Social Media Has Evolved Into One of The Greatest Communication Sources of Our Time

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Social media has evolved into one of the greatest communication sources

of our time, and there is no doubt that the presence of the internet has
changed the manner in which we interact and engage with one

It is important to understand that adolescent’s are still in a phase of brain

development and emotional regulation and often susceptible to peer

If you pay attention to mainstream media, you'll see that the media sends a
strong message that thin, white body is the most desirable, and that all
other bodies have less value. Furthermore, beauty products and diets are
marketed, especially to women, as a way to achieve that desirable body.

In fact, millions of dollars are spent each year marketing both the beauty
and diet industries. There have also been studies that indicate that using
social media sites, such as Facebook, puts adolescent girls and women at
greater risk for disordered eating. It also places everyone at risk for feeling
poorly about themselves and dissatisfied with their bodies.

Research has shown that adolescent girls who regularly read and look at
fashion magazines are more likely to lose weight because of an article.
One study, which surveyed girls found that:

·       69% of girls report that "magazine pictures influence their idea of the
perfect body shape"

·       47% report "wanting to lose weight because of magazine pictures"

So, media is one of the most influencial ways on eating disorders.

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