacognitive strategies
skills. “En la lectoescritura, la conciencia del that allow students to take the control
conocimiento psicolingüístico mediante el and regulation of their own reading and
análisis fonológico, léxico, sintáctico y semán- writing processes] (Camargo, Uribe &
Zambrano, 2013, p. 102).
tico, le permite al sujeto operar de manera
intencional y reflexionar sobre los principios In view of the above, the learning processes of
del lenguaje escrito” [In reading and writing, the language that are oriented from the cogni-
the awareness of psycholinguistic knowledge tive domain encourage the student to recognise
by means of the phonological analysis, lexicon, the structures of oral and written discourse in
syntax and semantics, allows the individual to a particular context. The elaboration of writ-
function intentionally and reflect on the prin- ten texts that demand certain requirements,
ciples of written language] (Montealegre and such as academic and scientific texts, encou-
Forero, 2006). Psycholinguistic knowledge is rages the student to strengthen processes of
based upon the relationship between the use memory, abstraction and learning from the
of words and their meaning, the meaning given design of “metodologías más efectivas para la
to sentences and the definition of concepts for enseñanza de la lectura o enseñanza para la
integrating knowledge into a set of ideas. comprensión” [more effective methodologies

Revista PAPELES • ISSN 0123-0670 • Vol. 9(17) • pp. 31-37 • Enero-junio de 2017
36 Reflection: reading and writing processes in the university environment

de enunciados” [the processes of language

are directly related to our linguistic and cog-
nitive capacities, those which facilitate the
production and comprehension of texts (own
translation)] (Montealegre & Forero, 2006,
p. 32). All these with the aim of presenting
an academic exam, writing letters, reports,
projects, analysing data, and everything that
professional labour requires.
According to this, it is understood that the
structure of the written and critical reading
components of the SABER PRO exam, which
is presented by everyone that studies an
undergraduate programme, is focused on
for the teaching of reading and writing for demonstrating the competences that have been
comprehension (Silva, 2005, p. 240)] in both developed over time, through the learning
individual and institutional education; pro- given to students by the education institute and
cesses that are evidenced in the results of the through the autonomy of the student. Hence,
SABER PRO exam through the abilities of the importance of re-evaluating the formative
comprehension, interpretation and evaluation actions within educational programmes, given
(ICFES, 2016b, p. 3). that the results of the exam show that the skills
of writing and critical reading hardly meet the
The level of reading and writing that the minimum average.
university environment demands permeates
all areas of knowledge. Therefore, the student Psycholinguistics arises, therefore, as an
must have the skills in the final semesters of alternative for mediating and facilitating the
their degree to handle processes of reflection, development of competences, which from
proposition and management of appropriate students’ know-how allows them to reflect
linguistic structures when it comes to reading on their performance and the relevancy of
and writing. Accordingly, “los procesos del their education. Besides, showing quantifiable
lenguaje están directamente relacionados a results, it invites us to recognise our use of the
nuestra capacidad lingüística y cognitiva, los language in real contexts: university, exams
cuales facilitan la producción y comprensión and in our professional lives.

Camargo, Z., Uribe, G. & Zambrano, J. (2013). el aprendizaje de las tareas de lecto-escritura
Prácticas De Lectura Y Escritura En La Uni- requeridas a estudiantes universitarios. Revista
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(2011). Reflexión sobre la potencialidad para ICFES. Available from:

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instituciones-educativas-y-secretarias/saber- texto a la lengua: la aplicación de los textos a

pro/informacion-de-la-prueba-saber-pro. la enseñanza-aprendizaje del español L2-LE.
XXI Congreso Internacional de la ASELE; 29
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de la Educación (ICFES). (2016b). Guía de
España. Salamanca: Asociación para la ense-
orientación: módulo de comunicación escrita.
ñanza del español como lengua extranjera;
[Orientation guide: written communication
2011. p. 507-516.
module]. SABER PRO 2016-2. Bogotá: Instituto
Colombiano para la Evaluación de la Educación Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2016).
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Revista PAPELES • ISSN 0123-0670 • Vol. 9(17) • pp. 31-37 • Enero-junio de 2017

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