Ergot Derivatives 2016

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Ergot derivatives Co-dergocrine

Co-dergocrine (brand name Hydergine) is the British

Approved Name for a formulation that contains a combi-
GENERAL INFORMATION nation of the methane sulfonates of three dihydrogenated
ergot alkaloids: dihydroergocornine mesilate, dihydroer-
The ergot alkaloids are dopamine receptor agonists. Ergot
gocristine mesilate, and (in the ratio 2:1) a- and b-di-
derivatives include ergotamine tartrate, dihydroergota-
hydroergocryptine mesilates. Dihydrogenation eliminates
mine, ergometrine (also called ergonovine), and methy-
the vasoconstrictor effects of ergotoxin and enhances its a-
lergotamine (also called methylergonovine). They are
adrenoceptor antagonist and 5-HT receptor antagonist
potent a1-adrenoceptor and 5-HT receptor antagonists.
properties. Co-dergocrine has other pharmacological
effects, including inhibition of brain-specific phosphodies-
terases, several of which are still poorly described.
Ergotamine and dihydroergotamine Co-dergocrine has been used for its supposed therapeu-
tic effects in depression, confusion, and lack of self-care in
Ergotamine and dihydroergotamine have been used in
the elderly, and purportedly acts by improving cerebral
preventing migraine attacks and dihydroergotamine in
blood flow. The basis of these indications has been
the treatment of hypotension (either orthostatic or caused
reviewed and has not been validated [7,8].It has also
by spinal or epidural anesthesia). When dihydroergota-
been used topically to treat erectile dysfunction [9].
mine was given intravenously after coronary bypass sur-
Co-dergocrine is claimed to have some effect in brain
gery, despite increased filling pressure there was no rise in
ageing and has also been promoted as a “metabolic
cardiac output, and despite increased cardiac work the
enhancer”, mainly because it protects against metabolic
bypass flow fell significantly. The significant decrease in
alterations induced by hypothermia and ischemia in ani-
regional myocardial vascular resistance found after the
mals [10].
administration of dihydroergotamine may explain the
Many double-blind, controlled trials have been conducted
absence of the expected increase in cardiac output and
with co-dergocrine in senile dementia, and almost all have
coronary bypass flow.
reported improvements in scores on at least one psychomo-
The combination of heparin with dihydroergotamine
tor test scale. However, despite this evidence of short-term
has been used in the prevention of thromboembolic com-
efficacy, many skeptical clinicians consider it to be no better
plications. It was claimed that these two components act
than placebo, and find support from a double-blind, placebo-
synergistically, allowing a lower dosage of heparin to be
controlled trial in which a group treated with the recom-
used. However, the lower risk of hemorrhagic complica-
mended dosage of 1 mg tds for 24 weeks did not perform
tions is certainly not counterbalanced by a lowered risk of
better after treatment than did the placebo-treated group
ergotism [1,2]. Vasospastic reactions after giving heparin
[11]. The clinical value of co-dergocrine in patients with
with dihydroergotamine seem to occur particularly in
claudication and rest pain has been poorly documented.
traumatized patients or when a limb is injured. Since the
Vomiting, blurred vision, rashes, nasal stuffiness, bad
risk of vasospasm increases with treatment time, the
taste sensations, postural hypotension, and vasospastic
Swedish Adverse Reactions Committee recommended
reactions are all uncommon [12]. Diffuse fibrotic pro-
that the duration of treatment with dihydroergotamine
cesses (for example retroperitoneal fibrosis), repeatedly
with heparin should not exceed 7 days [3].
reported with other ergot derivatives, such as methyser-
With daily use of dihydroergotamine by injection, there is
gide and dihydroergotamine, have not been observed with
an ill-defined frequency of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
co-dergocrine. In elderly people, co-dergocrine only occa-
and diarrhea, but also a high incidence of muscle cramps and
sionally causes diarrhea, nausea, gastric pain, orthostatic
some cases of lethargy and peripheral edema [4].
hypotension, and headache. In 40 children, nasal stuffiness
and anorexia were most common adverse effects of co-
dergocrine [13].
Ergometrine and methylergotamine The ergot alkaloid a-dihydroergocriptine has been used
Ergometrine (also called ergonovine and d-lysergic acid on its own to treat prolactinomas [14], Parkinson’s disease
beta-propanolamide) and methylergotamine stimulate [15,16], migraine [17–19], and restless legs syndrome [20].
uterine contraction. Ergometrine is used in obstetrics, Dihydroergocristine has been used on its own to treat
since its oxytocic effects are relatively more marked than alcohol-induced brain damage [21] and to stop lactation [22].
its vascular effects. Nausea and vomiting can occur if it is
given orally. Slight bradycardia is common, but tachycar-
dia occurs in some patients, and there can be changes in
intracardiac conduction and pacemaker function. Very
rarely, hypertensive reactions and cardiac arrest have
been described and there are two reports of myocardial
infarction in healthy women who were smokers [5]. Ergot alkaloids can cause severe vasospasm [23]. The
The “ergonovine provocation test” has been used in the extremities become pale and cold, and arterial spasm in
diagnosis of angina pectoris (by producing vasospasm dur- the arms and legs has been demonstrated; even the face
ing angiography) but it can cause myocardial infarction can be affected. The condition can develop acutely even
and even death [6]. after brief use of the drug, and there is real risk of

