Preguntas Varias

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where is the world would you most like to live?

¿Dónde está el mundo que más te gustaría vivir?

I would like to live a world where there is peace

and there is no hunger but that world does not
exist yet

would you rather be the boss or the employee?

¿Prefieres ser el jefe o el empleado?

I would like to be a boss at times in another I

prefer to be an employee, it depends on the
problems that sometimes arise

what are 3 really small victories that yo have had that you are proud of?

¿Cuáles son 3 victorias realmente pequeñas que ha tenido y de las que está orgulloso?

if you lost everything we owned today but could keep 3 things, what would you pick up and

Si perdieras todo lo que teníamos hoy pero pudieras quedarte con 3 cosas, ¿qué recogerías y por

what product would you stockpile if yoy found out it was not going to be sold anymore?

¿Qué producto almacenaría si se enterara de que ya no se venderá?

what is your greatest strength and greatest weakness?

¿Cuál es tu mayor fortaleza y tu mayor debilidad?

The brotherhood are protesting

Their leader

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