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Learningactivity 1 / Actividad de aprendizaje 1

Evidence: “Blog Presentations” / Evidencia: “Blog Presentaciones”

Forthisevidence, youhaveto: / En esta evidencia usted debe:

a. Introduce and describe yourself. / Presentarse y describirse.

Answerthefollowingquestions / Responda las siguientes preguntas. (por favor escriba
su número de teléfono real para poder contactarle)(Los números deben ser escritos
en letras)


1.What is your name? My name is Rosa.

2.What is your surname? My surname is Chamorro.
3.How old are you? I am 33 (thirty-three) years old.
4.Where are you from? I am from Pasto in Colombia.
5. What do you do? I am an English instructor.
6.What is your mobile or local phone number? My mobile phone number is three,one, four,
eight,nine, six, oh, five, three, nine. (3148960539)
7. What is your marital status? I am married.
8. What are you like? I am punctual, respectful, intelligent, honest and shy.

Your turn:

1.What is your name? My name is Marleth Katherine

2.What is your surname? My surname is Martinez cardozo
3.How old are you? I am 28 (tenty-eight) years old.
4.Where are you from? I am from cordoba in colombia______.
5. What do you do? I am teacher of natural sciences and environmental education.
6.What is your mobile or local phone number? My mobile phone number three, two, zero,
six, ,seven, one , five , seven , two, nine. (3206715729) (  whatsapp- calls)
7. What is your marital status? I am single.
8. What are you like? I am ______________.

b. Introduce and describe two friends. A man and a woman. (theycould be actual
orinventedfriends). / Presentar y describir a dos amigos. Un hombre y una mujer
(pueden ser reales o personajes ficticios).
Answerthefollowingquestions / Responda las siguientes preguntas.
For a mananswerthesequestions:/ Para un hombre responda las preguntas:

1.What is his name? His name is __________.

2.What is his surname? His surname is __________.
3.How old is he? He is __________ (__________) years old.
4.Whereis hefrom? He is from __________ in __________.
5. What does he do? He is a __________.
6.What is his mobile or local phone number? His mobile phone number is
__________. (__________)
7. What is his marital status? He is __________.
8. What is he like? He is __________.

For a womananswerthesequestions:/ Para una mujer responda las preguntas:

1.What is her name? Her name is __________.

2.What is her surname? Her surname is __________.
3.How old is she? She is __________ (__________) years old.
4.Where is shefrom? She isfrom __________ in __________.
5. What does she do? She is a __________.
6.What is her mobile or local phone number? Her mobile phone number is
__________. (__________)
7. What is her marital status? She is __________.
8. What is she like? She is __________.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide
in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop
them and deliver them correctly.

Nota: Esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de

aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las actividades
propuestas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterios de evaluación
Intercambia información personal con la estructura y el vocabulario requerido.

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