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Coupled nature of magnetic and structural transition in MnNice under pressure

S. Anzai
Faculty of Engineering, Keio University, Hiyoshi, Yokohama sh-i2, 23, Japan

K. Ozawa
Solid State Physics Laboratory, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki, 319-11, Japan
(Received 9 January 1978)
Differential-thermal-analysis investigation in MnNiGe under pressure (&8 kbar) shows that (i) the first-
order TiNiSi-to-Ni21n-type structural transition point Tr decreases with increasing hydrostatic pressure
(dT~/dP —12.2 and dT~/dP = —10.0 K/kbar); (ii) the second-order helimagnetic-to-paramagnetic
transition point T~ situated below T&, increases with pressure (dT~/dP = +2.3 K/kbar); (iii) T~ and
T~ coincide to draw a new first-order transition line T«„(P) above a triple point PT„, = 3-4 kbar and that
the pressure slope (dT«L/dP = dTcoL/dP = — '5.4 K/kbar) is intermediate in value between those for TI,
and T&. This is the first example of a collaborating phase transition in which two distinctly different physical
properties can cause either a simultaneous transition or two separate ones. A simple phenomenological theory,
based upon a Landau-like free-energy expression, provides an understanding of the collaborating magnetic
and structural transition in MnNiGe. A mechanism for this transition is proposed.

I. INTRODUCTION taneous transition under suitable conditions. %e

call this last type (c) a collaborating transition
By introducing cross terms between the basic between different kinds of physical. properties.
axial components of polarization in the power-se- As the examples of the (c)-type transition, we
ries expression for the free energy, Devonshire' have Smolenskii's formulation' in which the order-
gave a phenomenological explanation of the ferro- ing of spins and electric dipoles occurs simulta-
electric- to-paraelectric transition through sev- neously as a result of ionic displacement. Huber-
eral distinct ferroeleetric states. Thereaf ter, : man and Streifer' have developed the free-energy
many intricate features of solid-solid transitions expression for the coupled order parameters be-
in the various types of physical systems have been tween lattice disorder (atomic displacements
understood by means of coupled order para, meters. towards interstitial sites) and magnetic order-dis-
All the examples may be classified according to order transitions, and drawn a relationship among
the physical origins of the coupled order parame- the lattice ordered ferromagnetic and paramsg-
ters. (a) The coupled order parameters are neti. c, and the lattice disordered paramagnetic
chosen to be variations of the same kind of physi- phases. MnBi exemplified by them exhibits
cal origins, e.g. , the aforementioned anisotropic only a simultaneous transition between the lattice
polarizations, anisotropic magnetizations in weak ordered (NiAs-type) ferromagnetic and the lattice
ferromagnets, ' anisotropic exchange interactions disordered {Ni,In- type) paramagnetic phase; sepa-
yielding a tetracritical point, '4 and two real am- rate transitions in magnetic and lattice systems
plitudes of distortions in the commensurate-in- in MnBi have not been reported. Although many
commensurate phase transition of charge-density- examples have been extensively investigated for
wave (CDW) systems. ' Cross terms involving cases (a) and (b), little experimental work has
interactions between different kinds of physical been reported for type (c).
properties are identified as cases (b) and (c). Recent neutron-diffraction studies by Bazela et
(b) The transition occurs for both order parameters al. ' have disclosed that the orthorhombic, TiNiSi-
simultaneously, but its driving force is contained type (Pnma) MnNiGe exhibits a helimagnetic-to-
in only one of them. The other one can only change paramagnetic transition with the transition tem-
with the former in a cooperative sense. One such perature T~=346. K. The magnetic moments are
example is the exchange striction effect' in which localized only on Mn atoms and the helical pro-
the magnetic order parameter and the deviation in pagation vector runs along the a axis with T
atomic distance from the normal thermal-expan- = 0.24-0. 26. A first-order structural transition
sion behavior correspond to the former and latter to the hexagonal, Ni, In-type (P6s/rrtmc) occurs at
cases, respectively. No finite value exists for the a transition temperature TD in the paramagnetic
latter when the former has zero value. (c) Re- region. e"o Ii is also reported that the Ni, In-type
spective parameters drive the separate kinds of
trarisitions and can also coherently drive a simul-
Mn 9Ni, 90e has a magnetic order-disorder
transition point at 7.'~~= 273 K. These behaviors