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Ergot derivatives 87

gangrene; if given early, intra-arterial infusion of prosta- [33]. Within minutes she became unresponsive, with bradycar-
glandin E1 can reverse the spasm. Protracted coronary dia and then asystole followed by ventricular fibrillation during
spasm has also been reported in some cases [24]. Renal cardiopulmonary resuscitation. An electrocardiogram showed
arterial spasm has occurred after a dose of ergotamine of an acute anterior infarct and coronary angiography showed
diffuse spasm of the circumflex and left anterior descending
10 mg in the form of suppositories given over 60 hours
arteries, with subtotal occlusion of the latter. The spasm was
[25], and bilateral papillitis with ischemia of the periaxial reversed with intracoronary glyceryl trinitrate but she required
fibers has resulted from 2 weeks of maximum-dose treat- ventilation for another 2 days and was eventually discharged 11
ment. High doses have also led on occasion to mesenteric days after the infarct, with a borderline left ventricular ejection
vascular constriction, ischemic bowel disease, and partial fraction of 45%.
necrosis of the tongue. Arterial stenosis can even result in
aneurysm formation [26]. The absence of symptoms does The authors commented that the latter patient was of
not mean that there is no adverse effect; in 30 patients who Asian origin and that such individuals are thought to
had taken ergotamine 1–5 mg/day for a year all had low- have increased susceptibility to the vasoconstrictor effects
ered systolic blood pressures in the foot. of ergot derivatives.
Arterial spasm from ergotamine can be due to over- The role of arterial spasm as a cause of angina after
dose, but some patients have an exaggerated response to angioplasty has been studied in two men, aged 45 and 58
a therapeutic dose. Interaction with other drugs, leading years, who had emergency angioplasties for acute coro-
to potentiation, is another mechanism (see Drug-drug nary thrombosis [34]. Although the primary procedures
interactions below). were successful in both cases, ischemic chest pain returned
Treatment of migraine can lead to subclinical ergot- after 4 and 6 months respectively. Perhaps a little surpris-
ism for a prolonged period, and thence to occlusive ingly, in both cases intravenous ergonovine (0.4 mg) was
peripheral vascular disease; peripheral systolic pressure given during coronary angiography, causing severe arte-
(and liver function tests) should be monitored in rial spasm, which resolved with intravenous isosorbide
patients taking regular ergotamine [27]. Tolerance to dinitrate. There was no evidence of restenosis. The
these vasoconstrictor effects varies widely among indi- authors noted that recurrence of angina does not neces-
viduals; such symptoms as cyanosis of the limbs, syn- sarily imply restenosis, although it is not clear how many
cope, hypotension, and paresthesia have been seen in cardiologists will repeat this procedure with their own
sensitive subjects after doses of up to 8 mg taken over as patients.
little as 10 days. The Swedish drug authorities have
recommended that treatment should not be continued
 A 48-year-old woman developed a cold pulseless right leg and
for more than 7 days [28].
no measurable blood pressure at the right ankle [35]. She was a
 A 78-year-old woman developed gangrene in three fingertips migraine sufferer and had been taking over-the-counter medi-
on the right hand and two on the left after being given dihydro- cations, some of which contained ergot derivatives, although
ergotamine 10 mg/day as migraine prophylaxis [29]. She had the nature and quantity were not specified. Arteriography
had Raynaud’s syndrome for at least the previous 5 years and showed severe stenosis of the superficial femoral artery, with
was thought to have a relatively mild form of systemic sclerosis. no identifiable tibial vessels. There was an initial improvement
 A 44-year-old woman developed claudication and rest pain with intra-arterial glyceryl trinitrate infusion, and sustained
