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The Unit 1 Anatomy Exam (100 points) will feature identification of endocrine glands
and parts of the endocrine glands as listed in this Study Guide. You also need to learn
the HORMONES that each endocrine gland produces and the disorders associated
with the glands and hormones (only those covered in the physiology video lectures are
required). Identification questions will require you to type in your answers. Questions
about the hormones and disorders will be multiple choice or multiple answer (select all
that are true) format.

Images for identification will come from Visible Body or your textbook.

 Hypothalamus - identify
o What hormones are produced by the hypothalamus?
o Infundibulum – the stalk that connects the hypothalamus to the
pituitary (contains blood vessels extending to the pituitary gland and
axons of hypothalamus neurons extending to the posterior pituitary)

 Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis cerebri)

o Anterior Pituitary (adenohypophysis) – identify
 Hormones produced? Disorders?
 Know that this is composed of glandular epithelium
o Posterior Pituitary (neurohypophysis) – identify
 Hormones produced? Disorders?
 Know that this is composed primarily of nervous tissue
(axons of hypothalamus neurons that produce oxytocin and

 Pineal Gland – identify

o Hormone produced?

 Thyroid Gland - identify

o Follicles and follicular cells (identify on diagrams/images) – what
hormones are produced by follicular cells and what is stored in the
 Disorders associated with these hormones?
o Parafollicular cells (identify on diagrams/images) – what hormone is
produced by these cells, and where are they located?

 Parathyroid Gland – identify

o Hormone produced?

 Adrenal Gland – identify and know hormones produced by each layer and sublayer
o Capsule – connective tissue covering surrounding each adrenal gland
o Adrenal Cortex – outer layer, divided into three sublayers:
 Zona glomerulosa – hormones and disorders
 Zona fasciculata – hormones and disorders
 Zona reticularis – hormones and disorders
o Adrenal Medulla – inner layer/region

 Thymus – identify
o Collective name for hormones produced?

 Pancreas – identify
o Islets of Langerhans – identify on diagrams/images
 Alpha Cells – what hormone is produced by these cells?
 Beta Cells – what hormone is produced by these cells?
 Disorders?

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