18 2173 1978 The American Physical Society


indicate that, in the Mn-¹i.-oe system, the spin 3

To (0)
and the lattice systems can independently cause the 2 T„" (0 Kbar
magnetic and the structural transitions, respec- M
tively. Furthermore, the large difference in the I -A
magnetic transition temperatures between the ~0-C To (0)
Ni, In- and the TiNiSi-type phases implies possi- 3w (0 To
bility of coherent coupling between the spin and the CD
Th () 94
lattice systems in the TiNiSi-type MnNiGe.
A negative volume change (1.6%%up) at Tc has been
found in the thermal expansivity, ' while one can - F
see only feeble changes in volume or in its tem- LLj
2- nNi Ge
perature slope at T~. From the negative sign of
d Tc/dP estimated from the Clausius-Clapeyron t
2 Th
relation, we expect that the magnetic and the C)
structural transition lines will intersect at a point 1
on the I'-'I' diagram. The present paper describes E H
TN (0)
the experimental results of pressure effects on
T~ and TN (Sec. III). A picture for the collaborat- CL UJ 4
ing magnetic and structural transitions in MnNioe Ld
is proposed in Sec. IV, based on the crystallo- 0
graphic and energetic considerations. tT (7,85 kbgr)
250 300 350 400
0 I I I I I I I

Powders of Mn (99.99% pure), Ni (99.99% pure), 310 330 350 370 390 410
and Ge (99.9999% pure) were mixed in equiatomic TEMPERATURE, K
proportion, and packed in a mullite crucible. The FIG. j.. Bepresentative isobaric DTA patterns in
mixture, sealed in a silica tube, was melted at Mnwiae. The numerical values in parentheses represent
1200'C, and homogenized at 800 'C for 3 days. the pressure in kbars. The inset sholem the tempera-
ture dependence of magnetic susceptibility p at 7.5 koe.
Finally, it was cooled quickly from 300 'C. The
x-ray powder pattern was indexed as the Tiwisi-
type structure, although traces of impurity lines as the helimagnetj. c-to-paramagnetic transition
were present. The orthorhombic lattice parame- point in the neutron diffraction study'; this transi-
ters were determined to be a= 6.022 +0.016 A, , tion is of second order. As seen on curves B and
b= 747+ 0004A, aude=. 7.0lj5+0.010 A at 300 K
3. D, a remarkable hysteresis interval of tempera-
with Si as a standard The re. sistivity of a disk, ture between T- ~ and T~ is determined to be about
formed under pressure, was found to be 1 10 &&
' 20 K with no detectable variation for different
Qcm at 300 K. heating and cooling rates between 2 and 25 K/min.
The structural and the magnetic transition tem- Here, the superscripts h and c refer to data taken
peratures were measured by following the differ- in heating and cooling runs, respectively. Curves
ential-thermal-analysis (DTA) peaks" at hydro- E, E, and G show that T„shifts to higher tem-
static pressures up te 8 kbars. Thermocouples peratures with increasing pressure, while T ~ and
were inserted both in the sample and the refer- TD decrease rapidly. T„and T~ meet at apres-
ence material (Al, O, powder). A large working sure between 3 and 4 kbars. Curves II and I in-
volume, 40-mm D 170-mm L, is available in
&& dicate that no transition points T„, T~, and T D
the pressure vessel, which can be heated inter- are observed at the temperatures which are ex-
pected on the extrapolated curves for these transi-
cribed previously. "
nally. The pressure system used has been des-
tion points. Curves H, I, agd show new transi- J
tion points T «~ and T «L of which hysteresis in-
terval of temperature indicates the first-order
Figure I shows the representative isobaric DTA character of this transition. '/he transition found
patterns taken on heating and cooling at rates of aboveP», is considered to be a simultaneous
about 5 K/min and at the indicated pressures. magnetic and structural one.
The valley and the peak temperatures recorded at Figure 2 shows the transition temperatures as a
ambient pressure (curves A and C} are in reason- function of pressure. The pressure slopes dT„/
able agreement. They are close to the peak tem- dP, dTD/dP, and d T~/dP are determined to be
perature on the X-T curve shown in the inset, +2.3, -12.2, and -10.0 K/kbar, respectively.
where the peak temperature of g has been assigned With increasing pressure, a linear shift of Tcor,

