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Unit 2 pp.

CHAPTER 7: Understanding the Behaviour of Children (topic 2)


Roisin is aged three years, nine months and has three older brothers, all of whom attend
the local primary school. She has recently started at a day nursery where she attends five
mornings a week now that her mum has returned to work part time.
Staff at the nursery are concerned about Roisin’s aggressive behaviour with other
children, especially during outside play. She pushes children out of the way on the slide
and climbing frame and grabs at prams and pushchairs that other children are already
using. She seems unconcerned when they cry or complain.
She is very confident and articulate, having a good vocabulary. When her behaviour is
challenged by staff, she grins at them and walks off.
Her key person decides to have a chat with Roisin’s mother when she next comes to collect

1 As Roisin’s key person, what information or evidence might you prepare before talking
to her mother?
2 What would you want to say to her mother?
3 How would you explain the setting’s behaviour policy and procedures?
4 What strategies have you tried or might you try to deal with Roisin’s aggression?
5 What might be the reason for Roisin’s behaviour?
6 What might be Roisin’s mother’s response?
7 How can you work with her mother to develop Roisin’s self-discipline and make her
more aware of the needs of other children?

© Hodder Education 2008

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