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BIOCHEMICAL & If we consider the chemical composition of the human

ELECTROLYTIC body and some of its related processes, we get a closer view
RESPONSES of the magnetic processes operative at this level. The human
body consists of over 80% water. Water is universally
recognized to be particularly susceptible to magnetic
influence. The chemical explanation given for this is that
since the nucleus of the oxygen atom has no magnetic
Isotope Magnetic Moment
in moment, and should therefore not respond to an external
Nuclear Magnetrons magnetic field, it is the single proton of the hydrogen's
H1 Hydrogen 2.793
nucleus that is thought to be so amenable to magnetic fields,
Proton with the result that water can be easily polarized by an
H2 0.857 external magnetic force. Thus, under normal circumstances,
C13 0.702
Na23 2.216
some of the hydrogen protons contained in the water within
Si29 -0.555 the human body might be expected to line up in the direc­
Cl35 0.821 tion of the earth's magnetic field. Extending this rationale,
K39 0.391
1129 2.79 these hydrogen protons in water would realign themselves in
the direction of any local or applied magnetic field whose
strength greatly exceeds that of the earth's field. Hence, the
body's high percentage of water is thought to be a prevailing
reason for its susceptibility to magnetic influences.
Magnetic moment of a single proton = 1.410 x 10 -2 3 erg/gauss
= 2.793 u
Where u is the nuclear magnetron = 5.050 x 10 -2 4 erg/gauss

Over recent years, several scientists have investigated the

effects of magnetic fields upon biochemical processes. And
while there is no general consensus among them as to the
precise nature of these effects, the findings, when considered
collectively, leave no doubt that under some laboratory
situations, artificially imposed magnetic fields can alter
normal biochemical processes. So, the main point of conten­
tion is not so much whether magnetic fields influence bio­
The simplest atom, hydrogen,
chemical processes, but rather, by what specific mechanism
contains only one proton and one electron. does the change occur.

Dr. Madeline Barnothy, experimenting with mice, has
indicated that under given research conditions, there are at
least three possible effects of magnetic fields upon bio­
chemical processes: a) An upset of the normal enzyme
balance, b) An increase or decrease in the stability of the
genetic code, c) Modification of the normal rate of cell
division (1, P. 80-87).

Two other researchers, Drs. I. L. and L. N. Mulay offer

further evidence of chemical responses to magnetic fields.
Emphasizing that "life processes themselves represent a
delicate balance between several interdependent biochemical
reactions," the Mulay team, as an out-growth of their work
with fruit-flies and mice, explain that "the chemical compo­
nents in the cells have varying magnitudes of magnetic
susceptibility . . . Hence, the permanent and any transient
components will experience varying forces under the influence
of the magnetic field. Although these forces are small from a
microscopic point of view, they may be appreciable enough
to overcome weak intermolecular forces and thus to upset
the delicate balance (chemical or other equilibria, inside and
outside the cell) necessary for the sustenance of a living
system" (1, P. 166-167). The Mulays further reported on
experiments which indicated that magnetic fields ranging
between 2,000 to 7,000 oersted may have the effect of
increasing the production of gases by the decomposition of
liquids exposed to such fields (1, P. 165).

If we consider its electrolytic properties, we achieve another

perspective of the body's chemical susceptibility to magnetic
fields. An electrolyte, as we know, is a substance in solution
capable of conducting an electric current; and where there is
electric current flow, there also is magnetism. Some liquid
solutions, because of differing chemical properties, are better
electrolytes than others. Obviously, the better the electrolyte,
the greater the current flow, and consequently, the larger the
resultant magnetic field. Iron is known to be especially
susceptible to magnetization, and the human blood carries in
solution relatively large amounts of iron. Given these
conditions, the body is seen to generate a magnetic field of

its own, owing partly to the presence of iron-produced
charged particles flowing in the blood stream, although other
chemical elements, e.g. potassium and sodium, also contribute
a fair measure of charged particles to the body's overall
bioelectric/biomagnetic status. It is common knowledge that
blood placed under a microscope with a magnetic field
applied, reveals the blood cells all lined up in the direction of
the field. This easy polarization of the blood is thought to be
greatly facilitated by the high percentage of iron contained in
the blood. Dr. Jeno Barnothy has shown that under certain
conditions magnetic fields, in altering the orientation of
blood cells, induce changes in their biological reactions, and
thereby modify the probability of chemical bond formation
(1, P. 15).

