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Apellido Paterno Apellido Materno Nombre(s)

Semestre: Gpo:

Read the following text about four different volunteering experiences.

The Amazon Basin covers almost three million square miles and is home to more than 2.6 million
species of animals. However, by 2020, logging will have reduced the size of rainforest by 60%. This is
the reason why Jane Summers, an ecology student at the University of Chicago, thought it would be a
great opportunity to join the National Science Foundation (NSF), which was looking for volunteers to
help put an end to this before it was too late. When she came back, she said that she had traveled
with the scientists through the jungle in an experience of lifetime and additionally had helped them in
their study of the destruction of the Amazon rainforests and its effect on the ecosystem.
Thomas Hopkins wanted to help save the beaches of a unique chain of islands, the Bahamas, so he
joined the Coastal Ecology Center (CEC). With their warm waters and white sandy beaches that
stretch for miles, they are everyone’s dream of a tropical holiday destination. Just off the coast of
Florida, this island chain has not been affected by development until very recently. The CEC seeks
volunteers who can help put an end to this before the beauty of these islands is destroyed. When
Thomas retuned, he said that he had helped scientists examine the effects of growing coastal
development on the plants and animals there and compare satellite images to on-the-ground
Trey Wallas, recently back from India, described his time volunteering for Habitat for Humanity (HH)
as an incredible experience. It was a good thing he had experience in building work. During his 15-day
adventure, Trey stated he had helped families in Bhaleswa, near New Delhi, rebuild homes which had
been destroyed by floods during the rainy season. He said he had worked with a team of local
builders, community members and the family which eventually lived in the houses he had helped build.
We are moving from a “grey” economy, based on habits that are harmful to the environment to a
“green” economy, based on habits that are harmful to the environment to a “green” economy, based
on the understanding that we need to protect our environment. How will future generations meets
these challenges? Tracey Williams volunteered for the Global Youth for Environment Protection
(GYEP) agency to help educate young people about the environment. She helped train young
secondary school students while they prepared themselves for the green jobs of the future. She said
that she enjoyed teaching teenagers things about the environment.
Taking from: Mitchell, H., & Malkogianni, M. (2014). The English hub 3. USA: MM Publications.
INSTRUCTIONS: Summarize the text in 7 lines. Mention the most important points. (10p)


PART 1. INSTRUCTIONS: You will hear a politician speaking to a potential voter. Underline the
correct answers. (5p)
1. What party does Richard Cookson belong to? He belongs to the…
a. governing party b. national party
c. social party d. democrat party

2. What does the woman want to know about the national election process?
a. the election’s date b. the candidates
c. the proposals d. the propaganda

3. What is considered a priority for voters according to the referendum results?

a. environment care b. education
c. taxes d. health care

4. What is Richard Cookson’s proposal in terms of environment?

a. to implement an international treaty
b. to start up some recycling campaigns
c. to increase taxes to wood companies
d. to spend 25 million on reduce pollution and emission globally

5. According to Richard Cookson, how does he think people see his party?
a. a responsible party b. a loyal party
c. an honest party d. an important party.

PART 2. INSTRUCTIONS: Listen to the audio again and write the correct answer for each
question. (5p)

1. Where did Anne Glover see that university feeds will be increased? ______________.

2. What would be the punishment for those countries that don’t stick to the environment
measures? ______________.

3. How much the taxes will be raised on average? ______________ %.

4. Who will pay lower taxes? ____________.

5. Where is the nearest polling station? ______________.


PART 1. INSTRUCTIONS: Underline the correct option that completes the sentence. (5p)
1. You’re out of breath. Have you ________________?
a. been running b. ever run c. been run d. run

2. Jenny: “I’m going to learn to drive”

Jenny said that she _____________ to learn to drive
a. were going b. was going c. wasn’t going d. weren’t going

3. A: ____________ to say something?

B: No, no… well only that I agree with you entirely.
a. Were you going b. Was I going c. Was she going d. Were you go

4. Debbie is a very good tennis player. She’s __________ since she was eight.
a. ever play b. play c. been play d. been playing

5. My life ___________ dramatically since I started college a year ago.

a. have change b. have changed c. has changed d. has change

PART 2. INSTRUCTIONS: Circle the underlined word that must be changed to make the
sentence correct. (5p)
1. I didn’t like the book. It was so stupid story.
2. The book show was such good that I couldn’t put it down.
3. We humans have done great harm to nature and to themselves.
4. I can´t run very far. I’m not fit too.
5. Ricardo built his garage herself to save money.

INSTRUCTIONS: You are applying for a job at an International Company. Write a composition
to let the department of Human Resources know that you are an ideal candidate for a position.
Write 100 words. (10p)



INSTRUCTIONS: Talk about your own thoughts about “success”. (10p)

You have 4 minutes

 What is your own definition of success?

 Do you think people focus too much on appearing to be successful? Why/Why not
 What do you think are the personal qualities of successful people? Mention 3
 How is success important to you?


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