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Dr. A. Santos Avenue, Sucat Road, Parañaque City

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March 2020

Special Crime Investigation

I. Multiple Choice.
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. In crime of homicide, time is of importance. Which of the following

statements below does not concur?
A. Time body was recovered
B. Times relating to suspect movement
C. Time of death
D. Time of arrival of the suspect at the scene

2. If the investigator happens to have an alibi witness, up to what extent of

interview should be carried out with the latter?
A. Circumspect approach
B. Sympathetic approach
C. Check and re-check the conduct of interview
D. Exhaustive interview

3. In order to prove that the wound is accidental, the following circumstances

should be considered, except for one, what is it?
A. testimony of the neighbors
B. usually there is but one shot
C. there is no special area of the body involved
D. testimony of the assailant

4. In the crime of homicide, proof of intent to kill is necessary to establish

against the offender who happens to consummate such action.
A. affirmative
B. false
C. it depends upon the situation
D. sometimes incorrect

5. In order to prove that the wound is Homicidal, the following circumstances

should be considered, except for one, what is it?
A. There may be disturbance of the surrounding on the account of the
previous struggle.
B. Signs of defense wounds may be present in the victim
C. The sites of the entrance wound has point of election

“Marangal-Alab Class 2015” “Sikhay-Lahi Class 2016” “Kislap-Tala Class 2017” “Bagwis-Laya Class 2018”

Office of the College of Criminology, 3rd Floor, Primo Olivarez Hall, Olivarez College
Sucat Road, Parañaque City. Telephone #s825-7119 / 825-7189 local 278
Dr. A. Santos Avenue, Sucat Road, Parañaque City
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D. The signs of tattooing on the point of entry and a larger wound as the
bullet exited.

6. When you’re trying to investigate and search the route where the suspect
possibly exited after the incident, what are you trying to establish then?
A. Avenues of approach
B. Place where the evidence can be found
C. The avenues of escape
D. All of the choices above

7. In case the investigator gathered a credible witness, what is the proper action
the investigator should carried out?
A. Ask the witness to cooperate and get the latter’s statement depending on his
availability so as not to feel being harassed.
B. Immediately get his statement without delay for time is of importance
C. None of the above
D. Both a and b

8. When the grandfather killed the only child of his son, is the grandfather guilty
of Parricide?
A. True
B. False
C. It depends, if legal ties between the parties are present
D. Yes, because their relationship is on direct line

9. As a rule, the investigator should not touch, alter or remove anything in the
crime scene until the evidence has been processed or documented through the following
schemes except for one, what is it?
A. photographs
B. sketches
C. notebooks
D. none of the choices

10. The grandmother killed her illegitimate granddaughter which is only 2 days
and 26 minutes old. What is the crime committed by the grandmother?
A. Parricide
B. Infanticide
C. Murder
D. Homicide

11. It is a must for the investigator to conduct methodical searching of the place
where the incident of the killing occurred. Which of the following areas below said
searching be carried out?
A. Avenues of escape
“Marangal-Alab Class 2015” “Sikhay-Lahi Class 2016” “Kislap-Tala Class 2017” “Bagwis-Laya Class 2018”

Office of the College of Criminology, 3rd Floor, Primo Olivarez Hall, Olivarez College
Sucat Road, Parañaque City. Telephone #s825-7119 / 825-7189 local 278
Dr. A. Santos Avenue, Sucat Road, Parañaque City
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B. Crime scene
C. Places where the evidence can be found
D. Places where the victim was seen immediately preceding his death

12. In the crime of parricide, the proof of legitimacy is required if the deceased is
either the father, mother or child of the accused?
A. True
B. No
C. It depends
D. Yes, because their relationship is on direct line

13. In the event the investigator managed to have a suspect, however there is no
evidence that could indict the latter to such case being investigated. What is the lawful
action the investigator should be taking?
A. Subject the suspect for thorough investigation
B. Apply the “Reid Technique”
C. Immediately eliminate the suspect
D. Present the suspect before the fiscal for the latter’s sound discretion

14. In a homicide case, the following basic outlines should be followed. Which
among the actions below does not concur?
A. record the time the call was received
B. record the time of arrival at the crime scene
C. record the time the suspect left the crime scene
D. none of the choices

15. A is the illegitimate son of B. C the common law wife of B, killed A. What is
the crime committed by C?
A. Parricide
B. Simple murder or homicide as the case may be
C. Homicide through reckless imprudence
D. Homicide only, because A is not a legitimate son of C.

