Datasheet-BSQ-D280-10TL CPV Sun System-v2.1-2T PDF

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® BSQ-D280/10 CPV System

beyond the limits
Abridged Data Sheet

Dimensions Descrip on Features

The BSQ-D280/10 CPV System is specifically Performance
designed for the residen al solar market > In agreement with local construc on
where, if populated by BSQ HCPV modules, codes
it can provide 2-3 mes higher energy
> Auto-calibra on for maximum tracking
density than a conven onal silicon PV roof
mounted installa on.
> Designed with high pole mount to
You do not have to care about the avoid ground interferences
orienta on or shading of your roof; this is a > Wide range of mo on for maximum
ground based system with the least energy harvest
installa on footprint, that can be gracefully
integrated into your garden, parking space, Reliability
etc. > Hot dip galvanized structure with
The BSQ-D280/10 CPV Sun Tracker is addi onal pain ng coa ng
engineered for the BSQ's D280 CPV module > Controller design according to
to achieve op cal quality s ffness, sub- electrical safety and EMC standards
degree poin ng accuracy, and extended > Controller thoroughly tested in harsh
tracking range to deliver the highest energy clima c condi ons
produc on.

Specifica ons
Mechanical Tracking Controller
Aperture - Height .................................................................. 3.08 m Poin ng Accuracy (Average) ........................................ 0.05 º

Aperture - Width .................................................................. 3.15 m Poin ng Accuracy (Std. Dev.) ....................................... 0.04 º

Aperture - Area ................................................................... 9.70 m² Min. Posi oning Resolu on ........................................ 0.05 º

Coverage Radius ................................................................... 2.20 m Posi on Resolu on ..................................................... 0.018 º

Maximum Height .................................................................. 5.00 m Sun Ephemeris Mean Accuracy ................................... 0.01 with built-in GPS

Unloaded Weight .................................................................. 698 kg Wind Stow Condi on .................................................. 15 m/s

Weight with modules .............................................................. 905 kg Basic Connec vity ........................................................ RS232-485, Modbus

Tightness Condi on .................................................... IP65

Structural Proper es -10 ºC to 60 ºC
Temperature Range ....................................................
Max. Service Wind Speed ........................................................ 12 m/s
0.3 º Array Configura on
Max. Flexure @ Max. Service Loads .......................................
No. Panels ................................................................... 9 (2.52 kW@STC)
Max. Wind Load (resistance limit) .......................................... 45 m/s
No. Panels per String ................................................... 3
Lowest Resonance Frequency ............................................... 3 Hz
No. Parallel Strings ...................................................... 3

Tracking Drive
Tracking Geometry ................................................................... Az.-El.

Azimuth Range ........................................................................ ±180 º (adjustable)

Eleva on Range .................................................................. 0 º to 90 º

Azimuth Gearing .................................................................. Worm gear

Eleva on Gearing .................................................................. Screw jack

Max azimuth speed ................................................................ 30 º/min

Max eleva on speed .............................................................. 15 º/min

Max. Azimuth power consump on ...................................... 20 W

Max. Eleva on power consump on ...................................... 100 W

Max Power consump on in idle mode .................................... 38 W

Max. me to stowage ............................................................ 6 min

Max. backlash .................................................................. 0.04 º

Axes turning angle measurement ........................................... Op cal encoder

Limit switches .......................................................................... So and hard
Standard Test Condi ons according to IEC 62670-1 DNI 1000W/m²/Tc 25ºC

Printed on recycled paper. Design and specifica ons are subject to change without no ce

Compañía Española de Alta Eficiencia Fotovoltaica BSQ Solar, SL Sales & Engineering: C/del Vivero, 5, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Factory: Polígono Industrial Las Canteras, Camino del Torrejón, 1, 45220 Yeles (Toledo), Spain
(+34) 915 336 143 (+34) 915 348 693

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