Implementación de Una Encuesta en Idioma Ingles Parte 2

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Implementación de una encuesta en idioma ingles

Parte 2

Leidy Viviana Guerrero Rosero

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Gestión de mercados
Centro de Materiales y Ensayos
Implementación de una encuesta en idioma ingles
Ev. 04

Leidy Viviana Guerrero Rosero

Sandra Liliana Huertas

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Centro de materiales y ensayos
“ Sweet Temptation Company “


Pollster code

Name Age

Direction Phone


1. ¿You like the products we offer here?

a. Yes

b. No

2. ¿How often do you consume our products?

a. Everyday

b. Weekends

c. Special dates

d. Never

3. ¿On some special occasion he usually bums desserts?

a. Always

b. Sometimes

c. Never

4. ¿What catches your attention about our products?

a. Price
b. Design

c. Flavor

5. ¿You are satisfied with our attention?

a. Very satisfied

b. Somewath satisfied

c. Somewath dissatisfied

d. Very dissatisfied

6. ¿How often do you visit us?

a. Very often

b. Occasionally

c. Always

d. Never

7. ¿You would recommend our Company?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

8. ¿From one to ten how would you rate us?

9. ¿How did you feel when answering this survey?

a. Good

b. Very good

c. Normal

d. Held down

e. Relaxed

10. ¿Do you have any other questions, comments or concerns?

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