after gross overuse of ergotamine 100 mg suppositories (up to normalization of the circulation in the leg after administration
6 times a day) for chronic headaches over a period of several of sodium nitroprusside, nifedipine, prazosin, and heparin. She
years [30]. Angiography showed occlusion of both femoral made a full recovery.
arteries. Intra-arterial prostaglandin E (presumably E1) fol-
lowed by chemical sympathectomy normalized the circulation The authors reviewed the pharmacology of the ergot alka-
in both the legs.
 A 63-year-old Canadian woman who had been taking ergota-
loids and the acute and subclinical ischemic syndromes
that they can produce. They pointed out that in some
mine (dosage unspecified) for migraine for 20 years developed
acute ischemia of the right arm, with no palpable pulses below countries, notably in Latin America, ergot-containing
the axilla [31]. Angiography showed multiple filling defects in formulations are freely available without a prescription.
upper limb arteries, partially reversible with intravenous phen- Acute hypertensive encephalopathy has occurred in a
tolamine. She was given prazosin 2 mg/day and became pain- patient given methylergotamine [36].
free after 5 days. Treatment was continued for 3 months and Dissection of the internal carotid artery occurred in a
during this time attacks of migraine were treated with suma- 65-year-old man who had been abusing ergotamine com-
triptan without adverse effects. Her pulses were entirely normal pounds for several years on at least 15 days a month [37].
after 3 months, as was angiography. Rupture of a splenic artery aneurysm in a 46-year-old
Myocardial infarction has also been reported. woman was ascribed to excessive ergotamine ingestion
for migraine [38]. The authors thought that significant
 A 27-year-old woman with familial hypercholesterolemia
vasospasm may have led to damage and weakening of
already treated with lipid-lowering drugs developed acute the vessel wall and consequently to the development of a
chest pain after a prophylactic intramuscular injection of
false aneurysm. It should be noted that splanchnic aneu-
0.5 mg ergometrine, given during the late stages of labor [32].
rysms are occasionally discovered in otherwise healthy
Angiography showed three-vessel atherosclerotic disease and
occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery. people and carry a 5% risk of spontaneous rupture.
Angioplasty with stenting was successful and she made an Vasospastic angiitis involving the right ring finger has
excellent recovery. been attributed to co-dergocrine [39].
 A 34-year-old woman had a myocardial infarction after being Long-term abuse of ergotamine can occasionally cause
given ergonovine for an atonic uterus after cesarean section fibrosis of the cardiac valves [40,41].

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88 Ergot derivatives

Sinus bradycardia occurred in three of eight patients Psychological, psychiatric

who were given co-dergocrine [42].
Unlike the dopamine-mimetic ergolines, ergotamine is
not usually regarded as a drug with major effects on the
brain. However, this may not always be true.
Respiratory  A 75-year-old woman in Arizona developed progressive confu-
A newborn infant inadvertently injected with ergometrine sion, auditory hallucinations, and aggressive behavior [50]. Her
and oxytocin developed depression of respiration and systolic pressure was raised (194 mmHg). She had a history of
migraine and many other problems, including hypertension.
convulsions [43].
Her headaches had become more severe over the weeks before
admission and she had been gradually increasing her intake of a
formulation containing ergotamine 1 mg and caffeine 100 mg:
just before the emergence of her psychiatric symptoms she was
Ear, nose, throat taking 14 tablets per week. After withdrawal of the ergotamine/
During intranasal administration for migraine, nasal con- caffeine, her mental state and blood pressure returned to nor-
mal, without antihypertensive medication, and remained so
gestion, irritation, and sneezing can occur [44].
12 months later.

