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How Well Do You Understand

Hospitality Supervision?
A checklist of your supervisory skills is provided below. Place a check mark in the first column to the
right of each statement to which you can respond “yes.” Work to improve on items to which you can’t
respond “yes.” Additional columns have been provided for you to check your progress at two-week

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1. I understand why hospitality supervisors feel pulled in so many
different directions.
2. I can list several ways my property will benefit if guests are satisfied.
3. I can define “quality guest service.”
4. I can list several ways that I, as a supervisor, can support quality
guest service.
5. I understand the responsibilities I have to management at my property.
6. I can list several ways to fulfill my responsibilities to management.
7. I know what my property’s or organization’s mission statement is.
8. I understand how to value diversity at my property.
9. I can list several ways to fulfill my responsibilities to employees.
10. I understand the responsibilities I have to other supervisors at
my property.
11. I can list several ways to fulfill my responsibilities to other supervisors.
12. I can list several ways I show concern for my appearance.
13. I can list several reasons good manners are important at work.
14. I can define “ethics” and explain how it affects my success as a supervisor.
15. I can list several ways self-esteem is important to my success as
a supervisor.
16. I can list several ways to boost my self-esteem.
17. I can explain a supervisor’s role in the planning function of management.
18. I can explain a supervisor’s role in the organizing function of management.
19. I can explain a supervisor’s role in the leading function of management.
20. I can explain a supervisor’s role in the monitoring function
of management.

©2016 American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute

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