Units 15-16 Workshop A2 (4521)

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UNIT 15 - 16


A. Write a question for each answer (answers may vary).
(5 pts. 1 each).
What would you do if you won the lotery?
1. Q: _____________________________________________________________________
A: I would travel around the world
What would you do if your teacher gave the wrong score on your test? Do you tell him?
2. Q: _____________________________________________________________________
A: Yes, I would immediately tell my teacher that I had a wrong score in my test
3. Q: _____________________________________________________________________
A: No, I wouldn't live in Alaska if they told me to live there
4. Q: _____________________________________________________________________
A: If I could fly I wouldn´t be stuck in traffic jams anymore
5. Q: _____________________________________________________________________
A: I would be a basketball player if I were taller

B. Answer next questions (6 pts. - 2 each)

1. Two years ago I had the chance to study a new language in another country. I didn’t go because of
my girlfriend. She asked me to stay. What would you have done in my position?
2. Last month I crashed my father’s car but I told him that it was stolen. What should I have done?
3. A year ago I paid a lot of money for an English course but I only took few classes because I was very
busy working and going to the gym. I lost my money. What would you have done?

C. Next sentences are John’s mother request to him, using reported speech report each
sentence (5 pts. 1 each).

1. Get up early -___________________________________________________________

2. Could you do the dishes? - ________________________________________________
3. Don´t forget your umbrella - _______________________________________________
4. Can you call your sister? - _________________________________________________
5. Turn the TV down - _______________________________________________________
D. John is talking to Michelle. Report what John says in reported speech
(5 pts. – 1 each)

1. Natalia Lives in a house big

2. My family hates the rock music
3. I watched The Titanic last night
4. I have never been in Canada before
5. I didn't cook for my sister

E. Do you remember class 23? Report the next conversation, report ONLY the underlined lines (4
pts. – 0.5 each).

1. Mr. Field _________________________________________

2. Jason ____________________________________________
3. Mr. Field _________________________________________
4. Jason ____________________________________________
5. Mr. Field _________________________________________
6. Mrs. Field ________________________________________
7. Lisa ______________________________________________
8. Mrs. Field ________________________________________

In Session Task – Presentation (PPT):
- Remember to make a PPT only with images and few words (complete sentences are not accepted).
- The presentation must last from 7 to 10 minutes.
- During the presentation, speak naturally not by memory.
- Be ready to have a short conversation with the teacher in charge after you finish the presentation.
SLIDE 1 = Describe qué harías en las siguientes situaciones: 1) si vieras una pelea en la calle 2) si supieras 4 idiomas 3) si
ganaras una beca. 4) si fueras presidente de Colombia.

SLIDE 2 = Habla de decisiones desacertadas que hayas visto en personas cercanas a ti. Di que habrías hecho si hubieras
estado en dichas situaciones y/o que debieron haber hecho ellas mejor.
Utiliza las formas gramaticales: I would have + Verb PP / I should have + Verb PP.

SLIDE 3 = Menciona algunas peticiones que te hayan hecho recientemente, y habla de cosas que tus amigos te hayan dicho
en las últimas semanas.

*Las instrucciones están dadas en español para evitar confusiones.

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