Although there has been extensive discussion of the phe-

nomenon of ergotism in medieval and early modern times,
Nervous system its features do not closely resemble this case, perhaps
The cerebral vasculature can also be vulnerable to ergot- because of the co-administration of caffeine. However,
induced vasoconstriction. regardless of that, there does seem to be a strong case
for a drug effect here.
 A 54-year-old woman with a 20-year history of migraine used a
A syndrome resembling reversible dementia has been
nasal ergotamine spray one evening during an episode of described in chronic ergotamine intoxication [51].
migraine [45]. She used a second dose at 4 p.m. the next day
since the migraine had persisted. The following morning she
was given subcutaneous sumatriptan 6 mg. Some 30–45 minutes
later she developed the symptoms of global amnesia, which
resolved by the following morning. Magnetic resonance imag- Nausea and vomiting are common problems with effective
ing showed a small infarct in the right thalamus. doses of ergotamine. Rectal stenosis demanding treatment
It seems likely that the co-administration of two cerebral has been described after prolonged use or overuse. This
vasoconstrictors increased the likelihood of such an event. pattern of use can also rarely cause reversible gastrointes-
tinal ischemia, presenting as lower abdominal pain.
 A 36-year-old woman developed a “cerebral angiopathy”
 A 50-year-old woman developed ischemic necrosis of the stom-
within 36 hours after starting to take oral metergoline, an
ergot derivative prescribed after delivery to suppress lactation ach wall after taking up to 5 mg/day of ergot amine tablets for
[46]. This angiopathy was apparently due to severe narrowing 10 years because of daily headaches [52]. The necrosis was seen
of small and medium cerebral arteries; its main features were on the greater curvature and was about 10 cm in diameter. She
sudden hypertension, seizures, and variable reversible neuro- required laparotomy because of peritonitis and there was a
logical deficits. 4 cm area of full-thickness necrosis within the ischemic area.
She made a full recovery.
Transient cortical blindness, with severe headache and  A necrotic small intestine was resected in a 65-year-old man
hallucinations, has been associated with the intravenous with ergotamine abuse [53]. Histological examination showed
injection of methylergometrine 0.2 mg in a postpartum hypertrophy of the smooth muscle of the mesenteric arteries
patient [47]. resulting from chronic vasospasm. The patient developed post-
The role of ergotamine and sumatriptan in drug- operatively limb ischemia and tongue gangrene before he died.
induced headache has been surveyed in over 2000 patients In 15 patients anorectal ulceration occurred after the use
at a regional headache clinic [48]. About 600 had taken of ergotamine suppositories; in eight cases the ulceration
ergot derivatives previously and a similar number had was accompanied by anovaginal or rectovaginal fistula
used sumatriptan, while nearly 250 had experience of formation [54]. Anal ulceration has also been reported
both. Drug overuse was defined as the use of at least one after excessive use of ergot suppositories [55].
dose of either drug on 18 or more days every month for at
least 3 months. By these criteria the rates of ergotamine
and sumatriptan overuse were estimated at 14% and 3.5% Liver
respectively. Drug-induced headache was much more
common among ergotamine overusers than sumatriptan Portal hypertension, presumably due to vasoconstriction,
overusers (68% versus 32%). has been reported [56].

Sensory systems
Retroperitoneal fibrosis, as produced classically by meth-
Bilateral ischemic optic neuropathy can develop second- ysergide, has been reported after the administration of
ary to acute ergotism after administration of ergotamine ergotamine [57], dihydroergotamine [58], and dihydroer-
tartrate [49]. gocristine [59]; it can cause acute obstructive renal failure.