Dr. A. R. Davis explains that the blood is very slightly
alkaline, with respect to body cells which are more acid in
nature. Consequently, if one is suffering from a condition
prompted by the over-acidity of the blood, the proper
application of negative, alkaline north pole magnetic energy
should help restore the blood to normal (D)*, (22, P.32-36).
It is well known among biomagnetic researchers in several
countries that the blood's leucocyte count is particularly
amenable to magnetic influence, their numbers quickly rising
or dropping, depending on the prevailing magnetic conditions.
But just what implications, if any, this fluctuating leucocyte
count could have for affecting behavioral modes is not fully
clear. Thus, within the human system, the blood, because of
its chemical composition, assists in the creation of the body's
intrinsic biomagnetic field. And further, due to its iron
content, the blood is highly amenable to magnetic fields from
external sources.

The Magnetic Cell

* Letter notations throughout this work indicate that the referenced

information was obtained by way of interview, discussion, or personal
correspondence with the particular investigator as shown in the biblio­
graphic listing.
PROPAGATION OF NERVE IMPULSE coincides with changes the axon interior locally positive. In the wake of the impulse the
in the permeability of the axon membrane. Normally the axon in­ sodium gate closes and a potassium gate opens, allowing potassium
terior is rich in potassium ions and poor in sodium ions; the fluid ions to flow out, restoring the normal negative potential. As the
outside has a reverse composition. When a nerve impulse arises, nerve impulse moves along the axon ( I a n d 2 ) it leaves the axon in
having been triggered in some fashion, a “gate” opens and lets a refractory state briefly, after which a second impulse can follow
sodium ions pour into the axon in advance of the impulse, making (3). The impulse propagation speed is that of a squid axon.

THE CELL & The cell is an important unit of analysis in considering the
MAGNETISM production of magnetism in the human body. Biomagnetic
researchers look upon the cell in the living organism as a small
electric battery with the mitochondria as the power house.

All functions of the human body are electro-chemical in

their operations. A cell, like all units comprised of physical,
atomic substance, has a magnetic moment which, in part,
results from the interaction of its electrochemical constitu­
ents. In fact, Dr. Oliver Reiser has speculated that there is a
resonance which holds between the DNA in the chromosomes
of the cell nucleus and the RNA residing in the cytoplasmic
envelope which surrounds the nucleus (3, P.423-428).

Biochemists are steadily expanding their comprehension of

the phenomenon of the constant transfer of electricity occur­
ring across cell membranes. In outlining the process by which
the nervous system conveys a message, one author writes:
"the electric message is carried along the nerves as a result of
changes in the quantities of potassium and sodium salts inside
and outside the cell. Outside is a lot of sodium salt and little
potassium, inside lots of potassium and little sodium. The
effect is like that of a wet battery where different solutions
separated by a semi-permeable membrane give rise to an
electric current. If a very fine electrode tube is inserted inside
an individual nerve and another tube is bathed in the external
sodium predominating liquid, an electric difference of 65 - 95
millivolts can be measured between the two points.

*Diagram on adjacent page taken from Scientific American, Sept. 1961,

"How Cells Communicate," Bernard Katz.

When a nerve is stimulated, sodium flows into it at the
point of stimulation and potassium flows out, discharging
the local voltage difference across the membrane. The
voltage difference is then discharged in the next bit of
membrane a little further along and so on - thus, the
message travels along the nerve" (4, P. 171).