16. The shape, size and appearance of the entrance wound are affected by the
following instances, except for one, what is it?
A. the distance of the discharge
B. the relative position of the assailant
C. the affected part of the body
D. the type of weapon used

17. The investigator handling the case can only gather all pieces of evidence at
the scene of the crime upon approval of his superior officer.
A. true
“Marangal-Alab Class 2015” “Sikhay-Lahi Class 2016” “Kislap-Tala Class 2017” “Bagwis-Laya Class 2018”

Office of the College of Criminology, 3rd Floor, Primo Olivarez Hall, Olivarez College
Sucat Road, Parañaque City. Telephone #s825-7119 / 825-7189 local 278
Dr. A. Santos Avenue, Sucat Road, Parañaque City
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B. false
C. probably correct
D. negative, on some occasion

18. An actual design to kill on the part of the offender should be established if the
latter’s action is qualified with evident premeditation.
A. correct
B. false
C. it depends upon the situation
D. probably true

19. Only relative by blood and in direct line are liable for the crime of parricide,
except for one, who is he/she?
A. Illegitimate son
B. Father
C. Spouse
D. Ascendants/ descendants

20. The motives of the suspect for dismembering the remains of the victim are
stated below. Which amongst them does not concur?
A. establish the identity of the victim difficult.
B. to conceal a crime
C. avoid being detected
D. to be known the suspect as “tag” killer

21. In investigating a crime with the use of firearm, the wound is being examined
for purposes of determining the proper result as listed below. Which amongst them does
not coincide?
A. the distance and the direction of the fire
B. establish the qualifying circumstance of “superior strength”
against the assailant.
C. the nature and type of weapon used
D. the relative position of the victim and the assailant

22. In order to establish that a gunshot wound is suicidal, the following

circumstances below should be considered. Which amongst them does not concur?
A. the fire is usually in contact or near contact as shown by the tattooing.
B. the portion of the body involved is not that accessible in order to
commit suicide to deceive or mislead the investigator.
C. the gunshot wounds should only be few.
D. Wounding weapon held tightly in the palm of the hand of the victim.

II. DISCUSSION: (20 points)

“Marangal-Alab Class 2015” “Sikhay-Lahi Class 2016” “Kislap-Tala Class 2017” “Bagwis-Laya Class 2018”

Office of the College of Criminology, 3rd Floor, Primo Olivarez Hall, Olivarez College
Sucat Road, Parañaque City. Telephone #s825-7119 / 825-7189 local 278
Dr. A. Santos Avenue, Sucat Road, Parañaque City
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A is an adopted son, brother of B. One afternoon, as the brothers were having fun
watching championship boxing they decided to mix their enjoyment with alcoholic
beverages. Their happy moments turned bitter when A’s bet boxer turned looser; thus, got
irked with the mockery or insults made by B. As a result A grabbed a knife within his
reach and tried to stab B. However, as Z, their grandfather, tried to meddle with the
situation, the latter was hit instead of B and died instantly.


What is the crime committed by A if there is any? Fully explain your answer.


“Marangal-Alab Class 2015” “Sikhay-Lahi Class 2016” “Kislap-Tala Class 2017” “Bagwis-Laya Class 2018”

Office of the College of Criminology, 3rd Floor, Primo Olivarez Hall, Olivarez College
Sucat Road, Parañaque City. Telephone #s825-7119 / 825-7189 local 278

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