Mn Ni Ge
ese 7) e
LLj e e ll e
() ()
e e () e ll
()1 I
e e
360 L$L
—b+ (b)
Ni~In - TYPE
. QJ

I 6 6

FIG. 2. P-T diagram among the helimagnetic TiNiSi- e
type, the paramagnetic TiNiSi-type, and the paramag- I- b+
netic Ni2 In-type phases. Closed and open symbols re- (,) (d)
present the coolirg and heating runs, respectively. The Ti NiSi -TYPE
triple point PTR& is determined to be 3.6 kbars on heat- O, , e, o:Mn ', o'. Ge ', . Ni
ing and 2.9 kbars on cooling.
FIG. 3. Projections of the Ni2In- and the TiNiSi-type
structures on the b-c and c-c planes. Atoms connected
towards lower temperatures is observed with a by thick and thin lines are separated by half a transla-
slope of d T~~o„/dP= d T coL/dP =-5.4 K/kbar. tion period in the projection direction. The atomic dis-
A triple point P», among T„(P), Tn(P), and tances in the TiNiSi-type phase are as follows: "Mn (1)-
Ge (1) =2.52 A (r-Ar); ~Mn (1)-Ge (2, 2) =2.78 A (r);
Tc» (P) is found in the P-T diagram. These "Mn (1)-Ge (4)=3.50 A (r+3hr); "Mn (1)-Ge (5, 6)=2.51
pressure effects on the transition lines are con-
A (r-4r), where their approximate distances are ex-
firmed to be reversible with the pressure-cycled pressed by r (= 2.75 A) snd Ar (= 0.25 A) in parentheses.
weakly coupled to each other because the atomic
distance (2.76 A)' is larger than the sum of the
The structural data at 550 K (paramagnetic atomic radii. '~
Ni, In type) and 295 K (helimagnetic TiNiSi type)' In the TiNiSi-type structure [Figs. 3(c) and 3(d)],
are depicted in Figures 3(a)-3(d). The Ni, In-type the atomic distances along the a axis are alter-
structure consists of honeycomb layers" of Ni nately shortened to 2.40 A, which is close to the
and Ge atoms with the interplaner spaces filled by sum of the radii for Ge and Ni atoms. This
Mn atoms [Figs. 3(a) and3(b)]. Theatomicdis- bridge formation among the honeycomb layers
tance between Ni and Ge atoms is 2.38 A, which stabilizes the three-dimensional network of Ni
agrees with the sum of radii'~ for Ni (1.24 A) and and Ge atoms. The next-nearest-neighboring Mn
Ge (1.16 A) atoms. The nearest neighboring dis- atoms [Mn(1) and Mn(3)] are locked into the inter-
tances for Mn(1)-Mn(2) atoms along the c„,„axis stitial sites of this network so that the c axis
is 2.76 A, which is nearly twice as large as the slightly decreases below TD. Repulsive forces
atomic radius of Mn atom (1.39 A). Here, the among these Mn atoms expand the alternate Ni-Ge
hexagonal lattice parameters a„,„, and c„,„are distances (3.71 A) along the a axis. Hence, the a
related to the orthorhombic parameters in the axis expands at T~ when the sample is cooled.
following manner: a=c„,„, b=a„,„, and c=v 3a„„. This axial stress is released by shrinkage along
The nearest-neighboring Mn-Ge and Mn-Ni dis- the b axis in compliance with Poisson's constant.
tances are 2.75 A, which are slightly larger than These features are consistent with the thermal
the sum of the respective atomic radii. It seems expansion behavior observed at TD. '
that the crystal structure of the Ni, In-type Although no thermal vibration measurement has
MnNiGe is mainly supported by the honeycomb been carried out for MnNiGe, Jeitschko" has
layers stitched up by the Mn chains along the c„,„ investigated the root-mean-square amplitudes of
axis. The next-nearest-neighboring Ni and Ge thermal displacements in the isomorphic MnCoGe,
atoms form a chain along the c„,„axis, and are which also undergoes a structural transition to
2176 S. ANZAI AND K. 0ZA%A