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Ergot derivatives 89

Other fibrotic reactions have been reported in patients Ergotamine also reduces liver blood flow by vasoconstric-
taking ergot derivatives. tion and therefore reduces its own first-pass metabolism.
 A 67-year-old man in Germany with Parkinson’s disease took co- In 10 subjects with stable cirrhosis and eight age- and sex-
careldopa and (somewhat unusually) a-dihydroergocryptine matched healthy subjects, cirrhosis increased systemic
45 mg/day, the latter in order to regulate fluctuations on motor exposure by reducing presystemic metabolism [66].
function [60]. After 2 years he developed a dry cough with dys-
pnea. Chest X-rays showed severe thickening of the pleura bilat-
erally with associated effusions. Biopsy confirmed fibrosis. The Other susceptibility factors
ergot drug was immediately replaced with pramipexole, eventu-
ally at a dose of 3 mg/day. Respiratory symptoms improved Women taking oral contraceptives (see below) and preg-
markedly within weeks, but there was little change radiologically. nant women are more susceptible to the vasospastic effects
of the ergot alkaloids, as are patients in shock, with sepsis,
Although this is the first description of such a reaction to
and with Raynaud’s disease or Buerger’s disease.
this particular drug, it has been well documented with
The risk of severe vascular reactions is increased in the
several other dopaminergic ergot derivatives.
presence of peripheral vascular disease or when sympa-
thomimetic agents are given at the same time.
If ergotamine tartrate is used chronically, which is in any
Drug overdose
case undesirable because of its vascular effects, a vicious
cycle can arise, withdrawal headaches leading to the use of The signs of ergot poisoning initially include dizziness,
ever-increasing doses [61]. Tolerance can develop to the frontal headache, depression, and leg and low back pain;
point at which the doses being used exceed those that are more severe poisoning results in formication, severe cya-
normally regarded as safe. The only possible treatment is nosis of the extremities, muscular twitching, tonic spasms,
to withdraw the drug; the withdrawal symptoms tend to be convulsions, delirium, and ultimately death [67].
poorly responsive to other drugs, but they usually abate
within 72 hours, after which the patient can be treated with
other antimigraine drugs. The best means of preventing
ergotamine dependence is to limit the use of ergotamine
tartrate to no more than 2 days per week and to ensure See also Erythromycin; HIV protease inhibitors;
that the drug is not used unnecessarily for plain head- Methysergide; Ticlopidine; Triptans; Troleandomycin
aches, which have been labeled as migrainous.


In a randomized, non-blinded, crossover study in 12
Teratogenicity healthy men a single dose of a-dihydroergocryptine
Microcephaly occurred in a child whose mother had used 20 mg had no significant effect on the pharmacokinetics
ergotamine and caffeine (during the first trimester) and of a single dose of digoxin 0.5 mg [68].
propranolol (during the second) for the relief of migraine
[62]. Although this suggests the possibility of teratogenic-
ity, data in animals are not consistent. However, ergota- Clarithromycin
mine should in any case not be used in pregnancy in view
Clarithromycin has been reported to potentiate the effects
of its oxytocic effects [63], which can lead to fetal stress
of ergotamine.
requiring cesarean section [64].
 A 41-year-old woman presented with pain and pallor in the leg
and a sensation of coolness exacerbated by exercise [69]. For
Lactation many years she had been taking a formulation containing ergot-
amine 1 mg plus caffeine 100 mg, at a dose of one or two tablets
Ergotamine does not affect the amount of milk secreted daily, for both prophylaxis and treatment of migraine. For 7
during lactation [65]. It has been said that if ergotamine is days she had also taken clarithromycin (dose is not stated) for a
used during lactation, the infant may have gastrointestinal chest infection. Her legs were cool and cyanosed, with no
upsets, cardiovascular instability, and even convulsions, palpable popliteal or foot pulses and an ankle-brachial index
but there is little documented evidence of this. of only 0.6 (normal >0.8).

The authors concluded that her symptoms had been pre-

cipitated by the introduction of clarithromycin, an inhibi-
SUSCEPTIBILITY FACTORS tor of CYP isoenzymes like the other macrolide
antibiotics. However, she was also taking omeprazole,
Hepatic disease another inhibitor, which may have contributed to the
There are special risks in giving ergotamine in liver dis- problem. All drugs were withdrawn and nifedipine was
ease, since most of the drug is metabolized by the liver. given, with full recovery within a couple of days.

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90 Ergot derivatives

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