Consequently, each cell can be viewed as possessing its own

immediate magnetic environment, or magnetic field, which
combines with the fields of like and adjacent cells, thereby
giving rise to the magnetic field of a particular system within
the human body. For example, the magnetic field of the
skeletal system can be seen as distinct from that of the
nervous system. In practice, however, the individual magnetic
fields of all the body's cells and of all the body's systems
combine to yield an overall "somatic magnetic field," result­
ing from all of the body's physical, electrochemical, magnetic-
producing processes taken collectively.

MAGNETISM & An enzyme is defined as a biological catalyst; it enters into
ENZYMES a chemical reaction but does not become a part of the
reaction itself. The enzyme is considered the "Brain" of the
cell. Each cell in our body has its own enzyme*, and all
reactions occurring in each cell are dictated and controlled by
the enzyme (E). "Enzyme failure is the ultimate cause of
disease; all disease can be traced to some malfunctioning
enzyme. Thus, any successful therapy must be noticed at the
enzyme activity level"(E). This is how the noted researcher,
Dr. Justa Smith explains her concept of the place of the
enzyme in the structure of human biochemistry.

Viewed in light of the above perspective, all biological

mechanisms become, comparatively speaking, gross levels of
analysis of magnetic effects. The nervous system controls
behavioral patterns, but enzymes control the nervous system.
Hence, physiologically speaking the enzyme is the lowest
possible level of behavioral control, all biological systems,
necessarily, being directed by enzymes.

It was in doing research for her doctoral degree that Dr. Smith
observed the effects of magnetism upon enzymes. Enzymes
deliberately damaged by exposure to ultraviolet radiation
were subjected to various magnetic fields of strengths up to
13,000 gauss. Her results showed that molecular behavior was
altered, and that there was a general enhancement of enzyme
activity. From this, it was concluded that bonding activity
was somehow affected (E). Although several other enzyme
solutions were tested, the enzyme trypsin figured most
prominently in the research. Also, catalase, an enzyme of the
blood, was found to be especially responsive to the presence
of a magnetic field. But at no time was there found to be any
harmful effects to the enzymes because of the strength of the
field employed (E).
* The earth's magnetic field is also said to activate an enzyme system in
fruits and vegetables which causes normal ripening. When the field of a
magnet passes through the organic compound of an apple, for example,
it is found to produce a loss or gain of protons which speeds up the
enzyme system and causes ripening (23).

These pioneering investigations seem to leave little doubt as
to the ability of certain magnetic fields to alter enzyme
reactions which, in turn, could modify the chemical processes
occurring in each cell of the human body. However, in order
to satisfy scientific criteria other researchers may want to
duplicate Dr. Smith's work before reaching definite

Shown is an electromagnet used in biological research.

Permanent magnets (not shown) are also used. Depending
upon experimental requirements, field strengths may range
from a few hundred gauss to several thousand gauss.

HEALING HANDS Dr. Smith has also conducted research on the effects of
"spiritual healing," or the "laying on of hands," upon
enzymes, as compared with the effects of magnetic fields. In
a series of experiments using the enzyme trypsin, she
compared the results of solutions treated by a healer against
those obtained from enzymes exposed to a magnetic field. It
turned out that the activity of damaged enzymes treated by
the healer, increased to a degree comparable to that obtained
in a magnetic field of 13,000 gauss. It was noted that the
qualitative effects of both the magnetic field and the healer's
hands were always the same — an enhancement of enzyme
activity. The effects were also quantitatively similar, up to
one hour of exposure (E).

A constant, and obvious question which has arisen through­

out her research is, what is the nature of the force emanating
from the healer? Is it magnetism, or some other form of
energy? Using a fairly sensitive gauss meter, tests were made
for a possible magnetic field between the healer's hands —
there was no measurable field. Dr. Bernard Grad, a colleague
of Dr. Smith, who had also carried out previous investigations
on spiritual healing," says that the nature and mechanism of
the healing force is not known, but that it represents some X
factor or energy that flows from the human body. Dr. Smith
is equally reluctant to identify this paranormal healing energy
as magnetic. Both investigators agree, however, that whatever
the nature of the force, it can be modified by the healer's
general state of mental health, as well as by his mental
attitude or frame of mind at the time of testing (E).

Suggested models of energy flow between a healer's


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