the TiNiSi-type phase below T~. He found con- ably consists of a combination of the three super-
siderably larger vibrational amplitudes for Co and exchange interactions J, via nearest-neighboring
Ge atoms along the c„,„axis, while those for Mn Qe atoms and the direct exchange one J„.
atoms are rather smaller along the other axes. In the Ni, In-type structure, we assume that the
Therefore, it is plausible that the locking phenom- potential exchange integral J„ is caused by the
enon for Mn atoms is a secondary effect of the overlapping of the nearest-neighboring Mn orbitals
bridge formation. The pairwise coupled state for which are directed towards each other in the Mn
the bridge between Ni and Ge atoms is the ground chain, along the c„,„axis. In the cross section
state at lower temperatures. e
note that Neben- perpendicular to the chain axis, the absolute am-
zahV' has investigated a ground-state wave func- plitude of the Mn wave function decreases at a
tion, including correlations for spins coupled with rate which is nearly proportional to the increase
a, singlet state, and suggested the possibility of in distance from the chain axis. As seen in Figs.
forming a stronger bond with one of the neighbors 3(c) and 3(d), the Mn-atomic chain along the a
than with the other, through distortions in the axis becomes a zigzag arrangement in the TiNiSi-
atomic chain. The stability of the bridge forma- type structure. The overlapping portion between
tion might collapse as a result of the thermal ex- the Mn orbitals has the maximum value mhen the
citation of electrons into excited states, supported Mn chain runs straight, but it is orthogonally re-
by the lattice vibrations. The packing feature for duced with the increase of the zigzag displacement;
the constituent atoms is more dense in the Ni, In- this is related to a single deformation parameter
type structure than in the TiNiSi-iype MnNiGe. Thus, we obtain the relationship J2= J2t(1+ pgn),
Moreover, the electron cloud on the Ge atom is mhich satisfies the requirement that the nondis-
considered to be easily deformed by external pl@ced state has the maximum J„l. Here, J„and

forces or internal stresses because its dielectric p= (1/J2t) [BJ„/8($2)] are constant. J, is propor-
polarization constant'~ is as large as those for tional to & b Mn(1)~e(g) ~ ~ b Mn(2)-Ge(g) in the kinetic
normal metal atoms. Depressing effects of hydro- exchange mechanism, "
where the terms in angular
static pressure and of Mn deficiencies" on TD are brackets represent the averaged charge transfer
understood by this mechanism. integrals between the Mn atoms and their Qe en-
Although the cell volume of the Ni, In-type phase
vironments labeled by i and j.In the Ni, In-type
is smaller than that of the TiNiSi type, the de- phase, J, ~b'„holds, where b„ is the transfer inte-
crease in cell volume introduced by pressure gral between the nearest-neighboring Mn and Ge
could not depress the T„; instead, d TN/dP & 0 as atoms whose distance r is the same (2.75 A) for
observed belom I'»,
. Hence, the exchange stric- all. By using a notation ~r =0.25, we can repre-
tion effect is considered to be of secondary im- sent all the distances between a Mn atom and its
portance in the isobaric process. Thus, we pro- Ge environments in TiNiSi-type phase. Since the
vide the following exchange interactions. The c axis varies with change in magnetic order pa-
helical order indicates that the adjacent Mn spins rameter below T~, it is expected that the ex-
along the helical propagation vector are coupled change integrals vary with changing atomic spac-
in the nearly ferromagnetic alignment wmith the ings in MnNiQe through the exchange striction
effective exchange integral «=3J + J„&0, and
J, mechanism. However, the effect of the linear
that there exists a second-nearest-neighboring Mn change in x due to the structural transition on J,
interaction J, &0 along the vector [e.g. , between is cancelled out, as shown in the following esti-
the Mn(1) and Mn(4) atoms]. Here, J,«presum- mation:

~Mn(1)-Ge(i) bMn(2)-Ge(j) ( r/ ) [( )Mn(l)-Ge(2) ( )Mn(1)-Ge(2)+ ( + + )Mn(1)-Gs(1)]

[ (1+ + ~r)Mn(2)-Ge(2)+ (1+ ++r)Mn(2)-G (2)+ ( ~r)Mn(2)-Gs(1) ]

= b'„+ O((~r)'),

where the coefficient n is defined as (1/b„) (sb/sr). T„(P)= J, —[3 J, (1+ G) ')
Here, the charge-transfer integral is assumed to
relate linearly to the distance between Mn and Qe + J (1+ P V) ] 2/4 J2(1+ (d") —2 J,'(1+ (d")

atoms. -=T' (P) (I+ P'P+fl') (1)

By using the mell-known expression, ' one can
write the magnetic transition temperature for this mhere the intraplaner interaction J, is assumed to
system, be constant on f for simplicity. Here, Tt~(P) is

(b) order magnetic transitions, separately, within the

translational invariances for the free energy.
The equilibrium condition for both phases on the
transition line, together with the extremum condi-
tions for f and g, yields the sudden change in de-
formation parameter: r =(-c/2K)'~g at Tty=eIt(P)
FIG. 4. Schematic representations of the P-T diagram + &g/4Ka below P~„,. The similar technique-
illustrating two crossed phase-transition lines. Thick
and thin lines represent the first-order and the second-
yields the second-order magnetic transition line
order ones, respectively. Here, the phases are defined T„= (2D/3Kb)[h+ (hg —SAK)'~g]+ Tt„(P) (1+ 0') .
as follows. I: /=0, g=0; II: /&0, g=0; III: /=0,
g& 0 and IV: f & 0 g& 0. (a) Two second-order transi- Here, the abbreviations are defined as D= (-b/2)
tion lines. (b) One first-order and one second-order P'TNy(P), A =a[T —e~(P)], and B= b[T —TtN(P)
transition line. The dotted line shows the extrapolated x (I + g )].
TD line. (c) One first-order and one second-order tran- Above the crossing point of these magnetic and
sition line are also crossed, but 8 changes its sign
the structural transition lines, one expects a
suddenly through the structural transition line. The
dashed line represents the fictitious TH~ z z& line defined
first-order structural transition line between the
in (b) through Eq. (3). helimagnetic TiNiSi-type and a helimagnetic
Ni, ln-type phases which are bounded by the transi-
tion line,
the magnetic transition point when the structure is
not deformed. We will discuss the physical mean- T„tr Ni=OD(P)+ e'/4aK
ing of the constants v', or", and O'. For the free —(D/a)[( BK+ gD-)/f K]
energy near P»z, we write the Landau-type" ex-
pression in powers of the magnetic and the de- The third term implies that this line lies above
formation parameters f and q, respectively, as TDwhen -BK+ zD&0. This feature of the phase
follows: diagram is depicted in Fig. 4(b), together with
tbe case [Fig. 4(a)] of two second-order phase
e(T, J, t, rl) =a[T O, (P)] P-+ ~t'+Kgn
transition lines (K=O), which corresponds to Liu
+ b[T T„'(P)— '
and Fisher. However, the present experimental
results show no helimagnetic Ni, In-type phase.
x (I+ p'tg+ Q')] ri y f rf', (2)
8 the parameter 8 becomes positive above the
where the constants are required to have the structural transition line, then the helimagnetic
signs e (&0), K (&0), (&0), b (&0), and tg (&0).
This expression" is the simplest form, which
NigIn-type phase cannot be stabilized because no
real value of ti exists through the relation tI'
gives the first-order structural and the second- B/2f. The-equilibrium condition

