Teaching Philosophy Dannycuadra

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My Teaching Philosophy Danny Cuadra

I believe that as a future teacher it is my role in the institution of education to nurture and
encourage lifelong learning and development in all students. To nurture the ability to think
analytically, creatively, and profoundly using the resources provided and past experiences as a
starting point for growth. As a teacher my focus will be to help guide students to reach their
highest potential, facilitating their learning and helping them through varied activities, and
advocating for different ways of learning.

I believe that my classroom should not be only a place for learning, but first and foremost
a place that students feel safe in, one in which they can be themselves and express their emotions
without fear of judgement or ridicule. I can only hope to inspire the love for learning that I have
in the hearts of my students by first and foremost helping them see that a school is a not a place
to dread, but instead one to anticipate going to.

I believe that each student in my classroom is a unique individual with potential for
excellence and strength, with a past that has helped them become who they are but does not
define who they will become. Each individual is unique and has different learning needs and
affinities, which should be used to aid in their learning. Its important to think past the traditional
forms and ways of learning when helping students achieve their potential, working together with
students to help them achieve their potential.

I believe that students need to communicate and interact with all aspects of life and the
world as they learn and grow, experiencing the histories and the knowledge as they learn it,
making connections past the classroom that will help them their entire lifes. Interacting and
cooperating with not only each other, but myself as they learn, building relationships,
connections and a community of learning.

I believe that the values and ideas that my students will learn should not stop when they
leave my classroom, that in other aspects of their lives, and in their future they will also move
forward with the values of respect, trust and honesty that I hope to inspire them with.
Communication, empathy, and compassion are also among these values, ones that I will advocate
for, not with words but with my own actions, showing that there is no room for anything but the
best effort from my students – no matter what that looks like.

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