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Postgraduate Medicine

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Contributory cause: Unnecessary and insufficient

Richard Riegelman

To cite this article: Richard Riegelman (1979) Contributory cause: Unnecessary and insufficient,
Postgraduate Medicine, 66:2, 177-179, DOI: 10.1080/00325481.1979.11715231

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Published online: 07 Jul 2016.

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A Series

Contributory cause: Unnecessary and insutficient

Can cigarettes cause cancer? Can cholesterol cause coronary artery disease? Can chemicals cause congenital
defects? The clinician is constantly confronted with controversies over cause and effect. To criticaUy evaluate a med-
ical study, the reader must understand the clinical concept of cause.

Richard Riegelman, MD, MPH The investigators believed they vantage in that the possible cause is
had established the first condition established before the effect is expe-
for demonstrating causation, ie, that rienced. The following example il-
Whé. does clinical cause and effect the cause preceded the effect. But lustrates, however, that even with
mean" The clinical concept of cause had they? If subjects had angina prospective studies there may be dif-
is an , npirical definition known as prior to infarction, they might have ficulty in determining whether the
contributory cause. 1 It requires ful- misinterpreted the cause of the pain "cause" preceded the "effect."
fillment of the following criteria. ( 1) and tried to alleviate it by self- A group of 1,000 persans who
The attribute referred to as the medication with aspirin or antacids. have stopped cigarette smoking
cause has been shown to precede the That is, the medication might have within the past year and 1,000 cur-
effect. (2) Altering only the cause been taken to treat the disease and rent cigarette smokers matched for
has been shown to alter the effect. total pack years of smoking are
fol/owed for one year to determine
Applying the criteria for the frequency of development of
contributory cause lung cancer. This disease develops
lt may seem simple to establish that in 5% of those who stopped smok-
a cause precedes an effect, but as ing cigarettes, compared with 0.1%
the following hypothetical examples of the contrais. The investigators
show, investigators can be fooled. conc/ude that they have demon-
A retrospective study of drugs strated thal stopping cigarette
taken within the week preceding smoking is a prior attribute associ-
myocardial infarction is conducted Fourth in a series of five articles on ated with the deve/opment of lung
interpreting medical etudies
in an attempt to identify the precipi- cancer. Therefore, they advise cur-
tating causes of the disease. In this rent smokers to continue smoking.
study, 500 patients with myocardial its use might not have truly pre- In this study, stopping cigarette
infarction are compared with 500 ceded the disease. This study failed smoking appeared to occur prior to
patients hospitalized for elective to establish a prior, or antecedent, the development of Jung cancer. But
surgery. The investigators find thal cause because it did not distinguish what if the smokers stopped smok-
the patients with myocardial whether the disease led the subjects ing because of symptoms produced
infarction are ten times as likely as to take the medication or whether by Jung cancer? If this were true,
the contrais to have taken aspirin or taking the medication precipitated then Jung cancer would have
antacids during the week preceding the disease. This example illustrates brought about stopping smoking
admission. They conclude that tak- the difficulty in separating cause and not vice versa. Thus, one must
ing aspirin or antacids is associated and effect frequently encountered be careful in accepting that the hy-
with subsequent myocardial infarc- with retrospective studies. pothesized cause preceded the
tion. Prospective studies have an ad- effect.



Establishing that
cause preceded affect is
particularly difficult
in retrospective studies.

of ulcerative colitis, and altering the

water supply altered the effect. The
concept of contributory cause does
not require, as the reviewers con-
tended, demonstration of the imme-
diate or intermediate mechanism of
the effect.
Historically, there are numerous
examples in which lives were saved
by altering the contributory cause
without understanding the immedi-
ate mechanism of disease. Cholera

--. was controlled through hygiene be-

fore its bacterial etiology was under-

J!f stood, malaria was controlled by

swamp clearance before its trans-
mission by mosquito was appreci-
ated, and scurvy was prevented with
citrus fruits before Limeys ever

......... __...__..... _:::;

beard of vitamin C .