Kltmagnetic TtNtsi type phase @para-magnettcNqln. type phase At + gL +Kt —(BD/f) L —8 /4f (D /f )f = 0—

at TcoL gives no zero value for g on the transition line. Moreover, g also jumps suddenly at this line
tbroughthe relation: rig=-B/2f -DV/f whichis derived through the extremum condition. Then, the
relation TD&T«~. »&T«L &T„ is derived from
-flelimagnetic TiNiSi-type phase helimagnetic Ni 2 In-type phase

in the temperature regionbetween T~&~ »»d TN tions in the initial Ni, In-type phase is sufficient

Here, T is the fictitious helimagnetic-to-para-
magnetic transition line of the Ni, In-type phase.
to produce an abrupt change in the superexchange
interaction J,. This is because the Ni-Ge pair
This situation is depicted in Fig. 4(c). formation along the a axis enhances the charge
Such a condition would be realized in the follow- transfer probability between the second-nearest-
ing process. We assume J, negative sign with neighboring Mn(l) —Mn(4) interactions through J„
I M, & Jg (so that J„&0). J', is maintained with
I the pair on the Ni-Ge three-dimensional network
the nearest-neighboring Ge atoms which are al- and decreases the probability for J, as the com-
niost isolated from their nearest-neighboring ¹i-Ge pensation of J„.
The formation of the Ni-Qe pair
honeycomb layers. Hence, the transfered elec- undergoes a sudden change in J, or the J„at
trons from the Mn atoms transfer to the nearest structural transition point. The changes are ex-
neighboring Mn atoms through the Qe atoms. How- pressed with the constants ~' and ~", respective-
ever, even an arbitrarily small displa, cement of ly. Provided that the decrease in J, overcomes I I

the Ni and Qe atoms from their symmetrical posi- the increase in J„)
through this mechanism,
2178, S. ANZAI AND K. 0ZA%A 18

then T„(P)» Tt (P) is satisfied. This constric- between the values of d T„/dP and dTo/dP T. his

tion condition is plausible because the magnetic is a picture of the collaborating magnetic and
transition point of the Ni2In-type Mn, Ni, , Ge structural transition in MnNiQe.
is considerably lower than that of the TiNiSi-type
MnNiQe. In order to express this circumstance, V. CONCLUSION
we used the parameter 0' in (2), which is a posi-
Our pressure experiments reveal the following
tive constant in the TiNiSi-type and zero in the
three facts: (i) TD and T„decrease and increase,
Ni2In-type phases. Such a change in sign of B can
respectively, with increasing hydrostatic pres-
be possible in case (c), because one of the transi-
sure; (ii) TD and T» coincide to a simultaneous
tion systems has the freedom to change the other
first-order magnetic and structural transition
system essentially. This freedom cannot be
line TcoL (P) above a triple point PT», and (iii)
allowed in case (a).
the pressure slope for T«L lies between those for
This is the explanation for the experimental re-
TN and TD. On the basis of crystallographic and
sult that the system has a total three phases
energetic considerations, it is concluded that the
, rather than the four expected in the current pa-
structural deformation and the magnetic inter-
pers" and T«L lies above the extrapolated TD actions collaborate mutually to drive a simulta-
line. Positive sign of J,
implies p&0, which re-
neous transition between the helimagnetic TiNiSi-
quires p'&0. Then, Tz increases when f de-
type and the pa, ramagnetic Ni, In-type pha. ses
creases with lowering TD. This is an explanation
through the coupled term between the deformation
of dT„/dP&0. By rearranging the terms in Eq.
and the magnetic order parameters. This is the
(2) in the sequence of f powers, one can see the first clear-cut example of collaborating transi-
square of the oscillation mode concerning to the
tions between different kinds of physical proper-
deformation, given by a(T —GD), is strengthened
with the magnetic forces bT~z(P)p—'ri' lt is con. -
sidered that the stability of the deformed struc-
ture is backed up by the effective magnetic inter-
actions which are mutually enhanced by the de- The authors express their thanks to Dr. E. F.
formation. Such a collaborating feature is sup- Skelton of Naval Research Laboratory for dis-
ported by the observed slope dT«L /dP which lies cussions.

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