PitfaUs in applying strict rules

of logic

lo:_~_:__, ------~-- ~
Illustration: Niculae Asciu
The clinical concept of cause known
as contributory cause is an empirical
definition which differs from the
strict rules of causation required in
formai logic. Formai logic requires
The criteria for contributory same leve/ as town Ys. The investi- two conditions in addition to the two
cause also require demonstration gators are disappointed when re- required for establishing contribu-
that altering the cause alters the viewers of their study conc/ude that tory cause. 2 (1) The cause must be a
effect. The following example illus- even though the study was weil necessary element in bringing about
trates how this criterion can be done, the criteria for contributory the effect. If the cause is absent, so
fulfilled. cause were not fu/fi/led. The re- will be the effect. For example: If
Studies show that town X, which viewers argue that how or why lake smoking does not occur, lung cancer
takes ils drinking water from a water causes ulcerative colitis was will not occur. This is known as nec-
nearby lake, has five times as high not explained.
an incidence of ulcerative colitis as If they performed the study prop-
similar, neighboring town Y, which erly, these investigators have ful- Richard Riegelman
uses weil water. After town X filled the criteria for contributory Dr Riegelman is assistant professor and di-
rector of research, department of health care
switches to weil water, its incidence cause. Drinking lake water was sciences, George Washington University
of ulcerative colitis falls to the shown to precede the development Medical Center, Washington, DC.


If the clinical concept of cause requirecl that the
cause be necessary and sutficient, identification of
any clinical factors as causes of disease would be
practically impossible.

essary cause. (2) The cause must be of formai logic. Contributory cause study have established that the new
a sufficient element to bring about does not require that ali those who organism was a prior attribute and
the effect. If the cause is present, so are free of the cause be free of the that eliminating the "cause" elimi-
will be the effect. For example: If effect. The failure of known causes nated the "effect." This is an ade-
cigarette smoking occurs, so will to predict ali of the cases of dis- quate proof to establish the new or-
Jung cancer. This is known as ease points up the limitations of cur- ganism as a contributory clinical
sufficient cause. rent knowledge of the contributory cause even if the criterion of suffi-
If the clinical concept of cause re- causes of coronary artery disease. lt cient cause is not fulfilled.
quired demonstration of necessary does not, however, negate those fac-
and sufficient cause, identification tors for which there is evidence of Summary
of any clinical factors as causes of contributory cause, since a known
disease would be practically impos- contributory cause may not be pres- Contributory cause is a clinicaUy
sible. The following hypothetical ex- ent in each and every case. useful concept of causation. It re-
amples illustrate what can occur A similar argument relating to quires demonstration that (1) the pre-
when investigators adopt rigorous the concept of sufficient cause is sumed cause precedes the effect and
standards of logic in determining made in the following hypothetical (2) altering the cause alters the
causation. example. effect. It does not require that aU
ln a study of the risk factors for ln a study of a military epidemie those who possess the contributory
coronary artery disease, investiga- of a new strain of meningococcal cause experience the effect. It does
tors identify from a population of infection, /0,000 otherwise healthy not require that aU those who are
10,000 patients who have had myo- men are identified as having throat free of the contributory cause be free
cardial infarction 100 individuals infections with the organism. Half of the effect. In other words, a clin-
who experienced infarction despite these men are randomly assigned to icat cause may be neither neces$llry
normal blood pressure, normal cho- a treatment group, and half are as- or sufficient but it must be contribu-
lesterol leve/, regular exercise, no signed to a placebo group. Meningi- tory.
smoking, type B personality, and no tis did not develop in any of the
Next: The fallacy of free extrapolation.
family history of coronary artery treated patients during the next 12
disease. The investigators conclude months, but did occur in 5% of the Address reprint requests to Richard Riegel-
placebo group. The investigators man, MD, Department of Health Care Sci-
that they have demonstrated that ences, George Washington University Med-
hypertension, high cholesterol leve/, conclude that a cause-and-effect re- ical Center, 1229 25th St NW, Washington,
/ack of exercise, smoking, type A lationship has not been established, DC 20037.
personality, and positive family his- since meningitis developed in on/y a
tory are not causes of coronary ar- small percentage of the untreated References
lery disease, since not every patient patients. 1. Lilienfeld AM: Foundations of Epidemiol-
who has had myocardial infarction These investigators have adopted ogy. New York, Oxford University Press,
1976, p 250
possesses one of these risk factors. the criterion of sufficient cause from 2. Murphy EA: The Logic of Medicine.
Let us assume that ali of these formallogic, which requires that the Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press,
factors have been shown to fulfill the mere presence of the "cause" always 1976, p 180
criteria for contributory causes of be associated with the "effect."
coronary artery disease. The investi- Even in infectious disease, a contrib-
gators in this study used as their utory cause may not always lead to
concept of cause the necessary cause the effect. The investigators in this


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